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ST东电:2019年社会责任报告 下载公告

(在中華人民共和國註冊成立之股份有限公司)Stock Code: 000585 股份編號:000585

(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)东北电气发展股份有限公司

Social Responsibility



Contents 目錄


社會責任報告 2019

About This Report2關於本報告Environmental Responsibilities5環境責任Emissions5排放物Use of Resources14資源使用Environment and Natural Resources17環境與天然資源Social Responsibility19社會責任Economic Benefits19經濟效益Product Responsibility19產品責任Service Responsibility21服務責任Supply Chain Management22供應鏈管理Employment24僱傭Health and Safety25健康與安全Development and Training26發展及培訓Labour Standards27勞工準則Anti-corruption28反貪污Community Investment29社區投資Corporate Governance30企業管治

About This Report 關於本報告




Northeast Electric Development Company Limited (“NEE” or the“Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”,“we”, “us” or “our”) have been preparing the Environmental, Social andGovernance Report (the “Report” or the “ESG Report”) since 2017 andpublish it at the fixed period annually. This is the third consecutive year thatthe Group has published its annual Environmental, Social and GovernanceReport. Based on practical experience of previous years, we strive tofurther implement the concept of sustainable and healthy development. TheReport aims to give a fair picture of the Group’s exploration, developmentand practice in respect of environmental protection, corporate socialresponsibility and corporate governance in 2019, in a bid to help morestakeholders better understand the Group’s achievements in this respect.During the preparation of the Report, the standards and guidelines wefollowed and referred to include the Guidelines of the Shenzhen StockExchange for Standardized Operation of Companies Listed on the MainBoard, the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“ESGReporting Guide”) stated in the Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing theListing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, theGuidelines for the Preparation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reportsin China issued by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the GRISustainability Reporting Standards issued by the Global SustainabilityStandards Board.The Report covers the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019.During the reporting period, the Group proactively promoted businesstransformation. Specifically, Hainan Garden Lane Flight Hotel ManagementCo., Ltd. (“Garden Lane Flight Hotel”), a subsidiary, independentlydeveloped hotel-related business, adding hotel accommodation and cateringservices into its business scope. Therefore, the Report focuses on theperformances of the Company and its subsidiaries Fuxin Enclosed BusbarCo., Ltd (“Fuxin Busbar”) and Garden Lane Flight Hotel on environment,social responsibility and governance during the reporting period.

About This Report 關於本報告


社會責任報告 2019

As the supreme decision-making division for ESG management of theGroup, the Board of Directors is primarily responsible for the formulationand supervision of ESG strategies, ensuring the establishment of effectiveESG risk management and internal supervision systems, and is responsiblefor considering and approving annual ESG reports. Meanwhile, the Grouphas designated relevant functional personnel to form a working groupwhich shall carry out annual ESG work pursuant to the ESG managementstrategy resolved by the Board, and is mainly responsible for assessing andidentifying ESG-related risks, making improvement plans, collecting andsubmitting data related to ESG management to the Board and preparingannual ESG reports.Core BusinessDuring the reporting period, based on the original research anddevelopment, design, production and sales businesses of power transmissionand transformation equipment related products, the Group pushed forwardthe Company’s overall transformation and upgrading from the traditionalmanufacturing sector to modern service industry, and made great effortsto expand hotel accommodation and catering business centering on airporthotels and relevant supporting services, with a view to seeking new businessopportunities and profit growth drivers. As of the end of the reportingperiod, initial results have been achieved from the relevant businesstransformation which has brought about new momentum to the Company’ssustainable operation and development. Main products include enclosedbusbars mainly used for power system to improve the energy efficiency oftransmission lines and support high power transmission (being an importantpiece of equipment for power system) and hotel accommodation, catering,and management services.



About This Report 關於本報告


Corporate VisionVigorously fulfilling its environmental responsibility of “FriendlyEnvironment, Warm Home”, the Company strives to create anenvironment friendly enterprise. In line with the business objective of“Good Faith for Reputation, Everlasting Innovation”, it providescustomers with better products and services through the concerted efforts ofall employees to keep abreast of the times and struggle ahead.As a responsible and visionary enterprise, we create value to shareholdersand potential investors through optimising corporate governance,environmental protection, talent development and factory environmentinvestment, and simultaneously support our business philosophy andobjectives, promote sustainable development strategy, implementenvironmental-friendly policies, fulfill corporate social responsibility,devote to sustainable talent growth, and endeavor to build a more pleasantand harmonious social environment.The Group actively improves its corporate governance structure tostandardise its operation. The Group seriously complied with the provisionsof “Corporate Governance Code” and “Corporate Governance Report” inAppendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The StockExchange of Hong Kong Limited and, where appropriate, adopted therecommended best practices as specified therein.



社會責任報告 2019

The Group has always adhered to the environmental protection conceptof sustainable development, endeavoring to create a resource-conservingand environment-friendly development model so as to contribute to theconstruction of social and ecological civilization. During the reportingperiod, the Group conscientiously complied with and implemented nationallaws and regulations on environmental protection, energy conservation andemission reduction, strictly controlled pollutant discharge with focuses onwastewater, carbon emission and waste management. Besides, it developedControl Procedures for Identification and Evaluation of EnvironmentalElements, Emergency Response and Preparation Procedures and RiskResponse and Control Procedures so as to effectively control environmentalrisks. Each production and operation unit set environmental objectives atthe beginning of each year, detailed the objectives, and carried out monthlyassessment and included the results in salary performance, ensuring thefulfillment of environmental responsibilities and social commitments.Meanwhile, the Company has established and constantly improves the greenmanagement system, energetically explores a low-carbon business model,adheres to transformation of energy-saving technology and exploitingpotential to reduce consumption, and continues to promote the constructionof an environment-friendly enterprise.


According to the Environmental Protection Law of the People’sRepublic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China onthe Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, the Lawof the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control ofWater Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic of China onthe Prevention and Control of Ambient Noise Pollution, the Lawof the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control ofEnvironmental Pollution by Solid Waste, the Energy ConservationLaw of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on Promoting Clean Production and otherlaws and regulations, the Group attaches great importanceto the impact of various pollutants on the environment andemission management standards. Currently, pollutant discharge





management has been included in the environmental performanceassessment of affiliated enterprises. Environmental protectionspecialists have been assigned in each hotel and productionfactory. Environmental performance assessment has been linkedwith personnel performance and promotion, which clarifies“responsiblepersons,responsibilities,tasks,rewardsandpunishment”, making sure that assessment indicators inconnection with environmental protection cover all operationprocedures. In 2019, there was no environmental violation withsignificant impacts on the Group.At present, the Group focuses on hotel and catering managementand the research and development, design, production, and salesof power transmission and transformation equipment relatedproducts. The business scope has changed from last year, andtherefore emissions have increased accordingly. Exhaust gases,wastewater, solid waste, noise, smoke, dust and other pollutants aregenerated during production and operation activities. The specificcomposition of emissions is as follows:




Substance emitted排放物

Amount/Weight in 20192019年數量╱重量

Amount/Weight in 2019


Atmospheric Emissions大氣排放








Carbon dioxide二氧化碳


Nitrogen oxides氮氧化合物


Sewage Emissions廢水排放

Industrial wastewater生產廢水



Sanitary wastewater生活廢水




Recyclable waste可回收廢物


Non-recyclable waste不可回收廢物


Hazardous waste危險廢物



社會責任報告 2019

Power transmission and transformation products - Design andprocessing of closed busbarDuring daily production, only greenhouse gases are released.Other pollutants generated like industrial wastewater and exhaustgases contain no dangerous chemical substance after filtrationand can be directly released after meeting the environmentalprotection standards. Besides, there will be little dust and smogthat is negligible and mechanical noise of no higher than 60dBwithin environmental protection standards. During the processingof materials, recyclable waste of solid leftover materials will begenerated, such as waste aluminum, iron and copper. In 2019, a totalof 1.1 tons of solid recyclable waste was generated, down slightlyfrom last year.Hotel accommodation, catering and hotel management servicesIn the newly-expanded business area, the Company also fullyconsiders a plan that will reduce the impact on environment inbuilding design, room renovation and equipment selection for thehotel catering project. During project construction, the Companyactively took measures to control the pollution of smoke, dust,noise, exhaust gases, wastewater and solid waste on the constructionsite within the scope specified by laws, regulations and constructionmanagement rules. After hotel catering premises were put intooperation, a series of environmental protection measures in strictaccordance with national standards were also implemented. Theproject has passed the environmental protection acceptance forcompletion of construction projects by the local environmentalprotection bureau.




Exhaust and greenhouse gas emissionsIn view of the business nature and production activities of theGroup, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, little dust and other exhaustand greenhouse gases are generated during daily operation, mainlyfrom (1) the combustion of fuel supplied by gas pipes for cookingwith kitchen stoves in hotels and boiler heating; (2) the using ofrefrigeration materials by air conditioners in hotels and office areas;

(3) factory machining; and (4) seasonal heating, etc.

The Group strictly complies with the Law of the People’s Republicof China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollutionand continues to implement effective environmental protectionmeasures. We have maintained the overall emission density ofexhaust and greenhouse gases at a relatively low level. For smoke,dust and other pollutants produced during the operation process,we try to avoid open operation and set up ventilation devices. Weuse paint spraying equipment meeting national environmentalprotection standards to reduce the emission of harmful gases.Greenhouse gases of the Group mainly come from air conditioningand seasonal heating in hotel rooms and office areas. A number ofserious energy-saving policies were implemented in 2019, details ofwhich are described in the section of “Use of Resources”.


社會責任報告 2019

1.2 Sewage emissions

The Group has fully satisfied the regulations provided inthe Law of the People’s Republic of China on Preventionand Control of Water Pollution and the Notice of the StateCouncil on Issuing the Action Plan for Prevention andControl of Water Pollution. The producers under the Grouphave installed water recycling facilities. Most of the watersupply and drainage facilities are provided and managedby property management companies, and the Group hasdischarged all domestic wastewater in accordance with thenational control standards.

The Group’s emission of greenhouse gases is summarised asfollows:



Weight (tons ofcarbon dioxide)重量(噸二氧化碳)


Weight (tons ofcarbon dioxide)重量(噸二氧化碳)

2018Total emissions排放總量


Density (Emissions/Employees)密度(排放╱雇員)








In 2019, as a result of the high demand for domestic waterof new business, industrial wastewater and domesticwastewater discharged during production, operation, andhotel running by the Group and domestic sewage generatedduring daily office work by employees amounted to11,826,000 cubic metres, an increase of 344% from lastyear. Wastewater discharge intensity is 11,826,000 cubicmetres/RMB100 million revenue. All the Group’s businesssectors strictly comply with the requirements of the Law ofthe People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Controlof Water Pollution and other national laws and regulations,as well as emission standards, environmental impactassessment documents and pollutant discharging licenses,and discharge in accordance with standards.

1.3 Waste emissions

The Group generates waste during its operation. We haveestablished and strictly implemented a waste managementsystem, aiming to properly dispose all types of waste. Inaddition to effective waste management, we also promotethe concept of circular economy throughout the operationprocess to reduce waste as much as possible. We encouragereuse, recycling and replacement of waste.


社會責任報告 2019

1.31 Hazardous waste

Although the Group produces little hazardouswaste every year, we have prepared the guidelineson management and disposal of hazardous waste.Any harmful waste produced will be disposed of inaccordance with relevant environmental protectionrules. As activated carbons for environmentalprotection facilities need to be replaced every sixmonths, 0.75 ton of hazardous waste-activatedcarbon generated.

1.32 Non-hazardous waste

Certain non-hazardous solid waste is inevitablyproduced by the Group during machining andoperation of hotel restaurants, mainly from rawmaterial cutting and processing, kitchen waste ofhotel restaurants, daily garbage of hotel rooms andwaste from office work of employees. We adopt theclassification management and centralized disposalof nonhazardous solid waste, while non-recoverablewaste like paper and domestic waste is cleanedby qualified sanitation company. Recoverablesolid waste, such as waste paper, scrap metal andwood refuse, is recycled. Discharge of main non-hazardous waste is summarised as follows:



Weight (tons) in 2019(tons of hazardous waste)


Weight (tons) in 2018(tonsofhazardouswaste)

2018年重量(噸有害廢棄物)Total emissions排放總量

0.750.8Density (Emissions/Million revenue)密度(排放╱百萬收入)



















In order to reduce waste emissions, the Groupactively promotes the related projects in regard toupgrading and transforming production process,using substitutes and advocating demand as neededby combining with business characteristics, andexamines the amount of non-hazardous wasteproduced by each department regularly, so as toreduce the overall impact of non-hazardous wasteproduced on the environment during businessoperation.? Further optimise the design drawing, avoid

reworking, reduce the use of raw materialand production of scraps, through which theGroup decreases waste from sources;


Weight (tons) in 2019



Weight (tons) in 2018


2018Recyclable waste – Copper可回收廢物—銅

0.350.18Recyclable waste – Aluminium可回收廢物—鋁

0.300.75Recyclable waste – Iron可回收廢物—鐵

0.40.2Non-recyclable waste – Garbage不可回收廢物—生活垃圾













社會責任報告 2019







? Replace disposable hotel supplies with

recyclable products and try to provideplastic products only when customers arein need, so as to cut the overuse of earthresources;

? Adjust the changing pattern of printer

consumables, and encourage employees toprint in black and white as well as on bothsides, recycle and use waste printing paper;? Apply “environmental protection

logos” in hotel rooms to remind customersto reduce the frequency of changingaccommodation supplies, so as to reducegoods consumption and save water;? Launch “Clean Your Plate Campaign”

and post warm tips in all restaurants andcanteens suggesting moderate number ofdishes;? Change work model and advocate paperless

office to reduce unnecessary paper waste.


2. Use of Resources

The Group strictly abides by the Law of the People’s Republic ofChina on Conserving Energy, the Measures for the Administrationof Industrial Energy Conservation, the Technical Regulationson Energy Conservation Design of Engineering Machinery andStandard and Common Industry, the Design Code for EnergyConservation of Machinery Industry, and other laws, regulationsand government rules. We have developed energy-saving systemsand standard requirements based on business characteristics tofurther strengthen energy-saving management. Through measuressuch as promotion of energy-saving equipment and electricalappliances and setting steps to carry out classified collection ofwaste, we implement the environmental protection concept ofenergy-saving and consumption reduction in all aspects of industrialproduction and hotel operation.

2.1 Energy consumption

The main energy consumption of the Group in its dailyoperations is electricity and water consumption.






Type ofresource資源種類


Consumptionin 2019消耗量2019年

Density (perMillion revenue)密度(每百萬收入)2019年

Consumptionin 2018消耗量2018年

Density (perMillion revenue)






社會責任報告 2019

We took proactive measures to achieve the goal of usingelectricity economically and efficiently and reducingcarbon emissions. Through the publicity of environmentalprotection knowledge in various channels and the adoptionof effective measures, the electricity efficiency of the Grouphas been improved correspondingly with everyone’s jointefforts:

? Ensure the normal operation of equipment by

reasonable renovation and update, regular repairand maintenance of equipment used in factoryworkshops, hotel rooms and office areas;? Improve the air conditioning and lighting

management of public areas and hotel rooms,adopt a series of appropriate energy-saving andenvironmental protection measures, including theinstallation of energy efficient lighting devices(such as LED lamps or energy-saving light bulbs)to reduce power consumption, replacement ofheat recovery wheels of new fans in guest rooms,advocating turning off lights when the natural lightsuffices in the office areas;? Apply energy-saving measures of cooling and air

conditioning systems, and encourage employeesto open windows to circulate air and shut downair conditioners as much as possible when it is inmoderate temperature, in an effort to save energyand reduce emission.In addition, the Group vigorously pushes green office,advocates green traveling by encouraging employeesto take public transportation or shared bicycles andarranging a commuter bus for employees to solve the “lastkilometer” travelling problem of employees, thus reducingthe emission of exhaust gas.








2.2 Water consumption

Due to the Group’s business nature, there is domesticwater consumed in the daily office, dining and bathingprocess of employees, water for watering the lawn and firedemand, apart from the water consumption in the productmanufacturing process. Domestic water is sourced frommunicipal water supply. Most of the water supply facilitiesare provided and managed by property managementcompanies, so the procurement of suitable water sources isnot relevant to the Group.In order to standardize the water utilization, relevant waterresource management measures have been formulatedby all business sectors of the Group based on theirown characteristics, including the Regulations on theManagement of Water, Electricity and Gas Consumptionin the aspect of machining business and the Measures forthe Management of Water and Electricity Conversationin the aspect of hotel catering business, etc., to strengthenthe management and utilization of water resources. Wecontinue to strengthen the publicity, education and training,actively arrange water management personnel of each unitto participate in different water-saving business training,encourage them to learn more and enrich knowledgethrough online platforms, and encourage each unit toactively implement various water-saving publicity andeducation activities according to its characteristics of waterutilization.




社會責任報告 2019

2.3 Use of packaging material

Based on the nature of our business, during processing ofmaterials provided by clients, production and packaging,and restaurant operation, the Group will consume a largeamount of packaging materials for product packaging. In2019, a total of 16 tons of packaging materials was used,and the amount of consumables increased by 9.75 tons yearon year, the specific comparison is as follows:

3. Environment and Natural Resources

We always adhere to the concept of environmental protectionresponsibility, pursue e the philosophy of sustainable environmentalprotection in the Company’s operation and production andemployees’ work and life through internal management, andimplement various resource saving measures, such as selectingenvironment-friendly materials as much as possible in hoteldecoration and construction, starting business after passing theenvironmental impact assessment test by environmental protectiondepartment; setting up air cleaners in guest rooms and the lobby,and retrofitting old boilers to cut carbon emissions; carrying outvideo conferences to reduce unnecessary business trips; simplifyingthe venue decoration, reducing unnecessary roll screen, podium KTboard, etc., printing necessary table cards, banners, reminder boardsonly, and maximizing the efficiency of reuse as much as possible.




Weight (tons) in 2019重量(噸)2019

Weight (tons) in 2018重量(噸)2018Wooden box木箱



0.70.3Box iron槽鋼


166.25Density (Weight/Revenue in millions)密度(重量╱百萬收入)





In order to fully implement the concept of sustainable development,the Company actively guides its subsidiaries to promote greenoffice, encourage them to save resources and energies, reducepollutant emissions, and use and recycle renewable products. At thesame time, the Company is people-centered, advocates harmoniousworking, and actively creates a green and comfortable officeenvironment for employees. Employees adopt the form of networkoffice, and are encouraged to print files and materials on bothsides, arrange and recycle reusable paper regularly. The Companypromotes to grow plants in the office to purify the air and reduce airpollution.Meanwhile, we focus on the environmental education and advocacyamong staff to raise the awareness of our people to understand theimportance of resource conservation. They are encouraged to makefull use of resources, to maximize their effectiveness and to avoidwastage of resources.We encourage employees to actively participate in environmentalpublic welfare activities, and arrange for employees to participatein the public welfare activity themed marine organism proliferationand release of “Gratitude for Marine ? Love for Hainan”organized by the substantial shareholder HNA Group. In addition,we actively encourage employees to actively practice green publicwelfare activities in their daily lives, such as driving to and fromthe workplace as little as possible, taking public transportation, andminimizing the waste of working meals in the canteen.



Social Responsibility 社會責任


社會責任報告 2019

1. Economic Benefits

The Group has always focused on its economic responsibilities,aiming at economic responsibility goals in such aspects asimproving economic benefits, implementing product and servicequality management, protecting the interests of consumers,maintenance of long-term cooperation with suppliers and innovativedevelopment. Taking “quality priority and service first” asthe Company’s management philosophy, we value consumers’experience, sincerely accept various opinions and suggestions, anddeal with product and service complaints efficiently, which enablesus to continuously improve the hotel service and product process,and maintain our good image in the market. Meanwhile, we alsoregard all suppliers as our important business partners, and activelyestablish good long-term relationships with them, to provideenduring impetus to the Group’s stable development.

2. Product Responsibility

Focusing on product quality, the Group has built and implementeda strict quality management system. During the year, we haveformulated the Quality, Environment, Occupational Health andSafety Management Manual and the Procedure File for the productmanufacturing process of Fufeng Busbars, and implementedmetal enclosed busbar standard GB/T8349-2000. We set up thequality inspection and process department, and increase relevantfunctions of product process inspection, thus effectively ensuringinspection in the production process and process implementationeffect. At the same time, the product quality is strictly controlled byincreasing the number of full-time inspectors and implementing theemployment system for part-time inspectors in each workshop. Wealso encourage employees to make technological innovations andminor reforms to improve the process, enhance the product qualityand productivity. During the year, we have promoted technologicalrenovation and achieved 3 new product research & developmentand innovation.





Social Responsibility 社會責任


To standardize product quality appraisal and substandard productrecovery procedure, we formulated the Regulations on the Controland Management of Substandard Products, the Quality RejectionSystem and the Substandard Product Control Procedure to definethe power and responsibilities of the person in charge of test,acceptance and release. The Notice of Reworking and Repair and theNotice of Defective Products shall be issued when non-conformingproducts are found in the appraisal process, and the qualityresponsibility will be investigated. We also think highly of the after-sales service of products on the basis of ensuring the quality of ex-factory products, and have formulated the After-sales ManagementRegulations and the Regulations on Quality Information Feedbackand Service Management. If products are found to be of seriousquality defects or hidden dangers after they are sold, they shall betimely recalled or other effective measures shall be taken, so as tofurther improve the quality of products and services.We insist on the supplier access and evaluation mechanism in thehotel catering business in which the Group is engaged, and havesigned commitment letters of food safety and quality with allsuppliers to strictly carry out quality, environment, safety standardsand inspection systems, strictly implement regulations on theusage and management of food additives. Each of the procurement,inspection, storage, processing and production links is under strictcontrol to ensure the food safety and specification, striving to offerhigh-quality catering services for each customer.



Social Responsibility 社會責任


社會責任報告 2019

3. Service Responsibility

As a hotel operator, we keep up with the market trends and demands,devoting to creating an airline hotel brand and delivering high-quality and convenient services and facilities for each customer. Tothis end, we have established a set of strict management regulationsand rules for hotel and catering service quality as core standardsof personnel management, operation and management and servicequality management, including but not limited to the OperationManual, the Operation Manual of Marketing Management, theCatering Regulations and Rules, the Catering Standard OperatingProcedures, etc. In addition, we have insight into customers’demands, establish complaint and suggestion mechanisms, activelycollect customers’ opinions for regular analysis and research, withan aim to improve the hotel operation and employees’ performance,and continuously strengthen the service awareness of staff in thehotel.The Group is firmly against any fraudulent and exaggeratedpromotion in the process of product sales and hotel operation. Weclosely monitor the authenticity and positivity of the promotioncontents. All product labels and advertising promotional materialsmust comply with the Group’s policies and only can be withdrawnfrom the market upon careful inspection. Furthermore, the Groupstrictly complies with all laws and regulations related to the privacyof personal data. In accordance with our privacy policies, allpersonal data collected must be kept strictly confidential, includingsetting different levels of access, only granting access to andhandling customers’ personal data by the authorized personnel,requiring hotel staff to sign confidentiality agreements, keepingrelevant records of the access to customers’ data by staff.




Social Responsibility 社會責任


4. Supply Chain Management

Based on years of operational development experience in theelectrical equipment manufacturing industry, we have gained a goodunderstanding of the industry and its upstream and downstreamindustries, and evaluate and manage suppliers on that basis to selectqualified suppliers and create files for qualified suppliers. Suppliersare evaluated according to the Supplier Evaluation Standards.Supplier of bulk raw materials and electrical components arerelatively stable with good credibility in cooperation. During thereporting period, the Group is not aware of any significant qualityissues and supplier complaints.With regard to our newly developed hotel catering business, wecarefully choose suppliers and contractors, and select accreditedpartners. At present, we have established a reliable suppliernetwork, offering diversified products and services coveringcatering, cleaning and laundry, guest room supplies and hotelfacilities. As the supply chain is directly linked to the level ofservices we provide for customers, the Group maintains closeliaison with our suppliers to monitor their performance and ensurecompliance with our service commitments, in an effort to providesuperior living experience for our customers.



Social Responsibility 社會責任


社會責任報告 2019

In order to efficiently manage the supply chain and lower risks,the Group’s procurement department is in charge of the unifiedmanagement of procurement matters related to daily hotel operation.We have established a sound management system for the supplychain system to improve its coordination and stability. Meanwhile,due to a deep knowledge that procurement decisions may have aprofound impact on the society and environment, possible adverseeffects of the procurement process on the environment and societyare reduced as much as possible, such as taking the environmentalprotection into consideration when purchasing hotel appliancesand supplies, purchasing environment-friendly products as faras possible, including LED lights, biodegradable shopping bags,hazardous chemicals and cleaning supplies with environmentalcertification and labelling, and advocating purchase of greenand local agricultural products. In the future, we will continue tostrengthen the screening and evaluation of suppliers, and welcomethe participation of qualified, competent and quality suppliers toachieve “win-win development”.Similarly, we also attach great importance to the relationshipswith suppliers and regard them as important business partnersin the design and processing process of power transmission andtransformation equipment related products. All suppliers areselected in strict accordance with the supplier selection process.The professional review panel has conducted stringent accreditationon suppliers’ qualification, technological capacity, productivityand others. Only those accredited suppliers will be on the listof cooperative units, by which the raw materials necessary forproduction are offered.



Social Responsibility 社會責任





During the year, the Group is not aware of any major suppliers’actions or practices that had a significant negative impact onbusiness ethics, environmental protection, human rights and labourpractices.

5. Employment

At the strategic perspective of maintaining the healthy developmentof the Company, we are fully aware that employees are one ofour valuable assets, and ensuring employees’ interests and careerdevelopment is our important social responsibility. Therefore,we effectively implement the principle of “legal and reasonableemployment, promotion of harmonized labour relationship”.Strictly complying with the Labour Contract Law of the People’sRepublic of China and local laws and regulations, and sticking to theprinciples of equality and diversification, the Group has establisheda fair, democratic, competitive and meritocratic selection andemployment mechanism and enters into labour contracts inaccordance with the law. Meanwhile, we have formulated andimproved relevant policies and implementation rules includingthe Salary Management, the Recruitment Management, theAdministrative Measures for Employees’ Vacation and theEmployee Manual. The human resources department strictlycontrols the attendance time and salary structure of employees,evaluates the performance and ability of employees on a regularbasis and takes such results as the benchmark of employees’ salaryadjustment and promotion. At the same time, the departmentmanagers are also encouraged to actively communicate withemployees and give them feedback to continuously improve theirperformance and efficiency.

Social Responsibility 社會責任


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In order to improve employees’ identification and belonging, theGroup also actively provides multiple benefits for employeesincluding annual physical examination, holiday allowance, hightemperature allowance etc., enabling each staff to be respectedand cared as much as possible, thus enhancing the corporatecohesiveness.The Group strictly forbids any unethical employment approaches,including child labour and forced labour in the workplace, ensuresemployees to enjoy labour rights and perform their obligations inaccordance with laws, and earnestly fulfills social responsibilities.During the year, the Group is not aware of any material violations oflaws and regulations relating to employment and labour practices.

6. Health and Safety

We are committed to providing employees with a safe and healthyenvironment for daily working and clearly identify “emphasison employees’ health and concern with occupational health”as one of our corporate responsibilities, which is essential toimproving occupational health and work efficiency of employees.In strict abidance by relevant national laws and regulations onoccupational health, including but not limited to the Work SafetyLaw of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on the Prevention and Control of OccupationalDiseases, the Occupational Safety and Health Rules, we havedeveloped an internal safety management manual in which anumber of safety management and accident prevention measuresare set out, and provide employees with labour protective articlesincluding masks, gas masks, protective glasses, gloves, workclothes, towels in accordance with labour protection requirements.Physical examination for employees is arranged each year. Canteenmanagement personnel will take physical examination for healthcertification, and trainings are provided to personnel in specialpositions for operation certificate.

Social Responsibility 社會責任


7. Development and Training

In order to effectively respond to market competition and industrychanges and with the awareness of the importance of cultivatingtalents and enhancing professional skills to employees andan enterprise, we encourage employees to receive continuingvocational education and participate in professional training, suchas the qualifications and follow-up training of secretary of theboard organized by the Exchange, the follow-up training of thelisted company’s financial controllers, the independent directors’compliance training, to systematically learn and master relevantprofessional knowledge, which provides a practical guaranteefor them to continuously update the knowledge and informationrequired for their performance of duties as well as to enhance theirability to perform duties.In addition, to assist employees in continuously pursuingexcellence in work and enhancing expertise, we will also offersupport to them through a variety of internal training programs,for example, professional skill improvement trainings relatingto quality management system, special ultrasonic equipment,high-pressure test operation, argon arc welding, fire safety, newsafety law and new product technology special effects organizedby relevant functional departments. Orientation courses for newemployees enable them to understand the business operationsand working environment and fit into the Company as soon aspossible. The Company also offers regular courses of corporateculture presentation for all employees to deepen the sense ofcorporate identity and boost employee morale. Further, we foundthat employees in different post grades and with different careerplanning have different individual needs, for which we need to




Social Responsibility 社會責任


社會責任報告 2019

develop a training scheme. We have designed diversified trainingcourses and provided them in various forms including businessseminars and online and offline teaching, covering enterprisemanagement, occupational health and safety, service qualityimprovement, corporate compliance, technology R&D, andenvironmental management and available for employees of differenttypes of work and different levels from ordinary employees at thefront-line production and operation to senior management.

8. Labour Standards

The Company strictly follows the Labour Contract Law of thePeople’s Republic of China and other labour laws, regulations andpolicies, uphold equal and standardized employment, explicitlyprohibits “childlabour” and “forcedlabour”, and strictlyimplements the statutory holidays system.During the year, the Group is not aware of any material violations oflaws and regulations relating to child labour and forced labour.




Social Responsibility 社會責任


9. Anti-corruption

In active response to the call of regulators on the construction ofan industry of “compliance, integrity, professionalism, andstability”, the Group continues to establish systems in terms ofcombating corruption and upholding integrity (including but notlimited to bribery prevention, extortion prevention, and fraudprevention), continuously strengthens the education on adherenceto business ethics and the management of relevant personneland strictly abides by the Criminal Law of the People’s Republicof China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Anti-Corruption and Anti-bribery, the Law of the People’s Republicof China on Anti-money Laundering, the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on Tenders and Bids, the Prevention of BriberyOrdinance and other relevant laws. The Group always has zerotolerance for bribery, extortion, fraud, money laundering and otherillegal behaviors. We require our employees and suppliers to beincorruptible and self-disciplined, always uphold the concept ofintegrity and fair competition, and resolutely prevent any briberyand corruption in business operations. For the purpose of enhancingtransparency and overall ethical standards, helping employeesobtain an better understanding of the Company’s anti-corruptionrequirements, improving prevention awareness, we have specifiedanti-corruption policies and monitoring measures in the employeemanual, including the definition and scenario description ofbribery of employees and suppliers, for example, gifts and tipsreceiving, to assist and let employees to be informed of anti-corruption requirements, and methods to prevent corruption in dailyoperations. Any employee who requests or accepts gifts (moneyor in any other form) from suppliers in business courses may besubject to disciplinary sanction or even dismissal.



Social Responsibility 社會責任


社會責任報告 2019

In a bid to standardize the code of conduct of employees and createa positive and initiative working atmosphere, the Group amendedand improved such internal monitoring rules as the Code of Conductfor Employees, the Reporting and Complaint Management System,and the Anti-fraud Management System, and cultivated the senseof social responsibility and legal consciousness of employeesand encouraged employees and relevant stakeholders to reportmisconduct in any form by launching propaganda of integrity casesduring the report period.

10. Community Investment

The Group is well aware that the long-term development of anenterprise cannot materialize without the support and engagementof all parties in the society. As the participant and co-builder ofa harmonious society, we are always grateful, actively give backto the society and encourage and guide employees to participatein social welfare voluntary services. We mobilize managementpersonnel to involve in various public welfare projects led byregulators and shareholders, for example, one-to-one povertyalleviation, blood donation, public donation, care for orphans andthe elderly in welfare homes, and other community activities.




Corporate Governance 企業管治





The Group has been actively enhancing its corporate governance structureand standardizing its operations through strictly complying with relevantprovisions such as the Company Law of the People’s Republic of Chinaand the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Board ofthe Company is committed to maintaining a high standard of corporategovernance, and believes that good corporate governance practices arecrucial to the success and sustainable development of the Company’sbusiness in the long run.During the reporting period, the Group has fully complied with all codeprovisions set out in the Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock Exchangefor Standardized Operation of Listed Companies and the CorporateGovernance Code and Corporate Governance Report in Appendix 14 tothe Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange ofHong Kong Limited and, where appropriate, adopted the recommended bestpractices as specified therein.To protect the interests of the Group and the shareholders while enhancingthe corporate value, the Group has been adopting a sound structure, goodpractices and proper procedures of corporate governance. The Board ofDirectors, now comprised of five executive directors and three independentnon-executive directors, is the highest governing body of our Group.During the year, the directorships were filled promptly. The Group includeda director who has the experience of hospitality business and appointed afemale director, which is favorable to create a governance environmentfeaturing with board diversity.

Corporate Governance 企業管治


社會責任報告 2019




In strict compliance with good corporate governance principles,the Board has clear division of responsibilities. The Chairman isresponsible for the management and leadership of the Board toensure that our Group maintains strong and effective corporategovernance practices and procedure. The Chief Executive Officer isresponsible for the daily management and operation of our Group’sbusiness, who, with the assistance of other Board members and othersenior management members, closely monitors the operation andfinancial results of our Group, identifies the operational deficienciesand carries out all necessary and appropriate actions to correctsuch deficiencies. The Chief Executive Officer is also responsiblefor formulating our Group’s future business plans and strategieswhich are subject to the Board’s approval. There are the StrategicDevelopment Committee, the Investment Management Committee,the Remuneration Committee, the Nomination Committee and theAudit Committee under the Board, the membership of which willbe adjusted in time based on actual circumstances, so as to lay afoundation to give a full play of their functions regarding corporategovernance. Each committee regularly evaluates and reviews theeffectiveness of its work in accordance with its terms of reference.During the reporting period, the Board of the Company hasstrictly observed the policies and practices stipulated by laws andregulatory requirements, and also formulated and amended itsregulations with reference to those policies and practices, with anaim to perfect our corporate governance policies and practices.The Company continues to focus on the training and continuingprofessional development of directors and senior management,and actively carries out internal review and rectification work toimprove the Company’s governance.The Group reviews the Governance Code in a timely mannerto strengthen the internal control and improve the preventionand management of risks. Compliance with the latest regulatoryrequirements is thus ensured. For more detailed corporategovernance policies and procedures of our Group and otherinformation, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report setout in the Annual Report 2019 of our Company.

