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晨鸣B:2024年半年度报告摘要(英文版) 下载公告
Stock code: 000488 200488Stock abbreviation: Chenming Paper Chenming BAnnouncement No.: 2024-044

2024 Interim Report Summary ofShandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

I. IMPORTANT NOTICEThis interim report summary is extracted from the text of the interim report. For the full understanding of theoperating results, the financial position and the plan for further development of the Company, investors shouldcarefully read the text of the interim report published on the media as designated by the CSRC.All directors have attended the board meeting to review this report.Notice of non-standard auditor’s opinion

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

A proposed profit distribution plan or a proposed plan on conversion of capital reserves into share capital for thereporting period was considered by the Board

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

The Company proposes not to distribute cash dividend, issue bonus shares, or capitalise from capital reserves.A proposed profit distribution plan on preference shares for the reporting period was approved by the Board

□ Applicable ? Not applicable


1. Company profile

Stock abbreviation晨鸣纸业Stock code000488
Stock exchange on which the shares are listedShenzhen Stock Exchange
Stock abbreviationCHENMING PAPERStock code01812
Stock exchange on which the shares are listedThe Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
Stock abbreviation before the changeNil
Contact persons and contact methodsSecretary to the BoardRepresentatives for Securities AffairsHong Kong Company Secretary
NameYuan XikunZhang ChuanyongChen LinChu Hon Leung
Email addresschenmmingpaper@163.comfriend537@163.comZQCL0536@163.comliamchu@li-partners.com
Office addressNo.2199 East Nongsheng Road, Shouguang City, Shandong ProvinceNo. 2199 East Nongsheng Road, Shouguang City, Shandong Province22nd Floor, World Wide House, Central, Hong Kong

2. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Retrospective adjustment to or restatement of the accounting data for prior years by the Company

□ Yes ? No

The reporting periodThe corresponding period of the prior yearIncrease/decrease for the reporting period as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year
Revenue (RMB)13,884,731,519.0412,564,962,781.3110.50%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB)28,646,205.42-688,080,164.10104.16%
Net profit after extraordinary gains or losses attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB)-270,865,043.51-811,839,217.4966.64%
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB)1,992,499,393.071,783,087,747.5911.74%
Basic earnings per share (RMB per share)0.01-0.25104.00%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB per share)0.01-0.25104.00%
Rate of return on weighted average net assets0.17%-4.15%增加4.32个百分点
As at the end of the reporting periodAs at the end of the prior yearIncrease/decrease as at the end of the reporting period as compared to the end of the prior year
Total assets (RMB)77,501,281,219.7379,487,052,953.58-2.50%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB)16,628,929,026.0816,692,175,196.53-0.38%

3. Number of shareholders and shareholding of the Company

Unit: Shares

Total number of ordinary shareholders as at the end of the reporting period138,850, of which 118,008 were holders of A shares, 20,519 were holders of B shares and 323 were holders of H sharesTotal number of holders of preference shares with restored voting right as at the end of the reporting period0
Shareholding of top 10 shareholders (excluding the shares lent under refinancing business)
Name of shareholdersNature of shareholdersPercentage of shareholdingNumber of shares heldNumber of restricted shares heldShares pledged, tagged or locked-up
Status of sharesNumber
CHENMING HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITEDState-owned legal person15.47%457,322,9190Pledged288,778,200
HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITEDOverseas legal person12.63%373,430,7750
CHENMING HOLDINGS (HONG KONG) LIMITED (Note 1)Overseas legal person12.32%364,131,5630
Chen HongguoDomestic natural person0.85%25,080,04418,810,033
SHANDONG SUN HOLDINGS GROUP CO., LTD.Domestic non-state-owned legal person0.84%24,827,1170
CHINA MERCHANTS SECURITIES (HK) CO., LIMITEDOverseas legal person0.72%21,186,0950
VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUNDOverseas legal person0.50%14,771,9450
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUNDOverseas legal person0.49%14,535,4460
HONG KONG SECURITIES CLEARING COMPANY LIMITEDOverseas legal person0.42%12,305,2220
Xu HekunDomestic natural person0.23%6,789,9000
Related party relationship or acting in concert among the above shareholdersA shareholder, Chenming Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, which is an overseas legal person, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a shareholder, Chenming Holdings Company Limited, which is a state-owned legal person; A shareholder, Chen Hongguo, is the legal representative and chairman of Chenming Holdings Company Limited. Save for the above, it is not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are persons acting in concert. It is also not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are related to each other.
Securities margin trading of shareholdersChenming Holdings Company Limited held 457,322,919 RMB ordinary shares, of which 326,322,919 shares were held through ordinary account and 131,000,000 shares were held through credit guarantee security account; Shandong Sun Holdings Group Co., Ltd. held 24,827,117 RMB ordinary shares, of which no share was held through ordinary account and24,827,117 shares were held through credit guarantee security account.

Note 1: In order to meet its own capital needs, Chenming Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited conducted share financingbusiness with overseas institutions, entrusting 210,717,563 B shares and 153,414,000 H shares of the Company heldby it to the custody brokerage designated by overseas institutions. The aforesaid shares were subject to the risk of not

to be recovered, which may lead to a reduction in the Company’s shareholding, but does not affect ChenmingHoldings’ position as the largest shareholder, and does not affect the Company’s control. For details, please refer tothe announcement disclosed by the Company on CNINFO on 18 July 2023 (announcement no.: 2023-058) and theinsider information disclosed by the Company on the website of Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 18 July 2023.Share lending by shareholders with more than 5% shareholding, top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of non-restricted shares under refinancing business

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

Change of top 10 shareholders and top 10 holders of non-restricted shares during the prior period as a result of sharelending/return under refinancing arrangement

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

4. Change of controlling shareholders or beneficial controllers

Change of controlling shareholders during the reporting period

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

There was no change of controlling shareholders of the Company during the reporting period.Change of beneficial controllers during the reporting period

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

There was no change of beneficial controllers of the Company during the reporting period.

5. Total number of holders of preference shares and the shareholdings of top ten holders of preference shares

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

There was no shareholding of holders of preference shares of the Company during the reporting period.

6. Bonds subsisting as at the date of approval of the interim report

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

III. Matters of significance

1. Disposal of equity interest in Yujing Hotel to focus on the principal business of pulp production andpaper makingIn order to further focus on the development of its principal business of pulp production and paper making,divest the non-principal business, continuously optimise its asset structure, improve its asset quality, increase its cashinflow and enhance its profitability, the Company transferred its 90.05% equity interest in Shandong Yujing GrandHotel Co., Ltd.* (山東御景大酒店有限公司) (“Yujing Hotel”) and the debts of Yujing Hotel payable to theCompany amounting to RMB193.5072 million to Shouguang Chenming Guangyuan Real Property CompanyLimited* (壽光晨鳴廣源地產有限公司), a related party, for a consideration of RMB356.5 million. Theconsideration was determined based on the Asset Valuation Report (Tian Hao Zi Ping Bao Zi [2024] J No. 0004),with 31 December 2023 as its benchmark date, prepared by Tinho International Real Estate Land Assets AppraisalGroup Co. Ltd* (天昊國際房地產土地資產評估集團有限公司). Upon completion of the transaction, the Companyceased to have any equity interest in Yujing Hotel.For details, please refer to the relevant announcement disclosed by the Company on CNINFO on 23 March2024 (announcement number: 2024-008) and the relevant connected transaction announcement disclosed by theCompany on the website of Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 24 March 2024.

The Board of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited

14 August 2024
