Utility/Alternative Energy:Guidelines on LNG refuelling stations Guidelines on LNG refuelling stations

类别:行业研究 机构:德意志银行 研究员:Michael Tong,Yingying Dong 日期:2014-11-26

Guidelines on LNG refuelling stations for vessels to be issued by end-2014

    According to sources, Guidelines on Arrangement of LNG Refuelling Station for Vessels (the guidelines) have already been formulated and are expected to be issued by the end of 2014. According to the guidelines, China will form 18 lines of LNG refuelling stations for vessels, including the lines of Yangtze River, Xijiang River, Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, China coastal lines, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Minjiang River. The guidelines will be launched mainly in Jiangsu province, Hubei province and Chongqing city. China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec), China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), and ENN Energy will be the main participants in the arrangement and will benefit from the guidelines.

    SNPTC signs memorandum of cooperation with Turkey to build four nuclear units

    State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC) recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Westinghouse Electric and Turkey's state-owned power company EUAS to build four nuclear units with CAP1400 and AP1000 technology. According to SNPTC, this is an important step to expand into overseas market with Westinghouse Electric. SNPTC is building the first four AP1000 nuclear units in the world. Meanwhile, CAP1400 has passed technology and safety assessments and the demonstration projects are ready for construction.

    China Qinhuangdao Coal Price unchanged at Rmb500-510/ton

    Benchmark power-station coal price (5,500kcal/kg) at Qinhuangdao stayed unchanged at Rmb500-510/ton after two weeks of increase, according to China Coal Transport and Distribution Association (CCTD) on 24 November. Meanwhile, coal stockpiles at Qinhuangdao increased by 590k tons to 6.39m tons.

    Mingyang: Net profit in 3Q14 reached Rmb72m vs. loss of。

    Rmb71m in 3Q13 Mingyang reported 3Q14 unaudited results on November 24. Total wind turbine generators commissioned for which revenue was recognized came to 524.5MW, up 80.9% vs. 290.0MW in 3Q13. Total revenue was Rmb1,716.8m, up 78.7% vs. Rmb960.8 m in 3Q13. Total comprehensive income was Rmb71.5m, vs. total comprehensive loss of Rmb71.3m in 3Q13. Basic and diluted earnings per share were Rmb0.58 and Rmb0.57, respectively, vs. Rmb0.43 and Rmb0.43, respectively, in 3Q13. During 3Q14, Mingyang entered into sales contracts for wind power projects with a total output of 648.0MW; as 30 Sep 2014, the order backlog totalled 3.7GW.





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金科股份 1.15 1.24 研报
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