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晶晨股份:2023Environmental,Social,and Governance(ESG)Report 下载公告

Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.

2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report(hereinafter referred to as 'the Report') extensively shows thepractices and performance of Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. in theareas of economic, environmental, social, and corporate governanceresponsibilities for the year 2023. Its objective is to engage in e?ectivecommunication with all stakeholders, in a systematic manner, torespond the expectations and demands of these stakeholders.

Regarding the Report

For the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31,2023, certain aspects of the Report are moderatelyextended to surrounding years to enhance comparabilityand foresight.


The Report unveils information on the economic, social,and environmental responsibilities ful?lled by Amlogic(Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. and its subsidiaries. The relevanttypical cases are sourced from the company and itsa?liates.

Reporting Scope

The Report utilizes data from a variety of sources,including original operational data of the company,publicly available government data, annual financialdata, internal relevant statistical reports, third-partyquestionnaire surveys, and third-party evaluationinterviews. The ?nancial data in this Report is presentedin CNY. In case of any inconsistency with the financialreport, the ?nancial report shall prevail.

Data Sources

This Report, based on our corporate social responsibilitypractices, follows a process ?ow of "project approval - datacollection - compilation and revision - senior managementreview - board review - external unveiling." Throughout suchstages as project approval and compilation and revision, weactively engage with relevant stakeholders, discussing andvalidating the framework structure and content of the Report.

Report Compilation Process

The company guarantees the veracity, accuracy, andcompleteness of the Report, with no false records,misleading statements, or signi?cant omissions.This report has been prepared in Chinese and Englishrespectively. In case of discrepancy in the interpretationof this report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Report Reliability Guarantee

For clarity and readability, "Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd."is also referred to as "Amlogic", "the Company", or "we"throughout this Report.

Title Description

The electronic version of this Report can be accessed onthe website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com. cn).Report AcquisitionUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards)byGlobal Reporting Initiative (GRI)Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reportingfor Chinese Enterprisesby Chinese Academy of SocialSciences (CASS-ESG 5.0)

Compilation Basis

ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010)byInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO)Guidelines of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Self-discipline Supervision of Listed Companies No. 1 -Standardized Operation (2023)by Shanghai StockExchange Sci-Tech Innovation Board (SSE STAR Market)

2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report

Corporate Governance

Social Responsibility

Environmental Protection


Compliant Operations & Long-TermDevelopment

Intelligent Innovation for CollectiveDevelopment

Green Operation and ResponsibleDevelopment

Corporate GovernanceInformation DisclosureAnti-Corruption and IntegrityRisk ControlIntellectual PropertyInformation Security

Scienti?c Research InnovationQuality ControlDigital Intelligence LeadershipEmployee DevelopmentIndustry CollaborationSocial Contribution

About us


Company OverviewCompany CultureStrategic PlanningCompany HistorySustainable ManagementStakeholder Identificationand Communication

Key Performance TableIndex of IndicatorsReader Feedback Form


About us

Established in 2003, Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd., Ltd is dedicated to the research anddevelopment, design, and sales of System-on-a-Chip (SoC) and peripheral chips. Its currentmain products include multimedia intelligent terminal SoCs, wireless connectivity chips, andautomotive electronic chips, providing SoC main control chips and system-level solutionsfor numerous consumer electronics sectors. The Company's products are widely utilizedin various fields such as home, automotive, office, education, sports & fitness, industry,commerce, agriculture, entertainment, and warehousing. It has emerged as a globallypositioned and domestically leading non-wafer semiconductor system design manufacturer.With business operations spanning across Mainland China, Hong Kong, North America,Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and Africa, the Company has established a solidcustomer base globally through long-term technological expertise, continuous researchand development in new technologies and applications, as well as leveraging its strategicpositioning and market resources worldwide.In order to drive the sustainable and robust development of the Company, continuous e?ortsare being made to strengthen the construction of a global operational system and promotethe brand, with a commitment to expanding into global markets. As the Company's globalbusiness further accelerates, various product lines are being optimized and enhanced, andnew products are being continuously introduced, paving the way for broader horizons in theCompany's operations.

Corporate Overview

We advocate the workingattitude of professionaldedication and optimisticpassion, focusing on thejob and making it the best.

We encourage the ?ghtingspirit of proactive innovationand progress, unceasinglypromoting customer value,product value, enterprisevalue and personal value.

We value the collaborationawareness of teamworkand mutual help, withoutunderestimating anyone’shard work to a successfulenterprise. Corporate Culture





We respect pragmaticbusiness managementwith integrity, alwaysgiving top priority toclients and products.

Strategic PlanningWe will further delve into the new products and technologies acrossour entire product line, continuously meeting the demands ofcustomers in the intelligent terminal device chip market. We aim toenhance our own product design and development capabilities.By optimizing product structures in line with downstream customerrequirements, we will consistently provide highly integrated, high-performance and secure chip products. This will help to increasethe stickiness of our partnerships with customers and strengthenthe Company's pro?tability, further solidifying and enhancing ourmarket position within the industry.We will continue to strengthen our research into fundamentalcore and cutting-edge technologies in the aforementionedfields through the establishment of a dedicated technical R&Dcenter. This will enable us to continually improve the Company'sindependent R&D and innovation capabilities, as well as reinforceour technical R&D advantages to consolidate and enhance ourmarket competitiveness.

Strategic Planning

Corporate Culture

Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report




Amlogic introduced single chipsolution to digital photo frameproduct and successfully won70% global market share

Amlogic released Google CastReady WiFi Audio SoC 64-bitMulti-Core 4K2K VP9 SoCAmong the ?rst batch of strategicpartners of Google TV4.0, Amlogicreleased dual-core Cortex-A9SoC which was then successfullyapplied in Consumer Electronicslike Tablet/ STB/ DTV

Development Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.

Amlogic developed AV1 STB/TV SoC

Amlogic developed the world's?rst 1080P full HD decoderbased on CortexA9CPU andMali400GPU, running on theAndroid operating system

Amlogic released 12nm UHDTV/STB SoC and industryleading Smart Vision SoCAmlogic released quad core?agship application processorfeaturing in 4K2K H.265decoder and ultra-low powerconsumption

Amlogic released the ?rst 8KUHD smart STB processor andWi-Fi 6 SoC

Amlogic was the pioneerto cooperate with ARM inConsumer Electronics productline, successfully grasping thedirection of technological change

Voice control for speakers/soundbar and global TV SoCAmlogic successfully realizedmass production of 28nmquad-core A9 CPU SoC andled the shipment of smart STBSoCin the industry

Amlogic released MEMC/AI-SR global DTV SoC andput front-loading IVI in-carentertainment SoC into massproduction

World's ?rst to release smartTV, tablet PC and IP-STB basedon Android 4.0

Amlogic successfully achievedlarge-scale production of smartTV SoC and 4KSmart Vision SoC,and went public on the Scienceand Technology Innovation Board(STAR Market) within the sameyear

Amlogic released 64-bit Multi-Core 4K2K OTT/STB SoC

Amlogic developed a newgeneration 6-nanometer SoCplatform





Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report



Sustainable ManagementStakeholder Identi?cation and CommunicationAmlogic attaches great importance to the identification and management of social responsibility issues. In response to thedemands of stakeholders, we continuously enhances the process of identifying and confirming social responsibility issues,improves communication and research content with stakeholders, optimizes issue assessment methods, establishes a substantiveissue matrix, and focuses on unveiling and responding to stakeholder expectations in the Report.

Amlogic has laid a solid foundation for the long-term development of the Company, emphasizing the importance of listeningto and understanding the demands of stakeholders. We actively explores various channels to maintain communication withstakeholders and seeks the trust and support of all parties in order to promote the continuous improvement of social responsibilitymanagement.


?Operating in accordance with laws and regulations

?Adequate information disclosure?Protection of stockholders' rights and interests?Investor Relations management?Adhering to business ethics

?Compliant operations?Risk management

?Information disclosure

?Building communication channels for investors?Intellectual property management

?Information security protection system


?Operating in accordance with laws and regulations?Anti-corruption?Internal control?Complying with regulatory requirements

?Information disclosure?Management policy implementation?Cooperating with regulatory inspections?Compliance with regulations


?High-quality products?After-sales service?Privacy protection

?Scienti?c research innovation?High-quality service

?Protecting customer privacy security


?Compensation and bene?ts?Protection of employee rights and interests?Employee training and career development?Employee health and safety

?Employee rights and protection?Complete salary management system?Complete employee training plans?Sound democratic management?Various employee care activities


?Supplier management?Industry advancement?Industry cooperation

?Supplier management system?Participating in industry research activities?Building a business ecological cooperation circleCommunity and


?Public welfare

?Poverty alleviation and agricultural assistance?Volunteer service


Expectations and DemandsCommunication and Response

Governance IssuesSocial Issues

Environmental Issues

Corporate governanceScienti?c research innovation

Environmental management

Anti-corruption and integrityDigital intelligence leadership

Intellectual propertyIndustry collaboration

Information disclosureQuality control

Green operations

Risk managementEmployee development

Information securitySocial contribution


Substantive Issue Analysis


Corporate GovernanceCompliant Operations & Long-Term Development


Amlogicconsistentlyadherestoarobustandstandardizedgovernancephilosophy,focusingonthecomplianceofcorporategovernance.Throughimplementinganefficientgovernancestructureandacomprehensivegovernancesystem,theCompanycontinuallydrivestheoverallimprovementofgovernanceandmanagementlevels.Furthermore,Amlogicplacesgreatemphasisonriskmanagementandprevention,andeffectivelyreducestheriskofinternalcorruptionandembezzlementbyestablishingathoroughriskmanagementsystemandawhistleblowingandpenaltymechanism,ensuringtheCompany'shealthyandstabledevelopment.Our actions



SDGs benchmarking


Amlogic continuously improves its corporate governance structure, establishes acomprehensive internal control system and amends its Articles of Association inaccordance with theCompany Law of the People's Republic of China,theSecuritiesLaw of the People's Republic of China,theCode of Governance for Listed Companies,

the Guidelines on the Articles of Association of Listed Companiesand other relevantlaws, regulations and standardized documents, to further regulate the operation of theCompany and to improve the level of corporate governance.The Company has established a corporate governance structure centered aroundthe General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board,Independent Directors, and Senior Management. This structure includes a mechanismfor mutual coordination and checks and balances among the power body, decision-making body, supervisory body, and management, providing institutional guaranteesfor the Company's e?cient, stable, and standardized operation.

Corporate Governance

Key performance

In order to enhance theprofessional competence of thedirectors, supervisors, and seniormanagement, the Company hasconducted a total of

The Board of Directors currentlyconsists of



Independent Directors

Female Director

specialized training


achieving a

Company Organizational StructureThe convening, holding, attendee quali?cation, voting procedures, and other relatedmatters of the General Meeting of Shareholders are in compliance with the provisionsof laws, regulations, and theArticles of Association of the Company. The Companywill invite lawyer to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders, verify the identitiesof attendees, witness the meeting's convening procedures, deliberation items, andthe voting results of the General Meeting of Shareholders, and issue a pertinent legalopinion letter to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders.

General Meeting of Shareholders

General Meetings of

The Board of Directors of the Company establishes four specialized committees: theAudit Committee, the Strategic Decision Committee, the Nominating Committee, theRemuneration and the Appraisal Committee. The composition of their members isreasonable and compliant.These specialized committees are responsible to the Board of Directors, and theycarry out their duties in accordance theArticles of Association of the Companyand theauthorization of the Board of Directors. They play a signi?cant role in the operationalmanagement of the Company by fully leveraging their expertise.

The Supervisory Board plays an effective oversight role to ensure the legality andcompliance of all business activities of the Company. All members of the SupervisoryBoard diligently and honestly ful?ll their duties in accordance with theCompany Lawof the People's Republic of China, the Articles of Association of the Companyas wellas relevant regulations.They independently exercise their powers in compliance withthe law to safeguard the standardized operation of the Company and protect theinterests of the Company and its shareholders.

Supervisory Board

Board of Directors

Key performance

meetings of the Supervisory Board

The Audit Committee was convened

The Supervisory Board currently has

the Strategic Decision Committeewas convened

the Remuneration and AppraisalCommittee was convened

the Nominating Committeewas convened






On August 1, 2023, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)announced theManagement Measures for the Administration ofIndependent Directors of Listed Companies, which came into effect onSeptember 4, 2023. The Company conducted specialized training forindependent directors in response to this new regulation.Furthermore, the Company compiles and analyzes regulatory sanction caseson a weekly basis. In the event of any matters that require the attention ofthe directors, supervisors, and senior management, timely noti?cations willbe issued to them.

Training on the management measures for independentdirectors to ensure the establishment of a scienti?c andrational systemCase

Supervisory Board

Audit Committee

Strategic DecisionCommittee

Nominating Committee

Remuneration andAppraisal Committee

attendance rate

GeneralMeeting ofShareholders

Board of Directors

sessions for them

Shareholders held


E?ective information disclosure is pivotal in fostering trust within the market, bolsteringthe Company's position in the capital market, mitigating internal corruption risks, andensuring investors possess a comprehensive understanding of the Company's operationsand ?nancial health. Adhering rigorously to pertinent legislation such as theCompanyLaw of the People's Republic of China and theSecurities Law of the People's Republicof China, the Company discloses information in a manner that is objective, equitable,timely, and precise, safeguarding investor interests while furnishing them with a solidfoundation for decision-making. Moreover, the Company prioritizes Investor Relationsmanagement, consistently amplifying engagement and trust with investors throughdiverse channels, cultivating enduring and mutually bene?cial relationships, fortifyingthe Company's standing in the capital market, and augmenting market trust andrecognition.

The Company has updated certain provisions of theInvestor Relations ManagementSystemin accordance with theGuidelines for the Investor Relations Management ofListed Companies, theRules for the Listing of Stocks on the Science and TechnologyInnovation Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange, and theGuidelines of the Scienceand Technology Innovation Board of Shanghai Stock Exchange for Self-disciplineSupervision of Listed Companies No. 1 - Standardized Operation. These updatesfocus on enhancing the responsibilities of senior management, disciplinary measuresfor employees who violate this system, and the establishment of a punishmentmechanism. The Company has established multiple communication channels toactively maintain sound relationships with investors, ensuring that investors can stayinformed about the Company's situation and more.

The Company adheres to the principles of transparency, fairness, effectiveness,timeliness, and accuracy in information disclosure when carrying out the Company'sInformation Disclosure Management System. It actively fulfills its disclosureobligations, promptly revises internal related systems such as theArticles ofAssociation of the Companybased on relevant regulations, and strives to carryout insider information work e?ectively to ensure that all shareholders have equalaccess to Company information, safeguarding investors' right to information. Duringthe reporting period, the Company has not received any written criticisms, publiccondemnations, or administrative penalties from regulatory authorities due toviolations of information disclosure regulations.

Investor Relations Management

Information Disclosure ManagementKey performance

Participating once in annual, semi-annual, and quarterly performancebrie?ngs at the Shanghai StockExchange, totaling

timesCommunication channels

Communication channels between the company and investors

Company website

Analyst meetingGeneral Meeting of Shareholders

Performance brie?ngOne-to-one communication

Road showEmail communication

Periodic reports, quarterly reports,and temporary announcementsTelephone consultation

Other methods that comply withrelevant regulationsOn-site visits and research

Periodical reportPro?t distribution plan

Social responsibilityreportShareholders'general meetings

Company governanceand standardizationannouncementEquity incentive



Type of document disclosed by the company

Information Disclosure

Key performance

In 2023, Amlogic revised a total of

internal documents


totaling overmillion words


documents to the publicin accordance with the A-shareinformation disclosure regulations

In 2023, the Company receivedaround

visits from individualsincluding fund managers and analysts.

Key Honor

AAmlogic was rated in the 2022-2023 informationdisclosure work comprehensive evaluation by theShanghai Stock Exchange


Amlogic strictly complies with relevant laws and regulations such as theCivil Code of the People's Republic of Chinaand theAnti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China, staunchly opposes and expressly prohibits corrupt practices.The Company has established an anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance system, covering anti-corruption and anti-bribery aspects such as fair trade, gift-giving, and business hospitality. This system explicitly requires employees to adhere to theprovisions related to commercial transactions or business advancement, ensuring that employees conduct business activitieswithin the scope of legal requirements while upholding the principles of honesty, integrity, and self-discipline.

Anti-Corruption and Integrity

To establish a comprehensive anti-fraud system, e?ectively prevent and combat fraudulent activities, and protect the interests ofthe Company and investors, the Company has introduced theAnti-Fraud Policyto regulate all employees, especially middle andsenior management, as well as key personnel in their professional conduct. Employees are required to sign theAnti-CommercialCorruption and Business Bribery Commitment Agreement, committing to ful?lling their duties to combat bribery, corruption, andother related matters. The internal Audit Department of the Company is responsible for investigating instances of bribery withinthe Company, accept reports from employees, and based on this foundation, has developed an e?ective system of regulations.

Guarantee System

The Company has established a sound and diverse reporting channel, through which employees and all stakeholders who havedirect or indirect business relationships with the Company can report information about actual or suspected fraudulent casesinvolving the Company and its personnel via various methods such as telephone, email, and written correspondence, eitheranonymously or with their identity disclosed

Reporting Process

It is strictlyprohibited todisclose the name,organization,address, orany relatedinformation of thewhistleblower.

Materialscontainingthe personalinformation of thewhistleblower,such as thewhistleblowerletter, shall not bepresented to thedepartment orindividuals underinvestigation.

In cases of fraudin which there is acon?ict of interestwith the individualor his (her) close

relatives, oneshould recuse

themselves from

the investigation.

If thewhistleblowerbelieves that the

sta? handlingthe report have acon?ict of interestwith the reported

individual,which may a?ectobjective and fair

handling, he orshe has the rightto request recusal

to the head ofInternal AuditDepartment ortheir superior. Ifthe situation iscon?rmed, therelevant personnel

must recuse


If thewhistleblowerfaces retaliation

for reporting

fraudulentactivities, he orshe may ?le acomplaint withInternal AuditDepartment. Uponinvestigation and

veri?cation ofretaliatory actions,


will be pursued

against theindividuals


Whistleblower protection


Reporting Process

Internal Audit Department,as the permanent bodyresponsible for anti-fraud work, is required toprocess reports involvingsenior managementwithin 7 working daysof receiving the report,following the prescribedprocedures for reportingand approval. In caseswhere the report involvesdirectors or supervisors,Internal Audit Departmentis obligated to report tothe Board of Directors orthe Supervisory Board.


Upon approval, a specialinvestigation teamcomprising personnel fromthe relevant departments(such as Human ResourcesDepartment, Legal AffairsDepartment, FinanceDepartment, or otherpertinent departments)shall be formed to conducta joint investigation.Upon completion ofthe investigation by thespecial investigation team,the results shall be filedwith the Internal AuditDepartment.

Investigation andevidence collection

External experts canbe engaged as neededin the investigationprocess. Evaluation ofthe internal controls ofthe affected businessunits will be conducted,and improvementsuggestions will be putforward.


For reports involvingpersonnel below thesenior management level,Internal Audit Departmentshall transfer the report tothe special investigationteam within 5 working daysof receipt, and the specialinvestigation team willconduct an investigationaccording to procedures.Upon completion ofthe investigation by thespecial investigation team,the results should bedocumented with InternalAudit Department.


Board ofDirectorsBoard ofAuditors

All sta?




Urge the management to establish ananti-fraud culture within the companyand develop a robust internal controlsystem, including fraud prevention.

Responsible for establishing,enhancing, and e?ectivelyimplementing anti-fraudprocedures and controls,including fraud riskassessment and prevention,and conducting self-assessments.Adhere to the Company'scode of conduct, ethicalstandards, as well as nationaland industry-related laws andregulations. If any instancesof bribery are discovered,they should be reportedthrough proper channels tothe company's internal auditdepartment.

The leadership and main responsiblebody for the company's anti-fraudwork, responsible for guiding thecompany's anti-fraud behaviors, andcontinuously supervising the anti-fraud work.

The permanent body for anti-fraudwork which is responsible for theongoing and continuous supervisionof anti-fraud measures within thecompany, its subsidiaries, and brancho?ces.

Anti-fraud organizational structure

Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.


To ensure prompt and precise decision-making inthe presence of risks, Amlogic consistently reinforcesits risk management and control measures. This isaimed at boosting the efficiency and effectivenessof risk management, thereby enhancing theCompany's response capabilities. Amlogic's InternalControl Department is responsible for assistingvarious business departments in identifying andassessing the processes and systems of eachdepartment, promptly discovering risks, introducingrisk response plans, improving risk evaluationstandards, and continuously monitoring risk pointsin the Company's business activities.

Risk Control

Internal Audit Department formulates an annual internal audit plan each year, which includes routine supervision through audit checkson business cycles such as corporate governance, information disclosure management, and human resources management. It conductsregular and continuous monitoring and inspections of the Company's operations, correcting issues promptly upon discovery. Identi?edissues during audits prompt Internal Audit Department to propose internal control de?ciencies and corrective actions, urging responsibledepartments to make corrections, and promptly reporting to the Company's leadership and Board of Auditors.

Internal Audit

Risk control process

Internal audit annual plan

Promotion of business process improvement

Pre-audit preparation

De?ciency tracking and review

Business cycle audit

Audit completion and archiving

Formulation of audit recti?cation plan

Internal audit process

Amlogic has established a comprehensiveintellectual property system andIntellectualProperty Rights Incentive Distribution Mechanismtoprotect employees' research and development (R&D)achievements, maintain the Company's competitiveedge in the market, and encourage more innovationand R&D. In addition, the Company convenescomprehensive standard supervision and auditmeetings to ensure that the intellectual propertymanagement system complies with standardsand is effective, thereby reducing production risks.By strengthening internal intellectual propertymanagement and participating in intellectualproperty rights protection activities, the Companyhas cultivated a favorable commercial image.

Intellectual Property

Key performance

IPMS Certi?cation






invention patents;patent applications, including

2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report

During the reporting period, Amlogic ?led

new IP

we were granted

patents, includinginvention

Number of applications

Number of grantedpatents

Invention patent3054Utility model patent

Software copyright1924Integrated circuitlayout design


Increase in 2023



Amlogic places a high priority on information security, strictly adheres to relevantlaws and regulatory requirements regarding information security management,and aims to protect core business secrets and competitiveness, to ensure businesscontinuity and operational e?ciency, and to uphold market investor trust and marketreputation. The Company has internally developed comprehensive standards forprotecting information assets and an information security management system toprevent unauthorized access, concessions, or disclosures, continuously enhancingthe Company's information security defense capabilities. The Company hasformulated theAmlogic Information Classi?cation Policyto assist in managing andsafeguarding information assets, with strict requirements for employees to adhere tothe information category principles outlined in this policy when handling informationsecurity matters.

Information Security


Key performance

In 2023, the Company conductedinformation security training with atotal participation of

with each session lasting



Product brochuresInformation that is broadly available inthe public domain, including publiclyavailable information in the Amlogicwebsite domainAmlogic softwarePublicly disclosed ?nancial reports

Public data

Client con?dential data


Con?dential information

All code and designs developed byAmlogic, whether for internal use orsold to customerThe passwords and information forthe company's security programsProprietary technology used toprocess customer informationStandard operating procedures usedin Amlogic's businessElectronic transmissions from clientsProduct information generated for theclient by Amlogic production activitiesas speci?ed by the client

Payroll and other personalinformationAccounting data and internal?nancial reportsCon?dential customer data andcontractsNon-disclosure agreements withcustomers/suppliers

Standardinformationclassi?cationprinciplesfollowed byemployees

Currently, all o?ces of the Company have fully deployed ?rewalls, and encrypted links are used for data transmissionbetween o?ces. In addition, IPS protection is implemented for external websites. The Company's critical data is fullybacked up and core data is backed up in a remote location. Furthermore, the Company adopts segregated access to coredata. Authorization is mandatory for data upload and download through designated servers.

Information security managementCase

In the fiscal year 2023, the Company actively implemented comprehensive standard supervision and audit, primarilyfocusing on spot checks of intellectual property management in the Research and Development Department, SalesDepartment, Finance Department, Legal Department, and HR Department. The audit covered the distribution of patentrewards in each department, identi?cation of intellectual property risks in the R&D and sales processes, and paymentstatus for authorized patents. All audits yielded satisfactory results, demonstrating compliance with corporate intellectualproperty management standards. The Company successfully passed the 2023 comprehensive standard supervision auditand was awarded the "IPMS Certi?cation" again.

In December 2023, the company conducted training on the intellectual property management system. This training was carried outin a hybrid format combining online and o?ine sessions. The training enhanced employees' innovation awareness, reinforced theirunderstanding of intellectual property protection, helped standardize their behavior regarding intellectual property, and mitigatedlegal disputes and losses arising from infringement, piracy, and other related activities.

Implementing comprehensive standard supervision and audit to reducethe risk in intellectual property management

Training on intellectual property management system to strengthenemployees' awareness of intellectual property protection



The ?rst and ?nal meetings for comprehensive standard supervision and audit of the intellectual property management system

Training on intellectual property management system


Social Responsibility

Intelligent Innovationfor CollectiveDevelopmentConcept

Our actions




2322 Quality management work in 2023

The R&D of technology, along with innovation, constitute the core competitiveness ofmodern enterprises and serve as crucial factors driving sustained business growth. Thecapability for scienti?c research and innovation stands as a signi?cant manifestation ofa Company's competitive edge and its capacity for continual advancement, relating tothe development and destiny of the Company. Amlogic places paramount importanceon the work of technological research and innovation, integrating it into the Company'soverarching development strategy.

Quality management is crucial for the Company. Amlogic as a Fabless company solelyengaged in chip design and sales, relies on outsourced units for product manufacturing,packaging and testing. Therefore, the Company has established stringentOutsourcingManagement Proceduresto require outsourced units to control product quality,reduce failure rates and maintenance costs, as well as enhance customer satisfactionand customer stickiness, thereby maintaining a leading position in the fierce marketcompetition.

Scienti?c Research Innovation

Quality Control

Key performanceDuring the industry downturn, theCompany continued to maintainhigh-intensity R&D investment. In2023, the number of R&D personnelincreased by

compared to 2022; the

of the operating revenue.The high-intensity R&D investmenthas driven the commercial launchof a series of important products. Inthe signi?cant ?eld of smart homeappliances, heavyweight newproducts from leading internationalcustomers were launched. The pre-installed automotive-grade smartcockpit chips achieved commercialuse in mass produced vehicles andwere launched internationally. WiFichips have reached a cumulativesales volume of overmillion units.

The Company strictly adheres to the relevant provisions of ISO 9001:2015QualityManagement System Requirementsand the applicable laws, regulations, and industrystandards of the operational location, and conducts comprehensive quality managementsystem construction. This includes the formulation of theQuality Manualand departmentalprocedural documents, standardizing the entire process of product quality managementto effectively prevent quality risks. In 2023, the Company's quality management effortsyielded signi?cant results, with no major quality incidents having occurred.In 2023, the Company integrated quality management with performance evaluation,incentivizing employees to place greater emphasis on product quality and work e?ciency,thereby fostering an overall enhancement in Company performance. By establishing clearquality objectives and performance assessment criteria, employees are better equipped tocomprehend job requirements, facilitating mutual development for both individuals andthe Company.Improve the quality organizational structure

Build quality digital systemStrengthen quality inspection

Control quality risks

Implement quality accountability management by decomposing it into threelevels: company, department, and position, to clearly de?ne the quality workrequirements and responsibilities of employeesContinuously drive quality digitalization, empowering quality digitalizationand systematized managementTo ensure quality and reliability, comprehensive and complete testing isconducted for each stageConduct comprehensive quality inspection and control throughout the entirelifecycle

Quality Management System

Defective Product Treatment Process

Under the explicit guidance of the quality management system, the Company hascomprehensively optimized the process for treating defective products, ensuring thateach stage is more e?cient and precise. Furthermore, the Company has redesignedthe inspection, repair, and feedback processes for defective products, reducingprocessing time and enhancing operational efficiency. In addition, by integratingscientific methodologies with actual product yield performance, the Companyhas defined annual yield targets. Through target decomposition and processmonitoring, each department and employee are ensured to clearly understand theirresponsibilities and collectively strive towards achieving the yield targets.

Defective Product Treatment Process

Key performance

The average quali?cation rate ofCompany products:



Customer complaint resolution rate:




Customer feedback return merchandiseauthorization (RMA)

Close cases

Customer quality engineer (CQE)collects relevant evidence forinternal monitoringField application engineer(FAE) checks/veri?es issues

Internal improvementsProvide ?nal report/notifycustomers

Summary of problem datainternal meeting discussion

CQE follows FailureAnalysis (FA) processRoot cause identi?ed in

FA report

R&D expenses incurred were CNY


billion, an increase of

million from 2022,CNY


accounting for

And new products like WiFi6 and8K reached commercial massproduction in 2023, which willcontinue to provide new growthmomentum for the Company.


Under the backdrop of accelerating digital development and construction, the advantages of the digital economy have graduallybecome apparent. As a global leading fabless semiconductor company, AMLOGC (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is committed to the ?elds ofdigitalization and intelligentization. Through digital intelligence operations and empowerment, we drive product innovation andmarket expansion, laying a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the Company.

Digital Intelligence Leadership

Since its establishment, the Company has been actively promoting the electronic management of internal operations. In 2023,the Company launched a new electronic system, integrating intelligent products into its daily operations, and comprehensivelyoptimizing internal management efficiency through digital intelligence management. This strategic shift towards digitalizationprovides strong support for the Company's long-term development.

Linksquares system and electronic seal system

CRM sales system

To enhance the efficiency of contract approval and strengthen internal management capabilities, the company hasdeveloped and launched the Linksquares contract approval work?ow system and electronic seal system. By eliminatingthe traditional method of approval via email and manager signatures, these systems facilitate electronic approvals andreal-time status tracking. This e?ectively achieves operational management digitization. The integration and interactionof the two systems provide a smooth channel for the company's relevant departments such as Legal Department andFinance Department to proactively manage risks, thereby signi?cantly improving internal management e?ciency.

To further enhance the company's sales e?ciency and the quality of business decision-making, the company has developedand launched a CRM sales system that features real-time reporting, future forecasting, online process management, andmore. By providing multi-channel customer communication tools, it e?ectively empowers team collaboration, maintains andoptimizes customer relationships, and strengthens the company's ability to track and understand market trends. This systemenables the company to uncover potential customer demands, enhance business value, and strengthen competitiveness.

Electronic Operation

CRM sales system - Customer-centered purchase journeyCustomer satisfaction survey process

Exhibition activitiesAdvertising placement

Customer pro?lingDirect mail marketing

Business visitsKeyword ranking







CRM salessystem - Salesmanagementclosed-loop

Opportunity identi?cationOpportunity con?rmationOpportunity validationValue prosecutionSolution con?rmationBusiness contractOrder executionService delivery

Customer satisfactionmanagement

Quality controlCustomer complaint service

customer retention

customer accumulation

customer expansion

customer maintenance

Customer careCustomer satisfaction

Requirementcon?rmation &identi?cationEvaluatingoptionsChoosingsolutionsCon?rming

decisionsOrder execution

Planning cycle/


Customer satisfaction surveys are an essential avenue for enterprises to gain insights into customer needs, enhance service quality,and improve product performance. By systematically collecting and analyzing customer feedback on a regular basis, the Companycan promptly identify issues and shortcomings in its products and services, enabling targeted improvements and optimizations.Through customer satisfaction surveys, the Company can not only enhance customer satisfaction and customer stickiness but alsogarner substantial strategic support for its sustained development.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Key performanceIn 2023, the Company conducted a customer satisfaction survey covering aspects such as quality, delivery time, and

Send out


Proposeimprovementmeasures and





Form a reportand archive it




Customers ?ll out

survey forms

Follow up onimprovement


Determine theinvestigation

contentand targetaudienceSet customersatisfactiongoals


service. A total ofcustomer satisfaction surveys were collected. The actual customer satisfaction score reached animpressive


HR main system

The establishment of a comprehensive human resources management system serves as the cornerstone for the sustaineddevelopment of a company. In order to systematically manage the internal talent pool, the company has developedthe Human Resources Management Platform that integrates employee information, recruitment, talent management,compensation, and bene?ts functions, among others.

HR main system

Company HR system objectives

HR mainsystem

By integrating extensive data analysis and automated workflows, the internal managemente?ectiveness of the Human Resources Department has been Improved.Simultaneously, it has established an integrated automated system with employee self-service,learning, and development modules, creating a tangible mechanism for employee development.

Establishing a solidfoundation platformConstructing an inclusiveand integrated HRmanagement platform forall sta?Implementing thecentralized managementof organizational structure,with hierarchical andpositional authorizationAchieving dynamicmonitoring of humancapitalClarifying HR businesslogic, solidifyingbusiness processes, andstandardizing businesspractices

Enhancing HR


Intelligent automationof repetitive andreplicable tasksIntegrated completionof cross-departmentalcollaborative e?ortsAutomated reportgeneration with timelyremindersEstablishment of aself-service platformfor all employeesto elevate the leveland quality of HRmanagement services

Continuous talent


Transformation of HRfunction from costcenter to pro?t centerEstablishing internaltalent developmentand retentionmechanisms toensure the abundanceof talent within theenterpriseBuilding an internalsustainable talentsupply chain tofacilitate rapidbusiness growth

Data insight and


Establishing a real-time, dynamic humanresources dataanalysis platformDeveloping enterprisehuman capitalplanning and trendanalysis modelsProviding datasupport for humanresources decision-making

WeChat Mini-Program

The Company has established administrative WeChat mini-programs, engineering warehouse WeChat mini-programs,maintenance WeChat mini-programs, etc., tailored to speci?cbusiness needs. These platforms focus on streamlining dailyadministrative tasks, engineering management, and digitizingcomplex workflows, effectively enhancing the company'sbusiness e?ciency, decision-making e?ectiveness, and real-time tracking and accessibility of management.

Company repair WeChat mini-program interface

A high-quality talent team is a crucial foundation for a Company's long-term prosperity. The Company has established a complianttalent recruitment system, a scienti?c performance management system, comprehensive democratic communication channels,and a multi-level employee training program. With a commitment to employee development and maximizing employee value, theCompany places employee welfare and care at its core, striving to create a dream stage for employees of Amlogic to realize theirmaximum potential.

Employee Development

Based on the modern corporate governance elements represented by compliant employment, school-enterprise cooperation,and protection of employee rights, internal talent management in the Company leverages the integration of various resources. Onone hand, it promotes technological innovation and industrial development within the Company; on the other hand, it e?ectivelycreates equal employment opportunities and a harmonious working environment, paving the way for win-win cooperation forboth the high-quality development of the Company and the career advancement of its employees.During the process of recruiting employees, we consistently adheres strictly to the relevant laws and regulations such as theLaborLaw of the People's Republic of Chinaand theLabor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, in order to protect the rightsof employees in accordance with the law. Furthermore, the Company strictly complies with theProvisions on the Prohibitionof Child Labor, prohibiting the employment of child labor and ensuring the legitimate rights of laborers are safeguarded. In theprocess of standardizing and enhancing the construction of the Company's talent recruitment system, the Company followsthe guidance principles outlined in theEmployee Handbook of Amlogicand actively recruits outstanding talents through fair,transparent, and diversi?ed means.

Employment and Bene?ts

Compliant employment

The proportionof labor contracts

signed by thecompany

The proportion of labor contractssigned by the company


Gender ratio

of departingemployees in thecompanyFemale employeesMale employees




Total number of middle-levelmanagement employeesTotal number of senior management employees

Total number of grassrootsemployees


Genderstructure ofthe company

Number of maleemployees


Employee structure


Number of femaleemployees


A sound democratic communication mechanism and a harmonious employment environment not only contribute to enhancingemployees' work performance and satisfaction but also prompt companies to pay attention to diverse voices from employees,enabling the Company to take further action in building a dual helix development path of collaborative progress between theenterprise and its employees.

Amlogic has always walked hand in hand with its employees, listening to their voices and collecting their suggestions in dailymanagement. The Company has established a comprehensive employee feedback mechanism and implemented standardizedcomplaint procedures. Various channels are provided for employees to o?er feedback, including but not limited to the Workers'Congress, ensuring that all issues raised by employees are addressed promptly and enhancing the quality of democraticcommunication within the Company.

Employee rights

Democratic communication

In July 2023, the Company convened the first Workers'Congress in 2023, during which resolutions regardingthe 2023 Employee Handbook and other matters weredeliberated and approved. The effective convening of theCongress has ensured the safeguarding of employees'legitimate rights and interests, thereby enhancing theirsense of identi?cation and belonging to the Company. This,in turn, promotes the stability and development of theCompany while elevating its overall management standards.

Invitation letter for Workers' Congress

Administrative Services Questionnaire

The Workers' Congress in 2023 was successfully held, ensuring the participation anddecision-making rights of employeesCase

Key performance



During the reporting period, the total number of employees in the Company was

The Company has a total of

There areregistered employees with disabilities in the Company.

new employees who are recent graduates, among whom more than

. A total of new

Creating a harmonious and respectful working environmentis one of the key initiatives that the Company undertakesto safeguard employee rights. The Company is dedicatedto fostering a democratic, harmonious, and safe officeenvironment, ensuring smooth operations for all employees.Through initiatives such as conducting administrativeservice surveys and employee satisfaction surveys, as well asorganizing campaigns against discrimination and workplaceharassment, the Company strives to cultivate a reliable andharmonious work atmosphere, effectively safeguarding thefundamental rights of its employees.

Harmonious environment

Salary management, performance management, and equity incentives are crucial elements in establishing a robust humanresources management system. They are interrelated to ensure alignment of interests between employees and the Company,driving both individual career development and overall business performance. By scienti?cally building a salary and performancesystem, Amlogic ignites employees' long-term intrinsic motivation, assisting them in enhancing their competitiveness in theworkplace from within.

Salary and Performance

To enhance employees' self-drive and spirit of striving,the Company has formulated theEmployee WelfareSystem, which clearly defines a salary structure thatlinks to the overall business performance and individualachievements, as well as work performance. The systemsets forth transparent requirements for salary adjustmentsto employees. By building a scientific, market-competitive,and strategically aligned salary system, the Company deeplyintegrates corporate goals with individual development,thereby boosting employees' proactive engagement at work.

Performance management plays a pivotal role in the operationalframework of a Company, evaluating and incentivizingemployee performance through quantified outcomes,effectively driving the achievement of organizational goals.The Company has established the Performance ManagementSystem based on outcomes, providing crucial support foremployee career development through timely rewards on aquarterly basis and a clear promotion mechanism, enhancingmotivation for individual growth.

Salary management

Performance management

Key performance

During the reporting period, the Company's startingsalary compared to the local minimum wage was


times for femaleemployees


times for maleemployees

employees were recruited, includinghired through social recruitment;

are former interns who have become full-time employees, more thanwere recommended by colleagues,and the rest were recruited through online channels;


The Company is actively exploring equity-based incentive tools, creating a community of shared interests among employees, theCompany, and shareholders.Medium - and long-term incentives

Throughout the continuous development of the Company, a strong emphasis has been placed on enhancing employees'professional expertise and overall competencies, with a focus on their long-term growth. By fostering a culture of innovation withinthe organization, equal importance is given to the comprehensive development of employees. Through a diverse range of trainingand development initiatives, the Company endeavors to create a platform for employees to pursue their growth aspirations,enabling them to achieve their career goals and facilitating their ongoing development.

Training and Development

To continuously enhance employees' comprehensive competencies and improve their professional technical skills, the Companyhas established the Training Management System. By conducting diversi?ed employee training activities, the Company e?ectivelystrengthens its talent pool, continuously enhances its core competitiveness, and promotes the comprehensive development ofemployees' individual capabilities.

Employee training

In April 2023, the Company conducted a training program centered around business conduct and ethical standards. Atotal of 1,777 employees participated in this training, focusing on nine major modules including "anti-discrimination andanti-harassment," "anti-commercial corruption and bribery," "anti-fraud," and "con?ict of interest." Through this traininginitiative, employees' sensitivity and awareness towards ethical issues were further enhanced, their ethical decision-makingabilities were improved, and there was a signi?cant increase in employees' identi?cation with the company's values.

To break down the "knowledge silos" and "professionalbarriers" across departments or within the industry, weregularly holds 1 to 2 knowledge-sharing forums perquarter to enhance the professional depth and breadthof employees. These forums are led by technical expertsfrom various departments who voluntarily share insightsor collect training needs from di?erent departments andemployees. Subsequently, Knowledge Sharing Forum areorganized periodically based on identi?ed needs.

Overview of materials for "Business Conduct and Ethics Training"

Amlogic Knowledge Sharing Forum

Diversi?ed employee training promotes employee growth

Amlogic Knowledge Sharing Forum & Professional Lecturers Guide Employee Growth



The e?ective utilization of equity-based incentive tools enables employees to share in the continuous enhancement of the Company'score values through collective e?orts, thereby participating in the rewards brought about by the Company's sustained growth.

During the reporting period,we have completed the registration procedures for the shares grantedfor the second vesting period of the ?rst grant, the ?rst vesting period of the fourth batch's reservedgrant, and the second vesting period of the ?rst, second, and third batch's reserved grants of the "2019Restricted Stock Incentive Plan".Furthermore, we have completed the registration procedures for the shares granted for the firstvesting period of the second batch of reserved grants, the second vesting period of the ?rst category ofincentive recipients for the ?rst grant, and the ?rst vesting period of the ?rst batch of reserved grants ofthe "2021 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan".By 2023, the cumulative total of restricted stock attributable shares reached 2,894,088 shares.

Amlogic always focuses on the implementation andscienti?city of medium and long-term incentives

In March 2023, the Company successively convened the 24th meeting of the 2nd session of the boardof directors and the ?rst interim general meeting of shareholders in 2023, deliberating and approvingresolutions such asResolution on the Company's <2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft)> and itsAbstract.In May 2023, Amlogic held the 27th meeting of the second board of directors and the 24th meeting ofthe second board of supervisors, determining May 4, 2023, as the grant date and agreeing to grant 4.9million restricted shares to 570 incentive recipients at a grant price of 37.04 yuan per share.In November 2023, the Company held the 6th meeting of the 3rd session of the board of directors,during which it deliberated and approved the resolutions on theDraft of the Company's 2023 SecondRestricted Stock Incentive Plan and its Abstract. In December 2023, theCompany's 2023 SecondRestricted Stock Incentive Plan and its Abstractobtained approval at the 4th interim general meetingof shareholders. In the same month, the Company convened the 7th meeting of the 3rd session of theboard of directors and the 3rd session of the supervisory board, where it designated December 19,2023, as the grant date and agreed to grant 1,391,375 restricted stocks to 586 incentive recipients at aprice of CNY 31.65 per share.

Amlogic is continuously exploring a salary securitizationincentive mechanism utilizing equity incentives.


Key performance

During the reporting period, theCompany conducted

employee training activities


with a total of


The total training time foremployees is


with an averagetraining time of


hours per

The Company has established a diverse talent development system for employees at various levels and has created specializedenhancement programs for different levels of staff, including the "Voyage Plan" for new graduate recruits, the "Odyssey Plan"for grassroots managers, and the "Leadership Plan" for mid-to-senior level executives. These initiatives lay out a comprehensivegrowth trajectory throughout employees' careers at the Company, empowering them for long-term development.

Employee development

In 2023, the Company launched a six-month "Sailing Program" for newlyhired graduates, with a total of 68 employees participating. This nurturingprogram consisted of both the "Sailing Training Camp" and "1-on-1 SailingMentorship," aiming to help participants quickly grasp various knowledgeand skills required for work and address any work-related uncertainties.The successful implementation of the "Sailing Program" enabled the newgeneration of employees at Amlogic to rapidly enhance their job competence,undergo a transformation into professional individuals, accelerate theirgrowth trajectory, and leave a remarkable imprint on the beginning of theircareer development journey.

"Sailing Program"

"Sailing Program" realizes the role transition of fresh graduates in the workplaceCase





Grassroots employeesNumber of employees at di?erent levelsreceiving training

Middle-level management employeesSenior management employees

Total hours of training received by

employees at di?erent levels



To enhance the comprehensive managementcapabilities of grassroots managers and facilitatetheir transformation into perfect managers,the Company has launched a 5-month "VoyageProgram" involving 36 participants. Followingthe Harvard classic blended learning concept,the program's learning journey is designedwith five modules: "Initiation - CapabilityAssessment - Online Micro-learning - OfflineFlipped Classroom - On-the-job ApplicationTraining - Conclusion." Through this approach,the program aims to help participants applywhat they have learned in the dimensionsof work philosophy, leadership skills, andtime management, effectively achieving theirtransformation into perfect managers. Thisinitiative will aid in broadening self-awarenessand solidifying leadership skills, ultimatelyempowering individuals to excel in their roles.

Mid-to-senior managers play a crucial role in the development of a Company, serving as strategic executors, cultureshapers, coordinators, and more. In terms of ensuring the long-term, steady, and sustainable growth of the Company,they hold profound significance. In 2023, the Company implemented a six-month "Pilot Program" involving 31employees, drawing from the Ram Charan talent development theory. Tailored to the developmental stages of mid-to-

"Voyage Program"

"Pilot Program"

"Voyage Program" realizes the transformation of grass-roots managers to perfect managers

"Pilot Program" empowers leadership development of key teams




senior managers, the plan focused on "Operational Leadership"and "General Leadership," providing targeted training. Leveragingexpertise in market trends, business models, strategic planning, andrisk management, the plan o?ered in-depth guidance and structuredthinking to enhance leadership capabilities and foster a sharedcultural understanding among the participants. This initiative alsoprovided structured thinking guidance for them to handle complexproblems, continuously helping the long-term development of mid-to-senior managers in the Company.


The Company has always attached great importanceto and invested resources in establishing andmaintaining a safe and healthy working environmentfor employees, further solidifying the foundationof safety production within the Company andimplementing the principal responsibility for safetyproduction. It aims to enhance employees' safetyawareness and safeguard their health through smallactions, thereby achieving the mutual developmentgoals of employees and the Company.

Health and Safety

Amlogic places a high priority on employee healthmanagement by organizing employee psychologicalcounseling activities and inviting medical expertsfor health consultations, e?ectively safeguarding thehealth of employees. This initiative also signi?cantlyboosts employee satisfaction, reduces work-relatedstress and physical ailments, and enhances overallemployee health and quality of life.

Occupational health

Through continuous efforts, the Company is safeguarding thehealth of the employees. The Company regularly invites medicalexperts to provide offline health consultations for employees,addressing red-?ag indicators in their health check reports andanswering health-related queries. This initiative has signi?cantlyenhanced employees' health awareness.

Health Q&A noti?cation from medical experts

Incremental actions converge to harnessthe power of Amlogic

, jointly safeguardingemployee healthCase

In order to effectively implement the Company's safety management philosophy, enhance employees' awareness of safetyproduction, and jointly establish a safe and compliant working environment, the Company has taken measures such as organizingsafety training activities and ?re drills. These initiatives have further improved employees' understanding of safety production,supplemented their knowledge of safety production, and enhanced their comprehensive management skills. This has alsoelevated employees' abilities in emergency risk prevention and professional handling, continuously driving the building of theCompany's safety management system, and ensuring the practical implementation of safety management work.

Safety management

In December 2022, the Company organized a ?re drill exercise, with a total of 564 employees participating. The activitiesincluded evacuation drills and practical training on the correct usage of fire extinguishers. This fire drill not onlydisseminated professional ?re safety knowledge but also cultivated employees' ability to respond e?ectively to emergencyrisks and handle unexpected situations with resilience.

Fire Drill

The Company conducted ?re drills to enhance employee safety awarenessCase

Key performance

During the reporting period, theCompany conducted a total of

safety inspections

identi?edpotential safety hazards


and achieved a rectificationcompletion rate of


In the pursuit of a mutually beneficial employment relationship, Amlogic has always been dedicated to the well-being of itsemployees. By making improvements to the quality of life for employees at a grass-roots level, the Company conveys its heartfeltconcern and enhances the overall sense of happiness among its sta?.

Welfare and Care

The Company has always been attentive to the value of its employees, placing a high emphasis on caring for their welfare. We haveestablished regulations such as theSalary and Welfare Management of Amlogicand theEmployee Leave Management Measuresof Amlogicproviding employees with a structured welfare program and an honorable retirement plan. Furthermore, by o?eringdi?erentiated welfare to employees of di?erent types, the Company integrates employee care into its corporate culture, graduallyenhancing employees' sense of belonging and happiness.

Employee welfare

Details of supplementary welfare in the company's ?xed welfare plan

In order to further cultivate a sense of belonging within the Company and demonstrate continuous care for ouremployees, in 2023, the Company secured 11 dormitories for 44 interns and leased 7 apartments for 32 business travelersat a relatively low cost without compromising on the quality of living spaces. By providing housing support for ouremployees, they truly experience the caring nature of being a part of the Amlogic family, which signi?cantly increasestheir sense of belonging.

In order to further safeguard women's rights and e?ectively address the challenges faced by new mothers at Amlogic,the Company has upgraded the children's room to a mother-and-baby activity room. The glass partitions have beentransformed into opaque partitions, with the addition of internal locks on the room doors to enhance the security ofnew mothers. Through the renovation of the mother-and-baby activity room, the sense of belonging for new mothersat Amlogic has been signi?cantly enhanced. They feel the understanding and support from the Company towards theirfamily responsibilities, thereby alleviating their life pressure.

Mother-and-baby activity room of Amlogic

Seeking home for employees and enhancing their sense of belonging

Creating a cozy environment for novice mothers to enhance employee happiness



Employee care initiatives are crucial actions for a Company to fulfill its social responsibility. Amlogic prioritizes the needs ofemployees as its own, conveying respect, care, and support to them. In 2023, the Company created a conducive work environmentfor employees by establishing nursing rooms, organizing employee care activities, among other measures, enhancing employeewelfare and boosting the happiness index of Amlogic employees.

Employee care

Key performance

During the reporting period,the Company established


carried out a total of

club activities1,292

with a total of


Amlogic Fixed Welfare Plan - Supplementary Welfare


Annualphysicalexaminationof employees




Departmentalteam building



To e?ectively enhance employee satisfaction, promote employee well-being, and strengthen Company team building,the Company has established 34 clubs in seven locations. Each club actively organizes diverse activities such as sports,providing employees with more opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration, reducing work pressure, and o?eringa restful and recreational space away from the workplace. This initiative has e?ectively enhanced employees' teamworkand collaborative abilities.

Group photo of the "Amlogic RunningCup" of the running club

Table tennis club activity

Group photo of the ?rst "Amlogic Color WorldCup" football match of the football club

Basketball club activity

Carrying out diversi?ed club activities to help employees develop comprehensivelyCase

In March 2023, the Company launched a "Women's Day CareActivity," preparing exquisite gifts for female employeesand conveying heartfelt blessings. Seizing the opportunityof "Women's Day," the Company expressed equal respectfor its female employees, fostering a fair and inclusive workenvironment, and conveying thoughtfulness and care to itsfemale sta?.

Photos of company women's care activities

Carrying out women's care activities to conveythe caring heart for female employeesCase

Overview of 34 club names in the Company

Basketball ClubBadminton ClubSwimming ClubAmlogic Running ClubAmlogic Billiards Club

Star Fun Reading * AmlogicBeijing Reading Club*Amlogic Swimming andFitness ClubAmlogic Yixiu Badminton ClubAmlogic Chip ? AttitudefulRunning TeamTable Tennis ClubBasketball Club

Football ClubBasketball ClubFitness ClubTennis ClubBadminton ClubTable Tennis Club

Badminton ClubBasketball ClubFitness ClubSwimming ClubYoga Society

Badminton Club -"Amlogic Breaks Waves& Goes with You"Running ClubBasketball Club

Basketball ClubBadminton ClubRunning ClubSwimming ClubFitness ClubPhotography ClubBoard Game ClubTai Chi Society

Badminton ClubXi'anBeijingChengduShenzhenHefeiShanghaiNanjing


2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ReportAmlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.


Family Day Activity of Beijing Site

Family Day Activity of Hefei Site

Birthday Party ActivitiesBirthday Party Activities

Family Day Activity of Chengdu Site

Family Day Activity of Nanjing Site

Regular family day activities to make Amlogic a cozy home

Regular birthday party activities to convey the sincere care of employees

Other related activities

In the process of building a sustainable supply chain, the Company consistentlyupholds the principles of green, fairness, and transparency, working closely withsuppliers to jointly promote the green development of the industry. Throughcontinuously improving supplier management systems, introducing guidancestandards and quality management systems, and providing training, the Companyensures that suppliers meet high standards in terms of environmental, social, andcorporate governance, thereby safeguarding the sustainability and stability of theentire supply chain.

Sustainable Supply Chain

Amlogic actively engages in collaborative partnerships with suppliers, customers, and industry partners, driving innovation throughsustainable supply chain management, customer relationship management, and industry exchanges. This relentless pursuit of innovationenhances the overall competitiveness of the industry, collectively contributing to the sustainable development of the industry.Industry Collaboration

Key performance

In 2023, the Companysuccessfully onboarded

new suppliers who have

New SupplierOnboarding

SupplierProductionQuality Control

Supplier Audit




Strictly adhere to the"Supplier Development, Certi?cation, and Onboarding Guidelines", ?lean application — internal assessment — search for suppliers — suppliers provide information— supplier quali?cation review — supplier site audit — engineering samples (if not quali?ed,need to re-sample) — small batch trial production — business contract — inclusion in thequali?ed supplier list.During mass production, suppliers must accept comprehensive control and regular qualitycommunication with the Quality Department and related departments through meetings,including but not limited to confirming raw materials, critical parameters and settings ofproduction processes, defect levels, and yield rates to ensure smooth production and meetspeci?cations. If quality anomalies occur, the Company will use the 8D analysis method to identifythe root causes from aspects like man, machine, material, method, and environment, quicklydelineate the impact scope, minimize losses at the earliest, and properly handle the anomalies.The Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE) will initiate a Supplier QBR (Quarterly Business Review)rating based on the supplier's business volume, scoring comprehensively from aspects suchas cost, delivery, quality, technology, and logistic + system. This is followed by a horizontalcomparison to identify and rectify gaps, aiming to enhance the capability level of the supplier.Organize regular audits (annual audits) and irregular audits (customer audits), and conductan overall assessment of suppliers at the end of the year, summarize the annual performanceand plan the requirements and goals for the next year.Continuously monitor inventory levels, adjust stock and replenishment plans based on marketchanges and actual sales, reduce inventory backlog, and improve supply chain e?ciency.

Supplier management system

obtained multiple-systemcerti?cations such as ISO9001quality management systemand ISO14001 environmentalmanagement system.


In 2023, the Company updated its supplier management system, imposing higher requirements on suppliers'environmental management capabilities and social responsibility levels, incorporating ISO and CSR standards, andconducting investigations into suppliers' conflict mineral situations. This initiative is aimed at reducing the negativeimpacts of the Company's supply chain activities on the environment and society, as well as improving the workingconditions of suppliers.

In March 2023, the Company conducted training forsuppliers on production testing factory guidance andrequirements. The main contents included aspects oftesting control and requirements, testing environmentprotection and anomaly troubleshooting, as well as sharingof production testing abnormal cases. This aimed toenhance the capabilities and levels of suppliers, ensuringthe quality of products and the stability of the supply chain.

Updating the Supplier Evaluation Form to promote sustainabledevelopment of the supply chain

Amlogic joins hands with suppliers to promote green production and build a greenfuture together

Conducting supplier training to ensure supply chain stability




CSR Checklist in the Supplier Evaluation Form

Control regulations for hazardous substances in products

Supplier training

New supplier onboarding evaluationform – CRS checklistEnvironment managementDiscrimination

Freedom of association and collectivebargaining rights

Forced and Compulsory LaborWorking hoursChild LaborDisciplinary measuresHealth and SafetyRenumerationSupplier management

The Company has established and continuously updates theHazardous Substance Control Speci?cation for Products, exercisingcontrol over suppliers in areas such as green production. enhancing supply chain stability and leading the industry towards greendevelopment.

The Company has always regarded sunshine procurement as a fundamental operational principle, fully implementing it in itsdaily procurement activities. In order to ensure fairness, transparency, and compliance, the Company has established strictprocurement processes and oversight mechanisms, emphasizing the enhancement of the procurement team's integrity awarenessand professional competence. Through regular internal training and integrity advocacy, the occurrence of issues such ascorruption and bribery is e?ectively prevented, thereby enhancing the Company's procurement e?ciency and quality, and earningwidespread trust and acclaim from suppliers and partners.

Sunshine Procurement

In December 2023, the Company conducted a training session on "Sunshine Procurement," with a duration of 60 minutes.This training aimed to assist the procurement team in comprehending the philosophy and practical operational skillsof sunshine procurement, thus promoting the Company to achieve a more transparent, fair, and e?cient procurementprocess.

Insight into sunshine procurement, leading enterprise supply chain innovationCase

Sunshine procurement training

The Company has always adhered to a customer-centric approach, committed to optimizing customer relationship management.By introducing a CRM system, the Company has not only developed a comprehensive "market customer profile," but alsooptimized marketing and sales processes to enhance customer satisfaction, improving sales efficiency and quality. Thisdemonstrates the Company's professional expertise and steadfast determination in accountable marketing, making a positivecontribution to driving the healthy development of the entire industry.

Accountable Marketing


In 2023, in order to optimize customer relationship management, the Company introduced a CRM sales system, whichprovides advanced features such as real-time reporting, future predictions, and online process management. This hasimproved sales e?ciency and the quality of business decision-making, bringing greater business value and competitiveadvantage to the Company.

Building a customer-centric closed-loop management to improve salese?ciency and pro?tability


Closed-loop design of a customer-centric CRM sales management model

Planning Cycle/IntentionRequirementIdenti?cationEvaluation of Options













Customer satisfaction

Direct mailmarketingBusinessvisitsKeywordranking

Quality controlCustomer care



Design Customer

Buying Cycle

CRMSelling Cycle

Reach rateConversion rate


Win rate

Sale cycleForecast accuracyRetention rateCross-sellingRepurchase rateMarket share



Selection of plan












In January 2023, the Company was invited to participate in the world's largest consumer electronics event, theInternational Consumer Electronics Show (CES), held in Las Vegas, USA. Through this exhibition, the Company showcasedits latest technologies and products to global industry peers, while engaging in in-depth discussions and gaining insightsinto the latest trends in the industry, thus facilitating mutual progress within the industry.

Amlogic invited to participate in the 2023 International Consumer Electronics Exhibition (CES)Case

Amlogic's booth at CES

The Company is committed to establishing deep cooperative relationships with partners from various sectors, actively participatingin industry associations, exhibitions, and seminars, promoting the innovation and application of industry technologies, andleading the ?ourishing development of the industry.

Industry Advancement


In September 2023, the Company was invited to participate in the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) 2023 inthe Netherlands, showcasing our latest achievements in consumer electronics field to the world. The event provided anopportunity for in-depth communication and discussion with broadcasting industry partners from around the globe.

Amlogic appearing at IBC2023: Showcasing innovative strength and jointly building a newfuture for the global broadcasting and television industryCase

Amlogic's booth at IBC

The Company continues to explore a new model of university-enterprise cooperation in collaborating with universities toenhance the talent pool, and actively establishing cooperative relationships with universities to promote talent development,technological innovation, and knowledge sharing. Together, they are delving into cutting-edge technologies, nurturing emergingforces in the industry.In 2023, the Company continued to advance the joint laboratory project with the School of Communication & ElectronicEngineering at East China Normal University, and the joint training program with Xidian University, injecting new talent into theCompany's talent pool.

Industry-University-Research Cooperation

The Company has always adhered to the philosophy of "originating from society and giving back to society". Amlogic contributesto the sustainable development of the rural agricultural economy by purchasing rice and other agricultural products to helpfarmers. At the same time, the Company has consistently focused on delivering investment returns to shareholders, committed tocreating long-term and stable value for shareholders and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests.

Amlogic has always attached great importance to providing reasonable returns on investment for shareholders and fully safeguardingtheir legitimate rights and interests. In the first three quarters of 2023, the Company distributed cash dividends totaling CNY208,159,508.54, accounting for 66.35% of the net pro?t attributable to the parent Company's shareholders in the consolidated ?nancialstatements for the ?rst three quarters of 2023.In 2023, the total cash dividends paid by the Company accounted for 41.80% of the net pro?t attributable to shareholders of the listedcompany as per the consolidated ?nancial statements for the year.

Social Contribution

Shareholder Return

In 2023, Amlogic purchased 20,000 kilograms of frog rice from Hongda Family Farm in Xueduo Village, Huzhuang Town,Gaogang District, Taizhou City, and 200 barrels of rapeseed oil from Gaopo Village, Litian Town, totaling CNY 533,600,directly supporting agricultural production and boosting local farmers' income.

Procuring agricultural assistance grains and oils to pave the way for sustainable development inagriculture and rural areasCase

Procurement of Agricultural Assistance Grains and Oils


Environmental ProtectionGreen Operation andResponsible Development


SDGs benchmarking

Amlogic adherestothecorephilosophyof"harmoniouscoexistenceandmutualprosperitybetweenhumanityandnature",takinggreenenvironmentalprotectionandsustainabledevelopmentasourmission.Inourdailyoperations,weactivelyimplementenergyconservationandemissionreductionmeasures,activelyconstructagreenecologicalsystem,payattentiontotheprotectionofbiodiversity,andstrivetominimizetheburdenontheenvironment.Atthesametime,weadvocatesandpromotevariousgreenandenergy-savingactions,workinghandinhandwithemployeestocreateagreenerandmorebeautifulfuture.


Amlogic is a Fabless IC design company specializing in the R&D of integrated circuits.It outsources wafer fabrication, chip packaging, and testing to external professionalfoundries and packaging/testing facilities, thereby avoiding any direct involvementin environmentally polluting processes. Its core focus lies in chip innovation,development, and sales, with a commitment to environmental sustainability.

Key performance

In 2023, the Company's cumulativeelectricity consumption was3,230MWH, of which the

In 2023, the Company consumed

6,721cubic meters of water,

With the establishment of the new campus, the Company has undergoneenvironmental renovation of the entrance area, including the introduction ofriver water to create an arti?cial lake, planting aquatic plants such as waterlilies and reeds, and stocking ?sh such as koi. In addition, willow trees andfountains have been added for decoration, along with parasols for relaxation.This provides a natural and tranquil environment for employees to unwindamid the natural landscape, while also promoting harmonious coexistencebetween humans and nature.

Monet's Garden: Reshaping green space and creatingharmonious ecology


Monet's Garden

In August 2020, employees of the Company discoveredand rescued three stray rabbits, providing ongoing careincluding ample food, clean water, and a safe livingenvironment. Additionally, the Company established ashelter for stray cats, encouraging employee participationin feeding and care. Through these actions, the Companyhas strengthened employees' awareness and senseof responsibility for animal protection, promotedbiodiversity conservation, and contributed to buildingharmonious development between humans and nature.

Actively adopting stray animals and raising awareness of biodiversity conservationCase

Stray rabbits

Green operation measures


Procure water-soluble toilet paper to replace traditional paper-based toilet tissue, therebyreducing deforestation and paper waste.Provide stainless steel and porcelain cups as alternatives to disposable paper cups and bottledwater, while encouraging employees to bring their own cups to reduce resource wastage.Encourage double-sided printing of documents and posting invoices on scrap paperIntroduce a corporate travel platform and transportation services for issuing electronic invoicesonline, aiming to reduce paper-based reimbursement documents.Implement a plastic-free campaign to minimize the usage of plastic items (such as plastic bags)and strengthen pollution prevention and control measures for disposable plastic products.


Reducing plastic usage

one-touch switches for electrical devicesEnergy conserving promotional slogan

R & D, design and use of Integrated control panels with one-touch switches for electrical devicesare employed to reduce energy consumption and enhance energy e?ciency.Priority is given to the use of new energy vehicles over traditional fuel-powered vehicles toreduce carbon emissions and promote environmental conservation.The introduction of a vehicle management system optimizes vehicle dispatch and routes,leading to reduced fuel consumption.During weekdays from 12:00 to 13:00, designated personnel are responsible for turning o? thelights on each ?oor, contributing to energy conservation e?orts.Prior to holidays, announcements are made to remind employees to turn o? electrical devices,further strengthening energy-saving awareness and minimizing unnecessary energy waste.

cumulative photovoltaic power

102,58generation was MWH,equivalent to an increase of5,588.66trees planted;

of gasoline, a decrease of approximately17% YoY.22%YoY, andliters6,172a decrease of approximately



Key Performance Table

Index of Indicators

The organization and its reporting practices

G2-1Organizational detailsRegarding the ReportG2-2Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reportingRegarding the ReportG2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact pointRegarding the ReportActivities and workersG2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsCompany OverviewG2-7EmployeesEmployee DevelopmentGovernanceG2-9Governance structure and compositionCorporate GovernanceG2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance bodyCorporate GovernanceG2-11Chair of the highest governance body2023 Annual ReportG2-12

Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management ofimpacts

Corporate GovernanceG2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsSustainable ManagementG2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingSustainable ManagementG2-16Communication of critical concernsSustainable ManagementG2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

Stakeholder Identi?cation

and CommunicationG2-20 Process to determine remuneration2023 Annual Report

Strategy, policies and practicesG2-23 Policy commitmentsAnti-Corruption and IntegrityG2-24 Embedding policy commitmentsAnti-Corruption and IntegrityG2-25 Processes to remediate negative impactsAnti-Corruption and IntegrityG2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsAnti-Corruption and Integrity

Stakeholder engagementG2-29Approach to stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder Identi?cation

and CommunicationMaterial TopicsG3-1 Process to determine material topicsSustainable ManagementG3-2 List of material topicsSustainable ManagementEconomic PerformanceG201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed2023 Annual ReportG201-2

Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climatechange

2023 Annual ReportG201-3De?ned bene?t plan obligations and other retirement plansEmployee DevelopmentG201-4 Financial assistance received from government2023 Annual Report

GRI Content Index

GRI StandardsItem Disclosed

Corresponding Section or


Electricity Consumption(KW·h)Electricity Consumption/CNY10,000 Output Value







R&D expenses(CNY100,000,000)





Major Work Safety Accidents(Cases)20222023

Environmental Performance

Social Performance


Market Presence


Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to localminimum wage

Employee Development

Anti-corruptionG205-2Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresAnti-Corruption and IntegrityTax

G207-1Approach to tax2023 Annual ReportG207-2Tax governance, control, and risk management2023 Annual ReportG207-3Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax2023 Annual ReportEnergy

G302-1Energy consumption within the organizationEnvironmental ProtectionWater and E?uents

G303-5Water consumptionEnvironmental Protection

BiodiversityG304-2Signi?cant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversityEnvironmental Protection

Supplier Environmental AssessmentG308-1New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteriaIndustry CollaborationG308-2Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions takenIndustry CollaborationEmployment


Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided totemporary or part-time employees

Employee Development

Occupational Health and Safety

G403-3Occupational health servicesEmployee DevelopmentG403-4

Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupationalhealth and safety

Employee DevelopmentG403-5Worker training on occupational health and safetyEmployee DevelopmentG403-6Promotion of worker healthEmployee Development

Training and EducationG404-1Average hours of training per year per employeeEmployee DevelopmentG404-2Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programsEmployee DevelopmentDiversity and Equal Opportunity

G405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employeesEmployee DevelopmentChild LaborG408-1Operations and suppliers at signi?cant risk for incidents of child laborEmployee Development Local CommunitiesG413-1

Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments,and development programs

Social Contribution

Supplier Social AssessmentG414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaIndustry Collaboration

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences CASS-ESG 5.0 Standard Index

Indicator TopicCorresponding Section or Document

Preface (P)

Reporting Speci?cations

P1.2 Regarding the ReportP1.3 Regarding the ReportCompany Pro?le

P4.1 Company OverviewP4.2 Company Culture, Strategic PlanningP4.3 Company Overview

GovernanceResponsibility (G)

Corporate Governance

G1.1 Corporate GovernanceG1.2 Corporate GovernanceG1.3 Risk ControlG1.6 Anti-Corruption and IntegrityG1.7 Anti-Corruption and IntegrityG1.10 Information DisclosureESG Management

G3.5 Sustainable ManagementG3.6 Stakeholder Identi?cation and CommunicationG3.7 Regarding the Report

Environmental RiskManagement (E)

Environmental ManagementE1.1 Environmental ProtectionResource Utilization

E2.2 Environmental ProtectionE2.5 Environmental ProtectionE2.14 Environmental ProtectionSafeguarding EcologicalSecurity

E4.2 Environmental ProtectionE4.3 Environmental Protection

Social RiskManagement (S)


S1.1 Employee DevelopmentS1.2 Employee DevelopmentS1.3 Employee DevelopmentS1.4 Employee DevelopmentS1.5 Employee DevelopmentS1.6 Employee DevelopmentS1.7 Employee DevelopmentS1.8 Employee DevelopmentS1.9 Employee Development

Indicator No.GRI StandardsItem Disclosed

Corresponding Section orDocument


Reader Feedback Form

Dear readers:

Hello!Thank you very much for taking the time to read the2023 Environmental, Social, andGovernance (ESG) Report of Amlogic (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.amid your busy schedule. In orderto provide you and other stakeholders with more valuable information and effectivelypromote the company's ability and level of fulfilling corporate social responsibility, wesincerely look forward to your opinions and suggestions.Multiple choice questions (please tick the corresponding box)

1.Your overall evaluation of this report is:

□ Good Very good□ Good□ General□ Bad Poor □Bad

□ Good Very good□ Good□ General□ Bad Poor □Bad

□ Good Very good□ Good□ General□ Bad Poor □Bad

□ Good Very good□ Good□ General□ Bad Poor □Bad

□ Good Very good□ Good□ General□ Bad Poor □Bad

□ Good Very good□ Good□ General□ Bad Poor □Bad

□ Good Very good□ Good□ General□ Bad Poor □Bad

2.Response and disclosure of issues of concern to stakeholders in the report?

3.How do you think Amlogic has done in terms of economic responsibility?

4.How do you think Amlogic has done in terms of environmental responsibility?

5.How do you think Amlogic has done in terms of safety management?

6.How do you think Amlogic has done in terms of employee responsibilities?

7.How do you think Amlogic has done in terms of community responsibility?

8.Are the information, indicators, and data disclosed in the report clear, accurate, and complete?

9.Do you think the content arrangement and layout design of this report are convenient to read?

□ Yes□No

□ Yes□No

Open questionDo you have any opinions or suggestions on Amlogic ful?llment of social responsibility and this report?

Social RiskManagement (S)

Development and Training

S2.1 Employee DevelopmentS2.2 Employee DevelopmentS2.4 Employee DevelopmentOccupational Health and Work Safety

S3.1 Employee DevelopmentS3.5 Employee Development

Customer Responsibility

S4.1 Quality ControlS4.2 Quality ControlS4.3Industry CollaborationS4.4 Quality ControlS4.5 Quality ControlS4.6 Information SecurityS4.7 Quality ControlS4.8 Quality ControlResponsible Supply Chain Management

S5.1 Industry CollaborationS5.2 Industry Collaboration

Value Creation (V)Industrial Value

V2.1 Scienti?c Research InnovationV2.3 Scienti?c Research InnovationV2.4 Scienti?c Research InnovationPostscript (A)

Key performance indicatorsA2Key Performance Table Reference indexA4Index of IndicatorsSuggestions and feedbackA5Reader Feedback Form

Indicator TopicCorresponding Section or DocumentIndicator No.
