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粤电力B:2015年年度报告(英文版) 下载公告
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                                         2015 Annual Report
Stock Code: 000539、200539                               Stock Abbreviation: Yue Dian Li A、Yue Dian Li B
Bond Code:112162.SZ                                      Bond short name: 12 Yudean Bond
                 Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
                                           2015 Annual Report
                                                 April 2016
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                                                   2015 Annual Report
               I. Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions
The Board of Directors , Supervisory Committee ,Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives of the Company
hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in this report
and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.
     Mr.Li Zhuoxian, The Company leader, Mr. Li Xiaoqing, Chief financial officer and the Mr.Qin Jingdong, the
person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby confirm the
authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Annual report.
     All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Annual Report except the follows:
 The name of director who did                                                          The name of director who was
                                              Positions              Reason
not attend the meeting in person                                                       authorized
Zhong Weimin                       director               due to business              Hong Rongkun
Yang Xinli                         director               due to business              Yao Jiheng
Zhang Xueqiu                       director               due to business              Liu Tao
This annual report involves the forecasting description such as the future plans, and does not constitute the actual
commitments of the company to the investors. The investors should pay attention to the investment risks.
 The Company is mainly engaged in thermal power generation. The business of thermal power generation is
 greatly affected by factors including electric power demand and fuel price. Refer to Section IX(4) of Chapter 4
 of this annual report-situation faced and countermeasures for relevant information.
The preplan profit distribution of the Company deliberated and approved by the Board is: Total share of of
5,250,283,986 for Base on the Company‘s total share capital ,the Company would distribute cash dividend to all t
he shareholders at the rate of CNY 2.3for every 10 shares (with tax inclusive) ,with 0 bonus shares
(including tax), and not converting capital reserve into share capital.
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                           2015 Annual Report
                                           Table of Contents
I.Important Notice, Table of contents and Definitions
II. Basic Information of the Company and Financial index
III. Outline of Company Business
IV. Management’s Discussion and Analysis
V. Important Events
VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders
VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares
VIII. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
IX. Administrative structure
X. Financial Report
XI. Documents available for inspection
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                                                    2015 Annual Report
             Terms to be defined             Refers to                             Definition
Yudean Group                                 Refers to Guangdong Yudean Group Co., Ltd.
Zhanjiang Company                            Refers to Zhanjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Yuejia Company                               Refers to Guangdong Yuejia Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Yuejiang Company                             Refers to Guangdong Shaoguan Yuejiang Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Zhenneng Company                             Refers to Maoming Zhenneng Thermal Power Co., Ltd.
Jinghai Company                              Refers to Guangdong Yudean Jinghai Power Co., Ltd.
Zhanjiang Wind Power Company                 Refers to Guangdong Yudean Zhanjiang Wind Power Co., Ltd.
Zhongyue Compamy                             Refers to Zhanjiang Zhongyue Energy Co., Ltd.
Bohe Company                                 Refers to Guangdong Yudean Bohe Coal & Electricity Co., Ltd
Guangqian Company                            Refers to Shenzhen Guangqian Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Huihou Natural Gas Company                   Refers to Guangdong Huizhou Natural Gas Power Co., Ltd.
Shibeishan Wind Power Company                Refers to Guangdong Shibeishan Wind Power Development Co., ltd.
Red Bay Company                              Refers to Guangdong Red Bay Power Co., Ltd.
Pinghai Power Plant                          Refers to Guangdong Hluizhou Pinghai Power Co., Ltd.
Humen Power Company                          Refers to Guangdong Yudean Humen Power Co., Ltd.
Anxin Electric Inspection & Installation           Guangdong Yudean Anxin Electric Inspection & Installation
                                         Refers to
Company                                            Co., Ltd
                                                         Guangdong Guohua Yudean Taishan Power Generation Co.,
Guohua Taishan                               Refers to
Yudean Industry Fuel Company                 Refers to Guangdong Power Industry Fuel Co., Ltd.
Huadu Natural Gas Company                    Refers to Guangdong Huadu Natural GasT Thermal Power Co., Ltd.
Dapu Company                                 Refers to Guangdong Dapu Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Wind Power Company                           Refers to Guangdong Wind Power Co., Ltd.
Lincang Company                              Refers to Lincang Yudean Energy Co., Ltd.
Qujie Wind Power Company                     Refers to Guangdong Yudean Qujie Wind Power Generation Co., Ltd.
Electric Power Sales Company                 Refers to Guangdong Yudean Electric Power Sales Co., Ltd.
Weixin Yuntou                                Refers to Weixin Yuntou Yudean Zhaxi Energy Co., Ltd.
Binlangjiang Company                         Refers to Yunnan Baoshan Binlangjiang Hydroelectricity Development Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                                                           2015 Annual Report
                    II. Basic Information of the Company and Financial index
Ⅰ.Company Information
Stock abbreviation              Yue Dian Li A, Yue Dian Li B            Stock code:                000539、200539
Stock exchange for listing:    Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Name in Chinese                 广东电力发展股份有限公司
Abbreviation of Registered
Company Name in Chinese(If 粤电力
English abbreviation (If any)   GED
Legal Representative            Li Zhuoxian
Registered address              23-26/F, South Tower, Yudean Plaza, No.2 Tianhe Road East, Guangzhou,Guangdong Province
Postal code of the Registered
Office Address                  23-26/F, South Tower, Yudean Plaza, No.2 Tianhe Road East, Guangzhou,Guangdong Province
Postal code of the office
Internet Web Site               http://www.ged.com.cn
E-mail                          ged@ged.com.cn
Ⅱ.Contact person and contact manner
                                                           Board secretary                  Securities affairs Representative
Name                                          Liu Wei                                  Zhang Shaomin
                                              26/F, South Tower, Yudean Plaza, No.2    26/F, South Tower, Yudean Plaza, No.2
Contact address                               Tianhe Road East, Guangzhou,Guangdong Tianhe Road East, Guangzhou,Guangdong
                                              Province                                 Province
Tel                                           (020)87570276                            (020)87570251
Fax                                           (020)85138084                            (020)85138084
E-mail                                        liuw@ged.com.cn                          zhangsm@ged.com.cn
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                                                                  2015 Annual Report
Ⅲ. Information disclosure and placed
Newspapers selected by the Company for information China Securities Daily, Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial
disclosure                                                 Daily(overseas newspaper for English version)
Internet website designated by CSRC for publishing
the Annual report of the Company
The place where the Annual report is prepared and
                                                          Affair Dept. Of the Board of directors of the Company
Ⅳ.Changes in Registration
Organization Code                             61741949-3
Changes in principal business activities
                                              No change
since listing (if any)
Changes is the controlling shareholder in
                                              No change
the past (is any)
Ⅴ. Other Relevant Information
CPAs engaged
Name of the CPAs                     KPMG Huazhen(SGP)
Office address                       8/F, Bimawei tower, Orientl Plaza 1 East Chang An Avenue Beijing
Names of the Certified Public
                               Peng Jing, Chen Lijia
Accountants as the signatories
The sponsor performing persist ant supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period.
□Applicable √Not Applicable
The Financial advisor performing persist ant supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period
□Applicable √Not Applicable
Ⅵ.Summary of Accounting data and Financial index
May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years due to
change of the accounting policy and correction of accounting errors.
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                       Changed over last year
                                               2015                    2014
Operating Gross income(RMB)              25,723,810,816.00       29,046,568,685.00                 -11.44%        30,830,757,337.00
Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the listed company          3,237,733,312.00        3,003,977,134.00                   7.78%          3,086,428,618.00
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                                                                     2015 Annual Report
Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
                                           2,953,985,089.00           3,113,672,193.00                    -5.13%         3,199,745,325.00
to the shareholders of listed
Cash flow generated by business
                                          10,442,437,145.00           8,392,794,644.00                    24.42%         9,709,896,440.00
operation, net(RMB)
Basic earning per
                                                          0.62                     0.57                   8.77%                       0.59
Diluted gains per
                                                          0.62                     0.57                   8.77%                       0.59
Net asset earning ratio(%)                        14.42%                       14.94%                   -0.52%                 17.49%
                                                                        End of            Changed over last year
                                          End of 2015                                                                   End of 2013
                                                                        2014                     (%)
Gross assets(RMB)                       71,919,934,143.00         69,084,825,852.00                     4.10%        67,918,719,035.00
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed company        23,754,596,981.00         21,310,054,597.00                     11.47%       19,054,914,050.00
Ⅶ.The differences between domestic and international accounting standards
1.Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards
disclosed in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets.
√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                  Net profit attributable to the shareholders                  Net Assets attributable to the
                                            of the listed company                           shareholders of the listed company
                                   Amount in the                  Amount in the          End of the reporting        Beginning of the
                                  reporting period               previous period               period                reporting period
According to CAS                       3,237,733,312.00              3,003,977,134.00        23,754,596,981.00         21,310,054,597.00
Items and amount adjusted according to IAS
The difference arising from
recognition of goodwill after
                                                     0                               0           64,623,000.00             64,623,000.00
merger of enterprises under
the same control
Difference arising from
recognition of land use value              -630,000.00                    -630,000.00            19,490,000.00             20,120,000.00
after enterprise merger
Influence on minority interests              54,120.00                      54,120.00              4,647,859.00             4,593,739.00
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                                                        2015 Annual Report
According to IAS                       3,237,157,432.00       3,003,401,254.00    23,843,357,840.00       21,399,391,340.00
2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards.
□ Applicable √Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign
accounting rules or Chinese GAAP(Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.
3.Note to the Difference in the Accounting Data based on the Accounting Standards of CAS and IAS.
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
 (1).The difference arising from recognition of goodwill after merger of enterprises under the same control and
recognition of land value after enterprise merger.
As required by new Chinese accounting standards, the goodwill formed by the merger of enterprises under the
same control shall not be recognized and capital surplus shall be adjusted. Under IFRS, the golldwill formed by
the merger of enterprises under the same control shall be recognized and equal to the difference between merger
cost and share of fair value of recognizable net assets of the purchased party obtained in merger. Meanwhile, all
assets of the purchased party obtained in merger shall be accounted for according to their fair value while such
assets shall be accounted for according to their book value according to original Chinese accounting standards for
business enterprises. Therefore, this difference will continue to exist.
(2). Influence on minority interests
Housing reform loss occurred to the Company and some holding subsidiaries. Therefore, there’s some influence
on minority interests.
Ⅷ.Main Financial Index by Quarters
                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                          First quarter       Second quarter      Third quarter           Fourth quarter
Operating income                           6,068,031,708.00    6,843,521,524.00    6,776,239,369.00         6,036,018,215.00
Net profit attributable to the
                                            758,001,796.00       962,993,219.00      919,135,346.00          597,602,951.00
shareholders of the listed company
Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable
                                            627,568,982.00       888,807,540.00      908,409,117.00          529,199,450.00
to the shareholders of listed
Net Cash flow generated by
                                           2,652,328,931.00    3,049,851,503.00    2,887,723,950.00         1,852,532,761.00
business operation
Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the financial
index of the quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company.
□ Yes √No
Guangdong Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.                                                         2015 Annual Report
Ⅸ.Items and amount of non-current gains and losses
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                             In RMB
                     Items                       Amount (2015)      Amount (2014)      Amount (2013)              Notes
                                                                                                          Mainly for oil shale
Non-current asset disposal                                                                                Company and
gain/loss(including the write-off part for        238,178,694.00      -57,685,202.00     -27,133,645.00 Binliangjiang
which assets impairment provision is made)                                                                Company equity
                                                                                                          disposal profits
Govemment subsidy recognized in current
gain and loss(excluding those closely related
                                                    16,112,458.00     20,895,756.00      17,577,691.00
to the Company’s business and granted
under the state’s policies)
Gains and losses from exchange of
non-monetary assets
Asset impairment provisions due to acts of
God such as natural disasters
Gain/loss from change of fair value of
transactional financial asset and liabilities,
and investment gains from disposal of
transactional financial assets and liabilities                           808,317.00
and sellable financial assets other than valid
period value instruments related to the
Company’s common businesses.
Switch back of provision for depreciation of
account receivable which was singly taken              20,790.00        1,623,216.00       4,737,368.00
depreciation test.
Gain/loss on loans obtained by entrust
