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丽珠医药集团股份有限公司2012年第三季度报告全文(英文版) 下载公告
                                                                  The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.
     The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.
I.       Important notice
     The Board of Directors (BOD), Board of Supervisors (BOS), directors, supervisors, and senior executives hereby
guarantee that the data in the present report contain no false representation, misleading statements and serious
omissions, and shall be severally and jointly liable for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the content.
     All directors attended the shareholders’ meeting that examined this report.
     Mr. Zhu Baoguo, principal of the Company, Mr. An Ning, the principal in charge of accounting, and Ms. Si Yanxia, the
principal of the Accounting Department hereby declare: We guarantee the authenticity and completeness of the Financial
Report in this quarterly report.
II. Brief introduction of the Company
 (II) Financial highlights
                                              2012.9.30                        2011.12.31               Increase or decrease (%)
     Total assets (RMB Yuan)                     5,463,602,547.19                4,602,908,981.74                            18.70%
 Owners’ equity attributable
to the shareholders of listed                    2,917,553,597.53                2,843,169,706.20                              2.62%
    company (RMB Yuan)
      Share capital (Share)                        295,721,852.00                  295,721,852.00                                 0%
    Net asset per share
     attributable to the
                                                                  9.87                         9.61                            2.71%
   shareholders of listed
company (RMB Yuan/share)
                                                              Increase or decrease                             Increase or decrease
                                       July to September        compared with the          January to            compared with the
                                              2012               same period of          September 2012           same period of
                                                                previous year (%)                                previous year (%)
          Total operating
                                          1,024,017,114.12                   29.23%       2,909,014,289.56                   28.50%
       income(RMB Yuan)
     Net profit attributable to
      shareholders of listed               114,925,845.48                    91.57%         343,630,861.87                   22.35%
      company(RMB Yuan)
       Net cash flows from
     operating activities (RMB    --                         --                             529,219,276.51                   29.70%
     Net cash flows per share
     from operating activities    --                         --                                         1.79                 29.71%
        (RMB Yuan/share)
Basic profit per share (RMB
                                                      0.39                       95%                    1.16                 22.11%
      Diluted profit per share
                                                      0.39                       95%                    1.16                 22.11%
        (RMB Yuan/share)
     Weighed yield rate of net                               Up 1.66 percentage po                             Up 1.29 percentage p
                                                    3.93%                                             11.93%
          asset(%)                                                           ints                                           oints
 Weighed yield rate of net
 assets after deduction of                                   Up 1.05 percentage po                               Up 1.01 percentage
                                                    3.80%                                             11.41%
non-recurring profit and loss                                                  ints                                           points
                                                              The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.
The items of non-recurring profit and loss (January to September 2012)
                                                              Amount from the
         Items of non-recurring profit and loss               year beginning to                        Note
                                                             end of report period
Profit and loss in disposal of non-circulation assets              -2,619,231.64
Governmental allowance accrued to the current profit
and loss (except those that are closely related to the
normal operation businesses of company, comply
with the national policies, and are continuously
granted based on the certain standard quota or
certain quantity)
Except the effective hedge business related to the
normal operation business of the company, the profit
and loss in the changes of fair values caused by the
holding of tradable financial assets and tradable                   6,392,098.36
financial liabilities as well as the investment returns in
disposal of tradable financial assets, tradable
financial liabilities and saleable financial assets
Other net non-operating income and payment except
the above items
Other profit and loss items that comply with the non-
recurring profit and loss definition
                        Subtotal                                19,341,452.03
Minus: effect of equities attributable to the minority of
Minus: effect of income tax                                            761125.26
                          Total                                 15,026,239.46                           --
(II) Table about total quantity of all shareholders and shareholding particulars of top ten
shareholders at the end of report period
Total quantity of
shareholders at the end of            The shareholder quantity amounted to 23,004 (including 8,296 B-share holders)
report period
                               Shares held by top ten shareholders without trading restriction
                                             Quantity of shares                      Share type and quantity
                                               without trading
           Shareholder name                   restriction at the
                                                end of report                 Type                           Quantity
Joincare      Pharmaceutical         Group
                                                    77,510,167        RMB Common share                              77,510,167
Industry Co., Ltd
Tiancheng Industry Co., Ltd                                        Domestically-listed shares
                                                    50,660,052                                                      50,660,052
                                                                    for overseas investors
                                                                   Domestically-listed shares
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                   10,258,112                                                      10,258,112
                                                                    for overseas investors
                                                                   Domestically-listed shares
First Shanghai Securities Co., Ltd                  10,219,770                                                      10,219,770
                                                                    for overseas investors
Agricultural Bank of China – LOF                    6,968,803        RMB Common share                                  6,968,803
Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical Co.,
                                                     5,892,943        RMB Common share                                  5,892,943
Agricultural Bank of China –Greatwall
Anxin     Huibao   Mixed     Securities              5,700,000        RMB Common share                                  5,700,000
Investment Fund
Industrial and Commercial Bank of                    4,783,021        RMB Common share                                  4,783,021
China – Jiashi Strategic Growth Mixed-t
                                                            The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.
ype Securities Investment Fund
Bank of Communications – Greatwall
Jiufu    Core     Growth    Stock-type              4,725,389       RMB Common share                               4,725,389
Securities Investment Fund (LOF)
Agricultural Bank of China - Invesco
Great Wall Internal Demand Growth II                4,422,792       RMB Common share                               4,422,792
Stock-type Securities Investment Fund
III. Major events
(I) Great changes and reasons of main financial statement items and financial indexes of the
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
1. Items in the Balance Sheet
   Items in the
     Balance          2012.9.30           2011.12.31                                          Reason
      Sheet                                                  rate
  Accounts                                                               The main reason is the increase of sales
                    742,315,684.79        562,146,013.18        32.05%
  receivable                                                             incomes.
                                                                         The main reason is the increase of advance
  accounts           59,213,582.77         44,488,052.86        33.10%
                                                                         money in the sales business.
  Engineering                                                            The main reason is the increase of expenses in
  under             841,353,722.78        148,841,628.16    465.27%      the new factory construction and technical
  construction                                                           improvement.
                                                                         The main reason is that the technical
 Engineering                                                             improvement equipment purchased by Limin
                        3,543,796.60        2,536,926.00     39.69%
  goods                                                                  Pharmaceutical Factory has not been installed
                                                                         for the time being.
                                                                         The main reasons include:1) the increase of raw
 Accounts                                                                materials     purchased     by     all production
                      310,282,503.70      207,941,294.31        49.22%
 payable                                                                 enterprises;2) the increase of unsettled
                                                                         engineering projects in the headquarters.
                                                                         The main reason is that the difference between
 Capital                                                                 the equities of the minority of shareholders in
                      227,795,132.23      348,093,136.41      -34.56%
 reserve                                                                 Limin Pharmaceutical Factory and net asset
                                                                         shares offset the capital reserve.
                                                                         The main reason is the interests of short-term
                        5,538,181.90       16,841,492.68      -67.12%     financing bonds of RMB 400 million Yuan that
                                                                          has been due.
2.   The items in the Profit Statement from the year beginning to the end of report period
                          January to         January to
Items in the Profit                                          Change
                          September          September                                            Reason
                            2012                2011          rate
                                                                           The main reason is the increase of city construction
Operating tax and                            28,300,021.2
                          40,442,078.86                         42.90%     tax and education surtax that are withdrawn due to
                                                                           the increase of sales incomes.
                        1,062,612,062.7      658,489,170.                  The main reason is the increase of relevant business
Sales expense                                                   61.37%
                                      2               63                   investments due to the increase of sales incomes.
Asset depreciation                           10,790,557.0                  The main reason is the increase of bad debt loss
                          18,031,136.93                         67.10%
loss                                                    1                  and depreciation loss of inventory.
Profits from    the                                     -                  The main reason is the increase of changes of fair
changes of      fair       4,800,246.93      15,329,948.1     131.31%      values of tradable financial assets held by the
values                                                  8                  company.
                                                                           The main reason is the increase of investment
Investment returns         1,668,506.76      1,142,974.78       45.98%
                                                                           returns from associated enterprises.
                                                            The 2012 Third Quarterly Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.
                                                                           The main reason is the decrease of governmental
Non-operating                                27,503,971.0
                         15,945,423.03                         -42.03%     allowance that is accrued to the profit and loss in this
3.   Items in the Cash Flow Statement
   Items in the Cash          January to            January to         Change
    Flow Statement          September 2012        September 2011
 Cash received from
                                2,979,324,386.9   2,229,443,047.4                    The reason is the expansion of sales
 sales of goods or                                                        33.64%
                                              4                 5                    business and increase of sales incomes.
 rendering of services
                                                                                     The main reason is that the company has
                                                                                     increased the export rebate amount due to
 Tax refunding                   15,341,233.91       6,213,246.47        146.91%
                                                                                     the increase of product export in
                                                                                     Xinbeijiang Company.
                                                                                     The reason is the increase of governmental
                                                                                     financial allowance received by the group
 Other cash received
                                                                                     as well as the research expense about
 related to operating           193,038,701.95      83,981,322.58        129.86%
                                                                                     Shenqi     and    technical   improvement
                                                                                     engineering deposit received by Limin
                                                                                     Pharmaceutical Factory.
 Other cashes paid to           1,251,391,775.8                                      The reason is the increase of payments
                                                   644,907,743.38         94.04%
 operating activities                         3                                      due to the expansion of sales business.
 Cash paid to acquire
 and construct fixed
                                                                                     The main reason is the increase of cashes
 assets,      intangible        669,948,180.40     209,089,094.21        220.41%
                                                                                     paid for Ningxia Industrial Park project.
 assets and other long-
 term assets
                                                                                     The main reason is that, in last
                                                                                     year,Dankang Company and Wenshan
 Cash received from                                                                  Livzon Company received the investments
                                              -     11,270,000.00       -100.00%
 investors                                                                           from other shareholders, but from January
                                                                                     to September of this year, they have not
                                                                                     received any investments.
                                502,257,886.6                                        The main reason is the increase of short-
 Cash from loans                                  172,745,504.00         190.75%
                                                                                     term loans of banks.
                                                                                     The main reason is the repayment of short-
 Repayments of loans                              299,293,208.34         107.24%     term financing bonds of RMB 400 million
                                            6                                        Yuan that has
