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三七互娱:2019年半年度报告摘要(英文版) 下载公告

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology

Group Co., Ltd.

2019 Semi-annual Report

August 2019

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Section I Contents and Interpretation

Table of Contents

Section I Contents and Interpretation ...... 2

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ...... 6

Section III Business Overview ...... 10

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of Operation Status ...... 16

Section V Important Events ...... 35

Section VI Equity Changes and Shareholders ...... 40

Section VII Financial Report ...... 47

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.


CSRCmeansChina Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSEmeansShenzhen Stock Exchange
The Company/Company/Listed Company/Sanqi Interactive EntertainmentmeansWuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd./Wuhu Shunrong Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Co., Ltd./Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Sanqi Interactive EntertainmentmeansSanqi Interactive Entertainment (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd.
Company LawmeansCompany Law of the People’s Republic of China
Securities LawmeansSecurities Law of the People’s Republic of China
Articles of AssociationmeansArticles of Association of Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd./Articles of Association of Wuhu ShunrongSanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Co., Ltd./Articles of Association of Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group Co., Ltd.
RMB/RMB 10,000meansChinese yuan/10,000 Chinese yuan
Reporting PeriodmeansFrom January 1st, 2019 to June 30th, 2019
End of Reporting PeriodmeansJune 30th, 2019
Browser gamesmeansClientless or browser kernel-based micro-client games that are based on web development technologies and utilize standard protocols as basic transmission modes. Game users can play browser games directly through an Internet browser
Mobile gamesmeansGames that are downloaded via mobile network and run on mobile phones or other mobile terminals.
RPGmeansRole playing game
ARPGmeansAction role playing game
SIMmeansSimulation game
SLGmeansStrategy game
STGmeansShooting game
MMOmeansMassive Multiplayer Online
MOBAmeansMultiplayer Online Battle Arena
Shanghai MokunmeansShanghai Mokun Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu ZhimingmeansJiangsu Zhiming Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Tibet XintaimeansTibet Xintai Culture Media Co., Ltd.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Anhui Vogue EntertainmentmeansAnhui Vogue Entertainment Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Vogue Entertainment InternationalmeansVogue Entertainment International Limited
G-MEI NetworkmeansG-MEI Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou SanqimeansGuangzhou Sanqi Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou XingzhongmeansGuangzhou Xingzhong Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Anhui XuhongmeansAnhui Xuhong Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Anhui SanqimeansAnhui Sanqi Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Aurora/Aurora Network/Jiangsu Aurora NetworkmeansJiangsu Aurora Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai YingtongmeansShanghai Yingtong Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Wisdom Entertainment InternationalmeansWisdom Entertainment Online International Limited
Wisdom Game InternationalmeansWisdom Game Online International Limited
Shanghai GuanhangmeansShanghai Guanhang Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Anhui JiashangmeansAnhui Jiashang Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Shengge Times Network Technology Co., Ltd.meansChengdu Shengge Times Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Beijing ShanghengmeansBeijing ShanghengJiatian Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu JiaqumeansJiangsu Jiaqu Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai ZhirenmeansShanghai Zhiren Culture Media Co., Ltd.
Tibet TaifumeansTibet Taifu Culture Media Co., Ltd.
37 Games Entertainment Co., Ltd.means37 Games Entertainment Limited
Shanghai Mobile GamemeansShanghai ShouyouTianxia Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
Anhui GuanyumeansAnhui Guanyu Culture Media Co., Ltd.
Tibet YaotongmeansTibet Yaotong Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Tibet ShenggemeansTibet Shengge Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Sanqi Interactive EntertainmentmeansSanqi Interactive Entertainment (Guangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou HuoshanhumeansGuangzhou Huoshanhu Information Technology Co., Ltd.
KhorgasQianyumeansKhorgos Entertainment Network Technology Co., Ltd.
KhorgasXinghuimeansKhorgosXinghui Network Technology Co., Ltd.
KhorgosXinruimeansKhorgosXinrui Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Top IncreasemeansTop Increase Global Limited
KhorgasSanqimeansKhorgosSanqi Entertainment Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
Anhui AurorameansAnhui Sanqi Aurora Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou JishengmeansGuangzhou Jisheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Anhui WanhumeansAnhui Wanhu Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Zhuhai MiaohumeansZhuhai Miaohu Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai ShangjiemeansZhuhai Shangjie Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Huai’anSanqimeansHuai’anSanqiYijian Pan-Entertainment Asset Management Center (Limited Partnership)
Anhui ZhushengmeansAnhui Zhusheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Sanqi Culture & EntertainmentmeansSanqi Entertainment Network Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Pengwan Technology Co., Ltd.meansChengdu Pengwan Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
Wangzhong InvestmentmeansZhangshuWangzhong Investment Management Center (Limited Partnership)
Chengdu ShouyinmeansChengdu Shouyin Technology Co., Ltd.
Silk Road Culture CompanymeansKhorgosSanqi Wisdom Entertainment Silk Road Cultural Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Anhui JishuomeansAnhui Jishuo Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai JiqumeansShanghai Jiqu Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Feiying NetworkmeansFeiying Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou LehumeansGuangzhou Lehu Network Technology Co., Ltd.
ChuangshiPoxiaomeansChuangshiPoxiao Co., Ltd.
Japanese LycheemeansLychee Corporation
Guangzhou JishangmeansGuangzhou Jishang Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Zen-game TechnologymeansZengame Technology Holding Limited and its operating entities
X.D. NetworkmeansXD Inc. and its operating entities

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial IndicatorsI. Company profile

Stock abbreviationSanqi Interactive EntertainmentStock code002555
Place of ListingShenzhen Stock Exchange
Company name in Chinese芜湖三七互娱网络科技集团股份有限公司
Company short name in Chinese (if any)三七互娱
Legal representativeLi Weiwei

II. Contact person and contact information

Secretary of the Board of DirectorsSecurities Affairs Representative
NameYe WeiWang Sijie
Contact address11/F, Creative Advertising Complex, Wuhu Advertising Industrial Park, Middle Beijing Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province11/F, Creative Advertising Complex, Wuhu Advertising Industrial Park, Middle Beijing Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province

III. Other Relevant Information

1. Contact information

Any change to the registered address, office address and postal code, company website, e-mail during the reporting period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Registered Address11/F, Creative Advertising Complex, Wuhu Advertising Industrial Park, Middle Beijing Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province
Post code of registered address241000
Business Address11/F, Creative Advertising Complex, Wuhu Advertising Industrial Park, Middle Beijing Road, Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province
Post code of business address241000

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Company email addressir@37.com
Query date (if any) of the designated website for temporary announcementMarch 19th, 2019
Query index (if any) of the designated website for temporary announcementFor details of the Announcement of the Twenty-sixth Meeting of the Fourth Board of Directors (announcement No.: 2019-033), please refer to China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn.

2. Information disclosure and designated place

Any change to the information disclosure and designated place during the reporting period

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Any change to the name of newspaper as designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC forpublication of the semi-annual report, and the designated place of the semi-annual report during the reporting period (refer to theannual report in 2018).

3. Other relevant information

Any change to other relevant information during the reporting period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

On April 8th, 2019, the Company held the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019, at which the Proposal on Advancing theGeneral Election of Non-independent Directors for the Fifth Board of Directors and the Proposal on Advancing the General Electionof Independent Directors for the Fifth Board of Directors were reviewed and approved. Seven directors nominated by Li Weiweiwere elected in the general election of Board of Directors and secured more than half of the seats on the Board of Directors. Thevoting rights held by Li Weiwei have had a material influence on the resolution of the Company’s 3rd Extraordinary General Meetingof 2019, played a decisive role in electing more than half of the members of the Company’s Board of Directors through this meeting,and effectively controlled the majority of the new Board of Directors. Therefore, the controlling shareholders and actual controllersof the Company were changed from Wu Xushun, Wu Weidong and Wu Weihong to Li Weiwei. For details, please refer to the PromptAnnouncement on the Changes of Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers disclosed by the Company on April 9th, 2019(announcement No.: 2019-045).

IV. Main accounting data and financial index

Does the Company need to retroactively adjust or restate accounting data of previous years?

□ Yes √ No

Current Reporting PeriodSame Reporting Period of the Prior YearIncrease or decrease of current year against previous year
Operating income (RMB)6,070,957,503.063,302,496,146.7783.83%
Net profits attributable to the listed company shareholders (RMB)1,033,074,405.38801,378,948.2328.91%
Net profits attributable to listed company949,369,446.08761,182,531.8524.72%

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

shareholders after deducting non-recurring profits and losses (RMB)
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB)616,354,936.37977,236,017.96-36.93%
Basic earning per share (yuan/share)0.490.3732.43%
Diluted earning per share (yuan/share)0.490.3732.43%
Weighted average rate of return on equity16.31%12.71%3.60%
End of the Current Reporting PeriodEnd of the Same Reporting Period of the Prior YearIncrease or decrease compared with the end of previous year
Total assets (RMB)8,767,575,383.148,395,761,716.984.43%
Net assets attributable to listed company shareholders (RMB)6,166,617,209.025,972,675,405.863.25%

V. Data differences due to different accounting standards in Mainland China and otherregions

1. Differences regarding to net profits and net assets between financial statements disclosed according tointernational standards and Chinese standards

□Applicable √Not Applicable

During the reporting period, there is no difference regarding to net profits and net assets between financial statements disclosedaccording to international standards and Chinese standards.

2. Differences regarding to net profits and net assets between financial statements disclosed according tostandards of other regions and Chinese standards

□Applicable √Not Applicable

During the reporting period, there is no difference regarding to net profits and net assets between financial statements disclosedaccording to standards of other regions and Chinese standards

VI. Non-recurring profits and losses and their amount

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

Profits or losses on disposal of non-marketable asset, including offset amount accrued for impairment provision8,967,295.34Mainly profit and loss from the disposal of long-term equity investment and fixed assets.
Government subsidy included in current profit or loss (except those closely related to enterprise operation and received based on23,416,359.86Mainly government subsidy other than the refund of value-added tax

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

consolidated national standard quota or quantitative)(hereinafter called the ‘VAT’)and additional deduction of VAT.
Profit or loss of asset whose investment or management is entrusted to others11,172,479.46Mainly the income from bank’s financial products.
Except effective hedging business relating to normal operating business of the Company, profit or loss caused by change in the fair value of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, and investment profit for disposal of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities and other creditors' investments.44,790,828.46
Other non-operating revenues and expenditures except the foregoing items408,225.48
Less: Affected amount of income taxes4,387,332.89
Affected amount of minority interest income (after-tax)662,896.41

As to non-recurring profits and losses determined based on the definition provided in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 onInformation Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit and Loss, and the recurringprofits and losses determined from non-recurring profits and losses listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on InformationDisclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit and Loss, reasoning shall be provided

□Applicable √Not Applicable

During the reporting period, the Company recognized no non-recurring profit and loss defined and listed in the ExplanatoryAnnouncement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit andLoss as recurring profit and loss.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Section III Business Overview

I. Main business in the reporting period

Does the Company need to comply with the disclosure requirements for special industries?YesSoftware and IT servicesThe Company is required to comply with the disclosure requirements of the SZSE Industrial Information Disclosure Guide No. 12 -Listed Companies Engaged in Software and IT Services.During the reporting period, the Company focused on cultural and creative businesses based on the development, distributionand operation of mobile games and browser games, and also development in segments such as film and television, music, animation,VR, cultural health, Internet children education, social entertainment, etc. The Company ranked 22nd in the 2018 global listed gamecompanies list by Newzoo, a well-known third-party data organization, and was also the third Chinese game company in the list, dueto its steady promotion of development strategy of “boutiqueization, diversification, platformization and globalization” around IPs.During the reporting period, the Company gained an operating income of RMB 6.071 billion, with a year-on-year increase of

83.83%; a total profit of RMB 1.291 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 40.43%; a net profit attributable to the listed companyshareholders of RMB 1.033 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 28.91%. The main reason for driving performance growth wasthe Company’s 152.90% increase in its income of mobile games.

1. Changes in industry-related economic situation and their impacts on the Company

1) In the first half of 2019, the overall income of the Chinese game market showed a rebound trend. The 2019 Semi-annualReport of Chinese Game Industry released by Gamma Data showed that the actual sales revenue of Chinese game market fromJanuary to June 2019 was RMB 116.31 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 10.8%; in the period from January to June 2019, thenumber of users in the Chinese game market was 554 million, with a year-on-year increase of 5.1%. Among them, from January toJune 2019, the actual sales revenue of Chinese mobile game market was RMB 75.31 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 18.8%,accounting for 64.8% of the total actual sales revenue of the Chinese game market. The growth rate of revenue increased comparedwith the first half of 2018. The share of mobile games continues to increase year on year, and mobile games are still the main drivingforce for the overall growth of Chinese game market.During the reporting period, the Company’s domestic mobile game revenuegrew rapidly. The Overall Analysis 2019H1 for Chinese Mobile Game Market released by Analysys showed that the market share ofthe Company’s domestic mobile game business was 10.02%.

2) In the first half of 2019, the game industry entered a new stage of development under the influence of various factors: Onthe one hand, the industry’s attention is increasingly concentrated on top works and head manufacturers, and the development trendof the industry as a whole will not change. On the other hand, the number of mobile game users has not changed much in the firsthalf of 2019, and the dividends of users in the game industry have also basically reached the bottleneck, so the Chinese gameindustry started to enter into the mature stage and its growth drivers have shifted from “demographic dividends” to “contentdividends”.During the reporting period, the Company increased R&D investments, expanded its R&D teams, and enhanced its outputcapability of high-quality games on the one hand, and on the other hand, the Company deepened the “diversification” strategy inrespect of research and development, domestic distribution, overseas distribution, etc., and reserved high-quality games of differentthemes and types through independent research and development, investment in competent R&D companies, and cooperation withR&D companies that produced quality games. The Company actively promoted the life cycle of quality games through systematic

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

traffic operations and improved operational services, and further leveraged the advantages of “integration of R&D and operation”model to improve the operational efficiency.

2. Changes in industrial policy environment and their impacts on the Company

In June 2019, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism publicly solicited opinions on the Cultural Industry Promotion Law (Draftfor Comment). The draft for comment pointed out that China would promote the integration of cultural industry development intonational economic and social development plans, formulate special plans to promote the development of cultural industry, publish aguidance catalogue for cultural industry development, and promote structural adjustment and layout optimization of cultural industry.China encourages innovation in content, technology, and business type of cultural industry, and creates a social environmentconducive to the emergence of quality cultural products and talents.During the reporting period, the Company actively responded to relevant requirements of industrial development, increasedinvestments in high-quality games and innovative gameplay settings, and vigorously protected intellectual property rights to ensurecompliant operations.In December 2018, the General Office of the State Council issued the Regulations on Further Supporting the Development ofCultural Enterprises, which explicitly increased the national supports for key enterprises and projects for national cultural exportsand strengthened the construction of national cultural export bases.Sanqi Interactive Entertainment actively responds to the national “Go Out policy” for cultural industries, and strives to promoteChinese cultural services to the rest of world. 37GAMES will further develop its first-mover advantage in overseas markets, and relyon its advanced game R&D and localized marketing capabilities to continuously expand the scale of overseas business and createmore foreign currency earnings, thus escorting the exports of cultural industries and helping Chinese cultural and entertainmententerprises to enhance their cultural confidence.

3. Main businesses, main products and business models of the Company

During the reporting period, the Company’s main businesses include the development, distribution and operation of mobilegames and browser games. The operating modes of the Company’s mobile games and browser games mainly include independentoperation and third-party joint operation.Under the independent operation mode, the Company obtains the operation rights of game products through independent R&Dor agencies, and publishes and operates these products through its own or third-party channels. The Company is fully responsible forthe operation, promotion and maintenance of the game; providing unified management services for online promotion, onlinecustomer service and top-up payment; and iteratively updating game products along with game developers based on the real-timefeedback of users and games.Under the third-party joint operation mode, the Company cooperates with one or more game operators to jointly operate games.The third-party game operators are responsible for operation and promotion of respective channels and management of recharge andcharge system, while the Company provides technical support services along with game developers.

II. Material changes in major assets

1. Material changes in major assets

Major assetsMaterial changes
Equity assetsNo major changes to equity assets occurred.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Fixed assetsNo major changes to fixed assets occurred.
Intangible assetsNo major changes to intangible assets occurred.
Trading financial assetsThe ending balance of trading financial assets increased by RMB 204 million compared with the opening balance, mainly due to the increase in the balance of unredeemed financial products at the end of the period.
Accounts receivableThe ending balance of accounts receivable increased by RMB 419 million compared with the opening balance, mainly due to the increase in operating income in the second quarter of this year compared with that in the fourth quarter of the previous year.
PrepaymentsThe ending balance of prepayments increased by RMB 309 million compared with the opening balance, mainly due to the increase in prepaid Internet traffic charges.
Other receivablesThe ending balance of other receivables decreased by RMB 700 million compared with the opening balance, mainly due to: 1) the recovery of remaining amount during the reporting period for disposal of Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. in the previous year; 2) the recovery of the cash compensation paid by the original shareholders of Shanghai Mokun to the Company arising from the failure of performance commitments by Shanghai Mokun in the previous year.
Other current assetsThe ending balance of other current assets decreased by RMB 115 million compared with the opening balance, mainly because that Shanghai Mokun failed to fulfill its performance commitments in the previous year and its original shareholders’ compensation shares to the Company were cancelled during the reporting period.
Construction in progressThe ending balance of construction in progress increased by RMB 751 million compared with the opening balance, mainly because that the office building purchased in 2017 was delivered during the reporting period and the prepayment for office building was recognized under the construction in progress.
Deferred income tax assetsThe ending balance of deferred income tax assets decreased by RMB 20 million compared with the opening balance, mainly due to the decrease in the balance of bad debt reserves at the end of the period.
Other non-current assetsThe ending balance of other non-current assets increased by RMB 743 million compared with the opening balance, mainly because that the office building purchased in 2017 was delivered during the reporting period and the prepayment for office building was recognized under the construction in progress.
Note: The above-mentioned opening balance is the balance on January 1st, 2019 after adjustment according to accounting policies.

2. Main assets beyond Mainland China

□Applicable √Not Applicable

III. Analysis of core competitiveness

Does the Company need to comply with the disclosure requirements for special industries?Yes

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Software and IT servicesThe Company has steadily promoted the development strategy of “boutiqueization, diversification, platformization andglobalization” around IPs to form the following core competitiveness:

1. Industry-leading R&D strength

During the reporting period, the Company has successively launched two self-developed products: Yi Dao Chuan Shi (一刀传世) and Dou Luo Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5), both with a monthly gross billing of over RMB 100 million. Jing Ling Sheng Dian (精灵盛典) has achieved outstanding performance since its launch, the highest ranking of which was third in the best-selling list ofAppStore games. A number of self-developed quality games, such as Yong HengJi Yuan (永恒纪元) and Swords of Archangels (大天使之剑), have achieved steady gross billing in the markets at which these games have been launched for more than one year. TheCompany’s self-developed products are characterized by high output, high success rate and long period, and the Company’s R&Dstrength is at the leading level in the industry.The Company has always attached great importance to R&D investments. During the reporting period, the Company incurredan R&D expenditure of RMB 318 million, with a year-on-year increase of 22.74%. During the reporting period, the Company beganto implement the “Aurora 2.0” strategy aimed at further strengthening its R&D capabilities by expanding its focus on products totalent development and diversity of personnel, internally encouraging talent innovation, maximizing personnel potential, establishinga corporate youth training system, building a diverse team, and striving to contribute top games to players around the world. Underthe guidance of this strategy, the Company's self-developed products show the trend of "boutiqueization, diversification andglobalization".The “boutiqueization” R&D strategy runs through the entire life cycle of the Company’s self-developed products: Before thelaunch of games, the Company carefully worked out details of product planning, art quality, music effects, etc.; after the launch ofgames, the Company continued to invest in product iteration, process optimization, user experience and other aspects to ensure thehigh gross billing and long period of games.The Company’s product research and development have always been market-oriented. The Company adheres to the principleof sustainable development and constantly breaks through itself. Through continuous R&D investments, the Company hasaccumulated a large number of core technologies: A series of high-performance and stable game engines and frameworks areindependently developed by the Company to support the development of highly playable large-scale online games of highperformance and quality, which provide an important guarantee for the Company to continuously launch high-quality games. Theengine 2.0 that the Company is developing will further enhance the refinement of items and characters and the reflection of scenesand landscapes, create more realistic light and shadow performance, and support overall 3D map scene management technologies,thus significantly improving the authenticity of games. At the same time, as an important tool to enhance the product experience, theCompany analyzes its game data through self-developed big data analysis system, and uses the analysis results to provide accuratenumerical reference for design of new products and iterative optimization of previous products, thus improving the Company’sinsights and capacity for process optimization in terms of product development.During reporting period, the Company’s continued to promote the “diversification” strategy at the R&D level, and its R&Dteam also maintained its advantages in the ARPG category while at the same time making initial attempts in new areas. The causalgame Chao Neng Qiu Qiu (超能球球) and the simulation game Code DG (代号DG) are expected to be launched in the second halfof 2019. During the reporting period, the Company continued to carry out pre-market researches and analysis on SLG-type games,and was expected to start projects in the second half of the year. In 2019, the Company will continue to make diversified innovationin product types, themes, art performance, gameplay settings, etc.During the reporting period, the Company’s self-developed products have also made excellent achievements in the overseasmarket, such as Yong Heng Ji Yuan (永恒纪元) and Dou Luo Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5). In addition, the Company is also expectedto launch two self-developed overseas products in the second half of 2019.As of the issuance date of this report, the Company was developing mobile games such as Chao Neng Qiu Qiu (超能球球),Code NB (代号NB), Code YZD (代号YZD), Code S (代号S), Code DG (代号DG), An Hei Hou Yi (暗黑后裔), Dou Luo Da Lu 3D

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(斗罗大陆3D), Country and Beauty (working title) (江山与美人(暂定名)), etc. With its accumulated experiences and continuousinnovation, the Company is expected to continue to produce long-period quality games that surpass the Yong Heng Ji Yuan (永恒纪元) and Swords of Archangels (大天使之剑).

2. Excellent distribution strength

During the reporting period, the market share of the Company’s mobile game distribution business in Mainland Chinaincreased to 10.02%; the Company’s browser game business in Mainland China also continued to maintain its leading position; whilemaintaining its market advantages in Southeast Asia, the Company also focused on high-potential markets in Japan, South Korea,Europe and the United States. The Company actively adheres to the “boutiqueization and diversification” business strategy andpromotes its own business capacity to a new height through continuous innovation:

1) The promotion of “boutiqueization” strategy is reflected in product supply before the launch of games and operationoptimization after the launch.In terms of product supply, the Company has accumulated abundant product resources, established a rigorous evaluationprocess and evaluation criteria for product introduction, and also utilized its own advantages in user data and numerical experiencesto work out products along with game developers, thus ensuring a better quality of games before their launch.In terms of operation optimization, the Company has strong capabilities for operation and optimization in numericalmanagement, process optimization, event planning, etc. After the launch of games, the Company continues to improve the quality ofgames, attract users through better contents, extend the product life cycle, and accumulate higher income.

2) The “diversification” strategy has achieved good results in multiple business dimensions such as products, promotion andservices.In terms of game products, the Company on the one hand brought a diversified layout to the product supply side throughindependent research and development, investment in quality developers and cooperation with many large R&D manufacturers suchas Tencent, NetEase, Perfect World, Century Huatong Group, etc.; on the other hand, the Company has also made diversifiedattempts in product categories and product themes to achieve better results. During the reporting period, the Company hassuccessively launched a series of game products with different categories and themes and higher gross billing in the Chinese mobilegame market, such as Dou Luo Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5) and Sword and Rebirth (剑与轮回). Therefore, the Company’s multi-themeand multi-category product matrix has begun to take shape and the Company also went further on the road of diversification.

In terms of promotion, the Company adopted a multi-dimensional approach of “multi-channel marketing + targetedadvertising ” to create a new idea for systemic traffic management. In terms of multi-channel marketing, the Company tried to meetthe different cultural consumption needs of users from different perspectives by choosing spokespersons who match the productconnotation, promoting games through high-quality micro-movie-style promotional materials, carrying out cross-border cooperationamong games, finance, catering and FMCG industries, and implanting public welfare activities into game products, thereby forminga unique “product-effect combination” propaganda means to further expand its brand value and influence. In terms of targetedadvertising the Company analyzes big data such as “user portrait” and “user model” with the user resources accumulated over theyears to accurately deliver advertisements to targeted user groups and improve the advertising effect.In terms of services, the Company is committed to providing game users with comprehensive and detailed long-term services.Through an improved user account and service system, and an experienced service team, the Company uses abundant productsupplies to provide users with comprehensive game products and one-stop services to continuously improve user satisfaction,activation and retention, and also to extend the product life cycle.The Company implements the above business strategies based on the principle of “refinement, datamation andintelligentization” to provide users with a better experience in a more efficient manner.

3. Advantage of “integration of R&D and operation” mode

The “integration of R&D and operation” mode of the Company is conducive to making full use of resources and creating

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

quality products from a long-term perspective. On the one hand, the Company can ensure the stable supply of quality products tosupport the operation development and reduce its reliance on external supplies through strong R&D strengths. At the same time, theR&D team can utilize the feedback of the operation department to optimize products and extend the product life cycle; on the otherhand, in the early stages of product R&D, the operation team can provide advices and suggestion to the R&D team with years ofexperiences and keen market insights. Additionally, in the early stage of commercialization of products, the operation team can alsosupport the R&D team to conduct a large number of product tests, and utilize the promotion and marketing strategies to guide theR&D team to adjust the iterative updates of product activities and improve the product success rate.

4. Team strengths

The Company has been deeply involved in the field of cultural and creative industries for many years. Its core managementteam consists of experienced employees who have strong and forward-looking capabilities for strategic layout, while the core teamconsists of highly skilled R&D personnel, creative operators, and highly efficient managers. The Company has always adhered to themarathon-style entrepreneurial spirit, and constantly caught up to surpass the industry leader.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of Operation PerformanceI. Overview

Key performance indicatorsThe first half of 2019The first half of 2018Year-On-Year Change
Operating income (RMB 100 million)60.7133.0283.83%
Total profit (RMB 100 million)12.919.1940.43%
Net profits attributable to the listed company shareholders (RMB 100 million)10.338.0128.91%
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB 100 million)6.169.77-36.93%
Basic earning per share (yuan/share)0.490.3732.43%
Weighted average rate of return on equity16.31%12.71%3.60%

During the reporting period, the Company has steadily promoted the development strategy of “boutiqueization, diversification,platformization and globalization” around IPs, making its comprehensive strength in the forefront among Chinese competitors.During the reporting period, the Company gained an operating income of RMB 6.071 billion, with a year-on-year increase of

83.83%; a total profit of RMB 1.291 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 40.43%; a net profit attributable to the listed companyshareholders of RMB 1.033 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 28.91%. The growth of distribution and R&D for mobile gameswas the main driver for the increase in overall income and profit during the reporting period.Following new products launched in thethird quarter,the company's gross billing of the third quarter is expected to surpass that of the second quarter.

(I) Mobile game businessDuring the reporting period, the Company achieved an operating income of RMB 5,427 million and a gross profit of RMB4,751 million from mobile games, a year-on-year increase of 152.90% and 185.42% respectively. The Company’s business revenuefrom and R&D investment into mobile games continued to increase, and the mobile game business maintained the leading position indomestic and overseas markets.

1. Release of mobile games

(1) Domestic market

The Company continued to play a vital role in domestic mobile game publishing market. During the reporting period, themarket share of the Company’s mobile game business in Mainland China increased to 10.02%. During the reporting period, thehighest monthly gross billing of the Company’s game products exceeded RMB 1.35 billion, with the total number of new registeredusers exceeding 133 million and the highest number of monthly active users exceeding 34 million.During the reporting period, the Company applied diversification strategy at various levels such as products, promotion andservices in a creative manner, based on its capability of operating different games.During the reporting period, under the “diversification” strategy, the Company adequately reserved game products consideringproduct type, theme and quantity. The Company’s product matrix includes ARPG, MMO, CARD, SLG, SIM and other types,covering a wide range of themes such as magic, western fantasy, oriental fantasy, adventure, fantasy, etc. During the reporting period,the Company launched a series of quality game products of different types and themes such as Yi Dao Chuan Shi (一刀传世), DouLuo Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5) and Sword and Rebirth (剑与轮回), thus bringing diverse game experiences to players. As of the

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

issuance date of this report, the Company’s independently-developed games include Code NB (代号NB), Code YZD (代号YZD),Code S (代号S), Dou Luo Da Lu 3D (斗罗大陆3D), Country and Beauty (working title) (江山与美人(暂定名)), etc. In addition, theCompany also reserved a large number of domestic agency games, including:

MMO games: Ming Ri Huan Xiang (working title) (明日幻想(暂定名)), Yun Shang Cheng Zhi Ge (working title) (云上城之歌(暂定名)), Code MK4 (代号MK4)Card games: Light Adventure (working title) (光明冒险(暂定名)), Street Hero (working title) (街区英雄(暂定名)), Code DIG(代号DIG)SIM games: Code-SF (代号-SF)Magic ARPG: ARPG Code-TARO (代号-TARO)In addition, the Company accurately understood users’ needs, delivered advertisements to target groups accurately, andprovided a full range of high-quality services from initial contact, access to games to start of games, thereby prolonging the productlife cycle and accumulating higher gross billing, by adhering to the core idea of systemic traffic management and the diversifiedmethods of “multi-channel marketing + targeted advertising + long-term service” and radiating “products + promotion + users” underthe principles of “refinement, datamation and intelligentization”.

(2) Overseas market

During the reporting period, the Company continued to promote its strategic layout of globalization and intensified efforts toexpand its overseas markets. While it maintained its competitiveness in Southeast Asia and other advantageous regions, the Companycontinued to focus on high-potential markets in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States by utilizing localized productselection and marketing methods. As of the end of the reporting period, 37GAMES, the Company’s overseas brand, launched over100 mobile games in more than 200 countries and regions, including ARPG, MMOPRG, CARD RPG, SLG, STG, MOBA, etc., with14 language versions such as Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Thai, etc.

As of the date of this report, the self-developed product Dou Luo Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5) was launched on Singapore andMalaysia and other regions, with the first monthly gross billing exceeding RMB 10 million; the card game SNK All Star (SNKオールスター) was launched in Japan and quickly went top on the GooglePlay game download list; during the reporting period, theCompany constantly updated and iterated its flagship product, Yong Heng Ji Yuan (永恒纪元), keeping a stable gross billing inregional markets of Southeast Asia, Europe, the United States, Japan, South Korea.The Company maintained a good cooperative relationship with many R&D firms, ensured the relevance of product sourceswith agency distribution, self-development and investment customization, and also adhered to the quality route in product selection.As of the date of this report, the Company has reserved a number of game products in several regions around the world, such as theWestern fantasy SLG Code MH (代号MH) and medieval SLG Ocean Wars, and has also strengthened the global SLG market layoutthrough strategic investments in a number of successful R&D firms. In addition, many self-developed quality products such as theARPG An Hei Hou Yi (暗黑后裔), international version of Dou Luo Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5), and SIM Code DG (代号DG) areexpected be launched overseas in the second half of 2019 to help the Company further develop its overseas markets.

2. Research and development of mobile games

During the reporting period, the Company achieved a significant increase in the gross billing of mobile game R&D business,thereby enhancing the Company’s profitability. The continuous investment into mobile game R&D is an important part of theCompany’s “boutiqueization, diversification and globalization” business strategy. The increased R&D investment mainly focuses onimprovement of product quality and exploration of new product categories.To improve product quality, the Company is committed to make better the product engines, and the artistic and sound qualityof products to meet the user demand in experiencing high-quality games at technical level; it is dedicated to game innovation andprocess optimization to meet user demand in fun and smooth experience at the planning level. High-quality development andhigh-frequency iterations made new products attractive to users, and allowed most self-developed products to maintain high grossbilling for a long time. During the reporting period, several self-developed mobile games have been launched, among which Dou Luo

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5) and Yi Dao Chuan Shi (一刀传世) and other games achieved a monthly gross billing of over RMB 100million, and Jing Ling Sheng Dian (精灵盛典) has achieved outstanding performance since its launch, the highest ranking of whichwas third in the best-selling list of AppStore games. The Company has innovated the game framework of Yi Dao Chuan Shi (一刀传世) and Jing Ling Sheng Dian (精灵盛典), focusing more on players’ experiences and growth in games; through Dou Luo Da Lu H5(斗罗大陆H5), the Company has opened a new operation model, enabling game activities to fully meet the needs of players atdifferent stages. The Company also determined to build the latter a H5 benchmark product with the longest product cycle.In the exploration of new product categories, the Company set foot on R&D of casual sports games and simulation gamesduring the reporting period, and conducted preliminary research on the development of other categories such as SLG. Chao Neng QiuQiu (超能球球), a casual game developed by the Company, and Code DG (代号DG), a SIM game aimed at overseas market, willalso be launched to markets in the second half of this year. In the future, the goal of the Company is to become a first-rate gamedeveloper capable of providing players with various game products, focusing on high-quality content and utilizing its ownadvantages in anticipating user needs. It will apply core technologies to further explore new themes, gameplay and catagories, and toactively expand its product lines. At the end of the reporting period, the Company was developing eight mobile games includingChao Neng Qiu Qiu (超能球球), Code NB (代号NB), Code YZD (代号YZD), Code S (代号S), Code DG (代号DG), An Hei HouYi (暗黑后裔), Dou Luo Da Lu 3D (斗罗大陆3D), Country and Beauty (working title) (江山与美人(暂定名)).

In terms of new technology accumulation, the Company is currently committed to building a better cloud game system, including:

building internal cloud, providing computing and network supports for cloud games; building cloud game agency services, activelyresearching efficient game video transcoding and decoding technologies; developing a universal framework with user interaction,video decoding, and cloud server communication, so as to support the universal light App for cloud gaming. In the upcoming 5G era,the Company’s smooth transition among cloud gaming technologies is expected to bring new experiences to game players.

(II) Browser gamesMore than 18,590 new servers were opened in 2019 in the domestic market, topping the ranking list of operation platforms interm of server opening (source of data from 9k9k). During the reporting period, the operating income from browser games reachedRMB 646 million, with a slight drop year on year, which was mainly due to users’ shift to mobile clients and reduction in browsergames. The Company also continued its efforts to develop browser games, and its self-developed product An Hei Da Tian Shi (暗黑大天使) was launched in July 2019. The Company strengthened cooperation with domestic top browser game developers throughstrategic investment and business cooperation on the one hand, on the other hand, the Company also refined the operation of itsmajor quality games, improved user stickiness, stabilized the product life cycle, and further stabilized its revenue.

(III) Cultural industry layoutThe Company invested into other fast-growing cultural and creative segments, while maintaining the high-speed growth of itscore business, and deeply explored the opportunity to extend film and television, music, animation, VR, cultural health, Internetchildren education and social entertainment with a key focus centering a strategy on quality content. As of the end of the reportingperiod, the Company invested in cultural and creative segments of film and television (Chenming Media, Youying Culture, ZhonghuiTelevision), animation (YHKT Entertainment, Junengwan), music (FenghuaQiushi), Internet sports (Wake Yoga), children’seducation (Miaocode, KaDa Story), cultural tourism (TuoluLingyin), talent agent (Original Plan) and IP incubation (JinhaiShiyi), toprovide high-quality content for all ages and segments.As of the date of this report, the Company’s many subject companies have shown great potential of development, and theCompany’s investment strategies in the field of cultural and creative development has also begun to show its outcomes. In April 2019,Zen-game Technology, a domestic chess and card game company with part of its shares held by the Company, was officially listedon the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; in May, SNK, a game company with part of its shares held by the Company, was listed on theKorean KOSDAQ market and became the largest Chinese game company listed on the Korean KOSDAQ market; in June, He Luoluo,a member of the Yi’an Music Society under Original Plan (with the Company as one of its shareholders), successfully made his debut

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

as the second place in “Creation Camp 2019”; the animation project of Three Body, a science fiction novel, was announced to beproduced by YHKT Entertainment (with the Company as one of its shareholders); in July 2019, X.D. Network, a well-knownChinese game operator (with the Company as one of its shareholders), publicized its IPO prospectus; Hong Kong-listed Inkeannounced that it has completed the acquisition of the Company’s shareholding of domestic youth social platform ,and the Companyachieved considerable returns in less than a year. When the Company selects investment targets, it focuses on their ability tocontinuously export high-quality contents or products, excellent teams or talent reserves, and explosive growth in the later stage, soas to accelerate the integration of high-quality resources in the industry and consolidate the position of the Company in the capitalmarket.Focusing on main game business and traffic operation advantages, combined with the previous layout of VR and AR, theCompany will focus on and actively get involved in fields of 5G, cloud gaming and e-sports, empower and coordinate strategicallywith the invested companies, offer more high-quality content with new experience, create a one-stop cultural and entertainmentecosystem, and become the most trusted cultural brand of China’s younger generation.

(IV) IP strategyIt’s a long-term development goal of the Company to create quality content and establish a quality content brand. Based on this,the Company continues to explore, by the methods of internal incubation and external access, high-quality IPs for development ofquality cultural products including games, relying on its own advantages. As of the end of the reporting period, the reserved IPs ofthe Company covered different segments, including games, animation, literature, media, etc. At the same time, the Company willgradually develop own IPs to create a higher value. Relying on its excellent IP strategy, the Company will continue to build itscultural and creative strategy system, satisfy the diversified demands of users for entertainment, and exploit the value extension spaceof IPs in film and television, music, animation, VR, cultural health industry, Internet children education and social entertainment indepth.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

II. Analysis of main business

OverviewSee “I. Overview” in “Discussion and Analysis of Operation Status” for related content.Year-on-year changes of the main financial data

Unit: RMB

Current Reporting PeriodSame Reporting Period of the Prior YearYear-On-Year ChangeCause of changes
Operating income6,070,957,503.063,302,496,146.7783.83%Mainly due to the development of mobile game release and R&D business during the reporting period.
Operating cost838,986,561.51886,273,600.84-5.34%Mainly due to the increase in the proportion of self-developed game revenue during the reporting period.
Selling expenses3,632,067,521.841,143,478,494.94217.63%During the reporting period, sales expenses increased rapidly, mainly due to the launch of quality games such as Dou Luo Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5). During the reporting period, a number of new games were being promoted and required large Internet traffic. The total number of newly registered users of domestic mobile games in the first half of the year exceeded 133 million, higher than the annual level in 2018. Since a large number of games were launched in the first quarter, as these games gradually entered the payback period, the sales expenses in the second quarter decreased by RMB 650 million compared with the first quarter.
Administrative expense88,053,838.68127,934,924.44-31.17%Mainly due to the fact that Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. and ENP Games Co., Ltd. were no longer included in the consolidation scope.
Financial expenses4,333,541.7213,958,433.93-68.95%Mainly due to the decrease in bank borrowings and interest expenses during the reporting period.
Income taxes131,634,742.4436,437,882.35261.26%Mainly due to: 1) Increase in profit before tax during the reporting period; 2) increase in the income tax rate applicable to certain subsidiaries .
Investment in R&D318,493,874.16259,493,136.8422.74%
Net cash flows from operating activities616,354,936.37977,236,017.96-36.93%During the reporting period, the net cash flow from operating activities decreased by RMB 360 million year on year mainly due to two reasons: 1) Operating income increased by 84% during the reporting period, and the balance of accounts receivable correspondingly increased; 2) in order to obtain better traffic resources and business conditions more in line with the Company’s interests, the Company and major traffic service

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

providers renegotiated the transaction period during the reporting period, resulting in a decrease in the net cash flow from operating activities. As the income scale and transaction period tend to stabilize, the net cash flow from operating activities in the second half of the year is expected to improve.
Net cash flows from investing activities476,138,307.69-72,005,570.73761.25%Mainly due to: 1) the recovery of remaining amount during the reporting period for disposal of Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. in the previous year; 2) the recovery of the cash compensation paid by the original shareholders of Shanghai Mokun to the Company arising from the failure of performance commitments by Shanghai Mokun in the previous year.
Net cash flows from financing activities-823,976,503.10-946,717,438.8512.96%1) In the report period, repayment of bank loans and payment of repurchased shares resulted in a cash outflow from financing activities of RMB 824 million; 2) in the same period of last year, bank loans generated a cash inflow from financing activities of RMB 669 million; and repayment of bank loans and payment for acquisition of minority shares caused a cash outflow from financing activities of RMB 1.616 billion.
Net increase of cash and cash equivalents268,388,648.05-42,251,340.41745.40%Mainly due to the large YoY increase in net cash flow from investing activities and financial activities during the reporting period.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Any major changes to the profit composition or profit source of the Company during the reporting period

□Applicable √Not Applicable

No major change occurs to the profit composition or profit source of the Company during the reporting periodComposition of operating income

Unit: RMB

Current Reporting PeriodSame Period of the Prior YearYear-on-year increase/decrease
AmountProportion of operating incomeAmountProportion of operating income
Total operating income6,070,957,503.06100%3,302,496,146.77100%83.83%
By industry
Online game industry6,070,957,503.06100.00%3,071,123,194.0292.99%97.68%
Automobile parts industry0.000.00%231,372,952.757.01%-100.00%
By products
Mobile games5,426,572,514.5589.39%2,145,744,221.5664.97%152.90%
Browser games644,384,988.5110.61%910,103,611.4627.56%-29.20%
Automobile parts0.000.00%231,372,952.757.01%-100.00%
By regions
Mainland China5,573,514,047.0491.81%2,828,407,922.3485.64%97.05%

Industries, products or regions that account for over 10% of the Company’s operating income or operating profit

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

Operating incomeOperating costGross profit marginYear-on-year increase/decrease of the operating incomeYear-on-year increase/decrease of the operating costYear-on-year increase/decrease of gross profit
By industry
Online game industry6,070,957,503.06838,986,561.5186.18%97.68%17.17%9.50%
By products
Mobile games5,426,572,514.55675,612,778.5587.55%152.90%40.41%9.97%
Browser games644,384,988.51163,373,782.9674.65%-29.20%-30.44%0.46%
By regions
Mainland China5,573,514,047.04671,488,655.1787.95%97.05%-14.29%15.65%

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.


For change of statistical caliber for main business data during the reporting period, the Company adjusted the main business data forthe current period according to year-end statistical caliber

□Applicable √Not Applicable

The Company is required to comply with the disclosure requirements of the SZSE Industrial Information Disclosure Guide No. 12 -Listed Companies Engaged in Software and IT Services.Industries that account for over 10% of the Company’s operating income or operating profit

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

Operating incomeOperating costGross profit marginYear-on-year increase/decrease of the operating incomeYear-on-year increase/decrease of the operating costYear-on-year increase/decrease of gross profit
Industry of customers
Online game industry6,070,957,503.06838,986,561.5186.18%97.68%17.17%9.50%
By products
Mobile games5,426,572,514.55675,612,778.5587.55%152.90%40.41%9.97%
Browser games644,384,988.51163,373,782.9674.65%-29.20%-30.44%0.46%
By regions
Mainland China5,573,514,047.04671,488,655.1787.95%97.05%-14.29%15.65%

The single sales contract with its amount accounting for more than 30% of the audited operating income of the Company in the mostrecent fiscal year and the contract under execution with the amount more than RMB 50 million

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Composition of operating cost

Unit: RMB

Cost compositionCurrent Reporting PeriodSame Reporting Period of the Prior YearYear-on-year increase/decrease
AmountProportion in operating costAmountProportion in operating cost
Cost of servers52,216,599.226.22%43,827,578.584.95%19.14%
Amortization of copyright money72,014,090.098.58%22,131,700.532.50%225.39%
Other costs331,105.070.04%503,238.470.06%-34.21%
Production cost571,141.290.07%15,732,575.611.78%-96.37%
Direct materials cost0.000.00%134,734,499.9815.20%-100.00%

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Direct labor expenses0.000.00%8,281,182.960.93%-100.00%
Manufacturing expenses0.000.00%27,217,331.033.07%-100.00%

Explanation for +30% deviation YOY of relevant data

√Applicable □Not Applicable

1. The operating income of online games increased by 97.68% year-on-year, and the operating income of mobile games increased by

152.90% year-on-year, mainly due to the significant increase in the Company’s operating income after the launch of new games suchas Dou Luo Da Lu H5 (斗罗大陆H5) and Yi Dao Chuan Shi (一刀传世) in this report period.

2. The operating income of auto parts decreased by 100% year-on-year, mainly due to the disposal of Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. at the end of last year and its separation from the consolidation scope in the current period.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

III. Analysis of non-main business

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

AmountProportion of total profitCauseIs it consistently applied?
Investment income18,932,969.821.47%Mainly due to the disposal of equity investment, dividend distribution during the period of equity investment, and the investment income from financial products.No
Profits and losses from change of fair value41,603,452.483.22%Mainly due to changes in the fair value of equity investmentNo
Asset impairment18,305,311.431.42%Mainly due to bad debt losses and impairment losses of long-term equity investment.Bad debt losses are sustainable, and impairment losses of long-term equity investment are not sustainable.
Non-operating income3,082,997.150.24%Mainly due to compensation income.No
Non-operating expense2,674,771.670.21%Mainly due to donation expenses.No
Other profits49,294,108.113.82%Mainly refund of VAT upon collection and other government subsidies related to daily operations.Refund of VAT upon collection can be consistently applied, but other government subsidies cannot be consistently applied.

IV. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant changes in the composition of assets

Unit: RMB

End of the Current Reporting PeriodEnd of the Same Reporting Period of the Prior YearIncrease/decrease of proportionExplanation
AmountProportion ofAmountProportion of

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

total assetstotal assets
Monetary fund1,788,431,889.1520.40%1,538,659,591.5717.52%2.88%Mainly due to the recovery of remaining amount during the reporting period for disposal of Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. in the previous year; and the recovery of the cash compensation paid by the original shareholders of Shanghai Mokun to the Company.
Accounts receivable1,717,575,938.5919.59%942,845,341.1210.73%8.86%Mainly due to the increase in operating income in the second quarter of this year compared with that in the fourth quarter of the previous year.
Long-term equity investments514,224,823.775.87%397,333,972.654.52%1.35%
Fixed assets36,385,942.050.42%288,015,211.623.28%-2.86%Mainly due to the fact that Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd. was no longer included in the consolidation scope.
Construction in progress751,293,007.778.57%72,389,566.290.82%7.75%Mainly because that the office building purchased in 2017 was delivered during the reporting period and the prepayment for office building was recognized under the construction in progress.
Short-term loan0.00%649,000,000.007.39%-7.39%Mainly due to the repayment of bank loans from the second half of 2018 to the first half of 2019.
Long-term loans265,883,241.553.03%296,165,631.483.37%-0.34%

2. Assets and liabilities measured by fair value

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceProfits and losses from change of fair value in this periodChange in fair value included in equityImpairment accrued in current periodPurchase amount in current periodSales amount in current periodEnding balance
Financial assets
1. Trading financial assets (excluding derivative1,038,719,630.8841,603,452.482,451,626,703.602,279,501,060.001,252,481,621.45

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

financial assets)
4. Other equity investment196,571,394.6750,029,719.00246,635,981.28
Subtotal of financial assets1,235,291,025.5541,603,452.480.000.002,501,656,422.602,279,501,060.001,499,117,602.73
Total of the above1,235,291,025.5541,603,452.480.000.002,501,656,422.602,279,501,060.001,499,117,602.73
Financial liabilities0.000.00

Whether there is significant change to measurement attributes of main assets during the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

3. Restriction of main assets and rights as if the end of the reporting period

1. The total amount of construction in process corresponding to subsidiaries’ mortgage loan for office building was RMB 751,293,007.77 in total.

2. In the bank account balance of the Company’s subsidiaries, RMB 34,302,896.31 was the balance of restricted margin account.

V. Analysis of Investment Situations

1. Overview

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Investment amount during the reporting period (RMB)Investment amount of previous year (RMB)Change %

2. Major equity investment during the reporting period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

Name of investedMain businessesWay of contributionInvestment amountShareholding ratioCapital sourcesPartnerInvestment periodProduct typesProgress as of the balanceAnticipated revenueCurrent investmentInvolved in lawsuit orDate of disclosureIndex of disclosure

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

companysheet dateprofit and lossnot?(if any)(if any)
Karma Game Beijing LimitedInternet cultural activities; Internet information services; technology promotion, technology transfer, technology consulting, technical services, technology development; computer system services; data processing; basic software services; application software services (excluding medical software); design, production, agency and release of advertisement; software development; import and export of technology, import and export of goods, and import and export agency.Capital increase17,000,000.0010.00%Self-ownedNoneLong-termR&D of gamesIndustrial and commercial changes have been registeredNo
Karma Game HK LimitedInternet cultural activities; Internet information services; technology promotion, technology transfer, technology consulting, technical services, technology development; computer system services; data processing; basic software services; application software services (excluding medicalCapital increase12,918,608.0010.00%Self-ownedNoneLong-termR&D of gamesIndustrial and commercial changes have been registeredNo

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

software); design, production, agency and release of advertisement; and software development.
Suzhou Youge Huaxin Venture Investment Center (Limited Partnership)Venture capital and related consulting business; venture capital business agency for other venture capital institutions or individuals; and provision of entrepreneurial management services for start-up enterprises. (Operating activities to be approved in accordance with laws should be taken after being approved by related departments)Capital increase10,500,000.0018.69%Self-ownedNoneLong-termFundsIndustrial and commercial changes have been registeredNoDec 4th, 2018(Announcement No.: 2018-087、2018-089、2018-093)

3. Major non-equity investment during the reporting period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

Project nameWay of contributionIs it fixed assets investmentIndustries relevant for investment projectsInvestment amount during the reporting periodAccumulated input amount as of the end of reporting periodCapital sourcesProject progressAnticipated revenueAccumulated gains as of the end of the reporting periodReasons for failure to reach planned schedule or expected revenueDate of disclosure (if any)Index of disclosure (if any)
12F, 14F, 17F~23F office premises,OthersYesCommercial real estate7,950,918.25844,755,711.27Own + mortgag0.000.00Not applicableApril 26th, 2017Announcement on the Subsidiary’s Purchase

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

underground 3F and 4F parking spaces of Zhongrong Plaza, No. 666, Huangpu Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhoue loansof Office Space and Supporting Parking Lot (Announcement No.: 2017-034)

4. Financial assets that are measured by fair value

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

Assets categoryInitial investment costProfits and losses from change of fair value in this periodChange in fair value included in equityPurchase amount during the reporting periodAmount sold during the reporting periodAccumulated investment incomeEnding amountCapital sources

5. Security investment

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Securities typeSecurities codeSecurities short nameInitial investment costAccounting measurement modelBook value at the beginning of the periodProfits and losses from change of fair value in this periodChange in fair value included in equityPurchase amount in the current periodSales amount in the current periodProfit and loss in reporting periodCarrying value at the end of the periodAccounting subjectsCapital sources

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Domestic and foreign stocks002445-SZSEZhongnan Culture68,896,440.90Fair value measurements3,986,218.11-1,510,798.742,475,419.37Other non-current financial assetsOthers
Domestic and foreign stocks300431-SZSEMango Excellent Media35,582,900.00Fair value measurements67,155,608.007,330,686.3074,486,294.30Other non-current financial assetsOthers
Domestic and foreign stocks02660-HKEXShenzhen Zen-game18,000,000.00Fair value measurements18,000,000.00-793,210.1217,217,313.29Other non-current financial assetsSelf-owned
Domestic and foreign stocks960180-KSESNK1,036.35Fair value measurements1,036.3536,576,775.0436,600,182.47Other non-current financial assetsSelf-owned
Domestic and foreign stocks833604-NEEQSouthern Pictures64,997,287.11Fair value measurements69,996,897.114,999,610.00-12,624.0264,997,287.11Other non-current financial assetsSelf-owned
Domestic and foreign stocks835067-NEEQMokylin60,000,000.00Fair value measurements60,000,000.0060,000,000.00Other equity investmentSelf-owned
Disclosure date of board meeting announcement concerning the approval of securities investment
Disclosure date of shareholder meeting announcement concerning the approval of securities investment (if any)

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

6. Investment in derivatives

□Applicable √Not Applicable

There was no derivative investment during the reporting period.

7. Utilization of raised fund

□Applicable √Not Applicable

No raised funds were used by the Company during the reporting period.

8. Description of key projects not invested by the raised fund

□Applicable √Not Applicable

During the reporting period, the Company had no major projects invested by non-raised funds.VI. Major Asset and Equity Sales

1. Sales of major assets

□Applicable √Not Applicable

The Company did not sell major assets during the reporting period.

2. Sales of major equity

□Applicable √Not Applicable

VII. Analysis of Main Holding and Joint-Stock Company

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies affecting more than 10% of the Company’s net profit

Unit: RMB

Company nameCompany typeMain businessesRegistered capitalTotal assetsNet assetOperating incomeOperating profitNet profit
Jiangsu AuroraSubsidiaryDevelopment of mobile and browser games6,250,0000.002,762,827,128.141,986,334,960.29909,987,318.23552,518,363.11496,684,776.71
Guangzhou SanqiSubsidiaryRelease and operation of mobile games11,764,706.004,839,312,848.18765,510,356.034,271,590,566.86689,884,760.75638,667,391.93

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during this reporting period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Company nameMethod for acquisition and disposal ofInfluence on overall production, operation

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

subsidiaries during this reporting periodand performance
Shanghai MokunSaleNo major impact on the Company’s overall operation and performance

Major holding and joint-stock companies

VIII. The Structured Entity Controlled by the Company

□Applicable √Not Applicable

IX. Predication of business performance from January to September in 2019

□Applicable √Not Applicable

X. Risks and Countermeasures

1. Market competition risks and countermeasures

The online game industry is facing increasingly fierce competition as it gradually matures. The development of variousInternet-based cultural creative segments other than online games is further exacerbating external competition. At the same time,online game users are also maturing, and online game users have increasingly higher standards for game products. Intense marketcompetition will challenge the Company’s development in terms of products and market channels.In response, the Company will continue to increase R&D investment, R&D and innovation in product creativity, gameplay,theme, art and technology. It will maintain close cooperation with excellent developers to guarantee the supply of quality products,and continue to connect users with quality games. In terms of market channels, the Company will further bring into play the role ofnew ideas in traffic operation, deepen the business strategy of multi-channel marketing ,targeted advertising and long-term services,and continuously enhance its core market competitiveness.

2. Business risks and countermeasures

The online game industry is characterized by fast product update, limited life cycle and fast change of user preference. Gameenterprises need to increase their investment in technology development and closely keep in pace with trend of the industrialtechnologies. If the technology, products and other aspects of the game undergo major changes, but game enterprises fail to keep upwith the development of industry technology, their products will fail to meet the market demands. At the same time, informationsecurity and user privacy protection arouse great public concerns. If the Company leaks users’ information due to negligence, therewill be a significant damage on the user experience and brand image. Consequently, its operation performance will be impaired.In response, increasing input in product R&D is needed to maintain continuous product innovation. The Company also needsto dig deeper into operational data, continuously update the understanding of changes in target users’ preferences, and timely adjustoperational strategies and R&D directions, to meet the core demands of users.A strict internal control system for information security management and user privacy protection has been set up to ensure thesecurity of users’ information to the maximum extent. In terms of information security, the Company has developed a series ofinternal control systems to define and classify security incidents and to respond to possible data security problems. Informationsecurity audits take place once every six months for systematic control of information security risks. In terms of privacy protection,the Privacy Policy has been established, which provides in details the rules and standards for collection and use of users’ personalinformation and sets forth the reasonable and feasible security measures adopted for protection of users’ personal information. In thisway the Company will make sure with greatest efforts that all users’ personal information are protected at the highest level. TheCompany ensures that it runs the business in compliance with applicable laws and regulations throughout the world, and protects theusers’ right to manage personal information. A response procedure has been stipulated to inform users of any possible cost and

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

necessary actions needed to be taken.

3. Risks of core personnel turnover and countermeasures

A stable and high-quality talent team for game development, operation and management is an important guarantee for theCompany to maintain its core competitive advantage. If the Company fails to effectively build a core talent team, give reasonableincentives and manages the core personnel, the employees’ enthusiasm and creativity will be affected, which will have an adverseimpact on the Company’s core competitiveness.In response, much attention has been attached to cultivation and acquisition of professional talents. The Company creativelybuilds a platform-based talent management mechanism, according to which excellent game producers are rewarded with high projectbonus, and given discretion of research and creation. In order to flexibly attract and retain quality management and business talents,taking into account the Company’s long-term and recent interests and the Company’s long-term, sustainable and sound development,the Company implemented the employee stock ownership plan during the reporting period to establish and improve the benefitsharing mechanism between workers and owners, further improve the corporate governance structure of the Company and effectivelymobilize the enthusiasm of workers and employees. The Company maintains the stability of core technology and managementpersonnel by signing agreements with core personnel, creating a favorable working environment and building a great corporateculture. Meanwhile, the Company helps employees to realize their potential through a well-trained employee training system, andrationally manages the team by using a clear rule of survival of the fittest to reinforce the team’s dynamics.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Section V Important EventsI. Annual general meeting and extraordinary general meeting during the reporting period

1. General meeting of shareholders in this reporting period

Sessions of meetingsTypes of meetingsProportion of attended investorsOpening dateDate of disclosureIndex of disclosure
2019 first extraordinary general meetingExtraordinary general meeting of shareholders22.51%January 21st, 2019January 22nd, 2019Announcement on Resolutions of the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019 (announcement No.: 2019-012)
2019 second extraordinary general meetingExtraordinary general meeting of shareholders22.59%February 15th, 2019February 16th, 2019The Announcement on Resolutions of the Second Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019 (announcement No.: 2019-026)
2019 third extraordinary general meetingExtraordinary general meeting of shareholders22.56%April 8th, 2019April 9th, 2019Announcement on Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019 (announcement No.: 2019-044)
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018Annual general meeting of shareholders40.40%May 23rd, 2019May 24th, 2019Announcement on Resolutions of the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (announcement No.: 2019-073)

2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred shareholders with recovered voting rights

□Applicable √Not Applicable

II. Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserve to share capital during the reportingperiod

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Number of bonus shares per 10 shares (share)0
Number of dividends per 10 shares (RMB) (taxes included)1
Number of shares converted by capital reserve per 10 shares (share)0
Share capital base for the distribution proposal (shares)2,112,251,697
Amount of cash dividend (RMB) (tax included)211,225,169.70
Amount of cash dividends distributed by other means (such as repurchase of shares) (unit: RMB)301,961,944.30

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Total cash dividend (including cash dividend distributed by other methods) (RMB)513,187,114
Distributable profits (RMB)978,058,151.86
The proportion of total cash dividend (including cash dividend distributed by other methods) to total profit distribution100%
Current cash dividends:
Where the Company’s development stage is difficult to distinguish and major expenditure arrangements exist, cash dividend distribution shall account for not less than 20% of profit distribution of this time
Explanation on the proposal of profit distribution or conversion of capital reserve to share capital
In view of the Company’s sustained and stable profitability and good financial position, as well as the expectations and confidence for the Company’s future development, fully considering the interests and reasonable demands of investors, the Company’s Board of Directors proposed a 2019 semi-annual profit distribution plan, in accordance with the No. 3 Listed Companies Regulatory Guidelines, the Company Law, the Articles of Association and the Company’s shareholder return plan, under the principle of profit distribution and the premise of ensuring the normal operation of the Company and its long-term development. After review by the Board of Directors, the Company’s 2019 semi-annual profit distribution plan is as follows: Based on the total issued share capital (the total registered capital of the Company deducted from the shares of the listed company’s stock repurchase special securities account) on the dividend registration date, the cash dividend of RMB 1 (tax-included) will be distributed to every 10 shares held by all shareholders. The remaining undistributed profits will be carried forward to the next year; no bonus shares will be distributed, and no capital reserve will be transferred to share capital. The above profit distribution plan is consistent with the Company’s performance growth, and also in line with relevant provisions of the Company Law, the Articles of Association and the Company’s shareholder return plan. Independent directors of the Company issued independent consents to the above profit distribution plan.

III. Implementation of the Company’s equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership planor other employee incentives

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Through the first employee stock ownership plan, the Company raised a total of RMB 100 million. Employees held 5,903,187stocks of listed company by subscribing privately offered stocks of the Company (after the implementation of the Company’s 2015profit distribution plan, the number of held stocks increased to 11,806,374 stocks). These stocks were listed on January 12th, 2016,and were released from restriction on sales and circulated on January 14th, 2019. For details, please visit www.cninfo.com.cn to referto the 2015 Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) (subscription by private offering) and the Notice on Listing and Circulating ofRestricted Stocks (announcement No.: 2019-007).The second employee stock ownership plan of the Company has been reviewed and approved at the 16th meeting of the 4thBoard of Directors, the 12th meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors and the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company in2018. In this phase, the employee stock ownership plan is expected to be carried out in a fully self-financing manner with a totalfundraising amount of no more than RMB 250 million. Within six months after the Company’s general meeting of shareholdersapproved the employee stock ownership plan, the purchase of underlying stocks will be completed through the secondary market(including but not limited to competitive price transaction, block trade, agreement transfer, etc.). On September 5th, 2018, theCompany’s second employee stock ownership plan enabled the purchase of a total of 26,310,527 stocks of the Company throughblock trades. The stocks purchased via this employee stock ownership plan are locked in accordance with regulations, and thelock-up period will be from September 6th, 2018 to September 5th, 2019. For details, please visit www.cninfo.com.cn to refer to theSecond Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Wuhu ShunrongSanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Co., Ltd. (Draft)

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

and its summary, the Announcement on Resolutions of the 16th Meeting of the 4th Board of Directors (announcement No.: 2018-044),the Announcement on Resolutions of the 12th Meeting of the 4th Board of Supervisors (announcement No.: 2018-045), theAnnouncement on Resolutions of the Second Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2018 (announcement No.: 2018-048),and the Announcement on the Completion of Stocks Purchase for the Second Employee Stock Ownership Plan (announcement No.:

2018-069).The Company’s third employee stock ownership plan has been reviewed and approved at the 4th meeting of the 5th Board ofDirectors, the 4th meeting of the 5th Board of Supervisors and the 4th extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2019. Thisemployee stock ownership plan will transfer the Company’s shares to its employees at a zero price through the Company’srepurchased shares from April 11th, 2019 to May 7th, 2019. The total of 22,347,537 shares accounts for 1.06% of the Company’stotal share capital. After 12 months from the date on which the last batch of underlying stocks announced are transferred to accountof the employee stock ownership plan, the underlying stocks acquired by means of non-trading transfer and other legally permittedmethods will be unlocked in stages, and the lock-up period is up to 36 months. For details, please visit www.cninfo.com.cn to refer tothe Third Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group Co., Ltd. (Draft)and its summary, the Announcement on Resolutions of the 4th Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors (announcement No.: 2019-078),the Announcement on Resolutions of the 4th Meeting of the 5th Board of Supervisors (announcement No.: 2019-079), theAnnouncement on Resolutions of the Fourth Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019 (announcement No.:


IV. Social responsibility

1. Major environmental issues

Do the listed company and its subsidiaries become the key pollutant discharging units announced by the environmental protectiondepartment?NoThe listed company and its subsidiaries are not the key pollutant discharging units announced by the environmental protectiondepartment.

2. Performance of social responsibility for targeted poverty alleviation

(1) Targeted poverty alleviation planning

In 2014, the Company initiated and established the Guangdong Youxin Foundation. As of June 30th, 2019, the Company hasdonated more than RMB 16 million to Guangdong Youxin Foundation for social welfare undertakings such as poverty alleviationthrough high school education in poverty-stricken areas in central and western regions in China.Specific projects include:

1) Youxin Education Program for Students in Hardship: As of June 30th, 2019, a total of 1,153 high school students inhardship were financially supported, of which 487 funded high school students completed their high school education. Theenrollment rate of first-tier universities among these funded high school students was over 40%. Some of these funded students wereenrolled by Peking University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Science and Technology of China,Zhejiang University, Sun Yat-sen University, Jinan University, Xiamen University, Wuhan University and other well-knownuniversities.

2) Free Reading Program for Remote Areas: As of June 30th, 2019, the program has brought free reading activities after class

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

to over 500 classes of a total of 45 county-level high schools in 34 underdeveloped counties/districts, including 20 national-level poorcounties/districts, thereby directly benefiting more than 40,000 students and teachers.

3) Occupational volunteer program: As of June 30th, 2019, more than 100 company employee volunteers have provided morethan 300 high school students in remote areas with experiences for specialty choices and career planning to help students make goodchoices in the future.

(2) Overview of targeted poverty alleviation in the half year

In the first half of 2019, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment spent a total of RMB 1.212 million on public welfare through theGuangdong Youxin Foundation to financially support 906 high school students, of which 240 high school students participated in thecollege entrance examination in 2019; to add 125 free reading corners; to carry out 3 occupational volunteer activities.In the aspect of poverty alleviation in agriculture and forestry industry, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment supported thedevelopment of local tea industry in Fengqing County (a national-level poor county) in Yunnan Province in the first half of 2019,with an investment of RMB 30,000.

(3) Achievements of targeted poverty alleviation

IndexMeasurement unitQuantity/implementation
I. Overview--
Wherein: 1. CapitalRMB 10,000124.2
II. Itemized investment--
1. Poverty alleviation by industry development--
Wherein: 1.1 Types of industrial poverty alleviation projects-Poverty alleviation by agriculture and forestry industry
1.2 Number of industrial poverty alleviation projectsPcs1
1.3 Investment amount of industrial poverty alleviation projectsRMB 10,0003
2. Poverty alleviation by labor transfer and employment--
3. Poverty alleviation by relocation and resettlement--
4. Educational poverty alleviation--
Wherein: 4.1 Investment amount of subsidies for poor studentsRMB 10,00052.9
4.2 Number of poor students subsidizedPerson906
4.3 Investment amount of improving educational resources in poor areasRMB 10,00048.5
5. Poverty alleviation by improving health————
6. Poverty alleviation by ecological protection————
7. Minimum guarantee————

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

8. Social poverty alleviation————
9. Other projects————
Wherein: 9.1 Number of projectsPcs1
9.2 Investment amountRMB 10,00019.8
III. Awards (contents and classes)--
The 2019 Social Responsibility Research Report for Chinese Internet Companies (I) released by the Internet Research Institute of Beijing Normal University in June 2019 showed that Sanqi Interactive Entertainment ranked first in the social responsibility list of network game industry.
In June 2019, the Committee of Corporate Citizenship under the China Association of Social Workers awarded the honorary title of “One of Top 60 Responsible Brands” to Sanqi Interactive Entertainment.

(4) Future targeted poverty alleviation plan

Sanqi Interactive Entertainment will continue to support the development of high school education in remote and impoverishedareas of the central and western regions in China through various poverty alleviation projects of the Guangdong Youxin Foundation.It is estimated that the annual public welfare expenditure of Sanqi Interactive Entertainment will reach RMB 3.4 million in 2019,with an increase by 13% compared with 2018.In respect of poverty alleviation in agriculture and forestry industry, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment is expected to invest RMB130,000 in the whole year.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Section VI Equity Changes and ShareholdersI. Changes in equity

1. Statements of changes in equity

Unit: Share

Prior to this changeChanges (+/-) in this timeAfter this change
QuantityProportionStock issueDividend stockShares converted from accumulated reservesOthersSubtotalQuantityProportion
I. Shares with trading limited conditions904,822,73642.58%-384,792,453-384,792,453520,030,28324.62%
2. Shares held by state-owned corporate23,612,7501.11%-23,612,750-23,612,75000.00%
3. Other domestic-held shares881,209,98641.47%-361,179,703-361,179,703520,030,28324.62%
Wherein: Shares held by a corporate of Mainland China306,965,75214.45%-306,965,752-306,965,75200.00%
Shares held by a natural person of Mainland China574,244,23427.02%-54,213,951-54,213,951520,030,28324.62%
II. Shares without trading limited conditions1,220,047,51757.42%372,173,897372,173,8971,592,221,41475.38%
1. Ordinary shares in RMB1,220,047,51757.42%372,173,897372,173,8971,592,221,41475.38%
III. Total shares2,124,870,253100.00%-12,618,556-12,618,5562,112,251,697100.00%

Causes for changes in shares

√Applicable □Not Applicable

During the reporting period, 8 shareholders applied for the release of restricted shares on January 14th, 2019, and the numberof released shares was 306,965,752 shares, accounting for 14.4463% of the Company’s total share capital (2,124,870,253 shares) atthat time. For details, please refer to the Notice on Listing and Circulating of Restricted Stocks disclosed at www.cninfo.com.cn onJanuary 11th, 2019 (announcement No.: 2019-007).During the reporting period, 1 shareholder applied for the release of restricted shares on January 23rd, 2019, and the number ofreleased shares was 23,612,750 shares, accounting for 1.1113% of the Company’s total share capital (2,124,870,253 shares) at thattime. For details, please refer to the Notice on Listing and Circulating of Restricted Stocks disclosed at www.cninfo.com.cn onJanuary 22nd, 2019 (announcement No.: 2019-011).The Proposal on Compensatory Shares and Cash Rebate of Compensation Obligors for Repurchase and Cancellation and theProposal on Requesting the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle Repurchase RelatedMatters were reviewed and approved by the 2nd meeting of the 5th Board of Directors held on April 25th, 2019. Due to the failure of

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Shanghai Mokun Digital Technology Co., Ltd. to fulfill its 2018 annual performance commitments, Yang Dongmai, Chen Wei andWangzhong Investment must provide compensation for performance and impairment, with a total amount of RMB 478,790,500, ofwhich the shares compensation is preferred and the remainder is supplemented in cash. Yang Dongmai and other compensationobligors are required to provide a total of 12,618,556 compensation shares (the consideration of shares is RMB 217,922,500) and thecash compensation of RMB 260,868,000. The Company will repurchase and cancel the corresponding compensation sharesaccording to relevant agreement. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Compensatory Shares and Cash Rebate ofCompensation Obligors for Repurchase and Cancellation disclosed on April 26th, 2019 (announcement No.: 2019-057). The sharesrepurchased were cancelled at Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDC) on June26th, 2019. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Cancellation Completion of Compensatory Shares disclosed by theCompany on June 28th, 2019 at www.cninfo.com.cn (announcement No.: 2019-086).Approval for changes in shares

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Status of transfer for share change

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Implementation progress of shares repurchase

√Applicable □Not Applicable

The Company held the 23rd meeting of the 4th Board of Directors on January 3rd, 2019 and the first Extraordinary GeneralMeeting of 2019 on January 21st, 2019, at which the Plan for Repurchasing Shares of the Company by Centralized CompetitiveBidding was reviewed and approved. The Company held the 24th meeting of the 4th Board of Directors on January 21st, 2019, atwhich the Proposal on Amending and Supplementing the “Plan for Repurchasing Shares of the Company by Centralized CompetitiveBidding” was reviewed and approved. The Company intends to use its own funds or self-raised funds to concentrate buy back sharesof the Company by centralized competitive bidding. The repurchase amount is not less than RMB 300 million (included) and notmore than RMB 600 million (included), with the repurchase price not exceeding RMB 15.00/share (included). The specificrepurchase quantity is based on the number of shares actually repurchased at the end of the repurchase period. The implementationperiod of shares repurchase shall be within 12 months from the date of consideration and approval of the shares repurchase plan bythe Company’s general meeting of shareholders.As of June 30th, 2019, the Company repurchased shares through a stock repurchase special securities account by centralizedcompetitive bidding. A total of 22,347,537 shares were repurchased, accounting for 1.06% of the Company’s current total sharecapital, with the highest price of RMB 14.02/share and the lowest price of RMB 12.61/share. The total amount paid was RMB301,961,944.30 (excluding transaction costs). For details, please visit www.cninfo.com.cn to refer to the Announcement on theProgress of Shares Repurchase (announcement No.: 2019-087).Implementation progress of reducing held repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Impact of share change on such financial indexes as basic EPS and diluted EPS, net assets value per share of common stockholders,etc. in recent year or recent period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

During the reporting period, the Company repurchased 22,347,537 shares through a stock repurchase special securities accountby centralized competitive bidding, and also repurchased and cancelled the compensation shares of Yang Dongmai and otherstakeholders to impose certain influences on financial indicators: Basic earnings per share increased by RMB 0.001/share, dilutedearnings per share increased by RMB 0.001/share, and net asset value per share decreased by RMB 0.15/share.Other information disclosed as necessary in the opinion of the Company or as required by securities regulatory institutions

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2. Changes in restricted shares

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: Share

Name of shareholderRestricted shares at the beginning of the periodRestricted shares available for trade during the reporting periodIncrease in restricted shares during the reporting periodThe number of restricted shares at the end of the periodReason for restrictionLifting date
Li Weiwei302,743,53900302,743,539Restricted shares after IPO and locked shares of officersOn December 29th, 2015, not more than 10% of all shares; on December 29th, 2016, not more than 30% of all shares; on December 29, 2017, not more than 50% of all shares; on December 29th, 2018, not more than 70% of all shares; on December 29th, 2019, all shares can be released.
Wu Weihong126,153,496-14,775,0000111,378,496Executives locked shares-
Wu Weidong125,016,063-26,820,395098,195,668Executives locked shares-
China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - Bank of Ningbo - Zhuhai Rongxi Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)59,031,876-59,031,87600Restricted shares after IPOJanuary 14th, 2019
China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - Bank of Ningbo - China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - ShunrongSanqi No. 2 Asset Management Plan under Private Placement Plan44,604,486-44,604,48600Restricted shares after IPOJanuary 14th, 2019
Shanghai Panxin Investment Management Co., Ltd. - Pan Feng Private Placement Phase I Private Equity Investment Fund33,057,850-33,057,85000Restricted shares after IPOJanuary 14th, 2019

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Ningbo XindaFengsheng Investment Partnership (limited partnership)32,467,532-32,467,53200Restricted shares after IPOJanuary 14th, 2019
China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - Bank of Ningbo - China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - ShunrongSanqi No. 1 Asset Management Plan under Private Placement Plan28,595,042-28,595,04200Restricted shares after IPOJanuary 14th, 2019
Mango Media Co. Ltd.23,612,750-23,612,75000Restricted shares after IPOJanuary 14th, 2019
Guangzhou AoyuSante Culture Co., Ltd.23,612,750-23,612,75000Restricted shares after IPOJanuary 23rd, 2019
Others105,927,352-98,214,77207,712,580Restricted shares after IPO and locked shares of officers-

3. Issuance and listing of securities

None.II. Number of shareholders and shareholding status

Unit: Share

Total number of common shareholders at the end of the reporting period53,291Total number of preferred shareholders with recovered voting rights at the end of the reporting period (if any) (see Note 8)0
Shareholding of ordinary shareholders holding 5% of total shares or top 10 shareholders
Name of shareholderNature of the shareholderShareholding ratioQuantity of common shares held at the end of the reporting periodIncrease/decrease during this reporting periodQuantity of restricted common sharesQuantity of unrestricted common sharesPledged or frozen status
Shareholding statusQuantity

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Li WeiweiNatural person of Mainland China19.11%403,658,0520302,743,539100,914,513Pledge65,104,000
ZengKaitianNatural person of Mainland China17.48%369,304,17400369,304,174Pledge48,880,000
Wu WeihongNatural person of Mainland China6.48%136,927,562-11,577,100111,378,49625,549,066
Wu WeidongNatural person of Mainland China6.20%130,927,55798,195,66832,731,889
Wu XushunNatural person of Mainland China5.15%108,837,782-58,900,0000108,837,782Pledge39,000,000
Hu YuhangNatural person of Mainland China2.97%62,830,436-1,000,0007,192,53055,637,906Pledge12,010,000
China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - Bank of Ningbo - Zhuhai Rongxi Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)Others2.62%55,337,463-3,694,413055,337,463
China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - Bank of Ningbo - China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - ShunrongSanqi No. 2 Asset Management Plan under Private Placement PlanOthers1.79%37,705,686-6,898,800037,705,686
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company LimitedOverseas corporation1.71%36,020,60226,252,231036,020,602
Hua life Insurance Company Limited - Own FundsOthers1.42%30,000,00030,000,000030,000,000

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Information of strategic investor or general legal person who becomes one of top 10 common shareholders due to rights issue (if any) (refer to note 3)Not applicable
Statement on relationship and concerted action among the above-mentioned shareholders1. Among the top 10 shareholders of the Company, Wu Xushun is the father of Wu Weihong and Wu Weidong, and Wu Xushun, Wu Weihong and Wu Weidong are shareholders acting in concert. 2. The Company is not aware of any other relationship among other top 10 shareholders, and is also unknown whether there is any shareholder acting in concert as stipulated in the Measures on the Administration of Acquisition of Listed Companies.
Shareholding status of top 10 un-restricted common shareholders
Name of shareholderQuantity of held un-restricted common shares at the end of the reporting periodClass of shares
Class of sharesQuantity
ZengKaitian369,304,174Common shares in RMB369,304,174
Wu Xushun108,837,782Common shares in RMB108,837,782
Li Weiwei100,914,513Common shares in RMB100,914,513
Hu Yuhang55,637,906Common shares in RMB55,637,906
China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - Bank of Ningbo - Zhuhai Rongxi Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)55,337,463Common shares in RMB55,337,463
China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - Bank of Ningbo - China Universal Asset Management (CUAM) - ShunrongSanqi No. 2 Asset Management Plan under Private Placement Plan37,705,686Common shares in RMB37,705,686
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited36,020,602Common shares in RMB36,020,602
Wu Weidong32,731,889Common shares in RMB32,731,889
Hua life Insurance Company Limited - Own Funds30,000,000Common shares in RMB30,000,000
Wuhu ShunrongSanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Co., Ltd. - Second Employee Stock Ownership Plan26,310,527Common shares in RMB26,310,527
Information of relationship or concerted action among top 101. Among the top 10 shareholders of the Company, Wu Xushun is the father of Wu Weihong and Wu Weidong, and Wu Xushun,

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

un-restricted common shareholders, and between top 10 un-restricted common shareholders and top 10 common shareholdersWu Weihong and Wu Weidong are shareholders acting in concert. 2. The Company is not aware of any other relationship among other top 10 shareholders, and is also unknown whether there is any shareholder acting in concert as stipulated in the Measures on the Administration of Acquisition of Listed Companies.
Description for top 10 common shareholders participating in securities margin trading (if any) (see Note 4)None

Have top 10 common shareholders and top 10 un-restricted common shareholders conducted repurchasing trades within the report period

□ Yes √ No

Top 10 common shareholders and top 10 un-restricted common shareholders do not conduct repurchasing trades within the report period.

III. Changes in the Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controllers

Change of controlling shareholder during the reporting period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Name of new controlling shareholdersLi Weiwei
Change dateApril 8th, 2019
Query index of designated websitehttp://www.cninfo.com.cn
Disclosure date of designated websiteApril 9th, 2019

Change of actual controller during the reporting period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Name of new actual controllerLi Weiwei
Change dateApril 8th, 2019
Query index of designated websitehttp://www.cninfo.com.cn
Disclosure date of designated websiteApril 9th, 2019

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Section VII Financial ReportI. Financial StatementsUnit in statements in financial notes: RMB

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Wuhu Sanqi Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group Co., Ltd.

June 30th, 2019

Unit: RMB

ItemJune 30th, 2019December 31st, 2018
Current assets:
Monetary fund1,788,431,889.151,532,965,200.05
Transaction settlement funds
Loans to other banks
Trading financial assets320,000,000.00
Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable1,717,575,938.591,298,554,481.23
Receivables financing
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance premiums receivable
Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
Other receivables92,363,339.09792,425,628.90
Wherein: Interest receivable64,445.20
Dividends receivable
Redemptory monetary capital for sale
Contract assets
Assets held-for-sale7,536,816.467,536,816.46
Non-current assets due within one year

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Other current assets125,703,458.23356,865,377.91
Total current assets4,554,060,314.824,182,117,637.38
Non-current assets:
Disbursement of advances and loans
Creditors’ investment
Available-for-sale financial assets1,119,291,025.55
Other long-term investments on bonds
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments514,224,823.77555,602,013.99
Other equity investment246,635,981.28
Other non-current financial assets932,481,621.45
Investment property
Fixed assets36,385,942.0536,458,454.56
Construction in progress751,293,007.77
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use asset
Intangible assets14,279,324.2714,296,437.04
Development expenditure6,205,796.16
Long-term deferred expenses74,090,122.8374,286,546.49
Deferred income tax assets7,790,147.8527,325,270.01
Other non-current assets58,269,048.52801,611,138.04
Total non-current assets4,213,515,068.324,213,644,079.60
Total assets8,767,575,383.148,395,761,716.98
Current liabilities:
Short-term loan369,000,000.00
Loan from central bank
Loans from other banks
Trading financial liabilities
Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses
Derivative financial liabilities

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Notes payable30,000,000.00
Accounts payable1,100,674,856.191,082,362,368.29
Account received in advance180,159,647.5294,628,742.59
Financial assets sold for repurchase
Receipt of deposits and deposits from other banks
Receivings from vicariously traded securities
Receivings from vicariously sold securities
Payroll payable121,495,008.66121,978,401.18
Tax payable88,463,827.0189,275,803.43
Other payables552,307,169.79108,142,599.83
Wherein: Interests payable52,841.84
Dividends payable417,980,832.00
Service charges and commissions payable
Reinsured accounts payable
Contract liabilities
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year30,282,389.9329,599,165.73
Other current liabilities76,707,849.6397,256,568.16
Total current liabilities2,180,090,748.731,992,243,649.21
Non-current liabilities:
Reserves for insurance contract
Long-term loans265,883,241.55281,176,106.33
Bonds payable
Wherein: Preferred shares
Perpetual bond
Long-term payables
Long-term remuneration payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income2,264,694.543,903,715.32
Deferred income tax liabilities4,735,906.20
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities268,147,936.09289,815,727.85

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Total liabilities2,448,238,684.822,282,059,377.06
Owners’ equity:
Share capital2,112,251,697.002,124,870,253.00
Other equity instruments
Where: Preferred shares
Perpetual capital securities
Capital reserve192,239,353.57298,739,967.21
Less: Treasury stock302,007,311.87
Other comprehensive incomes19,514,256.0746,376,346.58
Special reserves
Surplus reserve170,477,835.88170,477,835.88
General risk provisions
Undistributed profit3,974,141,378.373,332,211,003.19
Total equity attributable to parent company owners6,166,617,209.025,972,675,405.86
Minority shareholders' equity152,719,489.30141,026,934.06
Total owners' equities6,319,336,698.326,113,702,339.92
Total liabilities and owners’ equity8,767,575,383.148,395,761,716.98
Legal representative: Li WeiweiAccounting supervisor: Ye WeiLegal representative of the accounting firm: Ye Wei

2. Consolidated balance sheet of parent company

Unit: RMB

ItemJune 30th, 2019December 31st, 2018
Current assets:
Monetary fund113,306,255.184,325,959.18
Trading financial assets
Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable
Receivables financing

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Other receivables528,604,929.211,391,766,571.39
Wherein: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable500,000,000.00
Contract assets
Assets held-for-sale
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets3,386,365.631,165,393.00
Total current assets645,297,550.021,397,321,223.57
Non-current assets:
Creditors’ investment
Available-for-sale financial assets179,996,897.11
Other long-term investments on bonds
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments6,409,414,609.226,402,393,690.49
Other equity investment60,000,000.00
Other non-current financial assets114,997,287.11
Investment property
Fixed assets
Construction in progress
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use asset
Intangible assets
Development expenditure
Long-term deferred expenses
Deferred income tax assets8,657.928,090.43
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets6,584,420,554.256,582,398,678.03
Total assets7,229,718,104.277,979,719,901.60
Current liabilities:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Short-term loan369,000,000.00
Trading financial liabilities
Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable116,619.2036,357,038.26
Account received in advance
Contract liabilities
Payroll payable93,813.27484,767.87
Tax payable18,326.301,745,935.68
Other payables424,748,346.45711,616,794.64
Wherein: Interests payable52,841.84
Dividends payable417,980,832.00
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities424,977,105.221,119,204,536.45
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans
Bonds payable
Wherein: Preferred shares
Perpetual bond
Long-term payables
Long-term remuneration payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income
Deferred income tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Total liabilities424,977,105.221,119,204,536.45
Owners’ equity:
Share capital2,112,251,697.002,124,870,253.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Other equity instruments
Where: Preferred shares
Perpetual capital securities
Capital reserve3,845,960,626.183,952,461,239.82
Less: Treasury stock302,007,311.87
Other comprehensive incomes
Special reserves
Surplus reserves170,477,835.88170,477,835.88
Undistributed profit978,058,151.86612,706,036.45
Total owner’s equity6,804,740,999.056,860,515,365.15
Total liabilities and owners’ equity7,229,718,104.277,979,719,901.60
Legal representative: Li WeiweiAccounting supervisor: Ye WeiLegal representative of the accounting firm: Ye Wei

3. Consolidated profit statement

Unit: RMB

ItemThe first half of 2019The first half of 2018
I. Total operating income6,070,957,503.063,302,496,146.77
Wherein: Operating incomes6,070,957,503.063,302,496,146.77
Interest incomes
Earned insurance premium
Incomes from service charges and commissions
II. Total operating cost4,908,533,506.032,445,334,024.33
Wherein: Operating cost838,986,561.51886,273,600.84
Interest payment
Service charges and commission expenses
Refunded premium
Net amount of compensation payout
Net amount of reserves for reinsurance contract
Policy dividend payment
Reinsured expenses
Taxes and additional charges20,392,371.9615,844,704.11

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Selling expenses3,632,067,521.841,143,478,494.94
Administrative expense88,053,838.68127,934,924.44
R&D expense324,699,670.32257,843,866.07
Financial expenses4,333,541.7213,958,433.93
Wherein: Interest fee18,926,518.3721,337,173.26
Interest incomes8,475,803.749,241,560.12
Add: Other profits49,294,108.1142,885,206.03
Investment profit (“-” indicates the loss)18,932,969.8223,747,705.64
Wherein: Investment income of joint-venture and partnership-6,172,892.49-4,090,378.50
Financial assets measured by amortized cost no longer recognized as income (loss is marked with “-”)
Exchange income (“-” indicates the loss)
Net open hedge income (loss is marked with "-")
Income from changes in fair value (“-” indicates the loss)41,603,452.48
Credit impairment loss (loss is marked with “-”)33,094,388.44
Asset impairment loss (loss is marked with “-”)-14,789,077.01-2,141,680.01
Assets disposal income (“-” indicates the loss)-77,711.534,411.96
III. Operation profit (“-” indicates the loss)1,290,482,127.34921,657,766.06
Add: Non-operating income3,082,997.151,076,547.10
Less: Non-operating expense2,674,771.673,487,862.12
IV. Total profit (“-” indicates the total loss)1,290,890,352.82919,246,451.04
Less: Income taxes131,634,742.4436,437,882.35
V. Net profit (“-” indicates the loss)1,159,255,610.38882,808,568.69
(I) Classified by going concern
1. Net profit of going concern (“-” indicates net loss)1,159,255,610.38880,922,320.29
2. Net profit of discontinuing operation (“-” indicates net loss)1,886,248.40
(II) Classified by attribution of ownership

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

1. Net profits attributable to parent company owners1,033,074,405.38801,378,948.23
2. Gain and loss of minority shareholders126,181,205.0081,429,620.46
VI. After-tax net of other comprehensive incomes-25,288.71-12,085,783.31
After-tax net of other comprehensive incomes owned by the owner of the parent company-25,288.71-11,959,438.02
(I) Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be classified into profits and losses
1. Re-measurement of changes in defined benefit plan
2. Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be reclassified into profits and losses under the equity method
3. Changes in fair value of investment in other equity instruments
4. Changes in the fair value of the company's own credit risk
5. Others
(II) Other comprehensive incomes that would be classified into profits and losses-25,288.71-11,959,438.02
1. Other comprehensive incomes that can be reclassified into profits and losses under the equity method
2. Changes in fair value of other debt investment
3. Loss and profit of change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets-16,780,009.82
4. The amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income
5. Loss and profit of available-for-sale financial assets of held-to-maturity investments
6. Credit depreciation provision for other credit investment
7. Cash flow hedge reserve
8. Translation difference in the foreign currency financial statement-25,288.714,820,571.80
9. Others
Other comprehensive incomes net of tax-126,345.29

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

attributed to minority stockholders
VII. Total consolidated income1,159,230,321.67870,722,785.38
Total consolidated income attributable to parent company owners1,033,049,116.67789,419,510.21
Total consolidated income attributable to minority shareholders126,181,205.0081,303,275.17
VIII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earning per share0.490.37
(II) Diluted earning per share0.490.37

For combination of enterprises under the same control in this period, the net profit realized by the merged party before combinationwas: RMB 0.00, net profit realized by the merged party in last times: RMB 0.00.

Legal representative: Li WeiweiAccounting supervisor: Ye WeiLegal representative of the accounting firm: Ye Wei

4. Profit statement of parent company

Unit: RMB

ItemThe first half of 2019The first half of 2018
I. Operating income0.000.00
Less: Operating cost0.000.00
Taxes and additional charges8,651.831,024,725.00
Selling expenses
Administrative expense664,215.316,601,859.21
R&D expense
Financial expenses5,026,558.145,213,002.36
Wherein: Interest fee8,467,829.4110,775,718.70
Interest incomes3,444,301.055,565,824.46
Add: Other profits25,780.4950,943.38
Investment profit (“-” indicates the loss)789,008,294.71198,698,898.16
Wherein: Investment income of joint-venture and partnership-979,081.27-1,301,101.84
Financial assets measured by amortized cost no longer recognized as income (loss is marked with “-”)
Net open hedge income (loss is marked with "-")
Income from changes in fair value (“-”

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

indicates the loss)
Credit impairment loss (loss is marked with “-”)-2,270.002,508,054.79
Asset impairment loss (loss is marked with “-”)
Assets disposal income (“-” indicates the loss)
II. Operating profit ("-" indicates the loss)783,332,379.92188,418,309.76
Add: Non-operating income
Less: Non-operating expense5,483.09
III. Total profit (“-” indicates the total loss)783,332,379.92188,412,826.67
Less: Income taxes-567.49515,819.10
IV. Net profit (“-” indicates the loss)783,332,947.41187,897,007.57
(I) Net profit of going concern (“-” indicates net loss)783,332,947.41187,897,007.57
(II) Net profit of discontinuing operation (“-” indicates net loss)
V. Net of tax of other comprehensive incomes
(I) Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be classified into profit and loss
1. Re-measurement of changes in defined benefit plan
2. Other comprehensive incomes that cannot be reclassified into profits and losses under the equity method
3. Changes in fair value of investment in other equity instruments
4. Changes in the fair value of the company's own credit risk
5. Others
(II) Other comprehensive incomes that would be classified into profits and losses
1. Other comprehensive incomes that can be reclassified into profits and losses under the equity method
2. Changes in fair value of other debt investment
3. Loss and profit of change in fair

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

value of available-for-sale financial assets
4. The amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income
5. Loss and profit of available-for-sale financial assets of held-to-maturity investments
6. Credit depreciation provision for other credit investment
7. Cash flow hedge reserve
8. Translation difference in the foreign currency financial statement
9. Others
VI. Total Comprehensive Income783,332,947.41187,897,007.57
VII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earning per share
(II) Diluted earning per share
Legal representative: Li WeiweiAccounting supervisor: Ye WeiLegal representative of the accounting firm: Ye Wei

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Unit: RMB

ItemThe first half of 2019The first half of 2018
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services5,978,803,476.573,438,837,552.44
Net increase of deposits from customers and other banks
Net increase of loans from central bank
Net increase of loans from other financial institutions
Cash received from receiving insurance premium of original insurance contract
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase of policy holder deposits and investment funds
Cash received from interests, fees and commissions
Net increase of loans from other banks

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Net capital increase of repurchase business
Net cash received from traded securities by agency
Refunds of taxes and levies18,148,222.3026,890,901.13
Cash received from other operating activities53,303,204.0223,960,147.51
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities6,050,254,902.893,489,688,601.08
Cash paid for purchasing goods and services663,495,847.03764,126,180.75
Net increase of customer’s loans and advances
Net increase of deposits in central bank and other banks
Cash paid for indemnity of original insurance contract
Net increase in trading financial assets
Net increase in lending funds
Cash paid for interests, service charges and commissions
Cash paid for policy dividends
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees384,362,339.55389,536,519.50
Payments of taxes and levies234,010,246.88148,413,335.07
Other cash paid relating to operating activities4,152,031,533.061,210,376,547.80
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities5,433,899,966.522,512,452,583.12
Net cash flows from operating activities616,354,936.37977,236,017.96
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash received from withdrawal of investments105,816,280.71118,636,674.46
Cash received from returns on investments16,060,855.4431,431,186.39
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets204,690.002,174,729.81
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units433,449,673.50
Other cash received relating to investing activities2,488,320,540.521,126,557,800.00
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities3,043,852,040.171,278,800,390.66
Cash paid to procure fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets59,645,209.49131,912,260.35
Cash paid to acquire investments78,068,522.9992,335,901.04
Net increase of pledge loans
Net cash received from payment of subsidiaries

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

and other business entities
Cash payments relating to other investment activities2,430,000,000.001,126,557,800.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities2,567,713,732.481,350,805,961.39
Net cash flows from investing activities476,138,307.69-72,005,570.73
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from capital contribution19,789,457.72
Wherein: Cash from the investment of minority shareholders of the subsidiaries19,789,457.72
Cash received from borrowings649,000,000.00
Cash received from issuance of debentures
Other cash received relating to financing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities668,789,457.72
Cash repayments of amounts borrowed383,609,640.58385,933,010.04
Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profits138,359,549.65109,256,651.46
Wherein: Dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders122,000,000.0090,000,000.00
Other cash payments relating to financing activities302,007,312.871,120,317,235.07
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities823,976,503.101,615,506,896.57
Net cash flows from financing activities-823,976,503.10-946,717,438.85
IV. Influence of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents-128,092.91-764,348.79
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents268,388,648.05-42,251,340.41
Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents1,515,740,344.791,580,910,931.98
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of period1,784,128,992.841,538,659,591.57
Legal representative: Li WeiweiAccounting supervisor: Ye WeiLegal representative of the accounting firm: Ye Wei

6. Cash flow statement of parent company

Unit: RMB

ItemThe first half of 2019The first half of 2018
I. Cash flows from operating activities:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services
Refunds of taxes and levies50,943.38
Cash received from other operating activities1,355,608,209.241,717,002,285.35
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities1,355,608,209.241,717,053,228.73
Cash paid for purchasing goods and services
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees360,009.161,238,172.66
Payments of taxes and levies1,736,261.2118,667,911.67
Other cash paid relating to operating activities2,256,700,554.73835,785,281.58
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities2,258,796,825.10855,691,365.91
Net cash flows from operating activities-903,188,615.86861,361,862.82
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash received from withdrawal of investments4,999,610.0050,000,000.00
Cash received from returns on investments1,289,987,375.986,000,000.00
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units404,709,910.00
Other cash received relating to investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities1,699,696,895.9856,000,000.00
Cash paid to procure fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
Cash paid to acquire investments8,000,000.001,120,000,000.00
Net cash received from payment of subsidiaries and other business entities
Cash payments relating to other investment activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing8,000,000.001,120,000,000.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Net cash flows from investing activities1,691,696,895.98-1,064,000,000.00
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from capital contribution
Cash received from borrowings649,000,000.00
Cash received from issuance of debentures
Other cash received relating to financing activities91,195.70
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities649,091,195.70
Cash repayments of amounts borrowed369,000,000.00369,000,000.00
Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profits8,520,671.2510,627,267.52
Other cash payments relating to financing activities302,007,312.87491,089.23
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities679,527,984.12380,118,356.75
Net cash flows from financing activities-679,527,984.12268,972,838.95
IV. Influence of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents108,980,296.0066,334,701.77
Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents4,325,959.185,437,518.91
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of period113,306,255.1871,772,220.68
Legal representative: Li WeiweiAccounting supervisor: Ye WeiLegal representative of the accounting firm: Ye Wei

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners' equity

Amount of current period

Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2019
Total owners' equity attributable to the parent companyMinority shareholders' equityTotal owner’s equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomesSpecial reservesSurplus reserveGeneral risk provisionsUndistributed profitOthersSubtotal
Preferred sharesPerpetual capital securitiesOthers
I. Balance at the end of previous year2,124,870,253.00298,739,967.2146,376,346.58170,477,835.883,332,211,003.195,972,675,405.86141,026,934.066,113,702,339.92
Add: Changes to accounting policies-26,836,801.8026,836,801.80
Fund for corrections of errors of previous period
Business combination under the same control

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

II. Beginning balance at this year2,124,870,253.00298,739,967.2119,539,544.78170,477,835.883,359,047,804.995,972,675,405.86141,026,934.066,113,702,339.92
III. Increased/decreased amount this year (“-” indicates decrease)-12,618,556.00-106,500,613.64302,007,311.87-25,288.71615,093,573.38193,941,803.1611,692,555.24205,634,358.40
(I) Total comprehensive income-25,288.711,033,074,405.381,033,049,116.67126,181,205.001,159,230,321.67
(II) Owner investment and decreased capital-12,618,556.00-106,500,613.64302,007,311.87-421,126,481.517,511,350.24-413,615,131.27
1. Ordinary share invested by Owners-12,618,556.00-106,500,613.64302,007,311.87-421,126,481.51-421,126,481.51
2. Capital invested by other equity instrument holders
3. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners' equity
4. Others7,511,350.247,511,350.24
(III) Profit distribution-417,980,832.00-417,980,832.00-122,000,000.00-539,980,832.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

1. Appropriation to surplus reserves
2. Appropriation of general risk reserves
3. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)-417,980,832.00-417,980,832.00-122,000,000.00-539,980,832.00
4. Others
(IV) Internal transfer of owners' equity
1. Capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
2. Capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Set the income from the carrying forward and retaining of benefit plan change amount

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

5. Income from the carrying forward and retaining of other comprehensive income
6. Others
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawn amount of this period
2. Using amount this period
(VI) Others
IV. Closing balance of this accounting period2,112,251,697.00192,239,353.57302,007,311.8719,514,256.07170,477,835.883,974,141,378.376,166,617,209.02152,719,489.306,319,336,698.32

Amount of previous period

Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2018
Total owners' equity attributable to the parent companyMinority shareholders' equityTotal owner’s equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomesSpecial reservesSurplus reserveGeneral risk provisionsUndistributed profitOthersSubtotal
Preferred sharePerpetual capital securitieOthers

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

I. Balance at the end of previous year2,148,110,844.001,947,846.621,972,639,580.66-25,087,592.3099,561,946.092,819,597,585.787,016,770,210.85269,888,245.237,286,658,456.08
Add: Changes to accounting policies
Fund for corrections of errors of previous period
Business combination under the same control
II. Beginning balance at this year2,148,110,844.001,947,846.621,972,639,580.66-25,087,592.3099,561,946.092,819,597,585.787,016,770,210.85269,888,245.237,286,658,456.08
III. Increased/decreased amount this year (“-” indicates-23,240,591.00-1,608,657,849.98-11,959,438.02588,891,922.93-1,054,965,956.07-165,803,442.46-1,220,769,398.53

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(I) Total comprehensive income-11,959,438.02801,378,948.23789,419,510.2181,303,275.17870,722,785.38
(II) Owner investment and decreased capital-23,240,591.00-1,608,657,849.98-1,631,898,440.98-157,106,717.63-1,789,005,158.61
1. Ordinary share invested by Owners-23,240,591.00-375,621,894.06-398,862,485.067,286,957.72-391,575,527.34
2. Capital invested by other equity instrument holders
3. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners' equity
4. Others-1,233,035,955.92-1,233,035,955.92-164,393,675.35-1,397,429,631.27
(III) Profit distribution-212,487,025.30-212,487,025.30-90,000,000.00-302,487,025.30
1. Appropriation to surplus

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2. Appropriation of general risk reserves
3. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)-212,487,025.30-212,487,025.30-90,000,000.00-302,487,025.30
4. Others
(IV) Internal transfer of owners' equity
1. Capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
2. Capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Set the income from the carrying

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

forward and retaining of benefit plan change amount
5. Income from the carrying forward and retaining of other comprehensive income
6. Others
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawn amount of this period
2. Using amount this period
(VI) Others
IV. Closing balance of this accounting period2,124,870,253.001,947,846.62363,981,730.68-37,047,030.3299,561,946.093,408,489,508.715,961,804,254.78104,084,802.776,065,889,057.55
Legal representative: Li WeiweiAccounting supervisor: Ye WeiLegal representative of the accounting firm: Ye Wei

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

8. Statement of equity changes of parent company owner

Amount of current period

Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2019
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomesSpecial reservesSurplus reservesUndistributed profitOthersTotal owner’s equity
Preferred sharesPerpetual capital securitiesOthers
I. Balance at the end of previous year2,124,870,253.003,952,461,239.82170,477,835.88612,706,036.456,860,515,365.15
Add: Changes to accounting policies
Fund for corrections of errors of previous period
II. Beginning balance at this year2,124,870,253.003,952,461,239.82170,477,835.88612,706,036.456,860,515,365.15
III. Increased/decreased amount this year (“-” indicates decrease)-12,618,556.00-106,500,613.64302,007,311.87365,352,115.41-55,774,366.10
(I) Total comprehensive income783,332,947.41783,332,947.41
(II) Owner investment and decreased capital-12,618,556.00-106,500,613.64302,007,311.87-421,126,481.51
1. Ordinary share invested-12,618,556.00-106,500,613.64302,007,311.87-421,126,481.51

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

by Owners
2. Capital invested by other equity instrument holders
3. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners' equity
4. Others
(III) Profit distribution-417,980,832.00-417,980,832.00
1. Appropriation to surplus reserves
2. Distribution to owners (or shareholder)-417,980,832.00-417,980,832.00
3. Others
(IV) Internal transfer of owners' equity
1. Capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
2. Capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Set the income from the carrying forward and retaining of benefit plan change amount
5. Income from the carrying

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

forward and retaining of other comprehensive income
6. Others
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawn amount of this period
2. Using amount this period
(VI) Others
IV. Closing balance of this accounting period2,112,251,697.003,845,960,626.18302,007,311.87170,477,835.88978,058,151.866,804,740,999.05

Amount of previous period

Unit: RMB

ItemHalf year of 2018
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomesSpecial reservesSurplus reservesUndistributed profitOthersTotal owner’s equity
Preferred sharesPerpetual capital securitiesOthers
I. Balance at the end of previous year2,148,110,844.004,401,934,248.2599,561,946.09399,437,078.967,049,044,117.30
Add: Changes to accounting policies
Fund for corrections of errors of previous period
II. Beginning balance at this2,148,110,844.004,401,934,248.2599,561,946.09399,437,078.967,049,044,117.30

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

III. Increased/decreased amount this year (“-” indicates decrease)-23,240,591.00-378,124,394.06-24,590,017.73-425,955,002.79
(I) Total comprehensive income187,897,007.57187,897,007.57
(II) Owner investment and decreased capital-23,240,591.00-378,124,394.06-401,364,985.06
1. Ordinary share invested by Owners-23,240,591.00-378,124,394.06-401,364,985.06
2. Capital invested by other equity instrument holders
3. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners' equity
4. Others
(III) Profit distribution-212,487,025.30-212,487,025.30
1. Appropriation to surplus reserves
2. Distribution to owners (or shareholder)-212,487,025.30-212,487,025.30
3. Others
(IV) Internal transfer of owners' equity
1. Capital (or share capital) from capital reserves

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2. Capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Set the income from the carrying forward and retaining of benefit plan change amount
5. Income from the carrying forward and retaining of other comprehensive income
6. Others
(V) Special reserves
1. Withdrawn amount of this period
2. Using amount this period
(VI) Others
IV. Closing balance of this accounting period2,124,870,253.004,023,809,854.1999,561,946.09374,847,061.236,623,089,114.51
Legal representative: Li WeiweiAccounting supervisor: Ye WeiLegal representative of the accounting firm: Ye Wei

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

9. First implementation of new financial instrument standards, new revenue standards, new lease standards,adjustment of relevant items in financial statements at the beginning of the year

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Consolidated balance sheet

Unit: RMB

ItemDecember 31st, 2018Jan 1st, 2019Adjustment
Current assets:
Monetary fund1,532,965,200.051,532,965,200.05
Transaction settlement funds
Loans to other banks
Trading financial assets116,000,000.00116,000,000.00
Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable1,298,554,481.231,298,554,481.23
Receivables financing
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance premiums receivable
Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
Other receivables792,425,628.90792,425,628.90
Wherein: Interest receivable64,445.2064,445.20
Dividends receivable0.00
Redemptory monetary capital for sale
Contract assets
Assets held-for-sale7,536,816.467,536,816.46

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets356,865,377.91240,865,377.91-116,000,000.00
Total current assets4,182,117,637.384,182,117,637.38
Non-current assets:
Disbursement of advances and loans
Creditors’ investment
Available-for-sale financial assets1,119,291,025.55-1,119,291,025.55
Other long-term investments on bonds
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments555,602,013.99555,602,013.99
Other equity investment196,571,394.67196,571,394.67
Other non-current financial assets922,719,630.88922,719,630.88
Investment property
Fixed assets36,458,454.5636,458,454.56
Construction in progress0.00
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use asset
Intangible assets14,296,437.0414,296,437.04
Development expenditure6,205,796.166,205,796.16
Long-term deferred expenses74,286,546.4974,286,546.49
Deferred income tax assets27,325,270.0127,325,270.01
Other non-current assets801,611,138.04801,611,138.04
Total non-current assets4,213,644,079.604,213,644,079.60

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Total assets8,395,761,716.988,395,761,716.98
Current liabilities:
Short-term loan369,000,000.00369,000,000.00
Loan from central bank
Loans from other banks
Trading financial liabilities
Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable0.00
Accounts payable1,082,362,368.291,082,362,368.29
Account received in advance94,628,742.5994,628,742.59
Financial assets sold for repurchase
Receipt of deposits and deposits from other banks
Receivings from vicariously traded securities
Receivings from vicariously sold securities
Payroll payable121,978,401.18121,978,401.18
Tax payable89,275,803.4389,275,803.43
Other payables108,142,599.83108,142,599.83
Wherein: Interests payable52,841.8452,841.84
Dividends payable0.00
Service charges and commissions payable
Reinsured accounts payable
Contract liabilities

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year29,599,165.7329,599,165.73
Other current liabilities97,256,568.1697,256,568.16
Total current liabilities1,992,243,649.211,992,243,649.21
Non-current liabilities:
Reserves for insurance contract
Long-term loans281,176,106.33281,176,106.33
Bonds payable
Wherein: Preferred shares
Perpetual bond
Long-term payables
Long-term remuneration payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income3,903,715.323,903,715.32
Deferred income tax liabilities4,735,906.204,735,906.20
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities289,815,727.85289,815,727.85
Total liabilities2,282,059,377.062,282,059,377.06
Owners’ equity:
Share capital2,124,870,253.002,124,870,253.00
Other equity instruments
Where: Preferred shares
Perpetual capital securities
Capital reserve298,739,967.21298,739,967.21
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive46,376,346.5819,539,544.78-26,836,801.80

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Special reserves
Surplus reserve170,477,835.88170,477,835.88
General risk provisions
Undistributed profit3,332,211,003.193,359,047,804.9926,836,801.80
Total equity attributable to parent company owners5,972,675,405.865,972,675,405.86
Minority shareholders' equity141,026,934.06141,026,934.06
Total owners' equities6,113,702,339.926,113,702,339.92
Total liabilities and owners’ equity8,395,761,716.988,395,761,716.98

Adjustment descriptionIn accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments,the opening book value of items under the consolidated balance sheet is adjusted as follows:

1. The bank financial products of RMB 116,000,000.00 under other current assets are reclassified as trading financial assets;

2. The available-for-sale financial assets of RMB 1,119,291,025.55 are reclassified as other equity instrument and other non-currentfinancial assets;

3. The profits and losses from change of fair value and income tax expenses recognized as other comprehensive income in the previousyears of RMB 26,836,801.80 were transferred to undistributed profits.Consolidated balance sheet of parent company

Unit: RMB

ItemDecember 31st, 2018Jan 1st, 2019Adjustment
Current assets:
Monetary fund4,325,959.184,325,959.18
Trading financial assets
Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable
Receivables financing
Other receivables1,391,766,571.391,391,766,571.39
Wherein: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable500,000,000.00500,000,000.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Contract assets
Assets held-for-sale
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets1,165,393.001,165,393.00
Total current assets1,397,321,223.571,397,321,223.57
Non-current assets:
Creditors’ investment
Available-for-sale financial assets179,996,897.11-179,996,897.11
Other long-term investments on bonds
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments6,402,393,690.496,402,393,690.49
Other equity investment60,000,000.0060,000,000.00
Other non-current financial assets119,996,897.11119,996,897.11
Investment property
Fixed assets
Construction in progress
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use asset
Intangible assets
Development expenditure
Long-term deferred expenses
Deferred income tax assets8,090.438,090.43
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets6,582,398,678.036,582,398,678.03
Total assets7,979,719,901.607,979,719,901.60
Current liabilities:
Short-term loan369,000,000.00369,000,000.00
Trading financial liabilities
Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses
Derivative financial liabilities

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Notes payable
Accounts payable36,357,038.26
Account received in advance
Contract liabilities
Payroll payable484,767.87484,767.87
Tax payable1,745,935.681,745,935.68
Other payables711,616,794.64711,616,794.64
Wherein: Interests payable52,841.8452,841.84
Dividends payable
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities1,119,204,536.451,119,204,536.45
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans
Bonds payable
Wherein: Preferred shares
Perpetual bond
Long-term payables
Long-term remuneration payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income
Deferred income tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities
Total liabilities1,119,204,536.451,119,204,536.45
Owners’ equity:
Share capital2,124,870,253.002,124,870,253.00
Other equity instruments
Where: Preferred shares
Perpetual capital securities
Capital reserve3,952,461,239.823,952,461,239.82
Less: Treasury stock

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Other comprehensive incomes
Special reserves
Surplus reserves170,477,835.88170,477,835.88
Undistributed profit612,706,036.45612,706,036.45
Total owner’s equity6,860,515,365.156,860,515,365.15
Total liabilities and owners’ equity7,979,719,901.607,979,719,901.60

Adjustment descriptionIn accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments,the parent company’s opening available-for-sale financial assets of RMB 1,119,291,025.55 was reclassified as other equityinvestment and other non-current financial assets.

II. Item Notes to Consolidated Financial Statement

1. Monetary funds

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Cash on hand29,585.32
Bank deposit1,755,552,866.061,526,769,012.67
Other monetary funds32,879,023.096,166,602.06
Wherein: Total amount deposited in the other regions beyond Mainland China472,745,413.06382,759,855.68

Other notes

2. Trading financial assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses320,000,000.00116,000,000.00
Financial products320,000,000.00116,000,000.00

Other notes:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

3. Accounts receivables

(1) Disclosure of accounts receivable types

Unit: RMB

TypeEnding balanceBalance at the beginning of the period
Book balanceProvision for bad debtsBook valueBook balanceProvision for bad debtsBook value
AmountProportionAmountAccrual proportionAmountProportionAmountAccrual proportion
Account receivable individually accrued for provision of bad account10,681,600.080.25%10,681,600.08100.00%0.00%0.00%
Accounts receivable with bad debt provision accrued by portfolio1,736,488,867.3899.75%18,912,928.791.09%1,717,575,938.591,367,120,440.35100.00%68,565,959.125.02%1,298,554,481.23
Credit term portfolio1,363,538,028.7978.04%0.000.00%1,363,538,028.79
Aging portfolio372,950,838.5921.35%18,912,928.791.09%354,037,909.801,367,120,440.35100.00%68,565,959.125.02%1,298,554,481.23

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Provision for bad debts by single account RMB 10,681,600.08

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Book balanceProvision for bad debtsAccrual proportionReason for accruing
Combined transport customers10,681,600.0810,681,600.08100.00%Estimated to be unrecoverable

Provision for bad debts by single account

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Book balanceProvision for bad debtsAccrual proportionReason for accruing

Provision for bad debts by portfolio: RMB 0.00

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Book balanceProvision for bad debtsAccrual proportion
Credit term portfolio1,363,538,028.790.000.00%

Description of basis for this portfolio determination:

The debtor has no payment obligation for the receivables within the credit term, and historical experiences indicate that no debtdefault of customer occurs during the credit term.Provision for bad debts by portfolio: RMB 18,912,928.79

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Book balanceProvision for bad debtsAccrual proportion
Within 1 year (inclusive)368,256,294.3518,412,814.715.00%
1-2 year(s)4,596,348.05459,634.8110.00%
2 - 3 years43,094.1412,928.2430.00%
3 - 4 years55,102.0527,551.0350.00%
4 - 5 years0.000.0080.00%
Over 5 years0.000.00100.00%

Description of basis for this portfolio determination:

Receivables of same aging share similar characteristics of credit riskProvision for bad debts by portfolio:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Book balanceProvision for bad debtsAccrual proportion

Description of basis for this portfolio determination:

If the bad debt provision for accounts receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit losses, please discloserelevant information of bad debt provision according to the disclosure method of other receivables:

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Disclosure by aging

Unit: RMB

AgingBalance at the end of the period
Within 1 year (inclusive)1,736,940,256.66
1-2 year(s)9,410,985.41
2 - 3 years764,123.34
Over 3 years55,102.05
3 - 4 years55,102.05
4 - 5 years0.00
Over 5 years0.00

The Company is required to comply with the disclosure requirements of the SZSE Industrial Information Disclosure Guide No. 12 -Listed Companies Engaged in Software and IT Services.The Company does not have any account receivable with age of more than 3 years and high single amount.

(2) Reserve of the bad debts that are accrued, withdrew and taken back in current periodAccrued provision for bad debts in this period:

Unit: RMB

TypeBeginning balanceChange in this periodEnding balance
AccrualRecovery or reversalCancellation after verification
Account receivable individually accrued for provision of bad account10,681,600.0810,681,600.08
Accounts receivable with bad debt provision accrued by portfolio68,565,959.1249,653,030.3318,912,928.79

Including important provision for bad debt returned back or taken back in this current period:

Unit: RMB

Organization nameAmount returned back or taken backChange the way of return

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(3) Top five arrears balance of accounts receivable by the end of the period

Unit: RMB

Organization nameBook balanceProportion in account receivable of accounts receivableProvision for bad debts
No. 1648,795,581.0937.13%11,945,847.09
No. 2270,608,142.1115.49%-
No. 3128,011,890.047.33%781.79
No. 496,887,602.155.55%36,238.51
No. 592,441,041.735.29%85,324.25

4. Prepayments

(1) Prepayments listed by aging

Unit: RMB

AgingClosing balanceBeginning balance
Within 1 year455,618,358.2990.68%146,868,718.4175.80%
1 - 2 year(s)38,847,294.037.73%39,028,966.6120.14%
2 - 3 years4,253,718.150.85%4,642,733.102.40%
Over 3 years3,729,502.830.74%3,229,714.711.66%

The explanation for the reasons of failure in in-time settlement for significant amount of advance payment with aging of more than 1year:

Unit: RMB

Organization nameEnding balanceUnsettlement reasons
Prepaid supplier I6,163,981.68The game has not been launched
Prepaid supplier II5,846,083.03Prepayments are being deducted

(2) Top five ending balances of prepayments classified by prepayment objects:

Unit: RMB

Organization nameEnding balanceProportion in remaining pre-paid amount
No. 1126,089,301.1725.09%

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

No. 260,129,492.4011.97%
No. 334,398,708.086.85%
No. 429,337,279.595.84%
No. 528,267,619.075.63%

Other notes:

5. Other receivables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interests receivable64,445.20
Dividends receivable0.00
Other receivables92,363,339.09792,361,183.70

(1) Interest receivable

1) Classification of interests payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Fixed-term deposits0.0064,445.20

(2) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables based on the fund nature

Unit: RMB

Fund natureEnding book valueOpening book balance
Security, deposit and reserve55,705,678.8069,863,183.59
Receivable sharing and royalty16,154,711.0333,563,609.65
Equity-related receivables47,176,888.88448,486,888.88
Performance compensation receivables0.00260,868,040.88

2) Accrual of bad debt provision

Unit: RMB

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Provision for bad debtsStage IStage IIStage IIITotal
Expected credit losses in the next 12 monthsExpected credit losses for the entire duration (without credit impairment)Expected credit losses for the entire duration (with credit impairment)
Balance on January 1st, 201927,294,479.09200,000.0027,494,479.09
Balance on January 1st, 2019 is in the period----
- Transferred to Stage II-1,859,300.931,859,300.930.00
Accrual of the period18,738,152.8518,738,152.85
Reversal of the period13,129,610.4213,129,610.42
Balance on June 30th, 201912,305,567.7420,797,453.7833,103,021.52

For the provision for loss, is there any major change in book balances of the period?

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Disclosure by aging

Unit: RMB

AgingBalance at the end of the period
Within 1 year (inclusive)59,355,299.57
Within 1 year (inclusive)59,355,299.57
1-2 year(s)56,060,036.04
2 - 3 years2,533,902.43
Over 3 years7,517,122.57
3 - 4 years5,217,110.07
4 - 5 years12.50
Over 5 years2,300,000.00

3) Reserve of the bad debts that are accrued, withdrew and taken back in current period

Accrued provision for bad debts in this period:

Unit: RMB

TypeBeginning balanceChange in this periodEnding balance
AccrualRecovery or reversal
Account receivable individually accrued for provision of bad account200,000.0020,597,453.7820,797,453.78
Accounts receivable with bad debt provision accrued by portfolio27,294,479.0914,988,911.3512,305,567.74

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Including important provision for bad debt transferred back or recovered in this period:

Unit: RMB

Organization nameAmount carried forward or recoveredChange the way of return

4) Other accounts receivable in top five based on year-end balance collected from arrears party

Unit: RMB

Organization nameFund natureEnding balanceAgingProportion in total ending balance of other receivablesEnding balance of provision for bad debts
No. 1Equity disposal receivables42,768,000.001 - 2 year(s)34.47%10,926,508.41
No. 2Security, deposit and reserve24,450,000.001 year25.15%1,222,500.00
No. 3Security, deposit and reserve20,000,000.001 year20.57%1,000,000.00
No. 4Amount to be recovered11,142,625.961 - 2 year(s)2.09%9,214,262.60
No. 5Amount to be recovered5,000,000.002 - 3 years2.71%2,500,000.00

6. Assets held-for-sale

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding book valueImpairment provisionCarrying value at the end of the periodFair valueEstimated disposal expenseEstimated disposal date
Available-for-sale financial assets7,536,816.467,536,816.467,536,816.460.00December 31st, 2019

Other notes:

The above assets are expected to be disposed of within the next 12 months.

7. Other current assets

Have the new revenue standards been implemented?

□ Yes √ No


ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Retained VAT and VAT to be certified119,783,320.81115,335,389.59
Prepaid income tax5,920,137.426,410,819.68
Performance compensation receivables0.00119,119,168.64

Other notes:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

The opening balance of the receivable performance compensation was generated because that Shanghai Mokun failed to fulfill its2018 annual performance commitment and its original shareholders’ compensation shares of 23,240,591 shares in total wererepurchased and cancelled according to relevant agreements during the reporting period.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

8. Long-term equity investment

Unit: RMB

Invested companyOpening balance (book value)Increase or decrease in this periodEnding balance (book value)Ending balance of depreciation reserves
Additional investmentsNegative investmentProfit and loss on investments confirmed with equity methodOther comprehensive income adjustmentOther equity changeProfit or cash dividend declared to be distributedWithdrawn impairment provisionOthers
I. Joint ventures
II. Associates
Yangzhou Fuhai Sanqi Internet Cultural Investment Center (Limited Partnership)48,136,104.35-1,986,511.8746,149,592.48
Shanghai Fenghua Qiushi Culture Media Co., Ltd.132,678,347.401,925,411.11134,603,758.51
New Cues (Beijing) Television Investment Co., Ltd.101,285,461.34-1,039,585.34100,245,876.00
Chengdu Pengwan Technology Co., Ltd.55,790,372.01-263,915.6655,526,456.35
Sanqi Guangzheng (Guangzhou) Cultural Technology Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)45,000,000.0045,000,000.00
Mango (Xiamen) Creative Incubation Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)39,163,509.6229,315,220.7227,828.409,876,117.30
Shanghai Yuhouyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.20,233,958.82-272,274.9619,961,683.86
Shanghai Jueli Culture Media Co., Ltd.27,593,699.69-979,081.2726,614,618.42

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Chengdu Mofei Technology Co., Ltd.15,777,419.05-1,137,760.9814,639,658.07
Jiangsu Yezi Network Technology Co., Ltd.13,901,748.49-328,184.4213,573,564.07
Chengdu Popcorn Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.11,611,786.40-510,002.9311,101,783.47

Other notes:

“Others” refer to a summary of equity investment with an ending balance of less than RMB 10 million.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

9. Other equity investment

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Shenzhen Mokylin Technology Co., Ltd.60,000,000.0060,000,000.00
Shenzhen QiFun Network Corp. Ltd.50,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Archiact Interactive Ltd.21,650,889.4021,624,422.86
Karma Game Beijing Limited17,000,000.00
Karma Game HK Limited12,918,608.00
Guangzhou Xuyang Network Technology Co., Ltd.11,000,000.001,000,000.00
Tianshe (Shanghai) Culture & Media Co., Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Shanghai Original Plan Culture & Media Co. Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Unit: RMBProject nameRecognized dividend incomeAccumulated gainsAccumulated lossesAmount of other comprehensive income transferred to retained incomeReason for measurement by fair value and change being recognized in other comprehensive incomeReason for other comprehensive income transferred to retained income
Shenzhen Mokylin Technology Co., Ltd.Non-trading equity investment
Shenzhen QiFun Network Corp. Ltd.Non-trading equity investment
Archiact Interactive Ltd.Non-trading equity investment
Karma Game Beijing LimitedNon-trading equity investment
Karma Game HK LimitedNon-trading equity investment
Guangzhou Xuyang Network Technology Co., Ltd.Non-trading equity investment
Tianshe (Shanghai) Culture & Media Co., Ltd.Non-trading equity investment
Shanghai Original Plan Culture & Media Co. Ltd.Non-trading equity investment
OthersNon-trading equity investment

Other notes:

“Others” refer to a summary of equity investment with an ending balance of less than RMB 10 million.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

10. Other non-current financial assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Shanghai Mango Creative Equity Investment Fund (L.P.)173,581,491.41173,581,491.41
X.D. Network100,055,903.60100,050,000.00
Tianjin Digital Color Interactive Technology Co., Ltd.80,000,000.0080,000,000.00
Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.74,486,294.3067,155,608.00
Hangzhou Southern Pictures Co., Ltd.64,997,287.1169,996,897.11
Chengdu 91ACT Technology Company52,731,000.0052,731,000.00
Shenzhen Zhonghui Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd.50,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Jiangsu Mingtong Information Technology Co., Ltd.50,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Beijing Chinese Anci Equity Investment Fund Management Center (Limited Partnership)42,748,550.0050,000,000.00
SNK Corporation36,600,182.471,036.35
Hebei Youying Culture Spreading Co., Ltd.26,800,000.0026,800,000.00
Beijing Chenming Media Co., Ltd.25,000,000.0025,000,000.00
Tianjin Purple Dragon Singular Point Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd.23,115,789.9023,115,789.90
Zen-game Technology17,217,313.2918,000,000.00
Hangzhou Honghua Duoduo Network Technology Co., Ltd.16,978,390.0016,978,390.00
Shanghai Touch Culture Communication Co., Ltd.15,000,000.0015,000,000.00
YHKT Entertainment Co., Ltd.14,400,000.0014,400,000.00
Suzhou Youge Huaxin Venture Investment Center (Limited Partnership)10,500,000.00
Shanghai Zhangmeng Network Technology Co., Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Najia Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.40,000,000.00

Other notes:

“Others” refer to a summary of equity investment with an ending balance of less than RMB 10 million.

11. Fixed assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Fixed assets36,385,942.0536,458,454.56
Liquidation of fixed assets0.000.00

(1) Status of fixed assets

Unit: RMB

ItemMotor vehiclesElectric and office equipmentTotal
I. Original carrying value:
1. Balance at the beginning of this period6,424,328.85116,980,511.36123,404,840.21
2. Increase of this period683,185.8410,673,356.0711,356,541.91
(1) Purchasing683,185.8410,647,900.7411,331,086.58
(2) Construction in progress transferred-in
(3) Increase by business combination
(4) Exchange conversion25,455.3325,455.33
3. Decrease of this period3,918,238.468,509,193.9412,427,432.40
(1) Disposal or discard as useless1,296,997.731,296,997.73
(2) Disposal of subsidiaries3,918,238.467,212,196.2111,130,434.67
4. Closing balance3,189,276.23119,144,673.49122,333,949.72
II. Accumulated depreciation
1. Balance at the beginning of this period3,134,095.7083,812,289.9586,946,385.65
2. Increase of this period331,780.586,900,230.237,232,010.81
(1) Accruing331,780.586,884,900.757,216,681.33
(2) Exchange conversion15,329.4815,329.48
3. Decrease of this period1,605,267.636,625,121.168,230,388.79
(1) Disposal or discard as useless1,059,850.531,059,850.53
(2) Disposal of subsidiaries1,605,267.635,565,270.637,170,538.26
4. Closing balance1,860,608.6584,087,399.0285,948,007.67
III. Provision for impairment of assets
1. Balance at the beginning of this period
2. Increase of this period

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(1) Accruing
3. Decrease of this period
(1) Disposal or discard as useless
4. Closing balance
IV. Book value
1. Ending book value1,328,667.5835,057,274.4736,385,942.05
2. Book value at the beginning of period3,290,233.1533,168,221.4136,458,454.56

12. Construction in progress

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Construction in progress751,293,007.770.00

(1) Status of construction under progress

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBalance at the beginning of the period
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value
Office building751,293,007.77751,293,007.77

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(2) Change of significant construction during the period

Unit: RMB

Project nameBudgetBeginning balanceIncreased amount of current periodAmount of transfer-in fixed assets at current periodAmount of other decreases of this periodEnding balanceProportion of accumulative engineering investment in budgetProject progressAccumulated amount of capitalized interestWherein: Amount of capitalized interest in current periodCapitalization rate of interest for this periodCapital sources
Office building0.00751,293,007.770.000.00751,293,007.770.000.000.00%Others

13. Intangible assets

(1) Status of intangible assets

Unit: RMB

ItemCost of publication numberDomain nameGame copyrightTrademarkOffice softwareTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Balance at the beginning of this period354,930.0012,778,182.0493,439,716.94865,764.3112,360,394.64119,798,987.93
2. Increase of this period262.991,769,927.001,770,189.99
(1) Purchasing1,769,911.601,769,911.60
(2) Internal R&D
(3) Increase by business combination

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(4) Exchange conversion262.9915.40278.39
3. Decrease of this period
(1) Disposal
4. Closing balance354,930.0012,778,182.0493,439,716.94866,027.3014,130,321.64121,569,177.92
II. Accumulated amortization
1. Balance at the beginning of this period354,930.003,034,818.4762,856,266.86373,698.108,035,094.3574,654,807.78
2. Increase of this period319,454.5855,249.9842,260.641,370,337.561,787,302.76
(1) Accruing319,454.5855,249.9842,009.121,370,322.151,787,035.83
(2) Exchange conversion251.5215.41266.93
3. Decrease of this period
(1) Disposal
4. Closing balance354,930.003,354,273.0562,911,516.84415,958.749,405,431.9176,442,110.54
III. Provision for impairment of assets
1. Balance at the beginning of this period30,440,779.99406,963.1230,847,743.11
2. Increase of this period
(1) Accruing
3. Decrease of this period
(1) Disposal

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

4. Closing balance30,440,779.99406,963.1230,847,743.11
IV. Book value
1. Ending book value0.009,423,908.9987,420.11450,068.564,317,926.6114,279,324.27
2. Book value at the beginning of period0.009,743,363.57142,670.09492,066.213,918,337.1714,296,437.04

The ratio of intangible assets formed through the internal research and development of the Company at the end of the period to the balance of intangible assets is 16.24%.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

14. Development expenditure

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreased amount of current periodDecreased amount of current periodEnding balance
Internal development expensesOthersDefined as intangible assetsTransferred to current profits and losses
Item I6,205,796.166,205,796.160.00

Other notesOther notes

15. Goodwill

(1) Carrying value of goodwill

Unit: RMB

Name of the invested company and the matter which forms goodwillBeginning balanceIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodEnding balance
Formed through business combinationOthersDisposal
Shanghai Sanqi Interactive Entertainment1,578,065,048.531,578,065,048.53
Chengdu Shengge Times Network Technology Co., Ltd.263,737.88263,737.88
Shanghai Mokun1,259,793,586.001,259,793,585.930.00

(2) Goodwill impairment

Unit: RMB

Name of the invested company and the matter which forms goodwillBeginning balanceIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodEnding balance
Chengdu Shengge Times Network Technology Co., Ltd.263,737.88263,737.88

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Shanghai Mokun1,259,291,236.701,259,291,236.700.00

Information about the asset group or portfolio in which the goodwill is recognizedExplain the process of goodwill impairment test, key parameters (such as the growth rate in forecast period, growth rate in steadyperiod, profit rate, discount rate, forecast period, etc. for estimation of the present value of future cash flows), and the recognitionmethod of goodwill impairment loss:

Impact of goodwill impairment testOther notes

16. Long-term prepaid expenses

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreased amount of current periodAmortization amount of the current periodOther decreasesEnding balance
Cost of copyright agency70,174,940.9539,004,517.7838,190,510.02-69,639.5171,058,588.22
Trade mark registration fee2,943.262,943.260.00
Cost of building decoration4,108,662.281,048,583.9628,543.713,031,534.61

Other notes

17. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

(1) Non-offset deferred income tax assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differencesDeferred income tax assetsDeductible temporary differencesDeferred income tax assets
Provision for assets impairment49,161,428.017,790,147.85130,272,445.9222,476,347.10
Deductible losses23,377,176.053,718,400.30
Accrued performance compensation receivables7,536,817.401,130,522.61

(2) Non-offset deferred income tax liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Taxable temporaryDeferred income taxTaxable temporaryDeferred income tax

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets0.000.0031,572,708.004,735,906.20

(3) The deferred tax assets or debt reported in the net amount after offset

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount of offsetting between the deferred tax assets and liabilities at the end of the periodClosing balance of the deferred tax assets or liabilities after offsetting between themAmount of offsetting between the deferred income tax assets and liabilities at the beginning of the periodOpening balance of the deferred tax assets or liabilities after offsetting between them
Deferred income tax assets0.007,790,147.850.0027,325,270.01
Deferred income tax liabilities0.000.004,735,906.20

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differences98,551,675.3580,408,693.08
Deductible losses659,818,310.43122,954,217.39

(5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will be expired at the end of followingyears

Unit: RMB

YearAmount at the end of the periodInitial amountRemarks
After 2023594,237,815.31

Other notes:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

18. Other non-current assets

Have the new revenue standards been implemented?

□ Yes √ No

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Prepayment for house purchase58,269,048.52801,611,138.04

Other notes:

19. Short-term loans

(1) Classification of short-term loans

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Guaranteed loans369,000,000.00

Description of classification of other short-term borrowings:

20. Notes payable

Unit: RMB

TypeEnding balanceBeginning balance
Bank acceptance bills30,000,000.00

The due and unpaid payable note at the end of the period is RMB 0.00.

21. Accounts payable

(1) List of accounts payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Payable shared profits of games647,422,034.40508,051,919.40
Payable internet promotion and traffic costs436,126,375.84560,422,006.00
Other payable costs17,126,445.9513,888,442.89

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(2) Significant accounts payable with age of more than one year

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceReasons for outstanding or non-carryover
Payable supplier I5,572,750.32In the process of reconciliation
Payable supplier II14,998,419.30Means of settlement is under negotiation

Other notes:

22. Account received in advance

Have the new revenue standards been implemented?

□ Yes √ No

(1) List of account received in advance

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Recharge received in advance180,060,823.7594,547,117.27

23. Staff salaries payable

(1) List of staff salaries payable

Unit: RMB

ItemBalance at the beginning of the periodIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodEnding balance
I. Short-term remuneration121,133,549.27370,773,545.96372,261,897.81119,645,197.42
II. Post-employment benefit-defined contribution plans674,799.0817,721,260.8018,082,248.64313,811.24
III. Dismiss welfares170,052.834,445,093.563,079,146.391,536,000.00
IV. Other welfare due within one year0.

(2) List of short-term remuneration

Unit: RMB

ItemBalance at the beginning of the periodIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodClosing balance

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

1. Salaries, bonus, allowances and subsidies120,493,925.04326,788,365.29328,008,823.28119,273,467.05
2. Staff welfare expenses0.0022,857,652.2922,857,652.290.00
3. Social insurance premiums379,477.0610,106,054.6010,306,547.79178,983.87
Wherein: Medical insurance premiums332,631.498,471,033.808,653,618.93150,046.36
Industrial injuries insurance premium5,586.28241,926.16243,225.404,287.04
Maternity insurance premiums33,864.001,028,646.361,044,290.4518,219.91
Critical illness insurance7,395.29364,448.27365,413.006,430.56
4. Housing provident fund249,061.009,660,969.309,729,454.90180,575.40
5. Union expenses and employee educational expenditure11,086.171,360,504.481,359,419.5512,171.10

(3) List of defined contribution plans

Unit: RMB

ItemBalance at the beginning of the periodIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodClosing balance
1. Basic endowment insurance654,126.1616,946,755.1817,300,788.62300,092.72
2. Unemployment insurance premiums20,672.92774,505.62781,460.0213,718.52

Other notes:

24. Tax payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Enterprise income tax67,656,481.3851,032,839.33
Individual income tax48,720.38971,561.88
Urban maintenance and construction tax905,870.421,366,222.30
Education surtax388,417.51590,668.51
Local education surcharge258,945.00392,703.75
Water conservancy funds650,442.49397,874.74
Stamp tax874,846.00591,306.68
Outbound income tax467,769.92358,410.10
Embankment protection fee179.23

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Other notes:

25. Other payables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interests payable52,841.84
Dividends payable417,980,832.000.00
Other payables134,326,337.79108,089,757.99

(1) Interest payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interest payable for short-term loan52,841.84

Significant interest overdue but unpaid:

Unit: RMB

BorrowerDefault penaltyOverdue reason

Other notes:

(2) Dividend payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Dividends on common stock417,980,832.000.00

Other instructions, including important dividends payable unpaid for more than 1 year, should disclose the reasons for thenon-payment:

(3) Other payables

1) Other accounts payable listed by the nature of accounts

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deposit and guarantee deposit9,240,000.008,360,000.00
Investment funds payable11,000,000.008,500,000.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Temporary payment for equity payment109,936,207.2186,936,207.21

2) Other significant accounts payable with age of more than one year

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceReasons for outstanding or non-carryover
Ningbo Xishan Investment Partnership (limited partnership)41,246,292.00Transaction not completed yet

Other notes

26. Non-current liability due within one year

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Long-term loans due within 1 year30,282,389.9329,599,165.73

Other notes:

Non-current liabilities due within one year are the mortgage loans due within one year for house purchase by legal persons that areused by the subsidiaries of the Company for the purchase of office space.

27. Other current liabilities

Have the new revenue standards been implemented?

□ Yes √ No

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Temporarily estimated output tax69,171,032.2389,719,750.76
Payable performance compensation7,536,817.407,536,817.40

Movements in short-term bonds payable:

Unit: RMB

Name of bondsNominal valueIssuing dateBond periodIssuing amountBeginning balanceIssuance in the current periodWithdrawing interest at parAmortization of premium or discountRepayments in the current periodEnding balance

Other notes:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

28. Long-term loans

(1) Classification of long-term loans

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Mortgage, guaranteed loan265,883,241.55281,176,106.33

Description of classification of other long-term borrowings:

Long-term borrowings are the mortgage loans for house purchase by legal persons that are used by the subsidiaries of the Companyfor the purchase of office space. The Company assumes joint and several liabilities for these borrowings.Other instructions, including interest rate range:

The applicable interest rate is 105% of the benchmark interest rate for 5-year RMB loans from financial institutions.

29. Deferred income

Unit: RMB

ItemBalance at the beginning of the periodIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodEnding balanceCause
Deferred income from royalty income3,903,715.321,639,020.782,264,694.54Game copyright payment to be amortized

Items revolving governmental subsidies:

Unit: RMB

Items of liabilitiesBeginning balanceAmounts of new subsidies in current periodAmount of non-operating income in current periodAmount of other income in current period.Amount of cost offset in the current periodOther movementsEnding balanceRelated to assets/income

Other notes:

30. Share capital

Unit: RMB

Beginning balanceChanges (+/-) in this timeEnding balance
Stock issueDividend stockShares converted from accumulated reservesOthersSubtotal
Total number of shares2,124,870,253.00-12,618,556.00-12,618,556.002,112,251,697.00

Other notes:

The total number of compensation shares for performance commitment repurchased and cancelled by the Company during the

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

reporting period was 12,618,556 shares. The shares repurchased were cancelled at Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depositoryand Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDC) on June 26th, 2019.

31. Capital reserves

Unit: RMB

ItemBalance at the beginning of the periodIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodEnding balance
Capital Premium (share premium)295,818,167.99106,500,613.64189,317,554.35
Other capital reserves2,921,799.222,921,799.22

Other notes, involving changes in the current period and change reasons:

The capital reserve premium decreased in the current period, because the compensation shares provided by the original shareholdersof Shanghai Mohan due to the failure of performance commitments in 2018 were cancelled in the current period to offset the capitalreserve of RMB 106,500,613.64.

32. Treasury stock

Unit: RMB

ItemBalance at the beginning of the periodIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodEnding balance
Treasury stock302,007,311.87302,007,311.87

Other notes, involving changes in the current period and change reasons:

During the reporting period, the Company repurchased 22,347,537 shares through a stock repurchase special securities account bycentralized competitive bidding. The total amount paid for repurchase and transaction was RMB 302,007,311.87 in total.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

33. Other comprehensive income

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceAmount incurred in the current periodEnding balance
Accrual before income tax in this periodLess: The amount calculated in other comprehensive income in earlier period and carried over to profit and loss in current period.Less: Other comprehensive income in earlier period carried over to retained income in current periodLess: Income taxesAttributable to parent company after taxAttributable to minority shareholders after tax
II. Other comprehensive incomes that would be classified into profit and loss19,539,544.78-25,288.71-25,288.7119,514,256.07
Translation difference in the foreign currency financial statement19,539,544.78-25,288.71-25,288.7119,514,256.07
Other total comprehensive income19,539,544.78-25,288.71-25,288.7119,514,256.07

Other notes, involving conversion of the effective component of the cash flow hedging profit and loss to the initially recognized amount of the hedged items:

34. Surplus reserves

Unit: RMB

ItemBalance at the beginning of the periodIncrease in current periodDecrease in current periodEnding balance
Statutory surplus reserves170,477,835.88170,477,835.88

Surplus reserve notes, involving changes in the current period and change reasons:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

35. Undistributed profits

Unit: RMB

ItemCurrent periodPrevious period
Adjustment of undistributed profits of previous year3,332,211,003.192,819,597,585.78
Adjustment of undistributed profits by beginning of the period (Add + /subtract -)26,836,801.80
Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period after adjustment3,359,047,804.992,819,597,585.78
Add: Net profit owned by parent company owners in this year1,033,074,405.38801,378,948.23
Dividends payable on common stock417,980,832.00212,487,025.30
Undistributed profits at the end of the period3,974,141,378.373,408,489,508.71

Details of undistributed profits at the beginning of adjustment period:

1) Due to retroactive adjustment of Enterprise Accounting Standard and its relevant new provisions, the affected undistributed profitat the beginning of the period is RMB 26,836,801.80.

2) Due to changes in accounting policies, the affected undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is RMB 0.00.

3) Due to correction of significant accounting errors, the affected undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is RMB 0.00.

4) Due to changes of consolidation scope caused by the same control, the affected undistributed profit at the beginning of the periodis RMB 0.00.

5) Due to all the other adjustments, the affected undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is RMB 0.00.

36. Operating income and operating costs

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Main business6,070,957,503.06838,986,561.513,302,496,146.77886,273,600.84

Have the new revenue standards been implemented?

□ Yes √ No

Other notes

37. Taxes and additional charges

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Urban maintenance and construction tax6,172,602.074,948,385.78
Education surtax2,647,382.392,249,705.79

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Housing property tax709,881.81
Land use tax1,491,346.02
Vehicle and vessel use tax5,786.00
Stamp tax5,887,808.424,040,180.13
Local education surcharge1,763,620.771,499,803.86
Water conservancy construction fund3,906,174.99899,614.72

Other notes:

38. Sales expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Salary and welfare67,946,816.4958,178,715.37
Depreciation cost366,206.321,183,914.65
Office expense1,177,474.71841,929.24
Internet traffic fee3,558,291,208.951,065,490,253.23
Traveling expense616,366.751,250,701.25
Transportation and storage fees11,259,054.71
Entertainment expenses1,446,225.442,796,751.98

Other notes:

39. Management expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Salary and welfare62,419,050.3473,347,048.30
Office expense3,809,689.539,433,016.34
Traveling and conference fees3,034,384.136,939,636.95
Fees of depreciation and amortization1,683,992.387,703,961.58
Business entertainment expense4,209,103.296,595,354.94
Agency and consulting fees4,778,608.369,806,211.13

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Share payment

Other notes:

40. R&D expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Salary and welfare271,801,617.49193,673,609.70
Operation and maintenance fees17,842,148.0220,486,409.91
Fees of depreciation and amortization12,268,281.056,228,919.76
Design cost9,427,709.3921,767,674.58
Traveling and transportation expenses2,678,081.453,295,910.41
Office expense4,164,613.263,558,828.12
Rent and office utilities3,575,323.682,058,966.19

Other notes:

41. Financial expenses

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Interest payment16,306,707.8121,337,173.26
Service charges and others paid to financial authorities590,754.01234,059.11
Less: Interest incomes12,445,472.869,241,560.12
Exchange gains and losses-118,447.241,628,761.68

Other notes:

42. Other profits

Unit: RMB

Sources of other incomesAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
VAT immediate levy and refund18,148,222.3026,890,901.13

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

VAT (for addition or deduction)7,729,525.95
Other government subsidies23,416,359.8615,994,304.90

43. Investment income

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Long-term equity investment income measured by equity method-6,172,892.49-4,090,378.50
Investment profits by the disposal of long-term equity investment9,045,006.873,511,999.12
Investment income of trading financial assets during the holding period1,701,000.00
Investment profit by the disposal of trading financial assets3,187,375.98
Investment income of available-for-sale financial assets during the holding period1,194,183.75
Investment profit by the disposal of marketable financial assets16,461,078.84
Bank yields from financial products11,172,479.466,670,822.43

Other notes:

44. Profits from change in fair value

Unit: RMB

Sources of profits from change of fair valueAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Trading financial assets41,603,452.48

Other notes:

45. Credit impairment loss

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Bad debt loss of other receivables-3,143,317.39
Losses on bad debts of account receivables36,237,705.83

Other notes:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

46. Asset impairment losses

Have the new revenue standards been implemented?

□ Yes √ No

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
I. Losses on bad debts-2,355,927.32
II. Inventory devaluation losses214,247.31
V. Long-term equity investment impairment losses-14,789,077.01

Other notes:

47. Income from disposal of assets

Unit: RMB

Source of income from asset disposalAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Gains (losses) from disposal of fixed assets-77,711.534,411.96

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

48. Non-operating income

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous periodAmount recognized into current non-recurring profits and losses
Tort compensation3,074,941.61725,408.113,074,941.61

Government subsidy recognized in current losses and gains:

Unit: RMB

Subsidy itemsEntityReasonNature and typeDo subsidies affect the profit and loss of the year?Whether it is a special subsidy or not?Amount incurred in this periodAmount incurred in the previous periodRelated to assets/income
VAT immediate levy and refundTax bureaus in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Huai’an, etc.SubsidiesSubsidies received from the government to encourage and support specific industries and segments (according to national policies and regulations)NoNo18,148,222.3026,890,901.13Related to income
Return of handling charges of individual income taxTax bureaus in Guangzhou, Huai’an, Shanghai, Nanling County (Anhui), etc.SubsidiesSubsidies received from the government for the protection of certain utility services or socially necessary product supply or price control functionsNoNo53,440.62583,643.95Related to income
Subsidy for post stabilitySocial insurance fund management centers in Guangzhou, Huai’an, Wuhu, Shenzhen, etc.SubsidiesSubsidies received from the government for the protection of certain utility services or socially necessary product supply or price control functionsNoNo11,517.4381,019.95Related to income
Entrepreneurship-driven employment subsidiesGuangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security BureauSubsidiesSubsidies received from the government for the protection of certain utility services or socially necessary product supply or price control functionsNoNo4,000.00Related to income
Rewards for quality developmentEconomic Development Bureau of Huai’an Economic andRewardSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by localNoNo15,000.00Related to income

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Technological Development Zonegovernments
Subsidies for Huai’an Software ParkHuai’an Software Park Management Development Co., Ltd.SubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo991,394.843,282,551.15Related to income
Government support tax rebatesHuai’anHongze District Internet Industry Base Management Co., Ltd., and Huai’anSanhe Internet Game Industry Park Construction Management Co., Ltd.SubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo4,530,331.59596,562.00Related to income
Subsidies from Huai’an Overseas Students Pioneer Park Management CommitteeHuai’an Economic and Technological Development Zone Overseas Students Pioneer Park Management OfficeSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo40,633.002,551,934.70Related to income
Industrial subsidiesManagement Committee of Anhui Xinwu Economic & Technological Development ZoneSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo414,000.00Related to income
Industrial subsidiesWuhu Jiujiang District Finance BureauSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo15,100,444.24Related to income
Provincial Financial Research Funds for Research and Development of Enterprises in Guangdong ProvinceDepartment of Science and Technology of Guangdong ProvinceSubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo1,080,500.00Related to income
Subsidies to Guangzhou enterprises’ R&D investmentGuangzhou Science, Technology and Innovation CommissionSubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo575,700.00Related to income
Special fund for construction of Guangzhou enterprise R&DGuangzhou Municipal Science and Technology BureauSubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo400,000.00Related to income

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Special subsidy for construction of enterprise R&D instituteGuangzhou Science, Technology and Innovation CommissionSubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo600,000.00Related to income
Guangzhou enterprise R&D subsidyGuangzhou Science, Technology and Innovation CommissionSubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo278,200.00Related to income
Incentive fund for cultivation of provincial new high-tech enterprisesJiangsu Department of FinanceRewardSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo55,555.00Related to income
Special fund of commercial developmentGuangzhou Municipal Commerce BureauRewardSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo397,500.00Related to income
Rebates of VAT levied by South KoreaSam Sung Tax OfficeSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo4,198.141,251.47Related to income
VAT (for addition or deduction)Tax bureaus in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Huai’an, etc.SubsidiesSubsidies received from the government to encourage and support specific industries and segments (according to national policies and regulations)NoNo7,729,525.95Related to income
Return of land use taxJishan Town Government of Nanling County, Anhui ProvinceSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo1,857,265.43Related to income
Supporting subsidy from the Finance Bureau of Jiading District, ShanghaiFinance Bureau of Jiading District, ShanghaiSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo3,632.80Related to income
Fees for withholding taxesHuai’an Municipal Office of SATRewardSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo71,081.94Related to income
Business stabilization andPeople’s Government of TangSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local supportNoNo161,000.00Related to

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

development policies during the 13th Five-Year Plan Period in Pudong New AreaTown, Pudong New Area, Shanghaipolicies for investment promotion by local governmentsincome
Provincial Financial Research Funds for Research and Development of Enterprises in Guangdong Province in 2017Finance Bureau of Tianhe District, Guangzhou CitySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo697,300.00Related to income
Provincial financial reward for enterprise R&D expenses in 2017Treasury Payment Center of Huai’an Economic and Technological Development ZoneRewardSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo2,000,000.00Related to income
Special fund for innovation in 2017Finance Bureau of Tianhe District, Guangzhou CityRewardSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo200,000.00Related to income
Withheld VAT, income tax refundTreasury Payment Center of Wuhu Jiujiang District Finance BureauSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo551,046.04Related to income
Reward for technological innovation and invention patentNanling County Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo286,000.00Related to income
Subsidy of Finance and Taxation Service Center in Wuhu Machinery Industry Development ZoneFinance and Taxation Service Center in Wuhu Machinery Industry Development ZoneSubsidiesSubsidies received for compliance with local support policies for investment promotion by local governmentsNoNo1,412,900.00Related to income
Project subsidies of Automotive Fuel System R&D CenterAnhui Department of FinanceSubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo65,000.00Related to assets
Subsidy for the purchase of single equipment by SMEsWuhu Municipal Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo13,725.46Related to assets

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Provincial “6+1” subsidies for building independent innovation capacityNanling County Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo49,400.00Related to assets
Special funds for development of provincial enterprises of Nanling Country Commission of Economy and Information TechnologyNanling County Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo25,000.00Related to assets
Provincial innovation enterprise R&D equipment subsidyWuhu Municipal Science and Technology BureauSubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo13,875.00Related to assets
2015 provincial special fund to build an innovative provinceNanling County Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo13,875.00Related to assets
Subsidies for R&D and purchase of instruments and equipmentNanling County Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo39,200.00Related to assets
2016 provincial special fund to build an innovative provinceWuhu Municipal Science and Technology BureauSubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo39,200.00Related to assets
2017 Construction fund supports for building manufacturing strong provinces, and equipment subsidies for technological transformation projects to improve industrial foundationNanling County Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo171,000.00Related to assets
Reward and subsidy for industrial technology reform of Country Commission of Economy and Information TechnologyNanling County Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo84,135.00Related to assets

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2017 provincial special fund to build an innovative province of Nanling County Commission of Economy and Information Technology (technology division)Nanling County Commission of Economy and Information TechnologySubsidiesSubsidies for research and development, technology renewal and renovationNoNo6,650.01Related to assets

Other notes:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

49. Non-operating expenses

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous periodAmount recognized into current non-recurring profits and losses
External donation2,520,249.002,154,575.542,520,249.00

Other notes:

50. Income taxes

(1) Income tax sheet

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Income taxes of current period118,354,346.4036,457,725.45
Deferred income tax13,280,396.04-19,843.10

(2) Accounting profit and income tax expenses adjustment process

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current period
Total profit1,290,890,352.82
Income tax expenses calculated at legal/applicable tax rate322,722,588.21
Impact of various tax rates applicable to subsidiaries-222,136,356.75
Adjustment of impact on the income tax in the previous period-7,761.11
Impact of non-taxable income-255,150.00
Impact of deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets in the previous period-4,953,408.15
Impact of deductible temporary differences or deductible loss of unrecognized deferred income tax assets of this period36,264,830.24
Income taxes131,634,742.44

Other notes

51. Other comprehensive income

For details, please refer to Note 33 - Other comprehensive income.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

52. Items of cash flow statements

(1) Cash received from other operating activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Interest income received9,069,877.614,310,656.28
Government subsidies received23,820,201.7315,583,868.49
Non-operating income received3,076,941.61806,655.75
Current account received17,336,183.073,258,966.99

Description of other received cash relevant to operating activities:

(2) Cash paid relating to other operating activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Out-of-pocket expenses4,143,483,785.041,194,332,855.95
Service charge571,965.99263,721.64
Non-operating expense2,674,749.002,899,331.81
Current account paid5,301,033.0312,880,638.40

Description of other cash paid relating to operating activities:

(3) Other cash received relating to investment activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Financial products2,226,000,000.001,126,557,800.00
Mokun performance compensation received261,800,000.000.00

Description of other cash received relating to investing activities:

(4) Other cash payments relating to investing activities

Unit: RMB

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Financial products2,430,000,000.001,126,557,800.00

Description of other cash payments relating to investing activities:

(5) Other cash payments relating to financing activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Repurchase of treasury stocks302,007,312.87317,235.07
Acquisition of minority shareholders’ equity of subsidiaries0.001,120,000,000.00

Description of cash payments relating to financing activities:

53. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement

Unit: RMB

Supplementary dataAmount of current periodAmount of previous period
1. Net profits transferred to cash flow of operation activities:----
Net profit1,159,255,610.38882,808,568.69
Add: Provision for assets impairment-18,305,311.432,141,680.01
Depreciations of fixed assets, oil and gas assets, and productive biological assets7,216,681.3325,040,716.87
Amortization of intangible assets1,787,302.764,418,266.42
Amortization of long-term deferred expenses39,242,037.2429,337,234.51
Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets (“-” indicates the profit)77,711.53559,118.35
Financial expense (“-” indicates the profit)12,906,797.8115,837,173.26
Losses on investments (“-” indicates the profit)-60,536,422.30-23,747,705.64
Decrease of deferred tax assets (“-” indicates increase)18,060,904.24-19,843.10
Increase of deferred tax liabilities (“-” indicates decrease)-4,735,906.200.00
Decrease of inventories (“-” indicates increase)30,356,816.91

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Decrease of operational receivable items (“-” indicates increase)-656,621,611.14-61,504,845.64
Increase of operational payable items (“-” indicates decrease)118,069,996.9780,267,426.81
Net cash flows from operating activities616,354,936.37977,236,017.96
2. Major investments and financing activities not related to cash expenditure and income:----
3. Changes of cash and cash equivalent:----
Ending cash balance1,784,128,992.841,538,659,591.57
Less: Cash balance at the beginning of the period1,515,740,344.791,580,910,931.98
Net increase of cash and cash equivalents268,388,648.05-42,251,340.41

(2) Net cash received for the disposal of subsidiaries in the current period

Unit: RMB

Cash or cash equivalent received in current period for the disposal of subsidiaries in the current period110,000,000.00
Shanghai Mokun110,000,000.00
Less: Cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiary at the date of losing control81,260,236.50
Shanghai Mokun81,260,236.50
Add: Cash or cash equivalent received in the current year for the disposal of subsidiaries in the previous periods404,709,910.00
Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd.404,709,910.00
Net cash received for the disposal of subsidiaries433,449,673.50

Other notes:

(3) Constitution of cash and cash equivalent

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
I. Cash1,784,128,992.841,515,740,344.79
Wherein: Cash on hand29,585.32
Bank deposit available for payment at any time1,721,249,969.751,509,544,157.41

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Other monetary fund available for payment at any time32,879,023.096,166,602.06
Note margin due within three months30,000,000.00
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of period1,784,128,992.841,515,740,344.79
Wherein: Restricted cash and cash equivalents used by parent company and subordinated company of Group30,000,000.00

Other notes:

The ending balance of cash and cash equivalents was RMB 1,784,128,992.84. The ending balance of monetary fund was RMB1,788,431,889.15. The difference of RMB 4,302,896.31 was the guarantee and frozen fund not meeting the cash and cash equivalentstandard.

54. Assets with limited ownership or right of use

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying value at the end of the periodReason for restriction
Monetary fund34,302,896.31Margin account
Construction in progress751,293,007.77Borrowing of the Company’s subsidiaries with the office building as the mortgage

Other notes:

55. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Monetary items in foreign currency

Unit: RMB

ItemBalance of foreign currency at the end of periodExchange rateBalance in RMB at the end of period
Monetary fund----473,347,088.90
Including: USD67,476,767.426.8716463,673,354.99
Accounts receivable----159,495,588.48
Wherein: USD8,622,815.506.871659,252,538.96

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Lille, Brazil219.931.7846392.49
Long-term loans----
Wherein: USD
Other receivables--4,222,670.21
Wherein: USD612,229.716.87164,206,997.70
Accounts payable--213,643,110.09
Wherein: USD27,726,222.006.8716190,523,507.00
Other payables--618,777.98

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Wherein: USD90,000.006.8716618,444.00

Other notes:

(2) Notes to operational entities beyond Mainland China, including disclosures of principal places ofbusiness, functional currencies and the basis of choosing functional currencies, as well as the reasons for thechange in functional currencies (if any).

□Applicable √Not Applicable

56. Government subsidies

(1) Basic information on government subsidies

Unit: RMB

TypeAmountPresented itemAmount included in current profits and losses
Government Subsidy Related to Income49,294,108.11Other profits49,294,108.11

III. Consolidation scope change

1. Business combinations not under the same control

(1) Business combination not under common control in current period

Unit: RMB

Name of AcquireeTime point of stock controlEquity control costShare ratioStock controlling modePurchasing dateConfirmation basis on purchase dayRevenue of Acquiree from purchase date to the end of termNet profit of Acquiree from purchase date to the end of term
Chengdu ShouyinJanuary 7th, 2019550,000.0055.00%PurchaseJanuary 7th, 2019Actual handover date0.00-850,182.00

Other notes:

(2) Merger cost and goodwill

Unit: RMB

Combination cost
- Cash550,000.00
Total merger cost550,000.00
Less: Proportion of fair value of identifiable net assets acquired550,000.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Amount of goodwill/ merger cost which is less than the definable net assets fair proportion0.00

Recognition method for fair value on the combined costs and description of contingent consideration and its change:

The main reasons for the large goodwill:

Other notes:

(3) Identifiable assets and liabilities of acquiree on the acquisition date

Unit: RMB

Fair value on purchase dayBook value on purchase day
Monetary fund520,540.52520,540.52
Accounts payable59,488.1459,488.14
Net asset550,000.00550,000.00
Net asset acquired550,000.00550,000.00

Recognition method for identifiable assets and fair value:

Determined by book value.Contingent liabilities of the acquiree assumed in business combination:

NoneOther notes:


Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(4) Shares previously held before the acquisition day will be recalculated in terms of the fair value for profits or losses producedWhether there are transactions that realize business combination step by step through multiple transactions and gain control during the reporting period

□ Yes √ No

2. Disposal of subsidiaries

Whether there are cases where the control over investment in subsidiary is lost in single disposal

□ Yes √ No

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiaryDisposal price of equityRatio of disposal equity (%)Disposal method of equityTime point of losing controlDetermination basis of time point of losing controlDifference of enjoyed net asset share of the subsidiary between consolidated financial statements corresponding to disposal price and investmentProportion of remaining equity on the date of losing controlCarrying value of remaining equity on the date of losing controlFair value of remaining equity on the date of losing controlProfits or losses attributing to remaining equity re-measured by fair valuesRecognition methods and main assumption for fair value of remaining equity on the date of losing controlAmount of other comprehensive income, related to equity investment of original subsidiary, carried forward to the profit and loss on investments
Shanghai Mokun110,000,000.00100.00%SaleFebruary 28th, 2019The equity transfer procedure was completed9,045,006.870.00% applicable0.00

Other notes:

Whether there are cases where investment in subsidiary is disposed step by step through multiple transactions and the control is lost in the current period

□ Yes √ No

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

3. Merger scope change for other reasons

Notes to changes in scope of combination due to other reasons (e.g., establishment of new subsidiaries, liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and their related circumstances:

Company nameCause of changesEstablishment/Change date
Silk Road Culture CompanyNewly-establishedJanuary 2019
Anhui JishuoNewly-establishedJanuary 2019
Shanghai JiquNewly-establishedJanuary 2019
Guangzhou LehuNewly-establishedJanuary 2019
Feiying NetworkNewly-establishedFebruary 2019
ChuangshiPoxiaoNewly-establishedMarch 2019
Japanese LycheeNewly-establishedMarch 2019
37 FUN WORLD PTE.LTDNewly-establishedApril 2019
Guangzhou JishangNewly-establishedJune 2019

IV. Rights and interests in other parties

1. Rights and interests in subsidiary

(1) Organization of enterprise group

Name of subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered addressBusiness natureShareholding ratioAcquisition method
Level 1 subsidiary

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Guangzhou Sanqi Culture & EntertainmentGuangzhouGuangzhouSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Tibet XintaiTibetTibetInvestment100.00%Establishment
Level 2 subsidiary
Shanghai Sanqi Interactive EntertainmentShanghaiShanghaiSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Khorgas SanqiXinjiangXinjiangInvestment100.00%Establishment
Level 3 subsidiary
Shanghai YingtongShanghaiShanghaiSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Anhui Vogue EntertainmentWuhuWuhuSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Vogue Entertainment InternationalBritish Virgin IslandsBritish Virgin IslandsSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Guangzhou SanqiGuangzhouGuangzhouSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Business combination not under common control
Jiangsu AuroraHuai’anHuai’anSoftware and Information Technology Service20.00%80.00%Business combination not under common control
Guangzhou XingzhongGuangzhouGuangzhouSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Shanghai GuanhangShanghaiShanghaiSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Anhui JiashangWuhuWuhuSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Easy Gaming, Inc.United StatesUnited StatesSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

common control
Level 4 subsidiary
Shanghai ZhirenShanghaiShanghaiSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Zhuhai ShangjieZhuhaiZhuhaiSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Chuangshi PoxiaoHong KongHong KongSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
G-MEI NetworkBritish Virgin IslandsBritish Virgin IslandsSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Top IncreaseBritish Virgin IslandsBritish Virgin IslandsSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Feiying NetworkBritish Virgin IslandsBritish Virgin IslandsSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Shanghai Mobile GameShanghaiShanghaiSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Business combination not under common control
Chengdu Shengge Times Network Technology Co., Ltd.ChengduChengduSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Business combination not under common control
Beijing ShanghengBeijingBeijingSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Business combination not under common control
Jiangsu JiaquHuai’anHuai’anSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Business combination not under common control
Guangzhou HuoshanhuGuangzhouGuangzhouSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Establishment
Anhui SanqiWuhuWuhuSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Establishment
Anhui WanhuWuhuWuhuSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Establishment
Zhuhai MiaohuZhuhaiZhuhaiSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Establishment
Guangzhou Sanqi InteractiveGuangzhouGuangzhouSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Anhui AuroraWuhuWuhuSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Guangzhou JishengGuangzhouGuangzhouSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Anhui JishuoWuhuWuhuSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Shanghai JiquShanghaiShanghaiSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Guangzhou JishangGuangzhouGuangzhouSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Anhui XuhongWuhuWuhuSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Anhui GuanyuWuhuWuhuAdvertising100.00%Business combination not under common control
Guangzhou LehuGuangzhouGuangzhouSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Anhui ZhushengWuhuWuhuSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Level 5 subsidiary
Tibet TaifuTibetTibetInvestment100.00%Business combination not under common control
Khorgas XinghuiXinjiangXinjiangSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Jiangsu ZhimingHuai’anHuai’anSoftware and Information Technology Service49.00%51.00%Business combination not under common control
37 FUN WORLD PTE.LTDSingaporeSingaporeSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
37 Games Entertainment Co., Ltd.Hong KongHong KongSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Wisdom Game InternationalBritish Virgin IslandsBritish Virgin IslandsSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Wisdom Entertainment InternationalHong KongHong KongSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

37 Games CompanySouth KoreaSouth KoreaSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Business combination not under common control
Khorgos XinruiXinjiangXinjiangSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Establishment
Level 6 subsidiary
Tibet YaotongTibetTibetSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Tibet ShenggeTibetTibetSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Huai’an SanqiHuai’anHuai’anInvestment100.00%Business combination not under common control
Chengdu ShouyinChengduChengduSoftware and Information Technology Service55.00%Business combination not under common control
Khorgas QianyuXinjiangXinjiangSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
37Games.Japan Co,.Ltd.JapanJapanSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Japanese LycheeJapanJapanSoftware and Information Technology Service100.00%Establishment
Silk Road Culture CompanyXinjiangXinjiangSoftware and Information Technology Service80.00%Establishment

The shareholding ratio in the subsidiary is different from the percentage of the voting rights:

Basis for a company to control the invested organization with half or less than half of voting rights and a company not to control the invested organization with more than half of voting rights:

For important structured entities that are included in the scope of consolidation, the basis for control:

Basis for determining whether the company is an agent or a client:

Other notes:

(2) Key no-wholly owned subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiaryShareholding ratio of minority shareholdersProfit and loss belonging to minority shareholder of the current periodDividend declared to be distributed to minority shareholder of the current periodBalance of minority equity at the end of period

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Guangzhou Sanqi20.00%127,733,478.39122,000,000.00153,102,071.21

Notes to shareholding ratio of minority shareholders of subsidiaries which is different from the percentage of the voting rights:

Other notes:

(3) Main financial information of key non-wholly owned subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiaryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesCurrent assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilities
Guangzhou Sanqi4,694,117,564.15145,195,284.034,839,312,848.184,044,363,998.6029,438,493.554,073,802,492.152,156,907,783.27127,801,334.172,284,709,117.441,516,725,501.9031,140,651.441,547,866,153.34

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiaryAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Operating incomesNet profitTotal consolidated incomeCash flows from operating activitiesOperating incomeNet profitTotal consolidated incomeCash flows from operating activities
Guangzhou Sanqi4,271,590,566.86638,667,391.93638,667,391.93147,492,216.921,450,102,463.44321,256,372.49321,256,372.49499,741,276.33

Other notes:

2. Equity in jointly operated arrangements or joint ventures

(1) Key joint ventures or associates

Names of joint ventures or associated enterprisesPrincipal place of businessRegistered addressBusiness natureShareholding ratioAccounting treatment methods of joint ventures or associated enterprises
Yangzhou FuhaiSanqi Internet Cultural Investment Center (LimitedYangzhouYangzhouInvestment25.46%Equity method

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Mango (Xiamen) Creative Incubation Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)XiamenXiamenInvestment31.75%Equity method
Shanghai FenghuaQiushi Culture Media Co., Ltd.ShanghaiShanghaiInvestment20.00%Equity method
New Cues (Beijing) Television Investment Co., Ltd.BeijingBeijingInvestment20.00%Equity method

The shareholding ratio in the joint ventures or associates is different from the percentage of the voting rights:

Not applicableEvidence of voting right below 20% but significant, or voting right over 20% but not significant:

Not applicable

(2) Main financial information on key associated enterprises

Unit: RMB

Ending balance/Amount incurred in the current periodOpening balance/Amount incurred in previous period
Yangzhou FuhaiSanqi Internet Cultural Investment Center (Limited Partnership)Mango (Xiamen) Creative Incubation Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)Shanghai FenghuaQiushi Culture Media Co., Ltd.New Cues (Beijing) Television Investment Co., Ltd.Yangzhou FuhaiSanqi Internet Cultural Investment Center (Limited Partnership)Mango (Xiamen) Creative Incubation Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)Shanghai FenghuaQiushi Culture Media Co., Ltd.New Cues (Beijing) Television Investment Co., Ltd.
Current assets62,224,642.0741,258,730.3193,168,199.04117,833,251.3459,887,123.8996,865,384.6088,732,285.69174,005,448.14
Non-current assets169,000,000.0026,500,000.0022,310,091.846,626,167.36139,000,000.0026,500,000.0041,926,172.7417,240,844.95
Total assets231,224,642.0767,758,730.31115,478,290.88124,459,418.70198,887,123.89123,365,384.60130,658,458.43191,246,293.09
Current liabilities4,305,315.0710,675,675.7887,376,207.8635,247,574.35142,418,605.58
Non-current liabilities37,312.00
Total liabilities4,305,315.0710,675,675.7887,413,519.8635,247,574.35142,418,605.58

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Total shareholders’ equity attributed to parent company226,919,327.0067,758,730.31104,802,615.1037,045,898.84198,887,123.89123,365,384.6095,410,884.0848,827,687.51
Share of net assets calculated at shareholding ratio46,149,592.489,876,117.3021,007,587.938,725,952.1648,136,104.3539,163,509.6219,082,176.829,765,537.50
- Goodwill113,596,170.5891,519,923.84113,596,170.5891,519,923.84
Book value of equity investment on associates46,149,592.489,876,117.30134,603,758.51100,245,876.0048,136,104.3539,163,509.62132,678,347.40101,285,461.34
Operating income23,072,637.191,392,282.21
Net profit-7,802,481.8287,648.499,627,055.60-5,197,926.67-5,227.131,481,132.99
Total consolidated income-7,802,481.8287,648.499,627,055.60-5,197,926.67-5,227.131,481,132.99

Other notes

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(3) Financial information summary on less important joint ventures and associated enterprises

Unit: RMB

Ending balance/Amount incurred in the current periodOpening balance/Amount incurred in previous period
Joint ventures:----
Totals of the following items calculated as per respective shareholding proportion----
Affiliated enterprises:----
Total investment book value223,349,479.48229,338,591.28
Totals of the following items calculated as per respective shareholding proportion----
- Net profit-5,100,034.79-771,667.10
- Total consolidated income-5,100,034.79-771,667.10

Other notes

(4) Excess deficit in joint ventures or associated enterprises

Unit: RMB

Names of joint ventures or associated enterprisesAccumulated unconfirmed losses recognized in the previous periodUnconfirmed loss of the current period (or shared net profits of the current period)Accumulated unconfirmed loss at the end of the period
Longzhang Animation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.-7,906,627.535,834,060.02-2,072,567.51

Other notesV. Risk associated with financial instrumentsThe target of risk management by the Group is to balance risk and profit, and minimize the negative influence of risk on theCompany's operation performance, and maximize the profit of shareholder and other equity investors. Base on this risk managementtarget, the fundamental strategy of the Company's risk management is to identify and analyze various risks in the Company, establishappropriate risk tolerance baseline, manage risks, and to supervise all risks promptly and reliably so as to control risk in limitedscope.The various risks related to financial instruments Company faces in its daily activities mainly include credit risk, liquidity riskand market risk. The policy that has been examined and authorized by the management to manage the risks is summarized as follows.(I) Risks of creditCredit risk refers to the possibility of financial loss borne by one party caused by the failure to performance obligation by anotherparty of the financial instrument.The Company's credit risk is mainly derived from bank deposits and receivables. To control the above-mentioned relevant risks, theCompany adopts the following measures.

1. Bank deposit

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

The Company deposits bank deposits in financial institutions with higher credit ratings, so its credit risk is lower.

2. Receivables

The Company regularly conducts credit evaluations for customers who use credit-based transactions. Based on the results of thecredit evaluation, the Company chooses to conduct transactions with recognized customers of good credit, and monitors the balanceof its receivables to avoid significant risks of bad debts.As the Company's risk points of accounts receivable are distributed among multiple partners and customers, as of June 30st,2019, 70.79% of the Company’s accounts receivable (December 31st, 2018: 61.82%) was from the top five balance customers. Thetop five customers of the Company’s accounts receivable balance are the main cooperation channels for distribution of mobile gamessuch as Tencent and Apple. The highly concentrated accounts receivable balance at the end of the period is a normal phenomenon ofbusiness development, and the Company does not have significant credit concentration risks.(II) Liquidity riskLiquidity risk refers to the risk of a shortage of funds when the Company is required to settle its obligations in the form of cash orother financial assets. The liquidity risk may result from the inability to sell financial assets at fair value as soon as possible; or fromthe inability of the other party to repay their contractual debts; or from debts that are due in advance; or from the inability to generateexpected cash flows.The Company’s current financial assets can meet working capital needs and capital expenditures, so it does not assume significantliquidity risks.(III) Market riskMarket risk refers to the possibility of fluctuation in the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flow caused by market pricechange. Market risk includes interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk.

1. Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk refers to the possibility of fluctuation in the fair value of financial instruments/future cash flow caused by marketinterest rate change. The Company does not have the risk of changes in market interest rates.

2. Foreign currency risk

Exchange rate risk refers to the possibility of fluctuation of the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows due to changesin foreign exchange rates. The exchange rate risk of the company mainly related to monetary assets and debts of foreign currency.The main business place of the Company is in Mainland China and the main activities are calculated in RMB. Therefore, the marketrisk of foreign exchange changes tolerated by the Company is not significant.The ending foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities of the Company can be found in the description of foreign currencymonetary items under Item Notes to Consolidated Financial Statement in thenotes to the financial statements.VI. Disclosure of fair value

1. Ending fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding fair value
Level I measurement of fair valueLevel II measurement of fair valueLevel III measurement of fair valueTotal
I. Continuous fair value measurements--------
(I) Trading financial assets450,779,209.43801,702,412.021,252,481,621.45
1. Financial assets measured at450,779,209.430.00801,702,412.021,252,481,621.45

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

fair value with changes included in profits and losses
(1) Debt instrument investment320,000,000.00320,000,000.00
(2) Equity instrument investment130,779,209.43801,702,412.02932,481,621.45
(III) Other equity investment246,635,981.28246,635,981.28
Total assets continuously measured by fair value450,779,209.431,048,338,393.301,499,117,602.73
II. Non-continuous measurement of fair value--------

2. Determining basis for the market price of continuous and non-continuous first-level fair value-measuredprojectThe fair value of financial products and stock investment is determined based on the open market transaction price.

3. Qualitative and quantitative information of sustainable and non-sustainable third-level fair valuemeasurement items, evaluation technology and important parameters.Other equity investments without active market quotation are measured at cost unless the cost measurement is not reliable.

VII. Related parties and related transaction

1. Information of the Company's parent company

Name of parent companyRegistered addressBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding ratio of the parent company against the CompanyPercentage of the Company's vote rights held by the parent company

Description of the information of the Company’s parent companyThe ultimate controller of the Company is Li Weiwei.Other notes:

2. Information of the Company’s subsidiaries

Details of the subsidiaries of the company are shown in Note IX: Rights and Interests in Other Bodies.

3. Affiliates and joint ventures of the Company

For the important joint ventures or affiliated enterprises of the Company, please refer to Notes IX: Rights and Interests in OtherEntities.Details on other joint ventures or associated enterprises with balance from related party transactions with the Company this period orearlier are as follows:

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Names of joint ventures or associated enterprisesRelation with the Company
Shenzhen Yiwan Network Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Chengdu Pengwan Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Shanghai Tingting Network Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Chengdu Mofei Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Longzhang Animation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Chengdu Modu Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Shenzhen Zhanlong Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Longzhang Network Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
ShaoxingShangyuZhangyu Network Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Shanghai Yuhouyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Chengdu Popcorn Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Jiangsu Yezi Network Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Shanghai Aoting Network Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Beijing Xize Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company
Longzhang Media (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.An associated enterprise of the Company

Other notes

4. Other related parties

Names of other related partiesRelationship between other related parties and the Company
Shenzhen Mokylin Technology Co., Ltd.A related person for the past 12 months ended January 31st, 2018, (Chairman and General Manager of the Company and a director of this company)
Beijing Colorful Game Technology Co., Ltd.A related person (Director and Deputy General Manager of the Company served as Directors of the affiliated party within the past 12 months)
Shenzhen QiFun Network Corp. Ltd.A related person (Director and Deputy General Manager of the Company served as Directors of the affiliated party within the past 12 months)
Chengdu 91ACT Technology CompanyA related person (Director and Deputy General Manager of the Company served as Directors of the affiliated party within the past 12 months)
Xiamen Huoyou Information Technology Co., Ltd.A related person (Director and Deputy General Manager of the Company served as Directors of the affiliated party)
Shanghai Zhangmeng Network Technology Co., Ltd.A related person (Director and Deputy General Manager of the Company served as Directors of the affiliated party within the past 12 months)
Shanghai Mango Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.A related person (Director and Deputy General Manager of the Company served as Directors of the affiliated party)
Wuhu Ningzhong Auto Parts Technology Co., Ltd.A company under of the controlling shareholders before November 13th, 2018

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Li WeiweiNatural person who holds more than 5% of the shares of a listed company, Chairman and General Manager
ZengKaitianNatural person who holds more than 5% of the shares of a listed company

Other notes

5. Status of associated transaction

(1) Associated transaction regarding trade of goods and labor services

Profile on purchasing products and obtaining labor services

Unit: RMB

Related partyDetails of transaction between related partiesAmount incurred in the current periodApproved transaction amountWhether it exceeds the transaction amountAmount incurred in the previous period
Beijing Xize Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games11,705.08Yes
Beijing Colorful Game Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games86,064.24970,000.00No364,767.11
Chengdu Popcorn Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games2,241,632.0634,220,900.00No
Chengdu 91ACT Technology CompanyShared revenue from games, copyright money purchasing1,625,141.1713,363,200.00No
Chengdu Pengwan Technology Co., Ltd.Commissioned R&D expense1,044,855.7810,447,800.00No4,816,344.35
Chengdu Modu Technology Co., Ltd.Commissioned R&D expense12,103.21Yes1,063,809.25
Chengdu Mofei Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games and commissioned R&D fees4,014,299.5258,455,900.00No20,476,612.59
Jiangsu Yezi Network Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games22,736,516.2917,515,100.00Yes
Longzhang Media (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Commissioned R&D expense542,438.06Yes
Xiamen Huoyou Information Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games42,199.18695,500.00No136,749.05
Shanghai Mango Interactive Entertainment TechnologyShared revenue from games169,933.351,980,000.00No604,927.92

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Zhangmeng Network Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games, copyright money purchasing290,573.303,691,800.00No
ShaoxingShangyuZhangyu Network Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games8,534.97848,300.00No76,623.87
Shenzhen Yiwan Network Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games and commissioned R&D fees293,759.253,397,300.00No
Shenzhen Zhanlong Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games990,485.3113,121,400.00No76,768.89
Shanghai Tingting Network Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games and commissioned R&D feesNo299,979.17
Shenzhen Mokylin Technology Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games and commissioned R&D feesNo155,553.92
Shenzhen QiFun Network Corp. Ltd.Shared revenue from games, copyright money purchasingNo45,803.04
Longzhang Animation (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Shared revenue from games, copyright money purchasingNo4,840,151.19
Longzhang Network Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Commissioned R&D expenseNo17,669.82

Profile on selling products/providing labor services

Unit: RMB

Related partyDetails of transaction between related partiesAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Shanghai Yuhouyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.Software operating income2,519,158.8714,895,524.15
Shanghai Mango Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.Software operating income20,037.16
Beijing Colorful Game Technology Co., Ltd.Software operating income3,461.47

Note to related party transactions for the purchase and sale of goods, provision and acceptance of labor services

(2) Affiliated-party guarantee

The company acts as the guarantor

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Unit: RMB

The guaranteedAmount of guaranteeStarting date of guaranteeEnding date of guaranteeHas the guarantee been fulfilled?

The company acts as the guaranteed

Unit: RMB

GuarantorAmount of guaranteeStarting date of guaranteeEnding date of guaranteeHas the guarantee been fulfilled?
Li Weiwei, ZengKaitian210,000,000.00June 22nd, 2018June 21st, 2019Yes
Li Weiwei, ZengKaitian159,000,000.00June 25th, 2018June 21st, 2019Yes
Li Weiwei, ZengKaitian126,040,193.75June 10th, 2019August 10th, 2019No

Status of associated guarantee

(3) Remuneration for key management personnel

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Remuneration for key management personnel9,507,086.968,095,170.17

6. Accounts receivable and payable by related parties

(1) Receivables

Unit: RMB

Project nameRelated partyClosing balanceBalance at the beginning of the period
Book balanceProvision for bad debtsBook balanceProvision for bad debts
Accounts receivableShanghai Yuhouyi Network Technology Co., Ltd.1,705,997.4525,744.902,091,604.00104,580.20
Accounts receivableBeijing Colorful Game Technology Co., Ltd.370.2218.51
PrepaymentChengdu 91ACT Technology Company1,810,658.83
PrepaymentShenzhen Yiwan Network Technology Co., Ltd.1,757,187.082,193,140.33
PrepaymentShenzhen Zhanlong Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.261,244.04650,147.37
PrepaymentChengdu Pengwan Technology Co., Ltd.1,167,805.05

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

PrepaymentChengdu Mofei Technology Co., Ltd.2,000,000.00
PrepaymentLongzhang Network Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.2,061,081.07
PrepaymentShenzhen QiFun Network Corp. Ltd.2,264,856.00
PrepaymentChengdu Popcorn Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.1,000,000.00
PrepaymentJiangsu Yezi Network Technology Co., Ltd.3,000,000.00
Other receivablesWuhu Ningzhong Auto Parts Technology Co., Ltd.401,310,000.00

(2) Payables

Unit: RMB

Project nameRelated partyEnding book valueOpening book balance
Accounts payableBeijing Xize Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.11,705.08
Accounts payableBeijing Colorful Game Technology Co., Ltd.143,661.501,512,769.27
Accounts payableChengdu Popcorn Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.2,191,701.48175,699.90
Accounts payableChengdu Modu Technology Co., Ltd.1,807,142.051,794,731.88
Accounts payableChengdu Mofei Technology Co., Ltd.1,149,554.2311,483,657.92
Accounts payableJiangsu Yezi Network Technology Co., Ltd.20,773,601.33
Accounts payableLongzhang Media (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.81,204.88
Accounts payableXiamen Huoyou Information Technology Co., Ltd.134,667.83
Accounts payableShanghai Aoting Network Technology Co., Ltd.7,360.487,360.48
Accounts payableShanghai Mango Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.399,109.45490,418.65
Accounts payableShanghai Tingting Network Technology Co., Ltd.299,979.17299,979.17
Accounts payableShanghai Zhangmeng Network Technology Co., Ltd.2,247,205.951,941,996.00
Accounts payableShaoxingShangyuZhangyu Network Technology Co., Ltd.42,417.4033,370.33
Accounts payableShenzhen QiFun Network Corp. Ltd.250,072.03
Accounts payableChengdu Pengwan Technology Co., Ltd.2,985,888.98311,961.83
Accounts payableShenzhen Yiwan Network Technology Co., Ltd.339,622.58
Other payablesXiamen Huoyou Information Technology Co., Ltd.5,000,000.005,000,000.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

VIII. Share-based payment

1. Overview of share payment

□Applicable √Not Applicable

IX. Commitment and contingencies

1. Material commitments

The existence of material commitments at the balance sheet dateThe Company has no significant commitments needing to be disclosed.

2. Contingencies

(1) The fact that the Company has no significant contingencies required to be disclosed should also beexplainedThe Company does not have material commitments or contingencies that need to be disclosed.X. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Profit distribution

Unit: RMB

Proposed distributed profits or dividends211,225,169.70

XI. Other Important Events

1. Segment information

(1) Basis for determining reportable divisions and accounting policies

The Company determines the reporting segment based on internal organizational structure, management requirement and internalreporting system, and determines the reporting segment based on the product type segment. The performance of mobile and browsergames were assessed separately.

(2) Financial information of reportable divisions

Unit: RMB

ItemMobile gamesBrowser gamesOffset among segmentsTotal
Operating income5,426,572,514.55644,384,988.516,070,957,503.06
Operating cost675,612,778.55163,373,782.96838,986,561.51

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(3) If the Company has no reporting segments, or cannot disclose the total assets and total liabilities of eachreporting segment, the reasons shall be explained.Some of the Company’s assets are used jointly by reporting segments, and corresponding assets and liabilities cannot be easilyclassified into the reporting segments.

XII. Notes to Main Items of Financial Statements of Parent Company

1. Other receivables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Dividends receivable500,000,000.00
Other receivables528,604,929.21891,766,571.39

(1) Dividend receivable

1) Dividends receivable

Unit: RMB

Item (or invested organization)Ending balanceBeginning balance
Shanghai Sanqi Interactive Entertainment500,000,000.00

(2) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables based on the fund nature

Unit: RMB

Fund natureEnding book valueOpening book balance
Deposit and guarantee deposit65,000.0065,000.00
Current account of related parties within the Group528,211,926.83490,106,699.02
Equity disposal receivables0.00401,310,000.00

2) Accrual of bad debt provision

Unit: RMB

Provision for bad debtsStage IStage IIStage IIITotal
Expected creditExpected credit losses forExpected credit losses for

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

losses in the next 12 monthsthe entire duration (without credit impairment)the entire duration (with credit impairment)
Balance on January 1st, 201932,361.7032,361.70
Balance on January 1st, 2019 is in the period----
Accrual of the period2,270.002,270.00
Balance on June 30th, 201934,631.7034,631.70

For the provision for loss, is there any major change in book balances of the period?

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Disclosure by aging

Unit: RMB

AgingBalance at the end of the period
Within 1 year (inclusive)362,634.08
Within 1 year (inclusive)362,634.08
1 - 2 year(s)40,000.00
Over 3 years25,000.00
3 - 4 years25,000.00

3) Reserve of the bad debts that are accrued, withdrew and taken back in current period

Accrued provision for bad debts in this period:

Unit: RMB

TypeBeginning balanceChange in this periodEnding balance
AccrualRecovery or reversal
Other accounts receivable withdrawn provision for bad debts based on credit risk feature combination32,361.702,270.0034,631.70

Including important provision for bad debt transferred back or recovered in this period:

Unit: RMB

Organization nameAmount carried forward or recoveredChange the way of return

4) Other accounts receivable in top five based on year-end balance collected from arrears party

Unit: RMB

Organization nameFund natureEnding balanceAgingProportion in total ending balance of other receivablesEnding balance of provision for bad debts
No. 1Internal current account528,211,926.83Within 1 year99.92%0.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

No. 2Others232,215.68Within 1 year0.04%11,610.78
No. 3Others106,668.40Within 1 year0.02%5,333.42
No. 4Guarantee deposit / cash deposit30,000.001 - 2 year(s)0.01%3,000.00
No. 5Guarantee deposit / cash deposit25,000.003 - 4 years0.00%12,500.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2. Long-term equity investment

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBalance at the beginning of the period
Book balanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook balanceImpairment provisionBook value
Investment to subsidiaries6,382,799,990.806,382,799,990.806,374,799,990.806,374,799,990.80
Investment into associated enterprises and joint ventures26,614,618.4226,614,618.4227,593,699.6927,593,699.69

(1) Investment to subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Invested companyOpening balance (book value)Increase or decrease in this periodEnding balance (book value)Ending balance of depreciation reserves
Additional investmentsNegative investmentWithdrawn impairment provisionOthers
Jiangsu Aurora Network Technology Co., Ltd.1,400,000,000.001,400,000,000.00
Jiangsu Zhiming Network Technology Co., Ltd.254,799,990.80254,799,990.80
Sanqi Entertainment Network Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.0.004,728,000,000.004,728,000,000.00
Sanqi Interactive Entertainment (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd.4,720,000,000.004,720,000,000.000.00

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

(2) Investment into associates and joint ventures

Unit: RMB

Investment companyOpening balance (book value)Increase or decrease in this periodEnding balance (book value)Ending balance of depreciation reserves
Additional investmentsNegative investmentProfit and loss on investments confirmed with equity methodOther comprehensive income adjustmentOther equity changeProfit or cash dividend declared to be distributedWithdrawn impairment provisionOthers
I. Joint ventures
II. Associates
Shanghai Jueli Culture Media Co., Ltd.27,593,699.69-979,081.2726,614,618.42

(3) Others notes

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

3. Investment income

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the previous period
Long-term equity investment income measured by cost method790,000,000.00200,000,000.00
Long-term equity investment income measured by equity method-979,081.27-1,301,101.84
Investment profit by the disposal of trading financial assets-12,624.02

XIII. Supplementary data

1. Incidental profit or loss statement in current period

√Applicable □Not Applicable

Unit: RMB

Losses and profits on disposal of non-current assets8,967,295.34Mainly profit and loss from the disposal of long-term equity investment and fixed assets.
Government subsidy included in current profit or loss (except those closely related to enterprise operation and received based on consolidated national standard quota or quantitative)23,416,359.86Mainly government subsidy other than the refund of value-added tax and addition or deduction of VAT.
Profit or loss of asset whose investment or management is entrusted to others11,172,479.46Mainly the income from bank’s financial products.
Except effective hedging business relating to normal operating business of the Company, profit or loss caused by change in the fair value of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, and investment profit for disposal of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities and other creditors' investments.44,790,828.46
Other non-operating revenues and expenditures except the foregoing items408,225.48
Less: Affected amount of income taxes4,387,332.89
Affected amount of minority interest income662,896.41

As to non-recurring profits and losses determined based on the definition provided in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 onInformation Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit and Loss, and the recurringprofits and losses determined from non-recurring profits and losses listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on InformationDisclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit and Loss, reasoning shall be provided

□Applicable √Not Applicable

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

Profits during reporting periodWeighted average rate of return on equityEarnings per share
Basic earning per share (yuan/share)Diluted earning per share (yuan/share)
Net profits attributable to the company common shareholders16.31%0.490.49
Net profits attributable to the company common shareholders after deducting non-recurring profits and losses14.98%0.470.47
