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诺禾致源:Novogene2024Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan 下载公告

Corporate Value and Return EnhancementAction Plan 2024

Stock code : ??????


Focus on value creation, ful?llsystematic construction and innovation,and repay investors with actions

Sharing and win-win, responsibilitycontribution based on value distribution, andseeking for long-term stable development

Scienti?c and compliance governance, consolidatestrategic systematization construction, andpromotes sustainable and high-quality development

Information visualizationBuild an e?cient and transparent investorcommunication path

Enrich product portfolio, expand the boundaries ofmulti-omics services, and enhance the e?ciency ofscienti?c research centering on customers

Substantially implement the improvement ofquality and e?cient initiative to build asustainable and sound development path


In order to implement the initiative of promoting the special action of "Improving Quality,E?ciency and Paybacks" of listed companies in science and technology innovation board,actively ful?ll the concept of "investor-centered" emphasized in the initiative, and participate inthe activities of promoting listed companies to continuously improve their operations, stan-dardize governance and actively pay back to investors, so as to improve the quality of listedcompanies and meet the spiritual requirements of improving con?dence, stabilizing the capitalmarket and boosting high-quality economic development, Novogene formulated the actionplan of "Improving Quality, E?ciency and Paybacks" for the year ???? as follows to guide andcarry out the speci?c work.Novogene deeply realized that improving the quality of listed company, raising the paybacksfor investors and enhancing the investors' sense of gain are the due responsibilities andobligations of a listed company during its development. In ????, the company will take activemeasures to implement the special action of "Improving Quality, E?ciency and Paybacks" inorder to improve the company's operating quality, raise investors' returns, enhance investors'sense of gain, and realize the common sharing of interests between management and share-holders.

Novogene |2024 Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan

In recent years, Novogene has continuously strengthened its systematic construction, practicedthe strategy of total cost leadership, improved the e?ciency of corporate governance continuous-ly, regarded value creation as one of the strategic cores, and attached great importance to investorreturns. On April ??, ????, Novogene successfully listed on the science and technology innovationboard of Shanghai Stock Exchange, raised funds with a net amount of RMB ??? million, all ofwhich was invested in the company's technology platform deployment, R&D innovation andproduction e?ciency improvement, thus realizing the continuous expansion of business layoutand sustained and steady growth of business performance.In the three years since its listing, the company remained a continuous and stable growth inoperating income, with the compound growth rate of operating income reaching ?.??%, and thegross pro?t margin maintained a stable level, accumulated cash dividend up to RMB ??,???,???,and annual dividend ratio ??% higher than the average. In terms of pro?t quality, the companyhas also achieved sustained growth of ROE.


Part 1

Focus On Value Creation,Ful?ll Systematic Construction andInnovation, and Repay Investors with Actions


2023 Directional Private Placement and Fund Raising CompletedSeeking into the Future Prospects and Paying Attention To Long-termSteady DevelopmentIn the third quarter of ????, the company issued additional shares to ?? speci?c objects at anissue price of ??.?? yuan/share, totaling ??,???,??? shares, and raised funds with a net amount ofRMB ??? million. After deducting the relevant distribution expenses, all of the raised funds wereinvested in the projects such as laboratory construction and expansion and research and develop-ment, seeking for further improvement of the company's scienti?c research and innovation abilityunder the overall guidance of the company's development strategy.

2023 Cash dividend distribution planIn ????, the company realized an operating income of RMB ?,???,???,???, and the net pro?tattributable to shareholders of the parent company was RMB ???,???,???, and the cash dividendplanned to be distributed in ???? was RMB ??,???,???, accounting for ??.??% of the net pro?tattributable to shareholders of listed companies in the consolidated statements.So far, the company is expected to distribute a total cash dividend of RMB ??,???,??? since its list-ing, repaying investors with tangible bene?t.Dividend amount (RMB 10,000)Dividend distributed per share(RMB)

20212022Dividend amount

Dividend ratio ??.??%Dividend ratio ??.??%

Dividend ratio ??.??%?????????????


1880.941940.92023202120222023Cash dividend per share





In ????, the company completed the optimization of talent and team management structure byintroducing professional enterprise management consulting suppliers, aiming at establishing adynamic and ?exible talent management mechanism with person-post matching with a competi-tive salary incentive system, enhancing the core competitiveness of the management team,creating a "customer-centered" and "lean" mainstream culture, and cultivating a customer-cen-tered and lean thinking mode. The company has established a perfect talent training and reservesystem, actively introduced high-quality talents from di?erent majors, improved the overall abilityand quality of employees through intensive training, and continuously improved the performanceappraisal system and talent incentive mechanism.In ????, the company will continue to implement systematic management and related systemsand measures, distribute values based on responsibility contribution, strengthen the bene?tsharing and win-win mechanism among management, core talents and shareholders, furtherstimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of management through fair and e?ective incentivemechanism, so as to realize the long-term, steady and sustainable growth of the company.

Part 2

Sharing and win-win, responsibilitycontribution based on value distribution,and seeking for long-term stable development

Novogene |2024 Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan

2024 Start share repurchase for equity incentive and employee stockownership plan in the future

In ????, the company will repurchase shares with a capital of not less than RMB ?? million (inclusive)and not more than RMB ??? million (inclusive). All the repurchased shares will be used in the equityincentive and employee stock ownership plan at an appropriate time in the future, and will be used upwithin ? years after the company discloses the implementation results of share repurchase and theannouncement of share changes; If the shares are not used up within the prescribed time limit, theboard of directors will perform the procedure of reducing the registered capital according to law, andthe repurchased shares that have not been used will be cancelled. If the relevant laws, regulations orpolicies change during the period, the repurchase plan will be modi?ed accordingly according to therevised laws, regulations or policies.

Construct a salary system with market competitiveness and internalequity, establish a long-term incentive mechanism to improve the e?-ciencyIn order to adopt to the company's business development, attract, motivate, develop and retain thecompany's employees in a better way, the company has established and continuously improved asalary management system, and established the principle of value distribution based on responsibilitycontribution, that is, more work, more pay. Combining the post evaluation results, employees' ability,external salary level and other factors, and according to the results of performance appraisal, thecompany combines the salary management system with performance management and post valueevaluation the results of post evaluation, to make the salary system with good "external competitive-ness and internal fairness", so that employees can continuously improve their work enthusiasm andcreativity and improve work e?ciency under the mechanism.At the same time, in order to further establish and improve the company's long-term incentive mecha-nism, attract and retain outstanding talents, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the company's core team,e?ectively combine the interests of shareholders, the company's interests and the personal interests ofthe core team, and make all parties pay attention to and promote the company's long-term develop-ment, the company formulated the equity incentive plan to promote the common long-term develop-ment of enterprises and employees.

Taking "Advancing Genomics, Improving life" as its corporate mission, Novogene integrates theconcept of sustainable development into the daily operation and management of enterprises,establishes a sound corporate governance structure, and promotes the construction of corporategovernance system and governance capacity. Through scienti?c strategic systematic constructionand management, the company constantly improves the governance level of the Group on aglobal scale, and strive to build a representative listed company with clearly-established system,clearly-de?ned responsibilities, e?cient improvement and coordinated operation.Since its listing in ????, Novogene has continuously strengthened the construction of the Group'sboard of directors and enhanced the standardization, scienti?city and e?ectiveness of the board'soperation, aiming at improving the board's ability to perform its powers and responsibilities, andgiving full play to the board's strategic direction control, strategic action decision-making and riskprevention ability. In the enterprise operation, the company continuously improves the labore?ciency through the adjustment and optimization of the organizational structure.The company has established a complete and e?ective internal control system, and established asystematic control management procedure and internal supervision mechanism from the compa-ny level to the business level. The company constantly optimizes the internal control system byidentifying internal control defects through horizontal comparison and directional interviews. Indaily business activities, the compliance management department examines whether the con-tract has the e?ect of excluding or restricting competition to avoid horizontal or vertical monopo-ly agreements, pays attention to the prevention of legal risks of unfair competition, and strength-ens the compliance of operating mechanisms

Part 3

Scienti?c and compliance governance,consolidate strategic systematizationconstruction, and promotes sustainable andhigh-quality development

Novogene |2024 Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan

Follow The policies closely, ensure the compliance and e?ciencyof the systemIn November ????, in order to further promote the standardized operation of the company, safe-guard the legitimate rights and interests of the company and its shareholders, and establish andimprove the internal management mechanism, according to the Company Law of People's Repub-lic of China (PRC), the Securities Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), the Listing Rules of Sci-ence and Technology Innovation Board Stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange (revised in August????), the Guidance on self-regulation of listed companies on the Science and Technology Innova-tion Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange No. ?- Standardized Operation (revised in August ????)and the Measures for the Administration of Independent Directors of Listed Companies, the com-pany revised and built nearly ?? systems in combination with the actual situation of the company,and plans to continuously monitor the implementation of relevant systems in ????.

Systematic Specialized training to promote the improvement ofgovernance level

In ????, the company has participated in more than ?? trainings organized by China SecuritiesRegulatory Bureau, Shanghai Stock Exchange, China Association of Listed Companies and BeijingAssociation of Listed Companies. The company conducted trainings for directors, supervisors ando?cers on the latest developments in the capital market and regulatory policies, so as to ensurethat the key personnel in corporate governance can keep up with policy trends and implementcompliant and e?ective decisions in governance while having professional knowledge. In addi-tion, the company spontaneously organized many special trainings on information disclosure,laws and regulations for directors, supervisors and o?cers, ?nancial personnel and independentdirectors to improve the compliance and risk awareness of relevant personnel.In ????, the company will further strengthen the on-the-job training of the directors, supervisorsand o?cers, and conduct scienti?c and systematic training on core management personnelthrough online courses and o?ine conference training, promote the connection between direc-tors, supervisors and o?cers, regulatory authorities, investors and the capital market, popularizeand share the dynamics and policies of the capital market to the core personnel at the ?rst time,ensure that the core governance team can keep abreast of the latest laws and regulations,improve their performance skills and comprehensively improve the corporate governance level.

Adhering to the concept of "protecting investors' rights and interests as the core", the Companyalways regards it as one of its important responsibilities to "let investors know about the Compa-ny's information dynamics and operating conditions timely and intuitively". In ???? and beyond,the Company will continue to take this task as a key work, actively building an information bridgebetween investors, and continuously improve communication e?ciency through timely, intuitive,and diversi?ed forms of information, so that companies and investors can communicate moretransparently for building more thorough two-way understanding and trust. Adhere to mutualbene?t and win-win cooperation, create shared bene?ts together, take steady development as theguarantee, creating value as the core, and forge ahead hand in hand.

Part 4

Information visualizationBuild an e?cient and transparentinvestor communication path

Novogene |2024 Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan

E?cient communication of information disclosure:

intuitive, understandable, multi-form, international




In ????, the Company will continue to use avariety of information presentation formswhen disclosing information, such as thecombination of pictures and texts, tables,charts, data trends, etc., to assist investors inunderstanding and make the informationstructured, clear and easy to understand.When the Company regularly releases ?nan-cial reports, reports, and other information,it will continue to adopt the form of datavisualization by using pure picture presenta-tion, image-text brie?ng, and other forms tore?ne key data and interpret e?ective infor-mation. Through vivid and intuitive informa-tion presentation, it helps investorsbetter understand the Company'soperating condition.

In information disclosure, report prepara-tion and daily communication, the Companyuses more straightforward expressions thatare easy for investors to perceive in view ofindustry-speci?c and di?cult-to-understandtechnical expression and terms, and helpinvestors understand the Company's situa-tion through easy-to-understand informa-tion interaction.

Visualized information disclosurecombining graph, texts, and tables

The vernacular replaces the jargon

In ????, the Company will continue to pro-vide investors with o?ine face-to-face directcommunication opportunities through per-formance brie?ng, open days for investorsand general meeting of shareholders, etc.Meanwhile, the Company will attach greatimportance to the reception of investorresearch, and organize more investor net-working events led and attended by theCompany's chairman, secretary of the boardof directors, chief ?nancial o?cer and secu-rities a?airs representatives In addition, wewill respond to investors' questions andlisten to investors' opinions and suggestionstimely through the SSE e-Interactive plat-form, investor hotline, investor relationscolumn set up on the o?cial website andother online and remote forms.

Multi-channelcommunicationBilingual in investor relationships

As a company with a business scope cover-ing more than ?? countries and regionsaround the world, the Company willstrengthen the internationalization of ourdisclosures in ????, taking into account thediversi?ed needs of investors and stake-holders. The Company's foreign languagewebsite adds an investor relations manage-ment module to strengthen convenientcommunication with international inves-tors, while attempting to increase foreignlanguage communication in other informa-tion disclosures.

Based on the insight into the growing global demand for gene sequencing, Novogene is commit-ted to providing e?cient, high-quality, and stable gene sequencing services for scholars, scien-tists, research institutions and medical institutions around the world. We will continue tostrengthen our global layout, continuously consolidate our large-scale advantages, closely followthe technological development trend of the industry, realize the deployment of multiple technol-ogy platforms, meet customer needs, and stabilize our core competitiveness. Centering oncustomers, Novogene continuously enriches its product portfolio to meet the diversi?ed needs ofcustomers, expands the boundaries of multi-omics services, enhances automation level, andempowers to improve the e?ciency of scienti?c research.

Part 5

Enrich product portfolio, expand theboundaries of multi-omics services,and enhance the e?ciency of scienti?cresearch centering on customers

Novogene |2024 Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan

Deepen Global layout, perfecting global regionalized service capacityIn recent years, the Company's global strategy layout has been continuously implemented, the construction ofglobal service capabilities has been continuously improved, and the Company's business scope has covered about?? countries and regions in six continents. In ????, the Company established new laboratories in Germany andJapan based on customer demand, and continued to strengthen its regional service capabilities. The Company hasglobally deployed industry-leading technology platforms such as Illumina NovaSeq? X Plus, PacBio Revio, ThermoScienti?c? Orbitrap? Astral, Olink Explore HT, and MGI DNBSEQ -T?, to meet the needs of a diversi?ed need of cus-tomers. The global installation of six additional PacBio Revio third generation sequencing platform has been com-pleted in the ?rst quarter of ????, and the Company will continue to enhance our global regionalized service capa-bilities in accordance with customer needs in the future. Center On customers, the Company provide localized services rooted in local-ized customer group around the worldIn ????, the Company will take "centering on customers" as the core of its strategy, conduct the wide-range capaci-ty building and improve customer experience in the whole chain through the optimization of the delivery cycle,delivery system, customer service and other aspects from strategy to execution, customer demand to customersatisfaction. We will continue to deepen global localized services, take root in the local customer group, adapt tocustomer needs through localized laboratories, localized service teams, localized products, and services, andimprove the globally consistent and high-standard laboratory management and operation system, so as to providemore e?cient and stable products and services to customers around the world.

Accelerate Construction of intelligent level to enhance the e?ciency of scien-ti?c research

In recent years, the Company has continued to accelerate the construction of automation capabilities, and in ????,it launched Falcon, the world's leading ?exible intelligent delivery platform. In ????, it independently developedFalcon II, an intelligent delivery platform that is easy to deploy ?exibly, which has been deployed in laboratoriesaround the globe, realizing a comprehensive upgrade of production e?ciency, stability, and delivery quality. In????, the Company will complete the research and development of Falcon III, and plans to place it in service thisyear, continuing to improve the automation level. In addition, the Company continues to improve its information-ization and digitalization construction, and is equipped with an e?cient global informationization operationmatrix. It has formed a strong working resultant force to support the Company's real-time and accurate manage-ment and operation, and boosted the Company's precision management by means of informationization throughthe LIMS Laboratory Information Management System, the CMS Delivery Management System, and CSS CustomerService System at the business end, and the HCM Human Capital Management System, SRM Supply Chain Manage-ment System, and CBS Funding Management System at the management end, etc., In the future, the Company willbuild an intelligent production, operation and service system through the matrix of automation, informationizationand digitalization capabilities to empower life safety research and boost research e?ciency.

Continuously Enrich product portfolio and expand the boundaries ofmulti-omics services

Integrated multi-omics solutions help scientists to meet complex challenges from a more systematic per-spective. In recent years, the Company has established a sophisticated service system for multi-omics solu-tions and continues to enrich its product portfolio to meet the diversi?ed research needs of customers. In????, the Company will continue to develop and optimize all-round multi-omics products, includinggenome, transcriptome, epigenome, spatial transcriptome, single-cell sequencing, mass spectrometry,genotyping, etc., in order to satisfy more diversi?ed scienti?c research and application needs. The Compa-ny will continue to develop integration analysis solutions between various types of genomics, and continueto optimize multiple types of integration analysis tools, such as integration analysis of transcriptomes andmetabolome, integration analysis of metagenome and metabolome, integration analysis of transcriptomesand proteome, integration analysis of genome and metabolome , integration analysis of transcriptomesand epigenome , integration analysis of transcriptomes and translation , and integration analysis of sin-gle-cell transcriptomes and spatial transcriptomes. The Company will further carry out research onmulti-omics data and provide customers with uni?ed management and analysis services of multi-omicsdata.

Deepen Global layout, perfecting global regionalized service capacityIn recent years, the Company's global strategy layout has been continuously implemented, the construction ofglobal service capabilities has been continuously improved, and the Company's business scope has covered about?? countries and regions in six continents. In ????, the Company established new laboratories in Germany andJapan based on customer demand, and continued to strengthen its regional service capabilities. The Company hasglobally deployed industry-leading technology platforms such as Illumina NovaSeq? X Plus, PacBio Revio, ThermoScienti?c? Orbitrap? Astral, Olink Explore HT, and MGI DNBSEQ -T?, to meet the needs of a diversi?ed need of cus-tomers. The global installation of six additional PacBio Revio third generation sequencing platform has been com-pleted in the ?rst quarter of ????, and the Company will continue to enhance our global regionalized service capa-bilities in accordance with customer needs in the future. Center On customers, the Company provide localized services rooted in local-ized customer group around the worldIn ????, the Company will take "centering on customers" as the core of its strategy, conduct the wide-range capaci-ty building and improve customer experience in the whole chain through the optimization of the delivery cycle,delivery system, customer service and other aspects from strategy to execution, customer demand to customersatisfaction. We will continue to deepen global localized services, take root in the local customer group, adapt tocustomer needs through localized laboratories, localized service teams, localized products, and services, andimprove the globally consistent and high-standard laboratory management and operation system, so as to providemore e?cient and stable products and services to customers around the world. Accelerate Construction of intelligent level to enhance the e?ciency of scien-ti?c research

In recent years, the Company has continued to accelerate the construction of automation capabilities, and in ????,it launched Falcon, the world's leading ?exible intelligent delivery platform. In ????, it independently developedFalcon II, an intelligent delivery platform that is easy to deploy ?exibly, which has been deployed in laboratoriesaround the globe, realizing a comprehensive upgrade of production e?ciency, stability, and delivery quality. In????, the Company will complete the research and development of Falcon III, and plans to place it in service thisyear, continuing to improve the automation level. In addition, the Company continues to improve its information-ization and digitalization construction, and is equipped with an e?cient global informationization operationmatrix. It has formed a strong working resultant force to support the Company's real-time and accurate manage-ment and operation, and boosted the Company's precision management by means of informationization throughthe LIMS Laboratory Information Management System, the CMS Delivery Management System, and CSS CustomerService System at the business end, and the HCM Human Capital Management System, SRM Supply Chain Manage-ment System, and CBS Funding Management System at the management end, etc., In the future, the Company willbuild an intelligent production, operation and service system through the matrix of automation, informationizationand digitalization capabilities to empower life safety research and boost research e?ciency.

Continuously Enrich product portfolio and expand the boundaries ofmulti-omics servicesIntegrated multi-omics solutions help scientists to meet complex challenges from a more systematic per-spective. In recent years, the Company has established a sophisticated service system for multi-omics solu-tions and continues to enrich its product portfolio to meet the diversi?ed research needs of customers. In????, the Company will continue to develop and optimize all-round multi-omics products, includinggenome, transcriptome, epigenome, spatial transcriptome, single-cell sequencing, mass spectrometry,genotyping, etc., in order to satisfy more diversi?ed scienti?c research and application needs. The Compa-ny will continue to develop integration analysis solutions between various types of genomics, and continueto optimize multiple types of integration analysis tools, such as integration analysis of transcriptomes andmetabolome, integration analysis of metagenome and metabolome, integration analysis of transcriptomesand proteome, integration analysis of genome and metabolome , integration analysis of transcriptomesand epigenome , integration analysis of transcriptomes and translation , and integration analysis of sin-gle-cell transcriptomes and spatial transcriptomes. The Company will further carry out research onmulti-omics data and provide customers with uni?ed management and analysis services of multi-omicsdata.


Novogene |2024 Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan

Taking a broad view of the life sciences industry, the rapid market changes, all the ?erce competi-tive environment and the continuous development of iterative technological development meanthat "improving quality and e?ciency" will be one of the development directions that must bepracticed and implemented by enterprises nowadays.After the Company's continuous e?orts in process system optimization, systematic managementimprovement, human and organizational e?ciency enhancement, ???? will be a crucial year forthe development of Novogene. Meanwhile, ???? will be a year full of opportunities and challengeswith the changing macro environment such as the world economy and geopolitical situation. As alisted Company with global business coverage, Novogene will continue to make continuouse?orts in scienti?c governance, ful?llment of social responsibility, and seeking for new opportuni-ties and growth points, and lay a solid foundation for the Company's long-term sustainable andsteady development step by step.

Part 6

Substantially implement the improvement ofquality and e?cient initiative to build asustainable and sound development path.

Deepen Global layout, perfecting global regionalized service capacityIn recent years, the Company's global strategy layout has been continuously implemented, the construction ofglobal service capabilities has been continuously improved, and the Company's business scope has covered about?? countries and regions in six continents. In ????, the Company established new laboratories in Germany andJapan based on customer demand, and continued to strengthen its regional service capabilities. The Company hasglobally deployed industry-leading technology platforms such as Illumina NovaSeq? X Plus, PacBio Revio, ThermoScienti?c? Orbitrap? Astral, Olink Explore HT, and MGI DNBSEQ -T?, to meet the needs of a diversi?ed need of cus-tomers. The global installation of six additional PacBio Revio third generation sequencing platform has been com-pleted in the ?rst quarter of ????, and the Company will continue to enhance our global regionalized service capa-bilities in accordance with customer needs in the future. Center On customers, the Company provide localized services rooted in local-ized customer group around the worldIn ????, the Company will take "centering on customers" as the core of its strategy, conduct the wide-range capaci-ty building and improve customer experience in the whole chain through the optimization of the delivery cycle,delivery system, customer service and other aspects from strategy to execution, customer demand to customersatisfaction. We will continue to deepen global localized services, take root in the local customer group, adapt tocustomer needs through localized laboratories, localized service teams, localized products, and services, andimprove the globally consistent and high-standard laboratory management and operation system, so as to providemore e?cient and stable products and services to customers around the world. Accelerate Construction of intelligent level to enhance the e?ciency of scien-ti?c research

In recent years, the Company has continued to accelerate the construction of automation capabilities, and in ????,it launched Falcon, the world's leading ?exible intelligent delivery platform. In ????, it independently developedFalcon II, an intelligent delivery platform that is easy to deploy ?exibly, which has been deployed in laboratoriesaround the globe, realizing a comprehensive upgrade of production e?ciency, stability, and delivery quality. In????, the Company will complete the research and development of Falcon III, and plans to place it in service thisyear, continuing to improve the automation level. In addition, the Company continues to improve its information-ization and digitalization construction, and is equipped with an e?cient global informationization operationmatrix. It has formed a strong working resultant force to support the Company's real-time and accurate manage-ment and operation, and boosted the Company's precision management by means of informationization throughthe LIMS Laboratory Information Management System, the CMS Delivery Management System, and CSS CustomerService System at the business end, and the HCM Human Capital Management System, SRM Supply Chain Manage-ment System, and CBS Funding Management System at the management end, etc., In the future, the Company willbuild an intelligent production, operation and service system through the matrix of automation, informationizationand digitalization capabilities to empower life safety research and boost research e?ciency.

Continuously Enrich product portfolio and expand the boundaries ofmulti-omics services

Integrated multi-omics solutions help scientists to meet complex challenges from a more systematic per-spective. In recent years, the Company has established a sophisticated service system for multi-omics solu-tions and continues to enrich its product portfolio to meet the diversi?ed research needs of customers. In????, the Company will continue to develop and optimize all-round multi-omics products, includinggenome, transcriptome, epigenome, spatial transcriptome, single-cell sequencing, mass spectrometry,genotyping, etc., in order to satisfy more diversi?ed scienti?c research and application needs. The Compa-ny will continue to develop integration analysis solutions between various types of genomics, and continueto optimize multiple types of integration analysis tools, such as integration analysis of transcriptomes andmetabolome, integration analysis of metagenome and metabolome, integration analysis of transcriptomesand proteome, integration analysis of genome and metabolome , integration analysis of transcriptomesand epigenome , integration analysis of transcriptomes and translation , and integration analysis of sin-gle-cell transcriptomes and spatial transcriptomes. The Company will further carry out research onmulti-omics data and provide customers with uni?ed management and analysis services of multi-omicsdata.


Novogene |2024 Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan

Depending on "lean" thinking and "centering on customers"value orientation, improve quality and e?ciency reasonably, andbe a reliable research partner.Over the years, the Company has been practicing the concept of "Lean" thinking to completethe production and operation processes in the most e?cient way, and in ????, the Companywill persist in implementing "lean" thinking and optimizing the e?ciency of the whole processfrom end to end by centering on customers, which will help to increase customer satisfactionand market share. In addition, the Company will continue to complete the systematic construc-tion of processes and systems, and establish a perfect and e?ective standardized process foreach business segment and functional segment, with clear division of powers and responsibili-ties and clear objectives. Focusing on "human e?ciency improvement", the Company custom-ize clear organizational KPIs, management KPIs and employee KPIs, optimize the organization-al structure, and realize a dynamic talent management mechanism that matches people withjobs and enables them to accept a higher or lower post to improve management e?ciency.

Build the foundation stone of enterprise construction and forgethe path of sustainable and sound developmentSince its listing, the Company has always paid close attention to the construction of its corpo-rate governance system, emphasized the improvement of its core competitiveness, and com-mitted itself to building a healthy, sound, and sustainable development path. In ????, the Com-pany released its ?rst Quality Cost Report, actively promoting closed-loop management ofquality issues through optimization of indicators and upgrading of e?ect assessment models,and taking "quality excellence" as the most basic line of defense in competition. The Companyhas also constructed a corporate performance billboard to enhance the e?ciency of businessdecision-making, introduced the DSTE process to enhance the ability of capacity for executingstrategy, and strengthened the process management system and process culture to enhancethe ability of organizational management. Next, the Company will continue to build the corpo-rate foundation, open the source, and improve the quality in the business level, improve thee?ciency soundly in the production process, systematize the process operation and manage-ment, and achieve steady and sustainable growth.

The action plan of improving quality and e?ciency with a focus on returns is a judg-ment based on the Company's annual strategic plan and the actual situation of theCompany, which may be a?ected by the policy adjustment, domestic market environ-ment and other factors in the future, and has a certain degree of uncertainty, and theCompany respectfully request investors to be cautious of the investment and payattention to the investment risk.

In the future, the Company will continue to evaluate and implement the relevantinitiatives of the action program of "improving quality and e?ciency with a focus onreturns", and strive to actively contribute to investors through favorable businessperformance, standardized and e?cient corporate governance, and e?ectively ful?llthe responsibilities and obligations of listed companies, and reward the trust ofinvestors.


China · USA · UK · Singapore · Netherlands · Japan · Germany


Novogene Co., Ltd.

T. 010-82837801-889E. ir@novogene.com

Building ???, # ?? Jiuxianqiao North Road Jia, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Deepen Global layout, perfecting global regionalized service capacityIn recent years, the Company's global strategy layout has been continuously implemented, the construction ofglobal service capabilities has been continuously improved, and the Company's business scope has covered about?? countries and regions in six continents. In ????, the Company established new laboratories in Germany andJapan based on customer demand, and continued to strengthen its regional service capabilities. The Company hasglobally deployed industry-leading technology platforms such as Illumina NovaSeq? X Plus, PacBio Revio, ThermoScienti?c? Orbitrap? Astral, Olink Explore HT, and MGI DNBSEQ -T?, to meet the needs of a diversi?ed need of cus-tomers. The global installation of six additional PacBio Revio third generation sequencing platform has been com-pleted in the ?rst quarter of ????, and the Company will continue to enhance our global regionalized service capa-bilities in accordance with customer needs in the future.

Center On customers, the Company provide localized services rooted in local-ized customer group around the worldIn ????, the Company will take "centering on customers" as the core of its strategy, conduct the wide-range capaci-ty building and improve customer experience in the whole chain through the optimization of the delivery cycle,delivery system, customer service and other aspects from strategy to execution, customer demand to customersatisfaction. We will continue to deepen global localized services, take root in the local customer group, adapt tocustomer needs through localized laboratories, localized service teams, localized products, and services, andimprove the globally consistent and high-standard laboratory management and operation system, so as to providemore e?cient and stable products and services to customers around the world. Accelerate Construction of intelligent level to enhance the e?ciency of scien-ti?c researchIn recent years, the Company has continued to accelerate the construction of automation capabilities, and in ????,it launched Falcon, the world's leading ?exible intelligent delivery platform. In ????, it independently developedFalcon II, an intelligent delivery platform that is easy to deploy ?exibly, which has been deployed in laboratoriesaround the globe, realizing a comprehensive upgrade of production e?ciency, stability, and delivery quality. In????, the Company will complete the research and development of Falcon III, and plans to place it in service thisyear, continuing to improve the automation level. In addition, the Company continues to improve its information-ization and digitalization construction, and is equipped with an e?cient global informationization operationmatrix. It has formed a strong working resultant force to support the Company's real-time and accurate manage-ment and operation, and boosted the Company's precision management by means of informationization throughthe LIMS Laboratory Information Management System, the CMS Delivery Management System, and CSS CustomerService System at the business end, and the HCM Human Capital Management System, SRM Supply Chain Manage-ment System, and CBS Funding Management System at the management end, etc., In the future, the Company willbuild an intelligent production, operation and service system through the matrix of automation, informationizationand digitalization capabilities to empower life safety research and boost research e?ciency.

Continuously Enrich product portfolio and expand the boundaries ofmulti-omics servicesIntegrated multi-omics solutions help scientists to meet complex challenges from a more systematic per-spective. In recent years, the Company has established a sophisticated service system for multi-omics solu-tions and continues to enrich its product portfolio to meet the diversi?ed research needs of customers. In????, the Company will continue to develop and optimize all-round multi-omics products, includinggenome, transcriptome, epigenome, spatial transcriptome, single-cell sequencing, mass spectrometry,genotyping, etc., in order to satisfy more diversi?ed scienti?c research and application needs. The Compa-ny will continue to develop integration analysis solutions between various types of genomics, and continueto optimize multiple types of integration analysis tools, such as integration analysis of transcriptomes andmetabolome, integration analysis of metagenome and metabolome, integration analysis of transcriptomesand proteome, integration analysis of genome and metabolome , integration analysis of transcriptomesand epigenome , integration analysis of transcriptomes and translation , and integration analysis of sin-gle-cell transcriptomes and spatial transcriptomes. The Company will further carry out research onmulti-omics data and provide customers with uni?ed management and analysis services of multi-omicsdata.
