China Insurance Sector:A new perspective

类别:行业研究 机构:德意志银行 研究员:Esther Chwei,Lexie Zhou 日期:2017-07-26

Rewarding quality - identifying players with the strongest protection focus

    Introduced last year, the C-ROSS reports don’t just provide regulators with risk controls over the life sector, they also enable analysts to quantify, for the first time, the underlying mix of business written by the industry. With this data, we can better assess who has the best strategic focus on higher-value protection policies and who has the best risk management capabilities; we have revised our target valuations to rank the stocks accordingly. The most significant change is for NCI, with a 64% higher valuation - we upgrade the stock to Buy and one of our Top Picks. Ping An leads with the results of our analysis and is a Top Pick after a 35% lift in valuation.





大悦城 0.30 0.27 研报
蓝光发展 0.24 0 研报
荣盛发展 0.75 1.04 研报
绿地控股 0.55 0.30 研报
新城控股 0 0 研报
光大嘉宝 0.60 0 研报
世联行 0.84 0.62 研报
金地集团 0.67 0.71 研报
滨江集团 0.80 0.93 研报
阳光城 0.98 0.90 研报
金科股份 1.15 1.24 研报


海康威视 6 持有 买入
华夏幸福 4 买入 买入
恒逸石化 4 买入 买入
南极电商 4 买入 买入
洽洽食品 4 持有 买入
贵州茅台 3 持有 买入
普洛药业 3 买入 买入
旗滨集团 3 买入 买入
喜临门 3 买入 买入
中南建设 3 买入 买入
比音勒芬 2 买入 持有
吉比特 2 持有 买入
完美世界 2 持有 买入
万科A 2 买入 买入
大悦城 2 买入 买入
美的集团 2 买入 买入
新经典 2 持有 中性

