CITS Alert:Cut TP to RMB32.5on 2:1stock split;4M17duty free sales up 20.5%yoy

类别:公司研究 机构:德意志银行 研究员:Tallan Zhou,Karen Tang 日期:2017-07-03

Adjust target price to RMB32.5 on 2:1 stock split

    We adjust down our target price proportionately to RMB32.5 from RMB65 to reflect the recent stock split. CITS recently conducted a 2-for-1 stock split, which increased the current number of shares outstanding to 1,952 million. Our net profit forecasts remain unchanged, and we adjust EPS to RMB1.13 for 2017E and RMB1.22 for 2018E to account for the split.

    April-17 Duty free sales increased by 42.7% yoy

    The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) released April’s Hainan duty free sales (Sanya + Haikou) today. April 2017 duty free sales increased by 42.7% yoy to RMB551m. We believe this is mainly due to the 35.4% yoy growth of number of customers.

    Based on MOFCOM data, 4M17 duty free sales grew 20.5% yoy to RMB3.18bn and number of customers increased 24.7% to 0.88 million. This implies a 3.4% yoy decrease of ticket price to RMB3,609. In our view, given the promotion efforts and accumulated demand, we expect 2017 duty free sales will keep a double digit growth.

股票代码 股票名称 最新价(元) 涨跌额(元) 涨跌幅(%) 成交额(万元) 成交量(手)
601888 @nn@ @n@ @c@ @cc@ @v@ @t@





荣盛发展 0.75 1.04 研报
绿地控股 0.55 0.30 研报
新城控股 0 0 研报
光大嘉宝 0.60 0 研报
世联行 0.84 0.62 研报
大悦城 0.30 0.27 研报
蓝光发展 0.24 0 研报
金科股份 1.15 1.24 研报
中南建设 0.80 0.99 研报
金融街 0.64 0.72 研报
新湖中宝 0.38 0.32 研报


海康威视 6 持有 买入
华夏幸福 4 买入 买入
恒逸石化 4 买入 买入
南极电商 4 买入 买入
洽洽食品 4 持有 买入
贵州茅台 3 持有 买入
普洛药业 3 买入 买入
旗滨集团 3 买入 买入
喜临门 3 买入 买入
中南建设 3 买入 买入
比音勒芬 2 买入 持有
吉比特 2 持有 买入
完美世界 2 持有 买入
万科A 2 买入 买入
大悦城 2 买入 买入
美的集团 2 买入 买入
新经典 2 持有 中性

