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贵州茅台:2023年环境、社会及治理(ESG)报告(英文版) 下载公告

About the Report

This Report covers Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. and its a?liated organizations. To facilitate presentation, "Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd." isreferred to as "Kweichow Moutai", the "Company", "we" and "us" , and our controlling shareholder, China Kweichow Moutai (Group) Co.,Ltd. is referred to as "Moutai Group" in this Report.

Reporting Period


This Report covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023, with part of the content tracing back to previous years asnecessary.

Compilatory BasisThis Report is prepared in accordance with the Guidelines of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Environmental Information Disclosureof Listed Companies, with reference to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) by the Global SustainabilityStandards Board (GSSB).

Publication IntervalThis Report is an annual report. Kweichow Moutai has issued Corporate Social Responsibility Reports for 12 consecutive years since2009 and issued Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reports since 2021. This Report is the third ESG Report.

How to Obtain

This Report is published in both print and electronic formats. For more information on Kweichow Moutai's ESG performance or todownload the electronic version of this Report, please visit the following websites.O?cial website of Kweichow Moutai: https://www.moutai.com.cn/O?cial website of Shanghai Stock Exchange: http://www.sse.com.cn/

StatementAll nancial data herein are derived from the Annual Report 2023 of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., and all other information and data arederived from our relevant statistics. The bookkeeping base currency of all monetary amounts involved is RMB. Certain amounts andpercentage gures herein have been rounded, and therefore, the totals shown in certain tables may not be the sum of the foregoinggures.

LanguageThis Report is available in both simplied Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy in understanding the content, the simpliedChinese version shall prevail.

Message from the Chairman

The year 2023 has witnessed a magnificent chapter ofKweichow Moutai. It is a year for all of us at KweichowMoutai to work together and forge ahead with enterpriseand fortitude. Challenged by the intertwining of themacroeconomic recovery period and the Chinese Baijiuindustry adjustment period, weak consumption recovery, andintensified market competition, we have upheld Xi JinpingThought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for aNew Era and thoroughly implemented the guiding principlesfrom the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party ofChina (CPC or the "Party"). We have upgraded the "Five-Line" development strategy and practiced ESG concepts ina comprehensive and holistic manner. Moreover, we haveexplored new pathways and samples of ESG developmentto promote our sustainable development.Oriented by high quality, we have actively explorednew paths to green development. We have thoroughlyimplemented Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization,firmly adhered to the "Green Line" development strategy,and constructed a green development system for theharmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. Wehave implemented the "carbon peak and carbon neutrality"action and formulated a "carbon peak and carbon neutrality"work program. We have intensified our efforts in the Basefor Practicing the Concept That Clear Waters and GreenMountains Are Invaluable Assets, continued to implementthe "Five Projects" and "Five Actions," and gone all out topromote energy conservation and carbon reduction. Withan eye on water management, we have launched water-saving process retrofitting and innovation and enhancedwater conservation, drainage, water treatment, and waterreuse to increase water-saving benets and water e?ciency.We have advocated the circular economy, improved

resource efficiency, and worked together to build a resource-efficient benchmark enterprise. We have actively integratedinto the National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone of Guizhouand continuously expanded the "green immovable property"in the Chishui River Basin. Focusing on six fronts, including"green culture," "green brewing," "green standards," and "greenproduction areas," we have promoted ecology as a priority,conservation, intensification, and low-carbon development tocreate a beautiful Moutai for the harmonious coexistence betweenhumanity and nature.

Built on high standards, we have been striving to create anew sample of ESG practice. We have launched an intensivemanagement improvement action benchmarked against the world'sbest, introduced the Performance Excellence Model and theEFQM model, and improved our modernized management with afocus on the management system, management mechanism, andsupervision mechanism. We have pushed forward the progressand standardized operation of the Board of Directors, optimizedour corporate governance structure, and fully implemented thepowers and functions of the Board of Directors. We have promotedthe construction of Smart Moutai 2.0 and continuously improvedour network security system to ensure data and privacy securityand enhance risk control capabilities. We have abode by businessethics, improved the Five-Sphere Integrated supervision system,strengthened our integrity culture, and consolidated the foundationof integrity and compliance. At the same time, we have integratedESG as an important value concept into our corporate strategy,established an ESG management organizational structure, fullyprogressed the ESG management system, and continued toimprove governance e?ectiveness.Centered on high quality, we have joined forces to create ahappier and better life. Committed to creating sustainable value,

we have built a coherent community with stakeholders, contributingto social development, well-being, and prosperity. Adhering toa people-oriented approach, we have worked together with ouremployees to create a happy Moutai that features harmoniousdevelopment, internal excellence, and external aesthetics, with afocus on employees' development, occupational health, rights, andinterests. We have also worked together with our partners to fosterindustrial "Mei" with enterprise, empower each other for commonprogress, and create a sustainable industrial chain ecosystem.We have worked tirelessly to establish the Moutai Public WelfareFoundation, focusing on the ve major areas (education, ecology,culture, science and technology, and health), coordinating moreresources to the public welfare cause so that the power ofgoodness benefits a wider range of areas and people and theworld becomes a better place.The year 2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of thePeople's Republic of China and also a critical year for the targetsand tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. We will adhere to high-quality development in our overall coordination and focus on thestrategic goals of "double world-leading, three breakthroughs, andfive leaps." We will firmly uphold the strategy of Mei and gatherthe power of Mei. In the value pursuit of "endless Mei, endlessme," we will work with stakeholders to intensify our ESG practices,forge ahead for a world-leading position and Mei, and createprosperity and a better future.

Chairman of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

04052023 Environmental, Social and Governance ReportKweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

About Kweichow Moutai

Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. (stock code: 600519) was incorporated on November 1999 and was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchangein 2001. Headquartered in Moutai Town along the stunning banks of the Chishui River in northern Guizhou Province, Moutai is mainlyengaged in the production and sales of Moutai Baijiu and Moutai series baijiu. The leading product, Kweichow Moutai Baijiu, is theoriginator and indisputable representative of Daqu jiangxiangxing baijiu in China. The product is a National Geographical IndicationProducts, product with EU-China Landmark Geographical Indication, organic food, and national intangible cultural heritage. Boastinglingering fragrance and a marketing network extending across China and to 64 countries and regions on ve continents, it is a Chinesebusiness card that brings the fragrance of baijiu to the world.In Kweichow Moutai, we pursue excellent quality at all times. We uphold the principle that quality is the soul of life, adhere to the FiveCraftsmanship quality concept, and inherit the scientic Gongfa of selected materials, excellent processes, and exquisite utensils in aninnovative manner. The essence of ve years' e?orts creates excellent quality integrating senses, perception, feelings, and inspirationsof Mei. We strive to build a rst-class brand. We are constantly making the brand with products with aesthetic feeling, optimizedservices, real public welfare, refined activity, and outstanding craftsmanship, continuously boosting the kinetic energy of the brand,highlighting the brand tension of China Moutai. We deeply explore the cultural connotation. We have perfected and formed a "nineseries" culture system, carried out a series of activities of 24 solar terms, and built a communication matrix of "mass response onlineand o?ine." We uphold fundamental principles and break new ground in telling stories of Chinese Baijiu culture, making the uniqueMoutai culture sparkling. We innovate and inherit traditional Gongfa. We insist on the brewing of Moutai that keeps in tune with thetimes and follow the traditional Gongfa of taking a year as one production cycle, making Daqu (saccharication starter for crude baijiu-making) during the Dragon Boat Festival, and proceeding sorghum rst added in jiang-avour baijiu production on the Double NinthFestival. We continue to enhance the original innovation ability and deeply analyze the scientic connotation of traditional techniques.We have concluded four Gongfa systems and established ve core technical systems to keep the vitality of traditional Gongfa forever.We continue to construct a beautiful ecology. We have thoroughly implemented the "ve special projects," built a life community of"mountains, water, forests, land, the river, and microorganisms," and launched the One Base and One Benchmark initiative. Throughthese e?orts, we fully maintain the ecosystem balance on which Moutai depends. We have even extended the maintenance of naturalecology to commercial ecology, guiding stakeholders to join hands to build a beautiful ecology enabled by the "three communities."We continue to take the "Five-Line" high-quality development path with Moutai Mei as its value connotation, living up to our commitmentto empowering a life of Mei with high-quality products and services. In 2023, Kweichow Moutai reported a total revenue of RMB 150.56billion, with a net prot attributable to the parent company of RMB 74.734 billion. The Company ranked rst in the "Top 50 Global MostValuable Spirits Brands of Brand Finance" for eight consecutive years, and ranked 3rd in the "Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands"with a brand value of US$88.427 billion, making it the most valuable alcoholic beverage brand in China.

Company Prole

At Kweichow Moutai, our strategy is based on and aimed at continuously satisfying people's aspirations and pursuit of a better life.Taking Mei as the philosophy of corporate development and the guiding principle of strategy, we have formed a "Five-Line" high-qualitydevelopment strategy with Moutai Mei as the value connotation.

Corporate Culture

"Five-Line" High Quality Development Strategy

Modern industrial system of coordinated development

Risk prevention system of safety and controllability

Green development system of harmonious coexistence

Brand culture system of "unique but united"

Reform and innovation system of thriving vitality

Focusing on growth, centering on the main business of Chinese Baijiu, and driving the

synergistic development of the industrial chain to ensure stable development.

Focusing on safety, constructing a science-based and ordered system for work safety,

environmental management, and risk prevention and control.

Focusing on green, perfecting the quality system and building a green ecology and

circular economy system.

Focusing on culture, promoting the creative transformation of Moutai culture to build

the "three communities" with stakeholders.

Focusing on momentum, continuously promote sci-tech innovation, digital

transition, changes, and opening-up.







Brewing a high-quality lifeFostering a world-class enterprise, Building a world-leadingbrandAromatic Product, Persistent Integrity, and HarmoniousCommunityDevoting to Moutai and winning glory for the motherlandHonor the principles, abide by the rules,stick to thecraftsmanship,store enough aged baijiu,and never sellfreshly brewed baijiu


Corporate spiritQuality philosophies

Core values


ESG Performance HighlightsConduct of Mei:

Optimizing Governance byUpholding Business Principles

Cause of Mei:

Assuring Quality through Inheritanceand Innovation

Ecology of Mei:

Pursuing Green Development withHarmonious Coexistence

Commitment of Mei:

Sharing a Better Future towardsWonderful Lives

We established commissions for green and low-carbon

development and for water environment management to manageenvironmental protection.We responded to the national strategy of carbon peak and carbonneutrality by developing the Action Plan for Carbon Peak andCarbon Neutrality that sets energy-saving and carbon reductiontargets.We developed the Comprehensive Assessment ManagementMeasures, specifying that environmental protection performance islinked to the remuneration of senior executives and relevant sta?.We revised the Regulations for New Product DevelopmentManagement, Negative List of Packaging Materials for NewProduct Development, and List of Restricted and ProhibitedPackaging Materials, specifying the priority of using recyclable,biodegradable, and environmentally friendly materials for packaging.We had a deep identification of climate change risks andopportunities based on the Company's production and operationsunder the ISSB framework.We identified seven main requirements for the environmentmanagement process with the tool - Key Success Factors (KSF)matrix.We lead the e?orts to draft the Calculation Method and Reporting

Standard for Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Baijiu Enterprises,

and established carbon monitoring and evaluation standards toconduct a full lifecycle carbon footprint assessment of MoutaiBaijiu.We implemented quota management for water consumption atvarious stages of our production and operations, setting targets andimplementation paths for total subsequent water intake, quota forproduction water, and water consumption per unit product.We conducted an assessment on the capacity of water ecology inthe Chishui River Basin and established a SWAT model for dynamicanalysis of water quality and microorganisms.We implemented the green transformation project for the designof external packaging for products, established a "blacklist"for green packaging materials, and supported suppliers in projectssuch as cullet recycling and reprocessing and water-savingrenovations.

We received the national honor - "Base for Practicing the ConceptThat Clear Waters and Green Mountains Are Invaluable Assets."Our carbon dioxide emissions intensity per unit of industrial outputhas decreased for two consecutive years.We achieved an annual water saving of 399,000 cubic meters and awater recycling rate of 87.07%.We purchased 91,702,000 kilowatt-hours of green electricity andattained the decarbonization goal of full coverage of green electricityfor both the core production area and Heyixing Branch in 2023.We achieved 100% utilization of brewing by-products such asdistillers' grains, cellar mud, and straws for daqu.

We established the Party Committee Talent Work Leading Groupto coordinate talent development e?orts.We established the Employee Health Management Leading

Group, and developed the Occupational Health ManagementSystem, to coordinate health with safety strategies and performancemanagement.We implemented the "Happiness at Moutai" 2023 Plan for thePilot Programme of Improving the Workforce's Life, to deliver the"Happiness at Moutai" project.We developed the Supplier Management Measures, ProcurementManagement Measures, and Supplier Relationship ManagementRegulations, etc., to improve sustainable access management,performance management, and relationship management of suppliers.We developed regulations such as the Prohibitive Rules on

Integrity in Material Supply Operations and Prohibitive Rules onIntegrity in Procurement Operations, and incorporated integrity

management-related content into supplier assessments.1,679 sessions on topics including hazardous operations, riskidentification and control, safety rectification and construction, andemergency response, as well as secondary and tertiary safetytraining, were conducted, with 45,000 participants and a coveragerate of 100% for safety education and training.In 2023, we organized seven physical training sessions for channelpartners covering all channel partners. Also, monthly online trainingsessions were conducted.We increased investment in organic certification for crops, andcontinuously improved the standards of raw material cultivation.In 2023, RMB 215 million was invested in supporting the supplierbases, and 420 square kilometers of sorghum were planted, with astorage of 141,400 tons, driving 120,000 households of farmers toincrease income and become prosperous.RMB 274 million was invested in charity in 2023.In 2023, the investment in rural revitalization totaled more than RMB

51.7 million, beneting more than 50,000 people.

We have conducted the hope project for fulfilling dreams: "ChinaMoutai – Backbone of the Nation" for 12 consecutive years, with acumulative donation worth over RMB 1.2 billion.RMB 350 million was invested in safety production, with zero major

safety incident, 100% employee safety training, and 100% timelinessrate of hazard rectication.We had a 100% annual ratio for auditing our suppliers and a 100%compliance of suppliers with the principle of clean procurement.In 2023, we achieved a score of 87 in employee satisfaction and 91.8in employee engagement.We had a 97.6 score of supplier satisfaction in 2023, exceeding 95for three consecutive years.

We set up an ESG Promotion Committee that is comprised of threesub-committees and working groups.The Board of Directors' Risk Management Committee was renamedthe Risk and Compliance Management Committee, and riskcompliance was included into the Board of Directors' coordination

purview.We fully completed all tasks in the management improvement

action benchmarked against the world's best and progressed thedevelopment of "One System and Six Mechanisms."We incorporated ESG indicators such as safety, environmentalprotection, and corporate management into the management's

remuneration assessment system.We enhanced information security and privacy protection by settingup a Leading Group on Network Security and IT headed by theChairman and General Manager and established a closed-loopmechanism for network security management.We revised more than ten information security and privacy protectionmanagement systems, including the Network and Information SecurityManagement Measures.We developed the Management Measures for Letters and Visits toe?ectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of whistleblowers.We conducted a company-wide survey on material topics andconstructed the materiality matrix.

We won the China Quality Award and EGA (EFQM Global Awards),and we introduced Performance Excellence Model and the EFQM

model.We hosted special training on compliance management and releasedthe Compliance Management Measures.We organized all employees to sign the Letter of Commitment to

Integrity.For the nine areas of significant integrity risk, we performed arened management model that featured "area-specic lists;" and weidentied 346 risk points and developed 639 targeted preventivemeasures.We carried out the "One Warning per Month Education" campaignfor a total audience so far of nearly 300,000 and 52 business ethicstraining sessions for 30,000 participants; and we organized 2,836

employees in 70 groups to visit the Moutai Integrity Education Hall.We maintained zero major or above incidents of risk control, majorincidents of data leakage, and major accidents of information security.

We have innovatively summarized the "Time-Space-Gongfa"craftsmanship quality management model, comprehensively

constructed and implemented the "365" quality management

system and built a matrix quality control mechanism with PDCA

cycle as the core.We have perfected a food safety control system technologicallydriven by four food safety platforms.We promote the construction and operation of the five innovationplatforms of "two laboratories, two centers and one station".We established a customer service center, revised the Management

Measures for Customer Consultation and Complaints, andformulated the Kweichow Moutai Standard Service Language for

Exclusive Stores, as well as the Kweichow Moutai StandardizedServices Handbook.

We signed the Consensus on International Cooperation in GlobalSpirits T3 Dialogue jointly with Diageo and Pernod Ricard regarding

"advocating responsible drinking together" and some other issues.We have built a quality and food safety management platformconnecting all key business systems from the entry of raw materials toproducts leaving the factory. The platform supports 799 physical andchemical inspection items, and more than 260,000 quality inspections.It has 35.88 million entries of quality management data assets,forming 111 quality management data models.We have independently built six national level innovation platformsand nine provincial-level or above innovation platforms; we have

nine strategic partners in scientic research, 33 collaborative teamsfor scientic research and development and 42 provincial-level andabove collaborative innovation platforms.In 2023, the maturity of quality management was 906.2 points(excellent level); the product quality assurance index was 96.8 points(excellent level). We were also shortlisted as the national quality

benchmark in 2023.

The batch inspection coverage rate of the outgoing products, the passrate of product supervision and spot checks and the pass rate of theoutgoing products were all 100%.We submitted 107 applications for intellectual property rights, andobtained 23 authorized invention patents; We published 25 papers,including the rst journal paper with impact factor higher than 15 inthe industry.We have 10 proprietary technologies, 44 leading technologies, andover 8,400 strains of microbial strain resources, as well as over100 kinds of wheat and over 300 kinds of sorghum as germplasmresources of brewing raw materials.We have collected nearly 16.83 million pieces of brewing processdata with 5G + Internet of Things + Machine Vision.We participated the campaign advocating responsible drinking,covering 32 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions acrossChina and 1,487 sales stores.In 2023, the satisfaction rate of online customer service was 97.65%;the satisfaction rate of telephone customer service was 99.14%; andthe satisfaction rate of iMoutai was 99.36%.

International Convention on Quality Control

Circles (ICQCC)

Gold Award in the ICQCC InternationalQC Team Publication CompetitionSASAC

First Prize in the Digital ScenarioInnovation Professional Competition

for State-Owned Enterprises

Kantar GroupNo. 18 among the BrandZ Most Valuable

Global Brands and No. 1 among theMost Valuable Spirits BrandsMinistry of Ecology and Environment of the

People's Republic of China

7th Batch of Bases for Practicing theConcept That Clear Waters and GreenMountains Are Invaluable Assets

Administrative O?ce of Alxa League and

Securities Times

China's Top 100 Listed Companies in

ESG 2023

Ministry of Culture and Tourism of thePeople's Republic of China

List of Demonstration Base for theProductive Protection of State-levelIntangible Cultural Heritage 2023-2025

Time Responsibility 40 Forum Thinktank

List of Five-Star Gold Award for SocialResponsibility of China's ListedManufacturing Companies 2023Shanghai Stock Exchange

A level in Information Disclosure byListed Companies 2022-2023

Sohu FinanceChina's Listed Baijiu Companies ESG

Star RankingChina Association for QualityChina Quality Award

Phoenix Television, World Wide Fund (WWF)for Nature (Switzerland) Beijing O?ce, andRocky Mountain Institute (RMI)

ESG Excellence Top 20 List


Best Practice Case of Corporate


China Alcoholic Drinks Association (CADA)

First Prize in the CADA Science and

Technology Award (Project)State-owned Assets Supervision andAdministration Commission of the State

Council (SASAC)

Double-Hundred Enterprise

Brand Finance

No. 1 in the Lists of Global MostValuable Spirit Brands, Global MostValuable Chinese Baijiu Brands, GlobalSpirits Brand Strength Rating List, and GlobalSpirits Brand Sustainability Perceived ValueList in the Brand Finance's Alcoholic Drinks2023: The annual report on the most valuableand strongest Alcoholic Drinks brandsMinistry of Industry and InformationTechnology of the People's Republic

of China

Green Manufacturing List 2023

Fortune (Chinese version)China's Most Admired Company 2023

Ministry of Civil A?airs of the People's

Republic of ChinaChina Charity Award

China Securities Journal and the People'sGovernment of Nantong Municipality

Top 100 List of the 1st China ReformCup ESG Golden Bull AwardsO?ce of the Central Cyberspace A?airs


"Application Practice of theCraftsmanship Chain-Based Moutai

Circulation Traceability System "selected as a Blockchain InnovationApplication Case in 2023

China Philanthropy TimesPhilanthropy Company of the YearDepartment of Civil A?airs and Departmentof Human Resources and Social Security

of Guizhou Province

1st Guizhou Charity Award

World Brand Lab

ESG Pioneers 100 among China's

Listed Companies

China Association for Public Companies


Best Practice of Annual Report ResultsCall by Listed Companies 2022

Some of Kweichow Moutai's Awards in 2023

ESG Management SystemAt Kweichow Moutai, we practice ESG concepts in a comprehensive and holistic manner, deeply integrating them into all aspects ofproduction, operations, reform, and development. We have improved our ESG governance structure against international standards,national policies, and advanced practices. We have also systematically sorted out core issues and key projects through the four steps ofissue identication, overall planning, integration and implementation, and improvement and innovation. We are committed to optimizingthe Company's overall ESG management system, giving full play to the management mechanism, continuously empowering ESG toachieve results, and comprehensively enhancing our ESG value creation capability.At Kweichow Moutai, we uphold the Board of Directors as the highest body responsible for ESG matters. We have set up an ESGPromotion Committee, chaired by the General Manager, to coordinate ESG management. It is comprised of three sub-committees,namely, Environment, Society, and Governance, to oversee key issues in their respective elds. Each sub-committee has a committeeo?ce and special working groups to execute ESG matters. Together, they constitute a three-level (decision-making, management, andexecution) ESG management structure.

ESG Governance Structure

At Kweichow Moutai, we have deeply integrated the concepts of ESG and sustainable development into our "Five-Line" developmentstrategy with the Moutai Mei as its value connotation. We build ourselves on the conduct of Mei, aspire to the cause of Mei, orientourselves to the ecology of Mei, and fulll to the commitment of Mei. In this way, we continue to cater to people's desire for a better lifeand create sustainable value.

ESG Strategy and Planning

Kweichow Moutai's ESG governance system and structure

Committed to fostering a "world-class enterprise," we are constantly improving corporate governanceunder the framework of the "Three Meetings and One Committee." We abide by business ethics andmaintain sound risk management mechanisms to create an honest business environment and ensurethe stability and prosperity of Moutai in the long term.

Our commitment extends to building a life community of "mountains, water, forests, land, the river,and microorganisms." Focusing on the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, we put effortsinto creating "production-living-ecological spaces" and attention to the "four streamlines" to set anecological development example that echoes "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets."

We uphold the principle that quality is the soul of life and adhere to the Five Craftsmanship qualityconcept. Making the inheritance more traditional and the innovation more modern, we are dedicated tobringing high-quality products and services to consumers and leading the high-quality development ofthe industry with "Moutai standards."

Bearing in mind the tenet of "Big Name, Big Responsibility," we advocate creating value together anddeveloping a "beauty-creating ecosystem" of shared benets, sentiments, and destiny. We join handswith all stakeholders to embark on the path of sustainable development and create a better life.

Board of Directors

Supervising anddirecting

General O?ce

ESG Promotion





Ecology and Environmental

Protection Working GroupCarbon Peak and CarbonNeutrality Working Group

Occupational Health and

Safety Working Group

Community Pay-Back

Working Group

Overseas Responsibility

Performance Working


Ecology Co-construction

Working Group

High-Quality Development

Working Group

Business Integrity Working


Privacy and Data Security

Working Group


of Mei


of Mei

Causeof Mei

Commitmentof Mei

At Kweichow Moutai, we conduct company-wide identification and analysis of material topics at least once a year in light of globalsustainability trends as well as the characteristics of the industry in which we operate. Based on the identication and analysis results,we draw an annual materiality matrix, laying a solid foundation for subsequent targeted ESG management planning.

Material Topics Identication

Material topics identication process

With reference to international reporting standards, major ESG ratings, andsustainability trends in the industry, we sorted out, summarized, and updated ESGtopics by benchmarking with peers and media monitoring, and collated and identieda total of 17 topics of materiality.

Based on the survey results, we drew a materiality matrix in light of industry trends,peer benchmarking, and capital market concerns.

We submitted the materiality matrix to the ESG Promotion Committee for conrmationfor the nal 2023 materiality matrix.

Questionnaire Survey: We distributed questionnaires to various internal and externalstakeholders by mail, email, and other means to inquire about their suggestions andopinions on the Company's ESG management, and we collected 13,419 valid replies.

ESG Meetings: For special stakeholder groups, we convened ESG meetings forspecialized communications on ESG topics.

Identifyingmaterial topics

Drawinga materialitymatrix

Reviewingthe materialitymatrix


Environmental topicsSocial topicsGovernance topics

Importance to Kweichow Moutai's sustainable development

Topics of moderate importance

Kweichow Moutai's ESG materiality matrix for 2023

Importance to stakeholders

Topics of high importance

Topics of low importance

Packaging material and waste management

Water management

Products' carbonfoot print

Business ethics and anti-corruption

EcologicalconservationCustomer service

Addressing climate change

Supply chain management

Product safety and quality

Risk managementCorporate governance

Public welfare activities

Responsible drinking

Employee rights, interests, and benets

Occupational healthand safetyResponsible marketingOperational compliance and

privacy and data security

At Kweichow Moutai, we have incorporated the concept of community into our close development relationship with stakeholders. Werespond to stakeholders' concerns and demands with practical actions and maximize the cohesion of stakeholders' forces. In this way,we form a "eco-system of Mei" of shared benets, sentiments, and destiny, joining hands with all parties to embark on a journey to greenand sustainable development.

Stakeholder Communication

The key issues of concern are comprehensively identied from the results of the ESG materiality analysis of Kweichow Moutai and regular communication withKweichow Moutai's stakeholders.

Product safety and qualityCustomer serviceResponsible marketingResponsible drinking

Matrix-based quality control andquality management throughoutthe lifecycleImproving the customer servicesystem and enhancing consumersatisfactionStandardizing regular marketingcommunications and eliminatingexaggerated and false promotionActively advocating responsibleand healthy drinking

Operational complianceOpenness and transparencyGood returns

Optimizing governance structureand adhering to the basicprinciples of complianceImproving information disclosureand maintaining proactivecommunicationReasonably distributing protsand preserving and increasing thevalue of assets

Occupational health and safetyRemuneration and benetsand the protection of rights andinterestsEmployee training and careerdevelopment

Setting up a Leading Groupfor Comprehensive Health tocoordinate the work on health andsafetyImproving the remuneration andbenet system and e?ectivelyprotecting the legitimate rightsand interests of employeesImproving the promotion channelsfor employees and the employeetraining system

Communication and ResponseExpectations and Demands


Shareholders andinvestors

Customers and



Supply chain managementBusiness ethics

Improving the suppliermanagement system and creatingthe "six supply chains"Maintaining open and fairprocurement and improving thereporting channels

Addressing climate changeResponsible marketingEcological conservation

Building a green value chainand promoting the sustainabledevelopment of the industryStandardizing regular marketingand communications andstrengthening cooperation in thepromotion of responsible drinkingCreating "production-living-ecological spaces" and gatheringe?orts into environmental andecological conservation

Operations in compliance withthe lawEcological conservationHealthy development of theindustryDriving local development

Improving the mechanism for law-based corporate governancePromoting the establishment ofa long-term mechanism for theecological conservation of ChishuiRiver BasinMaintaining a "Mei" competitionand cooperation ecology andpromoting the sustainabledevelopment of the industryPaying taxes in accordance withthe law and driving employment toboost local industries


Communication and ResponseExpectations and Demands


Government andregulators

Suppliers and


Governance Structure and Mechanism

It is convened in strict accordance with the Articles of Association and the Rules ofProcedure for Shareholders' Meeting.It is responsible for meeting notication, deliberation, and voting and aims to ensure thatshareholders enjoy equal status and can exercise their rights such as the right to beinformed, participate, question, and vote.Shareholders' Meeting

As the executive body of the resolutions of the Shareholders' Meeting and the decision-making body of our operations and management, it enjoys su?cient powers of operationsand decision-making in accordance with the statutory powers provided in the CompanyLaw and the Articles of Association of the Company and authorized by the Shareholders'Meeting and fully plays the vital role in "developing strategies, making decisions, andpreventing risks."It has five specialized committees: the Strategy Committee, the Audit Committee, theRisk and Compliance Management Committee, the Nomination Committee, and theRemuneration and Assessment Committee.

Board of Directors and ItsSpecialized Committee

It manages day-to-day production and operation matters in accordance with statutorypowers and authorization of the Board of Directors.It organizes and implements the resolutions of the Board of Directors and reports tothe Board of Directors, playing the role of "planning business operations, emphasizingimplementation, and enhancing management."Management

It oversees the financial position and operations of the Company and the fulfillment ofduties by directors and the senior management, and promotes the coordinated functioningand e?ective checks and balances of the corporate governance structure.It consists of three supervisors, including one employee supervisor.

Board of Supervisors

Optimize Corporate Governance

We are committed to standardized governance and building a sound modern corporate governance structure and system. Wecontinuously optimize the composition of the Board of Directors to improve Board members' performance effectiveness. We alsopromote the contract-based term of office for the management to stimulate their motivation. In this way, we effectively ensure ourscience-based decision-making and robust operations.

Governance structure of Kweichow Moutai

Board of SupervisorsParty Committee

Labor UnionYouth League


Strategy Committee


Audit Committee

Risk and ComplianceManagement CommitteeRemuneration andAppraisal Committee

Shareholders' Meeting

Board of DirectorsDiscipline Inspection

Commission(Supervision O?ce)


Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

We have created a multi-dimensional performance assessment system for members of the Board of Directors. In this system, theperformance assessment takes into account our production, operations, and management, the progress of business targets, theimplementation of nancial budgets, and the performance of duties. Independent directors' remuneration is deliberated and determinedby our Shareholders' Meeting. The remuneration of employee directors is assessed under our remuneration management system basedon the results of individual performance appraisals.Our Board of Directors adopts a mechanism that features "positive incentives + negative constraints" to assess the businessperformance of the management. It uses positive indicators to stimulate the enthusiasm of the management and negative indicators toensure their operational compliance, thereby strengthening the application of the assessment results and rigid fulllment. Performancefulfillment is assessed as per the Measures for Performance Assessment of Members of the Management and the Measures forRemuneration Management of Members of the Management and based on six common indicators (including total prots, incrementalprofits, and the ratio of profits to cost) as well as specialized indicators of the subdivided areas. Meanwhile, there will be scoredeductions in the case of negative events in safety, environmental protection, corporate management, and other ESG-related indicators.

Remuneration System of the Board of Directors and the Management

The Audit Committee is comprised entirely of independent directors, each recognized as an expert in theirrespective domains.The Nomination Committee and the Remuneration and Assessment Committee are chaired by independentdirectors, with a majority of members as independent directors, which further enhances independent andimpartial decision-making.

The Board of Directors includes experts in accounting, nance, law, and food, complementing each other inexpertise and providing specialized and robust support for decision-making. These professionals ensure oure?cient and science-based governance.

At the director nomination stage, we carefully assess candidates' educational backgrounds, workexperiences, and part-time services.The Nomination Committee operating under the Board of Directors evaluates the Board's structure, size,and composition regularly every year to ensure diversity and balance in skills, knowledge, experience, andgender, as well as the e?cient functioning of the Board.Currently, our Board of Directors consists of 7 members, including 3 independent, 2 female, and 1 employeedirector. The number of independent directors on the Board of Directors accounts for approximately 42.86%.The Board members are from diversied backgrounds and complementary in expertise, guaranteeing thescience-based decision-making of the Board from diversied perspectives.




Composition of the Board of Directors

In 2023, we amended the Rules of Procedure ofthe Risk and Compliance Management Committeeof the Board of Directors to incorporate complianceinto the Board's management. The Risk andCompliance Management Committee gives full playto the synergistic effect of risk management andcompliance management and better coordinatesour operational risks and business standardsto advise on the Board's decision-making andsafeguard our sound development. The Risk andCompliance Management Committee has an O?ce,with the head of the Legal Compliance Departmentserving as the director, and comprised of the AuditDepartment, the Accounting Department, andother departments, which jointly perform risk andcompliance management in the Company.

We adhere to the red line development strategy and conscientiously implement the "five adherences

" for law-based corporategovernance. We continuously strengthen risk management, abide by business ethics, and act meticulously for anti-bribery, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and anti-unfair competition. We also provide effective protection for bona fide whistleblowers toimprove our systems and mechanisms for law-based corporate governance.

We have formulated the Compliance Management Measures, the Internal Control ManagementManual, and other systems and built a basic framework for our compliance and internal control.In addition, we have created a list of compliance obligations and set guidelines for compliancemanagement in key areas such as the Work Safety Compliance Guide and the Labor andEmployment Compliance Guide. We have also strengthened compliance reviews of majordecisions, economic contracts, rules and regulations, and new product development.We have strengthened the compliance management of related transactions. We have formulatedthe Decision-making Policy for Connected Transactions, explicitly providing the principles,decision-making procedures, and decision-making authority in related transactions, to ensure fairand reasonable pricing, procedures in legal compliance, and adequate disclosure of informationfor related transactions. We comply with pertinent provisions of the Guidelines of the ShanghaiStock Exchange on the Self-Regulation of Listed Companies No. 5—Transactions and RelatedTransactions. Our related transactions with related parties are all within the limits of the amountsdeliberated and approved by the Shareholders' Meeting and the Board of Directors of the Company.Notably, when voting on the motions on related transactions, the related shareholders will abstainfrom voting. As deliberated by the Board of Directors, the aggregate amount of regular relatedtransactions throughout 2023 did not exceed 5% of our audited net assets as of the end of 2022(excluding the amount of related transactions incurred that were deliberated and approved by theShareholder' Meeting).We continuously host compliance management training. In 2023, we invited external expertsand lawyers to deliver four training sessions on compliance for 150 compliance managementcoordinators from various departments, further enhancing their compliance awareness.

Management Structure

Compliance and Internal Control

Regulate Corporate Acts

Compliance for

In 2023, we invited externalexperts and lawyers to deliver

training sessions

compliance managementcoordinators from variousdepartments

Board of DirectorsRisk and Compliance Management

CommitteeAudit Department, Accounting Department,Discipline Inspection Commission(General O?ce), Organization and Human

Resources Department, CorporateDevelopment Department

Legal ComplianceDepartment

Risk and compliance management structure of Kweichow Moutai

Five adherences: Adherence to law-based corporate governance, adherence to compliance management, adherence to law and business integration, adherence toconstructing a well-structured and complete work system of rule of law, and adherence to fostering outstanding and consummate professional capabilities of rule of law.

We maintain comprehensive risk management. Aiming to "develop policies, build systems,and consolidate the foundation," we have developed the Comprehensive Risk ManagementSolutions, the Compliance Management Measures, and other policies, and established a "rstresponsible person" management system for risk and compliance that is composed of theChairman of the Board of Directors, the General Manager, and the heads of our units. Focusingon "six major risks

," we have established a risk database, optimized the processes of riskidentication, assessment, control, and improvement, and strengthened the systematic control ofrisks in key areas, thereby e?ectively preventing and resolving various types of risks. In 2023, wemaintained zero major or above risk control events.

We uphold business integrity and strictly abide by the Anti-Monopoly Law, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the Supervision Law, theAnti-Money Laundering Law, and other laws and regulations, as well as codes of business conduct. We adhere to legal compliance inmarket competition and oppose any form of corruption, bribery, money laundering, monopolization, and unfair competition.

Developing an anti-corruption system is one of our priorities. We and our subsidiaries have set updisciplinary inspection agencies or are equipped with disciplinary inspectors. We have developeda Five-Sphere Integrated

coordinated supervision working mechanism to further strengthen thecollaboration and cooperation among our supervisory bodies. By converging supervision forcesand improving the supervision system, we have laid a robust groundwork for anti-corruption.For the nine areas of signicant integrity risk, we have identied the risk points of each segmentand formulated preventive measures. We perform a rened management model that features"area-specic lists," where we dynamically locate risks and investigate hidden hazards based onproblems identied in regular supervision. To date, we have successfully identied 346 risk pointsand developed 639 targeted preventive measures.In the Supplier Code of Conduct, we set out the requirements of anti-bribery, anti-corruption,and other business ethics for all suppliers and distributors. In the contract review and signingprocesses, we have integrated anti-commercial bribery terms or integrity responsibility lettersinto our processes to ensure that our internal anti-bribery and anti-corruption systems extend toall suppliers and distributors. To ensure our overall business ethics management, we conductannual inspections on the implementation of our anti-corruption and anti-corruption systems inaccordance with the GB/T 41835-2022 Sustainable Procurement—Guidance and our internalmanagement systems.We have enhanced its integrity culture for all by conducting lecture tours on systems and integritypromotion, as well as organizing attendance to trials of illegal cases, to increase the awarenessof integrity and self-discipline of all employees. In 2023, we brought middle and senior o?cialsand cadres to the provincial warning education base to participate in warning education activities,with an attendance of 65 people. We also hosted 52 business ethics training sessions for 30,000participants. Directly affiliated Party organizations hosted nine sessions under the MonthlyWarning program for a total audience so far of nearly 300,000. We organized 2,836 Employeesfrom di?erent units, production plants, branches, and subsidiaries in 70 groups to visit the MoutaiIntegrity Education Hall.

Risk Management

Business Ethics

Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption

In 2023,the Company maintained

major or above risk controlevents

Six major risks: Strategic risk, market risk, nancial risk, operational risk, legal risk, and public opinion risk.

Five-Sphere Integrated: The Five-Sphere Integrated supervision system is composed of supervisory bodies for disciplinary inspection, organization and personnel,audits, nances, and legal a?airs.



We have successfully identied

Operating process of the Five-Sphere Integrated Coordinated Supervision Working Mechanism

We explained to all employees, including thesenior and middle management as well as regularemployees, the Implementation Opinions of MoutaiGroup on Further Strictly Preventing Corruption Risksand Guaranteeing High-Quality Development. Throughthis training, we have built a solid ideological line ofdefense against anti-corruption and consolidated themoral cornerstone for employees to perform theirduties correctly and work with integrity.

We launched synchronized anti-money laundering andanti-fraud campaigns in light of the actual situationof our production plants and departments througha variety of online and offline methods, such aspublishing newsletters and broadcasting promotionvideos on the intranet as well as delivering lecturesand distributing brochures at the production plants.Throughout the year, we hosted nine training sessionson "anti-money laundering knowledge," "fraudprevention," and other themes to further strengthenemployees' anti-money laundering and anti-fraudawareness.

Explaining the Implementation Opinions andbusiness ethics systems to new employees

Promoting Anti-fraud and anti-money laundering

knowledge among employees

Business ethics training

Anti-money laundering training

Referral of problemclues and related

situationsCoordinatedsupervision andspecial supervisionDynamic studyof the problem

Supervisionfor problemrecticationInformationsharingJoint meeting

Anti-money laundering

business ethics trainingsessions

targeted preventive measures

risk points

Reporting Channels

We implement the Opinions of the State Council on Establishing a Fair Competition ReviewSystem in the Building of a Market System and other pertinent regulations, and normativedocuments, as well as rules such as the Anti-Unfair Competition Compliance Guide and theAnti-monopoly Compliance Guide, and enhances the awareness of fair competition.

Several Measures of the Party Committee of the Companyfor Further Strengthening Oversight for Leadership Teamsand Their HeadsNegative List of Employees' ActsMeasures for Handling Violations of Rules, Disciplines,and Laws by EmployeesProhibitive Provisions for Integrity in Construction ofEngineering ProjectsProhibitive Provisions for Procurement IntegrityProhibitive Provisions for Integrity in Resources Supply

Anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition

Business ethics systems of the company

Anti-monopoly Compliance GuideAnti-Unfair Competition Compliance GuideWork Safety Compliance GuideEcology and Environmental Protection ComplianceGuideRules on Supplier Management for Husks and StrawsRules on Supplier Management for Hardware andLow-Consumption Materials

During the reporting period,we didnotreceive anycomplaints or reports onunfair competition

Process of reporting and accusation handling

We always follow the principles of seeking truth from facts, complying with rules, regulations, and the law, protecting legitimate rights andinterests, hierarchical responsibility, and division of labor. We have a full-time sta? responsible for handling reports and complaints andstrictly control the access to reporting letters and visits as well as clues of the reported matter to rmly prevent the leakage of reportingletters and visits and the way they are handled.We have developed the Management Measures of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. for Letters and Visits following the Regulations onHandling Letters and Visits and the Rules for Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Organs on Handling Reports and Complaints. Thewhistleblower's name, organization, home address, telephone, e-mail, and other personal information and reporting information will bekept strictly condential. With respect to anonymous reporting materials, it is strictly prohibited to verify the whistleblower's handwriting,Internet Protocol (IP) address, and other information without authorization. Through the above initiatives, we effectively protect thelegitimate rights and interests of whistleblowers.If a whistleblower is threatened or victimized due to reporting and accusing and les an application for protection, we will provide timelyprotection in accordance with the rules and regulations. If a person being reported retaliates (against the whistleblower) by jeopardizingpersonal safety and damaging property and reputation, he or she will be seriously dealt with in accordance with the rules and disciplines.People suspected of violating the law will be transferred to the judicial organs in accordance with the law.

Whistleblower Protection

Letter and visit handling


Disciplinary Inspection and

Supervision O?ce

Case supervisionmanagement departmentSupervision andmanagementPreliminaryvericationComprehensiveanalysisReceiving a reportAssigning a numberand registeringClassiedtransferring

Collective researchHandlingFeedback

Telephone: 0851-22385896Website: http://guizhou.12388.gov.cnMailbox: Elevator entrance, 6/F, O?ce Building of KweichowMoutai Co., Ltd.

We strictly comply with the Cybersecurity Law, the Data Security Law, and other laws and regulations. We have revised more than tensystems, including the Management Measures for Network and Information Security and the Management Measures for Data Security(for Trial Implementation), which apply to our headquarters and subsidiaries (branches) at all levels. An internal audit shall be conductedat least once every two years in accordance with the corresponding requirements for different grades of the graded protection ofinformation technology (IT) systems, and detailed risk assessments shall be conducted for key systemsWe have improved our management structure by setting up a Leading Group on Network Security and IT headed by the Chairman andGeneral Manager and building a network security accountability paradigm managed by the Digital and Information Management Centerand engaging all production plants, units (departments), and subsidiaries (branches). In 2023, we continued to improve the informationsecurity operation capability of our business against the ISO 27001 management system standards. We established a closed-loopmechanism for network security management that encompasses prevention, assessments, monitoring, drills, and emergency response,and we also collated and formulated a list of eight external and 14 internal key data categories. By clarifying the data content, accessroutes, collection frequency, and responsible departments, we have strengthened the management of multidomain data throughout thelifecycle.

Information Security

Information Security and Privacy ProtectionWe continuously improve our network and information security system and management structure, consistently strengthen our networkand information security technical capabilities, and enhance our information security training and assessment to ensure data and privacysecurity.

Close-loop network security management system of the company











Intrusion Detection

System (IDS)

Regular inspections

Security audits

Identifying assets




Governance measures Identity audits


OperationalsafeguardsOn-site incidentanalysis

Judging the incidentstateDetermining theincident object

Determining theincident timeProblem investigationExpert judgmentProblem elimination

Summary of theemergency incident

Identifying threatsFirewallsIntrusion PreventionSystem (IPS)

Vulnerability scanningSecurity monitoring

Identity authorization


Technical measuresOther securitystrategies


Other measures

Security protection

measures in placeOther securityprotection devicesSecurity devices and technologies

Network security monitoring

Asset identication

Security access control strategies

Network security drillsNetwork security emergency response

Determination of security measures




SecurityMonitoringand DrillsUpdatingsecurity policy



We have strengthened information security publicity, education, and skill training amongemployees, and have expanded the training to external partner units and suppliers. Inproject construction contracts, we set out information confidentiality requirements andsign condentiality commitment letters with all project members. In 2023, we launched tennetwork security skill training sessions for IT employees, organized a competition for networkand information security standards and skills, and conducted network and informationsecurity risk assessments and information system audits. We achieved zero major dataleakage incidents and zero major information security accidents throughout the year.

We strictly comply with the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and other applicable lawsand regulations. We have formulated the Moutai's Regulations on the Management of Personal Information Protection (for TrialImplementation), the Guidelines for the Implementation of Classified and Graded Data Security Control, and other systems andregulations. In these documents, we dene users' rights in controlling their data and ensure that users have the right to access, correct,and delete their personal data. In this way, we reinforce the compliance management of data.

Privacy Protection

In the operation of the iMoutai digital marketing platform, we collect and use customers' personal information in accordancewith the principles of legality, legitimacy, and necessity.The collection of supplementary information does not a?ect the useof basic business functions by customers. We collect user information in accordance with the principle of minimum necessityand provide clear reminders and notifications in user registration, login, and authentication. We define users' rights incontrolling their data and ensure that users have the right to access, correct, and delete their personal data. We also protectuser information through encrypted storage, desensitized display, DID digital identity, and other technologies.

In 2023, we integrated eight nancial systems (including budgeting, accounting, funding, reimbursement, and taxation) andbuilt three new business systems (intelligent legal a?airs, human resources, and asset management) and a technologyplatform. We also put online a "business-nance integration" project platform centered on the Corporate Service Bus, theUnied Approval Center, and the Finance Middle Platform. In this way, we have further promoted the integration of businessand nance, achieved internal data interoperability, and eliminated information islands.

User information management measures of the iMoutai App

"Business-nance integration" project platform

Achievedmajor data leakage incidentsand major information securityaccidents throughout the year





















































The ruleof timeThe ruleof term

The needs of

the timesTime




















Pursue Superior QualityBased on the long farming culture, rich cultural heritage and a wealth of experience in quality management, Kweichow Moutai hasproposed a new quality management structure including quality culture, "Time-Space-Gongfa" originality quality management model,"365" quality management system, and new matrix control mechanism from four dimensions- culture, approach, pathway, and measure,so that the philosophy of "quality is the soul of life" is implemented by all employees and applied to all scenarios throughout the wholeindustry chain.

Taking the philosophy of "quality is the soul of life" as its belief in quality, we care for our soul of life with "Originality, Soul, Method,Technology, Talents". It adheres to the quality concept of "honoring the principles, abiding by the rules, sticking to the craftsmanship,cellaring enough baijiu to age, and not selling freshly brewed baijiu" throughout the entire lifecycle, and strictly implements the workrequirements of "Three Prohibitions, Four Compliances, and Twelve Perseverance" in the production process, making quality culture aconsensus among all employees, and resulting in excellent products and rst-class services.

Quality Culture

Qualityphilosophyof "vecraftsmanship"





Build quality methodAlways maintain originality

Forge quality soul

Rene quality technologyCultivate quality talents

Execute full control over theentire processes, scenariosand employeesStick to the original principleof "Reach for higher groundwith quality as the priority

Implement the philosophy of"quality is the soul of life"

Enhance modernized qualitymanagement with thesupport from standards andtechniques of productionquality managementStrive to build rst-classcraftsman teams, researchteams and cultivatemanagement elites

We have innovatively summarized the "Time-Space-Gongfa" originality quality management model rich in natural and culturalcharacteristics, based on years of production practice. We coordinate and balance the natural, human, and ecological elementscontained in the "Time-Space-Law" model to maintain the quality and characteristics of Moutai.

Quality Management Model

"Time-Space-Gongfa" Craftsmanship Quality Management Model

Guided by the "Time-Space-Gongfa" originality quality management model, we actively promote quality improvement. It comprehensivelyconstructs and implements the "365" quality management system that claries three objectives, six tasks, and ve guarantees. Withthat, it advocates every employee is a quality o?cer, and every day is a quality day.

Quality Management System

Quality management by all employeesQuality synergy throughout the whole

regionQuality control throughout the full life cycle

All-round quality supervision throughout

the whole process by all employeesConstruction of coordinated quality and

ecological development community

Modernization of quality governance


A better quality management

systemBalanced region-wide quality

developmentA leap in the overall quality


Organizational leadershipTalent supportFinancial supportSupervision and assessment


"6" tasks"3" objectives"5" guarantees

"365" quality management

Quality Management Maturity: Indicates the overall quality management level, which is evaluated through a comprehensive score.

ICQCC, International Convention on Quality Control Circles.



The batch inspection coveragerate of the outgoing products, thepass rate of product supervisionspot checks and the pass rate ofthe outgoing products wereThe promptness of productexchange reachedShortlisted as the national quality benchmark in 2023


points(Excellent level)The quality management maturity

of 2023


points(Excellent level)

Product quality assurance index


points(Excellent level)

The product quality score of Moutai baijiuFlying Fairy (Feitian)

Four QC achievements won gold awards at the ICQCC

Won the rst prize of 2022-2023 National OutstandingCorporate Culture Achievement Award

Focusing on the quality responsibility system, quality performance system and quality supervision and assessment system, we havebuilt a matrix quality control mechanism with PDCA cycle as the core, and continues to improve its quality control capacities for allscenarios in the entire industry chain throughout the entire lifecycle from "improved seed varieties" to "ne products".

Matrix Quality Control Mechanism

Quality culture system

Quality is the

soul of life

Multi-level quality

responsibility system

5+2 Quality supervision and

assessment system

Always maintainoriginalityQuality Leadership


Daily inspectionby the qualityspecialistProcess qualityassessmentProduct qualitysupervision spotcheckQuality systemaudit

Specialinvestigation intoquality event

Build quality methodForge quality soul

Rene qualitytechnology

Cultivate quality


Strengthen supervisionResponsibility implementation

Cultural leadership

Daily operation



Quality CommitteeChief quality o?cerQuality specialistQuality supervisorQuality inspector

Type inspectionUnannouncedinspectionSupplierqualitymanagement





Quality of


Quality eventcontrolMaturity of quality


Product qualityassurance index

Product quality


Quality supervision

Quality controlDecision-making on quality

? Top-level design? Strategic planning? Command and


? Quality supervision and

guidance? Quality supervision and


Quality improvement

? Enhance team

professionalism? Prompt rectication of

issues and deciencies

? Plan as a whole by the chief

quality o?cer? Daily management by the

quality specialist? Supervision by the quality


Whole process quality

performance system

Matrix Quality Control Mechanism

Strictly implementing the "four strictest" requirements for food safety, we have set up a food safety director, as well as food safetyo?cers in key production links, and built a full scenario food safety responsibility system. By introducing various advanced detectiontechnologies and management methods, we have established a food safety control system institutionally driven by risk prevention andcontrol processes and technologically driven by four food safety platforms.

Food Safety Management

Domestic andinternationalfood safetyinformationEvaluation

of thee?ectivenessof food safetycontrol system

Information gatheringand sortingIntegration,interpretation andanalysisIssue warning


Research anddevelop technicalmethod

Implement 1+1+NmonitoringImplement HACCPplanMonitoring change


Graded controlTighter control of

critical risksRegular control of

high risksFront end control oflow risksScreen risk factorsDraw a risk map

Emergency responsemanagement

Product safety

Library of regulations

and standards

Library of internal andexternal risk factors

Risk factor level


Risk warningRisk assessmentRisk responseRisk monitoring

Food safety management systemMoutai has established an industry-leading database on domestic and international regulations and technical standards related toalcoholic foods. It has covered the entire industry chain. We also regularly identify and update domestic laws, regulations, and standardsrelated to quality and safety. Every year, we release A List of Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Other Requirements for Quality andFood Safety, covering 365 laws, regulations and standards. We have collected more than 1,100 international standards related toalcoholic foods, based on which we regularly conduct quality and safety compliance assessments and analyses of alcoholic foods in keyexport countries and regions.Based on the development of science and technology and the requirements of laws, regulations and standards, we have formulatedquality risk assessment methods and management regulations taking into account the characteristics of the baijiu industry chain. Usingthe risk matrix method, we regularly identify and update the quality and safety risks throughout the entire industry chain. And we havedeveloped targeted and di?erentiated control measures to control these risks by levels and categories.

Identify and evaluate exogenous and endogenous food safety risksinvolved in the entire industry chain, and update them regularly.Establish a list of risks

Implement such services as food safety risk assessment access forprocurement materials, procurement acceptance quality control, andproduction process quality and safety evaluation.Strictly control theentry of exogenous


Conduct daily inspections based on the risk control checklist, takemeasures to address identied issues and report them in a timely manner.If no issues are identied, it still needs to be kept in record and reportedas a "zero report". Every week, each production plant (unit) conductsrisks and hidden dangers inspection, studies and proposes solutions, andforms a Weekly Food Safety Inspection and Governance Report. Organizescheduling meetings to analyze and summarize the food safety controlsituation, and report to the leader in charge, and deploy food safety controlwork with focused goals for the next month.

Establish a workingmechanism of "daily

control, weeklyinspection, andmonthly scheduling".

Establish and continuously improve the rapid screening method systemfor food safety risk factors, establish emergency systems such as theFood Safety Emergency Response Plan and the Product Recall ControlProcedures, and regularly conduct emergency drills.Implement foodsafety risk monitoringthroughout the entireindustry chain

Preventionand controlmechanism

We have built a quality and food safety management platform, covering allbusiness scenarios throughout the entire process, and connecting all keybusiness systems from the entry of raw materials to products leaving thefactory. It supports 799 physical and chemical inspection items, and morethan 260,000 quality inspections. It has 35.88 million entries of qualitymanagement data assets, forming 111 quality management data models,which makes it possible to conduct real-time supervision and analysis ofquality and safety process data.Moutai has completed the certication of seven major systems, includingthe quality management system and HACCP system, which have beenintegrated for operation. Moutai has established 128 quality assurancesystems covering the entire industry chain, 133 quality and safetytechnical standards, and 1,123 control indicators.

System certications

Adhering to the "four orientations", we build a scientific and technological innovation system supported by projects, platforms, andtalents, and continuously improves systems and mechanisms. We draw upon basic theoretical innovation to further discover andunderstand the brewing mechanism, use modern scientic and technological achievements to continuously improve our modernizationlevel, and promote high-quality development of our scientic and technological innovation work, writing a new chapter for Moutai Era ofMei in scientic and technological innovation.

Technological Innovation System

Deepen Technological Innovation

Moutai seeks to balance inheritance and innovation, making inheritance more traditional and innovation more modern. We lay outour innovation chain around the industrial chain. Empowered by digital technology, we continue to develop relying on technologicalinnovation and enhances our comprehensive strength in technological innovation.

We keep improving our innovation mechanism and management system to continuously enhance our capacity to control scientificand technological innovation. We adjusted the members of the Science and Technology Committee and its subordinate professionalcommittees to e?ciently plan and coordinate the operation of the innovation system. We implemented the mechanism of "open biddingfor selecting the best candidates" for making breakthroughs in technology R&D, gathering innovative wisdom and resources, andstimulating innovation vitality.

Improve the Innovation System and Mechanism



review meetings research topics

Open bidding for


A year-on-year increase of Reviewed

scientic research projects,methods or plans

More than

research teams involved

Improving the system ofscientic research investment

E?cient operation ofscientic research review

Implementing the mechanismof "open bidding for selectingthe best candidates" for makingbreakthroughs in technology R&DR&D investment of

We use the "1+M+N" technology innovation mechanism to gather internal and external innovation forces, maximize the utility ofadvantageous resources, and orderly promote the construction and operation of the ve innovation platforms of "two laboratories, twocenters and one station", making every e?ort to build the best platforms for scientic and technological innovation and achieving newbreakthroughs in the construction of traditional brewing science and technology innovation platforms.

Build Technological Innovation Platforms

Independently built platforms

Collaborative R&D platform

National level innovation platforms

Provincial-level and above innovation platforms

Strategic partners in scienticresearch

Collaborative teams for scienticresearch and development

Provincial-level and above collaborativeinnovation platforms

The construction of ve innovation platforms- "two laboratories, two centers and one station"

Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratoryof Industrial Microbiology

Guizhou Baijiu Manufacturing Innovation CenterChishui River Maotai Ecosystem Field Scientic Observation and Research Station

Having ten approved scientic researchprojects; having systematicallyidentied 8.37 million non-redundantgenes in brewing strains, of which

29.37% were new genes.

Entering the trial operation stage; Havingadmitted one new member unit, and orderlyadvancing 35 scientic research projects;Having developed two testing prototypes toraise the level of inspection and monitoring.

Having promoted the construction of observation stations and carried out sevenR&D projects; having introduced Nine new atmospheric automatic monitoringdevices and built two hydrological and water quality automatic monitoringstations; having preliminarily constructed the basic database of Moutai EcologicalEnvironment Big Data Platform.

Having completed institutional constructionand promoted 12 scientic research projects;Having six new varieties been granted plantvariety rights by the Ministry of Agriculture andRural A?airs of the People's Republic of China.

Entering the e?cient operation stage,carrying out 30 scientic researchprojects; Having built a digital packagingproduction line and achieved onlineautomatic detection of key processes.

Key Laboratory of Specialty SorghumInnovation

Guizhou Brewing EngineeringTechnology Research Center


Transformation and application of scientic research achievements by Kweichow Moutai in 2023

We are gradually strengthening the transformation and application of scientic research achievements. We promote basic research byfocusing on such areas as brewing raw materials, brewing microorganisms, process equipment and technology, brewing environmentand ecology, avor, and food safety, and actively promote the transformation and application of scientic research achievements.

Accelerate the Application and Transformation of Scientic and TechnologicalAchievements

The local standard for Henan Province Technical Regulations for the Production ofBaijiu-Brewing Wheat in Southern Henan has been formulated and released, appliedto the planting of organic wheat and over 1,533,333 m

of new wheat varies in theplanting base in Southern Henan;Two new sorghum varieties, Nuomao 2301 and Nuomao 2302, were bred andregistered. The Hongyingzi and Hongzhenzhu sorghum varieties were shortlisted asone of the leading varieties in agriculture in Guizhou Province.

A convolutional neural network model for rapid detection of sorghum indicators wasestablished, improving detection efficiency by 60 times, increasing the number ofdetection indicators by 4 times, and improving detection accuracy to 99.6%;We constructed a technology system for rapid identification and detection of thegroup of a key yeast, achieving rapid detection of key yeasts, and enhancing thecapacity to control the brewing process;A near-infrared spectroscopy detection model for the physical and chemicalindicators of the materials during brewing process was established, improving thedetection e?ciency by 20 times.

We promoted the application of the concentrated grinding and rotation system forbrewing sorghum, increasing the grinding speed by 9.7%, e?ectively reducing laborcosts for transportation, and improving the utilization of space;Four detecting prototypes were developed, the first ones of detecting equipmentdeveloped by us; And one prototype was put into extensive application, e?ectivelyimproving detection e?ciency and e?ectiveness;We established a digital packaging demonstration line, comprehensively improvingthe productivity for product packaging, increasing production capacity by 1.57 times,and reducing product exchange rate by 6 times.

Research achievements in brewing raw materials are promoted to growers

Continuous strengthening of brewing process control capabilities

Achieving new breakthroughs in equipment research and development

We lay out innovation chains around the industry chain, and deeply promotes the "4 dimensions" research system on raw materialcultivation, the "ve major core technology systems" in the brewing process, and the "5-dimensional quality expression" technologysystems, enhancing Kweichow Moutai's driving force for high-quality development through comprehensive and deep innovation andcreation.

Promote the Specialization of the Industry Chain










ProcesstechnologycontrolsystemFood safety


Liquor bodydesignsystemQualityevaluation





Diversityof crude


Sensoryfeatures andtypical style"4 dimensions" research

5-dimensional quality

expressionFive major core technology

systemsConstruction of industry chain projects

Scientic research projectscarried out around the "455"R&D system

Developed or introduced

applicable advanced



Technology researchvalue chain coverage

Science and technology innovation awards granted to Kweichow Moutai in 2023 (partially listed)

AwardProject nameAwarder

First Prize of Professional Competitionfor State-owned Enterprises in Digital

Scenario Innovation

First Prize of Science andTechnology Award

Second Prize of China Quality

Technical Award

First Prize of Science andTechnology Progress Award

Second Prize of IPv6 TechnologyApplication and Innovation Competition

Gold Award at the ICQCCS2B2C Full chain digital control and collaboration

for marketing services

Evaluation of key environmental factors in the

main production areas of Jiang-avor baijiuand the research on their carrying capacity

Research and application of key technology for5-dimensional quality expression of Moutai Jiang-avor baijiu based on consumer perception

Exploitation, feature analysis and applicationof yeast resources for Jiang-avor baijiu based

on multi-omics technology

Moutai industrial Internet and the evolution,

application and construction practice of IPv6

Development of a new method for evaluating the

quality of pit mudThe State-owned Assets Supervision andAdministration Commission of the State Council (SASAC)

China National Food Industry Association

China Association for Quality

China Alcoholic Drinks Association

China Academy of Information and

Communications Technology

China Association for Quality



Applicationsfor intellectualproperty rights

Proprietary technologiesLeading technologies

Preserve microbialstrain resources overhas increased

Germplasm resources of brewingraw materials over



and the rst journal paper withimpact factor higher than

Authorizedinvention patents




kinds of wheatkinds of sorghum

papers indexed by SCI


in the industry

Presided over the revision ofthe national standard QualityRequirements for Baijiu Part 4:

Jiang-avor Baijiu

Participated in the formulationand revision of three standards,namely, the Terms of Daqu forBaijiu Brewing, the Guidelines for

Water Footprint Assessment inFood and Fermentation Industry,and the Daqu for Baijiu Brewing

Drafted two group standards,namely GHGs AccountingMethods and Reporting Standardsfor Baijiu Enterprises and CarbonFootprint Evaluation Standard of

Baijiu Products

We scientically summarized the characteristics of the traditional productionprocess of Jiang-flavor baijiu, created sensory terms for its aromacharacteristics that are easy for consumers to understand, and established avisual expression system for its quality to meet the needs of di?erent groups.

We promote our standardization achievements, and fully leverage theleading role of "Moutai Standards" to drive the collaborative improvementand enhancement of industrial and supply chain quality.

We take scientific and reasonable carbon accounting and life cycleassessment of baijiu products with carbon label as the way to contributeto the achievement of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality of thebaijiu industry, and provide strong support for the green and low-carbondevelopment of the industry.

Eagerly embracing digital change and ushering in the era of building Smart Moutai 2.0, we have enhanced the construction of digitalbase and business system from seven aspects, namely "terminal, network, cloud, data, application, intelligence, and security", andhave been building basic platforms such as Moutai Cloud, big data, master data, industrial Internet, and blockchain, to support safe ande?cient operation of digital applications.

We promote the construction of industrial Internet, and the application of 5G and AI, as well as blockchain for di?erent scenarios, toimprove its capacity to link upstream and downstream industries.

Construction of Smart Moutai

In 2023, in terms of management and control, we launched a business and nance integrated platform, with the "Human Resources,Financial Management, Warehousing and Logistics, and Legal Compliance" as the core, to promote the integration of business andnance. In the supply chain, we have built platforms for procurement and supply, as well as warehousing and logistics to integrateprocurement and supply processes. In addition, we have achieved online collaborative transportation with 1,884 suppliers, e?ectivelyimproving the operational capabilities of both supply and demand sides. We have integrated the information on Moutai baijiu duringthe entire process from rolling o? the production lines to reaching the end consumers, built our capabilities for end-to-end services thatintegrated warehousing, transportation and distribution in China, and improved the e?ciency of warehousing, distribution and logistics.In terms of marketing, we promote the standardized operation of iMoutai, the digital marketing platform. Focusing on strengtheningplatform construction, expanding user scale, and enhancing service experience, we continuously enrich product matrix and user rights.In April 2023, iMoutai won the rst prize during the Professional Competition for State-owned Enterprises in Digital Scenario Innovation;As of December 31, 2023, iMoutai has a total of 53.863 million registered users, among whom 38.783 million are identity veried users,and average monthly active users of 11.683 million.

Promote Industrial Innovation and Development

In terms of industrial Internet, Kweichow Moutai has obtained the operation license for secondary node of industrial Internetidentication and resolution in the alcoholic drinks industry, and access to the national industrial Internet identication and resolutionsystem. It has completed the transformation of a new standard production line of Moutai baijiu and the upgrading of storageinfrastructure. It has issued nearly 16.32 million industrial Internet identiers for Moutai baijiu and Moutai-avored series products,and nearly 17.44 million industrial Internet identiers for 12 types of packaging materials from 69 packaging material suppliers.;We have carried out scenario-based collection of baijiu-making and brewing process parameters through the combination of 5G,Internet of Things, and machine vision. Visual algorithms, digital models, and other technologies have been introduced to facilitatethe visualization of knowledge. Nearly 16.83 million pieces of brewing process data were collected. Based on the brewing processdata, we have established the evaluation algorithm model for ve major processes, namely sorghum soaking (incorporate waterinto sorghum, one of the brewing materials), steaming and boiling in a steamer, grains cooling and mixing with daqu, stackingfermentation, and anaerobic fermentation. Therefore, quantitative evaluation indicators are extracted to digitally interpret traditionalbrewing processes;We have built Moutai Tiangong Chain and Jiangpin Chain. We use "Tiangong Chain" to make iMoutai's lottery trustworthy andensure the compliance, legality, fairness, and impartiality of the subscriptions, providing users with privacy protection and preventingtampering. The "Jiangpin Chain" makes it available for us to collect data efficiently and securely during packaging production,warehousing and logistics, terminal sales and other links of Moutai baijiu products, and also enables the connection and integrationof multi-layer information, and the storage of trustable digital evidence onto the chain, forming a complete trustworthy traceabilityinformation data chain. The two chains have achieved data pulling and consensus through cross chain bridges, supporting crosschain operations. As of December 31, 2023, "Tiangong Chain" has generated a total of 1.7 million certicates, with a cumulativetransaction volume of 51.6 million on the chain. The total number of transactions on the Jiangpin Chain is 53.79 million, the totalnumber of traceability certicates it generated is 51.56 million, and the total number of cross-chain certicate transactions is 2.22million. It has responded to 58.89 million inquiries of the public about traceability information of the products.

Innovative Application of New Technologies


Total registered users



Average monthly active users


We have established a corporate standard system with Moutai characteristics that covers the entire industry chain, including 160technical standards in 13 categories and 1,123 control indicators, to implement strict quality control throughout the entire productlifecycle. Giving full play to its leading role in technology in the industry, we promote scientific and technological innovation in thebaijiu industry. We participate in industry associations, actively respond to initiatives, and preside over and revise various standards ofalcoholic drinks, making continuous e?orts to contribute "Moutai Standards" to raising the technical level of the industry and improvingthe standardization system, and thus promoting high-quality development of the industry.

Lead Industry Development

Execute Responsible MarketingKeeping a strong sense of social responsibility in mind, and taking the "ve-integration marketing approach" as theguide, we are committed to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in an all-round way, vigorouslyadvocating the concept of responsible drinking, and promoting a healthy and civilized lifestyle. We keep improvingservice capabilities, and improving after-sales mechanisms, in a bid to bring satisfactory services to consumers.Upholding the principle of integrity management, we strictly abide by laws and regulations such as the AdvertisingLaw of the People's Republic of China, the Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, and theConsumer Rights Protection Law of People's Republic of China, and have formulated the Management Measuresfor the Marketing and Promotion of Moutai Baijiu Distribution System, the Guiding Principles for the Management ofGeneral Distribution Products (Brands), the Marketing Activities Support Program for Kweichow Moutai Baijiu, and othersystems to standardize advertising and marketing, and safeguard consumers' rights and interests.

We keep improving the advertising review process. We have formulated the News Publicity Management Measures, the AdvertisingReview Process and Operation Guidelines, and the Advertising Positive and Negative List, clarifying the dissemination content andreview mechanism. We implement "three reviews and three proof-readings", reviewing all promotional information and content to bereleased to the public to provide correct guidance to consumers from the root.We insist on strengthening content review. Adhering to the principle of authenticity, we objectively describe product promotion, anddon't include any suggestive or inducing words in the text and language expressions. On the basis of ensuring clear and distinguishableimages in graphic creativity and videos, we review the elements in the images to ensure accuracy and veriability. Meanwhile, we strictlyimplement the special prohibitive regulations for advertisements on liquor in promotion, including but not limited to:

Marketing Compliance

No drinking inducement or instigation orimmoderate drinking;No description of an act of drinking;No description of driving a car, vessel, or airplanedriving, among others;No explicit or implicit indication that drinkingrelieves tension and anxiety, increases physicalstrength, cures diseases or has any other e?cacy;No promotion indicating that drinking is harmless;

We clarify the ingredients and alcohol content on the product packaging, and give a warning that [Drinking too much is harmful to health]and other signs in the product label. We also add some warm tips such as [Not selling baijiu to minors] [No driving after drinking] intothe product introduction page of the o?cial website, and put [We advocate responsible drinking] [Underage drinking is prohibited] andother signs in the TV advertisements, Internet advertisements and other advertisements to proactively alert people to potential risks andvigorously guide end consumers to drink responsibly.Complying with the rule of "not selling alcoholic drinks to minors", and paying attention to the impact of alcoholic products on theunderage population, we urge our sales-oriented subsidiaries to develop and implement a responsible marketing system.

No advertisements on mass media targetingminors;No promotion showing driving vehicles afterdrinking;No drinking or discriminatory content promotion inplaces with religious or ethnic beliefs;Other content or situations prohibited by laws andadministrative regulations.

Kweichow Moutai Jiang-avor (Moutai-avor) Baijiu Sales Co., Ltd. has formulated internal regulations related to responsiblemarketing, such as the Management Measures for General Distribution Brands (Products), which clearly require distributorsto strictly comply with laws and regulations such as the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China and the AdvertisingLaw of the People's Republic of China, in which there are clauses that state that it is prohibited to mislead consumers bymaking fictitious, exaggerated, one-sided, or other misleading false advertisements on the products, sales network, orservices.

Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Import and Export Co., Ltd. has formulated the Policies and Management Measures of KweichowMoutai Baijiu Import and Export Co., Ltd. on "Responsible Marketing". It takes an active part in ensuring the authenticity ande?ectiveness of promotional content, maintaining a good competitive environment, protecting consumer privacy and data,and advocating responsible drinking. In addition, the Company revised the Measures of Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Import andExport Co., Ltd. for the Management of Expenditure for Advertising and Promotion Activities in Export Markets, strengthenedthe audit methods and intensity for activities and advertising, and strengthened the closed-loop management of activities andadvertising from audit, supervision to evaluation.

Kweichow Moutai Jiang-avor (Moutai-avor) Baijiu Sales Co., Ltd. Formulated Responsible Marketing Regulations

Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Import and Export Co., Ltd Formulated Responsible Marketing Regulations

We strictly adhere to the code of conduct for responsible marketing, and carries out special training on responsible marketing for thesta? of legal compliance departments, brand promotion departments, distributors, self-operated stores, and exclusive stores etc.Publicity and Training in Responsible Marketing

Training on responsible marketing

Principles ofresponsiblemarketing

Comply with laws and regulations;Comply with various rules and regulations formulated by the competent authorities andindustry self-discipline conventions;Comply with industry rules and market norms.

Targetaudience ofproducts andadvertising

The target audience shall not be minors, pregnant women, or other individuals who arenot suitable for drinking alcoholic drinks;Avoid attracting minors in marketing or promotional methods;Channels and self-operated stores are required not to sell alcoholic products to minors.



Advocate responsible drinking and healthy lifestyles;Proactively alert people to potential risks of drinking alcoholic drinks.

Accurate andfair information

Real information on the product;Using misleading information to promote products is prohibited.

The achievements of publicity and training in responsible marketing carried out by subsidiaries:

In 2023, Kweichow Laymau Baijiu Co., Ltd. carried out training in service standards for exclusive stores and theterminal sales system of Moutai baijiu, further improving the sales service standards of exclusive stores and improvingthe customer service level of store sta?, and carried out product knowledge training and responsible marketing policiesexplanation for core terminal stores to strengthen the implementation of responsible marketing policies in stores.Kweichow Moutai Jiang-avor (Moutai-avor) Baijiu Sales Co., Ltd. conducted a total of 10 training sessions in 2023,covering various marketing courses including responsible marketing, with 1,167 trainees.In 2023, Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Import and Export Co., Ltd. actively promoted responsible marketing, and posted 16articles on responsible marketing, with 5,512,494 impressions and 111,964 engagements.


Provide interpretation and training on the Code of Conduct for alcohol drinks advertising;Provide interpretation and training on industry regulatory requirements and market norms.

We take an active part in awareness campaigns to advocate responsible drinking.Advocation of Responsible Drinking

The Global Spirits T3 Dialogue, organized by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association and jointly initiated by KweichowMoutai, Diageo and Pernod Ricard, was held in London with the theme of "Driving innovation, pursuing sustainability,and embracing future". We signed the Consensus on International Cooperation in Global Spirits T3 Dialogue jointly withDiageo and Pernod Ricard regarding "advocating responsible drinking together" and some other issues. In this dialogue,we proposed three suggestions: establishing a "T3" hosting mechanism, establishing a dialogue and communicationmechanism, and advocating responsible drinking together.Regarding "advocating responsible drinking together", we hope to work together with other alcoholic drinks enterprisesto promote the concept of "drinking healthily and responsibly". The Company would like to join the International Alliancefor Responsible Drinking (IARD) in the future to actively promote the responsible drinking practices of the global spiritsindustry.

Kweichow Moutai put forward the proposal of "advocating responsible drinkingtogether" in Global Spirits T3 Dialogue

We conduct responsible marketing audits, inspects marketing and promotion practices and rectifies issues if necessary to improvebusiness.Responsible Marketing Audit

In 2023, Kweichow Laymau Baijiu Co., Ltd. initiated the construction of its internal control system and compiled theInternal Control Handbook of Guizhou Laymau Liquor Industry Co., Ltd., which includes marketing channel management,sales business management, and customer relationship management. It regularly conducts responsible marketing audit,conducting self-examination and self-correction for problems in marketing, and disclosing the audit results. In 2023, GuizhouLaymau Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. identied the lack of institutionalized standards for monitoring advertisements from an audit,and some advertisements were not monitored. In this regard, it actively carried out rectication.

Kweichow Laymau Baijiu Co., Ltd. conducted annual responsible marketing audit

Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Import and Export Co., Ltd. has incorporated "responsible marketing" into its internal audit process,and actively provides relevant contents for audit, including the publicity of Moutai marketing strategies, products, responsibledrinking, and environmental protection through online and o?ine advertising channels.

Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Import and Export Co., Ltd. conducts responsible marketing audits

In 2023, the Company participated the "2023 National Responsible Drinking Awareness Week", a nationwide publicwelfare campaign initiated by the China Alcoholic Drinks Association (CADA). More than 1,300 third-generation exclusivestores of Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Sales Co., Ltd. and 187 experience centers of Kweichow Moutai Jiang-avor (Moutai-avor) Baijiu Sales Co., Ltd. participated in the event, covering 32 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regionsacross China. During the event, the Company promoted the concept of responsible drinking and strived to enhance theawareness of responsible drinking among the public and consumers by posting posters at stores and distributing leaets.

Kweichow Moutai actively promotes the concept of responsible drinking

A poster on responsible drinkingLeaets on responsible drinking


The number of the third-generation exclusive stores ofKweichow Moutai Baijiu Sales Co., Ltd. amounts to

The "responsible drinking" campaignhas covered

Provinces,autonomous regionsand municipalitiesnationwide

We have established a customer service center, revised the Management Measures for Customer Consultation and Complaints, anddeveloped the Kweichow Moutai Standard Service Language for Exclusive Stores, as well as the Kweichow Moutai StandardizedService Language Handbook. In addition, we have improved the channels and methods for customers to voice their concerns such asthe 400 customer service hotline, self-operated stores in other provinces and regions, and iMoutai, as well as interviews and letters,continuously optimizing the customer complaint management system to improve the customer's consumption experience.

Improve After-sales Mechanism

Moutai offers a full lifecycle product service that integrates consultation, trading, complaints, product identification, and exchange,and optimizes the consumer experience through standardized marketing service processes. It has formulated the Kweichow MoutaiManagement Measures for Product Replacement (Rework) and the Management Measures for Exchange of Leaking Bottles tocontinuously improve product after-sales management and services. It regularly provides product exchange services in o?ine storesbased on the requirements of the entire product lifecycle, providing customers with after-sales value-added services to meet their higher-level needs and improve customer satisfaction. Moutai has established product identication service centers in various provinces acrossthe country, clarifying product identication, exchange principles, management responsibilities, and work procedures. In 2023, a total of47,076 bottles were exchanged in various stores nationwide, with 25,476 bottles being replaced under advanced exchange service. Theaverage replacement cycle was 8.23 days.

Customer Complaint Handling Process



Quick processing modeof knowledge base




400 hotlineCustomer serviceCenter



Time limitedprocessingFeedback




Processing by theknowledge baseReceivecomplaints









SuperviseLittle Red Book,Black Cat, etc

Self-operated storesin other provincesand regionsiMoutaiinterviews andletters


typeCustomerservice center

Emergencyresponse mode

0+3+3 processing


Spread Culture of Mei

Following the "Purple Line" development strategy,we improve the "Nine Series" of cultural system andvigorously promotes cultural dissemination. We activelydemonstrate its culture to the world, expands and enrichesthe connotation and denotation of Moutai culture, andpromotes the creative transformation and innovativedevelopment of excellent traditional culture.

After years of practice and summary, we have establisheda brewing culture that keeps in tune with the times,adapts to local conditions, and follows the law of nature.We schedule production cycles according to the 24 solarterms, and extend "keeping in tune with the times" to thecultural connotation of "Follow the nature and respect theman".

Adhere to the Core ofBrewing Culture

Connotation and denotation of Moutai's culture of

"Follow the nature and respect the man"

Follow thenature andrespect the


ndroundof Daqu

rdroundof Daqu

throundof Daqu

throundof Daqu

stroundof Daqu


roundof Daqu

throundof DaquSlight SnowGreat SnowWinter SolsticeSlight ColdGreat ColdBeginningof SpringRainWaterAwakeningof InsectsSpringEquinoxPureBrightness

Grain RainBeginningof SummerGrain BudsGrain in EarSummerSolsticeSlight HeatGreat Heat


of AutumnEnd ofHeatWhiteDewAutumnalEquinoxCold DewFrost'sDescentBeginningof Winter

Round threeRound two

Round one

Round four

Round veRound six

Round sevenXiasha (to putsorghum into use)

Zaosha (to putsorghum into use)Annual service satisfaction rate


Satisfaction score: 99.36; Number ofcomplaints related to products andservices:

9,957; Customer complaintresolution rate:




serviceAnnual service satisfaction rate


Customer Service Satisfaction Scores

We have explored inspiration for our products from zodiac, 24 solar terms, Flying Fairy (Feitian), the intangible cultural heritage andother traditional Chinese cultural elements, and created a series of cultural products, empowering us with culture to create more valueand providing consumers with richer cultural experiences.

With cultural characteristics of the 24 solar terms at the core, thepackaging is designed using "lustrous green" for the dominanthue. It conveys the characteristics of the solar terms throughillustrations, which showcase the harmonious coexistence of thehuman and nature. The design of the liquor body has incorporatedthe avor and characteristics of seasonal crude baijiu, giving eachproduct a unique seasonal avor.

Enrich the Cultural Connotation of Products

Kweichow Moutai 24 Solar Term Baijiu

Cultural and Creative Baijiu Jointly Launched by Moutai 1935 and Chinese National GeographyThe design of this product has been inspired by the shape ofHu Huanyong's Line or Heihe-Tengchong Line (the cultural andgeographical line of demarcation drawn by Hu Huanyong) withillustrations imitating the landmark buildings along the line. It hasintegrated the characteristic architectural clusters of eight majorcities, concretizing and materializing the geographical researchvalue of the Hu Huanyong Line, showcasing the geographicalstyle of China.

The packaging of this product has been designed focusing onthe elements of flying fairies in Dunhuang murals. The contourline drawing technique has been used, aiming to achieve theeffect of Wu Daozi's style with strokes full of changes andvigor, expressing the internal world of the characters. And thebottles are made with a brand-new ceramic craftsmanship,demonstrating the style of rock color painting, and presenting amineral ceramic texture consistent with Dunhuang murals, so thatthe product culture is in harmony with Dunhuang murals.

Scattering Flower Fairy Moutai

1.5L Guizhou Daqu Baijiu (Si Shui Liu Nian)

Guizhou ethnic batik blue has been adopted as the maincolor tone of the product, and the pictures serve as an artisticexpression of batik patterns with beautiful meanings, presentingunique Guizhou ethnic culture in multiple dimensions.

Moutai Prince (The Chinese Zodiac Year of the Loong)

The keynote of this product's packaging is Xiangye (a kind of lightyellow) and bright yellow is the dominant hue. The three paintingsSoaring Loong Painting, Painting of Loong Soaring in ProsperousTimes, and Auspicious the Year of the Loong created by thecalligraphy and painting artist are used as the core elements,highlighting the unique charm of the oriental aesthetic colors andChinese poetry, painting, and calligraphy.

We have innovatively carried out a series of cultural activities on the 24 solar terms to create our own festival culture IP, using activitiesas carriers to convey the beauty of culture; upgraded the Moutai Fans Carnival and the initiative for cultivating inheritors, leavingexclusive beautiful memories for consumers; carried out a series of activities named "Moutai World Tour with MEI" to promote China'sexcellent traditional culture, and provided a Moutai perspective for the world to understand China.

Cultural Expression of Innovative Activities

Moutai's Global Tour with MEI

From September 19th to 29th, 2023, Moutai's Global Tour with MEI was carried out. We visited Japan, France, and theUnited Kingdom in 11 days and carried out over 40 activities. It was a journey of thousands of miles and we experiencednine time zones. Guided by "MEI", following the three main themes of friendship, culture, and brand, we have deeplyintegrated "A Spirit from China · A Toast to the World" into "mutual learning among different civilizations, the harmonybetween man and nature, cultural integration, industrial solidarity, and pursuing dreams", exploring the new path for Moutaito promote "MEI" to the world, promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign civilizationsthrough cultural expression, and enhancing the reputation of Chinese brands.

Cultural activities on the 24 solar terms

Moutai Fans Carnival

Inheritors Program

We fully leveraged the roles of Moutai Fans Carnival as acultural communication platform, image display platform,exchange and mutual learning platform, and upscale tasteplatform. It traveled across China with a Moutai cultural feast,reflecting Moutai's views on beauty, that is, "Unique butUnited", respecting and treasuring the beauty of integrationwhile maintaining Moutai's unique beauty. Started fromXinjiang and winded up in Guangdong, 2023 Moutai FansCarnival invited more than 10,000 Moutai fans from di?erentelds and industries throughout the year.

We made more efforts in the training for inheritors of Kweichow Moutai's century-old stores to enhance the inheritors'awareness of the quality, brand, craftsmanship, and cultural core competence of Moutai. We support and encourageinheritors to join in the cause of Moutai and create a better life together. In 2023, a total of four sessions of InheritorsProgram were carried out.In light of the 24 solar terms, we innovatively carried out characteristic cultural activities such as the "Spring Equinox Forum"and "Thanksgiving Activity on Qingming Festival" to promote the development of traditional Chinese culture and Chinesebaijiu culture through cultural innovations.

Addressing Climate ChangeKweichow Moutai responds to the national "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" strategy to tackle the challenges posed by climatechange. Following the framework and recommendations of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

, it identies climatechange risks and opportunities from four dimensions: governance, strategy, risk management, as well as metrics and targets. Thisincludes conducting GHG management such as carbon stocktake, exploring response strategies and measures, and collaborating withupstream and downstream enterprises to jointly address climate change risks and build a better home.We prioritize climate change risks as an important issue, integrating them into daily operations and development strategies. We haveestablished an ESG Promotion Commission led by management to coordinate the overall green transformation of the entire value chain,providing reference and examples for the "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" e?orts of the industry.

Kweichow Moutai has proactively identified and adapted to the physical and transitional risks presented by climate change, anddeveloped preventive measures and management methods for different types of potential risks, aiming to achieve comprehensiveidentication, scientic assessment, e?ective prevention, and orderly control, in a bid to enhance our ability to withstand climate changerisks and ensure sustainable and stable operations.

Climate Risk Management


Acute Risk

Extreme events such as heavyrainfall, high temperatures,mudslides, and wildres will a?ectnormal operations due to thelimited tolerance of the humanbody;Damage to infrastructure suchas power supply, water supply,gas supply, and roads will a?ectraw materials supply, logisticsdistribution, and energy supply,leading to cost increases as wellas reduced production capacityand performance indicators.

? Closely monitor weather forecasts, coordinate with localauthorities to promptly obtain information on extremeweather events;? Develop emergency plans for extreme weather events,

and set up a working group on the safety for extremeweather events;

Chronic Risk

Chronic changes in the climateenvironment will lead to changesin the quality and avour of mainingredients such as sorghumand wheat, brewing microbialenvironments, and waterenvironments and quality, therebya?ecting the quality and avour ofthe liquor.

? Continuously monitor reports on the trend of climatewarming;? Carry out basic research on microorganisms, anddetermine the basic characteristics of microorganisms inKweichow Moutai's core production areas;? Conduct conservation research on important rawmaterials involved in the Company's production tounderstand their suitable growth conditions;? Develop emerging water purication technologies such asbank ltration to ensure the safety of brewing water.

Risk TypeRisk DescriptionMitigation Measures

Identication and Response to Climate Change Risks


Policy andLegal Risk

The tightening regulations onriver basin environment willrestrict the use of the water in theChishui River.

? Conduct water footprint analysis and targeted researchon reducing water consumption, to reduce the probabilityof impacts on products;? Plan the reserve and processing for key raw materials inadvance.The gradual implementation ofpolicies such as carbon trading,carbon taxes, and environmentaltaxes necessitates the imperativetransition to green and low-carbon practices, imposing higherrequirements on KweichowMoutai's energy-saving andemission reduction e?orts.

? Develop and implement carbon reduction plans;? Introduce green and low-carbon technologies;? Strengthen energy management during productionprocesses;? Implement energy-saving renovations and use low-energyconsumption equipment.Regulators have higherrequirements for the accuracyof environmental data reportedby companies, increasing thepressure and compliance risks ofKweichow Moutai's environmentalinformation statistics.

? Strictly adhere to compliance requirements for informationdisclosure;? Monitor key environmental indicators during productionand operations.

Technical Risk

With the government's strictercontrols on energy consumptionof manufacturers, KweichowMoutai needs to allocate morecosts for energy conservationand consumption reduction in itsproduction and operations.

? Continuously advance the transformation of low-carbonand energy-saving technologies;? Reduce energy input costs through resource recycling;? Choose raw materials and suppliers that are moreenergy-e?cient and environmentally friendly.

Market Risk

The market's preference forgreen brands and products isbecoming increasingly evident,adding pressure to KweichowMoutai's low-carbon productionand operations.

? Reduce carbon emissions based on carbon footprintstocktake throughout the entire lifecycle;? Implement lightweight transformations for packagingmaterials to demonstrate the Company's determination inlow-carbon transition;? Increase the green level of waste resource utilization.


Failure to meet the expectationsof stakeholders regarding climatechange initiatives may result innegative impacts on KweichowMoutai's reputation.

? Strengthen communication with stakeholders to fullyunderstand their demands;? Promote the Company's progress in green and low-carbon initiatives, such as green packaging, sustainableprocurement, and circular economy practices;? Regularly disclose the Company's emission reductionmeasures and their e?ectiveness.

Risk TypeRisk DescriptionMitigation MeasuresIdentication and Response to Climate Change Risks

ISSB is an independent international standard-setting body established at the initiative of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation andformally launched at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference on November 3, 2021, with the aim of developing sustainability reporting standards in linewith the IFRS.

While identifying and responding to the foregoing climate change risks, we have also been exploring new opportunities arising from it,aiming to integrate climate change into our business development strategy.


Opportunity to ReduceEnergy Consumption

With continuous introduction of lower-carbon technologies, KweichowMoutai can utilize emerging technologies to optimize energy managementin its operations, improve resource and energy use e?ciency, and reduceoperating costs.

Products andServices

Industry Development


National and consumer attention and favorability towards green productsand green factories are increasing. Kweichow Moutai can leverage this as aselling point for its products, thereby enhancing its market competitiveness.

Opportunity Identication ResultsOpportunity DescriptionClimate Change Opportunities

We collaborated with professional organizations to conduct carbon peak and carbon neutrality research, took the lead indrafting the Greenhouse Gas Calculation Methods and Reporting Standards for Baijiu Manufacturers (currently solicitingopinions from the public), and conducted verication of our GHG emissions from 2018 to 2023, to analyze and summarizeprevious carbon emissions and e?ectiveness of carbon reduction pathways, and proposed targeted improvement measures.In the past two years, the carbon dioxide emissions intensity per unit of industrial output has continuously decreased.

Climate-Related Metrics and Targets

In accordance with the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively and Correctly Implementingthe New Development Concept and Engaging in Carbon Peak and Neutrality and the Action Plan for Carbon Peak by 2030, theCompany has developed the Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. Action Plan for Carbon Peak and Neutrality, put forward a plan for pathways toimplementation of its dual-carbon action, and set ambitious carbon control and reduction targets at various stages.

Reduce comprehensiveenergy consumption per unitof industrial output bycompared to 2020Decrease carbon dioxideemissions per unit ofindustrial output bycompared to 2020Decrease carbon dioxideemissions per unit of baseliquor production bycompared to 2020




Short-term Objectives (2024)

Kweichow Moutai's GHG Emissions in 2023

Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)tCO

e244,895.00-4.40%Direct GHG emissions (Scope 2)tCO


-82.57%Total GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2)tCO

e254,778.00-18.57%GHG emissions intensity(Scope 1, 2)


e/1 million units ofindustrial output


IndexUnitYear-on-year variable ratioYear 2023

Calculation basis: GHG emissions are veried by a professional third-party organization in accordance with ISO 14064,IPCC guidelines, the Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation Methods and Reporting in Food, Tobacco,Alcoholic Beverage, Beverage and Rened Tea Enterprises (Trial), Greenhouse Gas Calculation System: Code of Conductfor Enterprise Calculation and Reporting, as well as other applicable regulations.

In 2023, both the headquarters and Heyixing Branch purchased green electricity, leading to a signicant reduction in Scope 2 emissions.

Category 1 - Purchased goods & servicesCategory 3 - Energy and fuelCategory 4 - Upstream transportation & distributionCategory 5 - Waste generated in operationsCategory 7 - Employees commutingCategory 9 - Downstream transportation & distributionCategory 12 - Treatment of end-of-life sold products

Indirect GHG

emissions(Scope 3)








In 2023, based on environmental footprint analysis methods and referencing national standards such as the Guidelines for GreenhouseGas Emission Calculation and Reporting in Industrial Enterprises and Greenhouse Gases - Product Carbon Emissions - Requirementsand Guidelines for Quantication and Communication, Kweichow Moutai developed a carbon footprint analysis model. Starting from alife cycle assessment, it established a carbon footprint list and conducted assessment and analysis on the carbon footprint of suppliers,raw materials, resources, energy, waste emissions, products, and by-products, etc. involved in production, to promote the developmentof a full-lifecycle, e?cient and low-carbon utilization system.

Product Carbon Footprint

Reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit product by


compared to 2020.Carbon footprint target for 2024

Lifecycle of the Carbon Footprint of Main products

Raw materialsproductionStage

Share ofCarbonEmissions


Manufacturingoperations,including suppliers

Transportation andlogistics operations

Distribution andstore operations

Product Use andDisposal



Green Operations

The Company strictly adheres to relevant laws and regulations such as the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republicof China and has developed a number of environmental protection management regulations such as the Overall Plan for Building XiJinping's Ecological Civilization Practice Demonstration Base and Building the Company as a Role Model for Environmental Protectionin the Industry, Environmental Protection Compliance Guidelines, Environmental Protection Management Regulations, and Rules onEnvironmental Protection Work Assessment, to ensure the establishment of a sound and comprehensive system of green operations,thereby guaranteeing environmental compliance in production and operations.

The Company has established an environmental management system covering the decision-making, management, and executionlevels. It has developed the Comprehensive Assessment Management Measures, specifying that environmental protection performanceis linked to the remuneration of senior executives and relevant staff, to ensure the implementation of environmental managementresponsibilities at all levels.

Environmental Management System




Execution level

The Ecology and Environmental Protection Committee chaired by the Chairman makes decisions andarrangements regarding all environmental protection management and performance of the Company.

Special committees for green and low-carbon development as well as water environment managementhave been established for specialized management.

The daily management and execution of relevant work are the responsibility of the O?ce of the Ecologyand Environmental Protection Committee, the O?ce of Emergency Response for Environmental Incidentsand its emergency response teams, the O?ce of carbon peak and carbon neutrality Management, and theO?ce of Water Resources Management.

Carbon emissions are calculated based on the carbon dioxide equivalent emitted by each bottle of product at each stage.

The product use and disposal phase refers to the process of product use, waste generation and disposal.

During the reporting period, we did notexperience any signicant environmentalviolations, and our environmentalmanagement system GB/T 24001-2016/ISO 14001:2015 certication was withinthe validity period.

Certicate of EnvironmentalManagement System Certication

The Company developed the Emergency Plan for Sudden Environmental Incidents at Kweichow Moutai Headquarters in accordancewith relevant laws and regulations such as the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and EmergencyResponse Law of the People's Republic of China. Emergency drills and specialized training for sudden environmental incidents wereconducted, covering over 50 subsidiaries, shop oors, and organizations.

Emergency Management for Environmental Incidents

To enhance the emergency response capability for sudden environmental incidents, the Company conducted anemergency drill in August 2023, adopting a blind exercise format for practical training. This approach enabled theidentication of problems, improvement of plans, and accumulation of experience, further strengthening the practicality,operability, and e?ectiveness of emergency response.

The Company improved the treatment of wastewater, waste gas, and waste and reduced discharge of pollutants by rmly preventingpollution at the source, strengthening control at key points, and strictly managing the end treatment, to ensure compliance with relevantlaws and regulations for discharge of all types of pollutants.

Calculation: Wastewater discharge intensity = Wastewater discharge volume / Unit industrial output

The Company strictly follows relevant laws and regulations such as the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People'sRepublic of China. With the principles of grading and classication, classied treatment, and resource utilization, the Company hascarried out systematic construction and upgrading of the factory area's pipeline network and sewage treatment facilities. This hasresulted in a daily wastewater treatment capacity of 23,000 tons. In the meantime, plans are underway to construct the ChineseEcological Wetland to purify and reuse the treated "tailwater" to reduce the impact on the Chishui River, ensuring e?ective pollutionprevention and control e?orts. Research projects such as production wastewater characteristic analysis, biological amplication, andcomprehensive utilization of high-concentration sewage have been conducted. Also, e?orts have been made to develop regulationsrelating to the treatment process, equipment management, and operational supervision of production wastewater from producing theJiang-avor Baijiu.

Emissions Management

Wastewater discharge volume10,000 tons215.17-4.10%Wastewater discharge intensity

10,000 tons/1 million units ofindustrial output


IndexUnitYear-on-year variable ratioYear 2023

Wastewater Discharge

Emergency drill

Wastewater Discharge Management

Kweichow Moutai's emergency drill for sudden environmental incidents in 2023

The Company has been optimizing its environment process management model. Through channels such as telephone interviews andon-site exchanges, it has gathered the expectations of stakeholders. From the dimensions - quantity, speed, quality, cost-e?ectiveness,harmony, and innovation, it has put forward 24 main requirements of stakeholders for environment management. With the tool - KeySuccess Factors (KSF) matrix, it has identied seven key requirements for the environment management process.

Environment Process Management

2. Enhance pollution control

Improve the environmentmanagement systemReduce pollutant emissions

1. Strengthen brewing

ecological protection

3. Promote e?cient utilization

of resources and energy

4. Promote green and low-carbon

developmentReduce GHG emissions

5. Green tech innovation

New technologies, processes,materials and equipment

6. Improve the environment

monitoring systemBuild a data management platformfor environment monitoring

7. Enhance the modern

environmental governance systemEnsure legality and complianceTimely resolution of environmentalissuesTimely elimination of environmentalhazards

Enhance the protection of brewing watersourcesImprove air qualityMaintain the stability of the micro-ecologyin the production areaAssist in the green protection of the basin

Increase the energy utilization rateIncrease the resource utilization rateFacilitate the recycling and utilizationof waste materials

Management of Exhaust Emissions

Strengthen the standardized management of dust from construction projects and roadwayswithin the Moutai Baijiu Geographical Indication Protection Area, to strictly control the emissionsof air pollutants from the source such as inhalable particles, lung-damaging particles, andozone.Dust generated fromconstruction andoperation sites

The Company's exhaust emissions primarily consist of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides generated during the production process. Weadhere to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, and have equipped eachemission point with comprehensive environmental protection facilities to ensure stable compliance with emission standards for varioustypes of exhausts. In addition, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, ozone, and other indicators have been monitored at ve air qualitymonitoring stations within the plant area. In 2023, the emission rates and concentrations of various exhausts from the Company met thecorresponding limit requirements set forth in the Emissions Standards for Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

The Company has been using natural gas, which is clean energy, as fuel for boilers, andinstalled continuous emissions monitoring systems for flue gas in boiler rooms to monitornitrogen oxide emissions in real time. We are piloting the installation of denitrication facilities tosubstantially reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides.

Promote green transportation by advocating for employees to use public transportation forpersonal travel, encouraging the use of new energy vehicles, promoting the "3+3" plan for newenergy vehicles in the factory area, and improving the infrastructure for new energy vehiclesin the factory area. In 2023, the proportion of new energy vehicles in the factory area reached

14.3%, an increase of 5.5% from a year earlier.

A negative pressure pipeline conveying system has been added, and improvements have beenmade to the daqu-making system. As a result, the concentration of dust in the daqu-makingproduction room was e?ectively reduced.

Nitrogen oxidesgenerated fromboiler operations

Vehicle exhaust


Daqu-making dust

We have strictly followed relevant laws and regulations including the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention andControl of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, and developed the Solid Waste Control Procedure, Regulations on the Managementof Waste Materials Recycling, and Regulations on the Management of Hazardous Waste, based on the principle of resource utilization,green development, ecological development, standardization, and reduction, to strengthen the management of solid waste. Guidedby ecological industrialization and industrial ecology, we have standardized the disposal of hazardous waste, significantly reducedconstruction and kitchen waste, etc. and raised the awareness of all sta? members for environmental protection.

Management of Waste Discharge

Density of total waste

Ton per 100 million yuan ofindustrial output

541.43-8.04%Utilization rate/100%/

IndexUnitYear-on-year variable ratioYear 2023

Waste Emissions

The Company has increased resource utilization efficiency through measures such as optimizing manufacturing processes andupgrading equipment, to integrate the concept of energy conservation and emission reduction into all aspects of its production andoperations. During the reporting period, we have been optimizing energy, water resources, and packaging material management, topromote the optimization of resources allocation, and sustainable production.We have strictly adhered to relevant laws and regulations such as Law of the People's Republic of China on Energy Conservation,developed the Energy Management Manual, Energy Operation Management Regulations, and Energy Data Management Regulations,etc., and followed the principle of law-based management, technological progress, consumption reduction and efficiency increase,effective supervision, and sustainable development, to strengthen energy management, ensuring that the GB/T 23331-2020/ISO50001:2018 Energy Management System certication remains valid. We have established an intelligent energy metering platform tohave online monitoring and automatic analysis of equipment and energy consumption data within the factory area, and developed annualenergy targets and metrics that were broken down into various stages of production and operations, to manage energy consumption,as part of our e?orts to serve as a role model for resource conservation. We have given priority to suppliers of environmentally friendlyand resource-saving materials, explored and practiced low-carbon emissions and clean production, and promoted the sustainabledevelopment of the value chain. In 2023, we optimized our energy structure by purchasing green electricity to build a new type ofelectricity system, purchasing a total of 91.702 million kWh of green electricity, achieving the carbon reduction goal of full coverage ofgreen electricity for both the core production area and the plant of Heyixing Branch.

Energy Management

Kweichow Moutai's Energy-saving Measures in Various StagesManufacturing and operationsTransportation and logistics

Distribution centers/store operations

Implement green construction to save materials, water, energy,and land.Improve space utilization through rational warehouse layoutplanning, and adopt an intelligent warehouse managementsystem to achieve precise inventory positioning and efficientmanagement, further reducing storage costs and minimizing theoperation routes of handling equipment.Use advanced warehouse equipment to automate storage,conveyance, and sorting, highlighting environmental protectionconcepts, saving energy, and jointly building a "greenwarehouse".Use digital and intelligent means to dispatch transportationvehicles, and implement centralized management and planning,to reduce the number of trips and waiting time for motor vehicles,improve the e?ciency and quality of the supply chain, and reduceenergy consumption and carbon emissions.

Energy-saving and Emissions Reduction Plan

Implemented a pilot project for the recycling and reuse of Moutaiglass bottles within Guizhou Province;All 30 freight towing vehicles purchased in 2023 were selectedto meet the National VI (B) emission standard, and in thetransportation of distiller's grains, low-carbon and environmentallyfriendly clean energy transport vehicles were put into operationbased on the "not less than 20%" standard, taking an importantstep towards green transformation;After the completion and use of the Shuanglong LogisticsPark, big data and Internet of Things technologies have beenapplied to collect and monitor the energy consumption of thepark in real time and conduct threshold analysis and anomalyalarms, to achieve visual, diagnosable, and controllable energyconsumption management, and promote energy conservationand emission reduction.

Measures and Results in 2023

Develop carbon emission management systems and documents at the design, procurement, and production operationcontrol levels, and coordinate the implementation and operation of the Company's resource allocation system.Conduct feasibility studies on the application of electrode boilers.Apply new technologies such as CO

heat pumps, high-temperature heat pumps, and flash evaporation systemsto recover waste heat and air energy resources within the plant to produce steam, gradually replacing natural gasconsumption in boiler rooms and energy stations.Explore long-term green electricity procurement agreements with power trading centers to ensure the use of greenelectricity in the plant area.Expand the Company's electricity load capacity to meet future energy transformation needs.Implement pilot projects for boiler ue gas waste heat recovery and utilization, to improve the heat exchange e?ect oftail ue gas heat exchangers.Upgrade the steam supply network in 20 shop floors, and build an intelligent steam supply network managementsystem, to reduce steam supply losses.Phase out high-energy-consuming electromechanical equipment across all areas and replace them with new energy-saving electromechanical equipment to reduce energy consumption and losses.

Energy-saving and Emissions Reduction Plan

In 2023, both the Kweichow Moutai plant and the Heyixing plant achieved full coverage of green electricity;Energy-saving upgrades were implemented for primary pump station equipment, increasing water pumping e?ciencyby 30%;A waste heat recovery project was conducted during the distillation system's cooling process, with potential to utilize

60% of the waste heat from the distillation system upon full implementation;A photovoltaic power generation pilot project was initiated with an installed capacity of 84.8 kilovolt-amperes.

Measures and Results in 2023

Enhance employees' environmental awarenessthrough holding environmental protectionmeetings, conducting environmental lecturesand training sessions, and playing promotionalvideos through multimedia.Organize employees to ll out questionnaires,sign the initiative - Energy Conservation andCarbon Reduction, Green Developmentand Environmental Protection, and guideemployees to practice a lifestyle and workapproach of energy conservation, emissionsreduction, green and low-carbon development.

Energy-saving and Emissions Reduction Plan

Distribution centers and stores conductenvironmental-related training as required bythe Company, with nearly 200 establishmentsimplementing energy-saving and emissionreduction plans, using energy-efficientlighting xtures, and setting air conditioningtemperatures reasonably.The iMoutai platform adopts the principle ofnearby appointment and pickup to reducethe transportation distance for delivery fromstores.

Measures and Results in 2023

Non-renewable energyconsumption

Tons of coal equivalent144,173.82-8.05%Renewable energyconsumption

Tons of coal equivalent11,270.18108.41%Comprehensive energyconsumption

Tons of coal equivalent155,444.00-4.16%Comprehensive energyconsumption intensity

Tce/1 million units of

industrial output


IndexUnitYear 2023Year-on-year variable ratio

Energy Consumption

The Company has improved the Implementation Plan for Product Packaging Materials for Green Supply Chains, Finished Liquor OuterPackaging Materials Recycling Management System, and Regulations on the Management of Waste Materials Recycling, promoted thecircular economy, advanced green processes, implemented the Green Transformation Project for Product Outer Packaging Design, andestablished green packaging design standards and blacklists for materials selection, etc., to build a green supply chain.

Packaging Materials Management

Packaging MaterialsManagement Measures


It is required to consider reducing material consumption in all new product designs without compromising product quality anduser experience.

Calculate the water and carbon footprint of the entire supply chain based on products, and analyze the water and energyconsumption in the packaging material production and supply processes to identify key energy-saving, water-saving andcarbon reduction processes.Launch the bottle lightweighting research and development project.

Management Measures

Plan for 2024

Reduced the variety of packaging materials: For certain products such as Feitian Moutai 53% and 43% vol, new types ofanti-counterfeiting caps were introduced, and packaging materials such as ordinary identiers and RFID box labels werediscontinued. The number of required packaging materials was reduced from 15 to 13, and the packaging volume ofaged Moutai Baijiu was reduced.Reduced use of paper products: For new products such as the Moutai (Treasure) 53% vol 500ml, Moutai (Guimao Yearof the Rabbit) 53% vol 500ml, and Moutai (24 Solar Terms) 53% vol 500ml, front and back labels were replaced withembossed bottles.Reduced amount of di?cult-to-degrade: The velvet fabric was removed from the Moutai (Xunfeng) 53% vol 375ml,leading to an annual reduction of 34.41 tons of velvet fabric.

Progress in 2023In 2023, Kweichow Moutai adjusted the types of packaging materials for several existing products:

Green development

The Company revised and issued the New Product Development Management Regulations, specifying the priority of usingrecyclable, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly materials for packaging; and developed the Packaging MaterialTechnology Blacklist (Environmental Protection), List of Restricted and Prohibited Packaging Materials, and Negative Listof Packaging Materials for New Product Development, prohibiting and restricting the use of materials with quality risks andenvironmental pollution.

Management Measures

Progress in 2023Alternatives to di?cult-to-degrade materials: In 2023, the Company replaced pearl cotton with bamboo pulp paper traysin the Moutai (Xunfeng) 53% vol 375ml; and strictly prohibited the proportion of using ceramic bottles for new productsExploring the application of green materials: In 2023, the Company initiated 14 research and development projects ingreen environmental protection and new materials, including 10 projects in the bottle eld, 3 projects in the cap eld, and1 project in the printing eld.Pilot programme for localizing packaging material recycling.Application of bio-based green materials.Exploring the recycling of bio-based green materials such as pit-bottom water and distillers' grains.Plan for 2024

The Company advocates environmental protection concepts and has proactively proposed theuse of glass products in product packaging. This initiative supports suppliers in carrying outprojects for recycling and reprocessing broken glass. It is estimated that 24-36 million waste glassbottles will be processed annually, greatly reducing the environmental pressure caused by wastedischarge.

Recycling and reprocessing of broken glass

Since the end of 2022, the Company has initiated the Kweichow Moutai Glass Bottle Recycling andReuse Pilot Implementation Plan. As of the end of developing this report, bottle recycling was mainlypiloted in Guizhou Province, with 525,547 bottles collected.

Recycling of recyclable packaging materials such as bottles andcardboard boxes through Kweichow Moutai's logistics

The Company initiated a research project to use biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA) material toweave red ribbons.By using new environmentally friendly ink and innovatively optimizing the spray coating process,the environmental friendliness, anti-oxidation, and stability of the ink on the paper packaging areimproved.We have been actively exploring bio-based materials and studying the feasibility of plasticreduction.

Research on green packaging materials

Consumption of Packaging Materials


Glass bottles

tons28,304Color cardboard boxes


10,136Cardboard boxes




Ceramic bottles




Metal bottle caps



Plastic bottle caps


Green O?ce

Moutai advocates for employees to save electricity and water, practice low-carbon mobility and other low carbon behaviors, andcontinuously increase awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection to create a better ecological environment.

Promote the development and use of online information management platforms to acceleratethe transition to paperless operations.Papersaving

Develop reasonable electricity usage plans, include electricity usage in the cost assessmentof each organization's production, and raise the awareness of employees for energyconservation.Electricitysaving

Use reclaimed water for irrigating green belts in the industrial park to reduce the consumptionof fresh water for landscaping and raise the awareness of employees for water conservation.Watersaving

Implement odd-even license plate restrictions for vehicles and promote the use of publictransportation.Low-carbontravel

In 2023, the Company continued to carry out publicitycampaigns such as "opposing waste", "cherishing food",and "saving meals", covering more than 20,000 people inthe factory area. They were aimed at guiding employees tobe thrifty, save resources, and live a green life.

Conservation Poster

Kweichow Moutai organized conservation awareness training

Water Resource ManagementThe Company strictly adheres to relevant laws and regulations such as the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People'sRepublic of China and Water Law of the People's Republic of China. Water resource management is integrated into the overallecological and environmental management framework, with continuous efforts in water-saving process upgrades and innovations,leading to continuous rise in water-saving benets and water resource management. We have developed the Supplier SustainableDevelopment Implementation Method, clarifying the requirements for suppliers to implement water resource protection and recycling.We have collaborated with suppliers to explore water-saving optimization measures, assist in improving water use e?ciency, and striveto achieve sustainable water resource utilization throughout the lifecycle of the industrial chain.The Company has implemented quota management for water consumption in all aspects of production and operations. In 2023, thewater consumption at all stages, both in production and non-production, was analyzed to identify water-saving potential. Continuousoptimization of water consumption targets and water-saving benefits was pursued. Targets and implementation pathways wereestablished for subsequent total water intake, production water quota, and water consumption per unit of product.

The water-saving target for 2023 in Kweichow Moutai's production area is a reduction of


, with an actual reduction of


;The water-saving target for the production area of the Heyixing Branch is a reduction of2%

, with an actual reduction of



Overall water-saving targets:



Independent laying of domestic andgreening pipelines, with separate meteringImplementation of pipeline reconstruction tocontrol pipeline leakageBoiler water treatment system renovationTreatment and reuse of tailwaterUse of reclaimed water for greening andsanitation, etc.Replacement of water-saving appliances,improvement of water usage methods, andreduction of end water consumption

Water saved:


Water saved:


Kweichow Moutai's Water-saving Measures in Various SegmentsWater-saving SegmentWater-saving measuresAchievements in 2023

To conserve water and increase the utilization of water resources, the Company initiated a pilot project for the reuse ofreclaimed water. The project was completed and put into operation in April 2023, with one production plant selected toreplace fresh water with reclaimed water. It was used for purposes including toilets, garages, landscaping, and cleaning,resulting in an average monthly saving of over 700 cubic meters of fresh water.

The Company has been promoting the concept of water conservation and supporting suppliers in implementing water-saving reforms to promote the e?cient use of water resources. Hunan New Century Ceramics Co., Ltd. implementedrainwater and sewage diversion during the overall construction process, e?ectively reducing both the discharge andtreatment of wastewater. In the meantime, they constructed an advanced wastewater treatment plant capable oftreating up to 1,000 cubic meters of wastewater per day with physical and chemical methods such as sedimentationand coagulation to remove pollutants from wastewater. Guoci Yong Feng Yuan achieved "zero discharge" of productionwastewater by optimizing production processes and equipment.

Reclaimed water reuse pilot project

Kweichow Moutai called for suppliers to conduct water conservation renovations

A pilot project for the renovation of boiler watertreatment processes was initiated, applying thetechnology - "reverse osmosis + concentrated waterreuse". The boiler discharge rate decreased from33% to 9%.In 2024, the Company will further promote the pilotproject of reusing reclaimed water and expand thescope of boiler water treatment process upgrades.

Boiler water treatment process renovation

The boiler water treatment shop oor after renovation

Water Pressure Assessment

Water Footprint Calculation

The Company conducted an assessment of the water ecological capacity in the Chishui River Basin, investigating the water qualityand ecosystem conditions within the basin. We established a SWAT model for dynamic analysis of water quality and microorganisms.Through longitudinal assessment of indicators such as COD and DOC in the water, we identified the impact and risks of factoryproduction on the water environment and developed targeted solutions.

The Company has been exploring alternatives to water sources and water resource recycling. We replaced water with residual crudebaijiu in production to produce pit bottom, assessed the water environment of the Chishui River and analyzed the impact of di?erentwater extraction methods on water quality. In 2023, we collaborated with research institutions to conduct water footprint assessments onour main products.

Water Footprint of Moutai Baijiu

Raw Materials Acquisition StageProduction Process Stage






Paper products (cardboardboxes, and wine boxes, etc.)Glass products (wine bottles,and wine glasses)


Crude Baijiu

makingDaqu makingCrude Baijiustorage rooms


BoilerEnergy station




Production plantProduction plantbath


Workshop o?cecafeteria

Water Resource Management Data

Reuse of reclaimed water10,000 cubic meters

19.7019.142.92%Extraction of freshwater10,000 cubic meters658.50701.95-6.19%Freshwater extraction intensity

10,000 cubic meters/1 millionunits of industrial output

0.00790.0092-14.13%Total water extraction

10,000 cubic meters658.50701.95-6.19%Water recycling rate

/87.07%82.05%5.02%Consumption of freshwater10,000 cubic meters847.96892.11-4.95%Freshwater consumption intensity

10,000 Cubic meter/1 millionunits of industrial output

0.00980.0117-16.24%Total water resource consumption10,000 cubic meters847.96892.11-4.95%Water resource consumptiondensity

10,000 cubic meters/1 millionunits of industrial output


IndexUnitYear 2022


variable ratioYear 2023

Calculation method: Freshwater extraction volume + alternative water extraction volume

Calculation method: (Recycled volume / (Recycled volume + water extraction volume)) * 100%



Protecting the Environment

Ecological Development IndexWe have established an index system for ecological development to measure the overall level of green development of the Company.This system evaluates from four aspects: natural ecosystem, industrial ecosystem, commercial ecosystem, and ecological civilization,across 11 dimensions and 39 levels. We have also conducted performance indicators improvement analysis to provide guidance for theCompany's green development e?orts. In 2023. there's 4.63% year-on-year increase in Ecological Development Index.

The Company rmly centers around the goal - "Ecological Moutai", adheres to the basic principle of "business built on environmentalprotection", promotes ecological industrialization and industrial ecosystem, conducts biodiversity conservation, and water environmentprotection and restoration, strengthens the conservation of the Chishui River water source, land and water conservation, andcontinuously enhances ecological advantages.

Target ValueActual Value


Development Index

Biodiversity Conservation

In 2023, Kweichow Moutai conducted research on the establishmentof a vegetation ecosystem and coordinated protection of biodiversity inthe core production area of Moutai Baijiu. The green spaces in the coreproduction area were divided into park green spaces, protective greenspaces, plaza green spaces, and a?liated green spaces. There are over400 plant species, and positive and negative lists of various types oftrees, shrubs, and owering plants in the region conducive to the growthand reproduction of Moutai brewing microorganisms and climate. Inaddition, through a survey of plant diversity in the core production area, itwas found that the plant species in the production area primarily includedferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms, totaling 455 species belongingto 353 genera from 138 families (including cultivated species).At the same time, we have continued to protect microbial diversity, and developed a framework for a high-throughput sequencingdatabase of microorganisms in the brewing environment, as well as a key technology and an equipment for microbial detection. And 1,946microorganisms were discovered in the Moutai brewing process and environment, including 1,063 bacteria and 883 fungi.Hundreds of Thousands of Eco-actions

The Company conducted an environmental protection activity with the title "Hundreds, Thousands, Millions: Eco Action", andhas established a regular mechanism to annually organize environmental protection exhibitions, voluntary tree planting, specialenvironmental protection inspections and rectications, and environmental protection training around the themes - "research and trainingin hundreds of elds, thousands of people planting trees, and tens of thousands of people conducting inspections". This has helpedcreate a strong atmosphere of "everyone advocating and engaging in environmental protection".

In February 2023, Kweichow Moutai held the event under the theme – "Research and Training on A Hundred Fields"to promote green development. The Company showcased achievements such as the "Two Mountains" base andbiodiversity through exhibitions, promoting the concept of green development to further enhance overall awareness.In addition, we organized specialized institutions to conduct thematic training on "The Theory and Practice of GreenMountains and Waters as Valuable as Mountains of Gold and Silver" and "Green Development and EnvironmentalManagement", covering 800 participants. They learned about environmental policies, development trends,implementation pathways, and other knowledge to help enhance ecological environmental governance capabilities.

"Research and Training on 100 Fields" - Working together for green development

A visit to an environmental protection exhibitionThe event - "Research and Training on A Hundred









CleanProduction4 indicators

EnvironmentalGovernance4 indicators

Establishment ofEcological Culture4 indicators

Establishment of EcologicalCivilization System 10 indicators

ResourceConservation3 indicators


Technology2 indicators

ResourcesIntegration1 indicator

EnvironmentalQuality5 indicators

Micro-ecologicalStability2 indicators

Driving LocalEconomicDevelopment

2 indicatorsIntegration ofIndustrial Chains2 indicators




EcologicalDevelopmentIndicators for 2023

To strengthen the foundation for beautiful economic development and enhance the comprehensive protection of heritage sites, Kweichow Moutaihas organized archaeological excavations of the "Origin of Moutai Baijiu " brewing industrial site and promoted the revitalization of cultural relicsrelated to the "Origin of Moutai Baijiu". Through national intangible cultural heritage such as the "Moutai Baijiu Making Technique" and nationalinheritors, we have promoted Moutai's concept of ecological culture, demonstrated the ecological charm of the Chinese liquor culture, and facilitatedthe transformation of ecological advantages into development advantages, to achieve a win-win situation for the development of the tourism industry,cultural brand development, and environmental protection.

Fostering green ecology with cultural tourism - Creating a fusion development model of "Baijiu, culture, andtourism through the leadership of cultural branding

Kweichow Moutai has been leveraging the advantages of ecological agriculture in assisted areas to support rural revitalization and regional greendevelopment. We have driven local ecological agriculture through our own demonstration bases, ensuring the supply of raw materials for our industrialchain while creating employment opportunities for local farmers. In addition, we have provided farmers with sustainable and diversied sources ofincome through models such as land rental, service outsourcing, and prot sharing, integrated the entire industrial chain from planting to productionto sales, and incorporated local characteristic industries into our own industrial chain. This has helped foster the development of distinctive regionalecological brands and enhance product added value, to establish a development model where ecology and growth resonate in harmony.

Boosting agriculture with green initiatives - Empowering characteristic resources to create models for ruralrevitalization through ecological agriculture

Kweichow Moutai has upheld the core strategic thinking of "stability at the top, technological advancement, and talent development", and has exploredthe innovative institutional mechanism model of "institutional integration + technological innovation + talent development" in coordination. In terms ofmanagement systems, it has established an integrated ecological environment management system that combines "establishing top-level systems,setting mid-level assessments, and formulating bottom-level procedures", aiming to promote high-quality development through high-level ecologicalenvironment protection and focus on conducting high-standard ecological environment protection in the Chishui River Basin (Renhuai section), tocreate a model for environmental protection in the Chishui River Basin and the high-quality development of Baijiu brewing.

Empowering development with innovative systems and mechanisms - Holding the key to institutional mechanisminnovation to ensure the transformation of "Two Mountains"

Kweichow Moutai has adopted a holistic and systematic approach to developing a comprehensive protection plan for "mountains, water, forests,land, the river, and microorganisms". Through multiple measures, it has been promoting the ecological protection and restoration of the ChishuiRiver Basin (Renhuai section). It has conducted ve major projects: increase of ecological water utilization, improvement of air quality, land pollutioncontrol, protection of microorganism, and ecosystem balance. Transitioning from standard emissions management to target management based onthe ecological health of the river, it has explored paths for harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Through the green developmentof the industry, it has promoted the green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society, and accelerated the green transformation andupgrading of the Baijiu industry, and optimized green, clean, and e?cient brewing production processes, thereby achieving symbiotic and mutuallybenecial relationships between ecology and economy.

Turning green goals into invaluable assets - A development model of coordination between a community of sharedfuture of "mountains, water, forests, land, the river, and microorganisms" and the green industry

We have been proceeding with the ecological development index for quality improvement and efficiency enhancement for microbial resourcesconservation and the Baijiu production industry in coordination. We have established an ecological development index and indicator system tomeasure the overall level of green development of the Company, comprehensively evaluating from four aspects: natural ecosystem, industrialecosystem, commercial ecosystem, and ecological civilization, across 11 dimensions and 39 aspects. We have also conducted performance indicatorimprovement analysis to provide direction for the Company's green development e?orts.We have been proceeding with the ecological developmentindex for quality improvement and e?ciency enhancement for microbial resources conservation and the Baijiu production industry in coordination.We have established an ecological development index and indicator system to measure the overall level of green development of the Company,comprehensively evaluating from four aspects: natural ecosystem, industrial ecosystem, commercial ecosystem, and ecological civilization, across11 dimensions and 39 aspects. We have also conducted performance indicator improvement analysis to provide direction for the Company's greendevelopment efforts. The Company is based on the fundamental concept of "environmental protection for the enterprise," promoting ecologicalindustrialization and industrial ecosystem. We have carried out biodiversity conservation and water environment protection and restoration,strengthened the Chishui River water source and land conservation, and continuously enhanced our ecological advantages.

Protecting microorganisms and enhancing quality and e?ciency - Collaboratively promoting the protection ofmicroorganisms and the quality and e?ciency improvement of the liquor industry

Development of "Two Mountains"

The Company relies on the geographical indication protection area ofMoutai Baijiu to establish the Guizhou Chishui River Basin Moutai BaijiuGeographical Indication Protection Ecological Demonstration Zone(hereinafter referred to as the "demonstration zone"), explored the modelof "ecology + culture" that features two-way transformation of "clear watersand green mountains" and "mountains of gold and silver", and put forwardfive typical transformation paths: "turning greenery into gold, protectingmicroorganisms and enhancing e?ciency, greening with culture, boostingagriculture with green initiatives, and empowering creation".In October 2023, we were awarded the national honor – "InnovationBase for Practicing the Concept of lucid waters and lush mountains areinvaluable assets".

Kweichow Moutai was awarded the title - ABase of Innovation for Building Two Mountains

Building the "Three Life Spaces"

The Company, based on the "Three Life Spaces", has initiated a special environmental greening plan for the core production area. Weplanned the park green spaces, protective green spaces, plaza green spaces, and a?liated green spaces in the region in a reasonablemanner, and promoted ecological restoration and enhancement projects such as greening around production facilities in the coreproduction area, the Zhonghua Ecological Wetland, and the Ecological Protection Forest along the Tanchang-Maotai Express. Thisincluded increasing the planting area of green spaces, increasing the green coverage of the park, and building a green ecological space.

The event - "Thousands of People Planting Trees"

In February 2023, Kweichow Moutai launched the NewYear tree planting activity. Company executives ledteams to the site and planted trees together with 2,300employees, embodying ecological concepts throughpractical actions. In this tree planting event, morethan 7,500 saplings including ligustrum compactum,osmanthus fragrans, red maple, and bougainvillea wereplanted. As of now, we have greened an area of over240,000 m

by planting trees as part of our obligations.

"Thousands of People Planting Trees" - Building a green barrier together

Troubleshooting of environmental hazards

In February 2023, the Company mobilized employeesto conduct thorough inspections on environmentalprotection, jointly exploring ecological blind spots. Thefocus was on comprehensive inspections of variousareas within the plant, including pipes, ditches, wells,ponds, walls, and relevant equipment and facilities. Allpotential factors contributing to environmental pollutionwere carefully identified, and problems were promptlydiscovered and resolved, ensuring clear understandingand effective improvement in our environmentalprotection work.

"Tens of Thousands of People Conducting Inspections": Safeguarding theecological bottom line

Creating a Happy Moutai TogetherThe Company adheres to the talent concept that employees are the most valuable asset, and talents are the most precious resource.We have established a comprehensive recruitment, development, remuneration, and welfare system throughout the entire talent chain toattract, cultivate, employ, and retain talents. We aim to create an equal and inclusive workplace while safeguarding occupational healthand safety.We implemented the "Happiness at Moutai" 2023 Plan for the Pilot Programme of Improving the Workforce's Life. Focusing on sixaspects including better work environment and occupational health management, we have implemented our programme - "Happiness atMoutai" by continually safeguarding the rights and interests of our employees and raising their sense of accomplishment and happiness.

We follow the people-oriented concept by safeguarding the rights and interests of its employees, improving its remuneration and benetssystem, and establishing a broad platform for talent development, to build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive working environment.Compliance and Equality

We strictly comply with laws and regulations such as the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law, improving systems such as theEmployee Recruitment Management Measures, and enters into, performs, modifies, terminates, or rescinds labor contracts withemployees in accordance with the law. We adhere to equal pay for equal work, respect employee rights, avoid discrimination based ongeography, ethnicity, religion, pregnancy, etc., in all aspects, and eliminate any form of forced labor and child labor recruitment.

We have refined the Measures for Managing the Workers' Congress and Measures for Managing the Workers' Congress at theGrassroots Level, etc., and leveraged the role of the Workers' Congress in democratic management and oversight, to safeguard therights of our employees to be informed, participate, and supervise. Each year, we convene the Workers' Congress and holds jointmeetings of team leads on a regular basis to discuss major issues concerning the immediate interests of the employees. In 2023, 97proposals were collected, classied, handled with continuous follow-up, and supervised by members of the Company's leadership team.They were all resolved in 2023.We adhere to the communication philosophy of "equality, candor, and mutual trust", and have improved bidirectional communicationmechanisms, and created an equal and inclusive working environment. In 2023, we continued to understand employee demands, collectsuggestions from employees and properly handle them through platforms such as the "Colleague Bar", "Direct Line to the Chairman",eld visits and workshops, and surveys. Among them, we have received more than 600 opinions and suggestions from employeesthrough talks and questionnaires; we have researched and handled more than 400 items of "Colleagues' Bar" concerning canteenmanagement, wages and bonuses, operation of o?cial vehicles, vehicle parking, social security benets and other matters of immediateinterest to employees; we have replied to and handled 45 matters related to employees' welfare and treatment on the platform of "DirectLine to the Chairman".

Compliance-based Employment

Democratic Management

Employee Count for 2023



Number of employees by gender (Unit: people)

30 and below31 to 5051 and above



Number of employees by age (Unit: people)Number of Employees



We have established a leading group for talent work under the Party Committee to coordinate talent growth and development e?orts.We have deepened the talent development system - "Eight steps to cultivate craftsmen" and the talent development programme – "Fourplans" for talent training, to continuously improve the employee training and promotion system, and enhance talent equivalent density. In2023, our talent equivalent density of technical skill

reached 0.96.

To attain the Company's strategic objectives and realize the value of employees' career, we established ve major career developmentpaths: managerial, functional, technical, skill, and marketing, and provided a well-established training system and incentive plan tosupport the career development of all employees.Talent Development

Induction training - "Into the furnace"Job training - "Forging"Skills recognition - "Smelting"Master-apprentice - "Hammering"

"Eight steps to cultivate craftsmen" talent cultivation system

Backbone cultivation - "Rening"Excellent shift (team) lead- "Quenching"Moutai Craftsman - "Sublimation"Technical Position - "Hardened into steel"

Growth and Development

"Chief Plan" for leading talents: Cultivate leading talents who are loyal to the Company'sstrategy, capable of leading the future research and development of the Company, and adeptat exquisite brewing techniques."Inheritance Plan" for brewing talents: Cultivate a team of outstanding backup talents in keyareas such as brewing, tasting, and liquor body design."Outstanding Youth Plan" for young talents: Cultivate business management talents with aglobal strategic vision, spirit of market exploration, innovative management capabilities, and asense of social responsibility."Elite Plan" for business management talents: Cultivate an outstanding team of backup talentsin fields such as natural sciences, engineering technology, and digital informatization fortechnological innovation.

"Four plans" for talent training

The equivalent density of technical skills is a characteristic index of a company, which refers tothe weighted value of education, professional title and skill level/number of employees.

We rely on the "four-in-one" education and training system, making full use of resources such as the Employee Training School,Moutai Academy, and online learning platforms, to provide categorized teaching and facilitate employee learning and growth. We haveformulated a series of systems such as Occupational Skill Level Recognition and Appointment Management Measures and Professionaland Technical Personnel Title Evaluation and Appointment Management Measures, to establish pathways for employees to improvetheir education and professional qualications.In the meantime, we have encouraged mass innovation activities such as quality control (QC), minor improvements, rational proposals,and innovation workshops, etc., to stimulate vitality among employees.

With the value chain analysis method, we have established 338 positions, horizontally divided into 5 major sequences and 30 sub-sequences. Among them, a separate technical and skills sequence was set up to better cultivate a specialized brewing team. The salessequence was delegated to sales subsidiaries for upgraded management. We also ensured the integration of modules such as salary,performance, and job levels, to promote employee career development.

We developed the Trial Plan for the Evaluation of Master Technicians, selecting the rst wave of 10 master technicians atKweichow Moutai.Our competition "Versatile Craftsman" has been approved by the provincial Department of Human Resources and SocialSecurity and upgraded to a provincial second-class competition, with 12 versatile craftsmen selected.Ren Jinsu Skills Master Workshop was registered with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security as anational skills master workshop.An application has been submitted to the provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security to add twonew independently accredited occupations (job types), bringing the total to 21, basically achieving the full coverage ofskills level accreditation.In 2023, 256 employees completed academic credentials authentication and registration.

Enhancing Skills Level Accreditation and Promoting "Certication for All Employees"

Training to Enhance the Overall Development of Backup Talents Specializing in Baijiu Tasting Born after 1992

Some Achievements of the "Eight steps to cultivate craftsmen"

Job training: Over 22,000 sessions for new recruits training, experienced sta? training, senior sta? training, and

specialized training in 2023.Skills recognition: Since 2020, nearly 20,000 individuals have participated in vocational skills assessments forjunior, intermediate, and senior brewers, technicians, as well as senior technicians.Master-apprentice: Conducted master-apprentice activities, resulting in 442 mentor-mentee pairs (at the Company

level), with 169 pairs formed in 2023.Excellent shift (team) lead: Since the inaugural "Gold Medal Class/Group Lead" selection in 2020, two rounds ofselections have been conducted, totaling 183 individuals.Moutai craftsman: The "Moutai Craftsman" selection began in 2019, with three rounds completed, totaling 207individuals.Technical position: Moutai brewing technical positions have been appointed every two years since 2016, with atotal of 255 people employed.

In 2023, we organized

offline training sessions, with66,399participants. In addition,22,567learningaccounts were opened on the online training platform, with an average of

learning hours per person. Thetraining coverage rate for employees was98%, with an average training duration of

hours per person.Among these, comprehensive leadership training programmes were conducted through various channels. O?inetraining sessions were held

times, with6,562participants and a total learning duration of

hours. Onlineleadership training courses, such as "Excellent Leadership - Co-creating Excellence with the Team" and "6ELeadership Model Construction", had

participants with e?ective learning durations exceeding1,000 hours.

Training achievements in 2023

In 2023, the Company appointed the rst wave of

In 2023, we appointed the first wave of 48 internaltrainers and invited professional institutions to conducttraining on theoretical knowledge, experience extraction,and teaching skills for these trainers, to build a strongerteam.

In 2023, we conducted the third and fourth roundsof specialized training under the "Chief Plan" and"Inheritance Plan" to comprehensively enhanceproduction quality management. Distinguished lecturersfrom Jiangnan University, Guizhou University, andMoutai Academy, as well as the Company's leaders,were invited to teach, aiming to deepen the professionalcapabilities of specialized talents.

In September 2023, we organized the first "MoutaiCup" Chinese Baijiu Liquor Body Design Competition.More than 150 participants from 67 brewing enterprisesacross 22 provinces, municipalities, and autonomousregions gathered to exchange skills and learn fromeach other. Our employees took home the rst, second,and third prizes in the competition for the Jiang-avourBaijiu.

Internal trainer team building

Specialized talent training

"Moutai Cup" Chinese Baijiu Liquor Body Design Competition

First ceremony for appointment of internal trainers

Specialized talent training

Group photo of leaders, guests and participants

internal trainers



Leading remuneration in the industry, and generous benets

Employee Remuneration ManagementMeasures, etc.Incentives for scientic and technological innovation achievements

Management Measures for the Selectionof Scientic and Technological InnovationAchievements, etc.


Smooth career development pathways, professional talentcultivation mechanisms, and an open and fair competition-basedsystem for talent study and development

Middle Management Personnel ManagementMeasures, and Employee TrainingManagement Measures, etc.Innovative and e?ective platforms such as Wang Li Skills MasterStudio, and Chen Jian Academician Workstation, etc.

Management Measures for Innovative Studios,etc.Moutai "Spring Equinox" Science, Technology, Innovation, andTalent Work Conference, Grain Rain "Talent Day", and AutumnEquinox Craftsmen Day, etc.

Implementation Plan for Moutai Talent DayActivities, and Implementation Plan for MoutaiCraftsmen Day Activities, etc.


Party committee leaders connect with expert talents, and establishtalent service liaison mechanisms

Implementation Plan for Party CommitteeContacting Expert TalentsProvincial and municipal talent cards, and talent service greencards

Guidelines for the Application of High-levelTalent Green CardsSymposiums and visits; reading clubs, sporting events and restand recuperation; health management, and housing, etc.

Employee Health Examination ManagementStandards, Work Plan for Party CommitteeContacting and Serving Experts and Non-party Representatives, and Three-Year HappyMoutai Plan


Application of achievements, proactive placement, and adoption ofrational recommendations, etc.; career development paths such astechnical guidance workers.

Measures for Managing RationalRecommendations and Measures forAppointment Criteria and Management ofTechnical Guidance Workers, etc.Moutai outstanding talents, Moutai model workers, Moutaicraftsmen, and most beautiful workers, etc.

Management Measures for Moutai OutstandingTalent Awards, Management Measures forMoutai Craftsmen Selection, and Recognitionand Reward Optimization Plan, etc.Re-employment of retired technical and skilled personnel

Management Regulations for the Re-employment of Technical and SkilledPersonnel, etc.

DimensionsRetention MeasuresInstitutional Mechanisms

Talent RetentionWe have put in place a number of systems to implement personalized talent retention measures, creating a strong atmosphere ofcherishing, respecting, and valuing talents. We aim to win and retain talents through multi-dimensional pursuits in material, spiritual, andvalue aspects.

We have laid a solid emphasis on employee benets and care, established a sound welfare protection system to provide personalizedsupport for different employee groups, and organized cultural and sports activities to create a warm and harmonious workingatmosphere.

We have contributed to social security funds such as pension and medical insurance for all employees, established an enterpriseannuity system, and purchased comprehensive personal accident insurance and supplementary medical insurance. Strictly adheringto the Attendance Management Measures, we have implemented statutory working hours and leave systems, ensuring employees'statutory holidays as well as welfare holidays such as maternity leave, breastfeeding breaks, paternity leave, and perinatal care leave. Inaddition, we have provided free meals for all employees, arranged shuttle buses for commuting, improved talent housing, and providedcomprehensive support for employees.In 2023, Heyixing Branch established talent apartments expected to solve housing turnover and accommodation problems for 2,400individuals.

We have fully recognized the key factors a?ecting the rights and interests of employees, and have developed various measures toprovide personalized support for various employees.

Rights and Benets


Care for the Employees

Young employeesEmployeesstationed in otherprovinces/citiesSick employeesRetired sta?

Female employees

Career path & planning, get-togethers for unmarried young employees, various interest groups, aswell as greetings for employees getting married or giving birth, etc.22+8 vacation mode, home visit leave, and only one spouse stationed in other provinces/cities inprinciple, etc.Visits to sick employees, mutual aid fund, and charity fund, etc.Visits to retired employees on the Senior Citizens' Day and Spring Festival, personalized free healthcheck-ups, and various cultural, entertainment, and sports activities, etc.

Adhere to the Collective Contract for the Protection of Special Rights and Interests of FemaleWorkers, ensuring their rights in terms of salary, holidays, promotion, and special periodprotection. We have purchased health insurance and maternity insurance for female employees,organized gynecological examinations, cervical cancer screenings, and breast cancer screenings,and provided maternity leave and childcare leave. We have established a "Home for FemaleEmployees", equipped with lactation rooms, parking spaces for pregnant women, and distributionof sanitary products for women during special periods. In 2023, we distributed labor insurance forall female employees, and activities such as parent-child activities, handicrafts, and themed readingwere organized to enhance the sense of happiness for female employees.

We promote a healthy lifestyle and enhances employee communication and cooperation through various cultural and sports activities,aiming to ensure a balance between work and life for employees and improve their cohesion and satisfaction.For the year 2023, there were 333 interest groups, including cultural and sports clubs, and English learning groups, etc., with 5,884participants. 822 cultural and sports activities were organized, creating a healthy living circle for employees "beyond eight hours".

We held the seventh Cultural and Art Festival of the Workforce, covering various forms such as singing, dancing,instrumental music, recitation, work-break exercises, essays, and creative design, etc. Over 10,000 sta? participated,creating a youthful and positive corporate atmosphere.

Songs and Dances, Charm of Kweichow Moutai: The 7th Cultural and Art Festivalof the Workforce

Cultural and Sports Activities

The 7th Cultural and Art Festival of the Workforce

We conduct annual surveys on employee satisfaction, dedication, and corporate culture identity through third-party online anonymousquestionnaires. In 2023, employee satisfaction reached 87 points, dedication 93.5 points, and corporate culture identity 94.8 points.Through cross-analysis of the data, the employee engagement in 2023 reached 91.8 points, showing a further improvement comparedto 2022.

We led employees to participatein the 2nd Zunyi WorkforceSports Games and won themen's basketball championshipand the men's 5-a-side footballchampionship, and took part inthe badminton competition, allcontributing to a healthy, positive,and virtuous atmosphere.

Strengthening tness and nurturing physical and mental health: Kweichow Moutaiconducted sports activities

2nd Zunyi Workforce Sports Games

< 1%

Employee turnover rate in 2023

We have placed a high value on the occupational health and safety of employees, consistently improved the occupational health andsafety management system, and provided a healthy and safe working environment for employees, to safeguard their health rights andinterests.

In accordance with laws and regulations such as the Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Law and the Regulations on theSupervision and Administration of Occupational Health in the Workplace, we have developed the Occupational Health ManagementSystem and continuously improved the framework for employee health and safety management. We have established an EmployeeHealth Management Leadership Team led directly by the senior executives of the Company to coordinate health and safety strategiesand performance management, improve the employee health organization management system, and establish service guaranteesystems. Our general manager leads and promotes the strategic and performance management of health and safety.

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety System

Kweichow Moutai's Occupational Health and Safety Management Structure

Employee Health Management Leadership Team

O?ce of the Employee HealthManagement Leadership Team

Operations Management SystemProduction Auxiliary SystemsProduction Systems

During the reporting period, following external audits conducted by the China Associationfor Quality, it was determined that the Company's occupational health and safetysystem had no major non-compliance issues and operated e?ectively. We obtained ISO45001:2018 certification for its Occupational Health and Safety Management System,covering the production and sale of the Moutai Baijiu and Jiang-avor series Baijiu.We have extended occupational health and safety requirements to relevant parties,explicitly stipulating in supplier admission standards that important material suppliers andlabor outsourcing suppliers must have occupational health and safety management systemcertication.We have developed annual occupational health and safety management objectives andimplementation plans, and implemented the safety responsibility system. All employeessign the Safety Production and Fire Safety Responsibility Agreement. Safety objectives arealso linked to employee performance.We have implemented the requirements of relevant national, provincial, and municipaldocuments, deepened e?orts to become a "Healthy Enterprise" and nurture "OccupationalHealth Experts", and has been awarded the provincial title - "Healthy Enterprise". And twoemployees were awarded the title "Occupational Health Experts".

Health and Safety Measures

Certicate of Kweichow Moutai'sOccupational Health andSafety Management System


Safety Objectives for 2022:

Number of major safety incidents:

Employee safety training ≥94%Timeliness rate of hazard rectication ≥


Progress in 2023:

Number of major safety incidents:

Employee safety training100%Timeliness rate of hazard rectication100%

Kweichow Moutai's 2023 Safety Objectives and Achievement Status

In 2023, through data analysis, it was found that the total number of work-related injuries at HeyixingBranch decreased compared to the previous year, but the number of sprains increased comparedto the previous year, with most occurring among new employees. To address this, on one hand, westrengthened safety education and training, organized safety production "three-level" education,invited medical experts to promote the mechanism of sprains, and share practical knowledge forpreventing sprains. On the other hand, we introduced advanced technologies such as motion capture,conducted research projects to study how to help employees exert force scientically, strengthenedlabour protection, and further improved the standardization of actions. It proved to be quite e?ective,with a noticeable decrease in sprains among new employees in subsequent periods.Party Committee O?ce (Company O?ce)

Organization and Human Resources Department

Safety Management DepartmentMasses and Youth DepartmentLife Service Support Center

Corporate Culture Department (Media Integration Center)

Corporate Development DepartmentFinance DepartmentAudit Department

Ecology and Environmental Protection DepartmentDigital and Information Management CenterPlanning and Construction Department

Production Management DepartmentEquipment and Energy Management Department

Materials Supply CenterPower WorkshopMaintenance Support Workshop

Production Material Distribution Support Workshop

Transportation Support CenterLife Service Support Center

Crude Baijiu production plants

Daqu production plants

Blending and Storage plants (Liquor Body Design Center)

Packaging Production plants

We launched a public account "Communication from Heart to Heart" on our online platform, releasing information relatingto mental health knowledge 34 times throughout the year. Over 3,000 copies of the handbook - Ten Elements of MentalHealth Literacy were printed and distributed to grassroots trade unions and teams for study. Throughout the year, mentalhealth counseling services have been provided to over 90 employees.

Centered around the health issues and needs of employees, a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) provided preventivehealthcare services to employees through activities such as promoting health knowledge, self-health checks, healthcaretherapy, and psychological care. This initiative aimed at creating the service model – "The union is by your side to ensureyour health every day."

It organized training, assessment, certification, and re-evaluation for practitioners of special operations, specialequipment operations, and hazardous goods transportation, etc. 1,558 people have completed the process, with a 100%certication rate for on-the-job operations

Activities for the mental health care of employees

Pilot development of a "health cabin"

The Company implemented certication for special operations

Personalized occupational health protection

We have conducted various safety education and training activities and organized safetyculture events in accordance with the Regulations on Safety Education and TrainingManagement and the List of Tasks for the Safety Education and Training Outline, to furtherenhance employees' awareness of safety production and their safety skills.We organized a number of activities for the "Month of Safety Production", such as "EveryoneTalks about Safety and Everyone Knows Emergency Response", and our employees had anincreased awareness of safety. 1,679 sessions on topics including hazardous operations, riskidentication and control, safety rectication and construction, and emergency response, aswell as secondary and tertiary safety training, were conducted, with 45,000 participants anda coverage rate of 100% for safety education and training. At the same time, the professionalquality and work capability of the safety management team were comprehensively improved.In 2023, 416 people obtained safety management qualication certicates.In the scal year 2023, the Company's investment in safety production amounted to RMB 350million.

Safety Production Education and Training

People obtained safety managementqualication certicates

The Company's investment in safetyproduction amounted to RMB


Specialized training on safety management

Specialized training on reghting skills

Specialized training on emergency skills

Training on safety production and re management in

packaging production plants

Specialized training on safety management of

hazardous chemicals

Specialized training on standardization of

safety production

Safety Production Data of Kweichow Moutai in 2023

Work-related severe injury rate


Work-related injury rate


A year-on-year decrease of


We have established a personalized occupational protection equipment repository, customizing special dust-proof masks forthe daqu-making process and developing food-grade silicone shoes for workers involved in the fermentation process, therebyimproving occupational health risk factors. Personalized occupational health examination plans are developed based on age,production plants and departments, and job types to ensure the physical and mental health and safety ofemployees.

Jointly Building a Booming Industrial EcosystemWe are committed to building a modern industrial ecosystem, engaging with stakeholders throughout the industry chain to jointlydiscuss, construct, and share benets, and continuously building the "three communities".

We adere to the management philosophy - "quality-oriented supply, partnership building, and modern chain integration". We have built"six supply chains" to continuously improve the supplier management system, promote the transformation of supply management from"business" to "chain", and from "chain" to "ecosystem", creating a sustainable supply chain characterized by mutual trust, long-termstability, and cooperation benet.

Building an Ecosystem of Supply Chains

Building "Six Supply Chains"

We have continuously been improving the Supplier Management Measures, Procurement Management Measures, and SupplierRelationship Management Regulations, etc., and adhering to the principle of sustainable procurement. We have carried out sustainablesupplier access management, performance management, and relationship management in the pre-, mid-, and post-stages of suppliermanagement, promoting the "Chain Leader System", aiming to gradually transition from "procurement management" to "supply chainmanagement" and from "transactional procurement" to "strategic ecosystem construction".

Strengthening Supplier Management

Raw and auxiliarymaterials supply chain

Package and storage

supply chainEngineering supply

chainService supply chain

Equipment supply

chainDigital supply chain

In line with the Procurement Management Measures, suppliers were comprehensively evaluatedbased on aspects such as technology, quality, service, and qualications. The Legal ComplianceDepartment uniformly reviewed procurement documents and organized site inspections byinspection teams according to project needs.Clear requirements were set for suppliers to provide relevant certification documents forquality, environmental protection, occupational health, and food safety to ensure they had goodqualications and strength.Research, collection, and verification of information related to supplier sustainability wereconducted to conrm whether suppliers met sustainability requirements.When drafting tender documents, it was necessary to specify Kweichow Moutai's sustainabilityrequirements for suppliers.19 supplier access standards were formulated, and qualification, capability, and on-siteassessments were conducted for important material suppliers.

Conducted regular meetings with key suppliers, provided assistance, and o?ered incentives toimprove the sustainability of supply chains.Implemented classification and grading management, categorizing suppliers into strategic,assurance, and competitive levels, to manage supplier relationships accordingly. In 2023, 18strategic suppliers, 196 assurance suppliers, and 218 competitive suppliers were identied.Enhanced the cultivation of strategic suppliers, fully leveraging the theoretical and technicaladvantages of the expert teams from strategic suppliers, conducting technological research,exchange visits, and training sessions, and jointly carrying out research and development anddeveloping standards on digital development, product technology innovation, as well as greenand low-carbon environmental protection.

Continuously monitored the sustainability risks of suppliers, supplier code of conduct, riskresponse measures, and the achievement of green indicators.Incorporated sustainability indicators into the annual performance assessment of suppliers as akey basis for the annual performance evaluation and classication of suppliers.

Supplier access


Supplier relationship


Supplier performance


Kweichow Moutai's Supplier Management in 2023

Number of collaborating suppliers-432Annual audit rate of suppliers%100%Cumulative number of suppliers trained-763Rate of contract fulllment by suppliers%91%Supply network index-87.3

IndexYear 2023Unit

Build a supply chain of raw and auxiliary materials with high-quality varieties,advanced planting techniques, and modem storage and transportation facilities.Build an eco-friendly package and storage supply chain with professional designand superior quality.Build an engineering supply chain with first-class planning, scientific design andexcellent quality.Build a service supply chain with professional services, cutting-edge mindset andremarkable e?ciency.Build an equipment supply chain with stable channels, e?cient R&D and powerfuloperation and maintenance.Build a digital supply chain with pioneering technology, leading innovation, andregion-wide collaboration.

We focuse on the sustainable development of its suppliers, adjusting and optimizing the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. It enhancessustainable management of suppliers by centering around four themes of sustainable development: employee rights, occupationalhealth and safety, environmental protection, and business ethics and integrity.

Working Together for Sustainable Development

We require suppliers to commit to upholding employee rights, ensuring compliance with decentworking conditions as stipulated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UnitedNations Global Compact (UNGC), and creating decent working conditions, and mandates that theseconditions apply to all its employees.

We require suppliers to provide and maintain a safe working environment, and integrate good healthand safety management practices into their operations, including compliance with labor safetyregulations, conducting safety training, providing employee protection, and managing occupationalinjuries and diseases.

We prioritize partnerships with environmentally friendly enterprises, advocates for greendevelopment, improves the Blacklist of Packaging Materials (Environmental Protection Category),and focuses on reducing environmental pollution risks from the product design stage. In themeantime, we require suppliers to implement appropriate management systems and governanceframeworks to assess environmental risks, implement appropriate control measures to mitigateimpacts, and maintain responsible business practices towards the environment.

We adhere to the principles of compliance with laws, regulations, and discipline, and haveestablished norms such as the Registration and Filing System for Business Operation Activitiesin Material Supply Business and Prohibitive Rules on Integrity in Material Supply Operations andProhibitive Rules on Integrity in Procurement Operations, and incorporated integrity management-related content into supplier assessments. In 2023, the proportion of suppliers covered by theprinciples of clean procurement reached 100%.

Employee rights &


Occupational healthand safety


Business ethicsand integrity

We maintain open channels of communication with suppliers, vigorously promoting the "quality" and "assurance" dual enhancementinitiatives. It has organized various training and exchange meetings, leveraging its own resource advantages to provide comprehensivesupport to suppliers, thereby facilitating high-quality development.

Deepening Communication with Suppliers

We carried out factory inspection and quality improvement assistance to 20 important package materialsuppliers, and the supply qualification rate and quality control level of the suppliers have been effectivelyimproved.

Supplier quality inspection

We organized 38 supplier symposiums, training sessions, and 15 quality analysis meetings, ensuring earlydetection, communication, and resolution of quality issues.

Supplier training

We commended and tilted orders towards 26 suppliers whose quality indicators improved, with incentivestotaling RMB 42,883,800. A total of RMB 215 million was invested throughout the year to support supplier bases.Supplier support

In 2023, the supplier satisfaction score of 97.6, exceeding 95 for three consecutive years. Analysis and sorting ofover 300 pieces of feedback and suggestions were conducted, with 91% of them translated into work measuresand new research topics.

Supplier satisfaction

We work closely with distributors to deepen market penetration, guided by the "ve integration marketing strategy", to enhance marketeffectiveness. We share industry insights with distributors and provide specialized training to enhance their service capabilities.Through assessment and evaluation, we encourage distributors to enhance their core competitiveness, strengthen channel loyalty andadaptability, and form a strong strategic cooperative alliance.

Building a Stronger Distribution Team

Training has been conducted in waves and by region. In 2023, we organized sevenphysical training sessions for channel partners in Guiyang, Beijing, Xi'an, Yantai,Hangzhou, Wuhan, and Shenzhen, covering all channel partners. Also, monthly onlinetraining sessions were conducted.

Established a rst-accountability mechanism and kept communication channels open;Conducted regular surveys of distributors' needs through field visits and distributorconferences to collect market information;Held regular market work meetings and commended outstanding distributors.

Leveraged the digital marketing platform - "iMoutai" as a link to empower distributorpartners, working together to build the Moutai Baijiu sales channels, achieving the goal ofintegrated platform sales, unied online settlement, and targeted o?ine distribution.Integrated resources from all parties to build an S2B2C integrated online and o?ine salesmodel, promoting digital transformation in marketing.







We have developed the Kweichow Moutai Distributor Monthly Assessment ManagementMeasures and the Kweichow Moutai Jiang-flavor Baijiu Marketing Co., Ltd. DistributorManagement Measures to strengthen marketing network management;We have incorporated clauses on distributor integrity commitments into the DistributionContracts to clarify the anti-corruption and integrity obligations of distributors.

We adhere to the original intention of fullling social responsibilities and steadfastly engage in public welfare activities, demonstratinggreater responsibility as it contributes to the process of promoting the Chinese modernization and achieving common prosperity. In2023, leveraging the Kweichow Moutai Public Welfare Foundation and coordinating with relevant stakeholders and social resources, wehave delivered public welfare projects to extend the benets of philanthropy to a wider range, more elds, and broader populations. Wehave paid close attention to and responded to social needs, connecting various resources to help the needy and provide relief, to makepeople feel warm.

Upholding Virtue and Mei

Jointly Honouring Responsibility and CommitmentWe practice the responsibility concept - "Big Brand and Big Responsibility", strongly supporting the Kweichow Moutai Public WelfareFoundation. In conjunction with the UNSDGs, we have developed public welfare plans, enriched the public welfare brand matrix, andgathered more positive forces to engage in social welfare, industrial development, and rural revitalization. Through various measures,we have been contributing to the shared prosperity of a better life for numerous families.

RMBmillion invested in charity

In 2023


Donation to the China YouthDevelopment Foundation foreducational assistance: RMB


"China Moutai, Backbone of theNation" Educational Aid: Annualsponsorship for


Donation for "Moutai Prince ·Bright Youngsters": RMB

1,995,000Donation for "Laymao ·Growth in Love": Over RMB

369,500Donation for "Wangmao StarProject": RMB

155,492,200Donations by distributors andsuppliers amounted to RMB

7,353,300Donation for "Han Jiang,Dedicated Heritage": RMB

7,005,800Donation for "Guizhou Daqu·Love inEvery Drop of Liquor" Activity: RMB12,266,200Donation for "Moutai 1935 · GreatPhysicians of the Nation": RMB

On December 18, 2023, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struckJishishan County, Linxia, Gansu Province. We promptly initiateddisaster relief response by donating RMB 15 million to theGansu Provincial Charity Federation. Also, our distributors inGansu, Sichuan, and Henan provinces collectively donatedRMB 4 million to the Gansu Provincial Charity Federation andthe Qinghai Provincial Charity Federation, to assist in providingemergency relief supplies and supporting post-disaster recoveryand reconstruction e?orts in the a?ected areas.

Donation to the earthquake-stricken Jishishan County, Linxia, Gansu Province

Since 2012, we have partnered with the China Youth Development Foundation to initiate the hope project for fulllingdreams: "China Moutai – Backbone of the Nation", which has been ongoing for 12 consecutive years. With a cumulativedonation exceeding RMB 1.2 billion, the project has provided targeted assistance to over 230,000 academicallyoutstanding but nancially disadvantaged students, enabling them to walk from their "home doors" to the "school gates"of universities. The project has become the largest, most widely supported, and inuential charity project in China'sphilanthropic assistance to education. It has been awarded the highest government award in the eld of charity andphilanthropy in China, the "China Charity Awards", in 2013, 2018, and 2023, respectively.

Fullling dreams through education support

Donation Certicate

Public Welfare Scholarship Activity

We focuse on "upholding the bottom line, promoting development,and driving revitalization" to accurately address assistance tasks. Wefocuse on infrastructure construction, industrial development, andeducational support, among other areas, implementing measuressuch as consumer assistance, building beautiful villages, andfostering rural talents to promote the effective implementation of"one plan for one village". In 2023, the direct investment in ruralrevitalization was more than RMB 51.7 million, beneting more than50,000 people.We have been assisting in improving rural education, enhancing thequality of rural talents through academic support, talent assistance,skills training, and job provision, thereby stimulating the endogenouspower of rural revitalization.

Supporting Rural Revitalization

In 2023, the direct investment in ruralrevitalization was more than RMB


millionBeneting more than



We have been promoting the connection between productionand sales, leveraging platforms such as "Moutai FansCarnival" to assist in the exhibition and sales of agriculturalspecialty products from places like Daozhen, expanding thesales channels for local agricultural products.

Guizhou specialty products outreach

Through activities such as visits and greetings on Children's Day and during other festivals, we donated learning and sportssupplies to paired assistance village schools and coordinated with Jiangxi Distributors Association to donate RMB 345,000to improve infrastructure such as the cafeteria and multimedia classrooms at Pingmo Elementary School.

Building a beautiful countryside

Talent assistanceImplemented talent placement plans with Chishui City and Bozhou District, opening up new pathways for talent cultivation by dispatchingnumerous outstanding sta? to provide on-site assistance and support year-round.Technical trainingConducted technical skill training such as specialty agricultural cultivation, organizing 239 sessions of technical training in assistedareas, with over 8,000 frontline workers and professional technical personnel trained.

We follow honest and compliance-based operations, thoroughly implements General Secretary Xi Jinping's importantstatements on rural work, focuses on its main responsibilities, leverages its industrial advantages, and implements the"Five Ones" project. This initiative supports the development and expansion of supporting industries represented by rawmaterials and packaging materials, promotes employment, and drives local economic development.

Strengthening Industrial Drive

Leveraging the advantages of the liquor industryresources, we implement the "Company + Government+ Platform Companies + Cooperatives and Farmers"sorghum base management model, assisting in thedevelopment of demonstration bases for sorghum usedin Moutai Baijiu. It provides free green manure seedsand organic fertilizers to farmers in the raw materialbase, conducts specialized training on sorghumplanting knowledge, increases investment in organiccertification for crops, and continuously improves thestandards of raw material cultivation. In 2023, 420square kilometers of sorghum were planted, with astorage of 141,400 tons, driving 120,000 households offarmers to increase income and become prosperous.

Base support

By acting as a liaison and facilitating policy introductions,we encouraged raw material suppliers to establishsecondary warehouses and packaging enterprisesaround the Moutai area in Guizhou, promoting localeconomic development and providing job opportunitiesfor 3,800 people. In 2023, three inbound packagingsuppliers transitioned from trading to production-orientedenterprises, while five suppliers established transitwarehouses around the Maotai town.

Helping the entry of supporting industries into Guizhou

We pay close attention to global development, responds to the needs and expectations of the international community, and workstogether with international channel partners to participate in international philanthropy. We are committed to contributing its strength tobuilding a community with a shared future for mankind and demonstrating the positive image of Chinese enterprises.

Working with International Partners to Honour Responsibility

In 2023, we together with channel partners, conductedsix charitable activities, including donations toorphanages on Children's Day and a visit to the medicalteam stationed in Mozambique, totaling RMB 469,000.

Conducted donation activities at orphanages on Children's Day

Organic land plot mappingA warehouse

upgraded orconstructed based

on national grainreserve standards

A high-standarddemonstration baseA visual traceability networkbased on the raw materialsupply chain system

One MapOne Warehouse

The "Five Ones" project

Organic and green certication

One Certicate

One BaseOne Network


GRI Standards Content Index

In 2024, we will adhere to the guidance of Xi JinpingThought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for aNew Era and thoroughly implement the new developmentphilosophy in our continued "Five-Line" journey to highquality development with Moutai aesthetics of Mei as thevalue connotation. In the pursuit of "endless Mei, endlessme" with the attitude of "forging ahead for Mei," we will joinhands with stakeholders to practice ESG in a comprehensiveand holistic manner. In this way, we will promote Moutai'shigh-quality development and modernization to a new leveland achieve a new leap forward.

Disclosure titlePageGRI 2: General Disclosures 20212-1Organizational detailsP62-2

Entities included in theorganization's sustainabilityreporting


Reporting period, frequency andcontact point


Activities, value chain and otherbusiness relationships


Governance structure andcomposition


Nomination and selection of thehighest governance body


Chair of the highest governancebody


Role of the highest governancebody in overseeing themanagement of impacts


Delegation of responsibility formanaging impacts


Role of the highest governancebody in sustainability reporting


Communication of criticalconcerns


Collective knowledge of thehighest governance body


Evaluation of the performance ofthe highest governance body

P222-19Remuneration policiesP222-20

Process to determineremuneration


Statement on sustainabledevelopment strategy


Processes to remediate negativeimpacts


Mechanisms for seeking adviceand raising concerns


Compliance with laws andregulations

P23-262-28Membership associationsP44

Disclosure titlePage


Approach to stakeholderengagement

P16-172-30Collective bargaining agreementsP89GRI 3: Material Topics 2021


Process to determine materialtopics

P15-163-2List of material topicsP15-163-3Management of material topicsP15-16EconomyGRI 201: Economic Performance 20163-3Management of material topicsP20-29201-1

Direct economic value generatedand distributed


Financial implications and otherrisks and opportunities due toclimate change


Dened benet plan obligationsand other retirement plans

P88-89GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 20163-3Management of material topicsP109203-1

Infrastructure investments andservices supported


Signicant indirect economicimpacts

P109-113GRI 204: Procurement Practices 20163-3Management of material topicsP102-105GRI 205: Anti-corruption 20163-3Management of material topicsP24-25205-1

Operations assessed for risksrelated to corruption


Communication and trainingabout anti-corruption policies andprocedures


Disclosure titlePageGRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016

3-3Management of material topicsP26

EnvironmentGRI 301: Materials 20163-3Management of material topicsP74-76301-2Recycled input materials usedP74-76301-3

Reclaimed products and theirpackaging materials


GRI 302: Energy 2016

3-3Management of material topicsP74302-1

Energy consumption within theorganization

P74302-3Energy intensityP74302-4Reduction of energy consumptionP74302-5

Reductions in energyrequirements of products andservices

P72-73GRI 303: Water and E?uents 20183-3Management of material topicsP69, 78-81303-1

Interactions with water as ashared resource


Management of water discharge-related impacts

P69303-3Water withdrawalP81303-4Water dischargeP69303-5Water consumptionP81GRI 304: Biodiversity 20163-3Management of material topicsP82-85

Disclosure titlePage


Benets provided to full-timeemployees that are not providedto temporary or part-timeemployees

P95401-3Parental leaveP95

GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations 20163-3Management of material topicsP88

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018

3-3Management of material topicsP98403-1

Occupational health and safetymanagement system


Hazard identication, riskassessment, and incidentinvestigation

P99403-3Occupational health servicesP100-101403-4

Worker participation,consultation, and communicationon occupational health andsafety


Worker training on occupationalhealth and safety

P100-101403-6Promotion of worker healthP98-101403-7

Prevention and mitigation ofoccupational health and safetyimpacts directly linked bybusiness relationships


Workers covered by anoccupational health and safetymanagement system

P99403-9Work-related injuriesP101403-10Work-related ill healthP99-101GRI 404: Training and Education 20163-3Management of material topicsP90404-1

Average hours of training peryear per employee


Programs for upgradingemployee skills and transitionassistance programs


Percentage of employeesreceiving regular performanceand career development reviews


Disclosure titlePage


Operational sites owned, leased,managed in, or adjacent to,protected areas and areas ofhigh biodiversity value outsideprotected areas


Signicant impacts of activities,products and services onbiodiversity

P82-85304-3Habitats protected or restoredP82-85GRI 305: Emissions 20163-3Management of material topicsP69-71305-5Reduction of GHG emissionsP64305-7

Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfuroxides (SOx), and othersignicant air emissions

P70GRI 306: Waste 20203-3Management of material topicsP71306-1

Waste generation and signicantwaste-related impacts


Management of signicant waste-related impacts

P71306-3Waste generatedP71306-4Waste diverted from disposalP71306-5Waste directed to disposalP71

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 20163-3Management of material topics



Negative environmental impactsin the supply chain and actionstaken

P105SocietyGRI 401: Employment 20163-3Management of material topicsP78-79401-1

New employee hires andemployee turnover


Disclosure titlePage

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016

3-3Management of material topicsP88405-1

Diversity of governance bodiesand employees

P22, 88-89GRI 406: Non-discrimination 20163-3Management of material topicsP88406-1

Incidents of discrimination andcorrective actions taken


GRI 407: Freedom of Association and CollectiveBargaining 20163-3Management of material topicsP89, 96GRI 408: Child Labor 20163-3Management of material topicsP88GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 20163-3Management of material topicsP88GRI 413: Local Communities 20163-3Management of material topicsP109-113413-1

Operations with localcommunity engagement, impactassessments, and developmentprograms

P109-113GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 20163-3Management of material topics P36-37416-2

Incidents of non-complianceconcerning the health and safetyimpacts of products and services

P37GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 20163-3Management of material topics P46-51417-1

Requirements for product andservice information and labeling


ESG Policies, Laws & Regulations

ChapterLaws and RegulationsInternal Systems

01 Ethical Business Conduct: Upholding Business Principles and Optimizing Governance


Company Law

Articles of AssociationRules of Procedure for Shareholders' MeetingMeasures for Performance Assessment of Members of the ManagementMeasures for Remuneration Management of Members of the Management

RegulateCorporate Acts

Guidelines of the Shanghai Stock Exchange onthe Self-Regulation of Listed Companies No. 5—Transactions and Related TransactionsAnti-Monopoly LawAnti-Unfair Competition LawSupervision LawAnti-Money Laundering LawRegulations on Handling Letters and VisitsRules for Disciplinary Inspection and SupervisionOrgans on Handling Reports and Complaints

Rules of Procedure of the Risk and Compliance Management Committeeof the Board of DirectorsCompliance Management MeasuresInternal Control Management ManualWork Safety Compliance GuideLabor and Employment Compliance GuideDecision-making Policy for Connected TransactionsComprehensive Risk Management SolutionsSupplier Code of ConductAnti-monopoly Compliance GuideAnti-Unfair Competition Compliance GuideEcology and Environmental Protection Compliance GuideMeasures for Handling Violations of Rules, Disciplines, and Laws byEmployeesRules on Supplier Management for Hardware and Low-ConsumptionMaterialsRules on Supplier Management for Husks and StrawsNegative List of Employees' ActsSeveral Measures of the Party Committee of the Company for FurtherStrengthening Oversight for Leadership Teams and Their HeadsProhibitive Provisions for Integrity in Construction of Engineering ProjectsProhibitive Provisions for Procurement IntegrityProhibitive Provisions for Integrity in Resources SupplyInformationSecurity andPrivacy Protection

Personal Information Protection LawCybersecurity LawData Security Law

Management Measures for Letters and VisitsManagement Measures for Network and Information SecurityManagement Measures for Data Security (for Trial Implementation)Regulations on the Management of Personal Information Protection (forTrial Implementation)Guidelines for the Implementation of Classied and Graded Data SecurityControl

02 Build the Brand through Inheritance and Innovation

Pursue SuperiorQuality

A List of Applicable Laws, Regulations, and Other Requirements for Qualityand Food SafetyFood Safety Emergency Response PlanProduct Recall Control ProceduresWeekly Food Safety Inspection and Governance Report

ChapterLaws and RegulationsInternal Systems


Advertising Law of the People's Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic of China on theProtection of Consumer Rights and InterestsTrademark Law of the People's Republic of China

Management Measures for the Marketing and Promotion of Moutai BaijiuDistribution SystemGuiding Principles for the Management of General Distribution Products(Brands)Marketing Activities Support Program for Kweichow Moutai BaijiuNews Publicity Management MeasuresAdvertising Review Process and Operation GuidelinesAdvertising Positive and Negative ListManagement Measures for General Distribution Brands (Products)Policies and Management Measures of Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Import andExport Co., Ltd. on "Responsible Marketing"Measures of Kweichow Moutai Baijiu Import and Export Co., Ltd. for theManagement of Expenditure for Advertising and Promotion Activities inExport MarketsManagement Measures for Customer Consultation and ComplaintsKweichow Moutai Standard Service Language for Exclusive StoresKweichow Moutai Standard Service ManualKweichow Moutai Management Measures for Product Replacement(Rework)Management Measures for Leaking Baijiu Exchange03 Exuding Grace: Building a Harmonious and Coexistent Green System

AddressingClimate Change

Working Guidance for Carbon Dioxide Peaking andCarbon Neutrality in Full and Faithful Implementationof the New Development Philosophy

Action Plan for Carbon Peak and NeutralityAction Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas EmissionsCalculation Methods and Reporting in Food,Tobacco, Alcoholic Beverage, Beverage and RenedTea Enterprises (Trial)Greenhouse Gas Calculation System: Code ofConduct for Enterprise Calculation and ReportingGuidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculationand Reporting in Industrial EnterprisesGreenhouse Gases - Product Carbon Emissions -Requirements and Guidelines for Quantication andCommunication

Green Operations

Environmental Protection Law of the People'sRepublic of ChinaEmergency Response Law of the People's Republicof ChinaAtmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law ofthe People's Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic of China on thePrevention and Control of Environment PollutionCaused by Solid WastesEnergy Conservation Law of the People's Republicof China

Overall Plan for Building Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Practice

Demonstration Base and Building the Company as a Role Model for

Environmental Protection in the Industry

Environmental Protection Management Regulations

Rules on Environmental Protection Work Assessment

Comprehensive Assessment Management Measures

Emergency Plan for Sudden Environmental Incidents

Regulations on the Management of Waste Materials Recycling

Energy Management Manual

ChapterLaws and RegulationsInternal Systems

Green Operations

Energy Operation Management RegulationsEnergy Data Management RegulationsImplementation Plan for Product Packaging Materials for Green SupplyChainsFinished Liquor Outer Packaging Materials Recycling Management SystemPackaging Material Technology Blacklist (Environmental Protection),List of Restricted and Prohibited Packaging MaterialsNegative List of Packaging Materials for New Product DevelopmentKweichow Moutai Glass Bottle Recycling and Reuse Pilot ImplementationPlanWater ResourceManagement

Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of thePeople's Republic of China

Supplier Sustainable Development Implementation MethodWater Law of the People's Republic of China

04 Enriching Beauty - Sharing a Beautiful Future

Creating a HappyMoutai Together

Labor Law of the People's Republic of ChinaLabor Contract Law of the People's Republic ofChinaLaw of the People's Republic of China on thePrevention and Control of Occupational DiseasesProvisions on the Supervision and Administration ofOccupational Health at Work Sites

"Happiness at Moutai" 2023 Plan for the Pilot Programme of Improving the

Workforce's Life

Employee Recruitment Management Measures

Measures for Managing the Workers' Congress

Measures for Managing the Workers' Congress at the Grassroots Level

Occupational Skill Level Recognition and Appointment Management


Professional and Technical Personnel Title Evaluation and Appointment

Management Measures

Trial Plan for the Evaluation of Master Technicians

Employee Remuneration Management Measures

Management Measures for the Selection of Scientic and Technological

Innovation Achievements

Middle Management Personnel Management Measures

Employee Training Management Measures

Management Measures for Innovative Studios

Management Measures for Moutai Outstanding Talent Awards

Management Measures for Moutai Craftsmen Selection

Recognition and Reward Optimization Plan

Management Regulations for the Re-employment of Technical and Skilled


Implementation Plan for Moutai Talent Day Activities

Implementation Plan for Moutai Craftsmen Day Activities

Implementation Plan for Party Committee Contacting Expert Talents

Attendance Management Measures

Occupational Health Management System

Regulations on Safety Education and Training Management

List of Tasks for the Safety Education and Training OutlineJointly Building aBooming IndustrialEcosystem

Supplier Management Measures

Procurement Management Measures

Supplier Relationship Management Regulations

Kweichow Moutai Distributor Monthly Assessment Management Measures

Kweichow Moutai Jiang-avor Baijiu Marketing Co., Ltd. Distributor

Management Measures


Dear readers,Thank you very much for reading the Kweichow Moutai 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG report during your busy schedule.Your comments and suggestions on this report are highly appreciated for us to improve the quality and level of the report and our socialresponsibility and ESG e?orts!

Tel.: 0851-22386480E-mail: mtshzr@moutai.com.cnAddress: Corporate Culture Department of Kweichow Moutai (Integrated Media Center),Maotai Town, Renhuai City, Guizhou ProvincePost code: 564501

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Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
