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建发股份:Xiamen C&D Inc.Sustainability Report2023 下载公告

ContentsAbout This RepoMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.


Addressing Climate ChangePollution Prevention andEcosystem ProtectionResource Utilization andCircular Economy

Governance for SustainableDevelopmentPrevent Commercial Bribeand Unfair Competition

Data OveiewGRI Standards IndexISDS IndexSASB IndexIndicators Reference for ESG Reposof Listed Chinese Central State-OwnedEnterprisesIndependent Limited Assurance Repo


Rural Revitalization andPublic SeiceInnovation-Driven, Suppliers,and CustomersPeople



About This Repo


RepoAvailabilityand Feedback

We prepare this repo in accordance with the "Global Repoing Initiative Standards"(GRI Standards), and "Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards" (SASBStandards). The repo also takes into account the disclosure requirements of the"Guidelines No. 1 for Application of Self-Regulation Rules for Companies Listed on theShanghai Stock Exchange- Standardized Operation", "Guidelines No. 14 of shanghaistock Exchange for self-Requlation of listed Companies-sustainability Repo (Trial)",IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards developed by the International SustainabilityStandards Board (ISSB), SASAC Research Center’s "Indicators Reference Systems forESG Repos of Listed Chinese Central State-Owned Enterprises", and the UnitedNations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

RSM China CPA LLP independently guarantees the environmental, social and corporategovernance peormance key indicators in this repo.

The repoing period is between Janua 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, and somepas of the repo may be beyond the aforementioned scope considering the continuityand comparability of disclosures. The ESG data disclosed in this repo includes allenterprises within the scope of the consolidated statement of Xiamen C&D Inc.

We released this repo in electronic format in both Simplied Chinese and English. In caseof any inconsistencies between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese versionshall prevail. The electronic version of the repo is available on our ocial website, www.chinacnd.com, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange website (www.sse.com.cn). We arecommitted to improving our environmental, social and corporate governance peormance,and if you have any comments or suggestions on this repo, please get in touch with us atcompliance@chinacnd.com.

This is the 2023 Sustainability Repo ("this repo") released byXiamen C&D Inc. (referred to as "C&D Inc." or "We"). The purpose ofthis repo is to provide stakeholders with an oveiew of C&D Inc.'smanagement eos in environmental, social, and governance aspectsin 2023, as well as the initiatives and achievements towards advancingthe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

AbbreviationFull NameC&D Inc., or WeXiamen C&D Inc.C&D Real EstateC&D Real Estate Corp., Ltd., subsidia of C&D Inc.Lianfa GroupLianfa Group Co.,Ltd., subsidia of C&D Inc.C&D Propey

C&D Propey Management Group Co.,Ltd.(Stock Code: 2156.HK),subsidia of C&D Real Estate.C&D LogisticsC&D Logistics Group Co., Ltd., wholly-owned subsidia of C&D Inc.Paper & Pulp Group

One of the seven major specialized groups of C&D Inc., includingXiamen C&D Paper & Pulp Co., Ltd..Agricultural Products Group

One of the seven major specialized groups of C&D Inc., includingXiamen C&D Commodities Limited.C&D Automobile Group

One of the seven major specialized groups of C&D Inc., includingXiamen C&D Automobile Co., LtdC&D Newin

C&D Newin Paper & Pulp Corporation Limited (Stock Code: 0731.HK),subsidia of C&D Inc.Universal Pulp and PaperUniversal Pulp and Paper (Shandong) Co., Ltd., subsidia of C&D Inc.C&D Clean Energy

Nanjing C&D Clean Energy Co.,Ltd., wholly-owned subsidia of C&DInc.C&D ClenergyXiamen C&D Clenergy New Energy Co.,Ltd., subsidia of C&D Inc.C&D (Guangzhou)C&D (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., wholly-owned subsidia of C&D Inc.Yijiayuan Propey

Yijiayuan (Xiamen) Propey Management Co., Ltd., subsidia of C&DReal Estate.MACALLINERed Star Macalline Group Corporation Ltd. (Stock Code: 601828.SH)Yongfeng Pulp and Paper

Sichuan Yongfeng Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd., shareholding company ofC&D Inc.IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeIEAInternational Energy Agency





Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability Report

About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Message from the Chairman


Chairman of Xiamen C&D Inc. Zheng Yongda

In the face of multiple challenges from the volatile global situation, complex market environment, and economicslowdown, C&D Inc. rmly presees the brand philosophy of "Together Go Beyond." We integrate sustainable creationof social value into business practices, pursue the maximization of comprehensive economic, social, and environmentalvalue, and honor commitment to our social responsibilities.As a globally positioned company, we are rooted in professionalism and committed to core business development.Our supply chain operations span multiple segments including steel and iron, pulp and paper, automobile, agriculturalproducts, consumer goods, minerals, and energy and chemicals. We strive to excel in each of these segments, leverageour expeise to drive industrial progress, and dedicate ourselves to becoming a leading international supply chainoperator. In real estate, we have set up a holistic real estate seice system, oering full-lifecycle real estate supposeices to governments, enterprises, and residents, with the aspiration of becoming China’s outstanding real estateoperator.In 2023, we actively responded to the national carbon peaking and net zero emissions strategy and global temperaturecontrol goals under the Paris Agreement, and consistently invested in research and innovation in digital technologyapplications. We profoundly incorporated digital solutions with traditional indust development, made digitalizationa driving force for achieving carbon net zero emissions, and enabled traditional industries to undergo greentransformation. We persistently explored the design and development of sustainable products such as green materialsand green buildings to promote the sustainable development of living environments with green concepts. Engagingin green circular economy businesses, we enhanced resource utilization eciency and contributed to the constructionof a national green, low-carbon, and circular economic system. We established our presence in the new energy sector,vigorously expanded upstream and downstream supply chain operations in the new energy indust, and oered seicesolutions for various segments of the new energy indust chain. We advocated for energy conseation and emissionreduction actions, urging stakeholders to take collective action to contribute to mitigating climate change.

In 2023, we positioned ourselves to see the real economy and social well-being, actively integrated into the nationaland local development agenda, and fostered the co-prosperity and symbiosis of individuals and society. We diligentlyimplemented indust suppo policies leveraging our industrial resources, tapped into the diverse value of rural areas,promoted rural industrial upgrading, and suppoed the comprehensive advancement of national rural revitalizationpolicies. Through the establishment of a globalized supply chain seice system, we merged into the new developmentparadigm of dual circulation at home and abroad, ensuring the supply chain security for the national agricultural productsand energy resources. Fuhermore, we fullled the mission and responsibilities of state-owned enterprises in culturalpreseation, caring for children, and social welfare, and facilitated the parallel development of the enterprise with urbangrowth. We endeavored to accomplish people's longing for a better life and to exploit new value for more people to live asuperior life.We always believe that talent drives the sustainable development of the company. The trust in our company’s cultureis the key to our employees' enthusiasm and sincerity for C&D Inc. We uphold cultural leadership, shape a culture of"determined progress and integrity," and concentrate on the growth of eve employee. We strive to create a fair, just,harmonious, and inclusive working environment, allowing talent to be an inexhaustible driving force for the company'ssustainable development.Currently, we nd ourselves amidst China's third wave of development. Confronted by the challenges of energy structuraltransformation and intelligent manufacturing brought by this wave, we integrate the United Nations SustainableDevelopment Goals into our corporate sustainable development framework. We actively spearhead the greentransformation of industries, foster the development of a circular economy, embark on a journey of growth with ourshareholders, customers, and society, and seek harmony and symbiosis as we stride condently forward.

Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

C&D Inc. is a modern seice-oriented enterprise with dual main businesses in supply chain operations and real estate. With themission of "To exploit new value for more people to live a superior life," and the brand philosophy of “Together Go Beyond”, weaim to become a leading international supply chain operator and a distinguished real estate developer in China. We are dedicatedto being an exceptional enterprise that fosters employee satisfaction, customer delight, and societal respect.We continue to explore domestic and international markets and construct a global supply chain seice system to suppothe construction of an ecient and smooth international circulation system in China. We actively integrate into the uniednational market, continuously cultivate the markets in the East and South China regions, and vigorously expand into the

central and western regions. We have established 15 platform companies in core cities nationwide. Meanwhile, we seizethe development oppounities of the "Belt and Road" Initiative to accelerate international layout and have set up over30 overseas companies and oces in RCEP member countries, BRICS countries, and countries along the "Belt and Road,"including Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and Brazil. We have deployed over 300 employees overseas,including local sta and expatriates, and established business relations with 170 countries and regions. In 2023, we achieveda total impo and expo volume and international business volume of $43.8 billion, representing a year-on-year growth rateof 8.38%.

About C&D Inc.

Set up over

overseas companies andoces

Deployed over

employees overseas, including localsta and expatriates

Established business relationswith

countries and regions

Achieving anannual international tradevolume exceeding


billion US Dollars


Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

C&D Inc.

"Guoxin Cup·ESG Golden Bull Award"

granted byChina Securities Journal

C&D Inc.

55thon "Top 100 Brand Value List ofChinese Listed Companies"

awarded by National Business Daily

C&D Inc."China Business Top 100 BestManagement and Operations Award"

granted by the China Business Top 100 Forum

C&D Inc."2023 Top 100 Chinese ListedCompanies in ESG"awarded by Securities Times

C&D Inc."Best Listed Company" and"Best ESG Practice Award"received fromthe 5th New Wealth

Highlights of C&D Inc. in 2023

C&D Inc.640thon 2023 Forbes GlobalTop 2000 Enterprises

C&D Inc.11th

on Foune ChinaListed Companies

C&D Inc.2022 Wind ESG IndustBest Practice Award

Awards Related to Economy, Society, and Environment

Total environmental protection input


Ten-thousand RMB

Total social contributions


Ten-thousand RMB

Total safety input

Ten-thousand RMB

Number of employees


personsVolunteer seice hours



Total employee training hours



GHG emissionintensity


e / hundred million RMB of operating revenue

Total water




GHG emissions




Sustainable Development Impact

·Total tax payment:

1,674,762Ten-thousand RMB·Employee compensation:

939,078Ten-thousand RMB·Dividends paid to shareholders:

478,299Ten-thousand RMB·Interests paid to creditors:

828,988Ten-thousand RMB·Social donations:

2,633Ten-thousand RMB·Fiscal subsidies received:

90,294Ten-thousand RMB

Environmental Impact





Note: Data in Social Impact is from audited balance sheets, income statements, or internally audited management repos.

Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability Report

Total Asset


Ten-thousand RMB

Net pro?t attributableto shareholders of the parentcompany1,310,400

Ten-thousand RMB

Operating revenue


Ten-thousand RMBOperating costs


Ten-thousand RMB

About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance


Environmental Peormance Targets in 2023Completion Status

Organize annual inventory of GHG emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2), and commission a third-partyagency to conduct verication of GHG (Scope 1, Scope 2) emission data

100% of subordinate production enterprises pass the ISO14001 environmental managementsystem certification and gradually increase the proportion of entities covered by the ISO14001environmental management system ceication

No major environmental pollution accidents occur

The subordinate production enterprises all achieve the annual target for water consumption per unitof product

Develop green circular economy business, with a minimum of 450,000 tons of waste steelresources recycled, a minimum of 35,000 tons of waste aluminum resources recycled, and aminimum of 350,000 tons of waste paper recycled

Promote energy transformation and upgrading, invest in the photovoltaic power stationbusiness,and promote the development of the new energy vehicle businessCompleted In ProgressUn?nished


Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

TogetherGo Beyond

DevelopClean Technology

Implement Circular Economy Practices

Protect the Ecological Environment

Ethical and CompliantOperations

Unlock Employee Value

SustainableSupply Chain

Community Welfare Contribution




Addressing Climate ChangeWe value the harmonious development between humans and nature, actively research and develop innovative digital technologyapplications, deeply integrate digital solutions with traditional industrial development, empower traditional industries to achievegreen transformation, reduce their energy and resource consumption, and make digitization a solution to promote carbon net zeroemissions. We continuously explore the design and research and development of sustainable products such as green materials andgreen buildings, promote the sustainable development of the human living environment with green concepts, advocate for energyconseation and emission reduction actions, and endeavor to mitigate climate change.

We uphold the new development concept of "Innovative, Coordinated, Green, Open, and Shared Development", and activelyrespond to the national carbon peaking and net zero strategy. We commit to achieving carbon peak by 2030 and net zero emissionsby 2060. We incorporate the development of clean technologies into our company's strategy and invest in clean technology researchand development. Through the investment in R&D of clean technology and the development of innovative digital technologyapplications, we aim to achieve cost reduction and eciency enhancement, empower traditional industries for low-carbontransformation, and drive the green development of the industrial chain while contributing to the global temperature control goalsunder the Paris Agreement.

Sustainable Development Framework

Sustainable Development Policies

EnvironmentXiamen C&D Inc. Environmental ProtectionPolicy


Xiamen C&D Inc. Human Rights PolicyXiamen C&D Inc. Anti-Discrimination andAnti-Harassment PolicyXiamen C&D Inc. Community PolicyXiamen C&D Inc. Occupational Health andSafety PolicyXiamen C&D Inc. Supplier Code of ConductXiamen C&D Inc. Information Security Policy


Xiamen C&D Inc. Business Code of ConductXiamen C&D Inc. Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribe Policy

Sustainable Development Practices


Actively research and develop innovative digitaltechnology applications, empower the low-carbontransformation of traditional industries, and drivethe green development of industrial chains.Proactively engage in green circular economybusiness, promote recycling of scrap steel,aluminum scrap, waste paper, etc., enhanceresource utilization eciency, and minimize carbonemissions throughout the lifecycle of materials andproducts.Research and design green products, investin new energy industries, and promote energyconseation and emission reduction.Optimize water resource management measures,improve water utilization eciency, standardizethe management of pollutants such as waste gas,wastewater, and waste, and ensure compliantdischarge.Refrain from undeaking projects in signicantecological conseation areas and their vicinity inbusiness operations, and practice the principle ofbiodiversity conseation.


Cultivate a global supply chain layout, establisha responsible supply chain management system,provide high-quality and sustainable products andseices to global customers, and enable morepeople to live a superior life.Protect human rights, create an inclusive, safe, andhealthy work environment, along with competitivecompensation and benets.Conduct community dialogue, establishmutually benecial relationships for prosperityand coordinated development, suppo ruralrevitalization, and fulll social responsibilities.


Establish a sound ESG governance mechanism,improve risk management systems, adhere tohigh ethical standards in business operations,and uphold integrity, freedom, and fairness inthe business environment.








Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Sustainable Development Risk Management

We have selected the ve low GHG emissions scenario (SSP1-1.9) and the ve high GHG emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5)from the ve scenarios under the IPCC's Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) to conduct Near term, Medium term,and Long term identication and assessment of climate disaster risks aecting our supply chain operations and realestate business.According to the IPCC's sixth assessment repo, compared to 1850–1900, global suace temperature averaged over2081–2100 is ve likely to be higher by 1.0°C to 1.8°C under the ve low GHG emissions scenario considered (SSP1-1.9),by 2.1°C to 3.5°C in the intermediate GHG emissions scenario (SSP2-4.5) and by 3.3°C to 5.7°C under the ve high GHGemissions scenario (SSP5-8.5).The last time global suace temperature was sustained at or above 2.5°C higher than1850–1900 was over 3 million years ago (medium condence).Relative to 1995–2014, the likely global mean sea level rise by 2100 is 0.28–0.55 m under the ve low GHG emissionsscenario (SSP1-1.9); 0.32–0.62 m under the low GHG emissions scenario (SSP1-2.6); 0.44–0.76 m under theintermediate GHG emissions scenario (SSP2-4.5); and 0.63–1.01 m under the ve high GHG emissions scenario (SSP5-


The average annual global land precipitation is projected to increase by 0–5% under the ve low GHG emissionsscenario (SSP1-1.9), 1.5–8% for the intermediate GHG emissions scenario (SSP2-4.5) and 1–13% under the ve highGHG emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5) by 2081–2100 relative to 1995–2014 (likely ranges).

We attach great impoance to the challenges and transformation oppounities brought by climate change to human society, andincorporate climate change-related risks into our enterprise risk management process. We combine our business characteristics andconduct identication and analysis of climate change risks based on dierent climate scenarios under the IPCC and IEA scenariomodels. We identify and assess the physical risks and transition risks and oppounities in the sho, medium, and long term, activelyexplore development strategies, business plans, and management measures to address climate change risks, continuously improveour sustainable risk response capabilities, and promote sustainable, high-quality development of the company.

Physical Risk Assessment

Climate-related Disaster Risks



Typhoon and Flood

Typhoons may bring strong winds, heavy rain, and stormsurges, while floods can result in catastrophic damageto the company's buildings, equipment, and inventory.This could lead to injuries or entrapment of companyemployees and surrounding residents, and may even triggersecondary disasters such as landslides. It could also resultin transpoation disruptions, po closures, power outages,and other issues, causing suppliers to be unable to delivergoods on time or facing transportation hindrances, thusaecting the company's normal operations.Sea Level RiseOur headquarters are located in coastal areas, and ourassets or real estate projects may face risks of being erodedby seawater or decreasing in value. Rising sea levels maydisrupt transportation systems, leading to interruptions inour supply chain, adversely aecting the procurement of rawmaterials and transpoation of products, thereby impactingproduction schedules and delive capabilities.Loss of Biodiversity and Habitat DisplacementDegradation of marine, coastal, and terrestrial ecosystems,species extinction, and irreversible loss of ecosystems andtheir services (including freshwater, terrestrial, and marineecosystems).Extreme High and Low TemperaturesExtreme high temperatures may lead to heatstroke, fatigue,and increased health problems among employees, reducework efficiency and productivity, and affect the normaloperation of the enterprise. Equipment may be damagedor malfunction due to overheating in high-temperatureenvironments, resulting in production interruptions. To copewith high temperatures, it may be necessa to increase theuse of air conditioning, refrigeration, and other equipment,leading to increased energy consumption and risingoperating costs.Water Scarcity Caused by DroughtThis could potentially lead to insufficient supply of waterresources for production and daily life during businessoperations. To mitigate the impact of water pressure anddrought on business operations, it may be necessary toallocate additional funds to acquire water resources, such asconstructing water treatment facilities, thereby increasingthe operational costs of the enterprise.

Physical Risks

Extreme High ImpactExtreme Low ImpactLow ImpactMedium ImpactHigh Impact


Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Physical Risk Management

Physical Risks Impact PeriodMitigation Plan

Typhoon and FloodTyphoons may bring strong winds, heavy rain, and stormsurges, while floods can result in catastrophic damageto the company's buildings, equipment, and inventory.This could lead to injuries or entrapment of companyemployees and surrounding residents, and may eventrigger secondary disasters such as landslides. It couldalso result in transportation disruptions, port closures,power outages, and other issues, causing suppliers to beunable to deliver goods on time or facing transpoationhindrances, thus affecting the company's normaloperations.

Near Term, Mid-Termand Long Term

Conduct risk assessments in areas that may be aected by typhoonsin advance, and take reinforcement and protective measures forimportant equipment and inventory. Develop emergency plans fortyphoon and flood prevention, conduct regular safety training andemergency drills for employees, and enhance disaster awarenessand self-rescue capabilities. Establish close cooperation with thegovernment and communities to collectively address the challengesposed by typhoons and ensure the safety and health of employeesand the lives of surrounding community residents. Prior to the arrivalof typhoons and heavy rain, communicate in advance with suppliersand logistics companies to ensure their understanding of the typhoonsituation and make corresponding preparations. Pre-stock necessaproduction materials and raw materials in advance to cope withpotential supply chain interruptions.Seal Level RiseOur headquarters are located in coastal areas, and ourassets or real estate projects may face risks of beingeroded by seawater or decreasing in value. Rising sealevels may disrupt transportation systems, leading tointerruptions in our supply chain, adversely affectingthe procurement of raw materials and transportation ofproducts, thereby impacting production schedules anddelive capabilities.

Mid-Term and LongTerm

Comprehensively assess the risk of sea level rise in the company'slocation, carefully evaluate new investments or constructions inlow-lying areas or areas vulnerable to sea level rise. Take protectivemeasures such as reinforcing embankments, constructing oodgates,and upgrading drainage systems for existing facilities to enhancetheir ability to resist disasters such as oods and seawater intrusion.Regularly inspect and maintain these facilities to ensure their normaloperation. Establish a diversied supply chain to reduce reliance on asingle supplier and mitigate supply chain risks resulting from sea levelrise.Loss of Biodiversity and Habitat DisplacementDegradation of marine, coastal, and terrestrial ecosystems,species extinction, and irreversible loss of ecosystems andtheir seices (including freshwater, terrestrial, and.

Mid-Term and LongTerm

Conduct environmental assessments and strive to minimize thenegative impact of enterprise production and operations onecosystems. Advocate for biodiversity conseation actions to protectthe ecological environment of the local community.Extreme High and Low TemperaturesExtreme high temperatures may lead to heatstroke,fatigue, and increased health problems among employees,reduce work efficiency and productivity, and affect thenormal operation of the enterprise. Equipment may bedamaged or malfunction due to overheating in high-temperature environments, resulting in productioninterruptions. To cope with high temperatures, it maybe necessary to increase the use of air conditioning,refrigeration, and other equipment, leading to increasedenergy consumption and rising operating costs.

Near Term, Mid-Termand Long Term

Provide necessa cooling or warming equipment to ensure the healthand safety of employees in high or low temperature environments.Additionally, schedule work hours sensibly to avoid outdoor tasksduring periods of extreme temperatures, reducing employee exposureto such conditions. Regularly maintain and inspect critical equipment toensure its proper functioning in extreme temperatures. Optimize oceenvironment design with natural ventilation and shading measures toreduce air conditioning load. Actively seek renewable energy sourcesand energy-saving technologies to reduce energy consumption andoperational costs.

Water Scarcity Caused by DroughtThis could potentially lead to insucient supply of waterresources for production and daily life during businessoperations. To mitigate the impact of water pressure anddrought on business operations, it may be necessaryto allocate additional funds to acquire water resources,such as constructing water treatment facilities, therebyincreasing the operational costs of the enterprise.

Near Term, Mid-Termand Long Term

Develop a comprehensive water resource management strategy,including water-saving measures, water recycling, rainwater haesting,etc., to reduce reliance on external water resources. Conduct regularassessments of water resource risks and implement correspondingresponse measures, such as establishing emergency water reservesand formulating contingency plans. Organize regular employeeawareness campaigns and training on water resource conservationto enhance water-saving awareness. Adopt advanced water-savingtechnologies and processes to improve water resource utilizationeciency. Avoid water conseation areas as much as possible beforeproject construction or acquisition, and collaborate with governmentsand communities to participate in water resource conservation andgovernance eos, and jointly promote the sustainable utilization ofwater resources.

With reference to the IEA’s scenario model, we selected the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario, where the global energy-related CO2 emissions are expected to reach net zero by 2050, oering the world a chance to limit the global temperature riseto within 1.5 °C. We also choose the Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS), which considers only specic policies already enacted orannounced by governments, and annual CO2 emissions from energy-related and industrial processes are projected to increase from34 gigatons in 2020 to 36 gigatons in 2030, and remain at approximately the same level until 2050. If emissions continue along thistrajecto and non-energy-related greenhouse gas emissions follow a similar trend, the global temperature is estimated to rise byaround 2.7°C by 2100 (with a 50% probability). By 2050, the share of renewable energy in global electricity generation is projectedto approach 55%. Over the period from 2020 to 2050, global coal consumption is expected to decrease by 15%, oil consumptionto increase by 15%, and natural gas consumption to increase by nearly 50%. We conducted sho-term, medium-term, and long-term identication and assessment of the transition risks to our supply chain operations and real estate business, and formulatedcorresponding measures to enhance the company's ability for sustainable development.

Transition Risks

Transition RisksImpact PeriodMitigation Plans


Near Term, Mid-Term and Long


Uphold a strategy of specialized operation, improve the construction and management of professionalgroups and business units, and promote the specialized development of each operating unit. Suppo theexpansion of core business operations, consolidation of market position, and enhancement of induststatus and core competitiveness from aspects such as resource allocation, management mechanisms, andindustrial investment.Speed up the "going global" layout, grounded on the domestic and international dual circulationdevelopment pattern, continuously cultivate the advantageous regional markets such as East China andSouth China domestically, actively expand the markets in the central and western regions, integrate intothe countries that have signed the RCEP agreement overseas, establish local teams and channels, andproactively build a global supply chain system.Bolster the technological and nancial empowerment, accelerate the application of digital technology,and realize the online, digital, mobile, and visual operation of supply chain operations. Explore variousnancing channels, optimize the nancing structure, exibly use various nancial products and tools,reasonably hedge against exchange rate risks, reduce nancing costs, and improve protability.Strengthen investment suppo on the basis of specialized operations, seek cooperation oppounitieswith indust-leading enterprises, extend the layout of core businesses to the upstream and downstreamindustrial chains, and continuously enhance the competitiveness of core businesses through resourcesharing.


Near Term, Mid-Term and

Long Term

Closely monitor the macroeconomic situation and track indust regulato dynamics, follow the directionof macro-control policies, and promptly formulate response measures in accordance with policy changes.Fully consider policy risks in land acquisition and resee sucient safety margins.Systematically enhance operational eciency, balance growth speed with development quality, improvethe quality of products and seices, and actively establish a diversied matrix of real estate-relatedbusinesses to cope with external unceainties.




Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance


Near Term, Mid-Term and Long


Actively research and develop innovative digital technology applications, continuously promote thedevelopment and innovation of digital application in the supply chain, integrate digital solutions withtraditional industrial development, empower traditional industries to achieve green transformation, reducetheir energy and resource consumption, promote overall energy saving, cost reduction, quality improvement,and enhance the competitiveness of products and sustainable development capabilities.Actively explore the research and design of green materials through research and innovation in greenenvironmental protection technology, provide environmental protection solutions for footwear and bagsproducts, and empower the green development of upstream and downstream enterprises.Inject green ecological concepts into urban architectural practice through innovative research anddevelopment of the fouh generation of residential buildings to achieve harmonious development betweenbuildings and the environment.Develop new energy businesses and markets, cooperate in the construction and operation of photovoltaicpower stations in multiple regions domestically, invest in and operate various new energy brand 4S stores,promote the development of new energy public service vehicle businesses, continuously develop thephotovoltaic, energy storage, and new energy vehicle industry chains, expand overseas markets, andaccelerate integration into the global new energy value chain.

Market PriceFluctuations

Near Term, Mid-Term and Long


Implement corresponding management measures based on different commodities andbusiness models:

·For agency business and transactions involving locked-in customers, mitigate certainrisks in the initial contract phase by selecting high-quality clients and collecting deposits.After business commencement, track and control risks through methods such as priceadjustments.·For proprieta operations, implement unilateral exposure volume control. Utilize oating

pricing and index pricing settlement methods during business operations. Additionally,hedge against price risks through reasonable futures or options protection.·Closely monitor changes in relevant commodity market prices and external situations.Encourage operational units to expedite turnover and reduce price risks through real-timeprice monitoring.

Intensicationof industcompetition

Near Term, Mid-Term and Long


Combine years of deep experience with accumulated channel and brand advantages toestablish a multi-category supply chain service business matrix, forming a competitiveadvantage through scale and specialization.Promptly engage with national policies, expedite expansion into the "Belt and Road" initiativeand other global markets, explore novel models and new business sectors, and continuouslyenlarge the business footprint and market reach.Strengthen information technology construction to accelerate business operation eciency.Enhance the value-added service solutions, increase customer stickiness, and enhanceindust inuence to strengthen overall business competitiveness.Continue to optimize real estate projects, intensify the focus on existing key regions, andsteadily expand into promising cities.Continuously develop distinctive products, strengthen brand characteristics, tailorbenchmark projects for key cities according to local conditions, and leverage the value ofreal estate-related commercial seices such as "real estate +" to enhance dierentiationcompetitive advantages.

GHG Emissions ManagementIn compliance with the ISO14064-1:2018 standard, we conducted a greenhouse gas invento for entities within the consolidationscope using the operational control approach in 2023. In 2023, our total greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) amounted to973,719 tCO

e, representing an increase compared to 2022 mainly due to the acquisition of Meikailong during the repoing period.If we exclude the GHG emission data from Macalline during the repoing period and maintain a consistent comparison between2022 and 2023, the company's total greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) would be 490,542 tCO

e. This reects a decreaseof 15,628 tCO

e compared to 2022, representing a year-on-year decline of 3.1%.

Our GHG Emissions1,200,0001,000,000800,000600,000400,000200,000

Scope 1(tCO


Scope 2(tCO


Scope 1:

Direct GHG Emissions(tCO

e)434,139285,727Scope 2:

Indirect GHG Emissions(tCO

e)539,580220,443Total GHG Emissions(tCO

e)973,719506,170Carbon Emissions Intensity(tCO

e/hundred million RMB of operatingrevenue)











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2023 Energy Consumption

Xiamen C&D Inc.

FunctionalManagement Depament

Supply ChainOperations Segment

C&D RealEstate Corp., Ltd.

Lianfa Group


Real EstateOperations Segment

Owned and LeasedBuildings

Owned and LeasedBuildings

Owned and LeasedBuildings

Owned and LeasedBuildings

Oce Vehicles

Oce Vehicles

Oce VehiclesOce VehiclesWarehouse OperationsEquipment

Seven Major Specialized Groups andEmerging Business DivisionMACALLINE

Organizational Bounda


Our greenhouse gas invento scope for 2023 includes Scope 1 direct emission sources and Scope 2 indirect emission sources.Specically, Scope 1 encompasses emission sources such as natural gas boiler combustion, vehicle combustion facilities, as well asfugitive emissions from air conditioning units, re extinguishers, etc. Scope 2 includes greenhouse gas emissions generated frompurchased electricity, heat, and other sources.

2023 GHG Invento Scope

Organizational Bounda of 2023 GHG Invento

Elaboration on Energy Consumption in 2023In 2023, our prima energy sources were coal and electricity. The specic energy consumption breakdown is as follows:

Energy Type20232022

2023 Energyconsumption in 2023(tonnes of standardcoal)

2022 Energyconsumption(tonnes of standardcoal)

2023 Energyconsumption


(%)Coal (t)166,254137,412118,75598,15340.920Electricity (kWh)947,373,073259,624,703116,43246,73940.119Natural Gas (m?)39,117,790105,48852,02714017.927Thermal (GJ)27,26616,4829305620.320Gasoline (L)701,654914,0237549820.260Steam (t)7,193/746/0.257Diesel (L)446,758494,6185606200.193Liqueed Petroleum Gas


6,5601,323,280112,2690.004 Total290,215149,465100

Electricity Steam Natural Gas Gasoline Diesel Liqueed Petroleum Gas Coal Thermal



















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Research and Application of Digital Technology

The application of digital technology, through enhancing resource utilization eciency, reducing pollutionemissions, promoting green consumption, and minimizing carbon emissions, sees as a pivotal cleantechnology in realizing carbon peak and net zero objectives and advancing sustainable developmentacross the economy and society. We keep innovating digital technology applications, continuouslydeepen the development and innovation of digital application scenarios within the supply chain. Weintricately integrate digital solutions with the evolution of traditional industries, empowering them toundergo a green transformation while curbing their energy and resource consumption. This fosterscomprehensive energy savings, cost reductions, quality enhancements, and eciency improvementsthroughout the industrial chain, thus collectively propelling green and low-carbon development withinthe indust.

GHG Emissions Reduction SchemesWe proactively align with the national carbon peaking and net zero strategy and draw insights from the "Corporate Net ZeroPathway - Delivering the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals," released by the United Nations Global Compact(UNGC). Through the adoption of digital technology research and innovation, green product development and design, and advocacyfor energy conseation and emissions reduction, we aim to not only reduce GHG emissions from our own operations but alsofacilitate the low-carbon transformation of traditional industries and drive the green development of the industrial chain.

Our pulp and paper indust internetplatform was awarded

recognized our company's proactiveexploration and leading role in thedigital transformation of the pulpand paper indust


Internet Platform for the Pulp and Paper IndustThe pulp and paper indust chain encompasses upstream international pulpmills, midstream paper mills, as well as downstream printing and packagingfactories, with tens of thousands of enterprises involved. Leveraging ourinnovative "LIFT Supply Chain Seices" system, we have developed a leadingpulp and paper indust internet platform, with core products including"E-Pulp" and "PaperSource". Through technologies such as aicial intelligence,blockchain, cloud computing, and big data, we have introduced a digital holisticsolution centered around information, storage and transpoation, nance, andrisk control, achieving ecient linkage between online and oine scenariosand resources. This has addressed the high costs, logistical challenges, andfunding shoages traditionally faced in the pulp and paper indust. We havepropelled the transformation and upgrading of the entire indust chain, andachieved cost reduction and eciency enhancement by providing customerswith comprehensive, high-quality, and customized supply chain seices. Wehave also introduced aicial intelligence technologies such as digital humantechnology to enrich the content of information programs, and created a seriesof popular audio and video programs to tackle the information barriers andscattered information sources in the pulp and paper indust. In promotingthe digitization of international business, the pulp and paper indust internetplatform collaborates with upstream suppliers in the international pulp supplychain to explore paperless transactions in the global pulp and paper indust.This has facilitated the rapid circulation of electronic documents globally,enabled the full digitization of business processes, saved resources, andimproved the eciency and security of transactions.

the second prize

in the"First State-owned Enterprise DigitalScenario Innovation ProfessionalCompetition" by the SASAC,

We ranked


on the" China Industrial InternetTop 100 List"We received the honor of the"2021-2023 Enterprises with OutstandingContributions to the Tenth Anniversa ofChina Industrial Internet Development"



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We innovate by using bamboo instead of wood to produce our own brand "Choice of Purity" Natural Bamboo PulpPaper. The "Choice of Purity" Natural Bamboo Pulp Paper adheres to the principle of purity, with no uorescentagents, bleaching agents, sterile, or harmful additives. The COD emissions during the production process are onlyhalf of those of white paper. Additionally, it has passed international food-grade tests such as those from the U.S.FDA and the EU's AP.

Compared to traditional chemical pulping, modern bamboo pulp production technologyplaces greater emphasis on environmental protection. The pulping production line for"Choice of Purity" bamboo pulp adopts advanced international technologies such asDisplacement Digester System and Closed Screening. The extended delignicationof bamboo pulp and related clean technologies have been included in the NationalDevelopment and Reform Commission's major industrial technology developmentspecial projects. Advanced pulping technology provides suppo for product quality.The leading product, high-grade bamboo pulp board, features high strength, good airpermeability, absorbency, and signicant antibacterial propeies. It is environmentallyfriendly, free from toxic elements, and suitable for the production of household paperand high-quality paper. Compared to wood pulp papermaking, eve ton of bamboopulp paper saves one ton of steam consumption. The energy consumption of "Choice ofPurity" bamboo pulp paper is about 300 kilograms of standard coal per ton of product,which is approximately 350 kilograms lower than the national clean standard (650kilograms of standard coal). Additionally, bamboo pulp waste residue is processed intomushroom planting feilizers to promote local economic development and protect thelocal ecology.

●Green Pulp and PaperC&D Esteellink

Drawing on the demand for high-quality supply chain seices from ecologicalpaners across the upstream and downstream of the steel indust chain, wehave launched the "C&D Esteellink" collaborative platform. This platform, builtupon the "LIFT Supply Chain Seices," integrates key elements such as logistics,information, nance, and business to revamp traditional supply chain operationseice processes with optimized management and seices model. It improvesoperational eciency and user experience for the steel indust clients throughoering online contract signing, logistics tracking, self-seice delive, andintelligent settlement reconciliation, improving quality and eciency for bothupstream and downstream stakeholders in the steel indust.

Green Products Design and R&D

We continuously explore the design and R&D of green products such as green materials and green buildingsin our supply chain operations and real estate business, and promote the sustainable development of livingenvironments with green concepts.

In 2023, at the 6th Digital ChinaSummit, the " C&D Esteellink" platformwas awarded the second prize in thecompetition for its use of technologyto empower supply chain operations,reduce costs, increase eciency, andpromote low-carbon transformationand development. It won the awardfor its digital application scenarioof "Create an Internet platformfor the steel indust to empowercollaborative development in the steelindust."

The "Choice of Purity" Natural Bamboo Pulp Paper is sourced from the bamboo forests of Muchuan, where the unique ber of the localBambusa Emeiensis is ideal for papermaking. Bambusa Emeiensis is a typical cluster plant, maturing in three years, and after maturity, the oldbamboo can be haested annually, leaving new shoots to grow. Proper haesting promotes the healthy growth of bamboo forests, ensuringlush greene in the mountains and eectively preventing soil erosion and loss of water and soil.

Environmental-friendly Technology

Over the past decade, the total production capacity of bamboo pulp at the pulpmill we invested in has reached 3.60 million tons. While catalyzing the developmentof industries worth 4 billion RMB in Muchuan County, Sichuan Province, we havealso contributed to raising the forest coverage rate from 13.8% to 77.34%. The areaof bamboo forests has expanded from 20,000 mu in the 1980s to 800,000 mu. Thecumulative substitution of wood pulp resources is equivalent to saving the logging of1 million mu of forests.

The total production capacity of bamboo pulpat the pulp mill we invested in has reached


million tonsThe cumulative substitution of wood pulpresources is equivalent to saving the logging of

million mu

of forests.


Raw Materials Sourcing


Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

As the rst residential project with three-dimensional greening in Fuzhou, the "C&D·ManYun" project integrates the concept of "sky gardens"and "sky garden streets" into the traditional largeat layout. It introduces veical greening, formingan architectural form of "streets and lanes on eachoor, couyard for each household." While ensuringbuilding quality and safety, this design enhancesthe greening rate of the community and the comfoof residents, achieving harmonious developmentbetween architecture and the environment.

"C&D·Man Yun" Project in Fuzhou

●Green Building

It is a crucial initiative to develop green and low-carbon buildingsfor conseing resources, protecting the environment, and achievingsustainable development. We abide by national and industrequirements for green buildings, such as the "Assessment Standard forGreen Building," "Code for Green Design of Civil Buildings," and "DesignStandard for Energy Eciency of Public Buildings." We rigorouslymanage environmental protection throughout the entire lifecycle ofbuildings, from design to operation, promoting practices in greenbuilding design, sponge city design, prefabricated building technology,BIM technology, and ultra-low energy consumption buildings. Thisenhances project quality, construction eciency, maximizes resourceconseation, reduces negative environmental impacts, and constructssafe and comfoable green and low-carbon buildings, to establishharmonious coexistence between buildings and nature. In 2023, wecompleted 11 new green building projects with 2 projects obtained theone-star green building ceication.

We incorporate environmentally friendly materialssuch as SORONA, CELYS, and PRIMALOFT BIOinto our product designs. We present a greenand eco-friendly design concept by employinggreen materials, printing and dyeing techniques,and production processes. We are committed totransforming the traditional textile fabric productionprocess that generates carbon dioxide emissions.For dierent markets and ceication standards, werigorously select suppliers based on four dimensions:

product recycling, production and sales supeision,social and environmental practices, and chemicalrestrictions. We also provide various ceicationssuch as GRS, GOTS, OEKO-TEX, BCI, and RCS.We actively explore and utilize recycled polyester,recycled cotton, plant bers, biodegradablebiomaterials, and carbon-negative materials, oersustainable development solutions for clothing andtextile products, and empower green and sustainabledevelopment across the entire indust chain.

●Green Material

In the eld of bio-based outsoles, we have conducted in-depthresearch on sustainable solutions utilizing sugarcane, corn,soybeans, and straw for bio-fermentation, and customizedproduction of bio-based outsoles and raw materials withcontent ranging from 20% to 90% for our clients. By replacingpetroleum-based materials with bio-based ones in outsoleproduction, we have fully achieved material recyclability,biodegradability, and ecological sustainability.

We completed

newgreen building projectswith

projects obtainedthe one-star green buildingceication.




Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

We advocate for daily work communication and collaboration through video conferences and remote work to reducegreenhouse gas emissions generated by business trips. We encourage employees to carpool for necessa ocial tripsto achieve a low-carbon commuting.

We are implementing management measures aimed at "reducing unnecessa energy consumption and implementing energy-savingtechnology upgrades" and "developing low-energy oce equipment and eveday appliances to decrease oce power consumption." Weactively advocate for the adoption of environmentally friendly and energy-ecient appliances and facilities to achieve our energy-savingobjectives. For instance, in oce areas, we utilize energy-ecient lighting and make optimal use of natural site conditions, ensuring a well-designed layout for oce and tempora living facilities that considers proper orientation, spacing, and window-to-wall ratio. Temporafacilities are constructed with color steel composite walls for insulation, insulated roofs, and sealed doors and windows with excellentheat insulation propeies to ensure eective insulation and minimize energy wastage. Energy-ecient lighting is employed extensively inconstruction sites, oce areas, and living quaers, both indoors and outdoors. Specic on and o timings are established for lighting intower crane lights, oce areas, and living quaers, with adjustments made according to seasonal requirements to reduce energy losses.We have established lighting operation maintenance and management systems and continually enhance energy-saving rates throughelectricity consumption tracking and comparative analysis. Automatic opening and closing times for various light sources, such as lightstrips in public oce areas, are shoened to minimize energy consumption.

Ultra-low energy buildings have become one of the impoanttrends in building development today. Not only do they help reduceenergy consumption and environmental pollution, but they alsoenhance the comfo and quality of buildings, creating healthier, morecomfoable, and livable living environments. We actively promote theconstruction of ultra-low energy buildings and employ technologiessuch as external sun shading, energy-ecient doors and windows,insulation of building envelopes, and ecient heat recove in projectconstruction to reduce the demand for building heating and cooling.We optimize heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systemsto improve energy eciency and fully utilize renewable energy sourcessuch as solar energy. By providing comfoable indoor environmentswith less energy consumption and meeting the basic requirements ofgreen buildings, we eectively reduce building energy consumptionand achieve sustainable development in construction. In 2023, wedeveloped multiple ultra-low energy or nearly zero energy projectsin cities like Shanghai and Hefei. Among them, the Man Yun Projectin Minhang District, Shanghai, is expected to save 745,700 kWhof electricity annually, equivalent to saving 215.3 tons of standardcoal, representing approximately 50% energy savings compared toconventional residential projects. The Jing Yuan Project in Shanghaiis expected to save 913,200 kWh of electricity annually, equivalent tosaving 723.34 tons of standard coal, representing approximately 60%energy savings compared to conventional residential projects.

Projects of “C&D·Man Yun” and “C&D·Jing Yuan” in Shanghai

The Man Yun Project in Minhang District,Shanghai, is expected to save745,700

kWhof electricity annuallyequivalent to saving


tonsof standard coal

equivalent to saving


tonsof standard coal

The Jing Yuan Project in Shanghaiis expected to save913,200

kWhof electricity annually

Energy-saving and Emission-reduction ActionsAs a responsible enterprise, we actively promote energy-saving and emission-reductionactions. We rigorously regulate the utilization of energy and resources in the workplacethrough green oce practices, eco-friendly transpo, equipment energy-savingupgrades, and other methods. We also strengthen employees' awareness of resourceconseation and environmental protection, aiming to improve the eciency of energyand resource utilization and achieve energy-saving and emission-reduction goals.

● Green Oce Practices

●Eco-friendly Transpo

●Equipment Energy-saving Upgrades

We are comprehensively advancing the digitalization of oce systems, providing online seices for administrativemanagement, personnel management, nancial management, and business applications, among other oce scenarios,to enhance operational eciency, unleash collaborative value, and create a paperless intelligent oce environment.In our eos towards energy conseation and emission reduction in the workplace, we have formulated the "XiamenC&D International Building Daily Safety, Energy Saving, and Environmental Hygiene Management Measures." TheGreen Oce Working Group conducts daily inspections on energy-saving measures in the oce building to ensuretheir eective implementation. For instance, we post energy-saving signs in public areas, encouraging employees toturn o power when leaving work. We install sma motion sensors in staircases, bathrooms, and other public areasto automatically turn o lights when unoccupied, eliminating the phenomenon of "long-term lighting". We reduce thenumber of lighting xtures in oce areas with sucient natural sunlight, minimizing energy consumption. We prioritizethe use of fans during weekend oveime shifts and strictly control additional requests for air conditioning usage. Inour real estate business, the construction project depaments strictly control air conditioning usage, ensuring indoortemperatures do not fall below 26°C in summer and do not exceed 20°C in winter. We primarily rely on solar energyfor hot water supply in workers' bathrooms at construction sites, with electricity seing as a backup to reduce energyconsumption. Maintenance, repair, and inspection systems are established for construction machine and equipmentto optimize their utilization and load capacity through reasonable process arrangements. Energy-saving signs areprominently placed at power sources to remind employees to adopt electricity conseation habits.



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C&D Propey implemented a human-machine collaboration work mode in theWalton 1275 project, achieving a high equipment coverage rate of up to 90%in the park. All of the aforementioned equipment operated on electric powerand abandoned traditional fuel-based equipment. Combined with standardizedequipment management, it ensured ecient and energy-saving operation ofthe equipment, achieving a 46% increase in equipment utilization eciencyand eective carbon emissions reduction. Taking the oor scrubber in theunderground garage as an example, after optimization, one machine onlyneeded to operate four times per month to complete the cleaning of 1,640parking spaces, which signicantly improved work eciency and reduced energyconsumption.

In 2023, MACALLINE completed the transformation of six ultra-low nitrogen burners in two of its shopping malls. Afterthe transformation, the air-fuel ratio and gas eciency of the boilers reached their highest levels, with a combustioneciency of up to 99.9%. Emissions of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants met environmental protection standards.Additionally, MACALLINE replaced and repaired 172,000 LED energy-saving lamps in the shopping malls, achieving acoverage rate of 99% with the LED energy-saving lamps which eectively reduced the energy consumption of the malls.

Based on the energy consumption data for the year 2022 and the expected increase in project area for the takeoverproject in 2023, our subsidia C&D Propey and its business units jointly set the energy-saving target for the year2023, aiming for a 5% improvement in energy eciency. C&D Propey requires all business units and projects tostrictly adhere to the "Energy Conseation and Control Standard in Public Area" and "Energy Saving ManagementOperation Guide," continuously improve and implement the water and electricity management system in oce areas,and sta implementing energy-saving measures from the initial stage of budget formulation through adjusting costbudgets to ensure the smooth achievement of energy-saving targets. Each business unit has formulated energy-savingplans based on the actual situation of their respective projects, detailing energy-saving modules, methods, monthlyprojected energy-saving data, completion time of energy-saving plans, and responsible personnel from multipledimensions. At the same time, energy-saving indicators have been included in the quaerly assessment of businessunit functions as bonus points to encourage active paicipation in energy-saving work by all business units.

Cost Control and Eciency EnhancementHuman-Machine Collaboration for Energy Eciency

Equipment Renovation for Energy ConseationCompleted the local temperature control transformation of 320 elevator machine rooms, achievedautomatic adjustment of air conditioning and fans based on room temperature, and signicantlyimproved the energy-saving eects.Replaced the lighting xtures in the underground garage with dual-brightness radar induction lightingxtures, automatically adjusted brightness based on pedestrian and vehicle ow in the garage, andsuppoed regional networking to meet the travel needs of owners. The energy-saving eect of a singleproject achieved at 20% approximately.Strengthened the requirements for temperature settings and switch-o times for oce area airconditioning, formulated relevant management systems, implemented energy-saving measures in oceareas, and posted conspicuous reminder signs at air conditioning switches, and saved approximately 5,600kWh of electricity per month.Optimized the automatic switch-o time and temperature of terminal fan coils or air conditioningsubunits based on the number of personnel in oce area, and saved approximately 6,200 kWh ofelectricity per month.

Replaced and repaired

172,000LED energy-saving lamps in the shopping malls

After optimization, one machine only neededto operate four times per month to completethe cleaning of1,640

parking spaces,which signicantly improvedwork eciency andreduced energyconsumption.

Achieving a coverage rate of99%

with the LED energy-saving lamps




Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Pollution Prevention and Ecosystem Protection

As a leading domestic supply chain operator and real estatedeveloper, we are committed to creating an environmentally friendlyand comfoable business and living environment for stakeholdersworldwide. We strive to minimize the environmental impact of ouroperations. We have formulated an "Environmental ProtectionPolicy" that sets foh standardized requirements for our companyand its subsidiaries in reducing pollutant emissions, conseingwater resources, and protecting biodiversity, among other aspects.Our company's management is responsible for environmental issuemanagement objectives and pledges to oversee the implementationof environmental management policies and the improvement ofenvironmental peormance. Our production-oriented enterprisesunder the company have obtained ISO14001 environmentalmanagement system ceication.

Pollutants Emissions ControlWe strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations such as the "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republicof China," the "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China," the " Law of the People's Republicof China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste," and the "Law of the People's Republic of Chinaon Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution." We regulate the management of pollutants such as exhaust gases,wastewater, solid waste, and noise to minimize the negative impact of emissions from our business operations on the surroundingenvironment. In 2023, we did not experience any signicant environmental pollution incidents and did not receive any relatedpenalties.

We select decoration materials that have been tested and ceied by statuto testing units, and conduct assessmentsof hazardous substances in accordance with relevant national regulations and standards. We prohibit the burning ofconstruction waste and other materials that produce toxic, harmful smoke, and foul odors within the construction area tominimize environmental pollution.

Dust identication signs are installed on the construction site to identify dust generation during various stages andprocesses of construction, enabling precise management by classifying pollution levels in advance.Early overall planning is conducted for site leveling, and concrete hardening is applied to construction roads.Dedicated personnel are assigned to peorm daily cleaning, and water trucks are deployed for regular watering to keepthe roads moist.Uncovered soil is managed by a combination of planting grass and using green nets to control dust, ensuringcomprehensive coverage of site management without leaving any blind spots.Sprinklers are installed at fencing, scaolding, mixing sheds, and tower crane locations, equipped with mist cannons,water trucks, and poable dust prevention devices to establish a comprehensive and multi-level dust control system.According to pollution weather response notications issued by government depaments, the sprinkler system isactivated at specied inteals throughout the day to reduce dust.Monitoring points are set up for the main sprinkler systems of each project, utilizing wireless sensor technology and laserdust testing equipment to monitor PM2.5 levels online. The sprinkler system is activated in real-time when PM2.5 levelsexceed 75μg/m?, automatically spraying until PM2.5 returns to normal levels.Moar mixing operations are centralized within enclosed mixing sheds, with sprinkler systems installed around theperimeter of the shed roof.The design of discharge outlets in garbage recycling channels is optimized, with spray systems installed to prevent dustpollution.Automatic high-pressure water systems are installed at the washing bay to ensure that vehicles leaving the constructionsite are cleaned, reducing road pollution.In the operation of shopping malls under our company, we attach great impoance to the issue of kitchen fume emissionsin the catering indust. We have implemented practical and eective measures to comprehensively manage kitchen fumeemissions in the malls we operate. This includes establishing strict standards for kitchen fume emissions, regulating thedesign of kitchen fume ducts, and installing fume puriers in the catering outlets of the malls to ensure that fumes areemitted only after meeting the standards. Additionally, we have undeaken renovations on the slag bin bag dust removalsystem, replacing lter bags for the bag lter, actively improving dust removal eciency, and reducing exhaust gas emissions.

●Exhaust Gas Emission Management

In the real estate business, construction exhaust gases and dust are common pollutants during the constructionprocess, which can have a ceain impact on the surrounding environment and human health. We have implementeda series of proactive measures to manage and control the emissions of construction exhaust gases and dust duringproject construction:

Exhaust Gas Management

Dust Management






Xiamen C&D Inc. 2023 Sustainability ReportAbout This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

●Waste Discharge Management

We implement measures for classied management of household waste, mall waste, as well as general and hazardouswaste generated during paper mill operations and real estate construction projects, aiming to minimize waste generationand discharge. Additionally, we have developed comprehensive emergency plans such as the "Comprehensive EmergencyPlan for Sudden Environmental Incidents" and the "Special Emergency Plan for Sudden Environmental Incidents ofHazardous Waste," and actively conduct emergency drills for sudden environmental incidents. These drills focus onemergencies such as hazardous chemical spills and waste oil leaks, aiming to prevent and mitigate the harm caused bysudden environmental incidents, and safeguard public health and environmental safety.

Our company's production factories actively car out projects to upgrade sewage treatment pump stations, alongwith constructing anaerobic tanks and suppoing facilities, aiming to enhance sewage treatment capacity and reducewastewater discharge. Additionally, we utilize grease traps to purify and treat kitchen wastewater generated by the mallsoperated under our company, ensuring that the wastewater meets the required standards before discharge.

●Wastewater Discharge ManagementIn the real estate business, we have implemented strict measures for wastewater discharge management during projectconstruction, ensuring ecient treatment and environmentally friendly discharge of wastewater.

Each project site is equipped with three-stage sedimentation discharge facilities, with sedimentation tanksinstalled at the front of mixers, concrete conveying pumps, and cleaning areas for transpoation vehicles.Sediments in the tanks are regularly removed.

Tempora roads and material storage areas on site are planned with drainage ditches to control sewageow. Sewage is directed into municipal sewage pipelines after sedimentation to prevent constructionsewage from directly entering municipal sewage pipelines or polluting the environment.

Toilets in living areas are equipped with septic tanks. Sewage is decomposed and settled before beingdischarged into municipal sewage pipelines through on-site pipelines, and regular cleaning is conductedusing cleaning vehicles.

Ecient sewage discharge systems are established on construction sites to ensure separate use ofrainwater and sewage networks. It is strictly prohibited to discharge non-rainwater into municipalrainwater pipelines.

Cafeterias in living areas are equipped with grease traps. Oil residues are treated through sedimentationand grease separation before being discharged into municipal sewage pipelines. Food residue bins areprovided to handle food residues properly, and it is strictly prohibited for food residues to ow intomunicipal pipelines.

Special storage rooms and ground sealing measures are implemented to strengthen the management ofoil and chemical storage on site, and arbitra dumping of oil is strictly prohibited to ensure that water andsoil resources are not polluted.

Establish dedicated tempora storage sites for waste and store them separately, especially those that may causeseconda pollution. Implement safety precautions and prominent signage.Set up enclosed garbage stations on construction sites for timely soing and recycling of waste materials. Specialliving and oce areas are equipped with designated waste recycling stations, cleaned daily by assigned personnel.Sign environmental agreements with local waste disposal centers for timely disposal of construction and householdwaste.Immediately cover non-toxic and harmless waste such as construction leftovers with soil and regularly remove them.Classify recyclable waste and store it properly in designated bins or containers, managed centrally by warehouseadministrators.Non-recyclable waste should be piled up at designated locations for timely removal.Ensure no littering or mixing of waste during transpoation.Transpo toxic and hazardous waste to specialized centers for disposal.Prohibit the melting of asphalt or burning of waste materials containing toxic and harmful substances onconstruction sites.

Fixed garbage collection points are set up within the community, equipped with clearly labeled and color-coded waste soing containers to ensure residents dispose of garbage correctly. Hazardous waste collectionbins are also treated to prevent leakage, avoiding seconda pollution. Propey management is responsible forcoordinating and managing various aspects of community household waste classication, including collection,transpoation, and disposal. In oce buildings, garbage soing bins are placed in pantries and elevator lobbiesto encourage employees to actively paicipate in and correctly car out waste soing.Household



Paper MillWaste


We use classied garbage bins to so and store waste, and have signed waste removal contracts with waste disposalcompanies to ensure compliant handling of building waste.

During the pulp and paper production process, we have established a "Responsibility System for Prevention andControl of Hazardous Waste Pollution" to strengthen the management of the entire process of solid waste generation,storage, utilization, and disposal. Hazardous waste is entrusted to qualied companies for disposal. General solid wastesuch as y ash, slag, and desulfurization gypsum are utilized as raw materials by building material companies. Papermill waste is utilized as raw materials for comprehensive utilization projects of paper mill waste. Waste plastics, wastepulp, and waste metals are sold as production raw materials externally. Unusable bottom slag and sludge are entrustedto qualied companies for incineration. Additionally, a small amount of sludge is co-red with coal in the company'sboilers for fuel utilization.



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Water Resources ManagementWe prioritize water resource management, adhering to relevant laws and regulationsconcerning water resource protection, and recognizing the signicant impact ofwater consumption on the environment. Throughout our operations, we optimizewater resource management measures to enhance water use eciency, reduce waterconsumption intensity, and ensure the sustainable utilization of water resources.Additionally, we encourage our employees and stakeholders to cultivate a senseof responsible water use, collectively contributing to water resource conseationeos. In 2023, all production-oriented enterprises under our company achievedtheir annual targets for water consumption per unit of product.

●Noise Pollution ManagementWe actively implement corresponding measures to control the noise generated at construction sites, ensuring that noisemanagement complies with the standards and requirements set by national and regional regulations.

For high-noise equipment such as mixers, we install enclosed soundproof enclosures to mitigate noise.During the interior decoration phase of commercial complexes and small businesses, we implement fullyenclosed construction practices.

Prior to conducting cutting, vibration, or other noisy construction activities in densely populated residential andcommercial areas, we not only obtain the necessa approvals but also inform nearby residents and businesses about theplanned operations, their potential impacts, and the measures taken to mitigate noise.

Depending on the specic circumstances of nearby schools, hospitals, residential areas, and other facilities, we scheduleconstruction activities during reasonable time periods and prohibit nighttime construction. In case of exceptionalcircumstances requiring nighttime construction, we obtain the necessa permits and inform nearby community residents.

In 2023, all production-orientedenterprises under our companyachieved their annual targets for waterconsumption per unit of product.

In our real estate business, we integrate the concept of sponge cities into theplanning and construction processes of residential projects. Through techniquessuch as rain gardens, sunken green spaces, rainwater storage and reusesystems, permeable paving, and vegetated swales, we eectively manage on-site stormwater runo, reduce pressure on stormwater networks, and mitigatesuace pollution. During the pre-application phase for construction projectplanning permits, we thoroughly discuss and rene the sponge city constructionimplementation plan and develop detailed management strategies to ensuresmooth project progress. In the design phase, we closely integrate buildingand landscape design schemes with factors such as rainwater collection andutilization, roof greening ratio, green space sinking ratio, permeable suace ratio,low-impact development indicators for roads, rainwater runo pollution and totalruno control, and delineation and protection of water systems. Our constructionprojects respect the original terrain and landforms, prioritizing the design ofsunken and sunken green spaces, rational plant allocation, and the installation ofrainwater storage facilities. We also develop rainwater collection and utilizationfacilities, guiding rainwater from hardened areas such as roofs and roads intosponge facilities through measures such as rainwater pipe connections andveical optimization, comprehensively utilizing rainwater resources.

We completed the construction of

new sponge city projectwith an area of6,000

square meters

We utilized


million tonsof reclaimed water for pulp andpaper production,reducing the consumption offreshwater resources.

bringing the total number ofcompleted sponge city projects to

with a total area of561,000

square meters

In our pulp and paper production business, we have established a water-saving management system and formed a water-saving leadership teamto oversee water-saving initiatives. Each year, we develop water-savingtargets for various depaments and implement corresponding measures.We set advanced, reasonable, and feasible water consumption quotas,conduct regular assessments to prevent water loss and waste, and activelypromote relevant laws, regulations, and policies on water conseation toraise awareness among employees. We strive to reuse wastewater wheneverpossible, utilizing reclaimed water for activities such as wheel cleaning anddust suppression on-site. In 2023, we utilized 1.78 million tons of reclaimedwater for pulp and paper production, reducing the consumption of freshwaterresources.

At our construction sites, we implement measures to protect groundwater resources by strictly prohibiting the drilling of wellsand extraction of groundwater. We ensure that water used for production and daily activities on construction sites is obtainedfrom water-saving appliances, such as water-saving ush tanks and low-ow faucets in washrooms. Clear signs indicatingwater conseation measures are installed at water sources. We regularly collect water usage data from construction sites,establish water-saving statistics accounts, analyze and compare them to enhance water conseation rates. Routine inspections,maintenance, and replacement of all water supply valves at construction sites are conducted to prevent any leakage or wastageof water.





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To make papermaking more environmentally friendly, our investment in Yongfeng Pulp and Paper achieves an 85%water recycling rate. Wastewater undergoes three-stage biochemical treatment, complying with the latest nationalpollution discharge standards. The emission standards for Yongfeng Pulp and Paper far exceed national cleanlinessstandards, reaching the level two standard of clean production in the international pulp and paper indust.

In the project planning and design process, we adhere to the concept of integrating ecological environmentalprotection and actively car out biodiversity conseation work. In 2023, we successfully protected several ancienttrees in Xiamen, Fuzhou, Chengdu, Nanning, Zhangzhou, Yong'an, and other places, promoting the harmoniouscoexistence of cities and nature. In the project site of Xiamen C&D Wuyuan Bay Sea, two hundred-year-old ancientbanyan trees stand tall, witnessing the passage of time and caring rich cultural memories. In order to fully protectand respect these two ancient banyan trees and their surrounding ecological environment, our landscape design teamcarefully planned the design of the Banyan Shade Pavilion under the banyan tree. The banyan shade surrounding theancient banyan tree endows the space with spirituality and vitality. Combining with the atrium bay sea living room, adouble-layer landscape interactive experience area is created to achieve harmonious coexistence between the projectand nature.

In 2023, our company's aliated Lianfa Group activelyorganized a tree planting volunteer activity duringthe Arbor Day. Over 70 volunteers from the companywent to Xiamen Institute of Software Technologyand planted the "Lianfa Volunteer Forest." Throughhands-on paicipation, employees gained a deeperunderstanding of the impoance of environmentalprotection, enhanced their awareness of ecologicalcivilization, and cultivated a sense of environmentalresponsibility and action.

Biodiversity Conseation

We value ecological and biodiversity conseation, avoiding conducting business activities unrelated to ecological protection inimpoant ecological conseation areas and their vicinity. Meanwhile, we encourage our subsidiaries and stakeholders not tolocate oces or business premises within natural resees, refrain from using rare plants and animals as raw materials, abstainfrom conducting animal experiments with rare animals, and strive to minimize adverse impacts on the ecological environment andbiodiversity in our business development.

Choice of Purity": All-Bamboo Pulp Natural Color Paper

Protection of Ancient Banyan Trees

Tree Planting Volunteer ActivityAdjust the opening and closing times of landscape water features to only operate on holidays, andredirect the saved water resources for surrounding greene irrigation, saving approximately 175 tons ofwater per month.Optimize and replace the faucets used for cleaning purposes to reduce water output, set up water-savingreminders, saving approximately 170 tons of water per month.Implement high-eciency seconda water purication equipment to reduce wastewater discharge,saving approximately 150 tons of water per month.Replace greene irrigation equipment and change the original manual irrigation method to automaticsprinkler irrigation to reduce manual waste, improve irrigation uniformity, saving approximately 140 tonsof water per month.

In oce premises, we require employees to handle water appliances with care, prohibiting rough usage to preventdamage. Employees are encouraged to minimize water usage by reducing water volume and shoening usage time.Water-saving signs are posted in public areas to eliminate serious waste phenomena like continuous or unnecessawater ow. Encouraging the use of personal water bottles during meetings and providing cups and water pitchers inmeeting rooms to reduce unnecessa consumption of bottled water. In 2023, C&D Propey actively promoted water-saving measures, achieving ecient utilization of water resources:

In the operation of our shopping malls under the company, water faucets are equipped with foamers to eectivelyreduce water consumption. Water-saving signs are posted in public areas to enhance water-saving awareness andregulate water usage behavior.





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●Aluminum Scrap Recycling

●Waste Paper Recycling

●Waste Resource Recycling

Resource Utilization andCircular EconomyWe actively promote green circular economy initiatives, aiming to enhance resource utilization eciency and minimize carbonemissions across the entire lifecycle of materials and products. By strategically positioning ourselves in the new energy sector,we vigorously expand operations in the upstream and downstream supply chains of the new energy indust. We provide seicesolutions for various segments of the new energy indust chain, thus contributing to the development of a green, low-carboncircular economic system and mitigating climate change.

Implementation of Circular Economy PracticesThe development of a circular economy to promote green economic growth and climate goals has become a consensus andinevitable trend for global economic development. We actively respond to the global temperature control goals of the ParisAgreement by conducting green circular economy businesses, improving resource utilization eciency, and minimizing carbonemissions throughout the entire lifecycle of materials and products. Our goal is to contribute to mitigating climate change andfacilitating the construction of a green, low-carbon, and circular human society.

Promoting the overall low-carbon transformation of the aluminum indust chainhas become the consensus of the global aluminum indust. Aluminum recyclingenables the reduction of waste emissions and the consumption of energy andresources, and eectively lessens greenhouse gas emissions from the aluminumindust chain, which is of great signicance to environmental protection. Byleveraging our professional expeise in international trade, we actively expandour business in recycling and processing of scrap aluminum, contributing to thedevelopment of the circular economy. In 2023, we recycled a total of 39,000 tonsof recycled aluminum and aluminum alloy ingots, with approximately 33,000 tonsimpoed to China.

We actively engage in paper recycling business, utilizing waste paperto produce various types of paper such as coated paper and kraftcardboard, eectively saving the use of natural resources like wood.For the waste pulp generated during the production process, werecycle all of it, replacing prima materials and reducing resourcewaste. In 2023, we recycled a total of 350,000 tons of waste paper,reducing deforestation by approximately 210 square kilometers.

Through providing high-quality seices with the LIFT supply chain,we have established long-term strategic panerships with severalbiodiesel and waste oil rening plants in China, enabling comprehensiverecycling and utilization of waste resources such as waste cooking oiland sewage oil. On one hand, we actively promote solutions to theissue of sewage oil, aiming to eliminate its return to dining tables andcreate a healthier living environment. On the other hand, we seekenvironmentally friendly and eective alternative energy sources toaddress the depletion of fossil fuels and reduce exhaust emissions.In 2023, we expoed 200,000 tons of industrial-grade mixed oil,250,000 tons of rst-generation biodiesel, and 20,000 tons of second-generation biodiesel.

●Scrap Steel RecyclingWe focus on the resource utilization of scrap steel, actively engaging in key nodes ofthe steel recycling indust chain to address the challenges of scattered, disordered,and poor-quality scrap steel supply chains. Our goal is to provide steel mills withstable, safe, and reliable scrap steel resources to meet their raw material needs. Wehave strategically panered with major steel mills in key regions across the countand have planned and constructed scrap steel industrial bases in Benxi, Lanzhou,Baotou, Tianjin, and Tangshan. These bases integrate settlement, warehousing,processing, and distribution facilities, forming a comprehensive scrap steel recyclingnetwork with an annual processing capacity of 3.5 million tons. We supply stable,safe, and reliable scrap steel resources to surrounding steel mills such as BenxiSteel, Baosteel, and Shougang, thereby assisting indust paners in improvingthe utilization rate of recycled scrap steel resources and promoting the green andlow-carbon development of the steel indust. In 2023, we recycled approximately470,000 tons of scrap steel resources.

We recycledapproximately470,000

tonsof scrap steel resources

We recycled a total of39,000

tonsof recycled aluminumand aluminum alloy ingots,with approximately33,000

tonsimpoed to China.

We recycled a total of350,000

tonsof waste paper,reducing deforestationby approximately

square kilometers

We expoed200,000

tonsof industrial-grade mixed oil,reducing deforestation250,000

tonsof rst-generation biodiesel, and20,000

tonsof second-generation biodiesel.






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●Distributed Photovoltaic Power Stations

Investment in New Energy Industries

We actively respond to the national "dual carbon" and "dual reduction" policies, continuously investing in green industries. Over theyears, we have focused on the wind and photovoltaic industries, leveraging our mature supply chain management capabilities. Byutilizing nancial derivatives and other tools, we integrate various resources along the industrial chain to provide full-cycle supplychain seices to our industrial clients. We continuously innovate in areas such as solar photovoltaic power station developmentand new energy vehicle sales, exploring deeper international cooperation and exchange models in the supply chain operationbusiness. This promotes the high-quality and sustainable development of our company's business, while providing global customerswith high-quality, cost-eective products and diverse customized, ecient, and reliable supply chain solutions. We contribute toaccelerating the global green energy transformation and upgrade.

In the eld of photovoltaic power stations, we have formed a professional team, integrated internal andexternal resources, and collaborated with industrial parks, automobile cities, and large industrial andcommercial enterprises. We are based in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Fujian regions and steadilyexpanding our presence domestically. We have invested in and constructed high-quality distributedphotovoltaic power station projects in multiple regions including Jiangsu, Shanghai, Fujian, and Henan.By the end of 2023, we had built 14 distributed photovoltaic power stations with a total connectedcapacity exceeding 18 MW. These stations were designed to generate an annual output of over20,550,000 kWh, resulting in the reduction of 16,237 tons of carbon dioxide emissions and saving 6,701tons of standard coal. Continuously providing enterprises with safe, green, low-cost, and sustainableclean energy, we have achieved a win-win situation in terms of both economic and ecological benets.In 2023, our investment in green and low-carbon industries such as photovoltaic power stationsamounted to 29.1 million RMB.

In 2023, our investment in the Xiamen Jiyuan 2.6MW distributedphotovoltaic power generation project is located on the roof of theXiamen Jiyuan Enterprise. The project utilizes a total area of 20,000square meters of facto roof space, with the installation of 4,774high-eciency photovoltaic modules. The project's electricitygeneration capacity can reach 3.12 million kilowatt-hours annually,saving approximately 1,017.1 tons of standard coal per year andreducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 2,464.7 tons.

In 2023, our company invested in the rst phase of the 1.8MW BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics) project at Mingren Pharmaceutical in Henan.Adopting a self-consumption model with surplus electricity fed into the grid, the designed operational period after grid connection can achieve anaverage annual electricity generation of 1.94 million kWh. This project can save approximately 633.7 tons of standard coal annually, reducing carbondioxide emissions by about 1,535.7 tons per year.

our investment in greenand low-carbon industriessuch as photovoltaic powerstations amounted to


Saving approximately1,017.1

tonsof standard coal per year

Saving approximately


tonsof standard coal per yearReducing carbon dioxide emissions1,535.7


Reducing carbon dioxide emissions2,464.7



Fujian Xiamen-Jiyuan 2.6MW Project

Henan Jiaozuo - Mingren Pharmaceutical 1.8MW BIPV Project




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In 2023, our Jiangsu Suzhou - Kingswood 1.5MW Project is located in the Xiangcheng District. Utilizing the factorypremises of Suzhou Kingswood Education, the project installs a total of 1.5MW photovoltaic power generation systemwith a construction area of 17,000 square meters. After the grid connection, it is expected to generate an average annualelectricity of 1.59 million kWh over the 25-year design and operation period. The project will adopt a "self-use" mode,with 95% of the generated electricity consumed by the owner unit. It is estimated to save about 518.3 tons of standardcoal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 1,256.1 tons annually.

Ningbo Yaojiang Shopping Mall has constructed a photovoltaic power station in the idle areas of the podium andtower roofs, with a total construction area of 1,400 square meters and an installed capacity of approximately 265 kW;Quzhou Aiqinhai has installed a solar photovoltaic system in the idle areas of the roof, with a total area of 1,600 squaremeters. The propoion of renewable energy provided by the photovoltaic system can reach 2%, and two roof-mountedair-cooled heat pumps provide heating and cooling to the internal theater of the shopping mall, achieving an energyeciency improvement rate of 19.67%. In the residential construction eld, Shenzhen Zhenzhu Yaju project plans toinstall a 6.97 kW solar photovoltaic system to meet its 697.2 kW utility electricity demand, and is expected to achievethe actual application of solar power generation systems by 2025; the residential pa of Xi'an Yuechunshan projectuses rooftop solar hot water systems, while commercial and suppoing facilities adopt photovoltaic power generationtechnology.

The 1.5MW distributed photovoltaic project weinvested in is located on the roof of the C&DInternational Automobile City, a subsidia of C&DAutomobile, in Xiang'an District, Xiamen. After theproject is grid-connected, coupled with energystorage equipment, the average annual electricitygeneration can reach 1.8 million kilowatt-hoursduring the design and operation period. Thistranslates to an annual saving of approximately

586.8 tons of standard coal and a reduction of

about 1,422 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Fujian Xiamen - Xiang'an 1.5MW ProjectMacalline Photovoltaic Power Station

Jiangsu Suzhou - Kingswood 1.5MW Project

The average annual electricity generation can reach


million kilowatt-hoursduring the design and operation period

An annual saving of approximately


tonsof standard coal

Save about


tonsof standard coalReduce carbon dioxideemissions by about1,256.1


A reduction of about1,422

tonsof carbon dioxide emissions

Ningbo YaojiangHome FurnishingShopping MallRooftop PhotovoltaicPower Station


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● The Lithium Batte Business

Resource Recycling

In our office, we advocate for the use of paperless office systems toreduce paper consumption and ink usage while simplifying officeprocesses and improving eciency. We actively promote black and whiteprinting and double-sided printing, and have established dedicated binsfor recycling paper, encouraging employees to use recycled paper. Ourpropey management regularly inspects communal areas such as ocesand meeting rooms, recycling and redistributing reusable oce suppliesto promote resource reuse. We conduct regular warehouse inventories,repairing and repackaging old or damaged items that are still usablefor reintegration into our operations. For items with low utilization orthat are idle, we consider donating them to charity or using them foremployee activities to increase their utility.

"Lianfa Cloud Store Mini Program" sees as the ocial designated online marketing platform for Lianfa Group. Throughits systematic online platform construction and functional suppo, it eectively saves or replaces the consumption oftraditional oine promotional materials for project marketing, including printed materials such as paper posters, projectbrochures, and oor plans.

In the lithium batte sector, we collaborate with several leading enterprises across the indust's upstream anddownstream sectors. We establish a comprehensive seice layout covering the entire indust chain, from overseas rawmaterials to processing plants and then to batte production. Tailoring to the diverse needs of customers along theindust chain, we oer professional supply chain seices for lithium batte materials such as cobalt sulfate, cobalthydroxide, cobalt oxide, lithium carbonate, and others.

The New Energy Vehicle Business

In the eld of new energy vehicles, we have been deepening our cooperation with leading or emerging enterprisesin the market in recent years. We invest in and build 4S stores or provide brand after-sales seices for new energybrands such as Lotus, sma, AVATR, Dongfeng Mengshi, ZEEKR, and Galaxy, aiming to provide consumers with lower-carbon and higher-quality travel seices. At the same time, we have established a heavy-duty truck batte swappingstation in Zhangzhou, and reached supply chain cooperation with companies like DST and Geely Commercial Vehicle.We are actively exploring business oppounities in new energy commercial vehicles to suppo the transformation anddevelopment of commercial vehicles towards new energy.We established a joint venture company to engage in new energy logistics business, using pure electric heavy-dutytrucks as the transpoation carrier, replacing diesel trucks in specic transpoation scenarios. During the repoingperiod, we have cumulatively transpoed goods using pure electric heavy-duty trucks for over 1.15 million kilometers.After deducting the emission factors of electricity, it is estimated to have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by over200 tons. In the future, if clean energy generation is introduced to supplement power, the carbon reduction ratio isexpected to fuher increase.

Green Marketing

●Empty Bottle Recycling ProgramIn 2023, our company ocially launched the C&D Zunyaempty bottle recycling program under our proprietaliquor brand. This initiative allows consumers to returntheir used Zunya bottles to Happywine in exchangefor incentives, promoting repeat purchases. Uponreceiving the empty bottles, the company sterilizesand repurposes them into tea canisters, contributingto waste reduction and promoting the concept of acircular economy. Additionally, we collaborated withour in-house digital platform, C&D E-learning, topromote tips for low-carbon living in daily work and lifethrough online channels and oce elevator displays.The campaign successfully collected over 1,000 emptybottles and reached an audience of 10,000 throughtargeted promotional posters.Collected over


empty bottles

Reached an audience of10,000through targeted promotional posters

Social Performance Targets in 2023


Active community dialogues are conducted, and the proportion of local communitycommunication initiatives organized annually stands at 100%.2The annual ratio of locally hired employees should not be less than 60%.

The annual number of volunta activities conducted should not be fewer than250, with a minimum of 3,000 volunteer seice hours provided.

Construct a supply chain risk management framework, identify and assess supplychain risks, and formulate eective response strategies.

The number of punitive incidents related to the health and safety impact ofproducts and seices should be zero.

The average annual training hours provided to employees should not be less than10 hours per person.7The number of extraordina major accidents or major accidents should be zero.8The moality rate for general accidents should be zero.

100% of subordinate production enterprises should obtain the ISO 45001Occupational Health and Safety Management System Ceication.10Safety training organized during the year covers 100% of the employees.

CSR/ESG requirements are gradually being integrated into supplier admissioncriteria.Completed In progress Unnished



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Rural Revitalization and Public Seice

We consistently adhere to the mission of "To exploit new value for more people to live a superior life," following internationalstandards and norms such as "The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact." We have formulated a "Community Policy" to activelyintegrate into the overall development of the count and localities, focusing on the co-prosperity and symbiosis of people andsociety. We actively fulll the mission of state-owned enterprises in rural revitalization, ensuring supply and stable prices, culturalpreseation, caring for children, and social welfare. We integrate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals such as nopovey, quality education, decent work and economic growth, sustainable cities and communities into our corporate productionand operations. We are committed to promoting the establishment of mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationships with thecommunities in which we operate during the business development process, enabling the growth of our enterprises to resonate withurban development.

The issues concerning agriculture, rural areas, and farmers are fundamental to the nation's economy and people's livelihoods.Comprehensive advancement of rural revitalization is a crucial task in building a strong agricultural nation in the new era. Weleverage our industrial resource advantages and actively implement industry support policies to explore the diverse value ofrural areas, promote the upgrading of rural industries, and contribute to the comprehensive advancement of the national ruralrevitalization policy.

Promote Viuous Deeds and Revitalize Rural Areas

In 2006, we invested in Muchuan County, Sichuan Province to establish Yongfeng Pulpand Paper. We built an advanced production line capable of producing 450,000 tonsof bamboo pulp and paper annually, accounting for approximately 30% of the nationalbamboo pulp production capacity. Yongfeng Pulp and Paper holds a leading positionin terms of production scale, technological processes, and product quality in the eldof bamboo pulp papermaking, making it an impoant supplier in China and evenglobally. One mu (about 0.067 hectares) of bamboo forest can produce one ton of Omeimountain bamboo. One ton of Omei mountain bamboo can bring several hundred RMBof net income to bamboo farmers. Omei mountain bamboo regenerates eve yearand matures annually. Yongfeng Pulp and Paper adheres to purchasing raw bamboomanually haested by bamboo farmers, thus promoting local economic development.

"Bamboo pulp paper" from Muchuan County

Currently, Yongfeng Pulp and Paper's annual sales revenue exceeds 1.9 billion RMB, with over 800 employees. It contributes approximately50 million RMB in tax revenue annually and directly employs over 13,000 people, It also promotes the coordinated development of localtranspoation, energy, manufacturing, tourism, and other industries in Muchuan, as well as the gradual return of young labor force. Tosome extent, it addresses social issues such as left-behind elderly and children in rural areas. In July 2018, Muchuan County was removedfrom the povey-stricken county list, becoming the rst county in Leshan City, Sichuan Province to "shake o povey," and Yongfeng Pulpand Paper was honored with the title of "Provincial Povey Alleviation Leading Enterprise" as a result.

Built an advanced production linecapable of producing450,000


of bamboo pulp

Yongfeng Pulp and Paper's annualsales revenue exceeds


billion RMB


Total taxpayment

million RMB

accounting for approximately

%of the national bamboo pulp production capacity

Provincial PoveyAlleviation LeadingEnterprise


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HighlightHighlightWe have established a paired assistance relationshipwith Renshe Village in Tingxi Town, Tong'an District,Xiamen City. Our focus is on industrial revitalization,guiding Renshe Village to explore and developits own advantages. We assist in promoting theimplementation of village-level collective economicdevelopment projects, fuher revitalizing collectiveassets, enhancing the overall economic benetsof the collective, and increasing farmers' income.Through on-site investigations, we emphasizepromoting agricultural product processing andsales and have planned the "Rice Caring Care"subscription project to attract investment for ruraldevelopment.

We have conducted in-depth cooperationwith Zuogong County, Tibet, to assist in theimplementation of the Wild Walnut Oil projecton the Zuogong plateau. In this project, weprovide suppo in product development,renement of product cultural connotations,and upgrade of product packaging design.We also enhance the "Yuqulu" brand toincrease product added value, and assist inbuilding logistics, customer seice, and after-sales systems to help agricultural and specialproducts from Zuogong County reach abroader market.

"Rice Caring Care" from Renshe VillageWild Walnut Oil from Zuogong County

Due to the impacts of climate change, global food and energy security are facing severe crises and challenges. Leveraging our richexperience in supply chain operations, global network layout, specialized seice capabilities, and indust-leading risk managementsystem, we actively paicipate in China's manufacturing green transformation and upgrade. We have built a global supply chainseice system, actively integrating into the new development pattern of dual circulation, both domestically and internationally, toensure the security of the national agricultural products and energy resources supply chain.

Suppo Livelihoods with Stabilized Supply

Seice to Guarantee Food Supply●Seice to Ensure Resources SupplyIn the agricultural products eld, we have beencontinuously cultivating a global supply chain layoutfor many years. We have logistics nodes in key grainproduction and sales areas worldwide, including SouthAmerica, Noh America, the Black Sea, and along the"Belt and Road". By establishing long-term and stablepanerships with major shipping companies suchas Maersk, COSCO Shipping, CMA CGM, and MSC,we have built a secure and controllable internationaltrade shipping system for agricultural products. Thiseectively enhances the security level of the count'soverseas grain supply chain and ensures the securityof the agricultural products supply chain.

Staing from market demand, we are expandingchannels for high-quality resource supply in regionssuch as South America, Africa, and Central Asia. Weactively cooperate in prima industrial productioncapacities, including copper mines and lithium minesin Chile, chromium, manganese, and zinc minesin South Africa, and copper mines in Kazakhstan.Additionally, we are actively promoting cooperationin Southeast Asia for prima industrial productssuch as crude copper, alumina, ferro-nickel, and steelbillets. Our aim is to provide domestic manufacturingenterprises with a wider range of resource and energysupplies, suppoing the development of the industrialsector.

Renshe Village has now been designated as ademonstration village for rural revitalization inXiamen City and has also been selected for theprovincial-level demonstration village creation list.


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We are deeply aware that establishing mutually benecial relationships with the communities in which we operate is crucial for thesustainable development of our business. We have established proactive and eective dialogue mechanisms with local communities,with each operational site having a depament responsible for community communication. We provide stakeholders with accessiblechannels for negotiation, appeals, and consultations, ensuring that any reasonable opinions, suggestions, issues, or complaints arereceived, recorded, and promptly addressed with appropriate feedback and resolutions.In our business development, we conduct community risk assessments, engage in eective stakeholder communication, andincorporate priority issues for community development into our corporate development plans. This includes, but is not limited to,respecting and protecting the rights of local communities, indigenous peoples, cultural customs, cultural heritage, and ecologicalenvironment. We aim to paicipate in the construction of business operation sites as welcomed paners, making eve eo toreduce and mitigate the risks arising from our operations and minimize the negative impacts on the community. We adhere to theprinciple of "localization" and, in line with our "going global" strategy, prioritize the employment of local sta at our operational sites.We conduct localized recruitment initiatives targeting specic regions and schools to promote local employment. Additionally, weprioritize oppounities for local businesses in terms of raw material procurement, technical suppo, and business contracting tosuppo local economic development.

Engage in Community and Presee Cultural Heritage

In a construction project in Nanning, Guangxi, there isa nearly 400-year-old Ming and Qing dynasty ancientmansion. Such ancient buildings, which have stood thetest of time and weather, symbolize the unique culturalheritage and the longing for peaceful life among thegenerations of people in the East. To relocate the mainhall of the ancient mansion, we specically invited expesin ancient building restoration to oversee the restorationwork, making eve eo to protect the ancient dwelling.The team of restoration expes used traditional methodsfor the restoration, ensuring that eve detail, fromthe tiles to the beams and rafters, was repaired usingmaterials sourced from ancient wood, with meticulousattention to craftsmanship. The restoration work lastedfor nearly half a year, and upon completion, the overallrestoration eect was excellent, with harmonious andunied materials and a serene and rustic charm.

In real estate development projects, there are cases where ancient trees grow within the designated construction area. If these ancienttrees are preseed, it may aect the construction plans. However, if the original plans are followed, it could result in the destruction ofthe city's historical memo. Faced with the decision of whether to remove or presee the ancient trees, we choose to respect the culturalheritage of the city, prioritizing the preseation of ancient trees over the convenience of construction. This decision allows us to safeguardthe memories of the local community and uphold the historical signicance of the old city, even if it means making concessions in theconstruction process.

In the Wuyuan Bay project in Xiamen, there are two ancientbanyan trees with histories of 107 and 177 years respectively.Lush and verdant, these trees complement each other from adistance. We aim to enhance the quality of community livingthrough thoughtful design, allowing residents to experiencethe tranquility of rustling leaves amidst their busy lives. Toachieve this, we have created the Banyan Shade Pavilion,oering residents oppounities for scenic views, relaxation,socializing, open-air theater peormances, lawn activities,and connecting with nature. Through these dynamic livingspaces, we seek to raise awareness about the impoance oftree conseation.


Protection of Ancient Dwellings

Protection of Ancient Trees

Note: This is a conceptual rendering as the project is still under construction.

The project in Huangshi, Hubei, is situated on the former siteof the Old Huangmei Cotton Facto, where three centu-old camphor trees grow. Adhering to the principle of adaptingto local conditions, we have decided to use the crown of thetrees as a reference point and design the suppo structuresto bypass the ancient trees. The design of the undergroundfacilities will also be adjusted to avoid disturbing the roots ofthese trees. This approach not only ensures their suival butalso integrates them into the design of a traditional Chinesegarden landscape, allowing them to continue bearing witnessto the "memo of Huangshi" through the changes of the pastcentu.In the "Xihu Wangyue" project in Zhangzhou, there is acentu-old banyan tree within the construction area. Inorder to protect the growth of the banyan tree and preseethe landscape, ensuring it continues to car the legacy ofthis land, our planning process involved continuous design,revision, and redesign over a period of 2 months. Ultimately,we decided to make a 15-meter concession, sacricing someland, and relocating the main entrance from the west sideto the south side. This allowed us to create a pocket parkwithin the urban area, fostering a warm and comfoableatmosphere, where visitors can feel at home as they arrive atthe gate beside the grand banyan tree.


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Children are the future of the nation and the hope of the nation. Our company has long been committed to caring for the growthof children. Through initiatives such as building the "Love Has a Future" youth public welfare brand and implementing projects like"Nourishing Youth" and "Let Your Dreams Go," we aim to safeguard the growth of children and let them feel the "C&D Warmth."

C&D Warmth Conveying to Children

●"Hand in Hand" Education Assistance

●The "Nourishing Youth" Assistance Project

In 2023, it will be the eleventh year of our friendly cooperation withXiamen Ding'an Elementa School. Over the past eleven years, wehave carried out volunteer seice activities and long-term educationassistance for students at Ding'an Elementa School with our coreconcept of "Warming Education." At the beginning of the cooperation,this school located on Zhongshan Road in Xiamen only had 12 classes,and 95% of the students were children of migrant workers from outsideXiamen. The Youth League Committee formed 12 volunteer teams, eachpairing up with one class to form a "mutual aid alliance." Over the pasteleven years, education assistance activities have seed over 6,100teachers and students paicipants, totaling over 631.5 hours and 202seice events. In 2023, two volunteer seice activities were carried out,with over 100 paicipants.

The C&D Propey Charity Foundation's "Nourishing Youth" project has beencontinuously focused on paicular groups since 2012, explicitly assistingunderprivileged children under 16, In May 2023, the company paicipated in the"Nourishing Youth" pairing assistance activity jointly organized by the DatongStreet Oce of Tong'an District and the Xiamen Charity Federation, providingassistance to nearly 100 students from Tong'an District and Huli District. As of2023, the "Nourishing Youth" project has cumulatively provided assistance tonearly 200 underprivileged children.

Conduct various themed classmeetings, such as scienceknowledge, environmentalprotection, and patriotic education,to engage students in diverseeducational topics and activities.

Volunteer seice activities


the "Nourishing Youth" projecthas cumulatively providedassistance to nearly 200

underprivileged children



Collaborate with schools and localjudicial institutions to organize"Learning Law" themed educationalactivities, guiding children toenhance their safety awareness andself-protection capabilities.

Organize "Dragon Soars, JadePavilion Shines: Enjoying New Year'sDay" traditional games in schools,fuher enriching campus cultural lifeand passing on traditional Chineseculture.




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●The "Let Your Dreams Go" Education Assistance Project

●Activities for Impoverished Women and Children

"Let Your Dreams Go" is a charitable education assistance project led by the Xiamen Charity Federation andimplemented by the C&D Real Estate Charity Fund. Through donations for education, the company encourages currentcandidates and students to overcome life diculties and successfully complete their studies, conveying care, givingback to others, and creating value for society. In August 2023, C&D Real Estate, in collaboration with the XiamenCharity Federation, conducted the "Let Your Dreams Go" charity assistance activity. They provided condolences to someneedy families and distributed consolation money, gifts, and inspirational books to 92 impoverished students. By theend of 2023, the "Let Your Dreams Go" project had cumulatively sponsored nearly 3,300 college students.

Lianfa Group paired up with Tulou Village in Tong'an District, Xiamen City, the Women’s Children DevelopmentFoundation of Xiamen has focused on caring for impoverished women and children for three consecutive years. Throughactivities such as home visits, donations, and school-enterprise cooperation, practical diculties of local impoverishedwomen and children have been addressed.

The "Connected Hea and Drawn Dreams" School-Enterprise Cooperation Activity with Xinmei Central Prima School in Tulou Village.

the "Let Your Dreams Go" project hadcumulatively sponsored nearly

3,300college students

We continue to explore models of community-business collaboration by working hand in hand with our local community. Throughvolunteer seice activities closely related to residents' lives, such as creating a civilized and clean environment and conductingcaring visits, we actively practice social responsibility. In 2023, we initiated the "Global Charity Action Plan" initiative and developedthe LIFT Volunteer Action Mini Program. We have conducted more than 280 public welfare activities, with over 8,800 volunteerpaicipants and a cumulative volunteer seice duration exceeding 3,400 hours.

Go Beyond in Social Welfare

●Community Elderly Care Activities

Our volunteer seice team organizes community elderly careactivities during holidays such as World Environment Day,Double Ninth Festival, and Chinese New Year. For example,we conduct "Company's Festival · Chinese New Year" caringvisits, bringing rice, noodles, grains, and cooking oil as gifts,and visiting elderly individuals in the community who areunder the care of the community, those who are widowed,living alone, or from disadvantaged families. During theDouble Ninth Festival, we deliver carefully prepared giftsand holiday blessings to the elderly in the community facingdiculties.

Public welfare activities


Volunteer over



Cumulative volunteer seice duration exceeding





By the end of


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●Progress Together, Go Beyond" Volunteering Seice

Our pay member volunteer seice team, in collaboration with the Jinjiting Community in Xiamen, organized the"Love and Progress, Endless Vitality" Volunteering Seice. Activities included free medical consultations, anti-fraudawareness campaigns, waste soing workshops, and paired assistance and condolence visits. We also invited pairedassistance groups from the Jinjiting Community to enjoy a private screening of the movie "Ping Pong: The Triumph" atthe cinema, enriching the spiritual and cultural lives of community residents, especially the elderly population. In 2023,we conducted over 20 joint activities with the Jinjiting Community, with over 500 volunteer paicipants, and providedpaired assistance to more than 80 households in need.

●"The Yellow Bracelet Campaign"

Our pay member volunteer seice team, in collaboration with public welfare organizations, conducted "The YellowBracelet Campaign – Sharing Love in Jinjiting, Warming the Heas of the Elderly" activity in the Jinjiting GardenCommunity in Xiamen, in response to the call for the "30th World Alzheimer's Day". Through various on-site activitiessuch as distributing yellow bracelets, providing medical consultations and haircuts, organizing traditional mooncakegambling games for the Mid-Autumn Festival, educating about nancial consumer protection, and promotingknowledge about waste soing, we aimed to show care and suppo to the elderly residents of the Jinjitingcommunity and raise awareness about preventing Alzheimer's disease among them.

Conducted over

joint activitieswith the Jinjiting Community

Volunteer over


Provided paired assistance to more than

householdsin need

Innovation-Driven, Suppliers, andCustomersAs a leading international supply chain operator and an outstanding real estate operator in China, we adhere to the brandphilosophy of "Together Go Beyond." Founded on professionalism and sta from "mutual benet", we seek improvement internallywhile continuously empowering external indust paners towards green transformation and development, and aid the supply chainin achieving green and high-quality growth.

With the growing maturity of advanced technological applications such as big data, cloud computing, aicial intelligence,the Internet of Things, blockchain, and 5G, a new round of technology revolution dominated by digitalization, networking, andintelligence is inevitable and accelerating its penetration from the consumer market to all aspects of the supply chain. We elevatetechnological empowerment to the strategic level for planning, actively innovate in digital technology applications to create a supplychain seice system with unique characteristics, enhancing our business operations. By deeply integrating digital solutions withtraditional indust development, we aim to build a sma supply chain ecosystem to empower a transformation and upgrade oftraditional industries.

Product Development and Innovation

We have launched platforms such as the"E-Inspection" remote invento managementplatform and the "CND Pricing APP" online futurespricing and trading platform, advancing businesstowards ecient online, digital, and visual operations.Currently, we have essentially achieved connectivity with futures, banks, industrial and commercial, customs data, and areprogressively advancing the digitalization and integration of supply chain transactions and customer data. Through the digitalizationof business processes and data, our supply chain seice system can eectively integrate indust information, commodity indices,corporate credit data, and design processes according to the business models of dierent commodities. We have launched internetplatforms for various industries, such as "PaperSource" and "E-Pulp," for the pulp and paper indust, "C&D Cloud Steel (E-SteelLink)" for the steel indust, "EasyAgri" customer seice platform for the agricultural products indust, an online food supply chainseice platform "E-Order" for the consumer goods indust, and digital operation solutions for the automotive indust, including aprivate domain customer digital operation solution "Yujian" platform and a "EasyDeal" Intelligent Used Car Trading Center, to providemore ecient and comprehensive seices for customers in dierent industries.

We have essentially achieved internal business dataintegration and continuously connect with upstreamand downstream customers, logistics, warehousing,capital, and credit data, and striving to build anintegrated big data ecosystem for indust linkage.

In terms of business process online transformation

In terms of data digitalization



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Market Prima


We actively practice responsible procurement by establishing a "Supplier Code of Conduct," which sets requirements in areas suchas business ethics, human rights, environment, and occupational health and safety, for all suppliers and contractors including thoseof us and our subsidiaries. Our management team is responsible for guiding and supeising the management of responsible supplychain management issues. In procurement contracts, we require paners to commit to compliance with business ethics regulations,environmental protection laws, and internationally recognized human rights standards, and pay attention to suppliers' employee workhours, living conditions, minimum wage, and situations regarding corporal/disciplina punishment. We value supplier integrity managementand advocate establishing long-term, stable, and honest cooperation with suppliers. Before commencing business, suppliers must sign an"Integrity Agreement" and a "Commitment to Honesty and Law-Abiding," pledge to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and notto request or give any nancial or other forms of kickbacks or fees to any entity or individual, and promote business in an environmentallysustainable and ethically compliant manner throughout the supply chain.

Responsible Procurement


C&D Consumer Goods Supply Chain Online Seice Platform "E-Order"

Supplier ManagementWe implement strict supplier admission and evaluation processes to ensure all suppliers comply with our responsibleprocurement policy, including requirements on business ethics and environmental protection. We monitor supplierpeormance through regular or irregular online and oine audits and assessments to ensure compliance with the"Supplier Code of Conduct."To enhance supplier management, we have established a tiered and categorized management system for suppliers andcombined with the specic indust conditions of dierent business elds to implement dynamic re-evaluations. We andour subsidiaries have developed respective supplier classication qualication review and assessment standards basedon our indust characteristics and select suppliers with sustainable cooperation advantages to continuously improve ourresponsible and precise management of suppliers.

We strictly implement supply chain control processes, conduct due diligence on supplier admission,identify and select high-quality suppliers, and include suppliers’ environmental and quality systemconstruction into the comprehensive evaluation for admission. We focus on metrics such as facto brandrecognition, quality standards, production capacity advantages, green factories, and energy consumptionqualications. We oer extra points for admission to state-suppoed environmental projects like wastealuminum recycling.

We use the "E-Zhangxin" platform to dynamically monitor suppliers, and push daily updates on external negative information aboutsuppliers and focus on operational and judicial risks, including but not limited to issues like untrustwohiness, height restrictions, litigation,environmental penalties, etc. For suppliers with anomalies, fuher research is conducted in accordance with our control requirements toassess the actual situation of suppliers. We will timely implement checks and feedback, and issue warnings or terminating cooperationwhen appropriate.

Repo through ERP system.Conduct credit investigation and closely track changes, and repo any abnormalities in a timely manner.Comprehensive assessment based on credit management, creditworthiness, performance capability,business qualication, and other related risks.Conrmation and admission assessment of the results of the comprehensive evaluation of suppliers.OverallRatingSupplierConrmation


With the continuous development of the "dual circulation"economic pattern domestically and internationally, the consumergoods indust is experiencing a resurgence. To address thechallenges and diculties faced by the consumer goods supplychain operation, such as long operational chains, multiple levels,rapidly changing consumer demands, product and inventoturnover risks, "black box" logistics information leading totranspoation supeision and food traceability challenges, aswell as the higher requirements for eciency and managementlevels in business aspects like contracting, ordering, and documentcirculation due to signicantly increased transaction frequencies,we launched the "E-Order" online seice platform for consumergoods supply chains. This platform oers a digital full-processtrading solution for upstream and downstream indust chains tomeet dierent transaction scenarios. The "E-Order" platform uses internet platform information interaction technology to link brand owners andtheir downstream customers to oer seices such as product display, order processing, logistics tracking, electronic receipt, online reconciliation,and rebate inqui. The Platform breaks down barriers to commodity transaction information, integrating data across supply chain segments, andprovides a one-stop trading seice experience for purchasers.

In supplychainoperations


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Wage Arrears Prevention Mechanism

We manage suppliers by grading them based on their peormance in fullling contracts and conduct comprehensive investigations intoour business operations, personnel, work conditions, product quality, seice quality, professional capabilities, and cooperative relationships.If suppliers are found engaging in commercial bribe, signicant quality issues, occupational health and safety issues, or failing to paymigrant worker wages, their peormance evaluation will be deemed unsatisfacto. For non-compliant suppliers, we will not renew orinitiate new cooperation and will require them not to paicipate in any of our tendering and procurement activities for two years from thedate of public announcement.

The contract species terms for project quality, schedule, materials, safety, management, etc. We require quality that supplier delivered tomeet national technical regulations and environmental standards. Suppliers must ensure project materials and personnel safety by insuringthe lives and propey of their own and third-pay personnel at construction sites before staing work. We strengthen project assuranceby insuring "all risks for construction projects." For safety issues of supplier/contractor employees, besides daily inspections by the projectdepament, third-pay assessments are conducted for ongoing projects using "spot inspections + accompanied by expe system," withour expes forming an accompanying expe pool and strictly follow or exceeding national standards for inspections, ranking results, andmaking announcements.SupplierInspection

Collect information from potential suppliers through channels such as publishing source searchinformation, market search, internal and external recommendations, and media.Set up inspection teams to review supplier information and conduct site visits.The inspection team, according to the inspection content for scoring assessment, lls out the "supplierinspection and evaluation form" suppliers with more than 60 points will qualify for the supplier pool.The inspection team will initiate online supplier ent applications based on the assessment. Afterapproval at all levels, the inspection team will register supplier information and prices and sign thecontracts and integrity agreements with suppliers.



Establish a "Blacklist" System

Quality and Safety Assurance

According to the "Implementation Measures for Project Bidding," suppliers with breaches of contract, multiple safety accidents, poor internalinspection results, or ethical issues are temporarily suspended from qualication. Suppliers are evaluated monthly and feedback is provided,assessment includes the perspectives of engineering (quality, safety production, civilized construction, progress), warranty (warrantytimeliness, rectication completion rate, repair satisfaction), cooperation (site management, cost cooperation, design cooperation), andother special matters. If bid-rigging, falsication, or other deceitful actions are discovered, legal responsibilities will be pursued for those

involved, and they will be added to the supplier blacklist, with corresponding company personnel held accountable. Major quality accidentsand group complaints caused by the supplier will result in blacklisting.

Establish a coordination mechanism for migrant worker wage payment and a wage arrears prevention mechanism by project, and urgegeneral contracting units to strengthen labor employment management and properly handle disputes related to migrant worker wagepayments. A special account for migrant worker wages is set up to allocate project funds in accordance with the contract in a timely mannerand ensure timely and full payment of labor costs to the special account for migrant worker wages. We supese general contracting unitsto pay migrant worker wages on time and in full and ensure migrant workers' rights and preventing wage arrears by suppliers.

We strictly follow national, provincial, and indust-specic regulations and standards, implement the"Supplier Code of Conduct" and actively promote suppliers to fulll social responsibilities regardingsafety, environment, and employee rights, including rights protection for labor outsourcing,explicitly prohibiting child labor, opposing forced labor and discrimination, adhering to minimumwage standards, etc. All bidding suppliers are required to sign a "Commitment to Honesty andLaw-Abiding". During the bidding stage, suppliers are audited according to "bidder qualicationrequirements," to assess their qualications based on the validity, completeness, and substantiality ofbidding documents.

In real estate


Macalline is committed to cooperating with domestic and foreign enterprises capable of high-standardsupply, managing and evaluating suppliers from the perspectives of image, seice, price, quality, integrity,and blacklist behavior. Suppliers must demonstrate sucient proof of supply or seice, such as successfulcases and nancial proof, and ensure no legal violations or untrustwohy records, not being blacklisted,having no major quality or business integrity issues, complying with national policies, regulations,United Nations Convention trade regulations, and meeting indust standards. For suppliers with annualframework contracts, group and regional negotiated business suppliers, top-ranked suppliers, and thosewith potential risks, third-pay institutions or internal depaments jointly conduct regular or irregularassessments through on-site evaluations and comprehensive seice quality reviews, and ensure supplierquality, seice, delive timeliness, and after-sales seice meet standards. Suppliers violating the "SupplierIntegrity Commitment" agreement, failing product and seice quality assessments and rectication,harming the company’s interests, or engaging in illegal activities will have their cooperation terminatedand be added to the blacklist.



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Supplier Training

To strengthen the collaboration within the supply chain and optimize operational eciency, we employ a variety ofmethods, including e-commerce systems, supply chain management software, and regular meetings, to discuss currentpeormance and future issues with suppliers and communicate our ESG principles. This ensures that suppliers alignwith the conduct guidelines advocated by us throughout the collaboration process.

C&D Real Estate continuously carries out engineering inspections during project construction and sales phases, and hirethird-pay inspection agencies to systematically evaluate and inspect various stages of ongoing and on-sale projects.Regular communications are held with suppliers regarding issues identied during inspections to convey our qualitymanagement and risk control requirements, ensuring timely rectication of issues.



Annually, we organize relevant personnel to visit brand factories for learning exchanges, study advanced productionprocesses and engage in deep communication with brands. In 2023, Macalline hosted a supplier conference thatspecically recognized suppliers who demonstrated exceptional resilience in the face of challenges, provided additionalvalue to the company, or made key contributions to specic projects. This fuher solidied the cooperative relationshipwith suppliers and motivated all suppliers to continue striving for excellence in the future, working together with thecompany towards achieving higher business objectives and long-term sustainable development.

With the deepening globalization of us and the continuous evolution of technology and market demands, the risks faced by supply chainshave become increasingly complex and variable. We proactively establish a comprehensive supply chain risk management framework toidentify and assess supply chain risks and develop eective response strategies to enhance the resilience of the supply chain for sustainabledevelopment. Our Board of Directors' Risk Control Committee is responsible for guiding and overseeing supply chain risk managementeos and have formulated the "Risk Control Committee Composition, Responsibilities, and Approval Control Methods." The CommitteeChair convenes and presides over regular quaerly meetings and irregular meetings, and oversee the approval of major commodity andlarge-scale supply chain operation transactions.

Supply Chain Risk Management


In 2023

We revised the "Supply Chain Operation Management Regulations" and "Supply Chain OperationProcess Management Regulations," to enhance the management of compliance risks such asinternational sanctions and strengthening the assessment of creditwohiness and peormancecapabilities for signicant non-credit transactions.We strengthened key risk control and international business compliance management, enhancedaudits of business rationality and compliance, paid attention to the authenticity of businessbackgrounds and sources, and set stringent controls in the ERP system for new businesses (involvingnew clients, new varieties), to review business source documentation.The Credit Management Depament and authorized depaments evaluated credit customerrisk information collected from the E-Zhangxin platform and other online channels, to issue a"Signicant Risk Warning Letter" for clients with signicant risk anomalies. Operational units weretasked with designating personnel to promptly implement and provide feedback on risk warninginformation and "Signicant Risk Warning Letters" issued by the Credit Management Depament.We conducted supply chain operation business risk prevention drills, second-level operationmanagement training, operation management salons, external lecturer specialized training, andother supplier risk management training and advocacy to enhance overall company employeeawareness of supply chain risk management.


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We always regard product quality management as the core of its business development, committed to providing responsible products andseices. By establishing strict quality control processes, we ensure our products and seices meet the highest indust standards andethical codes, committing to the safety of its products and seices.

Product Quality Management

We adhere to the "quality rst" principle, strictly comply with nationallaws and regulations. We have established and peected systems suchas the "Project Operation System," "Project Full Cycle Guide Manual,""Design Work Standards," "Display Area Work Standards," "HandoverWork Standards," "Project Operation Inspection and EvaluationStandards," to implement a standardized quality management system.We established the "9A Delive System," and hire professional third-pay companies to conduct comprehensive inspections of projectsfrom the customer's perspective before delive. They conduct checkson promise consistency, product comfo, external acceptance andprogress, facade appearance, one-room-one-inspection, public areatakeover risk inspection and leakage prevention, appearance, hollowing/cracking special inspections to ensure high-quality product delive.C&D Real Estate, C&D Propey, and Lianfa Group under us have allbeen ceied by the ISO9001 quality management system.

Macalline has set standards for renovation projects such as the "Seven Management Standards forConstruction Sites," "Construction Site Quality Inspection Sheet," "Internal Pre-handover and ConstructionSite Handover Work Regulations," "Quality Assurance Nine Prevention Projects," "40 Exclusive Processesfor Luxu Houses," and conducts strict inspections of products to ensure that home products not onlymeet customers' aesthetic expectations but also reach the highest standards of durability and safety. Thecompany’s home renovation depament has been ceied by the ISO9001 quality management system.

Excellence in customer seice is key to winning market competition and customer loyalty. We continually enhance our customer seicesystem, committed to providing timely and comprehensive seices. Simultaneously, we actively incorporate customer feedback tocontinually improve seice processes and product quality, eectively protect customer rights and establish long-term and stable trustrelationships.

We place a high emphasis on customer satisfaction, actively conduct core customer visits, and standardizecustomer satisfaction sueys. We gradually advance customer grading, classication, and customizedseice management across our units, proactively collect seice cases, continuously optimize seiceprocesses, and peect the seice chain to ensure customer needs are met promptly. We continuallyconduct customer satisfaction sueys among upstream and downstream customers, focus on trendsin supply chain seice needs, process satisfaction diagnostics, and insights into seitization andsystematization demands. The suey covers our main business models, including domestic trade,impo/expo, and re-expo trade, employing a combination of qualitative inteiews and quantitativequestionnaires. We visit multiple strategic paners and collect questionnaires from customer depamentsresponsible for procurement, sales, nance, logistics, and documentation. Upon project completion, aroundfour core customer seice management areas—seice monitoring, demand management, standardmanagement, and guarantee management—we continually improve customer satisfaction through internalmanagement optimization, enhancement, and seice capability building.we practice the "customer-centered" and "dedicated seice to customers" business philosophy, strictlyadhere to the standards of 30-minute response, professionalized seice, and customer satisfaction.Through immediate callbacks for customer repos and repairs, regular sueys, and internal assessments,we continuously monitor and optimize seice quality. Customer research is conducted annually throughthird-pay sueys, internal milestone customer sueys, and daily instant sueys, to reach customers frommultiple perspectives to collect their opinions and suggestions and ensure continuous improvement ofproducts and seices. Third-pay research companies conduct monthly customer satisfaction sueys viaphone calls, covering 10 indicators including overall evaluation, product metrics, and seice metrics.Regarding customer complaints, a systematic complaint handling process and straightforward complaintchannels have been established. Customers can le complaints through national seice hotlines, theDiamond Club APP's online channels, customer relationship hotlines, customer ambassador WeChat,and propey consultant WeChat, among other oine channels. Upon receiving a complaint, we contactthe customer within 2 hours to formulate a plan (within 24 hours for major complaints) and resolves thecomplaint within 3 days, and conduct a satisfaction callback within 48 hours of resolution. Monthly, weanalyze complaint volumes, trends in common issues, and complaint resolution statuses, urge relevantdepaments to improve, and ensure swift and eective handling of eve customer feedback.

Customer Rights Protection

We adhere to the principles of "professionalism, eciency, quality, and integrity," with product qualitymanagement at the core, pas of our supply chain operation have been ceied by the ISO9001 qualitymanagement system, ensuring eve link from procurement to product delive meets the highest qualitystandards.In supply


In supplychainoperations

In real estateoperations


In real estateoperations


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Macalline upholds a "customer-rst" seice philosophy, dedicated to providing customers withone-stop, comprehensive home solution seices. The company establishes long-term stablecustomer relationships, promotes the continuous development of the home business, and enhancesbrand reputation. The company values eve customer seice oppounity and oers professionalconsultation and design solutions before sales, quality products and considerate seices duringsales, and comprehensive after-sales suppo and assurances to satisfy eve customer need.For customer complaints, multiple channels have been established, including on-site mall reception,400 hotlines, and ocial Weibo, providing full-scale online and oine complaint acceptance. Aftercomplaint acceptance, coordination among the group, malls, and merchants ensures timely feedbackto customer appeals. All customers shopping in the mall are subject to random sueys, measuringseice experience, delive installation, product quality, and mall environment across fourdimensions to understand the comprehensive pre-sale, sale, and after-sale shopping experience.Final results are fed back to the malls for review and comparison, with each mall focusing on areasof improvement to continuously enhance reputation across various dimensions. In 2023, customersatisfaction reached 95.92%.

We place a high priority on information security protection, strictly adhere to laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Lawof the People's Republic of China, the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Personal Information ProtectionLaw of the People's Republic of China. We are committed to maintaining cyber and network security by continuously enhancingour information security management system, improving our information security management level, and ensuring the security ofcorporate information. In 2023, we introduced a "Cybersecurity Management System" to fuher specify the main objectives andbasic requirements of cybersecurity work, implementing comprehensive management measures such as information system securityassurance, information content security, terminal host security, routine network maintenance, emergency handling of securityincidents, and comprehensive security awareness training for all employees. Pas of our information systems have passed level 2and 3 ceications for graded protection.

Information Security Protection

Information Security Management Structure

Our cybersecurity work leadership group oversees, guides, and supeises information security management work, led by theDeputy General Manager with the General Manager of the Digital Center as the deputy leader. This group is responsible forformulating basic information security management systems, improving the information security protection system, decision-making on signicant information security management issues, network security assurance and early warning monitoring,and organizing information security inspections and follow-up rectication supeision. Information managers or specialistsfrom subsidiaries see as cybersecurity liaisons, executes cybersecurity management regulations and measures, inspectsand repos cybersecurity risks, and implements rectications, as well as enhance employee awareness and skills in networksecurity. Annually, we set information security goals and benchmarks, assessing depament personnel through self-evaluationand superior evaluations. Subsidiaries formulate information security benchmarks aligned with their business realities,incorporating information security peormance into the annual assessment of responsible personnel. We also encourageemployees to repo any information security issues to their direct leaders or relevant depaments.In 2023, we built a network security situationawareness system, addressed over 500security threats involving more than 350terminal devices, eectively preventing virusspread within the network from infectedcomputers. We have established a networkaccess control system, enhanced accesscontrol, covered 90 remote sites, and seedover 2,600 users.

Addressed over

security threats

Involving more than

terminal devicesCovered

remote sites

Seed over2,600





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Information Security Emergency Management

Information Security Supeision and Inspection

Customer Privacy Information Protection

Information Security Education and Training

We have established the "Emergency Response and Management Measures of Network Security Incidents," creating ascientic, eective, and rapidly responsive emergency mechanism. It species the emergency response procedures forinformation security incidents that could cause signicant or major harm to the company. In such cases, the incident must berepoed immediately to the information security leadership team, and eective technical measures must be taken promptlyto address and manage the sudden information security incident. After the incident has been handled, a timely analysis andsumma are conducted to repo the causes, handling, improvement measures, and other relevant details, ensuring thatcorrective actions are implemented. We regularly organize emergency drills, including at least once a year data recoveverication and emergency drills for information systems classied under "graded protection" levels two and three, tocontinuously enhance our ability to handle information security incidents.

Our strengthens information security supeision and inspectionthrough regular network security checks and commissioningthird-pay institutions for IT audits, aiming to prevent andaddress information security risks.In 2023, we conducted 20 information system security checks,14 penetration tests, 342 vulnerability scans, identied andaddressed over 400 high-risk vulnerabilities, automaticallyintercepted over 50,000 network scanning attacks, zombiehost connections, and system vulnerability attacks, eectivelyidentied and addressed information security risks. We alsocommissioned external professional institutions to audit theeectiveness of the internal controls of information systems.

Recognizing the sensitivity and impoance of customer information, westrictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations, implementing stringentmeasures to ensure the security and condentiality of all customer data. Allnew employees undergo training related to data and company informationcondentiality, are required to strictly prohibit the disclosure of customerinformation, and sign condentiality agreements, thereby strengtheningtheir awareness and responsibility towards protecting customer privacy. Wehave developed a "Privacy Statement" in accordance with the CybersecurityLaw of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the SecurityProtection of Computer Information Systems, the Personal InformationProtection Law, and other applicable laws. This statement clearly denesthe scope of customer information usage and commits to storing customerinformation for the period stipulated by relevant regulations, ensuring thatcustomer data is not provided to third paies without legal circumstancesor explicit consent from relevant stakeholders.

We employ multiple channels and forms of publicity andtraining to disseminate information security knowledge amongall employees, enhance their awareness and ensure the deepunderstanding and implementation of our information securitypolicies. Through internal network postings, corporate WeChatmini-programs, and E-learning platforms, we share cases ofnetwork security incidents and personal cyber hygiene withemployees. In collaboration with C&D Group and professionalsecurity vendors, specialized training sessions on the evolutionof network security architecture and security strategies duringthe development process are provided for those directlyresponsible for our network security. We actively paicipatingin Xiamen City's Cybersecurity Week, organize extensivetraining for employees, especially those responsible for networksecurity, in cybersecurity awareness and technical skills. In 2023,we organized 6 information security education and trainingsessions.

In 2023, we conducted cyber security attack and defense drills to continuously improve our capability to handle cybersecurityemergencies. We invited attack teams from third-pay national-level cybersecurity rms to simulate real attack and defensescenarios, peorming security tests on our information systems and conducting phishing email tests on employees. Throughthese attack and defense exercises and debriengs, we objectively assessed our level of security protection, raised employees'awareness of security precautions, and eectively enhanced the overall coordination and level of our network securitydefenses.

Information system security checks


Information security education and training sessions


Penetration tests


Vulnerability scans


Identied and addressed over

high-risk vulnerabilitiesIntercepted Networkscanning attacks over




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Forest Stewardship


International Sustainabilityand Carbon Ceication


Programme for the Endorsementof Forest Ceication


We adhere to the "Regulations on the Management of Retail Promotion Activities," "Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’sRepublic of China," "Adveising Law of the People’s Republic of China," and other marketing-related laws and regulations in ourcount and region. We insist on honest and transparent information dissemination and communication to ensure marketingactivities truly reect product features and seice quality. In formulating marketing strategies, we always prioritize consumer needsand welfare, avoid misleading promotions, and actively advocates for environmental protection and social responsibility.

We maintain an open cooperation attitude and a commitment to sustainable development, actively paicipate in internationalenvironmental cooperation frameworks and initiatives, strengthen close cooperation with indust paners, share corporate andindust experiences and achievements, and jointly promote high-quality development in the indust.

Main Indust Associations Involved

We are committed to honest and transparent communication strategies to ensure customers accuratelyunderstand the value and characteristics of our projects. We have established "Marketing Work Standards,""Marketing Inspection and Evaluation Standards," "Marketing and Customer Relations Brand TenderingMethods," "Regulations on Clarifying Product Output Content (Trial)," and "Notices on Customer PaymentRefunds and Special Marketing Payment Requirements" to ensure the compliance of marketing activities.

According to the "MarketingInspection and EvaluationStandards," the Group's MarketDevelopment Depamentconducts quaerly complianceinspections, the results ofwhich are used in the annualassessment of marketingmanagers.

Macalline has established the "Macalline Home Group Unied Marketing Activity Management System,"created a unied public opinion management mechanism, peected the planning, execution, summa, andevaluation of marketing activity schemes, and continuously conduct compliant marketing training to ensureorderly and compliant marketing activities across all units.

Responsible Marketing

Suppo Indust Development

No.Association NamePosition

1China Federation of Logistics & PurchasingVice President Unit

Modern Supply Chain Research Institute of China Federation ofLogistics & Purchasing

Vice Director Unit3Xiamen Modern Supply Chain AssociationPresident Unit4China Chamber of Commerce for Impo and Expo of TextilesExecutive Director Unit

China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & ChemicalsImpoers & Expoers

Director Unit

China Chamber of Commerce for Impo and Expo of Machineand Electronic Products

Director Unit7Xiamen Impo & Expo Chamber of CommerceVice President Unit8Chamber of International Commerce XiamenVice President Unit

China Chamber of Commerce for Impo and Expo of LightIndustrial Products and As-Crafts

Director Unit

Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade ofChina

Director Unit

China Chamber of Commerce of I/E of Foodstus, Native Produceand Animal By-products (CFNA)

Member Unit12China Propey Management InstituteDirector Unit13Fujian Province Estate Management Association

Vice President Unit

Executive Director Unit14Xiamen Propey Management AssociationVice President Unit15Integrity Promotion Association of XiamenExecutive Director Unit16Xiamen Emergency Management AssociationMember Unit

China Association of Highway and Waterway EngineeringConsultants (CAHWEC)

Executive Director Unit18The Civil Engineering and Architecture Association of FujianChair of Supeisors Unit

Each cluster independentlyintroduces third-payinstitutions to conduct salesseice undercover inspections,based on the "C&D RealEstate 2023 Sales SceneSeice Undercover InspectionIndex," adding cluster-specicrequirements for execution.

Risk warnings are placed in salesscenes, display areas, and modelrooms, and all projects displayunfavorable factors inside andoutside the red lines prominently.

Main IndustAssociations Involved

In real estate




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We rmly believe that talent is the key force driving sustainable development. Thus, we adhere to a people-oriented philosophy,focus on the growth of eve employee and strive to create a fair, just, and inclusive work environment. This ensures employees haveaccess to decent, dignied work oppounities, making talent a ceaseless driver of our sustainable growth.




In September 2023, the "2023 4th China Supply Chain Management AnnualConference" and the "2023 National Supply Chain Management ExcellentAchievements Exhibition," guided by the Minist of Commerce, co-hosted bythe China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing and the People's Government ofXiamen, were held in Xiamen. We showcased its professional operations, globallayout, and dual empowerment and suppo experiences and achievements tothe attending leaders and guests in a scenario-based, immersive multimediaformat. We were awarded the "5A-level Supply Chain Seice Enterprise"ceicate during the Supply Chain Innovation and Development Conference heldsimultaneously by CFLP.

In April 2023, the "China Steel Overseas Development Forum," co-hosted byChangfuli (Xiamen) Company and Shanghai Ganglian E-commerce Company,was held in Xiamen. The forum provided in-depth interpretations of topicsrelated to the Chinese steel indust's "Overseas Steel Capacity Layout,""Overseas Mineral Resource Development," "Overseas Infrastructure SteelDemand," and "Steel International Trade Hotspots," collectively anticipatingthe oppounities for China's steel indust's overseas development.

In April 2023, the 2023 China Pulp Summit (7th Edition), organized bythe China Paper Association and hosted by Xiamen C&D Pulp & PaperGroup, was successfully held, attracting more than 600 indust leaders,entrepreneurs, economists, and academic scholars. The summit facilitatedindust exchanges, consolidated development consensus, and over six yearshas gained recognition and praise from all sides of the indust, becoming animpoant summit for promoting indust exchange.


We respect the “International Bill of Human Rights”, follow the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”,the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, and the International Labour Organization's “Declaration on Fundamental Principlesand Rights at Work”, among other internationally recognized human rights standards and guidelines. We strictly comply withnational laws and regulations to protect and suppo employee rights. To promote the implementation of human rights protection,we have established a "Human Rights Policy" and an "Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy," respect and protect therights of employees, suppliers, community residents, and others potentially impacted by our operations. For potential human rightsimpacts and risk areas in its operations, value chain, and new business relationships, we establish communication mechanisms withlocal communities, employees, government agencies, investors, and other stakeholders to regularly identify potential human rightsrisks, and focus on vulnerable groups. We conduct training on human rights protection for employees and contractors to ensure theimplementation of human rights policies and prevent related risks. In 2023, there were no incidents of child labor, forced labor, orhuman tracking in violation of human rights policies across the company's global operations.

Human Rights Protection

Equal Employment

We comply with “the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China”, “the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic ofChina”, and employment laws and regulations in other countries and regions where we operate. We insist on compliantemployment, fair employment, equal pay for equal work, and commit to a minimum wage standard not lower than legalrequirements. We strictly prohibit and resist all forms of forced labor, child labor, slave, and human tracking, creatingan equal, inclusive, and diverse work environment. In various employment activities such as recruitment, placement,assessment, and promotion, we do not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability,nationality, cultural background, etc., ensure equal pay, benets, and employment oppounities for female employeesand qualied disabled employees, oppose any potential employment discrimination.


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●Recruitment Management

● Exit Management

We have established human resource management regulationslike the "Human Resource Management Regulations,” to insiston compliant recruitment and set policies for avoiding conictsof interest to eliminate recruitment violations. We respectthe dignity of eve candidate, clearly dening inteiew,assessment, background check, and hire approval processes forvarious positions, make hiring decisions based on professionalqualications, personal skills, and overall quality to ensure afair and consistent recruitment process for all candidates andencourage mutual selection.

We have established exit management processes in strict accordance with legal requirements. Upon an employee'sexpression of intent to resign, we arrange for the employee's depament head, direct supeisor, and HR personnel toconduct exit inteiews to understand the reasons and demands for resignation. For high-potential talent, core businesspersonnel, or management sta, we actively coordinate internal communications for retention. Monthly employeeturnover statistics and analyses are conducted to monitor employee stability.

Anti-Harassment and Anti-BullyingWe are dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment, eradicate any form of harassment and bullying.We prohibit any kind of violence, insult, defamation, or behavior that disrupts social order, including but not limitedto actions, speech, or practices that infringe upon others' dignity and freedom. Misuse of authority or inteerence inemployees' aairs through improper means is forbidden, with a stance against bullying and harassment, ensuring eveemployee respects individual rights and freedom while fostering a sense of belonging within the collective, enjoying adignied workplace.

■ Male■ Female

■China■ Others■Male■ Female

■Under 30■30-50■ Over 50

■Management■Business■Technical■Financial■ Administrative





























·Employee Composition by Nationality··Management Composition by Gender·

·Employee Composition by Age··Employee Composition by Gender·

·Employee Composition by Function·


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Employee Complaints and Protection

Employee Compensation and Benets

Democracy and Freedom

For behaviors suspected of violating the "Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy," we outline channels for publiccomplaints or appeal in the "Human Resource Management Regulations." Employees are encouraged to submit complaints orappeals to the HR depament, the company union, or escalate them directly to related functional depaments or even topmanagement, with the responsible depament organizing an investigation and providing a response within ve working days.We assure that all victims or complainants' information will be protected to avoid retaliation. We safeguard the implementationof the anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy through strengthening internal management, establish oversight bodies,publicize complaint and appeal channels, conduct eective training, and guide and standardize employee behavior to maintaina positive corporate culture and work atmosphere.

We strictly follow laws and regulations such as the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and the Labor Contract Law, andestablish "Human Resources Management Regulations," "Compensation and Benets Management Regulations," and "Rewardsand Penalties Management Regulations" to ensure employees' working hours, including special periods for female employees(breastfeeding, pregnancy, and maternity), and work environment meet legal requirements, with sala levels not lower than theminimum wage standards mandated by laws and regulations.

We emphasize communication with employees, respect the democratic rights and freedom granted to employees by theconstitution and laws, and clarify the related basic rights employees enjoy in the "Human Resource Management Regulations."We encourage employees to express diverse opinions and ideas, contribute their wisdom to our sustainable development.We actively implement collective bargaining and mediation mechanisms, legally establish unions, regularly convene employeerepresentative assemblies, and formulate the "C&D Union Federation Management Regulations" to regulate the union'sdaily operations, ensuring employees' rights to information, paicipation, management, and supeision. In 2023, our unionrepresentatives reviewed and signed three collective contracts covering a range of employment agreements on sala systems,minimum wage, social insurance, working hours, safety production, occupational environment, and the protection of womenemployees' rights, extending the collective contract's coverage to 100% of our employees.

If you suer fromdiscrimination orharassment, or witnesssomeone else beingdiscriminated against orharassed.

File a complaint through ourunion or HR depament,or repo to our complaintacceptance email, providingrelevant evidence.

The person in charge willimmediately initiate aninvestigation and providenecessa reassurance tothe victim and their family.

If the investigationresults conrm suspecteddiscrimination orharassment, necessadisciplina measures will betaken against the involvedemployee, inaccordancewith our internal policiesand relevant laws andregulations.

We have implemented the "Compensation and Benets Management Regulations," andcommit to provide employees with competitive compensation and benets. We valuetraining and personal development, adhere to the principle of appointing the viuousand providing ample career development oppounities and learning resources. Forindividual development, we have established "professional + management" dual careerpaths, adhering to the principle of promoting the capable, rewarding the excellent,demoting the mediocre, and dismissing the incompetent, to fully stimulate organizationalvitality and provide a platform for employees to realize their personal value.

Employee Development

●Compensation Peormance

We have established a compensation structure centered on sala, supplementedby allowances, bonuses, and benets. We regularly monitor and evaluate markettrends and indust levels to review the reasonableness of compensation settings,ensuring employees are oered competitive and fair compensation and benets. Ascientic and diverse peormance evaluation system helps employees understandwork targets and expectations, evaluating their peormance, capability, andattitude during the assessment period, identifying weaknesses, and providingguidance and suppo. This aids in planned work improvement and sees asan objective basis for decisions on rewards, promotions, and appointments.Peormance assessment indicators related to sustainable development topicslike innovation, risk management, safety production, and quality improvement areintegrated into depamental and employee peormance assessments, motivatingemployees while ensuring eective implementation of sustainable developmentpolicies.

the total duration ofemployee training in our companyamounted to



Peormance is assessed throughobjective management, settingwork targets and metrics, andevaluating and providing feedbackon outcomes.

Peormance is assessed throughbusiness evaluations, personalrepoing, democratic evaluations,and inteiews.

Management personnel

Other employees



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Equity Incentive

●Employee Benets

Through equity incentive plans, we have establishedmedium- and long-term incentive mechanisms for directors,senior management, middle management, and keypersonnel to attract and retain talent, motivating them toalign shareholder, company, and individual interests towardshigh-quality, long-term development. By the end of 2023,1,359 incentivized individuals held a total of 168,769,300restricted shares, with middle management and keypersonnel (1,349 individuals in total) holding 161,669,300shares, accounting for 96% of the incentive shares.

We care for employees' basic needs in aspects such as physical and mental health,serious illness medical care, working conditions, family care, and breastfeeding andparenting, and have established a long-term welfare plan. In addition to the statutobenefits of the "Five Insurances and One Fund," we have also set up a corporateannuity system, purchased group commercial insurance for employees (includingoverseas insurance), and provided various subsidies such as official travel, housing,remote work, communication, professional title/certification, lecturing, part-timework, management trainee, high temperature/cold weather, missed meal, holiday, andspecial position allowances (e.g., night shift). Additionally, diverse welfare benets likehealth management and union team-building activities are oered. Beyond statutoholidays, we provide employees with annual leave, marriage leave, maternity/paternityleave, accompanying leave, parenting leave, breastfeeding leave, bereavement leave,sick leave, personal leave, etc. The duration of these leaves is adjusted based on theemployee's tenure at the company and national laws and regulations to accommodatedifferent needs. Employees are encouraged to take their annual leave as perregulations, and salaries for annual leave, marriage leave, paternity leave, bereavementleave, breastfeeding leave, etc., are paid at the regular working sala rate. In 2023, thetotal duration of paid parental leave taken by employees amounted to 4,787 days.



We provide a lactationroom for femaleemployees, equippedwith water dispensers,refrigerators, sofas, etc.

We have established a group aid fund to provide necessa economic assistance to employees (or theirspouses, children, parents, parents-in-law, etc.) and retired employees facing family difficulties due tosevere illnesses, major accidents, or severe disabilities, helping them cope with the nancial stress causedby sudden events or major diseases.

Lactation Rooms

Economic Assistance

Talent Quality Cultivation

We continuously enhance and enrich our talent cultivation system and create a proactive learningorganization. We have established an employee training system comprised of capability frameworks,course systems, instructor systems, operation systems, and learning platforms. Training content includesbasic business training, specialized training, risk prevention series training, new employee boot camps,business backbone series training, and mid-to-senior-level management training. A specialized trainingcenter is set up at our headquaers, with numerous training plans formulated to provide employees withvarious training oppounities, and enhance their professional skills, international perspectives, and riskcontrol awareness. Additionally, we organize internal competitions annually based on talent needs incritical positions and new units, and oer new career development oppounities for employees. For thosewho are unsuitable for their current positions but display good peormance and quality, HR depamentsat all levels actively seek other internal development oppounities, to ensure the right t for both positionand person and provide a platform for continuous learning and improvement.

The total duration of paidparental leave taken byemployees amounted to4,787


1,359 incentivized individuals held a total of


million restricted shares

Middle management and key personnel held


million restricted shares

Equity Incentive Grant Ratio

■Middle Management and Key Personnel

■ Directors and Senior Management





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In 2023, we launched 13 trainingsessions totaling 33 hours under the"Young Cadres Growth CommunityCheung Kong Graduate SchoolBusiness Study Class" and "LateNight Knowledge Hall," involving 67employees from the supply chainoperation business domain. The aimwas to enhance the comprehensivequality and capabilities of youngcadres, cultivating outstandingmanagement and leadership talent forour development.

In 2023, we initiated a 3-day thematiclearning project on investment/industry chain/internationalizationfor official cadres in the supply chainoperation business, with 63 employeesparticipating in learning and industryvisits at Peking University GuanghuaSchool of Management. The sho-termcourses and seminars aimed to helpemployees update their knowledge andimprove their skills.

Young Cadres Growth Community "Youth Gathering" – Cheung Kong Graduate School Business Study Class

Peking University Guanghua School of Management – C&D Management Cadre LearningProject



Focused on corporate culture,professional integrity, teammanagement, and role transitionthemes, this project provided 54hours of oine training for 167 newlyappointed management backbonepersonnel. It aimed to build aworkforce with a high cultural identity,good professional ethics, ecientcollaboration capabilities, and strongadaptability, thereby enhancing ouroverall competitiveness and sustainabledevelopment capability.

This training was designed toaccelerate new management trainees'understanding of our overall situationand culture, assisting in their transitionfrom "campus individuals" to "C&Dpersonnel." The project focuses oncorporate culture, product concepts,and business fundamentals, thecurriculum centered on culturalintegration through lectures, executivesharing, project visits, team-building,knowledge competitions, and more,guiding trainees to perceive and learnthe company culture.

Management Skills Enhancement Series Training Phase III Project

C&D Real Estate · Management Trainee "Flagship Employee" Training Project


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Our "E-Learning" online training platform oers high-quality onlineeducational resources, with courses categorized by themes such asmacro trends, financial empowerment, overseas markets, industryinsights, leadership area, international exchange rates, and cutting-edge information. Employees can choose appropriate coursesbased on job requirements, rank, and personal interests for self-directed learning. By the end of 2023, the "E-Learning" platformhad launched 90 online courses, with a total of 306,218 paicipants,averaging 3,402 learners per course.

"E-Learning" Online Training Platform

"E-Learning" platform had launched

online coursesWith a total of306,218


School-Enterprise Collaborative CooperationWe continue to deepen our relationships with educational institutions, expanding our network of cooperative colleges and universities yearby year, thereby strengthening mutual understanding, connection, and trust among us, universities, and students. We actively explore andestablish new models of school-enterprise collaboration under the perspective of integration of indust and education, creating practical,eective, and feasible new paths for talent development. Currently, we have signed school-enterprise cooperation agreements with multipleinstitutions, including Peking University, Xiamen University, Dalian Maritime University, Ocean University of China, Fuzhou University, JinanUniversity, Nankai University, Central University of Finance and Economics, and University of International Business and Economics. In 2023,to meet the development needs of key regions such as Southeast Asia, South America, Europe, and Africa, the company strengthenedits overseas recruitment channels through campus, headhunting, and website channels, suppoing units at all levels to recruit foreign orexpatriate talents. Simultaneously, we continue to accumulate overseas employment experience, continually research employment policiesand talent environments in key areas, peect the overseas employee commercial insurance system, and safeguard employees' overseasendeavors.


Employees with an international perspectivefrom campus recruitment are crucial forsupporting our future business innovationand success. With our high degree ofopenness and economic vitality, theGuangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GreaterBay Area attracts a large pool of youngtalents. We chose Hong Kong as our firstoverseas recruitment station, where therecruitment team collected resumes fromnearly 600 students from the University ofHong Kong, Chinese University of HongKong, City University of Hong Kong, HongKong Polytechnic University, Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology, andothers in 2023.

Hong Kong Campus Recruitment

Hong Kong Campus Recruitment



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Based on an open, inclusive, and diversified philosophy, we regularly conduct the "Lift Yourself" internship programduring the summer, open to students worldwide without restrictions on nationality or major. In this program, eachintern is paired with a mentor for one-on-one systematic training and extended activities, including capability practiceand site visits. We record, evaluate, and assess interns' performance during the internship. Quali?ed and outstandinginterns may receive campus recruitment opportunities at the end of their internship, along with the chance to becomecampus recruitment ambassadors and internal referral qualifications, plus generous referral bonuses provided by us.In 2023, students from Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Renmin University of China, Xiamen University, CentralSouth University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Central University of Finance and Economics, and other universitiesparticipated in our program.

"Lift Yourself" Summer Internship Program


We have established long-term cooperative relationships with domestic colleges and vocational schools, such as FujianShipbuilding Indust School, Xiamen Technician College, Fujian Water Conseancy and Electric Power Technical College,jointly advance the construction of "C&D classes," improve the evaluation methods for industrial workers' skills, andcar out vocational skill level ceication for "automobile maintenance workers" with C&D. In 2023, over 150 technicalposition interns were accepted, and more than 50 were employed. The teaching reform case developed in cooperationwith Fujian Shipbuilding Indust School—"Research and Practice of the '123' Innovative Talent Cultivation Model Basedon School-Enterprise Cooperation"—was selected as a typical case for the "Double Hundred Plan" of school-enterprisecooperation by the Chinese Society of Higher Education in 2022.

Integration of Indust and Education

"Lift Yourself" Summer Internship Program

Integration of Indust and Education


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We adhere to the policy of "safety rst, prevention-oriented, and comprehensive management," establish the concept of "safetyseice operation, and management closely follows the strategy," and prioritize production safety and employee health. Throughdiscussion, we have formulated the "Occupational Health and Safety Policy", which was approval by the Workers' Congress and theChairman of the Board. We have fuher rened and implemented internal regulations such as the " Regulations on Work SafetyManagement," " Regulations on Repoing Sudden Events and Major Matters concerning Safety and Stability," " Training Systemfor Work Safety Education," " System for Identifying and Treating Hidden Dangers," " Methods for Managing Safety in Large-scaleEvents," and " Regulations on Security Management of Overseas Institutions and Personnel." We were committed to minimizingoccupational health and safety risks in our operations and ensuring the occupational health and safety of our employees. Meanwhile,we encouraged suppliers to establish sound systems for occupational health and safety protection through the "Supplier Code ofConduct," specifying specic preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of occupational diseases or work-related accidents,and safeguarding the health and safety of our employees to ensure that they enjoy the same rights to occupational health andsafety as stipulated in the "Regulations on Work Safety Management." In 2023, we revised the " Guidelines for the Constructionof Work Safety Management System," referring to international standards such as ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001, continuouslyimproving the occupational health and safety management system. By identifying, assessing, and managing occupational healthand safety risks in the process of business development, we established a dual preventive mechanism for graded control of safetyrisks and investigation and treatment of hidden dangers, and conducted regular reviews and supeision to continuously improveoccupational health and safety management and work standards. In 2023, our production subsidiaries obtained ISO 45001certification for occupational health and safety management system, and no personnel deaths or major work safety accidentsoccurred throughout the year.

Occupational Health and SafetySafety Management Institution

We establish a Safety Management Committee as the institution responsible for work safety management. The committeeis chaired by the CEO, with Deputy General Manager and managers of key safety units serving as vice-directors. Athree-tier safety management structure is established and tailored to the diverse nature, formats, and prima risks ofeach unit. Safety responsibilities are divided among key safety units, general safety units, and safety supeiso units,ensuring comprehensive implementation of the "all-sta work safety responsibility system" and hierarchical accountabilityfor safety. The Chairman and senior management are accountable for major accidents, and the compensation of themanagement is linked to the safety peormance of their respective units.

In 2023, we signed 1,103 safety responsibility agreementswith all safety responsibility units and 284 agreementswith outsourced units (partners, contractors, suppliers,tenants, construction contractors, etc.), achieving acoverage rate of 100%. We set occupational health andsafety management objectives in 2023 work safetyplan, conducting quarterly assessments of work safetyobjectives for each depament and repoing the resultsat safety meetings. The results of work safety assessmentswere linked to the compensation and performance ofrelevant personnel and management.

Safety Management Committee and

Permanent Oce

Safety Management Structure

Key Safety UnitsGeneral Safety UnitsSafety Supeision UnitsUnits with Prima Responsibility

Safety Site Units

We signed with all safety responsibility units


safety responsibility agreementsAchieved a coverage rate of




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Safety Risk Prevention and ControlWe have formulated the "Work Safety Risk Classification Management and Hidden DangerInvestigation and Control System " determining and implementing graded risk control for majorhazards. To improve workplace safety and reduce injuries and accidents, we have identied gas,elevators, high-rise firefighting, and hazardous operations (such as hot work, confined spacework, work at heights, and tempora electrical work) as core risks. We have established controlsystems and management guidelines such as the "Elevator Safety Management System," "High-rise Building Fire Safety Management System," "Gas Safety Management System," and "HazardousOperations Safety Management System," and urged all units to implement them. Each of the keysafety units, in accordance with their own business characteristics, conducts hazard identicationwork. Using the LEC method, they classify risks specic to their respective business types (suchas container risks, warehouse risks, risks in automobile dealerships, etc.) and formulate controlmeasures, conducting regular training and inspections. In 2023, we hired experts from theXiamen Emergency Management Association to assist in hazard identication and control work,identifying a total of 325 hazards and formulating 864 control measures, all of which have beenposted on impoant risk notication cards.






In the real estate business, regarding engineering emergencies, C&D Propey has formulated and continuously revised the "EngineeringEmergency Repoing and Handling Mechanism" to strengthen the management process of engineering emergencies, standardize therepoing and handling mechanism, ensure the safety of personnel and propey, reduce project operating costs, and achieve eectiveclosed-loop handling of emergencies. After an emergency occurs, each project must strictly follow the emergency response plan templatefor handling and continuously monitor the situation's development, upgrading the response as necessary. Furthermore, each projectmust strictly adhere to the repoing mechanism, with any concealment or omission subject to corresponding penalties. To ensure thatemployees are familiar with and proficient in the reporting process, each business unit leads the organization of systematic trainingsessions.

Our logistics subsidia has selected Changle Logistics Center as a pilot project to achieve automatic alarm for abnormal electricity usageby monitoring voltage, current, phase line temperature, etc. Additionally, at Yibin Logistics Center, infrared thermometers were used toassist electricians in conducting special electrical inspections in key areas. Our automotive group has completed "Smart Firefighting"construction in the Jiemei and Xiang'an districts, strengthening monitoring of water systems and fire systems through the use of IoTtechnology.

In the C&D Xi Yue project in Xiamen, C&D Propey employs sma reghting and water supply and drainage systems to ensure thecontinuous safe and efficient operation of firefighting pipelines, domestic water supply networks, and key equipment. This systemcan real-time monitor the operation data of key facilities and equipment in the project, including water tank levels, pump operationstatus, pipe network pressure, equipment room temperature and humidity, as well as the status of re alarm hosts. Additionally, throughthe intelligent early warning mechanism of this system, C&D Propey can detect abnormal situations in advance and deal with thempromptly, ensuring the normal operation of key facilities and equipment while reducing safety risks.

The C&D Xi Yue project in Xiamen has implemented a Sma Elevator Management System, which not only reduces energy consumptionbut also enhances safety management levels. This system can monitor the temperature of elevator machine rooms and remotely controlventilation fans and air conditioning as needed. Utilizing the AI capabilities of elevator cabins, it accurately identies safety hazardssuch as the ent of electric vehicles into the elevator and prolonged elevator blocking, issuing timely warnings to ensure the safety andconvenience of residents. Fuhermore, the system can detect water ooding in the elevator pit and immediately issue warnings upondetection of anomalies, eectively preventing potential risks.

Macalline is committed to improving workplace safety and continuously optimizing security management in its shopping centers. In2023, it upgraded the inspection system to version 2.0, extending coverage from originally self-operated stores to all shopping centersnationwide, with monthly regulato assessments.

Engineering Emergency Repoing and Handling Mechanism

"Sma Fireghting" Construction

"Sma Fireghting" System

Sma Elevator Management System

Security Management at Macalline Shopping Centers

Identied a total of


control measures



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Workplace Safety InspectionWe actively conduct internal and external safety audits. Our safety committee conducts safety system audits everyquarter according to the "Safety Assessment Plan" and applies the audit results to safety assessments to achievecontinuous improvement of the safety management system. Two stores under the logistics subsidia and automotivegroup paicipate in the standardization rating of work safety. The emergency management depament conducts safetyaudits eve 3 years in accordance with the " Guideline of China occupational safety and health management system "(GB/T33000). In 2023, the safety committee inspected a total of 41 on-site units, discovering and rectifying 103 hiddendangers, with a coverage rate of 100% for inspection formats. The inspection density of each safety key unit signicantlyincreased, with a total of 138 on-site units inspected, discovering and rectifying 989 hidden dangers, and achieving aninspection coverage rate of 86%. In addition, each on-site unit conducts self-inspection monthly, rectifying a total of1,134 hidden dangers.

● Flexible Hidden Hazard Inspection

● Specialized Operation Inspection

Gas Usage Inspection

●Real Estate Project Inspection

Building upon the initial phase of addressing rigid hazards,we have identified 14 key risks existing in specializedoperations, maintenance of special equipment, hazardouswaste management, and occupational health management.We have organized special task forces in each safety-focused unit to carry out targeted actions, resulting inthe identication and rectication of a total of 22 hiddenhazards.

A comprehensive inspection of the qualifications of allcompany employees engaged in specialized operations wasconducted. We inspected 212 forklift operators, 37 high-voltage electricians, 219 low-voltage electricians, 63 weldersand hot cutters, and 132 crane operators in total. The dis-qualied employees were promptly isolated and rectied.

To address gas safety concerns, we carried out a special governance initiative. Following a thorough investigation, we found that ve4S stores within automotive group and the liquor company were using gas. Our safety committee allocated a special rectication fundof 56,000 RMB to the automotive group to converse from gas to electricity, thus eliminating gas hazards at once. Due to operationalrestrictions, the liquor company was unable to cease gas usage but we have re-evaluated and ensured its safety.

C&D Property adheres to the safety bottom line of projects, strictly implementing the "Red-Yellow Card SupervisionSystem," and imposing strict nes on personnel responsible for incidents involving red-yellow cards. We are committedto achieving the work safety goal of zero incidents related to re safety, elevator safety, and personal inju.

Additionally, clear regulations have been established for safety rectificationwork: management-related issues must be rectied within 7 working days afterdiscovered by the relevant depament, equipment-related safety issues mustbe rectified within 1 month, with a maximum extension of 3 months underspecial circumstances. Otherwise, it requires hierarchical review and approvalof the General Manager. For safety bottom line issues that cannot be rectiedin a timely manner, the relevant depaments must promptly and proactivelyinform internally and repo to relevant internal and external paies. Within 7working days after repoing, targeted emergency plans must be developed,and relevant personnel must conduct at least one drill. Additionally, emergencyplans must be evaluated and revised annually, with drills conducted at leastsemi-annually. If safety bottom line issues repoed internally are not rectiedwithin the specified time frame, corresponding penalties will be imposedaccording to the human resources reward and punishment system, withquaerly notications issued.

C&D Propey’s Operations Management Center and Cluster Propey Depaments are responsible for organizing joint inspections onceeach year in the rst and second halves of the year, as well as conducting periodic spot checks. Business units/companies are requiredto carry out safety bottom line supervisory inspections once per quarter, while districts/projects are to conduct safety bottom linesupeiso inspections once per month. For newly added external projects (including new construction), business units/companies mustcomplete a safety bottom line self-inspection within three months from the project's occupancy date. Except for special approvals, newlyadded external projects (including new construction) that do not meet the re access conditions are not allowed to repo existing safetybottom line issues.

We cover multiple aspects including re protection systems, elevator systems, public facilities, operational management,and past rectication, ensuring that each safety aspect receives sucient attention and eective control.

The safety committeeinspected a total of

on-site units

With a coverage rate of


Each on-site unitrectifys a total of1,134

hidden dangersDiscovered andrectied

hidden dangers

Inspection Methods

Inspection Content



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●Community Safety Inspection●Mall Safety InspectionC&D Propey attaches great impoance to community safety management. Through the formulation of an annual worksafety plan, organization of work safety inspections, and conducting training on key points of annual safety hazardidentication, we enhance employees' awareness of safety hazards and their ability to handle them, thereby establishinga solid community safety system. We hold monthly safety meetings to thoroughly review the safety situation of theprevious month and plan work safety work for the next month. Monthly online hazard inspections are implemented,utilizing the PMS work order system to ensure comprehensive and meticulous inspections of public areas by the orderand customer seice teams. Additionally, self-inspection and self-correction activities are conducted before impoantholidays such as New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Labor’s Day, and National Day, ensuring work safety during the holidayperiod.

Eve year, Macalline conducts two rounds of safety risk inspections for all opened malls nationwide, covering 13 itemsincluding building structures, facilities and equipment, operating booths, decoration booths, vacant booths, cross-industry dining, emergency response, and non-business hour control. It implements district-based management forsafety personnel, with each responsible for supervising the safety of malls in their respective districts, achieving fullcoverage within six months. At the regional level, quaerly inspections and mutual inspections between mall generalmanagers are conducted. At the mall level, weekly and monthly self-inspections and rectication work are carried out tocomprehensively promote the identication and rectication of safety hazards in the malls.In addition, C&D Propey strictly adheres to the guidelines of the " C&D Real Estate Propey Project Safety HazardInspection Manual". It implements corresponding standards in key safety areas such as fire protection, elevators,swimming pools, water features, fall prevention facilities (including children's recreational facilities), electric vehicles, andgas, and provides specic explanations of the potential harm of various safety hazards to enhance safety awareness. Toaddress two major key issues of high-altitude throwing and elevator safety, C&D Propey has taken a series of eectivemeasures:

Detailed inspection plans are formulated tocomprehensively cover all areas within thecommunity, with a focus on checking publicareas and monitoring facilities where risksmay exist. Inspection and rectication workfor strengthening protective measures areintensied, and targeted special inspectionsare conducted. Through educationalcampaigns, residents' awareness andunderstanding of high-altitude throwingare raised to enhance safety consciousness.

C&D Propey strengthens the quality and safetylevel of elevators by implementing bi-monthlyinspections and intercom communication teststo ensure safe operation. It promotes safetyelevator knowledge and rescues skills throughelevator car culture construction and centralizedpublicity activities, guiding residents to takeelevators safely and courteously. At the sametime, semi-annual emergency rescue drills forelevator entrapment are conducted to enhancethe ability of property management andmaintenance units to respond to emergencies.

Throwing objects from heightElevator safety


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Emergency Safety Management

In managing sudden production safety incidents, we follow the principle of "quick response and hierarchical reporting ". Work Safetyleaders in each unit repo incidents step by step, and in cases of special urgency, they may directly repo to the leader of our work safetyworking group or the chairman. Once a sudden incident or accident occurs, the work safety working group immediately initiates relevantemergency plans, actively conducts accident rescue operations, and ensures that unit leaders arrive at the scene promptly. Effectivemeasures are swiftly taken to organize rescue eos, prevent the incident from escalating, and minimize casualties, propey damage, ordamage to our reputation to the greatest extent possible.



To address emergencies such as typhoons, heavy rainfall, and ooding, C&D Propey has developed a "Typhoon and Flood PreventionPlan." Prior to the rainy season, the plan generates specialized inspection work orders through the PMS system, which are then carriedout by various departments and projects. Concurrently, on-site drills for typhoon and flood prevention are conducted to enhanceresponse capabilities. In 2023, one week before the arrival of Super Typhoon "Doksuri" in Quanzhou, C&D Propey issued a typhoonemergency warning and organized depaments and projects to conduct specialized inspections and material preparations according tothe requirements of the typhoon and ood prevention emergency plan. During the typhoon, paicular attention was paid to key areassuch as garages, rooftops, equipment rooms, and low-lying areas with regular inspections to promptly identify and address potentialhazards. After the typhoon, quick action was taken to clear fallen trees, remove water accumulation, and inspect facilities and equipmentto restore order to the community as quickly as possible. Despite the impact of the typhoon and heavy rainfall, cities such as Quanzhou,Xiamen, and Fuzhou experienced urban ooding and fallen trees, C&D Propey’s managed projects did not experience undergroundooding.

In 2023, relying on Fire Prevention Day (April 19th) andFirefighting Day (November 9th), Macalline conducted variousemergency plan drills and specialized assessments. A total of322 malls nationwide paicipated in the drills, organizing a totalof 14,939 emergency drills, with 147,979 paicipants. Local redepartments were invited to participate in 705 mall plan drills,covering scenarios such as emergency evacuation, firefighting,elevator entrapment, sprinkler burst, counter-terrorism incidentresponse, and sudden event response, involving 100% of thecompany's employees. Additionally, the company conductedemergency plan drills for malls in 62 cities nationwide, totaling124 drills throughout the year, comprehensively enhancing thecollaborative emergency response capabilities of shopping malls.

Emergency Drills for Typhoon and Flood Prevention

Fire Emergency Drills in Shopping Malls

Based on the emergency plansystem,our key safety unitsconducted a total of16,704

emergency drillsWith a total of158,370


We have formulated the "Emergency Management Regulations for Work Safety Accidents,"which specifies requirements for contingency plan formulation, team building, materialallocation, and drill execution. Each key safety unit, considering its own business characteristics,has developed an emergency plan system for high-risk scenarios such as re evacuation, safetyaccidents, and typhoons. Periodically, safety re drills and emergency exercises are organizedfor employees to enhance their emergency response capabilities. Currently, we have developed29 types of emergency plans and 37 operating standards, covering all aspects of businessoperations. In 2023, our key safety units conducted a total of 16,704 emergency drills based onthe emergency plan system, with 158,370 paicipants. The drill themes included scenarios suchas typhoon and ood prevention, re prevention, falls from height, mechanical injuries, chemicalburns, hazardous material leaks, and heatstroke in high-temperature weather, among others.

Organized a total of


emergency drills

With a total of





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Safety Training Education

We attached great importance to employee occupational health andsafety education, strictly following the requirements of the "Work SafetyEducation and Training System" to provide employees with educationand training in work safety. In order to further strengthen the worksafety for overseas institutions and personnel, we have also formulatedthe " Regulations on Security Management of Overseas Institutions andPersonnel", explicitly requiring sending units to organize overseas safetyeducation and training before personnel are dispatched abroad. In 2023,the we issued the "Safety Training Outline", covering safety managementqualification training, new employee safety training, emergencyfire training, safety management platform training, work safetystandardization thematic training, CPR certification training, onlineoccupational health training, etc. In 2023, we and various safety keyunits conducted safety and occupational health training in accordancewith the safety training outline and job characteristics, with a totalof 31,321 training sessions and drills conducted, involving 373,368paicipants, and achieving a 100% coverage rate among employees.



To comprehensively enhance employees' safety awareness and improve safety skills, we organize the development of a series of safety-themed courses covering oce safety, re safety, and various professional safety training, etc., and upload them to the " Zhangjianshi" learning platform for all employees to study. Each level of operating unit formulates annual training plans based on businesscharacteristics and actual situations. Through safety knowledge quizzes, firefighting practical competitions, thematic lectures, etc.,work safety, special operations personnel, oce safety, driving safety, and other aspects of safety education and training are providedto employees. Before the sta of the project, operating units coordinate with supeiso units to strictly supeise construction units,ensuring that all incoming construction personnel receive appropriate safety technical measures brieng and pre-job training to preventpotential safety risks. Additionally, we utilize various promotional platforms such as "Weilianfa" and "Lianfa’s windows" to disseminateinformation on current social hot topics or safety knowledge.

C&D Propey places great emphasis on cultivating and enhancing employees' safety awareness. For new employees, tailored inductiontask lists are formulated according to different positions, and through a systematic training process, new employees are assisted ingradually mastering core safety knowledge and skills. Meanwhile, diverse safety training courses are actively organized, covering topicssuch as correct operation of pressure relief valves, emergency plans for engineering management emergencies and sharing of typicalcases, dissemination of safety bottom lines with red and yellow cards and case sharing, and the use of engineering safety protectiveequipment, aiming to comprehensively enhance employees' safety awareness.

Real Estate Construction Safety Training

New Employee Safety Training


training sessionsand drills with a total of31,321With a total of373,368

participantsCoverage rate among employees



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Macalline implements training for its own employees, business clerks, decorators, catering sta, and third-pay personnel. The trainingcontent covers safe electricity use, understanding and maste of the "four understands and four knows" of re safety, re extinguisherusage, decoration management standards, national regulato norms, commercial warning case studies, and various ocial documentnotication standards. Additionally, Macalline actively conducts safety publicity work through a combination of online and oine methodssuch as mall bulletin boards, propaganda columns, and micro-pushes, with a total of 3,312 safety promotions conducted throughout theyear. The safety knowledge dissemination, training, and activities carried out in ongoing projects are divided into regular and irregularcategories. Macalline regularly conducts safety education and training for new workers before they enter the construction site, holdssafety special meetings no less than once a week, and conducts education, training, and publicity activities in line with the theme ofNational Safe Production Month in June each year for all employees. Fuhermore, Macalline organizes special safety knowledge trainingand warning education activities irregularly based on the project situation and on-site safety issues. In 2023, Macalline conducted a totalof 10,676 training sessions, with a total of 201,573 paicipants.

Mall Safety Training

Occupational Health ManagementWe attach great impoance to occupational health management of employees, strictly adhering to the " Law of the People's Republicof China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases," "Provisions on the Administration of Occupational Health at Workplaces,"and "Classication and Catalogue of Occupational Diseases," continuously establishing and improving occupational health managementsystems. We implement reasonable work schedules and exible work arrangements, providing employees with online occupational healthtraining, health check-ups, psychological health assessments, and other seices, aiming to provide a safe, healthy, and pleasant workingenvironment. We achieved a zero occupational disease incidence rate in 2023.

●Employee Assistance Program

●Employee Health Management

We implement an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), providing employees with a comprehensive, long-term professional mental health welfareand support program. Through professional diagnosis, advice, guidance, training, and counseling (both we and third-party institutions arecommitted to strictly protecting the condentiality and privacy of the counseling), we help to address the psychological and behavioral issues ofemployees and their family members.

We mobilize all employees to paicipate in online occupational health training, organize annual comprehensive health check-ups for allemployees, including physical examinations, routine tests, and specialized examinations, to ensure timely detection and inteention ofemployee health conditions. We provide personalized health advice and guidance to help employees focus on and manage their healthcomprehensively.We operate a cafeteria, providing healthy meals for employees with balanced nutrition to improve the health of the workforce throughdieta regulation. We also establish employee tness groups, oering various classes such as yoga and swimming to provide tness andnutrition knowledge, meet the employees' need for physical exercise, improve their mood and mental state, and foster a positive corporateculture, thereby fully suppoing the overall physical and mental health of all employees.Subsidia companies car out free breast and gynecological disease screenings for female employees in dicult circumstances. Theyalso collaborate with Baodao Optical and China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. to provide on-site eye health check-up seices, enhancingemployees' awareness of eye care.

Provide 24-hour psychological counseling seices to facilitate problem-solving and stress relief, eectively enhancing employee work enthusiasm and life satisfaction in the sho term.●

Equip with an outstanding team of professional psychological counselors, with nearly 600 counselors available for selection.●

Employees can make appointments for psychological counseling via phone, WeChat ocial account, and enterprise WeChat. Counseling sessions are available in both online and oine formats.


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● Work Schedule Management

● Employee Recreational Activities

We strictly adhere to the requirements of the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China" and local laws and regulationsregarding working hours, advocating for a balance between work and life. We generally implement a two-day weekendsystem, rigorously control unnecessa oveime, and ensure that employees enjoy statuto rest periods and holidays,thereby guaranteeing that employees do not work overload within prescribed working hours to safeguard their physicaland mental health. For positions implementing flexible or comprehensive working hour systems, we require relevantmanagement personnel to repo according to policy requirements. Through regulating employee attendance, preventingexcessive oveime, promoting work-life balance, and fostering a healthy and safe working environment.

We regularly organize a variety of recreational activities, such as tree planting, collaborative events for festivals, annualsports meetings, and employee basketball games. We also construct beneficial physical and mental recreationalfacilities, such as gyms and staff reading spaces like "WE Reading Space," enriching employees' leisure lives andenhancing collective identity and organizational cohesion.


In real estate operations, we organize "Cooling and Warming Activities" for frontline employees. During hot summers,we provide cold drinks, sù-kó-thong, and other cooling foods to employees, while during cold winters, we offerhot tangyuan (glutinous rice balls) and dumplings, ensuring the physical health of employees under high summertemperatures and severe winter conditions.

Cooling and Warming Activities

We establish and continuously improve a corporate governance system that is just, responsible,effective, and inclusive. We consistently enhance the scientific nature and transparency of decision-making, promote the improvement of risk management systems, and adhere to high ethical standardsin business conduct. We establish fair and positive relationships with all stakeholders, thereby ensuringsustainable development and long-term value creation.

Governance Peormance Targets in 2023Completion Status

Revise and enhance sustainable development policies and systemsin conjunction with business operations and development

Zero signicant lawsuits or major administrative penalties throughoutthe year due to unfair competition practices

100% coverage rate of anti-commercial bribe and anti-corruptiontraining for employees during the year4Zero number of tax compliance violations

Disclose the 2023 Sustainable Development Report by May 2024,and repo the ESG governance eectiveness in 2023 to stakeholders



In Progress



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Governancefor SustainableDevelopment

We integrate sustainable development concepts into corporategovernance and gradually establish a top-down sustainabledevelopment management framework. Under the Board of Directors,there are various committees including the Audit Committee, theRemuneration and Appraisal Committee, the Strategic and SustainableDevelopment Committee, the Risk Management Committee, andthe Investment and Policy-making Committee. These committeesprovide professional consultation and advice to guide and supeiseESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) management work,continuously enhancing our level of sustainable developmentmanagement, and promoting the realization of long-term corporatevalue.

In 2023, we revised the ""Working Rules of the Board of Directors'Strategic and Sustainable Development Committee", specifying thatthe Strategic and Sustainable Development Committee is responsiblefor researching and making recommendations on ESG strategies,as well as ESG issues of stakeholder concern such as environmentalmanagement, greenhouse gas emissions, human rights protection,and responsible supply chains. The committee also reviews ESGrepos and guides and supeises ESG-related work. The committeeholds meetings annually to discuss climate-related issues and reposto the Board of Directors. At the executive level, we have establisheda Sustainable Development Working Group composed of seniormanagement and managers from relevant functional departments.Under the guidance of the Strategic and Sustainable DevelopmentCommittee, this group is responsible for implementing specic ESG-related tasks.

We strictly follow the procedures for the nomination and election ofboard members in accordance with the Aicles of Association, Rulesof Shareholders Meetings, and other regulations. Board membersare elected by the shareholders' meeting. Currently, the board ofdirectors consists of 9 members, including 3 independent directors,all of whom hold doctoral degrees, accounting for 33.33% of the totalnumber of board members.

Sustainable Development Governance Structure

Appointment of Directors and Senior Management

Board of Directors Level

Executive Level

Sustainable DevelopmentWorking Group


ProfessionalismBoard CommitteesIndustExperience


RiskControl andCompliance

Accounting& Financial

Strategy andSustainableDevelopmentCommittee


Remunerationand AppraisalCommittee

Investmentand Policy-makingCommittee


⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙HuangWenzhou(Male)Vice Chairman

⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙Ye Yanliu(Female)Director



⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙Lin Mao(Male)Director&CEO

⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙ChenDongxu(Male)Director& VicePresident

⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙Lin Tao(Male)IndependentDirector

⊙⊙⊙⊙Chen Shoude(Male)IndependentDirector

⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙Wu Yuhui(Male)



Jiang Guizhi(Female)

Vice President&Board Secreta

⊙⊙⊙⊙Wang Zhibin(Male)

Vice President


Xu Jiana(Male)Vice President

⊙⊙⊙⊙ChengDongfang(Male)Vice President

⊙⊙⊙⊙Lv Rongdian(Male)Vice President

⊙⊙⊙⊙Wei Zhuo(Female)



Strategic and SustainableDevelopment Committee

We strictly adhere to the procedures outlined in the Articles ofAssociation and other regulations for the appointment of seniormanagement personnel. Senior management personnel coverprofessional fields including corporate management, financialmanagement, risk management, etc. Among them, there are 2 femalesenior management personnel, accounting for 25% of the totalnumber of senior management personnel.


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The diversity and professionalism of the Board of Directors and seniormanagement team are important safeguards for corporate decision-making. We highly value the continuous improvement of the professionalcompetence of directors, supeisors, and senior management personnel.Every year, we regularly organize various training sessions related toduties and sustainable development for directors, supeisors, and seniormanagement personnel. In 2023, we organized a total of three trainingsessions for directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel,with a total of 15 paicipants.

Our Board of Directors has established a Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, which operates in accordance with the "WorkingRules of the Board of Directors' Remuneration and Appraisal Committee". It is responsible for providing recommendations on directorcompensation, formulating compensation and peormance assessment plans for senior management personnel, and conductingsalary assessments for senior management personnel. Directors and senior management personnel employed by the companyreceive their compensation on an annual sala basis, determined according to their specic roles. Their annual sala comprisesboth a basic salary and a performance-based component, which is tied to the company's financial performance and individualperformance assessments. They are also entitled to benefits stipulated by the company. Directors no longer receive additionaldirector remuneration for their roles in the company. Compensation or allowances for independent directors of the company aredetermined by the shareholders' general meeting, while the compensation for senior management personnel is proposed by theRemuneration and Appraisal Committee and implemented after approval by the board of directors.

Compensation of Director and Senior Management

Clawback Mechanism

The Shareholding of Directors and Senior Management

For the compensation of the directors and senior management personnel holding specic positions within the company,we reserve a certain proportion of annual performance-based compensation as risk reserve, which is paid out at adeferred schedule. In the event of losses incurred due to improper management or other personal reasons, or violationsof laws and regulations, the corresponding compensation amount will be deducted from the risk resee, aiming toprevent sho-term behavior in management and sala risks. Additionally, we have formulated " Regulations on theManagement of Rewards and Punishments," linking sustainable performance in human capital, safety management,integrity in operation, clean construction, information security, etc., with the compensation peormance of managementand relevant responsible personnel.

We Implement a Restricted Stock Incentive Plan, granting restricted stocks to directors and senior executives toestablish a medium- to long-term incentive constraint mechanism. As of December 31, 2023, directors and seniormanagement personnel collectively held 8,003,006 shares of company stock, accounting for 0.27% of the total sharecapital.

Organized training sessions fordirectors, supervisors, and seniormanagement personnel with a total of

With a total of


1Zheng Yong daChairman913,8402Huang WenzhouVice Chairman225,6213Ye YanliuDirector649,7604Zhou ShaorongDirector13,5185Lin MaoDirector & CEO907,0806Chen DongxuDirector & Vice President813,8407Wang ZhibinVice President901,3478Jiang GuizhiVice President& Board Secreta910,0009Xu JianaVice President750,00010Cheng DongfangVice President759,20011Lv rongdianVice President758,80012Wei ZhuoCFO400,000

NumberName持有股份数(股)OccupationNo. of Shares Held (shares)

Table of Shares Held by Directors and Senior Management


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To ensure that our related pay transactions adhere to the principles of fairness, impaiality, and transparency, we strictly complywith relevant laws and regulations. In line with our operational practices, we have established the "Related Party TransactionManagement System," which provides clear regulations on the review and disclosure procedures, pricing principles, and otheraspects related to related party transactions. We strictly implement a mechanism for related party avoidance. During thedeliberation of related party transactions, related directors and shareholders must abstain from voting. Independent directorsexpress independent opinions on related pay transactions requiring disclosure, and they provide pre-approval opinions for relatedparty transactions requiring shareholder approval before board deliberation, fully exercising their supervisory role. Additionally,our "Financial Management Regulations" and "Capital Management Regulations" also stipulate related matters concerning themanagement of funds involving related paies. In 2023, all related pay transactions were conducted in accordance with relevantlaws, regulations, and internal management systems.

In accordance with the Articles of Association, directors and senior management personnel are obligated to act in good faithtowards the company. Without the consent of the shareholders' meeting, they are not allowed to exploit their positions to pursuebusiness opportunities that rightfully belong to the company for themselves or others, engage in self-employment or operatebusinesses similar to those of the company, in order to ensure fairness and transparency in decision-making. We require directorsand senior management personnel to promptly repo any signicant positions held in other entities to us to avoid potential conictwith the interests of the company.

We strictly adhere to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations such as the Company Law of the People's Republic ofChina, Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, establishinga sound "three-tiered" corporate governance structure. We continuously improve the governance system based on the Aicles ofAssociation, consisting of internal governance documents such as the Rules of Shareholders Meetings, and other regulations, Rulesof Procedure for Board Meetings, and Rules of Procedure for Board of Supeisors Meetings, clarifying the responsibilities of thepower, decision-making, supeiso, and management bodies to ensure coordinated and standardized operations and promotethe high-quality development of the company. The Board of Supervisors consists of three supervisors, including one employeesupeisor. The Board of Supeisors strictly follows relevant regulations and internal rules such as the Aicles of Association andthe Rules of Procedure for Board of Supeisors Meetings, conscientiously fullling its supeiso duties. It supeises the legalityand compliance of directors and senior management personnel in peorming their duties and the company's nancial condition,and provides opinions on related signicant matters. We strictly follow relevant regulations and internal rules such as the Aiclesof Association and Rules of Shareholders Meetings, standardizing the convocation, holding, and voting procedures of shareholders'meetings, and safeguarding the rights of all shareholders, especially minority shareholders.

In 2023, we convened a total of 6 shareholders' meetings,deliberating on 62 agenda items; held a total of 41 boardmeetings, discussing 110 agenda items, with independentdirectors expressing independent opinions on significantmatters 13 times; convened a total of 85 specialized committeemeetings, discussing 461 agenda items; held and a total of 9Board of Supeisors meetings, discussing 36 agenda items. Theattendance rate of all directors and supeisors was 100%.

Related Pay Transaction

Conict of Interest

Protection of Minority Shareholders'Rights and Interests

Information Disclosure Management

Investor Relations Management

We strictly adhere to the requirements of relevant regulations such as the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shanghai StockExchange and have formulated a series of regulatory documents including the "Information Disclosure Management System," "DebtFinancing Instrument Information Disclosure Management System for the Interbank Bond Market," "Insider Information HolderRegistration Management System," "External Information User Management System," and "Signicant Information Internal RepoingSystem." These documents clarify the scope, time limits, procedures, and channels for information disclosure, standardizing theinformation disclosure process. Additionally, we actively carry out the registration of insiders and internal reporting of significantinformation to ensure that information disclosure is conducted truthfully, accurately, timely, and completely, thereby fully safeguardingthe right to information of all investors.

We have established the "Investor Relations Management System" andestablished an investor relations management mechanism. The Chairmanof the Board of Directors serves as the primary person responsible forinvestor relations management, while the Securities Department, underthe leadership of the Board Secretary, is responsible for organizing andimplementing investor relations management work. We have establisheddiversied channels of communication with investors, including the InvestorRelations section on the official website, investor hotline, investor email,Shanghai Stock Exchange Interactive Platform, shareholder meetings andpeormance briengs, investor visits and sueys, etc., to maintain eectiveand positive communication with investors. In 2023, we were honored withthe Foueenth "China Listed Company Investor Relations Tianma Award"and the "2022 Outstanding Digital Transformation Case Gold Award."

Convened a total of

shareholders' meetings

The attendance rate of alldirectors and supeisors was


The Foueenth"China Listed Company Investor

Relations Tianma Award""2022 Outstanding DigitalTransformation Case Gold Award"



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We place high importance on the demands and expectations of stakeholders, and maintain communication with them throughdiverse channels. By engaging in regular dialogue with stakeholders, we stay informed about their feedback and expectations,integrating them into corporate governance practices. This approach facilitates the continuous enhancement of ESG managementcapabilities and peormance across various ESG issues.

In 2023, we invited both our management teamand stakeholders to participate in material issueassessments. This process aimed to identifymaterial sustainability issues for us. Following theprinciple of double materiality, we establisheda sustainability issue matrix, which will beelaborated upon in this repo.

Based on the results of internal and external research, we followed the double materiality principle to conductcomprehensive analysis and prioritize soing from two dimensions: the impoance of the issue to our nancial impactand the impoance of the issue on stakeholders, forming a material issues matrix.

Stakeholders CommunicationMaterial Issue Assessment

Employees·Environment Compliance·Human Rights Protection·Equal Employment

·Employee Feedback Solicitation·Employee Training and Activities·Company WeChat Public AccountClients·Responsible Supply Chain·Tax Compliance·Customer Rights Protection

·Customer Satisfaction Sueys·Customer Seice and Complaint Handling·Social Media and Company PublicationsSuppliers

·Responsible Supply Chain

·Whistleblower Protection·Anti-corruption

·Supplier Conferences·Conferences·Visits and Research·Discussions and TrainingInvestors

·Risk Management


·Customer Rights Protection

·Public Company Information Disclosure·Shareholders' Meetings·Peormance Briengs·Investor Sueys·Investor Hotline/Interactive Easy PlatformBanks·Operations Compliance·Risk Management·Information Security

·Public Company Information Disclosure·Project CooperationMediaInstitutions

·Customer Rights Protection·Risk Management·Anti-corruption

·Social Welfare Activities·Public Company Information Disclosure·Social Media and Media Communications·Public Opinion MonitoringGovernment andRegulatoBodies

·Community Investment·Environment Compliance·Anti-corruption

·Visits·Paicipation in Policy Making Suggestions·Government Project CooperationNon-governmentalOrganizations

·Community Investment·Environment Compliance·Human Rights Protection

·Visits·Community Seice·Welfare Activities

StakeholdersConcerning TopicsCommunication Methods

We reviewed and analyzed the material issue assessment results in 2022. Based on the requirements of frameworkssuch as GRI and SASB, we combined with the characteristics of our business, and referenced excellent ESG practices ofpeer companies in the same indust to identify and conrm 27 ESG issues.

We sent the 2023 material issue suey questionnaires to the management team and stakeholders separately, andcomprehensively collected and analyzed the priorities of various stakeholders through internal and external researchassessments.

The results of the assessment were reviewed and confirmed by the Board of Directors Strategic and SustainableDevelopment Committee. Addressing the top three issues in terms of their significance, namely risk management,operation compliance, and anti-corruption, identified in this assessment, the report focused on addressingstakeholders' concerns under relevant issue categories to strengthen the ESG issue management.

ESG issueidenticationand update

Internal and







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Environment Compliance

GHG Emission

Energy Management

Exhaust Air Management

Waste Management


Resource Recycling

Equal Employment

Human Rights Protection

Occupational Health and Safety

Training and Education

Compensation and Welfare

Operations Compliance

Risk Management


Anti-unfair Competition

Research and Development Innovation

Intellectual Propey Rights Protection

Information Security

Tax Compliance

Whistleblower Protection

Employee Communication

Community Investment

Responsible Supply Chain

Customer Rights Protection

Responsible Marketing

Environment Issues

Society Issues

Governance Issues



Impoance to Stakeholders

Impoance to C&D Inc.

Water Protection andWastewater Management


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We have elevated risk management to the strategic level by adopting a "professionalized" operational strategy. We have establishedcorresponding business management frameworks tailored to different industries, integrating risk management deeply intobusiness, market, and indust dynamics. This integration ensured that risk management was incorporated throughout all stages ofoperations, from conceptualization to execution and monitoring. We continuously rened the risk management system, covering allbusiness processes and the entire lifecycle, to construct a "professionalized, hierarchical, and process-oriented" risk managementframework, thereby ensuring our stable operation.

Taking the two categories of credit risk and project management risk that we have already identied as examples:

Risk and Compliance Management

Risk Management Structure

We have established a three-tier risk management framework consisting of the Board of Directors, the headquaers management, andfunctional depaments, as well as subsidia management and related functional depaments. We have formulated and continuouslyrefined internal business management systems such as the "Internal Control Management Manual," "Supply Chain OperationsManagement Regulations," "Logistics Management Regulations," and "Credit Management Regulations." Additionally, we havedeveloped a comprehensive risk control matrix to standardize the management processes of key operational and business segments.We continuously strengthen and optimize process controls and key risk point controls to enhance the prevention of various risks duringoperations, ensuring stable operation.

Three-tier Risk Management Structure


Risks TypesDescription of RisksCategoCoping Mechanism


Credit Risk

Losses incurred due to thecounterparty (supplier orcustomer) failing to fulfillcontractual obligations (such asdelive, receipt, payment, etc.)on time.


We establish a trading counterpart admission system that matches thecharacteristics of goods and transaction features of each business sector,conducting comprehensive evaluations of customer qualifications andcredit risks. We have developed comprehensive credit managementmethods, strictly implementing centralized credit approval managed bythe headquaers. We dynamically adjust customer credit strategies andcontrol plans by tracking industry changes and customer informationthrough internal and external channels. Additionally, we utilize variousmeasures such as expo credit insurance and domestic credit insurance tostrictly control credit risks.

Real Estate


The development of real estateprojects is characterized bylarge upfront investment,long development cycles,involvement of multiplepaners, among other indust-specific features. Real estatecompanies face significantmanagement pressure in areassuch as project developmentcycles, project sales progress,and engineering quality.

Low LevelRisk

We will fuher enhance the management capabilities of our operationalteam in project operation, continuously refining internal controls.Staing from investment decisions, cost control, process monitoring, andresponsibility assessment, we will strengthen nancial management andengineering control to improve the quality of project management in oursubsidiaries and reduce operational risks. While ensuring project quality,we will optimize the development and operation processes, shoen thedevelopment and operation cycles, strengthen cash ow management,improve operational eciency, and ensure safe and steady growth.

Board of DirectorsRisk Management Committee& Audit Committee

Headquaer’s Management TeamOperations Management Dept., CreditManagement Dept., Legal A?airs Dept.,Risk And Compliance Inspection Dept.,Futures Management Dept. etc.

Management Teams Of SubsidiariesFunctional management depaments

of subsidiaries

·The Risk Management Committee established under the Board of Directors fulfills the responsibility of riskmanagement, controlling and making decisions on signicant business matters, major anomalies, or risk situations,guiding the overall risk management.·The Audit Committee established under the Board of Directors fullls the responsibility of risk oversight, reviewingand supeising the company's risk control, internal control, and compliance.Headquaer’s management and multiple functional depaments fulll the responsibility of risk control as follows:

·Implementing a system of managerial responsibility, where the general manager is authorized by the Risk ManagementCommittee, and fuher delegation is made at each level, clarifying the division of authority and establishing hierarchical risk control.·Various functional management depaments such as Operations Management, Credit Management, Logistics Management,Legal Affairs, Compliance Inspection, and Futures Management undertake risk management responsibilities within theirrespective functional areas. The Operations Management depament coordinates and supeises various functional managementdepaments, repoing to the Risk Management Committee or the general manager within their authorized scope. We also appointa Chief Risk Ocer responsible for overseeing risk-related work and repoing to the chairman of the Board.·The Compliance Inspection depament sees as the supeiso body for risk control, fullling its oversight responsibilitiesthrough inspections, audits, and regular communication, and providing regular repos to the Audit Committee.·The subsidiaries’ management teams and relevant functional departments carry out daily risk managementresponsibilities within the scope of each subsidia's business, conducting risk management activities.

In the risk control process, we continuously adjust key risk indicators quarterlybased on market conditions and actual operational situations. We promptlytake measures and report potential or likely risk or dispute events discoveredduring business operations in accordance with regulations. Additionally, weincorporate various risk control processes into its enterprise management system,clarify the responsibilities of each department and approval decision authority,standardize hierarchical reporting, and strengthen post-process tracking bydepaments to ensure the eective execution of risk control processes, monitor,and prevent potential risks. By implementing regulations such as the " Regulationson the Management of Rewards and Punishments " and the " Measures onthe Management of Risk Funds," we link key risk indicators to managementpersonnel's compensation, thereby enforcing risk management responsibilities.In 2023, we revised the "Composition, Duties, and Approval Control Measures ofthe Risk Management Committee," optimized the authorization items for the RiskManagement Committee 's approval, and improved weak links in risk management.Furthermore, leveraging data mining, machine learning, and other big datatechnologies, we continuously optimize the "Intelligent Risk Control SystemModel," represented by the E-risk control series products, to provide technicalsuppo for the company's risk management and operational decision-making.


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Risk and Compliance InspectionEducation on Risk Control

The Audit Committee established under the Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing and supervising risk management andinternal control compliance. The Risk and Compliance Inspection Department is responsible for conducting risk and complianceinspections, internal control audits, and evaluations on various functional management depaments and operating units. It strengthensthe supeision of risk and compliance, promptly identies issues and deciencies in risk control, internal control system processes, andexecution, and provides relevant improvement suggestions, urging implementation. Continuously enhancing the level of risk managementand control to eectively prevent risks. We regularly entrust external professional institutions to audit the execution and eectiveness ofinternal control processes at the company level, including development strategies, social responsibilities, supply chain operations, realestate development and operations, engineering projects, fund activities, asset management, and other impoant business aspects.

We actively promote various types of risk management and compliance training,disseminating risk and compliance knowledge to employees through various forms,advocating for business management and risk control policy requirements, enhancingemployees' awareness of compliance operation and risk prevention, and strengtheningtheir risk management capabilities. Additionally, we encourage employees to promptlyreport potential risks, establish corresponding preventive or responsive measures, andprovide ceain rewards to employees who timely prevent events harmful to our interests inaccordance with internal regulations. In 2023, our supply chain operations business organizeda total of 92 risk management and compliance training sessions, with a cumulative total of6,283 paicipants attending the training.in 2023, the Risk and Compliance Inspection Depament conducted comprehensive monitoring of378 risk control projects, inspected the business execution of joint ventures and holding companies;organized various functional departments and operating units to conduct self-assessment ofinternal controls, streamlined business management processes, and revised 6 business managementprocesses and corresponding internal control measures.

Lianfa Group focuses on key control points in risk areas such as engineering bidding,project management, marketing business, asset leasing, investment, and fundmanagement. It strengthens daily risk supervision and investigation, audits, andoversight, promptly follows up on identied issues, implements corrective actions, andenhances risk prevention and control.

In thesupply chain


In the real


C&D Real Estate conducted special audits on the management of engineering, design, marketing,and other business lines, based on the actual operational management of its various clusters. Thisaimed to strengthen frontline internal audits and the prevention and control of operational risks.Focusing on key risk control issues such as sales management, marketing expense management,and marketing tender management, random inspections were conducted quarterly on typicalprojects to ensure coverage of all business units throughout the year. Each cluster under C&D RealEstate conducted internal inspections of key projects in its subordinate business units quaerly.External third-party agencies were commissioned to conduct sales risk assessments. Specialcompliance marketing audits were conducted for unsold invento of completed propeies withinspecic timeframes.

Organized risk managementand compliance trainingsessions with a total of

sessionsWith a cumulative total of6,283


·Conducted a series of training sessions on risk prevention for supply chain operations

·Provided personalized training for 12 seconda operations management personnel·Organized 5 seconda operations management exchange meetings·Arranged training on international business operations management·Hosted a business risk control audit salon


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Prevent Commercial Bribe and Unfair Competition

We adhere to the corporate spirit of " Solidarity, Devotedness, Integrity, Enterprisingness," strictly comply with relevant domesticlaws and regulations in the countries or regions where we operate, suppo and respect the requirements of relevant internationalconventions and norms, and conduct business with high ethical standards to maintain a free and fair market environment. We haveestablished and continuously improved the " Business Code of Conduct," providing clear behavioral standards and guidance for usand our subsidiaries worldwide in areas such as business ethics and compliance, conict of interest, anti-monopoly and anti-unfaircompetition, insider trading prohibition, anti-money laundering, compliance with international trade rules, protection of propeyrights and interests, complaint mechanisms and protection of complainants, and lawful tax payment, establishing a trustwohycorporate image.

We attach great impoance to the construction of corporate integrity and actively prevent corruption. By formulating the"Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribe Policy," we clearly dene various corrupt and bribe behaviors prohibited and take eectivemeasures to prevent corruption risks. We have established internal management systems such as the " Employee Honest OperationManagement Regulations (Trial)" to regulate the integrity behavior of employees, ensuring a high degree of consistency betweenemployees' knowledge, speech, and actions, and creating a trustwohy and fair business environment. Additionally, we integrateintegrity requirements into daily employee management through internal management systems such as the " Human ResourcesManagement Regulations," " Regulations on the Management of Rewards and Punishments," and "Supply Chain OperationsManagement Regulations." We impose corresponding penalties on employees who violate business ethics and explicitly deneintegrity-related assessment requirements in the annual peormance appraisal for management.

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial Bribe

Business Ethics Risk Control

Supplier Business Ethics Management

We implement integrity policies such as the "Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribe Policy," " Employee Integrity and Self-Discipline Regulations" andthe"1 +X Special Inspection and Linkage Work System" to identify integrity risks in critical business areas and key positions and incorporate theminto internal controls. Continuous eos are made to strengthen supeision and inspection mechanisms to promote the integrity and high-qualitydevelopment. To enhance integrity risk control, we have established an Integrity and Compliance Inspection Group responsible for monitoringthe adherence to integrity and compliance principles. Led by the Risk Control Director, the Integrity and Compliance Inspection Group comprisesdepament heads from depaments such as Risk Control Inspection, Operations Management, Credit Management, and Legal Aairs. Additionally,a Business Compliance Management Group has vbeen formed to review various business compliance matters and strengthen integrity and businesscompliance risk management. Both the Integrity and Compliance Inspection Group and the Business Compliance Management Group regularlyrepo the status of integrity risk control to the management, who oversee and guide the integrity risk control objectives.

Our "Supplier Code of Conduct" sets foh clear anti-corruption and anti-bribe requirements for suppliers, strictly prohibiting any formof corruption, extoion, or bribe. It requires suppliers to conduct their business activities in a legal, compliant, and ethical manner. Toaddress integrity risks associated with potential business paners such as suppliers, we conduct due diligence through qualicationverication, on-site inspections, background checks, and risk assessments. This is aimed at examining and preventing supplier integrityrisks. Prior to entering into cooperation with suppliers, relevant compliance depaments are involved in the contract approval process toreview supplier qualications and integrity risks. Suppliers are required to sign integrity agreements or pledges of compliance, explicitlyinforming them of the principles of integrity and compliance, as well as the consequences of violating these principles, to constrain theirbehavior and prevent integrity risks. Throughout the business cooperation process, we continuously monitor and track the businessactivities of suppliers and any external negative information, such as litigation involvement or dishonesty. In the event of corruptionor bribe by a supplier, we will terminate business cooperation, seek compensation, or take other appropriate measures to hold thesupplier accountable for their actions.

Integrity Supeision and InspectionOur disciplina inspection commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission ") continuously strengthens routine supeision andinspection, conducts special inspections, and conducts supeision and inspection around key areas and impoant time points. It promptlyidenties problems and deciencies, rigorously urges rectication and implementation to prevent integrity risks, to ensure the eectiveimplementation of integrity systems, and to ensure that integrity building is eectively implemented. For violations related to businessoperations, audits and investigations are conducted by the Integrity and Compliance Inspection Group and the Business ComplianceManagement Group. According to internal regulations such as the "Interim Measures for Holding Accountable for Violations of BusinessConduct" and the " Employee Honest Operation Management Regulations," and the "Employee Integrity and Self-Discipline Regulations,"relevant business units and personnel involved in corrupt practices are punished.

Conducted special supeision on the use of leased assets management to eectively improve the compliance ofasset management.

2023 Integrity Special Inspection:

Organized units to conduct self-examination and self-correction in a timely manner around issues such as receivinggifts, unauthorized banquets, and dereliction of duty, and conducted spot checks on key units.Issued discipline requirements and notication documents before impoant holidays, and organized units toconduct self-discipline and self-examination work on integrity after the holidays.


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Business Ethics Training and EducationWe place great impoance on building a culture of integrity, leveraging the synergy of Enterprise WeChat, theintranet, and E-learning platforms to create an integrity culture brand. In 2023, we conducted various forms ofregular integrity education and training activities, covering 100% of employees, aiming to enhance the integrityawareness of all sta members.

We have consistently advocated for freedom and fair competition, strictly adhering to nationaland regional regulations concerning anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition laws in areas ofbusiness development, committed to upholding integrity, fairness, and freedom in market orderand commercial environments. Through the "Business Code of Conduct," we set foh regulatorequirements regarding anti-unfair competition and anti-monopoly practices for us and oursubsidiaries. It strictly prohibits the use of illegal or unethical means to obtain information aboutcompetitors or paners and prohibits the creation and dissemination of false information aboutcompetitors. The Integrity and Law Enforcement Supeision Working Group is responsible forsupeising and reviewing compliance with the " Business Code of Conduct," ensuring that businessactivities are conducted in a legal and compliant manner, and making eve eo to prevent andavoid risks related to unfair competition and monopolies.

Anti-Monopoly and Anti-Unfair Competition

%pass rate

we conducted various forms ofregular integrity education and training activities, covering

% employees

We attach great impoance to whistleblower protection In internal policy documents such as the "Business Code of Conduct" and "Anti-Corruptionand Anti-Bribe Policy", we clearly states our attitude towards and measures taken to protect whistleblowers' legitimate rights and interests:

allowing anonymous or named repos, strictly implementing condentiality mechanisms to prohibit the disclosure of whistleblowers' informationand repo contents; prohibiting any retaliation or reprisal against whistleblowers. Anyone found leaking information or engaging in retaliatoactions against whistleblowers will be dealt with seriously according to relevant regulations and held accountable.

We strictly adhere to relevant regulations such as the "Rules for Handling Complaints andAccusations by Disciplina Inspection and Supeision Depaments " and internal policyrequirements such as the "Business Code of Conduct" and "Anti-Corruption and Anti-BribePolicy", establishing a sound complaint and repoing mechanism. We provide employees, suppliers,customers, and other stakeholders with convenient internal and external channels for lodgingcomplaints and repos, encouraging them to promptly and actively provide feedback, complaints,and repos to us when they discover any behavior that may violate business conduct norms,policies, or laws, jointly creating a trustwohy and transparent business environment.

Complaint Mechanism and Whistleblower Protection System

Stakeholders can lodge complaints or reposanonymously or report with their identitydisclosed through the following public channels:

In 2023, the company was notinvolved in any cases related tounfair competition or monopolies.

Complaint and repoing email:






Organized activities such as the Integrity Film Week, Carnival, and solicitation of integrity-themed works during theIntegrity Education Month. These activities presented the spirit of integrity in interactive formats, aiming to educate throughenteainment and promote integrity through interaction. The cumulative paicipation exceeded 9,000 people, with over 100pieces of integrity-themed works collected.Leveraged the " Clean C&D " as the main platform for integrity propaganda, utilizing popular formats such as comics andvideos for regular propaganda. This approach closely aligned with the psychological characteristics of employees, enriching thestrategies for integrity education.Conducted integrity-themed lectures for over 2,000 young cadres, key business personnel, and young employees. This includedrecording integrity-themed training videos, conducting integrity education for employees who joined us in the past two yearsthrough the E-learning platform, and conducting exams to evaluate their understanding; provided specialized integrity trainingfor young business backbones to help them clearly understand the bottom line and principles of integrity for state-ownedenterprise business backbones; Conducted integrity education lectures for all employees of subsidiaries such as Xiamen C&DFinancial Leasing Co., Ltd., strengthening their awareness of integrity and self-discipline.C&D Real Estate released WeChat promotional aicles titled "Integrity Book Recommendation - Nourishing the Hea withClean Spirit" and organized an integrity book recommendation activity. Using assessments as a learning tool, we utilizedplatforms such as zhangjianshi, Executive System, and Lexiangla.com to organize nearly 3,000 pay members and cadresfor the online activity "Walking with Clean Spirit - C&D Real Estate Integrity and Self-discipline Knowledge Quiz," fostering apositive atmosphere for clean governance and entrepreneurship.Under the theme "Clear and United Heas," Lianfa Group conducted the Integrity Culture Promotion and Education Month:

18 special sessions on integrity education were held; 1,964 individuals attended screenings of educational documentaries; 39integrity-themed pay classes were conducted through forms like pay lectures and online learning via Pay Building E-Home;integrity knowledge tests were administered to all sta, with a pass rate of 100%; and a themed collection activity titled "ShowFamily Rules, Tell Family Stories" was organized.


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We strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations such as the "Patent Law of the People'sRepublic of China" and the " Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China," continuouslyimprove our intellectual propey rights management system, and strengthen our intellectualpropey rights protection eos. Our intellectual propey rights include trademarks, patents,copyrights, and trade secrets, which are managed and protected by relevant depaments.We have formulated the " Trademark and Naming Management Measures" to standardizetrademark management practices and utilize trademark strategies eectively to enhancebrand benets. In 2023, we obtained 4 new authorized patents, registered 19 new softwarecopyrights, and secured 90 new trademark registrations.

We strictly adhere to the national tax laws such as the " Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China" and all relevant taxregulations applicable in various business regions, fullling our tax obligations in accordance with the law to ensure tax compliance andtransparency. Tax-related matters are specied in the "Financial Management Regulations," and personnel from relevant depaments areresponsible for daily tax-related work, including regular tax declaration. We continuously monitor changes in tax-related regulations andpolicies in various regions and adjust our tax-related processing accordingly. Adhering to the principles of lawful and honest taxation, wecontribute back to society through tax payment and are recognized as one of the top 100 taxpayers in Fujian Province for multiple consecutiveyears. In 2023, our total tax payment amounted to 1,674,762 Ten-thousand RMB, and no tax-related violations occurred.

Intellectual Propey Rights Protection

Tax Compliance Management

Tax Risk Management

Tax Compliance Training

We incorporate tax risk management into our overall risk control process and establish a full-chain mechanism of "pre-risk reduction,mid-response emphasis, and post-promotion improvement" to eectively manage tax risks. Through proactive dissemination of taxpolicies and regulations, we enhance the sensitivity of all levels of the organization and related personnel to tax risks, identify potentialtax risks in business operations and regulato policies, and implement corresponding control measures. Additionally, we strengthenrisk inspections of various platform companies, conduct timely analysis and summarization of inspection results, implement correctiveactions, and share experiences comprehensively. To ensure the eectiveness of tax management in subsidiaries, we establish a taxliaison mechanism to promptly disseminate various tax policies and requirements downward and repo tax work and inspectionsituations upward. Fuhermore, we implement a system for tax inspections of o-site platforms, with annual assignments of task forcesto audit tax management practices of various platform companies and ensure corrective actions are taken. Additionally, we maintainregular communication and interaction with tax authorities, implementing a centralized commissioner management mechanism forcommunication and consultation on tax matters, thereby enhancing the eciency of tax-enterprise communication.

We conduct regular internal andexternal tax compliance trainingto enhance the awareness oftax compliance among relevanttax personnel and improve theirprofessional capabilities in taxation,ensuring tax compliance. In 2023, weorganized internal training sessionswith themes such as "Supply ChainRisk Prevention System Training - TaxRisk Prevention" and "Promotion thelaunch of Baiwang Digital ElectronicInvoice System". Additionally, externalinstitutions and expes were invitedto conduct seminars on topics like"Construction of Enterprise TaxRisk Compliance with Golden Tax Phase IV" and "Risk Ale for Chinese Enterprises' Outbound Investment", providing guidance andrecommendations for tax risk management and tax-related work. These eos aimed to enhance the awareness of risk prevention amongrelevant personnel and to continually improve our level of tax compliance management.

new authorized patents

new software copyrights

new trademark registrations


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Data Oveiew


IndicatorsUnit20222023Environmental investmentAnnual total environmental investmentTen-thousand RMB2,0863,789

Emissions and DischargeGHG

Scope 1 – Direct GHG emissions


285,727434,139Scope 2 – Indirect GHG emissions220,443539,580Scope 3: Other Indirect Emissions- Leased Assets forHousehold Business

/335,525Total GHG emissions (Scope 1+ Scope 2)

506,170973,719Total GHG emissions intensity

tCO2e/ hundred-million RMB ofoperating revenue

61128Air PollutantsNOx emissions


4449SOx emissions48PM emissions22Wastewater and Related PollutantsTotal wastewater discharges 2m33,149,7698,641,873COD discharge


347377Ammonia Nitrogen discharge32Total Nitrogen discharge/49WasteHazardous waste generation


/78Transfer and disposal volume of hazardous waste2363General waste transfer and disposal volume

101,949337,378Including: Industrial waste generation volume/130,772 Household waste generation volume/49,608 Construction waste generation volume/156,998General waste recycling volume30113,500Including: Industrial waste recycled volume/113,079

Household waste recycled volume


/0Construction waste volume/421Energy ConsumptionElectricity

kWh259,624,703947,373,073 Including: Green electricitykWh392,01010,834,236 Green electricity ratio%0.101.16CoalTon137,412166,254Natural gas


GJ16,48227,266SteamTon/7,193Liqueed petroleum gas


914,023701,654Diesel(mobile)127,930421,668Diesel(stationa)366,68825,091Liqueed petroleum gasKG1,323,2806,560Water ResourcesWater withdrawalm3/11,923,256Water consumptionm3/3,281,383Water consumption density

m3/ hundred-million RMB ofoperating revenue

/430Recirculating water usagem3/69,500Recirculating water usage percentage%/0.58Packaging MaterialsPackaging materials


961,000Including: Recyclable packaging materials/200 Non-recyclable packaging materials/800Green Building

Area of green building renovationm2/74,580Basic level of green building


/9One-star green building/2Two-star green building/1Three-star green building/0Note1: The increase in our GHG emissions in 2023 compared to 2022 is mainly due to the acquisition of Macalline during the repoing period. If the GHG emissions data from Macalline during the repoing period are excluded and the data for2022 and 2023 are compared on the same basis, the total GHG emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) in 2023 decreased by 15,628 tCO2e compared to 2022, a year-on-year decrease of 3.1%.Note2: The increase in wastewater discharge in 2023 compared to 2022 is mainly due to the acquisition of Macalline and the higher production output of Yuantong Paper during the repoing period..Note3.The increase ingeneral waste transfer and disposal volume in 2023 compared to 2022 is mainly due to the acquisition of Macalline and the higher production output of Yuantong Paper during the repoing period.

Note4: The increase in electricity consumption in 2023 compared to 2022 is mainly due to the acquisition of Macalline during the repoing period. If the electricity consumption data from Macalline during the repoing period areexcluded and the data for 2022 and 2023 are compared on the same basis, the electricity consumption in 2023 decreased by 30,207,071 kilowatt-hours compared to 2022, a year-on-year decrease of 11.6%.Note5: The increase in natural gas consumption in 2023 compared to 2022 is primarily attributed to the acquisition of Macalline and the commencement of production at Shandong Jianke Steel during the repoing period.Note6: The increase in heat consumption in 2023 compared to 2022 is mainly due to the acquisition of Macalline during the repoing period. If the heat consumption data from Macalline during the repoing period are excludedand the data for 2022 and 2023 are compared on the same basis, the heat consumption in 2023 is 0, a year-on-year decrease of 100%.


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance



Total employees

Person32,84749,752Employee CompositionEmployee Composition by GenderMale


20,411 30,837

Female12,436 18,915Employee Composition by Age

Under 30


/ 14,92830-50/ 31,316Over 50/ 3,508

Employee Composition by EducationMasters and above


1,715 2,177Bachelors12,295 19,262

College9,604 13,575Other9,233 14,738Employee Composition by FunctionManagement


1,262 1,596

Technical7,5019,282Business22,090 33,404Financial1,078 3,082Administrative916 2,388Female Management/ 395Female Technical/1,439Female Business/ 13,065Female Financial/ 2,239Female Administrative/ 1,777Management Team CompositionJunior management


/3, 535 Female junior management/1,094 Propoion of female junior management%/31 Management (Mid-level and above)Person/1,517

Female management (Mid-level and above)Person/349Proportion of female management (Mid-level andabove)

%/23Include: Senior management


/8Female senior management/2Propoion of female senior management%/25Local senior managementPerson/6Propoion of local senior management%/75Management Composition by Nationality

ChinaPerson/5,050Other regionsPerson/ 2Labor contractsRatio of signed labor contracts%100100Freedom of Association and Collective BargainingNumber of employees covered by the collectiveagreement

Person/100Employment of Disabled IndividualsNumber of disabled employees hiredPerson526Percentage of disabled employees hired%0.010.05Employee Training (Supply Chain Operations Business)Total annual investment in employee trainingTen-thousand RMB9703,008Total employee training paicipantsPaicipant/209,641Total training hoursHour6,354,3572,138,972Parental LeaveTotal paid parental leave requested by EmployeesDay/4,787



R&D Investment in Science and TechnologyTotal R&D investment amount in science and


Ten-thousand RMB19,06223,651Intellectual Propey RightsNumber of newly registered patentItem1814

Note 7: The increase in the total number of employees in 2023 compared to 2022 is mainly due to the acquisition of Macalline during the repoing period. If the employee data from Macalline during the repoing period areexcluded and the data for 2022 and 2023 are compared on the same basis, the total number of employees in 2023 increased by 2,444 people compared to 2022, a year-on-year growth of 7.44%.


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Work Safety Accident

Extraordina major accident


Major accident00Serious accident00General accident00


Business Ethics

Anti-corruption Advocacy and Training (Supply Chain Operations Business)Propoion of employees briefed on anti-corruptionpolicies and procedures


/ 100Proportion of employees received anti-corruptiontraining


Number of shutdownsTime00Hours of shutdownsDay00Occupational Health

Occupational fatalitiesPerson00

Occupational Health & SafetyIndicatorsUnit20222023Work Safety InputTotal annual investment in occupational health andwork safety

Ten-thousand RMB2,388

Safety Training

Total paicipants in occupational safety trainingPaicipant69,356373,368Total paicipant time in occupational safety trainingHour25,69177,558Ratio of attendees for safety training%58100Number of safety emergency drillsTime1,53116,704Number of attendees for safety emergency drillsPaicipant5,594158,370Number of safety oine training sessionTime96131,321Number of safety online training sessionCourse65159

Number of newly registered software copyrights


/19Number of newly registered trademarks/90

Complaint Resolution

Total number of complaints


22,2215,476Total number of complaints resolved22,2205,476Complaint resolution rate%99.99100Supplier Management

Total number of suppliers


41,397126,728Mainland China/96,415Other regions/30,313Number of new suppliers admitted this year/12,357

Social Contribution

IndicatorsUnit20222023Social ContributionDonations to external organizations

Ten-thousand RMB

3,6122,633Investment in supporting rural revitalization andregional coordinated development

/96Total trade volume among countries along the Beltand Road Initiative

Ten-thousand USD/1,696,078Number of public welfare activities heldTime121348Total volunteer seice paicipantsPaicipant13,09216,204Total volunteer seice hoursHour5,0139,984


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceGRI Standards Index

GRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmissionGeneral Disclosures

GRI 2: GeneralDisclosures 2021

2-1 Organizational detailsAbout C&D Inc2-2 Entities included in the organization'ssustainability repoing

About This Repo2-3 Repoing period, frequency and contact pointAbout This Repo2-4 Restatements of informationNot Covered In This Repo

This repo does not involverestatements of information2-5 External assurance

About This Repo

Independent Limited Assurance

Repo2-6 Activities, value chain and other businessrelationships

About C&D Inc.

Message from the Chairman

Innovation-Driven, Suppliers, and

Customers2-7 Employees

Human Rights Protection

Data Oveiew2-8 Workers who are not employeesNot Covered In This Repo

The Company does not collectrelevant data during thisrepo period2-9 Governance structure and composition

Sustainable Development

Governance Structure

Appointment of Directors and

Senior Management2-10 Nomination and selection of the highestgovernance body

Appointment of Directors and

Senior Management2-11 Chair of the highest governance body

Appointment of Directors and

Senior Management2-12 Role of the highest governance body inoverseeing the management of impacts

Governance for Sustainable


Material Issue Assessment

Risk and Compliance Management2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managingimpacts

Sustainable Development

Governance Structure

Risk and Compliance Management2-14 Role of the highest governance body insustainability repoing

Sustainable Development

Governance Structure

Material Issue Assessment2-15 Conicts of interestConict of Interest2-16 Communication of critical concernsStakeholders Communication2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governancebody

Appointment of Directors and

Senior Management2-18 Evaluation of the peormance of the highestgovernance body

Not Covered In This Repo

The Company does not collectrelevant data during thisrepo period2-19 Remuneration policies

Compensation of Director and

Senior Management2-20 Process to determine remuneration

Compensation of Director and

Senior Management2-21 Annual total compensation ratioNot Covered In This Repo

The Company does not collectrelevant data during thisrepo period

GRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmission

General Disclosures

GRI 2: GeneralDisclosures 2021

2-22 Statement on sustainable developmentstrategy

Message from the Chairman

2-23 Policy commitments

Addressing Climate ChangePollution Prevention and EcosystemProtectionResource Utilization and CircularEconomyRural Revitalization and PublicSeiceInnovation-Driven, Suppliers, andCustomersHuman Rights ProtectionOccupational Health and SafetyPrevent Commercial Bribe andUnfair Competition

2-24 Embedding policy commitments

Addressing ClimateChangePollution Prevention andEcosystem ProtectionResource Utilization and CircularEconomyRural Revitalization and PublicSeiceInnovation-Driven, Suppliers, andCustomersHuman Rights ProtectionOccupational Health and SafetyPrevent Commercial Bribe andUnfair Competition

2-25 Processes to remediate negativeimpacts

Addressing ClimateChangePollution Prevention andEcosystem ProtectionResource Utilization and CircularEconomyRural Revitalization and PublicSeiceInnovation-Driven, Suppliers, andCustomersHuman Rights ProtectionOccupational Health and SafetyInvestor Relations ManagementRisk and Compliance ManagementPrevent Commercial Bribe andUnfair Competition2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice andraising concerns

Engage in Community and PreseeCultural HeritageInnovation-Driven, Suppliers, andCustomersHuman Rights ProtectionComplaint Mechanism andWhistleblower Protection SystemStakeholders Communication

2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations

Pollution Prevention and EcosystemProtectionResponsible ProcurementProduct Quality ManagementInformation Security ProtectionResponsible MarketingHuman Rights ProtectionOccupational Health and SafetyRelated Pay TransactionProtection of Minority Shareholders'Rights and InterestsRisk and Compliance ManagementPrevent Commercial Bribe andUnfair Competition


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2-28 Membership associations

Suppo IndustDevelopment2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementStakeholders Communication2-30 Collective bargaining agreementsHuman Rights Protection

Material topicsGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-1 Management of material topics

Stakeholders CommunicationMaterial Issue Assessment3-2 List of material topicsMaterial Issue Assessment

Economic peormanceGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Sustainable DevelopmentGovernance StructureRisk and ComplianceManagement

GRI 201: EconomicPeormance 2016

201-1 Direct economic value generated anddistributed

Sustainable DevelopmentImpact201-2 Financial implications and other risksand oppounities due to climate change

Sustainable DevelopmentRisk Management201-3 Dened benet plan obligations andother retirement plans

Employee Development201-4 Financial assistance received fromgovernment

Employee DevelopmentMarket presenceGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Employee Development

Rural Revitalization and Public

SeiceGRI 202: MarketPresence 2016

202-1 Ratios of standard ent level wageby gender compared to local minimum wage

Not Covered In This Repo

The Company does notcollect relevant dataduring this repo period202-2 Propoion of senior managementhired from the local community

Data OveiewIndirect economic impactGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Rural Revitalization and Public

SeiceGRI 203: IndirectEconomic Impacts2016

203-1 Infrastructure investments andseices suppoed

Rural Revitalization and Public

Seice203-2 Signicant indirect economic impacts

Rural Revitalization and Public

SeiceProcurement practicesGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Responsible Procurement

Promote Viuous Deeds and

Revitalize Rural Areas

GRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmission

GRI 204:

ProcurementPractices 2016

204-1 Propoion of spending on localsuppliers

Not Covered In This Repo

The Company does notcollect relevant dataduring this repo periodAnti-corruptionGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial Bribe

GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016

205-1 Operations assessed for risks relatedto corruption

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial Bribe205-2 Communication and training aboutanti-corruption policies and procedures

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial BribeData Oveiew205-3 Conrmed incidents of corruptionand actions taken

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial BribeData OveiewAnti-competitive behaviorGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Anti-Monopoly and Anti-Unfair CompetitionGRI 206: Anti-competitiveBehavior 2016

206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitivebehavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

Anti-Monopoly and Anti-Unfair CompetitionData OveiewTaxGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsTax Compliance Management

GRI 207: Tax 2019

207-1 Approach to taxTax Compliance Management207-2 Tax governance, control, and riskmanagement

Tax Compliance Management207-3 Stakeholder engagement andmanagement of concerns related to tax

Tax Compliance Management207-4 Count-by-count repoingNot Covered In This Repo

The Company does notcollect relevant dataduring this repo periodMaterialsGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Addressing Climate

ChangePollution Prevention

and Ecosystem Protection

Resource Utilization and

Circular Economy

GRI 301: Materials2016

301-1 Materials used by weight or volume

GHG Emissions Reduction


Implementation of Circular

Economy Practices

Data Oveiew301-2 Recycled input materials used

GHG Emissions Reduction


Implementation of Circular

Economy Practices

Data Oveiew301-3 Reclaimed products and theirpackaging materials

GHG Emissions Reduction


Implementation of Circular

Economy Practices

Data Oveiew


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

GRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmissionEnergyGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Addressing Climate ChangePollution Prevention andEcosystem ProtectionResource Utilization andCircular Economy

GRI 302: Energy2016

302-1 Energy consumption

Addressing Climate ChangeData Oveiew302-2 Energy consumption outside of theorganization

Addressing Climate ChangeData Oveiew302-3 Energy consumption outside of theorganization

Addressing Climate ChangeData Oveiew302-3 Energy intensity

Addressing Climate ChangeData Oveiew302-4 Reduction of energy consumption

GHG Emissions ReductionSchemesResource Utilization andCircular Economy302-5 Reductions in energy requirements ofproducts and seices

GHG Emissions ReductionSchemesWater and euentsGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Pollutants Emissions ControlWater ResourcesManagement

GRI 303: Water andEuents 2018

303-1 Management of water discharge-related impacts

Pollutants Emissions ControlWater ResourcesManagement303-2 Management of water discharge-related impacts

Pollutants Emissions ControlWater ResourcesManagement303-3 Water withdrawalData Oveiew303-4 Water dischargeData Oveiew303-5 Water consumptionData OveiewBiodiversityGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsBiodiversity Conseation

GRI 304:

Biodiversity 2016

304-1 Operational sites owned, leased,managed in, or adjacent to, protected areasand areas of high biodiversity value outsideprotected areas

Not Covered In This Repo

The company's businessoperation sites areneither within noradjacent to protectedareas and areas of highbiodiversity value outsideprotected areas304-2 Signicant impacts of activities,products and seices on biodiversity

Biodiversity Conseation304-3 Habitats protected or restoredNot Covered In This Repo

The company's businessoperation sites are notlocated within protected orrestored habitats

GRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmission

GRI 304:

Biodiversity 2016

304-4 IUCN Red List species and nationalconseation list species with habitats inareas aected by operations

Not Covered In This Repo

The company's businessoperations sites andsurrounding regionsdo not involve aectedhabitatsEmissionsGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Addressing Climate ChangePollution Prevention andEcosystem ProtectionData Oveiew

GRI 305: Emissions2016

305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

GHG Emissions ManagementData Oveiew305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHGemissions

GHG Emissions ManagementData Oveiew305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHGemissions

GHG Emissions ManagementData Oveiew305-4 GHG emissions intensity

GHG Emissions ManagementData Oveiew305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

GHG Emissions ReductionSchemes305-6 Emissions of ozone-depletingsubstances (ODS)

Not Covered In This Repo

Not involved in relatedemissions305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides(SOx), and other signicant air emissions

Data Oveiew


GRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsPollutants Emissions Control

GRI 306: Waste2020

306-1 Waste generation and signicantwaste-related impacts

Pollutants Emissions Control306-2 Management of signicant waste-related impacts

Pollutants Emissions Control

Implementation of Circular

Economy Practices

Resource Recycling306-3 Waste generated

Pollutants Emissions Control

Data Oveiew306-4 Waste diveed from disposal

Pollutants Emissions Control

Implementation of Circular

Economy Practices

Resource Recycling

Data Oveiew306-5 Waste directed to disposal

Pollutants Emissions Control

Data OveiewSupplier environmental assessmentGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsResponsible Procurement


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceGRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmissionGRI 308: SupplierEnvironmentalAssessment 2016

308-1 New suppliers that were screenedusing environmental criteria

Responsible Procurement308-2 Negative environmental impacts inthe supply chain and actions taken

Responsible Procurement


GRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsHuman Rights ProtectionGRI 401:

Employment 2016

401-1 New employee hires and employee


Human Rights ProtectionData Oveiew

401-2 Benets provided to full-time

employees that are not provided to

tempora or pa-time employees

Employee Development

401-3 Parental leave

Employee DevelopmentData Oveiew

Labor management relations

GRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsHuman Rights ProtectionGRI 402: Labor/ManagementRelations 2016

402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding

operational changes

Not Covered In This RepoNot Applicable

Occupational Health and Safety

GRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Occupational Health andSafety

GRI 403:

Occupational Healthand Safety 2018

403-1 Occupational health and safety

management system

Occupational Health andSafety

403-2 Hazard identication, risk assessment,

and incident investigation

Safety Risk Prevention andControlWorkplace Safety InspectionEmergency SafetyManagement

403-3 Occupational health seices

Employee BenetsOccupational HealthManagementSafety Training Education

403-4 Worker paicipation, consultation,

and communication on occupational health

and safety

Occupational Health andSafety

403-5 Worker training on occupational

health and safety

Safety Training Education

403-6 Promotion of worker health

Employee BenetsOccupational HealthManagementSafety Training Education

403-7 Prevention and mitigation of

occupational health and safety impacts

directly linked by business relationships

Safety Risk Prevention andControlWorkplace Safety InspectionEmergency SafetyManagementSafety Training EducationOccupational HealthManagement

GRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmissionGRI 403:

Occupational Healthand Safety 2018

403-8 Workers covered by an occupationalhealth and safety management system

Occupational Health andSafety403-9 Work-related injuries

Occupational HealthManagementData Oveiew403-10 Work-related ill health

Occupational HealthManagementTraining and educationGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsEmployee Development

GRI 404: Trainingand Education 2016

404-1 Average hours of training per year peremployee

Employee DevelopmentData Oveiew404-2 Programs for upgrading employeeskills and transition assistance programs

Employee Development404-3 Percentage of employeesreceiving regular peormance and careerdevelopment reviews

Employee DevelopmentDiversity and equal oppounityGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsHuman Rights ProtectionGRI 405: Diversityand EqualOppounity 2016

405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and


Human Rights Protection

405-2 Ratio of basic sala and remuneration

of women to men

Not Covered In This Repo

The Company does notcollect relevant dataduring this repo periodNon-discriminationGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsHuman Rights ProtectionGRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016

406-1 Incidents of discrimination and

corrective actions taken

Human Rights ProtectionFreedom of association and collective bargainingGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Human Rights Protection

Responsible ProcurementGRI 407: Freedomof Associationand CollectiveBargaining 2016

407-1 Operations and suppliers in whichthe right to freedom of association andcollective bargaining may be at risk

Human Rights Protection

Responsible Procurement

Child labor

GRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Human Rights Protection

Responsible ProcurementGRI 408: ChildLabor 2016

408-1 Operations and suppliers atsignicant risk for incidents of child labor

Human Rights Protection

Responsible Procurement

Forced or compulso labor

GRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Human Rights Protection

Responsible Procurement


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceGRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmission

GRI 409: Forced orCompulso Labor2016

409-1 Operations and suppliers atsignicant risk for incidents of forced orcompulso labor

Human Rights ProtectionResponsible Procurement

Security practicesGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsHuman Rights ProtectionGRI 410: SecurityPractices 2016

410-1 Security personnel trained in human

rights policies or procedures

Not Covered In This Repo

The Company does notcollect relevant dataduring this repo periodRight of indigenous peoples

GRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Rural Revitalization and PublicSeiceGRI 411: Rights ofIndigenous Peoples2016

411-1 Incidents of violations involving rights

of indigenous peoples

Engage in Community andPresee Cultural HeritageLocal communitiesGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Rural Revitalization and PublicSeiceGRI 413: LocalCommunities 2016

413-1 Operations with local community

engagement, impact assessments, and

development programs

Rural Revitalization and PublicSeice

413-2 Operations with signicant actual

and potential negative impacts on local


Not Covered In This RepoNot ApplicableSupplier social assessmentGRI 3:MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Responsible Procurement

Supply Chain Risk

ManagementGRI 414: SupplierSocial Assessment2016

414-1 New suppliers that were screenedusing social criteria

Responsible Procurement

Data Oveiew414-2 Negative social impacts in the supplychain and actions taken

Responsible ProcurementPublic policyGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsNot Covered In This RepoNot ApplicableGRI 415: PublicPolicy 2016

415-1 Political contributionsNot Covered In This RepoNot ApplicableCustomer health and safetyGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Product Quality ManagementCustomer Rights ProtectionGRI 416: CustomerHealth and Safety2016

416-1 Assessment of the health and safety

impacts of product and seice categories

Product Quality ManagementCustomer Rights Protection

416-2 Incidents of non-compliance

concerning the health and safety impacts of

products and seices

Product Quality ManagementCustomer Rights Protection

GRI StandardsDisclosuresLocationOmission

Marketing and labelingGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topicsResponsible Marketing

GRI 417: Marketingand Labeling 2016

417-1 Requirements for product and seiceinformation and labeling

Responsible Marketing417-2 Incidents of non-complianceconcerning product and seice informationand labeling

Responsible Marketing417-3 Incidents of non-complianceconcerning marketing communications

Responsible MarketingCustomer privacyGRI 3: MaterialTopics 2021

3-3 Management of material topics

Customer Rights Protection

Information Security

ProtectionGRI 418: CustomerPrivacy 2016

418-1 Substantiated complaints concerningbreaches of customer privacy and losses ofcustomer data

Information Security


Data Oveiew


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ISDS Index

IFRS S1CoreElements

Disclosure RecommendationsDisclosure Placement


a) The governance body(s) (which can include aboard,committee or equivalent body charged with governance)or individual(s) responsible for oversight of sustainability-related risks and oppounities.

Sustainable Development GovernanceStructureAppointment of Directors and SeniorManagementRisk and Compliance Managementb) Management’s role in the governance processes,controls and procedures used to monitor, manage andoversee sustainability-related risks and oppounities.

Sustainable Development GovernanceStructureAppointment of Directors and SeniorManagementRisk and Compliance Management


a) The sustainability-related risks and oppounitiesthat could reasonably be expected to aect the entity’sprospects within the time horizons—sho, medium or longterm.

Sustainable Development RiskManagementb) The current and anticipated eects of sustainability-related risks and oppounities on the entity’s businessmodel and value chain, and where in the entity’s businessmodel and value chain sustainability-related risks andoppounities are concentrated.

Sustainable Development RiskManagementc) How the entity has responded to, and plans to respondto, sustainability-related risks and oppounities in itsstrategy and decision-making, and the progress againstplans the entity has disclosed in previous repoingperiods, including quantitative and qualitative information,and trade-os between sustainability-related risks andoppounities that the entity considered.

Sustainable Development RiskManagementd) The quantitative and qualitative eects of sustainability-related risks and oppounities on the entity’s nancialposition, nancial peormance and cash ows for therepoing period, and the sustainability-related risks andoppounities identied for which there is a signicant riskof a material adjustment within the next annual repoingperiod to the caring amounts of assets and liabilitiesrepoed in the related nancial statements, and how theentity expects its nancial position, nancial peormanceand cash ows to change over the sho, medium and longterm, given its strategy to manage sustainability-relatedrisks and oppounities.

Not Applicable

e) The resilience of the entity’s strategy and its businessmodel to those sustainability-related risks.

Sustainable Development RiskManagement


Disclosure RecommendationsDisclosure Placement

Risk Management

a) The processes and related policies theentity uses to identify, assess, prioritize andmonitor sustainability-related risks, includinginformation about: the inputs and parametersthe entity uses, whether and how the entity usesscenario analysis to inform its identication ofsustainability-related risks, whether and how theentity prioritizes sustainability-related risks, howthe entity assesses the nature, likelihood andmagnitude of the eects of those risks.

Sustainable Development Risk ManagementRisk and Compliance Management

b) The processes the entity uses to identify,assess, prioritize and monitor sustainability-related oppounities, including: whether andhow the entity uses scenario analysis to informits identication of sustainability-relatedoppounities.

Sustainable Development Risk Management

c) The extent to which, and how, the processesthe entity uses to identify, assess, prioritizeand monitor sustainability-related risks andoppounities are integrated into and inform theentity’s overall risk management process.

Sustainable Development Risk ManagementRisk and Compliance Management

Metrics andtargets

a) Metrics required by an applicable IFRSSustainability Disclosure Standard.

EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceb) Metrics the entity uses to measure and monitorsustainability-related risks or opportunities andits peormance in relation to that sustainability-related risk or oppounity.


c) Any targets the entity has set it is required tomeet by law or regulation.



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IFRS S2CoreElements

Disclosure RecommendationsDisclosure Placement


a) The governance body(s) (which can include a board,committee or equivalent body charged with governance)or individual(s) responsible for oversight of climate-related risks and oppounities.

Sustainable Development GovernanceStructureAppointment of Directors and SeniorManagementRisk and Compliance Managementb) Management’s role in the governance processes,controls and procedures used to monitor, manage andoversee climate-related risks and oppounities.

Sustainable Development GovernanceStructureAppointment of Directors and SeniorManagementRisk and Compliance Management


a) The climate-related risks and oppounities that couldreasonably be expected to aect the entity’s prospectswithin time horizons—sho, medium or long term,whether the entity considers the risk to be a climate-related physical risk or climate-related transition risk.

Sustainable Development RiskManagementb) The current and anticipated eects of climate-relatedrisks and oppounities on the entity’s business modeland value chain, and where in the entity’s business modeland value chain climate-related risks and oppounitiesare concentrated.

Sustainable Development RiskManagementc) Information about how the entity has respondedto, and plans to respond to, climate-related risks andoppounities in its strategy and decision-making,including how the entity sets targets, how the entity isresourcing and quantitative and qualitative informationabout the disclosed progress of plans.

Sustainable Development RiskManagementd) The quantitative and qualitative eects of thoseclimate-related risks and oppounities on the entity’snancial position, nancial peormance and cash owsfor the repoing period, the climate-related risks andoppounities identied in paragraph 16(a) for whichthere is a signicant risk of a material adjustment withinthe next annual repoing period to the caring amountsof assets and liabilities repoed in the related nancialstatements, and how the entity expects its nancialposition, nancial peormance and cash ows to changeover the sho, medium and long term, given its strategyto manage climate-related risks and oppounities.

Not Applicable

e) The entity’s assessment of its climate resilience,including the entity’s assessment for its strategy andbusiness model, the signicant areas of unceaintyconsidered in the entity’s assessment of its climateresilience and the entity’s capacity to adjust or adapt itsstrategy and business model to climate change over thesho, medium and long term. The entity shall use climate-related scenario analysis to assess its climate resilienceand disclose how and when the climate-related scenarioanalysis was carried out, including information about theinputs the entity used, the key assumptions the entitymade in the analysis and the repoing period in whichthe climate-related scenario analysis was carried out.

Sustainable Development RiskManagement


Disclosure RecommendationsDisclosure Placement

Risk Management

d) The processes and related policies the entityuses to identify, assess, prioritize and monitorclimate-related risks, including informationabout: the inputs and parameters the entity uses,whether and how the entity uses climate-relatedscenario analysis to inform its identication ofclimate-related risks, whether and how the entityprioritizes climate-related risks, how the entityassesses the nature, likelihood and magnitude ofthe eects of those risks.

Sustainable Development Risk ManagementRisk and Compliance Management

e) The processes the entity uses to identify,assess, prioritize and monitor climate-relatedoppounities, including information aboutwhether and how the entity uses climate-relatedscenario analysis to inform its identication ofclimate-related oppounities.

Sustainable Development Risk Management

f) The extent to which, and how, the processes foridentifying, assessing, prioritizing and monitoringclimate-related risks and oppounities areintegrated into and inform the entity’s overall riskmanagement process.

Sustainable Development Risk ManagementRisk and Compliance Management

Metrics and


a) The cross-indust metric categories ofgreenhouse gas emissions, internal carbonprices, the percentage of executive managementremuneration recognized in the current periodthat is linked to climate-related considerations,capital deployment towards climate-related risksand oppounities, the amount and percentageof assets or business activities vulnerable toclimate-related risks and oppounities.

GHG Emissions ManagementGHG Emissions Reduction SchemesSustainable Development Risk ManagementSustainable Development Governance Structure

b) Indust-based metrics that are associatedwith one or more paicular business models,activities or other common features thatcharacterize paicipation in an indust.

GHG Emissions Management

c) The quantitative and qualitative climate-relatedtargets the entity has set or it is required to meetby law or regulation, progress towards reachingthe target, information about its peormance,and each greenhouse gas emissions target.



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SASB Index

SASB TopicsAccounting MetricsLocation

Energy Management inRetail & Distribution


(1)Total energy consumed

(2)Percentage grid electricity

(3)Percentage renewable energy

Data Oveiew

Data Security


Discussion of management approach toidentifying and addressing data security risks

Information Security ProtectionCG-MR-230a.2:

(1)Number of data security breaches

(2)Percentage involving customers’personally

identiable information (PII)

(3)Number of customers aected

The Company does not collect

relevant data during this repo period

Fair Labor Practices


(1)Average hourly wage

(2)Percentage of in-store employees earning

minimum wage, by region

Not Covered In This RepoCG-MR-310a.2:

Employee turnover rate for in-store employees



Not Covered In This Repo

Amount of legal and regulato nes andsettlements associated with labor law violations

Human Rights Protection

Workforce Diversity &Inclusion


Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic grouprepresentation for


(2)All other employees

Human Rights Protection

Data OveiewCG-MR-330a.2:

Amount of legal and regulato nes andsettlementsassociated with employmentdiscrimination

Human Rights Protection

Product sourcing,Packaging, andMarketing


Revenue from products third-pay ceiedto environmental and/or social sustainabilitystandards

The Company does not collect

relevant data during this repo periodCG-MR-410a.2:

Description of processes to assess and managerisks and/or hazards associated with chemicals inproducts

Pollution Prevention and Ecosystem


SASB TopicsAccounting MetricsLocation

Product sourcing,Packaging, andMarketing


Description of strategies to reduce theenvironmental impact of packaging

Emissions Reduction SchemesCG-MR-000.A:

(1)Number of retail locations

(2)Number of distribution centers

Not ApplicableCG-MR-000.B:

Total area of (m2):

(1)Retail space

(2)Distribution centers

Not Applicable


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Indicators Reference for ESG Repos of ListedChinese Central State-Owned Enterprises


Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

E.1 Resource Consumption

E.1.1 Water Resource

E.1.1.1 Fresh-water consumptionData OveiewE.1.1.2 Circulating water usageData OveiewE.1.1.3 The propoion ofcirculating water usage

Data OveiewE.1.1.4 Water resourceconsumption intensity

Data Oveiew

E.1.2 Materials

E.1.2.1 Consumption of non-renewable materials

Data OveiewE.1.2.2 Consumption of toxic andhazardous materials

Not Covered In This

RepoE.1.2.3 Material consumptionintensity

Data Oveiew

E.1.3 Energy

E.1.3.1 Fossil energy consumption

GHG Emissions


OveiewE.1.3.2 Non-fossil energyconsumption

GHG Emissions


OveiewE.1.3.3 The propoion of non-fossil energy consumption

Data OveiewE.1.3.4 The total energyconsumption

GHG Emissions


OveiewE.1.3.5 The energy consumptionintensity

Data OveiewE.1.4 Packaging materials

E.1.4.1 The amount of packagingmaterials used

Resource Recycling

Data OveiewE.1.4.2 Light-weighting andreduction of packaging materials

Resource RecyclingE.2 Pollution prevention andcontrol

E.2.1 Wastewater

E.2.1.1 The compliance status ofwastewater discharge

Pollutants Emissions

ControlE.2.1.2 Wastewater managementand emission reduction measures

Pollutants Emissions


Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

E.2 Pollution prevention andcontrol

E.2.1 Wastewater

E.2.1.3 The compliance status ofwastewater dischargez

Data OveiewE.2.1.4 Volume of pollutantsdischarged in wastewater

Data OveiewE.2.1.5 Concentration of pollutantsdischarged in wastewater

Data Oveiew

E.2.2 Exhaust Air

E.2.2.1 Compliance status ofexhaust gas emissions

Pollutants Emissions

ControlE.2.2.2 Volume of air pollutantsemitted

Data OveiewE.2.2.3 Concentration of airpollutants emitted

Pollutants Emissions


E.2.3 Solid waste

E.2.3.1 Compliance with legalregulations on solid waste disposal

Pollutants Emissions

ControlE.2.3.2 Management of generalindustrial solid waste

Pollutants Emissions

ControlE.2.3.3 Disposal volume of generalindustrial solid waste

Pollutants Emissions

ControlE.2.3.4 Management of hazardouswaste

Pollutants Emissions

ControlE.2.3.5 Volume of hazardous wastedisposed

Data Oveiew

E.3 Climate changeE.3.1 GHG emissions

E.3.1.1 Sources and types of GHGemissions

GHG Emissions

ManagementE.3.1.2 GHG EmissionsManagement Management ofgreenhouse gas emissions

GHG Emissions

ManagementE.3.1.3 Scope 1 emission

GHG Emissions


Data OveiewE.3.1.4 Scope 2 emission

GHG Emissions


Data OveiewE.3.1.5 Scope 3 emissionData OveiewE.3.1.6 GHG emission intensity

GHG Emissions


Data Oveiew


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E.3 Climate change

E.3.2 GHG emissions

E.3.2.1 Sources and types of GHGemissions

GHG EmissionsManagementE.3.2.2 GHG Emissions ManagementManagement of greenhouse gasemissions

GHG EmissionsManagement

E.3.3 Environmental rightstrading

E.3.3.1 Paicipation in the carbonemissions trading market

Not Covered In ThisRepoE.3.3.2 Paicipation in the energyrights, water rights, and pollutionrights trading markets

Not Covered In ThisRepoE.3.3.3 Paicipation in greenelectricity trading

Not Covered In ThisRepoE.3.4 Climate risk managementE.3.4.1 Climate risk management

Sustainable DevelopmentRisk ManagementE.4 Biodiversity

E.4.1 Impact of production,seices, and products onbiodiversity

E.4.1.1 Impacts of production,seices, and products on biodiversity

Biodiversity Conseation

E.5 Measures for resource andenvironmental managementsystems

E.5.1 Setting Low-CarbonDevelopment Goals andStrategic Measures

E.5.1.1 Setting low-carbondevelopment goals and strategicmeasures

Sustainable DevelopmentFramework

E.5.2 Resource managementmeasures

E.5.2.1 Water resource management

Water ResourcesManagementE.5.2.2 Material use management

Green Products Designand R&DImplementation of CircularEconomy PracticesResource RecyclingE.5.2.3 Energy use and energyeciency management

GHG EmissionsManagementGHG Emissions ReductionSchemesE.5.3 Energy-saving and carbonreduction monitoring, statisticalrepoing, and assessmentsystem

E.5.3.1 Energy-saving and carbonreduction monitoring, statisticalrepoing, and assessment system

Energy-saving andEmission-reductionActions

E.5.4 Green environmentalactions and measures

E.5.4.1 Clean production

Green Products Designand R&DPollutants EmissionsControlE.5.4.2 Green technology upgradingand recycling

Pollutants EmissionsControlImplementation of CircularEconomy PracticesResource RecyclingE.5.4.3 Green building renovation

Green Products Designand R&DE.5.4.4 Green oce and operations

Energy-saving andEmission-reductionActionsResource Recycling

Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

E.5 Measures for resourceand environmentalmanagement systems

E.5.4 Green environmentalactions and measures

E.5.4.5 Green procurement andgreen supply chain management

Supplier ManagementE.5.4.6 Environmentalconseation public activities



Implementation of

Circular Economy


Resource Recycling

E.5.5 Green Low-CarbonCeication

E.5.5.1 EnvironmentalManagement SystemCeication

Pollution Prevention and

Ecosystem ProtectionE.5.5.2 Green and Low-CarbonEnterprise Ceication

Not Covered In This

RepoE.5.5.3 Green and Low-CarbonProduct and Seice Ceication

Not Covered In This

RepoE.5.6 Legal compliance inenvironmental matters

E.5.6.1 Emergency Response Planfor Environmental Incidents

Emergency Safety

ManagementE.5.6.2 Environmental violations




Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

S1 Employee rights

S1.1 Employee recruitmentand employment

S1.1.1 Corporate recruitmentpolicy and implementation

Human Rights



DevelopmentS1.1.2 Employee structure

Human Rights


Data OveiewS1.1.3 Avoiding child labor andforced labor

Human Rights


S1.2 Employeecompensation and benets

S1.2.1 Compensation philosophyand policy

Human Rights



DevelopmentS1.2.2 Working hours and restand leave



Occupational Health

and Safety


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

S1 Employee rights

S1.2 Employee compensationand benets

S1.2.3 Compensation and benetssecurity

Employee DevelopmentS1.2.4 Employee democraticmanagement

Human Rights


S1.3 Employee health andsafety

S1.3.1 Employee occupational healthand safety management

Occupational Health

and SafetyS1.3.2 Employee safety risk prevention

Occupational Health

and SafetyS1.3.3 Response to safety incidentsand work-related injuries

Occupational Health

and SafetyS1.3.4 Employee care and assistance

Occupational Health

and Safety

Employee Development

S1.4 Employee developmentand training

S1.4.1 Employee motivation andpromotion policy

Human Rights


Employee Development

S1.4.2 Employee education andtraining

Supply Chain Risk


Information Security


Responsible Marketing

Human Rights


Employee Development

Occupational Health

and SafetyS1.4.3 Employee career planning andjob change suppo

Employee Development

Data Oveiew

S1.5 Employee satisfaction

S1.5.1 Employee satisfaction sueyNot Covered In this Repo

S1.5.2 Labor disputes

Human Rights

ProtectionS1.5.3 Employee turnover situation

Human Rights


Data Oveiew

S2 Product and seicemanagement

S2.1 Product safety and quality

S2.1.1 Production standardmanagement policies and measures


Suppliers, and Customers

Occupational Health and

SafetyS2.1.2 Quality management

Product Quality


Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

S2 Product and seicemanagement

S2.1 Product safety andquality

S2.1.3 Product recall and withdrawalNot Covered In this RepoS2.1.4 Negative incidents related toproducts or seices

Product QualityManagementCustomer RightsProtection

S2.2 Customer seice andrights

S2.2.1 Customer satisfaction

Customer RightsProtectionS2.2.2 Customer complaints andhandling

Customer RightsProtectionData OveiewS2.2.3 Customer information andprivacy protection

Customer RightsProtectionInformation SecurityProtection

S2.3 Innovation development

S2.3.1 R&D and innovationmanagement system

Product Developmentand InnovationS2.3.2 R&D investment

Product Developmentand InnovationS2.3.3 Innovation achievements

Product Developmentand InnovationS2.3.4 Intellectual propeyprotection

Intellectual PropeyRights Protection

S3 Supply Chain Safety andManagement

S3.1 Supplier Management

S3.1.1 Supplier selection andmanagement

ResponsibleProcurementS3.1.2 Number and distribution ofsuppliers

Data Oveiew

S3.2 Supply ChainManagement

S3.2.1 Supply chain managementpolicies and measures

Supply Chain RiskManagementS3.2.2 Supply chain securityassurance and emergency plan

ResponsibleProcurementSupply Chain RiskManagementS3.2.3 Major risks and impacts(supply chain)

Supply Chain RiskManagementS4 Social contributionS4.1 Tax payment situationS4.1.1 Tax payment situation

Tax ComplianceManagement


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Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

S4 Social contribution

S4.2 Community co-building

S4.2.1 Policies and measures forpaicipating in local communityconstruction

Rural Revitalizationand Public SeiceS4.2.2 Contribution and impact onthe local community

Rural Revitalizationand Public Seice

S4.3 Social welfare activities

S4.3.1 Policies and measures forpaicipating in social welfareactivities

C&D WarmthConveying toChildrenGo Beyond in SocialWelfareS4.3.2 Investment andeectiveness in paicipating insocial welfare activities

C&D WarmthConveying toChildrenGo Beyond in SocialWelfareData Oveiew

S4.3.3 Construction of anaccessible environment

Engage inCommunity andPresee CulturalHeritageC&D WarmthConveying toChildrenGo Beyond in SocialWelfare

S4.4 National strategyresponse

S4.4.1 Industrial transformation

Suppo Livelihoodswith StabilizedSupplyProduct Developmentand InnovationSuppo IndustDevelopment

S4.4.2 Rural revitalization andregional collaborative development

Promote ViuousDeeds and RevitalizeRural AreasSuppo Livelihoodswith StabilizedSupplyEngage inCommunity andPresee CulturalHeritageData Oveiew

S4.4.3 Belt and Road initiative andoverseas responsibility fulllment

Suppo Livelihoodswith StabilizedSupplyEmployeeDevelopmentSuppo IndustDevelopmentData OveiewS4.4.4 Indust characteristicsand other social responsibilityfulllment situations

Innovation-Driven,Suppliers, andCustomersPromote Viuous Deedsand Revitalize RuralAreasSuppo Livelihoodswith Stabilized SupplyData Oveiew

GovernancePrima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

G1 Governance strategy andorganizational structure

G1.1 Governance strategy andprocesses

G1.1.1 Governance strategyformulation

SustainableDevelopmentGovernance StructureShareholders' Rights andInterestsSustainableDevelopment FrameworkG1.1.2 Governance strategysupeision process

Sustainable DevelopmentGovernance StructureStakeholdersCommunicationRisk and ComplianceManagementG1.1.3 Governance strategyapproval and review process

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsG1.1.4 Pay-building leadershipNot Covered In This Repo

G1.2 Organizationalcomposition and functions

G1.2.1 Ownership responsibilities

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsRisk and ComplianceManagementG1.2.2 Board of directors,supeiso board, andmanagement organizationalstructure and functions

Sustainable DevelopmentGovernance StructureAppointment of Directorsand Senior ManagementProtection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsG1.2.3 Appointment proceduresand composition of the board ofdirectors, supeiso board, andmanagement

Appointment of Directorsand Senior Management

G1.3 Compensationmanagement

G1.3.1 Compensation plan fordirectors and supeisors

Compensation ofDirector and SeniorManagementG1.3.2 Transparency of the board'scompensation

Compensation of Directorand Senior ManagementG1.3.3 Reasonableness ofmanagement compensation

Compensation ofDirector and SeniorManagement

G2 Standardized governanceG2.1 Internal control

G2.1.1 Internal audit

Risk and ComplianceManagementG2.1.2 Internal control structure,mechanisms, and processes

Risk and ComplianceManagement


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

G2 Standardized governance

G2.2 Integrity construction

G2.2.1 Integrity construction systemstandards

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial BribeG2.2.2 Eectiveness of integrityconstruction measures

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial Bribe

G2.3 Fair competition

G2.3.1 Fair competition system standards

Anti-Monopoly and Anti-Unfair CompetitionComplaint Mechanism andWhistleblower ProtectionSystemG2.3.2 Eectiveness of fair competitionmeasures

Anti-Monopoly and Anti-Unfair CompetitionAnti-Corruption and Anti-Commercial Bribe

G3 Investor relations managementand shareholder rights

G3.1 Investor relations management

G3.1.1 Investor relations managementstrategy

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsG3.1.2 Investor communication

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsG3.1.3 Construction of investor relationsmanagement depament

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterests

G3.2 Shareholder rights

G3.2.1 Shareholder (general) meetingsituation

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsG3.2.2 Shareholder communicationsituation

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsStakeholders CommunicationG3.2.3 Shareholder's right to know andpaicipate in decision-making

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsG3.3 Creditor rights

G3.3.1 Credit situationNot Covered In This RepoG3.3.2 Bond market peormance situationNot Covered In this Repo

G4 Information disclosuretransparency

G4.1 Information disclosure system

G4.1.1 Financial information disclosure

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsG4.1.2 Non-nancial informationdisclosure

Protection of MinorityShareholders' Rights andInterestsG4.2 Quality of informationdisclosure

G4.2.1 Regular supeision, audit, andevaluation of all disclosed information

Not Covered In This RepoG5 Compliant operation and riskmanagement

G5.1 Compliant operationG5.1.1 Compliant operation system

Risk and Compliance


Anti-Corruption and Anti-

Commercial Bribe

Prima IndicatorsSeconda IndicatorsTeia IndicatorsLocation

G5 Compliant operation andrisk management

G5.1 Compliant operation

G5.1.2 Construction status of thecompliance system

Risk and ComplianceManagementG5.1.3 Specic process ofcompliance review

Risk and ComplianceManagement

G5.2 Risk management

G5.2.1 Risk identication andearly warning

Risk and ComplianceManagementSustainableDevelopment RiskManagementG5.2.2 Risk control and tracking

Risk and ComplianceManagementSustainableDevelopment RiskManagementG5.2.3 Risk repoing andmanagement

SustainableDevelopment RiskManagementRisk and ComplianceManagement


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Independent Limited Assurance Report


2023建发股份可持续发展报告About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout C&D Inc.AppendixEnvironmentalSocialGovernance

Address: 29th Floor, jianfa linternational Building, No.1699 Huandao East Road, siming District, Xiamen, fujian Province, ChinaPost code:361008Fax:0592-2592459Tel: 0592-2132319website:http://www.chinacnd.com
