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芒果超媒:2022年度ESG暨社会责任报告(英文版) 下载公告


Self-regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies No. 2 - Standardized Operation of Companies Listedon GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange

About This ReportThe 2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. is the fourth social responsibility report published by MangoExcellent Media Co., Ltd. since its listing. The report aims to communicate with various stakeholders frankly on the ESG concepts,practices and performance of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd., and systematically respond to the expectations and demands ofstakeholders.

Reporting period

Reporting scopeAbbreviations

Reporting dataRelease cycle

The reporting period is from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. To improve the comparability and forward-looking of thereport, some contents have been extended moderately to the previous and subsequent years.

The data used in this report is derived from the company's internal statistical data, and public data of government departmentsand third-party agencies. The ?nancial data in this report are denominated in RMB, and if there is any inconsistency with the?nancial report, the ?nancial report shall prevail.

This report is issued annually, which is released together with the Company's annual report.

Preparation basis

Report version and access

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards)

The Chinese version of this report is disclosed simultaneously. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chineseversions, the Chinese version shall prevail. Both the English and Chinese versions are available electronically at http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-ESG 5.0)issued by the Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)GB/T 36001-2015 Guidance on Social Responsibility ReportingInternational Standard ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility 2010

In case of any questions or suggestions about the report, please send an email to mangocm@mangocm.com or call (0731) 82967188.Hunantv.com Interactive Entertainment Media Co., Ltd.: Happy Sunshine (Mango TV)Happigo Co., Ltd.: HappigoShanghai EE-Media Co., Ltd.: EE-Media

For ease of presentation and reading, in this report, Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. is referred to as "Mango Excellent Media" orthe "Company". The full names and abbreviations of some of its subsidiaries involved in the report are as follows:

The report covers Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. and its main subsidiaries.

CONTENTSMessage from the ChairmanMessage from the GeneralManager

Publicizing the 20th CPC NationalCongress by Constructing a Positive EnergyCommunication MatrixExpanding the Voice of Mainstream Media toAccelerate International Communication CapacityMango Excellent Media Against All Odds

A New Mission on a NewJourney for a New Era



SocietyEnvironmentParty Media Loves the Party and Assumes Its MissionPassing on the Tradition of RevolutionReinforcing the Foundation of Party BuildingBuilding A Clean-Fingered Highland

Key PerformanceIndexReader Feedback

Creating Ecology Synergy and

Making Breakthrough by Innovation

Integrated Development of

Two Platforms

Upgrade of TV Dramas and

Variety Shows

Focusing on New Trendy

Domestic Products

Exploring the Technology Future

Synergistic Mango Ecology

Green Transformation andEnvironmental ProtectionGreen and Low-carbon OperationEnvironmental Protection Concept FirstSound Governance and Protection of Rights and Interests

Regulating the Operation of the Mechanism of General Meetingof Shareholders, Board of Directors and Board of SupervisorsHigh-quality Information DisclosureProtecting the Rights and Interests of InvestorsOptimising Internal Control

Sincere Mango, To Be a Protector

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

Improving User Experience

Ensuring Information Security

Working with Partners

Strict Supplier Management

Stand Together for a Big SuccessOutperforming in the CulturalTourism ConstructionDevoting to Rural RevitalizationGiving Love in Public Welfare Activities

Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindDiscovering New TalentsTo Make the Outstanding NewMangoersA Warm Mango Family


Message from the Chairman


Message from the Chairman2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Cultural development is key to cultivating adevoted and faithful soul. Without a soul. a mancannot stand, and a country cannot prosper. As thelargest listed new media platform directly reportingto the CPC, we devote ourselves to the Party withcomplete and utter loyalty. Over the past year,focusing on the 20th National Congress of the CPC,we successfully launched a series of media campaignsamong the mainstream public based on integrity andinnovation. Special educational features such as Followthe Footsteps of the General Secretary and the GreatStride Forward were launched via both the Internetand TV. The Decade was a combination of shortdocumentaries, interviews, and artistic performancesto present the extraordinary achievements of the CPCsince the 18th National Congress; Drama series suchas Faith Makes Great and A Land So Rich In Beautywon the "Flying Apsaras Award", "Starlight Award",and "China News Award", an irrefutable testamentto Mango's unswerving dedication to the Party. TheMango TV International APP has been downloadedover 118 million times, conveying China's voice inits full vibrancy to the world through our improvinginternational communication system.

Self-revolution makes the bravest pioneers findbreakthroughs from the unknown. In 2022, as thelong video industry finally put a brake on its single-minded desire to get more clicks, Mango's long-termbelief in sustainability and future-proofed developmentfinally pays off. However, major breakthroughscannot be achieved overnight. In order to maintainour unique advantages as a state-owned party mediaplatform, we sought overall transformation from thetop down, substantially promoting the integration ofHunan Satellite TV with Mango TV so that our market-oriented mechanism and integrated strategies couldtruly usher us into a better future; Taking technologyempowerment and digital transformation as twomajor areas of breakthrough, we worked to create"value-oriented media" driven by new technologiesto ensure the rational use of technology and healthycontent generation; We also strengthened efforts tointegrate resources among business clusters and lay

out plans for Xiaomang E-commerce and offline liveentertainment. These self-reforming efforts helpedaccelerate supply-side structural reform, constantlyenriching our expertise and enabling us to breakindustry boundaries.By producing meaningful and educational shows,we inspired our audiences to pursue goodnessand virtue. The pursuit of goodness is a ?ne traditionin artistic creation in China. We took it upon ourselvesto achieve new heights in artistic creation. In?nity andBeyond, Sisters Who Make Waves, Call Me by Fire...We committed ourselves to make reality shows thatwere truly meaningful and enlightening, and in turn,drew inspiration from them to constantly upgrade ourmethods of making smash-hit shows. Racing Mangoerswas another reality show which incorporated educationon job security and career guidance,while Mango CloudSupermarket echoed the national strategy of ruralrevitalization. On its arduous journey ahead, Mangowill always keep its responsibilities in mind. In 2022,Mango Excellent Media once again won the title of "Top30 National Cultural Enterprises", and Mango TV madeit into the Top 20 Internet Platforms as the only state-owned platform.As an old Chinese saying goes, “Charge at the toughestand aim at the farthest”. This means in order to pursuethe most ambitious goal, one shall begin by conqueringthe biggest challenge. What we achieved in 2022 didnot come easily. It was thanks to the hardest effort byeveryone at Mango that we could get where we aretoday. Looking forward, there is no precedent to followas we explore to achieve high-quality development formainstream new media groups; nor is there a formulafor solving the conundrum of media convergence.Those who keep up their efforts often achieve theirgoal; and those who keep on walking often reach theirdestination. As long as we adhere to the “innovate-or-perish” mindset, keep motivated, and stand ready totake whatever risks that come our way, we can surelyturn our ambitions into a beautiful reality as we jointogether like sparks of ?re.

The year 2022 has concluded as we went throughmyriads of great changes to embrace the coming ofanother spring. Last year, we witnessed a turbulentinternational landscape and also celebrated thesuccessful convening of the 20th National Congressof the Communist Party of China. Our Chinese-stylemodernization is taking wings as the ship of China'seconomy sails farther amid stormy waters. The Yearof the Tiger was also the ?rst year for Mango to carryout revolution against all odds. Guided by Xi JinpingThought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristicsfor a New Era and spirits of his important addressat Malanshan, we are constantly tackling the crucialdifficulties of media convergence. Powered by ourtwo platforms, we are working to muscle our way outin the industry by both exploring new opportunitiesand maintaining our current strengths, and ?nd waysto achieve high-quality development for mainstreamnew media groups through institutional reforms.

Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager(Deputy Director) of Hunan Broadcasting Film Group Co., Ltd.(Hunan Broadcasting System)Secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Satellite TVDeputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman ofMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Cai Huaijun

Message from the General Manager


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

We uphold integrity and innovation to constantlyenhance our leadership as a mainstream newmedia platform. In 2022, Mango Excellent Mediafocused its efforts on publicizing and covering the20th National Congress of the CPC, incorporatingparty construction in all our business aspects. Apowerful smart platform matrix was built to empowerour business development, and a unique Mangoyouth talent training mechanism was establishedto invigorate human resources. We continuouslyenhanced the core competitiveness of our self-developed content and innovation, winning three"Flying Apsaras Awards", two "China News Awards",and one "Starlight Award", and once again making itinto the "Top 30 National Cultural Enterprises". Ourcore platform Mango TV stayed ?rmly on the top of theindustry, constantly improving its leadership in valuecreation.We promote integrated development to constantlyenhance our visibility as a mainstream new mediaplatform. In 2022, we worked to promote integrateddevelopment between Hunan Satellite TV and MangoTV, as part of our larger reform and innovation strategy.Our market-oriented mechanism, integrated strategies,and the younger team ensured a high-quality supply ofcontent while bringing in new platforms and channelsof communication to increase the visibility of ourmedia ecology. During the 20th National Congress ofthe CPC, Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV gave fullplay to their advantages of integrated communicationto present a matrix of positive-energy communicationthrough a series of well-produced TV shows, triggeringpassionate and uplifting public discussions.

We launch globalization strategies to proactivelyexpand our impact. Adhering to cultural con?dence,we continued to produce works that help communicatethe Chinese culture. The second season of China,a large-scale historical documentary produced byMango TV, was an e?ort to explore China's spirituality,strength, and source of confidence in the context ofglobal communication while promoting the Chineseculture. We made continuous e?orts to develop MangoTV International APP, our self-developed platform ofinternational communication, to tell China's storyand convey the Chinese civilization overseas. By theend of 2022, the Mango TV international APP has beendownloaded by over 118 million times, an increase of

94.1% year-on-year; the number of overseas users has

exceeded 111 million, with services covering over 195countries and regions.The sky is the limit as long as we brave the stormywaves. As we forge ahead in the new era, MangoExcellent Media will adhere to the spirits of the 20thNational Congress of the CPC as its ultimate guidanceto make even greater contributions to building amainstream new media group and promoting China'scultural con?dence and self-reliance.

The year 2022 witnessed the successfulconvening of the 20th National Congressof the Communist Party of China. To forgeahead in the new era with uplifting spirits,Mango Excellent Media stands ready to speedup creating a stronger mainstream newmedia platform and remain faithful to theParty based on integrity and innovation. Asa mainstream new media platform directlyreporting to the Party, Mango ful?lls its socialresponsibility, above all else, by strengtheningmainstream ideology with high-qualitycorporate development and continuouslyenhancing its leadership, visibility, andimpact as a mainstream new media platformthrough reform and innovative efforts, soas to promote stronger and more extensivemainstream media campaigns.

Message from the Chairman

Member of the Party Committee, Director and General Managerof Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Secretary of the Party Committee, Executive Director andGeneral Manager of Mango TVMember of the Party Committee of Hunan Satellite TV

Liang Deping

A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Partyof China (CPC) was convened triumphantly, soundinga clarion call of the times for us forging ahead on anew journey. On the new journey filled with gloriesand dreams, Mango Excellent Media, as a CPC-controlled mainstream new media, has been movingforward with enterprise and fortitude and adheringto its mission and responsibility to consolidate andstrengthen mainstream ideology and public opinion.As we advance into the new era, Mango ExcellentMedia assumes the new responsibility as amainstream media and focuses on the constructionand management of mainstream positions by virtueof its strength in ecology and new media platform,striving to grow its mainstream platform biggerand stronger and deliver more positive energy andthemes.

Guided by the new direction of content innovation in this new era, the Company insists on apeople-centered creative orientation to create contents that serve the people and socialism,and insists on the creative transformation and innovative development of dual-platformprograms and dramas so as to launch more excellent works that enhance the spiritual powerof the people.In the new era, the Company has been exploring new paths for international communication.We tapped into outstanding traditional Chinese culture and displayed cultural con?dence increations. We also explored new ways of communication to expand overseas markets, withan aim of presenting a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable and promotingChinese culture to the world.However di?cult it might seem, the challenge will be overcome. In the new journey for thenew era, the Company has always adhered to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's importantspeeches on media integration, upheld the mission of raising the ?ag, gathering the people'sheart, cultivating new people, promoting culture and demonstrating image as the partymedia and state-owned enterprise, held high the banner and sharpened the new mission ofmainstream new media in the new era.


A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


Governance2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

By upholding the leadership of the Party with utter loyalty, Mango Excellent Media, as a Party media and state-owned enterprise, carried out integrated communication by launching a number of major plans, products andarrangements via Hunan TV and Mango TV by virtue of its strength in ecology and new media platform duringthe 20th CPC National Congress, thus constructing a positive energy communication matrix and creating anenthusiastic, upward opinion atmosphere.

Publicizing the 20th CPC NationalCongress by Constructing a Positive EnergyCommunication Matrix

The Company has uni?ed the slogan for publicity and coverage on its TV and website and launched a customised feature onthe 20th CPC National Congress , " A New Journey from the Beginning - The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party

From October 7th to 23rd, 2022, thetheoretical film Philosophy ShiningChina ? Sharing, the news featureLetter from the General Secretary,and the theoretical film Journey ofIdeas were released on Hunan TV andour new media platform Mango TV,demonstrating our responsibility andstyle as a mainstream new media.Pin the 20th CPC National Congress on the Top in Red Color

Trio Series

In October 2022, Mango TV pinned the 20th CPC National Congress on the top inred color, launched the "20th CPC National Congress Coverage Zone" and the NewsZone on the home page, and set up an exclusive channel for the "20th CPC NationalCongress", all focusing on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech, thestyle of Party representatives and the Hunan delegation, etc. Integrating the mediacoverage of CCTV, Xinhuanet and Hunan Broadcasting System, we worked hardto promote "Footsteps of the General Secretary", "Great Changes in This Decade","Striving for a New Journey", "Time for the 20th CPC National Congress", "Our NewEra" and "Style of Delegates for the 20th CPC National Congress" and ensure thesuccessful live broadcasting.

In October 2022, Mango TV broadcast Philosophy Shining China ? Sharing.The program is divided into three 30-minute episodes, each with the themeof "Sharing, Common Wealth and Struggle Together". Each episode focuseson the topics of "Sharing the fruits of development", "Towards commonprosperity", and "Striving for the future", and visits Changsha, HunanProvince, the Eighteenth Cave Village in West Hunan, the Youxiqiao Village inLoudi, Minning Town in Ningxia Province, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, andShenzhen, Guangdong Province, where the concept of shared developmenthas been successfully practiced.

An exclusive channel was launched to publicizethe 20th CPC National Congress

Philosophy Shining China ? Sharing,encouraging joint struggle


Source: Xinhua News AgencyExclusive Channel for the 20thCPC National Congress

Philosophy Shining China ? Sharing


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

of China", which presented the20th CPC National Congress ina comprehensive manner andfully covered important issues.At the same time, the Companylaunched a feature on the "20thCPC National Congress" withnumerous propaganda filmslaunched on the all-mediamatrix, forming a large matrix +strong exposure communication.


A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era


Governance2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

In October 2022, Mango TV broadcasted Letter from the General Secretary. The programfocuses on the correspondence between General Secretary Xi Jinping and the generalpublic since the 18th CPC National Congress. We selected eight letters sent to theold Party branch secretary of the border village of Canyuan County in Yunnan, all theteachers and students of the Sino-Lao Friendship Nongbing Village Primary School, theelementary school students of the Macao Haojiang Secondary School Yingcai School,all the o?cers and soldiers of the "hard-boned sixth company", all the medical sta? ofChina's Aids to Africa in the ?ght against Ebola, all the o?cers and soldiers of the 10thSquadron of the Fourth Detachment of the Shanghai Armed Police Force, all the o?cersand soldiers of the "plateau-stationed model battalion" and 15 old professors from theXi'an Jiaotong University, aiming to tell the stories of the struggles of the recipients.

Letter from the General Secretary, telling the story of family and country

Letter from the General Secretary

During the 20th CPC National Congress, the micro-documentary The Past Decade, the documentary interview programThe Past Decade - Light Chasers, the special program The Past Decade - Night of Light Chasers, the documentaries TheYears, China (Season 1), China (Season 2), Ten Years of China, My New Era and I and Leading the Way, positive variety showsand melodramatic animations were broadcast round the clock and in full rotation, with focused themes and a wide rangeof categories, further growing the voice of mainstream public opinions.

Innovative Program Publicity

In October 2022, Mango TV broadcastedJourney of Ideas. The program consistsof eight 30-minute episodes, namely"Yuanquan", "Fengmin", "Wuwo","Qinglv", "Xianshou", "Dadao", "Hehe"and "Bense". The program combinesinnovative formats such as thematicmicro-dramas, guest conversations,location readings, ancient and moderndialogues, and international links tovividly explain the original contributionsof Xi Jinping Thought on Socialismwith Chinese Characteristics for a NewEra, focusing on the transformativepractices, breakthroughs, and landmarkachievements of China since the 18thCPC National Congress.

The micro-documentary The Past Decade, the documentaryinterview program The Past Decade - Light Chasers, thespecial program The Past Decade - Night of Light Chasersfocus on the struggle of ordinary people from all walksof life to join the construction of the new era and pursuetheir dreams and explain the spirit of light chasing in theprocess of China's development through stories of peoplewith a sense of history and the times. After the programwas broadcast, it was praised by mainstream media such asGuangming Daily and China Youth Daily, and won the 2022Variety Annual Impact Special program of the Year.

Journey of Ideas, exploring historical changes

The Past Decade Series focus on the struggle of new-generation light-chasers

Journey of Ideas

Documentary interview program The Past Decade - Light Chasers

Micro-documentary ThePast Decade

Special program The Past Decade - Night of Light Chasers

Praise from the WeChat OfficialAccount for the 20th CPC NationalCongress Press Centre


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

It attracted a huge number of audienceswith its main theme and positive energy.




A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era


Governance2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

The Company carried out thematicplanning for the content of its TVdrama library based on Mango's twoplatforms and created a networkzone for positive dramas to guide andshowcase the glorious achievements ofthe new era in all aspects with round-the-clock coverage. For example, theself-produced drama Song of Lushanshowcases the struggling peoplein China's advanced equipmentmanufacturing sector, and the dramaDraw the Line presents the latestachievements of our judicial reform in apanoramic manner. In addition, MangoTV has also programmed melodramaticdramas such as Our Times, TheExamination for Everyone, and HuTong.

Intensive Broadcasting of Dramas

Under the guidance of the NationalRadio and Television Administrationand the All-China Federation of TradeUnions, produced by CCTV, the PublicityDepartment of the CPC Hunan ProvincialCommittee, the Hunan ProvincialFederation of Trade Unions, HunanBroadcasting System, Mango TV andGolden Light, supported by the HunanProvincial Radio and Television Bureauand produced by Golden Light, Songof Lushan, the key drama in the NewGeneration Creation Exhibition Activities,was broadcast on CCTV-1 from 19 August2022 and was exclusively broadcast onMango TV. Based on the backgroundof Hunan's equipment manufacturingindustry, the drama anchored on thehigh-quality development of China'sheavy industry since the 18th CPCNational Congress, and tells the story ofLushan Heavy Industry, a state-ownedlisted company, which enters a period ofdeep reform and adjustment when twogenerations of workers worked togetherto make a breakthrough and lead theworld relying on independent technologyinnovation. While telling the painpoints of transformation for intellectualmanufacturing, the drama also exploresthe changing relationship between man,machine, and technology, and showsthe passion and commitment of Chineseworkers to keep pace with the times.

Draw the Line, a drama series aired by Mango TV, is an artistic endeavor at presenting people's courts' actualimplementation of Xi Jinping's Thought of the Rule of Law and achievements in serving China's overall developmentand people-centric and impartial justice under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with ComradeXi Jinping as its core. Carrying both educational and artistic purposes, the series resorts to a professional perspectivewhile also responding to the most relevant public concerns, conveying important values by telling a series of compellingstories. It is a successful e?ort to explore new ways for producing realistic court shows, which is warmly received by thepublic and achieves good e?ects.

Song of Lushan, showing the power ofChinese workers

Draw the Line, an artistic manifestation of the rule of law in the new era

Song of Lushan

Draw the Line


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.



A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era


Governance2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Expanding the Voice of MainstreamMedia to Accelerate InternationalCommunication Capacity

Mango Excellent Media has long held the mission of responding to the national call and serving the countryand adhered to the people-centered creative orientation by exploring outstanding cultural elements andincorporating traditional Chinese culture into its creations to enhance the cultural connotation of its works. Inaddition to expanding its mainstream voice, the Company also continues to explore new ways of communicationand expand overseas market, so as to promote Chinese culture to the world.

The report of the 20th CPC National Congress pointed out that "we will encourage people-centered culturalcreation and production of more outstanding works that inspire the people". Mango Excellent Media insists onbeing close to the masses and serving them, and has strengthened the connection between the media and theaudience and launched excellent works that highlight mainstream values.

Adhering to the People-centered Creative Orientation

Our Times, the key drama in the "Salute to the New Era, Strive for a New Journey" Excellent TV Dramas Exhibition for the20th CPC National Congress, adopts the unit series mode and focuses on ordinary people from all walks of life througheleven unit stories. The drama tells "grounded, warm and resonant" Chinese stories via images, shapes a group portrait ofthe people in the new era, shows the vigorous struggle of representatives from all walks of life, and draws a gorgeous andcolourful scroll.

TV series Our Times, showing stories from all walks of life and painting apicture of hustle and bustleCase

TV series Our Times

The Company upgraded Who's theMurderer VII and jointly producedWho's the Murderer Collegiate Panel, aninnovative section, with the SupremePeople's Court, to discuss the social hottopics, such as bullying in schools andprotection of the rights and interestsof the elderly, and popularize theprofessional legal knowledge related tosuch topics, through a large amount ofintuitive and clear data and real cases.Meanwhile, to tie in with the broadcastof Who's the Murderer Collegiate Panel,Mango TV, together with the SupremePeople's Court and a number of media,has planned a law education class,inviting netizens to share and discussthe legal knowledge in the programas well as the legal knowledge that iseasily overlooked in daily life. By doingso, we aim to promote the knowledgeof the law to more people, especiallyyoung groups, in a way most acceptableto them, and strengthen law educationfor all.

Who's the Murderer Collegiate Panel, promoting education on thegeneral knowledge of the lawCase

Who's the Murderer Collegiate Panel


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era


Governance2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

According to the report of the20th CPC National Congress,"Guided by the core socialistvalues, we will develop advancedsocialist culture, promoterevolutionary culture, and carryforward fine traditional Chineseculture. In doing so, we will bewell-placed to meet people'sever-growing intellectual andcultural needs and continuouslygrow China's cultural soft powerand the appeal of Chineseculture". Mango ExcellentMedia deeply understands thesignificance of combining thebasic principles of Marxism withthe fine traditional Chineseculture, and practices the spirit ofthe 20th CPC National Congresswith practical actions. By deeplyexcavating and explaining thecontemporary value of finetraditional Chinese culture, wehave worked hard on innovativeforms of expression andpromoted and passed on finetraditional Chinese culture in aform favored by people, so thatthe most basic cultural genes ofthe Chinese nation can adaptto contemporary culture andharmonise with modern society.We truly record the times withhigh-quality masterpieces, playthe positive role of literature andart, advocate positive cultureto youth, and shoulder ourresponsibility as mainstreamnew media to better tell China'sstories, make China's voiceheard, and present a Chinathat is credible, appealing, andrespectable.

Advocating Traditional Chinese Culture

China (Season 2), a large-scale historical documentary supported by the "Doc China"communication project of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee,directed by the Publicity Department of National Radio and Television Administrationand co-produced by Mango TV, Hunan TV and Beijing Bojing Culture, was broadcastsimultaneously on 28 February 2022 on Mango TV and Hunan TV. The documentarycontinues the narrative and subject matter of the first season and takes a look at

Activating historical memory andexploring Chinese cultureCase

Documentary China (Season 2)

the changes in Chinese thoughts byfocusing on the development of ideas,institutions and culture from theinflection point of the Tang Dynastyto the end of the 2,000-year imperialsystem. In the midst of a grand historicalprocess, the documentary traces howChina has come along the way throughvigorous images and vivid narratives byselecting people and events that havehad a profound impact on China andare highly representative and epochal,and capturing important points thatwere groundbreaking, transformativeor iconic at the time.Besides, the documentary China(Season 2), more inclusive andinnovative than its ?rst season, exploresthe cultural context based on a globalperspective and the source of Chinesespirit, Chinese power and Chineseself-confidence under internationalcommunications.

Personal Tales along the Silk Road,Mango TV's self-produced documentaryabout the Silk Road culture andarchaeology-related workers of thenew era, was broadcast exclusivelyon Mango TV from 20 April 2022. Thisdocumentary focuses on the spirit ofperseverance and struggle presentedby workers engaged in archaeologicalexcavation, cultural relics protectionand cultural communication in di?erentpositions along the Silk Road, aimingto bring viewers closer to the Silk Roadculture, feel the ambition of the new-generation cultural workers, and learnthe essence of Chinese civilization.

"Food is the ?rst necessity of the people." Chinese culture stretches back thousands of years, and food culture has a longhistory and heritage. Royal Feast, a costume drama on food broadcast exclusively on Mango TV from 22 February 2022,connects moving stories with traditional cuisines. The drama has been well received by authoritative media such asChina Daily, Global Times, The Beijing News, Guangzhou Daily and Culture&Tourism China.

Personal Tales along the Silk Road demonstrate Chinese cultural con?dence

Promoting traditional Chinese food culture through food dramas


Documentary Personal Tales along the Silk Road


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Praise from Xinhuanet

With a focus on the profoundfood culture, Royal Feastdiscovers excellent dishesand presents them on screento create a visual feast fornetizens.


A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era


Governance2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

As indicated in the report of the 20th CPC National Congress, "we will strengthen our international communicationscapabilities, present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable and present Chinese culture to the world".Adhering to its strategic mission of "spread of Chinese culture overseas", Mango Excellent Media has developed itssuperior content such as drama and variety shows, while establishing an overseas communication matrix with Mango TVInternational App as the core to actively participate in the production and distribution of movies, in a bid to make greatercontributions to the overseas communication of Chinese stories.

Enhancing International Communication Capabilities

The Company actively responds to the "Belt andRoad" Initiative and accelerates the interconnection ofinternational transport routes. In August 2022, at theinternational communication forum of "Shaping a Credible,Admirable and Respectable Image of China" of the ChinaNew Media Conference, Mango TV signed a strategiccooperation agreement with Lao National Television andYN Mobile Digital TV Corporation to promote cooperationin platform construction, content licensing and translation,and integrated communication, and explore media industrycooperation in Southeast Asian countries. Such cooperationalso can promote Chinese content to the world, better tellChinese stories, promote cultural exchanges between thetwo countries, and facilitate the innovation and progress ofthe cultural industries in the two countries.

The historical legendary drama The Long River, a key project of the National Radio and Television Administration, hasbeen broadcast simultaneously on the global platforms such as Hunan TV, Mango TV, Mango TV International App,

Strategic cooperation was reached to build a Southeast Asiainternational communication center

Telling Chinese stories and conveying Chinese voice

The Long River was broadcast via iTalkBB in North America

Signing Ceremony of the China New Media Conference

The Company also attaches great importanceto the overseas communication of the 20thCPC National Congress. We have launchedfeatures in both Chinese and English onthe home page of International App andrecommended the coverage on the 20thCPC National Congress in both Chinese andEnglish in the flash map, while providingEnglish translation and English subtitles forthe documentary The Past Decade and ThePast Decade·Light Chaser, so as to allowmore overseas users to watch them andenhance their publicity.

In May 2022, Mango TV participated in the China Film Pavilion at the Cannes FilmFestival together with more than 20 professional ?lm organizations, showcasingthe achievements of outstanding Chinese films and film organizations fromMainland China since 2021 to the world and promoting international exchangeand cooperation in the ?eld.

Bilingual features were launched tohighlight overseas communication

Attending the Cannes Film Festival topromote quality IPs overseas



Picture on the 20th CPCNational Congress at theMango TV International APP

China Film Pavilion at the Cannes Film Festival

YouTube, Line TV, iTalkBB and Viki inmultiple languages. The drama portraysand shows the Chinese sages whosacri?ced their lives to rule rivers and theirperseverance and persistence, breakingthrough the limitations of di?erent culturalcontexts and circles, inspiring emotionaland spiritual resonance among globalviewers and generating buzz and acclaimoverseas. The TV rights of the dramahave been distributed to North America,South Korea, Thailand, Japan, and othercountries and regions, and the drama willbe scheduled for broadcast on AisaN inSouth Korea and MONO in Thailand.


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.



The Company has built up a distinctiveinternational communication systemand become an important new forcein cultural outreach. As at the endof the Reporting Period, Mango TV'sinternational communication workshave won the China News Award forfour consecutive years. The number ofdownloads of Mango TV InternationalApp exceeded 118 million, an increaseof 94.1% year-on-year; the numberof overseas users has exceeded111 million, with overseas businessservices covering more than 195countries and regions worldwide.Mango TV has also continued tostrengthen content operations onoverseas mainstream new mediaplatforms such as Facebook,Twitter and YouTube to enhance fanexperience and stickiness. We haveacquired a total of 18.04 millionsubscribers on our official YouTubechannel, becoming No.1 MCN inChinese on the platform. We havealso released 18 TV dramas such asThe Long River, Growing Pain 2 andGuo's Summer, 18 short dramas suchas A Familiar Stranger and Behind theMoon, 5 variety shows such as In?nityand Beyond and Sisters Who MakeWaves, 6 documentaries such as ThePride of Hunan Cuisine and Taste ofNew Year, and one animated ?lm TheStory of Animal Kingdom in manycountries and regions such as Japan,Korea, and North America.

A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. is the first state-owned new media company in the A-share market featuring integrateddevelopment, full media channels and content production industry chain, as well as the uni?ed integrated media industry andcapital operation platform under Hunan Broadcasting Film Group Co., Ltd. (Hunan Broadcasting System).The main business of the Company includes Mango TV's Internet video business, new media interactive entertainment contentproduction, and content e-commerce business. Relying on Mango's integrated media ecosystem, the Company focuses on theoperation of Internet video platform and strives to build a media industry chain ecosystem with a synergistic development ofupstream and downstream covering membership, advertising, IPTV, OTT, film and television, variety shows, artiste brokerage,music copyright operation, IP derivative development and live entertainment, and content e-commerce.

Mango Excellent Media is a media under the leadership of the Party. In 2022, the Company resolutely implemented the strategicpolicy of exercising full and strict governance over the Party, strictly ful?lled the main responsibility of the Party Committee forexercising full and strict governance over the Party, and insisted on planning, deploying, promoting, and assessing the Party'sconstruction together with its business work.Adhering to value orientation andinsisting on politicians managing stations,websites, and programs

Advancing integrated innovation andamplifying mainstream voices throughvarious business types

Mango Excellent Media Against All Odds

About Mango Excellent Media

Development Strategy

Main business and brands of the Company

2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Creating innovative ideas and upholdinga people-centered creative orientation

Keeping integrity and innovation, insistingon putting social bene?ts ?rst, and pursuinghigh-quality development

A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era


Government andregulatory authority

Paying taxes in accordance with the lawOperating with integrity and compliancePromoting mainstream culture

Actively paying taxes in accordancewith the lawImproving corporate governanceMaking innovative explorations toexpand mainstream publicity

Shareholders and investors

Stable performance growthImproving return on investmentUnderstanding the Company'soperations

Improving corporate governanceSafeguarding shareholders' rights andinterestsInvestor relations managementInformation disclosure

Customers /Consumers

Excellent worksPrivacy protection

Increasing innovation e?ortsStrengthening information securitymanagementSuppliers andpartners

Compliance with business ethicsOpen and fair procurementDriving industry development

Creating long-term stable cooperationInsisting on open and transparentPromoting industry exchange andcooperation


Protection of rights and interestsProviding vocational trainingGood working environment

Compliance with relevant laws andregulationsComprehensive training systemColorful employee activitiesCommunities andthe public

Commitment to charityEmphasis on public welfare promotion

Participating in volunteer activitiesPromoting public welfare activities ona regular basis

Responsibility Management

Mango Excellent Media attaches great importance to communication and exchange with internal and external stakeholders of theCompany, and has launched dialogues with stakeholders through various channels to gain a deeper understanding of the demandsand expectations of each stakeholder, so as to gain the trust and support of all parties and promote the continuous improvement ofsocial responsibility management.

Communication with Stakeholders

Mango Excellent Media actively fulfills its social responsibility, makes in-depth analysis of macro policy orientation and trends insustainable development at home and abroad based on social responsibility compilation guidelines, trends in corporate issues in themedia industry, stakeholder demands and relevant plans for its social responsibility work, and clari?es its materiality issues in socialresponsibility through questionnaire surveys:

Materiality Analysis

2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


Value guidance

Information securityand privacy protection

Promoting cultureoverseasMedia diversi?cation

Employee careand motivation

Content review andad compliance

Digital development

Customer service and rights


Intellectual propertyprotection

Technology development

and innovation

Social responsibility


Communications and performancesExpectations and demands

A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era

The Company has separately formulated the Personal Information Protection Policyfor Minors for its APP and has set a "Teenager Mode" for minors to ensure their healthyphysical and mental development.The Company has strengthened its awareness of the red line of safety by conductingregular inspections, fire-fighting training, anti-terrorism and anti-riot training, andproviding annual health check-ups for employees to e?ectively safeguard their lives.The Company and Window of the World, Changsha launched the "June 1st Children'sPainting" o?ine parent-child public welfare activity to accompany children's healthy andhappy growth.The Company actively responded to the call of the Central Commission and Hunan Provincial Committee of CPC andorganised a series of live streaming activities such as "Great Changes in Xinshan Township" and "Yanling Yellow Peaches"to revitalise rural areas.

The Company has established the Mango New Media Investor Education Base to helpinvestors establish the concept of "long-term investment, value investment and rationalinvestment" with professional and extensive investment education knowledge.The Company has collaborated with universities to launch the “Mango Youth Creation”,which aims to enhance the professional skills of creators through constructive commentaryand focused, in-depth discussion of issues.The Company has formed a training course system for all business segments and employees at all levels.The training courses were conducted in four segments, namely, ideology, industry trends, general qualityand professional ability, to enhance the professional ability and comprehensive quality of employees.

The Company has launched a variety number of shows and TV dramas created from a femaleperspective, focusing on women's psychological issues and conveying a new era of women style.The Company adheres to the principle of equal employment, guarantees equal pay formen and women for equal work, adds parental leave and nursing leave, and o?ers annualsurprises on March 8 Women's Day to protect the legitimate rights and interests of femaleemployees. The Company has also launched a public welfare campaign on the theme of"She Power", which focuses on women's issues and aims to speak up for women.

The Company has identi?ed the risk points and control measures that should be taken in each businesssegment to e?ectively control risks at source and improve its basic management.The Company has built up a distinctive international communications system and has signed strategic partnerships with a numberof companies to build a Southeast Asia International Communication Center.The Company has been engaged in various forms of industry cooperation activities to promote the healthy development of theindustry.The Company insists on creating a safe and reliable supply chain structure and star partnership through transparent procurementand due diligence, so as to promote friendly cooperation among suppliers.

The Company determines the remuneration in line with its development stage and e?ectiveness, which is competitive ascompared with industry remuneration in the region, and can attract, motivate, and retain talents.

Taking the integration of the two platforms as an opportunity, the Company has been actively building a "mainstreamnew media platform led by innovation in the era of digital intelligence" and promoting innovation in the form of mediaproducts.The Company has independently developed innovative products with core competencies. During the Reporting Period,the Company carried out more than 2,000 innovation and optimisation projects.The Company worked with partners such as Huawei and China Mobile to promote technology innovation.

The Company strives to create a diversified, fair and just working environment to ensure that allemployees are not treated di?erently because of factors such as religion, gender, age and disability.

The Company focused on the construction of "Cultural Hunan" and worked with HunanTV to organise promotional activities for the Hunan Provincial Tourism DevelopmentConference and the Yiyang City Culture and Tourism Integration DevelopmentConference, contributing to the recovery of tourism consumption in Hunan Province.

Leveraging Mango's strength in ecology and new media platform, the Companyadheres to the people-centered creative orientation, integrates traditional Chineseculture into its creations, and constructs a multi-dimensional positive energycommunication matrix.The Company abides by the concept of low-carbon operation and encourages allemployees to travel in a low-carbon manner.The Company has participated in the Million Forests Project and has producedenvironmental programs and dramas to convey green values.

The Company meticulously carries out water conservation actions, maintains plumbing pipes on a daily andtimely basis, and posts water conservation slogans to raise employees' awareness of water conservation.

Contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals

2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.












A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era

Mango Excellent Media

Honors of the Year

EE-MediaA Land So Rich In Beauty won the Best Works Award for the 15th SpiritualCivilization Construction in Hunan Province - Excellent Works Award

Publicity Department of Hubei Provincial CommitteeParticipated in the source donation of TV translations in minority languagesduring 2019-2021

TV Drama Division of National Radio and Television

Administration, Public Services Division of National

Radio and Television AdministrationA Land So Rich In Beauty was nominated for the 31st China TV Golden EagleAward for Outstanding TV Drama

China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, China

TV Artists AssociationA Land So Rich In Beauty won the 33rd Feitian Award for Outstanding TV Drama(2020-2021) of China Radio, Film and Television Awards

National Radio and Television Administration


"Yanling Yellow Peach Origin Live Streaming" won the "2021 Annual PublicWelfare Award of China TV Shopping Industry"

China Home Shopping AllianceLiuyiguo Beef Products Live Streaming won the "Gold Award for the KitchenFood Category Program"

China Home Shopping AllianceProducer Yu Bin won the "Gold Award for Outstanding Program Producer" forhis live streaming of Miaolaobiao bacon products

China Home Shopping AllianceSH Duan Hong won the "2021 China TV Shopping Industry Gold Host"China Home Shopping AllianceThe Great Wall 618 Festival, created in cooperation with Great Wall Motor, wonthe "2021 Special Program Silver Award of China TV Shopping Industry"

China Home Shopping Alliance2021 Mother's Day Special Event - Gambiered Canton Gauze Awards won the"Silver Award in the category of popular beauty programs in China TV ShoppingIndustry"

China Home Shopping Alliance

The 14th "Top 30 Cultural Enterprises in China"Guangming Daily Press, Economic Daily Press5A Rating in the "2022 Evaluation of the Duty Performance of Board Secretariesof Listed Companies"

China Association for Public Companies2022 Best Practices for the Board O?ce of Listed CompaniesChina Association for Public CompaniesMango TVDream Chasers won the second prize of the 32nd China News Award -International Communication

All-China Journalists' AssociationWe Are Young - Female Soldier Squad on the Plateau won the third prize ofthe 32nd China News Award - News Feature

All-China Journalists' AssociationFaith Makes Great, A Land So Rich In Beauty, The Circuit Inspection Groupand Stage Builder won the 33rd Feitian Award for Outstanding TV Dramas

National Radio and Television AdministrationChina Season 1 won the 27th China Television Arts Starlight Awards forOutstanding TV Documentary

National Radio and Television AdministrationFaith Makes Great, Re?nement of Faith, China and Ideal won the Best Works Awardfor the 15th Spiritual Civilization Construction in Hunan Province - Special Award

Publicity Department of Hubei Provincial CommitteeA Land So Rich In Beauty, Personal Tales along the Silk Road, Chairman Maoand The Story of Animal Kingdom won the Best Works Award for the 15thSpiritual Civilization Construction in Hunan Province - Excellent Works Award

Publicity Department of Hubei Provincial CommitteeDaughters of the Party won the ?rst prize of the 2021 Hunan News Award forshort video features

Publicity Department of Hubei Provincial Committee,

Hunan Press AssociationToday in 100 Years won the first prize of the 2021 Hunan News Award forcreative interaction

Publicity Department of Hubei Provincial Committee,

Hunan Press AssociationDream Chasers won the first prize of the 2021 Hunan News Award forinternational communication

Publicity Department of Hubei Provincial Committee,

Hunan Press AssociationWe Are Young won the special award of Hunan News Award for network newsfeature

Publicity Department of Hubei Provincial Committee,

Hunan Press AssociationFourteen works, including Call Me By Fire, won the Hunan Radio andTelevision Award for outstanding new media works

Hunan Radio and Television Association New Media

CommitteeMango TV was awarded "New Era · New Brand · New Impact" New Brand forMedia Integration in Radio nd Television

National Radio and Television AdministrationMango TV was awarded 2022 Top 50 Software and Information TechnologyService Providers in Hunan Province in terms of Competitiveness

Hunan Software Industry AssociationMango TV was awarded 2022 National High-Tech Enterprise

Department of Science and Technology of Hunan

Province, Hunan Provincial Department of

Finance, Hunan Taxation Bureau of State Taxation

Administration of The People's Republic of ChinaMango TV was awarded 2022 Top 30 Internet Enterprises in Hunan Provincein terms of comprehensive strength

Hunan Internet SocietyMango TV was awarded the Outstanding Defense Unit in Hunan Province's"Protect the Network 2022" Network Attack and Defense Exercise

Public Security Department of Hunan Province2526

2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


IssuerName of HonorIssuerName of Honor

IssuerName of Honor

Name of Honor

A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance



2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance

The Party Committee of Mango Excellent Media always takes Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for aNew Era as its guide, deeply studies and implements the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, deeply understands the decisivesignificance of the "two establishments", enhances the "four consciousnesses", firmly establishes the "four confidences" andachieves the "two safeguards", thus building ?rm ideals and beliefs with ideological construction as a guide. The Party Committeeof the Company fully implements the "first issue" system, takes political study as the first fixed part of the Party Committee,organizes at least one central group study per month, and organizes 12 collective studies throughout the year. After the victoryof the 20th CPC National Congress, the Company especially formulated the General Arrangement Plan for Studying, Publicizingand Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress to effectively unify the thoughts and actions of its cadres andemployees to the spirit of the Congress. The leading cadres of each department played the role of leading and promoting the studyand meticulously studied and understood the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, striving to enable each “works producedby Mango” to convey our wonderful culture and values and contribute to the construction of a mainstream new media company.

Party Media Loves the Party and Assumes Its Mission

Passing on the Tradition of Revolution

In May 2022, the Company held a special study seminar for dual-platform hosts, artists, and agents to study the Brief History of thePropaganda Work of the Communist Party of China. This thematicstudy was a pragmatic initiative of the Company in response to theCentral Government's decision to promote the normalisation andlong-term e?ect of Party history learning and education. During themeeting, the participants talked about their experiences and forgeda consensus to continue the spiritual bloodline and gather strengthfrom the century-old history of the Party's propaganda work, so as tocontinuously create a new situation of propaganda and ideologicalwork. Mango TV hosts, artists, and agents have expressed in theirspeeches that they should draw strength from the study of the Party'shistory, enhance their business abilities and make contributions intheir own jobs to sound the positive energy louder. In the future, theywill e?ectively transform the achievements of learning into a strongimpetus to conduct propaganda and ideological work in the new era,and write a new chapter and show a new role in serving the overallinterests of our country.

In April 2022, to welcome the successful convening of the 20th CPC National Congress and celebrate the 100th anniversary of thefounding of the Communist Youth League of China, under the support and guidance of the Party Committee of the Group Company(TV Station), the Youth League Committee of the Group Company (TV Station) actively responded to the call of the CentralCommittee of the League to carry out education activities on the theme of "Welcome the 20th CPC National Congress, Follow theParty’s Leadership and Advance to a New Journey" and held the "Youth Admires the Party - My Youth in Mango" youth activityon the occasion of China's Youth Day. The outstanding young people of the Company actively participated in the activity andexpressed that they would bear in mind the ardent wishes and deep expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping and forge aheadwith the courage, passion, persistence and perseverance.

Zhang Huali, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairmanof the Board of Directors of the Group Company, carried outresearch on the normalization and long-term effect of Partyhistory learning and education

Site of the Research Meeting

Mango Youth Tree

The Company has implemented the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of theprovincial Party committee, e?ectively promoted the normalization and long-term e?ect of Party history learning and education,and persisted in doing practical work for the masses. On May 25, 2022, Zhang Huali, Secretary of the Party Committee andChairman of the Board of Directors of the Group Company, carried out special research on the normalization and long-term e?ectof Party history learning and education in the party branch of Xiaomang E-commerce.

E?ectively promoting the normalization and long-term e?ect of Party historylearning and educationCase

Learning Party history to draw strength

Youth admires the Party


Party History Learning and Education Seminar



2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance

In July 2022, on the occasion of the "101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China" and the "25th anniversaryof Hong Kong's return to the motherland", Mango TV refined the scheduling and operation of high-quality content on bothplatforms. In particular, the main content composed of IPs such as Mango dramas, variety shows and documentaries, togetherwith a matrix of short programs, interviews and highlights, as well as interactive and integrated contents for July 1, provided youthgroups with three-dimensional and matrixed new mainstream contents in various forms of narration, so that positive energy canbe truly conveyed to young people.

In July 2022, the Company actively participated in the celebrationof the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Partyof China and the 20th CPC National Congress organised by theGroup Company, which was held at Malanshan Square. Theevent promoted the normalisation and long-term effect of Partyhistory learning and education through a Party history knowledgequiz challenge, the renewal of admission oath of the CPC,interviews with old and new Party members, and the awardingof a commemorative medal for "50 Years of Glory in the Party",and continued to strengthen the spirit of "breaking through", theenergy of "creating" and the style of "doing", so as to welcomethe successful convening of the 20th CPC National Congress withpractical actions.

In July 2022, the Company launched the "Women in HunanAdmires the Party and Welcomes the 20th CPC NationalCongress" campaign to further study and implement Xi JinpingThought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,vividly demonstrate the development achievements of womenin Hunan and the beautiful changes in their lives since the 19thCPC National Congress, and create a sound social atmosphereto welcome the successful convening of the 20th CPC NationalCongress. Participants should use video and pictures to tellvivid and wonderful stories of the new era, and focus on thechanges in the lives of women and families in Hunan since the19th CPC National Congress, their development and progress,their aspirations for a better life ,and their commitment to ournational rejuvenation.

At 10:00 a.m. on October 16, 2022, the 20th National Congressof the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened in the GreatHall of the People in Beijing, and General Secretary Xi Jinpingmade a report to the Congress on behalf of the 19th CentralCommittee of CPC. The Company organized all employees tolisten to or watch the live broadcast of the 20th CPC NationalCongress and carried out profound studies and discussions.

Daughters of the Party 2

In?nity and Beyond 2022

Women in Hunan Admires the Party and Welcomes the 20th CPCNational Congress

Members of the leading team of the two platforms collectivelywatched the opening of the 20th CPC National Congress

Striving for a new journey, together for a shared future

Remain true to our original aspiration and forge ahead to a new journey

EE-Media launched the video collection activity

Organising employees to watch the opening of the 20th CPC National Congress

Mango Excellent Media HQ, Mango TV, Happigo, and EE-Mediawatched the opening ceremony of the 20th CPC National CongressJuly 1 Theme Activity






2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance

After the successful convening of the 20th CPC National Congress, the Company quickly started to study, propagate, and implement thespirit of the Congress, consciously uni?ed its thoughts and actions to the spirit and the central government's decision and deployment,and e?ectively took the study and implementation of the spirit as the primary political task for the current and future periods.

In November 2022, Happigo, a subsidiary of the Company,participated in the "Learning and Implementing the Spiritof the 20th CPC National Congress" micro-party lessonscompetition organised by the Company, and opened specialcolumns on https://www.hxw.gov.cn/, https://redstarclouds.com/ and the http://szgw.portal.hndj.gov.cn/home to exhibitfine micro-party lessons. This activity educates the peoplewith the things around us and speaks a theory with simplewords, touching the souls of Party members and causing theirresonance of ideas.

To further promote the standardisation of the Party building of Mango Excellent Media, the Company's former Party building brand"Frontier Project" was readjusted to "Outstanding Party Members, Exemplary Party Workers, and Advanced Community-Level PartyOrganizations". With the theme of "Ignite Youth and Create the Future", the Company held a meeting to celebrate the 101st anniversaryof the founding of the CPC and honor outstanding Party members, exemplary Party workers, and advanced community-level Partyorganizations by Hunan TV, Mango Excellent Media and Mango TV. At the meeting, the Company commended 12 advanced Partybranches, 47 outstanding Party members and 16 exemplary Party workers, inspiring all Mango Party members to draw strength from thecentury-old Party history. The Company further promoted the deep integration of media and better shouldered the historical mission ofconsolidating and strengthening mainstream public opinion, which was widely praised by the leaders and all Party members present.

Cai Huaijun spoke at the study session on the 20th CPCNational Congress

Happigo's Micro-party Lessons

The First Meeting to Honor Outstanding Party Members, Exemplary Party Workers and Advanced Community-Level Party Organizations

The Company's leadership team organized the study andimplementation of the 20th CPC National Congress

Studying the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and conducting study sessions

Micro-lessons were held to promote the 20th CPC National Congress

Honoring outstanding Party members, Exemplary Party workers, and advancedcommunity-level Party organizations to motivate their progress

Mechanism for

Ensuring theLeadership ofParty Building

Reinforcing the Foundation of Party Building

IncorporatingParty buildinginto the articles of


Two-waymembership andcross o?ce holding




Decision making onmajor issues, importantappointments andremovals, major projects

and the use of large

amounts of money


The Company has always insisted on integrating the core role of Party building into the whole process of deepening media integrationand all areas of business development, and promoting the high-quality construction of mainstream new media groups with high-quality Party building. In 2022, the Party Committee of the Company further developed business backbones to join the Party,strengthened the construction of grass-roots Party organizations, promoted the "cross-posting" of Party branches and administrativeorganizations, adhered to the "branch built on the team", and truly built the grass-roots Party branches into a bastion of righteousnessand innovation, so as to promote the high-quality development of our business.


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance

There were

In 2022, the number of Party branches under the Party Committee of

In 2022, a total ofspecial studies were conducted, and

special studies throughout the year, where the

Party members were developed

probationary members were

issues were considered,

In order to further improve EE-Media's Party building work system,with reference to the primary-level Party building system of theCompany and Mango Excellent Media and combined with its actual


% of employeeswere Party members

probationarymembers of CPC were to be fullmembers throughout the year

The Company has always upheld the Party's ?ne tradition and style of work, and strived to create a clean political ecology. TheCompany integrated and promoted the construction of the institutional mechanism that makes sure o?cials don't dare to, areunable to and have no desire to commit corruption, and especially formulated the Work System for the Disciplinary InspectionCommittee (Trial) to promote its business development in a healthy and orderly manner. The Company also formulated thePersonnel Management Recusal Regulations to strengthen the supervision and restraint on the post and performance ofduties, carried out three special rectification activities for establishing affiliated companies, setting up off-book accounts, andextravagance and waste, implemented the Notice on Deepening the Recti?cation of Illegal Receipt of Red Envelopes and Gifts byLeading Cadres, and strictly carried out supervision and inspection of the implementation of the spirit of the eight-point decisionon improving Party and government conduct within the Company, so that Party members and cadres would not forget theiroriginal mission, adhere to the bottom line and not touch the red line, thus contributing to building a clean workplace.

To create a clean environment, the Company carried out warning education through various measures such as producing andorganizing employees to watch the Confession, an education film, and urging all Party members to follow the "Clean Mango"WeChat account, so as to convey knowledge on discipline, laws, morality, and responsibilities with real cases and enhance theintegrity and self-discipline of Party members and cadres.

The Company attaches great importance to the reporting work and specially sets agreen channel for reporting, and will not tolerate any violation of regulations anddiscipline. In December 2022, the Company opened an email address and telephonenumber for reporting integrity violations, and set up a reporting box to accept all-round supervision of the masses.

Strengthening integrity by establishing a reporting mechanismCase

Happigo, a subsidiary of the Company, held a specialstudy session for the theoretical study central groupof the Party committee (as enlarged) and the workarrangement meeting on the Party integrity

The Company held the 2022Party Integrity ConstructionWork Conference

The Company held severalwarning education conferencesto watch the Confession andshare feelings2022 Integrity Education Activities Organised by the Company

Mango Excellent Media Headquarters and Branches ConductedWarning Education

The Group Company (TV Station) Warning Education Conference

Reporting Box at the Entrance of the Company


Mango Excellent Media


Mango TV


Building A Clean-Fingered Highland


Mango TV grew fromregistered

to. A total ofmeetings of

, with the number of Party

members reaching

Party committee were held throughout the year, and a total of

central group studies were organised in 2022.

materials were studied, such as the spirit of General Secretary Xi

Jinping's important speech on his visit to Hunan, Xi Jinping The

Governance of China (Volume 4), the spirit of Xi Jinping's Work in

Zhengding, and the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, which

were seriously implemented into content innovation and business

management. Focusing on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's

important speeches and instructions in Hunan and major realistic

issues in the reform and development of Hunan Broadcasting

System, we conducted special studies and discussions and

meetings of


primary-levelParty committee were held,

situation, EE-Media developed and improvedincluding the adjustment of theorganisation structure and division oflabour among senior management,the appointment of managers, salaryadjustment, ideological work, inventoryclearance and the handling of historicalissues, etc. In particular, the securitywork during the National Day andthe 20th CPC National Congress wascomprehensively planned, unified andadvanced in a stable manner.andtransferred to full members.

Party building systems, including "Measures for Establishment and

Election of Primary-level Party Organizations of EE-Media", constantly

consolidating the foundation of its party building and promoting

the discipline, institutionalization and standardization of its Party

organization building. As of mid-November, the branch committee

spirit of important speeches and instructions of General Secretary Xi

Jinping, the Brief History of the Propaganda Work of the Communist

Party of China, Let the Masses Live a Good Life - Xi Jinping's Work in

Zhengding, Xi Jinping The Governance of China (Volume 4), the report

of the 20th CPC National Congress and its spirit, as well as other

important books and theories were studied and discussed intensively.

2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Party members in 2022


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance

Board of SupervisorsParty CommitteeBoard of Directors

Editorial Board

Happy SunshineHappigoEE-Media

Audit Department

Specialized Institutions

Appraisal andStrategy Committee

Audit CommitteeNomination

Finance DepartmentPublicity Management Department

Legal Department

MangoExcellentMedia Co., Ltd.

The Company continues to improve its governance structure and organisational structure and has established a comprehensivesystem including the Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors,the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors, and the Working System for Independent Directors. The General Meetingof Shareholders is the power body of the Company, the Board of Directors, and the Board of Supervisors are elected by theGeneral Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors is the permanent power body, the Board of Supervisors is the permanentsupervisory body, and the operation management (Office of the General Manager) is the daily operation body and enjoys theright to operate. The Board of Directors has a Strategy Committee, a Nomination Committee, an Appraisal and RemunerationCommittee, and an Audit Committee. The internal audit department is accountable and reports to the Audit Committee. TheParty Committee of the Company, as an integral part of the corporate governance structure of the Company, plays a role in theleadership and political cores. The "four committees and one management" forms a corporate governance system with theirrespective duties and responsibilities, coordinated operation and e?ective checks and balances, and a complete system of rules ofprocedure has been established.

As a responsible company, Mango Excellent Media believes that information disclosure is the key to sustainable corporatedevelopment. Therefore, with information disclosure as the core, the Company has built an information disclosure system oriented tothe actual needs of investors. We strengthened the construction of information con?dentiality system, standardised the informationdisclosure process and strived to improve the quality and e?ciency of disclosure by establishing an information disclosure team.

Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and Interests

Regulating the Operation of the Mechanism of General Meeting ofShareholders, Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors

High-quality Information Disclosure

The Company was awarded the 2022 Best Practices for theBoard O?ce of Listed Companies by China Association forPublic Companies

The Company was awarded 5A Rating in the "2022Evaluation of the Duty Performance of BoardSecretaries of Listed Companies" by China Associationfor Public Companies

Remuneration CommitteeCommittee

Discipline InspectionCommittee

O?ce of the Board ofDirectorsGeneral Manager'sMeeting

Discipline Inspection DepartmentGeneral Department of theparty and the massesParty Committee & General ManagerOffice (Administration& PersonnelDepartment)

Key Performance

The Board of Supervisors consists of

The Board of Directors consists of

including including


The Company has




female senior executive employee


senior executives,

female director

In 2022, the Company held and

General Meeting of

meetings of

meetings of the


the Board ofDirectors,Board of Supervisors



During the reporting period, theCompany disclosed a total of


includingregular reports

The Company has been ratedin information disclosureA

for four consecutive yearsand



2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance

By leveraging on its strength in new media platform, the Company has ful?lled its social responsibility to protect investors. MangoNew Media Investor Education Base produced various investor education programs such as How to Get Wealth, How to Invest andOne Minute to Become a Financial Manager, prepared the finals of "The Shareholders Are Comin" and held investor educationforums to help investors establish the concept of "long-term investment, value investment and rational investment". In doing so, wedeveloped the Mango brand for protecting investors with our professional and extensive investor education contents and light andlively expression ways.

Protecting the Rights and Interests of Investors

Investor Education ChannelKey Performance

In May 2022, the Company responded positively to the "Hello, Registration System" short video competition by launching a creativemicro?lm The Trial of the Treasure Code, which won the ?rst prize of the National Gold Award. This event was the ?rst time that Mango New

Filming a creative micro?lm to popularise the registration reformCase

The Trial of the Treasure Code

How to Get Wealth

In January 2022, the Company launched How to Get Wealth, the ?rst online ?nancial investment education program jointly planned andlaunched by Mango New Media Investor Education Base and Securities Association of Hunan Province. The program consists of ?nancial

Introducing new investment education programs to establish

scienti?c investment conceptsCase

observers, financial planners,?nancial students and hosts, whodiscuss the hottest economictopics and teach the hottestinvestment ideas. The programis divided into four episodesfocusing on four groups, namelythose living from paycheck topaycheck, families with threechildren, university students andthe elderly, aiming to help guestsanswer investment questions,prevent investment risks andestablish a scienti?c and rationalinvestment values.

Media Investor Education Baseused a creative microfilm topopularise investment educationto the audience. The microfilmwas shot in a cinematic way,using a dual narrative approachof virtual + reality, blending thereal story of a real-life VR gamehall with the imagined drama oflife in a virtual game, allowingthe texture of the images tomatch the plot development andhighlighting its realistic meaningand educational signi?cance.

During the reporting period, the Company's investor education channel actively promoted the establishment of columns ontopics such as "Registration System Reform", "New Relisting Regulations", "Promoting the Development of National FinancialEducation", "The Shareholders Are Coming" ,and "Prevention and Fight against Illegality". A total of approximately

minutes of videos have been launched on the channel, and the cumulative viewership of the channel has


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance

Chairman as the ?rstresponsible personResponsible for buildingand improving theinternal control systemResponsible forinternal control & auditsupervisionResponsible for theimplementation andoptimization of internal controlTo ensure the implementation of the internal control process, the Company hasbuilt a closed-loop management internally, regularly conducted evaluation tests oninternal control, sorted out the internal control manuals, systems, and processes ofeach department involved in the business, and formulated a recti?cation plan basedon the results of the sorting to ensure the integrity of the system as a whole. At thesame time, the Company has developed a list of internal control de?ciencies basedon the results of internal control evaluation and tests, and each business departmenthas formulated a recti?cation plan based on the list and implemented the deadlinefor completion of recti?cation and the person responsible for recti?cation.

Optimising Internal ControlMango Excellent Media attaches great importance to promoting and improving its standardized operation by strengthening its internal controlsystem. In the process of establishing and improving the internal control system, we adhere to the risk-oriented principle, rectify and optimizethe problems found in a timely manner, and adopt the approach of "overall design, step-by-step implementation, compliance ?rst and gradualThe Shareholders Are Coming

In November 2022, the national ?nals of "The Shareholders Are Coming" 2022 came to an end. The event was guided by the GeneralO?ce of the CSRC and the Investor Protection Bureau of the CSRC, and jointly organised by the China Securities Investor ServicesCenter, the securities regulators of Shenzhen, Chongqing, Shanxi, and Guizhou, and Mango Excellent Media, covering 36 regionsacross the country as well as Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. The event upgraded the content and increased the promotion of thecore contents of listing, issuance and delisting under the registration system. Meanwhile, to echo the introduction of the Futures andDerivatives Act, we simulated options purchase and exercise on site. Through multi-faceted, multi-level, and full-coverage educationactivities on rights and interests, the Company further played a role of demonstration and guidance to help small and medium-sized investors fully know their rights, actively exercise their rights and defend their rights according to the law, thereby creating afavourable public opinion environment for the healthy and stable development of the capital market. On November 3, the national?nals of "The Shareholders Are Coming" 2022 was broadcast on Hunan TV and Mango TV. Thanks to the active promotion of Mangoartists, the program has been viewed e?caciously more than 12 million times, and has been reported by many media.

Organized the finals of "The Shareholders Are Coming" to improveInvestors' knowledgeCase

improvement" to constantly update and improvethe existing internal control system in accordancewith the business development of the Company,so as to keep the internal control in line withthe Company's business and ensure that theCompany has the necessary control policies andprocedures for its major business activities.To better evaluate the design and operation of itsinternal control, the Company has defined thespecific contents for internal control evaluationin accordance with the regulatory requirementsrelated to internal controls, its operationalcharacteristics, its business model, and riskmanagement requirements.

Closed-loop Internal Control Process



Internal control leading teamInternal control working teamAudit supervision departmentDepartment business personnel


Xinhua News Agency reportingproduction of the ?nals

People’s Daily Online reporting successful endingof the ?nals

Guangming Daily reportingbroadcast of the ?nals

Supports from artists

2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance

In 2022, Mango TV continued to strengthen the construction of its internal control system in order to achieve the goalof standardising business, empowering management, and scienti?c development. In accordance with the principle of"concise and practical", we continued to improve 30 systems to e?ectively prevent and control key risks in our mainbusiness areas and ensure operational compliance.We optimised the approach to the production of self-produced variety shows and revised the system for varietyshows, such as the System for the Proceedings of the Variety Show Project Committee and the Management Measuresfor the Production of Self-Produced Variety Shows. We also improved the production mechanism for drama series,formulated the Rules of Procedure for the Film and TV Drama Project Committee and the Rules for the Managementof the Black List of Film and TV Drama Partners, and established rules for the evaluation and quality control of ?lmand TV drama series, so as to improve the evaluation and decision-making procedures for ?lm and TV drama seriesprojects, further enhance their quality rates, create high-quality and popular projects, and prevent and mitigaterelated risks.We strengthened control points for content production. We comprehensively revised the Management Measures forthe Production of Self-produced Dramas, Management Measures for Customised Drama Business, and ManagementMeasures for the Purchase of Film and TV Dramas, and updated the control points for new models in a timelymanner to make the existing controls more relevant to the business reality. We also established various standardsto enhance e?ciency, developed pricing guidelines and allocation standards for key production elements to ensurethe effectiveness and efficiency of content production. Besides, we actively carried out self-examination and self-correction and strengthened internal control training and dissemination.

We established relevant rules and regulations such as the Management Measures for Internal Control of the Company,Rules for the Implementation of the Decision Making on Major Issues, Important Appointments and Removals, MajorProjects and the Use of Large Amounts of Money, Regulations for the Management of Personal Social InformationPlatform, Crisis Management Systems, and Production and Operation Oriented Management Systems.We optimized seven systems, including the Management Measures for the Selection and Contracting of Newcomers,the Management Measures for the Training of Artists, the Management Measures for the Assessment of Film and TVDrama Resident Staff, the Management Measures for the Payment of Quarterly Performance Awards and Year-endAwards, the Management Measures for Company Expenses, the Management Measures for Project Management, andthe Ideological and Political Training System for Artist Agents, to provide institutional safeguards for the compliance ofour business and further establish a comprehensive, hierarchical, and clear internal control system.

We initiated the updating of the Company's internal control manual to establish a direct connection between risks,processes, and controls, and to clarify the risk points that exist in each business segment and the control measuresthat should be taken.We comprehensively reviewed systems and processes and strengthened the management of systems and processes.A total of 16 management modules and 17 systems were improved and completed.Through the special audit, we reorganised the main business processes with risk factors such as authorisationmanagement, merchandise management and gift management, raised 45 risk matters and followed up on theirrecti?cation, and clari?ed the risk points in key business links and the control measures to be taken, thereby e?ectivelycontrolling risks at source and improving our basic management capability.

Mango TV EE-Media


2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Governance



2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.Society



Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

In August 2014, the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform consideredand approved the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Integrated Development of Traditionaland Emerging Media. In the same year, Hunan Broadcasting System implemented the strategy ofexclusive broadcast of Hunan TV's copyrighted programs on Mango TV to build its own internetplatform. In September 2020, the General Office of the Central Committee of the CommunistParty of China and the General O?ce of the State Council issued the Guideline to Further Beefup the Media Convergence, proposing to "build a number of new mainstream media withstrong influence and competitiveness as soon as possible", and Hunan Broadcasting Systeminnovatively put forward the strategic concept of "building a mainstream new media group". InMarch 2022, Hunan Broadcasting System held a meeting to promote the in-depth integrationof Hunan TV and Mango TV, which connected advertising, variety shows ,and TV series, anddeepened the station-network integration.As a mainstream new media platform under Hunan Broadcasting System, Mango ExcellentMedia has implemented the central government's decision on media integration. Relying onMango's strength in ecology and conditional upon meeting the regulatory requirements oflisted companies, the Company liberated content creations, increased content innovationand improved the product cluster chain by exploring and promoting the co-creation andsharing mechanism of the two platforms. The Company established the variety show projectcommittee, TV series project committee, and advertising business management committeefor the two platforms to address issues such as content reserves, innovation, and upgradingand advertising resources and make it possible to regularize content products that are value-oriented and meet market demand, thus laying a solid foundation for the building of amainstream new media group with strong communication power, guidance, influence, andcredibility. On the basis of this, we have embarked on a value-based media integration fromthe physical level, and are building a more value-led all-media communication ecology.

During the 20th CPC National Congress, Hunan TV, and Mango TV carefully launched a numberof major plans, products, and arrangements by virtue of their advantages in integratedcommunication, and constructed a multi-dimensional positive energy communication matrix,thus creating an enthusiastic and upward public opinion atmosphere. In the meantime, wesolicited investments through the two platforms by use of their advantages.

On May 18, Hunan TV and Mango TV helda "Move Forward Against Headwinds"meeting to recommend the dramacontent and marketing of both HunanTV and Mango TV in 2022 through onlineand o?ine means.

On August 27, the 2022 Hunan TV &Mango TV Summer Party was held inZhangjiajie, Hunan, bringing customersa wonderful and unique experience.

From 15 to 16 December, Hunan TV& Mango TV 2023 Content IP SharingSession was held in the "Time Concert"cabin live room, where we madeunique cloud exchanges with 3,000+brand owners nationwide and providedthem with cooperation opportunities incontent marketing through our strongand wonderful interactions.

We developed a stable"triangular pivot" to achieveuniformity in standards andimplementations.

We insisted on reforms andpromoting young talents.

The long-standing “producerresponsibility system” of MangoTV has been extended to HunanTV, where the risks are coveredby the two platforms and theproducer is responsible for thesocial value, content quality, andcost of the entire project

Creating Ecology Synergy and Making Breakthroughby InnovationIntegrated Development of Two Platforms

Strategic IntegrationYoung Talents

Market-based Mechanisms

All-media Integration"Move Forward Against Headwinds" Investment Solicitation Meeting

Two Platforms Jointly Solicited Investments


Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

The report of the 20th CPC National Congressproposed that "ideological work is about forgingthe character of a country and the soul of a nation.We must ensure that the Party firmly exercisesleadership over this work and that the responsibilitysystem for it is fully implemented. We will cementand expand the mainstream thoughts and ideas thatinspire hard work in the new era". In terms of filmand television, Mango Excellent Media continued topush forward with its "Mango Monsoon" theatre toe?ectively improve the hit rate and quality rate of ?lmand television dramas; in terms of variety shows, weincreased research and development e?orts, strivedto launch more than 40% of innovative programs, andcontinued to expand its in?uence in the variety showsindustry. In addition, the Company ?rmly abandonedonline celebrities and extreme fan culture in contentcreation, and consolidated the responsibilities ofthe two-platform variety shows and drama projectcommittees, prioritising social responsibilities fromthe source of creation. The editorial committee andthe publicity management centre have controlledcreation orientation to keep the whole process undercontrol.

Upgrade of TV Dramas and Variety Shows

"Three-step Rule" for Content Creation

Realistic female suspensedrama The Crack of Dawn

#New Power of Women# Online Call for EntriesCity sweet love drama Dine With Love

During the reporting period, Mango TVlaunched 163 TV dramas, including keyTV dramas and short micro-dramasunder the "Mango TV program". Four TVdramas, namely Song of Lushan, Drawthe Line, The Long River, and TwentyYour Life On 2, were selected as part ofthe "2022 China TV Drama Anthology"by the National Radio and TelevisionAdministration. Mango Monsoonlaunched 5 station-web series and 4 webseries, among which Guo's Summer, AYear Without A Job and The DisappearingChild focused on social reality topicsfrom different dimensions, got mostviewership on multiple networks amongprovincial TV stations, and gained highmarket attention. A series of high-qualityshort dramas represented by A FamiliarStranger and The Killer Is Also Romanticunder the "Mango TV program" havebeen well received.

In terms of variety shows, during the reporting period, Mango TV launched 77 varietyshows. Sisters Who Make Waves 3, Who's the Murderer VII, Great Escape 4 and Call Me byFire 2 were selected as the Top 10 network variety shows in 2022 (Data from Enlightent),with Sisters Who Make Waves 3 ranking ?rst and further consolidating its position as theleader of variety shows. The innovative program Infinity and Beyond 2022, dedicatedto the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China, was praised as a "culturalintegration trendsetter in the Greater Bay Area" and selected as one of the "National Radioand Television Administration's Network Audiovisual program Excellent Creation andDissemination Projects". The outdoor travel experience reality show Go for Happiness hasreceived positive words of mouth and popularity, with a high Douban rating of 9.6, and itssequel Go for Happiness 2 has also scored 9.5.Successive Broadcast ofFine Film and TV Dramas

Launching of Popular Variety Shows

The realistic female suspense drama The Crack of Dawn, co-produced by Mango TV, Mango Excellent Media and Xinjiang HuayuTimes Film Co., Ltd. was aired exclusively on Mango TV from January 27. The drama is created from a female perspective andpoints to various realistic social issues via the confusing plot, e?ectively promoting the knowledge of law.

Sisters Who Make Waves 3, Mango TV's self-produced inspirational musiccompetition show, was broadcast on May 16. The show brings togetheroutstanding women from various ?elds to break through themselves andpresent a wonderful stage for the audience, showcasing women's con?dentand wise attitude towards life and the beauty of self-helping and mutualsupport, encouraging the new generation of women to be self-help andenjoy themselves. The show's ?rst broadcast has received over 300 millionviews and has been in Trending for over 70 times on Weibo.Meanwhile, Sisters Who Make Waves 3, in collaboration with the PublicityDepartment of the All-China Women's Federation, has launched an onlinecall for entries to ?nd women who dare to be the ?rst in the new era andwho have emerged as leaders in various ?elds. By showcasing the stories ofwomen who dare to be the ?rst and are in their prime, the show conveys tothe public the enthusiasm and energy of women struggling in the new eraand advocates the spirit of the times of self-reliance and hard work.

Produced by Mango TV, Hunan TV,Mango Excellent Media and XionghaiziMedia and co-produced by XinshixiangTechnology and Yizhen Group, theurban romance drama Dine WithLove was broadcast on Hunan TV andsimulcast on Mango TV on February 14.The drama creatively expresses love,family love, and friendship throughdishes and creates a cozy atmospherethrough dining, delivering romanceand love to the people that live a "fast-paced" life in the 21st Century.

The Crack of Dawn, presenting the power of women

Sisters Who Make Waves, presenting the style of women in the new eraDine With Love, delivering cozy atmosphere



Uphold thegolden rule,i.e. contentcreation mustbe able tosolve a socialproblem orre?ect a socialphenomenon.

Identify andcreate emotionalresonance withusers viasincerity andauthenticity.

Xing Ge, Senior Editor, Motion Picture and Arts Committee of China

The drama focuses on women's psychology, alongside a wide range of social topicssuch as choice of interests, doubts, and trusts, and unveils human nature with delicatebrushstrokes. Serious in theme, important in content, and sophisticated in form, thisdrama is an inspiration for similar creations. The extension of goodness and beautyre?ects warmth and realistic concerns.Step 3

Step 2

Step 1

Add a little "surprise"to "familiarity" tomake programs moreinteresting, which canensure the continuousoutputs of qualityprograms.



Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Directed by the Network Audiovisual Department of the National Radio and Television Administration, the Hong Kong, Macao, andTaiwan A?airs O?ce and the Publicity, Culture, and Sports Department of the Liaison O?ce of the Central People's Governmentin Hong Kong S.A.R, and co-produced by Mango TV and TVB, the music program In?nity and Beyond 2022 was jointly broadcastby Mango TV, Hunan TV and TVB. The program brings together singers from the Mainland and Hong Kong to collaborate onclassic songs. Through the resonant musical language, the program enables people from di?erent generations to empathise andbuild emotional ties, providing a model for cultural exchange between the Mainland and Hong Kong, as well as promoting moredialogues and multi-level, multi-disciplinary, and multi-channel exchanges among people, especially young people.Once the program was launched, it swept the No. 1 spot on the top 12 charts and won the No. 1 spot on the CSM national networkfor several episodes, with a cumulative audience of nearly 150 million. The program has been ranked the No.1 in Hong KongSAR in terms of viewership in the same time period, making it the highest-rated variety show in Hong Kong TVB 2022, reaching70% of Hong Kong's TV viewers and appearing in TVB's annual half-yearly report. The program has been searched for more than2006 times on the Internet, topped 205 times, and related topic on the short video platform has received 4.24 billion plays. Theprogram's songs have been on QQ Music top boards for nearly 40 consecutive days, creating a huge impact at home and abroad,and sparking a "Hong Kong Music Wave" in both the Mainland and Hong Kong. It has been praised as a "cultural integrationtrendsetter in the Greater Bay Area".

Call Me by Fire 2, Mango TV's self-produced panoramic music competition varietyshow, was aired on August 19. The show invites artists from various ?elds to challengedi?erent styles of music and performance forms with craftsmanship and dedication,and break through themselves and expand boundaries with reverence for the stageand striving for excellence, and invites heroes of the times to tell moving storiesand pay tribute to touching moments. It further clarifies the new contemporaryconnotation of the spirit of struggle, pays tribute to the struggling role models ofthe whole society and industry, explores the fervent hope of life's possibilities, andmanifests and promotes the spirit of being enterprising and striving for advancement.

In?nity and Beyond, a model of cultural exchange

Call Me by Fire, promoting the enterprising spirit


Music Program In?nity and Beyond 2022

Panoramic Music Competition Variety Show Call Me by Fire 2

Relying on the extensive contents and unique Mango ecosystem of Hunan Broadcasting System, MangoExcellent Media began to develop content e-commerce and launched Xiaomang APP to extend its contentbusiness and create Mango Mode 2.0. Xiaomang E-commerce, through a series of IP projects, breaks theboundaries of large and small screens with its fancy content matrix and gameplay, and creates a newconsumption hotspot for e-commerce. It is committed to fully penetrating the Chinese cultural elementsand Chinese brands to the life of Chinese youth, so as to shape a fashion and promote it, along withChinese brands, to the world, thus growing together with new trendy domestic brands. In January 2022, the"Xiaomang APP - XIAOMANG Night of China" won the "Best E-Commerce Marketing Innovation Award" at theiResearch Marketing Awards for its excellent new marketing ideas, new methods, and outstanding results.

Xiaomang E-commerce insists on the positioning of "a content e-commerce platformfor new trendy domestic products". By strengthening the connection with the Mangoecosystem and creating core products, Xiaomang E-commerce's GMV grew 6 times year-on-year and DAU peaked at 2.06 million. In 2022, Xiaomang E-commerce completed its?rst round of ?nancing to bring in the necessary liquidity for the strategic incubationperiod and accelerate the construction of the "content + video + e-commerce" businessclosed-loop. Firstly, it focused on the integration of content and e-commerce byprecisely reaching the target consumer group via IP and creating representative productssuch as the self-owned brand "Nanbowan" baseball jerseys. Secondly, it exploredinnovative strategies for scenario-based selling by driving the hot sales of cooperativegoods and developing new businesses through Who's the Murderer, DetectiveCollege,Racing Mangoers, and other high-quality IP resources of Mango. Thirdly, it heldparties for domestic products, such as "XIAOMANG Night of China" and "XIAOMANG NewYear's Shopping Festival", and launched marketing activities in conjunction with majorIPs such as Sisters Who Make Waves and Call Me By Fire to expand the cooperativebrand matrix and enhance the in?uence of the Xiaomang brand. At present, XiaomangE-commerce has developed several product lines, including apparel, food, cosmetics,celebrity merchandise, art toy, pets, and camping, and will continue to explore thecontent e-commerce potential and guide young users to purchase domestic products.

Focusing on New Trendy Domestic Products

Leveraging the core IP resourcesof the Mango ecosystem, welaunched a number of themedparties such as "XIAOMANG Nightof China" and "XIAOMANG NewYear's Shopping Festival" toempower the brand with a long-term value perception through thestorytelling ability that long-formvideo is best at.

Development Mode ofXiaomang E-commerce

Focusing on the lifestyle of youngpeople in the Z generation,Xiaomang E-commerce hasdeveloped more than 500categories of trendy domesticproducts, including Hanfu,cosmetics, art toy, pets, andcamping, expanding its influencein young circles.

Developing E-commerce with ContentsExpanding Circles with a Youthful Tone



Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Xiaomang created hotspots in multiple ways and accuratelygrasped the tra?c of Chinese-chic trends to promote domesticproducts. It hosted the "XIAOMANG New Year's ShoppingFestival" to promote quality domestic products to youngpeople, leading the Chinese-chic trend and expressing ourcon?dence. The show was the most watched on all networksand connected users from the show to the Xiaomang App. Hottopics related to "XIAOMANG New Year's Shopping Festival"had over 1.5 billion exposures and over 5.5 million discussionson the internet. The show was the first on both the VarietyInfluencer and Variety Topics charts, with more than 70 topsearches and 33 top Weibo searches.

Xiaomang E-commerce held the Xiaomang Night of Hanfu and 2022 Xiaomang Hanfu Festival on the occasion of the upcomingChinese National Costume Day and broadcast it live on Mango TV, Xiaomang APP and Happigo. The party showcased Xiaomang'sexclusive Hanfu products in the form of singing and performance + catwalk, exclusively presenting the beautiful costumes ofdi?erent Hanfu brands. The exclusive Hanfu merchandise generated sales of over RMB1 million within ?ve minutes after Xiaomangbegan selling. The party also joined hands with the national game Honor Of Kings to give out limited edition Q-version hand-me-downs of popular Hanfu characters, and cooperated with the new fashion magazine "wonderland" to create momentum for theparty, bringing Hanfu more exposures.

XIAOMANG New Year's Shopping Festival, promoting new domestic products

Xiaomang Night of Hanfu, passing on hanfu culture

XIAOMANG New Year's Shopping Festival

Xiaomang Night of Hanfu and 2022 Xiaomang Hanfu Festival

Firmly grasping the opportunity of the fourth industrial revolution and the dual-platform amalgamation, driven by new technologies, Mango Excellent Media hasindoctrinated Internet thinking to its whole structure, as well as integrated andrestructured production factors to release greater content productivity, making"culture and technology to coexist in harmony", and standing firmly in the firstechelon of video. Meanwhile, taking into account the three logic of value, market, andecology, the Company has taken active part in building a "mainstream new mediaplatform led by innovation in the digital intelligence era" centered on content valueunder the driving force of technology application and ecological layout.

Exploring the Technology Future

Combining the spirit ofcraftsmanship with hightechnology, the Companyhas innovatively appliedfilm-level photographytechnology to variety shows,by applying the technologyof "one shot" in Infinityand Beyond 2022, "highdynamic range image" inthe documentary China,"ultra-high-definitioncloud production andbroadcasting" in Call Meby Fire, and "time track"in Dance Smash to createhigh-quality visual effects,bringing users an immersiveartistic experience andspiritual enjoyment.

Mango TV has establishedthe "Innovation Academy"and jointly set up a VRapplication laboratory,which is the ?rst in China andthe third in the world, withShanghaiTech University,giving an initial attemptto virtual human, virtualconcert, Xiaomang virtualshopping street and Web 3.0,among other areas;The Company has signeda strategic cooperationframework agreement withHuawei to work togetheron various fields includingscience fiction theater,metauniverse, and IPderivative.

Adhering to the cultivation ofa core "content + technology"composite talent team, theCompany has currently hadsuch talents which accountfor a proportion of over50%, including a total of 716technical engineers;Through innovativealgorithm competitions,the Company has attractedover 2,000 top technicaltalents both at home andabroad to participate therein,successfully recruiting morethan 100 algorithm talents tojoin the Company;In recent years, the Company'stechnical team has repeatedlywon the championship andrunner-up in internationaltop competitions in the ?eldsof recommendation systemand audio & video, allowingChangsha, an inland city, tobuild a small highland forInternet talent gathering.

During the reportingperiod, in terms oftechnology and innovation,the Company won

national awardsinternational awards

provincial awardsmunicipal award

papers in top PublishedParticipated in thedevelopment and issuance of

group standards

international journals

industrial awards

Key Performance

Create a highland for

gathering Internet

young talents

Strengthen researchon new technologies

and models

Explore the amalgamationof technology and culture



Promote theinnovation ofmedia products


Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

With the steady development of Mango TV, the Company has had a growing group of users as well as increasingly diversifiedproducts, services, and business forms, putting forward higher requirements for product technology. In order to avoid overlappeddevelopment, repeated getting stung, and long-term continuous duplicated investment from an isolated and incongruous"chimney-like" development of each business line, the Company has invested approximately RMB11.42 million in planning andestablishing a Mango TV basic service platform, abstracting the common basic capabilities required by each business line as basicservices for reuse by the business lines through key breakthrough, continuous optimization and long-term iteration, to support therapid development of the Company's business.

Mango TV basic service platform


Multi-clouddata platform

Publicsecurity testingservice


Highly reliableservicegateway

Uni?edoperationplatformIntelligentaudit system

Seven components of thebasic service platform

To break its business dilemma, on the basis of integrating existing businesses, theCompany has made an investment of about RMB18.71 million and come up withbusiness application innovation in six modules, including rich media advertising,Mango video, Beidou DMP, Mango showroom, new overseas version of APP, andMango digital collection platform, in three major sectors, namely, advertising,platform, and social networking, to solve the problems of existing products such asexcessive package size, difficulty in customizing function transformation and highcode maintenance cost, promote the layout of Mango TV's metauniverse ecosystem,implement the internationalization strategy of Mango TV, and customize high-quality localized applications suitable for overseas users, enabling the Company too?cially enter the digital collection ecosystem, achieving more accurate advertising,significantly increasing advertising revenue, improving user experience, andenhancing product interaction to attract more new users.

In the post production of ?lms, televisions, and programs, subsequent content editing such as addition of special e?ect, repairof goof, and placement of advertising and product are indispensable in order to enhance results and bene?ts. By making full useof deep learning, AR video-related technologies and product innovation, the Mango Video Content Reality Enhancement Systemhas not only successfully solved the issues of high production costs, low execution e?ciency and content security risks, but alsochanged the way of business collaboration enabling the internal small-scale, non-professional, and post-production team tomeet the whole business production requirements. The system won the second prize of VR-AR Video Scene in the second High-Tech Video Innovation and Application Competition hosted by the National Radio and Television Administration, and the thirdprize of Digital Creativity in the 2022 Hunan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition hosted by the Hunan Innovation andEntrepreneurship Competition Organizing Committee.

During the long-term transcoding and image quality optimization, Mango TV's audio and video technology R&D team has foundsome apparent problems of poor image quality and image defect with respect to certain ?lm sources, especially historical oldfilms and early archived media program files. In this context, Mango TV has independently developed a video optimizationand enhancement solution based on deep learning, and built the AI Video Repair Enhancement System, enabling the repair tobe automatically completed by algorithms, which system, featured by high efficiency and low cost, is more suitable for massproduction of massive content on Internet platforms.

Audiovisual media business application innovation platform

Mango Video Content Reality Enhancement System

AI Video Repair Enhancement System



The digital collection platform won the"Excellent Case Award" in the outstandingoriginal independent blockchain platformapplication cases selection competition

Comparison of e?ects before and after repair



Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Synergistic Mango Ecology

At the aim of further improving its overall business e?ciency, Mango Excellent Media has actively promoted the integration of variousbusiness lines, by strengthening collaboration in various aspects covering TV series production, artist agency, music copyright, IPderivative development and media retail, and continuously exploring new ecological collaborative models to enhance its comprehensiveoperational capability and market competitiveness. Under the mode of e?cient linkage across the entire industry chain, the Companyhas formed an organic and all-round business chain closely combining creativity, marketing, publicity, and other sectors.

In strict accordance with the requirements for comprehensive governance in the culture and entertainment ?eld, Mango Excellent Mediahas formulated the Measures for the Evaluation of Ideological Work, adhered to the correct politics, public opinion, value, and aestheticorientations, firmly grasped the discourse and initiative of ideological work, and properly conducted platform content and artistmanagement, to e?ectively maintain ideological security, and help promote the healthy and prosperous development of the industry.

Establish a "comprehensive governanceworking team in the culture andentertainment field" to lead 7 specialsub-teams covering such sectors as film& television, variety shows, artists, andoffline games, and strictly implementgovernance work from 7 aspects,including market order maintenance,stringent platform responsibilities, andstrict content review, with 16 focuses.

Form a "fourth review" mechanism for key content on the basis ofstrictly implementing the third-round content review procedure;Upgrade the AI intelligent review system, by applying for a sum ofRMB2.335 million as special funds in 2022 to that e?ect with anadditional input of 23 servers to strengthen the investigation andremoval of the underlying content in violation of the new situationand requirements, whereby more than 25,000 pieces of online"trouble-maker" related content have been treated, making anactive contribution to consolidating the e?ectiveness of the earlycomprehensive governance in the culture and entertainment?elds;Strictly subject all games to a three-round review to preventfraudulent consumption and value errors, etc;Establish an age rating system on scripts for each location-basedentertainment store to prevent the purchase of scripts involvingsoft pornography, violence and the like.

Adhere to the principle of "four strictures, three prohibitions,and two incentives" in the daily management of artists, strictlyregulate the remunerations for artists, without allowing "equivocalcontracts" and any other tax evasion channels for artists;Intensify ideological related learning and training for contractedartists, actively guiding them to consciously respect socialethics and observe professional ethics, and encourage them toparticipate in community and social services;Strengthen the management over artists on public sentiment,strictly follow the "five-round review" system for the content ofartists' social platforms, carry out contract checking and riskinvestigation from time to time to mitigate risks, and gather allartists' fan club accounts under o?cial uni?ed management for anaround-the-clock dynamic monitoring;Actively provide guidance and promote a healthy youth culture tofans, prohibiting minors from participating in support activities andeliminating the deformed idol culture taking flow and beauty asthe only evaluation criteria.

Endeavor to improve the managementover artist agency team, and keepenhancing team members' ideologicaland political qualities as well asprofessional skills, to establish a high-level agency team with emotion,discipline, and professionalism.

Input funds and resources into thecontent creation, without using "flowonly" as the selection;Bear in mind positive energy injectionand avoid the tendency of over-entertainment;Focus on the layout of realistic themecreation.


Comprehensive Governance

Starting from Divas Hit the Road S4, the Company has launcheda new "Tour Plan" to fit the hottest young social scene atpresent, opening another potential growth track for the"camping economy". The "Tour Plan" has created an interactionplatform combining online content, o?ine camping base andscenarized substance in the new consumption form of urbancamping party, to achieve multi-scenes series of forest concerts,outdoor talk shows, and backdrop fairs, refreshing everyone inthe midst of light camping, and also serving as a powerful boostfor revitalizing offline market access. Meanwhile, XiaomangE-commerce also made available camping equipment to joinpromoting the "camping economy".

In March 2022, MSTORY, an official interactive novel reading platform of Mango, duly went live, which highlights Mango TV'sfeatured items, and provides users with interactive reading works on various topics, thereby enhancing their sense of participationin the reading process, and giving them an immersive reading experience. As a recreational reading platform tailored by Mango TVfor users, MSTORY is expected to build interactive reading products into a content form of IP incubation in the future, attract variouswriters to produce massive content before long through convenient creative tools on the mobile end, go further to form a UGCcommunity, supplement the Mango TV product line, enhance user activity and loyalty, and enliven the community atmosphere.

Ecological synergy for a "camping economy"

MSTORY, an interactive novel reading platformCase

"Tour Plan"

Comprehensive governance work onthe culture and entertainment ?eld

MSTORY platform

Strengthen guidance and control

Reinforce the long-termmechanism of specialwork teams

Focus on content innovation

Deepen the construction ofartist agency team

Conduct strict artist management




Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

EE-Media has fully implemented the central government's spirit of focusing on comprehensive governance in the culture andentertainment ?eld, and actively built a talent team that emphasizes taste, style, and responsibility. First, it has further strengthenedthe education of socialist core values among artists and artist managers, strictly banning violations of laws, disciplines, public order,and good customs. Second, it keeps enhancing artists' awareness of social responsibility, and has encouraged them to participatein community services and public welfare activities, to build them into those with both professional excellence and moral integrity.Third, it has conducted management in accordance with procedures, with constant e?orts made to improve its various rules, andupgrade the closed-loop management system for the whole process concerning its artist agency business, audit, ?nance, disciplineinspection and legal a?airs for promoting and supervising each other. Fourth, it has deepened the construction of the artist agencyteam, continuously reinforcing the ideological and political qualities as well as professional skills training for the team members, tobuild a high-level team that is emotional, disciplined, and professional.

In the pursuit of integrity, innovation, and trend leading, EE-Media has established and implemented a systematic and scienti?cartist management mechanism, obtaining multiple high praises by the leadership of the National Radio and TelevisionAdministration, and unanimous recognition by the industry. In September 2022, Fan Weiping, President of China Federation ofRadio and Television Associations, paid a site visit to EE-Media and highly a?rmed EE-Media's artist management works.

EE-Media outperformed in the artists team construction

Site visit to EE-Media by China Federation of Radio and Television Associations

Attaching great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights, Mango Excellent Media has developed andimplemented the Measures of Mango Excellent Media for Administration of Trademark, the Measures of Happigo for Administrationof Intellectual Property and other management regulations, whilst complying with the requirements of laws and administrativeregulations and the operating norms for listed companies, conscientiously performing the social responsibilities of mainstreammedia, and opposing unfair competition, commercial bribery, fraud, and other illegalities. In 2022, the Company continued toenhance its compliance capabilities in all aspects of business operations, especially in the protection of intellectual property rightsin its core assets, to safeguard its sustainable compliance and innovation capabilities under law, preserve and increase the valueof its intellectual property rights, and maintain the competitive order of the cultural market.In order to effectively manage its vast intellectual property assets, the Company has introduced a copyright protectionmanagement system, trademark management system, and patent management system, achieving efficient management andreal-time tracking of its intellectual property assets, and providing due protection for its intellectual property development andoperation.As regards copyright protection, a multi-dimensional and multi-step rights protection approach has been adopted by the Companyfor Internet copyright infringement, with dedicated personnel and professional institutions assigned to conduct real-timemonitoring and rights protection, e?ectively combating infringement. Through dividing the elimination of competitive productsinto multiple dimensions, such as the elimination of highly popular works, the elimination of existing works, and the elimination ofkey competitive product platforms, e?orts have been made based on the di?erence on work popularity and competitive platformto further re?ne the rights protection and expand the scope of piracy crackdown, with a markedly elevated e?ect compared to lastyear. Meanwhile, a normalized rights protection and evidence collection mechanism has been established for active infringementby competing product platforms or users uploading infringement links, to store litigation/mediation evidence and actionableresources, thereby reducing the risk of litigation.

Sincere Mango, To Be a Protector

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

Royal Feast, a hot work, was successfully included by the National Copyright Administration into the EarlyWarning List of Key Works for Copyright Protection in the First Quarter of 2022, under key protection fromthe National Copyright Administration.



Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

The Company raised objections against the trademarks including "芒果斗地主", "杧果" and "秀芒超媒", as well as theillegitimate registration and use by Shanghai Ruiqin Cultural Development Co., Ltd. of such trademarks as "芒果探案馆", "芒果游米" and "芒果探长", which were upheld by the China National Intellectual Property Administration, e?ectively preventing theregistration of trademarks similar with "Mango" and protecting the "Mango" brand.

With the increasing brand popularity of "Mango TV", the Company's core trademark, more and more counterfeits of it emergein the market. To prevent its core trademark from being "diluted" and e?ectively protect its core brand, the Company institutedtrademark infringement lawsuits against three "Mango KTV" business entities in Chengdu, Sichuan, and ultimately prevailed in allthese cases after multiple submissions of evidence establishing infringement from the opponent and our reputation to the court,getting a compensation of over RMB130,000 from the infringing parties. With the full win in the ?rst "Mango TV" trademark lawsuitsin 2022, prior judgments in favor of the Company have been formed, laying a good foundation for the Company to subsequentlyprotect its trademark rights.

Timely monitoring and rights protection, with good e?ect on brand protection

A full win in the ?rst trademark rights protection cases to safeguard the core brandObtained approval for


The Company has applied for


During the reporting period

As of the end of the reporting period


work copyrights


software copyrights

Applied for


The Company and its subsidiaries

have applied for a total oftrademarks4,241Obtained approval for


trademarks pending

Registereddomain names

Been issued


As regards trademark protection, Mango Excellent Media has set up a trademark and brand strategy system based on itsdevelopment plan, under which trademarks are classi?ed and graded for management, and two core brand matrices, namely,"Mango Series" and "Happigo Series" are established, basically resolving the internal problems of repeated trademark applicationsand con?icts through centralized and uni?ed management of ?rst-class trademarks. Among them, the "Mango" brand is the coreintellectual property of the Company and the entire group, with the protection of the "Mango" brand and the "Mango series"trademarks as core work of intellectual property protection. Amid many di?culties under the increasingly tightening policies ofthe China National Intellectual Property Administration, the Company managed to obtain the approval and registration of suchcore trademarks as "Mango Excellent Media" and "Mango Entertainment" in 2022 by review, administrative litigation, recourseto intellectual property authorities and other means. Meanwhile, the Company insists on regular monthly monitoring and timelyrights protection against counterfeiting and free riding in order to prevent the "Mango Series" trademarks from being diluted.



the reporting period



Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

The Company has applied forDuring the reporting period,

Been issued




PCT international patents

Obtained over

innovative optimizations2,000

Launched Mango TV 7.0, with the newversion covering

patented technologies

Granted special patent awards of over RMB

million in total to technicians in

Improving User Experience

Mango Excellent Media has established and implemented a quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard,with a quality management method of PDCA cycle followed to set quality management objectives and conduct quality managementactivities. Using an agile R&D management approach, the Company has regulated and uni?ed the demand-delivery work?ow for eachproject product, and implemented the whole-process quality control procedures and solutions based on the product lifecycle.

As regards patent protection, the Company always sticks to a market-oriented approach and independent development of innovativeproducts with core competitiveness. While seeking to improve the core business products such as the online video platform"Mango TV" and the e-commerce platform "Xiaomang", the Company also focuses on 5G video, virtual production, digital collectionblockchain, and other cutting-edge technologies, actively promoting technological innovation and patent protection.

Since its establishment, Mango Excellent Media has kept in mind "customer ?rst" as its service concept. In 2022, to better meet theconsumer needs and improve competitive strength, the Company reconstructed the entire process before, during and after salesfor its members under the said concept, improved operation of membership, further explored potential demands, and continuouslystrengthened communication with customers to provide them with products of higher added value and more value-added services.As an all-round upgrade of its membership bene?ts, Mango TV conducted member activities at a high frequency of at least once amonth to establish close contact with users in di?erent locations, gaining insight into user needs and understanding user pain pointsfrom multiple aspects including content, derivatives, rights, joint membership, and surrounding areas, thereby improving productsand enriching services.

Fully implement QC operationat the beginning, extend QCoperation to the front endof market business, andstrengthen the front-end QCmanagement, to ensure thatquality is guaranteed at thesource.

Ensure that products with goodquality are timely delivered tocustomers through a series ofQC activities from suppliers tocustomers in the intermediatestages of procurement, sales,and shipment.

Build a professional QC teamto be responsible for qualityplanning, quality control, andquality assurance activitiesthroughout the productprocess, while driving businesspersonnel to use variousmeans and methods such asinternal review, special audit,and root cause analysis forcorrection, prevention, andcontinuous improvement byall employees.

Quality assurance

Customer service

In April 2022, to welcome the 22nd World Intellectual Property Day, Happigo, asubsidiary of the Company, organized the theme activity of "Join the IntellectualProperty Q&A and Win Mango TV Membership Card" for the whole society togetherwith the Administration for Market Regulation of Kaifu District, Changsha City(Intellectual Property Office). This event has received extensive attention andparticipation from all walks of life, and promoted people's enthusiasm for intellectualproperty protection, highly appraised by the intellectual property authoritiesat various levels. Meanwhile, the event was included as an intellectual propertyoperation and protection project of special achievement in Kaifu District by the saidadministration, and in December 2022, it was also displayed by Kaifu District as anachievement from the active promotion of the national intellectual property strategyduring the inspection by the Hunan Provincial Government.

EE-Media, with music copyright as one of its primary businesses, is also activelypromoting copyright-related cooperation with other companies and exploring thepossibility of providing them with copyright services. At the same time, it actively cleansup its on-hand inventory copyrights, by organizing the ?lm and television departmentto facilitate inventory copyright revitalization plans, establishing a scienti?c evaluationmechanism for inventory copyrights, and completing the cleaning and transfer of soon-to-expire film and television copyrights. In 2022, the Company had 126 additionalcopyrighted songs, recording a total of over 1,700 songs in the library.

Mobilizing the enthusiasm of intellectual property protection through Q&A event

Music copyright protection e?ort by EE-Media


Poster on WeChat o?cial account for one intellectual property Q&A event

the past three years

under application



Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Happigo adopts different service strategies for different customers, and have established a well-developed customer feedbackmechanism and customer complaint handling process to bring customers a worry-free shopping experience.

After receipt of the complaint from Cao, a member of Ningbo Black Card, about after-sales services of RMB products, the after-salesteam of Happigo coordinated actively and responded quickly, which was highly recognized by the customer with a silk banner sentto praise the team for the high-quality service.

Happigo had a quick and e?cient response to customer complaints

Ensuring Information Security

The Company has improved the Mango TV Cybersecurity Manual,the Safe Broadcasting and Cybersecurity Emergency Plan, theMeasures of Mango TV for Administration of Business SystemSecurity, the Measures for Comprehensive Administration of O?ceSystem, the Measures for Administration of Computer RoomSecurity, and the Measures for Administration of Company DomainName, among others, e?ectively guaranteeing cybersecurity fromthe institutional level. Meanwhile, a leading team for Mango TVcybersecurity work has been established to ensure that platform-oriented management, public sentiment control, informationsecurity, and technical support are in place, effectively preventand reduce communication risks, implement the ideologicalaccountability system with the highest standards, and controlthe overall situation strategically, thereby to serve the overalldevelopment of the Company.In order to strengthen daily cybersecurity maintenance, theCompany has carried out comprehensive multi-level riskinvestigation and security reinforcement, covering computer roompatrol, asset inventory, account and password check, securitybaseline reinforcement, penetration testing, public securitytesting, and cybersecurity training, etc..


Cybersecurity training activity

Projects such as the host intrusiondetection system (HIDS), thenew bastion host, the softwarecomposition analysis system (SCA),the security gateway Path whitelist,and the mango system fence havebeen launched, improving thecybersecurity assurance capability.

Inspections by competent authoritiesat all levels such as the cyberspaceadministrations, public securityorgans, radio and televisiondepartments have been passed withhigh quality, and awards obtainedin two safety drills organized byprovincial and municipal publicsecurity organs.

Sophisticated emergency plans havebeen developed and comprehensivesafety drills conducted, coveringcore businesses, operation andmaintenance security, and officenetworks, etc.; the three-level businesssystem has passed the testing fromprofessional grading protectionagencies.

Measures taken to ensure cybersecurity

In February 2022, joining hands with ADA Space Co., Ltd. who undertook the main research and development of "Da Yun" (Star Age- 17), and through prior online recruitment, Mango TV invited 4 members of it to visit the Aerospace Science Popularization Center,and attend the speeches made by professionals about aerospace history and related major events at Wenchang Space LaunchSite, giving chance for them to witness the entire process of the "Da Yun" satellite launch free of charge on site, and participate inthe celebration banquet with a close access to and learning from aerospace researchers.

Mango TV members clocked in the "Da Yun" satellite launch activity

Mango TV members clocked in the "Da Yun" satellite launch activity

Customer praise banner




Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Happigo, a subsidiary of the Company, entrusts athird-party agency with the penetration test and thevulnerability scanning of the whole system everyyear to ensure the security and reliability of theinformation system.

Reinforce penetration and vulnerability scanningPass the practical attack and defense test

"Network Guard 2022"

A network attack and defense drill "Network Guard2022" was held by Changsha Public Security Bureaufrom August 23 to September 1, 2022, for which, theCompany established a network protection team inadvance, and developed a rigorous protection plan,successfully passing the test.

In addition to conducting a series of internal testing and system reinforcement, the Company also cooperates with otherplatforms and institutions to improve cybersecurity assurance capabilities:

We have established friendly cooperation with China Academyof Information and Communications Technology and HunanInstitute of Electronic Information Industry for the latter toprovide us with consulting and testing services in terms ofpersonal information security, application security, securityreinforcement, and personal privacy information protectioncompliance.

App Security Continuous Integration and DeploymentPlatform Project: In July 2022, we partnered with IJIAMIand BANGCLE to improve App reinforcement and securityscanning on the existing integrated deployment platform,raising security assurance capabilities.

Value both testing and practicing to prevent data leakage

In recent years, China has explicitlyrequired the establishment of a dataclassification and grading protectionsystem, with the Data Security Law,the Personal Information ProtectionLaw, the amended CybersecurityReview Measures and other relevantlaws and regulation promulgated oneby one. In response, the Company hasdeveloped a data asset classificationand grading platform to facilitatescientific data security governance andconstruction, and completed in 2022the construction of a data classi?cationand grading platform and a datasecurity management platform for datamanagement.

The data security platform enables regulation and management of data security from organizational construction, system assurance, dataasset, data approval, management audit, partner management, education and training, reporting and complaint, emergency response,data lifecycle management, and compliance evaluation, among other dimensions, helping achieve standardized and procedural work?owfor data security work, under a total of four modules i.e. green, red, yellow, and gray, each having di?erent meanings.Currently, the data security platform functionality has been developed and is in the progress of relevant information input and maintenance.

Pages that need to be developed accordingto the system prototype

Key pages, to be further arranged

Pages not to be developed in this version

Pages available to be linked to other systems,some of which require to be further developedMeanings of data security platform modulesConstruction of data security platform

Data security

Sort out all data assetsof the enterpriseand optimize datamanagement costsImprove businessoperation efficiencyand reduce businessrisks

Develop di?erent data security strategiesbased on classification and gradingresults to effectively protect personalsensitive information of users andimportant data assets of the enterpriseImprove data security and meetregulatory compliance requirements

Data classi?cation/grading and security management mechanism








Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Currently, data security faces multiple challenges, with insufficient enterprise data security management capabilities and lack ofpractical implementation experience in various aspects such as systems, personnel, and institutional settings, which has exposed aseries of issues including data security risks and leaks, bringing law and policy risks as well as economic losses to enterprise managers.In response, The Company’s Mango TV has worked out overall data asset management rules starting from the management andleadership, forming a well-thought standards system and executive scheduling ?ow.

In 2022, Mango TV also set up data leakageself-inspection and other relevant planmanagement mechanisms in respect ofbig data security risk investigation. Its dataplatform has been fully cloud-enabled,using a storage and computing separationarchitecture to permanently keep data onobject stores, with a hosted HADOOP clusterapplied; adopting a distributed architectureto solve the technology of collecting, storing,calculating, and querying massive data, andconducting comprehensive data governanceto ensure the accuracy, security, reliability,and timeliness of data.At present, the primary architecture ofMango TV's big data technology includes thefollowing key modules, which coordinateand cooperate with each other for datastorage and processing to facilitate businessdevelopment using "data". Meanwhile, whenbuilding the big data platform, Mango TValso selected safe, fast, and stable technicalcomponents for deployment based on itsown situation with reference to the overalltechnology selection scheme for big data.Typically, data asset management shall be conducted by the Data Asset Management Committee, the Data Asset Management Center,and various business departments, with each taking corresponding responsibilities:

Response measures for data security plan

Mango TV data asset management organization structure

Data security training activities

Operation and Maintenance Department,Development Department, Test Departmentand other business departmentsData Management DepartmentData Asset Management Committee

Data decision maker

Data producerData developer Data consumer

Data manager

Data Asset Management Committee

Leader of data asset management;decision maker on major work contentand direction of data asset management

Be responsible for arbitration in case ofproblems with a data-related roleOperation and MaintenanceDepartment, Development Department,Test Department

Data producer

Be responsible for production safetyduring data production; and ensurethe safety of such processes as dataacquisition and transmission

Data Management Department

Data asset manager

Be responsible for leading theformulation of data asset managementpolicies, standards, rules, andprocesses; coordinating disputes overaccountability; in terms of data assetsecurity management, developingvarious data rules and supervising theimplementation thereof; working outthe overall data control process in thedata asset management platform; andproviding secure data developmentand query platforms as well as datainterfacesBusiness departments such as dataoperation and data consumption

Data consumer Be responsible for safety

Department Name RoleResponsibilities


Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

In September 2022, the Company's subsidiary Happigo updated its personal informationprotection policy and user service agreement, and adopted a mechanism coveringapplication security assessment, information security compliance assessment, and ISO 27001management system certi?cation, among others, to provide all-round privacy protection.

Mango TV has established an Information Security Committee, and planned a data securityteam, privacy compliance team, information review team, product technology team, andemergency and coordination team, taking active part in the institutional construction.Additionally, various endeavors including carrying out management system certification,network security publicity, information system security drills have been made by theCompany to strengthen its data security and personal information security compliancemanagement and to enhance employees' information security awareness.

In May and November 2022, the Company conducted comprehensive consultation and testing on personal information collectionand privacy information protection compliance for the IOS and Android terminals of the Mango TV APP twice, with both results incompliance with national laws and regulations on personal information privacy protection.

In March 2022, the Company conducted research cooperation with the Key Laboratory under the Mobile Application Innovationand Governance Technology Industry and Information Department of the China Academy of Information and CommunicationsTechnology ("CAICT"); In June 2022, the project titled Research on Key Technologies and Methods of Terminal SDK IntelligentMonitoring and Control submitted by Mango TV was successfully included into the open program of the Key Laboratory under theMinistry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, with funding support granted.

Carried out multiple comprehensive testing to ensure compliant privacy protection

Whole-process SDK monitoring platform project

By using technologies such as static code,resources, data scanning and detection,and runtime content detection, the projectprovides a comprehensive monitoring ofsecurity vulnerabilities and non-compliancein mobile SDKs based on cybersecuritygrading protection requirements in light ofnational regulations, which can intercept,filter, cache, map, and report relevantbusiness data on SDK permission abuse,illegal information collection, and illegalexternal jumps, to ensure the sustained andhealthy development of the APP business.

Announcement for approval of Mango TV's project titled Research on Key Technologiesand Methods of Terminal SDK Intelligent Monitoring and Control

Information Security ManagementSystem Certi?cation to Happigo

2022 witnesses a year of refining the legal framework formed by the Cybersecurity Law, the Data Security Law, and the PersonalInformation Protection Law for the sake of privacy protection. Attaching great importance to data security and privacy protection,Mango Excellent Media has made a series of e?orts to improve the users personal information protection system, gradually promotingthe implementation of various data security and privacy protection measures.

Revised and improved the PersonalInformation Protection Policy for theCompany's APP products pursuantto the new regulatory requirements,and developed a full set of privacydocuments for fresh products such asDamang APP, Zaimang APP, and digitalcollection platform, so as to allow usersto fully understand the collection anduse of personal information; developedthe Privacy Protection Guidelines, thePermission Application and UsageInstructions and the like for its mainAPPs Mango TV and Xiaomang toguide users through the authorizedmanagement of personal informationprovided by them.

Participated as a writer in the preparationof the Data Compliance ManagementSystem Requirements, a group standardissued by the China Federation ofElectronics and Information Industry.

Classified and graded data assets(including non-sensitive data, low-sensitive data, medium-sensitive data,and high-sensitive data), and developedrelevant speci?cations and processes forgrading control and security protection,to effectively protect users personalinformation.

According to relevant laws andregulations, conducted a complianceassessment of personal informationprocessing activities in advance, andworked out a compliance assessmentprocess for new product developmentand new SDK access, integrating privacyprotection into the entire productdevelopment lifecycle under the conceptof connecting privacy protection withuser experience.

Privacy protection

Formulate and improve privacypolicies and other privacy documents

Classify and grade data assets

Participate in national legislativeconstruction in the field of data compliance

Establish a data compliance operationprocess

Embodied legal provisions andstandard requirements related toprivacy protection and data securityinto compliance requirements of theCompany as the basis for complianceimplementation and evaluation;included compliance regulatory riskalerts into each procedure of productdevelopment and data processing forthe entire course of decision-making,implementation, and supervision.

Conduct policy research andinternalization of external regulations



2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

In 2022, the Cyberspace Administrationof China issued the Regulations for theProtection of Minors on the Network(Draft for Comments), imposing stricterregulatory requirements for minorprotection. As required, Mango ExcellentMedia has shouldered its responsibilityof protecting minors as an Internetplatform, providing full platformprotection for minors.Adhering to the management conceptof "working together to create a healthyInternet environment, enhance thesense of responsibility, and contributeto the establishment of good valuesfor minors", the Company has set up amulti-dimensional regulatory systemcovering product technology, contentreview, and content operation to ensurea safe and pure use experience foradolescents.With respect to "Mango TV", an online audio and video APP, the Minors Personal Information Protection Policy has been separatelyformulated for all its a?liated APPs in accordance with laws and regulations. Besides, a "Youth Mode" has been set up for minors,under which users will, after entering the APP, be informed through the pop-up window on the homepage of their choose to enablesuch model, so as for minors and their guardians to better select pages suitable for minors, on the one hand, and for Internetplatforms to better identify minors, on the other hand.

In recent years, Mango TV hasalso upgraded its producttechnology for, and reinforcedthe control over, the Youth Mode.

Improve application functionsand content supervisionmechanism

Strengthen the managementmechanism for parents andguardians of adolescents

Minors protection management mechanism

Goals of the "Youth Mode"

Unsuitable information segregationThe content zone in this mode contains only videocontent suitable for minors, avoiding minors fromaccessing online information that may affect orendanger their physical and mental health

In this mode, "time lock" and "disable time"functions are designed to limit the duration and timeperiod of minors' continuous use of the APP, to helpkeep minors physically and mentally healthy

In this mode, minors are restricted to purchase, rewardand pay for other services within the APP to preventthem from going beyond their a?ording abilities

In this mode, the platform will not conduct userportrait and advertising marketing for minors

Prevention of internet addiction

Online payment ability and risk prevention Protection of minors' personal information

Adjust the frequency intensity of "AdolescentPrompt Popup" from a daily prompt duringwinter and summer holidays to a daily startupprompt throughout the year.Intensify the restriction on the viewing time foradolescents by adding the "time lock" functionunder which any viewing in the Youth Modefor more than 40 minutes will be discontinuedunless unlocking by parents or guardians,granting more management permissionsto parents and guardians for preventingadolescents from overuse and addiction.In the Youth Mode, Mango's entire product linewill be subject to "pure viewing" and "clearscreen" processing, blocking functions suchas in-app pop up, private chat, shooting andpublishing, like and reward, top-up and cash-out, and video streaming, to purify the Internetenvironment and improve the use experiencefor adolescents.Add the "Youth Guest Mode", which allowsenabling the Youth Mode without logging in.For digital collection activities, Mangoimposes strict requirements for verification ofparticipants, identifying each user participatingin the activities through "face + ID card + name".

Real name veri?cation interface forMango digital collection

Reinforced the control over the Youth Mode of Mango TV

Protection of minors


for minors


Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

As a leading enterprise in the industry,Mango Excellent Media has beencommitted to promoting the healthyindustrial development. The Companytakes active part in various forms ofindustry cooperation activities, joiningpartners on strategic cooperation,exchanges and industry competitions,etc., and constantly strengtheningassociation and communicationamong enterprises in the industry, topromote technological innovation andcollaborative development.


In March 2022, Mango TV joined hands with Huawei Video in deepening andupgrading their exclusive cooperation on membership, content, advertising,technology and operation, giving full play to their respective advantages in coreareas for common construction of a content ecosystem centered on user experience.Through resource sharing, operational innovation, and other forms, both partiesworked together to enhance the value of content, creating better audio-visualexperiences and membership services for users, with a win-win result of maximizingboth parties' content brands and bene?ts.

Mango TV partnered with Huawei Video tocreate a new ecological integration

In September 2022, Mango TV and China Sports Space Group entered into a strategic cooperation agreement in Changsha, basedon which, both parties plan to work with each other on creation of variety shows, cross-border athletes, live experience halls, ando?ine events, etc., to open up marketing potential from the industrial ecology, inject new vitality into the audio-visual ?eld, boostnew growth in the value of culture and sports content, and create a new model of culture and sports convergence.

In December 2022, the China Mobile Global Partner Conference was held online with the theme of "Work Together for IntegratedInnovation and Digital Intelligence", during which, Mango Excellent Media gave a full exhibition of Mango TV's high-quality dramacontent, latest VR technology, metauniverse-related layout, and the "M-Zone Mango Card" made with China Mobile, among others.

Over the years, the Company has conducted comprehensive and in-depth strategic cooperation with China Mobile on variousfields including, among others, large screen, 5G innovation, co-broadcasting and derivative e-commerce. In the future, theCompany will maintain working with China Mobile to explore new chances, lay out new business forms and create further businessgrowth areas for constructing a fresh model of pan-entertainment ecology, while keeping e?orts on the establishment of a Mango"metauniverse" platform and the building of a future communication pattern.

Entering into strategic cooperation agreement with China Sports Space Group

China Mobile Global Partner Conference

Mango TV signed the strategic cooperation agreement with China Sports Space Group

Strategic cooperation between the Company and China Mobile

Co-branded poster of the Company and China Mobile

In order to launch more excellent works of proud that show the commonvoices of the times, demonstrate the struggle of the people, inspire thenational spirit and cultivate noble sentiments, create rich and variedChinese stories, images and melodies, further enhance the value ofliterature, and deepen the integration and coordinated development ofliterary publishing and filming production and transmission, Mango TVand China Writers Publishing Group jointly hold the "Xinmang IP Program"essay contest for global Chinese writers and literary enthusiasts, with aview to better connecting high-quality literary IP with the top film andtelevision platform, promoting the creative transformation and innovativedevelopment of outstanding cultural achievements, and jointly creatingliterary and artistic masterpieces of immortal classics.

"Xinmang IP Program" essay contest

Jointly produced China's?rst ?tness life reality showWow! Nice Figure, and ?rstOlympic themed talk showOlympic Talk Show withChina Mobile Migu

Jointly produced themusic reality show Lookingfor Sounds of Nature withGuangdong Mobile

Jointly produced SuperTeam and QU XUAN BA!YUE PAI with Mobile Migu

Had cross-border creationof co-branded card producti.e. M-Zone Mango Card

Working with Partners






Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

In 2022, the "Mangzhong Youth Image Creation Season" jointlysponsored by Mango TV and Communication University ofChina had a big success. Since the nationwide ?lm solicitationin 2021, the organizing committee has established deepcooperation with 86 colleges and universities across 27provinces (regions, municipalities) and held 234 offlineexhibition activities with 71 schools in China.As a practice of university-industry cooperation by Mango TV,the Mango Youth Image Creation Season o?ered professionaland accurate support for young image creators by integratinguniversity teaching resources and industry resources. Throughstage construction, ?nancial support, and professional review,these activities greatly help incubate and cultivate youngtalents on ?lm and television. Meanwhile, by giving teachingguidance to the creative team online, it effectively improvedthe professional skills of creators through constructivecomments as well as focused and in-depth discussions,thereby empowering artistic talent education and cultivationin a digital format.

Mangzhong Youth Image Creation Season

Mangzhong Youth Creation Season

Strict Supplier Management

Attaching importance to supply chain management, MangoExcellent Media has been committed to building a safe andreliable supply chain structure with star-grade partnership bytransparent procurement and due diligence, for promotingfriendly cooperation with suppliers and win-win results.The recent years record an increasingly growing number ofsuppliers (distributors), particularly those in Mainland China.

With respect to procurement, the Company acts instrict accordance with the procurement requirementsof "honesty, integrity and transparency", the Rules forImplementation of Bidding Procurement, the Rules forAdministration of Non-bidding Procurement and otherrules and regulations in light of the actual businessoperation. Meanwhile, it ensures that the principles oflegality, openness, justice, fairness and e?ciency arefollowed in all aspects encompassing open biddingprocess, bid opening, bid evaluation, and complainthandling, and actively accepts the supervision ofsuppliers and customers, so as to e?ectively preventcommercial bribery in procurement activities andprotect the interests of all parties.

The Company strictly implements the Rule for Supplier Management and the Rules for Administration of Supplier Blacklist, amongothers, further establishes and improves the supplier information database and bid evaluation expert database, and continuouslyupgrades the grading system based on the due diligence results to comprehensively score and manage suppliers and enrich thesupplier structure. Suppliers who violate laws and regulations, engage in fraud, or act against requirements for quality, performance,or service in bidding activities or contract performances will be subject to measures such as suspending cooperation or beingblacklisted, depending on the severity of the case and the degree of the harm.

Transparent procurement

Due diligence on suppliers

Happigo always adheres to the principle of fair and just selection of high-quality suppliers, and keeps improving the Rules ofHappigo for Administration of Procurement, towards e?ectively reducing procurement costs. In 2022, based on the actual situation,through learning and absorbing external experience, it made a bold reform in the amount and form of bidding procurement, andactively drove the reform implementation, giving e?ect to entrusted third-party open bidding procurement. At the same time, asto employees involving procurement, it also resolutely promoted the rotation system for sensitive posts, ensuring the fairness,impartiality and openness of bidding procurement.

Innovate the form of open bidding, and promote the rotation system for procurement

IndicatorUnit 2020 2020 2022Total number of suppliers(distributors)

EA 160619002313EA 617729989



Number of local suppliers


Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.




Mango Excellent Media has established a comprehensive and compliant talent employment mechanism, and continuouslyupgraded its employee development system of brand in?uence that is compatible with its "Nature Youth" culture and combines itsstrategic business to keep attracting and cultivating talents. Constant e?orts have been used to improve systems and mechanisms,effectively protect the rights and interests of employees, boost employee benefits, implement the work safety accountabilitysystem, upgrade various humanistic care mechanisms, and enhance the sense of gain, belonging, and happiness of employees.

Be Strong, To Haul Upon the Wind

Discovering New TalentsMango Excellent Media closely followscompliant recruitment in strict accordancewith the Labor Law of the People'sRepublic of China, the Contract Lawof the People's Republic of China andother laws and regulations, prohibitingemployment of child labor, ensuringequal pay for equal work among men andwomen, and protecting the legitimaterights and interests of female employees,to create a diverse, fair and impartial workenvironment, and protect all employeesfrom discrimination for religion, gender,age and disability, etc.. Meanwhile, theCompany has formulated internal rulessuch as the Measures for Administration ofEmployment Contracts and the Measuresfor Administration of Employee JobTransfers to establish legal, compliant, andequal labor relations with employees, andform a code of conduct therefor.

The Company insists on protecting the rights and interests of employees, and strictly abides by the Labor Law, the Labor Contract Law, theLaw on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests and other relevant laws and regulations to provide employees with an equal, fair,and inclusive work environment, having in place a labor rights complaint mechanism and related processing procedures correspondingly.In 2022, the Company completed the revision of the Measures for Administration of Employee Leave and Attendance, strictly implementingthe leave and attendance management requirements of the State Council and provincial governments, and promptly adding parentalleave and nursing leave, to ensure complying with the national and local policies as well as safeguarding the basic rights and interests ofemployees. Moreover, the Measures of the Company for Administration of Performance have been formulated, under which the rights andinterests related to performance complaints are set up to smooth the complaining channels for employees.

Mango Excellent Media fixes remuneration for employees on theprinciple of value distribution, and determines their remunerationlevels according to the contribution, responsibility and risk of theirjobs taking into account the overall benefits of the Company, withthe remuneration and the positions matching with each other. Theremuneration levels determined by the Company are suitable for itsdevelopment stage and benefits, and are competitive compared tothose of the local industry, which can attract, motivate, and retain talents.Besides, full considerations are given by the Company to link enterprisedevelopment interests and employee personal interests, whilst takinginto account the external competitiveness, internal rationality, employeedevelopment, and team fairness in the compensation system, as well asthe compatibility of performance, attitude and ability.Mango TV has developed such rules the Measures of the Company forAdministration of Remuneration and the Measures of the Company forAdministration of Performance to constantly improve the remunerationand incentive system, strengthen the correlation between remunerationand performance, with a performance bonus policy of "work moreand get more" adopted for the revenue-generating departments, andprovide higher labor returns to outstanding employees. In addition,

Employee employment

Employee rights and interests

Remuneration incentives

The Company and its subsidiariesAs of the end of the reporting period

Employment contract coverage

Social insurance coverage

Physical examination coverage


have a total of



After the nationwide teleconference on stabilizing the economy, the Company immediatelyresponded to the call of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, by havingHunan Satellite TV, Mango TV and Xiaomang E-commerce jointly launch the recruitment andtraining plan RACING MANGOER for new graduates throughout the country. This is a roundof recruitment, with the Company's Xiaomang E-commerce making available 100 formalpositions to new graduates nationwide, and is also a program documenting the growth of thepost-2000s generation, which, through broadcasting the entire challenging entrepreneurialprocess of 100 participants joining e-commerce teams on the three platforms of HunanSatellite TV, Mango TV, and Xiaomang APP, truly records the training course of the post-2000sas workplace newbies, fully displaying the demeanor of the new talents.

RACING MANGOER, a growth record of new comers born after 2000

Process for employee performance complaint

"RACING MANGOER - Xiaomang RecruitmentSeason", the new employees orientation conference

An employee hasan objection tothe evaluationresult

The employee ?les acomplaint with theHuman ResourcesCenter by submittingan Objection toPerformance Result

The Human ResourcesCenter makes a replyon whether to acceptit within 1 workingday after receiving theemployee's complaint

The Human ResourcesCenter coordinates andcommunicates with theemployee's direct andindirect superiors andthe principal of thecenter (department)

The HumanResources Centerfeeds back theoutcome to theemployee

Gender structure

of employees

Employee education







17%34%1,786 males2,339 females

1,656 salespersonnel

54employees aged 51 and above366 employees aged 41 to 502,092 employees aged 31 to 401,613 employees aged 30 and below6 doctors587 graduates2,766 undergraduates766 with college degree and below

243 administrativepersonnel127 ?nancialpersonnel

Professioncomposition of


Age composition

of employees


multiple measures including closely connecting the remunerationincentives for personnel related to the company's programs/filmand television series projects with the projects' broadcast effect,and making corresponding revision to the project broadcast effectincentive policies based on the production scale of such projects in thecorresponding year are taken to motivate employees.Sticking to the concept of "equal opportunity", and "favoring the capableand the young", EE-Media has established a value distribution systembased on job value, personal ability, and personal performance, andconstructed a competitive incentive distribution scheme, encouragingemployees to create value, and build themselves into excellent ones.Happigo keeps promoting the management and control ofremuneration and performance, and completed the revision ofthe Measures of Happigo for Administration of Remuneration, theMeasures for Administration of Attendance, the Measures of Happigofor Administration of Performance and other management rules tooptimize the daily performance assessment, focus on the performanceincrement, growth rate changes and progress of human cost payment,timely adjust the remuneration and performance structure, andreinforce the management and control of performance structure.

1,383 productionpersonnel716 technicalpersonnel


Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

To Make the Outstanding New MangoersMango Excellent Media makes available various channels for employee career developmentfrom "management, professionalism, and support", to align individual career goals withorganizational needs and strategic development directions, for a win-win situation betweenenterprise development and employee development, and helping employees achieve self-worth. An internal job rotation mechanism has also been established by the Company, whichallows employees to choose career development routes such as inter-company transfers,inter-department transfers, professional progression, and internal competitive recruitment,actively facilitating employees to realize their personal career development goals.

The Company has established and continuously improved its employee training system to enhance the professional ability, cognitivelevel, and corporate identity of employees, promote its business development and organizational performance, and strengthen theconstruction of an employee development system of brand in?uence that is compatible with its "Nature Youth" culture and combinesits strategic business. Meanwhile, it has built and constantly improved the youth talent training mechanism, vigorously cultivatingyoung talents.

Career development

Training system


Based on strategy and business development, and leveraging the fundamental online learning platforms and resources, as well asmanagement rules for internal incubation and employee training, the Company has formed a training system for employees at alllevels in the entire business sectors through various talent development and cultivation projects. In 2022, the training courses werecarried out in the areas of ideology, industry trend, general quality, and professional competence, e?ectively improving the politicalliteracy of managers as well as the professional competence and comprehensive quality of employees, and further facilitating theconstruction of a growth-oriented organization.

The Company's Mango TV conductedclass hours in total, sessions of training throughout the year foremployees at all levels, with a training completion rate of%

During the reporting period

In 2022, Mango TV organized a total of 19 ideological training programs, primarily including the Training Course for Learning theImportant Exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Literary and Artistic Work, the Content Security Series Training, thePropaganda Management Series Training and the Live Training Class for Welcoming the 20th National Congress of the CommunistParty of China to Enhance the "Six Abilities". The programs began with the Training Course for Learning the Important Expositionof General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Literary and Artistic Work, which provided a closed education for 53 key talents of Mango TVfor a week, denoting an active ful?llment of the mission as a party media and state-owned enterprise, a guidance to employees forforge ahead with ideals and beliefs, and a focus on cultivating a new media talent team that sticks to the dreams with noble moral

Annual ideological training program

Photograph of the ?rst Training Course for Learning the Important Exposition of GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping on the Literary and Artistic Work

Photographs of content security series training

Corporate strategy/business development

Employee training management systemInternal Training and Incubation: Development and management of internal course teachers

Online learning platforms and resources

Employee categoryMiddle andgrassroots managers

Training of front-line managersCampus talents

All employees

Qingmang Internship Program: Training ofhigh-quality campus talentsMango Charging Station: General quality trainingMango Lesson 1: New employee orientationtraining Training of interns and interns' mentors

Talent succession/reserve project Creating a learning organization

Product technologyContent systemOperation systemMarket systemBusiness systemFunction system

Employee training course system



sentiments and solid professionalqualities, opening up a new pathfor cultivation of talents in state-owned cultural enterprises. Throughthe training, the participants havebeen able to better understand thetheoretical essence and connotationof General Secretary Xi Jinping'simportant exposition on literaryand artistic work, and enhance theirartistic practical abilities, laying a solidfoundation for Mango TV to createmore high-quality literary products. Inthe future, the training courses will beexpanded to cover participants fromboth Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV,continuously consolidating the dual-platform achievements in corporatepolitical, ideological, and culturalconstruction, to bring more positiveenergy and strength from them.


Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

During the reporting period, Mango TV organized a total of 6 industry trend trainingactivities, 8 general quality training activities, and 37 professional ability training activitiesto comprehensively improve employee skills and general literacy, the courses of whichinclude, among others, "China Mobile Internet Development Enlightenment", "VideoContent Development Status and Trend Training", "EXCEL - Advanced Functions andFormulas", "Data Thinking and Analysis", "Be familiar with Data Tool Products", "ProductTechnology Improvement Series Training", and "Advertising Marketing and Sales ForceTraining". The training activities have enabled employees to have better access toInternet video by further understanding its current development situation, gaining insightinto its development characteristics, and grasping its development trend, meeting theneeds of employees for targeted vocational knowledge and skills learning, promoting theindustry talents cultivation and business technology, and enhance the construction of agrowth-oriented culture within the Company.

In order to further regulate its administrative managementwork, and improve the level of document processing andstandardized writing skills of each unit, on November 4, 2022,the Company invited experts to give on-site lectures andconduct special training on administrative documents mainlyfrom commonly used document writing, document formatspecifications, and document process flow. More than 120office heads, secretaries, and related employees from thedual platforms of Hunan TV and Mango TV, as well as varioussubsidiaries of the Company participated in the study.

In 2022, the Company's subsidiary Happigo empowered the "double-line" talent training with focuses on both management (M)and profession (P). As to management, the "Happy Youngsters" training activity was conducted to reserve grass-root talents. Asto profession, matrix training was carried out, including the special training camp "We Make Waves" to improve team cohesion,"Orientation Training Program of Member Management Department" to drive newcomers' growth, and "TikTok Live StreamingAbility Training" to enhance employees' ability of marketing. Through a series of training programs, a characteristic training systemhas been well developed to improve employees' business and comprehensive quality.

Knowledge and skills training

Special training on administrative documents

Management and profession training

Mango TV conducted knowledge and skills training on industry trend, general quality, and professional ability

Special training site for administrative documents

The ?rst phase of the special training camp "We Make Waves"

Happigo "Orientation Training Program of MemberManagement Department"

Happigo "Happy Youngsters" training

TikTok live streaming ability training





Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

The Company further improves and upgrades its youth talent cultivation mechanisms such as "Qingmang Internship Program"and "Mango Youth Talk" to cultivate young talents, provides employees with a fair, open, inclusive, and impacted developmentplatform, and continuously drives their development and growth, thereby to guarantee high-quality reserves for its sustainablelong-term development.In 2022, the Company held the 7th "Mango Youth Talk" to solicit proposals from youth through both platforms which offeredopportunities of integration and co-creation for young Mangoer to empower their growth, with the number of participants andproposals solicited having reached a record high, promoting the incubation and implementation of 21 projects. The voice of Mangoyouth was heard, optimized, and adopted in this mechanism which injected constant powers to drive the development of theCompany. In addition, Happigo solicited creative solutions from all Mango employees through the program Queen, and XiaomangE-commerce set up its ?rst "Radiant Creativity Bonus" to collect creative ideas for the night gathering "XIAOMANG Night of China"with a bonus of RMB300,000, continuously upgrading the employee development and incentive mechanism for a win-win situationvia e?orts with the employees.

Youth talent training mechanisms

The Company held the 7th "Mango Youth Talk" to empower young employees' growth

"World Co?ee" forum created by Happigo

Mango Youth Talk - Scene of the ?nals

A Warm Mango Family

To duly safeguard and effectively protect the legitimaterights and interests of employees, Mango Excellent Mediahas established a labor union in accordance with relevantprovisions of the Labor Union Law and the Constitution of theChinese Labor Union, and implemented general election at theexpiry of the o?ce term and other organizational constructionactivities in accordance with the law. Meanwhile, the Companykeeps upgrading the system of employee representativescongress and the system of employee supervisors, regularlyholds general meeting of employee representatives, electemployee supervisors through the meetings, and hear opinionsand suggestions from employee representatives on majorissues related to company operation, management and othermatters of employees' vital interests, to ensure that employeesparticipate in democratic management and supervision, andcreate a democratic and fair workplace environment.

Democratic management

World Coffee, a forum, was created by Happigo internallyto establish the dialogue between ordinary employees andmanagement, during which, the management and the front-line employees had face-to-face discussions to brainstormchallenges faced by the Company's development. With theforum, the employee had a chance to communicate withthe management around the business and freely show theirconfusions, ideas and suggestions, while the managementanswered questions and provided solutions for the employees,and took the lead in supervising and handling the constructiveproposals. Three sessions of the forum were conductedthroughout the year, with 53 employees interviewed and over100 improvement suggestions proposed.

World Co?ee forum, a move to smooth communication for employees

Election site of the general meeting of employee representatives




Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

The Company upholds the safety management concept of "people-oriented, safety first", closely follows the national and localgovernments' laws, regulations and standards related to occupational health, and strengthens safety awareness throughout itsstructure. By continuously improving the system, reinforcing responsibilities, and taking measures with respect to work safety, it seeksto build a long-acting safe work mechanism, consolidate the philosophy of safe development, and ensure safe production, thereby tomaintain personal and property safety to employees, and guarantee its safe production and sustainable development.

Safety and health

Key Performance

Safety inspection conducted by the security guards of the Company

The Company regularly conducts 6 thorough safetyinspections for the covered work during three time periods(at work, after work and at midnight) and keeps proper recordof them every day; inspects its fire equipment every monthto ensure compliance with requirements, good maintenance,well-functioned supporting facilities, detailed record of on-duty ?re monitoring, unblocked ?re passage and emergencyexit, proper safety signs and warnings, and up-to-standardelectric circuits; and organizes training on safety and fireprotection knowledge for employees every year.

During the "Safe Production Month" in 2022, the Company invited professional instructors to provide ?re prevention training foremployees, who, through real ?re cases, gave a detailed explanation on how to prevent ?res, ?ght initial ?res, use ?re-?ghtingequipment, achieve self-rescue and correctly report, while drawing employees' close attention to the necessity of keeping daily?re and electricity safety against ?re accidents and building the awareness of prevention. After training, ?re safety o?cers andemployees in various regions conducted ?re-?ghting drills, from which many employees were able to master the correct use of ?reextinguishers and ?re masks. Through immersive evacuation drills and ?re training, employees gained more self-rescue skills and?re emergency response capabilities.

In 2022, to better respond to terrorist incidents, enhance the safety awareness of security guards, and minimize personnelinjuries caused by terrorist violence, the Company regularly carried out anti-terrorism and riot training for its security team, withcontinuous e?orts on enhancing the team's emergency response capabilities, e?ectively ensuring the life safety of all employees.

Regular inspection to ensure safety

Fire knowledge training to improve employees' emergency response capabilities

Anti-terrorism and riot training to improve emergency response capabilities

Mango TV invited professional instructors to conduct ?re controlknowledge training for employees

Anti-terrorism and riot training regularly provided by the Company

3,000employees participating thereinDuring the reporting period, Mango TV organized ?re emergency drills in

o?ce areas, with over





Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

In 2022, in terms of program production safety, keeping in mind its responsibility of ensuring outdoor shooting safety, theCompany customized a systematic security plan for each program through its security department. Before recording for a program,the security department and the production department jointly organized emergency training for on-site sta?, and the shootingsite was set with ambulances and medical personnel to timely and properly respond to emergencies. Various outdoor shootingprograms including In?nity and Beyond 2022, a variety show launched to welcome the return of Hong Kong, as well as SistersWho Make Waves and Call Me By Fire, famous branded shows, were successfully recorded and broadcast by the Company, reapingdouble harvest of both reputation and popularity.

On January 13, 2023, the 2022-2023 Dual-Platform Annual Conference and Golden Mango Awarding Ceremony with the theme of"Holding High the Torch, Growing Strong" of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV was held in the studio of Malanshan Cultural and CreativePark. At the ceremony, prizes such as "Dual-Platform Leader of the Year", "Golden Mango Producer", "Golden Mango Employee", and"Golden Mango Team" were awarded, not only showing an affirmation to outstanding employees, but also giving a driving force toMango employees motivating them to make persistent e?orts, overcome obstacles, and achieve new heights in 2023.

Customized security plan to properly respond to emergencies

"Holding High the Torch, Growing Strong", the 2022-2023 Dual-Platform AnnualConference and Golden Mango Awarding Ceremony

The Company customized security plans for outdoor shooting programs and conducted corresponding training

A bright and clean sta?canteen

2022 Golden Mango Awarding Ceremony of Mango Excellent Media

The Company keeps a close eye on and responds to the needs of employees, continuously improves the benefits system, andenhances the humanistic care for employees. By creating a good humanistic work atmosphere for employees, the Companymaintains e?orts to attract talents, improve employees' well-being and sense of gain, and motivate their working passion.

In order to stimulate the vitality and creativity of employees as well as best satisfy their intellectual and cultural needs, the Companyconducted rich and colorful activities for employees under the guidance of its corporate culture, continuously condensing theirstrength and enhancing their sense of belonging and happiness.

Employee bene?ts

Employee activities

The Company subsidiary Happigo has formulated the Measures for Welfare Administration whereby employees can enjoystatutory bene?ts, inclusive bene?ts and labor union bene?ts. In 2022, the Company comprehensively upgraded the physicalexaminations for its employees, by increasing the number of Class III physical examination hospitals from the original 1 to thepresent 2, and providing personalized physical examination packages for di?erent ages and genders to meet their various needson health. Meanwhile, to provide care for female employees, the Company also provided sanitary supplies for female employeesevery quarter, actively attending and responding to their physiological requirements.

The Company organized annual physical examinations for employees;offered condolences through labor union to all employees on theirbirthdays, marriages, childbearing, immediate family members' illness,death and retirement; rendered financial assistance to severely ill andextremely poor employees; opened staff canteens to solve the diningproblems of employees; established a children's playground in the GoldenEagle Pavilion to help meet employees' need of child care; made available?lial piety leave and family care leave to enhance employees' identi?cationwith the company; constantly improved o?ce environment for employeesby adding facilities such as gyms, co?ee bars, water bars, and bookstores,and promptly renovating old o?ce areas.

Care for employee health

Speci?c measures for humanistic care






Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

On March 8, 2022, Mango TV prepared a series of thoughtful gifts for all female employees to thank them for their hard work in thedevelopment of the Company. In the morning, the entrances to each o?ce area of Mango TV were ?lled with drip co?ees, hand-made cookies and other festive gifts which were delivered to female employees by specially-assigned personnel including MangoTV artists, attracting attention of more than 100,000 person-times on the day, rendering the Company the envy of others. At noon,angelica egg, a festive dish for beauty and energy was specially prepared by the sta? canteen for female employees. Meanwhile,a series of books on women's growth, such as The Spirit of Workingwomen in the New Era, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will toLead, and A Woman Makes a Plan: Advice for a Lifetime of Adventure, Beauty, and Success, were newly included into Mango SharedBookstore to help enrich and enhance spiritual culture.

Around the Chinese Valentine Day, theCompany's coffee bar launched a specialdrink "Mojito Love " with a card attachedallowing employees to write down theirwishes and paste the same on the loveconfession wall. The event not only providedemployees with a unique way to expressthemselves and convey their feelings, butalso created a romantic and sweet festivalatmosphere. The special sweet drink wasvery popular among employees, with nearly300 cups sold on the first day. Besides, onAugust 4, the Chinese Valentine Day, thestaff canteen offered fried rice with egg,falooda and other dishes specially for thefestival, and created the correspondingatmosphere at the canteen to bring thefestival sweetness to the dining sta?.

On September 8, 2022, the Company cooperated with China Merchants Bank to carry out an interactive activity of "Painting Fansto Welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival", during which folding fans were prepared by the Company for colleagues' DIY in the sta?canteen, and painting teachers invited to draw moon-shaped fans on site, with more than 100 fans to the employees within onehour, setting o? the festive atmosphere and providing a happy time for welcoming the Mid-Autumn Festival together.

On June 1, 2022, the Company held variousactivities online and offline to renderboth "big kids" and "little kids" a happyInternational Children's Day. The onlineparent-child activity "Bring Kids Home"for the Children's Day has attracted 600participants who once successfully signing upcan receive a gift package containing a Year ofthe Tiger MGZ doll, snack pack, and customcotton candy, leaving a happy memory of theday to many employees and their children.Meanwhile, at the offline side, the staffcanteen surprised every dining "big kid" bygiving customized MGZ marshmallows alongwith specially-prepared pig-shape buns,showing special regard and ceremonial senseto the diners; while the coffee bar launched"orange juice + limited marshmallows" asa special set for Children's Day, enjoyingtremendous popularity among employees.Through the mascot "MGZ", this event wellconveyed the care and blessings from theCompany's party committee to employees,and was highly appraised by the employees.

Friendly gift on International Women's Day

Romantic Chinese Valentine Day

Fan painting interactive activity to welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival

Celebration of International Children's Day

The Company prepared gifts for “big and little kids” to celebrate Children’s DayMango artists surprised female employees of theCompany on the Women's Day

The Company created a romantic festival atmosphere for employees duringthe Chinese Valentine Day

The Company held the interactive activity of "Painting Fans to Welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival"






Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Stand Together for a Big SuccessOutperforming in the Cultural Tourism Construction

In 2022, fully leveraging its advantages in all-media platforms and content production, the Company actively supported the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry in Hunan Province. During the ?rst Hunan Tourism Development Conference,in collaboration with Hunan Satellite TV, the Company gave full play to the dual-platform strength, by efficiently organizing andpropagating the opening ceremony and promotion evening of the ?rst Hunan Tourism Development Conference in just one week.As of midnight zero hour of the event, the live streaming has attracted a total of 120 million viewers on new media such as HunanSatellite TV and Mango TV, with ingenious creation to comprehensively promote a new pattern of culture-tourism integration inHunan, fully re?ecting the social responsibility of the Company as a party media and state-owned enterprise.

During the first Hunan Tourism Development Conference,Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket and the PropagandaDepartment of the Wulingyuan National Scenic Spot DistrictParty Committee organized a series of online hundred-personlive streaming marketing activities with the theme of "FairylandBeauty to Produce Premium Products", on platforms coveringCloud Supermarket applet, TikTok, Taobao, etc., recording atotal sales of RMB14,874,430. Among them, the live streamingsession about Zhangjiajie specialty food at Cloud Supermarketattracted audiences of over 60,000 person-times online and633,100 likes, greatly popularizing Zhangjiajie's distinctiveagricultural products such as kudzu powder, MEI tea and whitetea through the live-stream booth. Meanwhile, the HappigoApp launched a special zone for goods from Zhangjiajie,and the Happigo National Satellite Channel promoted andsold packages of Zhangjiajie attractions and hotel tourismproducts, generating sales of nearly RMB1 million in total,which, while allowing the national audience to feel thebeautiful scenery of Zhangjiajie through television, has driventhe demand for tourism consumption, and provided a feasibleplan for the positive recovery of the tourism industry underthe economic downturn at that time.

In November 2022, Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket,in collaboration with the Anhua County Party Committeeand the Anhua County Government, held the event of livestreaming with the theme of "Thousand-Screen Live Streaming· Cloud-Based Purchase from Anhua" for the 2022 YiyangCulture and Tourism Integration Development Conference.The event was live streamed concurrently by 30 booths onthat day, during which, stars, online celebrities, anchors, andrepresentatives of Anhua County's high-quality agriculturalenterprises, cooperatives and excellent anchors were invitedto form a thousand-screen live streaming team to promotethe special agricultural and sideline products representedby Anhua black tea and tourism resources to the peoplefrom all over the country through Mango RevitalizationCloud Supermarket applet, TikTok and other live streamingplatforms, along with the whole city network motivatedthereby. 503 Anhua agricultural products were launched inthis event, with audiences of 973,000 person-times watchinglive for 4 hours, and 1.876 million likes, leading to nearlyRMB100,000 of sales online and o?ine.

The First Hunan Tourism Development Conference

Yiyang Culture-Tourism Integration Development Conference

Work site of the ?rst Hunan Tourism Development Conference

Live streaming site ofYiyang Culture-TourismIntegration DevelopmentConference

Screenshot of promotional ?lm

Local people soldbacon in the live-steam booth




Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

The offline parent-child public welfare activityof "June 1st Children's Painting" was launchedwith Changsha Window of the World to showloving care for migrant children and give them ahealthy and happy childhood. The activity wasforwarded and supported by many mainstreammedia such as ChinaNews, and meanwhile wasdisseminated in all media platforms of Mangoand its partners through WeChat and TikTok,for which a total of 37 promotional reports werereleased, with a total reading of nearly 800,000,obtaining high praises from netizens.

Devoting to Rural RevitalizationGiving Love in Public Welfare ActivitiesIn promoting the effective connection between poverty alleviation and ruralrevitalization, Mango Excellent Media devotes all its e?orts to making a contribution.During the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Companyactively responded to the call of the CPC Central Committee and Hunan ProvincialParty Committee for rural revitalization and assistance work. To this end, MangoRevitalization Cloud Supermarket organized a series of in?uential and representativelive streaming activities, which have been highly appreciated by the Yanling CountyParty Committee and the Villagers Committee of Pengying Village, Tingping Township,Chengbu Miao Autonomous County.

As a party media and state-owned enterprise, Mango Excellent Media always prioritizes social benefits and actively assumes socialresponsibility. The "Mango Public Welfare" platform built by the Company "under the background of state-owned mainstream new media,in the whole Mango ecology system, and with the deep integration of public welfare content" has opened up a safe, reliable, and convenientnew channel for online charity donations, and provides open, fair, and transparent charity fundraising information release services for charityorganizations across the country. As of the end of the reporting period, a total of 30 public charity organizations have been invited to join in theplatform who have presented 40 public fundraising projects, with RMB12.7833 million (including donations from o?ine enterprises) raised from46,327 person-times. Among such public fundraising projects, 25 were nationwide, accounting for 62.5%, and 15 regional-wide, accounting for

37.5%, mainly covering such areas as educational support and rural revitalization, including 22 for educational support, accounting for 55%,

and 5 for rural revitalization, accounting for 12.5%.

In order to give full play to the brand e?ect of the program New Year Celebration with Grassroots andassist in rural revitalization and construction, Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket launched thespecial page "Walk into Grassroots" and the special zones for commodities of Qingxi Village, MuxikouVillage, Xiaohezui Village, Shangtouma Village, and Chaxiang Huahai Community on 18 January 2022around Qingxi Village in Yiyang City, the focus of the program, to promote local featured tourism andfacilitate sales of distinctive agricultural products. Meanwhile, the homepage of the Mango RevitalizationCloud Supermarket applet also highlighted the theme of "Brand New Look of Village" through insertions,large eyes, and pop-up windows, etc.. After the program was broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV, QingyiVillage in Yiyang experienced a blowout growth on tourists, with an average of 10,000 tourists per day;Qingxi China-Chic New Year's goods extended across the country, of which "China-Chic Porcelain Cup"and "Qingxi Gift Package" became hero online products, driving over RMB5 million sales of agriculturalproducts in Yiyang; Xiaohezui Village in Yuanjiang received more than 2,000 tourists daily; and ShibawanFarmhouse Restaurant recorded a 10 times of year-on-year increase in the number of tourists.

"Brand New Look of Village" series activities in the program New YearCelebration with Grassroots

Letter of Thanks

To call on more users to take care ofvulnerable children group, MangoTV initiated a series of public welfareactivities themed at the Children's Day.

Guarding Kids Program

In July 2022, the "Yanling Yellow Peaches · Best in the World" series activities were heldas scheduled, bringing sales of exceeding RMB750,000 with 5,213 Yanling yellow peachessold. Meanwhile, Cloud Supermarket also actively promoted the peaches throughexternal channels, by cooperating with enterprises and institutions such as Yanxun (forcommunity group-buying), HNEG Group, Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary FerrisWheel Cinema on marketing online, and joining hands with Taobao celebrity anchorsHu Bing and Make, among others to boost sales.

"Yanling Yellow Peaches · Best in the World" series activities

Filming by the crew in the place of origin

Letter of Thanks from Yanling CountyParty Committee and Government

Guarding Kids Program

Mango public welfare project

A topic collecting activity around "GuardingThem Around Us" was launched throughthe official WeChat Account of Mango TV,graphic story posters for public welfareprojects were successively released, anduses were called on to make donations viathe Mango Public Welfare Platform whilepromoting the new fundraising function of"Donate Together" to guard kids.Users were called on to help promote ruralart education for children through theinteractive game H5 of "Little Mango, HappyChildren's Day Boomda!", from whichdonations of nearly RMB6.17 million starsfrom users were received, giving a specialand warm Children's Day to vulnerablechildren with the power of Internet andpublic welfare.

Public service announcements When He Hearsthe Voice for the First Time, Make Dreams ComeTrue with Music, and Guarding Children's Voicewere made in succession. Meanwhile, a publicwelfare activity around "Guarding Children'sVoice" was held in collaboration with the artistmanagement center to care for left-behindchildren.Long-term and professional musiceducation support services were renderedtogether with Huang Yi, Leo Li, Cindy Yenand other artists to Meihu Primary Schoolin Ningxiang, Hunan. The topic of GuardingChildren's Voice on June 1 was made a hotsearch on MicroBlog, with a total reading of over8 million, and discussion of over 40,000.





Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

With the coming of the International Children's Day, and under the special guidance of the Cyberspace O?ce of Hunan ProvincialParty Committee and the Propaganda Department of Hunan Provincial Party Committee for Communist Youth League, apropaganda film sponsored by EE-Media and Mango TV, and co-sponsored by the China South Publishing & Media Group wasmade, during which, nine artists, including Huang Yi, Cindy Yen, Leo Li, Smelly D & aZi, La Danzhu, Shi Jieru, Xiao Ranxin, and ZhaoXuan, proceeded to Meihu Primary School in Ningxiang to collect the purest natural sound in the countryside using "voice" asthe medium, at the aim of calling on all walks of the life to keep an eye on the children's growth environment, care for left-behindchildren, and revitalize rural development. This activity gave a chance for the children to perform with the artists, leaving themprecious memories, and demonstrating the new style of artists taking the initiative to shoulder responsibilities for the a?airs of thestate in the new era.

Promo of "Guarding Children's Voice" joined by artists from EE-Media

Artists from EE-Media participated in the shooting of "Guarding Children's Voice" Promo

Tiny rays converge into a sun During the summer vacation, "Tiny Rays Converge into a Sun", an event of aids to students in 2022,was organized in the Mango Public Welfare Platform, calling on users to pay attention to students in di?culty. Since July 16, theplatform has launched H5 themed at "Summer Contribution and Shining Youth", which focuses on promoting eight public fund-raising projects for students. As of August 28, donations of RMB10,029,483 in total have been raised through the platform (includingdonations from enterprises offline), with the number of online donations increased by 2,149 person-times; the H5 event pageshows nearly 35,000 persons participated in the lottery for 688,000 times, and clicks with a value of more than 13,996,000 fromusers for students in di?culty; ?ve consecutive o?ine promotion activities have been carried out jointly with Changsha Windowof the World; "Tiny Rays Converge into a Sun", a special feature of student aid stories and The University Dream of a 19-year-oldBasketball Girl have been made, for which a total of 63 promotional articles have been released through all media platforms ofMango and multiple charity organizations, with reading of more than 700,000 person-times. The promotional videos or posters ofthis event were fully broadcast in the big screen of Changsha Window of the World, Ferris Wheel advertising space, Ferris WheelCinema, over 300 offline stores of Modern China Tea Shop, 78 offline stores of Champion Pizza, and over 50 stores of Ningji,creating a high and wide-spread publicity momentum. On December 22, the 2022 "Every Little Helps" public welfare event ofMango for student aid was successfully selected as one of the top ten excellent cases on China's new media public welfare in 2022recommended by the New Media Professional Committee of All-China Journalists Association.

"Tiny Rays Converge into a Sun", an event of aids to students

Student aid event of "Tiny Rays Converge into a Sun"



Society2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Concerns are given to women by combining public welfare with TV series and variety shows. During the International Women'sDay on March 8, 2022, Mango TV rolled out an online public welfare activity around the theme of "Blooming Flowers on the PublicWelfare Journey", focusing on women's issues and speaking for them. In the event, female themed variety shows such as SistersWho Make Waves, dramas and other content of Mango TV were integrated, and female themed public welfare projects and publicwelfare organizations on the Mango Public Welfare Platform were brought together to jointly open up a public welfare journey,promoting women's employment and entrepreneurship, ensuring the health of mothers and children, and caring for ethnicminority women groups with meagre public welfare forces; exclusive hand-painted posters covering ?ve public welfare projectswere designed using the Mango public welfare logo as a creative idea to highlight the project characteristics; and public welfareproject managers joined in the e?orts to send handwritten letters of thanks to users who participated in the donation. The eventpage attracted visits of over 3 million, with 215,300 users beginning the journey of public welfare through the event, more than 3,000of whom have made public welfare donations. Under the matrix promotion by dozens of media such as REDNET.CN and IFENG.COM, more people have been invited to participate in public welfare, helping women be in full bloom on the way to growth.

"Blooming Flowers on the Public Welfare Journey"

Women's Day event

To facilitate the restoration of mountain forests afterChongqing's forest fire, Mango TV's Mango Public WelfarePlatform launched a public welfare project of "Protect OurHomeland of the Mountain City" sponsored by the ChinaSocial Welfare Foundation for the ?rst time, whereby to plantseedlings for the affected mountainous areas, and carry outactivities for guarding mountain forest against disasters.The project covers a plan of purchasing 15,000 seedlings forrebuilding forest vegetation destroyed by the ?re, as well as aseries of activities promoting community disaster reductionand prevention knowledge for the areas and villagers involved.

On 6 September 2022 the Mango Public Welfare Platforminitiated a public fundraising project of "Support the EarthquakeArea in Luding, Sichuan" sponsored by the China Social WelfareFoundation to raise funds from all walks of life across thecountry to help conduct the post-earthquake disaster relief byusing the funds raised to purchase materials needed for thedisaster relief operations in Luding, Sichuan, and other areasaffected by the earthquake. After launch of the project, keyrecommendations were made on various prominent spaceincluding: large-screen poster and home page focus at the PCside of Mango TV; home page focus and screen-on pop-up at itsAPP side; ?ash map, banner, user point center, member-channelselected page popular activity module, and Mango Farm ofthe Mango Public Welfare Platform; and documentary channeland selection of Mango Internet TV. In a short time, a total of1,424 persons were attracted to participate in the donations,with funds of RMB32,489.13 raised which have been applied fordistribution of rice, flour, noodles, edible oil, and other livingmaterials to the affected people at the temporary shelter ofMoxi Ancient Town in the earthquake area, providing supportfor their transitional life after the disaster.

Help "Protect Our Homeland of the Mountain City"

Support the September 5 earthquake area in Luding, Sichuan

Poster of "Protect Our Homeland of the Mountain City"

Earthquake relief and assistance to Luding




Environment2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.



Environment2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

IndicatorUnit 2022Power consumptionkwh11,433,751.32Gas consumption m?19,034.00Total energy consumption kgce1,426,145.44Energy intensity kgce/RMB10,000 of revenue 1.04Energy e?ciency RMB10,000 of revenue/kgce 0.96

Indicator Name Unit2022

Water consumption Ton 61,335.55Water consumption intensity Ton/RMB10,000 of revenue0.04

Water e?ciencyRMB10,000 of revenue/ton 22.34

Note: 1. The total energy consumption is calculated in accordance with General Rules for Calculation of Comprehensive Energy Consumption (GB/T 2589-2020).

2. The energy intensity re?ects the energy consumed per RMB10,000 of revenue. The lower the unit energy consumption, the lower the energy intensity.

3. The energy e?ciency re?ects the revenue from energy consumed per kilowatt-hour. The greater the unit revenue, the higher the energy e?ciency.

Introduce recyclable tablewarein canteens to reduce theuse of disposable tableware;require employees to turnoff the power supply oflighting, computers, printers,and other equipment in atimely manner after work toreduce the standby energyconsumption, and assigningspecial personnel to conductthe inspection; promote low-carbon travel and contributionto environmental protection.

conditioning temperaturecontrol standards, and advocatethat o?ces ensure summer andwinter temperatures in publicareas; require the electrician onduty to turn off the central air-conditioning host 30 minutesbefore the end of the day duringwork hours; promote the valuesof thrift using various mediaforms such as WeChat Workand bathroom signage; usewater-saving faucets with water-saving slogans to save waterand improve everyone's water-saving awareness.

Encourage employees to takestairs as much as possibleand reduce elevator useto save energy and keephealthy; timely carry out dailymaintenance of water andheating pipelines to preventleakage.


Water resource

The Company utilized nearly

Effectively extended the

Recovered more than

Took effective measures to save

sets of old

in expenses

pieces of materialsin expenses

to the number

1.3 million




service life of the equipmentthrough technical upgradingand maintenance, savingabout RMB

times of materials to serve theneeds of program production, fullyimproving the reuse of materialspaper, with a year-on-year decreaseof about

electronic products andequipment throughout theyear, saving over RMB

Mango TV EE-Media Happigo

Mango Excellent Media sticks to the concept of low-carbon operation, and takesactive part in energy and water conservation. Measures include posting energy-saving slogan "Work Together on Saving Energy and Water to Build a Conservation-oriented Society" in the o?ce building, and calling on all employees to practice low-carbon travel by taking public transportation or walk for commuting on their part,create an energy-saving company, as well as reduce the usage of lighting facilities inpublic places and heating equipment in various o?ce areas, further enhancing theawareness of resource crisis and energy conservation among employees.

It is incumbent upon an enterprise to protect the environment. Mango ExcellentMedia is committed to reducing the impact on the environment during the operationprocess, and strictly implements the Environmental Protection Law of the People'sRepublic of China and other relevant environmental protection laws and regulations,without violations of environmental protection laws and regulations or disputesover pollution accident. In 2022, no administrative penalties were imposed on theCompany for acting against relevant environmental protection regulations.Adhering to the concept of green procurement, the Company gives priority toselecting energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and reusable and pollution-freeproducts when purchasing o?ce supplies, electrical appliances, and other articles inaddition to considering the price, and selecting green and environmentally friendlybuilding materials when conducting decoration and renovation.

Green Transformation and Environmental Protection

Green and Low-carbon Operation

and recycled more than

of printing paper used in 2022

Strictly implement air

Note: 1. The water consumption intensity re?ects the water consumed per RMB10,000 of revenue. The lower the unit water consumption, the lower the waterconsumption intensity.

2. The water e?ciency re?ects the revenue from water consumed per ton. The greater the unit revenue, the higher the water e?ciency.


Environment2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Greenhouse gas emissions

Paperless o?ce

Waster sorting

Environmental protection publicity

Mango Excellent Media avoids the generation of waste from the source by establishing paperless o?ce procedures and maturework platforms, transforming paper data into electronic data and traditional processes into online processes, and incorporatingreimbursement work into intelligent o?ce platforms to achieve paperless expense claims and automatic approvals without theneed to print electronic invoices, a?x documents, and complete forms, not only saving paper, but also signi?cantly improvingwork e?ciency.

In March 2022, Guo Yilin, Lan Xi, Wang Xinzheng, LiuWeilong, and Wang Xiping participated in the MicroBlogpublic welfare activity of "Be Friends of Nature".

In May 2022, Fan Shiqi, as a forest guardian, participatedin the MicroBlog star public welfare activity of "MillionForest Plan".Mango Excellent Media goes all out to reduce waste sorting into practice, by advocating employees to separate waste, sets upwaste bins on each floor and canteen, requiring employees to sort out the recyclables and non-recyclables, and hanging outcorresponding lea?ets to publicize knowledge about waste sorting and environmental protection, with a good e?ect. Besides, theCompany has trained the cleaning team, included waste sorting into the daily work and regular assessment, and run a double-check for the whole process to ensure proper conduct of the sorting.In response to the national call, the Company has actively participated inenvironmental protection and public welfare activities with the help of the publicinfluence of the EE-Media brand, showing the self-confidence and commitment ofyoung artistes while bringing positive energy to the public.

In May 2022, Xie Binbin, as a science popularization o?cerfor amazing species, participated in the public welfareactivity of "Protect Endangered Animals" for EndangeredSpecies Fund under MicroBlog's mutual bene?t program.

Participation in public welfare activities for environmental protection

In March 2022, Chen Xiang, as a nature guardian, participatedin the MicroBlog public welfare activity of "Earth Hour" forenvironmental protection.

Environmental Protection Concept First


Direct emission (category 1) Ton of CO

equivalent 41.15Indirect emission (category 2) Ton of CO

equivalent 10,236.45Total greenhouse gas emissionTon of CO

equivalent 10,277.60Greenhouse gas emission intensity

Ton of CO

equivalent/RMB10,000 ofrevenue


Note: 1. The greenhouse gas emission of the Company mainly refers to the greenhouse gas directly produced by the purchase of natural gas energy and thatindirectly produced by the purchase of electricity energy.

2. The greenhouse gas emission is calculated according to the 2019 Baseline Emission Factors for Regional Power Grids in China.


Environment2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Creating environmental protection TV series Sunrise on the River

Conveys the environmental protection concept through Braving LifeCaseIn 2022, Mango TV produced an variety show, Braving Life, which gives a chance for the guests of the cycling group to experiencethe great rivers and mountains of the motherland, while also deeply immersing themselves in the local experience. The spiritof public service dedication is embedded in the program complex, allowing the audience to recognize a group of "ordinary andmagni?cent" people as well as realize the value and signi?cance of being environmentally friendly, thereby to invisibly guide themasses to protect the environment.

Literature and art, as a soul caster, shoulder the responsibilities of education and passing on good values. Bearing in mind themission of green development, Mango Excellent Media has taken the initiative to construct a ecological civilization. To this end,the Company has produced high-quality works such as Braving Life and The Past Decade, which well ?t the requirements called bythe era for the ecological civilization construction to be the top priority of the country and the start of the strivers toward success.Besides, the Company's subsidiary Mango TV has also invested and produced an environmental themed TV drama titled Sunriseon the River, conveying the environmental protection concept of "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." - toachieve people's well-being and development in harmony with the environment, showcasing the sense of social responsibility inliterary and artistic works.

Sunrise on the River, the first TV drama to showcase urban ecological environment governance invested and produced by Mango TVwas kicked o? on November 5, 2022 in Hangzhou and wrapped up on January 11, 2023 in Tonglu after 68 days' e?orts, which is currentlyin post production and is expected to be launched in October 2023. The drama conveys the difficulties in ecological environmentmanagement for the mind and spirit of man rather than soil, water, and air, showcasing the moving deeds of cadres in the new era whotruly put "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." into practice by balancing environmental protection and economicdevelopment, and creating a happy life for the people with environmental protection cause.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Partyof China, the Party Central Committee has attached greatimportance to the construction of ecological civilization.China's ecological environment protection has undergonehistoric, transitional and overall changes, while also facingnew and high challenges. Sunrise on the River attempts toanswer this issue of the times, demonstrate the complexityand difficulty of environmental governance, and focus onhow to achieve the coordinated development of "greenmountains" and "gold mountains", to create a literary andartistic work with profound thinking value in the era.

Environmental issues concern everyone, and environmentalstories are the most universally valuable realistic themes thathave the greatest space to resonate with the audience. Sunriseon the River aims at showing that "green mountains" and"gold mountains" are not contradictory, but highly unified.Protecting the ecological environment means nothing elsebut protecting people's livelihood and development. Any actof destroying the ecological environment for pro?t will, if notconstrained, devour the world in which we live, against whichwe shall ?ght ?rmly.

Zheng Hanjiang, the protagonist of the story, is a new leading cadre image in the new era. He isknowledgeable, aloof, honest, self-disciplined and accomplished but not slick, who takes ordersat stake. Being clean and acting as a workmate is not only a distinct personality of Lin Hanjiang,but also a new era commonality in our party. Such a unique and fresh character has taken upthe leadership position with a posture of unwilling to "be an o?cial" and a personality that is notsuitable for "being an o?cial". His scholarly spirit, lofty nature, and slight pride have become hiscourage to forge ahead in his career, and have also contributed to his indomitable work style andbehavior in tackling pollution in Qijiang City.Braving Life

Highlights of Sunrise on the River

Tribute to the people's well-beingTribute to the times

Tribute to cadres of the new era



Postscript2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Total number of employees (person) 4,1854,0224,125Percentage of female employees (%) 585757Employment contract coverage (%) 100100100

Social insurance coverage (%) 100100100Physical examination coverage (%) 100100100Number of employee training (session) 306602668


Key PerformanceEconomic performance

Social performance

Environmental performance

IndexChinese Academy of Social Sciences CASS-ESG 5.0 Standard Index

TopicIndicator No.Relevant Section


Reporting Speci?cations

P1.2About This ReportP1.3About This Report

Executive Messages

P2.1Message from the ChairmanP2.2Message from the Chairman

Responsibility Focus P3.1A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraCompany Pro?le

P4.1A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraP4.2A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraP4.3A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraP4.4See the annual reportGovernance Responsibility (G)

Corporate Governance

G1.1Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsG1.2See the annual reportG1.3Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsG1.6Party Media Loves the Party and Assumes Its MissionG1.7Party Media Loves the Party and Assumes Its MissionG1.9Party Media Loves the Party and Assumes Its MissionG1.10Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsESG Management

G3.5A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraG3.6A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraG3.7About This ReportEnvironmental Risk Management (E)EnvironmentalManagement

E1.7Green Transformation and Environmental Protection

Resource Utilization

E2.2Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionE2.3Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionE2.11Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionE2.14Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionSafeguarding Ecological


E4.2Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionE4.3Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionAddressing ClimateChange

E5.5Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionE5.6Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionE5.7Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionSocial Risk Management (S)


S1.1Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS1.2Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS1.3Be Strong, To Haul Upon the Wind

Operating revenue (RMB100 million) 140.06153.56137.04

Net pro?t attributable to parentcompany (RMB100 million)

19.8221.1418.25Total assets (RMB100 million) 192.66261.11290.50Number of R&D personnel (person) 622595535

Proportion of R&D personnel (%) 13.9114.7912.97Total R&D investment (RMB100 million) 3.193.703.41Total tax (RMB100 million) 3.824.394.43Total shareholder dividends (RMB100



Power consumption (kWh) 8,458,81511,168,12711,433,751Gas consumption (m

)//19,034Water consumption (ton) 38,29245,16461,336

Total greenhouse gas (ton of CO







Postscript2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


Mango Excellent Media reported the information referred to in this GRI index

from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, using the GRI standard.

GRI 1 Used GRI 1: Foundation 2021GRI Sessions of relevant indicators

The organization and its reporting practicesG2-1A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraG2-2About This ReportG2-3About This Report

Activities and Workers

G2-6A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraG2-7Be Strong, To Haul Upon the Wind

GovernanceG2-9Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsG2-10See the annual reportG2-11See the annual reportG2-12Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsG2-19See the annual reportG2-20See the annual reportG2-21See the annual report

Strategy, Policy, and Practice

G2-22A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraG2-23Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsG2-24Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsG2-25Party Media Loves the Party and Assumes Its MissionG2-26Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsG2-27Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and InterestsG2-28Sound Governance and Protection of Rights and Interests

Stakeholder EngagementG2-29A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era

Material Topics

G3-1A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraG3-2A New Mission on a New Journey for a New EraG3-3A New Mission on a New Journey for a New Era

Economic Performance

G201-1See the annual reportG201-3See the annual reportG201-4See the annual report

Indirect Economic ImpactG203-2Stand Together for a Big Success

TopicIndicator No.Relevant Section


S1.4Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS1.6Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS1.7Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS1.8Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS1.10Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindDevelopment andTraining

S2.1Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS2.2Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS2.4Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindOccupational Health andWork Safety

S3.1Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS3.5Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS3.7Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindS3.9Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindCustomer Responsibility

S4.1Sincere Mango, To Be a ProtectorS4.3Sincere Mango, To Be a ProtectorS4.5Sincere Mango, To Be a ProtectorS4.6Sincere Mango, To Be a ProtectorS4.8Sincere Mango, To Be a Protector

Value Creation (V)National Value

V1.1Stand Together for a Big SuccessV1.2Stand Together for a Big SuccessV1.3Stand Together for a Big SuccessV1.4Stand Together for a Big Success

Industrial Value


Creating Ecology Synergy and Making Breakthrough by


Creating Ecology Synergy and Making Breakthrough by

InnovationV2.5Sincere Mango, To Be a ProtectorV2.6Sincere Mango, To Be a ProtectorV2.7

Creating Ecology Synergy and Making Breakthrough by

InnovationV2.8Sincere Mango, To Be a ProtectorPeople's Well-beingValue

V3.1Stand Together for a Big SuccessV3.4Stand Together for a Big SuccessV3.5Stand Together for a Big SuccessV3.7Stand Together for a Big SuccessEnvironmental Value V4.4Green Transformation and Environmental Protection


A2Key PerformanceA4IndexA5Reader Feedback

Global Reporting Initiative GRI Standard Index


Postscript2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Reader Feedback

Dear readers,

Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the 2022 ESG & CSR Report of Mango ExcellentMedia Co., Ltd. In order to provide you and other stakeholders with more valuable information, and e?ectively promotethe Company's ability and level to ful?ll corporate social responsibility, we sincerely look forward to your commentsand suggestions.

Multiple-choice Questions (please tick √ in the appropriate place)

1. Your overall assessment of this report is:

□Very good □ Good □ Fair □ Poor □ Very poor

2. How do you evaluate the response and disclosure in this report to the concerns of stakeholders?

□Very good □ Good □ Fair □ Poor □ Very poor

3. What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on economic responsibility?

□Very good □ Good □ Fair □ Poor □ Very poor

4. What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on environmental responsibility?

□Very good □ Good □ Fair □ Poor □ Very poor

5. What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on safety management?

□Very good □ Good□Fair □ Poor □ Very poor

6. What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on employee responsibility?

□Very good □ Good □ Fair□ Poor □ Very poor

7. What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on community responsibility?

□Very good □ Good□ Fair □ Poor □ Very poor

8. Whether the information, indicators and data disclosed in this report are clear, accurate and complete?

□Very good □ Good □ Fair □ Poor□ Very poor

9. Do you think the content arrangement and layout design of this report are easy to read?

□Yes □ No

Open QuestionsDo you have any comments or suggestions on this report and the performanceof Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. on its social responsibility?


Mango Excellent Media reported the information referred to in this GRI indexfrom January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, using the GRI standard.

Anti-corruptionG205-2Party Media Loves the Party and Assumes Its Mission


G207-1See the annual reportG207-2See the annual reportG207-3See the annual reportG207-4See the annual report

EnergyG302-1Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionG302-3Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionG302-4Green Transformation and Environmental Protection

Water and E?uentsG303-5Green Transformation and Environmental Protection

EmissionsG305-1Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionG305-2Green Transformation and Environmental ProtectionG305-4Green Transformation and Environmental Protection

EmploymentG401-2Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindG401-3Be Strong, To Haul Upon the Wind

Occupational Health and SafetyG403-1Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindG403-3Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindG403-5Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindG403-6Be Strong, To Haul Upon the Wind

Training and EducationG404-1Be Strong, To Haul Upon the WindG404-2Be Strong, To Haul Upon the Wind

Diversity and Equal OpportunityG405-1Be Strong, To Haul Upon the Wind

Local CommunitiesG413-1Stand Together for a Big Success

Customer Health and SafetyG416-1Sincere Mango, To Be a Protector

Marketing and LabelingG417-1Sincere Mango, To Be a Protector
