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深南电B:2018年半年度报告(英文版) 下载公告


Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Semi-annual Report 2018


August 2018

Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and seniorexecutives of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as theCompany) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleadingstatements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take allresponsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completionof the whole contents.President Li Xinwei - principal of the Company, Director GM Chen Yuhui,CFO- Dai Xiji and Deputy GM Wang Yi(acting manager of the financialmanagement dept.), the person in charge of accounting works (accountingprincipal), hereby confirm that the Financial Report of Semi-Annual Report2017 is authentic, accurate and complete.

All directors are attended the Board Meeting for annual report deliberationConcerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in theSemi-Annual Report, they do not constitute a substantial commitment forinvestors. Investors are advised to exercise caution of investment risks.The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares andhas no share converted from capital reserve either.The report has been prepared in both Chinese and English, for anydiscrepancies, the Chinese version shall prevail. Please read the full reportseriously.


Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase ...... 2

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes ...... 5

Section III Summary of Company Business ...... 8

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of the Operation ...... 10

Section V Important Events ...... 20

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders ...... 33

Section VII Preferred Stock ...... 37Section VIII Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees ..... 38Section IX Corporate -bond ...... 38

Section X Financial report ...... 38

Section XI Documents available for reference ...... 39


ItemsRefers toDefinition
Company, the Company, Shen Nan Dian, the Listed CompanyRefers toShenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Co.,Refers toShen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Co.,Refers toShen Nan Dian (Dongguan) Weimei Electric Power Co., Ltd
Shen Nan Dian Engineering Co.,Refers toShenzhen Shennandian Turbine Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Co.,Refers toShenzhen Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Co., Ltd.
Server Co.,Refers toShenzhen Server Petrochemical Supplying Co., Ltd.
New Power Co.,Refers toShenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd.
Singapore CompanyRefers toShen Nan Energy (Singapore) Co., Ltd.
Nanshan Thermal PlantRefers toNanshan Thermal Plant of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Zhongshan Nam Long Power PlantRefers toZhongshan Nam Long Power Plant of Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Dongguan Gaobu Power PlantRefers toDongguan Gaobu Power Plant of Shen Nan Dian (Dongguan) Weimei Electric Power Co., Ltd
Syndisome CompanyRefers toHong Kong Syndisome Co., Ltd.
Article of AssociationRefers toArticle of Association of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Yuan, ten thousand Yuan, one hundred millionRefers toExcept the special description of the monetary unit, the rest of the monetary unit is RMB Yuan, ten thousand Yuan
Reporting periodRefers to1 January 2018 to 30 June

Section II Company Profile and Main Finnaical Indexes

I. Company Profile

Short form of the stockShen Nandian A, Shen Nandian BCode for share000037, 200037
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange
Name of the Company (in Chinese)Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Short form of the Company (in Chinese) (if applicable)Shen Nandian
Foreign name of the Company (if applicable)Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Short form of foreign name of the Company (if applicable)Shen Nan Dian
Legal representativeLi Xinwei

II. Contact person/ways

Secretary of the BoardRep. of securities affairs
NameZhang Jie
Contact adds.16/F-17/F, Hantang Building, OCT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

III. Others

1. Way of contact

Whether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company changed in reporting period ornot

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has no change in reporting period,found more details in Annual Report 2017.

2. Information disclosure and preparation place

Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish appointed by CSRC and preparationplace for semi-annual report have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2017.

IV. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not

□ Yes √ No

Current periodSame period of last yearIncrease/decrease in this report y-o-y
Operating revenue (RMB)1,079,760,214.80872,962,697.3323.69%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company (RMB)30,012,095.22-22,629,201.38-232.63%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)28,904,372.78-25,113,210.11-215.10%
Net cash flow arising from operating activities (RMB)52,590,634.28-65,448,855.27-180.35%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.050-0.040-225.00%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.050-0.040-225.00%
Weighted average ROE1.46%-1.30%-212.31%
End of current periodEnd of last periodIncrease/decrease in this report-end over that of last period-end
Total assets (RMB)3,264,506,507.102,883,804,392.7013.20%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of listed Company (RMB)1,988,630,180.611,958,618,085.391.53%

V. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (InternationalAccounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS (InternationalAccounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accountingrules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign accounting rules orChinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

VI. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√Applicable □ Not applicable


Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)-849,018.73Abandonment loss of fixed assets
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses (while closely related with the normal business of the Company, excluding the fixed-amount or fixed-proportion governmental subsidy according to the unified national standard)2,122,867.64Government grants with assets concerned are amortized
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items-5,225.00
Less: impact on income tax-113,500.37
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)-47,401.10

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for CompaniesOffering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according tothe lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering TheirSecurities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for CompaniesOffering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according tothe lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering TheirSecurities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, the Company has no such items in the reporting period for the aforesaid

Section III Summary of Company Business

I. Main businesses of the Company in the reporting period

Does the Company need to comply with the disclosure requirement of the special industryNoThe Company is specialized in power and thermal supply, as well as providing technical consulting and technical services for powerplant (stations). The Company has three wholly-owned or holding gas turbine plants, which equipped with seven sets of 9E gas steamcombined cycle power generating units, with total installed capacity up to 1260 MW (Nanshan Thermal Plant: 3×180 MW,Zhongshan Nam Long Power Plant : 2×180 MW, Dongguan Gaobu Power Plant: 2×180 MW). These three gas turbine plants are alllocated in the power load center of Pearl River Delta area, which are the main peaking power sources in their areas. During thereporting period, the Company is specialized in business of gas-steam combined cycle power generation, and its subsidiary NanshanThermal Plant, Zhongshan Nam Long Power Plant and Dongguan Gaobu Power Plant are all in the state of normal production andoperation. On the basis of paying close attention to safety management, the Company closely followed the pace of power marketreform in Guangdong Province, and organized Zhongshan Nam Long Power Plant and Dongguan Gaobu Power Plant to activelyparticipate in the marketing competition of power market and achieved remarkable results. In the first half of the year, the Companycompleted the electric quantity settlement of 2.073 billion KWH. Among them, the subordinate power plants completed the actualon-grid power of 1.59 billion KWH, an increase of 19.82% on a year-on-year basis; Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant and Dongguan

Gaobu Power Plant totally completed the contractual power transfer of 483 million KWH.

Except for the aboved mentioned generation business, subordinate Shen Nan Dian Engineering Company continued to open up thetechnical consultation and technical services for domestic and international gas turbine power station construction projects, the ShenNan Dian Environment Protection Company used the waste heat generated by the gas turbine to conduct the drying treatment of wetsewage sludge of the sewage treatment plant, and realized the sludge reduction, harmless treatment, and comprehensive utilization ofresources.

II. Major changes in main assets

1. Major changes in main assets

Major assetsNote of major changes
Equity assetsN/A
Fixed assetsN/A
Intangible assetsN/A
Construction in processThe expenses of technical improvement from Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company and Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Company increased

2. Main overseas assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Core Competitiveness Analysis

Does the Company need to comply with the disclosure requirement of the special industryNo1. Competitiveness improvement of the power market: During the reporting period, while actively striving for the base electricquantity, the Company increased the efforts in the power marketing, innovated the business management model, set up the powerselling centers, and devoted research on the trading rules of power market, formulated the power trading strategy, and builtmathematical models with practical operability through a large number of data analysis, which effectively improved thecompetitiveness of power market and provided strong supports for Zhongshan Nam Long Power Plant and Dongguan Gaobu PowerPlant to fight for contractual power transfer and make success in concentrated competition trading.2. Up and running of ShenRan natural gas terminal station: During the reporting period, the Company overcame the pressure of tighttime and heavy tasks, completed the construction of technical transformation project for ShenRan natural gas terminal station ofNanshan Thermal Plant in a short period of time, broadened the natural gas supply channels of the plant, improved the stability and

reliability of the gas supply, created favorable conditions for reducing the Company’s natural gas procurement cost, and effectivelyimproved the operational efficiency of the Company’s stock assets.

Found more other core competitiveness analysis in Annual Report 2017

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of the Operation

I. Introduction

In the first half of 2018, China’s macro-economy continued the overall smooth and stable development trend, the structural

adjustments were further advanced, the new and old kinetic energy continued to be transformed, and the quality and efficiencyimproved steadily. The economic operation of Guangdong Province is also steadily improving, and the main leading indicators of theindustrial economy are generally better than the same period last year. At the same time, since the beginning of this year, especiallythe middle of May, the continuous hot weather has increased the demand for electricity. According to the statistics and analysis of

relevant departments, from January to June, the whole province’s total electricity consumption reached 293.049 billion kwh, an

increase of 9.28% on a year-on-year basis, and the power demand grew rapidly. However, due to the tight supply of upstream gassources and the difficulty in purchasing incremental gas sources, gas turbine power plants have the risks of out of gas and outageduring the summer.During the reporting period, the Company overcame the pressure of shortage of gas, fierce market competition and aging equipment,

and continued to adhere to the “1+5” strategic roadmap as the guideline, took “focusing on benefits, increasing gas sources, andpromoting transformation” as the management policy, strived to improve the operational benefits of main business, continuously

improved the core competitiveness, and innovated and carried out a series of fruitful work, and achieved a year-on -year turnaround inoperating results. First is to pay close attention to the safety production, environmental protection and economic operation of

subordinate power plants, which achieved the safety “five no” and reached the environmental protection standards. Second is to set

up the electricity selling centers, while striving for the base electric quantity, the Company thoroughly studied the trading rules ofelectricity market in Guangdong Province and conscientiously formulated the trading strategies for contractual electricity quantitytransfer transactions and monthly concentrated bidding transactions to maximize the production efficiency. Third is to cooperate withShenzhen Gas Group Co., Ltd. to complete the construction of technical transformation project for ShenRan natural gas terminalstation of Nanshan Thermal Plant, and signed the Natural Gas Purchase and Sale Agreement with it, which not only broadened thesupply channels of natural gas but also eased the short supply of upstream gas sources. Fourth is to establish a fuel center, give fullplay to the advantages of large-scale procurement, and coordinate the procurement of natural gas in various power plants within the

system, which enhanced the Company’s bargaining power; Fifth is to establish a fund center which not only guaranteed the fund

security but also effectively saved the financial costs by strengthening the fund management within the system. The sixth is to

steadily promote the various wok of the “Shenzhen Blue” technical transformation project in the early stages according to the

relevant government policies, and strive to complete the upgrade of at least one set of low-nitrogen burners in accordance with the

requirements of the government. The seventh is to track the government’s policy dynamics and related work progress on the land ofQianhai and do its utmost to protect the interests of the Company’s shareholders and employees. The eighth is to further promote theCompany’s standardized operation level and management performance, we revised the Company’s “Articles of Association” and

other six corporate governance systems, formulated and improved relevant management regulations and business processes, and setup an information center to provide supports for further enhancing the management efficiency. Ninth is to strengthen the party

building work, and incorporate the relevant regulations of party building work into the “Articles of Association” to organically

combine the strengthening of party leadership with the improvement of corporate governance.During the reporting period, the Company achived operating income of 1079.76 million Yuan, net profit attributable to parentCompany amounted as 30.01 million Yuan, which increased 52.64 million Yuan over that of last period noted as (22.63) millionYuan, basic earnings per share comes to 0.05 Yuan.

II. Main business analysis

Found more in “I. Introduction” in “Discussion and Analysis of the Operation”.

Y-o-y changes of main financial data


Current periodSame period of last yearY-o-y increase/decreaseReasons for changes
Operating revenue1,079,760,214.80872,962,697.3323.69%Mainly due to the increase of income from generating
Operating costs969,695,053.03827,761,559.3317.15%Mainly due to the increase of costs from generating
Sales expenses1,650,238.041,413,079.3016.78%The sludge disposal expenses from Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Company increased
Administration expenses46,681,650.0441,191,218.4613.33%Remuneration and additional insurance increased
Finance expenses22,294,285.9331,679,390.45-29.63%Size of the loans declined
Income tax expenses8,092,879.62920,495.87779.19%Total profit increased
R & D revenue0.000.000.00%-
Net cash flow arising from operating activities52,590,634.28-65,448,855.27-180.35%The electricity income increased
Net cash flow arising from investment activities-55,487,860.52-39,051,315.4642.09%Purchased more fixed assets
Net cash flow arising from financing activities354,946,385.41-964,425,970.10-136.80%The net in-flow from bank loans increased
Net increase of cash and cash equivalent352,124,110.16-1,069,082,845.45-132.94%Net cash flow from operating and financing activity increased

Constitution of main business


Operating revenueOperating costGross profit ratioIncrease or decrease of operating revenue over same period of last yearIncrease or decrease of operating cost over same period of last yearIncrease or decrease of gross profit ratio over same period of last year
According to industries
Energy industry1,029,148,179.65938,086,620.788.85%22.22%16.50%4.48%
Engineering labor18,700,792.8412,077,533.6335.42%133.47%76.99%20.61%
Sludge drying30,181,205.7718,555,258.5138.52%43.71%23.46%10.08%
According to products
Power marketing1,029,148,179.65938,086,620.788.85%22.22%16.50%4.48%
Engineering labor18,700,792.8412,077,533.6335.42%133.47%76.99%20.61%
Sludge drying30,181,205.7718,555,258.5138.52%43.71%23.46%10.08%
According to region

III. Analysis of the non-main business

√Applicable □ Not applicable


AmountRatio in total profitNoteWhether be sustainable (Y/N)
Investment income-1,076,904.31-2.92%Long-term equity investment income based on EquityY
Changes in fair value0.000.00%
Asset impairment0.000.00%
Non-operating income4,775.000.01%
Non-operating expenditure859,018.732.33%Abandonment loss of fixed assetsN

IV. Assets and liability

1. Major changes of assets composition


End of the PeriodEnd of same period of last yearRatio changesNotes of major changes
AmountRatio in total assetsAmountRatio in total assets
Monetary fund774,980,279.9723.74%438,316,169.8115.20%8.54%Increase of the bank loans
Account receivable277,917,141.938.51%113,349,775.763.93%4.58%Electricity charge receivable increased
Inventory69,716,098.152.14%77,834,903.892.70%-0.56%Deposit spare declined
Investment property2,704,371.510.08%2,802,440.310.10%-0.02%Accumulated depreciation increased in the period
Long-term equity investment17,177,769.090.53%18,254,673.400.63%-0.10%The investment losses recognized under the Equity in the period
Fix assets1,414,281,661.4343.32%1,420,620,565.0549.26%-5.94%Accumulated depreciation increased in the period
Construction in process68,499,522.922.10%50,958,741.921.77%0.33%The expenses of technical improvement from Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company and Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Company increased
Short-term loans911,500,000.0027.92%515,850,000.0017.89%10.03%Increase of the bank loans
Long-term loans25,940,000.000.79%25,940,000.000.90%-0.11%

2. Assets and liability measured by fair value

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Assets rights restricted till end of the period

Not applicable.

V. Investment

1. Overall situation

In January 2010, the Company invested to CPI Jiangxi Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. in nuclear power project and holds 5% stake. As tothe end of the reporting period, the investment of the Company amounted to RMB 60,615,000. The preparatory work of the project isin progress.

2. The major equity investment obtained in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. The major non-equity investment caring in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Financial assets investment(1) Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no securities investment in Period.

(2) Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no derivatives investment in Period.

VI. Sales of major assets and equity

1. Sales of major assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no sales of major assets in Period-end.

2. Sales of major equity

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Analysis of main Holding Company and stock-jointly companies

√Applicable □Not applicable


NameTypeMain businessRegister capitalTotal assetsNet AssetsOperating revenueOperating profitNet profit
Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryTechnology development regarding to application of remaining heat (excluding restricted items) and power generation with remaining heat. Add: power generation through burning machines.RMB 113.85 million215,278,995.03167,586,876.15203,631,106.73951,862.23647,113.52
Shenzhen Shen Nan Dian Environment ProtectionSubsidiarySludge dryingRMB 79 million138,483,201.33103,365,140.1730,879,369.4810,015,105.167,626,412.19
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Shennandian Turbine Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryEngaged in the technology consultant service of gas-steam combined cycle power plant (station), maintenance and overhaul of running equipment for gas-steam combined cycle power plant (station). Import and export of goods and technology (excluding distribution and monopolized commodity of the State)RMB 10 million33,170,508.4322,898,881.9618,700,792.844,615,443.804,615,443.80
Shenzhen Server Petrochemical Supplying Co., Ltd.SubsidiarySelf-operation of fuel oil or import agent business; Trading(manufacture, storage and transportation excluded) of diesel, lubricating, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, compressed gas & liquefied gas and chemical products(chemical hazard excluded); investment,RMB 53.3 million131,265,061.0195,212,058.14500,076.21-2,512,426.25-2,512,426.25
construction and technical assistance of relevant supporting facility of liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas; import and export of cargo and technologies, domestic trading(monopolized commodity and commodity under special government control excluded); leasing business. Licensing project: fuel oil warehousing (refined oil products excluded); ordinary freight, cargo specific transportation (container) and cargo specific transportation (pot-type)
Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryPower generation by burning machines, power generation by remaining heat, power supply and heat supply (excludingRMB 746.8 million742,638,445.94-60,449,414.67239,056,530.401,978,342.261,968,342.26
pipeline network of heat supply), lease of dock and oil storage (excluding oil products, dangerous chemicals and inflammable and explosive materials).
Shen Nan Dian (Dongguan) Weimei Electric Power Co., LtdSubsidiaryConstruction and operation of natural gas power plants.US $ 35.04 million731,535,829.3499,460,765.73249,516,171.77-1,065,959.31-1,065,959.31
Shen Nan Energy (Singapore) Co., Ltd.SubsidiaryOil product trading, spare part of the gas turbine agentUS $ 0.9 million344,352,056.90341,853,709.78/155,214.19155,214.19
CPI Jiangxi Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.Stock jointly CompanyDevelopment, building & operating and management of the nuclear power project; producing electricity and relevant products; foreign trade operation(excluding the import and export business of cargo exercise state-run trading management); (except for the projects with specialRMB 1193.27 million3,705,302,370.271,197,574,235.529,222,121.412,497,851.692,517,851.69

VIII. Structured vehicle controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Prediction of business performance from January – September 2018

Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or thewarning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

X. Risks and countermeasures

1. Safety production: various degrees of ageing signs of the power generating equipment in the subsidiary power plants of theCompany continue to emerging, potential failures and security risks are increasing by years, which raise higher demands onequipment management and service input, furthermore, the age structure of the Company is gradually ageing, we are facing greatchallenges in aspect of safety management. The Company shall strengthen the maintenance and regular examination of theequipment, enhance the security education and training of the employees, improve the responsibility system of safety production,strictly implement safety management system, raise the awareness of safety and responsibility of personnel at all levels, to ensure thenormal operation of equipment and eliminate the potential failures and accidents in the bud.

2. Fuel Supplying: According to the pre-judgment of the power market situation in Guangdong Province, the whole province’s

electric power supply shall be tight in the third quarter, and the maximum load demand is adjusted to 120 million kilowatts, ayear-on-year growth of 10.5%. However, due to the tight supply of upstream gas sources and the continuous hot weather, the demand

for power generation load has exceeded expectations, the Company’s existing contracted quantity of natural gas is expected to be

difficult to meet the demand for power generation in the second half of the year, and the supply of natural gas is uncertain. At thesame time, affected by factors such as the international situation and tight source gas supply, the price of natural gas is expected to

rise in the second half of the year, which will cause certain pressure on the Company’s production and operation. In the second half

of the year, the Company will give full play to the advantages of large-scale procurement and the multiple gas source regulatoryfunction to reduce the procurement cost of natural gas while meeting the demand for electricity production. On the basis ofconsidering both the supply and the cost of natural gas, the Company will earnestly do a good job in the marketing analysis of power

market, and do its utmost to improve the profitability of the main business of electric power in line with the principle of “benefitfirst”.3. Environmental protection policy: During the reporting period, the Shenzhen Municipal Government formulated the “ShenzhenBlue” Sustainable Action Plan and clarified that “the whole city’s seven gas-fired power plants will be supervised and urged to

respectively complete the upgrade of low-nitrogen burners or the transformation of flue gas denitrification of more than one gasturbine set before October 31, 2018. From November 1


, 2018, the gas turbine sets that have not completed low-nitrogen burner

upgrade or flue gas denitrification transformation shall not be dispatched to generate electricity.” (For details, please refer to theNotice About Received the Notification of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government on Printing and Issuing the 2018 “ShenzhenBlue” (Notice No.: 2018-015) Sustainable Action Plan that the Company disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securities Times,Hong Kong Commercial Daily and www.cninfo.com.cn), which increased the Company’s environmental pressure to a certain extent.

At present, the Company has started the preliminary work of related technical transformation, and strives to complete the upgrade ofat least one set of low-nitrogen burners within the prescribed time limit according to the government requirements. However, as of

the end of the reporting period, the government’s relevant financial subsidy policy has not yet been introduced. The Company will

actively follow the implementation of government subsidy policy and formulate the technical reform plan for the remaining setsbased on the actual conditions.4. Main business operation: Although the Company achieved a turnaround in operating performance in the first half of the year, the

Company’s main business direction and operating environment have not fundamentally changed; there are still some uncertainties

about whether it can achieve the continuous profitability, in addition, the relevant matters concerning the land where Nanshan

Thermal Plant is located have not yet been clarified, therefore, the Company’s main business operation still faces challenges. The

Company will strive to improve the profitability and overall operating efficiency of its main business by strengthening themanagement of its existing assets. Meanwhile, the Company will actively explore diversified business models and transformational

development opportunities to create better conditions for the Company’s sustainable operation and healthy development.

The Company reminds investors to pay attention to the major risks and other risks that the Company may face in this report and inprevious periodic reports so as to prudently make rational investment decisions.

Section V Important Events

I. In the report period, the Company held annual shareholders’ general meeting andextraordinary shareholders’ general meeting

1. Shareholders’ General Meeting in the report period

Session of meetingTypeRatio of investor participationOpening dateDate of disclosureIndex of disclosure
Annual General Meeting (AGM) of 2017AGM38.81%2018-04-122018-04-13“Resolution Notice of Annual General Meeting 2017” No.:2018-014, released on “China Securities Journal” “Securities Times” “Hong Kong Commercial Daily” and Juchao Website

2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan for the Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve either forthe semi-annual year.

III. Commitments that the committed party as the Company, actual controller, shareholders,related party and buyer have fulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilledby the end of reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There are no commitments that the committed party as the Company, actual controller, shareholders, related party and buyer havefulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the end of reporting period

IV. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPA

Financial report has been audit or not

□ Yes √ No

Not been audited

V. Explanation from Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee for “Qualified Opinion”

that issued by CPA

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Explanation from the Board for “Qualified Opinion” of last year’s

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No bankruptcy reorganization for the Company in Period.

VIII. Lawsuits

Material lawsuits and arbitration

□Applicable √Not applicable

There are no material lawsuits and arbitration in the periodOther litigation items

□Applicable √Not applicable

IX. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No penalty and rectification for the Company in Period.

X. Integrity of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Implementation of the Company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company has no equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plans or other employee incentives in Period.

XII. Major related transaction1. Related transaction with routine operation concerned

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no related transaction with routine operation concerned in Period.

2. Related transactions by assets acquisition and sold

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No related transactions by assets acquisition and sold for the Company in Period.

3. Main related transactions of mutual investment outside

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No main related transactions of mutual investment outside for the Company in Period.

4. Contact of related credit and debt

√Applicable □ Not applicable

Whether has non-operational contact of related liability and debts or not

√ Yes □ No

Claim receivable from related party:

Related partyRelationshipCausesWhether has non-business capital occupying or not (Y/N)Balance at period-begin (10 thousand Yuan)Current newly added (10 thousand Yuan)Current recovery (10 thousand Yuan)Interest rateCurrent interest (10 thousand Yuan)Ending balance (10 thousand Yuan)
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Co.,SubsidiaryRoutine current accountN60,793.3820,050.1610,0425.20%1,501.9872,303.52
Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Co.,SubsidiaryRoutine current accountN28,809.4740,818.7220,031.825.20%760.2250,356.59
Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Co.,SubsidiaryRoutine current accountN1,275.39640.91645.321,270.98
Shen Nan Dian Engineering Co.,SubsidiaryRoutine current accountN134.9695.47134.9695.47
Singapore CompanySubsidiaryRoutine current accountN147.71147.71
Influence on business performance and financial status of the Company from related liabilitiesCurrent assets RMB 329.1789 million increased in the Period.

Debts payable to related party:

Related partyRelationshipCausesBalance at period-begin (10 thousand Yuan)Current newly added (10 thousand Yuan)Current recovery (10 thousand Yuan)Interest rateCurrent interest (10 thousand Yuan)Ending balance (10 thousand Yuan)
New Power Co.,SubsidiaryRoutine current account6,380.3433,207.9531,209.978,378.32
Server Co.,SubsidiaryRoutine current account7,00068.513.92%137.787,069.27
Syndisome CompanySubsidiaryRoutine current account361.7722.5517.7366.62
Influence on business performance and financial status of the Company from related debtsCurrent liability RMB 20.721 million increased in the Period

5. Other major related transactions

□Applicable √Not applicable

There are no other major related transactions in the period

XIII. Non-business capital occupying by controlling shareholders and its related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No non-business capital occupied by controlling shareholders and its related parties in Period.

XIV. Significant contract and implementations

1. Trusteeship, contract and leasing(1) Trusteeship

√Applicable □ Not applicable

In line with the Genset Asset Trusteeship Contract of Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd. re-signed with New Power Company inAugust 2017, the Company was entrusted to operate and manage the power generation machine unit owned by its wholly-ownedsubsidiary New Power Company. The custody business service charge RMB 7.3922 million was obtained by the Company in reporting period.Gains/losses to the Company from projects that reached over 10% in total profit of the Company in reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

The Company has no gains/losses that reached over 10% in total profit of the Company in reporting period

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No contract for the Company in Period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No leasing for the Company in Period.

2. Major guarantees

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Guarantees

In 10 thousand Yuan

Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)
Name of the Company guaranteedRelated Announcement disclosure dateGuarantee limitActual date of happening (Date of signing agreement)Actual guarantee limitGuarantee typeGuarantee termImplemented (Y/N)Guarantee for related party (Y/N)
Total approving external guarantee in report period (A1)0Total actual occurred external guarantee in report period (A2)0
Total approved external guarantee at the end of report period ( A3)0Total actual balance of external guarantee at the end of report period (A4)0
Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries
Name of the Company guaranteedRelated Announcement disclosure dateGuarantee limitActual date of happening (Date of signing agreement)Actual guarantee limitGuarantee typeGuarantee termImplemented (Y/N)Guarantee for related party (Y/N)
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Co.,2017-03-285,0002017-07-071,108General assuranceOne yearNY
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Co.,2017-03-284,4002017-05-272,594General assuranceFive yearsNY
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Co.,2017-03-285,0002017-08-173,150General assuranceOne yearNY
Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Co.,2017-03-2813,5002017-12-131,067General assuranceOne yearNY
Shen Nan Dian2017-03-2810,0002017-07-275,000GeneralOne yearNY
Dongguan Co.,assurance
Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Co.,2017-03-2810,0002017-07-145,000General assuranceOne yearNY
New Power Co.,2017-03-2810,0002018-03-092,000General assuranceOne yearNY
Total amount of approving guarantee for subsidiaries in report period (B1)57,900Total amount of actual occurred guarantee for subsidiaries in report period (B2)19,919
Total amount of approved guarantee for subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (B3)57,900Total balance of actual guarantee for subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (B4)19,919
Guarantee of the subsidiary for the subsidiaries
Name of the Company guaranteedRelated Announcement disclosure dateGuarantee limitActual date of happening (Date of signing agreement)Actual guarantee limitGuarantee typeGuarantee termImplemented (Y/N)Guarantee for related party (Y/N)
Total amount of approving guarantee for subsidiaries in report period (C1)0Total amount of actual occurred guarantee for subsidiaries in report period (C2)0
Total amount of approved guarantee for subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (C3)0Total balance of actual guarantee for subsidiaries at the end of reporting period (C4)0
Total amount of guarantee of the Company (total of three abovementioned guarantee)
Total amount of approving guarantee in report period (A1+B1+C1)57,900Total amount of actual occurred guarantee in report period (A2+B2+C2)19,919
Total amount of approved guarantee at the end of report period (A3+B3+C3)57,900Total balance of actual guarantee at the end of report period (A4+B4+C4)19,919
The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the net assets of the Company (that is A4+ B4+C4)10.02%
Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its0
related parties (D)
The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly (E)17,919
Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the Company exceed 50% (F)0
Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees (D+E+F)17,919
Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating responsibilities for undue guarantees (if applicable)N/A
Explanations on external guarantee against regulated procedures (if applicable)N/A

(2) Guarantee outside against the regulation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

No entrust financing and entrust loans for the Company in reporting period.

3. Other material contracts

√Applicable □Not applicable

The name of the contracting CompanyThe name of the contracted Companycontract objectThe date of signature of the contractThe book value of the assets involved in the contract(RMB’0000)(if any)The assessed value of the assets involved in the contract(RMB’0000)(if any)Name of the evaluation organization(if any)The base date evaluation (if any)Pricing principlesBargain price(RMB’0000)Whether connected transaction(Y/N)Incidence relationThe performance by the end of the termThe date of disclosureIndex
The CompanyChina offshore oil and gas Refco Group Ltd Guangdong Branch(Liquefied natural gasThe master agreement signed on 15 January 2013 with validComposed of natural gas prices, the cost of integrated servicesComposed of liquefied natural gas prices, the cost of integratNNot applicableIn progress15 Dec. 2012; 22 Aug. 2017Notice of Purchasing Changyue Natural Gas (Notice No.:
China offshore oil and gas Refco Group Ltd Guangdong Sales Branch, Zhuhai Sales Branch))until 31 December 2017. The two parties are entered into supplementary agreement on 22 August 2017, and renewed the master agreement for one year.and tax.ed services and tax.2012-054) and Resolution Notice of the Extraordinary 21st Meeting of 7th BOD (Notice No.: 2017-054) released on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website
Shen Nan Dian Dongguan Co.,CNOOC Refco Group Ltd Guangdong BranchLiquefied natural gas2013-12-21Composed of natural gas prices, the cost of integrated servicesComposed of liquefied natural gas prices, the cost of integratNNot applicableIn progress2013-11-30Notice of Major Contract (Notice No.: 2013-044) release
and tax.ed services and tax.d on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Co.,CNOOC Refco Group Ltd Zhuhai BranchLiquefied natural gas2014-5-31Composed of natural gas prices, the cost of integrated services and tax.Composed of liquefied natural gas prices, the cost of integrated services and tax.NNot applicableIn progress2014-4-25Notice of Major Contract (Notice No.: 2014-030) released on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website。
The Company, New Power Co.,Shenzhen Gas Corporation Ltd.Pipeline gas2018-5-14It was a framework agreement, the price of NG will make by the two parties according to the supplementary agreementIt was a framework agreement, the price of NG will make by the two parties according to the supplementary agreementNNot applicableIn progressFail to released for special disclosure condition un-qualified

XV. Social responsibility

1. Major environmental protection

The listed Company and its subsidiary whether belongs to the key sewage units released from environmental protection department

Enterprise or subsidiaryMain pollutant and featuresWay of dischargeNumber of discharge outletDistribution of the discharge outletEmission concentrationPollutant discharge standard implementedTotal dischargeTotal approved emissionsExcessive emission
Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.OxynitrideConcentrate emission from boiler uptake2In plant area of Nanshan Thermal Plant<25 mg/m3GB13223-2011149.49 ton457.5 ton0
Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd.OxynitrideConcentrate emission from boiler uptake1In plant area of Nanshan Thermal Plant<25 mg/m3GB13223-201155.87 ton228.75 ton0
Shen Nan Dian (Dongguan) WeimeiOxynitrideConcentrate emission from boiler2In plant area of Dongguan Gaobu<25 mg/m3GB13223-201119.8 ton438.9 ton0
Electric Power Co., LtduptakePower Plant
Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.OxynitrideConcentrate emission from boiler uptake2In plant area of Zhongshan Nam Long Power Plant<25 mg/m3GB13223-201142.6 ton324.50 ton0

(2) Construction and operation of the pollution controlling instrumentsAll pollution prevention and control facilities are operating normally, and all pollutant discharges are stable and up to standard.(3) Environmental impact assessment of construction projects and other environmental protection administrative licensesAll the above four legal entities have passed the environmental impact assessment and have been filed in Guangdong EnvironmentalProtection Department.(4) Emergency plan for sudden environmental incidentsThe emergency plan for sudden environmental incidents has been filed in Guangdong Environmental Protection Department and thecorresponding Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau.(5) Environmental self-monitoring programThe environmental self-monitoring program has been prepared and reviewed by the environmental protection department; theinformation on the monitoring data is disclosed on the website of the environmental protection department on time.(6) Other environmental information that should be disclosed

Nil(7) Relevant other informationNil

2. Fulfill the precise social responsibility for poverty alleviation

The Company has no precision poverty alleviation temporary in the year, and no subsequent program either

XVI. Other major events

√Applicable □ Not applicable

1. T102-0011, T102-0155 land related matters. During the reporting period, the Company closely tracked the situation of thecomprehensive planning of the Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone and the work dynamics of the Shenzhen Municipal Government andother relevant departments. On March 5, 2018, after learned the notice on the Public Participation Publicity About the Social Stability

Risk Analysis of Yueliangwan Avenue Rapid Transformation Project from the public website of “Transport Commission of ShenzhenMunicipality”, the Company immediately conferred with the Company’s special legal counsel, drafted the reply according to therelevant requirements of the notice, and submitted to the construction unit “Shenzhen Transportation Public Facilities ConstructionCenter” and the social stability risk assessment agency undertaking the evaluation work “Guizhou Transportation Planning Survey andDesign Academe Co., Ltd.” before the specified deadline, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the significant impacts that theproject construction may have on the Company and its subsidiaries. In addition, considering that the Company’s Statement of Objectionon the “Comprehensive Planning of Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone” submitted to the Urban Planning, Land & Resources

Commission of Shenzhen Municipality on August 10, 2017 has received no reply, in order to re-declare the Company’s standpoint, the

Company submitted the Application for Shennandian Company to Amend the Comprehensive Planning of China (Guangdong) PilotFree Trade Zone Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou Zone to the Urban Planning, Land & Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality onApril 13, 2018, reaffirmed the impacts that the Comprehensive Planning of China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone Shenzhen

Qianhai Shekou Zone (hereinafter referred to as “Planning”) may make on the Company, and proposed to modify the planning contentsinvolving the Company’s land in the “Planning”. Since then, the Company has continued to maintain contact with relevant government

departments. The Company will continue to actively carry out relevant work with the participation and cooperation of legal counsel,closely track the situation of the comprehensive planning of the Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Zone, and do its utmost to safeguard the

rights and interests of the Company’s shareholders and employees.2. “Shenzhen Blue” renovation project. During the reporting period, the Shenzhen Municipal Government formulated the “ShenzhenBlue” Sustainable Action Plan and clarified that “the whole city’s seven gas-fired power plants will be supervised and urged to

respectively complete the upgrade of low-nitrogen burners or the transformation of flue gas denitrification of more than one gas turbineset before October 31, 2018. From November 1


, 2018, the gas turbine sets that have not completed low-nitrogen burner upgrade or flue

gas denitrification transformation shall not be dispatched to generate electricity.” (For details, please refer to the Notice About Receivedthe Notification of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government on Printing and Issuing the 2018 “Shenzhen Blue” (Notice No.:

2018-015).At present, the Company has started the preliminary work of related technical transformation, and strives to complete theupgrade of at least one set of low-nitrogen burners within the prescribed time limit according to the government requirements.

3. Refunds of the “Project Technical Reform Benefit Fund”. During the reporting period, the Company continued to carry out therelevant collection work for the refunds of the “Project Technical Reform Benefit Fund”, and contacted and communicated with related

parties, but the work has not yet made substantial progress.

In addition to the above matters, the Company’s #7, #9 unit asset transfer work, and the Company’s participation in the Xingjiang AidProject of Guangdong Province, and the Company’s plan to apply to National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors for

the registration and issuance of medium term notes with total amount not more than 500 million Yuan (including 500 million Yuan) andfor the private placement of corporate bonds not exceeding 2 billion Yuan (including 2 billion Yuan) did not make progress or changeduring the reporting period.

XVII. Major event of the subsidiaries

□Applicable √Not applicable

Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in Share Capital

1. Changes in Share Capital

In Share

Before the ChangeIncrease/Decrease in the Change (+, -)After the Change
AmountProportionNew shares issuedBonus sharesCapitalization of public reserveOthersSubtotalAmountProportion
I. Restricted shares14,1380.0023%14,1380.0023%
3. Other domestic shares14,1380.0023%14,1380.0023%
Domestic nature person shares14,1380.0023%14,1380.0023%
II. Unrestricted shares602,748,45899.9977%602,748,45899.9977%
1. RMB Ordinary shares338,894,01256.2235%338,894,01256.2235%
2. Domestically listed foreign shares263,854,44643.7742%263,854,44643.7742%
III. Total shares602,762,596100.00%602,762,596100.00%

Reasons for share changed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Approval of share changed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Ownership transfer of share changes

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to commonshareholders of Company in latest year and period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other information necessary to disclose or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes of restricted shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Securities issuance and listing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Number of shares and shares held

In Share

Total common shareholders at period-end30,739Total preference shareholders with voting rights recovered at end of reporting period (if applicable) (note8)0
Particulars about common shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten common shareholders
ShareholdersNature of shareholderProportion of shares heldNumber of common shares held at period-endChanges in reporting periodAmount of restricted common shares heldAmount of un-restricted common shares heldNumber of share pledged/frozen
State of shareAmount
HONG KONG NAM HOI (INTERNATIONAL) LTDOverseas corporate15.28%92,123,2480092,123,248
Shenzhen Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.State-owned corporate12.22%73,666,8240073,666,824
SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD.State-owned corporate10.80%65,106,1300065,106,130
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITEDOverseas corporate1.44%8,690,627008,690,627
Zeng YingDomestic nature person1.14%6,878,096006,878,096
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., LimitedState-owned corporate1.13%6,823,369006,823,369
Liu FangDomestic nature person0.93%5,604,273005,604,273
Meiyi Investment Property Co., Ltd.Domestic non-state-owned corporate0.77%4,615,800004,615,800
Li BaoqinDomestic nature person0.66%3,989,100003,989,100
Zhang HepingDomestic nature person0.64%3,840,300003,840,300
Explanation on associated relationship among the aforesaid shareholders1. Shenzhen Energy (Group) Co., Ltd. holds indirectly 100% equities of Hong Kong Nam Hoi (International) Limited; 2. Among other social public shareholders, the Company did not know whether there were associated relationships or belonging to consistent actors.
Particular about top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held
ShareholdersAmount of un-restrict common shares held at period-endType of shares
HONG KONG NAM HOI (INTERNATIONAL) LTD92,123,248Domestically listed foreign shares92,123,248
Shenzhen Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.73,666,824RMB ordinary shares73,666,824
SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD.65,106,130RMB ordinary shares65,106,130
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED8,690,627Domestically listed foreign shares8,690,627
Zeng Ying6,878,096Domestically listed foreign shares6,878,096
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited6,823,369Domestically listed foreign shares6,823,369
Liu Fang5,604,273RMB ordinary shares2,659,373
Domestically listed foreign shares2,944,900
Meiyi Investment Property Co., Ltd.4,615,800RMB ordinary shares4,615,800
Li Baoqin3,989,100RMB ordinary shares949,800
Domestically listed foreign shares3,039,300
Zhang Heping3,840,300RMB ordinary shares2,600,000
Domestically listed foreign shares1,240,300
Expiation on associated relationship or consistent actors within the top 10 un-restrict shareholders and between top 10 un-restrict shareholders and top 10 shareholders1. 100% equity of HONG KONG NAM HOI (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED was held by SHENZHEN ENERGY (GROUP) CO., LTD 2. Among other social public shareholders, the Company did not know whether there were associated relationships or belonging to consistent actors.
Explanation on top 10 shareholders involving margin businessAmong the top ten shareholders, Ms. Liu Fang holds 2,659,373 shares through credit transaction guarantee securities account

Whether top ten common stock shareholders or top ten common stock shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-backagreement dealing in reporting period

□ Yes √ No

The top ten common stock shareholders or top ten common stock shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have nobuy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.

IV. Changes of controlling shareholders or actual controller

Change of controlling shareholders in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Controller of the Company has no changes in the reporting periodChange of actual controller in reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Actual controller of the Company has no changes in the reporting period

Section VII. Preferred Stock

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no preferred stock in the reporting.

Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

Shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives have no changes in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report2017.

II. Resignation and dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior executives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Directors, supervisors and senior executives have no changes in the period, found more in Annual Report 2017

Section IX Corporation Bonds

Whether the Company has a corporation bonds that issuance publicly and listed on stock exchange and without due on the date whenannual report approved for released or fail to cash in full on dueNil

Section X. Financial Report

I. Auditing report

Whether the semi-annual report have been audited or not

□ Yes √ No

The financial report of the semi-annual report has not been audited (attached)

Section XI. Documents Available for Reference

I. Original semi-annual Report of 2018carried with the personnel signature of Legal Representative;II. Accounting Statements carried with the signature and seals of the person in charge of the Company (Legal Representative), personin charge of accounting (General Manager and CFO) and person in charge of accounting department (chief accountants);

III. All the original Company’s documents and public notices disclosed in Securities Times, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong

Commercial Daily in the report period;

IV. Place for inspection: Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Secretariat of the Board of Director of the Company.

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Legal Representative: Li Xinwei

11 August 2018

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Financial Statement
Semi-Annual Report (ended as 30 June 2018)

Consolidated Balance Sheet



Asset2018-6-302017-12-31Liabilities and owners’ equity2018-6-302017-12-31
Current assets:Current liabilities:
Monetary funds774,980,279.97438,316,169.81Short-term loans911,500,000.00515,850,000.00
Notes receivable100,000.006,702,500.00Notes payable-51,439,580.56
Accounts receivable277,917,141.93113,349,775.76Accounts payable54,333,872.9415,094,912.60
Accounts paid in advance58,522,566.11119,069,891.55Accounts received in advance--
Interest receivable--Wage payable46,502,561.4948,337,588.25
Dividend receivable--Taxes payable16,782,515.7615,437,758.76
Other receivables45,683,216.7138,771,888.74Interest payable3,403,850.173,006,993.33
Inventories69,716,098.1577,834,903.89Dividend payable--
Long-term debt investment due within 1 year--Other accounts payable86,175,436.0083,214,183.57
Other current assets401,276,677.02452,184,523.24Long-term liabilities due within 1 year-32,400,000.00
Total current assets1,628,195,979.891,246,229,652.99Total current liabilities1,118,698,236.36764,781,017.07
Non-current assets:Non-current liabilities:
Financial assets available for sale60,615,000.0060,615,000.00Long-term loans25,940,000.0025,940,000.00
Long-term account receivable--Accrual liabilities26,766,590.3826,788,590.38
Long-term equity investment17,177,769.0918,254,673.40Deferred income39,925,363.4841,948,231.12
Investment property2,704,371.512,802,440.31Other non-current liabilities--
Fixed assets1,414,281,661.431,420,620,565.05Total non-current liabilities92,631,953.8694,676,821.50
Construction in progress68,499,522.9250,958,741.92Total liabilities1,211,330,190.22859,457,838.57
Disposal of fixed asset1,314.60-Owners’ equity:
Intangible assets47,226,669.2348,470,500.60Share capital602,762,596.00602,762,596.00
Long-term expenses to be apportioned--Capital public reserve362,770,922.10362,770,922.10
Deferred income tax asset2,922,036.652,922,036.65Other comprehensive income--
Other non-current asset22,882,181.7832,930,781.78Surplus public reserve332,908,397.60332,908,397.60
Total non-current asset1,636,310,527.211,637,574,739.71Retained profit690,188,264.91660,176,169.69
Total owner’s equity attributable to parent1,988,630,180.611,958,618,085.39


Minority interests64,546,136.2765,728,468.74
Total shareholders’ equity2,053,176,316.882,024,346,554.13
Total assets3,264,506,507.102,883,804,392.70Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity3,264,506,507.102,883,804,392.70

Balance Sheet of the Company


Asset2018-6-302017-12-31Liabilities and owners’ equity2018-6-302017-12-31
Current assets:Current liabilities:
Monetary funds513,661,278.18159,883,551.05Short-term loans760,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Notes receivable--Notes payable-38,863,779.64
Accounts receivable136,717,345.4517,599,743.80Accounts payable33,651,889.871,467,087.08
Accounts paid in advance14,859,188.5472,042,056.16Accounts received in advance--
Interest receivable--Wage payable25,480,387.2123,669,295.53
Dividend receivable--Taxes payable7,639,768.865,703,576.67
Other receivables1,244,150,689.68913,646,990.47Interest payable1,116,698.61175,740.00
Inventories59,226,898.6968,187,593.73Dividend payable--
Long-term debt investment due within 1 year--Other accounts payable202,216,771.64176,793,775.07
Other current assets370,795,974.30406,616,846.60Non current liabilities due within one year--
Total current assets2,339,411,374.841,637,976,781.81Total current liabilities1,030,105,516.19296,673,253.99
Non-current assets:Non-current liabilities:
Financial assets available for sale60,615,000.0060,615,000.00Long-term loans--
Long-term equity investment691,982,849.76691,982,849.76Deferred income22,340,902.2923,665,762.95
Investment property--Other non-current liabilities--
Fixed assets269,752,767.00220,519,962.58Total non-current liabilities22,340,902.2923,665,762.95
Construction in progress774,060.84755,227.83Total liabilities1,052,446,418.48320,339,016.94
Disposal of fixed asset--Owners’ equity:
Intangible assets2,120,473.642,726,256.15Share capital602,762,596.00602,762,596.00
Long-term expenses to be apportioned--Capital public reserve289,963,039.70289,963,039.70

Deferred incometax asset

Deferred income tax asset--Other comprehensive income--
Other non-current asset-1,516,600.00Surplus public reserve332,908,397.60332,908,397.60
Total non-current asset1,025,245,151.24978,115,896.32Retained profit1,086,576,074.301,070,119,627.89
Total shareholders’ equity2,312,210,107.602,295,753,661.19
Total assets3,364,656,526.082,616,092,678.13Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity3,364,656,526.082,616,092,678.13

Consolidated Profit Statement


ItemJan.-Jun. 2018Jan.-Jun.2017
I. Total operation income1,079,760,214.80872,962,697.33
Including: operation income1,079,760,214.80872,962,697.33
II. Total operation cost1,045,043,229.77905,059,018.04
Including: operation cost969,695,053.03827,761,559.33
Operation tax and surcharge4,722,002.733,494,481.47
Sales expense1,650,238.041,413,079.30
Management expense46,681,650.0441,191,218.46
Financial expense22,294,285.9331,679,390.45
Loss of assets impairment--480,710.97
Add: Changing income of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)--
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)-1,076,904.31-1,019,420.00
Including: Investment income on affiliated Company and joint venture--
Other income4,136,805.383,489,863.10
III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)37,776,886.10-29,625,877.61
Add: Non-operating income4,775.005,796.00
Incl: Gains of non-current asset scrap and damage--
Less: Non-operating expense859,018.73172,009.57
Incl: Loss of non-current asset scrap and damage849,018.73160,729.35
IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”)36,922,642.37-29,792,091.18
Less: Income tax expense8,092,879.62920,495.87
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)28,829,762.75-30,712,587.05
Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent Company30,012,095.22-22,629,201.38

Minority shareholders’ gains and losses

Minority shareholders’ gains and losses-1,182,332.47-8,083,385.67
VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income--
VII. Total comprehensive income28,829,762.75-30,712,587.05
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent Company30,012,095.22-22,629,201.38
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders-1,182,332.47-8,083,385.67
VIII. Earnings per share:--
(i) Basic earnings per share0.05-0.04
(ii) Diluted earnings per share0.05-0.04

Profit Statement of the Company


I. Operation income406,846,441.84328,400,559.49
Less: Operation cost373,230,061.12353,421,168.22
Tax and surcharge854,057.24698,660.66
Sales expense--
Management expense21,014,208.0019,400,916.35
Financial expense-9,527,151.94-10,302,383.72
Loss of assets impairment--480,710.97
Add: Changing income of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)--
Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)
Including: Investment income on affiliated Company and joint venture--
Other income1,424,860.661,520,540.66
II. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)22,700,128.08-32,816,550.39
Add: Non-operating income1,775.001,000.00
Including: Disposal gains of non-current asset--
Less: Non-operating expense759,974.53159,602.00
Incl: Loss of non-current asset scrap and damage759,974.53159,602.00
III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with “-”)21,941,928.55-32,975,152.39
Less: Income tax expense5,485,482.14
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)16,456,446.41-32,975,152.39
V. Other comprehensive income

VI. Total comprehensive income

VI. Total comprehensive income16,456,446.41-32,975,152.39

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services1,094,708,553.42905,687,628.86
Write-back of tax received1,532,247.091,458,413.85
Other cash received concerning operating activities6,010,380.05376,088,275.79
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities1,102,251,180.561,283,234,318.50
Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service900,058,280.991,015,783,468.71
Cash paid to/for staff and workers72,787,871.6663,335,884.67
Taxes paid50,929,658.40247,951,334.11
Other cash paid concerning operating activities25,884,735.2321,612,486.28
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities1,049,660,546.281,348,683,173.77
Net cash flows arising from operating activities52,590,634.28-65,448,855.27
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets262,500.00-
Other cash with investment concerned from disposal subsidiary and other operational unit--
Other cash received concerning investing activities--
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities262,500.00-
Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets55,750,360.5239,051,315.46
Cash paid for investment--
Other cash paid for acquiring subsidiary and other operation unit--
Other cash paid concerning investing activities--
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities55,750,360.5239,051,315.46
Net cash flows arising from investing activities-55,487,860.52-39,051,315.46

III. Cash flows arising from financing activities

III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
Cash received by absorbing investment--
Cash received from loans910,000,000.00229,440,000.00
Other cash received concerning financing activities15,460,000.0011,309,958.60
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities925,460,000.00240,749,958.60
Cash paid for settling debts546,750,000.001,171,790,000.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying23,763,614.5933,385,928.70
Other cash paid concerning financing activities--
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities570,513,614.591,205,175,928.70
Net cash flows arising from financing activities354,946,385.41-964,425,970.10
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in exchange rate74,950.99-156,704.62
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents352,124,110.16-1,069,082,845.45
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-begin411,613,377.071,389,482,327.86
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-end763,737,487.23320,399,482.41

Cash Flow Statement of the Company


I. Cash flows arising from operating activities:
Cash received from selling commodities and providing labor services510,374,571.27448,272,760.70
Write-back of tax received--
Other cash received concerning operating activities311,662,404.45450,213,916.09
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from operating activities822,036,975.72898,486,676.79
Cash paid for purchasing commodities and receiving labor service340,094,480.46518,637,387.55
Cash paid to/for staff and workers44,228,041.5533,867,598.79
Taxes paid10,150,486.72226,823,834.53
Other cash paid concerning operating activities726,578,528.72348,786,679.61
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from operating activities1,121,051,537.451,128,115,500.48
Net cash flows arising from operating activities-299,014,561.73-229,628,823.69
II. Cash flows arising from investing activities:
Net cash received from disposal of fixed, intangible and other long-term assets262,500.00-
Other cash received from disposing subsidiary and other operation unit-
Other cash received concerning investing activities--
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities262,500.00-
Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and other long-term assets47,402,174.4437,751.00
Cash paid for investment--
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other units obtained--

Other cash paid concerning investing activities

Other cash paid concerning investing activities--
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities47,402,174.4437,751.00
Net cash flows arising from investing activities-47,139,674.44-37,751.00
III. Cash flows arising from financing activities
Cash received from absorbing investment--
Cash received from loans740,000,000.00-
Other cash received concerning financing activities11,660,000.00-
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities751,660,000.00-
Cash paid for settling debts30,000,000.00680,500,000.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or interest paying10,068,299.3114,136,466.93
Other cash paid concerning financing activities--
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities40,068,299.31694,636,466.93
Net cash flows arising from financing activities711,591,700.69-694,636,466.93
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation in exchange rate262.61-652.36
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents365,437,727.13-924,303,693.98
Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-begin148,223,551.051,119,323,850.36
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period-end513,661,278.18195,020,156.38

Consolidated Statement on Changes of Owners’ Equity



ItemJan.-Jun. 20182017
Equity attributable to Shareholder of parent CompanyMinority’s equityTotal owners’ equityEquity attributable to Shareholder of parent CompanyMinority’s equityTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalCapital reserveSurplus reservesRetained profitShare capitalCapital reserveSurplus reservesRetained profit
I. Balance at the end of last year602,762,596.00362,770,922.10332,908,397.60660,176,169.6965,728,468.742,024,346,554.13602,762,596.00362,770,922.10332,908,397.60644,271,987.2281,255,574.452,023,969,477.37
Add: Changes of accounting policy------------
II. Balance at the beginning of this year602,762,596.00362,770,922.10332,908,397.60660,176,169.6965,728,468.742,024,346,554.13602,762,596.00362,770,922.10332,908,397.60644,271,987.2281,255,574.452,023,969,477.37
III. Increase/ Decrease in this year---30,012,095.22-1,182,332.4728,829,762.75---15,904,182.47-15,527,105.71377,076.76
(i) Total comprehensive income---30,012,095.22-1,182,332.4728,829,762.75---15,904,182.47-15,527,105.71377,076.76
(ii) Owners’ devoted and decreased capital------------
1. Owners’ devoted capital------------
2. Other------------
(III) Profit distribution------------
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves------------
2. Distribution for owners (or shareholders)----------
3. Other------------
(IV) Carrying forward internal owners’ equity------------
(V) Other------------
IV. Balance at the end of the Period602,762,596.00362,770,922.10332,908,397.60690,188,264.9164,546,136.272,053,176,316.88602,762,596.00362,770,922.10332,908,397.60660,176,169.6965,728,468.742,024,346,554.13

Statement on Changes of Owners’ Equity of the Company



ItemJan.- Jun.20182017
Share capitalCapital reserveSurplus reservesRetained profitTotal owners’ equityShare capitalCapital reserveSurplus reservesRetained profitTotal owners’ equity
I. Balance at the end of last year602,762,596.00289,963,039.70332,908,397.601,070,119,627.892,295,753,661.19602,762,596.00289,963,039.70332,908,397.601,059,120,630.042,284,754,663.34
Add: Changes of accounting policy----------
II. Balance at the beginning of this year602,762,596.00289,963,039.70332,908,397.601,070,119,627.892,295,753,661.19602,762,596.00289,963,039.70332,908,397.601,059,120,630.042,284,754,663.34
III. Increase/ Decrease in this year---16,456,446.4116,456,446.41---10,998,997.8510,998,997.85
(i) Total comprehensive income---16,456,446.4116,456,446.41---10,998,997.8510,998,997.85
(ii) Owners’ devoted and decreased capital----------
1. Owners’ devoted and capital----------
2. Other----------
(III) Profit distribution----------
1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves----------
2. Other----------
(IV) Carrying forward internal owners’ equity----------
1. Capital reserves conversed to share capital)----------
2. Surplus reserves conversed to share capital----------

(V) Other

(V) Other----------
IV. Balance at the end of the year602,762,596.00289,963,039.70332,908,397.601,086,576,074.302,312,210,107.60602,762,596.00289,963,039.70332,908,397.601,070,119,627.892,295,753,661.19

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.Notes to financial statement semi-annual 2018

I. Company Profile

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd (hereinafter called as “Company”) was reorganized to be a

joint-stock enterprise from a foreign investment enterprise on 25 November 1993, upon theapproval of General Office of Shenzhen Municipal Government with Document Shen Fu Ban Fu[1993] No.897.After approved by Document Shen Zhu Ban Fu [1993] No.897 issued by Shenzhen SecuritiesRegulatory Office, on 3 January 1994, the Company offered 40,000,000 RMB common sharesand 37,000,000 domestically listed foreign shares in and out of China. And the RMB commonshares (A-stock) and domestically listed foreign listed shares (B-stock) were listed in ShenzhenSecurities Exchange successively on July 1, 1994 and Nov. 28, 1994.Headquarter of the Company located on 16/F, 17/F, Han Tang Building, OCT, Nanshan District,Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, P.R.C.The financial statement was approved and decided by the Broad of the Company on 9 August2018.Totally 9 subsidiaries included in consolidate scope for the half year of 2018.The Company together with its subsidiaries (hereafter referred as the Company) is mainlyengaged in businesses as production of power and heat, plant constructional, oil trader, propertydevelopmental, construction technology consultation and sludge drying.

II. Preparation basis of Financial Statements1. Basis of preparation

The Group’s financial statements have been prepared based on the going concern assumption.

The financial statements have been prepared based on actual transactions and events, inaccordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises- Basic Norms (Ministry ofFinance Order No.33 Issued, Ministry of Finance Order No.76 Revised) promulgated by theMinistry of Finance of PRC on 15 February 2006 and 41 specific accounting standards, thesubsequently promulgated application guidelines of the Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises, interpretations and other related rules of the Accounting Standards for Business

Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “ASBEs”), and the disclosure requirements of the“Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares,No. 15- General Requirements for Financial Reports” (revised in 2010) of China Securities

Regulatory Commission.

The Group’s financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with the

ASBEs. Except for certain financial instruments, the financial statements are prepared under thehistorical cost convention. In the event that depreciation of assets occurs, a provision forimpairment is made accordingly in accordance with the relevant regulations.

III. Declaration of obedience to corporate accounting principlesThe Financial Statements are up to requirements of corporate accounting principles, and also atrue and thorough reflection to the Group together with its financial information as financialposition on 30


June 2018, and the Company together with its operation results, and cash flowfor the semi-annual of 2018. In addition, the financial statements of the Group also comply with,

in all material respects, the disclosure requirements of the “Regulation on the Preparation of

Information Disclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares, No. 15--General Requirements for

Financial Reports” revised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2014 and the

notes thereto.

IV. The main accounting policies and accounting estimatesThe Company and its subsidiaries are mainly engaged in power and thermal generation,construction of power plant, fuel trading, real estate development, engineering technologyconsultancy and sludge desiccation operation. According to the actual production and operationcharacteristics, the Company and its subsidiaries establish certain specific accounting policiesand accounting estimates in respect of their transactions and matters such as sales revenuerecognition pursuant to relevant business accounting principles. Details are set out in Note 24Description of revenue items under section IV. For explanation on material accounting judgmentand estimate issued by the management, please refer to Note 30 Material accounting judgmentand estimate under section IV.1. Accounting periodAccounting period of the Group divide into annual and medium-term, and the medium-term is

the reporting period that shorter than one completed accounting year. The Group’s accounting

year is Gregorian calendar year, namely from 1


January to 31


December.2. Operating cycleNormal operating cycle refers to the period from purchase of assets used for processing torealization of cash or cash equivalents. Our operation cycle is 12 months which is also serving asthe standard for current or non- current assets and liabilities.3. Bookkeeping standard currency

RMB is the currency in the Group’s main business economic environment and the bookkeeping

standard one, which is adopted in preparation of the financial statements.

4. Accounting treatment on enterprise combine under the same control and under thedifferent controlEnterprise combination refers to a trading or event that two or over two independent enterprise/scombined to one reporting body. The combination was divided into enterprise consolidationunder the same control and the one not under the same control.(1) Consolidation of enterprises under the same controlThe enterprises involved in the consolidation are all under the final control of one party orparties and the control is not temporary. That is the corporate consolidation under the commoncontrol. For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the party that,on the combination date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination isthe absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is a party beingabsorbed. The combination date is the date on which one combining enterprise effectivelyobtains control of the other combining enterprises.Assets and liabilities obtained by the absorbing party are measured at their carrying amount atthe combination date as recorded by the party being merged. The difference between thecarrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid forthe combination (or the aggregate nominal value of shares issued as consideration) is charged tothe capital reserve (share capital premium). If the capital reserve (share capital premium) is notsufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.Cost incurred by the absorbing party that is directly attributable to the business combinationshall be charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.(2) Consolidation of enterprises not under the same controlThe enterprises involved in the consolidation are ones not under the same final control of thecommon party or parties before and after the consolidation. That is the corporate consolidationunder the different control. For a business combination not involving enterprises under commoncontrol, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another enterprise participatingin the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in the combination isthe acquiree. The acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control ofthe acquiree.For business combination involving entities not under common control, the cost of a businesscombination is the aggregate of the fair values, on the date of acquisition, of assets given,liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued by the acquirer to be paid by theacquirer, in exchange for control of the acquire plus agency fee such as audit, legal service andevaluation consultation and other management fees charged to the profit or loss for the periodwhen incurred. As equity or bond securities are issued by the acquirer as consideration, any

attributable transaction cost is included in their initial costs. Involved or contingent considerationcharged to the combination cost according to its fair value on the date of acquisition, thecombined goodwill would be adjusted if new or additional evidence existed about the conditionon the date of acquisition within twelve months after the acquisition date, which is required toadjust the contingent consideration. The combination cost incurred by the acquirer and theidentifiable net assets acquired from the combination are measured at their fair values. Where the

cost of a business combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s

identifiable net assets on the acquisition date, the difference is recognized as goodwill. Where

the cost of a business combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of theacquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall first reassess the measurement of the fairvalue of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the

measurement of the cost of combination. If after such reassessment the cost of combination is

still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the

difference is charged to profit or loss for the period.

Where the acquiree’s deductible temporary difference acquired by the acquirer is not yet

recognized as it does not satisfy the recognition conditions of the deferred income tax assets onthe acquisition date, but new or additional information proves that the relevant circumstanceshave already existed on the acquisition date within twelve months after the acquisition date,which estimates that the economic benefits incurred from the deductible temporary difference atthe acquisition date of acquirer can be realized, then the relevant deferred income tax assets willbe recognized, and the goodwill will be reduced at the same time, if the goodwill is not sufficientto be absorbed, any excess shall be recognized in the profit or loss for the period. Except asdisclosed above, the deferred income tax assets related to the business combination are chargedto the profit or loss for the period.For a business combination not under common control is finished by a stage-up approach withseveral transactions, these several transactions will be judged whether they fall within

“transactions in a basket” in accordance with the judgment standards on “transactions in abasket” as set out in the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises Interpretation No. 5 (Cai Kuai [2012] No. 19) and Article 51 of the

“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.33- Consolidated Financial Statement” (seeNote IV. 5(2)). If they fall within “transactions in a basket”, they are accounted for with

reference to the descriptions as set out in the previous paragraphs of this section and Note IV. 13

“Long-term equity investments”, and if they do not fall within “transactions in a basket”, they

are accounted for in separate financial statements and consolidated financial statements:

In separate financial statement, the sum between carrying value of the equity investment prior toacquisition date and cost of additional investment made on the acquisition date is deemed to be

the initial investment cost of this investment. Other comprehensive income recognized for equityinvestment held prior to combination date under equity method shall be accounted for when theCompany disposes of this investment on the same basis as the investee directly disposes ofrelevant assets or liabilities, which means that other than the changes arising from re-measuring

the acquiree’s net liabilities or net assets under defined benefit plan under equity method, it shall

be included in investment income of the current period.In consolidated financial report, for equity of bought party held before purchasing, re-measuredby fair value on purchased date, and the difference of fair value and its book value shouldreckoned into current investment income; Other comprehensive income recognized for equityinvestment held prior to combination date under equity method shall be accounted for when theCompany disposes of this investment on the same basis as the investee directly disposes ofrelevant assets or liabilities, which means that other than the changes arising from re-measuring

the acquiree’s net liabilities or net assets under defined benefit plan under equity method, it shall

be included in investment income of the current period dated purchasing day.5. Preparation methods for corporate consolidated statements(1) Determining principle for consolidated financial report scopeThe scope is determined on the basis of control. Control refers to the Company possess rightsover the investee party, and enjoyed variable return through participate in the relevant activitiesof the investee party, and the Company has ability to impact the amount of returns by using therights over investee party. The consolidated scope includes the Group and all the subsidiaries.Subsidiary is referring to the enterprise or the subject controlled by the Company.Once change of relevant facts and conditions results in change to relevant factors involved in theabove definition, the Company will make further assessment.(2) Preparation methods for corporate consolidated statementsSubsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains net assets and theeffective control of decision making of production and operation are deconsolidated from thedate that such control ceases. For disposal of subsidiaries, the operating results and cash flows ofsuch subsidiaries before the date of disposal are properly included in the consolidated incomestatement and consolidated cash flow statements; for disposal of subsidiaries during thereporting period, no adjustment shall be made to the opening balance of the consolidated balancesheet. For those subsidiaries acquired through business combination not under common control,the operating results and cash flows after the acquisition date have been properly included in theconsolidated income statements and consolidated cash flow statements. No adjustments shall bemade to the opening balance and the comparative figures of the consolidated financial statements.For those subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common control andacquiree absorbed through combination, the operating results and cash flows from the beginning

of the consolidation period to the consolidation date are also presented in the consolidatedincome statement and the consolidated cash flow statements. The comparative figures presentedin the consolidated financial statements are also adjusted accordingly.The financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accountingpolicies and accounting period of the Company in the preparation of the consolidated financialstatements, where the accounting policies and the accounting periods are inconsistent betweenthe Company and the subsidiaries. For subsidiaries acquired from business combination notunder common control, the financial statements of the subsidiaries will be adjusted according tothe fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.All intra-group significant balances, transactions and unrealized profit are eliminated in theconsolidated financial statements.

As for the subsidiary’s shareholders’ equity and the parts that does not owned the Group incurrent net gains/losses, listed out independently as minority shareholders’ equity and minorityshareholders gains/losses in item of shareholders’ equity and net profit contained in consolidatedfinancial statement separately. The amount attributable to minority shareholders’ equity of

current net loss/gains of subsidiaries is listed in the net profit item of consolidated profit as

minority shareholders’ equity. When the share of losses attributable to the minor shareholdershas exceeded their shares in the owners’ equity at the beginning of term attributable to minorityshareholders in the subsidiary, the balance shall offset the minor shareholders’ equity.

For control rights loss in original subsidiary for partial equity investment disposal or otherreasons, the remained equity should re-measured based on the fair value at date of control losses.The difference between the net assets of original subsidiary share by proportion held thatsustainable calculated since purchased date and sum of consideration obtained by equity disposaland fair value of remain equity, reckoned into the current investment income of control rightsloss. Other comprehensive income relating to equity investment in original subsidiary shall beaccounted for, upon lost of control, under the same basis as the acquiree would otherwise adoptwhen relevant assets or liabilities are disposed directly by the acquiree, which means that other

than the changes arising from re-measuring the original subsidiary’s net liabilities or net assets

under defined benefit plan, it shall be included in investment income of the current period. The

remaining equity interests are measured subsequently according to “Accounting Standard forBusiness Enterprises No. 2 – Long-term Equity Investments” or “Accounting Standard forBusiness Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments”. SeeNote IV.13 “Long-term equity investments” or Note IV.9 “Financial instruments” for details.

When the Company disposes of equity investment in a subsidiary by a stage-up approach withseveral transactions until the control over the subsidiary is lost, it shall determine whether theseseveral transactions related to the disposal of equity investment in a subsidiary until the control

over the subsidiary is lost fall within “transactions in a basket”. Usually, these several

transactions related to the disposal of equity investment in a subsidiary are accounted for astransactions in a basket when the terms, conditions and economic impacts of these several

transactions meet the following one or more conditions: ① these transactions are entered into atthe same time or after considering their impacts on each other; ② these transactions as a wholecan reach complete business results; ③ the occurrence of a transaction depends on at least theoccurrence of an other transaction; ④ an individual transaction is not deemed as economic, but

is deemed as economic when considered with other transactions. If they are not transactions in a

basket, each of which are accounted for in accordance with applicable rules in “partial disposalof long-term equity investment of a subsidiary without losing control over a subsidiary” (seeNote IV. 13 (2) ④) separately, and “the control over a subsidiary is lost due to partial disposal ofequity investment or other reasons” (see the preceding paragraph). When several transactions

related to the disposal of equity investment in a subsidiary until the control over the subsidiary islost fall within transactions in a basket, each of which is accounted for as disposal of a subsidiarywith a transaction until the control over a subsidiary is lost; however, the different between theamount of disposal prior to the loss of control and the net assets of a subsidiary attributable tothe disposal investment shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in consolidatedfinancial statements and transferred to profit or loss for the period at the time when the control islost.6. Classification of joint arrangement and accounting treatment on conduct joint operationJoint arrangement refers to such arrangement as jointly controlled by two or more participators.The Company classifies joint arrangement into joint operation and joint venture according to therights it is entitled to and obligations it assumes. Under joint operation, the Company is entitledto relevant assets under the arrangement and assumes relevant liabilities under the arrangement.Joint venture refers to such joint arrangement under which the Company is only entitled to thenet assets of the arrangement.Equity method is adopted for investment in joint ventures, and it is accounted for under the

accounting policies set out in Note 13(2) ② “long term equity investment under equity method”

under section IV.As a joint party under joint operation, the Company recognizes the assets and liabilities itseparately holds and assumes, the assets and liabilities it jointly holds and assumes under theproportion, the revenue from disposal of the output which the Company is entitled to under theproportion, the revenue from disposal of the output under the proportion and the separatelyoccurred expenses as well as expenses occurred for joint operations under its proportion.For injection to or disposal of assets of joint operations (other than those assets constituting

business operation) or for purchase of assets from joint operations, gain or loss arising from thetransaction is only recognized to the extent it is attributable to other parties to the joint operationbefore the joint operation is sold to any third party. In case that asset occur asset impairment lossunder Business Accounting Principle No.8-Assets Impairment, the Company recognizes this lossin full in connection with injection to or disposal of assets of joint operations, and recognizes thisloss based on the proportion in connection with purchase of assets from joint operations.7. Determination criteria of cash and cash equivalentCash and cash equivalents of the Group include cash on hand, deposits readily available forpayment purpose and short-term (normally fall due within three months from the date ofacquisition) and highly liquid investments held the Group which are readily convertible intoknown amounts of cash and which are subject to insignificant risk of value change.8. Foreign currency business and foreign currency statement translation(1) Foreign currency business translation

Foreign currency transactions are translated into the Company’s functional currency at the spot

rate on transaction date (generally refers to the middle rate of prevailing foreign exchange ratereleased by the PBOC) when the transactions are initially measured. However, foreign currencyexchange business or transaction involving foreign currency exchange occurred by the Companyare translated into functional currency at the effective exchange rate adopted.(2) Translation of foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary itemsOn balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot rate as ofbalance sheet date, and the exchange difference shall be included in current period gains and

losses, except ①exchange difference arising from foreign currency special borrowings relating

to purchasing assets satisfying capitalization conditions is stated under capitalization principle of

borrowing expenses; ②exchange difference arising from hedge instruments used as effective

hedging of net investment in overseas operation (such difference shall be included in othercomprehensive income and recognized as current period gains and losses when the net

investment is disposed); and ③exchange difference arising from change of carrying balance of

available for sale foreign currency monetary items other than amortized cost is included in othercomprehensive income.When preparing consolidated financial statement involving overseas operation, in case there isforeign currency monetary items which substantially constitute net investment in overseasoperation, the exchange difference arising from exchange rate fluctuation shall be included inother comprehensive income; and shall transfer to gains and losses from disposal for the currentperiod when the overseas operation is disposed of.

Non-monetary items measured in historical cost are still measured by sum on the bookkeepingstandard currency at the current exchange rate. The items measured by the fair value areconverted at the current rate on the fair value recognition day. The difference is dealt as the fairvalue change and reckoned into the current loss/gain or recognized as the other consolidatedincome and reckoned into the reserve.(3) Translation of foreign currency financial statementWhen preparing consolidated financial statement involving overseas operation, in case there isforeign currency monetary items which substantially constitute net investment in overseasoperation, the exchange difference arising from exchange rate fluctuation shall be included in

other comprehensive income as “translation difference of foreign currency statement”; and shall

transfer to gains and losses from disposal for the current period when the overseas operation isdisposed of.Foreign currency financial statement for overseas operation is translated into RMB statement bythe following means: assets and liabilities in balance sheet are translated at the spot rate as of

balance sheet date; owner’s equity items (other than undistributed profit) are translated at the

spot rate prevailing on the date of occurrence. Income and expense items in profit statement aretranslated at the spot rate prevailing on the date of transactions. Beginning undistributed profitrepresents the translated ending undistributed profit of previous year; ending undistributed profitis allocated and stated as several items upon translation. Upon translation, difference between

assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity items shall be recorded as foreign currency financial

statement translation difference and recognized as other comprehensive income. In case ofdisposal of overseas operation where control is lost, foreign currency financial statement

translation difference relating to the overseas operation as stated under shareholders’ equity in

balance sheet shall be transferred to current gains and losses of disposal in full or under theproportion it disposes.Foreign currency cash flow and cash flow of overseas subsidiary are translated at the spot rateprevailing on the date of occurrence of cash flow. Influence over cash from exchange ratefluctuation is taken as adjustment items to separately stated in cash flow statement.The beginning figure and previous year actual figures are stated at the translated figures inprevious year financial statement.

If the Company loses control over overseas operation due to disposal of all the owners’ equity or

part equity investment in the overseas operation or other reasons, foreign currency financial

statement translation difference relating to the overseas operation attributable to owners’ equityof parent company as stated under shareholders’ equity in balance sheet shall be transferred to

current gains and losses of disposal in full.If the Company reduces equity proportion while not loses control over overseas operation due to

disposal of part equity investment in the overseas operation or other reasons, foreign currencyfinancial statement translation difference relating to the disposed part will be vested to minorityinterests and will not transfer to current gains and losses. When disposing part equity interests ofoverseas operation which is the associate or joint venture, foreign currency financial statementtranslation difference relating to the overseas operation shall transfer to current disposal gainsand losses according to the disposed proportion.9. Financial instrumentsFinancial asset or financial liability is recognized when the Company becomes a party tofinancial instrument contract. Financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at fair value.For financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, the relevant transaction feeshall be included in profit or loss directly. For other types of financial assets and liabilities, therelevant transaction fee is included in initial measurement amount.(1) Recognition of fair value for financial assets and financial liabilitiesFair value represents the price that market participator can receive for disposal of an asset or heshould pay for transfer of a liability in an orderly transaction happened on the measurement date.As for instrument in active market, the fair value is adopted according to the quotation in theactive market. Quote in active market refers to the price easy to obtain regularly from exchange;

broker’s agency, industry association and pricing service authority etc., and such quote represent

a price that actually occurred in market trading during the fair transaction. As for the instrumentsnot in the active market, the fair value is recognized by the estimation technology. Thetechnology is composed of the price in the latest fair trade, fair value according to thefundamentally same instruments, cash flow discount and stock price-setting model.(2) Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assetsBy way of buying and selling the financial assets in a regular way, recognition and derecognitionare carried out according to the accounts on the transaction day. Financial assets are divided intofinancial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments, loans andaccounts receivable and available for-sale financial assets when they are initially recognized.Financial assets are initially recognized at fair value. For financial assets classified as fair valuethrough profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognized in profit or loss for theperiod. For financial assets classified as other categories, relevant transaction costs are includedin the amount initially recognized.

① Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss for the current period

They include financial assets held for trading and financial assets designated as at fair valuethrough profit or loss for the current period.Financial assets may be classified as financial assets held for trading if one of the following

conditions is met: A. the financial assets is acquired or incurred principally for the purpose ofselling it in the near term; B. the financial assets is part of a portfolio of identified financialinstruments that are managed together and for which there is objective evidence of a recentpattern of short-term profit-taking; or C. the financial assets is a derivative, excluding thederivatives designated as effective hedging instruments, the derivatives classified as financialguarantee contract, and the derivatives linked to an equity instrument investment which has noquoted price in an active market nor a reliably measured fair value and are required to be settledthrough that equity instrument.A financial asset may be designated as at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognitiononly when one of the following conditions is satisfied: A. Such designation eliminates orsignificantly reduces a measurement or recognition inconsistency that would otherwise resultfrom measuring assets or recognizing the gains or losses on them on different bases; or B. Thefinancial asset forms part of a group of financial assets or a group of financial assets andfinancial liabilities, which is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, in

accordance with the Group’s documented risk management or investment strategy, and

information about the grouping is reported to key management personnel on that basis.Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss for the current period is subsequentlymeasured at fair value. The gain or loss arising from changes in fair value and dividends andinterest income related to such financial assets are charged to profit or loss for the current period.

② Held-to-maturity investments

They are non-derivative financial assets with fixed maturity dates and fixed or determinablepayments that the Company has positive intent and ability to hold to maturity.Held-to-maturity investments are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effectiveinterest method. Gain or loss on derecognition, impairment or amortization is recognizedthrough profit or loss for the current period.The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial assetand of allocating interest income or expense over each period based on the effective interest of afinancial asset or a financial liability (including a group of financial assets or financial liabilities).The effective interest is the rate that discounts future cash flows from the financial asset orfinancial liability over its expected life or (where appropriate) a shorter period to the carryingamount of the financial asset or financial liability.In calculating the effective interest rate, the Company will estimate the future cash flows(excluding future credit losses) by taking into account all contract terms relating to the financialassets or financial liabilities whilst considering various fees, transaction costs and discounts orpremiums which are part of the effective interest rate paid or received between the parties to thefinancial assets or financial liabilities contracts.

③ Loans and receivables

They are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quotedin an active market. Financial assets, including bills receivable, accounts receivable, the Groupclassifies interest receivable, dividends receivable and other receivables as loans and receivables.Loans and receivables are measured subsequently at the amortized cost by using the effectiveinterest rate method. Gains or losses incurred at the time of derecognition, impairment oramortization are charged to profit or loss for the current period.

④ Available-for-sale financial assets

They include non-derivative financial assets that are designated in this category on initialrecognition, and the financial assets other than the financial assets at fair value through profitand loss, loans and receivables and held-to-maturity investments.The closing cost of available-for-sale debt instruments are determined based on amortized costmethod, which means the amount of initial recognition less the amount of principle alreadyrepaid, add or less the accumulated amortized amount arising from the difference between theamount initially recognized and the amount due on maturity using effective interest rate method,and less the amount of impairment losses recognized. The closing cost of available-for-saleequity instruments is equal to its initial acquisition cost.Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. The gain or loss onchange in fair value are recognized as other comprehensive income and charged to capitalreserves, except for impairment loss and exchange differences arising from foreign monetaryfinancial assets and amortized cost which are accounted for through profit or loss for the currentperiod. The financial assets will be transferred out of the financial assets on derecognition andaccounted for through profit or loss for the current period. However, equity instrumentinvestment which is not quoted in active market and whose fair value cannot be measuredreliably, and derivative financial asset which is linked to the equity instrument and whosesettlement is conditional upon delivery of the equity instrument, shall be subsequently measuredat cost.Interests received from available-for-sale financial assets held and the cash dividends declaredby the investee are recognized as investment income.(3) Impairment of financial assetsExcept for financial assets accounted at fair value and variation accounted into current gain/lossaccount, the Group undertakes inspection on the book value of other financial assets at eachbalance sheet day, whenever practical evidence showing that impairment occurred with them,impairment provisions are provided.The Group performs impairment test separately on individual financial assets with major

amounts; for financial assets without major amounts, the Group performs impairment testseparately or inclusively in a group of financial assets with similar characteristics of risks. Thosefinancial assets (individual financial assets with or without major amounts) tested separatelywith no impairment found shall be tested again along with the group of financial assets withsimilar risk characteristics. Financial assets confirmed for impairment individually shall not betested along with the group of financial assets with similar risk characteristics.

① Impairment of held-to-maturity investments and loans and receivables

The carrying amount of financial assets measured as costs or amortized costs are subsequentlyreduced to the present value discounted from its projected future cash flow. The reduced amountis recognized as impairment loss and recorded as profit or loss for the period. After recognitionof the impairment loss from financial assets, if there is objective evidence showing recovery invalue of such financial assets impaired and which is related to any event occurring after suchrecognition, the impairment loss originally recognized shall be reversed to the extent that thecarrying value of the financial assets upon reversal will not exceed the amortized cost as at thereversal date assuming there is no provision for impairment.

② Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets

In the event that decline in fair value of the available-for-sale equity instrument is regarded as

“severe decline” or “non-temporary decline” on the basis of comprehensive related factors, it

indicates that there is impairment loss of the available-for-sale equity instrument.When the available-for-sale financial assets impair, the accumulated loss originally included inthe capital reserve arising from the decrease in fair value was transferred out from the capitalreserve and included in the profit or loss for the period. The accumulated loss that transferred outfrom the capital reserve is the balance of the acquired initial cost of asset, after deduction of theprincipal recovered, amortized amounts, current fair value and the impairment loss originallyincluded in the profit or loss.After recognition of the impairment loss, if there is objective evidence showing recovery invalue of such financial assets impaired and which is related to any event occurring after suchrecognition in subsequent periods, the impairment loss originally recognized shall be reversed.The impairment loss reversal of the available-for-sale equity instrument will be recognized asother consolidated income, and the impairment loss reversal of the available-for-sale debtinstrument will be included in the profit or loss for the period.When an equity investment that is not quoted in an active market and the fair value of whichcannot be measured reliably, or the impairment loss of a derivative financial asset linked to theequity instrument that shall be settled by delivery of that equity instrument, then it will not bereversed.

(4) Recognition basis and measurement method for transfer of financial assetsAs for the financial assets up to the following conditions, the recognition termination is available:

①Termination of the contract right to take the cash flow of the financial assets; ② transferred tothe transferring-in part nearly all risk and compensation; ③ all risk and compensation neither

transferred nor retained, and with the give-up of the control over the financial assets.As for financial assets of almost all risk and compensation neither transferred nor retained, andwithout the give-up of the control over the financial assets, it was recognized according to theextension of the continual entry into the transferred financial assets and relevant liabilities arecorrespondingly recognized. The continual entry into the transferred financial assets is risk levelwhich the enterprise faces up to due to the assets changes.As for the whole transfer of the financial assets up to the recognition termination conditions, thebook value of the transferred assets, together with the difference between the consideration valueand the accumulative total of the fair value change of the other consolidated income, is reckonedinto the current gain/loss.As for the partial transfer of the financial assets up to the recognition termination conditions, thebook value of the transferred assets is diluted on the relative fair value between the terminatedpart and the un-terminated part; and reckoned into the current loss/gain is the difference betweenthe sum of the consideration value and the accumulative sum of the valuation change ought to bediluted into the recognition termination part but into the other consolidated income, and theabove diluted book value, is reckoned into the current loss/gain.For financial assets that are transferred with recourse or endorsement, the Group needs todetermine whether the risk and rewards of ownership of the financial asset have beensubstantially transferred. If the risk and rewards of ownership of the financial asset have beensubstantially transferred, the financial assets shall be derecognized. If the risk and rewards ofownership of the financial asset have been retained, the financial assets shall not be derecognized.If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership ofthe financial asset, the Group shall assess whether the control over the financial asset is retained,and the financial assets shall be accounted for according to the above paragraphs.(5) Categorizing and measuring of financial liabilitiesAt initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities measured by fairvalue with changes counted into current gains/losses and other financial liabilities. Financialliabilities are initially recognized at fair value. For financial liabilities classified as fair valuethrough profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognized in profit or loss for theperiod. For financial liabilities classified as other categories, relevant transaction costs areincluded in the amount initially recognized.

① Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss for the period

The criteria for a financial liability to be classified as held for trading and designated as financialliabilities at fair value through profit or loss are the same as those for a financial asset to beclassified as held for trading and designated as financial assets at fair value through profit orloss.Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss for the period are subsequently measuredat fair value. The gain or loss arising from changes in fair value and dividends and interestincome related to such financial liabilities are included in profit or loss for the period.

② Other financial liabilities

Derivative financial liabilities which are linked to equity instruments that are not quoted in anactive market and the fair value of which cannot be measured reliably measured, and which shallbe settled by delivery of equity instruments are subsequently measured at cost. Other financialliabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gainsor losses arising from derecognition or amortization is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

③ Financial Guarantee Contracts and loan commitment

Financial guarantee contracts other than those designated as financial liabilities at fair valuethrough profit or loss or loan commitment other than those designated measured by fair valueand with its variation for gains/losses reckoned as well as the loans lower than the market ratesare initially recognized at fair value, and shall be subsequently measured at the higher of thefollowing: the amount determined in accordance with Accounting Standard for Business

Enterprises No. 13 “Contingencies” and the amount initially recognized less cumulativeamortization recognized in accordance with the principles set out in “Accounting Standard forBusiness Enterprises No. 14- Revenue”.

(6) Termination recognition of financial liabilitiesOnly is released the whole or part of the current duties, the termination of the liabilities or part ofit is available. The Group (the creditor) signed the agreement with the debtor: the existingliabilities are replaced by the bearing of the new liabilities; and the contract terms arefundamentally different of the new liabilities and the existing ones; the termination of therecognition of the existing ones is available; and the recognition of new ones is available.As for the whole or partial termination of the recognition of the liabilities, the difference betweenthe book value of the part of recognition termination and the consideration value paid (includingthe non-cash assets transferred out or the liabilities newly beard) is reckoned into the currentloss/gain.(7) Derivatives and embedded derivativesDerivative instruments are initially recognized at fair value on the date on which a derivative

contract is entered into and are subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or losses arisingfrom changes in fair value of derivatives are taken directly to profit or loss for the period, exceptfor derivative instruments that are designated as hedging instruments and which are highlyeffective in hedging, gains or losses arising from changes in their fair value are taken to theprofit or loss for the period in accordance with the hedge accounting requirement based on thenature of hedging relationships.For combined instruments contain embedded derivatives which are not designated as financialassets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, and the embedded derivative andthe main contract does not have a material relation in terms of risk and economic attributes, andwhen an individual instrument which is the same as the embedded derivative can be defined asderivative, the embedded derivative shall be separated from the combined instrument and treatedas an individual derivative. If the embedded derivative cannot be separately measured atacquisition or subsequent balance sheet date, the combined instrument shall be designated asfinancial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.(8) Balance-out between the financial assets and liabilitiesAs the Group has the legal right to balance out the financial liabilities by the net or liquidation ofthe financial assets, the balance-out sum between the financial assets and liabilities is listed inthe balance sheet. In addition, the financial assets and liabilities are listed in the balance sheetwithout being balanced out.(9) Equity instrumentThe equity instrument is the contract to prove the holding of the surplus stock of the assets withthe deduction of all liabilities in the Group. The Company issues (including refinancing),repurchases, sells or cancels equity instruments as movement of equity. No fair value change ofequity instrument would be recognized by the Company. Transaction fees relating to equitytransactions are deducted from equity.

The Group’s all distribution (shares dividend excluded) to the holders of the stock instrumentwill decrease the shareholders’ equity. The Group does not recognize the fair value change sum

of the stock instrument.10. Account receivableAccount receivable included account receivable and other account receivable.(1) Recognition of bad debt provisionThe Group reviews carrying value of account receivables on balance sheet date, and makeimpairment provision for account receivables which are proven to be impaired by the following

objective evidences: ①debtor experiences material financial difficulties; ②debtor is in breach ofcontract terms (for instance: default or expiration of payment for principal or interest); ③ debtor

is likely to face bankruptcy or other financing restructuring; ④other objective evidence showing

account receivables are impaired.(2) Provision for bad debt reserves

① Recognition criteria and accrual method on accounts with major amount and withdrawal bad

debt provision independentlyThe single account receivable above RMB 2 million is recognized as single substantive accountreceivableThe Company takes the independent impairment test on the single substantive account. As forthe account receivable without the impairment in the test, it is included in the account receivableportfolio of the similar credit risk characters for the impairment test. As for the accountreceivable with the recognition of impairment loss, it is not included in the account receivableportfolio of the similar credit risk characters for the impairment test

② Determination bases for account receivables for which bad debt provision is made according

to category of credit risks, and provision for bad debtThe Group determines categories of account receivables according to the similarity of credit riskcharacteristics. Account receivables consist of those with insignificant single amount and thosewith significant single amount which is not impaired based on separate impairment test. TheGroup is of the view that account receivables with insignificant single amount and those withsignificant single amount which is not impaired based on separate impairment test are exposed tolow credit risks, thus it is not necessary to make bad debt provision, unless there is evidenceshowing that account receivables have relatively substantial credit risks.

③ Account receivables with insignificant single amount for which bad debt provision is made

separatelyFor account receivables with insignificant single amount, if there is evidence showing thataccount receivables are exposed to relatively substantial credit risks, bad debt provision shall bemade for such account receivables under specific identification method.(3) Reversal of bad debtIf there is objective evidence showing recovery in value of account receivables impaired andwhich is related to any event occurring after such recognition, the impairment loss originallyrecognized shall be reversed to the extent that the carrying value of the account receivables uponreversal will not exceed the amortized cost as at the reversal date assuming there is no provisionfor impairment.11. Inventory(1) Categories of inventory

The Company’s inventory mainly consists of fuels, raw materials and developing products in

process and so on.(2) Valuation method of inventory deliveredThe inventories are initially measured at cost. The costs of developing products include landgrant fee, expenditures for auxiliary facilities, expenses on construction and installation,borrowing costs incurred before the completion of the subject project and other relatedexpenses during the course of the development. Other cost of inventories comprises purchasecosts, processing costs and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their presentlocation and condition.The actual cost of the property development products delivered is recognized by the individualvaluation method. The actual cost of other inventories delivered is recognized by the weightedaverage method.(3) Recognition of net realizable value of inventory, and accrual methods of preparation fordepreciationOn the balance sheet day, the inventory is measured by the lower one between the cost andthe net realizable value. As the net realizable value is lower than the cost, the inventorydepreciation provision is accrued. The net realizable value is balance of the estimated saleprice less the estimated forthcoming cost upon the completion, the estimated sale expense,and the relevant tax in the daily activities. Upon the recognition of net realizable value of theinventory, the concrete evidence is based on and the purpose of holding the inventory and theinfluence of events after the balance sheet day are considered.As for the inventory of large sum and lower price, the inventory depreciation provision isaccrued by the inventory categories. As for the inventory related to the product series producedand sold in the same district, of the same or similar final use or purpose and impossible to beseparated from the other items, the provision is consolidated and accrued. The provision forother inventory is accrued by the difference between the cost and net realizable value.Upon the accrual of the inventory depreciation provision, if the previous influence factors on theinventory deduction disappeared, which resulted in the net realizable value being higher than itsbook value; the accrual is transferred back within the previous accrual of the provision andreckoned into the current gain/loss.(4) The inventory system is perpetual inventory system.12. Non-current assets and disposal groups held for saleIf the Group takes back its book value mainly by selling (including the non-monetary assetsexchange with commercial substance, the same as below) rather than noncontiguous use of anon-current asset or disposal group, it shall be divided into the held-for-sale category. The

specific criteria are to meet the following conditions: a certain non-current asset or disposalgroup can be sold immediately under the current conditions based on the practice of selling suchassets or disposal groups in similar transactions; the Company has made resolutions on the saleplan and has obtained decided purchase commitments; the sale is expected to be completedwithin one year. Thereinto, the disposal group refers to a set of assets that are disposed alongwith all the others as a whole by sale or other methods in a transaction and the liabilities that aredirectly related to those assets transferred in the transaction. The group of assets or asset groupsto which the disposal group belongs share the goodwill achieved in the business combination inaccordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets,the disposal group should include the goodwill assigned to the disposal group.When the initial measurement or the remeasurement at the balance sheet date of the Group isdivided into the non-current asset and disposal group held for sale, if the book value is higherthan the net amount after subtracting the selling fees from the fair value, write down the bookvalue to the net amount after subtracting the selling fees from the fair value, the write-downamount is recognized as asset impairment losses and is included in the current profits and losses,meanwhile making provisions for impairment of assets held for sale. For the disposal group, therecognized assets impairment losses firstly offset the book value of goodwill in the disposalgroup, then offset the book value of various non-current assets specified by the measurementapplicable for Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 42 - Non-current Assets,Disposal Group, and Discontinued Operation Held for Sale (Hereinafter referred to as theGuidelines Held for Sale) in the disposal group. If the net amount after subtracting the sellingfees from the fair value of the disposal group at the subsequent balance sheet date has anincrease, the amount of the previous write-down should be restored and transferred back in theamount of assets impairment loss recognized by non-current assets and applicable forheld-for-sale standards after being classified as the held-for-sale, the transferred amount shouldbe included in the current profits and losses, and increase its book value in proportion accordingto the proportion of book value of various non-current assets applicable for the measurement andspecification of held-for-sale standards in the disposal group except for the goodwill; the bookvalue of which the goodwill has been offset and the assets impairment losses confirmed beforethe non-current assets applicable for the measurement and specification of held-for-salestandards being classified as available-for-sale assets cannot be transferred back.The non-current assets held for sale or the non-current assets in the disposal group shall not beaccrued for depreciation or amortization, continue to confirm the indebted interest and otherexpenses in the disposal group held for sale.When the non-current assets or disposal groups no longer meet the requirements of held-for-salecategories, the Company shall not continue to classify them as the held-for-sale categories or

remove the non-current assets from the held-for-sale disposal group, and measure according tothe lower one of the following: (1) For the book value before being classified as held-for-salecategory, the amount of the depreciation, amortization or impairment that should be confirmedwhen not being classified as held-for-sale category according to the assumptions after beingadjusted; (2) Recoverable amount.13. Long-term equity investmentLong-term equity investments under this section refer to long-term equity investments in whichthe Company has control, joint control or significant influence over the investee. Long-termequity investment without control or joint control or significant influence of the Group isaccounted for as available-for-sale financial assets or financial assets measured at fair value withany change in fair value charged to profit or loss. Details on its accounting policy please refer to

Note 9. “Financial instruments” under section IV.Joint control is the Company’s contractually agreed sharing of control over an arrangement,

which relevant activities of such arrangement must be decided by unanimously agreement fromparties who share control. Significant influence is the power of the Company to participate in thefinancial and operating policy decisions of an investee, but to fail to control or joint control theformulation of such policies together with other parties.(1) Determination of investment costFor a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involvingenterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment

shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of the owner’s equity under the

consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of combination.The difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the cash paid,non-cash assets transferred as well as the book value of the debts borne by the absorbing partyshall offset against the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retainedearnings shall be adjusted. If the consideration of the merger is satisfied by issue of equitysecurities, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the absorbing

party’s share of the carrying amount of the owner’s equity under the consolidated financial

statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of combination. With the total face valueof the shares issued as share capital, the difference between the initial cost of the long-termequity investment and total face value of the shares issued shall be used to offset against thecapital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall beadjusted. For business combination resulted in an enterprise under common control by acquiringequity of the absorbing party under common control through a stage-up approach with several

transactions, these transactions will be judged whether they shall be treat as “transactions in abasket”. If they belong to “transactions in a basket”, these transactions will be accounted for a

transaction in obtaining control. If they are not belong to “transactions in a basket”, the initialinvestment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the absorbing party’s share of thecarrying amount of the owner’s equity under the consolidated financial statements of the

ultimate controlling party on the date of combination. The difference between the initial cost ofthe long-term equity investment and the aggregate of the carrying amount of the long-termequity investment before merging and the carrying amount the additional consideration paid forfurther share acquisition on the date of combination shall offset against the capital reserve. If thecapital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. Othercomprehensive income recognized as a result of the previously held equity investment accountedfor using equity method on the date of combination or recognized for available-for-sale financialassets will not be accounted for.For a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involvingenterprises not under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equityinvestment shall be the cost of combination on the date of acquisition. Cost of combinationincludes the aggregate fair value of assets paid by the acquirer, liabilities incurred or borne andequity securities issued. For business combination resulted in an enterprise not under commoncontrol by acquiring equity of the acquiree under common control through a stage-up approachwith several transactions, these transactions will be judged whether they shall be treat as

“transactions in a basket”. If they belong to “transactions in a basket”, these transactions will beaccounted for a transaction in obtaining control. If they are not belong to “transactions in abasket”, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment accounted for using cost

method shall be the aggregate of the carrying amount of equity investment previously held bythe acquiree and the additional investment cost. For previously held equity accounted for usingequity method, relevant other comprehensive income will not be accounted for. For previouslyheld equity investment classified as available-for-sale financial asset, the difference between itsfair value and carrying amount, as well as the accumulated movement in fair value previouslyincluded in the other comprehensive income shall be transferred to profit or loss for the currentperiod.Agent fees incurred by the absorbing party or acquirer for the acquisition such as audit, legalservice, and valuation and consultation fees, and other related administration expenses arecharged to profit or loss in the current period at the time such expenses incurred.The long-term equity investment acquired through means other than a business combinationshall be initially measured at its cost. Such cost is depended upon the acquired means oflong-term equity investments, which is recognized based on the purchase cost actually paid bythe Company in cash, the fair value of equity securities issued by the Group, the agreed value ofinvestment contract or agreement, the fair value or original carrying amounts of the

non-monetary asset exchange transaction which the asset will be transferred out of the Company,and the fair value of long-term equity investment itself. The costs, taxes and other necessaryexpenses that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the long-term equity investments arealso included in the investment cost. For additional equity investment made in order to obtainsignificant influence or common control over investee without resulted in control, the relevantcost for long-term equity investment shall be the aggregate of fair value of previously held

equity investment and additional investment cost determined according to “Accounting Standardfor Business Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and measurement of Financial Instruments”.

(2) Follow-up measurement and gain/loss recognitionAs for the long-term equity investment with common control (except for the common operators)over or significant influence on the invested units, measured by the cost method. In addition,long-term equity investment to the invested units that control by the Company adopted the costmethod for calculation in financial statement.

① Long-term equity investment checked by the cost

Upon the cost check, the investment is valuated on the initial cost. In addition to the actual pricesor the announced but yet undistributed cash dividend or profit in consideration valuation, thecurrent investment return is recognized by the announced cash dividend or profit by the investedunits.

② Long-term equity investment checked by the equity

When equity basis is adopted, if the initial cost of the long-term equity investment is greater than

the share of fair value of the receiver’s recognizable net asset, the initial investment cost of the

long-term equity investment will not be adjusted; if the initial cost of the long-term equity

investment is less than the share of fair value of the receiver’s recognizable net asset, the balance

shall be counted into current income account, and the cost of long-term equity investment shallbe adjusted.Under the equity method, investment gain and other comprehensive income shall be recognized

based on the Group’s share of the net profits or losses and other comprehensive income made by

the investee, respectively. Meanwhile, the carrying amount of long-term equity investment shallbe adjusted. The carrying amount of long-term equity investment shall be reduced based on the

Group’s share of profit or cash dividend distributed by the investee. In respect of the other

movement of net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution of investee,the carrying value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and included in the capital

reserves. The Group shall recognize its share of the investee’s net profits or losses based on thefair values of the investee’s individual separately identifiable assets at the time of acquisition,

after making appropriate adjustments thereto. In the event of inconformity between theaccounting policies and accounting periods of the investee and the Company, the financial

statements of the investee shall be adjusted in conformity with the accounting policies andaccounting periods of the Company. Investment gain and other comprehensive income shall berecognized accordingly. In respect of the transactions between the Group and its associates andjoint ventures in which the assets disposed of or sold are not classified as operation, the share ofunrealized gain or loss arising from inter-group transactions shall be eliminated by the portionattributable to the Company. Investment gain shall be recognized accordingly. However, anyunrealized loss arising from inter-group transactions between the Group and an investee is noteliminated to the extent that the loss is impairment loss of the transferred assets. In the event thatthe Group disposed of an asset classified as operation to its joint ventures or associates, whichresulted in acquisition of long-term equity investment by the investor without obtaining control,the initial investment cost of additional long-term equity investment shall be the fair value ofdisposed operation. The difference between initial investment cost and the carrying value ofdisposed operation will be fully included in profit or loss for the current period. In the event thatthe Group sold an asset classified as operation to its associates or joint ventures, the differencebetween the carrying value of consideration received and operation shall be fully included inprofit or loss for the current period. In the event that the Company acquired an asset whichformed an operation from its associates or joint ventures, relevant transaction shall be accounted

for in accordance with “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 20 “Businesscombination”. All profit or loss related to the transaction shall be accounted for.

Recognition of the share of net loss by the investment receiver shall be limited to when the bookvalue of long-term equity investment and other long-term equity forms substantial netinvestment has been reduced to zero. Beside, if the Company is responsible for other losses ofthe investment receiver, predicted liability shall be recognized upon the prediction ofresponsibilities and recorded into current investment loss account. If the receiver realized netprofit in the period thereafter, the share of gains is recovered after making up of share of losseswhich has not been recognized.For long equity investment in associate and joint venture held by the Company prior to firstimplementation of the new accounting principles on 1 January 2007, equity investment debtordifference relating to the investment (if any) shall be amortized and included in current gains andlosses against the remaining period under straight line method.

③ Acquisition of minority equity

When preparing consolidated financial statements, the difference between the increase inlong-term equity investment due to acquisition of minority interest of a subsidiary and the shareof net asset of the subsidiary since the acquisition date (or combination date) calculated underthe new ownership ratio shall be adjusted to the capital surplus, when capital surplus isinsufficient, the excess shall be adjusted to retained profits.

④ Disposal of long-term equity investment

In these consolidated financial statements, where the parent company disposes part of itssubsidiary without loss of control, the difference between the consideration received and theshare of net asset for the disposed portion of long-term equity investment shall be recognized in

shareholders’ equity; where the parent company disposes part of its subsidiary with loss of

control, the accounting treatment should be in accordance with the accounting policies stated at

Note IV 5 (2) “Preparation of consolidated financial statements”.

For disposal of long-term equity investment in other situations, the difference between theconsiderations received and the carrying amount of the disposed investment shall be recognizedin profit or loss.In respect of long-term equity investment at equity with the remaining equity interest afterdisposal also accounted for using equity method, other comprehensive income previously under

owners’ equity shall be accounted for in accordance with the same accounting treatment for

direct disposal of relevant asset or liability by investee on pro rata basis at the time of disposal.

The owners’ equity recognized for the movement of other owners’ equity (excluding net profit

or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution of investee) shall be transferred toprofit or loss for the current period on pro rata basis.In respect of long-term equity investment at cost with the remaining equity interest after disposalis also accounted for at cost, other comprehensive income recognized due to measurement atequity or recognition and measurement for financial instruments prior to obtaining control overinvestee shall be accounted for in accordance with the same accounting treatment for directdisposal of relevant asset or liability by investee and carried forward to current gains and losses

on pro rata basis. The movement of other owners’ equity (excluding net profit or loss, other

comprehensive income and profit distribution of investee) shall be transferred to profit or lossfor the current period on pro rata basis.In the event of loss of control over investee due to partial disposal of equity investment by theGroup, in preparing separate financial statements, the remaining equity interest which can applycommon control or impose significant influence over the investee after disposal shall beaccounted for using equity method. Such remaining equity interest shall be treated as accountingfor using equity method since it is obtained and adjustment was made accordingly. Forremaining equity interest which cannot apply common control or impose significant influenceover the investee after disposal, it shall be accounted for using the recognition and measurementstandard of financial instruments. The difference between its fair value and carrying amount as atthe date of losing control shall be included in profit or loss for the current period. In respect ofother comprehensive income recognized using equity method or the recognition andmeasurement standard of financial instruments before the Group obtained control over the

investee, it shall be accounted for in accordance with the same accounting treatment for directdisposal of relevant asset or liability by investee at the time when the control over investee is lost.

Movement of other owners’ equity (excluding net profit or loss, other comprehensive income

and profit distribution under net asset of investee accounted for and recognized using equitymethod) shall be transferred to profit or loss for the current period at the time when the controlover investee is lost. Of which, for the remaining equity interest after disposal accounted for

using equity method, other comprehensive income and other owners’ equity shall be transferred

on pro rata basis. For the remaining equity interest after disposal accounted for using therecognition and measurement standard of financial instruments, other comprehensive income

and other owners’ equity shall be fully transferred.

In the event of loss of common control or significant influence over investee due to partialdisposal of equity investment by the Group, the remaining equity interest after disposal shall beaccounted for using the recognition and measurement standard of financial instruments. Thedifference between its fair value and carrying amount as at the date of losing common control orsignificant influence shall be included in profit or loss for the current period. In respect of othercomprehensive income recognized under previous equity investment using equity method, itshall be accounted for in accordance with the same accounting treatment for direct disposal ofrelevant asset or liability by investee at the time when equity method was ceased to be used.

Movement of other owners’ equity (excluding net profit or loss, other comprehensive income

and profit distribution under net asset of investee accounted for and recognized using equitymethod) shall be transferred to profit or loss for the current period at the time when equitymethod was ceased to be used.The Group disposes its equity investment in subsidiary by a stage-up approach with severaltransactions until the control over the subsidiary is lost. If the said transactions belong to

“transactions in a basket”, each transaction shall be accounted for as a single transaction of

disposing equity investment of subsidiary and loss of control. The difference between thedisposal consideration for each transaction and the carrying amount of the correspondinglong-term equity investment of disposed equity interest before loss of control shall initiallyrecognized as other comprehensive income, and subsequently transferred to profit or loss arisingfrom loss of control for the current period upon loss of control.14. Investment real estateInvestment real estate is defined as the real estate with the purpose to earn rent or capitalappreciation or both, including the rented land use rights and the land use rights which are heldand prepared for transfer after appreciation, the rented buildings. Besides, vacant buildings heldby the Company for operating or lease purposes would be also stated as investment propertyprovided that board of directors (or similar authority) pass written resolution which definitely

expresses that the buildings will be held for operating or lease purposes and the intention forholding will not change shortly.Investment real estate is measured according to the initial cost. The follow-up expenses that arerelated to investment real estate, if the economic interests related to the assets are is likely toinflow cost and its costs can be reliably measured, shall be included in the cost of investmentreal estate. The other follow-up expense shall be included in the current gains/losses.The Company adopts the cost model to have follow-up measurements of the investment realestate, and to conduct depreciation or amortization according to the policies that are in consistentwith the land use rights.Impairment test method and impairment provision method in relation to investment property is

detailed in Note IV.20 “Long term assets impairment”.

Where property for own use or inventory transfers to investment property, or investmentproperty transfers to property for own use, carrying value before such transfer shall be taken asbook value after such transfer.In the event that an investment property is converted to an owner-occupied property, suchproperty shall become fixed assets or intangible assets since the date of its conversion. In theevent that an owner-occupied property is converted to real estate held to earn rentals or forcapital appreciation, such fixed assets or intangible assets shall become an investment propertysince the date of its conversion. Upon the conversion, investment property which is measured atcost is accounted for with the carrying value prior to conversion, and investment property whichis measured at fair value is accounted for with the fair value as of the conversion date.If an investment property is disposed of or if it withdraws permanently from use and noeconomic benefit will be obtained from the disposal, the recognition of it as an investmentproperty shall be terminated. When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired ordamaged, the amount of proceeds on disposal of the property net of the carrying amount andrelated tax and surcharges is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

15. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions for the fixed assetsFixed assets is defined as the tangible assets which are held for the purpose of producing goods,providing services, lease or for operation & management, and have more than one fiscal year ofservice life. The fixed assets recognized on the condition of economy benefit probably in-flowinto the Company and the cost should measured reliably only. Initial measurement shall beconducted on fixed assets according to the actual cost when obtain them and also considering theexpected costs for disposal.(2) Depreciation of various fixed assets

From the next month since reaching the intended use state, depreciations on fixed assets shall beaccounted by using the method of average life length except the steam turbine generating unitthat accounted by withdrawal the working volume method.Life expectancy, expected net impairment value and annual depreciation rate of all assets are asfollows:

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ItemLife expectancySalvage value rateAnnual depreciation rate
Houses and buildings20 years10%4.50%
Equipment (fuel machinery group excluded)15-20 years10%4.5%-6%
Equipment-fuel machinery group (note)10%The work quantity method
Transportation tools5 years10%18%
Other equipment5 years10%18%

Estimated salvage value refers to the amount of value retrieved after deducting of predicteddisposal expense when the expected using life of a fixed asset has expired and in the expectedstate of termination.Note: gas turbine generator set is provided with depreciation under workload method, namely todetermine the depreciation amount per hour of gas turbine generator set based on equipmentvalue, predicted net remaining value and predicted generation hours. Details are set out asfollows:

Name of the CompanyFixed assetsDepreciation amount (RMB/Hour)
The CompanyGenerating unit 1#391.26
Generating unit 3#397.15
Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd.(“New Power”)Generating unit 10#411.15
Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Power Co., Ltd.(“Zhongshan Power”)Generating unit 1#4,246.00
Generating unit 3#4,160.83
Shen Nan Dian (Dongguan) Weimei Power Co., Ltd.(“Weimei Power”)Generating unit 1#4,490.64
Generating unit 3#4,217.56

(3) Impairment test on fixed asset and providing of impairment provision

Found more in Note IV-20.”Impairment of long-term assets”.

(4) Recognition basis and measurement method of fixed assets under finance leaseLeases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially allthe risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. Title may or may not eventually be transferred.The depreciation policy for fixed asset held under finance lease is consistent with that for itsowned fixed asset. When a leased asset can be reasonably determined that its ownership will betransferred at the end of the lease term, it is depreciated over the period of expected use;otherwise, the leased asset is depreciated over the shorter period of the lease term and the periodof expected use.

(5) Other remarksConcerning the follow-up expenses related to fixed assets, if the relevant economy benefit offixed assets probably in-flow into the Company and can be measured reliably, reckoned into costof fixed assets and terminated the recognition of the book value of the parts that been replaced.Others follow-up expenses should reckoned into current gains/losses while occurred.Terminated the recognition of fixed assts that in the status of disposal or pass through thepredicted usage or without any economy benefits arising from disposal. Income from treatmentof fixed asset disposing, transferring, discarding or damage, the balance after deducting of bookvalue and relative taxes is recorded into current income account.The Company re-reviews useful life, expected net residual value and depreciation method offixed assets at least at each year end. Any change thereof would be recorded as change ofaccounting estimates.16. Construction-in-progressCost of construction in process is determined at practical construction expenditures, including allexpenses during the construction, capitalized loan expenses before the construction reachesuseful status, and other relative expenses. It is transferred to fixed asset as soon as theconstruction reaches the useful status.Impairment testing method and accrual method for impairment reserves found in Note

IV-20”Impairment of long-term assets”

17. Borrowing expensesBorrowing expenses include interest, amortization of discounts or premiums related toborrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings, andexchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings. Borrowing expenses that can bedirectly attributed for purchasing or construction of assets that are complying with capitalizingconditions start to be capitalized when the payment of asset and borrowing expenses havealready occurred, and the purchasing or production activities in purpose of make the asset usablehave started; Capitalizing will be terminated as soon as the asset that complying withcapitalizing conditions has reached its usable or saleable status. The other borrowing expensesare recognized as expenses when occurred.Interest expenses practically occurred at the current term of a special borrowing are capitalizedafter deducting of the bank saving interest of unused borrowed fund or provisional investmentgains; Capitalization amounts of common borrowings are decided by the weighted average ofexceeding part of accumulated asset expenses over the special borrowing assets multiply thecapitalizing rate of common borrowings adopted. Capitalization rates are decided by theweighted average of common borrowings.

During the capitalization period, exchange differences on a specific purpose borrowingdenominated in foreign currency shall be capitalized. Exchange differences related togeneral-purpose borrowings denominated in foreign currency shall be included in profit or lossfor the current period.Qualifying assets are assets (fixed assets, investment property, inventories, etc.) that necessarilytake a substantial period of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for theirintended use or sale.Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the acquisition,construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally, when the interruptionis for a continuous period of more than 3 months, until the acquisition, construction orproduction of the qualifying asset is resumed.18. Intangible assets(1) Intangible assetsAn intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance owned orcontrolled by the Company.An intangible asset shall be initially measured at cost. The expenditures incurred on anintangible asset shall be recognized as cost of the intangible asset only if it is probable thateconomic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Company and the cost of the assetcan be measured reliably. Other expenditures on an item asset shall be charged to profit or losswhen incurred.Land use right acquired shall normally be recognized as an intangible asset. Self-constructedbuildings (e.g. plants), related land use right and the buildings shall be separately accounted foras an intangible asset and fixed asset. For buildings and structures purchased, the purchaseconsideration shall be allocated among the land use right and the buildings on a reasonable basis.In case there is difficulty in making a reasonable allocation, the consideration shall berecognized in full as fixed assets.An intangible asset with a finite useful life shall be stated at cost less estimated net residual valueand any accumulated impairment loss provision and amortized using the straight-line methodover its useful life when the asset is available for use. Intangible assets with indefinite life arenot amortized.The Group shall review the useful life of intangible asset with a finite useful life and theamortization method applied at least at each financial year-end. A change in the useful life oramortization method used shall be accounted for as a change in accounting estimate. For anintangible asset with an indefinite useful life, the Group shall review the useful life of the assetin each accounting period. If there is evidence indicating that the useful life of that intangible

asset is finite, the Company shall estimate the useful life of that asset and apply the accountingpolicies accordingly.(2) Impairment test method of intangible assets & calculation method of depreciation reserve

Found more in Note IV-20”Impairment of long-term assets”.

19. Long-term expenses to be amortizedLong-term amortizable expenses are those already occurred and amortizable to the current termand successive terms for over one year. Long-term amortizable expenses are amortized bystraight-line method to the benefit period.20. Impairment of long-term assetsThe Group will judge if there is any indication of impairment as at the balance sheet date inrespect of non-current non-financial assets such as fixed assets, construction in progress,intangible assets with an infinite useful life, investment properties measured at cost, andlong-term equity investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. If there is anyevidence indicating that an asset may be impaired, recoverable amount shall be estimated forimpairment test. Goodwill, intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and intangible assetsbeyond working conditions will be tested for impairment annually, regardless of whether there isany indication of impairment.If the impairment test result shows that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than itscarrying amount, the impairment provision will be made according to the difference andrecognized as an impairment loss. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fairvalue less costs of disposal and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived

from the asset. An asset’s fair value is the price in a sale agreement in an arm’s length

transaction. If there is no sale agreement but the asset is traded in an active market, fair valueshall be determined based on the bid price. If there is neither sale agreement nor active marketfor an asset, fair value shall be based on the best available information. Costs of disposal areexpenses attributable to disposal of the asset, including legal fee, relevant tax and surcharges,transportation fee and direct expenses incurred to prepare the asset for its intended sale. Thepresent value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset over the course ofcontinued use and final disposal is determined as the amount discounted using an appropriatelyselected discount rate. Provisions for assets impairment shall be made and recognized for theindividual asset. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset,the Group shall determine the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs.The asset group is the smallest group of assets capable of generating cash flows independently.For the purpose of impairment testing, the carrying amount of goodwill presented separately inthe financial statements shall be allocated to the asset groups or group of assets benefiting from

synergy of business combination. If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, theGroup shall recognize an impairment loss. The amount of impairment loss shall first reduce thecarrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and thenreduce the carrying amount of other assets (other than goodwill) within the asset group or set ofasset groups, pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset.An impairment loss recognized on the aforesaid assets shall not be reversed in a subsequentperiod in respect of the restorable value.21. Staff remunerationStaff remuneration includes short term staff remuneration, post office benefit, dismissal benefitand other long term staff benefits, among which:

Short term staff remuneration mainly consists of salary, bonus, allowance and subsidy, staffbenefits, medical insurance, maternity insurance, work related injury insurance, housing funds,labor unit fee and education fee, non-monetary benefits, etc. short term staff remunerationactually happened during the accounting period in which staff provides services to the Companyis recognized as liability, and shall be included in current gains and losses or relevant asset cost.Non-monetary benefits are measured at fair value.Post office benefits mainly consist of defined withdraw plan and defined benefit plan. Definedwithdraw plan mainly includes basic pension insurance, unemployment insurance and annuity,and the contribution payable is included in relevant asset cost or current gains and losses whenoccurs.When the Company terminates the employment relationship with employees before the end ofthe employment contracts or provides compensation as an offer to encourage employees toaccept voluntary redundancy, the Company shall recognize employee compensation liabilitiesarising from compensation for staff dismissal and included in profit or loss for the current period,when the Company cannot revoke unilaterally compensation for dismissal due to thecancellation of labor relationship plans and employee redundant proposals; and the Companyrecognize cost and expenses related to payment of compensation for dismissal and restructuring,whichever is earlier. However, if the compensation for termination of employment is notexpected to be fully paid within 12 months from the reporting period, it shall be accounted forother long-term staff remuneration.The early retirement plan shall be accounted for in accordance with the accounting principles forcompensation for termination of employment. The salaries or wages and the social contributionsto be paid for the employees who retire before schedule from the date on which the employeesstop rendering services to the scheduled retirement date, shall be recognized (as compensationfor termination of employment) in the current profit or loss by the Group if the recognitionprinciples for provisions are satisfied.

For other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to its employees, if satisfy withthe established withdraw plan, then the benefits are accounted for under the establishedwithdraw plan, otherwise accounted for under defined benefit scheme.22. Accrued liabilitiesWhen responsibilities connected to contingent issues meet the follow conditions at the same time,than recognized as accrued liability: (1) the liability is the current liability that undertaken by theCompany; (2) the liability has the probability of result in financial benefit outflow; and (3) theresponsibility can be measured reliably for its value.At balance sheet day, with reference to the risks, uncertainty and periodic value of currency thatconnected to the contingent issues, the predicted liabilities are measured according to the bestestimation on the payment to fulfill the current responsibility.If the expenses for clearing of predictive liability is fully or partially compensated by a thirdparty, and the compensated amount can be definitely received, it is recognized separated as asset.The compensated amount shall not be greater than the book value of the predictive liability.(1) Contact in lossContact in loss is identified when the inevitable cost for performance of the contractualobligation exceeds the inflow of expected economic benefits. When a contract in loss isidentified and the obligations thereunder are qualified by the aforesaid recognition criterion forcontingent liability, the difference of estimated loss under contract over the recognizedimpairment loss (if any) of the subject matter of the contract is recognized as contingent liability.(2) Restructuring obligationsFor detailed, official and publicly announced restructuring plan, the direct expenses attributableto the restructuring are recognized as contingent liabilities, provided that the aforesaidrecognition criterion for contingent liability is met. For restructuring obligations arising fromdisposal of part business, the Company will recognize the obligations relating to restructuringonly when it undertakes to dispose part business (namely entering into finalized disposalagreement).23. Share-based Payments(1) Accounting treatmentShare-based payment refers to a transaction in which an enterprise grants equity instruments orundertakes equity-instrument- based liabilities in return for services from employee or otherparties. The share-based payments shall consist of equity-settled share-based payments andcash-settled share-based payments.

① Equity-settled Share-based Payment

The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services shall be measured at the

fair value of the equity instruments granted to the employees as at the date of grant. For equityinstruments that cannot be exercised until the services are fully rendered during vesting period orspecified performance targets are met, within the vesting period, the fair value of suchinstrument shall, based on the best estimate of the number of exercisable instruments, becalculated with the straight- line method and recognized in relevant costs or expenses. For equityinstruments that may be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of such instrumentshall, on the date of the grant, be recognized in relevant costs or expenses with the increase inthe capital reserve accordingly.On each balance sheet date during the vest period, the Company makes the best estimate basedon subsequent information such as the latest available information about change of number ofexercisable employees, thus to amend the number of equity instruments which are expected to beexercisable. Impact of the above estimate is included in relevant cost or expense for the currentperiod, with corresponding adjustment in capital reserve.The equity-settled share-based payment in return for services from other parties, if the fair valueof services from other parties can be reliably measured, shall be measured at the fair value ofsuch services as at the date of acquisition; if the fair value of services from other parties cannotbe reliably measured but the fair value of equity instruments can be reliably measured, shall bemeasured at the fair value of such equity instruments as at the date of acquisition of suchservices recognized in relevant costs or expenses with the increase in the capital reserveaccordingly.

② Cash-settled Share-based Payment

The cash-settled share-based payment shall be measured at the fair value of liabilities identifiedon the basis of shares or other equity instruments undertaken by the Group. For the instrumentsthat may be exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value shall, on the date of the grant, berecognized in relevant costs or expenses and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly. Forinstruments that cannot be exercised until the services are fully provided during vesting period orspecified performance targets are met, on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, theservices acquired in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the number ofexercisable instruments, be recognized in relevant costs or expenses and the correspondingliabilities at the fair value of the liability incurred by the Group.The Group shall, on each balance sheet date and on each account date prior to the settlement ofthe relevant liabilities, re-measure the fair values of the liabilities and include the changes in theprofit or loss for the period.(2) Accounting treatment in respect of the modification and termination of share-based paymentschemeIf any modification made by the Group to the share-based payment scheme increases the fair

value of the equity instrument awarded, services obtained shall be increased accordingly. Theincrease in fair value of such equity instrument equals to the difference between the fair valuesbefore and after the date of modification. If any modification reduces the total fair value ofshare-based payment or is otherwise unfavorable to employees, services obtained shall be treatedas if such modification had never been made, unless the Group has canceled part or the entireequity instrument award.During the vesting period, where an equity instrument award is cancelled, it is treated as if it hadvested on the date of cancellation, and any expense not yet recognized for the award is includedimmediately into the profit or loss for the period and capital reserve is recognized. Whereemployees or other parties are permitted to choose to fulfill non-vesting conditions but have notfulfilled during the vesting period, equity instrument award are deemed cancelled.(3) Accounting for share based payment concerning the Company, its shareholders or actualcontrollersAs for share based payment concerning the Company, its shareholders or actual controllers, witheither the settlement entity or service-acceptance entity in the Company or not, it is accountedfor in our consolidated financial statement under the following provisions:

① for settlement entity making settlement with its own equity instruments, the transaction is

accounted for as equity settled share based payment, otherwise it shall be accounted for as cashsettled share based payment.If the settlement entity is an investor of the service-acceptance entity, the transaction isrecognized as long term equity investment in the service-acceptance entity based on the fairvalue of the equity instruments as at the grant date or the fair value of assumed liabilities, withrecognition of capital reserve (other capital reserve) or liabilities.

② If service-acceptance entity is not obliged to settle or grant its own equity instruments to its

employees, the share based payment transaction is accounted for as equity settled share basedpayment. If service-acceptance entity is obliged to settle or the equity instruments granted to itsemployee are not the own instruments of the entity, the share based payment transaction isaccounted for as cash settled share based payment.For intra-company share based payment transactions, if the service-acceptance entity andsettlement entity are not the same enterprise, the share based payment transaction shall berecognized and measured in the respective financial statement of the two entities under theaforesaid principles.24. IncomeWhen significant risks and rewards of ownership of goods have been transferred to buyer, nocontinuous management right regularly related to ownership is retained, no effective control is

conducted on goods sold, moreover, amount of income may be measured in a reliable way,relevant economic profit may have flown into enterprise and relevant incurred cost or to beincurred may be measured in a reliable way, implementation of goods sales revenue will beconfirmed. Detail recognization according to specific revenue:

(1) Power sales revenueThe Group generates electricity by thermal power, and realizes sales through incorporation intoGuangdong power grid. As for power sales, the Group realizes revenue when it produceselectricity and obtains the grid power statistics table confirmed by the power bureau.(2) Revenue from providing labor serviceUnder the condition of service providing business can be estimated in a reliable way, relevanteconomic benefit is likely to flow into enterprise, completion degree of business may beestimated in a reliable way and relevant incurred cost and to be incurred may be measured in areliable way, the revenue from labor service providing recognized. Relevant service revenue maybe confirmed by the Company as percentage-of-completion method on balance sheet date.Completion degree of service business will be determined as share of incurred service cost inestimated general cost.

If result of service providing business can’t be estimated in a reliable way, service revenue

should be confirmed as amount of incurred service cost expected to be compensated, whereincurred service cost is taken as period charge. If no compensation is expected for incurred

service cost, income won’t be confirmed.

25. Government subsidyGovernment subsidy refers to the monetary asset and non-monetary asset that the Companyobtains from the government free of charge, excluding the capital that the government invests asan investor and enjoys the corresponding owner's equity. Government subsidies are divided intothe asset-related government subsidy and the income-related government subsidy.If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured according to the received orreceivable amount. If the government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured atfair value. If the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it shall be measured according to thenominal amount. Government subsidy measured by nominal amount is directly included in thecurrent profits and losses.The government subsidy related to the assets is recognized as deferred income and is recordedinto the current profits and losses or the book value of the relevant assets in a reasonable andsystematic manner within the useful life of the relevant assets. Revenue-related governmentgrants are used to compensate for the related costs or losses incurred during the subsequentperiod and are recognized as deferred income and are recognized in the current profit or loss or

related expenses during the period of recognition of the relevant cost expense or loss; Incurredcosts or losses incurred, directly included in the current profits and losses or offset the relevantcosts.For the government subsidy containing both asset-related parts and income-related parts at thesame time, distinguish the different parts and make the accounting treatment, classify the partswhich are difficult to be distinguished as the income-related government subsidy.

The government subsidy related to the Company’s daily activities is included in other incomes or

offsets related costs in accordance with the essence of economic business; while the government

subsidy unrelated to the Company’s daily activities is included in non-operating income and

expenditure.When the recognized government subsidy needs to be refunded or has balance of relateddeferred income, offset the book balance of related deferred income, and include the excess partsin the current profits and losses or (the asset-related government subsidy for offsetting the bookvalue of underlying assets in initial recognition) adjust the book value of assets; directly includethese belong to other situations in the current profits and losses.The basis for confirming the relevant public subsidies of the Company and its subsidiaries is asfollows:

Shenzhen Shennandian Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as the"Environmental Protection Company"), a subsidiary of the Company, is a sludge treatment unit,according to the (CS No. [2015] 78) notice of Ministry of Finance and the State Administrationof Taxation about printing and issuing the "comprehensive utilization of resources and laborservices VAT discounts directory", Environmental Protection Company can enjoy thevalue-added tax refund policy for sludge treatment with 70% recognized as the public subsidyincome.26. Deferred income tax asset/ deferred income tax liability(1) Current income taxOn balance sheet date, current income tax liability (or asset) formed during and before currentperiod will be measured as amount of income tax payable (or repayable) as specified by tax law.Assessable income on which current income expense is based represents the profit before tax forthe year upon adjustment against relevant tax rules.(2) Deferred income tax asset & deferred income tax liabilityFor balance of book value of some asset/liability item and its tax base, or temporary differencederived from balance of book value and tax base of the item, which is not confirmed as asset orliability but tax base can be fixed as specified by tax law, deferred income tax asset & deferredincome tax liability will be confirmed in balance sheet liability approach.

Deferred income tax liabilities are not recognized for taxable temporary differences related to:

the initial recognition of goodwill; and the initial recognition of an asset or liability in atransaction which is neither a business combination nor affects accounting profit or taxable profit(or deductible loss) at the time of the transaction. In addition, the Group recognizes thecorresponding deferred income tax liability for taxable temporary differences associated withinvestments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, except when both of the followingconditions are satisfied: the Company able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporarydifference; and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeablefuture.Deferred income tax assets are not recognized for deductible temporary differences related to theinitial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is neither a business combinationnor affects accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss) at the time of the transaction.In addition, the Group recognizes the corresponding deferred income tax asset for deductibletemporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint venturesto the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductibletemporary differences can be utilized, except when both of the following conditions are satisfied:

it is not probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future; and it is notprobable that taxable profits will be available in the future, against which the temporarydifference can be utilized.For deductible loss and taxation decrease which can be carried over to following fiscal year,relevant deferred income tax asset may be confirmed subject to amount of taxable income whichis likely to be acquired to deduct deductible loss and taxation decrease in the future.On balance sheet day, those deferred income tax assets and income tax liabilities, according tothe tax law, calculation will be on tax rate applicable to retrieving period of assets or clearing ofliabilities.On balance sheet day, verification will be performed on the book value of differed income taxassets. If it is not possible to obtain enough taxable income to neutralize the benefit of differedincome tax assets, then the book value of the differed income tax assets shall be reduced.Whenever obtaining of taxable income became possible, the reduced amount shall be restored.(3) Income tax expensesIncome tax expense includes current income tax and deferred income tax.Current deferred income tax and deferred income tax expenses or income shall reckoned intocurrent gains/losses other that those current income tax and deferred income tax with

transactions and events concerned, that reckoned into shareholder’s equity directly while

recognized as other comprehensive income; and the book value of the goodwill adjusted fordeferred income tax arising from enterprise combination.

(4) Offset of income taxWhen the Group has a legal right to settle on a net basis and intends either to settle on a net basisor to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, current tax assets and current taxliabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.When the Group has a legal right to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, anddeferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxationauthority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend either tosettle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to realize the assets and liabilitiessimultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets orliabilities are expected to be reversed, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offsetand presented on a net basis.27. LeasingFinance lease is too virtually transfer all risks and rewards related to ownership of asset, theownership is may transfer ultimately or not. Leases other than finance lease are operating leases.(1) Lease business with the Company as the renteeThe rental is reckoned into the relevant assets cost or the current loss/gain in the straight-linemethod. The initial direct expenses are reckoned into the current gain/loss, or the actual rentalinto the current loss/gain.(2) Lease business with the Company as the renterThe rental is reckoned into the relevant assets cost or the current loss/gain in the linear way. Theinitial direct substantive expenses are capitalized and reckoned into the current gain/loss, or theactual rental into the current loss/gain. The initial direct small expenses are reckoned into thecurrent actual gain/loss, or the actual rental into the current loss/gain.(3) Financing lease business with the Group recorded as lesseeOn the beginning date of the lease, the entry value of leased asset shall be at the lower of the fairvalue of the leased asset and the present value of minimum lease payment at the beginning dateof the lease. Minimum lease payment shall be the entry value of long-term accounts payable,with difference recognized as unrecognized financing expenses. In addition, initial direct costsattributable to leased items incurred during the process of lease negotiation and signing of leaseagreement shall be included in the value of leased assets. The balance of minimum leasepayment after deducting unrecognized financing expenses shall be accounted for long-termliability and long-term liability due within one year.Unrecognized financing expenses shall be recognized as financing expenses for the currentperiod using effective interest method during the leasing period. Contingent rent shall beincluded in profit or loss for the current period at the time it incurred.

(4) Financing lease business with the Group recorded as lessorOn the beginning date of the lease, the entry value of lease receivable shall be the aggregate ofminimum lease receivable and initial direct costs at the beginning date of the lease. Theunsecured balance shall be recorded. The aggregate of minimum lease receivable, initial directcosts and unsecured balance and the different between their present values shall be recognized asunrealised financing income. The balance of lease receivable after deducting unrecognizedfinancing income shall be accounted for long-term debt and long-term debt due within one year.Unrecognized financing income shall be recognized as financing income for the current periodusing effective interest method during the leasing period. Contingent rent shall be included inprofit or loss for the current period.28. Other main accounting policies and estimations(1) Discontinued operationThe discontinued operation refers to the component that meets one of following conditions andhas been disposed by the Company or classified as held-for-sale and can be individually

distinguished when operating and preparing the financial statements: ① the componentrepresents an independent main Business or a major operating area; ② the component is a partsthat intends to dispose or arrange an independent main business or a major operating area; ③ the

component is a subsidiary obtained only for re-sale.For details of the accounting treatment methods of discontinued operation, please refer to

Annotation IV. 12 “Classify as assets held for sale”.

(2) Debt restructures

① Obligation of recording debt restructuring as debtor

For debt liquidated with cash, balance between book value of debt to be restructured and amountof actual payment will be included in current gain and loss. On the contrary, for debt liquidatedwith non-cash asset, balance between book value of debt to be restructured and fair value ofnon-cash asset transferred will be included in current gain and loss. Balance between fair valueof non-cash asset transferred and book value of debt to be restructured will be included incurrent gains and loss.When debt is transferred to capital, balance between book value of debt to be restructured and

fair value of loaner’s share derived from disclaim will be included in current gains and loss.

When other terms of debt are modified, fair value of debt after modification will be taken asentry value of restructured debt. Balance between book value of debt prior to restructuring anddebt restructured will be included in current gain and loss.When combination of multiple modes is applied, book value of debt to be restructured will be

offset by cash for payment, fair value of non-cash asset transferred and fair value of loaner’s

share successively, then applicable method under modification mentioned above will be applied.

② Obligation of recording debt restructuring as loaner

For debt liquidated with cash, balance between book balance of credit to be restructured andcash received will be included in current gain and loss. On the contrary, for debt liquidated withnon-cash asset, balance between book balance of credit to be restructured and fair value ofnon-cash asset received will be included in current gain and loss.

When debt is transferred to capital, balance between fair value of loaner’s share and book

balance of credit to be restructured will be included in current gain and loss.When other terms of debt are modified, fair value of credit after modification will be taken asbook value of credit to be restructured. Balance between book balance of debt prior torestructuring and book value of credit restructured will be included in current gain and loss.When combination of multiple modes is applied, book balance of credit to be restructured will

be offset by cash received, fair value of] non-cash asset received and fair value of loaner’s share

successively, applicable method under modification mentioned above will be applied.When depreciation reserve has been accrued in credit to be restructured, accrual depreciationreserve will be offset by balances above. Remnant after offset will be included in current gainand loss.29. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates(1) Changes in accounting policiesNo changes of accounting policies in the period(2) Change of accounting estimateNo changes of accounting estimate in the period30. Major accounting judgment and estimationWhen using the accounting policies discussed in note IV, the Group needs to made judgment,estimation and assumption for carrying value of certain items which cannot be measuredadequately due to inherent uncertainty of economic activities. Such judgment, estimation and

assumption are based on historical experiences of the Group’s management, together with

consideration of other relevant factors. These judgments, estimations and assumption wouldaffect the reported amount of income, expense, asset and liability and disclosure of contingentliabilities on balance sheet date. However, actual results resulting from the uncertainty of theseestimates may differ from the current estimation made by management of the Company, whichwould in turn lead to material adjustments to the carrying value of assets or liabilities which willbe affected in future.The Group conducts regular re-review on the aforesaid judgment, estimation and assumption ona continued operation basis. If the change of accounting estimation only affect current period, the

affected amount is recognized in the period when change occurs. If the change affects currentand future periods both, the affected amount is recognized in the period when change occurs andfuture periods.On balance sheet date, major aspects in the statement need to judge, estimate and consumptionby the Company are as:

(1) Fixed assets are provided for depreciation by output methodThe Group recognizes depreciation for unit electricity based on values of power generationmachine sets, projected power sales volume and projected net remaining value, and provides fordepreciation according to depreciation of unit electricity and actual power sales volume. Takinginto account the prevailing industry policies, technologies, consumption, allocation method ofpower management authorities and past experiences, and the Group management believes that itis adequate for utilization life of such power generation machine sets, projected power salesvolume, projected net remaining value and provision method for depreciation. If the future actualpower sales volume differs substantially from the projected one, the Group would makeadjustment to unit electricity depreciation, which would bring affects to the depreciationexpenses included in profit and loss for the current and future periods.(2) The provisional estimated value of fixed assetsAs for the power generation machine sets and related buildings reaching the condition forintended use, due to the long construction period of power plant projects, high prices and longcompletion settlement time, they are accounted provisional based on project budget, projectpricing or project actual costs before process of project completion settlement. And upon suchsettlement, the Company adjusts the original provisional value according to the actual costs. Ifprovisional estimated values of power generation machine sets and related buildings differmaterially from the actual costs, the Company may have to make corresponding adjustments tothe values of fixed assets.(3) Provision for bad debtsThe Group use allowance method to state bad debt losses according to the accounting policies ofaccounts receivable. Impairment of receivables is based on the assessment of the recoverabilityof accounts receivable. Identification of impairment of receivables requires managementjudgments and estimates. The differences between actual results and the original estimate willaffect the book value of accounts receivable as well as the recognition or reversal of provisionfor bad debts in the period in which the estimate is changed.(4) Allowance for inventoriesUnder the accounting policies of inventories and by measuring at the lower of cost and netrealizable value, the Group makes allowance for inventories that have costs higher than net

realizable value or become obsolete and slow moving. Write-down of inventories to their netrealizable values is based on the salability of the evaluated inventory and their net realizablevalues. Identification of inventories requires management to make judgments and estimates onthe basis of obtaining conclusive evidence, and considering the purpose of holding inventory andthe events after balance sheet date. The differences between actual results and the originalestimate will affect the book value of inventories as well as the recognition or reversal ofprovision for inventories in the period in which the estimate is changed.(5) Impairment provision for non-financial non-current assetsThe Company makes judgment on each balance sheet date on whether there is indication ofimpairment in respect of non-current assets other than financial assets. Intangible assets withindefinite useful life shall also be further tested for impairment when there is indication ofimpairment, in addition to the annual impairment test. Other non-current assets other thanfinancial assets would be test for impairment when there is indication showing its carrying valuein not likely to be recovered.Impairment exists when carrying value of asset or assets group is higher than recoverableamount, namely the higher of fair value less disposal cost and present value of expected futurecash flow.The calculation of the fair value less costs of disposal is based on available data from binding

sales transactions in an arm’s length transaction of similar assets or observable market prices less

incremental costs for disposing of the asset.

In assessing value in use, significant judgments are exercised over the asset’s production, selling

price, related operating expenses and discount rate to calculate the present value. All relevantmaterials which can be obtained are used for estimation of the recoverable amount, including theestimation of the production, selling price and related operating expenses based on reasonableand supportable assumptions.The Group determines whether goodwill is impaired at least on an annual basis. This requires anestimation of the value in use of the cash-generating units to which the goodwill is allocated.Estimating the value in use requires the Group to make an estimate of the expected future cashflows from the cash-generating units and also to choose a suitable discount rate in order tocalculate the present value of those cash flows.(6) Depreciation and amortizationAssets such as investment properties, fixed assets and intangible assets are depreciated andamortized over their useful lives under straight line method after taking into account residualvalue. The estimated useful lives of the assets are regularly reviewed to determine thedepreciation and amortization costs charged in each reporting period. The useful lives of the

assets are determined based on historical experience of similar assets and the estimated technicalchanges. If there have been significant changes in the factors used to determine the depreciationor amortization, the rate of depreciation or amortization is revised prospectively.(7) Deferred income tax assetsDeferred tax assets are recognized for all unused tax losses to the extent that it is probable thattaxable profit will be available against which the losses can be utilized. Significant managementjudgment is required to determine the amount of deferred income tax assets that can berecognized, based upon the likely timing and level of future taxable profits together with futuretax planning strategies.(8) Early retirement pension plan and supplementary social pension planExpense and liability resulted from early retirement pension plan and supplementary socialpension plan are determined based on a variety of assumptions, including the discount rate, the

growth rate of average medical cost, the growth rate of retired employees’ subsidies and other

factors. Differences between actual and estimated results will be recognized accordingly ascurrent expense. Although management believes that the assumptions are reasonable, thechanges in actual empirical value and assumptions will affect the amount of expenses and thebalance of liabilities resulted from early retirement pension plan and supplementary socialpension plan.(9) Projected liabilityProvision for product quality guarantee, estimated onerous contracts, and delay deliverypenalties shall be recognized in terms of contract, current knowledge and historical experience.If the contingent event has formed a practical obligation which probably results in outflow ofeconomic benefits from the Group, a projected liability shall be recognized on the basis of thebest estimate of the expenditures to settle relevant practical obligation. Recognition and

measurement of the projected liability significantly rely on the management’s judgments

inconsideration of the assessment of relevant risks, uncertainties, time value of money and otherfactors related to the contingent events.In addition, the Company would project liabilities for after-sale quality maintenancecommitment provided to customers in respect of goods sold, maintained and reconstructed bythe Company. Recent maintenance experience of the Company has been considered whenprojecting liabilities, while the recent maintenance experience may not reflect the futuremaintenance. Any increase or decrease of this provision may affect profit or loss for future years.

V. Taxes1. Main taxation items and its tax rate

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Taxation items

Taxation itemsTax rate
VATOutput tax calculated based on the 5%, 6%, 10% or 16% of the taxable income, VAT based on the difference after deducted the current input tax
City maintenance taxTaxed by 5% and 7% of the turnover tax actually paid
Education surtaxTaxed by 3% of the turnover tax actually paid
Local education surtaxTaxed by 2% of the turnover tax actually paid
Enterprise income taxTaxed by 16.5% to 25% of the taxable income amount
Real estate taxAs for the taxed by residual value, paid with the 1.2% of the residual value after original value deducted 30%; as for the taxed by house rental, taxed with 12% of the rental income
Land-use tax of town2.5 Yuan ~ 9Yuan per square meter for the land area actually occupied
Land VATTax by the Value-added amount from transferring state-owned land use right, landing construction and its affiliates with four super-rate progressive tax rate

Rate for the income tax for the Company and subsidiaries as:

Taxpaying bodyRate of income tax
Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. (“The Company”)25%
Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd. (“New Power”)25%
Shenzhen Shennan Power Gas Turbine Engineering Technique Co., Ltd. (“Engineering Company”)25%
Shenzhen Server Energy Co., Ltd. (“Shenzhen Server”)25%
Shenzhen Shennan Power Environment Protection Co., Ltd. (“Environment Protection Company”)25%
Shennandian (Zhongshan) Power Co., Ltd. (“Zhongshan Power”)25%
Shennandian (Dongguan) Weimei Power Co., Ltd. (“ Weimei Power”)25%
Shennan Energy (Singapore) Co., Ltd. (“ Singapore company”)17%
Zhongshan Shennandian Storage Co., Ltd. (“Shen Storage ”)25%
Hong Kong Syndisome Co., Ltd. (“Syndisome”)16.50%

2. Taxes preferential and approvals

TaxName of the companyRelevant regulation and policies basisApproval institutionApproval documentsExemption rangePeriod of validity
VATEnvironment Protection Co.,” Notice of adjustment and perfection on resources comprehensive usage and labor VAT policy”(CS No.115[2011])Not applicableNot applicableVAT free for sludge treatmentNot applicable

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VATEnvironment Protection Co.,Notice on "contents of products with comprehensive utilization of resources and value-added tax privilege of labor service" (CS No. [2015] 78)Shenzhen Provincial Office, SAT (Qianhai SAT)SGSQHBA No.[2015]0002Resource comprehensive utilization of VAT refund2015-8-1 to 2018-7-31
Enterprise income taxSYNDISOME” Arrangement of avoidance of double-taxation and prevention of tax free in mainland China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”(GSH No. 884[2006])Not applicableNot applicableLevy income tax by 10% of total share interestsNot applicable
Enterprise income taxSYNDISOME’Enterprise Income Tax Law of People’s Republic of China”State Tax Bureau of Nanshan Distinct ShenzhenShen Guo Sui Nan Kou Jiao Bei Zi No.: [2011]0011No enterprise income tax should pay for the dividend before 31 December 2007Not applicable

Note: "Notice about adjusting and improving the products with comprehensive utilization ofresources and value-added tax policy of labor service" (CS No. [2011] 115) has been abolishedsince July 1, 2015, the preferential policy of exempting environmental companies fromadded-value tax of labor services for sludge treatment has been abolished since August 2015, andenvironmental companies enjoy the drawback policy of added-value tax for comprehensiveutilization of resources in accordance with the notice about printing and distributing "contents ofproducts with comprehensive utilization of resources and value-added tax privilege of laborservice" (CS No. [2015] 78).

VI. Annotation of the items in consolidate financial statementWith respect to the notes item (including Main item annotations of Financial Statements)

disclosed below, unless otherwise specified, “year-beginning” refers to 1 January 2018 (in

RMB/CNY)1. Monetary fund

Item30 June 2018Balance at year-begin
Cash on hand142,604.6381,491.35
Bank savings430,415,610.30337,821,258.42
Other monetary fund344,422,065.04100,413,420.04
Including: total amount saving aboard6,048,593.685,963,066.07

Note: among the above other monetary capital, there are totally 11,242,792.74 Yuan guaranteedraft margin and guarantee deposit included (on 31 December 2017: 26,702,792.74 Yuan).2. Note receivable

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Item30 June 2018Balance at year-begin
Bank acceptance100,000.006,702,500.00

3. Account receivable(1) Account receivable classified according to types:

Type30 June 2018
Book BalanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision independently3,474,613.061.233,474,613.06100.000.00
Account receivable with bad debt provision accrual based on similar credit risk charateristics of a portfolio276,963,225.5297.96--276,963,225.52
Account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently2,292,027.780.811,338,111.3758.38953,916.41


TypeAmount at year-begin
Book BalanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision independently3,474,613.062.943,474,613.06100.000.00
Account receivable with bad debt provision accrual based on similar credit risk charateristics of a portfolio106,116,231.5989.810.000.00106,116,231.59
Account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently8,571,655.547.251,338,111.3715.617,233,544.17

(2) Age analysis of account receivable:

Age30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1year276,960,336.5297.96112,392,970.3595.12
1 to 2years--0.000.00
2 to 3years--442,000.000.37
Over 3 years5,769,529.842.045,327,529.844.51

(3) Bad debt provision withdrawal collected or switch back in the Period(4) No account receivable verified actually in the period

(5) There are no account receivable of the shareholders or related party who hold over 5 %( 5%included) voting rights in report period.(6)Balance of top five receivables in debtors at end of the period

Total balance of the top five receivables in debtors dated 30 June 2018 amounted as274,440,936.52 Yuan, takes 97.07% in total numbers of balance of receivables at period-end.4. Account paid in advance(1) Account paid in advance classified according to age:

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Account age

Account age30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1year58,460,979.6799.90119,008,304.6199.94
1 to 2years----
2 to 3years19,082.240.0318,304.200.02
Over 3 years42,504.200.0743,282.740.04

(2) Top five account paid in advance by collectorTotal top five account paid in advance by collector on 30 June 2018 amount to 56,020,706.54Yuan, a 95.72% in total year-end account paid in advance5. Other account receivable(1) Other account receivable classified according to type:

Type30 June 2018
Book BalanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Other account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision independently20,341,666.4626.2420,341,666.46100.00-
Other account receivable with bad debt provision accrual based on similar credit risk charateristics of a portfolio44,840,654.8257.84-44,840,654.82
Other account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently12,345,315.8715.9211,502,753.9893.18842,561.89


TypeAmount at year-begin
Book BalanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Other account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision independently20,341,666.4628.8120,341,666.46100.00-
Other account receivable with bad debt provision accrual based on similar credit risk charateristics of a portfolio37,929,326.8553.71--37,929,326.85
Other account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently12,345,315.8717.4811,502,753.9893.18842,561.89

① Other account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision


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Other account receivable

Other account receivableCarrying amountBad debt provisionProportion (%)Reason
Huiyang County Kangtai Industrial Company14,311,626.7014,311,626.70100.00Un-collectible
Shandong Jinan Power Equipment Factory3,560,000.003,560,000.00100.00Un-collectible
Individual income tax2,470,039.762,470,039.76100.00Un-collectible

② Account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision

independently at period-end

ItemCarrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion (%)
Dormitory amount receivable2,083,698.161,736,004.1683.31
Deposit receivable1,769,842.841,312,974.9574.19
Bureau of Finance of Zhongshan Municipality219,192.00219,192.00100.00
Administrative Office of Nanshan District Shenzhen50,000.0012,000.0024.00

(2)Bad debt provision withdrawal, collected or switch back in the Period(3) No other account receivable verified actually in the period

(4) Other account receivable classified according to age:

Account age30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1year17,122,595.2822.0811,017,914.6615.60
1 to 2years3,393,612.134.382,586,964.783.66
2 to 3years--328,508.030.47
Over 3 years57,011,429.7473.5456,682,921.7180.27

(5) There are no other account receivables of the shareholders who hold over 5 % ( 5% included)voting rights in report period.(6) Account receivable from related parties found more in Note X-5. Account receivable/payablewith related party

(7) Top five other account receivables at year-end balance listed by arrears party

Name of the companyRelationshipAmountDurationProportion in totalYear-end balance of bad debt provision

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other account receivable (%)
Huidong Server Harbor Comprehensive Development CompanyRelated party23,711,275.01Over 3 years30.58-
Huiyang Kangtai Industrial CompanyNon-related party14,311,626.70Over 3 years18.4614,311,626.70
Dongguang Feng Gas Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd.Non-related party5,000,000.00Within 2 years6.45-
Shandong Jinan Generation Equipment PlantNon-related party3,560,000.00Over 3 years4.593,560,000.00
China National Machinery Equipment Engineering Ltd.Non-related party3,424,972.03Within 2 years4.42

6. Inventory(1) Classification of inventory

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Book BalanceDepreciation provisionBook valueBook BalanceDepreciation provisionBook value
Raw materials122,436,891.1552,720,793.0069,716,098.15130,555,696.8952,720,793.0077,834,903.89

(2) Inventory falling price reserve

TypeCarrying balance at year-beginAccrualDecreasedCarrying balance on 30 June 2018
Switch backWritten-off
Raw materials52,720,793.00---52,720,793.00

(3) Accrual basis and reasons for switch back or written-off

ItemSpecific basisReasons for switch backReasons for written-off
Raw materialsCost higher than the net realizable valueNot-applicableRaw materials reception

7. Other current assets

Item30 June 2018Balance at year-begin
VAT input tax deductible394,094,957.94446,786,369.31
Enterprise income tax deductible7,151,719.085,368,153.93

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8. Financial assets available for sale(1) Financial assets available for sale

Item30 June 2018Balance at year-begin
Book BalanceDepreciation reservesBook valueBook BalanceDepreciation reservesBook value
Equity instrument available for sale63,115,000.002,500,000.0060,615,000.0063,115,000.002,500,000.0060,615,000.00
Including: measured by cost63,115,000.002,500,000.0060,615,000.0063,115,000.002,500,000.0060,615,000.00

(2) Measured by cost

Investee companyBook BalanceDepreciation reserves
Year-begin+,-30 June 2018Year-begin+,-30 June 2018
CPI Jiangxi Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.60,615,000.00-60,615,000.00---
Shenzhen Petrochemical Products Bonded Trading Co., Ltd.2,500,000.00-2,500,000.002,500,000.00-2,500,000.00


Investee companyShareholding ratio in investee company (%)Cash bonus
CPI Jiangxi Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.5.00-
Shenzhen Petrochemical Products Bonded Trading Co., Ltd.4.00-

9. Long-term equity investment

Investee companyBalance at year-begin+,-30 June 2018Balance of depreciation reserves on 30 June 2018
Investment gains/losses recognized by equity methodOther
Affiliated business
Huidong Server18,254,673.40-1,076,904.31-17,177,769.09-

10. Investment real estate

ItemHouse, buildingsLand use rightConstruction in processTotal

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I. Original book value

I. Original book value
1. Balance at year-begin9,708,014.96--9,708,014.96
2.Current increased----
3.Current decreased----
4. Balance on 30 June 20189,708,014.96--9,708,014.96
II. accumulated depreciation and accumulated amortization-
1. Balance at year-begin6,905,574.65--6,905,574.65
2. Current increased98,068.80--98,068.80
(1) accrual or amortization98,068.80--98,068.80
3. Current decreased----
4. Balance on 30 June 20187,003,643.45--7,003,643.45
III. depreciation provision-
1. Balance at year-begin----
2. Current increased----
3.Current decreased----
4. Balance on 30 June 2018----
IV. Book value-
1. Balance on 30 June 20182,704,371.51--2,704,371.51
2. Book value at year-begin2,802,440.31--2,802,440.31

11. Fixed assets(1) Fixed assets

ItemHouse and buildingsMachinery equipmentTransportation toolsOther equipmentTotal
I. Original book value
1. Balance at year-begin450,244,770.684,040,500,312.0821,308,218.2248,167,921.164,560,221,222.14
2. Current increased36,801,321.1717,301,918.193,284,554.59742,308.5758,130,102.52
(1) Purchase36,801,321.17864,957.273,284,554.59742,308.5741,693,141.60
(2) Construction in process transfer-in-16,436,960.92--16,436,960.92
(3) increased by enterprise combination-----
3. Current decreased583,553.0057,562,794.22890,442.0013,146.0059,049,935.22
(1) Disposal or scrap583,553.0057,562,794.22890,442.0013,146.0059,049,935.22
4. Balance at 30 June 2018486,462,538.854,000,239,436.0523,702,330.8148,897,083.734,559,301,389.44

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II. Accumulated depreciation

II. Accumulated depreciation
1. Balance at year-begin282,063,887.102,649,610,431.9316,993,672.0940,811,456.402,989,479,447.52
2. Current increased6,465,964.2457,038,778.65452,620.25520,650.4064,478,013.54
(1) accrual6,465,964.2457,038,778.65452,620.25520,650.4064,478,013.54
3. Current decreased360,687.0648,897,726.91801,397.8011,831.4050,071,643.17
(1) Disposal or scrap360,687.0648,897,726.91801,397.8011,831.4050,071,643.17
4. Balance at 30 June 2018288,169,164.282,657,751,483.6716,644,894.5441,320,275.403,003,885,817.89
III. impairment provision
1. Balance at year-begin14,860,025.13135,261,184.44--150,121,209.57
2. Current increased
(1) accrual-----
3. Current decreased8,987,299.45--8,987,299.45
(1) Disposal or scrap-8,987,299.45--8,987,299.45
4. Balance at 30 June 201814,860,025.13126,273,884.990.000.00141,133,910.12
IV. Book value
1. Balance at 30 June 2018183,433,349.441,216,214,067.397,057,436.277,576,808.331,414,281,661.43
2. Book value at year-begin153,320,858.451,255,628,695.714,314,546.137,356,464.761,420,620,565.05

(2) Idle fixed assets temporary

ItemOriginal book valueAccumulated depreciationImpairment provisionBook valueNote
Houses and buildings137,799,917.53100,821,833.5919,008,224.8717,969,859.07Wharf, processing workshop of heavy oil
Equipment594,477,563.61500,135,626.5753,555,257.3640,786,679.68Processing equipment of heavy oil and generation unit
Transport equipment256,300.00230,670.00-25,630.00Idle vehicles

(3) Fixed assets without property license obtained

ItemBook valueReasons
Booster station5,567,100.88Procedures uncompleted
Steam turbine workshop2,014,811.08Procedures uncompleted
Chemical water tower3,327,665.86Procedures uncompleted
Treatment shop for heavy oil650,123.93Procedures uncompleted
Start-up boiler house146,191.99Procedures uncompleted
Fire pump room339,374.37Procedures uncompleted
Circulating water pump house2,134,592.90Procedures uncompleted

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Comprehensive building

Comprehensive building3,557,285.99Procedures uncompleted
Production and inspection building5,745,308.85Procedures uncompleted
Administrative building5,907,084.49Procedures uncompleted
Mail room of the main entrance239,379.05Procedures uncompleted
Turbine building and annex building10,745,357.65Procedures uncompleted
Plant’s ventilating system558,407.71Procedures uncompleted
Office building5,375,147.82Procedures uncompleted
Comprehensive building1,192,940.72Procedures uncompleted
Draft cooling tower3,452,423.42Procedures uncompleted
Chemical water workshop and foundation of water tank1,640,829.43Procedures uncompleted
Industry pool and industry pump house720,128.52Procedures uncompleted
Start-up boiler house120,327.67Procedures uncompleted
Oil treatment room and oil un-loading platform337,538.98Procedures uncompleted
Comprehensive building canteen314,580.33Procedures uncompleted

12. Fixed assets disposal

Item30 June 2018Balance at year-begin
Fixed assets ready for disposal1,314.60-

13. Construction in process(1) Construction in process

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Book BalanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook BalanceImpairment provisionBook value
Oil to Gas Works32,871,600.2632,871,600.26-32,871,600.2632,871,600.26-
Cogeneration of heat and electricity Project62,923,817.59-62,923,817.5947,221,713.47-47,221,713.47
Other technical innovation project5,575,705.33-5,575,705.333,737,028.45-3,737,028.45

(2) Changes of significant projects in construction in the year

ItemBudgetAmount at year-beginIncrease of this yearTransferred fixed assets in this yearOther decrease in the year30 June 2018
Oil to Gas Works74,400,000.0032,871,600.26---32,871,600.26
Cogeneration of heat and electricity Project120,000,000.0047,221,713.4715,702,104.12--62,923,817.59
Technological transformation project-3,737,028.4518,275,637.8016,436,960.92-5,575,705.33

(3) Impairment provision

ItemAmount at year-beginIncreaseDecreased30 June 2018Reasons of accrual
Oil to Gas Works32,871,600.26--32,871,600.26In idle condition

(4) Idle construction in progress temporary

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Book BalanceImpairment provisionNet book valueBook BalanceImpairment provisionNet book value
Oil to Gas Works32,871,600.2632,871,600.26-32,871,600.2632,871,600.26-

14. Intangible assets

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ItemLand use rightSoftwareTotal
I. Original book value
1. Balance at year-begin91,253,625.273,678,109.8594,931,735.12
2. Current increased-
(1) purchase--
3. Current decreased-
(1) disposal---
4. Balance at 30 June 201891,253,625.273,678,109.8594,931,735.12
II. Accumulated amortization
1. Balance at year-begin42,793,252.983,667,981.5446,461,234.52
2. Current increased1,099,620.36144,211.011,243,831.37
(1) accrual1,099,620.36144,211.011,243,831.37
3. Current decreased-
(1) disposal---
4. Balance at 30 June 201843,892,873.343,812,192.5547,705,065.89
III. Impairment provision
1. Balance at year-begin---
2. Current increased
(1) accrual---
3. Current decreased
(1) disposal---
4. Balance at 30 June 2018---
IV. Book value
1. Balance at 30 June 201847,360,751.93-134,082.7047,226,669.23
2. Book value at year-begin48,460,372.2910,128.3148,470,500.60

15. Deferred income tax assets

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Deferred income tax assets:
Bad debt provision of account receivable1,159,926.831,159,926.83
Other provision for bad debts of accounts receivable180,896.25180,896.25
Staff salary payable830,621.00830,621.00
Provision for devaluation of long-term equity investment625,000.00625,000.00

16. Other non-current assets

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Project of LNG(Note)22,882,181.7822,882,181.78
Account for engineering and equipment paid in advance-10,048,600.00

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Note: the project was jointly constructed by Weimei Power Company and Guangdong Dapeng LiquidNatural Gas Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Dapeng LNG). According to the contract signed betweenthe two parties, before the project involved by this construction acquired approval from the relevantnational authorities, the ownership belongs to both parties. After such approval, Dapeng LNG will

acquire LNG project. Thus, Weimei Power Company recorded it under the item of “other non-currentassets”.

17. Short-term loans

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Guarantee loans100,000,000.00465,850,000.00
Credit loans811,500,000.0050,000,000.00

18. Note payable

Type30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Trade acceptance--
Bank acceptance-51,439,580.56

19. Account payable(1) Details of account payable

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Natural gas41,996,987.91-
Engineering funds5,685,183.330.00

(2) There is no fund of shareholders with 5 %( including 5%) or more of the voting shares in the Group inthe report period.20. Wages payable(1) Wages payable

ItemBalance at year-beginIncrease this yearDecrease this year30 June 2018
I. Short-term remuneration44,460,199.3473,010,147.2375,842,903.4641,627,443.11
II. Post-employment welfare-defined contribution plans3,877,388.9110,372,785.909,375,056.434,875,118.38
III. Severance Pay----
IV. Other welfare due within one year----

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(2) Short-term remuneration

ItemBalance at year-beginIncrease this yearDecrease this year30 June 2018
1. Wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies41,922,487.8060,406,392.8162,896,080.0039,432,800.61
2. Welfare for employee0.00642,162.22641,787.22375.00
3. Social insurance246,699.753,297,969.513,222,647.31322,021.95
Including: Medical insurance215,069.633,115,401.003,051,626.07278,844.56
Work injury insurance23,713.77111,283.97104,494.8730,502.87
Maternity insurance7,916.3571,284.5466,526.3712,674.52
Wages in arrears----
4. Housing provident fund698,573.207,892,093.107,854,454.80736,211.50
5.Union funds and staff education expenses1,592,438.59771,529.591,227,934.131,136,034.05

(3) Defined contribution plans

ItemBalance at year-beginIncrease this yearDecrease this year30 June 2018
1. Basic Endowment insurance541,656.237,758,457.207,600,353.85699,759.58
2. Unemployment insurance13,335.6898,581.7091,564.5820,352.80
3. Enterprise annuities3,322,397.002,515,747.001,683,138.004,155,006.00

21. Taxes payable

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Enterprise income tax7,219,203.433,959,377.93
Individual income tax2,076,589.472,064,852.00
Land-use tax of town566,975.501,405,156.40
Real estate tax2,246,238.861,435,820.81

22. Interest payable

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Long-term loan interest of installment and interest charges138,616.88108,741.19
Interest payable of short-term loan3,265,233.292,898,252.14

23. Other account payable

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Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Project expense21,722,183.5324,040,896.76
Quality guarantee deposit12,511,146.0313,632,891.13
Equipment amount3,910,071.02439,237.63
Material amount1,495,078.48-
Land use right charge752,198.28423,005.75
Fund of the Board481,370.27479,659.27
Accrued expenses29,567,922.1034,865,705.80

24. Non-current liability due within one year

Item30 June 2018Balance at year-begin
Long-term loans due within one year-32,400,000.00

25. Long-term loans

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Guarantee loans25,940,000.0058,340,000.00
Credit loans--
Less: Long-term loans due within one year-32,400,000.00

26. Accrued liabilities

Item30 June 2018Amount at year-beginReason
Offering guarantee outside26,766,590.3826,788,590.38Note

Note: On 29 November 2013, Shenzhen Server and Jiahua Building Products (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.(Jiahua Building) signed a supplementary term aiming at equity transfer over equity attribution anddivision of Yapojiao Dock, which belongs to Shenzhen Server, Huidong Server, and Huidong NianshanTown Government as well as its subordinate Nianshan Group. In order to solve this remaining historicproblem, Shenzhen Server saved RMB 12,500,000.00 in condominium deposit account as guarantee. Inaddition, Server pledged its 20% of equity holding from Huidong Server to Jiahua Architecture withpledge duration of 2 years. The amount of collateral on loans could not exceed RMB 15,000,000.00.Relevant losses with the event concerned predicted amounting to RMB 27,500,000.00. It was estimatedthat 27,500,000.00 Yuan will lost in related with the above mentioned events. In concerned with theattorney fees for deal with problems left over from history, totally 733,409.62 Yuan costs from 2014 to30 June 2018, the ending balance amounted as 26,766,590.38 Yuan

27. Deferred income

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ItemAmount at year-beginCurrent increasedCurrent decreased30 June 2018
Deferred income41,948,231.12-2,022,867.6439,925,363.48

Including, items with government grants involved:

LiabilityAmount at year-beginCurrent increaseCurrent decreased30 June 2018Assets /income related
Amount reckoned in other revenueOther changes
Subsidy for energy-saving technology reform5,283,816.88-57,018.66-5,226,798.22Assets related
Subsidy for low-nitrogen transformation project917,121.50-189,986.86-727,134.64Assets related
Treasury subsidies for sludge drying3,336,250.00-127,500.00-3,208,750.00Assets related
Support fund of recycling economy for sludge drying8,745,279.79-323,501.46-8,421,778.33Assets related
Subsidy for project of low-nitrogen transformation for welcoming the Universidad22,894,446.91-1,276,992.42-21,617,454.49Assets related
Support fund of enterprise informationalization270,196.04-30,588.24-239,607.80Assets related
Funded of energy efficiency improvement for electric machine in SZ501,120.0017,280.00-483,840.00Assets related

28. Share capital

ItemBalance at year-beginChanges in this year(+ -)Balance at 30 June 2018
New shares issuedBonus sharesCapitalizing from reservesOtherSubtotal
Total shares602,762,596.00-----602,762,596.00

29. Capital reserve

ItemBalance at year-beginIncrease in the yearDecrease in the year30 June 2018
Capital premium233,035,439.62--233,035,439.62
Other capital reserve129,735,482.48--129,735,482.48

30. Surplus reserve

ItemBalance at year-beginIncrease in the yearDecrease in the year30 June 2018
Legal surplus reserve310,158,957.87--310,158,957.87
Discretionary surplus reserve22,749,439.73--22,749,439.73

31. Retained profit

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Item30 June 2018Balance at year-begin
Retained profit of last year before adjusted660,176,169.69644,271,987.22
Total retained profit adjusted (increased with +, decreased with -)--
Retained profit at beginning of the year after adjusted660,176,169.69644,271,987.22
Add: net profit attributable to shareholders of parent company30,012,095.2215,904,182.47
Retained profit at year-end690,188,264.91660,176,169.69

32. Operating income and operating cost

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Main business1,078,030,178.26968,719,412.92871,032,443.81827,070,339.40
Other business1,730,036.54975,640.111,930,253.52691,219.93

33. Tax and surcharge

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
City maintenance tax2,286,803.771,076,429.84
House duty1,275,543.49918,709.23
Stamp tax520,484.00344,854.98
Educational surcharge572,820.01953,710.38
Land use tax50,960.52200,777.04
Vehicle and vessel use tax15,390.94

34. Management expenses

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Leasing expenses3,092,069.503,014,660.30
Entertainment expense1,558,869.521,654,048.96
Expenses for agency appointment646,103.901,160,974.45
Vehicles expenses1,861,732.771,837,717.51
Expenses from the Board546,064.701,006,497.20
Housing fund1,842,356.951,736,661.05
Depreciation expense1,987,153.391,351,420.01
Amortization of intangible assets935,811.89938,591.10

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ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Specific expenses14,584.43119,679.73
Environmental expense874,452.57900,528.44
Sundry expenses1,387,173.861,283,195.42
Expenses for enterprise culture103,725.0087,511.70
Property expense455,396.71447,758.12
Office expenses346,790.68166,523.48
Pension insurance2,015,878.902,184,952.61
Communication charge647,596.16598,622.04
Business traveling charge259,624.12216,806.54
Stock charge29,929.3340,377.36
Labor union dues290,467.56457,849.20
Personnel education fund61,044.53141,084.34

35. Financial expenses

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Interest expenditure24,038,132.9139,088,778.10
Less : interest income2,187,166.107,910,187.73
Exchange gains/losses-73,770.20184,715.46

36. Investment gains/losses

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Gains of long-term equity investment on Equity-1,076,904.31-1,019,420.00
Investment gains from long-term equity investment disposal--

37. Assets impairment loss

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Loss on bad debt--480,710.97

38. Other income

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017

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ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Government bond subsidy for sludge drying1,276,992.421,276,992.42
Support fund of enterprise informationalization30,588.2430,588.24
Subsidy for energy-saving technology reform247,005.52246,169.87
Government bond subsidy for sludge drying127,500.00127,500.00
Support fund of recycling economy for sludge drying323,501.46323,501.46
Energy efficiency improvement for electric machine17,280.0012,960.00
VAT refund2,013,937.741,272,151.11

39. Non-operating income

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Gains of non-current assets damaged or scrapped--

40. Non-operating expense

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Expenses from external donation-10,000.00
Total loss from disposal of non-current assets849,018.73160,729.35

41. Income tax expenses

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Current income tax measured by tax law and relevant regulation8,092,879.62920,495.87

42. Cash flow statement(1) Cash received with other operating activities concerned

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Open credit received-367,531,301.56
Interest income2,166,649.417,910,187.73

(2) Cash paid for other operating activities

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017

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ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Expense on agency appointment646,103.901,160,974.45
Fund for the Board546,064.701,006,497.20
Leasing expense3,547,466.213,462,418.42
Entertainment expense1,558,869.521,654,048.96
Vehicles expense1,861,732.771,837,717.51
Enterprise culture103,725.0087,511.70
Communication fee647,596.16598,622.04
Environment protection fee874,452.57900,528.44

(3) Cash received with financing activities concerned

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Deposit received15,460,000.0011,309,958.60

43. Supplementary information on cash flow statement(1) Regulate the net profit into the cash flow of operating activities

Supplementary informationJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
1. Regulate the net profit into the cash flow of operating activities
Net profit28,829,762.75-30,712,587.05
Add: Asset impairment provision--480,710.97
Depreciation of fixed assets64,478,013.5461,654,099.55
Amortization of intangible assets1,243,831.371,305,344.19
Amortization of long-term deferred expenses--
Loss (gain) from disposing fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets--
Abandonment loss from fixed assets849,018.73160,729.35
Financial expenses(gain)24,038,132.9139,088,778.10
Investment loss(gain)1,076,904.311,019,420.00
Decrease (increase) of deferred income tax assets--
Decrease (increase)of inventory8,118,805.74-4,727,006.55
Decrease (increase) of receivable operating items-60,023,522.47214,908,295.24
Increase (decrease) of payable operating items-16,020,312.60-347,665,217.13
Net cash flow from operation activities52,590,634.28-65,448,855.27
2. Major investment and financing activities not involving cash income and expenditure:
Debt capitalization--

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Supplementary information

Supplementary informationJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Convertible company bond due within one year--
Fixed assets acquired under finance leases--
3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents:
Year-end balance763,737,487.23320,399,482.41
Less: Balance of cash at period-begin411,613,377.071,389,482,327.86
Net increase of cash and cash equivalents352,124,110.16-1,069,082,845.45

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalent

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
I. Cash763,737,487.23320,399,482.41
Including: Cash on hand142,604.63112,358.49
Bank savings available for payment needed430,415,610.30319,842,865.25
Other monetary capital available for payment needed333,179,272.30444,258.67
II. Cash equivalent
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at period-end763,737,487.23320,399,482.41

44. Assets of ownership or use right restricted

Item30 June 2018Restricted reason
Monetary Fund11,242,792.74Deposit

45. Foreign currency

ItemForeign currency balance on 30 June 2018Conversion rateRMB converted
Monetary fund
Including: USD855,607.486.61665,661,212.47

VII. Change of consolidate scopeNo change of consolidate scope in the year.

VIII. Equity in other entity1. Equity in subsidiaries(1) Composition of the Group

SubsidiaryMain operation placeRegistration placeBusiness natureShareholding ratio (%)Acquired way
Shenzhen Server (note )ShenzhenShenzhenTrading50Establishment
New Power CompanyShenzhenShenzhenPower100Establishment

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SubsidiaryMain operation placeRegistration placeBusiness natureShareholding ratio (%)Acquired way
Zhongshan Power CompanyZhongshanZhongshanPower generation80Establishment
Engineering CompanyShenzhenShenzhenEngineering consulting100Establishment
Weimei Power CompanyDongguanDongguanPower generation70Establishment
Environment Protection CompanyShenzhenShenzhenEngineering100Establishment
Singapore companySingaporeSingaporeTrading100Establishment
Shen StorageZhongshanZhongshanStorage80Establishment
SYNDISOMEHong KongHong KongImport & export trading100Not under the same control

Note : The Company holds 50% equity of Shenzhen Server, and takes majority voting rights in ShenzhenServer, thus, the Company owes substantial control; Shenzhen Server included in the consolidate scope ofthe financial statement.(2) Important non-wholly-owned subsidiary

SubsidiaryShare-holding ratio of minority (%)Gains/losses attributable to minority in the PeriodDividend announced to distribute for minority in the PeriodEnding equity of minority
Zhongshan Power Company20393,668.45--12,089,882.94
Weimei Power Company30-319,787.79-29,838,229.72

(3) Main finance of the important non-wholly-owned subsidiary

SubsidiaryBalance on 30 June 2018
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilityNon-current liabilityTotal liability
Zhongshan Power Company170,537,865.52572,100,580.42742,638,445.94771,193,927.7531,893,932.86803,087,860.61
Weimei Power Company221,277,012.49510,258,816.85731,535,829.34632,075,063.61-632,075,063.61


SubsidiaryBalance at year-begin

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Current assets

Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilityNon-current liabilityTotal liability
Zhongshan Power Company168,596,429.57592,847,484.20761,443,913.77791,720,732.3232,140,938.38823,861,670.70
Weimei Power Company229,231,009.01528,619,381.52757,850,390.53657,323,665.49-657,323,665.49


SubsidiaryCurrent period
Operation IncomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flow from operation activity
Zhongshan Power Company239,056,530.401,968,342.261,968,342.26130,078,167.14
Weimei Power Company249,516,171.77-1,065,959.31-1,065,959.3128,275,188.27


SubsidiaryLast period
Operation IncomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flow from operation activity
Zhongshan Power Company230,866,147.88-13,385,377.59-13,385,377.59-14,568,572.01
Weimei Power Company171,896,422.01-12,478,369.20-12,478,369.20-6,869,702.57

2. Equity in joint venture and cooperative enterprise(1) Joint venture or cooperative enterprise

Joint venture and cooperative enterpriseMain operation placeRegistered placeBusiness natureShare-holding ratio (%)Accounting treatment
Huidong ServerHuizhouHuizhouWharf40Equity method

(2)Financial information for minor joint venture and cooperative enterprise

ItemClosing balance/amount in the yearOpening balance/amount in last year
Joint venture
Total investment book value17,177,769.0918,254,673.40
Total of the follow counted by share-holding ratio
—Net profit-1,076,904.31-1,019,420.00
—Other comprehensive benefits
—Total comprehensive income-1,076,904.31-1,019,420.00

Note: The 60% equity of Huidong Server, held by controlling subsidiary Shenzhen Server are transferredon 9 December 2013, the other 40% equity will re-measured by appraisal value when losing thecontrolling right.

IX. Risks associated with financial instrumentsThe Company's main financial instruments include equity investment, borrowings, accounts receivable,accounts payable, etc., see details of each financial instrument in related items of this annotation xi. Therisks associated with these financial instruments and the risk management policies adopted by theCompany to reduce these risks are described as below. The management of the Company manages andmonitors these risk exposures to ensure that the above risks are controlled within the limit range.The Company uses the sensitivity analysis technique to analyze the possible impact of the risk variableon the current profit and loss or the shareholders' equity. Since any risk variable rarely changes inisolation, and the correlation existing among the variables shall have a significant effect on the finalamount of changes about a certain risk variable, therefore, the following proceeds by assuming that thechange in each variable is independent.(i) Risk management objectives and policiesThe objective of the Company's risk management is to gain a proper balance between risks and profits,minimize the negative impact of risks on the Company's operating results, and maximize the benefits ofshareholders and other equity investors. Based on the risk management objective, the basic strategy of theCompany's risk management is to identify and analyze the risks faced by the Company, establishappropriate bottom line to bear the risks and carry out risk management, and timely and reliably supervisethe risks so as to control the risks within the limit range.1 Market risk(1) Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk of losses due to exchange rate changes. The Company’s foreign

exchange risk is mainly related to the US dollar. On June 30, 2018, except for the balance of foreigncurrency monetary items, the assets and liabilities of the Company are RMB balance. The foreignexchange risk arising from the assets and liabilities of such foreign currency balances may have animpact on the Company's operating results.(2) Interest rate risk - cash flow change riskThe Company's cash flow change risk of financial instruments arising from interest rate change is mainlyrelated to the floating interest rate bank loans (see details in annotation xi, 17, annotation xi, 25).Interest rate risk sensitivity analysis:

The interest rate risk sensitivity analysis is based on the following assumptions:

? Changes in market interest rates affect the interest income or expense of financial instruments with

variable interest rate;

? For financial instruments with fixed rate by fair value measurement, the changes in market interest rates

only affect their interest income or expense;

? For derivative financial instruments designated as hedging instruments, the changes in market interest

rates affect their fair value, and all interest rate hedging prediction is highly effective;

? Calculate the changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments and other financial assets and

liabilities by using the cash flow discount method at the market interest rate at the balance sheet date.On the basis of above assumptions, in case that other variables keep unchanged, the pre-tax effect ofpossible reasonable changes in interest rates on current profits and losses and shareholders' equity is asfollows:

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Rate changes

Rate changesThe periodLast period
Net profitShareholder’ interestNet profitShareholder’ interest
5% increased1,180,390.921,019,303.741,952,727.441,698,182.60
5% decreased-1,180,390.92-1,019,303.74-1,952,727.44-1,698,182.60

2. Credit riskOn June 30, 2018, the maximum credit risk exposure that could cause financial loss to the Company ismainly due to the failure of the other party to fulfill the obligations, resulting in losses to the Company'sfinancial assets, including:

The book value of financial assets confirmed in the consolidated balance sheet; for the financialinstrument measured by fair value, the book value reflects its risk exposure but not the maximum riskexposure, and its maximum risk exposure will change with the changes in future fair value.To reduce the credit risk, the Company has set up a team to determine the credit lines, examine andapprove the credit, and perform other monitoring procedures to ensure that necessary measures are takento recover the expired claims. In addition, the Company reviews the recovery of each account receivableat each balance sheet date to ensure that sufficient provision for bad debts is made for uncollectible funds.As a result, the Company's management believes that the Company's credit risk has been greatly reduced.The company's working capital is deposited in banks with high credit ratings, so the credit risk ofworking capital is rather low.3. Liquidity riskIn managing the liquidity risk, the Company keeps the cash and cash equivalents that the managementconsiders to be sufficient and supervise them so as to meet the Company's operating needs and reduce the

impact of fluctuations in cash flows. The Company’s management monitors the use of bank loans and

ensures to comply with the loan agreement.The Company uses bank loans as the main source of funds.X. Related party and related transactions

1. Parent company of the GroupShare holding proportion of any shareholder of the Company didn't reach 50%, and couldn't form aholding relationship of the Company through any methods. The Company has no parent company.

2. Subsidiaries of the CompanyFound more in 1. Subsidiary in Note VIII3. Joint venture and affiliated enterprise of the GroupFound more in 2. Equity in joint venture or affiliate business in Note VIII4. Other related party

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Other related party

Other related partyRelationship with the Group
Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd. (“Energy Group ”)Shareholders have major influence on the Company
Dongguan Weimei Ceramics Industrial Park Co., Ltd. (” Weimei Ceramics”)Minority shareholders of the subsidiaries
Shenzhen Mawan Power Co., Ltd. (“Mawan Power Company”)Subsidiary of ultimate controller of Energy Group
Shenzhen Moon Bay Oil Harbor Co., Ltd. (“Moon Bay Oil Company”)Subsidiary of ultimate controller of Energy Group
Shenzhen Energy Group Holding Co., Ltd. (” Energy Holding”)Subsidiary of ultimate controller of Energy Group
Shenzhen Pipe Energy Technology Development Co., ltd. (“Pipe Technology”)Others Related party
Alltrust Insurance Co., Ltd. (“Alltrust Insurance”)Other Related party
Director of the Company and other senior executivesKey management staff

5. Account payable/receivable from related parties(1) Account receivable

ItemBalance on 30 June 2017Balance at year-begin
Book balanceBad debt provisionBook balanceBad debt provision
Other account receivable:
Huidong Server10,794,801.42-11,022,401.44-
Huidong Server managed account12,916,473.59-12,829,734.22-

XI. Commitment1. Major commitmentTill the balance sheet day, the condition of irrevocable operating lease contract the Group externally

signed is as follow:


Item30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
Minimum lease payments of irrevocable operating lease:
The first year after balance sheet day765,519.211,517,717.46

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The second year after balance sheet day

The second year after balance sheet day1,557,680.331,557,680.33
The third year after balance sheet day1,557,680.331,557,680.33
Subsequent years58,171,101.3958,171,101.39

2. ContingencyNil

XII. Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet DateNil

XIII. Other important events1. Segment information

(1) Determining basis and accounting policies of reportable segmentsAccording to the Group's internal organization structure, management requirements and internal reportingsystem, the Group's business is divided into three operating segments including power and heat supply, fueloil trade and other business, the Group's management periodically evaluates the operating results of thesesegments so as to determine the allocation of resources and assess their performances.Segmental reporting information is disclosed in accordance with the accounting policies and measurementstandards adopted by each segment for reporting to the management, the measurement basis keep pace withthe accounting and measurement basis used for preparing financial statements.

(2) Financial information of reportable segment

ItemPower supply and heat supplyFuel oil tradeOtherOffset between segmentsTotal
Main business income1,029,148,179.65-48,881,998.61-1,078,030,178.26
Main business cost996,279,249.6730,632,792.1458,192,628.89968,719,412.92
Total assets5,054,109,796.39131,265,061.01516,005,766.662,436,874,116.963,264,506,507.10
Total liabilities2,535,301,461.5836,053,002.8747,888,034.751,407,912,308.981,211,330,190.22

2. Other eventsNilXIV. Note to main items of financial statements of the Parent Company1. Account receivable(1) Classification of accounts receivable

Category30 June 2018
Book BalanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)

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Account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debtprovision independently

Account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision independently-----
Account receivable with bad debt provision accrual based on similar credit risk charateristics of a portfolio136,717,345.45100.00--136,717,345.45
Account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently-----


CategoryAmount at year-begin
Book BalanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision independently-----
Account receivable with bad debt provision accrual based on similar credit risk charateristics of a portfolio17,599,743.80100.00--17,599,743.80
Account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently-----

(2) Age analysis of account receivable

Age30 June 2018Amount at year-begin
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1year136,714,456.45100.0017,596,854.8099.98
1 to 2years----
2 to 3years----
Over 3 years2,889.000.002,889.000.02

(3) Bad debt provision withdrawal ,collected or switch back in the period.(4) No account receivable verified actually in the period.

(5) There are no account receivable of the shareholders who hold over 5 % (5% included) votingrights in report period.(6) Top five account receivables at period-end balance listed by arrears party

The total amount of the Company’s top 5 year end balance of receivables in this year collected by debtors

is 136,717,345.45 Yuan, accounting for 100% of the total amount of year end balance of receivables; thetotal amount of year end balance of the corresponding provision for bad debts is 0.00 Yuan.2. Other account receivable(1) Other account receivable classified

Category30 June 2018
Book BalanceBad debt provisionBook

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AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)value
Other account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision independently16,781,666.461.3216,781,666.46100.00-
Other account receivable with bad debt provision accrual based on similar credit risk charateristics of a portfolio1,243,346,127.7997.79--1,243,346,127.79
Other account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently11,352,538.870.8910,547,976.9892.91804,561.89


CategoryAmount at year-begin
Book BalanceBad debt provisionBook value
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Other account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision independently16,781,666.461.7816,781,666.46100.00-
Other account receivable with bad debt provision accrual based on similar credit risk charateristics of a portfolio912,842,428.5897.01--912,842,428.58
Other account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision independently11,352,538.871.2110,547,976.9892.91804,561.89

① Other account receivable with individual major amount and withdrawal bad debt provision


Other account receivableBook valueBad debt provisionAccruing proportion (%)Accrual reason
Huiyang Kangtai Industrial Company14,311,626.7014,311,626.70100.00Un-collectible
Individual income tax2,470,039.762,470,039.76100.00Un-collectible

② Other account receivable with individual minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision


Other account receivableBook balanceBad debt provisionAccruing proportion (%)
Dormitory amount receivable2,083,698.161,736,004.1683.31
Deposit receivable1,769,842.841,312,974.9574.19
Personal account receivable7,498,997.877,498,997.87100.00

(2) Bad debt provision accrual, collected or switch-back in the period(3) No other accounts receivable that had actually written off in the period(4) Other account receivable classified according to age:

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Age30 June 20181 January 2017
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1year645,798,750.2450.79294,822,751.5031.33
1 to 2years134,777,480.5710.60224,125,985.6823.82
2 to 3years117,019,897.159.2167,673,287.817.19
Over 3 years373,884,205.1629.40354,354,608.9237.66

(5) Receivable from related parties

Name of the companyRelationship with the CompanyAmountYearproportion in total other account receivable (%)
Zhongshan Power CompanySubsidiary723,035,163.94Within 1year to Over 3 years56.87
Weimei Power CompanySubsidiary503,565,940.68Within 1year to Over 3 years39.60
Environment Protection CompanySubsidiary12,709,842.101 year1.00
Singapore companySubsidiary1,477,071.99Over 3 years0.12
Engineering CompanySubsidiary954,698.92Within 1year0.08

(6) Top 5 other account receivables at period-end listed by arrears party

Name of the companyRelationship with the CompanyAmountYearproportion in total other account receivable (%)Balance of bad debts provision
Zhongshan Power CompanyRelated party723,035,163.941-3 years56.87
Weimei Power CompanyRelated party503,565,940.681-3 years39.60
Huiyang Kangtai Industrial CompanyNon-related party14,311,626.70Over 3 years1.1314,311,626.70
Environment Protection CompanyRelated party12,709,842.10Within 1year1.00
Dormitory receivableNon-related party2,083,698.16Over 3 years0.161,736,004.16

3. Long-term investment(1) Category of long-term equity investment

Item30 June 2018Balance at year-begin
Book BalanceImpairment provisionBook valueBook BalanceImpairment provisionBook value
Investment to subsidiary691,982,849.76-691,982,849.76691,982,849.76-691,982,849.76
Investment to joint venture and affiliate enterprise------

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(2) Investment to subsidiary

Investee companyBalance at year-beginIncreased in the YearDecreased in the Year30 June 2018Impairment provision accrual in the YearImpairment provision Year-end balance
Shenzhen Server26,650,000.00--26,650,000.00--
New Power Company71,270,000.00--71,270,000.00--
Zhongshan Power Company410,740,000.00--410,740,000.00--
Engineering Company6,000,000.00--6,000,000.00--
Weimei Power Company115,319,049.76--115,319,049.76--
Singapore company6,703,800.00--6,703,800.00--
Environment Protection Company55,300,000.00--55,300,000.00--

4. Operation revenue/operation cost

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Main business337,240,114.89361,394,602.84316,769,674.55351,127,940.47
Other business69,606,326.9511,835,458.2811,630,884.942,293,227.75

5. Supplement of cash flow statement

Supplement informationJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
1. Net profit adjusted as cash flow from operation activities:
Net profit16,456,446.41-32,975,152.39
Add: Assets for impairment--480,710.97
Depreciation of fixed assets6,633,429.025,591,404.56
Amortization of intangible assets605,782.51665,244.42

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Amortization of long-term expenses to be amortized

Amortization of long-term expenses to be amortized--
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets--
Abandonment loss from fixed assets759,974.53159,602.00
Financial expenses (income)1,326,830.8216,331,788.60
Decrease of inventory (increased)-8,960,695.042,307,025.70
Decrease of operational receivable (increased)-356,617,560.9458,970,055.19
Increase of operational payable (decreased)40,781,230.96-280,198,080.80
Net cash flow from operation activities-299,014,561.73-229,628,823.69
2. Major investment and financing activities not involved with cash income and expenses:
Conversion of debt into capital--
Convertible bonds due within one year--
Fixed assets under finance leases--
3. Net changes of cash and cash equivalent:
Balance of cash and cash equivalent at period-end513,661,278.18195,020,156.38
Less: period-beginning balance of cash and cash equivalent148,223,551.051,119,323,850.36
Net increase of cash and cash equivalent365,437,727.13-924,303,693.98

XV. Supplementary information1. Statement of non-recurring gains/losses

ItemJan. – Jun. 2018Jan. – Jun. 2017
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset-849,018.73-203,276.08
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses, with closely related with the normal business of the Company, excluding the fixed-amount or fixed-proportion governmental subsidy according to the unified national standard)2,122,867.649,839,892.03
Gain/loss of debt reorganization--
Switch-back of the impairment reserves of receivables that has impairment test independently--
Natural gas import VAT refund--
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items-5,225.001,961,448.64
Impact on income tax-113,500.37-246,556.08
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)-47,401.10-1,737,656.57

2. ROE and EPS

Profit in the PeriodWeighted average ROE (%)EPS
Basic EPSDiluted EPS

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Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company1.52%0.050.05
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses1.46%0.050.05
