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国联股份:2023年度环境、社会及治理报告(英文) 下载公告

Beijing United Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Environmental, Social andGovernance Report

Beijing United InformationTechnology Co., Ltd


Beijing United Information Technology Co., Ltd. 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

About the ReportMessage from the PresidentAbout UsESG Management

Future ProspectAppendix

Social ResponsibilityFeatures:

Writing a New Chapter forIndustrial Digitalization with AIEmpowerment

Jointly DevelopingIndustrial Ecosystemwith DigitalTechnologies

Insisting on Innovation-DrivenDevelopmentBuilding Digital PlatformsAchieving Industrial Collaborationand Win-Win Results

Jointly Delivering aBetter Future withPeople-OrientedPhilosophy

Enhancing Customer ExperienceRaising Employee HappinessImproving People's Wellbeing

Jointly Creating a Low-Carbon Future withGreen Development

Facilitating the Realization of CarbonPeaking and Carbon Neutrality GoalsConducting Green OperationEmpowering Low-CarbonTransformation

Jointly Laying a SolidFoundation with SoundGovernance

Regulating Corporate GovernanceStrengthening Risk ManagementLaying a Solid Foundation forCompliance Management

About the Report

About the Report

Reporting CycleThis is an annual report. It has been deliberated and approved for release on August 29, 2024.Reporting AssuranceBeijing United Information Technology Co., Ltd. guarantees that there are no ?ctitious records, misleading statements, or materialomissions in this report, and the Board of Directors shall ensure that the contents are true, accurate and complete.Reporting ScopeUnless otherwise stated, the reporting scope is consistent with that of the 2023 financial report of Beijing United InformationTechnology Co., Ltd., which covers the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. Some contents may surpass the abovescope.Reference StandardsThe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"); the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards ("GRI Standards") of theGlobal Reporting Initiative ("GRI"); the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ("CSRD") of the European Council; the EuropeanSustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS); the Guidelines No. 14 of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Self-Regulation of ListedCompanies – Sustainability Report (Trial); and, the Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises("CASS-ESG 5.0") of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ("CASS").

Terms and DescriptionFor convenience of indication and expression, Beijing United Information Technology Co., Ltd. is also referred to as "Beijing UnitedInformation Technology," "the Company," and "we" in this report.

Data DescriptionThe data and information sources in this report are mainly from the statistical data and relevant documents of Beijing UnitedInformation Technology Co., Ltd. All currency amounts are in RMB unless otherwise stated.Report Access

This report is available in both Chinese and English, and is released as an electronic document. For more information, please logon to the o?cial website of the Company at https://www.ueiibi.com.

This report is the third environmental, social and governance ("ESG") report independently released by Beijing UnitedInformation Technology Co., Ltd., aiming at disclosing to stakeholders the actions taken and the results achieved by theCompany in the aspects of environmental, social and corporate governance.

Message from the President


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Message from the President

The year 2023 was the ?rst year for fully implementing the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the CommunistParty of China (CPC), and was also a crucial year for continuing to implement the 14th Five-Year Plan. As a listed company,Beijing United Information Technology has grounded its efforts?in the development stage, and forged ahead with enterpriseand fortitude. Under the guidance of the overall strategy with the focus on "platform, science and technology, and data," andin line with the annual strategy of "optimizing business structure and deepening business presence," we have kept improvingdevelopment quality, enhanced scientific and technological capabilities, and promoted the integration of digital and realeconomy, making a contribution to facilitating the industrial innovation and upgrading.Facilitating the realization of strategic goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, safeguarding eco-civilization, and jointlybuilding a "green" Beijing United Information Technology that pursues clean and sustainable development.We have fully and faithfully implemented the instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on eco-environment and greendevelopment, taken the initiative to tackle climate change, facilitated the realization of strategic goals of carbon peaking and carbonneutrality, integrated the philosophy of green development into day-to-day corporate operation in an all-around manner, promotedenergy-saving, emission reduction, and carbon control, contributing to safeguarding lucid waters, lush mountains and blue skies andconserving the eco-environment. In 2023, we followed the low-carbon, ecological and intelligent idea during the construction of theDigital Economy Headquarters Project (Phase I), and strived to achieve low energy consumption, low pollution and low emissions inall aspects of the project design, implementation and construction, so as to reduce the burden on the environment to the greatestextent possible. We have made full use of our platform advantages and technical strengths to conduct technological transformationand innovation starting from high-energy-consuming equipment and links, committing to facilitating cost reduction and performanceimprovement of small- and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs") across the entire industry chain by applying the "digital technology +digital factory" model and the achievement of green and low-carbon transformation.

Unleashing greater creativity, empowering industrial upgrading, and jointly building a "digital" Beijing United InformationTechnology that empowers real economy.We have taken the initiative to respond to the national strategy on innovation-driven development, and constantly advancedexploration and practice in the ?eld of AI-empowered industrial digitalization. In 2023, the investment of the Company in R&D reachedRMB257.8041 million. Under the guidance of the overall strategy with the focus on "platform, science and technology, and data," wehave actively developed the model of "digital cloud factory + digital supply chain + industrial Internet," which has been recognized as atypical case for chain-based digital transformation by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ("MIIT"). We have e?ectivelyachieved a significant increase in the transaction volume of various Duoduo platforms. In 2023, the operating revenue of Duoduoe-commerce platform reached RMB50.466 billion, hitting a new historical high. We have intensi?ed our e?orts to deepen cooperationwith various parties and to make common development with all partners. In 2023, we became a partner for the establishment of a pilotzone for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, facilitating the joint development of the Belt and RoadInitiative.

Insisting on putting people ?rst, sharing development achievements, and jointly building a "happy" Beijing United InformationTechnology that safeguards social harmony.We have followed the people-oriented, open and inclusive idea, actively fulfilled social responsibilities, and shared developmentachievements with stakeholders. We have kept exploring innovation in digital technology, committing to providing customers withhigher-quality products and more customized services. Starting from protecting employees' rights and interests, facilitating employeegrowth and enhancing employee care, we have constantly improved the senses of gain, happiness and belonging of employees, andcreated a warm and comfort working environment for employees, striving to achieve common development between the Companyand all the staff. We have taken the initiative to undertake the responsibilities of improving people's livelihoods, and have beencommitted to participating in public welfare and charitable undertakings such as rural revitalization, emergency rescue and disasterrelief, contributing to the building of a harmonious society with great love.

Improving corporate governance, enhancing quality and effectiveness in corporate management, and jointly building an"outstanding" Beijing United Information Technology that focuses on high-quality growth.We have continuously improved corporate governance system, kept strengthening risk management, insisted on law-based corporategovernance, guaranteed stable and healthy cooperate operation in a practical manner, and e?ectively enhanced corporate governance,laying a solid foundation for high-quality and sustainable development of the Company. We have attached great importance to ESGmanagement, integrated ESG into corporate development strategies, and implemented the ESG idea with practical actions, striving topromote coordinated development of economic, environmental, and social bene?ts. In 2023, we were awarded the "Forbes China ESGInnovation Enterprise," "Responsible Top Bull Awards – ESG Governance Pioneer Award" and other ESG-related honorable titles.As a Chinese saying goes, "The journey ahead may be long and arduous, but with sustained actions, we will eventually reach ourdestination." Looking into the future, we will continue to pursue sustainable development, advance the integrated development ofdigital technologies and traditional industries in a deep-going way, and constantly promote win-win value for the industry chain.Committed to the corporate mission of facilitating cost reduction and performance improvement of traditional industries, we will striveto create a better future with stakeholders.

Qian XiaojunPresidentBeijing United Information Technology Co., Ltd.

About Us


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

About Us

Corporate Pro?le

Organizational Structure

Established on September 6, 2002, Beijing United Information Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 603613.SH) was listed on the mainboard of A-share market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange ("SSE") on July 30, 2019.Focusing on the main business of business-to-business ("B2B") digital commerce and industrial Industry platforms, the Company,based on industrial e-commerce and supported by industrial big data, provides online commodity trading of industrial products andraw materials, business information services, and digital technology services for related industry customers. As of the end of 2023,the asset size and the total market capitalization of the Company, with 1,261 employees in total, had reached RMB15.303 billion andRMB15.899 billion respectively.As a B2B industrial Internet platform enterprise, the Company has taken the lead to launch the closed-loop business model of"information + transaction + service" in the industry. The Company has been committed to realizing in-depth integration between theemerging technologies such as the Internet, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and arti?cial intelligence, and the traditionalindustries, so as to achieve the corporate value and mission of promoting cost reduction and performance improvement of traditionalindustries.



Shareholder Meeting

Board of Supervisors

O?ce of Board of

DirectorsBoard of DirectorsGeneral Manager

Duoduo e-commerceplatform


Strategic Planning and ESG

CommitteeNomination Committee

Audit CommitteeRemuneration Committee


Digital cloud factory


Industrial Metaverse


Digital supply chain


Industrial big model


Industrial Internet


Investment Manage-ment Department

Finance Department

Human ResourcesDepartment


International BusinessCenterAudit DepartmentO?ce of President

Business Center

Resource CooperationCenter

Network TechnologyCenter


Closed-loop business model of "information + transaction + service"

Information Transaction Digitalization



Business informationservicesDigital technology


Industrial e-commerce


stickinessIndustry insightsLead generation

TransactioninsightsLead generationCustomer


Industry insightsLead generationE-commerceincubationCustomerstickiness

Industrial chain-basedvalue-added services



Steady large orders

Cost reductionand performanceimprovement with digitaltechnologies

Preferential purchase


Industrial chain-basedvalue-added services

Cost reductionand performanceimprovement with digital


Beijing UnitedInformationTechnology

About Us


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Development StrategyAwards and Honors in 2023Beijing United Information Technology has thoroughly implemented the development strategy of industrial Internet that focuses onplatform-based services and is driven by science and technology and supported by data, and carried out the business strategy of "onebody with two wings," that is, to quickly promote the transaction size and platform in?uence of Duoduo e-commerce, as well as toactively improve the integrated information service capabilities of Ibicn.com, and vigorously enhance the digital technology servicecapabilities of Ibisaas.com. Through active building of national marketing systems, e?cient support of R&D strength, and regulatoryimprovement of management level, the Company has achieved sustainable and rapid growth.Closely focusing on major industrial ?elds such as national digital economy, industrial e-commerce, industrial Internet, and innovationand application of supply chain, Beijing United Information Technology, based on the integration, transformation and improvementof traditional industries, has vigorously implemented the development strategy of B2B e-commerce and industrial Internet. Takingthe development of industrial e-commerce platform as the focus, the development of industrial information service platform andthe improvement of digital technology service capabilities as the two wings, and the building of a national marketing system asdevelopment support, the Company has future promoted the rapid growth of its main business.

The development strategy of industrialInternet that focuses on "platform,science and technology, and data"

Platform-based servicesscience and technology-

driven development

data support

To develop a digital ecosystem forindustries with "platform, scienceand technology, and data"






数据Science and technology



Transaction big


Supply chain

big data

Production andoperation big data

Industrial big data


Supply chaindigitalization


and operationdigitalization

Industrial digitalization

E-commercetransaction needs

Intelligent supplychain delivery needs

Digital factoryproduction needs

Industrial Internetconnection needs

Development strategy of Beijing United Information Technology

Strategic development stage

Industrial Internet Pilot Demonstration Project 2022Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Typical case for Digital and Intelligent Supply Chain 2023

Alliance of Industrial Internet

Ranked 343rd in the Fortune China 500Ranked 312nd in the Fortune China Top 500 Listed Companies


Ranked 303rd in the 2023 China Top 500 Private EnterprisesAll-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

Ranked 71st in the 2023 China Top 100 Private Enterprises

in Service IndustryAll-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

Typical case for Chain-Based Digital Transformation of SMEsMinistry of Industry and Information Technology

Toodudu.com: Included in the List of E-commerce

Demonstration EnterprisesMinistry of Commerce

Beijing UnitedInformationTechnology

ESG Management


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

ESG Strategic Positioning

ESG Management StructureBeijing United Information Technology attaches great importance to ESG management. The Company has integrated the ESGidea into corporate development strategies, constantly improved the organizational structure of ESG management, enhancedthe supervision of the management and raised awareness of ESG management in day-to-day operation, and kept strengtheningESG management. The Company has also focused on the expectations and demands of stakeholders, identi?ed and sorted outmaterial issues relating to ESG, implemented the ESG idea with practical actions, and promoted the coordinated development ofeconomic, environmental and social bene?ts.

ESG Management

To fully implement the philosophy of sustainable development, the Company has kept improving the ESG management structure, and

clari?ed speci?c responsibilities and execution of ESG management and related work from the decision-making level, management

level and the execution level to e?ectively enhance ESG management.

The Board of Directors, as the highest ESG decision-making and supervisory body, is responsiblefor formulating the Company's ESG strategy and deliberating major ESG risks. The Boardof Directors has established the Strategic Planning and ESG Committee, with the chairmanserving as the head and presiding over the work the committee. The main responsibilities of thecommittee, which is accountable to the Board of Directors, include but not limited to conductingresearch and making recommendations to the Board of Directors on the Company's long-termdevelopment strategy, major investment decisions, sustainable development planning andESG development. The committee meeting shall be held at least once a year. The Company hasformulated the Working Rules of the Strategic Planning and ESG Committee under the Board ofDirectors to regulate the responsibilities and working mechanism of the committee.

Under the supervision of the Board of Directors and the Strategic Planning and ESG Committee,the management is primarily responsible for managing and coordinating the implementation ofESG strategies, leading and promoting the implementation of ESG initiatives, and reporting thework to the Board of Directors regularly.

Under the supervision and leadership of the management, functional departments form anESG working group to jointly carry out ESG work and promote the implementation of majorESG issues. Each department carries out ESG work and practices in accordance with itsown functions, cooperates in reporting ESG performance as needed, completes annual ESGinformation disclosure, and reports the work to the management on a regular basis.

ESG Management Structure of Beijing United Information Technology

Board of Directors

Decision-making and supervision

Management and coordination

Work report

Work report



Management level

Execution level

Strategic Planning and ESG Committee

The Management

ESG Working GroupFunctional departments




In 2023, the Company, in line with its business characteristics and development situation, set nine long-term strategic courses asits strategic positioning of ESG from the three dimensions of environmental (E), social (S) and governance (G). Each small gear willdrive the corresponding large gear, and the coordinated operation of the three large gears will drive the sustainable developmentof the Company.


Beijing UnitedInformationTechnology









Decision-making level

ESG Management


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

ESG Awards and Honors

StakeholdersExpectations and demandsResponse channels and approaches

? Legal compliance? Pay taxes according to law? Employment promotion

? Compliance management? Create job opportunities? Routine reporting and commination

? Regulate corporate governance? Reduce operationl risks? Improve operation performance? Conduct transparent information disclosure

? Improve corporate governance? Strengthen risk management? Disclose information in a strict manner? Conduct exchanges and interaction with investors

? High-quality services? Information security and privacy protection? Low-carbon transformation and development? R&D and innovation

? Improve service quality? Protect customer privacy? Empower low-carbon transformation? Enhance R&D in science and technology

? Protection of rights, interests and bene?ts? Growth and development? Humanistic care

? Sign employment contracts according to law? Improve remuneration and bene?ts? Conduct employee training? Carry out recreational and sports activities

? Transparent information? Mutual bene?ts and win-win results? Boost industry development

? Promote responsible procurement? Conduct strategic cooperation? Enhance communication and exchange visits

? Tackle climate change? Strengthen environmental protection? E?ective utilization of resources

? Enhance environmental management? Advance energy-saving and emission reduction? Promote green operation

? Community development? Public welfare and charity

? Support rural revitalization? Conduct volunteer service activities? Participate in public welfare activities

Communication with Stakeholders

The Company attaches great importance to stakeholder engagement and communication, actively identifies internal and externalstakeholders and pays attention to their expectations and demands, and adopts targeted and e?ective communication channels andapproaches to establish close relations with stakeholders, striving to create a sound internal and external environment for harmoniousdevelopment. In the preparation of ESG reports, the Company has taken the initiative to collect important issues of concern to ourstakeholders and integrate them into the its decision-making process.

Sept. 2023

Nov. 2023

Nov. 2023

Nov. 2023

Jan. 2024

Nov. 2023

Jan. 2024Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce

Guangdong Times Media Group

National Business Daily

Forbes China


CSR Cloud

Value Online

Ranked 24th in the Beijing Top 100 Private Enterprisesfor Social Responsibility Performance

ESG Pioneer Award for Listed Companies

Most Reputable Chinese Listed Company

Forbes China ESG Innovation Enterprise 2023

Social Responsibility Award of the Year

2023 Responsible Top Bull Awards – ESG

Governance Pioneer Award

Included in the 2023 Easy Board ESG+8 Top 100 List

Material Issue AnalysisIn order to respond to the demands of stakeholder, we have conducted analysis on major ESG issues. From the two dimensions of"importance to external stakeholders" and "importance to Beijing United Information Technology," we have determined the materialissues that have great impact on the Company and are of common concern to stakeholders. According to the analysis results, we haveformulated the strategies for issue management and disclosure.

Importance to Beijing United Information Technology

Importance to external stakeholders



ESG issues


1Innovation and R&D2Digital transformation3ESG management4Supply chain management5Risk identi?cation and management6Product safety and quality7Information security and privacy protection8Promotion of industry development


9Customer service10Occupational health and safety11Protection of intellectual property rights12Employee training and development13Tackling of climate change14Employee care15Green operation16Reduction of resource consumption


17Business ethics and anti-corruption

Protection of employees' rights and

interests19Energy management20Community development21Public welfare and charity22Emissions management

Governmentand regulators


and investors







Social Responsibility Features2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Social Responsibility FeaturesWriting a New Chapter for IndustrialDigitalization with AI Empowerment

Use deep learning algorithm to analyze user behaviordata such as click history records, purchase records,preferences and tags, accurately predict user needs,and provide users with personalized recommendationservices, accordingly improving user satisfaction andpurchase conversion rate.During the manufacturing process in the factory, pre-vious material feeding records, procurement records,operation records, among others, are collected toprovide raw material ratio recommendations for pro-duction personnel and production system operationrecommendations for Distributed Control System(DCS) personnel.

Utilize the Company's massive data resources of industrial information, capacity distribution,transactions, customers, production, logistics and others to carry out AI model training, predictfuture market demand and supply, and predict platform users' transaction forecasts based onhistorical transaction data, thus to help the platform grasp market trends and supply chainchanges, and optimize product portfolio and supply chain management, providing more pre-cise and e?cient services for customers.

Intelligent vision AI technology is ap-plied to quality inspection on PVC rawmaterials

Procurement forecasting

Online meeting of Metaverse Enterprise Solutions

Based on the technologies such as digital twin and blockchain, the Company has independently developed the industrial metaverse (a vir-tual world interacting with the real world) project – Metaverse Enterprise Solutions.In the metaverse, massive simulation data can be generated through game engine and simulation environment to train various machinevision models. The simulation environment can accurately control various parameters and generate high-quality data, signi?cantly improv-ing the precision of machine vision models.Through the game engine and simulation environment in the metaverse, various complex scenarios and dynamic e?ect can also be gen-erated to train models such as intelligent monitoring model and safety detection model, thereby improving safety management and earlywarning ability.

As one of the promoters in the ?eld of industrial Internet, we will fully embrace the upgrading and transformation of industries and supply chains byAI technology during the process of industrial digitalization in the future, actively promote the integration of emerging technologies and traditionalindustries, truly realize AI-empowered industrial Internet, and support enterprises in real economy to improve quality and e?ciency, jointly writinga new chapter for industrial digitalization. We will intensify our e?orts to achieve sustainable development of the economy and society.

Intelligent Recommendation

Sales and Procurement Forecasting

The Company implemented the "Building of 100 Cloud Factories in Three Years" program in 2021 to provide more supply chain servicesand digital technology services for the factory side. To ensure work safety, we have deeply applied machine vision technology, and mon-itored production processes, personnel behavior analysis, abnormal changes in warehouse cargo positions, ?re alarm, among others, byusing equipment such as cameras and sensors to greatly improve the precision and e?ciency of safety monitoring and control, helping theCompany achieve more intelligent and e?cient production management, and ensuring workers' personal safety and production stability.

Industrial Metaverse – Metaverse Enterprise Solutions

Meter reading in cloud factory

Digital Cloud Factory/Cloud Warehouse Safety IdentificationThe Report on the Work of the Government 2024 proposed to make "striving to modernizethe industrial system and developing new quality productive forces at a faster pace" as apriority task. As a strategic support for new industrialization, industrial Internet has becomean accelerator for the digital transformation of enterprises and an important driving forcefor new quality productive forces. In order for the industrial Internet platform to truly play apractical role, it must be able to integrate various information systems, break through databarriers, and deeply explore and maximize the value of data. AI is becoming an importanttechnical engine during this process.As an industrial e-commerce and industrial Internet company, the strategic focus of BeijingUnited Information Technology is "platform-based services, science and technology-drivendevelopment, and data support." During the years of development, we have continuouslypromoted the strategic planning of each stage starting from industrial e-commerce, met thebusiness demands of transactions, delivery, funds, production, and links of enterprises inreal economy through platform operations, and built a science and technology-driven sys-tem for platform operations with digital tools for transactions, supply chains, and produc-tion management. In the past few years, we have conducted numerous studies and applica-tion in the ?eld of AI, committing to establishing a more targeted, e?cient, and intelligentindustrial Internet platform.


Jointly Creating a Low-Carbon Future withGreen Development

A civilization may thrive if its natural surroundings thrive, and willsuffer if its natural surroundings suffer. We have fully and faithfullyimplemented the instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping oneco-environment and green development, taken the initiative to tackleclimate change, facilitated the realization of strategic goals of carbonpeaking and carbon neutrality, helped enterprises achieve greentransformation with practical actions, contributing to safeguardinglucid waters, lush mountains and blue skies and conserving the eco-environment. E?orts have been made to build a "green" Beijing UnitedInformation Technology and to jointly build a low-carbon, clean andbeautiful future.Facilitating the Realization of CarbonPeaking and Carbon Neutrality GoalsConducting Green OperationEmpowering Low-Carbon Transformation


Jointly Creating a Low-Carbon Future with Green Development2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Facilitating the Realization of CarbonPeaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals

Conducting Green Operation

We have paid attention to the latest progress in global climate change issues, continued to track policy changes and operationalrisks relating to climate change, fully identified and responded to potential climate risks, seized climate opportunities, andadvanced our own green transformation, facilitating to the realization of strategic goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

We have fully integrated the philosophy of green development into day-to-day corporate operation, kept improving environmentalmanagement systems, actively carried out energy-saving and emission reduction actions, and implemented green o?ce and greenconstruction, realizing low-carbon and environmentally-friendly development of the Company.

We have continuously improved environmental management systems, strictly abided by the Environmental Protection Law of thePeople's Republic of China, the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations,and established an environmental management department with clarified responsibilities to ensure the effective implementation ofenvironmental protection work. We have actively carried out green initiatives and environmental protection activities, popularizedecological and environmental protection policies and water-saving knowledge on site, and spread the environmental protection idea toimprove employees' environmental protection knowledge and environmental awareness. During the reporting period, no environmentalpollution accident or unlawful act against environmental protection occurred in the Company.

In 2023, Beijing United Information Technology continued to open new office buildings on a large scale, which brought inevitableincrease in greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions. We have attached great importance to GHG emissions management, integrated thegreen and low-carbon idea into day-to-day operation and work and life, accelerated the research, development, and application ofgreen and low-carbon technologies, actively explored effective carbon reduction paths, and strived to reduce the increase in GHGemissions. We will continue to actively take carbon reduction measures to improve the performance relating to GHG emissions.

GHG Emissions Performance of Beijing United Information Technology, 2021-2023

Total GHG emissions

Ton of CO


GHG emission intensityTon of CO

e per capita

Climate Change Risk Management

Enhancing Environmental Management

GHG Emissions Management

Type of risk

Climaterisk factor

Risk descriptionCountermeasures


Policy and

legal risk

More strict obligations and compliance requirementson emissions reporting

●Pay close attention to national policies and the latest

regulatory requirements, well understand national majordevelopment policies, and accelerate the R&D and applicationof green and low-carbon technologies●Improve energy source management systems, formulate therules and regulations and implement them level by levelwith regular inspection, and promote the reasonable ande?cient use of energy and resources

Technical risk

Under the background of carbon peakingand carbon neutrality, the Company will facegreater challenges on energy conservationand consumption reduction in operation. Withthe development of corporate businesses, theCompany will develop and take new technologiesto save energy and reduce consumption, helpingthe Company to reduce carbon emissions

●Pay close attention to energy conservation and consumptionreduction, carry out paperless office practices, improveonline service with a higher intelligent and intensive level●Strengthen energy consumption control in o?ce areas, and

use energy-saving lamps with new technologies to improvethe rate of resource utilization

Market andreputational


Customers and markets pay close attention tothe Company's response to climate change.If the Company neglects the reputational riskcaused by this reason and fails to make timelyadjustment, the Company may lose part potentialcustomers and the stakeholders' evaluation onthe Company's market value may be a?ected

●Pay close attention to market changes and industry trends,

and continuously think about the relations betweenbusiness and climate change●Proactively implement identification, monitoring, andmanagement, and timely disclose the Company's ESGworking progress according to regulatory requirements inorder to establish a responsible brand image

Physical risk


physical risk

The Company's operation o?ce buildings and datacenters are in?uenced by weather. As an industrialInternet enterprise, the Company increasingly relieson data centers to provide better customer service.If data centers have climate risk, the Company'sinformation security and customer service capacitywill face great challenge

●Pay attention to climate risk assessment while choosing

office site, and ensure business operation can supportremote operation as much as possible in order to avoidthe shut-down risk when o?ce site must be closed due toweather issue●Continuously improve the data center's backup capacityfor disaster recovery. Expand the construction of remotedata centers based on existing data center to continuouslyenhance the anti-disaster ability of data center, guaranteebusiness continuity, and lower data loss risk and informationloss risk for the CompanyChronic

physical risk

Changes in temperature and precipitation, in?uenceon sea level rise, etc.









Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)

Ton of CO





Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)

Ton of CO






1 1

The successive opening of new o?ce buildings in 2023 led to an increase in GHG emissions. Measures will be taken to reduce GHG emissions in the future.The successive opening of new o?ce buildings in 2023 led to an increase in GHG emissions. Measures will be taken to reduce GHG emissions in the future.


Jointly Creating a Low-Carbon Future with Green Development2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

As an industrial Internet company, the main emissions generated by Beijing United Information Technology are o?ce and domestic waste.The Company complies with theLaw of People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, Urban Drainageand Sewage Treatment Regulations, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by SolidWaste, and other laws and regulations; and has formulated theRegulation on Emissions Management, and carried out strict classi?ed emissionsmanagement to further promote pollution prevention and control. During the reporting period, all of the Company's environmental monitoringresults met the emission standards, and no administrative penalties were imposed due to environmental issues.

Implementing Energy-Saving and Emission Reduction

In 2023, Beijing United Information Technology continued to open new office buildings on a largescale, which brought inevitable increase in energy consumption. We have always strictly abided by theEnergy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, andcontinued to improve energy management systems. By formulating the Regulation of Beijing UnitedInformation Technology on Energy Management, we have established and improved energy conservationmanagement departments with clari?ed responsibilities of each department, implemented the energyutilization management system at all levels, and inspected the implementation of the system at regularintervals to achieve re?ned energy management, scienti?c energy measurement, and responsible energyconservation. In order to strengthen energy utilization management, we have taken measures compliantwith environmental protection requirements to promote rational use of energy, and strived to reduce theincrease in energy consumption. In the future, we will continue to actively take energy-saving measuresfor the improvement in energy management performance.



Total electricity consumptionMWh655.931,615.841,720.9Gasoline consumptionLiter32,52140,251102,466.41

Diesel consumptionLiter000Natural gas consumptionM

Comprehensive energy consumptionTon of standard coal equivalent81.06241.52320.81Comprehensive energy consumption per capitaTon of standard coal equivalent per capita0.080.200.25


Fresh water consumptionM

4,604112,365118,804.11Water consumption per capitaM

per capita4.5293.9594.21

We have fully recognized that water resources are limited and are of great importance; however, theincrease in various water consumption indicators is inevitable since the Company continued to opennew o?ce buildings on a large scale in 2023. We have formulated the Regulation on Water ConservationManagement with strict implementation, and carried out a number of water-saving measures whilecontinuously strengthening water resource management, striving to reduce the increase in water resourceconsumption. In the future, we will continue to actively take water-saving measures for the improvementin water resource management performance.


We advocate the concept of green o?ce, and implement the principle of "saving each drop of water, saving each kWh of electricity,saving each piece of paper." We have formulated theRegulation on Green O?ce Managementto integrate green development intoday-to-day office work, create a green office environment, and implement low-carbon and low-energy practices, boosting greendevelopment.

Conducting Green Oce Practices

Energy and Resource Management

Emissions Management

Remind employees to save water on a daily basis and enhance water-saving awareness amongemployeesStrengthen the inspection on water supply equipment and pipelines, timely repair and replace obsoleteequipment, and prevent gas leakage, water spilling, dripping, leakage, etc.Encourage attendants to bring their own cups for large meetings and group activities, reducingadditional cups for meetings and the use of bottled puri?ed water

Waste and Emission Reduction MeasuresGarbage classi?cation?

Re?ne the requirements for garbage classi?cation,types, placement, collection, transportation,and disposal?

Select and determine the mandatory classi?cationcategories such as perishable garbage andrecyclables by referring to the classificationand evaluation standards of domestic waste?

Guide employees to consciously and scienti?callycarry out domestic waste classi?cation

Recycling and reuse?

Promote the reuse of double-sided paper andcopy paper to reduce the number of copies


The purchase of office supplies shall followthe principles of low energy consumption,environmental protection, high quality andcompetitive price, and recyclable use with thereceiving and using system of office suppliesbeing strictly implemented?

Office supplies shall be cleaned up in a timelymanner to prevent overstock and waste

Water-SavingMeasures2 2

The successive opening of new o?ce buildings in 2023 led to an increase in energy consumption. Measures will be taken to reduce energy consumption in The successive opening of new o?ce buildings in 2023 led to an increase in energy consumption. Measures will be taken to reduce energy consumption inthe future.the future.3 3Due to the major public health incident in 2022, there were fewer conferences, exhibitions, receptions, and ?eld visits and research activities; in 2023, as Due to the major public health incident in 2022, there were fewer conferences, exhibitions, receptions, and ?eld visits and research activities; in 2023, aso?ine activities gradually resumed, gasoline consumption increased compared with the previous year.o?ine activities gradually resumed, gasoline consumption increased compared with the previous year.4 4

The installation of digital exhibition halls and intelligent robots, among others, in the Company's new o?ce buildings opened in 2023 led to increase in The installation of digital exhibition halls and intelligent robots, among others, in the Company's new o?ce buildings opened in 2023 led to increase inelectricity consumption, thus the per capita energy consumption increased compared with the previous year.electricity consumption, thus the per capita energy consumption increased compared with the previous year.

5 5The successive opening of new o?ce buildings in 2023 led to an increase in water consumption. Measures will be taken to reduce water consumption in the The successive opening of new o?ce buildings in 2023 led to an increase in water consumption. Measures will be taken to reduce water consumption in thefuture.future.


Jointly Creating a Low-Carbon Future with Green Development2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Following the principle of green construction, we have implemented the low-carbon, ecological, and intelligent concept in the construction of the digitaleconomy headquarters. We have insisted on selecting durable building materials,carried out design based on the principle of saving materials, made full use ofinformation technology to improve construction and management efficiency,paid attention to the recycling of building materials and the recycling and reuseof construction waste, reduced the environmental pollution caused by dust, noiseand lighting at the construction site with all its strength, and strived to achieve lowenergy consumption, low pollution, and low emissions in all aspects, relieving theburden on the environment to the full extent.

Digital Economy Headquarters ofBeijing United Information Technology

Energy management for the digital factoryMonitor the energy consumption of equipment in real time, and make relevant

frequency conversion processing according to equipment loading conditionPromoting Green Construction

Empowering Low-Carbon Transformation

Insisting on the philosophy of green development, we have fully utilized our own platform advantages and technical strengthto facilitate SMEs across the industry chain to reduce costs and improve performance, thus to realize green and low-carbontransformation.We have been focusing on facilitating SMEs to achieve the high-quality transformation of cost reduction and performanceimprovement in the form of "digital technology + digital factory." By changing the traditional working models of the enterprises,the Company has realized remote real-time monitoring of equipment running condition during production process, quality ofwork-in-progress products, process variation curves and production plans, and can provide production decisions and schedulingsupport in combination with the real-time changes in production information. Relying on metering optimization and upgrading,energy data collection, energy statistical equilibrium, energy optimization and utilization, and other functions, the Company hasenabled the digital transformation of cooperative cloud factories, and improved their production and operation e?ciency to achieveenergy conservation and carbon emission reduction. The achievable signi?cant indicators include: 70 percent improvement in thenetworking rate of key equipment, 10 percent improvement in energy utilization e?ciency, comprehensive equipment utilization rateas 60 percent, 10 percent reduction in energy cost, and 30 percent reduction in operating cost.

?Strengthen the management of instrumentand equipment to improve utilization rate andservice e?ciency?Regularly maintain air conditioners andelevators to extend service life

?Do not use equipment with worse negativeimpact on the environment (noise, energyconsumption) after repair

?Avoid equipment operation with malfunction

Conservation of electricityManagement of o?ce equipment

?Clarify the standards for necessaryconsumables such as paper andpens, and encourage to use paperon double sides?Promote digital office and reducepaper consumption?Save on cleaning and sanitation tools,and replace old durable goods for newones

Conservation of o?ce supplies

Green O?ce Measures

Up to now, the Company has helped dozens of industry chain-based enterprises achieve productione?ciency improvement by 15 percent to 30 percent, equipment downtime reduction by 30 percentto 50 percent, and energy consumption reduction by 5 percent to 10 percent.

Longsheng Silicon signs digital cloud factory project with Xdoodoo.com

In March 2024, Baotou Longsheng Silicon Material Technology Co., Ltd. ("Longsheng Silicon") and Xdoodoo.com of BeijingUnited Information Technology officially signed the digital cloud factory project. Longsheng Silicon plans to construct apuri?cation and cyclic utilization project of high-purity silicon with annual output of 75,000 tons. The implementation ofthis project can solve the pain points of the solid waste and environmentalprotection issues existing in the photovoltaic (PV) industry development ofHohhot, Baotou, Ordos and Wuhai, and reach a higher level of green and high-quality development of industrial enterprises. Xdoodoo.com will support thefactory to achieve nine digital solutions including management digitalization,production digitalization, logistics digitalization, QC digitalization, energyconsumption digitalization, and personnel positioning digitalization byproviding platform technologies such as industrial big data, Internet of Things,AI intelligent production, and intelligent supply chain, helping the enterprisereduce costs and improve performance.

Signing ceremony of the digital cloud factory project

between Longsheng Silicon and Xdoodoo.comMultimodal transport facilitates cost reduction and performance improvement for titaniumconcentrate transportationThe Duoduo platform of Beijing United Information Technology has created a Panxi – Shandong warehouse networklayout and established multimodal transport for titanium concentrate. After a large number of stable purchase orders fortitanium concentrate are collected in Shandong, the central warehouses set in Tianjin Port and Huanghua Port in HebeiProvince have changed the logistics pattern of Panxi titanium concentrate which had long been mainly transported byroad into multimodal transport. Multimodal transport can make full use of the advantages of each transportation modeland avoid the shortcomings, helping realize energy conservation and emission reduction while signi?cantly saving thecost. In this way, the logistics cost of titanium concentrate has been reduced from RMB450-RMB600 per ton to no morethan RMB350 per ton.

?Make preferential procurementof electricity-saving and energy-saving products?Use natural lighting in clear daysto reduce electricity consumption?Turn off electric appliances withoutdelay during non-office hours toavoid waste

Jointly Developing IndustrialEcosystem with DigitalTechnologies

The Report on the Work of the Government 2024 putforward that it is imperative to "strive to modernize theindustrial system, develop new quality productive forcesat a faster pace and promote innovative developmentof the digital economy." Under the guidance of theoverall strategy of "platform, science and technology,and data," we have insisted on innovation-drivendevelopment, and constantly advanced the buildingof digital platforms, jointly promoting the progressand development of the industry with partners.Efforts have been made to build a "digital" BeijingUnited Information Technology and to jointly build anindustrial ecosystem for innovation and upgrading.Insisting on Innovation-DrivenDevelopmentBuilding Digital PlatformsAchieving Industrial Collaborationand Win-Win Results


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance ReportJointly Developing Industrial Ecosystem with Digital Technologies

Insisting on Innovation-Driven DevelopmentBuilding Digital PlatformsInnovation is the source of strengths for corporate development. Insisting on upholding fundamental principles and breaking newground, we have kept improving innovation mechanisms, intensified our efforts to cultivate talented people, and developed anindependent intellectual property rights system. Those e?orts have provided a strong support for the Company to unleash innovationpotential and enhance innovation e?ciency and to achieve high-quality development in an all-around manner.

With the acceleration of the transformation and upgrading of industrial digitalization, digital technology has gradually become animportant "connector" between the real economy and the digital economy. We have built three digital platforms for the industrialsector, o?ering business information, online transaction and digital technology services to relevant industries. Through deepeningindustry chain, optimizing supply chain, and improving value chain, as well as rebuilding the ecosystem of traditional industries withdigital technologies and digital tools, we have facilitated the real economy to reduce costs and improve performance.We have attached great importance to innovation and R&D, encouraged employees to enhance innovation awareness and capabilities,taken the initiative to advance the transformation of scienti?c and technological achievements. We have formulated theRegulation onManagement of Corporate Technical Center, theRegulation on Assessment and Reward for New Product Research and Development,and theRegulation on Supply Chain Innovation and Application Management Centerto keep improving the innovation managementmechanism, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the regulatory and process-basedapplication of those achievements. Those efforts have provided a strong mechanism guarantee for the orderly implementation ofproject management work and for the improvement of platform-based service e?ciency and capabilities.Innovation and talented people are the foundation for an enterprise to achieve long-term development. We have implementedincentive systems for innovation personnel and planning systems for talent team development, aiming at building a contingent ofpersonnel with expertise to achieve innovation in science and technology. We have kept re?ning the talent cultivation system, takenthe initiative to cultivate and recruit product and technical R&D personnel, and established cooperation relations with a number ofcolleges and universities. We have constantly improved the project R&D system, and built a talent cultivation base for reserve technicalpersonnel. With those e?orts and by means of, among others, school teaching, project cooperation, internship, and training, we havedeveloped a contingent of reserve technical personnel.

We strictly abide by theTrademark Law of the People's Republic of China, thePatent Law of the People's Republic of China, theCopyright Law of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant laws and regulations, and have formulated theAdministrativeMeasures of Beijing United Information Technology

for Intellectual Property Rightsto carry out project and intellectual property rightsmanagement, enhanced intellectual property rights protection, and promote the application and popularization of scientific andtechnological achievements.We have set up an intellectual property management department to clarify the right to hold the achievements of intellectual work,conduct infringement probability analysis, and formulate corresponding reward and punishment measures. We have also organizedactivities for the publicity, study, and experience exchanges of legal knowledge relating to intellectual property rights on a regularbasis, striving to improve employees' awareness and capabilities of intellectual property rights protection. As of the end of 2023, theCompany had obtained 79 patents cumulatively. During the reporting period, the Company applied 22 patents and obtained 1,008software copyrights.

To realize information sharing, we have developed Ibicn.com, an industrialinformation service platform. Relying on its rich industry resources in the ?eldsof metallurgy, coal, electricity, machinery, medicine, chemical industry, andso on, Ibicn.com provides business information services such as commercialopportunity information, marketing promotion, exhibition activities, industryinformation and data products, and industry advertising to enterprises in variousindustries, and realizes the "online" services of o?ine yellow pages data, biddinginformation, product information, and so on. As of the end of 2023, the businessof the platform of Ibicn.com had covered more than 100 industrial sectors, with

3.06 million registered members, more than 10 million corporate yellow pages

data and more than 110 million bidding and project information resources.

Improving Innovation Mechanism

Cultivating Innovation Personnel

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

Sharing Information with Resource Empowerment

Company hadobtained

patents cumulatively

During the reportingperiod, the Companyapplied





the business of the platform ofIbicn.com had covered morethan

industrial sectors


million registeredmembers

Ibicn.comIn 2023, Ibicn.com, with user operation as the core business, achieved 113 percent growth in terms of information collection andacquisition, and established 26 new first-level industry channels, further broadening the information coverage. Ibicn.com hasconstantly optimized and upgraded, among others, the membership system, keyword database construction, mobile site iteration,and partial network revision, and continued to improve the construction of information service platforms to promote the sustainableexchanges and sharing of business information, industry information, and so on.

B2B E-CommerceIndustrialInternet Platform


Industrial InformationService Platform

Industrial E-CommercePlatform

Digital TechnologyService Platform








2023 Environmental, Social and Governance ReportJointly Developing Industrial Ecosystem with Digital Technologies

At present, the e-commerce industry is maintaining a rapid development trend, constantly injecting new vitality into the revitalizationof the real economy. We have built the industrial e-commerce platform characterized by a number of "Duoduo" e-commerce platformsto provide efficient online commodity trading services for upstream and downstream industries such as coatings and chemicals,sanitary products, and glass, activate the consumer market, and help accelerate the integration of the digital economy and the realeconomy. Relying on the Company's technical strength and R&D of platform systems, the industrial e-commerce platform providesenterprises with supply chain SaaS (Software as a Service) services for free such as cloud ERP, logistics sharing system, spare partssharing system, electronic contracts, and online payment.

In 2023, the Duoduo platforms upgraded their homepages, supermarket, market and other pages, optimized the user operationprocess, and greatly improved the user experience and usage efficiency; established cooperation relations with Industrial andCommercial Bank of China (ICBC) to provide corporate customers with comprehensive online settlement services that ensure "fundsecurity, convenient processes, and controllable risks" through the "ICBC e-Corporate Payment"; optimized the platform design,functions, technical support and others to upgrade the user experience of international sites; and launched marketing and promotiontools and campaigns such as "Digital Business Card" and "Trader Communication," to provide merchants and users with richinteractive and entertainment functions.

Promoting Transaction Connectivity with IndustrialE-Commerce

RMB25.649 billion! 8th Duoduo 10/10 E-Commerce Festival facilitates new consumption model

At 21:00 on October 10, 2023, the 8th Duoduo 10/10 E-Commerce Festival held by Beijing United Information Technologysuccessfully concluded. A total of 50 major categories operated by the 10 e-commerce platforms of the Duoduo seriesparticipated in the event simultaneously, with total orders exceeding RMB25.649 billion, an increase of 48.9 percent year-on-year. The festival was launched on September 12, 2023. All of the cloud factories, cloud warehouses and cloud logisticse?ciently started stocking model to provide strong supply support for the event. All of the Duoduo platforms launchedwarm-up activities such as the "10/10 Express Lane," "10/10 Ranking," and Prized Samples to meet the diverse needs ofusers. The festival has been held eight times since 2016. Beijing United Information Technology has fully leveraged theadvantages of its e-commerce platform to provide an e?cient trading platform for companies in the industry chain, anda?ordable purchasing opportunities for users, continuously contributing to activating market consumption.

8th Duoduo 10/10 E-Commerce Festival

We have developed that Ibisaas.com, a digital technology service platform, which has been committed to advancing the in-depthintegration of the Internet, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, AI, blockchain and other emerging industries and the realeconomy, to provide various digital technology solutions and cloud application services for industrial enterprises. We have built adigital technology service system including digital factories and PTDCloud industrial Internet, intelligent supply chain, live streamingplatform, remote o?ce platform, enterprise VR, cloud market, among others, to help industrial enterprises reduce costs and improveperformance. As of the end of 2023, the "Building of 100 Cloud Factories in Three Years" program, which was launched in 2021, hadsigned digital cloud factory agreements with 56 enterprises.Management digitalization: Implement OA, ERP, MESand other systemsQC digitalization: Upgrade quality inspection equipmentSafety monitoring digitalization: Conduct real-timemonitoring of plant safetyEnergy consumption digitalization: Equip intelligentelectric meters and sensorsLogistics digitalization: Implement unmanned terminalprogramProduction digitalization: Deploy border gatewayand air-gapped systemsOrder check digitalization: Get order informationaccuratelyEquipment management digitalization: Maintainequipment through information systems

Smart logistics platform: Establish online freight transport platformsand Cainiao-style network for bulk logisticsCloud warehouse platform: Provide one-stop digital warehousingsolutionsDigital harbor: Build digital operation systems

Digital factory + PTDCloud industrial Internetplatform

Intelligent supply chain

Live streaming platform: Provide cloud live streaming and all-platform live streamingRemote o?ce platform: Provide SaaS service for o?ce useEnterprise VR: Realize the all-round online interactive live-action viewingIbisaas market: Create cloud service ecosystems

Live streaming, remote o?ce, enterprise VR, and Ibisaascloud market

"PTDCloud industrial Internet + digital and intelligentsupply chain platform" was selected in the list of TypicalCases for Digital and Intelligent Supply Chain 2023

"PTDCloud industrial Internet platform-based industry chain andsupply chain collaborative digital transformation solutions" wasselected in the list of Industrial Internet Pilot Demonstration

Reducing Cost and Improving Performance with In-DepthIntegration of Emerging Technology and Real Economy

the industrial e-commerceplatform had


corporate users cumulatively

As of the end of 2023


monthly active users



stockkeeping units ("SKUs")


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance ReportJointly Developing Industrial Ecosystem with Digital Technologies

Beijing United Information Technology selected as typical case for Chain-Based DigitalTransformation of SMEs by MIITIn October 2023, Beijing United Information Technology was successfully selected in the list of typical cases of Chain-Based Digital Transformation of SMEs by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ("MIIT") at the NationalDigital Transformation Conference of SMEs. To empower the digital transformation and upgrading of SMEs, Beijing UnitedInformation Technology has built an intelligent supply chain collaboration platform to provide enterprises with servicessuch as digital supply chain, digital factory and industrial Internet, solve problems such as non-transparent informationand poor collaboration, and achieve e?cient collaboration among enterprises in collaborative R&D, order management,and production capacity sharing. At present, the Company has removed barriers in a number of vertical supply chainssuch as titanium, alcohol and sanitary paper. By e?ciently utilizing logistics, business ?ow and other resources in eachsupply chain, the Company has improved the overall resource utilization efficiency of enterprises in the supply chain,comprehensively achieving a 15 percent to 30 percent increase in production efficiency, a 20 percent to 30 percentdecrease in operating costs, and a 40 percent to 60 percent increase in order delivery cycle. Those e?orts have e?ectivelypromoted the digital transformation of SMEs in the supply chain.

Digital Supply Chain Platform of Beijing United Information Technology

Achieving Industrial Collaboration andWin-Win Results

We have always maintained an open and enterprising attitude, and have been committed to building an industry ecosystem featuringmutual benefits and win-win results. We have kept enhancing supplier management, insisting on the principle of responsibleprocurement, and deepened cooperation and exchanges with partners, jointly promoting high-quality development of the industry.

We have attached importance to the regulatory management on suppliers. We have formulated the Administrative Measures forSuppliers and clarified management responsibilities to keep developing supplier management capabilities. Through building acomplete supplier onboarding, assessment, exit and review process, we have conducted lean and strict supplier management andevaluation to ensure that the quali?cations, capabilities and reputation of our partners meet corporate standards. At the same time, wehave strengthened supplier assessment and evaluation to help suppliers grow, striving to achieve win-win and common developmentfor the Company and suppliers. As of the end of the reporting period, the Company had 2,734 suppliers participating in trading.

Following the fair and impartial procurement principles and insisting on the philosophy of green procurement, green packaging, andgreen logistics, we value the green development and performance of suppliers, pay attention to and consider their environmentaland social risks during supplier onboarding and cooperation, and deliver the value of sustainable development to suppliers. We havetaken the initiative to conduct responsible procurement, and give priority to products that meet speci?c environmental protectionrequirements throughout the product life cycle, are harmless or less harmful to the environment, have high resource utilization andlow energy consumption in procurement, thereby encouraging suppliers to improve their environmental performance.

Adhering to the philosophy of win-win cooperation, we have continuously intensi?ed strategic cooperation with stakeholders suchas the government and enterprises, strengthened complementary advantages to achieve resource sharing, actively integrated intothe Belt and Road Initiative, accelerated business establishment in overseas market, and enhanced industry exchanges by holding orparticipating in industry-related forums and salons, joining hands with partners to promote high-quality development of the industry.Regulating Supplier Management

Insisting on Responsible Procurement

Deepening Cooperation and Exchanges

Supplier exit

The Company clari?es the conditions for suppliers to exit.Any supplier failing to qualify, or refusing to improve orcooperate will be deprived of the supplier quali?cation.

Supplier assessmentThe Company carries out annual assessment on suppliersaccording to the Supplier Assessment Form, classifiessuppliers by grades based on the assessment results,and sends the results feedback to suppliers for furtherimprovement.

Supplier complaintsThe Company receives supplier complaints andcoordinates with business departments according tothe complained contents.

Supplier onboarding

The Company requires suppliers to provide quali?cationdocuments, and has established a supplier authenticationteam to investigate suppliers' quali?cations. Supplier list iscon?rmed according to the investigation grading results.


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance ReportJointly Developing Industrial Ecosystem with Digital Technologies

Strategic Cooperation

Industry Exchanges

In May 2023, Toodudu.com signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Thailand Tavorn Rubber Group. The two partieswill carry out in-depth cooperation in the entire industry chain, including overseas digital cloud factories, long-termpurchase and sales agreement for latex import, and other businesses.In May 2023, Huawei Cloud and partners including Beijing United Information Technology established an industrialdigitalization innovation consortium to connect the leading enterprises and industry operators in the ?eld of industrialdigitalization, promoting the modernization of industrial applications.In June 2023, lldoodoo.com signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Canada Polar Skydome Business Group Inc. tojointly promote better and faster development of the cold chain industry.In August 2023, Xdoodoo.com signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hypercycle Ventures and AdvancedManufacturing EDA Co., Ltd. (AMEDAC). The three parties will carry out all-round cooperation in industrial resourceintegration, industrial funds, industrial media and other ?elds.In September 2023, Beijing United Information Technology signed a strategic cooperation agreement with CEC IndustrialInternet. The two parties will work together to build a digital supply chain system, including digital cloud factories, cloudwarehouses and cloud logistics, and digital industrial parks of Beijing United Information Technology.In November 2023, Beijing United Information Technology signed a MOU on cooperation with Shandong Port OverseasDevelopment Group Co., Ltd. and AD Ports Group. The three parties have reached the cooperation intention on the cross-border business cooperation of Chinese automobile equipment industry chain in the United Arab Emirates.

In March 2023, Lydodo.com co-organized the 4th Global Oils and Oil Seeds Industry SummitIn April 2023, Toodudu.com co-organized the China International Coatings SummitIn May 2023, Wdoodoo.com participated in the 7th Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference, and signed key projectsIn June 2023, Beijing United Information Technology participated in the 2023 China Langfang International Economic andTrade FairIn June 2023, Beijing United Information Technology participated in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization IndustryChain and Supply Chain Forum, and signed key projectsIn November 2023, Beijing United Information Technology participated in the Belt and Road Conference for Service TradeCooperationIn November 2023, Toodudu.com co-organized the China Vanadium-Titanium Forum & Strategic Seminar forComprehensive Utilization of Vanadium-Titanium ResourcesIn December 2023, Wdoodoo.com participated in the 1st Global Partner Conference for China-Europe Railway Express(Chengdu & Chongqing)In December 2023, Wdoodoo.com participated in the CNCGC Industrial Base Supply Chain Innovation PromotionConference

Beijing United Information Technology facilitates the joint development of the Belt andRoad InitiativeIn December 2023, Beijing United Information Technology and 8 key platforms including Alibaba International DigitalCommerce Group, Pinduoduo, and JD.com, Inc. signed a cooperation partnership agreement with Pudong New AreaCommerce Committee and China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Administration Shanghai FTZ Authority for theconstruction of the Silk Road e-commerce cooperation pilot zone, jointly helping Pudong New Area boost the high-qualityconstruction of the Silk Road e-commerce cooperation pilot zone. Beijing United Information Technology will enhancethe promotion of the "industry belt + cross-border e-commerce" strategy, reduce costs and increase performance throughcross-border platforms, and promote the coordinated development of enterprises in the industry chain, contributing tothe high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Second Congress of the Industrial Internet Digital Ecological Alliance of Beijing UnitedInformation Technology held in BeijingIn November 2023, the 2nd Congress of the Industrial Internet Digital Ecological Alliance of Beijing United InformationTechnology was held in Beijing, with the theme of "Digital Intelligence for Thousands of Enterprises, Realization ofEcological Integration." More than 230 technology enterprises in the ?elds relating to industrial Internet, including BeijingInternational Data Exchange, Zhongguancun Alliance for Integration of Information Technology and Real Economy (AIITRE)Industrial Internet Working Committee and Huawei Cloud, attended the event to jointly discuss the new cooperationmodel of digital factory + industrial Internet and promote the in-depth integration of digital technologies and traditionalindustries. During the event, Beijing United Information Technology reached cooperation with a number of technologyenterprises, laying a solid ecological foundation for the smooth implementation of future digital cloud factories anddigital supply chains.

Beijing United Information Technology signed an agreement as a partner for the establishment

of a pilot zone for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation in Pudong New Area, Shanghai

Signing ceremony for platform-based cooperation of the Industrial Internet Digital Ecological

Alliance of Beijing United Information Technology

Jointly Delivering a BetterFuture with People-OrientedPhilosophy

Enhancing Customer ExperienceRaising Employee HappinessImproving People's Wellbeing

Insisting on the people-oriented philosophy, we have takenthe initiative to ful?ll social responsibilities, and have beencommitted to providing high-quality service experiencefor customers, creating warm and comfort workingenvironment for employees, improving people's wellbeingand sharing development achievements with stakeholders.Efforts have been made to build a "happy" Beijing UnitedInformation Technology and to jointly deliver a harmonious,better and high quality of life to people.


Jointly Delivering a Better Future with People-Oriented Philosophy2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Enhancing Customer Experience

Insisting on the customer-oriented principle, we have gained a deep insight into customer needs, strengthened product qualitymanagement, improved after-sales service mechanisms, protected customer privacy and information security, strived to provideexcellent customer service, and kept improving customer satisfaction and optimizing customer experience.

We strictly abide by theProduct Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Importand Export Commodity Inspection, and other relevant laws and regulations, and have formulated theRegulation on Post-BasedQuality Responsibility, Regulation on Product Quality Inspection,Regulation on Reserved Product Sample Observation,Regulation onStandard and Quality Guarantee, and other internal rules and regulations to continuously improve quality management systems andenhance product quality management control. We strictly control supplier screening, product labeling, logistics and transportation toensure that the products on the platform meet national product quality requirements and meet customer needs.

We have formulated theRules for the Management of After-Saleswith clari?ed assessment rules, assessment indicators, reward andpunishment mechanism, among others, to e?ectively motivate relevant departments to improve their after-sales service. We haveactively developed and improved relevant functions of the customer service system and the after-sales management system of Ibisaas.com to improve the processing efficiency of after-sales service, enhance customer shopping experience, and maintain customerrelationships. We have formulated theRules for the Management of Customer Complaints, established a closed-loop complaintmanagement mechanism for pre-prevention, in-process control and post-improvement, and opened customer complaint feedbackchannels to handle customer complaints in a timely and e?ective manner. We have also set up online service evaluation channels,opened a 24-hour 400 service hotline, established regional marketing centers in East China, South China, Southwest China, CentralChina, North China, Northeast China, and so on, and organized o?ine centralized procurement salons and industry conferences andactivities to deeply understand customer demands and continuously improve customer satisfaction. The response rate of customercomplaints of the Company reached 100 percent in 2023.

The Company requires all products provided by suppliers must be attached with tags of product name, manufacturer,speci?cation, main ingredients and corresponding content.

Product speci?cationsSelect quali?ed suppliers to work with, and control product quality from the source; Suppliers must provide qualitytest reports; non-conforming products are forbidden to load on truck.

Supplier screening

The Company has developed cloud logistics tracking system with BeiDou positioning to update current vehiclelocation and speed every 10 seconds, making it bene?cial to improve transport e?ciency and service level, as well ascontrol transport risks.

Real-time logistics tracking

Strengthening Quality Management

Improving After-Sales Service

Guaranteeing Information SecurityWe attach great importance to network information security, and strictly abide by theCybersecurity Law of the People's Republicof Chinaand other laws and regulations. We have formulated a number of corporate regulations and rules, including theOperating

System and Database Security Management System, theNetwork Data Security Information Plan, theRegulation on CybersecurityVulnerability Managementand theInformation Security Accident Handling Mechanism, and continuously improved informationsecurity management mechanisms to ensure smooth network communications and normal operation of business systems, andimprove the Company's network and information security level.We abide by thePersonal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of Chinaand other laws and regulations, and haveformulated theFull-Process Protection Management System for Personal Information Processing, theHierarchical ClassificationManagement System of Personal Information, thePersonal Information Protection Impact Assessment Processand other corporateregulations and rules to comprehensively protect customers' privacy and information security. We have also organized and carriedout education and learning activities relating to customer information security, and improved employees' awareness of informationsecurity and con?dentiality to guarantee personal information security. During the reporting period, the Company did not have anycases of customer information leak or abuse.

Encrypted storageAccess restrictionOperation tracesData masking

Measures for Customer Information Protection




Real-time interaction: Real-time communication and interaction via customer service system to solveusers' problems in a timely manner; and, guarantee handling of users' problems during offline hoursthrough message management.

Comprehensive functions: Corporate information, service session management, setting change,permission management, personnel management, history record, operation log, call record, intelligentcustomer service, etc.

Quality monitoring: Track and give feedback on the handling of customer service to ensure problemsare solved and customer satisfaction is maintained in the meantime.After placing an order, user can apply for a sales return due to product quality, logistics, product changingor refunding, or other issues. After reviewing the request, the system will guide the return procedures toensure a transparent and e?cient process.

Resource data relatingto corporate privacy, suchas contracts, are uniformlystored in encrypted storagespace

Implement strict dataaccess mechanism andonly authorized personnelcan access customerinformation

Keep records of employ-ees' operations on custo-mer information

Implement data maskingon sensitive data requi-ring display, such as mo-bile numbers


Jointly Delivering a Better Future with People-Oriented Philosophy2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Raising Employee HappinessTalented people are the primary resource. for enterprise development. Adhering to the talent-oriented development concept, wehave always respected, recognized, and treated every employee well, ?rmly protected employees' rights and interests, facilitatedemployee growth and development, and fully implemented employee care, striving to create a working environment that trusts,respects, well treats and cares about talented people.

Safeguarding Rights and Interests of Employees

We strictly follow national regulations, and have formulated theRemuneration and Performance Management Systemand theEmployee Benefits Systemin line with actual corporate situations. We have improved and perfected the online managementsystem of remuneration and performance, and established a salary system and a good bene?ts system which link contribution withsalary returns to realize the established value of the enterprise and the individuals, give full play to the incentive e?ect of the salarysystem on employees, attract and retain talented people, and enhance the cohesion of the Company.

In order to establish harmonious labor relations, we attach great importance to democratic management, respect and protectemployees' democratic rights, such as the right to know, the right to participate, the right to express, and the right to supervise.During the reporting period, the Company established the channels for whistleblowing, and o?ering opinions and suggestions,and implemented follow-up actions in a timely manner. The Company also set up a supervision team, established and improvedthe incentive and constraint system. The all-hands meeting in 2023 publicized relevant matters for 6 times, organized 6 specialdiscussions on environmental improvement and humanistic care, invited employee representatives from di?erent departmentsand positions to participate, and encouraged employees to o?er advice and suggestions for the development of the Company,e?ectively promoting the construction of the Company's organizational culture.

Improving Remuneration and Bene?ts

Remuneration and Bene?ts System of Beijing United Information Technology

Strengthening Democratic Management

We strictly abide by theLabor Law of the People's Republic of China, theLabor Contract Law of the People's Republic of Chinaandother laws and regulations, and have formulated corporate documents such as theRegulation on Recruitment,Entry/Resignationand Employment Management, theDiscrimination Prohibition Management System, thePolicies and Procedures for Preventingthe Employment of Child Laborand theForced Labor Prohibition System.Adhering to an open, fair and impartial recruitmentprocess and the principle of equal employment, we oppose any form of discrimination, prohibit the employment of child labor,resist all forms of forced and compulsory labor, and complete the signing of employment contracts for new employees timely,striving to protect employees' legal rights and interests. In 2023, the Company completed the recruitment of 290 people, carriedout university-enterprise cooperation with 7 universities in, among others, Beijing, Hebei, and Anhui, and recruited 82 freshgraduates throughout the year. As of the end of the reporting period, the Company had a total of 1,261 employees, and the signingrate of employment contracts reached 100 percent. No child labor or forced labor occurred during the reporting period.

Insisting on Equal Employment

Endowment insurance, work injury insurance, basic medical insurance,maternity insurance, unemployment insurance, and housing provident fund

Wedding gifts, transportationsubsidies, communicationsubsidies, holiday greetings,assistance funds, children'seducation awards, staff dor-mitories, computer purchasesubsidies, etc.

National statutory holidays,marriage leave, maternityleave, sick leave, bereavementleave, work injury leave,statutory paid annual leaveOn-the-job training or short-term o?-job training free ofcharge, additional study atpublic expense

Organize physical examinationfor employees regularly

Employee composition in 2023Unit:(person)



Unit:(person)Employee composition by genderEmployee composition by age

Employee composition by rank of positionEmployee composition by region

Male employees

Employees in Beijing

Female employees

Employees in other regions1,001Ordinary employees

Employees in the management


Employees under the age of 30

Employees betweenthe ages of 30 and 50

Employees over theages of 50

Five socialinsurances and one

housing fund

Subsidiesand bene?ts



Jointly Delivering a Better Future with People-Oriented Philosophy2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

We put employees' health and safety ?rst, and strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations such as theFire Control Law of thePeople's Republic of China, theLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Occupational Diseases,and theLabor Law of the People's Republic of China. We have formulated and implemented theRegulation on Occupational Healthand Safety Managementto clarify risk categories, control objectives, completion indicators and control measures, and definedcorresponding implementation to responsible departments. We have also introduced measures to ensure personnel safety atdangerous places, and arranged responsible personnel to conduct daily inspections of on-site safety conditions, creating a safe andreliable working environment for employees. In accordance with fire safety requirements, we have formulated emergency plans,equipped corresponding ?re-?ghting equipment, regularly organized employees to learn emergency plans, and conducted ?re drillsto strengthen emergency capacity building. In 2023, no major safety accident or personal injury accident occurred in the Company.In accordance with the requirements of theLabor Law of the People's Republic of China, we reasonably arrange employees' workand rest time, regularly conduct occupational health and safety training, and help solve employees' psychological problems. Wehave set up gyms for employees to strengthen their body building and prevent occupational diseases, protecting employees'physical and mental health with practical actions.

Enhancing Occupational Health and Safety

The Company's occupational safety and health training totaled8,685

hours with a total of

person-times of participants.

The Company organized

team buildingand training sessionswith


person-times ofparticipants.

In 2023

In 2023

Fire control drillEmergency supplies cabinet

Employee gymOccupational health and safety training

Focusing on Employee Growth

We have been committed to standardizing the promotion system and process, continuously optimizing employees' careerdevelopment paths, and creating a fair, open and transparent competition mechanism. We have endeavored to attract talentedpeople and stimulate employees' desire to advance by formulating the Promotion Management System, setting up two forms ofpromotion (regular and irregular), clarifying the promotion mechanism, and improving employees' job grade promotion channels,achieving "improvement" through "promotion" and continuously improving employees' professional pro?ciency and quality.

Fostering Career Development

We regard the talent team as the core competitiveness and the driving force for future development of the Company. By formulatingthe Administrative Measures for Employee Skills Training, we have established a perfect training system to standardize andinstitutionalize employee training, comprehensively improve the overall quality of the workforce, create opportunities for employees'continuous development, and provide intellectual support and talent guarantee for the Company's rapid, healthy and sustainabledevelopment.

Conducting Employee Training

IndicatorUnit202120222023Total number of employeesparticipating in trainings

Person1,0021,1801,246Coverage of employee


%98.3398.6698.89Total training hours foremployees


Employee Training Performance

Employee Training System

Orientation training for new employees

New employee orientation training20 new employee training sessions were completed throughoutthe year with a total of 439 trainees

New employee induction tea parties

4 sessions were completed throughout the year with a total of114 trainees

For new employees


Jointly Delivering a Better Future with People-Oriented Philosophy2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Enhancing Employee Care

With an aim to meet employees' expectation for a better life, we have organized diversi?ed recreational and sports activities toenrich employees' spare time, committing to creating a corporate atmosphere full of love. Taking the Spring Festival, Women'sDay, Children's Day, Dragon Boat Festival, and other important festivals as the opportunities, we have carried out employee careactivities such as "Welcoming the New Year – Giving Blessings," "Women's Day Flower Arrangement," "Enjoying the Time with You,Creating the Enriched Fun," "Themed Mountain Climbing," "Hand in Hand, Ride the Wind Forward," among others, to stimulateemployees' vitality, enhance their sense of happiness and belonging, and help them balance work and life.

Achieving Work-Life Balance

To ensure the e?ective implementation of employee care, we have established the "Connecting Two Generations" scholarship andBeijing United Information Technology Assistance Fund to solidly promote the assistance for employees in need and e?ectivelysolve their problems. In September 2023, the Company applied for RMB15,000 through the assistance fund for an employee'sfamily member diagnosed with advanced lung cancer to ensure medical treatment, and applied for occupational injury treatmentand provided RMB10,000 to ensure medical treatment for an employee in need who su?ered from a tra?c accident.

Providing Assistance for Employees in Di?culties

"Romance and Roses, More Than Love" themed activity

on Valentine's Day

Flower arrangement activity on Women's Day

Fun activities on Children's Day

Themed mountain climbing activity

Club basketball game

Experience sharing meeting

96 sessions were completed throughout the year with anaverage of 95 participants per session and a total of 9,120person-times of participants

Training for middle and junior managementpersonnel10 sessions were completed throughout the year with anaverage of 50 participants per session and a total of 500 person-times of participants

Professional knowledge44 sessions were completed throughout the year with anaverage of 30 participants per session and a total of 1,320person-times of participants

Industry chain knowledge and work?owoptimization training

36 sessions were completed with an average of 30 traineesper session and a total of 1,080 person-times of participants

Generic skills and literacy training12 sessions were completed with an average of 60 traineesper session and a total of 720 person-times of participants

Training for middle and senior managementpersonnel2 sessions were completed throughout the year with atotal of 239 person-times of participants

For the frontline partners

For the management

Training for middle and junior management personnelTraining for middle and senior management personnel

Experience sharing meetingGeneric skills and literacy training


Jointly Delivering a Better Future with People-Oriented Philosophy2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Improving People's Wellbeing

We have actively ful?lled the responsibilities of a corporate citizen, insisted on sharing development results with local communities,given back to the society with sincerity, and advanced rural revitalization and public welfare and charitable undertakings,committing to protecting and improving people's wellbeing and delivering the "Warmth of Beijing United Information Technology"to the public with practical actions.

We have e?ectively implemented the 14th Five-Year Plan. Under the guidance of theOpinions of the Central Committee of theCommunist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Key Work of Rural Revitalization in 2023, wehave made full use of the practices relating to industrial digital economy to vigorously develop space for government-enterprisecooperation, promoting the value of industrial digital economy in advancing rural revitalization.

Facilitating Rural Revitalization

We care about the development of local communities, and actively participate in public welfare and charitable activities such asemergency relief. We contribute love with practical actions, take the initiative to undertake the responsibilities of improving people'swellbeing, and strive to create a harmonious society.

Engaging in Public Welfare and Charitable UndertakingsStrategic tripartite cooperation agreement reached to jointly facilitate rural revitalizationIn July 2023, Beijing United Information Technology formally signed atripartite cooperation agreement with CUFE Rising Union and GuangdongDongjiang Green Agricultural Product Trading Co., Ltd., which is the operatorof Heyuan Production and Marketing Exchange Platform for ConsumptionAssistance to focus on rural revitalization services with high-tech digitaltechnologies as the effective means. The three parties will carry out in-depth cooperation in the three major fields of B2B information services,digital technologies and B2B vertical e-commerce, jointly provide digitalinnovation services, including digital factories, e-commerce centralizedprocurement, digital transactions, digital supply chains and PTDCloudinternet, for the rural revitalization in Heyuan, and build a regionalagricultural digital innovation demonstration system to guide the green,high-quality and branding development of regional agriculture.

Beijing United Information Technologysigning a tripartite cooperation agreementwith CUFE Rising Union and GuangdongDongjiang Green Agricultural ProductTrading Co., Ltd.Injecting revolutionary gene into industrial digital economy: Fuping County Major andhis delegation visits Feidoodoo.comIn February 2023, the Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Fuping County,Shaanxi Province, and his delegation visited Feidoodoo.com of Beijing UnitedInformation Technology. The two sides exchanged views on fully integratingthe inheritance of revolutionary spirit and empowering the overall economicdevelopment of the region through industrial digital economy. Feidoodoo.comis committed to reducing costs and increasing performance in all links of theindustry chain through the development of service systems such as transactiondigitalization, supply chain digitalization, and production digitalization forthe entire agricultural industry chain. There is broad cooperation space withFuping County which is rapidly developing agricultural industrialization,professionalization, and scientization. The two sides have reached a strategiccooperation consensus on "continuously promoting the construction ofindustrial digital economy as the effective means to jointly empower thee?cient development of the industrial economy in Fuping County."

Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor ofFuping County, Shaanxi Province, andhis delegation visited Feidoodoo.com

E-commerce injects strong momentum into rural revitalizationShupintianxia.com is a vertical e-commerce platform of agricultural products luanched by Beijing United InformationTechnology. It is based on the "landmark," "featured" and "high-quality" agricultural products in Sichuan Province andChongqing Municipality, taking direct supply from the places of origin as the feature of the platform.In 2023, Shupintianxia.com built an e-commerce public service center of more than 700 square meters in Langzhongwith o?ce area, training area, livestreaming rooms and conference rooms. By organizing e-commerce training locally,it cultivated "new farmers" for rural revitalization with a total of 1,594 person-times of trainees and 50 participantsbenefiting from business incubation. It set up 67 sites, 4 livestreaming bases and 1 brand image store in Jiuzhaigou,planned and operated Jiuzhaigou e-commerce service center and logistics center to improve the e-commerce operationinfrastructure. It also planned and guided the operation of local logistics and trade distribution centers and the upgradeof e-commerce logistics sites in Anyue County, assisting traditional commercial enterprises in digital transformation, andpromoting the sustainable and healthy development of county-based e-commerce.

Beijing United Information Technology rushes to the rescue in disaster-aected areasIn August 2023, a?ected by the Typhoon Doksuri, parts ofBeijing, Tianjin and Hebei su?ered from continuous heavyrainfall that was rare in history and consequent geologicaldisasters such as mountain torrents and mudslides.The flood prevention and disaster relief situations weresevere with goods and materials in short supply. BeijingUnited Information Technology gave quick response andurgently connected with the government's disaster reliefcoordination department, accurately understood the needsof disaster-affected areas, and donated 1,000 stretchers,2,000 units of disinfection equipment, 330 generators andother disaster relief materials in urgent need to the disasterarea in Mentougou District, Beijing, providing strongmaterial support for emergency rescue. In the meantime,the Company's employees in Zhuozhou office area weretrapped due to the disaster. The Company's leaders gaveinstructions immediately and required the comprehensivesupport department to urgently set up a special workinggroup, mobilize special vehicles, and overcome alldi?culties to immediately pick up the employees and theirfamilies in Zhuozhou and move them to Beijing for properarrangement.

Beijing United Information Technology donatedrelief materials to disaster-a?ected areas in

Mentougou District, Beijing


Jointly Laying a SolidFoundation with SoundGovernance

A good corporate governance is the guarantee for sound operation and healthydevelopment of the enterprise. We have kept refining corporate governancesystem, improved regulatory operation, continued to enhance risk management,strengthened compliance-based operation, and e?ectively improved the operationalquality of corporate governance. E?orts have been made to build an "outstanding"Beijing United Information Technology and to jointly lay a solid foundation forsustainable development.

Regulating Corporate GovernanceStrengthening Risk ManagementLaying a Solid Foundation for ComplianceManagement


Jointly Laying a Solid Foundation with Sound Governance2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Regulating Corporate GovernanceStrictly abiding by laws and regulations, we have continuously enhanced corporate governance capabilities, improved governancesystems, disclosed corporate information in a timely manner, e?ectively promoted the e?cient and stable operation of all governancebodies of the Company, and kept improving the level of corporate governance.

Regulating Operation of Shareholder Meeting, Board of Directors and Board of SupervisorsWe strictly abide by requirements of theCompany Law of the People's Republic of China, theSecurities Law of the People'sRepublic of China, theGuidelines on the Articles of Association of Listed Companies, theRules for the Shareholder Meetings ofListed Companies, and other laws and regulations, and have formulated the Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure of theShareholder Meeting, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors, andother regulations, rules and administrative measures to regulate corporate management and operation, and to clarify the rulesof procedure and decision-making process of the Shareholder Meeting, the Board of Directors, and the Board of Supervisors,promoting the establishment of a corporate governance mechanism in which one will do their part while cooperating with others tohave e?ective checks and balances. Meanwhile, the implementation and e?ectiveness of relevant mechanisms are tracked regularlyin order to continuously optimize the governance structure and keep improving the governance level.As the highest authority of the Company, the Shareholder Meeting fully protects the legitimate rights and interests of shareholdersand ensures that shareholders exercise their rights equally and effectively. The Board of Directors is the Company's permanentdecision-making body and is responsible to the Shareholder Meeting. It is responsible for deciding the Company's businessplans and investment plans, and has a strategic planning and ESG committee, a nomination committee, an audit committee,and a remuneration committee to ensure professional and reliable decision-making. The Board of Supervisors is the Company'ssupervisory body and is responsible to all shareholders. It oversees the Company's finances and the legality and compliance ofthe duties performed by directors, managers and other senior management personnel, and safeguards the legitimate rights andinterests of the Company and its shareholders.

Improving Governance System

In 2023


shareholder meetings and deliberated


meetings of Board of Directors and deliberated


meetings of Board of Supervisors and deliberated


Diversifying the Board of DirectorsThe diversity of the Board of Directors is of great signi?cance to improve corporate governance, achieve strategic goals, and promotesustainable corporate development. we have kept optimizing the independence and diversity of the Board of Directors, and arrangedthree independent directors in accordance with the relevant provisions of theIndependent Director Rules for Listed Companies,Shanghai Stock Exchange No.1 Self-Regulatory Guideline for Listed Companies – Standardized Operation, and theGuidelines on theArticles of Association of Listed Companies. The number of independent directors is no less than one third of the number of directors.In addition, we take comprehensive consideration of the factors such as candidate's gender, cultural and educational background,professional experience, skills and service tenure while selecting board members to ensure the Board of Directors has balanced anddiversi?ed skills, experience and perspectives, promoting the establishment of a healthier board member structure.Board appointments

One chairman1人

Three independent directors


Nine board members in total


Shareholder Meeting

Remuneration Committee

Board of SupervisorsBoard of Directors

Office of the Board

of DirectorsGeneral Manager

Audit CommitteeNomination CommitteeStrategic Planning andESG Committee

Audit DepartmentInvestment ManagementDepartmentNetwork TechnologyCenterFinance DepartmentO?ce of the PresidentHuman ResourcesDepartmentBusiness CenterResource CooperationCenter

Corporate Governance Structure

AdministrationDepartmentInternational BusinessCenter


Jointly Laying a Solid Foundation with Sound Governance2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

By genderBy professional background

Regulating Information DisclosureAdhering to the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, and following the requirements of laws and regulations such as theSecurities Law of the People's Republic of Chinaand theAdministrative Measures on Information Disclosure by Listed Companies, wehave always insisted on the principles of disclosing information in a timely, accurate, complete, fair and strict manner, and continuouslyimproved the information disclosure system and the quality of information disclosure. The Company's information disclosure complieswith the Guidelines on the Articles of Association of Listed Companies and the Administrative Measures on Information Disclosureby Listed Companies, and strictly performs the necessary approval and submission procedures. All the disclosed information is true,accurate, complete and timely without any false records, misleading statements or major omissions. In 2023, the Company released atotal of 94 announcements. Enhancing Engagement with InvestorsWe attach great importance to investor relations management and is committed to creating a warm and trustworthy investorcommunication environment to improve the level of investor relations management. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations,we have formulated the Administrative Measures for Investors to effectively protect investors'legitimate rights and interests. TheSecretariat of the Board of Directors is responsible for daily information disclosure, receiving shareholder visits and replyinginvestors'inquiries. It actively strengthens contact and communication with minority investors through various channels such asspecial telephone line, public mailbox, e-interactive platforms, o?cial WeChat account, and Snow?ake enterprise account to e?ectivelyguarantee investors'right to know, deepen investors'understanding of the Company's businesses, and enhance investors'recognitionof the Company. It carries out various businesses and services including company surveys and telephone consultations in accordancewith relevant regulations to ensure all investors are treated openly, fairly and impartially, e?ectively protecting the bene?ts of all theCompany's shareholders.

Strengthening Risk Management

A perfect risk management system is essential to ensure the steady, sustainable and healthy development of an enterprise. We havekept improving the risk management system, paid high attention to risk identi?cation and response, and continuously strengthenedthe establishment of risk prevention capabilities, striving to create a risk management cultural atmosphere that is responsible, honestand trustworthy.

During the reporting periodthe Company carried out

investor communication activities of various types, including

results brie?ngs held in Shanghai Stock Exchange Roadshow Center and

other activities.

Improving Risk Management SystemsWe strictly abide by theCompany Law of the People's Republic of Chinaand other laws and regulations, and have formulated the

Regulations on the Management of Risk Controlin line with theBasic Internal Control Norms for Enterprises, Risk Management –Principles and Guidelines on Implementation, as well as the supporting guidelines and the articles of association to establish regulatoryand e?ective risk control system and enhance standardized risk management. We have established and improved the organizationalstructure of risk management, formed the "three lines of defense" for risk management, and clearly defined each department of theCompany as the ?rst line of defense for risk management, the Audit Department and the Audit Committee as the second line of defense,and the Board of Directors as the third line of defense, so as to e?ectively improve the e?ectiveness of risk management.

Enhancing Risk Identication and CountermeasuresWe have kept improving the risk identi?cation and response mechanism. Each functional department conducts regular self-inspectionand checking of risk management work, promptly detects defects and makes improvements, and submits the inspection and checkingreports to the Audit Department in a timely manner. An internal control plan for risk resolution has been formulated accordingto the approved risk response strategy, and control measures covering all links have been formulated for each management andbusiness process involving major risks. For business processes involving other risks, the key links are used as the control points andcorresponding control measures are taken to e?ectively respond to the risks.

Type of riskCountermeasures

Credit risk

? Establish a complete supplier audit mechanism? Establish special positions dedicated to review and identify the credit of

cooperation partners

Legal risk

? Establish and improve legal risk prevention mechanisms? Focus on contract management, intellectual property management and stamp use


Reputational risk

? Empathize the importance of reputational risk, attach great importance tolegal compliance training for employees, and ensure that the reputational riskmanagement covers each and every link? Maintain good contact with the media, with a dedicated department responsible

for the work

Enhancing Investor Relations Management





male board members female board members Management Economics

Finance Other educational backgrounds










Jointly Laying a Solid Foundation with Sound Governance2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

In order to strengthen employees' reserves of risk management knowledge, we have conducted risk management and control trainingactivities in a combination of online and o?ine approaches, focusing on the key points such as basic risk management theories, riskidenti?cation and evaluation processes, and risk control strategies, to develop risk prevention awareness among all employees andcomprehensively improve their risk management skills and levels.

Improving Risk Management Capabilities

On-site scene of risk managementand control training activities

Laying a Solid Foundation forCompliance ManagementCompliance with laws and regulations is the cornerstone of corporate survival and development. We have always adhered to corporate governancein accordance with laws and operations compliant with regulations, continuously improved the compliance management system, strengthened anti-corruption and integrity upholding, maintained high standards of business ethics, and persistently maintained "zero tolerance" to corruption or violationsof business ethics, promoting legal and compliant corporate operations.

We strictly abide by relevant national laws and regulations, adheres to legal and compliant operation, and conducts training activitiesin a combination of online and o?ine approaches focusing on legal and regulatory knowledge, legal and compliant responsibilities,rights, interests and practices to enhance employees' awareness of legal and regulatory compliance, and establish the concept ofabiding by laws and regulations. During the reporting period, no major violations of laws or regulations occurred in the Company.

Insisting on Compliance Management

On-site scene of a legal compliance training activity

Number of risk management and control trainingsNumber of employees participating in risk management

and control trainings




Number of legal compliance trainingsNumber of employees participating in legal compliance







Jointly Laying a Solid Foundation with Sound Governance2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

We insist on ?ghting against corruption with a "zero tolerance" attitude, continuously improve the anti-corruption governance systemand complaint mechanism, and strengthen the development of an integrity culture, committing to creating a clean and uprightinternal environment.

Fighting Corruption and Upholding Integrity

On-site scene of an anti-corruption training activity

Sticking to the code of business conduct, we strictly abide by theAnti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China, theAnti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China, and other laws and regulations, oppose any form of commercial bribery, moneylaundering, monopoly, and unfair competition, earnestly ful?ll the work requirements of fair trade, and conduct business activities witha rigorous attitude and a high sense of social responsibility.

Sticking to Business Ethics

Strengthening Anti-Corruption GovernanceAdhering to the principles of impartiality, fairness and openness, we resolutely oppose any form of corruption, and haveformulated theRegulation on the Management of Anti-Corruption, theRegulation on the Management of ProfessionalIntegrity Buildingand other systems to strictly investigate and punish bribery and fraud acts within the Company, and ensurethe standardization of anti-corruption governance, striving to create a fair, transparent and trusted working and businessenvironment.Improving Complaints Mechanisms

Insisting on the principle of strict corporate governance, we have formulated theAdministrative Measures for Whistleblowingand Complaintsand established a complete mechanism for whistleblowing management and handling. All employees andrelated parties can report and complain about violations of regulations or disciplines through email, telephone, visits andother channels. The information con?dentiality and reward mechanism are strictly implemented to ensure the protection onwhistleblowers' identity information and basic rights. In 2023, the Company didn't receive any compliant or whistleblowing.

Fostering Integrity Culture

We regularly organize anti-corruption and compliance trainings and cultural and promotional activities to guide ouremployees to study and understand the relevant laws and regulations in a deep-going way, clarify the anti-corruption redlines, and improve the anti-corruption awareness and ability of all employees.


Number of anti-corruption trainingsNumber of employees participating in anti-corruption





Future Prospect


2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Future ProspectThe Report on the Work of the Government 2024 put forward that it is imperative to "promoteinnovative development of the digital economy," and China will "work to digitalize themanufacturing sector and fast-track the large-scale application of the industrial Internet."As an important cornerstone of the new round of industrial revolution, the industrial Internetis the key support for the in-depth integration of digital technologies and the real economy,and is also a strategic infrastructure and important driving force for new industrialization.Under national guidance and promotion and with the joint efforts of all parties, theindustrial Internet will usher in a broader development space in the future, continue toempower new quality productive forces, promote the accelerated development of newindustrialization, and inject strong momentum into China's high-quality development. Asan industrial e-commerce and industrial Internet company, we will firmly seize developmentopportunities, further focus on serving the real economy and creating social value, give fullplay to the advantages of technology, talent and platform as a leading industrial Internetcompany, continuously strengthen the development, promotion and application of servicesystems such as digital factories and industrial Internet, and continuously promote therealization of win-win value in the industry chain.

The greatest truths are the simplest, and hard work is the key. The year 2024 will be a crucialyear for fully implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress andfor achieving the objectives and tasks laid down in the 14th Five-Year Plan. In the new year,we will focus on the theme of "combination of light and heavy assets and collaborativeinnovation," continue to implement the overall strategy of "platform, science andtechnology, and data," take the initiative to optimize product structure, business structure,and organizational structure, and keep deepening industry chain, optimizing supplychain and improving value chain, thus empowering industrial innovation, transformationand upgrading. Focusing on the strategic goals and tasks of carbon peaking and carbonneutrality, we will work actively and prudently toward the goals of reaching peak carbonemissions and carbon neutrality, and safeguard the lucid waters and lush mountains,achieving a win-win situation for economy and ecology. We will take the initiative to fulfillsocial responsibilities, facilitate all-around rural vitalization, and actively participatein public welfare and charitable undertakings, continuously delivering warmth to thesociety. Insisting on putting people first, we will improve customer service and customerexperience, facilitate employee growth, and pursue a new path featuring wide consultation,joint contribution, win-win cooperation and shared benefits together with partners. We willcomprehensively strengthen corporate governance, actively implement the philosophyof ESG, and advance high-quality development in a deep-going way, striving to build theCompany into a leading industrial B2B digital business platform in China and facilitate therealization of the corporate value and mission of promoting cost reduction and performanceimprovement of traditional industries.




2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report


Key Performance Indicators

IndicatorUnit202120222023Total operating revenueRMB10,0002,749,070.394,026,897.495,068,463.94Total pro?tsRMB10,00093,262.65177,789.91224,252.66Total assetsRMB10,000952,873.661,283,200.041,530,329.77Total taxRMB10,00026,779.5547,580.5287,039.71Earnings per shareRMB1.161.561.98

Economic Performance


Number of board membersperson12129Proportion of male directors%73.3383.3377.78Proportion of female directors%26.6716.6722.22Proportion of directors with educational

background of economics

%258.3322.22Proportion of directors with educationalbackground of management

%41.6741.6744.45Proportion of directors with educational

background of law

%16.6716.670Proportion of directors with educational

background of ?nance

%8.332522.22Proportion of directors with othereducational backgrounds

%8.338.3311.11Proportion of independent directors%33.3333.3333.33

Governance Performance


Total electricity consumptionMWh655.931,615.841,720.9Gasoline consumptionLiter32,52140,251.14102,466.41Diesel consumptionLiter000Natural gas consumptionM

Comprehensive energy consumption

Ton of standard coal


81.06241.52320.81Comprehensive energy consumption

per capita

Ton of standard coalequivalent per capita water consumptionM

4,604112,365118,804.11Water consumption per capitaM

per capita4.5293.9594.21Total GHG emissionsTon of CO

e383.11,008.611,203.16Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)Ton of CO

e0.187.10221.73Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)Ton of CO

e383921.51981.43GHG emission intensityTon of CO

e per capita0.380.840.95

Environmental Performance

IndicatorUnit202120222023Investments in R&DRMB10,00011,212.7316,049.0525,780.41Number of R&D personnelPerson213325331Cumulative number of patentsNos.354779Response rate of customer complaints%-100100Number of suppliers during the reporting periodNos.2,1323,9702,734

Total number of employeesPerson1,0191,1961,261Number of employees from minority ethnic groupsPerson455754

Social Performance

Due to the successive opening of new o?ce buildings in 2023, the investment in digital exhibition halls and the resumption of o?ineactivities, various environmental indicators have increased compared with the previous year. Energy-saving and emission reductionmeasures will be taken to e?ectively improve environmental performance.



2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report


Number of male employeesPerson443527536Number of female employeesPerson576669725Number of ordinary employeesPerson8109501,001Number of employees in the managementPerson209246260Number of employees under labor contracts

Person1,0191,1591,230Number of employees under the labor dispatch systemPerson000

Number of employees over the age of 50Person293433Number of employees between the ages of 30 and 50Person533674716

Number of employees under the age of 30Person457488512Number of male employees in the managementPerson113142149Number of female employees in the managementPerson96104110

Employee turnover%10.8912.2513.27Turnover of male employees%13.3315.9314.6Turnover of female employees%9.039.3812.54Total number of newly recruited employeesPerson243224289Total investments in employee trainingRMB96,04830,905.89106,770.7Total training attendance of employees


18,23724,39632,118Total number of employees participating in trainingsPerson1,0021,1801,246Total number of male employees participating in trainingsPerson438521536

Total number of female employees participating in


Person564659710Coverage of employee trainings%98.3398.6698.89Coverage of trainings for male employees%98.8798.8699.08Coverage of trainings for female employees%97.9298.5198.75


Coverage of trainings for ordinary employees%97.998.7399.1Coverage of trainings for employees in the management%10097.9798.07

Coverage of trainings for new employees%100100100

Total training hours for employeesHour128,100138,037146,730Total training hours for male employeesHour55,88058,93460,895Total training hours for female employeesHour72,22079,10385,835

Average training hours for employeesHour127.84116.98116.36Average training hours for male employeesHour127.58113.12113.40Average training hours for female employeesHour128.05120.03118.56Average training hours for ordinary employeesHour-117.64118.39Average training hours for employees in the managementHour-114.88115.32

Signing rate of employment contracts%100100100Coverage rate of "?ve social insurances and one housing


%-96.897.5Number of paid leave days per capita per yearDay-4.064.90

Customer satisfaction%909195Number of newly added occupational casesPerson000

Total charitable donationsRMB10,0001.20149.60191.05Special investments in rural revitalizationRMB10,000-782.98729.29Number of volunteer employeesPerson103575Number of employees participating in volunteer activities


2652132Total hours of volunteer activities conducted by



There were 31 post-retirement re-engaged personnel and interns in 2023.

Post-retirement re-engaged personnel and interns are not covered by social security.



2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Content Index

Level 1heading

Level 2 headingGRI StandardsSDGs

SSE GuidelinesNo. 14About the Report2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1--Message from the President2-6、2-22--

About Us2-1、2-9、2-22--ESG Management2-9、2-29、3-2、3-3-

Article 51, Article

Social Responsibility Features:

Writing a New Chapter for IndustrialDigitalization with AI Empowerment


JointlyCreating a Low-Carbon Future

with GreenDevelopment

Facilitating theRealization ofCarbon Peaking

and CarbonNeutrality Goals



Article 21, Article

22, Article 23,Article 24

ConductingGreen Operation


Article 20, Article30, Article 31,Article 34, Article

35, Article 36




JointlyDevelopingIndustrialEcosystemwith DigitalTechnologies

Insisting onInnovation-DrivenDevelopment


Article 41,Article 42Building Digital


203-1-AchievingIndustrialCollaborationand Win-Win



Article 44; Article

Level 1heading

Level 2 headingGRI StandardsSDGs

SSE Guidelines

No. 14

JointlyDelivering aBetter Futurewith People-OrientedPhilosophy



Article 47, Article





Article 49, Article




Article 38, Article39, Article 40

Jointly Layinga SolidFoundationwith SoundGovernance




Article 12Strengthening



-Laying a SolidFoundation for



Article 54, Article

55, Article 56FutureProspect

----Appendix-2-5、201-1-Article 57

2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Suggestions and FeedbackDear readers,

Thank you for reading the2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report of Beijing United Information Technology Co.,Ltd.In order to enhance communication and exchanges with you and other stakeholders, and continuously improve the Company'senvironmental, social and governance performance and the preparation work of the ESG report, we are sincerely looking forward tolistening to your invaluable opinions and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us via the form below.



Mail address:

Postal code:


Please give your speci?c suggestions:

1. What is your overall assessment of this report?

○ Good ○ Relatively good ○ Fair ○ Poor

2. What do you think of the information and data disclosed in this report in terms of clarity, accuracy, and completeness?

○ Good ○ Relatively good ○ Fair ○ Poor

3. How does this report re?ect the governance responsibilities undertaken by the Company in terms of completeness?

○ Good ○ Relatively good ○ Fair ○ Poor

4. How does this report re?ect the environmental responsibilities undertaken by the Company in terms of completeness?

○ Good ○ Relatively good ○ Fair ○ Poor

5. How does this report re?ect the social responsibilities undertaken by the Company in terms of completeness?

○ Good ○ Relatively good ○ Fair ○ Poor

6. Do you think the design and layout of this report is easy to read?

○ Good ○ Relatively good ○ Fair ○ Poor

7. What contents need to be improved the most in this report?

○ Governance ○ Innovation ○ Services ○ Supply Chain ○ Employees ○ Environment ○ SocietyWhat would you like to know about that are not disclosed in this report?

What are your comments and suggestions on the Company's ESG work and report preparation?
