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新湖中宝:中信银行(国际)有限公司2016年年度报告(中文) 下载公告
Inside the 2016 Annual Report
  1   企業背景
      Corporate Profile
  4   財務概況
      Financial Performance
  8   董事長報告
      Report of the Chairman
 10   行政總裁報告
      Report of the Chief Executive Officer
 20   2016業務回顧
      2016 Review of Operations
 35   董事及高級行政人員簡介
      Biographies of Directors and Senior Executives
 41   企業資料
      Corporate Information
 42   董事會報告書
      Report of the Directors
 46   財務報告
      Financial Section
211   企業管治及其他資料
      Corporate Governance and Other Information
China CITIC Bank International Limited
中信銀行(國際)有限公司(「中信銀行(國際)」)為   China CITIC Bank International Limited (“CNCBI”) is a wholly-owned
中信國際金融控股有限公司(「中信國金」)的全資       subsidiary of CITIC International Financial Holdings Limited (“CIFH”), which
附屬公司,自2015年8月27日起,中信國金為中信          in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China CITIC Bank Corporation
銀行股份有限公司的全資附屬公司。                     Limited since 27 August 2015.
中信銀行(國際)期望透過為大中華及海外客戶提         By providing value-creating financial solutions to define and exceed both
供方案,創造價值,將財富管理和國際商業銀行服         the wealth management and international business objectives of Greater
務提升到超越客戶期望的嶄新水平,成為擁有最高         China and overseas customers, CNCBI aspires to be the “China Bank of
國際水平及實力的客戶「首選中資銀行」。               Choice”, with the best international standards and capabilities.
中信銀行(國際)網絡遍佈大中華,包括香港的34         CNCBI’s footprint in Greater China includes 34 branches in Hong Kong, as
家分行以及北京、上海、深圳及澳門的網點。此           well as branches and presence in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Macau.
外,中信銀行(國際)於紐約、洛杉磯及新加坡設         CNCBI also has overseas branches in New York, Los Angeles and Singapore.
                                                                                                                   二零一六年報       001
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2016
                                               遠景 Our Vision
                                               The China Bank of Choice
002   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
使命                                 Our Mission
我們旨在大中華及亞洲快速增長的過程   To be the China Financial Solutions Provider of Choice for
中,成為機構及個人客戶「首選的中資   institutional and personal customers who aspire to realise
銀行」。                             the growth potential in Asia.
憑藉我們對中國市場的深切瞭解、內地   We focus on value creation for our stakeholders. Core
的廣闊人脈網絡及以客戶為主導的原     to our offering is our intimate knowledge of and our
則,務實高效地為股東、客戶和員工創   network capability in China, coupled with our customer-
富增值。                             centric execution of world-class quality.
我們的主要競爭優勢,在於人才培育、   Nurturing of talent, team spirit and sharing of ownership
團體精神、權責分擔及成果共享。       and success are a key competitive advantage of ours.
                                     核心價值 Our Core Values
                                     以客為尊          Customer-centric
                                     銳意進取          Progressive
                                     務實高效          Execution
                                     創富增值          Value Creating
                                     集賢樹人          Building People, Building Team
                                     恪守誠信          Integrity
                                                                                     二零一六年報     003
                                                                                 Annual Report 2016
      財務概況                                                      Financial Performance
      2016年財務摘要                      2016 Financial Highlights
      全 年( 百 萬 港 元 )              For the year (HK$ million)                  2016       2015     % change
      淨利息收入                          Net interest income                         4,129      3,420       +20.7
      非利息收入                          Non-interest income                         2,284      2,411         -5.3
      經營支出                            Operating expenses                         (2,816)    (2,564)       +9.8
      貸款及墊款及其他賬項                Impairment losses on loans and advances
    減值虧損準備                        and other accounts                         (553)      (668)       -17.2
      稅前溢利                            Profit before taxation                      3,053      2,601       +17.4
      所得稅                              Income tax                                   (505)      (433)      +16.6
      股東應佔溢利                        Profit attributable to shareholders         2,548      2,168       +17.5
      於 年 結 日( 百 萬 港 元 )        At year end (HK$ million)                   2016       2015     % change
      貸款及墊款                          Loans and advances                        183,764    169,870        +8.2
      資產總值                            Total assets                              306,417    282,535        +8.5
      存款總額                            Total deposits                            246,168    231,072        +6.5
      股東權益                            Shareholders’ equity                      25,781     21,744       +18.6
      財務比率                            Financial ratios                            2016       2015
      資本充足比率                        Capital adequacy                           17.8%      16.5%
      平均流動性維持比率                  Average liquidity maintenance ratio        60.8%      61.8%
      貸存比率                            Loans to deposits                          74.7%      73.5%
      成本對收入比率                      Cost to income                             43.9%      44.0%
004   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務概況                                                                  Financial Performance
      Pro t attributable to shareholders (HK$ million)                    Financial Performance
                                                              Total assets (HK$ million)                               Shareholders’ equity (HK$ million)
16                                      2,548            16                                 306,417          16                                                 25,781
15                              2,168                    15                                282,535           15                                      21,744
14                                          2,801        14                           249,141                14                                   19,941
13                             2,135                     13                      216,308                     13                             17,176
12                    1,557                              12                 177,181                          12                          15,052
5年財務概況                        5 Year Financial Summary
全 年 結 算( 百 萬 港 元 )       For the year (HK$ million)                                   2016        2015                2014                 2013
淨利息收入                         Net interest income                                          4,129       3,420               4,157                3,331                2,339
非利息收入                         Non-interest income                                          2,284       2,411               1,849                1,416                1,377
經營支出                           Operating expenses                                        (2,816)       (2,564)             (2,453)             (2,089)               (1,808)
貸款及墊款及                       Impairment losses (charged)/
     其他賬項減值虧損                   written back on loans and advances
 ( 準 備 )╱ 回 撥                    and other accounts                                      (553)        (668)               (181)                 (84)                 (91)
稅前溢利                           Profit before taxation                                       3,053       2,601               3,374                2,554                1,866
所得稅                             Income tax                                                   (505)        (433)               (573)               (419)                (309)
股東應佔溢利                       Profit attributable to shareholders                          2,548       2,168               2,801                2,135                1,557
於 年 結 日( 百 萬 港 元 )       At year end (HK$ million)                                    2016        2015                2014                 2013
貸款及墊款                         Loans and advances                                      183,764        169,870            150,720              127,017            105,092
減值撥備                           Impairment allowance                                          950         696                  538                 476
資產總值                           Total assets                                            306,417        282,535            249,141              216,308            177,181
平均利息收益資產總值               Average interest earnings assets                        278,223        248,689            225,872              182,077            169,560
存款總額                           Total deposits                                          246,168        231,072            203,087              170,834            145,017
股東權益                           Shareholders' equity                                     25,781         21,744             19,941               17,176                15,052
財務比率                           Financial ratios                                             2016        2015                2014                 2013
資本充足比率                       Capital adequacy                                          17.8%         16.5%               17.3%               16.5%                 18.2%
平均流動性維持比率                 Average liquidity maintenance ratio                       60.8%         61.8%                    –                     –                 –
全年平均流動資金比率               Average liquidity                                                 –           –           64.9%               55.3%                 59.4%
貸存比率                           Loans to deposits                                         74.7%         73.5%               74.2%               74.4%                 72.5%
貸款對資產總值比率                 Loans to total assets                                     60.0%         60.1%               60.5%               58.7%                 59.3%
綜合評估覆蓋比率                   Collective assessment coverage                               0.2%        0.2%                0.3%                 0.3%                 0.3%
成本對收入比率                     Cost to income                                            43.9%         44.0%               40.9%               44.0%                 48.7%
平均資產回報率                     Return on average total assets                               0.9%        0.8%                1.2%                 1.1%                 0.9%
平均股東權益回報率                 Return on average shareholders' equity                    10.3%         10.2%               14.9%               13.2%                 10.8%
                                                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2016
      財務概況                                                       Financial Performance
      存款*                                    Deposits*
      1.     按類別劃分                        By type                                                                   2016
             往來                              Current                                                                   9.4%               9.1%
             儲蓄                              Savings                                                                  19.6%              16.7%
             定期                              Fixed                                                                    71.0%              74.2%
             合計                              Total                                                                100.0%                100.0%
      2.     按到期日劃分                      By maturity                                                               2016
             即時償還                          On demand                                                                29.0%              25.8%
             少於3個月                         Less than 3 months                                                       61.2%              61.1%
             超過3個月但不足1年                Over 3 months but less than 1 year                                        9.8%              12.9%
             超過1年但不足5年                  Over 1 year but less than 5 years                                            –              0.2%
             合計                              Total                                                                100.0%                100.0%
      3.     按貨幣劃分                        By currency                                                               2016
             港元                              HKD                                                                      54.3%              50.8%
             美元                              USD                                                                      29.2%              24.3%
             其他                              Others                                                                   16.5%              24.9%
             合計                              Total                                                                100.0%                100.0%
      4.     存款賬目數目                      Number of deposit accounts                                                2016
                                                                                                                    399,544               373,849
      *    以客戶存款為基礎                    *   Based on customer deposits only
                                                   46.3%                                                                         23.2%
                                                                 Personal & Business Banking Group
                          Total Deposits                         Certicates of Deposit
                                                                                                          Total Loans
                           Breakdown                                                                      Breakdown
                                                                 Wholesale & Cross-border Banking Group
006   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務概況                                                   Financial Performance
財務概況                                                   Financial Performance
貸款                                    Loan Portfolio
1.     按行業劃分                       By industry sectors                                        2016
       用於香港的貸款               Loans and advances for use in Hong Kong
         工商及金融界:               Industrial, commercial and financial:
           物業發展                     Property development                                       7.4%                 7.7%
           物業投資                     Property investment                                       13.6%                11.5%
           金融界                       Financial concerns                                         5.0%                 4.0%
           股票經紀                     Stockbrokers                                               1.7%                 2.1%
           批發及零售貿易               Wholesale and retail trade                                 9.3%                10.5%
           製造業                       Manufacturing                                              5.5%                 4.4%
           運輸業及運輸設備             Transport and transport equipment                          1.6%                 2.1%
           娛樂活動                     Recreational activities                                    0.7%                 0.6%
           資訊科技                     Information technology                                     1.9%                 0.0%
           其他                         Others                                                     5.3%                 4.7%
         個人:                       Individuals:
           購買「居者有其屋計劃」、     Loans for the purchase of flats under the
             「私人發展商參建居屋          Home Ownership Scheme, Private Sector
             計劃」及「租者置其屋          Participation Scheme and Tenants Purchase
             計劃樓宇」的貸款              Scheme                                                  0.0%                 0.0%
           購買其他住宅物業的貸款       Loans for the purchase of other residential properties     7.3%                 7.3%
           信用卡借貸                   Credit card advances                                       0.2%                 0.3%
           其他                         Others                                                     4.5%                 4.6%
         貿易融資                     Trade finance                                                5.8%                 6.5%
       用於香港以外地方的貸款及墊款 Loans and advances for use outside Hong Kong                  30.2%                33.7%
       合計                             Total                                                    100.0%               100.0%
2.     按地區分佈劃分                   By geographical spread                                     2016
       香港                             Hong Kong                                                 51.1%                51.0%
       中國內地                         Mainland China                                            36.3%                32.0%
       美國                             USA                                                        3.2%                 1.5%
       新加坡                           Singapore                                                  3.0%                 7.2%
       其他                             Others                                                     6.4%                 8.3%
       合計                             Total                                                    100.0%               100.0%
3.     按年期劃分                       By maturity                                                2016
       即時償還                         Repayable on demand                                        0.7%                 4.4%
       少於1 年                         Less than 1 year                                          54.9%                55.1%
       超過1 年但少於5 年               Over 1 year but less than 5 years                         31.4%                27.8%
       超過5 年                         Over 5 years                                              10.9%                11.8%
       無訂日期                         Undated                                                    2.1%                 0.9%
       合計                             Total                                                    100.0%               100.0%
4.     按貨幣劃分                       By currency                                                2016
       港元                             HKD                                                       48.3%                42.0%
       美元                             USD                                                       42.4%                43.1%
       其他                             Others                                                     9.3%                14.9%
       合計                             Total                                                    100.0%               100.0%
5.     貸款賬目數目                     Number of loan accounts                                    2016
                                                                                                 481,102             439,206
                                                                                                               二零一六年報     007
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      董事長報告                                                Report of the Chairman
      本人深感欣慰,在本人擔任中信銀行(國際)有                To my great delight, in my first full financial year as Chairman of China CITIC
      限公司(「本銀行」)董事長的第一個完整會計年              Bank International Limited (“the Bank”), the Bank and its subsidiaries
                                                                (together “the Group”) successfully returned to the growth path, delivering
                                                                a set of respectable results for 2016 despite persistent headwinds in the
      重返增長軌道。儘管外部環境充滿挑戰,「黑天                operating environment and increasing market volatility caused by several
      鵝 事 件」頻 發, 導 致 市 場 跌 宕 起 伏, 本 集 團 在   “black swan events”.
                                                                Profit attributable to shareholders increased by 17.5% year on year to
                                                                HK$2.55 billion. More encouragingly, total assets exceeded HK$300 billion
                                                                for the first time, reaching HK$306.42 billion at end-2016, up 8.5% from
      人鼓舞的是,2016年末總資產首次突破3,000億港               a year earlier. Healthy growth was recorded for both total deposits and
      元至3,064.2億港元,較前年增加8.5%。總存款與               customer loans, which were respectively 6.5% and 8.2% ahead of end-
      客戶貸款均錄得穩健增長,分別較2015年末上升                2015 levels. For 2016, retail deposits rose by 11.0%, faster than the growth
      6.5%和8.2%。期間,零售存款增長11.0%,增幅超               in wholesale deposits. As a result, retail deposits accounted for 48.4% of the
      過批發存款,佔全行客戶存款的48.4%,存款結構               Bank’s total customer deposits, representing a continued improvement in
                                                                deposit structure.
                                                                Last year the Bank strengthened its collaboration with parent bank China
      去年本銀行加強了與母行中信銀行的業務協作和                CITIC Bank Corporation Limited (“CNCB”). With full support from CNCB, major
      聯動,在母行的全力支持下,收購兼併貸款、                  breakthroughs were achieved in various business areas such as merger and
      結構性融資、牽頭籌組銀團貸款以及代客發行債                acquisition loans, structured finance, leading syndicated loans and issuing
                                                                bonds for clients. The collaboration between CNCB and the Bank has and
      券等業務均取得了突破性進展。而且雙方合作範                will continue to broaden, from client referrals to servicing clients together,
      圍也在不斷拓展,從單純轉介客戶到聯手服務客                from business expansion to risk management, and from building IT systems
      戶,從業務開拓到風險管理,從系統開發到員工                to developing human resources, as the Bank fulfils its strategic function as
      交流培訓,充分發揮了本銀行作為中信銀行海外                CNCB’s overseas integrated financial services platform.
                                                                In September 2016 the Bank capitalized on the best market environment
                                                                and a window of opportunity to issue US$500 million of Basel III compliant
      2016年9月,本銀行抓住最佳市場環境和時間窗                 undated non-cumulative subordinated additional tier 1 capital securities.
      口,成功發行了5億美元永續型非累積額外一級資               The issue was oversubscribed a few times, demonstrating the market’s
      本證券,獲得數倍超額認購,充分反映了市場對                recognition of the Bank’s strong credit profile and healthy operations.
      本銀行良好信用和穩健經營的認同。此次資本證                The capital securities have enhanced the Bank’s capital position and
                                                                sharpened its competitive edge, laying a firm foundation for future business
                                                                Looking ahead into 2017, a period of uncertainty and instability looms
      展望來年,外圍環境依然充滿了不確定性,新一                large as the incoming administration in the US has yet to fully unfold its
      屆美國政府的經濟外交政策及其對全球市場的影                economic and foreign policies, and the impact of such policies on global
      響還有待觀察。英國脫歐談判即將展開,歐盟主                markets needs to be monitored. Meanwhile, the British government is
                                                                officially initiating the process of reshaping a new relationship with the
      要成員國將面臨政府換屆選舉,政治動蕩的風險                European Union, which itself is vulnerable to increasing risk of political
      大增。面對種種未知之數,中國將繼續堅定不移                volatility as general elections will be held for key member states. In light of
      地加快供給側經濟結構調整,推進”一帶一路”                many unknowns, China will have to spare no effort to maintain sustainable
      的對外開放戰略,保持經濟的可持續增長。                    economic growth by steadfastly accelerating supply-side structural reforms
                                                                and pursuing opening-up strategies such as “One Belt, One Road”.
      面對全球經濟不確定性的挑戰,以及中國經濟持                In spite of fluid global economic conditions, with sustained growth
      續發展和繼續對外開放的機遇,本人對本銀行前                of China’s economy and the opportunities arising from the country’s
      景依然保持樂觀。為應對不斷變化的市場環境,                continuous opening-up, I remain optimistic about the prospects of the
      本銀行將繼續進行業務轉型,走商業銀行與投                  Bank. In response to changing circumstances, the Bank will continue to
      資銀行業務並舉的發展道路,在母行的鼎力支持                undergo business transformation, developing both commercial banking
                                                                and investment banking businesses. On the back of strong support from
                                                                parent bank, and with product innovation, channel innovation and IT
      斷提高服務能力和風險管理水平,致力於為客戶                innovation that can enhance service capabilities and risk management,
      提供全面的本地和跨境綜合金融服務,實現本銀                the Bank will strive to offer clients a comprehensive range of domestic and
      行的長期穩健發展。                                        cross-border financial solutions, achieving healthy long-term growth in the
                                                                years ahead.
                                                                Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my fellow Board
      以及全體員工致以謝忱,感謝各位為本銀行可持                members, the Bank’s management team and all staff for their contribution
      續發展作出的貢獻。同時,本人亦希望借此機會                to the Bank’s sustainable development. I also wish to thank our customers
      衷心感謝所有客戶的長期信任與支持,這正是本                gratefully for their continued trust and support, which is the linchpin of our
      銀行成功的關鍵所在。                                      success.
008   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
     Sun Deshun
Hong Kong, 21 March 2017
       行政總裁報告                                                 Report of the Chief Executive Officer
       張小衛先生             Mr. Zhang Xiaowei
       行長兼行政總裁         President & Chief Executive Officer
                                                                      在 建 立 了 更 緊 密 關 係 後, 去 年 信 銀 國 際 與 母
                                                                      行 中 信 銀 行 進 一 步 加 強 協 作 聯 動, 加 上 全 體
                                                                      員 工 竭 誠 服 務, 努 力 不 懈, 股 東 應 佔 溢 利 錄
                                                                      得17.5%的 良 好 增 長, 達25.5億 港 元, 同 時
                                                                      Last year collaboration with parent bank, China
                                                                      CITIC Bank, strengthened further with stronger
                                                                      ties. Combined with the dedication and diligence
                                                                      of the entire staff, this enabled China CITIC Bank
                                                                      International to deliver a healthy 17.5% growth
                                                                      in profit attributable to shareholders to HK$2.55
                                                                      billion, while total assets exceeded HK$300 billion
                                                                      to reach HK$306.42 billion.
      面 對 多 變 和 充 滿 挑 戰 的 經 營 環 境, 中 信 銀 行       Against a fast-changing and challenging operating environment, China
      (國際)有限公司(「信銀國際」)暨各附屬公司                  CITIC Bank International Limited (“CNCBI”) and its subsidiaries
      (統 稱「本 集 團」)及 時 應 變, 使 經 營 利 潤 在 經       (together “the Group”) responded rapidly, returning to the path of healthy
      歷 前 一 年 短 暫 回 落 後 於2016年 重 新 回 到 穩 定         profit growth in 2016 after a temporary setback in the preceding year. In
      增 長 軌 道。2016年 信 銀 國 際 充 份 發 揮 作 為 中          2016, CNCBI took full advantage of having China CITIC Bank Corporation
      信 銀 行 股 份 有 限 公 司(「中 信 銀 行」)全 資 子 銀      Limited (“CNCB”) as parent bank to spur the collaboration with it on all
      行 的 優 勢, 全 面 開 展 與 母 行 的 業 務 協 同 和 聯       fronts, expanding both the customer base and scope for development,
      動, 擴 大 客 戶 基 礎, 擴 展 發 展 空 間, 取 得 了         which produced impressive results. 2016 was also a year when the Group
      豐 碩 成 果。2016年 亦 是 本 集 團 投 資 加 強 科 技          enhanced its technology infrastructure, with an upgrade of the core banking
      基 礎 設 施 建 設 的 一 年, 完 成 了 銀 行 核 心 業 務       system and installation of an advanced treasury system, commencement of
      系 統 的 升 級 改 造, 上 線 了 先 進 的 財 資 業 務 系       cross-border host-to-host business system connectivity with parent bank, as
      統, 實 現 了 與 母 行 業 務 系 統 的 跨 境 直 聯, 以        well as the introduction of several mobile banking applications, which have
      及 推 出 了 多 項 手 機 銀 行 應 用 程 式, 為 本 集 團       set the stage for the Group’s sustainable growth in the years ahead.
010    中信銀行(國際)有限公司
1. 梁 建 文 先 生                                             2. 柏 立 軍 先 生                              3. 簡 吳 秋 玉 女 士                                     4. 萬 紅 女 士
    資訊科技及營運總監                                            替任行政總裁兼                                 執行董事、 替任行政總裁兼                                執行董事、 副行政總裁兼
    M r. M i c h a e l Le u n g                                   代理司庫                                       個人及商務銀行業務總 監                                  公司及 跨境業務總 監
    C h i e f I n fo r m a t i o n a n d                          M r. B a i L i j u n                           M r s. H e l e n K a n                                   M s. M a rg a re t M a n
    Operations Officer                                            Alternate Chief Executive O fficer &           E xe c u t i ve D i re c to r &                          E xe c u t i ve D i re c to r &
                                                                  Ac t i n g Tre a s u re r                      Alternate Chief Executive O fficer                       D e p u t y C h i e f E xe c u t i ve O f f i c e r
                                                                                                                 G ro u p H e a d o f Pe r s o n a l &                    G ro u p H e a d o f W h o l e s a l e &
                                                                                                                 Business Banking                                         C ro s s - b o rd e r B a n k i n g
5. 黃 致 遠 先 生                                             6. 譚 日 恭 先 生                              7. 劉 月 屏 女 士                                        8. 丘 仲 文 先 生
    替任行政總裁、 首席法律顧問及                                 財務總監                                       行政總裁辦公室總監                                       稽核總監
    內部監 控 總 監                                               M r. E l to n Ta m                             M s. Zo e L a u                                          M r. D av i d Ya u
    M r. R oy H u a n g                                           C h i e f Fi n a n c i a l O f f i c e r       D i re c to r o f C E O O f f i c e                      C h i e f Au d i to r
    A l te r n a te C h i e f E xe c u t i ve O f f i c e r
    G e n e r a l Co u n s e l &
    G ro u p H e a d o f I n te r n a l Co n t ro l
9. 關 建 輝 先 生                                             10. 李 錫 生 先 生                             11. 文 月 晶 女 士
    風險管理總監                                                  人事總監                                       合規總監
    M r. D av i d Kwa n                                           M r. J o h n Le e                              M s. R i t a M a n
    Chief Risk Officer                                            C h i e f Pe r s o n n e l O f f i c e r       C h i e f Co m p l i a n c e O f f i c e r
                                                                                                                                                              7          8          9             10         11
                                                                                                                                                         1        2           3            4             5
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2016
      行政總裁報告                                              Report of the Chief Executive Officer
      經營環境                                                  Operating Environment
      在 本 報 告 年 度, 環 球 金 融 市 場 受 政 治 事 件 影   During the year under review, global financial markets were repeatedly
      響, 尤 以 英 國 脫 歐 公 投 和 美 國 總 統 選 舉 為      shaken by political events, most notably Britain’s vote to leave the European
      甚, 令 期 內 證 券 價 格 及 匯 價 出 現 大 幅 波 動。    Union and the American presidential election, with wide fluctuations in
      但 是, 全 球 經 濟 增 長 趨 勢 並 沒 有 因 此 發 生 太   securities prices and currency values. The underlying economic growth
      大 改 變。 美 國 經 濟 持 續 增 長, 就 業 率 持 續 改    trends, however, were hardly affected. The US economy remained firmly
      善, 通 脹 率 逐 漸 回 升, 促 使 美 國 聯 邦 儲 備 局    on a recovery path with continuous improvement in employment data
      於2016年12月 加 息25點 子, 為 金 融 海 嘯 以 來          and accelerating inflation, prompting the Federal Reserve Board to raise its
      第 二 次 加 息。2016年 歐 元 區 經 濟 增 長1.7%,         benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points in December 2016, the second
      較 上 一 年 遜 色, 而 日 本 的 經 濟 復 蘇 步 履 蹣      hike since the financial tsunami. The expansion of the Eurozone at 1.7% for
      跚, 全 球 貿 易 與 投 資 繼 續 疲 軟, 阻 礙 了 新 興    2016 was weaker than a year ago, while the progress of reflation remained
      發展中國家的經濟增長。                                    lacklustre in Japan, and still sluggish global trade and investment flows
                                                                hindered the growth of emerging and developing countries.
      繼2015年6.9%的 增 長,2016年 中 國 國 內 生               For China, following a 6.9% rise in real GDP in 2015, a steady growth of 6.7%
      產 總 值 的 增 幅 企 穩 於6.7%, 主 要 受 惠 於 國 內     was achieved last year primarily on the back of solid domestic consumption
      消費穩步上揚以及公共領域固定資產投資增                    and public-sector fixed asset investment. Nevertheless, amid mounting
      加。 然 而, 由 於 房 地 產 市 場 過 熱, 信 貸 規 模     concerns about an overheated housing market, aggressive credit growth
      激 增, 以 及 人 民 幣 貶 值 加 速 資 本 外 流, 中 國    and more rapid liquidity outflow triggered by a weakening Renminbi
      政 府 不 得 不 採 取 多 項 措 施 予 以 遏 止。 在 內 外   (“RMB”), the government had to introduce various measures to arrest these
      部 需 求 不 足 的 背 景 下, 香 港 全 年 經 濟 增 速 下   developments. In the absence of strong external and domestic demand,
      滑至1.9%,低於2014年的2.7%與2015年的                      the expansion of the Hong Kong economy also decelerated to 1.9% in real
      2.4%, 在 四 季 度, 商 品 與 服 務 出 口 以 及 私 人     terms for 2016, against 2.7% and 2.4% for 2014 and 2015 respectively. It was
      消費支出才開始呈現出穩定跡象。                            not until the fourth quarter of the year that exports of goods and services, as
                                                                well as private consumption expenditure, seemed to display some signs of
      縱 觀 香 港 本 地 銀 行 業, 儘 管 利 率 在 歷 史 低 位   As regards the domestic banking sector in Hong Kong, although interest
      徘 徊, 貸 款 需 求 仍 然 溫 和。2016年 末 貸 款 及       rates hovered around historical lows, loan demand stayed soft, with total
      墊 款 總 額8.023萬 億, 按 年 增 長6.5%。 同 期 中        loans and advances of HK$8,023 billion at end-2016 being 6.5% ahead of the
      國 內 地 相 關 貸 款(包 括 貿 易 融 資)上 升7.0%,      amount at end-2015. The growth in total Mainland-related lending (including
      但 人 民 幣 客 戶 存 款 年 末 總 計5,467.1億 人 民        trade finance) for the same period was 7.0%. However, the RMB customer
      幣, 較 上 年 同 期 收 縮35.8%。 根 據 香 港 金 管 局     deposit base in Hong Kong shrank by 35.8% from end-2015 to RMB546.71
      統 計, 香 港 零 售 銀 行2016年 稅 前 經 營 總 收 入      billion at the close of 2016. According to the HKMA, the aggregate pre-tax
      與上年同期相比錄得8.7%的增長。                            operating profit of retail banks’ Hong Kong offices recorded a growth of 8.7%
                                                                in 2016 compared with a year ago.
      財務表現                                                  Financial Performance
      2016年, 本 集 團 業 務 表 現 優 於 同 業 整 體 水        For the year 2016, the Group’s performance was ahead of the industry as
      平。 經 營 收 入 按 年 上 升10.0%至64.1億 港 元。         a whole. Operating income increased by 10.0% year on year to HK$6.41
      撥 備 後 利 潤30.4億 港 元, 按 年 增 加17.1%。 股        billion. Profit after impairment was up by 17.1% to HK$3.04 billion, while
      東 應 佔 溢 利25.5億 港 元, 較 上 年 增 加17.5%。        profit attributable to shareholders grew by 17.5% to HK$2.55 billion. Return
      平 均 資 產 回 報 率0.87%, 較 上 年 提 升4點             on average assets at 0.87% was four basis points higher than the previous
      子。 平 均 股 東 權 益 回 報 率 按 年 微 升1點 子 至      year, while return on average shareholders’ equity was 10.25%, edging up
      10.25%。                                                  one basis point year on year.
012   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
行政總裁報告                                              Report of the Chief Executive Officer
2016年 利 潤 增 長 主 要 受 益 於 淨 利 息 收 入 躍 升    The resumption of profit growth in 2016 was principally driven by a 20.7%
20.7%至41.3億 港 元。 隨 著 與 母 行 持 續 深 入 合       rise in net interest income to HK$4.13 billion. With closer collaboration with
作, 本 集 團 不 斷 擴 大 跨 境 融 資 業 務, 在 結 構    parent bank, the Group continued to expand its cross-border financing
性 融 資 與 銀 團 貸 款 市 場 取 得 顯 著 發 展。 客 戶   business, gaining ground in the structured finance and syndication market.
存 款 利 息 成 本 下 降 帶 動 淨 息 差 按 年 擴 大10點    Net interest margin improved by 10 basis points year on year to 1.48% given
子至1.48%。                                               lower interest cost of customer deposits.
非利息收入22.8億港元,較上年下跌5.3%,主                  Non-interest income for the year amounted to HK$2.28 billion, which was
要 由 於 財 資 與 環 球 市 場 業 務 收 入 的 減 少, 但   5.3% lower than a year ago. The drop was mainly due to reduced profit
是 貸 款 及 融 資 手 續 費 收 入, 以 及 保 險 產 品 銷   contribution from Treasury and Markets (“TMG”) activities. Apart from this,
售 收 入 均 呈 現 出 大 幅 上 升 趨 勢, 債 務 資 本 市   loan fees and income from selling insurance products continued to post
場業務也順利起步,發展勢頭良好。                          excellent growth, while TMG’s Debt Capital Markets (“DCM”) operations got
                                                          off to a good start and have developed well.
與 此 同 時, 本 集 團 繼 續 加 大 對 資 訊 科 技 的 投   As the Group continued to make substantial investments in technology,
入。 因 此, 去 年 本 集 團 總 經 營 成 本 按 年 增       total operating expenses rose by 9.8% year on year, which was slightly
加9.8%, 略 低 於 收 入 的 增 幅。 成 本 收 入 比         below income growth. Cost to income ratio at 43.9% was at a level similar to
43.9%,與前年基本持平。                                   that of the previous year.
財務狀況                                                  Financial Position
截 至 報 告 期 末, 本 集 團 總 資 產3,064.2億 港         At end-2016, the Group’s total assets stood at HK$306.42 billion, representing
元, 較 上 年 末 增 加8.5%。 總 存 款 餘 額2,461.7        an 8.5% increase from a year ago. Total deposits amounted to HK$246.17
億 港 元, 客 戶 貸 款 餘 額(包 括 貿 易 票 據)         billion, while customer loans including trade bills totalled HK$183.76 billion,
1,837.6億 港 元, 分 別 同 比 上 漲6.5%和8.2%,           up 6.5% and 8.2% respectively from end-2015. Loans to deposits ratio
貸 存 比 率 相 應 由73.5%上 升 至74.7%。 本 集 團         therefore increased to 74.7% from 73.5%. The Group continued to adopt
採 用 謹 慎 的 貸 款 分 類 政 策, 截 至2016年 末,       a prudent loan classification policy. At end-2016, impaired loan ratio was
不良貸款率0.96%,較前年微升7點子。                        0.96%, seven basis points higher than a year earlier.
2016年1月, 中 信 銀 行 的 全 資 子 公 司, 即 信         In January 2016, HK$1.8 billion of capital was injected into CNCBI by its
銀 國 際 母 公 司, 向 信 銀 國 際 注 資18億 港 元。      immediate parent company, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNCB.
2016年9月, 信 銀 國 際 又 成 功 發 行5億 美 元 永        In addition, in September 2016, CNCBI successfully issued US$500 million
續 型 非 累 積 額 外 一 級 資 本 證 券, 進 一 步 鞏 固   of undated non-cumulative subordinated additional tier 1 capital securities,
本 行 資 本 實 力。 截 至2016年 末, 本 集 團 總 資       which helped to expand its capital base further. At end-2016, the Group’s
本 充 足 比 率 較 上 年 末 增 加124點 子 至17.75%,       total capital adequacy ratio increased by 124 basis points year on year to
一 級 資 本 比 率13.73%, 普 通 股 權 一 級 資 本 比      17.75%. Its tier 1 capital ratio was 13.73% whereas its common equity tier
率10.81%, 均 高 於 監 管 要 求。 平 均 流 動 性 維       1 capital ratio stood at 10.81%. These levels remained comfortably above
持比率60.8%,繼續保持非常穩健水平。                       regulatory requirements. Meanwhile, average liquidity maintenance ratio
                                                          was 60.8%, remaining at a very healthy level.
                                                                                                                          二零一六年報      013
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2016
      行政總裁報告                                              Report of the Chief Executive Officer
      業務回顧                                                  Business Review
      公司及跨境業務部                                          Wholesale and Cross-border Banking Group
      去 年, 公 司 及 跨 境 業 務 部 在 結 構 性 融 資 與 銀   Wholesale and Cross-Border Banking (“WBG”) showed a substantial increase
      團 貸 款 方 面 的 業 務 能 力 不 斷 增 強。 中 信 銀 行   in its capability in structured finance and syndication business last year.
      與 信 銀 國 際 作 為 聯 合 牽 頭 行, 為 一 家 中 資 企   Together with CNCB, CNCBI acted as the joint global coordinator to lead a
      業 提 供 一 項 具 里 程 碑 意 義 的 跨 境 信 貸 便 利,   landmark cross-border financing facility in support of a Chinese enterprise
      協 助 該 企 業 成 功 收 購 一 家 海 外 公 司, 這 是 有   to acquire an overseas company. This transaction was the biggest ever
      史以來中國企業在海外進行的最大一筆併購                    overseas acquisition deal sealed by a mainland Chinese corporation and
      交 易, 也 是 亞 洲 有 史 以 來 最 大 的 一 項 銀 團 收   also the largest ever syndicated acquisition loan in Asia. In keeping with
      購 貸 款。 配 合 國 家 提 出 的”一 帶 一 路”和 內       the Chinese government’s development strategies of developing “One
      地 企 業”走 出 去”的 發 展 戰 略, 公 司 及 跨 境       Belt, One Road” and encouraging Chinese enterprises to “Go Global”, WBG
      業務部積極支持中信銀行戰略客戶在海外的                    has proactively supported CNCB’s strategic customers to expand and
      發 展 和 投 資, 於2016年6月 成 立 了 戰 略 客 戶         invest overseas. In June 2016, a strategic clients unit was established to
      部, 專 門 負 責 中 信 銀 行 的 戰 略 客 戶 及 重 點 客   be solely responsible for dealing with the strategic and key customers of
      戶。 同 時, 公 司 及 跨 境 業 務 部 繼 續 增 加 對 海    CNCB. Meanwhile, investments in strengthening the capability of overseas
      外 分 行 的 投 資, 以 滿 足 本 行 企 業 客 戶 日 益 增   branches continued to increase in order to satisfy the growing demand of
      強 的 跨 境 金 融 服 務 需 求。 截 至 報 告 期 末, 公    the Bank’s corporate clients for cross-border financial services. At end-2016,
      司 及 跨 境 業 務 貸 款1,405.7億 港 元, 比 上 年 末      WBG customer loans reached HK$140.57 billion, up 9.1% from a year ago,
      增長9.1%,報告期內實現淨利息收入30.8億港                  while net interest income and non-interest income for 2016 grew by 12.7%
      元,非利息收入8.92億港元,分別比上年增長                  and 19.8% year on year respectively to HK$3.08 billion and HK$892 million.
      個人及商務銀行部                                          Personal and Business Banking Group
      儘 管2016年 零 售 銀 行 競 爭 激 烈 及 經 營 環 境        Despite intense competition and challenging operating conditions,
      充 滿 挑 戰, 但 個 人 及 商 務 銀 行 部 仍 善 用 其 競   Personal and Business Banking (“PBG”) was able to take advantage of many
      爭 優 勢, 抓 準 市 場 機 遇, 持 續 維 持 增 長 動       opportunities available in the market and sustain its growth momentum,
      力。 經 營 收 入 及 存 貸 規 模 均 再 創 歷 史 新 高。    attaining historic highs in operating income as well as deposits and loans.
      報 告 期 內 經 營 收 入23.8億 港 元, 比 上 年 增 長      For 2016, operating income was HK$2.38 billion, up 19.6% year on year. At
      19.6%。 截 至 報 告 期 末, 客 戶 存 款1,139.1億 港       end-2016, PBG customer deposits reached HK$113.91 billion while customer
      元, 比 上 年 末 增 長11.0%。 客 戶 貸 款427.1億          loans amounted to HK$42.71 billion, representing increases of 11.0% and
      港 元, 比 上 年 末 增 長4.8%, 客 戶 貸 款 資 產 素      4.8% respectively from a year ago, and the growth in interest-earning assets
      質 持 續 保 持 穩 定。 與 母 行 聯 動 方 面, 全 面 實    was achieved without compromising on asset quality. On collaboration with
      施 代 理 見 證 開 戶, 聯 動 客 戶 業 務 收 入 雙 算 考   parent bank, remote account opening services were fully implemented
      核, 推 動 中 間 收 入 比 前 一 年 顯 著 增 加, 替 跨    during the year, and the business generated would be accounted for by
      境 客 戶 管 理 資 產 規 模 增 加6倍, 私 人 銀 行 收 入   both CNCBI and CNCB. This contributed to a marked increase in the income
      按 年 勁 增 超 過3倍。 另 一 方 面, 零 售 條 線 堅 持    from intermediary services. With a six-fold expansion in assets under
      發 展 移 動 銀 行 的 戰 略, 成 為 在 香 港 首 間 設 立   management for cross-border customers, the revenue of private banking
      存 款 戶 口 綁 定WeChat Pay香 港 錢 包 服 務 的 銀        also surged by over 3 times. In addition, retail banking has been committed
      行, 讓 客 戶 可 隨 時 隨 地 享 受WeChat Pay免 費         to pursuing a mobile banking strategy. Last year, CNCBI launched Hong
      的流動支付服務。                                          Kong’s first deposit account binding to the WeChat Pay Hong Kong Wallet,
                                                                affording customers the convenience of free WeChat Pay mobile payment
014   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
行政總裁報告                                              Report of the Chief Executive Officer
財資及環球市場部                                          Treasury and Markets Group
受 離 岸 人 民 幣 利 率、 匯 率 劇 烈 波 動 的 影 響,    In light of highly volatile offshore RMB interest rates and exchange rates in
2016年 資 金 營 運 中 心 整 體 收 入 略 有 下 降, 但     2016, the revenue of Central Treasury Unit (“CTU”) eased slightly year on
下半年表現優異,較上半年收入環比增長1.74                  year. Yet on a half-on-half basis, its performance in the second half of the
億 港 元。 抓 住 美 元 利 率 整 體 走 勢 及 階 段 性 交   year was much stronger, with an increase of HK$174 million in revenue
易 機 會, 債 券 投 資 相 關 收 入 按 年 顯 著 上 升,    when compared with the first six months. Benefitting from the general
其 中 債 券 投 資 利 息 收 入 增 長29%, 交 易 性 收      trend of US interest rates and trading opportunities at various stages,
入 增 長3.6倍。 環 球 市 場 部 克 服 對 單 一 產 品       the income derived from bond investment enjoyed noticeable growth
的 依 賴, 加 強 基 礎 產 品 銷 售, 設 計 營 銷 人 民    year on year, with a 29% rise in interest income and a 3.6 times jump
幣 貶 值 環 境 下 客 戶 風 險 管 理 方 案, 積 極 推 進   in trading gains. TMG has successfully reduced its reliance on a single
債 務 資 本 市 場 業 務, 銷 售 收 入 按 年 錄 得 溫 和   product. In addition to boosting the sales of basic products, it crafted and
增 長; 其 中 債 務 資 本 市 場 業 務 於2016年6月         marketed risk management solutions for clients against the backdrop of
正 式 開 展, 成 功 在 競 爭 激 烈 的 市 場 環 境 下 打   a depreciating RMB, and worked hard to promote its DCM business. As
下 基 礎, 贏 得 市 場 聲 譽, 全 年 共 完 成13支 債      such, TMG’s marketing revenues in 2016 recorded a moderate year-on-year
券 發 行。 上 線 了 新 一 代 交 易 及 風 險 管 理 系 統   increase. Notably, commencing operations in June 2016, the DCM unit,
MUREX, 提 高 了 產 品 開 發 能 力 及 風 險 管 理 水      despite intense market competition, managed to build a strong business
平, 將 更 好 地 滿 足 客 戶 交 易 需 求 並 進 一 步 拓   foundation and earn good reputation, completing 13 issuances in the year.
展客戶基礎。                                              To increase the capability of product innovation and risk management, a
                                                          new generation trading and risk management system, MUREX, has been
                                                          brought into operation, which should help better fulfil the trading needs of
                                                          clients and further expand the client base.
風險管理及內部監控                                        Risk Management and Internal Control
董 事 會「信 貸 及 風 險 管 理 委 員 會」和「審 核 委     The Credit and Risk Management Committee and Audit Committee of the
員會」負責監控本集團的風險管理和內部監控                  Board are responsible for overseeing the risk management and internal
事 宜, 有 關 委 員 會 均 由 資 深 獨 立 董 事 領 導。    control of the Group. These committees are led by experienced and
本 集 團 致 力 於 不 斷 強 化 風 險 管 理 系 統、 實 踐   independent directors. The Group strives to reinforce the risk management
與 文 化, 依 據 本 集 團 戰 略 發 展 方 向 對 風 險 偏   system, practices and culture. The Risk Appetite Statement and risk
好 陳 述 書 與 量 化 指 標 進 行 優 化。 此 外, 進 一    indicators continue to be strengthened in line with the Group’s strategic
步 完 善 全 行 壓 力 測 試, 深 化 資 本 及 流 動 性 管   direction. Furthermore, comprehensive bank-wide stress testing, capital
理,以應對不斷變化的市場環境。                            management and liquidity management continue to be enhanced with
                                                          regard to the evolving market environment.
鑒 於 全 球 經 濟 波 動 和 充 滿 不 確 定 性, 本 集 團   Given the uncertainties of a turbulent global economy, the Group focuses
重 視 嚴 格 的 貸 款 風 險 評 估 和 授 信 審 批, 積 極   on conducting rigorous risk assessments and credit approval, proactively
管 理 覆 核 貸 款 組 合, 制 定 審 慎 投 資 策 略, 加    managing and reviewing the loan portfolios, formulating prudent
強 資 本 及 流 動 性 管 理, 確 保 與 本 集 團 風 險 偏   investment strategies and strengthening capital and liquidity management
好 相 符。 此 外, 本 集 團 致 力 優 化 客 戶 基 礎,     as befits the Group’s risk appetite. In addition, the Group continues to
業 務 向 優 質 戰 略 性 客 戶 轉 移, 以 跨 境 聯 動 客   optimize the customer mix by targeting quality strategic key customers,
戶、 母 行 與 中 信 集 團 轉 介 客 戶、 國 企 央 企 客    including cross-border collaboration customers, strategic customers referred
戶為工作重點。                                            by parent bank and the CITIC Group, state-owned enterprises and central
                                                          government-owned enterprises.
                                                                                                                        二零一六年報      015
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2016
      行政總裁報告                                              Report of the Chief Executive Officer
      信 貸 風 險 管 理 方 面, 本 集 團 堅 持 嚴 格 的 信 貸   In terms of credit risk management, the Group is committed to upholding
      政 策, 強 化 對 客 戶 現 金 流、 貸 款 用 途 以 及 所    stringent credit policies, as well as conducting in-depth credit assessments
      屬 行 業 前 景 的 審 查 和 評 估。 此 外, 本 集 團 積    of customers’ cash flow positions, loan purposes and industry prospects.
      極 監 管 集 中 度 風 險, 關 注 易 受 潛 在 經 濟 下 行   Moreover, the Group performs proactive monitoring of concentration risks,
      負 面 影 響 的 客 戶、 投 資 組 合 與 行 業。 本 集 團    customers, portfolios and industries that could be adversely impacted by
      採 取 穩 健 保 守 的 撥 備 政 策,2016年 減 值 撥 備      potential economic slowdown. The Group adopts a prudent provisioning
      合計5.53億港元。                                          policy with HK$553 million of impairment made in 2016.
      因為跨境業務導致外匯風險與利率風險大幅                    Foreign exchange and interest rate risks associated with cross-border
      上 升, 所 以 市 場 風 險 管 理 繼 續 扮 演 重 要 角      business have significantly increased. Market risk management continues
      色。 本 集 團 構 建 了 健 全 的 風 險 管 理 框 架 及 清   to play an important role. Clear risk limits have been set within a robust
      晰 明 確 的 風 險 額 度, 就 有 關 風 險 指 標 進 行 每   management framework, whereby these limits are monitored daily, stress
      日 監 控, 並 定 期 進 行 壓 力 測 試, 一 旦 發 現 市    tests are conducted periodically and close tracking is performed whenever
      場異常便會及時展開調查並採取相應措施。                    unusual events occur in the market. Further investigation will be conducted
                                                                in a timely manner, with appropriate measures to be implemented.
      操 作 風 險 管 理 方 面, 本 集 團 一 直 盡 最 大 努 力   With respect to operational risk management, the Group continuously
      識 別 與 降 低 操 作 風 險, 以 優 良 的 運 作 營 造 一   strives to identify and minimize operational risks as much as practicable.
      流 客 戶 體 驗 作 為 目 標, 據 此 確 立 操 作 風 險 偏   The Group’s operational risk appetite is driven by its continuous pursuit of
      好。 為 達 到 此 目 標, 我 們 正 開 展 多 個 項 目 來    delivering excellent customer experience through operational excellence. To
      優 化 現 有 操 作 風 險 工 具, 引 進 全 新 內 部 監 控   align with this, we are executing various programs to enhance operational
      手段以改善本集團操作環境。                                risk management effectiveness and introducing new internal control
                                                                measures to address emerging risks in response to a changing operational
      人力資源發展                                              Human Resources Development
      聘 用、 培 訓 以 及 挽 留 經 驗 豐 富 的 優 秀 員 工 對   Recruiting, training and retaining qualified personnel with sufficient
      本 集 團 的 戰 略 轉 型 和 業 務 增 長 至 關 重 要。 人   experience and knowledge is essential to the transformation and growth
      力 資 源 部 門 歷 來 採 取 平 衡 策 略, 既 要 保 留 關   of the Group’s business. Human Resources Group always has to perform a
      鍵 人 才, 又 要 控 制 員 工 成 本, 因 為 此 成 本 是    balancing act between sustaining a pool of critical talents and containing
      營運費用的重要組成部份。                                  staff cost, which is a significant component of the overheads.
      我 們 樂 於 見 到,2016年 度 本 集 團 在 僅 僅 增 加      We are pleased that for 2016, the Group managed to deliver impressive
      5%固 定 員 工 人 數 的 情 況 下, 仍 然 取 得 了 驕 人    financial results with only a 5% increase in permanent headcount, while
      的 財 務 表 現, 而 總 員 工 成 本 則 維 持 在 預 算 之   overall staff cost was kept within budget. Moreover, the voluntary turnover
      內。 與 此 同 時, 去 年 自 願 離 職 率 較2015年 下       rate fell by more than 20% compared with 2015. The Group has continued
      降逾20%。本集團將繼續通過提供一系列財務                   to offer a range of financial and non-financial incentives to attract, retain
      與 非 財 務 獎 勵 措 施 吸 引、 挽 留 和 激 勵 人 才,    and motivate talents. Various staff retention and engagement initiatives,
      包 括 績 效 獎 金、 福 利、 員 工 康 樂 與 團 隊 合 作    spanning from awarding performance bonus to offering welfare, recreation,
      活 動 等。 本 集 團 亦 嘗 試 通 過 員 工 在 非 工 作 領   leisure and team-building activities, were deployed. The Group has also
      域 的 合 作 加 強 其 歸 屬 感。 例 如,「團 隊 力 量 奧   attempted to boost a sense of belonging through cooperation in non-
      林匹克」是全行一項集運動競技與遊戲於一體                  work areas. For instance, the “TeamPower Olympics” was a bank-wide staff
      的 員 工 活 動, 旨 在 強 化 員 工 團 隊 合 作 精 神,    engagement initiative which mixed sports competition and fun games,
      培養樂觀進取的態度。                                      helping to build strong teamwork and nourish a can-do attitude among the
016   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
行政總裁報告                                              Report of the Chief Executive Officer
本 集 團 重 視 員 工 可 持 續 發 展, 不 斷 開 展 多 個   The Group also stresses continuous employee development. We have
培 訓 項 目, 以 提 升 員 工 業 務 技 能 及 專 業 知 識   been providing various workshops to enhance the overall competence
水 平。 在 本 報 告 年 度, 推 出 了 管 理 人 員 培 訓    and professional standards of the staff. During the year under review, the
課 程, 強 化 其 人 事 管 理 能 力, 同 時 制 定 了 領    “Effective People Manager Program” was offered to strengthen the people
導 力 發 展 框 架, 為 培 養 本 集 團 未 來 領 導 人 才   management skills of our managers, while the “Leadership Development
奠 定 基 礎。 去 年 每 名 員 工 的 年 均 培 訓 時 間 維   Framework” was developed to lay the foundation for grooming future
持在五日。                                                leaders of the Group. An average of five training days per staff member was
展望                                                      Outlook
展 望2017年, 世 界 經 濟 將 繼 續 轉 好, 增 長          While the world economy has to a large extent remained on an upward
動 力 有 所 加 強, 唯 各 國 政 策 的 不 確 定 性 會 是   trajectory with stronger growth momentum projected for 2017, policy
左 右 此 趨 勢 的 主 要 因 素。 在 發 達 經 濟 體 中,    uncertainty is likely to be the principal overhang. Among advanced
美 國 國 內 生 產 總 值 的 增 速 將 繼 續 一 枝 獨 秀,   economies, the US should stay in the lead in terms of GDP growth, especially
尤其是如果新政府能如預期般實施有力的擴                    if the new administration implements substantial expansionary fiscal
張 性 財 政 政 策。 然 而, 這 可 能 導 致 通 脹 壓 力    policies as expected. However, this may exacerbate inflation pressure and
增 大, 促 使 美 國 聯 邦 儲 備 局 加 快 收 緊 貨 幣 政   precipitate sharper monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve Board.
策。 與 此 同 時, 發 達 國 家 的 保 護 主 義 勢 力 抬    Moreover, a tide of protectionist sentiments is palpable among developed
頭, 並 可 能 會 隨 著 歐 元 區 國 家 出 現 政 局 變 動   nations and can escalate with more political changes in the Eurozone. If
而 變 本 加 厲, 若 因 此 而 導 致 急 劇 的 政 策 轉      such leanings are translated into dramatic policy shifts, they may not only
向, 勢 必 會 重 創 國 際 貿 易, 窒 礙 國 際 資 本 流    imperil the global trade sector profoundly and disrupt international fund
動, 令 地 區 緊 張 局 勢 惡 化, 進 而 危 及 原 本 脆    flows but also heighten geopolitical tensions, potentially derailing the fragile
弱的全球經濟復蘇,並且加劇金融市場波動。                  global recovery in recent years and intensifying the volatility in financial
面 對 不 穩 定 的 外 部 環 境, 中 國 以「穩 中 求 進」   In the face of unsettled external conditions, China has prioritized “growth
作 為 未 來 經 濟 發 展 首 要 政 策 目 標, 靠 持 續 深   with stability” as its primary policy goal for the year ahead. Such stability
化 供 給 側 結 構 性 改 革, 加 大 財 政 政 策 刺 激 力   is expected to be anchored in continuous supply-side structural reforms,
度, 以 及 採 取 穩 健 的 貨 幣 政 策 來 達 到 此 目      supportive fiscal stimulus and a prudent monetary policy. A gradual
標。 只 要 能 進 一 步 鞏 固 工 業 去 產 能 成 果, 並    slowdown in headline GDP growth will be acceptable as long as the initial
且 進 一 步 改 善 經 濟 結 構, 由 投 資 驅 動 轉 向 由   success in eliminating excess industrial capacity can continue, and there
消 費 驅 動, 由 依 賴 低 附 加 值 工 業 轉 向 發 展 高   is sustained progress in rebalancing the economy from being heavily
新 技 術 產 業 和 服 務 業, 經 濟 增 速 逐 漸 放 緩 相   reliant on investment to being more driven by consumer spending, and
信 是 可 以 接 受 的。 與 此 同 時, 中 國 政 府 將 加    from clinging to low value-added industrial activities to developing high-
強 信 貸 增 長 管 理, 防 止 資 產 泡 沫 形 成, 避 免    tech and advanced manufacturing together with the service sector. In the
人民幣過度貶值加劇資本外流。                              meantime, the Chinese government is expected to manage credit growth
                                                          to preclude asset bubbles and stem a disorderly depreciation of the RMB
                                                          that may aggravate capital outflows.
                                                                                                                           二零一六年報      017
                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2016
       行政總裁報告                                               Report of the Chief Executive Officer
      由 於 外 部 經 濟 環 境 日 益 複 雜 多 變, 香 港 銀 行     Given increasing complexities and vagaries of the external economic
      將 迎 來 又 一 充 滿 挑 戰 的2017年。 但 我 們 相 信        environment, the banks in Hong Kong will have to contend with another
      挑 戰 與 機 遇 相 伴 而 來。 歷 史 證 明 陡 峭 的 孳 息     challenging year in 2017. Yet with challenges come opportunities, in our
      曲 線 往 往 對 銀 行 的 收 益 有 利。 此 外, 為 應 付      view. History shows that a steeper yield curve usually bodes well for banks’
      正 在 抬 頭 的 貿 易 保 護 主 義, 中 國 勢 將 進 一 步     profitability. Moreover, to battle against emergent protectionism, China is
      落 實 國 家 戰 略 部 署(「一 帶 一 路」、「走 出 去」      set to step up efforts to implement various key strategic policy initiatives
      和 自 貿 區 發 展), 加 強 與 區 域 及 國 際 貿 易 夥 伴   (namely “One Belt, One Road”, “Go Global” and free-trade zones) that can
      的 合 作 關 係。 同 時, 雖 然 中 國 政 府 對 國 內 信      help cement its relations with regional and international trading partners.
      貸 擴 張 採 取 審 慎 態 度, 但 對 企 業 進 行 海 外 跨     While the Chinese government is wary of the pace of domestic credit
      境 融 資 卻 比 較 寬 容, 香 港 作 為 最 重 要 的 人 民     expansion, it appears to be more relaxed about mainland enterprises
      幣 離 岸 中 心 必 將 受 益 良 多。 另 一 方 面, 美 國      seeking cross-border financing abroad, which should render Hong Kong a
      新 任 總 統 唐 納 德特 朗 普 近 期 要 求 重 新 審 視        prime beneficiary given the city’s status as the leading offshore RMB centre.
      《2010多 德 - 弗 蘭 克 法 案》, 有 機 會 放 寬 部 份      Further out, US President Donald Trump has recently ordered to review
      金 融 監 管 條 例, 給 其 它 地 區 金 融 監 管 方 向 帶     the 2010 Dodd-Frank act, which may result in relaxation of some restrictive
      來重大影響。                                                financial regulations and have important implications for regulatory regimes
       以上種種的市場變化很可能有助本集團繼續                     Such market dynamics can arguably work in the Group’s favour as it
       在 各 方 面 拓 展 跨 境 業 務, 作 為 母 行 中 信 銀 行    continues to expand its cross-border business on various fronts to fulfill
       的唯一海外國際化平台,並致力打造成為「最                   its role as parent bank’s sole offshore international platform, and to strive
       佳 海 外 綜 合 融 資 服 務 銀 行」。2017年, 我 們 將      to become “the best overseas integrated financial services provider”. For
       實 施 三 管 齊 下 的 戰 略, 即 持 續 業 務 轉 型、 持     2017, a three-pronged strategy will be adopted, i.e. continued business
       續投入金融科技與持續強化風險管理。                         transformation, continued investment in technology and continued
                                                                  enhancement of risk management.
       與中信銀行及中信集團的聯動合作是支持本                     Capitalizing on close collaboration with CNCB and connection with the
       集 團 由 傳 統 銀 行 業 務 向「輕 資 本、 輕 資 產」       CITIC Group remains the bedrock of the Group’s endeavour to diversify
       轉 型 的 重 要 基 石。 隨 著 去 年 中 信 銀 行 與 信 銀    away from conventional banking operations to promote capital-light and
       國 際 銀 企 直 聯 的 成 功 開 通, 中 信 銀 行 在 岸 客    asset-light growth. With cross-border host-to-host connectivity successfully
       戶, 包 括 中 信 集 團, 可 進 行 實 時 賬 戶 查 詢 以     established between CNCB and CNCBI last year, the onshore customers
       及 香 港 子 公 司 和 關 聯 公 司 的 內 部 轉 賬, 標 誌    of CNCB, including the CITIC Group, can conduct account enquiries and
       著 三 方 合 作 跨 進 了 一 大 步。 此 外, 中 信 銀 行     internal transfers with their subsidiaries and associated companies in Hong
       與 信 銀 國 際 作 為 聯 席 全 球 協 調 人, 協 助 一 家    Kong, representing a crucial step in strengthening the ties among the three
       中資企業完成了中國經濟史上最大一筆的海                     entities. Meanwhile, CNCB and CNCBI acted as joint global coordinators
       外 併 購 交 易, 是 本 集 團 與 母 行 合 作 共 贏 的 一    last year to help finance a mainland enterprise in the biggest ever overseas
       個重要里程碑。                                             acquisition in Chinese economic history, marking an important milestone in
                                                                  their collaborative effort.
       未 來, 為 企 業 兼 併 收 購 提 供 授 信, 推 動 資 本     Going forward, arranging credit facilities for mergers and acquisitions,
       市 場 結 構 性 融 資, 以 及 為 內 地 企 業 海 外 業 務    coupled with structured finance relating to capital market activities and
       和 投 資 提 供 資 金, 仍 是 本 集 團 授 信 業 務 發 展    funding mainland corporations’ overseas businesses and investments, will
       重 中 之 重。 同 時, 本 集 團 將 依 托 新 設 立 的 債     remain the main focus of the Group’s credit business development. The
       務 資 本 市 場 部, 為 公 司 及 零 售 客 戶 增 添 財 資    Group will also leverage its newly launched DCM operations to enrich the
       產 品。 通 過 產 品 創 新, 可 以 協 助 客 戶 管 理 風     range of treasury products available to both corporate and retail clients.
       險, 對 沖 利 率 和 匯 率 波 動, 令 財 資 業 務 發 展     With ample room for developing a wider array of innovative products to
       大 有 前 途。 此 外, 本 集 團 將 不 斷 尋 求 機 會 開     help clients manage their risks and hedge against interest-rate and forex
       拓 新 業 務, 包 括 金 融 諮 詢、 托 管 與 資 產 管 理     movements, the treasury business of the Group is poised to enjoy promising
       服務,為客戶度身訂做全面的金融解決方案。                   prospects. Moreover, the Group will explore the possibility of establishing
                                                                  new businesses, including financial advisory, custodian and asset
                                                                  management services, with a view to providing clients with customized and
                                                                  comprehensive financial solutions.
018    中信銀行(國際)有限公司
行政總裁報告                                              Report of the Chief Executive Officer
為 促 進 新 業 務 模 式 發 展, 本 集 團 將 持 續 投 入   To facilitate the evolving new business model, continued investment in
信 息 基 礎 設 施 建 設。 目 前 引 入 的 財 資 系 統,    bolstering the technology backbone is essential. The current treasury
是全球各大主要投資銀行與金融機構採用的                    system adopted by the Group is a professional set-up used by investment
系 統, 第 二 階 段 的 升 級 工 作 會 於 年 內 完 成。    banks and global financial institutions, and the second stage of the upgrade
與 此 同 時, 當 前 使 用 的 證 券 交 易 與 財 富 管 理   is scheduled for completion this year. Meanwhile, the existing equity trading
系 統 將 會 被 更 換。 在 提 供 服 務 方 面, 會 進 一    and wealth management systems will be replaced. In terms of service
步 發 展 電 子 渠 道, 上 線 更 多 移 動 銀 行 應 用 程   delivery, electronic channels will be further developed, with more mobile
式, 改 善 客 戶 體 驗, 提 高 客 戶 滿 意 度, 吸 引     banking applications in the offing, which can enhance customer experience
屬 數 碼 世 代 的 新 客 戶 群 體, 並 且 減 少 物 理 網   and satisfaction, appeal to the digital generation of consumers and reduce
點 的 經 營 成 本。 本 集 團 亦 會 擴 大 資 源 投 入 增   the costs of operating physical channels. The Group is also planning to
強 銀 行 內 部 信 息 技 術 實 力, 從 而 減 少 外 包 服   allocate more resources to boost its in-house IT capability, aiming to
務需求,並發展尖端金融科技。                              reduce service outsourcing and develop proprietary cutting-edge financial
                                                          technology applications.
除 了 科 技 方 面 的 支 援, 健 全 的 風 險 管 理 是 本   In addition to the support of technology, sound risk management is vital
集 團 穩 健 發 展 的 另 一 個 重 要 因 素。 鑒 於 美 國   to generating healthy growth. With more interest rate hikes anticipated for
未 來 有 機 會 多 次 加 息, 美 元 與 港 元 的 息 差 可   the US ahead, the interest-rate differentials between the US dollar (“USD”)
能 會 擴 大, 導 致 有 資 金 流 出 香 港。 因 此, 我     and the Hong Kong dollar (“HKD”) may widen, sparking off a capital outflow
們 必 須 加 強 流 動 性 風 險 管 理, 密 切 關 注 整 體   from Hong Kong. As such, the Group must give top priority to liquidity
流 動 性 水 平, 尤 其 是 美 元 和 人 民 幣 的 頭 寸。    risk management, closely monitoring the overall liquidity position and in
同 時, 由 於 本 集 團 推 動 發 展 電 子 銀 行, 因 此    particular funding in USD and RMB. Meanwhile, as the Group continues
會 盡 心 竭 力 加 強 網 絡 保 安。 此 外, 為 了 進 行    to promote digital banking, it will devote considerable effort to fortifying
業 務 轉 型, 大 力 發 展 跨 境 融 資 業 務 與 開 發 新   cyber security. Moreover, given ongoing business transformation with an
產 品 和 服 務, 本 集 團 會 繼 續 強 化 信 貸 風 險 管   emphasis on cross-border financing and the development of new products
理, 推 廣 注 重 風 險 的 文 化, 向 員 工 闡 明 我 行    and services, the Group will continue to enhance credit risk management,
核 心 價 值、 職 業 道 德 準 則 和 行 為 規 範, 確 保    and to uphold a robust risk culture with clearly defined values, ethics and
前 線 人 員 秉 承 以 客 戶 為 尊 的 原 則, 並 時 刻 對   behaviours, ensuring that front-line staff remain both customer-oriented
反洗錢與合規風險提高警覺。                                and constantly mindful of anti-money laundering (“AML”) controls and
                                                          compliance risks.
2017年 本 集 團 面 對 的 挑 戰 並 不 會 少 於 過 去       Compared with the past two years, the operating conditions in 2017 are
兩 年。 然 而, 在 母 行 的 鼎 力 支 持 下, 本 集 團     just as challenging, if not more. Nonetheless, empowered by a supportive
將 迎 難 而 上, 推 進 業 務 轉 型, 增 強 核 心 競 爭    parent bank, the Group will soldier on in the face of overwhelming odds,
力,創造更好業績,實現長期可持續發展。                    revamping its business model and reinforcing its core competitiveness to
                                                          achieve better results and deliver sustainable growth ahead.
                 Zhang Xiaowei
       President & Chief Executive Officer
           Hong Kong, 21 March 2017
                                                                                                                        二零一六年報      019
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2016
       2016業務回顧                                             2016 Review of Operations
      公司及跨境業務部                                          Wholesale and Cross-Border Banking
      Ms. Margaret Man                                              開通了銀企直聯,進一步深化與中信銀行及中信集團的
      Executive Director                                            協作聯動
      Deputy Chief Executive Officer                                  Acted with CNCB as joint global coordinators to lead a
      Group Head of Wholesale &                                       landmark financing facility for the biggest ever overseas
      Cross-border Banking                                            acquisition made by a Chinese enterprise
                                                                      Enhanced structured finance and syndication capabilities
                                                                      contributed to strong growth in fee income and total
                                                                      operating income
                                                                      Collaboration with CNCB and the CITIC Group was further
                                                                      strengthened by host-to-host system connectivity
      2016年 市 場 環 境 與 政 治 局 勢 不 明 朗, 加 上 人     Market and political uncertainties, coupled with continued depreciation of
      民 幣 持 續 貶 值, 導 致 經 營 環 境 欠 佳 和 變 化 不   the RMB, resulted in unfavourable and unpredictable operating conditions
      定。 但 儘 管 市 場 波 動, 公 司 及 跨 境 業 務 部 仍    in 2016. Despite the market volatility, Wholesale and Cross-Border Banking
      然 發 展 不 俗。 總 經 營 收 入 按 年 上 升14.2%至        Group (“WBG”) delivered strong growth for the year. Total operating income
      40億 港 元, 其 中 非 利 息 收 入 錄 得19.8%的 顯 著      grew by 14.2% year on year to HK$4.0 billion; specifically, non-interest
      升 幅。2016年 末 客 戶 貸 款 與 客 戶 存 款 穩 步 增      income was up impressively by 19.8%. Customer loans and customer
      加, 較 前 年 分 別 高9.1%和2.3%。 公 司 及 跨 境         deposits as at end-2016 also recorded solid growth of 9.1% and 2.3%
      業 務 部 能 獲 此 佳 績, 得 益 於 經 營 結 構 性 融 資   respectively from a year earlier. Such a good performance was attributable
      與 銀 團 貸 款 業 務 能 力 的 提 升, 與 母 行 中 信 銀   to enhanced structured finance and syndication capabilities, strengthened
      行 及 中 信 集 團 的 聯 動 增 強, 以 及 對 海 外 業 務   collaboration with CNCB and the CITIC Group, as well as increased
      投資的加大。                                              investment in overseas operations.
      更強的結構性融資及銀團業務實力                            Stronger Structured Finance and Syndication
      由於中信銀行與中信集團擁有龐大的客戶網                    Riding on a strong client network and extensive brand recognition of
      絡, 其 品 牌 獲 得 廣 泛 認 可, 加 上 本 行 經 驗 豐    both CNCB and the CITIC Group, together with the contribution of an
      富 的 結 構 性 融 資 團 隊 的 努 力,2016年 公 司         experienced structured finance team, WBG achieved significant growth
      及跨境業務部在結構性融資與銀團貸款業                      in the structured finance and syndication business in 2016. Fee income
      務 方 面 錄 得 顯 著 增 長。 手 續 費 收 入 按 年 激 增   surged by 138% year on year while there was a 52% jump in syndicated
      138%, 銀 團 貸 款 餘 額 也 大 幅 上 升52%, 而 且        loan balance with a wider net interest margin. Most notably, parent bank
      淨 息 差 改 善 了。 尤 其 值 得 提 及 的 是, 中 信 銀    CNCB and CNCBI acted as global coordinators to lead a few other banks to
      行 與 信 銀 國 際 作 為 聯 合 牽 頭 行, 與 多 家 銀 行   complete a landmark financing facility in support of a Chinese enterprise
      機構共同為一家中資企業提供一項具里程碑                    to acquire an overseas company. This transaction was the biggest ever
      意 義 的 信 貸 便 利, 協 助 該 企 業 成 功 收 購 一 家   overseas acquisition deal sealed by a mainland Chinese corporation and
      海 外 公 司, 這 是 有 史 以 來 中 國 企 業 在 海 外 進   was also the largest ever syndicated acquisition loan in Asia. It was awarded
      行 最 大 的 一 筆 併 購 交 易, 也 是 亞 洲 至 今 為 止
020   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
2016業務回顧                                                     2016 Review of Operations
                                                 WBG Operating Income Breakdown 2016                WBG Customer Loans Breakdown 2016
               China Corporates
                                                  21%                                                    18%
               HK & Multinational
               Real Estate Finance                                                                7%
               Financial Institutions and
               Public Sector
最 大 的 銀 團 收 購 貸 款, 並 獲 亞 太 區 貸 款 市 場          “Asia Syndicated Leveraged and Acquisition Finance Deal of the Year” and
公會評為「2016年度最佳聯合杠杆和收購融資                         “Syndicated Deal of the Year” by the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association.
交 易」和「2016年 度 最 佳 銀 團 交 易」。 信 銀 國              The important role played by CNCBI in this transaction enabled it to
際 在 此 項 交 易 中 扮 演 重 要 角 色, 有 助 其 在 亞          establish a leading position in Asia’s syndicated loan market. Going forward,
洲 銀 團 貸 款 市 場 建 立 領 導 地 位。 未 來, 公 司           WBG will continue to build up the Bank’s market position and reputation
及跨境業務部將進一步在此方面鞏固本行的                           as a “solutions bank” for onshore companies to collaborate with in their
市 場 地 位 與 作 為 一 家「方 案 銀 行」的 聲 譽, 為           expansion plans abroad via direct investments or strategic acquisitions.
與中信銀行和中信集團更緊密合作                                   Closer Collaboration with CNCB and the CITIC Group
公司及跨境業務部持續與中信銀行的分行協                           WBG’s sustained effort in working synergistically with CNCB’s branches,
力 合 作, 不 斷 投 入 資 源 研 發 適 時 和 高 增 值 的          strong commitment to deploy resources to develop well-timed value-
跨 境 金 融 產 品, 以 及 堅 守 以 客 為 尊 的 原 則 推          added cross-border financial products and complete dedication to a
展 業 務, 取 得 了 豐 碩 成 果。 去 年 本 行 與 中 信           customer-centric approach to conducting business have all proved
銀 行 及 中 信 集 團 的 合 作 達 到 了 新 的 高 度, 轉          rewarding. Collaboration with CNCB and the CITIC Group reached new
介客戶產生的收入同比勁升63%,佔公司及跨                          heights, as witnessed by a 63% year-on-year increase in revenues derived
境業務部總收入的33%。為了給對跨境金融產                          from customer referrals, which accounted for 33% of WBG’s total income. To
品與服務有強勁需求的大型境內公司營造更                           proactively offer a better customer experience to large onshore corporations
好 的 客 戶 體 驗, 本 行 在 去 年 年 中 成 立 了 一 支          with significant demand for cross-border financial products and services, a
新 的 團 隊, 專 責 處 理 特 大 項 目, 以 及 為 中 信           new team was set up in the middle of last year with the mandate to handle
銀行及本行的戰略性客戶提供專門服務。                             mega projects and service the strategic customers of both CNCB and the
在 科 技 發 展 方 面, 中 信 銀 行、 中 信 集 團 與 信           On technology, through the combined efforts of CNCB, the CITIC Group and
銀 國 際 共 同 努 力, 建 立 了 銀 企 直 聯 系 統, 提           CNCBI, a new account aggregation service effected by host-to-host system
供 賬 戶 整 合 服 務, 以 便 境 內 公 司 更 好 地 管 理          connectivity was introduced to allow onshore companies to better manage
其 香 港 附 屬 公 司 的 賬 戶 活 動。 該 項 新 服 務 有          the account activities of their subsidiaries in Hong Kong. This service has
助公司及跨境業務部繼續改良其服務平台。                           enabled WBG to continue to upgrade the platform of delivering its services.
                                                                                                                                二零一六年報      021
                                                                                                                            Annual Report 2016
      2016業務回顧                                              2016 Review of Operations
      海外分行持續增長                                          Continued Growth in Overseas Branches
      為 促 進 海 外 業 務 發 展, 以 及 對 在 不 同 地 區 擁   WBG has succeeded in strengthening the management teams of both the
      有 業 務 的 客 戶 提 升 服 務, 公 司 及 跨 境 業 務 部   New York Branch and the Los Angeles Branch in the US, in line with the
      強化了在紐約分行與洛杉磯分行的管理團                      objective of bolstering its overseas operations and improving the service to
      隊。2016年, 該 兩 家 分 行 的 客 戶 貸 款 分 別 錄       customers with businesses in different geographical locations. In 2016, these
      得56%和76%的 增 長。 同 時, 為 配 合 本 行 擴 大         two branches enjoyed 56% and 76% year-on-year growth in their customer
      與 中 國 內 地 以 及「一 帶 一 路」沿 線 國 家 的 企 業   loans respectively. Moreover, in accordance with the Bank’s strategy to
      跨 境 業 務 合 作, 公 司 及 跨 境 業 務 部 將 結 構 性   expand its cross-border business with the companies in mainland China as
      融 資 及 財 資 業 務 覆 蓋 範 圍 擴 展 至 所 有 分 行,   well as in the countries along “One Belt, One Road”, WBG has extended its
      包 括 新 加 坡 分 行 及 澳 門 分 行。 至 此, 本 行 已    structured finance and treasury business coverage to all overseas branches,
      建 立 了 健 全 的 業 務 網 絡, 為 在 不 同 地 區 擁 有   including Singapore and Macau. As such, it has created a well-established
      業務的中信銀行及信銀國際的企業客戶提供                    network with broad capabilities to service those corporate customers of
      各種服務。                                                both CNCB and CNCBI which have operations in different regions.
      健全的風險管理                                            Sound Risk Management
      公司及跨境業務部以推進有效的風險管理作                    A key to WBG’s growth strategy is the promotion of effective risk
      為 實 現 增 長 的 重 要 一 環, 在 實 施 擴 張 計 劃 的   management. While implementing expansion plans, it would ensure that
      同 時, 必 須 確 保 業 務 活 動 與 本 行 整 體 發 展 戰   the business activities conducted were in conformity with the Bank’s overall
      略 及 風 險 偏 好 相 符 合。 儘 管 外 部 環 境 充 滿 挑   strategies and risk appetite. Despite a persistently challenging external
      戰, 去 年 資 產 素 質 保 持 穩 健。 公 司 及 跨 境 業    environment, asset quality remained healthy last year. WBG was able to
      務部成功地在維持盈利增長與控制信貸風                      strike a balance between driving earnings growth and curbing credit risk,
      險 之 間 取 得 平 衡, 撥 備 損 失 較 前 一 年 減 少      reducing impairment losses by 27.0% compared with the preceding year.
      2017年展望                                                2017 Outlook
      我 們 對 今 年 的 基 本 看 法 是, 世 界 經 濟 會 稍 微   Our base-case scenario for this year is that global economic growth will
      加 速 增 長, 而 中 國 經 濟 增 長 則 大 致 保 持 平      accelerate moderately while China’s economy will stay largely stable, giving
      穩, 對 銀 行 業 的 經 營 有 利, 商 機 也 會 增 多。     rise to an environment that is more conducive to banks’ operations with
      然 而, 這 預 測 很 大 機 會 需 要 向 下 修 訂, 視 乎    increasing business opportunities. However, it is important to note that the
      美 國 的 新 政 府 會 否 推 行 急 進 的 政 策, 衝 擊 全   downside risks to this scenario are particularly high given that the new US
      球經濟。                                                  administration may adopt some bold policies that can impact negatively on
                                                                the global economy.
022   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
2016業務回顧                                              2016 Review of Operations
與 此 同 時, 中 國 流 入 與 流 出 的 跨 境 直 接 投 資   Meanwhile, China’s cross-border direct investments, both inbound and
將 持 續 增 長。 尤 其 是 流 出 的 直 接 投 資, 可 能    outbound, will continue to grow. In particular, outbound direct investments
會因內地企業加速海外擴張步伐而進一步爆                    are expected to surge further as mainland enterprises step up their efforts
發。 加 上 中 國 外 貿 持 續 復 蘇, 這 將 有 助 刺 激    to seek overseas expansion. Together with a sustained recovery in China’s
對 公 司 及 跨 境 業 務 部 的 產 品 與 服 務 的 需 求。   trade sector, this should result in a further rise in the demand for the
但 另 一 方 面, 人 民 幣 持 續 貶 值 導 致 中 央 政 府   products and services of WBG. On the other hand, measures undertaken by
採 取 控 制 資 本 外 流 的 措 施, 卻 可 能 削 弱 此 需   the central government to discourage capital outflows caused by continued
求 並 影 響 我 們 的 業 務。 有 鑑 於 此, 增 強 與 中    depreciation of the RMB may dampen such demand and affect business
信銀行及中信集團的協作和聯動仍是公司及                    flows. As a result, close collaboration with CNCB and the CITIC Group will
跨 境 業 務 部 的 核 心 策 略。 在 緊 隨 中 國 政 府 的   remain the core strategy of WBG. In sympathy with the key economic
主 要 經 濟 發 展 方 針 的 前 提 下, 公 司 及 跨 境 業   development initiatives of the Chinese government, WBG will continue to
務部將繼續充分利用中信銀行在內地的廣泛                    leverage the extensive branch network of CNCB in the mainland and the
分 行 網 點 與 中 信 集 團 遍 佈 全 球 的 業 務 網 絡,   wide global business coverage of the CITIC Group to develop its businesses.
展 望 未 來, 公 司 及 跨 境 業 務 部 將 繼 續 升 級 業   Looking ahead, WBG will keep upgrading its operations, investing in
務 運 作、 加 大 科 技 投 入 並 招 賢 納 才, 以 實 現    technology and attracting new talents to ensure long-term sustainable
長 期 可 持 續 發 展; 又 將 專 注 於 改 善 收 入 結      growth. It will focus on improving its income structure by means of realizing
構, 爭 取 較 高 的 資 產 收 益 率 與 各 種 產 品 的 費   better return on assets and increasing fee income from a diversified product
用 收 入; 同 時 要 擴 大 客 戶 基 礎, 吸 收 穩 定 的    mix. It will also strive to strengthen its balance sheet by attracting stable
存 款, 鞏 固 資 產 負 債 表。 公 司 及 跨 境 業 務 部    deposits from a larger and broader customer base. WBG is confident of
深 信 可 以 保 持 增 長 動 力, 爭 取 在 各 方 面 繼 續   maintaining its growth momentum, continuing to achieve encouraging
取得長足進步,為本行作出重大貢獻。                        progress in various businesses and making significant contribution to the
                                                                                                                        二零一六年報      023
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2016
      2016業務回顧                                              2016 Review of Operations
      個人及商務銀行部                                          Personal and Business Banking
      個人及商務銀行業務總監                                          客戶存款增至新高,達1,139.1億港元,同比增長
      Mrs. Helen Kan
      Executive Director                                              Operating income hit another record high of HK$2.38
      Alternate Chief Executive Officer                               billion, up 19.6%
      Group Head of Personal &                                        Customer deposits grew to a new high of HK$113.91 billion,
      Business Banking
                                                                      up 11.0%
      雖 然 市 場 環 境 多 變 且 充 滿 挑 戰, 個 人 及 商 務   Personal & Business Banking Group (“PBG”) continued to gain business
      銀 行 部 繼 續 保 持 強 勁 的 業 務 增 長 動 力。 經 營   growth momentum despite a dynamic and challenging market
      收入23.8億港元,再創歷史新高,較2015年上                  environment. Operating income for the year achieved another record high
      升19.6%。 稅 前 收 入 同 樣 刷 新 紀 錄, 達9.65億        of HK$2.38 billion, representing a 19.6% growth against 2015. Profit before
      港元,按年增長25.1%。                                     taxation also set a new record of HK$965 million, up 25.1% year on year.
      通 過 與 母 行 中 信 銀 行 加 強 協 作, 加 上 拓 展 本   PBG’s customer base was strengthened through deeper collaboration with
      地 富 裕 階 層 市 場, 以 及 實 現 商 務 銀 行 客 戶 和   parent bank CNCB, penetration into local affluent markets, more acquisition
      高 資 產 值 客 戶 較 快 增 長, 個 人 及 商 務 銀 行 部   of business banking customers and stronger growth of high net worth
      強 化 了 客 戶 基 礎。 年 內 財 富 管 理 業 務 也 獲 得   customers. PBG Wealth Management also posted strong results.
      2016年 末, 客 戶 存 款 上 升 至1,139.1億 港 元 的        At end-2016, customer deposits reached a new high of HK$113.91 billion,
      新 高, 較2015年 末 增 長11.0%。 個 人 及 商 務           representing an increase of 11.0% versus end-2015. PBG exercised prudent
      銀 行 部 在 追 求 優 質 貸 款 的 同 時, 會 謹 慎 地 管   credit risk management when looking for high-quality loans. Customer
      理 信 貸 風 險。2016年 末, 客 戶 貸 款 按 年 上 升       loans grew 4.8% year on year to reach HK$42.71 billion as at end-2016.
      4.8%至427.1億 港 元。 受 惠 於 存 款 及 貸 款 增          Benefitting from growth in both deposits and loans, 2016 net interest
      長,2016年 淨 利 息 收 入 比 前 年 高19.4%, 而 非        income rose by 19.4% year on year. Meanwhile, non-interest income in 2016
      利息收入則按年增加19.9%至7.9億港元。年內                  rose by 19.9% year on year to HK$790 million. Total operating expenses
      經 營 支 出 較2015年 增 加16.9%, 主 要 因 為 我 們       increased by 16.9% versus 2015, which was a result of our commitment to
      持 續 投 入 先 進 科 技, 增 強 基 礎 設 施 系 統 及 電   investing in advanced technologies to enhance PBG’s infrastructure systems
      子 渠 道 實 力。 由 於 有 審 慎 的 信 貸 風 險 管 理,    and e-channel capabilities. Loan impairment losses were further reduced
      2016年 貸 款 撥 備 損 失 減 少 至3,340萬 港 元, 淨       to HK$33.4 million in 2016 on the back of prudent credit risk management,
      減值比率維持在0.08%的合理水平。                           with net impairment ratio remaining at a healthy rate of 0.08%.
024   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
2016業務回顧                                                   2016 Review of Operations
HK’s first-ever CNCBI “Deposit A/C Binding” to Wechat Pay           First Business Banking Center in Central
全港首創信銀國際存款戶口綁定Wechat Pay                                 首間商務銀行中心設於中環
增進跨境聯動                                                   Strengthened Cross-Border Collaboration
私 人 銀 行 業 務 加 快 增 長, 歸 功 於 與 母 行 中 信        Private banking business experienced rapid growth due to close connection
銀 行 的 分 行 緊 密 地 協 作 聯 動, 有 助 向 跨 境 高        with the branches of parent bank CNCB, which facilitated the provision of
資 產 值 客 戶 提 供 個 人 化 服 務。 年 內 私 人 銀 行        personalized services to high net worth cross-border customers. Operating
經 營 收 入 創 出 新 高, 較2015年 颷 升 逾3倍。               income of private banking hit an all-time high, surging over 3 times from
與2015年 末 比 較, 私 人 銀 行2016年 末 所 管 理              2015, while its customer assets under management and the number
的 客 戶 資 產 規 模 及 客 戶 數 量 分 別 大 增38.7%和         of customers as at end-2016 rose by 38.7% and 172.9% respectively as
172.9%。                                                       compared to end-2015.
強化銷售渠道                                                   Enhanced Distribution Channels
個人及商務銀行部不斷提升其電子銀行業務                         PBG continued to enhance its e-capabilities to provide borderless banking
的 實 力, 提 供 無 界 限 的 銀 行 服 務。 為 改 善 本         services. With the aim to improve customer experience for both local
地 與 跨 境 客 戶 的 客 戶 體 驗, 本 行 與 騰 訊 簽 訂        and cross-border customers, our strategic alliance with Tencent has been
新 的 合 作 協 議, 加 強 戰 略 聯 盟, 令 本 行 可 以         further strengthened through the signing of a new merchant agreement
受 益 於 微 信 的 市 場 推 廣 計 劃。2016年9月,               to benefit from WeChat marketing programmes. In September 2016, CNCBI
通 過 綁 定 存 款 戶 口, 信 銀 國 際 成 為 首 家 在 市        became the first Bank in the market to offer WeChat peer-to-peer (“P2P”)
場 推 出 微 信 點 對 點 服 務 的 銀 行。 隨 後, 個 人         service via deposit account binding. Later in the year, PBG also opened the
及商務銀行部在中環開設了首個商務銀行中                         first business banking centre in Central to provide a full range of banking
心, 提 供 全 方 位 銀 行 服 務, 滿 足 商 務 銀 行 客         services catering to the borrowing and investment needs of business
戶的借貸與投資需求。                                           banking customers.
                                                                                                                            二零一六年報     025
                                                                                                                        Annual Report 2016
      2016業務回顧                                                 2016 Review of Operations
                                         Won “The most Favorite
                                         Mobile Banking Service
                                         榮 獲「我 最 喜 愛 的
      產品推陳出新                                                 Increased Innovative Products
      個人及商務銀行部設計多種產品組合以切合                       PBG designs various product mixes to match customers’ savings, borrowing
      客 戶 的 儲 蓄、 借 貸 與 投 資 需 求。2016年, 個           and investment needs. In 2016, PBG launched five new Premium Financing
      人及商務銀行部推出五款嶄新的卓越融資產                       products which helped to drive lending balance and revenue. In addition,
      品, 帶 動 貸 款 餘 額 及 收 入 增 長。 此 外, 個 人        PBG established relationships with three new fund management companies
      及 商 務 銀 行 部 與 三 家 基 金 管 理 公 司 合 作, 引      and introduced over 30 new funds/fund share classes. Remarkably, PBG was
      進30多 種 新 基 金 ╱ 不 同 類 型 的 基 金。 不 得 不        one of the first banks to launch mutual recognition funds in the market. PBG
      提 的 是, 信 銀 國 際 是 在 香 港 率 先 推 出 互 認 基      also became one of the top retail banking distributors with three equity-
      金 的 銀 行 之 一。 同 時, 在 股 票 掛 鉤 投 資 產 品       linked investments (“ELI”) issuers on the shelf after adding Credit Suisse to
      方 面, 加 入 了 瑞 士 信 貸 為 我 行 平 台 上 第 三 家      the platform. To respond to customer needs and market sentiment, we
      發 行 機 構, 帶 動 信 銀 國 際 在 零 售 銀 行 之 中 此      expanded our bond business by launching over 50 bonds during 2016,
      類 產 品 銷 售 佔 前 列 位 置。 為 滿 足 客 戶 需 求 和      which led to a 41.8% year-on-year increase in bond fee income. To satisfy
      適 應 市 場 氣 氛 變 化, 我 們 擴 充 了 債 券 業 務,       customers’ various protection needs, PBG also launched a wide range of
      於2016年 推 出 逾50支 債 券, 債 券 費 用 收 入 因           insurance products, including Personal Accident Plan, ManuEssential Care,
      此 按 年 上 升41.8%。 再 者, 為 滿 足 客 戶 對 不 同        ManuPrestige/ManuPrestige Protector, ManuSilver Care, ManuAmber Care
      保 險 保 障 的 需 求, 個 人 及 商 務 銀 行 部 提 供 了      and 8-Year Saver Endowment Plan.
      一 系 列 產 品, 包 括 個 人 意 外 計 劃、 樂 康 無 憂
      危 疾 保、 富 譽 儲 蓄 保 障 計 劃 ╱ 富 譽 儲 蓄 保 障
      計 劃(特 級 保 障)、 樂 齡 關 懷 保 障 計 劃、 珀 齡
      審慎管理資產素質                                             Prudent Asset Quality Management
      個人及商務銀行部執行嚴格的信貸風險管                         PBG adopts rigorous credit risk management procedures to ensure that
      理, 以 確 保 資 產 素 質 維 持 良 好。 加 上 收 款 成       asset quality remains at healthy levels. As a result, coupled with the help of
      效 顯 著, 個 人 及 商 務 銀 行 部 能 夠 實 現 較 低 不      effective collection efforts, PBG was able to achieve lower delinquency rates.
      良 貸 款 比 率。2016年 貸 款 撥 備 損 失 較 前 年 減         Loan impairment losses in 2016 were HK$33.4 million, 10.8% lower than that
      少10.8%至3,340萬 港 元, 淨 減 值 比 率 處0.08%              of 2015. Net impairment ratio remained low at 0.08% in 2016. In addition,
      的 低 水 平。 此 外, 與 行 業 指 標 比 較, 住 房 按        residential mortgage delinquency ratio remained at a low level against
      揭貸款的拖欠比率亦維持在低水平。                             industry benchmark.
      市場廣泛認同                                                 Wide Market Recognition
      個 人 及 商 務 銀 行 部 的 努 力 備 受 同 儕 贊 賞。 去      PBG’s efforts have been well-recognized by various industry players. Last
      年 本 行 贏 得 了 多 個 獎 項, 包 括 在 由 南 華 早 報      year it was awarded several prizes, including “Company for Financial Planning
      與 香 港 財 務 策 劃 師 學 會 合 辦 的2016年「財 務          Excellence of the Year 2016” presented by the South China Morning Post/
      策 劃 師 大 獎」中 榮 獲「卓 越 財 務 策 劃 公 司 大         Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong Financial Planner Awards, “The
      獎」,在由《晴報》主辦的「Banking & Finance
                                                                   Most Favorite Mobile Banking Services Award” in the Banking & Finance
      Award 2016」中榮獲「我最喜愛的流動銀行服
                                                                   Award 2016 organized by Sky Post, “The Best Fin Tech (Emerging Solutions)
026   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
 2016業務回顧                                                 2016 Review of Operations
                                    Won “The Best Fin Tech
                                    (Emerging Solutions)
                                    Certificate of Merit”
                                    榮 獲「最 佳 金 融 科
                                    技(新 興 解 決 方 案)
務」大獎,在由香港政府資訊科技總監辦公室                      Certificate of Merit” in Hong Kong ICT Awards 2016, and two prizes by Metro
主 辦 的「2016香 港 資 訊 及 通 訊 科 技 獎」中 榮 獲         Finance, namely “Metro Finance Hong Kong Leaders’ Choice Awards 2016 –
「最 佳 金 融 科 技(新 興 解 決 方 案)優 異 證 書」,       Excellent Brand of Private Banking and Excellent Brand of Mobile Banking”.
牌2016」中 榮 獲 兩 個 獎 項, 即「卓 越 私 人 銀 行
 2017年展望                                                   2017 Outlook
 踏 入2017年, 英 國 進 行 脫 歐, 美 國 新 任 總 統          Going into 2017, the global environment is filled with uncertainties with
 上 場 後 對 市 場 產 生 震 盪, 令 全 球 環 境 充 滿 變      Britain’s exit from the European Union (“Brexit”) and the new US presidency
 數。 樂 觀 地 說, 世 界 經 濟 的 增 長 動 力 有 望 稍       creating volatility in the market. On a positive note, the world economy
 微 增 強。 以 發 達 國 家 而 言, 美 國 經 濟 快 速 擴       seems poised for mildly stronger growth. Among developed countries, a
 張, 可 以 抵 消 歐 元 區 的 增 速 放 緩。 而 倚 靠 出       faster expansion of the US economy is likely to offset slightly slower growth
 口 商 品 的 發 展 中 國 家 復 蘇, 又 可 以 彌 補 中 國      of the Eurozone, while a rebound in commodity-exporting emerging
 經濟增長進一步減速。                                         markets may compensate for a further slowdown in China’s growth
 然 而, 石 油 及 其 他 商 品 價 格 攀 升, 以 及 美 國       However, better prospects for oil and other commodities, as well as the
 加 快 加 息 令 美 元 走 強, 可 能 會 增 加2017年 的         USD’s appreciation made possible by more frequent rate hikes in the US, will
 營 商 風 險。 與 此 同 時, 英 國 與 歐 盟 就 脫 歐 一       likely create greater business risks in 2017. Formal talks for the UK to leave
 事 展 開 談 判, 主 要 歐 洲 國 家 進 行 大 選, 美 國       the European Union, key ballots in major European countries, the looming
 新 一 屆 政 府 傾 向 支 持 貿 易 保 護 主 義, 以 及 中      threat of protectionism created by the new US government, and economic
 國 經 濟 出 現 調 整, 都 會 令 全 球 經 濟 發 展 前 景      adjustments in mainland China will also cast uncertainty over the global
 蒙 上 陰 影。 凡 此 種 種 情 況, 會 繼 續 為 營 商 環       economic outlook. Under such circumstances, the business operating
 境帶來考驗。                                                 environment will remain challenging.
 藉 著 與 母 行 中 信 銀 行 的 緊 密 協 作 聯 動, 個 人      PBG will continue to enhance its competitive edges by capitalizing on close
 及 商 務 銀 行 部 會 不 斷 增 強 自 身 的 競 爭 優 勢。      collaboration with parent bank CNCB. The close integration of our cross-
 由 於 跨 境 基 礎 設 施 日 益 完 善, 我 們 可 以 保 持      border infrastructure will enable us to sustain quality growth and earnings.
 高 質 量 的 增 長 與 盈 利。 我 們 會 集 中 加 強 核 心      We will focus on reinforcing our core businesses by providing customers
 業 務, 提 供 全 面 的 銀 行 解 決 方 案, 協 助 客 戶       with total banking solutions in wealth management and SME business
 的財富管理以及中小型企業的生意往來。                         activities.
 個 人 及 商 務 銀 行 部 以 客 戶 體 驗 作 優 先 考 慮,      Customer experience is our top priority. PBG will further invest in digital
 將 不 斷 擴 大 其 電 子 及 網 上 銀 行 平 台, 為 善 用      and internet banking platforms to enhance customer experience and
 先 進 科 技 的 客 戶 群 提 供 便 利。 個 人 及 商 務 銀      convenience for our increasingly mobile and tech-savvy customer base. PBG
 行 部 一 直 致 力 於 提 升 員 工 的 才 能, 實 現 卓 越      is always committed to raising our bar in staff competence and governance
 管 治。 相 信 只 要 與 客 戶 携 手, 幫 助 他 們 致          excellence. We believe that we are well-positioned to grow further as we
 富,我們就能繼續增長。                                       partner with our clients to help them achieve their future financial success.
                                                                                                                             二零一六年報      027
                                                                                                                         Annual Report 2016
       2016業務回顧                                             2016 Review of Operations
      財資及環球市場部                                          Treasury and Markets
      Mr. Bai Lijun                                                 環球市場部團隊擺脫對單一產品的依賴,使2016年銷
      Alternate Chief
      Executive Officer
      Acting Treasurer
                                                                      Investment income in 2016 grew strongly due to
                                                                      successful exploitation of interest-rate trends and trading
                                                                      The Global Markets team overcame the reliance on a single
                                                                      product to improve its marketing revenues in 2016
      2016年 離 岸 人 民 幣 匯 率 與 利 率 波 動, 英 國 決     The volatility in offshore RMB exchange rate and interest rates, together with
      定 脫 歐, 以 及 美 國 總 統 選 舉 存 在 變 數, 令 經    Britain’s decision to leave the European Union (“Brexit”) and the uncertainty
      營 環 境 充 滿 挑 戰。 但 即 使 面 對 考 驗, 財 資 及    clouding the US presidential election, resulted in a challenging operating
      環球市場部仍然能善用美元和離岸人民幣的                    environment in 2016. Despite these headwinds, Treasury and Markets
      利 率 走 勢, 把 握 好 交 易 機 會, 使 投 資 收 入 錄    Group (“TMG”) registered strong growth in investment income by taking
      得 強 勁 增 長。 與 此 同 時, 環 球 市 場 部 團 隊 擺    advantage of the USD and CNH interest-rate trends and capturing trading
      脫 對 單 一 產 品 的 依 賴, 提 供 有 效 方 案 滿 足 客   opportunities. Meanwhile, the Global Markets team overcame the reliance
      戶 對 風 險 對 沖、 融 資 和 投 資 的 需 求, 銷 售 收    on a single product and offered effective solutions to satisfy customers’
      入較前一年溫和增長。                                      needs for risk hedging, financing and investment, achieving a moderate
                                                                growth in marketing revenues when compared to the previous year.
      投資獲利與審慎管理流動性                                  Rewarding Investment and Prudent Liquidity Management
      2016年 固 定 收 益 市 場 跌 宕 起 伏。 世 界 經 濟        The fixed income market saw wide fluctuations in 2016. While the world
      本 已 增 長 乏 力, 年 中 英 國 出 人 意 料 地 通 過 脫   economy was struggling to gain growth momentum, deflationary concerns
      歐, 進 一 步 加 深 市 場 對 通 縮 的 憂 慮, 導 致 美    were exacerbated by an unexpected Brexit in the middle of the year,
      國 國 債 收 益 率 下 跌 至 歷 史 低 位, 美 國 聯 邦 儲   which drove US Treasury yields to all-time lows and caused the Federal
      備 局 的 利 率 正 常 化 計 劃 停 滯 不 前。 針 對 市 場   Reserve’s rates normalization plan to come to a standstill. TMG proactively
      情 況, 財 資 及 環 球 市 場 部 積 極 而 謹 慎 地 擴 大   and cautiously expanded the size of CNCBI’s bond portfolio in view of such
      信 銀 國 際 的 債 券 組 合 規 模, 促 使 第 三 季 度 應   market conditions, which increased the Bank’s accrued interest income and
      計 利 息 收 入 增 加, 其 後 將 之 出 售 而 獲 利。 第    provided it with capital gains on disposal during the third quarter. In the
      四 季 度, 美 國 新 一 任 總 統 當 選, 市 場 加 劇 波    fourth quarter, volatility intensified when a new US president was elected.
      動。 財 資 及 環 球 市 場 部 小 心 翼 翼, 迅 速 部 署    TMG reacted prudently and promptly by reducing the Bank’s interest-rate
      減 少 本 行 的 利 率 風 險 敞 口。 因 此,2016年 債       exposure. As a result, bond investment-related income for 2016 increased
      券 投 資 相 關 收 入 按 年 顯 著 增 加, 利 息 收 入 上   significantly year on year, as interest income grew by 29% while trading
      升29%,交易收入更大增3.6倍。                              income surged by 3.6 times.
028   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
2016業務回顧                                                  2016 Review of Operations
                                                    Won the “Best Investment
                                                    Grade Bond” award
                                                    榮 獲「最 佳 投 資 級 別
鑒 於 去 年 金 融 市 場 不 明 朗 又 不 穩 定, 財 資 及       In view of the uncertainties and volatilities in financial markets last year,
環 球 市 場 部 保 持 審 慎 的 流 動 性 風 險 管 理。          TMG kept a prudent stance in managing liquidity risk. Average liquidity
2016年 末 平 均 流 動 性 維 持 比 率 與 貸 存 比 率 分        maintenance ratio and loans to deposits ratio were maintained at healthy
別 維 持 在60.8%和74.7%的 合 理 水 準。 尤 其 是              levels of 60.8% and 74.7% respectively at end-2016. In particular, the off-
離 岸 人 民 幣 貸 存 比 率, 控 制 在35.7%水 準, 能          shore RMB loans to deposits ratio was well controlled at 35.7%, which
夠 減 輕 短 期 利 率 波 動 所 帶 來 的 影 響。 年 內 本       mitigated the volatility in short-term interest rates. The launch of a new
行 推 出 新 的 內 部 定 價 框 架, 有 望 實 現 更 理 想       internal pricing framework is expected to further drive desirable balance-
的 資 產 負 債 表 管 理。 在 集 團 層 面, 由 於 海 外        sheet behaviour. On the group level, overseas funding arrangement has
分 行 的 資 產 負 債 表 及 交 易 規 模 日 益 增 大, 本       been established with a focus on prudent liquidity risk management, as
行 對 海 外 融 資 已 經 作 出 妥 善 安 排, 著 重 審 慎       the balance sheet of overseas branches and their transaction volumes
地 管 理 流 動 性 風 險。 上 述 措 施 為 本 集 團 未 來       have become increasingly material. This has laid a solid foundation for the
資產負債表的穩健及高效發展奠定了堅實基                        Group’s balance sheet to grow in a healthy and efficient manner ahead.
產品多樣化與債務資本市場業務令客戶                            Effective Client Solutions with Diversified Products and DCM
方案更有效                                                    Business
財資及環球市場部的營銷團隊與公司及跨境                        TMG’s marketing team worked closely with both WBG and PBG to provide
業 務 部 和 個 人 及 商 務 銀 行 部 緊 密 合 作, 為 本       financial solutions to help the Bank’s clients manage their forex and interest-
行 客 戶 提 供 金 融 解 決 方 案, 協 助 其 管 理 外 匯       rate exposures against extreme market volatilities resulting from RMB
與 利 率 風 險, 應 對 由 人 民 幣 貶 值、 英 國 脫 歐        depreciation, Brexit and the US presidential election. Yield enhancement
與 美 國 總 統 大 選 在 市 場 所 引 發 的 大 幅 波 動。       products were offered to them to capture opportunities arising from this
其 中, 提 升 收 益 的 產 品 可 以 幫 助 客 戶 利 用 市       volatility, while RMB-related structured deposits were launched to take
場 波 動 所 製 造 的 機 會, 而 在 高 息 的 環 境 下,        advantage of the high interest-rate environment.
                                                                                                                               二零一六年報      029
                                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      2016業務回顧                                              2016 Review of Operations
      通 過 增 加 標 準 產 品 的 銷 售, 以 及 推 出 有 效 的   The Global Markets team overcame the reliance on a single product by
      方 案, 滿 足 客 戶 在 對 沖 人 民 幣 貶 值 風 險 方 面   strengthening the sales of flow products and successfully launching
      的 需 求, 環 球 市 場 部 團 隊 擺 脫 了 對 單 一 產 品   effective solutions which suited clients’ risk hedging needs to cope with
      的 依 賴。 加 上 年 中 本 行 設 立 了 債 務 資 本 市 場   RMB depreciation. Combined with efforts to set up the Debt Capital Markets
      部, 在 產 品 類 別 多 樣 化 方 面 作 出 努 力, 環 球    (“DCM”) business and diversify the product range, the Global Markets team
      市場部團隊的銷售收入比前年略高。                          achieved sales revenues that were slightly ahead of the previous year.
      財 資 及 環 球 市 場 部 於2016年6月 展 開 債 務 資 本     TMG’s DCM business was established in June 2016 to enhance its client
      市 場 業 務, 旨 在 增 強 客 戶 服 務 能 力, 並 已 在    service capability, and has already secured a good foundation despite fierce
      激 烈 的 市 場 競 爭 中 佔 有 一 席 地 位。 從 業 務 推   market competition. Since the launch of the business, DCM successfully led
      出 起 計,2016年 債 務 資 本 市 場 部 已 成 功 完 成      13 deals in 2016.
      2016年, 財 資 及 環 球 市 場 部 提 升 了 固 定 收 入     TMG expanded its fixed income trading capability in 2016 to cater for the
      產 品 交 易 能 力, 滿 足 本 行 客 戶 對 債 券 投 資 的   bond investment needs of the Bank’s clients. Bond transaction volumes of
      需 求。 去 年 債 券 交 易 規 模 較2015年 增 加5倍,       the Bank increased by fivefold last year compared to 2015, with the sales
      其中對零售客戶的銷售量亦顯著上升。                        volume attributable to retail clients also being boosted substantially.
      系統基礎設施升級                                          Upgrade in System Infrastructure
      財 資 及 環 球 市 場 部 持 續 投 資 基 礎 設 施 建 設,   TMG continued to invest in infrastructure and successfully completed the
      去 年 成 功 完 成 了 財 資 系 統MUREX第 一 階 段          installation of the first phase of the treasury system MUREX last year. This
      的 安 裝 工 作。 因 此, 本 行 可 提 供 更 豐 富 的 財    has increased the Bank’s treasury product range in order to better serve
      資 產 品 類 別, 更 好 地 滿 足 客 戶 需 求, 並 加 強    clients’ needs and strengthened its risk management capability. In addition,
      風 險 管 理 能 力。 此 外, 本 行 已 著 手 開 發 一 個    the Bank has started the development of an electronic platform for dealing
      財 資 產 品 的 電 子 交 易 平 台, 計 劃 於2018年         in treasury products which is targeted to roll out in 2018 for relationship
      推 出, 協 助 個 人 及 商 務 銀 行 部 客 戶 經 理 在 財   managers in PBG to facilitate automation in the execution of treasury
      資 產 品 交 易 上 實 行 自 動 化 操 作。 此 平 台 的 最   products. The ultimate aim of this electronic platform is to allow the Bank’s
      終目標是要在線上滿足客戶的大部份財資需                    clients to fulfill most of their treasury needs online, thereby enabling the
      求, 使 本 行 可 以 與 更 大 的 客 戶 群 進 行 交 易,    Bank to increase the scalability of its treasury business with a significantly
      從而大力擴充財資業務。                                    broader client base.
030   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
2016業務回顧                                              2016 Review of Operations
2017年展望                                                2017 Outlook
展 望2017年, 宏 觀 經 濟 環 境 仍 然 不 明 朗,          Looking ahead, a lack of visibility in the macro environment continues to
將 繼 續 給 財 資 及 環 球 市 場 部 帶 來 考 驗。 特 朗   pose challenges to TMG in 2017. Policy risks related to Trump’s presidency
普 就 任 美 國 總 統 後 引 發 政 策 風 險, 歐 洲 政 治   and likely changes to the European political landscape will induce growing
局 面 又 可 能 進 一 步 變 化, 為 經 濟 前 景 增 添 了   uncertainties. Volatility is expected to rise owing to the theme of global
變 數。 由 於 全 球 流 動 性 由 新 興 市 場 流 向 發 達   liquidity moving from emerging markets to developed markets, with
市 場, 市 場 波 動 相 信 亦 會 加 劇, 其 中 人 民 幣    the RMB forex and interest-rate markets under particular focus. China’s
外 匯 與 利 率 市 場 將 成 為 各 方 焦 點。 中 國 房 地   overheated housing sector and potential trade conflicts with the US are also
產 市 場 過 熱, 與 美 國 又 可 能 出 現 貿 易 摩 擦,    causes for concern. Bond yields and interest rates may rise, but at the same
同 樣 令 人 憂 慮。 雖 然 債 券 收 益 與 利 率 有 望 走   time liabilities cost may also increase as short-term deposits are rolled over,
高, 但 短 期 存 款 期 滿 需 要 續 期, 會 使 負 債 成    presenting challenges to the Bank’s net interest margin.
與 此 同 時, 金 融 市 場 波 動 令 本 行 客 戶 更 加 需   Meanwhile, volatilities in financial markets should heighten the hedging
要 進 行 對 沖, 刺 激 其 對 財 資 產 品 的 需 求, 以    needs of the Bank’s clients and stimulate their demand for treasury products
抵 消 匯 率 及 利 率 風 險。 因 此 波 動 亦 可 以 帶 來   to hedge forex and interest-rate exposures. There will also likely be more
更多交易機會。                                            trading opportunities associated with such volatilities.
財資及環球市場部與母行中信銀行緊密合                      With increased synergy derived from close collaboration with parent bank
作, 可 產 生 更 佳 的 協 同 效 應, 未 來 將 繼 續 重    CNCB, TMG will continuously focus on cross-selling opportunities arising
點把握債務資本市場業務帶來的交叉銷售機                    from the DCM business in an effort to provide not only off-balance sheet
會,努力為客戶提供表內表外財資方案。                      but also on-balance sheet treasury solutions to clients.
此 外, 財 資 及 環 球 市 場 部 加 強 了 對 機 構 客 戶   Furthermore, enhanced institutional sales capability of TMG will help the
的 銷 售 能 力, 有 助 本 行 將 財 資 業 務 擴 展 至 金   Bank extend its treasury business to cover clients in the financial sector,
融 板 塊 客 戶, 又 可 為 交 易 團 隊 增 加 交 易 量,    generate more trade flows for the trading team, strengthen its trading
強 化 其 交 易 能 力, 以 及 支 援 債 務 資 本 市 場 業   capability and bolster the DCM business.
儘 管 外 部 環 境 挑 戰 重 重, 財 資 及 環 球 市 場 部   Despite various challenges posed by the external environment, TMG will
將 繼 續 密 切 關 注 市 場 發 展 動 向, 謹 慎 地 捕 捉   continue to monitor market developments closely, and prudently seize
機會,為客戶與本行創造更多價值。                          opportunities to add value to clients and the Bank.
                                                                                                                          二零一六年報      031
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2016
       2016業務回顧                                              2016 Review of Operations
       企業社會責任                                              Corporate Social Responsibility
                                                                   A total of HK$20 million has been earmarked for the
                                                                   development of e-learning platform TouchEnglish over a 3-year
                                                                   span with a view to enhancing the English proficiency of more
                                                                   than 10,000 students from underprivileged backgrounds
       中 信 銀 行(國 際)有 限 公 司(「信 銀 國 際」)暨      China CITIC Bank International Limited (“CNCBI”) and its subsidiaries
       各附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)一直致力履行良                (together the “Group”) have been eager to uphold the spirit of good
       好 企 業 公 民 責 任, 在 用 心 經 營 銀 行 業 務, 提    corporate citizenship. While considerable effort has gone into conducting
       供 創 新 優 質 服 務 之 餘, 同 時 積 極 推 動 公 益 事   banking business and providing quality and innovative services, the Group
       業,關懷弱勢社群。                                        has also been keen to drive worthy causes to serve the underprivileged
       2016年本集團企業社會責任工作取得突破性發                  The Group in 2016 broke new ground in the area of corporate social
       展。 信 銀 國 際 將 本 身 致 力 抓 緊「互 聯 網 +」時    responsibility (“CSR”). In view of the myriad opportunities brought forth by
       代 機 遇、 矢 志 成 為 流 動 銀 行 先 行 者 的 精 神,    the Internet+ era, CNCBI extended its pioneering spirit in mobile banking
       延 伸 至 企 業 社 會 責 任 領 域, 集 中 資 源 成 功 建   to the area of CSR and focused resources on building e-learning platform
       立「TouchEnglish」電 子 學 習 平 台, 務 求 提 供         TouchEnglish in an effort to facilitate effective learning for the benefit of as
       有 效 益 的 學 習 途 徑, 儘 可 能 讓 最 多 的 基 層 學   many students from underprivileged backgrounds as possible. Meanwhile,
       童 受 惠。 同 時, 由 不 同 部 門 管 理 層 代 表 組 成    a CSR Committee was assembled to include management staff from various
       的 企 業 社 會 責 任 委 員 會 亦 於 年 內 成 立, 冀 望   CNCBI departments with the aim of bringing together the individuals’
       凝 聚 各 方 專 長 和 網 絡, 提 升 有 關 工 作 的 管 治   professional strengths and networks to enhance the governance of related
       水 平, 並 將 貢 獻 社 會 的 公 益 精 神 滲 透 集 團 每   initiatives while helping the philanthropic spirit to permeate the Group.
       電子學習平台初見成效                                      E-learning Platform Shows Promise
       本 集 團 相 信 知 識 改 變 未 來, 今 日 教 育 造 就 明   Convinced that knowledge changes the future and that today’s education
       日 社 會, 一 直 以 基 層 學 童 教 育 為 企 業 社 會 責   shapes tomorrow’s society, the Group has always prioritised underprivileged
       任的發展重點。                                            students’ education in its CSR development.
      自2008年 起 與 聖 雅 各 福 群 會 攜 手 合 作, 舉 辦       In 2008, the Group collaborated with St. James’ Settlement to undertake the
      「中 信 銀 行 國 際 知 識 天 使 培 育 計 劃」, 為 基 層   “CITIC Bank International Knowledge Angel Project”, which provided free
      家 庭 學 童 提 供 免 費 功 課 輔 導, 該 計 劃 於2012      tutorials to students from underprivileged backgrounds. The project was
      年升格為持續3年的「中信銀行(國際)知識天                  expanded in 2012 into the 3-year “CNCBI Knowledge Angel Academy”. Over
032    中信銀行(國際)有限公司
 2016業務回顧                                              2016 Review of Operations
 使 書 院」,8年 間 惠 及1,300名 學 童。2015年 計          the 8 years’ span, 1,300 students reaped the benefits. At the Academy’s end
 劃 完 滿 結 束, 超 過 半 數 受 惠 學 童 在 中、 英、     in 2015, more than half of the participants showed improvement in the
 數 主 科 取 得 進 步, 其 中 更 有 逾 兩 成 升 中 學 童   major subjects of Chinese language, English language and Mathematics.
 成 功 入 讀 競 爭 激 烈 的 英 文 中 學, 比 例 優 於 全   More than 20% of the Primary 6 participants secured sought-after places
 港英中學位競爭數字,成績令人鼓舞。                        at English-medium-instruction secondary schools. Encouragingly, this
                                                           percentage was higher than the competition rate of such school places in
                                                           Hong Kong.
 在 這 個 寶 貴 基 礎 上, 信 銀 國 際 進 一 步 革 新 傳   Building on the foundation of the Academy, CNCBI sought to transform
 統 學 習 模 式, 務 求 擴 大 並 深 化 有 關 工 作, 計    traditional learning in a bid to increase the breadth and depth of related
 劃3年內投放共2,000萬港元,夥拍在電子學習                  undertakings, with a HK$20 million pledge over a 3-year span for the
 領域擁有豐富經驗及龐大網絡的電子學習聯                    launch of TouchEnglish in partnership with resourceful e-learning veteran
 盟, 為 全 港 基 層 學 童 推 出「TouchEnglish」,         e-Learning Consortium. This learning-effective platform is expected to help
 希望透過具成本及學習效益的電子學習平                      at least 10,000 students from underprivileged backgrounds to improve their
 台, 讓 至 少 一 萬 位 基 層 學 童 事 半 功 倍 地 愉 快   English skills with pleasure and greater effectiveness and increase their self-
 提升英語能力,並增強個人自信。                            confidence, achieving cost-effectiveness at the same time.
「TouchEnglish」 是 一 個 遊 戲 式 的 愉 快 電 子          A gamified programme with an emphasis on happy learning, TouchEnglish
學 習 平 台, 學 童 透 過 每 日 投 入 約30分 鐘, 完       engages students in daily 30-minute learning by giving them games and
成 不 同 的 遊 戲 或 任 務, 有 系 統 地 提 高 英 語 能    tasks with the aim of increasing their English proficiency in a progressive
力。 電 子 平 台 超 越 傳 統 教 學 模 式 的 局 限, 以     manner. The programme pushes the envelope of traditional learning
多姿多彩的電子遊戲引發學習興趣,其「以人                   models by increasing students’ English learning interest via a stimulating
為本」的設計,能依據學生不同能力及學習進                   e-learning platform. It embodies a people-oriented concept which seeks to
展 分 派 程 度 合 適 的 題 目, 針 對 學 習 差 異, 大     close the learning gaps among different participants as they are assigned
大 提 升 學 習 效 益。 同 時, 平 台 會 為 家 長 及 教     games and tasks in accordance with their individual ability and progress.
師 提 供 學 習 報 告, 透 過 家 校 合 作 協 助 學 童 穩    The programme also facilitates parent-school collaboration by providing
步成長。                                                   parents and teachers with learning reports, helping the students to make
                                                           steady progress.
 為評估電子學習平台的成效並確保運作暢                      In order to gauge the effectiveness of the e-learning platform and ensure
 順, 在2016年3月 至7月 期 間,4間 小 學 共900             the smooth running of TouchEnglish, a pilot programme was launched
 位 基 層 學 生 獲 邀 參 加「TouchEnglish」先 導 計        from March to July 2016 with the participation of 900 underprivileged
 劃, 短 短4個 月 內 學 童 無 論 在 學 習 興 趣、 英 語    students from 4 primary schools. The students achieved tremendous results
 程度及信心方面都取得卓越的成績:                          after that short period of time in terms of learning interest, competence in
                                                           English and self-confidence:
    平 均 每 名 學 童 作答近1,200條題目,等同完               An average of about 1,200 questions, the equivalent of the amount
    成10本以上補充練習                                        contained in over 10 supplementary exercise books, were answered by
                                                              each of the students
    英語能力提升超過20%                                       An increase of more than 20% in English proficiency
                                                                                                                           二零一六年報      033
                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2016
       2016業務回顧                                              2016 Review of Operations
           5成學童克服對英語恐懼                                    50% of the students conquered their fears of learning English
           滿意自己英語水平的學童由37%增至74%                       The percentage of students satisfied with their English skills rose to 74%
                                                                    from 37%
      「TouchEnglish」於2016學 年 正 式 推 出, 截 至            TouchEnglish was launched officially at the start of the 2016 academic
      2016年 底, 已 有 超 過20間 小 學 成 功 申 請, 逾         year. As at end-2016, more than 9,000 students from more than 20 primary
      9,000名學童正免費參與其中。                                schools have already enrolled successfully in the free programme.
       貢獻社會不遺餘力                                          Sustained Contribution to Community Well-being
      除 了 策 略 性 地 發 展 基 層 學 童 教 育 工 作, 本 集    The Group spares no effort to support good causes in addition to
      團 亦 積 極 支 持 多 項 公 益 活 動。2016年8月,           the strategic focus on education for students from underprivileged
      信 銀 國 際 首 席 贊 助 香 港 兒 童 交 響 樂 團「2016      backgrounds. In August 2016, CNCBI acted as the principal patron of
      歸 來 音 樂 會」, 並 免 費 送 贈300張 門 票 予            the China Post Tour Concert 2016 by Hong Kong Children’s Symphony
      「ToughEnglish」先 導 計 劃 中 的4間 小 學, 期            Orchestra and gave away 300 complimentary tickets to the 4 primary
      望學童藉著欣賞高水平的交響樂演奏拓闊視                     schools participating in the TouchEnglish pilot programme. It was
      野, 在 樂 韻 悠 揚 中 探 索 音 樂 之 美, 締 造 一 個     hoped that the students’ horizons would be broadened by immersion
      難忘的暑期回憶。                                           in an exploratory journey of quality music which would also give them a
                                                                 memorable summer holiday.
      本 集 團 員 工 同 樣 熱 心 參 與 公 益 活 動, 信 銀 國    Staff of the Group also showed equal enthusiasm about taking part in
      際 連 續 第7年 支 持 由 環 保 團 體 綠 色 力 量 舉 辦 的   worthy causes. For instance, CNCBI had for 7 consecutive years supported
      「環 島 行 慈 善 行 山 比 賽」, 贊 助 近50名 員 工 組     environmental group Green Power’s annual Green Power Hike. Last year
      成12支 企 業 隊 伍 參 加10公 里、25公 里 及50公            CNCBI sponsored about 50 staff members to form 12 corporate teams
      里 賽 事, 支 持 綠 色 力 量 推 行 本 地 環 保 教 育 工    for the 10km, 25km and 50km hikes with all the proceeds going to the
      作。 期 內, 員 工 亦 積 極 支 持「公 益 綠 識 日」,      organisation’s local environmental education programmes. During the year
      為香港公益金資助的服務作出貢獻。                           under review, the Group’s staff also contributed to the services supported
                                                                 by The Community Chest by participating in the organisation’s Green Day
                                                                 donation drive.
       提升企業社會責任管治                                      Enhancing CSR Governance
       2016年 信 銀 國 際 成 立 企 業 社 會 責 任 委 員 會,     In 2016, CNCBI established its CSR Committee, which is chaired by the
       由 行 政 總 裁 辦 公 室 總 監 出 任 主 席, 成 員 來 自   Director of CEO Office. Committee members include management staff
       不 同 部 門 的 管 理 層, 職 能 包 括 審 批、 監 察 及    who are in turn responsible for such functions as the approval, governance
       考 核 各 項 企 業 社 會 責 任 工 作, 並 鼓 勵 員 工 積   and assessment of various CSR initiatives, as well as encouraging staff
       極 參 與 公 益 活 動 等, 務 求 妥 善 發 揮 對 公 益 事   participation. This is to ensure that resources are appropriately and
       業 的 投 放, 確 保 各 項 目 符 合 本 集 團 的 核 心 價   effectively used in CSR undertakings which are in line with the Group’s core
       值及發展方向。                                            values and development strategies.
       公益事業備受肯定                                          Token of Acknowledgement
       信 銀 國 際 繼 續 榮 獲 香 港 社 會 服 務 聯 會 頒 發10   CNCBI received The Hong Kong Council of Social Service’s 10 Years Plus
       年PLUS「商 界 展 關 懷」標誌,以及香港公益金              Caring Company Logo and a Bronze Award from The Community Chest
       的「商 業 及 僱 員 募 捐 計 劃」銅 獎, 以 表 揚 為 弱    of Hong Kong’s Corporate and Employee Contribution Programme for its
       勢社群持續作出的貢獻和承擔。                              continuous contribution and commitment to the underprivileged.
034    中信銀行(國際)有限公司
 董事簡介                                                  Biographies of Directors
  孫德順先生                                               Mr. Sun Deshun
(董事長)                                                 (Chairman)
  於2013年3月15日獲委任為本行董事,並於2015年              Appointed Director of the Bank on 15 March 2013 and further elected
  5月15日獲推選為本行董事長。孫先生現為中信                Chairman on 15 May 2015. Mr. Sun is an Executive Director and President of
  銀行股份有限公司執行董事兼行長和中信國際金               China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited and a Non-executive Director of CITIC
  融控股有限公司非執行董事。彼擁有超過30年的               International Financial Holdings Limited. Mr. Sun has more than 30 years of
  中國銀行業經驗,於2011年加入中信銀行股份有               experience in the banking industry in China. Before joining China CITIC Bank
  限公司前,孫先生曾任交通銀行北京管理部副總               Corporation Limited in 2011, he had served in Bank of Communications as
  裁及其北京市分行行長,此前,孫先生在中國工               Vice President of its Beijing Management Department and President of the
  商銀行海淀區辦事處、海淀區支行、北京分行及               Beijing Branch. Prior to that, he had worked in the Haidian Office, Haidian Sub-
  總行數據中心(北京)等單位擔任多個職位,包               branch, Beijing Branch and Head Office Data Centre (Beijing) of The Industrial
  括北京分行行長助理、副行長以及總行數據中心               and Commercial Bank of China in various positions including Assistant
(北京)總經理。孫先生亦曾任職於中國人民銀                 President and Vice President of its Beijing Branch and General Manager of the
  行。孫先生於東北財經大學畢業,獲經濟學碩士               Head Office Data Centre (Beijing). He had also worked in The People’s Bank of
  銜,並獲中國工商銀行頒授「高級經濟師」之名               China. Mr. Sun graduated from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
  銜。                                                     with a Master’s Degree in Economics. He was named a “Senior Economist” by
                                                           The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
  張小衛先生                                               Mr. Zhang Xiaowei
(執行董事、行長兼行政總裁)                               (Executive Director, President & Chief Executive Officer)
  於2012年10月22日 獲 委 任 為 本 行 董 事 兼 行 政 總     Appointed Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank on 22 October
  裁,張先生現為本行執行董事、行長兼行政總                 2012. Mr. Zhang is presently an Executive Director, President and Chief
  裁, 亦 為 中 信 銀 行 國 際(中 國)有 限 公 司 董 事   Executive Officer of the Bank. He is also Chairman of CITIC Bank International
  長。張先生乃資深銀行家,於中國內地及香港銀               (China) Limited. A veteran banker with 32 years of experience in the banking
  行業擁有32年豐富經驗,曾出任中信銀行股份有               industries in Mainland China and Hong Kong, Mr. Zhang was formerly a
  限公司非執行董事、中國農業銀行及交通銀行多               Non-executive Director of China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited and had
  個重要職位,以及交通銀行香港分行副行長及招               held various senior positions at Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of
  商銀行香港分行行長。加入本行前,張先生為永               Communications. He was also Vice President of the Hong Kong Branch of
  隆銀行常務董事兼總經理及替任行政總裁。張先               Bank of Communications and President of the Hong Kong Branch of China
  生持有北京經濟學院經濟學學士學位及中國人民               Merchants Bank. Prior to joining the Bank, Mr. Zhang was an Executive
  銀行研究生部貨幣銀行學碩士學位。於2013年8                Director, General Manager and Alternate Chief Executive Officer of Wing
  月,彼獲香港銀行學會委任為副總裁。                       Lung Bank. Mr. Zhang holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the
                                                           Beijing Economics Institute and a Master’s Degree in Monetary and Banking
                                                           from the Graduate School of The People’s Bank of China. He was appointed
                                                           Vice President of The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers in August 2013.
  萬紅女士                                                 Ms. Margaret Man
(執行董事、副行政總裁兼公司及跨境業務總監)               (Executive Director, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Group Head of Wholesale
  於2012年6月28日獲委任為本行董事兼副行政總                and Cross-border Banking Group)
  裁,萬女士現亦為本行公司及跨境業務總監,以               Appointed Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Bank on 28
  及中信銀行國際(中國)有限公司副董事長。萬               June 2012. Ms. Man is also Group Head of Wholesale and Cross-border
  女士擁有近31年金融業務經驗,曾任中國人民銀               Banking of the Bank, and Vice Chairman of CITIC Bank International (China)
  行總行處長及中國新技術創業國際有限公司副董               Limited. Ms. Man has about 31 years of experience in the banking and
  事總經理等多個重要職位。萬女士畢業於山西財               finance industry. She had held a number of senior positions including
  經大學,獲經濟學學士學位,後又於中國人民銀               Division Chief of The People’s Bank of China and Deputy Managing Director
  行金融研究所研究生部深造,獲經濟學碩士學                 of China Venturetechno International Co Ltd. Ms. Man graduated from
  位。                                                     Shanxi Financial and Economics University with a Bachelor’s Degree in
                                                           Economics and further studied for a Master’s Degree in Banking and Finance
                                                           at the Graduate School of The People’s Bank of China.
                                                                                                                            二零一六年報      035
                                                                                                                        Annual Report 2016
       董事簡介                                       Biographies of Directors
    簡吳秋玉女士                                  Mrs. Helen Kan
      (執行董事、替任行政總裁兼個人及商務銀行業      (Executive Director, Alternate Chief Executive Officer and Group Head of Personal
    務總監)                                      & Business Banking)
    於2013年3月15日獲委任為本行董事兼替任行政總   Appointed Director and Alternate Chief Executive Officer of the Bank
    裁。簡太現亦為本行個人及商務銀行業務總監。    on 15 March 2013. Mrs. Kan is also Group Head of Personal & Business
    簡太擁有30年銀行及金融業經驗,曾出任多個高    Banking of the Bank. She has 30 years of experience in the banking and
    級職位,涵蓋香港、中國內地以及環球市場,橫    finance industry. Over the years, Mrs. Kan had held various senior positions
    跨多個銀行及金融業務範疇。加入本行前,簡太    across a broad spectrum of banking and finance exposures in Hong Kong,
    曾出任渣打銀行環球營銷網絡主管,負責發展及    Mainland China and other global markets. Prior to joining the Bank, she
    管理該行覆蓋全球33個地區超過1,400萬客戶的營   was Standard Chartered Bank’s Global Head of Distribution in charge of the
    銷網絡。簡太持有香港大學管理及經濟學榮譽學    strategic development and performance of distribution channels across 33
    士學位,以及法學碩士學位。                    geographic locations covering a global customer population in excess of 14
                                                      million. Mrs. Kan holds an Honours Degree in Management and Economics,
                                                      and a Master’s Degree in Laws from The University of Hong Kong.
    方合英先生                                    Mr. Fang Heying
      (非執行董事)                                  (Non-executive Director)
    於2016年3月24日獲委任為本行董事。方先生為中   Appointed Director of the Bank on 24 March 2016. Mr. Fang is currently
    信銀行股份有限公司副行長兼財務總監,亦為中    Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of China CITIC Bank Corporation
    信國際金融控股有限公司非執行董事及信銀(香    Limited. He is also a Non-executive Director of CITIC International Financial
    港)投資有限公司董事。方先生於1996年加入中    Holdings Limited and a Director of CNCB (Hong Kong) Investment Limited.
    信銀行股份有限公司,曾任蘇州分行行長、杭州    Mr. Fang joined China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited in 1996 and was
    分行行長以及金融市場業務總監,並於2014年11    formerly the President of Suzhou Branch, President of Hangzhou Branch
    月起擔任副行長。方先生於湖南財經學院畢業,    and Business Director of Financial Markets. He served as a Vice President
    獲金融學學士學位,並於北京大學考獲高級管理    of China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited since November 2014. Mr. Fang
    人員工商管理專業碩士學位。                    graduated from Hunan College of Finance and Economics with a Bachelor’s
                                                      Degree in Finance and obtained an Executive Master’s Degree in Business
                                                      Administration from Peking University.
    張強先生                                      Mr. Zhang Qiang
      (非執行董事)                                  (Non-executive Director)
    於2013年4月15日獲委任為本行董事。張先生現為   Appointed Director of the Bank on 15 April 2013. Mr. Zhang is currently Vice
    中信銀行股份有限公司副行長和信銀(香港)投    President of China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited, Director of CNCB (Hong
    資有限公司及信銀(香港)資本有限公司董事,    Kong) Investment Limited and CNCB (Hong Kong) Capital Limited. He
    彼於1990年加入中信銀行股份有限公司後曾出任    joined China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited in 1990 and has held various
    多個要職,包括信貸部、營業部和公司銀行部總    senior positions, including General Manager of Credit Department, Business
    經理,以及濟南分行和青島分行行長。彼於中國    Department and Corporate Banking Department, and President of Jinan
    銀行業擁有超過28年工作經驗。張先生於中南財    Branch and Qingdao Branch. Mr. Zhang has over 28 years of experience in
    經大學(現稱中南財經政法大學)畢業,獲經濟    the banking industry in China. He graduated from Zhongnan University of
    學學士學位,並於遼寧大學獲金融學碩士學位。    Finance and Economics (now known as Zhongnan University of Finance,
    張先生曾獲中國中信集團有限公司頒授「高級經    Economics and Law) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and obtained a
    濟師」之名銜。                                Master’s Degree in Finance from Liaoning University. Mr. Zhang was granted
                                                      the title of “Senior Economist” by CITIC Group Corporation.
036    中信銀行(國際)有限公司
 董事簡介                                                Biographies of Directors
  湯世生先生                                             Mr. Tang Shisheng
(獨立非執行董事)                                       (Independent Non-executive Director)
  於2013年11月13日 獲 委 任 為 本 行 獨 立 非 執 行 董   Appointed Independent Non-executive Director of the Bank on 13
  事。湯先生為華多九州科技股份有限公司董事               November 2013. Mr. Tang is Chairman of Hodojou Technology Co., Ltd.,
  長、北京中科軟件有限公司執行董事以及洲際油             Executive Director of Beijing Sinosoft Co., Ltd., and Independent Director
  氣股份有限公司、惠生工程技術服務有限公司和             of Geo Jade Petroleum Corporation, Wison Engineering Services Co. Ltd.
  重慶三峽銀行股份有限公司獨立董事,擁有豐富             and Chongqing Three Gorges Bank Co., Ltd. He has extensive experience in
  金融業及證券業經驗。湯先生畢業於湖南財經學             finance and securities industries. Mr. Tang graduated from Hunan College
  院,獲金融學專業(本科)學士學位,並考獲中             of Finance and Economics with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance. He received
  國人民銀行總行研究生院經濟學碩士學位和中國             his Master’s Degree in Economics and Doctor’s Degree in Economics
  社會科學院研究生院經濟學博士學位。湯先生於             respectively from the Graduate School of The People’s Bank of China and
  1993年獲中國人民建設銀行頒授「高級經濟師」之           the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Mr. Tang was
  名銜。                                                 granted the title of “Senior Economist” by The People’s Construction Bank of
                                                         China in 1993.
  曾璟璇女士                                             Ms. Tsang King Suen Katherine
(獨立非執行董事)                                       (Independent Non-executive Director)
  於2016年12月1日獲委任為本行獨立非執行董事和            Appointed Independent Non-executive Director and Chairman of the
  信貸及風險管理委員會主席。曾女士是亞洲金融             Credit & Risk Management Committee of the Bank on 1 December 2016.
  界與工商界受認可的一員,於2012年被《財富》雜           Ms. Tsang is a well-recognised member of the Asian financial and business
  誌評選為「中國最具影響力的25位商界女性」的第           community. Fortune Magazine (China) named her as No. 6 China’s Most
  6位,而2010年至2013年均被列入首25位的榜內。            Influential Businesswomen in 2012 and she was on the top 25 list from
  曾女士為巨溢資本創始人,巨溢是一家專注於大             2010 to 2013. Ms. Tsang is the founder of Max Giant, a group of asset
  中華市場的資產管理公司。彼亦為美國蓋璞(紐             management companies with a focus on China. She is also an Independent
  約交易所上市公司)的獨立董事,以及倫敦金融             Non-executive Director of Gap Inc. (listed in New York), a member of the
  城中國咨詢委員會和上海交通大學校董會成員。             Advisory Council for China of the City of London, and an honorary board
  曾女士曾於渣打銀行任職逾二十年,她於2014年8            member of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Ms. Tsang was formerly with
  月退休前的最後職位是大中華區主席。曾女士於             Standard Chartered Bank for over 20 years with her last role as Chairperson
  加拿大亞伯達大學考獲商學士學位。                       of Greater China before she retired in August 2014. She attained her
                                                         Bachelor of Commerce Degree from University of Alberta, Canada.
  王國樑先生                                             Mr. Wang Guoliang
(獨立非執行董事)                                       (Independent Non-executive Director)
  於2016年8月12日獲委任為本行獨立非執行董事,            Appointed Independent Non-executive Director of the Bank on 12 August
  並於2016年11月2日獲委任為審核委員會主席。王            2016 and elected as Chairman of Audit Committee on 2 November 2016.
  先生為教授級高級會計師,現為國家電網公司外             Mr. Wang is a professor-level senior accountant and is currently Outside
  部董事及中國太平保險集團有限責任公司獨立非             Director of State Grid Corporation of China and Independent Non-executive
  執行董事。王先生亦曾任中國石油天然氣集團公             Director of China Taiping Insurance Group Limited. Mr. Wang worked
  司總會計師及崑崙銀行董事長,擁有豐富金融及             as Chief Accountant of China National Petroleum Corporation and was
  會計經驗。王先生畢業於哈爾濱商業大學,獲經             Chairman of Bank of Kunlun. He has extensive experience in finance and
  濟學學士銜,並於河北大學考獲世界經濟專業碩             accounting. Mr. Wang graduated from Harbin University of Commerce
  士研究生資格。                                         with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. He received his Master’s Degree in
                                                         International Economics from Hebei University.
  武捷思先生                                             Mr. Wu Jiesi
(獨立非執行董事)                                       (Independent Non-executive Director)
  於2013年8月5日獲委任為本行獨立非執行董事。             Appointed Independent Non-executive Director of the Bank on 5 August
  武先生為深圳市富海銀濤資產管理股份有限公司             2013. Mr. Wu is Chairman of Shenzhen Fuhaiyintao Asset Management
  董事長,亦為北京控股有限公司、中國太平保險             Co., Ltd. He is also an Independent Non-executive Director of Beijing
  控股有限公司以及中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公             Enterprises Holdings Limited, China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company
  司的獨立非執行董事,以及深圳控股有限公司及             Limited and The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited,
  銀基集團控股有限公司之非執行董事。武先生擁             and Non-executive Director of Shenzhen Investment Limited and Silver
  有豐富企業管理、投資及金融業經驗。武先生於             Base Group Holdings Limited. Mr. Wu has extensive experience in corporate
  中國人民銀行金融研究中心獲經濟學博士銜,並             management, investment and finance. He holds a Doctor’s Degree in
  於中國南開大學完成理論經濟學博士後研究,於             Economics from The Research Institution of The People’s Bank of China. Mr.
  2001年獲中國南開大學頒授教授資格。                     Wu conducted post-doctorate research work in theoretical economics at
                                                         Nankai University and was conferred a professorship qualification by Nankai
                                                         University in 2001.
                                                                                                                         二零一六年報      037
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2016
      高級行政人員簡介                                       Biographies of Senior Executives
      黃致遠先生                                             Mr. Roy Huang
      (替任行政總裁、首席法律顧問及內部監控總監)             (Alternate Chief Executive Officer, General Counsel and Group Head of Internal
      於2004年11月加入本行為高級副總裁、法律顧問             Control)
      兼合規部主管。黃先生現為本行替任行政總裁、             Joined the Bank in November 2004 as Senior Vice President, General
      首席法律顧問及內部監控總監,亦為中信國際金             Counsel and Head of Compliance. Mr. Huang is currently an Alternate Chief
      融控股有限公司集團法律顧問,負責管理法律及             Executive Officer, General Counsel and Group Head of Internal Control of
      內部監控事宜。黃先生擁有超過35年香港和美國             the Bank as well as Group General Counsel of CITIC International Financial
      法律及監管事務經驗。加入本行之前,黃先生為             Holdings Limited with his scope of responsibility encompassing the
      安達信國際公司合夥人,主管亞太區法律事務。             management of legal and internal control affairs. Mr. Huang has more than
      黃先生畢業於加州柏克萊大學及喬治敦大學法學             35 years of legal and regulatory experience in Hong Kong and the United
      院,持有歷史學士學位及法律博士學位。                   States. Before joining the Bank, Mr. Huang was partner-in-charge of legal
                                                             affairs Asia-Pacific at Andersen Worldwide. Mr. Huang graduated from The
                                                             University of California, Berkeley, with an Artium Baccalaureus in History and
                                                             Georgetown University Law School with a Juris Doctor Degree.
      柏立軍先生                                             Mr. Jeffery Bai
      (替任行政總裁及代理司庫)                               (Alternate Chief Executive Officer and Acting Treasurer)
      於2015年12月加入本行出任代理司庫,並於2016             Joined the Bank in December 2015 as Acting Treasurer and appointed
      年4月20日獲委任為本行替任行政總裁。柏先生負            Alternate Chief Executive Officer of the Bank on 20 April 2016. Mr. Bai
      責本行財資及環球市場部的工作,加強資金及流             is responsible for the Bank’s Treasury & Markets Group with a view to
      動性管理,積極推動本行與中信銀行及中信集團             strengthen funding and liquidity management, in addition to a focus on
      的聯動合作,壯大業務發展。自2006年由北京銀             driving CNCB- and CITIC group-related collaboration for enhanced business
      行轉投中信銀行後,他在金融市場方面取得卓越             development for the Bank. He joined China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited
      成績。2009年,他兼任中信集團董事長辦公室的             from Bank of Beijing in 2006 and advanced his banking career in financial
      公司治理和集團項目職務,並協助集團董事長處             markets. In 2009, he took up an additional role in corporate governance
      理日常事務。加入本行前,柏先生為中信銀行董             and projects at the Chairman Office of CITIC Group, assisting the Group’s
      事及監事會辦公室副總經理。柏先生持有天津南             Chairman with business affairs. Prior to joining the Bank, Mr. Bai’s was
      開大學經濟學院經濟學學士學位及北京中國人民             CNCB’s Deputy General Manager of the Office of the Board of Directors and
      大學財政金融學院金融學碩士學位。                       Supervisors. Mr. Bai holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the School
                                                             of Economics at Nankai University in Tianjin and a Master of Finance Degree
                                                             from the School of Finance at Renmin University of China in Beijing.
      李錫生先生                                             Mr. John Lee
      (人事總監)                                             (Chief Personnel Officer)
      於2006年7月加入本行為高級副總裁。李先生現為            Joined the Bank in July 2006 as Senior Vice President. Mr. Lee is now Chief
      本行人事總監,亦為中信國際金融控股有限公司             Personnel Officer of the Bank and Head of Group Human Resources of CITIC
      集團人力資源總監。李先生於渣打銀行服務超過             International Financial Holdings Limited. He started his banking career
      20年,曾任職該行的資訊科技部、零售銀行部、             at Standard Chartered Bank in an information technology function and
      人力資源部及亞太地區合併項目業務等的管理               served for 20 years in various management positions in several business
      層。加入本行之前,李先生於地鐵有限公司(現             and support functions, including consumer banking, human resources,
      稱香港鐵路有限公司)任職人力發展部主管。李             and post-merger integration in Asia Pacific. Before joining the Bank, Mr.
      先生持有加拿大加爾頓大學經濟學學士學位及美             Lee headed the people development function in The Mass Transit Railway
      國奧克拉荷馬市大學工商管理碩士學位。                   Corporation Limited (now known as MTR Corporation Limited). Mr. Lee
                                                             holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Carleton University, Ottawa,
                                                             Canada, and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Oklahoma
                                                             City University, Oklahoma, the United States.
      梁建文先生                                             Mr. Michael Leung
      (資訊科技及營運總監)                                   (Chief Information and Operations Officer)
      於2013年12月加入本行為資訊科技及營運總監,             Joined the Bank in December 2013 as Chief Information and Operations
      負責全面管理本行資訊科技及營運。梁先生擁有             Officer responsible for managing the Bank’s information technology and
      超過30多年資訊科技及營運管理經驗,曾任職於             operations. Mr. Leung has over 30 years of experience in technology and
      多間本地及國際機構,包括美國銀行(亞洲)、              operations management from various local and international organisations
      渣打銀行、道亨銀行、IBM、羅兵咸,以及飛利              including Bank of America (Asia), Standard Chartered Bank, Dao Heng Bank,
      浦電腦及通訊公司。加入本行前,梁先生為中               IBM, Price Waterhouse, and Philips Telecommunication and Data Systems.
      國建設銀行(亞洲)副行長兼資訊科技總監。梁             Before joining the Bank, Mr. Leung was Deputy Chief Executive and Chief
      先生持有香港中文大學電子學學士學位、美國               Information Officer of China Construction Bank (Asia). Mr. Leung holds
      維珍尼亞大學商業管理研究院研究文憑和荷蘭               a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics from The Chinese University of Hong
      Netherlands Universities Foundation工 程 學 碩 士 學   Kong, a Postgraduate Diploma from the Graduate School of Retail Bank
      位。                                                   Management at The University of Virginia in the US, and a Master’s Degree
                                                             in Engineering from Netherlands Universities Foundation.
038   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
高級行政人員簡介                             Biographies of Senior Executives
譚日恭先生                                   Mr. Elton Tam
(財務總監)                                   (Chief Financial Officer)
於2014年12月加入本行為財務總監,同時兼任中   Joined the Bank in December 2014 as Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Tam also
信國際金融控股有限公司集團財務總監。譚先生   serves as Group Chief Financial Officer of CITIC International Financial
擁有逾30年會計及財務管理經驗,加入本行前,   Holdings Limited. Mr. Tam has more than 30 years of experience in
為大新銀行有限公司總經理及集團財務總監,他   accounting and financial management. Prior to joining the Bank, Mr.
亦曾於渣打銀行集團香港、中國大陸及台灣地區   Tam was General Manager and Group Financial Controller of Dah Sing
出任多個高級財務職位,橫跨零售銀行、財資及   Bank, Limited. Before that, he had held various senior finance positions
批發銀行等不同業務範疇。譚先生獲香港大學社   at Standard Chartered Bank Group across different business areas such
會科學學士學位、香港中文大學金融學理學碩士   as consumer banking, treasury and wholesale banking in Hong Kong,
學位、香港城市大學工商管理學博士學位及上海   Mainland China and Taiwan. Mr. Tam graduated from The University of
財經大學經濟學博士學位。他為香港會計師公     Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Social Science Degree, The Chinese University
會、英國特許公認會計師公會和英格蘭及威爾斯   of Hong Kong with a Master of Science Degree in Finance, City University
特許會計師協會資深會員,以及中國註冊會計師   of Hong Kong with a Doctor of Business Administration Degree and
協會、美國註冊會計師協會及加拿大特許專業會   Shanghai University of Finance and Economics with a Doctorate Degree
計師協會會員。                               in Economics. He is a fellow member of Hong Kong Institute of Certified
                                             Public Accountants, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of the
                                             UK and The Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales. He is
                                             also a qualified member of Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
                                             of China, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Chartered
                                             Professional Accountants of Canada.
關建輝先生                                   Mr. David Kwan
(風險管理總監)                               (Chief Risk Officer)
於2009年加入本行為信貸風險管理部主管,並於   Joined the Bank in 2009 as Head of Credit Risk Management and was
2013年兼任副風險管理總監。關先生現為本行風   appointed Deputy Chief Risk Officer in 2013. Mr. Kwan is currently the
險管理總監,負責監控各項主要風險。關先生有   Bank’s Chief Risk Officer responsible for managing all key risks of the Bank.
超過30年銀行業經驗。加入本行之前,關先生為   Mr. Kwan has more than 30 years of banking experience. Prior to joining
荷蘭銀行香港分行亞洲區域風險辦公室企業信貸   the Bank, he was Head of Corporate Credit Risk, Regional Risk Office
風險主管,他亦曾任職於法國巴黎銀行香港分     (Asia) of ABN-AMRO Bank NV (Hong Kong Office). Over the years, he had
行、香港滙豐銀行和荷蘭合作銀行香港分行,於   accumulated a wealth of experience in risk management from a fruitful
銀行界閱歷豐富。關先生在加拿大接受教育,持   career at banking institutions including BNP Paribas Hong Kong, HSBC and
有愛德華王子島大學文學學士學位、達爾豪斯大   Rabobank Hong Kong Branch. Mr. Kwan received his education in Canada.
學工商管理碩士學位、西蒙菲莎大學計算科學深   He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from University of Prince Edward Island,
造文憑,及後更獲英國曼徹斯特都市大學法律學   Master of Business Administration Degree from Dalhousie University and
士學位。                                     Post-baccalaureate Diploma in Computing Science from Simon Fraser
                                             University. He subsequently obtained a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree from
                                             Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.
劉月屏女士                                   Ms. Zoe Lau
(行政總裁辦公室總監)                         (Director of CEO Office)
於2007年8月加入本行為高級副總裁兼財富管理    Joined the Bank in August 2007 as Senior Vice President and Head of Wealth
及策略規劃部主管。劉女士現為本行行政總裁辦   Management & Strategic Planning. Ms. Lau is currently Director of CEO
公室總監,負責協調企業項目和行政總裁相關事   Office of the Bank and is responsible for coordinating various corporate
務,並掌管本行之品牌管理、企業傳訊及投資者   initiatives and activities for the Chief Executive Officer, as well as overseeing
關係。劉女士於主要跨國銀行的信用卡、支付服   the Bank’s brand management, corporate communications and investor
務、財富管理業務及策略規劃方面擁有超過20年   relations. Ms. Lau has over 20 years of experience in the areas of cards,
的資歷,亦曾在加拿大及香港的廣告及市場推廣   payment services, wealth management and strategic planning with major
領域上累積了多年工作經驗。加入本行之前,劉   multinational banks in Hong Kong. Ms. Lau had also worked extensively in
女士為香港美國運通銀行大中華地區業務推廣部   the advertising and marketing industry in Canada and Hong Kong. Before
主管。劉女士持有香港大學社會科學學士學位。   joining the Bank, Ms. Lau was Head of Marketing, Greater China, American
                                             Express Hong Kong. Ms. Lau holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Social Sciences
                                             from The University of Hong Kong.
                                                                                                              二零一六年報       039
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2016
      高級行政人員簡介                              Biographies of Senior Executives
      文月晶女士                                    Ms. Rita Man
      (合規總監)                                    (Chief Compliance Officer)
      於2005年2月加入本行為高級法律顧問。文女士現   Joined the Bank in February 2005 as Senior Counsel. Ms. Man is currently
      為本行合規總監,負責管理本行所有合規事宜。    the Bank’s Chief Compliance Officer and is responsible for managing the
      文女士擁有超過30年法律、合規及銀行經驗。文    overall compliance function in the Bank. Ms. Man has more than 30 years of
      女士曾任職本地一間具規模的銀行為管理培訓      experience in the legal, compliance and banking areas. Ms. Man started her
      生,並在隨後10年時間累積起豐富的銀行經驗。    career as a management trainee in a leading bank in Hong Kong and gained
      其後10年,文女士以私人執業律師身份為多間香    comprehensive banking experience in a span of 10 years. Ms. Man spent
      港及中國內地銀行提供銀行、融資及訴訟等事務    the following 10 years as a lawyer in private practice, offering professional
      的專業法律服務。文女士持有香港中文大學工商    legal service in banking, financing and litigation to various banks in Hong
      管理學士學位、香港大學法學專業證書,和北京    Kong and Mainland China. Ms. Man holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business
      大學的法學學士學位,並擁有香港高等法院接納    Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Postgraduate
      的律師資格。                                  Certificate in Laws from The University of Hong Kong, and a Bachelor’s
                                                    Degree in Laws from Peking University. She was admitted as a solicitor of
                                                    the High Court of Hong Kong.
      丘仲文先生                                    Mr. David Yau
      (稽核總監)                                    (Chief Auditor)
      於2014年11月加入本行為稽核總監。丘先生擁有    Joined the Bank in November 2014 as Chief Auditor of the Bank. Mr. Yau has
      超過20年金融行業經驗。加入本行之前,丘先生    more than 20 years of experience in the finance industry. Before joining the
      為德勤中國金融服務行業企業風險管理合夥人。    Bank, he was a Partner and China National Financial Services Risk Solutions
      他曾於多個國際金融機構擔任高級管理職位,其    Leader for Enterprise Risk Service of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. He had
      中包括富通集團、荷蘭銀行集團、德意志銀行集    held senior management positions with Fortis Group, ABN AMRO Group,
      團、野村國際(香港)有限公司以及美國信孚銀    Deutsche Bank Group, Normura International (Hong Kong) Limited and
      行(香港)。丘先生持有英國曼徹斯特大學經濟學   Bankers Trust Company Hong Kong. Mr. Yau is a Fellow Member of Hong
      學位,並為香港會計師公會、英格蘭及威爾斯特    Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, The Institute of Chartered
      許會計師公會以及澳洲會計師公會資深會員。      Accountants in England & Wales and The Institute of Chartered Accountants
                                                    in Australia. He graduated from The University of Manchester with a
                                                    Bachelor’s Degree in Economics.
040   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
企業資料                       Corporate Information
董事會                         Board of Directors
董事長                         Chairman
孫德順先生                     Mr. Sun Deshun
執行董事                       Executive Directors
張小衛先生(行長兼行政總裁)   Mr. Zhang Xiaowei (President & Chief Executive Officer)
萬紅女士(副行政總裁)         Ms. Margaret Man (Deputy Chief Executive Officer)
簡吳秋玉女士(替任行政總裁)   Mrs. Kan Ng Chau Yuk Helen (Alternate Chief Executive Officer)
非執行董事                     Non-executive Directors
方合英先生                     Mr. Fang Heying
張強先生                       Mr. Zhang Qiang
獨立非執行董事                 Independent Non-executive Directors
湯世生先生                     Mr. Tang Shisheng
曾璟璇女士                     Ms. Tsang King Suen Katherine
王國樑先生                     Mr. Wang Guoliang
武捷思先生                     Mr. Wu Jiesi
審核委員會                     Audit Committee
王國樑先生(主席)             Mr. Wang Guoliang (Chairman)
方合英先生                     Mr. Fang Heying
武捷思先生                     Mr. Wu Jiesi
註冊辦事處                     Registered Office
香港德輔道中61至65號           61-65 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
電話:(852) 3603 6633          Tel: (852) 3603 6633
傳真:(852) 3603 4000          Fax: (852) 3603 4000
www.cncbinternational.com      www.cncbinternational.com
核數師                         Auditor
羅兵咸永道會計師事務所         PricewaterhouseCoopers
                                                                                              二零一六年報     041
                                                                                          Annual Report 2016
      董事會報告書                                       Report of the Directors
      董事會謹將截至2016年12月31日止年度的報告書         The Directors have pleasure in submitting their annual report together with
      及經審核財務報表呈覽。                             the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016.
      主要營業地址                                       Principal place of business
      中信銀行(國際)有限公司(「本行」)為於香港註冊   China CITIC Bank International Limited (the “Bank”) is a licensed bank
      成立的持牌銀行,並以香港為辦事處所在地,其         incorporated and domiciled in Hong Kong and has its registered office at
      註冊辦事處位於香港德輔道中61至65號。除了香         61-65 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. The Bank has branches outside
      港,本行在澳門、開曼群島、新加坡、紐約及洛         Hong Kong and operating in Macau, the Cayman Islands, Singapore, New
      杉磯均設有分行。                                   York and Los Angeles.
      主要業務                                           Principal activities
      本行和各附屬公司(「本集團」)的主要業務是在香     The principal activities of the Bank and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are the
      港提供一般銀行及相關金融服務。本行各主要附         provision of general banking and related financial services, primarily in Hong
      屬公司於2016年12月31日的詳情載於財務報表附         Kong. Particulars of the Bank’s principal subsidiaries as at 31 December 2016
      註21內。                                           are set out in note 21 to the financial statements.
      財務報表                                           Financial statements
      本行及附屬公司截至2016年12月31日止年度的綜         The consolidated profit of the Bank and its subsidiaries for the year ended
      合溢利載於第56頁的綜合收益表內。                   31 December 2016 is set out under the consolidated income statement on
                                                         page 56.
      股息                                               Dividend
      董事會不建議派發截至2016年12月31日止年度末         The Directors do not recommend the payment of any dividend for the year
      期股息(2015年:無)。                             ended 31 December 2016 (2015: Nil).
      股本                                               Share capital
      截至2016年12月31日止年度,本行於2016年1月26        During the year ended 31 December 2016, the Bank issued a total of
      日以每股港幣1元向控股公司中信國際金融控股有        1,800,000,000 ordinary shares at HK$1.00 each to its holding company, CITIC
      限公司發行共1,800,000,000股普通股,有關本行的      International Financial Holdings Limited, on 26 January 2016 (2015: Nil).
      股本詳情可參閱財務報表附註29。                     Details of the share capital of the Bank are set out in note 29 to the financial
      額外權益工具                                       Additional equity instrument
      截至2016年12月31日止年度,本行於2016年9月29        During the year ended 31 December 2016, the Bank priced its
      日為符合《巴塞爾協定三》的500,000,000美元永續      US$500,000,000 Basel III compliant Undated Non-cumulative Subordinated
      型非累積後償額外一級資本證券定價,並簽署具         Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities with the legal binding subscription
      有法律約束力的認購協議(2015年︰無),有關本       agreements signed on 29 September 2016 (2015: Nil). Details of the
      行的額外權益工具詳情可參閱財務報表附註30。         additional equity instrument of the Bank are set out in note 30 of the
                                                         financial statements.
      股票掛鈎協議                                       Equity-linked agreements
      於截至2016年12月31日止年度,本行並無訂立任         For the year ended 31 December 2016, the Bank has not entered into any
      何股票掛鈎協議。                                   equity-linked agreement.
042   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
董事會報告書                                  Report of the Directors
董事                                          Directors
(a) 本行董事                                  (a) Directors of the Bank
截至本報告書日期止,本行董事會成員如下:      As at the date of this report, the Board of Directors of the Bank comprises:
董事長                                        Chairman
孫德順先生                                    Mr. SUN Deshun
執行董事                                      Executive Directors
張小衛先生(行長兼行政總裁)                  Mr. ZHANG Xiaowei (President & Chief Executive Officer)
萬紅女士(副行政總裁)                        Ms. Margaret MAN (Deputy Chief Executive Officer)
簡吳秋玉女士(替任行政總裁)                  Mrs. KAN NG Chau Yuk Helen (Alternate Chief Executive Officer)
非執行董事                                    Non-executive Directors
方合英先生(於2016年3月24日獲委任)           Mr. FANG Heying (appointed on 24 March 2016)
張強先生                                      Mr. ZHANG Qiang
獨立非執行董事                                Independent Non-executive Directors
湯世生先生                                    Mr. TANG Shisheng
曾璟璇女士(於2016年12月1日獲委任)           Ms. TSANG King Suen Katherine (appointed on 1 December 2016)
曾耀強先生                                    Mr. TSANG Yiu Keung Paul
王國樑先生(於2016年8月12日獲委任)           Mr. WANG Guoliang (appointed on 12 August 2016)
武捷思先生                                    Mr. WU Jiesi
根據本行的公司組織章程細則第97條,所有現任    In accordance with Article 97 of the Bank’s Articles of Association, all present
董事須在下屆股東週年大會上依章告退,並可膺    Directors shall retire from office by rotation at the next Annual General
選連任,惟曾耀強先生則除外。                  Meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election save for Mr.
                                              TSANG Yiu Keung Paul as mentioned below.
截至2016年12月31日止年度內及截至本報告書日    During the year ended 31 December 2016 and up to the date of this report,
期止,辭任本行董事職務的人士包括:            there are movements in the Directors of the Bank as follows:
曹國強先生(於2016年3月24日離任非執行董事)   Mr. CAO Guoqiang (resigned as a Non-executive Director on 24 March 2016)
席伯倫先生(於2016年12月1日離任獨立非執行董   Mr. Rafael GIL-TIENDA (resigned as an Independent Non-executive Director
事)                                          on 1 December 2016)
除此之外,曾耀強先生將於2017年4月1日離任獨    Besides, Mr. TSANG Yiu Keung Paul has tendered resignation from the Board
立非執行董事。                                which will take effect from 1 April 2017.
該等本行已離任及即將離任的董事,並沒有與董    All these resigned and to-be resigned Directors of the Bank have no
事會存在任何意見分岐,亦沒有與本行事務相關    disagreement with the Board and nothing relating to the affairs of the Bank
的事宜需要提呈本行股東垂洽。                  needed to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Bank.
                                                                                                               二零一六年報       043
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      董事會報告書                                 Report of the Directors
      (b) 本行附屬公司董事                         (b) Directors of the Bank’s subsidiaries
      截至2016年12月31日止年度內及截至本報告書日   During the year ended 31 December 2016 and up to the date of this report,
      期止,本行董事簡吳秋玉女士,萬紅女士和張小   Mrs. KAN NG Chau Yuk Helen, Ms. Margaret MAN and Mr. ZHANG Xiaowei,
      衛先生,亦擔任本行若干附屬公司的董事。       who are Directors of the Bank, are also directors in certain subsidiaries of the
      截至2016年12月31日止年度內及截至本報告書日   Other directors of the Bank’s subsidiaries during the year ended 31
      期止,本行附屬公司的其他董事包括:高宗澤先   December 2016 and up to the date of this report include Mr. GAO Zongze,
      生、徐賢浩先生、黃致遠先生、姚文松先生、簡   Mr. HSU Hsien Hao Fred, Mr. Roy HUANG, Mr. IU Man Chung Ronald, Mr. KAN
      應添先生、關建輝先生、李錫生先生、梁建文先   Ying Tim, Mr. KWAN Kin Fai David, Mr. LEE Sik Sang John, Mr. LEUNG Kin Man
      生、譚日恭先生和黃文健先生,而本行附屬公司   Michael, Mr. TAM Yat Kung Elton and Mr. WONG Man Kin Jack. Ms. CHAN
      已離任董事亦包括陳詩藹女士和謝國震先生。     Sze Oi Rebecca and Mr. TSE Kwok Chun Jim were ex-directors of the Bank’s
      董事權益                                     Directors’ interests
      本行、其任何控股公司、附屬公司或同系附屬公   No transaction, arrangement and contract of significance in relation to
      司於年終時或本年度內任何時間,概無訂立任何   the Bank’s business to which the Bank, or any of its holding companies,
      就本行的業務而言屬重大,而本行董事及其關連   subsidiaries or fellow subsidiaries was a party, and in which a Director of the
      方亦直接或間接享有重大權益的交易、安排或合   Bank and the Director’s connected party had a material interest, whether
      約。                                         directly or indirectly, subsisted at the end of the year or at any time during
                                                   the year.
      本行、其任何控股公司、附屬公司或同系附屬公   At no time during the year or at the end of the year was the Bank, or any
      司均沒有在本年度內任何時間或年終時訂立任何   of its holding companies, subsidiaries or fellow subsidiaries a party to any
      安排,致使本行董事可透過收購本行或任何其他   arrangement to enable the Directors of the Bank to acquire benefits by
      法人公司的股份或債券而獲益。                 means of the acquisition of shares in, or debentures of, the Bank or any
                                                   other body corporate.
      管理合約                                     Management contracts
      於本年度內,並無訂立與本行全部或任何重大部   No contracts concerning the management and administration of the whole
      分業務的管理及行政相關的合約。               or any substantial part of the business of the Bank were entered into or
                                                   existed during the year.
044   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
 董事會報告書                                  Report of the Directors
 獲准許的彌償條文                              Permitted indemnity provision
 截至2016年12月31日年度內及截至本報告書日期    During the year ended 31 December 2016 and up to the date of this report,
 止,獲准許的彌償條文維持有效並惠及本行董      a permitted indemnity provision for the benefit of the Directors of the Bank is
 事。                                          in force.
 遵守銀行業(披露)規則                        Compliance with Banking (Disclosure) Rules
  截至2016年12月31日止年度的財務報表,已符合   The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 have
《銀行業(披露)規則》內有關的披露條例。       complied with the applicable disclosure provisions of the Banking
                                               (Disclosure) Rules.
 核數師                                        Auditor
 本行截至2016年12月31日止年度之財務報表由羅    The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 have been
 兵咸永道會計師事務所審核,其任期於即將舉行    audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers who retire and, being eligible, offer
 的股東週年大會結束時屆滿,但已表示願意留      themselves for re-appointment as auditor of the Bank upon expiration of
 任。                                          its current term of office at the close of the forthcoming annual general
 承董事會命                                    On behalf of the Board
 張小衛                                        ZHANG Xiaowei
 董事                                          Director
 香港,2017年3月21日                           Hong Kong, 21 March 2017
                                                                                                               二零一六年報      045
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      Independent Auditor’s Report
      Independent Auditor’s Report to the Members of
      China CITIC Bank International Limited
      (incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)
      What we have audited
      We have audited the consolidated financial statements of China CITIC Bank International Limited (the “Bank”) and its subsidiaries (the
      “Group”) set out on pages 56 to 188, which comprise the:
            consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2016;
            consolidated income statement for the year then ended;
            consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year then ended;
            consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year then ended;
            consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended; and
            notes to the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.
      Our opinion
      In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of the Group as at 31
      December 2016, and of its consolidated financial performance and consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with
      Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”) and
      have been properly prepared in compliance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.
      Basis for Opinion
      We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing (“HKSAs”) issued by the HKICPA. Our responsibilities under
      those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements section of our
      We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
      We are independent of the Group in accordance with the HKICPA’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (“the Code”), and we have
      fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.
      Key Audit Matters
      Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated financial
      statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a
      whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
      Key audit matters identified in our audit are summarised as follows:
            Impairment of loans and advances to customers and other accounts; and
            Fair value measurement of financial instruments and impairment of available-for-sale debt securities
046   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
 根據香港會計師公會頒佈的《專業會計師道德守則》以下簡稱「守則」),我們獨立於 貴集團,並已履行守則中的其他專業道德
                                                                                                             二零一六年報     047
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2016
      Independent Auditor’s Report
      Key Audit Matters (continued)
       Impairment of loans and advances to customers and other accounts
       Key Audit Matter                                                         How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter
       Refer to note 19 to the consolidated financial statements                Our audit procedures in relation to impairment on loans and
                                                                                advances to customers and other accounts included the
       A s a t 3 1 D e c e m b er 2 0 1 6 , t he G roup re c orde d a to tal    following:
       impairment allowance of HK$950 million on loans and
       advances, with HK$627 million arising from individual                         Assessing and evaluating management’s controls over
       impairment allowances and HK$323 million arising from                         identification of potential impaired loans, which includes
       collective impairment allowances.                                             ad-hoc and periodic loan account reviews, post-draw
                                                                                     down monitoring and an early alert mechanism;
       In addition, the Group recorded individual impairment
       allowances of HK$147 million on other accounts resulting                      For individual impairment allowances of loans and
       from failure in settlement of expired or unwinding derivative                 advances to customers and other accounts, on a sample
       transactions with customers.                                                  basis, assessing management’s estimation of recoverable
                                                                                     cash flows, which included validation of collateral
       We focused on the impairment of loans and advances to                         valuation supportable evidence and the basis for the
       customers and other accounts due to the materiality of                        estimation of sources of recoverable cash flows;
       the balances and because the impairment calculations are
       inherently subject to management’s judgement.                                For collective impairment allowance, evaluating
                                                                                     the consistency in the application of the collective
       In determining individual impairment allowances, management                   impairment assessment model and the key parameters,
       made judgements as to whether there is objective evidence                     evaluating the management judgement applied in
       that individually significant loans or other accounts are impaired.           determining the assumptions used in the key individual
       This involved management’s assessment of borrowers’ financial               parameters, including macro-economic factors, periods
       situation. When management determined that objective evidence                 of historical loss rates and loss emergence periods used.
       of impairment existed, an individual impairment allowance was                 In addition, testing the completeness of underlying
       calculated based on management’s best estimate of the shortfall              loan data and validating extraction of data for collective
       in expected recoverable cash flows, which may include an                      impairment allowance calculations via reperformance.
       estimation of the net realisable value of any underlying collateral or
       guarantees.                                                              Based on the procedures we performed, we found that the
                                                                                Management’s key judgements used in assessing the existence
       In determining collective impairment allowances,                         of impairment indicators and the key assumptions adopted
       management used models based on historical loss experience               in estimating the impairment allowances required were
       and current economic conditions. Judgements are made                     supported with the evidence we gathered and consistent with
       in grouping portfolios of loans of similar nature and in                 our expectation.
       determining the required input parameters to the models,
       including the selection of macro-economic factors, period of
       historical loss rates and loss emergence periods.
048   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
關鍵審計事項                                           我們的審計如何處理關鍵審計事項
請參閱合併財務報表附註19。                             針對貸款、客戶墊款及其他賬項的減值,我們執行了以下
 於2016年12月31日, 貴集團對貸款及墊款的減值準備共
 計9.5億港元,包括個別減值準備6.27億港元和綜合減值準       評估和評價了管理層對潛在減值貸款識別的有關控
 備3.23億港元。                                            制,包括特殊及定期審閱、支取後監測及早期預警機
 賬項, 貴集團計提個別減值準備1.47億港元。                針對貸款、客戶墊款及其他賬項的個別減值準備,評
 由於餘額重大且減值計算依靠管理層的主觀判斷,我們重        品估值的支持性證據及可收回現金流量來源的估計基
 點關注了貸款、客戶墊款及其他賬項的減值。                  礎;
 確定個別減值準備時,管理層對是否存在客觀證據證明單        評價應用的綜合減值準備模型和重要單獨變數的一致
 項金額重大貸款和其他賬項已發生減值進行了判斷,包括        性,評價管理層對確定重要單獨變數假設的判斷,包
 對借款人財務狀況的評估。當管理層確定存在客觀證據證        括宏觀經濟因素,使用過往損失率的期間及顯現期,
 明減值已發生,則根據管理層對預計可收回現金流量減少        並測試綜合減值準備計算使用的相關數據及數據提取
 額的最佳估計計算個別減值準備,包括對相關抵押品或擔        的準確性。
 確定綜合減值準備時,管理層對模型的使用基於過往損失    用的重大判斷及評估減值準備所需的關鍵假設有據可依,
 經驗及當前經濟情況。須運用判斷劃分相似性質的貸款組    且符合我們的預期。
                                                                                                二零一六年報     049
                                                                                            Annual Report 2016
      Independent Auditor’s Report
      Key Audit Matters (continued)
       Fair Value measurement of financial instruments and impairments of available-for-sale debt securities
       Key Audit Matter                                                          How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter
       Refer to note 36 to the consolidated financial statements                 Our audit procedures in relation to fair value measurement
                                                                                 of level 2 and level 3 financial instruments and impairment of
       The Group has recorded HK$63,786 million of financial assets              available-for-sale debt securities included the following:
       and HK$3,996 million of financial liabilities measured at fair value
       as at 31 December 2016, amongst which, aggregated amount                       Evaluating the appropriateness of management’s selection
       of HK$25,102 million and HK$3,996 million financial assets and                 of the valuation models for determining the fair values for
       financial liabilities were classified as level 2 or level 3 in the fair        different types of financial instruments;
       value hierarchy respectively.
                                                                                      Assessing and evaluating the controls over key treasury
       We focused on the fair value measurement of the financial                      reconciliations, standing data maintenance over the market
       instruments classified as level 2 and level 3 in the fair value                data and parameters input to the valuation models;
       hierarchy since their valuations were based on models which
       involved management’s judgements.                                             Assessing and evaluating management’s key assumptions
                                                                                      and judgement, such as discount rates, bond prices,
       In particular, judgements were involved in determining the                     exchange rates and credit spreads applied in the valuation
       appropriate valuation techniques for the specific types of financial           models based on our industry knowledge and market
       instrument and selection of appropriate valuation inputs including             practice;
       discount rates, bond prices, exchange rates and credit spreads.
                                                                                      Developing our own expectation of independent valuation,
       We also focused on the impairment assessment for available-                    on a sample basis, over selected financial instruments and
       for-sale debt securities. The cumulative loss that had been                    compared against management’s results;
       recognised in the investment revaluation reserve is reclassified
       to the income statement when there is objective evidence                       Testing, on a sample basis, the appropriateness of
       that an available-for-sale debt security is impaired. Judgement                classification of level 2 and level 3 financial instruments;
       is required in determining whether an objective indicator
       of impairment exists for a particular security which included                  Evaluating the appropriateness of key valuation
       management’s assessment of the financial soundness of the                     adjustments applied by management and validating the
       issuer and economic conditions that correlate with defaults                    computation of such key valuation adjustments;
       on the security. For the year ended 31 December 2016, the
       Group did not record any impairment loss on its investment in                  Assessing key judgements applied in impairment
       available-for-sale debt securities.                                            assessment of available-for-sale debt securities, including
                                                                                      challenging management’s assessment of the financial
                                                                                      soundness of issuers and quality of the debt securities
                                                                                      based on our industry knowledge and market practice.
                                                                                 Based on the procedures we performed, we found that the
                                                                                 data, parameters and methodologies used in the Management’s
                                                                                 fair value measurement level 2 and 3 financial instruments and
                                                                                 impairment assessment for available-for-sale debt securities are
                                                                                 supported by the evidence that we gathered.
050   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
關鍵審計事項                                              我們的審計如何處理關鍵審計事項
請參閱合併財務報表附註36。                                針對公允價值層級為第2層級及第3層級的金融工具及金融
於2016年12月31日, 貴集團以公允價值計量的金融資產與
金融負債分別為637.86億港元及39.96億港元,其中分類為公允       評價了管理層為測定不同類型金融工具的公允價值,
價值層級的第2層級及第3層級的金融資產及金融負債分別為          而選取的估值模型的適當性;
我們重點關注了分類為公允價值層級第2層級及第3層級的金          使用的市場數據及輸入變數的常備數據維護。
管理層判斷。                                                  基於我們的行業知識和市場慣例,評估和評價了管理
尤其當判斷涉及確定特定類型金融工具的適當的估值技術及          券價格、匯率及信用差額等;
時。                                                          抽樣選取金融工具,形成我們的獨立估值,並與管理
證據顯示可供出售債務證券已減值時,已在投資重估儲備            抽樣測試金融工具第2層級及第3層級分類的適當性;
確定是否存在客觀證據證明特定證券已發生減值,包括評            評估管理層所採用關鍵估值調整的適當性,並驗證該
估發行人的經濟穩健性和可能造成債券違約的經濟情況。            等關鍵估值調整;
截至2016年12月31日止年度, 貴集團未對可供出售債務
證券的投資確認減值損失。                                      對可供出售債務證券的減值評估應用的重要判斷進行
                                                                                                   二零一六年報     051
                                                                                               Annual Report 2016
      Independent Auditor’s Report
      Other Information
      The directors of the Bank are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises all of the information included in the
      annual report other than the consolidated financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
      Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance
      conclusion thereon.
      In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so,
      consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements or our knowledge obtained in
      the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
      If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to
      report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
      Responsibilities of Directors and Audit Committee for the Consolidated Financial Statements
      The directors of the Bank are responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view in
      accordance with HKFRSs issued by the HKICPA and the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, and for such internal control as the directors
      determine is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether
      due to fraud or error.
      In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the directors are responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to continue as a going
      concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors
      either intend to liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
      The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.
      Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
      Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material
      misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. We report our opinion solely to
      you, as a body, in accordance with Section 405 of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and for no other purpose. We do not assume
      responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report. Reasonable assurance is a high level of
      assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with HKSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it
      exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be
      expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.
      As part of an audit in accordance with HKSAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the
      audit. We also:
            Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design
            and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
            basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from
            error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
052   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
在擬備綜合財務報表時,董事負責評估 貴集團持續經營的能力,並在適用情況下披露與持續經營有關的事項,以及使用持續
經營為會計基礎,除非董事有意將 貴集團清盤或停止經營,或別無其他實際的替代方案。
審核委員會須負責監督 貴集團的財務報告過程。
核數師報告。我們僅向 閣下(作為整體)按照香港《公司條例》第405條報告,除此之外本報告別無其他目的。我們不會就本報
                                                                                                       二零一六年報     053
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2016
      Independent Auditor’s Report
      Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
            Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
            circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control.
            Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures
            made by the directors.
            Conclude on the appropriateness of the directors’ use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence
            obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability
            to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s
            report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our
            opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or
            conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern.
            Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures, and
            whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair
            Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group
            to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of
            the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
      We communicate with Audit Committee regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit
      findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
      We also provide Audit Committee with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence,
      and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and
      where applicable, related safeguards.
      From the matters communicated with Audit Committee, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the
      consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s
      report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that
      a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to
      outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
      The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is Ng Wai Ying.
      Certified Public Accountants
      Hong Kong, 21 March 2017
054   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
     了解與審計相關的內部控制,以設計適當的審計程序,但目的並非對 貴集團內部控制的有效性發表意見。
     定性,從而可能導致對 貴集團的持續經營能力產生重大疑慮。如果我們認為存在重大不確定性,則有必要在核數師報
     基於核數師報告日止所取得的審計憑證。然而,未來事項或情況可能導致 貴集團不能持續經營。
     就 貴集團內實體或業務活動的財務信息獲取充足、適當的審計憑證,以便對綜合財務報表發表意見。我們負責 貴集
                                                                                                    二零一六年報     055
                                                                                                Annual Report 2016
      綜合收益表                                                        Consolidated Income Statement
      截至2016年12月31日止年度(以港幣為單位)                          For the year ended 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars)
                                                                                                               附註           港幣千元          港幣千元
                                                                                                               Note            HK$’000           HK$’000
      利息收入                                 Interest income                                                 4(a)          7,061,528          6,568,868
      利息支出                                 Interest expense                                                4(b)          (2,932,702)        (3,148,559)
      淨利息收入                               Net interest income                                                           4,128,826          3,420,309
      費用及佣金收入                           Fee and commission income                                                     1,571,349          1,124,194
      費用及佣金支出                           Fee and commission expense                                                       (75,114)          (55,779)
      淨費用及佣金收入                         Net fee and commission income                                     5           1,496,235          1,068,415
      淨交易收入                               Net trading income                                                6              617,530         1,231,547
      淨對沖收益                               Net hedging gain                                                  7                   126
      出售可供出售證券淨收益                   Net gain on disposal of available-for-sale securities             8              129,729            59,715
      其他經營收入                             Other operating income                                            9               40,380            50,028
      經營收入                                 Operating income                                                              6,412,826          5,831,013
      經營支出                                 Operating expenses                                               10           (2,816,189)        (2,564,206)
      扣除減值準備前的經營溢利                 Operating profit before impairment                                            3,596,637          3,266,807
      貸款及墊款及其他賬項                     Impairment losses on loans and advances and
    減值虧損                                 other accounts                                                 12             (552,959)         (667,677)
      經營溢利                                 Operating profit                                                              3,043,678          2,599,130
      出售物業及設備淨                         Net gain/(loss) on disposal of property
    收益╱(虧損)                           and equipment                                                                        15             (730)
      投資物業重估收益                         Revaluation gain on investment properties                        22                 9,546            3,046
      稅前溢利                                 Profit before taxation                                                        3,053,239          2,601,446
      所得稅                                   Income tax                                                       13             (504,998)         (433,239)
      本年度溢利                               Profit for the year                                                           2,548,241          2,168,207
      歸屬於股東的溢利                         Profit attributable to shareholders                                           2,548,241          2,168,207
      第61頁到第188頁的附註屬本財務報表一部份。                         The notes on pages 61 to 188 form part of these financial statements.
056   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
綜合全面收益表                                             Consolidated Statement of
                                                           Comprehensive Income
截至2016年12月31日止年度(以港幣為單位)                   For the year ended 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars)
                                                                                                  附註           港幣千元          港幣千元
                                                                                                  Note            HK$’000           HK$’000
本年度溢利                        Profit for the year                                                           2,548,241          2,168,207
本年度其他全面收益                Other comprehensive income for the year
其後可能重新分類至收益表:        Items that may be reclassified subsequently to
                                    income statement:
換算海外附屬子公司的財務報表的    Exchange differences on translation of financial
  匯兌差額                          statements of overseas subsidiaries                                            (93,590)           (98,176)
現金流量對沖                      Cash flow hedges
  -年內確認對沖工具公允價值的      – effective portion of changes in fair value of
      變動                                  hedging instruments recognised during the year                            1,279                 –
  -轉自遞延稅項                    – transfer from deferred tax                                                      (211)                –
                                                                                                                      1,068                 –
可供出售證券                      Available-for-sale securities
  -公允價值的變動                  – change in fair value                                                         58,846            (58,804)
  -出售時來自收益表                – transfer from income statement on disposal                                 (121,883)           (58,110)
  -轉至遞延稅項                    – transfer to deferred tax                                                     12,780            18,306
                                                                                                                   (50,257)           (98,608)
本年度其他全面收益                Other comprehensive income for the year                                         (142,779)         (196,784)
本年度全面收益總額                Total comprehensive income for the year                                       2,405,462          1,971,423
歸屬於股東的全面收益總額          Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                    shareholders                                                                2,405,462          1,971,423
第61頁到第188頁的附註屬本財務報表一部份。                  The notes on pages 61 to 188 form part of these financial statements.
                                                                                                                               二零一六年報      057
                                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      綜合財務狀況表                                                  Consolidated Statement of
                                                                      Financial Position
      於2016年12月31日(以港幣為單位)                                At 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars)
                                                                                                             附註           港幣千元           港幣千元
                                                                                                             Note           HK$’000             HK$’000
      資產                                     ASSETS
      現金及在銀行、中央銀行及                 Cash and balances with banks, central banks and
    其他金融機構的結存                        other financial institutions                                16          27,540,433           20,322,734
      在銀行、中央銀行及其他                   Placements with and advances to banks,
    金融機構的存款及墊款                      central banks and other financial institutions              17         22,889,713            30,390,640
      交易用途資產                             Trading assets                                                 18          5,581,720             4,277,539
      客戶貸款及墊款及其他賬項                 Loans and advances to customers and other accounts             19        191,286,538           173,479,925
      可供出售證券                             Available-for-sale securities                                  20         58,204,271            53,151,487
      物業及設備                               Property and equipment
        -投資物業                               – Investment properties                                                     138,490            185,944
        -其他物業                               – Other premises                                                            369,479            326,300
        -設備                                   – Equipments                                                                387,907            330,973
      可收回稅項                               Tax recoverable                                              27(a)                 187             33,114
      遞延稅項資產                             Deferred tax assets                                          27(b)              18,217             36,312
      資產總額                                 Total Assets                                                             306,416,955           282,534,968
      負債及權益                               LIABILITIES AND EQUITY
      負債                                     Liabilities
      銀行及其他金融機構的                     Deposits and balances of banks and other
    存款及結存                               financial institutions                                      23           5,256,660             2,658,301
      客戶存款                                 Deposits from customers                                       24         235,574,700           220,683,709
      交易用途負債                             Trading liabilities                                           25           3,996,444             3,555,614
      已發行存款證                             Certificates of deposit issued                                26          10,593,445            10,388,272
      本期稅項                                 Current taxation                                             27(a)           195,405                61,910
      遞延稅項負債                             Deferred tax liabilities                                     27(b)             1,520                 1,717
      其他負債                                 Other liabilities                                                          10,138,928           12,365,023
      債務資本                                 Loan capital                                                   28           8,705,837            8,766,217
      負債總額                                 Total Liabilities                                                        274,462,939           258,480,763
      權益                                     Equity
      股本                                     Share capital                                                 29(a)         9,366,271            7,566,271
      儲備                                     Reserves                                                                   16,414,493           14,177,766
      額外權益工具                             Additional equity instruments                                  30           6,173,252            2,310,168
      權益總額                                 Total Equity                                                               31,954,016           24,054,205
      權益及負債總額                           Total Equity and Liabilities                                             306,416,955           282,534,968
      Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 21 March 2017.
      張小衛                                                          萬紅
      ZHANG Xiaowei                                                   Margaret MAN
      執行董事、行長兼行政總裁                                        執行董事兼副行政總裁
      Executive Director, President and                               Executive Director and
      Chief Executive Officer                                         Deputy Chief Executive Officer
      第61頁到第188頁的附註屬本財務報表一部份。                       The notes on pages 61 to 188 form part of these financial statements.
058   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
綜合權益變動表                                                                                                    Consolidated Statement of
                                                                                                                  Changes in Equity
截至2016年12月31日止年度(以港幣為單位)                                                                          For the year ended 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars)
                                                                                                                    匯兌差額       物業重估     現金流量       投資重估                    法定一般                                     Additional
                                                                                                                         儲備           儲備    對沖儲備            儲備    法定盈餘            儲備                                         equity
                                                                                股本    資本儲備     一般儲備      Exchange         Property    Cash flow    Investment          公積    Regulatory      保留溢利       儲備總額      instruments       權益總額
                                                                               Share      Capital      General    differences    revaluation     hedging     revaluation    Statutory        general     Retained           Total       (附註30)          Total
                                                                              capital     reserve      reserve        reserve        reserve      reserve        reserve      reserve        reserve        profits     reserves          (note 30)        equity
                                                                           港幣千元     港幣千元     港幣千元       港幣千元       港幣千元     港幣千元       港幣千元     港幣千元       港幣千元      港幣千元       港幣千元          港幣千元      港幣千元
                                                                             HK$’000     HK$’000     HK$’000       HK$’000       HK$’000     HK$’000       HK$’000     HK$’000       HK$’000      HK$’000       HK$’000          HK$’000      HK$’000
於2016年1月1日             At 1 January 2016                               7,566,271       6,589      100,000            (622)            55            –       (11,718)     58,943        149,500     13,875,019     14,177,766       2,310,168      24,054,205
截至2016年的權益變動:     Changes in equity for 2016:
本年度溢利                 Profit for the year                                     –           –           –            –              –           –             –           –             –    2,548,241      2,548,241                –     2,548,241
本年度其他全面收益         Other comprehensive income for the year                 –           –           –      (93,590)              –       1,068        (50,257)           –             –            –      (142,779)               –      (142,779)
本年度全面收益總額         Total comprehensive income for the year                 –           –           –      (93,590)              –       1,068        (50,257)           –             –    2,548,241      2,405,462                –     2,405,462
發行及配發股份             Issue and allotment of shares                   1,800,000            –           –             –             –           –             –           –             –             –             –              –     1,800,000
發行額外一級資本證券       Issue of Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities
                              (“AT 1 Capital Securities”)                        –           –           –             –             –           –             –           –             –             –             –     3,863,084       3,863,084
支付額外一級資本證券票息   Distribution payment for
                              AT1 Capital Securities                               –           –           –             –             –           –             –           –             –            –             –       (168,735)       (168,735)
轉自保留溢利               Transfer from retained profits                          –           –           –             –             –           –             –      (5,098)             –     (163,637)      (168,735)        168,735               –
於2016年12月31日           At 31 December 2016                             9,366,271       6,589      100,000        (94,212)             55        1,068        (61,975)     53,845        149,500     16,259,623     16,414,493       6,173,252      31,954,016
於2015年1月1日             At 1 January 2015                               7,566,271        6,589      100,000         97,554             55            –        86,890       55,839        149,500     11,878,483     12,374,910       2,310,168      22,251,349
截至2015年的權益變動:     Changes in equity for 2015:
本年度溢利                 Profit for the year                                     –           –           –             –             –           –             –           –             –     2,168,207      2,168,207               –      2,168,207
本年度其他全面收益         Other comprehensive income for the year                 –           –           –       (98,176)             –           –       (98,608)           –             –             –      (196,784)              –       (196,784)
本年度全面收益總額         Total comprehensive income for the year                 –           –           –       (98,176)             –           –       (98,608)           –             –     2,168,207      1,971,423               –      1,971,423
支付額外一級資本證券票息   Distribution payment for
                             AT1 Capital Securities                                –           –           –             –             –           –             –           –             –             –             –       (168,567)       (168,567)
轉自保留溢利               Transfer from retained profits                          –           –           –             –             –           –             –       3,104              –      (171,671)      (168,567)        168,567               –
於2015年12月31日           At 31 December 2015                             7,566,271        6,589      100,000           (622)            55            –       (11,718)      58,943        149,500     13,875,019     14,177,766       2,310,168      24,054,205
第61頁到第188頁的附註屬本財務報表一部份。                                                                         The notes on pages 61 to 188 form part of these financial statements.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Annual Report 2016
      綜合現金流量表                                                    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
      截至2016年12月31日止年度(以港幣為單位)                          For the year ended 31 December 2016 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars)
                                                                                                               附註           港幣千元           港幣千元
                                                                                                               Note           HK$’000             HK$’000
      用於經營業務的現金淨額                   Net cash flow used in operating activities                      32(a)         (1,988,285)        (10,065,266)
      來自╱(用於)投資業務的                 Cash flow generated from/(used in)
    現金流量                                 investing activities
    已收權益證券股息                         Dividends received from equity securities                                         6,098              6,294
    購入物業及設備                           Purchase of property and equipment                                            (193,912)          (118,486)
    出售物業及設備所得款項                   Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment                                    100
      用於投資業務的現金淨額                   Net cash used in investing activities                                           (187,714)          (112,129)
      來自╱(用於)融資業務的                 Cash flow generated from/(used in)
    現金流量                                 financing activities
    發行股票所得款項                         Proceeds from shares issued                                                 1,800,000                    –
    發行額外一級資本證券所得款項             Proceeds from Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities issued                   3,863,084                    –
    支付額外一級資本證券票息                 Distribution paid on Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities                     (168,735)          (168,567)
    支付債務資本利息                         Interest paid on loan capital                                                 (496,495)          (496,115)
      來自╱(用於)融資業務的                 Net cash generated from/(used in)
    現金淨額                                 financing activities                                                        4,997,854            (664,682)
      現金及現金等值增加╱(減少)淨額         Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                          2,821,855          (10,842,077)
      於1月1日的現金及現金等值項目             Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                                       51,695,416          62,537,493
      於12月31日的現金及現金等值項目 Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December                                 32(b)         54,517,271          51,695,416
      第61頁到第188頁的附註屬本財務報表一部份。                         The notes on pages 61 to 188 form part of these financial statements.
060   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                        Notes to the Financial Statements
(除特別列明外,均以港幣為單位)                    (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise indicated)
1      主要業務                                     1     General information
       中信銀行(國際)有限公司(「本行」)及其附         The principal activities of China CITIC Bank International Limited (“the
       屬公司(以下統稱「本集團」)的主要業務是           Bank”) and its subsidiaries (together referred to as “the Group”), which
       提供銀行及相關金融服務。這些業務對本集             materially affect the results or comprise the assets and liabilities of the
       團的業績或資產及負債具有重大影響。                 Group, are the provision of banking and related financial services.
       中信銀行(國際)有限公司為於香港註冊成             China CITIC Bank International Limited is a licensed bank incorporated
       立的持牌銀行,並以香港為辦事處所在地,             and domiciled in Hong Kong, and has its registered office at 61-65 Des
       其註冊辦事處位於香港德輔道中61-65號。              Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
2      主要會計政策                                 2     Significant accounting policies
       這些綜合財務報表編製採用的主要會計政策             The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these
       載列如下。除非另有說明,這些政策適用於             consolidated financial statements are set out below. These policies
       所有的年份。                                       have been continuously applied to all the years presented, unless
                                                          otherwise stated.
 (a)   合規聲明                                     (a)   Statement of compliance
       本綜合財務報表是根據香港會計師公會頒               These consolidated financial statements of the Group have been
       佈,所有適用的《香港財務報告準則》(包括           prepared in accordance with all applicable Hong Kong Financial
       所有適用的個別香港財務報告準則、《香港             Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”), which includes all applicable
       會計準則》及詮釋)、香港一般採用的會計             individual Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, Hong Kong
       原則編製而成。本集團採納的主要會計政策             Accounting Standards (“HKASs”), Interpretations issued by the
       簡列如下。                                         Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“HKICPA”) and
                                                          accounting principles generally accepted in Hong Kong. A summary
                                                          of the significant accounting policies adopted by the Group is set out
       香港會計師公會頒佈數項新增及經修訂的香             The HKICPA has issued certain new and revised HKFRSs that are first
       港財務報告準則,並可於本年度本集團及               effective or available for early adoption for the current accounting
       本行的會計期首次生效或被提早採納。在與             period of the Group and the Bank. Note 3 (a) provides information
       本集團有關的範圍內初次應用這些新訂的準             on any changes in accounting policies resulting from the initial
       則所引致當前和以往會計期間的會計政策變             application of these developments to the extent that they are relevant
       更,已於本財務報表內反映,有關資料載列             to the Group for the current and prior accounting periods reflected in
       於附註3(a)。                                       these financial statements.
                                                                                                                     二零一六年報       061
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                    Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                        2     Significant Accounting Policies (continued)
      (b)   財務報表編製基礎                          (b)   Basis of preparation
            除了以下資產與負債項目以公允價值列賬            The measurement basis used in the preparation of the consolidated
            外,編製財務報表時是以歷史成本作為計量          financial statements is the historical cost basis, except that the
            基礎。有關詳情已載列於下列會計政策 ︰           following assets and liabilities are stated at their fair value as explained
                                                            in the accounting policies set out below:
            -     劃歸為交易用途、指定為通過損益以         –    financial instruments classified as trading, designated at fair
                   反映公允價值及可供出售的金融工具               value through profit or loss and available-for-sale (see note 2(e)
                 (參閱附註2(e)(ii))                             (ii))
            -   投資物業(參閱附註2(h));                 –    investment property (see note 2(h)).
            管理層在按照香港財務報告準則編製財務報          The preparation of financial statements in conformity with HKFRSs
            表時,需要對會計政策的應用和資產及負            requires that management to make judgements, estimates and
            債、收入及支出的匯報數額等作判斷、估計          assumptions that affect the application of policies and the reported
            及假設從而影響政策實施及資產和負債、及          amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates
            收入與支出之呈報金額。有關估計及假設乃          and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and
            按在既定情況下可合理地相信,根據過往之          various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the
            經驗及其他因素,作出判斷那些未能從其他          circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making the
            來源確定的資產及負債的賬面值。實際結果          judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not
            可能與此等估計不盡相同。                        readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from
                                                            these estimates.
            有關估計及假設須定期作檢討。若修訂只影          The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an
            響該修訂期,會計估計的修訂於該修訂期內          ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in
            確認;或如該修訂影響本期及未來會計期,          the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only
            則於修訂期及未來會計期確認。                    that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the
                                                            revision affects both current and future periods.
            管理層在應用香港財務報告準則時作出對財          Judgements made by management in the application of HKFRSs that
            務報表有重大影響的判斷,以及估計不可確          have a significant effect on the financial statements and major sources
            定因素的主要來源,於附註41討論。                of estimation uncertainty are discussed in note 41.
062   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                     Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                         2     Significant Accounting Policies (continued)
(c)   收入確認                                   (c)   Revenue recognition
      收入按已收或應收價款的公允價值釐定。收           Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received
      入是在經濟效益很可能會流入本集團,以及           or receivable. Provided it is probable that the economic benefits will
      能夠可靠地計量收入和成本(如適用)時,           flow to the Group and the revenue and costs, if applicable, can be
      根據下列方法在收益表內確認 ︰                    measured reliably, revenue is recognised in the income statement as
      (i)   利息收入                                   (i)   Interest income
            所有計息金融工具的利息收入均使用                 Interest income for all interest-bearing financial instruments is
            實際利率法以應計基礎在收益表內確                 recognised in the income statement on an accruals basis using
            認。                                             the effective interest method.
            實際利率法是計算金融資產的攤銷成                 The effective interest method is a method of calculating the
            本及分配有關期間的利息收入的方                   amortised cost of a financial asset and of allocating the interest
            法。按照金融資產的賬面淨值折讓未                 income over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is
            來於金融工具預計有效年期或(如適                 the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments
            用)較短期間內估計付出或取得的現                 or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument
            金值時,所用比率即為實際利率。本                 or, when appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying
            集團在計算實際利率時對現金流量作                 amount of the financial asset. When calculating the effective
            出估計,並且已考慮金融工具的所有                 interest rate, the Group estimates cash flows considering all
            合約條款(如提前還款、認購及類似                 contractual terms of the financial instrument (for example,
            期權),惟並無考慮未來信貸損失。合               prepayment, call and similar options) but does not consider
            約訂約方付出或收取的所有費用(為                 future credit losses. The calculation includes all fees paid or
            實際利率的一部份)、交易成本及所有               received between parties to the contract that are an integral
            其他溢價或折讓,均在計算之列。因                 part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and all other
            住宅物業按揭貸款所支出的現金回贈                 premiums or discounts. Cash rebates granted in relation to
            會被資本化及按其估計期限於損益表                 residential mortgage loans are capitalised and amortised to the
            內攤銷。                                         income statement over their expected life.
            減值貸款的利息是用以折算未來現金                 Interest on impaired loans is recognised using the rate of
            流之利率來確認,以達致計量減值虧                 interest used to discount the future cash flows for the purpose
            損。                                             of measuring the impairment loss.
                                                                                                                  二零一六年報      063
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                       Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                           2     Significant Accounting Policies (continued)
      (c)   收入確認(續)                               (c)   Revenue recognition (continued)
            (ii) 費用及佣金收入                                (ii) Fee and commission income
                 費用及佣金收入在提供相應服務時確                   Fee and commission income is recognised when the
                 認,但如費用是為彌補持續為客戶提                   corresponding service is provided, except where the fee is
                 供服務或承受風險的成本而收取,或                   charged to cover the costs of a continuing service to, or risk
                 費用屬於利息性質則除外。在這些情                   borne for, the customer, or is interest in nature. In these cases,
                 況下,費用在產生成本或承受風險的                   the fee is recognised as income in the accounting period in
                 會計期間確認為收入,或視作利息收                   which the cost or risk is incurred and is accounted for as interest
                 入。                                               income.
                    因本集團創造或購入金融資產而產生                   Origination or commitment fees received/paid by the Group
                    之始創或承擔服務費的收入 ╱ 支出須                 which result in the creation or acquisition of a financial asset
                    根據有效利率遞延及確認。如預計承                   are deferred and recognised as an adjustment to the effective
                    擔不會引致提取貸款,該服務費需按                   interest rate. When a loan commitment is not expected to
                    承擔期限以直線法確認為收入。                       result in the draw-down of a loan, loan commitment fees are
                                                                       recognised on a straight-line basis over the commitment period.
            (iii)   融資租賃及分期付款合約的財務收入           (iii)   Finance income from finance lease and hire purchase contract
                    融資租賃及分期付款的隱含財務收入                   Finance income implicit in the finance lease and hire purchase
                    按租賃年期確認為利息收入,以令每                   payments is recognised as interest income over the period of
                    個會計期間剩餘的淨投資回報率大致                   the leases so as to produce an approximately constant periodic
                    上相同。因購併融資租賃及分期付款                   rate of return on the outstanding net investment in the leases
                    合約而付交易商之佣金,已包含於資                   for each accounting period. Commission paid to dealers for the
                    產的賬面值及於租賃期內攤銷併入收                   acquisition of finance lease loans or hire purchase contracts is
                    益表,作為對利息收入的調整。                       included in the carrying value of the assets and amortised to
                                                                       the income statement over the expected life of the lease as an
                                                                       adjustment to interest income.
            (iv)    經營租賃的租金收入                         (iv)    Rental income from operating lease
                    經營租賃的租金收入會按租賃年期,                   Rental income received under operating leases is recognised
                    以等額分期確認於收益表內。經營租                   in the income statement in equal instalments over the periods
                    賃協議所涉及的激勵措施均在收益表                   covered by the lease term. Lease incentives granted are
                    內確認為租賃淨收款總額的組成部份。                 recognised in the income statement as an integral part of the
                                                                       aggregate net lease payments receivable.
            (v)     股息收入                                   (v)     Dividend income
                    非上市投資股息收入在股東收取權被                   Dividend income from unlisted investments is recognised
                    確立時才予以確認。上市投資股息收                   when the shareholder’s right to receive payment is established.
                    入則在該投資的股價除息時才被確認。                 Dividend income from listed investments is recognised when
                                                                       the share price of the investment is quoted ex-dividend.
064   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                     Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                         2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(d)   附屬公司                                   (d)   Subsidiaries
      附屬公司是指受本集團控制的實體。當本集           Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group. The Group controls
      團控制實體時,本集團因參與實體、披露及           an entity when it is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its
      有權利取得實體的浮動回報,並且有能力行           involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns
      使權力以影響實體的回報。在評估本集團是           through its power over the entity. When assessing whether the Group
      否具有權力時,只有基本權利(由本集團及           has power, only substantive rights (held by the Group and other
      其他人士持有)會被考慮。                         parties) are considered.
      於附屬公司的投資由控制權開始生效當日起           An investment in a subsidiary is consolidated into the consolidated
      在綜合財務報表中綜合計算,直至控制權終           financial statements from the date that control commences until the
      止期間為止。集團內部的結餘、交易及現金           date that control ceases. Intra-group balances, transactions and cash
      流量,及任何集團內部交易所產生的未實現           flows, and any unrealised profits arising from intra-group transactions
      溢利均於編製綜合財務報表時悉數抵銷。除           are eliminated in full in preparing the consolidated financial
      有證據顯示已出現減值的部份外,集團內部           statements. Unrealised losses resulting from intra-group transactions
      交易產生的未實現虧損的攤銷方法與未實現           are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains, but only to the
      收益相同。                                       extent that there is no evidence of impairment.
      集團的權益變化均列作股權交易,不會導致           Changes in the Group’s interests in a subsidiary that do not result in
      失去附屬公司的控制權,據此在合併資產控           a loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions, whereby
      制和非控制權益的金額作出調整,以反映變           adjustments are made to the amounts of controlling and non-
      化的相對利益,但不調整商譽及確認收益或           controlling interests within consolidated equity to reflect the change
      虧損。                                           in relative interests, but no adjustments are made to goodwill and no
                                                       gain or loss is recognised.
      倘本集團失去附屬公司之控制權,有關交易           When the Group loses control of a subsidiary, it is accounted for as
      將會當作出售有關附屬公司之全部權益入             a disposal of the entire interest in that subsidiary, with a resulting
      賬,而所得盈虧將於損益表中確認入賬。於           gain or loss being recognised in the income statement. Any interest
      失去控制權當日該前附屬公司仍然保留之任           retained in that former subsidiary at the date when control is lost is
      何權益將以公允值確認入賬,而此金額將被           recognised at fair value. The fair value is the initial carrying amount for
      視為聯營,合資,金融資產首次確認之公允           the purposes of subsequently accounting for the retained interest as
      值。此外,在其他綜合收益就實體以前確認           an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any amounts
      的金額將重新分配當作本集團出售有關的資           previously recognised in other comprehensive income in respect of
      產或負債。這種方式意味著,以前在其他綜           the entity are allocated for as if the group had directly disposed of
      合收益確認金額重新分配至當期損益。               related assets or liabilities. This way means that amounts previously
                                                       recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit
                                                       or loss.
      在本行的財務狀況表中,其於附屬公司的             In the Bank’s statement of financial position, an investment in a
      投資是按成本減去減值虧損(如有)(參閱附         subsidiary is stated at cost less impairment losses, if any (see note 2(l)),
      註2(l))後入賬,除非該投資已分類為持有待         unless the investment is classified as held for sale (or included in a
      出售(或已包含在分類為待出售的處置單位           disposal group that is classified as held for sale) (see note 2(s)).
                                                                                                                   二零一六年報       065
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                      Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                          2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (e)   金融工具                                    (e)   Financial instruments
            (i) 首次確認                                      (i)  Initial recognition
                本集團在首次確認金融工具時,是按                   The Group classifies its financial instruments into different
                照購入資產或產生負債的目的而將金                   categories at inception, depending on the purpose for which
                融工具分為不同類別。分類為 ︰ 通過                 the assets were acquired or the liabilities were incurred. The
                損益以反映公允價值、貸款及應收賬                   categories are: fair value through profit or loss, loans and
                項、可供出售證券及其他金融負債。                   receivables, available-for-sale securities and other financial
                   金融工具先以公允價值計量,通常與                  Financial instruments are initially measured at fair value, which
                   交易價相同。如果金融資產或金融負                  will normally be equal to the transaction price plus, in the
                   債不屬於通過損益以反映公允價值,                  case of a financial asset or financial liability not held at fair
                   便需加上直接歸屬於購入金融資產或                  value through profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly
                   發行金融負債的交易成本。通過損益                  attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset or issue
                   以反映公允價值的金融資產及金融負                  of the financial liability. Transaction costs on financial assets
                   債的交易成本將立即支銷。                          and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are
                                                                     expensed immediately.
                   本集團會在成為金融工具合約其中一                  The Group recognises financial assets and financial liabilities
                   方當日確認金融資產及金融負債。以                  on the date it becomes a party to the contractual provisions
                   有規律方式買賣通過損益以反映公允                  of the instrument. A regular way purchase or sale of financial
                   價值的金融資產及負債按交易日會計                  assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss is
                   法予以確認。其他金融資產及負債按                  recognised using trade date accounting. Other financial assets
                   結算日會計法予以確認。通過損益以                  and financial liabilities are recognised using settlement date
                   反映公允價值的金融資產或金融負債                  accounting. From these dates, any gains and losses arising from
                   的公允價值變動產生的任何盈虧由該                  changes in fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities
                   日起記錄。                                        at fair value through profit or loss are recorded.
            (ii)   分類                                       (ii)   Categorisation
                   通過損益以反映公允價值                            Fair value through profit or loss
                   該類別包括持作交易用途的金融資產                  This category comprises financial assets and liabilities held for
                   及金融負債,以及於初始確認時指定                  trading, and those designated at fair value through profit or
                   為通過損益以反映公允價值的金融資                  loss upon initial recognition, but excludes those investments in
                   產及金融負債,惟不包括沒有市場報                  equity instruments that do not have a quoted market price and
                   價及不能可靠計量公允價值的股本工                  whose fair value cannot be reliably measured.
                   交易用途金融工具為主要就交易用途                  Trading financial instruments are financial assets or financial
                   而購入或招致的金融資產或金融負                    liabilities which are acquired or incurred principally for the
                   債,或屬可辨別金融工具組合的一部                  purpose of trading, or are part of a portfolio of identified
                   份,並有證據顯示該組合最近有可短                  financial instruments that are managed together and for which
                   期獲利的模式。不合資格採用對沖會                  there is evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-
                   計法(附註2(g))的衍生工具則計入交                taking. Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting
                   易用途工具。                                      (note 2(g)) are accounted for as trading instruments.
066   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                   Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                       2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(e)   金融工具(續)                           (e)   Financial instruments (continued)
      (ii) 分類(續)                                (ii) Categorisation (continued)
           通過損益以反映公允價值(續)                   Fair value through profit or loss (continued)
           如屬以下情況,本集團可以選擇在初               The Group has the option of designating its financial
           始確認時將金融工具指定為通過損益               instruments at fair value through profit or loss upon initial
           以反映公允價值:                               recognition when:
          -   本集團內部是按公允價值基準管               –    the assets or liabilities are managed, evaluated and
               理、衡量和匯報有關的資產或負                     reported internally on a fair value basis
          -   作出指定後,原應出現的會計錯               –    the designation eliminates or significantly reduces an
               配情況可予消除或明顯減少;                       accounting mismatch which would otherwise arise
          -   有關的資產或負債包括內含衍生               –    the asset or liability contains embedded derivatives that
               工具,而這些衍生工具令原來按                     significantly modify the cash flows that would otherwise
               合約所需的現金流量出現明顯的                     be required under the contract; or
          -   本集團沒有被禁止將嵌入衍生工               –    the separation of the embedded derivatives from the
               具從金融工具內分開。                             financial instrument is not prohibited.
          該類別下的金融資產及金融負債是按                Financial assets and liabilities under this category are carried at
          公允價值列賬。公允價值的變動在有                fair value. Changes in the fair value are included in the income
          關變動產生的期間計入收益表。在出                statement in the period in which they arise. Upon disposal or
          售或購回時,淨銷售所得款項或淨付                repurchase, the difference between the net sale proceeds or the
          款與賬面值之間的差額會計入收益表                net payment and the carrying value is included in the income
          內。                                            statement.
          貸款及應收賬項                                  Loans and receivables
          貸款及應收賬項為具有固定或可確定                Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with
          付款且在活躍市場沒有報價的非衍                  fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
          生金融資產,惟除了(a)本集團擬即時               active market, other than (a) those that the Group intends to
          或於短期內出售而劃歸為持作交易用                sell immediately or in the near term, which are classified as held
          途;(b)本集團於初始確認時已指定為               for trading; (b) those that the Group, upon initial recognition,
          通過損益以反映公允價值或可供出售                designates as being at fair value through profit or loss or as
          者;或(c)本集團可能無法收回其絕大               available-for-sale; or (c) those for which the Group may not
          部份初始投資(因信貸表現惡化而無                recover substantially all of its initial investment, other than
          法收回者除外)則分類為可供出售。                because of credit deterioration, which are classified as available-
          貸款及應收賬項主要包括客戶貸款及                for-sale. Loans and receivables mainly comprise loans and
          墊款和在銀行、中央銀行及其他金融                advances to customers and placements with and advances to
          機構的存款及墊款。                              banks, central banks and other financial institutions.
          貸款及應收賬採用實際利率法,按攤                Loans and receivables are carried at amortised cost using the
          銷成本減去減值虧損(如有)(參閱附              effective interest method, less impairment losses, if any (see
          註2(l))後列賬。                                note 2(l)).
                                                                                                              二零一六年報      067
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                    Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                        2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (e)   金融工具(續)                            (e)   Financial instruments (continued)
            (ii) 分類(續)                                 (ii) Categorisation (continued)
                 可供出售證券                                    Available-for-sale securities
                 可供出售證券是指定為可供出售或並                Available-for-sale securities are non-derivative financial assets
                 無劃歸上述二個中任何一個類別的非                that are designated as available-for-sale or are not classified in
                 衍生金融資產,包括計劃作不定期限                any of the other two categories above. They include financial
                 持有的金融資產,惟可能因應流動資                assets intended to be held for an indefinite period of time but
                 金需求或市場環境變動而出售。                    which may be sold in response to needs for liquidity or changes
                                                                 in the market environment.
                 可供出售證券是按公允價值列賬。除                 Available-for-sale securities are carried at fair value. Unrealised
                 如債務證券的貨幣性項目所引致的減                 gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value are
                 值虧損及外匯盈虧須在收益表確認                   recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated
                 外,因公允價值變動而產生之未實現                 separately in equity, except for impairment losses and foreign
                 收益及虧損於其他全面收益內確認,                 exchange gains and losses on monetary items such as debt
                 並在權益內分開累計。                             securities which are recognised in the income statement.
                 權益證券投資並沒有活躍市場的報                   Investments in equity securities that do not have a quoted
                 價,而其公允價值並不能可靠計量,                 market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be
                 與之有所聯繫的衍生工具須透過交付                 measured reliably, and derivatives that are linked to and must
                 該權益證券而清償,該類權益證券投                 be settled by delivery of such unquoted equity securities, are
                 資按成本減去減值虧損(如有)(參閱               carried at cost less impairment losses, if any (see note 2(l)).
                 倘出售可供出售證券,出售收益或虧                 When the available-for-sale securities are sold, gains or losses
                 損包括淨銷售所得款項與賬面值之間                 on disposal include the difference between the net sale
                 的差額,以及曾經確認為其他全面收                 proceeds and the carrying value, and the accumulated fair
                 益之累計公允價值調整須由權益重新                 value adjustments which are previously recognised in other
                 分類而轉入收益表。                               comprehensive income are reclassified from equity to the
                                                                  income statement.
                 其他金融負債                                     Other financial liabilities
                 除交易用途負債及該等指定為通過損                 Financial liabilities, other than trading liabilities and those
                 益以反映公允價值的金融負債外,金                 designated at fair value through profit or loss, are measured at
                 融負債是採用實際利率法按攤銷成本                 amortised cost using the effective interest method.
068   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                      Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                          2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(e)   金融工具(續)                              (e)   Financial instruments (continued)
      (iii) 公允價值計量原則                            (iii) Fair value measurement principles
            金融工具的公允價值是於結算日根據                  The fair value of financial instruments is based on their quoted
            其市場報價但未扣除將來估計出售的                  market prices at the end of the reporting period without any
            成本計算。金融資產以當時買入價作                  deduction for estimated future selling costs. Financial assets are
            價,而金融負債則以當時賣出價作價。                priced at current bid prices, while financial liabilities are priced
                                                              at current asking prices.
             如並無最新公開成交價,或未能從認                  If there is no publicly available latest traded price nor a quoted
             可證券交易所獲得市場報價或從經                    market price on a recognised stock exchange or a price from a
             紀 ╱ 交易商獲得屬於非通過交易所買                broker/dealer for non-exchange-traded financial instruments,
             賣的金融工具價格,或如市場交投不                  or if the market for them is not active, the fair value of the
             活躍,則此工具的公允價值以估值模                  instrument is estimated using valuation techniques that provide
             式估值,而該估值模式可根據市場實                  a reliable estimate of prices which could be obtained in actual
             際交易提供可靠的估計價格。                        market transactions.
             當採用現金流量折讓價格模式,估計                  Where discounted cash flow techniques are used, estimated
             將來現金流量按管理層的最佳估計及                  future cash flows are based on management’s best estimates
             採用的折現率是在結算日適用於相近                  and the discount rate used is a market rate at the end of the
             工具條款及條件的市場利率計算。當                  reporting period applicable for an instrument with similar terms
             採用其他定價模式,輸入項目是依據                  and conditions. Where other pricing models are used, input is
             結算日的市場價格資料。                            based on market data at the end of the reporting period.
      (iv)   終止確認                                   (iv)   Derecognition
             當從金融資產獲得現金流量的合約權                  A financial asset is derecognised when the contractual rights to
             利屆滿,或當金融資產連同擁有權的                  receive the cash flows from the financial asset expire, or when
             絕大部份風險及回報已被轉移,便會                  the financial asset together with substantially all the risks and
             終止確認金融資產。                                rewards of ownership, have been transferred.
             當合約指定的義務已經履行、取消或                  A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation
             屆滿,便會終止確認金融負債。                      specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled or expired.
      (v)    抵銷                                       (v)    Offsetting
             倘若存在可依法強制執行的權利可抵                  Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net
             銷已確認數額,且有計劃按淨額基準                  amount is reported in the statement of financial position when
             結算或同時變現資產及償付負債,則                  there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised
             金融資產及金融負債可予抵銷,淨額                  amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or
             在財務狀況表內匯報。依法強制執行                  realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. The
             的權利必須不能是或有的未來事件,                  legally enforceable right must not be contingent on future
             必須是在正常業務過程中,而且發生                  events and must be enforceable in the normal course of
             銀行或對手違約或破產等事件。                      business and in the event of default, insolvency or bankruptcy
                                                               of the Bank or the counterpart.
                                                                                                                   二零一六年報      069
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                    Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                        2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (e)   金融工具(續)                            (e)   Financial instruments (continued)
            (vi) 內含衍生工具                               (vi) Embedded derivatives
                 內含衍生工具是一個包括衍生工具及                An embedded derivative is a component of a hybrid (combined)
                 主合約的混合(合併)工具的一部份,              instrument that includes both the derivative and a host
                 這一部份以獨立衍生工具類似的方式                contract, with the effect that some of the cash flows of the
                 改變該合併工具的部份現金流量。當                combined instrument vary in a way similar to a stand-alone
                 (a)內含衍生工具的經濟特質及風險與               derivative. The embedded derivatives are separated from the
                 主合約並無密切關係;及(b)混合(合               host contract and accounted for as a derivative when (a) the
                 併)工具並非以公允價值計量而公允                economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative
                 價值變動在收益表內確認,則內含衍                are not closely related to the host contract; and (b) the hybrid
                 生工具從主合約分開,並入賬列作衍                (combined) instrument is not measured at fair value, with
                 生工具。                                        changes in fair value recognised in the income statement.
                 當內含衍生工具分開,則主合約根據                 When the embedded derivative is separated, the host contract
                 金融工具的會計政策入賬(參閱附註                 is accounted for in accordance with the accounting policies of
                 2(e)(ii))。                                     financial instruments (see note 2(e)(ii)).
      (f)   購回及反向購回交易                        (f)   Repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions
            出售的證券如同時附有在某一較後日期以固          Securities sold subject to a simultaneous agreement to repurchase
            定價格購回這些證券的協議(購回協議),          these securities at a certain later date at a fixed price (repurchase
            會在財務報表內保留,並根據其原有計量原          agreements) are retained in the financial statements and measured in
            則計量。出售所得款項匯報為負債,並以攤          accordance with their original measurement principles. The proceeds
            銷成本列賬。                                    from the sale received are reported as liabilities and are carried at
                                                            amortised cost.
            根據轉售協議(反向購回協議)購買的證券          Securities purchased under agreements to resell (reverse repurchase
            不列作購買證券,且不會在財務狀況表中確          agreements) are reported not as purchases of the securities and
            認,但該支付的價款則被列作應收賬項,並          not recognised on the statement of financial position, but the
            以攤銷成本在財務狀況表內列賬。                  consideration paid is recorded as receivables, and are carried in the
                                                            statement of financial position at amortised cost.
            反向購回協議賺取的利息及購回協議產生的          Interest earned on reverse repurchase agreements and interest
            利息採用實際利率法,在各協議的有效期內          incurred on repurchase agreements are recognised as interest income
            分別確認為利息收入及利息支出。                  or interest expense, respectively, over the life of each agreement, using
                                                            the effective interest rate method.
070   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                    Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                        2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(g)   對沖                                      (g)   Hedging
      對沖會計法確認對沖工具與被對沖項目的公          Hedge accounting recognises the offsetting effects on profit or
      允價值變動對損益構成的抵銷影響。本集團          loss of changes in the fair values of the hedging instrument and
      於開始進行對沖及持續進行對沖時,評估用          the hedged item. The Group assesses and documents whether the
      於對沖交易的金融工具在抵銷與被對沖風險          financial instruments that are used in hedging transactions are highly
      相關的被對沖項目的公允價值或現金流量變          effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of hedged
      動上是否極具效用,並就此制定文件記錄。          items attributable to the hedged risks both at hedge inception and
      當(a)對沖工具到期或售出、終止或行使;或         on an ongoing basis. The Group discontinues hedge accounting
      (b)對沖不再符合對沖會計法的使用條件;或         prospectively when (a) the hedging instrument expires or is sold,
      (c)本集團撤銷對沖關係的指定,本集團將終         terminated or exercised; (b) the hedge no longer meets the criteria for
      止在往後採用對沖會計法。                        hedge accounting; or (c) the Group revokes the designation.
      (i)   公允價值對沖                              (i)   Fair value hedge
            公允價值對沖尋求抵銷已確認資產或                A fair value hedge seeks to offset the risks of changes in the fair
            負債的公允價值變動的風險,該等風                value of a recognised asset or liability that will give rise to a gain
            險將導致損益在收益表內確認。                    or loss being recognised in the income statement.
            對沖工具以公允價值計量,公允價值                The hedging instrument is measured at fair value, with fair value
            變動在收益表內確認。被對沖項目的                changes recognised in the income statement. The carrying
            賬面值按與被對沖風險相關的對沖工                amount of the hedged item is adjusted by the amount of the
            具公允價值變動的數額作出調整。此                changes in fair value of the hedging instrument attributable
            調整在收益表內確認,以抵銷損益對                to the risk being hedged. This adjustment is recognised in the
            對沖工具構成的影響。                            income statement to offset the effect of the gain or loss on the
                                                            hedging instrument.
            當對沖工具到期或被出售、終止或行                When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated or
            使、對沖不再符合對沖會計法的使用                exercised; the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge
            條件或本集團撤銷指定的對沖關係                  accounting; or the Group revokes designation of the hedge
            時,截至當時為止對採用實際利率法                relationship, any adjustment up to that point, to a hedged item
            計量的被對沖項目作出的任何調整,                for which the effective interest rate method is used is amortised
            均在收益表中攤銷(作為該項目在尚                to the income statement as part of the recalculated effective
            餘期限內重新計算的實際利率一部                  interest rate of the item over its remaining life.
                                                                                                                  二零一六年報       071
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                       Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                           2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (g)   對沖(續)                                   (g)   Hedging (continued)
            (ii) 現金流量對沖                                  (ii) Cash flow hedge
                  被指定及符合條件可列為現金流量對                  The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives
                  沖的衍生工具,其公平價值出現變動                  that are designated and qualified as cash flow hedges is
                  的有效對沖部份,將於其他全面收益                  recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated
                  表確認及分別累計於股東權益中列                    separately in equity. Any gain or loss in fair value relating to an
                  賬。任何公平價值損益而屬對沖無效                  ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the income
                  部份即時在收益表中列賬。                          statement.
                    當對沖金融工具到期或售出時,或對                   When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a
                    沖工具不再符合採用對沖會計法的條                   hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any
                    件時,股東權益中的任何累積損益仍                   cumulative gain or loss at that time remains in equity until the
                    會繼續保留在股東權益內,直至預計                   forecast transaction is ultimately recognised in the income
                    進行的交易最終於收益表確認時,始                   statement. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected
                    撥入收益表內。如預計進行的交易預                   to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was recognised in
                    期不會落實進行,其他全面收益內所                   other comprehensive income is immediately reclassified to the
                    列的累積損益將立即撥入收益表內。                   income statement.
            (iii)   對沖效用測試                               (iii)   Hedge effectiveness testing
                    為符合資格實施對沖會計法,在開始                   In order to qualify for hedge accounting, the Group carries out
                    對沖時及預計對沖期內,本集團須進                   prospective effectiveness testing to demonstrate that it expects
                    行效用測試以顯示預期對沖成效極具                   the hedge to be highly effective (prospective effectiveness)
                    效用(預計效用)。在對沖期內,並必                 at the inception of the hedge and throughout its life. Actual
                    須持續顯示有實際效用(追溯效用)。                 effectiveness (retrospective effectiveness) also needs to be
                                                                       demonstrated on an ongoing basis.
                    有關各種對沖關係的文件載有如何評                   The documentation of each hedging relationship sets out how
                    估對沖的效用。本集團採納的對沖效                   the effectiveness of the hedge is assessed. The method which
                    用評估方法將視乎其風險管理策略而                   the Group adopts for assessing hedge effectiveness will depend
                    定。                                               on its risk management strategy.
072   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                                    2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(g)   對沖(續)                                            (g)   Hedging (continued)
      (iii) 對沖效用測試(續)                                    (iii) Hedge effectiveness testing (continued)
            就公允價值對沖關係而言,本集團採                            For fair value hedge relationships, the Group utilises the
            用累計價值抵銷法或進取式分析作為                            cumulative dollar offset method or regressive analysis as
            測試效用的方法。                                            effectiveness testing methodologies.
            就預計效用而言,對沖工具必須被預                            For prospective effectiveness, the hedging instrument must be
            期為在指定對沖期間內,能高度有效                            expected to be highly effective in achieving offsetting changes
            地抵銷被對沖風險的公允價值或現金                            in fair value or cash flows attributable to the hedged risk during
            流量變動。就實際效用而言,公允價                            the period for which the hedge is designated. For actual
            值或現金流量變動抵銷額須介乎80%至                           effectiveness, the changes in fair value or cash flows must offset
            125%之間才被視為有效。                                      each other in the range of 80% to 125% for the hedge to be
                                                                        deemed effective.
(h)   投資物業                                              (h)   Investment properties
      集 團 若 擁 有 或 以 租 約 業 權(參 閱 附 註2(j))         Investment properties are land and/or buildings which are owned or
      持有的土地及 ╱ 或樓宇,以賺取租金收入                      held under a leasehold interest (see note 2(j)) to earn rental income
      及 ╱ 或 作 資 本 增 值 的 目 的, 列 為 投 資 物           and/or for capital appreciation. These include land and buildings held
      業。投資物業包括目前未確定將來用途的土                      for a currently undetermined future use.
      投資物業按公允價值記入財務狀況表中。投                      Investment properties are stated in the statement of financial position
      資物業公允價值的變動,或報廢或出售投資                      at fair value. Any gain or loss arising from a change in fair value or from
      物業所產生的任何收益或虧損均在收益表中                      the retirement or disposal of an investment property is recognised in
      確認。投資物業的租金收入是按照會計政策                      the income statement. Rental income from investment properties is
      第2(c)(iv)項所述方式入賬。                                  accounted for as described in note 2(c)(iv).
      如果本集團以經營租賃持有物業權益以賺取                      When the Group holds a property interest under an operating lease
      租金收入及 ╱ 或為資本增值,有關的權益                      to earn rental income and/or for capital appreciation, the interest is
      會按每項物業的基準劃歸為投資物業。劃                        classified and accounted for as an investment property on a property-
      歸為投資物業的任何物業權益的入賬方式與                      by-property basis. Any such property interest which has been
      以融資租賃(參閱附註2(j)(ii))持有的權益一                  classified as an investment property is accounted for as if it were held
      樣,而其適用的會計政策也跟以融資租賃出                      under a finance lease (see note 2(j)(ii)), and the same accounting
      租的其他投資物業相同。租賃付款的入賬方                      policies are applied to that interest as are applied to other investment
      式載列於附註2(c)(iii)。                                     properties leased under finance leases. Lease payments are accounted
                                                                  for as described in note 2(c)(iii).
                                                                                                                             二零一六年報       073
                                                                                                                         Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
      2      主要會計政策(續)                                2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (i)     其他物業及設備                                   (i)   Other premises and equipment
              這些財務報表是按照香港會計師公會頒佈的                 In preparing these financial statements, advantage has been taken
            《香 港 會 計 準 則》第16號「物 業、 廠 房 及 設         of the transitional provisions set out in paragraph 80A of HKAS 16,
              備」第80A段所載的過渡性條文編製,故並                  Property, plant and equipment, issued by the HKICPA, with the effect
              無在結算日重估在截至1995年9月30日前期                  that other premises which are carried at revalued amounts in financial
              間的財務報表內以重估數額列賬的其他物業                 statements relating to periods ended before 30 September 1995 have
              的公允價值。                                           not been revalued to fair value at the end of the reporting period.
             下列物業及設備項目以成本減累計折舊及減                  The following items of property and equipment are stated at cost less
             值虧損(如有)(參閱附註2(l))列賬 ︰                   accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if any (see note
             -    位於租賃土地上的持作自用之樓宇被                  –    buildings held for own use which are situated on leasehold land
                   列作持有經營租賃(參閱附註2(j)(iii))                   classified as held under operating leases (see note 2(j)(iii))
             -    其他設備項目。                                    –    other items of equipment.
             持有自用物業的重估變動一般計入其他全面                  Changes arising in the revaluation of properties held for own use
             收益內,並在權益中的物業重估儲備內分開                  are generally dealt with in other comprehensive income and are
             累計。                                                  accumulated separately in equity in the property revaluation reserve.
             報廢或出售物業及設備項目所產生的損益以                  Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of an item of
             出售所得淨額與項目的賬面值之間的差額釐                  property and equipment are determined as the difference between
             定,並於報廢或出售當日在收益表內確認。                  the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the item, and
             任何相關的重估盈餘將由重估儲備轉入保留                  are recognised in the income statement on the date of retirement
             溢利,而非重新分類至收益表內。                          or disposal. Any related revaluation surplus is transferred from the
                                                                     revaluation reserve to retained profits and is not reclassified to the
                                                                     income statement.
              物業及設備項目按以下方式在估計可用年期                 Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation of items
              內以直線法計算折舊以沖銷其成本或估值                   of property and equipment, less their estimated residual value, if
            (已扣除估計殘值(如有))︰                             any, using the straight line method over the estimated useful lives as
             -    永久業權土地不予折舊。                            –    Freehold land is not depreciated.
             -    租賃物業列作融資租賃持有按照租約                  –    Leasehold land classified as held under finance leases is
                   剩餘年折舊攤銷。                                        depreciated over the unexpired term of lease.
             -    樓宇 - 以30年以上或土地租賃剩餘年                –    Buildings are depreciated over 30 years or the unexpired terms
                   期兩者中的較短者計算折舊。                              of the land leases, whichever is shorter.
             -    傢俬、固定裝置及設備 - 3至10年。                 –    Furniture, fixtures and equipment are depreciated over a term
                                                                           of 3 to 10 years.
             倘若物業及設備項目部份的可用年期不同,                  Where parts of an item of property and equipment have different
             則項目成本或估值在各部份作出合理分配,                  useful lives, the cost or valuation of the item is allocated on a
             而各部份分開計算折舊。資產的可用年期及                  reasonable basis between the parts, and each part is depreciated
             其餘值(如有)每年作出檢討。                            separately. Both the useful life of an asset and its residual value, if any,
                                                                     are reviewed annually.
074   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                 Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                                     2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(j)   租賃及分期付款合約                                     (j)   Leases and hire purchase contracts
      如果本集團把一項安排(包括一項交易或一                       An arrangement, comprising a transaction or a series of transactions,
      系列交易)確定為在一段商定期間轉讓一項                       is or contains a lease if the Group determines that the arrangement
      或一些特定資產的使用權,以換取一筆或多                       conveys a right to use a specific asset or assets for an agreed period
      筆付款,則這項安排便包含租賃。確定時是                       of time in return for a payment or a series of payments. Such a
      以對有關安排的實質所作評估為準,而不管                       determination is made based on an evaluation of the substance of
      這項安排是否涉及租賃的法律形式。                             the arrangement and applies regardless of whether the arrangement
                                                                   takes the legal form of a lease.
      (i)     租賃資產分類                                         (i)     Classification of leased assets
              本集團承受擁有權帶來的絕大部份風                             Assets that are held by the Group under leases and which
              險及回報的資產租賃列為融資租賃。                             transfer to the Group substantially all the risks and rewards of
              出租人沒有轉移擁有權帶來的絕大部                             ownership are classified as finance leases. Leases which do not
              份風險及報酬的租賃列為經營租賃。                             transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to
                                                                           the lessee are classified as operating leases.
      (ii)    融資租賃                                             (ii)    Finance leases
              在本集團是融資租賃的出租人情況                               Where the Group is a lessor under finance leases, an amount
              下,對在租賃中租出的資產的投資淨                             representing the net investment in the lease is included in
              額視作客戶貸款及墊款,在財務狀況                             the statement of financial position as loans and advances
              表列賬。有融資租賃特徵的分期付款                             to customers. Hire purchase contracts which have the
              合約以同樣方式列作融資租賃。減值                             characteristics of finance leases are accounted for in the same
              虧 損 根 據 附 註2(l)所 載 的 會 計 政 策 入                 manner as finance leases. Impairment losses are accounted for
              賬。                                                         in accordance with the accounting policy as set out in note 2(l).
      (iii)   經營租賃                                             (iii)   Operating leases
              倘若本集團根據經營租賃租出資產,                             Where the Group leases out assets under operating leases,
              則資產根據其性質計入財務狀況表,                             the assets are included in the statement of financial position
              而在適用的情況下,折舊會根據附註                             according to their nature and, where applicable, are depreciated
              2(i)所載的本集團折舊政策計算。減值                           in accordance with the Group’s depreciation policies, as set out in
              虧 損 根 據 附 註2(l)所 載 的 會 計 政 策 入                 note 2(i). Impairment losses are accounted for in accordance with
              賬。經營租賃的收入會根據附註2(c)(iv)                         the accounting policy as set out in note 2(l). Revenue arising from
              所載的本集團收入確認政策確認。                               operating leases is recognised in accordance with the Group’s
                                                                           revenue recognition policies, as set out in note 2(c)(iv).
              如本集團使用根據經營租賃持有的資                             Where the Group has the use of assets held under operating
              產,除非有其他基準更能表示從該等                             leases, payments made under the leases are charged to the
              經營租賃資產獲得利益的模式,否則                             income statement in equal instalments over the accounting
              其租賃支出按該租賃年期相關的會計                             periods covered by the lease term, except where an alternative
              期間以等額分期記入收益表。租賃回                             basis is more representative of the pattern of benefits to be
              贈收入視為淨租賃支出總額的一部                               derived from the leased asset. Lease incentives received are
              份,在收益表內確認。                                         recognised in the income statement as an integral part of the
                                                                           aggregate net lease payments made.
                                                                                                                                二零一六年報      075
                                                                                                                            Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                   Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                       2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (k)   取回抵押資產                             (k)   Repossessed assets
            在收回減值貸款及墊款時,本集團可透過法         In the recovery of impaired loans and advances, the Group may take
            律程序或借款人自願交付而取回持作抵押品         possession of assets held as collateral through court proceedings
            的資產。當本集團再不向借款人追索還款,         or voluntary delivery of possession by the borrowers. Where it is
            並欲轉為透過有秩序的減值資產變現時,則         intended to achieve an orderly realisation of the impaired assets
            取回抵押資產會在「其他資產」下匯報。本         and the Group is no longer seeking repayment from the borrower,
            集團沒有持有取回抵押資產作自用用途。           repossessed assets are reported in “Other assets”. The Group does not
                                                           hold the repossessed assets for its own use.
            取回資產在交易日以有關貸款及墊款的賬面         Repossessed assets are recognised at the lower of the carrying
            值及公允價值減出售成本確認(以較低者為         amount of the related loans and advances and fair value less costs to
            準),不予折舊或攤銷。                         sell at the date of exchange. They are not depreciated or amortised.
            初次分類及其後重新計量引致的減值虧損在         Impairment losses on initial classification and on subsequent
            收益表內確認。                                 remeasurement are recognised in the income statement.
      (l)   資產減值                                 (l)   Impairment of assets
            本集團在每個結算日審閱資產的賬面金額,         The carrying amount of the Group’s assets is reviewed at the end
            以確定是否出現客觀的減值跡象。金融資產         of each reporting period to determine whether there is objective
            減值的客觀跡象包括本集團注意到有關以下         evidence of impairment. Objective evidence that financial assets are
            任何一宗或多宗損失事件的可觀察數據,並         impaired includes observable data that comes to the attention of the
            對能夠可靠地估計的資產的未來現金流量構         Group about one or more of the following loss events which has an
            成影響。                                       impact on the future cash flows of the assets that can be estimated
            -   發行人或借款人出現重大的財務困            –    significant financial difficulty of the issuer or borrower
            -   違反合約,如拖欠利息或本金付款;          –    a breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest
                                                                 or principal payments
            -   借款人很可能面臨破產或其他財務重          –    it becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy
                 組;                                            or other financial reorganisation
            -   技術、市場、經濟或法律環境出現對          –    significant changes in the technological, market, economic or
                 借款人構成負面影響的重大變動;                  legal environment that have an adverse effect on the borrower
            -   金融資產因財務困難而失去活躍市            –    the disappearance of an active market for financial assets
                 場;                                            because of financial difficulties
            -   於權益工具的投資顯著或長期跌至低          –    a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an
                 於成本。                                        investment in an equity instrument below its cost.
            如果出現任何這類跡象,賬面金額便會透過         If any such evidence exists, the carrying amount is reduced to the
            在收益表內列支而減少至估計可收回金額。         estimated recoverable amount by means of a charge to the income
076   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                     Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                         2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(l)   資產減值(續)                             (l)   Impairment of assets (continued)
      減值損失會直接沖銷相應的資產,但就以攤           Impairment losses are written off against the corresponding assets
      銷成本計量的貸款及應收賬項確認的減值損           directly, except for impairment losses recognised in respect of
      失而言,其可收回性被視為可疑,但不是可           loans and receivables whose recovery is considered doubtful but
      能性極低則除外。在這種情況下,減值損失           not remote, which are measured at amortised cost. In this case, the
      會採用準備賬來記錄。當本集團認為收回的           impairment losses are recorded using an allowance account. When
      可能性極低時,被視為不可收回的數額便會           the Group is satisfied that recovery is remote, the amount considered
      直接沖銷貸款及應收賬項,與該借款人 ╱            irrecoverable is written off against loans and receivables directly
      投資有關而在準備賬內持有的任何數額也會           and any amounts held in the allowance account relating to that
      轉回。其後收回早前計入準備賬的數額會在           borrower/investment are reversed. Subsequent recoveries of amounts
      準備賬轉回,準備賬的其他變動和其後收回           previously charged to the allowance account are reversed against
      早前直接沖銷的數額均在收益表內確認。             the allowance account. Other changes in the allowance account and
                                                       subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off directly are
                                                       recognised in the income statement.
      (i)   貸款及應收賬項                             (i)   Loans and receivables
            貸款及應收賬項的減值虧損是以資產                 Impairment losses on loans and receivables are measured as
            賬面值,以及就資產以其原本的實際                 the difference between an asset’s carrying amount and the
            利率(即於首次確認這些資產時計算                 present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the
            的實際利率)用折現方式計算預計的                 asset’s original effective interest rate (i.e. the effective interest
            未來現金流量的現值差額計量。如果                 rate computed at initial recognition of these assets). Receivables
            折現影響並不重大,則短年期應收賬                 with a short duration are not discounted if the effect of
            項不予折現。                                     discounting is immaterial.
            信貸損失準備總額包括兩個組成部                   The total allowance for credit losses consists of two
            份 ︰ 個別減值準備及綜合減值準備。               components: individual impairment allowances and collective
                                                             impairment allowances.
            本集團首先評估客觀減值證據是否個                 The Group first assesses whether objective evidence of
            別存在於個別上重大的金融資產,及                 impairment exists individually for financial assets that are
            個別或整體存在於非個別上重大的金                 individually significant, and individually or collectively for
            融資產。如果本集團確定個別評估金                 financial assets that are not individually significant. If the Group
            融資產(不論是否重大)並無存在減值               determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists
            的客觀證據,則本集團將有相同信貸                 for an individually assessed financial asset, whether significant
            風險特質的金融資產歸類,並作綜合                 or not, it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with
            減值評估。作個別減值評估的資產而                 similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses
            減值損失須持續確認,其減值損失不                 them for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed for
            會包括於綜合減值評估內。                         impairment and for which an impairment loss is or continues
                                                             to be recognised are not included in a collective assessment of
                                                                                                                   二零一六年報       077
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                  Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                      2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (l)   資產減值(續)                          (l)   Impairment of assets (continued)
            (i) 貸款及應收賬項(續)                      (i)  Loans and receivables (continued)
                個別減值準備是根據管理層的最佳估               The individual impairment allowance is based upon
                計,以原本的實際利率折現預計收取               management’s best estimate of the present value of the cash
                的現金流量的現值。在估計這些現金               flows which are expected to be received discounted at the
                流量時,管理層須判斷有關借款人的               original effective interest rate. In estimating these cash flows,
                財政狀況及任何向本集團提供的相關               management makes judgements about the borrower’s financial
                抵押品或擔保的可變現淨值,並須評               situation and the net realisable value of any underlying collateral
                估每宗減值資產的真正價值。                     or guarantees in favour of the Group. Each impaired asset is
                                                               assessed on its own merits.
                 在評估綜合減值準備的需要時,管理               In assessing the need for collective impairment allowances,
                 層採用統計模式及考慮過往趨勢的因               management uses statistical modelling and considers
                 素包括信貸素質、組合規模、集中度               historical trends of factors such as credit quality, portfolio size,
                 及經濟因素。為了估計所需準備,本               concentrations and economic factors. In order to estimate
                 集團根據過往的經驗和現時的經濟情               the required allowance, the Group makes assumptions both
                 況去釐定潛在虧損及輸入變數。                   to define the way the Group models inherent losses and to
                                                                determine the required input parameters, based on historical
                                                                experience and current economic conditions.
                 減值準備的準確性須視乎本集團能否               The accuracy of the impairment allowances the Group makes
                 在個別評估減值準備時準確估計未來               depends on how well the Group can estimate future cash
                 現金流量及在釐定綜合減值準備時所               flows for individually assessed impairment allowances, and
                 採用的推測模式及變數。雖然視乎判               the model assumptions and parameters used in determining
                 斷而定,本集團相信客戶貸款及墊款               collective impairment allowances. While this necessarily
                 減值準備是合理和足夠的。                       involves judgement, the Group believes that the impairment
                                                                allowances on loans and advances to customers are reasonable
                                                                and supportable.
                 任何因估計未來現金流量的金額及時               Any subsequent changes to the amounts and timing of the
                 間上與先前估計的其後轉變,而該轉               expected future cash flows compared to the prior estimates that
                 變是可客觀地與減值後發生的事件有               can be linked objectively to an event occurring after the write-
                 關連,從而導致貸款及墊款減值準備               down, will result in a change in the impairment allowances on
                 亦需改變,該轉變會支銷或存入收益               loans and receivables and be charged or credited to the income
                 表。所回撥的減值虧損以在以往年度               statement. A reversal of impairment losses is limited to the
                 沒有確認任何減值虧損而應已釐定的               loans and receivables’ carrying amount that would have been
                 貸款及應收款賬面金額為限。                     determined had no impairment loss been recognised in prior
                 當再無實際機會收回貸款時,則貸款               When there is no reasonable prospect of recovery, the loan and
                 及相關應收利息將會沖銷。                       the related interest receivables are written off.
                 附有可再議條款的貸款及應收賬項是               Loans and receivables with renegotiated terms are loans that
                 指由於借款人的財務狀況轉差而獲重               have been restructured due to deterioration in the borrower’s
                 新議定比一般情況寬鬆的還款條件的               financial position and where the Group has made concessions
                 貸款及應收賬項。有關部門會對重新               that it would not otherwise consider. Renegotiated loans and
                 議訂條例之貸款及應收賬項作出持續               receivables are subject to ongoing monitoring to determine
                 監察,以決定是否仍存有減值需要或               whether they remain impaired or past due.
078   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                      Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                          2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(l)   資產減值(續)                              (l)   Impairment of assets (continued)
      (ii) 可供出售證券                                 (ii) Available-for-sale securities
           當可供出售證券出現客觀證據顯示已                  When there is objective evidence that an available-for-
           減值時,已直接在投資重估儲備內確                  sale security is impaired, the cumulative loss that had been
           認的累計虧損會被轉入收益表內。在                  recognised in the investment revaluation reserve is reclassified
           收益表內確認的累計虧損金額是購入                  to the income statement. The amount of the cumulative loss
           成本(扣除任何本金還款及攤銷後)與                that is recognised in the income statement is the difference
           現時公允價值之間的差額,再減該資                  between the acquisition cost (net of any principal repayment
           產以往在收益表內確認的任何減值虧                  and amortisation) and current fair value, less any impairment
           損。                                              loss on that asset previously recognised in the income
              如果其後的公允價值增加是可客觀地                  Impairment losses in respect of available-for-sale debt securities
              與確認減值虧損後發生的事件有關                    are reversed if the subsequent increase in fair value can be
              連,則有關可供出售債務證券的減值                  objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment
              虧損會轉回。在這些情況下的減值虧                  loss was recognised. Reversals of impairment losses in such
              損轉回會在收益表內確認。                          circumstances are recognised in the income statement.
              就可供出售股份證券而言,當出現客                  For available-for-sale equity securities, when there is objective
              觀證據顯示有減值時,減值虧損是以                  evidence be observed for an impairment, the impairment
              股份證券的成本及減值資產的公允價                  loss is measured as the difference between the cost of the
              值差額計量。這些減值資產其後的所                  equity securities and the fair value of the impaired asset. All
              有公允價值增加列作重估及在其他全                  subsequent increases in the fair value of the impaired asset are
              面收益內確認,並分別累計於股東權                  treated as a revaluation and recognised in other comprehensive
              益內。此減值虧損將不能在收益表內                  income and accumulated separately in equity, such impairment
              轉回。                                            losses are not reversed through the income statement.
      (iii)   非金融資產                                (iii)   Non-financial assets
              本行在每一結算日檢討內部和外來的                  Internal and external sources of information are reviewed at
              資料,以確定下列資產有否出現減值                  the end of each reporting period to identify indications that
              跡象,或以往確認的減值虧損是否不                  the following assets may be impaired or, an impairment loss
              復存在或有否減少 ︰                               previously recognised no longer exists or may have decreased:
              -   物業及設備(以重估數額列賬的                 –    property and equipment (other than properties carried at
                   物業除外)                                         revalued amounts)
              -   附屬公司及聯營公司投資。                     –    investments in subsidiaries and associates.
                                                                                                                   二零一六年報      079
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                      Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                          2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (l)   資產減值(續)                              (l)   Impairment of assets (continued)
            (iii) 非金融資產(續)                            (iii) Non-financial assets (continued)
                  如果存在任何有關跡象,便會估計資                  If any such indication exists, the asset’s recoverable amount is
                  產的可收回數額。                                  estimated.
                 -    計算可收回數額                               –    Calculation of recoverable amount
                       資產可收回數額是公允價值減出                       The recoverable amount of an asset is the greater of
                       售成本及使用值兩者中的較高                         its fair value less costs of disposal and value in use. In
                       者。在評估使用值時,會採用一                       assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows
                       項當時市場評估貨幣的時間值及                       are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax
                       相對於該資產的風險的稅前折扣                       discount rate that reflects current market assessments of
                       率將預計未來現金流量折現為現                       time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.
                       值。當某資產未能大部份地獨立                       Where an asset does not generate cash inflows largely
                       於其他資產產生現金流量時,其                       independent of those from other assets, the recoverable
                       可收回數額取決於可獨立地產生                       amount is determined for the smallest group of assets
                       現金流量的最小資產組合(即一                       that generates cash inflows independently (i.e. a cash-
                       個現金生產單位)。                                 generating unit).
                 -    確認減值虧損                                 –    Recognition of impairment losses
                       每當資產(或其所屬的現金生產                       An impairment loss is recognised in the income
                       單位)的賬面值高於其可收回數                       statement whenever the carrying amount of an asset, or
                       額時,便會在收益表內確認減值                       the cash-generating unit to which it belongs, exceeds
                       虧損。就現金生產單位確認的減                       its recoverable amount. Impairment losses recognised
                       值虧損先分配以減少任何分配至                       in respect of cash-generating units are allocated first to
                       現金生產單位(或單位組別)的                       reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated
                       商譽的賬面值,然後按比例減少                       to the cash-generating unit (or group of units), and then
                       單位(或單位組別)內其他資產                       to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the
                       的賬面值,惟資產賬面值不會減                       unit (or group of units) on a pro rata basis, except that
                       少至低於其個別公允價值減出售                       the carrying value of an asset is not be reduced below its
                       成本(如可計量)或使用值(如可                     individual fair value less costs of disposal (if measurable),
                       釐定)所得數額。                                   or value in use (if determinable).
                 -    減值損失轉回                                 –    Reversal of impairment losses
                       有關資產,如在用來釐定可收回                       In respect of assets, an impairment loss (except for
                       金額的估計發生有利的變化,則                       impairment on goodwill) is reversed if there has been a
                       減值損失(商譽的減值除外)會                       favourable change in the estimates used to determine the
                       被轉回。                                           recoverable amount.
                       減值損失轉回只局限至該資產的                       A reversal of impairment losses is limited to the asset’s
                       賬面值,猶如該等減值損失從未                       carrying amount that would have been determined
                       在往年被確認。減值損失轉回在                       had no impairment loss been recognised in prior years.
                       該被確認的年度計入收益表內。                       Reversals of impairment losses are credited to the
                                                                          income statement in the year in which the reversals are
080   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                      Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                          2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(l)   資產減值(續)                              (l)   Impairment of assets (continued)
      (iv) 中期財務報告和減值                           (iv) Interim financial reporting and impairment
           本集團為年度首6個月編製符合《香港                 The Group prepares an interim financial report in compliance
           會計準則》第34號「中期財務報告」規                with HKAS 34, Interim financial reporting, in respect of the first
           定的中期財務報告。本集團在中期期                  six months of the year. At the end of the interim period, the
           末採用了在本年度終結時會採用的相                  Group applies the same impairment testing, recognition and
           同減值測試、確認和轉回準則(參閱                  reversal criteria as it would at the end of the year (see notes 2(l)(i)
           附註2(l)(i)至(iii))。                            to (iii)).
(m) 現金等值項目                                  (m) Cash equivalents
    現金等值項目包括短期以及流動性極高的投            Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are
    資,可隨時兌換為已知的現金數額,而價值            readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject
    變動風險並不重大,並在購入後3個月內到             to an insignificant risk of changes in value, having been within three
    期。                                              months of maturity at acquisition.
(n)   僱員福利                                    (n)   Employee benefits
      (i) 僱員福利及界定供款退休計劃供款                (i) Employee benefits and contributions to defined contribution
                                                            retirement plans
             薪金、年度花紅、有薪年假、界定供               Salaries, annual bonuses, paid annual leave, contributions
             款計劃供款及非貨幣性福利成本均列               to defined contribution plans and the cost of non-monetary
             入僱員提供相關服務的年度。如果有               benefits are accrued in the year in which the associated services
             關付款或結算受到遞延,而其影響將               are rendered by employees. Where payment or settlement is
             十分重大,則這些金額將以現值列賬。             deferred and the effect would be material, these amounts are
                                                            stated at their present values.
      (ii)   員工退休計劃                               (ii)   Staff retirement scheme
             本集團設有一項界定供款公積金計劃                  The Group operates a defined contribution provident fund and
             及一項強制性公積金計劃。有關供款                  a Mandatory Provident Fund scheme. Contributions are charged
             在供款到期時計入收益表內。                        to the income statement as and when the contributions fall
(o)   所得稅                                      (o)   Income tax
      本年度所得稅包括本期稅項及遞延稅項資產            Income tax for the year comprises current tax and movements
      和負債的變動。本期稅項及遞延稅項資產和            in deferred tax assets and liabilities. Current tax and movements
      負債的變動在收益表內確認,除非與其他全            in deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised in the income
      面收益或權益項目有關之遞延稅項變動,則            statement except to the extent that they relate to items recognised
      分別在其他全面收益或權益項內確認。                in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, in which case
                                                        the relevant amounts of tax are recognised in other comprehensive
                                                        income or directly in equity respectively.
      本期稅項為本年度應課稅收入按結算日已頒            Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the
      佈或基本上已頒佈的稅率計算的預計應付稅            year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the end of
      項,並已包括往年應付稅項的任何調整。              the reporting period, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of
                                                        previous years.
                                                                                                                    二零一六年報       081
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                   Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                       2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (o)   所得稅(續)                             (o)   Income tax (continued)
            遞延稅項資產及負債是因納稅基礎計算的資         Deferred tax assets and liabilities arise from deductible and taxable
            產及負債與其賬面值之間的差異而分別產生         temporary differences respectively, being the differences between
            的可扣稅及應課稅的暫時性差異。遞延稅項         the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting
            資產也包括尚未使用的稅項虧損及尚未使用         purposes and their tax bases. Deferred tax assets also arise from
            的稅項抵免。                                   unused tax losses and unused tax credits.
            除了某些有限的例外情況外,所有遞延稅項         Apart from certain limited exceptions, all deferred tax liabilities, and all
            負債和所有遞延稅項資產(只限於可用來抵         deferred tax assets to the extent that it is probable that future taxable
            銷日後應課稅溢利的部份)均予確認。可支         profits will be available against which the asset can be utilised, are
            持確認可扣稅暫時性差異所產生的遞延稅項         recognised. Future taxable profits that may support the recognition
            資產的日後應課稅溢利包括因回撥現有應課         of deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences
            稅暫時性差異所產生者,惟該等差異必須與         include those that will arise from the reversal of existing taxable
            同一稅務機關及同一應課稅實體有關,並預         temporary differences, provided those differences relate to the same
            期會在預期回撥可扣稅暫時性差異的同一期         taxation authority and the same taxable entity, and are expected
            間或遞延稅項資產所產生的稅務虧損可向後         to reverse either in the same period as the expected reversal of the
            期或前期結轉的期間內回撥。在釐定現有應         deductible temporary difference or in periods into which a tax loss
            課稅暫時性差異是否支持確認未使用稅務虧         arising from the deferred tax asset can be carried back or forward. The
            損及抵免所產生的遞延稅項資產時,會採用         same criteria are adopted when determining whether existing taxable
            同一準則,即如果差異與同一稅務機關及同         temporary differences support the recognition of deferred tax assets
            一應課稅實體有關,便會計算在內,並預期         arising from unused tax losses and credits; that is, those differences
            會在可動用稅務虧損或抵免的期間內回撥。         are taken into account if they relate to the same taxation authority
                                                           and the same taxable entity, and are expected to reverse in a period,
                                                           or periods, in which the tax loss or credit can be utilised.
            根據會計政策附註2(h),按公允價值列賬的         Where investment properties are carried at their fair value in
            投資物業於報告期內出售,遞延稅項會被確         accordance with the accounting policy set out in note 2(h), the
            認及按照稅率計算該等投資物業的賬面值,         amount of deferred tax recognised is measured using the tax rates
            除非該投資物業是可供折舊和其商業模式目         that would apply on sale of those assets at their carrying value at the
            的是消耗幾乎所有投資物業的經濟利益,而         reporting date unless the property is depreciable and is held within
            不是出售財產。在所有其他情況下,另遞延         a business model whose objective is to consume substantially all of
            稅項是以有關資產及負債賬面值的預期實現         the economic benefits embodied in the property over time, rather
            或結算金額,按結算日已頒佈或基本上已頒         than through sale. In all other cases, the amount of deferred tax
            佈的稅率確認。遞延稅項資產及負債不予折         recognised is measured based on the expected manner of realisation
            現。                                           or settlement of the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities, using
                                                           tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the end of the reporting
                                                           period. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted.
            於每一結算日,本行將檢討有關的遞延稅項         The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at the end of
            資產的賬面值,對不再有足夠的應課稅溢利         each reporting period and is reduced to the extent that it is no longer
            以實現相關稅務利益的部份予以扣減。被扣         probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow the
            減的遞延稅項資產若於將來出現足夠的應課         related tax benefit to be utilised. Any such reduction is reversed to the
            稅溢利時,應予回撥。                           extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be
082   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                   Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                       2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(o)   所得稅(續)                             (o)   Income tax (continued)
      除非集團有權力回撥遞延稅項負債之臨時差         Deferred income tax liabilities are provided on taxable temporary
      額及有很大可能有關臨時差額會於可預期之         differences arising from investment in subsidiaries, except for
      未來回撥,否則源於投資於附屬公司的應課         deferred income tax liability where the timing of the reversal of the
      稅臨時差額需確認為遞延稅項負債。因源於         temporary difference is controlled by the Group and it is probable
      投資於附屬公司所產生的可扣稅之臨時差額         that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable
      則只有很大可能在未來回撥有關臨時差額及         future. Deferred income tax assets are recognised on the deductible
      有足夠應課稅溢利可用作抵銷臨時差額的情         temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries, only to
      況下確認遞延稅項資產。                         the extent that it is probable the temporary difference will reverse in
                                                     the future and there is sufficient taxable profit available against which
                                                     the temporary difference can be utilised.
      因派發股息而產生的額外所得稅在確認支付         Additional income tax that arises from the distribution of dividends
      有關股息的責任時確認。                         is recognised when the liability to pay the related dividends is
      本期稅項及遞延稅項結餘和其變動會分開列         Current tax balances and deferred tax balances, and movements
      示,而且不予抵銷。當本集團有合法權利並         therein, are presented separately from each other and are not offset.
      符合以下附帶條件的情況下,本期和遞延稅         Current tax assets are offset against current tax liabilities, and deferred
      項資產才可分別抵銷本期和遞延稅項負債:         tax assets against deferred tax liabilities if, and only if, the Group
                                                     has the legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against
                                                     current tax liabilities and the following additional conditions are met:
      -   本期稅項資產和負債:本集團計劃按          –    in the case of current tax assets and liabilities, the Group intends
           淨額基準結算,或在實現資產的同時                either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle
           清償負債;或                                    the liability simultaneously; or
      -   遞延稅項資產和負債:這些資產和負          –    in the case of deferred tax assets and liabilities, if they relate to
           債必須與同一稅務機關就以下其中一                income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either:
           -   同一應課稅實體;或                         –    the same taxable entity; or
           -   不同的應課稅實體。這些實體計               –    different taxable entities, which, in each future period
                劃在預期有大額遞延稅項負債需                     in which significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities
                要清償或遞延稅項資產可以收回                     or assets are expected to be settled or recovered,
                的每一未來期間,按淨額基準實                     intend to realise the current tax assets and settle the
                現本期稅項資產和清償本期稅項                     current tax liabilities on a net basis or realise and settle
                負債,或在實現資產的同時清償                     simultaneously.
                                                                                                                二零一六年報       083
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                                 2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (p)   外幣換算                                           (p)   Translation of foreign currencies
            (i) 運作貨幣及呈列貨幣                                   (i)  Functional and presentation currency
                包括在每一個集團個體的財務報表的                          Items included in the financial statements of each of the
                項 目, 都 以 該 個 營 運 地 區 主 要 經 濟               Group’s entities are measured using the currency of the primary
                體 系 所 採 用 之 貨 幣 來 計 量(「運 作 貨              economic environment in which the entity operates (‘the
                幣」)。本綜合財務報表乃以港幣千元                        functional currency’). The consolidated financial statements are
                呈列,而港幣乃本銀行之運作貨幣及                          presented in thousands of units of Hong Kong Dollars (HK$’000),
                本集團之呈列貨幣。                                        which is the Bank’s functional currency and the Group’s
                                                                          presentation currency.
            (ii)   交易及結餘                                        (ii)   Transactions and balances
                   本年度內的外幣交易按交易日的匯率                         Foreign currency transactions during the year are translated
                   換算為港幣。以外幣計算的貨幣資產                         into functional currency at the exchange rates ruling at the
                   與負債則按結算日的匯率換算為港                           transaction dates. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated
                   幣。匯兌盈虧均在收益表確認。                             in foreign currencies are translated into Hong Kong dollars at
                                                                            the exchange rates ruling at the end of the reporting period.
                                                                            Exchange gains and losses are recognised in the income
                   以歷史成本計量的外幣非貨幣資產與                         Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured in terms
                   負債是按交易日的外幣匯率換算為港                         of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated into
                   幣。以外幣為單位並以公允價值列賬                         Hong Kong dollars using the foreign exchange rates ruling
                   的非貨幣資產與負債按計量公允價值                         at the transaction dates. Non-monetary assets and liabilities
                   當日的外幣匯率換算。                                     denominated in foreign currencies that are stated at fair value
                                                                            are translated using the foreign exchange rates ruling at the
                                                                            dates the fair value was measured.
                   有關通過損益以反映公允價值的投資                         Exchange differences relating to investments at fair value
                   及衍生金融工具的匯兌差額,計入指                         through profit or loss and derivative financial instruments are
                   定為通過損益以反映公允價值的交易                         included in gains less losses from trading securities or financial
                   用途證券或金融工具的收益減虧損                           instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss. All
                   中。所有其他有關貨幣項目的匯兌差                         other exchange differences relating to monetary items are
                   額在收益表外幣買賣淨盈虧項下列                           presented as gains less losses from dealing in foreign currencies
                   示。因折算可供出售權益工具而產生                         in the income statement. Differences arising on the translation
                   的差額則於其他全面收益內確認,並                         of available-for-sale equity instruments are recognised in other
                   分別累計在權益之投資重估儲備內。                         comprehensive income and accumulated separately in equity
                                                                            in the investment revaluation reserve.
                   海外企業的業績按交易日的匯率換算                         The results of foreign operations are translated into Hong
                   為港幣。財務狀況表項目則按結算日                         Kong dollars at the exchange rates approximating the
                   的匯率換算。所產生的匯兌差額在其                         foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates of the transactions.
                   他全面收益內確認,並分別累計在權                         Statements of financial position items are translated into Hong
                   益之匯兌儲備內。                                         Kong dollars at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the end of
                                                                            the reporting period. The resulting exchange differences are
                                                                            recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated
                                                                            separately in equity in the exchange reserve.
                   當出售海外企業的出售收益或虧損確                         On disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of
                   認時,與該海外業務相關的累計匯兌                         the exchange differences relating to that foreign operation
                   差額由權益重新分類而轉入收益表。                         is reclassified from equity to the income statement when the
                                                                            profit or loss on disposal is recognised.
084   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                                    2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(q)   財務擔保簽發、準備及或有負債                          (q)   Financial guarantees issued, provisions and contingent liabilities
      (i) 財務擔保簽發                                            (i)  Financial guarantees issued
          財務擔保合約是指當某一指定債務人                             Financial guarantees are contracts that require the issuer (i.e.
          不能根據債務工具的條款支付到期債                             the guarantor) to make specified payments to reimburse the
          務,發行人(即擔保人)須向擔保受益                           beneficiary of the guarantee (the holder) for a loss the holder
          人(持保人)償付有關款項。                                   incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when
                                                                       due in accordance with the terms of a debt instrument.
              本集團簽發給客戶之財務擔保,初始                           Where the Group issues a financial guarantee to customers,
              時按擔保之公允價值確認為遞延收                             the fair value of the guarantee is initially recognised as deferred
              入,列入「其他負債」項下。已簽發的                         income within other liabilities. The fair value of financial
              財務擔保在簽發時之公允價值,如可                           guarantees issued at the time of issuance is determined by
              獲取有關資料,則參照類同服務在正                           reference to fees charged in an arm’s length transaction for
              常交易中所收取的服務費以釐定;否                           similar services when such information is obtainable, or is
              則,則參照貸方提供擔保時的實際利                           otherwise estimated by reference to interest rate differentials
              率與未提供擔保時貸方估計的利率相                           by comparing the actual rates charged by lenders when the
              比較所得的利率差以作出估計,而在                           guarantee is made available with the estimated rates that
              該情況下對此資料作出合理估計。本                           lenders would have charged had the guarantees not been
              行簽發給子公司之財務擔保,則估計                           available, where reliable estimates of such information can
              其擔保之公允價值,分別資本化於附                           be made. Where the Bank issues a financial guarantee to its
              屬公司投資成本,及「其他負債」項下                         subsidiaries, the fair value of the guarantee is estimated and
              之遞延收入內。                                             capitalised as the cost of investment in subsidiaries and deferred
                                                                         income within other liabilities.
               遞延收入按擔保期限於收益表內攤                            The deferred income is amortised in the income statement over
               銷, 確 認 為 財 務 擔 保 簽 發 收 入。 此                the term of the guarantee as income from financial guarantees
               外,如當(a)擔保持保人很可能就擔保                         issued. In addition, provisions are recognised in accordance with
               合約向本集團追索;及(b)向本集團追                         note 2(q)(ii) if and when (a) it becomes probable that the holder
               索的金額預計超過現行就該擔保列入                          of the guarantee will call upon the Group under the guarantee,
             「其他負債」的金額,即初始確認金額                          and (b) the amount of that claim on the Group is expected
               減累計攤銷,會根據附註2(q)(ii)確認準                      to exceed the amount currently carried in other liabilities in
               備。                                                      respect of that guarantee, i.e. the amount initially recognised,
                                                                         less accumulated amortisation.
      (ii)    其他準備及或有負債                                  (ii)   Other provisions and contingent liabilities
              倘若本集團或本行須就已發生的事件                           Provisions are recognised for liabilities of uncertain timing or
              承擔法律或推定義務,而履行該義務                           amount when the Group or the Bank has a legal or constructive
              預期很可能會導致經濟效益外流,並                           obligation arising as a result of a past event. It is probable that
              可作出可靠的估計,便會就該時間或                           an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the
              數額不定的負債計提準備。如果貨幣                           obligation and a reliable estimate can be made. Where the time
              時間價值重大,則按預計履行義務支                           value of money is material, provisions are stated at the present
              出的現值計列準備。                                         value of the expenditure expected to settle the obligation.
              倘若經濟效益外流的可能性不大,或                           Where it is not probable that an outflow of economic benefits
              是無法對有關數額作出可靠的估計,                           will be required or the amount cannot be estimated reliably,
              便會將該義務披露為或有負債;但倘                           the obligation is disclosed as a contingent liability, unless the
              若經濟效益外流的可能性極低則除                             probability of outflow of economic benefits is remote. Possible
              外。須視乎某宗或多宗未來事件是否                           obligations, whose existence will only be confirmed by the
              發生而確定存在與否的潛在義務,亦                           occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more future events, are
              會披露為或有負債;但倘若經濟效益                           also disclosed as contingent liabilities unless the probability of
              外流的可能性極低則除外。                                   outflow of economic benefits is remote.
                                                                                                                             二零一六年報      085
                                                                                                                         Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                        Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                            2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (r)   關聯方                                        (r)   Related parties
            (a) 個人,或與該個人關係密切的家庭成                (a) A person, or a close member of that person’s family, is related to
                員與本集團相關聯,如果該個人:                       the Group if that person:
                  (i)     控制或共同控制本集團;                      (i)     has control or joint control over the Group
                  (ii)    對本集團具有重大影響;或                    (ii)    has significant influence over the Group; or
                  (iii)   是本集團或本集團母公司管理人                (iii)   is a member of the key management personnel of the
                          員的成員。                                          Group or the Group’s parent.
            (b)   如果符合以下條件,則某實體與本集              (b)   An entity is related to the Group if any of the following
                  團相關聯:                                          conditions applies:
                  (i)     該實體與本集團受同一母公司                  (i)     The entity and the Group are members of the same group
                          控制(這意味著任何一方的母公                        (which means that each parent, subsidiary and fellow
                          司、附屬公司以及同級附屬公司                        subsidiary is related to the others)
                  (ii)    某一實體是另一實體的聯營公司                (ii)    One entity is an associate or joint venture of the other
                          或共同控制公司(或是另一實體                        entity (or an associate or joint venture of a member of a
                          所屬集團的一個成員的聯營公司                        group of which the other entity is a member)
                  (iii)   兩家實體都是相同第三方的共同                (iii)   Both entities are joint ventures of the same third party
                  (iv)    某一實體是第三方的共同控制公                (iv)    One entity is a joint venture of a third entity and the other
                          司並且另一實體是該第三方的聯                        entity is an associate of the third entity
                  (v)     該實體是為本集團或與本集團關                (v)     The entity is a post-employment benefit plan for the
                          聯的實體的僱員福利而設的離職                        benefit of employees of either the Group or an entity
                          後福利計劃;                                        related to the Group
                  (vi)    該實體受(a)項所述個人的控制或               (vi)    The entity is controlled or jointly controlled by a person
                          共同控制;                                          identified in (a)
                  (vii) (a)(i)項所述的個人對該實體實施                (vii) A person identified in (a)(i) has significant influence
                        重大影響或是該實體(或其母公                        over the entity or is a member of the key management
                        司)的關鍵管理人員的成員;                          personnel of the entity (or of a parent of the entity).
                  (viii) 該實體或是其集團中一部份之任                 (viii) The entity, or any member of a group of which it is a part,
                         何成員而提供主要管理人員服務                        provides key management personnel services to the
                         予本集團或本集團之母公司。                          Group or to the Group’s parent.
            與個人關係密切的家庭成員是指在他們與實              Close members of the family of a person are those family members
            體交易中可影響,或受該個人影響的家庭成              who may be expected to influence, or be influenced by that person in
            員。                                                their dealings with the entity.
086   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                     Notes to the Financial Statements
2     主要會計政策(續)                         2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
(s)   持有作出售的非流動資產                     (s)   Non-current assets held for sale
      如一項非流動資產(或出售組合)的賬面值           A non-current asset (or disposal group) is classified as held for sale if it
      很有可能透過出售交易而非透過持續使用收           is highly probable that its carrying amount will be recovered through
      回,並且該非流動資產(或出售組合)能按           a sale transaction rather than through continuing use, and the asset (or
      現況出售,則可被分類為持有作出售。出售           disposal group) is available for sale in its present condition. A disposal
      組合是指一組資產於單一交易中一併售出,           group is a group of assets to be disposed of together as a group in a
      而直接與該等資產相關的負債將於交易中轉           single transaction, and liabilities directly associated with those assets
      移。                                             that will be transferred in the transaction.
      當本集團進行一項出售計劃而該計劃牽涉失           When the Group is committed to a sales plan involving loss of control
      去一間附屬公司之控制權時,當附合上述可           of a subsidiary, all the assets and liabilities of that subsidiary are
      被分類為持有作出售條件,該附屬公司之所           classified as held for sale when the above criteria for classification as
      有資產與負債應分類為持作出售,而不論本           held for sale are met, regardless of whether the Group will retain a
      集團於出售後是否保留附屬公司之非控股權           non-controlling interest in the subsidiary after the sale.
    在分類為持有作出售類別前,非流動資產           Immediately before classification as held for sale, the measurement
      (及在出售組合中所有個別的資產及負債)           of the non-current assets (and all individual assets and liabilities
    的計量按重新分類前適用的會計政策作出           in a disposal group) is brought up to date in accordance with
    更新。非流動資產(以下所述之若干資產除         the accounting policies before the classification. Then, on initial
    外)或出售組合在初始分類為持有作出售類         classification as held for sale, and until disposal, the non-current
    別至售出期間,會以其賬面值及公允價值減         assets (except for certain assets as explained below) or disposal
    銷售成本的較低者列賬。在本集團及本行財         groups are recognised at the lower of their carrying amount and fair
    務報表中沒有使用此計量政策的主要項目包         value less costs to sell. The principal exceptions to this measurement
    括遞延稅項資產、因僱員福利所產生的金融         policy so far as the financial statements of the Group and the Bank
    資產(於附屬公司、聯營公司及共同控制公         are concerned are deferred tax assets, assets arising from employee
    司的投資除外)及投資物業。這些資產即使         benefits, financial assets (other than investments in subsidiaries,
    持有作出售,亦會繼續按附註2其他部份所          associates and joint ventures) and investment properties. These assets,
    載的政策計量。                                 even if held for sale, would continue to be measured in accordance
                                                       with the policies set out elsewhere in note 2.
      持有作出售資產因初始分類或以後的重新計           Impairment losses on initial classification as held for sale and on
      量而產生的減值虧損於收益表內確認。只要           subsequent remeasurement while held for sale, are recognised in the
      分類為持有作出售或包括於出售組合的非流           income statement. As long as a non-current asset is classified as held
      動資產則不會計算折舊或攤銷。                     for sale, or is included in a disposal group that is classified as held for
                                                       sale, the non-current asset is not depreciated or amortised.
                                                                                                                   二零一六年報       087
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                              Notes to the Financial Statements
      2     主要會計政策(續)                                  2     Significant accounting policies (continued)
      (t)   分部報告                                            (t)   Segment reporting
            於財務報表中呈列的經營分部及各分部項目                    Operating segments, and the amounts of each segment item
            金額,是根據定期提供予本集團管理委員會                    reported in the financial statements, are identified from the financial
            用於資源分配,以及評核本集團各業務部份                    information provided regularly to the Group’s management
            及區域所在地表現的財務資料辨識出來。                      committee members for the purposes of allocating resources to, and
                                                                      assessing the performance of, the Group’s various lines of business
                                                                      and geographical locations.
            除非分部的經濟特性、在產品和服務性質、                    Individually material operating segments are not aggregated for
            生產程序性質、客戶類別和等級、銷售產                      financial reporting purposes unless the segments have similar
            品和提供服務的方法、及監管環境的性質相                    economic characteristics and are similar in respect of the nature of
            近,個別重大的經營分部不會在財務報表內                    products and services, the nature of production processes, the type
            合計。如它們擁有以上大部份的標準,並且                    or class of customers, the methods used to distribute the products or
            個別上不重大,則可能會被合計。                            provide the services, and the nature of the regulatory environment.
                                                                      Operating segments which are not individually material may be
                                                                      aggregated if they share a majority of these criteria.
      3     會計政策的修訂                                      3     Changes in accounting policies
      (a)   本集團採納新訂和修訂的會計準則                      (a)   New and amended accounting standards adopted by the Group
            香港會計師公會頒佈了數項香港財務報告準                    The HKICPA has issued several amendments to HKFRSs that are first
            則的修改,這些改變於財政年度2016年1月                     effective for the financial year beginning on or after 1 January 2016:
            -   收購合營業務權益之會計處理 - 經修                   –    Accounting for acquisition of interests in joint operations –
                 訂《香港財務報告準則》第11號                               Amendments to HKFRS 11
            -   釐訂可接受的折舊和攤銷方法 - 經修                   –    Clarification of acceptable methods of depreciation and
                 訂《香港會計準則》第16號及《香港會                         amortisation – Amendments to HKAS 16 and HKAS 38
            -   年度改進《香港財務報告準則》2012年                   –    Annual improvements to HKFRSs 2012-2014 cycle, and
            -   披 露 計 劃 - 經 修 訂《香 港 會 計 準 則》         –    Disclosure initiative – amendments to HKAS 1.
            以上在本集團當前會計期間生效的《香港財                    Amendments to HKFRSs or HKASs as stated above effective for the
            務報告準則》或《香港會計準則》的修訂,                    current accounting period of the Group do not have a material impact
            對本集團並無重大影響。                                    on the Group.
            本集團並無採用任何在當前會計期間尚未生                    The Group has not applied any new standards or interpretations not
            效的新準則或詮釋。                                        yet effective for the current accounting period.
088   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                              Notes to the Financial Statements
3      會計政策的修訂(續)                               3       Changes in accounting policies (continued)
(b)    未來會計準則發展,但於截至2016年12月               (b)     Future accounting development but not effective for the year
       31日止年度尚未實施                                         ended 31 December 2016
       截至本財務報表刊發日,香港會計師公會已                     Up to the date of issue of these financial statements, the HKICPA
       頒佈多項修訂、新準則和詮釋,但這些修                       has issued a few amendments and new standards which are not yet
       訂、新準則和詮釋在截至2016年12月31日止                     effective for the year ended 31 December 2016 and which have not
       年度尚未實施,亦沒有在本綜合財務報表內                     been adopted in the consolidated financial statements. These include
       採納。與本集團相關的修訂和準則如下:                       the following which may be relevant to the Group:
                                                                                                                              Effective for
                                                                                                                       accounting periods
                                                                                                                      beginning on or after
       -   《香港財務報告準則》第9號「金融工具」    –       HKFRS 9, ‘Financial instruments’                             2018年1月1日
                                                                                                                             1 January 2018
       -   《香港財務報告準則》第15號「與客戶之間   –       HKFRS 15, ‘Revenue from contracts with customers’            2018年1月1日
              的合同產生的收入」                                                                                             1 January 2018
       -   《香港財務報告準則》第16號「租賃」       –       HKFRS 16, ‘Leases’                                           2019年1月1日
                                                                                                                             1 January 2019
      《香港財務報告準則》第9號「金融工具」                       HKFRS 9, ‘Financial instruments’
    於2014年9月,香港會計師公會頒佈《香港                     In September 2014, the HKICPA issued the final HKFRS 9, Financial
    財務報告準則》第9號「金融工具」終定本,                   Instruments, which is the comprehensive standards to replace HKAS
    此為全面的準則及取代《香港會計準則》第                    39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (“HKAS
    39號「金融工具:確認及計量」,並包括金                    39”), and includes requirements for classification and measurement
    融資產及負債之分類及計量、金融資產減值                    of financial assets and liabilities, impairment of financial assets and
    及對沖會計的規定。                                        hedge accounting.
       金融資產的分類及計量將取決於管理實體的                     The classification and measurement of financial assets will depend
       業務模式及其合約現金流特性,將金融資產                     on the entity’s business model for their management and their
       歸類為攤銷成本、公平價值計入其他全面收                     contractual cash flow characteristics and result in financial assets
       益表或按公允價值計入收益表。金融負債的                     being classified and measured at amortised cost, fair value through
       分類大致維持不變,惟按牽涉實體本身信貸                     other comprehensive income (“FVOCI”) or fair value through profit or
       風險變動引致公允價值損益的負債,將納入                     loss. The classification of financial liabilities is essentially unchanged,
       其他全面收益。                                             except that, for certain liabilities measured at fair value, gains or losses
                                                                  relating to changes in the entity’s own credit risk are to be included in
                                                                  other comprehensive income.
    減值規定適用於按攤銷成本計量及按公允價                    The impairment requirements apply to financial assets measured
    值計入其他全面收益的金融資產、租賃應                      at amortised cost and FVOCI, lease receivables, certain loan
    收賬款、貸款承諾及金融擔保合約。於初                      commitments and financial guarantee contracts. At initial recognition,
    步確認該金融資產時,須對可能於未來12個                    allowance (or provision in the case of commitments and guarantees)
    月內發生的違約事件所產生的預期信貸損                      is required for expected credit losses (“ECL”) resulting from default
    失(「12個月預期信貸損失」)作出準備(或                  events that are possible within the next 12 months (“12 month ECL”).
    為承諾及擔保之撥備)。倘若有關金融工具                    In the event of a significant increase in credit risk, allowance (or
    之信貸風險大幅上升,對其預期年限內所有                    provision) is required for ECL resulting from all possible default events
    可能發生的違約事件而產生的預期貸款損失                    over the expected life of the financial instrument (“lifetime ECL”).
                                                                                                                              二零一六年報       089
                                                                                                                          Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                        Notes to the Financial Statements
      3      會計政策的修訂(續)                         3     Changes in accounting policies (continued)
      (b)     未來會計準則發展,但於截至2016年12月        (b)   Future accounting development but not effective for the year
              31日止年度尚未實施(續)                          ended 31 December 2016 (continued)
            《香港財務報告準則》第9號「金融工具」(續)         HKFRS 9, ‘Financial instruments’ (continued)
              自首次確認入賬後,每個業績報告期均須考            The assessment of whether credit risk has increased significantly
              慮金融工具餘下年限內發生違約的或然率以            since initial recognition is performed for each reporting period by
              評估信貸風險是否大幅上升,而非考慮預期            considering the probability of default occurring over the remaining
              信貸損失的增加。因此,《香港財務報告準            life of the financial instrument, rather than by considering an
              則》第9號「金融工具」對減值之確認及計量           increase in ECL. As a result of the final HKFRS 9, the recognition and
              較《香港會計準則》第39號具備較大前瞻性。          measurement of impairment is intended to be more forward-looking
                                                                than under HKAS 39.
              一般對沖會計法之規定旨在簡化對沖會計              The general hedge accounting requirements aim to simplify hedge
              法,加強其與風險管理策略之聯繫,並允許            accounting, creating a stronger link between it and risk management
              前者可更廣泛應用於對沖工具及風險。此項            strategy and permitting the former to be applied to a greater
              準則並無明確處理宏觀對沖會計策略,宏觀            variety of hedging instruments and risks. The standard does not
              對沖會計策略會在其他項目中予以個別處              explicitly address macro hedge accounting strategies, which are
              理。為消除現有宏觀對沖會計慣例與新訂一            being considered in a separate project. To remove the risk of any
              般對沖會計規定之間出現任何衝突的風險,            conflict between existing macro hedge accounting practice and the
            《香港財務報告準則》第9號包括一項會計政             new general hedge accounting requirements, HKFRS 9 includes an
              策上的選擇,即可以沿用《香港會計準則》            accounting policy choice to remain with HKAS 39 hedge accounting.
             分類、計量及減值之規定於開始實施當日透             The classification and measurement and impairment requirements are
             過調整期初資產負債表之結餘並追溯應用,             applied retrospectively by adjusting the opening balance sheet at the
             且毋須重列比較期間的資料。截至目前之               date of initial application, with no requirement to restate comparative
             分析,本集團預計將繼續選擇採用《香港會             periods. For hedge accounting, based on the analysis performed to
             計準則》第39號對沖會計法,現無意計劃修             date, the Group expects to exercise the accounting policy choice to
             改。惟基於《香港財務報告準則》第7號「金            continue HKAS 39 hedge accounting and therefore is not currently
             融工具披露」之要求,本集團將採納已修訂             planning to change hedge accounting, although it will implement
             之對沖會計披露方法。                               the revised hedge accounting disclosure required by the related
                                                                amendments to HKFRS 7 “Financial Instruments: Disclosures”.
             該準則須於2018年1月1日全面應用,但按公             The mandatory application date for the standard as a whole is
             允價值計量的若干負債可於較早日期以經修             1 January 2018, but it is possible to apply the revised presentation
             訂的方式呈列。本集團現正評估《香港財務             for certain liabilities measured at fair value at an earlier date. The
             報告準則》第9號對其財務報表之潛在影響              Group is currently assessing the potential impact of HKFRS 9 on the
             及在實際可行的情況下提供可靠的估計。               financial statements and intends to provide reliable estimates once it is
090   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                     Notes to the Financial Statements
3      會計政策的修訂(續)                      3     Changes in accounting policies (continued)
(b)     未來會計準則發展,但於截至2016年12月     (b)   Future accounting development but not effective for the year
    31日止年度尚未實施(續)                       ended 31 December 2016 (continued)
      《香港財務報告準則》第15號「與客戶之間的         HKFRS 15, ‘Revenue from contracts with customers’
    香港會計師公會就收入確認頒佈了一項新準         The HKICPA has issued a new standard for the recognition of revenue.
    則,用以取替《香港會計準則》第18號涵蓋         This will replace HKAS 18 which covers contracts for goods and
    貨物及服務合同及《香港會計準則》第11號         services and HKAS 11 which covers construction contracts. The new
    涵蓋建造合同。新準則是根據原則,當客戶         standard is based on the principle that revenue is recognised when
    取得貨物或服務的控制權時,才確認收入。         control of good or service transfers to a customer. The Standard
    該準則准許在採納時選用全面追溯應用或修         permits either a full retrospective or a modified retrospective
    訂追溯應用。                                   approach for the adoption.
       現階段,本集團正對其財務影響進行更多的          At this stage, the Group is in process to make more detailed
       詳細評估及預計新準則應用後,對本集團的          assessments of the financial impact and expects that the standard
       綜合財務報表並無重大影響。                      will not have significant impact, when applied, on the consolidated
                                                       financial statements of the Group.
      《香港財務報告準則》第15號必須在2018年1          HKFRS 15 is mandatory for financial years commencing on or after
      月1日或之後開始的財政年度採納,目前,            1 January 2018. At this stage, the Group does not intend to adopt the
      本集團預計不會在生效日期前採納此準則。           standard before its effective date.
      《香港財務報告準則》第16號「租賃」               HKFRS 16, ‘Leases’
      《香港財務報告準則》第16號「租賃」將導致         HKFRS 16 will result in almost all lease being recognised on the
    差不多所有租賃在資產負債表內確認,經營         balance sheet, as the distinction between operating and finance lease
    租賃與融資租賃的劃分已被刪除。根據該新         is removed. Under the new standard, an asset (the right to use the
    準則,資產(該租賃項目的使用權)與支付         leased item) and a financial liability to pay rentals are recognised. The
    租金的金融負債被確認。唯一例外者為短期         only exemptions are short-term leases and leases of low-value assets.
       對出租人的會計處理將不會有重大改變。            The accounting for lessors will not significantly change.
       此準則將主要影響集團經營租賃的會計處            The standard will affect primarily the accounting for the Group’s
       理。然而,本集團仍未釐定該等承擔將導致          operating leases. However, the Group has not yet determined to what
       資產和負債就未來付款確認的程度,以及將          extent these commitments will result in the recognition of an asset
       如何影響集團的利潤和現金流量分類。              and a liability for future payments and how this will affect the Group’s
                                                       profit and classification of cash flows.
       若干承擔或會由豁免的短期租賃和低價值租          Some of the commitments may be covered by the exemptions
       賃所涵蓋,同時根據《香港財務報告準則》          for short-term leases and leases of low-value leases and some
       第16號,部份承擔可能不符合租賃的定義。          commitments may relate to arrangements that will not qualify as
                                                       leases under HKFRS 16.
       此新準則必須在2019年1月1日或之後開始的          The new standard is mandatory for financial year commencing on
       財政年度採納。目前,本集團預計不會在生          or after 1 January 2019. At this stage, the Group does not intend to
       效日期前採納此準則。                            adopt the standard before its effective date.
       此外,並沒有其他尚未生效的香港財務報告          There are no other HKFRSs or HK (IFRIC) interpretations that are not
       準則或香港會計準則的解釋預期將會對本集          yet effective that would be expected to have a material impact on the
       團產生重大影響。                                Group.
                                                                                                                 二零一六年報      091
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                         Notes to the Financial Statements
      4     利息收入及利息支出                                             4     Interest income and interest expense
      (a)   利息收入                                                       (a)   Interest income
                                                                                                                           港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                                           HK$’000                HK$’000
            上市證券                                 Listed securities                                                      327,449                209,114
            非上市證券                               Unlisted securities                                                    613,429                481,089
            在銀行及其他金融機構的                   Balances and placements with banks and
              結存及存款                                other financial institutions                                        385,991                748,931
            墊款及其他(附註)                       Advances and other accounts (Note)                                   5,734,659              5,129,734
            非按公允價值計入損益的                   Interest income on financial assets that are not
              金融資產的利息收入                        at fair value through profit or loss                              7,061,528              6,568,868
      (b)   利息支出                                                       (b)   Interest expense
                                                                                                                           港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                                           HK$’000                HK$’000
            客戶、銀行及其他金融機構的               Deposits from customers, banks and
              存款及其他                                other financial institutions and others                           2,252,360              2,496,671
            已發行存款證                             Certificates of deposit issued                                         176,278                148,579
            已發行債務資本                           Loan capital issued                                                    504,064                503,309
            非按公允價值計入損益的                   Interest expense on financial liabilities that
              金融負債的利息支出                        are not at fair value through profit or loss                      2,932,702              3,148,559
            附註 ︰                                                              Note:
            截至2016年12月31日止年度,利息收入包括減值                           Included in the above is interest income on impaired financial assets of
            金融資產的應計利息收入港幣42,133,000元(2015                         HK$42,133,000 (2015: HK$19,435,000), which includes interest income on the
            年:港幣19,435,000元),其中已包括貸款減值虧                         unwinding of the discount on loan impairment losses of HK$28,404,000 (2015:
            損 折 現 撥 回 的 利 息 收 入 港 幣28,404,000元(2015                HK$12,575,000) (note 19(b)) for the year ended 31 December 2016.
            年 ︰ 港幣12,575,000元)(附註19(b))。
092   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                            Notes to the Financial Statements
5    淨費用及佣金收入                                   5      Net fee and commission income
                                                                                              港幣千元             港幣千元
                                                                                               HK$’000              HK$’000
     費用及佣金收入:               Fee and commission income:
     票據業務佣金                   Bills commission                                           117,530               116,360
     信用卡相關收入                 Card-related income                                         28,807                31,172
     一般銀行服務                   General banking services                                   126,747               118,286
     保險                           Insurance                                                  542,598               314,895
     投資及結構性投資產品           Investment and structured investment products               94,600               150,913
     貸款、透支及融資費用           Loans, overdrafts and facilities fees                      660,355               391,955
     其他                           Others                                                         712
                                                                                              1,571,349            1,124,194
     費用及佣金支出                 Fee and commission expense                                  (75,114)              (55,779)
                                                                                              1,496,235            1,068,415
     其中:                         Of which:
     淨費用及佣金收入(不包括       Net fee and commission income (other than the
       用作計算實際利率的金額),     amounts included in determining the effective
       關於並非按公允價值計入         interest rate) relating to financial assets and
       損益賬的金融資產及負債:       liabilities not at fair value through profit or loss:
       -費用及佣金收入               – Fee and commission income                             806,692               539,487
       -費用及佣金支出               – Fee and commission expense                             (21,584)              (16,898)
                                                                                               785,108               522,589
6    淨交易收入                                         6      Net trading income
                                                                                              港幣千元             港幣千元
                                                                                               HK$’000              HK$’000
     買賣外幣收益減虧損             Gains less losses from dealing in foreign currencies       441,529             1,106,972
     買賣交易用途證券收益減虧損     Gains less losses from trading securities                   11,748                  6,868
     買賣衍生工具收益減虧損         Gains less losses from derivatives                          (17,493)              (70,911)
     交易用途資產利息收入           Interest income on trading assets                          181,746               188,618
                                                                                               617,530             1,231,547
                                                                                                               二零一六年報      093
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                 Notes to the Financial Statements
      7    淨對沖收益                                              7      Net hedging gain
                                                                                                           港幣千元         港幣千元
                                                                                                           HK$’000          HK$’000
           公允價值對沖淨(虧損)╱收益        Net hedging (loss)/gain on fair value hedges
              -歸屬對沖風險的對沖項目           – Net gain on hedged items attributable to                 40,836           27,141
                   淨收益                               the hedged risk
              -對沖工具淨虧損                   – Net loss on hedging instruments                         (40,872)          (26,142)
           現金流量對沖淨收益                  Net hedging gain on cash flow hedges                            162                   –
      8    出售可供出售證券淨收益                                  8      Net gain on disposal of available-for-sale securities
                                                                                                           港幣千元         港幣千元
                                                                                                           HK$’000          HK$’000
           由儲備轉撥的淨重估收益              Net revaluation gain transferred from reserves              121,883            57,247
           年度內產生的淨收益                  Net gain arising in current year                               7,846               2,468
                                                                                                           129,729            59,715
      9    其他經營收入                                            9      Other operating income
                                                                                                           港幣千元         港幣千元
                                                                                                           HK$’000          HK$’000
           可供出售權益證券股息收入            Dividend income from available-for-sale equity securities
              -上市                             – Listed                                                     198
              -非上市                           – Unlisted                                                  5,900               5,900
                                                                                                              6,098               6,294
           投資物業租金收入                    Rental income from investment properties                       6,842               7,242
              減直接支出:港幣301,000元          less direct outgoings of HK$301,000
             (2015年:港幣281,000元)           (2015: HK$281,000)
           其他                                Others                                                        27,440           36,492
                                                                                                             40,380           50,028
094   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                  Notes to the Financial Statements
10 經營支出                                                   10 Operating expenses
                                                                                                             港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                              HK$’000               HK$’000
     (a)   員工成本                       (a)   Staff costs
           薪金及其他員工成本                   Salaries and other staff costs                              1,663,335               1,409,925
           退休金成本(附註31)                 Retirement costs (note 31)                                      91,652                 82,115
                                                                                                            1,754,987               1,492,040
     (b)   折舊                           (b)   Depreciation
           物業及設備折舊(附註22)             Depreciation of property and equipment (note 22)
               -根據經營租賃持有的資產           – Assets held for use under operating leases                 19,423                 19,503
               -其他資產                         – Other assets                                             130,797                115,632
                                                                                                              150,220                135,135
     (c)   其他經營支出                   (c)   Other operating expenses
           物業及設備支出                       Property and equipment expenses
              (不包括折舊) 附註)               (excluding depreciation) (Note)
               -物業租金                         – Rental of properties                                     271,407                262,451
               -其他                             – Others                                                   230,444                212,601
           核數師酬金                           Auditor’s remuneration                                          6,791                  8,927
           廣告費                               Advertising                                                     56,596                 64,586
           通訊費、印刷及文儀用品               Communication, printing and stationery                          98,167                 87,522
           法律及專業費用                       Legal and professional fees                                     49,186                 34,016
           其他                                 Others                                                        198,391                266,928
                                                                                                              910,982                937,031
     經營支出總額                         Total operating expenses                                          2,816,189               2,564,206
     附註:                                                         Note:
      其他經營支出包括根據經營租賃支付的最低應付                    Included in other operating expenses are minimum lease payments under
      租賃支出,分別為設備租賃支出港幣5,228,000元                   operating leases of HK$5,228,000 (2015: HK$1,931,000) for the hire of
    (2015年:港幣1,931,000元)及其他資產租賃支出                   equipment, and HK$258,344,000 (2015: HK$250,108,000) for the hire of other
    (包括物業租金)港幣258,344,000元(2015年:港                   assets (including property rentals).
                                                                                                                               二零一六年報      095
                                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
      11 董事酬金                                                              11 Directors’ remuneration
           根據香港《公司條例》(第622章)第383條及                                 The Directors’ remuneration disclosed pursuant to section 383 of the
           公司「披露董事利益資料」法規而披露的董                                   Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) and the Companies
           事酬金如下:                                                             (Disclosure of Information about Benefits of Directors) Regulation is
                                                                                    set out as below:
                                                                                                                               港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                                                HK$’000               HK$’000
           董事袍金                                         Directors’ fees                                                       4,166                  4,427
           薪金、津貼及實物利益(附註(i)至(iii)) Salaries, allowances and benefits in kind (notes (i) to (iii))                  19,106                 31,039
           酌情花紅                                         Discretionary bonuses                                                 17,742                 13,809
           退休計劃供款                                     Retirement scheme contributions                                        1,281                  1,412
                                                                                                                                  42,295                 50,687
           附註:                                                                   Note:
           (i)     實物利益主要包括房屋津貼及保險。                                 (i)     Benefits in kind mainly include housing allowance and insurance
           (ii)    根 據 保 留 激 勵 計 劃(採 用 遞 延 機 制), 於                (ii)    Under the retention incentive scheme (using a deferred mechanism),
                   2016年支付予集團執行董事的現金獎勵為                                     cash benefits amounting to HK$Nil (2015: HK$2,738,000) were paid to
                   港幣0元(2015年:港幣2,738,000元)。                                     the Executive Directors of the Group in 2016.
           (iii)   根據長期獎勵計劃(「計劃」),合資格人士                         (iii)   Under the long-term incentive scheme (“LTI”), eligible persons
                   將獲得一定數量的增值權。增值權的支付                                     are granted a number of Appreciation Rights. Payment for each
                   取決於計算超過3年本集團淨資產的賬面價                                    Appreciation Right is determined by the appreciation in the Group’s
                   值升值。根據管理層的最佳估計,於2016                                     net asset value over a three-year performance period. In 2016,
                   年 為 數 港 幣18,000,000元(2015年: 港 幣                               HK$18,000,000 (2015: HK$18,000,000) was accrued in the staff costs,
                   18,000,000元)已計提在員工成本,並包括                                   including the amount payable to the Directors based on management’s
                   向董事發放的數額。                                                       best estimation.
096   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                Notes to the Financial Statements
12 貸款及墊款及其他賬項減值虧損                             12 Impairment losses on loans and advances and other
                                                                                                           港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                            HK$’000              HK$’000
      減值虧損準備                      Impairment losses charged
        -貸款及墊款                      – Loans and advances                                             354,489                468,602
        -其他賬項                        – Other accounts                                                 198,470                199,075
                                                                                                            552,959                667,677
      貸款及墊款及其他賬項              Impairment losses on loans and advances and
    減值虧損(附註19(b))             other accounts (note 19(b))
        -個別評估                        – Individual assessment                                          603,169                617,744
        -綜合評估                        – Collective assessment                                           (50,210)               49,933
                                                                                                            552,959                667,677
      其中(附註19(b))                 of which (note 19(b)):
        -提撥                            – Additions                                                      735,692                804,004
        -回撥                            – Releases                                                      (139,875)              (106,019)
        -收回金額                        – Recoveries                                                      (42,858)              (30,308)
                                                                                                            552,959                667,677
13 綜合收益表所示的所得稅                                   13 Income tax in the consolidated income statement
                                                            (a)    Income tax in the consolidated income statement
(a)   綜合收益表所示的所得稅
                                                                                                           港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                            HK$’000              HK$’000
      本期稅項-香港利得稅                    Current tax – Hong Kong Profits Tax
      年內準備(附註27(a))                   Provision for the year (note 27(a))                           437,512                344,233
      過往年度稅項準備(回撥)╱補提          (Over)/under-provision in respect of prior years                (2,407)
                                                                                                            435,105                344,294
      本期稅項-海外稅項                      Current tax – Overseas
      年內準備                                Provision for the year                                          37,422                71,109
      過往年度稅項準備補提                    Under-provision in respect of prior years                        1,925                 6,656
                                                                                                              39,347                77,765
      遞延稅項                                Deferred tax
      暫時性差額產生(附註27(b))             Origination of temporary differences (note 27(b))               30,546                11,180
                                                                                                            504,998                433,239
      2016年度香港利得稅稅項是以年度估計應                         The provision for Hong Kong Profits Tax for 2016 is calculated at 16.5%
      課 稅 溢 利 按 稅 率16.5%(2015年:16.5%)計                 (2015: 16.5%) of the estimated assessable profits for the year. Taxation
      算。海外分行及附屬公司的稅項則按照相關                       for overseas branches and subsidiaries is charged at the appropriate
      國家的適當現行稅率提撥準備。                                 current rates of taxation ruling in the relevant countries.
                                                                                                                            二零一六年報      097
                                                                                                                        Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                               Notes to the Financial Statements
      13 綜合收益表所示的所得稅(續)                                            13 Income tax in the consolidated income statement
      (b)   稅項支出與會計溢利按適用稅率計算稅款的                               (b)     Reconciliation between tax expense and accounting profit at
            對賬表                                                                       applicable tax rates
                                                                                                                                  港幣千元                    港幣千元
                                                                                                                                   HK$’000                    HK$’000
            稅前溢利                                    Profit before tax                                                        3,053,239                    2,601,446
            按以有關國家適用                            Notional tax on profit before tax,
              利得稅稅率計算                               calculated at the rates
              稅前溢利的名義稅項                           applicable to profits in the countries concerned                        489,485                     420,496
            不可扣減支出的稅項影響                      Tax effect of non-deductible expenses                                        25,108                     18,202
            非應課稅收入的稅項影響                      Tax effect of non-taxable revenue                                             (8,519)                   (10,370)
            過往年度稅項準備(回撥)╱補提              (Over)/under-provision in prior years                                           (746)                     6,717
            其他                                        Others                                                                          (330)                    (1,806)
            實際稅項支出                                Actual tax expense                                                         504,998                     433,239
      14 其他全面收益                                                            14 Other comprehensive income
            關於其他全面收益各組成部份的稅項影響                                         Tax effects relating to each component of other comprehensive
                                                                                           稅前數額    稅項支出    除稅後淨額    稅前數額       稅項支出      除稅後淨額
                                                                                          Before tax       Tax     Net-of-tax    Before tax             Tax    Net-of-tax
                                                                                            amount     expense        amount       amount        expense         amount
                                                                                           港幣千元    港幣千元      港幣千元    港幣千元       港幣千元        港幣千元
                                                                                           HK$’000    HK$’000      HK$’000     HK$’000       HK$’000        HK$’000
            換算海外附屬公司的         Exchange differences on translation of               (93,590)          –      (93,590)     (98,176)              –       (98,176)
              財務報表的匯兌差額         financial statements of overseas subsidiaries
            現金流量對沖               Cash flow hedges
              -現金流量對沖公允價值     – net movement in cash flow hedging                 1,279        (211)        1,068            –              –             –
                   儲備淨變動                 reserve fair value reserve
            可供出售證券               Available-for-sale securities
              -可供出售證券公允價值     – net movement in available-for-sale              (63,037)     12,780       (50,257)    (116,914)       18,306          (98,608)
                   儲備淨變動                 fair value reserve
            其他全面收益               Other comprehensive income                          (155,348)     12,569      (142,779)    (215,090)       18,306         (196,784)
098   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                  Notes to the Financial Statements
15 分部資料                                   15 Segment reporting
     分部資料的呈報形式與可報告分部一致,分        Segment information is prepared consistently with reportable
     部資料定期向包括管理委員會成員在內的主        segments. Information is regularly reported to the chief operating
     要營運決策人報告,以便為各分部分配資源        decision-maker, including management committee members, to
     和評估其績效。本集團確認了以下四大主要        allocate resources to the segments and to assess their performance.
     呈報分部:                                    The Group has identified the following four main reportable
     公司及跨境業務包括香港及海外分行的企業        Wholesale and cross-border banking business includes wholesale
     銀行業務和中國銀行業務。企業銀行業務主        banking business in Hong Kong and overseas branches, and China
     要包括公司借貸及銀團貸款、貿易融資及現        banking. Wholesale banking mainly comprises corporate lending and
     金管理。海外分行包括於香港的管理辦公室        syndicated loans, trade financing and cash management. Overseas
     及於海外營運的分行。於中國的銀行業務主        branches include the management office unit in Hong Kong and
     要包括一間附屬銀行,以及於香港的中國銀        the branches operated overseas. China banking mainly includes a
     行業務管理辦公室。                            subsidiary bank in China and the China banking management office
                                                   in Hong Kong.
     個人及商務銀行業務主要包括存款戶口服          Personal and business banking mainly comprises deposit account
     務、住宅物業按揭、其他消費借貸、信用卡        services, residential mortgages, other consumer lending, credit
     服務及中小企業貸款、財富管理服務及私人        card services, and Small and Medium Enterprises (“SMEs”) banking
     銀行。                                        business, wealth management services and private banking.
     財資及環球市場業務包括提供外匯交易服          Treasury and markets covers the provision of foreign exchange
     務、資金市場活動、管理投資證券及中央現        services, money market activities, the management of investment
     金管理。                                      securities and central cash management.
     其他業務主要包括未能直接歸類任何現有呈        Others mainly comprises unallocated revenue and expenses, head
     報分部的收入及支出,總行及企業支出。          office, and corporate expenses.
     就分部報告而言,經營收入的分配是根據內        For the purpose of segment reporting, the allocation of operating
     部轉讓價格機制反映資金的利益分配到業務        income reflects the benefits of funding resources allocated to the
     分部上。成本的分配是根據各業務分部的直        business segments based on the internal funds transfer pricing
     接成本及合理基準分配經常費用予各業務分        mechanism. Cost allocation is based on the direct costs incurred
     部。使用銀行物業產生的市值租金會反映於        by the respective business segments and the apportionment of
   「其他」業務下的分部間經營收入及各業務          overheads on a reasonable basis to the business segments. Rental
     分部的分部間經營支出中。                      charges at the market rate for the use of bank premises are reflected
                                                   as inter-segment income for the ‘Others’ segment and inter-segment
                                                   expenses for the respective business segments.
                                                                                                          二零一六年報     099
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                           Notes to the Financial Statements
      15 分部資料(續)                                                      15 Segment reporting (continued)
      (a)   可呈報分部                                                       (a)       Reportable segments
                                                                                             公司及          個人及
                                                                                           跨境業務        商務銀行          財資及
                                                                                       Wholesale and    Personal and       環球市場
                                                                                        cross-border        business    Treasury and            其他            綜合
                                                                                            banking         banking         markets          Others     Consolidated
                                                                                           港幣千元        港幣千元        港幣千元        港幣千元        港幣千元
                                                                                            HK$’000        HK$’000        HK$’000        HK$’000        HK$’000
            淨利息收入╱(支出)         Net interest income/(expense)                     3,080,961      1,592,121        (612,425)         68,169        4,128,826
            其他經營收入╱(支出)       Other operating income/(expenses)                  872,446         789,951         543,317          (51,443)      2,154,271
            出售可供出售證券淨收益       Net gain on disposal of
                                           available-for-sale securities                      19,155               –       110,574                –       129,729
            經營收入                     Operating income                                  3,972,562      2,382,072          41,466          16,726        6,412,826
            經營支出                     Operating expenses                                 (519,982)      (705,162)         (91,794)     (1,499,251)     (2,816,189)
            分部間之經營(支出)╱收入   Inter-segment (expenses)/income                    (434,956)      (678,908)       (138,239)      1,252,103                –
            扣除減值準備前之經營         Operating profit/(loss) before impairment
              溢利╱(虧損)                                                               3,017,624        998,002        (188,567)       (230,422)       3,596,637
            貸款及墊款及其他賬項減值     Impairment losses (charged)/written back on
             (撥備)╱回撥                loans and advances and other accounts            (321,918)        (33,395)      (198,470)            824         (552,959)
            經營溢利╱(虧損)           Operating profit/(loss)                           2,695,706        964,607        (387,037)       (229,598)       3,043,678
            出售物業及設備淨             Net (loss)/gain on disposal of
             (虧損)╱收益                property and equipment                                (22)            (62)               –            99
            投資物業重估收益             Revaluation gain on investment properties                 –              –               –         9,546           9,546
            稅前溢利╱(虧損)           Profit/(loss) before taxation                     2,695,684        964,545        (387,037)       (219,953)       3,053,239
            所得稅                       Income tax                                                –              –               –     (504,998)        (504,998)
            本年度溢利╱(虧損)         Profit/(loss) for the year                        2,695,684        964,545        (387,037)       (724,951)       2,548,241
            其他分部項目:               Other segment items:
            折舊                         Depreciation                                         11,263         18,732               495       119,730         150,220
            分部資產                     Segment assets                                  157,373,422     43,454,369     126,017,263      (20,428,099)   306,416,955
            分部負債                     Segment liabilities                             151,281,845    120,341,297      24,246,000      (21,406,203)   274,462,939
            本年度產生的資本開支         Capital expenditure incurred
                                           during the year                                     9,276         17,669           3,650         163,317         193,912
100   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                              Notes to the Financial Statements
15 分部資料(續)                                                         15 Segment reporting (continued)
(a)   可呈報分部(續)                                                    (a)     Reportable segments (continued)
                                                                                         公司及          個人及
                                                                                       跨境業務       商務銀行           財資及
                                                                                   Wholesale and    Personal and      環球市場
                                                                                    cross-border        business    Treasury and           其他            綜合
                                                                                        banking         banking         markets          Others     Consolidated
                                                                                       港幣千元       港幣千元        港幣千元        港幣千元         港幣千元
                                                                                        HK$’000        HK$’000        HK$’000        HK$’000        HK$’000
      淨利息收入╱(支出)         Net interest income/(expense)                       2,733,891       1,333,658        (688,288)        41,048        3,420,309
      其他經營收入                 Other operating income                                714,954        658,904         903,096          74,035        2,350,989
      出售可供出售證券淨收益       Net gain on disposal of
                                     available-for-sale securities                        29,121               –        30,594                –         59,715
      經營收入                     Operating income                                    3,477,966       1,992,562        245,402         115,083        5,831,013
      經營支出                     Operating expenses                                   (483,698)       (674,460)        (73,257)     (1,332,791)     (2,564,206)
      分部間之經營(支出)╱收入   Inter-segment (expenses)/income                      (343,018)       (509,169)       (114,049)       966,236                –
      扣除減值準備前之經營         Operating profit/(loss) before impairment
    溢利╱(虧損)                                                                 2,651,250        808,933          58,096        (251,472)       3,266,807
      貸款及墊款及其他賬項減值     Impairment losses (charged)/written back on
       (撥備)╱回撥                loans and advances and other accounts              (441,416)        (37,423)       (199,075)        10,237         (667,677)
      經營溢利╱(虧損)           Operating profit/(loss)                             2,209,834        771,510         (140,979)      (241,235)       2,599,130
      出售物業及設備淨虧損         Net loss on disposal of property and
                                     equipment                                               (16)           (446)               –          (268)           (730)
      投資物業重估收益             Revaluation gain on investment properties                   –              –               –         3,046           3,046
      稅前溢利╱(虧損)           Profit/(loss) before taxation                       2,209,818        771,064         (140,979)      (238,457)       2,601,446
      所得稅                       Income tax                                                  –              –               –     (433,239)        (433,239)
      本年度溢利╱(虧損)         Profit/(loss) for the year                          2,209,818        771,064         (140,979)      (671,696)       2,168,207
      其他分部項目:               Other segment items:
      折舊                         Depreciation                                           16,283         21,449               323        97,080         135,135
      分部資產                     Segment assets                                    142,886,647      41,393,989    114,204,905      (15,950,573)    282,534,968
      分部負債                     Segment liabilities                               144,383,771    108,699,516      22,794,559      (17,397,083)    258,480,763
      本年度產生的資本開支         Capital expenditure incurred during the year            6,884         28,637            1,304         81,661         118,486
                                                                                                                                               二零一六年報         101
                                                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                 Notes to the Financial Statements
      15 分部資料(續)                                            15 Segment reporting (continued)
      (b)   區域資料                                               (b)     Geographical information
            區域資料的分析是根據附屬公司的主要業務                         The geographical information analysis is based on the location of the
            所在地點,或按負責報告業績或將資產及負                         principal operations of the subsidiaries, or in the case of the Bank itself,
            債入賬的本行及其分行位置予以披露。                             of the location of the branches responsible for reporting the results or
                                                                           booking the assets and liabilities.
                                                                                                                           (支出) 或有負債及承擔
                                                                    稅前溢利             總資產            總負債        Operating         Contingent
                                                                         Profit            Total             Total         income/      liabilities and
                                                              before taxation             assets        liabilities      (expenses)     commitments
                                                                    港幣千元           港幣千元         港幣千元          港幣千元           港幣千元
                                                                     HK$’000          HK$’000          HK$’000          HK$’000           HK$’000
            香港                        Hong Kong                  2,766,150       286,012,805       254,868,685          5,728,199        85,365,815
            中國內地                    Mainland China                (66,184)       12,704,912       11,103,444           212,615           2,106,058
            美國                        United States                219,745          9,862,043         9,641,057          257,558           1,701,100
            新加坡                      Singapore                     86,651         17,215,939       17,114,713           141,716         29,873,335
            其他                        Others                        46,873          2,662,933         2,612,354            73,096          2,861,463
            分部間項目                  Inter-segment items                   4     (22,041,677)      (20,877,314)             (358)                   –
                                                                   3,053,239       306,416,955       274,462,939          6,412,826       121,907,771
                                                                                                                           (支出) 或有負債及承擔
                                                                    稅前溢利             總資產            總負債         Operating        Contingent
                                                                          Profit           Total             Total          income/       liabilities and
                                                               before taxation            assets         liabilities     (expenses)      commitments
                                                                    港幣千元           港幣千元         港幣千元          港幣千元           港幣千元
                                                                      HK$’000          HK$’000          HK$’000          HK$’000           HK$’000
            香港                        Hong Kong                   2,080,855        253,413,493      230,208,316          4,927,034        71,903,142
            中國內地                    Mainland China                   99,502       12,502,237        10,705,457          299,632           2,297,992
            美國                        United States                 122,093          5,877,070         5,774,995          147,153           1,360,777
            新加坡                      Singapore                     254,147         23,224,884        22,948,195          396,017         22,944,961
            其他                        Others                           44,845        1,939,101         1,895,252           61,687           2,309,279
            分部間項目                  Inter-segment items                   4      (14,421,817)      (13,051,452)             (510)                  –
                                                                    2,601,446        282,534,968      258,480,763          5,831,013       100,816,151
102   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
16 現金及在銀行、中央銀行及其他金融                      16 Cash and balances with banks, central banks and other
   機構的結存                                               financial institutions
                                                                                                    港幣千元             港幣千元
                                                                                                    HK$’000               HK$’000
     現金                            Cash in hand                                                    343,773               228,554
     在中央銀行的結存                Balances with central banks                                   2,169,326             1,263,157
     在銀行的結存                    Balances with banks                                          13,024,014             7,881,427
     在其他金融機構的結存            Balances with other financial institutions                   12,003,320            10,949,596
                                                                                                  27,540,433            20,322,734
     截至2016年12月31日包括在中央銀行受到外                    Included in the balances with central banks that are subject
     匯管制和監管限制的餘額是港幣1,081,770,000                 to exchange control and regulatory restrictions, amounting to
     元(2015年:港幣825,506,000元)。                         HK$1,081,770,000 at 31 December 2016 (2015: HK$825,506,000).
17 在銀行、中央銀行及其他金融機構的                      17 Placements with and advances to banks, central banks
   存款及墊款                                               and other financial institutions
                                                                                                    港幣千元             港幣千元
                                                                                                    HK$’000               HK$’000
     在銀行的存款                    Placements with banks                                        22,275,290            27,348,928
     在銀行的墊款                    Advances to banks                                               614,423             3,041,712
                                                                                                  22,889,713            30,390,640
     到期日:                        Maturing:
       -1個月內                       – within 1 month                                           6,663,169            13,676,427
       -1個月至1年內                  – between 1 month and 1 year                              16,226,544            16,694,838
       -1年後                         – after 1 year                                                      –              19,375
                                                                                                  22,889,713            30,390,640
     截至2016年及2015年12月31日,本集團在銀                    There were no impaired advances to banks and other financial
     行及其他金融機構的墊款中並無減值墊款,                    institutions at 31 December 2016 and 2015, nor were there any
     亦無就該等墊款提撥作個別減值準備。                        individually assessed impairment allowances made for them on these
                                                               two dates.
                                                                                                                     二零一六年報     103
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                               Notes to the Financial Statements
      18 交易用途資產                                            18 Trading assets
                                                                                                         2016        2015
                                                                                                     港幣千元    港幣千元
                                                                                                      HK$’000    HK$’000
           債務證券                            Debt securities                                       1,321,751    212,827
           投資基金                            Investment funds                                         1,078       1,489
           交易用途證券                        Trading securities                                    1,322,829    214,316
           衍生工具的正公允價值(附註37(b))   Positive fair values of derivatives (note 37(b))      4,258,891   4,063,223
                                                                                                     5,581,720   4,277,539
           以上項目的發行機構如下︰            Issued by:
              政府機關                           Sovereigns                                               500      46,669
              銀行及其他金融機構                 Banks and other financial institutions              1,153,365     84,969
              企業                               Corporate entities                                   168,964      82,678
                                                                                                     1,322,829    214,316
           按上市地點分析︰                    Analysed by place of listing:
              於香港上市                         Listed in Hong Kong                                  693,889      57,788
              於香港以外地區上市                 Listed outside Hong Kong                              74,656      32,896
              非上市                             Unlisted                                             554,284     123,632
                                                                                                     1,322,829    214,316
104   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                              Notes to the Financial Statements
19 客戶貸款及墊款及其他賬項                               19 Loans and advances to customers and other accounts
(a)   客戶貸款及墊款及其他賬項減減值準備                  (a)       Loans and advances to customers and other accounts less
                                                                    impairment allowances
                                                                                                              港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                              HK$’000                HK$’000
      客戶貸款及墊款總額               Gross loans and advances to customers                              183,764,241             169,869,738
      減值準備(附註19(b))            Impairment allowances (note 19(b))
        -個別評估                       – Individually assessed                                             (627,498)               (296,732)
        -綜合評估                       – Collectively assessed                                             (322,864)               (399,376)
                                                                                                          182,813,879             169,173,630
      應計利息及其他賬項               Accrued interest and other accounts                                   8,620,610               4,506,138
      減值準備(附註19(b))            Impairment allowances (note 19(b))
        -個別評估(附註)               – Individually assessed (Note)                                      (147,951)               (199,843)
                                                                                                             8,472,659               4,306,295
                                                                                                          191,286,538             173,479,925
      客戶貸款及墊款其中包括:         Included in loans and advances to customers are:
      貿易票據                         Trade bills                                                           2,191,085               5,205,237
      減值準備(附註19(b))            Impairment allowances (note 19(b))
        -個別評估                       – Individually assessed                                                      –                 (139)
        -綜合評估                       – Collectively assessed                                                (1,762)                  (690)
                                                                                                             2,189,323               5,204,408
      附註:                                                        Note:
      於2016年針對某些衍生產品在到期或平倉交易結                    In 2016, an impairment provision of HK$147,182,000 (2015: HK$199,075,000)
      算失敗而提撥港幣147,182,000元(2015年:港幣                   was included in the individual impairment provisions of the other accounts,
      199,075,000元)的減值準備已被列入其他帳項的                   this was provided for the failure in settlement of expired or unwinding
      個別減值準備內。                                              transactions of certain derivative products.
                                                                                                                                二零一六年報      105
                                                                                                                            Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                       Notes to the Financial Statements
      19 客戶貸款及墊款及其他賬項(續)                                  19 Loans and advances to customers and other accounts
      (b)   客戶貸款及墊款及其他賬項減值準備的變動                       (b)   Movement in impairment allowances on loans and advances to
                                                                               customers and other accounts
                                                                                 個別評估      綜合評估                   個別評估       綜合評估
                                                                               Individually Collectively        總額     Individually   Collectively       總額
                                                                                  assessed     assessed         Total      assessed       assessed         Total
                                                                                 港幣千元      港幣千元     港幣千元      港幣千元       港幣千元      港幣千元
                                                                                  HK$’000     HK$’000      HK$’000       HK$’000       HK$’000     HK$’000
            於1月1日                 At 1 January                                 496,575       399,376      895,951        164,648        373,664      538,312
            在收益表列支的減值虧損   Impairment losses charged to
             (附註12)                the income statement (note 12)             735,692              –    735,692        747,697          56,307     804,004
            在收益表回撥的減值虧損   Impairment losses released to
             (附註12)                the income statement (note 12)             (132,523)     (50,210)    (182,733)       (129,953)        (6,374)    (136,327)
            沖銷數額                 Amounts written off                          (334,175)     (30,876)    (365,051)       (297,176)       (30,595)    (327,771)
            收回以往年度已沖銷的     Recoveries of loans and advances
              貸款及墊款               written off in previous years               38,284         4,574       42,858          23,934          6,374      30,308
            貸款減值虧損折現回撥     Unwinding of discount on loan
             (附註4)                 impairment losses (note 4)                  (28,404)            –     (28,404)       (12,575)             –     (12,575)
            於12月31日               At 31 December                               775,449       322,864     1,098,313       496,575        399,376      895,951
            扣除自(附註19(a)):    Deducted from (note 19(a)):
              客戶貸款及墊款           Loans and advances to customers            627,498       321,102      948,600        296,593        398,686      695,279
              其他賬項                 Other accounts                             147,951              –    147,951        199,843               –    199,843
              貿易票據                 Trade bills                                       –       1,762        1,762             139            690         829
                                                                                  775,449       322,864     1,098,313       496,575        399,376      895,951
106   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                    Notes to the Financial Statements
19 客戶貸款及墊款及其他賬項(續)                               19 Loans and advances to customers and other accounts
(c)   按行業分析的客戶貸款及墊款                                (c)   Loans and advances to customers analysed by industry sectors
      以下按經濟行業進行的分析是根據香港金融                          The following economic sector analysis is based on categories and
      管理局(「金管局」)所採用的分類及定義作                        definitions used by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”).
                                                                               客戶貸款及       減值客戶         客戶貸款及           減值客戶
                                                                                 墊款總額     貸款及墊款            墊款總額       貸款及墊款
                                                                               Gross loans Impaired loans         Gross loans   Impaired loans
                                                                            and advances and advances          and advances      and advances
                                                                             to customers to customers          to customers      to customers
                                                                                 港幣千元       港幣千元           港幣千元         港幣千元
                                                                                  HK$’000       HK$’000            HK$’000         HK$’000
      工商金融                 Industrial, commercial and financial
        -物業發展               – Property development                       13,578,793                 –      13,160,361                –
        -物業投資               – Property investment                        25,060,936            26,095       19,535,863           30,297
        -金融企業               – Financial concerns                          9,171,320                 –       6,742,829                –
        -股票經紀               – Stockbrokers                                3,131,047                 –       3,511,763                –
        -批發及零售業           – Wholesale and retail trade                 17,002,524           110,678       17,915,876          162,104
        -製造業                 – Manufacturing                              10,063,497             3,769        7,493,445           10,472
        -運輸及運輸設備         – Transport and transport equipment           2,946,243                 –       3,492,239            2,325
        -娛樂活動               – Recreational activities                     1,205,638                 –         954,102                –
        -資訊科技               – Information technology                      3,451,364                 –          14,755                –
        -其他                   – Others                                      9,831,651           249,577        7,987,067          249,305
      個人                     Individuals
        -購買「居者有其屋計     – Loans for the purchase of flats under
            劃」、「私人發展           the Home Ownership Scheme,
            商參建居屋計劃」及         Private Sector Participation
           「租者置其屋計劃」          Scheme and Tenants Purchase
            的樓宇貸款                 Scheme                                      11,464                 –           8,760                –
        -購買其他住宅物業的     – Loans for the purchase of
             貸款                      other residential properties            13,407,510            23,517       12,404,811            4,788
        -信用卡墊款                – Credit card advances                       445,821               550          426,795
        -其他                      – Others                                   8,304,307            21,245        7,850,685           16,204
      在香港使用的貸款及         Gross loans and advances for
    墊款總額                   use in Hong Kong                          117,612,115            435,431     101,499,351           475,934
      貿易融資                   Trade finance                                10,644,560            683,469      11,061,512           605,279
      在香港以外使用的           Gross loans and advances for
    貸款及墊款總額             use outside Hong Kong                       55,507,566           647,766       57,308,875          425,472
      客戶貸款及墊款總額         Gross loans and advances to customers       183,764,241        1,766,666       169,869,738          1,506,685
                                                                                                                               二零一六年報      107
                                                                                                                           Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                               Notes to the Financial Statements
      19 客戶貸款及墊款及其他賬項(續)                          19 Loans and advances to customers and other accounts
      (d)   減值客戶貸款及墊款                                   (d)   Impaired loans and advances to customers
                                                                                                               港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                                HK$’000              HK$’000
            減值客戶貸款及墊款總額             Gross impaired loans and advances to customers                 1,766,666              1,506,685
            減值準備-個別評估                 Impairment allowances – Individually assessed                  (627,498)              (296,732)
                                                                                                              1,139,168              1,209,953
            減值貸款及墊款總額佔客戶           Gross impaired loans and advances as a %
              貸款及墊款總額的百分率             of total loans and advances to customers                         0.96%                 0.89%
            減值貸款及墊款是主要根據個別具有減值的                     Impaired loans and advances are individually assessed loans which
            客觀證據,以作個別減值評估的貸款。                         exhibit objective evidence of impairment on an individual basis.
            經個別評估的減值準備已計算本集團就這些                     Individually assessed impairment allowances were made after taking
            貸款及墊款所持抵押品的可變現價值為港                       into account the realisable value of collateral in respect of such loans
            幣578,847,000元(2015年: 港 幣433,215,000                 and advances of HK$578,847,000 (2015: HK$433,215,000) of the Group.
            元)。這些抵押品主要由住宅或商業物業按                     This collateral mainly comprised mortgage interest over residential or
            揭權益和在本集團的現金存款組成。                           commercial properties and cash with the Group.
108   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
19 客戶貸款及墊款及其他賬項(續)                        19 Loans and advances to customers and other accounts
(e)   融資租賃及分期付款合約的投資淨額                   (e)   Net investment in finance leases and hire purchase contracts
      客戶貸款及墊款包括按融資租賃及具備融資                   Loans and advances to customers include net investment in motor
      租賃特徵的分期付款合約租借給客戶的汽車                   vehicles, and equipment leased to customers under finance leases
      及設備的投資淨額。這些合約的最初租賃期                   and hire purchase contracts which have the characteristics of finance
      一般為期5至20年,其後可選擇按賬面值購                    leases. These contracts usually run for an initial period of 20 years or
      入這些租借資產。按融資租賃及分期付款合                   above, with an option of acquiring the leased asset at nominal value.
      約應收的最低租賃付款總額及其現值如下:                   The total minimum lease payments receivable under finance leases
                                                               and hire purchase contracts and their present values at the year end
                                                               are as follows:
                                                                          最低租賃                          最低租賃
                                                                          付款現值           最低租賃       付款現值         最低租賃
                                                                      Present value          付款總額    Present value       付款總額
                                                                              of the            Total           of the            Total
                                                                          minimum          minimum          minimum          minimum
                                                                              lease             lease            lease            lease
                                                                         payments         payments          payments         payments
                                                                          港幣千元           港幣千元       港幣千元         港幣千元
                                                                           HK$’000          HK$’000         HK$’000         HK$’000
      1年內                Within 1 year                                     43,152            50,112          79,414           90,354
      1年至5年             After 1 year but within 5 years                   78,201            97,568         119,257          141,482
      5年後                After 5 years                                   210,608           237,374          272,067          302,897
                                                                           331,961           385,054          470,738          534,733
      減值準備:           Impairment allowances:
        -個別評估           – Individually assessed                        (2,592)                            (3,172)
        -綜合評估           – Collectively assessed                          (423)                            (5,358)
      融資租賃及分期付款   Net investment in finance leases
    合約的投資淨額       and hire purchase contracts                   328,946                            462,208
                                                                                                                        二零一六年報      109
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                 Notes to the Financial Statements
      20 可供出售證券                                              20 Available-for-sale securities
                                                                                                            2016         2015
                                                                                                        港幣千元    港幣千元
                                                                                                         HK$’000     HK$’000
           持有的存款證                        Certificates of deposit held                            15,922,277   12,375,180
           債務證券                            Debt securities                                         29,074,574   22,261,330
           國庫券(包括外匯基金票據)          Treasury bills (including Exchange Fund Bills)          13,111,688   18,420,015
           權益證券                            Equity securities                                          95,732       94,962
                                                                                                       58,204,271   53,151,487
           以上項目的發行機構如下︰            Issued by:
              政府機關                           Sovereigns                                            14,664,781   19,381,998
              銀行及其他金融機構                 Banks and other financial institutions                33,673,029   26,391,962
              企業                               Corporate entities                                     7,812,716    7,377,527
              公營機構                           Public entities                                        2,053,745           –
                                                                                                       58,204,271   53,151,487
           按上市地點分析︰                    Analysed by place of listing:
              於香港上市                         Listed in Hong Kong                                    7,174,894    5,209,473
              於香港以外地區上市                 Listed outside Hong Kong                               7,190,902    5,215,093
              非上市                             Unlisted                                              43,838,475   42,726,921
                                                                                                       58,204,271   53,151,487
           個別減值債務證券的公允價值          Fair value of individually impaired debt securities        27,631       91,364
110   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                           Notes to the Financial Statements
21 附屬公司                                                            21 Subsidiaries
     於2016年12月31日,下文列出對本集團的業                                   The following list contains the particulars of the principal subsidiaries
     績、資產或負債有重大影響的主要附屬公司                                   at 31 December 2016 which materially affect the results, assets or
     詳情。除非另有註明,否則所持股份類別均                                   liabilities of the Group. The class of shares held is ordinary unless
     為普通股。                                                               otherwise stated.
                                         註冊成立╱經營地區            法律實體種類                                 已發行及繳足股本        持有股份百分率
     公司名稱                            Place of incorporation/       Kind of legal       主要業務                 Particulars of issued   Proportion of shares
     Name of company                     operation                     entity              Principal activities     share capital           held by the Bank
     啓福國際有限公司                    香港                          有限責任公司        物業持有                 港幣2元                 100%
     Carford International Limited       Hong Kong                     Limited Liability   Property holding         HK$2
     中信銀行國際(中國)有限公司        中華人民共和國(「中國」)    有限責任公司        銀行                     人民幣1,000,000,000元   100%
     CITIC Bank International (China)    People’s Republic of China   Limited Liability   Banking                  RMB1,000,000,000
       Limited (“CBI (China)”)           (“mainland China”)        Company
     中信保險服務有限公司                香港                          有限責任公司        保險經紀                 港幣5,000,000元         100%
     CITIC Insurance Brokers Limited     Hong Kong                     Limited Liability   Insurance broker         HK$5,000,000
     CKWB-SN Limited                     開曼群島╱香港                有限責任公司        發行結構票據和投資       美金1元                 100%
                                         Cayman Islands/Hong Kong      Limited Liability   Issue of structured notes US$1
                                                                         Company             and investments
     CKWH-UT2 Limited                    開曼群島╱香港                有限責任公司        發行後償票據             美金1元                 100%
                                         Cayman Islands/Hong Kong      Limited Liability   Issue of                 US$1
                                                                         Company             subordinated notes
     香港華人財務有限公司                香港                          有限責任公司        消費借貸                 港幣200,000,000元       100%
     HKCB Finance Limited                Hong Kong                     Limited Liability   Consumer financing       HK$200,000,000
     香港華人銀行(代理人)有限公司      香港                          有限責任公司        代理人服務               港幣5,000元             100%
     The Hongkong Chinese Bank           Hong Kong                     Limited Liability   Nominee services         HK$5,000
       (Nominees) Limited                                                Company
     嘉華銀行(信託)有限公司            香港                          有限責任公司        信託服務                 港幣3,000,000元         100%
     The Ka Wah Bank (Trustee) Limited   Hong Kong                     Limited Liability   Trustee services         HK$3,000,000
     恒康香港有限公司                    香港                          有限責任公司        按揭融資                 港幣2元                 100%
     Viewcon Hong Kong Limited           Hong Kong                     Limited Liability   Mortgage financing       HK$2
                                                                                                                                                二零一六年報       111
                                                                                                                                            Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                        Notes to the Financial Statements
      22 物業及設備                                                       22 Property and equipment
                                                                                 投資物業      其他物業          Furniture,      電腦設備
                                                                               Investment         Other       fixtures and      Computer          總額
                                                                                properties     premises        equipment       equipment          Total
                                                                                 港幣千元      港幣千元           港幣千元       港幣千元     港幣千元
                                                                                   HK$’000      HK$’000           HK$’000       HK$’000     HK$’000
           成本或估值:                Cost or valuation:
           於2016年1月1日              At 1 January 2016                          185,944       632,009           910,161         403,345     2,131,459
           增加                        Additions                                        –            –           69,379         124,533       193,912
           重新分類                    Reclassification                           (57,000)       57,000                 –              –            –
           出售                        Disposals                                        –            –          (13,129)            (10)      (13,139)
           重估盈餘                    Surplus on revaluation                       9,546             –                –              –        9,546
           匯兌調整                    Exchange adjustments                             –            –           (5,196)              –       (5,196)
           於2016年12月31日            At 31 December 2016                        138,490       689,009           961,215         527,868     2,316,582
           上述資產的成本或            The analysis of cost or
             估值分析如下:              valuation of the above
                                         assets is as follows:
           成本                        Cost                                              –     671,412           961,215         527,868     2,160,495
           估值                        Valuation
             -1985年                    – 1985                                        –        17,597                  –             –     17,597
             -2016年                    – 2016                                  138,490              –                 –             –    138,490
                                                                                  138,490       689,009           961,215         527,868     2,316,582
           於2015年1月1日              At 1 January 2015                           182,898       632,009           867,523         357,260    2,039,690
           增加                        Additions                                         –            –           72,108          46,378      118,486
           出售                        Disposals                                         –            –          (22,497)           (293)     (22,790)
           重估盈餘                    Surplus on revaluation                        3,046             –                –              –       3,046
           匯兌調整                    Exchange adjustments                              –            –           (6,973)              –      (6,973)
           於2015年12月31日            At 31 December 2015                         185,944       632,009           910,161         403,345    2,131,459
           上述資產的成本或            The analysis of cost or
             估值分析如下:              valuation of the above
                                         assets is as follows:
           成本                        Cost                                              –      614,412           910,161         403,345    1,927,918
           估值                        Valuation
             - 1985年                   – 1985                                         –       17,597                  –             –      17,597
             - 2015年                   – 2015                                   185,944             –                 –             –     185,944
                                                                                   185,944       632,009           910,161         403,345    2,131,459
           累計折舊:                  Accumulated depreciation:
           於2016年1月1日              At 1 January 2016                                 –     305,709           690,762         291,771     1,288,242
           本年度折舊(附註10(b))     Charge for the year (note 10(b))                  –      13,821            85,534          50,865       150,220
           因出售而回撥                Written back on disposals                         –           –          (13,043)            (10)      (13,053)
           匯兌調整                    Exchange adjustments                              –           –           (4,703)              –       (4,703)
           於2016年12月31日            At 31 December 2016                               –     319,530           758,550         342,626     1,420,706
           於2015年1月1日              At 1 January 2015                                 –      292,090           640,652         248,015    1,180,757
           本年度折舊(附註10(b))     Charge for the year (note 10(b))                  –       13,619            77,467          44,049      135,135
           因出售而回撥                Written back on disposals                         –            –          (21,704)           (293)     (21,997)
           匯兌調整                    Exchange adjustments                              –            –           (5,653)              –      (5,653)
           於2015年12月31日            At 31 December 2015                               –      305,709           690,762         291,771    1,288,242
           賬面淨值:                  Net book value:
           於2016年12月31日            At 31 December 2016                        138,490       369,479           202,665         185,242      895,876
           於2015年12月31日            At 31 December 2015                         185,944       326,300           219,399         111,574      843,217
112   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
22 物業及設備(續)                                      22 Property and equipment (continued)
(a)   投資物業公允價值計量                               (a)   Fair value measurement of investment properties
      (i) 公允價值層級                                         (i)   Fair value hierarchy
          下表顯示於結算日,本集團按經常性                           The following table presents the fair value of the Group’s
          基準以公允價值計量的投資物業,根                           investment properties measured at the end of the reporting
          據《香 港 財 務 報 告 準 則》第13號「公                    period on a recurring basis, categorised into the three-
          允價值計量」分類為三級公允價值層                           level fair value hierarchy as defined in HKFRS 13, ‘Fair value
          級。公允價值計量的層級分類是根據                           measurement’. The level into which a fair value measurement
          用於估值模式的輸入數據的可觀察性                           classified is determined with reference to the observability and
          和重要性來決定:                                           significance of the input used in the valuation technique as
           第1級 - 參考同一資產於計量日在活                         Level 1 – Quoted (unadjusted) market price in active markets
                   躍市場取得的市場報價(未經                                   for identical assets at the measurement date.
           第2級 - 根據可觀察的輸入數據之估                         Level 2 – Valuation techniques based on observable inputs,
                   值模式(未能符合第1級),及                                  which fail to meet Level 1, and not using significant
                   不採用主要而非可觀察的數                                     unobservable inputs. Unobservable inputs are inputs
                   據。若沒有市場數據提供,便                                   for which market data are not available.
           第3級 - 公允價值以主要而非可觀察                         Level 3 – Fair value measured using significant unobservable
                   的數據來計量。                                               inputs.
                                                                                                             Level 3
                                                                                                      港幣千元             港幣千元
                                                                                                       HK$’000              HK$’000
           經常性公允價值以主要而               Recurring fair value measurement using
               非可觀察計量                         significant unobservable input
           投資物業                             Investment properties
               -香港                               – Held in Hong Kong                                99,601               147,001
               -香港以外地區                       – Held outside Hong Kong                           38,889                38,943
                                                                                                       138,490               185,944
                                                                                                                       二零一六年報     113
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                   Notes to the Financial Statements
      22 物業及設備(續)                                            22 Property and equipment (continued)
      (a)   投資物業公允價值計量(續)                               (a)   Fair value measurement of investment properties (continued)
            (i) 公允價值層級(續)                                         (i)   Fair value hierarchy (continued)
                截至2016年和2015年12月31日,在第1                                During the years ended 31 December 2016 and 2015, there
                級和第2級之間並無轉移及沒有從第3                                 were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2, or transfer into
                級轉入或轉出。本集團政策是要於報                                 or out of Level 3. The Group’s policy is to recognise transfers
                告期末確認公允價值層級間轉移的發                                 between levels of fair value hierarchy as at the end of the
                生。                                                             reporting period in which they occur.
                    於2016年12月31日, 參 照 獨 立 測 量 師                        All investment properties of the Group were revalued and
                    行重估本集團的投資物業重估報告。                               assessed by the management of the Group at 31 December
                    物業估值是以公開市場價值為基準及                               2016 with reference to the property valuation report conducted
                    符合《香港財務報告準則》第13號「公                             by an independent firm of surveyors. The basis of the property
                    允價值計量」對公允價值的定義。有                               valuation was market value, which is consistent with the
                    關本集團的重估盈餘為港幣9,546,000                              definition of fair value under HKFRS 13, ‘Fair value measurement’.
                    元(2015年:盈餘港幣3,046,000元)並                            The revaluation surplus of HK$9,546,000 (2015: HK$3,046,000)
                    已分別計入本集團的收益表中。                                   was recognised by the Group and has been credited to the
                                                                                   income statement.
            (ii)    公允價值層級第3層級的公允價值計量                      (ii)    Reconciliation of fair value measurements in Level 3 of the fair value
                    第3層級的公允價值計量餘額於年度內                              The movements during the year in the balance of these Level 3
                    的變動如下:                                                   fair value measurements are as follows:
                                                                                                                       港幣千元               港幣千元
                                                                                                                        HK$’000                HK$’000
                    於1月1日                              At 1 January                                                  185,944                 182,898
                    重新分類至其他物業                    Reclassification to other property and
                      及設備                                  equipment                                                  (57,000)                      –
                    公允價值調整                          Fair value adjustment                                            9,546                   3,046
                    於12月31日                            At 31 December                                                138,490                 185,944
            (iii)   第3層級的公允價值計量資料                              (iii)   Information about Level 3 fair value measurements
                                               估值模式                             非可觀察的數據                                                 範圍
                                               Valuation technique                  Unobservable input                                            Range
                    投資物業                   市場比較法                           物業質量的溢價(折讓)                                 -15%至15%
                    Investment properties      Market comparison approach           Premium (discount) on quality of properties           -15% to 15%
                    在香港或香港以外地區的投資物業的                               The fair value of investment properties located in or outside
                    公允價值是採用市場比較法釐定,以                               Hong Kong is determined by using the market comparison
                    參考最近相關物業的每平方呎銷售價                               approach by reference to the recent sales price of comparable
                    格為基準,比較近期的銷售價格,從                               properties on a price per-square-foot basis, adjusted for a
                    而調整本集團物業質量的溢價或折                                 premium or a discount specific to the quality of the Group’s or
                    讓。投資性房地產的賬面價值將按每                               the Bank’s properties compared to the recent sales. The carrying
                    平方呎價格同比例的增加而增加,反                               amount of the investment properties would be increased by
                    之亦然。                                                       the same percentage increase in the price per-square-foot and
                                                                                   vice versa.
114   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                              Notes to the Financial Statements
22 物業及設備(續)                                       22 Property and equipment (continued)
(b)   投資物業及其他物業的賬面淨值分析如下:              (b)    The analysis of net book value of investment properties and
                                                                 other premises is as follows:
                                                                                                          港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                           HK$’000               HK$’000
      租賃                               Leasehold
      香港                               Held in Hong Kong
        -長期租賃(超過50年未屆滿)       – Long-term leases (over 50 years unexpired)                     79,116                 80,885
        -中期租賃(10年至50年未屆滿)     – Medium-term leases (10 to 50 years unexpired)                389,964                392,415
      香港以外地區                       Held outside Hong Kong
        -中期租賃(10年至50年未屆滿)     – Medium-term leases (10 to 50 years unexpired)                  38,889                 38,943
                                                                                                           507,969                512,243
      投資物業產生的租金收入總額為港幣                           The gross rental income arising from investment properties is
      7,143,000元(2015年:港幣7,523,000元)。                   HK$7,143,000 (2015: HK$7,523,000).
      於2016年及2015年沒有投資物業出售虧損。                     During the year ended 31 December 2016 and 2015, no loss on
                                                                 disposal of investment properties.
      本集團若干其他物業曾於過往年度進行重                       Some of the other premises of the Group were revalued in previous
      估。如果這些物業是以成本減累計折舊入                       years. The net book value of such other premises of the Group at 31
      賬,本集團於2016年12月31日的其他物業賬                     December 2016 would have been HK$4,916,000 (2015: HK$4,981,000)
      面淨值應為港幣4,916,000元(2015年:港幣                    had they been carried at cost less accumulated depreciation.
(c)   通過經營租賃租出的物業及設備                        (c)    Property and equipment leased out under operating leases
      本集團通過經營租賃的方式租出投資物業。                     The Group leases out investment properties under operating leases.
      有關物業的最初租賃期一般為2至3年,其後                     The leases typically run for an initial period of two to three years, with
      可重新商定後續期及所有條款。                               an option to renew the leases after that date, at which time all terms
                                                                 are renegotiated.
      本集團按不可解除的投資及分租物業的經營                     The Group’s total future minimum lease payments under non-
      租賃應收的未來最低租金總額如下:                           cancellable operating leases for investment and subletting properties
                                                                 are receivable as follows:
                                                                                                          港幣千元              港幣千元
                                                                                                           HK$’000               HK$’000
      1年內                            Within 1 year                                                          5,532                  3,572
      1年至5年                         After 1 year but within 5 years                                        7,556                      –
                                                                                                             13,088                  3,572
                                                                                                                            二零一六年報      115
                                                                                                                        Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                 Notes to the Financial Statements
      23 銀行及其他金融機構的存款及結存                            23 Deposits and balances of banks and other financial
                                                                                                         港幣千元       港幣千元
                                                                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000
            銀行的存款及結存                    Deposits and balances from banks                         5,256,660        2,658,301
      24 客戶存款                                                  24 Deposits from customers
                                                                                                         港幣千元       港幣千元
                                                                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000
            活期及往來賬戶存款                  Demand deposits and current deposits                    22,124,842     20,094,257
            儲蓄存款                            Savings deposits                                        46,115,748     36,751,099
            定期、即期及短期通知存款            Time, call and notice deposits                         167,334,110    163,838,353
                                                                                                       235,574,700    220,683,709
      25 交易用途負債                                              25 Trading liabilities
                                                                                                         港幣千元       港幣千元
                                                                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000
            衍生工具的負公允價值(附註37(b)) Negative fair value of derivatives (note 37(b))            3,996,444        3,555,614
      26 已發行存款證                                              26 Certificates of deposit issued
                                                                                                         港幣千元       港幣千元
                                                                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000
            非交易用途                          Non-trading                                             10,593,445     10,388,272
      27 財務狀況表所示的所得稅                                    27 Income tax in the statement of financial position
      (a)   財務狀況表所示的本期稅項為:                           (a)   Current taxation in the statement of financial position
                                                                                                         港幣千元       港幣千元
                                                                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000
            本年度香港利得稅準備                Provision for Hong Kong Profits Tax for
              (附註13(a))                       the year (note 13(a))                                    437,512         344,233
            已付暫繳利得稅                      Provisional Profits Tax paid                              (261,490)       (375,622)
                                                                                                          176,022           (31,389)
            海外稅項準備                        Provision for overseas taxation                            19,196            60,185
                                                                                                          195,218           28,796
            其中:                              Of which:
            可收回稅項                          Tax recoverable                                              (187)          (33,114)
            本期稅項                            Current taxation                                          195,405            61,910
                                                                                                          195,218           28,796
116   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                            Notes to the Financial Statements
27 財務狀況表所示的所得稅(續)                                         27 Income tax in the statement of financial position
(b)   已確認的遞延稅項資產及負債                                        (b)       Deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised
      已於財務狀況表確認的遞延稅項(資產)╱                                      The components of deferred tax (assets)/liabilities recognised in the
      負債的組合及本年度內的變動如下:                                            statement of financial position and the movements during the year
                                                                                  are as follows:
                                                                     超過有關                                           可供出售證券
                                                                          折舊        貸款及墊款                             重估調整
                                                                Depreciation            減值準備          物業重估        Revaluation
                                                                allowances in        Impairment               調整      adjustments
                                                                     excess of        allowances       Revaluation      for available
                                                                       related           for loans    adjustments            -for-sale             其他           總額
                                                                 depreciation      and advances      for properties         securities           Others           Total
                                                                     港幣千元           港幣千元          港幣千元           港幣千元         港幣千元        港幣千元
      遞延稅項源自:           Deferred tax arising from:              HK$’000           HK$’000          HK$’000           HK$’000         HK$’000        HK$’000
      於2016年1月1日           At 1 January 2016                       34,501            (61,915)             1,614                (35)           (8,760)      (34,595)
      綜合收益表內撇銷╱       Charged/(credited) to income
        (回撥) 附註13(a))   statement (note 13(a))                  10,455             10,593                (89)                –             9,587        30,546
      儲備內回撥               Charged to reserves                          –                 –                 –          (12,780)               211       (12,569)
      匯兌及其他調整           Exchange and other adjustments              61               (246)                 –                –               106           (79)
      於2016年12月31日         At 31 December 2016                     45,017            (51,568)             1,525           (12,815)             1,144       (16,697)
      於2015年1月1日           At 1 January 2015                        34,263            (63,045)            1,621             18,271            (18,898)      (27,788)
      綜合收益表內撇銷╱       Charged/(credited) to income
        (回撥) 附註13(a))   statement (note 13(a))                      260              1,118                 (7)                –            9,809         11,180
      儲備內回撥               Credited to reserves                          –                 –                 –          (18,306)                –       (18,306)
      匯兌及其他調整           Exchange and other adjustments              (22)                12                  –                –              329
      於2015年12月31日         At 31 December 2015                      34,501            (61,915)            1,614                (35)            (8,760)      (34,595)
                                                                                                                                    港幣千元                 港幣千元
                                                                                                                                     HK$’000                 HK$’000
      在財務狀況表確認的                        Net deferred tax assets recognised on
    淨遞延稅項資產                               the statement of financial position                                              (18,217)                 (36,312)
      在財務狀況表確認的                        Net deferred tax liabilities recognised on
    淨遞延稅項負債                               the statement of financial position                                                  1,520                  1,717
                                                                                                                                      (16,697)                 (34,595)
(c)   未確認的遞延稅項資產                                              (c)       Deferred tax assets not recognised
      由於未來可能沒有適用於有關稅務機關的                                        The Group has not recognised deferred tax assets in respect of
      應課稅溢利以彌補有關虧損,本集團並未                                        cumulative tax losses of HK$641,000 (2015: HK$2,624,000), as it is not
      確認累計稅項虧損的遞延稅項資產為港幣                                        probable that future taxable profits against which the losses can be
      641,000元(2015年:港幣2,624,000元)。根據                                  utilised will be available in the relevant tax jurisdiction and entity. The
      現時稅務條列,這些稅項虧損沒有到期日。                                      tax losses do not expire under current tax legislation.
                                                                                                                                                        二零一六年報       117
                                                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                      Notes to the Financial Statements
      28 債務資本                                                       28 Loan capital
                                                                                                                            港幣千元               港幣千元
                                                                                                                            HK$’000                 HK$’000
           年息率為6.875%,面值                       Subordinated notes with
                500,000,000美元的後償票據*              US$500 million of 6.875% *                                         4,063,457                4,132,209
           年息率為3.875%,面值                       Subordinated notes with
                300,000,000美元的後償票據**             US$300 million of 3.875% **                                        2,318,117                2,306,392
           年息率為6.000%,面值                       Subordinated notes with
                300,000,000美元的後償票據***            US$300 million of 6.000% ***                                       2,324,263                2,327,616
                                                                                                                           8,705,837                8,766,217
           *       2010年6月24日,本行根據於2007年12月推                        *     Under a US$2 billion Medium Term Note Programme (“the Programme”)
                   出2,000,000,000美 元 的 中 期 票 據 計 劃(「中                    issued in December 2007 and the new Offering Circular issued in June
                   期票據計劃」)及於2010年6月發出的發售                              2010, the Bank issued subordinated notes on 24 June 2010 with a face
                   通函,發行面值500,000,000美元(等值港幣                            value of US$500 million (equivalent to HK$3,888.9 million). The notes
                   3,888,900,000元), 發 行 年 息 率 為6.875%的                      bear an interest rate of 6.875% per annum, payable semi-annually. The
                   後償票據。這些票據在新加坡交易所有限                               notes are listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
                   公司上市,並將於2020年6月24日到期。                                and mature on 24 June 2020.
           **      2012年9月27日, 本 行 根 據 以 上 的 中 期                   **    Under the Programme and the new Offering Circular issued in August
                   票 據 計 劃 及 於2012年8月 發 出 的 發 售 通                       2012, the Bank issued subordinated notes on 27 September 2012 with
                   函, 發 行 面 值300,000,000美 元(等 值 港 幣                      a face value of US$300 million (equivalent to HK$2,326.1 million). The
                   2,326,100,000元)的後償票據,發行固定年                            notes bear interest at a fixed rate of 3.875% per annum, payable semi-
                   息率為3.875%,每半年派息至2017年9月28                              annually until 28 September 2017, and thereafter fixed at an interest
                   日止,若於本行其後沒有提早贖回票據,                               rate of the prevailing five-year US Treasury bonds yield plus 3.250% per
                   則其固定年息率為當時美國5年國庫債券孳                              annum if the notes are not redeemed on or before the call date at the
                   息率加3.250%年利率。這些票據在新加坡                               option of the Bank. The notes are listed on the Singapore Exchange
                   交易所有限公司上市,並將於2022年9月28                              Securities Trading Limited and mature on 28 September 2022.
           ***     2013年11月7日, 本 行 根 據 以 上 的 中 期                   ***   Under the Programme and the new Offering Circular issued in October
                   票 據 計 劃 及 於2013年10月 發 出 的 發 售 通                      2013, the Bank issued subordinated notes on 7 November 2013 with
                   函, 發 行 面 值300,000,000美 元(等 值 港 幣                      a face value of US$300 million (equivalent to HK$2,325.8 million) and
                   2,325,800,000元)的後償票據,該後償票據                            which qualified as Basel III-compliant Tier-2 capital. The notes bear
                   符合《巴塞爾協定三》的二級資本要求。後                             interest at a fixed rate of 6.000% per annum, payable semi-annually until
                   償票據的票面年利率定於6.000%,每半年                               7 May 2019, and thereafter fixed at the interest rate of the prevailing
                   派息至2019年5月7日止,若屆時未有行使                               five-year US Treasury bonds yield plus 4.718% per annum if the notes
                   贖回權,票據的票面利率將根據當時5年期                              are not redeemed on the call date. The notes are listed on the Hong
                   美國國庫債券孳息率加4.718%年利率重新                               Kong Stock Exchange and mature on 7 May 2024.
118   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                      Notes to the Financial Statements
29 資本及儲備                                                     29 Capital and reserves
(a)   股本                                                        (a)      Share capital
      (i)  已發行及繳足普通股:                                            (i)  Ordinary shares, issued and fully paid:
                                                                                                         股本                                     股本
                                                                                        股本數目 Share capital            股本數目        Share capital
                                                                                         Number      港幣千元               Number           港幣千元
                                                                                        of shares     HK$’000            of shares            HK$’000
               於1月1日                    At 1 January                            7,283,341,176        7,566,271     7,283,341,176          7,566,271
               年內發行的股份              Shares issued during the year
                 (附註(a)(ii))             (Note (a)(ii))                        1,800,000,000        1,800,000                 –                 –
               於12月31日                  At 31 December                          9,083,341,176        9,366,271     7,283,341,176          7,566,271
      (ii)    年內發行的股份                                               (ii)    Shares issued during the year
                本 行 於2016年1月26日, 以 每 股 港 幣                             The Bank issued a total of 1,800,000,000 ordinary shares at
                1元向控股公司中信國際金融控股有                                    HK$1.00 each to its holding company, CITIC International
                限 公 司 發 行 共1,800,000,000股 普 通 股                          Financial Holdings Limited on 26 January 2016 (2015: Nil).
              (2015年 ︰ 無)。
(b)   股息                                                        (b)      Dividend
      本行截至2016年12月31日止年度內沒有宣派                               No dividend was declared and paid during the year ended 31
      股息(2015年 ︰ 無)。                                               December 2016 (2015: Nil).
(c)   儲備性質及目的                                              (c)      Nature and purpose of components of reserves
      (i) 資本儲備                                                         (i)  Capital reserve
          資本儲備乃不可分派予股東。                                            The capital reserve is not available for distribution to
      (ii)     一般儲備                                                    (ii)    General reserve
               一般儲備是從保留溢利轉出一部份來                                    The general reserve was set up from the transfer of retained
               設立,並且可分派予股東。                                            earnings, and is available for distribution to shareholders.
      (iii)    匯兌差額儲備                                                (iii)   Exchange differences reserve
               匯兌差額儲備包括所有因換算海外業                                    The exchange differences reserve comprises all foreign
               務的財務報表而產生的匯兌差額,並                                    exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial
               根據附註2(p)所載的會計政策處理。                                    statement of foreign operations. The reserve is dealt with in
                                                                                   accordance with the accounting policies set out in note 2(p).
      (iv)     物業重估儲備                                                (iv)    Property revaluation reserve
               物業重估儲備是根據附註2(i)所載的會                                  The property revaluation reserve is dealt with in accordance
               計政策處理,並且不可分派予股東,                                    with the accounting polices set out in note 2(i) and is not
               因為根據新的香港《公司條例》(第622                                 available for distribution to shareholders because it does not
               章)第6部的定義,這些儲備不屬於已                                   constitute realised profits within the meaning of Part 6 of the
               實現溢利。                                                          new Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622).
      (v)      現金流量對沖儲備                                            (v)     Cash flow hedging reserve
               現金流量對沖儲備包括與對沖交易相                                    The cash flow hedging reserve comprises the effective portion
               關的現金流量對沖工具的累計公允價                                    of the cumulative net change in the fair value of cash flow
               值淨變動的有效部份。                                                hedging instruments related to hedged transactions.
                                                                                                                                      二零一六年報        119
                                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                 Notes to the Financial Statements
      29 資本及儲備(續)                                          29 Capital and reserves (continued)
      (c)    儲備性質及目的(續)                                  (c)   Nature and purpose of components of reserves (continued)
             (vi) 投資重估儲備                                           (vi) Investment revaluation reserve
                  投資重估儲備包括於結算日持有的可                            The investment revaluation reserve comprises the cumulative
                  供出售證券的累計淨公允價值變動,                            net change in the fair value of available-for-sale securities
                  並 根 據 附 註2(e)(ii)所 載 的 會 計 政 策 處               held at the end of the reporting period and is dealt with in
                  理。                                                        accordance with the accounting policies in note 2(e)(ii).
             (vii) 法定盈餘公積                                          (vii)   Statutory reserve
                   根據中國相關法例規定,中信銀行國                              Under the relevant legislation of mainland China, CBI (China)
                   際(中國)需要從其每年的稅後溢利中                            is required to transfer 10% of its profit after taxation to a non-
                   轉撥10%作為不能分派予股東的法定盈                             distributable statutory reserve until such reserve has reached
                   餘公積,直至法定盈餘公積達至法定                              50% of its registered share capital.
             (viii) 法定一般儲備                                         (viii) Regulatory general reserve
                     根 據 中 國 銀 行 法 規, 中 信 銀 行 國 際                Pursuant to the banking regulations of mainland China, CBI
                   (中國)需設立法定一般儲備,透過從                           (China) is required to set up a regulatory general reserve through
                     當年度的利潤分配,直接轉撥提取一                           a direct transfer from the current year’s profit appropriation, as
                     般準備以彌補未被認定的潛在損失風                           determined based on the 1% of the total risk assets at the end
                     險,提取的考慮是基於風險資產在結                           of the reporting period to cover its unidentified potential loss
                     算日的總賬面值的1%計算。法定一般                           exposures. The regulatory general reserve forms part of the
                     準備是組成本集團權益的其中一部份。                         equity of the Group.
             (ix)   保留溢利                                             (ix)    Retained profits
                    為 符 合 香 港《銀 行 業 條 例》有 關 審 慎                  A regulatory reserve is maintained to satisfy the provisions of
                    監管的規定,本行需在規管儲備中維                             the Hong Kong Banking Ordinance for prudential supervision
                    持超過已經確認減值損失的將會或                               purposes by earmarking amounts in respect of impairment
                    可能產生的貸款及墊款的減值損失                               losses recognised which the Bank will or may incur on loans
                    金 額。 經 諮 詢 金 管 局 後, 儲 備 的 變                   and advances. Movements in the reserve are earmarked directly
                    動已直接在保留溢利內劃定。於2016                             through retained profits and in consultation with the HKMA. At
                    年12月31日,保留溢利中包括與此有                             31 December 2016, HK$2,805,429,000 (2015: HK$2,571,972,000)
                    關並屬可派發予本行股東的金額為                               was included in the retained profits in this respect, which
                    港 幣2,805,429,000元(2015年: 港 幣                         was distributable to equity holders of the Bank subject to
                    2,571,972,000元)。 但 於 派 發 前 本 行 須                  consultation with the HKMA.
      (d)     儲備的可分派性                                       (d)   Distributability of reserve
              於2016年12月31日,根據新的香港《公司條                     At 31 December 2016, the aggregate amount of reserves available for
              例》(第622章)的規定作為計算,可供分派                    distribution to equity shareholders of the Bank, as calculated under
              予本行股東的儲備總額為港幣12,534,568,000                   the provision of Part 6 of the new Hong Kong Companies Ordinance
              元(2015年 ︰ 港 幣10,151,327,000元)。 以 上              (Cap. 622), was HK$12,534,568,000 (2015: HK$10,151,327,000).
              可供分派的儲備港幣12,534,568,000元(2015                   The difference between the aggregate distributable reserves of
              年:港幣10,151,327,000元)與根據附註42(b)                  HK$12,534,568,000 (2015: HK$10,151,327,000) and the Bank’s retained
              所報告本行的保留溢利港幣15,414,382,000元                   profits of HK$15,414,382,000 (2015: HK$12,788,138,000) as reported in
            (2015年:港幣12,788,138,000元)之間的差額                   note 42(b) mainly represents the inclusion of general reserves and the
              主要是包含一般儲備及剔除投資物業的未實                     exclusion of unrealised revaluation gains on investment properties
              現重估收益及上述的本行監管儲備。                           and the above regulatory reserve of the Bank.
120   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                        Notes to the Financial Statements
30 額外權益工具                                                     30 Additional equity instruments
                                                                                                                      港幣千元               港幣千元
                                                                                                                      HK$’000                 HK$’000
     面值300,000,000美元的永續型                 Undated non-cumulative subordinated capital
          非累積後償資本證券*                       securities with US$300 million*                                  2,310,168                2,310,168
     面值500,000,000美元的永續型                 Undated non-cumulative subordinated capital
          非累積後償資本證券**                      securities with US$500 million**                                 3,863,084                         –
                                                                                                                     6,173,252                2,310,168
     *      根 據 於2007年12月 發 行 的2,000,000,000美                    *     Under a US$2 billion Medium Term Note Programme (“the
            元 的 中 期 票 據 計 劃(「該 計 劃」)和 於2014                    Programme”) issued in December 2007 and the new Offering Circular
            年4月 頒 佈 的 新 發 售 通 函, 本 行 於2014年                      issued in April 2014, the Bank issued a Basel III compliant Undated
            4月22日 發 行 符 合《巴 塞 爾 協 定 三》面 值                       Non-Cumulative Subordinated Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities (the
            300,000,000美 元(等 值 港 幣2,313,470,000                          “AT1 Capital Securities”) on 22 April 2014 with a face value of US$300
            元)的永續型非累積後償額外一級資本證                                million (equivalent to HK$2,313.47 million). The AT1 Capital Securities
            券(「額 外 一 級 資 本 證 券」)。 此 額 外 一 級                  are perpetual and bear a 7.250% coupon until the first call date on 22
            資 本 證 券 並 無 固 定 到 期 日 及 於2019年4月                     April 2019. The coupon will be reset every five years if the AT1 Capital
            22日首個提前贖回日期前,票面年利率為                                Securities are not redeemed to a fixed rate equivalent to the then-
            7.250%。若屆時未有行使贖回權,票面年                                prevailing five-year US Treasury rate plus 5.627% per annum.
            根據條款及條件,額外一級資本賦予持有                                According to the terms and conditions, the AT1 Capital Securities
            人按本金收取非累計分派的權利(受已既                                confer a right to receive non-cumulative distributions (each a
            定的非可行性情況出現時須作調整),包                                Distribution) on the principal amount (subject to adjustments following
            括自發行日的適用分派率,及於每年的4                                 the occurrence of a non-viability event as defined) from, and including,
            月22日和10月22日派半年息一次。本行可                                the issue date at the applicable distribution rate, payable semi-annually
            以自行決定,選擇取消分派付款或贖回額                                in arrear on 22 April and 22 October each year. The Banks may, at its
            外 一 級 資 本, 但 需 得 到 金 管 局 的 事 先 書                   sole discretion, elect to cancel the distribution payment or redeem
            面同意。截至2016年12月31日年內的分派                                the AT1 Capital Securities, which are subject to prior written consent
            付 款 的 支 付 為21,750,000美元(相當於港幣                         of the HKMA. A distribution payment of US$21,750,000 (equivalent to
            168,735,000元) 2015年:21,750,000美元(相當                        HK$168,735,000) was paid during the year ended 31 December 2016
            於港幣168,567,000元))。                                           (2015: US$21,750,000, equivalent to HK$168,567,000).
     **     根 據 於2007年12月 發 行 的2,000,000,000美                    **    Under a US$2 billion Medium Term Note Programme (“the Programme”)
            元的中期票據計劃和於2016年8月及9月各                                issued in December 2007 and the new and supplemental offering
            自 頒 佈 的 新 發 售 通 函 和 補 充 通 函, 本 行                   circulars issued in August and September 2016, respectively, the Bank
            於2016年9月29日 為 符 合《巴 塞 爾 協 定 三》                       priced its US$500 million Basel III compliant Undated Non-Cumulative
            500,000,000美元的永續型非累積後償額外                               Subordinated Additional Tier 1 Capital Securities (“AT1 Capital
            一級資本證券(「額外一級資本證券」)定                              Securities”) with the legal binding subscription agreements signed on
            價,並簽署具有法律約束力的認購協議。                                29 September 2016. The AT1 Capital Securities with a face value and
            此 面 值 及 本 金500,000,000美 元(等 值 港 幣                      principal amount of US$500 million (equivalent to HK$3,877.86 million)
            3,877,860,000元)額 外 一 級 資 本 證 券 於 香                      are perpetual and listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited,
            港聯合交易所有限公司上市及無固定到期                                and bear a 4.25% per annum distribution rate until the first call date
            日,於2021年10月11日首個提前贖回日期                                on 11 October 2021. The distribution rate will be reset every five years
            前的分派息率為年利率4.25%。若屆時未有                               if the AT1 Capital Securities are not called by the Bank to a fixed rate
            行使贖回權,此分派息率的年利率將按當                                equivalent to the then-prevailing five-year US Treasury rate plus 3.107%
            時5年期美國國庫債券息率加年利率3.107%                               per annum.
                                                                                                                                        二零一六年報        121
                                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                             Notes to the Financial Statements
      30 額外權益工具(續)                                    30 Additional equity instruments (continued)
           根據條款及條件,額外一級資本賦予持有                     According to the terms and conditions, the AT1 Capital Securities
           人按本金收取非累計分派(每次分派)的權                   confer a right to the holders to receive non-cumulative distributions
           利,包括自發行日的適用分派率,及於每年                   on the principal amount from, and including, the issue date at the
           的4月11日和10月11日派半年息一次。本行                    applicable distribution rate, payable semi-annually in arrear on 11
           可以自行決定,選擇取消分派付款或贖回額                   April and 11 October in each year. The Bank may, at its sole discretion,
           外一級資本,但需得到金管局的事先書面同                   elect to cancel the distribution payment or redeem the AT1 Capital
           意。本行可根據既定的非可行性情況出現時                   Securities subject to prior written consent of the HKMA. The
           及所載條款及條件減值未償還額外一級資本                   outstanding amount of AT1 Capital Securities can be written down by
           的總額。根據香港《金融機構(處置機制)                   the Bank following the occurrence of a non-viability event as defined
           條例》(第628章)中賦予自救權力,當非可                  and set out in the terms and conditions. At the sole discretion of the
           行性事件發生時,本行可行使相關香港處置                   relevant Hong Kong Resolution Authority following a non-viability
           權自行決定調整未償還額外一級資本總額。                   event, the outstanding amount of AT1 Capital Securities can be
                                                                    adjusted upon the exercise of Hong Kong Bail-in Power in accordance
                                                                    with the Hong Kong Financial Institutions (Resolution) Ordinance
      31 僱員退休計劃                                          31 Staff retirement scheme
           本集團設有一項界定供款公積金計劃(「該                   The Group has a defined contribution provident fund scheme
           退休計劃」);據此,本集團須作出相當於僱                 (“the Retirement Scheme”) under which it contributes 10% of the
           員基本薪金10%的供款。該退休計劃是一個                    employees’ basic salaries. The Retirement Scheme is a Mandatory
           強積金豁免計劃,涵蓋範圍遍及本集團的所                   Provident Fund (“MPF”) exempted scheme and covers all permanent
           有全職僱員。僱員毋須作出任何供款。如果                   full-time employees of the Group. No employee contributions are
           僱員在獲得全數供款前離職,本集團不得將                   required. Contributions forfeited by leavers prior to vesting fully may
           僱員所放棄的供款用作減少現時的供款額,                   not be used by the Group to reduce the existing level of contribution,
           而需將有關供款撥入一個獨立的福利基金,                   but are transferred to a separate welfare fund which shall be applied
           作為該退休計劃成員的福利金。                             for the welfare of the Retirement Scheme’s members.
           除了該退休計劃外,本集團自2000年12月1                    In addition to the Retirement Scheme, the Group has also participated
           日起,也參與一項認可強積金計劃,為現有                   in an approved MPF scheme effective from 1 December 2000 to
           及新聘的僱員提供計劃選擇。本集團已根據                   provide a choice of schemes to both existing and new employees.
           強積金計劃提供等同強制部份的福利。                       Mandatory benefits are provided under the MPF Scheme.
           本 年 度 內, 本 集 團 就 這 些 計 劃 作 出 的 供        During the year, the Group contributed approximately HK$91,652,000
           款 約 為 港 幣91,652,000元(2015年: 港 幣               (2015: HK$82,115,000) (note 10(a)) to these schemes.
122   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                Notes to the Financial Statements
32 現金及現金等值項目                                       32 Notes to consolidated cash flow statement
                                                                                                  港幣千元             港幣千元
                                                                                                   HK$’000              HK$’000
     (a) 經營溢利與經營業務之      (a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow
         現金淨額的對賬                 (used in)/from operating activities
       經營業務                      Operating activities
       稅前溢利                      Profit before taxation                                      3,053,239             2,601,446
       非現金項目調整:              Adjustments for non-cash items:
         客戶貸款及墊款及其他           Impairment losses on loans and
           賬項減值虧損準備               advances and other accounts                              552,959               667,677
         出售可供出售證券淨收益         Net gain on disposal of available-for-sale securities     (129,729)               (59,715)
         出售物業及設備淨               Net (gain)/loss on disposal of property and
          (收益)╱虧損                  equipment                                                     (15)
         投資物業重估收益               Revaluation gain on investment properties                    (9,546)               (3,046)
         遞延支出攤銷                   Amortisation of deferred expenses                           36,571               121,632
         物業及設備折舊                 Depreciation on property and equipment                     150,220               135,135
         權益證券股息收入               Dividend income from equity securities                       (6,098)               (6,294)
         債務資本利息支出               Interest expense on loan capital                           504,064               503,309
         匯兌差額                       Foreign exchange differences                              (107,715)             (373,269)
       營運資金變動前的經營溢利      Operating profit before changes in working Capital          4,043,950             3,587,605
       經營資產(增加)╱減少        (Increase)/decrease in operating assets
         原到期日超過3個月的在銀        Placements with and advances to banks,
           行、中央銀行及其他金           central banks and other financial institutions
           融機構的存款及墊款             with original maturity beyond 3 months                 3,096,013                (42,678)
         原到期日超過3個月的            Treasury bills with original maturity
           國庫券                         beyond 3 months                                        5,851,710             (7,875,416)
         原到期日超過3個月的            Certificates of deposit held with original
           持有存款證                     maturity beyond 3 months                               (4,081,411)           (7,651,121)
         交易用途資產                   Trading assets                                           (1,304,181)            (986,206)
         客戶貸款及墊款及               Loans and advances to customers and
           其他賬項                       other accounts                                        (18,412,937)         (20,483,681)
         可供出售證券                   Available-for-sale securities                            (6,746,042)           (8,111,502)
                                                                                                (21,596,848)         (45,150,604)
       經營負債增加╱(減少)        Increase/(decrease) in operating liabilities
         銀行及其他金融機構的           Deposits and balances of banks and
           存款及結存                     other financial institutions                           2,598,359             (1,471,100)
         客戶存款                       Deposits from customers                                 14,883,011            31,742,004
         交易用途負債                   Trading liabilities                                        440,830               580,807
         已發行存款證                   Certificates of deposit issued                             201,380             (3,509,246)
         其他負債                       Other liabilities                                        (2,298,988)           4,597,056
                                                                                                15,824,592            31,939,521
       用於經營業務的現金額          Cash used in operating activities                           (1,728,306)           (9,623,478)
                                                                                                                   二零一六年報      123
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2016
      財務報表附註                                                      Notes to the Financial Statements
      32 現金及現金等值項目(續)                                       32 Notes to consolidated cash flow statement (continued)
                                                                                                             港幣千元      港幣千元
                                                                                                              HK$’000       HK$’000
           (a) 經營溢利與經營業務之            (a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow
                 現金淨額的對賬(續)               (used in)/from operating activities (continued)
              用於經營業務的現金額               Cash used in operating activities                          (1,728,306)    (9,623,478)
              已付所得稅                         Income tax paid
                 已付香港利得稅                     Hong Kong Profits Tax paid                                (197,426)     (389,223)
                 已付海外稅項                       Overseas tax paid                                          (62,553)       (52,565)
              用於經營業務的現金淨額             Net cash flow used in operating activities                 (1,988,285)   (10,065,266)
              經營業務產生的現金                 Cash flows from operating
                 流量包括:                         activities include:
                 已收利息                           Interest received                                        6,891,019     6,578,774
                 已付利息                           Interest paid                                           (2,599,419)    (2,847,156)
           (b) 現金及現金等值項目              (b) Analysis of the balances of cash
                 的結存分析                         and cash equivalents
              現金及在銀行、中央銀行及           Cash and balances with banks, central banks and
                 其他金融機構的結存                 other financial institutions                            26,458,664    19,497,229
              在銀行、中央銀行及其他             Placements with and advances to banks, central
                 金融機構的存款及墊款               banks and other financial institutions with original
                (原於3個月內到期)                 maturity within 3 months                                18,304,676    22,453,326
              國庫券及持有的存款證               Treasury bills and certificates of deposit held
                (原於3個月內到期)                 with original maturity within 3 months:
                 -可供出售證券                     – Available-for-sale securities                         9,753,931     9,744,861
                                                                                                            54,517,271    51,695,416
124   中信銀行(國際)有限公司
財務報表附註                                                        Notes to the Financial Statements
33 用作負債抵押的資產及抵押品接受作                                 33 Assets pledged as security for liabilities and collateral
   為抵押資產                                                          accepted as security for assets
                                                                                                                            港幣千元               港幣千元
                                                                                                                            HK$’000                 HK$’000
     用作負債抵押的資產                         Assets pledged as security for liabilities
     用作抵押可供出售證券的                     Available-for-sale securities pledged for
           法定存款(附註(1))                     statutory deposit (Note 1)                                                 85,304                   85,541
     用作抵押可供出售證券的                     Available-for-sale securities pledged for
           個人負債(附註(2))                     own liabilities (Note 2)                                                          –                77,800
                                                                                                                              85,304                  163,341
     抵押品接受作為抵押資產                     Collateral accepted as security for assets
     允許出售或在沒有違約轉押抵                 Fair value of the collateral permitted to sell or
           押品的公允價值(附註3)                 repledge in the absence of default (Note 3)                                       –             1,592,835
     附註:                                                                   Note:
     (1)      用作抵押的資產是指於結算日抵押予美國                            (1)     The assets pledged represented statutory deposits pledged by the
              貨幣監理處的法定存款。                                                  overseas branches of the Bank to the Office of the Comptroller of the
                                                                                      Currency in the United States.
     (2)      於2015年, 根 據 銷 售 和 回 購 交 易 之 擔 保                  (2)     At 31 December 2015, the assets pledged regarded as ‘collateral’
              責任,視為「抵押品」的抵押資產為港幣                                    under the s
