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新奥股份:Santos2018年第三季度经营活动报告(原文) 下载公告

Media enquiries

Daniela Ritorto+61 8 8116 5167 / +61 (0) 455 319 770daniela.ritorto@santos.com

Third Quarter Activities Report

For period ending 30 September 2018


Third Quarter Activities Report

For period ending 30 September 2018


Investor enquiries

Andrew Nairn+61 8 8116 5314 / +61 (0) 437 166 497andrew.nairn@santos.com

Investor enquiries Andrew Nairn +61 8 8116 5314 / +61 (0) 437 166 497 andrew.nairn@santos.comSantos Limited ABN 80 007 550 923 GPO Box 2455, Adelaide SA 5001 T +61 8 8116 5000 F +61 8 8116 5131 www.santos.com

18 October 2018

Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said: “Santos’ third quarter results serve tohighlight the benefits of a cash generative core asset portfolio and our low-cost, disciplined Operating Model. Duringthe quarter we paid our first dividend in two and a half years and achieved our net debt target of $2 billion more thana year ahead of plan.”“With a balance sheet now supportive of growth, we also announced the value accretive acquisition of Quadrant Energy’shigh quality portfolio of low-cost, long-life conventional natural gas assets in Western Australia that will further reduceour free cash flow breakeven oil price and importantly, significantly enhance our operating capability. The acquisitionwill also give us a leading position in the highly prospective Bedout Basin, including the recent significant Dorado-1 oildiscovery.”“Santos is now positioned for growth with a number of upstream brownfield development opportunities leveragingexisting infrastructure positions across each of our five core assets and is targeting production of more than 100 mmboeby 2025, almost doubling current levels of production.”“Strong operating performance during the third quarter saw sales, production and sales revenues all higher than theprevious quarter,” Mr Gallagher said.

Quadrant Energy acquisition is subject to customary consents and regulatory approvals and is expected to complete by the end of 2018

Comparative performance

Santos shareUnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Change2018 YTD2017 YTDChange
Sales volumemmboe20.319.0+7%58.361.6-5%
Average realised oil priceUS$/bbl81.178.6+3%77.154.3+42%
Sales revenueUS$million973885+10%2,6532,246+18%
Capital expenditure1US$million180167+8%487478+2%

Capital expenditure including restoration expenditure and acquisition of exploration assets but excluding capitalised interest.

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Sales volumes (Santos share)

ProductUnitQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
LNG000 t738.6630.9743.42,011.82,227.2
Domestic sales gas and ethanePJ55.752.659.6162.0168.1
Crude oil000 bbls2,296.72,863.92,589.37,594.57,360.6
Condensate000 bbls1,063.3811.61,202.32,952.93,240.6
LPG000 t41.343.862.7106.6132.2
Own productmmboe15.013.515.242.344.3
Third partymmboe5.25.66.316.017.3
Total sales volumemmboe20.319.121.558.361.6

Third quarter sales volumes were higher than the prior quarter primarily due to a full quarter of production from PNGLNG following the impact of the earthquake in the first-half and the planned one-month maintenance shutdown of theBayu Undan/Darwin LNG facilities in May, partially offset by lower crude oil sales volumes due to the cessation ofproduction from the Mutineer Exeter/Fletcher Finucane asset in Western Australia in the second quarter and thecompletion of the sale of the non-core Asian assets on 6 September 2018.

Sales revenues (Santos share)

ProductUnitQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Domestic sales gas and ethaneUS$m272254271788762
Crude oilUS$m186225137586399
Own productUS$m7245985571,8811,618
Third partyUS$m249288236772628
Total sales revenueUS$m9738867932,6532,246
Third party product purchasesUS$m197209189605467

Third quarter sales revenues were higher than the prior quarter primarily due to higher commodity prices, a full quarterof production from PNG LNG following the impact of the earthquake in the first-half and the planned one-monthmaintenance shutdown of the Bayu Undan/Darwin LNG facilities in May.

Average realised prices

UnitQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
LNG priceUS$/mmBtu10.439.747.509.507.31
Domestic sales gas priceUS$/GJ4.894.834.564.864.54
Oil priceUS$/bbl81.0978.6153.2877.1054.26
Condensate priceUS$/bbl78.7874.5252.7273.0252.38
LPG priceUS$/t616.89525.03421.27561.57445.42
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Production (Santos share)

ProductUnitQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales gas to LNG plantPJ32.426.632.086.094.1
Domestic sales gas and ethanePJ40.240.939.7119.5117.7
Crude oil000 bbls1,457.81,555.91,576.14,648.24,875.9
Condensate000 bbls865.9727.4795.92,279.12,462.3
LPG000 t34.537.836.8106.8107.4
Total productionmmboe15.

Third quarter production was higher than the prior quarter due to strong production across the core assets, includingPNG LNG producing at record rates following the earthquake-related shutdown in the first half and the planned onemonth maintenance shutdown of the Bayu Undan/Darwin facilities in May. Santos ceased recording production from thenon-core Asian assets following the completion of their sale to Ophir Energy plc effective 6 September 2018. The Asianasset sale combined with the cessation of production from the Mutineer Exeter/Fletcher Finucane asset in WesternAustralia in the second quarter resulted in lower oil production in the third quarter, notwithstanding higher Cooper Basinoil production.

2018 Guidance

Production and sales volumes guidance for 2018 has been narrowed by lifting the lower end of both ranges, reflectingstrong performance by the company’s core assets and despite the sale of the Asian assets completed in early September.

Capital expenditure guidance has been lowered to reflect current internal forecasts and timing of expenditures. Thereis no change to well guidance for the Cooper Basin and GLNG for 2018, which is maintained at 85-90 and ~300 wells,respectively.

Guidance shown in the table below excludes any potential impact from the acquisition of Quadrant Energy.

ItemPrevious guidanceUpdated guidance
Sales volumes72-76 mmboe74-76 mmboe
Production55-58 mmboe56-58 mmboe
Upstream production costsUS$8.0-8.6/boeNo change
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation (DD&A)US$650-700 millionNo change
Capital expenditure (incl exploration, evaluation & restoration, excl cap. int.)US$775-825 millionUS$725-775 million

Further detail of 2018 year-to-date capital expenditure, including exploration and evaluation expenditure, is reported inthe table on page 10 of this report.

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Oil price hedging

3.2 million barrels of oil hedging expired in the third quarter under the zero-cost three way collar hedges.The following oil price hedging positions were in place as at 8 October 2018.

2018 Open oil price positions2018
Zero-cost three-way collars (barrels)13,151,000
Brent short call price ($/bbl)US$60.30
Brent long put price ($/bbl)US$48.48
Brent short put price ($/bbl)US$40.80

? When Brent price is above the weighted average short call price, Santos realises short call price. When Brent price is between the long put price and the

weighted average short call price, Santos realises Brent price. When Brent price is between the long put price and the short put price, Santos realises thelong put price. When Brent price is below the short put price, Santos realises Brent price plus the difference between the long put price and the short putprice.

2019 Open oil price positions2019
Zero-cost collars (barrels)13,431,000
Ceiling ($/bbl)US$79.27
Floor ($/bbl)US$45.00

? When Brent price is above the weighted average ceiling price, Santos realises ceiling price. When Brent price is between the floor and ceiling price,

Santos realises Brent price. When Brent price is below the floor price, Santos realises floor price.

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Cooper Basin

Santos shareUnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales volume
Sales gas and ethane
Own productPJ18.014.217.547.752.6
Third partyPJ1.
Own product000 bbls429.3314.8534.51,184.81,242.2
Third party000 bbls58.052.685.4209.9164.0
Total000 bbls487.3367.4619.91,394.71,406.2
Own product000 t33.841.642.681.794.2
Third party000 t4.22.97.313.111.3
Total000 t38.044.549.994.8105.5
Crude oil
Own product000 bbls558.2604.1583.71,634.91,663.8
Third party000 bbls1,205.21,489.91,048.83,750.72,849.6
Total000 bbls1,763.42,094.01,632.55,385.64,513.4
Total sales volumemmboe5.85.45.716.116.1
Total sales revenueUS$million306278212808591
Sales gas and ethanePJ15.315.414.445.043.0
Condensate000 bbls253.1240.8219.9701.8633.8
LPG000 t30.
Crude oil000 bbls901.9769.1644.02,329.81,976.6
Total productionmmboe4.03.93.611.510.7
Capital expenditureUS$million574854165138

Third quarter production was higher compared to the prior quarter driven predominantly by a 17% increase in oilproduction, with both August and September averaging over 10,000 bopd net to Santos, levels not seen since 2009.With four rigs now in operation including one rig dedicated to the oil program, Santos expects to drill approximately 85-90 wells in 2018. Cycle times continue to be reduced with some gas wells progressing from spud to sales in less than50 days. This efficiency and early realisation of revenue from the capital investment supports the asset’s ability togenerate free cash flow at <US$40/bbl under the disciplined Operating Model.

Year-to-date production is up 7% to 11.5 mmboe, demonstrating Santos’ success in arresting the production decline inthe Cooper Basin and returning the asset to growth.

In the third quarter, 24 wells were drilled comprising seven exploration wells, three appraisal wells and fourteendevelopment wells.

At the end of the third quarter, the drilling of Moomba 229, the first of the Moomba South appraisal wells targeting asignificant 2C contingent resource commenced.

A summary of exploration and appraisal activity is included on page 11 of this report.

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Queensland & NSW

Santos shareUnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales volume
GLNG Joint Venture
LNG000 t343.5382.6384.81,074.11,153.6
Domestic contractsPJ7.
Eastern Queensland (non-GLNG)2PJ6.
Total sales volume3mmboe5.55.55.616.516.2
Total sales revenue3US$million259253188722542
GLNG Joint Venture
Sales gas to LNGPJ9.610.810.930.831.1
Domestic contractsPJ2.
Eastern Queensland (non-GLNG)2PJ5.85.55.716.916.6
Total production3mmboe3.
Capital expenditureUS$million646352174131

New South Wales entered the core portfolio on 1 January 2018.

Combabula, Scotia (Santos legacy domestic volumes), Spring Gully and Denison.

Total sales volume, sales revenue and production include minor condensate production from Denison and sales gas from NSW assets. Denison conventionalassets were sold in April 2018.

GLNG operational data (gross)UnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales gas to the domestic marketPJ2925378192
LNG1000 t1,1781,2391,3323,6343,846
Sales gas to LNG plant
GLNG equity gasPJ37373610795
Santos portfolio gasPJ1514164547
Total sales gas to LNG plantPJ717574220219
LNG cargoes shipped2021206062

Includes LNG produced from GLNG equity gas, Santos portfolio gas and third-party quantities.

Third quarter LNG production of 1.2 million tonnes was in line with the previous quarter and 20 cargoes were loaded.Higher GLNG equity gas production contributed to higher volumes delivered to the domestic market, while GLNG equity

gas delivered to the LNG plant was in line with the prior quarter at 37PJ.Gross GLNG-operated upstream sales gas production was 562 TJ/d at the end of the quarter, supported by a strong

ramp in Scotia production and continued steady incline in Roma.Gross daily production from Fairview was 423 TJ/day at the end of the quarter. Focus continues to be on improving well

availability.Gross daily production from Roma increased to 74 TJ/day at the end of the quarter. Field production is expected to

continue building as new development areas come online. Drilling continues in the Roma East project with 95 wellsdrilled to date. 15 wells are now on flare with early dewatering commenced.

Gross daily production from the Scotia field grew to 57 TJ/d at the end of the quarter. Production from the field continuesto grow as the reservoir de-pressures.

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Production from the Arcadia field remained steady. The next phase of development for Arcadia Valley was sanctionedduring the quarter with first production expected in late 2019.

Santos’ share of production from the non-operated Combabula and Spring Gully fields was 41 TJ/day.91 wells were drilled across the GLNG acreage in the third quarter and activity remains on schedule to drill about 300

wells in 2018. 47 development wells were drilled across Santos’ non-operated Eastern Queensland acreage in thequarter.


Santos shareUnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales volume
LNG1000 t303.5203.4285.7687.8818.6
Condensate000 bbls327.3252.1503.3829.41,230.3
Crude oil000 bbls2.
Total sales volumemmboe3.
Total sales revenueUS$million191115139406387
Sales gas to LNG1PJ17.813.317.141.548.9
Condensate000 bbls378.9286.8384.9887.01,119.8
Crude oil000 bbls3.
Total productionmmboe3.
Capital expenditureUS$million16963122

Includes SE Gobe

PNG LNG operational data (gross)UnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales gas to LNG plantPJ13399128310368
Condensate1000 bbls2,8182,1252,8326,5798,276
Sales gas (SE Gobe)2PJ215513
LNG cargoes shipped3118296982

Measured at the Kutubu entry point.

Purchased by PNG LNG.

PNG LNG sales volumes and production were higher than the prior quarter following the impact of a severeearthquake in the first-half. Full production resumed in April and during the third quarter, PNG LNG achieved recorddaily rates equivalent to annualised rates of approximately 9.2 mtpa, primarily through compressor optimisation.

PNG LNG expansion opportunities continue to be progressed with a farm-in proposal to PRL 3 (P’nyang) undernegotiation.

Santos along with the other PNG LNG parties and the Papua LNG Joint Venture are also continuing discussions to buildalignment for the proposed construction of three additional LNG trains at the PNG LNG site, with two trains to process

gas from the Papua LNG project and one train for the planned PNG LNG expansion.

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Northern Australia

Santos shareUnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales volume
Darwin LNG
LNG000 t91.644.872.9249.9255.0
Bayu Undan
Condensate000 bbls54.344.559.8207.2380.9
LPG000 t3.6(0.8)12.812.026.7
Total sales volumemmboe1.
Total sales revenueUS$million512834127112
Darwin LNG
Sales gas to LNGPJ5.
Bayu Undan
Condensate000 bbls66.334.069.4210.0355.7
LPG000 t4.42.57.713.724.9
Total productionmmboe1.
Capital expenditureUS$million2420125356
Darwin LNG / Bayu-Undan operational data (gross)UnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
LNG000 t9345407152,4222,413
Sales gas to LNG plantPJ573443148146
Condensate000 bbls8085351,3452,3474,307
LPG000 t523278147235
LNG cargoes shipped149113837

Darwin LNG sales volumes and production were higher than the prior quarter following a scheduled one-month BayuUndan/Darwin LNG shutdown in May.

The Bayu Undan Infill Well project is advancing ahead of schedule and under budget. The first well (W12-ST1) wasdelivered ahead of schedule with better condensate yield and reservoir quality than expected and is currently producingat a rate of about 150 mmscf/d. The second well, DS05, was completed ahead of schedule and cleaned up at 150mmscf/d with first gas expected in early November once subsea tie-in activities are completed. The third well, D10, iscurrently being drilled.

Following FEED entry in April 2018, a final investment decision on the Barossa project to backfill Darwin LNG is targetedtowards the end of 2019. The FPSO design competition between Modec and the TechnipFMC/Samsung consortium isprogressing well. The successful development of Barossa would extend the operating life of Darwin LNG for more than20 years and deliver ~9mmboe average annual net production to Santos.

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Western Australia

Santos shareUnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales volume
Sales gasPJ13.514.914.642.340.0
Condensate000 bbls193.8146.416.8517.6219.2
Crude oil000 bbls110.0139.5314.4549.8985.0
Total sales volumemmboe2.
Total sales revenueUS$million828175250228
Sales gasPJ12.914.613.740.937.6
Condensate000 bbls165.8163.3119.6473.4344.7
Crude oil000 bbls118.3151.9342.3594.01,031.0
Total productionmmboe2.
Capital expenditureUS$million1115182953

Includes Western Australia oil assets. The comparative periods have been restated accordingly.

Sales gas production volumes were lower than the prior quarter due to the timing of customer demand.Condensate sales volumes were higher than the prior quarter due to the timing of liftings.Crude oil sales volumes and production were lower than the prior quarter due to the Mutineer-Exeter/Fletcher Finucanefields ceasing production during the second quarter as planned.


Santos shareUnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Sales volume
Sales gasPJ3.
Condensate000 bbls0.
Crude oil000 bbls420.6628.6650.01,651.21,883.1
Total sales volumemmboe0.
Total sales revenueUS$million477064181194
Sales gasPJ3.
Condensate000 bbls1.
Crude oil000 bbls433.9632.6585.21,715.71,853.3
Total productionmmboe1.
Capital expenditureUS$million338717

As at 1 January 2018, the ‘Other’ reporting segment was restructured to comprise Santos’ Asian assets only. New South Wales entered the core portfolio andis now reported under the segment ‘Queensland and NSW’ and WA Oil is now reported under the segment ‘Western Australia’. The comparative periods havebeen restated accordingly.

Santos announced in May 2018 the sale of its non-core Asian portfolio to Ophir Energy plc.The completion of the sale of the producing assets occurred on 6 September 2018. Santos received cash proceeds of

US$144 million at completion, which represented the sale price of US$221 million after standard adjustments includingnet free cash flows generated by the assets and received by Santos from the transaction effective date of 1 January2018 through to completion.

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Corporate, exploration and eliminations

Santos shareUnitsQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Total sales volumemmboe1.
Total sales revenueUS$million376281160192
Capital expenditureUS$million69392956

Sales volumes and revenues in the corporate segment primarily represents gas trading activities. Capital expenditureprimarily represents exploration and evaluation activities not recorded against assets.

Capital expenditure

Total exploration, evaluation and development expenditure is summarised in the table below.

US$millionQ3 2018Q2 2018Q3 20172018 YTD2017 YTD
Capital expenditure
Development and other capex (including restoration)132135127378322
Capital expenditure excl capitalised interest181167188487478
Capitalised interest(0)2135
Total capital expenditure1181169188490483
Exploration and evaluation expensed
Total current year expenditure1725186266
Write-off of amounts capitalised in prior years--1-5
Total expensed1725186271

Includes acquisition of exploration assets

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Exploration and appraisal activity

CooperDuring the quarter, five near field exploration wells and three appraisal wells were drilled. The exploration programhas resulted in three new field discoveries.

An eight well appraisal drilling campaign has commenced at Moomba South to delineate a large existing contingentgas resource in the Patchawarra Formation, and to test the prospective potential of an underlying Tirrawarra resourceopportunity. The first of these appraisals, Moomba 229, is currently being cased and suspended for future productiontesting.

Eastern QueenslandThe ATP-1191-P Mahalo permit Mira pilot was shut-in after 10 months of testing. The Mira-2/6 SIS well pair reached amaximum gas rate of 1.4 mmscf/d, exceeding expectations. The Mahalo JV is working towards further appraisaldrilling and testing in 2018/19 to confirm a promising coal seam gas resource.

Northern AustraliaThe acquisition of the Beehive 3D seismic survey was completed. A decision will be made during 2019 on whether toexercise the option to farm-in to exploration permit WA-488-P and drill the Beehive-1 exploration well.

Planning to recommence exploration/appraisal activities in the McArthur Basin in the 2019 dry season is continuing.These activities are subject to regulatory approval.

PNGBarikewa-3 well intersected 25 metres of net gas pay within the Toro and Hedinia reservoir objectives. The reservoirquality exceeding pre-drill expectations. A drill-stem test was conducted across the Toro interval and the well flowedat 35 mmscf/d on a 68/64” choke. Refer ASX release 8 August 2018.

The Muruk-2 appraisal well is on schedule to spud in the fourth quarter.

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Drilling summary

Near-field exploration (NFE) / Appraisal wells

Cooper Basin oilWell name

Well nameBasin/areaSantosWell status
Agentsmith 1QLD70%P&A
Chookola 1QLD54.64%P&A
Cogydd 1QLD55%P&A
Steggles 1QLD70%C&S, successful

Cooper Basin gasWell name

Well nameBasin/areaSantosWell status
Aztec 1QLD60.06%C&S, successful
Bearcat 1QLD60.06%C&S, successful
Coonaberry 4QLD60.06%C&C, successful
Tillamook 1QLD60.06%Drilling
Wackett 18QLD70%P&A
Aroona 2SA66.6%C&S, successful
Moomba 229SA66.6%Drilling
Papua New Guinea gas
Well nameBasin/areaSantosWell status
Barikewa 3#*Gulf Province PNG40%P&A gas discovery, successful


Not operated by Santos* Spud in Q2, completed in Q3

Development wells

Cooper Basin oilWell name

Well nameBasin/areaSantosWell status
Cocinero 9 (Hz)QLD55%C&S, successful

Hz - Horizontal

Cooper Basin gasWell name

Well nameBasin/areaSantosWell status
Bagundi 7SA66.6%C&S, successful
Big Lake 144SA66.6%C&S, successful
Big Lake 145SA66.6%C&S, successful
Big Lake 146SA66.6%C&S, successful
Big Lake 147SA66.6%Drilling
Kidman 11SA66.6%C&S, successful
Kidman 12SA66.6%C&S, successful
Kidman North 5SA66.6%P&A
Moomba 217SA66.6%C&S, successful
Moomba 218SA66.6%C&S, successful
Moomba 219SA66.6%C&S, successful
Moomba 220SA66.6%C&S, successful

Northern Australia gasWell name

Well nameBasin/areaSantosWell status
Bayu Undan D10#Bonaparte11.49%Drilling
Bayu Undan DS05#Bonaparte11.49%C&C, successful
Bayu Undan W12ST1#*Bonaparte11.49%C&C, successful


Not operated by Santos* Spud in Q2, completed in Q3

Queensland - GLNG gasWell name

Well nameBasin/areaSantosWell status
Sunnyholt 16Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Sunnyholt 18Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Sunnyholt 19Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Sunnyholt 20Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Sunnyholt 21Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Sunnyholt 25Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 6Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 7Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 8Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 9Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 10Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 11Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 12Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Santos Ltd l Third Quarter Activities Report l 18 October 2018Page 13 of 15
Tarcoola Station 13Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 14Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 15Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 16Arcadia30%C&S, successful
Tarcoola Station 17Arcadia30%C&S, successful
FV11-49-21Fairview23.85%C&C, successful
FV11-75-21*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV11-75-22Fairview23.85%C&C, successful
FV11-84-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV11-85-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV11-86-1*Fairview23.85%C&C, successful
FV11-88-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV12-44-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV12-48-1Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV12-48-2Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV12-48-3Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV12-52-1Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV12-54-1Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV12-56-1Fairview23.85%C&C, successful
FV13-26-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV13-33-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV13-67-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV16-55-1Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV16-56-1Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV16-57-1Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV16-58-1Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV18-44-1Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV18-47-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV18-48-1Fairview23.85%C&C, successful
FV18-55-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV18-57-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
FV18-58-1*Fairview23.85%C&S, successful
RM49-16-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-17-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-18-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-19-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-20-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-21-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-24-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-25-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-26-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-27-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-28-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-29-1Roma30%C&C, successful
RM49-30-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-31-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-32-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-37-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-38-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-39-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-40-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-41-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-42-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-43-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-44-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-49-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-50-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-51-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-52-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-53-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-54-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-55-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-56-1Roma30%C&C, successful
RM49-62-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-64-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-65-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-66-1Roma30%C&C, successful
RM49-67-1Roma30%C&C, successful
RM49-73-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-76-1Roma30%C&C, successful
RM49-85-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-86-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-87-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM49-96-1Roma30%C&S, successful
RM50-61-1Roma30%C&C, successful
Collingwood 1Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 2Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 3Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 5Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 6Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 8Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 9Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 10Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 11Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 12Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 13Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 14Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 15Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 16Scotia30%C&S, successful
Collingwood 17Scotia30%C&S, successful
Scotia 48Scotia30%C&S, successful

* Spud in Q2, completed in Q3

Santos Ltd l Third Quarter Activities Report l 18 October 2018Page 14 of 15

Queensland - Eastern Queensland gas (EQ)Well name

Well nameBasin/areaSantosWell status
Pine Hills 298#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Pine Hills 324#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Pine Hills 325#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Pine Hills 326#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Pine Hills 327#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Pine Hills 331#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Pine Hills 332#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 29#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 183#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 184#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 209#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 210#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 211#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 213#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 214#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 216#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 217#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 219#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 239#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 240#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 243#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 245#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 246#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 247#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 248#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 249#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 272#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 274#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek 275#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 4#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 9#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 10#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 11#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 12#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 13#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 14#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 15#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 22#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 23#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 24#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 29#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 30#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 31#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 32#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 49#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 50#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful
Reedy Creek South 51#Combabula7.28%C&S, successful


Not operated by Santos

Seismic activity

The table below details seismic activity during the quarter and status.

NTP85, NTP2BonaparteBethany 3D Offshore3D334 km2 of 4,365 km2100% complete
WA-488-PBonaparteBeehive 3D Offshore3D697 km2 of 697 km2100% complete
Santos Ltd l Third Quarter Activities Report l 18 October 2018Page 15 of 15

Abbreviations and conversion factors

AbbreviationsConversion factors
C&Ccased and completedSales gas and ethane, 1 PJ171.937 boe x 10?
C&Scased and suspendedCrude oil, 1 barrel1 boe
gascoal seam gasCondensate, 1 barrel0.935 boe
DESdelivered ex shipLPG, 1 tonne8.458 boe
FPSOfloating production, storage and offloadingLNG, 1 PJ18,040 tonnes
GJGigajoulesLNG, 1 tonne52.54 mmBtu
kbblsthousand barrels
ktthousand tonnes
LNGliquefied natural gas
LPGliquefied petroleum gas
mmbblmillion barrels
mmboemillion barrels of oil equivalent
mmBtumillion British thermal units
mmscfmillion standard cubic feet
mtmillion tonnes
mtpamillion tonnes per annum
NFEnear-field exploration
P&Aplugged and abandoned
paper annum
PSCproduction sharing contract


This report contains forward looking statements that are subject to risk factors associated with the oil and gas industry. It is believed that theexpectations reflected in these statements are reasonable, but they may be affected by a range of variables which could cause actual results ortrends to differ materially, including but not limited to: price fluctuations, actual demand, currency fluctuations, geotechnical factors, drilling andproduction results, gas commercialisation, development progress, operating results, engineering estimates, reserve estimates, loss of market,industry competition, environmental risks, physical risks, legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments, economic and financial markets conditionsin various countries, approvals and cost estimates.

All references to dollars, cents or $ in this document are to United States currency, unless otherwise stated.
