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芒果超媒:2021年度ESG报告(英文版) 下载公告


The 2021 ESG Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. is an independent ESG report issued by Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. forthe second consecutive year. The report aims to communicate with various stakeholders frankly on the ESG concepts, practices andperformance of the Company, and systematically respond to the expectations and demands of stakeholders.The reporting period is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. To improve the comparability and forward-looking of the report,some contents have been extended moderately to the previous and subsequent years.This report is issued annually, which is released together with the Company's annual report.The data used in this report is derived from the company's internal statistical data, and public data of government departments andthird-party agencies. The ?nancial data in this report are denominated in RMB, and if there is any inconsistency with the ?nancial re-port, the ?nancial report shall prevail.

For ease of presentation and reading, in this report, Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. is referred to as "Mango Excellent Media" or the"Company". The full names and abbreviations of some of its subsidiaries involved in the report are as follows:

Hunantv.com Interactive Entertainment Media Co., Ltd.: Happy Sunshine or Mango TVHappigo Co., Ltd.: HappigoShanghai EE-Media Co., Ltd.: EE-MediaHunan Mango Entertainment Co., Ltd.: Mango EntertainmentMango Studios Culture Co., Ltd.: Mango StudiosThe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)International Standard ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility 2010GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards)GB/T 36001-2015 Guidance on Social Responsibility ReportingGuidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR4.0) issued by the Institute of Economics ofthe Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)The English version of this report is disclosed simultaneously. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions,the Chinese version shall prevail. Both the English and Chinese versions are available electronically at http://www.cninfo.com.cn. In caseof any questions or suggestions about the report, please send an email to mangocm@mangocm.com or call (0731) 82967188.

The report covers Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. and its main subsidiaries.

Reporting period

Release cycleReporting data


Preparation basis

Report version and access

Reporting scope

About This Report

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG ReportSociety


Honors 2021Into Mango Excellent Media

Key performanceKPI indexReader feedback

Company pro?leOrganizationDevelopment strategy

GovernanceSocietyEnvironmentResponsibility management

ESG governanceMateriality analysisStakeholders

Value guidance

Mainstream publicityInternational communication

Green operationEnergyWater resourceGreenhouse gas emission

Warmly celebrating the 100th anniver-sary of the founding of the Party

Party history study and education"Frontier Project" Commendation

Content innovationVariety showsMonsoon theater

Environmental protection activitiesPaperless o?ceWaste sortingEnvironmental protection publicityCorporate governance

Special governance actionsMechanism of General Meeting of Share-holders, Board of Directors and Board ofSupervisorsInformation disclosureInvestor relations

Technology R&D

R&D investmentTechnological innovation

Internal control managementOrganizational guaranteeSystem guaranteeCulture guaranteeProcedure guaranteeAssessment guarantee

Social welfareRural revitalizationAnti-pandemicPublic welfare publicityVolunteer activitiesPublic welfare platform

Employee careEmployee rights and interestsEmployee bene?tsEmployee activitiesEmployee trainingUser rights and interestsProtection of user privacyProtection of minorsData securityPartnersStrategic cooperationSupplier managementPromoting industrial de-velopment

Integrity buildingIntellectual property protection


0102Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG ReportSociety


Mango Excellent MediaMango TV



Best Board of Directors Award for InvestorRelations of China Listed Companies

China Social Welfare Foundation "Most SociallyResponsible Award"Social Responsibility Award for A-ShareListed Companies

CDN Operation Leadership Award

Listed Companies Most Favored by ForeignInvestors of the Year

Hunan Province Civilized Unit

National Women's Advanced Group

Hunan Provincial Organs Civilized Unit

Most Valuable Company for InvestorRelations of the Year

2021-2022 National Key Cultural Export Enterprises

The 20th National Youth Civilization

2021 Top 100 In?uential Listed Companiesof the Year

2021 National Radio and Television Media Inte-gration Pioneer Unit

2021 Outstanding Typical Case of Nation-al Consumption Assistance for Rural Re-vitalization - Hunan Broadcasting SystemMango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket

2021 Top 10 of China's Top 500 ESG Com-panies in Media Industry

The 12th "Tianma Award" by the Secu-rities Times

China Social Welfare FoundationThe 15th China Listed Company ValueAssessment event by the Securities Times

APAC Content Distribution Conference & CDN Summit

China Listed Company Meridian Award

Publicity Department of Working Committee of

Hunan Provincial Organs

All-China Women's Federation

Working Committee of Hunan Provincial

Organs of the Communist Party of China

China Listed Company Meridian Award

Department of Trade in Services and Business

Services, Ministry of Commerce of the People's

Republic of China

The Communist Youth League of China, the SupremePeople's Court, National Development and ReformCommission and other 21 ministries and commissions


General Office of the National Radio and

Television Administration

National Development and Reform Commission


0304Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG ReportInto Mango Excellent Media

Into Mango Excellent Media

The Company continues to improve its governance structure and organizational structure. The General Meeting of Stockholders is thepower body of the Company, the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors are elected by the General Meeting of Stockholders,the Board of Directors is the permanent power body, the Board of Supervisors is the permanent supervisory body, and the operationmanagement (O?ce of the General Manager) is the daily operation body and enjoys the right to operate. The Board of Directors hasa Strategy Committee, a Nomination Committee, an Appraisal and Remuneration Committee and an Audit Committee. The internalaudit department is accountable and reports to the Audit Committee. The Party Committee of the Company, as an integral part ofthe corporate governance structure of the Company, plays a role of the leadership and political cores. The "four committees and onemanagement" forms a corporate governance system with their respective duties and responsibilities, coordinated operation and ef-fective checks and balances, and a complete system of rules of procedure has been established.Our ?rst-level subsidiaries include Mango TV, EE-Media and Happigo. During the reporting period, in order to promote internal busi-ness synergy and enhance the core competitiveness of the main platform Mango TV, the Company optimized its organizational struc-ture and adjusted its three subsidiaries, namely Mango Studios Culture Co., Ltd., Hunan Mango Entertainment Co., Ltd. and ShanghaiMangofun Technology Co., Ltd., to the subsidiaries of Mango TV. To focus on the main business, the Company transferred by agree-ment its 100% equity interests in its original subsidiary Hunan Happy Money Micro?nance Co., Ltd. based on its overall strategy.

Company pro?le


Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Board of Directors

O?ce of the General Manager

Editorial Board

Party Committee & GeneralManager Office (Administra-tion& Personnel Department)

Happy SunshineHappigoEE-Media

Audit Department

Party Committee

Discipline Inspection Committee

O?ce of the Board of Directors

Board of Supervisors

Finance DepartmentLegal DepartmentGeneral Department of theparty and the masses

Specialized Institutions

Audit Committee

Appraisal and Remunera-tion CommitteeNomination Committee

Strategy Committee

As the ?rst state-owned new media company featuring integrated development and mastering the complete core industry chain ofomni-channel and content ecology in the A-share market, the Company is also the uni?ed integrated media industry and capitaloperation platform under Hunan Broadcasting Film Group Co., Ltd. (Hunan Broadcasting System). Under the guidance of Xi Jinping'ssocialist ideology with China's characteristics in the new era, the Company conscientiously observes the key principles of the Party ex-ercising leadership over communication, ideology and media, prioritizes the adherence to the correct political direction, public opin-ion guidance and value orientation, gives full play to the attributes of media platform and the advantages of content self-productionand consciously undertakes the mission of raising the ?ag, gathering the people's heart, cultivating new people, promoting cultureand demonstrating image, striving to develop itself into a mainstream new media that is "positive, manageable and well used" andestablish itself as a new benchmark for state-owned Internet companies in the new era, with a sense of responsibility and mission ofmaintaining the leader position as the main force.The main business of the Company includes Mango TV's Internet video business, new media interactive entertainment content pro-duction and content e-commerce business. Relying on Mango's integrated media ecosystem, the Company focuses on the operationof Internet video platform and strives to build a media industry chain ecosystem with a synergistic development of upstream anddownstream covering membership, advertising, IPTV, OTT, ?lm and television, variety shows, artiste brokerage, music copyright oper-ation, IP derivative development and live entertainment and content e-commerce.In 2021, the Communist Party of China celebrated its centennial, ushered in a historical intersection of the two centenary goals, start-ed the opening year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and embarked on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist China. Adhering tothe spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, the Company resolutely implemented the decision of the Par-ty Central Committee on accelerating media's integrated development and comprehensive governance to the culture and entertain-ment sector. By upholding our mission as the party media and state-owned enterprise and based on the new development stage ofbuilding a mainstream new media group, we further strengthened the media value guidance and content innovation in light of chang-ing industry competitions, and proactively responded to the resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic to achieve business progress andenhance its quality in a stable manner. During the reporting period, total revenue for the year was RMB15.356 billion, representing ayear-on-year increase of 9.64%, and net pro?t attributable to shareholders of listed companies was RMB2.114 billion, representing ayear-on-year increase of 6.66%. The core business Mango TV's Internet video business (advertising + membership + operator business)maintained steady growth, achieving revenue of RMB11.261 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 24.29%.

The year 2022 is a crucial opportune year for Mango Excellent Media to pursue the high-quality development. Keeping in mind themission of the party media and assuming the social responsibility as the listed company, the board of directors and the manage-ment of the Company made real e?orts and innovation, maintained the main position as the main force and strived to optimize andstrengthen the mainstream new media group, so as to celebrate the 20th National Congress of the CPC with practical achievements.

The Company proactively implements the decision of the PartyCentral Committee on accelerating media's integrated develop-ment and utilizes the advantages of the two platform of Mangoecosystem to promote the integrated and in-depth developmentof media with innovations in mechanism, paradigm and content.In 2022, in compliance with the regulatory requirements for listedcompanies, the Company will further develop the joint mecha-nism of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV platforms for contentcollection and broadcasting to realize the in-depth content inte-gration from planning, operation to management, consolidatethe upgrade from copyright-based to talent-based, and establisha new benchmark for the integrated development of media. Onthis basis, we will also explore more paths and methods for in-depth integration, and realize the self-evolution and iteration ofthe Mango integrated development model.

The Company will further improve and consolidate the mid-dle platform matrix in three aspects to further enhance theeffectiveness of resource integration and facilitate our pro-duction and operation. Firstly, we will further upgrade ourmarket-unique content middle platform to implement more in-novative projects and stimulate internal content creativity. Sec-ondly, we will strengthen the risk control and operation middleplatforms to maximize resource allocation. We will establish anoperation system to cultivate strategic operation talents, so asto utilize the aggregation capabilities to maximize the contentvalue. Thirdly, we will empower our business development withtechnology middle platform to promote symbiosis betweenculture and technology. Based on the 5g Key Laboratory award-ed and established by the National Radio and Television Ad-ministration, we will promote the R&D and application of NFT,digital human production and virtual content production andbroadcasting technology, and explore the form, technology ap-plication and business model innovation of 5g+ media productsfacing the Metaverse.

In 2022, the Company will continue to implement the relevantrequirements of the Securities and Futures Commission to car-ry out special actions on the governance of listed companies,and ensure the quality development of the Company throughmulti-level and multi-dimensional development of corporategovernance capacity. Firstly, based on the self-examination andself-correction in the previous year, we will further strengthen theinstitutionalization of the corporate governance system and up-grade the corporate governance capability and internal control toa higher level. Secondly, with a focus on high-quality informationdisclosure, we will further improve the operation of the mecha-nism of general meeting of shareholders, board of directors andboard of supervisors of the Company, and enhance the abilityof directors, supervisors and senior executives to perform theirduties diligently, so as to build a long-term mechanism for thestandardized operation of the Company. Lastly, we will definethe main responsibility of the "key minority", promote the Com-pany to lead innovation while ensuring standardized operation,continuously improve the intrinsic development quality of listedcompanies and create higher corporate value, thus effectivelyrewarding investors.

By upholding the leadership of the Party with utter loyalty, theCompany continues to enhance its mainstream value guid-ance through content innovation and upgrading. In 2022, theCompany will take a higher political position and give full playto its advantages as the integrated media to advocate the 20thNational Congress of the CPC with the greatest investment,the best creativity and the most enthusiasm, and promote XiJinping's socialist ideology with China's characteristics in thenew era around the main theme of the 20th National Congressof the CPC. To this end, the Company will plan the theme workof "New Generation", and release more than 20 documentary?lms such as These Ten Years and Daughter of the Party 2 andsome teleplays such as China's Long Course of History andHutong, presenting the magni?cent picture of the new journeyin the new era with small points and big picture. Meanwhile, theCompany will sing the Chinese voice out loud in internationalcommunication in the new era. We will strengthen foreigncommunication by optimizing Mango TV's international APPand striving to carry out in-depth cooperation with one or twocountries along the Belt and Road within the year, so as to ex-pand the overseas user base and build a benchmark platformfor international communication.

The high threshold long video content innovation is driven bytalents essentially. Talent is the most important resource anda company's development cannot leave talents. The Companywill further optimize the talent-based innovation mechanism toattract, develop, retain and utilize talents. We will further solidifythe "Young Talent Plan", promote the "Qingmang Internship Pro-gram" and expand the "Mango Youth Talk". We will also focus onteam building and invest in human capital to further consolidateour core competitiveness and stimulate the innovative vitality ofyoung talents.

As the cornerstone of the capital market, it's the battle?eldfor investor protection in listed companies. The Company isobliged to practice the concept of "protect the investment"and protect minority investors. In 2022, the Company willfurther strengthen investor protection by enhancing the rel-evance and e?ectiveness of information disclosure based oninvestor demands, to fully protect investors' right to know;establish a sound communication mechanism between theboard of directors and investors and improve the channelsand ways for institutional investors to participate in corpo-rate governance; and take the initiative to understand thedemands of minority investors and continuously optimizethe investor return mechanism. Meanwhile, the Company willleverage on its advantages as a new media platform and relyon the Mango New Media Investor Education Base to furtherstrengthen the education for minority investors through de-veloping investor-friendly and high-quality investment edu-cation programs, in a bid to further improve the operation ofthe investor education base.

Leverage on the advantages of two platforms topursue innovative, integrated and in-depth develop-ment of media

Consolidate the middle platform matrix and explore theevolutionary transformation of technology content

Currently, the changing creative themes of the content sectorbring new opportunities to the long video industry. The Com-pany will cater to the trend of content innovation and up-grading, leverage on Mango's talents and ecosystem strength,adhere to the "people-centered" creation philosophy, insiston self-breakthrough, catch up with the times and long-termplanning, so as to pursue long-term content innovation andupgrading and lead the content innovation and upgrading ofthe industry. In 2022, the Company will make e?orts in both?lm and television and variety shows for content innovationand upgrading. In terms of ?lm and television, the Companywill focus on the "Mango Monsoon" theater, set higher stand-ards and mobilize wider collaboration to sustainably producehigh-quality products that empathize with the times andboast refreshed visual experience. In terms of variety shows,the Company will increase innovation and research anddevelopment e?orts and strive to launch more than 40% ofinnovative programs, so as to further consolidate its leadingposition in the variety shows industry.

Insist on innovation and lead content upgrade inthe industry

Improve corporate governance and promote high-qual-ity development of listed companies

Keep in mind the mission of the party media andpromote mainstream value communication

Focus on team building to stimulate the innovativevitality of young talents

In 2022, the Company will increase strategic resources to pro-mote stable development of emerging businesses. XiaomangE-commerce will continue to strengthen its core positioning as acontent e-commerce platform for new trendy domestic products.Taking advantage of its high-quality content IP resources on thetwo platforms within Mango ecosystem, it will rapidly iterate the"video + content + e-commerce" model through IP resourcesoperation to empower new trendy domestic products.Mean-while,we will add strategic shareholders to promote the synergybetween Xiaomang E-commerce and the business sectors of thewhole Mango ecosystem, so as to promote the better and fasterdevelopment of Xiaomang E-commerce. The live entertainmentproject will expedite its transformation from setting a benchmarkto expanding new stores.

Increase strategic investment to promote the itera-tion and upgrade of emerging businesses

Practice the concept of "protect the investment"and strengthen the protection mechanism forminority shareholders


Development strategy

Into Mango Excellent MediaMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report


Mango Excellent Media continues to optimize itscorporate governance structure, build an infor-mation disclosure system oriented to investors'demands, continuously strengthen internalcontrol management and integrity building, andpromote compliant and sound operation, with anaim to promoting high-quality development withhigh-level governance and proactively ful?lling itssocial responsibility and mission as a mainstreamnew media group.

We innovate and develop with great power and integrate communication, and warmly celebrate the 100thanniversary of the founding of the Party with practical achievements. We held 3 General Meeting of Stockhold-ers, 9 meetings of the Board of Directors and 8 meetings of the Board of Supervisors; prepared and disclosed4 regular reports and issued 178 temporary announcements, and was rated as A (top level) in the annual Ap-praisal Results of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies by Shenzhen Stock Exchange for three consecu-tive years; and implemented the internal control evaluation covering all the businesses of the Company.

Warmly celebrating the 100th anni-versary of the founding of the PartyResponsibility managementCorporate governanceInternal control managementIntegrity buildingIntellectual property protection

Our philosophy

Our performance

Our actions


0910GovernanceMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

To align major decisions with ESG principles, theCompany has established an ESG working groupunder the leadership of the Board of Directors,set up an ESG management structure, and hireda third-party professional organization to analyzethe ESG status of the Company and its subsidiar-ies. Through ?eld visits and questionnaire survey,the consulting company has proposed improve-ment suggestions to the existing ESG concepts,management and measures. Meanwhile, theCompany has invited professional CSR consult-ing companies to carry out social responsibilitytraining on sta? so as to enhance their awarenessof responsibility and their ability to perform CSRresponsibilities. During the reporting period, theCompany was rated as AA in ESG by Wind, rank-ing No. 1 in Wind's three-level classification forthe media industry.

ESG governance

Materiality analysisBased on national macro policy guidance, do-mestic and foreign CSR standards research, in-dustry benchmarking and company developmentstrategies, Mango Excellent Media has identifiedtopics and issues that have important impact onthe Company and stakeholders from four areas ofeconomy, environment, society and governance,and forms a materiality issue library.

Communication with stakeholders

The Company respects the relationship with shareholders, customers, employees and other stakeholders, establishes a normalizedcommunication mechanism with stakeholders, and actively responds to the demands and expectations of stakeholders throughmultiple channels. The Company works hard to achieve sustainable and stable operating performance for shareholders, and sharethe dividend of the reform and development with employees. The goal is to create a mutually bene?cial and symbiotic cooperationecosystem that promotes co-existence and win-win.

Legal operationImproving corporate governanceRegular and temporary information disclosureInvestor relations managementCooperative in regulatory inspectionsRegular and temporary information disclosureAnti-corruption managementRegular and temporary information disclosureProtection of user rightsInvestor education activitiesPrivacy and information security protectionProtection of the rights and interests of employeesEmployee career developmentEmployee education and trainingColorful employee activitiesCorporate cultureTargeted poverty alleviationVolunteer and charity activitiesGreen developmentEnvironmental protection

Promoting industry developmentProviding quality services and contentContent innovation

Playing the role as a mainstream mediaSupplier managementEmployee rights and interestsTraining and developmentData securityProtection of MinorsUser privacy protectionCommunity engagementTargeted poverty alleviationStrengthening Party buildingCorporate governanceInvestor relationsInternal control and risk managementInformation disclosureAnti-corruption

Compliance and legal operationMeeting regulatory requirementsResponding to national development policyProtection of personal rightsImproving service qualityAdequate information disclosure

Employment and rights protectionEmployee compensation and bene?tsCareer development and training

Social welfare involvementCreating jobs for the communityGreen operationEnvironmental protection

Environmental protectionWaste managementImproving energy e?ciency

Expectations and demands

Materiality issues

Communication and responseStakeholders



Governmentand regulato-ry authority



Communitiesand the publicEnvironment




Responsibility management


Compliance and legal operationStable growthProtection of shareholders' rights and interestsAdequate information disclosureSustainable development

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

The year 2021 is the ?rst year of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 100th anniversaryof the founding of the Communist Party of China. As the main force of new media,Mango Excellent Media has always been adhering to the leadership of the Party andbuilding mainstream new media, promoting high-quality Party history study andeducation, and working hard on the integration of Party building and business de-velopment, so as to constantly consolidate the "root" and "soul" of state-owned en-terprises and facilitate the development of mainstream new media with high quality,stringent standard and strong execution.

The Company's Party commit-tee has

grassroots-levelParty committees,

Partybranches and

exist-ing Party members

In 2021

Party history study and educationThe Company always keeps in mind the general requirements of General Secretary Xi on Party building in the new era, and reso-lutely exerts the vital role of the Party organizations of state-owned enterprises in setting the direction, managing the overall situa-tion and overseeing implementation. We held Party committee meetings every month and all major issues were discussed demo-cratically and reviewed collectively by the Party committee.To study and implement Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with China's characteristics in the new era, our Party committee prioritizedpolitical study and organized 17 study sessions for the central group of the Party committee throughout the year, covering regula-tions and documents, the spirit of meetings at higher levels, special session on Party history study and education and etc. We arealways committed to strengthen theoretical study to ensure high consistency with the CPC Central Committee in political position,direction, principles and path, and integrate the Party leadership into all aspects of corporate governance.

Special lecture onDrawing Strength from a Century of Party History - Learning and Un-derstanding the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central CommitteeIn November 2021, Mango Excellent Media Party Committee Theory Learning Center (as enlarged)held a special study session and invited Professor Wu Chuanyi, Vice President of the Party School ofthe Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Vice President of the HunanAdministration Institute, to deliver a special lecture on the topic ofDrawing Strength from a Centu-ry of Party History - Learning and Understanding the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19thCPC Central Committee.

Special lecture onDrawing Strength from a Century of Party History - Learning and Un-derstanding the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee


Warmly celebrating the 100th anniversaryof the founding of the Party

Materializing Mango's dream by learning the Party historyInheriting the spiritual bloodline by learning the Party historyContributing to the greatness of the

Party by learning the Party history

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG ReportMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG ReportMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

1314GovernanceMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, Mango Studiosand Mango Entertainment, both being the subsidiaries of the Company, pro-duced the Re?nement of Faith and Faith Makes Great TV series, with high spec-i?cations, tight schedule and heavy tasks. To strengthen the determination ofthe crew to pay tribute to the Party, inherit the ?ne tradition of "the cooperationbetween the Party branch and operation team" and exert the role of the Partybranch as the battle fortress and the pioneer of Party members, the crew setup a temporary Party branch under the guidance of the Party Committee of theCompany. Under the leadership of the temporary Party branch, the two crewsdrew nutrients from the Party history, overcame di?culties, and were brave toinnovate, writing a history for the Party, casting the soul for the nation and es-tablishing the biography for the people with heart, emotion and e?orts.Re?nement of Faith is the only TV series that presents a panoramic view of theParty's 100-year revolutionary, entrepreneurial and struggle history among theprojects celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. It showsthe glorious journey of the CPC from hardship to glory in the refinement ofblood and ?re in each major stage of history. It adopts a new structure of eightsongs and eight sections to showcase the 100-year history of the Party.

Promoting party history study and education with ?ne arts

The Faith Makes Great TV series is a key work planned and organized by theNational Radio and Television Administration to celebrate the 100th anniver-sary of the founding of the Party. The series consists of 40 episodes, featuring40 groups of characters and glittering stories from different periods, docu-menting the moving journey of the Chinese people united and led by the CPCsince its birth one hundred years ago, holding high the torch of ideals andfaith, seeking national independence, people's liberation and national pros-perity, and struggling endlessly to realize the Chinese dream of national reju-venation. The TV series was shot in 18 provinces and autonomous regions ofChina, including Zhejiang, Shandong, Beijing, Tibet, Henan, Fujian, Shanghai,Hainan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Yunnan, Sichuan and Gansu,etc. It can be comparable to a "long march of literary creation" in terms of theelements, the time and space span as well as the mobilization difficulty in-volved in this TV series.

Mango Excellent Media's Celebra-tion for the 100th Anniversary ofthe Founding of the CPC and 2021"Frontier Project" Commendation

"Frontier Project" Commendation


To celebrate the 100th anniversary of thefounding of the Party, fully demonstratethe fruitful results achieved by the Par-ty organizations at all levels and Partymembers in various work, and inspirethe Party members to stay true to ouroriginal aspiration and founding missionand play a pioneering role in the newjourney for the new era, in June 2021,the Company held the 100 Years' Strug-gle for A New Journey - Mango ExcellentMedia's Celebration for the 100th Anni-versary of the Founding of the CPC and2021 'Frontier Project' Commendation. Atotal of 29 "Frontier Party members", 11"Frontier Party workers" and 7 "FrontierParty branches" were honored.Led by Zhang Huali, Secretary of theParty Committee and Chairman of theBoard of the Group and Secretary ofthe Party Committee and Chairman ofTV series: Re?nement of Faith

Mini-Series; Faith Makes Great


the Board of Mango Excellent Media, 97newly developed reserve members sol-emnly swore to join the CPC with honor.Zhang Huali delivered a keynote speech,discussing with the audience "the un-changed in a century of great changes".Spirit remains unchanged despite of dra-matic changes in external environment.Among the dramatic changes rests thespiritual power of Chinese Communiststhat has been passed down from gener-ation to generation, burning brightly andnever dying.Instinct remains unchanged despite ofdramatic changes in tools. Regardless ofhow the media evolves, our instinct to

defend the position as party media willnever fade away.Our original aspiration remains un-changed despite of dramatic changes invision. No matter what kind of sceneryoutside, our original aspiration will al-ways be creating long video contentsthat lead the industry trend.We strive to create a huge change in theunchanged. We believe that Be Boiling onthe Mango Monsoon theater can be wide-ly popular and Mango TV and Xiaomangcan live up to the expectations of thepublic. We believe in our choice and ourpartners. We are comrades and encour-age each other, jointly writing our today'soath into the opening preface of the nexthundred years of great changes.

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

1516GovernanceMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Special governance actions

Mechanism of General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors

Since the implementation of the new securities law, Mango Excellent Media has continuously improved the construction of thecorporate governance system with the articles of association as the core, and carried out special corporate governance actions instrict accordance with the regulatory requirements of the CSRC to ensure that all aspects of the Company comply with the require-ments of the new regulation.With outstanding governance and market performance in 2021, the Company was granted the "Best Board of Directors Award"and "Best Investor Relations Award" in the 12th Tianma Award for Investor Relations of China Listed Companies, "Top 50 ValuableBrands on Growth Enterprise Market" and "Social Responsibility Award of A-share Listed Companies" in the 15th China Listed Com-pany Value Assessment event, "Most Valuable Company for Investor Relations of the Year" and "Listed Companies Most Favored byForeign Investors of the Year" in the ?rst China Listed Company Meridian Award, and was selected as Top 10 in the media industryin Sina Finance's "2021 Top 500 Chinese ESG Companies".

E?ective corporate governance and standardized operation underpin the high-qualitydevelopment of the Company and serve as the fundamentals of the Company's invest-ment value trusted by the majority of investors. The Company constantly improves thecorporate governance structure according to the requirements of the Company Law,Securities Law, Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies, Rules Governing the List-ing of Shares on GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Self-regulatory Guidelines forListed Companies No. 2 - Standardized Operation of Companies Listed on GEM. It con-tinues to conduct in-depth recti?cation on internal standards and systems, promotingstandardized operation and improving the level of corporate governance.

The Company held the General Meeting of Stockholders

The Company held

GeneralMeeting of Stockholders,

meetings of the Board of Directors,and

meetings of the Board ofSupervisors

In 2021

The Board of Direc-tors consists of

directors, including

independentdirectors and

female director

The Board of Su-pervisors consistsof


em-ployee supervisor

The Company has

senior executives,including

femalesenior executive

In 2021

Chairman Zhang Hualiwas awarded the "Top 10Entrepreneurial Leaders ofListed Companies" in the15th China Listed Compa-ny Value Assessment event

The Company was award-ed the "Most ValuableListed Company" of ChinaNew Economy by CLS

Wu Jun, Secretary of theBoard, was awarded the NewFortune Best Capital Opera-tion Project Award

The Company was award-ed the "2021 Top 100 In-?uential Listed Companiesof the Year" in Snowball'sannual gold list

Corporate governance

1718GovernanceMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Information disclosure

Investor relations

The Company resolutely implements the latest requirements of the newSecurities Law,theOpinions of the State Council on Further Improving the Quality of Listed Companiesand theAnnouncement of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Special Ac-tions for the Governance of Listed Companiesregarding information disclosure for thehigh-quality development of listed companies, builds an information disclosure systemoriented to investors' demands, improves its own information disclosure managementsystem with the times and strengthens the construction of the information disclosuretalent team to promote the steady improvement of the Company's information disclo-sure. In 2021, the Company was once again rated as A (top level) in the Appraisal Re-sults of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies by Shenzhen Stock Exchange, andit has been rated as A for three consecutive years.

The Company attaches great importance to the communication with investors and strictly complies with the relevant provisions of theChina Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange to conduct the management of investor relations in a standard-ized and orderly manner. We built the Mango New Media Investor Education Base and launched a number of original and heavyweightcontents on investor protection such as "How to Get Wealth" and "How to Invest" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of theCompany's investors, especially small and medium investors.

The Company immediately responds to hot issues of concern to small and medium investors through the Shenzhen Stock Exchange'sirm.cninfo.com.cn, its o?cial investor hotline and e-mail address. Throughout the year, the Company has publicly responded to near-ly 300 questions from investors through the online platform, and the o?cial investor relations hotline and email address has receivedover 1,000 calls and letters from investors, carrying out round-the-clock protection to its investors' interests with practical actions.the Company prepared and dis-closed

regular reports andissued

temporary an-nouncements

In 2021

The Shareholders Are Coming 2021 National Grand FinalIn September 2021, The Shareholders Are Coming 2021 Investor Rights Knowledge Contest National Grand Final, jointly organized bythe O?ce of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Investor Protection Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Com-mission, and the China Securities Investors Services Center and Mango Excellent Media, came to a successful conclusion in Changsha.The Shareholders Are Coming is the ?rst national securities and futures knowledge contest themed on investors rights, which aims toimplement the concept of "protect the investment", guide investors to "fully know their rights, actively exercise their rights and defendtheir rights according to law", and advocate the concept of "long-term investment, value investment and rational investment". Theevent covered 36 regions and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, with more than 6.2 million registrants and 400 million participants an-swering the questions. The Shareholders Are Coming 2021 National Grand Final was broadcasted simultaneously on Hunan SatelliteTV and Mango TV. Hunan Satellite TV ranked second in number of plays among provincial TVs for the same time period, and MangoTV got more than 30 million e?ective numbers of plays.

The Shareholders Are Coming 2021 National Grand Final

In 2021, Mango Excellent Media was granted the Tianma Award "Best Board of Directors Award for Investor Rela-tions of China Listed Companies" and "Best Investor Relations Award of China Listed Companies" by the SecuritiesTimes. Wu Jun, Secretary of the Board of Directors, was awarded the "Best Board Secretary Award for Investor Rela-tions of China Listed Companies".

In 2021, Mango Excellent Media was awarded the "Most Valuable Company for Investor Relations of the Year" and"Listed Companies Most Favored by Foreign Investors of the Year" at the China Listed Company Meridian Award,and Wu Jun, Secretary of the Board of Directors, was awarded the "Elite Board Secretary of the Year".

1920GovernanceMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Mango Excellent Media focuses on strengthening the improvement of internal control system to promote and enhance the man-agement level. In the process of establishing and improving the internal control system, the Company adheres to the risk-orientedprinciple and recti?es and optimizes the identi?ed problems in a timely manner. We will work hard on internal control constructionto e?ectively prevent business risks and improve the management level.Based on the results of the comprehensive standardized internal control construction in 2020, the Company implemented an inter-nal control evaluation covering all the business of the Company in 2021. A total of 148 ?rst-level processes and 2,401 control pointswere inspected, and the internal control application manual, internal control diagnostic report, risk database and other internalcontrol systems and key data were e?ectively and e?ciently formed in accordance with the Company's business development, tokeep internal control in line with the Company's business.

Organizational guarantee

System guarantee

Culture guarantee

Procedure guarantee

The Company clari?es the scope of internal control evaluation in accordance with relevant regulatory requirements for internalcontrol as well as operation & business models and risk management requirements. The goal is to better conduct the comprehen-sive evaluation on internal control design and operation.

The Company revises and improves existing systems based on the results of internal control. Meanwhile, the Company, through theinformation system, implements the results of internal control and e?ectively prevents internal control risks while accelerating thespeed of decision-making and authorization.

The information system should follow the principles ofuni?ed planning, building, architecture, and standards.

According to the inspection results of the project teamon the implementation of systems, the Company willhave an in-depth analysis of task failures, and providesupport or design modi?cation proposals for challeng-ing businesses or processes.

According to the results of internal control, the Com-pany shall review the overall information system, andimplement reasonable and e?ective decision-makingand approval procedures to improve the e?ciency ofapproval while averting internal control risks.

The Company promotes and implements its internal control management system through news-papers, magazines, and intranet. We held regular internal control training and strengthened ideo-logical publicity to further improve the compliance awareness of employees.

The Company has built a closed-loop management model featuring "building - oper-ation - evaluation - rebuilding". We regularly evaluate and test the internal control, ex-amine the business-related internal control manuals, systems and procedures in eachdepartment, and formulate recti?cation plans based on the results of examination toensure the integrity of the system. Meanwhile, according to the internal control evalua-tion and test results, the Company has established an internal control defects list. Eachbusiness department shall formulate a rectification plan based on the list, and actsstrictly according to the deadline and responsibility person in the plan.

responsible forbuilding and im-proving the inter-nal control system



































































responsible forinternal control &audit supervision

responsible for theimplementationand optimization ofinternal control

Chairman as thefirst responsibleperson

Revising and improving company systems and systemreview forms according to internal control results.

Internal control management

GovernanceMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Assessment guarantee

The Company gives full play to the roles of internal control and assessment, sets up anassessment system, and provides incentives based on the assessment results to im-prove internal control.

Assessment guaranteefor internal control

Through assessment , we ef-fectively motivate managersat all levels and employees,for strengthened internalrisk control on the whole.

Feedback of assessment results

A performance appraisalsystem is introduced to theexisting internal controlsystem, to assess the e?ec-tiveness of internal controlimplementation.

Assessment system setting

By incorporating internal control intothe assessment system to promote theimplementation of internal control, theCompany can provide internal motiva-tion for the implementation of internalcontrol, and improve the operationale?ciency of internal control.

Interaction between internalcontrol and assessment

Mango Excellent Media ?rmly promotes the construction of good conduct and political integrity, constantly strengthens the construc-tion of system, organization, internal audit and risk control, and integrity education and culture, and establishes the "four-in-one"internal supervision mechanism consisting of the discipline inspection committee, audit department, legal a?airs department and?nance department, which can comprehensively prevent integrity risks for key links in key areas, key positions and key personnel, es-tablishing a management system and rules with its own characteristics.

Revise the Administrative Pro-curement Management System

Bidding projects with a certainamount of money are requiredto adopt the public tender proce-dures to eliminate the integ-rityrisks from the source.

Strengthen the supervi-

sion of key processes

Establish the integrity inspectionmechanism with a focus on prevent-ing the integrity risks of key positions

The discipline inspection depart-ment shall participate in the wholeprocess or take random checks onprocurement tender, personnelpromotion, commodity considera-tion and commodity placement toensure supervision with systems.

Systems have been established

to ensure the personal informa-

tion investigation, the signing of

the commitment letter, talks on

integrity, daily behavior manage-

ment, irregular supervision on

posts and centralized supervision

on key nodes.

芒果超媒股份有限公司 2021年度 ESG报告

Integrity building

2324GovernanceMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Mango Excellent Media has consciously conformed to the re-quirements of laws and administrative regulations as well asthe operating norms of listed companies, earnestly performedits social responsibilities as mainstream new media, andfought against unfair competition, commercial bribery, fraudand other illegal activities. In 2021, the Company continued toenhance its legal and compliance capabilities in all aspects ofoperation, especially in IPR protection of the Company's coreassets. More attention were paid to protecting the Company'scontinuous compliance and innovation ability from the legalperspective, maintaining and increasing the value of its intel-lectual property rights, and actively maintaining the competi-tive order in the cultural market.

the Company and its subsidiaries registered


trademarks, with

trademarks under appli-cation procedures.

software copyrights and

works copyrights have been registered,

domain names have been put on record,

pat-ents are under application procedures, and

pat-ents have been authorized

the Company ?led approximately

trademark ap-plications and approximately

patent applications

the Company initiated approximately

cases onworks rights protection

By the end of 2021

For Internet copyright infringement,the Company organized special per-sonnel and professional institutionsto carry out real-time monitoring andsafeguard rights through the combina-tion of daily content clearance on thewhole platform and special key IP 24/7monitoring and clearanceThe People's Court of Putuo District inShanghai issued the first pre-trial in-junction for the "Mango TV" trademarkinfringement dispute in 2021, e?cient-ly stopping the infringement

The Company has further re?ned and im-proved enterprise IPR protection throughgovernment-enterprise cooperationThe Company has carried out severalrounds of special exchanges and train-ing on copyright protection of ?lm andtelevision and variety shows and pro-tection of musical works

The Company completed the establishment oftrademark management information system, realiz-ing the online processing of trademark application,review, opposition, revocation, renewal and othermanagement processes, and all trademarks of theCompany's subsidiaries can be scientifically ande?ectively managed in the systemWhen the trademarks of important projects such as"Be Boiling" and "Detective Families" su?er from theinfringement by other subjects, the Company pro-actively took measures to protect its rights such asraising opposition, which e?ectively combated thetrademark infringement and protected our intellec-tual property rights

Mango Excellent Media successfully completed theacceptance of trademark-intensive cultivation enter-prises in ChangshaMango Studios successfully completed the acceptance ofcopyright-intensive cultivation enterprises in Changsha

As a high-tech enterprise, the Company has activelypromoted technological innovation and patentprotection. Currently, its patent applications covervarious ?elds related to video industry, such as ad-vertising, data access, audio play, CDN distributionand so onThe Company encouraged technical personnel tomake innovation and actively implemented incen-tives for patent applications, with patent incentivesof about RMB2.3 million in 2021

Copyright protection

Protection of specialintellectual property rights

Trademark protectionPatent protection


Intellectualproperty protection

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report


We are committed to establishing a harmoniousand co-prosperous relationship with stakeholderssuch as users, employees, partners, industries, andcommunities, actively assuming social responsi-bility and continuously enhancing communicationand collaboration with all parties, so as to achievepositive interaction with all parties and promotethe sustainable development of both the Companyand the society.

The Company further developed mainstream works by launching 17 mainstream positive-energymasterpieces, such as Daughter of the Party, We Are Young and Mundane Glory, upgraded Mango TVInternational APP by establishing special zones including the "Chinese Culture", "Centennial of theParty" and "China Style Channel", striving to be a crucial window for "Chinese Culture Going Out",and completed the building of its self-developed AI management platform. "Mango RevitalizationCloud Supermarket" was awarded as an excellent typical case of National Consumption Supportfor Rural Revitalization in 2021. The Company also created the "Mango Public Welfare" platform andthe "Happy Learning" education platform.

Adherence to value guidanceContinuous content innovationIncreasing technology research anddevelopmentPassionate about social welfareCare for employeesProtecting the rights of usersPromoting industry progress

Our philosophy

Our performance

Our actionsSDGs

Mango Excellent Media always adheresto its responsibility as a new state-ownedmainstream media by consolidatingmainstream publicity, insisting on thepeople-centered creative orientation, in-tegrating mainstream values into contentcreation and implementing them intoeach work, in a bid to lead young peo-ple's values with high-quality long videocontents and continuously contribute toinnovative mainstream publicity.

Mainstream publicity

Large-scale feature documentary Daughters of the Party

Inspirational documentary We Are Young

EE-Media produced special songs to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party

In July 2021, We Are Young produced by Mango TV was broadcast. In the form of "character record + work documentary + theme oath",the documentary selects 15 young Party members in important positions for the construction of our motherland to show their hardwork and dedication and solemnly reciting the oath of joining the Party under the Party ?ag in the form of documentary ?lm.After the documentary was aired, the political work department of an army and the political department of the forest ?re brigade ofLiangshan Prefecture sent a letter of thanks, saying that it shows the hard-core spiritual connotation of the young Party membersgroup who are not afraid of hardships, not counting gains and losses and not humiliating the mission. The documentary was recom-mended by the home page of www.xuexi.cn, a?rmed for several times by 15 mainstream media such as People's Daily, Guang MingDaily and other authoritative institutions such as the Communist Youth League of China and China Forest Fire Management, selectedas a quality documentary to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, and praised by the Hunan Provincial Radioand Television Bureau for "presenting the young generation's spirit to 'live up to youth and time', showing the right way for contempo-rary youth to inherit the great spirit of the founding of the Party with their actions, and inspiring more viewers to examine themselves,take the initiative to think and act."

On the occasion of the 100th anniver-sary of the founding of the CPC, EE-Me-dia specially produced songs such asInscribed, I Love My Motherland, Say Yaand Water Flower to interpret its loveand blessing to our motherland, remem-ber the lofty years and keep the originalaspiration in mind forever.

Large-scale feature documentary Daughters of the Party

Value guidance

In June 2021, the large-scale feature documentary Daughters of the Party, jointly pro-duced by the All-China Women's Federation, Xinhua News Agency and Mango TV anddirected by the Publicity Department of Hubei Provincial Committee, went on air. Thedocumentary selects 100 representative outstanding female Party members in variousperiods and depicts, with a unique female perspective, the century-old Party historywith rich details, delicate emotions and touching stories, through various expressionssuch as real records, scenario reproduction and rejuvenating language, which inspiresmore women to love the Party, our country and socialism, and join the new economicand social development practices with great enthusiasm.After it was aired, the documentary was highly a?rmed by the Publicity Department ofthe CPC Central Committee, and was praised by many authoritative institutions suchas the People's Daily Political Culture Department, National Radio and Television Ad-ministration, the UNHCR and the All-China Women's Federation, as well as more than30 mainstream media such as Guang Ming Daily and China Youth Daily, saying that it"shows the outstanding contributions made by female Communists for national revital-ization in di?erent times and outlines an extraordinarily heart-warming and tearful 100-year Party history for audiences."

Sing a Folk Song to the Party - Celebrating the Party's centennial journey with classic melodies

Mango TV international APP upgrade

The Great Journey, a large-scale situational epic to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party

The artistes of EE-Media, including Dany Lee, Bai Jugang, JiangYingrong and Wei Xun, were invited by the Publicity Departmentof Shaoshan Municipal Committee of the CPC to Shaoshan,the hometown of the great man, and participated in the Sing aFolk Song to the Party pop-up event together with professionalperformance teams, choral arrays, social groups and other vol-unteers, reinterpreting old songs in a new way to celebrate the100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC.

In October 2021, Mango TV International APP - MangoTV was upgrad-ed to create a "minimalist interface" and "ultimate functionality". Theupgrade optimizes the functional experience while fully optimizingthe technical architecture, which enables smooth video plays andfaster response on APP. The core functions of the APP are strength-ened and streamlined into 4 tabs at the bottom - selection, search,download and personal center. With simple, light and fast functions,users can pay more attention to the content of video. The searchfunction is integrated with the entrance of the library function; thechannel supports automatic preview, and videos can be includedin the watch list through ?ash image in preview, which brings moreconvenience for users to catch up with the drama anytime and any-where. In addition, the chromecast function, which is highly request-ed by users, has also been optimized in this upgrade.To cater to the demands of users in di?erent countries and regions,the International APP supports 7 languages, including SimplifiedChinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysianand Indonesian, and provides multi-lingual subtitles with minoritylanguage dubbing and HD video with panoramic sound playback toupgrade the viewing experience. In the future, Mango TV will contin-ue to polish its products to deliver better Chinese cultural experienceto global users.

In June 2021, Dany Lee, an artiste of EE-Media, participated in the cultural performanceThe Great Journey to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Commu-nist Party of China. The whole performance took more than 120 minutes to vividly showthe history of the Communist Party of China in leading the Chinese people in revolu-tion, construction and reform over the past century, and enthusiastically eulogize themagni?cent epic of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era and strid-ing forward to a new journey of fully build a modern socialist China since the 18th PartyCongress under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade XiJinping at the core.

The artistes of EE-Media participated in the Sing a FolkSong to the Party pop-up event

The Great Journey, a large-scale situational epic to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party

Dany Lee participated in The Great Journey


Mango Excellent Media proactively promotes Chinese culture to go out and builds a platform with international in?uence - Mango TVInternational APP, so as to facilitate international communication. As a ?rm practitioner of the strategic mission of "spread of Chineseculture overseas", Mango TV has produced several documentaries targeting international communication, including My Youth onthe Belt and Road which truly records the Chinese youths sweating in countries along the Belt and Road, and Mundane Glory whichfocuses on the strugglers in China's emerging industries from the unique perspective of foreign experience guests. The Company hasalso joined hands with Discovery to create the world's ?rst multinational co-produced professional experience documentary The DayI Ran China to promote international exchange and cooperation and the globalization of China's story and voice.

International communication

The Rational Life goes abroad and gains high attention and praise from global audience

Call Me By Fire

Mundane Glory: Here comes The Party – "Another masterpiece in the se-ries of foreign communication programs"

In March 2021, Mango TV launched its ?rst S-class self-produced drama The Rational Life, which revolves around the life and growthof 30+ women and truly depicts the life and workplace dilemmas faced by women in this age group. The drama arouses the wide dis-cussion about women's self-worth, workplace problems, relationship choices and other realistic issues, shows the values of Chineseyouth, especially young women, gives overseas viewers a deeper understanding of China's new contemporary women, more fully anddistinctly demonstrates the Chinese story and the ideological and spiritual power behind it, and achieves a double success in terms ofpopularity and reputation.

Call Me By Fire is a blockbuster panoramic music competition variety show launched by Mango TV. Through the musical competitionof more than 30 male guests, the program innovates the competition system and sections such as intense tribe formation, ?re-valuebidding and stage competition for the male guests to show the brothers' brave and courageous attitude and determination in thecompetition process.With profound intention, high quality content and extreme aesthetics, Call Me By Fire has become another phenomenal variety showcreated by Mango, with a number of data performances breaking new historical records and becoming the ?ve "most" projects in thevideo industry with "the most creative programs, the most exquisite presentation e?ects, the most complex use of choreography tech-nology, the most di?cult organization and coordination, and the most wonderful advertising and marketing".

In July 2021, the short video series Mundane Glory: Here comes The Party, jointly pro-duced by Mango Excellent Media and Mango TV, was launched on Mango TV and MangoTV International APP. The program follows the core model of "foreign youths as visitingguests" in the ?rst season, and tells the struggles of young Chinese communists in thenew era, new industries and new positions from foreign perspectives, vividly portrayingthe group image and qualities of contemporary Chinese youths.After it was launched, the video has been broadcasted on overseas platforms such asSky Link TV, SinovisionNet and Portuguese IU TV channel, and has successively landedon mainstream media in Hong Kong, China, the UK and Southeast Asia, covering morethan 190 countries and regions around the world, and has been recommended by over-seas media such as the o?cial website of Time Magazine in the US.

The Rational Life is the first domestic filmand TV production purchased by Netflix, theworld's largest online video platform in 2021,and has received S+ level publicity resourcesfrom Net?ix worldwide. It has been simulcast in193 countries and regions from June 18, 2021,occupying No. 30 in the global popularity list ofNet?ix, No. 3 in Singapore, No. 2 in Taiwan, andNo. 7 in Hong Kong, China. It has been rated ashigh as 8.8 out of 10 on IMDB, an authoritativeforeign rating website. The Hunan ProvincialRadio and Television Bureau praised it as "aninspirational drama focusing on the currentsituation of urban women in the workplace",highlighting the competitiveness of Mango TV'sTV series in the overseas market.

Mango TV's ?rst S-class self-produced drama The Rational Life

Call Me By FireThe short video series Mundane Glory:

Here comes The Party

Abiding by the principle of "content is the king", Mango TV is committed to create di?er-entiated and diversi?ed variety shows for the whole platform, explore the brother andsister system, marriage observation, new emotions, detective shows and other main-stream market tracks, produce numerous watchable and fresh programs, provide morediversi?ed and abundant viewing experience for the platform users, and establish thegolden signboard of Mango production.

Variety shows

Content innovation

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Sisters Who Make Waves S2

Who's the Murderer S6

Great Escape S3

See You Again

Who's the Murderer 6, Mango TV's self-produced Internetlegal education and deduction program, develops a newdouble detective mode and opens up a new "Detective Uni-verse era" through more high-energy brain-burning casesand interlocking character relationships.The program sticks to its "detective heart", insisting on in-depth analysis of social ills, exploring the causes behind thecases and the hot topics re?ected in society, and conveyingthe true beauty of humanity to the public. The sixth sea-son continues the warm undertones of previous seasons.Whether it is concern for personal feelings, depression or so-cial issues such as appearance anxiety, protection of minorsand academic fraud, the program always resonates with themajority of netizens emotionally. People's Daily, Guang MingDaily, XinhuaNet, China Xiaokang and other mainstreammedia have issued articles praising the program, saying thatit "continues to grow the 'Detective Universe', leading theway for 'youth culture' in daring to speak and do".

Great Escape S3, the puzzle-type live-action decryption ex-perience program, adopts a "?xed crew + ?ying guests" line-up, innovative plot design and scene setting, and upgradesthe derivative program in the form of "Great Escape + X" bylaunching Great Escape Master Version, Pre-program Party,Post-credit Scene, Closing Banquet, etc., forming a powerfulderivative program matrix.The program continues to maintain high reputation and pop-ularity, fully demonstrating the strong vitality and rising pow-er of the N generation IP of this variety show. The programpopularizes the culture of escape to the general public andenhances inter-generational communication and family har-mony; it integrates grand themes such as patriotism, as wellas the concepts of practical struggle, solidarity and coopera-tion, and caring for others in the plot, which subconsciouslypromotes mainstream values to the youth group.

See You Again, Mango TV's ?rst marriage documentary obser-vation program, is a documentary about an 18-day caravanjourney between three couples in emotional crisis. The styleof the program is "advanced, literary and cold", presentinghigh quality in terms of presentation, narrative style and visualpackaging, attracting a large number of sophisticated, aesthet-ics-seeking mature women and people in ?rst-tier cities, with ahigh audience value. Under the saturated emotional observa-tion variety show market, the program uses vegetarian guestswith clear expressions and sincere emotions to discuss divorceissues with the public in a delicate and gentle narrative way,opening up a new ?eld for domestic variety shows.The program provides an in-depth analysis of marriage rela-tionships and conveys a positive view of marriage, and is highlyrecognized by authoritative institutions and mainstream mediasuch as the Communist Youth League of China's publicationChina Youth, the All-China Women's Federation's Marriage andFamily, and chinanews.com, saying it "gives women the cour-age and strength to pursue happiness."

Sisters Who Make Waves S2

Who's the Murderer S6

Great Escape S3, popularizing the culture of escape

See You Again, the ?rst marriage documentary observation pro-gram in China


Sisters Who Make Waves 2 is an inspirational program thatfocuses on the growth of 30+ women and encourages womento pursue their dreams bravely. The focus is on the wonderfulblossoming of women and the efforts and struggles behindtheir success, encouraging women to struggle with con?dencewhile taking care of themselves, and showing the group portraitof positive women in the new era.The program is innovative in terms of choreography and vis-uals, stage presentation and competition design, and especiallyintroduces a new "kick-o?" system to enhance its watchability.The program specially planned a series of reports called "Sistersin Xiangxi", inviting sisters to visit the Aizhai Bridge, enjoy theMiao customs and recommend local special agricultural prod-ucts. The program also invited Shi Jinqi, the inheritor of Miaodrums in Xiangxi, to show the "she-power" in non-genetic in-heritance, which was praised in writing by the Publicity Depart-ment of the CPC Central Committee, the Publicity Departmentof Hunan Provincial Party Committee, Hunan Provincial Radioand Television Bureau and other higher-level authorities.Meanwhile, the program, in conjunction with the publicitydepartment of All-China Women's Federation, launched the#She-Power# network search campaign to dig up stories ofwomen's struggle, pay tribute to the advanced women's spirit,and attract the participation of female role models from allwalks of life.


Braving Life

The Crack of Dawn

Rememberance of Things Past


Braving Life is an inspirational careerchallenge program, in which ?ve guestsgo into six different industries such asfirefighters and special weapons andtactics to experience their careers andpay tribute to ordinary heroes with mu-sic. Since the program started, the tra?cand popularity has been rising, and theprogram launched the "Tribute to OurBraving Life" campaign, which has trig-gered heated discussions from all walksof life, with persons from medical, fire-fighting, teaching and other industriessharing their stories of struggle.

Focusing on reality, The Crack of Dawn showcases the power of women in humanisticcare, telling the story of an ordinary woman who strives to live a stable life and completesa perfect self-salvation despite of her husband's betrayal and malice and the burden andtribulations of life. In the composite genre of female elements, realistic themes and sus-pense narrative style, The Crack of Dawn has gained both reputation and popularity withthe production quality for a realistic female suspense topic. As a suspense drama, outsideof the confusing plot, the legal issues involved in the drama are more realistic. During thebroadcast, it not only triggered widespread coverage by authoritative media, but also ob-tained online support from sizeable public prosecution and law enforcement agencies,setting o? a wave of promoting the law by watching the play.

Rememberance of Things Past focuses on the life of four young women with di?erent personalities in Beijing and gives a true pic-ture of the life of young people in foreign land with sharp and warm strokes. The drama breaks the usual suspension mode in urbanworkplace dramas, and deeply discusses life topics such as renting, consumption comparison and workplace anxiety. It breaks theusual pattern of female group dramas, with full and three-dimensional characterization, and makes the drama more vivid and warmthrough the girls' growth stories. It does not fall into the cliché in the narrative technique, with a double line of suspenseful main lineand interlude ?ashback, blending suspenseful colors with comedy elements. People's Daily, Guang Ming Daily, XinhuaNet and othermainstream media have issued many articles recommending the series, and the series was awarded the title of "Outstanding Over-seas Communication Work of the National Radio and Television Administration 2021".

As the first domestic anti-poaching shortdrama, Hunter focuses on the "unsungheroes" among the forest public securitygroup and tells the thrilling anti-poachingsaga experienced by the experienced for-est ranger Wei Jiang and the novice forestpolice officer Qin Chuan. The drama hassuccessfully broken the circle by hittingthe core audience with its scarce subjectmatter, artisanal production and grandnarrative, proving that the platform hasthe ability to produce mature male-orient-ed works. The drama series defends thebottom line of justice from the perspectiveof "nobody" and pays tribute to the forestpolice, and has been praised by manymainstream media such as XinhuaNet,Guang Ming Daily and People's Daily.

Braving Life focuses on ordinary heroes in various industries

The Company continues to consolidateits content ecological barrier, constantlystrengthen the media value guidance andindependent content innovation. MangoTV and Hunan Satellite TV jointly created"Mango Monsoon", the first domesticTV-network linkage weekly broadcasttheater. It is the ?rst in the industry to sub-vert padding, unrealistic expressions, traf-fic dependence, and traditional produc-tion and broadcast and explore the newmode of TV broadcast and production,setting an example for the industry andpromoting the innovative development ofthe ?lm and television industry.

Monsoon theater

Hunter, the ?rst domestic anti-poach-ing short drama

Rememberance of Things Past

The Crack of Dawn

Mango Excellent Media attaches great importance to the R&D accumulation of its owncore technology. The Company constantly solidi?es the foundation of technological inno-vation and continuously increases R&D investment.

The Company insists on technology for good, actively explores the integration of con-tent and technology, continuously increases investment in R&D, and integrates newtechnologies into the whole process of content production, platform operation andbusiness expansion. We carry out in-depth study of 5G, AR, VR, AI, e-commerce, shortvideo and other technologies and applications and strives to link new content andform new communications through new technologies, so as to present the content ofMango TV, the core platform of Mango Excellent Media, in a more advanced way, furtherstrengthen its guidance on public opinions and guard the main position of ideologypublicity. In the future, the Company will continue to strengthen the incubation and as-sistance of new technologies, explore the building of Mango's Metaverse platform, fullyengage in the competition for future communication forms, and provide a guaranteefor sustainable development.

R&D investment

Technological innovation

Music Lab, Mango TV's first XR online concert, starts a new direction ofvirtual live streaming

Creating a joint lab with China Mobile to drive innovation in the shape ofmedia products

Nature Youth - 5G Acceleration Exhibition

In October 2021, Music Lab, Mango TV's first XR online concert, was launched. Theprogram takes music as a carrier and integrates the latest content expressions suchas pioneering art, fashion trends and cutting-edge technology. With the help of virtualtechnology, seven groups of guests performed on seven creative virtual stages. Thisconcert is the ?rst live music program in China to try virtual online broadcasting. Un-like traditional concerts with giant stages, the guests in this concert can only performon a small stage made of several green screens, with limited space to move around.In order to capture the right camera language and re?ect the image hierarchy, the di-rectors need to constantly transport the mirror and switch the camera position, using12 workstations for real-time keying, scene rendering, virtual lighting synthesis andcolor correction.In addition, Mango TV's ?rst virtual human image "Yaoyao" also appeared as the hostof this virtual concert. Her face is the "most beautiful face" obtained through algo-rithm calculation based on hundreds of millions of face data.

Facing the new technology windfall, Mango Excellent Media and China Mobile jointlycreated a joint lab to drive innovation in the shape of media products. Call Me By Fire,Mango TV's variety show, successfully applied 5G and VR production and broadcastingtechnologies in "Family Birth Night", creating the most complex new technology appli-cation in long video variety show platform so far and bringing immersive art experienceand spiritual enjoyment to users.

In November 2021, China Mobile Global Partner Conference 2021 kicked o? in Guangzhou. At the conference, Mango Excellent Media alsotook the theme of "Nature Youth - 5G Acceleration" to showcase the results of its integration exploration. At the exhibition, Mango Excel-lent Media displayed the latest achievements and forward-looking layout in content innovation, ultra-high de?nition production andbroadcasting, and the scale combination of 5G+4K+VR/AR technology and content with 5G as the engine. The Company built a "MangoTree" in the center of the exhibition hall with a canopy screen to represent openness and integration, symbolizing that Mango ExcellentMedia, empowered by 5G, will co-exist with partners with open-minded attitude, and open up a new track and accelerate integration andinnovation with the innovative youth power, so as to make the 5G+ digital intelligence ecology ?ourish and thrive.

In the past three years, itsR&D investment amountedto RMB


million andRMB

million, re-spectively.

A special Call Me By Fire VR stage experi-ence area has been set up on site, whichwas jointly created by Mango TV andChina Mobile's Migu Culture, and canbe watched from 360° perspectives afterwearing VR glasses, creating an immer-sive viewing experience.

"Mango Tree" representing openness and integration

"Radiance" cloud production and broadcasting platform and AI video repair and enhancement system

Mango Excellent Media combines traditional production and broadcasting technologywith Internet technology to create the "Radiance" cloud production and broadcastingplatform, which for the ?rst time applies the full 4K cloud production and broadcastingtechnology to large-scale seasonal variety shows, breaking through the bottleneck of4K content production industry. Relying on the self-developed "Radiance" cloud pro-duction and broadcasting system, through the collaboration, Mango Excellent Mediacan complete high-quality 4K multi-camera video post-production at low cost, makingthe audio and video experience more immersive and live."Radiance" cloud productionand broadcasting system

Technology R&D

HonorsMango TV's 'Radiance' Ultra HDCloud Production and Broad-casting Technology was award-ed the 2021 Typical Case ofIntegration for National Radioand Television Media

On the journey of promoting the e?ective connection between poverty alleviation andrural revitalization, Mango Excellent Media has been doing its utmost to keep the right-eousness and honesty. Entering the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the Company activelyresponded to the call of the Central Committee and Hunan Provincial Committee onassistance for rural revitalization. In January 2021, "Mango Revitalization Cloud Super-market" upgraded its strategic plan and embarked on the new journey of rural revital-ization with the new identity of "Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket", sparing noe?orts to facilitate rural revitalization.

Rural revitalization


In December 2021, "Mango Re-vitalization Cloud Supermarket"was awarded the 2021 Out-standing Typical Case of Nation-al Consumption Assistance forRural Revitalization.

Special live streaming on Aizhai Village

The Year of Plenty in the Fragrance of Rice Blossoms National Day Special

"Selling Goods in Cities and Sending Customers to Villages" series activities

In March 2021, Happigo, Hunan Satellite TV, Mango Excellent Media and Mango TVjointly launched the special live streaming on Aizhai Village. The hot spot on live com-merce and the consolidation of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategy arebene?cially combined to create a live streaming program with unique Xiangxi style andAizhai characteristics. The live streaming invited Ding Dang, Jiang Yingrong, Liu Ye andother celebrity artistes from the popular program Sisters Who Make Waves to promotethe wonders of Aizhai Village and Xiangxi. The live streaming received nearly one mil-lion likes in only 20 minutes, and the highest number of simultaneous online viewersexceeded 500,000. During the event, "Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket" sold atotal of 20,867 pieces of agricultural products with Hunan characteristics, with a salesamount of RMB4.01 million.

On October 1, 2021, on the ?rst National Day upon the comprehensive promotion of the rural revitalization strategy, Hunan SatelliteTV's "The Year of Plenty in the Fragrance of Rice Blossoms" National Day Special, with a top-notch lineup of Mango hosts and celebrityartistes, formed the strongest promotion team of Hunan rice in history. With the support of "Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket", itfully realized the integration of "production -publicity – marketing", opened the pathway for Hunan rice to go out of Hunan, and achievedcommon prosperity with industrial development, thus truly realizing rural revitalization. During the live broadcast of the program, all the8 Hunan rice brands on the "Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket" were sold out in seconds. After 2 hours of live broadcast, the totalamount of subscriptions for these 8 Hunan rice brands from national enterprises reached 322,185 tons.

To fully promote the rural revitalization strategy, Hunan Association of Travel Agencies,"Mango Cloud Supermarket", and Superior Choice reached a strategic cooperation tocarry out a series of activities around the theme of "Selling Goods in Cities and SendingCustomers to Villages". In June 2021, the launching ceremony of "Selling Goods in Cit-ies and Sending Customers to Villages" Rural Revitalization Activity was held in ShimenCounty, Changde City, Hunan Province. Hundreds of anchors from Changde City wereenthusiastically broadcasted at the "Mango Cloud Supermarket", recommending thespecial agricultural products in Changde and assisting in the sales of local special agri-cultural products.In addition, members of the tour group visited Changde together with the "Mango CloudSupermarket", watching the large-scale landscape live performance of Peach BlossomSource by boat and experiencing the ?rst real-sense whole-process, whole-basin "rivertheater" in China. The next day, they visited the Peach Blossom Source scenic area andexperienced the beauty and customs of Changde. Through the activity, rural tourism be-comes a "new engine" for the implementation of rural revitalization strategy.

"Sisters" came to help farmers

The Year of Plenty in the Fragrance of Rice Blossoms National Day Special

Launching ceremony of "Selling Goods inCities and Sending Customers to Villag-es" rural revitalization activitySpecial live streaming poster onAizhai Village

Poster of The Year of Plenty inthe Fragrance of Rice Blossoms

Social welfare

Live streaming for Yanling Yellow Peach Festival

Strengthening cooperation among communities to promote vaccination services

In July 2021, the CPC Yanling CountyCommittee and the County People'sGovernment joined hands with Happigo,Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermar-ket and Happy Group to create a mul-ti-screen interactive live streaming withthe theme of "Yanling Yellow Peaches",and the products were sold on Happi-go TV and Mango Cloud Supermarketmini-programs, and Happy Group mi-ni-programs recommended the productsthroughout the day to jointly boost thesales of Yanling Yellow Peaches.

Our Party comrades actively promote the knowledge related to the COVID-19 vaccina-tion and strive to promote the vaccination progress. In May 2021, the grassroots-levelParty branch of Happigo collaborated with Chaoyang Community to provide servicesto the residents in the ?rst ?oor of Jieao Hospital in cooperation with the medical sta?of Zhongkang Changhua Kaifu Clinic.

Poster of live streaming for YanlingYellow Peach Festival

Live streaming for Yanling YellowPeach Festival

In 2021, with the raging COVID-19 pan-demic, China faced serious pandemicprevention and control situation. Bear-ing in mind the mission of the Partymedia, the Company has been workinghard on pandemic prevention and con-trol, actively promoting the vaccinationagainst the COVID-19 and deployingmaterials to assist the front line of pan-demic prevention. EE-Media's artistessupported the pandemic preventionand control in Gansu and deliveredpositive energy.


Conducting full-scale nucleic acid testIn July 2021, to ensure the safety andhealth of employees, Happigo organizedall employees to carry out nucleic acidtest. All employees of Happigo carriedout nucleic acid test in an orderly man-ner under the rapid organization of thecompany. During the testing process,the employees who participated in thetest wore masks, kept a distance of onemeter, and left immediately after the testwithout stopping to ensure the safety ofthe environment, and all 950 employeeswho participated in the test had negativenucleic acid test results.

Conducting full-scale nucleic acid test

Assisting employees in vaccination and ?ghting the battle against the pandemic

In August 2021, Mango Excellent Media,Mango TV and Kaifu District HongshanStreet Health Service Center jointly or-ganized the door-to-door vaccination atMango TV, where vaccination was carriedout in a safe, standardized and orderlymanner, laying a solid foundation for?ghting the battle against the pandemic.

Mango Excellent Media vaccinates employees

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Assisting Zhangjiajie in ?ghting the battle against the pandemic

Our artistes supported the pandemic prevention and control in Gansu

In August 2021, to assist Zhangjiajie in ?ghting against the pandemic and overcome the di?culties, Happigo urgently mobilized disin-fectant, goggles, antibacterial hand sanitizer, germicidal sanitary wipes and other materials and loaded 121 boxes of living materialsand 570 boxes of extermination materials, totaling 5,050 pieces of pandemic prevention materials, to assist Zhangjiajie in ?ghting thebattle against the pandemic at the ?rst time.

In October 2021, the editorial depart-ment of Lanzhou Evening News speciallyplanned to launch the column of "Gath-ering Strength to Fight the Pandemic",inviting first-line or popular stars with?ne acting and positive energy to cheerfor Gansu to ?ght against the pandemic.Through Lanzhou Evening News, ChenXiang, an artiste of EE-Media, donatedmore than 100 boxes of anti-pandemicmaterials to Tianshui, including 9,700medical N95 masks, 3,700 sets of med-ical protective clothing, 800 protectivemasks, 78,000 medical disposable masksand 500 bottles of disinfectant tablets.

Happigo donates pandemic prevention supplies to assist Zhangjiajie

Our artiste Chen Xiang donates anti-pandemicmaterials to Gansu

As a Party media and a state-owned enterprise, Mango Excellent Media always putssocial bene?ts in the ?rst place. It assumes social responsibility and insists on extend-ing love and warmth, striving to injecting power and warmth into public welfare pub-licity and actions. In response to the national call and with the public in?uence of theEE-Media brand, our artistes actively participated in public welfare publicity activities,showing the self-con?dence and commitment of young artistes while bringing positiveenergy to the public.

Public welfare publicity

Jiang Yingrong and Fan Shiqi, representatives of 2021 Yangfan e+ Summer Camp Charity, sharedtheir stories with children

"Happiness Train Project" of Renren Charity Festival

In September 2021, Chen Xiang, Jin Moxi, Zhao Ziqi and Ma Jiaming, all being the artistes of EE-Media, became the ambassadors ofthe "Happiness Train Project" of the Renren Charity Festival. The project focuses on rural left-behind children, helping children whotend to have low self-esteem and sensitivity in many ways, so that more left-behind children can get on the train of happiness.

"Happiness Train Project" of Renren Charity Festival

Jiang Yingrong released "I am a sunflower" public welfare single. Thesong conveys the value of publicwelfare, calling on the whole societyto pay attention to the current sit-uation of urban survival of migrantchildren and help children grow upin a healthy and happy way


"Embrace You" Charity ProjectGirls protection"Tribute to Old Party Members" - Happigo's volunteers visited veterans

EE-Media's artistes donated to the "7.20" ?ood relief in Zhengzhou

In December 2021, Chen Xiang partic-ipated in Sina Weibo's "Embrace You"Charity Project, caring for the winteringplight of groups and sending love andwarmth in the winter.

In May 2021, as the "Childhood Accompaniment O?cer", Bai Jugang invited the public toreceive the "childhood notes" from children, and answered their confusion and problemson the way to grow up together. Bai Juzhang participated in the Sina Weibo Public Wel-fare Festival and gongyi.ifeng.com Public Welfare Alliance Gala for four consecutive years.He was awarded the honorary title of "Star of Music Charity" by gongyi.ifeng.com for twoconsecutive years, and has been the "Love Ambassador of Girls Protection Fund" for fourconsecutive years, taking up the mission to protect girls.

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, implement the spirit of the documents of thecentral and provincial committees on visiting and paying tribute to old Party members and cadres, do more practical work for thepublic bene?t, drive the whole society to respect, give thanks and learn from old Party members and cadres and pioneer models in

In July 2021, Red Cross Society of China Zhengzhou Branch announced the way to receive social donations and called on enterpris-es and the public to donate to the ?ood relief in Zhengzhou. EE-Media's artistes responded immediately and donated to the a?ect-ed areas, among which Hua Chenyu donated RMB2 million, Zhang Xincheng donated RMB500,000, Dany Lee donated RMB500,000,Yu Menglong donated RMB500,000, Ou Hao donated RMB350,000, Chen Xiang donated RMB100,000, and Bai Jugang donated sup-plies worth RMB200,000.Chen Xiang, an artiste of EE-Media,participated in Sina Weibo's "Em-brace You" charity project

Bai Jugang, "Love Ambassador of Girls Protection Fund"

Happigo's employees carried out blood donation activities

Mango Excellent Media shows its respon-sibility by volunteering and practices itsmission value with love and dedication.The Company carries out various volun-teer activities, for example, Happigo'semployees participated in the VisitingOld Party Members and Carrying outBlood Donation Activities, and EE-Me-dia's artistes made donations for floodrelief. All of these have made positivecontributions to the healthy, civilizedand beautiful community.

Volunteer activities

"Tribute to Old Party Members" vol-unteer activities

EE-Media's artistes donated to the "7.20" ?ood relief in Zhengzhou

combination with the publicity activityon the theme of "Always Follow the Par-ty", and pay tribute to the "top star" ofthe times, Mango Excellent Media andHappy Sunshine's volunteers proactivelyparticipated in the public welfare activ-ities held by the working committee ofprovincial organs and carried out variousvolunteer activities to pay tribute to oldParty members.



42.29 %




49.35 %

33.12 %

As a Party media and a state-owned enterprise, Mango Excellent Media always puts social bene?ts in the ?rst place and undertakessocial responsibilities. The Company has built the "Mango Public Welfare" platform, "Happy Learning" platform and other publicwelfare platforms, calling on all walks of life to give love and deliver hope. In the future, the Company will build the public welfareecology through more practical actions and contribute to the public welfare and charity.

Public welfare platform

In December 2021, the "Mango Public Welfare" platform launched by Mango TV wasofficially launched. The platform is the only Internet public fundraising informationplatform for charitable organizations designated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, inthe national broadcasting system and Hunan Province, and is a strategic initiative ofGolden Eagle Broadcasting System and Mango Excellent Media to empower charitableorganizations, unite charitable forces and contribute to common prosperity through"Internet+". The platform has three features, namely the state-owned mainstream newmedia, Mango ecological system-wide field, and deep integration mode for publicwelfare contents. It builds a new channel for safe, credible and convenient Internetcharitable donations, and will provide open, fair and transparent charitable fundraisinginformation release services for charitable organizations nationwide.

"Mango Public Welfare" platform was o?cially launched

Poster of "Mango Public Welfare" platform

Creating a large-screen "Happy Learning" education platformBased on the requirements of high-quality development for education and focusingon the problem of unbalanced development of education, Mango TV Smart ScreenCenter and the Hunan Provincial Department of Education have cooperated to createa short and medium video learning community platform for future education, which isdeeply integrated into the development strategy of education informatization in HunanProvince, providing public schools and teachers with extensive quality resources andcurriculum production services, empowering after-school personalized learning withtechnology and innovating a four-screen interaction community where everyone canlearn anytime and anywhere. It enables the knowledge to bene?t the public, makes thecontent more valuable, and manifests the value of tra?c for good.

Mango Excellent Media strictly abides by the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China,the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations, re-spects and protects the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and pays employees'wages, social insurance premiums and public housing fund in full and on time; prohibitschild labor, guarantees equal pay for same job for men and women, and protects the legit-imate rights and interests of female employees in accordance with the law, and strives tocreate a diversi?ed, fair and just working environment to ensure that all employees are nottreated di?erently because of factors such as religion, gender, age and physical condition.






7.06 %

Employee compositionEmployee rights and interests


Labor contract coverage

Social insurance coverage

Medical examination coverage





In 2021

Employee care

Gender of em-ployees

Age of employees

Professionalcompositionof employees

Under 30: 1,701 persons31 to 40: 1,985 persons41 to 50: 296 personsOver 51: 40 persons

Doctors: 6 personsMaster: 550 personsBachelor's degree: 2,680 personsJunior college diploma and below: 786 persons

Production personnel 1,332 persons Salesman 1,543 personsTechnician 745 persons Financial sta? 118 personsAdministrative sta? 284 personsMale 1,749 personsFemale 2,273 persons

Education back-ground of em-ployees

"Happy Learning" education platform

Fire-?ghting exercise

Mango Excellent Media sets up three career development channels: "management,professional and support", so that employees of different categories can choose theappropriate direction according to their position and expertise. The Company alsoprovides internal rotation opportunities for employees. Employees can choose fromvarious career development routes such as inter-subsidiary transfer, interdepartmenttransfer, professional sequence promotion and internal competition, and the Companyactively creates conditions to help employees achieve their personal career develop-ment goals. In the route of professional sequence promotion, employees can realizecareer development within a professional sequence or across professional sequencesbased on their performance, ability, and behavior value.

Mango Excellent Media upholds the "people-oriented, safety ?rst" concept as the core,always puts the safety of employees ?rst, and strictly abides by the Law of the People'sRepublic of China on Work Safety and other laws and regulations. The Company hasestablished a systematic safety management system, and strictly controlled risks fromvarious perspectives such as safety management system construction, hazard inves-tigation and rectification, safety education and training, and emergency exercise, toprevent accidents and protect the lives of employees.

Mango Excellent Media fully implements rank salary reform, adjusts the salary paymentof employees in the product technology line, separately sets the salary structure forsome special posts, sets up a piecework salary system, revises and optimizes incentivepolicies, and take multiple measures to motivate employees.Around the "highly ?exible compensation structure", Happigo forms the post manage-ment and performance distribution of "employee changing with post, determining sal-ary by post, salary changing with post, good salary for good performance". At the sametime, it also implements diversi?ed incentives, pushes ahead the revision of Methodsfor Happigo Performance Appraisal Management, and builds a community of sharedinterests to motivate employees to the utmost extent.Mango Excellent Media establishes a labor union in accordance with the law to protectthe legitimate rights and interests of the employees. The Company organizes em-ployees to participate in democratic management and supervision, and holds regularemployee representative meetings to ensure that employees participate in the Com-pany's business management, decision-making and supervision from an institutionalperspective, and that employee representatives provide their opinions and suggestionson major issues involving the critical interests of employees.

Career development

Safety and health

Compensation and incentives

Democratic management

the Company received


opinions and suggestions from em-ployees, and the resolution percent-age reached


In 2021

The 5th employee representative meeting of Happigo

Fire-?ghting unannounced inspection and training exercise in Shanghai Happy News o?ce area by Happigo

Fire-?ghting exercise in Muyun o?ce area by Happigo

In October 2021, Happigo conductedfire-fighting unannounced inspectionin Shanghai Happy News and assistedit for rectification on site. A rectificationnotice was issued to order Happy Newsto complete rectification within a statedtime. Happigo simultaneously providedtraining on safety knowledge, the useof fire extinguishers, gas masks and firehydrants, and evacuation exercise. It took21 seconds in the evacuation exercisefrom the o?ce to a safe passage.

In October 2021, Muyun warehouse,in cooperation with Muyun firehousebranch and Xinkaipu ?rehouse branch,conducted fire righting exercise in theMuyun office area of goods storagecenter of Happigo. The professionalperformance of Muyun warehouse'svolunteer ?re?ghters was a?rmed andpraised by the Muyun ?rehouse branchand Xinkaipu ?rehouse branch.

Assistance for recti?cation on site

Mango Excellent Media pays attentionto employees' needs and development,actively responds to their needs andcreates a good humanistic working at-mosphere for employees. Happigo alsoprovides the birthday leave, filial pietyleave, paternity leave and other specialemployee welfare leaves, so that em-ployees can have a sense of gain in workand happiness in life.

Mango Excellent Media, bearing smaller interests in mind, pays attention to the value of each employee. It spares no e?ort to build acorporate culture guided by corporate values and anchored by humanistic care, and makes the corporate culture an internal drivingforce for the development of the Company and the growth of employees; it also carries out cultural activities among employees tostrengthen their sense of belonging.

The insurance amount for outpatient medical expenses increased from RMB2,000to RMB10,000;The insurance amount for inpatient medical expenses increased from RMB2,000to RMB300,000;Insurance for fetus protection, abortion and maternity was added in the original content.

Mango TV's measures to optimize and add commercial insurance

Employee bene?ts

Employee activities

In the expense standards, the premium standards for general em-ployees and middle and senior employees were uni?ed in 2021.

In the personal changes, the application for personal changes wasadjusted from being on a quarterly basis to being on a monthly basis toensure the timely payment of insurance for employees.In the settlement of claims, the Company provided the services ofcomprehensive policy query and self-help claims on an online APP, andthe claim compensation could arrive at the earliest on the same day, sothat employees could understand the insurance plan and claim applica-tion without the need to submit information o?ine.In the value-added services, the Company provided such value-add-ed services as specialist team, VIP online registration and second di-agnosis and treatment advice for serious diseases in China, the familymember insurance program was upgraded to cover children, spouseand parents, and the insurance was convenient and diversi?ed.

In the insurance plan, the most effective way to reduce employees'burden was mainly the reimbursement for outpatient and inpatientmedical expenses.

The Company provides a wide variety of meals for employeesSpacious and bright canteen for Mongo TV employees

Mango TV's employee canteen o?cially opened

In December 2021, Mango TV's employee canteen was o?cially put into use, with an average of nearly 3,000 diners daily. The spa-cious and bright restaurant, a wide variety of meals and the meticulous and caring services were well appraised by all employees. Thecanteen is equipped with bu?et lines, noodles stalls and water bars to provide a variety of meals and tea; dishes are customized ac-cording to the Chinese Balance Dietary Pagoda to ensure that employees eat healthy food and are satis?ed; all links of operation arestrictly monitored and controlled with hygiene and safety of food as the lifeline. Meanwhile, a dietary committee was set up to collectsuggestions from employees and to supervise the operation of the canteen, a questionnaire QR code was posted on each table to col-lect employees' feedback of their dining experience and thus help the canteen to further improve the operation quality and promotethe healthy work and happy life of employees.

Mango Excellent Media Golden Mango Awarding Ceremony in 2021-2022|Towards Future with Vigor, Fight and Courage!Mango Excellent Media held the "Dreams on Embroidery" activity

Mango Excellent Media held the 2nd Mango TV1024 "Programmer's Day"

On January 21, 2022, Mango Excellent Media held the 2021-2022 Annual Conference and Golden Mango Awarding Ceremony withthe theme of "To Us Against All Odds".ZHANG Huali, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of the Group Company (Hunan Broadcasting System),and Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Mango Excellent Media:

Last year, we experienced many important moments together, and made great e?orts in various aspects such as the institutionalmechanism, resource coordination and structural adjustment and achieved a satisfactory result. This year, we have upheld theleadership of the Party with utter loyalty in Party media, and comprehensively celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Party build-ing with Hunan TV; we have adhered to reform and innovation and kept making new achievements with wisdom and expertise inthe face of di?culties; we have insisted on the leadership of Party building, and made considerable progress in the team develop-ment. Mango Excellent Media now has 987 Party members, most of whom are young people after 90s. Our young people are themain force in this era, while the main force occupies the leader position in China!Although Mango Excellent Media is a new company and Mango TV is a new platform, we always keep in mind what our position is,who we are serving and what direction we should advocate. In 2022, Hunan Broadcasting System enters a very important period ofhigh-quality development opportunity. We should hold together and move forward with vigor and ?ght, and each of us should em-

On March 8, 2021, the activity "Dreams on Embroidery" jointly organized by Women's Committee of Hunan Broadcasting Film Group(Hunan Broadcasting System) and Mango Excellent Media was held in Shaping Embroidery Museum of Hunan Province. In the "Em-broidering Party Flag" activity, more than 100 Mango female employees, with their respect for martyrs and loyalty and gratitude to theParty, embroidered their dreams to pay tribute to the heroines and to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party.

In October 2021, the Company held the 2nd Mango TV1024 "Programmer's Day", in which activities such as small program designcompetition, self-developed game competition, football championship and programmer's talent show night were included. This re-?ected the Company's emphasis on programmer culture, e?ectively implemented the Company's care for employees, promoted theconstruction of corporate culture and stimulated employees' enthusiasm for work.Speech of ZHANG Huali, Secretary of the Party Committee andChairman of the Board of the Group Company (Hunan Broadcast-ing System), and Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairmanof the Board of Mango Excellent Media

Propaganda poster of the 2nd Mango TV1024 "Programmer's Day"Speech of CAI Huaijun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee,General Manager and Editor-in-Chief of Mango Excellent Media,and Secretary of the Party Committee, Executive Director andGeneral Manager of Happy Sunshine

Dreams on Embroidery

brace the success of the 20th Party Congress with all strengthand the best results!In the speech titled "Five Years for Sword, Towards Future withCourage", CAI Huaijun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Commit-tee, General Manager and Editor-in-Chief of Mango ExcellentMedia, and Secretary of the Party Committee, Executive Di-rector and General Manager of Happy Sunshine, summarizedthe achievements in 2021 and looked to the development in2022. For the coming year, CAI proposed six battles. We shouldimprove the political position, and insist on the leadershipof theme publicity; we should make efforts to upgrade thecontents of ?lms and variety shows; we should try hard to pro-mote the growth of Xiaomang through iterative upgrade; weshould secure the matrix in the middle platform to enhancethe development system; we should pay close attention tothe team construction to ensure the talent management;we should cultivate unique tactics to ensure our initiative inindustrial competition. Finally, CAI said to all Excellent Mediapeople, "let's toast to the bravery, to the fearlessness, to thepeople who are in the front; let's toast to the future, to our-selves, to the indomitable spirit, to the great expectations!"

The ?nal of the sixth Mango Youth Talk

The ?nal of the sixth Mango Youth Talk came to a conclusionMango Excellent Media held the ?rst employee retirement ceremonyIn November 2021, the ?nal of the sixth Mango Youth Talk came to a conclusion. Themed on "in our prime, do our part" and by thename of "Nezha Conquers the Dragon King", the Youth Talk clearly expressed the good qualities of Mango youth: sincerity, determina-tion, quick wit, bravery and integrity. On the stage, Mango youth not only showed their in?nite visions and ideas, but also conveyedthe exclusive characteristics of themselves. In the Youth Talk, judges would score the youth on a 10-point scale from ?ve dimensions,including strategy, innovation, logic, feasibility and economy. Each candidate would be scored by judges after the competition, andthe average score was taken as the ?nal score.Mango Youth Talk has been held for six sessions. The scope of candidates has been expanded from Mango TV to the whole group(Hunan Broadcasting System), and the number of proposals has increased from 178 to 3,250. The voices of youth are heard, opti-mized and adopted here. Youth Talk will grow up with you if you dare to think about it.

In November 2021, Mango Excellent Media held the ?rst employee retirement ceremony and gave a farewell ceremony named "Farewellto our Dear Friend" to the retired employee ZHAO Xia. The company specially prepared a Graduation List, and ZHAO Xia, as the ?rst Ex-cellent Media's "graduate" to be written into the List, solemnly signed her name. In future, every retired employee who had worked forMango Excellent Media will be recorded in the Graduation List. Besides their graduation photos and names, their cloud ?les in the formof a QR code are also included in the Graduation List, and their work history and honors can be seen by scanning the code.On the day of retirement ceremony, the Company presented ZHAO Xia with a specially customized retirement souvenir, a landscapesilver medal and a customized memorial album. On the front of the silver medal is a landscape picture in relief, with the meaning ofancient poems "mountains and rivers meet" and "tomorrow can be expected", wishing ZHAO Xia peace and joy in the years ahead; theback of the silver medal is engraved with the name ZHAO Xia and her working period. In the future, each retiree of Mango Excellent Mediawill have a silver model of their own, so that their youth will last forever. In the album, there are photos of ZHAO Xia in her work and life,as well as heartfelt messages from her colleagues.From the establishment of Hunan Broadcasting System in 1970 to today's Mango new media ecological layout, the start of the businessis full of hard work and each achievement contains the enthusiasm and struggle of countless young people. This retirement ceremony isheld for those sleepless nights, those frustrated moments, the fearless spirit of the past and all Mango people's youth.

The company held the ?rst retirement ceremony

The valiant bearing in the runningThe uniform steps in a square teamThe sweat sprinkled in a team sportAnd the colors and laughters in the early summerHere, is the grand meeting of youthHere, is the carnival of dreamsHere, is the "Xiaomang" fun games in 2021Xiaomang fun games

Xiaomang fun games

Xiaomang fun games

Mango Excellent Media revised the TrainingManagement System and other documents,which are used as the basis for the imple-mentation and management of training forpersonnel at all levels, to serve the Company'sdevelopment goals, further enhance the Com-pany's modern management level, improvethe professionalism and overall execution ofall staff, strengthen team integration, stimu-late employees to think positively, step outof their comfort zones, and explore higherdevelopment potential for themselves andtheir teams, and promote the construction ofcorporate culture.

Employee training

The company implemented the"721" talent cultivation, empow-ered campus talents, built a cam-pus-recruited talent cultivationsystem with Mango characteristics,strengthened strategic talent re-serve and established an influen-tial campus employer brand.A. Mang Hao Wan special trainingcamp --- Building Qingmang basiccareer thinking and skillsB. Qingmang surprise event inMango Youth Talk --- OpeningQingmang's global thinkingC. Qingmang's topic internaltraining --- Specially solving Qing-mang's career problemsD. Tracking Qingmang's work andassessment at real time

Geared to the needs of enterpriseunits in Malanshan Park, Mango TVplanned and organized the 2021Malanshan e-commerce seniortraining class, and invited 100 re-sponsible persons and professionaland technical talents of e-commercecompanies from Malanshan Culturaland Creative Park to participate inthe class. Around the two themesof e-commerce livestreaming ande-commerce operation, three ex-pert lecturers were invited to givesystematic, practical and diversi?edcourses for five days, which effec-tively improved the learning ability,innovation ability and practicalability of professional and technicaltalents, promoted the constructionof professional and technical talentteam and advanced the communi-cation and development of regionale-commerce and economy.

Focusing on the cultivation ofcampus talents and reservethe power of young people

Energizing Malanshan Parkand promoting the construc-tion of professional team

The company launched the "YoungTalent Plan" centered on discov-ering, cultivating and promotingyoung people. With performance,age and values as the basic con-ditions, only able people wereselected regardless of seniority andlevels, so as to provide a solid andpowerful talent support for the rap-id development of the Company.

Strengthening the construc-tion of internal talent teamand speeding up talent growth

In 2021, the Company establisheda qualification system with theproduct technology group as thepilot. The qualification systemconsisted of the career devel-opment channel, qualificationstandards and qualification levelcerti?cation. On the basis of a clearcareer development channel, theCompany detailed the qualifica-tion standards and established aquali?cation certi?cation process.

Detailing the qualificationstandards and de?ning the per-sonal development channels

The company attracted and re-tained talents and gave full play totheir enthusiasm, initiative and cre-ativity by constantly collecting andsummarizing talent policies, assist-ing in the application for varioustalent programs and other meas-ures. The company actively utilizedthe talent policy of Changsha,vigorously increased preferentialpolicies for Malanshan Park, andexpanded talent support channelsthrough multiple approaches.

Increasing preferential pol-icies and retaining talentsthrough multiple approaches

the Company planned and organized

trainings, with a coverage rateof

%. The training time per capita was


hours, and thetraining cost was


million yuan.

In 2021

Mango TV's Qingmang Internship Program IIIHappigo's "Happy Youth Team" trainingContent safety

planningContent innovationplanning

Mango TV training classi?cation

Operation and maintenance safety

publicity trainingInternet technology (product

technology) talent training

Program content planning training

Operation content talent training

Brand talent training

The year 2021 was the ?rst year of data security and personal information protection. The State has promulgated the Data SecurityLaw and the Personal Information Protection Law. Attaching great importance to data security and personal information protec-tion, Mango Excellent Media has taken a series of e?ective measures to improve the construction of corporate data compliance andpersonal information security. The Company has set up an Information Security Committee, established and improved the users'personal information protection system, and constantly perfected the design of its products for personal information protection. As amember unit of the Big Data Group of the National Information Security Standard Committee, the Company has actively participatedin the legislation construction of national data and personal information protection. Happigo has developed the Happigo PersonalInformation Protection Policy, Process for Handling Happigo Customer Information Leakage and other regulations to ensure the e?ec-tive protection of users' personal information from the institutional level.

Protection of user privacy

Set up an InformationSecurity Committee

Responsible for building the Ex-cellent Media data managementsystem and personal informationsecurity system, and dealing withdata security and personal infor-mation protection issuesActively participate in industrialexchanges and export the con-cepts of Mango data security andpersonal information protection

Improve the products' design forpersonal information protection

Participate in the national legis-lation construction of data andpersonal information protection

All product functional designsfollow the principle of minimizingpersonal information collectionThe concept of 'privacy by design'is used throughout the life cycleof product design to combine thepersonal information security con-cept with user experience

The company's measures for data security and personal information protection

The user personal information protection system established by Mango TV

Participate in the compilation ofthe Information Security Technol-ogy – Data Guide for Online Audioand Video Services, the NationalStandard of the People's Republic ofChina, as the main participating unitJoin the "Zhuoxin chain" plan of theMinistry of Industry and InformationTechnology, and participate in thecompilation of the Data SecurityManagement System Blue Book asthe main participating unit

Structure of Mango TV's Information Security Committee

The Information Security Technology –Data Security Requirements for OnlineAudio and Video Services and the DataSecurity Management System BlueBook co-compiled

Users can exercise the right toknow, consult, reproduce, cor-rect, delete and request an ex-planation through the exclusiveemail of personal informationsecurity disclosed to the MangoInformation Security Committee

Develop "two lists" of personalinformation protection, anddisplay the Personal Informa-tion Collection List and the Listof Information Shared with theThird Party separately in thesecondary menu of the productto let users fully understand thecollection and use of personalinformation

Users can complete the authori-zation management of personalinformation provided by MangoExcellent Media according to thepersonal information protectionrequirements of its products

Develop the Personal Informa-tion Protection Policy for theCompany's APP product

User rights and interests

Information Security Tech-nology - Data Guide for On-line Audio and Video Services

Data Security ManagementSystem Blue Book

On June 1, 2021, the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors was put into e?ect.Mango Excellent Media separately formulated the Personal Information Protection Policyfor Minors for its APP in accordance with laws and regulations, ful?lled the platform's re-sponsibility to protect minors, and escorted the personal information protection of minors.

The Company actively implements cybersecurity responsibilities, strictly complies withthe Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations of the People'sRepublic of China on Safety Protection of Computer Information Systems and relevantregulations related to national cybersecurity level protection, improves its cyber anddata security prevention capacities, and e?ectively safeguards national security, socialstability and the legitimate rights and interests of users.Mango TV practically implements the responsibility of Party media, focuses on the con-tent security of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the comprehensivegovernance of recreational areas of the Central Propaganda Department and other keypoints, constantly consolidates the "all-in-one, high-energy and e?cient" security guar-antee system based on security and guidance, strengthens data security managementof the Company and the third party, improves employees' awareness of data security,and creates a secure network environment. Happigo has developed the Regulationson Cybersecurity Management and the Data and Information Security Control Plan ofHappigo's Important Information System to ensure the confidentiality, integrity andavailability of data transferred by network. The company has obtained the ISO27001 in-formation security management system certi?cation, and been provided with informa-tion security management activities related to IT support and software and hardwareoperation and maintenance services.

Protection of minors

Data security

Protecting the physical and mental health of minors with concrete actions

A "minors" mode has been launched in the product design of "Mango TV" APP. Inthis mode, users can select video content suitable for minors to watch and read, andthere will be no user portrait and advertising for minors. The company has also de-signed "time lock" and "time limit" functions to restrict the duration and time inter-val of minors continuing to use the APP and protect the physical and mental healthof minors.

The "minors" mode in the Compa-ny's product design

Improve the Measures for Data Security Organization Construction and Personnel Management, Measures forData Asset Security and Classi?ed and Hierarchical Management, Measures for Management of Data Permis-sion Approval, Regulations on Data Security Management Auditing, Data Security Management of Partners,Data Security Personnel Training Management System, Regulations on Management of Data Security Com-plaints and Reports, Data Security Emergency Plan and Methods for Management of Data Security Compli-ance Self-assessment, and ensure the security of the Company's internal data throughout its life cycle fromcollection, use, storage, transfer to destruction from the institutional levelEstablish the organization: establish the organization of data security and the responsibilities of data securi-ty personnel from the top management to the executive level

Customize the audit process: for Mango TV's micro videos and variety shows and content of XiaomangE-commerce's content, special audit teams are set up to carry out product approval assessment, script ac-tors and other pre-audits in the whole process, and key links are audited by special personnelComprehensive review security risks: comprehensively assess and standardize the Company's We-Mediaaccounts, and arrange and adjust the approval process; develop a risk disposal plan for external coopera-tion contentImprove employees' awareness of data security: conduct regular training in the Company, develop newcourses, and organize internal safety-oriented training sharing sessions; invite audit experts to give specialtraining; employees of data management department, information security department and legal a?airs de-partment of the Company have passed the examination of data security o?cer of CAICT

Improvementof institution-al system

Breakthroughin internalmanagement

Internal safety-oriented training sharing sessions

Employees of data security managementin the Company have passed the examina-tion of data security o?cer of CAICT

The company strictly implements the Supplier ManagementSystem, Rules for Administration of Supplier Blacklist and othersystems, further establishes and improves the supplier infor-mation base and bidding evaluation expert base, establishesa grading system by due diligence to comprehensively scoreand manage suppliers, strengthens the e?ective connection ofthe supply chain, enriches the structure of suppliers, and takesmeasures (such as suspending the cooperation, and includinginto the blacklist) to handle suppliers with violations of lawsand regulations, practices of falsification, problems in quality,contract performance, services and other behaviors in biddingactivities and contract performance depending on the severityof the case and the degree of the harm, so as to achieve the be-nign competitive mechanism of surviving the ?ttest suppliers.

Strategic cooperation

Supplier management

Mango TV signed the Exclusive Strategic Cooperation Agreement for SharingLiterary Resources with China Writer Publishing Group

Mango TV and China Mobile deepened cooperation

Happigo's on-site audit of factories

Mango TV started in-depth strategic cooperation with a number of well-knownuniversities to create a new pattern of university-enterprise cooperation

In September 2021, Mango TV signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement for SharingLiterary Resources with China Writer Publishing Group. This cooperation contrib-utes to the e?ective and high-quality transformation of good literary works, to fullyexploring the audio-visual artistic value of literary works beyond the literal value, toincubating a variety of copyright forms of high-quality literary works and realizing thetwo-way interaction and integrated development of books and ?lms, and to bridgingthe high-quality IP and the high-quality ?lm producer and providing literary workswith a larger space of development.

Mango Excellent Media is committed to building a responsible supply chain, monitors and manages suppliers throughout the process, andcarries out due diligence, transparent procurement and responsibility management to ensure the safety of the Company's supply chain.

In November 2021, Mango TV signed an overall cooperation framework agreement withMigu Culture Technology Co., Ltd. under China Mobile; in the next three years, bothparties will carry out in-depth cooperation in large screen business, 5G innovation busi-ness, simultaneous broadcasting of products, e-commerce of derivatives and other ar-eas with a minimum amount of RMB3.5 billion. This cooperation will further strengthenthe strategic cooperation between the Company and China Mobile and Migu Culture indepth and breadth, promote the complementarity of resources and advantages of bothparties and the synergy of multiple business areas, which is of positive signi?cance tofurther stabilize the "moat" of the Company's business development and to developand explore new types of operation, new events and new business growth points (in-cluding VR production and broadcasting, producer of ultra-high de?nition contents) ofInternet videos under the 5G background.

To avoid the quality deviation of Gambiered Canton Gauzecaused by handcraft and ensure the quality of clothes, Happigo,as the only channel for TV purchase of Gambiered Canton Gauze,organizes and sets up special teams to audit four clothing facto-ries on site during the annual sales season of Gambiered CantonGauze, to inspect the on-site quality control, production capacity,after-sales capacity, return arrangement and other links of pro-duction factories, and to comprehensively evaluate the strength,scale and supply chain control of suppliers.In 2021, Mango TV signed university-en-terprise strategic cooperation agreementswith Communication University of China,Communication University of Zhejiang,Xiangtan University and other well-knownuniversities to deepen and practice theuniversity-enterprise cooperation andproduction-education integration. Thiswill give full play to resources and brandadvantages of Mango TV and disciplineand research strength and talent advan-tages of universities to promote the inno-vative development of media career.

Mango TV cooperates with China Writ-er Publishing Group

Awarding ceremony of cooperation between Mango TV and Xiangtan University

According to the procurement requirements of "honesty, integrity and transparency" and the actual operation of business, theCompany further standardizes a series of procurement systems, such as Methods for Administration of Bidding Procurement, Rulesfor Implementation of Bidding Procurement, and Rules for Administration of Non-bidding Procurement, ensures that it follows theprinciples of legality, openness, justice, fairness and e?ciency in the public bidding process, bid opening, bid evaluation, complainthandling and other links, actively accepts the transparent supervision of suppliers and customers, e?ectively prevents the commercialbribery behaviors in the procurement activities and ensures the interests of all parties.

Due diligence

Transparent procurement


Through the management of and communication with suppliers, the Company activelyguides suppliers to operate in good faith, creates a star-level partnership with suppliers,actively advocates suppliers to improve their responsibility of safety management andfunction of environmental protection certification, promotes the concept of respon-sibility management to partners in the industrial chain and pushes the coordinateddevelopment of economy and society with them, and improves the user and customersatisfaction, so as to achieve a win-win situation with suppliers.

Responsibility management

Promoting industrial developmentMango Excellent Media actively undertakes the responsibility of industrial developmentand value chain development, and promotes the rapid and e?ective development ofthe industry through industrial exchanges and competitions.

Mango TV held the 2nd "Malanshan Cup" International Audio/Video Algorithm Competition

Mango TV participated in the 17th ICIF

Mango Excellent Media participated in the 1st Conference of Global Eco-nomic Development and Security Forum of Boao Forum for Asia (GEDS)

In July 2021, Mango TV held the 2nd "Malanshan Cup" International Audio/Video Algorithm Competition. The competition aimed togather top technical talents in the industry, encourage excellent technical talents to forge ahead, continuously improve the technicallevel of algorithms, and explore the future of the industry together. The invitational competition included two events (points at thebeginning and end of animation videos, and door chain), and the o?cial competition focused on three events (audio, image andrecommendation). It provided a large number of real and high-value masked data, set up a platform for display, exchange and com-petition for global algorithm elites, helped to produce Top audio/video algorithm schemes, and promoted the win-win situation of allparties in the AI machine-learning ?eld.

In September 2021, the 17th China (Shenzhen) Internation-al Cultural Industry Fair was inaugurated. As a part with thestrongest "Internet" attribute in the Hunan Broadcasting Sys-tem group army, Mango TV closely follows the two keywordsof "content" and "technology" and the theme of "building anew modern Human with innovative and loyal culture" in thecontext of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party,and mainly exhibits high-quality popular content, theme works,technologically innovative products and so on.

In October 2021, the 1st Conference of Global Economic Development and Security Forum of Boao Forum for Asia (GEDS) was held inChangsha. Mango Excellent Media appeared in this Expo with "high-quality content", "cutting-edge technology", "Xiaomang E-com-merce" and other important achievements of the core platform Mango TV, and demonstrated the Company's core "content advantag-es" and "technological advantages" represented by 4K Atmos, 3D video enhancement and 4D viewing.


The 2nd "Malanshan Cup" International Audio/Video Algorithm Competition

a total of

1,959teams participating inthe competition (in-cluding

in theinvitational competitionand1,520

in theofficial competition), up

% from last year ingeneral

Mango TV exhibition hall of the 17th ICIF

Wu Lan, Deputy Secretary of Hunan Provincial Committee, Li Baodong, Secretary General ofBoao Forum for Asia, and other leaders visited the booth of Mango Excellent Media

Mango TV held the 2022 Mango marketing content conferenceZHANG Huali: Let Culture and Technology Coexist

CAI Huaijun: Adversity is the best testing ground --- Mango's e?orts and prospects

In October 2021, Mango TV held the "Mango marketing contentconference of entering 2022", themed on "interactions amongbrothers in call me by ?re".In the variety shows, Mango TV has revealed six programs in2022, including music talent show, reasoning reality show,marriage program, life healing program, workplace survivalprogram and new Guochao program. In the music talent show,Mango TV will develop more innovative programs besides theIP of Call Me by Fire and Sisters Who Make Waves, and continueto keep ahead in the music program events. In the reasoningreality show, Mango TV will establish a unique ecological chainof brain-burning variety shows in the whole network and launchthe first serial-style innovative suspense reasoning program inChina. In the marriage program, based on the Viva La Romance,See You Again and other popular variety IP, the platform willcreate the two themes of marriage and love to achieve a goodmatch between stars and ordinary people. Mango TV will alsotry to develop innovative variety shows such as "workplace +

In November 2021, in the 2021 China Mobile Worldwide Partner Conference, ZHANG Huali, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chair-man of the Board of the Group Company (Human Broadcasting System), and Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of theBoard Mango Excellent Media, delivered a speech titled Let Culture and Technology Coexist.ZHANG Huali reviewed more than ten years of cooperation between Hunan Broadcasting System and China Mobile in the speech. HunanBroadcasting System and China Mobile will jointly meet the new opportunity and challenge brought in the era of digital intelligence ina cooperative partnership of working together to create a win-win situation. This new challenge not only tests our imagination and sen-sitivity to new technological scenarios, but also tests our basic moral principles in the face of the digital twin and the virtual world. Thehumanistic temperature of science and technology will certainly become the strongest cultural feature in the present era.Being trustful and righteous means a true technology, while being tasteless means a false content. In the future, new technologies willfurther rewrite the media and content industry, but those important indicators related to the development of human civilization, including

On June 3, 2021, in the "Internet Audio & Video Industrial Summit"of the 9th China Internet Audio & Video Convention, CAI Huaijun,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, General Manager andEditor-in-Chief of Mango Excellent Media, and Secretary of the PartyCommittee and Chairman of Mango TV, delivered a speech titled"Adversity is the best testing ground --- Mango's efforts and pros-pects" to share Mango TV's practice and thinking on further diggingMango content genetic advantages and constantly enriching andimproving the long video ecology under the original intention ofgiving full play to the leading role of long video value.CAI Huaijun stressed that long video is a rigid demand and has beenthe mainstream in the video industry, it represents scale, high qual-ity and in?uence, it is the place where tra?c is gathered and topicsstart, and it is also the source of quality IP and the cornerstone ofeconomy. Maximizing the gene and value of long video is Mangopeople's original intention and mission, as well as their e?orts andprospects. Meanwhile, Mango TV also arranged more industrial lay-

2022 Mango marketing content conference themed on "interactions among brothers in call me by ?re"CAI Huaijun delivered a speech titled "Adversity is the best testingground --- Mango's e?orts and prospects"

out around long video IP, and launched the Xiaomang E-commerceplatform expanding from IP to content e-commerce events; MangoTV tried to extend from online to offline real scene events, createthe self-operated real scene entertainment brand Mango M-CITY,arranged such events as Mango TV program, artiste manager andmusic copyright, and integrated upstream and downstream to con-stantly enrich and improve the Mango ecology.

humanistic feelings, social concerns and value standards, willalso be infused in the bottom of a?ective computing and becomethe original code that cannot be changed. Hunan BroadcastingSystem expects to continue to deepen strategic cooperation withChina Mobile at the group level, get through resource coordinationthroughout the industrial chain, and build a super media digitalintelligent ecology. We also look forward to and welcome all part-ners to build a chain and join hands to share the win-win! Let thecontent be inclined to social good, let the technology be gentle, letus welcome another spring in the ?eld of Chinese entertainment!

comedy" and explore Gen Z programs, so as to attract audiencein a wider age group.In the episode, in the face of the actual environment whereaudience is becoming younger, Mango TV will continue tomake e?orts in young and diversi?ed contents, develop morethemes and explore the new blue ocean of themes. Mango TVwill also deeply integrate with Hunan TV, and mainly adopt thestrategy of exclusive broadcasting of 730 Golden Eagle Theaterand Monsoon Theater with the tonality of uniqueness andquality. Based on the advantages of Mango mode and its owncharacteristics, Mango TV will create Mango's special programsin online series.By promoting and releasing high-quality content products, thisconference highlights Mango TV's spiritual strength of adheringto its values, making waves and overcoming obstacles under themission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation ratherthan degrade ourselves or drift with the current.

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report


As a listed company that adheres to high-qualitydevelopment, Mango Excellent Media has ?rmly im-plemented the concept of green development in theoperation process, practiced and adhered to low-car-bon operation, advocated the concept of sustainabledevelopment with the Company's media resourcesand media integration advantages, and contributedto the construction of green ecology.

We advocate paperless o?ce, energy conservation and emission reduction. Energy Intensity: 7.27kilowatt-hour/RMB10,000 of Revenue; Energy E?ciency: 0.14 RMB10,000 of Revenue/kilowatt-hour;Water Consumption Intensity: 0.03 Ton/RMB10,000 of Revenue; Water E?ciency: 34.00 RMB10,000 ofRevenue/Ton.

Green operationEnvironmental protection activities

Our philosophy

Our performances

Our actions


7172EnvironmentMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report


Water resource

IndicatorUnitYear 2019Year 2020Year 2021Electricity Consumptionkilowatt-hour8,987,5268,458,81511,168,127Operating RevenueRMB10,0001,250,1001,400,6001,535,586Energy Intensity

kilowatt-hour/RMB10,000of Revenue

7.196.04 7.27Energy E?ciency

RMB10,000 of Revenue/kilowatt-hour

0.14 0.170.14

Mango Excellent Media focuses on the main business of media, so its impact on the en-vironment mainly comes from the consumption and emission of energy and resourcesin the operation process. The Company has strictly implemented the EnvironmentalProtection Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations relat-ed to environmental protection, and there has been no violation of environmental pro-tection laws and regulations or pollution accident disputes. In 2021, the Company didnot receive any administrative punishment for violating relevant laws and regulationson environmental protection.The Company has attached great importance to environmental protection. Accordingto its own actual situations, the Company pushes the resource conservation work frommultiple angles, response to the call of "green environmental protection and low-car-bon life", integrates the awareness of open source and energy conservation into the en-vironmental management in an all-round way, and actively organizes and participatesin public service activities on environmental protection. In daily operation, it activelypromotes energy conservation and emission reduction, advocates all employees tosave resources, and is committed to advancing the goal of Carbon Neutral, making itsown contributions to environmental protection.

To reduce the use of disposable tableware,Mango TV uses recyclable tableware in thecanteen; according to regulations, employ-ees will timely turn o? the power supply oflights, computers, printers and other equip-ment after work to reduce the standbyenergy consumption, and special personswill be arranged for inspection; low-carbontravel is advocated, and 60% of meetings ina year are conducted by video.

Speci?c measures

EE-Media encourages employees to take thestairs instead of the elevator, which can notonly save energy, but also build their body;it also requires a good daily maintenanceof water heating pipelines to eliminate thephenomenon of leaking and venting.

Happigo strictly implements the temperature control standards of air-conditioning and advocates to ensure the summerand winter temperatures of the public area of the o?ce; duty electricians turns o? the main engine of central air-condi-tioning 30 minutes before and after working hours; various medium forms such as the Company's WeChat ID and toiletboard are used to publicize the value of frugality; to reduce the use of water resources, Happigo uses water-saving faucetswith water saving slogans to improve employees' awareness of water saving. In 2021, Happigo saved about RMB401,900 ofelectricity, with a reduction rate of 17.62% through the above measures.

IndicatorUnitYear 2019Year 2020Year 2021

Water ConsumptionTon45,15838,29245,164Operating RevenueRMB10,0001,250,1001,400,6001,535,586Water Consumption In-tensity

Ton/RMB10,000 of Revenue

0.04 0.030.03Water E?ciency

RMB10,000 of Revenue/Ton

27.68 36.5834.00

1. Energy intensity re?ects the energy consumption per RMB10,000 of output value. The less energy consumption per unit of output value,

the lower the energy intensity.

2. Energy e?ciency represents the revenue per kilowatt-hour of energy consumed. The larger the output value per kilowatt-hour of energy

consumed, the higher the energy e?ciency.

1. Water consumption intensity re?ects the water resources consumed per RMB10,000 of output value. The smaller the unit value, the low-

er the water consumption intensity.

2. Water e?ciency represents the revenue per ton of water. The higher the unit value, the higher the water e?ciency.

Green operation

7374EnvironmentMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Greenhouse gas emission

Paperless o?ce

Waste sorting

Environmental protection publicity

The Company's greenhouse gas emission mainly refers to greenhouse gases indirectly produced by the purchase of electricity energy.

1. Indirect energy emission (category 2) refers to greenhouse gas emission resulting from the out-sourced electricity, heat, etc.

2. Indirect energy emissions are calculated according to the 2021 Baseline Emission Factors for Regional Power Grids in China

Mango Excellent Media avoids the generation of waste from the source, promotes the paperlesso?ce to reduce the use of paper, integrates the operation of multiple business processes suchas signing, settlement, reconciliation and billing, introduces such tools as electronic signatureand electronic invoice, and achieves e?cient and interactive transfer of data and information byonline operation in the whole process; the Company encourages double-sided printing to reducethe waste of paper; the Company requires departments to collect and pack waste paper andshredded paper of documents that cannot be used, which are recycled twice a year; the Compa-ny ful?lls the concept of green development with its practical actions, continuously promotes thewaste sorting and helps the sorting and recycling of resources.

The Company actively participates in environmental initiatives, artistes of EE-Mediaexert their influence and appeal to guide the public to develop good environmentalawareness and habits and contribute their e?orts to environmental protection.

Mango Excellent Media comprehensively promotes the sorting of domestic waste. For harmlesswaste, such as kitchen waste, waste paper and waste plastics, the Company advocates wastesorting; it sets up waste bins in the o?ce area on each ?oor and the canteen and requires em-ployees to sort out the recyclables and non-recyclables; it also prints waste sorting lea?ets topublicize knowledge about waste sorting and environmental protection, which has a good e?ect.The Company has trained the cleaning team and included waste sorting into the normal anddaily assessment; cleaners are responsible for checking the process a second time to ensure thatwaste is sorted before disposal. In 2021, EE-Media advocated "clean your plate campaign" amongemployees through short videos to mobilize everyone to cherish food, effectively stop wasteband reduce kitchen waste, and sorted the kitchen waste, which had signi?cant e?ect.

Responsible sponsor

In May 2021, Meituan Takeout, joininghands with SEE Conservation andZHANG Xincheng, the environmentalinitiative ambassador, appealed toeveryone to choose take-out with notableware and reduce the use of dispos-able tableware, making contributionsto environmental protection.

Responsible sponsor

IndicatorUnitYear 2019Year 2020Year 2021Indirect Emission(Category 2)

Ton of CO2 equivalent7,717.597,263.589,590.07

Charity ambassador of China Wild Plant Conservation Association

In October 2021, ZHANG Xincheng, as the charity ambassador ofChina Wild Plant Conservation Association, participated in themainstreaming ecological civilization and biodiversity protec-tion forum of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Partiesto the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15).At the forum, experts and scholars fully discussed the conceptsand practices and the improvement of practices in people'swellbeing, shared experience, wisdom and solutions, urged allsectors to take concerted actions and join hands to promotethe recovery of biodiversity and realize the vision of Harmonybetween Man and Nature. Related responsible persons and ex-perts from the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences and the United Nations Environment Programme, and representatives of enterprises and social organiza-tions discussed the practical results of "Two Mountains Theory".As the charity ambassador of China Wild Plant Conservation Association, ZHANG Xincheng, an artiste of EE-Media, aim to lead themainstreaming of biodiversity. He should integrate ecological civilization construction into all aspects and the whole process of po-litical, economic, social and cultural development according to the concept of respecting, complying with and protecting nature,promote the high-quality economic development through high-level ecological and environmental protection, and contribute to real-izing the 2050 Vision of Harmony Between Man and Nature.

ZHANG Xincheng, an artiste of EE-Media, served as the charity am-bassador of China Wild Plant Conservation Association

Environmental protection activities

7576Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG ReportKey performance indicators KPIs

Key performance indicators KPIs

Economic performance

Operating Revenue(RMB100 million)

Proportion of R&DPersonnel(%)

Net Pro?t Attributableto Parent Company(RMB100 million)

Total R&D Investment(RMB100 million)

Total Assets(RMB100 million)

Amount of Tax Payable(RMB100 million)

Number of R&D Personnel(People)

Total shareholders' dividends(RMB100 million)






























Social performance

Total Number of Employees(People)By Gender(People)

By Gender of seniormanagement (%)

By Age(People)


Employee TrainingBy Educational Background(People)

Male EmployeesMale1,749


Female EmployeesFemale

Age 30 and below1,701

Labor contractcoverage

Number ofEmployee Training

Investment in Training Cost(RMB10,000)College Degree

and below

Age 31-401,985

Social insurance


Bachelor's Degree2,680

Age 41-50

Coverage ofTrade Union

Master's Degree

Age 51 and above

Doctor's Degree


Key performance indicators KPIs


Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report


Energy performance

Electricity Consumption(kilowatt-hour)

Energy Intensity(kilowatt-hour/RMB10,000 of Revenue)

Water Consumption(Ton)

Greenhouse Gas Emission(Ton/CO


Water Consumption Intensity(Ton/RMB10,000 of Revenue)

Water E?ciency(RMB10,000 of Revenue/Ton)

Energy E?ciency(RMB10,000 of Revenue/kilowatt-hour)


















































1. Energy intensity re?ects the energy consumption per RMB10,000 of output value. The less energy consumption per unit of output value, the lower

the energy intensity.

2. Energy e?ciency represents the revenue per kilowatt-hour of energy consumed. The larger the output value per kilowatt-hour of energy consumed,

the higher the energy e?ciency.

1. Water consumption intensity re?ects the water resources consumed per RMB10,000 of output value. The smaller the unit value, the lower the water

consumption intensity.

2. Water e?ciency represents the revenue per ton of water. The higher the unit value, the higher the water e?ciency.

1. Indirect energy emission (category 2) refers to greenhouse gas emission resulting from the out-sourced electricity, heat, etc.

2. Indirect energy emissions are calculated according to the 2021 Baseline Emission Factors for Regional Power Grids in China

Key performance indicators KPIsMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

8182Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

KPI index

ContentsSDGsGRI StandardsCASS-4.0

Honors 2021

GRI 102GRI 202


Into Mango



Company pro?le

GRI 102GRI 202



GRI 102P4.1OrganizationGRI 102P4.2



GRI 102

G1.1G6.1G6.2Warmly celebrat-

ing the 100thanniversary of thefounding of theParty

GRI 102GRI 205GRI 415

M1.3S1.1 S1.2Corporate gov-


GRI 102GRI 419

M1.1M1.4M1.5M2.9Internal control


GRI 102M1.1Integrity buildingGRI 205M1.3Intellectual proper-

ty protection


Value guidanceGRI 102M2.4Content innova-


GRI 102M2.4Technology R&DGRI 416


Employee careGRI 413


ContentsSDGsGRI StandardsCASS-4.0


User rights andinterests

GRI 102GRI 401GRI 402GRI 403GRI 404GRI 405GRI 406GRI 408

S2.1S2.2S2.3S2.4S2.5S2.8S2.10S2.11S2.12S2.13S2.14S2.15S2.16S3.3PartnersGRI 416M2.4Social welfareGRI 414



Green operation

GRI 301GRI 302GRI 303GRI 304

E1.10E2.3E2.4E2.8E2.23E2.25E3.1E3.2Environmentalprotection activ-ities


Key perfor-mance

Economic per-formance

GRI 102GRI 201


Social perfor-manceEnvironmentalperformanceKPI indexA5Reader feed-back


KPI index

8384Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. 2021 ESG Report

Dear readers:

Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the ESG Report 2021 ofMango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. In order to provide you and other interested parties with morevaluable information, and e?ectively promote the Company's ability and level to ful?ll corporatesocial responsibility, we sincerely look forward to your comments and suggestions.Multiple-choice Questions (please tick in the appropriate place)

1.Your overall assessment of this report is:

4.What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on environmental responsibility?

2.How do you evaluate the response and disclosure of this report to the concerns of interested parties?

5.What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on safety management?

3.What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on economic responsibility?

6.What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on employee responsibility?

7.What do you think of Mango Excellent Media's performance on community responsibility?

8.Are the information, indicators and data disclosed in this report clear, accurate and complete?

9.Do you think the content arrangement and layout design of this report are easy to read?

10.Open Questions

Do you have any comments or suggestions on this report and the performance of Mango ExcellentMedia Co., Ltd. on its social responsibility?

□ Very good□Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor

□ Very good□Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor

□ Very good□Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor

□ Very good□Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor

□ Very good□Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor

□ Very good□Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor

□ Very good□Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor

□ Very good□Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor


Reader feedback

Reader feedback
