China Environmental:Policy on PPP securitization to help with industry financing;Buy BEW,CEW

类别:行业研究 机构:德意志银行 研究员:Thomas Zhu,Michael Tong 日期:2017-06-22

MoF's Notice on PPP Securitization...

    Ministry of Finance published Notice on Public-Private Partnership ProjectSecuritization (MoF policy paper #55) after market close on 19 June. TheNotice made clear that PPP projects of all types (end-user payment/governmentpayment/viability gap funding) are encouraged to issue ABS (asset-backedsecurities). Water and environmental projects are among the projects to beprioritized and projects in Xiong'an New Area, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,Yangtze River Economic Zone and Belt and Road regions will also be prioritized.

    In addition, the Notice mentioned there is no recourse to the ABS issuer in casethere is any payment deficiency from end-users/governments (i.e. ABS issuersdo not have to make up for the difference between payments due and paymentsreceived).

    ...should help with industry financing

    We think the Notice should help to clear previous market concerns that PPPprojects with no/not sufficient end-user payments cannot be securitized andtherefore almost all risks for such projects would be borne by the financialinstitutions providing financing. Going forward, we expect financial institutionsto be less hesitant in participating in PPP projects financing in various forms(including investment funds), now that the latest policy on PPP ABS is essentiallyproviding risk management mechanism.





世联行 0.84 0.62 研报
大悦城 0.30 0.27 研报
蓝光发展 0.24 0 研报
荣盛发展 0.75 1.04 研报
绿地控股 0.55 0.30 研报
新城控股 0 0 研报
光大嘉宝 0.60 0 研报
金地集团 0.67 0.71 研报
滨江集团 0.80 0.93 研报
阳光城 0.98 0.90 研报
金科股份 1.15 1.24 研报


海康威视 6 持有 买入
华夏幸福 4 买入 买入
恒逸石化 4 买入 买入
南极电商 4 买入 买入
洽洽食品 4 持有 买入
贵州茅台 3 持有 买入
普洛药业 3 买入 买入
旗滨集团 3 买入 买入
喜临门 3 买入 买入
中南建设 3 买入 买入
比音勒芬 2 买入 持有
吉比特 2 持有 买入
完美世界 2 持有 买入
万科A 2 买入 买入
大悦城 2 买入 买入
美的集团 2 买入 买入
新经典 2 持有 中性

