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京东方B:2023年年度审计报告(英文版) 下载公告

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.


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The Shareholders of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.:


We have audited the accompanying financial statements of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.(“BOE”), which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December2023, the consolidated and company income statements, the consolidated and companycash flow statements, the consolidated and company statements of changes in shareholders’equity for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects,the consolidated and company financial position of BOE as at 31 December 2023, and theconsolidated and company financial performance and cash flows of BOE for the year thenended in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by theMinistry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing for Certified PublicAccountants (“CSAs”). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in theAuditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. Weare independent of BOE in accordance with the China Code of Ethics for Certified PublicAccountants (“the Code”), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities inaccordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficientand appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

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AUDITOR’S REPORT (continued)


Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of mostsignificance in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters wereaddressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in formingour opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

Revenue recognition
Refer to the accounting policies set out in the notes to the financial statements “III. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates” 24 and “V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements” 46.
The Key Audit MatterHow the matter was addressed in our audit
The revenue of BOE and its subsidiaries (“BOE Group”) is mainly derived from the sales of products relating to display device across the domestic and overseas market. The sales contracts/orders signed between BOE Group and its customers (mainly electronic equipment manufacturers) contain various trading terms. BOE Group judges the transfer timing of control according to the trading terms, and recognises revenue accordingly. Depending on the trading terms, the income is usually recognized when the goods are delivered and received, or when they are received by the carrier. We identified the recognition of BOE Group’s revenue as a key audit matter because revenue, as one of BOE Group’s key performance indicators, involves various trading terms, and there is an inherent risk that revenue may not be recognised in a correct period.Our audit procedures to evaluate revenue recognition included the following: ? Evaluate the design and operation effectiveness of key internal controls related to revenue recognition; ? Check key sales contracts/orders on a sampling basis to identify relevant trading terms, and evaluate whether the accounting policies for revenue recognition of BOE Group meet the requirements of the Enterprise Accounting Standards; ? On a sampling basis and according to different trading terms, reconcile the revenue recorded in the current year to relevant supporting files such as relevant orders, shipping orders, sales invoices, customs declarations, bills of lading, delivery receipts, etc. to evaluate whether revenue is recognised in accordance with the accounting policy of BOE Group; ? On a sampling basis and according to different trading terms, cross check the revenue recorded before and after the balance sheet date against relevant supporting files such as relevant orders, shipping orders, sales invoices, customs declarations, bills of lading, delivery receipts, etc. to evaluate whether revenue is recorded in the appropriate period;

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AUDITOR’S REPORT (continued)


Key Audit Matters (continued)

Revenue recognition (continued)
Refer to Note III. 24 of the accounting policy to the financial statements and Note V. 46 to to the consolidated financial statements.
The Key Audit MatterHow the matter was addressed in our audit
? Select a sample based on the characteristics and nature of customer's transaction, and perform confirmation procedures on the balance of accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date and the sales transaction amount during the current year; ? On a sampling basis, check the written-back of revenue after the balance sheet date (including sales discounts and sales returns, etc.) with relevant supporting documents to assess whether revenue is recorded in the appropriate period; ? Select revenue accounting entries that meet specific risk criteria and check related supporting documents.

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AUDITOR’S REPORT (continued)


Key Audit Matters (continued)

Impairment of fixed assets and intangible assets
Refer to the accounting policies set out in the notes to the financial statements “III. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates” 20 and “V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements” 15, 18.
The Key Audit MatterHow the matter was addressed in our audit
BOE Group principally generates revenue from the production and sale of display device. Due to the fluctuation of supply-demand relationship of display device and the influence of technology upgrading, the profit level of different production lines suffer dramatic fluctuation. As at 31 December 2023, the book value of fixed assets and intangible assets amounted to RMB 221,937 billion, the judgement on impairment indications and impairment test are material to BOE Group’s financial statements. The management classifies asset groups based on the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are independent, and continuously monitors the trend of market of supply and demand as well as the technology evolution; comprehensively judges impairment indications of each asset group in accordance with market trends, operating conditions of production lines and technological advanced performance, and performs impairment test on asset groups if any impairment indication exists. For asset groups with impairment indications, the management assesses whether the book value of fixed assets and intangible assets as at 31 December 2023 were impaired by calculating the present value of expected future cash flows. Calculating the present value of expected future cash flows requires management to make significant judgements, especially for the estimation of future selling prices, sales volume and applicable discount rate.Our audit procedures to evaluate impairment of fixed assets and intangible assets included the following: ? Evaluate management’s identification of asset groups, assessment of impairment indications, and assess the design and operation effectiveness of key internal controls for impairment tests; ? Based on our understanding of BOE Group’s businesses and relevant accounting standards, evaluate management’s classification basis of asset groups and judgement basis of impairment indications; ? For asset groups with impairment indications, based on our understanding of the industry, compare the key assumptions in the calculation of recoverable amounts used by management with external available data and historical analysis, including future selling prices, sales volume and discount rate used by management, evaluate the key assumptions and estimations used by the management; ? For asset groups with significant impairment risk, assess the competence, professional quality and objectivity of experts hired by the management; and adopt our own valuation experts’ work, assess if discount rates used for estimating the present value of future cash flows by management are within the range used by other companies in the same industry;

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AUDITOR’S REPORT (continued)


Key Audit Matters (continued)

Impairment of fixed assets and intangible assets (continued)
Refer to the accounting policies set out in the notes to the financial statements “III. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates” 20 and “V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements” 15, 18.
The Key Audit MatterHow the matter was addressed in our audit
We identified the impairment of fixed assets and intangible assets as a key audit matter because the book value of fixed assets and intangible assets is significant to the financial statements; management’s significant judgements and estimations are involved in assessing the classification basis of asset groups, existence of impairment indications and impairment test of asset groups with impairment indications, which may exist errors or potential management bias.Our audit procedures to evaluate impairment of fixed assets and intangible assets included the following: ? Compare estimations used for calculating the present value of expected future cash flows in the previous year by the management with the actual situation in this year to consider the historical accuracy of management’s forecast results; ? Perform sensitivity analysis on key assumptions, including future selling prices, sales volume and discount rates, used in the calculation of recoverable amount by the management; assess how changes in key assumptions (individually or collectively) will lead to different results and assess whether there are indications of management bias in the selection of key assumptions; ? Consider whether the disclosure of impairment of fixed assets and intangible assets in the financial statements is consistent with relevant accounting policy.

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AUDITOR’S REPORT (continued)


Other Information

BOE’s management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprisesall the information included in 2023 annual report of BOE, other than the financial statementsand our auditor’s report thereon.

Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do notexpress any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the otherinformation and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistentwith the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears tobe materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatementof this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in thisregard.

Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the FinancialStatements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financialstatements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and forthe design, implementation and maintenance of such internal control necessary to enablethat the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud orerror.

In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing BOE’s abilityto continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concernand using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends toliquidate BOE or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing BOE’s financial reportingprocess.

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AUDITOR’S REPORT (continued)


Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements asa whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue anauditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance,but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with CSAs will always detect amaterial misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and areconsidered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected toinfluence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with CSAs, we exercise professional judgement andmaintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:

? Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether

due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, andobtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than forone resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

? Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design auditprocedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.

? Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness ofaccounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.

? Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis ofaccounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertaintyexists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on BOE’s ability tocontinue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we arerequired to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financialstatements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusionsare based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However,future events or conditions may cause BOE to cease to continue as a going concern.

? Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements,including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlyingtransactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

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AUDITOR’S REPORT (continued)


Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements (continued)

? Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of theentities or business activities within BOE to express an opinion on the financialstatements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of thegroup audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, theplanned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significantdeficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied withrelevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them allrelationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independenceand, where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine thosematters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the currentperiod and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’sreport unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, inextremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated inour report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected tooutweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

KPMG Huazhen LLP Certified Public AccountantsRegistered in the People’s Republic of China

Su Xing (Engagement Partner)

Beijing, China Chai Jing

29 March 2024

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated balance sheetas at 31 December 2023(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

Current assets????
Cash at bank and on handV.172,467,392,718?68,800,307,369
Financial assets held for tradingV.27,755,964,495?17,187,993,936
Bills receivableV.3375,577,011?211,792,061
Accounts receivableV.433,365,416,490?28,203,647,569
Receivables financingV.5408,534,622-
Other receivablesV.7726,659,207?975,809,236
Contract assetsV.995,710,742?71,636,461
Non-current assets due within one year?8,683,381?8,561,307
Other current assetsV.103,308,338,931?3,394,036,919
Total current assets?143,190,604,702?142,231,363,763



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated balance sheetas at 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

Assets (continued)????
Non-current assets????
Long-term receivables?3,341,844?28,637,449
Long-term equity investmentsV.1113,731,696,627?12,421,878,851
Investments in other equity instrumentsV.12494,629,577?483,060,306
Other non-current financial assetsV.132,253,778,325?2,022,967,681
Investment propertiesV.141,412,553,446?1,122,025,138
Fixed assetsV.15210,371,476,524?205,987,050,430
Construction in progressV.1629,670,115,546?43,386,134,668
Right-of-use assetsV.17724,344,345?687,120,946
Intangible assetsV.1811,565,585,700?8,948,327,143
Development costsVI.2166,977,531-
Long-term deferred expensesV.20534,494,564?556,941,377
Deferred tax assetsV.21396,877,020?76,013,149
Other non-current assetsV.223,965,918,458?1,955,521,384
Total non-current assets?275,996,495,093?278,336,502,173
Total assets?419,187,099,795?420,567,865,936



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated balance sheetas at 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity????
Current liabilities????
Short-term loansV.231,746,184,534?2,373,938,871
Bills payableV.24919,313,033?870,221,538
Accounts payableV.2532,977,603,351?29,834,720,464
Advance payments receivedV.2694,704,981?79,848,977
Contract liabilitiesV.273,000,168,620?2,411,717,792
Employee benefits payableV.283,100,911,276?2,818,532,823
Taxes payableV.291,317,080,022?1,331,401,188
Other payablesV.3019,487,760,965?19,632,223,269
Non-current liabilities due within one yearV.3124,437,027,442?22,703,750,744
Other current liabilitiesV.323,085,773,591?3,613,967,673
Total current liabilities?90,166,527,815?85,670,323,339



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated balance sheetas at 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity (continued)????
Non-current liabilities????
Long-term loansV.33121,546,339,022?123,143,479,690
Lease liabilitiesV.34542,141,496?538,586,010
Long-term payablesV.35171,611,393?229,587,077
Deferred incomeV.374,763,051,955?5,156,347,332
Deferred tax liabilitiesV.211,694,639,729?1,289,899,658
Other non-current liabilitiesV.382,500,522,066?2,499,075,805
Total non-current liabilities?131,221,885,661?132,856,975,572
Total liabilities?221,388,413,476?218,527,298,911



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated balance sheetas at 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity (continued)????
Shareholders’ equity????
Share capitalV.3937,652,529,195?38,196,363,421
Other equity instrumentsV.402,043,402,946?8,176,366,808
Capital reserveV.4152,113,580,746?55,224,885,675
Less: Treasury sharesV.42462,036,240?3,508,201,911
Other comprehensive incomeV.43(1,136,997,224)?(1,073,768,030)
Special reserve66,472,402-
Surplus reserveV.443,571,778,635?3,241,063,934
Retained earningsV.4535,579,576,607?35,829,465,307
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company?129,428,307,067?136,086,175,204
Non-controlling interests?68,370,379,252?65,954,391,821
Total shareholders’ equity?197,798,686,319?202,040,567,025
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity?419,187,099,795?420,567,865,936



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company balance sheetas at 31 December 2023(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

Current assets????
Cash at bank and on hand4,255,943,334?7,121,641,234
Accounts receivableXVI.14,870,413,096?4,863,665,269
Other receivablesXVI.228,381,628,538?19,878,145,375
Other current assets126,758,000?57,226,515
Total current assets?37,658,887,100?31,942,789,651
Non-current assets????
Long-term equity investmentsXVI.3191,109,201,591?214,308,953,020
Investments in other equity instruments?62,020,419?60,434,464
Other non-current financial assets1,493,778,324?1,416,072,234
Investment properties?246,605,801?251,870,591
Fixed assets?945,373,523?921,510,043
Construction in progress?612,320,190?616,247,335
Right-of-use assets86,718,376?126,373,643
Intangible assets997,974,193?1,122,230,564
Long-term deferred expenses?337,051,031?384,123,386
Other non-current assets?1,740,557,308?1,080,322,988
Total non-current assets?197,631,600,756?220,288,138,268
Total assets?235,290,487,856?252,230,927,919



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company balance sheetas at 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity????
Current liabilities????
Accounts payable?566,941,531?312,100,258
Advance payments received10,542,897?14,819,929
Contract liabilities?74,594?19,200
Employee benefits payable300,267,423?282,792,422
Taxes payable?279,057,718?139,166,672
Other payablesXVI.43,515,995,979?4,249,391,146
Non-current liabilities due within one year?4,029,679,945?2,704,607,119
Other current liabilities?77,354,731?20,283,257
Total current liabilities?8,779,914,818?7,723,180,003
Non-current liabilities????
Long-term loansXVI.544,053,100,000?39,557,500,000
Lease liabilities42,482,289?85,830,813
Deferred income954,798,900?1,933,587,746
Deferred tax liabilities222,201,768?111,987,272
Other non-current liabilities79,800,793,681?96,394,661,805
Total non-current liabilities?125,073,376,638?138,083,567,636
Total liabilities?133,853,291,456?145,806,747,639



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company balance sheetas at 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity (continued)????
Shareholders’ equity????
Share capitalV.3937,652,529,195?38,196,363,421
Other equity instrumentsV.402,043,402,946?8,176,366,808
Capital reserveXVI.651,741,820,724?53,693,627,213
Less: Treasury sharesV.42462,036,240?3,508,201,911
Other comprehensive incomeXVI.7(296,433,056)?340,345
Surplus reserveV.443,571,778,635?3,241,063,934
Retained earningsXVI.87,186,134,196?6,624,620,470
Total shareholders’ equity?101,437,196,400?106,424,180,280
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity?235,290,487,856?252,230,927,919



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated income statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

I. Operating incomeV.46174,543,445,895?178,413,731,179
II. Less: Operating costsV.46152,633,061,367?157,530,566,152
Taxes and surchargesV.471,132,985,865?1,275,171,339
Selling and distribution expensesV.483,736,940,205?4,233,290,297
General and administrative expensesV.495,944,875,540?6,247,637,006
Research and development expensesV.5011,319,503,088?11,100,768,677
Financial expensesV.511,150,310,546?2,445,130,575
Including: Interest expenses?3,536,889,899?3,572,211,438
Interest income?2,032,287,888?1,483,022,892
Add: Other incomeV.524,202,333,156?5,485,529,324
Investment incomeV.53810,709,642?6,094,267,884
Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures?702,555,344?528,103,680
Gains from changes in fair valueV.54291,542,233?159,344,584
Credit lossesV.55(18,562,198)?(51,577,226)
Impairment lossesV.56(2,406,230,634)?(7,304,471,630)
Gains from asset disposalsV.5713,090,386?10,965,556
III. Operating profit /(loss)?1,518,651,869?(24,774,375)
Add: Non-operating incomeV.58383,996,163?163,242,857
Less: Non-operating expensesV.5869,649,357?87,249,543



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated income statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

IV. Profit before income tax?1,832,998,675?51,218,939
Less: Income tax expensesV.591,463,127,346?1,791,720,662
V. Net profit for the year / (loss)?369,871,329?(1,740,501,723)
Shareholders of the Company?2,547,435,360?7,541,423,198
Non-controlling interests?(2,177,564,031)?(9,281,924,921)



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated income statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

VI. Other comprehensive income, net of taxV.43(18,318,697)?(1,158,016,792)
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) attributable to owners of the Company?(114,919,973)?(1,164,537,236)
(1) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss????
1. Other comprehensive income recognised under equity method?(302,258,742)?(53,367,649)
2. Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments?4,408,730?(79,547,426)
(2) Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss????
1. Other comprehensive income recognised under equity method?38,009?127,867
2. Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements?182,892,030?(1,031,750,028)
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) attributable to non-controlling interests?96,601,276?6,520,444



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated income statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

VII. Total comprehensive income for the year?351,552,632?(2,898,518,515)
Attributable to shareholders of the Company?2,432,515,387?6,376,885,962
Attributable to non-controlling interests?(2,080,962,755)?(9,275,404,477)
VIII. Earnings per share:????
(1) Basic earnings per shareV.600.06?0.19
(2) Diluted earnings per shareV.60Not applicable?Not applicable



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company income statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

I. Operating incomeXVI.94,708,465,987?4,873,328,715
II. Less: Operating costs?XVI.912,627,567?10,080,268
Taxes and surcharges43,605,220?55,342,015
General and administrative expenses?1,332,250,430?1,348,187,653
Research and development expenses2,128,570,079?2,046,032,751
Financial expenses480,003,968?574,596,105
Including: Interest expenses545,603,838?631,737,202
Interest income71,059,318?96,658,931
Add: Other income951,291,761?948,637,354
Investment incomeXVI.101,991,483,354?1,934,087,931
Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures?429,364,809?328,861,860
Gains from changes in fair value49,498,773?-
Credit losses?5,490,866?(18,126,642)
Losses from asset disposals?5,077,109?-
III. Operating profit?3,714,250,586?3,703,688,566
Add: Non-operating income?3,921,345?6,873,424
Less: Non-operating expenses?6,859,836?26,617,581
IV. Profit before income tax?3,711,312,095?3,683,944,409
Less: Income tax expenses405,340,309?202,080,897
V. Net profit for the year?3,305,971,786?3,481,863,512



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company income statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

VI. Other comprehensive income, net of taxXVI.7(295,598,180)?(55,810,525)
(1) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss????
1. Other comprehensive income recognised under equity method?(302,258,742)?(53,367,649)
2. Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments?6,660,562?(2,570,743)
(2) Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss?-?127,867
VII. Total comprehensive income for the year?3,010,373,606?3,426,052,987



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated cash flow statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

I. Cash flows from operating activities:????
Proceeds from sale of goods and rendering of services?180,947,736,116?193,327,661,415
Refund of taxes?10,373,888,040?17,259,338,469
Proceeds from other operating activitiesV.61(1)a?6,145,484,931?7,397,264,096
Sub-total of cash inflows?197,467,109,087?217,984,263,980
Payment for goods and services?(129,474,896,348)?(142,617,274,685)
Payment to and for employees?(18,253,350,198)?(19,821,022,609)
Payment of various taxes?(3,823,925,586)?(5,394,897,972)
Payment for other operating activities? V.61(1)b(7,613,110,071)?(7,129,101,409)
Sub-total of cash outflows?(159,165,282,203)?(174,962,296,675)
Net cash flows generated from operating activitiesV.62(1)38,301,826,884?43,021,967,305



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated cash flow statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

II. Cash flows from investing activities:????
Proceeds from disposal of investments?70,648,492,540?83,038,823,137
Investment returns received?569,248,170?461,543,173
Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets?62,750,260?26,645,620
Net proceeds for acquisition of subsidiariesV.62(2)?59,293,141-
Net proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries? V.62(2)-?936,758,922
Proceeds from other investing activities? V.61(2) a3,940,488,690?1,311,942,470
Sub-total of cash inflows?75,280,272,801?85,775,713,322
Payment for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets?(24,807,796,061)?(29,398,245,045)
Payment for acquisition of investments?(79,608,953,781)?(92,205,577,385)
Net payment for acquisition of subsidiariesV.62(2)?(165,333,139)?-
Net payment for disposal of subsidiariesV.62(2)?-?(144,689,766)
Sub-total of cash outflows?(104,582,082,981)?(121,748,512,196)
Net cash flows used in investing activities?(29,301,810,180)?(35,972,798,874)



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated cash flow statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

III. Cash flows from financing activities:????
Proceeds from investors?3,291,140,600?2,301,848,242
Including: Proceeds from non-controlling shareholders of subsidiaries?3,291,140,600?2,301,848,242
Proceeds from issuance of debentures?-?2,000,000,000
Proceeds from borrowings?27,341,860,631?49,812,750,352
Proceeds from other financing activities? V.61(3)a-?771,327,623
Sub-total of cash inflows?30,633,001,231?54,885,926,217



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated cash flow statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

III. Cash flows from financing activities (continued):????
Repayments of borrowings?(30,091,893,380)?(51,681,667,124)
Payment for redeeming bonds?(6,000,000,000)?(8,000,000,000)
Payment for dividends or interest?(8,306,333,083)?(13,828,515,479)
Including: Profits paid to non-controlling shareholders of subsidiaries?(72,650,624)?(39,388,061)
Payment for other financing activitiesV.61(3) b?(7,896,143,409)?(2,548,995,476)
Sub-total of cash outflows?(52,294,369,872)?(76,059,178,079)
Net cash flow used in financing activities?(21,661,368,641)?(21,173,251,862)
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents?372,295,921?1,882,635,112
V. Net decrease in cash and cash equivalentsV.62(1) b(12,289,056,016)?(12,241,448,319)
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year?64,382,037,764?76,623,486,083
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the yearV.62(3)52,092,981,748?64,382,037,764



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company cash flow statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

I. Cash flows from operating activities:????
Proceeds from sale of goods and rendering of services?4,312,367,550?5,650,186,755
Proceeds from other operating activities?622,801,775?2,005,413,901
Sub-total of cash inflows?4,935,169,325?7,655,600,656
Payment for goods and services?(1,098,622,995)?(1,161,216,577)
Payment to and for employees?(1,333,331,329)?(1,681,332,214)
Payment of various taxes?(433,065,340)?(676,007,600)
Payment for other operating activities?(1,099,330,089)?(452,287,489)
Sub-total of cash outflows?(3,964,349,753)?(3,970,843,880)
Net cash flows generated from operating activitiesXVI.11(1)970,819,572?3,684,756,776
II. Cash flows from investing activities:????
Proceeds from disposal of investments?1,200,350,000?330,944,027
Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries?-?-
Investment returns received?955,365,976?1,257,584,843
Net proceeds from disposal of fixed assets?682,093?241,034
Proceeds from other investing activities?1,260,912,332?10,546,180,253
Sub-total of cash inflows?3,417,310,401?12,134,950,157



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company cash flow statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

II. Cash flows from investing activities (continued):????
Payment for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets?(618,917,399)?(405,565,299)
Payment for acquisition of investments?(16,691,342,703)?(3,989,687,433)
Payment for other investing activities?(5,468,000,000)?(14,117,701,133)
Sub-total of cash outflows?(22,778,260,102)?(18,512,953,865)
Net cash flows used in investing activities?(19,360,949,701)?(6,378,003,708)
III. Cash flows from financing activities:????
Proceeds from issuance of debentures?-?2,000,000,000
Proceeds from borrowings?10,000,000,000?25,000,000,000
Proceeds from other financing activities?19,830,000,000?24,936,039,463
Sub-total of cash inflows?29,830,000,000?51,936,039,463
Repayments of borrowings?(4,184,100,000)?(25,827,547,455)
Payment for redeeming bonds?(6,000,000,000)?(8,000,000,000)
Payment for dividends and interest?(3,751,590,381)?(9,842,819,608)
Payment for other financing activities?(397,385,776)?(4,136,747,868)
Sub-total of cash outflows?(14,333,076,157)?(47,807,114,931)
Net cash flows generated from financing activities?15,496,923,843?4,128,924,532



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company cash flow statementfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents?30,657,074?76,264,084
V. Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalentsXVI.11(1)(2,862,549,212)?1,511,941,684
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year?7,111,879,033?5,599,937,349
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the yearXVI.11(2)4,249,329,821?7,111,879,033



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equityfor the year ended 31 December 2023(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

??Attributable to shareholders of the Company????
?NoteShare capital?Other equity instruments?Capital reserve?Less: Treasury shares?Other comprehensive income?Special reserve?Surplus reserve?Retained earnings?Sub-total?Non-controlling interests?Total
I. Balance at the beginning of the year?38,196,363,421?8,176,366,808?55,224,885,675?3,508,201,911?(1,073,768,030)?-?3,241,063,934?35,829,465,307?136,086,175,204?65,954,391,821?202,040,567,025
II. Changes in equity during the year??????????????????????
1. Total comprehensive income?-?-?-?-?(114,919,973)?-?-?2,547,435,360?2,432,515,387?(2,080,962,755)?351,552,632
2. Shareholders’ contributions of capital??????????????????????
(1) Contribution by non-controlling interests?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?3,291,140,600?3,291,140,600
(2) Cancellation of treasury sharesV. 39/41/42(543,834,226)?-?(2,244,946,976)?(2,788,781,202)?-?-?-?-?-?-?-
(3) Equity-settled share-based paymentsXII-?-?309,120,206?(257,384,469)?-?-?-?-?566,504,675?22,319,221?588,823,896
(4) Payment for capital of holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?(5,967,915,094)?(32,084,906)?-?-?-?-?-?(6,000,000,000)?-?(6,000,000,000)
3. Appropriation of profits??????????????????????
(1) Appropriation for surplus reserveV. 44-?-?-?-?-?-?330,597,179?(330,597,179)?-?-?-
(2) Accrued interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?118,551,232?-?-?-?-?-?(118,551,232)?-?-?-
(3) Payment for interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?(283,600,000)?-?-?-?-?-?-?(283,600,000)?-?(283,600,000)
(4) Distributions to shareholdersV. 45-?-?-?-?-?-?-?(2,296,367,348)?(2,296,367,348)?(106,934,768)?(2,403,302,116)



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equityfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

??Attributable to shareholders of the Company????
?NoteShare capital?Other equity instruments?Capital reserve?Less: Treasury shares?Other comprehensive income?Special reserve?Surplus reserve?Retained earnings?Sub-total?Non-controlling interests?Total
4. Transfers within equity??????????????????????
(1) Transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earningsV. 43/44/45-?-?-?-?51,690,779?-?117,522?(51,808,301)?-?-?-
5. Special reserve??????????????????????
(1) Accrued special reserve?-?-?-?-?-?209,367,057?-?-?209,367,057?42,370,558?251,737,615
(2) Used special reserve?-?-?-?-?-?(142,894,655)?-?-?(142,894,655)?(29,280,043)?(172,174,698)
6. Others??????????????????????
(1) Other movements in equity of associatesV. 11/41-?-?61,662,689?-?-?-?-?-?61,662,689?1,229,195?62,891,884
(2) OthersV. 41-?-?(1,205,055,942)?-?-?-?-?-?(1,205,055,942)?1,276,105,423?71,049,481
III. Balance at the end of the year?37,652,529,195?2,043,402,946?52,113,580,746?462,036,240?(1,136,997,224)?66,472,402?3,571,778,635?35,579,576,607?129,428,307,067?68,370,379,252?197,798,686,319



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29 March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equityfor the year ended 31 December 2022 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

??Attributable to shareholders of the Company????
?NoteShare capital?Other equity instruments?Capital reserve?Less: Treasury shares?Other comprehensive income?Surplus reserve?Retained earnings?Sub-total?Non-controlling interests?Total
I. Balance at the beginning of the year?38,445,746,482?14,146,997,427?53,917,609,094?3,415,768,207?113,551,147?2,889,590,205?37,106,514,799?143,204,240,947?74,174,525,569?217,378,766,516
Add: Changes in accounting policies?-??-??-??-??-??-??(161,882)?(161,882)?(6,241,664)?(6,403,546)
Adjusted balance at the beginning of the year?38,445,746,482?14,146,997,427?53,917,609,094?3,415,768,207?113,551,147?2,889,590,205?37,106,352,917?143,204,079,065?74,168,283,905?217,372,362,970
II. Changes in equity during the year????????????????????
1. Total comprehensive income?-?-?-?-?(1,164,537,236)?-?7,541,423,198?6,376,885,962?(9,275,404,477)?(2,898,518,515)
2. Shareholders’ contributions of capital????????????????????
(1) Contribution by non-controlling interests?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?2,301,848,242?2,301,848,242
(2) Repurchase of treasury sharesV. 42-?-?-?1,048,154,539?-?-?-?(1,048,154,539)?-?(1,048,154,539)
(3) Cancellation of treasury sharesV. 39/41/42(249,383,061)?-?(641,811,942)?(891,195,003)?-?-?-?-?-?-
(4) Equity-settled share-based paymentsXII-?-?654,336,707?(64,525,832)?-?-?-?718,862,539?44,728,854?763,591,393
(5) Contribution by holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?1,989,320,755?-?-?-?-?-?1,989,320,755?-?1,989,320,755
(6) Payment for capital of holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?(7,957,047,264)?(42,952,736)?-?-?-?-?(8,000,000,000)?-?(8,000,000,000)
3. Appropriation of profits????????????????????
(1) Appropriation for surplus reserveV. 44-?-?-?-?-?348,186,351?(348,186,351)?-?-?-
(2) Accrued interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?530,695,890?-?-?-?-?(530,695,890)?-?-?-
(3) Payment for interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?(533,600,000)?-?-?-?-?-?(533,600,000)?-?(533,600,000)
(4) Distributions to shareholdersV. 45-?-?-?-?-?-?(7,958,923,130)?(7,958,923,130)?(54,411,212)?(8,013,334,342)



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equityfor the year ended 31 December 2022 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

??Attributable to shareholders of the Company????
?NoteShare capital?Other equity instruments?Capital reserve?Less: Treasury shares?Other comprehensive income?Surplus reserve?Retained earnings?Sub-total?Non-controlling interests?Total
4. Transfers within equity????????????????????
(1) Transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earningsV. 43/44/45-?-?-?-?(22,781,941)?3,287,378?19,494,563?-?-?-
5. Others????????????????????
(1) Other movements in equity of associatesV. 11/41-?-?274,685,689?-?-?-?-?274,685,689?845,261?275,530,950
(2) Disposal of equities in subsidiariesV. 41-?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?(1,154,255,778)?(1,154,255,778)
(3) OthersV. 41-?-?1,063,018,863?-?-?-?-?1,063,018,863?(77,242,974)?985,775,889
III. Balance at the end of the year?38,196,363,421?8,176,366,808?55,224,885,675?3,508,201,911?(1,073,768,030)?3,241,063,934?35,829,465,307?136,086,175,204?65,954,391,821?202,040,567,025



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29 March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company statement of changes in shareholders’ equityfor the year ended 31 December 2023(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

?NoteShare capital?Other equity instruments?Capital reserve?Less: Treasury shares?Other comprehensive income?Surplus reserve?Retained earnings?Total
I. Balance at the beginning of the year?38,196,363,421?8,176,366,808?53,693,627,213?3,508,201,911?340,345?3,241,063,934?6,624,620,470?106,424,180,280
II. Changes in equity during the year????????????????
1. Total comprehensive income?-?-?-?-?(295,598,180)?-?3,305,971,786?3,010,373,606
2. Shareholders’ contributions of capital????????????????
(1) Cancellation of treasury sharesV. 39/41/42(543,834,226)?-?(2,244,946,976)?(2,788,781,202)?-?-?-?-
(2) Equity-settled share-based paymentsXII-?-?331,439,427?(257,384,469)?-?-?-?588,823,896
(3) Payment for capital of holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?(5,967,915,094)?(32,084,906)?-?-?-?-?(6,000,000,000)
3. Appropriation of profits????????????????
(1) Appropriation for surplus reserveV. 44-?-?-?-?-?330,597,179?(330,597,179)?-
(2) Accrued interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?118,551,232?-?-?-?-?(118,551,232)?-
(3) Payment for interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?(283,600,000)?-?-?-?-?-?(283,600,000)
(4) Distributions to shareholdersV. 45-?-?-?-?-?-?(2,296,367,348)?(2,296,367,348)



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company statement of changes in shareholders’ equityfor the year ended 31 December 2023 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29 March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company statement of changes in shareholders’ equityfor the year ended 31 December 2022 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

?NoteShare capital?Other equity instruments?Capital reserve?Less: Treasury shares?Other comprehensive income?Surplus reserve?Retained earningsTotal
I. Balance at the beginning of the year?38,445,746,482?14,146,997,427?53,598,033,152?3,415,768,207?89,024,650?2,889,590,205?11,950,975,927117,704,599,636
II. Changes in equity during the year???????????????
1. Total comprehensive income?-?-?-?-?(55,810,525)?-?3,481,863,5123,426,052,987
2. Shareholders’ contributions of capital???????????????
(1) Repurchase of treasury sharesV. 42-?-?-?1,048,154,539?-?-?-(1,048,154,539)
(2) Cancellation of treasury sharesV. 39/41/42(249,383,061)?-?(641,811,942)?(891,195,003)?-?-?--
(3) Equity-settled share-based paymentsXII-?-?699,065,561?(64,525,832)?-?-?-763,591,393
(4) Contribution by holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?1,989,320,755?-?-?-?-?-1,989,320,755
(5) Payment for capital of holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?(7,957,047,264)?(42,952,736)?-?-?-?-(8,000,000,000)
3. Appropriation of profits???????????????
(1) Appropriation for surplus reserveV. 44-?-?-?-?-?348,186,351?(348,186,351)-
(2) Accrued interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?530,695,890?-?-?-?-?(530,695,890)-
(3) Payment for interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV. 40-?(533,600,000)?-?-?-?-?-(533,600,000)
(4) Distributions to shareholdersV. 45-?-?-?-?-?-?(7,958,923,130)(7,958,923,130)



The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Company statement of changes in shareholders’ equityfor the year ended 31 December 2022 (continued)(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

?NoteShare capital?Other equity instruments?Capital reserve?Less: Treasury shares?Other comprehensive income?Surplus reserve?Retained earnings?Total
4. Transfers within equity????????????????
(1) Transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earningsXVI. 7/8-?-?-?-?(32,873,780)?3,287,378?29,586,402?-
5. Others????????????????
(1) Other movements in equity of associatesXVI. 3/6-?-?141,386,796?-?-?-?-?141,386,796
(2) Others?-?-?(60,093,618)?-?-?-?-?(60,093,618)
III. Balance at the end of the year?38,196,363,421?8,176,366,808?53,693,627,213?3,508,201,911?340,345?3,241,063,934?6,624,620,470?106,424,180,280



These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 29 March 2024.

Chen Yanshun Chairman of the BoardGao Wenbao Chief Executive OfficerYang Xiaoping Chief Financial OfficerTeng Jiao The head of the accounting department(Company stamp)
(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)(Signature and stamp)

The notes on pages 30 to 175 form part of these financial statements.

BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.Notes to the financial statements(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise indicated)

I. Company status

BOE Technology Group Company Limited (the “Company”) is a company limited by sharesestablished on 9 April 1993 in Beijing, with its head office located at Beijing. The parent ofthe Company and the Company’s ultimate holding company is Beijing Electronics HoldingsCo., Ltd. (“Electronics Holdings”).

The Company and its subsidiaries (referred to as the “Group”) comprise five main businesssegments: display business, Internet of Things (IoT) innovation business, sensor business,MLED business, smart medicine engineering business and others. For information about thesubsidiaries of the Company, refer to Note VIII.

II. Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis.

III. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

1 Statement of compliance

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements ofAccounting Standards for Business Enterprises or referred to as China AccountingStandards (“CAS”) issued by the MOF. These financial statements present truly andcompletely the consolidated financial position and financial position of the Company as at 31December 2023, and the consolidated financial performance and financial performance andthe consolidated cash flows and cash flows of the Company for the year then ended.

These financial statements also comply with the disclosure requirements of “Regulation onthe Preparation of Information Disclosures by Companies Issuing Securities, No. 15: GeneralRequirements for Financial Reports” as revised by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission (“CSRC”) in 2023.

2 Accounting period

The accounting period is from 1 January to 31 December.

3 Operating cycle

The Company takes the period from the acquisition of assets for processing to until theultimate realisation of cash or cash equivalents as a normal operating cycle. The operatingcycle of the Company is usually less than 12 months.

4 Functional currency

The Company’s functional currency is Renminbi and these financial statements arepresented in Renminbi. Functional currency is determined by the Company and itssubsidiaries on the basis of the currency in which major income and costs are denominatedand settled. Some of the Company’s subsidiaries have functional currencies that are differentfrom the Company’s functional currency. Their financial statements have been translatedbased on the accounting policy set out in Note III (9).

5 Method used to determine the materiality threshold and the basis for selection

ItemsMateriality threshold
Significant receivables for which provisions for bad and doubtful are individually assessed recoveries or reversals and written-offsAmount of the individual accounts receivable ≥ RMB50 million
Significant prepayments, contract liabilities, accounts payable and other payables with ageing of more than one yearAmount of the individual prepayments exceeds 0.5% of the Group’s total assets
Significant construction projects in progressAccumulated carrying amount of individual item at the end of the period exceeds RMB10 billion
Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries,joint ventures or associatesTotal assets of non-wholly-owned subsidiaries exceed 10% of the Group’s total assets or total revenue of non-wholly-owned subsidiaries exceed 10% of the Group’s total revenue
Significant capitalised R&D projectsAccumulated expenditure of individual R&D project exceeds 0.5% of the Group’s total assets

6 Accounting treatments for business combinations involving entities under common control

and not under common control

A transaction constitutes a business combination when the Group obtains control of one ormore entities (or a group of assets or net assets). Business combination is classified aseither business combinations involving enterprises under common control or businesscombinations not involving enterprises under common control.

For a transaction not involving enterprises under common control, the acquirer determineswhether acquired set of assets constitute a business. The Group may elect to apply thesimplified assessment method, the concentration test, to determine whether an acquired setof assets is not a business. If the concentration test is met and the set of assets isdetermined not to be a business, no further assessment is needed. If the concentration testis not met, the Group shall perform the assessment according to the guidance on thedetermination of a business.

When the set of assets the group acquired does not constitute a business, acquisition costsshould be allocated to each identifiable assets and liabilities at their acquisition date fairvalues. It is not required to apply the accounting of business combination described asbelow.

(1) Business combinations involving entities under common control

A business combination involving entities under common control is a business combination inwhich all of the combining entities are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties bothbefore and after the business combination, and that control is not transitory. The assetsacquired and liabilities assumed are measured based on their carrying amounts in the

consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date.The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets acquired and the considerationpaid for the combination (or the total par value of shares issued) is adjusted against sharepremium in the capital reserve, with any excess adjusted against retained earnings. Anycosts directly attributable to the combination are recognised in profit or loss when incurred.The combination date is the date on which one combining entity obtains control of othercombining entities.

(2) Business combinations involving entities not under common control

A business combination involving entities not under common control is a businesscombination in which all of the combining entities are not ultimately controlled by the sameparty or parties both before and after the business combination. Where (1) the aggregate ofthe acquisition-date fair value of assets transferred (including the acquirer’s previously heldequity interest in the acquiree), liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issuedby the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquiree, exceeds (2) the acquirer’s interest inthe acquisition-date fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference isrecognised as goodwill (see Note III.18). If (1) is less than (2), the difference is recognised inprofit or loss for the current period. The costs of issuing equity or debt securities as a part ofthe consideration for the acquisition are included in the carrying amounts of these equity ordebt securities upon initial recognition. Other acquisition-related costs are expensed whenincurred. Any difference between the fair value and the carrying amount of the assetstransferred as consideration is recognised in profit or loss. The acquiree’s identifiable asset,liabilities and contingent liabilities, if the recognition criteria are met, are recognised by theGroup at their acquisition-date fair value. The acquisition date is the date on which theacquirer obtains control of the acquiree.

For a business combination involving entities not under common control and achieved instages, the Group remeasures its previously-held equity interest in the acquiree to itsacquisition-date fair value and recognises any resulting difference between the fair value andthe carrying amount as investment income or other comprehensive income for the currentperiod. In addition, any amount recognised in other comprehensive income and otherchanges in the owners’ equity under equity accounting in prior reporting periods relating tothe previously-held equity interest that may be reclassified to profit or loss are transferred toinvestment income at the date of acquisition (see Note III.12(2)(b)); Any previously-heldequity interest that is designated as equity investment at fair value through othercomprehensive income, the other comprehensive income recognised in prior reportingperiods is transferred to retained earnings and surplus reserve at the date of acquisition.

7 Consolidated financial statements

(1) General principles

The scope of consolidated financial statements is based on control and the consolidatedfinancial statements comprise the Company and its subsidiaries. Control exists when theinvestor has all of following: power over the investee; exposure, or rights, to variable returnsfrom its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through itspower over the investee. When assessing whether the Group has power, only substantiverights (held by the Group and other parties) are considered. The financial position, financialperformance and cash flows of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financialstatements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases.

Non-controlling interests are presented separately in the consolidated balance sheet withinshareholders’ equity. Net profit or loss attributable to non-controlling shareholders ispresented separately in the consolidated income statement below the net profit line item.Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling shareholders is presentedseparately in the consolidated income statement below the total comprehensive income lineitem.

When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the non-controllingshareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the non-controlling shareholders’ share of the openingowners’ equity of the subsidiary, the excess is still allocated against the non-controllinginterests.

When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from those ofthe Company, the Company makes necessary adjustments to the financial statements of thesubsidiary based on the Company’s own accounting period or accounting policies. Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised profit or loss arising from intra-grouptransactions, are eliminated when preparing the consolidated financial statements.Unrealised losses resulting from intra-group transactions are eliminated in the same way asunrealised gains, unless they represent impairment losses that are recognised in thefinancial statements.

(2) Subsidiaries acquired through a business combination

Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a businesscombination involving entities under common control, the financial statements of thesubsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements based on the carryingamounts of the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary in the financial statements of theultimate controlling party as if the combination had occurred at the date that the ultimatecontrolling party first obtained control. The opening balances and the comparative figures ofthe consolidated financial statements are also restated.

Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a businesscombination involving entities not under common control, the identifiable assets and liabilitiesof the acquired subsidiaries are included in the scope of consolidation from the date thatcontrol commences, based on the fair value of those identifiable assets and liabilities at theacquisition date.

(3) Disposal of subsidiaries

When the Group loses control over a subsidiary, any resulting disposal gains or losses arerecognised as investment income for the current period. The remaining equity interests is re-measured at its fair value at the date when control is lost, any resulting gains or losses arealso recognised as investment income for the current period.

When the Group loses control of a subsidiary in multiple transactions in which it disposes ofits long-term equity investment in the subsidiary in stages, the following are considered todetermine whether the Group should account for the multiple transactions as a bundledtransaction:

- arrangements are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other;- arrangements work together to achieve an overall commercial effect;- the occurrence of one arrangement is dependent on the occurrence of at least one otherarrangement;- one arrangement considered on its own is not economically justified, but it is economicallyjustified when considered together with other arrangements.

If each of the multiple transactions does not form part of a bundled transaction, thetransactions conducted before the loss of control of the subsidiary are accounted for inaccordance with the accounting policy for partial disposal of equity investment in subsidiarieswhere control is retained (see Note III.7(4)).

If each of the multiple transactions forms part of a bundled transaction which eventuallyresults in the loss of control in the subsidiary, these multiple transactions are accounted foras a single transaction. In the consolidated financial statements, the difference between theconsideration received and the corresponding proportion of the subsidiary’s net assets(calculated continuously from the acquisition date) in each transaction prior to the loss ofcontrol shall be recognised in other comprehensive income and transferred to profit or losswhen the parent eventually loses control of the subsidiary.

(4) Changes in non-controlling interests

Where the Company acquires a non-controlling interest from a subsidiary’s non-controllingshareholders or disposes of a portion of an interest in a subsidiary without a change incontrol, the difference between the proportion interests of the subsidiary’s net assets beingacquired or disposed and the amount of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to thecapital reserve (share premium) in the consolidated balance sheet, with any excess adjustedto retained earnings.

8 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily withdraw ondemand, and short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into knownamounts of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

9 Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency financial statements

When the Group receives capital in foreign currencies from investors, the capital is translatedto Renminbi at the spot exchange rate at the date of the receipt. Other foreign currencytransactions are, on initial recognition, translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rates onthe dates of the transactions.

Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated to Renminbi at the spotexchange rate at the balance sheet date. The resulting exchange differences are generallyrecognised in profit or loss, unless they arise from the re-translation of the principal andinterest of specific borrowings for the acquisition and construction of qualifying assets (seeNote III.16). Non-monetary items that are measured at historical cost in foreign currenciesare translated to Renminbi using the exchange rate at the transaction date. Non-monetaryitems that are measured at fair value in foreign currencies are translated using the exchangerate at the date the fair value is determined. The resulting exchange differences arerecognised in profit or loss, except for the differences arising from the re-translation of equityinvestments at fair value through other comprehensive income, which are recognised in othercomprehensive income.

In translating the financial statements of a foreign operation, assets and liabilities of foreignoperation are translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date.Equity items, excluding retained earnings and the translation differences in othercomprehensive income, are translated to Renminbi at the spot exchange rates at thetransaction dates. Income and expenses of foreign operation are translated to Renminbi atthe rates that approximate the spot exchange rates at the transaction dates. The resultingtranslation differences are recognised in other comprehensive income. The translationdifferences accumulated in shareholders’ equity with respect to a foreign operation aretransferred to profit or loss in the period when the foreign operation is disposed.

10 Financial instruments

Financial instruments include cash at bank and on hand, investments in debt and equitysecurities other than those classified as long-term equity investments (see Note III.12),receivables, payables, loans and borrowings, debentures payable and share capital.

(1) Recognition and initial measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities

A financial asset or financial liability is recognised in the balance sheet when the Groupbecomes a party to the contractual provisions of a financial instrument.

A financial or financial liability is measured initially at fair value. For financial assets andfinancial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, any related directly attributabletransaction costs are charged to profit or loss; for other categories of financial assets andfinancial liabilities, any related directly attributable transaction costs are included in theirinitial costs. A trade receivable, without significant financing component or practicalexpedient applied for one year or less contracts, is initially measured at the transaction pricein accordance with Note III.24.

(2) Classification and subsequent measurement of financial assets

(a) Classification of financial assets

The classification of financial assets is generally based on the business model in whicha financial asset is managed and its contractual cash flow characteristics. On initialrecognition, a financial asset is classified as measured at amortised cost, at fair valuethrough other comprehensive income (“FVOCI”), or at fair value through profit or loss(“FVTPL”).

Financial assets are not reclassified subsequent to their initial recognition unless theGroup changes its business model for managing financial assets in which case allaffected financial assets are reclassified on the first day of the first reporting periodfollowing the change in the business model.

A financial asset is measured at amortised cost if it meets both of the followingconditions and is not designated as at FVTPL:

- it is held within a business model whose objective is to hold assets to collectcontractual cash flows; and- its contractual terms give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solelypayments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.

A debt investment is measured at FVOCI if it meets both of the following conditions andis not designated as at FVTPL:

- it is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting

contractual cash flows and selling financial assets; and- its contractual terms give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely

payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.

On initial recognition of an equity investment that is not held for trading, the Group mayirrevocably elect to present subsequent changes in the investment’s fair value in othercomprehensive income. This election is made on an investment-by-investment basis.The instrument meets the definition of equity from the perspective of the issuer.

All financial assets not classified as measured at amortised cost or FVOCI asdescribed above are measured at FVTPL. On initial recognition, the Group mayirrevocably designate a financial asset that otherwise meets the requirements to bemeasured at amortised cost or at FVOCI as at FVTPL if doing so eliminates orsignificantly reduces an accounting mismatch that would otherwise arise.

The business model refers to how the Group manages its financial assets in order togenerate cash flows. That is, the Group’s business model determines whether cashflows will result from collecting contractual cash flows, selling financial assets or both.The Group determines the business model for managing the financial assets accordingto the facts and based on the specific business objective for managing the financialassets determined by the Group’s key management personnel.

In assessing whether the contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal andinterest, the Group considers the contractual terms of the instrument. For the purposesof this assessment, ‘principal’ is defined as the fair value of the financial asset on initialrecognition. ‘Interest’ is defined as consideration for the time value of money and forthe credit risk associated with the principal amount outstanding during a particularperiod of time and for other basic lending risks and costs, as well as a profit margin.The Group also assesses whether the financial asset contains a contractual term thatcould change the timing or amount of contractual cash flows such that it would notmeet this condition.

(b) Subsequent measurement of financial assets

- Financial assets at FVTPL

These financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Net gains andlosses, including any interest or dividend income, are recognised in profit or lossunless the financial assets are part of a hedging relationship.

- Financial assets at amortised cost

These assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effectiveinterest method. A gain or loss on a financial asset that is measured at amortisedcost and is not part of a hedging relationship shall be recognised in profit or losswhen the financial asset is derecognised, reclassified, through the amortisationprocess or in order to recognise impairment gains or losses.

- Debt investments at FVOCI

These assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest income calculatedusing the effective interest method, impairment and foreign exchange gains andlosses are recognised in profit or loss. Other net gains and losses are recognised inother comprehensive income. On derecognition, gains and losses accumulated inother comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss.

- Equity investments at FVOCI

These assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividends are recognised asincome in profit or loss. Other net gains and losses are recognised in othercomprehensive income. On derecognition, gains and losses accumulated in othercomprehensive income are reclassified to retained earnings.

(3) Classification and subsequent measurement of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are classified as measured at FVTPL or amortised cost.

- Financial liabilities at FVTPL

A financial liability is classified as at FVTPL if it is classified as held-for-trading (includingderivative financial liability) or it is designated as such on initial recognition.

Financial liabilities at FVTPL are subsequently measured at fair value and net gains andlosses, including any interest expense, are recognised in profit or loss, unless the financialliabilities are part of a hedging relationship.

- Financial liabilities at amortised cost

These financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effectiveinterest method.

(4) Offsetting

Financial assets and financial liabilities are generally presented separately in the balancesheet, and are not offset. However, a financial asset and a financial liability are offset and thenet amount is presented in the balance sheet when both of the following conditions aresatisfied:

- The Group currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts;- The Group intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the financial asset andsettle the financial liability simultaneously.

(5) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial asset is derecognised when one of the following conditions is met:

- the Group’s contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire;- the financial asset has been transferred and the Group transfers substantially all of therisks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset; or;- the financial asset has been transferred, although the Group neither transfers nor retains

substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, it does notretain control over the transferred asset.

Where a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety meets the criteria for derecognition, thedifference between the two amounts below is recognised in profit or loss:

- the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred measured at the date of

derecognition;- the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and, when the transferred financialasset is a debt investment at FVOCI, any cumulative gain or loss that has beenrecognised directly in other comprehensive income for the part derecognised.

The Group derecognises a financial liability (or part of it) only when its contractual obligation(or part of it) is extinguished.

(6) Impairment

The Group recognises loss allowances for expected credit loss (ECL) on:

- financial assets measured at amortised cost;- contract assets;- debt investments at FVOCI; and- lease receivables

Financial assets measured at fair value, including debt investments or equity securities atFVTPL, equity securities designated at FVOCI and derivative financial assets, are not subjectto the ECL assessment.

Measurement of ECLs

ECLs are a probability-weighted estimate of credit losses. Credit losses are measured as thepresent value of all cash shortfalls (i.e. the difference between the cash flows due to theentity in accordance with the contract and the cash flows that the Group expects to receive).

The maximum period considered when estimating ECLs is the maximum contractual period(including extension options) over which the Group is exposed to credit risk.

Lifetime ECLs are the ECLs that result from all possible default events over the expected lifeof a financial instrument.

12-month ECLs are the portion of ECLs that result from default events that are possiblewithin the 12 months after the balance sheet date (or a shorter period if the expected life ofthe instrument is less than 12 months).

Loss allowances for bills receivable, accounts receivable, receivables under financing andcontract assets arising from ordinary business activities such as sale of goods and provisionof services, as well as lease receivables arising from lease transactions are alwaysmeasured at an amount equal to lifetime ECLs. ECLs on these financial assets are estimatedusing a provision matrix based on the Group’s historical credit loss experience, adjusted forfactors that are specific to the debtors and an assessment of both the current and forecastgeneral economic conditions at the balance sheet date.

Except for bills receivable, accounts receivable, receivables under financing, contract assets,and lease receivables, the Group measures loss allowances at an amount equal to 12-monthECLs for the following financial instruments, and at an amount equal to lifetime ECLs for allother financial instruments:

- If the financial instrument is determined to have low credit risk at the balance sheet date;- If the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial


Provisions for bad and doubtful debts arising from receivables

Categories of groups for collective assessment based on credit risk characteristics and basisfor determination

Itemclassification of partition and combination
Bills receivableBased on the different credit risk characteristics of acceptors, the Group classifies bills receivable into two groups: bank acceptance bills and commercial acceptance bills.
Accounts receivableHistorically, there is no significant difference in terms of occurrence of losses among different customer types for the Group. Therefore, the Group classifies accounts receivable into three groups, specifically: receivables from customers with high credit risk, receivables from customers with low credit risk and receivables from customers with medium credit risk.
Receivables under financingThe Group’s receivables under financing are bank acceptance bills held for dual purposes. As the accepting banks have high credit ratings, the Group considers all receivables under financing as a single group.
Other receivablesThe Group’s other receivables mainly include cash pledges and deposits receivable, petty cash receivables due from employees, receivables due from related parties, dividends receivable, etc. Based on the nature of receivables and the credit risk characteristics of different counterparties, the Group classifies other receivables into three groups, specifically: receivables with high credit risk, receivables with low credit risk and receivables with medium credit risk.
Contract assetsHistorically, there is no significant difference in terms of occurrence of losses among different customer types for the Group. Therefore, the Group makes provisions for bad and doubtful debts arising from contract assets on the basis of all customers being one group without further segmentation by different customer types.

Financial instruments that have low credit risk

The credit risk on a financial instrument is considered low if the financial instrument has a lowrisk of default, the borrower has a strong capacity to meet its contractual cash flowobligations in the near term and adverse changes in economic and business conditions in thelonger term may, but will not necessarily, reduce the ability of the borrower to fulfil itscontractual cash flow obligations.

Significant increases in credit risk

In assessing whether the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly sinceinitial recognition, the Group compares the risk of default occurring on the financialinstrument assessed at the balance sheet date with that assessed at the date of initialrecognition.

When determining whether the credit risk of a financial asset has increased significantlysince initial recognition and when estimating ECL, the Group considers reasonable andsupportable information that is relevant and available without undue cost or effort, includingforward-looking information. In particular, the following information is taken into account:

- failure to make payments of principal or interest on their contractually due dates;- an actual or expected significant deterioration in a financial instrument’s external orinternal credit rating (if available);- an actual or expected significant deterioration in the operating results of the debtor; and- existing or forecast changes in the technological, market, economic or legal environmentthat have a significant adverse effect on the debtor’s ability to meet its obligation to theGroup.

Depending on the nature of the financial instruments, the assessment of a significantincrease in credit risk is performed on either an individual basis or a collective basis. Whenthe assessment is performed on a collective basis, the financial instruments are groupedbased on shared credit risk characteristics, such as past due status and credit risk ratings.

The Group assumes that the credit risk on a financial asset has increased significantly if it ismore than 30 days past due.

Credit-impaired financial assets

At each balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether financial assets carried atamortised cost and debt investments at FVOCI are credit-impaired. A financial asset is‘credit-impaired’ when one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimatedfuture cash flows of the financial asset have occurred. Evidence that a financial asset iscredit-impaired includes the following observable data:

- significant financial difficulty of the borrower or issuer;- a breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;- for economic or contractual reasons relating to the borrower’s financial difficulty, theGroup having granted to the borrower a concession that would not otherwise consider;- it is probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation; or- the disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financialdifficulties.

Presentation of allowance for ECL

ECLs are remeasured at each balance sheet date to reflect changes in the financialinstrument’s credit risk since initial recognition. Any change in the ECL amount is recognisedas an impairment gain or loss in profit or loss. The Group recognises an impairment gain orloss for all financial instruments with a corresponding adjustment to their carrying amountthrough a loss allowance account, except for debt investments that are measured at FVOCI,for which the loss allowance is recognised in other comprehensive income,other thanoffsetting the carrying amount.


The gross carrying amount of a financial asset is written-off (either partially or in full) to theextent that there is no realistic prospect of recovery. A write-off constitutes a derecognitionevent. This is generally the case when the Group determines that the debtor does not haveassets or sources of income that could generate sufficient cash flows to repay the amountssubject to the write-off. However, financial assets that are written-off could still be subject toenforcement activities in order to comply with the Group’s procedures for recovery ofamounts due.

Subsequent recoveries of an asset that was previously written-off are recognised as areversal of impairment in profit or loss in the period in which the recovery occurs.

(7) Equity instrument

The consideration received from the issuance of equity instruments net of transaction costsis recognised in shareholders’ equity. Consideration and transaction costs paid by theCompany for repurchasing self-issued equity instruments are deducted from shareholders’equity.

When the Company repurchases its own shares, those shares are treated as treasuryshares. All expenditure relating to the repurchase is recorded in the cost of the treasuryshares, with the transaction recording in the share register. Treasury shares are excludedfrom profit distributions and are presented as a deduction under shareholders’ equity in thebalance sheet.

When treasury shares are cancelled, the share capital should be reduced to the extent of thetotal par value of the treasury shares cancelled. Where the cost of the treasury sharescancelled exceeds the total par value, the excess is deducted from capital reserve (sharepremium), surplus reserve and retained earnings sequentially. If the cost of treasury sharescancelled is less than the total par value, the difference is credited to the capital reserve(share premium).

When treasury shares are disposed of, any excess of proceeds above cost is recognised incapital reserve (share premium); otherwise, the shortfall is deducted against capital reserve(share premium), surplus reserve and retained earnings sequentially.

(8) Perpetual bonds

At initial recognition, the Group classifies the perpetual bonds issued or their components asfinancial assets, financial liabilities or equity instruments based on their contractual terms andtheir economic substance after considering the definition of financial assets, financialliabilities and equity instruments.

Perpetual bonds issued that should be classified as equity instruments are recognised inequity based on the actual amount received. Any distribution of dividends or interests duringthe instruments’ duration is treated as profit appropriation. When the perpetual bonds areredeemed according to the contractual terms, the redemption price is charged to equity.

11 Inventories

(1) Inventory classification

Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and reusable materials.Reusable materials include low-value consumables, packaging materials and othermaterials, which can be used repeatedly but do not meet the definition of fixed assets.

Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase,costs of conversion and other expenditure incurred in bringing the inventories to their presentlocation and condition. In addition to the purchase cost of raw materials, work in progressand finished goods include direct labour costs and an appropriate allocation of productionoverheads.

(2) Issuance valuation methods

Cost of inventories recognised is calculated using the weighted average method.

(3) Inventory system

The Group maintains a perpetual inventory system.

(4) Amortization method for low-value consumables and packing materials

Low-value consumables and working capital materials such as packaging are amortizedusing the lump-sum transfer method and are included in the cost of the related assets or inprofit or loss for the current period.

(5) Confirmation criteria and method for provision for obsolete inventories

At the balance sheet date, inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisablevalue.

Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less theestimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale andrelevant taxes. The net realisable value of materials held for use in the production ismeasured based on the net realisable value of the finished goods in which they will beincorporated. The net realisable value of the inventory held to satisfy sales or servicecontracts is measured based on the contract price, to the extent of the quantities specified insales contracts, and the excess portion of inventories is measured based on general sellingprices.

Any excess of the cost over the net realisable value of each category of inventories isrecognised as a provision for obsolete inventories, and is recognised in profit or loss.

12 Long-term equity investments

(1) Investment cost of long-term equity investments

(a) Long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination

- The initial cost of a long-term equity investment acquired through a businesscombination involving entities under common control is the Company’s share of thecarrying amount of the subsidiary’s equity in the consolidated financial statements ofthe ultimate controlling party at the combination date. The difference between theinitial investment cost and the carrying amount of the consideration given is adjustedto the share premium in the capital reserve, with any excess adjusted to retainedearnings. For a long-term equity investment in a subsidiary acquired through abusiness combination achieved in stages which do not form a bundled transactionand involving entities under common control, the Company determines the initialcost of the investment in accordance with the above policies. The differencebetween this initial cost and the sum of the carrying amount of previously-heldinvestment and the consideration paid for the shares newly acquired is adjusted tocapital premium in the capital reserve, with any excess adjusted to retainedearnings.

- For a long-term equity investment obtained through a business combination notinvolving entities under common control, the initial cost comprises the aggregate ofthe fair value of assets transferred, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equitysecurities issued by the Company, in exchange for control of the acquiree. For along-term equity investment obtained through a business combination not involvingentities under common control and achieved through multiple transactions in stageswhich do not form a bundled transaction, the initial cost comprises the carryingamount of the previously-held equity investment in the acquiree immediately beforethe acquisition date, and the additional investment cost at the acquisition date.

(b) Long-term equity investments acquired other than through a business combination

- A long-term equity investment acquired other than through a business combination

is initially recognised at the amount of cash paid if the Group acquires theinvestment by cash, or at the fair value of the equity securities issued if aninvestment is acquired by issuing equity securities.

(2) Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment

(a) Investments in subsidiaries

In the Company’s separate financial statements, long-term equity investments insubsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method for subsequent measurementunless the investment is classified as held for sale (see Note III.31). Except for cashdividends or profit distributions declared but not yet distributed that have been includedin the price or consideration paid-in obtaining the investments, the Companyrecognises its share of the cash dividends or profit distributions declared by theinvestee as investment income for the current period.

The investments in subsidiaries are stated in the balance sheet at cost lessaccumulated impairment losses.

For the impairment of the investments in subsidiaries, refer to Note III.20.

In the Group’s consolidated financial statements, subsidiaries are accounted for inaccordance with the policies described in Note III.7.

(b) Investment in joint ventures and associates

A joint venture is an arrangement whereby the Group and other parties have jointcontrol (see Note III.12(3)) and rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

An associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence (see NoteIII.12(3)).

An investment in a joint venture or an associate is accounted for using the equitymethod for subsequent measurement, unless the investment is classified as held forsale (see Note III.31).

The accounting treatments under the equity method adopted by the Group are asfollows:

- Where the initial cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s interestin the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition, theinvestment is initially recognised at cost. Where the initial investment cost is lessthan the Group’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets atthe date of acquisition, the investment is initially recognised at the investor’s shareof the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets, and the difference isrecognised in profit or loss.

- After the acquisition of the investment, the Group recognises its share of theinvestee’s profit or loss and other comprehensive income as investment income orlosses and other comprehensive income respectively, and adjusts the carryingamount of the investment accordingly. Once the investee declares any cashdividends or profit distributions, the carrying amount of the investment is reduced bythe amount attributable to the Group. Changes in the Group’s share of theinvestee’s owners’ equity, other than those arising from the investee’s net profit orloss, other comprehensive income or profit distribution (referred to as “otherchanges in owners’ equity”), is recognised directly in the Group’s equity, and thecarrying amount of the investment is adjusted accordingly.

- In calculating its share of the investee’s net profits or losses, other comprehensiveincome and other changes in owners’ equity, the Group recognises investmentincome and other comprehensive income after making appropriate adjustments toalign the accounting policies or accounting periods with those of the Group based onthe fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition.Unrealised profits and losses resulting from transactions between the Group and itsassociates or joint ventures are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in theassociates or joint ventures. Unrealised losses resulting from transactions betweenthe Group and its associates or joint ventures are eliminated in the same way asunrealised gains but only to the extent that there is no impairment.

- The Group discontinues recognising its share of further losses of the investee afterthe carrying amount of the long-term equity investment and any long-term interestthat in substance forms part of the Group’s net investment in the joint venture orassociate is reduced to zero, except to the extent that the Group has an obligation toassume additional losses. If the joint venture or associate subsequently reports netprofits, the Group resumes recognising its share of those profits only after its shareof the profits has fully covered the share of losses not recognised.

For the impairment of the investments in joint ventures and associates, refer to NoteIII.20.

(3) Criteria for determining the existence of joint control or significant influence over an investee

Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which existsonly when decisions about the relevant activities (activities with significant impact on thereturns of the arrangement) require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.

The following factors are usually considered when assessing whether the Group canexercise joint control over an investee:

- Whether no single participant party is in a position to control the investee’s relatedactivities unilaterally;- Whether strategic decisions relating to the investee’s related activities require theunanimous consent of all participant parties that sharing of control.

Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisionsof an investee but does not have control or joint control over those policies.

13 Investment properties

Investment properties are properties held either to earn rental income or for capitalappreciation or for both. Investment properties are accounted for using the cost model andstated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation, amortisation andimpairment losses. The cost of investment property, less its estimated residual value andaccumulated impairment losses, is depreciated or amortised using the straight-line methodover its estimated useful life, unless the investment property is classified as held for sale (seeNote III.31). For the impairment of the investment properties, refer to Note III.20.

The estimated useful lives, residual value rates and depreciation rates of each class ofinvestment properties are as follows:

?Estimated useful life (years)?Residual value rate (%)?Depreciation rate (%)
Land use rights32 - 50 years?0.0%?2.0% - 3.1%
Buildings20 - 40 years?0% - 10.0%?2.3% - 5.0%



14 Fixed assets

(1) Recognition of fixed assets

Fixed assets represent the tangible assets held by the Group for use in the production ofgoods, supply of services, for rental or for administrative purposes with useful lives over oneyear.

The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price, related taxes, and anydirectly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to working condition for its intendeduse. The cost of self-constructed assets is measured in accordance with the policy set out inNote III.15.

Where the parts of an item of fixed assets have different useful lives or provide benefits tothe Group in a different pattern, thus necessitating use of different depreciation rates ormethods, each part is recognised as a separate fixed asset.

Any subsequent costs including the cost of replacing part of an item of fixed assets arerecognised as assets when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with thecosts will flow to the Group, and the carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised.The costs of the day-to-day maintenance of fixed assets are recognised in profit or loss asincurred.

Fixed assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation andimpairment losses.

(2) Depreciation of fixed assets

The cost of a fixed asset, less its estimated residual value and accumulated impairmentlosses, is depreciated using the straight-line method over its estimated useful life, unless thefixed asset is classified as held for sale (see Note III.31).

The estimated useful lives, residual value rates and depreciation rates of each class of fixedassets are as follows:

ClassEstimated useful life (years)?Residual value rate (%)?Depreciation rate (%)
Buildings10 - 50 years?3% - 10%?1.8% - 9.7%
Equipment2 - 25 years?0 - 10%?3.6% - 50%
Others2 - 10 years?0 - 10%?9.0% - 50%



Useful lives, residual values and depreciation methods are reviewed at least at each year-end.

(3) For the impairment of the fixed assets, refer to Note III.20.

(4) Disposal of fixed assets

The carrying amount of a fixed asset is derecognised:

- when the fixed asset is holding for disposal; or- when no future economic benefit is expected to be generated from its use or disposal.

Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of an item of fixed asset aredetermined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount ofthe item, and are recognised in profit or loss on the date of retirement or disposal.

15 Construction in progress

The cost of self-constructed assets includes the cost of materials, direct labour, capitalisedborrowing costs (see Note III.16), and any other costs directly attributable to bringing theasset to working condition for its intended use.

A self-constructed asset is classified as construction in progress and transferred to fixedasset when it is ready for its intended use. No depreciation is provided against constructionin progress.

The criteria according to which, construction projects in progress are transferred to fixedassets:

CategoryCriteria for the transfers to fixed assets
Plant and buildingsSatisfy the acceptance criteria and be available for its predetermined readiness for use
Machinery and equipmentInstallation and commissioning are qualified, and be available for its predetermined readiness for use?



Construction in progress is stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated impairmentlosses (see Note III.20).

When an enterprise sells products or by-products produced before a fixed asset is availablefor its intended use, the proceeds and related cost are accounted for in accordance with CAS14 – Revenue and CAS 1 – Inventories respectively, and recognised in profit or loss for thecurrent period.

16 Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs incurred directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of aqualifying asset are capitalised as part of the cost of the asset. Other borrowing costs arerecognised as financial expenses when incurred.

During the capitalisation period, the amount of interest (including amortisation of anydiscount or premium on borrowing) to be capitalised in each accounting period is determinedas follows:

- Where funds are borrowed specifically for the acquisition and construction of a qualifyingasset, the amount of interest to be capitalised is the interest expense calculated usingeffective interest rates during the period less any interest income earned from depositingthe borrowed funds or any investment income on the temporary investment of those fundsbefore being used on the asset.

- To the extent that the Group borrows funds generally and uses them for the acquisitionand construction of a qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible forcapitalisation is determined by applying a capitalisation rate to the weighted average ofthe excess amounts of cumulative expenditure on the asset over the above amounts ofspecific borrowings. The capitalisation rate is the weighted average of the interest rates

applicable to the general-purpose borrowings. The capitalisation rate is the weightedaverage of the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.

The effective interest rate is determined as the rate that exactly discounts estimated futurecash flow through the expected life of the borrowing or, when appropriate, a shorter period tothe initially recognised amount of the borrowings.

During the capitalisation period, exchange differences related to the principal and interest ona specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreign currency are capitalised as part of thecost of the qualifying asset. The exchange differences related to the principal and interest onforeign currency borrowings other than a specific-purpose borrowing are recognised as afinancial expense when incurred.

The capitalisation period is the period from the date of commencement of capitalisation ofborrowing costs to the date of cessation of capitalisation, excluding any period over whichcapitalisation is suspended. Capitalisation of borrowing costs commences when expenditurefor the asset is being incurred, borrowing costs are being incurred and activities of acquisitionand construction that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use are in progress,and ceases when the assets become ready for their intended use. When the parts of thequalifying assets acquired or constructed that are eligible for capitalisation are completedseparately, and each part is available for use in other parts of the construction process orcan be sold externally, and for the purpose of making the parts of the assets ready for use ornecessary for the sales status, the acquisition or construction activities have beensubstantially completed, the Group ceases the capitalisation of the borrowing costs related tothe parts of the assets. Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended when the acquisitionand construction activities are interrupted abnormally for a period of more than three months.

17 Intangible assets

(1) Estimated useful life and amortisation method

Intangible assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated amortisation(where the estimated useful life is finite) and impairment losses (see Note III.20). For anintangible asset with finite useful life, its cost less estimated residual value and accumulatedimpairment losses is amortised using the straight-line method over its estimated useful life,unless the intangible asset is classified as held for sale (see Note III.31).

The estimated useful lives, basis for determination and amortisation methods of intangibleassets are as follows:

ItemEstimated useful life (years)?Basis for determination?Amortisation method
Land use rights20 - 50 years?Terms of land use rights??Straight-line method?
Patents and know-how5 - 20 years?Terms of patents?Straight-line method??
Computer software3 - 10 years??Estimated useful life?Straight-line method??
Others5 - 20 years?Estimated useful life??Straight-line method??


Useful lives and amortisation methods of intangible assets with finite useful life are reviewedat least at each year-end. An intangible asset is regarded as having an indefinite useful lifeand is not amortised when there is no foreseeable limit to the period over which the asset isexpected to generate economic benefits for the Group. At the balance sheet date, the Groupdoes not have any intangible assets with indefinite useful lives.

(2) The scope of research and development expenditures

The Group aggregates all expenses directly related to R&D activities into R&D expenditures,which encompass labor costs, material costs, depreciation and amortization, as well as othermiscellaneous expenses. The expenditures on internal research and development projectswithin the Group are categorized into two phases: research phase expenditures anddevelopment phase expenditures.

Expenditures in the research phase are recognized as an expense in the current periodwhen they occur. As for the expenditures in the development phase, if a product or processdeveloped during this phase is deemed technically and commercially feasible, and the Grouppossesses sufficient resources and intention to complete the development work, and thedevelopment phase expenditures can be reliably measured, such expenditures will becapitalized. Capitalized development expenditures are presented on the balance sheet atcost less any impairment provision (as per Note 3, Item 20). Other development costs that donot meet capitalization criteria are recognized as expenses in the period in which they arise.

In instances where products or by-products resulting from the R&D process are soldexternally, the enterprise follows the stipulations outlined in Accounting Standards forEnterprises No. 14 - Revenue Recognition and No. 1 - Inventories, respectively, toseparately account for the corresponding revenues and costs, ultimately recognizing them asincome or expenses in the current period.

(3) The basis for the classification of internal R&D projects under the research phase and the

development phase

- The phase of planned investigations to acquire new techniques and knowledge should be

identified as the research phase, which is characterised by, among other things, aplanned and exploratory approach.

- The phase of applying research results or other knowledge to a plan or design to produce

new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, etc., prior to commercialproduction or use, shall be identified as the development phase, which is characterised byits relevance and greater likelihood of generating results.

18 Goodwill

The initial cost of goodwill represents the excess of cost of acquisition over the acquirer’sinterest in the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree under a businesscombination not involving entities under common control.

Goodwill is not amortised and is stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulatedimpairment losses (see Note III.20). On disposal of an asset group or a set of asset groups,any attributable goodwill is written-off and included in the calculation of the profit or loss ondisposal.

19 Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are amortised using a straight-line method within the benefitperiod. The respective amortisation periods for such expenses are as follows:

ItemAmortisation period (years)
Technology royalty fees prepaid1 - 11 years
Payment for public facilities construction and use10 - 15 years
Leasehold improvements2 - 10 years
Others2 - 10 years



20 Impairment of assets other than inventories and financial assets

The carrying amounts of the following assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date basedon internal and external sources of information to determine whether there is any indicationof impairment:

- fixed assets- construction in progress- right-of-use assets- intangible assets- investment properties measured using a cost model- long-term equity investments- goodwill- long-term deferred expenses, etc.

If any indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated. In addition, theGroup estimates the recoverable amounts of goodwill at each year-end, irrespective ofwhether there is any indication of impairment. Goodwill is allocated to each asset group orset of asset groups, which is expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination forthe purpose of impairment testing.

The recoverable amount of an asset (or asset group, set of asset groups) is the higher of itsfair value (see Note III.21) less costs to sell and its present value of expected future cashflows.

An asset group is composed of assets directly related to cash generation and is the smallestidentifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of thecash inflows from other assets or asset groups.

The present value of expected future cash flows of an asset is determined by discounting thefuture cash flows, estimated to be derived from continuing use of the asset and from itsultimate disposal, to their present value using an appropriate pre-tax discount rate.

An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss when the recoverable amount of an asset isless than its carrying amount. A provision for impairment of the asset is recognisedaccordingly. Impairment losses related to an asset group or a set of asset groups areallocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group orset of asset groups, and then to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the assetgroup or set of asset groups on a pro rata basis. However, such allocation would not reduce

the carrying amount of an asset below the highest of its fair value less costs to sell (ifmeasurable), its present value of expected future cash flows (if determinable) and zero.

Once an impairment loss is recognised, it is not reversed in a subsequent period.

21 Fair value measurement

Unless otherwise specified, the Group measures fair value as follows:

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability inan orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

When measuring fair value, the Group takes into account the characteristics of the particularasset or liability (including the condition and location of the asset and restrictions, if any, onthe sale or use of the asset) that market participants would consider when pricing the assetor liability at the measurement date, and uses valuation techniques that are appropriate inthe circumstances and for which sufficient data and other information are available tomeasure fair value. Valuation techniques mainly include the market approach, the incomeapproach and the cost approach.

22 Provisions

A provision is recognised for an obligation related to a contingency if the Group has apresent obligation that can be estimated reliably, and it is probable that an outflow ofeconomic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.

A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle therelated present obligation. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, provisionsare determined by discounting the expected future cash flows. Factors pertaining to acontingency such as the risks, uncertainties and time value of money are taken into accountas a whole in reaching the best estimate. Where there is a continuous range of possibleoutcomes for the expenditure required, and each possible outcome in that range is as likelyas any other, the best estimate is the mid-point of that range. In other cases, the bestestimate is determined according to the following circumstances:

- Where the contingency involves a single item, the best estimate is the most likelyoutcome.- Where the contingency involves a large population of items, the best estimate isdetermined by weighting all possible outcomes by their associated probabilities.

The Group reviews the carrying amount of a provision at the balance sheet date and adjuststhe carrying amount to the current best estimate.

23 Share-based payments

(1) Classification of share-based payments

Share-based payment transactions in the Group are equity-settled share-based payments.

(2) Accounting treatment of share-based payments

- Equity-settled share-based payments

Where the Group uses shares or other equity instruments as consideration for servicesreceived from the employees, the payment is measured at the fair value of the equityinstruments granted to the employees at the grant date. If the equity instruments granteddo not vest until the completion of services for a period, or until the achievement of aspecified performance condition, the Group recognises an amount at each balance sheetdate during the vesting period based on the best estimate of the number of equityinstruments expected to vest according to the newly obtained subsequent information ofthe changes of the number of the employees expected to vest the equity instruments. TheGroup measures the services received at the grant-date fair value of the equityinstruments and recognises the costs or expenses as the services are received, with acorresponding increase in capital reserve.

24 Revenue recognition

Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits arising in the course of the Group’sordinary activities when the inflows result in increase in shareholders’ equity, other thanincrease relating to contributions from shareholders.

Revenue is recognised when the Group satisfies the performance obligation in the contractby transferring the control over relevant goods or services to the customers.

Where a contract has two or more performance obligations, the Group determines the stand-alone selling price at contract inception of the distinct good or service underlying eachperformance obligation in the contract and allocates the transaction price in proportion tothose stand-alone selling prices. The Group recognises as revenue the amount of thetransaction price that is allocated to each performance obligation. The stand-alone sellingprice is the price at which the Group would sell a promised good or service separately to acustomer. If a stand-alone selling price is not directly observable, the Group considers allinformation that is reasonably available to the entity, maximises the use of observable inputsto estimate the stand-alone selling price.

For the contract which the Group grants a customer the option to acquire additional goods orservices (such as, loyalty points, discount coupons for future purchase, etc.,), the Groupassesses whether the option provides a material right to the customer. If the option providesa material right, the Group recognises the option as a performance obligation, andrecognises revenue when those future goods or services are transferred or when the optionexpires. If the stand-alone selling price for a customer’s option to acquire additional goods orservices is not directly observable, the Group estimates it, taking into account all relevantinformation, including the difference in the discount that the customer would receive whenexercising the option or without exercising the option, and the likelihood that the option willbe exercised.

For the contract with a warranty, the Group analyses the nature of the warranty provided, ifthe warranty provides the customer with a distinct service in addition to the assurance thatthe product complies with agreed-upon specifications, the Group recognises for the promisedwarranty as a performance obligation. Otherwise, the Group accounts for the warranty inaccordance with the requirements of CAS No.13 – Contingencies.

The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Group expects to beentitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excludingamounts collected on behalf of third parties. The Group recognises the transaction price onlyto the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulativerevenue recognised will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variableconsideration is subsequently resolved. To determine the transaction price for contracts inwhich a customer promises consideration in a form other than cash, the Group measures thenon-cash consideration at fair value. If the Group cannot reasonably estimate the fair valueof the non-cash consideration, the Group measures the consideration indirectly by referenceto the stand-alone selling price of the goods or services promised to the customer inexchange for the consideration. Where the contract contains a significant financingcomponent, the Group recognises the transaction price at an amount that reflects the pricethat a customer would have paid for the promised goods or services if the customer had paidcash for those goods or services when (or as) they transfer to the customer. The differencebetween the amount of promised consideration and the cash selling price is amortised usingan effective interest method over the contract term. The Group does not adjust theconsideration for any effects of a significant financing component if it expects, at contractinception, that the period between when the Group transfers a promised good or service to acustomer and when the customer pays for that good or service will be one year or less.

The Group satisfies a performance obligation over time if one of the following criteria is met;or otherwise, a performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time:

- the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Group’sperformance as the Group performs;- the customer can control the asset created or enhanced during the Group’s performance;or- the Group’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to it and the

Group has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.

For performance obligation satisfied over time, the Group recognises revenue over time bymeasuring the progress towards complete satisfaction of that performance obligation. Whenthe outcome of that performance obligation cannot be measured reasonably, but the Groupexpects to recover the costs incurred in satisfying the performance obligation, the Grouprecognises revenue only to the extent of the costs incurred until such time that it canreasonably measure the outcome of the performance obligation.

For performance obligation satisfied at a point in time, the Group recognises revenue at thepoint in time at which the customer obtains control of relevant goods or services. Todetermine whether a customer has obtained control of goods or services, the Groupconsiders the following indicators:

- the Group has a present right to payment for the goods or services;- the Group has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer;- the Group has transferred the legal title of the goods or the significant risks and rewards ofownership of the goods to the customer; and- the customer has accepted the goods or services.

The Group determines whether it is a principal or an agent, depending on whether it obtainscontrol of the specified good or service before that good or service is transferred to acustomer. The Group is a principal if it controls the specified good or service before that goodor service is transferred to a customer, and recognises revenue in the gross amount ofconsideration to which it has received (or receivable). Otherwise, the Group is an agent, andrecognises revenue in the amount of any fee or commission to which it expects to be entitled.

The fee or commission is the net amount of consideration that the Group retains after payingthe other party the consideration, or is the established amount or proportion.

For the sale of a product with a right of return, the Group recognises revenue when theGroup obtains control of that product, in the amount of consideration to which the Groupexpects to be entitled in exchange for the product transferred (i.e. excluding the amount ofwhich expected to be returned), and recognises a refund liability for the products expected tobe returned. Meanwhile, an asset is recognised in the amount of carrying amount of theproduct expected to be returned less any expected costs to recover those products (includingpotential decreases in the value of returned products), and carry forward to cost in theamount of carrying amount of the transferred products less the above costs. At the end ofeach reporting period, the Group updates its assessment of future sales return. If there is anychange, it is accounted for as a change in accounting estimate.

The Group determines whether the licence transfers to a customer either at a point in time orover time. If all of the following criteria are met, revenue is recognised for performanceobligations satisfied over time. Otherwise, revenue is recognised for performance obligationssatisfied at a point in time.

- the contract requires, or the customer reasonably expects, that the Group will undertakeactivities that significantly affect the intellectual property to which the customer has rights;- the rights granted by the licence directly expose the customer to any positive or negativeeffects of the Group’s activities; and- those activities do not result in the transfer of a good or a service to the customer as thoseactivities occur.

The Group recognises revenue for a sales-based or usage-based royalty promised inexchange for a licence of intellectual property only when (or as) the later of the followingevents occurs:

- the subsequent sale or usage occurs; and- the performance obligation has been satisfied (or partially satisfied)

For a change in the scope or price of a contract that is approved by the parties to thecontract, the Group accounts for the contract modification according to the followingsituations:

- The addition of promised goods or services are distinct and the price of the contractincreases by an amount of consideration reflects stand-alone selling prices of theadditional promised goods or services, the Group shall account for a contract modificationas a separate contract.

- If the above criteria are not met, and the remaining goods or services are distinct from the

goods or services transferred on the date of the contract modification, the Group accountsfor the contract modification as if it were a termination of the existing contract and thecreation of a new contract.

- If the above criteria are not met, and the remaining goods or services are not distinct from

the goods or services transferred on the date of the contract modification, the Groupaccounts for the contract modification as if it were a part of the existing contract. Theeffect that the contract modification has on the revenue is recognised as an adjustment torevenue in the reporting period.

A contract asset is the Group’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that ithas transferred to a customer when that right is conditional on something other than thepassage of time. The Group recognises loss allowances for expected credit loss on contractassets (see Note III.10(6)). Accounts receivable is the Group’s right to consideration that isunconditional (only the passage of time is required). A contract liability is the Group’sobligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the Group has receivedconsideration (or an amount of consideration is due) from the customer.

The following is the description of accounting policies regarding revenue from the Group’sprincipal activities:

(1) Sale of goods

The sales contracts/orders signed between the Group and its customers usuallycontain various trading terms. Depending on the trading terms, customers obtaincontrol of the goods when the goods are delivered and received, or when they arereceived by the carrier. Revenue of sale of goods is recognised at that point in time.

For the transfer of goods with a right of return, revenue is recognised to the extent thatit is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenuerecognised will not occur. Therefore, the amount of revenue recognised is adjusted forthe amount expected to be returned, which are estimated based on the historical data.The Group recognises a refund liability based on the amount expected to be returned.An asset is initially measured by reference to the former carrying amount of the productexpected to be returned less any expected costs to recover those products (includingpotential decreases in the value to the Group of returned products). At each balancesheet date, the Group updates the measurement of the refund liability for changes inexpectations about the amount of funds. The above asset and liability are adjustedaccordingly.

(2) Rendering of services

The Group recognises the revenue from rendering of services within a certain period oftime according to the progress of the performance as the customer simultaneouslyreceives and consumes the benefits provided by the Group’s performance as theGroup performs. Otherwise, for performance obligation satisfied at a point in time, theGroup recognises revenue at the point in time at which the customer obtains control ofrelevant services.

25 Contract costs

Contract costs are either the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a customer or thecosts to fulfil a contract with a customer.

Incremental costs of obtaining a contract are those costs that the Group incurs to obtain acontract with a customer that it would not have incurred if the contract had not beenobtained. The Group recognises as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contractwith a customer if it expects to recover those costs. Other costs of obtaining a contract areexpensed when incurred.

If the costs to fulfil a contract with a customer are not within the scope of inventories or otheraccounting standards, the Group recognises an asset from the costs incurred to fulfil acontract only if those costs meet all of the following criteria:

- the costs relate directly to an existing contract or to a specifically identifiable anticipatedcontract, including direct labour, direct materials, allocations of overheads (or similarcosts), costs that are explicitly chargeable to the customer and other costs that areincurred only because the Group entered into the contract

- the costs generate or enhance resources of the Group that will be used in satisfying (or incontinuing to satisfy) performance obligations in the future; and- the costs are expected to be recovered.

Assets recognised for the incremental costs of obtaining a contract and assets recognised forthe costs to fulfil a contract (the “assets related to contract costs”) are amortised on asystematic basis that is consistent with the transfer to the customer of the goods or servicesto which the assets relate and recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

The Group recognises an impairment loss in profit or loss to the extent that the carryingamount of an asset related to contract costs exceeds:

- remaining amount of consideration that the Group expects to receive in exchange for thegoods or services to which the asset relates; less- the costs that relate directly to providing those goods or services that have not yet beenrecognised as expenses.

26 Employee benefits

(1) Short-term employee benefits

Employee wages or salaries, bonuses, social security contributions such as medicalinsurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing fund, measured at theamount incurred or accrued at the applicable benchmarks and rates, are recognised as aliability as the employee provides services, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss orincluded in the cost of assets where appropriate.

(2) Post-employment benefits – defined contribution plans

Pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, the Groupparticipated in a defined contribution basic pension insurance plan and unemploymentinsurance plan in the social insurance system established and managed by governmentorganisations, and annuity plan established by the Group in compliance with the nationalpolicy of the corporation annuity. The Group makes contributions to basic pension andunemployment insurance plans based on the applicable benchmarks and rates stipulated bythe government. Annuity is accrued based on the gross salaries of the employees. Basicpension insurance contributions payable are recognised as a liability as the employeeprovides services, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss or included in the cost ofassets where appropriate.

(3) Post-employment benefits – defined benefit plans

During the reporting period, the Group did not have defined benefit plans.

(4) Termination benefits

When the Group terminates the employment with employees before the employmentcontracts expire, or provides compensation under an offer to encourage employees to acceptvoluntary redundancy, a provision is recognised with a corresponding expense in profit orloss at the earlier of the following dates:

- When the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of

an employee termination plan or a curtailment proposal;- When the Group has a formal detailed restructuring plan involving the payment of

termination benefits and has raised a valid expectation in those affected that it will carry

out the restructuring by starting to implement that plan or announcing its main features to

those affected by it.

27 Government grants

Government grants are non-reciprocal transfers of monetary or non-monetary assets fromthe government to the Group except for capital contributions from the government in thecapacity as an investor in the Group.

A government grant is recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the grant will bereceived and that the Group will comply with the conditions attaching to the grant.

If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at theamount received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value.

Government grants related to assets are grants whose primary condition is that the Groupqualifying for them should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets.Government grants related to income are grants other than those related to assets.

Those related to daily activities of the Company are included in other income or used to writeoff related cost based on the nature of economic businesses, or included in non-operatingincome and expense in respect of those not related to daily activities of the Company.

With respect to the government grants related to assets, if the Group first obtainsgovernment grants related to assets and then recognizes the long-term assets purchasedand constructed, deferred income is included in profit and loss based on a reasonable andsystematic approach by stages when related assets are initially depreciated or amortized; orthe deferred income is written off against the carrying amount of the asset when the assetbecomes ready for its intended status or intended use. If the Group obtains governmentgrants related to the assets after relevant long-term assets are put into use, deferred incomeis included in profit and loss based on a reasonable and systematic approach by stageswithin the remaining useful life of relevant assets, or the deferred income is written offagainst the carrying amount of relevant asset when the grants are obtained; the assets shallbe depreciated or amortized based on the carrying amount after being offset and theremaining useful life of relevant assets.

A grant that compensates the Group for expenses or losses to be incurred in the future isrecognised as deferred income, and included in current income or offset against relatedexpenses in the periods in which the expenses or losses are recognised. Or included incurrent income or offset against the related expenses directly.

In respect of the policy-based preferential loan interest subsidy obtained by the Group, if theinterest subsidy is appropriated to the lending bank which shall provide loans to the Group atthe policy-based preferential interest rate, the actual loan amount is used as the entry valueand relevant borrowing costs are calculated on the basis of the loan principal and thepreferential interest rate. If the interest subsidy is directly appropriated to the Group, relevantborrowing costs shall be offset by corresponding interest subsidy. If borrowing costs arecapitalized as part of the cost of the asset (see Note III. 16), the interest subsidy shall beused to offset relevant asset costs.

28 Specific reserve

The Group recognises a safety fund in the specific reserve pursuant to relevant governmentregulations, with a corresponding increase in the costs of the related products or expenses.

When the safety fund is subsequently used for revenue expenditure, the specific reserve isreduced accordingly. When the safety fund is subsequently used for the construction oracquisition of fixed assets, the Group recognises the capitalised expenditure incurred as thecost of the fixed assets when the related assets are ready for their intended use. In suchcases, the specific reserve is reduced by the amount that corresponds to the cost of the fixedassets and the credit side is recognised in the accumulated depreciation with respect to therelated fixed assets. Consequently, such fixed assets are not depreciated in subsequentperiods.

29 Income tax

Current tax and deferred tax are recognised in profit or loss except to the extent that theyrelate to a business combination or items recognised directly in equity (including othercomprehensive income).

Current tax is the expected tax payable calculated at the applicable tax rate on taxableincome for the year, plus any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.

At the balance sheet date, current tax assets and liabilities are offset only if the Group has alegally enforceable right to set them off and also intends either to settle on a net basis or torealise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities arise from deductible and taxable temporarydifferences respectively, being the differences between the carrying amounts of assets andliabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases, which include the deductiblelosses and tax credits carried forward to subsequent periods. Deferred tax assets arerecognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available againstwhich deductible temporary differences can be utilised.

Deferred tax is not recognised for the temporary differences arising from the initialrecognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and thataffects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). Deferred tax is notrecognised for taxable temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax is measured based on the tax consequences thatwould follow from the expected manner of recovery or settlement of the carrying amounts ofthe assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted at the balance sheet date that are expectedto be applied in the period when the asset is recovered or the liability is settled.

The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date, and isreduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefits will be utilised.Such reduction is reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxableprofits will be available.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset if all ofthe following conditions are met:

- the taxable entity has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax liabilities and currenttax assets;

- they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on either:

- the same taxable entity; or- different taxable entities which intend either to settle the current tax liabilities andcurrent tax assets on a net basis, or to realise the assets and settle the liabilitiessimultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred taxliabilities or deferred tax assets are expected to be settled or recovered.

30 Leases

At inception of a contract, the Group assesses whether a contract is, or contains, a lease. Acontract is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of anidentified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

To assess whether a contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset, theGroup assesses whether:

- the contract involves the use of an identified asset. An identified asset may be specifiedexplicitly or implicitly specified in a contract and should be physically distinct, or capacityportion or other portion of an asset that is not physically distinct but it representssubstantially all of the capacity of the asset and thereby provides the customer with theright to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from the use of the asset. If thesupplier has a substantive substitution right throughout the period of use, then the asset isnot identified;- the lessee has the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use of theasset throughout the period of use;- the lessee has the right to direct the use of the asset.

For a contract that contains more separate lease components, the lessee and the lessorseparate lease components and account for each lease component as a lease separately.For a contract that contains lease and non-lease components, the lessee and the lessorseparate lease components from non-lease components. For a contract that contains leaseand non-lease components, the lessee allocates the consideration in the contract to eachlease component on the basis of the relative stand-alone price of the lease component andthe aggregate stand-alone price of the non-lease components. The lessor allocates theconsideration in the contract in accordance with the accounting policy in Note III.24.

(1) As a lessee

The Group recognises a right-of-use asset and a lease liability at the lease commencementdate. The right-of-use asset is initially measured at cost, which comprises the initial amountof the lease liability, any lease payments made at or before the commencement date (lessany lease incentives received), any initial direct costs incurred and an estimate of costs todismantle and remove the underlying asset or to restore the site on which it is located orrestore the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of thelease.

The right-of-use asset is depreciated using the straight-line method. If the lessee isreasonably certain to exercise a purchase option by the end of the lease term, the right-of-use asset is depreciated over the remaining useful lives of the underlying asset. Otherwise,the right-of-use asset is depreciated from the commencement date to the earlier of the end ofthe useful life of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term. Impairment losses ofright-of-use assets are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy described inNote III.20.

The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are notpaid at the commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, ifthat rate cannot be readily determined, the Group’s incremental borrowing rate.

A constant periodic rate is used to calculate the interest on the lease liability in each periodduring the lease term with a corresponding charge to profit or loss or included in the cost ofassets where appropriate. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of thelease liability is charged to profit or loss or included in the cost of assets where appropriateas incurred.

Under the following circumstances after the commencement date, the Group remeasureslease liabilities based on the present value of revised lease payments:

- there is a change in the amounts expected to be payable under a residual valueguarantee;- there is a change in future lease payments resulting from a change in an index or a rateused to determine those payments;- there is a change in the assessment of whether the Group will exercise a purchase,extension or termination option, or there is a change in the exercise of the extension ortermination option.

When the lease liability is remeasured, a corresponding adjustment is made to the carryingamount of the right-of-use asset, or is recorded in profit or loss if the carrying amount of theright-of-use asset has been reduced to zero.

The Group has elected not to recognise right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-termleases that have a lease term of 12 months or less and leases of low-value assets thatspecific lease asset as a brand new asset value is less valuable. The Group recognises thelease payments associated with these leases in profit or loss or as the cost of the assetswhere appropriate using the straight-line method or other systematic basis over the leaseterm.

(2) As a lessor

The Group determines at lease inception whether each lease is a finance lease or anoperating lease. A lease is classified as a finance lease if it transfers substantially all therisks and rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset irrespective of whether thelegal title to the asset is eventually transferred. An operating lease is a lease other than afinance lease.

When the Group is a sub-lessor, it assesses the lease classification of a sub-lease withreference to the right-of-use asset arising from the head lease, not with reference to theunderlying asset. If a head lease is a short-term lease to which the Group applies practicalexpedient described above, then it classifies the sub-lease as an operating lease.

Under a finance lease, at the commencement date, the Group recognises the finance leasereceivable and derecognises the finance lease asset. The finance lease receivable is initiallymeasured at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease. The net investment in thelease is measured at the aggregate of the unguaranteed residual value and the presentvalue of the lease receivable that are not received at the commencement date, discountedusing the interest rate implicit in the lease.

The Group calculates and recognises interest income for each period of the lease termbased on a fixed periodic interest rate. The derecognition and impairment of the financelease receivable are recognised in accordance with the accounting policy in Note III.10.Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of net investment in the lease arerecognised as income as they are earned.

Lease receipts from operating leases is recognised as income using the straight-line methodor other systematic basis over the lease term. The initial direct costs incurred in respect ofthe operating lease are initially capitalised and subsequently amortised in profit or loss overthe lease term on the same basis as the lease income. Variable lease payments not includedin lease receipts are recognised as income as they are earned.

31 Assets held for sale and discontinued operations

(1) Non-current assets or disposal group as held for sale

The Group classified a non-current asset or disposal group as held for sale when thecarrying amount of a non-current asset or disposal group will be recovered through a saletransaction rather than through continuing use,.

A disposal group refers to a group of assets to be disposed of, by sale or otherwise, togetheras a whole in a single transaction and liabilities directly associated with those assets that willbe transferred in the transaction.

A non-current asset or disposal group is classified as held for sale when all the followingcriteria are met:

- According to the customary practices of selling such asset or disposal group in similartransactions, the non-current asset or disposal group must be available for immediate salein their present condition subject to terms that are usual and customary for sales of suchassets or disposal groups;- Its sale is highly probable, that is, the Group has made a resolution on a sale plan and hasobtained a firm purchase commitment. The sale is to be completed within one year.

Non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale are stated at the lower of carryingamount and fair value (see Note III.21) less costs to sell (except financial assets (see noteIII.10), deferred tax assets (see note III.29). Any excess of the carrying amount over the fairvalue (see Note III.21) less costs to sell is recognised as an impairment loss in profit or loss.

(2) Discontinued operations

The Group classifies a component as a discontinued operation either upon disposal of theoperation or when the operation meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale if it isseparately identifiable and satisfies one of the following conditions:

- It represents a separate major line of business or a separate geographical area ofoperations;- It is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or aseparate geographical area of operations;- It is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.

Where an operation is classified as discontinued in the current period, profit or loss fromcontinuing operations and profit or loss from discontinued operations are separatelypresented in the income statement for the current period. The comparative information forprofit or loss from discontinued operations, which used to presented as profit or loss fromcontinuing operations in the prior period, is re-presented as profit or loss from discontinuedoperations in the comparative income statement.

32 Profit distributions

Dividends or profit distributions proposed in the profit appropriation plan, which will beapproved after the balance sheet date, are not recognised as a liability at the balance sheetdate but are disclosed in the notes separately.

33 Related parties

If a party has the power to control, jointly control or exercise significant influence overanother party, or vice versa, or where two or more parties are subject to common control orjoint control from another party, they are considered to be related parties. Related partiesmay be individuals or enterprises. Enterprises with which the Company is under commoncontrol only from the State and that have no other related party relationships are notregarded as related parties.

In addition to the related parties stated above, the Company determines related partiesbased on the disclosure requirements of Administrative Procedures on the InformationDisclosures of Listed Companies issued by the CSRC.

34 Segment reporting

Reportable segments are identified based on operating segments which are determinedbased on the structure of the Group’s internal organisation, management requirements andinternal reporting system after taking the materiality principle into account. Two or moreoperating segments may be aggregated into a single operating segment if the segmentshave the similar economic characteristics and are same or similar in respect of the nature ofeach segment’s products and services, the nature of production processes, the types orclasses of customers for the products and services, the methods used to distribute theproducts or provide the services, and the nature of the regulatory environment.

Inter-segment revenues are measured on the basis of the actual transaction prices for suchtransactions for segment reporting. Segment accounting policies are consistent with those forthe consolidated financial statements.

35 Significant accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make estimates andassumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts ofassets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.Estimates as well as underlying assumptions and uncertainties involved are reviewed on an

ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which theestimate is revised and in any future periods affected.

Except for accounting estimates relating to depreciation and amortisation of assets such asfixed assets and intangible assets (see Notes III.14 and 17) and provision for impairment ofvarious types of assets (see Notes V.4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 19). Other significantaccounting estimates are as follows:

(i) Note V.21: Recognition of deferred tax assets;(ii) Note V.32: Warranty provisions;(iii) Note X. – Fair value measurements of financial instruments; and(iv) Note XII: Share-based payments.

Significant judgements made by the Group in the application of accounting policies are asfollows:

(i) Note VIII. 1(1) –Disclosure of significant judgements and assumptions of control and

exercising significant influence over other entities.

36 Changes in significant accounting policies

(1) Description of and reasons for changes in accounting policies

In 2023 the Group has adopted the revised accounting requirements and guidance underCASs newly issued by the Ministry of Finance (“MOF”)

(a) “The accounting treatment of deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a

single transaction excluded from the scope of the initial recognition exemption” in CASBulletin No.16 (Caikuai [2022] No.31) (“CAS Bulletin No.16”)According to the provisions, the Group does not apply the initial recognition exemptionunder CAS 18 Income Taxes to temporary differences arising from the initialrecognition of assets or liabilities in a single transaction that is not a businesscombination, affects neither accounting profits nor taxable profit (or deductible losses)and gives rise to equal taxable and deductible temporary differences.In accordance with the above provisions, the Group has made retrospectiveadjustments for relevant transactions that occurred between 1 January 2022 and thedate of initial application and to which the provisions apply. For the taxable anddeductible temporary differences arising from the recognition of lease liabilities andright-of-use assets on 1 January 2022 as a result of the relevant transactions to whichthe provisions apply, the Group has recognised the cumulative effect as an adjustmentto the opening balance of retained earnings and other related financial statement itemsfor the earliest period presented in the financial statements in accordance with theabove provisions and the requirements of CAS 18 Income Tax.

(i) The effects on the financial statements

The effects on each of the line items in the consolidated balance sheet as at 31December 2023 are as follows:

Increase / (decrease) in the line items as a result of applying new accounting policies
The Group
Deferred tax assets7,012,197
Deferred tax liabilities14,474,660
Shareholders’ equity:?
Retained earnings(7,969,365)
Capital reserve(5,874,381)
Non-controlling interests6,381,283



The effects on each of the line items in the consolidated income statement for theyear ended 31 December 2023 are as follows:

Increase / (decrease) in the line items as a result of applying new accounting policies
The Group
Profit before income tax-
Less: Income tax expenses2,267,638
Net profit for the year(2,267,638)
Attributable to: Shareholders of the Company(1,647,109)
Non-controlling interests(620,529)



(ii) The effects on the comparative financial statements

The effects of these changes in accounting policies on the net (loss) for the yearended 31 December 2022, and opening and closing balances of shareholders’equity as at 1 January and 31 December 2022 are summarised as follows:

The Group
2022 Net loss?2022 Closing balance of shareholders’ equity?2022 Opening balance of shareholders’ equity
Net loss and shareholders’ equity before adjustments(1,737,175,168)?202,050,297,126?217,378,766,516

Deferred tax related to assets and

liabilities arising from a singletransaction excluded from thescope of the initial recognitionexemption

Net loss and shareholders’ equity after adjustments(1,740,501,723)?202,040,567,025?217,372,362,970



The effects on each of the line items in the consolidated balance sheet as at 31December 2022 are as follows:

The Group
Before adjustments?The amounts of adjustments?After adjustments
Deferred tax assets70,250,425?5,762,724?76,013,149
Deferred tax liabilities1,274,406,833?15,492,825?1,289,899,658
Shareholders’ equity?????
Capital reserve55,218,504,392?6,381,283?55,224,885,675
Retained earnings35,839,081,781?(9,616,474)?35,829,465,307
Non-controlling interests65,960,886,731?(6,494,910)?65,954,391,821



The effects on each of the line items in the consolidated income statement for theyear ended 31 December 2022 are as follows:

The Group
Before adjustments?The amounts of adjustments?After adjustments
Profit before income tax51,218,939-51,218,939
Less: Income tax expenses1,788,394,1073,326,5551,791,720,662
Net profit for the year(1,737,175,168)(3,326,555)(1,740,501,723)
Attributable to: Shareholders of the Company7,550,877,790(9,454,592)7,541,423,198
Non-controlling interests(9,288,052,958)?6,128,037?(9,281,924,921)



(iii) After retrospective adjustments of the above accounting policy changes, the

consolidated balance sheet as at 1 January 2022 are as follows:

?The Group
Current assets:?
Cash at bank and on hand80,986,835,088
Financial assets held for trading10,028,172,853
Bills receivable217,734,298
Accounts receivable35,503,414,820
Other receivables1,922,828,378
Contract assets75,698,324
Non-current assets due within one year7,700,735
Other current assets3,578,919,710
Total current assets161,239,345,649
Non-current assets:?
Long-term receivables29,918,542
Long-term equity investments6,040,948,317
Investments in other equity instruments519,088,146
Other non-current financial assets606,895,447
Investment properties1,158,365,401
Fixed assets227,141,366,884
Construction in progress32,099,711,879
Right-of-use assets753,164,237
Intangible assets11,209,498,406
Long-term deferred expenses636,530,502
Deferred tax assets198,375,250
Other non-current assets7,477,427,483
Total non-current assets289,001,297,481


Total assets450,240,643,130



?The Group
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity?
Current liabilities:?
Short-term loans2,072,057,332
Bills payable827,958,031
Accounts payable32,455,830,694
Advance payments received146,140,084
Contract liabilities3,765,081,554
Employee benefits payable5,133,155,237
Taxes payable2,200,249,305
Other payables23,835,374,942
Non-current liabilities due within one year28,874,958,714
Other current liabilities4,051,532,509
Total current liabilities103,362,338,402
Non-current liabilities:?
Long-term loans116,078,666,587
Debentures payable359,586,437
Lease liabilities669,130,264
Long-term payables906,592,838
Deferred income6,416,089,611
Deferred tax liabilities1,540,066,145
Other non-current liabilities3,535,809,876
Total non-current liabilities129,505,941,758


Total liabilities232,868,280,160



?The Group
Shareholders’ equity:?
Share capital38,445,746,482
Other equity instruments14,146,997,427
Capital reserve53,917,609,094
Less: Treasury shares3,415,768,207
Other comprehensive income113,551,147
Surplus reserve2,889,590,205
Retained earnings37,106,352,917
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company143,204,079,065
Non-controlling interests74,168,283,905
Total shareholders’ equity217,372,362,970


Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity450,240,643,130

IV. Taxation

1 Main types of taxes and corresponding tax rates

Tax type?Tax basis?Tax rate
Value-added tax (VAT)?Output VAT is calculated on product sales and taxable services revenue. The basis for VAT payable is to deduct input VAT from the output VAT for the period?6%, 9%, 13%
City maintenance and construction tax?Based on VAT paid, VAT exemption and offset for the period?7%, 5%
Education surcharges and local education surcharges?Based on VAT paid, VAT exemption and offset for the period?3%, 2%
Corporate income tax?Based on taxable profits?15% - 30%



2 Corporate income tax

The income tax rate applicable to the Company for the year is 15% (2022: 15%).

Pursuant to the Corporate Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China treatment No.28, corporate income tax for key advanced and high-tech enterprises supported by the Stateis applicable to a preferential tax rate of 15%.

On 30 November 2023, the Company renewed the High-tech Enterprise Certificate No.GR202311004505, which was entitled jointly by Beijing Municipal Science and TechnologyCommission, Beijing Municipal Financial Bureau, Beijing Municipal Tax Service, StateTaxation Administration. The Company is subject to corporate income tax rate of 15% sincethe date of certification with the valid period of three years.

The income tax rate applicable to other subsidiaries of the Group is 25% other than thefollowing subsidiaries and the overseas subsidiaries which subject to the local income taxrate.

The main subsidiaries that are entitled to preferential tax treatments are as follows:

Company namePreferential rate?Reason
Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (BOE OT)15%?High-tech enterprise
Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Chengdu Optoelectronics )15%?High-tech enterprise
Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Hefei BOE)15%?High-tech enterprise
Beijing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. (BOE Display)15%?High-tech enterprise
Hefei Xinsheng Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Hefei Xinsheng)15%?High-tech enterprise
Ordos Yuansheng Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (Yuansheng Optoelectronics)15%?High-tech enterprise
Chongqing BOE Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (Chongqing BOE)15%?High-tech enterprise
Beijing BOE CHATANI Electronics Co., Ltd. (Beijing CHATANI)15%High-tech enterprise
Hefei BOE Display Lighting Co., Ltd. (Hefei Display Lighting)15%High-tech enterprise
Chongqing BOE Display Lighting Co., Ltd. (Chongqing Display Lighting)15%High-tech enterprise
Beijing BOE Vacuum Electronics Co., Ltd. (Vacuum Electronics)15%High-tech enterprise
Beijing BOE Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd. (Vacuum Technology)15%High-tech enterprise
Beijing BOE Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (BOE Energy)15%High-tech enterprise
Fuzhou BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Fuzhou BOE)15%?High-tech enterprise
Hefei BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. (Hefei Display Technology)15%?High-tech enterprise
Mianyang BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Mianyang BOE)15%?High-tech enterprise
BOE Wisdom IOT Technology Co., Ltd. (Wisdom IOT)15%?High-tech enterprise
K-Tronics (Suzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. (Suzhou K-Tronics)15%?High-tech enterprise
Beijing BOE Sensing Technology Co., Ltd. (Sensing Technology)15%High-tech enterprise
Chongqing BOE Smart Electronic System Co., Ltd. (Chongqing Smart Electronic)15%?Encouraged enterprise in Western Regions
Beijing BOE Health Technology Co., Ltd. (Health Technology)15%?High-tech enterprise
Chongqing BOE Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (Chongqing Electronic Technology)15%?Encouraged enterprise in Western Regions
Wuhan BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Wuhan BOE)15%?High-tech enterprise
Nanjing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. (Nanjing Display Technology)15%?High-tech enterprise
Chengdu BOE Display Sci-tech Co., Ltd. (Chengdu Display Sci-tech)15%?High-tech enterprise
BOE Regenerative Medical Technology Co., Ltd. (Regenerative Medical)15%High-tech enterprise
Beijing Zhongxiangying Technology Co., Ltd. (Beijing Zhongxiangying)15%High-tech enterprise
Yunnan Invensight Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Yunnan Invensight)15%High-tech enterprise
BOE Mled Technology Co., Ltd. (Mled Technology)15%?High-tech enterprise
Hefei BOE Semiconductor Co.,Ltd. (Hefei Semiconductor)15%High-tech enterprise
Qingdao BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. (Qingdao BOE)15%High-tech enterprise
Hefei BOE Ruisheng Technology Co., Ltd. (Hefei Ruisheng)15%High-tech enterprise
Chongqing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. (Chongqing Display Technology)15%High-tech enterprise
Mianyang BOE Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (Mianyang Electronic Technology)15%Encouraged enterprise in Western Regions
BNJ Technology Co., Ltd. (BNJ)15%High-tech enterprise
Beijing United Ultra High-Definition Video Technology Collaboration Center Co., Ltd. (Beijing United Ultra HD)15%High-tech enterprise

V. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1 Cash at bank and on hand

?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents
Cash on hand???????????
Other foreign currencies????50,134?????49,796
Bank deposits???????????
Other foreign currencies????89,596,227?????78,007,216
Other monetary funds???????????



Including: Total overseas deposits were equivalent to RMB 6,120,969,123 (2022: RMB5,780,461,058).

As at 31 December 2023, other monetary funds included deposits with securities companiesby the Group amounting to RMB 3,085,648, which can be withdrew on demand. The restwas restricted monetary funds, of which, RMB 81,101,328was pledged for issuance of billspayable, and an equivalent to RMB 1,788,438,136was mainly deposits in commercial banksas security.

As at 31 December 2021, other monetary funds included deposits with securities companiesby the Group amounting to RMB 2,609,817, which can be withdrew on demand. The restwas restricted monetary funds, of which, RMB 164,299,257 was pledged for issuance of billspayable, and an equivalent to RMB 3,863,059,287 was mainly deposits in commercial banksas security.

2 Financial assets held for trading

Item31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss???
- Structured deposit and wealth management products7,476,126,776?16,931,468,153
- Investment in equity instruments279,837,719?256,525,783



3 Bills receivable

(1) Classification of bills receivable

Item?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Bank acceptance bills?342,699,932?211,292,061
Commercial acceptance bills?32,896,723?500,000
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts19,644?-



All of the above bills are due within one year.

(2) The pledged bills receivable of the Group at the end of the year:

Item?Pledged amount at the end of the year
Bank acceptance bills?58,113,245

(3) Outstanding endorsed or discounted bills that have not matured of the Group at the end of

the year:

??Amount derecognised in 2023?Amount not derecognised in 2023
Bank acceptance bills?-?172,240,824



For the year ended 31 December 2023, there was no amount transferred to accountsreceivable from bills receivable due to non-performance of the issuers of the Group (2022:


(4) Bills receivable by provisioning method

?31 December 2023
?Book value?Provision for bad and doubtful debts??
CategoryAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)?Carrying amount
Collective assessment?????????
- Bank acceptance bills group342,699,932?91%?-?0%?342,699,932
- Commercial acceptance bills group32,896,723?9%?19,644?0%?32,877,079



(5) Movements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts

??Commercial acceptance bills
Balance at the beginning of the year?-
Additions during the year?19,644
Recoveries or reversals during the year?-
Written-off during the year?-
Balance at the end of the year?19,644



4 Accounts receivable

(1) The Group’s accounts receivable by customer type:

Item?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Amounts due from related parties?848,755,589?1,070,848,317
Amounts due from other customers?32,651,912,378?27,252,679,049
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts?135,251,477?119,879,797



(2) The Group’s accounts receivable by currency type:

?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents
Other foreign currencies????554,002,833?????615,519,146
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts????135,251,477?????119,879,797



(3) The ageing analysis of accounts receivable is as follows:

??31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Within 1 year (inclusive)?32,716,203,140?27,791,874,623
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)?350,015,788?232,130,123
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)?191,517,633?151,304,998
Over 3 years?242,931,406?148,217,622
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts?135,251,477?119,879,797



The ageing is counted starting from the date when accounts receivable are recognised.

(4) Accounts receivable by provisioning method

?31 December 2023
?Book value?Provision for impairment??
CategoryAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)?Carrying amount
Individual assessment?????????
- Customers with high credit risk24,192,778?0%?21,753,190?90%?2,439,588
- Customers with low credit risk799,508,925?2%?-?0%?799,508,925
Collective assessment?????????
- Customers with moderate credit risk32,676,966,264?98%?113,498,287?0%?32,563,467,977



?31 December 2022
?Book value?Provision for impairment??
CategoryAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)?Carrying amount
Individual assessment?????????
- Customers with high credit risk62,016,470?0%?59,921,373?97%?2,095,097
- Customers with low credit risk1,359,564,251?5%?-?0%?1,359,564,251
Collective assessment?????????
- Customers with moderate credit risk26,901,946,645?95%?59,958,424?0%?26,841,988,221



(a) Criteria and details for collective assessment:

Customer group?Basis
Customers with high credit risk?With special matters, litigations or the deterioration of customers’ credit status
Customers with low credit risk?Banks, insurance companies, large state-owned enterprises and public institutions
Customers with moderate credit risk?Customers not included in Groups above



(b) Assessment of ECLs on accounts receivable:

At all times the Group measures the impairment loss for accounts receivable at anamount equal to lifetime ECLs, and the ECLs are based on the number of overduedays and the expected loss rate. According to the Group’s historical experience,different loss models are applicable to different customer groups.

(5) Movements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts:

??31 December 2023
??Customers with high credit risk?Customers with low credit risk?Customers with moderate credit risk?Total
Balance at the beginning of the year?59,921,373?-?59,958,424?119,879,797
Charge during the year?4,972,817?-?71,147,926?76,120,743
Recoveries during the year?(43,645,120)?-?(17,261,740)?(60,906,860)
Written-off during the year?(68,126)?-?(213,525)?(281,651)
Translation differences?572,246?-?(132,798)?439,448
Balance at the end of the year?21,753,190?-?113,498,287?135,251,477
??31 December 2022
??Customers with high credit risk?Customers with low credit risk?Customers with moderate credit risk?Total
Balance at the beginning of the year?46,406,137?-?35,361,003?81,767,140
Charge during the year?39,701,034?-?38,122,840?77,823,874
Recoveries during the year?(18,395,999)?-?(9,530,579)?(27,926,578)
Written-off during the year?(8,201,685)?-?(6,332,757)?(14,534,442)
Translation differences?411,886?-?2,337,917?2,749,803
Balance at the end of the year?59,921,373?-59,958,424?119,879,797

(6) Five largest accounts receivable and contract assets by debtor at the end of the year

The total of five largest accounts receivable and contract assets of the Group at the end ofthe year was RMB 11,169,787,517, representing 33% of the total accounts receivable andcontract assets..5 Receivables financing

(1) Receivables financing by category

Category?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Bank acceptance bills?408,534,622?-



(2) Receivables financing that are endorsed or discounted but have not matured of the Group at

the end of the year:

??Amount derecognised?Amount not derecognised
Bank acceptance bills?913,806,803?-



6 Prepayments

(1) The Group’s prepayments by category:

??31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Prepayment for electricity, water, gas and power?238,019,515?234,247,912
Prepayment for inventory?202,223,873?261,349,159


(2) The ageing analysis of prepayments is as follows:

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
AgeingAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)
Within 1 year (inclusive)478,067,697?86%?471,778,052?80%
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)22,099,954?4%?112,700,267?19%
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)53,855,290?9%?2,959,783?1%
Over 3 years4,636,839?1%?2,326,578?0%



The ageing is counted starting from the date when prepayments are recognised.

The total of five largest prepayments of the Group at the end of the year is RMB211,232,794, representing 38% of the total prepayments.

7 Other receivables

(1) The Group’s other receivables by customer type:

Customer type?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Amounts due from related parties?787,519?16,588,534
Amounts due from other customers?738,982,314?969,833,087
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts?13,110,626?10,612,385



(2) The Group’s other receivables by currency type:

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents
Other foreign currencies????22,889,512?????23,560,237
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts????13,110,626?????10,612,385


(3) The ageing analysis of the Group’s other receivables is as follows:

??31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Within 1 year (inclusive)?330,573,576?367,646,687
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)?121,561,167?362,777,830
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)?40,445,484?14,948,621
Over 3 years?247,189,606?241,048,483
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts?13,110,626?10,612,385



The ageing is counted starting from the date when other receivables are recognised.

(4) The Group’s other receivables by provisioning method

?31 December 2023?
?Book value ??Provision for impairment?
CategoryAmountPercentage (%)AmountPercentage (%)Carrying amount
Individual assessment?????????
- Amounts with high credit risk12,515,014?2%?12,515,014?100%?-
- Amounts with low credit risk705,496,057?95%?-?0%?705,496,057
Collective assessment?????????
- Amounts with medium credit risk21,758,762?3%?595,612?3%?21,163,150
?31 December 2022
?Book value?Provision for impairment??
CategoryAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)?Carrying amount
Individual assessment?????????
- Accounts with high credit risk10,595,616?1%?10,595,616?100%?-
- Accounts with low credit risk941,381,539?95%?-?0%?941,381,539
Collective assessment?????????
- Accounts with medium credit risk34,444,466?4%?16,769?0%?34,427,697

(5) Movements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts

?Stage 1?Stage 2?Stage 3???Stage 1?Stage 2?Stage 3??
?12-month ECL?Lifetime ECL - Not credit impaired?Lifetime ECL- Credit impaired?Total?12-month ECL?Lifetime ECL - Not credit impaired?Lifetime ECL- Credit impaired?Total
Balance at the beginning of the year9,822?6,947?10,595,616?10,612,385?-?300?9,043,516?9,043,816
Additions during the year131,167?464,145?3,084,758?3,680,070?9,822?6,647?1,663,461?1,679,930
Reversals during the year(9,822)?(6,647)?(334,930)?(351,399)?-?-?-?-
Written-off during the year-?-?(841,937)?(841,937)?-?-?(111,361)?(111,361)
Other changes-?-?11,507?11,507???????-
Balance at the end of the year131,167?464,445?12,515,014?13,110,626?9,822?6,947?10,595,616?10,612,385

(6) The Group’s other receivables categorised by nature

Nature?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Amounts due from equity transfer?200,000,000?200,000,000
Surety and depositsNote398,335,916?598,972,862
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts?13,110,626?10,612,385



Note: As at 31 December 2023, an equivalent to RMB 217,669,078 (2022: RMB436,628,186) of the surety and deposits mainly represented production capacity surety paidby the Group to suppliers.

(7) Five largest other receivables by debtor at the end of the year

The total of five largest other receivables of the Group at the end of the year was RMB461,887,815, most of which were surety and amounts due from equity transfer. No provisionis made for bad and doubtful debts after assessment.

8 Inventories

(1) The Group’s inventories by category:

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
?Book value?Provision for impairment of inventories/Provision for impairment of costs to fulfil a contract with a customer?Carrying amount?Book value?Provision for impairment of inventories/Provision for impairment of costs to fulfil a contract with a customer?Carrying amount
Raw materials9,443,911,152?2,189,991,288?7,253,919,864?11,178,326,632?2,890,923,826?8,287,402,806
Work in progress5,564,254,528?1,144,952,516?4,419,302,012?4,879,573,518?1,316,529,598?3,563,043,920
Finished goods16,215,828,399?4,056,038,972?12,159,789,427?14,699,012,100?4,072,862,311?10,626,149,789
Costs to fulfil a contract with a customer97,571,213?-?97,571,213?163,373,789?-?163,373,789



As at 31 December 2023, there was no amount of capitalised borrowing cost in the Group’sclosing balance of inventories (2022: Nil).

As at 31 December 2023, the Group had no inventory used as collateral (2022: Nil).

(2) An analysis of provision for impairment of inventories of the Group is as follows:

?Balance at the beginning of the year?Charge during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at the end of the year
Raw materials2,890,923,826?649,806,255?(1,350,738,793)?2,189,991,288
Work in progress1,316,529,598?777,337,498?(948,914,580)?1,144,952,516
Finished goods4,072,862,311?2,933,896,375?(2,950,719,714)?4,056,038,972



9 Contract assets

??31 December 2023
Balance at the beginning of the year?71,636,461
Transfers from contract assets recognised at the beginning of the year to receivables?(28,449,015)
Increase in contract assets resulting from no unconditional right obtained?53,340,951
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts817,655
Balance at the end of the year?95,710,742



10 Other current assets

??31 December 2023?31 December 2022
VAT on tax credits?2,512,924,348?2,556,625,457
Input tax to be verified or deducted?291,415,443?329,605,466
Prepaid income taxes?166,028,954?331,652,233
Costs receivables for recovering products from a customer?140,814,527?108,097,353



11 Long-term equity investments

(1) The Group’s long-term equity investments by category:

Investments in joint ventures400,375,826?392,291,560
Investments in associates14,392,984,350?13,086,523,900
Less: Provision for impairment1,061,663,549?1,056,936,609



(2) Movements of long-term equity investments during the year are as follows:

???Movements during the year??
InvesteeBalance at the beginning of the year?Increase?Decrease?Investment income / (loss) recognised under equity method?Other comprehensive income?Other equity movements?Declared distribution of cash dividends or profits?Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements?Balance at the end of the year
Joint venture?????????????????
Chongqing Maite Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.392,291,560?-?-?8,075,273?-?-?-?-?400,366,833
Semicon Light (China) Company Limited-?9,118?-?-?-?-?-?(125)?8,993
Erdos BOE Energy Investment Co., Ltd.1,811,883,330?-?-?(3,539,256)?-?-?-?-?1,808,344,074
Beijing Xindongneng Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)2,034,870,324?-?-?413,237,868?(341,083,735)?-?(242,256,254)?-?1,864,768,203
Beijing Innovation Industry Investment Co., Ltd.223,216,553?-?-?12,953,665?-?-?-?-?236,170,218
Beijing Electric Control Industry Investment Co., Ltd.258,149,907?78,035,900?-?(1,505,013)?51,071,365?-?-?-?385,752,159
BOE Art Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.430,598,164?-?-?8,087,341?-?(6,214,034)?-?-?432,471,471
Cnoga Medical Co., Ltd.276,916,033?-?-?-?-?-?-?4,695,716?281,611,749
Tianjin Xianzhilian Investment Centre (Limited Partnership)1,387,079,224?380,000,000?(8,942,540)?121,848,208?-?-?(4,240,169)?-?1,875,744,723
BioChain (Beijing) Science & Technology, Inc.334,093,785?-?-?(14,087,881)?-?40,878,430?-?-?360,884,334
Beijing YanDong MicroElectronic Co., Ltd.1,171,247,551?-?-?34,876,298?38,009?18,093,355?-?-?1,224,255,213
VusionGroup SA (ex-SES Imagotag SA Co., Ltd.)4,883,374,020?-?-?148,260,071?-?-?-?61,188,984?5,092,823,075
Chongqing BOE Smart Private Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)57,545,008?80,000,000?-?(3,511,138)?-?-?-?-?134,033,870
Jinchuang (Beijing) Equity Investment Fund Center (Limited Partnership)-?356,400,000?-?-?-?-?-?-?356,400,000
Less: Provision for impairment1,056,936,609???????????????1,061,663,549



As at 31 December 2023, certain associates invested by the Group suffered loss and the Group did not have an obligation to assume additionallosses. Therefore, the Company discontinues recognising its share of further losses after the carrying amount of long-term equity investment isreduced to zero, the accumulated unrecognised investment losses amounted to RMB27,004,563 (2022: RMB14,922,087).

12 Investments in other equity instruments

(1) Cases of investments in other equity instruments:

???Movements during the year????????
ItemsBalance at the beginning of the year?Increase in capital?Decrease in capital?The gains or losses recorded in other comprehensive income for the current year (Losses to be entered with a “-” sign)?Other?Balance at the end of the year?Dividend income recognized this year?Cumulative gains or losses recorded in other comprehensive income (losses to be indicated by a minus sign "-")?Specified reasons
Listed equity instruments investment?????????????????
- Beijing Electronic City High Tech Group Co., Ltd.53,614,432?-?-?7,835,955?-?61,450,387?728,606?(28,710,041)?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
- Bank of Chongqing Co., Ltd.91,600,150?-?-?(1,183,443)?-?90,416,707?9,885,131?(29,667,668)?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
- New Century Medical Holding Co., Ltd.9,098,008?-?-?8,390,266?-?17,488,274?-?(123,360,576)?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
Unlisted equity instruments investment????????????????
—Danhua Capital, L. P.34,823,000?-?-?590,500?-?35,413,500?8,112,915?887,125?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
—Danhua Capital II, L.P.69,646,002?-?-?1,180,998?-?70,827,000?9,669,593?3,179,249?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
—Kateeva Inc.83,192,147?-?-?1,410,705?-?84,602,852?-?1,740,386?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
—Nanosys INC21,591,641?-?-?(21,591,641)?-?-?-?(52,866,000)?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
—Baebies INC30,600,273?-?-?518,894?-?31,119,167?-?1,995,613?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
—Illumina Fund I,L.P.31,079,577?2,197,830?-?537,592?-?33,814,999?22,775?1,752,294?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
—Horizon Robotics, Inc.35,616,005?-?-?514,325?-?36,130,330?-?4,175,830?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes
—Others22,199,071?-?-?14,202,855?(3,035,565)?33,366,361?-?(14,664,109)?Intended for long-term holding for strategic purposes


(2) The explanation for derecognition events that have occurred this year:

Item?Accumulated gains recognised in retained earnings upon derecognitionAccumulated losses recognised in retained earnings upon derecognition?Reasons for derecognition
Nanosys INC?-(52,866,000)?Transfers out due to the derecognition in the liquidation


13 Other non-current financial assets

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss2,253,778,325?2,022,967,681
Including: Investments in equity instruments2,253,778,325?2,022,967,681



14 Investment properties

??Land use rights?Plant & buildings?Construction in progress ??Total
Balance at the beginning of the year?687,434,677?1,028,293,708?-?1,715,728,385
Additions during the year
- Purchases?-?47,854,083?62,084,334?109,938,417
- Transfers from fixed assets?-?14,125,047?-?14,125,047
- Additions due to business combinations involving entities not under common control?97,907,500?133,782,131?-?231,689,631
Disposals during the year?-?(4,015,756)?-?(4,015,756)
Other changes?-?(89,730,944)?38,390,816?(51,340,128)
Balance at the end of the year?785,342,177?1,130,308,269?100,475,150?2,016,125,596
Less: Accumulated depreciation or amortisation????????
Balance at the beginning of the year?181,640,506?412,062,741?-?593,703,247
Charge during the year?14,221,175?50,236,490?-?64,457,665
Transfers from fixed assets?-?28,250?-?28,250
Disposals during the year?-?(3,600,357)?-?(3,600,357)
Other changes?-?(51,016,655)?-?(51,016,655)
Balance at the end of the year?195,861,681?407,710,469?-?603,572,150
Carrying amounts????????
At the end of the year?589,480,496?722,597,800?100,475,150?1,412,553,446
At the beginning of the year?505,794,171?616,230,967?-?1,122,025,138


15 Fixed assets

(1) Analysis of the Group’s fixed assets are as follows:

ItemPlant & buildings?Equipment?Others?Total
Balance at the beginning of the year65,890,430,033?297,350,722,399?12,351,989,023?375,593,141,455
Additions during the year???????
- Purchases2,975,512?329,347,382?1,971,562,327?2,303,885,221
- Transfers from construction in progress7,631,374,412?23,074,707,679?1,151,849,525?31,857,931,616
- Additions due to business combinations involving entities not under common control1,711,457,927?3,849,118,978?13,245,160?5,573,822,065
Transfer to investment properties(14,125,047)?-?-?(14,125,047)
Transfers to construction in progress-?(2,358,952,818)?(64,593,844)?(2,423,546,662)
Disposals or written-offs during the year-?(775,662,525)?(138,468,435)?(914,130,960)
Written-down against government interest discounts-?(148,715,529)?-?(148,715,529)
Reclassified from fixed assets763,414,828?(37,876,582)?(725,538,246)?-
Translation differences2,658,541?9,210,976?2,159,600?14,029,117
Balance at the end of the year75,988,186,206?321,291,899,960?14,562,205,110?411,842,291,276
Less: Accumulated depreciation???????
Balance at the beginning of the year9,950,729,093?150,179,918,690?7,539,650,009?167,670,297,792
Charge during the year2,013,406,593?29,422,264,324?2,487,867,788?33,923,538,705
Transfer to investment properties(28,250)?-?-?(28,250)
Transfers to construction in progress-?(1,469,878,899)?(47,440,847)?(1,517,319,746)
Disposals or written-offs during the year-?(541,189,550)?(81,743,439)?(622,932,989)
Reclassified from fixed assets65,703,316(3,365,817)(62,337,499)-
Translation differences1,247,094?5,345,109?1,853,823?8,446,026
Balance at the end of the year12,031,057,846?177,593,093,857?9,837,849,835?199,462,001,538
Less: Provision for impairment???????
Balance at the beginning of the year34,480?1,740,161,554?195,597,199?1,935,793,233
Charge during the year-?119,115,566?80,248,218?199,363,784
Transfers to construction in progress-?(87,542,076)?(676,525)?(88,218,601)
Disposals or written-offs during the year-?(33,538,571)?(4,586,631)?(38,125,202)
Balance at the end of the year34,480?1,738,196,473?270,582,261?2,008,813,214
Carrying amounts
At the end of the year63,957,093,880?141,960,609,630?4,453,773,014?210,371,476,524
At the beginning of the year55,939,666,460?145,430,642,155?4,616,741,815?205,987,050,430

In 2023, some of the equipment of the Group is idle and there is no clear use plan. TheGroup evaluated the recoverable amount of these equipment and made provisions forimpairment of RMB 199,363,784 (2022: RMB 143,071,492) based on the evaluation results.

(2) Fixed assets pending certificates of ownership

As at 31 December 2023, fixed assets pending certificates of ownership totalled RMB6,560,001,886 (2022: RMB 7,110,462,456) and certificates of ownership is still beingprocessed.

16 Construction in progress

(1) Analysis of the Group’s construction in progress is as follows:

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
ItemBook value?Provision for impairment?Carrying amount?Book value?Provision for impairment?Carrying amount
The 6th generation AMOLED project - Chongqing15,573,483,601?-?15,573,483,601?31,013,623,277?-?31,013,623,277



Some of the engineering projects of the Group were idle and cannot be further used. The Group evaluated the residual values of theseengineering projects and made provisions for impairment.

(a) Movements of major construction projects in progress during the year

ItemBudget?Balance at the beginning of the year?Additions during the yearFiscal discount interestTransfers to fixed assets?Others reducedBalance at the end of the yearCumulative investment in the project (%)Accumulated capitalised interest at the end of the yearInterest capitalised in 2023Interest rate for capitalisation in 2023 (%)?Sources of funding
The 6th generation AMOLED project - Chongqing46,500,000,00031,013,623,2776,232,062,763(139,357,070)(21,432,183,974)(100,661,395) ?15,573,483,60183.91%616,688,937533,623,5243.95%?Self-raised funds and borrowings



(b) Provision for impairment of construction in progress during the year

ItemBalance at the beginning of the year?Additions during the year?Decreases during the year?Balance at the end of the year?Reason for provision
Engineering projects, machinery and equipment74,262,087?3,086,619?-?77,348,706?Projects are idle and cannot be further used or are not planned to be used temporarily.


17 Right-of-use assets

(1) As a lessee

?Plant and buildings?Equipment?Others?Total
Balance at the beginning of the year686,288,720?15,961,065?198,423,285?900,673,070
Additions during the year202,226,682?49,505?1,480,835?203,757,022
Additions due to business combinations involving entities not under common control8,080,595?-?-?8,080,595
Decreases during the year(55,747,251)?(220,804)?(5,101,832)?(61,069,887)
Translation differences29,024,340?-?42,875?29,067,215
Balance at the end of the year869,873,086?15,789,766?194,845,163?1,080,508,015
Accumulated depreciation???????
Balance at the beginning of the year192,934,379?510,082?20,107,663?213,552,124
Charge for the year152,633,217?5,999,682?10,625,520?169,258,419
Reductions during the year(31,391,906)?(99,665)?(622,665)?(32,114,236)
Translation differences5,425,387?-?41,976?5,467,363
Balance at the end of the year319,601,077?6,410,099?30,152,494?356,163,670
Provision for impairment???????
Balance at the beginning and the end of the year-?-?-?-
Carrying amount???????
At the end of the year550,272,009?9,379,667?164,692,669?724,344,345


At the beginning of the year493,354,341?15,450,983?178,315,622?687,120,946



18 Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

?Land use rights?Patent and proprietary technology?Computer software?Others?Total
Balance at the beginning of the year5,796,437,186?5,245,259,551?1,894,880,882?704,836,612?13,641,414,231
Additions during the year????????
- Purchases1,606,702,704?27,983,853?86,579,545?-?1,721,266,102
- Transfers from construction in progress258,345,199?-?269,054,659?110,613,208?638,013,066
- Additions due to business combinations involving entities not under common control263,044,065?935,121,201?27,525,660?-?1,225,690,926
- Transfers from development costs-?31,920,961?-?-?31,920,961
Translation differences-?77,552?466,220?631,835?1,175,607
Written-down against interest discount-?(1,704,103)?-?-?(1,704,103)
Disposals during the year-?-?(1,285,185)?-?(1,285,185)
Balance at the end of the year7,924,529,154?6,238,659,015?2,277,221,781?816,081,655?17,256,491,605
Less: Accumulated amortisation?????????
Balance at the beginning of the year660,214,345?2,562,045,161?1,192,207,819?278,619,763?4,693,087,088
Charge during the year169,915,992?559,766,004?219,577,158?49,147,600?998,406,754
Translation differences-?77,552?106,487?282,184?466,223
Disposals during the year-?-?(1,054,160)?-?(1,054,160)
Balance at the end of the year830,130,337?3,121,888,717?1,410,837,304?328,049,547?5,690,905,905


Carrying amount
Carrying amount at the end of the year7,094,398,817?3,116,770,298?866,384,477?488,032,108?11,565,585,700
Carrying amount at the beginning of the year5,136,222,841?2,683,214,390?702,673,063?426,216,849?8,948,327,143



19 Goodwill

(1) Changes in goodwill

Name of investee?Balance at the beginning of the year?Icrease during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at the end of the year
Book value????????
Beijing Yinghe Century Co., Ltd.?42,940,434?-?-?42,940,434
K-Tronics (Suzhou) technology Co., Ltd.?8,562,464?-?-?8,562,464
Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.?4,423,876?-?-?4,423,876
BOE Healthcare Investment & Management Co., Ltd.?146,460,790?-?-?146,460,790
Chengdu BOE Display Sci-tech Co., Ltd.537,038,971--537,038,971
Nanjing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.?155,714,415?-?-?155,714,415
Beijing United Ultra High-Definition Video Technology Collaboration Center Co., Ltd.?-?14,285,847?-?14,285,847
HC SemiTek Corporation (“HC SemiTek”)?-?29,596,088?-?29,596,088
Provision for impairment????????
Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.?(4,423,876)?-?-?(4,423,876)
BOE Healthcare Investment & Management Co., Ltd.?(82,137,669)?-?-?(82,137,669)
Chengdu BOE Display Sci-tech Co., Ltd.?(147,755,754)?-?-?(147,755,754)
Carrying amount?660,823,651?43,881,935?-?704,705,586



(2) Provision for impairment of goodwill

The recoverable amount of the asset group to which the above goodwill relates is determinedbased on the present value of expected future cash flows. When projecting the present valueof cash flows, the cash flows for the most recent five years are determined based on thefinancial budgets approved by management, and the cash flows beyond the five-year budgetperiod were assumed to remain stable. The pre-tax discount rate is determined withreference to comparable companies and the relevant capital structures.

20 Long-term deferred expenses

?Balance at 31December 2022?Additions during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at 31December 2023
Technology royalty fees prepaid379,194,82125,363,191(70,839,299)333,718,713
Payment for public facilities construction and use41,161,291?458,946?(8,618,117)?33,002,120
Leasehold improvements19,430,433?55,743,559?(18,357,270)?56,816,722

21 Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets and liabilities

ItemDeductible/ (taxable) temporary differences?Deferred tax assets/(liabilities)?Deductible/ (taxable) temporary differences?Deferred tax assets/(liabilities)
Deferred tax assets:???????
Provision for impairment of assets586,093,818?98,130,637?151,264,910?31,020,460
Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments134,711,649?20,206,748?142,547,604?21,382,141
Depreciation of fixed assets251,343,643?39,115,495?239,415,255?37,326,236
Assessed value added by investing real estate in subsidiaries114,341,540?28,585,385?119,895,400?29,973,850
Accumulated losses2,748,927,099?426,287,990?459,130?75,757
Government grant64,596,573?9,689,486?143,385,420?21,507,813
Lease Liabilities564,279,038119,336,111417,358,14189,551,026
Amount offset??(346,516,739)???(169,861,507)
Balance after offsetting??396,877,020???76,013,149
Deferred tax liabilities:???????
Revaluation due to business combinations involving entities not under common control(1,745,944,008)?(409,875,698)?(882,129,374)?(217,980,404)
Depreciation of fixed assets(7,154,184,671)?(1,077,814,489)?(7,266,110,223)?(1,094,970,944)
Long-term equity investments(2,113,902,264)?(389,497,116)?(120,141,687)?(18,021,253)
Right of use assets(600,669,199)(130,538,444)(440,696,099)(99,281,127)
Amount offset??346,516,739???169,861,507
Balance after offsetting??(1,694,639,729)???(1,289,899,658)


(2) Details of unrecognised deferred tax assets

Deductible temporary differences23,132,234,962??22,749,630,064
Deductible tax losses57,936,466,170??44,677,908,573



As at 31 December 2023, the accumulated deductible temporary differences are mainlysubsidiaries’ impairment provisions of assets and accrual of expenses. Due to theuncertainty that there will be sufficient taxable income to cover these deductible differencesin future periods, the deferred income tax assets were not recognised in consideration ofprudence.

(3) Expiration of deductible tax losses for unrecognised deferred tax assets




(a) According to the applicable local tax laws, loss of some overseas subsidiaries of the

Group has indefinite carry-over period to deduct the future taxable income.

22 Other non-current assets

??31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Prepayment for fixed assets?2,068,302,892?148,834,349
Prepayment for construction?414,936,876?153,690,890
VAT on tax credits?95,942,415?-
Deferred VAT for imported equipment?-?2,696,796



23 Short-term loans

?31 December 2023
??????Credited/ collateralised
?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?guaranteed/ pledged
Bank loans???????
- RMB????23,498,395?Pledge
- RMB1,311,144,222Guaranteed
- RMB????406,271,598?Credited
Foreign currency bank loans???????
- JPY104,986,438?0.0502?5,270,319?Credited



?31 December 2022
??????Credited/ collateralised
?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?guaranteed/ pledged
Bank loans???????
- RMB????901,622,500?Guaranteed
- RMB????30,006,237?Credited
Foreign currency bank loans???????
- USD128,585,504?6.9646?895,546,601?Credited
- JPY205,792,620?0.0524?10,783,533?Credited
- HKD600,000,0000.8933535,980,000Credited



As at 31 December 2023, no short-term loan was past due (2022: Nil).

24 Bills payable

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Bank acceptance bills919,313,033?847,418,525
Commercial acceptance bills-?22,803,013



There is no due but unpaid bill payable at the end of the year. The bills above are all duewithin one year.

25 Accounts payable

(1) The Group’s accounts payable by category are as follows:

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Payables to related parties114,282,939?179,047,266
Payables to third parties32,863,320,412?29,655,673,198



(2) The Group’s accounts payable by currency are as follows:

?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents
- RMB????22,178,756,264?????21,162,560,832
- USD1,414,347,882?7.0827?10,017,401,744?1,146,041,405?6.9646?7,981,719,969
- JPY11,054,142,329?0.0502?554,917,945?9,299,005,433?0.0524?487,267,885
- Other foreign currencies????226,527,398?????203,171,778



As at 31 December 2023, the Group had no significant accounts payable with ageing of morethan one year.

26 Advance payments received

Item31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Advances from related parties103,733?188,623
Advances from third parties94,601,248?79,660,354



27 Contract liabilities

(1) The contract liabilities are as follows:

Item31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Sale of goods3,000,168,620?2,411,717,792



Contract liabilities primarily relate to the Group’s advances from goods purchase and salecontracts. The Group receives a certain proportion of advances as agreed in contract whenentering into the contract with customers. The revenue related to the contracts will berecognised until the Group satisfies its performance obligation.

(2) Significant contract liabilities aged more than 1 year:

Item31 December 2023?The reason for the non-carryover
Advance receipts172,566,372?Not yet delivered

Significant changes in the contract liabilities of the Group are as follows:

Balance at the beginning of the year2,411,717,792
Revenue recognised that was included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of year(2,059,115,794)
Increase of contract liabilities due to cash received at the end of the year2,647,566,622
Balance at the end of the year3,000,168,620



28 Employee benefits payable

(1) Employee benefits payable:

?NoteBalance at 1 January 2023?Accrued during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at 31 December 2023
Short-term employee benefits(2)2,656,369,348?16,850,640,827?(16,462,441,948)?3,044,568,227
Post-employment benefits????????
- defined contribution plans(3)58,051,832?1,848,632,320?(1,853,563,027)?53,121,125
Termination benefits?104,111,643?50,931,357?(151,821,076)?3,221,924



?NoteBalance at 1 January 2022?Accrued during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at 31 December 2022
Short-term employee benefits(2)5,098,605,495?16,306,120,923?(18,748,357,070)?2,656,369,348
Post-employment benefits????????
- defined contribution plans(3)34,235,855?1,643,219,063?(1,619,403,086)?58,051,832
Termination benefits?313,887?125,276,407?(21,478,651)?104,111,643



(2) Short-term employee benefits

?Balance at 1 January 2023?Accrued during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at 31 December 2023
Salaries, bonuses, allowances1,689,488,356?13,369,970,316?(13,142,172,990)?1,917,285,682
Staff welfare-?1,200,381,109?(1,200,381,109)?-
Social insurance45,026,603?866,656,861?(874,490,443)?37,193,021
Medical insurance42,596,285?818,538,486?(826,067,942)?35,066,829
Work-related injury insurance2,430,318?48,118,375?(48,422,501)?2,126,192
Housing fund29,798,139?1,034,105,760?(1,044,206,780)?19,697,119
Labour union fee, staff and workers’ education fee871,474,749?362,090,148?(187,222,198)?1,046,342,699
Staff bonus and welfare fund20,553,209?-?-?20,553,209
Other short-term employee benefits28,292?17,436,633?(13,968,428)?3,496,497



?Balance at 1 January 2022?Accrued during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at 31 December 2022
Salaries, bonuses, allowances4,304,276,089?12,995,283,767?(15,610,071,500)?1,689,488,356
Staff welfare-?1,212,939,702?(1,212,939,702)?-
Social insurance43,095,684?780,825,248?(778,894,329)?45,026,603
Medical insurance38,317,039?720,094,785?(718,045,022)?40,366,802
Work-related injury insurance2,583,340?44,668,965?(44,821,987)?2,430,318
Maternity insurance2,195,305?16,061,498?(16,027,320)?2,229,483
Housing fund33,089,973?946,098,096?(949,389,930)?29,798,139
Labour union fee, staff and workers’ education fee697,018,542?370,534,929?(196,078,722)?871,474,749
Staff bonus and welfare fund20,553,209?-?-?20,553,209
Other short-term employee benefits571,998?439,181?(982,887)?28,292


(3) Post-employment benefits - defined contribution plans

?Balance at 1 January 2023?Accrued during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at 31 December 2023
Basic pension insurance37,012,623?1,550,009,517?(1,555,024,760)?31,997,380
Unemployment insurance1,320,821?51,043,742?(51,324,167)?1,040,396



?Balance at 1 January 2022?Accrued during the year?Decrease during the year?Balance at 31 December 2022
Basic pension insurance30,284,940?1,408,163,207?(1,401,435,524)?37,012,623
Unemployment insurance906,583?45,871,870?(45,457,632)?1,320,821



29 Taxes payable

Value-added tax96,556,759?142,337,422
Corporate income tax502,726,541?287,859,236
Individual income tax39,311,660?48,228,934
City construction tax309,488,421?428,525,949
Education surcharges and local education surcharges223,104,253?306,515,854



30 Other payables

?Note31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Interest payable?175,698?151,200
Dividends payable?39,014,714?6,410,514



(1) Others

(a) The Group’s other payables by category are as follows:

?Note31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Projects and equipment?13,556,738,142?13,185,841,311
Fund transaction (Note)?3,182,963,067?3,130,038,067
Deferred VAT for imported equipment?148,348,308?196,440,706
Repurchase obligation of restricted sharesV.42457,401,616?753,440,228
Accrued water and electricity charges and freight?113,409,651?407,770,818
Security and deposits?764,238,522?505,702,125
External agency fee?109,646,050?172,851,477



The Group’s significant other payables aged over one year are payables of projectsand equipment.

Note: The other payables by the Group as at 31 December 2023 are amounts and interests

due to original controlling shareholders of Nanjing Display Technology and ChengduDisplay Sci-tech acquired in 2020, with interest rates of 2.175% and 0%.

(b) The Group’s other payables by currency are as follows:

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?Amount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents
Other foreign currencies????247,822,147?????193,793,971



31 Non-current liabilities due within one year

As at 31 December, the non-current liabilities due within one year for the Group were long-term loans due within one year, lease liabilities, and long-term payables.

??31 December 2023
???????Credited/ collateralised
?NoteAmount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?guaranteed/ pledged
Bank loans????????
- RMB?????116,082,704?Pledged
- RMB?????11,632,397,549?Collateralised
- RMB?????1,584,339,256?Guaranteed
- RMB?????7,072,242,667?Credited
- USD?538,790,096?7.0827?3,816,088,613?Collateralised
Long-term payablesV.35????47,178,393??
Lease liabilitiesV.34????168,698,260??



??31 December 2022
???????Credited/ collateralised
?NoteAmount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?guaranteed/ pledged
Bank loans????????
- RMB?????117,008,022?Pledged
- RMB?????11,356,508,048?Collateralised
- RMB?????94,144,290?Guaranteed
- RMB?????5,528,984,741?Credited
- USD?694,159,756?6.9646?4,834,545,037?Collateralised
Long-term payablesV.35????143,117,840??
Lease liabilitiesV.34????118,302,766??
Contribution of non-controlling interests with redemption provisionsV.38????511,140,000??



32 Other current liabilities

Item?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Warranty provisions?2,751,418,713?3,368,859,501
Refund liability?137,738,457?101,672,253
Pending output VAT?190,865,955?139,462,782



The other current liabilities of the Group were warranty provision. The warranty provisionmainly relates to the expected after-sales repair warranty to the customers. The provision isestimated by the Management, based on historical claim experience and current actual salesoutcomes.

33 Long-term loans

??31 December 2023
???????Credited/ collateralised
?NoteAmount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?guaranteed/ pledged
Bank loans????????
- RMB?????815,374,959?Pledged
- RMB?????43,946,736,428?Collateralised
- RMB?????4,721,896,695?Guaranteed
- RMB?????72,344,096,703?Credited
- USD?3,379,980,096?7.0827?23,939,385,026?Collateralised
Less: Long-term loans due within one yearV.31????24,221,150,789??



??31 December 2022
???????Credited/ collateralised
?NoteAmount in original currency?Exchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents?guaranteed/ pledged
Bank loans????????
- RMB?????1,058,900,427?Pledged
- RMB?????49,363,519,760?Collateralised
- RMB?????4,326,076,807?Guaranteed
- RMB?????58,386,326,488?Credited
- USD?4,586,027,388?6.9646?31,939,846,346?Collateralised
Less: Long-term loans due within one yearV.31????21,931,190,138??


34 Lease liabilities

ItemNote31 December 2023?1 January 2023
Long-term lease liabilities?710,839,756?656,888,776
Less: Lease liabilities due within one yearV.31168,698,260?118,302,766



During the year ended 31 December 2023, income from short-term leases and leases of low-value assets which are accounted for using the practical expedient as well as sub-leasingright-of-use assets for which the Group, as a lessee, was not significant.

35 Long-term payables

Item31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Obligations under finance leases218,789,786?372,704,917
Less: Obligations under finance leases due within one year47,178,393?143,117,840



As at 31 December 2023, the Group sold and leased back some of its machinery andequipment and construction in progress. Since asset sales and lease transactions areinterrelated, and it is almost certain that they will be repurchased after the lease term expires,the Group conducts accounting treatment according to mortgage loans and presents them aslong-term payables.

36 Provisions

Item31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Outstanding litigation3,580,000?-

37 Deferred income

ItemBalance at the beginning of the year?Additions during the year?Amounts recognised in other income?Other changes?Balance at the end of the year
Related to assets3,798,389,149?745,618,201?(547,154,297)?(238,241,725)?3,758,611,328
Related to income1,357,958,183?1,939,512,378?(2,293,029,934)?-?1,004,440,627


38 Other non-current liabilities

ItemNote31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Contribution of non-controlling interests with redemption provisions2,500,522,066?2,499,075,805



The contribution of non-controlling interests with redemption provisions is mainly due to theredemption obligation of the Company to the non-controlling interests of Fuzhou BOE. TheCompany recognises the above non-controlling interests contribution as a financial liabilitywhich is subsequently measured at the cost of amortisation. According to the contracts, theCompany will eventually carry out the repurchasing plan during the period from 2025 to2034.

39 Share capital

?Balance at the beginning of the year?Changes during the year?Balance at the end of the year
???Issuance of new shares?Cancellation of treasury shares?Sub-total??
Total shares38,196,363,421?-?(543,834,226)?(543,834,226)?37,652,529,195



On May 25th, 2023, our company conducted a repurchase and cancellation of 10,298,610restricted shares at the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Registration and ClearingCorporation Limited. Upon completion of this repurchase and cancellation, the company'stotal share capital was adjusted from 38,196,363,421 shares to 38,186,064,811 shares.

On August 29th, 2023, our company cancelled 28,186,133 treasury shares held in adedicated repurchase account at the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Registration andClearing Corporation Limited. Following this cancellation, the company's total share capitalwas further reduced from 38,186,064,811 shares to 38,157,878,678 shares.

On December 25th, 2023, our company proceeded with the cancellation of 499,999,919treasury shares held in the dedicated repurchase account at the Shenzhen Branch of ChinaSecurities Registration and Clearing Corporation Limited, and simultaneously completed therepurchase and cancellation of 5,349,564 restricted shares. As a result of this combinedrepurchase and cancellation action, the company's total share capital was adjusted downfrom 38,157,878,678 shares to 37,652,529,195 shares.

40 Other equity instruments

(1) Financial instruments (including perpetual bonds) that remain outstanding at the end of the

year are set out as follows:

Outstanding financial instrumentsIssuance date?Accounting classification?Interest rate?Issuance price?Quantity?Amount?Maturity date or renewal status?Conditions for conversion?Conversion status
22BOEY125 March 2022?Equity instrument?3.50%?RMB 100/bond?20 million?RMB 2 billion?3+N years?Not applicable?Not applicable



(2) Major terms:

With the approval document No. 1801 [2019] of the China Securities Regulatory Commission(“CSRC”), the Company issued renewable corporate bonds to qualified investors on March25, 2022. The full name of these bonds was Renewable Corporate Bond Publicly Issued byBOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. (digital economy) in 2022 (the First Phase), which referredto as 22BOEY1 (“2022 bond”).

2022 bond have a base term of 3 years and take every three interest-bearing years as aperiod. The Company is entitled to choose to extend the maturity by 1 period at the end ofthe agreed base term or at the end of each extended period, or choose to fully redeem the2022 bond at the end of the period. The nominal interest rate of the 2022 bond is fixed duringthe first period, and then is reset once every period. The nominal interest rate in the firstperiod is the initial benchmark interest rate plus the initial spread, and the nominal interestrate in the subsequent period is adjusted to the current benchmark interest rate plus theinitial spread and 300 basis points. Therefore, when the Company exercises the renewaloption, the nominal interest rate will significantly increase, and the corresponding nominalinterest will also increase sharply. The 2022 bond have an issuer’s right to defer the paymentof interest. Unless a mandatory interest payment event occurs (including distributions toordinary shareholders and decrease of registered capital). At each interest payment date ofthe bonds, the Company may choose at its discretion whether to defer the payment of thecurrent interest as well as all the deferred interests and the yields under this term until thenext interest payment date without being subjected to any limit on the number of interestdeferring attempts.

As at 31 December 2023, the actual issuance of the 2022 bond amounted to RMB2,000,000,000 in total, and the Company considers that the renewable corporate bonds donot meet the definition of financial liabilities, and therefore will charge the total amount of theissuance to other equity instruments after deducting underwriting fees and other transactioncosts.

(3) Movement of the financial instruments (including perpetual bonds) that remain outstanding at

the end of the year:

Outstanding financial instrumentsAt the beginning of the yearAdditions during the yearDecrease during the yearAccumulated interest?At the end of the year
QuantityCarrying amountQuantityCarrying amountQuantityCarrying amountCharge for the year?Paid during the yearQuantity?Carrying amount



On February 28, March 19, and April 27, 2020, our company issued the 2020 publicly issuedrenewable corporate bonds of BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. to qualified investors (forqualified investors), which referred to as 20BOEY1, 20BOEY2, 20BOEY3 respectively (“2020bond”). As at 31 December 2023, the 2020 bond has been issued for three years, the Companyhas not exercised the bond issuer’s renewal option and has fully paid the principal and interestof the 2020 bond.

(4) Relevant information of amounts attributable to holders of equity instruments:

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Attributable to shareholders of the Company129,428,307,067?136,086,175,204
- Equity attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company127,384,904,121?127,909,808,396
- Equity attributable to holders of the Company’s other equity instruments2,043,402,946?8,176,366,808
Equity attributable to non-controlling shareholders68,370,379,252?65,954,391,821
- Equity attributable to non-controlling ordinary shareholders68,370,379,252?65,954,391,821
- Equity attributable to non-controlling shareholders of other equity instruments-?-



(5) Accrued interest on holders of other equity instruments

In 2023, as the above-mentioned issued renewable corporate bonds are cumulative otherequity instruments, the Company accrued interest of RMB 118,551,232on renewablecorporate bonds from undistributed profits and paid interest of RMB 283,600,000 onrenewable corporate bonds.

41 Capital reserve

ItemNoteShare premium?Other capital reserves?Total
Balance at the beginning of the year?53,837,673,239?1,387,212,436?55,224,885,675
Add: Changes in shareholding ratio of subsidiaries?(1,219,955,094)?-?(1,219,955,094)
Equity-settled share-based paymentXII-?309,120,206?309,120,206
Other movements in equity of associatesV.11-?61,662,689?61,662,689
Cancellation of treasury shares?(2,244,946,976)?-?(2,244,946,976)
Balance at the end of the year?50,340,686,263?1,772,894,483?52,113,580,746



42 Treasury shares

ItemBalance at the beginning of the year?Additions during the year?Reductions during the year?Balance at the end of the year
Treasury shares3,508,201,911?-?(3,046,165,671)?462,036,240



According to the resolution passed by the 13th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors andthe 4th Meeting of the 10th Supervisory Board on March 31st, 2023, regarding 'The Proposalon Repurchasing and Cancelling Part of Restricted Shares,' the company completed therepurchase and cancellation of 10,298,610 restricted shares under the incentive plan as ofMay 25th, 2023. The average repurchase price per share was RMB 2.41, resulting in adecrease in treasury shares of RMB 24,819,650, while the difference of RMB 14,521,040between the cancelled treasury shares and the share capital was deducted from the Capitalreserve - Share premium.

Based on the resolution approved during the same meetings on March 31st, 2023,concerning 'The Proposal on Achieving the Conditions for the First Lifting of RestrictionsPeriod for the 2020 Stock Option and Restricted Share Incentive Plan and the First ExercisePeriod for the Initial Grant of Stock Options,' the company confirmed that a total of102,260,780 restricted shares were eligible for lifting restrictions. These shares were listedfor circulation on April 11th, 2023, corresponding to a reduction of RMB 240,210,572 in otherpayables - obligation to repurchase restricted shares (Note V. 30) and Treasury shares.

In accordance with the resolution passed by the 17th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directorson July 24th, 2023, regarding 'The Proposal on Cancelling Part of Treasury shares in theCompany's Dedicated Repurchase Account,' the company finished the cancellation of28,186,133 shares within the dedicated repurchase account on August 29th, 2023. Theaverage repurchase price per share was RMB 5.71, reducing treasury shares by RMB160,964,972. The difference of RMB 132,778,839 between the cancelled treasury sharesand the share capital was then deducted from Capital reserve - Share premium.

Pursuant to the resolution adopted at the 21st Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors and the7th Meeting of the 10th Supervisory Board on October 30th, 2023, about 'The Proposal onRepurchasing and Cancelling Part of Restricted Shares,' the company concluded therepurchase and cancellation of 5,349,564 restricted shares under the incentive plan onDecember 25th, 2023. The average repurchase price per share was RMB 2.35, leading to adecrease in treasury shares of RMB 12,566,126, and the difference of RMB 7,216,562between the cancelled treasury shares and the share capital was debited against the Capitalreserve - Share premium.

Following the approval at the 23rd Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors on November 28th,2023, concerning 'The Proposal on Changing the Use of Repurchased Shares andCancelling Them,' the company accomplished the change of use and subsequentcancellation of 499,999,919 shares within the dedicated repurchase account on December25th, 2023. The average repurchase price per share was RMB 5.24, reducing treasuryshares by RMB 2,620,105,418, and the difference of RMB 2,120,105,499 between thecancelled treasury shares and the share capital was deducted from the Capital reserve -Share premium.

During 2023, the company recognized restricted share dividends amounting to RMB17,173,897, which led to a decrease in other payables - obligation to repurchase restrictedshares (Note V. 30) and Treasury shares.

43 Other comprehensive income

???Movements during the year??
ItemBalance at the end of previous year attributable to shareholders of the Company?Before-tax amount?Less: Income tax expenses?Less: Amount transferred from other comprehensive income to profit or loss?Net-of-tax amount attributable to shareholders of the Company?Net-of-tax amount attributable to non-controlling interests?Less: Transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earnings?Balance at the end of the year attributable to shareholders of the Company
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss(121,272,681)?(284,719,598)13,421,765?-?(297,850,012)(291,351)?(51,690,779)?(367,431,914)
Including: Other comprehensive income recognised under equity method121,391,777?(290,012,370)12,246,372?-?(302,258,742)-?1,175,221?(182,042,186)
Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments(242,664,458)?5,292,7721,175,393?-?4,408,730(291,351)?(52,866,000)?(185,389,728)
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss(952,495,349)?279,822,666-?-?182,930,03996,892,627?-?(769,565,310)
Including: Other comprehensive income recognised under equity method(156,851)?38,009-?-?38,009-?-?(118,842)
Translation differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements(952,338,498)?279,784,657-?-?182,892,03096,892,627?-?(769,446,468)




44 Surplus reserve

ItemBalance at the beginning of the year?Additions during the year?Others changes during the year?Balance at the end of the year
Statutory surplus reserve2,951,392,625?330,597,179?117,522?3,282,107,326
Discretionary surplus reserve289,671,309?-?-?289,671,309



45 Retained earnings

Retained earnings at the beginning of the year (before adjustment)?35,829,465,307?37,106,514,799
Total adjustments for opening retained earnings (“+” for increase; “-” for decrease)-?(161,882)
Retained earnings at the beginning of the year (after adjustment)?35,829,465,307?37,106,352,917
Add: Net profits for the year attributable to shareholders of the Company?2,547,435,360?7,541,423,198
Less: Appropriation for statutory surplus reserve?330,597,179?348,186,351
Interest on holders of other equity instrumentsV.40118,551,232?530,695,890
Dividends to ordinary shares?(a)2,296,367,348?7,958,923,130
Transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earnings(b)51,808,301?(19,494,563)
Retained earnings at the end of the year?35,579,576,607?35,829,465,307



(a) According to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting for 2022 held on 5 May 2023, the

Company distributed cash dividends to shareholders of A shares and B shares on 7June 2023 (A shares) and 9 June 2023 (B shares), with RMB 0.61 (2022: RMB 2.1)every 10 shares and a profit distribution amount of RMB 2,297,635,715. Consideringthe turnover rate, the corresponding dividends of the expected non-exercisableportions of restricted shares are RMB 1,268,367 with a profit distribution of RMB2,296,367,348 (2022: RMB 7,958,923,130).

(b) The amounts both transferred from other comprehensive income to retained earnings

which is associates’ losses from disposal of other equity instrument investmentsincluded in retained earnings and changes in the fair value of other equity instrumentinvestments are carried out to retained earnings in 2023 are RMB 51,808,301 (2022:

income RMB 19,494,563).

(c) As at 31 December 2023, the consolidated retained earnings attributable to the

Company included appropriation to surplus reserves made by the Company’ssubsidiaries amounting to RMB 6,738,372,634 (2022: RMB 6,206,465,315).

46 Operating income and operating costs

Principal activities169,749,300,319?148,637,127,117?174,113,214,324?154,442,890,090
Other operating activities4,794,145,576?3,995,934,250?4,300,516,855?3,087,676,062
Including: Revenue from contracts with customers174,029,517,307?152,524,153,735?177,667,655,331?157,352,470,042
Other income513,928,588?108,907,632?746,075,848?178,096,110



Information on income of principal activities has been included in Note XV.

Revenue and the related costs of the Group's sales before intended use are as follows:

Relating to ordinary activities:

Operating income2,109,347,934?1,407,856,936
Operating costs1,877,621,445?1,514,976,278



47 Taxes and surcharges

Property tax597,939,410?561,061,660
City maintenance and construction tax171,689,341?268,999,607
Education surcharges and local education surcharges125,103,191?193,572,818
Stamp duty156,907,291?167,033,833
Land use tax59,008,233?50,378,527



48 Selling and distribution expenses

Warranty provisions1,840,608,669?2,390,095,031
Staff costs1,152,898,586?1,112,021,277
Share-based payments47,456,891?97,853,078



49 General and administrative expenses

Staff costs3,190,433,935?3,251,030,370
Depreciation and amortisation935,214,349?971,573,303
Share-based payments106,565,976?238,162,832
Repair expense41,921,740?68,934,663



50 Research and development expenses

Staff costs4,696,640,452?4,601,448,025
Depreciation and amortisation2,263,292,470?2,000,893,037
Material expenses1,692,001,767?1,907,254,468
Share-based payments134,440,962?269,690,937



51 Financial expenses

Interest expenses from loans4,093,007,199?4,033,749,371
Less: Borrowing costs capitalised556,117,300?461,537,933
Interest income from bank deposits(2,032,287,888)?(1,483,022,892)
Exchange (gains) / losses(439,326,037)?258,458,498
Other financial expenses85,034,572?97,483,531



The interest rate per annum, at which the borrowing costs were capitalised by the Group,was 2.95% ~ 3.95% (2022: 3.25% ~ 4.25%) for the year.

52 Other income

Government grants related to assets547,154,297?739,587,184
Government grants related to income3,443,984,813?4,717,326,643
Weighted deduction of input VAT177,734,5684,064,149



The amount of government subsidies related to income received by the Group in 2023 anddirectly included in other income was RMB 1,150,954,879.

53 Investment income

Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity methodV.11702,555,344?528,103,680
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investments?1,581,850?829,872,568
Dividend income from investments in other equity instrumentsV.1228,419,020?35,354,468
Including: Dividend income from investments in other equity instruments held at the balance sheet date?28,419,020?35,354,468
Investment income from disposal of financial assets held for trading?69,166,228?116,153,975
Gains from remeasurement of remaining equity interests to fair value upon loss of control-?4,266,631,856



54 Gains from changes in fair value

Financial assets held for trading291,542,233?159,344,584



55 Credit losses

Accounts receivable15,213,883?49,897,296
Other receivables3,328,671?1,679,930
?Notes receivable19,644?-



56 Impairment losses

Impairment losses of inventories2,202,962,576?6,975,372,718
Impairment losses of fixed assets199,363,784?143,071,492
Impairment losses of construction in progress3,086,619?29,768,263
Impairment losses of contract assets817,655-
Impairment losses of long-term equity investments-?8,503,403
Impairment losses of goodwill-?147,755,754



57 Gains from asset disposals

Item2023?2022?Amount recognised in extraordinary gain and loss in 2023
Gains from disposal of fixed assets9,798,475?7,963,317?9,798,475
Gains from disposal of right-of-use assets3,291,911?3,002,239?3,291,911



58 Non-operating income and non-operating expenses

(1) Non-operating income by item is as follows:

Item2023?2022?Amount recognised in extraordinary gain and loss in 2023
Government grants13,138,657?1,751,445?13,138,657
Gain on disposal of non-current assets10,212,0471,448,64710,212,047
Revenue from the recycling and disposal of surplus waste176,876,50726,348,893176,876,507



Government grants recognised in profit or loss for the current period

Policy incentives and others13,138,657?1,751,445


(2) Non-operating expenses

?2023?2022?Amount recognised in extraordinary gain and loss in 2023
Donations provided4,201,070?28,491,697?4,201,070
Losses from scrapping of non-current assets42,927,593?17,322,542?42,927,593



59 Income tax expenses

Current tax expense based on tax law and regulations?1,311,971,433??1,675,605,623
Changes in deferred tax assets/liabilities(1)151,155,913??116,115,039



(1) The analysis of changes in deferred tax assets/liabilities is set out below:

Origination and reversal of temporary differences151,155,913?116,115,039



(2) Reconciliation between income tax expenses and accounting profit:

Profit before taxation1,832,998,675?51,218,939
Expected income tax expenses at tax rate of 15%274,949,801??7,682,841
Add: Effect of different tax rates applied by subsidiaries18,028,526??(14,751,718)
Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses51,628,306??315,429,605
Tax effect of weighted deduction and tax preference(1,017,881,773)?(2,652,168,644)
Utilisation of prior year tax losses(269,688,693)?(49,695,309)
Tax effect of deductible losses of deferred tax assets not recognised2,326,078,995??4,456,877,895
Tax effect of deductible temporary differences of deferred tax assets not recognised80,012,184??(271,654,008)
Income tax expenses1,463,127,346?1,791,720,662



60 Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated as dividing consolidated net profit attributable toordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary sharesoutstanding. The Group does not have any potential dilutive ordinary shares for the listedyears.

Consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company2,547,435,360?7,541,423,198
Less: Current interest of other equity instruments118,551,232?530,695,890
Less: Current dividends of restricted shareholders17,173,897?64,525,832
Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company2,411,710,231?6,946,201,476
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (shares)37,429,510,530?37,502,641,911
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)0.06?0.19



Weighted average number of ordinary shares is calculated as follows:

Issued ordinary shares at the beginning of the year37,355,546,569?37,638,356,849
Add: Weighted average number of ordinary shares issued in current period-?-
Add: Weighted average number of restricted shares released from lock-up in current period73,963,961?-
Less: Weighted average number of ordinary shares repurchased in current period-?135,714,938
Weighted average number of ordinary shares at the end of the year37,429,510,530?37,502,641,911



61 Cash flow statement

(1) Cash relating to operating activities

a. Proceeds relating to other operating activities:

Government grants received5,323,824,411?6,165,190,561?
Restricted cash at bank and on hand as well as others related to operating activities821,660,520?1,232,073,535?



b. Payments relating to other operating activities:

Expenses paid during the period7,613,110,071?7,129,101,409



(2) Cash relating to investing activities

a. Proceeds relating to other investing activities:

Interest income1,658,880,796??1,303,694,043?
Restricted monetary funds and others related to investing activities2,281,607,894??8,248,427?



(3) Cash relating to financing activities

a. Proceeds relating to other financing activities:

Cash received for disposing of subsidiaries without a change in control-??770,432,703?



b. Payments relating to other financing activities:

Acquisition of non-controlling interests of subsidiaries7,429,009,200??1,048,154,539?
Principal and interest related to leases and others467,134,209??1,500,840,937?



c. Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities:

???Additions during the year?Decreases during the year??
?Balance at the beginning of the year?Cash?Non-cash?Cash?Non-cash?Balance at the end of the year
Short-term loans2,373,938,871??1,064,102,075??1,053,331,132??(2,745,187,544)??-??1,746,184,534
Long-term loans (including non-current liabilities due within one year)145,074,669,828??26,277,758,556??7,293,169,349??(32,878,107,922)??-??145,767,489,811
Lease liabilities (including non-current liabilities due within one year)656,888,776-429,349,128(375,398,148)-710,839,756
Long-term payables (including non-current liabilities due within one year)372,704,917-29,861,870(183,777,001)-218,789,786
Other non-current liabilities (including non-current liabilities due within one year)3,010,215,805-26,806,261(536,500,000)-2,500,522,066



62 Supplementary information on cash flow statement

(1) Supplement to cash flow statement

(a) Reconciliation of net profit / (loss) to cash flows from operating activities:??
Net profit / (loss)369,871,329(1,740,501,723)
Add: Credit losses18,562,19851,577,226
Impairment loss2,406,230,6347,304,471,630
Depreciation of fixed assets, investment properties and right-of-use assets33,721,207,17433,422,031,705
Amortisation of intangible assets955,466,291995,315,014
Amortisation of long-term deferred expenses162,353,52083,058,206
Gains from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets(13,090,386)(10,965,556)
Losses from scrapping of fixed assets and intangible assets32,715,54615,873,895
Financial expenses2,567,467,2274,070,314,610
Gains from changes in fair value(291,542,233)(159,344,584)
Investment income(810,709,642)(6,094,267,884)
Share-based payments307,160,605649,427,866
Change in deferred income(393,295,377)(1,259,742,279)
Change in deferred tax assets(26,847,208)25,329,486
Change in deferred tax liabilities178,771,023140,074,643
Increase in inventories(1,825,979,018)(3,360,776,944)
Increase / ( decrease) in operating receivables(3,904,919,786)7,975,232,270
Increase in operating payables4,781,932,585914,859,724
Safety fund66,472,402-
Net cash flows from operating activities38,301,826,88443,021,967,305


(b) Change in cash and cash equivalents:??
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year52,092,981,74864,382,037,764
Less: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year64,382,037,76476,623,486,083
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents(12,289,056,016)(12,241,448,319)



(2) Information on acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries during the current year:

Net proceeds for acquisition of subsidiaries:

Cash or cash equivalents paid during the year for acquiring subsidiaries during the year?(150,000,000)?-
Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by acquired subsidiaries?209,293,141?-
Net proceeds for acquisition of subsidiaries?59,293,141?-



Net payment for acquisition of subsidiaries:

Cash or cash equivalents paid during the year for acquiring subsidiaries during the year?(2,083,597,236)?-
Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by acquired subsidiaries?1,918,264,097??-
Net payment for acquisition of subsidiaries?(165,333,139)?-

Net proceeds for disposal of subsidiaries:

Cash or cash equivalents received during the year for disposing of subsidiaries during the year?-?1,248,072,000
Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by acquired subsidiaries?-?311,313,078
Net cash received for disposing of subsidiaries?-?936,758,922



Net payment for disposal of subsidiaries:

Cash or cash equivalents received during the year for disposing of subsidiaries during the year?-?-
Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by acquired subsidiaries?-?144,689,766
Net payment for disposal of subsidiaries?-?(144,689,766)

(3) Details of cash and cash equivalents

Cash on hand802,967?896,267
Bank deposits available on demand52,089,093,133?64,378,531,680
Other monetary funds available on demand3,085,648?2,609,817
Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents52,092,981,748?64,382,037,764



Note: The cash and cash equivalents disclosed above do not include the interest accrued

on bank deposits at the end of the period, bank deposits with fixed interest rate andthe use of other currency funds subject to restrictions.

(4) Monetary funds other than cash and cash equivalents

Bank deposits with interest at fixed rates17,740,553,353-Held for investment purposes
? Margin deposits1,869,539,464?4,027,358,544??Mainly refer to margin deposits pledged for the issuance of bills payable?



(5) Explanation for presentation of cash flows on a net basis

ItemRelevant facts and circumstances?Basis for presentation on a net basis?Financial impact
? Restricted monetary fundsAmounts of restricted deposits placed and recovered are presented on a net basis??Cash inflows and outflows for fast-turnover, high-value, short-term items can be presented on a net basis??Nil?

63 Assets with restrictive ownership titles or right of use

ItemBook balance?Book value?Restricted type?Restricted circumstances
Cash at bank and on hand1,869,539,464?1,869,539,464?Notes to the financial statements V.1?Notes to the financial statements V.1
Bills receivable230,354,069?230,354,069?Pledged?Endorsed with resource and pledged for drawing bill
Investment properties101,775,150?100,605,150?Mortgaged?Mortgaged as collateral
Fixed assets237,742,564,332?136,319,471,935?Mortgaged?Mortgaged as collateral
Construction in progress2,925,304,165?2,925,304,165?Mortgaged?Mortgaged as collateral
Intangible assets1,806,103,571?1,546,929,316?Mortgaged?Mortgaged as collateral



ItemBook balance?Book value?Restricted type?Restricted circumstances
Cash at bank and on hand4,027,358,544?4,027,358,544?Notes to the financial statements V.1?Notes to the financial statements V.1
Bills receivable28,239,380?28,239,380?Pledged?Endorsed with resource and pledged for drawing bill
Investment properties94,676,065?39,718,001?Mortgaged?Mortgaged as collateral
Fixed assets218,690,717,728?140,418,857,377?Mortgaged?Mortgaged as collateral
Construction in progress2,051,101,917?2,051,101,917?Mortgaged?Mortgaged as collateral
Intangible assets1,658,448,442?1,461,125,786?Mortgaged?Mortgaged as collateral


VI. Research and development expenses

1 Presentation by nature

Labour costs?4,722,235,784?4,601,448,025
Material expenses?1,700,125,252?1,907,254,468
Depreciation and amortisation?2,269,453,425?2,000,893,037
Share-based payments?134,440,962?269,690,937
Including: research and development expenditures that are expensed?11,319,503,088?11,100,768,677
research and development expenditures that are capitalised?43,765,802?-



2 Expenditures on research and development projects which are eligible for capitalisation

ItemBalance at the beginning of the year?Additions due to business combinations involving entities not under common control?Internal development expenditure?Recognised as intangible assets?Balance at the end of the year
HC SemiTek Corporation LED and Micro-LED technology development-?155,132,690?43,765,802?(31,920,961)?166,977,531



VII. Change of consolidation scope

1 Business combination involving entities not under common control

(1) Business combinations involving entities not under common control occurred during the year

?????????????Acquiree from acquisition date to 31 December 2023
Entity nameAcquisition date of equity investment?Cost of equity investment?Shareholding acquired (%)?Acquisition method?Acquisition date?Basis of acquisition date determinationIncome?Net loss?Net cash outflow
Beijing United Ultra High-Definition Video Technology Collaboration Center Co., Ltd.13 January 2023?152,990,214?56.28%?Capital increase?16 January 2023?Achieving actual control by holding more than half of the Board of Directors of acquiree66,154,253?(31,052,687)?(85,861,222)
HC SemiTek Corporation28 July 2023?2,083,597,236?23.01%?Subscription of non-public offering shares?31 August 2023?Achieving actual control by holding more than half of the Board of Directors of acquiree1,252,521,862?(372,160,575)?(593,987,223)



Beijing United Ultra High-Definition Video Technology Collaboration Center Co., Ltd. was established in November 2018 and headquartered inBeijing, China, which is mainly engaged in technology promotion and application services, its business scope includes 8K design anddevelopment, integration, recording, production, rebroadcasting, and content production.

HC SemiTek Corporation was established in November 2005 and headquartered in Wuhan, China, which is mainly engaged in the research,development, production and sales of LED chips, LED epitaxial wafers, sapphire substrates, and third-generation semiconductor compoundsGaN power electronics devices. Prior to the combination, the ultimate controlling party of HC SemiTek Corporation was the State-owned AssetsSupervision and Administration Commission of Zhuhai Government.

(2) Acquisition cost and goodwill

Acquisition costBeijing Zhonglianhe Ultra HD Collaborative Technology Center Co., Ltd.?HC SemiTek Corporation
?Carrying amount?Fair value?Carrying amount?Fair value
Equity interests held before acquisition date1,210,671?2,990,214?-?-
Total acquisition cost151,210,671?152,990,214?2,083,597,236?2,083,597,236
Less: Share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired??138,704,367???2,054,001,148



(3) Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree at the acquisition date

?Beijing Zhonglianhe Ultra HD Collaborative Technology Center Co., Ltd.?HC SemiTek Corporation
?Carrying amount?Fair value?Carrying amount?Fair value
Current assets227,887,259?227,887,259?5,252,742,512?5,252,742,512
Non-current assets74,536,116?92,067,362?6,854,631,456?7,853,067,925
Current liabilities8,633,836?8,633,836?2,853,491,561?2,853,491,561
Non-current liabilities68,283,874?72,666,686?1,377,478,403?1,325,760,217
Net assets225,505,665?238,654,099?7,876,404,004?8,926,558,659
Less: Non-controlling interests98,591,077?99,949,732?6,064,043,443?6,872,557,511
Net assets acquired126,914,588?138,704,367?1,812,360,561?2,054,001,148



If there is an active market for the above identifiable assets, the quoted prices in the activemarket are used to establish their fair value; if there is no active market, their fair values areestimated based on the market prices of the same or similar types of assets which have anactive market; if there is no active market for the same asset or similar types of assets,valuation techniques are used to determine the fair value.

For the above identifiable liabilities, the payable amount or the present value of thepayable amount is its fair value.

2 Other reasons for change of consolidation scope

Except for the increase in the consolidation scope due to the above-mentioned businesscombination involving entities not under common control, other increases in the consolidationscope during the year were new subsidiaries established during the year, and the decreasesin the consolidation scope were cancellations of subsidiaries during the year.

VIII. Interests in other entities

1 Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the Group

??????Shareholding (or similar equity interest) percentage??
Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered place?Business natureRegistered capitalDirectIndirectAcquisition method
Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Research and development (“R&D”), design and manufacturing of TFT-LCDUSD 649,110,000-100%Founded by investment
Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Chengdu, ChinaChengdu, China?R&D, design, manufacturing, and sale of new display devices and componentsRMB 25,000,000,000100%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Hefei, ChinaHefei, China?Investment, construction, R&D, production and sales of the relevant products of thin film transistor LCD and its auxiliary productsRMB 2,700,000,000100%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Beijing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Development of TFT-LCD, manufacturing and sale of LCDRMB 8,941,456,80097.17%2.83%Founded by investment
Hefei Xinsheng Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Hefei, ChinaHefei, China?Investment, construction, R&D, production and sales of the relevant products of thin film transistor LCD and its auxiliary productsRMB 9,750,000,00099.97%0.03%Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Ordos Yuansheng Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.Ordos, ChinaOrdos, China?Manufacture and sales of AM-OLED products and auxiliary productsRMB 11,804,000,000100%-Founded by investment
Chongqing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Chongqing, ChinaChongqing, China?R&D, production and sales of semi-conducting display devices, complete machine and related products; import & export of goods and technology consultingRMB 3,845,200,000100%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Fuzhou BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Fuzhou, ChinaFuzhou, China?Investment, construction, R&D, production and sales of the relevant products of thin film transistor LCD and its auxiliary products (separate business site); self-support and agency for the import and export of various goods and technologies, except those goods and technologies that are restricted by the country or prohibited from import and export; business management consulting and services; property leases; machinery and equipment leases; technology development, transfer, consulting and services related to LCD products (For business activities subject to approval in accordance with laws and regulations, operations may be conducted only with the approval of the relevant government authorities).RMB 17,600,000,00086.08%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Beijing BOE Video Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Investment platform, sales of LCDRMB 5,636,475,800100%-Founded by investment
??????Shareholding (or similar equity interest) percentage??
Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered place?Business natureRegistered capitalDirectIndirectAcquisition method
Beijing BOE Vacuum Electronics Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Manufacture and sale of vacuum electronic productsRMB 33,250,00057.89%-Founded by investment
Beijing BOE Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Manufacture and sale of electronic tubesRMB 32,000,000100%-Founded by investment
Beijing Yinghe Century Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Management of engineering projects; real estate development; public parking lot for motor vehicles service; market surveyRMB 233,105,200100%-Founded by investment
BOE Optical Science and technology Co., Ltd.Suzhou, ChinaSuzhou, China?R&D, production and sales of LCD, back light for display and related componentsRMB 826,714,05995.17%-Founded by investment
BOE Hyundai LCD (Beijing) Display Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Development, manufacture and sale of liquid display for mobile terminationUSD 5,000,00075%-Founded by investment
BOE (Hebei) Mobile Technology Co., Ltd.Langfang, ChinaLangfang, China?Manufacture and sale of mobile flat screen display technical products and related servicesRMB 1,358,160,140100%-Founded by investment
Beijing BOE Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Design, consultancy and service of solar cell, photovoltaic system, wind power system and solar thermal system as well as the assembly units; energy-saving serviceRMB 1,242,690,05868.40%-Founded by investment
Beijing BOE Multimedia Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Technology development, technology transfer, technology consulting and technology services; sales of computer software, hardware and auxiliary equipment, digital video and audio technology products, electronic digital products, video telephone, mobile phones and spare parts, hardware (excluding electric bicycle), household appliances, photographic equipment, sporting goods, Class I medical devices, lamps, stationery, cosmetics, bathroom appliances, knitwear and textile, clothing, daily necessities, timepieces, glasses, toys and food; equipment maintenance; import and export of goods; basic software services; application software service; machinery and equipment leases; design, production, agency and publication of advertisements. (Market participants independently select the business activities and carry out the business activities in accordance with laws and regulations; sales of food and business activities subject to approval in accordance with laws and regulations, operations may be conducted only with the approval of relevant government authorities; business activities prohibited and restricted by the industrial policies of the state and the city.)RMB 400,000,000100%-Founded by investment
Beijing BOE Life Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Technology promotion services, property management, sales of electronic productsRMB 24,000,000100%-Founded by investment
??????Shareholding (or similar equity interest) percentage??
Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered place?Business natureRegistered capitalDirectIndirectAcquisition method
Ordos City Haosheng Energy Investment Co., Ltd.Ordos, ChinaOrdos, China?Energy investmentRMB 37,440,000-100%Founded by investment
BOE Semi-conductor Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Processing, manufacturing and sales of precision electronic components, semi-conductor devices, micro modules, microelectronic devices and electronic materials; import & export of goodsRMB 11,250,00084%-Founded by investment
BOE Optoelectronics Holding Co., Ltd.Hong Kong, ChinaBritish Virgin Islands?Investment holdingUSD 1,000,000,000100%-Founded by investment
BOE (Korea) Co., Ltd.KoreaKorea?Wholesale and retail tradeKRW 95,000,000100%-Founded by investment
BOE Healthcare Investment & Management Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Investment management and project investmentRMB 18,300,000,000100%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Beijing Matsushita Colour CRT Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Colour TV set, display tube, colour RPTV projection tube and materials of electronic components; property management and parking services, etc.RMB 325,754,04988.80%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Hefei BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.Hefei, ChinaHefei, China?Investment, R & D and production of products related to TFT-LCD and the supporting facilityRMB 24,000,000,00036.67%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Beijing BOE Technology Development Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Development, transfer, consulting and service of technologyRMB 1,000,000100%-Founded by investment
Hefei BOE Zhuoyin Technology Co., Ltd.Hefei, ChinaHefei, China?Investment, construction, R&D, production and sales of products related to OLED display device and auxiliary productsRMB 800,000,00075%-Founded by investment
Beijing BOE Real Estate Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Development, construction, property management and supporting service of industrial plants and supporting facilities; information consulting of real estate; lease of commercial facilities, commercial attendants and the supporting service facilities; motor vehicles public parking serviceRMB 55,420,00070%-Founded by investment
Beijing BOE Marketing Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Sales of communication equipment, hardware & software of computer and peripheral units, electronic products, equipment maintenance; development, transfer, consulting and service providing of technologies; import & export of goods and technologies, agency of import & export; manufacturing consignment of electronic products and LCD devicesRMB 50,000,000100%-Founded by investment
Shareholding (or similar equity interest) percentage
Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered place?Business natureRegistered capitalDirectIndirectAcquisition method
Beijing Zhongxiangying Technologies Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Technology promotion services, property management, sales of electronic productsRMB 109,767,00091.10%-Founded by investment
Yunnan Invensight Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Kunming, ChinaKunming, China?Development, promotion, transfer, consultation and services of display technology; computer software, hardware and network system services; the construction, operations and management of e-commerce platform; product design; conference services; undertaking exhibitions and presentation activities; computer animation design; production, R&D and sales of OLED microdisplays and AR/VR whole widget; warehousing services; Project investments and management of the invested projects; import and export of goods and technologies; property leases, machinery and equipment leasesRMB 3,040,000,00079.10%-Founded by investment
Mianyang BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Mianyang, ChinaMianyang, China?R&D, production and sales of flexible AMOLED, the products are mainly  used in smart phones, wearable devices, car display, AR/VR, etc.RMB 26,000,000,00083.46%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Beijing BOE Sensing Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Formation of X-ray sensors, microfluidic chips, biochemical chips, gene chips, security sensors, microwave antennas, biosensors, logistics network technology and other semiconductor sensors, technology testing, technical consulting, technical services, technology transferRMB 4,786,482,400100%-Founded by investment
Wuhan BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Wuhan, ChinaWuhan, China?Investing, researching, manufacturing and selling TFT-LCD products and accessory productsRMB 26,000,000,00047.14%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Chongqing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. (“Chongqing BOE Display”)Chongqing, ChinaChongqing, China?R&D, manufacture and sales of semiconductor display devices, whole widget and relevant products, import and export of goods and technical consultingRMB 26,000,000,00038.46%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Nanjing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.Nanjing, ChinaNanjing, China?R&D, production and sale of TFT-LCD panels, colour filters and LCD whole-widget modules; providing products and business-related services, as well as other business activities related to the above; import and export of proprietary and agent commodities and technologiesRMB 17,500,000,00080.83%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Shareholding (or similar equity interest) percentage
Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered place?Business natureRegistered capitalDirectIndirectAcquisition method
Hefei BOE Xingyu Technology Co., Ltd.Hefei, ChinaHefei, China?R&D, production and sales of Mini LED backlight components and Mini LED display module componentsUSD 115,380,00065.00%-Founded by investment
Fuzhou BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. (“Fuzhou BOE Display”)Fuzhou, ChinaFuzhou, China?R&D, production and sales of semiconductor display device-related products and related products; import or export of goods or technology; display device and component, other electronic components, and technology development, technology transfer, technical consulting, related fields related to display devices and electronic products, technical services; business management consulting; property management; house rental; machinery and equipment rentalRMB 50,000,00043.46%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
BOE Innovation Investment Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, ChinaProject investment and investment managementRMB 4,577,000,000100%-Founded by investment
Chengdu BOE Display Techlogy Co., Ltd. (Chengdu BOE Display)Chengdu, ChinaChengdu, China?General businesses: technical services, technology development, technology consulting, technical exchange, technology transfer, technology promotion; manufacturing of display devices [operations of branches]; sale of display devices; manufacturing of electronic components [operations of branches]; wholesale of electronic components; manufacturing of others electronic devices [operations of branches]; import and export of goods; import and export of technology; business management consulting; property management; non-residential real estate leasing; machinery and equipment leasing. (Except for business activities subject to approval in accordance with laws and regulations, operations are conducted in accordance with the law and business license.)RMB 38,000,000,00052.63%-?Founded by investment
BOE Mled Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Technology development, technology consulting, technology transfer, technology services; software development; basic software services; application software services; computer system services; internet data services (data centres in Internet data services, excluding cloud computing data centres with a PUE over 1.4); information processing and storage support services; general construction contracting, professional contracting, labour subcontracting; installation, maintenance and lease of equipment; literary and artistic creation; computer animation design; product design; enterprise management; enterprise management consulting; sales of computer, software and auxiliary equipment, electronic products.RMB 2,140,000,000100%-Founded by investment
BOE Smart Technology Co., Ltd. (Smart Technology)Beijing, ChinaBeijing, ChinaProvision of hardware and software integrated system solutions for the IoT market segment; intelligent city, intelligent transport, intelligent finance, intelligent park and the display terminal products such as the intelligent all-in-one machinesRMB 6,521,250,000100%-Founded by investment
Shareholding (or similar equity interest) percentage
Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered place?Business natureRegistered capitalDirectIndirectAcquisition method
BOE Education Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Technology development, technology consulting, technology services, technology transfer and technology promotion; software development; basic software services; application software services; computer system services; sales of stationery items, sporting goods, household appliances and electronic products; business management; market research; economic and trade consulting; business management consulting; education consulting; public relations services; corporate image planning; exhibition and presentation activities; conference services; research and experimental development in the natural sciences; research and experimental development in engineering and technology; agricultural scientific research and experimental development; medical research and experimental development; copyright agency; arts and crafts creation services. (Market participants independently select the business activities and carry out the business activities in accordance with laws and regulations; sales of food and business activities subject to approval in accordance with laws and regulations, operations may be conducted only with the approval of relevant government authorities; business activities prohibited and restricted by the industrial policies of the state and the city.)RMB 55,000,000100%-Founded by investment
Dongfang Chengqi (Beijing) Business Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, ChinaTechnology development, technology services; application software services; basic software services; sales of daily necessities, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, primary edible agricultural products, household appliances, electronic products and sporting goods; trade agency; translation services; conference services; organisation of cultural and artistic interchange activities (excluding shows); exhibition and presentation activities; design, production, agency and publication of advertisements; enterprise management; market research; real estate information consulting; warehousing services; public relations services; health management, health consulting (excluding diagnosis and treatment activities subject to the approval); ticket agency; hotel booking agency; airline ticket sales agency; railway and passenger ticket agency services; tourism consulting; hotel management; automobile leases; property management; public parking services for motor vehicle; landscaping management; cleaning services; import and export of goods, import and export agency, import and export of technologies; car decoration; operation of sporting events (excluding high-risk sports); accommodation (branch operation only); catering services (branch operation only); beauty services, hairdressing services (branch operation only); medical services (branch operation only); family services (branch operation only); inbound tourism business; sales of food; internet information services. (Market participants independently select the business activities and carry out the business activities in accordance with laws and regulations; sales of food and business activities subject to approval in accordance with laws and regulations, operations may be conducted only with the approval of relevant government authorities; business activities prohibited and restricted by the industrial policies of the state and the city.)RMB 10,000,000100%-Founded by investment
Shareholding (or similar equity interest) percentage
Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered place?Business natureRegistered capitalDirectIndirectAcquisition method
BOE Environmental Energy Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Technology development, technology consulting, technology transfer, technology promotion, technical services, technical testing of energy-saving technology, environmentally friendly new energy technology, environmental protection equipment, solar electrical energy generation, building integrated PV, electric power, power station operations and maintenance; software development; Internet data services (data centers for Internet data services, excluding cloud computing data centres with a PUE over 1.4); information processing and storage support services (data centers for information processing and storage support services, excluding cloud computing data centres with a PUE over 1.4); contract energy management; water pollution treatment; air pollution control; solid waste treatment; soil pollution treatment and restoration services; environmental protection monitoring; installation, maintenance, leasing of equipment; professional design services; property management; sale of special equipment for environment protection, lighting equipment, electronic products, machinery and equipment, electrical equipment, instruments, hardware products, computers, software and auxiliary equipment, chemical products (excluding licensed chemical products); import and export of goods; import and export of technology; import and export agents; power supply business; construction engineering design; electrical installation services; various engineering and construction activities; EPC of house construction and municipal infrastructure projects; construction labour subcontracting.RMB 100,000,000100%-?Founded by investment
Chengdu BOE Display Sci-tech Co., Ltd.Chengdu, ChinaChengdu, China?R&D, production and sales of TFT-LCD panels and modules, liquid crystal display monitors, televisions, instruments, machinery equipment and accessories as well as provision of technical services; foreign trade in form of import and export of goods and technologyRMB 21,550,000,00035.03%-Business combinations involving entities not under common control
Beijing BOE Chuangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. (Chuangyuan Technology)Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China?Manufacturing of display devices; sale of display devices; manufacturing of electronic components; wholesale of electronic components; retail of electronic components; technical services, technology development, technology consulting, technical exchange, technology transfer, technology promotion; import and export of goods; import and export of technology; business management consulting; property management; machinery and equipment leasing; manufacturing of other electronic devices.RMB 14,500,000,00060.21%-?Founded by investment
??????Shareholding (or similar equity interest) percentage??
Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessRegistered placeBusiness nature?Registered capitalDirectIndirect?Acquisition method
Beijing Shiyan Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing, ChinaBeijing, ChinaPrimarily engaged in technical services, technology development; manufacturing of computer software and hardware, as well as peripheral equipment.RMB 209,000,00080%-?Founded by investment
Mianyang BOE Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (Mianyang Electronic Technology)Mianyang, ChinaMianyang, ChinaInvestment, research and development, production and sales of products related to semiconductor display and the supporting products?RMB 2,400,000,000100%-?Founded by investment
HC SemiTek CorporationWuhan, ChinaWuhan, ChinaResearch, development, production and sales of LED chips, LED epitaxial wafers, sapphire substrates, and third-generation semiconductor compounds GaN power electronics devices?RMB 1,616,698,79723.01%-?Business combination involving entities not under common control



The Company signed an agreement of acting in concert with Hefei Core Screen IndustrialInvestment Fund (Limited Partnership) on 23 January 2019. Hefei Core Screen IndustrialInvestment Fund (Limited Partnership) agreed to act as a person acting in concert accordingto the wishes of the Company, and exercised the voting rights unconditionally and irrevocablyin accordance with the opinions of the Company. Therefore, the Company’s voting right ratioto Hefei Display Technology is 100%.

The Company signed an agreement of acting in concert with the shareholder of Wuhan BOE,Wuhan Airport Economic Development Zone Industrial Development Investment Group Co.,Ltd. and Hubei Changbai Industrial Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) on 25December 2018 and 5 February 2021. Wuhan Airport Economic Development ZoneIndustrial Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Hubei Changbai IndustrialInvestment Fund Partnership (limited Partnership) agreed to follow the Company’s will to actas the persons acting in concert, unconditionally and irrevocably exercising voting rights inaccordance with the opinions of the Company, the voting rights of the Company to WuhanBOE is 100%.

The Company signed an agreement of acting in concert with shareholders of ChongqingBOE Display, Chongqing Strategic Emerging Industry Equity Investment Fund Partnership(Limited Partnership) and Chongqing Yuzi Optoelectronic Industry Investment Co., Ltd. on 25December 2018. The Company signed an agreement of acting in concert with ChongqingJingping Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) on 31 March 2021. TheCompany signed an agreement of acting in concert with Chongqing Jianxin Junheng PrivateEquity Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) on 30 June 2021. Chongqing StrategicEmerging Industry Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), ChongqingYuzi Optoelectronic Industry Investment Co., Ltd., Chongqing Jingping Equity InvestmentFund Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Chongqing Jianxin Junheng Private Equity FundPartnership(Limited Partnership) agreed to act as persons acting in concert according to thewill of the Company, and exercise the voting rights unconditionally and irrevocably inaccordance with the opinions of the Company. Therefore, the proportion of voting rights ofthe Company to Chongqing BOE is 100%.

The Company signed an agreement of acting in concert with shareholders of Fuzhou BOEDisplay, Fuqing City Invested-Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Fuzhou UrbanConstruction Investment Group Co., Ltd. on 21 January 2019. Fuqing City Invested-Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. and Fuzhou Urban Construction Investment GroupCo., Ltd. agreed to act as persons acting in concert according to the will of the Company, andexercise the voting rights unconditionally and irrevocably in accordance with the opinions ofthe Company. Therefore, the proportion of voting rights of the Company to Fuzhou BOEDisplay is 100%.

The Company signed a concerted action agreement with Chengdu Advanced ManufacturingIndustry Investment Co., Ltd., a shareholder of Chengdu Display Sci-tech, and ChengduAirport Xingcheng Investment Group Co., Ltd. on December 17, 2020. The Company signeda concerted action agreement with Nanjing Zhongdian Panda Information Industry GroupCo., Ltd. on December 31, 2020, and signed a concerted action agreement with ZhongdianFinancial Investment Holding Co., Ltd. on June 28, 2022, A concerted action agreement wassigned with Ya'an Yashuang Investment Co., Ltd. on November 30, 2022, and ChengduAdvanced Manufacturing Industry Investment Co., Ltd., Chengdu Airport XingchengInvestment Group Co., Ltd., Ya'an Yashuang Investment Co., Ltd., Nanjing Zhongdian PandaInformation Industry Group Co., Ltd., and Zhongdian Financial Investment Holding Co., Ltd.acted in concert with the wishes of the company, We unconditionally and irrevocablyexercise our voting rights in accordance with our company's opinions, so our company'svoting rights ratio in Chengdu Display Sci-tech is 96.75%.

The Company and New Sure Limited entered into the Share Voting Rights ManagementAgreement on 4 November 2022, pursuant to which New Sure Limited agreed tounconditionally and irrevocably delegate to the Company the exercise and management ofits voting, nomination and ancillary rights in respect of its holdings in HC SemiTekCorporation; the Company and Yiwu Harmony Core Light Equity Investment Partnership(Limited Partnership) signed an agreement on 10 November 2022, whereby YYiwu HarmonyCore Light Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) undertook that it would not,individually, jointly or with the assistance of a third party, seek to obtain the control over HCSemiTek Corporation; Zhuhai Huafa Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd. issued acommitment letter to the Company on 10 November 2022, undertaking that Zhuhai HuafaTechnology Industry Group Co., Ltd. and its controlled entities will not seek the control overHC SemiTek Corporation individually, jointly or with the assistance of third parties, and willnot form a concerted action relationship with the shareholders of HC SemiTek Corporation orseek the control over HC SemiTek Corporation by way of entrustment, agreement, alliance orsigning of a concerted action agreement, etc. Therefore, the Company's percentage of votingrights over HC SemiTek Corporation is 26.52%, which makes the Company a controllingshareholder of HC SemiTek Corporation.

(2) Material non-wholly owned subsidiaries

Name of the subsidiaryProportion of ownership interest held by non-controlling interests?Losses attributable to non-controlling interests for the year?Dividend declared to non-controlling shareholders during the year?Balance of non-controlling interests at the end of the year
Mianyang BOE16.54%?(3,998,675)?-?3,554,429,180
Wuhan BOE52.86%?(157,799,681)?-?12,993,173,506
Chongqing BOE Display61.54%?(792,915,395)?-?14,775,015,526



(3) Key financial information about material non-wholly owned subsidiaries

The following table sets out the key financial information of the above subsidiaries withoutoffsetting internal transactions, but with adjustments made for the fair value adjustment at theacquisition date and any differences in accounting policies:

??Mianyang BOE?Wuhan BOE?Chongqing BOE Display
Current assets?10,753,172,652?12,372,285,496?6,885,618,252?7,442,285,566?8,098,980,132?8,590,561,462
Non-current assets?35,310,022,879?37,212,140,922?35,269,508,547?38,934,583,089?37,527,686,707?32,479,448,086
Total assets?46,063,195,531?49,584,426,418?42,155,126,799?46,376,868,655?45,626,666,839?41,070,009,548
Current liabilities?11,025,760,688?11,072,411,471?5,377,137,118?6,251,107,827?8,612,279,639?5,410,946,190
Non-current liabilities?13,547,536,533?17,008,183,759?12,197,638,748?15,254,879,708?13,005,587,192?12,186,708,120
Total liabilities?24,573,297,221?28,080,595,230?17,574,775,866?21,505,987,535?21,617,866,831?17,597,654,310
Operating income?19,379,451,169?16,357,203,835?14,876,922,434?12,845,309,881?4,226,393,760?883,001,124
Net loss?(24,175,792)?(2,301,228,643)?(298,523,801)?(3,788,455,205)?(1,288,455,305)?(327,058,484)
Total comprehensive income?(24,175,792)?(2,301,228,643)?(298,523,801)?(3,788,455,205)?(1,288,455,305)?(327,058,484)
Cash inflows / (outflows) in operating activities?5,668,948,328?7,118,785,052?5,254,058,686?2,816,292,270?171,287,026?(185,310,156)



2 Transactions that cause changes in the Group’s interests in subsidiaries that do not result in

loss of control

(1) Changes in the Group’s interests in subsidiaries:

?Before changes of interests?After changes of interests
Hefei Display Technology8.33%?36.67%
Chuangyuan Technology79.31%?60.21%



(2) Impact from transactions with non-controlling interests and equity attributable to the

shareholders of the Company:

The changes in the shareholding of the Company in the owners of above-mentioned othersubsidiaries were caused by the capital increase/decrease of the Company and the capitalincrease of their non-controlling interests or the failure to increase capital by the Companyand the non-controlling interests of the subsidiaries in equal proportion and the acquisition ofthe non-controlling interests, which results in the decrease of capital reserves by RMB1,219,955,094. See Note V. 41.

3 Interests in associates

Please see Note V.11(2) for details of the summarised financial information of theassociates.

No material restrictions on transfers of funds from investees to the Group. The judgementbasis of the Company and its subsidiaries to hold lower than 20% of the voting rights of otherentities but have significant influence on the entity is due to the fact that the Company and itssubsidiaries have seats in the board of directors of the entity, and the Company andsubsidiaries of the Company may have significant influence on the entity through therepresentation of the directors in the process of formulating financial and operating policies.

IX. Risk related to financial instruments

The Group has exposure to the following main risks from its use of financial instruments inthe normal course of the Group’s operations:

- Credit risk- Liquidity risk- Interest rate risk- Foreign currency risk- Other price risks

The following mainly presents information about the Group’s exposure to each of the aboverisks and their sources, their changes during the year, and the Group’s objectives, policiesand processes for measuring and managing risks, and their changes during the year.

The Group aims to seek appropriate balance between the risks and benefits from its use offinancial instruments and to mitigate the adverse effects that the risks of financial instrumentshave on the Group’s financial performance. Based on such objectives, the Group’s riskmanagement policies are established to identify and analyse the risks faced by the Group, toset appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Riskmanagement policies and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in marketconditions and the Group’s activities. The internal audit department of the Group undertakesboth regular and ad-hoc reviews of risk management controls and procedures.

1 Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for theother party by failing to discharge an obligation. The Group’s credit risk is primarilyattributable to receivables. Exposure to these credit risks is monitored by management on anongoing basis.

The cash at bank of the Group is mainly held with well-known financial institutions.Management does not foresee any significant credit risks from these deposits and does notexpect that these financial institutions may default and cause losses to the Group.

In respect of receivables, the Group has established a credit policy under which individualcredit evaluations are performed on all customers to determine the credit limit and termsapplicable to the customers. These evaluations focus on the customers’ financial position,the external ratings of the customers and the record of previous transactions. Receivablesare due within 7 to 120 days from the date of billing. Debtors with balances that are past dueare requested to settle all outstanding balances before any further credit is granted.Normally, the Group does not obtain collateral from customers.

The Group’s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual characteristics ofeach customer. Therefore, significant concentrations of credit risk primarily arise when theGroup has significant exposure to individual customers. At the balance sheet date, 36%(2022: 39%) of the Contract assets total accounts receivable were due from the five largestcustomers of the Group. In addition, the accounts receivable not overdue or impaired ismainly related to many clients who don’t have payment in arrears records recently.

The maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying amount of each financialasset in the balance sheet. As mentioned in Note XIV, as at 31 December 2023 the Groupdoes not provide any external guarantees which would expose the Group or the Company tocredit risk.

2 Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that an enterprise will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations thatare settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. The Company and its individualsubsidiaries are responsible for their own cash management, including short-term investmentof cash surpluses and the raising of loans to cover expected cash demands, subject toapproval by the Company’s board when the borrowings exceed certain predetermined levelsof authority. The Group’s policy is to regularly monitor its liquidity requirements and itscompliance with lending covenants, to ensure that it maintains sufficient reserves of cash,readily realisable marketable securities and adequate committed lines of funding from majorfinancial institutions to meet its liquidity requirements in the short and longer term.

The following tables set out the remaining contractual maturities at the balance sheet date ofthe Group’s financial liabilities, which are based on contractual undiscounted cash flows(including interest payments computed using contractual rates or, if floating, based on ratescurrent at 31 December) and the earliest date the Group can be required to pay:

?2023 Contractual undiscounted cash flow??
?Within 1 year or on demand (inclusive)?More than 1 year but less than 3 years (inclusive)?More than 3 years but less than 5 years (inclusive)?More than 5 years?Total?Carrying amount of balance sheet
Financial liabilities???????????
Short-term loans1,773,280,214?-?-?-?1,773,280,214?1,746,184,534
Bills payable919,313,033?-?-?-?919,313,033?919,313,033
Accounts payable32,977,603,351?-?-?-?32,977,603,351?32,977,603,351
Other payables19,487,760,965?-?-?-?19,487,760,965?19,487,760,965
Non-current liabilities due within one year24,831,720,125?-?-?-?24,831,720,125?24,437,027,442
Long-term loans4,248,101,826?18,954,443,798?31,730,890,357?87,859,873,238?142,793,309,219?121,546,339,022
Lease liabilities-?253,329,174?164,561,752?240,102,072?657,992,998?542,141,496
Long-term payables-?76,675,721?43,243,078?74,598,363?194,517,162?171,611,393



?2022 Contractual undiscounted cash flow??
?Within 1 year or on demand (inclusive)?More than 1 year but less than 3 years (inclusive)?More than 3 years but less than 5 years (inclusive)?More than 5 years?TotalCarrying amount of balance sheet
Financial liabilities?????????
Short-term loans2,472,050,871?-?--?2,472,050,8712,373,938,871
Bills payable870,221,538?-?--?870,221,538870,221,538
Accounts payable29,834,720,464?-?--?29,834,720,46429,834,720,464
Other payables19,632,223,269?-?--?19,632,223,26919,632,223,269
Non-current liabilities due within one year23,132,749,292?-?--?23,132,749,29222,703,750,744
Long-term loans4,872,695,550?17,357,391,426?26,251,319,95099,561,622,533?148,043,029,459123,143,479,690
Lease liabilities-?246,663,217?123,905,787323,315,125?693,884,129538,586,010
Long-term payables-?70,973,955?160,835,968-?231,809,923229,587,077


3 Interest rate risk

Interest-bearing financial instruments at variable rates and at fixed rates expose the Group tocash flow interest rate risk and fair value interest risk, respectively. The Group determinesthe appropriate weightings for fixed and floating rate interest-bearing instruments based oncurrent market conditions and performs regular reviews and monitoring to achieve anappropriate mix of fixed and floating rate exposure. The Group does not enter into financialderivatives to hedge interest rate risk.

(a) As at 31 December, the Group held the following interest-bearing financial instruments:

Fixed rate instruments:

ItemEffective interest rate?Amounts?Effective interest rate?Amounts
Financial assets???????
- Cash at bank1.00%~6.25%?34,032,083,693?0.70%~5.45%?36,597,334,927
Financial liabilities???????
- Short-term loans0.38%~5.90%?(1,427,826,333)?0.25%~5.90%?(1,149,712,480)
- Other payables0%~2.18%?(3,000,000,000)0%~2.18%?(3,000,000,000)
- Non-current liabilities due within one year0%~6.51%?(11,321,474,654)?0%~6.86%?(7,841,491,191)
- Long-term loans1.20%~6.37%?(39,919,524,039)?0%~5.90%?(25,324,584,996)
- Lease liabilities3.50%~4.75%?(542,141,496)?3.65%~4.75%?(538,586,010)
- Long-term payables4.20%-6.51%?(171,611,393)?4.30%~6.86%?(229,587,077)



Floating rate instruments:

ItemEffective interest rate?Amounts?Effective interest rate?Amounts
Financial assets???????
- Cash at bank0.0001%~6.25%?37,628,227,990?0.0001%~5.30%?31,723,267,975
Financial liabilities???????
- Short-term loans3.10%~3.60%?(316,400,000)?5.65%~5.84%?(1,218,525,680)
- Non-current liabilities due within one year1.00%~6.33%?(12,588,822,776)?1.00%~7.44%?(14,215,671,815)
- Long-term loans1.00%~6.33%?(81,623,331,304)?1.00%~7.44%?(97,816,667,917)


(b) Sensitivity analysis

As at 31 December 2023, it is estimated that a general increase / decrease of 100basis points in interest rates of variable rate instrument, with all other variables heldconstant, would decrease / increase the Group’s net profit and equity by RMB481,870,000 (2021: RMB 679,150,000).

In respect of the exposure to cash flow interest rate risk arising from floating rate non-derivative instruments held by the Group at the balance sheet date, the impact on thenet profit and owner’s equity is estimated as an annualised impact on interest expenseor income of such a change in interest rates. The analysis is performed on the samebasis for the previous year.

4 Foreign currency risk

In respect of cash at bank and on hand, accounts receivable and payable, short-term loansand other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies other than the functionalcurrency, the Group ensures that its net exposure is kept to an acceptable level by buying orselling foreign currencies at spot rates when necessary to address short-term imbalances.

(a) The Group’s exposure as at 31 December to currency risk arising from recognized

foreign currency assets or liabilities is mainly denominated in US dollar. The amount ofthe USD exposure is net liabilities exposure USD 191,267,567 (2022 net liabilitiesexposure: USD 1,523,210,633), translated into RMB 1,354,690,797 (2022: RMB10,608,552,775), using the spot rate at the balance sheet date. Differences resultingfrom the translation of the financial statements denominated in foreign currency areexcluded.

(b) Assuming all other risk variables remained constant, a 5% strengthening / weakening

of the Renminbi against the US dollar at 31 December would have decreased /increased both the Group’s equity and net profit by the amount RMB 105,886,060(2022: increased / decreased RMB 136,665,926). The exchange difference that can becapitalized for foreign currency specific borrowings has no impact on group’s equityand net profit.

The sensitivity analysis above assumes that the change in foreign exchange rates hadbeen applied to re-measure those financial instruments held by the Group whichexpose the Group to foreign currency risk at the balance sheet date. The analysisexcludes differences that would result from the translation of the financial statementsdenominated in foreign currency. The analysis is performed on the same basis for theprevious year.

5 Other price risks

Other price risks include stock price risk and commodity price risk.

X. Fair value disclosure

The following table presents the fair value information and the fair value hierarchy, at the endof the current reporting period, of the Group’s assets and liabilities which are measured atfair value at each balance sheet date on a recurring or non-recurring basis. The level inwhich fair value measurement is categorised is determined by the level of the fair valuehierarchy of the lowest level input that is significant to the entire fair value measurement. Thelevels are defined as follows:

Level 1 inputs: unadjusted quoted prices in active markets that are observable at the

measurement date for identical assets or liabilities;

Level 2 inputs: inputs other than Level 1 inputs that are either directly or indirectly

observable for underlying assets or liabilities;

Level 3 inputs: Inputs that are unobservable for underlying assets or liabilities;

1 Fair value of assets measured at fair value at the end of the year

??31 December 2023
AssetsNoteLevel 1 Fair value measurement?Level 2 Fair value measurement?Level 3 Fair value measurement?Total
Recurring fair value measurements????????
- Financial assets held for tradingV.2261,201,215?-?7,494,763,280?7,755,964,495
Including: Structured deposit and wealth-management products?-?-?7,476,126,776?7,476,126,776
Investments in equity instruments?261,201,215?-?18,636,504?279,837,719
- Receivables financingV.5-?-?408,534,622?408,534,622
- Investments in other equity instrumentsV.12169,355,368?-?325,274,209?494,629,577
- Other non-current financial assetsV.13-?-?2,253,778,325?2,253,778,325
Including: Investments in equity instruments?-?-?2,253,778,325?2,253,778,325
Total assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis?430,556,583?-?10,482,350,436?10,912,907,019



??31 December 2022
AssetsNoteLevel 1 Fair value measurement?Level 2 Fair value measurement?Level 3 Fair value measurement?Total
Recurring fair value measurements????????
- Financial assets held for tradingV.2256,525,783?-?16,931,468,153?17,187,993,936
Including: Structured deposit and wealth-management products?-?-?16,931,468,153?16,931,468,153
Investments in equity instruments256,525,783--256,525,783
- Investments in other equity instrumentsV.12154,312,590?-?328,747,716?483,060,306
- Other non-current financial assetsV.13-?-?2,022,967,681?2,022,967,681
Including: Investments in equity instruments?-?-?2,022,967,681?2,022,967,681
Total assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis?410,838,373?-?19,283,183,550?19,694,021,923



2 Basis of determining the market price for recurring and non-recurring fair value

measurements categorised within Level 1

The Group uses the active market quote as the fair value of financial assets within Level 1.

3 Valuation techniques used and the qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters

for recurring and non-recurring fair value measurements categorised within Level 3

For bank wealth management products measured at fair value, the fair value is determinedbased on the discounted cash flow method.

Receivables financing that are subject to recurring Level 3 fair value measurement are billsreceivable with short remaining maturities, for which the fair value determined is equal to theoriginal carrying amount.

Equity instrument investments are unlisted equity investments held by the Group, including:

(i) For those who raised a new round of financing in 2023, the Group used the financing

price as the best estimates of their fair value;

(ii) For other investments in other equity instruments, since the operating environment,

operating conditions and financial status of the investee have not changed significantlyduring the year, the Group uses the book investment cost as a reasonable estimate offair value for measurement.

4 During 2023, there were no changes in valuation technique of fair value. As at 31 December,

the Group held no assets and liabilities measured at fair value. All financial assets andfinancial liabilities of the Group are carried at amounts not materially different from their fairvalue.

XI. Related parties and related party transactions

1 Information about the parent of the Company

Company nameRegistered place?Business nature?Registered capital?Shareholding percentage (%)?Percentage of voting rights (%)?Ultimate controlling party of the Company
Beijing Electronics Holding Co., Ltd.Area A, No. 6 West 6th Street, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing?Operation and management of state-owned assets within authorisation, etc.?RMB 3,139,210,000?0.73%?12.37%?Yes



2 Information about the subsidiaries of the Company

For information about the subsidiaries of the Group, refer to Note VIII.1.

3 Information about joint ventures and associates of the Company

Associates and joint ventures that have related party transactions with the Group during thisyear or the previous year are as follows:

Name of entityRelationship with the Company
Beijing BOE Art Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
Beijing Xindongneng Investment Management Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
Suzhou Chuangyi Culture Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
TPV Display Technology (China) LimitedAssociate of the Group and the Company
BOE Digital Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
Beijing BOE Art Cloud (Suzhou)Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
Beijing BOE Art Cloud (Hangzhou)Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
Beijing BOE Art Cloud (Beijing)Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
Beijing BOE Art Cloud (Yibin)Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
Beijing Nissin Electronics Precision Component Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group and the Company
Beijing Infi-Hailin Venture Investment (Limited Partnership)Associate of the Group and the Company
Hefei Xin Jing Yuan Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group
Beijing BOE Microbial Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group
Biochain (Beijing) Science-Technology.Inc.Associate of the Group
BOE Houji Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group
Vusion Group SA ( Formerly known as SES Imagotag SA Co., Ltd.)Associate of the Group
Beijing Houji Zhilian Information Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group
Hefei Jiangcheng Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of the Group
SES-Imagotag GmbH Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of associate of the Group
Chongqing Maite Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of associate of the Group
Pervasive Displays IncSubsidiary of associate of the Group
Beijing Borcheng Medical Laboratory Co. Ltd.Subsidiary of associate of the Group



4 Information on other related parties

Name of other related partiesRelated-party relationship
Beijing Smart-Aero Display Technology Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Zhengdong Electronic Power Group Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Information Technology CollegeUnder the same control of the ultimate holding company
Baic Electronics SK (Jiangsu) Technology Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Electrical Control Jiuyi Industrial Development CompanyUnder the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Electronic Digital Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
BeiJing D.Park Cultural Development Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing C&W Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijng NAURA Microelectronics Equipment Co.,Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Zhaowei Technology Development Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
761 Workshop (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Sevenstar Semiconductor Technologies Co.,Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Electronic Information Technology CollegeUnder the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Ether Electronics Group co. , Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing BOE Investment Development Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Electronic City (Tianjin) Mobile Internet Industry Platform Development Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
NAURA Technology Group Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Yandong Microelectronic Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Yandong Microelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Electronic City Shuzhi Technology Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Dongdian Industrial Development Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Electronics Holding & SK Technology Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Zhengdong Power Equipment Installation Engineering Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Electric Intelligent Energy Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Dahua Electronic Instrument CorporationUnder the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing C&W Electronics(Group) Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Sevenstar PV Group Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing C&W Zifu Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.Under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing 798 Culture Technology Co., Ltd.Associate of enterprise that is under the same control of the ultimate holding company
New Vision Micro.(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.Associate of enterprise that is under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Beijing Senju Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.Associate of enterprise that is under the same control of the ultimate holding company
Shanghai New Vision Microelectronics Co., Ltd.Associate of enterprise that is under the same control of the ultimate holding company
China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd.Other related parties
Beijing Yizhuang Environmental Technology Group Co., Ltd.Other related parties
Nexchip Semiconductor CorporationOther related parties
Hefei Construction Investment and Holding Co., Ltd.Other related parties
Hefei Visionox Technology Co., Ltd.Other related parties

5 Transactions with related parties

The transactions below with related parties were conducted under normal commercial termsor agreements.

(1) Purchase of goods and equipment, and receiving of services (excluding remuneration of key

management personnel).

The Group

Nature of transaction2023?2022
Purchase of goods663,371,654?658,905,000
Procurement of equipment236,814,153?155,286,378
Receiving services14,986,020?12,843,982
Payment of interest expenses33,637,490?43,423,377



The Company

Nature of transaction2023?2022
Purchase of goods34,372,208?32,203,231
Receiving services127,843,351?63,840,655
Procurement of equipment368,000?-
Payment of interest expenses30,926,480?42,314,510



(2) Sale of goods/rendering of services

The Group

Nature of transaction2023?2022
Sale of goods3,929,802,831?1,168,302,006
Rendering of services23,418,868?12,004,788
Income from interest received28,454,504?23,183,395


The Company

Nature of transaction2023?2022
Sale of goods582,164?101,930
Rendering of services4,610,851,622?4,742,920,134
Income from interest received15,702,137?15,398,605



(3) Leases

(a) As the lessor

The Group

Type of assets leasedLease income recognised in 2023?Lease income recognised in 2022
Investment properties9,823,412?7,925,143



The Company

Type of assets leasedLease income recognised in 2023?Lease income recognised in 2022
Investment properties65,795,509?65,287,838



(b) As the lessee

The Group

???Rental expenses for practical expedient of short-term leases and the leases of low-value assets?Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability?Rental payments?Assumed interest expenses from lease liabilities?Increased right-of-use assets
Name of lessorType of assets leased?2023?2022?2023?2022?2023?2022?2023?2022?2023?2022
Beijing Dongdian Industrial Development Co., Ltd.Fixed assets?-?-?-?-?2,801,931?2,676,474?124,586?209,567?--
Hefei Jiangcheng Technology Co., Ltd.Fixed assets?328,378?-?-?-?-?-?-?-?--



The Company

???Rental expenses for practical expedient of short-term leases and the leases of low-value assets?Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability?Rental payments?Assumed interest expenses from lease liabilities?Increased right-of-use assets
Name of lessorType of assets leased2023?2022?2023?2022?2023?2022?2023?2022?2023?2022
?Beijing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Fixed assets?-??-??-?-??42,971,406??45,409,539??4,093,830??7,113,575??-??-?



(4) Funding from related parties

The Company

Name of related partyAmount of funding?Inception date?Maturity date
Funds received?????
Subsidiary of the parent company3,000,000,000?28/05/2018?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company500,000,000?28/05/2019?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,300,000,000?28/05/2019?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company300,000,000?08/07/2020?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company2,500,000,000?06/07/2020?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company2,000,000,000?03/07/2020?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,700,000,000?12/10/2020?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company3,000,000,000?05/11/2020?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,700,000,000?28/12/2020?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?28/12/2020?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company2,358,000,000?07/12/2020?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?09/03/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?18/03/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company4,000,000,000?25/03/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company2,500,000,000?30/03/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company4,500,000,000?23/06/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?05/07/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company2,000,000,000?29/12/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company3,400,000,000?29/12/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company6,000,000,000?29/12/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,500,000,000?31/12/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company200,000,000?31/12/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?27/01/2022?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company500,000,000?31/12/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company750,000,000?15/06/2022?Long-term
Name of related partyAmount of funding?Inception date?Maturity date
Funds received?????
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?31/12/2021?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company7,000,000,000?23/08/2022?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,500,000,000?08/10/2022?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company500,000,000?10/11/2022?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?20/10/2022?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?25/10/2022?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?25/10/2022?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company150,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company2,400,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company2,600,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company50,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company250,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company3,750,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company800,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,000,000,000?11/01/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company200,000,000?09/06/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company100,000,000?09/06/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company400,000,000?09/06/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company800,000,000?09/06/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company450,000,000?09/06/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,290,000,000?09/06/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company1,550,000,000?09/06/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company400,000,00009/06/2023Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company540,000,000?09/06/2023?Long-term
Subsidiary of the parent company340,000,000?01/12/2023?Long-term


Name of related partyAmount of fundingInception dateMaturity date
Funds provided???
Subsidiary of the parent company237,000,00026/01/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company161,000,00014/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company600,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company285,000,00024/11/2020Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company300,000,00010/05/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company200,000,00029/10/2020Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company700,000,00029/10/2020Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company123,000,00026/01/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company800,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company88,000,00026/01/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company1,100,000,00029/09/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company2,000,000,00003/01/2023Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company261,000,00026/01/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company189,000,00014/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company300,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company1,490,000,00021/10/2020Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company473,000,00024/11/2020Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company570,000,00030/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company175,000,00008/07/2021Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company81,000,00026/01/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company600,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company162,000,00014/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company700,000,00007/05/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company1,700,000,00026/12/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company1,400,000,00029/09/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company201,000,00014/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company600,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company262,500,00008/07/2021Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company90,000,00026/01/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company800,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company159,000,00014/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company1,700,000,00029/09/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company2,000,000,00028/10/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company173,000,00026/01/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company600,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company118,000,00014/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company433,000,00026/01/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company201,701,13314/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company500,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company300,000,00006/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company262,500,00008/07/2021Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company72,000,00014/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company200,000,00022/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company116,000,00014/04/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company300,000,00027/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company200,000,00027/06/2022Right to request return at any time
Subsidiary of the parent company80,000,00027/03/201521/01/2025
Subsidiary of the parent company200,000,00012/10/202012/10/2030
Subsidiary of the parent company20,000,00016/12/2022Right to request return at any time

(5) Remuneration of key management personnel

The Group and the Company

Remuneration of key management personnel51,002,000?86,665,000



The remuneration of key management personnel above does not include the one withrespect to share-based payments scheme.

6 Receivables from and payables to related parties

Receivables from related parties

The Group

ItemBook value?Provision for impairment?Book value?Provision for impairment
Cash at bank and on hand(1)1,147,791,923?-?965,569,850?-
Accounts receivable848,755,589?4,883,714?1,070,848,317?4,986,221
Other receivables787,519?-?16,588,534?-
Contract assets6,977,790?-?2,402,974?-
Other non-current assets16,934,571-14,026,424-



The Company

ItemBook value?Provision for impairmentBook value?Provision for impairment
Cash at bank and on hand(1)511,657-8,850-
Accounts receivable4,874,309,9214,315,6584,867,860,6904,315,658
Other receivables28,179,338,20712,280,68619,686,877,08016,868,539
Other non-current assets1,740,000,000-1,080,000,000-



Payables to related parties

The Group

Accounts payable114,282,939?179,047,266
Advance payments received103,733?188,623
Contract liabilities24,068,821?34,164,291
Other payables202,371,165?182,554,398
Non-current liabilities due within one year(2)6,000,000?6,000,000
Long-term loans(2)1,107,750,000?1,257,250,000



The Company

Accounts payable89,999,263?27,646,402
Advance payments received798,119?169,459
Other payables2,791,489,305?2,921,972,111
Long-term loans(2)1,042,750,000?1,186,250,000
Other non-current liabilities79,800,793,681?96,394,661,805



(1) The Group's and the Company's cash at bank and on hand were deposit in China

Minsheng Bank Co.

(2) The Group's and the Company's non-current liabilities and long-term borrowings due

within one year are borrowings from China Minsheng Bank Co.

7 Commitments of the related parties

As at balance sheet date, the commitments of the related parties, which are signed but notlisted in financial statement are as following:

Procurement of equipment65,703,454?69,753,978



XII. Share-based payments

1 Equity instruments

??Granted during the year?Exercised during the year?Unlocked during the year?Forfeited during the year
Type of grantees?Quantity?Amount?Quantity?Amount?Quantity?Amount?Quantity?Amount
Senior management appointed by the Board of Directors?-??-??-??-??3,848,120??10,312,962??1,400,000??3,752,000?
Technical experts, middle management and above level----98,412,660263,745,92914,248,17438,185,106
Manager, senior technical cadre?-??-??-??-??-??-??200,631,536?337,061,981



Share options or other equity instruments outstanding at the end of the year

??Share options outstanding at the end of the year?Other equity instruments outstanding at the end of the year
Type of grantees?Range of exercise prices?Remaining contractual life?Range of exercise pricesRemaining contractual life
Manager, senior technical cadre?RMB 5.059 – 5.559 / share??1 - 3 years??/?/


2 Equity-settled share-based payments

On 17 December 2020, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the implementationof share options and restricted share incentive plans from 2020. The shares for the shareoptions and restricted share incentive plans are from the Company’s Renminbi A-shareordinary shares repurchased from secondary market. The plans are presented as follows:

(a) Share option incentive plan

The initial grant date was 21 December 2020, and the implementation was completedon 25 December 2020. The actual number of grantees was 1,988, with a number ofgrants of 596,229,700 shares. The reserved grant date was 27 August 2021, the actualnumber of grantees was 110, and the number of grants is 33,000,000 shares, this grantwas completed on 22 October 2021.

The share options are exercised in three phases after 24 months from the grant date.The exercise ratios for each phase are 34%, 33%, and 33%, respectively. Thecorresponding exercise dates are 2 years, 3 years, and 4 years from the grant date.

When the Company’s performance meets the corresponding criteria, the proportion ofexercisable rights of the above-mentioned share options is determined based on thebusiness performance of the incentive object’s operation and the contribution value ofthe incentive object. In accordance with the plan, the Company will deregister thecurrent exercisable shares of the options obtained by the incentive objects if theexercise criteria stipulated in this plan are not met.

(b) Restricted share incentive plan

The grant date of restricted share incentive plan was 21 December 2020, and theimplementation was completed on 29 December 2020. The actual number of granteeswas 793, with a number of grants of 321,813,800 share.

The lock-up periods of the restricted share incentive plan are the 24, 36 and 48 monthsfrom the grant date, respectively. During the lock-up period, restricted shares grantedto the incentive object under this plan shall not be transferred, used for guarantee ordebt repayment before the lock-up release. Lock-up restricted shares are released inthree phases after 24 months from the grant date. The release ratios for each phaseare 34%, 33%, and 33%, respectively. The corresponding release dates are 2 years, 3years, and 4 years from the grant date. The actual number released shall be based onperformance assessment result for the previous year.

When the Company’s performance meets the corresponding criteria, the releaseproportion of the above-mentioned restricted shares is determined based on thebusiness performance of the incentive object’s operation and the contribution value ofthe incentive object. The Company will repurchase the locked restricted shares at thegranted price of the incentive objects if the release criteria stipulated in this plan are notmet, and the incentive object shall not release the restricted shares for the currentperiod.

The total costs recognised by the Group’s equity-settled share-based payments in theconsolidated financial statement was RMB 331,439,427, and the accumulated amountof capital reserve paid by equity-settled share-based payments amounted to RMB1,578,168,710. In the Company’s financial statements, the Company recognised itslong-term equity investment of RMB 254,548,584 in its subsidiary at the fair value of

the equity instruments at the grant date, and recognised expenses arising from share-based payments of RMB 76,890,843, as well as a capital reserve of RMB 331,439,427.

Based on relevant provisions of the restricted share incentive plan for the serviceperiod, if the granted object resigns before the release date, the Company willrepurchase the restricted shares that have not been released at the subscription priceof the granted object. Please refer to Note V. 30 (1) for the repurchased obligation setout in other payables.

(1) Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments at the grant date is as


Share options:

The fair value of equity instruments at the grant date is determined based on thedifference between the assessed fair value of the exercisable share options at eachgrant date and the subscription price in RMB (RMB 1.68/share, RMB 1.93/share andRMB 2.09/share, respectively); the fair value of equity instruments at the reservedgrant date is determined based on the difference between the assessed fair value ofthe exercisable share options at each reserved grant date and the subscription price inRMB (RMB 1.70/share, RMB 2.02/share and RMB 2.17/share, respectively).

Restricted shares:

The fair value of equity instruments at the grant date is determined based on thedifference between the fair value of shares at the grant date and the subscription priceat RMB 2.68/share.

(2) Basis of determining the number of equity instruments expected to vest

At each balance sheet date during the vesting period, the best estimation is madeaccording to the latest information, such as the number of employees who are grantedoptions and the completion of performance indicators, and the number of equityinstruments expected to vest is revised accordingly. On the vesting date, the estimatednumber is equal to the number of equity instruments that are ultimately vested.

XIII. Capital management

The Group’s primary objectives when managing capital are to safeguard its ability to continueas a going concern, so that it can continue to provide returns for shareholders, by pricingproducts and services commensurately with the level of risk and by securing access tofinance at a reasonable cost.

The Group defines “capital” as including all components of equity, less unaccrued proposeddividends. The balances of related party transactions are not regarded by the Group ascapital.

The Group’s capital structure is regularly reviewed and managed to achieve an optimalstructure and return for shareholders. Factors for the Group’s consideration include: its futurefunding requirements, capital efficiency, actual and expected profitability, expected cashflows, and expected capital expenditure. Adjustments are made to the capital structure inlight of changes in economic conditions affecting the Group.

The Group’s capital structure is monitored on the basis of an adjusted net debt-to-capitalratio (total liabilities divided by total assets). The capital management strategies exerted bythe Group remained unchanged from 2022. In order to maintain or adjust the ratio, the Groupmay adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, request new loans, issue newshares, or sell assets to reduce debt.

As at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022, the Group’s asset-liability ratios are asfollows:

Asset-liability ratio52.81%?51.96%



Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries are subject to externally imposed capitalrequirements.

XIV. Commitments and contingencies

1 Significant commitments

(1) Capital commitments

The Group2023?2022
Contracts entered into but not performed or partially performed15,399,501,743?31,109,629,604
Contracts authorized but not entered into123,338,068,701?100,442,930,917



The Group’s contracts authorised but not entered into mainly included the fixed assets thatChengdu BOE Display Sci-tech Co., Ltd., BOE Healthcare Investment & Management Co.,Ltd., Beijing BOE Chuangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Management Co., Ltd., Qingdao BOEOptoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd. andBOE Wisdom IOT Technology Co., Ltd. planned to purchase in subsequent years andproject equipment that the Group planned to purchase in subsequent years.

The Company2023?2022
Contracts entered into but not performed or partially performed42,398,401,670?28,350,937,574



The Company’s contracts entered into but not performed or partially performed mainlyincluded guaranteed investments in Chengdu BOE Display Sci-tech Co., Ltd., Beijing BOEChuangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Management Co., Ltd., BOE Healthcare Investment &Management Co., Ltd., BOE Wisdom IOT Technology Co., Ltd., Mianyang BOE ElectronicTechnology Co., Ltd. and Yunnan Invensight Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.

2 Guarantee

(1) The Group as the guarantor

As at 31 December 2023, the Group did not have guarantees provided for externalenterprises.

(2) The Company as the guarantor

At 31 December 2023, Chengdu Optoelectronics pledged its land use right with carryingamount of RMB 38,417,021, machinery and equipment with carrying amount of RMB17,224,190,248 and plants and buildings with carrying amount of RMB 2,266,634,905 ascollaterals to obtain long-term loans of USD 578,700,000 and RMB 9,823,660,000. TheCompany provides joint-liability guarantee for the above loans.

At 31 December 2023, Yuansheng Optoelectronics pledged its land use right with carryingamount of RMB 42,405,072, machinery and equipment with carrying amount of RMB3,912,197,528 and plants and buildings with carrying amount of RMB 2,166,212,374 ascollaterals to obtain long-term loans of RMB 531,820,000. The Company provides joint-liability guarantee for the above loans.

At 31 December 2023, Chongqing BOE Display pledged its land use right with carryingamount of RMB 156,287,757, machinery and equipment with carrying amount of RMB15,749,885,667 and plants and buildings with carrying amount of RMB 3,643,694,666 ascollaterals to obtain long-term loans of USD 1,008,140,000 and RMB 7,612,218,976. TheCompany provides joint-liability guarantee for the above loans.

At 31 December 2023, Fuzhou BOE pledged its land use right with carrying amount of RMB193,505,488, machinery and equipment carrying amount of RMB 4,056,778,651 and plantsand buildings with carrying amount of RMB 2,835,712,839 as collaterals to obtain long-termloans of USD 66,000,000 and RMB 216,930,000. The Company provides joint-liabilityguarantee for the above loans.

At 31 December 2023, Hefei Display Technology pledged its land use right with carryingamount of RMB 267,494,910, machinery and equipment with carrying amount of RMB9,426,450,403 and plants and buildings with carrying amount of RMB 3,400,676,062 ascollaterals to obtain long-term loans of RMB 1,990,914,080. The Company provides joint-liability guarantee for the above loans.

At 31 December 2023, Mianyang BOE pledged its land use right with carrying amount ofRMB 364,054,376, machinery and equipment carrying amount of RMB 21,837,380,218 andplants and buildings with carrying amount of RMB 4,721,085,480 as collaterals to obtainlong-term loans of USD 694,730,000 and RMB 10,350,138,900. The Company providesjoint-liability guarantee for the above loans.

At 31 December 2023, Wuhan BOE pledged its land use right with carrying amount of RMB238,900,011, machinery and equipment with carrying amount of RMB 18,732,587,486 andplants and buildings with carrying amount of RMB 4,625,942,334 as collaterals to obtainlong-term loans of USD 904,500,000 and RMB 5,523,000,000. The Company provides joint-liability guarantee for the above loans. In addition, the Company provides joint-liabilityguarantee for the letters of credit issued but not accepted of JPY 156,600,000.

At 31 December 2023, Chengdu BOE Hospital Co., Ltd. obtained long-term loans of RMB1,522,953,257. The Company provides joint-liability guarantee for the above loans.

At 31 December 2023, Nanjing Display Technology obtained short-term loans of RMB450,000,000 and long-term loans of RMB 1,200,000,000. The Company provides joint-liability guarantee for the above loans by means of counter guarantee.

XV . Segment reporting

1 Segment reporting considerations

The Group management reviews the operation performance and allocates resourcesaccording to the business segments below.

(a) Display business — The display business integrates design and manufacturing of

display devices and strives to offer TFT-LCD, AMOLED, Microdisplay and otherintelligent interface devices. This business focuses on providing high-qualitysmartphones, tablet PCs, laptops, monitors, TVs, vehicles, VR/AR and other displaydevices for customers.

(b) Internet of Things (IoT) innovation business — The IoT innovation business integrates

manufacturing models for system solution design, providing customers with competitivesmart terminal products in the fields of TVs, monitors, laptops, tablet PCs, low powerconsumption products, IoT, 3D displays, etc. With artificial intelligence and big data astechnical support, it focuses on products and services that integrate software andhardware, providing integrated solutions in IoT segments such as smart finance, smartindustrial parks, etc.

(c) Sensor business - The sensor and application solutions integrate manufacturing

models for system solution design, covering both glass-based and silicon-based areas.It focuses on smart windows, innovative glass-based sensor devices, MEMS sensors,industrial sensors, and consumer electronics, providing customers with products andsolutions including smart dimming windows and dimming system solutions, industrialsensors and solutions, MEMS sensors, and X-ray flat panel detector backplanes.

(d) MLED business — The integrates design and manufacturing of devices and provides

Mini-LED backlight products with high quality and strong reliability as well as highdynamic range that allow precisely brightness adjustment for TVs, monitors, laptops,car displays, VR/AR and other products; besides, it provides Mini/Micro-LED displayproducts with high brightness, strong reliability and high contrast for use in outdoordisplay, commercial display, transparent display, special display and other scenarios.

(e) Smart engineering medicine business - The smart engineering medicine business is a

professional service model, providing services and solutions in healthcare, intelligentrehabilitation, and medical-engineering integration products. Meanwhile, the smartengineering medicine business is committed to building a closed loop of full-cyclehealth services with health management as the core, medical-engineering terminals asthe traction, digital hospitals and rehabilitation communities as the support, to create anintelligent health management ecosystem, to connect testing equipment, healthcarepersonnel and customers, and to provide customers with the "prevision-treatment-nursing" full-chained health services.

(f) Others - In addition to the above businesses, the Group provides software-hardware

fusion and system integration solutions for different industries, specifically includingintelligent internet of vehicles, industrial interconnection, digital art and other segments,which can provide customers with all-round, one-stop and intelligent new experiencesin IoT segmented scenarios.

The main reason to separate the segments is that the Group independently managesthe display business, IoT innovation business, sensor and application solutions, MLED,smart medicine and engineering and other businesses. As these business segmentsmanufacture and sale different products, apply different manufacturing processes andspecifies in gross profit, the business segments are managed independently. Themanagement evaluates the performance and allocates resources according to theprofit of each business segment and does not take financing cost and investmentincome into account.

2 Accounting policies for the measurements of reporting segments

For the purposes of assessing segment performance, the Group’s management regularly reviews the revenue and costs attributable to eachreportable segment. Inter-segment sales are determined with reference to prices charged to external parties for similar orders.

?Display business?IoT innovation business?Sensor business?MLED business?Smart engineering medicine business?Others?Offsetting?Total
Operating income147,053,141,751?38,900,197,799?405,037,922?2,902,110,558?2,791,584,190?6,850,103,017?(24,358,729,342)?174,543,445,895
Operating costs133,565,229,836?35,289,028,777?330,401,208?3,226,930,635?2,241,522,000?1,196,726,016?(23,216,777,105)?152,633,061,367



?Display business?IoT innovation business?Sensor business?MLED business?Smart engineering medicine business?Others?Offsetting?Total
Operating income150,150,853,163?34,334,478,938?306,552,648?1,599,702,766?2,203,142,667?11,941,121,572?(22,122,120,575)?178,413,731,179
Operating costs137,702,662,276?31,888,691,477?241,869,035?1,709,769,060?1,809,802,648?4,881,797,483?(20,704,025,827)?157,530,566,152



The Group develops various businesses by using common assets and liabilities and therefore, it could not analyse assets and liabilities of eachreportable segment respectively by business. Besides, the Group restates comparative information in 2022 according to segment reporting in2023

3 Secondary segment reporting (regional segments)

(a) The geographical information is based on the location of customers receiving services

or goods

The following table sets out information about the geographical location of the Group’soperating income from external customers:

?Operating income from external customers
Mainland China80,541,975,332?74,124,463,690
Other Asian countries and regions55,229,893,619?63,351,896,814
Other regions16,976,625?70,583,220



(b) Divided based on asset locations

The geographical location of the specified non-current assets is based on the physicallocation of the asset, in the case of fixed assets; the location of the operation to whichthey are allocated, in the case of intangible assets and goodwill; and the location ofoperations, in the case of interests in associates and joint ventures. Most of the non-current assets in the Group are located in the Chinese mainland.

4 Major customers

The Group has one customer (2022: One), the operating income from which is over 10% ofthe Group’s total operating income in display business. The operating income from thecustomer, which represents approximately 15% of the Group’s total operating income, issummarised in the table below:

Customer 126,082,948,85628,511,004,302

XVI. Notes to the Company’s financial statements

1 Accounts receivable

(1) The Company’s accounts receivable by customer type:

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Amounts due from related parties4,874,309,921?4,867,860,690
Amounts due from other customers3,667,594?4,289,987
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts7,564,419?8,485,408



(2) The ageing analysis of accounts receivable is as follows:

Within 1 year (inclusive)3,662,390,168?3,813,706,724
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)869,370,034?742,074,869
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)37,761,471?182,932,357
Over 3 years308,455,842?133,436,727
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts7,564,419?8,485,408



The ageing is counted starting from the date when accounts receivable is recognised.

(3) Accounts receivable by provisioning method

?Book value?Provision for impairment??
CategoryAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)?Carrying amount
Individual assessment?????????
- Customers with high credit risk7,564,419?0%?7,564,419?100%?-
- Customers with low credit risk4,869,994,263?100%?-?0%?4,869,994,263
Collective assessment?????????
- Customers with moderate credit risk418,833?0%?-?0%?418,833



?Book value?Provision for impairment??
CategoryAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)?Carrying amount
Individual assessment?????????
- Customers with high credit risk8,406,011?0%?8,406,011?100%?-
- Customers with low credit risk4,863,603,112?100%?-?0%?4,863,603,112
Collective assessment?????????
- Customers with moderate credit risk141,554?0%?79,397?56%?62,157



(4) Additions and recoveries of provision for bad and doubtful debts during the year:

?31 December 202331 December 2022
?Customers with high credit riskCustomers with low credit risk?Customers with moderate credit riskTotalCustomers with high credit risk?Customers with low credit risk?Customers with moderate credit riskTotal ?
Balance at the beginning of the year-79,397?8,406,0118,485,408-?174,2994,090,353?4,264,652
Charge during the year-9,367?-9,367-?-4,315,658?4,315,658
Recoveries during the year-(88,764)?(841,592)(930,356)-?(94,902)-?(94,902)
Written-off during the year--?---?--?-
Balance at the end of the year--?7,564,4197,564,419-?79,3978,406,011?8,485,408

(5) Five largest accounts receivable by debtor at the end of the year

The five largest accounts receivable of the Company amounted to RMB 4,613,531,874,amounting to 95% of the total accounts receivable at the end of the year, and no provisionsfor bad and doubtful debts were made at the end of the year.

2 Other receivables

?Note31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Dividends receivable(1)1,189,273,456?333,352,986



(1) Dividends receivable

?31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Beijing Matsushita Colour Innovation Co., Ltd.468,758,202?333,352,986
BOE Optoelectronics Holdings Co., Ltd.545,367,900?-
Chongqing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.135,000,000?-
Beijing BOE Land Co., Ltd.40,147,354?-

(2) Others

(a) The Company’s other receivables by customer type:

Customer type31 December 2023?31 December 2022
Amounts due from subsidiaries26,989,987,234?19,338,630,021
Amounts due from other related parties77,517?14,894,073
Amounts due from other customers218,428,250?211,976,091
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts16,137,919?20,707,796



(b) The Company’s other receivables by currency:

As at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022, there is no other receivables in foreigncurrency.

(c) The ageing analysis of other receivables of the Company is as follows:

Within 1 year (inclusive)26,906,173,796?15,304,792,246
Over 1 year but within 2 years (inclusive)136,005,824?2,669,590,657
Over 2 years but within 3 years (inclusive)68,122,231?1,515,874,424
Over 3 years98,191,150?75,242,858
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts16,137,919?20,707,796



The ageing is counted starting from the date when other receivables are recognised.

(d) Other receivables by provisioning method

?31 December 2023
?Book value?Provision for impairment??
CategoryAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)?Carrying amount
Individual assessment?????????
- Accounts with high creditrisk16,137,919?0%?16,137,919?100%?-
- Accounts with low credit risk27,192,355,082?100%?-?0%?27,192,355,082
?31 December 2022
?Book value?Provision for impairment??
CategoryAmount?Percentage (%)?Amount?Percentage (%)?Carrying amount
Individual assessment?????????
- Accounts with high creditrisk20,707,796?0%?20,707,796?100%?-
- Accounts with low credit risk19,544,792,389?100%?-?0%?19,544,792,389

(e) Movements of provisions for bad and doubtful debts

?Stage 1?Stage 2Stage 3Stage 1?Stage 2?Stage 3??
?12-month ECL?Lifetime ECL - Not credit impairedLifetime ECL- Credit impairedTotal12-month ECLLifetime ECL - Not credit impairedLifetime ECL- Credit impairedTotal
Balance at the beginning of the year-?-20,707,79620,707,796--6,801,9106,801,910
Additions during the year-?-176,044176,044--13,905,88613,905,886
Recoveries during the year-?-(4,745,921)(4,745,921)----
Balance at the end of the year-?-16,137,91916,137,919--20,707,79620,707,796

(f) Other receivables categorised by nature

Nature of other receivablesNote2023?2022
Transaction amount26,989,987,234?19,338,630,021
Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts16,137,919?20,707,796



(i) As of December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the Company's currentaccounts mainly consisted of loans receivable from subsidiaries.

(g) Five largest other receivables by debtor at the end of the year

Other receivables at the end of the year due from the top five debtors of the Companyamounted to RMB 22,299,935,803 in total, most of which are amounts due to/fromrelated parties within the Group. No provision is made for bad and doubtful debts afterassessment.

3 Long-term equity investments

(1) The Company’s long-term equity investments by category:

Investments in subsidiaries187,984,376,186?211,178,767,516
Investments in associates and joint ventures3,156,825,405?3,162,185,504
Less: Provision for impairment32,000,000?32,000,000



(2) Investments in subsidiaries:

?Increase during the year?
? SubsidiaryBalance at the beginning of the yearIncrease in investmentsShare-based paymentsDecrease during the year*?Balance at the end of the yearBalance of provision for impairment at the beginning of the yearBalance of provision for impairment at the end of the year
Chengdu BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.25,108,960,003-23,902,297-25,132,862,300--
Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.9,063,122,784-11,097,252(6,300,000,000)2,774,220,036--
Beijing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.17,647,311,114-64,743,016(8,688,599,600)9,023,454,530--
Hefei Xinsheng Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.20,155,950,604-16,389,386(9,747,500,000)10,424,839,990--
Ordos Yuansheng Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.11,814,307,688-2,116,517-11,816,424,205--
Chongqing BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.19,599,657,767-6,918,631(15,380,800,000)4,225,776,398--
Fuzhou BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.14,701,372,178536,500,0005,777,659-15,243,649,837--
Beijing BOE Video Technology Co., Ltd. (“BOE Video”)4,427,357,72020,000,000500,543-4,447,858,263--
Beijing BOE Vacuum Electronics Co., Ltd.19,933,529-192,584-20,126,113--
Beijing BOE Vacuum Technology Co., Ltd.32,000,000---32,000,00032,000,00032,000,000
Beijing Yinghe Century Co., Ltd.352,398,076-5,786,399-358,184,475--
BOE Optical Science and technology Co., Ltd.667,477,273-2,075,965-669,553,238--
BOE Hyundai LCD (Beijing) Display Technology Co., Ltd.41,986,755-1,849,933-43,836,688--
BOE (Hebei) Mobile Technology Co., Ltd.1,356,283,555-512,739-1,356,796,294--
Beijing BOE Multimedia Technology Co., Ltd.400,000,000---400,000,000--
Beijing BOE Energy Technology Co., Ltd.857,581,382-668,534-858,249,916--
Beijing BOE Life Technology Co., Ltd.10,000,000---10,000,000--
Beijing Zhongxiangying Technologies Co., Ltd.102,267,168-223,794-102,490,962--
BOE Semi-conductor Co., Ltd.9,450,000---9,450,000--
BOE Optoelectronics Holding Co., Ltd.3,487,684,762---3,487,684,762--
BOE Healthcare Investment & Management Co., Ltd.7,824,073,4411,597,000,0001,920,735-9,422,994,176--
Hefei BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.2,041,579,9206,929,009,2009,264,463-8,979,853,583--
Beijing BOE Technology Development Co., Ltd.2,512,354-443,220-2,955,574--
Hefei BOE Zhuoyin Technology Co., Ltd.604,704,163-894,613-605,598,776--
Beijing BOE Real Estate Co., Ltd.9,480,764-519,398-10,000,162--
Beijing BOE Marketing Co., Ltd.31,573,496-311,874-31,885,370--
BOE (Korea) Co., Ltd.7,095,901-1,897,359-8,993,260--
Yunnan Invensight Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.1,518,597,279-2,951,109-1,521,548,388--
Mianyang BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.22,342,273,335-5,265,626-22,347,538,961--
Beijing BOE Sensing Technology Co., Ltd.4,496,105,58935,000,0005,988,185-4,537,093,774--
Wuhan BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.12,524,485,421-6,353,040-12,530,838,461--
Chongqing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.9,312,579,810700,275,2504,624,825-10,017,479,885--
Fuzhou BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.22,836,726-223,794-23,060,520--
Beijing Matsushita Colour CRT Co., Ltd.5,151,625-994,383-6,146,008--
BOE Innovation Investment Co., Ltd.3,198,191,319479,000,000569,023-3,677,760,342--
Hefei BOE Xingyu Technology Co., Ltd.506,367,236-540,515-506,907,751--
BOE Education Technology Co., Ltd.29,259,274---29,259,274--
Dongfang Chengqi (Beijing) Business Technology Co., Ltd.13,786,416-2,140,752-15,927,168--
BOE Smart Technology Co., Ltd.2,072,000,000650,000,000--2,722,000,000--
Nanjing BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.5,598,629,797-4,042,190-5,602,671,987--
Chengdu BOE Display Sci-tech Co., Ltd. (Chengdu Display Sci-tech)7,557,371,638-4,267,100-7,561,638,738--
BOE Mled Technology Co., Ltd.1,312,793,925146,000,0006,012,620-1,464,806,545--
BOE Environmental Energy Technology Co., Ltd.50,000,000-1,886,158-51,886,158--
Chengdu BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.5,263,000394,725,000--399,988,000--
Beijing BOE Chuangyuan Technology Co., Ltd-2,249,653,000--2,249,653,000
Mianyang BOE Electronics Technology Co., Ltd-680,000,000--680,000,000
Beijing Shiyan Technology Co., Ltd-167,200,000--167,200,000
HC SemiTek Corporation-2,083,597,236--2,083,597,236



* As of December 31, 2023, this year's reduction in capital contribution to the subsidiary by our company has beencompleted, and the total amount of capital reduction receivable amounts to RMB 40,116,899,600 Within thisfigure, our company has received RMB 1,200,000,000 as capital reduction proceeds. Furthermore, anaggregate amount of RMB 36,144,229,375 from the capital reduction receivable has been utilized to offset theprincipal and interest on internal loans extended by our company to the subsidiary. As of the reporting period,there remains an outstanding capital reduction receivable of RMB 2,772,670,225, which is recorded under otheraccounts receivable.** Others represented equity-settled share-based payments granted by the Company to employees of othersubsidiaries.For information about the major subsidiaries of the Company, refer to Note VIII. 1.

(3) Investments in associates:

???Movements during the year????
InvesteeBalance at the beginning of the year?Increase in investments?Decrease in investments?Investment (loss) / income under equity method?Other comprehensive income?Other equity movements?Declared distribution of cash dividends or profits?Balance at the end of the year?Balance of provision for impairment at the end of the year
Erdos BOE Energy Investment Co., Ltd.136,459,610?-?-?(530,631)?-?-?-?135,928,979?-
Beijing Xindongneng Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)2,034,870,324?-?-?413,237,868?(341,083,735)?-?(242,256,254)?1,864,768,203?-
Beijing Innovation Industry Investment Co., Ltd.223,216,553?-?-?12,953,665?-?-?-?236,170,218?-
Beijing Electric Control Industry Investment Co., Ltd.258,149,907?78,035,900?-?(1,505,013)?51,071,365?-?-?385,752,159?-
Beijing BOE Art Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.359,151,756?-?-?8,087,341?-?(6,214,034)?-?361,025,063?-



4 Other payables

Dividends payable?6,451,170?6,410,514



(1) Others

(a) The Company’s other payables by category are as follows:

Amounts due to/from subsidiaries?2,791,489,3052,912,284,353
Repurchase obligation of restricted sharesV.42457,401,616753,440,228
Purchase of projects, equipment and intangible assets?132,545,852405,997,313



(b) The Company’s other payables by currency:

?Amount in original currency?Exchange rateRMB/RMB equivalentsAmount in original currencyExchange rate?RMB/RMB equivalents



5 Long-term loans

???Credited/ collateralised???Credited/ collateralised
?RMB?guaranteed/ pledged?RMB?guaranteed/ pledged
Bank loans???????
- RMB48,042,049,084?Credited?42,222,030,392?Credited
Less: Long-term loans due within one year3,988,949,084?Credited?2,664,530,392?Credited



The interest rate of RMB long-term loans for the Company ranged from 1.20% to 3.30% in2023 (2022: 0% to 3.53%).

6 Capital reserve

ItemsShare premiumOther capital reserves?Total
Balance at the beginning of the year53,066,616,806627,010,40753,693,627,213
Add: Equity-settled share-based payments-331,439,427331,439,427
Other movements in equity of associates-(6,214,034)(6,214,034)
Cancellation of treasury shares(2,244,946,976)-(2,244,946,976)
Balance at the end of the year50,789,584,924952,235,80051,741,820,724



7 Other comprehensive income

???Movements during the year??
ItemBalance at the beginning of the year?Before-tax amount?Less: Income tax expense?Less: Transfer of other comprehensive income to profit or lossLess: Transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earnings?Balance at the end of the year
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss445,935?(282,176,415)?13,421,765?-1,175,221?(296,327,466)
Including: Other comprehensive income recognised under equity method121,611,393?(290,012,370)?12,246,372?-1,175,221?(181,822,570)
Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments(121,165,458)?7,835,955?1,175,393?--?(114,504,896)
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss(105,590)?-?-?--?(105,590)



8 Retained earnings

Retained earnings at the beginning of the year6,624,620,470?11,950,975,927
Total adjustments for opening retained earnings (“+” for increase; “-” for decrease)-?-
Retained earnings at the beginning of the year (after adjustment)6,624,620,470?11,950,975,927
Add: Net profits for the year3,305,971,786?3,481,863,512
Less: Appropriation for statutory surplus reserve330,597,179?348,186,351
Interest on holders of other equity instruments118,551,232?530,695,890
Dividends to ordinary shares2,296,367,348?7,958,923,130
Transfer of other comprehensive income to retained earnings(1,057,699)?(29,586,402)
Retained earnings at the end of the year7,186,134,196?6,624,620,470



9 Operating income and operating costs

Principal activities4,669,890,971?11,551,234?4,826,443,711?9,746,176
Other operating activities38,575,016?1,076,333?46,885,004?334,092


Including: Revenue from contracts with customers4,604,652,687?3,072,136?4,758,053,462?417,034
Other income103,813,300?9,555,431?115,275,253?9,663,234

10 Investment income

Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method1,555,817,904?1,221,116,853
Income from long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method429,364,809?328,861,860
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investments1,581,850?30,000,000
Dividend income from investments in other equity instruments728,606?206,209
Including: Dividend income from investments in other equity instruments held at the balance sheet date728,606?206,209



11 Supplementary information on cash flow statement

(1) Supplement to the cash flow statement

(a) Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:???
Net profit3,305,971,786?3,481,863,512
Add: Depreciation of fixed assets, investment properties and right-of-use assets205,071,503?198,186,954
Amortisation of intangible assets181,868,535?205,316,168
Amortisation of long-term deferred expenses73,436,949?53,563,810
Losses from scrapping of fixed assets4,248,14211,563
Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets(5,077,109)?-
Credit losses(5,490,866)?18,126,642
Losses from changes in fair value(49,498,773)-
Financial expenses414,990,764?572,555,726
Investment income(1,991,483,354)?(1,934,087,931)
Share-based payments76,890,841?164,840,515
Change in deferred income(978,788,846)?(916,302,566)
Changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities97,968,124?(113,828,946)
Decrease in gross inventories(4,271,106)?787,291
Decrease / (increase) in operating receivables(411,585,912)?780,128,458
Increase / (decrease) in operating payables56,568,894?1,173,595,580
Net cash inflow from operating activities970,819,572?3,684,756,776



(b) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:???
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year4,249,329,821?7,111,879,033
Less: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year7,111,879,033?5,599,937,349
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents(2,862,549,212)?1,511,941,684



(2) Details of cash and cash equivalents

Cash on hand14,205?13,361
Bank deposits available on demand4,248,378,624?7,111,658,528
Other monetary funds available on demand936,992?207,144
Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents4,249,329,821?7,111,879,033



Note: Cash and cash equivalents disclosed above exclude other monetary fund with

restricted usage.

XVII. Extraordinary gains and losses in 2023

Losses from disposal of non-current assets?(19,625,160)?(4,908,339)
Government grants recognised through profit or loss (Except for government subsidies that are closely related to the company's normal business operations, comply with national policies and regulations, are enjoyed in accordance with determined standards, and have a continuous impact on the company's profit and loss)?3,793,619,228?5,458,665,272
Changes in fair value of financial assets held for trading and investment income from disposal of financial assets held for trading?360,708,461?275,498,559
Reversal of provision for bad and doubtful debts of receivables assessed on an individual basis?43,996,519?18,395,999
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investments?1,581,850?829,872,568
Other income from long-term equity investments-4,620,534,865
Other non-operating income and expenses besides items above?333,923,695?90,115,764
Sub total4,514,204,593?11,288,174,688
Tax effect227,580,473?133,580,776
Extraordinary gains affecting net profit of equity shareholders of the non-controlling shareholders?1,106,627,416?1,375,063,961



Note: 1. There is no impact on BOE Group's disclosure for the year after the implementation

based on the Interpretive Pronouncement on the Preparation of InformationDisclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares No.1 - Extraordinary Gains andLosses (Revised in 2023).

2. Extraordinary gain and loss item listed above are presented in the amount beforetaxation.

XVIII. Return on net assets and earnings per share

In accordance with “Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures by CompaniesIssuing Securities No.9 – Calculation and Disclosure of the Return on Net Assets andEarnings Per Share” (2010 revised) issued by the CSRC and relevant accounting standards,the Group’s return on net assets and earnings per share are calculated as follows:

Profit for the reporting periodWeighted average return on net assets (%)?Basic earnings per share?Diluted earnings per share
Net profit attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders1.89%?0.06?Not applicable
Net profit excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders(0.60%)?(0.02)?Not applicable



1 Calculation of earnings per share

(1) Basic earnings per share

For calculation of the basic earnings per share, refer to Note V.60.

(2) Basic earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss

Basic earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss is calculated as dividingconsolidated net profit excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to ordinaryshareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary sharesoutstanding:

Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company2,411,710,231?6,946,201,476
Extraordinary gains and losses attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company3,179,996,704?9,779,529,951
Consolidated net loss excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders(768,286,473)?(2,833,328,475)
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding37,429,510,530?37,502,641,911
Basic earnings per share excluding extraordinary gain and loss (RMB/share)(0.02)?(0.08)



2 Calculation of weighted average return on net assets

(1) Weighted average return on net assets

Weighted average return on net assets is calculated as dividing consolidated net profitattributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average amount ofconsolidated net assets:

Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company2,411,710,231?6,946,201,476
Weighted average amount of consolidated net assets127,674,255,464?127,511,655,974
Weighted average return on net assets1.89%?5.45%



Calculation of weighted average amount of consolidated net assets is as follows:

Consolidated net assets at the beginning of the year127,909,808,396?129,057,081,638
Effect of consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company1,205,855,116?3,473,100,738
Effect of non-public issuance of shares-?-
Effect of repurchase of treasury shares-?(495,230,613)
Distribution of profits to ordinary shareholders(1,335,983,365)?(4,626,435,310)
Effect of change in shareholding ratio of subsidiaries(418,139,849)?377,180,229
Effect of movements in amounts attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company312,715,166?(274,040,708)
Weighted average amount of consolidated net assets127,674,255,464?127,511,655,974



(2) Weighted average return on net assets excluding extraordinary gains and losses

Weighted average return on net assets excluding extraordinary gain and loss is calculated asdividing consolidated net loss excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to ordinaryshareholders of the Company by the weighted average amount of consolidated net assets:

Consolidated net loss excluding extraordinary gain and loss attributable to the Company’s ordinary equity shareholders(768,286,473)?(2,833,328,475)
Weighted average amount of consolidated net assets127,674,255,464?127,511,655,974
Weighted average return on net assets excluding extraordinary gain and loss(0.60%)?(2.22%)


