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江铃B:2016年半年度报告(英文版) 下载公告
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
     2016 Half-year Report
Chapter I           Important Notes, Contents and Abbreviations
Important Note
The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its
members, and the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed in the
report and confirm that the information disclosed herein does not contain false
statements, misrepresentations or major omissions.
All Directors were present at the Board meeting to review this Half-year
Neither cash dividend nor stock dividend was distributed. The Board decided
not to convert capital reserve to share capital this time.
Chairman Qiu Tiangao, CFO Gong Yuanyuan and Chief of Finance
Department, Ding Ni, confirm that the Financial Statements in this Half-year
Report are truthful, accurate and complete.
The prospective description regarding future business plan and development
strategy in this report does not constitute virtual commitment. The investors
shall pay attention to the risk.
All financial data in this report are prepared under International Financial
Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) unless otherwise specified.
The Half-year Report is prepared in Chinese and English. In case of
discrepancy, the Chinese version will prevail.
Chapter I      Important Notes, Contents and Abbreviations ............................... 2
Chapter II     Brief Introduction ........................................................................... 4
Chapter III    Operating Overview ...................................................................... 5
Chapter IV     Management Discussion and Analysis.......................................... 6
Chapter V      Major Events ............................................................................... 12
Chapter VI     Share Capital Changes & Shareholders ...................................... 15
Chapter VII    Preferred Shares.......................................................................... 17
Chapter VIII   Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management.......................... 17
Chapter IX     Financial Statements .................................................................. 18
Chapter XI     Catalog on Documents for Reference .......................................... 73
JMC, or the Company                     Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
JMH                                     Jiangling Motor Holding Co., Ltd.
Ford                                    Ford Motor Company
Jiangling-Isuzu                         Jiangling-Isuzu Motors Company, Ltd.
CSRC                                    China Securities Regulatory Commission
JMCG                                    Jiangling Motors Company (Group)
JMCH                                    JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.
EVP                                     Executive Vice President
CFO                                     Chief Financial Officer
VP                                      Vice President
Chapter II               Brief Introduction
1. Company’s Information
Share’s name      Jiangling Motors, Jiangling B Share’s Code                   000550, 200550
Place of listing   Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company’s Chinese
English name       Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Abbreviation       JMC
Company legal
                   Qiu Tiangao
2. Contact Person and Method
                                                                               Securities Affairs
                                            Board Secretary
Name                                Wan Hong                            Quan Shi
                                    No. 509, Northern Yingbin           No. 509, Northern Yingbin
Address                             Avenue, Nanchang City,              Avenue, Nanchang City,
                                    Jiangxi Province, P.R.C             Jiangxi Province, P.R.C
Tel                                 86-791-85235675                     86-791-85266178
Fax                                 86-791-85232839                     86-791-85232839
E-mail                              relations@jmc.com.cn                relations@jmc.com.cn
3. Other
i. Contact Methods
Changes of registered address, headquarter address, postal code, website
and e-mail
□Applicable √Not Applicable
There is no change of registered address, headquarter address, postal code,
website and e-mail. Please refer to 2015 Annual Report for details.
ii. Newspapers for information disclosure, website for publication of JMC’s
    Half-year Report and place for achieving Half-year Report
□Applicable √Not Applicable
There is no change of newspapers for information disclosure, website
designated by CSRC for publication of JMC’s Half-year Report and place for
achieving Half-year Report. Please refer to 2015 Annual Report for details.
iii. Changes of Registration
Changes of registration during the reporting period
√Applicable □Not Applicable
                                                         No. of Legal    Taxation      Organization
                       Registered                         Person’s     Registration      Code
                                     Registered Place
                         date                             Business       Number
Registration at the                 Jiangxi                         (State
                      April 30,
beginning of                        Administration for              Administration of 61244694-3
reporting period                    Industry &                      Taxation)
                                                                           Local Taxation)
     Registration at the
                                         Administration for    9136000061 9136000061244 9136000061
     end of reporting      April 8, 2016
                                         Industry &            24469438   69438         24469438
    Chapter III               Operating Overview
    1. Main accounting data and financial ratios
                                                                                  Unit: RMB ‘000
                                   Reporting period            Same period
                                   (2016 first half)*           last year*            Change (%)
Revenue                                    10,810,736              11,989,327                   -9.83
Profit Attributable to the
Equity Holders of the                          704,517               1,081,532                 -34.86
Net Cash Generated
                                               987,554                 230,053                329.27
From Operating Activities
Basic Earnings Per Share
                                                   0.82                   1.25                 -34.86
Diluted Earnings Per
                                                   0.82                   1.25                 -34.86
Share (RMB)
Weighted Average Return                                                                     Down 4
                                                   5.71                   9.71
on Equity Ratio                                                                    percentage points
                                     At the end of            At the end of the       Change (%)
                                   reporting period*           previous year
Total Assets                               21,307,886              21,050,726                       1.22
Shareholders’ Equity
Attributable to the Equity            11,796,549                   11,981,142                   -1.54
Holders of the Company
         Note: *unaudited financial indexes.
    2. Accounting data difference between China GAAP and IFRS
    Impact of IFRS adjustments on the net profit and shareholders’ equity
    □Applicable √Not Applicable
Chapter IV                   Management Discussion and Analysis
1. Summary
In the first half of 2016, China automobile market has been maintained growth
attributed to the rapid growth of SUV market. Total sales volume was 12.83
million units, increased 8.14% compared with the same period last year. SUV
sales volume was 3.85 million units, increased 44.26% compared with the
same period last year and commercial vehicle sales volume was 1.79 million
units, increased 1.87% compared with the same period last year.
During the reporting period, to cope with more severe competition, more
stringent regulatory requirement and intensifying cost pressures, the
Company focused on quality improvement, new product development,
operating cost control and production efficiency enhancement. Simultaneously,
the Company introduced a series of sales policy to respond the market
pressure. In the first half of 2016, JMC achieved sales volume of 121,008
units, decreased 10.78% compared with the same period last year, achieved
revenue of RMB 10.81 billion, decreased 9.83% compared with the same
period last year and achieved net profit of RMB 700 million, decreased 34.86%
compared with the same period last year.
2. Core Business Analysis
Year-over-Year Changes of Main Financial Data
                                                              Unit: RMB’000 Yuan
                                                          YOY change
                                2016 1H      2015 1H                             Reason
Revenue                         10,810,736   11,989,327        -9.83%
Cost of sales                    8,356,083    9,009,816        -7.26%
Distribution costs                 758,003      634,670        19.43%
                                   944,758    1,059,639       -10.84%
Income                                                                   PBT declined due to
                                    66,103      185,924       -64.45%
tax expense                                                              lower sales
Profit Attributable to the                                               Sales volume decrease,
Company’s Equity                                                        product price reduction
                                   704,517    1,081,532         -34.86
Holders                                                                  and distribution costs
Net cash generated                                                       the decrease of payment
                                   987,554      230,053       329.27%
from operating activities                                                of commodity purchasing
Net cash used in
                                  -357,893     -484,523        26.13%
investing activities
Net cash used in
                                    -7,783         -231     -3269.26%
financing activities
Net increase/(decrease)
in cash and cash                   621,878     -254,701       344.16%
     3. Composition of Core Business
                                                                    Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                    Y-O-Y Cost    gross
                                                Gross    turnover
                 Turnover          Cost                              Change      margin
                                                Margin    change
                                                                       (%)       change
Automobile     10,694,697,832   8,246,952,920   22.89%   -10.10%       -7.53%          -2.15
Vehicle         9,507,665,193   7,381,951,778   22.36%   -12.36%       -9.42%          -2.52
China          10,694,697,832   8,246,952,920   22.89%   -10.10%       -7.53%          -2.15
     Substantial change of profit composition during the reporting period
     □Applicable √Not Applicable
     There was no substantial change of profit composition during the reporting
     Future development and prospects disclosed in the public disclosure
     documents, such as prospectus, raised funding report and assets
     restructuring report continue into the reporting period
     □Applicable √Not Applicable
     There was no future development and prospects disclosed in the public
     disclosure documents, such as prospectus, raised funding report and assets
     restructuring report continued into the reporting period.
     Review on the operation status of the previous disclosed business plan in the
     reporting period
     During the reporting period, to cope with more severe competition, more
     stringent regulatory requirement and intensifying cost pressures, the
     Company focused on quality improvement, new product development,
     operating cost control and production efficiency enhancement. Simultaneously,
     the Company introduced a series of sales policy to respond the market
     pressure. In the first half of 2016, JMC achieved sales volume of 121,008
     units, decreased 10.78% compared with the same period last year, achieved
     revenue of RMB 10.81 billion or the target of 42% of 2016 budget, decreased
     9.83% compared with the same period last year and achieved net profit of
     RMB 700 million, decreased 34.86% compared with the same period last year.
     In the second half of 2016, JMC will continue to expand market and
     endeavour to the promotion of new products such as New Yusheng 330 SUV
     so as to increase sales volume and complete annual target.
     4. Core Competitiveness Analysis
     JMC is a sino-foreign joint venture auto company with R&D, manufacturing
     and sales operations. As a mainstream of domestic light commercial vehicle
     industry, JMC had been ranked among the top hundred Chinese listed
     corporations with comprehensive strength for consecutive years; and
certificated as a national enterprise technology center, high-tech enterprise
and national automobile export base.
JMC's influence over auto industry is improving steadily, making considerable
progress both in technical equipment and new product development. As the
series of new products such as Ford brand SUV EVEREST, MPV TOURNEO
and Ford engine 2.0GTDI launched, the Company’s development and
manufacturing competences are further strengthened; Xiaolan new plant’s
manufacturing level and new R&D center’s development capability are further
improved. Meanwhile, learning Ford advanced technology and management
experience, JMC self-developed Yusheng S330 SUV will be launched in 2016
second half which will further enhance the Company’s competence on R&D,
manufacturing and competitiveness in SUV field.
5. Investment Analysis
I. Outside Equity Investment
(a) Outside Investment
□Applicable √Not Applicable
The Company had no outside investment during the reporting period.
(b) Equity of Financial Enterprise Held by JMC
□Applicable √Not Applicable
The Company did not hold any equity of financial enterprise during the
reporting period.
(c) Stock Investment
□Applicable √Not Applicable
The Company had no stock investment during the reporting period.
(d) Equity of Other Listed Company Held by JMC
□Applicable √Not Applicable
The Company did not hold any equity of other listed company during the
reporting period.
II. Entrusting Investment, Derivative Investment, Entrusting Loan
(a) Entrusting Investment
□Applicable √Not Applicable
The Company had no entrusting investment during the reporting period.
(b) Derivative Investment
□Applicable √Not Applicable
The Company had no derivate investment during the reporting period.
(c) Entrusting Loan
□Applicable √Not Applicable
The Company had no entrusting loan during the reporting period.
                 III. Usage of Raised Fund
                 □Applicable √Not Applicable
                 The Company had no usage of raised fund during the reporting period.
                 IV. Operating Results of Main Subsidiaries and Joint-Stock Companies
                 √Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB Yuan
  Name of         Type of                            Registered                                                    Operating
                                 Main Products                       Assets        Net Assets       Turnover                      Net Profit
 Companies       Companies                            Capital                                                       Profit
Motors Sales                    Sales vehicle,
                 Subsidiary                          50,000,000   2,205,665,234     87,458,596    9,295,198,103   -177,623,727   -133,272,894
Corporation,                    service parts
                                Product heavy
JMC Heavy                       commercial
Duty Vehicle     Subsidiary     vehicle , engine,   281,793,174   1,165,379,777    -42,119,396      51,515,855     -81,496,049    10,751,799
Co., Ltd                        component, and
                                related service
                                Automotive air
Systems          Joint -Stock
                                conditioning and     46,627,171    333,142,527     210,306,977     229,287,329     35,196,869     26,244,382
(Nanchang)        Company
Co., Ltd.
                 V. Major Non-Raised Fund Investment
                 √Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                           Total              Spending in
                                        Investment            the first half                                     Planned
               Project Name                                                         Committed
                                         Approval               of 2016                                        Job#1 Time
                                        (RMB Mils)            (RMB Mils)            (RMB Mils)
          J08 Program                         1,233                         6              812             First Half, 2016
          J09 Program                         2,414                      149             1,754           Second Half, 2016
          Investment in                             2,133                     12                1,878          First Half, 2017
          Xiaolan Site
          N330 Program                              1,212                 121                    780           First Half, 2017
          J20 Heavy Truck
          Program Long                              1,173                 122                   
