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江铃B:2019年半年度报告摘要(英文版) 下载公告
Share’s code:000550 200550Share’s Name:Jiangling Motors Jiangling BNo.:2019-044

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.Extracts From 2019 Half-year Report

1. Important note

These extracts are extracted from the original of JMC half-year report. To fullyunderstand the Company’s operating results, financial status and futuredevelopment plan, investors should carefully read the original for details in thewebsite designated by CSRC for publication of JMC’s Half-year Report.

Abnormal opinions from directors, supervisors and senior managers

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Director David Johnston did not attend this meeting, and he authorized ViceChairman Anning Chen to represent him at this meeting, and all the otherDirectors were present at the Board meeting in person.

Abnormal opinions from accounting firm for the reporting period

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Proposal on profit distribution and converting capital reserve to share capital

□Applicable √Not Applicable

JMC will not pay dividend in cash or stock, or convert capital reserve to sharecapital.

Proposal on profit distribution of preferred shares

□Applicable √Not Applicable

2. Brief introductions

2.1 Company’s information

Share’s nameJiangling Motor, Jiangling BShare’s code000550, 200550
Place of listingShenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact persons and contact detailsBoard SecretarySecurities Affair Representative
NameWan HongQuan Shi
Contact addressNo. 509, Northern Yingbin Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, P.R.C

2.2 Main accounting data and financial ratios

Whether the previous accounting data should be retroactive adjusted?

□Yes √No

Unit: RMB ‘000

Reporting period (2019 first half)Same period last yearChange (%)
Profit Attributable to the Equity Holders of the Company58,862318,951-81.55
Net Cash Generated From Operating Activities1,435,202-906,818258.27
Basic Earnings Per Share (RMB)0.070.37-81.55
Diluted Earnings Per Share (RMB)0.070.37-81.55
Weighted Average Return on Equity Ratio0.57%2.72%Down 2.15 percentage points
At the end of reporting periodAt the end of the previous yearChange (%)
Total Assets23,668,97023,396,5291.16
Shareholders’ Equity Attributable to the Equity Holders of the Company10,408,83110,384,4980.23

2.3 Shareholders and shareholding status

Total shareholders (as of June 30, 2018)JMC had 20,943 shareholders, including 15,772 A-share holders, and 5,171 B-share holders.
Top ten shareholders
Shareholder NameShareholder TypeShareholding Percentage (%)Shares at the End of YearChange (+,-)Shares with Trading RestrictionShares due to mortgage or frozen
Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person41.03354,176,000000
Ford Motor CompanyForeign legal person32.00276,228,394000
China Securities Corporation LimitedOther2.7223,458,066000
Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd.State-owned Legal person1.5113,019,610000
Harvest Environmental Protection Low Carbon Stock Investment FundOther0.988,465,988277,00500
Central Huijin Investment Ltd.State-owned legal person0.837,186,600000
JPMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON CHINA FUND GTI 5497Foreign legal person0.685,848,450000
GAOLING FUND,L.P.Foreign legal person0.635,453,086000
National Social Security Fund 504 PortfolioOther0.615,250,4555,250,45500
INVESCO FUNDS SICAVForeign legal person0.585,035,746000
Notes on association among above-mentioned shareholdersNone.

2.4 Change of controlling shareholders or actual controlling partiesChange of controlling shareholders

□Applicable √Not Applicable

There was no change of controlling shareholders during the reporting period.

Change of actual controlling parties

□Applicable √Not Applicable

There was no change of actual controlling parties during the reporting period.

Subsequent eventsJiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “JHC”), acontrolling shareholder of Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as“JMC” or “the Company”), has been divided and separated into the newcompany, Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as“JIC”) and Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd. (as an existing company). Afterthe separation, JHC intends to divide its hold 41.03% equity of JMC into thenew company, JIC, and therefore, the controlling shareholder of JMC will bechanged from JHC to JIC, but the actual controller of JMC remainsunchanged.

As of July 26, 2019, the 354,176,000 JMC shares, accounting for about 41.03%of the total share capital of the Company, held by JHC, the former controllingshareholder of the Company, have been transferred to JIC, and JHC no longerheld the shares of the Company. JIC holds 354,176.000 shares of theCompany, accounting for about 41.03% of the total share capital of theCompany, and becomes a controlling shareholder of the Company.

Shareholding relationship with JMC and the shareholders of JHC before andafter the separation are shown as follows:

(1)Before the separation

(2)After the separation

2.5 Total shareholders and top ten shareholders holding preferredshares

□Applicable √Not Applicable

There was no shareholder holding preferred shares during the reportingperiod.

2.6 Company Bond

Whether the Company owns the corporate bond that is lists in the securitiesexchange and undue or is not paid in full although it’s due?

□Yes √No

3. Management Discussions and Analysis

3.1 Summary

In 2019, China's economy has maintained a trend of overall stable andprogressive development. The main macroeconomic indicators reflected theoperation in a reasonable range, and the economic structure is constantlybeing optimized and adjusted. Total sales volume was 12.32 million units,decreased 12.40% compared with last year.

During the reporting period, to cope with more severe competition, morestringent regulatory requirement and intensifying cost pressures, the Companyfocused on quality improvement, new product development, operating costcontrol and production efficiency enhancement. Simultaneously, the Companyintroduced series of sales policy to respond the market risk. In the first half of2019, JMC achieved sales volume of 136,643 units, decreased 7.27%compared with last year, achieved revenue of RMB 13.72 billion, decreased

3.96% compared with last year, achieved net profit of RMB 59 million,decreased 81.55% compared with last year. It mainly reflects: I. the volumedecrease of passenger vehicle in the interim period and the change of overall

Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.JMCG





JMCChongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.

Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.JMCG

Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.




sales structure; II. Marketing expense increased to compete in the verychallenging market. III. Continued spending on new product and technology.

3.2 Matters related to financial statements

1 Explanation on the changes of accounting policy, accounting estimates,estimation method compared with that of the last accounting period

□Applicable √Not Applicable

2 Cause and impacts of major accounting errors, and correction result

□Applicable √Not Applicable

3 Explanation on consolidated scope change compared with that of the lastaccounting period

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Board of DirectorsJiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.August 29, 2019
