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招港B:2023年年度审计报告(英文版) 下载公告















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De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (24) No. P03112

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To all the shareholders of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.,

I. Audit Opinion

We have audited the financial statements of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referredto as "the Company"), which comprise the consolidated and Company's balance sheets as at 31December 2023, and the consolidated and Company's income statements, the consolidated andCompany's cash flow statements and the consolidated and Company's statements of changes inshareholders' equity for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements of the Company are prepared and present fairly,in all material respects, the consolidated and Company's financial position as at 31 December 2023, andthe consolidated and Company's results of operations and cash flows for the year then ended inaccordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

II. Basis for the Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. Our responsibilities underthose standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the FinancialStatements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with China Codeof Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities inaccordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient andappropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

III. Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in ouraudit of the financial statements of the current year. These matters were addressed in the context of ouraudit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, we do not provide aseparate opinion on these matters. We determine the followings are key audit matters that need to beaddressed in our report.

1. Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investments in associates

As disclosed in Note (VIII) 12 to the consolidated financial statements, as at 31 December 2023, thecarrying amount of the Company's long-term equity investments in associates amounts to RMB87,708,124,441.05, accounting for 69.85% of the total shareholder's equity. In 2023, the investmentincome from associates recognized under the equity method amounts to RMB 5,582,402,904.90,accounting for 74.48% of the consolidated net profit. Since the amount of income from investments inassociates recognized by the Company for the year is significant, and its correctness depends on thefinancial status and operating results of the investee, we determine the above-mentioned subsequentmeasurement of the long-term equity investments in associates as a key audit matter of the consolidatedfinancial statements.

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AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (24) No. P03112

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III. Key Audit Matters - continued

1. Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investments in associates - continued

Principal audit procedures we performed for the above key audit matter are as follows:

(1) Understood the certified public accountants of major associates and evaluated their independence

and professional competence;

(2) Identified and assessed the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements of the major

associates from the perspective of auditing the consolidated financial statements of the Companyby reading the financial statements of the major associates and discussing with the managementabout the financial performance of the major associates and the significant judgments andestimates made in the preparation of the financial statements;

(3) Discussed with the component certified public accountants of the major associates about their

assessment of the component audit risk, the identification of key audit areas and theimplementation of the corresponding audit procedures to evaluate whether the audit of thecomponent certified public accountants was appropriate;

(4) Verified whether the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the major associates

were consistent with those of the Company. If not, checked whether the financial statements ofthe major associates have been adjusted according to the accounting policies and accountingperiods of the Company, and recognized the amount of investment income under equity methodon that basis.

2. Goodwill impairment

As disclosed in Note (VIII) 20 to the consolidated financial statements, as at 31 December 2023, thegoodwill presented in the consolidated financial statements of the Company is RMB 6,493,002,246.44.The management of the Company uses the net amount of fair value less costs of disposal or the presentvalue of the estimated future cash flows to determine the recoverable amount of the relevant asset groupwhen testing the goodwill for impairment, of which the fair value assessment is based on the marketapproach, and the forecast of future cash flows and the calculation of the present value include keyassumptions, such as growth rate and discount rate. We determine goodwill impairment as a key auditmatter of the consolidated financial statements due to the significant amount of goodwill and that themanagement needs to make significant judgments and estimates when conducting goodwill impairmenttesting.

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AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (24) No. P03112

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III. Key Audit Matters - continued

2. Goodwill impairment - continued

Principal audit procedures we performed for the above key audit matter are as follows:

(1) Assessed the reasonableness of the division of asset group and combination of asset group made

by the management;

(2) Referred to the industry practice to assess whether the management's approach in cash flow

forecast was appropriate and whether the assumptions used were reasonable;

(3) Compared the data used in cash flow forecast with historical data and budget data approved by

the management, and assessed the reasonableness of the data used;

(4) Compared the growth rate of the business volume in the forecast period with the growth rate of

the historical business volume and evaluated its reasonableness;

(5) Understood the basis adopted by the management to determine the growth rate of the business in

the subsequent forecast period and assessed its reasonableness;

(6) Assessed the reasonableness of the discount rate adopted by the management in combination with

market risk-free interest rates, risk factors, etc.;

(7) Used the work of internal evaluation experts to evaluate the appropriateness of the management's

method to assess the recoverable amount of the asset group, and evaluate the reasonableness ofthe discount rate used by the management in predicting the present value of cash flows and thegrowth rate of the subsequent forecast period;

(8) Reviewed whether the calculation of the present value of future cash flows was correct;

(9) Assessed whether the method used to determine the fair value less costs of disposal was


(10) Assessed the adequacy and appropriateness of the disclosure of goodwill impairment testing.

IV. Other Information

The management of the Company is responsible for the other information. The other informationcomprises the information included in the 2023 annual report, but does not include the consolidatedfinancial statements and our auditor's report.

Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express anyform of assurance conclusion.

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AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (24) No. P03112

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IV. Other Information - continued

In combination with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the otherinformation and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with thefinancial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materiallymisstated.

If, based on the audit work performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this otherinformation, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

V. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial


The management of the Company is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that givea true and fair view in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for thedesign, performance and maintenance of such internal control that is necessary to enable that thepreparation of financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company's abilityto continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using thegoing concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company or tocease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

These charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company's financial reportingprocess.

VI. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free frommaterial misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes anaudit opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an auditconducted in accordance with China Standards on Auditing will always detect a material misstatementwhen it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individuallyor in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users takenon the basis of these financial statements.

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AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (24) No. P03112

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VI. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements - continued

As part of an audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing, we exercise professional judgmentand maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

(1) Identified and assessed the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due

to fraud or error, designed and performed audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtainedaudit evidence that was sufficient and appropriate to form our opinion. The risk of not detectinga material misstatement resulting from fraud was higher than for one resulting from error, as fraudmay involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override ofinternal control.

(2) Understood audit-related internal control in order to design audit procedures that were appropriate

in the circumstances.

(3) Evaluated the appropriateness of accounting policies applied and the reasonableness of

accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management.

(4) Concluded on the appropriateness of the management' application of the going concern basis of

accounting. Based on audit evidence obtained, concluded on whether the material uncertainty ofevents or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as agoing concern existed. If we concluded that a material uncertainty existed, we were required todraw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or tomodify our opinion, if such disclosures were inadequate. Our conclusions were based on the auditevidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions maycause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

(5) Evaluated the overall presentation (including the disclosures), structure and content of the

financial statements, and whether the financial statements represented the underlying transactionsand events in a manner that achieved fair presentation.

(6) Obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities

or business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. Wewere responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remainedsolely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicated with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the plannedscope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies ininternal control that we identified during our audit.

We also provided those charged with governance with a statement that we had complied with relevantethical requirements of independence, and communicated with those charged with governance over allrelationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and whereapplicable, related safeguards.

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AUDITOR'S REPORT - continued

De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (24) No. P03112

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VI. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements - continued

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determined those matters thatwere of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current year and were thereforethe key audit matters. We described these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulationprecluded public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determinedthat a matter should not be addressed in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so wouldreasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA LLP Chinese Certified Public Accountant(Engagement Partner)Shanghai, China

Li Weihua

Chinese Certified Public Accountant

Wang Hongmei

29 March 2024

The auditor's report and the accompanying financial statements are English translations of the Chinese auditor's report andstatutory financial statements prepared under accounting principles and practices generally accepted in the People'sRepublic of China. These financial statements are not intended to present the financial position and results of operationsand cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in other countries andjurisdictions. In case the English version does not conform to the Chinese version, the Chinese version prevails.

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Consolidated Balance Sheet


ItemNotes31/12/202331/12/2022 (Restated)
Current Assets:
Cash and bank balances(VIII)116,079,646,178.2413,615,928,739.40
Held-for-trading financial assets(VIII)24,568,806,108.842,998,781,599.63
Notes receivable(VIII)3325,150,195.0936,395,000.00
Accounts receivable(VIII)41,103,901,466.251,276,149,689.44
Receivables financing(VIII)52,001,669.46163,766,913.10
Other receivables(VIII)7940,014,994.01948,842,094.30
Including: Interest receivable(VIII)7--
Dividends receivable(VIII)7343,386,866.06416,040,485.62
Non-current assets due within one year(VIII)917,451,380.98902,225,293.93
Other current assets(VIII)10189,673,500.87185,903,140.53
Total current assets23,483,208,238.9120,416,742,717.23
Non-current Assets:
Long-term receivables(VIII)113,856,466,116.995,661,327,499.07
Long-term equity investments(VIII)1296,666,117,776.2792,364,293,919.05
Investments in other equity instruments(VIII)13157,461,648.16171,945,275.02
Other non-current financial assets(VIII)14877,576,442.831,745,740,896.41
Investment properties(VIII)154,958,374,968.795,123,690,119.56
Fixed assets(VIII)1628,986,538,326.3532,033,326,083.50
Including: Fixed assets - cost51,987,700,820.7655,185,206,442.91
Accumulated depreciation22,787,694,400.0923,088,313,866.49
Provision for impairment of fixed assets213,504,483.0863,574,868.76
Construction in progress(VIII)172,909,817,281.462,413,844,407.64
Right-of-use assets(VIII)189,441,668,311.229,342,642,222.33
Intangible assets(VIII)1918,073,062,184.7219,277,065,115.61
Development expenditure(IX)250,990,153.1817,412,196.16
Long-term prepaid expenses(VIII)21993,793,505.29986,356,904.90
Deferred tax assets(VIII)22415,063,477.03434,498,820.95
Other non-current assets(VIII)231,194,155,989.621,186,789,378.79
Total non-current assets175,074,088,428.35177,170,359,730.08
TOTAL ASSETS198,557,296,667.26197,587,102,447.31

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Consolidated Balance Sheet - continued


ItemNotes31/12/202331/12/2022 (Restated)
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings(VIII)2415,714,045,288.977,164,338,366.18
Notes payable(VIII)2573,461,165.82-
Accounts payable(VIII)26691,765,137.25811,149,397.66
Receipts in advance(VIII)2717,387,537.369,886,531.59
Contract liabilities(VIII)28142,080,101.00141,899,551.03
Employee benefits payable(VIII)29917,964,606.65936,834,718.13
Including: Payroll payable883,913,277.13897,442,262.83
Welfare payable--
Taxes payable(VIII)30923,053,572.50917,933,169.09
Other payables(VIII)311,654,622,170.021,755,885,258.26
Including: Interest payable(VIII)31--
Dividends payable(VIII)31111,897,214.2792,374,921.29
Non-current liabilities due within one year(VIII)326,817,404,289.2511,641,223,688.95
Other current liabilities(VIII)332,143,842,534.533,161,147,525.96
Total current liabilities29,095,626,403.3526,540,298,206.85
Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term borrowings(VIII)3418,227,543,954.7112,390,099,177.85
Bonds payable(VIII)3514,287,508,564.1519,088,293,099.02
Including: Preferred shares--
Perpetual bonds--
Lease liabilities(VIII)361,001,172,206.92948,350,914.04
Long-term payables(VIII)373,822,862,202.173,551,315,590.31
Long-term employee benefits payable(VIII)38603,009,921.91639,095,931.43
Deferred income(VIII)401,024,776,557.731,031,273,189.74
Deferred tax liabilities(VIII)224,659,638,104.374,855,019,835.33
Other non-current liabilities(VIII)41179,634,263.73186,383,117.00
Total non-current liabilities43,891,735,835.1042,725,196,011.15
TOTAL LIABILITIES72,987,362,238.4569,265,494,218.00
Shareholders' equity:
Share capital(VIII)422,499,074,661.002,499,074,661.00
Including: State capital--
State-owned corporate capital2,264,090,797.002,283,118,870.00
Collective capital--
Private capital218,857,094.00195,001,566.00
Foreign capital16,126,770.0020,954,225.00
Capital reserve(VIII)4337,076,846,803.0634,751,640,835.25
Other comprehensive income(VIII)44-903,626,594.35-689,553,619.86
Special reserve(VIII)4534,003,994.4126,358,259.97
Surplus reserve(VIII)461,095,980,563.681,001,917,449.15
Unappropriated profit(VIII)4719,045,313,519.7516,701,988,301.14
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company58,847,592,947.5554,291,425,886.65
Minority interests66,722,341,481.2674,030,182,342.66
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY125,569,934,428.81128,321,608,229.31
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY198,557,296,667.26197,587,102,447.31

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

The financial statements were signed by the following:

Xu Song Tu Xiaoping Hu Shaode_______________________ _______________________ ___________________________Legal Representative Chief Financial Officer Head of Accounting Department

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Balance Sheet of the Company


Current Assets:
Cash and bank balances3,281,038,218.843,333,936,587.44
Held-for-trading financial assets1,500,517,808.221,502,601,369.86
Other receivables(XX)11,742,461,670.322,749,637,755.23
Including: Interest receivable(XX)1--
Dividends receivable(XX)1167,092,526.14147,896,763.88
Other current assets10,882,675.967,774,206.30
Total current assets6,544,975,428.957,593,949,918.83
Non-current Assets:
Long-term receivables9,391,615.509,240,200.34
Long-term equity investments(XX)255,168,618,338.7953,433,613,471.49
Investments in other equity instruments148,088,364.25144,700,378.28
Other non-current financial assets-950,321,309.06
Fixed assets27,343,639.2828,826,135.19
Including: Fixed assets - cost32,478,382.0431,811,887.38
Accumulated depreciation5,134,742.762,985,752.19
Provision for impairment of fixed assets--
Construction in progress607,774.3415,435,512.32
Intangible assets54,876,218.7750,303,126.12
Development expenditure38,923,289.236,219,670.14
Long-term prepaid expenses665,319.42873,700.49
Deferred tax assets928,465.21928,465.21
Total non-current assets55,449,443,024.7954,640,461,968.64
TOTAL ASSETS61,994,418,453.7462,234,411,887.47

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Balance Sheet of the Company - continued


Current Liabilities:
Receipts in advance5,358,074.44-
Employee benefits payable45,188,572.9638,763,907.88
Including: Payroll payable45,032,983.1838,672,237.18
Welfare payable--
Taxes payable1,046,270.661,251,923.17
Other payables376,323,201.93373,569,651.65
Including: Interest payable--
Dividends payable34,577,578.1234,577,578.12
Non-current liabilities due within one year5,119,243,623.452,146,233,151.54
Other current liabilities2,007,190,136.983,017,713,424.64
Total current liabilities7,554,349,880.425,577,532,058.88
Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term borrowings7,979,000,000.004,988,000,000.00
Bonds payable3,000,000,000.008,000,000,000.00
Deferred tax liabilities41,948,362.1341,622,256.05
Total non-current liabilities11,020,948,362.1313,029,622,256.05
TOTAL LIABILITIES18,575,298,242.5518,607,154,314.93
Share capital2,499,074,661.002,499,074,661.00
Including: State capital--
State-owned corporate capital2,264,090,797.002,283,118,870.00
Collective capital--
Private capital218,857,094.00195,001,566.00
Foreign capital16,126,770.0020,954,225.00
Capital reserve37,704,543,586.1137,749,723,642.07
Other comprehensive income120,520,832.8399,525,686.03
Surplus reserve1,095,980,563.681,001,917,449.15
Unappropriated profit1,999,000,567.572,277,016,134.29
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY43,419,120,211.1943,627,257,572.54
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY61,994,418,453.7462,234,411,887.47

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

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Consolidated Income Statement


ItemNotes20232022 (Restated)
I. Total operating income(VIII)4815,750,475,780.2216,230,489,127.55
Less: Operating costs(VIII)489,318,186,707.759,650,461,712.94
Taxes and surcharges(VIII)49312,998,026.19282,249,473.46
Administrative expenses(VIII)501,776,641,155.381,765,094,736.51
Research and development expenses(VIII)51223,739,072.07287,706,178.70
Financial expenses(VIII)521,839,113,328.142,258,713,672.42
Including: Interest expenses2,238,152,796.662,225,162,805.79
Interest income497,593,921.36469,834,098.05
Net exchange loss85,519,920.28477,004,284.27
Add: Other income(VIII)53224,389,260.77241,648,070.42
Investment income(VIII)546,348,676,940.807,377,655,506.33
Including: Income from investments in associates and joint ventures(VIII)545,979,007,585.967,185,182,148.75
Gains (Losses) from changes in fair value (Losses are marked with "-")(VIII)5573,352,800.52-129,033,650.11
Gains (Losses) from impairment of credit (Losses are marked with "-")(VIII)5637,284,041.18-223,473,576.55
Losses from impairment of assets (Losses are marked with "-")(VIII)57-191,297,311.28-22,159,020.20
Gains from disposal of assets(VIII)5836,759,532.6155,130,095.52
II. Operating profit8,808,962,755.299,286,030,778.93
Add: Non-operating income(VIII)5987,302,024.12279,274,452.77
Including: Government grants-1,640,553.77
Less: Non-operating expenses(VIII)6097,072,840.72220,442,254.68
III. Gross profit8,799,191,938.699,344,862,977.02
Less: Income tax expenses(VIII)631,303,579,852.931,112,959,676.75
IV. Net profit7,495,612,085.768,231,903,300.27
(I) Categorized by continuity of operation
1. Net profit from continuing operation7,495,612,085.768,231,903,300.27
2. Net profit from discontinued operation--
(II) Categorized by attribution of ownership
1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company3,571,800,762.163,338,693,816.70
2. Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders3,923,811,323.604,893,209,483.57
V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax(VIII)66209,856,768.771,628,631,938.02
(I) Other comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the Company, net of tax-214,072,974.49208,085,368.23
1. Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss-73,874,071.89-22,706,023.29
(1) Changes from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan7,480,103.34-12,793,128.73
(2) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method-83,841,725.07-11,550,762.02
(3) Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments2,487,549.841,637,867.46
2. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss-140,198,902.60230,791,391.52
(1) Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method-366,028,318.84-110,193,707.53
(2) Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies225,829,416.24340,985,099.05
(II) Other comprehensive income attributable to minority interests, net of tax423,929,743.261,420,546,569.79
VI. Total comprehensive income attributable to:7,705,468,854.539,860,535,238.29
(I) Shareholders of the Company3,357,727,787.673,546,779,184.93
(II) Minority shareholders4,347,741,066.866,313,756,053.36
VII. Earnings per share
(I) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)1.431.61
(II) Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)1.431.61

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

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Income Statement of the Company


I. Operating income(XX)317,326,885.293,669,891.36
Less: Operating costs(XX)33,686,411.842,276,202.60
Taxes and surcharges2,161,621.421,126,365.82
Administrative expenses167,273,393.24154,023,617.71
Research and development expenses14,046,526.9815,151,413.80
Financial expenses397,006,521.97361,633,510.16
Including: Interest expenses482,413,617.32491,933,634.55
Interest income89,862,634.06144,120,475.54
Net exchange loss2,296,890.143,785,346.40
Add: Other income206,131.06499,438.35
Investment income(XX)41,597,599,935.271,053,614,451.09
Including: Income from investments in associates and joint ventures(XX)41,111,522,805.93384,257,363.02
Losses from changes in fair value (Losses are marked with "-")-48,217,517.53-125,383,212.19
Losses from impairment of assets (Losses are marked with "-")-43,605,014.00-
Gains from disposal of assets-237,727.99
II. Operating profit939,135,944.64398,427,186.51
Add: Non-operating income18,698.11545,089.04
Less: Non-operating expenses104,998.0418.84
III. Gross profit939,049,644.71398,972,256.71
Less: Income tax expenses-1,581,500.55-8,376,614.77
IV. Net profit940,631,145.26407,348,871.48
V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax20,995,146.801,625,433.48
(I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss3,661,309.411,391,486.75
1. Changes from remeasurement of the defined benefit plan--
2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method1,120,319.9327,649.59
3. Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments2,540,989.481,363,837.16
(II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss17,333,837.39233,946.73
1. Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method17,333,837.39233,946.73
2. Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies--
VI. Total comprehensive income961,626,292.06408,974,304.96

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

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Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services16,019,658,434.9016,547,850,742.82
Receipts of tax refunds53,272,648.95239,426,543.45
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities(VIII) 67(1)927,564,019.091,141,794,925.33
Sub-total of cash inflows17,000,495,102.9417,929,072,211.60
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received4,550,256,851.254,790,513,865.61
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees3,598,624,870.643,612,535,626.78
Payments of various types of taxes1,418,779,686.671,579,320,175.46
Other cash payments relating to operating activities(VIII) 67(1)853,227,059.211,026,325,153.40
Sub-total of cash outflows10,420,888,467.7711,008,694,821.25
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities(VIII) 68(1)6,579,606,635.176,920,377,390.35
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash receipts from disposal and recovery of investments28,430,740,038.1440,894,899,081.53
Cash receipts from investments income2,329,944,728.792,429,981,136.20
Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets144,845,803.8613,812,483.21
Net cash receipts from disposals of subsidiaries and other business units(VIII) 68(3)1,683,385,533.43-
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities(VIII) 67(2)3,164,955,303.27295,064,509.34
Sub-total of cash inflows35,753,871,407.4943,633,757,210.28
Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets1,929,374,936.212,133,837,244.47
Cash payments to acquire investments29,974,648,554.8754,509,066,114.35
Other cash payments relating to investing activities(VIII) 67(2)82,663,303.33954,802,482.30
Sub-total of cash outflows31,986,686,794.4157,597,705,841.12
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities3,767,184,613.08-13,963,948,630.84
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Cash receipts from capital contributions217,520,934.6110,642,126,434.50
Including: Cash receipts from capital contributions from minority shareholders of subsidiaries217,520,934.61-
Cash receipts from borrowings29,416,872,247.5529,859,438,534.05
Cash receipts from issue of bonds6,000,000,000.0019,248,308,650.00
Other cash receipts relating to financing activities(VIII) 67(3)334,754,229.6356,303,169.80
Sub-total of cash inflows35,969,147,411.7959,806,176,788.35
Cash repayments of borrowings31,919,051,211.8746,432,911,425.29
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement of interest expenses5,167,695,546.014,732,910,153.42
Including: Payments for distribution of dividends or profits to minority shareholders of subsidiaries1,955,677,172.681,900,086,012.38
Other cash payments relating to financing activities(VIII) 67(3)6,867,093,830.321,124,116,740.35
Sub-total of cash outflows43,953,840,588.2052,289,938,319.06
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities-7,984,693,176.417,516,238,469.29
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents89,206,087.64367,287,004.46
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents2,451,304,159.48839,954,233.26
Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents(VIII) 68(2)13,567,309,471.6212,727,355,238.36
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents(VIII) 68(2)16,018,613,631.1013,567,309,471.62

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

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Cash Flow Statement of the Company


I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
Other cash receipts relating to operating activities205,894,785.22108,295,282.75
Sub-total of cash inflows205,894,785.22108,295,282.75
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received142,500.0086,280.54
Cash payments to and on behalf of employees111,864,640.42102,305,409.21
Payments of various types of taxes2,203,522.03162,077,694.07
Other cash payments relating to operating activities197,101,786.3364,738,420.24
Sub-total of cash outflows311,312,448.78329,207,804.06
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities-105,417,663.56-220,912,521.31
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
Cash receipts from disposal and recovery of investments11,200,000,000.0033,317,450,238.74
Cash receipts from investment income934,979,575.11770,719,728.64
Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets-1,002,668.00
Other cash receipts relating to investing activities1,948,842,841.7950,285,632.68
Sub-total of cash inflows14,083,822,416.9034,139,458,268.06
Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets23,594,300.6942,642,426.69
Cash payments to acquire investments11,589,128,994.6945,942,721,212.13
Other cash payments relating to investing activities890,011,664.401,523,809,248.36
Sub-total of cash outflows12,502,734,959.7847,509,172,887.18
Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities1,581,087,457.12-13,369,714,619.12
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Cash receipts from capital contributions-10,642,126,434.50
Cash receipts from borrowings6,250,000,000.009,171,668,674.85
Cash receipts from issue of bonds6,000,000,000.0016,000,000,000.00
Other cash receipts relating to financing activities6,728,017.136,303,169.80
Sub-total of cash inflows12,256,728,017.1335,820,098,279.15
Cash repayments of borrowings12,125,000,000.0020,529,408,504.85
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits or settlement of interest expenses1,650,693,345.101,257,422,374.13
Other cash payments relating to financing activities9,832,313.9223,179,821.90
Sub-total of cash outflows13,785,525,659.0221,810,010,700.88
Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities-1,528,797,641.8914,010,087,578.27
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents176,979.73714,582.29
V. Net (Decrease) Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (Losses are marked with "-")-52,950,868.60420,175,020.13
Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents3,333,936,587.442,913,761,567.31
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents3,280,985,718.843,333,936,587.44

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

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Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity


Equity attributable to shareholders of the CompanyMinority interestsTotal shareholders' equity
Share capitalCapital reserveOther comprehensive incomeIncluding: Foreign currency conversion differenceSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUnappropriated profit
I. Closing balance of the preceding year2,499,074,661.0034,751,640,835.25-691,536,248.44-681,788,363.0726,358,259.971,001,917,449.1516,679,688,347.0973,994,641,893.21128,261,785,197.23
Add: Changes in accounting policies--1,982,628.581,982,628.58--22,299,954.0535,540,449.4559,823,032.08
Corrections of prior period errors---------
Business combination involving enterprises under common control---------
II. Opening balance of the year2,499,074,661.0034,751,640,835.25-689,553,619.86-679,805,734.4926,358,259.971,001,917,449.1516,701,988,301.1474,030,182,342.66128,321,608,229.31
III. Changes for the year-2,325,205,967.81-214,072,974.49225,829,416.247,645,734.4494,063,114.532,343,325,218.61-7,307,840,861.40-2,751,673,800.50
(I) Total comprehensive income---214,072,974.49225,829,416.24--3,571,800,762.164,347,741,066.867,705,468,854.53
(II) Owners' contributions and reduction in capital-2,325,205,967.81---317,684.31--1,883,909.97-9,190,432,492.89-6,867,428,119.36
1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners-------685,424,826.14685,424,826.14
2. Capital contribution from holders of other equity instruments--------4,222,148,460.84-4,222,148,460.84
3. Share-based payment recognized in shareholders' equity-1,053,188.36-----523,302.321,576,490.68
4. Others-2,324,152,779.45---317,684.31--1,883,909.97-5,654,232,160.51-3,332,280,975.34
(III) Profit distribution-----94,063,114.53-1,226,591,633.58-2,477,802,768.49-3,610,331,287.54
1. Transfer to surplus reserve-----94,063,114.53-94,063,114.53--
2. Distribution to shareholders-------1,124,583,597.45-2,256,143,657.02-3,380,727,254.47
3. Others-------7,944,921.60-221,659,111.47-229,604,033.07
(IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity---------
1. Capitalization of capital reserve---------
2. Capitalization of surplus reserve---------
3. Loss offset by surplus reserve---------
4. Retained earnings carried forward from other comprehensive income---------
5. Others---------
(V) Special reserve----7,963,418.75--12,653,333.1220,616,751.87
1. Transfer to special reserve in the year----61,589,514.21--66,309,179.08127,898,693.29
2. Amount utilized in the year-----53,626,095.46---53,655,845.96-107,281,941.42
(VI) Others---------
IV. Closing balance of the year2,499,074,661.0037,076,846,803.06-903,626,594.35-453,976,318.2534,003,994.411,095,980,563.6819,045,313,519.7566,722,341,481.26125,569,934,428.81

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Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity - continued


Item2022 (Restated)
Equity attributable to shareholders of the CompanyMinority interestsTotal shareholders' equity
Share capitalCapital reserveOther comprehensive incomeIncluding: Foreign currency conversion differenceSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUnappropriated profit
I. Closing balance of the preceding year1,922,365,124.0023,592,702,758.70-890,125,318.18-1,020,790,833.549,184,429.12961,182,562.0014,205,879,106.4971,234,238,229.35111,035,426,891.48
Add: Changes in accounting policies------21,052,360.1733,445,604.2954,497,964.46
Corrections of prior period errors---------
Business combination involving enterprises under common control---------
II. Opening balance of the year1,922,365,124.0023,592,702,758.70-890,125,318.18-1,020,790,833.549,184,429.12961,182,562.0014,226,931,466.6671,267,683,833.64111,089,924,855.94
III. Changes for the year576,709,537.0011,158,938,076.55200,571,698.32340,985,099.0517,173,830.8540,734,887.152,475,056,834.482,762,498,509.0217,231,683,373.37
(I) Total comprehensive income--208,085,368.23340,985,099.05--3,338,693,816.706,313,756,053.369,860,535,238.29
(II) Owners' contributions and reduction in capital576,709,537.0011,158,938,076.55------683,588,937.2611,052,058,676.29
1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners576,709,537.0010,055,823,793.40-----971,135,730.3111,603,669,060.71
2. Capital contribution from holders of other equity instruments---------
3. Share-based payment recognized in shareholders' equity--4,365,536.60------3,266,354.51-7,631,891.11
4. Others-1,107,479,819.75------1,651,458,313.06-543,978,493.31
(III) Profit distribution-----40,734,887.15-871,150,652.13-2,897,141,819.77-3,727,557,584.75
1. Transfer to surplus reserve-----40,734,887.15-40,734,887.15--
2. Transfer to general risk reserve---------
3. Distribution to shareholders-------826,617,003.32-2,698,588,539.77-3,525,205,543.09
4. Others-------3,798,761.66-198,553,280.00-202,352,041.66
(IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity---7,513,669.91---7,513,669.91--
1. Capitalization of capital reserve---------
2. Capitalization of surplus reserve---------
3. Loss offset by surplus reserve---------
4. Retained earnings carried forward from other comprehensive income---7,513,669.91---7,513,669.91--
5. Others---------
(V) Special reserve----17,173,830.85--29,473,212.6946,647,043.54
1. Transfer to special reserve in the year----62,696,039.72--86,478,912.67149,174,952.39
2. Amount utilized in the year-----45,522,208.87---57,005,699.98-102,527,908.85
(VI) Others---------
IV. Closing balance of the year2,499,074,661.0034,751,640,835.25-689,553,619.86-679,805,734.4926,358,259.971,001,917,449.1516,701,988,301.1474,030,182,342.66128,321,608,229.31

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

- 17 -


The Company's Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity


Share capitalCapital reserveOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUnappropriated profitTotal shareholders' equity
I. Closing balance of the preceding year2,499,074,661.0037,749,723,642.0799,525,686.03-1,001,917,449.152,277,016,134.2943,627,257,572.54
Add: Changes in accounting policies-------
Corrections of prior period errors-------
II. Opening balance of the year2,499,074,661.0037,749,723,642.0799,525,686.03-1,001,917,449.152,277,016,134.2943,627,257,572.54
III. Changes for the year--45,180,055.9620,995,146.80-94,063,114.53-278,015,566.72-208,137,361.35
(I) Total comprehensive income--20,995,146.80--940,631,145.26961,626,292.06
(II) Owners' contributions and reduction in capital--45,180,055.96-----45,180,055.96
1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners-------
2. Share-based payment recognized in shareholders' equity-------
3. Share-based payment recognized in owners' equity-1,890,784.31----1,890,784.31
4. Others--47,070,840.27-----47,070,840.27
(III) Profit distribution----94,063,114.53-1,218,646,711.98-1,124,583,597.45
1. Transfer to surplus reserve----94,063,114.53-94,063,114.53-
2 Distribution to shareholders------1,124,583,597.45-1,124,583,597.45
3. Others-------
(IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity-------
1. Capitalization of capital reserve-------
2. Capitalization of surplus reserve-------
3. Loss offset by surplus reserve-------
4. Retained earnings carried forward from other comprehensive income-------
5. Others-------
(V) Special reserve-------
1. Transfer to special reserve in the year-------
2. Amount utilized in the year-------
(VI) Others-------
IV. Closing balance of the year2,499,074,661.0037,704,543,586.11120,520,832.83-1,095,980,563.681,999,000,567.5743,419,120,211.19

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The Company's Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity - continued


Share capitalCapital reserveOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveUnappropriated profitTotal shareholders' equity
I. Closing balance of the preceding year1,922,365,124.0027,594,079,596.13105,412,294.52-961,182,562.002,729,507,111.3133,312,546,687.96
Add: Changes in accounting policies-------
Corrections of prior period errors-------
II. Opening balance of the year1,922,365,124.0027,594,079,596.13105,412,294.52-961,182,562.002,729,507,111.3133,312,546,687.96
III. Changes for the year576,709,537.0010,155,644,045.94-5,886,608.49-40,734,887.15-452,490,977.0210,314,710,884.58
(I) Total comprehensive income--1,625,433.48--407,348,871.48408,974,304.96
(II) Owners' contributions and reduction in capital576,709,537.0010,155,644,045.94----10,732,353,582.94
1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners576,709,537.0010,055,823,793.40----10,632,533,330.40
2. Share-based payment recognized in shareholders' equity--6,388,558.75-----6,388,558.75
3. Others-106,208,811.29----106,208,811.29
(III) Profit distribution----40,734,887.15-867,351,890.47-826,617,003.32
1. Transfer to surplus reserve----40,734,887.15-40,734,887.15-
2. Transfer to general risk reserve-------
3. Distribution to shareholders------826,617,003.32-826,617,003.32
4. Others-------
(IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity---7,512,041.97--7,512,041.97-
1. Capitalization of capital reserve-------
2. Capitalization of surplus reserve-------
3. Loss offset by surplus reserve-------
4. Retained earnings carried forward from other comprehensive income---7,512,041.97--7,512,041.97-
5. Others-------
(V) Special reserve-------
1. Transfer to special reserve in the year-------
2. Amount utilized in the year-------
(VI) Others-------
IV. Closing balance of the year2,499,074,661.0037,749,723,642.0799,525,686.03-1,001,917,449.152,277,016,134.2943,627,257,572.54

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") is a stock limitedcompany incorporated in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, on 16 January 1993.

The headquarters of the Company is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. The Company andits subsidiaries (collectively the "Group") are actually engaged in the principal operating activitiesof port service, bonded logistics service and other businesses such as property development andinvestment.

The Company's and consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on29 March 2024.


Basis of preparation of financial statements

The Group has adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises ("ASBE") issued by theMinistry of Finance ("MoF"). In addition, the Group has disclosed relevant financial informationin accordance with Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies OfferingSecurities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reporting (Revised in 2023).

Going concern

As at 31 December 2023, the Group had total current liabilities in excess of total current assets byRMB 5,612,418,164.44. As at 31 December 2023, the Group had available and unused line of creditand bonds amounting to RMB 69,439,268,355.68, which is greater than the balance of the netcurrent liabilities. The Group can obtain financial support from the available line of credit and bondswhen needed. Therefore, the financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.


The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with ASBE, and presenttruly and completely, the Company's and consolidated financial position as at 31 December 2023,and the Company's and consolidated results of operations and cash flows for the year then ended.


1. Accounting year

The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, e.g., from 1 January to 31 December.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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2. Operating cycle

An operating cycle refers to the period since when an enterprise purchases assets for processingpurpose till the realization of those assets in cash or cash equivalents. The Group is principallyengaged in the rendering of port service, bonded logistics service and other businesses such asproperty development and investment with one year being an operating cycle.

3. Functional currency

Renminbi ("RMB") is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Companyand its domestic subsidiaries operate. Therefore, the Company and its domestic subsidiaries chooseRMB as their functional currency. The Company's overseas subsidiaries choose their functionalcurrencies on the basis of the primary economic environment in which they operate. The Companyadopts RMB to prepare its financial statements.

4. Method for determination of materiality criteria and basis for selection

ItemMateriality criteria
Significant prepayments aged more than 1 yearThe amount exceeds RMB 10 million individually
Significant dividends receivable aged more than 1 yearThe amount exceeds RMB 50 million individually
Significant other receivables for which bad debt provision is assessed on an individual basisThe amount exceeds RMB 10 million individually
Reversal or recovery of significant bad debt provisionThe amount exceeds RMB 10 million individually
Impairment testing of significant long-term equity investmentsThe carrying amount of an individual long-term equity investment≥2% of the amount of total assets
Significant construction in progressThe year-end carrying amount of an individual construction in progress ranges top ten
Impairment testing of significant construction in progressThe carrying amount of an individual construction in progress ≥20% of the amount of total assets
Significant accounts payable aged more than 1 yearThe amount exceeds RMB 10 million individually
Significant receipts in advance aged more than 1 yearThe amount exceeds RMB 10 million individually
Significant contract liabilities aged more than 1 yearThe amount exceeds RMB 10 million individually
Significant dividends payable aged more than 1 yearThe amount exceeds RMB 50 million individually
Significant other payables aged more than 1 yearThe amount exceeds RMB 10 million individually
Cash flows from significant investing activitiesThe amount exceeds 0.5% of the amount of total assets individually
Significant non-wholly owned subsidiariesThe amount of total revenue or total assets of subsidiaries exceeds 15% of the amount of total consolidated revenue or total consolidated assets
Significant joint ventures or associatesJoint ventures or associates in which the carrying amount of a long-term equity investment accounts for ≥10% of the amount of total consolidated assets or in which the investment income recognized under the equity method accounts for ≥10% of the amount of total consolidated profit
Significant commitmentsThe amount exceeds 0.3% of the amount of total assets individually, including reorganization, mergers and acquisitions, and building of construction in progress, etc.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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5. Basis of accounting and principle of measurement

The Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Except for financial instruments which aremeasured at fair value, the Group adopts the historical cost as the principle of measurement of thefinancial statements. Upon being restructured into a stock company, the fixed assets and intangibleassets initially contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognized based on the valuationamounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department. Where assets are impaired,provisions for asset impairment are made in accordance with the relevant requirements.

Where the historical cost is adopted as the measurement basis, assets are recorded at the amount ofcash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the consideration given to acquire them at the timeof their acquisition. Liabilities are recorded at the amount of proceeds or assets received or thecontractual amounts for assuming the present obligation, or, at the amounts of cash or cashequivalents expected to be paid to settle the liabilities in the normal course of business.

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in anorderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, regardless of whether thatprice is directly observable or estimated using valuation technique. Fair value measurement and/ordisclosure in the financial statements are determined according to the above basis.

In the measurement of non-financial assets at fair value, market participants' ability to best utilizesuch assets to generate most economic benefits, or the ability to sell such assets to other marketparticipants who are able to best utilize the assets to generate economic benefits is taken intoaccount.

For financial assets of which transaction prices are the fair value on initial recognition, and of whichvaluation technique involving unobservable input is used in subsequent measurement, the valuationtechnique in the course of valuation is adjusted to enable the result of initial recognition based onthe valuation technique equal to the transaction price.

Fair value measurements are categorized into Level 1, 2 or 3 based on the degree to which the inputsto the fair value measurements are observable and the significance of the inputs to the fair valuemeasurement in its entirety, which are described as follows:

? Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities thatthe entity can access at the measurement date;? Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, that are observable

for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and? Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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6. Business combinations

Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving enterprises undercommon control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control.

6.1 Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination inwhich all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties bothbefore and after the combination, and that control is not transitory.

Assets and liabilities obtained shall be measured at their respective carrying amounts as recordedby the combining entities at the date of the combination. The difference between the carryingamount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for thecombination is adjusted to the share premium in capital reserve. If the share premium is notsufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

Costs that are directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period inwhich they are incurred.

6.2 Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill

A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business combinationin which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or partiesbefore and after the combination.

The cost of combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of the assetsgiven, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange forcontrol of the acquiree. Where a business combination not involving enterprises under commoncontrol is achieved in stages that involve multiple transactions, the cost of combination is the sumof the consideration paid at the acquisition date and the fair value at the acquisition date of theacquirer's previously held interest in the acquiree. The intermediary expenses (fees in respect ofauditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services, etc.) and other administrative expensesattributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss in the periods when theyare incurred.

The acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired by the acquirer in abusiness combination that meet the recognition criteria shall be measured at fair value at theacquisition date.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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6. Business combinations - continued

6.2 Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill- continued

When a business combination contract provides for the acquirer's recovery of considerationpreviously paid contingent on one or multiple future event(s), the Group recognizes the contingentconsideration provided in the contract as an asset, as part of the consideration transferred in thebusiness combination, and includes it in the cost of business combination at the fair value at theacquisition date. Within 12 months after the acquisition, where the contingent consideration needsto be adjusted as new or further evidences are obtained in respect of the circumstances existed atthe acquisition date, the adjustment shall be recognized and the amount originally recognized ingoodwill or non-operating income shall be adjusted. A change in or adjustment to the contingentconsideration under other circumstances shall be accounted for in accordance with AccountingStandards for Business Enterprise No. 22 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurementand Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies. Any change oradjustment is included in profit or loss for the current period.

Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree'sidentifiable net assets, the difference is treated as an asset and recognized as goodwill, which ismeasured at cost on initial recognition. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer'sinterest in the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets, the acquirer reassesses themeasurement of the fair values of the acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingentliabilities and measurement of the cost of combination. If after that reassessment, the cost ofcombination is still less than the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable netassets, the acquirer recognizes the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the currentperiod.

If either the fair values of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired in acombination or the cost of business combination can be determined only provisionally by the endof the period in which the business combination was affected, the acquirer recognizes and measuresthe combination using those provisional values. Any adjustments to those provisional values withintwelve months after the acquisition date are treated as if they had been recognized and measured onthe acquisition date.

Goodwill arising from a business combination is measured at cost less accumulated impairmentlosses, and is presented separately in the consolidated financial statements.

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7. Consolidated financial statements

7.1 Determination criteria of control

Control exists when the investor has power over the investee; is exposed, or has rights, to variablereturns from its involvement with the investee; and has the ability to use its power over the investeeto affect its returns. The Group reassesses whether or not it controls an investee if facts andcircumstances indicate that there are changes in the above elements of the definition of control.

7.2 Preparation of consolidated financial statements

The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis ofcontrol.

Consolidation of a subsidiary begins when the Group obtains control over the subsidiary and ceaseswhen the Group loses control of the subsidiary.

For a subsidiary already disposed of by the Group, the operating results and cash flows before thedate of disposal (the date when control is lost) are included in the consolidated income statementand consolidated cash flow statement, as appropriate.

For subsidiaries acquired through a business combination involving enterprises not under commoncontrol, the operating results and cash flows from the acquisition date (the date when control isobtained) are included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statement,as appropriate.

No matter when the business combination occurs in the reporting period, subsidiaries acquiredthrough a business combination involving enterprises under common control or the party beingabsorbed under merger by absorption are included in the Group's scope of consolidation as if theyhad been included in the scope of consolidation from the date when they first came under thecommon control of the ultimate controlling party. Their operating results and cash flows from thedate when they first came under the common control of the ultimate controlling party are includedin the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow statement, as appropriate.

The significant accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the subsidiaries aredetermined based on the uniform accounting policies and accounting periods set out by theCompany.

Where the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by subsidiaries are inconsistent withthose of the Company, appropriate adjustments are made to the subsidiaries' financial statements inaccordance with the accounting policies of the Company.

All significant intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.

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7. Consolidated financial statements - continued

7.2 Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

The portion of subsidiaries' equity that is not attributable to the Company is treated as minorityinterests and presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated balance sheet under the line itemof shareholders' equity. The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the period attributableto minority interests is presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated income statement underthe line item of "net profit". The portion of comprehensive income of subsidiaries for the periodattributable to minority interests is presented as "total comprehensive income attributable tominority shareholders" in the consolidated income statement under the line item of "totalcomprehensive income".

When the amount of loss for the period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiaryexceeds the minority shareholders' portion of the opening balance of owners' equity of thesubsidiary, the excess amount is still allocated against minority interests.

Acquisition of minority interests or disposal of interests in a subsidiary that does not result in theloss of control over the subsidiary is accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amounts ofthe Company's interests and minority interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relativeinterests in the subsidiary. The difference between the amount by which the minority interests areadjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to capital reserve. If thecapital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the excess is adjusted against retainedearnings.

For the stepwise acquisition of equity interest till acquiring control after a few transactions andleading to business combination not involving enterprises under common control, it shall be dealtwith based on whether it belongs to 'package deal': if it belongs to 'package deal', it will beaccounted for as a transactions to acquire control; if it does not belong to 'package deal', it will beaccounted for as a transaction to acquire control on acquisition date, and the fair value of acquiree'shares held before acquisition date will be revalued, and the difference between fair value andcarrying amount will be recognized in profit or loss of the current period; if acquiree' shares heldbefore acquisition date involve changes in other comprehensive income and other changes inowners' equity under equity method, it will be transferred to income of acquisition date.

When the Group loses control over a subsidiary due to disposal of equity investment or otherreasons, any retained interest is re-measured at its fair value at the date when control is lost. Thedifference between (i) the aggregate of the consideration received on disposal and the fair value ofany retained interest and (ii) the share of the former subsidiary's net assets cumulatively calculatedfrom the acquisition date according to the original proportion of ownership interests is recognizedas investment income in the period in which control is lost, and the goodwill is offset accordingly.Other comprehensive income associated with investment in the former subsidiary is reclassified toinvestment income in the period in which control is lost.

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7. Consolidated financial statements - continued

7.2 Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

When the Group loses control of a subsidiary in two or more arrangements (transactions), termsand conditions of the arrangements (transactions) and their economic effects are considered. Oneor more of the following indicate that the Group shall account for the multiple arrangements as a'package deal': (i) they are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other; (ii) theyform a complete transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect; (iii) the occurrenceof one transaction is dependent on the occurrence of at least one other transaction; (iv) onetransaction alone is not economically justified, but it is economically justified when consideredtogether with other transactions. Where the transactions of disposal of equity investments in asubsidiary until the loss of control are assessed as a package deal, these transactions are accountedfor as one transaction of disposal of a subsidiary with loss of control. Before losing control, thedifference of consideration received on disposal and the share of net assets of the subsidiarycontinuously calculated from acquisition date is recognized as other comprehensive income. Whenlosing control, the cumulated other comprehensive income is transferred to profit or loss of theperiod of losing control. If the transactions of disposal of equity investments in a subsidiary are notassessed as a package deal, these transactions are accounted for as unrelated transactions.

8. Joint arrangements

There are two types of joint arrangements - joint operations and joint ventures. The classification isbased on the rights and obligations of the parties under the joint venture arrangement, taking intoaccount factors such as the structure, legal form and contractual terms of the arrangement. A jointoperation is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement haverights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement. A joint venture isa joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to thenet assets of the arrangement.

The Group accounts for investments in joint ventures using equity method. Refer to Note (IV),

15.3.2 "Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method" for details.

When a group entity undertakes its activities under joint operations, the Group as a joint operatorrecognizes in relation to its interest in a joint operation: - its assets, including its share of any assetsheld jointly; its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly; its revenue from thesale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation; its share of the revenue from the saleof the output by the joint operation; and its expenses, including its share of any expenses incurredjointly. The Group accounts for the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses relating to its interestin a joint operation in accordance with the accounting standards applicable to the particular assets,liabilities, revenues and expenses.

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9. Cash and cash equivalents

Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cashequivalents are the Group's short-term (generally due within 3 months since the acquisition date),highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which aresubject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

10. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies and translation of financial

statements denominated in foreign currencies

10.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies

A foreign currency transaction is recorded, on initial recognition, by applying the spot exchangerate on the date of the transaction.

At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated into functional currencyusing the spot exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from thedifferences between the spot exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date and those on initialrecognition or at the previous balance sheet date are recognized in profit or loss for the period,except that (1) exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominated in foreigncurrency that qualify for capitalization are capitalized as part of the cost of the qualifying assetduring the capitalization period; (2) exchange differences related to hedging instruments for thepurpose of hedging against foreign currency risks are accounted for using hedge accounting; (3)exchange differences arising from changes in the carrying amounts (other than the amortized cost)of monetary items at fair value through other comprehensive income are recognized as othercomprehensive income.

When the consolidated financial statements include foreign operation(s), if there is foreign currencymonetary item constituting a net investment in a foreign operation, exchange differences arisingfrom changes in exchange rates are recognized as "exchange differences arising from translation offinancial statements denominated in foreign currencies" in other comprehensive income, and inprofit or loss for the period upon disposal of the foreign operation.

Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are translated to the amounts infunctional currency at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the transactions; the amounts infunctional currency remain unchanged. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fairvalue are re-translated at the spot exchange rate on the date when the fair value is determined.Difference between the re-translated functional currency amount and the original functionalcurrency amount is treated as changes in fair value (including changes in exchange rate) and isrecognized in profit or loss or as other comprehensive income.

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10. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies and translation of financial

statements denominated in foreign currencies - continued

10.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

For the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements, financial statements of a foreignoperation are translated from the foreign currency into RMB using the following method: assetsand liabilities on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the balancesheet date; shareholders' equity items except for unappropriated profit are translated at the spotexchange rates at the dates on which such items arose; all items in the income statement as well asitems reflecting the distribution of profits are translated at the average exchange rates of theaccounting period of the consolidated financial statements; the opening balance of unappropriatedprofit is the translated closing balance of the previous year's unappropriated profit; the closingbalance of unappropriated profit is calculated and presented on the basis of each translated incomestatement and profit distribution item. The difference between the translated assets and theaggregate of liabilities and shareholders' equity items is recognized as other comprehensive incomeand included in shareholders' equity.

Cash flows arising from a transaction in foreign currency and the cash flows of a foreign subsidiaryare translated at average exchange rate during the accounting period of consolidated financialstatements. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents is regarded as areconciling item and presented separately in the cash flow statement as "effect of exchange ratechanges on cash and cash equivalents".

The closing balances and the comparative figures of previous year are presented at the translatedamounts in the previous year's financial statements.

On disposal of the Group's entire interest in a foreign operation, or upon a loss of control over aforeign operation due to disposal of certain interest in it or other reasons, the Group transfers theaccumulated exchange differences arising from translation of financial statements of this foreignoperation attributable to the owners' equity of the Company and presented under othercomprehensive income, to profit or loss in the period in which the disposal occurs.

In case of a disposal of part equity investments or other reason leading to lower interest percentagein foreign operations but does not result in the Group losing control over a foreign operation, theexchange differences arising from the translation of foreign currency statements related to thisdisposed part are re-attributed to minority interests and are not recognized in profit or loss. Forpartial disposals of equity interests in foreign operations which are associates or joint ventures, theproportionate share of the accumulated exchange differences arising from translation of statementsof foreign operations is reclassified to profit or loss.

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11. Financial instruments

The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when it becomes a party to thecontractual provisions of the financial instrument.

For financial assets purchased or sold in regular ways, assets to be received and liabilities to beassumed are recognized on the transaction date or assets sold are derecognized on that date.

Financial assets and financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value (the method fordetermining the fair values of the financial assets and financial liabilities is set out in relateddisclosures under "basis of accounting and principle of measurement" in note(IV) 5). For financialassets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs are immediatelyrecognized in profit or loss. For other financial assets and financial liabilities, transaction costs areincluded in their initial recognized amounts. Upon initial recognition of contract assets, notesreceivable and accounts receivable that do not contain significant financing component or withoutconsidering the financing component included in the contract with a term not exceeding one yearunder the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue ("Revenue Standards"),the Group adopts the transaction price as defined in the Revenue Standards for initial measurement.

The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial asset or afinancial liability and of allocating the interest income or interest expenses over the relevantaccounting periods.

The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash flows through theexpected life of the financial asset or financial liability to the gross carrying amount of the financialasset or to the amortized cost of the financial liability. When calculating the effective interest rate,the Group estimates future cash flows considering all contractual terms of the financial asset orfinancial liability (such as repayment in advance, extension, call option or other similar options etc.)(without considering the expected credit losses).

The amortized cost of a financial asset or a financial liability is the amount of a financial asset or afinancial liability initially recognized net of principal repaid, plus or less the cumulative amortizedamount arising from amortization of the difference between the amount initially recognized and theamount at the maturity date using the effective interest method, net of cumulative credit lossallowance (only applicable to financial assets).

11.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets

Subsequent to initial recognition, the Group's financial assets of various categories are subsequentlymeasured at amortized cost, at fair value through other comprehensive income or at fair valuethrough profit or loss.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets - continued

If the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solelypayments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, and the financial asset isheld within a business model whose objective is achieved by collecting contractual cash flows, theGroup classifies such financial asset as financial assets at amortized cost, which include cash andbank balances, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, debt investments, and long-term receivables etc.

If the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solelypayments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, and the financial asset isheld within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flowsand selling the financial asset, the Group classifies such financial asset as financial assets atFVTOCI. The accounts receivable and notes receivable classified as at FVTOCI upon acquisitionare presented under receivables financing, while the remaining items due within one year (inclusive)upon acquisition are presented under other current assets. Other financial assets of such type arepresented as other debt investments if they are due after one year since the acquisition, or presentedunder non-current assets due within one year if they are due within one year (inclusive) since thebalance sheet date.

On initial recognition, the Group may irrevocably designate non-trading equity instruments, otherthan contingent consideration recognized through business combination not involving enterprisesunder common control, as financial assets at FVTOCI on an individual basis. Such financial assetsat FVTOCI are presented as investments in other equity instruments.

A financial asset is classified as held for trading if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

? It has been acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the near term; or? On initial recognition, it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the Groupmanages together and there is objective evidence that the Group has a recent actual pattern ofshort-term profit-taking; or? It is a derivative that is not a financial guarantee contract or designated and effective as ahedging instrument.

Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss ("FVTPL") include those classified asfinancial assets at FVTPL and those designated as financial assets at FVTPL.

? Financial assets not satisfying the criteria of classification as financial assets at amortized costand financial assets at FVTOCI are classified as financial assets at FVTPL.? Upon initial recognition, the Group may irrevocably designate the financial assets as atFVTPL if doing so eliminates or significantly reduces accounting mismatch.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets - continued

Financial assets at FVTPL other than derivative financial assets are presented as financial assetsheld-for-trading. Financial assets with a maturity over one year since the balance sheet date (orwithout a fixed maturity) and expected to be held for over one year are presented under other non-current financial assets.

11.1.1 Financial assets measured at amortized cost

Financial assets measured at amortized cost are subsequently measured at amortized cost using theeffective interest method. Gain or loss arising from impairment or derecognition is recognized inprofit or loss.

For financial assets measured at amortized cost, the Group recognizes interest income usingeffective interest method. The Group calculates and recognizes interest income through grosscarrying amount of financial assets multiplying effective interest rate, except for the followingcircumstances:

? For purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets, the Group calculates andrecognizes the interest income based on amortized cost of the financial asset and the effectiveinterest rate through credit adjustment since initial recognition.

11.1.2 Financial assets at FVTOCI

For financial assets classified as at FVTOCI, except for the impairment losses or gains and theinterest income and exchange losses or gains calculated using the effective interest method whichare included in profit or loss for the period, the changes in fair value are included in othercomprehensive income. The amounts included in profit or loss for each period are equivalent to thatas if the financial assets have been always measured at amortized cost. Upon derecognition, theaccumulated gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive income are transferred toprofit or loss for the period.

Changes in fair value of non-trading equity instrument investments designated as financial assets atFVTOCI are recognized in other comprehensive income, and the cumulative gains or lossespreviously recognized in other comprehensive income allocated to the part derecognized aretransferred and included in retained earnings. During the period in which the Group holds the non-trading equity instruments, revenue from dividends is recognized in profit or loss for the currentperiod when (1) the Group has established the right of collecting dividends; (2) it is probable thatthe associated economic benefits will flow to the Group; and (3) the amount of dividends can bemeasured reliably.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets - continued

11.1.3 Financial assets at FVTPL

Financial assets at FVTPL are subsequently measured at fair value. Gain or loss arising fromchanges in fair value and dividends and interest related to the financial assets are recognized inprofit or loss.

11.2 Impairment of financial instruments

For financial assets at amortized cost, financial assets classified as at FVTOCI, lease receivables,contract assets, loan commitments that are not financial liabilities at FVTPL, financial liabilitiesthat are not at FVTPL and financial guarantee contracts that are not qualified for derecognition dueto the transfer of financial assets or financial liabilities arising from continuing involvement of thetransferred financial assets, the Group accounts for the impairment and recognizes the provision forlosses on the basis of expected credit loss ("ECL").

For all contract assets, notes receivable and accounts receivable arising from transactions regulatedby Revenue Standards, and lease receivables arising from transactions regulated by the AccountingStandards for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases, the Group recognizes the provision for lossesat an amount equivalent to lifetime ECL.

For other financial instruments (other than purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets),the Group assesses the changes in credit risk since initial recognition of relevant financialinstruments at each balance sheet date. If the credit risk has increased significantly since initialrecognition of the financial instruments, the Group recognizes the provision for losses at an amountequivalent to lifetime ECL; if the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognitionof the financial instruments, the Group recognizes the provision for losses at an amount equivalentto 12-month ECL. The increase or reversal of credit loss provision for financial assets other thanthose classified as at FVTOCI is recognized as impairment loss or gain and included in profit orloss for the period. For financial assets classified as at FVTOCI, the credit loss provision isrecognized in other comprehensive income and the impairment loss or gain is included in profit orloss for the period without reducing the carrying amount of the financial assets in the balance sheet.

Where the Group has measured the provision for losses at an amount equivalent to lifetime ECL ofa financial instrument in prior accounting period, but the financial instrument no longer satisfies thecriteria of significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition at the current balance sheet date,the Group recognizes the provision for losses of the financial instrument at an amount equivalentto 12-month ECL at the current balance sheet date, with any resulting reversal of provision forlosses recognized as impairment gains in profit or loss for the period.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.2 Impairment of financial instruments - continued

11.2.1 Significant increase of credit risk

The Group uses reasonable and supportable forward-looking information to assess whether thecredit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition by comparing the risk of a defaultoccurring on the financial instrument at the balance sheet date with the risk of a default occurringon the financial instrument at the date of initial recognition. For loan commitments and financialguarantee contracts, the date on which the Group becomes a party to the irrevocable commitmentis considered to be the date of initial recognition in the application of criteria related to the financialinstrument for impairment.

In particular, the following information is taken into account when assessing whether credit risk hasincreased significantly:

(1) Significant changes in internal price indicators resulting from changes in credit risk;

(2) Significant changes in the rates or other terms of an existing financial instrument if the

instrument was newly originated or issued at the balance sheet date (such as more stringentcovenants, increased amounts of collateral or guarantees, or higher rate of return, etc.);

(3) Significant changes in the external market indicators of credit risk of the same financial

instrument or similar financial instruments with the same expected duration. Theseindicators include: credit spreads, credit default swap prices against borrower, length of timeand extent to which the fair value of financial assets is less than their amortized cost, andother market information related to the borrower (such as the borrower's debt instrumentsor changes in the price of equity instruments);

(4) An actual or expected significant change in the financial instrument's external credit rating;

(5) An actual or expected decrease in the internal credit rating for the debtor;

(6) Adverse changes in business, financial or economic conditions that are expected to cause a

significant decrease in the debtor's ability to meet its debt obligations;

(7) An actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the debtor;

(8) Significant increase in credit risk of other financial instruments issued by the same debtor;

(9) Significant adverse changes in the regulatory, economic, or technological environment of

the debtor;

(10) Significant changes in the value of the collaterals or the quality of guarantees or credit

enhancements provided by third parties, which are expected to reduce the debtor's economicmotives to repay within the time limit specified in contract or affect the probability of default;

(11) Significant change in the debtor's economic motives to repay within the time limit specified

in contract;

(12) Expected changes to loan contract, including the exemption or revision of contractual

obligations, the granting of interest-free periods, the jump in interest rates, the requirementfor additional collateral or guarantees, or other changes in the contractual framework forfinancial instruments that may result from the breach of contract;

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.2 Impairment of financial instruments - continued

11.2.1 Significant increase of credit risk - continued

(13) Significant change in the expected performance and repayment of the debtor;

(14) Significant change in the method used by the Group to manage the credit of financial


The Group assumes that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantlysince initial recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have lower credit risk at thebalance sheet date. A financial instrument is determined to have lower credit risk if: i) it has a lowerrisk of default, ii) the borrower has a strong capacity to meet its contractual cash flow obligationsin the near term and iii) adverse changes in economic and business conditions in the longer termmay, but will not necessarily, reduce the ability of the borrower to fulfil its contractual cash flowobligations.

11.2.2 Credit-impaired financial assets

When an event or several events that are expected to have adverse impact on the future cash flowsof the financial assets have occurred, the financial assets become credit-impaired. The evidences ofcredit impairment of financial assets include the following observable information:

(1) Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or debtor.

(2) A breach of contract by the debtor, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal


(3) The creditor, for economic or legal reasons relating to the debtor's financial difficulty,

granting a concession to the debtor.

(4) It becomes probable that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganizations.

(5) The disappearance of an active market for the financial asset because of financial difficulties

of the issuer or the debtor.

(6) Purchase or origination of a financial asset with a large scale of discount, which reflects the

fact of credit loss.

Based on the Group's internal credit risk management, the Group considers an event of defaultoccurs when information developed internally or obtained from external sources indicates that thedebtor is unlikely to pay its creditors, including the Group, in full (without taking into account anycollaterals held by the Group).

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.2 Impairment of financial instruments - continued

11.2.3 Determination of expected credit loss

The Group determines the ECL of relevant financial instruments using the following methods:

? For financial assets, the credit loss is the present value of the difference between the

contractual cash flows that are due to the Group under the contract and the cash flows that theGroup expects to receive;? For undrawn loan commitments (refer to Note IV, for the detail of accountingpolicies), the credit loss is the present value of the difference between the contractual cashflows that are due to the Group if the holder of the loan commitments draws down the loan,and the cash flows that the Group expects to receive if the loan is drawn down. The Group'sestimation of the ECL for loan commitments is consistent with its expectation of the loancommitments drawn down.? For financial guarantee contracts (refer to Note IV, for the detail of accountingpolicies), the credit loss is the present value of the expected payments to reimburse the holderfor the credit loss incurred less any amounts that the Group expects to receive from the holder,the debtor or any other party.? For financial assets credit-impaired at the balance sheet date, but not purchased or originatedcredit-impaired, the credit loss is the difference between the gross carrying amount of thefinancial assets and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the originaleffective interest rate.

The factors reflected by the Group's measurement of ECL of financial instruments include: unbiasedprobability weighted average amount recognized by assessing a series of possible results; time valueof money; reasonable and supportable information related to historical events, current conditionand forecast of future economic position that is available without undue cost or effort at the balancesheet date.

11.2.4 Write-down of financial assets

When the Group no longer reasonably expects that the contractual cash flows of financial assetscan be collected in aggregate or in part, the Group will directly write down the gross carryingamount of the financial assets, which constitutes derecognition of relevant financial assets.

11.3 Transfer of financial assets

The Group will derecognize a financial asset if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) thecontractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; (ii) the financial asset has beentransferred and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset istransferred to the transferee; or (iii) although the financial asset has been transferred, the Groupneither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financialasset but has not retained control of the financial asset.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.3 Transfer of financial assets - continued

If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of afinancial asset, and it retains control of the financial asset, the Group will recognize the financialasset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognize anassociated liability. The Group will measure relevant liabilities as follows:

? For transferred financial assets carried at amortized cost, the carrying amount of relevantliabilities is the carrying amount of financial assets transferred with continuing involvementless amortized cost of the Group's retained rights (if the Group retains relevant rights upontransfer of financial assets) with addition of amortized cost of obligations assumed by theGroup (if the Group assumes relevant obligations upon transfer of financial assets). Relevantliabilities are not designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.? For transferred financial assets carried at fair value, the carrying amount of relevant liabilitiesis the carrying amount of financial assets transferred with continuing involvement less fairvalue of the Group's retained rights (if the Group retains relevant rights upon transfer offinancial assets) with addition of fair value of obligations assumed by the Group (if the Groupassumes relevant obligations upon transfer of financial assets). Accordingly, the fair value ofrelevant rights and obligations shall be measured on an individual basis.

For the transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria, thedifference between (1) the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred and (2) the sum of theconsideration received from the transfer and any cumulative gain or loss that has been recognizedin other comprehensive income, is recognized in profit or loss. Where the transferred assets are non-trading equity instrument investments designated as at FVTOCI, cumulative gains or lossespreviously recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred out and included in retainedearnings.

If a part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognition, the overall carrying amount ofthe financial asset prior to transfer is allocated between the part that continues to be recognized andthe part that is derecognized, based on the respective fair value of those parts at the date of transfer.The difference between (1) the carrying amount allocated to the part derecognized on the date ofderecognition; and (2) the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognized and anycumulative gain or loss allocated to the part derecognized which has been previously recognized inother comprehensive income, is recognized in profit or loss. Where the transferred assets are non-trading equity instrument investments designated as at FVTOCI, cumulative gains or lossespreviously recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred out and included in retainedearnings.

For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that does not satisfy the derecognition criteria, theGroup continues to recognize the transferred financial asset in its entirety. The considerationreceived from transfer of assets is recognized as a liability upon receipt.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.4 Classification of financial liabilities and equity instruments

Financial instruments issued by the Group or their components are classified into financial liabilitiesor equity instruments on the basis of the substance of the contractual arrangements and the economicnature not only the legal form, together with the definition of financial liability and equityinstrument on initial recognition.

11.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities

On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities at FVTPL and otherfinancial liabilities. Financial liabilities at FVTPL

Financial liabilities at FVTPL consist of financial liabilities held for trading (including derivativesclassified as financial liabilities) and those designated as at FVTPL. Except for derivative financialliabilities presented separately, the financial liabilities at FVTPL are presented as held-for-tradingfinancial liabilities.

A financial liability is classified as held for trading if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

? It has been acquired principally for the purpose of repurchasing in the near term; or? On initial recognition, it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the Groupmanages together and there is objective evidence that the Group has a recent actual pattern ofshort-term profit-taking; or? It is a derivative that is not a financial guarantee contract or designated and effective as a

hedging instrument.

A financial liability may be designated as at FVTPL on initial recognition when one of the followingconditions is satisfied: (i) Such designation eliminates or significantly reduces accounting mismatch;or (ii) The Group makes management and performance evaluation on a fair value basis, inaccordance with the Group's formally documented risk management or investment strategy, andreports to key management personnel on that basis. (iii) The qualified hybrid financial instrumentcombines financial asset with embedded derivatives.

Held-for-trading financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or lossesarising from changes in fair value and any dividends or interest expenses paid on the financialliabilities are recognized in profit or loss.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.4 Classification of financial liabilities and equity instruments - continued

11.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities - continued Financial liabilities at FVTPL - continued

For a financial liability designated as at FVTPL, the amount of changes in fair value of the financialliability that are attributable to changes in the credit risk of that liability shall be presented in othercomprehensive income, while other changes in fair value are included in profit or loss for the currentperiod. Upon the derecognition of such financial liability, the accumulated amount of changes infair value that are attributable to changes in the credit risk of that liability, which was recognized inother comprehensive income, is transferred to retained earnings. Any dividend or interest expenseon the financial liabilities is recognized in profit or loss. If the accounting treatment for the impactof the change in credit risk of such financial liability in the above ways would create or enlarge anaccounting mismatch in profit or loss, the Group shall present all gains or losses on that liability(including the effects of changes in the credit risk of that liability) in profit or loss for the period.

For financial liabilities arising from contingent consideration recognized by the Group as theacquirer in the business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the Groupmeasures such financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, and includes the changes inthe financial liabilities in profit or loss for the period. Other financial liabilities

Except for financial liabilities, financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments arising fromtransfer of financial assets that do not meet the derecognition criteria or those arising fromcontinuing involvement in the transferred financial assets, other financial liabilities aresubsequently measured at amortized cost, with gain or loss arising from derecognition oramortization recognized in profit or loss.

If the modification or renegotiation for the contract by the Group and its counterparties does notresult in derecognition of a financial liability subsequently measured at amortized cost but thechanges in contractual cash flows, the Group will recalculate the carrying amount of the financialliability, with relevant gain or loss recognized in profit or loss. The Group will determine thecarrying amount of the financial liability based on the present value of renegotiated or modifiedcontractual cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate of the financial liability. Forall costs or expenses arising from modification or renegotiation of the contract, the Group will adjustthe modified carrying amount of the financial liability and make amortization during the remainingterm of the modified financial liability.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.4 Classification of financial liabilities and equity instruments - continued

11.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities - continued Financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments

A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the issuer to make specified payments toreimburse the holder of the contract for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to makepayment when due in accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt instrument.Subsequent to initial recognition, financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as financialliabilities at fair value through profit or loss or financial liabilities arising from transfer of financialassets that do not meet the derecognition criteria or those arising from continuing involvement inthe transferred financial assets, and loan commitments to provide a loan at a below-market interestrate, which are not designated at fair value through profit or loss, are measured at the higher of: (1)amount of loss provision; and (2) the amount initially recognized less cumulative amortizationamount determined based on the revenue standards.

11.4.2 Derecognition of financial liabilities

The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) when the underlying present obligation(or part of it) is discharged. An agreement between the Group (the debtor) and the creditor to replacethe original financial liability with a new financial liability with substantially different terms isaccounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a newfinancial liability.

When the Group derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the difference betweenthe carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial liability) derecognized and theconsideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed)in profit or loss.

11.4.3 Equity instruments

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Groupafter deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments issued (including refinanced), repurchased,sold and cancelled by the Group are recognized as changes in equity. Changes in fair value of equityinstruments are not recognized by the Group. Transaction costs related to equity transactions arededucted from equity.

The Group recognizes the distribution to holders of the equity instruments as distribution of profits,and dividends paid do not affect total amount of shareholders' equity.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.5 Derivatives and embedded derivatives

Derivatives include forward exchange contracts, currency swaps, interest rate swaps and foreignexchange options, etc. Derivatives are initially measured at fair value at the date when the derivativecontracts are entered into and are subsequently measured at fair value.

Derivatives embedded in hybrid contracts with a financial asset host are not separated by the Group.The hybrid contract shall apply the relevant accounting standards regarding the classification offinancial assets as a whole.

Derivatives embedded in hybrid contracts with hosts that are not financial assets are separated andtreated as separate derivatives by the Group when they meet the following conditions:

(1) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to

those of the host contract;

(2) a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the

definition of a derivative;

(3) the hybrid contracts are not measured at fair value through profit or loss.

For the embedded derivative separated from the host contracts, the Group accounts for the hostcontracts in the hybrid contracts with applicable accounting standards. When the embeddedderivatives whose fair value cannot be measured reliably by the Group according to the terms andconditions of the embedded derivatives, the fair value of such derivatives are measured at thedifference between the fair value of the hybrid contracts and the fair value of the host contracts. Byadopting the above method, if the embedded derivative cannot be measured on a stand-alone basisat the time when it is acquired or at subsequent balance sheet dates, the hybrid instrument isdesignated as financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss as a whole.

11.6 Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

Where the Group has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financialassets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financialasset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shallbe offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above circumstances,financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and shallnot be offset.

11.7 Compound instruments

For convertible bonds issued by the Group that contain both liabilities and conversion option thatmay convert the liabilities to its own equity instrument, upon initial recognition, the bonds are splitinto liabilities and conversion option which are separately recognized. Therein, the conversionoption that exchanges a fixed amount of cash or other financial assets for a fixed amount of equityinstruments is accounted for as an equity instrument.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.7 Compound instruments - continued

Upon initial recognition, the fair value of liability portion is determined based on the prevailingmarket price of the bonds containing no conversion option. The overall issue price of the convertiblebonds net of the fair value of the liability portion is considered as the value of the conversion optionthat enables the bonds holder to convert the bonds to equity instruments, and is included in otherequity instruments.

The liability portion of the convertible bonds is subsequently measured at amortized cost usingeffective interest method; the value of the conversion option classified as equity instrument isremained in equity instrument. The expiry or conversion of convertible bonds will not result in lossor gain.

The transaction costs incurred for issuance of the convertible bonds are allocated between theliability portion and equity instrument portion in proportion to their respective fair values. Thetransaction cost relating to the equity instrument portion is directly included in equity instrument;while the transaction cost relating to the liability portion is included in the carrying amount of theliability, and amortized over the lifetime of the convertible bonds using effective interest method.

11.8 Reclassification of financial instruments

When the Group changes the business model to manage the financial assets, the financial assetsaffected will be reclassified and no financial liabilities will be reclassified.

The financial assets are reclassified by the Group and are accounted for prospectively since the dateof reclassification (i.e., the first date of the initial reporting period after the business model of whichthe financial assets are reclassified by the enterprise is changed).

Where a financial asset at amortized cost is reclassified as a financial asset at fair value throughprofit or loss ("FVTPL") by the Group, such financial asset is measured at fair value at the date ofreclassification and the difference between the original carrying amount and the fair value isrecognized in profit or loss for the period.

Where a financial asset at amortized cost is reclassified as a financial asset at fair value throughother comprehensive income ("FVTOCI") by the Group, such financial asset is measured at fairvalue at the date of reclassification, and the difference between the original carrying amount andthe fair value is recognized in other comprehensive income.

Where a financial asset at FVTOCI is reclassified as a financial asset at amortized cost by the Group,the accumulated gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income aretransferred out and the fair value at the date of reclassification is adjusted. The adjusted fair valueis determined as the new carrying amount, as if the financial asset has been always measured atamortized cost. The reclassification of the financial asset shall not affect its effective interest rateor the measurement of ECL.

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11. Financial instruments - continued

11.8 Reclassification of financial instruments - continued

Where a financial asset at FVTOCI is reclassified as a financial asset at FVTPL by the Group, suchfinancial asset continues to be measured at fair value. At the same time, the accumulated gains orlosses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred to profit or loss for theperiod.

Where a financial asset at FVTPL is reclassified as a financial asset at amortized cost by the Group,the fair value at the date of reclassification is determined as the new gross carrying amount.

Where a financial asset at FVTPL is reclassified as a financial asset at FVTOCI by the Group, suchfinancial asset continues to be measured at fair value.

Where a financial asset at FVTPL is reclassified, the effective interest rate is determined on thebasis of the fair value of the financial asset at the date of reclassification.

12. Receivables

12.1 Determination and accounting methods for expected credit losses of receivables

The Group assesses the credit risk of receivables with significantly different credit risks on anindividual basis, and determine the credit losses of receivables on a portfolio basis using animpairment matrix for other receivables. The amount of increase in or reversal of allowance forexpected credit losses on receivables is included in profit or loss for the period as credit impairmentlosses or gains.

12.2 Categories of portfolios for which bad debt provision is assessed on a portfolio basis

according to credit risk characteristics and the basis for determination

The Group classifies receivables into groups A, B and C based on common risk characteristics. Thecommon credit risk characteristics adopted by the Group include: type of financial instrument,credit risk rating, type of collateral, initial recognition date, remaining contractual term, industry ofthe debtor, geographical location of the debtor, value of the collateral to the financial asset, etc.

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12. Receivables - continued

12.2 Categories of portfolios for which bad debt provision is assessed on a portfolio basis

according to credit risk characteristics and the basis for determination - continued

The Group makes internal credit ratings on customers and determines expected loss rate ofreceivables. Basis for determining ratings and the expected loss rates are as follows:

Internal credit ratingBasis for determining portfolioExpected average loss rate (%)
ACustomers can make repayments within credit term and have good credit records based on historical experience. The probability of default on payment of due amounts is extremely low in the foreseeable future.0.00-0.10
BThe customers may have overdue payment based on historical experience but they can make repayments.0.10-0.30
CThe evidence indicates that the overdue credit risks of the customers are significantly increased and there is probability of default on payment.0.30-50.00

12.3 Determination criteria for provision of bad debts on an individual basis

Internal credit ratingsBasis to determine the provision for bad debts on an individual basisExpected average loss ratio (%)
DThere is evidence showing that the receivables from customers are impaired, or that the customers are experiencing significant financial difficulties and thus the receivables will be irrecoverable in the foreseeable future.50.00-100.00

13. Receivables financing

Notes receivable classified as at FVTOCI should be listed as receivables financing within one year(including one year) from the date of acquisition. Those over one year should be listed as other debtinvestments. For related accounting policies, refer to Note (IV) 11 and Note (IV) 12.

14. Inventories

14.1 Categories of inventories, valuation method of inventories upon delivery, inventory count

system, and amortization method for ow cost and short-lived consumable items andpackaging materials

14.1.1 Categories of inventories

The Group's inventories mainly include raw materials, merchandise and others. Inventories areinitially measured at cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversionand other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.

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14. Inventories - continued

14.1 Categories of inventories, valuation method of inventories upon delivery, inventory count

system, and amortization method for ow cost and short-lived consumable items andpackaging materials - continued

14.1.2 Valuation method of inventories upon delivery

The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the weighted average method andfirst-in-first-out method.

14.1.3 Inventory count system

The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.

14.1.4 Amortization method for low cost and short-lived consumable items and packaging


Packaging materials and low cost and short-lived consumable items are amortized using theimmediate write-off method.

14.2 Recognition criteria and provision method for decline in value of inventories

At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Ifthe cost of inventories is higher than the net realizable value, a provision for decline in value ofinventories is made.

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less theestimated costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes.Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear evidence obtained, after taking intoconsideration the purposes of inventories being held and effect of post balance sheet events.

Provision for decline in value of inventories is made based on the excess of cost of inventory overits net realizable value on an item-by-item basis.

After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that previouslycaused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net realizable value ofinventories is higher than their cost, the original provision for decline in value is reversed and thereversal is included in profit or loss for the period.

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15. Long-term equity investments

15.1 Basis for determining joint control and significant influence over investee

Control is archived when the Group has the power over the investee and has rights to variablereturns from its involvement with the investee; and has the ability to use its power to affect itsreturns. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, andexists only when the strategic financial and operating policy decisions relating to the activity requirethe unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power toparticipate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or jointcontrol over those policies. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercisecontrol or significant influence over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee(for example, warrants and convertible debts) held by the investing enterprises or other parties thatare currently exercisable or convertible shall be considered.

15.2 Determination of initial investment cost

For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination involving enterprisesunder common control, share of carrying amount of owners' equity of the acquiree in theconsolidated financial statements of ultimate controlling party is recognized as initial investmentcost of long-term equity investment at the date of combination. The difference between initialinvestment cost of long-term equity investment and cash paid, non-cash assets transferred andcarrying amount of liabilities assumed, is adjusted in capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserveis not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. If theconsideration of the combination is satisfied by the issue of equity securities, the initial investmentcost of the long-term equity investment is the share of carrying amount of owners' equity of theacquiree in the consolidated financial statements of ultimate controlling party at the date ofcombination. The aggregate face value of the shares issued is accounted for as share capital. Thedifference between the initial investment cost and the aggregate face value of the shares issued isadjusted to capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference,any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. Where equity interests in an acquiree are acquired instages through multiple transactions ultimately constituting a business combination involvingenterprises under common control, the acquirer shall determine if these transactions are consideredto be a "package deal". If yes, these transactions are accounted for as a single transaction wherecontrol is obtained. If no, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the shareof carrying amount of owners' equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements ofultimate controlling party at the date of combination. The difference between the initial investmentcost and the sum of carrying amount of equity investments previously held in the acquiree and thenew investment cost is adjusted to capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is not sufficientto absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings. Other comprehensive incomerecognized for the previously held equity investments by accounting treatment of equity method ornon-trading equity instrument investments designated as at FVTOCI is not subject to accountingtreatment temporarily.

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15. Long-term equity investments - continued

15.2 Determination of initial investment cost - continued

For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination not involving enterprisesunder common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment acquired is the costof acquisition.

The expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services, valuation andconsultancy services and other associated administrative expenses attributable to the businesscombination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred.

The long-term equity investment acquired otherwise than through a business combination is initiallymeasured at its cost. When the entity is able to exercise significant influence or joint control (butnot control) over an investee due to additional investment, the cost of long-term equity investmentsis the sum of the fair value of previously-held equity investments determined in accordance withAccounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22 - Financial Instruments: Recognition andMeasurement (ASBE No. 22) and the additional investment cost.

15.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

15.3.1 Long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method

Long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method in theCompany's separate financial statements. A subsidiary is an investee that is controlled by the Group.

Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost. Whenadditional investment is made or the investment is recouped, the cost of the long-term equityinvestment is adjusted accordingly. Investment income is recognized in the period in accordancewith the attributable share of cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee.

15.3.2 Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method

Except for investments in associates and joint ventures classified as held-for-sale partly or wholly,the Group accounts for investment in associates and joint ventures using the equity method. Anassociate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence and a joint venture is a jointarrangement whereby the Group only has rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceedsthe Group's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition,no adjustment is made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost is less thanthe Group's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition,the difference is recognized in profit or loss for the period, and the cost of the long-term equityinvestment is adjusted accordingly.

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15. Long-term equity investments - continued

15.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss - continued

15.3.2 Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method - continued

Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss and othercomprehensive income of the investee for the period as investment income and othercomprehensive income for the period. Meanwhile, the carrying amount of long-term equityinvestment is adjusted; the carrying amount of long-term equity investment is decreased inaccordance with its share of the investee's declared profit or cash dividends; other changes inowners' equity of the investee other than net profit or loss and other comprehensive income arecorrespondingly adjusted to the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment, and recognizedin capital reserve. The Group recognizes its share of the investee's net profit or loss based on thefair value of the investee's individual identifiable assets, etc. at the acquisition date after makingappropriate adjustments. When the investee's accounting policies and accounting period areinconsistent with those of the Group, the Group recognizes investment income and othercomprehensive income after making appropriate adjustments to conform to the Group's accountingpolicies and accounting period. However, unrealized gains or losses resulting from the Group'stransactions with its associates and joint ventures, which do not constitute a business, are eliminatedbased on the proportion attributable to the Group and then investment gains or losses are recognized.However, unrealized losses resulting from the Group's transactions with its associates and jointventures which represent impairment losses on the transferred assets are not eliminated.

The Group discontinues recognizing its share of net losses of the investee after the carrying amountof the long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form partof its net investment in the investee are reduced to zero. In addition, if the Group has incurredobligations to assume additional losses, a provision is recognized according to the obligationexpected, and recorded in the investment loss for the period. Where net profits are subsequentlymade by the investee, the Group resumes recognizing its share of those profits only after its shareof the profits exceeds the share of losses previously not recognized.

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15. Long-term equity investments - continued

15.4 Disposal of long-term equity investments

On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually receivedand receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period. For long-termequity investments accounted for using the equity method, if the remaining interest after disposalis still accounted for using the equity method, other comprehensive income previously recognizedusing the equity method is accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if theinvestee had directly disposed of related assets or liabilities, and transferred to profit or loss for theperiod on a pro rata basis; owners' equity recognized due to other changes in owners' equity of theinvestee (other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution) istransferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis. For long-term equity investmentsaccounted for using the cost method, if the remaining interest after disposal is still accounted forusing the cost method, other comprehensive income previously recognized using the equity methodor in accordance with the standards for the recognition and measurement of financial instrumentsbefore obtaining the control over the investee, is accounted for on the same basis as would havebeen required if the investee had directly disposed of related assets or liabilities, and transferred toprofit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis; other changes in owners' equity in the investee's netassets recognized under the equity method (other than net profit or loss, other comprehensiveincome and profit distribution) is transferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis.

Where the Group loses control over the investee due to disposal of part of shares, and in preparingthe separate financial statements, remaining shares after disposal can have joint control orsignificant influence over the investee, the equity method shall be adopted to adjust the remainingshares as they are accounted for under equity method since the acquisition date. If remaining sharesafter disposal cannot have joint control or significant influence over the investee, they are accountedfor in accordance with the standards for recognition and measurement of financial instruments, andthe difference between fair value on date of losing control and carrying amount is recognized inprofit or loss for the period. Other comprehensive income recognized using the equity method or inaccordance with the standards for the recognition and measurement of financial instruments beforelosing control over the investee, is accounted for on the same basis as would have been required ifthe investee had directly disposed of related assets or liabilities when the control over the investeeis lost; other changes in owners' equity in the investee's net assets recognized under the equitymethod (other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution) istransferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis. Where remaining shares after disposalare accounted for under equity method, other comprehensive income and other owners' equity aretransferred on a pro rata basis. Where remaining shares after disposal are accounted for inaccordance with the standards for recognition and measurement of financial instruments, othercomprehensive income and other owners' equity are all transferred.

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15. Long-term equity investments - continued

15.4 Disposal of long-term equity investments - continued

Where the Group loses joint control or significant influence over the investee after part disposal ofshares, remaining shares after disposal are accounted for in accordance with the standards forrecognition and measurement of financial instruments, and the difference between fair value at thedate of losing joint control or significant influence and carrying amount is recognized in profit orloss for the period. Other comprehensive income previously recognized under the equity method,is accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had directly disposedof related assets or liabilities when the equity method is not adopted, and other changes in owners'equity other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution aretransferred to investment income for the period when the equity method is not adopted.

The Group disposes of its equity investment in subsidiaries through multiple transactions step bystep until it loses control over the subsidiaries. If these transactions belong to "package deal", alltransactions are deemed as one transaction on disposal of equity investment in subsidiaries, and thedifference between the amount of disposal and carrying amount of long-term equity investment isrecognized as other comprehensive income, and transferred to profit or loss for the period when thecontrol is lost.

16. Investment properties

Investment property is the property held by the Group to earn rentals or for capital appreciation orboth. It includes a land use right that is leased out and a building that is leased out.

An investment property is measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred for suchinvestment property are included in the cost of the investment property if it is probable thateconomic benefits associated with the investment property will flow to the Group and thesubsequent expenditures can be measured reliably. Other subsequent expenditures are recognizedin profit or loss for the period in which they are incurred.

The Group uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property, and theinvestment properties are depreciated over their useful lives using the straight-line method. Thedepreciation life, estimated residual value rate and annual depreciation rate of each category ofinvestment properties are as follows:

CategoryDepreciation life (year)Residual value rate (%)Annual depreciation rate (%)
Land use rights21.25-50-2.00-4.71
Buildings and structures10-

An investment property is derecognized upon disposal or when the investment property ispermanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from the disposal.

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16. Investment properties - continued

When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the Group recognizes theamount of any proceeds on disposal net of the carrying amount and related taxes in profit or lossfor the period.

17. Fixed assets and depreciation

Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services,for rental to others, or for administrative purposes, and have useful lives of more than oneaccounting year. A fixed asset is recognized only when it is probable that economic benefitsassociated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.Fixed assets are initially measured at cost. Upon being restructured into a stock company, the fixedassets initially contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognized based on the valuationamounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department.

Subsequent expenditures incurred for the fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset if itis probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and thesubsequent expenditures can be measured reliably. Meanwhile the carrying amount of the replacedpart is derecognized. Other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss for the periodin which they are incurred.

A fixed asset is depreciated over its useful life using the straight-line method starting from themonth subsequent to the one in which it is ready for intended use. The depreciation life, estimatednet residual value rate and annual depreciation rate of each category of fixed assets are as follows:

CategoryDepreciation life (year)Residual value rate (%)Annual depreciation rate (%)
Port and terminal facilities5-505.001.90-19.00
Buildings and structures5-305.001.90-19.00
Machinery and equipment, furniture and fixture and other equipment3-205.004.75-31.67
Motor vehicles and cargo ships5-255.003.80-19.00

Estimated net residual value of a fixed asset is the estimated amount that the Group would currentlyobtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset werealready of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

If a fixed asset is upon disposal or no future economic benefits are expected to be generated fromits use or disposal, the fixed asset is derecognized. When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retiredor damaged, the amount of any proceeds on disposal of the asset net of the carrying amount andrelated taxes is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and thedepreciation method applied at least once at each financial year-end, and accounts for any changeas a change in accounting estimates.

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18. Construction in progress

Construction in progress is measured at its actual costs. The actual costs include variousconstruction expenditures during the construction period, borrowing costs capitalized before it isready for intended use and other relevant costs. Construction in progress is not depreciated.

Construction in progress is accounted for by categories of projects initiated, and is transferred to afixed asset when it is ready for intended use. The criteria for judging the intended use shall be oneof the following:

(1) The physical construction (including installation) of fixed assets has been fully or

substantially completed;

(2) The trial production or trial operation has been carried out and the results of which indicate

that the asset is capable of normal operation or producing qualified products on a stablebasis, or the results of which indicate that it is capable of normal functioning or operation;

(3) The fixed assets and intangible assets acquired and constructed have met the design or

contractual requirements or are basically in compliance with the design or contractualrequirements.

19. Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifyingasset are capitalized when expenditures for such asset and borrowing costs are incurred andactivities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary toprepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced. Capitalization of borrowing costsceases when the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced becomes ready for itsintended use or sale. Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which theacquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally and when theinterruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Capitalization is suspended until theacquisition, construction or production of the asset is resumed. Other borrowing costs arerecognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.

Where funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing, the amount of interest to becapitalized is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bankinterest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any investmentincome on the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed under general-purpose borrowings, the Group determines the amount of interest to be capitalized on suchborrowings by applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of the excess of cumulativeexpenditures on the asset over the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalization rateis the weighted average of the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings. Duringthe capitalization period, exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominatedin foreign currency are all capitalized. Exchange differences in connection with general-purposeborrowings are recognized in profit or loss for the period in which they are incurred.

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20. Intangible assets

20.1 Useful life and the basis for determination, estimates, amortization method or review


Intangible assets include land use rights, terminal operating rights and others.

An intangible asset is measured initially at cost. Upon being restructured into a stock company, theintangible assets initially contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognized based on thevaluation amounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department. Except forterminal operating rights, when an intangible asset with a finite useful life is available for use, itsoriginal cost is amortized over its estimated useful life. The terminal operating rights under theoutput method are amortized over periods according to the ratio of the estimated minimumguaranteed throughput to the estimated minimum guaranteed total throughput during the operationperiod. When the estimated minimum guaranteed throughput cannot be measured reliably, thestraight-line method will be used for amortization. An intangible asset with indefinite useful lifewill not be amortized.

The amortization method, useful life and estimated net residual value rate of each category ofintangible assets are as follows:

CategoryAmortization methodUseful life (year)Residual value (%)
Land use rightsStraight-line methodFrom the date of the land transfer, it is amortized using the straight-line method over the land transfer period-
Terminal operating rightOutput/Straight-line methodOutput method - it is amortized over periods according to the ratio of the estimated minimum guaranteed throughput to the estimated minimum guaranteed total throughput; straight-line method - it is amortized using the straight-line method over the shortest of the estimated useful life, the beneficial period specified in the contract and the effective life as defined by law-
OthersStraight-line methodIt is amortized using the straight-line method over the shortest of the estimated useful life, the beneficial period specified in the contract and the effective life as defined by law-

For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortizationmethod at the end of the year, and makes adjustments when necessary.

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20. Intangible assets - continued

20.2 Scope of R&D expenditure and method for accounting treatment

Expenditure during the research phase is recognized in profit or loss for the period in which it isincurred.

Expenditure during the development phase that meets all of the following conditions at the sametime is recognized as intangible asset. Expenditure during development phase that does not meetthe following conditions is recognized in profit or loss for the period:

(1) it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use

or sale.

(2) the Group has the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it.

(3) the Group can demonstrate the ways in which the intangible asset will generate economic

benefits, including the evidence of the existence of a market for the output of the intangibleasset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of theintangible asset.

(4) the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the

development and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset.

(5) the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be

reliably measured.

If the expenditures cannot be distinguished between the research phase and development phase, theGroup recognizes all of them in profit or loss for the year. The costs of intangible assets generatedby the internal research only include the total expenditure incurred for the period from the timepoint of capitalization to the time point when the intangible assets are ready for intended use. Forthe identical intangible asset, the expenditures recorded as expenses before they qualify forcapitalization during the development process are not adjusted.

The Group classifies the expenditures on an internal research and development project intoexpenditures in the research phase and expenditures in the development phase. The scope of R&Dexpenditures refer to those directly related to the R&D activities, including wages, salaries, andwelfare expenses of personnel directly engaged in R&D activities, materials directly consumed inR&D activities, depreciation expenses for instruments and equipment used in R&D activities, travel,transportation, and communication expenses required for research and experimental development,etc. Technical feasibility and economic viability studies are adopted as specific criteria forclassifying the research and development phases once such studies have been evaluated andapproved.

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21. Impairment of long-term assets

The Group assesses at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication that long-term equityinvestments, investment properties measured at cost model, fixed assets, construction in progress,right-of-use assets, intangible assets with a finite useful life and assets related to contract costs maybe impaired. If there is any indication that such assets may be impaired, recoverable amounts areestimated for such assets. Intangible assets with indefinite useful life and intangible assets not yetavailable for use are tested for impairment annually, irrespective of whether there is any indicationthat the assets may be impaired.

Recoverable amount is estimated on an individual basis. If it is not practical to estimate therecoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group to which theasset belongs will be estimated. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair valueless costs of disposal and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from theasset.

If the recoverable amount of an asset or an asset group is less than its carrying amount, the deficitis accounted for as an impairment loss and is recognized in profit or loss.

Goodwill is tested for impairment at least at the end of each year. For the purpose of impairmenttesting, goodwill is considered together with the related assets group(s) or portfolio of assetsgroup(s), i.e., goodwill is reasonably allocated to the related assets group(s) or portfolio of assetsgroup(s) expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. An impairment loss isrecognised if the recoverable amount of the assets group(s) or portfolio of assets group(s) (includinggoodwill) is less than its carrying amount. The impairment loss is firstly allocated to reduce thecarrying amount of any goodwill allocated to such assets group(s) or portfolio of assets group(s),and then to the other assets of the group pro-rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset(other than goodwill) in the group.

Once the impairment loss of above-mentioned assets is recognized, it shall not be reversed in anysubsequent period.

22. Long-term prepaid expenses

Long-term prepaid expenses represent expenses incurred that should be borne and amortized overthe current and subsequent periods (together of more than one year). Long-term prepaid expensesare amortized using the straight-line method over the expected periods in which benefits are derived.

23. Contract liabilities

Contract liabilities refer to the Group's obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer forconsideration received or receivable from the customer. The contract assets and contract liabilitiesunder the same contract are presented on a net basis.

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24. Employee benefits

24.1 Short-term employee benefits

Short-term benefits refer to the employee benefits that the Group is required to make full paymentswithin 12 months after the annual reporting period during which relevant services are provided bythe employees, except the post-employment benefits and termination benefits. Specifically, theshort-term benefits include: employee salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, employeebenefits, social insurance contributions such as the medical insurance and the work injury insurance,housing funds, trade union funds and employee education funds, short-term paid absence, short-term profit sharing plan, non-monetary welfare and other short-term benefits.

Short-term employee benefits payable are recognized as liabilities, with a corresponding charge toprofit or loss for the period or in the costs of relevant assets in the accounting period in whichemployees provide services to the Group. Staff welfare expenses incurred by the Group arerecognized in profit or loss for the period or the costs of relevant assets based on the actuallyoccurred amounts when they actually occurred. Non-monetary staff welfare expenses are measuredat fair value.

Payment made by the Group of social security contributions for employees such as premiums orcontributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance, etc. andpayments of housing funds, as well as union running costs and employee education costs providedin accordance with relevant requirements, are calculated according to prescribed bases andpercentages in determining the amount of employee benefits and recognized as relevant liabilities,with a corresponding charge to profit or loss for the period or the costs of relevant assets in theaccounting period in which employees provide services.

24.2 Post-employment benefits

Post-employment benefits refer to the rewards and benefits of various forms provided by the Groupafter the employees have retired or terminated the labor relationship with the enterprise for theservices rendered by the employees, except the short-term benefits and the termination benefits.The post-employment benefits consist of the pension insurance, the annuity, the unemploymentinsurance and other post-employment benefits.

Post-employment benefit plans are classified by the Group into defined contribution plans anddefined benefit plans. The post-employment benefit plan refers to the agreements the Group enteredinto with the employees on the post-employment benefits or the regulations or measures establishedby the Group for provisions of the post-employee benefits, among which the defined contributionplans refer to the post-employment benefit plan under which the Group shall no longer undertakeany obligations of payments after paying fixed expenses to independent funds; the defined benefitplans refer to the post-employment benefit plans other than the defined contribution plans. Duringthe accounting period in which employees render services to the Group, the amounts payablecalculated based on the defined contribution plans are recognized as liabilities and included in profitor loss for the period or costs of related assets.

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24. Employee benefits - continued

24.2 Post-employment benefits - continued

For defined benefit plans, the Group attributes the welfare obligations arising from the definedbenefit plans to the period in which employees provide services to the Group according to theformula determined based on the projected cumulative benefit unit method, and includes them inprofit or loss for the period or costs of related assets. Defined benefit costs are categorized as follows:

? Service cost (including current service cost, past service cost, as well as gains and losses onsettlements);? Net interest of net liabilities or assets of defined benefit plans (including interest income of

planned assets, interest expenses of defined benefit plan liabilities and effect of asset ceiling);and? Changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans.

Service costs and net interest of net liabilities and net assets of defined benefit plans are recognizedin profit or loss for the period or costs of related assets. Remeasurement of the net defined benefitliabilities (assets) (including actuarial gains and losses, the return on planned assets, excludingamounts included in net interest on net defined benefit liabilities (assets), and any changes in theeffect of the asset ceiling, excluding amounts included in net interest on net defined benefitliabilities (assets)) are recognized in other comprehensive income.

The deficit or surplus resulting from the present value of the defined benefit plan obligations lessthe fair value of the defined benefit plan assets is recognized as a net defined benefit plan liabilityor net asset.

24.3 Termination benefits

Termination benefits refer to the compensations the Group pay to the employees for terminating theemployment relationship with employees before the expiry of the employment contracts orencouraging employees to accept voluntary redundancy. When the Group provides terminationbenefits to employees, employee benefit liabilities are recognized for termination benefits, with acorresponding charge to profit or loss for the period at the earlier of: (1) when the Group cannotunilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of the termination plan or acurtailment proposal; and (2) when the Group recognizes costs or expenses related to restructuringthat involves the payment of termination benefits.

24.4 Other long-term employee benefits

Other long-term employee benefits refer to all employee benefits except for short-term benefits,post-employment benefits, and termination benefits.

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24. Employee benefits - continued

24.4 Other long-term employee benefits - continued

Other long-term employee benefits that qualify as defined contribution plans are treated inaccordance with the relevant provisions of the defined contribution plans mentioned above, exceptthat the net liability or net asset for other long-term employee benefits is recognized and measuredin accordance with the relevant provisions of the defined benefit plans. At the end of the reportingperiod, employee compensation costs arising from other long-term employee benefits arerecognized as three components: service cost, net interest on net liability or net asset for other long-term employee benefits, and changes resulting from the remeasurement of the net liability or netasset for other long-term employee benefits. The total net amount of these items is included in profitor loss for the period or in the costs of related assets.

The Group provides internal retirement benefits to employees accepting the internal retirementarrangements. Internal retirement benefits refer to the payments of salaries and social securitycontributions for employees who reach the retirement age regulated by the country and are approvedto quit the job voluntarily. For internal retirement benefits, the internal retirement benefits the Groupis expected to pay during the period from the date when employees stop providing services to thedate of normal retirement are recognized as liabilities at the present value and included in profit orloss for the period when relevant recognition requirements of the internal retirement benefits aremet.

25. Provisions

Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation related to a contingency, it isprobable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and theamount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle thepresent obligation at the balance sheet date, taking into account factors pertaining to a contingencysuch as the risks, uncertainties and time value of money. Where the effect of the time value of moneyis material, the amount of the provision is determined by discounting the related future cashoutflows.

Where all or some of the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to be reimbursed bya third party, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset only when it is virtually certainthat reimbursement will be received, and the amount of reimbursement recognized does not exceedthe carrying amount of the provision.

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26. Share-based payments

A share-based payment is a transaction which the Group grants equity instruments, in return forservices rendered by employees or other parties. The Group's share-based payments include equity-settled share-based payments.

Equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services rendered by employees are measuredat fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees at the grant date. Such amount isrecognized as related costs or expenses on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on thebest estimate of the number of equity instruments expected to vest/ as related costs or expenses atthe grant date, if the equity instruments could be vested immediately, with a corresponding increasein capital reserve.

27. Preferred stock, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments

The consideration received by the Group for the issuance of equity instruments is included inshareholders' equity after deducting transaction costs. Repurchase the consideration and transactioncosts paid by the Group's equity instruments to reduce shareholders' equity.

The Group classifies financial instruments, or their components, as financial liabilities or equityinstruments at initial recognition based on the contractual terms of the issued perpetual bonds andtheir reflected economic substance, combined with the definitions of financial liabilities and equityinstruments.

For financial instruments such as perpetual bonds classified as equity instruments, interest expenseor dividend (dividend) distributions are treated as profit distributions of the Group, and theirrepurchases, write-offs, etc., are treated as changes in equity, and related transaction costs arededucted from equity.

28. Revenue recognition

28.1 Disclosure of accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and measurement by type

of business

The Group's revenue is mainly from port business, bonded logistics business and other businesses.

The Group recognizes revenue based on the transaction price allocated to the performanceobligation when the Group satisfies a performance obligation in the contract, namely, when thecustomer obtains control over relevant goods or services. A performance obligation is acommitment that the Group transfers a distinct goods or service to a customer in the contract.

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28. Revenue recognition - continued

28.1 Disclosure of accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and measurement by type

of business - continued

It is a performance obligation satisfied during a period of time and the Group recognizes revenueduring a period of time according to the progress of performance if one of the following conditionsis met: (i) the customer obtains and consumes economic benefits at the same time of the Group'sperformance; (ii) the customer is able to control goods or services in progress during the Group'sperformance; (iii) goods or services generated during the Group's performance have irreplaceableutilization, and the Group is entitled to collect amounts of cumulative performance part which havebeen done up to now. Otherwise, revenue is recognized at a point in time when the customer obtainscontrol over the relevant goods or services.

The Group adopts output method, i.e., the value of goods or services transferred to customers todetermine the appropriate progress of performance. Where the progress cannot be determinedreasonably, the revenue is recognized based on the amount of cost that is expected to becompensated based on the cost already incurred, until the progress of performance is reasonablydetermined.

The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Group expects to be entitled inexchange for transferring promised goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collectedon behalf of third parties and amounts expected to be refunded to a customer. In determining thetransaction price, the Group should consider the effects of variable consideration, significantfinancing components in the contract, non-cash consideration and consideration payable tocustomers.

If there are two or more of performance obligations included in the contract, at the inception of thecontract, the Group allocates the transaction price to each single performance obligation based onthe proportion of stand-alone selling price of goods or services promised in each stand-aloneperformance obligation. However, if there is conclusive evidence indicating that the contractdiscount or variable consideration is only relative with one or more (not the whole) performanceobligations in the contract, the Group will allocate the contract discount or variable considerationto relative one or more performance obligations. Stand-alone selling price refers to the price of asingle sale of goods or services. If the stand-alone selling price cannot be observed directly, theGroup estimates the stand-alone selling price through comprehensive consideration of all relativeinformation that can be reasonably acquired and maximum use of observable inputs.

In case of the existence of variable consideration (such as sales discount) in the contract, the Groupshall determine the best estimate of variable consideration based on the expected value or the mostprobably occurred amount. The transaction price including variable consideration shall not exceedthe amount of the cumulatively recognized revenue which is unlikely to be significantly reversedwhen relevant uncertainty is eliminated. At each balance sheet date, the Group re-estimates theamount of variable consideration which should be included in transaction price.

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28. Revenue recognition - continued

28.1 Disclosure of accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and measurement by type

of business - continued

If the customer pays non-cash consideration, the Group determines the transaction price based onthe fair value of the non-cash consideration. If the fair value of non-cash consideration cannot bereasonably estimated, the Group shall determine the transaction price indirectly by reference to thestand-alone selling price of the goods or services promised to transfer to the customer.

In case of the existence of a significant financing component in the contract, the Group shalldetermine the transaction price on the assumption that the customer has paid the amount payableby cash when obtaining the control over the goods or services. Differences between transactionprice and contract consideration are amortized using effective interest method during the contractlife. At the inception of the contract, if the period between when the Group transfers a promisedgoods or service to a customer and when the customer pays for that goods or service will be oneyear or less, the Group would not consider the significant component in the contract.

The Group assesses whether it controls each specified goods or service before that goods or serviceis transferred to the customer to determine whether the Group is a principal or an agent. If the Groupcontrols the specified good or service before that good or service is transferred to a customer, theGroup is a principal and recognizes revenue in the gross amount of consideration received orreceivable. Otherwise, the Group is an agent and recognizes revenue in the amount of any fee orcommission to which it expects to be entitled. The fee or commission is the net amount ofconsideration that the Group retains after paying the other party the consideration received inexchange for the goods or services to be provided by that party, or is determined in accordance withthe established commission amount or percentage, etc.

Where the Group receives receipts in advance from a customer for sales of goods or rendering ofservices, the amount is first recognized as a liability and then transferred to revenue when the relatedperformance obligation has been satisfied. When the Group's receipts in advance are not requiredto be refunded and it is probable that the customer will waive all or part of its contractual rights, theGroup recognizes the said amounts as revenue on a pro-rata basis in accordance with the pattern ofexercise of the customer's contractual rights, if the Group expects to be entitled to the amountsrelating to the contractual rights waived by the customer; otherwise, the Group reverses the relatedbalance of the said liabilities to revenue only when it is highly unlikely that the customer will requireperformance of the remaining performance obligations.

For port business, the revenue from the handling of containers and bulk cargos is recognized overtime based on the progress of completed services, and the revenue from the storage of containersand bulk cargos is recognized on a straight-line basis over the period of storage.

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28. Revenue recognition - continued

28.1 Disclosure of accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and measurement by type

of business - continued

For bonded logistics business, the revenue is recognized based on the progress of services rendered,where the progress of completed services is determined based on the proportion of days on servicesprovided to the estimated total number of service days. As at the balance sheet date, the Group hasre-estimated the progress of completed bonded logistics service so that it reflects the changes inperformance status.

28.2 Similar operations under different business models which involve different revenue

recognition and measurement methods

The Group has no similar operations under different business models which involve differentrevenue recognition and measurement methods.

29. Contract costs

29.1 Costs of obtaining a contract

For the incremental cost of obtaining the contract (cost that will not occur if the contract is notobtained) that is expected to be recoverable, it is recognized as an asset. If the amortization periodof such asset is less than one year, it is recognized in profit or loss for the period when incurred.Other expenses incurred for obtaining the contract is included in profit or loss for the period whenincurred, except for those explicitly assumed by the customer.

29.2 Costs to fulfil a contract

If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract are not within the scope of any standards other thanRevenue Standards, the Group recognizes an asset only if those costs meet all of the followingcriteria: (1) the costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract that the Group canspecifically identify; (2) the costs enhance resources of the Group that will be used in satisfyingperformance obligations in the future; and (3) the costs are expected to be recovered. The assetmentioned above shall be amortized on a basis that is consistent with the revenue recognition of thegoods or services to which the asset relates and recognized in profit or loss for the period.

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29. Contract costs - continued

29.3 Impairment loss of assets related to contract costs

In determining the impairment losses of assets related to contract costs, the Group first determinesthe impairment losses of other assets related to contracts recognized in accordance with other ASBE;then, for assets related to contract costs, if the carrying amount of the assets is higher than thedifference between: (1) the remaining consideration that the Group expects to obtain for the transferof the goods or services related to the assets; and (2) the estimated costs to be incurred for thetransfer of the related goods or services, any excess is provided for impairment and recognized asimpairment loss of assets.

After the provision for impairment of assets related to contract costs is made, if the factors ofimpairment in previous periods change so that the difference between the above two is higher thanthe carrying amount of the assets, the original provision for impairment of the assets is reversed andrecognized in profit or loss for the period, provided that the carrying amount of the assets after thereversal does not exceed the carrying amount of the assets at the date of reversal assuming noprovision for impairment was made.

30. Government grants

Government grants are transfer of monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government tothe Group at no consideration. A government grant is recognized only when the Group can complywith the conditions attached to the grant and the Group will receive the grant.

If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amountreceived or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a non-monetary asset, it is measuredat fair value. If the fair value cannot be reliably determined, it is measured at a nominal amount. Agovernment grant measured at a nominal amount is recognized immediately in profit or loss for theperiod.

30.1 Determination basis and accounting treatment of government grant related to assets

Government grants of the Group mainly include grants for intelligent system, etc., and thesegovernment grants relate to assets as they will form long-term assets.

A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized toprofit or loss over the useful life of the related asset. A government grant measured at a nominalamount is recognized immediately in profit or loss in the current period. Where the relevant assetis sold, transferred, retired or damaged prior to the end of its useful life, the related undistributeddeferred income is transferred to profit or loss of the disposal period.

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30. Government grants - continued

30.2 Determination basis and accounting treatment of government grant related to income

Government grants of the Group mainly include grants for business development and specializedoperations, etc., and these government grants relate to income as they will not form long-term assets.The Group classifies government grants that are difficult to be distinguished as government grantsrelated to income aggregately.

For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related expenses orlosses to be incurred in subsequent periods, the grant is recognized as deferred income andrecognized in profit or loss for the period in which the related costs or losses are recognized; If thegrant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, the grant is recognizedimmediately in profit or loss.

A government grant related to the Group's daily activities is recognized in other income or chargedagainst related costs based on the nature of economic activities; a government grant not related tothe Group's daily activities is recognized in non-operating income.

31. Income tax

The income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax.

31.1 Current income tax

At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periodsare measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of taxlaws.

31.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

For temporary differences between the carrying amounts of certain assets or liabilities and their taxbase, or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as assets or liabilitiesand their tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and liabilitiesare recognized using the balance sheet liability method.

Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences. Deferred taxassets for deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is probable thattaxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized.However, for temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and theinitial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction, which is not a businesscombination that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) andwill not result in taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences in equivalentamounts at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is recognized.

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31. Deferred tax assets/ deferred tax liabilities - continued

31.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued

For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets are recognizedto the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which thedeductible losses and tax credits can be utilized.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences associated withinvestments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, except where the Group is able to controlthe timing of the reversal of the temporary differences and it is probable that the temporarydifferences will not be reversed in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising fromdeductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointventures are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be availableagainst which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized and they are expected to bereversed in the foreseeable future.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates applicablein the period in which the asset is realized or the liability is settled according to tax laws.

Current and deferred tax expenses or income are recognized in profit or loss for the period, exceptwhen they arise from transactions or events that are directly recognized in other comprehensiveincome or shareholders' equity, in which case they are recognized in other comprehensive incomeor shareholders' equity, and when they arise from business combinations, in which case they adjustthe carrying amount of goodwill.

At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed and reduced if itis no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available in the future to allow the benefitof deferred tax assets to be utilized. Any such reduction in amount is reversed when it becomesprobable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

31.3 Income tax offsetting

When the Group has a legal right to settle on a net basis and intends either to settle on a net basisor to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, current tax assets and current taxliabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

When the Group has a legal right to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, anddeferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxationauthority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend either to settlecurrent tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to realize the assets and liabilities simultaneously,in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or liabilities are expectedto be reversed, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

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32. Leases

A lease is a contract in which the lessor, for a certain period of time, gives the lessee the right touse the assets to obtain a consideration.

For contracts entered into, the Group assesses whether the contract is, or contains, a lease at thecommencement date. Such contract will not be reassessed unless the terms and conditions of thecontract are subsequently changed.

32.1 The Group as lessee

32.1.1 Separating components of a lease

For a contract that contains one or more lease components or non-lease components, the Groupseparates each individual lease and non-lease component and allocates the contract considerationin the relative proportion of the sum of the individual price of each lease component and theindividual price of the non-lease component.

32.1.2 Right-of-use assets

Except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, the Group recognizes the right-of-useassets of the leases at the commencement date. The commencement date of the lease is the datefrom which the lessor provides the leased assets to make them available for use by the Group. Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost. The cost includes:

? the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liabilities.? any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives.? any initial direct costs incurred by the Group.? an estimate of costs to be incurred by the Group in dismantling and removing the underlyingasset, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to the conditionrequired by the terms and conditions of the lease.

Right-of-use assets are depreciated by the Group in accordance with the ASBE No.4 Fixed Assets.If the Group is reasonably certain, that the lease will transfer ownership of the underlying asset tothe Group by the end of the lease term, the right-of-use assets are depreciated from thecommencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the right-of-use assets are depreciated from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful lifeof the right-of-use assets or the end of the lease term.

The Group applies ASBE No. 8 Impairment of Assets, to determine whether the right-of-use assetsare impaired and to account for any impairment loss identified.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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32. Leases - continued

32.1 The Group as lessee - continued

32.1.3 Lease liabilities

Except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, the Group initially measures leaseliabilities at the present value of the outstanding lease payments at the commencement date. Incalculating the present value of the lease payments, the Group uses the implicit interest rate of thelease as the discount rate. If it is not possible to determine the implicit interest rate of the lease,the incremental borrowing rate shall be applied.

The lease payments comprise the following payments by the Group for the right to use theunderlying asset during the lease term:

? fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), less any lease incentives.? variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate.? the exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise thatoption.? payments for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Group exercising an optionto terminate the lease.? amounts expected to be payable by the Group under residual value guarantees.

Variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, are initially measured using the indexor rate as at the commencement date. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement ofthe lease liabilities, are recognized in profit or loss, or in the cost of relevant assets, in the periodof those payments.

After the commencement date, interest expenses on the lease liabilities in each period during thelease term is calculated by a constant periodic rate of interest, and included in profit or loss orcharged to cost of related assets.

After the commencement date, the Group shall remeasure the lease liabilities and makecorresponding adjustments to the related right-of-use assets in the following circumstances. If thecarrying amount of the right-of-use assets is reduced to zero and there is a further reduction in themeasurement of the lease liabilities, the Group shall recognize the difference in profit or loss:

? where there is a change in the lease term, or in the assessment of an option to purchase theunderlying asset, the Group remeasures the lease liabilities, on the basis of the revised leaseterm and the revised discount rate;? where there is a change in the amounts expected to be payable under a residual value

guarantee, or in future lease payments resulting from a change in an index or a rate used todetermine those payments, the Group remeasures the lease liabilities, on the basis of therevised lease payments and the unchanged discount rate, unless the change in the leasepayments results from a change in floating interest rates, in which case a revised discountrate is applied to calculate the present value.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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32. Leases - continued

32.1 The Group as lessee - continued

32.1.4 Short-term leases and leases of low-value assets

The Group elects not to recognize right-of-use assets or lease liabilities for short-term leases andleases of low-value assets, i.e., port and terminal facilities, buildings, machinery and equipment,furniture, fixture and other equipment, motor vehicles and cargo ships and others. A short-termlease is a lease that, at the commencement date, has a lease term of 12 months or less and does notcontain a call option. A lease of low-value assets is a lease that, the value of the underlying asset isless than RMB50,000 when it is new. For short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, theGroup recognizes the lease payments in profit or loss, or in the cost of related assets on a straight-line basis over each period within the lease term.

32.1.5 Lease modifications

A lease modification should be accounted for as a separate lease if both of the following apply:

? the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or moreunderlying assets.? the consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-aloneprice for the increase in scope and any appropriate adjustments to that stand-alone priceaccording to the circumstances of the particular contract.

For a lease medication that is not accounted for as a separate lease, at the effective date of the leasemodification, the Group should allocate the consideration in the modified contract, determine thelease term of the modified lease and remeasure the lease liabilities based on the present value of thechanged lease payments and the revised discount rate.

For lease modifications that decrease the scope of the lease or shorten the term of the lease, theGroup should decrease the carrying amount of the right-of-use assets with any gain or loss relatingto the partial or full termination of the lease recognized in profit or loss. For re-measurement oflease liabilities due to other lease modifications, a corresponding adjustment is made to the carryingamount of the right-of-use assets.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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32. Leases - continued

32.1 The Group as lessee - continued

32.1.6 Sale and leaseback transactions

The Group as seller-lessee

The Group applies the requirements of Revenue Standard to determine whether the transfer of anasset is accounted for as a sale of that asset. If the transfer of an asset does not constitute a sale, theGroup shall continue to recognize the transferred assets, recognize a financial liability equal to thetransfer proceeds and accounts for such financial liability in accordance with the AccountingStandards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.If the transfer of an asset is a sale, the Group shall measure the right-of-use assets arising from theleaseback at the proportion of the previous carrying amount of the asset that relates to the right ofuse, and recognize any gain or loss for rights transferred to the lessor only.

32.2 The Group as lessor

32.2.1 Separating components of a lease

For a contract that contains lease components and non-lease components, the Group allocates thecontract consideration in accordance with the Revenue Standards on allocation of transaction prices,based on the respective individual prices of the lease components and the non-lease components.

32.2.2 Classification of leases

Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all therisks and rewards of ownership. All other leases are classified as operating leases. The Group as lessor under operating leases

The Group recognizes lease receipts from operating leases as rental income using a straight-linemethod over the respective periods of the lease term. The Group's initial direct costs incurred inconnection with operating leases are capitalized when the costs incurred, and are allocated to profitor loss for the period over the lease term on the same basis as the recognition of rental income.

Variable lease receipts acquired by the Group in connection with operating leases that are notincluded in the lease receipts are recognized in profit or loss for the period when they are actuallyincurred.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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32. Leases - continued

32.2 The Group as lessor - continued

32.2.2 Classification of leases - continued The Group as lessor under finance leases

At the commencement date, the Group recognizes a finance lease receivable at the amount equal tothe net lease investment with assets under finance lease derecognized. The net lease investment isthe sum of any unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receipts over the leaseterm discounted at the interest rate implicit in lease.

The lease receivable comprises the following payments collected by the Group from the lessee forthe transfer of the right to use the underlying assets during the lease term:

? fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments) paid by the lessee, less any leaseincentives.? variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate.? the exercise price of a purchase option, provided that it is reasonably determined that thelessee will exercise the option.? payments for terminating the lease, provided that the lease term reflects that the lessee will

exercise the option to terminate the lease;? residual value of guarantee provided to the Group by the lessee, a party related to the lessee

and an independent third party with the financial ability to fulfil the guarantee obligations.

Variable lease receipts not included in the net lease investment are recognized in profit or loss whenthey are actually incurred.

Interest income for each period over the lease term is calculated and recognized by the Group at afixed periodic rate.

32.2.3 Subleases

As the lessor of a sublease, the Group accounts for the original lease contract and the subleasecontract on a separate basis. The Group classifies the subleases based on the right-of-use assetsgenerating from the original lease rather than the underlying assets of the original lease.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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32. Leases - continued

32.2 The Group as lessor - continued

32.2.4 Lease modifications

The Group accounts for a modification to an operating lease as a new lease from the effective dateof the modification, considering any lease advances or receivables relating to the original lease asthe lease receipts for the new lease.

A lease modification should be accounted for as a separate lease if there is a modification in afinance lease and both of the followings apply:

? the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more

underlying assets; and? the consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-aloneprice for the increase in scope with any appropriate adjustment to that stand-alone price.

For a modification to a finance lease that is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Group accountsfor the modification as follows:

? If the lease would have been classified as an operating lease had the modification been

effective at the commencement date, the Group should account for the lease modification as

a new lease from the effective date of the modification, and measure the carrying amount of

the underlying assets at the amount equal to the net lease investment before the effective date

of the modification;? If the lease would have been classified as a finance lease had the modification been effective

at the commencement date, the Group should account for it in accordance with the provisions

on contract modification and renegotiation under Accounting Standards for Business

Enterprises No. 22 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.

32.2.5 Sale and leaseback transactions

The Group as the buyer-lessor

If the transfer of an asset in a sale and leaseback transaction does not constitute a sale, the Groupdoes not recognize the transferred asset but a financial asset at an amount equal to the transferproceeds, and accounts for such financial asset under the Accounting Standards for BusinessEnterprises No. 22 - Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. If the transfer of anasset constitutes a sale, the Group accounts for the purchase of the asset in accordance with otherapplicable Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and accounts for the lease of the asset.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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33. Exchange of non-monetary assets

When the non-monetary assets are of commercial substance and the fair value of assets received orthe assets given up can be measured reliably, the non-monetary transactions are measured at fairvalue. For the asset received, the fair value of the asset given up and related taxes payable arerecognized as the cost at initial recognition; For the asset given up, at derecognition, the differencebetween the fair value and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.When there is clear evidence indicating that the fair value of the received asset is more reliable, forthe asset received, the fair value of the asset received and related taxes payable are recognized asthe cost at initial recognition; For the asset given up, at derecognition, the difference between thefair value of the asset received and the carrying amount of the asset given up is recognized in profitor loss for the current period.

When the non-monetary transactions fail to meet criteria to be measured at fair value, thetransactions are measured at carrying amounts. For the asset received, the carrying amount of theasset given up and relevant taxes payable are recognized as the cost of at initial recognition. For theasset given up, at derecognition, no profit or loss is recognized.

34. Safety production cost

According to the Administrative Measures for the Collection and Utilization of Enterprise WorkSafety Funds (Cai Zi [2022] No. 136) jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and the EmergencyDepartment on 13 December 2022, safety production cost set aside by the Group is directly includedin the cost of relevant products or recognized in profit or loss for the period, and transferred tospecial reserve simultaneously. When safety production cost set aside is utilized, if the costsincurred can be categorized as expenditure, the costs incurred should be charged against the specialreserve. If the costs set aside are used to build up fixed assets, the costs should be charged toconstruction in progress, and reclassified to fixed assets when the safety projects are ready forintended use. Meantime, expenditures in building up fixed assets are directly charged against thespecial reserve with the accumulated depreciation recognized at the same amount. Depreciation willnot be made in the future period on such fixed assets.



In the application of accounting policies and accounting estimates as set out in Note (IV), the Groupis required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of items inthe financial statements that cannot be measured accurately, due to the internal uncertainty of theoperating activities. These judgments, estimates and assumptions are based on historical experienceof the Group's management as well as other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual resultsmay differ from these estimates.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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The Group regularly reviews the judgments, estimates and assumptions on a going concern basis.Changes in accounting estimates which only affect the current period should be recognized in thecurrent period; changes which not only affect the current but the future periods should be recognizedin the current and future periods. At the balance sheet date, key assumptions and uncertainties incritical judgments and accounting estimates that are likely to lead to significant adjustments to thecarrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the future are as follows:

Goodwill impairment

For the purpose of impairment testing, the present value of the expected future cash flows of theassets group or portfolio including goodwill shall be calculated, and such expected future cash flowsshall be estimated. Meantime, a rate shall be determined that should reflect the time value of moneyon the current market and the specific interest risks.

Recognition of deferred income tax

The Group calculates and makes provision for deferred tax liabilities according to the profitdistribution plans of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures and relevant provisions of tax law.For retained earnings of the investee which are not expected to be distributed, since the profits willbe used for the daily operation and future development of the investee, no deferred tax liabilitiesare recognized. If the profits to be actually distributed in future years are more or less than thoseexpected, corresponding deferred tax liabilities will be recognized or reversed in profit or loss forthe period at the earlier of the date on which the profit distribution plan is changed and the date onwhich the profit distribution is declared.

Deferred tax assets are recognized based on the deductible temporary differences and thecorresponding tax rate, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be availableagainst which the deductible temporary differences can be utilized. If the actual taxable income infuture years are more or less than that expected, corresponding deferred tax assets will berecognized or reversed in profit or loss for the period in which they are actually incurred.

Estimated useful lives and residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets

The Group assesses the estimated useful lives and residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets.Such estimate is made by reference to the historical experience of actual useful lives and residualvalue of fixed assets and intangible assets of similar nature and function, and is subject to significantchanges due to technical innovation and fierce industry competition. Where the estimated usefullives and residual value of fixed assets and intangible assets are less than the previous estimates,the Group will increase the depreciation and amortization, or write off or eliminate the technicallyobsolete fixed assets or intangible assets.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Changes in significant accounting policies

1.1 Interpretation No. 16 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The Interpretation No. 16 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (the "InterpretationNo. 16") was issued by the Ministry of Finance on 30 November 2022, which clarified theaccounting treatment concerning the exemption of initial recognition of deferred income tax relatingto assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction.

Interpretation No. 16 revised the coverage of exemption of the initial recognition of deferred incometax in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 18 – Income Tax, and specified thatthe relevant provisions on the exemption of initial recognition of deferred tax liabilities and deferredtax assets are not applicable to a single transaction (not a business combination) that affects neitherthe accounting profit nor taxable income (or deductible losses) at the time of transaction, and wherethe assets and liabilities initially recognized generate equal taxable temporary differences anddeductible temporary differences. The Interpretation became effective from 1 January 2023 andcould be early applied. The Group started to apply the Interpretation from 1 January 2023, adoptedthe retrospective adjustment method for accounting treatment, and restated the financial statementsfor the comparative year. The impacts are listed as follows:

Deferred tax assets398,145,710.8456,499,013.55454,644,724.39
Deferred tax liabilities4,550,417,470.612,001,049.094,552,418,519.70
Shareholders' equity:
Unappropriated profit14,205,879,106.4921,052,360.1714,226,931,466.66
Minority interests71,234,238,229.3533,445,604.2971,267,683,833.64
Deferred tax assets372,927,261.4061,571,559.55434,498,820.95
Deferred tax liabilities4,853,271,307.861,748,527.474,855,019,835.33
Shareholders' equity:
Other comprehensive income-691,536,248.441,982,628.58-689,553,619.86
Unappropriated profit16,679,688,347.0922,299,954.0516,701,988,301.14
Minority interests73,994,641,893.2135,540,449.4574,030,182,342.66

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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ESTIMATES - continued

1. Changes in significant accounting policies - continued

1.1 Interpretation No. 16 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - continued

Profit and loss:
Income tax expenses1,113,179,679.35-220,002.601,112,959,676.75
Net profit8,231,683,297.67220,002.608,231,903,300.27
Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders4,894,237,074.85-1,027,591.284,893,209,483.57
Other comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of the Company, net of tax206,102,739.651,982,628.58208,085,368.23
Other comprehensive income attributable to minority interests, net of tax1,417,424,133.353,122,436.441,420,546,569.79


1. Major taxes and tax rates

TaxesTax basisTax rate
Enterprise income taxTaxable income8.25%-34% (Note 1)
Dividend income tax5%,10% (Note 2)
Value-added tax ("VAT") (Note 3)Income from sale of goods9%,13%
Income from transportation, loading and unloading business and part of modern service industries6%
Income from sale of real estate, property management, lease of real estate, etc.3%, 5%, 9%
Income from leases of movable properties13%
Social contribution tax (Note 4)Income0.65%-7.6%
Deed taxLand use right and property transfer amount3%-5%
Property tax70% of cost of property or rental income1.2% or 12%
City maintenance and construction taxVAT paid1%-7%
Education surtaxVAT paid3%
Land use taxLand area actually occupiedRMB 1-12 per square meter
Environmental protection tax (Note 5)Amount of pollution equivalents of the taxable air pollutants converted based on the quantity of pollutions dischargedRMB 1.8 per pollution equivalent

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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(VII) TAXES - continued

1. Major taxes and tax rates - continued

Note 1: The Group's enterprise income tax is calculated based on the current tax rate stipulated by

local tax laws. Among them, the Company is subject to an enterprise income tax rate of25%, the subsidiaries set up in Hong Kong are subject to an enterprise income tax rate of

8.25% and 16.5%, the majority of subsidiaries set up in China are subject to an enterpriseincome tax rate of 25% and certain others are subject to the preferential tax rate for smalland micro enterprises of 20%, certain domestic subsidiaries are subject to the preferentialtax rate for high-tech enterprises or encouraged industrial enterprises in the region of 15%,and the other overseas subsidiaries are subject to enterprise income tax rates between 10%and 34%.

The Company obtains dividends distributed by overseas subsidiaries and should payenterprise income tax at a rate of 25% in accordance with relevant Chinese tax laws. TheCompany obtains taxable income outside of China, and the amount of income tax that hasbeen paid abroad can be offset with the current taxable amount. The credit limit is thetaxable amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprise Income TaxLaw.

Note 2: Foreign investors who receive dividends of profits from Chinese subsidiaries in 2008 and

thereafter generally shall pay withholding income tax at a rate of 10% in accordance withthe relevant provisions on the PRC enterprise income tax. For companies incorporated incertain regions (including Hong Kong and Singapore), if the companies are actual ownersholding more than 25% interest in the subsidiaries in China, they will enjoy a preferentialtax rate of 5%.

Note 3: The VAT amount is the balance of the output tax less the deductible input tax, and the

output tax is calculated in accordance with the sales income and the corresponding tax ratestipulated in the relevant tax laws of China.

Note 4: The social contribution tax is the tax paid by TCP Participa??es S.A. (hereinafter referred

to as "TCP"), an overseas subsidiary of the Group, to the local government.

Note 5: The environmental protection tax is the tax paid by Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.

(hereinafter referred to as "Zhanjiang Port"), a domestic subsidiary of the Group, to thegovernment.

2. Tax preference

Certain subsidiaries of the Group in China are recognized as high-tech enterprises or encouragedindustrial enterprises in the region and are subject to an enterprise income tax rate of 15%. TheGroup's subsidiaries outside of China may be subject to enterprise income tax preference inaccordance with relevant local tax policies.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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(VII) TAXES - continued

2. Tax preference - continued

From 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027, the urban land use tax for certain domestic subsidiariesof the Group on the land for bulk commodity storage facilities is levied at the reduced rate of 50%of the tax amount applicable to the grade of the land.

Certain subsidiaries of the Group in China are small and micro enterprises and are subject to apreferential tax rate of 20%. In accordance with the Announcement on Relevant Tax and FeePolicies for Further Supporting the Development of Micro and Small Enterprises and IndividualIndustrial and Commercial Households (Announcement No. 12 of the Ministry of Finance and theState Administration of Taxation in 2023), for small and micro enterprises, the taxable income iscalculated at a reduced rate of 25% and the enterprise income tax is paid at a rate of 20% from 1January 2023 and 31 December 2027.

As approved by Shekou Taxation Sub-bureau of Shenzhen Tax Bureau, State Administration ofTaxation on 12 October 2017, certain subsidiaries of the Group are exempted from VAT forauxiliary logistics services (warehousing services, excluding delivery services) provided tooverseas enterprises in 2023.


1. Cash and bank balances

Including: RMB2,767.602,767.60
Bank deposits (Note 1)13,934,385,410.9211,219,776,605.37
Including: RMB8,215,456,953.088,846,763,966.57
Other cash and bank balances (Note 2)54,207,918.46553,726,619.61
Including: LKR39,287,209.66-
Funds deposited in Finance Company (Note 3)2,090,078,155.931,841,698,554.32
Including: Total amount of funds deposited overseas4,143,910,318.924,012,922,744.09

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Cash and bank balances - continued

Note 1: The interest receivable and funds frozen for ETC card business which are included in the

balance of bank deposits at the end of the year amounted to RMB 13,563,157.74 and RMB12,000.00, respectively.

Note 2: The funds frozen for litigation, the balance of the securities account, the restricted banker's

letter of guarantee, and the restricted performance bond, which are included in the balanceof other cash and bank balances at the end of the year, amounted to RMB 1,826,085.98,RMB 7,684,462.32, RMB 4,214,480.40, RMB 40,482,889.76.

Note 3: The funds deposited in Finance Company included the interest receivable amounting to

RMB 933,933.26.

2. Held-for-trading financial assets

Financial assets classified as at FVTPL4,568,806,108.842,998,781,599.63
Including: Investments in debt instruments450,209.48-
Investments in equity investments-135,742.11
Structured deposits4,568,355,899.362,998,645,857.52

3. Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

Bank acceptance315,150,195.09395,000.00
Commercial acceptance10,000,000.0036,000,000.00

Note: In 2023, no provision for bad debts of notes receivable is assessed on an individual basis

and, the acceptor of bank acceptance and commercial acceptance for which provision forbad debts is assessed on a portfolio basis has high credit ratings with no significant creditrisks, therefore, no provision for bad debts is made.

(2) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no notes receivable pledged.

(3) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no endorsed or discounted and not yet matured

notes receivable at the balance sheet date.

(4) The Group has no notes receivable written off in 2023.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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4. Accounts receivable

(1) Overall situation of accounts receivable

Accounts receivable1,194,923,829.341,370,162,956.88
Les: provision for credit loss91,022,363.0994,013,267.44

(2) Aging analysis of accounts receivable

Within 1 year1,112,613,215.991,296,002,000.92
1-2 years23,735,983.6711,157,744.62
2-3 years3,139,299.7610,897,749.26
More than 3 years55,435,329.9252,105,462.08

(3) Disclosure of accounts receivable by category

Credit ratingExpected credit loss rate (%)31/12/202331/12/2022
Gross carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountGross carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amount

(4) Accounts receivable disclosed by method of bad debt provision:

Category31 December 202331 December 2022
Gross carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountGross carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amount
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Bad debt provision assessed on an individual basis80,481,060.156.7480,402,847.1999.9078,212.9683,024,004.246.0680,597,965.9797.082,426,038.27
Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis1,114,442,769.1993.2610,619,515.900.951,103,823,253.291,287,138,952.6493.9413,415,301.471.041,273,723,651.17
Total1,194,923,829.34100.0091,022,363.09— —1,103,901,466.251,370,162,956.88100.0094,013,267.44— —1,276,149,689.44

Bad debt provision assessed on an individual basis:

Name31 December 2023Reason for provision
Gross carrying amountBad debt provisionProportion (%)
Entity 124,908,308.4424,908,308.44100.00Low probability of recovery
Entity 215,228,816.6115,150,603.6799.49Low probability of recovery
Entity 37,693,327.337,693,327.33100.00Low probability of recovery
Entity 46,169,500.456,169,500.45100.00Low probability of recovery
Entity 55,923,278.205,923,278.20100.00Low probability of recovery
Others20,557,829.1220,557,829.10100.00Low probability of recovery
Total80,481,060.1580,402,847.19— —— —

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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4. Accounts receivable - continued

(4) Accounts receivable disclosed by method of bad debt provision: - continued

Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis:

Name31 December 2023
Accounts receivableBad debt provisionProportion (%)
Total1,114,442,769.1910,619,515.90— —

(5) Measurement of expected credit loss at an amount equivalent to the lifetime expected credit


ItemLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)Total
At 1 January 202313,415,301.4780,597,965.9794,013,267.44
Gross carrying amount of accounts receivable at 1 January 2023
- Transfer to credit-impaired accounts receivable---
- Reversal of accounts receivable that are not credit-impaired---
Provision for the year3,361,539.3717,614,537.4220,976,076.79
Reversal for the year-5,995,730.86-5,694,956.74-11,690,687.60
Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation--5,662,552.89-5,662,552.89
Transfer-out due to derecognition of financial assets (including direct write-down)--8,087,700.00-8,087,700.00
Other changes-161,594.081,635,553.431,473,959.35
At 31 December 202310,619,515.9080,402,847.1991,022,363.09

(6) Details of bad debt provision

Category31/12/2022Changes for the year31/12/2023
ProvisionRecovery or reversalEffect of changes in the scope of consolidationCharge-off or write-offOther changes
Bad debt provision assessed on an individual basis80,597,965.9717,614,537.42-5,694,956.74-5,662,552.89-8,087,700.001,635,553.4380,402,847.19
Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis13,415,301.473,361,539.37-5,995,730.86---161,594.0810,619,515.90

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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4. Accounts receivable - continued

(7) Accounts receivable written off in the year

ItemNatureAmountReason for write-offProcedures performedArising from related party transactions or not
Entity AService fees8,087,700.00Confirmed as irrecoverableYesNo
Total— —8,087,700.00— —— —— —

(8) The top five balances of accounts receivable at the end of the year classified by debtor

Name of entityRelationship with the Group31/12/2023AgingProportion of the amount to the total accounts receivable (%)Bad debt provision at 31/12/2023
Client 1Non-related party259,396,393.45Within 1 year, 1-2 years21.7130,325.21
Client 2Non-related party68,403,654.05Within 1 year5.7254,946.81
Client 3Non-related party43,464,824.09Within 1 year, 1-2 years3.647,510.99
Client 4Non-related party29,747,677.62Within 1 year2.497,909.61
Client 5Non-related party29,355,671.89Within 1 year2.46-

5. Receivables financing

(1) Classification of receivables financing

Bank acceptance measured at fair value2,001,669.46163,766,913.10

(2) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no pledged receivables financing.

(3) At the end of the year, the Company's receivables financing that have been endorsed or

discounted and have not yet matured at the balance sheet date are as follows:

ItemAmount derecognized at the end of the yearAmount not derecognized at the end of the year
Bank acceptance measured at fair value16,291,826.66-

(4) In 2023, no provision for bad debt of receivables financing is assessed on an individual basis

and, the acceptor of bank acceptance for which provision for bad debts is assessed on aportfolio basis has high credit ratings with no significant credit risks, therefore, no provisionfor credit loss is made.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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6. Prepayments

(1) Aging analysis of prepayments

Gross carrying amountProportion (%)Impairment provisionGross carrying amountProportion (%)Impairment provision
Within 1 year (inclusive)36,798,888.0197.70-61,917,391.4397.31-
1-2 years (inclusive)615,427.751.63-1,589,158.492.50-
2-3 years (inclusive)129,361.040.34----
More than 3 years120,875.500.33-120,875.500.19-

(2) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no significant prepayments aged more than one


(3) The top five balances of prepayments at the end of the year classified by entities

Name of entityRelationship with the Company31/12/2023AgingProportion of the closing balance to the total prepayments (%)Reason for not being settled
Entity 1Non-related party14,057,775.95Within 1 year37.32Unsettled prepayment for premium
Entity 2Non-related party6,591,641.10Within 1 year, 1-2 years, and 2-3 years17.50Unsettled prepayment for communication charges
Entity 3Non-related party2,298,659.10Within 1 year6.10Unsettled prepayment for premium
Entity 4Non-related party743,362.83Within 1 year1.97Unsettled prepayment for procurement
Entity 5Non-related party641,646.87Within 1 year1.70Unsettled prepayment for procurement

7. Other receivables

7.1 Presentation of other receivables

Dividends receivable343,386,866.06416,040,485.62
Other receivables596,628,127.95532,801,608.68

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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7. Other receivables - continued

7.2 Dividends receivable

(1) Presentation of dividends receivable

Name of investee31/12/202331/12/2022
China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation ("Nanshan Group")203,577,000.00240,591,000.00
Zhanjiang Merchants Port City Investment Co., Ltd. ("Merchants Port City")38,809,044.7741,847,044.77
Dalian Port Logistics Network Co., Ltd.30,605,256.76-
Yingkou Gangxin Technology Co., Ltd.23,881,213.75-
COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.13,449,001.1618,449,001.16
China Ocean Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.11,232,000.00-
Tin-can Island Container Terminal Ltd21,960,680.2265,121,449.40
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.-50,000,000.00
Less: Bad debt provision343,730.60416,456.94
Carrying amount343,386,866.06416,040,485.62

(2) Significant dividends receivable aged more than 1 year

Name of investee31/12/202331/12/2022AgingReason for not being recoveredWhether bad debts have been incurred and the basis for determination
Nanshan Group129,549,000.00111,042,000.001-2 yearsUndergoing relevant formalities, expected to be recovered by the end of 2024No

(3) Changes in provision for credit loss of dividends receivable

ItemStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
12-month expected credit lossLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)
At 1 January 2023416,456.94--416,456.94
Balance at 1 January 2023
- Transfer to Stage 2----
- Transfer to Stage 3----
- Reverse to Stage 2----
- Reverse to Stage 1----
Provision for the year----
Reversal for the year-72,726.34---72,726.34
Transfer-out due to derecognition of financial assets (including direct write-down)----
Other changes----
At 31 December 2023343,730.60--343,730.60

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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7. Other receivables - continued

7.2 Dividends receivable - continued

(4) Details of bad debt provision

Category31/12/2022Changes for the year31/12/2023
ProvisionRecovery or reversalCharge-off or write-offOther changes
Bad debt provision assessed on an individual basis------
Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis416,456.94--72,726.34--343,730.60

7.3 Other receivables

(1) Aging analysis of other receivables

Other receivablesBad debt provisionProportion (%)Other receivablesBad debt provisionProportion (%)
Within 1 year261,380,065.653,386,613.181.30487,428,214.83229,150,234.7147.01
1-2 years268,634,561.16189,669,720.4870.61192,100,283.584,690,780.382.44
2-3 years189,029,374.184,675,136.052.4712,444,128.529,740,862.3378.28
More than 3 years834,322,127.22759,006,530.5590.97844,098,122.57759,687,263.4090.00

(2) Disclosure of other receivables by nature

Operation compensation (Note 1)857,551,782.45859,677,826.43
Advance payments264,603,548.43295,592,304.09
Land compensation (Note 2)89,630,000.0089,630,000.00
Guarantees and deposits24,853,374.4226,402,747.81
Special subsidy24,800,000.0031,716,257.00
Less: Bad debt provision956,738,000.261,003,269,140.82

Note 1: It represents the operation compensation receivable by a subsidiary of the Company

from the holding company of its minority shareholder in accordance with the agreement.As at 31 December 2023, a bad debt provision has been made for the accumulatedoutstanding compensation amounting to RMB 857,551,782.45.

Note 2: On 9 October 2021, Zhanjiang Port, a subsidiary of the Company, entered into the

Agreement on Recovery of State-owned Land Use Rights with the local government.Pursuant to the Agreement, Zhanjiang Port shall return the land of approximately 195.68mu located in Zhanjiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone on the east of Shugang Avenue,which is amounting to RMB 89,630,000.00. The above-mentioned land has beenreturned before 31 December 2021. As at 31 December 2023, the above-mentioned landcompensation of RMB 89,630,000.00 has not been recovered yet.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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7. Other receivables - continued

7.3 Other receivables - continued

(3) Provision for credit loss of other receivables

Credit ratingExpected credit loss rate (%)31/12/202331/12/2022
12-month expected credit lossLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)Total12-month expected credit lossLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)Total
Gross carrying amount——596,631,116.95-956,735,011.261,553,366,128.21532,760,873.61-1,003,309,875.891,536,070,749.50
Bad debt provision——2,989.00-956,735,011.26956,738,000.2624,451.35-1,003,244,689.471,003,269,140.82
Carrying amount——596,628,127.95--596,628,127.95532,736,422.26-65,186.42532,801,608.68

Significant other receivables for which bad debt provision is assessed on an individual basis (credit rating of D)

Name31/12/2023Bad debt provisionECL rate (%)Reason for provision
Entity 1857,551,782.45857,551,782.45100.00Expected to be unrecoverable (Note)
Entity 264,841,250.0964,841,250.09100.00Expected to be unrecoverable
Entity 314,000,000.0014,000,000.00100.00Expected to be unrecoverable
Others20,341,978.7220,341,978.72100.00Expected to be unrecoverable
Total956,735,011.26956,735,011.26— —— —

Note: Refer to Note (VIII) 7.3(2).

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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7. Other receivables - continued

7.3 Other receivables - continued

(4) Provision, reversal and write-off of credit loss of other receivables

ItemStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
12-month expected credit lossLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)
At 1 January 202324,451.35-1,003,244,689.471,003,269,140.82
Balance of other receivables at 1 January 2023
- Transfer to Stage 2----
- Transfer to Stage 3----
- Reverse to Stage 2----
- Reverse to Stage 16,000.00--6,000.00-
Provision for the year36,129.03-3,459,687.183,495,816.21
Reversal for the year-27,462.35--47,267,828.40-47,295,290.75
Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation-36,129.03--545,545.45-581,674.48
Charge-off for the year----
Write-off for the year---73,074.00-73,074.00
Other changes---2,076,917.54-2,076,917.54
At 31 December 20232,989.00-956,735,011.26956,738,000.26

(5) Details of bad debt provision

Category01/01/2023Changes for the year31/12/2023
ProvisionRecovery or reversalEffect of changes in the scope of consolidationCharge-off or write-offOther changes
Bad debt provision assessed on an individual basis1,003,244,689.473,459,687.18-47,273,828.40-545,545.45-73,074.00-2,076,917.54956,735,011.26
Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis24,451.3536,129.03-21,462.35-36,129.03--2,989.00

Among which, the bad debt provision recovered or reversed for the period that is significant inamount is listed as below:

NameAmount recovered or reversedReason for retrieveRecovered throughBasis to determine the original proportion of bad debt provision and its reasonableness
Entity 447,169,811.32Improvement in debtor's operationsCashBased on prior years' financial position

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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7. Other receivables - continued

7.3 Other receivables - continued

(6) Write-off of other receivables in the year

ItemNatureAmountReason for write-offProcedures performedArising from related party transactions or not
Entity 5Rents receivable73,074.00The counterparty was unable to make paymentsWrite-off upon approvalNo
Total— —73,074.00— —— —— —

(7) The top five balances of other receivables at the end of the year classified by debtor

Name of entityRelationship with the GroupNature31/12/2023AgingProportion to total other receivables (%)Closing balance of provision for credit loss
Entity 1Non-related partyOperation compensation857,551,782.45Within 1 year, more than 3 years55.21857,551,782.45
Entity 2Non-related partyAdvance payments122,674,255.48Within 1 year, 1-2 years, 2-3 years7.90-
Entity 3Non-related partyLand compensation89,630,000.002-3 years5.77-
Entity 4Non-related partyAdvance payments64,841,250.09Within 1 year, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, more than 3 years4.1764,841,250.09
Entity 5Non-related partyAdvance payments59,698,841.66Within 1 year3.84-
Total— —— —1,194,396,129.68— —76.89922,393,032.54

8. Inventories

(1) Category of inventories

Gross carrying amountProvision for decline in value of inventoriesCarrying amountGross carrying amountProvision for decline in value of inventoriesCarrying amount
Raw materials217,097,512.981,234,628.38215,862,884.60196,425,573.041,326,130.64195,099,442.40
Finished goods2,520,205.91-2,520,205.9117,248,970.37-17,248,970.37

(2) Provision for decline in value of inventories

Category1/1/2023IncreaseDecreaseEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies31/12/2023
ProvisionOthersReversal or charge-offOthers
Raw materials1,326,130.64--99,456.13-7,953.871,234,628.38

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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8. Inventories - continued

(2) Provision for decline in value of inventories - continued

Provision for decline in value of inventories is made on an item-by-item basis and no provision fordecline in value of inventories is made on a portfolio basis. Provision for decline in value ofinventories is reversed in the current year due to the rebound in value of inventories.

(3) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no capitalized borrowing cost in the balance of


9. Non-current assets due within one year

(1) Presentation of non-current assets due within one year

Long-term receivables due within one year17,468,849.83903,128,422.35
Less: Bad debt provision17,468.85903,128.42
Carrying amount17,451,380.98902,225,293.93

(2) Provision for bad debts

ItemStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
12-month expected credit lossLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)
At 1 January 2023903,128.42--903,128.42
Gross carrying amount of long-term receivables at 1 January 2023
- Transfer to Stage 2----
- Transfer to Stage 3----
- Reverse to Stage 2----
- Reverse to Stage 1----
Provision for the year6,200.00--6,200.00
Reversal for the year-891,859.57---891,859.57
Transfer-out due to derecognition of financial assets (including direct write-down)----
Other changes----
At 31 December 202317,468.85--17,468.85

(3) Details of bad debt provision

Category31/12/2022Changes for the year31/12/2023
ProvisionRecovery or reversalCharge-off or write-offOther changes
Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis903,128.426,200.00-891,859.57--17,468.85

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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10. Other current assets

(1) Category of other current assets

Input tax to be deducted and certified115,121,766.1370,627,183.33
Prepaid taxes71,771,659.0998,329,205.73

11. Long-term receivables

(1) Details of long-term receivables

Item31/12/202331/12/2022Range of discount rate at the end of year
Gross carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountGross carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amount
Advances to shareholders (Note 1)1,167,470,819.351,167,470.821,166,303,348.533,864,736,673.313,864,736.673,860,871,936.643.65%-8.50%
Guarantees for finance leases10,695,876.0110,695.8810,685,180.1310,659,515.8810,659.5210,648,856.360-5.37%
Land compensation receivable (Note 2)2,691,932,000.00-2,691,932,000.002,692,032,000.00-2,692,032,000.00-
Less: Long-term receivables due within 1 year17,468,849.8317,468.8517,451,380.98903,128,422.35903,128.42902,225,293.93-
Long-term receivables due after 1 year3,857,626,814.841,160,697.853,856,466,116.995,664,299,766.842,972,267.775,661,327,499.07-

Note 1: It mainly represents the aggregate principal and interest receivable from Port of Newcastle

and Terminal Link SAS, equivalent to RMB 921,402,438.00 and 211,768,361.35,respectively.

On 14 June 2018, China Merchants Port Holdings Company ("CM Port"), a subsidiary ofthe Company, provided a long-term loan to Port of Newcastle, which matures in 2023 andhas been extended to 31 December 2034 as stipulated in an agreement entered into duringthe year. The loan carries interest at a rate of weighted average interest rate on debt asdetermined by local authority of Port of Newcastle plus 0.5%.

On 31 May 2023, CM Port, a subsidiary of the Company, provided a long-term loan toTerminal Link SAS for making additional capital injection to Saigang project and chargedinterest to Terminal Link SAS at an interest rate of 6.15%.

Note 2: On 5 November 2019, Shantou CM Port Group Co., Ltd. ("Shantou Port") entered into

the Contract for the Acquisition of State-Owned Land Use Rights in Shantou with ShantouLand Reserve Center. Pursuant to the contract, the land and attached buildings ofapproximately 370.96 mu located in Zhuchi Deepwater Port on the south of ZhongshanEast Road of Shantou should be returned to Shantou Land Reserve Center by ShantouPort, which is amounting to RMB1,558,032,000.00. Among them, 183.63 mu of land andattached buildings have been transferred in 2019, and the remaining 187.33 mu of landand attached buildings have been transferred in 2020. As at 31 December 2023, the landcompensation totalling RMB1,158,032,000.00 has not yet been recovered.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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11. Long-term receivables - continued

(1) Details of long-term receivables - continued

Note 2: - continued

On 21 August 2020, Shantou Port entered into the Contract for the Acquisition of State-Owned Land Use Rights in Shantou with Land Reserve Center of Shantou HaojiangDistrict. Pursuant to the contract, the land and attached buildings of approximately 152.34mu located in Yutianwen, Queshi, Haojiang District, Shantou, should be returned to LandReserve Center of Shantou Haojiang District by Shantou Port, which is amounting toRMB250,000,000.00. The transfer of above-mentioned land and attached buildings wascompleted before 31 December 2020. As at 31 December 2023, the land compensationtotalling RMB200,000,000.00 has not yet been recovered.

On 22 December 2020, Shantou Port entered into the Contract for the Acquisition of State-Owned Land Use Rights in Shantou with Shantou Land Reserve Center. Pursuant to thecontract, the land and attached buildings of approximately 648.78 mu located in ZhuchiDeepwater Port of Shantou should be returned to Shantou Land Reserve Center byShantou Port, which is amounting to RMB2,724,876,000.00. Among them, 320 mu ofland and attached buildings were transferred by 31 December 2020, which is amountingto RMB1,344,000,000.00, and the remaining 328.78 mu of land and attached buildingshave not been transferred. As at 31 December 2023, the land compensation totalling RMB1,333,900,000.00 has not yet been recovered.

(2) Long-term receivables disclosed by method of bad debt provision

Category31 December 202331 December 2022
Gross carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountGross carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amount
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis3,875,095,664.67100.001,178,166.700.033,873,917,497.976,567,428,189.19100.003,875,396.190.066,563,552,793.00
Total3,875,095,664.67100.001,178,166.70— —3,873,917,497.976,567,428,189.19100.003,875,396.19— —6,563,552,793.00

Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis

Name31 December 2023
Accounts receivableBad debt provisionProportion (%)
Total3,875,095,664.671,178,166.70— —

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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11. Long-term receivables - continued

(3) Provision for credit loss of long-term receivables

ItemStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
12-month expected credit lossLifetime expected credit loss (not credit-impaired)Lifetime expected credit loss (credit-impaired)
At 1 January 20233,875,396.19--3,875,396.19
Gross carrying amount of long-term receivables at 1 January 2023
- Transfer to Stage 2----
- Transfer to Stage 3----
- Reverse to Stage 2----
- Reverse to Stage 1----
Provision for the year921,438.82--921,438.82
Reversal for the year-3,618,668.31---3,618,668.31
Charge-off for the year----
Write-off for the year----
Other changes----
At 31 December 20231,178,166.70-1,178,166.70

(4) Details of bad debt provision

Category1/1/2023Changes for the year31/12/2023
ProvisionRecovery or reversalCharge-off or write-offEffect of changes in the scope of consolidation
Advances to shareholders3,864,736.67921,402.46-3,618,668.31--1,167,470.82
Guarantees for finance leases10,659.5236.36---10,695.88
Land compensation receivable------

(5) There are no long-term receivables written off during the year.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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12. Long-term equity investments

(1) Details of long-term equity investments

InvesteesAccounting method31/12/2022Changes for the year31/12/2023Closing balance of provision for impairment
IncreaseDecreaseInvestment income under equity methodReconciliation of other comprehensive incomeOther equity movementsCash dividends or profits declaredOthersProvision for impairmentEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies
I. Joint ventures
Euro-Asia Oceangate S.à r.l.Equity method2,787,204,745.37--186,208,262.73-847,649,041.64--123,177,188.28--43,254,636.782,045,841,414.96-
Port of NewcastleEquity method2,048,681,775.65---10,864,327.20-22,300,558.83----59,506,810.292,075,023,699.91-
OthersEquity method4,880,906,534.705,720,923.74-33,913,627.22221,260,745.53-9,322,791.00-1,228,997.17-239,356,160.34--13,061,592.114,837,128,220.35-
II. Associates
Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Port Group")Equity method34,171,898,201.17--3,700,844,097.27-15,345,010.77269,871,649.40-914,383,798.30---37,212,885,138.77-
Nanshan GroupEquity method6,377,197,726.21--214,805,574.6643,279,577.18757,245.35-74,028,000.00---2,767,082.886,559,245,040.52-
Terminal Link SASEquity method6,395,609,168.37--221,059,137.39110,006,179.63--381,826,231.04--108,192,659.856,453,040,914.20-
Liaoning Port Co., Ltd. ("Liaoning Port") (Note)Equity method4,021,162,878.74--151,571,456.521,605,319.832,186,919.86-47,236,402.20---5,132,381.494,124,157,791.26359,989,686.74
Shenzhen China Merchants Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd.Equity method7,403,186,521.01--42,538,797.17------7,445,725,318.18-
Ningbo Zhoushan Port Company Limited ("Ningbo Zhoushan")Equity method17,974,630,545.05--1,049,986,813.8520,609,205.32-23,196,655.58-390,875,794.33---18,631,154,114.31-
OthersEquity method6,303,815,822.78892,560,547.98-5,123,348.92201,597,028.04-15,914,070.05-191,087.11-128,730,841.44--33,902,072.537,281,916,123.812,344,389.02

Note: The provision for the impairment of Liaoning Port is made in previous years. No evidence of impairment was found this year, and no

impairment test was conducted.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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12. Long-term equity investments - continued

(2) Impairment testing of significant long-term equity investments

The recoverable amount is determined at the present value of expected future cash flows

ItemCarrying amountRecoverable amountProjection periodKey parameters for projection periodBasis to determine the parameters for projection periodKey parameters for steady periodBasis to determine the key parameters for steady period
Terminal Link SAS(note)6,453,040,914.207,453,973,943.835 yearsPre-tax discount rate, 7.8%~12.2%The discount rate is a pre-tax discount rate that reflects the specific risks of the underlying asset group or combination of asset groupsPerpetual growth rate, 1.559%~5.010%Forward inflation rate published by BNP Paribas

Note: The Terminal Link SAS Asset Group consists of five asset groups which are tested for impairment during the year with no impairment identified.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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13. Investments in other equity instruments

(1) Details of investments in other equity instruments

Item1/1/2023Changes for the year31/12/2023Dividend income recognized for the yearAccumulated gains included in other comprehensive incomeAccumulated losses included in other comprehensive incomeReasons for designation as at fair value through other comprehensive income
AdditionReductionGains included in other comprehensive income for the yearLosses included in other comprehensive income for the yearEffect of changes in the scope of consolidation
China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co., Ltd.144,301,178.28--3,387,985.97--147,689,164.2520,056,500.00134,179,164.25-It is a non-trading equity instrument investment
Others27,644,096.74--33,084.28-215,602.37-17,689,094.749,772,483.91-3,873,283.91-3,128,300.00It is a non-trading equity instrument investment

(2) There are no other equity instruments derecognized for the year.

ItemAccumulated gains transferred to retained earnings due to derecognitionAccumulated losses transferred to retained earnings due to derecognitionReason for derecognition
Others--Changes in the scope of consolidation
Total--— —

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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14. Other non-current financial assets

Financial assets at FVTPL877,576,442.831,745,740,896.41
Including: Investments in equity instruments877,576,442.831,745,740,896.41
Including: Antong Holdings Co., Ltd. ("Antong Holdings") (Note)-950,321,309.06
Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd.850,222,729.23767,553,775.66

Note: As at 31 December 2023, the Company and Zhanjiang Zhongli Ocean Shipping Tally Co.,

Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, together hold 6.83% equity interest in Antong Holdingsand has appointed one director to Antong Holdings. Therefore, the Company has significantinfluence over Antong Holdings and has changed its equity investment in Antong Holdingsfrom other non-current financial assets to long-term equity investments in an associate.

15. Investment properties

(1) Investment properties measured at cost

ItemLand use rightsBuildings and structuresTotal
I. Cost
1. At 1 January 2023128,269,825.386,177,602,852.516,305,872,677.89
2. Increase for the year8,388,170.3713,843,232.3222,231,402.69
(1) Purchases-1,002,852.621,002,852.62
(2) Transfer from fixed assets-12,840,379.7012,840,379.70
(3) Transfer from intangible assets8,388,170.37-8,388,170.37
3. Decrease for the year---
4. At 31 December 2023136,657,995.756,191,446,084.836,328,104,080.58
II. Accumulated depreciation and amortization
1. At 1 January 202343,054,991.581,139,127,566.751,182,182,558.33
2. Increase for the year4,514,324.10183,032,229.36187,546,553.46
(1) Provision for the year2,571,200.74180,261,875.48182,833,076.22
(2) Transfer from fixed assets-2,770,353.882,770,353.88
(3) Transfer from intangible assets1,943,123.36-1,943,123.36
3. Decrease for the year---
4. At 31 December 202347,569,315.681,322,159,796.111,369,729,111.79
III. Impairment provision
1. At 1 January 2023---
2. Increase for the year---
3. Decrease for the year---
4. At 31 December 2023---
IV. Carrying amount
1. At 31 December 202389,088,680.074,869,286,288.724,958,374,968.79
2. At 1 January 202385,214,833.805,038,475,285.765,123,690,119.56

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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15. Investment properties - continued

(2) Investment properties without ownership certificates

ItemCarrying amount at 31/12/2023Carrying amount at 31/12/2022Reasons for not obtaining certificate of titleExpected time of completion
Buildings, structures, and land use rights24,363,424.7424,008,665.10Some buildings and structures have not yet obtained certificates of land use rightsThe certificate of title is underway

16. Fixed assets

16.1 Summary of fixed assets

Fixed assets28,986,501,937.5932,033,317,707.66
Disposal of fixed assets36,388.768,375.84

16.2 Fixed assets

(1) Details of fixed assets

ItemPort and terminal facilitiesBuildings and structuresMachinery and equipment, furniture, fixture and other equipmentMotor vehicles and cargo shipsTotal
I. Cost— —— —— —— —— —
1. At 1 January 202333,376,255,522.142,027,195,029.0617,467,174,796.882,314,581,094.8355,185,206,442.91
2. Increase for the year355,653,533.355,819,641.52946,224,073.2015,977,020.141,323,674,268.21
(1) Purchase37,782,655.5831,964.06322,325,677.2713,660,825.82373,801,122.73
(2) Transfer from development expenditure6,341,635.07-8,723,850.63-15,065,485.70
(3) Transfer from construction in progress311,529,242.701,453,075.86344,378,153.652,316,194.32659,676,666.53
(4) Transfer from right-of-use assets--270,796,391.65-270,796,391.65
(5) Transfer from other accounts-4,334,601.60--4,334,601.60
3. Decrease for the year2,763,230,873.66261,672,874.021,842,920,457.1760,681,086.424,928,505,291.27
(1) Disposal or retirement42,219,921.6516,064,482.96139,255,106.9252,104,672.51249,644,184.04
(2) Transfer to investment properties-12,840,379.70--12,840,379.70
(3) Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation2,720,840,274.13232,768,011.361,701,179,778.578,576,413.914,663,364,477.97
(4) Transfer to right-of-use assets170,677.88-2,485,571.68-2,656,249.56
4. Adjustments to the amount carried forward-1,058,728.12-184,445.1383,718.00-790,564.99
5. Reclassification-57,793,950.5251,434,642.276,359,308.25--
6. Effect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies227,485,569.312,918,280.50164,288,140.6013,423,975.49408,115,965.90
7. At 31 December 202331,137,311,072.501,825,694,719.3316,741,310,306.892,283,384,722.0451,987,700,820.76
II. Accumulated depreciation— —— —— —— —— —
1. At 1 January 202310,720,998,321.19635,722,974.0010,636,302,077.501,095,290,493.8023,088,313,866.49
2. Increase for the year963,017,607.2378,532,518.38930,468,443.58108,868,177.012,080,886,746.20
(1) Provision963,017,607.2374,197,916.78837,465,030.34108,868,177.011,983,548,731.36
(2) Transfer from right-of-use assets--93,003,413.24-93,003,413.24
(3) Transfer from other accounts-4,334,601.60--4,334,601.60
3. Decrease for the year1,131,042,660.0790,575,216.731,243,641,341.4455,932,196.772,521,191,415.01
(1) Disposal or retirement31,267,071.5014,971,013.85121,150,414.2049,154,025.33216,542,524.88
(2) Transfer to investment properties-2,770,353.88--2,770,353.88
(3) Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation1,099,775,588.5772,833,849.001,122,490,927.246,778,171.442,301,878,536.25
4. Reclassification-1,509,396.69625,422.16883,974.53--
5. Effect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies46,017,171.79713,896.6388,553,012.494,401,121.50139,685,202.41
6. At 31 December 202310,597,481,043.45625,019,594.4410,412,566,166.661,152,627,595.5422,787,694,400.09
III. Impairment provision— —— —— —— —— —
1. At 1 January 202357,546,986.635,985,164.8542,717.28-63,574,868.76
2. Increase for the year138,917,159.593,429,362.627,577,097.23-149,923,619.44
3. Disposal or retirement for the year-----
4. Effect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies--5,994.88-5,994.88
5. At 31 December 2023196,464,146.229,414,527.477,625,809.39-213,504,483.08
IV. Carrying amount— —— —— —— —— —
1. At 31 December 202320,343,365,882.831,191,260,597.426,321,118,330.841,130,757,126.5028,986,501,937.59
2. At 1 January 202322,597,710,214.321,385,486,890.216,830,830,002.101,219,290,601.0332,033,317,707.66

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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16. Fixed assets - continued

16.2 Fixed assets - continued

(2) The Group has no fixed assets that are temporarily idle as at 31 December 2023.

(3) Fixed assets leased out under operating leases

ItemCarrying amount at 31/12/2023Carrying amount at 31/12/2022
Buildings and structures190,979,949.85196,480,507.61
Port and terminal facilities35,709,105.3233,260,157.31
Machinery and equipment, furniture, fixture and other equipment5,012,091.767,920,761.45

(4) Fixed assets without ownership certificates

ItemCarrying amount at 31/12/2023Carrying amount at 31/12/2022Remark
Buildings, structures, port and terminal facilities1,539,024,375.121,786,308,720.95This is mainly due to the fact that certain buildings and structures have not yet obtained the land use rights of the corresponding land and the approval procedures have not yet been completed.

(5) Details of fixed assets depreciated but still in use and temporarily idle at the end of the year,

and fixed assets disposed and retired in the year:

Cost of fixed assets fully depreciated but still in use at the end of the year4,947,824,713.22
Cost of fixed assets temporarily idle at the end of the year-
Fixed assets disposed and retired in the year:— —— —
Including: Cost of fixed assets disposed and retired in the year249,644,184.04
Net book value of fixed assets disposed and retired in the year33,101,659.16
Loss on disposal or retirement of fixed assets in the year18,876,795.60

(6) The details of the Group's fixed assets with restricted ownership as at 31 December 2023

are set out in Note (VIII) 64.

(7) Impairment testing of fixed assets

The recoverable amount is determined at the present value of expected future cash flows

ItemCarrying amountRecoverable amountAmount of impairmentProjection periodKey parameters for projection periodKey parameters for steady periodBasis to determine the key parameters for steady period
Zhoushan RoRo Asset Group (Note)397,078,829.12208,048,600.00189,030,229.1210 yearsPre-tax discount rate, 12.01%Perpetual growth rate, 2.20%China's forward inflation rate published by the World Bank
Total397,078,829.12208,048,600.00189,030,229.12— —— —— —— —

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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16. Fixed assets - continued

16.2 Fixed assets - continued

(7) Impairment testing of fixed assets - continued

Note: Zhoushan RoRo Asset Group include fixed assets and intangible assets, of which fixed

assets are impaired at the amount of RMB 147,557,081.15 and intangible assets areimpaired at the amount of RMB 41,473,147.97.

16.3 Disposal of fixed assets

Machinery and equipment, furniture, fixture and other equipment36,388.768,375.84

17. Construction in progress

(1) Presentation of construction in progress

Construction in progress2,907,014,186.242,405,872,478.61
Materials for construction of fixed assets2,803,095.227,971,929.03

(2) Details of construction in progress

Gross carrying amountProvision for impairmentCarrying amountGross carrying amountProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Port and terminal facilities2,380,800,758.33-2,380,800,758.331,991,321,268.14-1,991,321,268.14
Berths and yards178,174,354.90-178,174,354.9018,728,577.14-18,728,577.14
Cargo ships under construction1,726,548.68-1,726,548.68---

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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17. Construction in progress - continued

(3) The top ten balances of construction in progress

ItemBudget amount31/12/2022Increase for the yearTransfer to fixed assetsOther decreases for the yearEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies31/12/2023Proportion of accumulated construction investment in budget (%)Construction progress (%)Amount of accumulated capitalized interestIncluding: Capitalized interest for the yearInterest capitalization rate for the current year (%)Capital source
Reconstruction project of HIPG container, oil terminal and tank area2,817,485,265.02817,365,084.37---13,860,209.69831,225,294.0657.6857.68942,888.05--Own funds and loans
Phase I project for the stuffing and destuffing service area of Baoman Port Area, Zhanjiang Port683,007,100.00269,045,354.01227,860,991.66---496,906,345.6772.7572.7529,908,415.8210,355,373.623.50Own funds and loans
General cargo terminal project at Donghai Island Port Area of Zhanjiang Port905,348,400.00448,877,835.0467,384.80---448,945,219.8449.5949.5944,364,372.49--Own funds and loans
Phase I expansion project for the container terminal at Baoman Port Area, Zhanjiang Port2,342,775,800.00191,463,684.5737,101,454.78---228,565,139.359.769.761,011,370.6057,750.003.30Own funds and loans
TCP tire-type container crane project211,491,137.0816,222,603.92138,123,291.506,430,507.98-6,438,252.61154,353,640.0576.0276.02---Own funds
Subsequent construction work in progress at HIPG terminal84,992,400.0028,006,814.8656,051,165.8316,985,386.703,212,066.78657,829.5264,518,356.7399.6799.67---Own funds
Back land reclamation project on Haidagan Bulk Yard and Supporting Facilities and Liquid Bulk Berth82,400,000.0060,576,339.801,674,220.80---62,250,560.6075.5575.55---Own funds
Installation project of bucket-wheel stacker reclaimer, Zhanjiang Port74,800,000.0051,551,526.93837,359.25---52,388,886.1870.0470.042,671,994.44837,359.253.50Own funds and loans
AMPLIACAO PLATAFORMAS REEFER71,524,388.49-53,555,672.306,045,103.81-1,479,878.7048,990,447.1976.9576.95---Own funds
Dachanwan phase II project918,521,317.2324,872,917.7221,319,643.76---46,192,561.485.035.03---Own funds
Total8,192,345,807.821,907,982,161.22536,591,184.6829,460,998.493,212,066.7822,436,170.522,434,336,451.15— —— —78,899,041.4011,250,482.87— —

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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17. Construction in progress - continued

(4) Materials for construction of fixed assets

Gross carrying amountProvision for impairmentCarrying amountGross carrying amountProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Materials for construction of fixed assets2,803,095.22-2,803,095.227,971,929.03-7,971,929.03

(5) Impairment testing of construction in progress

The recoverable amount is determined at the present value of expected future cash flows

ItemCarrying amountRecoverable amountAmount of impairmentProjection periodKey parameters for projection periodKey parameters for steady periodBasis to determine the key parameters for steady period
HIPG Asset Group9,116,161,496.4951,365,680,683.52-5 yearsPre-tax discount rate, 7.55%Perpetual growth rate, 7%Consult the expected growth rate of the industry

18. Right-of-use assets

(1) Details of right-of-use assets

ItemPort and terminal facilitiesBuildings and structuresMachinery and equipment, furniture, fixture and other equipmentLand use rightsMotor vehicles, cargo ships and othersTotal
I. Cost————————————
1. At 1 January 20237,414,725,804.49174,746,285.16361,404,132.032,833,468,093.1515,456,422.1210,799,800,736.95
2. Increase for the year126,996,462.1647,184,328.345,908,348.40314,033,487.985,119,357.99499,241,984.87
(1) Purchase126,825,784.2847,184,328.343,422,776.72314,033,487.985,119,357.99496,585,735.31
(2) Others170,677.88-2,485,571.68--2,656,249.56
3. Decrease for the year83,575,652.8014,851,420.78277,492,044.42-8,251,408.84384,170,526.84
(1) Termination of lease83,575,652.8013,723,966.876,695,652.77-8,251,408.84112,246,681.28
(2) Decrease due to change in the scope of consolidation-1,127,453.91---1,127,453.91
(3) Transfer to fixed assets--270,796,391.65--270,796,391.65
4. Effect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies104,207,338.952,294,309.58594,918.9549,298,269.33-156,394,836.81
5. At 31 December 20237,562,353,952.80209,373,502.3090,415,354.963,196,799,850.4612,324,371.2711,071,267,031.79
II. Accumulated depreciation— —— —— —— —— —— —
1. At 1 January 2023940,705,350.3059,749,857.79119,454,049.67326,945,093.9810,304,162.881,457,158,514.62
2. Increase for the year262,536,189.4924,038,515.6820,649,140.4046,180,031.374,099,083.51357,502,960.45
(1) Provision262,536,189.4924,038,515.6820,649,140.4046,180,031.374,099,083.51357,502,960.45
3. Decrease for the year80,201,819.6114,365,794.0099,372,627.07-8,251,408.84202,191,649.52
(1) Termination of lease80,201,819.6113,538,700.806,369,213.83-8,251,408.84108,361,143.08
(2) Transfer to fixed assets--93,003,413.24--93,003,413.24
(3) Decrease due to change in the scope of consolidation-827,093.20---827,093.20
4. Effect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies10,472,990.85495,286.98558,342.855,602,274.34-17,128,895.02
5. At 31 December 20231,133,512,711.0369,917,866.4541,288,905.85378,727,399.696,151,837.551,629,598,720.57
III. Impairment provision— —— —— —— —— —— —
1. At 1 January 2023------
2. Increase for the year------
3. Decrease for the year------
4. At 31 December 2023------
IV. Carrying amount— —— —— —— —— —— —
1. At 31 December 20236,428,841,241.77139,455,635.8549,126,449.112,818,072,450.776,172,533.729,441,668,311.22
2. At 1 January 20236,474,020,454.19114,996,427.37241,950,082.362,506,522,999.175,152,259.249,342,642,222.33

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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19. Intangible assets

(1) Details of intangible assets

ItemLand use rightsTerminal management rightsOthersTotal
I. Cost— —— —— —— —
1. At 1 January 202315,314,517,408.679,033,916,504.041,500,585,297.6825,849,019,210.39
2. Increase for the year4,829,976.8770,899,565.34210,116,533.73285,846,075.94
(1) Purchase4,707,118.8670,899,565.34204,248,227.46279,854,911.66
(2) Transfer from R&D expenditure--279,255.32279,255.32
(3) Other increase122,858.01-5,589,050.955,711,908.96
3. Decrease for the year1,391,040,555.28-97,786,230.031,488,826,785.31
(1) Disposal117,561,406.55-12,263,934.48129,825,341.03
(2) Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation1,242,052,238.36-85,144,042.521,327,196,280.88
(3) Transfer to investment properties8,388,170.37--8,388,170.37
(4) Other decrease23,038,740.00-378,253.0323,416,993.03
4. Effect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies3,238,376.56614,328,132.1555,732,509.00673,299,017.71
5. At 31 December 202313,931,545,206.829,719,144,201.531,668,648,110.3825,319,337,518.73
II. Accumulated amortization— —— —— —— —
1. At 1 January 20234,096,452,545.661,897,700,710.79562,263,716.236,556,416,972.68
2. Increase for the year337,512,145.19265,684,203.8083,683,325.73686,879,674.72
(1) Provision337,512,145.19265,684,203.8083,683,325.73686,879,674.72
(2) Other increase----
3. Decrease for the year136,784,782.90-70,286,984.40207,071,767.30
(1) Disposal24,240,728.18-12,642,187.5136,882,915.69
(2) Transfer to investment properties1,943,123.36--1,943,123.36
(3) Effect of changes in the scope of consolidation110,600,931.36-57,644,796.89168,245,728.25
(4) Other decrease----
4. Effect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies1,454,778.05131,353,162.9220,232,242.87153,040,183.84
5. At 31 December 20234,298,634,686.002,294,738,077.51595,892,300.437,189,265,063.94
III. Impairment provision— —— —— —— —
1. At 1 January 202315,537,122.10--15,537,122.10
2. Increase for the year28,662,259.14-12,810,888.8341,473,147.97
3. Decrease for the year----
4. At 31 December 202344,199,381.24-12,810,888.8357,010,270.07
IV. Carrying amount— —— —— —— —
1. At 31 December 20239,588,711,139.587,424,406,124.021,059,944,921.1218,073,062,184.72
2. At 1 January 202311,202,527,740.917,136,215,793.25938,321,581.4519,277,065,115.61

(2) Land use rights without ownership certificates as at 31 December 2023:

ItemCarrying amount at 31/12/2023Carrying amount at 31/12/2022
Land use rights (Note)2,374,139,495.632,511,195,386.58

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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19. Intangible assets - continued

(2) Land use rights without ownership certificates as at 31 December 2023: - continued

Note: At 31 December 2023, the land use rights without ownership certificates mainly represent

the land use rights for berth and storage yard within Chiwan Port area obtained by the Groupfrom Nanshan Group, with an area of 691,828.56 m

, and Dachanwan Port area Phase IIland use rights obtained by ASJ, the costs of which are RMB 1,179,949,191.44 and RMB918,521,317.23 respectively.

The land use rights for berth and storage yard within Chiwan Port area obtained by theGroup from Nanshan Group represent the capital contribution from Nanshan Group to theCompany upon restructuring of the Company, while the remaining land use rights areobtained from Nanshan Group by way of long-term lease. Up to date, Nanshan Group hasnot yet obtained the land use rights in respect of the lands within Chiwan watershed,including aforementioned capital contribution and land lease to the Group, therefore, theGroup cannot obtain the ownership certificate for relevant land and buildings on such land.The Company's management understood that Nanshan Group is negotiating with relevantgovernment departments regarding the historical issues, and the date when the Group canobtain the ownership certificate of relevant land and buildings on such land cannot beestimated reliably.

ASJ is negotiating with relevant government departments for handling the ownershipcertificates of Dachanwan Port area Phase II land use rights obtained by it.

(3) Impairment testing of intangible assets

Refer to Note (VIII), 16.2 (7) for details.

20. Goodwill

(1) Details of goodwill

InvesteeSources31/12/2022IncreaseDecreaseEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies31/12/2023
TCPAcquisition of equity2,716,399,522.38--270,072,549.762,986,472,072.14
Mega Shekou Container Terminals Limited ("Mega SCT")Acquisition of equity1,815,509,322.42---1,815,509,322.42
CM PortAcquisition of equity993,992,000.00---993,992,000.00
Shantou PortAcquisition of equity552,317,736.65---552,317,736.65
Zhanjiang PortAcquisition of equity418,345,307.68---418,345,307.68
Shenzhen Mawan ProjectAcquisition of equity408,773,001.00---408,773,001.00
Ningbo Daxie Container Terminal Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Ningbo Daxie China Merchants International Terminals Co. Ltd.) ("Ningbo Daxie")Consolidation of associate into subsidiary188,497,194.41-188,497,194.41--
OthersAcquisition of equity288,255,850.88---288,255,850.88
Sub-total— —7,382,089,935.42-188,497,194.41270,072,549.767,463,665,290.77
Provision for impairment of goodwill— —970,663,044.33---970,663,044.33
Total— —6,411,426,891.09-188,497,194.41270,072,549.766,493,002,246.44

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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20. Goodwill - continued

(2) Provision for impairment of goodwill

Investee31/12/2022ProvisionDecreaseEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies31/12/2023
Zhanjiang Port418,345,307.68---418,345,307.68
Shantou Port552,317,736.65---552,317,736.65

(3) Information of asset groups or portfolio of asset groups to which the goodwill belongs

NameComposition of asset groups or portfolio of asset groups to which it is allocated and its basisIs it consistent with that of the prior year?
TCPThe Group identifies asset groups or portfolio of asset groups based on their ability to generate cash inflows independently, the manner in which they manage their production and operating activities (primarily by geographic region), and the unified decision-making on use or disposal of assets.Yes
Mega SCTYes
CM PortYes
Shantou PortYes
Zhanjiang PortYes
Shenzhen Mawan ProjectYes

When testing the goodwill for impairment, the Group compares the carrying amount of related assetgroups and portfolio of asset groups (including goodwill) with the recoverable amount. If therecoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, the difference is included in profit or loss forthe period. The Group determines the recoverable amount of the asset groups and portfolio of assetgroups that generate goodwill at fair value less cost of disposal or at present value of expected futurecash flows. The fair value is determined using market approach. The present value of cash flows isestimated based on the forecast of cash flows for 5 years to 25 years detailed forecast period andsubsequent forecast period. The estimated future cash flows for the detailed forecast period arebased on the business plan established by the management; the expected future cash flows for thesubsequent forecast period are determined in conjunction with the level of the final year of thedetailed forecast period, combined with the Group's business plans, industry trends and inflationrates. The growth rate adopted will not exceed the long-term average growth rate of the countrywhere the asset groups and portfolio of asset groups are located. The key assumptions used by theGroup in estimating the present value of future cash flows include growth rate and discount rate etc.The pre-tax discount rate and the growth rate for subsequent forecast period adopted in 2023 are

10.97%-21.99% and 2.20%-3.02% respectively. The parameters of key assumptions determined bythe Group's management are in line with the Group's historical experience or external source ofinformation.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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20. Goodwill - continued

(4) Specific method for determination of recoverable amount

The recoverable amount is determined at the present value of expected future cash flows

ItemProjection periodKey parameters for projection periodBasis to determine the key parameters for projection periodKey parameters for steady periodBasis to determine the key parameters for steady period
Mega SCT5 years1. Pre-tax discount rate: 12.23% 2. Average revenue growth rate for projection period: 3.35% 3. Average profit margin for projection period: 37.58%1. The discount rate is a pre-tax discount rate that reflects the specific risks of the underlying asset group or combination of asset groups. 2. Average revenue growth rate for projection period and average profit margin for projection period: Taking into account comprehensive factors such as each company's business operations, performance, key financial indicators and market environment1. Pre-tax discount rate: 12.23% 2. Average revenue growth rate for steady period: 2.20% 3. Average profit margin for steady period: 42.89%1. The discount rate is a pre-tax discount rate that reflects the specific risks of the underlying asset group or combination of asset groups. 2. Average revenue growth rate for steady period: China's forward inflation rate published by the World Bank (TCP refers to Brazil's forward inflation rate published by the World Bank) 3. Average profit margin for steady period: Taking into account comprehensive factors such as each company's business operations, performance, key financial indicators and market environment
TCP25 years1. Pre-tax discount rate: 21.99% 2. Average revenue growth rate for projection period: 5.36% 3. Average profit margin for projection period: 53.33%1. Pre-tax discount rate: 21.99% 2. Average revenue growth rate for steady period: 3.02% 3. Average profit margin for steady period: 54.81%

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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21. Long-term prepaid expenses

Presentation of long-term prepaid expenses:

Item31/12/2022Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationIncrease for the yearAmortization in the yearOther decreases31/12/2023Reason for other decreases
Tonggu channel widening project (Note 1)455,446,696.75--14,449,031.76-440,997,664.99— —
West public channel widening project at West port area (Note 2)249,437,402.87--9,919,028.641,538,430.04237,979,944.19Reclassify to dredging project
Dredging project69,760,419.37-26,871,419.2817,342,403.61-79,289,435.04— —
Relocation project of Nanhai Rescue Bureau37,554,111.50--1,107,368.40-36,446,743.10— —
Expenditures for the improvement of leased fixed assets20,631,173.37-3,920,837.532,374,618.5882,477.8722,094,914.45Transfer to inventory account
Others153,527,101.04-8,905,237.7280,141,950.8847,779,010.68-176,984,803.52— —
Total986,356,904.90-8,905,237.72110,934,207.6992,971,461.671,620,907.91993,793,505.29— —

Note 1: This represents the Group's actual expenses on Shenzhen Western Port Area Tonggu

Channel 210-270M Widening Project. According to relevant resolutions of ShenzhenMunicipal Government, the enterprise and government shall bear 60% and 40% of theexpenses incurred for the 210-240M widening project, and 50% and 50% of the expensesincurred for the 240-270M widening project respectively. The Company's subsidiary hasincluded the expenses on deepening the channel in the item of "long-term prepaidexpenses", and amortized such expenses over the expected useful lives of the twowidening projects of 35 and 40 years using straight-line method since the completion ofeach project in 2008 and 2019, respectively.

Note 2: This represents the Group's actual expenses on Shenzhen West Port Area Public Channel

Widening Project, of which the widening of 240-270M in the first section was completedon 1 June 2019 and the widening of 240-270M in the second and third sections wascompleted on 5 November 2020. According to relevant resolutions of Shenzhen MunicipalGovernment, the enterprise and government shall bear 50% and 50% of the expensesincurred for the project respectively. The Company's subsidiary has included the expenseson deepening the channel in the item of "long-term prepaid expenses", and amortized suchexpenses over the expected useful life of 40 years using straight-line method since thecompletion of each section of the channel widening project.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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22. Deferred income tax

(1) Deferred tax assets before offsetting

Item31/12/202331/12/2022 (Restated)
Deductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assetsDeductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assets
Lease liabilities812,240,581.51218,145,932.73582,736,512.28164,262,934.19
Unrealized profit749,254,178.80183,009,204.87756,772,558.79184,729,651.97
Terminal operating right714,547,999.18214,364,399.78702,633,317.13210,789,995.14
Depreciation of fixed assets162,352,087.7940,588,021.95154,724,225.4935,753,675.92
Provision for credit loss151,277,238.5132,071,347.97190,727,520.0335,544,695.31
Accrued and unpaid wages126,623,677.1927,883,418.55161,026,788.2935,802,355.38
Deductible losses43,785,085.0910,946,271.43182,211,924.3440,193,891.36
Deferred income39,203,663.569,101,072.4936,723,054.568,709,144.22
Amortization of computer software7,345,031.201,836,257.809,291,532.772,322,883.19
Provision for impairment of assets6,698,523.931,555,485.915,507,073.161,376,768.29
Organization costs1,028,867.64257,216.913,498,150.00874,537.50

(2) Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting

Item31/12/202331/12/2022 (Restated)
Taxable temporary differencesDeferred tax liabilitiesTaxable temporary differencesDeferred tax liabilities
Withholding dividend income tax41,551,214,196.812,840,377,397.2237,565,601,815.132,568,624,605.88
Lease business1,017,854,192.39282,003,933.26783,000,219.10224,483,346.07
Terminal operating right307,617,857.0192,285,357.10302,488,503.9290,746,551.18
Fair value adjustment of assets acquired from business combination4,880,293,882.181,292,552,086.647,755,954,464.861,762,190,010.27
Depreciation of fixed assets975,166,842.96272,103,476.861,119,997,714.31280,579,814.18
Changes in fair value of other non-current financial assets408,104,042.7699,604,068.18330,012,225.7682,503,056.44
Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments134,179,164.2433,544,791.03130,791,178.2832,697,794.57
Valuation of held-for-trading financial assets and liabilities2,161,643.84540,410.96--

(3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities that are presented at the net amount after offsetting

ItemOffset amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities at the end of the current yearBalance of deferred tax assets or liabilities after offsetting at the end of the current yearOffset amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities at the end of the prior year (Restated)Balance of deferred tax assets or liabilities after offsetting at the end of the prior year (Restated)
Deferred tax assets-372,366,000.07415,063,477.03-313,481,369.78434,498,820.95
Deferred tax liabilities-372,366,000.074,659,638,104.37-313,481,369.784,855,019,835.33

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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22. Deferred income tax - continued

(4) Deductible temporary differences and deductible losses for which deferred tax assets are

not recognized

Deductible temporary differences966,126,806.19930,204,772.41
Deductible losses2,334,799,700.502,112,659,943.00

The Group recognizes deferred income tax assets to the extent of future taxable income that is likelyto be obtained to offset the deductible temporary differences and deductible losses. For the excessof deductible temporary differences and deductible losses over future taxable income, no deferredtax assets are recognized.

(5) Deductible losses for which deferred tax assets are not recognized will be expired in the

following years:

Deductible losses due after 2029-21,056,789.24

23. Other non-current assets

Advances for the channel project (Note)1,013,508,448.79989,752,762.75
Prepayments for fixed assets144,896,516.09117,094,834.14
Prepayments for terminal franchise29,807,737.1627,493,116.21

Note: This represents that the Company's subsidiary Zhanjiang Port, upon its reorganization into

a joint stock company in 2007, signed the Channel Arrangement Agreement with State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Zhanjiang ("ZhanjiangSASAC") and China Merchants International Terminal (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd. According tothe agreement, the channel belongs to Zhanjiang SASAC, therefore, the Group presentedthe advances of channel project that should be repaid by Zhanjiang SASAC as other non-current assets.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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24. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings

Credit borrowings15,593,937,427.867,149,322,782.85
Guaranteed borrowings (Note 1)110,096,708.33-
Mortgage borrowings (Note 2)10,011,152.7815,015,583.33

Note 1: The borrowings are guaranteed by Guangdong Zhanjiang Port Logistics Co., Ltd. ("Zhanjiang

Port Logistics"), a subsidiary of the Company.

Note 2: It represents the short-term borrowings obtained by Zhoushan RoRo, a subsidiary of the

Company, with the land use rights and buildings on the land held by it as the collateral.

(2) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no short-term borrowings that are overdue.

25. Notes payable

Bank acceptance64,280,925.21-
Commercial acceptance9,180,240.61-

26. Accounts payable

Service fee246,400,717.07299,350,272.24
Material purchase fee117,170,447.10132,460,163.17
Construction fee100,672,753.10110,687,325.42
Equipment payments52,762,565.7487,445,302.02
Rental fee13,591,518.238,304,019.32

(1) Aging of accounts payable

AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1 year617,528,837.7689.27710,976,970.2887.65
1-2 years26,506,267.623.8347,038,049.655.80
2-3 years30,254,034.464.3726,667,189.693.29
More than 3 years17,475,997.412.5326,467,188.043.26

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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26. Accounts payable - continued

(2) Significant accounts payable aged more than 1 year

Name of entity31/12/2023AgingReason for outstanding or not being carried forward
Quanzhou Antong Logistics Co., Ltd.16,948,161.452-3 yearsTo be paid upon confirmation by both parties.

27. Receipts in advance

Rental fee received in advance8,993,727.316,205,443.31
Management fee received in advance2,659,217.99-

(1) Aging of receipts in advance

AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1 year17,387,537.36100.009,884,079.5999.98
1-2 years----
2-3 years----
More than 3 years--2,452.000.02

(2) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no significant receipts in advance aged more than

one year.

(3) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no receipts in advance with significant changes in

carrying amount.

28 Contract liabilities

(1) Details of contract liabilities

Port charges received in advance84,869,413.4555,045,635.27
Service fee received in advance26,198,333.0759,729,035.75
Warehousing fee received in advance3,204,091.873,048,588.90

(2) There are no significant changes in carrying amount of contract liabilities during the year.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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28 Contract liabilities - continued

(3) As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no significant contract liabilities aged more than

one year.

(4) Qualitative analysis of contract liabilities

Contract liabilities mainly represent the amount received by the Group for the port services providedto customers. The payment is collected according to the time agreed in the contract. The Grouprecognizes contract revenue based on the progress of the contract. The contract liabilities will berecognized as revenue after the Group fulfils its performance obligations.

(5) Revenue recognized in the year and included in the carrying amount of contract liabilities

at the beginning of the year

An amount of RMB 91,180,530.23 included in the carrying amount of contract liabilities at thebeginning of 2023 has been recognized as revenue in the current year, including contract liabilitiesarising from settled but unfinished construction resulting from the contract of service fees receivedin advance amounting to RMB 24,937,772.66, contract liabilities arising from settled but unfinishedconstruction resulting from the contract of port charges received in advance amounting to RMB50,149,195.64, contract liabilities arising from settled but unfinished construction resulting fromcontract of warehousing fee received in advance amounting to RMB 3,048,588.90, and contractliabilities arising from settled but unfinished construction resulting from other contracts amountingto RMB 13,044,973.03.

29. Employee benefits payable

(1) Presentation of employee benefits payable

Item31/12/2022Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationIncrease for the yearDecrease for the year31/12/2023
1. Short-term benefits921,533,425.99-35,636,773.693,243,766,906.073,219,390,381.18910,273,177.19
2. Post-employment benefits - defined contribution plan13,383,514.93-4,201,592.85351,623,760.71352,451,682.768,354,000.03
3. Termination benefits2,423,282.78-5,158,916.087,582,198.86-
4. Other benefits due within 1 year--4,053,449.564,053,449.56-
5. Others-505,505.57-631,121.045,145,597.174,671,541.13-662,570.57

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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29. Employee benefits payable - continued

(2) Presentation of short-term benefits

Item31/12/2022Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationIncrease for the yearDecrease for the year31/12/2023
1. Wages and salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies897,442,262.83-33,339,184.532,606,547,914.192,586,737,715.36883,913,277.13
2. Staff welfare--169,221,198.72169,221,198.72-
3. Social insurance contributions10,545,539.44-891,098.34204,136,593.97199,978,211.0413,812,824.03
Including: Medical insurance8,631,543.96-836,747.58173,636,271.40170,223,587.1111,207,480.67
Work injury insurance53,916.77-54,350.7617,211,021.9617,210,587.97-
4. Housing funds-95,060.47274.00198,040,769.72198,042,657.10-96,673.85
5. Labour union and employee education funds13,642,129.96-1,406,764.8250,814,109.8750,314,255.4012,735,219.61
6. Other short-term benefits-1,445.77-15,006,319.6015,096,343.56-91,469.73

(3) Presentation of defined benefit plans

Item31/12/2022Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationIncrease for the yearDecrease for the year31/12/2023
I. Basic pension9,761,086.14-1,383,333.72258,989,715.66259,128,522.958,238,945.13
II. Unemployment insurance49,026.91-49,434.916,077,524.716,077,116.71-
III. Enterprise annuity3,573,401.88-2,768,824.2286,556,520.3487,246,043.10115,054.90

The Company and its domestic subsidiaries participate in the pension insurance and unemploymentinsurance plan established by government institutions as required. According to such plans, theGroup contributes in proportion to the local government. The Group has established an enterpriseannuity system, and accrues and pays the enterprise annuity according to the enterprise annuitysystem of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries. In addition to above contributions, the Grouphas no further payment obligations. The corresponding expenses are included in profit or loss forthe period or the cost of related assets when incurred.

30. Taxes payable

Item31/12/2022Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationProvision for the yearPayment for the yearEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies31/12/2023
Enterprise income tax804,846,345.79-3,002,884.361,123,434,326.281,108,672,570.983,089,589.10819,694,805.83
Other taxes83,054,820.50-4,006,342.06522,874,894.04522,097,230.123,310,817.8583,136,960.21

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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31. Other payables

(1) Presentation of other payables

Dividends payable111,897,214.2792,374,921.29
Other payables1,542,724,955.751,663,510,336.97

(2) Dividends payable

Ordinary share dividends111,897,214.2792,374,921.29
Including: China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd. (Note)77,734,806.4620,000,000.00
Dalian Port Container Development Co., Ltd. ("Dalian Port Container")16,160,696.6114,000,000.00
Dalian Port Jifa Logistics Co., Ltd.9,575,104.423,000,000.00
Yingkou Port Group Co., Ltd. ("Yingkou Port Group")5,372,456.78-
Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited2,334,150.00-
Qingdao Port (Group) Co., Ltd.720,000.00-
Zhanjiang Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.-41,400,234.06
Sri Lanka Ports Authority-10,446,900.00
Dalian City Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd (formerly known as Dalian City Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. )-3,527,787.23

Note: As at 31 December 2023, the Group has no significant dividends payable aged more than

one year.

(3) Other payables

(a) Disclosure of other payables by nature

Amount payable for construction and quality warranty575,941,472.21643,816,817.51
Guarantees and deposits246,316,308.32221,628,920.81
Accrued expenses139,920,340.25190,048,988.98
Customer discount129,780,042.30164,622,341.62
Port construction and security fee27,939,655.2336,697,168.04
Balance of payment for transfer of land use rights-11,295,700.00

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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31. Other payables - continued

(3) Other payables - continued

(b) Significant other payables aged more than one year or past due

Company nameAmount payableAgingReason for being outstanding
Transport Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality (Ports Administration of Shenzhen Municipality)79,679,948.231-2 years and more than 3 yearsTo be paid upon confirmation by both parties
CCCC Water Transport Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.58,666,012.941-2 years, 2-3 years and more than 3 yearsTo be paid upon confirmation by both parties
Lac Assal Investment Holding Company Limited48,162,348.731-2 yearsTo be paid upon confirmation by both parties
Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.37,248,716.351-2 years and more than 3 yearsThe contracted settlement condition has not been reached
Shantou Transportation Bureau31,358,355.47More than 3 yearsTo be paid upon confirmation by both parties
Wuxi Huadong Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.10,090,410.682-3 yearsTo be paid upon confirmation by both parties
China Merchants Real Estate (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.10,079,369.00More than 3 yearsTo be paid upon confirmation by both parties
Guangdong Groton Group Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Guangdong Hengtai Guotong Industrial Co., Ltd.)10,000,000.00More than 3 yearsThe contracted settlement condition has not been reached
Shantou Finance Bureau10,000,000.00More than 3 yearsTo be paid upon confirmation by both parties

32. Non-current liabilities due within one year

Long-term borrowings due within one year (Note VIII, 34)1,033,008,184.012,313,191,859.96
Including: Credit borrowings532,282,391.001,368,934,869.99
Guaranteed borrowings410,725,775.58219,564,028.82
Mortgage and pledged borrowings30,352,589.61715,461,578.62
Guaranteed and mortgage borrowings59,647,427.829,231,382.53
Bonds payable due within one year (Note VIII, 35)5,267,490,749.328,668,651,537.27
Lease liabilities due within one year (Note VIII, 36)248,634,286.86306,942,164.80
Long-term payables due within one year (Note VIII, 37)184,534,373.50155,665,725.85
Long-term employee benefits payable due within one year (Note VIII, 38)49,730,825.2154,414,877.57
Other non-current liabilities due within one year (Note VIII, 41)34,005,870.35142,357,523.50

33. Other current liabilities

(1) Details of other current liabilities

Short-term bonds payable2,007,190,136.983,017,713,424.64
Accrued professional agency fee114,638,017.33124,799,040.22

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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33. Other current liabilities - continued

(2) Changes in short-term bonds payable

Name of bondFace valueCoupon rateDate of issueTerm of the bondAmount of issue31/12/2022Amount issued in the current yearInterest accrued based on par valueAmortization of premiums or discountsRepayment in the current year31/12/2023Is it in breach of contract?
2.43% RMB 2 billion Super & Short-term Commercial Paper2,000,000,000.002.43%2023-11-790 days2,000,000,000.00-2,000,000,000.007,190,136.98--2,007,190,136.98No
2.35% RMB 2 billion Super & Short-term Commercial Paper2,000,000,000.002.35%2023-3-1180 days2,000,000,000.00-2,000,000,000.0023,114,754.10-2,023,114,754.10-No
2.05% RMB 2 billion Super & Short-term Commercial Paper2,000,000,000.002.05%2023-6-14180 days2,000,000,000.00-2,000,000,000.0020,163,934.43-2,020,163,934.43-No
1.75% RMB 1 billion Super & Short-term Commercial Paper1,000,000,000.001.75%2022-9-1270 days1,000,000,000.001,005,657,534.24-7,287,671.24-1,012,945,205.48-No
1.93% RMB 2 billion Super & Short-term Commercial Paper2,000,000,000.001.93%2022-9-8180 days2,000,000,000.002,012,055,890.40-6,979,725.60-2,019,035,616.00-No
Total9,000,000,000.00— —— —— —9,000,000,000.003,017,713,424.646,000,000,000.0064,736,222.35-7,075,259,510.012,007,190,136.98

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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34. Long-term borrowings

Category31/12/202331/12/2022Range of year-end interest rate
Credit borrowings16,857,281,855.6012,319,883,867.051.20%-3.80%
Guaranteed borrowings (Note 1)845,725,775.581,020,670,858.022.95%-12.90%
Mortgage and pledged borrowings (Note 2)314,794,387.221,082,723,114.443.40%-3.96%
Guaranteed and mortgage borrowings (Note 3)1,242,750,120.32280,013,198.302.95%
Total19,260,552,138.7214,703,291,037.81— —
Less: Long-term borrowings due within one year1,033,008,184.012,313,191,859.96— —
Including: Credit borrowings532,282,391.001,368,934,869.99— —
Guaranteed borrowings410,725,775.58219,564,028.82— —
Mortgage and pledged borrowings30,352,589.61715,461,578.62— —
Guaranteed and mortgage borrowings59,647,427.829,231,382.53
Long-term borrowings due after one year18,227,543,954.7112,390,099,177.85— —

Note 1: The borrowings are guaranteed by Shenzhen Magang Godown & Wharf Co., Ltd., China

Merchants Port (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and CM Port.

Note 2: On 31 December 2023, the Group obtained the long-term borrowings of RMB

314,794,387.22(31 December 2022: RMB 1,082,723,114.44) with the land with propertyright, fixed assets and construction in progress of Yide Port Co., Ltd. ("Yide Port"), aswell as the land with property right of Guangdong Shunkong Port Development andConstruction Co., Ltd. ("Shunkong Port"), as collaterals.

Note 3: On 31 December 2023, Shenzhen Haixing Harbor Development Co., Ltd. ("Shenzhen

Haixing") obtained the long-term borrowings of RMB 1,242,750,120.32 (31 December2022: RMB 280,013,198.30) with the land with property right as collaterals, and theborrowings are guaranteed by CM Port and Sinotrans South China Co., Ltd.

Details of mortgage and pledged borrowings are as follows:

Company name31/12/202331/12/2022Collateral and pledge
Bank of China Qianhai Shekou Branch1,242,750,120.32280,013,198.30Land use rights of Shenzhen Haixing
China Construction Bank Shunde Branch206,239,867.27236,479,995.32Land use rights and fixed assets of Yide Port
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Guangdong Branch108,554,519.95-Land use rights (Phase II) of Shunde
China Development Bank Corporation-494,997,308.55The Group's entire equity in CICT
International Finance Corporation-123,849,460.76The Group's entire equity in TML
African Development Bank-56,864,864.36
Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V.-46,859,749.65
The OpecFund For International Development-40,139,904.25
Societe de Promotion et de Participation pour la Cooperation Economique S.A.-40,170,265.09
Deutsche Investitions-und Entwicklungsgesellschaft MBH-33,449,920.21
China Minsheng Bank Co., Ltd. Zhoushan Branch-9,911,646.25Land use rights and fixed assets of Zhoushan RoRo

Note: See Note (VIII) 64 for the above mortgages and pledges.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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35. Bonds payable

(1) Bonds payable

5.000% USD 600 million corporate bond4,304,565,371.234,227,154,465.35
4.750% USD 500 million corporate bond3,605,285,143.363,542,544,662.47
4.000% USD 500 million corporate bond3,544,024,689.323,482,186,896.02
2.690% RMB 3 billion corporate bond3,027,415,890.403,027,415,890.40
2.450% RMB 3 billion corporate bond3,023,560,273.973,023,560,273.97
3.520% RMB 2 billion corporate bond2,050,147,945.192,050,147,945.19
4.375% USD 900 million corporate bond-6,371,347,105.64
3.360% RMB 2 billion corporate bond-2,032,587,397.25
Less: Bonds payable due within one year5,267,490,749.328,668,651,537.27
Bonds payable due after one year14,287,508,564.1519,088,293,099.02

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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35. Bonds payable - continued

(2) Details of bonds payable

Name of bondsFace valueCoupon rateDate of issueTerm of the bondAmount of issue31/12/2022Amount issued in the current yearInterest accrued based on par valueAmortization of premiums or discountsRepayment in current yearEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies31/12/2023Is it in breach of contract?
4.375% USD 900 million corporate bondUSD 900,000,000.004.3750%2018-8-65 yearsUSD 900,000,000.006,371,347,105.64-165,969,062.107,181,597.316,594,432,388.7149,934,623.66-No
5.000% USD 600 million corporate bondUSD 600,000,000.005.0000%2018-8-610 yearsUSD 600,000,000.004,227,154,465.35-211,325,733.295,708,335.36211,183,578.2771,560,415.504,304,565,371.23No
4.750% USD 500 million corporate bondUSD 500,000,000.004.7500%2015-8-310 yearsUSD 500,000,000.003,542,544,662.47-167,360,385.312,662,117.20167,360,385.3860,078,363.763,605,285,143.36No
3.360% RMB 2 billion corporate bond2,000,000,000.003.3600%2020-7-73 years2,000,000,000.002,032,587,397.25-34,612,602.75-2,067,200,000.00--No
3.520% RMB 2 billion corporate bond2,000,000,000.003.5200%2021-4-143 years2,000,000,000.002,050,147,945.19-70,400,000.00-70,400,000.00-2,050,147,945.19No
4.000% USD 500 million corporate bondUSD 500,000,000.004.0000%2022-6-15 yearsUSD 500,000,000.003,482,186,896.02-140,882,105.542,781,931.67140,841,532.6759,015,288.763,544,024,689.32No
2.690% RMB 3 billion corporate bond3,000,000,000.002.6900%2022-8-293 years3,000,000,000.003,027,415,890.40-80,700,000.00-80,700,000.00-3,027,415,890.40No
2.450% RMB 3 billion corporate bond3,000,000,000.002.4500%2022-9-52 years3,000,000,000.003,023,560,273.97-73,500,000.00-73,500,000.00-3,023,560,273.97No
Total— —— —— —— —— —27,756,944,636.29-944,749,888.9918,333,981.549,405,617,885.03240,588,691.6819,554,999,313.47No
Less: Bonds payable due within one year— —— —— —— —— —8,668,651,537.27— —— —— —— —5,267,490,749.32— —
Bonds payable due after one year— —— —— —— —— —19,088,293,099.02— —— —— —— —14,287,508,564.15— —

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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36. Lease liabilities

(1) Lease liabilities

Lease payment2,782,133,802.801,963,098,776.36
Unrecognized financing cost-1,532,327,309.02-707,805,697.52
Less: Lease liabilities due within one year248,634,286.86306,942,164.80
Lease liabilities due after one year1,001,172,206.92948,350,914.04

(2) Maturity of lease liabilities

Minimum lease payments under non-cancellable leases:
1st year subsequent to the balance sheet date298,065,006.16
2nd year subsequent to the balance sheet date91,365,497.12
3rd year subsequent to the balance sheet date86,669,003.03
Subsequent years2,306,034,296.49

The Group is not exposed to any significant liquidity risk associated with lease liabilities.

37. Long-term payables

(1) Presentation of long-term payables

Long-term payables4,001,789,922.653,698,632,219.45
Special payables5,606,653.028,349,096.71
Less: Long-term payables due within one year184,534,373.50155,665,725.85
Long-term payables due after one year3,822,862,202.173,551,315,590.31

(2) Long-term payables

Terminal management rights (Note)3,958,393,516.473,657,579,951.15
Less: Long-term payables due within one year184,534,373.50155,665,725.85
Long-term payables due after one year3,817,255,549.153,542,966,493.60

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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37. Long-term payables - continued

(2) Long-term payables - continued

Note: Mainly from CICT and TCP terminal management rights purchased. On 12 August 2011, the

Group reached a 35-year building, operation and transfer agreement through the subsidiary CICTand Sri Lanka Port Authority on the building, operation, management and development ofColombo Port South Container Terminal (hereinafter referred to as "BOT"). The above-mentioned amount payable for the acquisition of terminal management rights is determined bydiscounting the amount to be paid in the future using the prevailing market interest rate accordingto the BOT agreement. As at 31 December 2023, the amount payable for the acquisition ofterminal management rights is RMB 876,500,567.56.

TCP, a subsidiary of the Company, entered into a franchise agreement on the Port ofParanaguá with the Administration of the Ports of Paranaguá and Antonina- APPA(hereinafter referred to as "APPA"). The agreement provides for an initial term of 25 yearsfor the franchising rights. In April 2016, TCP and APPA entered into the SupplementalAgreement, which extends the term to 50 years and will be expired in October 2048.

On 9 September 2021, TCP, a subsidiary of the Company, entered into a supplementalagreement to the Lease Agreement with APPA for the franchising rights of the Ports ofParanaguá and Antonina, pursuant to which the base figure for the calculation of franchisingrights for the Ports of Paranaguá and Antonina was adjusted from Brazil IGP-M InflationIndex ("IGP-M index") to the Extended National Consumer Price Index ("IPCA index") ofBrazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics("IBGE"). In November 2021, TCPreadjusted the franchising rights using the IPCA index. As at 31 December 2023, the amountof franchising rights payable was RMB 3,081,892,948.91.

(3) Special payables

Item31/12/2022Increase for the yearDecrease for the yearEffect of changes in the scope of consolidation31/12/2023Reason
Employee housing fund5,126,641.68480,061.3450.00-5,606,653.02Note
Innovation workshop for model workers3,222,455.03---3,222,455.03-

Note: This represents the repairing fund for public areas and public facilities and equipment

established after the Group sells the public-owned house on the collectively allocated landto employees. The fund is contributed by all the employees having ownership of the houseaccording to the rules and is specially managed and used for specific purpose.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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38. Long-term employee benefits payable

(1) Long-term employee benefits payable

Post-employment benefits - net liabilities of defined benefit plans509,605,071.25516,950,669.03
Termination benefits58,098,932.2264,274,552.96
Others (Note)85,036,743.65112,285,587.01
Less: Long-term employee benefits payable due within one year49,730,825.2154,414,877.57
Long-term employee benefits payable due after one year603,009,921.91639,095,931.43

Note: This represents the employee relocation costs of the Company's subsidiary Shantou Port in

connection with land acquisition and reservation.

(2) Changes in defined benefit plans

Present value of defined benefit plan obligations:

I. Opening balance516,950,669.03463,858,274.44
II. Defined benefit cost included in profit or loss for the period31,630,084.7124,392,165.72
1. Current service cost14,097,094.5011,191,538.44
2. Past service cost2,420,000.00-
3. Interest adjustment15,112,990.2113,200,627.28
III. Defined benefit cost included in other comprehensive income-22,975,434.7550,820,198.04
1. Actuarial gains-23,856,287.1549,959,657.35
2. Effect of exchange rate changes880,852.40860,540.69
IV. Other changes-16,000,247.74-22,119,969.17
1. Benefits paid-16,000,247.74-22,119,969.17
2. Changes in the scope of consolidation--
V. Closing balance509,605,071.25516,950,669.03

The Company's subsidiaries provide the registered retirees and in-service staff with supplementarypost-employment benefit plans.

The Group hired a third-party actuary to estimate the present value of the above-mentionedretirement benefit plan obligations in an actuarial manner based on the expected cumulative welfareunit method. The Group recognizes the liabilities based on the actuarial results. The relevantactuarial gains or losses are included in other comprehensive income and cannot be reclassified intoprofit or loss in the future. Past service costs are recognized in profit or loss for the period in whichthe plan is revised. The net interest is determined by multiplying the defined benefit plan net debtor net assets by the appropriate discount rate.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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39. Provisions

Item31/12/2022Increase for the yearDecrease for the yearEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies31/12/2023Reason
Pending litigation35,365,156.4352,650,477.007,489,688.345,064,114.3285,590,059.41Note
Sales discount-179,125,657.39179,125,657.39--

Note: This represents the estimated compensation amount that the Company's subsidiary TCP may

need to pay due to the pending litigation.

40. Deferred income

Item31/12/2022Increase for the yearDecrease for the year31/12/2023
Government grants1,031,273,189.7441,207,834.2547,704,466.261,024,776,557.73

41. Other non-current liabilities

Actuarial cost for the calculation of pension benefit difference for the public security bureau staff (Note 1)198,642,177.67175,742,813.67
Related party borrowings (Note 2)11,945,870.353,162,000.00
Third party borrowings (Note 2)-143,755,523.50
Berth priority call right (Note 3)439,990.794,480,217.05
Less: Other non-current liabilities due within one year34,005,870.35142,357,523.50
Including: Actuarial cost for the calculation of pension benefits difference for the public security bureau staff22,060,000.0015,440,000.00
Related party borrowings11,945,870.353,162,000.00
Third party borrowings-123,755,523.50
Other non-current liabilities due after one year179,634,263.73186,383,117.00

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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41. Other non-current liabilities - continued

Note 1: It represents the transfer of Zhanjiang Port Public Security Bureau to the People's

Government of Zhanjiang Municipality by Zhanjiang Port, a subsidiary of the Company,in 2020 in accordance with the Notice on the Issuance of the Program on Deepening theManagement System Reform of Ganghang Public Security Organs (Zhong Yang Bian BanFa No. 327 (2017)) and the Notice on the Issuance of the Implementation Plan forDeepening the Management System Reform of Ganghang Public Security Organs inGuangdong Province (Yue Ji Bian Ban Fa No. 221 (2018)). The former in-service policeofficers of Zhanjiang Port Public Security Bureau were transferred as civil servants inaccordance with state regulations, the retired police officers were included in the scope ofpension insurance of the government departments and public institutions in Zhanjiang,and the difference between the pension benefits under the original standard and theretirement benefits of Zhanjiang municipal police officers (the "pension benefitdifference") was borne by Zhanjiang Port.

Shantou Port, a subsidiary of the Company, transferred Shantou Municipal Public SecurityBureau Ganghang Branch (formerly, the Shantou Port Public Security Bureau) to ShantouMunicipal Government, and Shantou Municipal Public Security Bureau Ganghang Branchwas fully taken over by Shantou Municipal Public Security Bureau. The in-service policeofficers were transferred as civil servants in accordance with state regulations, the retiredpolice officers were included in the scope of pension insurance of the governmentdepartments and public institutions in Shantou, and the pension benefit difference wasborne by Shantou Port.

Note 2: It represents the principal and interest on borrowings of the subsidiary of the Company

Shunkong Port from its minority shareholder Guangdong Shunkong City Investment RealEstate Co., Ltd. and its related party Guangdong Shunkong Transportation Investment Co.,Ltd.

Note 3: It represents the berth priority call right as agreed in the contract entered into with the

customers in 2003, with total amount of USD14 million. The Group must give priority tothe berthing requirements of the contracted customers during the contract period. ChiwanContainer Terminal amortized the berth priority call right over 20 years using straight-linemethod.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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42. Share capital

Item31/12/2022Changes for the year31/12/2023
New issue of shareBonus issueCapitalization of surplus reserveOthersSub-total
I. Restricted tradable shares— —— —— —— —— —— —— —
1. State-owned shares-------
2. State-owned corporate shares576,709,537.00-----576,709,537.00
3. Other domestic shares7,366.00----7,366.00-7,366.00-
4. Foreign shares-------
Total restricted tradable shares576,716,903.00----7,366.00-7,366.00576,709,537.00
II. Non-restricted tradable shares— —— —— —— —— —— —— —
1. Ordinary shares denominated in RMB1,742,468,718.00---976.00976.001,742,469,694.00
2. Foreign capital shares listed domestically179,889,040.00---6,390.006,390.00179,895,430.00
3. Foreign capital shares listed overseas-------
4. Others-------
Total non-restricted tradable shares1,922,357,758.00---7,366.007,366.001,922,365,124.00
III. Total shares2,499,074,661.00-----2,499,074,661.00

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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42. Share capital - continued

Item31/12/2021Changes for the year31/12/2022
New issue of shareBonus issueCapitalization of surplus reserveOthersSub-total
I. Restricted tradable shares— —— —— —— —— —— —— —
1. State-owned shares-------
2. State-owned corporate shares-576,709,537.00---576,709,537.00576,709,537.00
3. Other domestic shares9,821.00----2,455.00-2,455.007,366.00
4. Foreign shares1,148,648,648.00----1,148,648,648.00-1,148,648,648.00-
Total restricted tradable shares1,148,658,469.00576,709,537.00---1,148,651,103.00-571,941,566.00576,716,903.00
II. Non-restricted tradable shares— —— —— —— —— —— —— —
1. Ordinary shares denominated in RMB593,819,745.00---1,148,648,973.001,148,648,973.001,742,468,718.00
2. Foreign capital shares listed domestically179,886,910.00---2,130.002,130.00179,889,040.00
3. Foreign capital shares listed overseas-------
4. Others-------
Total non-restricted tradable shares773,706,655.00---1,148,651,103.001,148,651,103.001,922,357,758.00
III. Total shares1,922,365,124.00576,709,537.00---576,709,537.002,499,074,661.00

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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43. Capital Reserve

I. Capital premium34,208,812,963.502,244,317,625.22-36,453,130,588.72
Including: Capital contributed by investors17,068,816,277.34--17,068,816,277.34
Differences arising from business combination involving enterprises under common control13,302,937,205.73--13,302,937,205.73
Differences arising from acquisition of minority interests (Note 1)2,165,423,814.022,242,433,715.25-4,407,857,529.27
II. Other capital reserve542,827,871.75104,628,733.7723,740,391.18623,716,214.34
Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous accounting system-2,781,133.00---2,781,133.00
Unexercised share-based payment (Note 2)5,591,402.001,528,712.73475,524.376,644,590.36
Other changes in owners' equity of the investee under equity method other than changes in net profit or loss, profit distribution and other comprehensive income540,017,602.75103,100,021.0423,264,866.81619,852,756.98
I. Capital premium23,189,922,809.6211,018,890,153.88-34,208,812,963.50
Including: Capital contributed by investors7,012,992,483.9410,055,823,793.40-17,068,816,277.34
Differences arising from business combination involving enterprises under common control13,302,937,205.73--13,302,937,205.73
Differences arising from acquisition of minority interests1,215,209,939.74950,213,874.28-2,165,423,814.02
II. Other capital reserve402,779,949.08151,303,029.2111,255,106.54542,827,871.75
Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous accounting system-2,781,133.00---2,781,133.00
Unexercised share-based payment9,956,938.605,617,671.309,983,207.905,591,402.00
Other changes in owners' equity of the investee under equity method other than changes in net profit or loss, profit distribution and other comprehensive income395,604,143.48145,685,357.911,271,898.64540,017,602.75

Note 1: The changes for the year mainly represent the dividends attributable to CM Port that the

Company chose to acquire in the form of share replacement and shareholding increase,which increased the capital reserve by RMB 2,269,118,327.61. Refer to Note (XI) 2 fordetails.

Note 2: Refer to Note (XVI) 2 for details.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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44. Other comprehensive income

Item31/12/20222023Other changes31/12/2023
Pre-tax amount for the yearLess: Amount included in other comprehensive income in the prior period but transferred to profit or loss in the current periodLess: Amount included in other comprehensive income in the prior period but transferred to retained earnings in the current periodLess: Income tax expensesAttributable to the Company, net of taxAttributable to minority shareholders, net of tax
I. Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss51,014,303.0660,755,557.83--846,996.46-73,874,071.89133,782,633.26--22,859,768.83
Including: Changes arising from remeasurement of defined benefit plans-10,189,712.8825,003,573.00---7,480,103.3417,523,469.66--2,709,609.54
Other comprehensive income that can't be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method-8,907,673.3432,473,509.74----83,841,725.07116,315,234.81--92,749,398.41
Changes in fair value of other equity instruments70,111,689.283,278,475.09--846,996.462,487,549.84-56,071.21-72,599,239.12
II. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss-740,567,922.92149,948,207.40----140,198,902.60290,147,110.00--880,766,825.52
Including: Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method-60,762,188.43-767,504,700.07----366,028,318.84-401,476,381.23--426,790,507.27
Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies-679,805,734.49917,452,907.47---225,829,416.24691,623,491.23--453,976,318.25
Total other comprehensive income-689,553,619.86210,703,765.23--846,996.46-214,072,974.49423,929,743.26--903,626,594.35
2022 (Restated)
I. Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss81,233,996.26-72,230,027.20--329,334.05-22,706,023.29-49,853,337.967,513,669.9151,014,303.06
Including: Changes arising from remeasurement of defined benefit plans2,603,415.85-49,039,668.45----12,793,128.73-36,246,539.72--10,189,712.88
Other comprehensive income that can't be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method2,643,088.68-25,906,733.50----11,550,762.02-14,355,971.48--8,907,673.34
Changes in fair value of other equity instruments75,987,491.732,716,374.75--329,334.051,637,867.46749,173.247,513,669.9170,111,689.28
II. Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss-971,359,314.441,701,191,299.27---230,791,391.521,470,399,907.75--740,567,922.92
Including: Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss under equity method49,431,519.10-246,633,232.89----110,193,707.53-136,439,525.36--60,762,188.43
Translation differences of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies-1,020,790,833.541,947,824,532.16---340,985,099.051,606,839,433.11--679,805,734.49
Total other comprehensive income-890,125,318.181,628,961,272.07--329,334.05208,085,368.231,420,546,569.797,513,669.91-689,553,619.86

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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45. Special reserve

Safety production cost26,358,259.9761,589,514.2153,943,779.7734,003,994.41

46. Surplus reserve

Statutory surplus reserve1,001,917,449.1594,063,114.53-1,095,980,563.68

47. Unappropriated profit

ItemAmountProportion of appropriation or allocation
Unappropriated profit at the beginning of the year before adjustment16,679,688,347.09
Add: Adjustment to unappropriated profit at beginning of the year22,299,954.05
Including: Changes in accounting policies22,299,954.05
Unappropriated profit at the beginning of the year after adjustment16,701,988,301.14
Add: Net profit of the year attributable to shareholders of the Company3,571,800,762.16
Unappropriated profit carried forward from other comprehensive income-
Less: Transfer to statutory surplus reserve in the current year94,063,114.53
Transfer to discretionary surplus reserve in the current year-
Ordinary shares' dividends payable1,124,583,597.45Note 1
Ordinary shares' dividends converted into share capital-
Pension benefit difference7,944,921.60Note 2
Transfer to the National Council for Social Security Fund of the PRC-
Distribution to holders of other equity instruments-
Unappropriated profit at the end of the year19,045,313,519.75
ItemAmountProportion of appropriation or allocation
2022 (Restated)
Unappropriated profit at the beginning of the year before adjustment14,205,879,106.49
Add: Adjustment to unappropriated profit at beginning of the year21,052,360.17
Including: Changes in accounting policies21,052,360.17
Unappropriated profit at the beginning of the year after adjustment14,226,931,466.66
Add: Net profit of the year attributable to shareholders of the Company3,338,693,816.70
Unappropriated profit carried forward from other comprehensive income7,513,669.91
Less: Transfer to statutory surplus reserve in the current year40,734,887.15
Transfer to discretionary surplus reserve in the current year-
Ordinary shares' dividends payable826,617,003.32
Ordinary shares' dividends converted into share capital-
Pension benefit difference3,798,761.66
Distribution to holders of other equity instruments
Unappropriated profit at the end of the year16,701,988,301.14

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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47. Unappropriated profit - continued

Note 1: According to the resolution of shareholders' meeting on 22 May 2023, the Company

distributes cash dividends of RMB 4.50 (inclusive of tax) for every 10 shares, totallingRMB 1,124,583,597.45 on the basis of the total shares of 2,499,074,661 at the end of 2022.

Note 2: This represents the difference between the pension benefits under the original standard

and the retirement benefits of Shantou municipal police officers borne by Shantou Port.Shantou Port recognizes the related liabilities based on the actuarial results, andunappropriated profit of RMB 7,944,921.60 is eliminated based on the proportion ofequity interest in Shantou Port.

48. Operating income and operating costs

(1) Details of operating income and operating costs

Principal operation15,568,944,030.709,085,897,544.0616,072,394,601.939,433,786,605.46
Other operations181,531,749.52232,289,163.69158,094,525.62216,675,107.48

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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48. Operating income and operating costs - continued

(2) Breakdown information of operating income and operating costs

Category of contractsPorts operationBonded logistics operationOther operationsTotal
Operating incomeOperating costsOperating incomeOperating costsOperating incomeOperating costsOperating incomeOperating costs
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan area10,284,643,568.106,714,915,284.62492,433,288.31254,604,583.47181,531,749.52232,289,163.6910,958,608,605.937,201,809,031.78
- Pearl River Delta6,075,691,801.013,640,281,453.34343,594,001.79181,329,868.92181,531,749.52232,289,163.696,600,817,552.324,053,900,485.95
- Yangtze River Delta557,788,311.93361,926,675.75----557,788,311.93361,926,675.75
- Bohai Rim76,760,801.9663,825,074.56148,839,286.5273,274,714.55--225,600,088.48137,099,789.11
- Other areas3,574,402,653.202,648,882,080.97----3,574,402,653.202,648,882,080.97
Other countries4,751,630,018.562,081,165,945.5140,237,155.7335,211,730.46--4,791,867,174.292,116,377,675.97

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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48. Operating income and operating costs - continued

(3) Description of performance obligations

The Group provides port service, bonded logistics service and other services. These services areobligations performed over a period of time. For port services, as the handling time for containersand bulk cargos is short, the management believes that it is not necessary to recognize revenueaccording to the progress towards the completion of contract and it is an appropriate method torecognize the fulfilment of performance obligation and revenue upon the completion of the service.For bonded logistics service and other services, the customers evenly obtain and consume theeconomic benefits from the Group's performance of contract, meanwhile the charging rules asagreed in the contract terms usually adopt daily/month/yearly basis. During the process of renderingservices, the Group recognizes revenue using straight-line method. At the same time, the Group isprimarily responsible for the above services and generally does not have any commitment to theamount of money expected to be returned to the customer.

Part of the Group's handling contracts are established with discount terms, i.e., the customers whosebusiness volume reaches agreed level, are granted with preferential charge rate or discount. At theend of the year, as the business volume finally realized within the contract period is uncertain, thecontract consideration is subject to variable factors. The management includes this part of discountin other payables and provisions. At the end of the year, the variable considerations arising fromsales discount are set out in Note (VIII) 31 (3) and Note (VIII) 39.

(4) Descriptions on allocation to remaining performance obligations

At the end of the year, the amount of revenue corresponding to the performance obligations whichthe Group has entered into a contract for but has not fulfilled or completely fulfilled mainly includedthe contract liabilities of RMB 142,080,101.00, of which RMB 97,512,251.80 is expected to berecognized as revenue in 2024; and RMB 44,567,849.20 is expected to be recognized as revenue in2025 and subsequent years.

49. Taxes and surcharges

Property tax75,912,651.8563,233,633.53
Land use tax37,809,190.3336,260,260.97
City construction and maintenance tax7,891,945.978,456,389.09
Education surcharges and local education surcharges5,953,401.796,253,550.00
Stamp duty5,057,465.358,694,943.46
Others (Note)180,373,370.90159,350,696.41

Note: Others mainly represent the social contribution tax and tax on services borne by TCP, a

subsidiary of the Company, totalled BRL 120,997,445.84 (equivalent to RMB170,698,356.69) for the year.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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50. Administrative expenses

Employee benefits1,297,690,387.031,280,394,043.79
Depreciation expenses75,710,865.7979,095,275.09
Fees paid to agencies63,693,285.4280,164,840.55
Amortization of intangible assets56,233,463.2554,493,578.78

51. Research and development expenses

Employee benefits163,593,250.77218,783,071.72
Direct materials and outsourced R&D41,115,107.1047,737,604.22
Depreciation and amortization11,500,358.1715,813,613.68

52. Financial expenses

Interest expenses2,016,181,859.251,960,177,578.36
Less: Interest income497,593,921.36469,834,098.05
Less: Capitalized interest expenses45,140,959.3930,960,097.84
Exchange differences85,519,920.28477,004,284.27
Interest expenses -Terminal management rights (Note)206,277,567.64222,326,056.63
Interest expenses on lease liabilities60,834,329.1673,619,268.64
Handling fee5,316,520.8821,148,526.03

Note: Details are set out in Note (VIII) 37.

53. Other income

Classification by nature20232022
Business development subsidy113,983,657.9194,355,004.33
Transfer from allocation of deferred income (Note VIII 40)47,704,466.2645,858,732.41
Additional deduction of VAT25,604,125.3645,179,805.12
Special fund for operation18,439,586.227,385,898.57
Steady post subsidies1,682,015.155,771,198.38

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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54. Investment income

(1) Details of investment income:

Income from long-term equity investments under equity method5,979,007,585.967,185,182,148.75
Including: Income from long-term equity investments of associates under equity method5,582,402,904.906,765,840,426.95
Income from long-term equity investments of joint ventures under equity method396,604,681.06419,341,721.80
Investment income from disposal of subsidiaries216,949,902.47-
Income from disposal of long-term equity investments (Losses are marked with "-")77,647.56-20,508.06
Investment income from held-for-trading financial assets91,219,728.19152,728,622.47
Investment income from other non-current financial assets41,365,576.6239,525,241.71
Dividend income from investments in other equity instruments20,056,500.00240,001.46

(2) Details of income from long-term equity investments under equity method

Investee20232022Reason for changes
SIPG3,700,844,097.274,762,565,562.93Changes in net profit of investee
Ningbo Zhoushan1,049,986,813.85351,607,511.90Changes in net profit of investee
Terminal Link SAS221,059,137.39364,965,366.44Changes in net profit of investee
Nanshan Group214,805,574.66206,680,217.04Changes in net profit of investee
Euro-Asia Oceangate S.àr.l.186,208,262.73140,072,915.26Changes in net profit of investee
Liaoning Port151,571,456.52144,196,061.13Changes in net profit of investee
Shenzhen China Merchants Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd.42,538,797.17218,696,415.40Changes in net profit of investee
Others411,993,446.37996,398,098.65Changes in net profit of investee

55. Gains (Losses) from changes in fair value

Source resulting in gains from changes in fair values (Losses are marked with "-")20232022
Held-for-trading financial assets49,197,662.3534,417,357.38
Other non-current financial assets24,155,138.17-163,451,007.49
Including: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss24,155,138.17-163,451,007.49

56. Gains (Losses) from impairment of credit

I. Losses from impairment of credit of accounts receivable-9,285,389.19-5,939,952.37
II. Gains (Losses) from impairment of credit of other receivables (Losses are marked with "-")43,872,200.88-217,234,842.93
III. Gains (Losses) from impairment of credit of long-term receivables (Losses are marked with "-")2,697,229.49-298,781.25

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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57. Losses from impairment of assets

Losses from impairment of fixed assets-149,923,619.44-6,048,776.05
Losses from impairment of intangible assets-41,473,147.97-15,537,122.10
Gains (Losses) from decline in value of inventories (Losses are marked with "-")99,456.13-573,122.05

58. Gains from disposal of assets

Item20232022Amount included in non-recurring profit or loss for the current year
Gains from disposal of non-current assets36,759,532.6155,130,095.5236,759,532.61
Including: Gains from disposal of intangible assets35,051,791.8057,590,483.0435,051,791.80
Gains (Losses) from disposal of fixed assets (Losses are marked with "-")1,713,921.04-1,824,719.581,713,921.04
Other losses-6,180.23-635,667.94-6,180.23

59. Non-operating income

Item20232022Amount included in non-recurring profit or loss for the current year
Compensation received for violation of contracts55,396,338.322,930,876.8555,396,338.32
Management service fee and directors' remuneration11,964,440.078,190,857.4011,964,440.07
Land rent deduction7,124,609.256,421,113.497,124,609.25
Income from relocation compensation5,558,730.176,955,000.005,558,730.17
Gains from retirement or damage of non-current assets1,966,904.663,138,573.241,966,904.66
Including: Gains from retirement or damage of fixed assets1,765,984.403,138,573.241,765,984.40
Exempted current accounts197,118.0925,091,421.77197,118.09
Insurance claims44,269.64341,555.5844,269.64
Operation compensation (Note)-213,574,591.16-
Government grants-1,640,553.77-

Note: Refer to Note (VIII), 7.3 (2) for details.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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60. Non-operating expenses

Item20232022Amount included in non-recurring profit or loss for the current year
Litigation loss42,689,603.9320,603,558.6142,689,603.93
Losses on retirement of non-current assets24,548,001.45162,620,964.7924,548,001.45
Including: Losses on retirement or damage of fixed assets22,356,701.0434,444,521.7322,356,701.04
Expenditure on public welfare donations11,153,329.5121,352,071.5311,153,329.51
Compensation and liquidated damages1,195,947.8911,552,735.441,195,947.89
Administrative fines and late fees624,038.01-624,038.01

61. Borrowing costs

ItemCapitalization rateAmount capitalized
Construction in progress— —— —
Phase I project for the stuffing and destuffing service area of Baoman Port Area, Zhanjiang Port3.50%10,355,373.62
Phase II project for the operation area terminal at Liaogeshan Port Area, Foshan Port4.19%10,134,790.48
Installation project of bucket-wheel stacker reclaimer, Zhanjiang Port3.50%837,359.25
Phase I expansion project for the container terminal at Baoman Port Area, Zhanjiang Port3.30%57,750.00
Other non-current assets— —— —
Advances for channels3.50%23,755,686.04
Sub-total— —45,140,959.39
Interest expenses included in profit or loss for the period (Excludes interest expense on terminal operating rights and lease liabilities)— —1,971,040,899.86
Total— —2,016,181,859.25

62. Translation of foreign currencies

Exchange differences included in profit or loss for the period85,519,920.28

63. Income tax expenses

Current income tax expenses1,129,424,872.77871,429,455.95
Deferred income tax expenses174,154,980.16241,530,220.80

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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63. Income tax expenses - continued

Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit is as follows:

Total profit8,799,191,938.69
Income tax expenses calculated at 25%2,199,797,984.67
Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses272,242,876.02
Accrued income tax384,531,164.82
Effect of deductible temporary differences and deductible losses for which deferred tax assets are not recognized in the year232,164,986.26
Effect of tax-free income (Note)-1,152,685,934.75
Effect of tax incentives and changes in tax rate-461,574,423.95
Effect of different tax rates of subsidiaries operating in other jurisdictions-191,471,358.38
Effect of utilizing deductible losses for which deferred tax assets were not recognized in prior period-47,180,168.14
Effect of adjustments to income tax of prior year-19,545,836.05
Income tax expenses1,303,579,852.93

Note: This mainly represents the tax effect of income from investments in joint ventures and


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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64. Assets with restricted ownership and use right

Gross carrying amountCarrying amountType of restrictionStatus of restrictionGross carrying amountCarrying amountType of restrictionStatus of restriction
Cash and bank balances (Note 1)46,535,456.1446,535,456.14Restricted guaranteePerformance bonds, frozen funds, etc.9,309,145.949,309,145.94Restricted guaranteesPerformance bonds, frozen funds for card business of Bank of Communications
Equity investment in CICT (Note 2)--— —— —2,115,796,097.992,115,796,097.99PledgePledge of equity
Equity investment in TML (Note 2)--— —— —1,047,063,416.301,047,063,416.30PledgePledge of equity
Fixed assets (Note 3)330,222,332.58291,001,239.59MortgageMortgage borrowings341,870,382.84341,870,382.84MortgageMortgage borrowings
Intangible assets (Note 3)457,654,685.65457,654,685.65MortgageMortgage borrowings222,040,259.68222,040,259.68MortgageMortgage borrowings
Construction in progress (Note 3)--— —— —4,298,598.504,298,598.50Restricted construction in progressMortgage borrowings
Total834,412,474.37795,191,381.38— —— —3,740,377,901.253,740,377,901.25— —— —

Note 1: Details of restricted cash and bank balances are set out in Note (VIII) 1.

Note 2: Details of pledged equity are set out in Note (VIII) 34.

Note 3: Details of mortgage borrowings are set out in Note (VIII) 24 and Note (VIII) 34.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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65. Provision for impairment of assets and provision for credit loss

Item31/12/2022Effect of changes in the scope of consolidationProvision for the yearReversal for the yearWrite-off and charge-off for the yearTransfer-out due to sale in the current yearOther increases for the yearOther decreases for the yearEffect of translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies31/12/2023
Provision for credit loss of accounts receivable94,013,267.44-5,662,552.8920,976,076.79-11,690,687.60- 8,087,700.00---1,473,959.3591,022,363.09
Provision for credit loss of other receivables1,003,685,597.76-581,674.483,495,816.21-47,368,017.09-73,074.00----2,076,917.54957,081,730.86
Provision for decline in value of inventories1,326,130.64---99,456.13----7,953.871,234,628.38
Provision for credit loss of long-term receivables3,875,396.19-921,438.82-3,618,668.31-----1,178,166.70
Provision for impairment of long-term equity investments357,168,270.27-------5,165,805.49362,334,075.76
Provision for impairment of fixed assets63,574,868.76-149,923,619.44-----5,994.88213,504,483.08
Provision for impairment of intangible assets15,537,122.10-41,473,147.97------57,010,270.07
Provision for impairment of goodwill970,663,044.33--------970,663,044.33

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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66. Other comprehensive income, net of tax

Details are set out in Note (VIII) 44.

67. Items in cash flow statement

(1) Cash relating to operating activities

Other cash receipts relating to operating activities

Interest income316,807,536.02258,843,106.76
Government grants163,169,407.30146,183,117.33
Guarantees and deposits59,967,562.0756,548,699.29
Insurance indemnities11,868,450.0058,668,674.41

Other cash payments relating to operating activities

Advance payment191,928,420.03328,830,785.30
Operating expenses such as operating costs and administrative expenses etc.167,200,604.70136,317,839.62
Guarantees and deposits59,616,680.6347,134,870.60
Harbor dues on cargo7,279,452.4614,619,372.24
Port charges5,743,216.195,422,920.14

(2) Cash relating to investing activities

Cash receipts relating to significant investing activities

Recovered structured deposits28,397,000,000.0040,874,000,000.00
Recovered lending(Note 1)2,965,681,743.10-
Dividends received2,186,696,975.692,239,605,794.55
Funds for disposal of subsidiaries received (Note 2)1,683,385,533.43-

Note 1: It represents the recovery of RMB 2,965,681,743.10 lent to Terminal Link SAS.

Note 2: The funds received for disposal of subsidiaries during the year represent the amount

received for disposal of Ningbo Daxie.

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67. Items in cash flow statement - continued

(2) Cash relating to investing activities - continued

Cash payments relating to significant investing activities

Purchase of structured deposits29,967,000,000.0036,954,000,000.00
Investment funds-17,549,460,113.25

Other cash receipts relating to investing activities

Recovered lending by Terminal Link SAS2,965,681,743.10-
Interest on advances for the project177,940,904.60169,844,015.81
Net cash receipts from acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units-74,295,900.85
Recovered principal for the advances of the project-45,535,614.18

Other cash payments relating to investing activities

Performance guarantees for project development39,087,797.69-
Disposal of equity of subsidiaries35,267,442.35-
Payment of taxes on land acquisition and reserve by An Tong Jie Terminal Warehouse Service (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ("ATJ")-947,426,040.54

(3) Cash relating to financing activities

Other cash receipts relating to financing activities

Sale and leaseback proceeds328,026,212.5050,000,000.00

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67. Items in cash flow statement - continued

(3) Cash relating to financing activities - continued

Other cash payments relating to financing activities

Repayment of perpetual bonds4,222,148,460.84-
Payment for the Company's acquisition of minority interests of CM Port872,848,916.41660,552,076.54
Lease expenses paid829,455,300.35422,373,905.31
Payment for the Company's acquisition of minority interests of Oasis King International Limited818,659,106.04-
Payment for the Company's acquisition of minority interests of CM International Tech109,901,500.00-
Payment for non-public shares issued by the Company-7,778,570.52

Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

Item31/12/2022Increase for the yearDecrease for the year31/12/2023
Cash changesNon-cash changesCash changesNon-cash changes
Short-term borrowings7,164,338,366.1818,324,960,509.40531,121,750.3910,306,375,337.00-15,714,045,288.97
Long-term borrowings12,390,099,177.8511,091,911,738.15-4,325,439,446.26929,027,515.0318,227,543,954.71
Non-current liabilities due within one year11,641,223,688.95-7,930,642,448.3312,695,530,031.3158,931,816.726,817,404,289.25
Bonds payable19,088,293,099.02-199,215,465.13-5,000,000,000.0014,287,508,564.15
Lease liabilities948,350,914.04-404,265,256.81114,686,862.61236,757,101.321,001,172,206.92
Dividends payable92,374,921.29-2,924,344,643.642,880,173,694.9724,648,655.69111,897,214.27
Other current liabilities3,017,713,424.646,328,026,212.5077,180,966.077,415,730,466.23-2,007,190,136.98

(4) The Company has no cash flows presented on a net basis

(5) Significant activities that do not involve cash receipts and payment for the current period

but have an impact on the enterprise's financial position or may affect the enterprise's cashflows in the future and their financial effects:

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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68. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

Supplementary information20232022 (Restated)
1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:— —— —
Net profit7,495,612,085.768,231,903,300.27
Add: Provision for impairment of assets191,297,311.2822,159,020.20
Provision for impairment of credit-37,284,041.18223,473,576.55
Depreciation of fixed assets1,983,548,731.362,015,080,231.04
Depreciation of investment properties182,833,076.22184,276,397.36
Depreciation of right-of-use assets357,502,960.45349,846,619.98
Amortization of intangible assets686,879,674.72663,429,174.32
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses92,971,461.6784,874,394.19
Losses (Gains) from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets (Losses are marked with "-")-36,759,532.61-55,130,095.52
Losses on retirement of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets22,581,096.79159,482,391.55
Losses (Gains) from changes in fair value (Losses are marked with "-")-73,352,800.52129,033,650.11
Financial expenses2,185,350,735.702,532,320,466.47
Investment loss (income) (Losses are marked with "-")-6,348,676,940.80-7,377,655,506.33
Decrease in deferred tax assets19,435,343.9220,145,903.44
Increase in deferred tax liabilities154,719,636.24221,384,317.36
Decrease (Increase) in inventories (Losses are marked with "-")6,316,130.87-30,798,761.65
Decrease (Increase) in operating receivables (Losses are marked with "-")-132,511,582.62-245,987,914.80
Increase (Decrease) in operating payables (Losses are marked with "-")-170,856,712.08-207,459,774.19
Net cash flows from operating activities6,579,606,635.176,920,377,390.35
2. Significant investing and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and payments:— —— —
Conversion of debt into capital--
Convertible bonds due within one year--
3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:— —
Closing balance of cash16,018,613,631.1013,567,309,471.62
Less: Opening balance of cash13,567,309,471.6212,727,355,238.36
Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents--
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents--
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents2,451,304,159.48839,954,233.26

(2) Cash and cash equivalents

I. Cash16,018,613,631.1013,567,309,471.62
Including: Cash on hand974,692.93726,960.10
Bank deposits available for payment at any time16,009,954,475.8513,045,336,190.09
Other monetary funds available for payment at any time7,684,462.32521,246,321.43
II. Cash equivalents--
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year16,018,613,631.1013,567,309,471.62

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68. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement - continued

(3) Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries

Cash or cash equivalents received in the current year from disposal of subsidiaries in the current year1,797,936,550.00
Including: Ningbo Daxie1,714,909,050.00
Dalian Port Logistics Network Co., Ltd.63,716,000.00
Yingkou Gangxin Technology Co., Ltd.19,311,500.00
Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the date when control is lost149,818,458.92
Including: Ningbo Daxie31,523,516.57
Dalian Port Logistics Network Co., Ltd.86,068,813.26
Yingkou Gangxin Technology Co., Ltd.32,226,129.09
Add: Cash or cash equivalents received in the current year from disposal of subsidiaries in prior periods-
Including: Ningbo Daxie-
Dalian Port Logistics Network Co., Ltd.-
Yingkou Gangxin Technology Co., Ltd.-
Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries1,648,118,091.08

(4) The Company has no items with restricted use but are still presented as cash and cash


(5) Cash and bank balances not classified as cash and cash equivalents

Restricted guarantees44,697,370.169,297,145.94Restricted scope of use
Interest receivable from bank deposits14,497,091.0016,126,969.60Not actually received
Funds frozen for litigation1,826,085.98-Not available for withdrawal at any time
Guarantees frozen for ETC12,000.0012,000.00Not available for withdrawal at any time
Interest on time deposit-23,183,152.24Not actually received

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69. Foreign currency monetary items

ItemClosing balance in foreign currencyExchange rateClosing balance in RMB
Cash and bank balances2,988,104,992.31
Including: HKD19,647,056.770.906217,804,555.79
Accounts receivable173,075,521.17
Including: HKD512,979.310.9062464,872.11
Other receivables799,457,535.30
Including: HKD524,271,214.690.9062475,105,060.18
Long-term receivables282,209,825.00
Including: EUR25,995,028.127.8592204,300,125.00
Short-term borrowings6,885,485,000.00
Accounts payable40,104,170.70
Including: HKD1,173,832.480.90621,063,750.47
Other payables668,048,202.56
Including: HKD32,251,917.270.906229,227,332.47
Non-current liabilities due within one year175,706,225.87
Including: USD23,489,155.237.0827166,366,639.76
Long-term borrowings4,656,000,000.00
Including: RMB4,656,000,000.001.00004,656,000,000.00
Bonds payable11,287,508,564.15
Including: USD1,593,673,113.957.082711,287,508,564.15
Long-term payables9,391,615.50
Including: HKD2,366,680.970.90622,144,733.63

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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70. Leases

(1) Lessor under operating lease

I. Revenue— —
Lease income288,005,772.42
Including: Income related to variable lease payments that are not included in lease receipts-
II. Undiscounted lease receipts received after the balance sheet date— —
1st year206,915,451.16
2nd year144,032,701.64
3rd year118,298,471.55
4th year83,869,818.08
5th year45,923,854.38
Over 5 years121,551,555.20

Note: The operating leases where the Group acts as the lessor are related to port and terminal

facilities, machinery and equipment, vehicles, land and buildings, with lease terms rangingfrom 1 month to 50 years and option to renew the lease of port and terminal facilities,machinery and equipment, land and buildings. The Group considers that the unguaranteedbalance of leased assets does not constitute significant risk of the Group, as the assets areproperly used.

(2) Lessee

Interest expenses on lease liabilities60,834,329.16
Short-term lease expenses that are accounted for using simplified approach and included in cost of related assets or profit or loss for the period55,635,496.52
Expenses on leases of low-value assets (exclusive of expenses on short-term leases of low-value assets) that are accounted for using simplified approach and included in cost of related assets or profit or loss for the period2,564,521.41
Variable lease payments that are included in cost of related assets or profit or loss but not included in measurement of lease liabilities-
Including: The portion arising from sale and leaseback transactions-
Income from sub-lease of right-of-use assets11,364,199.51
Total cash outflows relating to leases837,856,182.83
Income (loss) from sale and leaseback transactions61,743,409.02
Cash inflows from sale and leaseback transactions328,026,212.50
Cash outflows from sale and leaseback transactions520,496,584.08

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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70. Leases - continued

(2) Lessee - continued

Sale and leaseback transactions and basis for determination:

Note: For the purpose of raising funds and leasing back for use, the Company carries out sale and

leaseback transaction with the legally owned terminal assets as the subject of the transferand the leased assets, for a term of three years. As the Company is entitled to repurchase atthe expiry of the lease term and the repurchase price is not lower than the original sellingprice, it is considered as a financing transaction and is recognized as a long-term payablewhen the amount is received from the lessor, and the difference between the original sellingprice and the repurchase price is recognized as interest expenses.


1. Disclosure by nature of expenses

Employee benefits166,273,348.83222,334,684.01
Direct materials and outsourced R&D78,769,899.8457,140,031.23
Depreciation and amortisation11,654,856.9016,295,546.56
Including: R&D expenditure recorded as expenses223,739,072.07287,706,178.70
R&D expenditure capitalised48,922,698.0431,758,923.08

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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(IX) R&D EXPENDITURE - continued

2. Development expenditure for R&D projects that qualify for capitalisation

Internal development expenditureRecognised as fixed assetsRecognised as intangible assetsTransferred to profit or loss for the period
Other R&D projects17,412,196.1619,364,847.3415,065,485.70279,255.32592,682.0120,839,620.47


1. Disposal of subsidiaries

Loss of control over subsidiaries

Name of the subsidiaryPoint in time of losing controlDisposal consideration at point in time of losing controlDisposal proportion at point in time of losing control (%)Disposal approach at point in time of losing controlDetermination basis for point in time of losing controlDifference between disposal consideration and shares of corresponding net assets of the subsidiary at consolidated levelProportion of remaining equity at the date of losing control (%)Amount of other comprehensive income related to equity investments of the original subsidiary transferred to investment gains or losses or retained earnings

Ningbo Daxie

Ningbo DaxieAugust 20231,845,000,000.0045.00Transfer of equityCompletion of transaction and transfer of control205,336,602.02--

Dalian Port Logistics NetworkCo., Ltd.

Dalian Port Logistics Network Co., Ltd.November 202363,716,000.0079.03Transfer of equityCompletion of transaction and transfer of control19,694,127.20--
Gangxin TechnologyNovember 202319,311,500.00100.00Transfer of equityCompletion of transaction and transfer of control-8,080,826.75--

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the Group - Major subsidiaries

Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessPlace of incorporationNature of businessRegistered capital (RMB'0000, unless otherwise specified)Shareholding ratio of the Company (%)Acquisition method
Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services550.00100.00-Established through investment
Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) Ltd. (Wharf Holdings Hong Kong)HK ChinaHK ChinaInvestment holdingHKD 1,000,000100.00-Established through investment
Dongguan Shenchiwan Port Affairs Co., Ltd.Dongguan ChinaDongguan ChinaLogistics support services45,000.0085.00-Established through investment
Dongguan Shenchiwan Wharf Co., Ltd.Dongguan ChinaDongguan ChinaLogistics support services40,000.00100.00-Established through investment
Shenzhen Chiwan Harbor Container Co. Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services28,820.00100.00-Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services10,000.00100.00-Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support servicesUSD 95,300,00055.0020.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services2,400.00100.00-Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Chiwan Shipping (Hong Kong) LimitedHK ChinaHK ChinaLogistics support servicesHKD 800,000100.00-Business combination involving enterprises under common control
CM Port (Note 1)HK ChinaHK ChinaInvestment holdingHKD 48,730,938,8000.3848.90Business combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services70,000.0040.0060.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
CM International TechShenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaIT service8,784.8256.2643.74Business combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants International (China) Investment Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaInvestment holdingUSD67,400,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants International Container Terminal (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.Qingdao ChinaQingdao ChinaLogistics support servicesUSD 206,300,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants Container Services LimitedHK ChinaHK ChinaLogistics support servicesHKD 500,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants Port (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services55,000.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Haiqin Project Management Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaEngineering supervision service1,000.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
ATJShenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaPreparation for the warehousing projectHKD 100,000,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
ASJShenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaPreparation for the warehousing projectHKD 100,000,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants International Terminal (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.Qingdao ChinaQingdao ChinaLogistics support servicesUSD 44,000,000-90.10Business combination involving enterprises under common control
CICTSri LankaSri LankaLogistics support servicesUSD 150,000,100-85.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Magang Godown & WharfShenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services33,500.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Mawan Port Services Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services20,000.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Zhangzhou China Merchants Tugboat Co., Ltd.Zhangzhou ChinaZhangzhou ChinaLogistics support services1,500.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Zhangzhou China Merchants Port Co., Ltd.Zhangzhou ChinaZhangzhou ChinaLogistics support services116,700.00-60.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Zhangzhou Investment Promotion Bureau Xiamenwan Port Affairs Co., Ltd. ("Xiamenwan Port Affairs") (Note 2)Zhangzhou ChinaZhangzhou ChinaLogistics support services44,450.00-31.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shekou Container Terminals Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support servicesHKD 618,201,200-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Lianyunjie Container Terminals Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services60,854.90-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Anxunjie Container Terminals (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services127,600.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Anyunjie Port Warehousing Service (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaPreparation for the warehousing project6,060.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Interests in subsidiaries - continued

(1) Composition of the Group - Major subsidiaries - continued

Name of the subsidiaryPrincipal place of businessPlace of incorporationNature of businessRegistered capital (RMB'0000, unless otherwise specified)Shareholding ratio of the Company (%)Acquisition method
Shenzhen HaixingShenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services53,072.92-67.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Lianyongtong Terminal Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support servicesUSD 7,000,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Yide PortFoshan ChinaFoshan ChinaLogistics support services21,600.0051.00-Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Mega SCTBVIBVIInvestment holdingUSD 120.00-80.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Oasis King International LimitedBVIBVIInvestment holdingUSD 100.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Lome Container Terminal S.A. (Note 3)Republic of TogoRepublic of TogoLogistics support servicesXOF 200,000,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Gainpro Resources LimitedBVIBVIInvestment holdingUSD 1.00-76.47Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Hambantota International Port Group (Private) LimitedSri LankaSri LankaLogistics support servicesUSD 1,145,480,000-85.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shantou portShantou ChinaShantou ChinaLogistics support services12,500.00-60.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Jinyu Rongtai Investment Development Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaProperty lease, etc.80,000.00-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Merchants Qianhaiwan Real Estate Co., LtdShenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaProperty lease, etc.20,000.00-100.00Asset acquisition
Juzhongzhi Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaInvestment consulting4,000.00-75.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Shenzhen Lianda Tugboat Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services200.00-60.29Business combination involving enterprises under common control
China Ocean Shipping Tally Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.Zhangzhou ChinaZhangzhou ChinaLogistics support services200.00-84.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
China Merchants Holdings (Djibouti) FZEDjiboutiDjiboutiLogistics support servicesUSD 38,140,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Xinda Resources LimitedBVIBVIInvestment holdingUSD 107,620,000-77.45Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Kong Rise Development LimitedHK ChinaHK ChinaInvestment holdingUSD 107,620,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
TCPBrazilBrazilLogistics support servicesBRL 68,851,600-100.00Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
Direcet Achieve Investments LimitedHK ChinaHK ChinaInvestment holdingUSD 814,781,300-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Zhoushan RoRoZhoushan ChinaZhoushan ChinaLogistics support services17,307.8651.00-Asset acquisition
Shenzhen Haixing Logistics Development Co., Ltd.Shenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaLogistics support services7,066.79-100.00Asset acquisition
Zhanjiang PortZhanjiang ChinaZhanjiang ChinaLogistics support services587,420.9130.7827.58Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
Zhanjiang Port International Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Zhanjiang ChinaZhanjiang ChinaLogistics support services60,000.00-80.00Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
Zhanjiang Port Petrochemical Terminal Co., Ltd. (Note 4)Zhanjiang ChinaZhanjiang ChinaLogistics support services18,000.00-50.00Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
China Ocean Shipping Tally Co., Ltd., ZhanjiangZhanjiang ChinaZhanjiang ChinaLogistics support services300.00-84.00Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
Zhanjiang Port Donghaidao Bulk Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd.Zhanjiang ChinaZhanjiang ChinaLogistics support services5,000.00-100.00Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
Zhanjiang Port LogisticsZhanjiang ChinaZhanjiang ChinaLogistics support services10,000.00-100.00Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
Guangdong Zhanjiang Port Longteng Shipping Co., Ltd.Zhanjiang ChinaZhanjiang ChinaLogistics support services9,000.00-51.00Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
Shantou Harbor Towage Service Co., Ltd.Shantou ChinaShantou ChinaLogistics support services1,000.00-100.00Established through investment
Sanya Merchants Port Development Co., Ltd.Sanya ChinaSanya ChinaLogistics support services1,000.0051.00-Established through investment
Malai Warehousing (Shenzhen) Co., LtdShenzhen ChinaShenzhen ChinaOwning China Qianhai propertyHKD 1,600,000,000-100.00Business combination involving enterprises under common control
Ports Development (Hong Kong) LimitedHong Kong ChinaHong Kong ChinaInvestment holding2,768,291.56100.00-Established through investment
Shunkong PortFoshan ChinaFoshan ChinaProperty development and management34,489.7951.00-Asset acquisition
South Asia Trade and Logistics Center Co., Ltd.("SACL") ( Note 5)Sri LankaSri LankaLogistics support servicesUSD 37,140,000-70.00Established through investment

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Interests in subsidiaries - continued

(1) Composition of the Group - Major subsidiaries - continued

Note 1: On 19 June 2018, the Company and China Merchants Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

("CMHK") entered into an "Agreement of Concerted Action on China Merchants PortHoldings Company Limited". According to the agreement, CMHK unconditionally keepsconsistent with the Company when voting for the matters discussed at the generalshareholders' meeting of CM Port in respect of its voting power of CM Port as entrusted,and performs the voting as per the Company's opinion. In March 2022, the Companytransferred its 43.00% equity contribution in China Merchants Port Holdings CompanyLimited to the wholly-owned subsidiary Ports Development (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

In June and October 2023, CM Port respectively distributed 2022 dividends and 2023interim dividends to shareholders. The shareholders may select to receive the dividendsall in cash or shares, or receive the dividends part in cash and part in new shares. TheCompany and Ports Development (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. select to receive all dividendsattributable to their shareholdings in CM Port in the form of shares, and CMHK selects toreceive the 2022 dividends in cash and the 2023 interim dividends attributable to itsshareholding in CM Port in the form of shares. In 2023, Ports Development (Hong Kong)Co., Ltd. acquired 94,702,000 ordinary shares of CM Port from the secondary market.Upon the completion of above distribution and the transaction, the proportion of theordinary shares of CM Port held by the Group to the total issued ordinary shares of CMPort was changed from 45.69% to 49.28%, while the proportion of the ordinary shares ofCM Port held by CMHK to the total issued ordinary shares of CM Port was changed from

22.42% to 21.85%. Therefore, the Company has 71.13% voting power on CM Port in totaland is able to exercise control over CM Port.

Note 2: The Group and China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd. entered into an

"Equity Custody Agreement", according to which China Merchants ZhangzhouDevelopment Zone Co., Ltd. entrusted its 29% equity of ZCMG to the Group for operationand management. Therefore, the Group has 60% voting power of ZCMG and includes itin the scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements.

Note 3: The Group is entitled to the nomination of most members of the executive commission

and has control over Lome Container Terminal S.A. Therefore, the Group includes it inthe scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements.

Note 4: The Group holds 50% equity interest in Zhanjiang Port Petrochemical Terminal Co., Ltd.

According to the agreement, the Group has control over Zhanjiang Port PetrochemicalTerminal Co., Ltd., and therefore includes it in the scope of consolidation of theconsolidated financial statements.

Note 5: SACL is a limited liability company established by CM Port in Sri Lanka on 21 April


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Interests in subsidiaries - continued

(2) Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

Name of the subsidiaryProportion of ownership interest held by the minority shareholders (%)Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholders in the current yearDividends distributed to minority shareholders in the current yearBalance of minority interests at the end of the year
CM Port50.723,790,168,766.291,716,130,041.1461,593,070,426.41

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Interests in subsidiaries - continued

(3) Major financial information of significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

Name of the subsidiary31/12/202331/12/2022
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesCurrent assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilities
CM Port15,917,026,132.04135,313,877,243.36151,230,903,375.4018,457,977,486.5327,802,818,508.4546,260,795,994.9812,837,082,258.94137,558,098,661.09150,395,180,920.0318,761,895,893.6025,152,356,977.5043,914,252,871.10
Name of the subsidiary20232022
Operating incomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activitiesOperating incomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activities
CM Port10,503,277,811.446,466,697,575.117,608,794,449.884,852,710,141.5210,926,649,847.417,771,272,424.879,468,881,467.495,181,954,271.51

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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2. Transactions resulting from changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries without

losing control over the subsidiaries

(1) Description of changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries

During the year, the Group's ownership interests in CM Port is changed from 45.69% to 49.28%.Details are set out in Note (XI) 1 (1).

During the year, the Group's ownership interests in CM International Tech is changed from 56.92%to 100%.

During the year, the Group's ownership interests in Oasis King International Limited is changedfrom 70.00% to 100%.

(2) Effect of the transactions on minority interests and equity attributable to owners of the


CM PortCM International TechOasis King International LimitedTotal
Acquisition cost
- Cash880,259,262.73109,901,500.00818,659,106.041,808,819,868.77
- Fair value of non-cash assets1,398,559,890.07--1,398,559,890.07
Total acquisition cost2,278,819,152.80109,901,500.00818,659,106.043,207,379,758.84
Less: Share of net assets of subsidiaries calculated based on the proportion of equity acquired4,547,937,480.4182,775,475.48819,100,518.205,449,813,474.09
Including: Adjustment to capital reserve2,269,118,327.61-27,126,024.52441,412.162,242,433,715.25
Adjustment to surplus reserve----
Adjustment to unappropriated profit----

3. Interests in joint ventures and associates

(1) Significant joint ventures or associates

InvesteePrincipal place of businessPlace of registrationNature of businessProportion of ownership interests held by the Group (%)Accounting treatment of investments in associates
SIPGShanghai, PRCShanghai, PRCPort and container terminal business-28.05Equity method
Ningbo ZhoushanNingbo, PRCNingbo, PRCPort and container terminal business20.982.10Equity method

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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4. Key financial information of significant associate

31/12/2023 / 202331/12/2022/ 2022
Current assets53,049,570,240.8746,525,054,810.02
Including: Cash and cash equivalents35,721,676,040.1426,843,326,028.04
Non-current assets150,525,944,932.10135,276,650,788.84
Total assets203,575,515,172.97181,801,705,598.86
Current liabilities22,835,359,505.9825,863,891,496.14
Non-current liabilities44,553,743,360.0034,770,765,671.21
Total liabilities67,389,102,865.9860,634,657,167.35
Net assets136,186,412,306.99121,167,048,431.51
Minority interests13,010,972,126.118,839,640,972.54
Net assets attributable to owners of the Company123,175,440,180.88112,327,407,458.97
Share of net assets calculated based on the proportion of ownership interests34,550,710,970.7431,507,837,792.24
- Goodwill2,427,508,397.272,427,508,397.27
- Others234,665,770.76236,552,011.66
Carrying amount of equity investments in associates37,212,885,138.7734,171,898,201.17
Fair value of publicly quoted equity investments in associates32,003,432,940.5034,877,210,592.30
Operating income37,551,570,005.5637,279,806,723.63
Net profit14,007,787,452.3517,910,112,648.83
Other comprehensive income-58,126,233.99-526,788,637.24
Total comprehensive income13,949,661,218.3617,383,324,011.59
Dividends received from associates in the current year914,383,798.301,240,688,187.97
Ningbo Zhoushan
Current assets19,223,549,000.00
Including: Cash and cash equivalents9,635,337,000.00
Non-current assets93,105,852,000.00
Total assets112,329,401,000.00
Current liabilities22,201,633,000.00
Non-current liabilities9,429,720,000.00
Total liabilities31,631,353,000.00
Net assets80,698,048,000.00
Minority interests5,828,457,000.00
Net assets attributable to owners of the Company74,869,591,000.00
Share of net assets calculated based on the proportion of ownership interests17,279,901,602.80
- Goodwill1,231,115,756.87
- Others120,136,754.64
Carrying amount of equity investments in associates18,631,154,114.31
Fair value of publicly quoted equity investments in associates15,982,528,312.20
Operating income25,993,200,000.00
Net profit5,156,174,000.00
Other comprehensive income76,072,000.00
Total comprehensive income5,232,246,000.00
Dividends received from associates in the current year390,875,794.33

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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4. Key financial information of significant associate - continued

Note: Ningbo Zhoushan has become an important associate this year and only disclosed financial

data for this year, Ningbo Zhoushan's financial data are accurate to the nearest RMB1,000.00.

5. Summarized financial information of insignificant associates and joint ventures

Item31/12/2023 /202331/12/2022 / 2022 (Restated)
Joint ventures:— —— —
Total carrying amount of investments8,957,993,335.229,716,793,055.72
Aggregate of following items calculated based on the proportion of ownership interest— —— —
- Net profit396,604,681.06419,341,721.80
- Other comprehensive income-879,272,391.47175,421,702.38
- Total comprehensive income-482,667,710.41594,763,424.18
Associates:— —— —
Total carrying amount of investments31,864,085,187.9748,475,602,662.16
Aggregate of following items calculated based on the proportion of ownership interest— —— —
- Net profit831,571,993.782,003,274,864.02
- Other comprehensive income138,977,006.59-300,868,120.56
- Total comprehensive income970,549,000.371,702,406,743.46

6. The investees where the Group holds long-term equity investments are not restricted

to transfer funds to the Group.


1. Government grants recognised as receivables at the end of current year

Balance of receivables as at the end of current year2,181,470.00

2. Liabilities involving government grants

Item31/12/2022New government grantsAmount included in non-operating incomeAmount included in other incomeOther changes31/12/2023Related to assets/income
Deferred income1,031,273,189.7441,207,834.25-47,704,466.26-1,024,776,557.73Related to assets
Total1,031,273,189.7441,207,834.25-47,704,466.26-1,024,776,557.73— —

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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3. Government grants included in profit or loss

Business development subsidy113,983,657.9194,355,004.33
Special fund for operation18,439,586.227,385,898.57
Steady post subsidies1,682,015.155,771,198.38


The Group's major financial instruments include cash and bank balances, held-for-trading financialassets, notes receivable, accounts receivable, receivables financing, other receivables, long-termreceivables, other non-current financial assets, borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable, otherpayables, other current liabilities, non-current liabilities due within one year, bonds payable, long-term payables, other non-current liabilities, etc. Details of these financial instruments are disclosedin Note (VIII). The risks associated with these financial instruments and the policies on how tomitigate these risks are set out below. Management of the Group manages and monitors theseexposures to ensure the risks are monitored at a certain level.

The Group adopts sensitivity analysis technique to analyse how the profit and loss for the periodand shareholders' equity would have been affected by reasonably possible changes in the relevantrisk variables. As it is unlikely that risk variables will change in an isolated manner, and theinterdependence among risk variables will have significant effect on the amount ultimatelyinfluenced by the changes in a single risk variable, the following are based on the assumption thatthe change in each risk variable is on a stand-alone basis.

1. Risk management objectives, policies and procedures, and changes for the period

The Group's risk management objectives are to achieve a proper balance between risks and yield,minimise the adverse impacts of risks on the Group's operation performance, and maximise thebenefits of the shareholders and other stakeholders. Based on these risk management objectives, theGroup's basic risk management strategy is to identify and analyse the Group's exposure to variousrisks, establish an appropriate maximum tolerance to risk, implement risk management, andmonitors regularly and effectively these exposures to ensure the risks are monitored at a certainlevel.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Risk management objectives, policies and procedures, and changes for the period- continued

1.1 Market risk

1.1.1 Currency risk

Currency risk is the risk that losses will occur because of changes in foreign exchange rates. TheGroup's exposure to the currency risk is primarily associated with HKD, USD and EUR. Except forpart of the purchases and sales, the Group's other principal activities are denominated and settled inRMB. As at 31 December 2023, the balances of the Group's assets and liabilities are bothdenominated in functional currency, except that the assets and liabilities set out below are recordedusing foreign currencies. Currency risk arising from the foreign currency balance of assets andliabilities may have impact on the Group's performance.

Cash and bank balances487,182,682.32799,833,569.05
Accounts receivable10,544,159.1429,766,083.42
Other receivables339,131,902.71360,531,571.16
Long-term receivables204,300,125.00-
Short-term borrowings2,990,000,000.004,090,000,000.00
Accounts payable1,379,762.772,372,883.60
Other payables300,187,007.82246,131,122.92
Non-current liabilities due within one year9,339,586.11670,000,000.00
Long-term borrowings4,656,000,000.003,669,000,000.00
Long-term payables9,391,615.50-

The Group closely monitors the effects of changes in the foreign exchange rates on the Group'scurrency risk exposures. According to the current risk exposure and judgment on the exchange ratemovements, the management considers it is unlikely that the exchange rate changes in the next yearwill result in significant loss to the Group.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Risk management objectives, policies and procedures, and changes for the period- continued

1.1 Market risk - continued

1.1.1 Currency risk - continued

Sensitivity analysis on currency risk

The assumption for the sensitivity analysis on currency risk is that all the cash flow hedges andhedges of a net investment in a foreign operation are highly effective. On the basis of the aboveassumption, where all other variables are held constant, the reasonably possible changes in theforeign exchange rate may have the following pre-tax effect on the profit or loss for the period andshareholders' equity:

ItemChanges in exchange rate20232022
Effect on profitEffect on shareholders' equityEffect on profitEffect on shareholders' equity
All foreign currencies5% increase against RMB-362,713,439.88-362,713,439.88-383,846,068.61-383,846,068.61
All foreign currencies5% decrease against RMB362,713,439.88362,713,439.88383,846,068.61383,846,068.61
All foreign currencies5% increase against USD-18,083,083.38-18,083,083.385,221,127.375,221,127.37
All foreign currencies5% decrease against USD18,083,083.3818,083,083.38-5,221,127.37-5,221,127.37
All foreign currencies5% increase against HKD23,046,933.5823,046,933.583,837,255.043,837,255.04
All foreign currencies5% decrease against HKD-23,046,933.58-23,046,933.58-3,837,255.04-3,837,255.04
All foreign currencies5% increase against EUR (including FCFA)11,592,634.5311,592,634.53419,047.06419,047.06
All foreign currencies5% decrease against EUR (including FCFA)-11,592,634.53-11,592,634.53- 419,047.06- 419,047.06

1.1.2 Interest rate risk - changes in cash flows

Risk of changes in cash flows of financial instruments arising from interest rate changes is mainlyrelated to bank loans with floating interest rate. (See Note (VIII) 24 and Note (VIII) 34). The Groupcontinuously and closely monitors the impact of interest rate changes on the Group's interest raterisk. The Group's policy is to maintain these borrowings at floating rates. Presently, the Group hasno arrangement such as interest rate swaps.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Risk management objectives, policies and procedures, and changes for the period- continued

1.1 Market risk - continued

1.1.2 Interest rate risk - changes in cash flows - continued

Sensitivity analysis on interest rate risk

Sensitivity analysis on interest rate risk is based on the following assumptions:

? Fluctuations of market interest rate can affect the interest income or expense of a financialinstrument with floating interest rate;? For a financial instrument at fair value with fixed interest rate, the fluctuations of market interest ratecan only affect its interest income or expense;? For a derivative financial instrument designated as hedging instrument, the fluctuations of marketinterest rate affect its fair value, and all interest rate hedges are expected to be highly effective;? The changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments and other financial assets and liabilitiesare calculated using cash flow discounting method by applying the market interest rate at balancesheet date.

On the basis of above assumptions, where the other variables held constant, the pre-tax effect ofpossible and reasonable changes in interest rate on the profit or loss for the period and shareholders'equity are as follows:

ItemChanges in interest rate20232022
Effect on profitEffect on shareholders' equityEffect on profitEffect on shareholders' equity
Short-term borrowings and long-term borrowings1% increase-342,406,182.88-342,406,182.88-207,621,560.74-207,621,560.74
Short-term borrowings and long-term borrowings1% decrease342,406,182.88342,406,182.88207,621,560.74207,621,560.74

1.2 Credit risk

As at 31 December 2023, the Group's maximum exposure to credit risk which will cause a financialloss to the Group due to failure to discharge an obligation by the counterparties and financialguarantees issued by the Group (without considering the available collateral or other creditenhancements) is arising from cash and bank balances (Note (VIII), 1), notes receivable (Note(VIII), 3), accounts receivable (Note (VIII), 4), other receivables (Note (VIII), 7), long-termreceivables (Note (VIII), 11), etc. At the balance sheet date, the carrying amounts of the Group'sfinancial assets represent its maximum exposure to credit risk. In addition, the Group's maximumcredit risk exposure to credit losses includes the amount of financial guarantee contract as disclosedin Note (XVII), 2 "Contingencies".

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Risk management objectives, policies and procedures, and changes for the period- continued

1.2 Credit risk - continued

In order to minimise the credit risk, the Group has delegated a department responsible fordetermination of credit limits, credit approvals and other monitoring procedures to ensure thatfollow-up action is taken to recover overdue debts. In addition, the Group reviews the recoverableamount of financial assets at each balance sheet date to ensure that adequate provision for creditloss is made for relevant financial assets. In this regard, the management of the Group considersthat the Group's credit risk is significantly reduced.

The credit risk on cash and bank balances is limited because they are deposited with financialinstitutions with high credit ratings.

The Group has no significant concentration of credit risk, with exposure spread over a number ofcounterparties and customers.

The Group has adopted a policy to ensure that all sales customers have good credit records.

1.3 Liquidity risk

In the management of the liquidity risk, the Group monitors and maintains a level of cash and cashequivalents deemed adequate by the management to finance the Group's operations and mitigatethe effects of fluctuations in cash flows. The management monitors the utilisation of bankborrowings and ensures compliance with loan covenants.

As at 31 December 2023, the Group had total current liabilities in excess of total current assets ofRMB 5,612,418,164.44. As at 31 December 2023, the Group had available and unused line of creditand bonds amounting to RMB 69,439,268,355.68, which is greater than the balance of the netcurrent liabilities. The Group can obtain financial support from the available line of credit and bondswhen needed. Therefore, the Group's management believes that the Group has no significantliquidity risk.

The following is the maturity analysis for financial assets and financial liabilities held by the Groupwhich is based on undiscounted remaining contractual obligations:

ItemCarrying amountGross amountWithin 1 year1 to 5 yearsOver 5 years
Short-term borrowings15,714,045,288.9716,173,813,350.9716,173,813,350.97--
Notes payable73,461,165.8273,461,165.8273,461,165.82--
Accounts payable691,765,137.25691,765,137.25691,765,137.25--
Other payables1,654,622,170.021,654,622,170.021,654,622,170.02--
Non-current liabilities due within one year6,745,613,464.047,946,167,971.577,946,167,971.57--
Other current liabilities2,143,842,534.532,153,429,383.852,153,429,383.85--
Long-term borrowings18,227,543,954.7119,240,642,199.11-17,013,554,984.112,227,087,215.00
Bonds payable14,287,508,564.1515,590,487,807.53-15,590,487,807.53-
Lease liabilities1,001,172,206.922,484,068,796.64-282,009,548.652,202,059,247.99
Long-term payables3,817,255,549.156,096,325,412.76-826,260,924.505,270,064,488.26
Related-party guarantees347,437,758.18347,437,758.18114,527,259.00156,254,811.8676,655,687.32

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Closing balance of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

ItemFair value at 31/12/2023
Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Fair value measurementFair value measurementFair value measurement
Continuously measured at fair value
Held-for-trading financial assets-4,568,806,108.84-4,568,806,108.84
Receivables financing--2,001,669.462,001,669.46
Investments in other equity instruments--157,461,648.16157,461,648.16
Other non-current financial assets850,222,729.23-27,353,713.60877,576,442.83
Total assets continuously measured at fair value850,222,729.234,568,806,108.84186,817,031.225,605,845,869.29

2. Basis for determining the market price of items continuously measured at level 1 fair


The market prices of held-for-trading financial assets and other non-current financial assets aredetermined based on the closing price of the equity instruments at Stock Exchange at 31 December2023.

3. Qualitative and quantitative information of valuation techniques and key parameters

adopted for items continuously measured at level 2 fair value

ItemFair value at 31/12/2023Valuation techniquesInputs
Held-for-trading financial assets4,568,806,108.84Cash flow discountingExpected rate of return

The fair value of debt instruments at fair value through profit or loss is determined using the cashflow discounting approach. During the valuation, the Group adopts the expected return as the input.

4. Qualitative and quantitative information of valuation techniques and key parameters

adopted for items continuously measured at level 3 fair value

ItemFair value at 31/12/2023Valuation techniquesInputs
Receivables financing2,001,669.46Cash flow discountingDiscount rate
Investments in other equity instruments157,461,648.16Net worth methodCarrying amount
Other non-current financial assets737,436.89Net worth methodCarrying amount
Other non-current financial assets26,616,276.71Listed company comparison approachShare price

The fair value of non-listed equity instruments included in equity instruments at fair value throughprofit or loss or other comprehensive income is determined using the valuation techniques such asnet worth method, listed company comparison approach etc.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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5. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

The financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value mainly include notes receivable,accounts receivable, other receivables, short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable,other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payable, lease liabilities and long-term payables etc.

The Group's management believes that the carrying amounts of financial assets and financialliabilities at amortized cost in the financial statements approximate their fair values.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Parent of the Company

Name of the CompanyRelated party relationshipType of the entityPlace of registrationNature of businessIssued share capitalProportion of ownership interests held by the Company (%)Proportion of voting power held by the Company (%)
Broadford Global LimitedParentPrivate limited company (share limited)Hong KongInvestment holdingHKD 21,120,986,2622.2163.01 (Note)

Note: Broadford Global Limited directly holds 2.21% equity of the Company, and indirectly holds 14.84% and 45.96% equity of the Company through

the subsidiaries China Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and China Merchants Port Investment Development CompanyLimited respectively. The ultimate controlling shareholder of the Company is China Merchants Group.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Details of the subsidiaries of the Company are set out in Note (X) 1, Note (XI) 1.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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3. Associates and joint ventures of the Company

Details of the Company's significant joint ventures and associates are set out in Note (XI) 3.

Other joint ventures or associates that have related party transactions with the Group in the currentyear, or formed balances of related party transactions with the Group in the prior year are as follows:

Name of joint venture or associateRelationship with the Company
Port of Newcastle and its subsidiariesJoint venture
Guizhou East Land Port Operation Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Qingdao Qianwan New United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Joint venture
COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.Joint venture
China Ocean Shipping Agency (Zhanjiang) Co., LtdJoint venture
Yantai Port Group Laizhou Port Co., Ltd.Joint venture
Qingdao Wutong Century Supply Chain Co., Ltd.Joint venture
China Merchants Port (Shenzhen) Industrial Innovation Private Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership) ("Investment Fund")Joint venture
Doraleh Multi-purpose PortAssociate
Great Horn Development Company FZCoAssociate
International Djibouti Industrial Parks Operation FZCoAssociate
Port de Djibouti S.A.Associate
Terminal Link SASAssociate
Tin-Can Island Container Terminal LtdAssociate
Guizhou Qiandongnan Continental Land Port Operation Co., Ltd.Associate
Nanshan Group and its subsidiariesAssociate
Ningbo Zhoushan and its subsidiariesAssociate
Shenzhen Baohong Technology Co., Ltd.Associate
Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.Associate
Merchants Port CityAssociate
Zhanjiang Xiagang United Development Co., Ltd.Associate
Chu Kong River Trade Terminal Co., Ltd.Associate
Shantou Zhonglian Tally Co., LtdAssociate
Shantou International Container Terminals LimitedAssociate
Shenzhen Bay Electricity Industry Co., Ltd.Associate
Tianjin Port Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Associate
Lac Assal Investment Holding Company LimitedAssociate
CM Port Chuangrong (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.Associate
Ningbo Port Container Transportation Co., Ltd.Associate
Shenzhen Chiwan Haike Industrial Operation Co., Ltd.Associate
Liaoning Port and its subsidiariesAssociate, controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
New Land-Sea Corridor Operation (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.Associate
Antong Holdings and its subordinate companiesAssociate

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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4. Other related parties of the Company

Name of other related partiesRelationship with the Company
Zhoushan Blue Ocean Investment Co., Ltd.Minority shareholder of subsidiary
Sri Lanka Ports AuthorityMinority shareholder of subsidiary
Guangdong Shunkong City Investment Real Estate Co. Ltd.Minority shareholder of subsidiary
Zhanjiang Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.Minority shareholder of subsidiary
Dalian Port Logistics Technology Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Port Communications Engineering Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Marine Shipping Agency Guangdong Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
South China Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and Development LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Qingdao Bonded Logistics Park Sinotrans Warehousing Logistics Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Qingdao Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Penavico Shenzhen Warehousing Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Sinotrans Shenzhen Qianhai Supply Chain Management Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Investment Development Co. Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants International Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Real Estate (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Real Estate Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Shenzhen Merchants to Home Technology Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Shenzhen Ro-Ro Shipping Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Commercial Property Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Property Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Marine Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Yiu Lian Dockyards LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants International Cold Chain (Shenzhen) Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Group Finance Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Port Investment Development Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Finance Lease (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchant Food (China) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Tongshang Finance Lease Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Power Supply Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Traffic Import and Export Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Sinotrans Changhang Group LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Shenzhen Dehan Investment Development Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Marine Shipping Agency Guangdong Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Healthcare (Qichun) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Ocean Shipping Tally Shenzhen Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Sinotrans Central China Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Sinotrans (HK) Shipping LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Sinoway Shipping Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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4. Other related parties of the Company - continued

Name of other related partiesRelationship with the Company
China Merchants Heavy Industry (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Sinotrans Shantou Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants-Logistics Shenzhen Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Marine Shipping Agency Ningbo Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Sinotrans Container Lines (Hong Kong) Company LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Yingkou Port Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries ("Yingkou Port Group")Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Liaoning Port Group Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Liaoning Electronic Port Co., LtdControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Yangtze River Shipping Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Gangrong Big Data Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Port Construction Supervision Consulting Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Port Group Corporation LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Shenzhen West Port Security Service Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Port ContainerControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Apartment Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Bonded Zone Yongdexin Real Estate Development & Construction Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Jifa LogisticsControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Jifa South Coast International Logistics Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Jifa Port Logistics Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
CHINA MERCHANTS SHIPPING AND ENTERPRISES COMPANY LIMITEDControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Ningbo Transocean International Forwarding Agency Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Qingdao Sinotrans Mining Technology Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Yingkou Xingang Kuangshi Terminals Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dandong Port Group Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Port and Shipping Digital Technology (Liaoning) Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Ocean Driller III LimitedControlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Ganglong Technology Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Qingdao Sinotrans Logistics Co., Ltd.Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
Shenzhen Wanhai Building Management Co., Ltd.Significantly influenced by the ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Union (BVI) limitedSignificantly influenced by the ultimate controlling shareholder
Datong Securities Co., LtdSignificantly influenced by the ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Automobile Terminal Co., LtdSignificantly influenced by the ultimate controlling shareholder
Dalian Port Design Research Institute Co., Ltd.Significantly influenced by the ultimate controlling shareholder
Khor Ambado FZCoSignificantly influenced by the ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.Significantly influenced by the ultimate controlling shareholder
China Merchants (Shenzhen) Power Supply Co., Ltd.Significantly influenced by the ultimate controlling shareholder

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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5. Related party transactions

(1) Rendering and receipt of services

Related partyContent of transactionPricing method and decision procedures of related transactions20232022
Receipt of services:
Shenzhen Bay Electricity Industry Co., Ltd.Service expenseNegotiation56,553,895.2355,476,519.62
Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) Ltd.Service expenseNegotiation37,373,052.065,764,441.32
China Merchants (Shenzhen) Power Supply Co., Ltd.Service expenseNegotiation19,085,551.4217,893,208.32
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.Service expenseNegotiation18,954,315.2518,229,532.95
China Merchants Property Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Service expenseNegotiation15,013,993.937,959,601.92
Nanshan Group and its subsidiariesService expenseNegotiation12,922,553.8820,553,330.63
Ocean Driller III LimitedService expenseNegotiation12,444,743.72-
Shenzhen West Port Security Service Co., Ltd.Service expenseNegotiation11,300,450.1811,952,754.94
Yiu Lian Dockyards LimitedService expenseNegotiation8,104,140.518,489,653.19
Ningbo Zhoushan and its subsidiariesService expenseNegotiation7,569,178.7614,417,120.66
China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Power Supply Co., Ltd.Service expenseNegotiation6,449,368.775,562,706.02
International Djibouti Industrial Parks Operation FZCoService expenseNegotiation6,264,666.662,344,919.84
Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Company LimitedService expenseNegotiation5,014,184.8519,923,373.82
China Merchants Commercial Property Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Service expenseNegotiation5,000,000.003,896,620.63
Other related partiesService expenseNegotiation37,272,690.4660,512,567.41
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.Purchase of structured depositsNegotiation3,180,000,000.00900,061,111.11
China Merchants Group Finance Company LimitedInterest expenseNegotiation26,303,900.6674,066,413.54
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.Interest expenseNegotiation17,596,634.768,970,399.98
China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.Interest expenseNegotiation2,117,332.10724,437.17
Rendering of service:
COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation243,101,038.82203,783,472.45
Antong Holdings and its subordinate companiesService incomeNegotiation108,978,140.94124,308,389.86
Liaoning Port and its subsidiariesService incomeNegotiation80,155,659.35165,608,963.82
China Ocean Shipping Agency (Zhanjiang) Co., LtdService incomeNegotiation75,114,485.5959,100,409.00
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation69,319,211.8761,896,678.04
China Marine Shipping Agency Guangdong Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation36,263,254.2357,816,828.74
China Merchants International Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation26,223,978.8429,854,035.10
Yingkou Port Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries ("Yingkou Port Group")Service incomeNegotiation25,600,739.5641,932,643.50
Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) LimitedService incomeNegotiation12,403,540.0515,088,720.57
Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation11,703,055.837,891,652.35
Sinotrans Shenzhen Qianhai Supply Chain Management Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation10,684,159.255,354,930.31
New Land-Sea Corridor Operation (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation9,724,814.72-
CM Port Chuangrong (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation8,632,714.518,665,860.83
Shenzhen Baohong Technology Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation8,201,361.905,562,857.25
China Merchants International Cold Chain (Shenzhen) Company LimitedService incomeNegotiation7,196,978.464,050,145.80
China Merchants Port Investment Development Company LimitedService incomeNegotiation6,905,698.131,907,632.07
China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation6,779,104.474,966,841.25
Other related partiesService incomeNegotiation81,221,890.50141,359,228.82
Terminal Link SASService incomeNegotiation138,262,807.50169,844,015.81
Port of Newcastle and its subsidiariesService incomeNegotiation55,424,394.9217,721,583.77
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation51,248,973.95105,426,962.23
China Merchants Group Finance Company LimitedService incomeNegotiation33,052,458.7525,519,980.42
Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.Service incomeNegotiation1,210,342.381,558,375.91
China Merchants Union (BVI) limitedDefault incomeNegotiation34,137,339.48-

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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5. Related party transactions - continued

(2) Leases with related parties

The Group as the lessor:

Name of the lesseeType of leased assetsPricing method and decision procedures of related transactionsLease income recognized in the current yearLease income recognized in the prior year
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation14,311,677.7210,222,395.86
Qingdao Bonded Logistics Park Sinotrans Warehousing Logistics Co., Ltd.Port and terminal facilitiesNegotiation6,680,118.906,876,165.97
China Merchant Food (China) Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation5,964,675.965,683,461.66
China Traffic Import and Export Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation5,473,072.565,473,072.56
Qingdao Sinotrans Mining Technology Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation4,750,557.124,750,557.12
Qingdao Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation3,438,231.483,558,552.62
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation3,323,938.083,037,651.81
CM Port Chuangrong (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.Equipment and storage yardsNegotiation2,719,625.461,819,957.10
Qingdao Wutong Century Supply Chain Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation2,705,626.502,119,296.03
China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation2,697,967.832,567,514.78
Nanshan Group and its subsidiariesBuildings and structuresNegotiation2,283,922.575,065,342.55
Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) LimitedBuildings and structuresNegotiation2,268,270.472,195,466.64
Qingdao Sinotrans Logistics Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation2,064,723.80-
China Merchants Real Estate (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Buildings and structuresNegotiation-7,152,157.00
Other related partiesBuildings and structures, land use rightsNegotiation5,928,324.105,600,826.68

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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5. Related party transactions - continued

(2) Leases with related parties - continued

The Group as the lessee:

Name of the lessorType of leased assetsShort-term lease expenses or expenses on leases of low-value assets that are accounted for using simplified approachVariable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of lease liabilitiesRental paidInterest expenses on lease liabilitiesAddition to right-of-use assets
China Merchants Finance Lease (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Port and terminal facilities, Machinery and equipment----110,343,653.60116,152,138.567,734,573.2913,517,478.02--
Nanshan GroupBuildings and structures, Port and terminal facilities, Land use right, Others34,242.3228,161.16--69,881,796.9372,311,711.354,454,094.137,595,712.33-9,903,480.08
China Merchants Tongshang Finance Lease Co., Ltd.Machinery and equipment----46,381,918.5464,099,065.581,266,294.123,844,907.71--
China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.Port and terminal facilities----41,997,224.4238,839,274.644,035,780.924,986,303.85--

China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone HoldingsCo., Ltd.

China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.Port and terminal facilities, Land use right----36,699,122.6236,699,122.621,209,619.983,046,636.4791,911,426.8378,187,153.30
EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and Development LimitedPort and terminal facilities----14,908,924.8214,696,367.93446,855.68440,484.8514,462,069.1414,255,883.08
Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Investment Development Co. Ltd.Port and terminal facilities, Land use right7,937,320.807,892,513.32--8,175,440.388,175,440.38----
China Merchants Commercial Property Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Buildings and structures----6,488,599.406,473,427.40471,603.69181,534.9910,920,656.12-
Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) Ltd.Land use right1,655,096.341,995,553.15--1,995,553.201,995,553.15----
China Merchants International Cold Chain (Shenzhen) Company LimitedPort and terminal facilities148,500.00859,290.00--1,893,762.892,782,367.7332,922.5583,666.10--
Shenzhen Wanhai Building Management Co., Ltd.Buildings and structures----1,881,947.001,202,209.0270,805.86106,595.461,708,272.10-

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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5. Related party transactions - continued

(2) Leases with related parties - continued

The Group as the lessee: - continued

Name of the lessorType of leased assetsShort-term lease expenses or expenses on leases of low-value assets that are accounted for using simplified approachVariable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of lease liabilitiesRental paidInterest expenses on lease liabilitiesAddition to right-of-use assets
Dalian Bonded Zone Yongdexin Real Estate Development & Construction Co., Ltd.Buildings and structures----413,854.72408,741.23---393,967.46

China Merchants Apartment Development(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

China Merchants Apartment Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Buildings and structures144,662.87142,674.30--142,674.30142,674.30----
Dalian Port Group Corporation LimitedBuildings and structures----80,000.0080,000.005,613.759,766.56--
Dalian Port Communications Engineering Co., Ltd.Buildings and structures----50,000.0050,000.008,196.7311,498.73--
Shenzhen Chiwan Haike Industrial Operation Co., Ltd.Buildings and structures-1,101,345.84---1,200,466.97---`
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.Port and terminal facilities-----662,285.71-18,421.02-1,079,443.53

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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5. Related party transactions - continued

(3) Related party guarantees

The Group as the guarantor

Secured partyCredit lineGuaranteed amountCommencement dateMaturityThe guarantee has been completed or not
Terminal Link SAS (Note 1)76,655,687.3276,655,687.3211 June 20132033No
Khor Ambado FZCo (Note 2)203,981,760.00156,254,811.8624 May 20192032No
Terminal Link SAS (Note 1)114,527,259.00114,527,259.0025 Jan 20232030No
Total395,164,706.32347,437,758.18— —— —— —
Terminal Link SAS (Note 1)66,490,102.6266,490,102.6211 June 20132033No
Khor Ambado FZCo (Note 2)200,580,480.00120,182,425.5924 May 20192032No
Total267,070,582.62186,672,528.21— —— —— —

Note 1: CMA CGM S.A. is another shareholder of Terminal Link SAS, an associate of the Group.

The Group has made a commitment to CMA CGM S.A. that the Group will provideguarantee for its bank loans and other liabilities to Terminal Link SAS to the extent of theGroup's 49% ownership interest in the company. The actual guaranteed amount is RMB191,182,946.32as at 31 December 2023. If any guarantee liability occurs, the Group willcompensate CMA CGM S.A.

Note 2: Khor Ambado FZCo is a related party of the Group's ultimate controlling shareholder. The

Group provides guarantee for its bank loans and other liabilities, the actual amount ofwhich as at 31 December 2023 is RMB 156,254,811.86.

(4) Borrowings and loans with related parties

Related partyAmountCommencement dateMaturity dateDescription
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.1,150,941,725.01Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateShort-term borrowings
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited576,421,628.29Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateLong-term borrowings
Ocean Driller III Limited332,846,013.33Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateOther current liabilities
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited207,179,377.43Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateShort-term borrowings
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.68,062,333.33Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateLong-term borrowings
Total2,335,451,077.39— —— —— —
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited604,990,472.82Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateShort-term borrowings
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.140,139,852.77Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateLong-term borrowings
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited31,618,224.87Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateLong-term borrowings
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.15,015,583.33Actual borrowing dateAgreed repayment dateShort-term borrowings
Total791,764,133.79— —— —— —

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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5. Related party transactions - continued

(5) Asset transfer from related parties

Related partyContent of transactionPricing method and decision procedures of related transactions20232022
Ningbo ZhoushanEquity investmentValuation1,845,000,000.00-
Liaoning PortEquity investmentValuation83,027,500.00-
Dalian Port ContainerEquity investmentValuation57,083,400.00-
Jifa LogisticsEquity investmentValuation33,815,300.00-
Yingkou Port GroupEquity investmentValuation19,002,800.00-
Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Company LimitedFixed assetsNegotiation-8,831,858.42
Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Company LimitedConstruction in progressNegotiation-4,853,097.34
Total— —— —2,037,929,000.0013,684,955.76

(6) Compensation for key management personnel

Compensation for key management personnel18,932,731.0320,313,774.52

6. Amounts due from/to related parties that have not settled

(1) Amounts due from related parties

ItemRelated party31/12/202331/12/2022
Cash and bank balancesChina Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.3,778,553,414.063,387,973,124.59
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited2,090,078,155.931,841,698,554.32
Held-for-trading financial assetsChina Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.-900,061,111.11
Accounts receivableAntong Holdings and its subordinate companies8,919,131.238,395,245.04
China Marine Shipping Agency Guangdong Co., Ltd.2,765,338.3817,505,768.03
Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd.2,763,240.001,287,851.75
Great Horn Development Company FZCo2,162,941.762,157,859.50
China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. Ltd.2,035,495.50758,113.05
China Merchants International Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.1,750,277.361,530,505.68
Dalian Container Terminal Co., Ltd.1,725,150.001,957,840.00
COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.1,505,114.974,045,734.88
Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries1,214,194.851,404,627.23
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.1,207,750.723,749,064.99
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.1,188,600.011,729,380.01
Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) Limited1,077,910.403,554,521.60
Sinoway Shipping Ltd.755,606.024,564,389.71
Sinotrans (HK) Shipping Limited682,942.44375,748.78
Liaoning Port-3,680,900.00
Khor Ambado FZCo-3,108,610.49
Dalian Jifa Port Logistics Co., Ltd.-2,220,941.63
Dalian Jifa South Coast International Logistics Co., Ltd.-1,839,478.79
Liaoning Port Group Co., Ltd.-1,821,581.00
Port de Djibouti S.A.-1,770,749.55
South China Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.-659,854.40
China Marine Shipping Agency Ningbo Co., Ltd.-164,981.21
Yingkou Port Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries ("Yingkou Port Group")-160,491.00
Other related parties5,733,746.6913,549,055.64

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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6. Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

(1) Amounts due from related parties - continued

ItemRelated party31/12/202331/12/2022
Dividends receivableNanshan Group203,577,000.00240,591,000.00
Merchants Port City38,809,044.7741,847,044.77
Dalian Port Logistics Network Co., Ltd.30,605,256.76-
Yingkou Gangxin Technology Co., Ltd.23,881,213.75-
Tin-Can Island Container Terminal Ltd21,960,680.2265,121,449.40
COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.13,449,001.1618,449,001.16
China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. Ltd.11,232,000.00-
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.-50,000,000.00
Other related parties-232,047.23
Other receivablesChu Kong River Trade Terminal Co., Ltd.36,575,039.2036,053,588.00
Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) Ltd.30,639,652.926,725,260.86
Port de Djibouti S.A.24,966,517.5024,808,664.70
Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Investment Development Co. Ltd.6,310,000.006,310,000.00
China Merchants Port Investment Development Company Limited2,830,188.69-
EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and Development Limited1,531,896.041,510,055.76
Tin-Can Island Container Terminal Ltd1,320,562.03-
Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries1,189,566.101,009,839.70
China Merchants Commercial Property Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.1,166,408.401,132,846.40
Zhoushan Blue Ocean Investment Co., Ltd.-4,996,989.39
China Merchants Shenzhen Ro-Ro Shipping Co., Ltd.-2,899,163.95
Other related parties2,142,975.513,550,453.73
PrepaymentsNanshan Group and its subsidiaries-9,000.00
Other related parties250,084.226,351.75
Non-current assets due within one yearTerminal Link SAS7,468,849.8346,409,214.10
China Merchants Finance Lease (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.6,200,000.00-
China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.3,800,000.003,800,000.00
Port of Newcastle and its subsidiaries-852,919,208.25
Long-term receivablesPort of Newcastle and its subsidiaries921,402,438.00-
Terminal Link SAS204,299,511.522,931,108,250.96
Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.34,300,000.0034,300,000.00
Zhoushan Blue Ocean Investment Co., Ltd.4,996,989.39-
China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.695,876.01659,515.88
China Merchants Finance Lease (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.-6,200,000.00

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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6. Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

(2) Amounts due to related parties

ItemRelated party31/12/202331/12/2022
Short-term borrowingsChina Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.1,150,880,891.6715,015,583.33
China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited200,176,534.70413,453,629.50
Other current liabilitiesChina Merchants Group Finance Company Limited-10,056,575.34
Accounts payableKhor Ambado FZCo22,639,585.37-
Antong Holdings and its subordinate companies20,360,897.3016,948,161.45
Dalian Port Logistics Technology Co., Ltd.17,607,121.00-
Ningbo Zhoushan and its subsidiaries14,691,952.2916,725,206.29
Dalian Port Logistics Network Co., Ltd.8,355,644.80-
Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries5,968,662.374,259,215.79
Shenzhen Bay Electricity Industry Co., Ltd.5,394,353.744,920,501.06
Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.4,066,438.848,007,474.16
China Merchants Port and Shipping Digital Technology (Liaoning) Co., Ltd.2,905,000.00-
Dalian Ganglong Technology Co., Ltd.2,739,450.00-
EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and Development Limited2,413,589.562,363,408.70
Shenzhen Merchants to Home Technology Co., Ltd.1,781,775.33-
China Merchants Port Investment Development Company Limited1,649,069.281,203,536.99
Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited1,135,115.31792,077.94
Sinoway Shipping Ltd.-4,886,700.00
China Marine Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co., Ltd.259,966.50248,149.17
Other related parties2,761,309.784,212,603.81
Receipts in advanceChina Merchants Port Investment Development Company Limited5,358,074.44-
Qingdao Wutong Century Supply Chain Co., Ltd.196,301.30196,301.30
Other related parties-160,600.00
Contract liabilitiesCOSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.4,552,313.241,275,397.28
Qingdao Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.1,464,429.12368,484.60
China Merchants Port Investment Development Company Limited660,943.40-
China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. Ltd.633,024.00-
Shenzhen Baohong Technology Co., Ltd.459,049.11-
Qingdao Sinotrans Logistics Co., Ltd.440,727.56-
Dalian Container Terminal Co., Ltd.-9,679,785.44
Dandong Port Group Co., Ltd.-3,842,709.07
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.-1,556,753.55
Yingkou Xingang Kuangshi Terminals Co., Ltd.-1,514,844.30
Antong Holdings and its subordinate companies-1,468,616.91
Other related parties1,021,090.852,508,480.44
Dividends payableChina Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd.77,734,806.4620,000,000.00
Dalian Port Container16,160,696.6114,000,000.00
Jifa Logistics9,575,104.423,000,000.00
Yingkou Port Group5,372,456.78-
Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited2,334,150.00-
Zhanjiang Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.-41,400,234.06
Sri Lanka Ports Authority-10,446,900.00
Other payablesLac Assal Investment Holding Company Limited64,310,900.9547,359,371.46
Terminal Link SAS10,423,425.44-
China Merchants Real Estate (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.10,079,369.0010,079,369.00
China Merchants Commercial Property Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.5,000,000.033,750,000.03
Antong Holdings and its subordinate companies4,743,266.3712,730,734.37
Sinotrans Shenzhen Qianhai Supply Chain Management Ltd.1,690,130.781,628,515.12

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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6. Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

(2) Amounts due to related parties - continued

ItemRelated party31/12/202331/12/2022
Other payablesChina Merchant Food (China) Co., Ltd.1,069,017.001,069,017.00
China Traffic Import and Export Co., Ltd.1,055,975.76-
Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Company Limited966,785.34-
China Merchants International Cold Chain (Shenzhen) Company Limited757,976.00-
Shenzhen Baohong Technology Co., Ltd.749,269.39749,269.39
China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.-6,420,820.68
China Merchants Port Investment Development Company Limited-4,130,081.82
China Merchants Real Estate Co., Ltd.-3,263,853.86
Zhanjiang Xiagang United Development Co., Ltd.-1,439,753.57
Other related parties6,946,931.016,732,058.14
Non-current liabilities due within one yearChina Merchants Group Finance Company Limited288,071,994.22110,838,087.45
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.199,326,195.8411,362,639.43
China Merchants Finance Lease (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.76,461,173.65103,236,707.51
Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries63,331,699.8565,165,836.97
China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.35,719,107.9537,012,422.69
China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.7,548,329.7232,339,542.44
China Merchants Commercial Property Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.6,396,788.04-
China Merchants International Cold Chain (Shenzhen) Company Limited375,528.561,050,270.17
China Merchants Tongshang Finance Lease Co., Ltd.-45,115,824.42
EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and Development Limited-14,255,883.08
Guangdong Shunkong City Investment Real Estate Co. Ltd.-3,162,000.00
Other related parties-1,962,815.09
Long-term borrowingsChina Merchants Group Finance Company Limited721,624,592.13445,490,692.58
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.158,000,000.00325,000,000.00
Lease liabilitiesChina Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.62,185,360.585,993,041.70
China Merchants Finance Lease (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.-75,833,546.45
Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries-65,431,073.09
China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.-15,833,403.29
China Merchants International Cold Chain (Shenzhen) Company Limited-253,362.41
Other related parties1,070,904.61803,148.25
Long-term payablesChina Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.33,905,690.3241,052,268.30


1. Equity instruments

Type of targets grantedGranted in the current yearExercised in the current yearUnlocked in the current yearLapsed in the current year

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Equity instruments - continued

Outstanding stock option or other equity instruments at the end of current year

Type of targets grantedOutstanding stock option at the end of current year
Range of exercise pricesRemaining term of contract
ManagementRMB 14.28 to RMB 16.5337 months

2. Equity-settled share-based payments

The method used to determine the fair value of equity instruments at the grant dateThe cost of granted stock options was estimated using the Black Scholes Model.
The basis for determining the number of exercisable equity instrumentsAt each balance sheet date in the vesting period, the best estimate was made and the estimated number of exercisable equity instruments was modified according to the latest changes in the number of employees who can exercise the rights and other subsequent information.
Reasons for the significant difference between the estimates of the current year and the estimates of prior yearCriteria of exercising in vesting period of batch 1 and batch 2 are not satisfied
The aggregate amount of equity-settled share-based payments that is included in capital reserve6,644,590.36

Pursuant to the Official Reply on the Implementation of the Stock Option Incentive Plan of ChinaMerchants Port Group Co., Ltd. by State-owned Assets Supervision and AdministrationCommission of the State Council (No. 748 [2019], SASAC), which was deliberated and approvedby the 1


Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company in 2020 on 3 February 2020, the Companyimplemented a stock option plan with effect from 3 February 2020 to grant 238 incentive recipients17,198,000 stock options with an exercise price of RMB17.80 per share. With a lockup period of24 months from the grant date, the stock options are exercisable upon expiry of the 24-month lockupperiod in the premise that the vesting conditions are satisfied. The stock options are exercisable inthree batches, specifically, 40% for the first batch (after 24 months but within 36 months subsequentto the grant date), 30% for the second batch (after 36 months but within 48 months subsequent tothe grant date) and the remaining 30% for the third batch (after 48 months but within 84 monthssubsequent to the grant date). Each stock option entitles the holder to subscribe for one ordinaryshare of the Company.

On 5 March 2021, the granting of stock option (reserved portion) under stock option inventive plan(phase I) was completed. The reserved portion of stock option targets to total 3 persons, granting530,000 shares of stock option with exercise price of RMB15.09 per share. The grant date is 29January 2021. With a lockup period of 24 months from the grant date, the stock options areexercisable upon expiry of the 24-month lockup period in the premise that the vesting conditionsare satisfied. The stock options are exercisable in two batches, specifically, 50% for the first batch(after 24 months but within 36 months subsequent to the grant date), and the remaining 50% for thesecond batch (after 36 months but within 72 months subsequent to the grant date). Each stock optionentitles the holder to subscribe for one ordinary share of the Company.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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2. Equity-settled share-based payments - continued

According to Article 32 of Stock Option Incentive Plan, since the grant date of the stock option, ifthe Company distributes dividends prior to the exercise of the option, the exercise price shall beadjusted accordingly. Therefore, the Company uniformly adjusted the exercise price fromRMB17.80 per share to 17.34 per share in respect of the first batch of stock option granted underthe stock option incentive plan (phase I) on 30 January 2021; the Company uniformly adjusted theexercise price from RMB 17.34 per share to 16.96 per share in respect of the first batch of stockoption granted under the stock option incentive plan (phase I), and the exercise price of the reservedportion of stock option from RMB 15.09 per share to 14.71 per share on 29 January 2022; theCompany uniformly adjusted the exercise price from RMB 16.96 per share to 16.53 per share inrespect of the first batch of stock option granted under the stock option incentive plan (phase I), andthe exercise price of the reserved portion of stock option from RMB 14.71 per share to 14.28 pershare on 20 January 2023.

As at the date on which the financial statements are issued, as 12 of the incentive targets for the firstbatch of stock option granted under the stock option incentive plan (phase I) have retired or nolonger serve the Company, the board of directors of the Company decided to cancel in total of339,600 shares of stock option granted but not yet exercised by such persons; as 5 of the incentivetargets for the third vesting period of the stock option (1

stbatch) under the stock option incentiveplan (phase I) of the Company have not satisfied the criteria of exercise in their performanceassessment, the Company has cancelled the 20% of the stock option (totalling 15,120 shares) forthe third vesting period of the stock option (1


batch) under the stock option incentive plan (phaseI) held by the 5 incentive targets.

As at the date on which the financial statements are issued, 195 incentive targets who can exercisethe rights for the third vesting period of the stock option (1


batch) under the stock option incentiveplan (phase I) included: (1) 190 incentive targets who met the designated grades in the performanceassessment, holding 100% of the stock option (totalling 3,471,600 shares) for the third vestingperiod of the stock option (1

stbatch) under the stock option incentive plan (phase I) of the Companyand satisfying the criteria of exercise; and (2) 5 incentive targets who met the designated grades inthe performance assessment, holding 80% of the stock option (totalling 60,480 shares) for the thirdvesting period of the stock option (1

stbatch) under the stock option incentive plan (phase I) of theCompany and satisfying the criteria of exercise. The second vesting period of the stock option(reserved portion) under the stock option incentive plan (phase I) targets to total 3 persons who canexercise the rights. The 3 incentive targets have met the designated grades in the performanceassessment, and 100% of stock option for the second vesting period of the stock option (reservedportion) under the stock option incentive plan (phase I) of the Company held by them have satisfiedthe criteria of exercise, granting 265,000 shares of exercisable stock option for the second vestingperiod of the stock option (reserved portion) under the stock option incentive plan (phase I).

3. Share-based payment expenses in the current year

Type of targets grantedEquity-settled share-based payment expenses

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Significant commitments

Commitments that have been entered into but have not been recognized in the financial statements
- Commitment to make contributions to the investees467,604,906.7638,956,185.01
- Commitment to acquire and construct long-term assets2,407,538,867.351,802,316,899.52
- Commitment to invest port construction-5,571,690.76
- Others-383,560.31

2. Contingencies

Contingent liabilities brought by external litigations (Note 1)946,218,359.48279,438,527.06
Guarantee for borrowings of related parties (Note 2)347,437,758.18186,672,528.21

Note 1: This mainly represents the significant contingent liabilities arising from the litigations

between TCP and its subsidiaries and local tax authority, employee or former employeeof TCP and its subsidiaries in Brazil at as the year end. According to the latest estimatesof the Group's management, the possible compensation is RMB 946,218,359.48 but it isnot likely to cause outflow of economic benefits from the Group. Therefore, the contingentliabilities arising from the above pending litigations are not recognized as provisions. Thecounter-bonification where the Group as the beneficiary will be executed by the formerTCP shareholder that disposed the shares. According to the counter-bonificationagreement, the former TCP shareholder needs to make counter-bonification to the Groupin respect of the above contingent liabilities, with the compensation amount not exceedingpre-determined amount and specified period.

Zhanjiang Port, a subsidiary of the Company, entered into an EPC contract for the GeneralCargo Terminal Project at Donghai Island Port Area of Zhanjiang Port with CCCC WaterTransport Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd. on 28 June 2016, with the agreedconstruction period from 28 June 2016 to 8 June 2018. After the contract was signed, theoverall progress of the project construction was delayed due to the optimization andadjustment of the layout plan and process design for the terminal. In December 2022,CCCC Water Transport Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd. filed a litigation to thecourt for losses caused by delay in construction, adjustment to project scale, changes indesign, and other reasons, and may require the Zhanjiang Port for compensation.

The claims of CCCC Water Transport Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd. wereinconsistent with those agreed in the contract, the relevant result of the litigation could notbe reasonably estimated, and the management of the Company believed that the possibilityof loss was quite low, therefore, no provisions were made for the above pending litigation.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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2. Contingencies - continued

Note 2: As at 31 December 2023, the guarantees provided by the Group for related parties are

detailed in Note XV 5(3).

As at 31 December 2023, the directors of the Company evaluated the default risks ofrelated companies on the above-mentioned loan financing and other liabilities, andbelieved that the risks were not significant and the possibility of guaranteed payments wasvery small.

Except for the above-mentioned contingencies, as at 31 December 2023, the Group had no othermajor guarantees and other contingencies that need to be explained.


According to the profit distribution plan for 2023 and as approved by the 7th meeting of the 10thboard of directors on 29 March 2024, the Company, based on the total shares of 2,499,074,661 asat 31 December 2023, distributes cash dividends at RMB 5.80(inclusive of tax) for every 10 shares,totalling RMB 1,449,463,303.38. The above profit distribution plan has not yet been approved byshareholders' meeting.


1. Segment reporting

(1) Basis for determining reporting segments and accounting policies

The key management team of the Company is regarded as the CODM, who reviews the Group'sinternal reports in order to assess performance, allocate resources and determine the operatingsegments. The CODM considers the operation of the Group in terms of business and locations.

Individual operating segments for which discrete financial information is available are identifiedby the CODM and are operated by their respective management teams. These individual operatingsegments are aggregated in arriving at the reporting segments of the Group.

From business and location perspectives, the management assesses the performance of the Group'sbusiness operations including ports operation, bonded logistics operation and other operations.

Ports operation

Ports operation includes container terminal operation, bulk and general cargo terminal operationoperated by the Group and its associates and joint ventures.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Segment reporting - continued

(1) Basis for determining reporting segments and accounting policies - continued

Ports operation - continued

The Group's ports operation is presented as follows:

(a) Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

? Pearl River Delta? Yangtze River Delta? Bohai Rim? Others

(b) Other locations outside of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

Bonded logistics operation

Bonded logistics operation includes logistics park operation, ports transportation and airport cargohandling operated by the Group and its associates and joint ventures.

Other operations

Other operations mainly include property development and investment and logistics businessoperated by the Group's associates, property investment operated by the Group and corporatefunction.

Each of the segments under ports operation includes the operations of a number of ports in variouslocations within one geographic location. For the purpose of segment reporting, these individualoperating segments have been aggregated into reportable segments on geographic basis in order topresent a more systematic and structured segment information. To give details of each of theoperating segments, in the opinion of the directors of the Company, would result in particulars ofexcessive length.

Bonded logistics operation and other operations include a number of different operations, each ofwhich is considered as a separate but insignificant operating segment by the CODM. For segmentreporting, these individual operating segments have been aggregated according to the nature of theiroperations to give rise to more meaningful presentation.

There are no material sales or other transactions between the segments.

The revenue from a major customer of ports operation amounts to RMB 2,007,111,746.88,representing 12.74% (2022: 10.30%) of the Group's operating income for 2023.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Segment reporting - continued

(2) Financial information of reporting segments

Segment financial information for 2023 is as follows:

ItemPorts operationBonded logistics operationOthersUnappropriated amountTotal
Mainland China, Hong Kong and TaiwanOther locationsSub-total
Pearl River DeltaYangtze River DeltaBohai RimOthers
Operating income6,075,691,801.01557,788,311.9376,760,801.963,574,402,653.204,751,630,018.5615,036,273,586.66532,670,444.04181,531,749.52-15,750,475,780.22
Operating cost3,640,281,453.34361,926,675.7563,825,074.562,648,882,080.972,081,165,945.518,796,081,230.13289,816,313.93232,289,163.69-9,318,186,707.75
Segment operating profit (Losses are marked with "-")2,435,410,347.67195,861,636.1812,935,727.40925,520,572.232,670,464,073.056,240,192,356.53242,854,130.11-50,757,414.17-6,432,289,072.47
Taxes and surcharges36,973,822.232,937,337.051,126,391.1345,970,219.08174,670,480.72261,678,250.2126,757,765.4224,332,840.83229,169.73312,998,026.19
Administrative expense437,814,344.0126,162,000.709,644,685.03529,927,581.34289,653,304.361,293,201,915.4449,569,679.551,111,358.13432,758,202.261,776,641,155.38
R&D expenses176,892,569.7323,890,344.38-22,956,157.96-223,739,072.07---223,739,072.07
Financial expenses57,700,690.4420,953,099.981,883,921.8985,621,075.6655,969,633.29222,128,421.263,129,354.5720,854,412.741,593,001,139.571,839,113,328.14
Other income148,491,604.9610,227,298.67203,918.2650,512,014.48-209,434,836.3714,668,272.54286,151.86-224,389,260.77
Investment income130,131,600.034,956,167,513.13416,731,511.2450,706,320.64454,900,989.676,008,637,934.7159,521,957.15245,264,989.0535,252,059.896,348,676,940.80
Gains from changes (Losses are marked with "-") in fair value102,777,832.55-58,125,015.2480,543,109.95-6,584,009.33-118,611,917.93-57,875,873.699,644,865.102,971,891.1873,352,800.52
Gains from impairment of credit (Losses are marked with "-")7,327,814.78-36,129.03-3,468,262.80-7,171,766.683,588,181.8733,695,859.31--37,284,041.18
Gains from impairment of assets (Losses are marked with "-")-1,091,994.67-189,030,229.12---1,175,087.49-191,297,311.28----191,297,311.28
Gains from disposal of assets (Losses are marked with "-")6,196,256.45--7,362.2234,965,994.86507,804.3141,662,693.40-602,074.20-4,253,879.72-47,206.8736,759,532.61
Operating profit (Losses are marked with "-")2,119,862,035.364,841,122,292.48497,751,906.58374,114,121.642,597,232,594.4910,430,082,950.55212,805,471.68153,886,100.42-1,987,811,767.368,808,962,755.29

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Segment reporting - continued

(2) Financial information of reporting segments - continued

Segment financial information for 2023 is as follows: - continued

ItemPorts operationBonded logistics operationOthersUnappropriated amountTotal
Mainland China, Hong Kong and TaiwanOther locationsSub-total
Pearl River DeltaYangtze River DeltaBohai RimOthers
Non-operating income30,640,040.33206,852.93541,008.018,475,666.3041,553,418.1381,416,985.70151,072.00397,901.935,336,064.4987,302,024.12
Non-operating expenses7,067,285.26269,926.2889,933.4520,553,447.0859,763,043.5987,743,635.66323,424.06-9,005,781.0097,072,840.72
Total profit (Losses are marked with "-")2,143,434,790.434,841,059,219.13498,202,981.14362,036,340.862,579,022,969.0310,423,756,300.59212,633,119.62154,284,002.35-1,991,481,483.878,799,191,938.69
Income tax expenses496,377,795.59258,020,898.9444,218,770.1858,080,621.40383,193,406.851,239,891,492.9635,421,490.7027,848,029.46418,839.811,303,579,852.93
Net profit (Losses are marked with "-")1,647,056,994.844,583,038,320.19453,984,210.96303,955,719.462,195,829,562.189,183,864,807.63177,211,628.92126,435,972.89-1,991,900,323.687,495,612,085.76
Segment assets23,724,145,365.0957,709,896,939.079,703,687,046.0227,727,348,979.5242,500,927,378.99161,366,005,708.694,712,961,257.3119,403,999,499.2713,074,330,201.99198,557,296,667.26
Total assets in the financial statements198,557,296,667.26
Segment liabilities7,029,170,965.331,275,695,327.99158,452,621.026,498,242,286.207,189,272,994.1822,150,834,194.72540,614,061.66617,809,748.8949,678,104,233.1872,987,362,238.45
Total liabilities in the financial statements72,987,362,238.45
Supplementary information:
Depreciation and amortization1,126,510,216.09113,947,562.11882,064.68875,850,774.90866,605,229.042,983,795,846.82102,034,394.34194,738,423.5323,167,239.733,303,735,904.42
Interest income42,679,230.742,243,451.14714,733.0722,543,238.68256,085,052.61324,265,706.247,210,199.571,678,151.13164,439,864.42497,593,921.36
Interest expense90,781,497.8910,849,293.26-107,297,773.92314,310,921.43523,239,486.508,495,591.2719,075,433.271,687,342,285.622,238,152,796.66
Investment income from long-term equity investments under equity method44,963,451.524,750,830,911.12375,529,615.8247,995,671.63454,900,989.675,674,220,639.7659,521,957.15245,264,989.05-5,979,007,585.96
Long-term equity investments under equity method1,764,751,439.0355,844,039,253.088,777,428,828.421,715,660,813.0812,507,306,667.4880,609,187,001.091,756,185,613.1714,300,745,162.01-96,666,117,776.27
Non-current assets other than long-term equity investments18,193,324,391.19398,488,128.1614,938,012.9320,908,386,344.6026,031,938,950.6365,547,075,827.512,381,793,244.494,753,153,217.29419,380,677.7873,101,402,967.07

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Segment reporting - continued

(2) Financial information of reporting segments - continued

Segment financial information for 2022 is as follows:

ItemPorts operationBonded logistics operationOthersUnappropriated amount (Restated)Total (Restated)
Mainland China, Hong Kong and TaiwanOther locationsSub-total
Pearl River DeltaYangtze River DeltaBohai RimOthers
Operating income6,774,045,422.661,139,944,516.6274,222,857.103,552,074,625.604,086,514,642.8615,626,802,064.84445,592,537.09158,094,525.62-16,230,489,127.55
Operating cost3,849,914,782.32696,788,162.4562,264,300.652,691,172,225.321,853,376,921.169,153,516,391.90280,270,213.56216,675,107.48-9,650,461,712.94
Segment operating profit (Losses are marked with "-")2,924,130,640.34443,156,354.1711,958,556.45860,902,400.282,233,137,721.706,473,285,672.94165,322,323.53-58,580,581.86-6,580,027,414.61
Taxes and surcharges32,239,840.065,674,557.521,102,665.9549,561,307.23152,923,436.63241,501,807.3922,188,514.9118,305,796.73253,354.43282,249,473.46
Administrative expense435,544,849.3337,586,936.779,903,393.91536,045,336.65266,594,657.881,285,675,174.5446,846,479.951,356,901.51431,216,180.511,765,094,736.51
R&D expenses227,962,954.8140,790,798.38-18,952,425.51-287,706,178.70---287,706,178.70
Financial expenses43,042,474.0512,623,313.3516,617,530.89105,755,359.90202,779,070.53380,817,748.7211,831,333.1742,509,881.221,823,554,709.312,258,713,672.42
Other income128,422,018.546,905,602.7799,278.3673,123,957.51-208,550,857.1820,996,809.222,259,661.589,840,742.44241,648,070.42
Investment income222,543,823.375,152,876,665.17334,188,303.0253,824,558.051,070,198,985.496,833,632,335.1094,330,245.64425,089,497.2024,603,428.397,377,655,506.33
Gains from changes in fair value (Losses are marked with "-")34,481,879.58--28,084,576.601,009,908.14-7,407,211.12-136,440,861.23---129,033,650.11
Gains from impairment of credit (Losses are marked with "-")-5,932,959.08-269,053.3819,276,798.42-221,119,087.29-207,506,194.57-15,967,381.98---223,473,576.55
Gains from impairment of assets (Losses are marked with "-")-573,122.05---21,585,898.15--22,159,020.20----22,159,020.20
Gains from disposal of assets (Losses are marked with "-")-186,834.36---2,189,571.6161,495.66-2,314,910.31104,763.8457,352,755.05-12,513.0655,130,095.52
Operating profit (Losses are marked with "-")2,564,095,328.095,506,263,016.09290,807,023.86274,047,723.352,459,981,950.5211,095,195,041.9147,479,570.99363,948,752.51-2,220,592,586.489,286,030,778.93

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Segment reporting - continued

(2) Financial information of reporting segments - continued

Segment financial information for 2022 is as follows: - continued

ItemPorts operationBonded logistics operationOthersUnappropriated amount (Restated)Total (Restated)
Mainland China, Hong Kong and TaiwanOther locationsSub-total
Pearl River DeltaYangtze River DeltaBohai RimOthers
Non-operating income18,342,596.092,900,356.1722,378,312.3110,237,915.83221,044,827.94274,904,008.3450,933.02992,336.453,327,174.96279,274,452.77
Non-operating expenses23,387,870.391,035,713.16-148,923,783.2929,888,387.79203,235,754.6310,000.00-17,196,500.05220,442,254.68
Total profit (Losses are marked with "-")2,559,050,053.795,508,127,659.10313,185,336.17135,361,855.892,651,138,390.6711,166,863,295.6247,520,504.01364,941,088.96-2,234,461,911.579,344,862,977.02
Income tax expenses517,928,967.15218,235,972.4519,104,784.4939,483,784.58224,820,817.171,019,574,325.8417,884,281.4973,694,575.331,806,494.091,112,959,676.75
Net profit (Losses are marked with "-")2,041,121,086.645,289,891,686.65294,080,551.6895,878,071.312,426,317,573.5010,147,288,969.7829,636,222.52291,246,513.63-2,236,268,405.668,231,903,300.27
Segment assets24,260,000,005.9658,080,072,708.019,491,073,768.1327,095,782,491.1944,382,357,967.93163,309,286,941.224,719,222,985.0619,523,260,761.9510,035,331,759.08197,587,102,447.31
Total assets in the financial statements197,587,102,447.31
Segment liabilities10,545,067,732.351,993,414,192.41142,428,100.057,095,951,456.647,184,350,827.7926,961,212,309.24472,931,692.54849,543,150.0740,981,807,066.1569,265,494,218.00
Total liabilities in the financial statements69,265,494,218.00
Supplementary information:
Depreciation and amortization1,119,781,238.27214,719,968.82882,688.51851,694,182.33801,221,249.282,988,299,327.2198,440,779.50184,744,488.9126,022,221.273,297,506,816.89
Interest income49,428,469.372,890,732.29543,508.8027,921,113.89255,001,470.66335,785,295.011,231,657.131,329,524.29131,487,621.62469,834,098.05
Interest expense86,468,640.1310,921,214.61-128,204,357.08415,728,796.45641,323,008.2713,108,859.1426,701,866.031,544,029,072.352,225,162,805.79
Investment income from long-term equity investments under equity method134,882,198.775,114,173,074.83293,371,940.2253,436,206.601,070,198,985.496,666,062,405.9194,330,245.64424,789,497.20-7,185,182,148.75
Long-term equity investments under equity method1,741,189,123.5452,146,528,746.228,605,621,312.901,094,348,450.1913,193,855,158.6276,781,542,791.471,496,017,782.5814,086,733,345.00-92,364,293,919.05
Non-current assets other than long-term equity investments18,338,841,436.044,203,682,076.5615,863,803.6121,159,269,860.5225,053,023,827.8368,770,681,004.562,058,218,100.735,083,564,521.74880,089,692.5576,792,553,319.58

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Segment reporting - continued

(2) Financial information of reporting segments - continued

The Group's total revenue from external transactions in Mainland China and other countries andregions, and total non-current assets other than financial assets and deferred tax assets located inMainland China and other countries and regions are presented as follows:

Revenue from external transactions20232022
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan10,958,608,605.9312,105,380,701.20
Pearl River Delta6,600,817,552.327,195,529,214.88
Yangtze River Delta557,788,311.931,139,944,516.62
Bohai Rim225,600,088.48217,832,344.10
Other locations4,791,867,174.294,125,108,426.35
Total non-current assets31/12/202331/12/2022
Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan128,859,143,257.19130,723,044,577.52
Pearl River Delta40,390,524,565.5142,150,053,552.57
Yangtze River Delta56,242,527,381.2456,350,210,822.78
Bohai Rim9,297,697,381.319,147,542,234.74
Other locations40,908,377,486.1538,433,802,661.11

(3) Degree of reliance on major customers

The total operating income derived from the top five customers of the Group is RMB4,146,867,314.45, accounting for 26.33% of the Group's operating income.


1. Other receivables

1.1 Summary of other receivables

Dividends receivable167,092,526.14147,896,763.88
Other receivables1,575,369,144.182,601,740,991.35

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Other receivables - continued

1.2 Dividends receivable

(1) Presentation of dividends receivable

Wharf Holdings Hong Kong147,680,363.88147,680,363.88
CM International Tech4,758,668.03-
Chiwan Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited3,205,094.23-
Shenzhen Petrochemical Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.216,400.00216,400.00
China Ocean Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.11,232,000.00-
Less: Provision for credit loss--
Carrying amount167,092,526.14147,896,763.88

(2) Significant dividends receivable aged more than 1 year

Item31/12/202331/12/2022Reason for outstandingImpaired or not and the determination basis
Wharf Holdings Hong Kong147,680,363.88147,680,363.88In processing and expected to be recovered in 2024No

1.3 Other receivables

(1) Aging analysis of other receivables

Other receivablesProvision for credit lossProportion of provision (%)
Within 1 year910,122,251.73--
1 to 2 years662,450,976.98--
2 to 3 years2,467,600.00--
More than 3 years711,772.07383,456.6053.87
Total1,575,752,600.78383,456.60— —

(2) Disclosure of other receivables by nature

Amounts due from related parties1,553,447,353.902,596,356,894.67
Less: Provision for credit loss383,456.60383,456.60
Carrying amount1,575,369,144.182,601,740,991.35

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Other receivables - continued

1.3 Other receivables - continued

(3) Provision for credit loss of other receivables

Credit ratingExpected credit loss rate (%)31/12/202331/12/2022
12-month ECLLifetime ECL (not credit-impaired)Lifetime ECL (credit-impaired)Total12-month ECLLifetime ECL (not credit-impaired)Lifetime ECL (credit-impaired)Total
Gross carrying amount1,575,369,144.18-383,456.601,575,752,600.782,601,740,991.35-383,456.602,602,124,447.95
Provision for credit loss--383,456.60383,456.60--383,456.60383,456.60
Carrying amount1,575,369,144.18--1,575,369,144.182,601,740,991.35--2,601,740,991.35

(4) Provision, recovery and reversal of credit loss of other receivables

ItemStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
12-month ECLLifetime ECL (not credit-impaired)Lifetime ECL (credit-impaired)
At 1 January 2023--383,456.60383,456.60
Balance of other receivables at 1 January 2023
- Transfer to Stage 2----
- Transfer to Stage 3----
- Reverse to Stage 2----
- Reverse to Stage 1----
Provision for the year----
Reversal for the year----
Transfer out due to derecognition of financial assets (including direct write-down)----
Other changes----
At 31 December 2023--383,456.60383,456.60

(5) Details of bad debt provision

Category31/12/2022Changes for the year31/12/2023
ProvisionRecovery or reversalEffect of changes in the scope of consolidationCharge-off or write-offOther changes
Bad debt provision assessed on an individual basis383,456.60-----383,456.60
Bad debt provision assessed on a portfolio basis-------

(6) The Company has no recovery or reversal of significant provision for credit loss in the

current year.

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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1. Other receivables - continued

(7) The Group has no other receivables written off during the year.

(8) The top five balances of other receivables at the end of the year classified by debtor

Name of entityRelationship with the CompanyNatureClosing balanceAgingProportion to total other receivables (%)Closing balance of provision for credit loss
Shenzhen HaixingSubsidiaryLoan to related parties1,541,029,169.74Within 1 year, 1-2 years97.80-
Wharf Holdings Hong KongSubsidiaryLease payment15,189,918.60Within 1 year0.96-
Shunkong PortSubsidiaryLoan to related parties12,418,184.16Within 1 year, 1-2 years0.79-
CM International TechSubsidiaryAdvances2,467,600.002-3 years0.16-
Shenzhen Shekou Local Taxation BureauThird partyOthers711,772.07More than 3 years0.05-


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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2. Long-term equity investments

(1) Breakdown of long-term equity investments

Investee31/12/2022Changes for the year31/12/2023Closing balance of provision for impairment
IncreaseDecreaseInvestment income under equity methodReconciliation of other comprehensive incomeOther equity movementsCash dividends or profit declaredProvision for impairmentOthers
I. Subsidiaries
Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co., Ltd.5,500,000.00--------5,500,000.00-
Shenzhen Chiwan Harbor Container Co. Ltd.250,920,000.00--------250,920,000.00-
Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd.206,283,811.09--------206,283,811.09-
Wharf Holdings Hong Kong1,070,000.00--------1,070,000.00-
Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd.24,000,000.00--------24,000,000.00-
Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd.421,023,199.85--------421,023,199.85-
Shenchiwan Port Affairs186,525,000.00--------186,525,000.00-
Dongguan Shenchiwan Wharf Co., Ltd.175,000,000.00--------175,000,000.00-
Chiwan Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited1,051,789.43--------1,051,789.43-
CM Port (Note 1)168,841,768.3512,474,393.06-------181,316,161.41-
Zhoushan RoRo149,709,800.00------43,605,014.00-106,104,786.0043,605,014.00
Zhanjiang Port3,381,825,528.52--------3,381,825,528.52-
CM International Tech (Note 2)20,561,075.02109,901,500.00-------130,462,575.02-
Sanya Merchants Port Development Co., Ltd.2,040,000.00--------2,040,000.00-
Ports Development (Hong Kong) Limited29,203,045,326.23--------29,203,045,326.23-
Shunkong Port (Note 3)50,000,000.00144,673,400.00-------194,673,400.00-
Guangdong Yide Port Co., Ltd.131,866,700.00--------131,866,700.00-
II. Associates
Ningbo Zhoushan16,228,879,526.87--966,972,107.6418,734,157.32-45,798,686.57-355,122,265.53--16,813,664,839.73-
China Merchants Northeast Asia Development & Investment Co., Ltd.1,017,010,205.71--1,668,941.79--144,795.94---1,018,534,351.56-
China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.412,362,918.79--54,128,341.59---84,285,525.91--382,205,734.47-
Antong Holdings (Note 4)-892,445,435.37-29,869,705.60-17,223.61---922,332,364.58-
III. Joint ventures--
Yantai Port Group Laizhou Port Co., Ltd.794,153,389.74--38,645,587.47-280,000.00-1,858,614.11-28,133,178.67--802,527,184.43-
Fujian Zhaohang Logistics Management Partnership (Limited Partnership)592,134,266.75--21,878,659.99-714,032.74---614,726,959.48-
Shenzhen Gangteng Internet Technology Co., Ltd. (Note 5)9,809,165.143,750,000.00--1,640,538.15-----11,918,626.99-


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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2. Long-term equity investments - continued

(1) Details of long-term equity investments - continued

Note 1: Details are set out in Note (XI) 1. (1).

Note 2: Details are set out in Note (XI) 2. (1).

Note 3: In July and December 2023, the Company and Guangdong Shunkong City Investment

Real Estate Co. Ltd. entered into a capital increase agreement for Shunkong Port in twoparts, whereby the two parties agreed to increase the capital by RMB 218,751,400.00 andRMB 153,823,600.00 together in accordance with their respective shareholding ratios of51% and 49%, of which the Company contributed RMB 111,563,200.00 and RMB78,450,000.00. According to the capital increase agreement, the Company paid a total ofRMB 144,673,400.00 for the capital increase at the end of the year. The shareholding ratioof the two investors remained unchanged after the capital increase.

Note 4: Details are set out in Note (VIII) 14.

Note 5: The Company fulfilled the investment agreement in the current year and paid the second

contribution amounting to RMB 3,750,000.00.

(2) Details of impairment testing of long-term equity investments

The Company recognized a provision for impairment of long-term equity investmentsamounting to RMB 43,605,014.00 based on the share of Zhoushan RoRo's recoverableamount, refer to Note (VIII), 16.2 (7) for details.

3. Operating income and operating costs

Principal operation----
Other operations17,326,885.293,686,411.843,669,891.362,276,202.60


NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023(Unless otherwise specified, the monetary unit shall be RMB)

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4. Investment income

(1) Details of investment income

Income from long-term equity investments under cost method416,405,658.26549,150,517.02
Income from long-term equity investments under equity method1,111,522,805.93384,257,363.02
Income from held-for-trading financial assets49,614,971.08120,227,079.12
Income from investments in other equity instruments20,056,500.00-
Income from disposal of long-term equity investments--20,508.07

(2) Income from long-term equity investments under cost method

Investee20232022Reason for changes
Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd.149,527,479.94166,925,696.05Changes in profit distribution of investee
Shenzhen Chiwan Harbor Container Co. Ltd.111,712,423.41173,751,858.77Changes in profit distribution of investee
Zhanjiang Port36,552,790.1891,862,080.91Changes in profit distribution of investee
Dongguan Shenchiwan Wharf Co., Ltd.33,386,741.7437,543,998.58Changes in profit distribution of investee
Dongguan Shenchiwan Port Affairs Co., Ltd.26,519,896.5018,111,237.23Changes in profit distribution of investee
Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd.20,137,075.4429,238,925.84Changes in profit distribution of investee
CM Port11,184,689.7211,069,965.98Changes in profit distribution of investee
Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd.9,751,697.7320,415,654.72Changes in profit distribution of investee
CM International Tech9,517,336.07-Changes in profit distribution of investee
Chiwan Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited7,902,673.23-Changes in profit distribution of investee
Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co., Ltd.212,854.30231,098.94Changes in profit distribution of investee



Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets, including those charged off for which provision for impairment of assets has been made231,205,985.85
Government grants recognized in profit or loss (other than grants which are closely related to the Company's business, in line with the national regulations, enjoyed under established standards and have a continuous impact on the Company's profit or loss)149,238,503.34
Income earned from lending funds to non-financial institutions and recognized in profit or loss194,897,544.80
The excess of attributable fair value of identifiable net assets over the consideration paid for subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures-
Gains or losses on exchange of non-monetary assets-
Gains or losses on entrusted investments or asset management-
Losses on assets due to force majeure, e.g., natural disasters-
Gains or losses on debt restructuring-
Lump-sum costs incurred by the enterprises as a result of the discontinuation of relevant business activities, e.g., expenditure for layoff of employees, etc.-
Gains from transactions with unfair transaction price-
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries recognized as a result of business combination of enterprises under common control from the beginning of the period up to the business combination date-
Gains or losses arising from contingencies other than those related to normal operating business-
Gains or losses from changes in fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities held by non-financial enterprises other than effective hedging operation relating to the Company's normal operations, and gains or losses from disposal of financial assets and financial liabilities73,352,800.52
Reversal of provision for accounts receivable that are tested for impairment individually52,962,785.14
Gains or losses on entrusted loans-
Gains or losses from changes in fair value of investment properties that are subsequently measured using the fair value model-
One-time effect of adjustments in tax laws and accounting laws and regulations on profit or loss for the period-
Custodian fees earned from entrusted operation-
Share-based payment expenses recognized once due to the cancellation or modification of equity incentive plans-
For cash-settled share-based payments, gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of employee benefits payable after the vesting date-
Other non-operating income or expenses other than above12,810,280.19
Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss-
Tax effects-145,340,260.29
Effects of minority interests (after tax)-336,553,661.12

The revised Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Making PublicOffering - Non-recurring Profit or Loss (Revised in 2023) was issued by the China Securities RegulatoryCommission on 22 December 2023, and the effect of the revision on non-recurring profit or loss for thecomparable accounting periods is reflected as a decrease of non-recurring profit or loss by RMB18,600,132.64.



The return on net assets and EPS have been prepared by the Company in accordance with InformationDisclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering No. 9 - Calculation andDisclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (revised in 2010) issued by China SecuritiesRegulatory Commission.

ItemWeighted average return on net assets (%)EPS
Basic EPSDiluted EPS
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders6.34551.42921.4292
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders after deducting non-recurring profit or loss5.93241.33621.3362




Current Assets:Current liabilities:
Cash and bank balances16,079,646,178.2413,615,928,739.4012,772,349,406.77Short-term borrowings15,714,045,288.977,164,338,366.1813,651,452,805.36
Held-for-trading financial assets4,568,806,108.842,998,781,599.636,921,831,502.55Notes payable73,461,165.82-1,895,987.17
Notes receivable325,150,195.0936,395,000.006,081,611.95Accounts payable691,765,137.25811,149,397.66843,820,438.51
Accounts receivable1,103,901,466.251,276,149,689.441,320,577,577.81Receipts in advance17,387,537.369,886,531.599,313,166.01
Receivables financing2,001,669.46163,766,913.10238,429,402.71Contract liabilities142,080,101.00141,899,551.03196,784,525.26
Prepayments37,664,552.3063,627,425.4251,606,794.20Employee benefits payable917,964,606.65936,834,718.13820,416,415.47
Other receivables940,014,994.01948,842,094.30696,276,595.87Taxes payable923,053,572.50917,933,169.092,162,719,251.68
Inventories218,898,192.87225,122,821.48194,920,136.12Other payables1,654,622,170.021,755,885,258.262,140,108,341.08
Assets held-for-sale--337,442,757.28Non-current liabilities due within one year6,817,404,289.2511,641,223,688.958,268,209,284.17
Non-current assets due within one year17,451,380.98902,225,293.93102,356,461.97Other current liabilities2,143,842,534.533,161,147,525.962,158,497,775.85
Other current assets189,673,500.87185,903,140.53339,684,297.41Total current liabilities29,095,626,403.3526,540,298,206.8530,253,217,990.56
Total current assets23,483,208,238.9120,416,742,717.2322,981,556,544.64Non-current Liabilities:
Non-current Assets:Long-term borrowings18,227,543,954.7112,390,099,177.857,144,839,870.89
Long-term receivables3,856,466,116.995,661,327,499.076,162,713,861.02Bonds payable14,287,508,564.1519,088,293,099.0216,670,872,414.14
Long-term equity investments96,666,117,776.2792,364,293,919.0570,353,451,824.52Including: Preferred shares---
Other non-current financial assets877,576,442.831,745,740,896.41809,515,244.87Perpetual bonds---
Investments in other equity instruments157,461,648.16171,945,275.02180,251,798.43Provisions1,001,172,206.92948,350,914.041,055,194,906.09
Investment properties4,958,374,968.795,123,690,119.565,298,238,414.88Lease liabilities3,822,862,202.173,551,315,590.313,422,179,366.40
Fixed assets28,986,538,326.3532,033,326,083.5031,710,513,230.29Long-term payables603,009,921.91639,095,931.43588,681,492.63
Construction in progress2,909,817,281.462,413,844,407.642,557,584,953.92Long-term employee benefits payable85,590,059.4135,365,156.4324,247,302.42
Right-of-use assets9,441,668,311.229,342,642,222.338,743,077,542.19Deferred income1,024,776,557.731,031,273,189.741,075,957,884.91
Intangible assets18,073,062,184.7219,277,065,115.6118,475,412,380.93Deferred tax liabilities4,659,638,104.374,855,019,835.334,552,418,519.70
Development expenditure50,990,153.1817,412,196.1682,391,225.85Other non-current liabilities179,634,263.73186,383,117.00163,065,578.53
Goodwill6,493,002,246.446,411,426,891.096,024,160,942.07Total non-current liabilities43,891,735,835.1042,725,196,011.1534,697,457,335.71
Long-term prepaid expenses993,793,505.29986,356,904.90975,994,541.52TOTAL LIABILITIES72,987,362,238.4569,265,494,218.0064,950,675,326.27
Deferred tax assets415,063,477.03434,498,820.95454,644,724.39Owners' equity:
Other non-current assets1,194,155,989.621,186,789,378.791,231,092,952.69Share capital2,499,074,661.002,499,074,661.001,922,365,124.00
Total non-current assets175,074,088,428.35177,170,359,730.08153,059,043,637.57Including: Preferred shares---
Perpetual bonds---
Capital reserve37,076,846,803.0634,751,640,835.2523,592,702,758.70
Less: Treasury shares---
Other comprehensive income-903,626,594.35-689,553,619.86-890,125,318.18
Special reserve34,003,994.4126,358,259.979,184,429.12
Surplus reserve1,095,980,563.681,001,917,449.15961,182,562.00
Unappropriated profit19,045,313,519.7516,701,988,301.1414,226,931,466.66
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Company58,847,592,947.5554,291,425,886.6539,822,241,022.30
Minority interests66,722,341,481.2674,030,182,342.6671,267,683,833.64
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY125,569,934,428.81128,321,608,229.31111,089,924,855.94
TOTAL ASSETS198,557,296,667.26197,587,102,447.31176,040,600,182.21TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY198,557,296,667.26197,587,102,447.31176,040,600,182.21
