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立讯精密:2021年年度报告(英文版) 下载公告
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                           Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                Annual Report 2021
                                                          April 2022
This document is a translated version of the Chinese version Annual Report 2021 of Luxshare Precision Industry Co.,Ltd.(“《立讯精密 2021
年年度报告》”),and the published Annual Report 2021 of Luxshare Precision Industry Co.,Ltd.in the Chinese version shall prevail. The
complete published Chinese Annual Report 2021 of Luxshare Precision Industry Co.,Ltd. may be obtained at www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
       Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions
     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and executives
of the Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Annual Report is true,
accurate and complete and this Annual Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading
statement or material omission, and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Annual
    WANG Laichun, Principal of the Company, CFO WU Tiansong and Chief Accountant
CHEN Huiyong hereby represent that the financial statements contained in this Annual
Report are true, accurate and complete.
     All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the Board of Directors reviewing
this Report.
     The relevant risks facing the Company are set out in “Section III Management’s
Discussion and Analysis - XI. Prospects for future development of the Company”.
    According to the profit distribution proposal approved by the Board of Directors, the
Company will distribute a cash dividend of RMB1.10 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares to all
shareholders on the basis of 7,084,301,477 shares, and will not distribute any bonus shares or
transfer any capital reserve to the share capital for the reporting period.
                                                              Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                           Table of Contents
Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions ................................. 2
Section II Company Profile and Financial Highlights ............................................. 7
Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis ............................................... 11
Section IV Corporate Governance ........................................................................... 51
Section V Environment and Social Responsibilities............................................... 75
Section VI Significant Events ................................................................................... 85
Section VII Changes in shares and shareholders ................................................. 105
Section VIII Preference Shares .............................................................................. 115
Section IX Bonds ..................................................................................................... 116
Section X Financial Report ..................................................................................... 129
                                                                 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                              List of References
1.   Financial statements signed and chopped by the principal, CFO and Chief Accountant of the Company;
2.   Original of the auditor’s report stamped with the seal of the accounting firm and signed and chopped by the certified public
3.   Originals of all documents of the Company publicly disclosed on the website for information disclosure designated by the
     China Securities Regulatory Commission during the reporting period and related announcements; and
4.   Other references.
                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                  Terms                                                          Definition
We/us,      the      Company   or
                                    means Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Limited                    means Luxshare Limited, founder and controlling shareholder of Luxshare-ICT.
ICT-Lanto                           means ICT-Lanto Limited.
Luxshare Precision                  means Luxshare Precision Limited.
Luxshare Jiangsu                    means Luxshare Precision Industry (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Shanxi                     means Shanxi Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Dongguan                   means Dongguan Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Suzhou                     means Luxshare Precision Industry (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Chuzhou                    means Luxshare Precision Industry (Chuzhou) Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Kunshan                    means Kunshan Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Baoding                    means Luxshare Precision Industry (Baoding) Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Xuancheng                  means Xuancheng Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Yancheng                   means Yancheng Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Enshi                      means Luxshare Precision Industry (Enshi) Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Vietnam                    means Luxshare-ICT (Vietnam) Limited.
Luxshare Van Trung                  means Luxshare-ICT (Van Trung) Company Limited.
Luxshare Nghe An                    means Luxshare-ICT (Nghe An) Limited.
Luxshare Electroacoustic            means Shenzhen Luxshare Electroacoustic Technology Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Smart Manufacturing        means Luxshare Smart Manufacturing (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.
Luxshare-Merry                      means Guangdong Luxshare-Merry Electronics Co., Ltd.
ASAP Jiangxi                        means ASAP Technology (Jiangxi) Co., Ltd.
Xiexun Jiangxi                      means Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co., Ltd.
Smart Manufacturing Jiangxi         means Jiangxi Luxshare Smart Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Lanto Bozhou                        means Bozhou Lanto Electronic Limited.
Xuntao Bozhou                       means Bozhou Xuntao Electronic Limited.
Meite Suzhou                        means Meite Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Huzhou Jiuding                      means Huzhou Jiuding Electronic Co., Ltd.
Lanto Kunshan                       means Lanto Electronic Limited.
Kunshan RF                          means Kunshan Luxshare Radio Frequency Technology Co., Ltd.
Liding Dongguan                     means Liding Electronic Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
Rikai Yancheng                      means Rikai Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.
Xiexun Wan’an                      means Wan’an Xiexun Electronic Co., Ltd.
Smart Manufacturing Changshu        means Changshu Luxshare Smart Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Fujian JK                           means Fujian JK Wiring Systems Co., Ltd.
Xingning Electronics                means Xingning Luxshare Electronics Co., Ltd.
Luxsan Kunshan                      means Luxsan Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
BCS Suzhou                          means BCS Automotive Interface Solutions (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
SpeedTech                           means SpeedTech Corp.
                                                           Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Luxshare Automation Jiangsu    means Luxshare Automation (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.
Dongguan Luxshare Technology   means Dongguan Luxshare Technology Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Electronic Kunshan    means Luxshare Electronic Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Luxshare Electronic Enshi      means Luxshare Electronic Technology (Enshi) Co., Ltd.
AOA                            means Articles of Association of Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                 Section II Company Profile and Financial Highlights
I. Company profile
Stock short name                    Luxshare-ICT                         Stock code                      002475
Stock exchange                      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name                        立讯精密工业股份有限公司
Chinese short name                  立讯精密
English name (if any)               Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
English short name (if any)         Luxshare-ICT
Legal representative                WANG Laichun
                                    2/F, Block A, Sanyang New Industrial Zone, West Haoyi, Shajing Street, Baoan District,
Registered address
Postal code of registered address   518104
History of changes in registered
Office address                      No. 313 Beihuan Road, Qingxi Town, Dongguan, Guangdong
Postal code of office address       523642
Company website                     www.luxshare-ict.com
Email                               Public@luxshare-ict.com
II. Contact person and contact information
                                                          Board Secretary                     Securities Affairs Representative
Name                                         HUANG Dawei                                LI Ruihao
                                             No. 313 Beihuan Road, Qingxi Town, No. 313 Beihuan Road, Qingxi Town,
                                             Dongguan, Guangdong                        Dongguan, Guangdong
Telephone                                    0769-87892475                              0769-87892475
Fax                                          0769-87732475                              0769-87732475
E-mail                                       David.Huang@luxshare-ict.com               Ray.Li@luxshare-ict.com
III. Media for information disclosure and place for keeping annual report
Website of the stock exchange disclosing the Company’s
                                                              Securities Times
annual report
Media and website disclosing the Company’s annual report www.cninfo.com.cn
Place for keeping annual report                               Securities Affairs Office of the Company
IV. Changes in registration particulars
Change in organization code                  Unified social credit code: 91440300760482233Q
Changes in main business since the listing No
                                                                         Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
of the Company (if any)
Changes in controlling shareholder (if any) No
V. Other related information
Accounting firm engaged by the Company:
Name of accounting firm                          BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP
Office address of accounting firm                Rooms 1, 2 & 3, 4/F, No. 61 East Nanjing Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Name of accountants signing this report          LI Jing and WEI Gang
Sponsor engaged by the Company that performs the duties of ongoing supervision over the Company during the reporting period:
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Names of sponsor
      Name of sponsor                   Office address of sponsor                                       Period of ongoing supervision
                              19/F, North Tower, Excellence Times
                                                                  HE    Feng               and    LIU From December 2, 2020 to
CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.    Plaza (Phase II), No. 8 3rd Central
                                                                  Guanzhong                           December 31, 2021
                              Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Financial advisor engaged by the Company that performs the duties of ongoing supervision over the Company during the reporting
□ Applicable √ N/A
VI. Key accounting data and financial indicators
Did the Company need to retrospectively adjust or re-state any accounting data of prior accounting years?
□ Yes √ No
                                                2021                      2020               Y/Y % Change               2019
Operating revenue (RMB)                    153,946,097,790.40         92,501,259,211.54               66.43%        62,516,314,588.42
Net      profit    attributable    to
shareholders of the listed company            7,070,520,386.57         7,225,462,752.58                 -2.14%       4,713,820,644.90
Net      profit    attributable    to
shareholders of the listed company
                                              6,015,597,220.13         6,088,901,850.86                 -1.20%       4,435,974,109.41
after deduction of extraordinary
gain or loss (RMB)
Net cash flows from operating
                                              7,284,766,917.00         6,873,211,486.05                  5.99%       7,465,988,174.33
activities (RMB)
Basic      earnings      per    share
                                                          1.01                     1.03                 -1.94%                   0.68
Diluted earnings per share
                                                          0.99                     1.01                 -1.98%                   0.67
Weighted average return on net                                                            Decrease by 7.94 per
                                                       22.35%                   30.29%                                        26.55%
assets                                                                                           centage points
                                          December 31, 2021         December 31, 2020        Y/Y % Change         December 31, 2019
Total assets (RMB)                         120,572,098,167.88         70,012,753,551.75                72.21%       49,377,910,671.23
Net    assets     attributable  to
shareholders of the listed company          35,288,554,748.72         28,101,816,234.56                25.57%       20,296,618,968.52
Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of extraordinary gain or loss in the past three accounting years has
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
been negative and the most recent annual auditor’s report indicates that the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern is
□ Yes √ No
Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of extraordinary gain or loss is negative?
□ Yes √ No
VII. Differences in accounting data arising from adoption of Chinese and foreign accounting
standards concurrently
1. Differences in net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial statements prepared according to the
international accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards
□ Applicable √ N/A
There was no difference in net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial statements for the reporting period prepared according
to the international accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards.
2. Differences in net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial statements prepared according to the
foreign accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards
□ Applicable √ N/A
There was no difference in net profit and net assets disclosed in the financial statements for the reporting period prepared according
to the foreign accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards.
VIII. Main quarterly financial indicators
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                           First quarter          Second quarter           Third quarter         Fourth quarter
Operating revenue                         21,019,011,536.13       27,127,972,915.37        32,865,598,826.82     72,933,514,512.08
Net      profit   attributable   to
                                           1,349,512,048.43        1,739,717,980.42         1,600,431,354.99       2,380,859,002.73
shareholders of the listed company
Net      profit   attributable   to
shareholders of the listed company
                                           1,167,112,633.01        1,355,153,041.64         1,471,991,374.50       2,021,340,170.98
after deduction of extraordinary
gain or loss
Net cash flows from operating
                                             663,348,870.24        1,524,553,521.56         5,419,705,921.15        -322,841,395.95
Whether there’s any significant difference between the financial indicators set forth above or aggregate amounts thereof and the
corresponding financial indicators contained in any quarterly or semi-annual report already disclosed?
□ Yes √ No
IX. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains or losses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                        Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                          Item                                   2021                2020              2019              Remark
Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets
(including allowance for impairment of assets that has         -57,241,855.39   -35,503,173.93 -110,085,527.48
been written off)
Government grants recognized in profit or loss
(excluding government grants that are closely related
to the business of the Company and are provided in            853,542,165.37    450,749,695.89 232,311,428.35
fixed amount or quantity continuously according to
the applicable polices of the country)
                                                                                                                    Difference between
                                                                                                                    the original
                                                                                                                    carrying amount of
Interest in the fair value of the acquirees’ identifiable
                                                                                                                    investment and fair
net assets at the date of acquisition in excess of the
                                                               16,559,223.33                                        value of newly
investment cost of the relevant subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures
                                                                                                                    subsidiaries upon
                                                                                                                    change from the
                                                                                                                    equity method to
                                                                                                                    the cost method
Gain or loss on assets under entrusted investment or
                                                               95,298,693.93    113,778,335.78      89,722,710.32
Gain or loss on changes in fair value of financial
assets held for trading and financial liabilities held for
trading, and gain on disposal of financial assets held
                                                              602,993,325.33    837,100,369.42 131,736,631.37
for trading, financial liabilities held for trading and
available-for-sale financial assets, except for effective
hedges held in the ordinary course of business
Other non-operating income and expenses                        -12,600,634.71      30,554,498.37      -999,739.32
                                                                                                                  Mainly gain on
Other gain or loss within            the   meaning     of                                                         derecognition of
                                                             -170,939,666.46                0.00             0.00
extraordinary gain or loss                                                                                        financial assets at
                                                                                                                  amortized cost
Less: Effect of income tax                                     211,043,425.20   214,489,873.68      55,533,801.99
     Effect of minority interest (after tax)                    61,644,659.76    45,628,950.13       9,305,165.76
Total                                                        1,054,923,166.44 1,136,560,901.72     277,846,535.49           --
Other items of gain or loss within the meaning of extraordinary gains or losses:
□ Applicable √ N/A
We do not have any other item of gain or loss within the meaning of extraordinary gains or losses.
If the Company classifies any item of extraordinary gain or loss defined by or listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Extraordinary Gain or Loss as recurrent profit or loss, please
explain the reason.
□ Applicable √ N/A
We have not classified any item of extraordinary gain or loss defined by or listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Extraordinary Gain or Loss as recurrent profit or loss in the
reporting period.
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                   Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis
I. Situations of our industry in the reporting period
     During the reporting period, we are engaged in the research and development (R&D), manufacturing and sale of products in the
fields of consumer electronics, communication, automotive electronics and healthcare, among others. Our products and businesses
are diversified and vertically integrated, and cover components, modules and system assembly.
     (I) Consumer electronics
     In the industry of consumer electronics, the development and innovation of applied technologies and diversified growth of
consumer demands jointly promote the upgrading of consumer electronic products and related product lines, and continued growth of
the consumer electronics market size. According to Statista, the global consumer electronics market size grew at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 2.90% from 2015 to 2020, and is expected to reach USD1,098 billion in 2025. The advancement of 5G and
artificial intelligence (AI) technologies will promote the development of different kinds of smart mobile, smart wearable,
AR/VR/MR, smart home, smart display and other IoT devices. The acceleration of upgrading of terminal products will drive the
increase in the integration level of electronic components contained therein and improvement of technological level. The one-stop
solution providers that are able to provide the brand customers with better production processes and higher integration level and
require the input of less resources will get more orders for related components and finished products. Accordingly, the Company's
business expansion and industrial operations are expected to fully benefit.
     (II) Communication and data center
     In the field of communication and data center, the series of technical innovation and emerging of new technologies promote the
evolution from traditional IT infrastructure to data infrastructure, and along with the continuous development of the Internet,
e-commerce, video, cloud computing and other Internet vertical industries have been rapidly springing up, and the global data center
market has come into multiple periods of rapid growth. According to IDC, the shipments and sales of the global server market
reached 13,539,000 units and USD99.22 billion in 2021, representing an increase of 6.9% and 6.4% respectively. The global Internet
data center market size grew at a CAGR of more than 10% from 2012 to 2021.
         Global server shipments from 2016 to 2021                             Global server sales from 2016 to 2021
                    Global server shipments (10,000 units)                           Global server sales (USD100 million)
     The ever increasing demands for new data centers by IT, telecommunication, banking, financial, service and investment (BFSI),
e-government and smart city projects, and wide application of AI and IoT technologies in the future will further promote growth of
the communication and data center market size. According to IDC, the global server market size is expected to reach USD126.5
billion in 2027.
                                                                       Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
     (III) Automotive electronics
     Smart electric vehicles represent an opportunity of the century for the automotive industry of China. China has the largest
automotive market with the highest level of openness and inclusion and most consumers in the world, utilizes the most advanced
smart vehicle technologies and attracts all major carmakers in the world. China ranks among the first in the world in terms of number
of smart vehicle brands and models. At present, China’s smart vehicle market is transiting from the policy-driven period to the period
of market-driven high growth in an all-round way. In 2021, the sales volume of electric vehicles reached 3.52 million units in China,
representing an increase of 160% as compared with 2020. China has ranked first in the world in terms of sales volume of electric
vehicles for seven consecutive years, and the sales volume of electric vehicles in China is expected to further increase by 47% to
about 5 million units in 2022. The penetration of electric vehicles increased from 7.2% at the beginning of 2021 to 19% at the end of
2021, representing an exponential growth as compared with 10 years ago, and showing great potentialities of growth.
       In 2021, the penetration of electric vehicles began to increase rapidly in China and the transition to clean
       transportation is accelerating.
          Penetration of electric vehicles
          sales volume (k)
         Source: China Association of Automobile Manufacturers
     In addition to “electrification”, “intelligentization” and “interconnection” are also developing vigorously. Statistics show that
about 20% new passenger cars are equipped with driver assistance system, the penetration of L2 driver assistance system into the
electric vehicle market reaches 38%, electric vehicles has basically realized full coverage of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) functions, and
some major carmakers have begun to sell new vehicles powered by V2X technology. Chinese consumers are more willing to accept
smart electric vehicles, and medium- and high-end smart electric vehicles occupy increasingly greater shares on the business and
consumer markets. Traditional smart mobile phone players begin to enter the smart electric vehicle sector; on the other hand, electric
vehicle manufacturers begin to produce smart mobile phones. Along with the popularization of “intelligentization”, vehicles will
become large-sized mobile smart and computing terminals. In the next stage, carmakers need to build ecosystems to break through
the tight encirclement, connect vehicles with consumer electronics, create more consumption scenarios, and realize full coverage of
“human-vehicle-home” scenarios.
     (IV) Our position in the industry
     During the reporting period, we ranked first on the 34th list of top 100 electronic component manufacturers of China (2021)
published by the China Electronic Components Association, and were awarded the honorable titles of “Top 500 Private Enterprises
Of China”, “Top 500 Private Manufacturers Of China”, and “2021 Model of China’s Digital Economic Industry”, among others.
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
II. Our main business in the reporting period
     We concentrate our efforts on the specialization in and optimization of underlying technologies, made in-depth deployments in
acoustic, visual, power (wired/wireless), wireless communication and other fields to meet future demands. Our products have been
widely applied in the fields of consumer electronics, communication and automotive. By comprehensively mastering the
technologies relating to various components and modules, and super-precision manufacturing technologies accumulated over the
years, we give full play to our advantages in vertical integration, and continuously restructure the supply chain in the field of system
assembly, to create more value for our customers, thereby gaining customers’ support and confidence.
     In launching a new product, we focus on the product quality, yield rate and optimization of production costs on the basis of
 innovative production technology, intelligent automation and digital platform, thereby enabling us to make continuous and
 substantial breakthroughs in new markets, new customers and new products. In the implementation of related controls, there is no
 doubt that the automation technologies lay the strong foundation for our core competencies. Therefore, we attach great importance
 to the continuous exploration of automatic and smart manufacturing technologies. Our core team’s spirit of in-depth exploration of
 processes and determination to accomplish all tasks assigned guarantee the success in the development and design of automation
 technologies. According to the requirements for appearance, size, functions and reliability of products, we disassemble and study all
 manufacturing processes, and make efforts to solve process challenges with reference to our past experience and advanced
 technologies available on the market. With the goal of zero loss and zero defect, we strive to realize the reasonableness,
 standardization and automation of designs in terms of yield rate, efficiency, cost, etc.
     After the completion of process study, we realize process design through automation, including automation of work stations,
handling and positioning, testing, warehousing, logistics and production processes. Standardization is the prerequisite for automation,
because standardized products cannot be made without the use of standardized equipment and processes. With respect to the products
that have a low demand and change frequently, we mainly use man-machine flexible automation technologies. In the design of
automatic equipment, we make plans for MES system, IoT access and key work station information flows needing to be controlled
simultaneously, and build a model of digital factory on that basis. Thereafter, we convert all problems and phenomenon into data, and
then process and judge the data systematically, and present the same in the form of visual reports, to realize whole-process
traceability of products, materials, people, equipment, fixtures, process technology and quality information, among others, implement
close-end control, and ensure the effective realization of automation. On that basis, we introduce digital models, use modeling
approaches to connect production with data flows, and through the use of big data, cloud computing, AI, digital twin and other
technologies, deeply explore the information and trends behind data, seek benefits from data, and finally realize intelligentization,
and self-judgment, self decision-making, self-adjustment and self-execution by machines, so that the machines are able to solve
tangible problems and predict intangible problems on their own, thereby achieving the long-term goal of smart manufacturing.
                                                                  Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
1.精益化                                                          3.数字化
     工艺的深度拆解和前瞻研究                                             IOT、制造数字化集成
     设计的合理化、标准化和简单化                                         可视化控制中心和管理
     产线的精益布局规划                                                   运营流程自动化贯通
1. Leanness                                                       3. Digitalization
     In-depth disassembly of and forward-looking research on              Digital integration of IoT and manufacturing
     processes                                                            Visual control center and management
     Reasonableness, standardization and simplification of                Automation of the whole operation process
     Lean layout of production lines
2.自动化                                                          4.智能化
     搬运-加工-检测-物流-仓储的全流程自动化                               机器自感知、自学习、自决策、自执行
     柔性自动化系统分析                                                   解决有形的问题和预测无形的问题
2. Automation                                                     4. Intelligentization
     Whole-process automation of handling, processing, testing,           Self-sensing, self-learning, self decision-making and
     logistics and warehousing                                            self-execution of machines
     Analysis of flexible automation system                               Solve tangible problems and predict intangible problems
                                                                          Data-driven management decision-making
物理域                    精益生产布局              精益工艺研究                 工艺数字化              流程数字化
Physical field            Lean production layout    Lean process study           Technological           Process digitalization
精益化                    数字化                    智能制造                     信息域                  制成自动化
Leanness                  Digitalization            Smart manufacturing          Information field       Manufacturing automation
自动化                    智能化                    预测性分析                   物流自动化              高级决策支持
Automation                Intelligentization        Predictive analysis          Logistics               Advanced decision-making
                                                                                 automation              support
     (I) Consumer electronics business
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
     From the perspective of applications, consumer electronics, communication and automotive are our main product and business
segments. In the field of consumer electronics, we continue our product mix in prior years, follow the trends of metaverse, AIoT
smart life and high-speed transmission, and enrich our product offerings in a steady and orderly manner. Our product offerings
include acoustic products (such as TWS earphone), smart home products (such as 5G CPE and Wi-Fi 6 portable router), smart
terminal products (such as wearable watch and wristband, AR/VR/MR), computer accessories (such as Dock), intelligent stylus,
video conference equipment and wired and wireless high-watt rapid charging accessories for various PC/NB/mobile phone brands for
retail sale.
     We have been engaged in the field of consumer electronics for years, while satisfying the customers’ demands, made continuous
breakthroughs to build the strong capability to provide customers with comprehensive solutions. We have the advantages in
intelligentization, digitalization and globalization on the vast consumer electronics market. We make dynamitic adjustments
continuously, and clearly understand the existing market and the incremental market. With respect to the existing market, such as the
business relating to PC and smart mobile phones, we have mature technical capabilities, capital equipment and customer resources.
As the most trusted partner of our customers, we are not only able to, in conjunction with our premium customers, achieve self-worth
in the field of premium products and the existing products we are good at, but also in the upgrading of products and technologies,
leverage our mature resources, grasp the opportunities to enter the market of higher-level products at optimal cost, and maximize the
rewards. With respect to the incremental market, such as health & wellness, metaverse and other applications, we believe that the
premium customers on the existing market will continue to take the lead. By leveraging our good reputation and solid partnership
with our customers built by us over the years, our management will continue to keep abreast of the market, analyze and accurately
grasp the situations of technology development of the industry from the perspectives of consumers, brand customers and supply
chain, continuously improve product attractions required by the incremental market, and make all-round deployments from
components, modules to system.
     Though we face many external challenges, such as disengagement between China and the United States and geopolitics, we
have high hopes for and are confident about the future development of our consumer electronics business. In the past ten years,
through continuous upper-level industry guidance, development of designated customers, improvement of the quality and
development of high-quality supply chain, and with the long-term and strong support and investments in different areas, China has
gradually built the most complete and systemic consumer electronics supply chain in the world, and takes the lead in in-depth
deployment, talent pool, policy support and other issues in respect of supply chain on all market segments. In view of our strong head
start advantage and the competitive situation on the consumer electronics market, we keep improving and enhancing all kinds of
capabilities, and on the basis of our global deployment completed over the years and our stable strategic focus, develop incremental
businesses at home and abroad according to the development requirements of customers. The present and foreseeable situations show
that the strong will be always strong. Our strategic goals conform to those of our customers.
                                                                    Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
    智能音箱              快充适配器              VR眼镜                5G路由器              智能穿戴              机壳天线
  Smart speaker         Rapid charging         VR eyeglasses            5G router          Smart wearable         Casing antenan
      电子烟              无线充模组              声学模组              震动马达               5G模组                  天线
Electronic cigarette   Wireless charging      Acoustic module        Vibration motor         5G module               Antenna
                             射频                 线材线缆               机构件                连接器               核心工艺
                        Radio frequency        Wire and cable          Mechanical             Connector          Core technology
                                                                       components                              Smart manufacturing
    (II) Communication business
    Driven by 5G, big data and edge computing technologies, the ICT industry puts forward higher requirements for data
 transmission, hardware equipment shows a tendency towards gradual opening of interfaces and high integration of functions, and
 interconnect components show a tendency towards high speed, high density, high reliability and low loss. On the basis of the
 application scenarios of our products in the field of data and communication, and centering on the application and development
 trend of data center, we have gradually enriched our product offerings, and on the basis of electric connection (high-speed electric
 connectors and cables), optical connection (AOC and optical modules), radio frequency (RF) communication (base station antennas,
 base station filters, tower mounted amplifiers, duplexer, combiners, RRUs, AAUs and small base stations), and other existing
 products, have developed thermal management (heat pipes, VC, axial fans, cold plates and water cooling radiators), industrial
 connection and other products, further increasing our product coverage. In 2022, we will develop server and other complete unit
 assembly business, center on the “complete unit + core components” double development strategy, and strive to grow into a
 comprehensive solution provider offering all kinds of products in the field of data and communication.
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 电连接产品线                     服务器                            交换机                           整机组装产品线
 Electric connection products     Server                            Switch                           Complete unit assemblies
 光连接产品线                     综合布线                          基础设施                         热管理产品线
 Optical connection products      Cabling system                    Infrastructure                   Thermal           management
 汇聚交换机                       接入交换机                        数据中心机架群                   机架内服务器群
 Aggregation switch               Access switch                     Data center rack cluster         Server cluster inside rack
    We have focused on the development of core technological capabilities and basic R&D capabilities through research of
simulation technology, new materials and new processes and application of testing technologies, and provide strong technical support
for communication interconnect products in different forms. With respect to system-level products, through disassembly of modules
and components contained in the products, and single-point manufacturing processes and technologies, we are able to realize highly
or wholly automated, efficient and high-quality production and manufacturing of large and small batches of products.
            基础设施                              服务器                       综合布线                         浸没机柜
           Infrastructure                         Server                     Cabling system               Immersion cabinet
            精密模组                           高速连接器                      高速线缆                         线缆模组
         Precision module                  High-speed connector           High-speed cable                   Cable module
              滤波器                              热管理                      核心零部件                    高速裸线开发
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                Filter                    Thermal management               Core components             Development of high-speed
                                                                                                                bare wire
            精密冲压和注塑                          射频                       散热部件
 Precision stamping and injection             Radio frequency                   Radiator
             基础制造能力                           压铸                         机加                              钣金
  Basic manufacturing capability                 Die casting                    Tooling                        Sheet metal
                 冲压                               注塑                       表面处理                       基础服务平台
               Stamping                       Injection molding            Surface treatment              Basic service platform
         本地工程服务中心                       全球化采购                 自动化设备开发                       零件中心
 Local engineering service center           Global purchasing          Development of automatic              Component center
       Due to the effect of disengagement between China and the United States and geopolitics, exports of the domestic
communication and data center industries face certain shocks and challenges. With respect to the further exploitation of opportunities
of external circulation, we always regard the technical capabilities as the foundation for business development, and driven by the
technologies and with the support of our strong precision manufacturing capability, actively exploit the overseas market. In addition,
we will firmly grasp the opportunities provided by the “Eastern Data, Western Computing” program and replacement with
home-made goods, focus on internal circulation, and actively seek new opportunities in the domestic communication industry. We
believe that we will get more and better business opportunities than traditional communication product manufacturers, as we will
apply our rich experience accumulated in the consumer electronics precision manufacturing industry to the new communication
     (III) Automotive business
     In view of the development of electric vehicles, we have made long-term plans for automotive business, and included wire
harness, connection system, new energy, smart interconnect, smart cabin and smart manufacturing in our product offerings.
          Leverage the superior resources of the Group, enrich product offerings, and create driving force
          for the growth of automotive tier-1 business
线束                               整车线束                         特种线束                        充电枪
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Wire harness                       Vehicle wire harness                Special wire harness            Charging gun
连接器                             低压连接器                          高压连接器                      高速连接器
Connector                          Low-voltage connector               High-voltage connector          High-speed connector
新能源                             逆变器                              智能网联                        路测单元
New energy                         Inverter                            Smart interconnect              Road-side unit
车载通讯单元                       智能天线                            智能驾舱                        多媒体仪表
Telematics control unit            Smart antenna                       Smart cabin                     Multi-media instrument panel
信息娱乐系统                       域控制器                            无线充电                        电源网络隔离器
Infotainment system                Domain controller                   Wireless charging               Power and network isolator
智能制造                           嵌件注塑
Smart manufacturing                Insert molding
     Wire harness is an essential system-level component for a vehicle, is flexible, important and widely used, covers all
configurations of a vehicle, and provides reliable power supply, signals and data to all electric appliances, so they serve as “arteries”
of the “neural network” of a vehicle. According to Markets and Markets, the global automotive wire harness market size was
expected to reach USD47 billion in 2021. Through vertical integration, we have grown into a comprehensive supplier specialized in
the design, validation and manufacturing of low-voltage and high-voltage vehicle wire harnesses, special wire harnesses, charging
guns and other products. We stick to the customer oriented service concept, and satisfy the customers’ demands with our efficient
customized design and development, production facilities located in the neighborhood of our customers, and our strong precision
manufacturing capabilities accumulated over the years. In additional to traditional carmakers, we have developed some major
emerging customers.
     Automotive is one of the largest markets for connectors. Automotive connectors account for 22% in the global connector
 industry, where smart electric vehicles are the largest growth driver. According to Bishop & Associates, the global automotive
 connector market size was USD15.210 billion in 2019, and is expected to reach USD19.452 billion in 2025. We have designed and
 developed all kinds of connectors required on vehicles, including low-voltage connectors, high-voltage connectors, high-speed
 connectors and customized connection systems, among others. We exploit the existing customer market through our wire harness
 business, and enhance the synergistic effect with our existing consumer electronic and business-type products, to promote growth of
 business. Our proprietary gigabit Ethernet connector adopts a wholly shielded double cable connection structure, and can be widely
 used on infotainment systems, ADASs, domain controllers and other products.
     In order to satisfy the demands of the smart electric vehicle market, we launched key components of the power system of
electric vehicles, including battery disconnect unit (BDU), power distribution unit (PDU) and inverters. In 2021, the global
automotive PDU market size was USD7 billion, and the inverter market size was USD3 billion. PDU is designed to distribute and
manage electric power in the high-voltage system of new energy vehicles, and can integrate MBS master control, charging module,
DC module, PTC control module and other functions. BDU is specially designed for installation inside battery packs and is a kind of
distribution box. Inverter is a device that converts direct current in batteries into three-phase alternating current required by electric
motors, and a core component of new energy vehicles. The power output and battery life of electric motors directly depend on the
performance of inverters.
     The IoV relies on the new-generation information communication technology, receives information from and transmits
information to moving vehicles, and can play an important role in vehicle safety, traffic control, information service, smart city and
intelligent transportation. At present, IoV applications are key projects of government and OEMs, and require coordination among
multiple devices, such as road-side unit (RSU) which collects environment, traffic condition, traffic sign and other information and
sends the same to vehicles, telematics control unit (TCU) which effects two-way communication between vehicles and external
networks, central gateway (CGW) which connects all electronic devices on a vehicle, and other products. We focus on the
development of wireless communication and automotive electronic products, and currently offer RSUs, TCUs and CGWs.
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    According to Visteon, the global smart cabin market size was about USD44.7 billion in 2020, and is expected to reach USD73.8
billion in 2025. The penetration of smart cabin into new vehicles in China is expected to exceed 75% in 2025. At present, the basic
configuration of a smart cabin on the market includes digital instrument panel, streaming rearview mirror, HUD, rear seat screen and
IoV modules, among others, which can provide passengers with navigation, environmental monitoring, entertainment and other
directly perceivable information, satisfy diversified human-machine interaction requirements, provide better ride experience and
create more consumption scenarios. Our products include AR-HUD, infotainment system, cabin entertainment domain, LCD
instrument panel, driver monitoring system, power isolation module, etc., and USB port and wireless charging module are relatively
mature products. In the future, more consumer electronic functions will be applied in cabins, so we can fully leverage our
technologies accumulated over the years in the field of consumer electronics.
    We also provide customers with smart manufacturing services, including insert molding, PCBA and other product services, by
 leveraging our economy of scale and lean production.
    In February 2022, we entered into a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with Chery Holding Group, pursuant to
 which, we and Chery New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. will establish a joint venture specialized in R&D and manufacturing of
 new energy vehicles in the form of ODM. This business platform will produce vehicles for brand customers, provide a frontier
 R&D and mass production platform and access to the overseas market for our core automotive component business, and help us
 develop our tier-1 business. We have been engaged in the field of consumer electronics for years, and accumulated a solid industrial
 base and strong ODM capability, and are familiar with ODM operation and management model. Chery has rich experience in the
 field of traditional vehicles, and solid technological base. Our superior products will have an opportunity to grow from 0 to 1
 through this joint venture ODM platform and the incremental business provided by Chery, and we will leverage our advantages to
 take part in the competition, in order to have our tier-1 products pass validation by the brand customers.
    Along with the wide application of consumer electronics products on vehicles, our technologies, experience and customer
 resources accumulated over the years in the field of consumer electronics will help our automotive business segment better grasp
 the trend, and develop more products and customers. We will keep pace with our premium customers at home and abroad,
 accurately grasp the development direction of technologies and the industry, and actively promote the technological upgrading of
 products and reduction of costs through technology, to continuously provide our customers with products and solutions that are
 competitive in both technology and business. Our medium-to-long term goal is to grow into a tier-1 manufacturer in the global
 automotive component industry in the next three to five years.
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III. Analysis of core competencies
     (I) Smart manufacturing under the lean production mode
     Since our establishment, we have adhered to our original intention, focused on precision manufacturing, and through
development and application of advanced digital tools and automatic production processes, and continuous optimization of system
structure, organization and production mode, ensure our production system is able to rapidly adapt to the continuously expanding
production lines and meet the constantly changing market demands.
     1. Modern optimization of smart process
     We implement the lean production mode pursuant to 7-S management standard, carry out production according to demands,
meet the demands of different customers for different products with the optimal production rhythm, and have introduced many digital
system tools, for example:
     (1)   SAP system that connects all links in our internal operation, and connects customers through EDI system and suppliers
           through SRM system;
     (2)   PLM system in respect of product R&D, that integrates product-related processes, designs software and simulation models,
           and scientifically manages product data in the entire life cycle from design, development, production, marketing,
           purchasing to after-sale services;
     (3)   MES system in respect of production and manufacturing that integrates human, tooling, equipment, jigs, materials,
           customer demands and other factors, and uses AI and 5G technologies to implement optimal management of the whole
           process from receipt of customer demands to delivery of products;
     (4)   WMS smart warehousing system that effectively deals with and manages our complicated inbound and outbound goods,
           improves the goods turnover and inventory turnover, greatly reduces overstock and occupation of funds, and make
           warehousing management more accurate, simple and efficient; and
     (5)   Budget management and BI system in respect of financial and accounting operation that realizes efficient preparation of
           budgets and effective control, review and analysis, and manages and controls risks using big data.
     We continuously optimize our management processes and production processes, implement customer oriented precise, scientific
and intelligent management, and constantly strive to improve our production efficiency and product yield.
     2. Advanced automatic process design and application
     As a global leading provider of diversified component solutions, high-quality precision manufacturing has always been one of
our core competencies. Since our listing, our precision manufacturing capability has developed from “automation with passive
positioning” to “automation with active positioning” and finally to “full automatic and smart” super-precision modularized
manufacturing today. In the automatic manufacturing of products, we connect product design with the design of automatic
manufacturing process seamlessly, and on the basis of ensuring our process capability at key work stations takes the lead in the
industry, have introduced AI visual robots to realize positioning, error detection and judgment in the production process of precision
electronic components, active and mutual positioning between components and jigs in the assembly process, and AI-assisted
inspection of appearance of component products. We widely use automated guided vehicles (AGVs) on production lines and
warehouses, to give support to modern smart logistics and warehousing system. In addition, we use big data and AI technologies, in
conjunction with our proprietary algorithms, to feed back real-time measuring and testing data, thereby ensuring the reliable quality
assurance and full traceability of products, and enabling the automatic production lines to have the deep learning capability, to realize
close-end control over the automation technology, which marks that we have formally entered into the stage of “smart precision
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manufacturing” from “precision manufacturing” in the early stage and “quality assured precision manufacturing” in the middle stage.
     3. Advanced comprehensive quality management system
     Quality is the foothold of a company, and one of the most important core values provided by a company to its customers. Since
our establishment, we have adopted “quality is our lifeline” as one of our corporate values, established and improved the quality
management system using scientific and effective quality management approaches, and integrated quality assurance into the whole
process from design, manufacturing, inspection, packaging to transportation of products. We have a full set of advanced NPI ( new
product introduction) management process, and control quality from the development and design of products, to lay a solid basis for
successful mass production of products. In the each stage of development of a new product, such as POC (proof of concept), Proto
(model verification), EVT (engineering verification test), DVT (design verification test), PVT (process verification test) and MP
(mass production), etc., we take the highest requirement for mass production that each stage should satisfy as the criteria for approval
of entry into the next stage. We attach great importance to quality precautions, and implement design quality controls focusing on
quality, cost, manufacturing and automation, to shorten the period from engineering development to mass production. Due to our
excellent quality assurance capability, we have received praise from our customers continuously, and enhanced customer adhesion.
     (II) Forward-looking strategic deployment
     Our management keeps abreast of market trends and developments of the industry, through industrial researches and internal
seminars, reviews our development situations, makes in-depth analysis of the boundaries of our business and capabilities, enhances
the implementation of the “three five-year” strategic plan, and continuously explores the ways of diversified innovations and
development. Our development towards new products and new areas is based on multi-dimensional analysis of industrial
development, customer demands, competitors, the value we can provide, the space we can play, profitability, return on investment
and other aspects of the industries, customers and end users, and detailed sand table exercise by our core management.
     1. Vertically integrated one-stop service capability
     We focus on providing the market with perfect comprehensive solutions covering the entire industry chain. We provide full
coverage products from core components, modules to system-level assembly. We have proprietary key process capabilities, including
design and processing of molds/jigs, bare copper wire drawing, plastic particle molding, stamping/press forging, precision implant
molding, surface treatment, SMT, SiP and system-level assembly testing. In addition, we have a number of national CNAS
certification labs responsible for preliminary development validation, in-process quality inspection and failure analysis. Therefore,
we have vertically integrated production capabilities for core components, modules to system-level assembly that are relatively
complete, and have realized close-end management from key materials, parts, modules, core technologies to data of all stages, in
respect of all core acoustic, optical and electric module products, such as acoustic modules, vibration motors, voice coil motors,
antenna modules, wireless charging modules, and all kinds of terminal products, such as accessory system, IoT equipment, acoustic
wearable devices, smart wearable devices and smart mobile phones. With our understanding of the market demands over the years,
we are able to provide comprehensive one-stop professional services from product proposal, design, validation to mass production,
and even to logistic cooperation, after-sale quality tracking and warranty, thus further enhancing our competitive advantage in rapid
response to demands of customers, timely and efficient engineering cooperation and cost control with quality guaranteed.
     2. Industrial synergistic effect
     In order to provide the customers with greater and better values, in addition to our vertically integrated one-stop service
capability, we manage and integrate purchasing, R&D and manufacturing activities of consumer electronics, communication,
automotive, healthcare and other business segments in a centralized manner, to minimize the use of resources, accelerate trans-sector
technological convergence, improve production efficiency and product yield, seek synergistic effect, reduce overall costs for
customers, and ensure our return on investment.
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     3. Global service deployment
     Economic globalization is the profound background and fundamental trend of the development and evolution of global economy
in the 21st century. As the players of economic globalization, transnational companies directly promote the development of economic
globalization. From the perspective of market, in the era of global intelligentization, the electronics industry is the field with the most
thorough allocation of global resources and market competition at present.
     After more than ten years’ development, we have gradually built a global system integrating development, sales, FAE (field
application engineer) and manufacturing. We now have 16 sales & FAE offices abroad, which, in addition to providing services to
our customers from nearby locations, actively attract sales, R&D and management talents of different fields throughout the world, to
introduce fresh blood and draw out the potential capacities of the teams. This approach not only can be horizontally replicated in new
product operation teams, but also can maintain the capability boundary of all functional teams and personnel at the same level. In
addition, in order to optimize our cost structure, we have established industrial zones and manufacturing facilities in some foreign
countries, to serve global brand customers. We are committed to satisfying the demands of customers, keep abreast of market
demands through our global sales & FAE network, accelerate R&D of new products, produce high value-added products; leverage
our local manufacturing capabilities throughout the world and advantages in smart manufacturing, shorten the production and
transportation cycle of products, further enhance the cost advantage of products, and improve quality and efficiency, to provide our
customers throughout the world with more competitive services.
     (III) R&D and technological innovation
     1. Continuous increase in R&D investment
     Since our listing, we have placed R&D and innovation on an important position in our development, made continuous
investments in technology R&D, vigorously upgraded traditional manufacturing processes, continuously improved the level of
automatic production, and realized platformization of all precision manufacturing processes. We also attach great importance to the
long-term development of underlying materials and innovative production technologies. Our R&D team has continuously learned and
explored advanced precision manufacturing technologies and product applications in the countries and regions mastering frontier
technologies, and established a number of advanced technology development labs with certain core customers, to jointly develop
frontier technologies. We have established advanced production technology and manufacturing process R&D platforms in Dongguan,
Kunshan, Taiwan and the United States, and own a R&D and smart manufacturing team taking the lead in the industry. Our R&D
expenses are mainly classified into early stage R&D expenses and product upgrading expenses. Early stage R&D expenses are
incurred in connection with medium-to-long term product and business planning and deployment, and consist of investments in new
products and new areas and R&D expenses relating to underlying technologies, accounting for about 30% of our total R&D expenses.
Product upgrading expenses are incurred in the process from concept to NPI (new product introduction) of new solutions and new
products. All early stage R&D expenses and product upgrading expenses are expensed as incurred to reduce the pressure of asset
amortization costs in the future. Our R&D expenses have been continuously increasing, and totaled RMB16.763 billion in the past
three years. In the reporting period, our R&D expenses totaled RMB6.642 billion.
     2. Innovation capabilities and patents
     Innovation is the soul of the era of knowledge economy. As a hi-tech company, we always attach great importance to the
management and protection of intellectual properties (IPs), have established and continuously improved our IP policy, complied with
all IP laws and regulations, established IP department and engaged professionals to actively carry out application, protection,
operation and maintenance activities in respect of IPs. We encourage our employees to actively make innovations, reduce product
costs and increase our profits. On the other hand, we actively prevent risk of infringement, and protect our and our customers’
legitimate rights and interests. As of the end of this reporting period, we own 3090 valid patents, an increase of 44.46% as compared
with the end of 2020.
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     We firmly believe that R&D and technological innovation are an important means to realize forward-looking deployment, and
will drive our development. The continuous and steady R&D investments will not only consolidate our leading position and
advantages in the industry, but also enhance our risk bearing capability in an ever-changing macro environment, and lay a solid
foundation for our continuous and rapid development in the future.
     (IV) Corporate culture focusing on sustainable development
     1. All-round customer-oriented culture
     Since our establishment, we have adhered to the philosophy of “customer first”, and been committed to providing our customers
with complete and perfect comprehensive solutions, taking into comprehensive consideration response speed, engineering
cooperation, service quality, flexible delivery, cost control and other factors. Our leading technologies and excellent quality
assurance capability have helped us build a good brand image and reputation in the industry, and brought high-quality customers to
us. After years of cultivation, we have established stable cooperation relationships with a lot of global leading brands and
manufacturers in the fields of consumer electronics, communication and automotive. Over the years, we have kept pace with the
strategic steps made by our major customers, cautiously assessed the development trends of the industry from the perspective of
brand customers and end consumers, and made forward-looking deployments to occupy the new markets and new channels, to ensure
that we maintain the lead. We think what customers think and are eager to help the customers in need. Under the guidance of the
service philosophy of “customer first”, in addition to fulfilling the tasks assigned by the customers, we have also continuously
identified the pain points of the customers in their applications, fully leveraged our resource and platform advantages, and taken the
initiative to provide the customers with optimization proposals and suggestions, to highlight our competencies. Our commitment to
fulfill all missions has been generally recognized in the industry.
     2. Spirit of workmanship that constantly strives for perfection
     We are unable to make continuous improvement in smart manufacturing, product R&D, internal management, social
responsibility and other areas without our employees’ striving for perfection at work and accomplishment of each task in such
manner that is higher than the customer standard, stricter than the industrial standard and more excellent than what has been done
yesterday. That is the key internal driving force behind continuous recognition of us by the customers and our rapid development. In
the future, we will remain true to our original aspiration, not only carry on the spirit of workmanship that constantly strives for
perfection in our traditional superior fields, but also foster such spirit in our new teams and new business segments, strive to
accomplish the strategic goals in the “three five-year” plan period with the spirit of enterprise, and achieve a win-win situation with
our customers, shareholders and employees.
     3. Talent selection, training, use and retention mechanisms deeply integrated with corporate culture
     The core competencies of a company will be ultimately reflected in the soft power arising from in-depth integration and mutual
nourishment of talents and corporate culture. Core talents are the basis for the sustainable development of a company and the
cornerstone for cultivating the talents required by a company. We have adhered to the strategy of invigorating the business through
talents, and continuously improved our talent echelon building system and talent pool mechanism. We vigorously recruit outstanding
talents required in our development who recognize and conform to the distinctive characteristics of our corporate culture, to
continuously augment our team of core talents. On the other hand, we continuously improve our talent training system and talent
selection system. Along with the growth of our business, we continuously put forward new and reasonable requirements for our
employees, encourage them to make self break-through in the boundary of their capabilities, and continuously improve their personal
competencies and management capabilities, to contribute new energy to our development. Under the nurture of our corporate culture
of being pragmatic and enterprising, constantly striving for perfection, and fulfilling the missions, we provide the key employees
with a vast space to exercise their talents, and effectively stimulate their sense of mission, sense of achievement and sense of
collective honor. At present, we have recruited outstanding talents in materials, automation, electronic information, molds, business
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management and other fields throughout the world, to create a talent pool for our sustainable development. We clearly know how to
attract and retain talents. To develop a virtuous circle of people creating the environment and the environment creating people
through in-depth integration of talents and corporate culture is our strongest core competency. Through effective talent mechanisms,
we have sufficient talents in our traditional superior fields, and have laid the foundation for our rapid development in new areas and
IV. Analysis of main business
1. Overview
     In 2021, the external environment became more complicated and severe. The domestic and overseas economic development
faced numerous pressures and was greatly affected by the changes unseen in a century and the epidemic disease of the century.
During the reporting period, we faced more risks and challenges in our development, for example, the repeated outbreaks of
COVID-19 at home and abroad causing interruption of the upstream supply chain and blockade of logistic routes, shortage of chips
and materials throughout the world, sharp rise of the prices of staple commodities and logistic and transportation costs, and delay in
the mass production and delivery of certain new products.
     In addition, the learning curve of some new products/businesses during rapid growth and the regular cycle of some existing
products affected our financial indicators to a certain extent. During the reporting period, we invested in and controlled Rikai
Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. (“Rikai Yancheng”). Since 2021, due to great demands from customers for the precision
display structure module products for mobile phones in the coming years, the scale of operation of Rikai Yancheng increased rapidly.
However, the huge investment in the preliminary development and automation optimization in respect of the precision display
structure module products for mobile phones and large proportion of raw materials to the total cost of such products greatly affected
the overall product margin of Rikai Yancheng, and in turn affected the consolidated gross margin of Luxshare-ICT. In addition, after
experiencing the strong demands from industries/market and consumers for smart wearable acoustic products, the shipments of our
smart wearable acoustic products dropped sharply in 2021, which had a periodic effect on the operating revenue and net profit of this
business. The development of this business is expected to become stable in 2022. We will continue to leverage our core competencies,
give full play to our value as an important partner of our key customers, and promote the steady and high-quality development of this
     Facing the market competitions and internal and external pressures and challenges, we work hard to overcome the difficulties,
focus on the formulation and implementation of the “three five-year” strategic plan, and further enhance short-, medium- and
long-term forward-looking deployments taking into account the new situations and new opportunities. During the reporting period,
we fully leveraged our advantages in smart, digital and modular high-end manufacturing and flexible management, further
consolidated the foundation of the big precision and smart manufacturing platform, intensively implemented vertically integrated
allocation of resources, and effective coordination of all product lines and business segments, improved the efficiency of internal
organization, and made praise-worthy achievements in both existing and new businesses.
     (1) Consumer electronics business
     During the reporting period, we stuck to the strategy of diversified vertical integration and production penetration in the field of
consumer electronics. In 2021, with respect to smart wearable healthcare products, as an important member of our family of
system-level products, though the delivery of certain products was delayed due to the epidemic situation at home and abroad and
shortage of materials, our excellent performance in product development, automatic production process, premium quality, flexible
delivery and other areas was well recognized by our key customers, laying a solid foundation for the provision by us of in-depth and
diversified services, such as system assembly and different kinds of core components, in respect of this product line. With respect to
SiP products, despite the effect of overseas epidemic situation, our performance was generally mature and realized full coverage of
smart wearable healthcare products. On the basis of thorough assessment of return on investment, utilization rate and other operating
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metrics, and in-depth analysis of this technology development route, taking into account our strategy of access to the overseas market
for system products, we will make further plans in respect of smart wearable acoustic products and peripheral functional module
system packaging business in the short term, and develop chip/semiconductor module packaging business in the long term. With
respect to system products for mobile phones, the joint venture platform established by us and our controlling shareholder vigorously
promoted smart and digital practices, and built an integrated smart platform covering product scheduling, production process analysis,
asset management, energy monitoring, personnel management, failure analysis, remote assistance and other activities, in order to
continuously improve our operation and management level, and effectively satisfy our customers’ increasingly personalized, high
quality and rapidly evolving demands. Our integrated smart development and production platform covering the whole process make
full preparation for large-scale replication and group/global operation in the days to come.
     With respect to the vast consumer electronics market, we keep our eyes open, and wash grains of gold out of the sand. In the
recent years, by leveraging our strong core competencies and the demonstration effect of big customers, through our premium
services to many global well-known brand customers, we have made excellent achievements in smart terminal, smart life, computer
accessory and other solutions, and accumulated strength for the diversified development of our consumer electronics business at the
customer and product sides. Our products include acoustic, optical and electric modules, smart accessory system, acoustic system,
IoT equipment, wearable devices, etc. Through in-depth market/customer researches, we have established executable development
plans and growth objectives, and our cooperation with global customers having great potentialities has been upgraded from simple
cooperation in components and modules to integrated and all-round cooperation in complete unit system solutions. At present, we are
carrying out business as planned, with the support and recognition of the market and customers as what they did in the past. In view
of the relatively fragmented market, we will further focus on resources and make thorough assessments in the future, and strive to
develop related business into important drivers of our sustainable growth in the next five to ten years.
     (2) Automotive business
     In 2021, despite the weak market demand and chip shortage caused by the epidemic situation at home and abroad, the overall
development of our automotive business generally meets the expectations of our management. Along with the continuous
development of “electrification”, “intelligentization” and “interconnection” of vehicles, and trans-sector application of consumer
electronic products and technologies on vehicles, we actively grasp market opportunities, and fully leverage our technologies and
customer resources accumulated over the years in the fields of consumer electronics and communication, in order to ensure that our
existing automotive business catches the trend more accurately, and to develop product lines and strategic customers in a more
intensive and focused manner. At present, our main products cover automotive wire harnesses (vehicle wire harnesses, special wire
harnesses, charging guns, etc.), connectors (high-voltage, low-voltage and high-speed connectors, Busbar, etc.), smart new energy
(PDUs, BDUs, inverters, energy storage, etc.), smart interconnect (RSUs, TCUs, etc.), and smart cabin/control (domain controllers,
infotainment system and multi-media instrument panels). We will, guided by the trend of technology development and strategy to
focus on/enable customers, continuously provide our customers with products and solutions that are competitive in the world in both
technical and commercial metrics, by leveraging our manufacturing facilities and product R&D centers distributed around the
country, and the synergistic effect of domestic and overseas resources.
     (3) Communication business
     During the reporting period, our supercomputing center business grew rapidly, as a result of our continuous technology
development in the field of communication. However, the unreasonable interference by foreign entities of the same trade in the
context of China-US trade friction affected the continued development of our communication business in North America. On the
basis of further improving our capabilities in respect of existing high/low-frequency electric connector, optical connector and RF
communication products, during the reporting period, we focused on the development of thermal system management, industrial
connector and other new products and new businesses, further enhanced vertical integration of industries, trans-sector technological
convergence, and increased coverage of product lines, with a view to growing into a comprehensive data and communication solution
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
provider. The global market has continuous demands for communication equipment. Along with the further development of smart
manufacturing, metaverse, smart driving and IoT, by virtue of our complete product lines and platforms, and our understanding and
application of frontier technologies, we will continuous exploit the global market and increase our market shares.
     During the reporting period, our sales revenues totaled RMB153.946 billion, an increase of 66.43% year on year; profit totaled
RMB8.143 billion, an increase of 0.09% year on year; and net profit attributable to the owners of the parent totaled RMB7.071
billion, a decrease of 2.14% year on year.
2. Revenue and cost
(1) Components of operating revenue
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                           2021                                   2020
                                                                                                                             Y/Y %
                                                                % of operating                        % of operating
                                                  Amount                                Amount                               Change
                                                                   revenue                               revenue
Total operating revenue                      153,946,097,790.40          100%       92,501,259,211.54          100%           66.43%
By segment
Computer interconnect products and
                                               7,856,595,729.78           5.10%       3,521,361,712.58               3.81%   123.11%
precision components
Automotive interconnect products and
                                               4,142,675,174.19           2.69%       2,844,031,362.75               3.07%    45.66%
precision components
Communication interconnect products
                                               3,269,476,642.60           2.12%       2,265,420,000.59               2.45%    44.32%
and precision components
Consumer electronics                         134,637,995,600.46          87.46%     81,818,160,358.88           88.45%        64.56%
Other connectors and other business            4,039,354,643.37           2.62%      2,052,285,776.74            2.22%        96.82%
By product
Computer interconnect products and
                                               7,856,595,729.78           5.10%       3,521,361,712.58               3.81%   123.11%
precision components
Automotive interconnect products and
                                               4,142,675,174.19           2.69%       2,844,031,362.75               3.07%    45.66%
precision components
Communication interconnect products
                                               3,269,476,642.60           2.12%       2,265,420,000.59               2.45%    44.32%
and precision components
Consumer electronics                         134,637,995,600.46          87.46%     81,818,160,358.88           88.45%        64.56%
Other connectors and other business            4,039,354,643.37           2.62%      2,052,285,776.74            2.22%        96.82%
By region
Domestic market                               10,493,247,599.10           6.82%      7,454,978,348.07            8.06%        40.75%
Overseas market                              143,452,850,191.30          93.18%     85,046,280,863.47           91.94%        68.68%
By sales mode
Direct sales                                 153,946,097,790.40         100.00%     92,501,259,211.54          100.00%        66.43%
(2) Segments, products or regions representing more than 10% of operating revenue or profit
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                       Y/Y % Change     Y/Y %          Y/Y %
                               Operating revenue       Operating cost                   in operating   Change in     Change in
                                                                                          revenue    operating cost gross margin
By segment
Consumer electronics           134,637,995,600.46 119,338,834,375.15         11.36%           64.56%          77.54%           -6.48%
By product
Consumer electronics           134,637,995,600.46 119,338,834,375.15         11.36%           64.56%          77.54%           -6.48%
By region
Domestic market                 10,493,247,599.10   8,421,880,523.04         19.74%           40.75%          44.47%           -2.06%
Overseas market                143,452,850,191.30 126,626,455,769.84         11.73%           68.68%          81.05%           -6.03%
By sales mode
                                                                        Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Direct sales                     153,946,097,790.40 135,048,336,292.88          12.28%             66.43%           78.23%         -5.81%
In case of any adjustment to the statistic scale for main business data, the main business data of the most recent reporting period as
adjusted according to the statistic scale applied at the end of the current reporting period:
□ Applicable √ N/A
(3) Whether the Company’s revenue from sale of tangible goods is higher than the revenue from labor
√ Yes □ No
                       Segment                             Item             Unit                2021            2020      Y/Y % Change
                                                     Sales volume       KPCS                      692,107         510,910       35.47%
Computer interconnect products and precision
                                                     Output             KPCS                      735,779         537,997       36.76%
                                                     Inventories        KPCS                       43,672          27,087       61.23%
                                                     Sales volume       1000 sets                 233,339         172,912       34.95%
Automotive interconnect products and precision
                                                     Output             1000 sets                 256,542         184,502       39.05%
                                                     Inventories        1000 sets                  23,203          11,590      100.20%
                                                     Sales volume       KPCS                      380,329         470,565      -19.18%
Communication interconnect products and
                                                     Output             KPCS                      413,793         514,389      -19.56%
precision components
                                                     Inventories        KPCS                       33,465          43,824      -23.64%
                                                     Sales volume       KPCS                    3,495,842       3,299,993        5.93%
Consumer electronics                                 Output             KPCS                    3,773,559       3,661,402        3.06%
                                                     Inventories        KPCS                      277,717         361,409      -23.16%
                                                     Sales volume       KPCS                      467,754         312,258       49.80%
Other connectors and other business                  Output             KPCS                      508,283         348,814       45.72%
                                                     Inventories        KPCS                       40,529          36,556       10.87%
Analysis of changes in the relevant data over 30% year on year:
√ Applicable □ N/A
During the reporting period, our output and sales volume increased as a result of increase in sales.
(4) Performance of material sales contracts and material purchase contracts by the Company as of the end
of the reporting period
□ Applicable √ N/A
(5) Components of operating cost
Classification of segments
                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                2021                                     2020
                                                                                                                                 Y/Y %
               Segment                  Item                           % of operating                           % of operating
                                                      Amount                                    Amount                           Change
                                                                            cost                                     cost
Computer interconnect products and
                                                   6,296,204,929.34            4.66%      2,765,866,774.16             3.65%     127.64%
precision components
Automotive interconnect products
                                                   3,475,111,291.70            2.57%      2,374,148,439.75             3.13%      46.37%
and precision components
Communication           interconnect
                                                   2,700,268,416.55            2.00%      1,818,503,189.96             2.40%      48.49%
products and precision components
Consumer electronics                            119,338,834,375.15            88.37%     67,217,502,600.73            88.71%      77.54%
Other connectors and other business               3,237,917,280.14             2.40%      1,593,986,044.98             2.10%     103.13%
                                                                    Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
(6) Change in the scope of consolidation during the reporting period
√ Yes □ No
     Luxis Technology Limited, Yancheng Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xuntao Technology Co., Ltd., Rugao
Luxshare Business Management Service Partnership (LP), Lianxun Smart Equipment (Rugao) Co., Ltd., Luxshare Technology
(Xi’an) Co., Ltd., Luxshare Electronic Technology (Enshi) Co., Ltd., Luxis Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., Luxshare Investment
Co., Ltd., Yancheng Luxshare Business Management Service Partnership (LP), Luxshare Smart Equipment (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.,
Luxis Precision Intelligent Manufacturing (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., Luxshare Smart Manufacturing & Electronic Service (Kunshan) Co.,
Ltd., Liding Electronic Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Luxshare Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., Henan Leader Precision
Industry Co., Ltd. and Changzhi Luxshare Precision Industry Ltd., that were newly established by us, Rikai Precision Technology
(Yancheng) Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Puson Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., that were acquired by us in cash, and Caldigit Holding
(Cayman) and Taihan Precision Technology Co., Ltd., that were controlled by us by contract during the reporting period, are
included in the scope of consolidation. Wuxi Huihong Electronics Co., Ltd., that was transferred by us, and Ji’an Jizhou Luxshare
Electronics Co., Ltd., Speedtech (LS-ICT) Co., Limited, Luxshare International Cable Co., Ltd. and Luxshare-ICT International B.V.,
that were liquidated and deregistered during the reporting period, are removed from the scope of consolidation.
(7) Material changes or adjustments in respect of business, products or services of the Company during the
reporting period
□ Applicable √ N/A
(8) Major customers and suppliers
Major customers of the Company:
Aggregate sales revenue from top 5 customers (RMB)                                                                128,399,408,091.77
Proportion of aggregate sales revenue from top 5 customers to annual sales revenue                                           83.41%
Proportion of aggregate sales revenue from related parties among top 5 customers to annual sales revenue                      0.00%
Particulars of top 5 customers:
   No.                       Name of customer                 Sales revenue (RMB)                % of annual sales revenue
1              Customer 1                                            114,055,710,068.00                                      74.09%
2              Customer 2                                              5,033,592,065.75                                       3.27%
3              Customer 3                                              3,621,465,625.47                                       2.35%
4              Customer 4                                              3,188,059,176.36                                       2.07%
5              Customer 5                                              2,500,581,156.19                                       1.62%
Total                               --                               128,399,408,091.77                                      83.41%
Other information of major customers:
□ Applicable √ N/A
Major suppliers of the Company:
Aggregate purchase amount from top 5 suppliers (RMB)                                                               75,982,606,355.38
Proportion of aggregate purchase amount from top 5 suppliers to annual purchase cost                                         57.96%
Proportion of aggregate purchase amount from related parties among top 5 suppliers to annual purchase cost                    0.00%
Particulars of top 5 suppliers:
    No.                       Name of supplier              Purchase amount (RMB)                % of annual purchase cost
1               Supplier 1                                           68,529,282,195.97                                       52.28%
2               Supplier 2                                            2,220,179,015.43                                        1.69%
3               Supplier 3                                            1,986,097,524.70                                        1.52%
4               Supplier 4                                            1,718,167,435.10                                        1.31%
                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
5              Supplier 5                                                         1,528,880,184.17                                            1.17%
Total                                 --                                         75,982,606,355.38                                           57.96%
Other information of major suppliers:
□ Applicable √ N/A
3. Expenses
                                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                      2021                       2020            Y/Y % Change               Reason of material changes
                                                                                                   Primarily due to increase in the scope of
Sales expenses                      789,908,163.80             477,047,875.58           65.58%
                                                                                                   consolidation and business growth
                                                                                                   Primarily due to increase in the scope of
General expenses               3,741,908,783.50            2,463,953,208.63             51.87%
                                                                                                   consolidation and business growth
                                                                                                   Primarily due to fluctuations in foreign
Financial expenses                  554,665,874.05             904,828,142.89          -38.70%
                                                                                                   exchange rates
                                                                                                   Primarily due to increase in the scope of
R&D expenses                   6,642,300,402.74            5,744,805,136.33             15.62%
                                                                                                   consolidation and R&D investments
                                                                                                   Primarily due to increase in pre-tax
                                                                                                   deduction of differences in the exercise price
Income tax expenses                 322,238,643.64             644,764,928.70          -50.02%
                                                                                                   of incentive shares, and additional deduction
                                                                                                   of R&D expenses
4. R&D investments
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                            Expected effect on the
  Description of major
                                         Purpose                        Progress                     Objectives             future development of
        R&D project
 Project      relating   to   To       develop         new      In progress                To        optimize        the    Our        R&D        and
 acoustic products            functions        and     new                                 functions of the relevant        manufacturing
                              processes        of     TWS                                  products        and    realize   capabilities in respect
                              earphones, headphones                                        stable mass production           of acoustic products
                              and      other        acoustic                               with high quality.               will    be    improved,
                              products, develop new                                                                         R&D cycle of new
                              products,                 and                                                                 products      will     be
                              continuously          improve                                                                 shortened,    and     our
                              production efficiency.                                                                        competencies will be
 Project      relating   to   To       develop         new      Partially completed        To         improve        the    While            getting
 smart           wearable     functions        of     smart                                functions,       automation      recognition          from
 products                     wearable products and                                        level      of    production      customers, the results
                              improve the production                                       lines,           production      of our smart wearable
                              process.                                                     efficiency and product           business      will     be
                                                                                           yield of the relevant            increased     and     our
                                                                                           products.                        competencies will be
 Millimeter          wave     To       develop         new      Completed                  To make breakthroughs            Our advantage in the
 dielectric        antenna    products         and     new                                 in the use on traditional        vertical integration of
                                                                           Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
components project             performance,           and                             millimeter               wave    components will be
                               reduce production costs.                               antennas,      reduce      the   enhanced and market
                                                                                      dimensions of products           share of the relevant
                                                                                      and effectively lower            product lines will be
                                                                                      costs.                           increased.
New-type linear motor          To    optimize      product   In progress              To optimize technical            Our advantage in the
project                        mix and reduce R&D                                     indicators                and    vertical integration of
                               costs.                                                 cooperate       with       the   components will be
                                                                                      customers         in       the   enhanced and market
                                                                                      relevant      tests,     mass    share of the relevant
                                                                                      production                and    product lines will be
                                                                                      deliveries.                      increased.
SIP       system       level   To        develop      new    In progress              To       upgrade           our   Our advantage in the
double side packaging          technologies and new                                   traditional SiP module           vertical integration of
project                        processes, and improve                                 packaging technology,            components will be
                               production efficiency.                                 fully fill the bottom            enhanced and market
                                                                                      space of chips, reduce           share of the relevant
                                                                                      the residue stress after         product lines will be
                                                                                      packaging, ensure the            increased.
                                                                                      reliability of package
                                                                                      products, and improve
                                                                                      the               technical
                                                                                      capabilities of product
Project     relating     to    To       develop      400G    In progress              To         expand          the   Our advantage in the
optical            module      high-speed          optical                            application       scenarios      vertical integration of
products                       modules                and                             and        market          for   components will be
                               preliminary         develop                            high-speed             optical   enhanced and market
                               next-generation optical                                modules,               develop   share of the relevant
                               modules.                                               product series, enrich           product lines will be
                                                                                      high-speed             product   increased.
                                                                                      lines and realize mass
                                                                                      production        of       the
                                                                                      relevant products.
Project     relating     to    To                  develop   In progress              To develop proprietary           Our            technical
high-speed cables              transmission          cable                            interfaces for servers,          advantage        in     the
                               assemblies that provide                                switches,                        communication          and
                               high-speed signals for                                 high-performance                 data    center        cable
                               super data centers and                                 computers       and      other   products      will      be
                               5G services.                                           products, and increase           enhanced and market
                                                                                      the speed.                       share        will       be
Project     relating     to    To develop, improve           Partially completed      To       improve           our   Our product lines and
automotive             wire    and      upgrade    vehicle                            technical capability to          market share in the
                                                                            Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
harnesses                    wire harnesses, motor                                     develop          automotive     field of automotive
                             wire             harnesses,                               wire harness products,          will      be      further
                             automotive           steering                             satisfy             different   increased.
                             wire     harnesses,       new                             customization
                             energy       battery     pack                             requirements,            and
                             wire     harnesses         and                            increase           operating
                             other products.                                           revenue.
Project     relating    to   To develop high and               Partially completed     To        improve        our    Our product lines and
automotive connectors        low voltage connectors,                                   manufacturing                   market share in the
                             high-speed connectors,                                    capability               and    field of automotive
                             customized          connector                             production        efficiency.   will      be      further
                             structures     and       other                            Our proprietary gigabit         increased.
                             automotive connectors.                                    Ethernet          connector
                                                                                       adopts       a       wholly
                                                                                       shielded double cable
                                                                                       connection         structure,
                                                                                       and has been widely
                                                                                       used on infotainment
                                                                                       systems,            ADASs,
                                                                                       domain controllers and
                                                                                       other products.
Project     relating    to   To                   develop      Partially completed     To        improve        our    Our product lines and
power       system      of   high-voltage                                              manufacturing                   market share in the
electric vehicles            high-current           battery                            capability               and    field of automotive
                             disconnect             control                            production        efficiency.   will      be      further
                             module, new-generation                                    The                  process    increased.
                             on-board      bidirectional                               development,            trial
                             DC power supply and                                       production and PPAP
                             other    power         system                             certification in respect
                             products      for      electric                           of our new-generation
                             vehicles.                                                 on-board     bidirectional
                                                                                       DC power supply have
                                                                                       been completed.
Project     relating    to   To develop RSU, TCU               Partially completed     Our IoV smart RSU has           Our product lines and
automotive           smart   and other automotive                                      realized             remote     market share in the
interconnect products        interconnect products.                                    coverage,              short    field of automotive
                                                                                       communication         delay,    will      be      further
                                                                                       high success rate of            increased.
                                                                                       message sending and
                                                                                       other functions.
Multi-cavity                 The robot will change             Completed               To      replace      manual     Through        automation
automatic         sorting    the operation mode of                                     handling, identification,       upgrading              of
robot project                manual cavity-by-cavity                                   plate feeding and other         production lines, our
                             plate feeding on the                                      labor              intensive    production efficiency
                                                                         Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                          production       lines      for                           operations, and realize          and product yield will
                          micro products in the                                     cavity-by-cavity         plate   be improved.
                          injection             molding                             feeding       for       micro
                          workshop in the past,                                     products      made       from
                          greatly               improve                             injection molding.
                          workplace                safety,
                          realize             automatic
                          production,                 and
                          promote         automation
                          upgrading           in      the
                          industry.             Through
                          further upgrading of the
                          equipment, to improve
                          the   stability       of    the
                          equipment                during
                          production and finally
                          realize             automatic
                          production       of      micro
                          products in the injection
                          molding workshop.
 AI           automatic   The       AI        automatic      Completed              To    replace         manual     Through     automation
 inspection     system    inspection system will                                    handling,           inspection   upgrading           of
 project                  change the traditional                                    and        other         labor   production lines, our
                          operation       mode         of                           intensive         operations,    production efficiency
                          visual           inspection,                              and       realize      precise   and product yield will
                          realize             automatic                             inspection                 of    be improved.
                          inspection and promote                                    appearance, dimensions
                          automation          upgrading                             and       other      essential
                          in the industry. Through                                  factors     of       precision
                          further upgrading of the                                  components                 for
                          equipment, to improve                                     electronic products.
                          the       reliability       and
                          stability of production,
                          and       finally        realize
                          unmanned workshops.
Particulars of R&D personnel:
                                                                                   2021                  2020            Y/Y % change
 Number of R&D personnel                                                              16,103               15,154                  6.26%
 Proportion of R&D personnel to total number of employees                             7.06%                8.79%                  -1.73%
 Education background of R&D personnel                                                     -                    -                       -
 Undergraduate                                                                         7,393                7,126                  3.75%
 Master                                                                                  260                  256                  1.56%
 Others                                                                               10,199                9,310                  9.55%
 Ages of R&D personnel                                                                     -                    -                       -
 Below 30                                                                              8,325                7,865                  5.85%
 30-40                                                                                 6,897                6,507                  5.99%
                                                                       Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
 Above 40                                                                              881            782               12.66%
Particulars of R&D expenses:
                                                                                2021                 2020         Y/Y % Change
Amount of R&D expenses (RMB)                                                6,642,300,402.74     5,744,805,136.33        15.62%
Proportion of R&D expenses to operating revenue                                       4.31%                6.21%         -1.90%
Amount of R&D expenses capitalized (RMB)                                                0.00                 0.00         0.00%
Proportion of capitalized R&D expenses to total R&D expenses                          0.00%                0.00%          0.00%
Analysis of the cause and effect of significant change in the composition of R&D personnel:
□ Applicable √ N/A
Analysis of significant change in the proportion of R&D expenses to operating revenue compared with 2019:
□ Applicable √ N/A
Analysis and reasonableness of significant change in the proportion of R&D expenses capitalized:
□ Applicable √ N/A
5. Cash flows
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                              Item                                           2021                   2020          Y/Y % Change
Cash provided by operating activities                                   152,974,773,173.48     101,344,544,382.43        50.95%
Cash used in operating activities                                       145,690,006,256.48      94,471,332,896.38        54.22%
Net cash flows from operating activities                                  7,284,766,917.00       6,873,211,486.05         5.99%
Cash provided by investment activities                                   59,103,742,247.41      56,134,501,620.87         5.29%
Cash used in investment activities                                       67,483,404,233.19      65,282,235,798.95         3.37%
Net cash flows from investment activities                                -8,379,661,985.78      -9,147,734,178.08        -8.40%
Cash provided by financing activities                                    42,545,854,141.42      31,843,182,893.74        33.61%
Cash used in financing activities                                        42,935,782,234.50      25,056,689,251.71        71.35%
Net cash flows from financing activities                                   -389,928,093.08       6,786,493,642.03      -105.75%
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                -1,543,267,723.26       4,317,464,527.08      -135.74%
Analysis of main causes of material changes in the related data:
√ Applicable □ N/A
1. The cash provided by operating activities was RMB152,974,773,200, an increase of 50.95% year on year, primarily due to an
increase in sales, sales revenue collected and tax rebates received.
2. The cash used in operating activities was RMB145690006300, an increase of 54.22% year on year, primarily due to an increase
in the raw materials purchased and employee benefits paid.
3. The net cash flows from financing activities was -RMB389928100, a decrease of 105.75% year on year, primarily due to
repayment of short-term borrowings, loans and interest during the reporting period.
Analysis of significant difference between net cash flows from operating activities during the reporting period and net profit in
current year:
□ Applicable √ N/A
V. Analysis of non-main business
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                     % of total                                                       Whether or not
                                      Amount                                           Reason
                                                      profit                                                           sustainable
                                                                 Income       from     investments      and  wealth
Investment income                   689,386,649.74         8.47% management products classified as financial               No
                                                                 assets at fair value through profit or loss
Gain or loss on changes in fair                                  Investment income on financial assets at fair
                                   -115,737,751.66        -1.42%                                                           No
value                                                            value through profit or loss
                                                                 Allowance for impairment of inventories and
Impairment loss on assets          -162,790,335.12        -2.00%                                                           No
                                                                 fixed assets
Non-operating income                 21,096,536.60         0.26% Revenue from retirement of assets                         No
Non-operating expenses               45,672,434.05         0.56% Loss on disposal of fixed assets                          No
Gain on disposal of assets          -45,266,592.65        -0.56% Disposal of production equipment                          No
Other gains                         853,542,165.37        10.48% Government grants                                         No
                                                                 Impairment loss on accounts receivable and other
Credit loss                         -26,875,504.69        -0.33%                                                           No
VI. Analysis of assets and liabilities
1. Material changes in components of assets
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                               December 31, 2021                January 1, 2021
                                                                                        Y/Y %
                                             % of total                      % of total               Reason of material change
                               Amount                          Amount                   Change
                                              assets                          assets
Cash       and     bank
                            14,204,618,186.43   11.78% 10,528,245,765.93        15.01%    -3.23%
                                                                                                 Business growth           (including
Accounts receivable         31,623,185,946.25   26.23% 13,839,155,340.47        19.73%     6.50% increase in the          scope of
Contract assets                                  0.00%                            0.00%    0.00%
                                                                                                 Increase in inventory storage
                                                                                                 level along with increase in our
Inventories                 20,900,755,733.15   17.33% 13,211,009,381.15        18.83%    -1.50% scale of operation (including
                                                                                                 increase in the scope of
Investment properties          59,000,690.72     0.05%         47,592,110.24      0.07%   -0.02%
Long-term         equity
                             1,125,605,226.03    0.93% 1,208,540,333.29           1.72%   -0.79%
                                                                                                   Increase in investment in factory
                                                                                                   buildings,     dormitories     and
Fixed assets                34,113,259,322.43   28.29% 19,761,012,854.95        28.17%     0.12%
                                                                                                   equipment (including increase in
                                                                                                   the scope of consolidation)
                                                                                                   Factory building, dormitory and
                                                                                                   workshop renovation projects in
Construction           in                                                                          progress and equipment that has
                             3,685,336,499.02    3.06% 1,596,064,894.58           2.27%    0.79%
progress                                                                                           not yet been accepted (including
                                                                                                   increase in the scope of
                                                                                                   Adoption by us of the new lease
Right of use assets           425,011,542.28     0.35%       149,189,002.32       0.21%    0.14%   accounting      standard     since
                                                                                                   January 1, 2021
                                                                                                   Replenishment       of    working
Short-term borrowings       11,919,635,337.99    9.89% 7,577,068,798.49         10.80%    -0.91%   capital (including increase in the
                                                                                                   scope of consolidation)
Contract liabilities          268,506,246.98     0.22%       152,512,971.36       0.22%    0.00% Advances from clients
                                                                   Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                                               Increase in loans to satisfy the
                                                                                               requirements of new projects
Long-term loans             5,025,096,193.09       4.17% 1,495,199,238.41     2.13%   2.04%
                                                                                               (including increase in the scope
                                                                                               of consolidation)
                                                                                               Adoption by us of the new lease
Lease liabilities            315,093,483.55        0.26%    144,462,685.91    0.21%   0.05%    accounting      standard      since
                                                                                               January 1, 2021
Financial assets held                                                                          Forward exchange facilities,
                            2,107,118,105.04       1.75% 3,160,064,470.41     4.50%   -2.75%   wealth management and other
for trading
                                                                                               Prepayments for materials and
                                                                                               customs deposits (including
Advances to suppliers        406,016,492.61        0.34%    179,160,621.29    0.26%   0.08%
                                                                                               increase in the scope of
                                                                                               Share transfer prices, export
Other receivables            598,456,702.88        0.50%    407,990,780.79    0.58%   -0.08%   rebates and deposits, and
                                                                                               insurance indemnities receivable
                                                                                               Input tax credits and prepaid and
Other current assets        2,161,055,820.73       1.79% 1,804,485,645.49     2.57%   -0.78%
                                                                                               refundable income tax
                                                                                               Factory building and workshop
Long-term deferred                                                                             renovation expenses (including
                             733,015,722.42        0.61%    488,087,044.97    0.70%   -0.09%
expenses                                                                                       increase in the scope of
                                                                                               Share-based             payments,
                                                                                               unrealized profit on internal asset
Deferred tax assets          891,215,468.53        0.74%    355,834,434.21    0.51%   0.23%    transactions, government grants,
                                                                                               deductible losses before tax and
                                                                                               other timing differences
                                                                                               Prepayments for equipment,
Other non-current                                                                              engineering projects and land
                            1,904,305,181.49       1.58% 1,223,199,642.61     1.74%   -0.16%
assets                                                                                         (including increase in the scope
                                                                                               of consolidation)
Notes payable                234,500,590.93        0.19%    128,572,111.54    0.18%   0.01% Increase in note transactions
                                                                                               Increase in raw materials
                                                                                               purchased in order to fulfill
Accounts payable           45,416,165,667.67      37.67% 23,051,557,603.83   32.86%   4.81%    orders along with our business
                                                                                               growth (including increase in the
                                                                                               scope of consolidation)
                                                                                               Accrued expenses and security
Other payables               382,391,106.17        0.32%    146,162,097.14    0.21%   0.11%
                                                                                               deposits payable
                                                                                               Short-term       bonds        and
Other current                                                                                  inter-company trade account
                            3,623,423,072.87       3.01%    623,257,555.89    0.89%   2.12%
liabilities                                                                                    payable (including increase in
                                                                                               the scope of consolidation)
                                                                                               Government grants relating to
Deferred income              538,556,944.18        0.45%    425,345,982.64    0.61%   -0.16%
                                                                                               Accelerated depreciation of fixed
                                                                                               assets and temporary difference
                                                                                               arising    from     increase   in
Deferred tax liabilities    1,272,092,467.86       1.06%    966,092,212.95    1.38%   -0.32%
                                                                                               appraised value of business
                                                                                               combinations not under common
Analysis of high proportion of overseas assets:
□ Applicable √ N/A
                                                                                                                                   Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
2. Assets and liabilities at fair value
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                      In RMB
                                                                            Aggregate         Impairment loss
                                                        Gain or loss on
                                        Beginning                         changes in fair      recognized in      Amount acquired in      Amount sold in the      Other
               Item                                     changes in fair                                                                                                       Ending balance
                                         balance                          value recorded         the current      the reporting period     reporting period      changes
                                                                             in equity             period
 Financial assets
 1. Financial assets held for
 trading           (excluding        2,854,676,050.46    73,732,025.24                                                19,182,537,140.74   20,119,745,754.45                   1,991,199,461.99
 derivative financial assets)
 2. Derivative           financial
                                      305,388,419.95    -189,469,776.90                                                                                                         115,918,643.05
 3. Investment in           other
                                      138,074,571.56                        96,140,150.00                                                                      1,761,426.86     235,976,148.42
 equity instruments
 Subtotal of financial assets        3,298,139,041.97   -115,737,751.66     96,140,150.00                             19,182,537,140.74   20,119,745,754.45    1,761,426.86   2,343,094,253.46
 Investment       in       equity
                                                                                                                           5,700,000.00                                           5,700,000.00
 Total                               3,298,139,041.97   -115,737,751.66     96,140,150.00                             19,188,237,140.74   20,119,745,754.45    1,761,426.86   2,348,794,253.46
 Financial liabilities                           0.00        41,436.00                                                                                                                41,436.00
Other changes:
Other changes are the principal of other equity instruments included due to increase in the scope of consolidation.
Whether there’s any material change in the measurement properties of main assets of the Company during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
3. Encumbrances on assets as of the end of the reporting period
On September 30, 2021, the 4th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors considered and adopted the Proposal for Applying for an Acquisition Loan from the Banks and Pledging the Shares of the
Subsidiary, pursuant to which, we intended to apply to four banks for a syndicated acquisition loan of up to RMB3.4 billion, for a term of five years, which would be mainly used to replace our
capital contribution already made to Rikai Yancheng. We pledged 48.013% shares of Rikai Yancheng as security for such acquisition loan for a term of five years. The relevant information was
disclosed in our Announcement on Applying for an Acquisition Loan from the Banks and Pledging the Shares of the Subsidiary (No. 2021-080). During the reporting period, we completed the
procedures relating to the pledge of the shares of Rikai Yancheng for a term of five years. See “Section X Financial Report – VII. Notes to Items in Consolidated Financial Statements – 81.
Assets with restricted ownership or right of use”.
                                                                                                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
VII. Analysis of investments
1. Overall situation
√ Applicable □ N/A
               Amount of investment in 2021 (RMB)                                                    Amount of investment in 2020 (RMB)                                                       Y/Y % Change
                                           7,623,854,176.00                                                                           3,122,574,000.00                                                                            144.15%
2. Major equity investments acquired in the reporting period
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                                                                                                      Status as of                                Whether or not       Date of     Disclosure
                                                      Method of      Amount of       Shareholding    Source of                Term of                                Expected   income/ loss in
    Investee             Main business                                                                            Partner                Product type the balance                                 involved in any disclosure (if   reference
                                                      investment     investment       percentage       funds                investment                               income      the reporting
                                                                                                                                                       sheet date                                      litigation          any)     (if any)
               Technology development,
               technical consulting and
               technical       services         in
               respect       of        computer
               accessories; design, R&D
               and         production          of
               precision stamping molds
               (precision      ≥    0.02mm),
               precision      cavity        molds
Rikai          (precision      ≥    0.05mm),                                                                                                                                                                                      Announce
Precision      metal       product         molds,                                                                                                                                                                                  ment No.
Technolog non-metal product molds                                                                                                                                                                                                  2021-017
                                                     Capital                                        Self-owned                           Electronic                                                                 February 4,
y              and     standard      parts     for                 6000,000,000.00         50.01%                N/A        Long-term                 Paid in full       0.00                0.00 No                               published
                                                     injection                                      funds                                components                                                                 2021
(Yanchen molds;             production         of                                                                                                                                                                                  on
g) Co.,        high-temperature resistant                                                                                                                                                                                          www.cnin
Ltd.           molded                insulating                                                                                                                                                                                    fo.com.cn
               materials,                 stamped
               hardware       parts,       rivets,
               shafts,              mechanical
               components           and      other
               components            for       3C
               electronics             products;
               industrial design, product
               design      (exterior       design,
               structural design, circuit
                                                                                                                                                                        Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
              design,      graphic     design,
              etc.); lease of own idle
              equipment;           wholesale,
              commission               agency
              (except auction), import,
              export       and     supporting
              services in respect of the
              aforesaid      products     and
              related             components.
              Business not subject to
              licensing:     manufacturing
              of    computer         software,
              hardware and peripherals.
Total                        --                         --     6000,000,000.00           --            --            --           --               --              --                0.00               0.00         --                  --            --
3. Major non-equity investments that have not yet been completed in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ N/A
4. Investment in financial assets
(1) Investment in securities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                                                               Gain or loss on         Aggregate         Amount
                                                                 Initial                        Beginning                                                               Amount sold in Gain or loss in
                                                   Short                       Method of                       changes in fair     changes in fair      acquired in                                         Ending carrying     Accounting     Source of
 Type of security          Security code                       investment                        carrying                                                                the reporting      the reporting
                                                   name                       measurement                        value in the     value recorded in the reporting                                                amount             item         funds
                                                                  cost                           amount                                                                     period             period
                                                                                                               reporting period         equity            period
Stock listed on
                                                 Tony                                                                                                                                                                           in other      Self-owned
domestic or             603595                                22,500,000.00 Fair value        114,221,319.04     96,057,510.08      162,951,644.67             0.00                  0.00 96,057,510.08        210,278,829.12
                                                 Electronic                                                                                                                                                                     equity        funds
overseas market
Total                                                         22,500,000.00        --         114,221,319.04     96,057,510.08      162,951,644.67             0.00                  0.00 96,057,510.08        210,278,829.12        --               --
Disclosure date of the announcement of the Board
of Directors approving the investment in securities
Disclosure date of the announcement of the
shareholders’ meeting approving the investment in
                                                                                                                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
securities (if any)
(2) Investment in derivatives
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In RMB0’000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       % of ending
                                                                                                                                                                                      Allowance                        balance to the Actual gain or
                              Whether or not                               Initial
                                                     Type of                                Date of          Date of        Beginning      Amount acquired in Amount sold in the          for                          net asset as at   loss in the
Counterparty Affiliation        a related-party                          investment                                                                                                                   Ending balance
                                                    derivative                          commencement       termination       balance       the reporting period   reporting period    impairment                       the end of the    reporting
                                 transaction                                cost
                                                                                                                                                                                      loss (if any)                      reporting         period
Bank           Non-affiliate No                   Forward                   48,545.26                                          48,545.26            534,737.11          578,098.28                          5,184.08           0.15%        19,739.28
Bank           Non-affiliate No                   Option                  463,920.39                                         463,920.39           1,659,594.71         1,725,671.42                      397,843.68           11.27%        49,352.43
Total                                                                     512,465.65           --                --          512,465.65           2,194,331.82          2,303,769.7                      403,027.76           11.42%        69,091.71
Source of funds                                                     Self-owned funds
Whether or not involved in any litigation                           N/A
Disclosure date of the announcement of the Board of
                                                                    January 23, 2021
Directors approving the investment in derivatives (if any)
Disclosure date of the announcement of the shareholders’
meeting approving the investment in derivatives (if any)
                                                                    1.       We conduct foreign exchange derivative transactions for the purpose of fixing costs, and avoiding and preventing foreign exchange and interest rate risks, and
                                                                             prohibit any speculation.
                                                                    2.       We have established strict business management policy regarding financial derivative transactions, which contain explicit provisions on the principle of operation,
                                                                             approving power, internal operating process, information segregation measures, internal risk controls, information disclosure and other issues relating to financial
                                                                             derivative transactions, to control the risks associated with such transactions.
Analysis of risks associated with the derivatives held in the
                                                                    3.       We carefully examine the terms of contracts entered into with the relevant banks, and strictly implement the risk management policy to prevent legal risks.
reporting period (including without limitation market risk,
                                                                    4.       Our Finance Department continuously follows up on the changes in the market price or fair value of the relevant foreign exchange derivatives, promptly assesses
liquidity risk, credit risk, operational risk and legal risk) and
                                                                             the changes in risk exposures of such foreign exchange derivatives, reports to the management on a regular basis, promptly reports the abnormal situations
related risk control measures
                                                                             discovered, calls attention to the relevant risks, and takes the appropriate emergency measures.
                                                                    5.       In order to prevent any delay in the delivery of forward exchange contracts, we attach great importance to the management of accounts receivable, and have
                                                                             established safety management measures to prevent any delay in the payment of accounts receivable.
                                                                    6.       Our Internal Audit Department is responsible for supervising and auditing the decision-making, management, execution and other issues in respect of foreign
                                                                             exchange derivative transactions.
Changes in the market price or fair value of the derivatives
held in the reporting period (in the analysis of the fair value Change in the fair value of a foreign exchange derivative is the difference between its fair market price in the month in which the delivery date determined by the
of derivatives, the specific approaches, assumptions and Company falls and its contract price.
parameters used shall be disclosed)
                                                                                                                                                        Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Whether there’s any material change in the accounting
policies and accounting principles for the measurement of
                                                              No material change
derivatives in the reporting period as compared with the
preceding reporting period
                                                              The Company conducts foreign exchange derivative transactions for the purpose of avoiding foreign exchange risk arising from fluctuations in the foreign exchange rates
Special opinion issued by the independent directors of RMB, and effectively controlling the uncertainties of costs caused by foreign exchange risk. The Company has established the Business Management Policy Regarding
regarding the Company’s investment in derivatives and Financial Derivative Transactions, to enhance risk management and control over foreign exchange derivative transactions. In addition, the Company only provides
related risk control measures                                 self-owned funds, rather than any offering proceeds, as deposit for derivative transactions. The review, voting and other procedures relating to such transactions have
                                                              complied with the Company Law, the AOA and other applicable regulations.
5. Use of offering proceeds
√Applicable □N/A
(1) Description of use of offering proceeds
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In RMB0’000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Total amount of
                                                  Total amount of     Aggregate amount       Total amount of offering    Aggregate amount of        Percentage of      Total amount           Purpose and
                                     Total                                                                                                                                                                         offering proceeds
 Year of         Method of                        offering proceeds       of offering        proceeds whose purpose        offering proceeds       offering proceeds     of unused           whereabouts of
                                   offering                                                                                                                                                                        that has remained
offering          offering                           used in the       proceeds that has       was changed in the         whose purpose has         whose purpose         offering          unused offering
                                   proceeds                                                                                                                                                                         unused for more
                                                  reporting period         been used             reporting period            been changed          has been changed       proceeds              proceeds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    than two years
              Public offering
  2020         of convertible       300,000              24,478.69            298,881.41                            0                          0             0.00%                   0            N/A                                0
              corporate bonds
  Total              --             300,000              24,478.69            298,881.41                            0                          0             0.00%                   0             --                                0
                                                                                               Description of use of offering proceeds
Pursuant to the Reply on Approval of Public Offering of Convertible Corporate Bonds by Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), we publicly issued 30000000 convertible
corporate bonds of par value of RMB100.00 each, and raised RMB3000000000.00 in total. After deduction of the underwriter fee and sponsor fee of RMB14,400,000.00 (inclusive of tax) paid to our underwriter, CITIC Securities
Co., Ltd., the total subscription amount received was RMB2985600000.00, and after deduction of legal fee, audit and capital verification fee, credit rating fee, information disclosure and other charges, the net proceeds from this
offering were RMB2984743424.52.
In 2020, we used the offering proceeds of RMB2,744,027,590.66, of which, RMB2,744,027,273.53 was invested in the relevant fund-raising investment projects (RMB2,001,653,153.13 was used to replace to the amount
pre-invested), and RMB317.13 was used to pay the relevant account management fee, service charge and other charges.
In 2021, we used the offering proceeds of RMB 244,786,916.51, of which, RMB244,786,780.12 was invested in the relevant fund-raising investment projects, and RMB136.39 was used to pay the relevant account management fee,
service charge and other charges. The interest generated by the offering proceeds in 2021 is RMB657,387.96. As of December 31, 2021, the balance of the account of offering proceeds was RMB0.00, and the special account for
depositing the offering proceeds was cancelled.
(2) Committed fund-raising investment projects
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In RMB0’000
                                                                                                                                                                  Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                    Whether the                                                                                         Progress of                                               Whether the
                                                                          Total            Total              Amount           Aggregate amount                             Date that the           Income                           there’s any
                                                     project has                                                                                      investment as of                                            project has
Committed investment project and use of                                 committed       investment         invested in the     already invested as                         project is ready       earned in the                      significant
                                                   been changed                                                                                        the end of the                                              produced
               over-raised funds                                        investment       amount as           reporting          of the end of the                          for its intended        reporting                        change in the
                                                     or partially                                                                                     reporting period                                            the desired
                                                                         amount         adjusted (1)           period          reporting period (2)                              use                 period                         feasibility of
                                                      changed                                                                                           (3) =(2)/(1)                                                 result
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the project
Committed investment project
Smart mobile terminal module production
                                                                No         110,000           110,000            24,249.84              110,145.15            100.13%        March 1, 2021             84,759.2            N/A                  No
line upgrading and expansion project
Smart wearable equipment components
production line upgrading and expansion                         No          60,000                60,000            25.23                60,031.76           100.05%          May 1, 2021           33,952.62                 Yes              No
New smart wearable equipment project
with an annual production capacity of 4                         No          60,000                60,000                0.04             60,026.58           100.04%       August 1, 2020           12,682.33                 Yes              No
million sets
Replenishment of working capital                                No          70,000                70,000           203.56                68,677.91                98.11%                                                  N/A                  No
Subtotal                                                            -      300,000           300,000            24,478.67                298,881.4           --                               -    131,394.15                   -                   -
Use of over-raised funds
Total                                                               -      300,000           300,000            24,478.67                298,881.4           --                   --               131,394.15                   -                   -
Failure to meet the scheduled progress and         The smart wearable equipment components production line upgrading and expansion project failed to produce the desired result, primarily due to shortage of critical raw materials,
produce the desired result and reason              resulting in a decrease in the operating results. We activelystocked up with the relevant raw materials, so the profit of the project reached 96.62% of the predicted profit in 2021, and
thereof (please describe on a project by           99.14% of the predicted profit in aggregate.
project basis)
Reason of significant change in the                None
feasibility of the project
Amount and use of over-raised funds and            N/A
progress of use thereof
Change in the place of the fund-raising            N/A
investment project
Adjustment       of        the     method    of    N/A
implementation        of     the    fund-raising
investment project
Funds already invested in the fund-raising         Applicable
investment project
                                                   We have already invested RMB2001653153.13 of self-raised funds in the projects for which the public offering of convertible corporate bonds was made in 2020 prior to the
                                                   completion thereof, as verified by BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP in its Report Xin Kuai Shi Bao Zi [2020] No. ZB11783 dated December 1, 2020.
                                                                                                                                                        Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Temporary    replenishment       of   working   N/A
capital with the unused offering proceeds
Amount of surplus offering proceeds and         N/A
reason thereof
Purpose and whereabouts of unused               As of December 31, 2021, the balance of the account of offering proceeds was RMB0.00, and the offering proceeds were used in full.
offering proceeds
Problems and other matters existing in the      None
use and disclose of offering proceeds
(3) Changes in the fund-raising investment projects
□ Applicable √ N/A
There’s no change in the fund-raising investment projects during the reporting period.
VIII. Sale of material assets and equities
1. Sale of material assets
□ Applicable √ N/A
No material asset has been sold during the reporting period.
2. Sale of material equities
□ Applicable √ N/A
IX. Analysis of major subsidiaries and associates
√ Applicable □ N/A
Major subsidiaries and associates representing more than 10% of the net profit of the Company:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In RMB
Company name              Type                                      Main business                           Registered capital       Total assets          Net assets      Operating revenue    Operating profit    Net profit
Luxshare                                Purchase and sale of electronic products, data lines, connection
Precision           Subsidiary          lines, connectors, computer and peripherals, plastic and hardware        USD5,000,000     59,466,332,306.97     5,491,597,678.03 135,508,345,248.07 3,286,048,713.01 3,236,547,298.11
Limited                                 products.
                                        Sales and services in respect of internal and external connection
                    Subsidiary          lines for IT, communication and consumer electronic applications,      USD153,290,323      39,670,045,411.95    3,756,939,895.20    33,200,135,705.13    860,084,363.00    729,281,287.52
                                        and precision connectors.
Rikai Precision subsidiary              Technology development, technical consulting and technical           RMB6,264,312,296      32,118,051,618.12   10,996,563,441.13    49,727,123,010.93 1,255,106,809.05 1,092,231,638.01
                                                                                                                                         Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Technology                     services in respect of computer accessories; design, R&D and
(Yancheng) Co.,                production of precision stamping molds (precision ≥ 0.02mm),
Ltd.                           precision cavity molds (precision ≥ 0.05mm), metal product molds,
                               non-metal product molds and standard parts for molds; production
                               of high-temperature resistant molded insulating materials, stamped
                               hardware parts, rivets, shafts, mechanical components and other
                               components for 3C electronics products; industrial design, product
                               design (exterior design, structural design, circuit design, graphic
                               design, etc.); lease of own idle equipment; wholesale, commission
                               agency (except auction), import, export and supporting services in
                               respect of the aforesaid products and related components. Business
                               not subject to licensing: manufacturing of computer software,
                               hardware and peripherals.
                               Computer peripherals, connection lines and connectors; new-type
                               electronic components (electronic devices), instruments and
                               accessories for communication and IT purpose, plastic, rubber and
                               hardware products; research, development, production and sale of
                               special electronic equipment, testing instruments, tools, molds,
                               remote control dynamic models and related supplies and
                               components; production and sale of power supply units and
                               wireless transmission products; development of software; import
                               and export of goods and technology (except any business that is
                               subject to licensing, restricted or prohibited pursuant to the
Electronic        Subsidiary                                                                         RMB2320000000   18,989,845,478.63   7,396,344,211.40   24,850,269,766.84 1,530,454,712.74 1,374,091,215.23
                               applicable laws and administrative regulations) (any business
                               subject to approval according to law may only be operated with the
                               approval of the competent authorities). Business not subject to
                               licensing:   manufacturing   of   automotive    components     and
                               accessories; research and development of automotive components;
                               wholesale of automotive components and accessories; sale of
                               mechanical components and components; manufacturing of
                               opto-electronic components; sale of opto-electronic components;
                               research and development of special electronic materials; research
                               and development of household appliances.
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Subsidiaries acquired and disposed of during the reporting period:
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                            Effect on the production, operation and
                 Company name                        Method of acquisition or disposal
                                                                                           results of the Company taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Rugao Luxshare Business Management Service
                                           Newly established                             operation and results of the Company
Partnership (LP)
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxis Technology Limited                           Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare Precision Industry (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Newly established                       operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxis Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.               Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare Electronic Technology (Enshi) Co., Ltd. Newly established                       operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Lianxun Smart Equipment (Rugao) Co., Ltd.          Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare Technology (Xi’an) Co., Ltd.             Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxis Precision Intelligent        Manufacturing
                                                   Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
(Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Liding Electronic Technology (Dongguan) Co.,
                                             Newly established                           operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare Smart Manufacturing & Electronic
                                          Newly established                              operation and results of the Company
Service (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare Investment Co., Ltd.                      Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Yancheng Luxshare Business           Management
                                                   Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
Service Partnership (LP)
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.            Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare Smart Equipment (Yancheng) Co., Ltd. Newly established                          operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Changzhi Luxshare Precision Industry Ltd.          Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Hangzhou Xuntao Technology Co., Ltd.               Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
                                                                                         No significant effect on the production,
Henan Leader Precision Industry Co., Ltd.          Newly established                     operation and results of the Company
                                                                                         taken as a whole
CALDIGIT HOLDING LIMITED                           Controlled                            No significant effect on the production,
                                                                    Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                                          operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
Taihan Precision Technology Co., Ltd.                Controlled                           operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
                                                     Capital injection and acquisition of
Rikai Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.                                           operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
Zhejiang Puson Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Purchase of shares                         operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
Caseteck Singapore PTE. LTD.                         Purchase of shares                   operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
Ji’an Jizhou Luxshare Electronics Co., Ltd.         Deregistered                         operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
Speedtech (LS-ICT) Co., Ltd.                         Deregistered                         operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare-ICT International B.V.                      Deregistered                         operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
Luxshare International Cable Co., Ltd.               Deregistered                         operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
                                                                                          No significant effect on the production,
Wuxi Huihong Electronics Co., Ltd.                   Sale of shares                       operation and results of the Company
                                                                                          taken as a whole
Particulars of major controlled subsidiaries and associates:
X. Structured entities controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √ N/A
XI. Prospects for future development of the Company
      1. Situations of the industry
      In recent years, despite certain fluctuations, the global smart mobile phone market size has been growing generally. According
to IDC, the global smart phone shipments reached 1.35 units in 2021, representing an increase of 7% year on year. After the arrival
of the 5G era, the CAGR of the global smart mobile phone market is expected to reach 3.6% from 2020 to 2025. The application of
new-generation communication technologies will further drive the market demands for mobile phones, give rise to competitions over
diversified functions and upgraded performance on the existing market for mobile phones, and accelerate the upgrading of precision
electronic components and assemblies, resulting in an increase in the market size of precision electronic components and assemblies,
and product variety. The advancement of 5G and AI technologies will promote the development of different kinds of smart mobile,
smart wearable, AR/VR/MR, smart home, smart display and other IoT devices. Driven by the IoT ecosystem and market trends and
call for green and environment friendly sustainable development, the terminal products having smart interconnect, health check,
environment friendly and other functions will deeply affect people’s habits and customs, and be widely accepted by consumers of all
ages. The acceleration of upgrading of terminal products will drive the increase in the integration level of electronic components
contained therein and improvement of technological level. The one-stop solution providers that are able to provide the brand
customers with better production processes and higher integration level and require the input of less resources will get more orders
for related components and finished products. Our business development and industrial operation are expected to fully benefit from
this trend.
      In the field of communication and data center, the series of technical innovation and emerging of new technologies promote the
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
evolution from traditional IT infrastructure to data infrastructure, and along with the continuous development of the Internet,
e-commerce, video, cloud computing and other Internet vertical industries have been rapidly springing up, and the global data center
market has come into multiple periods of rapid growth. Driven by 5G, big data and edge computing technologies, the ICT industry
puts forward higher requirements for data transmission, hardware equipment shows a tendency towards gradual opening of interfaces
and high integration of functions, and interconnect components show a tendency towards high speed, high density, high reliability
and low loss. In the technology evolution from 4G to 5G, base stations tend to have more ports and more wave numbers. Small size
and weather resistance put forward increasingly high requirements for precision manufacturing. Compared with manufacturers of
traditional communication products, we will leverage our rich experience in precision manufacturing of consumer electronic products
in the new communication business, and are expected to get more and better business opportunities. The communication interconnect
market is witnessing rapid upgrading of products, and enters an era of tremendous data. Along with the sharp increase in data volume,
the demands for interconnect products for data processing will grow sharply.
      The development of 5G communication technology, automotive wireless communication technology, AI and other
new-generation information technologies and ever increasing demands of consumers for automotive safety and entertainment during
ride, among others, will promote the continuous increase in the electrification level of vehicles, resulting in further extension of
application scenarios for automotive electronics, and increase in penetration rate, which will be beneficial for the continuous and
rapid development of the industry of automotive electronics. As the future development direction of vehicles, new energy vehicles
enjoy the support of national policies, their market size grows steadily and the penetration of electric vehicles increases continuously.
China has the largest automotive market with the highest level of openness and inclusion and most consumers in the world, utilizes
the most advanced smart vehicle technologies and attracts all major carmakers in the world. China ranks among the first in the world
in terms of number of smart vehicle brands and models. The existence of a variety of players on the automotive market will promote
the industry to make innovations, and bring more opportunities and challenges to component manufacturers. We have built a
complete development framework covering components, modules, sub-systems and whole systems, and made complete deployments
for core products.
     2. Future growth strategy
     On the basis of our core management’s forward-looking plans in respect of market, products and customers, and through our
employees’ unremitting efforts to work conscientiously, fulfill all tasks and make innovations, we have made diversified, integrated
and coordinated strategic deployments in the fields of consumer electronics, communication and automotive. In light of the new
market situations, we clearly know that opportunities coexist with challenges, and will keep investing in the future, and give full play
to our strong core competencies and advantages in various areas, to provide more core value for the industry and our customers.
      In the next few years, the consumer electronics business will continue to occupy an important position in the Company. We will
continue to implement and deepen the concept of vertical integration from components, modules to system, and strive to change the
traditional supply ideas and approaches, restructure the supply chain and maximize the synergistic effect, to continue to improve our
capability to create value for our customers and seek sustainable development. Meanwhile, with respect to certain core modules and
processes, we will follow the strategic principle of “old products, new customers and new market”, strive to extend and deepen the
application of products, and increase their shares on different markets and among different customers, to further improve our ability
to prevent operating risks. In light of the general economic development trend of enhancing internal and external circulations, and the
general background that huge demands for consumer electronic products will be stimulated, the smart consumer electronic products
that change life with technology will grow vigorously. Our products include smart wearable, smart home, smart display, etc. We have
strong comprehensive capabilities in respect of core components and system assembly for complete units, and have made full
preparations for new products/businesses. In the field of AR/VR/MR, we will make complete and in-depth product deployment,
leverage our remarkable advantages in production process, lean production, automation and other areas, and strive to make good
achievements in the new area. In the field of communication interconnect, by focusing on technology development and combining
the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes, we are leading the way in certain market segments in the world. In the
context of the “Eastern Data, Western Computing” project, we will actively exploit all-round and multi-level development
opportunities. In the future, we will adhere to the strategic principle of integrating “application, development and early research”,
closely follow the market trends and frontier technologies, and strive to make all-round breakthroughs on more market segments.
With respect to the radio frequency communication business, we will focus on the strategic plan of “core components + modules +
system”, make continuous investments in design and R&D, improve the capability to produce core components on our own, and
improve our internal operation efficiency in lean production, supply chain management and other areas through transformation and
upgrading towards digitalization. Facing the business opportunities brought by “electrification”, “intelligentization” and
“interconnection” of vehicles to Chinese automotive companies, we have established clear strategic objectives, that is, to focus on the
tier-1 core component market. In the waves of electrification of automotive consumption, the stable supply pattern in the past will be
broken, and comprehensive manufacturers that have rich experience in both the fields of consumer electronics and automotive will
get more business opportunities. In the next few years, we will continue to apply our experience of precision manufacturing in the
field of consumer electronics and communication and our capability to develop communication-level high speed transmission
solutions to the automotive business, and give full play to our advantages. Meanwhile, we will continuously improve our tier-1
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
capabilities on the basis of our joint venture vehicle ODM platform, and embrace the new challenges and new opportunities brought
by the flourishing era of smart EV.
     3. Business plan for the next year
     In 2021, though we faced all sorts of challenges from the internal and external environment, we always stood in awe of market
 opportunities. We worked hard to fulfill all tasks and overcome all kinds of difficulties, while accomplishing the objectives
 established at the beginning of the year, and developed the business plan for the next year,
     In 2022, we will continue to exploit our main business, and firmly implement the established business plans. While seeking new
opportunities in respect of component, module and system solutions on the consumer electronics, smart mobile, smart wearable and
other IoT markets, such as display modules for smart mobile terminals, rear cover modules for smart mobile terminals, voice coil
motors, RF front modules, AR/VR/MR, we will focus on the development of automotive, communication, industrial, energy,
healthcare and other new markets, new materials, new processes, new applications and new technologies. With respect to entities and
businesses newly acquired or incubated, we will fully leverage our strengths and give support in customer resources, supply chain
resources, lean production, automation, digitalization, intelligentization, etc., in order to achieve the strategic objectives of rapid
cultivation and benefit amplification. With respect to the automotive business, we will continue to cooperate with our domestic and
foreign brand customers in the development of components, and on the basis of automotive “nervous” system, further expand the
lines of connectors (high-voltage, low-voltage and high-speed connectors, Busbar, etc.), new energy (PDUs, BDUs, inverters, energy
storage, etc.), smart cabin (domain controllers, infotainment system, multi-media instrument panels, etc.), smart interconnect (RSUs,
TCUs, etc.), and other products. Meanwhile, in reliance on the vehicle ODM platform jointly established with Chery that provides
our core automotive component business with a frontier R&D, design and mass production platform and access to the overseas
market, we will vigorously develop our tier-1 business. Our superior products will have an opportunity to grow from 0 to 1 through
the incremental business provided by other brand customers of this ODM platform and Chery, and we will leverage our advantages
to take part in the competition, to have our tier-1 products pass validation by the brand customers. Our medium-to-long term goal is
to grow into a tier-1 manufacturer in the global automotive component industry in the next three to five years. With respect to the
communication business, we always regard the technical capabilities as the foundation for our business development. We will drive
the growth of electric connection, optical connection, RF communication, thermal management and other existing core component
products by leveraging our technologies and strong precision manufacturing capability, and through vertical integration, make further
deployments in the server and other whole unit assembly business, center on the “complete unit + core components” double
development strategy, and strive to grow into a comprehensive solution provider offering all kinds of products in the field of data and
communication. In 2022, while seeking business development, we will work harder to improve our operation and management
capabilities, further enhance our platforms to ensure that they meet the development requirements of the relevant business segments,
and incorporate digital management in all links in operation. With respect to organization management, cadre management and
performance incentives, we will continue to explore the ways to upgrade and optimize the current management modes, through
continuous improvement of mechanisms, effectively arouse the initiative of cadres, and pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone, to
give full play to the organizational effectiveness.
     4. Capital required for future development strategy and capital utilization plan
      As of December 31, 2021, our equity-debt ratio was 62.03%. In 2022, our business is expected to maintain rapid growth, and the
exploitation of new markets and entry of production of new projects require enormous capital. Therefore, we published the financing
plan by private offering of shares in February 2022, in order to support our sustainable development in the diversified field of
consumer electronics and automotive in the next few years. Along with the improvement of our position in the industry and
stabilization of our relationship with customers, we have obtained certain competitive advantages. We will continue to strictly control
capital expenditures in each project, regularly analyze and review the return on investment in each capital expenditure project, and
continue to improve our management of accounts receivable, inventories and other areas, to maximize the efficiency of capital
utilization. We will consider all available sources of financing at different periods according to the requirements of our development
strategy, to create more value for our shareholders.
     5. Future risks
     (1) Risk of fluctuation of macro economy
      The numerous uncertainties existing in the domestic and foreign macro environment at present, such as the spread of the
epidemic situation throughout the world, the trade frictions between China and the United States, complicated and grave global
political situation, worsening geopolitical situation and extensive geopolitical struggles, might result in slowdown of global economy,
and affect people’s income, purchasing power and willingness to spend. If the uncertainties of the macro environment continue for a
long time, the industry will be impacted and face certain challenges.
     (2) Risk of foreign exchange rate
     At present, our revenue from the overseas market constitutes a large proportion in our total operating revenue, and our overseas
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
transactions are mainly settled in US Dollars. Our sales on the overseas market totaled RMB57465383800, RMB85046280900
and RMB143,452,850,200 in 2019, 2020 and 2021, representing 91.92%, 91.94% and 93.18% of our revenue from main business
respectively. Because China implements the managed floating rate system, the foreign exchange rates fluctuate along with the
changes in domestic and foreign political and economic environment. If the foreign exchange rates fluctuate greatly, the exchange
gains or losses may affect our operating results. In order to reduce the uncertainties caused by fluctuations of foreign exchange rates
on our operating results, we will strive to keep abreast of the movement of foreign exchange rates, strictly control the proportion of
foreign currency denominated assets in our net assets, and through foreign exchange derivative transactions, reduce the effect of the
fluctuation of foreign exchange rates.
     (3) Management risk
      We have been growing rapidly in recent years, and continuously expanded our business in consumer electronics, communication,
automotive and other fields. We have a great number of operating entities which are relatively decentralized. Due to the impact of the
trade frictions between China and the United States and spread of the epidemic situation throughout the world, our customers will put
forward increasingly high requirements for the international deployment of our production capacity, which will in turn put forward
higher requirements for our operation and management capabilities and pool of outstanding talents. If our management level cannot
satisfy the requirements of the rapid growth of our scale of operation, we may face certain management risks.
     (4) Risk of relative concentration of customers
     We attach great importance to maintaining long-term and stable cooperation relationships with our major customers. At present,
our customers are relatively concentrated, most of whom are engaged in consumer electronics. Though they are first-class customers
in the industry, have strong and leading competencies on the market, and have maintained years of stable cooperation relationship
with us, if any major customer falls into serious difficulties in its operation, we may face certain operating risk.
     In view of these risks, we will adopt sound risk management concept, establish effective risk management mechanisms, and
continuously improve our risk management policies, to promote our sustainable healthy development.
XII. Investigation, research, communication, interview and other activities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                           Main topic of        Particulars of the
                                       Method of                                           discussion and       investigation and
      Date              Place                           Type of guest         Guest
                                     communication                                          information          research activity
                                                                                              provided              available at
                                                                                                            Refer to Luxshare-ICT
                                                                                                            (stock code: 002475)
                  meeting room at
                                                                                          Explanation       Information about
                  No. 313 Beihuan
                                  Communication                         Institutional     about our         Investigation and
April 28, 2021    Road, Qingxi                  Institution
                                  by telephone                          investors         operating results Research Activity
                                                                                          in 2020           (20210430) published
                                                                                                            on www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                                                            on April 30, 2021
                                                                                          Introduction        Refer to the Record of
                meeting room at
                                                                                          about our           Investor Relations
                No. 313 Beihuan
                                    Communication                       Institutional     general situation   Activity dated April 30,
April 30, 2021 Road, Qingxi                       Institution
                                    by telephone                        investors         and future          2021 published on
                                                                                          development         www.cninfo.com.cn on
                                                                                          plans               May 6, 2021
                                                                                          Introduction        Refer to the Record of
                meeting room at
                                                                                          about our           Investor Relations
                No. 313 Beihuan
                                    Communication                       Institutional     strategic           Activity dated May 18,
May 18, 2020    Road, Qingxi                      Institution
                                    by telephone                        investors         deployments and     2021 published on
                                                                                          related             www.cninfo.com.cn on
                                                                                          businesses          May 19, 2021
                Company             Communication                       Institutional     Introduction        Refer to the Record of
August 25, 2020                                   Institution
                meeting room at     by telephone                        investors         about our           Investor Relations
                  Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
No. 313 Beihuan                     operating results   Activity dated August
Road, Qingxi                        in the first half   25, 2021 published on
Town,                               of 2021 and         www.cninfo.com.cn on
Dongguan,                           general situation   August 26, 2021
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                   Section IV Corporate Governance
I. Basic Introduction
      We have always been committed to promoting the establishment and improvement of a modern corporate system, regulating the
operation of the listed company and improving the corporate governance structure. During the reporting period, we kept on
improving our corporate governance structure, established and improved rules and regulations, regulated corporate operations,
strengthened information disclosure, actively conducted investor relations management and improved corporate governance level in
strict accordance with the requirements of the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Guidelines for Articles of Association of Listed Companies, the Code of Corporate Governance for
Listed Companies, the Guide on Self-regulatory Supervision for Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 – Code of
Operations for Companies Listed on the Main Board and other applicable laws, regulations and normative documents.
      (I) Shareholders and shareholders’ meeting: We perform the procedures for convening, holding and voting at shareholders’
meetings in strict accordance with the Company Law, the AOA, the Rules of Procedure of the Shareholders’ Meeting and other
relevant provisions and requirements, and treat all shareholders fairly. We permit shareholders to elect to vote in person or on line at
our shareholders’ meetings, so as to enable minority shareholders to fully exercise their voting rights. When a shareholders’ meeting
considers any related-party transaction, we require the interested shareholders to abstain from voting, and ensure that such
related-party transaction is conducted on an arm’s length basis without prejudice to the interests of shareholders. When a
shareholders’ meeting considers any material matter that affects the interests of minority shareholders, the votes cast by them are
counted separately. All shareholders’ meetings are convened and held by our Board of Directors in the presence of lawyers.
     (II) Relationship with the controlling shareholder: We are independent of our controlling shareholder in operation, assets,
personnel, organization and finance, and each of our Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and other internal bodies operates
independently. Our controlling shareholder is strict with itself and has not directly or indirectly interfered with our decision-making
and business activities without the authorization of the shareholders’ meeting, or occupied our funds for non-operating purpose.
     (III) Directors and Board of Directors: We elect directors and engage independent directors in strict accordance with the relevant
procedures set forth in the Company Law and the AOA. We now have seven directors, including three independent directors, who are
experts in law, accounting and other areas. The number of members and composition of our Board of Directors comply with the
requirements of the applicable laws and regulations and the AOA. Our Board of Directors has four committees, including Audit
Committee, Strategy Committee, Nomination Committee and Compensation and Performance Appraisal Committee, each of which
has a reasonable member structure, and provides scientific and professional opinions and references for the decision-making of the
Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors has convened and held meetings, and implemented the resolutions of the shareholders’
meeting in strict accordance with the AOA and the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors. All directors have performed their
duties diligently, and seriously attended the meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders, and safeguarded the legitimate
rights and interests of the Company and the shareholders.
     (IV) Supervisors and Board of Supervisors: Our Board of Supervisors has elected supervisors in strict accordance with the
relevant procedures set forth in the Company Law and the AOA. We now have three supervisors, including one chairman. The
number of members and composition of our Board of Supervisors comply with the requirements of the applicable laws and
regulations and the AOA. Our Board of Supervisors has convened and held meetings in strict with the AOA and the Rules of
Procedure of the Board of Supervisors. All supervisors have seriously performed their duties, effectively supervised and expressed
independent opinions on our financial affairs and the legality and regulatory compliance of the performance of duties by our directors
and executives in good faith and diligently, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and the shareholders.
     (V) Performance appraisal and incentive and restraint mechanisms: In order to establish sound incentive mechanisms, and
enhance the concept of joint sustainable development of the Company and the management and key employees, we have
implemented the share incentive plans to enhance the benefit sharing and restrain mechanisms between shareholders and key
business personnel, maintain the stability of the management team and key business personnel, ensure the achievement of our
development strategy and business objectives, and seek long-term stable development. The appointment of our executives is open
and transparent, and complies with the applicable laws and regulations.
     (VI) Stakeholders: We fully respect the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders, and strive to coordinate and balance the
interests of society, shareholders, the Company, employees and other stakeholders, and jointly promote our sustained and steady
     (VII) Information disclosure and transparency: We have performed our information disclosure obligations truthfully, accurately,
timely and completely in strict accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and our Information Disclosure Management
Measures, and designated the Securities Times and www.cninfo.com.cn as the media for us to disclose information. We have kept
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
non-public information in strict confidence, seriously registered and reported the insiders pursuant to our Insider Management Policy,
established the filing policy for insiders, and timely submitted the same to the competent regulatory authorities for the record in
accordance with the relevant provisions. We also strictly regulate the reporting of our information to external information users.
When receiving specific visitors, we receive them in strict accordance with the relevant requirements, require each of them to sign a
Letter of Commitment, and timely disclose the relevant record of investigation and research activity on the e-interaction platform of
the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. During the reporting period, we did not take advantage of any inside information to trade our shares.
We have set up hotlines for investors and investor relations management section, and designated special persons responsible for
timely communication with investors. In addition, we take the initiative to timely contact and communicate with, and report relevant
matters to, the competent regulatory authorities, in order to accurately understand the relevant regulatory requirements for
information disclosure and further improve the transparency and quality of our information disclosure. We have disclosed
information in a true, accurate, complete and timely manner in strict accordance with the requirements for substance and form, to
ensure that all shareholders have access to our information through different channels.
Is there any significant difference between the actual circumstance of corporate governance of the Company and the requirements of
the applicable laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of the listed
□ Yes √ No
There isn’t any significant difference between the actual circumstance of our corporate governance and the requirements of the
applicable laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of the listed companies.
II. The Company’s independence of its controlling shareholder and actual controller in assets,
personnel, finance, organization and operation
     During the reporting period, we operated in strict compliance with the Company Law and the AOA, gradually improved our
corporate governance structure, were independent of our controlling shareholder in assets, personnel, finance, organization and
operation, had our own independent and complete business, were independent in management, and had independent R&D,
production and sales systems. During the reporting period, our production and operation were stable, and we had sound internal
bodies and were able to operate independently in compliance with the applicable regulations.
     (I) Integrity of assets
     We are a company limited by shares established through an overall change in organization form according to law, and have our
own independent and complete assets. We have performed the relevant procedures for changes in assets and shareholding according
to law. We have not provided any guarantee for the obligations of shareholders on the security of our assets or credit, or lent any loan
or credit line granted to us to any shareholder. We have full control over all of our assets, and none of our assets or funds is occupied
by our controlling shareholder to the detriment of our interest.
     (II) Independence in personnel
     Our directors, supervisors and executives have been legally appointed in accordance with the Company Law, the AOA and other
applicable laws, rules and regulations. All of our executives (except independent directors) exclusively work in and receive
remunerations form the Company, and do not hold any post (other than director and supervisor) concurrently in any affiliate of
shareholders or any entity engaging in any business same as or similar to our business. We are independent in employees, manage
their remunerations, social security and other affairs independently, and have sound personnel management policies and system in
     (III) Independence in finance
     We have independent financial accounting department and internal audit department, and independent accounting system and
financial management policies in place that comply with the applicable regulations, and make financial decisions independently.
Since our establishment, we have opened separate bank accounts, filed tax returns and paid taxes independently according to law, and
executed external contracts independently, and had not shared any bank account or paid any tax in combination with any shareholder.
     (IV) Independence in organization
     We have established a sound governance structure composed of the shareholders’ meeting, the Board of Directors and the Board
of Supervisors, and independent and complete operation and management bodies that meet our development requirements and
conform to our actual situations, each of which performs its powers and functions independently in accordance with the AOA and
our internal management system. Since our establishment, our production, operation and offices have been totally independent of our
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
     (V) Independence in operation
     We have complete corporate property rights and independent R&D, production and sales systems, carry out business
independently, keep separate accounts, and make decisions and assume liabilities and risks independently, and do not rely on any
shareholder or other affiliate in our production and operation activities.
III. Horizontal Competition
□ Applicable √ N/A
IV. Annual and extraordinary shareholders’ meetings held during the reporting period
1. Shareholders’ meetings held during the reporting period
                                                  Parentage of
                                                                                                               Resolution of the
       Session           Type of meeting       investors attending   Date of meeting   Date of disclosure
                                                  the meeting
                                                                                                            2020 Work Report of the
                                                                                                            Board of Directors and
2020 annual                                                                                                 other 12 proposals were
                       Annual shareholders’
shareholders’                                             43.58% May 18, 2021         May 19, 2021         approved by vote, as
meeting                                                                                                     disclosed in our
                                                                                                            Announcement No.
                                                                                                        Proposal for Applying for
                                                                                                        Offering Super
                                                                                                        Short-term Commercial
First extraordinary    Extraordinary
                                                                                                        Papers and other 4
shareholders’         shareholders’                      46.41% October 25, 2021     October 26, 2021
                                                                                                        proposals were approved
meeting in 2021        meeting
                                                                                                        by vote, as disclosed in
                                                                                                        our Announcement No.
2. Extraordinary shareholders’ meetings convened on the requisition of holders of preferred shares whose
voting rights have been restituted
□ Applicable √ N/A
                                                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
V. Directors, supervisors and executives
1. Particulars
                                                                                                            No. of         No. of     Changes in
                                                                                                                                                                     Cause of
                                                                 Beginning     End date                   additional       shares     the number
                                                                                          Beginning                                                   Ending       increase or
                                                                 date of the     of the                     shares      disposed of    of shares
     Name               Title          Status      Sex     Age                            balance of                                                balance of     decrease in
                                                                  term of       term of                  acquired in       in the     held due to
                                                                                          shares held                                               shares held    the number
                                                                   office        office                 the reporting    reporting       other
                                                                                                                                                                  of shares held
                                                                                                            period         period       reasons
                 Chairman of the
                 Board of Directors                              February      May 18,
WANG Laichun                          Incumbent   Female    55
                 & General                                       22, 2009       2024
                                                                                                                                                                   of shares to
                 Vice Chairman of
                                                                 February      May 18,                                                                                satisfy
WANG Laisheng    the Board of         Incumbent   Male      58                             6,970,267                     1,742,567                   5,227,700
                 Directors                                       22, 2009       2024                                                                                personal
                                                                                                                                                                  acquired as a
                 Director & Deputy                                May 21,      May 18,
WANG Tao                              Incumbent   Male      37                                      0         96,022                                    96,022       result of
                 General Manager                                   2021         2024
                                                                                                                                                                   exercise of
                                                                                                                                                                  share options
                 Director and
                                                                  May 21,      May 18,
LI Wei           Deputy General       Incumbent   Male      42
                 Manager                                           2021         2024
                 Independent                                      May 22,      May 18,
ZHANG Ying                            Incumbent   Female    59
                 director                                          2018         2024
                 Independent                                      May 18,      May 18,
LIU Zhonghua                          Incumbent   Male      57
                 director                                          2021         2024
                 Independent                                      May 18,      May 18,
SONG Yuhong                           Incumbent   Female    51
                 director                                          2021         2024
                 Chairman of the                                 December      May 18,
XIA Yanrong                           Incumbent   Female    41
                 Board of                                        19, 2017       2024
                                                                                                   Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                            May 22,     May 18,
MO Rongying   Supervisor          Incumbent   Female   42
                                                             2018        2024
                                                            February    May 18,
YI Peizan     Supervisor          Incumbent   Female   37
                                                            22, 2009     2024
              Board Secretary &
                                                            May 25,     May 21,
HUANG Dawei   Deputy General      Incumbent   Male     50                           439,390                                          439,390
              Manager                                        2018        2024
                                                                                                                                               acquired as a
                                                            April 15,   May 21,
WU Tiansong   CFO                 Incumbent   Male     52                           365,034     300,809                              665,843      result of
                                                             2019        2024
                                                                                                                                                exercise of
                                                                                                                                               share options
                                                                                                                                               acquired as a
              Director & Deputy                             April 18,   May 21,
LI Bin                             Retired    Male     45                          2,095,552   1,216,773                           3,312,325      result of
              General Manager                                2012        2021
                                                                                                                                                exercise of
                                                                                                                                               share options
                                                                                                                                               acquired as a
              Director & Deputy                             November    May 21,
YE Yiling                          Retired    Female   51                           776,705     177,880                              954,585      result of
              General Manager                                3, 2011     2021
                                                                                                                                                exercise of
                                                                                                                                               share options
              Independent                                    May 6,     May 21,
XU Huaibin                         Retired    Male     65
              director                                       2015        2021
              Independent                                    May 6,     May 21,
LIN Yifei                          Retired    Male     47
              director                                       2015        2021
Total                 --             --         --     --      --         --      10,646,948   1,791,484   1,742,567              10,695,865        --
                                                                   Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Whether any director or supervisor retired or any executive was removed during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
Changes in directors, supervisors and executives:
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Name                     Title                     Type                  Date                         Reason
                                              Retired upon expiration
LI Bin             Director                                             May 18, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
                                              of term of office
                                              Retired upon expiration
YE Yiling          Director                                             May 18, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
                                              of term of office
                                              Retired upon expiration
XU Huaibin         Independent Director                                 May 18, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
                                              of term of office
                                              Retired upon expiration
LIN Yifei          Independent Director                                 May 18, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
                                              of term of office
                   Deputy         General     Retired upon expiration
LI Bin                                                                  May 21, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
                   Manager                    of term of office
                   Deputy         General     Retired upon expiration
YE Yiling                                                               May 21, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
                   Manager                    of term of office
WANG Tao           Director                   Elected                   May 18, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
LI Wei             Director                   Elected                   May 18, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
LIU Zhonghua       Independent Director       Elected                   May 18, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
SONG Yuhong        Independent Director       Elected                   May 18, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
                   Deputy         General
WANG Tao                                      Appointed                 May 21, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
                   Deputy         General
LI Wei                                        appointed                 May 21, 2021        Re-elected of the Board of Directors
2. Positions held
Professional background and main work experience of our current directors, supervisors and executives and main positions held by
them in the Company:
     (I) Directors
     Ms. WANG Laichun, 55 years old, resident of Hong Kong, China; EMBA, Shenzhen Graduate School of Tsinghua University;
is now our Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager; former Director of the Shenzhen High-tech Industry
Association and Vice Chairman of the Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association. Ms. WANG Laichun worked in the Wiring
Business Unit of Foxconn, a subsidiary of Hon Hai Group, for nearly ten years since 1988, and left Foxconn in 1997 to start her own
business. In 1999, Ms. WANG Laichun and Mr. WANG Laisheng jointly purchased the shares of Luxshare Limited. In 2004, she
founded Luxshare Precision Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. through Luxshare Limited and acted as its Chairman of the Board of
Directors. Ms. WANG Laichun is the Chairman of our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Board of Directors.
     Mr. WANG Laisheng, 58 years old, resident of Hong Kong, China; is now our Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors; former
Executive Director of the Shenzhen Quality Association and Director of the Guangdong Laboratory Federation. Mr. WANG
Laisheng was engaged in individual business since mid-1980s. Mr. WANG Laisheng and Ms. WANG Laichun jointly purchased the
shares of Luxshare Limited in 1999 and founded Luxshare Precision Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. in 2004. Mr. WANG Laisheng is
the Vice Chairman of our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Board of Directors.
    Mr. LI Wei, 42 years old, Chinese nationality, undergraduate; is now chief of our Precision Component Business Unit. Mr. LI
Wei has nearly 20 years’ experience in precision manufacturing and has been engaged in product design, validation and quality
management in many precision manufacturing companies. He joined Luxshare-ICT in July 2019, responsible for the operation and
management of the Corporate Business Division.
    Mr. WANG Tao, 37 years old, Chinese nationality, undergraduate from the Southeast University; is now chief of our Acoustic
Business Unit. Mr. WANG Tao has rich experience in precision manufacturing of components. He joined Luxshare-ICT in April
2009, responsible for product development and management.
     Ms. ZHANG Ying, 59 years old, Chinese nationality; Doctor of Laws, Wuhan University; postdoctoral fellowship in law,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; associate professor of the Shenzhen University Law School. Ms. ZHANG Ying joined the
China University of Geosciences in 1984 as a lecturer, and the Institute of Political Science and Law, Wuhan Academy of Social
Sciences in 1994 as an assistant researcher, and has acted as the Executive Director of the China European Law Research Association
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
since 2009. Ms. ZHANG Ying has obtained the qualification as an independent director from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and is
an Independent Director of our 4th and 5th Board of Directors.
    Mr. LIU Zhonghua, 57 years old, Chinese nationality, without foreign permanent residence, master, professor of accounting; is
now professor and tutor of postgraduates of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies School of Accounting, Director of the
Accounting Society of China, Vice Chairman of the Accounting Society for Foreign Economic Relations & Trade of China,
Executive Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Association of Management Accountants, and Executive Director of the Accounting
Society of Guangdong. Mr. LIU Zhonghua has obtained the qualification as an independent director from the Shenzhen Stock
Exchange, and is an Independent Director of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd., GEM Co., Ltd. and SGIS
Songshan Co., Ltd.
    Ms. SONG Yuhong, 51 years old, Chinese nationality; Master of Laws, Wuhan University; Bachelor of Laws, Southwest
University of Political Science & Law; MBA, Grandes coles de Commerce; is now partner of DeHeng Law Offices (Shenzhen),
and mediator of the International Commercial Mediation Center for Belt and Road Initiative – Luohu Court of Shenzhen Mediation
Center. Ms. SONG Yuhong has obtained the qualification as an independent director from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and is an
Independent Director of our 5th Board of Directors.
     (II) Supervisors
     Ms. XIA Yanrong, 41 years old, Chinese nationality, undergraduate majoring in financial management, is now our supervisor.
Ms. XIA Yanrong worked at the Finance Department of 3CEMS Group Prime Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. from January 2003
to April 2006, and the Finance Department of Dachang Electronic Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of P-TWO, from
April 2006 to April 2009, and joined us since April 2009, and served as chief of the Finance Department at Kunshan Lanto, and chief
of the Finance Department and chief of the Credit Management Department at Luxshare-ICT, and is now Director of our Central
Finance Department and Credit Management Department. Ms. XIA Yanrong is a member of our 4th and 5th Board of Supervisors.
     Ms. MO Rongying, 42 years old, Chinese nationality, majoring in business administration, is now our supervisor. She was chief
of the Planning Department at Thomson Multimedia (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., before joining us in June 2007 as chief of the Central
Customs Affairs Department. Ms. MO Rongying is a member of our 4th and 5th Board of Supervisors.
     Ms. YI Peizan, 37 years old, Chinese nationality, joined our Finance Department in 2004, is now our supervisor. Ms. YI Peizan
is a member of our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Board of Supervisors.
     (III) Executives
     Ms. WANG Laichun, whose resume is set out in “Directors” above.
     Mr. WANG Tao, whose resume is set out in “Directors” above.
     Mr. LI Wei, whose resume is set out in “Directors” above.
     Mr. HUANG Dawei, 50 years old, citizen of Chinese Taiwan, graduated from the National Tsing Hua University Institute of
Industrial Engineering, Master of Industrial Engineering, is now our Deputy General Manager and Board Secretary. Mr. HUANG
Dawei worked in a Fortune 500 company, responsible for market development and operation management, before joining Luxshare
Electronic Kunshan as the legal representative, director and General Manager in June 2013. Mr. HUANG obtained a Qualification
Certificate for Board Secretary from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in October 2017, and meets the qualifications required in the
Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other applicable laws and regulations and the AOA.
     Mr. WU Tiansong, 52 years old, citizen of Chinese Taiwan, received a bachelor’s degree from the National Taiwan University
of Science and Technology, is now chief of the Finance Department at Luxshare-ICT. Mr. WU Tiansong served as a senior auditor at
the Audit Department of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited from August 1996 to August 1999, and worked in the Underwriting
Department of Taiwan Yuanda Securities Corp., and served as the chief of the Accounting Director at Taiwan P-TWO Industries Inc.
and Uniwill Computer Corp., and chief of the Finance Department at Zhongshan Ichia Electronics Co., Ltd. from September 1999 to
March 2009. He joined us in 2011.
Positions held in shareholders:
□ Applicable √ N/A
Positions held in other entities:
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                  Whether or not
                                                                             Beginning date
                                                                                               End date of the        receive
       Name                         Entity                     Position      of the term of
                                                                                                term of office    remunerations
                                                                                                                   and subsidies
                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                                                               from such entity
WANG Laichun   Luxsan Precision Technology           Director           November 25,                           No
               (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                                      2020
WANG Laichun   BCS      Automotive       Interface   Chairman           July 18, 2018                          No
               Solutions (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
WANG Laichun   Luxshare Electronic Technology        Chairman           March 18, 2014                         No
               (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
WANG Laichun   Rikai    Precision     Technology     Chairman           February      3,                       No
               (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.                                     2021
WANG Laichun   Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co.,       Vice Chairman      November 12,                           No
               Ltd.                                                     2005
WANG Laichun   Fujian JK Wiring Systems Co.,         Chairman           June 18, 2012                          No
WANG           Luxsan Precision Technology           Chairman           November 25,                           No
Laisheng       (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                                      2020
WANG           Xunmu Information Technology          General            April 27, 2021                         No
Laisheng       (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                  Manager
WANG           Lishan Smart Manufacturing            Managing           November       18,                     No
Laisheng       Technology (Guangdong) Co.,           Director      &    2020
               Ltd.                                  Manager
WANG           Lishen Smart Manufacturing            Chairman           February        3,                     No
Laisheng       Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                          2021
WANG           BCS      Automotive       Interface   Managing           December       29,                     No
Laisheng       Solutions (Xi’an) Co., Ltd.          Director      &    2018
WANG           Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co.,       Chairman           November 12,                           No
Laisheng       Ltd.                                                     2005
WANG           Lanto Electronic Limited              Vice Chairman      May 12, 2011                           No
WANG           Kunshan Luxshare Precision            Director           October      25,                       No
Laisheng       Industry Co., Ltd.                                       2011
WANG           Donguan Xuntao Electronic Co.,        Vice Chairman      July 10, 2012                          No
Laisheng       Ltd.
WANG           Dongguan      Leader   Precision      Chairman           August      16,                        No
Laisheng       Industry Co., Ltd.                                       2012
WANG           Kunshan Luxshare Precision            Vice Chairman      October     25,                        No
Laisheng       Industry Co., Ltd.                                       2011
WANG           Suining    Luxshare    Precision      Managing           January     11,                        No
Laisheng       Industry Co., Ltd.                    Director           2013
WANG           Xingning Luxshare Precision           Managing           November 19,                           No
Laisheng       Industry Co., Ltd.                    Director           2013
WANG           Luxshare Precision Industry           Managing           March 24, 2014                         No
Laisheng       (Chuzhou), Ltd.                       Director
WANG           Fengshun Luxshare Precision           Managing           July 4, 2014                           No
Laisheng       Industry Co., Ltd.                    Director
WANG           Dongguan Luxshare Precision           Chairman           November       27,                     No
Laisheng       Industry Co., Ltd.                                       2015
WANG           Jiangxi Luxshare Intelligent          Director           December       25,                     No
Laisheng       Manufacture Co., Ltd.                                    2015
LIU Zhonghua   Guangdong             Provincial      Independent        December        4,   September 20,     Yes
               Expressway Development Co.,           Director           2017                 2022
LIU Zhonghua   GEM Co., Ltd.                         Independent        March 20, 2019       March       12,   Yes
                                                     Director                                2025
LIU Zhonghua   SGIS Songshan Co., Ltd.               Independent        June 25, 2019        June 24, 2022     Yes
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
 SONG Yuhong         Jiangxi GETO New Materials Co.        Independent         May 1, 2017          November 11,     Yes
                     Ltd.                                  Director                                 2021
 LI Wei              Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture      Managing            August        16,                     No
                     Technology (Changshu) Co., Ltd.       Director    &       2021
 LI Wei              Luxshare   Smart        Equipment     Managing            December      29,                     No
                     (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.                   Director    &       2020
 LI Wei              Kunshan Luxshare Business             Managing            November        4,                    No
                     Management Development Co.,           Director            2020
 WANG Tao            Lanto Electronic Limited              Chairman            November      20,                     No
 WANG Tao            Luxshare Smart Manufacturing          Managing            December        1,                    No
                     (Rugao) Co., Ltd.                     Director       &    2020
 WANG Tao            Luxshare Technology (Nanjing)         Managing            October       19,                     No
                     Co., Ltd.                             Director       &    2021
 XIA Yanrong         Luxshare Intelligent Manufacture      Supervisor          April 8, 2019                         No
                     (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.
 XIA Yanrong         Zhuhai Kinwong Flexible Circuit       Supervisor          December     3,                       No
                     Co., Ltd.                                                 2018
 XIA Yanrong         Luxshare Precision Industry           Supervisor          February    18,                       No
                     (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.                                        2019
 XIA Yanrong         Luxshare Electrical (Shanghai)        Supervisor          December     2,                       No
                     Co., Ltd.                                                 2019
 XIA Yanrong         Luxshare Precision Industry           Supervisor          October     24,                       No
                     (Enshi) Co., Ltd.                                         2018
 YI Peizan           Xiexun Electronic (Ji’an) Co.,       Supervisor          August      28,                       No
                     Ltd.                                                      2017
 HUANG Dawei         Luxshare Electronic Technology        Director       &    March 17, 2014                        No
                     (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.                   General
 WU Tiansong         Luxshare Electronic Technology        Supervisor          March 17, 2014                         No
                     (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
  WU Tiansong        Huzhou Jiuding Electronic Co., Supervisor                 October       12,                      No
                     Ltd.                                                      2012
Punishments imposed by the securities regulatory authorities in the past three years on the directors, supervisors and executives of the
Company currently in office or leaving office during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ N/A
3. Remunerations of directors, supervisors and executives
Decision-making process, criteria for determination and actual amount in respect of remunerations of directors, supervisors and
     During the reporting period, directors, supervisors and executives were subject to performance appraisal, and their annual
income consisted of basic annual salaries and long-terms incentives, and was determined on the basis of our business situation and
the result of year-end performance appraisal. Our independent directors receive an emolument of RMB80,000 per year each, plus
reimbursement of travel, office and other expenses, from us.
Remunerations of directors, supervisors and executives paid in the reporting period:
                                                                          Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                                                                              In RMB0’000
                                                                                                    Total             Whether or not
                                                                                                remuneration             receiving
         Name                       Title               Sex         Age           Status      received from the     remunerations from
                                                                                                  Company            any affiliate of the
                                                                                              (inclusive of tax)         Company
                       Chairman of the Board of
 WANG Laichun          Directors & General             Female        55        Incumbent                    240               No
                       Vice Chairman of the
 WANG Laisheng                                         Male          58        Incumbent                    240               No
                       Board of Directors
                       Director & Deputy
 WANG Tao                                              Male          37        Incumbent                  95.11               No
                       General Manager
                       Director and Deputy
 LI Wei                                                Male          42        Incumbent                   85.2               No
                       General Manager
                       Director & Deputy
 LI Bin                                                Male          45           Retired                180.68               No
                       General Manager
                       Director & Deputy
 YE Yiling                                             Female        51           Retired                116.44               No
                       General Manager
 XU Huaibin            Independent director            Male          65           Retired                      8              No
 LIN Yifei             Independent director            Male          47           Retired                      8              No
 ZHANG Ying            Independent director            Female        59        Incumbent                       8              No
 LIU Zhonghua          Independent director            Male          57        Incumbent                       0              No
 SONG Yuhong           Independent director            Female        51        Incumbent                       0              No
                       Chairman of the Board of
 XIA Yanrong                                           Female        41        Incumbent                  48.26               No
 MO Rongying           Supervisor                      Female        42        Incumbent                  41.06               No
 YI Peizan             Supervisor                      Female        37        Incumbent                   9.23               No
                       Board Secretary &
 HUANG Dawei                                           Male          50        Incumbent                  93.86               No
                       Deputy General Manager
 WU Tiansong           CFO                             Male          52        Incumbent                 121.16               No
 Total                                                   -            -                                   1,295                -
VI. Performance of duties by the directors during the reporting period
1. Meetings of the Board of Directors held during the reporting period
             Session                 Date of meeting         Date of disclosure                   Resolution of the meeting
                                                                                     Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 29th meeting of the 4th Board                                                       29th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors disclosed
                                 January 22, 2021        January 23, 2021
 of Directors                                                                        on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                     (Announcement No. 2021-007).
                                                                                     Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 30th meeting of the 4th Board                                                       30th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors disclosed
                                 January 28, 2021        January 29, 2021
 of Directors                                                                        on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                     (Announcement No. 2021-015).
                                                                                     Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 31st meeting of the 4th Board                                                       31st meeting of the 4th Board of Directors disclosed
                                 April 20, 2021          April 21, 2021
 of Directors                                                                        on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                     (Announcement No. 2021-028).
 32nd meeting of the 4th Board                                                       Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
                                 April 27, 2021          April 28, 2021              32nd meeting of the 4th Board of Directors disclosed
 of Directors
                                                                                     on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                       Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                                  (Announcement No. 2021-050).
                                                                                  Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 1st meeting of the 5th Board                                                     1st meeting of the 5th Board of Directors disclosed
                                 May 21, 2021             May 22, 2021
 of Directors                                                                     on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                  (Announcement No. 2021-057).
                                                                                  Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 2nd meeting of the 5th Board                                                     2nd meeting of the 5th Board of Directors disclosed
                                 July 2, 2021             July 3, 2021
 of Directors                                                                     on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                  (Announcement No. 2021-062).
                                                                                  Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 3rd meeting of the 5th Board                                                     3rd meeting of the 5th Board of Directors disclosed
                                 August 24, 2021          August 25, 2021
 of Directors                                                                     on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                  (Announcement No. 2021-071).
                                                                                  Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 4th meeting of the 5th Board    September          30,                           4th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors disclosed
                                                          October 8, 2021
 of Directors                    2021                                             on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                  (Announcement No. 2021-077).
                                                                                  Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 5th meeting of the 5th Board                                                     5th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors disclosed
                                 October 27, 2021         October 28, 2021
 of Directors                                                                     on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                  (Announcement No. 2021-092).
                                                                                  Refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the
 6th meeting of the 5th Board                                                     6th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors disclosed
                                 December 3, 2021         December 4, 2021
 of Directors                                                                     on www.cninfo.com.cn and the Securities Times
                                                                                  (Announcement No. 2021-096).
2. Attendance of the directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders
                         Attendance of the directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders
                      No. of board                   No. of board                                    Whether or not
                                      No.     of                         No.     of
                      meetings                       meetings                                        having     been   No.       of
                                      board                              board        No. of board
                      held during                    present    by                                   absent     from   shareholders’
 Director                             meetings                           meetings     meetings
                      the                            means      of                                   two               meeting
                                      present in                         present by   absent from
                      reporting                      communication                                   consecutive       attended
                                      person                             proxy
                      period                         equipment                                       board meetings
 WANG Laichun                   10              7                  3             0               0   No                            2
 WANG Laisheng                  10              7                  3             0               0   No                            2
 LI Bin                           4             2                  2             0               0   No                            1
 YE Yiling                        4             1                  3             0               0   No                            1
 ZHANG Ying                     10              7                  3             0               0   No                            2
 XU Huaibin                       4             2                  2             0               0   No                            1
 LIN Yifei                        4             2                  2             0               0   No                            1
 LI Wei                           6             4                  2             0               0   No                            2
 WANG Tao                         6             4                  2             0               0   No                            2
 LIU Zhonghua                     6             4                  2             0               0   No                            2
 SONG Yuhong                      6             4                  2             0               0   No                            2
Explanation about absence from two consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors:
3. Objections raised by the directors regarding matters of the Company
Whether any director has raised any objection regarding matters of the Company?
□ Yes √ No
No director has raised any objection regarding matters of the Company during the reporting period.
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
4. Other information regarding the performance of duties by the directors
Whether the suggestions put forward by the directors have been adopted by the Company?
√ Yes □ No
Explanation about the adoption or non-adoption by the Company of the suggestions put forward by the directors:
     During the reporting period, all of our directors have performed their duties diligently in strict accordance with the Company
Law, the Securities Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the AOA, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of
Directors and other relevant provisions and requirements, actively attended meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders;
taken the initiative to ask for information about our operation, management, financial position and material events, had deep
discussions about all resolutions submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration, expressed opinions on our material corporate
governance issues and business decisions, and through sufficient communication and discussions, reached a consensus, to ensure the
scientificness, timeliness and effectiveness of decisions, and supervised and urged the implementation of resolutions of the Board of
Directors; actively implemented resolutions of the Board of Directors and the shareholders, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and
interests of the Company and all shareholders. We will continue to improve our corporate governance structure, further enhance the
scientific decision-making level of the Board of Directors and its committees, give full play to the role of independent directors in our
corporate governance, and promote our operational compliance and continued healthy development.
                                                                                                                   Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
VII. Activities of the committees of the Board of Directors during the reporting period
                                       No. of
                                                  Date of                                                                                             Performance      Objections
    Committee         Members         meetings                                 Topics                      Important opinions and suggestions
                                                  meeting                                                                                            of other duties    (if any)
                                                                 Considered   the   Proposal  for       Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code
                                                                 Re-appointment of the Accounting       of Corporate Governance for Listed
                                                                 Firm                                   Companies promulgated by the CSRC
                                                                                                        and the Work Rules of the Audit
                                                                                                        Committee of the Board of Directors, the
                                                 April      9,
                                                                                                        Audit Committee performed its duties
                                                                                                        diligently, expressed opinions taking into
                                                                                                        account our actual situation, and through
                                                                                                        sufficient       communication        and
                                                                                                        discussions, unanimously approved the
                                                                 Considered the 2020 Financial          Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code
                  WANG Laichun, XU
                                                                 Report, the Special Report on the      of Corporate Governance for Listed
Audit Committee   Huabin and LIN         2
                                                                 Deposit and Use of Offering Proceeds   Companies promulgated by the CSRC
                                                                 in 2020, the 2020 Work Report of the   and the Work Rules of the Audit
                                                                 Internal Audit Department and the      Committee of the Board of Directors, the
                                                                 Work Report of the Internal Audit      Audit Committee performed its duties
                                                                 Department for the First Quarter of    diligently, supervised our internal audit
                                                 April   15,
                                                                 2021.                                  policies and implementation thereof,
                                                                                                        reviewed our financial information,
                                                                                                        guided the work of the Internal Audit
                                                                                                        Department, supervised and urged the
                                                                                                        audit conducted by the accounting firm,
                                                                                                        and through sufficient communication
                                                                                                        and discussions, unanimously approved
                                                                                                        all reports considered.
                                                                 Considered the Work Report of the      Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code
                                                                 Internal Audit Department for the      of Corporate Governance for Listed
                                                                 First Half of 2021.                    Companies promulgated by the CSRC
                  LIU     Zhonghua,                                                                     and the Work Rules of the Audit
                                                 July    22,
Audit Committee   ZHANG Ying and         2                                                              Committee of the Board of Directors, the
                  SONG Yuhong                                                                           Audit Committee performed its duties
                                                                                                        diligently, expressed opinions taking into
                                                                                                        account our actual situation, and through
                                                                                                        sufficient       communication        and
                                                                                                                 Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                                                      discussions, unanimously approved the
                                                             Considered the Work Report of the        Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code
                                                             Internal Audit Department for the        of Corporate Governance for Listed
                                                             Third Quarter of 2021.                   Companies promulgated by the CSRC
                                                                                                      and the Work Rules of the Audit
                                                                                                      Committee of the Board of Directors, the
                                               October 14,
                                                                                                      Audit Committee performed its duties
                                                                                                      diligently, expressed opinions taking into
                                                                                                      account our actual situation, and through
                                                                                                      sufficient       communication          and
                                                                                                      discussions, unanimously approved the
                                                             Reviewed the implementation of the       Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the
                                                             performance appraisal, compensation      Company Law, the Code of Corporate
                                                             and incentive plan for the directors     Governance for Listed Companies
                                                             and executives in the preceding year,    promulgated by the CSRC and the Work
                                                             put forward a reward proposal for the    Rules of the Compensation and
                                                             directors and executives taking into     Performance Appraisal Committee of the
                                                             account our actual business situation,   Board of Directors, the Compensation
                                                             and studied the compensation and         and Performance Appraisal Committee
                                                             performance appraisal plan for the       reviewed the compensation of the
                                                             next year.                               directors, supervisors and executives, and
                                                                                                      determined that we are developing and
                                                                                                      improving fair and effective performance
Compensation and      WANG      Laichun,
                                               February                                               appraisal criteria and incentive and
Performance           ZHANG Ying and       1
                                               22, 2021                                               restraint mechanisms for executives, and
Appraisal Committee   XU Huabin
                                                                                                      the compensation of our executives
                                                                                                      consists of basic monthly salaries and
                                                                                                      year-end performance-based pay. On the
                                                                                                      basis of such understanding and proposal,
                                                                                                      we properly adjusted the basic monthly
                                                                                                      salaries of certain directors and
                                                                                                      executives, in order to reflect and produce
                                                                                                      the effect of incentive and fairness. The
                                                                                                      compensation       of     our     directors,
                                                                                                      supervisors and executives in the
                                                                                                      reporting period is true, and conforms to
                                                                                                      our performance metrics.
                                                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                           Considered      the      Performance      Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code
                                                           Appraisal Measures for the 2021           of Corporate Governance for Listed
                                                           Stock Option Incentive Plan.              Companies promulgated by the CSRC
                                                                                                     and the Work Rules of the Compensation
                                                                                                     and Performance Appraisal Committee of
Compensation and      ZHANG Ying, LIU                                                                the Board of Directors, the Compensation
Performance           Zhonghua    and     1                                                          and Performance Appraisal Committee
                                              24, 2021
Appraisal Committee   SONG Yuhong                                                                    reviewed the Performance Appraisal
                                                                                                     Measures for the 2021 Stock Option
                                                                                                     Incentive Plan, determined that the
                                                                                                     Measures reflected and produced the
                                                                                                     effect of incentive and fairness, and
                                                                                                     unanimously approved the Proposal.
                                                           Considered      the    Proposal     for   Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code
                                                           Examination of Qualifications of          of Corporate Governance for Listed
                                                           Candidates for Non-independent            Companies promulgated by the CSRC
                                                           Directors of the 5th Board of Directors   and the Work Rules of the Nomination
                                                           and the Proposal for Examination of       Committee of the Board of Directors, the
                      WANG     Laichun,
Nomination                                    April   5,   Qualifications of Candidates for          Nomination Committee performed its
                      LIN  Yifei    and   1
Committee                                     2021         Independent Directors of the 5th          duties     diligently,     examined     the
                      ZHANG Ying
                                                           Board of Directors.                       qualifications of the relevant personnel,
                                                                                                     expressed opinions and put forward
                                                                                                     suggestions, and through sufficient
                                                                                                     communication          and     discussions,
                                                                                                     unanimously approved all Proposals.
                                                           Pursuant to the Company Law, the          Pursuant to the Company Law, the Code
                                                           Code of Corporate Governance for          of Corporate Governance for Listed
                                                           Listed Companies promulgated by the       Companies promulgated by the CSRC,
                                                           CSRC, the Work Rules of the Strategy      and the Work Rules of the Strategy
                                                           Committee of the Board of Directors       Committee of the Board of Directors, the
                      WANG Laichun, XU                     and other relevant provisions, the        Strategy Committee thoroughly analyzed
                                              March 29,
Strategy Committee    Huabin and ZHANG    1                Strategy Committee reviewed the           and studied the industry in which we
                      Ying                                 material events occurred in 2020,         operate, and put forward reasonable
                                                           reported    our     2021    strategic     suggestions on the planning for and
                                                           development plan, and studied the         implementation of the development
                                                           significant  strategic   issues    in     strategies in respect of business, R&D
                                                           connection with our development.          and new products, which produced
                                                                                                     significant effect.
                                                                    Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
VIII. Activities of the Board of Supervisors
Whether the Board of Supervisors has identified any risk involving the Company in its supervisory activities during the reporting
□ Yes √ No
The Board of Supervisors has not raised any objection to the supervisory matters during the reporting period.
IX. Employees
1. Number, structure of profession and education of employees
 Number of current employees of the parent at the end of the reporting period                                                   520
 Total number of current employees of the major subsidiaries at the end of the
 reporting period
 Total number of current employees at the end of the reporting period                                                       228,152
 Total number of salaried employees during the reporting period                                                             228,152
 Total number of retired employees to or for whom the parent and the major
 subsidiaries are obligated to make payments
                                                       Structure of profession
 Type of profession                                                                       Number of employees
 Production staff                                                                                                           192,873
 Sales staff                                                                                                                  2,574
 Technical staff                                                                                                             16,103
 Financial staff                                                                                                                354
 Administrative staff                                                                                                        16,248
 Total                                                                                                                      228,152
 Degree of education                                                                      Number of employees
 Undergraduate                                                                                                               13,982
 College                                                                                                                     21,432
 Secondary specialized school, senior middle school and below                                                               192,738
 Total                                                                                                                      228,152
2. Compensation policies
     We have established the administrative measures for the salaries, performance-based pay, year-end bonus and other
compensation of employees of the Group, provided employees with competitive and guaranteed compensation in a scientific an
reasonable manner, developed sound compensation management policies, paid contributions to the social insurance packages and
housing provident fund for and salaries to the employees on time in strict accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and
resolutely rejected any bonded labor. In order to help employees better understand the match between their job responsibilities and
capabilities, we have developed a multi-dimensional performance appraisal system including self-assessment and supervisor’s
assessment, in order to objectively and comprehensively reflect employees’ annual performance. We conduct annual employee
performance communication activities, to ensure that each employee receives sufficient support and resources for his/her career
development in Luxshare-ICT, and to enhance and optimize the work experience of each employee. The compensation packages
provided by us to employees consist of year-end bonuses, project bonuses, share incentives for key officers, and bonuses for
outstanding employees, among others. During the reporting period, we further optimized performance appraisal, fully appraised the
performance of teams and individuals, and effectively improved the execution ability and awareness of responsibility of employees,
which will help us retain and attract outstanding talents, and human resources required for our development.
3. Training programs
      We attach great importance to the career development plans of employees, concentrate our efforts on the training of personnel,
and have established a sound personnel training system, to attract and motivate more excellent talents and promote common growth
of employees and the Group. We have built an integrated online and offline learning platform, providing multi-dimensional specialty
training for different types of employees and new projects. The platform provides all employees with hierarchical targeted training of
                                                                         Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
different categories that target different groups of people and satisfy different needs. For example, with respect to senior, middle and
grassroots managers and key reserve talents with great potentialities, we conduct the “Star Cultivation Series” training, in order to
build an efficient and dynamic team; and with respect to the personnel in manufacturing, R&D technology, marketing, supply chain
and other critical fields, we conduct the “Juneng Series” training, in order to continuously improve the professional capabilities of
employees on different posts. In addition, we carry out school-enterprise cooperation projects, and encourage the employees to obtain
certification of professional qualifications from the Company and society, in order to enhance our production level and social
recognition of us as a whole. We have also built the “Jushi Series”, “Luxshare Classroom”, “Senior Management Forum” and other
learning and communication platforms, in order to provide excellent Luxshare employees with stages to demonstrate themselves,
create a sound learning environment and promote the integration and communications among all employees. In addition, with a view
to promoting the implementation of important strategies and changes, we have conducted the “Jubian Series” training according to
business needs. In order to regulate the employee training, we have established and periodically updated the Administrative Measures
for Education and training, the Operating Procedures for Education and training, and Administrative Measures for Internal Lecturers,
which define the training system covering all stages from induction, orientation, on-the-job, transfer to promotion, and each factory
has established the Operating Procedures for Education and training and relevant administrative measures by reference to the
Group’s management standards, and annual training plans for the factory and its departments according to its annual development
plan, to effectively enhance the core competencies of employees and the Company, improve the employees’ professional capabilities
and promote the sustainable growth of the Company.
4. Outsourced workers
□ Applicable √ N/A
X. Profit distribution and transfer of capital reserve to the share capital
Adoption, implementation or adjustment of the profit distribution policy, in particular, cash dividend policy, during the reporting
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Pursuant to the resolutions adopted by the 31st meeting of the 4th Board of Directors and the 2020 annual shareholders’ meeting,
we proposed to distribute to all shareholders a cash dividend of RMB1.10 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares on the basis of the total
share capital of 7,035,426,367 shares, or RMB773,896,900.37 (inclusive of tax) in total. In case of any change in our total share
capital due to any share repurchase, exercise of share incentives, material asset restructuring, cancellation of repurchased share or
otherwise prior to the record date for the relevant equity distribution, we would adjust the distribution payable per share accordingly
on the principle that the total amount distributable should remain the same.
      During the period from the disclosure of such profit distribution proposal to the implementation thereof, our total share capital
increased by 2,461 shares, from 7,035,426,367 shares at the time of disclosure of the proposal to 7035428828 shares as a result of
conversion of the convertible bonds to shares. On the principle that the total amount distributable should remain the same, our profit
distribution proposal for 2020 was adjusted as follows: to distribute to all shareholders a cash dividend of RMB1.099999 (inclusive
of tax) per 10 shares on the basis of the total share capital of 7035428828 shares, or RMB773,891,489.58 (inclusive of tax) in total.
                                            Special explanation about the cash dividend policy
Whether comply with the provisions of the articles of association or requirements of resolutions of the
shareholders’ meeting of the Company?
Whether the standard and ratio of cash dividend distribution are clear and definite?                        Yes
Whether the relevant decision-making process and mechanism are sound?                                       Yes
Whether the independent directors have performed their duties and exercised their functions?                Yes
Whether the minority shareholders have sufficient opportunities to express their opinions and requests and
their legitimate rights and interests are fully protected?
Whether the conditions and procedures in respect of any adjustment or amendment of the cash dividend policy
comply with the applicable regulations and are transparent?
Whether the Company has made a profit in the reporting period and the parent has profits available for distribution to the
shareholders, but the Company does not propose to distribute cash dividends?
□ Applicable √ N/A
Particulars of profit distribution and transfer of capital reserve to the share capital for the reporting period:
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                       Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Number of bonus shares per 10 shares                                                                                                     0
Amount of cash dividends per 10 shares (inclusive of tax)                                                                             1.10
Share capital based on which the distribution proposal was made                                                              7,084,301,477
Amount of cash dividends (inclusive of tax)                                                                                 779,273,162.47
Amount of cash dividends distributed in other ways (such as share repurchase) (RMB)                                                   0.00
Total amount of cash dividends (RMB)                                                                                        779,273,162.47
Distributable profit (RMB)                                                                                                6,526,651,487.02
Proportion of total cash dividends to the distributable profit                                                                       100%
                                    Particulars of cash dividends distributed for the reporting period
                   Particulars of the proposal of profit distribution or for transfer of capital reserve to share capital
Our 2021 Profit Distribution Proposal is as follows: to distribute to all shareholders a cash dividend of RMB1.10 (inclusive of tax)
per 10 shares on the basis of the total share capital of 7,084,301,477 shares, or RMB779,273,162.47 (inclusive of tax) in total, and
to carry forward the retained profits for distribution in subsequent years. In case of any change in our total share capital due to any
share repurchase, exercise of share incentives, material asset restructuring, cancellation of repurchased share or otherwise prior to
the record date for the relevant equity distribution, we will adjust the distribution payable per share accordingly on the principle
that the total amount distributable should remain the same. The 2021 Profit Distribution Proposal is subject to approval by the
shareholders’ meeting.
XI. Implementation of share incentive plans, employee stock ownership plans and other
employee incentives granted by the Company
√ Applicable □ N/A
1. Share incentives
     (1) 2018 stock option incentive plan
     On December 2, 2020, the 27th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors and the 27th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors
considered and approved the Proposal Regarding Satisfaction of the Vesting Conditions for the Second Vesting Period of the 2018
Stock Option Incentive Plan, pursuant to which, the grantees who have satisfied the vesting conditions may exercise the stock options
vested in the second vesting period in their sole discretion from December 22, 2020 to September 24, 2021. Refer to the Cautionary
Announcement on Adoption of the Discretionary Exercise Method for the Second Vesting Period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive
Plan (Announcement No.2020-108) for details.
     During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 13,854,690 shares in total within the second vesting
period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan.
     On July 2, 2021, due to the equity distribution for 2020, the exercise price for the stock options granted but not yet exercised
under the 2018 stock option incentive plan was adjusted from RMB10.28 per share to RMB10.17 per share. Refer to the
Announcement on Adjustment of the Exercise Prices under the 2018 and 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plans and Cancellation of
Certain Stock Options under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2021-064) for details.
     On September 30, 2021, due to resignation of certain grantees for personal reasons, the number of grantees was adjusted from
1719 to 1695, and the number of stock options exercisable under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan was adjusted by cancelling
920,766 stock options granted but not yet exercised, so the number of stock options granted but not yet exercised was adjusted from
93,843,466 to 92,964,441. Refer to the Announcement on Adjustment of the Number of Stock Options Exercisable and Cancellation
of Certain Stock Options under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2021-082) for details.
      On December 3, 2021, the 6th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors and the 6th meeting of the 5th Board of Supervisors
considered and approved the Proposal for Adjustment of the Number of Stock Options Exercisable and Cancellation of Certain Stock
Options under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan and the Proposal Regarding the Satisfaction of the Vesting Conditions for the
Third Vesting Period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan, pursuant to which, due to resignation, failure to meet the performance
appraisal criteria or other reasons on the part of the grantees, the number of grantees was adjusted from 1695 to 1650, and the
number of stock options exercisable under the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan was adjusted by cancelling 1,851,452 stock options
granted but not yet exercised, so the number of stock options granted but not yet exercised was adjusted from 92,964,441 to
91,112,989; the grantees who have satisfied the vesting conditions may exercise the stock options vested in the third vesting period in
their sole discretion from December 24, 2021 to September 23, 2022. Refer to the Announcement on Cancellation of Certain Stock
Options under and Revision of the Number of Stock Options Exercisable in the Third Vesting Period of the 2018 Stock Option
Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2021-104) and the Cautionary Announcement on Adoption of the Discretionary Exercise Method
for the Third Vesting Period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan as Revised (Announcement No.2021-105) for details.
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
     During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 19,597,470 shares in total within the third vesting
period of the 2018 Stock Option Incentive Plan.
     (2) 2019 stock option incentive plan
     On June 22, 2020, the 19th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors and the 19th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors considered
and approved the Proposal Regarding Satisfaction of the Vesting Conditions for the First Vesting Period of the Stock Options
Granted under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan, pursuant to which, the grantees who have satisfied the vesting conditions may
exercise the stock options vested in the first vesting period in their sole discretion from July 7, 2020 to April 21, 2021. Refer to the
Cautionary Announcement on Adoption of the Discretionary Exercise Method for the First Vesting Period of the Stock Options
Granted under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2020-049) for details.
     During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 1,291,186 shares in total within the first vesting
period of the stock options granted under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan.
     On January 22, 2021, due to resignation, failure to meet the performance appraisal criteria or other reasons on the part of the
grantees, the number of grantees was adjusted from 258 to 250, and the number of stock options available under the 2019 Stock
Option Incentive Plan was adjusted by cancelling 456,286 stock options granted but not yet exercised, so the number of stock options
granted but not yet exercised was adjusted from 21,113,740 to 20,657,454. Refer to the Announcement on Adjustment of the List of
Grantees and Number of Stock Options Available and Cancellation of Certain Stock Options under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive
Plan (Announcement No.2021-009) for details.
     On January 22, 2021, the 29th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors and the 29th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors
considered and approved the Proposal Regarding Satisfaction of the Vesting Conditions for the First Vesting Period of the Stock
Options Available under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan, pursuant to which, the grantees who have satisfied the vesting
conditions may exercise the stock options vested in the first vesting period in their sole discretion from February 8, 2021 to
November 26, 2021. Refer to the Cautionary Announcement on Adoption of the Discretionary Exercise Method for the First Vesting
Period of the Stock Options Available under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2021-021) for details.
     During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 4,109,496 shares in total within the first vesting
period of the stock options available under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan.
     On July 2, 2021, due to the equity distribution for 2020, and resignation, failure to meet the performance appraisal criteria or
other reasons on the part of the grantees, we adjusted the 2019 stock option incentive plan as follows: the number of grantees was
adjusted from 340 to 332; 744,909 stock options granted but not yet exercised were cancelled, so the number of stock options granted
but not yet exercised was adjusted from 65,977,698 to 65,232,789; and the exercise price of the stock options granted or available
was changed from RMB13.70 per share to RMB13.59 per share. Refer to the Announcement on Adjustment of the Exercise Prices
under the 2018 and 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plans and Cancellation of Certain Stock Options under the 2019 Stock Option
Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2021-064) for details.
     On July 2, 2021, the 2nd meeting of the 5th Board of Directors and the 2nd meeting of the 5th Board of Supervisors considered and
approved the Proposal Regarding Satisfaction of the Vesting Conditions for the Second Vesting Period of the Stock Options Granted
under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan, pursuant to which, the grantees who have satisfied the vesting conditions may exercise
the stock options vested in the second vesting period in their sole discretion from July 15, 2021 to April 21, 2022. Refer to the
Cautionary Announcement on Adoption of the Discretionary Exercise Method for the Second Vesting Period of the Stock Options
Granted under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2021-069) for details.
     During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 14,627,322 shares in total within the second vesting
period of the stock options granted under the 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan.
     (3) 2021 stock option incentive plan
     With the approval of the 4th meeting of the 5th Board of Directors, the 4th meeting of the 5th Board of Supervisors and the 1st
extraordinary shareholders’ meeting in 2021, we introduced the 2021 stock option incentive plan.
     The first grant under the plan was completed on December 3, 2021 and registered on December 9, 2021. 52,092,000 stock
options (short name: Luxshare JLC4; code: 037192) in total, representing 0.74% of our total share capital at the time of grant, were
granted to 1,072 grantees at the exercise price of RMB35.87 per share.
     (4) Exercise of options during the reporting period
     During the reporting period, the grantees exercised their options to purchase 53,480,164 shares in total under the relevant stock
option incentive plans.
                                                                                                                             Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Share incentives granted to directors and executives
√ Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: shares
                                               No. of                                                             Market                                 No. of
                                                                                        price of
                                             additional      No. of        No. of                                 price at                  No. of     additional      Grant
                              Beginning                                                  shares     Ending                   Beginning                                              Ending
                                               stock          shares       shares                               the end of                  shares     restricted     price of
                              balance of                                              exercised    balance of                balance of                                            balance of
                                              options      exercisable   exercised                                  the                     vested       shares      restricted
    Name            Title       stock                                                 during the     stock                   restricted                                            restricted
                                              granted      during the    during the                              reporting                during the    granted        shares
                               options                                                 reporting    options                    shares                                                shares
                                             during the     reporting    reporting                                period                  reporting    during the   (RMB per
                                 held                                                    period       held                      held                                                  held
                                             reporting        period       period                               (RMB per                    period     reporting       share)
                                                                                      (RMB per
                                               period                                                              share)                                period
WU Tiansong       CFO            395,451               0      131,817      131,817        10.17      263,634        49.20
WU Tiansong       CFO            574,585               0      168,992      168,992        13.59      405,593        49.20
HUANG             Deputy
Dawei             General
                  Manager        659,085               0      219,695             0                  659,085        49.20
                  & Board
LI Wei            Director
                  Deputy       1,689,963               0      506,989             0                1,689,963        49.20
WANG Tao          Director
                  Deputy       1,973,876               0      601,626             0                1,973,876        49.20
LI Bin            Director
                  Deputy       2,636,342               0      878,781      878,781        10.17    1,757,561        49.20
LI Bin            Director
                  Deputy       1,351,970               0      337,992      337,992        13.59    1,013,978        49.20
YE Yiling         Director       962,265               0      320,755       87,880        10.17      874,385        49.20
                                                                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
YE Yiling         Director
                  Deputy         540,789              0      135,196        90,000         13.59      450,789         49.20
Total             -           10,784,326              0    3,301,843     1,695,462        --        9,088,864         --                0             0             0        --                0
Remark (if any)               Upon re-appointment of the Board of Directors in April 2021, LI Bin and YE Yiling resigned as directors, but continue to hold other posts in the Company.
Performance appraisal and incentives in respect of executives
      All of our executives were appointed by the Board of Directors fairly and transparently, in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. Our executives report to the Board of
Directors and are responsible for achieving the operating targets set by the Board of Directors. We have established effective incentive and constraint mechanisms, in order to stimulate the
executives to perform their duties diligently, and improve our level of operation and management and operating results. The performance of our executives is directly linked to their income, and
assessed by comparing the goals set by us with their actual accomplishment of tasks. The Compensation and Performance Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for
year-end assessment of the achievement of goals, working ability and performance of duties in respect of our directors, supervisors and executives, and developing the compensation and
performance appraisal proposals and submitting the same to the Board of Directors for approval. During the reporting period, our compensation and performance appraisal policies for the
executives have been implemented effectively.
                                                                        Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
2. Implementation of employee stock ownership plan
□ Applicable √ N/A
3. Other employee incentives
□ Applicable √ N/A
XII. Establishment and implementation of internal controls during the reporting period
1. Establishment and implementation of internal controls
     We have established a relatively sound internal control system that has run effectively in strict accordance with the Company
Law, the Securities Law, the Basic Internal Control Standards for Enterprises, the Application Guide for Internal Controls of
Enterprises and other applicable laws, regulations and normative documents, taking into account the characteristics of our industry
and our actual business situation. From the perspective of corporate management, technology R&D and business processes, we have
established effective internal controls, and improved our corporate governance level and efficiency of decision-making, which
guarantees the legal and regulatory compliance of our operation and management, security of our assets and the truthfulness and
completeness of our financial reports and other information, and effectively promote the steady implementation of our strategies.
     Our internal control system has a reasonable structure, can satisfy the requirements of our management and development, and
runs effectively. Our internal controls over financial reporting, non-financial reporting and other material matters are effective,
achieve the objectives and protect the interests of the Company and all shareholders.
2. Material weakness in internal control identified during the reporting period
□ Yes √ No
XIII. Management and control of subsidiaries during the reporting period
                                                          Progress of                           Solutions    Progress     Subsequent
   Company                   Integration plan                                encountered
                                                          integration                            adopted    of solution    solution
                                                                           during integration
Rikai Precision     Control the subsidiary through its    Completed        No                   N/A         N/A           N/A
Technology          board of directors, and manage
(Yancheng) Co.,     the assets, personnel, finance,
Ltd.                organization, operation and other
                    matters of the subsidiary in an
                    all-round      way        through
                    appointment of officers to the
XIV. Self-assessment report on internal controls or auditor’s report on internal controls
1. Self-assessment report on internal controls
Date of disclose of the self-assessment report on internal controls   April 28, 2022
in its entirety
Disclosure reference                                                  Self-assessment Report on Internal Controls 2021 of Luxshare
                                                                      Precision Industry Co., Ltd. published on www.cninfo.com.cn
Ratio of total assets of the entities covered by the assessment to                                                            75.60%
total assets recorded in the consolidated financial statements of
the Company
Ratio of total operating revenue of the entities covered by the                                                                 84.91%
                                                                    Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
assessment to total operating revenue recorded in the
consolidated financial statements of the Company
                                                Criteria for determination of deficiencies
        Type                               Financial reporting                                 Non-financial reporting
Qualitative criteria    1. The material weaknesses in internal control over 1. The material weaknesses in internal control over
                        financial reporting include: (A) fraud on the part of non-financial reporting include: (A) any serious
                        directors, supervisors and executives; (B) failure to violation of the significant national laws and
                        correct any material weakness in internal control regulations; (B) great outflow of management and
                        within a reasonable time after the same was identified technical personnel on key posts; (C) absence of or
                        and reported to the management; (C) ineffective ineffective control system for important business
                        control environment; (D) any material misstatement relating to the production and operation of the
                        in the financial report for the current period that is Company; (D) ineffective internal control over
                        identified by external auditor but fails to be identified information disclosure, resulting in any public
                        through internal control; (E) any serious violation of condemnation of the Company by any regulatory
                        the laws and regulations; (F) the Company running at authority; and (E) failure to correct any problem, in
                        a loss for consecutive years due to any reason other particular, any material weakness or significant
                        than policy-related loss, which might threaten the deficiency, identified in any assessment of internal
                        Company’s ability to continue as a going concern; controls. 2. The significant deficiencies in internal
                        and (G) ineffective supervision by the management control over non-financial reporting include: (A)
                        and related functional departments over the internal defects in important business policies or system, or
                        control. 2. The significant deficiencies in internal unsound internal control system; and (B) failure to
                        control over financial reporting include: (A) failure to review any information disclosed externally and
                        select and apply accounting policies pursuant to the untruthfulness of any information disclosed. 3.
                        generally accepted accounting principles; (B) failure General deficiencies in internal control over financial
                        to establish anti-fraud procedures and controls; (C) reporting include deficiencies in control other than
                        absence of or ineffective control system for important material weakness and significant deficiency.
                        business; (D) lack of internal controls in and
                        disorderly management of subsidiaries; and (E) great
                        outflow of or frequent changes in senior officers
                        (especially those in charge of internal control,
                        financial and human resources departments), or great
                        outflow of personnel on the relevant posts. 3. General
                        deficiencies in internal control over financial
                        reporting include deficiencies in control other than
                        material weakness and significant deficiency.
Quantitative criteria 1. Material weakness: (1) amount of misstated 1. Material weakness: resulting in a direct loss of
                        operating revenue ≥ 0.5% of total operating revenue; more than RMB12 million and having a material
                        (2) amount of misstated profit ≥ 0.5% of total profit; adverse effect on the Company. 2. Significant
                        (3) amount of misstated assets ≥ 0.5% of total assets; deficiency: resulting in a direct loss of more than
                        (4) amount of misstated owners’ equity ≥ 0.5% of RMB3 million and not more than RMB12 million,
                        total owners’ equity. 2. Significant deficiency: (1) and any penalty imposed by any competent
                        0.2% of total operating revenue ≤ amount of government authority of the country, but not having
                        misstated operating revenue < 0.5% of total operating an adverse effect on the Company. 3. General
                        revenue; (2) 0.2% of total profit ≤ amount of deficiency: resulting in a direct loss of not more than
                        misstated profit < 0.5% of total profit; (3) 0.2% of RMB3 million, and any penalty imposed by any
                        total assets ≤ amount of misstated assets < 0.5% of competent government authority at the provincial
                        total assets; (4) 0.2% of total owners’ equity ≤ level or below, but not having an adverse effect on
                        amount of misstated owners’ equity < 0.5% of total the Company.
                        owners’ equity. 3. General deficiency: (1) amount of
                        misstated operating revenue < 0.2% of total operating
                        revenue; (2) amount of misstated profit < 0.2% of
                        total profit; (3) amount of misstated assets < 0.2% of
                        total assets; (4) amount of misstated owners’ equity <
                        0.2% of total owners’ equity.
Number of material weaknesses in financial reporting                                                                                0
Number of material weaknesses in non-financial reporting                                                                            0
Number of significant deficiencies in financial reporting                                                                           0
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Number of significant deficiencies in non-financial reporting                                                                         0
2. Auditor’s report on internal controls
□ Applicable √ N/A
3. Internal control certification report
                                         Opinion issued in the internal control certification report
Pursuant to the Basic Internal Control Standards for Enterprises promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and other relevant
provisions, the Company has maintained effective internal controls in all material respects as of December 31, 2021.
Disclosure of the internal control certification report                Disclosed
Date of disclosure of the internal control certification report in its April 28, 2022
Disclosure reference                                                   Internal Control Certification Report 2021 of Luxshare Precision
                                                                       Industry Co., Ltd. published on www.cninfo.com.cn
Type of opinion issued in the internal control certification report    Standard unqualified opinion
Whether there’s any material weakness in non-financial No
Whether the accounting firm issued a modified internal control certification report?
□ Yes √ No
Whether the internal control certification report issued by the accounting firm conforms to the opinion issued by the self-assessment
report of the Board of Directors?
√Yes □ No
XV. Rectification of non-compliance identified in the special self-examination of corporate
governance of the listed company
    Pursuant to the requirements of the Announcement on Launching the Special Campaign for Corporate Governance of the Listed
Companies issued by the CSRC, we carried out self-examination of our corporate governance in strict accordance with the Company
Law, the Securities Law, the AOA, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of
Supervisors and other applicable laws, regulations and normative documents, in an orderly manner on the principle of seeking truth
from facts, and completed the Questionnaire for Self-Examination of Corporate Governance of the Listed Company, which includes
119 questions covering seven areas.
     Our self-examination showed that we operated in compliance with the applicable regulations and was governed well during the
reporting period, and did not identify any material non-compliance in our corporate governance. We will continue to improve our
level of corporate governance and further promote our high-quality development.
                                                                             Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                      Section V Environment and Social Responsibilities
  I. Major environmental issues
  Whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a major polluter by the environmental protection authority
  √ Yes □ No
                  Name of
  Name of the pollutants                                  Distribution Emission Pollutant discharge             Total
                                  Discharge         of                                                Total             Excessive
  Company or        and                                   of discharge concentratio   standards               approved
                                   method       discharge                                           emissions           emissions
its subsidiaries characteris                                 outlets        n       implemented               emissions
                         Taken over by
                         the wastewater
Rikai                    treatment plant
Precision                after the
                Ammonia                                  Sewage
Technology               treatment by the 1                          2.705291      40                  7.22        49.04       /
                nitrogen                                 station
(Yancheng)               wastewater
Co., Ltd.                treatment station
                         meets the
                          Taken over by
                          the wastewater
Rikai                     treatment plant
Precision       Total     after the
Technology      phosphoru treatment by the 1                         0.921442      8mg/l               2.46        7.08        /
(Yancheng)      s         wastewater
Co., Ltd.                 treatment station
                          meets the
                               Taken over by
                               the wastewater
Rikai                          treatment plant
Precision                      after the
                Total                                    Sewage
Technology                     treatment by the 1                    9.398368      60mg/l              25.07       69.86       /
                nitrogen                                 station
(Yancheng)                     wastewater
Co., Ltd.                      treatment station
                               meets the
                           Taken over by
                           the wastewater
Rikai                      treatment plant
Precision                  after the
                Anionic                                  Sewage
Technology                 treatment by the 1                        0.100312      15 mg/l             0.27        /           /
                surfactant                               station
(Yancheng)                 wastewater
Co., Ltd.                  treatment station
                           meets the
                               Taken over by
                               the wastewater
Rikai                          treatment plant
Precision                      after the
Technology      pH level       treatment by the 1                    0             6-9                 0           /           /
(Yancheng)                     wastewater
Co., Ltd.                      treatment station
                               meets the
                                                                    Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                      Taken over by
                      the wastewater
Rikai                 treatment plant
Precision    Chemical after the
Technology   oxygen   treatment by the 1                    60.29317     500 mg/l            160.85     729.32     /
(Yancheng)   demand   wastewater
Co., Ltd.             treatment station
                      meets the
                        Taken over by
                        the wastewater
Rikai                   treatment plant
Precision               after the
Technology   Fluoride   treatment by the 1                  8.576927     20 mg/l             22.88      /          /
(Yancheng)              wastewater
Co., Ltd.               treatment station
                        meets the
                       Taken over by
                       the wastewater
Rikai                  treatment plant
Precision              after the
             Suspended                          Sewage
Technology             treatment by the 1                   30.80756     400 mg/l            82.19      /          /
             solids                             station
(Yancheng)             wastewater
Co., Ltd.              treatment station
                       meets the
                       Taken over by
                       the wastewater
Rikai                  treatment plant
Precision              after the
Technology   Petroleum treatment by the 1                   0.801746     20 mg/l             2.14       /          /
(Yancheng)             wastewater
Co., Ltd.              treatment station
                       meets the
Rikai                   protection              B4、B5、B6、
Precision               (secondary
Technology   VOCs       activated carbon 51                 3.15         60 mg/l             18.40      /          /
(Yancheng)              and oil mist            C7、B7、C3、
Co., Ltd.               washing tower)          B3
                        protection (oil
Rikai                   mist washing            B4、B5、B6、
Precision               tower, low
Technology   SO2        nitrogen          51                0.76         20 mg/l             2.05       /          /
(Yancheng)              combustion,             C7、B7、C3、
Co., Ltd.               alkali spray            B3
Rikai                    protection (wet        B4、B5、B6、
Precision                dust removal,
             Particulate                        C4、C5、C6、
Technology               low nitrogen      51               5.53         50 mg/l             13.95      /          /
             matter                             C7、B7、C3、
(Yancheng)               combustion,
Co., Ltd.                direct discharge)      B3
                        Environmental           B4、B5、B6、
                        protection              C4、C5、C6、
Precision    NOx                         51                 15.23        60 mg/l             1.78       1.7853     /
Technology                                      C7、B7、C3、
                        activated carbon
(Yancheng)                                      B3
                        and oil mist
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Co., Ltd.                 washing tower)
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
                                                                          the Integrated
Computer       Chemical
                                                                          Standards of
Accessories    oxygen   Pipe discharge     1    Main outlet 500mg/L                           50.562     112.2094   /
(Jiashan) Co., demand
                                                                          Restrictions on
                                                                          Indirect Discharge
                                                                          of Nitrogen and
               Ammonia                                                    Phosphorus
Accessories             Pipe discharge     1    Main outlet 35mg/L                           4.014       11.2209    /
               nitrogen                                                   Pollutants from
(Jiashan) Co.,
                                                                          Wastewater of
Rishan                                                                    Discharge
Computer                                                                  Standards of
Accessories               Pipe discharge   1    Main outlet 0.1mg/L       Electroplating      0.001      0.02       /
(Jiashan) Co.,                                                            Pollutants
Ltd.                                                                      (GB21900-2008)
Rishan                                                                    Discharge
Computer                                                                  Standards of
Accessories             Pipe discharge     1    Main outlet 0.5mg/L       Electroplating      0.012      0.026      /
(Jiashan) Co.,                                                            Pollutants
Ltd.                                                                      (GB21900-2008)
Rishan                    Collect in a
                                                Roof of                   Integrated
Computer                  centralized
                                                F1/F2/F3/F4               Emission Standards
Accessories    VOC        manner and then 26                120mg/m                          9.33        10.8962    /
                                                /F5/F7/F9/F               of Air Pollutants
(Jiashan) Co.,            emit after
                                                10/F11                    (GB16297-1996)
Ltd.                      pretreatment
Rishan                     Collect in a
Computer                   centralized          Roof of
               Particulate                                                Emission Standards
Accessories                manner and then 12   F3/F5/F6-1/ 120mg/m                          1.876       10.595     /
               matter                                                     of Air Pollutants
(Jiashan) Co.,             emit after           F6-2/F7
Ltd.                       pretreatment
Rishan                    Collect in a                                    Discharge
Computer                  centralized                                     Standards of
               Nitrogen                         Roof of
Accessories               manner and then 8                  200mg/m      Electroplating      0.554      0.903      /
               oxide                            F5/F7
(Jiashan) Co.,            emit after                                      Pollutants
Ltd.                      pretreatment                                    (GB21900-2008)
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                    the Table 2 of the
Computer                                        South of the              Integrated
Accessories              Pipe discharge    1    sewage       7.4          Standards of        /          /          /
               r (PH)
(Shanghai)                                      station                   Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                    the Table 2 of the
Computer                                        South of the              Integrated
Accessories              Pipe discharge    1    sewage       15           Standards of        4.771      /          /
(Shanghai)                                      station                   Wastewater
               d solids)
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                    the Table 2 of the
Computer                                        South of the              Integrated
Accessories               Pipe discharge   1    sewage       40           Standards of        4.522      /          /
               r (chroma)
(Shanghai)                                      station                   Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                           Level 3 provided in
Riming        Wastewate                                                    the Table 2 of the
Computer      r                                South of the                Integrated
Accessories   (chemical Pipe discharge     1   sewage       72             Standards of        11.425     33.842     /
(Shanghai)    oxygen                           station                     Wastewater
Co., Ltd.     demand)                                                      Discharge (DB31
                                                                           Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                     the Table 2 of the
Computer                                       South of the                Integrated
Accessories              Pipe discharge    1   sewage       0.54           Standards of        0.195      /          /
(Shanghai)                                     station                     Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                  Discharge (DB31
                                                                           Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                     the Table 2 of the
Computer                                       South of the                Integrated
Accessories             Pipe discharge     1   sewage       9.62           Standards of        0.785      1.05       /
(Shanghai)                                     station                     Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                  Discharge (DB31
                                                                           Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                     the Table 2 of the
Computer      Wastewate                        South of the                Integrated
Accessories   r (anionic Pipe discharge    1   sewage       0.07           Standards of        0.088      /          /
(Shanghai)    surfactant)                      station                     Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                  Discharge (DB31
                                                                           Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                     the Table 2 of the
Computer                                       South of the                Integrated
              r (total
Accessories             Pipe discharge     1   sewage       0.42           Standards of        0.061      5.25       /
(Shanghai)                                     station                     Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                  Discharge (DB31
                                                                           Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                     the Table 2 of the
Computer      Wastewate                        South of the                Integrated
Accessories   r (total  Pipe discharge     1   sewage       5.253.1        Standards of        1.938      /          /
(Shanghai)    nitrogen)                        station                     Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                  Discharge (DB31
                                                                           Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                     the Table 2 of the
Computer      Wastewate                        South of the                Integrated
Accessories   r (five-day Pipe discharge   1   sewage       31.6           Standards of        3.609      /          /
(Shanghai)    BOD)                             station                     Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                  Discharge (DB31
                                                                           Level 3 provided in
Riming                                                                     the Table 2 of the
Computer                                       South of the                Integrated
Accessories             Pipe discharge     1   sewage       0.316          Standards of        /          /          /
(Shanghai)                                     station                     Wastewater
Co., Ltd.                                                                  Discharge (DB31
Riming                   Treated exhaust
Computer      Exhaust    gas meets the
                                                                           Emission Standards
Accessories   gas (oil   standards and is 63   Plant roof   0.1                               1.3464      /          /
                                                                           of Air Pollutants
(Shanghai)    mist)      emitted at high
Co., Ltd.                altitude
Riming        Exhaust    Treated exhaust 7     Plant roof   0.067          Integrated         0.554       3.02       /
Computer      gas        gas meets the                                     Emission Standards
                                                                     Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Accessories   (particulat standards and is                                of Air Pollutants
(Shanghai)    e matter) emitted at high                                   (DB31_933-2015)
Co., Ltd.                 altitude
Riming                   Treated exhaust
Computer                 gas meets the                                    Emission Standards
Accessories              standards and is 1      Plant roof   ND          for Odor Pollutants 0          /          /
              gas (odor)
(Shanghai)               emitted at high                                  (DB311025-2016)
Co., Ltd.                altitude
Riming                    Treated exhaust
              gas                                                         Integrated
Computer                  gas meets the
              (non-meth                                                   Emission Standards
Accessories               standards and is 3     Plant roof   ND                             0           0.1348     /
              ane                                                         of Air Pollutants
(Shanghai)                emitted at high
              hydrocarb                                                   (DB31_933-2015)
Co., Ltd.                 altitude
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                 the Table 2 of the
                                                 South of the
Electronic    Wastewate                                                   Integrated
Technology    r (total  Pipe discharge       1                ND          Standards of        0.000143 0.0054       /
                                                 station of
(Shanghai)    nickel)                                                     Wastewater
                                                 the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                 the Table 2 of the
                                                 South of the
Electronic                                                                Integrated
              Wastewate                          sewage
Technology              Pipe discharge       1                7.5         Standards of        /          /          /
              r (PH)                             station of
(Shanghai)                                                                Wastewater
                                                 the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                 the Table 2 of the
              Wastewate                          South of the
Electronic                                                                Integrated
              r (total                           sewage
Technology              Pipe discharge       1                0.32        Standards of        0.164      /          /
              phosphoru                          station of
(Shanghai)                                                                Wastewater
              s)                                 the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                 the Table 2 of the
                                                 South of the
Electronic    Wastewate                                                   Integrated
Technology    r (total  Pipe discharge       1                1.95        Standards of        0.84       27.63      /
                                                 station of
(Shanghai)    nitrogen)                                                   Wastewater
                                                 the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                 the Table 2 of the
              Wastewate                          South of the
Electronic                                                                Integrated
              r                                  sewage
Technology              Pipe discharge       1                1.43        Standards of        0.192      0.988      /
              (ammonia                           station of
(Shanghai)                                                                Wastewater
              nitrogen)                          the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                 the Table 2 of the
                                                 South of the
Electronic                                                                Integrated
              Wastewate                          sewage
Technology              Pipe discharge       1                134         Standards of        47.867     52.45      /
              r (COD)                            station of
(Shanghai)                                                                Wastewater
                                                 the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                          Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                 the Table 2 of the
                                                 South of the
Electronic                                                                Integrated
              Wastewate                          sewage
Technology               Pipe discharge      1                1           Standards of        2.283      /          /
              r (chroma)                         station of
(Shanghai)                                                                Wastewater
                                                 the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                 Discharge (DB31
                                                                         Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                               Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                      the Table 2 of the
              Wastewate                              South of the
Electronic                                                                     Integrated
              r                                      sewage
Technology              Pipe discharge    1                       16           Standards of        13.087     /          /
              (suspende                              station of
(Shanghai)                                                                     Wastewater
              d solids)                              the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                      Discharge (DB31
                                                                               Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                      the Table 2 of the
              Wastewate                              South of the
Electronic                                                                     Integrated
              r                                      sewage
Technology               Pipe discharge   1                       ND           Standards of        0.632      /          /
              (petroleum                             station of
(Shanghai)                                                                     Wastewater
              )                                      the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                      Discharge (DB31
                                                                               Level 3 provided in
Sheng Rui                                                                      the Table 2 of the
                                                     South of the
Electronic                                                                     Integrated
              Wastewate                              sewage
Technology              Pipe discharge    1                       2.66         Standards of        0.043      /          /
              r (LAS)                                station of
(Shanghai)                                                                     Wastewater
                                                     the plant
Co., Ltd.                                                                      Discharge (DB31
Sheng Rui               Treated exhaust                                        Discharge
Electronic              gas meets the                                          Standards of
              gas                                    Plant roof
Technology              standards and is 17                       0.2          Electroplating      0.071      3.442      /
              (Nitrogen                              and 1/F
(Shanghai)              emitted at high                                        Pollutants
Co., Ltd.               altitude                                               (GB21900-2008)
Sheng Rui                 Treated exhaust                                      Discharge
Electronic                gas meets the                                        Standards of
              gas                                    1/F of the
Technology                standards and is 15                     ND           Electroplating      0          /          /
              (sulfuric                              plant
(Shanghai)                emitted at high                                      Pollutants
              acid mist
Co., Ltd.                 altitude                                             (GB21900-2008)
Sheng Rui                 Treated exhaust
              Exhaust                                                          Integrated
Electronic                gas meets the
              gas                                                              Emission Standards
Technology                standards and is 6         Plant roof   2.2                             0.883       2.533      /
              (particulat                                                      of Air Pollutants
(Shanghai)                emitted at high
              e matter)                                                        (DB31_933-2015)
Co., Ltd.                 altitude
Sheng Rui                 Treated exhaust
Electronic    Exhaust gas meets the
                                                     1/F of the                Emission Standards
Technology    gas (alkali standards and is 15                     ND                              0           /          /
                                                     plant                     of Air Pollutants
(Shanghai)    mist)       emitted at high
Co., Ltd.                 altitude
Sheng Rui                Treated exhaust
Electronic               gas meets the                                         Emission Standards
              Exhaust                                Sewage
Technology               standards and is 1                       ND           for Odor Pollutants 0          /          /
              gas (odor)                             station
(Shanghai)               emitted at high                                       (DB311025-2016)
Co., Ltd.                altitude
Sheng Rui                 Treated exhaust                                      Emission Standards
Electronic                gas meets the                                        of Pollutants from
Technology                standards and is 1         Plant roof   1.21         Synthetic Resin    0.016       /          /
(Shanghai)                emitted at high                                      Industry
Co., Ltd.                 altitude                                             (GB31572-2015)
  Construction and operation of pollution prevention facilities
  I. Rikai Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.
        1. 7 sets of low nitrogen combustion systems: The denitration facilities operate for 8400 hours per year.
        2. 17 sets of dust removal systems: The dust removal facilities operate for 8400 hours per year.
        3. 15 sets of organic exhaust gas collection and treatment systems.
        4. 13 sets of acid exhaust gas treatment systems.
  II. Rishan Computer Accessories (Jiashan) Co., Ltd.
        Wastewater: The plant implements the divergence of clean water and sewage and the divergence of rain and sewage, and
  separately pretreats the wastewater containing chromium, nickel, phosphorus and nitro and organic wastewater and after they meet
  the standards, then directly discharges them into the pipe. The pH, CODcr, SS and petroleum at the pipe inlet meet the Level 3
  provided in Integrated Standards of Wastewater Discharge (GB8979-1996), and the ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus are
                                                                              Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
lower than the relevant limits provided in the Restrictions on Indirect Discharge of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollutants from
Wastewater of Industrial Enterprises (DB33/887-2013); the discharge of Class-A pollutants such as total chromium, CR VI and
nickel are lower than the limits of indirect discharge to Taihu Lake Basin in the Table 1 of the Discharge Standards of Electroplating
Water Pollutants (DB33/2260-2020); CODcr and petroleum at the discharge outlet of phosphorus-containing wastewater treatment
facilities meet the Level 3 provided in the Integrated Standards of Wastewater Discharge (GB8978-1996); the total phosphorus is
lower than the relevant limits provided in the Restrictions on Indirect Discharge of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollutants from
Wastewater of Industrial Enterprises (DB33/887-2013); the pH and CODcr at the discharge outlet of nitro-containing wastewater
treatment facilities meet the Level 3 provided in Integrated Standards of Wastewater Discharge (GB8978-1996), and ammonia
nitrogen is lower than the relevant limits provided in the Restrictions on Indirect Discharge of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollutants
from Wastewater of Industrial Enterprises (DB33/887-2013); the pH, CODcr, SS and petrolem at the discharge outlet of organic
wastewater treatment facilities meet the Level 3 provided in Integrated Standards of Wastewater Discharge (GB8978-1996); in
general, the washing wastewater is collected separately, and after pretreament, some is reused while some is discharged. The total
reuse rate of production wastewater in two days is monitored at 31.0% and 32.4%, meeting the requirements. The online monitoring
facility is installed at the wastewater pipe inlet to monitor pH, CODcr, ammonia nitrogen and other factors; the standardized rain
outlets and signboards are set within the plant. The wastewater treatment facilities are built, including one accident emergency pool
covering an area of 2,776 m3 and two initial rain collection pools covering a total area of 806 m3.
      Exhaust gas: The main production equipment are laid out in accordance with the environmental impact assessment: CNC
equipment is installed respectively at F1, F2 and F3 workshops; the anode line is arranged in F5 workshop; the volatile oil mist
generated by the workshops of CNC equipment (F1, F2 and F3) is treated by the supporting treatment facility (i.e., electrostatic oil
removal facility), and then emitted through a 25m-high exhaust funnel after it meets the Level 2 of the Integrated Emission Standards
of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996); the particulate exhaust gas generated by the workshops of sandblast equipment (F1, F2 and F3) is
treated by the supporting treatment facility (i.e., spray tower), and then emitted through a 25m-high exhaust funnel after it meets the
Level 2 of the Integrated Emission Standards of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996); the injection molding exhaust gas generated by the
workshops of the injection molding equipment (F5 and F9) is treated by the activated carbon adsorption device, and then emitted
through a 25m-high exhaust funnel after it meets the special emission limits of air pollutants provided in Table 5 of the Emission
Standards of Pollutants from Synthetic Resin Industry (GB31572-2015); the exhaust gas such as sulfuric acid mist and nitric acid
mist generated by the workshop of the anode line (F5) is treated by the supporting treatment facility (i.e., alkali liquor spray tower),
and then emitted through a 25m-high exhaust funnel after it meets the emission limits provided in Table 5 of the Emission Standards
of Electroplating Pollutants (GB21900-2008); the VOC exhaust gas generated by the assembly workshop is treated by the activated
carbon adsorption device, and then emitted through a 25m-high exhaust funnel after it meets the Level 2 provided in the Integrated
Emission Standards of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).
      The plant is 420 meters away from its nearest sensitive point in the northwest, i.e., Maojia Community, meeting the
      Noise: According to the monitoring results, the noise at the east and south boundaries of the plant meets Class 3 of the Standards
on Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008), and the noise at the west and north boundaries
meets Class 4 of the Standards on Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008).
      Solid waste: 1. A classified collection system is established for solid waste, which is classified into hazardous waste and general
solid waste. Meanwhile, the domestic waste and industry solid waste shall be divided on connection. The sludge produced by waste
water is separately pressed, filtered and collected through being classified into three types such as nickel containing sludge,
chromium containing sludge and physical and chemical sludge. 2. The temporary storage place for general solid waste is set up in the
production plant. General solid waste such as metal leftovers and injection molding waste is bagged and collected in the temporary
storage place according to the requirements. 3. A special temporary storage place for hazardous waste, covering an area of 648 m2, is
set up in the production plant to collect and temporarily store hazardous waste according to the relevant requirements. 4. The
temporary storage place for used sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid and other raw material packaging barrels is set up according to the
requirements of the temporary storage place for hazardous waste. 5. Metal leftovers, sandblast waste and collected dust, among
others, are sold to recycling companies for comprehensive utilization. The biochemical sludge produced by wastewater treatment is
collected and sent to the urban waste treatment system and domestic waste is uniformly transported and treated by the local
environmental sanitation department. 6. Hazardous waste such as waste cutting fluid, grinding waste residue, waste packaging
materials (sodium hydroxide, etc.), (sludge containing nickel and chromium, and physical and chemical sludge) is collected and
entrusted to qualified units for disposal.
III. Riming Computer Accessories (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
      1. Measures for noise pollution prevention: The outdoor equipment, the equipment close to the plant boundaries and the cooling
tower are environmentally friendly. Most equipment is installed in the workshop and on the roof of the workshop, a reasonable layout.
The basic shock absorption is made when the equipment is installed, the fan is equipped with silencer and the flexible connector is
used for the connection of blast pipes.
      2. Measures for hazardous waste pollution prevention: The plant is equipped with the special hazardous waste cans and
warehouses, implements the “Three Prevention” system and carries out irregular self check and self correction;
      3. Measures for exhaust gas pollution prevention: A regular check is carried out for the completeness of the waste gas tower
body, liquid tank, spray system, filling materials, gas-liquid separator, etc., and the filling materials are replaced in time; after the air
volume of the extraction equipment is adjusted and balanced, the full-automatic control is adopted so that each extraction point falls
within a reasonable air volume range.
      4. Measures for wastewater pollution prevention: The principle of divergence is implemented. Different kinds of wastewater
enter the corresponding sewage pool through different pipes. The pipes are overhead and pasted with signs of flow direction. The
completeness of the pipes is checked regularly, and any abnormality, if found, will be handled immediately. All pools and floors of
the sewage station are paved and hardened for anti seepage and anti corrosion.
IV. Sheng Rui Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
      1. Measures for noise pollution prevention: The outdoor equipment, the equipment close to the plant boundaries and the cooling
                                                                              Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
tower are environmentally friendly. Most equipment is installed in the workshop and on the roof of the workshop, a reasonable layout.
The basic shock absorption is made when the equipment is installed, the fan is equipped with silencer and the flexible connector is
used for the connection of blast pipes.
     2. Measures for hazardous waste pollution prevention: The plant is equipped with the special hazardous waste cans and
warehouses, implements the “Three Prevention” system and carries out irregular self check and self correction;
     3. Measures for exhaust gas pollution prevention: A regular check is carried out for the completeness of the waste gas tower
body, liquid tank, spray system, filling materials, gas-liquid separator, etc., and the filling materials are replaced in time; after the air
volume of the extraction equipment is adjusted and balanced, the full-automatic control is adopted so that each extraction point falls
within a reasonable air volume range.
     4. Measures for wastewater pollution prevention: The principle of divergence is implemented. Different kinds of wastewater
enter the corresponding sewage pool through different pipes. The pipes are overhead and pasted with signs of flow direction. The
completeness of the pipes is checked regularly, and any abnormality, if found, will be handled immediately. All pools and floors of
the sewage station are paved and hardened for anti seepage and anti corrosion.
Environmental impact assessment of construction projects and other environmental protection administrative permits
I. Rikai Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.
      Area B: 1. Impact of wastewater discharge on main protection objectives. After this project is completed, the comprehensive
wastewater produced by the whole plant will be 942,900t/a (2,694t/d), representing 22.5% of the comprehensive wastewater
treatment capacity (i.e., 12,000 t/d); the heavy metal wastewater produced by the whole plant will be 168,700t/a (482t/d), but the
wastewater treatment capacity (150t/d) of the heavy metal wastewater treatment center currently in progress cannot meet the
requirements of heavy metal wastewater treatment capacity after completion of this project. Therefore, it is feasible to connect the
pipes for the heavy metal wastewater of this project only if the heavy mental treatment center’s treatment capacity meets the heavy
mental wastewater volume of this project. 2. Impact analysis of air environment. The maximum ground concentration of each
pollutant is less than 10% of its corresponding standards, and the predicted maximum concentration value based on calculation plus
the maximum value based on monitoring of regional pollutants also meet the standards. Therefore, the air quality of the surrounding
environmental sensitive points can meet the requirements notwithstanding under most unfavorable conditions. As can be seen, the
pollutants discharged by the project have little impact on the environment and will not change the functions of the surrounding air
environment. 3. Impact of noise on the surrounding environment. The Company has implemented the corresponding sound insulation
measures, and accordingly the predicted noise value at the boundaries of the whole plant during the day and at night meets Level 3
provided in the Standard on Noise Emissions at the Boundaries of Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008). 4. Environmental impact
of solid waste. The solid waste produced by this project can realize zero discharge without secondary pollution after being properly
treated and disposed. 5. Impact analysis of groundwater environment. According to the prediction results of groundwater, on the
abnormal working conditions, namely, if the sewage state has continuous leakage, the maximum contribution value is 45.309mg/L
when the concentration of Cr VI at 10m downstream is 1000d, and with reference to the standard (Level 3 of groundwater quality
standard is 0.05mg/L), Cr VI of the groundwater (100d and 1000d) at 100m downstream meets the Level 3 standard; the maximum
contribution value is 181.237 mg/L when the concentration of Ni at 10m downstream is 1000d, and with reference to the standard
(Level 3 of groundwater quality standard is 0.05mg/L), the Ni of the groundwater (100d and 1000d) at 200m downstream meets the
Level 3 standard.
      Area C: 1. Impact on air environment: According to the calculation results of air estimation model, the maximum ratio of each
pollutant is less than 10% of the rating standards after completion of this project, and is determined as Level 2. After technology
transformation, the unorganized exhaust gas emission in Area C does not exceed the standards outside the plant boundaries. The
health protection distance is required to be set by extending 100m outside the C4-C7 production workshops, namely, by extending
33m outside the east boundary of the plant, 12m outside the west boundary of the plant and 80m outside the north boundary of the
plant. There are no sensitive protection targets such as residents within the above-mentioned scope. 2. Impact on water environment:
After the technology transformation project is completed, the heavy metal wastewater in area C is treated by the heavy metal zero
discharge system and then reused in the anodic oxidation process; the wet polishing wastewater is treated by the wet polishing
wastewater treatment facility and then reused in the wet polishing process; after the chemical polishing wastewater is treated by the
phosphoric acid concentration system, the waste acid is entrusted to a qualified unit for treatment; the wastewater and cooling water
produced by pure water preparation are discharged as clean water; the initial rain collected and comprehensive sewage after being
treated by the comprehensive sewage station are sent to Yancheng City Tongqi Water Co., Ltd. for in-depth treatment, and the
domestic sewage after being treated by septic pool is sent to Yancheng City Tongqi Water Co., Ltd. for in-depth treatment. The
project has little impact on the regional surface water environment. 3. Impact on acoustic environment: After technology
transformation, the high noise sources in Area C are rationally laid out and effectively governed, which has little impact on the plant
boundaries and surrounding residents. 4. Impact of solid waste After technology transformation, the solid waste in Area C are
effectively treated and treated, which has little impact on the environment. 5. Impact on groundwater environment: After technology
transformation, the zoning prevention and control measures are taken towards potential impact on groundwater and soil, with the aim
to effectively preventing the leachate or wastewater seeping into and polluting groundwater. Therefore, this project has little impact
on groundwater environment. 6. Impact on risk environment: After the technology transformation, the reasonable risk prevention
measures and emergency plans are taken and formulated in Area C to ensure that the risk level will fall within a controllable and
bearable scope.
      To sum up, this project has little impact on regional environment quality and will not change its functions and categories.
II. Rishan Computer Accessories (Jiashan) Co., Ltd.
      Shan Huan Han [2016] No. 91, Bao Gao Biao Bei [2017] No. 010, Bao Gao Biao Bei [2017] No. 013, Shan Huan Han [2018]
No. 91 and Deng Ji Baio Bei [2020] No. 088.
III. Riming Computer Accessories (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
      Jin Huan Xu [2012] No. 34, Jin Huan Xu [2014] No. 479, Jin Huan Xu [2015] No. 195, Jin Huan Xu [2015] No. 323, Jin Huan
                                                                          Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Xu [2018] No. 170, Jin Huan Xu [2019] No. 254, and Jin Huan Xu [2020] No. 27.
IV. Sheng Rui Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
     Jin Huan Xu [2012] No. 544, Jin Huan Yan [2012] No. 62, Jin Huan Yuan [2014] No. 126, Jin Huan Xu [2018] No. 187, Jin
Huan Xu [2020] No. 245, and the Pollution Discharge Permit No.: 91310000575815657F001P.
Emergency plan for abrupt environmental pollution accidents
I. Rikai Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.
      Yancheng Luxcase has formulated the Emergency Plan for Abrupt Environmental Pollution Accidents.
II. Rishan Computer Accessories (Jiashan) Co., Ltd.
      In September 2021, Rishan Computer has prepared the Emergency Plan for Abrupt Environmental Pollution Accidents (3rd
Edition), and has completed the formalities for expert review and filing with the filing No.: 330421-2021-105-M.
III. Riming Computer Accessories (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
      Riming Computer has prepared the Emergency Plan within the valid term and suitable to the plant, and has filed with the
ecological environment bureau with filing No.: 02-310116-2019-048-L.
IV. Sheng Rui Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
      Sheng Rui Electronic has prepared the Emergency Plan within the valid term and suitable to the plant, and has filed with the
ecological environment bureau with filing No.: 02-310116-2021-022-M.
Environmental self-monitoring program
I. Rikai Precision Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd.
      Rikai Yancheng has formulated the Monitoring Program in accordance with the environment impact assessment report.
II. Rishan Computer Accessories (Jiashan) Co., Ltd.
      Rishan Computer has prepared the Self-monitoring program for 2022 in December 2021 to test the organized exhaust gas at the
emission outlet once every half a year, the unorganized exhaust gas once a year, indicators of suspended solids and petroleum at the
inlet of wastewater once a month, indicators of total chromium, Cr VI and total nickel once a day and noise once a quarter.
III. Riming Computer Accessories (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
      Riming Computer updates the Environmental Self-monitoring Program in accordance with the requirements of the pollutant
discharge license and environment assessment, and entrusts a qualified third-party monitoring agency with sampling, testing and
issuing a compliance report.
IV. Sheng Rui Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
      Riming Computer updates the Environmental Self-monitoring Program in accordance with the requirements of the pollutant
discharge license and environment assessment, and entrusts a qualified third-party monitoring agency with sampling, testing and
issuing a compliance report.
Administrative penalties imposed due to environmental issues during the reporting period
Name of the                                                               Effects on the
Company or                                                              listed company’s
             Reasons for penalty    Violations      Penalty results                       Rectification measures of the Company
    its                                                                  production and
subsidiaries                                                                 operation
            On November 3,                                                                 1. An independent wastewater pipe will
            2020, Jiaxing                                                                  be added in the north within the plant,
            Ecological                                                                     through which the pretreated production
            Environment                                             Rishan                 wastewater meeting the standard will be
            Bureau checked                                          Computer is the        transmitted to the main discharge outlet.
            Rishan’s plant                                         subsidiary of          A parshall flume will be built at the main
            located at No. 89      Violate the                      Rikai Computer         discharge outlet, and a set of automatic
            Changjiang Road,       provisions On February 4, 2021, (now known as           monitoring device meeting the
            Huimin Street,         of Article 10 Jiaxing Ecological Rikai Yancheng)        standardization requirements will be
            Jiashan County, and    of the Law Environment Bureau when the                  newly installed to monitor the quality of
            discovered that the    of the        imposed an         Company                production wastewater. The original
                                   People’s     Administrative     consummated
Accessories total phosphorus                                                               wastewater pipe will be used for
            concentration of the   Republic of Penalty (Jia Huan    the closing on         domestic sewage discharge, and the
            wastewater at its      China on the (Shan) Fa Zi [2021] February 3,            original online monitoring device is used
Co., Ltd.
            main sewage            Prevention No. 3) amounting to 2021. This               for internal monitoring of domestic
            discharge outlet is    and Control RMB250,000 on        administrative         sewage quality. After transformation, the
            9.66mg/L,              of Water      Rishan Computer.   penalty has no         Company’s internal domestic sewage
            exceeding Level 1      Pollution.                       effects on the         and the production wastewater are
            provided in Table 1                                     Company’s             diverged. The independent online
            of the Restrictions                                     production and         monitoring system monitors the water
            on Indirect                                             operation.             quality, facilitating future environmental
            Discharge of                                                                   protection monitoring and management
            Nitrogen and                                                                   work. Once abnormal data exceeding the
            Phosphorus                                                                     standards are found, the response
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
             Pollutants from                                                        measures can be taken immediately to
             Wastewater of                                                          stop the discharge of corresponding
             Industrial                                                             water sources until they meet the
             Enterprises                                                            discharge requirements of environmental
             (DB33/887-2013),                                                       protection. 2. The emergency pool and
             namely, 8mg/L.                                                         sewage pipe are checked on a regular
                                                                                    basis every year, and the manufacturer is
                                                                                    arranged to flush the rain and sewage
                                                                                    pipe network at least once a year. 3. The
                                                                                    environmental protection risk
                                                                                    assessment, the environmental protection
                                                                                    measure acceptance, and process
                                                                                    monitoring and management are strictly
                                                                                    implemented towards the new,
                                                                                    reconstructed, expanded
                                                                                    projects/production processes.
Other environment information to be disclosed
Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects
√ Applicable □ N/A
The Company’s 2021 Sustainable Development Report has been published at Cninfo (www.cninfo.com.cn), the information
disclosure website designated by the Company, together with this report on the same day.
Other environmental information
The Company’s 2021 Sustainable Development Report has been published at Cninfo (www.cninfo.com.cn), the information
disclosure website designated by the Company, together with this report on the same day.
II. Social responsibility
The Company’s 2021 Sustainable Development Report has been published at Cninfo (www.cninfo.com.cn), the information
disclosure website designated by the Company, together with this report on the same day.
III. Consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization
The Company did not carry out the work on poverty alleviation and rural revitalization during the reporting period or have
subsequent relevant plans.
                                                                      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                        Section VI Significant Events
I. Performance of commitments
1. Complete and incomplete commitments of the Company and its actual controller, shareholders, related
parties, acquirers, and other related parties for the commitments by the end of the reporting period.
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                             Date of     Term of
                                          Giver of    Commitmen                                                    Performa
            Commitments                                           Details of commitments commitment commitme
                                        commitments     t type                                                        nce
                                                                                                s          nts
Commitments relating to the
transformation into share holding
Commitments made in any acquisition
report or report on changes in equity
Commitments relating to any asset
                                                                Pursuant to the applicable
                                                                regulations of the China
                                                                Securities       Regulatory
                                                                Commission, in order to
                                                                ensure the implementation
                                                                of the remedial measures
                                                                for diluted earnings of the
                                        Dawei, LI               Company, each of the
                                        Bin, LIN                directors and executives
                                                                of the Company hereby
                                        Yifei, WANG
                                                                commitments as follows:
                                        Laichun,                1. I will not transfer                         The
                                        WANG                    benefits to any other                          commitm
Commitments relating to any initial                  Other      entity     or     individual
                                        Laisheng, WU                                                           ents have
public offering or subsequent fund                   commitment without compensation or July 11,2019 Permanent
                                        Tiansong,                                                              been
raising                                              s          on unfair terms, or
                                        XIONG                   otherwise damage the                           fulfilled
                                        Tengfang, XU            interest of the Company.                       strictly
                                                                2. I      will      exercise
                                        Huaibin, XUE
                                                                self-discipline           in
                                        Haigao, YE              consumption               in
                                        Yiling,                 performing my duties.
                                                                3. I will not use the assets
                                        ZHANG Ying
                                                                of the Company to engage
                                                                in any investment or
                                                                consumption activity not
                                                                in connection with my
                                                                4. I will, within my
      Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
powers,      procure        the
linkage      between        the
compensation           system
adopted by the Board of
Directors         or        the
Compensation               and
Performance         Appraisal
Committee         and       the
implementation of the
Company’s           remedial
measures      for      diluted
5. I will, within my
powers,      procure        the
linkage      between        the
vesting conditions in
respect of any share
incentives granted by the
Company          and        the
implementation of the
Company’s           remedial
measures      for      diluted
6. I undertake to strictly
fulfill the commitments
set forth above, to ensure
the implementation of the
remedial measures for
diluted earnings of the
Company. If I breach or
refuse to fulfill any
commitment set forth
above, I will make
explanations               and
apologies and perform
other obligations required
by       the       applicable
regulations, and agree to
accept any punishment or
regulatory action that may
be imposed on or taken
against me by the China
Securities        Regulatory
Commission,                 the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange
or any other competent
securities         regulatory
authority pursuant to the
applicable      rules      and
regulations established or
promulgated by such
regulatory authorities, and
indemnify the Company
or its shareholders for the
losses (if any) arising
therefrom according to
                            Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                      In order to seriously
                      protect the legitimate
                      rights and interests of the
                      Company and all of its
                      shareholders, each of the
                      controlling     shareholder
                      and actual controllers of
                      the Company hereby
                      commitments as follows:
                      1. We/I will not interfere
                      with management and
                      operation of the Company
                      beyond our/my powers, or
                      infringe on the interest of
                      the Company.
                      2. We/I will procure the
                      implementation of the
                      remedial measures for
                      diluted earnings of the
                      Company, and fulfill
                      our/my commitments in
                      connection therewith. If
                      We/I breach or refuse to
                      fulfill any commitment set
                      forth above, We/I agree to
Luxshare              accept any punishment or                           The
                      regulatory action that may
Limited,                                                                 commitm
           Other      be imposed on or taken
WANG                  against us/me by the July 11,                      ents have
           commitment                                        Permanent
Laichun,              China             Securities 2019                  been
           s          Regulatory Commission,
WANG                                                                     fulfilled
                      the      Shenzhen     Stock
Laisheng              Exchange or any other                              strictly
                      competent         securities
                      regulatory         authority
                      pursuant to the applicable
                      rules and regulations
                      established               or
                      promulgated by such
                      regulatory authorities, and
                      indemnify the Company
                      or the investors for the
                      losses (if any) arising
                      therefrom according to
                      3. From the date of this
                      commitment till the date
                      of completion of this
                      offering, if the China
                      Securities       Regulatory
                      Commission or any other
                      competent         securities
                      regulatory         authority
                      adopts any new regulation
                      regarding the remedial
                      measures      for    diluted
                      earnings                 and
                      commitments               in
                            Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                      connection therewith, and
                      the commitments set forth
                      above do not satisfy the
                      requirements of such new
                      regulation, We/I will make
                      commitments pursuant to
                      the new regulation.
                      Luxshare Limited, as the
                      controlling shareholder of
                      the Company, and WANG
                      Laichun and WANG
                      Laisheng, as the actual
                      controllers        of      the
                      Company,               hereby
                      commitment as follows:
                      1. We, Luxshare Limited,
                      as       the       controlling
                      shareholder         of     the
                      Company, undertake not
                      to        interfere      with
                      management                and
                      operation of the Company
                      beyond our powers, or
                      infringe on the interest of
                      the Company.
                      2. I, WANG Laichun, as
                      the     actual controller,
                      Chairman and General
Luxshare              Manager of the Company,                            The
                      undertake to perform my
Limited,                                                                 commitm
           Other      duties in accordance with
WANG                  the applicable laws and March 11,                  ents have
           commitment                                        Permanent
Laichun,              regulations       and      the 2016                been
           s          articles of association of
WANG                                                                     fulfilled
                      the Company, and not to
Laisheng              interfere                with                      strictly
                      management                and
                      operation of the Company
                      beyond my powers, or
                      infringe on the interest of
                      the Company.
                      3. I, WANG Laisheng, as
                      the actual controller and
                      Vice Chairman of the
                      Company, undertake to
                      perform my duties in
                      accordance        with     the
                      applicable       laws     and
                      regulations       and      the
                      articles of association of
                      the Company, and not to
                      interfere                with
                      management                and
                      operation of the Company
                      beyond my powers, or
                      infringe on the interest of
                      the Company.
                                       Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                 Each of the directors and
                                 executives         of      the
                                 Company                hereby
                                 commitments as follows:
                                 (1) I will not transfer
                                 benefits to any other
                                 entity      or     individual
                                 without compensation or
                                 on unfair terms, or
                                 otherwise damage the
                                 interest of the Company.
                                 (2) I      will       exercise
BAI Rujing,                      self-discipline              in
CHEN                             consumption                  in
                                 performing my duties.
Chaofei,                         (3) I will not use the
DONG                             assets of the Company to
Jianhai, LI                      engage in any investment
                                 or consumption activity
Bin, LI Jing,
                                 not in connection with my                                   The
LI Xiongwei,                     duties.
LIN Yifei,      Other            (4) I will procure the
                                 linkage      between       the    March 11,                 ents have
WANG Ji,        commitment                                                       Permanent
                                 compensation           system     2016                      been
WANG            s                adopted by the Board of
Laichun,                         Directors         or       the
                                 Compensation               and                              strictly
                                 Performance         Appraisal
Laisheng, XU                     Committee         and       the
Huaibin, YE                      implementation of the
Yiling,                          Company’s           remedial
                                 measures       for     diluted
Lihua                            (5) If     the      Company
                                 establishes any share
                                 incentive plan in the
                                 future, I will procure the
                                 linkage      between       the
                                 vesting conditions in
                                 respect of any share
                                 incentives granted by the
                                 Company          and       the
                                 implementation of the
                                 Company’s           remedial
                                 measures       for     diluted
                Commitmen        The commitments relating
                                 to horizontal competition,
                ts relating to
                                 related-party transactions                                  The
                horizontal       and occupation of funds
                competition,     are as follows:
Luxshare                         1. We and all other entities      October 15,               ents have
                related-party                                                    Permanent
Limited                          controlled by us at present       2014                      been
                transactions     or in the future will not,
                and              directly or indirectly,
                                 engage in any business or                                   strictly
                                 activity that competes or
                of funds         might        compete         or
                                  Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                            potentially compete with
                            the main business of the
                            2. If any amendment of
                            any applicable law or
                            change in any applicable
                            policy of the country
                            results in any actual or
                            potential        horizontal
                            competition between us or
                            any other entity controlled
                            by us and the Company in
                            any       business,     the
                            Company shall have the
                            preemptive right on the
                            same terms in respect of
                            any               entrusted
                            management              (or
                            management           under
                            contract or lease) or
                            acquisition in connection
                            with such business.
                            3. So long as we remain
                            the              controlling
                            shareholder       of    the
                            Company,                the
                            commitments      set   forth
                            above         shall      be
                            unconditional           and
                            irrevocable. If we breach
                            any commitment set forth
                            above, we will, jointly and
                            severally, fully, timely and
                            adequately indemnify the
                            losses of the Company
                            arising therefrom.
                            The commitments relating
                            to horizontal competition,
                            related-party transactions
           Commitmen        and occupation of funds
           ts relating to   are as follows:
                            1. We and other entities                           The
                            controlled by us will                              commitm
           competition,     reduce         related-party October 15,
Luxshare                                                                       ents have
           related-party    transactions with the                    Permanent
Limited                                                  2014                  been
           transactions     Company to the maximum
                            extent practicable.                                fulfilled
                            2. With respect to any                             strictly
           occupation       related-party transaction
           of funds         between us or any other
                            entity controlled by us and
                            the Company that is
                            unavoidable or exists
                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                         reasonably, we will carry
                         out such transaction on an
                         arm’s length basis and
                         customary       commercial
                         terms, ensure the fairness
                         of the transaction price,
                         perform     the     relevant
                         decision-making process
                         according to law, and
                         guarantee      that      the
                         legitimate rights        and
                         interests of the Company
                         and its shareholders will
                         not be damaged as a result
                         of such transaction.
                         3. We or any other entity
                         controlled by us will not
                         request the Company to
                         offer any terms more
                         favorable than the terms
                         that may be offered by
                         any third party in an arm’s
                         length transaction, or
                         accept any such terms
                         offered by the Company.
                         4. So long as we remain
                         the              controlling
                         shareholder          of         the
                         Company,                        the
                         commitments      set           forth
                         above         shall              be
                         unconditional                   and
                         irrevocable. If we breach
                         any commitment set forth
                         above, we will, jointly and
                         severally, fully, timely and
                         adequately indemnify the
                         losses of the Company
                         arising therefrom.
                         The commitments relating
           Commitmen to horizontal competition,
           ts relating to related-party transactions
           horizontal    and occupation of funds
WANG                                                                                   commitm
           competition, are as follows: I and other
Laichun,                                                        July 30,               ents have
           related-party entities controlled by me                         Permanent
WANG                                                            2010                   been
           transactions are not engaged in any
Laisheng                                                                               fulfilled
           and           business that is the same
           occupation    as    or   similar        to    the
           of funds      business of the Issuer or
                         any entity controlled by
                              Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                       the Issuer. So long as I
                       retain control over the
                       Issuer          directly           or
                       indirectly, I will strictly
                       comply              with          the
                       applicable                      laws,
                       regulations and codes of
                       the country, and will not,
                       directly       or        indirectly,
                       engage in any business
                       that is the same as, similar
                       to    or     substantially         in
                       competition          with         the
                       business of the Issuer or
                       any entity controlled by
                       the      Issuer,         or     have
                       substantial         or        relative
                       control over any other
                       company, organization or
                       economic entity engaging
                       in any business that is the
                       same as, similar to or
                       substantially                      in
                       competition          with         the
                       business of the Issuer or
                       any entity controlled by
                       the Issuer in or outside
                       China. I will use my
                       control over the other
                       entities controlled by me
                       to cause such entities to
                       fulfill the commitments
                       set forth above in the
                       same manner. If I breach
                       any commitment set forth
                       above, I agree to assume
                       the          relevant           legal
                       liabilities,             including
                       without        limitation,         to
                       indemnify the Issuer and
                       its minority shareholders
                       for    all     losses         arising
Luxshare   Commitmen The commitments relating July 30,          Permanent The
                                  Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
Limited,     ts relating to to horizontal competition, 2010                    commitm
Shenzhen     horizontal   related-party transactions                           ents have
Zixin        competition, and occupation of funds                              been
Investment   related-party are as follows: We are not                          fulfilled
Co., Ltd.    transactions engaged in any business                              strictly
             and          that is the same as or
             occupation   similar to the business of
             of funds     the Issuer or any entity
                          controlled by the Issuer.
                          So long as we retain
                          control over the Issuer
                          directly or indirectly, we
                          will strictly comply with
                          the        applicable             laws,
                          regulations and codes of
                          the country, and will not,
                          directly      or        indirectly,
                          engage in any business
                          that is the same as, similar
                          to    or     substantially           in
                          competition         with            the
                          business of the Issuer or
                          any entity controlled by
                          the     Issuer,         or        have
                          substantial        or        relative
                          control over any other
                          company, organization or
                          economic entity engaging
                          in any business that is the
                          same as, similar to or
                          substantially                        in
                          competition         with            the
                          business of the Issuer or
                          any entity controlled by
                          the Issuer in or outside
                          China. We will use our
                          control over the other
                          entities controlled by us to
                          cause      such entities             to
                          fulfill the commitments
                          set forth above in the
                          same       manner.           If     we
                          breach any commitment
                          set forth above, we agree
                                    Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                           to assume the relevant
                           legal liabilities, including
                           without        limitation,      to
                           indemnify the Issuer and
                           its minority shareholders
                           for   all      losses    arising
                           The commitments relating
                           to horizontal competition,
                           related-party transactions
                           and occupation of funds
                           are as follows: We/I will
                           not take advantage of
                           our/my position as the
                           controlling        shareholder,
                           actual         controller      or
                           shareholder                    (as
                           applicable) and our/my
                           affiliation with the Issuer
                           to engage in any act to the
                           detriment of the interest of
             Commitmen the Issuer or its other
             ts relating to shareholders. With respect
Shenzhen                                                                                The
             horizontal    to       any      related-party
Zixin                                                                                   commitm
             competition, transaction between us/me
Investment                                                      July 30,               ents have
             related-party or    any        other      entity               Permanent
Co., Ltd.,                                                      2010                    been
             transactions controlled by us/me and
WANG                                                                                    fulfilled
             and           the Issuer, we/I will carry
Laichun,                                                                                strictly
             occupation    out such transaction on an
             of funds      arm’s length basis and
                           customary          commercial
                           terms, and will not request
                           the Issuer to offer any
                           terms more favorable than
                           the terms that may be
                           offered by any third party
                           in    an       arm’s       length
                           transaction, or accept any
                           such terms offered by the
                           Issuer. We/I will strictly
                           perform all related-party
                           transaction agreements (if
                           any) entered into with the
                           Issuer in good faith, and
                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                         will not seek any interest
                                                         or benefit in contravention
                                                         of the commitments set
                                                         forth above. If we/I breach
                                                         any commitment set forth
                                                         above,      we/I    agree       to
                                                         indemnify the Issuer and
                                                         its minority shareholders
                                                         for   all    losses        arising
                                                         Luxshare Limited, as the
                                                         controlling shareholder of
                                                         the    Company,            hereby
                                           Other         undertakes not to sell any
                                Luxshare                                                      February 3, February    ents have
                                           commitment share of the Company
                                Limited                                                       2021        2, 2022     been
                                           s             through the stock trading
                                                         system within 12 months
                                                         after the completion of
                                                         this disposal.
                                                         After the completion of
                                                         the                transactions
                                                         contemplated          by      the
                                                         announcement on external
                                           Commitmen investment                        and
                                           ts relating to related-party transactions
                                           horizontal    disclosed by the Company
Commitments relating to share                                                                                         commitm
                                           competition, on November 13, 2020,
incentives                      Luxshare                                                      November                ents have
                                           related-party we and our affiliates will                       Permanent
                                Limited                                                       13, 2020                been
                                           transactions not       engage       in      any
                                           and           business that is the same
                                           occupation    as    or    substantially       in
                                           of funds      competition        with       the
                                                         business of the Company
                                                         or any entity controlled by
                                                         the    Company        in      any
                                                         Luxshare Limited, as the
                                                         controlling shareholder of
                                           Other         the Company, hereby
                                Luxshare                                                      July 22,    February
                                           commitment undertakes not to sell any                                      Fulfilled
                                Limited                                                       2020        2, 2022
                                           s             share of the Company
                                                         through the stock trading
                                                         system within 6 months
                                                                           Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                     after the completion of
                                                                     this disposal.
Commitments made to the minority
shareholders of the Company
Whether the commitments have been
fulfilled on time?
If any commitment fails to be fulfilled
on time, please state the specific        N/A
reason and the relevant action plan
2. If the Company has made any profit forecast on its assets or project and the reporting period falls within
the period of such profit forecast, explanation about whether the goal has been achieved and the relevant
□ Applicable √ N/A
II. Occupation of funds of the listed company by the controlling shareholder and other related
parties for non-operating purposes
□ Applicable √ N/A
During the reporting period, no controlling shareholder or its related party used capital of the listed company for non-operating
III. Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties
□ Applicable √ N/A
We have not provided any external guarantee in contravention of the applicable regulations during the reporting period.
IV. Explanation made by the Board of Directors about the modified audit opinion for the
latest period
□ Applicable √ N/A
V. Explanation by the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the independent
directors (if any) about the modified auditor’s report issued by the accounting firm for the
reporting period
□ Applicable √ N/A
VI. Explanation about changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates or correction
of significant accounting errors when compared to the previous financial year
□ Applicable √ N/A
                                                                             Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
The Company has no changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates or correction of significant accounting errors during
the reporting period.
VII. Explanation about changes in consolidation scope when compared to the previous
financial year
√ Applicable □ N/A
       The consolidation scope for this period adds by new establishment Luxis Technology Limited, Luxshare Precision Industry
(Yancheng) Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xuntao Technology Co., Ltd., Rugao Lixun Enterprise Management Service Partnership (Limited
Partnership), Lianxun Intelligent Equipment (Rugao) Co., Ltd., Luxshare Precision Technology (Xi’an) Co., Ltd., Luxshare
Electronic Technology (Enshi) Co., Ltd., Lixin Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., Luxshare Precision Investment Co., LTd.,
Yancheng Lixun Enterprise Management Service Partnership (Limited Partnership), Lixun Intelligent Equipment (Yancheng) Co.,
Ltd., Luxis Precision Intelligent Manufacturing (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., Lixun Intelligent Electronic Service (Kunshan) Co., Ltd., Liding
Electronic Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Luxshare Precision Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., Henan Lide Precision Industry
Co., Ltd. and Changzhi Lixun Precision Industry Co., Ltd.; the consolidation scope adds by cash acquisition Rikai Precision
Technology (Yancheng) Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Puxing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.; the consolidation scope addes by agreement
control Caldigit Holding (Cayman) and Tainhan Precision Co., Ltd.; the shares held in Wuxi Huihong Electronics Co., Ltd. are
transferred during this period, so it is not included in the consolidation scope; Ji’an City Jihzou District Lixun Electronics Co., Ltd.,
Speedtech (LS-ICT) Co., Limited, Lixun International Cable Co., Ltd. and Luxshare-ICT International B.V. are cancelled by
liquidation, so they are not included in the consolidation scope.
VIII. Appointment and dismissal of accounting firms
Accounting firm currently engaged:
Name of domestic accounting firm                                    BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP
Remuneration of domestic accounting firm (in RMB0’000)             230
Consecutive years in which the domestic accounting firm has
provided auditing service
Certified public accountant of the domestic accounting firm         LI Jing, WEI Gang
Consecutive years in which the certified public accountant of the
domestic accounting firm has provided auditing service
Name of foreign accounting firm (if any)                            None
Remuneration of foreign accounting firm (in RMB0’000) (if any) 0
Consecutive years in which the foreign accounting firm has
provided auditing service (if any)
Certified public accountant of the foreign accounting firm (if
Consecutive years in which the certified public accountant of the None
                                                                            Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
foreign accounting firm has provided auditing service (if any)
Whether a new accounting firm was engaged during the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No
Engagement of accounting firm for auditing internal controls, financial advisor or sponsor:
□ Applicable √ N/A
IX. Possibility of listing suspension and termination after disclosure of the annual report
□ Applicable √ N/A
X. Matters relating to bankruptcy and reorganization
□ Applicable √ N/A
We have not been involved in any bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings during the reporting period.
XI. Material litigation and arbitration proceedings
√ Applicable □ N/A
                         Amount          Whether a                                      Enforcement of                Information
                                                                                                          Date of
    Background           claimed       provision is      Status     Result and effect      judgment/                   disclosure
                       (RMB0’000)     recognized                                             award                   available at
                                                                   The case has been
                                                                   settled/ closed by
Other litigation                                                                        Closed by
                                                                   mediation or won,
during the reporting          89.57 No                Closed                            mediation or                  N/A
                                                                   and does not have
period                                                                                  enforced
                                                                   a material effect
                                                                   on us.
                                                                   The case is
Other litigation                                                   pending, and will
during the reporting      47,706.74 No                Pending      not have a           Pending                       N/A
period                                                             material effect on
XII. Penalty and rectification
□ Applicable √ N/A
We have not been subject to any punishment or required to make any rectification during the reporting period.
                                                                                         Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
      XIII. Integrity of the Company, its controlling shareholder and actual controller
  √ Applicable □ N/A
  There wasn’t any outstanding court judgment or overdue debt of a large amount involving us or our controlling shareholder or actual
  controllers during the reporting period.
  XIV. Material related-party transactions
  1. Related-party transactions relating to day-to-day operation
  √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                            % of the                                     Market
                                                                                        ed limit
                                                                              total                 Whethe                price
                               Related-                        Amount amount                        r or not Method availabl
                                           Pricing Transact                             transacti                                    Date of      Information
Counterp Relation               party                            (in         of the                 exceed       of      e for the
                     Type                  principl     ion                                on                                        disclosu      disclosure
  arty      ship               transacti                       RMB0’        same                     the     settleme    same
                                                 e     price                            amount                                          re        available at
                                    ons                         000)        type of                 approve      nt      type of
                                                                            transacti               d limit              transacti
                                                                              ons                                          ons
                    Purchas                                                                                                                     on Expected
                    e of                                                                                                                        Daily Related
          Related              Purchasi Market- Fair                                                                     Fair        April
BCS                 goods                                                                                     Bank                              Party
          legal                ng          set        market    370.89        0.00%          200 Yes                     market 21,
Suzhou              from                                                                                      transfer                          Transactions for
          person               goods       prices     price                                                              price       2021
                    related                                                                                                                     2021
                    party                                                                                                                       (Announcement
                                                                                                                                                No.: 2021-039)
                                                                                                                                                on Expected
                    Sales of                                                                                                                    Daily Related
          Related                          Market- Fair                                                                  Fair        April
BCS                 goods to Sales of                          21,871.                                        Bank                              Party
          legal                            set        market                  0.14% 27,500 No                            market 21,
Suzhou              related    goods                                   71                                     transfer                          Transactions for
          person                           prices     price                                                              price       2021
                    persons                                                                                                                     2021
                                                                                                                                                No.: 2021-039)
                                                                                                                                                on Expected
                    Sales of
          Related                          Market- Fair                                                                  Fair                   Added Daily
Luxsan              goods to Sales of                          41,714.                                        Bank                   October
          legal                            set        market                  0.27% 50,000 No                            market                 Related Party
Kunshan             related    goods                                   73                                     transfer               8, 2021
          person                           prices     price                                                              price                  Transactions for
                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                                                                             No.: 2021-081)
Total                                       --       --                 --      77,700     --        --       --       --            --
Particulars of huge-amount sales
If the total amount of daily             When expecting the annual daily related party transactions, the Company conducts the appraisal and
related-party transactions that are      calculation of possible related party transactions according to the market situation, but the actually
expected to occur during the reporting accrued amount is determined based on market situation, the two parties’ business development,
period is estimated by type, the actual actual demands and specific implementation progress, resulting in certain differences between
transactions occurred during the         actually accrued amount and expected amount. The foregoing belongs to the acts of normal business
reporting period (if any)                and will not have a significant impact on daily operation and performance of the Company.
Reason of any great difference
between transaction price and            N/A
reference market price (if applicable)
   2 Related-party transactions involving acquisition or sales of assets or equities
   □ Applicable √ N/A
   We have not conducted any related-party transaction involving acquisition or sales of assets or equities during the reporting period.
   3. Related-party transactions involving joint external investment
   □ Applicable √ N/A
   The Company had no related-party transactions on joint investments during the reporting period.
   4. Accounts receivable from and payable to related parties
   □ Applicable √ N/A
   We did not have any accounts receivable from or payable to any related party during the reporting period.
   5. Financial business with its related financial companies
   □ Applicable √ N/A
   There are no deposits, loans, credits or other financial transactions between the Company, its related financial companies and related
   6. Financial business between the financial companies controlled by the Company and related parties
   □ Applicable √ N/A
   There are no deposits, loans, credits or other financial transactions between the financial companies controlled by the Company and
   related parties.
                                                                              Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
7. Other significant related-party transactions
□ Applicable √ N/A
We have not conducted any other material related-party transaction during the reporting period.
XV. Significant contracts and performance thereof
1. Trusteeship, contracting and leases
(1) Trusteeship
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such case during the reporting period.
(2) Contracting
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such case during the reporting period.
(3) Leases
□ Applicable √ N/A
No such case during the reporting period.
2. Material guarantees
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                        In RMB0’000
         External guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding those provided for the subsidiaries)
                date of
                                                                                             Counter                          or not
             announcem Maximum            Effective     Actual                                                     Whether
                                                                    Type of      Collateral guarant Term of                  provided
  Obligor     ent on the    amount          date of    amount                                                       or not
                                                                   guarantee      (if any)    ee (if   guarantee              for a
              maximum guaranteed          guarantee   guaranteed                                                   expired
                                                                                              any)                           related
                                        Guarantees provided by the Company for its subsidiaries
              Disclosure                                                                                                     Whether
                date of                                                                      Counter                          or not
                           Maximum        Effective     Actual                                                     Whether
             announcem                                              Type of      Collateral guarant Term of                  provided
  Obligor                   amount          date of    amount                                                       or not
              ent on the                                           guarantee      (if any)    ee (if   guarantee              for a
                           guaranteed     guarantee   guaranteed                                                   expired
              maximum                                                                         any)                           related
               amount                                                                                                         party
                                                                                  Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                      Joint and
E             April 20,                                                                                    Five
                                510,056 July 20, 2020                 several                                          No        Yes
PRECISIO 2020                                                                                              years
                                                                      Joint and
E             April 20,                   June 29,
                               9,563.55                               several                              A year      No        Yes
PRECISIO 2021                             2021
O/LUXSH                                                               Joint and
              April 20,
ARE                          277,342.95                               several                              A year      No        Yes
PRECISIO                                                              guarantee
                                                                      Joint and
E             April 20,                   July 28,                                                         Five
                              63,119.43                               several                                          No        Yes
PRECISIO 2021                             2021                                                             years
Total amount of                                         Total amount of
guarantee approved to                                   guarantee actually
be provided for                           350,025.93 provided for subsidiaries
subsidiaries during the                                 during the reporting
reporting period (B1)                                   period (B2)
Total amount of
                                                        Total amount of
guarantee approved to
                                                        guarantee actually
be provided for
                                          860,081.93 provided for subsidiaries
subsidiaries as at the end
                                                        as at the end of the
of the reporting period
                                                        reporting period (B4)
                                           Guarantees provided by subsidiaries for each other
                  date of
                                                                                                 Counter                          or not
              announcem Maximum            Effective      Actual                                                       Whether
                                                                        Type of      Collateral guarant Term of                  provided
    Obligor    ent on the     amount        date of       amount                                                        or not
                                                                       guarantee      (if any)    ee (if   guarantee               for a
               maximum guaranteed          guarantee    guaranteed                                                     expired
                                                                                                  any)                            related
Total amount of guarantee provided by the Company
Total amount of guarantee                               Total amount of
approved during the reporting             350,025.93 guarantee actually
period (A1+B1+C1)                                       provided during the
                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                        reporting period
                                                        Total amount of
Total amount of guarantee                               guarantee actually
approved as at the end of the                860,081.93 provided as at the end of
reporting period (A3+B3+C3)                             the reporting period
Ratio of total amount of guarantee actually
provided (A4+B4+C4) to the net assets of the                                                                                      0.00%
Outstanding guarantees provided for shareholders,
actual controller and their affiliates (D)
Explanation about warranty liability already
incurred or possible several and joint liquidation
liability shown by evidence during the reporting
period for the undue guarantees (if any)
Explanation about external guarantees provided in
contravention of the established procedures (if         None
Particulars of the guarantees provided using complex method:
3. Entrusted management of cash assets
(1)Entrusted wealth management
√ Applicable □ N/A
Entrusted wealth management during the reporting period:
                                                                                                                           In RMB0’000
                                                                                                                      Impairment amount
                                                                                                                      made for overdue
        Type              Source of funds             Total amount         Outstanding amount    Overdue amount       uncollected wealth
Bank wealth
                       Self-owned funds                     272,472.82              199,119.95                    0                      0
management amount
Total                                                       272,472.82              199,119.95                    0                      0
Details of entrusted wealth management with individually significant amount or low safety, poor liquidity, high risk
□ Applicable √ N/A
Entrusted wealth management products the principal of which may be unrecoverable or which may otherwise be impaired:
                                                                             Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
□ Applicable √ N/A
(2)Entrusted loans
√ Applicable □ N/A
Entrusted loans during the reporting period:
                                                                                                                       In RMB0’000
          Total amount                     Source of funds                 Outstanding amount               Overdue amount
                         863,350 Self-owned funds                                             863,350                             0
Details of entrusted loans with individually significant amount or low safety, poor liquidity, high risk
□ Applicable √ N/A
Entrusted loans the principal of which may be unrecoverable or which may otherwise be impaired:
□ Applicable √ N/A
4. Other significant contracts
□ Applicable √ N/A
We have not entered into any other material contract during the reporting period.
XVI. Other significant matters
□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no other significant matters to be explained during the reporting period.
XVII. Significant events of subsidiaries of the Company
□ Applicable √ N/A
                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                        Section VII Changes in shares and shareholders
I. Changes in shares
1. Changes in shares
                                                                                                                                  Unit: Share
                                      Before the change                             +,-                              After the change
                                                              New                 converted
                                                  Proportio             Stock                                                     Proportio
                                      Number                  shares                from       Other       Subtotal   Number
                                                     n                 dividend                                                       n
                                                              issued               capital
                                     11,007,92                                                -4,855,27 -4,855,27
I. Non-tradable shares                               0.16%                                                            6,152,646      0.09%
                                             1                                                         5          5
1. Shares held by the State
2. Shares held by
State-owned corporations
3. Shares held by other                                                                       -2,755,78 -2,755,78
                                     2,851,808       0.04%                                                              96,022       0.00%
domestic investors                                                                                     6          6
     Incl.: Shares held by
domestic non-State-owned
Shares held by domestic                                                                       -2,755,78 -2,755,78
                                     2,851,808       0.04%                                                              96,022       0.00%
natural persons                                                                                        6          6
4. Shares held by foreign                                                                     -2,099,48 -2,099,48
                                     8,156,113       0.12%                                                            6,056,624      0.09%
investors                                                                                              9          9
     Incl.: Shares held by foreign
Shares held by foreign natural                                                                -2,099,48 -2,099,48
                                     8,156,113       0.12%                                                            6,056,624      0.09%
persons                                                                                                9          9
                                     7,006,825,                                               58,344,24 58,344,24 7,065,170
II. Tradable shares                                 99.84%                                                                          99.91%
                                           870                                                         8          8        ,118
1. RMB-denominated                   7,006,825,                                               58,344,24 58,344,24 7,065,170
                                                    99.84%                                                                          99.91%
ordinary shares                            870                                                         8          8        ,118
2. Foreign
currency-denominated shares
listed domestically
                                                                               Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
3. Foreign
currency-denominated shares
listed overseas
4. Others
                                7,017,833,                                                     53,488,97 53,488,97 7,071,322
III. Total shares                                100%                                                                           100%
                                        791                                                            3         3      ,764
Reasons of changes in shares:
√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. On June 22, 2020, the Company held the 19th meeting of the fourth Board of Directors and the 19th meeting of the fourth
Board of Supervisors, at which the Proposal on Satisfaction of Vesting Conditions for the First Vesting Period Initially Granted
under 2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan was reviewed and passed. The grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise
options in the first vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from July 7, 2020 to April 21, 2021.
Refer to the Cautionary Announcement on Adoption of the Discretionary Exercise Method for the First Vesting Period of the 2019
Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2020-049) for details. During the reporting period, the grantees exercised 1,291,186
shares in total in the first vesting period initially vested under 2019 stock option incentive plan.
     2. On December 2, 2020, the Company held the 17th meeting of the fourth Board of Directors and the 27th meeting of the fourth
Board of Supervisors, at which the Proposal on Satisfaction of Vesting Conditions for the Second Vesting Period under 2018 Stock
Option Incentive Plan was reviewed and passed. The grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the second
vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from December 22, 2020 to September 24, 2021. Refer to
the Cautionary Announcement on Adoption of the Discretionary Exercise Method for the Second Vesting Period of the 2018 Stock
Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No.2020-108) for details. During the reporting period, the grantees exercised 13,854,690
shares in total in the second vesting period under 2018 stock option incentive plan.
     3. On January 22, 2021, the Company held the 29th meeting of the fourth Board of Directors and the 29th meeting of the fourth
Board of Supervisors, at which the Proposal on Satisfaction of Vesting Conditions for the First Vesting Period Reserved under 2019
Stock Option Incentive Plan was reviewed and passed. The grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the
first vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from February 8, 2021 to November 26, 2021. For
details, please see the Suggestive Announcement on Exercise at Their Sole Discretion in the First Vesting Period Reserved under
2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2021-021). During the reporting period, the grantees exercised 4,109,496
shares in total in the first vesting period reserved under 2019 stock option incentive plan.
     4. On July 2, 2021, the Company held the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of
Supervisors, at which the Proposal on Satisfaction of Vesting Conditions for the Second Vesting Period Initially Granted under 2019
Stock Option Incentive Plan was reviewed and passed. The grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the
second vesting period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from July 15, 2021 to April 21, 2022. For details,
please see the Suggestive Announcement on Exercise at Their Sole Discretion in the Second Vesting Period Initially Granted under
2019 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2021-069). During the reporting period, the grantees exercised 14,627,322
shares in total in the second vesting period initially vested under 2019 stock option incentive plan.
     5. On December 3, 2021, the Company held the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 6th meeting of the fifth Board
of Supervisors, at which the Proposal on Satisfaction of Vesting Conditions for the Third Vesting Period under 2018 Stock Option
Incentive Plan was reviewed and passed. The grantees meeting these vesting conditions may exercise options in the third vesting
period at their sole discretion, and the actual exercisable period is from December 10, 2021 to September 23, 2022. For details, please
see the Suggestive Announcement on Exercise at Their Sole Discretion in the Third Vesting Period under 2018 Stock Option
Incentive Plan (Announcement No. 2021-102). During the reporting period, the grantees exercised 19,597,470 shares in total in the
third vesting period under 2018 stock option incentive plan.
                                                                                Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
     6. The Company publicly offered 30,000,000 convertible corporate bonds (abbreviation: Luxshare Convertible Bonds; bond
code: 128136) on November 3, 2020, and the period for which the convertible corporate bonds can be converted into shares is from
May 10, 2021 to November 2, 2026. During the reporting period, the number of shares converted into by bonds was 8,809.
Approval of changes in shares:
√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. Review and approve by the 19th meeting of the fourth Board of Directors and the 19th meeting of the fourth Board of
Supervisors of the Company;
     2. Review and approve by the 27th meeting of the fourth Board of Directors and the 27th meeting of the fourth Board of
Supervisors of the Company;
     3. Review and approve by the 29th meeting of the fourth Board of Directors and the 29th meeting of the fourth Board of
Supervisors of the Company;
     4. Review and approve by the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 2nd meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors of
the Company;
     5. Review and approve by the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the 6th meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors of
the Company.
Transfer of share ownership:
√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. Period in which the stock options vested in the first vesting period initially granted under the 2019 stock option incentive plan
may be exercised by the relevant grantees at their sole discretion: from July 7, 2020 to April 21, 2021;
     2. Period in which the stock options vested in the second vesting period under the 2019 stock option incentive plan may be
exercised by the relevant grantees at their sole discretion: from December 22, 2020 to September 24, 2021;
     3. Period in which the stock options vested in the first vesting period reserved under the 2019 stock option incentive plan may
be exercised by the relevant grantees at their sole discretion: from February 8, 2021 to November 26, 2021;
     4. Period in which the stock options vested in the second vesting period initially granted under the 2019 stock option incentive
plan may be exercised by the relevant grantees at their sole discretion: From July 15, 2021 to April 21, 2022;
     5. Period in which the stock options vested in the third vesting period under the 2018 stock option incentive plan may be
exercised by the relevant grantees at their sole discretion: from December 10, 2021 to September 23, 2022.
Effect of changes in shares on the basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, net assets per share attributable to ordinary
shareholders and other financial indicators of the Company in the preceding year and the most recent reporting period:
□ Applicable √ N/A
Other information disclosed as the Company deems necessary or required by the securities regulatory authorities:
□ Applicable √ N/A
2、Changes in non-tradable shares
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                             Unit: Share
                                         Number of         Number of         Balance of
                         Balance of
                                         non-tradable     non-tradable      non-tradable
                        non-tradable                                                          Reason for
    Shareholder                             shares       shares increased    shares as at                          Unlock date
                         shares as at                                                         restriction
                                         unlocked in in the reporting       December 31,
                       January 1, 2020
                                         the reporting       period             2020
                                                       Luxshare Precision Industry Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021
                                                                                    November 25, 2021 (the
                                                                   Lock-up shares
                                                                                    day next to the sixth month
XUE Haigao         912,578             0    912,578             0 for senior
                                                                                    following expiry of the
