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江铃B:独立董事工作制度(英文版) 下载公告

Jiangling Motors Co., LtdIndependent Director Working System

Chapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1 In order to give full play to the role of Independent Directors of Jiangling

Motors Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “JMC”) in corporate governance,further complete JMC’s governance structure, promote JMC’s standardoperation, and effectively protect the legal rights and interests of allshareholders, especially minority shareholders, this System is formulatedaccording to the provisions of “Securities Law of the People’s Republic ofChina” (hereinafter referred to as “Securities Law”), “Company Law of thePeople’s Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as “Company Law”),“Measures for the Administration of Independent Directors of ListedCompanies” issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission(hereinafter referred to as “CSRC”), “Rules Governing the Listing of Stockson the Shenzhen Stock Exchange” and “Guidelines of the Shenzhen StockExchange on Self-Regulation for Listed Companies No.1 - StandardOperation of Listed Companies on the Main Board” issued by ShenzhenStock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as “SZSE”), and relevant laws,regulations and normative documents, as well as the “Articles ofAssociation of Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd” (hereinafter referred to as“Articles of Association”).Article 2 An Independent Director is a Director who does not hold any position in the

Company other than that of a Director, and who does not have any direct orindirect interest in the Company, its major shareholders, or actualcontrollers, or any other relationship that may affect his or her independentand objective judgments. An Independent Director shall perform his/herduties independently and shall not be influenced by the Company, its majorshareholders, actual controllers and other entities or individuals.Article 3 An Independent Director shall assume duty of loyalty and duty of care to

the Company and all its shareholders, and shall, in accordance with theprovisions of laws, administrative regulations, rules of the CSRC, SZSE,and the Articles of Association, conscientiously perform his/her duties, playthe role of participating in decision-making, conducting supervision, checksand balances, and providing professional advice in the Board of Directors,safeguard the overall interests of the Company, and protect the lawful rightsand interests of minority shareholders.

Article 4 The number of Independent Directors of the Company shall account for not

less than one-third of the members of the Board of Directors and include atleast one accounting professional. The members of the Audit Committeeshall be Directors who do not serve as senior executives of the Company, ofwhom more than half shall be Independent Directors, and the accountingprofessional among the Independent Directors shall act as convener.Article 5 The Company shall provide necessary guarantee for Independent Directors

to perform their duties in accordance with the law.

Chapter 2 QualificationsArticle 6 The following basic conditions shall be met for a person serving as an

Independent Director:

(I) Be qualified to serve as a Director of a listed company in accordance

with laws, administrative regulations and other relevant provisions;(II) Meet the independence requirements set forth in Article 8 of this

System;(III) Have basic knowledge of the operation of listed companies and be

familiar with relevant laws, administrative regulations, rules and

regulations;(IV) Have more than five years of working experience in law, accounting

or economics necessary for performing the duties of an Independent

Director;(V) Have good personal integrity and have no major dishonest acts or

other bad records;(VI) Other conditions stipulated by laws, administrative regulations, rules

of the CSRC, business rules of stock exchanges and the Articles of

Association.Article 7 In principle, an Independent Director may work in the capacity of

Independent Director at up to three domestic listed companies and shallensure that he/she has sufficient time and energy to effectively performhis/her duties as an Independent Director.Article 8 An Independent Director must remain independent. None of the following

persons may serve as an Independent Director:

(I) A person who holds a position in the Company or any of its affiliates, or

his/her spouse, parents, children, or major social relations;(II) A natural person shareholder who directly or indirectly holds 1% or more

of the shares issued by the Company or who ranks among the top 10

shareholders of the Company, or his/her spouse, parents, or children;(III) A person who holds a position in a shareholder entity that directly or

indirectly holds 5% or more of the shares issued by the Company or that

ranks among the top five shareholders of the Company, or his/her spouse,

parents, or children;(IV) A person who holds a position in an affiliate of the controlling

shareholder or actual controller of the Company, or his/her spouse,

parents, or children;(V) A person who has significant business transactions with the Company or

its controlling shareholder, actual controller, or any of their respective

affiliates, or a person who holds a position in an entity that has

significant business transactions with the Company or in the entity of the

controlling shareholder or actual controller;(VI) A person who provides financial, legal, consulting, sponsorship, or other

services to the Company, its controlling shareholder, actual controller, or

any of their respective affiliates, including but not limited to all members

of the project team, reviewers at all levels, persons who sign the reports,

partners, Directors, senior executives, and the primary persons in charge

of an intermediary that provides services;(VII) A person who falls under any of the circumstances set forth in

subparagraphs (1) through (6) in the last 12 months;(VIII) Any other person who does not work independently as prescribed by

laws, administrative regulations, rules of the CSRC, business rules of the

stock exchanges, and the Articles of Association.

The affiliates of the controlling shareholder or actual controller of theCompany as mentioned in subparagraphs (4) through (6) of the precedingparagraph shall not include any enterprise that is, together with theCompany, under control of the same state-owned assets managementinstitution and has no affiliation with the Company according to the relevant

provisions. “Major social relations” refer to siblings, spouses of siblings,parents of spouses, siblings of spouses, spouses of children, parents ofchildren’s spouses, etc.; “significant business transactions” refer to anybusiness transactions which, according to the “Rules Governing the Listingof Stocks on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange” and other relevant provisionsof the SZSE or the Articles of Association, are required to be submitted tothe general meeting of shareholders for consideration, or other materialmatters determined by the SZSE; “serving” refers to serving as Directors,supervisors, senior executives and other employees.Article 9 The accounting professional among the Independent Directors shall have

rich professional knowledge and experience in accounting and meet at leastone of the following conditions:

(I) Have the qualification as a certified public accountant;(II) Have a senior professional title in accounting, auditing or financial

management, professional title of an associate professor or higherlevel, or a doctoral degree;(III) Have a senior professional title in economic management and more

than five years of full-time working experience in accounting,auditing or financial management.Article 10 Candidates for Independent Directors shall have good personal integrity

and shall not be subject to the circumstances specified in relevant laws,regulations, normative documents, etc. where they shall not benominated as a Director of a listed company, and shall not have thefollowing adverse records:

(I) Anyone who has been subject to administrative punishment by theCSRC or criminal punishment by a competent judicial authority forsecurities and futures related crimes within the last thirty-sixmonths;(II) Anyone who has been investigated by the CSRC or a competentjudicial authority for suspected securities and futures related crimes,for which a clear conclusion has not yet been reached;(III) Anyone who has been publicly denounced or notified and criticizedby a stock exchange for more than three times within the last

thirty-six months;(IV) Anyone who has major dishonest acts or other bad records;(V) Anyone who has been proposed to the general meeting ofshareholders by the Board of Directors for dismissal for less thantwelve months because he/she has failed to attend three consecutivemeetings of the Board of Directors in person during his/her pastservice as an Independent Director or because he/she has failed toattend two consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors in personand has not delegated other Directors to attend the meetings of theBoard of Directors;(VI) Other circumstances determined by the SZSE.

Chapter 3 Procedures for Nomination, Election and ReplacementArticle 11 The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and shareholders who

individually or jointly hold more than 1% of the shares issued by the

Company may propose candidates for Independent Directors, who shall

be determined through the election at the general meeting of


The nominator specified in the preceding paragraph shall not nominate a

person who has interest in the nominator or any other close relationship

that may affect the independent performance of duties as an Independent

Director candidate.Article 12 The nominator of an Independent Director shall obtain the nominee’s

consent before nomination. The nominator shall be fully aware of the

nominee’s occupation, educational background, professional title,

detailed work experience, all concurrent positions, and whether the

nominee has any major dishonest act or other bad records, and give

his/her opinions on whether the nominee satisfies the requirements for

independence and other requirements for serving as an Independent


The nominee shall make a public statement regarding his/her compliance

with the independence and other requirements for serving as an

Independent Director.

Article 13 To elect two or more Independent Directors, a cumulative voting system

shall be adopted at a general meeting of shareholders of the Company.The voting by minority shareholders shall be counted separately anddisclosed.Article 14 The term of office of an Independent Director shall be the same as that of

other Directors of the Company and may be renewed upon expiration,and the consecutive terms of office shall generally not exceed six years.Any person who has served as an Independent Director for sixconsecutive years shall not be nominated as a candidate for theIndependent Director of the Company within thirty-six months from thedate of occurrence of such fact.Article 15 Prior to the expiry of the term of office of an Independent Director, the

Company may remove him/her from office according to statutoryprocedures. If the Company removes an Independent Director from officebefore the expiration date, it shall promptly disclose the specific reasonsand basis therefore. If an Independent Director has any objection to theremoval, the Company shall disclose it in a timely manner.Any Independent Director who fails to comply with the provisions ofsubparagraph (1) or (2) of Article 6 of the System shall immediatelycease the performance of his/her duties and resign. If he/she fails tosubmit a resignation, the Board of Directors shall immediately removehim/her from office in accordance with the relevant provisions as soon asit knows or should have known the fact.

If an Independent Director submits his/her resignation or is removed fromoffice since he/she falls under any of the circumstances specified in thepreceding paragraph, resulting in the failure of the ratio of IndependentDirectors in the Board of Directors or its special committee to complywith the System or the Articles of Association of the Company, or in alack of an accounting professional among the Independent Directors, theCompany shall complete the by-election within 60 days after theoccurrence of the aforesaid fact.Article 16 An Independent Director may submit his/her resignation before the

expiry of his/her term of office. An Independent Director who resignsshall submit a written resignation to the Board of Directors, in whichhe/she shall explain any information related to his/her resignation or any

information to which the attention of the shareholders and creditors of theCompany shall be drawn in his/her opinion. The Company shall disclosethe reasons for the resignation of the Independent Director and anymatters of concern.If the resignation of an Independent Director will result in the failure ofthe ratio of Independent Directors in the Board of Directors or its specialcommittee to comply with the provisions of the System or the Articles ofAssociation of the Company, or in a lack of an accounting professionalamong the Independent Directors, the Independent Director who plans toresign shall continue to perform his/her duties until the date when a newIndependent Director is elected. The Company shall complete theby-election within 60 days after the Independent Director submits his/herresignation.

Chapter 4 Duties and Way of Duties PerformingArticle 17 Independent Directors shall perform the following duties:

(I) To participate in the decision-making of the Board of Directors and

express specific opinions on the matters deliberated;(II) To supervise the matters on potential material conflicts of interestbetween the Company and its controlling shareholder, actualcontroller, directors, and senior executives specified in Article 19herein and Articles 26, 27, and 28 of the “Measures for theAdministration of Independent Directors of Listed Companies”,promote the decisions made by the Board of Directors to be in linewith the interests of the Company as a whole, and protect the lawfulrights and interests of minority shareholders;(III) To provide professional and objective advice on the operation and

development of the Company, and promote the improvement of the

decision-making level of the Board of Directors;(IV) To perform other duties prescribed by laws, administrative

regulations, rules of the CSRC, and the Articles of Association of

the Company.

Article 18 The Independent Directors may exercise the following special powers

and functions:

(I) To independently engage intermediaries to audit, consult or inspect

specific matters of the Company;(II) To propose the convening of an extraordinary general meeting ofshareholders to the Board of Directors;(III) To propose the convening of a meeting of the Board of Directors;(IV) To publicly solicit shareholders’ rights from shareholders in

accordance with the law;(V) To give independent opinions on matters that may damage the rights

and interests of the Company or minority shareholders;(VI) To exercise other powers and functions prescribed by laws,

administrative regulations, rules of the CSRC, and the Articles of

Association of the Company.

An Independent Director’s exercise of powers and functions set forth insubparagraphs (1) through (3) of the preceding paragraph shall be subjectto the consent of a majority of all Independent Directors.

The Company shall make a disclosure in a timely manner if anIndependent Director exercises the powers and functions specified inparagraph 1. If an Independent Director is unable to exercise theaforesaid powers and functions, the Company shall disclose the specificcircumstances and reasons therefor.Article 19 The following matters shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for

consideration after being approved by a majority of all IndependentDirectors of the Company:

(I) Related party transactions that shall be disclosed;(II) Nomination or removal of Directors;(II) The plans of the Company and the relevant parties for the

modification or waiver of their undertakings;(III) The decisions made and measures taken by the Board of Directors

of the acquired company;

(IV) Other matters prescribed by laws, administrative regulations, rulesof the CSRC, or the Articles of Association of the Company.Article 20 An Independent Director shall attend a meeting of the Board of Directors

in person. If an Independent Director is unable to attend a meeting inperson for any reason, he/she shall review the meeting materials inadvance, form specific opinions, and entrust in writing anotherIndependent Director to attend the meeting on his/her behalf.Where an Independent Director fails to attend two consecutive meetingsof the Board of Directors in person and fails to entrust anotherIndependent Director to attend the meeting on his/her behalf, the Boardof Directors shall, within 30 days from the date of occurrence of such afact, propose the convening of a general meeting of shareholders toremove the Independent Director from office.Article 21 Before a meeting of the Board of Directors is convened, an Independent

Director may communicate with the secretary of the Board of Directorsand make inquiry, request the supplements of materials, or offer opinionsand recommendations concerning the matters to be deliberated. TheBoard of Directors and relevant personnel shall conscientiously study theissues, requests, and opinions put forward by the Independent Directorand promptly provide feedback on the implementation of amendments tothe proposals and other matters to the Independent Director.Article 22 An Independent Director shall pay continuous attention to the

implementation of resolutions of the Board of Directors on the mattersrelated to Article 19 herein and the matters proposed by the specialcommittee, and if the Independent Director finds any violation of laws,administrative regulations, rules of the CSRC, business rules of the stockexchanges, or the Articles of Association of the Company, or violation ofthe resolution adopted at the general meeting of shareholders or themeeting of the Board of Directors, the Independent Director shall reportthe violation to the Board of Directors in a timely manner and mayrequire the Company to make a written explanation thereon. TheCompany shall promptly disclose any involved matter that shall bedisclosed.If the Company fails to make an explanation or a timely disclosure inaccordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, theIndependent Director may report it to the CSRC and the stock exchanges.

Article 23 The Company shall, on a periodical or unscheduled basis, convene

meetings attended solely by Independent Directors (hereinafter referredto as “special meetings of Independent Directors”). The matters specifiedin subparagraphs (1) through (3) of paragraph 1 of Article 18 and Article19 herein shall be deliberated at the special meetings of IndependentDirectors.Article 24 An Independent Director shall attend the meetings of special committee in

person. If an Independent Director is unable to attend a meeting in personfor any reason, he/she shall review the meeting materials in advance,form specific opinions, and entrust in writing another IndependentDirector to attend the meeting on his/her behalf.Article 25 The Independent Directors shall spend no less than fifteen days per year

working on-site at the Company. In addition to attending the generalmeeting of shareholders, meetings of the Board of Directors and itsspecial committee, and special meetings of Independent Directors inaccordance with the provisions, the Independent Directors may performtheir duties by various means such as obtaining information on theoperation of the Company on a regular basis, listening to reports from themanagement, communicating with intermediaries such as the head of theinternal audit organization and the accounting firm that undertakes theauditing business of the Company, conducting on-site inspections, andcommunicating with the minority shareholders.Article 26 The Independent Directors shall make working records to record in detail

the performance of their duties. Information obtained by the IndependentDirectors in the course of performing their duties, minutes of relevantmeetings, records of communications with the Company and staff ofintermediaries, etc., shall form an integral part of the work records. Withrespect to the important contents of the work records, the IndependentDirectors may request the secretary of the Board of Directors and otherrelevant personnel to sign for confirmation, and the Company andrelevant personnel shall cooperate with them.The work records of the Independent Directors and the informationprovided by the Company to Independent Directors should be kept for atleast ten years.Article 27 An Independent Director shall submit an annual report on his/her duties

to the annual general meeting of shareholders to explain the performanceof his/her duties. The report shall contain the following contents:

(I) The frequency, methods and votes of attending the meetings of the

Board of Directors, and the frequency of attending the generalmeetings of shareholders;(II) The participation in the work of special committee of the Board of

Directors and special meetings of Independent Directors;(III) The consideration of the matters set out in Article 19 herein, and

Articles 26, 27 and 28 of the “Measures for the Administration of

Independent Directors of Listed Companies”, and the exercise of the

special powers and functions of the Independent Directors as set out

in Article 18(I) herein;(IV) Significant matters, manners and results for the communication

with the internal audit organization and the accounting firm that

undertakes the Company’s auditing business regarding the

Company’s financial and business status;(V) Communication with minority shareholders;(VI) The time and content of on-site work at the Company;(VII) Other circumstances of the performance of duties.

The annual report of the Independent Directors shall be disclosed no laterthan the date when the Company gives notice of its annual generalmeeting of shareholders.Article 28 The Independent Directors shall conduct an annual self-examination of

their independence and submit the self-examination result to the Board ofDirectors. The Board of Directors shall annually assess the independenceof the incumbent Independent Directors and issue special opinions, whichshall be disclosed at the same time as the annual report.

Chapter 5 Duty Performance GuaranteeArticle 29 The Company shall provide necessary working conditions and personnel

support for the Independent Directors to perform their duties, anddesignate the Securities Department, secretary of the Board of Directorsand other special departments and special personnel to assist theIndependent Directors to perform their duties.

Article 30 The secretary of the Board of Directors shall ensure the smooth flow of

information between the Independent Directors and other directors,senior executives and other relevant personnel, and ensure that theIndependent Directors have access to sufficient resources and necessaryprofessional advice in the performance of their duties.Article 31 The Company shall guarantee that Independent Directors enjoy the same

right to information as other directors. In order to ensure the effectiveexercise of the powers and functions of Independent Directors, theCompany shall inform the Independent Directors of the Company’soperation on a regular basis, provide information, and organize orcooperate with the Independent Directors to carry out on-site inspectionsand other work.The Company may organize Independent Directors to participate inresearch and argumentation and other links before the Board of Directorsconsiders major and complex matters, so as to fully listen to theIndependent Directors’ opinions, and provide timely feedback toIndependent Directors on the adoption of their opinions.Article 32 The Company shall give notice of Board meetings to Independent

Directors in a timely manner, provide relevant meeting materials no laterthan the notice period for board meetings stipulated by laws,administrative regulations, rules of the CSRC or the Articles ofAssociation, and provide Independent Directors with effectivecommunication channels. The Company shall keep the said meetingmaterials for at least ten years.If two or more Independent Directors believe that the materials for ameeting are incomplete, insufficiently argued or not provided in a timelymanner, they may propose in writing to the Board of Directors to adjournthe meeting or postpone the consideration of the matter, and the Board ofDirectors shall adopt such proposal.Article 33 Where an Independent Director exercises his/her powers and functions,

the Company’s directors, senior executives and other relevant personsshall cooperate with him/her, and shall not refuse, obstruct or concealrelevant information, or interfere with his/her independent exercise ofhis/her powers and functions.If an Independent Director encounters obstruction in the exercise ofhis/her powers and functions in accordance with the law, he/she may

explain the situation to the Board of Directors, request the directors,senior executives and other relevant persons to cooperate with him/her,and put the specific circumstances of the obstruction and the solution ofthe situation in his/her work records; if he/she still fails to eliminate theobstruction, he/she may report the situation to the CSRC and the stockexchanges.

Where matters relating to the performance of duties by an IndependentDirector involve information that should be disclosed, the Company shallhandle disclosure matters in a timely manner; where the Company doesnot disclose such information, the Independent Director may directlyapply for disclosure or report to the CSRC and the stock exchanges.Article 34 The Company shall bear the expenses incurred by the Independent

Directors in engaging professional organizations and exercising otherpowers and functions.Article 35 The Company shall offer Independent Directors allowances appropriate

to their duties. The criteria for the allowances shall be formulated by theBoard of Directors, considered and approved by the general meeting ofshareholders, and disclosed in the annual report of the Company.Except for the allowances above, Independent Directors shall not obtainother benefits from the Company, its major shareholders, actualcontrollers, or interested entities and persons.

Chapter 6 Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 36 The Board of Directors of the Company shall be responsible for

formulating, proposing draft amendments to and interpreting the presentSystem. This System shall enter into force after the consideration andapproval by the Board of Directors, and the same shall apply when it isamended.Article 37 In case of any matters not specified herein or any inconsistency between

the System and the “Company Law”, “Securities Law” and other lawsand regulations, as well as relevant provisions issued by the CSRC andthe SZSE, the latter shall prevail.
