President’s Statement
Standardized Governance: Strengtheningthe Foundation for Stable Development
Steady Progress for Sustainable Success:
Upholding Technological Innovation andAchieving New Heights in Innovation
Collaborative Dedication: DeepeningServices Across the Entire IndustryChain
Green and Low-Carbon: Practicing SmartEnvironmental Protection to Boost Growth
Corporate Culture
Company Prole
Evolution History
Organizational Structure
Enterprise Governance
The Inaugural Launch of the “NuwaConstellation” Fills the Void in the InSARSatellite Application Market.
Securing the Upstream to Achieve DataAutonomy
Self-developed Electric UAVs Promote EnergyConservation and Carbon Reduction.
Compliant Operation
The Winning Bid of an RMB 100-millionOverseas Project Contributes to theDigital Transformation in BRI ParticipatingCountries.New Products Constantly Emerge to Servethe Building of a Digital China.Listing of Remote Sensing Data ProductsUshers in a New Era of Digital Applications.
Strengthening the Midstream forPlatform Compatibility
The Smart Ecological Monitoring PlatformEmpowers Precision Supervision.
Information Construction
Surging Forward with Vigor: Each Tier ofTalent Displaying ExcellenceProfessional Services Catering toCustomer NeedsProfessional Solidication ofBusiness FoundationProfessional Support for OperationalAssurance
Seizing Downstream Opportunities forApplication ScalabilityCollaborating in Unity to Build a SmartEcosystem Together
It Remains Committed to Energy-saving andLow-Carbon Practices and Embraces GreenDevelopment.
The Foundation of Party Building
Responsibility Management
Staying True to Our Original Aspiration:
Practicing Public Welfare and ManifestingCorporate Responsibility Through DiligentActionsSmart Earth Lecture Hall
Taking an Integrated Approach toIndustry, Research, and Education
Immediate Flood Response GuaranteeingStrong Backing for Flood Control andDisaster Relief
“Youxing” Supporting and EnsuringTransportation and Meteorological Needsfor the Asian GamesCross-Border Integration Empowering theLaunch of the Marathon “Air Ambulance”Mixed Reality Being Utilized for VisualInteraction at Liang Qichao Memorial HallDigital Cultural Tourism Activating NewDynamics for Rural RevitalizationScience Popularization Lecture IlluminatingStudents’ Dreams in Aerospace
Honors of 2023Search IndexReader Feedback
This Report is intended to conduct a frank and honest exchange with stakeholders regarding theESG concept, practice performance and other aspects of PIESAT Information Technology Co.,Ltd., and systematically respond to the expectations and appeals of stakeholders.
Reporting Purpose
This Report covers a period from January 1 to December 31, 2023, but part of it may exceed theabove-mentioned period to make it more comparable and complete.Reporting Period
This is an annual report, which is issued simultaneously with the Company’s annual report. TheEnglish version of the 2023 ESG Report is disclosed at the same time. In case of any ambiguity inthe understanding of it, the Chinese version shall prevail.Reporting Cycle
The data sources used in this Report include the Company’s internal statistics and public datafrom government departments and third-party institutions. The recording currency of the nancialdata in this Report is the Renminbi (“RMB”).Data Description
This Report covers PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd. and its main subsidiaries.Scope of Reporting
In this Report, "PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd." is referred to as "PIESAT" or "theCompany".Reference
IChina National Standard GB/T36001-2015 Guidance on Social Responsibility ReportingInternational standard ISO26000:2010 Guidance on Social ResponsibilityUnited Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)GRI Standards by Global Sustainability Standards BoardGuidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-CSR4.0)issued by the Chinese Academy of Social SciencesGuidelines for the Preparation of the "Report on Corporate Social Responsibility”
Basis of Preparation
The electronic version of this Report is available on the websites of the Shanghai Stock Exchange( and CNINFO ( Form
About PIESATPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
The year 2023 was the rst year to fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the CommunistParty of China (CPC), a pivotal year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), and also marked the 15thanniversary of the establishment of PIESAT. On behalf of the Board of Directors of PIESAT, I would like to express our heartfeltthanks to customers who have placed their full trust in PIESAT, to ecological partners who have win-win cooperation withPIESAT, and to investors who have paid high attention to PIESAT.The year 2023 was destined to be remarkable. It was a year of proactive preparation and decisive action, as we faced bothinternal and external challenges. We took anticipatory measures, navigated through challenges, and actively sought strategiesto overcome obstacles.In 2023, we successfully launched the satellites of the PIESAT-1 constellation, comprising a primary satellite and threesupplementary radar remote sensing satellites. This breakthrough has facilitated the integration of upstream data resources,continually enhancing the comprehensive service capabilities of the satellite internet industry chain. We secured a signicantoverseas project worth over RMB 100 million, marking a turning point to further explore international markets, particularlythe participating countries of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Our data products have been listed on the Shanghai DataExchange, contributing to a sustained improvement in data quality while expanding our brand recognition and inuence.In 2024, PIESAT will actively follow the historical trend and align with the national agenda. It is imperative not only toanticipate potential challenges and be more mindful of potential dangers but also to stand rm in our convictions, maintainingunwavering determination. The golden era of commercial aerospace has dawned, where opportunities favor those who standresolute, forge ahead, and dare to venture. PIESAT will continue to leverage its strengths in the digitization and informatizationof industries such as meteorology, water conservancy, emergency response, and geological disasters. Actively contributingto post-disaster reconstruction, the Company strives for robust growth in emergency response and disaster reductionoperations. Simultaneously, with a focus on satellite operations, comprehensive urban remote sensing cloud services,meteorological numerical forecasting, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and other areas, PIESAT will persist in extending itscore business to grassroots government and enterprise clients. By exploring larger market spaces, PIESAT aims to achieveleapfrog development.The journey before us will be a long one, but with will and determination, we will brave the surging waves, forging aheadtowards the future! Facing the new responsibilities and challenges of 2024, PIESAT will maintain the fortitude to overcomeobstacles, the morale to ride the wind and cleave the waves, and the drive to forge ahead. We strive to create limitlesspossibilities in this new journey!
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.
President’s Statement
President’s Signature
April 2024
About PIESATPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
About PIESATPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
Board of Supervisors
Company ProleOrganizational Structure
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd. (stock code: 688066), founded in 2008, is a leading satellite internet company in China and among the firstbatch of listed enterprises on the Science and Technology Innovation Board (or STAR Market). The Company has researched and developed the PixelInformation Expert (PIE) software—the remote sensing and geographic information integrated software with fully-independent intellectual propertyrights (IPRs), and possesses PIE-Engine—the first remote sensing and geographic information cloud service platform in China, thus realizing thedomestic production of the basic software of remote sensing. The Company has planned the “Nuwa Constellation,” which is the largest multi-level,multi-mode hybrid remote sensing satellite constellation in China. In the first phase of the project, it is planned to launch 54 operational satellites, withthe initial batch of 4 radar remote sensing satellites successfully launched on March 30, 2023, enhancing operational capabilities throughout theentire satellite industry chain. Additionally, the Company has established a nationwide UAV production and service system, aiming to create integrated“space-air-ground” service capabilities. The Company has provided government, businesses, universities, and other relevant departments withcomprehensive solutions for spatial information applications, including foundational software products, system design and development, and remotesensing cloud services.Headquartered in Beijing, the Company has more than 200 branches across the country and has set up research anddevelopment (R&D) centers in Xi’an, Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanjing, Changsha, etc. Now the Company has more than 3,300employees, including over 130 employees with a doctoral degree, over 1,000 employees with a master’s degree, and over200 talented overseas returnees and industrial experts. Among them, engineering technicians account for more than 80%.The Company has established a postdoctoral workstation, collaborated with Academician Yue Qingrui’s team to createan Academician Workstation for Urban Emergency Management Satellite Applications, and set up 1 Beijing MunicipalEngineering Laboratory, and 2 key laboratories and 4 engineering & technological innovation centers under the Ministry ofNatural Resources of China. The Company holds qualifications such as “National Key High-tech Enterprise”, “Enterprisewith the Recognition of Software Enterprise and Registration of Software Products”, CMMI L5, Surveying and MappingCerticate (Class A), Information System Building and Service Capability CS4 Certication, engineering consulting credit, ageneral aviation business operation license, and Certicate of Certication for Civil Unmanned Aircraft System Pilot Traininginstitution. The Company also owns more than 200 patents for inventions and over 900 software copyrights.Since its establishment, the Company has successively participated in more than 90% of China’s major satellite projectsincluding environmental disaster reduction satellite, high-resolution satellite, resource satellite, Fengyun meteorologicalsatellite, and marine satellite. In addition, it has been engaged in the construction of the BeiDou-3 core system, anddeveloped core technologies such as cloud-network integration and intelligent processing based on the integratedcommunication, sensing and computing, and the exible adaptation and management of giant constellation payloads for thenational satellite Internet project. Moreover, it has undertaken major projects such as the national ecological protection redline supervision platform, the meteorological big data cloud platform, the marine environment monitoring and early warningcloud platform, and the Earth System Science Numerical Simulator Facility (EarthLab), as well as more than 10 national keyR&D programs.
General Meetings ofShareholdersBoard of DirectorsGM OceHuman Resources CenterOperations Management CenterMarketing CenterQuality Management CenterFinance DepartmentInvestment Aairs DepartmentSecurities Aairs Department
Scientic BusinessIndustry ApplicationsInnovative Business
Internal Audit Department
Surveying and MappingDivision
Intelligent TransportationDivision
International BusinessDepartmentDigital Public InfrastructureDivisionSmart SpatiotemporalDivisionIntelligent NavigationBusiness GroupSatellite CommunicationsDivisionRocket TransportationDivisionEcological EnvironmentBusiness GroupWater Conservancy DivisionWater Conservancy DivisionSmart Forestry andGrassland DivisionSpace Planning ProductsDivisionLand and Resources Division
Mobile DivisionUAV Business GroupSatellite Operations DivisionAerospace DivisionRemote Sensing ApplicationDivisionIntegrated Solutions DivisionGeology DivisionBeidou DivisionMeteorological, Marine, andAgricultural Business Group
In 2023, to enhance the overall strength of the Company and align with market opportunities and current business conditions,PIESAT established the Emergency and Digital Government Business Group, the Meteorological, Marine, and AgriculturalBusiness Group, and the Water Conservancy Business Group, with a focus on building a management system with a strongfront end, robust middle platform, and efcient back-end.
Information SystemDesign Institute
Institute of Advanced
Remote SensingTechnology
Institute ofArticialIntelligence
2035 FutureLab
About PIESATPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG reportCorporate Culture
Serve the Earth and Space Community
Serve customers wholeheartedlyand work together ambitiously
Corporate Mission
Multi-dimensionally perceivespace and earth, and let theChinese remote sensing software“PIE” serve the world
Evolution History
Established on January 24;Participating in the environmentaldisaster reduction satellite project
Participating in the major project forhigh-resolution Earth observationParticipating in the construction of theFengyun-3 satellite missionParticipating in the airborne land andmarine satellite project during the 12thFive-Year Plan periodParticipating in the Fengyun-4 satellitemission and the BeiDou-3 satelliteprojectParticipating in the airborne land andmarine satellite project during the 13thFive-Year Plan period
Participating in the top-level design ofthe airborne land and marine satelliteproject during the 14th Five-Year Planperiod
Releasing independently-developed PIERemote Sensing Software V1.0, which hasbeen currently updated to V6.3
On July 22, PIESAT was among the rstbatch of listed enterprises on the STARMarket;Our remote sensing software PIE meetingthe most advanced international standardsLaunching PIE-Engine, the rst remotesensing cloud service platform in China
Constructing the PIESAT-1 syntheticaperture radar (SAR) satellite constellation
Successfully launching the rst-batchsatellites of the PIESAT-1 radar remotesensing constellation at the initial phaseof the “Nuwa Constellation”;Data products listed on the Shanghai DataExchange
Core Values
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG reportEnterprise Governance
Compliant Operation
Strengthening the Party building and deepening the joint study anddevelopment
The CPC branch of PIESAT actively participates in various meetings organized by the local CPC town committee. The branchorganized and led leadership members and Party affairs workers to participate in the “CPC Leadership” online courses foradvancing Party building in the “two new” organizations and the internet industry Party building training sessions in HaidianDistrict, Beijing, aiming to reinforce Party consciousness and raise the political awareness and moral standards of Partymembers. The Company actively participated in the launching ceremony of the Party Building Leading Joint Construction ofInternet Civilization in the Haidian District. Additionally, it collaborated with the CPC Tongzhou Branch of Beijing WaterworksGroup Co., Ltd. to jointly organize Party building and joint learning activities.
PIESAT combines systematic coordination with fine management, upgrades and reorganizes the natural resource,meteorological, marine, agricultural, and UAV business groups, etc., and establishes 6 regions and over 200 branch ofcesnationwide. Internationally, it has set up branches in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Pakistan, extendingour service network across the globe.The Company constantly improves its corporate governance structure, establishes and perfects its internal control system,standardizes the operation, and effectively protects the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and its shareholders.It timely and accurately disclosed information, strove to maintain good relations with investors, and sought legitimate rightsand interests for investors. It also adhered to standardized internal control and improved the effectiveness of the Company’sinternal control.
To enhance collaborative efciency, PIESAT actively implements an informationized ofce system, enabling online collaborativework, project management, client management, and knowledge training. The Company is replacing paper documents withdigital archives to promote environmental friendliness. In 2023, the company implemented a paperless organizational assetrepository with a regular updating and maintenance mechanism, which ensures timely updates and secure distribution whileminimizing paper waste.
The year 2023 was the rst to see the implementation of the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, marking apivotal year in advancing the 14th Five-Year Plan to build upon past achievements and pave the way for new prospects. It servedas a cornerstone year within the 14th Five-Year Plan. Under the correct leadership of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee andthe Beijing Municipal Government, the CPC branch of PIESAT actively guides all Party members, ofcials, and members of thepublic within the Company. They earnestly implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, strictly adhereto the “Three Meetings and One Lecture” system, and organize political studies, ideological exchanges, and organizationalactivities for Party members to effectively enhance the caliber of Party members and their abilities in carrying out Party affairs.
The Company has constantly improved its corporate governance structure in accordance with the relevant requirements of theCompany Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Code of CorporateGovernance for Listed Companies, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the STAR Market of the Shanghai StockExchange, and other laws, regulations and normative documents.
Since its listing, the Company has consistently enhanced its governance standards, rened internal systems, and improved thequality of information disclosure. The Company not only ensures legal and compliant operations but also places importanceon investor relations. It has successively formulated the “Board Secretary’s Working Rules,” “Investor Relations ManagementSystem,” and “Information Disclosure Management System.” Through various forms, the Company comprehensivelyorganizes investor communication activities from multiple perspectives. With a proactive and transparent approach, it activelycommunicates the Company’s values to a wide range of investors.The Board of Directors (BOD) of the Company is composed of 9 members, including economic, accounting, legal and technicalexperts from multiple professional fields, to provide effective guarantee for the Company’s major decisions. The Board ofSupervisors consists of 3 members, including one employee representative, which can effectively supervise the Company’soperation decision-making and protect the interests of all shareholders.
Information Construction
The Foundation of Party Building
StandardizedGovernancePIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
Responsibility ManagementThe Company attaches great importance to communication with stakeholders, continuously understands the expectations andappeals of all parties, establishes diversied and effective communication methods, and actively listens to the opinions andsuggestions of all parties.
StakeholdersIssuesWays of Communication
Compliant operationTax payment according to lawResponse to national policiesObedience to regulatory requirements
Observe law and disciplineCooperate with supervision and inspectionParticipate in major meetings and activitiesReport work regularlySteady development of the enterpriseStable return on investmentReasonable operation and informationdisclosure
Improve corporate governanceDiscloses information and announcementsregularlyManage investor relationsProduct function iterationService quality improvementSmooth communication channels
Constantly improve R&D ability and talentqualityInvestigate service evaluation system andcustomer satisfactionDaily visit and contact with usersFairness and integrityLong-term stability
Optimize and perfect the suppliermanagement systemFulll contracts according to lawProtection of basic rights and interestsReasonable compensation and benetsTraining and developmentHealth and safety
Sta conferencesFair and just promotion channelsImproved employee trainingFlat and multi-dimensionalcommunicationParticipation in public welfareundertakingsPromoting the development of theindustry
Take an active part in public welfareactivitiesConstantly improve R&D capabilitiesEnergy-saving operationEnvironmental protection
Control carbon emissionsParticipate in environmental protection
Government andregulatory authorities
Shareholders andinvestors
Suppliers andpartners
Communities and the
Playing a bridging role to strengthen the corporate political responsibility
In 2023, the Party branch actively participated in the “Learning from the 20th CPC National Congress, Singing Red Songs for theParty” red song competition organized by the Sijiqing Town Government of Haidian District to fully demonstrate its exemplaryand vanguard role. At the end of December, the branch committee carried out a “Paying Grassroots Visits, Hearing People’sVoices, and Bringing Warmth” outreach activity in Weidian Village, Bohai Town, Huairou District. They donated 450 sets of riceand our and other essential daily necessities, bringing warmth and New Year blessings to the villagers.
Steady Progressfor Sustainable
Steady Progressfor SustainableSuccess
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
The Inaugural Launch of the “Nuwa Constellation” Fills theVoid in the InSAR Satellite Application Market.
On March 30, 2023, the satellites of the PIESAT-1 radar remote sensing constellation at the initial phase of the “NuwaConstellation,” were successfully launched into space carried by the Long March-2D carrier rocket from the Taiyuan SatelliteLaunch Center in northern China’s Shanxi Province. The launch mission achieved complete success as the satellite smoothlyentered a preset orbit. The PIESAT-1 satellite constellation comprises four high-resolution X-band synthetic aperture radarsatellites. It represents the inaugural mission of PIESAT’s “Nuwa Constellation” and is China’s rst independently-developedmulti-satellite, multi-baseline distributed interferometric radar satellite system. It is also the world’s first multi-satellitedistributed interferometric synthetic aperture radar system employing a four-star cartwheel formation conguration. Followingin-orbit testing, the PIESAT-1 satellites’ Earth observation system has met all development requirements. It has smoothlytransitioned into the operational phase. As of now, it has accomplished various critical tasks, including Earth observation, globalmapping, and emergency missions. The satellite has received an approximate data volume of 55TB, and processed around45TB of standard image data, resulting in the creation of over 60,000 scenes.
The Winning Bid of an RMB 100-million OverseasProject Contributes to the Digital Transformation in BRIParticipating Countries.
In July 2023, PIESAT successfully secured an RMB 100-million overseas project, leveraging the Company’s independently-developed PIESAT “Nuwa Constellation” SAR satellites and UAV aerial survey technology. The project aims to provide Bolivia’sRegulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Transportation with a comprehensive spectrum management system andhigh-precision topographic maps.This project represents the Company’s rst successful bid for an international large-scale electromagnetic spectrum monitoringsystem development project. It is benecial for expanding the international market, further enhancing the Company’s leadingposition in the global electromagnetic spectrum monitoring field. Moreover, it serves as a concrete manifestation of BRIcooperation between China and Bolivia. Also, this project marks the first international remote sensing application orderserved by the “Nuwa Constellation.” Looking ahead, with the successful launch of experimental satellites for satellite internettechnology and the formal initiation of the domestic satellite internet constellation network, the Company will continue to targetBRI participating countries. It will focus on meeting the market demands for overseas remote sensing applications, playing acrucial role in various areas such as mapping, disaster response, infrastructure monitoring, and smart city development.
Singapore Changi Airport 1-meter resolution synthetic aperture
radar (SAR) imagery captured by PIESAT-1
3-meter strip photograph over Hong Kong, China, captured by
DSM mosaic result over a specic region in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province captured
Steady Progressfor Sustainable
SuccessPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
“Tianquan” large vision-language model for remote sensing
PIE-Engine Server spatiotemporal data service platform
PIE-3D Builder rule-based modeling software
PIESAT is constructing the “Tianquan” multimodal large-scale model, designed for various remote sensing data types toaddress the limitations in sample annotation and model generalization within the existing “AI + remote sensing” businessmodel. The Company is dedicated to building an integrated intelligent remote sensing ecosystem encompassing segmentation,detection, and generation, aiming to empower various application domains, including national defense and security, land andnatural resources, transportation, and water conservancy.
In November 2023, the public beta version of the PIE-Engine Server spatiotemporal data service platform was officiallylaunched. The platform, following the Data Mesh architecture concept, is built on spatiotemporal data lakehouse technology.It encompasses capabilities such as data access, data management, service publishing, subscription distribution, onlinemapping, and geographic analysis. As an agile geospatial data operating system, it provides standard APIs or access protocolsfor centrally managed multisource spatiotemporal data products. It serves as a foundation for constructing industry-specicspatiotemporal applications and supporting the development of a realistic three-dimensional representation of China. Theplatform offers a multisource, heterogeneous spatiotemporal data lake, a big data analytics foundation, and continuallyupgraded SaaS services.
Here, you can discover over 8PB of free geospatial data, manage private data for individuals or organizations, and utilize data asa driving force to accomplish analysis, publication, and application of data. This enables the creation of diverse and engagingdata scenarios, providing an opportunity to experience the joy of exploring spatial data.
PIE-3D Builder supports the rapid and batch construction of large-scale 3D scene models, including underground utilitynetworks, urban architectural complexes, high-precision maps (roads), underground tunnels, and property entities. It presentsgeographical spatial entities to users in three-dimensional form, vividly depicting the spatial relationships between objects. Itenables three-dimensional spatial analysis and operations, saving users from the signicant time and manpower costs typicallyassociated with model construction and visualization expression. The software seamlessly integrates Building InformationModeling (BIM) with Geographic Information System (GIS), enabling the rapid and efficient construction of integrateddigital twin foundations for both above-ground and underground environments. This empowers various elds, including CityInformation Modeling (CIM), the development of a realistic 3D China, digital twin cities, and transparent mines.
New Products Constantly Emerge to Serve the Building ofa Digital China.
Steady Progressfor SustainableSuccessPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
PIE-DEM intelligent acquisition and editing system
PIESAT-OS 1.0, the next-generation satellite operating system0405
PIE-DEM intelligent acquisition and editing system is a specialized software designed for the professional editing of DSM/DEMgenerated from multiple sources of remote sensing images. It encompasses a range of professional processing functions,including the automatic establishment of satellite and aerial image projects, automatic stereo model recovery, 2D/3D editing ofDSM/DEM, DEM stitching, DEM segmentation, accuracy checks for DSM/DEM, and auxiliary tools for DEM editing. The softwarefeatures a clean and user-friendly interface, exible operation, and efcient processing. It delivers reliable results and has beensuccessfully applied to multiple DEM production projects in the eld of surveying and mapping.
PIESAT-OS 1.0, the satellite operating system launched by PIESAT, is designed for various embedded software and computerhardware environments. It aims to be a reusable and platform-independent software product, providing robust support forsatellite missions.The core advantage of this system lies in its modular and layered design, enabling independent development, testing, andupgrading of various level components and functionalities, enhancing software quality and reliability. Furthermore, the systemsignicantly simplies the development process of ight software by providing comprehensive validation and testing services,abstract interfaces, and reusable foundational applications.The satellite operating system PIESAT-OS 1.0 is adaptable to missions with short cycles, multiple application payload models,and satellites of various sizes. It accommodates diverse satellite constellations with satellites operating at different orbitalheights, varied lifecycle requirements for low and high-orbit satellites, changes in satellite payload computer hardwareplatforms, variations in functionality for satellites in different orbits, and modications in on-orbit satellite application tasks.Therefore, it can be widely applied in various satellite application scenarios, including navigation, communication, remotesensing, and scientic experiments.
PIESAT-OS 1.0版系统架构图
PROM BootLoad
Steady Progressfor Sustainable
SuccessPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG reportListing of Remote Sensing Data Products Ushers in a NewEra of Digital Applications.
In August 2023, PIESAT successfully listed 14 categories of data products across six major series on the Shanghai DataExchange. These products are divided into such two main categories as standard products and thematic products. Theyaim to provide customers with stable and reliable data product support, along with continuous remote sensing data analysisservices, and assist customers in achieving digitized and intelligent remote sensing application services. In the digital economy,where data elements are a core production factor, it holds signicant importance for the high-quality development of Chinesemodernization. PIESAT continues to seize the development opportunities in the era of data elements, aiming for more profoundinnovation. The Company is dedicated to exploring new paths in big data innovation applications and value creation. PIESATaspires to become a leading “data service provider” in China, leveraging its robust data refinement capabilities to activelycontribute to the construction of a digital government, digital economy, and a digitally integrated society.
Green and Low-CarbonPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
Green and Low-Carbon
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
Integrated space-air-ground monitoring platform in nature reserves
Self-developed Electric UAVs Promote EnergyConservation and Carbon Reduction.
The Smart Ecological Monitoring Platform EmpowersPrecision Supervision.
At present, China’s ecological advancement has entered a crucial period with carbon reduction as a key strategicdirection. This period focuses on promoting coordinated eciency in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, facilitatingcomprehensive green transformation for economic and social development, and achieving a qualitative improvementin ecological and environmental quality from quantitative changes. As the deep integration of industrial digitization,intelligence, and green initiatives progresses, the vigorous development of strategic emerging industries and high-techindustries is a crucial aspect of accelerating the green transformation of development methods.PIESAT independently develops and manufactures the PIE-U28 and PIE-U15 Pro electric UAVs, utilizing carbon fibermaterials for their exteriors and powered by batteries. These specific practices involve lightweight design, energy-savingtechnologies, and environmentally friendly power sources. Through these measures, the energy consumption and carbonemissions of the UAVs can be reduced, contributing to carbon reduction and pollution control eorts. Moreover, electric UAVsgenerate relatively low levels of noise pollution, contributing to a reduction in their impact on human life and the ecologicalenvironment.
The “Guidelines to Comprehensively Promote the Development of a Beautiful China” issued by the Communist Party of ChinaCentral Committee and the State Council of China emphasizes the need to deepen the application of digital technologies suchas articial intelligence (AI). The goal is to build a digital governance system for a beautiful China and develop a green andintelligent digital ecological civilization.
Leveraging years of experience in the ecological environment sector and aligning with customer pain points, PIESAT hasdeveloped a smart ecological big data platform. This platform addresses challenges in ecological environmental protection,such as the proliferation of “chimneys” and data “islands,” limited business collaboration, and constrained informationdevelopment. By fully utilizing modern information technologies like big data, cloud computing, and AI, the platform aimsto comprehensively enhance decision-making, regulatory governance, and public services in ecological environmentalprotection. It accelerates the transformation of environmental management approaches and working methods, fostering an“Internet+” green ecology. The ultimate goal is to achieve interconnected and open sharing of ecological environmentaldata.
PIE Nature, PIESAT’s integrated space-air-ground monitoring platform in nature reserves, is based on next-generation digitaltechnologies such as satellite remote sensing, UAVs, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, big data models, and digital twins. Itutilizes multisource satellite remote sensing data to remotely interpret the types, distribution, and vegetation coverage of 23categories within 5 classes of wetlands. This enables the monitoring of wetlands and mangrove resources, providing datasupport for the formulation of wetland conservation and planning policies.
Smart ecological big data platform
Green and Low-Carbon
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
Wetlands, as an integral component of the community of life consisting of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes,grasslands, and deserts, play a crucial role in ensuring ecological security and sustainable development. Based on the latestresearch achievements on the PIE-Engine Earth Science Cloud Computing Platform, a ne-scale classication of wetlandshas been conducted. This research is aimed at addressing the global challenge of wetland degradation and focuses on thehigh-precision monitoring needs of wetlands in both China and worldwide. Leveraging the robust data resources and high-performance computing capabilities of the PIE-Engine platform, signicant eorts have been dedicated to global ne-scaleremote sensing mapping and analysis of wetlands. This achievement has been published in the international academicjournal “GIScience & Remote Sensing.”
It Remains Committed to Energy-saving and Low-CarbonPractices and Embraces Green Development.
PIESAT strictly abides by the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republicof China on Environmental Impact Assessment, and other relevant laws and regulations. Its daily operation does not involvethe discharge of traditional industrial wastewater, waste gas, refuse and noise.The Company regularly provides employees with training on energy-ecient oce practices, environmental protection, andrelated topics. It consistently upholds the concept of green and sustainable development, implementing policies such aswaste sorting and energy conservation to make a signicant contribution to green development.
Fine-scale remote sensing mapping analysis of wetlands
Surging Forwardwith Vigor
Surging Forwardwith Vigor
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
Professional Services Catering to Customer NeedsThe Company’s marketing service system extends across various regions nationwide, aiming to build a dedicated marketingteam that wholeheartedly serves customers. The Company organizes periodic marketing system training sessions basedon business needs and industry dynamics. In addition to on-site training, the Company relies on its corporate university andinvites internal experts every week at a xed time to provide training for the marketing team on aspects such as businessknowledge, business etiquette, communication skills, and service awareness.
Professional Solidication of Business Foundation
Professional Support for Operational Assurance
Technology is the cornerstone for technology-based enterprises. In the current rapidly evolving and competitive environment,continuous enhancement of technical capabilities is essential to address the ever-changing market demands. In addition toregular specialized training for various business sectors, the Company consistently encourages employees to “go out” andparticipate in various professional academic forums and sharing sessions. This approach allows them to absorb knowledgefrom various sources, enhancing their own capabilities.
The Company organizes activities to enhance the capabilities of functional departments, aiming to promote theirunderstanding of the business, strengthen service orientation, and contribute to operational excellence in collaborationwith business departments. These activities include sessions where functional departments share business insights andparticipate in video skills improvement. The Company is driving the development of a functional team that possesses a deepunderstanding of the business, operates with high eciency, provides strong service, and is capable of empowering others,which aims to support the Company’s overall operational management.
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
CollaborativeDedicationPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
Securing the Upstream to Achieve Data AutonomySeizing Downstream Opportunities for Application
Collaborating in Unity to Build a Smart Ecosystem TogetherStrengthening the Midstream for Platform Compatibility
The “Nuwa Constellation” project is undertaken by PIESAT with a focus on national strategic needs. It targets industry painpoints such as data acquisition time lag, long information processing chains, lack of intelligent coordination in satelliteoperations, and inconvenience in mass applications. Centered around the new format of satellite internet, the project aimsto build the entire industrial chain of high-resolution remote sensing. The goal is to achieve rapid global revisits for Earthobservation, utilizing laser inter-satellite communication networking to establish a globally independent, controllable, andreal-time remote sensing hybrid constellation.
In 2023, PIESAT independently developed the remote sensing software series, PIE, and PIE-Engine products, which underwent
more than ten upgrades and multiple iterations. These products serve various industry sectors, including natural resources,
ecological environment, emergency management, meteorology, oceanography, water conservancy, agriculture, etc. They
provide comprehensive consulting and design services, as well as full-process and full-factor remote sensing information
analysis and processing. This supports government agencies in implementing precision regulation and scientic decision-
PIESAT, as a leading satellite internet company in China, relies on its perfect self-developed products, technical strength, brand
inuence and other superior resources and collaborates with external diversied ecological partners to build a smart spatial
information industry ecosystem characterized by sustainable development and win-win partnership through such means as
technical cooperation, service agent and business opportunity sharing.
In 2023, the Company entered into strategic cooperation agreements with various enterprises, including 360 Group, Beijing
Xitong Wuzhou Zhilian Technology, CAS Space, Dahua Technology, China Mobile System Integration, as well as Henan
Polytechnic University and the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing
(LIESMARS) at Wuhan University. Simultaneously, the Company’s product, the “PIE-Engine Earth Science Remote Sensing
Cloud Platform,” has joined Huawei Cloud’s cooperative products in its cloud store, ocially becoming a cooperative partner
with Huawei Cloud in the eld of remote sensing satellites.
Four SAR satellites at the rst phase of the project were successfullylaunched into space on March 30, 2023. As of now, all systems areoperating normally. The second phase, which involves the launchof 16 small SAR satellites under the “Zhuzhou Constellation”project, was ocially announced in a launch ceremony held in July2023. In the future, the Company aims to achieve full autonomyand control over its data sources. Leveraging real-time datafrom SAR, it plans to integrate and connect seamlessly with bothupstream and downstream sectors of the industry chain.
PIESAT, leveraging the distinctive features of its independently-developed PIEseries products, initiated the process of preliminary and in-depth compatibilityand adaptation with domestic infrastructure as early as 2019. It has activelycontributed to the construction and support of a domestic ecosystem,accomplishing compatibility with various domestic information technologyenvironments, including CPUs, databases, operating systems, and middleware.In 2023, the Company’s PIE-Engine spatiotemporal data service platformachieved product compatibility and mutual recognition with Loongson. The PIEsoftware also successfully completed rapid expansion and adaptation supportfor processing domestic and international commercial satellite imagery data,including Beijing-3 and other similar satellites. Additionally, PIE-Engine AIsupported the world’s rst international standard for Geographic AI.
Staying True to OurOriginal Aspiration
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG reportSmart Earth Lecture HallTaking an Integrated Approach to Industry, Research, andEducationRelying on school-enterprise cooperation strategic agreements, collaborative education-industry projects with the Ministry ofEducation of China, and other cooperative platforms, PIESAT adopts a three-pronged approach to collaboration known as “PIEinto Campus,” “Research Cooperation,” and “Talent Development.” Through this integrated cooperation model, the Companyaims to deepen the integration of industry and education by involving enterprises in educational activities, bringing educationalinstitutions into the corporate world, and jointly advancing the fusion of production and education. The collaboration facilitatesthe organic connection of the education chain, talent chain, innovation chain, and industry chain. By aligning with the latestdemands of industrial and technological development, PIESAT contributes to driving reforms in university talent development.
PIESAT’s “Smart Earth Lecture Hall” is dedicated to presenting the latest cutting-edge technologies, tracking real-timehot topics, and featuring prominent academicians, experts, and outstanding young talent in various fields such asaerospace, natural resources, ecological conservation, agriculture, and rural development. It aims to provide insights intocurrent popular technological achievements.In 2023, PIESAT expanded its “Smart Earth Lecture Hall” by incorporating industry-specic, regional, and segmentedpublic demands. New additions include the Northwest Smart Earth Lecture Hall, the Atmosphere and Ocean LectureHall, and the Yangtze River Delta Smart Earth Lecture Hall. Renowned experts and scholars from various industries wereinvited to deliver cutting-edge presentations. These lectures were open to the public, both within and outside the industry,and collectively attracted nearly a million participants.
Staying True to OurOriginal AspirationPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
“Youxing” Supporting and Ensuring Transportation andMeteorological Needs for the Asian Games
Cross-Border Integration Empowering the Launch of theMarathon “Air Ambulance”
From September 23 to October 8, 2023, the 19th Asian Games took place in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Duringthe event, PIESAT provided comprehensive and effective information services and technical support for trafficmeteorological warnings. Based on the characteristics of meteorological disasters occurring in different road sectionsaround the Asian Games venue, the Company established road surface model algorithms and disaster identicationalgorithms specic to the trafc meteorological conditions in the road network around the Zhejiang area where the AsianGames were held.It also disseminated relevant decision-making information. Due to unpredictablefactors such as unusual weather and traffic accidents during the Asian Games,PIESAT’s “Youxing” trafc meteorological service system was connected with publicsecurity agencies and emergency departments. This facilitated information sharing,presenting a comprehensive view that integrated three-in-one alarms, internet trafccongestion warnings, and road condition trend alerts. This system provided effectivesupport for accurate assessment of emergencies and rapid emergency commandduring the event.
On November 5, 2023, PIESAT partnered with the Ma’anshan 120 Emergency Center to ensure the successfulorganization of the “2023 Ma’anshan Caishiji” Half Marathon. The collaboration provided comprehensive medicalemergency support services throughout the pre-race and race periods. The half marathon received A1 certication fromthe Chinese Athletics Association (CAA) and was themed “Leading the Way, Safeguarding the Yangtze.” Co-hosted bythe Anhui Provincial Sports Bureau and the People’s Government of Ma’anshan City, PIESAT contributed to the eventusing the PIE-UX25 UAVs equipped with a self-developed multifunctional aerial delivery system, video transmissioncapabilities, remote voice communication, and other features. The UAVs provided comprehensive support and protectionfor the 15,000 participants throughout the entire race.
Immediate Flood Response Guaranteeing Strong Backing forFlood Control and Disaster Relief
Starting from July 29, 2023, Beijing and its surrounding areas experienced catastrophic heavy rain due to the inuenceof the residual circulation of Typhoon Doksuri, the subtropical high-pressure system, water vapor transport fromTyphoon Khanun, and the combined effects of terrain. In the face of the severe ood control and disaster reductionsituation, PIESAT took immediate action by mobilizing PIESAT-1 SAR satellites and deploying UAVs. Leveraging the24/7 monitoring and alert system for ood and waterlogging disasters, they formed a collaborative monitoring andsensing system, known as the “Air-Space-Ground-Human-Internet,” to support ood monitoring, ood evolution analysis,and disaster loss assessment in affected areas, including Fangshan District and Mentougou District in Beijing, 8ood detention areas in Hebei Province, Zhuozhou under Baoding City in Hebei Province, Hebi City in Henan Province,Wuchang City in Heilongjiang Province, western Anhui Province, Zhejiang, Fujian, and other regions. PIESAT playeda crucial role in providing fundamental support for ood control and disaster relief in the areas affected by the heavyrainfall.
Staying True to OurOriginal AspirationPIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
Mixed Reality Being Utilized for Visual Interaction atLiang Qichao Memorial Hall
Digital Cultural Tourism Activating New Dynamicsfor Rural Revitalization
In 2023, marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Liang Qichao who is the foremost intellectual and educatorof modern China, the PIESAT mixed reality team utilized cutting-edge technologies such as immersive projection, ARaugmented reality, and MR mixed reality to digitize historical events related to Liang Qichao Memorial Hall in Tianjin.The perfect integration of science, technology, and artistic culture showcased the rich humanistic atmosphere,cultural heritage, and patriotic sentiment inherent in traditional Chinese culture. From the perspective of technologicalinnovation, this achievement signicantly improved the presentation of digital cultural and tourism content, providingvisitors during the May 1st holiday with a visual interactive feast. Through innovative expression, it effectively conveyedand extended Mr. Liang Qichao’s sincere dedication to the country.
Hidden deep in the heart of the Wuling Mountains, Shibadong Village was a small Miao ethnic minority village, whereChinese President Xi Jinping rst proposed the idea of “targeted poverty alleviation.” On the path of shaping tourism withculture and innovative exploration in Shibadong Village, PIESAT has digitally activated new dynamics for rural revitalization.For the Smart Cultural Tourism project in Shibadong Village, the Company provided a three-dimensional data foundation,constructing a virtual space and digital twin cultural tourism scene. This initiative aims to drive digital rural development,promote the cultural tourism industry in Shibadong Village, and empower overall rural development with smart solutions.
Science Popularization Lecture Illuminating Students’Dreams in Aerospace
PIESAT has been committed to collaborative efforts in the education market, creating PIE basic software trainingcourses in specialized elds at universities. Simultaneously, the company extends its reach to primary and secondaryschools, as well as kindergartens, using cutting-edge technologies to spark curiosity among children and inspireexploration in the realm of unknown scientic elds.
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Honors of 2023
A Rating in the 2022 Listed CompanyInformation Disclosure Assessment
Shanghai Stock ExchangeThe 25th Golden Bull Awardfor Listed Companies
China Securities JournalThe 3rd “Best Interactive Communication
Best ESG Practices Award for Listed CompaniesEasy BoardTop 100 Service Enterprises in Beijing
for the Year 2023
Beijing Enterprise Confederation, BeijingEntrepreneurs Association, and other units
First Prize for Technological Progress in SatelliteNavigation and Positioning in 2023
GNSS & LBS Association of China (GLAC)Second Prize for the 2023 CCF Scientic and
Technological Progress
China Computer Federation (CCF)Digital Economy Industry Innovation
Achievement Award
Global Digital Economy Conference 2023
Competition andinnovation
First Prize in the 3rd “Tianzhi Cup” AI
Challenge in 2023
Space Systems DepartmentFirst Prize in the 2023 China’s InnovationChallenge on Articial Intelligence ApplicationScene (CICAS 2023) – Intelligent Remote Sensing
Special Contest
Chinese Association for Arti?cial Intelligence,Next Generation Arti?cial IntelligenceDevelopment Center of the Ministry of Science
and Technology of China
Award NameAwarding Institution
2023 PIESAT annual ESG report
PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Search index
GRI standardsCASS-4.0About PIESAT
President’s StatementGRI 102P2.1、P2.2Company ProleGRI 102P4.2、P4.3Organizational StructureGRI 102P4.1Corporate CultureGRI 102G1.1、G1.2Evolution HistoryGRI 102Standardized Governance:
Strengthening theFoundation for StableDevelopment
Enterprise GovernanceGRI 102G3.2、G3.3、M1.1Compliant OperationGRI 102G4.1、M1.4Information ConstructionGRI 418S2.14、E3.1The Foundation of Party BuildingGRI 102G3.1Responsibility ManagementGRI 101、GRI 102G2.1、G6.1Steady Progress forSustainable Success:
Upholding TechnologicalInnovation and AchievingNew Heights in Innovation
The Inaugural Launch of the “Nuwa Constellation”Fills the Void in the InSAR Satellite Application Market
GRI 102P4.2、M3.6The Winning Bid of an RMB 100-million OverseasProjectContributes to the Digital Transformation in BRI Participating Countries
GRI 102P3.1、M2.1、M3.6New Products Constantly Emerge to Serve the Buildingof a Digital China
GRI 102P4.2、M2.1、M3.6Listing of Remote Sensing Data Products Ushers in a New Era of Digital Applications
GRI 102P4.2、M3.6Green and Low-Carbon:
Practicing SmartEnvironmental Protection toBoost Growth
Self-developed Electric UAVs Promote EnergyConservationand Carbon Reduction
GRI 201E1.3、E1.7The Smart Ecological Monitoring Platform Empowers Precision Supervision
GRI 201E1.3It Remains Committed to Energy-saving andLow-Carbon Practices and Embraces Green Development
GRI 302、GRI 305E1.1、E3.1Surging Forward with Vigor:
Each Tier of TalentDisplaying Excellence
Professional Services Catering to Customer NeedsGRI 404S2.14、S2.16Professional Solidication of Business FoundationGRI 404S2.8Professional Support for Operational AssuranceGRI 401S2.14、S2.16Collaborative Dedication:
Deepening Services Across the Entire Industry Chain
Securing the Upstream to Achieve Data AutonomyGRI 102M3.4、M3.6Strengthening the Midstream for Platform CompatibilityGRI 102M3.4、M3.6Seizing Downstream Opportunities for Application ScalabilityGRI 102M3.4、M3.6Collaborating in Unity to Build a Smart Ecosystem TogetherGRI 102M3.4、M3.6
Staying True to OurOriginal Aspiration:
Practicing Public Welfareand Manifesting CorporateResponsibility Through Diligent Actions
Smart Earth Lecture HallGRI 102P3.1Taking an Integrated Approach to Industry, Research, and EducationGRI 102P3.1Immediate Flood Response Guaranteeing Strong Backingfor Flood Control and Disaster Relief
GRI 415P3.1“Youxing” Supporting and Ensuring Transportation andMeteorological Needs for the Asian Games
GRI 102P3.1Cross-Border Integration Empowering the Launch of theMarathon “Air Ambulance”
GRI 102P3.1Mixed Reality Being Utilized for Visual Interaction atLiang Qichao Memorial Hall
GRI 102P3.1Digital Cultural Tourism Activating New Dynamics forRural Revitalization
GRI 102P3.1Science Popularization Lecture IlluminatingStudents’ Dreamsin Aerospace
GRI 102P3.1HonorsGRI 102A3Search IndexGRI 101A5Reader FeedbackA6
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2023 PIESAT annual ESG report