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欣旺达:2023年度环境、社会及公司治理报告(英文版) 下载公告


About This ReportMessage from the ChairmanAbout SunwodaAnnual ThemeESG Strategy and ManagementAppendix






Report Description

This report is the fourth ESG report issued by Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sunwoda","the Company","the Group","We" or “us”) to all stakeholders. The textual information and performance indexes mentioned in this report ismainly from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. For a more comprehensive comparison, some of the information will bemoderately extended to the previous and or re?ecting the policies and practices of 2024.Scope of ReportUnless otherwise specified, the disclosure scope of environmental data and occupation, safety, and health (OSH) data ofemployees covers companies with an asset greater than RMB 5 million, including Sunwoda and its subsidiaries, totaling 34companies. All textual materials and other data cover the entire group.

?Sunwoda Electric Vehicle Battery Co., Ltd. ("Sunwoda EVB")?Sunwoda Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ("Energy Technology")?Huizhou Sunwoda Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ("Huizhou EnergyTechnology")?Shenzhen Precise Testing Technology Co., Ltd. ("PTL")?Nanjing Precise Testing Technology Co., Ltd. ("Nanjing PTL")?Shenzhen Sunwinon Zhiwang Technology Co., Ltd, ("SunwinonZhiwang")?Shenzhen Sunwoda Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. ("SunwodaIntelligence Technology")

?Shenzhen Sunwinon Electronic Co., Ltd. ("Shenzhen Sunwinon")

?Shenzhen Sunwinon Intelligence Co., Ltd. ("Sunwinon Intelligence")?Huizhou Sunwinon Electronic Co., Ltd. ("Huizhou Sunwinon")?Huizhou Sunwoda New Energy Co., Ltd. ("Huizhou New Energy")?Huizhou Sunwoda New Power Energy Co., Ltd. ("Huizhou New Power")?Sunwoda Power Technology Co., Ltd. Boluo Branch ("Power BoluoBranch")?Huizhou Liwinon New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ("Huizhou LiwinonNew Energy")?Huizhou Liwinon Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ("Huizhou LiwinonElectronic")?Huizhou Winone Precision Technology Co., Ltd. ("Winone")?Huizhou Sunwoda Intelligent Industry Co., Ltd. ("Intelligent Industry")?Huizhou De.Power Technology Co., Ltd. ("Huizhou De.Power")?Dongguan Liwinon Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ("Dongguan Liwinon")?Nanchang Sunwoda New Energy Co., Ltd. ("Nanchang Sunwoda")?Zhejiang Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd. ("Zhejiang SunwodaElectronics")

?Zhejiang De.Power Technology Co., Ltd. ("Zhejiang De.Power")?Zhejiang Liwinon Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ("ZhejiangLiwinon")?Zhejiang Liwinon Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ("ZhejiangLiwinon Electronic")?Zhejiang Sunwinon Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ("ZhejiangSunwinon Electronic")

?Nanjing Sunwoda New Energy Co., Ltd. ("Nanjing Sunwoda")?Shandong Sunwoda New Energy Co., Ltd. ("Shandong Sunwoda")?Deyang Sunwoda New Energy Co., Ltd. ("Deyang Sunwoda")?Yuzhou Yuke Photovoltaic Power Co., Ltd. ("Yuke PhotovoltaicPower")?Ganzhou Junsheng Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd. ("Ganzhou Junsheng")?Sunwoda Electronic India Private Limited ("Sunwoda India")?Winone Precision Technology India Private Limited ("WinoneIndia")?Xineng Nanjing Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ("Xineng Nanjing")?Shandong Xineng Electric Power Service Co., Ltd. ("ShandongXineng Electric Power")

The full names and abbreviations of subsidiaries covered are as follows:

About This Report

Report Data DescriptionThe ?nancial data in this report are derived from the Company's audited ?nancial statements, while other data are sourced fromthe Group's internal documents and information. Unless otherwise stated, the currency and ?nancial numbers are denominatedin RMB. The content of this report does not contain any false records, misleading statements, or signi?cant omissions. We bearindividual and joint liability for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the report's content. This report is available in bothChinese and English versions. If there are slight discrepancies in content, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Basis of Preparation

This report is compiled in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards), the United Nations SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs), and the Guidance on Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-ESG 5.0) of theChinese Academy of Social Sciences, while re?ecting the actual situation of the company.Process of PreparationThis report is based on the company's ESG practices and follows a rigorous process of "project initiation and approval - materialcollection - compilation and revision - senior management discussion - review by the Board of Directors - external disclosure".Throughout the process, we have actively engaged with relevant stakeholders in the stages of project initiation and approval,compilation, and revision, to conduct research and deliberations on the report's framework and content.Access to Report

The e-copy of report can be accessed and downloaded from the o?cial website of Sunwoda (https://www.sunwoda.com/).The company will continue to improve its reporting disclosure standards and ESG management in the future. If you have anyquestions or suggestions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at:

Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.Address: No. 2, Youhe Road, Shilong Community, Shiyan Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, ChinaTel: 86-0755-27352064Fax: 86-0755-29516999

Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon



Message fromthe Chairman

The past year has been a year o both opportunities andriss Sunwoda persevered amidst the challenging economicenvironment and international landscape By seiingdevelopment opportunities in the realm o new energythe company has diligently orged ahead attaining stableand sustainable growth n  the Company achieved arevenue o MB  billion and the net pro?t attributableto shareholders o the Company was MB  million a oincrease o urthermore we have been steadast inpromoting sustainable development seamlessly integratingESG principles into our corporate operations This integrationhas acilitated green and low-carbon development generatedsocial value enabled us to eep abreast with the timesactively ulilled our corporate social responsibilities andultimately achieved remarable progress

Proposing a strategic direction and entering a new eraof ESG management. acing the challenges o sustainabledevelopment we have ormulated a global ?? strategyemphasiing clean world lanet green products roductcommunity humanities eople and win-win partnershipartner This ramewor serves as a guiding principle or ourattention to the sustainable progress o the environment ourproducts societal well-being and the entire value chain Toensure the seamless integration o ESG principles into our dailymanagement and operations we have established governancestructures such as the Sustainable Strategy Committee andthe Sustainable Management Committee These committeeswor together to promote ESG practices rom the top-down

ensuring that our entire organiation is aligned with thesesustainable obectives urthermore we have actively engagedwith proessional organiations and initiatives includingthe nited ations Global Compact GC Global BatteryAlliance GBA SSB nternational Sustainable StandardsBoard Early Learner artners and China ESG Alliance Throughthese collaborations we aim to ointly explore innovativeESG practices and contribute to the global eort towardssustainabilityCommitted to achieving net-zero emissions and embracinggreen development across the value chain e recognie

the urgent need to address climate change in the context o?carbon neutrality? ascending to a national strategic obectiveand gaining widespread societal consensus Aware o thesevere riss posed by climate change we oined the ScienceBased Targets initiative SBTi in  and embared on acomprehensive lie cycle carbon reduction strategy ver thecourse o the year we successully implemented more than energy-saving technical renovation proects resultingin a savings o  tons o standard coal euivalenttce thus ulilling our dual obectives o controlling totalcarbon emissions and emission intensity ur commitmentto sustainability was urther recognied with a B rating in theC Climate Change uestionnaire re?ecting our progress inadvancing towards carbon neutrality goals Additionally weinitiated the ?Low-Carbon evelopment o the Supply Chain?proect aiming to establish best practices and mature solutionsthat pave the way or widespread adoption o low-carbonmanagement throughout the supply chain As a demonstrationenterprise or green and low-carbon applications in Shenhenwe were honored to mae our debut at the nited ationsClimate Change Conerence C This platorm allowed usto showcase our uniue ?Sunwoda? experience in low-carbongreen developmentAdhering to innovation-driven development andempowering a clean future. e integrate green and low-carbon concepts into product manuacturing businessoperations and the company?s overall strategic planning econtinue to ocus on the digital and intelligent transormation

o the enterprise increase investment in scientiic andtechnological research and development and activelydrive the sustainable development o the industry chainur intelligent manuacturing capabilities have receivedcontinuous national-level recognition and we have beenselected as a ?igital avigation? enterprise by the Ministryo ndustry and normation Technology o the eople?sepublic o China ur subsidiary heiang Liwinon hasbeen honored with the title o a national-level intelligentmanuacturing demonstration actory e have seen theestablishment o our irst European actory in Hungary theopening and commencement o production at the ianbaiautomotive electronics production base the delivery oproducts rom the iwu base the consecutive launches o?ash charge batteries and ultra-low-temperature sodium-ionbatteries and the global premiere o the new generation oSuper commercial and industrial energy storage systems etcThese remarable ?Sunwoda moments? are testament to theunwavering dedication and e?orts o all our employeesFostering a community humanities, and creating socialvalue. e adhere to the employment philosophy o ?value

creation as the cornerstone? e prioritie saeguardingemployee rights and welare enhancing talent cultivationmechanisms and striving diligently to oster a diverseeuitable and inclusive worplace ith compassion weprioritie carrying out public welare services includingassisting the disadvantaged providing educational supportcaring or the ill acilitating medical assistance andresponding to disasters e are committed to supporting theadvancement o public welare and charitable endeavors n we added  new ob opportunities globally Thetotal amount o public welare donations or the year was MB million with a cumulative donation amount o overMB  million over the yearsLooing ahead we aspire to continue our ourney towardsbecoming a globally renowned green energy manuacturingenterprise Adhering to our core values o customer successhonesty irst sel-criticism passionate endeavor andteamwor we are committed to contributing our utmost tothe progress o the new energy industry

Chairman o Sunwodaang ei

Sunwoda Electronic Co LtdAnnual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon




Company Pro?le

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd a globalpioneer in lithium-ion battery sectorwas established in  and listed on theShenhen Stoc Exchange in  stoccode  n  the companysuccessully issued G and listed on theS Swiss Exchange ith the mission o?nnovation drives the progress o newenergy world? Sunwoda is committed tocontributing wisdom and strength to theachievement o the ?carbon peaing andcarbon neutrality? goals The companyhas diversiied its operations acrossive ey business segments C batterypower battery energy storage systemintelligent hardware and innovationand ecology Guided by the vision o?ooting in Shenhen serving the world?Sunwoda has expanded its manuacturingootprint across Guangdong iangsuheiang Shandong iangxi Sichuanand Hubei provinces in China as well asin ndia ietnam Hungary and MoroccoAdditionally it has established overseasbranches in the nited States ranceGermany srael orea and apan

Sunwoda irmly believes that ?everorget the original aspiration orgeahead and the dreams will ultimatelyilluminate the uture? e arecommitted to relentlessly building anecological platorm or the new energyindustry enabling new energy to betterserve humanity and striving to ulillthe dream o becoming a billion-dollarenterprise in the uture



Baoan istrict in Shenhen Guangming istrict in ShenhenHuihou in Guangdong ianbai in Guangdongiwu in heiang Lanxi in heianganchang in iangxi ichun in iangxiaohuang in Shandongeyang in Sichuanichang in Hubeianing in iangsu

Headuarters center

roduction baseverseas mareting centers











China Guangdong heiang iangxi Shandong SichuanHubei iangsuverseas ndia ietnam Hungary Morocco

orth America Los Angeles and Silicon alley in SAEurope aris in rance Hamburg in GermanyAsia Tel Aviv in srael Seoul in South orea Toyo in apan

Business Segments

16 production bases7 overseas marketing centers


3C batteryPower batteryInnovation and EcologyEnergy storage systemIntelligent hardware

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon



Corporate Vision












Core values

nnovation drives the progress o newenergy world

Customer Success Sel CriticismHonesty irst assionate EndeavorTeam or

To become a respected world-classnew energy enterprise

Systematic management capabilitydriven by uality and technologies


Core capabilities

Financial Performance in 2023


















Sunwoda Electronic Co LtdAnnual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon




Honors in 2023

Second place in the "Listed CompanyBattery Industry Dual Carbon Leadership"egeOctober 2023

Forbes China's 2023 Annual ESGInspirational Caseore

2022 Forbes China Top 50 SustainableDevelopment Industrial Enterprisesore

February 2023

Excellent Enterprise Case of Asian Low-Carbon Technology Innovation Conferenceeeoeorroeleeeroleeeologgeeer

May 2023

Ranked 7

thon the Chinese CorporateSocial Responsibility List (2022)

oueeeJuly 2023

Outstanding Responsible Enterpriseof 2022oueee

Excellent Practice Case of Green andLow-carbon Development in 2022erreoeeroLeading Enterprise in Green and Low-carboneeogge

Outstanding Enterprise in GuangdongProvince for Pollution Reduction andCarbon Emission Reduction in 2022ereoologroeougogProe

June 2023

Siemens China Zero Carbon PioneerAward - Operational PioneerExcellence Awardee

September 2023

2023 ESG Exemplary Enterprise Award


Carbon Neutral Pioneer Award

ro2023 IDC China SustainableDevelopment Pioneer Case

November 2023

2023 GGII Golden Ball Award - AnnualZero Carbon Transformation PioneerAward

uerInterface News ESG Pioneer 60 - AnnualEnvironmental ResponsibilityExcellence AwardExcellent Practice Cases for Greenand Low Carbon Development ofEnterprises in 2023eree


December 2023

Sunwoda's Recognition and Awards Received in ESGSunwoda's Recognition and Awards Received in Business Operation

2022 Special Contribution Awardfor Suppliers


February 2023

Excellent Supplier


Ranked 218

thin China's Top 500 PrivateCompanies in 2023lleeroouroere

2023 National Ministry of Industryand Information Technology "DigitalNavigation" EnterpriserouroroeologoePeole?eulo

February 2023

2022 First Cluster Clean and Low-carbonProduct Award


March 2023

Scienti?c and TechnologicalInnovation Awardooro

Ranked 146


in China's Top 500Manufacturing Companies in 2023lleeroouroereBest Product Innovation Award


2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacaoGreater Bay Area Energy Storage Scienceand Technology Innovationrggoeeougogogogoreerreergorgeooeeoru

June 2023

Ranked 291


in Fortune China Top500 Listed Companies in 2023


Ranked 29


in Guangdong Province Top100 Private Companies in 2023ugogProeeeroouroere

September 2023

2023 Forbes China Top 50 InnovativeCompanies

2023 Annual Smart ManufacturingDemonstration Factory

Ranked 37


in Top 500 Global MostPowerful New Energy Companies in 2023olreleeergeueoergoo



Technology Contribution AwardPeg

Shenzhen Industrial Award


July 2023

September 2023

November 2023

December 2023

orbes China Top

 Sustainableevelopmentndustrial EnterpriseThe th Anniversary oShenhen Carbon Maret?Leading Enterprise inGreen and Low-carbon?

Sunwoda Electronic Co LtdAnnual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon








Professional Growthuring the reporting period monthly reports were released ocusing on specialied topics including the EBattery egulation and industry insights

Interpretationof Regulations







n order to align with the mandates o the E Battery egulation and satisy the need o the customers weembared on a ?Low-Carbon evelopment o Supply Chain? initiative This proect seamlessly integratesthe principles o ?carbon pea and neutrality? into our supply chain management practices emphasiingemission reduction throughout the entire supplier lie cycle including supplier onboarding evaluationand perormance monitoring ur obective is to establish best-practice case studies and develop robustsolutions paving the way or a comprehensive roll-out o low-carbon management across our supply chain

As a member o the Global Battery Alliance GBA the company actively participates in the pilot wor othe battery passport proect Leveraging its industry advantages the company promotes the constructiono a digital platorm or battery passports integrating digital technologies such as blocchain the nterneto Things and artiicial intelligence to achieve end-to-end monitoring and comprehensive industrialmanagement services across the industry chain urthermore it combines carbon methodologies to tracand manage carbon emissions addressing issues such as traceability and saety supervision in the industrychain and carbon emissions and enhancing the transparency to the global battery value chain

The company promotes comprehensive utiliation o resource recycling t proactively incorporates recyclingprinciples into the battery design phase while also establishing a battery recycling ramewor This includesthe establishment o an intelligent recycling system or retired batteries implementing a cascade utiliationapproach or power batteries and ostering the standardied evolution o the battery recycling industry

Battery assport etails

Supply Chain Research and Management

Battery Passport Project

Circular Economy

Engaged in extensive discussionswith our core suppliersdiscussing the current landscapeo emission reduction eortsand our shared goals e havedeveloped  comprehensiveorms encompassing supplierclimate change con?ict mineralsaccess and auditing procedures

 ey suppliers have committedto our targets and  o themhave successully completed apilot run o these orms

The positive outcomes o thisproect not only support ourcompliance with customeraudit reuirements but alsodemonstrate its replicability

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-





Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

ESG Strategy and Management

While adhering to the societal responsibility principle of "upholding honesty, integrity, self-discipline, and a human-centeredapproach, ful?lling our social duties, safeguarding the rights and interests of employees, and fostering harmonious growth amongthe company, its employees, and society," Sunwoda integrates ESG management seamlessly into the operational fabric anddevelopmental trajectory of the organization. We continually enhance our commitment to sustainable development strategies,consolidate ESG practices, and thereby establish a robust foundation for the company's long-term prosperity.

Achievement of Group 29·50 goalsEnergy savingOptimize energy consumptionstructureReduce resource usageBuilding a zero carbon park

Sustainable designZero carbon manufacturingCircular economGreen logisticsProduct lifecycle quality andcarbon management

Respect employees and humanrightOccupational health and safetyEmployee training and careerdevelopmentCommunity public welfareCreating a happy workplance

Responsible procurementNetwork security and data privacyCommercial activities aimedat combating corruption andpromoting integritySustainable supply chainOpen and transparent ESGinformation disclosure

To be a globally leading green energy manufacturing enterprise

that adheres to the principles of sustainable development

Clean World(Planet)

Vision goalsThe Four Pillars

Key competencies

Value chainempowerment

DigitizationIntelligenceR&D and Innovation

Green Products


Community Humanities


Win-Win Partnership


Complete SBTi target setting by 2025Realize operational carbon neutrality

by 2050100% use of renewable energy by 2050

Enterprises dedicated to greendevelopment (E)

Enterprises dedicated to creating

social value (S)

Enterprises committed to achieving

stable operations (G)

Safe and sustainable managementthroughout the entire product lifecycle100% customer and employee satisfaction

Supply chain compliance and ESG


Sustainable development management

system (including CSO)100% anti-corruption and integrity trainingTransparent and standardized information

disclosure system and reporting

ESG Management

ESG Development Strategy

To gain a profound understanding of policy shifts, better satisfy customers' demandsv, and excel in ful?lling social responsibilities,the company undertook a series of strategic measures in the reporting period. We optimized the management structure byestablishing a Sustainable Development Strategy Committee, a Sustainable Development Management Committee. Thesecommittees were supported by project teams and sustainable teams tailored for different business sectors. The SustainableDevelopment Strategy Committee, chaired by the Board of Directors, comprised company executives who were jointly accountablefor shaping the ESG development strategy, policies, and overall work direction. The Sustainable Development ManagementCommittee executed the decisions made by the Strategy Committee, overseeing and urging workgroups to take tangible actions inimplementing ESG matters. Furthermore, the company conducted internal training sessions, organized activities, and promoted apositive and sustainable cultural philosophy to foster a deeper commitment to sustainability among its employees.

ESG Management Structure

Professional Project Teams

Sustainable Teams for Business


Sustainable Development Strategy


ESG ManagementSustainable Development Management


Environmental managementEnergy managementProduct qualityLabor and human rightsCommunity public welfareGreen logisticsSustainable supply chainDigital empowerment3CCompliance operationPowerR&D and InnovationIntelligent hardwareInformation disclosurePrecision plasticCircular economyEnergy technology

Sunwoda annually engages in material issue assessments, collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders, to identify ESG-related risksand opportunities, as well as their potential implications on the business and its stakeholders. These assessments serve as a compass, guiding thecompany in setting development goals. Aligning with industry-recognized system standards such as SA 8000, RBA Code of Conduct, ISO 14001, andISO 45001, the company has established an ESG management system tailored to its unique management practices. This includes the formulation of a

Social Responsibility Manual, outlining key management indicators and targets. Departments and business units are responsible for setting their ownindicators and executing tasks accordingly, incorporating them into performance metrics when applicable. With the collective support of the entireorganization, the company ensures e?ective management of ESG risks.

ESG Management Mechanism

Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon



rawing on its extensive experience inESG practices and its leadership role incarbon neutrality e?orts Sunwoda activelycollaborates with government bodiesenterprises industry associations andother partners to discuss and drive ESGinnovations t contributes its ?Sunwoda?strength to the green and low-carbontransormation o the industry osteringpositive social inluence and collectiveprogress

ESG Collaboration

orbes China Sustainability SummitSigned a M on Sustainable evelopment with Siemens

Sunwoda has oined the Global Battery Alliance GBA andis committed to actively taing action in battery passportstraceability systems ESG and other areas

Sunwoda oined the nited ations Global Compact GC andpledged to support the organiation?s ten principles in the areas ohuman rights labor environment and anti-corruption

As a demonstration enterprise or green and low-carbon applicationsin Shenhen Sunwoda participated in the C Shenhen specialdialogue and shared its experience and achievements in carbonreduction

olvo Asia aci?c Core Supplier orum

Exchange activities

ver 20Sharing and research

MSC ESG atingBBB

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-




Stakeholder communication

Governments and


Shareholders andinvestors




Public andcommunity


Communication and Response

Sunwoda attaches great importance to the impact of its operations on stakeholders. Wediligently identify the material issues and establish smooth communication avenues toaddress the concerns, evolving demands and expectations of all stakeholders. This approachenables Sunwoda to continually enhance its sustainability performance. The Companyactively generates economic, social, and environmental value for all the stakeholders,including governments, consumers, employees, shareholders, and industry collaborators,thereby making contributions to sustainable development.

Managementof MaterialIssues

Analysis of Material Issues

In order to continually enhance our ESG management capabilities, Sunwoda has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of material topicsthat significantly impact the Company and its stakeholders. Guided by national macro policies, the study of domestic and international socialresponsibility standards, stakeholder surveys, and the Company's own development strategy, Sunwoda has established a comprehensive library ofmaterial topics. At the commencement of 2023, Sunwoda completed an assessment of the most recent material topics, con?rming the validity of theidenti?ed topics. This report provides continuous updates on the actions taken and results achieved in addressing these relevant issues.

Identify ESG topics by referring tointernational standards and macro policies,taking into account industry focusesand peer practices, and considering theCompany's own business developmentstrategies and characteristics.

Integrate internal and external perspectivesto identify the importance and impactof each ESG topic in addition to aninvestigation of stakeholder viewpoints

Form a matrix of material topics that have asigni?cant impact on environment, societyand economy based on the analysis resultsIssues Identi?cationSortingCon?rmation


Environmental Management

Information Security andPrivacy Protection

Risk and Compliance

Business EthicsService QualityEmployee Rights and Bene?tsWater Resource Management

Carbon Peaking and Neutrality ManagementTechnology and InnovationCorporate Governance

Industry CollaborationClean Technology OpportunitiesEnergy ManagementWaste ManagementSupply Chain Management

Intellectual PropertyCon?ict Minerals

Financial PerformanceOccupational Health and Safety

Product Quality and Safety

Corporate GovernanceSociety

Material Issue Matrixof Sunwoda

Importance to the operation anddevelopment of Sunwoda's business

Importance to stakeholders

Compliance operationAnti-corruption managementEconomic performanceEnergy and greenhouse gasmanagement

Institutional investigationO?cial correspondencePolicy implementationInformation disclosureEconomic performanceCorporate governanceTechnology and innovationIndustrial cooperation

General Meeting of ShareholdersInformation disclosureRoadshowsProduct quality and safetyTechnology and innovationCon?ict mineralsClean technology opportunitiesInformation security and privacyprotection

Quality management systemCustomer service systemSatisfaction surveyInformation securitymanagement systemEmployees' rights & interests andbene?tsOccupational Health and SafetyEmployee training anddevelopment

Internal communication platformTrade unions and workers'congressesEmployee appraisal andpromotionEmployee trainingSupply chain managementCon?ict minerals

Supplier management systemSupplier evaluationSupplier exchanges and trainingIndustrial cooperationR&D and Innovation

Industrial forumsCommunication and visitsProduct quality and safetyTechnology and innovationCommunity charityRural revitalization

Communication and visitsInformation disclosureCommunity activitiesPublic welfare actionsVolunteer services

Employee Training andDevelopmentCommunity Welfare

Biodiversity Conservation

Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-




mplementation o anti-corruption practices in all business activities rom internal management to external cooperation and prohibition oany orm o corruption bribery abuse o power avoritism and malpracticeromoting a clean and honest corporate culture and enhancing the integrity awareness o all employees through various activities andcreating a sound woring environment

Business Ethics

romoting the digitiation platorm or battery passports and circular economyconstructionStrengthening the sustainable management o natural resources and haardouschemicals and reducing pollutant emissionsrganiing green and low-carbon activities to promote employees? awareness o low-carbon issues and understanding o carbon peaing and carbon neutrality goals

Annual ThemePollution Prevention and Control

Green Culture

btaining S  system certi?cation and conducting annual greenhouse gas inventories and carbonauditsoining the Science Based Targets initiative SBTi o our subsidiaries have been certi?ed by the AS  standard or carbon neutralityLaunching low-carbon proects in our supply chain

n  the Company achieved a revenue o MB  billion and the net proit attributable to shareholders o theCompany was MB  million a o increase o e comply with locally applicable labor standards o?ering  new ob opportunities recruiting over  resh graduatesand  employees rom poverty alleviation programs Local talents and suppliers are preerred in employment andprocurement

 nvestment reached MB  billionEstablishment o a diversi?ed and open  model maintaining e?cient and stable cooperation withupstream and downstream partners research institutions etc to steadily promote research proects

Innovation-driven Development

rohibition o all discrimination based on race color religious belie gender age and place oorigin adhering to the principle o ?airness and ustice?Employed  ethnic minority employees

Employees' Rights and Interests

Employees' Rights and Interests

 compliant disposal o pollutants throughout the year without anyenvironmental accidentsLaunching the ?arming and eading Garden? proect in Hongyuan illageHoumen Town

Pollution Prevention and Control

Rural Revitalization

Annual ThemeCarbon Neutrality Management

Emphasiing the protection o employees? health and achieved  employee health checupsLaunching various assistance programs such as the ?Sunshine rotection rogram? the ?TongxinyuanChildren?s Care Space roect? and the ?in anghou Children?s Transplantation Assistance rogram?to provide support in areas such as caring or sic children amily assistance and medical assistance

Occupational Health ProtectionSocial Charity

Eual employment prohibiting any restrictions on the rights and interests o emale employees inlabor or employment contracts as well as any discrimination against them in salary adustmentsand ob promotions The proportion o emale employees stands at Employees' Rights and Interests

The Huihou Boluo ntegrated ar has achieved the standard or reusing urban sewage as industrialwater through the implementation o deep treatment on its production wastewater resulting in anannual water savings o  tonsromoting water conservation and carrying out save-saving proects in accordance with the CAprinciple

Pollution Prevention and ControlWater Resource

Energy ManagementClean Technology and Green Products

Establishment o the ?Sunwoda uture Education Assistance rogram? - the ?ream Builderand Sailor? Sunwoda Scholarship rogram to oster the growth o the education sectorSocial Charity

Actively responding to the strategic deployment o the national and local government departments on rural revitaliationlaunching the ?ural Elderly Care rogram? and the ?Cultivating and eading Garden? proect in Hongyuan illage HoumenTown to support rural revitaliation and consolidate the achievements o poverty alleviation

Rural Revitalization


Sunwoda ully considers the correlation between SGs and the Company?s ESG management practicesand actively responds to SGs by leveraging its resources and capabilities The ollowing table providesan overview o the company?s direct and indirect e?orts in supporting the SGs or details please reerto the relevant chapters o this report

uring the reporting period Sunwoda has oined the nited ations Global Compact GC signiying itsdedication to uphold the ten principles outlined by the initiative Sunwoda remains committed to continuouslyenhancing its strategic ramewors and operational norms to align with these principles thus ulilling itsundamental obligations in the maret with respect to human rights labor standards environmental protection andanti-corruption e?orts

Aiming to achieve  renewable energy utiliation by  and actively expanding its photovoltaic power generationootprintClean technology innovation is regarded as one o our core strategies driving our e?orts in energy storage and 

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon




Withthevisionof"Tobecomearespectedworld-classnewenergyenterprise",Sunwodahasestablishedagovernanceframeworkthatensuresclarityinrightsandresponsibilities,continuouslyimprovedcompliancemanagement,strictlyadheredtobusinessethics,andprioritizedstableoperations.Weremaincommittedtosafeguardingthelong-terminterestsofourshareholdersandcreatingoptimalvalueforallstakeholders.CorporateGovernanceRisksandComplianceManagementBusinessEthicsFairCompetitionInformationSecurityDigitalConstructionContribution to SDGs

Sunwoda's information disclosure has been rated asA-level by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for seven

consecutive years.Excellent Practice Case of the China Association for PublicCompanies in 2022Passed the fourth level review of Intelligent ManufacturingMaturitySelected as a "Digital Leader" enterprise by the Ministryof Industry and Information Technology of China


Since its establishment the Company has adhered strictly to the laws regulations and reuirements applicable to listed companies n line with theCompany?s operations we have continually optimied our corporate governance structure and taen rigorous measures to enhance governance practicesThe governance structure encompassing the General Meeting o Shareholders the Board o irectors and specialied committees the Board o Supervisorsand the management led by the General Manager ensures a clear division o responsibilities seamless coordination and eicient operation Eachunctional level operates in strict accordance with theArticles o Associationand rules o procedure and wor e?ectively ul?lling their respective duties andobligations and saeguarding the interests o all shareholders

General Meeting ofShareholders

Board of Directors

Board ofSupervisorsSecretary of theBoard of DirectorsStrategy Committeeemuneration andAppraisal Committeeecision-maingCommittee

Directors andthe Board ofDirectors

The Board o irectors o the company consists o seven directors including three independent directorsadhering to pertinent laws regulations and the provisions o theArticles o Association The election orreplacement o directors is conducted by the General Meeting o Shareholders and directors may be dismissedrom their positions prior to the expiration o the term Each director serves a three-year term and is eligible orreelection and reappointment upon completion o their term or detailed inormation on the members o theBoard o irectors please reer to the  annual reportThe Company strictly ollows theArticles o Associationto ensure that directors are elected in an open air andindependent manner The Board o irectors appoints directors based on their competence and is committedto selecting the best candidates in the diverse principle in gender ethnic group region culture and experienceThe Company irmly believes that a diverse board will contribute to the enhancement o the Company?sperormance and is instrumental in achieving our strategic goals in sustainable development Currently theCompany?s seven directors possess extensive experience in management accounting and lawThe company has our specialied committees namely the Strategy Committee the emuneration andAppraisal Committee the Audit Committee and the omination Committee The membership o thesecommittees is exclusively comprised o directors otably the Strategy Committee is chaired by the Chairmano the Board o irectors whereas the other committees are presided over by independent directorsurthermore the proportion o independent directors within these other specialied committees stands attwo-thirds ensuring that the Board o irectors receives scienti?c and proessional advice and guidance or itsdecision-maing processes

Investors' Rights and Interests Protection

Meeting o the Board o irectors

Meeting o the omination Committee

Meeting o the emuneration and Appraisal Committee

Meeting o the Audit CommitteeAttendance rate or directors

Meeting o the Strategy Committee


Sunwoda adheres strictly to pertinent laws and regulations incorporating actual operational context to ormulate theManagement egulationson normation isclosure o Sunwoda to comply with insider trading rules and standardie the company?s inormation disclosure practicesuring the reporting period the company conducted a thorough evaluation and enhancement o corporate governance matters enhancing group-level oversight and control elevating the standards and uality o inormation disclosure and saeguarding the rights and interests o investorsConseuently Sunwoda has been awarded an A-level rating or inormation disclosure by the Shenhen Stoc Exchange or seven consecutive yearsre?ecting its commitment to transparency and accountabilityTo promote and reine its governance structure and standardie the management o investor relations the Company has ormulated theManagement egulations on nvestor elations in alignment with relevant laws and regulations and tailored to its speci?c operational contextn managing investor relations the Company adheres to the principles o airness impartiality and openness emphasiing ull and compliantdisclosure o inormation eual opportunities or investors honesty and trustworthiness eicient and cost-eective operations as well asinteractive communication Through various channels and levels o engagement the Company communicates obectively truthully accuratelyand comprehensively re?ecting its actual conditions thereby enhancing investors? understanding and recognition o the company This approache?ectively saeguards investors? right to now particularly that o small and medium-sied investors n recognition o these e?orts the companywas awarded multiple honors in  including the  Excellent ractice Case by the China Association or ublic Companies and the Best ListedCompany Award rom ew ortune

Information Disclosure

Investor Relations Management

Investor Communication ChannelsGeneral Meeting of ShareholdersPeriodic and Interim Announcements

Earning Release MeetingInvestor HotlineQ&A via irm.cninfo.com.cnInvestor ResearchRoadshow

The Governance Structure o Sunwoda

Institutional InvestorsSmall and Medium Investors

All directors are diligent and responsible. During the reporting period

General Manager


omination Committee

is Control and

Audit CenterAudit Committee

ComplianceManagement Center

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-




CSunwoda ?rmly adheres to the principle o ?compliant operation law-abiding and integrity to generate value? emanage our enterprise in strict accordance with laws and regulations striving to create sustainable value e maintainunwavering commitment to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in our business locations reuiringevery employee adhere to the Code o Conduct or Compliance thus ensuring the company?s stable and sustaineddevelopmentThe Code o Conduct or Compliance which covers diverse topics including intellectual propertyinormation security anti-corruption and anti-commercial bribery is disclosed on our o?cial website Additionallywe provide consultation and reporting channels to communicate our unwavering commitment to upholding andpracticing the core value o ?honesty and integrity? to all sectors o societyThe company is committed to continuously enhancing the e?ectiveness o its compliance management practicesBy reerencing the reuirements guidelines and best practices o both domestic and oreign compliancemanagement systems and taing into account its uniue operational context it has established a robust compliancemanagement system grounded on our ey pillars organiational structure institutional ramewor operationalmechanisms and compliance culture development uring the reporting period the company has urther re?nedthe comprehensiveness practicality and eiciency o its compliance management system ocusing on sixcritical dimensions top-level tone organiational capability ris assessment measures and tools training andcommunication and problem response

Sunwoda has established a three deense lines encompassing various business lines and subsidiaries unctionunit the compliance management department and the ris control and audit department This structure assignsclear responsibilities with the ?rst tier taing primary responsibility the second tier managing and the third tieroverseeing This matrix o roles and collaborative woring relationships ensures the seamless and e?ective operationo the compliance management system

e identiy compliance riss through interviews uestionnaires and ris sorting Based on the insights gained romthese assessments we ormulate targeted improvement plans and establish institutional processes to support themThese management measures are seamlessly integrated into our business processes eectively preventing andcontrolling any associated risse prioritie the development o internal control and compliance expertise across all business departmentsAnnually we conduct rigorous sel-inspections and sel-corrections to assess our departmental compliance andinternal controls hen issues are uncovered during these inspections we promptly issue recti?cation notices to theresponsible departments urging them to address the concerns and veriying the e?ectiveness o their recti?cationmeasures to ensure complete closureLeveraging the power o inormation technology we monitor alert report and handle riss in real-time signi?cantlyenhancing our overall ris management capabilitiese have established structural and normalied compliance training mechanisms aiming to cultivate a compliancephilosophy that emphasies ull compliance and proactive compliance among all employeese conduct regular training sessions tailored or management personnel ey positions and new employees Thesesessions aim to raise compliance awareness educate employees on the company?s compliance reuirements andamiliarie them with eedbac channels uring the reporting period we have organied  compliance trainingsessions covering nearly  employeesccasionally we disseminate compliance-related inormation or cautionary cases through emails or our corporateeChat account This approach serves as a constant reminder and alert to employees n the reporting period wereleased  promotional micro-articles and published  compliance newsletters

Sunwoda has developed an extensive suite o over  compliance management guidelines and processes Thesecover diverse areas including legal and intellectual property management compliance ris management corporategovernance ?nancial reporting human resources and labor administration inormation security environmentalprotection saety import and export as well as anti-corruption and raud prevention

oster o Compliance andnternal Control Sel-nspection








The company upholds honesty trustworthiness airness and ustice as its undamental ethical standards Apart rom theCode o Conduct or Complianceit has alsoormulated the Management egulations on Business Ethics and theManagement egulations on ntegrity and Ethical Behaviors as guidelines or honest operations o allemployees Any improper behavior such as corruption bribery abuse o power and avoritism is strictly prohibitedThe company?s integrity and compliance management structure is composed o decision-maing management execution and supervision The General Manager theChie Compliance ?cer and compliance management departments are primarily responsible or managing the company?s business ethics and corruption issues Theyorganie the ormulation and implementation o integrity and compliance rules and regulations provide resource support or the achievement o the company?s integrityand compliance goals and policies and cooperate with various business departments to ointly promote the governance o integrity and compliance The ris control andaudit department in accordance with the company?s policies on business ethics and anti-corruption develops annual internal audit plans tailored to the company?s annualbusiness obectives carries out internal audits across business lines o the company investigates and handles violations independently and impartially and implementsintegrity and compliance supervision The audit team reports to the Audit Committee under the Board o irectors uarterly covering content including but not limited tothe implementation o the internal audit plan and issues discovered during the internal audit to ensure the implementation o the reuirements or integrity and compliancegovernance

Compliance and other

functional unitsManagement

Decision MakersThe Management TeamBusiness unit

ExecutionCompliance risidenti?cation andimplementation planning

is governance auditinvestigation and accountabilityinvestigation or violationslanning and coordination

Risk control and audit



irst line o deenseSecond line o deenseThird line o deense

ntegrity and Compliance Governance Structure

The Audit Committee

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Mutual Bene?t

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uring the reporting period the companyhas comprehensively promoted integritymanagement by ocusing on our eyareas organiational structure systemoperational mechanism and culturalconstruction

ntegrity and Compliance Cultural Baaar

Chec-in Activity

ntegrity Advocacy at Supplier Conerencee have established a dedicated investigation team directly accountable to the Board o irectors tooversee supervision inspection and accountability or any integrity violations This ensures the team?scomplete independence within the governance structure


A special proect was initiated to strengthen our integrity and compliance management system Throughvarious approaches we have re?ned our ris inventory developed improvement plans and evaluated theeectiveness o our integrity and compliance designs in critical business areas Conseuently we havenewly established and improved ive institutional regulations providing robust support or adhering tolaws regulations and ethical business practicese have completed the establishment o integrity and compliance systems or various subsidiariesincluding ower Technology Liwinon and Sunwinon ntelligenceSystem

e summaried the integrity riss and corresponding measures existing in ey areas personnel andpositionse have improved the reporting investigation and punishment mechanisms related to integrity issues oemployees and supplierse implemented raud clue monitoring and warning leveraging inormation technologyntegrity has been included as a critical veto indicator in the perormance evaluation o all employeese conducted special investigation and audit proects on-site audit supervision o bidding andtendering integrity interviews and other measures to veriy the integrity perormance o suppliers duringcooperation in order to strengthen the company?s integrity management reuirementsOperationalMechanism


This included establishing a regular training mechanism that covers all sta? with a ocus on integritytraining or management and ey personnel n the reporting period  integrity training sessions wereorganied involving nearly  employees deepening their awareness o complianceccasionally publish integrity advocacy or cautionary cases through emails or enterprise eChataccounte launched the arty Conduct and ntegrity Education Month and the ntegrity and ComplianceAwareness Month activities employees participated in the annual sel-inspection o integrity and honesty

e adopted a top-down all-sta? covered and multi-measure strategy to carry out integrityculture construction and create a clean and honest woring atmosphere

oruler?e proactively communicate the sunshine cooperation reuirements through various channels includingsupplier conerences integrity interviews and announcements on the SM system This ensures thatsuppliers are ully aware o our expectations and standards or ethical conduct e closely monitor theintegrity perormance o our suppliers during the cooperation process enalties or corruption or raudare determined based on the severity o the situation and in accordance with contract provisionsn the reporting period the company has organied two supplier brie?ng conerences with over suppliers participating issued two integrity advocacy letters or estivals and penalied over  suppliersor violations o our integrity policies

Integrity Culture

The Company has ormulated and releasedthe Management egulations on histle-blowing Acceptance and nvestigation the Anti-raudManagement egulations and the Management egulations on histle-blower rotection oers diverse reporting channels including emailtelephonee-Chat and reporting platorms Employees suppliers and related partners are encouraged and guided to utilie these channels toreport any suspected corruption bribery or signiicant unethical practices anonymously or with real names through the oicial website emailtraining tweets and posters

Whistle-blowing Mechanism

Reporting channel:

l?ubaosunwodacomee?wwwsunwodacomubaoPoe?- or  eChat Accountlgre?Sunwoda Audit epartment o  ihe oad Shilong Community

Shiyan Sub-district Bao?an istrict Shenhen CityReportInvestigation and HandlingResult Noti?cation

Anonymous reporteview the nature and severity oreported incidents assess the necessityo initiating an investigation

Real-name reportnitiate an investigation promptly

nvestigate and address the reportedmatter within  woring days romthe day ollowing the receipt o thereport or complex cases that reuiremore extensive investigation thehandling duration may be extended toa maximum o  woring days

ssue an investigation and auditreport and submit it to the Chairmanor approval ater the investigationis completed and notiy the whistle-blower o the investigation outcometo uphold their right to be inormedand ensure transparencyhistleblowing handling procedure


Sunwoda ?rmly stands against any orm o unair competition strictly adhering to pertinent laws and regulations such asthe AntiMonopoly Law and the Anti nair Competition Lawe actively conduct internal training sessions on anti-unair competitionto educate our employees on maintaining high ethical and proessional standards This ensures that we uphold the principles oairness and integrity in our business practices thereby preserving the orderly and air competitive landscape within the industry

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Adhering to the networ environment security and inormation security management concept o?improving inormation security awareness implementing inormation security control reducinginormation security riss and ensuring business continuity and stability? Sunwoda has set upan inormation security management structure to promote the construction o a managementsystem a technical system and a data security protection system The Company has establishedthe normation Security rganiation Committee which is led by the Chairman and serves asits highest decision-maing body To ensure seamless and accountable security practices thecompany has reorganied its security organiations across all business departments subsidiariesand branches aligning them with the ?ve maor sectors and eight maor businesses o the groupThis structured approach has enabled Sunwoda to implement inormation security managementmore eectively saeguarding the operation o all its business operations The company hasobtained S and German TSA certi?cation and the inormation security managementcarrier computer room has passed the national level three evaluation Through the maturityassessment o intelligent manuacturing capabilities the networ and inormation securitymodules have successully passed the ourth level assessmentn  the company has ormulated a ?ve-year plan or inormation security which will mainlyocus on our aspects namely deepening the management system optimiing the securityorganiation ensuring the saety technology and supervising the saety operation This willachieve the long-term goal o preventing inormation leaage internally and attacs externallyand escorting the digital construction and development o the companyn addition to basic data security emergency plans all business departments o the Companycarry out monthly sel-inspections and investigations or networ and inormation security toguarantee inormation security The content o inspection includes oice security industrialcontrol security inormation security training inormation security incident reporting andnetwor patrol The results o sel-inspection are reported each month and closed-loopmanagement is applied to the issues discovered The Company also provides inormationsecurity training o various orms including email push o?ine empowerment sessions video-based micro-lectures and message push and inormation security wee activities etcn addition the company continuously carriesout inormation security audits nternalaudits are conducted annually covering o the production bases with stableoperation in the battery production segmentExternal audits are conducted regularly byproessional third parties authoried by thecompany including conducting inormationsecurity management sampling audits or allproduction bases with stable operation in thebattery production segment at least once ayear and conducting complete audits or allbases once every three years n the reportingperiod the company proactively cooperatedwith customers to conduct six audits relatedto networ and inormation security anddata security to ensure that the managemento networ and inormation security anddata security meets the reuirements ocustomers o inormation security accidentsoccurred

Training sessions

Covering employees

16,293Graphic and text tweets

with views




n alignment with the standards and guidelines set orth by the Ministry o ndustry and normation Technology o China?s

Smart Manuacturing emonstration actory and the national standard Smart Manuacturing Capability Maturity ModelGBT - the company has ormed a comprehensive secure replicable and scalable technical architectureThe unctional hierarchy o our smart manuacturing system encompasses our crucial layers euipment edge digitalmid-platorm and application ront des Leveraging our core mid-platorms namely technology business data andA we have developed smart manuacturing industrial sotware suites tailored or internal production cycles along withintelligent service sotware pacages or external production supply and sales cycles These comprehensive pacagescater to the entire spectrum o needs or a typical industrial production enterprise encompassing supply sales production operation and maintenance urthermore they possess the capability to provide cross-industry whole-actory-level solutions e?ectively reducing costs inventories and enhancing uality and e?ciencyrawing rom over two decades o extensive manuacturing expertise our company has identi?ed and consolidated sevenpivotal smart manuacturing technologies o ABCEG Leveraging this now-how we have ormulated an advancedextreme manuacturing system architecture and constructed an industrial and inormation integration ecologicalplatorm At the heart o this platorm lies our smart manuacturing core which osters deep interactions betweenmultiple platorms and systems This integrated approach ensures the e?ective realiation o our smart manuacturingobectives

elying on the eight core technologies o ?nternet  nternet o Things  Big ata  Cloud Computing  A  A  igitalTwin  Blocchain? Sunwoda combines its own characteristics and years o application practice to build a uniue digital valuechain system orming an end-to-end system integrated with intelligent production chain intelligent research and developmentchain and intelligent supply chain which supports the construction o a world-class intelligent actory with intelligence andadvancement



During the reporting period

Big ata


igital Twin


adio reuencytechnology


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As the ?rst enterprise in the new energy industry passed the levelfour accessment of intelligent manufacturing maturity.Awarded the honorary title o igital ilot Enterprise by theMinistry o ndustry and normation Technology o China

Maturity Level  Certi?cate or Manuacturing Capability

Digital/intelligent upgrading of thesupply chain

By building an integrated supply chainplatorm CM and SM enable externalupstream and downstream collaborationpromptly predicting customer orderand accurately transmitting suppliers?material reuirements to suppliers nternalcollaboration transorms demand plansinto production plans material plans andordering plans through the AS supplychain hub systemBased on the blocchain platorm theindependently developed ianlianindustrial internet platorm achievesinormation collaboration among supplierso ey components in terms o productionlogistics inventory and purchase orders

The upgrade o the Extechlm systemwas completede executed the developmentand promotion o the  proectmanagement system based on theLM system The LM system canhelp the company improve productdevelopment eiciency optimieproduct design uality reduce productdevelopment costs strengtheninternal collaboration improvecustomer satisaction and supportdata analysis and decision-maingThe development and applicationo the process management modulewas inalied enabling seamlessintegration and management o processes

MES system improving on-sitemanagementt achieves comprehensive integrationand collaborative management oelements such as planning sitelogistics uality euipment andresources with interconnection andinteroperability among ?human-machine-material-method-environment? enabling ull traceabilityo the product throughout the process

Supply ChainProduction ChainR&D Chain

During the reporting period

Process DigitalTransformation

uring the reporting period the company initiated the construction o the ES platormwhich realies the implementation o processes through uni?ed planning managementapproval monitoring and optimiation o the entire lie-cycle o processes as well as theintegration o process management and ris management hase  has been launched andused in some unctional departments

Construction o the ES rocess Management latorm







Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon




Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Withthecorporatemissionof"Innovationdrivestheprogressofnewenergyworld",SunwodahascontinuouslyincreaseditsinvestmentinscientificandtechnologicalR&Dinthefieldofgreenandcleantechnology.CleantechnologyinnovationstandsasapivotalstrategyinSunwoda'squestforsustainablebusinessgrowth.Thiscommitmentismanifestedintheenhancementofproductquality,theprovisionofcustomer-satisfyingservices,theestablishmentoftransparentandmutuallybeneficialprocurementrelationships,andtheproactivefacilitationofupstreamanddownstreamindustrialchaindevelopment.R&DandInnovationProductQualityandSafetyCustomerServiceSustainableSupplyChainContribution to SDGs

The ratio of quali?ed smelters reached100%

The number of newly authorized patents reached1,399R&D investment reached RMB



Zero product recall incidents



hile continuously emphasiing and ortiying the establishment o its innovation system Sunwodaaligns its  direction with business development and progressively increases  investment Thisapproach aims to oster a corporate culture o innovation and encourage collaborative innovationith a total wororce o  employees including  holding master?s degrees and  holdingdoctorates Sunwoda?s  team is organied into six dedicated teams the C battery research teamthe power battery core and system research institute the intelligent hardware research institute theenergy storage research institute and the intelligent manuacturing research team This structureensures sustainable product innovation across various ronts

The company's R&D investment

in the past three years


MB billion


MB 



MB 


C battery  team

esearch and develop batteries or C prod-ucts including mobile phones laptops elec-tric tools and mobile power supplies

rovide E battery pac solutions or glob-al new E manuacturers on the strengtho advanced lithium battery integrationtechnologies roducts provided includepower cells power battery modules bat-tery management systems BMSs andpower battery systems

Energy Technology Battery  TeamMainly engaged in the development ointelligent transportation batteries andcontrol systems small power batteriesand power battery systems small ener-gy storage batteries and energy storagesystems power management systemsand sotware as well as smart termi-nal products such as electric bicyclebatteries electric scooter batteries mo-torcycle batteries wireless earphonebatteries sweeping robot batteriessmartwatch batteries drone batteriesspeaer batteries mobile power sup-plies etc

ntelligent hardware research instituteesearch and develop intelligent hardwareproducts such as  wearable devices all-in-one machines drones electronicpens smart speaers translators balancescooters story teller machines cleanhousehold appliances etcEnergy storage research instituteesearch and develop energy storage prod-ucts such as grid energy storage industrialand commercial energy storage householdenergy storage networ energy and smartenergy products

ntelligent manuacturing  team

esearch and develop battery-related au-tomated production lines and automatedeuipment The products cover lithiumbattery cells o consumer electronics pow-er cells modules and pac productionlines o electric vehicles and related laserwelding euipment t possesses strongcapabilities in the design developmentintegration and implementation o plant-wide automation

ower cell and battery system re-search institute

To consistently uel  eorts and spar creativity among its employees the Company leverages innovative motivating systems includingtheManagement egulations on nnovationandthe Management egulations on Technical nnovation ewards Sunwoda establishes various awardsincluding atent Expert Technology Star mprovement Award and nnovation Award to commend and celebrate individuals and teams who havedemonstrated remarable achievements in their wor throughout the year This approach encourages and motivates employees to harness theircreativity enhancing the Company?s independent innovation capability and promoting the progress o science and technology which is ointlypropelled by technical management and innovation To urther encourage employees to exercise their imagination and creativity in their dailywor Sunwoda organied the ?Boundary-breaing nnovation ew uture?  Technology and Management nnovation Competition Thiscompetition evaluated the submitted cases based on criteria such as cost-e?ectiveness originality promotional value and implementation di?cultyand awarded pries and bonuses o varying levels This initiative aimed to cultivate an innovative culture guiding and promoting technical andmanagement innovation throughout the organiation

R&D Motivation

rior to our e?orts the maret or silicon-carbon materials was dominated by overseas suppliers leading to challenges such as constrained supply protracted procurementcycles and unpredictable on-demand supply ur company has successully overcome the hurdles in the preparation and application o deposition-type silicon-carbonmaterial cells ensuring that their perormance reaches the globally renowned technological standards urthermore our domestically developed G silicon-carbon materialhas shattered the oreign monopoly stabiliing the supply chain and production process This has also resulted in signi?cant cost reductions ur ongoing research on thedomestic G silicon-carbon material promises international competitiveness This advanced material will be initially utilied in high-capacity silicon-carbon system cells with acapacity o Ah

ur company has established a tailored development process and hierarchical decision-maing rameworspeci?cally aligned with the technical domain o intelligent hardware products This ensures rigorous controlover the design easibility throughout the proect implementation process with a ocus on achieving universalapplicability manuacturability and enhanced user-riendliness in our o?erings Taing the electric toothbrushas an example the Company ully understands user needs during the design o hardware and system unctions toimprove user experience The structure uses sae and environmentally riendly materials and the handshae sieis optimied through simulated use tests taing into account the usage habits o di?erent groups o people



Achieving Domestic Manufacturing of Silicon-Carbon Materials

User-Friendly Design

Establish a productstrategy

Optimize product developmente execute comprehensive activities that encompass maretanalysis technological advancements process structuringrigorous testing production eiciency and procurementstrategies This endeavor shall be steered by the whole-process management planning o product development andmanaged through six distinct stages concept ormulationplanning development veriication release and liecyclemanagement To mitigate development riss and achievetimely resource integration we undertae investments andconduct evaluations at our critical decision-maing reviewpoints and six technical review checpoints throughoutthe process This approach ensures the accurate and rapiddevelopment o new products tailored to maret demandsand leveraging shared platorms while maintaining low costsand high-uality standards

Matrix-typed projectmanagemente clariy the Company?s core productsprimary areas o operation coretechnologies outline the strategicvision ormulate strategic plans andalign them with our overall businessobectives Additionally we examineour business models devise strategiesor product and maret expansion andultimately crat a product line businessplan to ensure that we are euipped tomeet the maret demands o our owerBattery Core and System esearchnstitute

t?s a cross-unctional teamrom diverse departmentsencompassing  mareting?nance procurement productionand uality assurance Eachdepartment is represented byits own team member osteringa collaborative eort across alldisciplines to ointly achievethe obectives o the productdevelopment proects

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-




n  Sunwoda centered its e?orts on promoting low carboniation electri?cation and intelligence e ept a een eye on the  trillion-scaleindustries spurred by the new energy revolution including new energy vehicles batteries and energy storage green hydrogen energy the next-generation inormation industry vehicle-grid interaction and distributed photovoltaicsith the aim o ully bolstering our technological innovationprowess and realiing our long-term development goals we established a diversi?ed and open  ramewor This allowed us to orge e?cient andstable collaborations with upstream and downstream partners scienti?c research institutions and other partners leading to noteworthy progress inour research proects By the end o the reporting period several proects had yielded tangible results and achieved independent operation

or industry-university-research cooperation Sunwoda introduced and enhanced an innovative concept in early  encompassing six eydimensions cutting-edge technology exchanges shared  resources collaborative technical proects government proect applications oint talentcultivation and commercialiation o scienti?c outcomes By the end o the reporting period our company had orged collaborations with numerousprestigious universities and research institutions including eing niversity Shenhen nternational Graduate School Tsinghua niversity Shenhennternational Graduate School Beiing nstitute o Technology Sun at-sen niversity South China niversity o Technology alian niversity oTechnology Tongi niversity Beiing iaotong niversity Central South niversity and Songshan Lae Materials Laboratory These collaborationsspan diverse ?elds lie lithium-ion battery technology and battery materials thereby propelling the high-uality development o the industry withcutting-edge technologies and enabling our company to grow stronger on the oundation o robust  capabilitiesSince the establishment o our postdoctoral scienti?c research worstation in  we have collaborated with various universities including Tsinghuaniversity South China niversity o Technology niversity o Science and Technology o China and alian niversity o Technology Through thesepartnerships we have ointly nurtured postdoctoral talents specialiing in diverse ?elds such as materials science physical chemistry electricalengineering saety engineering and mechanics As o the end o the reporting period we have successully recruited and developed  postdoctoraltalents comprising  Shenhen eserve Talents and  verseas High-level Talents otably  have completed their development program andhave been out o post-doctoral stations and achieved noteworthy accomplishments

Open Innovation

ndependent 


Customer CollaborationSupplier Co-development

Exploring the directiono  proects

Leading edgetechnology

Customied and precisedevelopment

ocus on materials andeuipment

R&D Mode:

R&D Mode:

R&D Mode:R&D Mode:




uring the reporting period Sunwoda invited experts to hold over  internal technology exchange meetings more than  external academicseminars and exhibitions and participated in the ormulation o standards uring the reporting period Sunwoda participated in the ormulationo  national-level industrial-level and group-level standards e organied the th Shenhen Sta? Technology nnovation Games  the Shenhen Sills Competition- roessional Sill Competition or programmable control system designers

Industrial Exchanges and Cooperation

The ?alley o eath? reers to the process o converting scientiic research achievements into industrialied commodities How to transormlaboratory samples into products and inally achieve large-scale production o commodities is a relay race Liang ui the ice resident o theCompany along with the Songshan Lae Materials Laboratory o the Chinese Academy o Sciences were invited to CCT?s ialogue program todiscuss the challenges and opportunities o transorming scienti?c and technological achievements in the ?eld o materials as well as how to achievemutual promotion through innovative cooperation models between scientists and enterprises and to build an iron bridge across the ?alley oeath? enabling the seamless transition o scienti?c and technological achievements into industrial applications

The ey special proect o ?Hydrogen Energy Technology? aims to promote the energy revolution and build a strong energy country by systematicallyarranging green hydrogen production sae and dense storage and transportation and e?cient utiliation technologies t aims to connect basicoresight common ey technologies engineering applications and assessment norms and achieve the overall goal o bringing China?s hydrogenenergy technology  level into the advanced world level by The Company is involved in the national ey  plan ?Consistency AssuranceTechnology or Mass roduction o ehicle-mounted Type  Hydrogen Storage Bottles? in the direction o hydrogen energy sae storage and rapiddistribution system technology The aim is to overcome the bottlenecs that limit the commercial application o commercial products such as thelow reliability o the plastic liner o the Mpa Type  hydrogen storage bottle and the poor stability o the winding process and to solve a series oey technical issues rom design to production reaching the international leading level

Guest Appearance on CCTV's Dialogue Program to Explore Navigating the "Valley of Death" in theTransition of Scienti?c and Technological Achievements to Industrialization

Key Special Project of "Hydrogen Energy Technology"

nder the guidance o the Shenhen MunicipalBureau o ndustry and normation Technologyand the Advanced Battery Materials ndustryCluster the rd Advanced Battery MaterialsCluster ndustry evelopment orum was held with the theme o ?Carbon eaingand eutrality nitiates a ew EcosystemCluster ntelligence Creates a ew uture? epresided over the eynote report session and theroundtable dialogue on ?Building a ew orld-Class Advanced Battery Cluster Ecosystem? anddelivered the eynote reports titledChallengesand rogress o High Speci?c Energy ower CellsExploration and Attempts to Build a ero-CarbonSmart ar in the ace o ual Carbon GoalsandConsumer Lithium Battery emand andApplication Exploration o Solid Electrolytes

The 3rd Advanced Battery Materials Cluster Industry Development Forum 2023

Sunwoda?s  Advanced Battery Materials Cluster

ndustry evelopment orum




Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon



Clean Technologyand Green Product

Sunwoda steadastly adheres to its corporate mission o ?nnovation driving the progress o thenew energy world? e consistently enhance our investment in scientiic and technological speciically targeting green and clean technology Clean technology innovation stands as one oour core strategies propelling the sustainable growth o our business e integrate green and low-carbon principles into every aspect o our operations rom product manuacturing to businessadministration and incorporate these concepts into our overall strategic planning Additionallywe actively acilitate the low-carbon development o upstream and downstream industrial chainscontributing to a more sustainable utureHarnessing the exceptional high energy density long liespan and unparalleled saety o our lithium battery modules and products we providerobust and dependable energy support to a range o green transportation vehicles ur dedication to developing ?ash-charge batteries is unwaveringocusing on power batteries that o?er long endurance ultra-ast charging sae durability and high value retention To address the challenges olimited driving range sluggish charging speeds and saety concerns in new energy vehicles we leverage ey technologies such as our independentlydesigned lash-charge high-conductivity networ material technology high-saety medium-nicel cathode and innovative high-conductivityelectrolyte urthermore our ull lie-cycle adaptive supercharging strategy and high-precision coating and lamination technology enhance thesaety and reliability o our ?ash-charge batteries ensuring they meet the rigorous demands o long-distance driving and high-load transportation Bysigni?cantly improving the driving range and service lie o vehicles we inect robust momentum into the green development o transportation tools

Sunwoda o?ers intelligent energy solutions tailored or ero-carbon transportation scenarios ts primary obective is to introduce clean energy andenergy storage stations thereby mitigating the grid?s burden due to high-power charging and ostering environmentally riendly and carbon-neutraltravel Concurrently it deploys advanced supercharging stations and battery swap acilities signiicantly enhancing the charging and swappingexperiences or vehicle owners eectively addressing their mileage anxiety The Company is rapidly expanding its national ootprint with theambitious ?Ten Cities Hundred Stations Thousand Charging iles? initiative urther strengthening its commitment to green transportation

Green Travel Solutions

uring the reporting period based on the  and plus solutions or rectangular lash-charge batteries Sunwoda continued to develop CMbattery cells with higher supercharging capacity and low-cost L supercharging battery cells introducing the  solution This solution covers allscenarios and all-weather supercharging needs enabling a charge to  SC in - minutes achieving a driving range o over  ilometers withust  minutes o charging and easily reaching a total driving range o  ilometers t incorporates T o Thermal ropagation technology orall scenarios ensuring saety and reliability throughout the battery?s entire lie-cycle

4C Fast Charging 2.0

n active response to the national carbon emission peaing and carbon neutrality policy andto meet the growing demand or charging o new energy vehicles Sunwoda has implementeda ?photovoltaic storage charging and inspection? solution based on its core storage batterytechnology high-power supercharging technology photovoltaic power generation technologyintelligent detection technology or power batteries and intelligent energy managementtechnology Sunwoda has launched and operated its ?rst liuid-cooled supercharging station atits Guangming baseCovering a total area o approximately  suare meters the proect utilies photovoltaic powergeneration to provide green electricity or new energy vehicles The carport is euipped with suare meters o photovoltaic panels which are expected to generate an average annualelectricity output o approximately  h saving  tons o standard coal and reducingemissions by  tons each year Additionally the station is euipped with one liuid-cooledsupercharger and seven C ast chargers capable o supporting the simultaneous chargingo eight new energy vehicles The liuid-cooled supercharger has a maximum power o up to o?ering charging e?ciency that is - times aster than ordinary ast charging enablinga rapid charging experience o  minutes or a driving range o  ilometers

The Launch of Sunwoda's First Smart Photovoltaic, Storage, Charging, and Inspection Station

?hotovoltaic Storage Charging and nspection? - A ew

Card or Sunwoda?s ero-Carbon Travel

uring the reporting period Sunwoda released the new generation o oah series  large-capacity liuid-cooled energy storage system whichadopts Ah battery cells and can achieve a standard -oot container energy storage system with an energy capacity o Mh t boasts eatureso high saety high capacity and high e?ciency hile maintaining the advantages o a cycle lie o  times and a battery lie o up to  yearscompared with the currently mainstream -oot Mh energy storage system its energy density has increased by  system energy hasincreased by  and its comprehensive energy e?ciency is greater than  resulting in a  reduction in charging costs over the entire lie cycleThe use o proprietary patented high-saety electrolyte and double insulation design greatly improves the saety perormance o energy storage

NoahX 2.0 Liquid-cooled Energy Storage System

uring the reporting period Sunwoda assisted Huihou City in building its ?rst rural revitaliationsmart photovoltaic storage and charging integration proect integrating ?photovoltaic  storage charging? into a single unit to orm a diversi?ed and complementary microgrid system Thisintegrated system seamlessly switches between grid-connected and o?-grid operation modesensuring intelligent interaction with the power grid This not only supplies green energy tonew energy vehicles but also taes into account crucial unctions such as pea shaving andvalley ?lling or electricity thereby reducing costs associated with power distribution capacityexpansion urthermore the proect eectively addresses challenges related to intermittencyand instability in new energy generation This saeguards the application scenarios o rural greentravel and low-carbon living or new energy vehicles while simultaneously promoting the greentransormation o energy in rural areas verall this initiative serves as a model or sustainableenergy development in rural communities

The Operation of the Integrated Photovoltaic, Storage, and Charging Station in Xutian Village, Boluo, Huizhou

Sunwoda utian ural evitaliation ntegratedhotovoltaic Storage and Charging Station

ith the rapid development o renewable energy the demand or energy storage systems is expected to continue to grow in the next ew years oreven longer Energy storage systems play a ey role in balancing the volatility o renewable energy improving grid stability providing bacup capacityor power systems and responding to pea power demand Based on the user needs and pain points in the segmented maret Sunwoda innovatesits products and solutions in energy storage deeply cultivating ?ve maor business areas including power energy storage industrial and commercialenergy storage household energy storage networ energy and smart energy which have covered more than  application scenarios so ar uringthe reporting period the Company actively launched new products including the new generation o Mh oah liuid-cooled energy storagesystem household energy storage all-in-one SunESsower and SS-A in the C ?eld leading the industry technology revolution As o theend o the reporting period the cumulative installed capacity o the energy storage systems exceeded Gh

Energy Storage System Solutions





Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon




To establish a platorm or mutual exchange and learning between  personnel o Sunwoda andpatent examiners promote mutual understanding and cooperation between  personnel andpatent examiners and improve the uality o patent examination and authoriation Sunwoda appliedto become a practice site or the Shenhen High-tech one Examiner ractice Base o the ationalntellectual roperty Administration in  uring the reporting period the company invited examinersrom the Materials epartment o the ational ntellectual roperty Administration to visit and exchangeideas discussing issues such as precautions or patent applications and how to use intellectual propertyto enhance enterprise competitiveness

Intellectual Property Examiner Practice Base

Sunwoda ully integrates the concept o carbon neutrality into the planning investment construction management and operation o pars andbuilds a ey path o ?source-grid-load-storage? integration n Sunwoda?s Boluo ar in Huihou the ?distributed energy demonstration system withmulti-energy complementary integration and optimiation? program a state-level ey research and development program as one o the ?rst ?near-ero-carbon pars? in the power battery industry was accepted Sunwoda reached strategic cooperation with aohuang High-tech one LanxiMunicipal Government and Huihou Boluo Government on the ?source-grid-load-storage? integration to plan and build ero-carbon pars helpinglocal governments achieve carbon reduction targets

Zero-carbon Park Solutions

IntellectualProperty Rights

Sunwoda holds a proound respect or intellectual property rights and business secrets both its own and those belongingto others To ensure ero inringement on the rights and interests o external parties the Company conducts thorough risinvestigations during the research and development phase during the promotional phase and prior to product salesBased on these investigations intellectual property protection or violation prevention plans are meticulously cratedurthermore the Company organies specialied training sessions or researchers developers and intellectual propertypersonnel to enhance their awareness and appreciation o intellectual property rightsTo eectively identiy and control intellectual property riss in the business process strengthen the management oSunwoda?s trademars and urther promote the e?ectiveness o intellectual property wor during the reporting periodthe Company newly ormulated or revised institutional documents such asthe Management egulations on ntellectualroperty iss the Management egulations on Trademars and Management egulations on the atent Acuisitione also conducted a ris investigation o inringement o products to be sold or each business unit and  subsidiaries oSunwoda received certi?cation o the intellectual property management system

As of the end of the reportingperiodThe number o new patentapplicationsThe number o new authoriedpatents



Quality Management

Sunwoda has implemented a rigorous uality management system that spans the entire spectrum o its operations encompassing materialprocurement product design and development production and post-sales services ith a steadast commitment to achieving ero deects in itsproducts the Company strives to deliver exceptional products to its customers Annually the company conducts a thorough review o its ualitymanagement system in accordance withthe uality and HS Manual the Management egulations on nternal Audit and other pertinent regulationsrompt corrective measures are taen to ensure the continuous eectiveness o the system This robust uality management ramewor has beenconsecutively recognied and certi?ed by multiple third-party uality systems including the S  uality Management System the EC C Haardous Substance rocess Management System the AT  Automotive uality Management System and the A system certi?cation

Sunwoda has established a complete and mature management system and procedure that can manage routine a?airs with ?three rates? completenessrate improvement rate compliance rate analye various procedures and output ey improvement measures based on business pain points n terms oon-site implementation Sunwoda has set up a special inspection organiation and organied standard teach-ins to improve the capability o observingand managing standards and procedures on site To improve the eiciency o uality management and standardie various uality managementstandards the Company independently developed a uality management system MS enabling the recording statistics analysis and traceability ouality data throughout the entire lie-cycle uring the reporting period Sunwoda launched the comprehensive uality system that aims to achievegreater mobiliation and digitiation paving the way or uture big data-driven uality alerts and enhanced operational e?ciency

Quality Management System

Quality Improvement

Intelligent Quality Control Decision-making through the QMS Platform

Customer Complaint  AnalysisStatistics o Corrective and reventive Measures

SC Management and eal-time monitoringuality data collection and analysis management

Standard managementEquipment and measuring

tool management

Detection data uploadMaterial standardmanagementSampling plan settingeect code management

Euipment and measuringtool ledgerMeasurement and analysis


C euipment dataC euipment dataA euipment data

Data source:ata exchangeAutomatic value:Automatically obtainedJudgment rules:Maintenance rulesAutomatic warning:udgment mechanism


Supplier quality


Raw materialsquality



After-salessystemSupplier shipment reportMonthly supplierperormanceSupplier  eportClaim records

Maintenance oinspection standardsaw material inspectionverdue inspectionon-conormancereview

irst pieceinspectionnspectionSnae release testAbnormal review

Shipmentinspectioninished productreeingeturn inspectionAbnormal review

Customercomplaint ledgerCustomer returnledgerMaor ualityaccidents

OA: eview resultsERP: elivery notesuppliercustomer inormation etcMES: or orders shipmentinormation process recordsScheduling:receiving inormation

Data association

Infrastructure construction




QualityimprovementBasic support

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon



Sunwoda continuously carries out and promotes the construction o the uality culture by means o uality publicity uality activities ualityimprovement uality nowledge populariation and uality brand buildingQuality Culture Construction

o product was recalled due touality deects and no incident thatposed a threat to consumers? liesaety was reported

on-conorming product control process

The conormity rate o products in allbusiness units o Sunwoda was nearly

e widely publicied the awareness o uality in the orms o promotional manuscripts poster slogansand high-uality tweets uring the reporting period a total o  manuscripts were designed and uality o?cial e-Chat posts were published with a cumulative number o exceeding  views

e organied CC training Six Sigma certi?cation and proposal improvement activities aiming toinvolve all employees or continuous improvement uring the reporting period a total o  enablingand counseling activities were carried out with a duration o over  hours The completion rate othe CC proect submissions was  and the estimated ?nancial bene?t was nearly MB  millione held the ?rst Sunwoda Supplier CC Competition

e participated in Shenhen city level and national level competitions and won the proessional levelaward in the national C group achievement publication and exchange activitiesn the inal competition o Shenhen worers? ?ive Small? innovation and uality technologyachievements we won  gold medals and  silver medalsutstanding esult o the ational Light ndustry uality Management TeamChampion o the Lenovo Customer CC Competition in 

e carried out activities such as uality Month and select the uality Star every uarter

e developed uality courses covering live-streaming lectures and supervisor training etc

InitiativesContentQuality publicityQuality activities

Quality improvement

Quality knowledge popularization

Quality brand building

Report and


Conirm the presence o deective products and in the event oharmul substances exceeding acceptable levels initiate an expand-ed investigation to encompass the entire supply chain


Through rigorous inspection identiy batches o non-conormingproducts and clearly indicate the adverse phenomena observedemove the products rom the stocing area and label them orisolationTae temporary measures and evaluate whether the deective?nished products have been shipped outTae long-term measures or the root cause and carry out horiontalinvestigation

uring the reporting period Sunwoda sorted out and optimied the entire scrap disposal process o deective products in production as well as theprocesses related to the demands purchases and transer o scrap or production auxiliary materials clamping tools sample trials certi?cationsand scrap products Six improvement proects were established or  issues and all improvements have been completed

Sorting out and Improving Scrap Disposal Process

Sunwoda Supplier CC Conerencepening Ceremony o Six Sigma Blac Belt Training Course

The theme o this year?s uality Month is ?mplementing Cost eduction and EiciencyEnhancement Strategies to Boost uality and Bene?ts? Sunwoda held a series o uality Monththeme activities including online uies and lotteries on uality nowledge the ?Everyoneroposes Cost eduction and E?ciency Enhancement? creative ideas collection the ising Staruality nowledge Competition the th uality Competition and the roposal mprovementLevel Evaluation Conerence The cumulative number o participants exceeds 

Perfect Conclusion of the 2023 Sunwoda Quality Month

uality Month romotional mage


Sunwoda ?rmly adheres to the environmental protection standards ensuring that all products comply with the reuiredregulations t has standardied the control o harmul substances throughout the entire product liecycle encompassingraw material procurement new product development manuacturing pacaging storage and transportation whichguarantees that the products? harmul substances adhere to both regulatory standards and customer expectationsThe Company has developed the Technical Standards or Environmental Management Substances These standardsprovide a solid oundation or procurement teams suppliers and other relevant departments to eectively controlharmul substances and prevent the entry and usage o materials components parts and products containing harmulsubstances urthermore the Company has intensi?ed its perormance management and auditing o suppliers in terms oreducing harmul substance emissions Haardous substance audits are incorporated into the new supplier introductionreview process and annual supplier audits ensuring suppliers? compliance with the company?s environmental saetyand uality standards To maintain the integrity o the procurement process the company has integrated its materialcerti?cation system with the procurement system This ensures that all purchased materials are thoroughly certi?ed andregularly updated on the material certi?cation list Sunwoda implements a monthly supplier evaluation system wheresuppliers ound to be involved in environmental non-compliance use o ae or prohibited materials or data alsi?cationwill be promptly rated as grade  or that month?s perormance

During the reporting period




Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon



CSSunwoda holds a steadast commitment to the customer-centered approach deeply comprehending and responding to customer eedbac andneeds e strive to orge resilient customer relationships through diverse channels and avenues Additionally the Company continuously reinorcesthe customer service team?s sense o responsibility and mareting awareness through regular and inormal meetings and promotional activitiesaiming to elevate the standard o customer service excellence


Sunwoda has established a comprehensiveCustomer Complaints Handling rocedure enabling customers to voice theireedbac and opinions through various platorms such as email telephone eChat or ace-to-ace meetings e adhereto the ?? response principle in addressing customer inuiries ensuring prompt and e?cient resolution uring thereporting period Sunwoda achieved a remarable eat o resolving  o all complaints re?ecting our unwaveringcommitment to customer satisaction


Sunwoda has developed theCustomer Satisaction Management egulationsto strengthencommunication with customers gain a deeper understanding o their needs and continually optimieour products and services egular customer satisaction surveys are conducted encompassing aspectssuch as engineering support execution intensity uality control technological innovation and socialresponsibility Based on the survey results Sunwoda issues theectiication and revention eportassigning speci?c individuals to address and resolve the identi?ed issues e?ectivelyCustomerInformationCon?dentiality

Sunwoda adheres strictly to con?dentiality agreements with customers emphasiing the signi?canceo conidentiality awareness among employees in itsManagement egulations on Business Ethicsnvolved employees are mandated to undergo training on inormation con?dentiality and are reuiredto sign conidentiality agreements with both customers and the Company Specialied measures orinormation protection are implemented to saeguard customers? materials and prevent inormationsharing across di?erent proects Additionally some customers are provided with dedicated productionareas to urther ensure con?dentiality

Product quality



Customer Complaint Handling rocedure

irst response within  hoursEmergency measures and secondaryresponse within  hoursCause analysis within  hoursormulation o countermeasuresand the third responseLong term solutions and preventivemeasures within  days


Sunwoda?s capability to provide exceptional services to customers is ?rmly grounded in a stable and sustainable supply chain e uphold the tenprinciples o the  Global Compact strictly adhering to pertinent laws and regulations regarding human rights labor standards environmentalprotection and anti-corruption Sunwoda is committed to ostering transparent and mutually bene?cial procurement relationships with suppliersengaging only with those who adhere to the highest legal and ethical standards rawing rom the SA Social esponsibility Standard the BAesponsible Business Alliance Code o Conduct and applicable laws and regulations Sunwoda has ormulated the Basic rinciples or Cooperationwith Suppliers These principles establish minimum reuirements or suppliers in areas o environmental protection social responsibility andgovernance All suppliers are reuired to adhere to these principlesuring the reporting period Sunwoda has revised and updated internal policies systems and orms includingthe Management egulations on theEvaluation and Monitoring o Suppliers These revisions have incorporated considerations on climate change and con?ict minerals urther clariyingthe expectations or suppliers? sustainable development This standardiation o management ensures that Sunwoda is aligned with its suppliers increating a sustainable supply chain

atio o ey suppliers tonon-ey suppliersSupplier ESGManagement

Sunwoda maintains a comprehensive suite o supplier evaluation and management techniuesspanning rom initial development to ongoing collaboration outine monitoring and periodicassessments coupled with on-site evaluations and ?eld guidance ensure strict oversight o suppliers?product and service uality aligning with legal regulatory and customer expectations Given theinherent disparities in ESG riss between suppliers and the company itsel we integrate controlmeasures into ey stages o the supplier management liecycle encompassing supplier developmentris assessment on-site veriication perormance evaluation and continuous improvement ESGtraining sessions are conducted during supplier seminars aimed at sharing industry nowledge andbest practices thereby ostering suppliers? sustainable development

Suppliers rom Hong ong MacaoTaiwan and verseas

on-ey suppliers

uring the onboarding process Sunwoda assesses suppliers? perormance in terms o product uality ESG compliance and other relevantuali?cations and certi?cations Clear access baselines are established and suppliers? eligibility is determined based on a rigorous ris evaluationand on-site audit These baseline reuirements encompass both general public access items and category-speci?c criteria tailored to the uniuecharacteristics o di?erent product categories Suppliers listed in the abnormal business directory or the seriously illegal and untrustworthy enterpriselist blaclist are strictly prohibited rom being onboarded in any caseTo e?ectively mitigate the social and environmental impacts o the supply chain Sunwoda reuires all new suppliers to sign agreements includingthe Basic rinciples or Cooperation with Suppliers and the Commitment o Suppliers to Environmentally-riendly Materials These agreementscomprehensively cover aspects such as ESG management systems S certiication business ethics and conduct human rights impact andenvironmental impact among others and clearly outline the responsibilities o both parties

Supplier Onboarding


As of the end of the reporting periodSunwoda has collaborated with


Geographical istribution o SuppliersSuppliers rom Mainland Chinaey Suppliers

Root cause


planEvaluated bycustomerAccepted bycustomerCustomersatis?ed


Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon




or ualiied ey suppliers Sunwoda ensures the maintenance o their S system and perorms an annual reviewcomplemented by onsite audits conducted at the suppliers? acilities as per business needs n the event o non-conorming items Sunwoda promptly noti?es suppliers and con?rms the audit ?ndings ensuring their comprehensionand acceptance o the unuali?ed areas Sunwoda urther evaluates the recti?cation plan and where necessary o?ersguidance to suppliers in achieving closed-loop improvement However i a supplier ails to meet the reuired standardswithin the stipulated timerame despite such guidance we may consider reducing its level o cooperation with thatparticular supplier

Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience

Management system business ethics prohibition o discriminationworing hours wages and bene?ts ree o child labor and orced laboroccupational health and saety environmental protection etc

ManagementSystemESG riskevaluation

btained S  S  and S  certi?cations



Sign supply security agreementswith suppliers or exclusivelysupplied materials

iversiy our material supply sourcesand allocate uotas proportionatelyegularly assess supplier capacitybenchmar it against our demandproections and analye the alignmentbetween supply and demand toidentiy potential bottlenecsromptly adust uotas based onsuppliers? perormance and maretconditions to ensure continuous andreliable supply

mplement real-time system monitoringand alerting mechanisms along withreporting capabilities or order reuestplan responses and order deliverystatuses enabling procurementpersonnel to promptly acnowledgeand address any issuesEstablish saety stocs within thesystem categoried by material type tocushion against ?uctuations in demandand maintain operational stability

Avoidanceof Con?ictMinerals

Sunwoda ully understands and taes into account the human right and environment issues related tocon?ict minerals n procurement Sunwoda adheres to a responsible attitude and mae sure that theproducts we produce do not contain tantalum tin tungsten gold cobalt mica and other metals thatdirectly or indirectly provide unds or bene?ts to the armed orces that abuse human rights in con?ictareas By conducting due diligence investigations on the sources and supply chain o these metalminerals in the supply chain Sunwoda promotes supply chain improvement and ensures that con?ictminerals are not used or supported The Company?s con?ict minerals management wor is guided andsupervised by the Sustainable evelopment Strategy Committee and the Sustainable evelopmentManagement Committee The implementation is carried out by the Sustainable Supply Chain Team andmultiple departmental teams such as rocurement uality Center and Business nitsSunwoda promises to ollowthe China Mineral Supply Chain esponsible Management Guidelineso theChina Chamber o Commerce o Metals Minerals  Chemicals mporters  Exporters the EC Guidanceor esponsible Supply Chains o Minerals rom Con?ict-A?ected and High-is Areas o the rganiationor Economic Co-operation and evelopment EC and the relevant regulations on the managemento tungsten tin tantalum and gold minerals in con?ict areas in the odd-ran all Street eorm andConsumer rotection Act n accordance with the EC?s con?ict minerals guidelines and the BA planthe Company carries out due diligence investigations on the supply chain o all tantalum tin tungstengold reerred to as TGs cobalt and mica contained in its products Sunwoda reuires suppliers thatall TGs cobalt and mica used in their products must be purchased rom con?ict-ree mines that arerecognied by the BA and have passed the esponsible Minerals nitiative M audit and certi?cationSunwoda also supervises suppliers in their e?orts to acilitate non-M-certi?ed smelters and re?ners tobe veri?ed by the esponsible Minerals Assurance rogram MA


Management system

ublicly release the con?ict minerals policyormylate the Con?ict Minerals Management egulations outlining departmental responsibilitiesand speciying due diligence reuirements including those pertaining to new materialintroductions annual reviews and result handlingoster long-term partnerships with suppliers communicate company expectations and integratecon?ict mineral standards into the Basic rinciples or Cooperation with Suppliers This includesurging suppliers to ormulate their own conlict minerals policies and carry out due diligencewithin their supply chains Additionally we establish reporting mechanisms to enhance mineralsupply chain managementIdentify and assess risks

Establish an internally transparent and controllable supply chain system conduct thoroughcountry-o-origin inuiries and consolidate investigation data to identiy conlict mineralsmeltersre?neriesDue diligence

Conduct due diligence investigations during supplier induction and when introducing newproducts or material selectionConduct two annual due diligence investigations to ensure multi-aceted control

Management measures

or identi?ed smelters not adhering to the BAM plan we encourage the supply chain to urgenon-compliant and unaudited smeltersreineries to participate in audit programs to achievecomplianceeuire suppliers not using ualiied smelters to submit a written ris managementimprovement plan gradually achieve smelterreinery ualiication or replace non-compliantsecond-tier suppliersn cases where the ris management plan remains ine?ective ater six months we initiate urgentcorrective actions and explore alternative solutions including terminating business relationshipswith suppliers who ail to comply

Public reportingSummarie annual con?ict mineral investigation reports and disclose it on the o?cial website


Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-





uring the reporting period Sunwoda conducted con?ict minerals surveys on  suppliers covering six minerals including TGs cobalt and micaand no unuali?ed smelters were ound to be used A total o  smelters involving the use o these six minerals were surveyed o which  wereaudited accounting or   smelters were under audit or met the M evaluation conditions accounting or  etails o the audit can beound in the  Sunwoda Con?ict Minerals Survey eport

easonable Country o riginnvestigation C will coverthe entire supply chainBy the end of 2025

Due Diligence Result of 2023

ptimie the conlict mineralsinvestigation system conducttraining or the departmentsinvolved and promote the smoothcompletion o due diligenceinvestigationsncrease the intensity and reuencyo investigations and encouragesmelters that have not yetundergone audits to accept auditsurther optimie the method ocollecting and organiing data orsupplier conlict minerals surveysand improve the content coveredin conlict minerals investigationreports




Name of con?ict mineralNumber of smelters

Number of conformingsmelters

Percentage of conformity

Achieve an overall

con?ict-ree minerals98%

The Due Diligence Processetermine the scope o due diligence

GE SLES T ME A

ST SG -CMG


Review smelters/



ESConduct due diligence

ecycle CMT

orm a con?ict minerals report

isclose the report

Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon



Green andLow-carbon

Low-carbon requirements have gained widespreadglobal consensus. At Sunwoda, we have always beencommitted to green and sustainable development,actively adopting innovative green technologiesin our environmentally friendly production andoperational processes. We have implementedcomprehensive measures in various areas, includingenergy conservation and carbon reduction, pollutionprevention and control, as well as water resourcemanagement, to contribute towards a moresustainable future.Environmental ManagementCarbon Emission ManagementGreen ProductionGreen CultureBiodiversity ConservationContribution to SDGs

Achieve the dual control targets of totalcarbon emissions and emission intensity

Environmental protection investment ofRMB

97,107,800Total installed capacity of photovoltaics of


MWgenerating92,450MWh of electricity


Sunwoda adheres to the EHS policies o ?law observation pollution prevention human-based approach saeoperation energy reduction and continual improvement? and strictly abide by national laws and regulationsattach importance to the harmonious unity o industrial operations and the natural environment and practicelow-carbon and green operations Sunwoda has established a or Saety Committee hereinater reerred to as?the Saety Committee? responsible or wor saety ?re protection environmental protection and other mattersThe Chairman o the Board o irectors serves as the chairman o the Committee the saety director serves asthe executive vice chairman and the director o the Saety Committee ?ce and the divisional leaders serve asvice chairmen The legal representatives chairmen chairman assistants vice presidents general managers andpersonnel in charge o daily operations on site o the subsidiaries are the ?rst person responsible or wor saetyand ?re saety ice presidents managers supervisors and engineers serve as saety personnel responsible ordi?erent levels o positionse are committed to continuously enhancing our environment and occupational health management systemegular reviews o our EHS policies targets and indicators are conducted to ensure the e?ective implementationo environmental occupational health and saety management practices across the entire company

rganiational Structure o the Saety Committee


Sunwoda strictly adheres to theEnvironmental rotection Law o the eople?s epublic o Chinaand otherpertinent environmental regulations e have established and continuously reined an environmentalmanagement system aligned with S standards encompassing all ?ve maor business segmentso our organiationThis ensures comprehensive coverage across our entire business operations To guideour environmental practices we have ormulated a comprehensive environmental management policysystem applicable to the entire company This includes theEnvironmental Saety Manual Managementegulations or Environmental ollution Control and reventionas well asetailed mplementationules or Saety Control o astewater StationsThese policies address all critical are as o our operationseectively managing the environmental impact o atmospheric and water pollutant emissions wastegeneration and other relevant actors e emphasie active environmental perormance managementand lin the uarterly and annual perormance bonuses o personnel at the general manager level andabove directly to environmental perormance assigning a saety perormance weight o - Monthlyperormance appraisals and uarterly statistics are conducted in accordance with standardied documentssuch as theetailed mplementation ules or Measurement and Evaluation o Environmental Saety andHealth erormance etailed mplementation ules or Saety roduction Awards and enalties and Saetyroduction eto temsAs o the end o the reporting period  out o  entities including Sunwoda and its reportable subsidiarieshave successully obtained S  environmental management system certi?cation or those that haveyet to pass the certi?cation we ensure strict adherence to the S  standard in their environmentalmanagement practices

System Construction

Environmental protectioninvestmentMB97,107,800

ewly installed wastegas treatment acilities

ewly installed wastewatertreatment acilities

compliant disposal opollutants throughout theyear and no environmentalaccidents occurred

Sunwoda taes into account the potential impact on the surrounding environment during the implementation o new constructionreconstruction and expansion proects As per legal reuirements the Company prepares a comprehensive environmental impact report ncethe EA approval is obtained Sunwoda proceeds with environmental protection procedures such as obtaining pollutant discharge permitsregistering contingency plans or environmental emergencies conducting acceptance inspections or completed proects and acuiringdrainage permits all tailored to the speci?c nature o the proect Additionally the internal EHS department thoroughly reviews all declarationmaterials pertaining to the environmental protection procedures o construction proectsSunwoda conducts annual re-identiication and evaluation o environmental actors with additional assessments whenever changesoccur in its activities products or services This process taes into account various aspects including the environmental policy staeholderexpectations technical challenges environmental and ?nancial impacts to assess critical environmental actors and their conseuences Thisevaluation enables us to ormulate reasonable environmental obectives indicators and management plansTo urther enhance the environmental management plan and minimie the environmental ootprint o its business operations Sunwodaregularly conducts environmental audits nternal audits are perormed annually covering  o the production bases across all businesssegments Additionally we commission proessional third-party institutions to conduct external audits on a regular basis These audits includeannual sampling inspections o the environmental impact o relevant businesses in each segment and a comprehensive audit cycle once everythree years

Environmental Audit

Environmental Inspection

Environmental InspectionEnvironmental monitoring

e conduct regular monitoring o waste gaswastewater and noise primarily adhering to theTechnical Guidelines or Sel-Monitoring o ollutantischarging nits General rinciples H- as well as the reuirements stipulated by thepollutant discharge permit management platormenvironmental impact assessment reports andapproval standardsThe monitoring reuency varies slightly based on thespeci?c discharge permit management regulationsthe demands outlined in the environmental impactassessment reports the categoriation o pollutionactors local regulatory mandates and otherconditions uniue to our various subsidiaries

aily routine sel-inspectionMonthly regular inspections by thesaety departments o subsidiariesrregular conducted by theenvironmental protectionproessional team on subsidiaries

Security Center

Safety Committee/Fire Safety Committee President

(chairman of the Board of Directors)Executive Vice PresidentVice President of Safety Committee/Fire Safety Committee

First responsible person of work safety/responsible person of ?re safety in subsidiariesThe management of subsidiaries

Director of Safety Committee/Fire Safety Committee


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

Sunwoda is committed to establishing and enhancing its environmental emergency management system thereby elevating its emergencyhandling capabilities This ensures that any environmental emergencies are promptly orderly and e?ciently addressed To achieve this weocus on three ey aspects re?ning the environmental emergency management ramewor integrating emergency management practicesthroughout its operations and strengthening the undamental saeguards or environmental emergencies Through these measures Sunwodaaims to prevent or minimie casualties property losses and environmental damage

Sunwoda has prepared and iled an environmental emergency plan and reviews thecontent o those documents once every three years The environmental emergency planmanagement system consists o  comprehensive plan and  special plans coveringchemical pollution incidents haardous waste pollution incidents secondary environmentalpollution incidents caused by unexpected ?res unexpected exhaust gas discharge incidentsand soilgroundwater pollution incidents Additionally we emphasie auditing and providingguidance to our subsidiaries aiming to saeguard the e?cacy o this comprehensive systemEach subsidiary with system certiication carries out annual internal audits toevaluate the overall operation o the environmental management system over thepast year and ensure its continued suitability adeuacy and e?ectivenessnvite third-party institutions to conduct external audits in accordance withS  reuirements or continuous improvementrganie a series o training sessions or internal auditors and system responsiblepersons including EHS internal auditor auditing nowledge and sillsenvironmental actor identiication and evaluation haard actor identiicationand evaluation compliance obligations and compliance evaluation to ensure thatinternal auditors possess corresponding theoretical nowledge and enhance theirproessional capabilities through internal audit practice activities

Emergency Management

uring the reporting periodEmergency drills2,180

Strengthen the company?s environmental emergency response capabilitieseinorce environmental emergency training and public education

einorce the whole-process management o the company?s environmental emergenciesStrengthen monitoring and early warning and establish a sound environmental ris prevention systemThoroughly comprehend the environmental ris source inormation and strengthen hidden danger recti?cationEstablish and re?ne the emergency duty and accident alarm systemEstablish a system or analying typical cases o environmental emergencies and a post-disposition evaluationsystem

Facilitate the whole-process management of the company'senvironmental emergencies

Enhance the basic guarantee work for the environmental emergency management

Strictly implement the responsibility system or environmental emergency managemente?ne the contingency plan system or environmental emergenciesnnovate the linage and cooperation mechanism o the environmental emergency managementEnhance the environmental emergency management system

EnvironmentalProtectionTraining andActivities

Consolidate the Support and Response Capabilities for Emergencies

Sunwoda has established a carbon peaing and neutrality management system that is ?rmly rooted in its ESG ramewor whichis ointly promoted by the Sustainable evelopment Strategy Committee Sustainable evelopment Management Committee andESG Management epartment along with its subsidiary proessional and business sector implementation teams ensuring a top-down approach to realiing our carbon peaing and neutrality goalsDuring the reporting period


CarbonPeaking andNeutralityManagementSystem

Achieve carbon emissions pea in operation by2029

and carbon neutrality in operation by2050

educe carbon emissionsby 


million tons

educe carbon emissionsin transportation by 


million tons

Sunwoda's carbon peaking and neutrality goals

Planned objectives

As of the end of the reporting period

egular meetings on carbonpeaing and neutrality goals

The carbon emissionin  is


 o the target value

Subsidiaries obtained the AS carbon neutrality certi?cation

The actual carbon emissionintensity in  is


 o the target value

Strategy committeemeeting




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Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

Scienti?c EmissionReduction Targetsand Strategies

Sunwoda has aligned itsel with the Science Based Targets initiative SBTi emaining steadast to itscorporate aspiration o evolving into a ?respected world-class new energy enterprise? the Companyhas been proactive in addressing climate change t adheres to the undamental business philosophy osustainable development embracing the global ambition o limiting the Earth?s temperature rise to and committing to achieving net ero emissions This commitment is not ust a statement it is beingactively translated into tangible actionsith a ocus on continuously reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the harmuleects o climate change Sunwoda has progressively strengthened its dual-carbon managementramewor The Company has obtained S  certi?cation a testament to its commitment toenvironmental stewardship Annually Sunwoda engages a proessional third-party organiation toconduct greenhouse gas inventories and carbon veri?cations across its subsidiaries At the end o thereporting period  subsidiaries had successully undergone greenhouse gas inventory audits while had completed carbon veri?cation auditsStrategy of Reducing Carbon Emissions throughout the Whole Product Life Cycle

ointly promote energy conservation and carbonreduction through cooperation proects

ObjectStrategyActions and E?ectiveness





Measure carbon emissions in dierent stages atpresent and in the uture according to the planor output growth ormulate correspondinguantitative indicators orm a carbon emissionmanagement curve integrate emission reductionreuirements into various business modules andapply photovoltaic and energy storage systemsin the par and use green power or production toreduce carbon emissions rom operationully standardie the carbon ootprint calculationprocess rom  to product ends and improve thecarbon ootprint accounting capability and promotethe third-party certi?cation o carbon ootprints ortypical products

Collaborate with partners to see technologicalbreathroughs in the ?elds o raw materials big datamanagement o batteries and cascade utiliationand recycling o batteries so as to boost carbonreduction and resource utiliation in the batteryindustry chain

enewable and recycled material layout in progressSupply chain emission reduction o the demonstration sector?s intelligenttechnology and over  o the core suppliers oLiwei have committed to incorporating emissionreduction targets into regular controlBattery digitaliation platormromote the construction o a digital platorm orbattery passports

eep abreast o the reuirements o internationalcustomers to ormulate action plans to promote thecontinuous improvement o carbon reduction capability

Sunwoda and its customer Honor have engaged in proactive discussions and collaborationssharing green development concepts and achievements by leveraging their combinedresources The progress and planning o carbon emission reduction have been at theoreront o these discussions otably during the reporting period the Honor productionline located within the par has implemented several energy-saving and carbon-reductioninitiatives These include exhaust system optimiation mechanical arm suction processtransormation as well as lighting system enhancements both in the par and worshopsThese e?orts collectively euate to a reduction o greenhouse gas emissions by  tons

Irior to the optimiation the power o the exhaust ans in thepad printing in mixing room and the overturning machine was  ollowing theimprovement the pipeline layout o the exhaust an system in the pad printing in mixingroom and the overturning machine was optimied a  worshop pipeline exhaustan was installed and the  exhaust an on the roo was turned o only retaining theactivated carbon ?ltration unction reducing nearly  o energy-consuming euipment

Onitially the layout o the pad

printing worshop changed and the lighting control methods in the manual line andmaterial storage areas needed to be optimied The lighting in the unattended areas wasoten turned on resulting in high energy consumption Ater the optimiation  light tubeswere removed rom the manual line and the lighting control method o  lights in thematerial storage area was improved

Case StudyExploring the Path of Low-carbon and Energy-saving Collaborating with Partners

acuum transormation o the robotarm or sucing batteries The originalvacuum generator is removed andthe vacuum is directly provided bythe actory vacuum pump nly thesolenoid valve is needed to control theon-o? o the vacuum source which canavoid the leaage loss o compressedair and improve production e?ciencyrooorer?o

Carry out two product carbon ootprint certiicationproects select  typical products or certi?cation andobtain carbon ootprint certi?cates and reportsoo

According to the reuirements o E regulationsstandardie the carbon ootprint standards romthe material and design ends while satisying theperormance o the battery cells and achieve Tcalculation o carbon ootprint in the design stageerloere

 technical supports to ully meet the sustainablereuirements o international core customersHold  regular trainings and  special trainings with atotal o  participants

In 2023,Sunwoda obtained aBgrade in the C Climate Change uestionnaire


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-



AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd




ith a comprehensive view o the environmental impact o our management and operational activities Sunwoda remains steadast in itscommitment to minimiing the environmental and climate ootprint o its production and operations to become a benchmar enterprise orenergy conservation and environmental protection

Sunwoda places a paramount emphasis on energy e?ciency and utiliation e have ormulatedtheEnergy Management egulationsand established an Energy Conservation Committeechaired by our Board o irectors? Chairman This committee oversees the improvement o energyusage e?ciency in our production and operational processes ostering a culture o energy-savingmanagement and ensuring the e?ective implementation o energy-saving measures uring thereporting period we have reinorced the strategic ramewor or our energy conservation andemission reduction eorts introducing a new expert committee or energy-saving evaluationswhich operates under the coordination o our group?s energy-saving o?ce

Structure o the Energy Conservation Committeen  Sunwoda?s energy management e?orts are centered on the implementation o a comprehensive grouped energy managementsystem This approach aims to align with government regulations and ulill customer demands leveraging both managementtechniues and technological advancements to signiicantly reduce production energy consumption and operational costsurthermore Sunwoda is committed to supporting the group in building a green and low-carbon production supply chain that satis?escustomers? needs To achieve these obectives we have established an innovative energy-saving strategic model encompassing ?organiation  supports and  base? This model ensures the scienti?c application o data standardied operation o energy-savingpractices and the integrated utiliation o technology thereby acilitating the realiation o several target values

Business nits and Subsidiaries

Energy Conservation ManagerEnergy Conservation Executor

Energy Conservation Committee (President,Chairman of the Board of Directors)


Strategic goals:

The energy consumption perunit o output o the groupdecreased by  oSave MB  million


The Group AchievesCarbon Peak by 2029

Intelligent StageLean StageStandardization Stage

Energy Conservation ?ceEnergy Conservation eview

Expert Committee

Strategic goals:

The energy consumption perunit o output o the groupdecreased by  oSave MB  million

Strategic goals:

The energy consumption perunit o output o the groupdecreased by  oSave MB  million

Achievement of energy conservation goals

Energy Conservation Actions

Sunwoda taes energy conservation measures in managementtechnological renovation energy management systems energyconservation assessment energy conservation training andenergy conservation publicity An annual energy conservationwor directive is also ormulated to oster a holistic andmeticulous approach to energy conservation managementurthermore the Company allocates special unds annually orenergy conservation which are used to ?nance energy-savingrenovation proects training and promotional activities energy-saving incentives and other related expenses thus providing?nancial bacing or its ongoing energy-saving e?orts

Total investment in energyconservation


Energy Conservation Goals

System Management GroupEnergy Saving Technology Group

enewable energy usageEnergy management systemEnergy digitiationand intelligencetraining promotion

Evaluation o energy-saving assessment systemdenti?cation o laws andregulationsater conservation guidelineSupplier Green roduction

Energy Conservation O?ce

Basic database

Energy savingexpert database

High energy consumptioneuipment parameter database

Energy savingproect database






Energy-saving technical transormationEnergy saving optimiation oeuipment and acilitiesExcellent energy-saving case promotionplatormConstruction o the energy managementcenter

Goals of energy conservation in 2023The energy consumption per unit o outputvalue o the group o decreased by

Energy conservation proects management technological renovation initiation



millionMBThe energy consumption per unit outputvalue o the group decreased o by


Standard coal consumption decreased12,084tce

Technical renovation management proects


Standard coal consumptiondecreased4,660.32tceGoals of energy conservation in 2024The energy consumption per unit o outputvalue o the group o decreased byC battery power battery energy storagesystem intelligent hardware and innovationand ecology sectors

The energy consumption per unit o outputvalue o the group o decreased byE battery sector

Energy conservation proectsmanagement  technologicalrenovation initiation?




o o subsidiary companiesthat passed cleanproduction certi?cation

Green actories certi?ed

During the reporting period,

ice resident

As of the end of thereporting period,Sunwoda and itssubsidiaries totaling

companiespassed the S energy managementsystem certi?cation


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-



AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Coordinate ormulate assign and supervise theimplementation o annual energy-saving targets andbene?tsromote energy conservation and emission reductionwor in the supply chain to help build a supply chain withenergy conservation and emission reduction throughoutthe ull lie-cycleEstablish a standard system or energy conservationand emission reduction and research and publish aninnovative system or energy conservation

Special Energy-saving Actionsromote the implementation o annual special ES- Energy Savingoluntary rotection rogram and special actions or the EnergySaving ed Card ChallengeEnergy Consumption Information Platform

Establish a transparent platorm or energy consumption data classiyand statistically analye energy consumption data and orm newsbries egularly send these bries to relevant colleagues throughthe inormation platorm to acilitate real-time understanding orelevant energy consumption inormation identiy opportunities orenergy-saving improvements and mae improvements in energyconsumption


Establish and manage a technical improvementmanagement system and a technical improvementexpert database and improve the management andcontrol process or energy-saving proectsEstablish energy-saving standards or the ront enduser end and ater-sales end o public acilities andeuipment and prioritie energy conservationdentiy evaluate and implement the energy-savingimprovement proects and provide technical supportEvaluate and test the energy e?ciency o the company?senergy-using euipment

Energy Management Center Project

ocus on managing and controlling the energy consumption patternso production worshops and public areas as well as detailed energyconsumption data o ey energy-consuming euipment Establish anintelligent energy management inormation system to provide datasupport or production energy conservation and other e?ortsInformation Platform for Energy-Saving Proposals

To achieve inormatiation in all aspects o energy-savingimprovement proects establish an inormation platorm or energy-saving proposalsIntroduction of High-e?ciency Energy-saving Lighting Fixtures

To address issues such as high energy consumption rapid light decayhigh ailure and replacement rates and short warranty periods oundduring energy-saving inspections introduce new LE technology andpromote its application throughout the company to reduce energyconsumptionEnergyManagementSystem

perate the energy management system through theCA cycle and organie operational measures includingtraining or internal auditors o the system energy auditsinternal audits management reviews and supervision oexternal audits



Establish a perormance contract assessment mechanismbased on the energy-saving management assessmentand evaluation system and set a  weight o -or energy-saving perormance



Establish a special empowerment training system romthe aspects o energy-saving systems processes systemsand compliance

Conduct  special empowerment training sessions or energyconservation at the level o senior engineer and aboveConduct  proessional technical training session or euipmentmanagement personnel rom  parsConduct  compliance empowerment training sessions or energyconservation management personnel covering  pars


eeply carry out energy-saving propaganda andeducation conduct multiple energy-saving promotionalactivities raise employees? awareness o energyconservation create a good atmosphere or all employeesto conserve energy and enhance the external image

Energy Conservation Weekrganie the  Energy Conservation ee activities including?ewarded ui on Energy Conservation nowledge? ?SpecialLecture on Energy Conservation and Low Carbon? ?My Suggestionsor Energy Conservation and Emission eduction? ?Selection oExcellent Energy Conservation roects? etc These activities covered business linessubsidiaries in  pars with over  participantsDaily PromotionEstablish a public account named ?Sunwoda Energy Conservation?and publish promotional articles such as ?Green Energy Conservationelcomes the ?ouble estivals? Let?s Tae the Lead in EnergyConservation and Emission eduction? and ?Multiple ays to penSunwoda?s Energy Conservation and Emission eduction?

DirectionCases (Partial)Content

Energy Consumption normation latormewarded ui on Energy Conservation nowledge

escriptions o ey Technical enovation and Energy-Saving roects artial

To mitigate its dependence on ossil uels and achieve the ?dual-carbon? obective Sunwoda has set a target o utiliing  renewableenergy by  This involves installing photovoltaic power stations broadening the application o clean energy sources and continuouslyelevating the utiliation ratio o renewable energy orms lie green electricity and green certi?cates in the uture thereby ostering a moresustainable and environmentally riendly energy mix


mprovement andtransormation o boilersystem combustion e?ciency

Central air-conditioning waterthermal storage

nstallation o intelligent control

in air compression system

Transormation o central air-

conditioning energy-savingcontrol system

uring the night valley period idle ice machines are used to store cold water inthe water storage tan n daytime the cold water in the tan is preerentiallyused during the pea period and any excess cold energy can also be releasedduring the ?at period This reduces the power grid load during pea hours andreduces carbon dioxide euivalent emissions by  tons per yearBy installing energy-saving activators or activated uels in the boiler systemthe combustion e?ciency o the boilers is enhanced and the energy e?ciencyutiliation rate o the euipment is increased by - Currently this hasbeen tried out in some parsBy installing a smart control system and lining it with the air compressor theoperating pressure o the air compressor is adusted according to changes inthe end supply air pressure thereby reducing the energy consumption o themain unit and saving - o operating energyBy optimiing the control logic o the central air-conditioning system and ullyutiliing the variable reuency unction o the main unit and water pump the air-conditioning system becomes more energy-e?cient The energy e?ciency ratioEE has been transormed rom  to? reducing the energy consumptiono the central air-conditioning system by -

The total installed capacity ophotovoltaics



ower generation92,450


urchase o greenelectricity o


MhDuring the reporting period,


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

Sunwoda is committed to strictly adhering to all applicable laws and regulations regardingpollution discharge management e continuously strive to enhance and re?ne our managemento the ?three wastes? - waste water waste gas and solid waste - and actively implement measuresto minimie their discharge

Environmental Management Goals

Compliance with all standardsor wastewater dischargeexhaust emission and noiseemission

PollutionPreventionand Control

Compliant disposal ohaardous waste

Haardous waste emissionsreduction  by 

Waste Gas ManagementMain Waste Gas Treatment Facilities and Treatment Methods

aste Gas Emission eduction Measures

Through rigorous production experiments Sunwoda successully swapped out high-C content screen-washing water with a low-Cenvironmentally riendly cleaning agent This transition occurred while ully satisying product uality standards leading to a notable decrease in C content within production exhaust gas

The waste gas collection system is comprehensively designed based on actors such asgas properties ?ow rate concentration generation volume and wind speed to ensurethe e?ectiveness o waste gas collectionThe principle of "collecting

as much as possible and

separately collectingaccording to quality"

The polluted gas collected by the gas hood is transported through a pipeline to thepuri?cation device or treatment and discharged ater meeting the standards ensuringthe waste gas collection rate and reducing the unorganied emission o exhaust gasPreferentially selectingprocess equipment withits own gas collectionsystem and advancedexhaust gas treatment

The storage and temporary storage acilities or solid waste including haardouswaste containing volatile materials or odors are designed in a closed manner and thewaste gas is collected puri?ed and other treatment measures are taen to meet thestandards beore dischargeThe waste gas generated rom sewage collection and treatment units such asanaerobic tans aeration tans sludge tans etc is collected in a closed manner ande?ective measures are taen or treatment and discharge

Adopting enclosed andnegative pressure operatingmeasures for processsections and equipment thatgenerate exhaust gas

Waste gas from sprayingortex tower  spraying  dry ?ltration  T

on-methanehydrocarbonsCsparticulatematter Sx HS Hodor etc

Waste gas from coatingCondensation recovery  rotor adsorptionWaste gas from injectionSpraying  activated carbon adsorptionWaste gas from dispensing/jetprinting/silkscreen printing/padprinting/injection molding

Activated carbon adsorptionWaste gas from welding

Bag dust collectordry ?ltration 

activated carbon adsorptionOrganic waste gas

Spraying  dry ?ltration  activated carbonadsorption concentration  desorption catalytic


Gravity dust removalbag dust collector

pulse dust removalWaste gas from boilers/heat transferoil furnaces

Low nitrogen combustionOdor from sewage treatment plantsSpraying  biological tricling ?lter

CategoriesMain Treatment MethodsKey Indicators

Case StudyOptimizing production auxiliaries to reduce waste gas emissions


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

Wastewater ManagementThe C battery energy storage product and CB processing and manuacturing acilities do not involve the discharge o industrialwastewater ower battery plants are euipped with their own sewage treatment stations ensuring  collection o bothproduction and domestic sewage with a  compliance rate or e?uent ualityThe Boluo ar acilities boast their own domestic wastewater station industrial wastewater station and reclaimed wateracility Ater being treated by both the industrial wastewater station and the reclaimed water acility within the par industrialwastewater is reused as supplementary water or air-conditioner cooling towers ensuring no industrial wastewater is released intothe environment Similarly domestic wastewater is treated by the par?s domestic wastewater station and subseuently reusedor watering green landscapes and ?ushing toilets uring the reporting period Sunwoda urther optimied existing processesreducing the suspended solids concentration in the e?uent and thereby enhancing the overall uality o wastewater discharge

Main astewater Treatment acilities and Treatment Methodsptimie production processes to reduce wastewater discharge or reduce the toxicity o toxic wastewater

euse wastewater and adopt water reuse and recycling systems to minimiewastewater discharge or recycle treated production wastewaterControl the concentration o pollutants in wastewater and recover rawmaterials and products lost in wastewaterStrengthen the collection and temporary storage o general industrial solid waste and haardouswaste to avoid water pollution caused by erosion or dissolution rom precipitation or runo?

astewater Emission eduction Measures

Domestic sewage

enton oxidation  A  MB

H Chemical xygenemand C-day Biologicalxygen emandB Suspended

Solids SS Totalitrogen T Totalhosphorus T etc

A  constructed wetland

Production wastewater

enton oxidation  A  MBenton oxidation  A  multi-stage ?ltration  Sand ?ltration  carbon ?ltration  security ?ltration ultra?ltration  Grille  adustment tan  ?occulation and sedimentation  A MBenton  ?ltrationProduction wastewater,domestic sewage

Low-voltage electric enton  comprehensive adustment biochemical  MBMicro-electrolysis  coagulation sedimentation  ASB  two-stage AIndustrial wastewater

Adustment tan  coagulation sedimentation  enton oxidationcoagulation sedimentation  A  MB

Cleaning wastewater,concentrated brine from purewater machine, waste liquid from

exhaust gas tower spraying

Adustment tan  enton  ASand ?ltration  security ?lter  ultra?ltration   system

CategoriesKey IndicatorsMain Treatment Methods

The solid waste generated by Sunwoda is categoried primarily into three types general waste domestic waste and haardous wasteGeneral waste undergoes sorting within the actory premises and is then collected and disposed o by a specialied resource recycling plantomestic waste is handled by the local environmental sanitation department Haardous waste being o utmost concern is managedstrictly in accordance with the haardous waste management system prescribed by laws and regulations This system comprehensivelyoutlines the necessary measures or waste collection storage transportation and treatment urthermore the disposal o haardouswaste is entrusted solely to a uali?ed and certi?ed haardous waste treatment agency uring the reporting period Sunwoda set a clearenvironmental management goal to ensure the compliant disposal o all haardous waste and implemented rigorous tracing recordingand analysis procedures or the disposal o haardous waste

Waste Management

By upgrading its product line and reining production processes Sunwoda hassuccessully eliminated the water washing step in the manuacturing o a speciicproduct range This initiative has not only streamlined the production worlowbut also prevented the generation o cleaning wastewater which oten containshaardous substances t is anticipated that this measure will lead to a signiicantreduction o  tons o haardous waste annuallyHeaduarters par has obtained theplatinum-level certi?cation or ero wasteland?ll achieving ero waste land?ll recycling and energy transormation

Measures to educe the Generation and Emission o General aste

Measures to educe the Generation and Emission o Haardous aste

Enhance the general waste recycling management system and provide technical expertise and guidelines to support on-site recycling e?ortsExplore the establishment o an extended producer responsibility mechanism whereby producers are accountable or recycling their wasteintegrating waste-generating units into a uni?ed recycling and reuse program emphasiing the producer?s obligation in waste disposal

Establish a classi?cation operation system covering the entire process rom production to disposal strengthen classi?cation control andimprove the recycling rateoster and intensiy awareness o recycling and disposal practices through a diverse range o online and o?ine platorms


Management Initiatives

Awareness Enhancement

eplace raw materials andauxiliaries containing toxicand harmul substanceswithout aecting productuality

Raw Materials and AuxiliariesProcess ControlOperational Management

educe the usage o rawmaterials and auxiliariesthrough process  toachieve a reduction inhaardous waste

urther optimie the operationalprocess during production andstrengthen personnel training toreduce the use o waste materials

Case Study

Reducing Hazardous Waste Generationthrough Production Process Optimization


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd




To urther engage employees in sustainable development enhance theirunderstanding o sustainable concepts and cultivate a green mindsetSunwoda organied the ?Green Christmas  Sustainable ourney? indoorhandmade worshop tiliing recycled paper discarded yarn emptyplastic bottles and other materials employees created Christmas-themed decorations thus embracing the principles o ero wastereuse and sustainability while celebrating an environmentally riendlyChristmas

Sunwoda actively responds to the ational Energy Conservation ee and ational Low-carbon ay among other initiatives deeplyembracing the theme o ?actively addressing climate change and ostering green and low-carbon development? e vigorously encourageits employees to engage in green and low-carbon activities ostering a green liestyle enhancing awareness o low-carbon practices andappreciating the signi?cance o carbon emission peaing and carbon neutrality initiative

Sunwoda remains steadast in its commitment to biodiversity conservation adhering strictly to the ecological protection red line uring thescoping phase o new proects ecological impacts are meticulously assessed Clean production practices are implemented throughout themanuacturing process with a ocus on e?ective pollution prevention and control measures This approach ensures that the riss o soil andgroundwater pollution are tightly managed Additionally Sunwoda strives to minimie the negative impact o greenhouse gas emissions wastedischarges and resource utiliation on biodiversity during its operational activities otably as o the conclusion o the reporting period noneo Sunwoda?s proects had a signi?cant adverse e?ect on biodiversity

The Christmas trees are all made o mineral

water bottles collected rom the par

To promote a moderate green and low-carbon liestyle among employeesSunwoda launched a low-carbon travel carbon inclusive action articipantscould adopt their own personalied ?low-carbon planet? and adopt greenand low-carbon travel methods in their daily lives ollowing the operationalguidelines to accumulate carbon emission reduction values This action aimedto set an example through practical measures and contribute to building agreen and low-carbon society

A event on carbon emission peaing

and carbon neutrality

Given the critical importance o water conservation Sunwoda has pledged to minimie its waterusage and has ormulated comprehensiveManagement egulations on ater ConservationAnnually Sunwoda develops a detailed water conservation plan and executes it diligentlyadhering to the CA lan-o-Chec-Act principle The primary water source is the municipalwater supply ensuring a reliable and sustainable source o water or its operationsWaterResource

Replace EDI pure waterwith RO pure water

Transform RO purewater into direct watersupply machine

Introduce ?ash steam

recovery device forsteam boilersIntroduce time-controlled card insertiondevice in dormitories

Ater process veriication the  pure water could meet thereuirements or process water in the anode mixing worshopsaving  tons o water annually through improvementnitially the actory utilied direct drining water machines that?ltered and osmosed water or consumption However subseuentto a third-party evaluation o the  pure water drining reportit was revealed that the water uality o  pure water surpassedthat o the iltered water dispensed by the drining watermachines Conseuently we renovated the pipelines and driningwater machines to utilie  pure water with the  irst-stageconcentrated water being recycled into the cooling tower Thisinnovation has led to an annual water savings o  tonsBy introducing a ?ash steam recovery device or our steam boilers wehave signi?cantly reduced the need or water replenishment resultingin an estimated annual water savings o approximately  tonsreviously hot water was supplied centrally and did not reuire cardswiping or use However ater introducing the hot water card swipingsystem hot water waste was reduced by ater-saving roects in 

The average waterconsumption per capitalin  o decreased by


Case StudyGreen Christmas  Sustainable Journey

Case Study

Low-carbon Travel, Jointly Built by ou and Me" Low-carbon Travel CarbonInclusive Action and 2023 National Low-carbon Day Event


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd



As a responsible employer, Sunwoda holds itsemployees in high esteem and is committed tofostering a workplace that is diverse, equitable, andsafe. Sunwoda continuously enhances its welfaresystem, establishes robust talent developmentframeworks, and maintains a safe and healthy workenvironment. Harmonious labor-managementrelations are fostered, ensuring a positive workatmosphere.Workplace Well-beingOccupational Health and SafetyCommunity Public WelfareContribution to SDGs

Total number of employees:

47,448Total training hours:


Amount of donations for social welfare:



Number of deaths due to work-related accidents:

Sunwoda ?rmly adheres to the talent concept that "takes value creation as the top priority". To embody this concept in the management of diversesystems, components, and modules, our human resource management system integrates strategic culture, process organization, and personnelmanagement. Once talents are recruited, we utilize our salary management and performance management systems to inspire employees togenerate even greater value. Additionally, we rely on our competency evaluation and talent development systems to enhance their skills andcapabilities. Furthermore, Sunwoda organizes various employee welfare activities to foster a healthy and joyful workplace. Throughout the entiretalent management process, our objective is to continually enhance human capital.

Workplace Well-being

Strategic cultureProcess organizationPersonnel management

Corporate strategic objectivesCorporate business objectivesand key performanceCorporate strategies andcore business processes

Corporate valuesOrganizational structure

Work analysis

Motivation managementAtmospheremanagement

Employee relations


PerformancemanagementLabor relations Rank management

PerformanceobjectivesEmployee care

Total compensationmanagement

PerformanceevaluationSta? stability

Incentivemechanism design

Feedback andimprovement

Competency management

Leader team/expert team/worker teamHuman resource information management system/human resource control system

Human resource management system of Sunwoda

Recruitment and deployment

Vision and mission

Human e?ciency provement

Employees'Rights andInterests

Sunwoda formulates and improves human resource management systems and documents, and has signedlabor contracts in accordance with the law, such as the Labor Law of the People's Republic of Chinaand theLabor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, respecting and safeguarding various legitimate rights andinterests of employees.Sunwoda pledges to uphold the fundamental principles of the International Labour Organization, safeguardingthe labor and human rights of its workforce. It ?rmly opposes forced labor, human tra?cking, and slavery. Westrictly control the entry and formulate theRegulations on the Rescue of Child Laborers, Protection of MinorWorkers, and Female Workers.These measures include verifying employees' real-name identities, conducting agereviews during employment, and respecting the legal rights of female employees such as marriage, childbirth, andequal employment opportunities. We also prohibit discrimination based on factors like race, color, religious belief,gender, age, and place of origin. To ensure discipline and establish a positive workplace culture, the Company hasformulated theRegulations on the Administration of Rewards and Punishmentsto clarify disciplinary proceduresfor violations related to work discipline, life discipline, attendance, moral character, and other aspects. Thisstandardization aims to enhance the professional behavior of employees and foster a correct and positive value.Adhering to the principle of "fairness and justice", Sunwoda standardizes its recruitment and dismissalprocedures. We attract and hire employees through social recruitment and campus recruitment channels. Socialrecruitment encompasses internal recommendations, external job websites, specialized job fairs, talent markets,and talent outsourcing services. In line with our strategic planning for a global industrial layout, we recruit localtalents for overseas positions. For job vacancies in local industrial parks, we deploy professional HR specialists tointroduce talents who can seamlessly adapt to the local business environment. For overseas positions, we striveto identify the most suitable candidates. Initially, we recruit employees in China, and once they are familiar withtheir new roles, we deploy them abroad. Simultaneously, we take measures to ensure that expatriate employeesintegrate smoothly into the local environment. As a provincial-level exemplary employment and povertyalleviation base, Sunwoda actively implements supporting measures. During the reporting period, we recruited228 individuals from poverty alleviation programs, ful?lling our social responsibility of promoting employment.Regarding working hours, Sunwoda has formulated theRegulations on Attendance Management,which clarifythe rules for working hour management and leave entitlements. We adhere to the standard working hoursystem, standardize the overtime approval process, and promote orderly production management and workarrangements. This ensures the e?ective safeguarding of employees' rights and interests in terms of work, rest,and leave.

Employee Employment

Sunwoda's Human Resource Structure






47.57% 50.96%

Under 30 years old30 to 50 years oldOver 50 years oldEducation background






Junior college degree and belowBachelor's degreeJunior college degreeMaster's degreePhD degree







Production personnelTechnical personnelAdministrative personnelSales personnelFinancial personnel

Ability evaluationTalent development


Talent reviewQuali?cationTalent echelonCompetencycerti?cation



Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixPrologueSunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.

Employment-related awards in the past three years are as follows

To align employees? e?orts with the strategic and business obectives and to maximie the utiliation o its human resources Sunwoda hasdevised theemuneration and Bene?t Management egulationsstrictly adhering to all pertinent laws and regulations e maintain a rigorousperormance management system that integrates ey perormance indicators with core competencies allowing or reasonable salary andcompensation administration This approach continuously enhances our operational e?ciency and overall perormanceLeveraging a deep understanding o maret trends employees? economic expectations and our annual inancial growth Sunwodascientiically adusts employee salaries to ensure they are competitively positioned against industry peers e have implemented acomprehensive incentive-based compensation system or all sta? including certain general worers speci?cally our rontline grass-rootsemployees This system is continuously re?ned based on actual business needs and ob responsibilities ensuring that perormance-drivenincentives are universally applied across the organiation

Salaries and Bene?ts

Sunwoda oers its personnel the statutory ive insurances and one housing und ensuring comprehensive welare or interns retiredemployees returning to wor and other personnel Sunwoda supplements these beneits with commercial insurance policies includingaccident and lie insurance to urther saeguard worers? welare Additionally we strictly adhere to China?s legal woring hours and holidayregulations legally saeguarding employees? rights to rest and leisure ecogniing the evolving needs o its wororce we optimied its leavepolicies or childcare and care leave or only children during the reporting period urther enhancing employee welare By the end o thereporting period Sunwoda achieved a  coverage rate or the ?ve social insurances and one housing und among its regular employeeswith over  individuals insuredMoreover Sunwoda remains committed to enhancing its employee stoc ownership plan and euity incentive system This comprehensiveprogram currently covers  mid-to-high-level core personnel and management personnel uring the reporting period we implementedthree incentive plans granting  million restricted stocs o the second category to  employees and  million stoc options to employees The employee stoc ownership plan attracted a total investment o MB  million rom  employees re?ecting thededication to employee welare and shared prosperity

Given the vast employee population within the Company coupled with the growing trend among younger worers towards personalied gitpreerences the traditional approach o distributing welare gits or estivals proved increasingly inadeuate The monotonous nature o thesegits ailed to meet the diverse needs o employees urthermore the lengthy preparation cycle or these gits entailed signi?cant manpowerresources and oten led to unnecessary costs To address these challenges and maximie the impact o welare bene?ts while enhancingemployee satisaction we introduced the innovative Sunwoda elare points-based welare platorm This platorm revolutionies the deliveryo employee welare by leveraging a points system uring estivals or special events points are credited to individual employee accountsenabling them to select and redeem gits o their choice rom the platorm based on preset point values

Case StudyIntroduction of the Points-Based Welfare Platform "Sunwoda Welfare"

Fixed wageFloating wageLong-term incentive

ost wageerormance bonus

commission proect bonusuarterly bonus overtimepay year-end bonus

Shares options dividendrights etc

Outstanding Award for HumanResources Management

by 51job

Favorite Employer for ChineseCollege Studentsby 51job


Guangdong Annual RemarkableEmployer Award

by Liepin


King of the Seas - Most Loved

Talent Employer Award



Guangdong Annual RemarkableEmployer Awardby Liepin

Most In?uential Employer Award

by Haitou


In?uential Employer Award

by Haitou


Most In?uential Employer Award

by Haitou


Best Employer -Most Intelligent ManufacturingSpirit Employerby Zhaopin Limited


Best Employer -Most Intelligent Manufacturing

Spirit Employerby Zhaopin Limited


China's Annual Best Employer -Best Employer in Shenzhen

by Zhaopin Limited


Technology Exemplar Award

by BeisenBest Employer of Key Enterprisesin Bao'an DistrictBao'an District Human Resources

and Social Security Bureau-

Campus Recruitment

Excellence Awardby Dayi

Salary Management System


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

Sunwoda has implemented regulations such as theManagement egulations on reedom o Association and Collective Bargainingand theSunwoda Sta? Congress Management Systemto uphold the rights o all employees to reely organie and engage in labor unions and collectivebargaining ostering democratic supervision and saeguarding the legitimate rights and interests o its wororce The collective agreementsormulated by Sunwoda undergo a rigorous process encompassing topic solicitation and discussion consensus between labor and managementdeliberation and approval by the sta? congress signing announcement and submission or review and recordation These agreements explicitlyoutline crucial employee interests encompassing compensation insurance and welare as well as labor saety and health Sunwoda pledges non-intererence in any legitimate organiations ormed by its employees The recently signed collective agreement too e?ect in March  and is validor a term o three years with provisions or timely initiation o collective bargaining plans in response to any policy regulation or rule adustmentsSunwoda adheres to a ?human-centered? management philosophy and strives to establish diverse communication platorms or our employeeswhile maintaining seamless communication channels uring the reporting period Sunwoda undertoo a thorough review o our employeegrievance channels irstly we prioritied the establishment and promotion o these channels encompassing all employment stages romonboarding to service delivery and departure This was achieved through various means including posters care cards A portals corporateeChat and other platorms Secondly we enhanced the promptness o grievance handling to ensure that all cases are resolved within threeworing days Thirdly we continuously monitored grievance data and instituted a reporting and corrective mechanism or employee grievancesurthermore Sunwoda placed emphasis on improving the handling o external employee complaints and oicially ormed a dedicatedimprovement team or this purpose e established an external complaint control mechanism that encompasses external complaint monitoringsupplier management process optimiation and implementation

Democratic Management

Employee Appeal channels

osters or EmployeeAppeal Channels

Settlement rate or labordispute cases

Mediationsuccess rate

Arbitrationsuccess rate

During the reporting period,

Group communication channelsSymposiumEmployee reception dayOnline appeal channelsEmployee care systemA appealEnterprise eChat

O?ine complaint channelsnsite appealTelephoneEmailMailbox

Employee Care

Since  Sunwoda has been hosting uniue cultural estival events and this year we commemorate the momentous 

thanniversary Tourther elevate the development o our corporate cultural identity enabling our rich cultural heritage to ?ourish persevere and expandwe aim to enhance employees? cultural pride and con?dence Additionally we strive to strengthen team cohesion and creativity showcasethe potency o our core values and support our business growth As such Sunwoda proudly presents the ?Gather Strength SteadastlyAdvance?  Sunwoda th Cultural estival encompassing a range o activities including innovation challenges singing competitionshiing excursions and much more

Sunwoda sincerely cares or its employees in all aspects o wor lie and beyond striving tomaintain a harmonious balance between their proessional and personal pursuits e prioritiethe development o employee activities organiing diverse care programs annually andostering a coy harmonious and convenient worspace that osters a positive wor culture

?Extraordinary? Singing Competition?Hundred Teams Challenge? Thousand-erson Hiing Event

Cultural Anniversary Gits

n pursuit o ostering a vibrant corporate culture amidst the new energy era Sunwoda organied the  Sunwoda ational GamesThis initiative aimed to embed our core values deeper within the organiation instilling a stronger sense o purpose and belie among ouremployees t also sought to enhance collaboration across regional departments elevating the health awareness and well-being o all teammembers Encouraging employees to embrace challenges and changes head-on the Games nurtured a spirit o ?aster higher stronger? insports and business alie urther igniting rontline motivation and core competitiveness ltimately these e?orts contributed to the steadyand positive growth o Sunwoda

un EventsTug-o-ar Event

Case StudyThe 5

th Cultural Festival of Sunwoda

Case Study2023 Sunwoda National Games


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

ecogniing the importance o maintaining high hygiene standards in our caeteria and ensuring the dietary well-being o our employeesSunwoda established the ietary Service versight Committee Serving as a liaison between our team members and the caeteria suppliersthis committee oversees various aspects o caeteria operations including daily management environmental hygiene ood saety mealuality and the service attitude o caeteria sta ts obective is to continually improve the overall uality o meals and environmentalconditions ultimately enhancing employee satisaction with our dietary services

Diverse Employee Activities

Mother?s ay

omen?s ayAnnual ecognition Gala

elivering Coolness in the Heat

?Tongxin ieli? amily pen ay?inang Tiian? ublic elare Hiing

?inxin iangyin? Social riendship Event

Developmentand TrainingAligned with our overarching development strategy and human resource ramewor Sunwoda hasestablished a dedicated training center as a cornerstone or building a robust training system nternally thiscenter is pivotal in supporting the implementation o our strategic obectives ostering business growth andaugmenting our human capital t accomplishes this by providing comprehensive training to all employeesand managers ensuring they are euipped with the necessary sills and nowledge Sunwoda organiesand executes targeted leadership and sill enhancement programs tailored or di?erent employee typesand levels These include but are not limited to grass-roots employee training middle-managementdevelopment worshops and executive-level seminars Additionally empowerment training is conductedor both managers and supervisors emphasiing the importance o delegation and e?ective leadershipExternally we extend our training expertise to our customers and partners o?ering comprehensive technicaland managerial training solutions that align with our business development obectives and customerservice ethos This ensures that our staeholders bene?t rom our expertise and remain competitive in theirrespective ?elds To urther enhance the e?ectiveness and e?ciency o our talent management e?orts theCompany has embared on T integration and data construction initiatives within its talent cultivation chain

Talent Cultivation System

The total number o employees trained30,199

The total training hours


Sunwoda Talent Cultivation System

During the reporting period,

Course Structure

Professional Talent(assistant engineer-


Skilled Talent(technician assistant engineer)

New Employee


11 professional colleges

Key Projects

Senior managers and reserve talent trainingntermediate managers and reserve talent trainingunior managers and reserve talent training

Maretingesearch anddevelopment


Supply chain



H administrationTMaretinginanceAudit

Sapphire rogram intermediate and senior technician

 assistant engineerAure rogram unior technician intermediate and senior technicianAua rogram employee  technician  unior techniciannboarding training orpositions in social recruitment

nboarding training orpositions in campus recruitment

nboarding training orpositions in campus recruitmentising star

Management Talents(junior, intermediate,senior)

Elite rogram hase  hase Empowerment ofintermediate managersSailing programEmpowerment of juniormanagersTeam leader

Dual-system full-timejunior college classntern trainingModern apprenticeNew apprentice

Learning roadmap ofprofessional collegesSix Sigmaarticipate in externaltraining

Guarantee Measures: Digital Learning Platform  Training Base Construction  Skill Evaluation System

Case StudyDietary Service Oversight Committee


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

Combination of Industry and Education Model

Sunwoda actively explores eective modes o cultivating silled talents and proactively respondsto the government?s initiative or improved proessional sills raning identi?cation The Companystrongly supports and encourages all its employees to actively engage in degree courses andexternal uali?cation and competency certi?cation assessments ocational sill level recognition isconducted or a range o positions including battery manuacturers mechanical euipment installerselectrical euipment installers itters purchasers uality inspectors and vocational trainersEmployees who successully pass the recognition process are eligible or corresponding subsidies andrewards rom Sunwoda aiming to acilitate their continuous learning and proessional growth

Occupational Skill Level Recognition

Sunwoda has established a dedicated  course development team Leveraging the EC batterycell production line as the oundation or modeling we have incorporated  technology withthe undamental principles o ?learning practicing and assessing? to create an innovative -based training system or new energy lithium batteries This system aims to acilitate the rapidonboarding o new employees in crucial positions thereby enhancing the overall e?ectivenesso our training programs

 Training - rocess Selection nterace

Dual System Junior College Class

Dream Craftsman ClassPractical Training Base Construction

Dongguan University of TechnologyExcellent Engineer Program

ointly organied a ull-time unior college modern apprenticeship pilot classwith Shenhen ocational and Continuing Education College and GuangdongCommunication olytechnicointly carried out the ?Lithium Battery ndustry Talents? oint training program withongguan niversity o Technologyointly developed a modern apprenticeship pilot proect with Shenhen irstocational SchoolEstablished standardied and modular training venues in various company basesto meet the practical training and internship needs o college students vocationaltraining or ob seeers empowerment and promotion or in-service employees anddual-teacher training or college teachers

As of the end of thereporting period,btained evaluationuali?cations in ?ve regionsincluding ShenhenHuihou anchang Lanxiand aning Type o worcan be evaluated

During thereporting period,The number o individualshave been recognied aspart o the  socialtraining and evaluationorganiation the maintraining unit in the ?ndustryEducation Evaluation?chain in Guangdongrovince during the trainingand coaching period2,849

uring the reporting period Sunwodalaunched a six-month management sillsdevelopment program exclusively or allgroup manager-level employees Thisprogram combines learning transormationactivities elimination and promotionwhile integrating executive coaching andtopic discussions to empower traineesin mastering management tools andundergoing transormation A total o manager-level employees participated with successully completing the courseachieving a graduation rate o  Theaverage training duration per individual was hours

Empowerment Training or Manager-level inhang Class

To ensure that newly recruited graduates seamlessly adapt to Sunwoda?s corporate culture and operations we ocus on cultivating their generalnowledge and sills emphasiing proessional awareness Additionally we hone their positional-speciic technical abilities to elevate theirproessional standing and acilitate a smooth transition rom campus to the worplace

e have introduced a learning map titled ?Six Magic Swords in the ianghu? on our learning platorm This map outlines six maor challenges that

graduates must overcome escorting their transition to proessionalism

Case StudyEmpowerment Training for Managers

Case StudyRising Star

Case StudyVR E?cient Training System


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

The company?s occupational saety CA management process

Sunwoda has expedited the digitalrevolution in worplace saety signi?cantlyenhancing its emergency responsecapabilities uring the reporting periodwe launched our EHS digital platorm Thisplatorm eatures modules such as ?dual-prevention mechanism? ?holiday saetymanagement and control? and ?specialeuipment and certiicate management?all euipped with automatic inormationretrieval updating and tas reminders

EHS Management latorm

Sunwoda adheres strictly to pertinent laws and regulations including theLaw o the eople?s epublic o China on or Saety the ire rotectionLaw o the eople?s epublic o China and the Law o the eople?s epublic o China on the revention and Control o ccupational iseases

uring the reporting period we revised ourEnvironmental and Saety Manualbroadened the application scope o our management system andclari?ed the responsibilities and authorities o various unctional departments Aligning with S  standards we continuously enhancedSunwoda?s occupational health and saety management system and advanced the digital transormation o saety productionAs o the end o the reporting period Sunwoda and  subsidiaries had achieved S  ccupational Health and Saety Management SystemCerti?cation  subsidiaries obtained or Saety Standardiation Certi?cates o level  or level  while another three subsidiaries were announcedas level  standardiation companies



Saety production target

Handlingncident reportinginvestigation and handlingerormance evaluation andcontinuous improvement


Saety investmentEducation and trainingEmergency rescuerganiation and responsibilitiesLaws regulations and saetymanagement system


Saety productionccupational healthroduction euipment and acilitiesHidden danger investigation andtreatmentMaterial haard source monitoring

To maintain seamless alignment with our ob evaluation system and provide oversight toworshop operations regarding wor saety ?re protection and occupational health Sunwodahas established a dedicated or Saety Committee The chairman o our Board o irectorsassumes the role o or Saety Committee chairman while the general managers o eachsubsidiary enterprise carry the primary responsibility or ensuring worplace saety Theor Saety Committee holds ultimate accountability or the group?s comprehensive saetymanagement system overseeing the overall coordination and guidance o the enterprise?swor saety initiatives

Saety roduction Management Governance Structure

The investment in wor saety is


Work SafetyManagement

ith a wor saety goal to ?eliminate hidden dangers mainly based on prevention tae technical andprotective measures resolutely eradicate extra-serious accidents curb maor accidents and strictlyprevent the occurrence o mass incidents? To improve the management level o wor saety theCompany sets annual wor saety goals prepares wor saety management plans or di?erent stagesapplies various measures and actively completes the wor related to wor saetyegular saety inspections serve as the cornerstone o Sunwoda?s saety management e haveestablished a monthly saety inspection system to ensure thorough audits o production euipmentand operational procedures or saety each month rior to estivals we conduct comprehensivesaety inspections to prepare or potential production peas during these periods Special saetyinspections are ocused on speciic euipment or operational procedures Through collaborativeoint saety inspections among various departments we discover and address issues optimieresource allocation and maximie management e?ciency

Goals of Work Safety

death toll rom wor-related accidents


The resident overseesthe entire spectrum ooccupational saety andhealth management

The Executive ice resident speci?callydesignated as the executive in charge osaety and the ice resident assignedas the executive responsible or businessgroups collaborate closely Togetherthey wor to enhance the organiationalstructure and systems conductingregular supervision and inspections othe management status to ensure itsalignment with saety standards

Management personnel across alllevels are designated as the responsiblepersons or ob saety Their dutiesinclude promoting and executingspeciic saety management measuresorganiing saety inspections conductingsaety training managing saetyperormance evaluations and moreTheir eorts ensure the orderly andeicient implementation o occupationalsaety and health management tass

During thereporting period,

Executive VicePresident andVice President

ResponsiblePerson for Job


Case StudyDigital Transformation of Work Safety


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

To well accomplish wor saety and strictly prevent the occurrence o wor saety accidents the Company taes multiple measures and taes ullresponsibilities or wor saetyIdenti?cation of Safety Risks

Training rate or ris andprotective measures in eachstage reached

Saety inspections


Saety riss recti?ed


Establish a leading group or thedouble prevention mechanismwor and clariy the responsibilitieso each department and position

dentiy all dangerous sources oeuipment acilities and operationalactivities within the ris points

Carry out education and training worearnestly and seriously accordingto the education and training planormulated by the Company

Establish a hidden danger investigationand treatment system and ormulaterecti?cation measures according to theactual situation

Establish our-color maps o saetyriss and saety ris notiication cardsor each area

During the reporting period

To urther enhance the capability o handling wor saety incidents Sunwoda has set up aseries o emergency management systems and rules including the Emergency esponse andesponse Management egulations the Management egulations or ire Emergencies and themplementation ules or on-or-Saety ncidents e also established emergency organiationsincluding the command team the communication team the evacuation and alert team the disasterrelie team the medical rescue team and the logistic support team to ensure timely and e?ectivehandling o unexpected wor saety accidentsuring the reporting period Sunwoda expanded its emergency management strategy to ensure thatit included response measures or extreme weather conditions such as typhoons and thunderstormse planned the storage locations o emergency supplies such as evacuation routes stairs and saetyexits and clearly mared the operational procedures in emergency situations to ensure they werelocated at ey evacuation nodes thereby enhancing the management o emergency supplies

Work Safety Emergency Management

ire-extinguishing supplies are placed

in prominent positions on the mainpassageways o the worshop withcorresponding signs posted

 ire Saety Month Sills Competition

Emergency drills

o o participants59,327

During thereporting period


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

or-relatedinury report

Crash recovery



Close the case

n terms o saety accident management Sunwoda has urther optimied internal regulations such as theetailed ules or the mplementation oor Saety Accidents and ncidents and the etailed ules or the mplementation o ewards and enalties or or Saetystrictly regulating thesaety accident handling management wor and reducing the ris o repeated accidentsSafety Accident Management

To enhance the saety awareness and consolidate and maintain a good atmosphere and situation or wor saety Sunwoda actively plans andpromotes various wor related to saety culture in accordance with the reuirement that ?all employees should regard wor saety as a crucialaspect in their mindset and thining?Safety Culture Construction

Accidentncident ccurs

Communication teamEvacuation andalert teamActivate emergencyresponse planon-site personnel

Activate internalspecialcomprehensiveemergency response planeuest external support rom thesaety department transer command authority to

the government

E?ective control

Emergency Handling Process

Accident control

nsite cleanup

elease alert

Emergency rescue team

ost treatment

Medical rescue teamLogistics support team

mplement the ?our

rinciples o Accident


E?ective control

Loss ocontrol

Loss o controlmmediately

pholding the core belie o sae development Sunwoda strives to enhance the saety literacy o all its employees ensuring that they understandand strictly adhere to relevant wor saety regulations Through the establishment o a multi-channel and multi-ormat nowledge disseminationramewor we provide employees with seamless access to saety nowledge ostering a deeper sense o saety ?acuisition? heightening theirvigilance towards saety issues nurturing a robust saety mindset and strictly adhering to the basic norms o wor saety

Safety Knowledge Education

Safety Center O?cial Account Operation

Video/Print Advertisements

Safety VI

Education and Promotion Channels Education and Promotion Performance

 saety-themed posts were published covering atotal o  people saety-themed videos  posters  bulletin boardposters and  destop wallpapers were releasedall industrial pars o the group saety signs were standardied

To urther cultivate a positive saety culture and align with the saety theme o ?everyone speas about saety and everyone nows howto respond to emergencies? Sunwoda organies diverse activities such as competitions uies promotional events commendationscultural gatherings literary wors and lectures These endeavors aim to guide employees in enhancing their ocus on saety matters andostering a solid saety awareness

Work Safety

Safety KnowledgeCompetitionSafety Theme ShortVideo ContestO?ine SafetyPrized Q&A Session

Fire?ghting Skills


 teams and  participantsregistered or the competition videos were submittedand  outstanding wors were selected people participated in the or

Saety Month and ire Saety Month teams and  participantsregistered or the competition

ActivitiesActivity Performance

Online Safety Examfor All Employees

 people passedthe online saety exam

nsite emergency

responseeport to the Saety

epartmenteport to thedepartment head


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

The Sunwoda  Saety nowledgeCompetition themed ?Everyone Tals AboutSaety Everyone nows How to espond toEmergencies? consists o three maor stagespreliminary round semi?nal and ?nal Teamsconsisting o three individuals participate inthe competition organied independentlyby each department This event garnered theparticipation o  teams comprising a totalo  eager contestants

Sunwoda  Saety nowledge Competition

Total saety traininghours or employees

Total number opersons trained




Sunwoda holds the physical and mental well-being o its employees in utmost importance Toeectively mitigate and manage occupation-related health haards and guarantee the tangiblesaeguarding o employees? occupational health rights and interests the Company has instituteda comprehensive suite o stringent management mechanisms and enorcement regulationsThese include pivotal documents such as theccupational Hygiene Management egulations theccupational Hygiene and Labor rotection Management egulations and themplementation ulesor the Control o Labor rotection Supplies All these measures aim to expedite the promotion andimplementation o robust occupational health protection initiatives

Work Safety TrainingSaety training serves as a crucial avenue or enhancing our employees? saety consciousness and pro?ciency Committed to ul?lling our primaryresponsibility or worplace saety and e?ectively bolstering our wororce?s saety awareness Sunwoda has established an integrated online ando?ine training examination platorm e conduct training in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations ensuring comprehensive coverageo participants and around-the-cloc access to training resources

Three-Tier Saety Education or ew ecruits pon recruitment new employees undergo a three-tier saety education program that gradually progresses rom the company level through thedepartment level to the individual position level This structured approach ensures that every newmember o our team acuires a proound understanding and mastery o saety nowledge-obob Transer Saety Education Sunwoda also provides tailored saety education oremployees who vacate their positions or undergo ob transers This customied training euipsthem with the necessary nowledge to adapt to their new woring environments and reuirementsMonthly Saety Education As a regular training activity monthly saety education eeps ouremployees? saety nowledge up to date and continually re?nedre- and ost-or Saety romotion This initiative aims to reinorce our employees? saetyawareness and maintain their vigilance throughout their worday

To urther enorce the implementation o theLaw o the eople?s epublic o China onthe revention and Control o ccupational iseasesand uphold its corporate dutiesSunwoda has embared on a series o occupational health and saety initiativesThese activities are centered around the theme o ?mproving or Environmentand Conditions to Saeguard orers? hysical and Mental ell-being? Leveragingits oicial eChat platorm Sunwoda aims to heighten employees? awarenesso occupational haards and oster a proactive approach towards sel-protectionthereby ensuring the protection o worers? occupational health rights and interests

Promoting Occupational Health Awarenessand Enhancing Safety Measures

oster or the  ccupational isease revention

and Control Law romotion ee

To acilitate a saer production environment minimie wor-related accidentseliminate the occurrence o occupational diseases and eectively saeguard thesaety and health o employees Sunwoda has conducted comprehensive training orall its personnel This training empowers employees with the necessary nowledgeand sills enabling them to optimie the saety management philosophy andcontribute towards creating a healthier and saer wor environment

uring the speci?ed reporting period Sunwoda represented by its Saety Center submitted an application to the Shenhen SocialSecurity Bureau or participation in the ?Shenhen or-related nury revention roect? ollowing rigorous municipal selectionthe Company proudly emerged as a inalist Ater nearly a year o diligent proect operation and maintenance remarableachievements have been realied

Enhancing Protective Measures andElevating Occupational Health Standards

Successully certi?ed  trainerseveloped a comprehensive set o high-uality courseware encompassing  courses speci?cally tailored orwor-related inury preventionroduced  comprehensive training manuals dedicated to wor-related inury preventionConducted  training sessions achieving a satisaction rate o  and a nowledge absorption rate o 

Management mechanism

Management measures

denti?cation Establish a list o haard actor identi?cation and update it regularly every yearMonitoring egular testing o occupational disease haard is conducted every year orpositions with occupational disease haard physical examinations are strictly carried out inaccordance with the reuirements o the Technical Speci?cation or ccupational HealthSurveillance GBtilie T platorms to implement online management o occupational healthexaminationsptimie the E usage plan strictly reuire ?three certiicates and one standard?control or special labor protection euipment and achieve a  E wearing rate oroccupational disease haard positions

During thereporting period

ccupational physicalexamination rate

Cases o occupationaldiseases

During thereporting period

Case StudySunwoda 2023 Safety Knowledge Competition

Case StudyImplementation of the Shenzhen Work-related Injury Prevention Training Project


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-



AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


Sunwoda remains steadast in its original aspiration persevering in its orward momentum and never orgetting its commitment to contributingto society pholding the philosophy o ?gratitude integrity charity and harmony? the Company established the Shenhen Sunwoda Charityoundation in  to provide charitable services in poverty relie education support patient care medical assistance and disaster relieand support the development and advancement o charities aiming to ?oster the spirit o charity through every act o indness raise publicawareness and oster a harmonious society? n  the Company donated MB  million with a total donation amount o more than MB million over the years

resident nit o the Shenhen oundationevelopment romotion Association

Advanced nit o the Glorious Cause

Company Awards

uring the reporting period Sunwoda?s active participation in social welare initiatives has garnered widespread recognition The Company hasbeen honored with the title o ?Shenhen oluntary Blood onation ublic elare nit? and its name has appeared on the  ShenhenCharity onation List o Enterprise onations Additionally Sunwoda has received esteemed accolades such as ?Caring or eople?s Livelihood andemonstrating Corporate esponsibility? and ?Star o ublic elare?

Foundation Awards

uring the reporting period the Sunwoda Charity oundation received social honors such as the title o ?lood Control ioneer? the title o?utstanding nit o the Glorious Cause? and a transparency index score o  rom China oundation Transparency ndex AdditionallySunwoda became the president unit o the second council o the Shenhen oundation evelopment romotion Association a member unit othe sixth council o the Shenhen Social rganiation ederation and a member unit o the Shenhen Charity ederation

鹏城慈善奖深圳慈善捐赠榜荣誉证书HONORCERTTFICATE欣旺达电子股份有限公司积极践行社会责任,参与公益事业,荣登2022年度深圳慈善捐赠榜企业捐赠榜。深圳慈善捐赠榜编制委员会2023年9月Certi?cate o Appreciation rom

Shenhen ed Cross SocietyShenhen oluntary Bloodonation ublic elare nit

Honorary Certi?cate oengcheng Charity onation List

Honorary Certi?cate o

Social Charity

Sunwoda irmly believes that nowledge holds the ey to overcoming poverty and we are deeplycommitted to advancing education and its associated progress ur dedication extends to supportingthe reuvenation o our nation through the power o science and education To this end we haveestablished the Sunwoda uture Education Assistance rogram speciically the ?ream Builderand avigator? Sunwoda Scholarship and Bursary lan This initiative aims to establish Sunwodascholarships and bursaries across primary and secondary schools as well as higher educationinstitutions thereby encouraging students to pursue their academic ourney with diligence and aspirit o innovation As o the reporting period?s conclusion the Sunwoda uture Education Assistancerogram has provided cumulative support to  teachers and students

Education Assistance Program


uring the reporting period Sunwoda actively responded to the national and local government?sstrategic deployment or rural revitaliation Aligning with our company?s planning and actualsituation we too concrete actions to assist rural communities e purchased ruit and agriculturalproducts worth MB  rom Gansu rovince and iniang rovince supporting local armers andcontributing to the economic development o rural areas Additionally we participated in communityconstruction wor helped consolidate the achievements o poverty alleviation and actively assisted inrural revitaliation e?orts aiming to bring prosperity and vitality to rural communities

To create a haven or elderly villagers to enoy peaceul shade and relaxation and to establish a vibrant learning and playground or children theoundation alongside other compassionate organiations collaborated to initiate the construction o the inaugural community garden named?arming and eading Garden? within the Shenhen-Shanshan Special Cooperation one This endeavor aimed to enhance the uality o lie orvillagers without altering the land?s ownership or character Through the government?s land regulariation measures sel-unded initiatives andthe mobiliation o social volunteers villagers and children who enthusiastically adopted green plants planted ?owers and vegetables a onceovergrown and sewage-polluted wasteland was transormed into a vibrant community garden

The irst Community Garden ?arming and eading Garden? roect

SchoolProject NameTongren o Middle School in

Guihou rovinceGuantian SchoolBoluo Middle Schoolongguan niversity o TechnologySouth China niversity o Technologyalian niversity o Technology

Sunwoda uture ne-on-ne Scholarship roectSunwoda iligent Learning and Brave Scholarship roectSunwoda nspirational Scholarship?utstanding Engineer? Training rogramSunwoda ew Energy Technology nnovation Scholarship roectSunwoda Cup·South China niversity o Technology Challenge Cup SeriesCompetition Support rogramSunwoda-Huanghai ew Energy Technology nnovation Scholarship roectSunwoda-Huanghai Excellent Teacher and Counselor AwardSunwoda-Huanghai Cup-iCA nnovation and Entrepreneurship CompetitionSunwoda-Huanghai Club Support rogram

Certi?cate o Appreciation rom

Shenhen oluntary Blood

Shenhen oluntary Blood

onation ublic elare nit

onation ublic elare nit

Honorary Certi?cate o

Honorary Certi?cate o

Awards and Recognition

Case StudyImplementation of the Shenzhen Work-related Injury Prevention Training Project


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

Case Study

Gathering Strength with "Sunwoda" to Rush to the Aid ofGansu Sunwoda Earthquake Relief Action

ith the aim o elevating the standards o innovation and entrepreneurship among university students and igniting a passionor innovative sills among the younger generation the ?Sunwoda-Huanghai Cup?  Liaoning rovince iCA nnovation andEntrepreneurship Competition and the inals o the th iCA niversity Student nnovation and Entrepreneurship Competitionin Liaoning rovince were held at the nnovation and Entrepreneurship nstitute o alian niversity o Technology on ctober  This event sponsored by the Liaoning rovincial epartment o Education and organied by alian niversity o Technologyreceived generous support rom the Sunwoda Charity oundation Concurrent with the competition launch ceremony the iCA nnovation Exhibition was also held eaturing  participating teams rom  universities who uali?ed or the ?nals

?Sunwoda-Huanghai Cup?  Liaoning rovince iCA nnovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and theinals o the th iCA niversity Student nnovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Liaoning rovince

Sunwoda is deeply committed to patient relie e?orts and implements various public welare initiatives such as the ?Sunshinerotection? program ?Tongxinyuan Children?s Care Space roect? and the ?Sunwoda anghou Children?s Transplant elierogram? providing support in areas such as childcare amily assistance and medical reliePatient Relief

uring the reporting period we launched the ?in anghou Children?s Transplant elie rogram? with the sole aim o assistingchildren su?ering rom hematological diseases who are being treated at hongshan Seventh Hospital but are unable to a?ordhematopoietic stem cell transplantation due to ?nancial constraints This program strives to alleviate the ?nancial burden on thesechildren?s amilies ensuring that more children with hematological diseases can undergo transplantation treatment in a timelymanner and receive prompt medical attention

Chairman ang ei representing Sunwoda donated MB  million to hongshan Seventh Hospital to provide assistance to

children with hematological diseases who are experiencing ?nancial di?culties while seeing treatment at the hospital

The undation has been a steadast supporter o the establishment o two children?s care proects namely the ?Tongxinyuan? and the?ing a a? situated at the Shiyan eople?s Hospital in Shenhen?s Bao?an istrict and the ediatrics epartment o the SeventhA?liated Hospital o Sun at-sen niversity respectively These proects have been operational or over  days successully conducting activities and serving a cumulative total o  children uring the reporting period we organied various child-centered eventsdesigned to bring oy and happiness to hospitalied children These included the ?Caring or Children?s Hearts and avigating Theirrotection? storyboo reading event or Children?s ay the educational ?ourney Through the  Solar Terms? event the inormative?ational Toothbrush ay? event and the estive ?Sharing the oy o Mid-Autumn? event All these activities aimed to enrich the hospitalstay o the children and provide them with a sense o normalcy and un

The Theme ainting Activity or the ational Low-Carbon ay at the ediatricsepartment o the Seventh A?liated Hospital o Sun at-sen niversity

Sunwoda actively participates in disaster relie and public welare e?orts e mae donations to support rescue operations provide dailynecessities or those a?ected acilitate centralied resettlement and engage in post-disaster reconstruction and other related endeavorsEmergency Relief

n ecember   at  a -magnitude earthuae struc ishishanLinxia reecture Gansu rovince mmediately ollowing the earthuaeSunwoda switly responded to the situation and launched the ?GatheringStrength with ?Sunwoda? to ush to the Aid o Gansu - Sunwoda Earthuae elieAction? Through charitable donations and sales we rallied the support and loveo the Sunwoda amily extending sincere wishes to the aected individuals Adonation o MB  was donated to local public welare organiations inGansu speciically to support post-disaster reconstruction eorts in ishishanCounty Linxia reecture Gansu rovince

onation Certi?cate

The ?Tongxinyuan? at Shiyan eople?s Hospital

Celebrating Mid-Autumn estival

Case StudyChildren's Care Space ProjectCase Study

"Sunwoda-Huanghai Cup" 2023 Liaoning Province iCAN Innovation andEntrepreneurship Competition and the Finals of the 17th iCAN University StudentInnovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Liaoning Province

Case StudyXin Fangzhou Children's Transplant Relief Program


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd


By establishing donation and volunteer service platorms Sunwoda organies and executespublic welare activities serving and contributing to society and ostering a warm andharmonious social atmosphere

uring the reporting period Sunwoda proudly launched the ?Sunwoda ublic elare Blood onation ay - ?oll up our Sleeveor Love Sunwoda  outh Blood onation ublic elare Campaign?? This initiative aimed to encourage our employees acrossvarious Sunwoda campuses to actively respond to the urgent need or unpaid blood donations rom various city blood centers andstations thereby contributing signi?cantly to the noble cause o unpaid blood donation in China This campaign witnessed theenthusiastic participation o young individuals rom our ?ve primary Sunwoda campuses who united in the spirit o love by rollingup their sleeves mpressively a total o  employees participated with  successul donations amounting to a collective bloodvolume o ml This remarable e?ort was a timely support during the blood stations? critical period o blood shortage

Certi?cate o Appreciation rom Shenhenuehiyuan ublic elare oundation orthe ?Love in Action ational Brand npaidBlood onation ublic elare lan?Scene o the ublic elare Blood onation ay

n March  the month honoring the spirit o Lei eng our oundation rallied Sunwoda?s party members the general public andcompassionate individuals to embar on a heartelt campaign The obective was to collect and ul?ll micro-wishes or  childrenacing challenging circumstances enabling them to ulill their heartelt desires n April nd maring the th orld AutismAwareness ay a team o company volunteers accompanied by social worers rom Shiyan visited these children and presentedthem with heartwarming gits Additionally mil and ruits were distributed to the amilies o  ?children o the stars? aiming tobring them a sense o special warmth and carene volunteer shared ? am prooundly moved by their circumstances and inspired by their resilience and optimism Their wishesare surprisingly simple yet deeply meaningul  assured the children that they are loved and that there are people lie uncles andaunties silently caring or them This experience has indled my desire to participate in more such welare initiatives in the uture?

Collaboration with Shiyan Social orers in the ?ul?lling Tiny reams Striving to Be ream Maers? Loving ream ul?llment Activity

rom September th to th  Sunwoda?s oundation called upon its employeesto engage in meaningul acts o indness ith a donation o MB  weaimed to saeguard the precious smiles o sic children The unds were directedtowards the ?Creating a Caring Space or Sic Children? proect ointly initiatedby the Shenhen Charity ederation and the SME ederation ing a a Charityund This collaboration aims to establish a nurturing and relaxing environmentor children suering rom blood diseases and their amilies while ostering acharitable atmosphere o compassion warmth and love within Sunwoda

MB  to Guard the Smiles o

Sic Children osterCase Study"Ful?lling Tiny Dreams, Striving to Be Dream Makers" Loving Dream Ful?llment Activity

Case Study

Sunwoda 2023 outh Blood Donation Public Welfare Campaign -Sunwoda Public Welfare Blood Donation Day

Case Study

99 Public Welfare Day Joining Hands with Sunwoda, Doing Acts of Kindnessand Guarding the Smiles of Sick Children


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration and

Mutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixrologueSunwoda Electronic Co Ltd

RevenueRMB billion37.35952.16247.862Net pro?t attributable toshareholders of the Company

RMB million9161,0681,076Earnings per shareRMB/ share0.580.620.58Asset-liability ratio%67.7564.6959.07Tax amountRMB million8469061,123



AppendixKey Performance Table


ElectricitykWh705,998,215.68918,076,832.32929,540,587.61Natural gasCubic meter3,299,857.1015,679,08114,178,905.76GasolineLiter189,095.28192,033.15191,512.76DieselLiter5,626.117,735.973773SteamTon?262,371.95320,521.01Greenhouse gases

Total emissions tCO2e417,887.31638,420.29659,352.51Scope 1tCO2e7,702.3534,948.8131,636.87Scope 2tCO2e410,184.96603,471.48627,715.64

Waste gas

Total emissionsTon12.6017.8136.59Total non-methanehydrocarbons


Volatile organiccompounds (VOCs)


Nitrogen oxidesTon2.237.325.59SOxTon0.07

Lower than thedetected value




202120222023Waste gasOthersTon2.4500.21WastewaterTotal dischargeTon946,835974,815362,306

E?uent quality

Chemical oxygendemand (COD)

Ton31.12123.6953.07Biochemicaloxygen demand?ve days (BOD5)

Ton5.1637.9914.17Ammonia nitrogenTon2.613.274.89

Total nitrogenTon3.023.413.22Suspended matterTon10.8829.397.31Total phosphorusTon0.130.360.76Water resources Water consumptionTon3,108,6343,319,5973,697,300


Non-hazardous waste


Hazardous wasteProductionTon911.891,231.861,619.72RecyclingTon?6.709.31Cyclic utilizationTon?304.8926.07Land?llingTon?35.5234.16IncinerationTon?801.861,360.80OthersTon?113.56189.39

1. The disclosure scope of EHS data in 2023 covers companies with assets greater than 5 million, and the list of companies is di?erent from that in 2021-2022, so the indicator

di?erences are relatively large.

2. The greenhouse gas emission calculation method has been revised. The power emission factor in 2021 adopted the national grid average emission factor of 0.5810tCO2e/

MWh, while the power emission factor in 2022 and 2023 adopted the national grid average emission factor of 0.5703tCO2e/MWh. The source of the heat emission factor isthe Guidelines for the Calculation and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Electronic Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises (Trial), and the source of the steamheat content is the average heat content calculated based on the measured values of equipment and facilities.


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixPrologueSunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.


By region

Mainland ChinaPeople36,10944,79947,399Hong Kong, Macao, TaiwanPeople181116Other countries and regionsPeople03233

Gender of the managementMale in managementPeople7124,6094,468Female in managementPeople46810791,142Proportion of female inmanagement

%39.66 23.41 20.36Labor contract signing rate%100100100Number of minorityemployees



Total number of employees


People27,67932,18930,199Total hours of training foremployees



Total Number of SuppliersSupplier(s)5,4955,2184,020

By regionSuppliers from the Chinese


Supplier(s)4,8714,7403,512Suppliers from Hong Kong,Macao, Taiwan, and other




Charity donationRMB'0,000679.00 686.90 1,453.30Duration of volunteeractivities



Number of employeesPeople36,12744,84247,448By genderMalePeople24,52430,83332,519FemalePeople11,60314,00914,929By employment typePermanent employment


People36,04144,64146,531Labor dispatch systemPeople3022


By functionProduction personnelPeople23,58728,65631,396Technical personnelPeople6,9738,3648,442Sales personnelPeople369498

Financial personnelPeople189270

Administrative personnelPeople5,0097,0546,695By educational backgroundPhD degreePeople93107

Master's degreePeople9601,3602,002Bachelor's degreePeople4,9557,4678,338Junior college degreePeople5,6497,3197,503Below junior college degreePeople24,47028,58929,472By ageOver 50 years oldPeople169163

30 to 50 years oldPeople16,87821,59022,572Under 30 years oldPeople19,08023,08924,181



3. It's accumulated number for project-based training sessions.


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixPrologueSunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.

GRI StandardsDisclosed ItemCorresponding Chapter


Sunwoda reported the information cited in this GRI Index with reference to the GRIStandards dated from January 1 to December 31, 2023.

GRI 1 usedGRI 1: Foundation 2021

GRI 2: GeneralDisclosures2021

2-1Organization detailsCompany Pro?le2-2

Entities included in the organization's sustainabilityreporting

About This Report2-3Reporting period, frequency and contact pointAbout This Report2-4Restatements of informationKey Performance Table2-6

Activities, value chains and other businessrelationships

Company Pro?le

Clean Technology and

Green Product2-7EmployeesKey Performance Table2-9Governance structure and compositionCorporate Governance2-10

Nomination and selection of the highest governancebody

Corporate Governance2-11Chair of the highest governance bodyRefer to The Annual Report2-12

Role of the highest governance body in overseeingthe management of impacts

ESG Management System2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsESG Management System2-14

Role of the highest governance body in sustainabilityreporting

About This Report

ESG Management System2-15Con?icts of interest Corporate Refer to The Annual Report2-16Communication of critical concernsESG Management System2-17

Collective knowledge of the highest governancebody

ESG Management System2-22Statement on sustainable development strategyMessage from the Chairman2-23Policy commitments

Contribution to United

Nations Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs)

Business Ethics

Sustainable Supply Chain

Workplace Well-being

GRI 2: GeneralDisclosures2021

2-24Embedding policy commitments

Contribution to UnitedNations SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs)Business EthicsSustainable Supply ChainWorkplace Well-being2-25Processes to remediate negative impacts

Business EthicsSustainable Supply ChainWorkplace Well-being2-26Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsAbout This Report2-27Compliance with laws and regulations

Refer to section of the reportfor details2-28Membership associations

ESG Management SystemR&D and Innovation2-29Approach to stakeholder engagement

Management of materialissues2-30Collective bargaining agreementsWorkplace Well-beingGRI 3: Materialissues 2021

3-1Process to determine material issues

Management of materialissues3-2List of material issues

Management of materialissuesGRI 201:


3-3Management of material issues

Management of materialissuesCorporate Governance201-1Direct economic value generated and distributed

PerformanceKey Performance Table201-3

De?ned bene?t plan obligations and otherretirement plans

Workplace Well-beingGRI 203: IndirectEconomicImpacts 2016

203-1Infrastructure investments and services supportedCommunity Charity

GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016

3-3Management of material issues

Management of material


Business Ethics205-1Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionBusiness Ethics205-2

Communication and training about anti-corruptionpolicies and procedures

Business Ethics205-3Con?rmed incidents of corruption and actions takenBusiness Ethics

GRI Index

GRI StandardsDisclosed ItemCorresponding Chapter


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixPrologueSunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.

GRI 206:Anti-competitiveBehavior 2016


Legal proceedings against anti-competitive behaviors,antitrust and anti-monopoly practices

Fair Competition

GRI 302: Energy2016

302-1Energy consumption within the organization

Green ProductionKey Performance Table302-4Reduction of energy consumptionGreen Production302-5

Reductions in energy requirements of products andservices

Green Production

GRI 303: Waterand E?uents2018

303-1Interactions with water as a shared resourceGreen Production303-2Management of water discharge related impactsGreen Production303-4Water discharge

Green ProductionKey Performance Table303-5Water consumption

Green ProductionKey Performance Table

GRI 305:

Emissions 2016

3-3Management of Material Issue

Management of Material IssueAnnual Theme ActivelyResponding to the EU BatteryRegulation and Navigating theEra of Green BatteryCarbon Peaking andNeutrality ManagementGreen Production305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsKey Performance Table305-2Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissionsKey Performance Table305-4GHG emissions intensity

Carbon Peaking andNeutrality Management305-5Reduction of GHG emissions

Carbon Peaking andNeutrality Management305-7

Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and othersigni?cant air emissions

Green ProductionKey Performance Table

GRI 306: Waste2020


Waste generation and signi?cant waste-relatedimpacts

Green Production306-2Management of signi?cant waste-related impactsGreen Production306-3Waste generatedKey Performance Table306-4Waste diverted from disposal

Green Production

Key Performance Table306-5Waste directed to disposalKey Performance TableGRI 308: SupplierEnvironmentalAssessment 2016

3-3Management of Material Issues

Management of Material


Sustainable Supply Chain308-1

New suppliers that were screened usingenvironmental criteria

Sustainable Supply Chain

GRI 401:



Bene?ts provided to full-time employees that are notprovided to temporary or part-time employees

Workplace Well-being401-3Parental leaveWorkplace Well-beingGRI 402: Labor/ManagementRelations 2016


Minimum notice periods regarding operationalchanges

Workplace Well-being

GRI 403:

OccupationalHealth and Safety2018

403-1Occupational health and safety management system

Occupational Safety and


Hazard identi?cation, risk assessment, and incidentinvestigation

Occupational Safety and

Health403-3Occupational health services

Occupational Safety and


Worker participation, consultation, andcommunication on occupational health and safety

Occupational Safety and

Health403-5Worker training on occupational health and safety

Occupational Safety and

Health403-6Promotion of worker health

Workplace Well-being

Occupational Safety and


Prevention and mitigation of occupational healthand safety impacts directly linked by businessrelationships

Occupational Safety and


Workers covered by an occupational health andsafety management system

Occupational Safety and

Health403-9Work-related injuries

Occupational Safety and

Health403-10Work-related ill health

Occupational Safety and


GRI 404:Trainingand Education2016


Programs for upgrading employee skills andtransition assistance programs

Workplace Well-beingGRI 405: Diversityand EqualOpportunity 2016

405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employees

Workplace Well-being Key

Performance TableGRI 414:

Supplier SocialAssessment 2016

3-3Management of Material Issues

Management of Material


Sustainable Supply Chain414-1New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaSustainable Supply Chain

GRI StandardsDisclosed ItemCorresponding ChapterGRI StandardsDisclosed ItemCorresponding Chapter


Annual ThemeESG Strategy and



Collaboration andMutual Bene?t

Green and Low-carbon


AppendixPrologueSunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.

Thank you very much for taking the time and attention to read the2023 ESG Report of Sunwoda Electronics Co., Ltd..Yourfeedback is crucial for us to continually enhance the ESG management e?orts and report quality, thereby strengthening ourESG capabilities and standards. We kindly invite you to share your valuable opinions and suggestions regarding this report.Rest assured, we will seriously consider your inputs and ensure the con?dentiality of your information.

2、Does the report comprehensively and accurately re?ect the Company's signi?cant economic, social, and environmental impacts?

□ Very good□ Good□ Average□ Poor

□ Very good□ Good□ Average□ Poor

□ Very good□ Good□ Average□ Poor

□ Very good□ Good□ Average□ Poor

3、How do you rate the report's responsiveness and disclosure quality in addressing stakeholder concerns?

4、How clear, accurate, and comprehensive are the information, indicators, and data disclosed in this report?

5、How do you assess the readability of this report, including its logical ?ow, content design, language, and formatting?

1、Please indicate your stakeholder category by ticking the appropriate box:

□ Employee

□ Government and regulatory agencies□ Customer


□ Investor

□ Industry associations

□ dealer

□ Cooperative institutions

□ Supplier

□Others(Please specify)

6、Please provide your suggestions for improving our future ESG reports:

Feedback and Suggestions

Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.

Sunwoda Electronics Co., Ltd.No. 2, Yihe Road, Shilong Community, Shiyan Sub-district, Bao'an District,Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, Chinatel: 86-0755-2735206486-0755-29516999

O?cial AccountTikTok Account

Sunwoda Electronic Co., Ltd.
