China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
更高效的治理More Ecient Governance
Better Products and Services铸造卓越品质Casting Excellent Quality提升客户服务Improving Customer Service夯实安全生产
Strengthening Safe Production
更美好的生活A Better Life推动乡村振兴Promoting Rural Revitalization倾心志愿服务Dedicating to Voluntary Services
更幸福的员工Happier Employees建设和谐团队Building a Harmonious Team
助力员工成长Enhancing in Employee Growth关心关爱员工Caring for Employees
2023年度ESG荣誉展示2023 ESG Honor Exhibition
关于本报告About this Report董事长致辞Message from the Chairman
关于我们About Us公司简介Company Profile发展战略Development Strategy业务布局Business Layout企业文化Company Culture
附录AppendixESG指标索引ESG Indicator Guide评级报告Rating Report意见反馈Feedback
未来展望Future Outlook
More Sustainable Concept可持续发展理念
Sustainability Concept可持续发展管治Sustainability Governance利益相关方沟通
Stakeholder Communication实质性议题识别
Identification of Material Issues
规范公司治理Standardizing Corporate Governance
依法合规治企Law-based and Compliance CorporateGovernance全面风险管理Comprehensive Risk Management加强党建引领Strengthening the Guidance of Party Building恪守商业道德Abiding by Business Ethics
臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
More Mutually Beneficial Cooperation打造责任供应链Creating a Responsible Supply Chain
深耕“一带一路”In-depth Insight into the Belt and Road Initiative
开放合作共赢Openness and Win-win Cooperation
更优美的环境A More Beautiful Environment全生命周期环境管理Full Life Cycle Environmental Management应对气候变化Tackling Climate Changes能源资源管理Energy Resource Management降低污染排放Reducing Pollutant Emissions保护生态环境Protecting the Ecological Environment
更出彩的创新More Outstanding Innovation落实战略布局Implementing Strategic Layout提升创新能力Enhancing Innovation Capability科技创新成果Technological Innovation Achievements数字化转型升级Digital Transformation and Upgrading
Part 1 | Part 2 |
本报告是中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司发布的第四份环境、社会及管治报告,本着客观全面、规范透明的原则,详细阐述2023年度公司环境、社会及管治工作的管理理念、亮点实践及年度成效。本报告以中文及英文编制,如有差异,请以中文文本为准。This Report is the fourth Environmental, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co.,Ltd. Based on objective, comprehensive, regulative and transparent principles, this Report expounds managementideas, key practices and annual achievements for environmental, social and governance work of China Railway Signal& Communication Co., Ltd. in 2023. This Report is compiled in Chinese and English versions. Should there be any minorcontent dierence, the Chinese version prevails.
关于本报告About this Report
报告范围Scope of the Report除特殊说明外,本报告涵盖中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司总部、分支机构及附属公司,与《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023年年度报告》对外披露范围保持一致。Unless otherwise stated, this Reportincludes China Railway Signal &Communication Co., Ltd.’s headquarters,all its branches and subsidiaries, with thesame scope of 2023 CRSC Annual Report.时间范围为2023年1月1日至2023年12月31日,部分内容超出此范围。
The reporting period is from January 1,2023 to December 31, 2023. Some contentsare sourced from historical data.
参考标准Reference Standards全球报告倡议组织《可持续发展报告标准(GRI Standards)》The Sustainability Reporting Guidelines issued by the Global ReportingInitiative
国务院国资委《关于国有企业更好履行社会责任的指导意见》The Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility of State-owned Companies issued by State-owned Assets Supervision andAdministration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council香港联合交易所《环境、社会及管治(ESG)报告指引》Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Guide issued byHKEX上海证券交易所《上市公司自律监管指引第1号—规范运作》
Guidelines No. 1 of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Self-regulationof Listed Companies - Standardized Operation
中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南(CASS-ESG 5.0)》Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for ChineseEnterprises (CASS-ESG 5.0) by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences气候相关财务信息披露工作组建议(TCFD)
Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related FinancialDisclosures (TCFD)
发布周期Reporting Cycle本报告为年度报告,于每年3-4月发布。This is an annual report released in March or April.
汇报原则Reporting Principles本报告遵循《环境、社会及管治(ESG)报告指引》有关“重大性”“量化”“平衡”“一致性”原则的要求,通过可持续发展议题重大性分析回应“重大性”原则,通过量化数据列表和一致的汇报方法回应“量化”和“一致性”原则,通过清晰披露所有成就及改进计划,不偏不倚地呈现公司ESG表现。
This Report complies with the materiality, quantitative,balance and consistency principles specified in therequirements of the ESG Reporting Guide. It respondsto the materiality principle by conducting materialanalysis on sustainability issues, meets the quantitativeand consistency principles via quantitative data list andconsistent reporting methods, and presents the Company’sESG performance impartially by clearly disclosing allachievements and improvement plans.
Reporting Specification为便于表达,本报告中提及的“中国通号”“公司”“我们”等均指代“中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司”。
For the convenience of expression, “China Railway Signal &Communication Co., Ltd.” may be expressed as “CRSC”, the“Company” and “We”.可靠性保证Reliability Guarantee公司董事会承诺对报告内容进行监督,确保不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。
The board of directors of the company promises tosupervise the content of the report to ensure that thereare no false records, misleading statements or majoromissions.
Data Specification
本报告关键财务绩效来自《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023年年度报告》,其他数据来自公司内部管理体系。本报告相对公司往年ESG报告披露范围并无重大调整,且使用一致的披露统计方法。除特别说明外,本报告均以人民币为金额单位。All key financial performance data disclosed in this Reportare collected from the 2023 Annual Report of ChinaRailway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd., and other dataare mainly sourced from internal management systemsof the Company. There is no significant adjustment to thescope of disclosure in this Report compared with the ESGreports of the Company in previous years, and consistentdisclosure statistical methods are used. Unless otherwisespecified, this Report is presented in RMB as the currencyunit.报告获取Access to the Report本报告提供纸质版和电子版两种形式。您可以登录中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司门户网站“文化与责任-社会责任”板块或香港联合交易所、上海证券交易所网站阅读或下载本报告。This Report is available both in hard copy and electronicformat. You may browse or download the Report atthe official website of CRSC (Culture & Responsibility -Social Responsibility) or at the websites of HKEX and theShanghai Stock Exchange.
党的二十大报告指出,高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的首要任务。ESG是贯彻落实新发展理念的题中之义,与党的二十大一系列宏伟蓝图和伟大目标高度契合,对推动中国式现代化进程具有重要意义。The report to the 20th National Congress of the CommunistParty of China (CPC) pointed out that to build a modern socialistcountry in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development. ESG is the essence of implementing thenew development philosophy, which is highly consistent with thegrand blueprint and great goals of the 20th CPC National Congress,and is of great significance for promoting the process of Chinesemodernization.
CRSC is committed to sustainable development, playing a pioneering and exemplary role as a centrally administeredstate-owned listed company, actively practicing the ESG philosophy, and continuously improving ESG professionalgovernance and risk management capabilities. Looking back on 2023, we resolutely implemented the major decisions andarrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. By closely focusing on high-quality development, westrengthened our own functional positioning, and enhanced our responsibility and mission to serve the national strategy.We worked hard and pushed forward to pushing the work of party building and government integrity, green low-carbon,technological innovation, safety production, and promoting coordinated regional development to a new level, solidlypromoting various work steadily forward with practical actions.一年来,我们不断凝聚高质量发展的新动力。我们汇聚创新活力,培育企业新质生产力,加强关键核心技术攻关,开展前瞻性技术研究与成果转化,大力推进创新平台和示范建设,以通号科技支撑中国高铁跑得更稳、跑得更安全,全力打造可信赖的国家战略科技力量;我们汇聚绿色动能,坚决贯彻节能优先方针,把节能环保理念融入企业经营发展全过程、各环节,以绿色低碳转型发展为着力点,落实企业碳达峰行动方案,加快节能低碳新技术、新工艺、新产品的示范和推广应用,全面建成社会主义现代化强国;我们汇聚全球智慧,积极响应“一带一路”倡议,充分发挥“设计研发、装备制造、工程施工”全产业链“三位一体”优势,持续完善全球业务布局,勇当践行国家“走出去”战略和“一带一路”倡议的骨干力量,为构建人类命运共同体作出新的贡献;我们汇聚民心民意,始终坚持“人民至上”,以通号技术助力杭州亚运会、成都大运会等国家级重要活动,围绕促进共同富裕,接续定点帮扶河南省社旗县,开展公益慈善,满足人民对美好出行的向往,全面展示中央企业的责任担当。
董事长致辞Message from the Chairman
Over the past year, we have continuously gathered new momentum for high-quality development. We have pooledinnovative vitality, nurtured new productive forces for the company, strengthened the research and development of keycore technologies, conducted forward-looking technological research, and promoted the transformation of achievements.We have vigorously promoted the construction of innovative platforms and demonstrations, supported China’s high-speed rail to run more steadily and safely with our technology, and strived to build a reliable national strategic scientificand technological force. We have gathered green energy, resolutely implemented the policy of giving priority to energyconservation, integrated the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection into the entire process and alllinks of enterprise operation and development. We have focused on green and low-carbon transformation, implementedcorporate actions to peak carbon emissions, accelerated the demonstration and application of new energy-saving andlow-carbon technologies, processes, and products, fully building a socialist modernized strong country. We have pooledglobal wisdom, actively responded to the Belt and Road Initiative, fully utilized the advantages of the whole industrialchain of design and development, equipment manufacturing, and engineering construction, and continuously improvedour global business layout. We have bravely acted as the backbone force in implementing the national “going global”strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative, making new contributions to building a human community with a shared future.We have rallied public support, always adhering to the principle of “putting the people first”. We have used our technologyto support national-level events such as the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou and the Chengdu 2021 FISU World UniversityGames, focused on promoting common prosperity, continued to provide targeted assistance to Sheqi County, HenanProvince, conducted public welfare charity activities, and met the people’s aspirations for better travel, comprehensivelydemonstrating our responsibility and commitment as a centrally administered state-owned enterprise.2023年是国资央企发展具有重要里程碑意义的一年,党中央分析研判当前宏观形势环境,把握历史发展大势,赋予国资央企在新时代新征程的新职责新使命,提出了国资央企发展的新任务新课题。
The year 2023 is of milestone significance for the development of state-owned central enterprises. The CPC CentralCommittee analyzed and assessed the current macroeconomic situation, grasped the historical development trend, andassigned new responsibilities and missions to state-owned central enterprises on the new journey in the new era. It putforward new tasks and challenges for the development of state-owned central enterprises.展望2024年,我们看到,在“稳”和“进”的统筹下,经济稳中向好的基础进一步巩固,绿色低碳转型步伐进一步加快,现代化产业布局全面加速,科技革命将持续深入进行。面向未来,中国通号必须牢牢把握新时代新征程赋予的使命责任,服务构建新发展格局,坚持稳字当头、稳中求进,在转型升级中打开新空间、开辟新赛道,坚持高质量发展这个新时代的硬道理,积极投身国家交通建设,高站位谋划、高标准实施,为中国轨道交通事业的发展贡献通号力量。
Looking forward to 2024, we can see that under the coordinated strategy of “stability” and “progress”, the foundationof a stable and positive economy will be further consolidated, the pace of green and low-carbon transformation will beaccelerated, the layout of modern industries will be accelerated in an all-round way, and the technological revolution willcontinue to deepen. Looking ahead, CRSC must firmly grasp the missions and responsibilities given by the new era and thenew journey, serving to build a new development pattern. It should prioritize stability while pursuing progress, opening upnew opportunities and pathways in the process of transformation and upgrading. It should uphold high-quality developmentas the unyielding principle of the new era, actively participate in national transportation construction, develop forward-lookingplans and adopt high standards, and contribute to the development of China’s rail transit industry.最后,我谨代表中国通号董事会及全体员工,向所有关心、支持和帮助中国通号发展的社会各界朋友和利益相关方致以最诚挚的感谢。并期待与您携手,共同打造中国通号社会利益与生态发展共赢共荣的发展新范式,创造公司更美好的未来!Finally, on behalf of the board of directors and all employees of CRSC, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to allfriends and stakeholders from all walks of life who care about, support and help CRSC’s development. We also look forwardto collaborating with you to create a new paradigm of development for CRSC that achieves win-win outcomes for socialbenefits and ecological development. Let’s work together to create a brighter future for the company!
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
董事长 楼齐良ChairmanLou Qiliang
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.董事长致辞
Message from the Chairman
Company Profile
About Us
中国通号是以轨道交通控制技术为特色的高科技产业服务商,是中国轨道交通控制系统行业的领导者、全球领先的轨道交通控制系统提供商。公司拥有集轨道交通控制系统设计研发、装备制造及工程安装于一体的完整产业链,是全国轨道交通电气设备与系统标准化技术委员会通信信号分技术委员会(国家标准)、铁路行业电气设备与系统标准化通信信号分技术委员会(行业标准)、中国铁道学会标准化委员会通信信号专委会(铁路团体标准)秘书处单位,负责归口管理通信信号领域国家标准、铁路行业标准和团体标准。China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as CRSC) is a hi-tech serviceprovider featured by railway signal and communicationtechnology, the leader in China rail transit controlindustry, and an internationally leading rail transit systemprovider. The Company has a complete industrial chainthat integrates the design, research and development ofrail transit control systems, equipment manufacturing,and engineering installation. It is the secretariat unitof the Communication Signal Sub-Committee of theNational Technical Committee on Electrical Equipment andSystems for Railways of Standardization Administrationof China (national standard), the Technical Committeefor Communication and Signal Standardization of ElectricEquipment and Systems in the Railway Industry (industrystandard), and the Communication and Signal SpecialCommittee of the Standardization Committee of the ChinaRailway Society (railway group standard), responsiblefor the centralized management of national standards,railway industry standards, and group standards in thefield of communication and signal.
CRSC Economic Performance (unit: 100 million yuan)
发展战略Development Strategy中国通号以“坚守主责、创新引领、突出主业、多元协同”为战略导向,实施“六核一体两翼”业务战略,构建“轨道交通+N”产业格局,建设以轨道交通为特色、系统技术全球领先、综合实力世界一流的产业集团。CRSC takes “adhering to main responsibilities, leadinginnovation, highlighting main business, and diversifyingsynergy” as the strategic orientation, implements thebusiness strategy of “Six Cores, One Integration and TwoBases”, creats a “rail transit + N” industrial pattern, andto build an industrial group with rail transit as its feature,global leading system technology and world-classcomprehensive strength.
2015年8月7日,公司成功登陆香港联合交易所。2019年7月22日,公司在上海证券交易所科创板上市,成为登陆科创板的首家大型央企和A+H股的科创板上市公司(股票代码:688009.SH,03969.HK)。On August 7, 2015, CRSC was successfully listed on HKEX.On July 22, 2019, CRSC was listed on STAR Market ofShanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), and became the firststate-owned enterprise and the first A+H company on SSESTAR Market (stock code: 688009.SH, 03969.HK).
营业总收入Total operating income
净利润Net profit
资产总额Total assets
Overall new contract amount in the year
2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.关于我们About Us
业务布局Business Layout
中国通号以“六核一体两翼”赋能轨道交通产业,辐射壮大新兴产业,构建“轨道交通+N”产业协同发展格局。CRSC empowers the rail transit industry with its business strategy (“Six Cores, One Integration and Two Bases”), expandsemerging industries, and creates a coordinated development pattern of “rail transit + N”.
CRSC develops the six core businessesof signal (control) system, informationand communication, electric powerelectrification, general contracting,investment and operation and intelligentmanufacturing in a coordinated manner
设计研发、装备制造、工程安装全产业链一体发展CRSC promotes the integrateddevelopment of the whole industrialchain of design and development,equipment manufacturing, andengineering installation
加强国际经营,推动国内、海外两大市场均衡协同发展CRSC strengthens internationaloperations and promotes thebalanced and coordinateddevelopment of domestic andoverseas markets
中国高铁列控系统China’s Train Control Systemfor HSRs
城际铁路列控系统Train ControlSystem for ICRs
中低速磁悬浮控制系统Train Control Systemfor Medium and LowSpeed Maglev货运编组站自动化系统Automation System forFreight Marshalling
铁路综合智能运行维护管理系统Integrated Intelligent RailwayOperation MaintenanceManagement System综合运输调度指挥系统Integrated TransportationDispatching &Commanding System中国高铁自动驾驶系统China’s Automatic TrainOperation System for HSRs
城市轨道交通列控系统Train Control System forUrban Transit
Eight Core Technologies
Two Bases
Six Cores
一体One Integration
企业文化Company Culture
使命愿景Mission and Vision
企业精神Corporate Spirit
发展国家列控技术民族产业,引领全球轨道交通技术进步,守护人们美好出行。Develop the National Industry with Train Control Technology, Lead the Technological Progress of Global RailTransit, Guard People's Beautiful Travel.
以人为本?创新求进?安全至上?共创价值People-Oriented, Innovation & Progress, Safety-First, Joint Value Creation人是公司发展最大的资本。CRSC advocates people-first approach.自主创新是公司发展的动力。
Independent innovation is the momentum for CRSC'sdevelopment.
Quality and safety are the cornerstones for CRSC'sdevelopment.
Value creation is the eternal pursuit of CRSC.
Realism, Innovation, Endeavor and Dedication
Rigorous attitude and scientific spirit, Compliancewith regulation, Pursuit of results.
Openness and cooperation, Courage and efforts,Strive for perfection, Aspire for excellence.泰而不骄,败而不馁,敢打硬仗,无私无畏。
Poised but not arrogant, Failed but not discouraged,Selfless and fearless.恪尽职守,敢于担当,励精图治,产业报国。Devoted and responsible, Ambitious and serve thecountry.
Core Values
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.关于我们About Us
2023年度ESG荣誉展示2023 ESG Honor Exhibition
奖项及认可Awards and Recognition
Awarded Institution
颁发机构Awarding Institution
获奖时间Award Time
中国铁道学会科学技术奖一等奖4项、二等奖2项、三等奖9项China Railway Society Science and Technology Award:
4 first prizes, 2 second prizes, and 9 third prizes
研究设计院集团CRSC Research & Design Institute Group
Casco Company西安工业集团(Xi’an) Industry Group
上海工程局集团CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group
China Railway Society
February 2023
中国交通运输协会科技进步奖一等奖7项、二等奖3项China Communications and Transportation Association Science and Technology Progress Award: 7 first prizes, and 3second prizes研究设计院集团CRSC Research & Design Institute Group
卡斯柯Casco Company
中国交通运输协会China Communications and Transportation Association2023年5月
May 2023
First Professional Competition for Innovation in DigitalScenarios of State-owned Enterprises: 3 third prizesfor digital scenario creation, production and operation,and 1 third prize for industrial cooperation.研究设计院集团
CRSC Research & Design Institute Group卡斯柯
Casco Company西安工业集团(Xi’an) Industry Group
Bureau of Scientific and TechnologicalInnovation of SASAC of the State Council2023年5月
May 2023
The 24th China Patent Award: 2 silver awards研究设计院集团CRSC Research & Design Institute Group
卡斯柯Casco Company
国家知识产权局China National Intellectual Property Administration
July 2023
Third Prize of China Standard Innovation ContributionAward - Standard Project研究设计院集团
CRSC Research & Design Institute Group国家市场监督管理总局、国家标准化管理委员会State Administration for Market Regulation,Standardization Administration of China2023年4月
April 2023
“上市公司ESG先锋100”指数第23位Ranked 23rd in the ESG Pioneer 100 Index of ListedCompanies中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司
China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.中央广播电视总台财经节目中心
Financial Program Center of China Media Group2023年6月
June 2023
Special Prize of the 14th Shanghai Industry-University-Research Collaboration Excellent Project卡斯柯Casco Company上海市政协
Shanghai Municipal Committee of the ChinesePeople’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
March 2023
2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
2023年度ESG荣誉展示2023 ESG Honor Exhibition
中国安装协会科学技术进步奖一等奖First Prize of the China Association of InstallationScience and Technology Progress Award上海工程局集团CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group中国安装协会
China Association of Installation
2023年8月August 2023
国家工信部2023年度智能制造优秀场景2项Two excellent smart manufacturing scenarios in 2023selected by the Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology
(Xi’an) Industry Group
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ofthe People’s Republic of China
October 2023
第48届国际质量管理小组会议(ICQCC)金奖Gold Award at the 48th International Convention onQuality Control Circles (ICQCC)上海工程局集团和西安工业集团联合组成的“融合贯通”QC小组The “Integrated Penetration” QC Circle formed byCRSC Shanghai Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and (Xi’an)Industry Group
China Association for Quality
2023年11月November 2023
Excellent Award for the Comprehensive Solution ofthe 5th National Network and Information SecurityInformation Reporting Mechanism Central EnterpriseNetwork Security Competition通信信息集团
CRSC Information & Communication GroupCompany Ltd.公安部、国务院国资委、国家网络与信息安全信息通报中心
Ministry of Public Security, State-owned AssetsSupervision and Administration Commission ofthe State Council, and National Network andInformation Security Information Reporting Center
December 2023
First Prize of the Beijing Science and TechnologyProgress Award研究设计院集团
Research & Design Institute Group
Beijing Municipal Government
December 2023
第四届安全科技进步奖三等奖3项The 4th Safety Science and Technology ProgressAward: 3 third prizes通信信息集团
CRSC Information & CommunicationGroup Company Ltd.中国安全生产协会
China Association of Work Safety
December 2023
The 6th “Blooming Cup” 5G+ Advanced ManufacturingSpecial Competition: 1 second prize
(Xi’an) Industry Group
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ofthe People’s Republic of China2023年10月
October 2023
Ranked sixth in the ESG Pioneer 100 Index of CentralEnterprises, and first in the transportation equipmentmanufacturing industry
China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.国务院国资委
SASAC of the State Council2023年10月
October 2023
Awards and Recognition
获授机构Awarded Institution
Awarding Institution
获奖时间Award Time
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.2023年度ESG荣誉展示2023 ESG Honor Exhibition
更可持续的理念More Sustainable Concept
More Ecient Governance
更出彩的创新More Outstanding Innovation
Better Products and Services
Sustainable development is an important pursuit in building the ESG ecosystem. CRSC continuously improvesits ESG top-level design, pursues a more efficient governance model, constantly enhances its corporategovernance mechanism, and firmly grasps the two key drivers of technological innovation and product andservice, injecting new impetus for the company’s high-quality, intelligent, and sustainable development.
Building a SmarterCRSC
More Sustainable Concept
Sustainability Concept
可持续发展管治Sustainability Governance
中国通号积极践行可持续发展理念,将“发展国家列控技术民族产业,引领全球轨道交通技术进步,守护人们美好出行”的使命愿景,融入企业战略发展和日常运营中,持续深化责任意识,坚定服务国家战略、服务人民美好生活需要、服务行业可持续发展,携手各利益相关方和谐共赢,努力促进经济、社会和环境的可持续发展。CRSC actively practices the concept of sustainable development, integrating the mission and vision of “developing thenational industry with train control technology, leading the technological progress of global rail transit and guardingpeople’s beautiful travel” into its strategic development and daily operation. It continuously deepens the sense ofresponsibility, firmly serves the national strategy, the people’s needs for a better life, and the sustainable developmentof the industry, works together with all stakeholders to achieve harmony and win-win results, and strive to promote thesustainable development of the economy, society, and environment.
?Insist on operating in accordancewith the law and be honest andtrustworthy
?Continuously improve profitability
?切实提高产品质量和服务水平?Eectively improve productquality and service level
?推进自主创新和技术进步?Promote independent innovationand technological progress
?Strengthen resourceconservation andenvironmental protection
?Participate in social welfareundertakings?维护职工合法权益
?Safeguard the rights andinterests of employees
?Ensure production safety
Serving national strategyServing people’s needs for
a better lifeServing the sustainabledevelopment of theindustry
Statement of the Board of Directors
Sustainability Development Governance Structure
The board of directors of CRSC firmly believes that good ESG performance is crucial for the future development of theCompany. CRSC gives full play to the responsibilities and roles of the board of directors in ESG governance, positioningthe board as the highest decision-making body for the Company’s ESG work. The board takes full responsibility forthe Company’s ESG affairs. It is responsible for determining the overall ESG strategy and understanding related risks,supervising and reviewing the identification and assessment results of key ESG issues, continuously monitoring theperformance of these issues, and reviewing and confirming the final draft of the Company’s ESG report.
报告期内,公司结合ESG风险识别、宏观政策与热点、利益相关方沟通等有效举措,夯实ESG管理基础,建立“各业务部门分工配合、所属单位全面参与”的ESG工作机制,推动ESG治理与企业经营管理的有机结合。During the reporting period, the Company consolidated the foundation of ESG management by combining effectivemeasures such as ESG risk identification, macro policies and hot spots, and stakeholder communication. It establishedan ESG work mechanism of “division of labor and cooperation among various business departments, full participation ofsubsidiaries”, promoting the organic integration of ESG governance and corporate management.
中国通号将ESG纳入发展战略规划,构建自上而下的ESG治理架构和执行体系,明确各级机构的ESG管理职责,充分发挥ESG治理的牵引作用,持续提升可持续发展能力。CRSC incorporates ESG into its development strategic planning, establishes a top-down ESG governance framework andexecution system, and clarifies the ESG management responsibilities of various levels of institutions, giving full play to theleading role of ESG governance, and continuously enhancing its sustainable development capability.
Decision-makingand Management
Execution Level
Board of Directors
总部部门及所属企业HQ Departments andAliated Enterprises
Responsible for conducting comprehensive ESG practices withintheir respective scope of work.
董事会是公司ESG治理的最高决策机构,负责ESG事宜的整体规划及工作统筹。The board of directors is the highest decision-making body forESG governance in the Company, responsible for the overallplanning and coordination of ESG matters.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
?依法纳税?促进就业?带动地方经济发展?To implement macro policies?To operate honestly and legally
?To pay taxes according to law?To promote employment
?To drive local economicdevelopment
?参加会议?监督检查?信息报送?Work report?Conferences?Supervision and inspection?Information reporting
?Good operation performance?Asset preservation and appreciation
?To disclose information?To reduce operation risks?To protect the interests ofshareholders and investors
?企业定期报告及公告?业绩发布会?股东大会?投资者见面会?沟通汇报?Corporate annual report, middleterm report and announcements
?Performance conference?General meeting of shareholders?Investors conference?Reporting and communication
?合同履约?产品质量安全?提供优质服务?保障客户隐私?To perform contracts?To guarantee productquality and safety
?To oer premium service
?To protect clients’information
?Customer visit
?Customer satisfaction survey?Telephone, e-mail, letter, andon-line feedback
?Integrity and law-abiding?To guarantee open, fair andlegal procurement?To achieve win-win cooperation?To keep informationconfidential
?Open tendering?Carrying out cooperation?Industrial communicationand exchanges?High-level visit exchanges
?公平竞争?科技创新研发?助力行业进步?Fair competition
?Technology innovationresearch?To promote the industrialdevelopment
?加强同业交流?参加行业论坛?考察互访?Enhancing communicationwith peers?Participating in industryforums?Research tours andexchange visits
?To take part incommunity construction?To conduct publicwelfare activities
?Communitycommunication andpublicity?Organizing publicwelfare activities
?To protect sta interests?To promote occupationaldevelopment
?To oer sta caring
?To oer rational salary andwelfare
?To enhance the managementof overseas sta
?General meeting of starepresentatives
?Sta training and education
?Daily communication
Suppliers and
Industry associations
Shareholders and
Expectations and Appeals
Communication Channels
Stakeholder Communication中国通号持续畅通沟通交流渠道,以了解利益相关方对环境、社会及管治相关议题的意见。积极主动向利益相关方传播公司可持续发展理念及ESG履责动态,提高披露透明度。CRSC continuously smooths communication channels to understand stakeholders’ opinions on environment, society,and governance-related issues. It proactively communicates its sustainable development concept and ESG responsibilityperformance dynamics to stakeholders, and enhances disclosure transparency.
公司识别并确定政府与监管机构、股东与投资者、客户、员工、供应商与合作伙伴、行业协会、社区及公众等主要利益相关方,通过日常沟通和专项沟通等多种渠道,了解利益相关方的期望与诉求,从而提升企业可持续发展的能力,助力高质量发展。The Company identifies and determines the main stakeholders, including government and regulatory agencies,shareholders and investors, customers, employees, suppliers and partners, industry associations, community, and thepublic. Through various channels such as daily communication and specific communication, the company understandsthe expectations and demands of stakeholders, thereby enhancing the ability of sustainable development and supportinghigh-quality development.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号
Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
List of Material Issues
Core issues
Technological innovationQuality of productsAnti-corruptionSafe productionDigitalization and intelligentizationIntellectual Property ProtectionEmission reductionSta rights and interestsCompliant OperationsCorporate Governance可持续供应链优质服务生态保护员工培训与发展海外履责
Sustainable supply chainQuality serviceEcological conservationSta training and developmentPerforming overseas responsibilities
Tackling climate changesFair procurementCommunity construction
重要议题Important issues
一般议题General issues
实质性议题识别Identification of Material Issues中国通号紧跟国内外宏观政策导向和ESG发展趋势,参考ESG相关指南重要议题准则,对标国内外优秀企业,结合公司发展战略、利益相关方关注议题、ESG专家建议,确定对自身可持续发展影响重大、利益相关方普遍关注的重要议题。对识别结果进行排序,并按照结果选择年度ESG报告的披露内容。CRSC closely follows the orientations of macro policies at home and abroad and the trend of ESGdevelopment, refers to ESG-related guidelines on important issues, and benchmarks excellententerprises at home and abroad, combines the company’s development strategy, stakeholders’concerns and ESG expert advice to determine important issues that have a significant impact on itssustainable development and are widely concerned by stakeholders. It sorts the identification resultsand selects the disclosure content of the annual ESG report according to the results.
上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
More Ecient Governance
规范公司治理Standardizing Corporate Governance中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国公司法》《中华人民共和国证券法》《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》《上海证券交易所科创板股票上市规则》《上市公司章程指引》以及其他有关规定,结合公司发展实际,制修订《公司章程》等治理文件,不断完善公司治理体系,有效提升上市公司的企业管治水平。CRSC strictly abides by the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China,the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stockson the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Guidelines for Articles of Association of Listed Companies, and otherrelated regulations. In combination with the actual development of the Company, it has formulated and revised the Articlesof Association and other governance documents, continuously improved the corporate governance system, and eectivelyenhanced the corporate governance level of listed companies.
Board Construction
Information Disclosure
董事会是公司的决策机构,对股东大会负责。公司董事会由5名董事构成,包含2名执行董事和3名独立非执行董事,独立董事占比60%。董事的选聘和构成符合有关法律法规和《公司章程》的规定。现任董事会成员来自境内外不同行业,具有丰富的工作经验,专业领域覆盖机械工程、电子与信息工程、经济管理、工商管理、会计等,有利于董事会科学决策。The board of directors is the decision-making body of the Company and is accountable to the shareholders’ generalmeeting. The board of directors of the Company consists of five directors, including two executive directors and threeindependent non-executive directors, with independent directors accounting for 60%. The selection and composition ofdirectors comply with relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association. The current members of the board ofdirectors come from dierent industries at home and abroad, with rich work experience, covering professional fields suchas mechanical engineering, electronics and information engineering, economic management, business administration,and accounting, which is conducive to scientific decision-making of the board of directors.公司在《公司章程》中规定独立董事的任职条件,并要求独立董事在董事会中占比不少于三分之一,且同时满足不少于三名成员的条件。独立董事认真履行职责,公正客观地发表独立意见,为公司发展建言献策,维护公司整体利益,重点关注公司关联交易、对外担保、募集资金使用、并购重组、重大投融资活动、高管薪酬和利润分配等与中小股东利益密切相关的事项。每年与年报共同发布《独立董事履职情况报告》,充分披露独立董事年度工作绩效。In the Articles of Association, the Company stipulates the qualifications for appointment of independent directors, andrequires that independent directors account for no less than one-third of the board of directors, and also meet the
requirement of no less than three members. Independent directors shall fulfill their responsibilities diligently, expressindependent opinions fairly and objectively, provide suggestions and advice for company development, safeguard theoverall interests of the Company, and focus on matters closely related to the interests of minority shareholders, such asrelated transactions, external guarantees, use of raised funds, mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations, majorinvestment and financing activities, executive compensation, and profit distribution. Every year, together with the annualreport, the Report on the Performance of Independent Directors is released, fully disclosing the annual work performanceof independent directors.报告期内,公司董事会召开会议6次,审议通过议案32项。董事会下设专门委员会召开会议9次,审议议案19项,听取报告3项。有关会议情况均以公告形式刊载于交易所及公司网站。During the reporting period, the Company’s board of directors held 6 meetings and deliberated and approved 32proposals. The special committees of the board of directors held 9 meetings, deliberated and approved 19 proposalsand reviewed 3 reports. Meeting information was published in the form of announcements on the websites of the stockexchanges and the Company.
Strategy and
薪酬与考核委员会Remunerationand AppraisalCommittee
审计与风险管理委员会Audit and RiskManagementCommittee
质量安全委员会Quality and SafetyCommittee
股东大会General Meeting of Shareholders
Board of Supervisors
Board of Directors
In strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, CRSC has formulated and strictly implemented the SpecialGuidelines on Information Disclosure Compliance (A-share) and the Special Guidelines on Information DisclosureCompliance (H-share) to ensure that information disclosure is true, accurate, complete, timely, and fair. The Companyreceived an A rating in the evaluation of its information disclosure work for the 2022-2023 fiscal year at the Shanghai StockExchange.
2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
Law-based and ComplianceCorporate Governance
中国通号始终坚持“合规从高层做起、全员主动合规、合规创造价值”的合规理念,着力构建高层人员引领合规、全体员工践行合规的价值体系,持续强化法律、合规、风险、内控、制度管理“五位一体”协同运行,健全大监督体系,为公司改革发展提供坚实法律保障。CRSC always adheres to the philosophy of “compliance by the top management, practice in compliance by all sta, andcreating value in full compliance”, and strives to build a value system where the top management leads compliance andall staff practice compliance. It continuously strengthens the coordinated operation of law, compliance, risk, internalcontrol, and system management, and improves the overall supervision system to provide a solid legal guarantee for theCompany’s reform and development.
中国通号2023年度合规管理重点措施Key Measures for Compliance Management of CRSC in 2023
完善合规管理制度Improving compliance managementsystem
Solidifying compliance management organizational system
Using compliance eectiveness evaluation
结合经营需求,丰富合规管理制度内容,编制完成业务岗位合规职责清单,制定发布《2023年中国通号法治合规工作要点》,明确9个方面28项重点工作要求。In accordance with business needs, CRSCenriched the content of the compliancemanagement system, compiled the list ofcompliance responsibilities of businesspositions, and formulated and releasedthe Key Points of Legal Compliance Workof CRSC in 2023, clarifying 28 key workrequirements in 9 aspects.
设立公司首席合规官,深度参与重大合同、重要决策的审核把关,牵头组织合规管理制度建设、合规体系有效性运行评估等各项工作。CRSC set a chief compliance ocer who is deeply involved in the reviewand oversight of major contracts and important decisions, and took thelead in organizing the construction of compliance management systemand the evaluation of the eectiveness of compliance system.公司党委、董事会、经理层、首席合规官、合规管理牵头部门及各业务部门分工协作,共同参与合规管理工作。
CRSC’s Party Committee, the board of directors, the management,the chief compliance officer, the leading department of compliancemanagement, and various business departments worked together toparticipate in compliance management work.
在所属各企业持续推进公司首席合规官设立工作,共12家子企业配备到位。CRSC continued to promote the establishment of chief complianceocer in its subsidiaries, with a total of 12 subsidiaries fully staed.
通过企业自评价、现场评价检查等方式,发现合规工作中的问题和不足,通过立行立改和持续整改等方式,不断增强合规管理体系运行有效性。By conducting self-evaluation and on-site evaluationand inspection, CRSC discovered issues and deficienciesin compliance work, and continuously enhanced theoperational eectiveness of the compliance managementsystem through immediate action and rectification andcontinuous improvement.完成全部所属企业合规自评。CRSC completed the compliance self-evaluation of allsubsidiaries.
将守法合规培训作为培育合规文化的重要举措,常态化开展守法合规培训。CRSC made legal compliance training a key initiativein cultivating a culture of compliance, and conductedregular compliance training.开展宪法宣传周活动、涉外业务合规和风险防控专题培训。CRSC conducted Constitution Publicity Week,and special training on foreign-related businesscompliance and risk prevention and control.
CRSC Compliance Management Performance
2023法律审核率(企业规章制度、经济合同、重大决策的法律审核)Legal review rate (legal review of enterprise’s rules and regulations,economic contracts and major decisions)
%100100100经济合同履约率Performance rate of economic contract
%100100100守法合规培训场次Legal compliance training sessions
11387106守法合规培训人次Number of participants in legal compliance training
Cultivating a culture of legal compliance
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
全面风险管理Comprehensive Risk Management
中国通号重视管理公司发展过程中的各项风险,制定和完善风险管理和内部控制体系,有效提升全体员工风险防控意识,为公司高质量发展提供有力保障。CRSC attaches great importance to the management of various risks in the development process of the Company,formulates and improves the risk management and internal control system, eectively enhances the risk prevention andcontrol awareness of all employees, and provides a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of the Company.风险防控
Risk Prevention and Control
Internal Control Management
CRSC follows the principles of hierarchical,classified and centralized risk management,and has established a comprehensive riskmanagement organizational system, ensuringthat all entities fully fulfill their risk preventionand control responsibilities. It continues to solidifyrisk management, strengthens key nodes of riskmanagement for the Company and its subsidiaries,establishes major risk monitoring, major riskassessment, major risk event disposal and regularreporting mechanisms.报告期内,公司专项设置差异化风险监测指标,编制四个季度的重大风险季度监测报告,完成《2023年度重大风险评估报告》,建立公司各子企业2023年度重大风险防控责任台账并跟踪督导。During the reporting period, the Company speciallyset differentiated risk monitoring indicators,prepared four quarterly major risk monitoringreports, completed the 2023 Major Risk AssessmentReport, established a responsibility ledger for majorrisk prevention and control for each subsidiary in theCompany for 2023, and tracked and supervised it.
中国通号风险管理组织架构CRSC Risk Management Organizational Structure
制度建设System construction持续夯实制度基础,完善重点业务领域制度建设,提升审计专业化水平。Continue to consolidate the institutional foundation,improve the institutional construction of key businessareas, and enhance the professional level of auditing.完善《内部审计管理办法》《内部控制评价管理办法》等基本制度,建立《审计查出问题整改管理办法》《违规经营投资责任追究工作指引》等具体制度,细化工作规范。Improve the basic systems such as the Measures forthe Management of Internal Audit and the Measuresfor the Management of Internal Control Evaluation,establish specific systems such as the Measures for theManagement of Rectification of Problems Found in Auditand the Guidelines on Accountability for Operation andInvestment Irregularities, and refine work standards.
Compile and issue the Key Points of Internal Audit andInternal Control and Supervision, and strengthen auditefforts around major policy formulation, reform priorities,procurement, investment and other key business areas.组织开展公司及各子企业2023年制度建设,制定发布年度制度建设计划,按月督促推进。2023年,总部层面制度立改废54项,各级子企业层面制度立改废1,485项。Organised the system construction of the Company and itssubsidiaries in 2023, formulated and released the annualsystem construction plan, and supervised and promotedit on a monthly basis.In 2023, 54 items of systems wereestablished, changed and abolished at the headquarterslevel, and 1,485 items of systems were established, changedand abolished at the level of subsidiaries at all levels.
Improvement of indicator
风险监测Risk monitoring
风险评估Risk assessment
风险事件处置Risk event disposal
定期汇报Regular reporting
党委Party Committee
董事会Board of Directors
经营层Management Level
审计与风险管理委员会Audit and Risk Management Committee各职能部门Functional Departments
法律合规部Legal Compliance Department
审计部Audit Department
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
推动主题教育走深走实Promoting in-depth and solid implementation of thematic education
制定《2023年—2025年内控监督规划》,开展内控监督检查。Formulate the 2023-2025 InternalControl Supervision Plan and carryout internal control supervision andinspection.
开发合规管理和风险管理信息系统,参与开展业财一体信息化建设,完善合同管理信息系统和审计信息系统建设,逐步实现风险管控效果和效率的提升。Develop compliance management and risk management information systems, participate in the construction ofintegrated financial and business information, improve the construction of contract management information system andaudit information system, and gradually improve the eect and eciency of risk management and control.
紧紧围绕“学思想、强党性、重实践、建新功”的总要求,善于“出实招”、成于“下实功”、源于“重实学”、基于“求实效”,坚持把实的要求贯穿主题教育全过程,确保层层压实责任、层层狠抓落实、层层深学笃行、层层担当作为,做到理论学习求实、调查研究扎实、检视整改严实、推动发展务实、建章立制从实,高质量深耕细作,高质量严抓实管,高质量创新载体,高质量开展第一批和第二批主题教育,达到预期目的、取得明显成效。Focusing on the general requirements of "learning thought, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice and buildingnew skills", good at "putting forward practical measures," achieving "practical work," originating from "emphasizingpractical learning," and based on "seeking practical results", We adhere to the practical requirements throughout thewhole process of theme education, ensured that the responsibility is compacted layer by layer, the implementation iscarried out layer by layer, the deep learning and practice are carried out layer by layer, and the responsibility is takenlayer by layer, so as to achieve realistic theoretical learning, solid investigation and research, strict inspection andrectification, pragmatic development, practical establishment of rules and regulations, high-quality deep cultivation andmeticulous work, high-quality strict management, and high-quality innovation carrier. The first and second batches ofthematic education were carried out with high quality to achieve the expected purpose and achieve remarkable results.开设“主题教育看变化”专栏,7篇信息被中央主题教育官网刊载,10篇信息在国资委网站刊登,2篇经验做法在国资委《宣传工作》刊登;《国资委主题教育简报》10次刊载主题教育工作成效,国资小新2次刊载中国通号主题教育成效。
Establish a column titled “Insights from Theme Education”, with 7 articles published on the ocial website of thematiceducation of the CPC Central Committee, 10 articles on the website of the SASAC, and 2 articles about experienceand practice published in the SASAC’s magazine Publicity Work; the SASAC Theme Education Briefing published theeffectiveness of theme education work 10 times, and the SASAC News published the effectiveness of CRSC’s themeeducation twice.
主题教育开展情况获得中央第18巡回指导组充分肯定。The implementation of thematic education has been fully armed by the 18th central guiding team.
其中,专项审计Among them, special audit
加强党建引领Strengthening the Guidance of Party Building
CRSC deeply studies and carries out Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and theguiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, resolutely implements General Secretary Xi Jinping’s importantinstructions, and earnestly carries out the work arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Itupholds the principles of taking responsibility, making contributions, and ensuring growth to plan the Party building workfor the whole year, promotes the integration of Party building and development, and provides strong political guaranteefor the Company’s high-quality development.
监督检查Supervision and inspection
Information construction
成立内部控制评价领导小组和工作小组,组织开展全级次年度内控自评价。组织全部子企业自查自纠,围绕制度体系建设、制度执行、重点业务领域关键环节内控管理等进行检查,对发现的问题组织整改,确保内控体系有效。Set up the internal control evaluation leading group and working group,organize and carry out the annual internal control self-evaluation at all levels.Organize all subsidiaries to conduct self-examination and self-correction,conduct inspections around institutional system construction, institutionalexecution, internal control management of key links in key business areas, etc.,and organize rectification for any problems found to ensure the eectivenessof the internal control system.
开展审计Conducting audit次Time次Time
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号
Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
学习宣贯党的重要会议精神Studying, promoting and implementing the spirit
of important Party meetings
持续筑牢基层堡垒Continuously consolidating the key
role of grassroots
提升党员干部政治素质Improving the political quality of Party members and cadres全年党委理论中心组学习14次、集中研讨4次;落实党委常委会“第一议题”14次,同步建立督办台账,明确责任部门,及时跟踪问效、督导推动,形成工作闭环。The Party committee’s theory center group conducts14 study sessions and 4 concentrated discussionsthroughout the year; implement the “First Issue”campaigns by the Standing Committee of the PartyCommittee 14 times, concurrently establish a supervisionledger, clarify the responsible departments, conductfollow-up oversight and see real results, and promoteprogress, forming a closed-loop work.
举办中国通号党委主题教育读书班专题辅导报告会;主要领导在《科技日报》和《国企管理》发布署名文章;2个作品获评中央企业党的二十大精神基层理论宣讲优秀微视频、1个作品被国资委官网选登;1个课题荣获中央企业党建政研会2023年度优秀课题研究成果二等奖;积极参加第六届中央企业优秀故事展示活动,中国通号17个企业故事在人民网刊登,2个优秀故事荣获三等奖。The special guidance report meeting of the thematiceducation reading class of the Party Committee of CRSCwere held ; main leaders published signed articles inScience and Technology Daily and China State-ownedEnterprise Management; two works were selectedas excellent micro videos for grassroots theoreticalpropaganda on the guiding principles of the 20th CPCNational Congress by state-owned enterprises, and onework was selected for publication on the ocial websiteof the SASAC; Ideological and Political Work of State-Owned Enterprises, and one project won the secondprize for excellent research achievements of the ResearchInstitute for Party Building, Ideological and PoliticalWork of State-Owned Enterprises in 2023; CRSC activelyparticipated in the 6th Exhibition of Excellent Storiesof State-Owned Enterprises, with 17 enterprise storiespublished on People’s Daily Online, and two excellentstories winning third prize.制定《关于开展深化改革促发展十大实践课题研究的工作方案》,贯通融入主题教育的“理论学习、调查研究、推动发展、检视整改”各环节,贯通解决“六个方面突出
夯实基层党组织建设,11家二级企业召开党代会顺利换届,15家二级企业高标准开展党组织书记述职评议、民主生活会,405个党支部顺利开展组织生活会和民主评议党员。Consolidate the construction of grassroots Partyorganizations, specifically, 11 second-class enterprisesheld Party congresses and successfully changedtheir terms, 15 second-class enterprises carriedout high-standard work reports and evaluations ofParty organization secretaries and democratic lifemeetings, and 405 Party branches smoothly conductedorganizational life meetings and democratic evaluationsof Party members.坚持大抓基层的鲜明导向,持续开展党员积分管理、党支部星级达标活动,积极选树基层示范党支部、基层书记抓党建示范案例、融入生产经营中心工作抓党建示范载体。Adhere to the clear orientation of focusing on grassroots,continuously carry out Party member credit managementand Party branch star rating activities, actively selectand establish grassroots demonstration Party branches,demonstration cases of grassroots secretaries incharge of Party building, and demonstration carriersof integrating Party building into central work such asproduction and operation.
印发党员教育培训工作计划,组织做好《2019—2023年全国党员培训教育工作规划》贯彻落实情况总结评估。Publish the work plan for the education and trainingof Party members, and organize the summary andevaluation of the implementation of the National WorkPlan for the Training and Education of Party Membersfrom 2019 to 2023.
Intelligent Electrical Branch of CRSC (Changsha) Rail Transit Control Technology Co., Ltd. deeply carries out thematic education, promotinghigh-quality development of equipment business with integrity and innovation
通号档案CRSC Profile
党建引领、科技创新、市场开拓、数字通号建设、产业链供应链管理、提质增效、人才培养、安全管理、健全大监督体系、风险防控。“Ten major practical topics to deepen reform and promote development”: guidance of Party building, technological
innovation, market development, digital CRSC construction, industrial chain and supply chain management,quality and eciency improvement, talent cultivation, safety management, sound overall supervision system, riskprevention and control.
问题”和建设“七大体系”、打好“七套组合拳”,不断推动主题教育走深走实。Formulate the Work Plan for Conducting Research on TenMajor Practical Topics to Deepen Reform and PromoteDevelopment, integrate the various links of “theoreticallearning, investigation and research, promotingdevelopment, review and rectification” into thematiceducation, address the “six prominent issues”, and buildthe “seven major systems”, and implement the “sevenpolicy combinations”, continuously promoting in-depthand solid implementation of thematic education.
开展党员干部专项轮训,组织开展基层党建提质增效“七抓”工程实操班暨基层党支部书记示范培训班。Carry out special rotation training for Party membersand cadres, and organize the “seven emphases” projecttraining classes and demonstration training classes forgrassroots Party branch secretaries to improve the qualityand eciency of grassroots Party building.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
落实廉洁监督Implementing clean supervision
深化专项整治Deepening special rectification
CRSC has strengthened the integrity risk prevention,supervision and restriction mechanism, continuouslyimproved the working mechanism of the coordinationgroup for improving Party conduct, building a clean andhonest government, and combating corruption,carriedout timely safety supervision and audit on process qualityand discipline enforcement, and constantly standardizedvarious work processes such as clue disposal, reviewand trial so as to improve the quality of supervision anddiscipline enforcement. It regularly holds coordinationgroup meeting of the Party conduct and clean governmentconstruction and anti-corruption work, to consolidatedepartmental supervision and collaboration, and ensurethe clean and ecient operation of the Company.
公司研究制定并下发《关于进一步落实靠企吃企禁止性措施的指导意见》,坚决打击“靠企吃企”等腐败问题,系统总结有效做法,并在国资委《党风廉政专刊》刊发推广。CRSC studied and formulated the Guidance Opinionson Further Implementing Prohibitive Measures toCrack Down on Making Private Profit from Their OwnGame, resolutely cracked down on corruption suchas playing their own game and making private profitfrom CRSC, systematically summarized effectivepractices, and published and promoted them inSASAC’s Special Issue on Party Conduct and CleanGovernment.
开展廉洁教育Conducting integrity education
投诉举报机制Complaint and whistleblowing mechanism
举报人保护Whistleblower protection
开展“清风润通号 廉心向未来”廉洁微视频大赛、党章党规党纪知识竞赛等廉洁警示教育和党风廉政建设专题学习活动,坚守重要节点,贯通联动做好纠“四风”树新风工作,营造风清气正良好氛围。
CRSC carried out integrity warning education andspecial study activities on Party conduct and cleangovernment construction, such as the honesty micro-video competition titled “Building a Clean andHonest CRSC for a Better Future” and the knowledgecompetition on Party Constitution, Party Rules andParty Discipline, focused on important nodal points,coordinated to rectify “four malfeasances” and fosterhealthy tendencies, and created a clean and uprightatmosphere.
CRSC has formulated the Implementation Measures on Reporting Investigation and Handling ofCorruption Cases to the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Group Company (Trial) and theAdministrative Measures for Disciplinary Inspection and Complaint Reporting, actively smoothingthe reporting channels, and publishing the hotline and email address for disciplinary inspectionand complaint reporting on the official website. It has improved the reception, diversion,investigation and judgment and handling of petition reports, and the inspection and supervisionof submitted cases, and clarified work requirements and liabilities.
CRSC strictly implements the confidentiality system forpetition reports and various confidentiality requirements,and strictly keeps confidential the whistleblower’s name,work unit, address and other relevant information, aswell as the content of the report. It is resolutely ensuredthat the materials and information of the whistleblowersare not transferred to or disclosed to the organizationsand individuals being reported, in order to protect thelegitimate rights and interests of the whistleblowers.
恪守商业道德Abiding by Business Ethics中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》《关于禁止商业贿赂行为的暂行规定》等法律法规和业务所在地适用的防止贿赂、勒索、欺诈及反洗钱的相关法律法规,反对一切形式的贪污腐败行为和不正当竞争。CRSC strictly complies with the Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Anti-Unfair Competition Lawof the People’s Republic of China, the Interim Provisions on the Prohibition of Commercial Bribery, and other relevant laws andregulations on prevention of bribery, extortion, fraud, and anti-money laundering applicable in the business location, andopposes all forms of corruption and unfair competition.
2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
CRSC Anti-corruption Performance
2023已审结的重大贪腐、舞弊、欺诈、洗黑钱等案件Major corruption, fraud, bribery, and money launderingcases that have been concluded
针对公司或雇员提出的贪污诉讼案件Corruption lawsuits filed against the Company or employees
人均反腐败教育时长Average anti-corruption education time
Employee anti-corruption education coverage rate
More Outstanding Innovation
Implementing Strategic Layout
Enhancing Innovation Capability
中国通号勇当科技创新自立自强“排头兵”,完善科技战略布局,聚焦领先的控制技术能力、集成能力和全产业链优势,深化自主创新和产业化应用能力,加强技术与市场的协同联动,以通号科技支撑中国高铁跑得更稳、更安全,全力打造可信赖的国家战略科技力量。CRSC takes the lead in technological innovation and self-reliance, improves the strategic layout of science and technology,focuses on leading control technology capabilities, integration capabilities and the advantages of the whole industrialchain, deepens independent innovation and industrial application capabilities, strengthens the synergy betweentechnology and the market, supports China’s high-speed rail to run more steadily and safely with CRSC technology, andstrives to build a reliable national strategic scientific and technological force.
公司持续推动“一个体系、二个中心、三个高地、七大突破”的科技创新总体战略目标落实,制定“十四五”科技发展战略规划,形成“十四五”重大专栏任务10个、重大科技专项任务14项。将公司科技发展战略规划与公司整体战略规划、行业发展规划、企业年度行政重点工作有效衔接,保障规划稳步落地。The Company continues to promote the implementation of the overall strategic goal for S&T innovation of “One System, TwoCenters, Three Highlands and Seven Breakthroughs”, formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan for scientific and technologicaldevelopment, and forming 10 major strategic tasks and 14 major S&T projects according to the 14th Five-Year Plan. Iteectively connects its scientific and technological development plan with its overall strategic plan, industry developmentplan and annual administrative priorities, ensuring the steady implementation of the plan.
中国通号着力提高创新能力和价值创造能力,实施“集中攻关”“揭榜挂帅”“成果孵化”“效益评估”“科技奖励”等科技创新制度,释放创新潜能,更好实现高水平科技自立自强。CRSC strives to improve its innovation capability and value creation capability, and implements S&T systems such as“concentrating eorts to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields”, “enlisting and leading”, “incubation ofachievements” and “benefit evaluation”, to unleash innovation potential and achieve high-level scientific and technologicalself-reliance.
中国通号现行反腐败主要制度文件(例举)Main Anti-corruption System Documents of CRSC (Examples)《对领导干部进行提醒、函询和诫勉的实施细则》
Implementation Details for Reminding, Inquiring,and Admonishing Leadership Cadres《职工违纪违规处理规定》Provisions on Handling Employees’ Violation ofDisciplines and Regulations《纪委监督检查执纪审查安全工作暂行规定》Interim Provisions on Supervision, Inspection andDiscipline Review of Safety Work by the DisciplineInspection Commission《关于实行廉政谈话制度的规定》Regulations on the Implementation of the Systemof Integrity Talks
《受处分人员回访教育实施暂行办法》Interim Measures for the Implementation of ReturnVisit and Education for Punished Personnel《纪委运用监督执纪“四种形态”实施办法》Implementation Measures for the DisciplineInspection Commission to Apply the “Four Methods”of Supervision and Discipline Enforcement《领导干部容错纠错实施办法(试行)》Implementation Measures for Error Tolerance andError Correction for Leading Cadres (Trial)
Interim Measures for Supervision and Discipline Enforcement
《监督执纪工作手册》Supervision and Discipline Enforcement Work Manual《廉洁风险防控工作手册》Integrity Risk Prevention and Control Manual《规范党员干部操办婚丧喜庆事宜的暂行规定》
Interim Provisions on Standardizing Party Members andCadres’ Organization of Weddings, Funerals, and Celebrations《招标投标活动投诉处理实施办法》
Implementation Measures for Complaint Handling inBidding Activities
Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Bidding
《巡视整改督查督办暂行办法》Interim Measures for Supervision and Handling ofDisciplinary Inspection Rectification
《关于规范企业领导人员配偶、子女及其配偶、特定关系人经商办企业行为的实施办法》Implementation Measures for Standardizing the BusinessActivities of Corporate Leaders’ Spouses, Children andTheir Spouses, and Specific Related Parties
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
Building Innovation Platform
Scientific and Technological Talent Construction
中国通号发挥创新平台的资源汇聚和桥梁纽带作用,加快培育和建设省部级及以上创新平台,全面提升创新创效能力。截至2023年末,公司共拥有3个博士后科研流动工作站、3个院士工作站、12个国家和行业创新平台、18个国家级创新示范、35余个省部级重点实验室/工程技术研究中心/工程实验室。CRSC gives full play to the resource aggregation and bridging role of innovation platforms, accelerating the cultivationand construction of innovation platforms at the provincial and ministerial levels or above, comprehensively enhancinginnovation and efficiency capabilities. By the end of 2023, CRSC has 3 postdoctoral mobile stations, 3 academicianworkstations, 12 national and industrial innovation platforms, 18 national innovation demonstration titles, and over 35provincial and ministerial key laboratories/engineering technology research centers/engineering laboratories.报告期内,“轨道交通产业技术基础公共服务平台”列入工业和信息化部产业技术基础公共服务平台名录;轨道交通智能列控技术创新中心、轨道交通通信信号检测评估技术创新中心、上海高速铁路列控装备工程技术研究中心获得上海市批复。
During the reporting period, the Rail TransitIndustrial Technology Basic Public ServicePlatform was included in the list of industrialtechnology basic public service platformsof the Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology; the rail transit intelligent traincontrol technology innovation center, the railtransit communication signal detection andevaluation technology innovation center, andthe Shanghai high-speed railway train controlequipment engineering technology researchcenter obtained approval from the ShanghaiMunicipal Government.
中国通号确立人才引领发展的战略地位,加强各类战略人才储备。制定《加强高端科技人才培养方案》,不断壮大科技领军人才和青年拔尖人才队伍,加速打造高端科技领军人才和高水平创新团队和人才梯队。CRSC has established the strategic position of talent leading development and strengthened the reserve of variousstrategic talents. It has formulated the Strengthening Program for Cultivating High-end Scientific and Technological Talents,continuously strengthening the team of leading scientific and technological talents and outstanding young talents,accelerating the construction of high-level scientific and technological talents, innovation teams and talent echelons.
The CRSC Research & Design Institute Group has successfully obtained approvalfor the industrial technology basic public service platform for testing anddetection, making it the first enterprise in the rail transit industry to obtain such aplatform
中国通号科技投入及承担科研项目情况CRSC’s Research Inputs and Scientific Research Projects
2023年2023研发投入R&D input
亿元RMB 100 million
累计拥有研发人员Number of R&D personnel
Scientific research projects
National scientific research projects undertaken
Provincial and ministerial research projects undertaken
New National Awards
New provincial and ministerial awards
During the reporting period, the Company had 2individuals awarded leading scientific and technologicalinnovation talents of National Special Support Plan forHigh-level Talents for Technological Innovation LeadingTalents, 1 individual honored as the “Most BeautifulRailway Technology Worker” recommended by the ChinaRailway Society, 4 technical personnel recognized withthe inaugural Qinchidao Special Award, 12 individualsawarded the 16th Zhan Tianyou Contribution Award andYouth Award, 2 individuals selected in the list of the 8thYoung Talent Support Project of China Association forScience and Technology, and 1 individual approved as anoutstanding engineer of “Focusing on the Construction ofBeijing International Science and Technology InnovationCenter - Outstanding Engineers in Action”.
During the reporting period, 12 individuals awardedthe 16th Zhan Tianyou Contribution Award and YouthAward, 2 individuals selected in the list of the 8th YoungTalent Support Project of China Association for Scienceand Technology, and 1 individual approved as anoutstanding engineer of “Focusing on the Constructionof Beijing International Science and TechnologyInnovation Center - Outstanding Engineers in Action”
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
中国通号获得专利情况CRSC’s patents
中国通号2023年科技创新重要成果(列举)Key Technological Innovations of CRSC in 2023 (Examples)
Accumulated valid authorized patents
3,2023,9294,618累计拥有发明专利Accumulated invention patents
1,0661,6492,434累计拥有海外授权专利Accumulated overseas authorized patents
108211281累计拥有软件著作权Accumulated software copyright
1,5171,7932,167新增授权专利Newly Authorized Patents
694876820新增授权发明专利Newly licensed invention patents
337591667新增申请专利Newly Applied Patents
1,2041,3391,510新增申请发明专利Newly Applied Invention Patents
8861,1191,281新增申请海外专利Newly applied overseas patents
科技创新成果Technological Innovation Achievements中国通号加强关键核心技术攻关,开展前瞻性技术研究与成果转化,发挥“三位一体”产业优势,加强技术与市场的协同联动,将科技创新优势转化为产品优势。报告期内,新增“智能制造试点示范”、国家专精特新“小巨人”企业等国家级示范称号;编制完成《中国通号专利转化实施试点方案》,加快创新成果向现实生产力转化。CRSC strengthens research on key and core technologies, carries out forward-looking technology research andachievement transformation, leverages the “three-in-one” industrial advantages, strengthens the synergistic interactionbetween technology and market, and transforms technological innovation advantages into product advantages. Duringthe reporting period, the Company was awarded national demonstration titles such as “Intelligent Manufacturing PilotDemonstration” and New “Little Giant” Enterprise, specialty and innovation, and completed the Pilot Scheme for theImplementation of CRSC Patent Transformation to accelerate the transformation of innovative achievements into realproductive forces.
成渝中线高铁CR450科技创新工程CR450 science and technology innovation project of Second Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway完成面向更高速度的列控系统总体技术方案、地面设备和车载设备的适配修改,完成大尺寸应答器、适配CR450动车组BTM天线单元原理样机的研制和测试,为进一步工程应用奠定基础。CRSC completed the adaptation and modification of the overall technical scheme, ground equipment and on-boardequipment of the train control system for higher speed, and completed the development and testing of the large-sizetransponder and the prototype based on principles for adapting CR450 EMU BTM antenna unit, laying the foundationfor further engineering application.
Technological breakthrough in 30,000-ton heavy-haulfreight train推进重载列车群组运行控制系统完成系统车载、地面、通信共计18项产品研发及系统装备上道试验评审,开展现场单机群组功能试验,启动群组运行控制包神铁路北线上道应用。CRSC promoted the heavy-haul train group operationcontrol system to complete the research and developmentof 18 on-board, ground and communication products andthe on-track test evaluation of system equipment, carriedout on-site single-machine group function test, and startedthe on-track application of group operation control on thenorthern line of Baotou-Shenmu Railway.
超高速低真空管道磁浮交通全尺寸试验线Full-scale test line for ultra-high speed and lowvacuum pipeline maglev transportation
CRSC completed the low-vacuum test of vehicle-mounted equipment and the development of ahigh-precision ground positioning and speedmeasurement prototype, and completed thesecond-stage full-scale levitation test at the high-speed test track in Shanxi through aerospacesemi-physical environment debugging.
知识产权保护Intellectual Property Protection中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国民法典》和刑法、专利法、商标法、著作权法等涉及知识产权保护的相关法律法规,制定《知识产权管理办法》等内部制度,规范公司商标、专利、著作权等知识产权的确权、维护与使用;制定《海外知识产权布局规划报告》,开展目标国专利保护环境评估工作,加大海外知识产权风险防御。In strict accordance with the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China, Criminal Law, Patent Law, Trademark Law, CopyrightLaw, and other laws and regulations related to intellectual property protection, CRSC has formulated the IntellectualProperty Management Measures and other internal systems to regulate the confirmation, maintenance and use ofintellectual property rights such as trademarks, patents and copyrights of the Company; formulated the OverseasIntellectual Property Layout Planning Report to carry out assessment of the patent protection environment in targetcountries and enhance overseas intellectual property risk prevention.
During the reporting period, 1 provincial high-value patent cultivation center was added, and 2 silver awards ofChina Patent Award were added; Beijing Railway Signal Co., Ltd. was approved as the national intellectual propertydemonstration enterprise, and Shanghai Railway Communication Co., Ltd. was awarded the national intellectual propertyadvantage enterprise.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
The digital integrated management and control system ofsmart freight yard achieves innovation breakthroughs智慧货场数字化综合管控系统创新性引入了5G+北斗融合定位、L4级IGV自动驾驶、数字孪生建模、AI智能分析等先进技术,实施装备自动控制、计划统筹编制、效果综合评价,有力提升了生产作业效率,系统正在磨憨铁路口岸开展试运行。
The digital integrated management and control system ofsmart freight yard has innovatively introduced advancedtechnologies such as 5G+BeiDou fusion positioning, L4-level IGV automatic driving, digital twin modeling, and AIintelligent analysis, which implements equipment automaticcontrol, coordinated preparation of plans and comprehensiveevaluation of eects, and powerfully enhances the eciencyof production and operation, and the system is under trialoperation at the Mohan railway port.
全球首例多模城轨列控系统现场运用On-site application of the world’s first multi-modeurban rail train control system在不影响原有TBTC系统运营的基础上,叠加一套可兼容TBTC的CBTC新系统,公司完成全球首个多模城轨列控系统改造——上海地铁2号线信号系统改造项目,即让两套不同年代、不同制式、不同厂家、不同设计的信号系统实现无缝切换。就好比让两大系统都掌握“双语”,可以实现无障碍沟通。On the basis of not aecting the operation of the original TBTCsystem and superimposing a new CBTC system compatiblewith TBTC, the Company completed the renovation projectof the signal system of Shanghai Metro Line 2, the world’sfirst multi-mode urban rail train control system renovationproject, which enables seamless switching between two setsof signal systems of dierent ages, dierent systems, dierentmanufacturers and different designs. It’s like allowing bothsystems to master “two languages” and achieve barrier-freecommunication.
全域视频智能感知系统成功部署上线The comprehensive video intelligent perceptionsystem successfully deployed and launched公司研发的全域智能视频感知系统具备视频汇聚共享、视频AI赋能解析、视频AI驾驶舱应用等功能,在济南市起步区全域视联监管服务平台项目成功部署上线。The Company’s independently developedcomprehensive intelligent video perceptionsystem has functions such as video convergenceand sharing, video AI empowerment and analysis,and video AI cockpit application. It has beensuccessfully deployed and launched in the all-domain video supervision service platform projectin the starting area of Jinan.
2023年9月,郑州市轨道交通10号线一期正式开通载客试运营,卡斯柯凭借在城轨全自动运行领域成熟的技术和丰富的经验,在本项目中作为技术牵头方统筹全自动一致性协调工作。郑州10号线是河南省首条开通最高自动化等级(GoA4级)的无人驾驶线路,该线路不仅实现了自动唤醒、自检、自动发车、精准停车、自动回库及休眠等更为经济高效的无人驾驶功能,同时开通智能场段和智能运维功能,对推进郑州城市轨道交通数字化、智慧化升级,加速完善轨交线网建设意义重大。In September 2023, Zhengzhou Metro Line 10 Phase I officially went into trial operation carrying passengers. CascoCompany, with its mature technology and rich experience in the field of fully automatic operation of urban rail, served asthe technical lead in this project, coordinating the work for full automation consistency. Zhengzhou Metro Line 10 is thefirst driverless line in Henan Province with the highest level of automation (GoA4). This line has not only realized moreeconomical and ecient driverless functions such as automatic wake-up, self-check, automatic departure, precise parking,automatic return to the depot and sleep, but also introduced two functions, namely, smart depot and smart O&M, which isof great significance to promote the digitalization and intelligent upgrading of Zhengzhou urban rail transit and acceleratethe improvement of rail transit network construction.
Assisting in the opening of Henan’s first fully automatic driverless line
2023年9月,第19届亚运会在杭州召开。中国通号秉承“建维一体”理念,发挥通信信号专业优势,积极参与各主办、协办城市亚运期间轨道交通运营维护保障工作,保障赛事期间乘客的出行安全,为亚运会的顺利举办贡献通号力量。On September 2023, the 19th Asian Games was held in Hangzhou. CRSC upholds the philosophy of “integration ofconstruction and maintenance”, leverages its professional advantage in communication signal, actively participates in themaintenance and support work of rail transportation during the Asian Games in host and co-host cities, guarantees the travelsafety of passengers during the event, and contributes the strength of CRSC to the smooth operation of the Asian Games.
CRSC fully guarantees the safe operation of rail transportation during the Asian Games
卡斯柯 杭州地铁19号线的信号系统供应商,为其提供成熟的CBTC信号系统解决方案,结合线路自身特点,推出多项技术创新。Casco Company: The supplierof the signaling system forHangzhou Metro Line 19, providingmature CBTC signal systemsolutions and launching multipletechnological innovations basedon the characteristics of the lineitself.
上海工程局集团 在亚运会举办前先后参与杭州地铁1号线、2号线等7条地铁线路的建设施工任务,以实际行动为杭州轨道交通网络建设添砖加瓦。CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group:
Prior to the Asian Games, it participatedin the construction tasks of 7 metrolines in Hangzhou, including HangzhouMetro Line 1 and Line 2, contributing tothe construction of the Hangzhou railtransit network with practical actions.
上海工程局集团 在亚运期间提供杭州地铁3号线、16号线地铁通信、AFC等系统的维护保障服务,线路涉及黄龙体育中心、杭州体育馆等重要亚运场馆。CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group:
It provided maintenance and supportservices for communication, AFC andother systems of Hangzhou Metro Line3 and Line 16 during the Asian Games,covering important Asian Gamesvenues such as Yellow Dragon SportsCenter and Hangzhou Gymnasium.
和若铁路实现“北斗定位+列车移动闭塞追踪”创新技术应用Ruoqiang-Hetian Railway realizes theinnovative technology application of “BeiDoupositioning + train moving block tracking”自主研发的基于北斗定位的移动闭塞新型列控系统在和若铁路正式开通,首次实现了“北斗定位+列车移动闭塞追踪”这一创新技术在国家铁路的成功应用。
The self-developed moving block train controlsystem based on BeiDou positioning wasofficially put into operation on the Ruoqiang-Hetian Railway, marking the first successfulapplication of the innovative technology“BeiDou positioning + train moving blocktracking” on the national railway.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号
Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
数字化转型升级Digital Transformation and Upgrading中国通号加速推进高端化、智能化、绿色化转型发展,以推动信息化和工业化深度融合为抓手,持续深入推进两化融合管理体系建设,高标准打造新型能力,不断增强核心竞争力,为企业数字化转型和高质量发展注入动力,为国家铁路及轨道交通行业客户提供信息化整体解决方案。CRSC has accelerated the transformation of high-end, intelligent and green development. By focusing on advancing thedeep integration of informatization and industrialization, it has continuously and thoroughly promoted the construction ofthe management system of such integration, built new capabilities with high standards, and continuously enhanced corecompetitiveness, injecting momentum into the digital transformation and high-quality development of enterprises, andproviding overall information solutions for customers in the national railway and rail transit industry.中国通号2023年数字化建设重要成果(列举)Key Achievements of CRSC in Digitalization Construction in 2023 (Examples)
卡斯柯与通号(长沙)轨道交通控制技术有限公司顺利通过工信部两化融合管理体系2.0版认证,标志着中国通号数字化转型和数智化工业水平获得国家权威机构认可Casco Company and CRSC (Changsha) Rail Transit Control Technology Co., Ltd.successfully obtain the certification of the MIIT 2.0 version of the integrationof informatization and industrialization management system, marking thatCRSC’s digital transformation and digital intelligence industry level has beenrecognized by national authorities
研究设计院集团试运行智慧货场数字化综合管控系统,完成货场数字化综合管控系统、IGV自动控制系统等8个新系统的示范应用The CRSC Research & Design Institute Group starts a trial operationof the digital integrated management and control system of smartfreight yards, completing the demonstration application of eight newsystems, including the digital integrated management and controlsystem of freight yards and the IGV automatic control system
通信信息集团自主研发全域智能视频感知系统,推动“视频+服务”在路外领域实现新突破The CRSC Information & Communication Group independentlydevelops a comprehensive intelligent video perception system,promoting “video + service” to achieve new breakthroughs in theo-road field
In August 2023, the lead-free process intelligent digitaltransformation construction project of ShangtongCompany of (Xi’an) Industry Group completed the acceptance of the equipment function of the whole production line, andthe production line was ocially delivered for use. The completion and acceptance of the lead-free process intelligentdigital transformation construction project marks that CRSC’s equipment manufacturing has a more complete andstandardized processing capability in the lead-free process, which lays a solid foundation for the enterprise to keep pacewith the leading enterprises in the electronic processing industry, form the core competitiveness of lead-free processprocessing and help lead-free processing business.
Completion of acceptance of equipment function of the entire production line for lead-free process intelligent digitaltransformation construction project
Deepen the integration of production and research, complete the integration ofR&D and production of PLM system, achieve the collaborative development ofintegrated production and research drawings at the cabinet level and platformunit level, realize one drawing and data sharing, and greatly reduce theindustrialization cycle of manufacturing enterprises.
产研一体化Integration of productionand research
Continue to carry out the implementation of the standards for the integration ofinformatization and industrialization management system, and gradually form apreliminary system architecture and method mechanism for digital transformationthat is guided by value and benefits, driven by data, and focuses on new capacitybuilding.
两化融合管理体系贯标Implementation of thestandards for the integrationof informatization andindustrialization managementsystem
Strengthen the digital management and control capability of the supply chain,pilot the implementation of the SRM system (supplier management system),complete the construction tasks of system blueprint design, system developmentand testing, system configuration and other stages, and successfully put thesystem into operation, to achieve the full life cycle management of suppliers, andimprove the ability of ecient collaboration between enterprises and suppliers inthe procurement process.
供应商管理系统Supplier managementsystem
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
更优质的产品与服务Better Products and Services
铸造卓越品质Casting Excellent Quality中国通号完善质量管理体系,秉持工匠精神,打造精品工程。遵守《中华人民共和国产品质量法》等法律法规,落实《质量管控规则》《产品质量检验工作管理办法》等内部制度规范,严格把控质量风险。CRSC improves its quality management system, upholds the craftsmanship spirit, and creates high-quality projects. Itcomplies with the Product Quality Law of the People’s Republic of China and other laws and regulations, implements internalsystem standards such as the Rules on Quality Management and Control and the Administrative Measures on Product QualityInspection, and strictly controls quality risks.截至2023年末,中国通号及所属企业全部通过ISO9000质量管理体系第三方认证,工程建筑施工企业通过GB50430体系第三方认证,认证率100%。报告期内,实现各检验批分项、分部工程施工质量检验合格率100%,单位工程一次交验合格率100%,行业产品质量监督抽查合格率100%。未发生产品回收事件。By the end of 2023, CRSC and its affiliated enterprises have all passed the third-party certification of ISO 9000 qualitymanagement systems, and engineering construction enterprises have passed the third-party certification of GB50430system, with a certification rate of 100%. During the reporting period, it achieved a 100% quality inspection pass rate ofeach inspection batch, subitem and sub-project, a 100% engineering onetime delivery and acceptance pass rate, and a100% quality supervision and inspection pass rate. No product recall event has occurred.中国通号全面质量管理体系CRSC Comprehensive Quality Management System
Important Measures for Quality Management of CRSC in 2023
产品研发Product R&D
设备制造Equipment Manufacturing
明确关键质量控制点及控制要求,进行可靠性、安全性计算与分析,保证产品满足相应等级安全标准。Specifying key quality control points and controlrequirements, conducting reliability and safety calculationand analysis, ensuring products meeting correspondinglevels of safety standards.
设立产品质量安全部门,完成产品入场、出产、出厂全流程的严格检验,建立产品质量检验档案,禁止不合格产品流出。Setting up product quality safety department, strictlyinspecting the whole process of entry, productionand delivery of products, establishing product qualityinspection records, prohibiting the outflow of unqualifiedproducts.
Engineering Installation
Strictly following construction safetystandards, strengthening safetyanalysis and quality control duringconstruction installation.
Integration & Commissioning
提供产品检验、测试工作,识别并有效应对集成调试存在的管理与技术问题。Providing product inspection and test,identifying and efficiently handlingmanagement issues and technicaltroubles existing in integration andcommissioning.
运营维护Operation & Maintenance细化产品使用说明书及培训教材,制定安全管控措施。Detailing product instruction manualsand training materials, formulatingsafety prevention and controllingmeasures.
研究设计院集团自主研制的DS6-60全电子计算机联锁设备顺利通过CRCC产品认证The DS6-60 full electronic computer interlocking equipmentindependently developed by the CRSC Research & Design InstituteGroup successfully passes the CRCC product certification
中国通号“融合贯通”QC小组成功获得第48届国际质量管理小组会议(ICQCC)金奖CRSC’s “Integrated Penetration” QC Circle successfully obtains theGold Award at the 48th ICQCC
开展QC攻关:构建QC小组活动从立项、实施、检查、评价、转化的一系列闭环管理机制。Carry out QC research: Establish a QC Circle activity that includes aseries of closed-loop management mechanisms from project initiation,implementation, inspection, evaluation, to transformation.有效控制风险:针对不同管控层级,制定工程技术措施、管理措施、培训教育措施、个体防护措施、应急处置措施等五个方面措施。各单位根据风险分级清单,绘制安全风险四色空间分布图,实现对风险的有效控制。
Effectively control risks: Formulate engineering technical measures,management measures, training and education measures, personalprotection measures, and emergency response measures for differentmanagement and control levels. All units should draw a four-color spatialdistribution map of safety risks based on the risk classification list to achieveeective control of risks.开展质量检查:发布质量检查计划,组织各单位开展质量检查,对检查
出的问题按照“五落实”要求严格整改。对于公司整改要求落实不力、质量问题整改不到位的单位及个人,严肃追责。Conduct quality inspection: Release the quality inspection plan,organize all units to conduct quality inspection, and strictly rectify theproblems found in the inspection according to the five implementationrequirements. Units and individuals who fail to implement therectification requirements of the Company and fail to rectify qualityproblems will be held accountable seriously.培育质量文化:发布质量培训计划,提高各级管理人员、现场作业人员质量意识。
Cultivate quality culture: Release the quality training plan, improvequality awareness of management personnel at all levels and on-site workers.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
提升客户服务Improving Customer Service
夯实安全生产Strengthening Safe Production
中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》等法律法规,严格遵循适用的服务和产品标签规定,以用户需求为导向、与市场需求接轨,不断提升用户认可度。CRSC strictly abides by the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests and other lawsand regulations, and strictly follows the applicable service and product labeling regulations. It focuses on user needs,aligns with market demands, and continuously enhances user recognition.
中国通号时刻绷紧安全生产之弦,严格遵守《中华人民共和国安全生产法》《中华人民共和国消防法》等法律法规,完善安全生产管理体系,落实安全风险防控,完善安全生产责任制,建立起安全生产工作“层层负责、人人有责、各负其责”的工作体系。CRSC always keeps a tight grip on safety production, strictly abides by the Work Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China,the Fire Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, and other laws and regulations, improves the safety productionmanagement system, implements safety risk prevention and control, and perfects the safety production responsibilitysystem, establish a work system of "layers of responsibility, everyone has responsibility, and each has his ownresponsibility" for work safety.
完善售后服务Improving After-sales Service
安全生产管理Safe Production Management
User Privacy Security
中国通号设置专门部门负责售后服务及投诉解决事宜,对全系统重点项目进行监督管控,根据客户需求,协调相关资源加以解决。公司项目部在项目交付后保留建制,并在现场配合客户完成包保、克缺等工作,完善售后服务相关工作。各项目部安排人员进行客户回访,作为持续改进和提高工程项目质量的重要依据。报告期内,公司未发生客户投诉事件。CRSC has established a dedicated department responsible for after-sales service and complaint resolution, supervisingand controlling key projects in the entire system, and coordinating relevant resources to solve customer demands.CRSC’s project department retains the organizational structure after project delivery and cooperates with customers onsite to complete tasks such as warranty services and deficiency rectification to improve after-sales service. Each projectdepartment arranges personnel to conduct return visits to customers, which serves as an important basis for continuousimprovement of engineering project quality. During the reporting period, CRSC did not have any customer complaints.
中国通号在各层级成立安全生产委员会,由公司副总师及以上领导和各部门负责人组成。安全生产委员会定期召开会议,研究安全生产相关事项。CRSC has established the safety production committee at all levels, composed of deputy chief engineers and above leadersas well as department heads. The safety production committee holds regular meetings to study matters related to safetyproduction.
中国通号贯彻落实及遵守《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》等法律法规,遵循个人数据安全准则,“非必要不获取”。针对客户信息,公司使用统一的客户信息管理系统,设定各级相关人员查阅权限,并有专职部门负责客户资料保障工作,持续优化网络信息安全,确保客户信息及资料不泄露,有效保障客户权益。CRSC implements and complies with the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China and other lawsand regulations, and follows the personal data security guidelines of “not collecting personal data unless necessary”.In relation to customer information, the Company uses a unified customer information management system, sets accessrights for relevant personnel at all levels, and has a dedicated department responsible for customer data protectionwork, continuously optimizing network information security to ensure that customer information and data are not leaked,eectively guaranteeing customer rights and interests.
CRSC Customer Service Management System
中国通号客户服务绩效CRSC Customer ServicePerformance
项目咨询Project consulting
Requirement analysis
Project management
Technical support
Quality supervision
After-sales service
Customer relationship management
客户满意度Customer satisfaction
Complaint solution
2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
中国通号安全生产委员会主要职责Main Responsibilities of the Safety Production Committee of CRSC贯彻落实国家有关安全生产法律法规和标准规范Implement national laws, regulations, standards andspecifications related to safety production研究部署、指导协调公司安全生产工作Research and deployment, guidance andcoordination of company safety production work研究制定公司安全生产工作的重大方针政策
Study, deploy, guide and coordinate the safetyproduction of the Company
分析安全生产形势,研究解决安全生产工作中的重大问题Analyze the safety production situation, study andsolve the major problems in safety production work审定和下达年度安全生产控制考核指标Examine, approve and issue annual safety productioncontrol assessment indicators中国通号安全生产绩效
CRSC Safe Production Performance
2023年2023累计投入安全生产资金Total funds invested in safe production
RMB 100 million
安全事故数量Number of safety accidents
安全风险防控Risk Prevention and Control of Safe Production
Safe Production Emergency Response
Safety Training
中国通号制定《轨道交通运营设备故障应急预案》《事故灾难综合应急预案》等制度,修订完善生产安全事故应急预案178个,进一步完善层级清晰、职责明确的应急管理体系。截至2023年末,共有各类应急预案3,258个。CRSC has formulated the Emergency Preparedness Plan for Rail Transportation Operation Equipment Malfunction and theComprehensive Emergency Preparedness Plan for Accident Disaster, and revised and improved 178 emergency plans forindustrial safety accidents, further improving a clear hierarchy and clear responsibilities in the emergency managementsystem. By the end of 2023, there were 3,258 various types of emergency plans.公司常态化开展应急演练工作。全系统结合应急救援演练工作计划,组织生产安全事故应急救援演练819场,参与15,172人次;开展从业人员自救互救技能培训169场,参与4,405人次,全面提升事故应急避险能力。
CRSC has regularly carried out emergency drills. It formulated a system-wide plan for emergency rescue drills, andorganized 819 production safety accident emergency rescue drills, with 15,172 participants. It also conducted 169 trainingsessions on self-rescue and mutual rescue skills for employees, with 4,405 participants, comprehensively enhancing theability to respond to emergencies and avoid risks.
CRSC has continuously strengthened the construction ofsafety production culture(education and training of worksafety), and formulated and issued the AdministrativeMeasures for Workplace Safety Education and Training toimplement the responsibility for safety training andeducation for all employees. It carried out a series ofactivities for “Safety Production Month”, held an annualsafety education and training meeting, covering allmembers of the leadership team, eectively internalizingand externalizing the safety concept.
CRSC launches the 2023 safe production education and training
研究按照行业管理中涉及安全生产方针政策和法规标准,加强安全管理和科技进步等基础工作,协调解决相关问题Study and strengthen the basic work of safetymanagement and scientific and technologicalprogress in accordance with the principles,policies, regulations and standards related tosafety production in industry management, andcoordinate and solve related problems统一协调指挥公司重特大生产安全事故应急救援工作Coordinate and direct the emergency rescuework of major production safety accidents
Complete other safety production tasks assignedby the superior competent department
CCSC closely follows the two key links of major risk identification and control and major accident hidden dangerinvestigation and management, implements graded and classified production safety control, continuously improves theproduction safety supervision mechanism, carries out three special production safety hidden danger investigation andrectification work throughout the year, and increases the frequency and intensity of production safety supervision andinspection. A total of 6, 971 inspections were organized at each level, and 9,896 problems were found, which were allrectified as required, effectively curbing the occurrence of production safety accidents; Solid promotion of the centralenterprise safety management to strengthen the annual action, in-depth investigation of the problem of short board, atotal of 1,304 tasks list, strictly in accordance with the work list one by one, up to now, all tasks have been completed, andcomprehensively improve the level of enterprise safety production management.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.上篇:臻于至善·打造更智慧的通号Part 1: Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC
更优美的环境A More Beautiful Environment
Happier Employees
更互惠的合作More Mutually Beneficial Cooperation
更美好的生活A Better Life
CRSC actively assumes social responsibility, firmly serves the national strategy, the people’s needs for a betterlife, and the sustainable development of the industry, actively seeks a green development path, createsa happy home for employees and a responsible supply chain, participates in the Belt and Road Initiative,wholeheartedly contributes to the society, helps to build a beautiful China in an all-round way, and workstogether to safeguard a better life.
Traveling Farfrom Near:
Becoming aStronger CRSC
更优美的环境 A More Beautiful Environment
全生命周期环境管理Full Life Cycle Environmental Management
中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国环境保护法》《中华人民共和国节约能源法》《建设项目环境保护管理条例》等对公司运营有重大影响的法律法规,建立并持续完善公司环境保护制度,加强对重要环境因素的管理组织,减少并杜绝环境事件的发生。CRSC strictly adheres to the Environmental Protection Lawof the People’s Republic of China, the Energy ConservationLaw of the People’s Republic of China, the Regulations onEnvironmental Protection Management of ConstructionProjects, and other laws and regulations that have asignificant impact on company operation. It establishes andcontinuously improves the environmental protection policysystem of the Company, strengthens the managementand organization of important environmental factors, andreduces and eliminates the occurrence of environmentalincidents.报告期内,公司环保节能共计投入2,150.44万元,其中节能522.05万元,环保1,628.39万元。全年未发生环保节能属地行政处罚情况。截至2023年末,公司旗下所属企业全部通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证,认证率100%。During the reporting period, the Company invested a totalof 21,504,400 yuan in environmental protection and energyconservation, with 5,220,500 yuan in energy conservationand 16,283,900 yuan in environmental protection. Therewas no local administrative penalties for environmentalprotection and energy conservation throughout the year.By the end of 2023, all subsidiaries of the Company havepassed the ISO 14001 environmental management systemcertification, with a certification rate of 100%.
Environmental Management Structure中国通号成立节约能源与生态环境保护领导小组,负责公司节约能源与环境保护总体工作。
CRSC has established a leading group for energy conservation and ecological environment protection, responsible for theoverall work of energy conservation and environmental protection in the Company.
中国通号节约能源与生态环境保护领导小组主要职责Main Responsibilities of the Leading Group for Energy Conservationand Ecological Environment Protection of CRSC
During the reporting period, the Company investeda total of 21,504,400 yuan in environmentalprotection and energy conservation, with 5,220,500yuan in energy conservation and 16,283,900 yuan inenvironmental protection
Implement national laws, regulations, standards andspecifications related to energy conservation andenvironmental protection负责公司节能环保总体工作,研究部署、指导协调公司节能环保工作Be responsible for the overall energy conservationand environmental protection work of the Company,researching, deploying, and guiding and coordinatingthe Company’s energy conservation and environmentalprotection work负责研究制定公司节能环保工作的重大方针政策Be responsible for researching and formulating majorguidelines and policies for the Company’s energyconservation and environmental protection work分析节能环保形势,研究解决节能环保工作中的重大问题Analyze the energy conservation and environmentalprotection situation, study and solve the major problems inenergy conservation and environmental protection work
Examine, approve and issue annual energyconservation and environmental protectioncontrol assessment indicators研究按照行业管理中涉及节能环保方针政策和法规标准,加强节能环保和科技进步等基础工作,协调解决相关问题Study and strengthen the basic workof energy conservation, environmentalprotection and scientific and technologicalprogress in accordance with the principles,policies, regulations and standards relatedto energy conservation and environmentalprotection in industry management, andcoordinate and solve related problems负责统一协调指挥公司重特大环保突发事件应急救援工作Be responsible for coordinating anddirecting the emergency rescue work ofmajor environmental incidents
Complete other energy conservation andenvironmental protection work assigned bythe superior competent department
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
Environmental Management System Guarantee
Environmental Protection Training and Education
CRSC has formulated the Management Measures on Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection, and issued theMeasures for Supervision and Management of Energy Conservation and Ecological Environment Protection, Measures forRewards, Punishments, and Responsibility Investigation for Energy Conservation and Ecological Environment Protection,and Measures for Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Factors, further improving the system for energyconservation and environmental protection supervision, standardizing supervision and management, promoting the mainresponsibility of enterprises, and establishing a long-term mechanism for energy conservation and environmental protection.
中国通号组织全系统开展“全国节能宣传周和全国低碳日”宣传活动,共计33,523人次参与活动,增强全员环保节能意识;组织举办环保与节能专业培训班,培训内容涵盖相关法律法规要求、能源数据统计、环境监测等内容;倡导绿色低碳生活方式,推广绿色办公、低碳出行、节能节约。CRSC organized the publicity activities for National Energy-savingPublicity Week and National Low Carbon Day, with a total of 33,523participants, aiming to raise awareness of environmental protectionand energy conservation among all employees. It organizedprofessional training courses on environmental protection andenergy conservation, covering topics such as legal and regulatoryrequirements, energy data statistics, and environmental monitoring.It also advocated for a green and low-carbon lifestyle, promotinggreen oce practices, low-carbon travel, and energy conservation.
通号工程局集团建设公司积极倡导绿色出行CRSC Engineering Group Construction Company activelyadvocates green travel
应对气候变化Tackling Climate Changes
Climate change is a common challenge faced by humanity. CRSC attaches great importance to the impact of climatechange and has formulated the action plan for peak carbon emissions, actively taking measures to address climatechange. In accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), CRSCproactively discloses management strategies and progress in addressing climate change.
气候风险与机遇管理Climate Risk and Opportunity Management中国通号基于国家政策、行业特点、自身业务特点及营运特性等多维度的考量,积极主动识别气候变化带来的风险与机遇,提升公司对于气候变化的适应能力。
Based on the multi-dimensional considerations of national policies, industry characteristics, business characteristics andoperational characteristics, CRSC actively identifies the risks and opportunities brought by climate change, and enhancesthe Company’s adaptability to climate change.类别Category
Physical risk
Policy and legal risks
风险因素Risk factors
机遇因素Opportunity factors台风、洪水、干旱、地震等自然灾害,可能会毁坏公司生产设施、办公场所,导致公司生产物资中断,间接影响作业连续性,增加防灾设施成本,带来经营损失。
Typhoons, floods, droughts, earthquakes, andother natural disasters may damage companyproduction facilities and oce premises, leading tointerruptions in the supply of company productionmaterials, indirectly affecting operationalcontinuity, increasing disaster prevention facilitycosts, and causing operating losses.
政府部门推动节能减排,制修订应对气候变化的各项政策和法律法规,导致节能减排投入和合规运营成本增加。Government departments have promoted energyconservation and emission reduction, andrevised various policies, laws and regulations toaddress climate change, resulting in increasedinvestment in energy conservation and emissionreduction and compliance operating costs.
关注环境相关法律法规和政策的变化,遵照执行。Pay attention to the changes in environmental laws,regulations and policies, and comply with andimplement them.加大项目的环保合规审查。Increase the environmental protection compliancereview of projects.
建立台风、暴雨等极端天气的预警和应急响应机制,密切关注天气变化和地震等极端事件。Establish early warning and emergency responsemechanisms for extreme weather such as typhoonsand heavy rain, and closely monitor weather changesand extreme events such as earthquakes.完善防灾救灾物资储备。Improve the disaster prevention and relief supplies reserve.购买财产相关责任保险。Purchase property-related liability insurance.
Technical risk
Market risk
Carbon peak and carbon neutrality drive theCompany to accelerate technological iteration,reinforce R&D input and investment in carbonreduction and emission reduction, and increasethe cost of green transformation.更多客户倾向于使用更低碳和绿色的技术和产品,签署合同时有更严的要求。More customers tend to use lower carbon andgreen technologies and products, resulting in morestringent requirements for signing contracts.
提高研发能力,研究高新技术和装备,实施技能技改。Improve R&D capability, research high and newtechnology and equipment, and implement skill andtechnology improvement.
多使用清洁能源,增加绿电。Use more clean energy and increase green electricity.
Explore green and low-carbon technology, build agreen supply chain, and optimize customer service.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
“双碳”科技攻关实现突破Breakthrough in “double-carbon” scientific andtechnological research
Accelerated application of key green and low-carbontechnology products
气候行动战略Climate action strategy中国通号聚焦“双碳”目标,制定各企业2023年碳达峰工作计划,将碳达峰方案分解到年度重点工作中,有序推进“双碳”重点项目的实施。围绕制造业重点产业链开展关键核心技术攻关,提升传统产业在产业分工中的地位和竞争力,加快新能源、人工智能、绿色低碳等前沿技术的研发和应用推广,大力发展数字经济,提高企业核心竞争力,进一步推动碳达峰工作扎实开展。
Focusing on the “double-carbon” goals, CRSC has formulated the carbon peak work plan for each enterprise in 2023,decomposed the carbon peak plan into the annual key work, and orderly promoted the implementation of the “carbonpeaking and carbon neutrality” key projects. It carried out key and core technology research around key manufacturingindustry chains, enhancing the status and competitiveness of traditional industries in the industrial division, acceleratingthe R&D, application and promotion of cutting-edge technologies such as new energy, artificial intelligence, green andlow carbon, and vigorously developing the digital economy, improving the core competitiveness of enterprises and furtherpromoting the solid implementation of carbon peak work.
CRSC Construction Group Changsha ArchitecturalDesign Institute
研究设计院集团CRSC Research & Design Institute Group
电缆集团CRSC Cable Company Ltd.
成立绿色建筑研究中心,应用科研加生产模式推动绿色建筑向高质量发展,并从绿色建筑的土建、设备专业出发,聚焦节能增效及低碳发展目标。Establish a green building research center, applyscientific research and production mode topromote the high-quality development of greenbuildings, and focus on energy conservation andefficiency improvement as well as low-carbondevelopment goals from the civil engineeringand equipment specialty of green buildings.
Carry out the on-track verification and application of groupoperation control on the northern line of Baotou-ShenmuRailway, and complete the research on the application solutionof group technology in the field of urban rail transit.打造高效智能的货运控制系统,全面提升驼峰调车场作业效率。
Build an efficient and intelligent freight control system tocomprehensively improve the operational efficiency of humpyards.开展智能综合调度关键技术攻关,创新运输服务,提升运输效能。
Carry out research on key technologies for intelligent integrateddispatching, innovate transport services, and improve transporteciency.
实施装备轻量化技术升级工程,数字化轨道电路等陆续落地推广应用,推动设备轻量化和节约化发展。Implement equipment lightweighting technology upgradeprojects, promote the implementation and application of digitaltrack circuits, and promote the lightweight and economicaldevelopment of equipment.
中国通号电缆集团成功研发薄壁绝缘机车电缆,为标准电缆壁厚的三分之一,有效减少原材料的使用。CRSC Cable Group has successfully developedthin-walled insulated locomotive cable, which isone-third of the standard cable wall thickness,eectively reducing the use of raw materials.
轨道交通主业节能降碳技术持续推广Continuous promotion of energy conservation and carbonreduction technology in the main business of rail transit在建项目采用列车运行装置节能ATO软件升级,实现高质量的自动驾驶,实现节省运营成本和降低能源消耗。The ongoing project adopts energy-saving ATO softwareupgrades for train operation devices, achieving high-quality automatic driving, saving operating costs andreducing energy consumption.
Achievements in the evaluation of greenconstruction level上海工程局集团CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group“大运会安居保障项目”绿色建造施工水平评价成果成功申报中施企协成果,获批成都绿色施工示范项目。The evaluation results of the green constructionlevel of the housing guarantee project for FISU WorldUniversity Games have been successfully declaredas the results of China Association of ConstructionEnterprise Management, and the project has beenrecognized as a demonstration project of greenconstruction in Chengdu.
CRSC Construction Group“湖南临武乡村振兴物流集散中心一期项目”绿色建造施工水平评价成果成功申报中施企协成果。
The evaluation results of the green constructionlevel of the phase I project of the rural revitalizationlogistics distribution center in Linwu, Hunan havebeen successfully declared as the results of ChinaAssociation of Construction Enterprise Management.
All engineering construction enterprises开展公司工程建设项目绿色施工水平评价工作,推动建材减量化、循环化利用,推进超低能耗、近零能耗、低碳建筑规模化发展。Carry out the evaluation of the green construction levelof the Company’s engineering construction projects,promote the reduction and recycling of buildingmaterials, and advance the large-scale developmentof ultra-low energy consumption, near-zero energyconsumption and low-carbon buildings.
通信信息集团CRSC Information & Communication Group Company Ltd.开展绿色低碳技术项目8项,科研投入约1,600万元,获取专利30项。Carry out 8 green and low-carbon technology projects,with a scientific research input of about 16 million yuan,and obtain 30 patents.
Carry out research on key and core technologies ofdouble-carbon energy conservation and digital energy,and realize the ecient operation and intelligent operationand maintenance of railway station building infrastructure.开展云计算平台关键技术研究,优化实验平台软件。
Carry out research on key technologies of cloudcomputing platform and optimize experimental platformsoftware.
Use the unified data platform to build the energyconsumption statistical analysis module, to achieve dynamicstatistics and monitoring of energy consumption data.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
指标与目标Indicator and objective中国通号致力于采取多种措施持续减少二氧化碳等温室气体的排放。报告期内,公司万元产值(收入)温室气体排放量为0.0183吨,同比下降1.6%。
CRSC is committed to taking multiple measures tocontinuously reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide andother greenhouse gases. During the reporting period, theCompany’s greenhouse gas emissions per RMB 10,000 ofoutput value were 0.0183 tons, a year-on-year decreaseof 1.6%.
中国通号温室气体排放绩效CRSC Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance
2023温室气体排放总量Total greenhouse gas emissions
Total greenhouse gas emissions of Scope I
Total greenhouse gas emissions of Scope II
73,58053,30947,945万元产值温室气体排放量Greenhouse gas emissions per RMB 10,000 of output value
吨/万元ton/RMB 10,000
During the reporting period, the Company’s greenhousegas emissions per RMB 10,000 of output value were
0.0183 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 1.6%
As of the end of 2023, two units of CRSC passed theenergy management system certification.
Energy Resource Management
CRSC is well aware of the importance of energy resource management, actively exploring green manufacturing systems,promoting the clean and ecient use of fossil energy, improving water resource utilization eciency, promoting packagingmaterial reduction, and taking multiple measures to enhance energy resource utilization performance and optimizeresource utilization eciency.
节能降耗Energy saving and consumption reduction中国通号能源使用包含电力、液化气、气候、柴油、热力、天然气和电力。拟定各项能源消耗指标,加强能源统计,细化过程管理,研究降耗方法,切实减少能源消耗。截至2023年末,公司共有2家单位通过能源管理体系认证。CRSC uses energy including electricity, liquefied petroleumgas, climate, diesel, heat, and natural gas. It establishesseveral indicators of energy consumption, strengthensenergy statistics, refines process management, studiesconsumption reduction methods, and effectively reducesenergy consumption. As of the end of 2023, two units ofCRSC passed the energy management system certification.
Energy-saving target
By promoting photovoltaic projects, optimizing product structure, energy-saving transformation, and establishingonline energy monitoring platforms, CRSC reduces major power consumption and achieves further reductions incomprehensive energy consumption per RMB 10,000 of output value.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
推进光伏项目Promoting photovoltaic projects
优化产品结构Optimizing product mix
加快节能改造Accelerating energy-saving transformation
提升能源管理水平Improving energy management
中国通号2023年节能行动(列举)Energy Conservation Action of CRSC in 2023 (Examples)
西安工业集团西信公司、津信公司光伏项目装机量3.6MWP。The installed capacity of PV projects of XixinCompany and Jinxin Company of (Xi’an) IndustryGroup is 3.6MWP.研究设计院集团北信公司光伏项目完成可行性报告的编制,计划装机量达1.0MWP。
Beixin Company of the Research and DesignInstitute Group completed the feasibility reportfor the photovoltaic project, with a plannedinstalled capacity of 1.0 MWP.
西安工业集团津信公司锁闭框采用工艺方法变更,缩短设备加工时间;将原高温运行室的20/60电子负载与新高温运行室的负载进行整合,提升了新高温运行室的运载率。两项举措全年降低能耗约15.97吨标煤。Jinxin Company of (Xi’an) Industry Groupchanged the technological method of thelocking frame to shorten the equipmentprocessing time; it integrated the 20/60electronic load from the original high-temperature operation room with the load of thenew high-temperature operation room, whichimproves the carrying rate of the new high-temperature operation room. The two measuresreduced energy consumption by about 15.97tons of standard coal for the year.
The green and low-carbon transformation project of TianshuiTram Demonstration Line Project (Phase II) installed and refitted165 solar street lamps, saving 240,000 KWH of electricity per year.卡斯柯壹中心信息化IDC机房建设,投资425万元,采用封闭冷技术(微模块),避免冷/热气流的混合,大幅降低能耗。With an investment of 4.25 million yuan, the construction ofinformatization IDC computer room of Casco Company in YiCenter adopts closed cooling technology (micro-module) toavoid the mixing of cold/hot air flow, greatly reducing energyconsumption.
西安工业集团西信公司投资40万元建设能耗在线监测平台,项目实现能耗在线监控。通过线上数据对比进行精细化能源分户计量,逐层分解、考核用能指标,严格管理能耗强度和碳排放强度约束性指标,合理控制能源消费总量。目前平台已基本搭建完成,预计2024年正式投入使用。Xixin Company of (Xi’an) Industry Group invested 400,000 yuanto build an online energy consumption monitoring platform, andthe project achieved online energy consumption monitoring.Through online data comparison, the platform can carry outrefined energy household measurement, decompose and assessenergy consumption indicators layer by layer, strictly managethe constraint indicators of energy consumption intensity andcarbon emission intensity, and reasonably control the totalenergy consumption. The platform has been basically built, andis expected to be put into operation ocially in 2024.
中国通号温室气体排放绩效CRSC Greenhouse Gas Emission Performance
水资源管理Water Resource Management中国通号积极制定水资源管理措施,开展节水改造、废水回收等项目,提高用水效率。公司工程项目主要用水为市政用水,各工程建设企业采取施工用水、生活用水管控措施,在施工现场设置雨水收集点、循环用水装置,对水资源进行循环利用。CRSC actively formulates water resource management measures,and carries out water conservation renovation, wastewater recyclingand other projects to improve water use eciency. The main waterused in the Company’s engineering projects is municipal water, andeach engineering construction enterprise takes control measures forconstruction water and domestic water, sets up rainwater collectionpoints and recycling water devices at the construction site, andrecycle water resources.中国通号水资源消耗绩效CRSC Water Resources Consumption Performance
Water consumption
Water consumption per RMB 10,000 of output value
ton/RMB 10,000
Electricity consumption
Gasoline consumption
3,800.04,267.53602.6柴油消耗Diesel consumption
Heat consumption
Natural gas consumption
Square meter
Comprehensive energy consumption
Comprehensive energy consumption perRMB 10,000 of output value
tce/RMB 10,000
节水目标Water-saving target提高工程项目用水效率,逐步探索制定能源消耗量化目标。CRSC improves the water use efficiencyof engineering projects and graduallyexplores the establishment of quantitativetargets for energy consumption.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
可持续包装Sustainable Packaging中国通号推动包装可持续实践,优选可降解、环境友好的包装材料,持续改善包装组合,积极促进包装材料减量化,持续减少不必要的包装。建立包装材料回收机制,鼓励供应商参与回收利用,提高包装材料循环利用率。CRSC promotes sustainable packaging practices, selects biodegradable and environmentally friendly packaging materials,continuously improves packaging combinations, actively promotes packaging material reduction, and continuouslyreduces unnecessary packaging. It establishes a recycling mechanism for packaging materials, encourages suppliers toparticipate in recycling, and increases the recycling rate of packaging materials.中国通号制成品包装消耗绩效Performance of CRSC Packing Material Consumption for Finished Products
Consumption for producing and manufacturing carton packaging
生成制造木材包装消耗量Consumption for producing and manufacturing wood packaging
2800.92444.92485.83生成制造塑料包装消耗量Consumption for producing and manufacturing plastic packaging
建筑工程塑料包装消耗量Engineering plastic packaging material consumption
Engineering metal packaging material consumption
包装材料消耗总量Total consumption of packaging materials
3,5523,251.93,326.24万元产值包装消耗量Packaging consumption per RMB 10,000 of output value
吨/万元ton/RMB 10,000
降低污染排放Reducing Pollutant Emissions中国通号从源头强化管控措施,重点盯控新改扩和技术改造等建设项目,做好节能评估、环境保护等预评价相关措施审查工作,严格落实“三同时”相关措施,将设计、施工和投产使用全过程风险降到最低。报告期内,公司废气、废水、噪声排放达标率分别为100%、100%、100%,危险废弃物合格处置率达100%。CRSC strengthens control measures from the source, focusing on the control of construction projects such as newlymodified or extended projects and technological transformation projects, conducting the review of relevant measures forpre-evaluation such as energy-saving evaluation and environmental protection, strictly implementing related measures on“simultaneous design, construction and operation”, and minimizing the risks in the whole process of design, constructionand operation. During the reporting period, the Company achieved a compliance rate of 100% for emissions of waster gas,wastewater and noise, as well as a qualified disposal rate of 100% for hazardous waste.
废弃物减排目标Waste reduction target
通号档案CRSC Profile
定期更换处理含挥发性有机物废气的净化装置内的废活性炭,定期委托有资质的第三方对废水、废气、噪音进行监测,污染物均达标排放,危险废物处置率达100%。For industrial manufacturing enterprises: Regularly replace thewaste activated carbon in the purification device that handlesvolatile organic compound exhaust gas, and regularly entrustqualified third parties to monitor wastewater, waste gas and noise.All pollutants are emitted in compliance with standards, and thedisposal rate of hazardous waste reaches 100%.
“Six 100%”: 100% enclosure at the construction site, 100% road hardening at the construction site, 100% wetoperation for earthwork and demolition and relocation, 100% sealed transportation for muck vehicles, 100%flushing of vehicles entering and exiting the construction site, 100% covering of material stacking at the constructionsite.
针对工程类企业做到“六个百分百”,切实做到不扬尘、噪声不超标、垃圾污水达标排放,创建绿色文明施工工地。For engineering enterprises: Achieve“six 100%”, effectively ensuring no dust,no excessive noise, and standardizeddischarge of waste water and garbage,creating a green and civilized constructionsite.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
主要排放物种类Key types of emissions
Treatment measures
Waste gas
Entrust a qualified third-party testing organization to test relevant indicators on a regularbasis.
Strengthen treatment on volatile organic compounds generated during production as perthe requirements of Volatile Organic Compounds Unorganized Emission Control Standard.
Dust prevention, dust removal and dust measurement measures such as installation ofequipment dust cover, construction of car washing pool, covering of dust-prone materials inthe whole process, sprinkling spray, road hardening, installation of dust monitoring systemand regular inspection by special personnel are taken to reduce dust at the construction site.引进高效治理设施,加装VOCs等废气收集处置装置。
Introduce ecient treatment facilities and install VOCs and other devices to collect anddispose waste gas.
雨污分流,严格管控生产及生活废水排放。Separate rain from wastewater andstrictly control the discharge ofproduction and household wastewater.加大循环利用,配置污水处理系统,集中处理达标后统一排放,开展水质污染物自行监测与第三方抽检。Improve recycled utilization,establish the wastewater treatmentsystem for integrated treatment andqualified discharge, and conductself-monitoring and third-party spotchecking of water pollutants.
实现一般工业固废分类收集、及时转移、合规处置。在施工现场推行修建建筑垃圾回收池,对部分建筑垃圾进行分类回收利用。Realize classified collection, timely transfer and compliant treatmentof general industrial solid waste. Implement the construction wasterecycling pool at the construction site to classify and recycle some of theconstruction waste.
定期收集并规范处理办公垃圾、建筑垃圾、包装材料等一般废弃物。Collect and dispose general solid wastes in a regular and standardizedmanner including office waste, construction waste and packingmaterials.
Store in dierent areas and let the qualified third party treat hazardouswastes properly.
Undertake public propaganda and education and promote wasteclassification.
CRSC Waste Emission Performance
2023年2023二氧化硫排放量Sulfur dioxide emission
Chemical oxygen demand emissions
6.787.717.73氨氮排放量Ammonia nitrogen emission
氮氧化物排放量Nitrogen oxide emission
Manufacturing link
General waste emissions
Construction waste emissions
Note※: The non-hazardous waste of the Company mainly includes waste such as wood, plastic, metal, paper boxes generated in theproduction and manufacturing process, as well as construction waste generated in the construction process.
Total harmless waste emissions
Harmless waste emissions perRMB 10,000 of output value
ton/RMB 10,000
Hazardous waste emissions
Hazardous waste emissions perRMB 10,000 of output value
ton/RMB 10,000
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
保护生态环境Protecting the Ecological Environment中国通号在项目建设过程中充分考量对生物多样性及天然资源可能造成的影响,主动避让生态红线和环境安全底线,对因施工造成的裸土,及时覆盖砂石或种植速生草种,避免土壤侵蚀,减少对项目运营所在地的影响。报告期内,公司已竣工项目环评通过率达100%。
CRSC fully considers the impact on biodiversity and natural resources during project construction, proactively avoidsecological red lines and environmental safety bottom lines, timely covers bare soil caused by construction with sandand gravel or plants fast-growing grass species, to avoid soil erosion and minimize the impact on the location of projectoperation. During the reporting period, the Company achieved a 100% EIA passing rate for completed projects.公司充分发挥“六核一体两翼”战略中工程总承包的优势,参与实施生态保护修复重大工程、国土绿化行动、退耕还林还草工程,加强森林和草原资源保护,参与荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理,参与地方农田建设、生态保护修复工程,实施衬砌干砌排涝渠、修筑河岸护坡、改良土壤(机械深耕)、修筑砂石路及混凝土田间道路等,以增强生态碳汇。
CRSC fully leverages the advantages of the “Six Cores, One Integration and Two Bases” strategy and participates in theimplementation of major ecological restoration projects, land greening action, returning farmland to forest and grasslandproject, and strengthens theprotection of forest and grasslandresources. It also participatesin the comprehensive control ofdesertification, rock desertification,and soil erosion, as well as localfarmland construction and ecologicalprotection and restoration projects. Itimplements lining and dry masonrydrainage channels, constructionof riverbank slope protection, soilimprovement (mechanical deepplowing), construction of gravelroads and concrete field roads, inorder to strengthen the ecologicalcarbon sink.
建设和谐团队Building a Harmonious Team中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国劳动保护法》《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》等法律法规,将员工作为推动公司高质量发展的中坚力量,秉持“开放引进、精英集聚”的人才战略,保障基本权益,促进多元化队伍建设。CRSC strictly abides by the Labor Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People’sRepublic of China, and other laws and regulations. It regards employees as the backbone force to promote the Company’shigh-quality development, adheres to the talent strategy of “stay open minded to attract all elites”, safeguards basic rightsand interests, and promotes diversified team building.
更幸福的员工Happier Employees
中国通号员工构成情况Sta Composition of CRSC
Total number of employees
按员工类型划分By employee type
劳动合同员工Under employment contract
20,72820,00919,425劳务协议员工Under labor agreement
614149第三方派遣员工(含劳务派遣和股东方派驻)Dispatched by third parties (including labordispatching and shareholder dispatching)
按年龄结构划分By age structure
≥51 years old
31-50 years old
≤30 years old
6,3015,4304,924按层级划分By employee level
Senior management
259218302中层管理人员Middle-level management
1,1581,0011,098普通员工Ordinary employees
19,31118,79018,025按性别划分By gender
By region
China Mainland
20,62419,91219,340港澳台Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
卡斯柯持续开展“守护蓝色星球”公益净滩活动Casco Company continues to carry out the public welfare beach cleaning activities of“Protecting the Blue Planet”
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
To Protect Sta Interests
员工民主管理Employee Democratic Management合规雇佣Compliance Employment中国通号依法履行劳动合同,保护企业与员工双方的合法权益。制定《劳动合同管理暂行办法》,规定管理职责、劳动合同的订立与履行等相关内容。员工在合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的基础上签订劳动合同。报告期内,公司员工劳动合同签订率为100%。CRSC fulfills labor contracts in accordance with the law,protecting the legal rights and interests of both enterprisesand employees. It formulates the Tentative Measures onLabor Contract Management, stipulating the managementresponsibilities, the conclusion and performance ofemployment contracts, and other related content.Employees sign labor contracts on the basis of legality,fairness, equality, voluntariness, consensus throughconsultation and good faith. During the reporting period,the employment contract signing rate of employees was100%.公司严格遵守工作时间的规定,确保员工正常休息、休假。改善一线职工的休息环境,及时做好防暑降温、防寒等工作。加强女性员工劳动保护,对于在经期、孕期、产期、哺乳期间的女性员工,不得安排其从事国家规定的禁忌劳动。The Company strictly adheres to the regulations of workinghours to ensure that employees have normal rest andvacation. It improves the rest environment for frontlineworkers, and timely carries out heatstroke prevention, coldprevention, and other work. It also strengthens the laborprotection of female employees, and shall not arrangefemale employees during menstruation, pregnancy,childbirth, and lactation to engage in labor prohibited bynational regulations.
Diversity and Equal Opportunities中国通号坚持多元、平等的雇佣政策,制定《招聘管理制度》,规范招聘流程。严格禁止招用未成年人,杜绝雇佣未满16周岁的童工,也不支持其他公司或社会团体雇佣童工的行为。杜绝一切性别、民族、宗教、年龄等歧视现象,雇佣的所有员工都符合中国相关的法律法规所规定的年龄要求。CRSC adheres to a diverse and equal employment policy,and formulates the Recruitment Management System tostandardize the recruitment process. It strictly prohibitsthe employment of minors, eliminates the employment ofchild labor under the age of 16, and does not support theemployment of child labor by other companies or socialorganizations. It also prohibits all forms of discriminationbased on gender, ethnicity, religion, age, etc. Allemployees hired meet the age requirements specified byrelevant laws and regulations in China.
薪酬福利Remuneration and Benefits中国通号不断深化薪酬改革,以实现更加科学合理的分配模式,发布《中国铁路通信信号集团有限公司内部薪酬结构及策略水平指引》,对各序列人员的薪酬结构、薪酬水平、增长策略、支付策略等进行规范,对从事战略新兴产业及未来产业的科研人员给予薪酬激励,提高关键核心人才薪酬竞争力。CRSC continues to deepen its reform to achieve a morescientific and reasonable allocation model. It hasreleased the Guidelines for the Internal CompensationStructure and Strategic Level of CRSC, which standardizesthe compensation structure, compensation level, growthstrategy, and payment strategy of personnel in varioussequences. Standardize strategies, etc., provide salaryincentives to scientific researchers engaged in strategicemerging industries and future industries, and improvethe salary competitiveness of key core talents. It providescompensation incentives to researchers engaged instrategic emerging industries and future industries, andenhances the compensation competitiveness of key coretalents.
CRSC standardizes employees’ allowance and subsidyand welfare management, and pays social insurance,supplementary pension insurance, supplementary medicalinsurance, and housing provident fund to employees in fulland on time. According to national, regional, and internalcompany policies, various allowances and benefits areprovided to employees for their health care and daily life,including the only-child allowance, heatstroke preventionsubsidy, female workers’ health fee, and physicalexamination fee. During the reporting period, the socialinsurance coverage rate of employees was 100%.
CRSC fully implements democratic management, adheresto and improves the enterprise democratic managementsystem with the workers’ congress as the basic form,implements the openness of factory affairs, promotesdemocratic management, stimulates the enthusiasm ofemployees to and participate in enterprise management.It establishes the worker director and worker supervisorsystem in accordance with the law, safeguards the legalrights and interests of the Company and employees,establishes sound and stable labor relations, and continueto improve the collective consultation system. It signs theCollective Contract and Special Agreement on Remunerationthrough equal consultation, further smoothing theeective channels for democratic participation, democraticmanagement, and democratic supervision. CRSC continuesto carry out rationalization proposal activities to eectivelyenhance internal vitality and improve managementefficiency. The labor unions of enterprises fully mobilizethe masses and encourage employees to contribute ideasfor the reform and development of enterprises. Duringthe reporting period, the CRSC Research & Design InstituteGroup was awarded the title of “National DemonstrationUnit for Railway Factory Aairs Disclosure and DemocraticManagement”, and the CRSC Information & CommunicationGroup and Urban Rail Transit Company were awarded thetitle of “National Advanced Unit for Railway Factory AairsDisclosure and Democratic Management”.
During the reporting period, the employment contractsigning rate of employees was 100%.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
打造劳模品牌Building a Model Worker Brand
中国通号坚持弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神,充分发挥示范引领作用和榜样力量,激发员工创先争优。宣传推广劳模先进评选活动,积极营造让技能成才、技能立业、技能建功的先进氛围。截至2023年底,全系统已创建劳模创新工作室30个。CRSC insists on carrying forward the spirit of model workers, labor and craftsmanship, fully leverages the demonstrationand leading role and exemplary power, and inspires employees to strive for excellence. It publicizes and promotes theselection of advanced model workers, and actively creates an advanced atmosphere where skills can lead to success,careers, and contributions. As of the end of 2023, the Company has established 30 model worker innovation studios.
中国通号2023年员工荣誉Employee Honor of CRSC in 2023电缆集团
CRSC Cable Company Ltd.
尚爱民荣获国际电工委员会(IEC)“IEC 1906奖”Shang Aimin was awarded the IEC 1906 Award by theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
CRSC Information & Communication GroupCompany Ltd.研发中心视频团队荣获“火车头奖杯”荣誉
The Video Team of the Research and DevelopmentCenter won the honor of “Locomotive Trophy”
Casco Company青藏项目组荣获“火车头奖杯”荣誉
The Qinghai-Tibet project team won the honor of“Locomotive Trophy”汪小勇荣获“火车头奖章”荣誉Wang Xiaoyong won the honor of “Locomotive Medal”沈群辉获“全国铁路先进女职工”荣誉Shen Qunhui won the honor of “National RailwayAdvanced Female Worker”上海工程局集团
CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group
Yan Chao won the honor of “Locomotive Medal”通号工程局集团
CRSC Engineering Group
于丽花获“全国铁路先进女职工工作者”荣誉Yu Lihua was awarded the honor of “NationalRailway Advanced Female Worker”
CRSC Research & Design Institute Group
Yan Xiang won the honor of “Locomotive Medal”
The Standards Team of Technology Department wonthe honors of “Locomotive Trophy”, “Women’s ModelPost” and “Advanced Female Worker Collective”
(Xi’an) Industry Group
邓宇荣获“全国铁路机务系统劳模和工匠人才创新工作室联盟理事会理事”荣誉称号Deng Yu won the honorary title of “Member of the Council of National Railway Maintenance System Model Worker andTalent Innovation Studio Alliance”沈信公司电器车间调整三班荣获“全国巾帼文明岗”称号The No.3 Adjustment Group of Electrical Workshop of Shenxin Company was awarded the title of “National Women’sCivilization Post”津信公司工会女职工委员会获“全国铁路先进女职工组织”荣誉The women workers’ committee of the labor union of Jinxin Company won the honor of “National Railway AdvancedFemale Worker Organization”
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
中国通号人才队伍建设CRSC Talent Team Construction科技人才建设Scientific and technological talent construction
干部队伍建设Cadre team construction
青年干部队伍Youth cadre team
以高层次人才为重点,着力建设中国通号人才高地。依托重点产业、重点项目、创新中心、博士后科研工作站和劳模创新工作室等,培养高端技术专家。With a focus on high-level talents, eorts are made to build CRSC into a talent hub. Rely on key industries,key projects, innovation centers, postdoctoral research workstations, and model worker innovation studiosto cultivate high-end technical experts.
以基层人才为基础,创新专业技术人才培养模式,坚持学习与实践相结合、培养与使用相结合,提高科技研发技术水平。Innovate the training mode of professional and technical talents on the basis of grassroots talents, adhereto the combination of learning and practice and of cultivation and utilization, and improve the level ofscientific and technological research and development.
完善企业领导人员考核评价体系,修订《中国通号领导班子和领导人员综合考核评价办法》并推行实施。Improve the assessment and evaluation system for enterprise leaders, revise and implement theComprehensive Assessment and Evaluation Methods for the Leadership Group and Leaders of CRSC.
加强公司总部干部队伍建设,加大与所属企业间双向挂职交流力度,推动干部有序进退留转。Strengthen the construction of the cadre team at the company’s headquarters, increase two-wayexchange of temporary posts with subsidiaries, and promote the orderly promotion, demotion, retention,and transfer of cadres.
坚持以干代训,在实践中培养和发现优秀干部,组织推荐和选拔交流挂职干部、主题教育、巡视工作人员,遴选政治素质高、业务素质好的精兵强将充实到各专项工作中。Uphold the principle of using current cadres instead of training new ones, cultivate and discoveroutstanding cadres in practice, organize the recommendation and selection of exchange of temporarycadres, thematic education and inspection sta, and select cadres with high political quality and goodprofessional quality to enrich various special work.
Talent cultivation goal
到2025年,选拔和培育10位中国通号科学家、首席专家为核心的国家级领军人才队伍,100位中国通号高级专家、战略专家和青年拔尖人才为代表的行业级高端人才,1000位核心骨干为代表的企业级核心科技人才。从事科技创新的研发人员占从业人员比例达到25%。By 2025, CRSC will select and cultivate a national-level leading talent team with 10 CRSC scientistsand chief experts at the core, industry-level high-end talents represented by 100 CRSC senior experts,strategic experts and young top-notch talents, andenterprise-level core scientific and technological talentsrepresented by 1,000 core employees. R&D personnelengaged in technological innovation account for 25% ofthe total employees.
助力员工成长Enhancing Employee Growth中国通号畅通员工职业发展路径,为员工给予切实可靠的帮助,为人才发展提供良好的土壤和温馨的环境。
CRSC provides a smooth career development path for employees, oering practical and reliable assistance to employeesand creating a good environment and warm atmosphere for talent development.
锤炼人才队伍Cultivating Talent Groups中国通号制定发布《高技能人才培养实施方案》,设立技能提升补贴、高技能人才岗位补贴等,使员工技能提升与薪酬增长紧密关联,树立“技高者多得、多劳者多得、贡献者多得”的导向,吸引更多高潜质人才向技能人才方向发展。同时,对为技能人才培养做出突出贡献的人员进行奖励、表彰,建立促进高技能人才成长的氛围,努力培养造就更多大国工匠、高技能人才,加快推进新时代高技能人才队伍建设。
CRSC has formulated and issued the Implementation Plan for Cultivating Highly Skilled Talents, set up subsidies for skillimprovement and post subsidies for highly skilled talents, closely linked employee skill improvement with salary growth,and promoted the concept of “more salaries for those with high skills, for those who work harder, and for contributors”,aiming to attract more high-potential talents to develop in the direction of skilled talents. At the same time, CRSC rewardsand commends individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the cultivation of skilled talents, creates anatmosphere to promote the growth of highly skilled talents, strives to cultivate more master craftsmen and highly skilledtalents, and accelerates the construction of a highly skilled talent team in the new era.
By 2025, R&D personnel engaged in technologicalinnovation account for 25% of the total employees
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
CRSC insists on promoting learning, cultivating excellent talents and improving quality through competition. It extensivelycarries out labor competitions with the contents of “comparison, learning, chasing, helping and exceeding”. Through laborskills competitions, it vigorously promotes the spirit of model workers, labor and craftsmen, and forms a new trend ofmodel demonstration, glorious labor and noble knowledge throughout the Company.
开展劳动竞赛Conducting Labor Competitions
西安工业集团汤瑶和许晶晶在2023年IPC手工焊接世界大赛中分获冠军和季军Tang Yao and Xu Jingjing of (Xi’an) Industry Group win the 1st place and the 3rd place respectively in theIPC Hand Soldering World Championship 2023
中国通号培训绩效CRSC Training Performance
高级管理人员人均培训时长Average training time for senior management
Average training time for middle-level management
Average training time for ordinary employees
Average training time for male employees
女性员工人均培训时长Average training time for female employees
Proportion of training for senior management
%10088.5397.02中层管理人员人均培训占比Proportion of training for middle-level management
%90.1693.6195.9基层员工培训占比Proportion of training for grass-roots employees
%84.9383.9990.45男性员工培训占比Proportion of training for male employees
%86.3785.2990.62女性员工培训占比Proportion of training for female employees
Improving Training System中国通号制定《培训管理办法》,构建“内部培训为主、外部培训为辅,制定培训计划为主、临时培训为辅,团队培训为主、个体培训为辅,管理与业务培训兼顾、按岗位设置”的差异性培训模式。以提升人才队伍素质能力为根本,以打造适应性人才队伍为重点,不断提高教育培训的针对性和实效性。
CRSC has formulated the Training Management Measures, and built the dierentiated training mode of “internal trainingsupplemented by external training, scheduled training supplemented by interim training, group training supplementedby individual training, emphasizing both management training and business training and training set as per differentpositions”. With the fundamental goal of improving the quality and ability of the talent team, and focusing on creating anadaptable talent team, continuously improve the pertinence and eectiveness of education and training.
报告期内,围绕重点工作制定相关培训计划,组织开展加快建设世界一流企业—跨国公司战略实践高级研讨班培训、碳达峰碳中和典型案例网络课程培训、市场经营能力培训、年度安全生产培训、国有企业人力资源管理网络培训、财务骨干人员履职能力提升培训等。During the reporting period, CRSC formulated relevant training plans around key work, and organized and carried outtraining sessions such as the advanced seminar on accelerating the construction of world-class enterprises - multinationalcompany strategic practices, network courses on typical cases of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, training on marketoperation capability, annual safety production training, online training on human resources management of state-ownedenterprises, and training on improving the performance ability of key financial personnel.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
落实员工关怀Implementing Employee Care
中国通号发布《中国通号工会关于做好职工职业生涯全过程关爱服务的实施方案》,围绕员工从入职到退休离岗期间个人重大事项开展关爱服务。持续推进“三工建设”“帮扶救助”等各项工作,组织积极开展风险排查、情绪疏导、慰问服务。关注离退休干部的身心健康,开展走访慰问、困难离退休干部帮扶、健康体检等活动。CRSC has released the Implementation Plan of the Trade Union of CRSC on Providing Care Services for Employees in their WholeCareer Process, providing care services for important personal matters of employees from entry into the job to retirement.It has continued to promote various work such as “construction of site life, site hygiene and site culture” (“three-siteconstruction”) and “assistance and rescue”, and organized and actively carried out risk investigation, emotional guidanceand condolence services. CRSC pays attention to the physical and mental health of retired cadres, and carries out activitiessuch as visiting them, helping them in diculties, and organizing health examinations for them.
During the reporting period, CRSC’s labor union allocated 362,100 yuan of special funds for “three-site construction” and200,000 yuan of medical assistance and poverty alleviation funds, to improve the living and working conditions of front-line production workers and provide assistance to workers in need. It raised 5,111,900 yuan in warm funds during the twofestivals, subsidized 558 families of workers in need, distributed supplies worth 570,300 yuan, extended regards to 9,863workers at the production line and model workers as well as 470 teams at the production line, and distributed supplies witha total worth of 4,541,600 yuan. It carried out key project visit work and raised a total of 3.3933 million yuan for sendingcoolness, and visited 393 project groups and 14,300 frontline workers in high temperatures.
工作生活平衡Balancing Work and Life中国通号开展“书香通号”读书征文、“中国梦·通号情·劳动美”才艺视频作品征集活动、职工乒乓球比赛、电子竞技比赛等文体活动。开展员工健康义诊活动,用心用情关心关爱职工。CRSC has launched cultural and sports activities such as the “Scholarly CRSC” literature collection event, talent show videocollection event themed “Chinese Dream, CRSC Enthusiasm, Beauty of Labor”, sta table tennis competition, and e-sportscompetitions. It organizes free health clinic activities for employees and cares for employees with heart and soul.
通号工程局集团开展健康义诊活动CRSC Engineering Group Organizes free health clinic activities
通号建设集团组织篮球友谊赛CRSC Construction Group organizes the basketball friendship match
关心关爱员工Caring for Employees
中国通号严格遵循《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》,不断改善员工工作环境。提供困难员工帮扶、走访慰问等多种形式的员工关爱,组织多种形式的员工活动,全方位促进员工身心健康。CRSC strictly follows the Law of thePeople’s Republic of China on thePrevention and Control of OccupationalDiseases and constantly improves theworking environment of employees. Itprovides various forms of employee care,such as assistance for employees in needand visits and organizes various formsof employee activities to promote thephysical and mental health of employeesin an all-round way.
员工职业健康Employee Occupational Health
Following the principle of “safety first, prevention first, everyone hasthe responsibility for labor protection, people-oriented protection andprotection throughout the year”, CRSC is committed to eliminating andpreventing casualties, occupational diseases and acute occupationalpoisoning that may occur in the process of labor production. Itcontinuously strengthens the occupational disease prevention andcontrol management work, establishes a sound occupational diseaseprevention and control mechanism, implements occupational diseaseprevention and control liability, improves enterprise occupationaldisease prevention and control management files, organizes regularphysical examinations every year, and carries out occupational healthtesting for workers exposed to occupational hazards. CRSC has issuedthe Notice of the Human Resources Department on the Distribution ofLabor Protection Supplies for Headquarters Employees, to ensure thelabor protection treatment of employees on duty.
公司共有职业病危害因素作业场所124处,涉及200个作业岗位,涉及职业危害作业人员1,021名。报告期内,公司集中开展职业病危害因素作业场所第三方检测工作,检测点达标率为100%,首次实现职业危害作业场所100%达标,员工职业健康体检完成率为100%,未发现职业病病例和职业病倾向人员。The Company has a total of 124 workplace with occupational hazardfactors, involving 200 work positions, and 1,021 workers exposed tooccupational hazards. During the reporting period, CRSC conductedthird-party testing of occupational hazard factors in workplaces. Thecompliance rate of the testing points reached 100%, achieving 100%compliance for occupational hazard workplaces for the first time.The completion rate of employee occupational health examinationwas 100%, and no cases of occupational diseases or individuals withoccupational disease tendencies were found.
关注员工健康Care for Employees’ Health
During the reporting period, CRSCconducted third-party testing ofoccupational hazard factors inworkplaces. The compliance rate of thetesting points reached 100%, achieving100% compliance for occupationalhazard workplaces for the first time.The completion rate of employeeoccupational health examination was100%
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
中国通号供应商分布情况CRSC Supplier Distribution
231618北美North America
南美South America
亚洲(除中国)Asia (except China)
更互惠的合作More Mutually Beneficial Cooperation
打造责任供应链Creating a Responsible Supply Chain
CRSC improves its supplier management system, follows the supplier management principle of “unified leadership,hierarchical management, dynamic monitoring and common development”, establishes and continuously improves thesupplier evaluation and access systems, strictly controls the fairness of the selection process for supply chain partners, andensures the procurement process is compliant, transparent, fair and just.公司制定《供应商管理办法》《供应商信用评价管理办法》《供应商“黑名单”管理办法》。在准入环节,严格把控供应商资质审查,加强合同履约、案件纠纷、资信情况、舆情监测等方面的调查,出现异常情况时慎重纳入。优先选用绿色、低碳、节能、环保产品,如供应商存在偷工减料、以次充好、供应假冒伪劣产品,或者给企业生产经营和项目建设带来严重负面影响等任一情形的,实行“一票否决”。The Company has formulated the Measures for the Administration of Suppliers, Measures for the Administration of SupplierCredit Evaluation, and Measures for the Administration of “Black Lists” of Suppliers. In the access link, it strictly controls thesupplier qualification examination, strengthens the investigation of contract performance, case disputes, credit situation,public opinion monitoring and other aspects, and carefully considers the inclusion of suppliers when abnormal situationsoccur. CRSC prioritizes the use of green, low-carbon, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly products. It adopts the“one-vote veto” to suppliers who have any of the following situations: cheating on workmanship and materials, shoddygoods for quality goods, supply of counterfeit and shoddy products, or serious negative impacts on the production andoperation of enterprises and project construction.公司注重对供应商的廉洁合规管理,对合格供应商实行动态管理,定期评价,实时更新,建立完善供应商廉洁黑名单管理机制。当供应商发生“以行贿等方式,干扰采购的”和“违反廉政要求或职业道德等,被公司纪检或上级部门认定有违规违纪行为”时,属于重大不良行为,将取消其参与采购的资格。公司要求各级采购人与供应商签订廉洁协议,规范交易行为,维护公平竞争,形成阳光透明的物资供应生态。
The Company focuses on the integrity and compliance management of suppliers, implements dynamic managementfor qualified suppliers, conducts regular evaluations and real-time updates, and establishes a sound supplier integrityblacklist management mechanism. When suppliers engage in “bribery or other forms of interference in procurement” and“violate integrity requirements or professional ethics, as determined by the company’s disciplinary inspection or superiordepartment”, it constitutes a serious misconduct and their qualification to participate in procurement will be revoked. TheCompany requires purchasers at all levels to sign integrity agreements with suppliers to regulate transaction behavior,maintain fair competition, and establish a transparent material supply ecosystem.
公司适时召开供方质量沟通会,积极回应供应商的困惑和诉求,提供专业指导和支持,帮助供应商优化产品和服务质量,提升经营管理能力。CRSC holds quality communication meetings with suppliers in a timely manner, actively responds to the questions anddemands of suppliers, provides professional guidance and support, helps suppliers optimize the quality of products andservices, and enhances their management capabilities.
审查的供应商数量Number of suppliers reviewed
因不合规被中止合作的供应商数量Number of suppliers whose cooperation wassuspended due to non-compliance家Piece
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
2023年8月,上海工程局集团承办的“塞尔维亚匈塞铁路高铁技术培训班”在苏州正式开班。通过现场授课、探讨交流、实体观摩等方式,组织来自塞尔维亚的学员深入探讨高铁技术的前沿和创新,帮助学员深入了解项目技术及中国技术。The Budapest-Belgrade Railway High-speed Rail Technology Training Class organized by SCRSC Shanghai EngineeringGroup officially started in Suzhouin August 2023. Through on-siteteaching, discussion and exchange,physical observation and othermethods, students from Serbia wereorganized to deeply discuss thecutting-edge and innovative high-speed rail technology, enabling themto gain a deeper understandingof project technology and Chinesetechnology.
Hosting Budapest-Belgrade Railway High-speed Rail Technology Training Class
Openness and win-win cooperation中国通号秉持“开放创新、合作共赢”理念,深化交流合作,发挥自身行业影响力和号召力,构筑与拓展交流平台,推进高质量协同发展。CRSC adheres to the philosophy of “openness, innovation and win-win cooperation”, deepens exchange and cooperation,leverages its industry influence and appeal, builds and expands communication platforms, and promotes high-qualitycoordinated development.公司积极与企业、高校、科研机构、政府等展开合作和业务交流,构建多领域、多层次、多形式的合作格局。中国通号作为13家联盟组成单位之一,在国铁集团的牵头下联合成立“铁路科技创新联盟”,有效聚合全社会优势资源,加快实
中国通号2023年境外业务重大进展(例举)Significant Progress in Overseas Business of CRSC in 2023 (Examples)
Overseas public projects
161226设立境外单位Establishment of overseas branches
313434境外业务涉及国家(地区)Countries (regions) of the overseas businesses
中国通号境外发展绩效Overseas Development Performance of CRSC
顺利签署马拉维班古拉-恩卡亚改造项目框架合同,独立承揽马来西亚东海岸铁路四电工程。Successfully signed the framework contract forthe railway project, the Bangula-Nkaya renovationproject in Malawi, and independently undertookthe project of communication, signal, power andtraction power supply of the East Coast Rail Link inMalaysia.
The Padma Bridge project in Bangladesh, animportant support project of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, wassuccessfully opened.
成功搭建完成“亚太区域中心轨道交通控制系统实验平台”,成为中国通号继在塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德和匈牙利首都布达佩斯之后在海外建设的第三座列车运行控制系统实验室。Successfully completed the Asia-Pacific RegionalCenter Rail Transit Control System ExperimentalPlatform, becoming the third overseas trainoperation control system laboratory built by CRSC,following Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, andBudapest, the capital of Hungary.
The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway wasput into operation smoothly, and the autonomousCTCS-3 train control system officially startedoperation in the Jakarta-Bandung High-SpeedRailway, marking the first time that China’s high-speed rail has fully implemented the entire system,total elements, and full industrial chain overseas.
In-depth Insight into the Belt and Road Initiative
CRSC actively responds to the Belt and Road Initiative, fully utilizes the advantages of the whole industrial chain of designand development, equipment manufacturing, and engineering construction, and continuously improves its global businesslayout, thus promoting China’s high-speed rail to “go global”.
The Company deeply develops overseas markets, strengthens technical cooperation with overseas enterprises, enhancesoverseas sta training, accelerates localized development, and facilitates the export of technical standards and industries,making it of far-reaching significance to promote China’s railway products, technologies and standards to “go global”.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
更美好的生活A Better Life
Promoting Rural Revitalization中国通号坚决落实党中央、国务院关于定点帮扶工作的安排部署,健全帮扶机制,充分发挥定点帮扶工作领导小组作用,以结对帮扶河南省社旗县20周年为契机,不断创新帮扶举措,强化帮扶力度,在助力社旗县推进脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴衔接上实现新突破。
CRSC resolutely implements the arrangements and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Councilon targeted assistance work, improves assistance mechanisms, and gives full play to the role of the leading group fortargeted assistance. Taking the 20th anniversary of paired assistance to Sheqi County, Henan Province as an opportunity,it continuously innovates assistance measures, strengthens assistance efforts, and achieves new breakthroughs insupporting Sheqi County to promote the integration of poverty alleviation achievements with rural revitalization.
中国通号2023年助力社旗县乡村振兴“成绩单”CRSC’s Rural Revitalization Deed to Help Sheqi County in 2023
Objectives in 2023
年度计划完成度Annual plancompletion
投入帮扶资金Assistance funds invested
万元RMB 10,000
500550110%引入无偿帮扶资金Non-reimbursable assistance funds atracted
万元RMB 10,000
1045.5455%培训基层干部The number of grassroots cadres trained
100431431%培训乡村振兴带头人Training village revitalization leaders
100166166%培训专业技术人才Training professional and technical personnel
Agricultural products purchased
万元RMB 10,000
150202+135%帮助销售农产品Agricultural products sold
万元RMB 10,000
现我国铁路高水平科技自立自强。中国通号研究设计院集团作为17家发起单位之一,与丰台区等单位联合成立“北京智能装备产教联合体”,整合政府、企业、园区等各方面资源,不断加强职业教育的技能技术人才培养,促进教育链、人才链与产业链创新链有机衔接。The Company actively engages in cooperation and business exchanges with enterprises, universities, research institutions,and governments, building a multi-disciplinary, multi-level, and multi-form cooperation framework. CRSC, as one of the13 alliance members, jointly established the Railway Science and Technology Innovation Alliance under the leadershipof China Railway, eectively aggregating the superior resources of the whole society and accelerating the realization ofChina’s railway high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. The CRSC Research & Design Institute Group, one ofthe 17 initiators, jointly established the Beijing Intelligent Equipment Industry-Education Consortium with Fengtai Districtand other units, integrating resources from the government, enterprises, and industrial parks, continuously strengtheningthe cultivation of vocational education skills and technical talents, and promoting the organic connection of the educationchain, talent chain, innovation chain and industrial chain.公司积极开展行业交流,举办第三届中国铁路通信信号创新发展论坛、第六届全路计算机联锁技术交流会、第十届全路ZPW-2000系列轨道电路技术交流会等行业会议,打造轨道交通领域具有重要影响力的行业盛会和技术品牌,促进铁路通信信号技术进步与产业发展。
CRSC actively engages in industry exchange. It held the 3rd China Railway Communication and Signal InnovationDevelopment Forum, the 6th Railway Computer Interlocking Technology Exchange, the 10th Railway ZPW-2000 SeriesTrack Circuit Technology Exchange and other industry conferences, creating industry events and technology brands withsignificant impact in the rail transit field, promoting the technological progress and industrial development of railwaycommunication and signal.
2023年8月,第102届国际铁路联盟(UIC)全体大会在法国巴黎总部召开,会上审批通过了中国通号研究设计院集团成为国际铁路联盟成员。UIC是世界最大的非政府性铁路联合组织,旨在推动国际铁路运输的发展,促进国际合作,制定铁路相关的标准。成为UIC成员意味着中国通号已是世界铁路共同体的成员,标志着公司在国际铁路标准工作中开辟了新领域,为中国标准和产品走向海外探索了新路径。In August 2023, the 102nd General Assembly of UIC was held at the headquarters in Paris, France, where the CRSC Research& Design Institute Group was approved to become a member of UIC. UIC is the world’s largest non-governmental union ofrailways, aiming to promote the development of international railway transportation, promote international cooperation,and formulate railway-related standards. Becoming a member of UIC means that CRSC has become a member of the WorldRailway Community, marking that the Company has opened up a new field in the work of international railway standards,and explored a new path for Chinese standards and products to go overseas.
CRSC ocially joins the International Union of Railways (UIC)
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
通过持续实施乡村干部人才教育培训工程、乡土人才培育工程、科技创新人才教育培训工程“三大”工程,构建分层分级分类的乡村振兴人才培养体系,多措并举助力人才振兴。By continuously implementing the “three major” projects,namely rural cadre talent education and trainingproject, local talent cultivation project and scientific andtechnological innovation talent education and trainingproject, CRSC established a hierarchical and classifiedtalent cultivation system for rural revitalization, and tookmultiple measures to support talent revitalization.
Selected a number of old sites such as ZhouzhuangVillage, the hometown of Zhou Tongbin, a famousChinese prose writer as key projects to help renovatethe sites and focus on creating a number of culturaland tourism integration projects with significant socialbenefits and strong demonstration eects.为社旗县实验小学捐赠河南顶端新闻“顶端少年”报纸1,000份,丰富学生精神生活。Donated 1,000 copies of “Dingduan Youth”, thenewspaper sponsored by Dingduan News, to SheqiCounty Experimental Primary School, enriching thestudents’ spiritual life.
出资50余万元,用于购买月季等苗木花卉和开展村镇建设,帮助美化环境,改善基础设施。Invested more than 500,000 yuan to purchaserose and other flower seedlings and to carry outvillage and town construction, helping beautifythe environment and improve infrastructure.
组织驻豫企业通号电气化局所属6个基层党支部与社旗县李店镇下郭村、晋庄镇晋庄村、陌陂镇街北村、下洼镇姜王庄村、潘河街道双庄村、朱集镇袁老庄村6个村党支部开展支部结对共建活动。Organized 6 grassroots Party branches aliated tothe CRSC Electrification Company in Henan to carryout branch pairing and co-building activities with6 village Party branches in Xiaguo Village of LidianTown, Jinzhuang Village of Jinzhuang Town, JiebeiVillage of Mobei Town, Jiangwangzhuang Villageof Xiawa Town, Shuangzhuang Village of PanheSub-district and Yuanlaozhuang Village of ZhujiTown in Sheqi County.
聚焦“五大振兴”Focus on the “Five Major Revitalizations”
出资50万元建设社旗县中国通号央企帮扶消费展示馆及京东电商云平台,有效带动周边贫困群众农产品销售等问题,得到河南省商务厅肯定,成为省级帮扶典型。Invested 500,000 yuan to build its central enterprises’ consumption-assistedexhibition hall and JD.com e-commerce cloud platform in Sheqi County,effectively boosting the sales of agricultural products for the surroundingimpoverished population, which was recognized by the Henan ProvincialDepartment of Commerce and became a model for provincial assistance.出资50万元继续为朱集镇张磊养鸡服务专业合作社捐建配套设施及辅助设施,带动周边40余户分红,日用工20余人。
Invested 500,000 yuan to continue donating and constructing supportingfacilities and auxiliary facilities for Zhang Lei Chicken Farming ServiceCooperative in Zhuji Town, benefiting more than 40 surrounding householdsand providing daily labor for more than 20 people.
出资90万元支持朱集镇三粉加工项目,有效推动社旗县三粉产业全产业链发展,全县红薯种植面积增加至20万亩以上,5,000余名种植户增收,增加就业岗位300个以上。Invested 900,000 yuan to support the three-flour processing project in ZhujiTown, effectively promoting the development of the whole industrial chain ofthe three-flour industry in Sheqi County, increasing the county’s sweet potatoplanting area to over 200,000 mu, with over 5,000 farmers increasing theirincome and more than 300 jobs created.设立科技兴农专项基金,帮助社旗县以产业创新能力提升带动农民增收致富。先后投入249万元支持7个优势产业科技项目,推动企业技术研发和工艺创新。Established a special fund for developing agriculture through science andtechnology to help Sheqi County increase farmers’ income and wealth byimproving its industrial innovation capability. Invested 2.49 million yuan tosupport 7 advantageous industrial technology projects, promoting enterprisetechnology R&D and process innovation.
Revitalization of Industries
人才振兴Revitalization of Skilled Workforce
文化振兴Revitalization of Culture
生态振兴Revitalization of Ecology
组织振兴Revitalization of Organizatio
Support leading industriesaccording to local conditions
加大科技兴农支持力度Increase support for developingagriculture through science andtechnology
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
强化科技投入Increasing research inputs打造三产融合发展的示范样本。投资100余万元重点围绕社旗鸡产业发展,逐渐打造出了一条以社旗县张磊养鸡服务专业合作社、河南省正全实业有限公司(风干鸡加工企业)和京源肥业(河南)有限公司为主的可循环产业全链条,撬动2,000余万元的发展。Created a model for the integrated development of theprimary, secondary and tertiary industries. Invested over1 million yuan, focusing on the development of chickenindustry in Sheqi County, and gradually created a fullchain of recycling industries represented by Zhang LeiChicken Farming Service Cooperative in Sheqi County,Henan Zhengquan Industrial Co., Ltd. (air-dried chickenprocessing enterprise) and Jingyuan Fertilizer Industry(Henan) Co., Ltd., leveraging over 20 million yuan indevelopment.
Lou Qiliang, secretary of CPC, chairman, president of CRSC, goes to Sheqi County forresearch
Zhang Quan, deputy secretary of CPC, executive director of CRSC,conducts research on the industry assistance project at SheqiCounty
国务院国资委社会责任局李军局长视察通号展台Li Jun, director of Bureau of Social Responsibility, is inspecting theexhibition stand of CRSC
健全长效机制Improving Long-term Mechanism巩固“两不愁三保障”成果
Consolidating the achievements of“Two Worries, Three Guarantees”
推进消费帮扶Promoting assistance through consumption出资65万元用于朱集镇袁老庄村美丽乡村建设二期项目,以袁老庄村主干道为主,实施人居环境整治和建设,打造宜居宜业和美乡村。
Invested 650,000 yuan for thesecond phase of the beautifulvillage construction project inYuanlaozhuang Village, ZhujiTown, with a focus on the mainroad of Yuanlaozhuang Village,to carry out the renovationand construction of the livingenvironment and to create alivable, business-friendly andharmonious villages.
建成河南省电商直播基地。已联合当地100多家企业,整合近千款优质农产品,与全国2万余位网络达人达成合作关系,范围覆盖辐射周边县市。Established an e-commerce live streaming base in Henan Province. Unitedover 100 local enterprises, integrated nearly a thousand high-quality agriculturalproducts, and established cooperative relationships with over 20,000 Internetcelebrities nationwide, covering the surrounding counties and cities.建设“通号惠帮扶”电商平台,甄选200余款农产品上架销售。拓宽线上线下销售渠道,解决农产品滞销卖难问题。Developed a self-use e-commerce platform called “CRSC Assistance”.Launched a total of more than 200 types of agricultural products, expandingonline and offline sales channels to solve the problem of unsalableagricultural products.积极参加央企消费帮扶专项活动。参与国务院国资委主办的第二届“央企消费帮扶兴农周”活动,帮助社旗县销售农产品1,164万元,获得帮销全央企排名第8名。
Actively participated in the central enterprises consumption assistancespecial activities. Participated in the second “Central Enterprises’ ConsumptionAssistance and Agriculture Promotion Week” hosted by the SASAC of the StateCouncil, and helped Sheqi County sell agricultural products worth 11.64 millionyuan, ranking 8th in sales among all central enterprises.
充分发挥科技兴农杠杆效应。依托中国通号科技兴农专项基金,结合社旗县粮食、林果、畜牧、蔬菜、中药材五大支柱产业发展中亟须解决的科技需求,充分运用专项基金的杠杆效应,实施科技兴农专项7项,投入249万元,共带动企业投入1,354万元,实现项目效益2,372万元,新增利润132万元,转移转化科技成果8项,新产品5个,提供就业岗位226个。Gave full play to the leverage effect of developingagriculture through science and technology. Relying onCRSC’s special fund for developing agriculture throughscience and technology, and combining with the urgentscientific and technological needs in the development ofthe five pillar industries of grain, forestry and fruit, animalhusbandry, vegetables and Chinese medical herbs inSheqi County, CRSC made full use of the leverage eectof the special fund to implement 7 special projects forpromoting agriculture through science and technology,with an investment of 2.49 million yuan. This ledenterprises to invest 13.54 million yuan, realized 23.72million yuan in project benefits, increased 1.32 millionyuan in profits, transferred and transformed 8 scientificand technological achievements, and provided 5 newproducts and 226 jobs.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
中国通号志愿者服务团队在体育馆周边地铁站、公交站开展亚运期间游客引导志愿服务,同时监控轨道交通各专业设备运行情况,保证设备维护工作更高质高效进行CRSC volunteer service teams provided volunteer service for touristsduring the Asian Games at subway stations and bus stationsaround the venues. At the same time, they monitored the operationof various professional equipment of rail transit to ensure highquality and ecient equipment maintenance work
通号建设集团青年突击队全力保障云南省安宁市火灾救援一线物资供应The youth commandos of CRSC Construction Group are fullycommitted to ensuring the supply of materials for fire rescueoperations in Anning City, Yunnan Province
西安工业集团津信公司开展“爱心义剪”Jinxin Company of (Xi’an) Industry Group launches “volunteerhaircuts”
研究设计院集团测试团支部联合怡海花园社区志愿服务队深入社区,开展控烟宣传活动The Testing Team Branch of the CRSC Research & Design InstituteGroup unites with the Yihai Garden Community Volunteer ServiceTeam to conduct a tobacco control publicity campaign in thecommunity
上海工程集团志愿者团队连续六年为进博会提供问路指引、咨询引导、困难帮扶等服务The volunteer team of CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group providesservices such as direction guidance, consultation and guidance,and diculty assistance for the CIIE for six consecutive years
通号工程局集团成立应急救援抢险队、调派抢险车,开展丰沙铁路援抢修工作。CRSC Engineering Group has established an emergency rescueteam and dispatched rescue vehicles to carry out rescue and repairwork on the Fengtai-Shacheng Railway
Joint Assistance by Aliated Enterprises中国通号发动所属各企业广泛参与帮扶活动,着力构建热心参与、真心投入的长效帮扶协作机制,在乡村振兴工作办公室内设八个专项保障组,根据帮扶内容由总部相关职能部门、所属企业牵头保障,进一步压实责任,以“双向奔赴”推动帮扶地区跑出“乡村振兴”加速度。
CRSC has mobilized its subsidiaries to actively participate in assistance activities, focusing on building a long-term supportand cooperation mechanism with enthusiastic participation and sincere dedication. Within the oce of rural revitalization,it has established eight special guarantee groups, with the headquarters’ relevant functional departments and subsidiariestaking the lead in ensuring assistance according to the content of assistance, further strengthening responsibilities, andpromoting the acceleration of rural revitalization in the assisted areas through two-way eorts.
倾心志愿服务Dedicating Voluntary Services中国通号持续开展覆盖面广、形式多元的志愿服务行动,扩大“同心筑梦”志愿服务品牌效应,成立“青年突击队”“应急支援组”,开展抢险救灾、助学敬老、关爱慰问等公益活动,为杭州亚运会和上海进博会提供轨道交通维护保障,贡献青春力量,积极回馈社会。
CRSC continues to carry out volunteer service actions with wide coverage and diverse forms, expanding the brand eectof the “Dream-building” volunteer service. It has established the “Youth Commando” and “Emergency Support Team”to carry out public welfare activities such as rescue and disaster relief, helping students and caring for the elderly, andcaring and condolence, provide rail transit maintenance guarantee for Hangzhou Asian Games and Shanghai-based ChinaInternational Import Expo (CIIE), contribute youth strength and actively give back to society.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.下篇:行远自迩·成为更强大的我们Part 2: Traveling Far from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC
Embarking on a new journey. The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversaryof the founding of the People’s Republic of China and is a critical yearfor the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Under the strongleadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at itscore, CRSC will focus on the central task of high-quality development,play the dual-drive role of innovation and reform, and adhere tothe complete, accurate, and comprehensive implementation of thegreen and low-carbon development concept in the whole processand various fields of company reform and development. It will pushforward the great cause of building an industrial group with rail transitas its characteristic, world-leading system technology and world-class comprehensive strength. Let’s embark together on a bright andpromising journey in 2024!
未来展望Future Outlook
围绕一条主线Focus on a main line
聚力攻坚三大任务Unite eorts to tackle three major tasks增强两个动力Enhance two drivers
抓好八个着力Put forth eort to eight key areas聚焦高质量发展中心任务,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,开辟发展新赛道、培育增长新动能、塑造产业新优势。Focus on the central task of high-quality development,take supply-side structural reform as the main line, openup new tracks for development, cultivate new growthdrivers, and shape new industrial advantages.
实现战略性新兴产业突破、推动传统产业转型升级、控制不发生重大经营风险。Make breakthroughs in strategic emergingindustries, promote the transformationand upgrading of traditional industries,and prevent major business risks.
发挥创新与改革“双轮驱动”作用,加强市场创新、科技创新、管理创新,用好以改革促发展这个关键一招。Play the dual-drive role of innovation and reform,strengthen market innovation, technological innovation,and management innovation, and make good use ofreform-driven development as a key strategy.
着力加速产业转型,着力推动市场创新,着力强化科技创新,着力推动改革深化,着力巩固安全态势,着力加强运营管控,着力防范风险挑战,着力加强党的领导、党的建设。Efforts are made to accelerate industrial transformation, promotemarket innovation, strengthen technological innovation, deepeningreform, consolidate the security situation, enhance operationmanagement and control, prevent risks and challenges, andstrengthen the leadership and construction of the Party.
2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.未来展望Future Outlook
HKEX ESG Reporting GuideESG指标索引
General Disclosures and KPIs
A: Environment
Aspect A1: EmissionsGeneral disclosure
A2:资源使用一般披露General disclosure
Aspect A2: Use of resources
页码Page No.
P59-P60描述求取适用水源上可有任何问题,以及所订立的用水效益目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Description of issues (if any) in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water use eciency initiativesand steps taken to achieve these targets
描述所订立的能源使用效益目标及为达到这些目标采取的步骤Description of energy use eciency initiatives and steps taken to achieve these targets总耗水量及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
描述处理有害及无害废弃物的方法及描述所订立的减废目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, the waste reductiongoals set and the steps taken to achieve these goals
描述所订立的排放量目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Describe emission targets set and the steps taken to achieve these goals
所产生无害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g.per unitof production volume, per facility)
所产生有害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Total hazardous waste produced (in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit ofproduction volume, per facility)
直接(范围1)及能源间接(范围2)温室气体排放量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算Direct (scope 1) and indirect energy (scope 2) of greenhouse gas emissions (in tons)and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
The types of emissions and respective emissions data
按类型划分的直接及╱或间接能源(如电、气或油)总耗量(以千个千瓦时计算)及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in'000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
General disclosure
General disclosure
General disclosure
Aspect A3: Environment and natural resources
B: Society
Employment and Labor StandardsAspect B1: Employment
Aspect B2: Health and safetyGeneral disclosure
A4.气候变化Aspect A4: Climate Change
指标披露General Disclosures and KPIs页码Page No.
过去三年(包括汇报年度)每年因工亡故的人数及比率Number and rate of work-related fatalities in the past three years (including the reporting year)
按性别、雇佣类型(如全职或兼职)、年龄组别及地区划分的雇员总数Total workforce by gender, employment type (e.g. full-time or part-time), age group andgeographical region
Description of the significant climate issues that have and may affect the issuer, andactions taken to address them
Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and naturalresources and the actions taken to manage them
制成品所用包装材料的总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)每生产单位占量Total packaging material used for finished products (in tons) and, if applicable,with reference to per unit produced
Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they areimplemented and monitored
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.附录
按性别及雇员类别(如高级管理层、中级管理层)划分的受训雇员百分比The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category (e.g. seniormanagement, middle management)
Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labor
Aspect B3: Development and training
The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category
Number of suppliers by geographical region描述有关聘用供货商的惯例,向其执行有关惯例的供货商数目,以及有关相关执行及监察方法Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers where the practicesare being implemented, how they are implemented and monitored描述有关识别供应链每个环节的环境及社会风险的惯例,以及相关执行及监察方法
Description of practices relating to identifying environmental and social risks at each link ofthe supply chain, how they are implemented and monitored
描述在拣选供应商时促使多用环保产品及服务的管理,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of management promoting the use of environmental products and services inselecting selection, how they are implemented and monitored
General disclosure
General disclosure
General disclosure
Aspect B4: Labor guidelines
描述在发现违规情况时消除有关情况所采取的步骤Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discoveredOperational practices
Aspect B5: Supply chain management
General disclosure一般披露P44接获关于产品及服务的投诉数目以及应对方法Number of products and service-related complaints received and how they are dealt withB6.2P46B6:产品责任Aspect B6: Product responsibilityP74
专注贡献范畴(如教育、环境事宜、劳工需求、健康、文化、体育)Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labor needs, health,culture, sport)
于汇报期内对发行人或其雇员提出并已审结的贪污诉讼案件的数目及诉讼结果Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against theissuer or its employees during the reporting period and the outcomes of the cases描述防范措施及举报程序,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they areimplemented and monitored
描述与维护及保障知识产权有关的惯例Description of practices relating to observing and protecting intellectual property rights描述质量检定过程及产品回收程序Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures描述消费者资料保障及私隐政策,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, implementation and monitoring methods
描述向董事及员工提供的反贪污培训Description of the anti-corruption training provided to directors and sta
在专注范畴所动用资源(如金钱或时间)Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area
General disclosure
General disclosure
B6.4P44B6.5P47B7:反贪污Aspect B7: Anti-corruption
Aspect B8: Community investment
指标披露指标披露General Disclosures and KPIsGeneral Disclosures and KPIs页码Page No.页码Page No.
2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.附录Appendix
评级报告Rating Report《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告》评级报告受中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司委托,“中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会”抽选专家组成评级小组,对《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告》(以下简称《报告》)进行评级。
中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南(CASS-ESG 5.0)》暨“中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会”《中国企业社会责任报告评级标准(2023)》。
The Environment, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal& Communication Co., LTD. gained the five-star evaluation for a fourthconsecutive year.
Rating Report of “The 2023 Environment, Social and Governance Report
of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.”Upon the request of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD., the Chinese Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating invited experts to form arating team to rate The 2023 Environment, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “thereport”).I. Rating Criteria
Guidelines on China’s Corporate Social Responsibility Reports (CASS-ESG 5.0)by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Rating Standards on China’sCorporate ESG Reports (2023) by the Chinese Expert Committee on CSRReport Rating.II. Rating Process
1. The Rating Panel reviews and confirms ESG Report Process and
Accessibility Materials Confirmation and supporting documents submittedby the CSR Report Compiling Group;
2. The Rating Panel assesses the preparation process and contents of
CSR Report, and drafts the Rating Report;
3. Vice Chairman of China Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating, the Leader
and experts of the Rating Panel jointly review and sign the Rating Report.III. Rating Results
Process (★★★★☆)The company established a report preparation working group, whichwas led and coordinated by the party-mass work department; theParty committee and the board of directors controlled the content andoverall direction of the report, and were responsible for the final reviewof the report. The report is positioned as an important tool for raisingthe ESG governance level, complying with disclosure of responsibilityinformation, and strengthening stakeholder communication. Incombination with national macro policies, industry benchmarking,significant issues of the company, international and domestic ESGstandards, etc., substantive issues are identified. The report is plannedto be published through the ocial website and will be presented inprint form, with leading performance in process.Materiality (★★★★★)The report systematically discloses key issues in the industry, suchas improving ESG governance, serving national strategies, savingenergy and resources, product technology innovation, reducing theemission of wastewater, waste gases and residues, tackling climatechange, product quality management, employee health and safety,and sustainable supply chain, with sucient detailed description andexcellent materiality performance.Integrity (★★★★★)The main body of the Report systematically disclosed 90.20% ofthe core indicators of the industry from the perspectives of “Part 1:
Attaining Excellence: Building a Smarter CRSC”, “Part 2: TravelingFar from Near: Becoming a Stronger CRSC” , with excellent integrityperformance.Balance (★★★★★)The report disclosed the negative data, including “corruption-relatedlitigation events”, “number of safety accidents”, “local administrativepenalties for environmental protection and energy conservation”,“customer complaints”, “product recall”, “occupational diseases”, withexcellent balance performance.Comparability (★★★★★)The report disclosed the comparative data of 100 key indicatorsfor three consecutive years, such as “annual R&D investment”,“new authorized patents”, “comprehensive energy consumption”.Through the horizontal comparison of “the first enterprise in the railtransit industry to obtain such a platform” and “the total amount of
agricultural products purchased from poverty-stricken areas ranks 8thamong central enterprises”, with excellent comparability performance.Readability (★★★★★)The report innovatively adopted the characteristic frame structureof “Part 1”, “Part 2”. The frame structure is clear and the key issuesare prominent, which responds to the expectations and demands ofstakeholders; the cover design adopted the vector style, fully integratesthe main industry elements, the chapter pages embed narrative quotesand responses to the SDGs, which significantly enhances the readabilityof the report, with excellent readability performance;set up 2023 ESGhonor exhibition, demonstrating the annual ESG work highlights; setup CRSC Profile, in order to explain the technical terms. The overallstyle of the report is simple and atmospheric, the pictures are beautiful,and the sense of technology is strong, with good innovativenessperformance.Accessibility (★★★★☆)The report is the 4th ESG report released by China Railway Signal &Communication Co., LTD., and the annual report is expected to bereleased within one month. It will be published on the company'sofficial website and exchange website, and spread through socialchannels such as ocial wechat. The report can be obtained throughInternet search, download, mail and other channels, with goodinnovativeness performance.Overall Rating (★★★★★)The 2023 Environment, Social and Governance Report of China RailwaySignal & Communication Co., LTD. was rated as five stars by the ratingteam. It is an excellent corporate ESG report.
Vice Chairman of China ExpertCommittee on CSR Report RatingPanel Leader Panel Expert
Scan the QR code to viewthe corporate rating filesDate of Issuance: March 21, 2024
IV. Improvement Suggestions
1. Strengthen the participation depth of internal and external
stakeholders, and further improve the reporting process management;
2. Expand the ways of obtaining the report,to further improve the
accessibility of the report.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2023环境、社会及管治报告2023 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.附录Appendix
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Thank you very much for reading the 2023Environmental, Social and Governance Report of ChinaRailway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd. during yourbusy schedule. In order to constantly improve CRSC’senvironmental, social and governance work, wesincerely hope to get your comments and suggestionsregarding this report and our work as well. Pleasescan the QR code below to offer your constructivecomments and suggestions. Thanks for your time andpatience!
China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.