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北辰实业:2023年度企业社会责任暨环境、社会及管治报告 下载公告





1. 董事会对ESG事宜进行总体监管:

a) 主要负责审议本公司ESG方针与策略;b) 参与ESG事宜决策;c)审批ESG报告,确认重要性议题评估结果,检视ESG相关目标的完成情况及ESG风险管理情况,并解释ESG事宜与本公司业务的联系;

2. 董事会秘书负责对ESG报告进行审阅,向董事会进行汇报;

3. ESG专责人员在各部门与本公司旗下企业开展数据及资料收集工作,深入了解ESG相关事宜的推进情况,撰写工作报告。






本公司在北京约120万平方米持有型物业京内持有型物业首都会展(集团)有限公司首都会展北京北辰地产集团有限公司北辰地产北京北辰商业管理有限公司北辰商管北京北辰实业股份有限公司北京国家会议中心国家会议中心北京北辰实业股份有限公司北京国际会议中心北京国际会议中心北京北辰实业股份有限公司五洲大酒店五洲大酒店北京北辰实业股份有限公司五洲皇冠国际酒店五洲皇冠酒店北京北辰实业股份有限公司北辰洲际酒店北京北辰洲际北京北辰实业股份有限公司公用设施管理分公司公设公司养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险及住房公积金 五险一金习近平总书记在第七十五届联合国大会一般性辩论上宣布 “中国将提高国家自主贡献力度,采取更加有力的政策和措施,二氧化碳排放力争于2030年前达到峰值,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和”的目标

“双碳”目标中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会党的二十大北京市人民政府国有资产监督管理委员会市国资委中国共产党北京市委员会 市委北京市人民政府市政府气候变化相关财务信息披露工作组TCFD第29届夏季奥林匹克运动会北京奥运会第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会 北京冬奥会、冬奥会第13届冬季残疾人奥林匹克运动会北京冬残奥会、冬残奥会夏季奥林匹克运动会和冬季奥林匹克运动会双奥杭州第19届亚运会亚运会杭州第四届亚残运会亚残运会杭州第19届亚运会和杭州第四届亚残运会亚(残)运会杭州国际博览中心杭博中国国际服务贸易交易会服贸会第三届中国-非洲经贸博览会第三届中非经贸博览会







奖项与荣誉名称 获奖时间 获奖企业/项目授予单位北辰实业













会办公室、北京市交通委员会、北京市公安局公安交通管理局中国饭店业金鼎奖 2023.02


中国饭店业协会年度十大魅力酒店2023.04中国酒店星光奖年度最佳商旅MICE酒店2023.06中国百强酒店综合服务品质酒店大奖2023.07第十届中国酒店新势力传媒大奖年度最佳酒店2023.08《品味生活》高端酒店评选组委会CMIC 2022会奖之星中国最具竞争力国际会议中心

























































1) 是否已投资或将要投资北辰实业;

2) 是否对北辰实业的业务运营具有影响力;

3) 是否在北辰实业的业务产品及服务中占有利益或受到影响等。

2023年,北辰实业的主要利益相关方包括政府与监管机构、投资者及股东、客户、职工、供应商、媒体,以及公众等。本公司通过多元的沟通渠道,与各方积极交流,了解并回应其诉求。主要利益相关方 沟通渠道

政府与监管机构参加会议 定期汇报



投资者关系热线 信息披露

投资者调研 上证e互动

投资者集体接待日 策略会客户客户服务热线 客户满意度调查

社交媒体宣传职工职工访谈 企业培训

职工活动 晋升渠道供应商电话访谈 现场考察

供应商大会媒体新闻发布会 访谈公众社区活动参与 慈善公益捐赠

乡村振兴 社交媒体宣传
















作为国内首家A+H股地产类上市公司,北辰实业始终坚持企业价值最大化的一贯原则,积极维护投资者及债权人合法权益,高度重视为合作伙伴创造共赢发展的空间,认真聆听各方意见与建议,赢得市场和投资者对北辰价值的认同。北辰实业依法履行信息披露义务,严格遵守《上海证券交易所股票上市规则》《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》,以及本公司《公司章程》《信息披露管理制度》等规定中对信息披露工作的要求。报告期内,通过接待境内外投资者调研、召开远程会议、开设公司网站投资者关系专栏,以及设置投资者热线电话等方式,与投资者及债权人进行全方位地互动与交流,充分维护投资者及债权人权益。北辰实业致力于持续提升企业管理水平,以科学化、系统化、规范化、专业化的管理助力企业识别及防范市场风险,实现高质量发展。报告期内,本公司董事、监事和高级管理人员按照上市地区的监管要求,通过参加课程培训、在线学习等方式,加强业务培训,不断提升履职能力。报告期内,本公司法人治理的实际状况符合《中华人民共和国公司法》《上市公司治理准则》和中国证监会相关规定的要求。北辰实业将董事长与总经理权责分设,董事会有3名独立董事,提高董事会独立性,助力提升管理效率和治理水平,为公司的稳健发展提供了良好保障。2023年,本公司共召开30次董事会,全面指导公司决策与规划。北辰实业高度重视企业风险管理,编制并执行《内部控制手册》, 积极识别潜在风险,落实防范与应对措施。更多详细信息可参考《北京北辰实业股份有限公司2023年度报告》。







北辰实业应用创新手段,不断加强知识产权保护的信息化建设。本公司研发的北辰会展场馆管理信息系统,是全国首套具有自主知识产权的场馆管理系统,通过 “软件即服务” (SAAS)模式设计与标准化管理流程,高效积累会展数据,有效推进会展场馆管理和输出管理工作,已成为本公司重要的信息基础设施,不断夯实北辰实业在会展方面的核心竞争力。1415




合规风险? 供应商违反职工合法权利及人

权相关事件? 应当进行招标而未进行招标,或

分解项目规避招标? 在招标过程中弄虚作假、围标、



? 完善相关招标、采购内部制度及管理,杜

绝此类行为,确保所有供应商选用程序均合规合法? 旗下部分企业通过天眼查、背景调查等途





旗下企业可持续供应链措施北辰地产? 针对供应商环保方面进行监管,优先选择使用环保材料的供应商

? 在招标过程中高度重视供应商信誉度,存在行贿、反廉洁行为或出现重大安全事故的供应商将被列入不合格供


国家会议中心? 发布《国家会议中心会务服务项目供应商库公告》招募会务服务供应商,形成会展类专业供应商库,最大范围地

将有实力、信誉好、服务优的服务单位纳入到企业供应商库,提升供应链产品与服务综合质量? 制定绿色、环保采购相关规定,要求采购人员加强绿色采购宣贯、开发绿色采购渠道、定期向供应商索要绿色产


环保及质量标准,并提供合格报告? 在同等条件下首选通过环境标志产品认证、节能产品认证或者其他国家认可或认证的节能环保产品? 年终对供应单位进行年度评价工作,针对危害公共安全、严重影响服务质量,给企业造成较重后果的、破坏环境

与不优先选择绿色环保的工作方式的供应商采取一票否决制,可直接终止其供应资格五洲皇冠酒店? 提倡环保材料的使用,优先选择有环保资质的供应商

? 新增杂项类物品要求供货商提供可降解材料相关产品? 按照每年采购计划减少客用品采购量,减少办公用品采购量? 建立采购系统,对进口冷链要求出具海关相关检测报告,加强信息透明性,高效管理可持续供应链? 对供应商的证照及资质进行审查,且要求供应商不得与酒店内部包括使用部门、职能管理部门、监督部门的有

关人员有任何连带关系,遵守廉政承诺北京北辰洲际? 积极使用可降解吸管、打包盒等可降解产品

? 召开2023年集采大会商讨低碳发展问题,开展供应商环境、社会及管治相关培训? 每年对供应商的ESG表现进行审查评估,2023年共评估132家,结果均为优秀












? 供应商违反职工合法权利及人权

相关事件? 应当进行招标而未进行招标,或分解项目规避招标? 在招标过程中弄虚作假、围标、串标、贿标等违反法律法规的行为

? 完善相关招标、采购内部制度及管理,杜绝此类行为,确保所有供应商选用程序均合规合法? 旗下部分企业通过天眼查、背景调查等途径了解供应商在环保、交付方面的信息












02 卓越品质

2023年,全国线下会展活动全面复苏,会展业再次迸发生机活力。作为北京市唯一一家以会展为主业的市属国企,北辰实业以“服务国际交往”为己任,将企业发展深刻融入首都发展大潮,围绕打造首都会展产业服务平台多方面发力,高质量完成第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛、中国国际服务贸易交易会、首届中国-中亚峰会、亚(残)运会、首届国际基础科学大会、第三届中非经贸博览会、2023两岸企业家峰会年会、北京香山论坛、2023中关村论坛展览(科博会)、2023金融街论坛、“京企直卖国企消费季”等众多重大国务政务活动和高端会展活动的服务保障任务,同时聚焦首都 “四个中心”和“两区”“三平台”建设,持续完善首都会展硬件设施建设,在助力首都会展业高质量发展中彰显北辰担当。





2023年,首都会展不断提升服贸会“北辰服务”标准,制定 “1+8”服务运营模式,成立1个综合协调组与8个专项工作组,并形成《招商招展宣传手册》《场馆运营方案手册》《展览搭建手册》《参观指南》等各类资料,指导相关工作。国家会议中心展区优化了场地点位安排,在主要交通路口增加交通指引和公共服务点位,首钢展区围绕服贸会3.0版“三提升、三优化、三创新”总方针,为观众提供了更细更优的配套服务。数字化程度提升为了更好地实现“永不落幕的服贸会”,本届服贸会数字化平台也在不断完善、升级,致力于提升参展商、参展观众和平台管理者等不同角色的用户体验以及会展运营效率。从参展商角度,常态化信息发布和内容更新机制为供需双方的交易意向交流与信息分享提供更顺畅的服务。从参展观众角度,数字平台打通五位一体的购票渠道,增加了固化信息提交等选项工具,使得购票、参展更加便捷。从平台管理者角度,“一个账号多个角色”的方式实现了多级组织架构,彻底解决了数据统计困难、层级归属不清晰的问题;平台内容管理系统的升级优化提升了内容维护效率;更加灵活、便捷的数据提报工具提高了展会数据分析的及时性与准确性。







年度主题专区? 10个国家与地区的42家企业参展,国际化率48%? 其中,12家为世界500强企业,21家企业首次参展电信、计算机和信息服务专题展? 116 家企业/机构

线下参展,国际化率17.2%? 首次聚齐3家世界


环境服务专题展工程? 设置低碳能源、碳中和绿色技术、气候与碳经济、循环经济四大专区? 48家企业和机构线下参展,国际化率29.2%,线上参展企业和机构243家


服务专题展? 线下报名参展企

业122家,线上参展商达到228家? 世界500强及行业



服务专题展? 首次参展企业占比40%? 线下参展41家













第三届中国-非洲经贸博览会以“共谋发展 共享未来”为主题, 首都会展首次作为博览会市场化执行主体,统筹招商招展、嘉宾邀请、采购商邀约、重大活动保障及现场运营等工作,出色完成展会市场化运作,统筹金融机构展区、非洲企业及商品馆、中国企业及商品馆、室外展区近4万平方米的招展工作,共吸引约750家参展商到会参展;市场开发方面实现24家合作企业、超过2,000万元赞助;成功邀约采购商及专业观众超过8,000人,举办2场高端论坛活动,组织20余场新品发布和商贸对接活动;以精益求精的状态顺利完成整场服务保障任务。



— 空中丝绸之路国际合作峰会组委会









案例:赓续亚奥血脉 再续亚运之约









































保质期限等信息,确保食品质量与安全;拒收产地来路不明、资质不全的无安全保障食品,以及受过污染、过保质期限或临近保质期限等与食品安全保障相悖的食品等食品运输 对食品运输车辆做出防尘等方面的要求,运输路途不靠近污染源,运输人员具备健康证明等食品储存专门人员负责冷藏、冷冻设备安全、有效运转,食品严格分开存放、不与杂物及异味物品同库存放,及时处理超过保











北辰实业坚持人民至上、生命至上,筑牢安全生产防线,持续强化工作措施,狠抓责任落实,坚决防范遏制重特大事故发生,全力维护人民群众生命财产安全。2023年,北辰实业持续健全“党政同责、一岗双责、齐抓共管、失职追责” 的安全生产责任体系,严格遵循《安全生产管理办法》《安全生产党政同责、一岗双责管理办法》等内部规章制度,并将高管薪酬与安全考核结果挂钩,进一步推动安全责任的落实。为细化各层级的安全保障工作方案,以及针对不同活动特殊性制定专项指导, “以方案先行、制度为标、法规为尺、任务为本”的工作原则,制定《关于加强全国“两会”期间安全工作提示的通知》等工作部署,规范统一、对标严谨的执行和落实北辰实业安全保障工作理念、要求和标准。此外,北辰实业与首都会展、北辰地产、北辰商管签订了《安全稳定工作责任书》,将安全责任进一步下沉和落地,最大限度保证生产安全;组织开展安全生产隐患大排查大整治工作,结合企业经营实际,制定《安全生产隐患大排查大整治行动方案》与《安全生产隐患大排查大整治项目清单》,按照每两周开展一次安全检查工作,及时督导各企业检查中发现的问题并持续跟进整改情况。2023年,北辰实业未发生重大生产安全事故、重大火灾事故、重大交通甲方责任事故。为进一步将安全意识渗透进职工日常工作,激发职工安全自觉,北辰实业扎实开展 “安康杯”竞赛活动,深入学习领会习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述。各企业采取专题研讨、集中学习、线上线下培训等多种形式组织开展“安全生产大家谈”“班前会” “以案说法”等活动209场,参与人数3,748人次;为增强安全防范意识,开展“安全生产月”宣传教育活动,组织职工观看安全生产警示教育片视频4,103人;组织开展“安全生产月”咨询日现场活动24场、参与1,525人次;针对不同场景组织事故应急演练78场,参与职工人数2,648人次;开展从业人员法律和科普知识、自救互救技能培训33场,参与1,827人次。



? 五洲皇冠酒店以高分通过安全生产标准化二级企业资质复审程序,再次荣获安全生产标准化二级企业牌证? 公设公司获得“2023年首都应急管理创新案例征集评选活动三等奖”




北辰地产2023年保交付成果? 全年完成15个批次7,460套住宅平稳有序交付? 数字营销平台“北辰橙享家”成交超5亿元? 长沙北辰三角洲收官之作A2区悦江洋首开售罄? 长沙北辰三角洲D4区瀚江府、宁波北辰香麓湾、重庆北辰悦来壹号以及海口北辰府等项目如期顺利完成集中交付? 北京北辰墅院1900项目实现基本清盘? 成都北辰南湖香麓售楼处实现整售






五洲大酒店? 2023年,完成40个组委会相关负责


五洲皇冠酒店? 为加强和规范客户满意度的统一管理有效提高酒店各部门的服务质量,提升客户入住体验及满意度,制定相关客户满意度管理办法。? 根据客人的入住反馈意见,各部门及时沟通协调,制定解决方案,确保客人满意而归。? 制定第三方宾客满意度调查方案,将客人反馈问题登记留存,如有较差体验反馈,第一时间上报并及时解决客诉。? 每天办公会上分享客人评价,及时改进工作方法。每月汇总统计客人评论数据以及评论提名。每季度开展宾客满意总结会。? 前台工作人员在退房时会询问客人入住体验,并让客人填写调查表。? 行政酒廊工作人员会在客人退房当天下午致电部分第一次入住的客人询问入住体验。





? 2023年,会展、酒店、写字楼、

公寓及商管的平均客户满意度为95.11%? 妥善回复和处置的投诉占比100%





1. 加强职工隐私信息安全意识培训,提高职工对客户隐私信息的重视程度。

2. 完善隐私信息安全管理制度和技术措施,以满足不断变化的客户需求和法律法规;加强与客户的沟通,了


3. 在收集客户信息时,明确告知客户信息的收集和使用目的,并获得客户的同意;同时,向客户明确说明信


4. 酒店建立严格的安全措施,包括数据加密、访问控制、安全审计等,以防止客户信息泄露或被非法获取。

5. 酒店限制职工对客户信息的访问和使用范围,确保只有经过授权的职工才能访问和使用客户信息。

6. 定期对酒店进行安全审计和风险评估,及时发现和解决潜在的安全风险。

7. 通过客户反馈和满意度调查,评估客户对隐私权保护的满意度,并根据反馈进行持续改进。






统筹规划引领及制度建设? 强化绿色低碳环保发展规划引领? 持续完善低碳管理

体系建设? 建立统计台账做好


? 打造“绿色会展”? 打造“绿色建筑”? 打造“绿色商管”

? 大力推进可再生

能源利用? 推进重点用能设备节能增效? 开展低效建筑领


? 全面提高能源利

用效率? 开展绿色低碳领












03 绿色发展




在管治层面,北辰实业成立了“碳达峰碳中和工作领导小组” ,负责组织、协调、推进、落实 “双碳”具体工作;所属企业成立相应工作领导小组,负责落实本企业相关工作。同时,本公司积极制定节能、减排、环保量化指标,层层分解下达,并持续细化各工程专业的检查项目,将检查结果纳入对所属企业年终考核内容之中,提高奖惩力度,有效监督、落实碳达峰相关工作。在能力建设层面,北辰实业未来将不断加大宣传教育,将碳达峰、碳中和作为干部教育培训体系的重要内容,增强各级领导干部推动绿色低碳发展的本领;督促各企业将节能意识教育常态化,强化节能知识基础培训;不断提高能源管理人员的节能意识和法治观念,形成有专业技术能力的管理体系。为有序推进目标实现,北辰实业明确四项重点任务:在统筹规划引领与制度建设、能源转型与资源节约、融合业务布局与绿色发展、低碳领域专项行动方面做出综合性部署。


稳健经营卓越品质绿色发展和睦企业“共美”社会展望未来案例: 公设公司首次获得“绿色电力证书”公设公司积极探索低碳路径,充分发挥业务和专业技术优势,以办公生产用电100%绿电消费为目标,先行先试发挥带头作用,积极落实绿电政策,参加绿电交易。2023年,公设公司通过电力市场化交易共购买绿电300万度,相当于减排二氧化碳2,480吨、二氧化硫1.4吨、氮氧化物1.29吨,以实际行动推动可再生能源利用,践行绿色发展理念。下一步,公设公司将持续落实绿色能源发展战略,提高亚运村园区、国家会议中心区域的绿电用能,努力实现清洁能源项目商业价值最大化。


































案例: 五洲皇冠酒店应用中央空调冷却水处理设备










减少四通一平 (水通、电通、路通、网通、场地平整)和土方开挖所扰动区域的面积,减少临设和施工管线布置。













2023年是国家会议中心连续第十二年参与地球一小时活动,作为企业社会责任计划的重要活动,国家会议中心不仅身体力行准时“关上灯 点亮希望”,还通过电子屏、宣传海报鼓励职工和客人参与其中,共同“为地球献出一小时”。国家会议中心主体节能状态

1. 数字化管控空调系统,通过楼宇自控系统,根据


2. 逐步更换酒店公共区域照明,在满足现有照明


3. 硒鼓等有害物品进行统一收集,并交由专业公


4. 加强电梯运行调节和维护保养,提倡少乘电梯、


5. 在办公室内禁止使用移动式大功率取暖设备、








04 和睦企业




1. 合理的薪酬及人性化福利;

2. 符合国家劳动法规定的工作时间;

3. 年休假、事假、病假、婚假及产假等;

4. 绩效考核与评定,薪酬调整及晋升方案;

5. 依照国家及地方有关法律法规,为职工缴纳五险一金。




? 雇佣残障职工23人? 管理层男女比例5:5? 管理层男女薪酬比例1:1? 一般职工男女比例5:5? 一般职工男女薪酬比例1:1







首期“北辰-二外会展实验班”成果- 组织招收30名学生- 通过高管授课、组织学生到国家会议中心等场地参观等多种形式完成7期培训学习- 学员完成课程心得30份,研讨作业32份- 25名学员完成中国基础科学大会及服贸会共2个月实习




































05 “共美”社会

北辰实业坚持“忠诚担当 同创共美”的企业核心价值观,积极履行企业社会责任,厚植为民情怀,为全面推进乡村振兴贡献北辰力量。













06 展望未来2024年,北辰实业将以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的二十大精神,坚定发展信心,保持战略定力,坚持稳中求进,主动服务新时代首都发展,统筹高质量发展和高水平安全、重大活动保障与重大项目建设,创新谋划资本运作,深化国企改革,推进产业数字化转型,持续完善会展产业布局,保持地产业务稳健经营,提升商业物业管理水平,加快构建相互支撑、优势互补、协同发展的新产业格局,着力推动公司高质量发展。经营责任北辰实业将扎实做好重大活动服务保障工作,充分发挥会展核心功能,全力服务中央、北京市交办的重大活动保障任务,以专业水平、过硬实力、优异成绩为大国外交和首都国际交往中心建设增光添彩;坚持首善标准,持续优化重大活动常态化保障机制,加强队伍建设,打造专业化、标准化、体系化的北辰服务。环境责任北辰实业将继续加强节约能源管理工作,坚持推动绿色转型助力企业高质量发展,完善节约能源和环境保护等管理制度;全面落实“碳达峰行动”总体要求、主要目标及重点任务,推进节能降碳工作有序开展;继续开展二氧化碳核查、节能监察等专项工作;落实重要会议活动设备设施检查工作,为服务保障工作提供支持。社会责任北辰实业将继续推进人力资源改革创新实施方案,落实新一轮国企改革要求,巩固改革成效;持续加强人才引进与培养工作;深入学习贯彻习近平总书记对“千万工程”带动乡村全面振兴经验的重要批示精神,不断把学习成效转化为解决问题、促进工作、推动发展的强大动力,全面推进乡村振兴取得新成效。




指标 2023年度2022年度2021年度

对本公司或雇员提出并已审结的贪污诉讼案件数目 000涉及关于贿赂、勒索、欺诈及洗钱案件(宗)












指标2023年度2022年度2021年度用水总量(立方米)734,548559,351676,075外购自来水占比(%)100100100每平方米楼面面积用水总量(立方米)0.910.69 0.84污水







持有5米及以上的树木(棵) 82612653










0.07590.0677 0.0732无害废弃物数量





指标2023年度2022年度2021年度有害废弃物产生总量(公斤)3,4854,525 9,452含水银的废弃灯管(公斤)2,1323,7705,820电子废弃物(公斤)6711432,638废电池(公斤)300311334废墨盒(公斤)357301616清洗冷气系统的废油(公斤)25044每平方米楼面面积有害废弃物产生总量(公斤)0.00400.00550.0114有害废弃物合规处理率(%)100100100











每平方米楼面面积能源消耗总量(兆瓦时)0.160.14 0.15

此温室气体排放清单的计算方法及相关排放系数参考了北京市生态环境局发布的《北京市企业(单位)二氧化碳排放核算和报告指南(2018 版)》、中华人民共和国生态环境部发布的《关于做好2018年度碳排放报告与核查及排放监测计划制定工作的通知》及世界资源研究所(WRI) 和世界可持续发展工商理事会(WBCSD)发布的《温室气体核算体系:企业核算与报告标准》。本公司2023年度的温室气体计算范围包括使用汽油机动车、柴油机动车等以柴油为燃料的设备,及燃气锅炉等以天然气为燃料的设备导致的温室气体直接排放,使用外购电力及外购热力导致的温室气体间接排放。2023年全面复工复产、辖属企业经营活动增多,能源消耗量较上一年度增加,故温室气体排放有所上升。








指标2023年度2022年度2021年度乡村振兴工作投入金额(万元人民币)905.5630.2901.1其中,资金总额 (万元人民币)75N/AN/A资金:公益帮扶资金投入(万元人民币)25N/AN/A资金:产业帮扶资金投入(万元人民币)50N/AN/A其中,物资折款总额(万元人民币)830.45N/AN/A物资折款:就业帮扶总价值 (万元人民币)


804.16N/AN/A惠及人数 (人)94N/AN/A
































受训雇员百分比 = (受训雇员/雇员总人数)x 100%

按性别划分的雇员受训百分比 = (男或女雇员受训人数/受训雇员)x 100%

按雇员类别划分的雇员受训百分比 = (高层或中层或一般人员受训人数/受训雇员)x 100%6667



A. 环境层面A1:排放物《中华人民共和国环境保护法》《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》《中华人民共和国噪声污染防治法》《中华人民共和国水法》《大气污染物综合排放标准》《国家水污染物排放标准制订技术导则》《国家危险废物名录》《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》《空气污染管制条例》《城镇排水与污水处理条例》《消耗臭氧层物质管理条例》《废物处置条例》《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》《北京市生活垃圾管理条例》《北京市宾馆不得主动提供的一次性用品目录》《餐饮业大气污染物排放标准》《北京市水污染防治条例》《污水综合排放标准》《北京市排水许可管理办法》《北京市排水和再生水管理办法》《北京市节约用水办法》





《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》《中华人民共和国土地管理法》《中华人民共和国土壤污染防治法》《中华人民共和国水土保持法》《规划环境影响评价条例》《绿色建筑评价标准》(GB/T50378 - 2019)



B. 社会








联合国《保护消费者准则》《中华人民共和国著作权法》《中华人民共和国标准化法》《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》《中华人民共和国网络安全法》《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》《中华人民共和国广告法》《中华人民共和国专利法》《中华人民共和国电子商务法》《施工企业安全生产管理规范》《物业管理服务条例》《个人资料( 私隐) 条例》《产品环保责任条例》《货品售卖条例》《消费品安全条例》《商品说明条例》《信息安全技术网络安全等级保护基本要求》《互联网安全保护技术措施规定》《互联网信息服务管理办法》《计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护管理办法》






A. 环境层面A1:排放物一般披露有关废气及温室气体排放、向水及土地的排污、有害及无害


(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料

绿色发展 – 巩固管理体系依法合规指标A1.1排放物种类及相关排放数据。附录 – 综合绩效表现指标A1.2直接(范围1)及能源间接(范围2)温室气体排放量(以吨计


附录 – 综合绩效表现指标A1.3所产生有害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每


附录 – 综合绩效表现指标A1.4所产生无害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每


附录 – 综合绩效表现指标A1.5描述所订立的排放量目标和为达到这些目标所采取的步骤。绿色发展 – 碳达峰行动部署指标A1.6 描述处理有害及无害废弃物的方法及所订立的减废目标和


绿色发展 – 促进清洁生产层面A2:资源使用一般披露有效使用资源(包括能源、水及其他原材料)的政策。绿色发展 – 巩固管理体系

绿色发展 – 促进清洁生产指标A2.1按类型划分的直接及╱或间接能源(如电、气或油)总耗量(


附录 – 综合绩效表现指标A2.2总耗水量及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)。附录 – 综合绩效表现指标A2.3描述能源使用效益目标及为达到这些目标采取的步骤。绿色发展 – 碳达峰行动部署指标A2.4描述求取适用水源上可有任何问题,以及所订立的用水效益


绿色发展 – 优化节水工作指标A2.5制成品所用包装材料的总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)每生产


由于本公司业务性质,此项指标对本公司而言不适用。层面A3:环境及天然资源一般披露减低发行人对环境及天然资源造成重大影响的政策。绿色发展 – 绿色施工与运营指标A3.1描述业务活动对环境及天然资源的重大影响及已采取管理


绿色发展 – 绿色施工与运营

附录 - 综合绩效表现层面A4:气候变化一般披露识别及应对已经及可能会对发行人产生影响的重大气候相


绿色发展 – 碳达峰行动部署指标A4.1 描述已经及可能会对发行人产生影响的重大气候相关事宜,


绿色发展 – 碳达峰行动部署B. 社会



(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料。

和睦企业 - 促进人才发展


指标B1.1按性别、雇佣类型、年龄组别及地区划分的雇员总数。附录 - 综合绩效表现指标B1.2按性别、年龄组别及地区划分的雇员流失比率。附录 - 综合绩效表现层面B2:健康与安全一般披露有关提供安全工作环境及保障雇员避免职业性危害的:

(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料。

卓越品质 – 筑牢安全防线和睦企业 – 守护职工健康指标B2.1过去三年(包括汇报年度)每年因工亡故的人数及比率。附录 – 综合绩效表现指标B2.2因工伤损失工作日数。附录 – 综合绩效表现指标B2.3描述所采纳的职业健康与安全措施,以及相关执行及监察方


和睦企业 – 守护职工健康层面B3:发展及培训一般披露有关提升雇员履行工作职责的知识及技能的政策。描述培训

活动。注: 培训指职业培训,可包括由雇主付费的内外部课程。

和睦企业 – 促进人才发展指标B3.1按性别及雇员类别(如高级管理层、中级管理层等)划分的受


附录 – 综合绩效表现指标B3.2按性别及雇员类别划分,每名雇员完成受训的平均时数。附录 – 综合绩效表现层面B4:劳工准则一般披露有关防止童工或强制劳工的:

(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料。

和睦企业 – 促进人才发展指标B4.1描述检讨招聘惯例的措施以避免童工及强制劳工。和睦企业 – 促进人才发展指标B4.2 描述在发现违规情况时消除有关情况所采取的步骤。和睦企业 – 促进人才发展运营惯例层面B5:供应链管理一般披露管理供应链的环境及社会风险政策。稳健经营 – 完善可持续供应链指标B5.1 按地区划分的供货商数目。稳健经营 – 完善可持续供应链指标B5.2 描述有关聘用供货商的惯例,向其执行有关惯例的供货商数


稳健经营 – 完善可持续供应链指标B5.3 描述有关识别供应链每个环节的环境及社会风险的惯例,以


稳健经营 – 完善可持续供应链指标B5.4描述在拣选供应商时促使多用环保产品及服务的惯例,以及


稳健经营 – 完善可持续供应链层面B6:产品责任一般披露有关所提供产品和服务的健康与安全、广告、标签及私隐事宜


(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料。

卓越品质 - 保障餐饮质量与卫生

依法合规指标B6.1 已售或已运送产品总数中因安全与健康理由而须回收的百分


由于本公司业务性质,此项对本公司而言不适用。指标B6.2 接获关于产品及服务的投诉数目以及应对方法。卓越品质 - 倾心服务客户指标B6.3描述与维护及保障知识产权有关的惯例。稳健经营 – 保护知识产权指标B6.4 描述质量检定过程及产品回收程序。卓越品质 – 铸造品质工程指标B6.5 描述消费者资料保障及私隐政策,以及相关执行及监察方法。卓越品质 – 倾心服务客户7071


(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料。

稳健经营 - 党风廉政建设依法合规指标B7.1于报告期内对发行人或其雇员提出并已审结的贪污诉讼案件


附录 – 综合绩效表现指标B7.2描述防范措施及举报程序,以及相关执行及监察方法。.卓越品质 – 倾心服务客户指标B7.3描述向董事及员工提供的反贪污培训。稳健经营 – 党风廉政建设

附录 – 综合绩效表现社区层面B8:社区投资一般披露有关以社区参与来了解运营所在社区需要和确保其业务活动


“共美”社会指标B8.1 专注贡献范畴(如教育、环境事宜、劳工需求、健康、文化、体


“共美”社会指标B8.2 在专注范畴所动用资源(如金钱或时间)。“共美”社会

附录 – 综合绩效表现


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地址 北京市朝阳区北辰东路8号邮政编码 100101电子邮箱 northstar@beijingns.com.cn电话 +86 - 010 - 6499 1284传真 +86 - 010 - 8497 6797

□ 卷首语

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□ 和睦企业

□ 依法合规


About the ReportBeijing North Star Company Limited is delighted to publish its 16


Corporate Social Responsibility Report and the 8


Environmental, Social and Governance Report. The Board of Directors and all the directors of the Company warrant thatthere are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions in the Report, and they shall be individually andseverally liable for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents.The purpose of the Report is to present the environmental, social and governance issues related to the sustainabledevelopment of the Company to all stakeholders, so that, they can better understand the Company’s sustainable devel-opment philosophy, actions, and related performance.The Report is prepared in both simplied Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy between the two versions,the simplied Chinese version shall prevail.Report PeriodUnless otherwise mentioned, the Report mainly describes the specic policies and performance of the Company interms of environmental, social and governance from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. For continuity and com-parability, some information in the Report shall be extended as needed.Reporting Organisational BoundaryThe reporting organisational boundary of the Report is based on the principle of materiality. Unless otherwise men-tioned, the material content of the Report covers Beijing North Star Company Limited and its branches and subsidiaries.The boundary of environmental key performance indicators includes properties held in Beijing by the Company, whilethe boundary of social key performance indicators includes Beijing North Star Company Limited and its branches andsubsidiaries.Reporting GuidelinesThe Report is prepared according to the No. 1 Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies of Shanghai StockExchange - Standardised Operation published by the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Environmental, Social andGovernance Reporting Guide under Appendix C2 of the Main Board Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange of Hong KongLimited published by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The Report follows the reporting principles of Environ-mental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide related to “Materiality”, “Quantitative”, “Balance” and“Consistency”.Please refer to the below table to understand how the Company has applied the reporting principles when preparingthe Report.ReportingPrinciples

The Company’s Principle Application

MaterialityWhen preparing for the Report, a professional consultancy group has assisted the Company to conduct a materiality assessment,

which identied the related material issues to Beijing North Star and its key stakeholders. Afterwards, the related information of thematerial issues has been collected and disclosed accordingly in the Report.Moreover, the Company’s Board of Directors has already been notied of the materiality assessment results and approved the Report.QuantitativeThe Company has already provided information on the standards, methodologies, assumptions and calculation tools used for the

reporting of emissions/energy consumption in “Comprehensive Performance”.Key performance indicators for historical data have been measured in the Report. The Company has set targets to reduce individualimpact, including actual gures or directional, forward-looking statements.BalanceThe content contained herein reects objective facts and discloses both positive and negative indicators.ConsistencyThe data collection methods adopted by the Company is consistent with last year.

Board StatementThe ESG governance structure of Beijing North Star mainly consists of the Board of Directors, the Secretary to theBoard of Directors and the ESG special personnel of the Work Department of the Board of Directors.

1. The Board of Directors oversees ESG issues:

a) Mainly responsible for reviewing the Company’s ESG policies and strategies;b) Participating in decision-making on ESG issues;c) Approving ESG reports, conrming the results of materiality assessment, reviewing the progress of ESG-relatedgoals and ESG risk management, and explaining how ESG issues relate to the Company’s businesses;

2. The Secretary to the Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing ESG reports and reporting to the Board of Direc-


3. The ESG special personnel conducts data and information collection in various departments, branches and subsid-

iaries, deeply understands the progress of ESG issues, and writes working reports.

Conrmation and ApprovalThe contents disclosed in the Report are in compliance with the information disclosure requirements of the No. 1Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies of Shanghai Stock Exchange - Standardised Operation issued bythe Shanghai Stock Exchange, as well as the ESG information disclosure requirements of the “Mandatory DisclosureRequirements” and “Comply or Explain” under the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide in AppendixC2 to the Main Board Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited issued by The Stock Exchange ofHong Kong Limited. The Report was conrmed by the ESG special personnel of the Company in March 2024 and wasapproved by the Board of Directors of the Company.Report Acquisition and Feedback

The Report is available in both online and print versions. The online version can be viewed and downloaded on theCompany’s website, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the HKEXnews website of Hong Kong Exchanges and ClearingLimited. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback on the Report, please send an email to northstar@beijingns.com.cn to contact us.


In the Report, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below:


Beijing North Star Company Limited"Beijing North Star", "the Company"Environmental, Social and Governance"ESG"2023 Corporate Social responsibility & Environmental, Social and Governance Report ofthe Company

"the Report"From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023"Reporting Period”, “the Year"

The properties of around 1.2 million m

held by the Company in Beijing"Properties held in Beijing"Capital Convention (Group) Co., Ltd."Capital Convention Group"Beijing North Star Real Estate Group"NSREG"Beijing North Star Commercial Management Co., Ltd"Beijing North Star Commercial Management"Beijing North Star Co., Ltd. China National Conference Centre"China National Convention Centre"Beijing North Star Co., Ltd. Beijing International Conference Centre"Beijing International Convention Centre"Beijing North Star Co., Ltd. Continental Grand Hotel"Beijing Continental Grand Hotel"Beijing North Star Co., Ltd. V-Continent Wuzhou International Hotel"V-Continent Wuzhou"Beijing North Star Co., Ltd. InterContinental Beijing Hotel"InterContinental Beijing"Beijing North Star Co., Ltd. Public Facilities Management Branch"Public Facilities Management Company"Endowment Insurance, Medical Insurance, Unemployment Insurance Employment InjuryInsurance, Maternity Insurance and Housing Provident Fund

"Social Insurances and Housing Fund"General Secretary Xi Jinping announced at the general debate of the seventy-fth Sessionof the United Nations General Assembly that "China will increase the strength of itsnationally determined contribution, adopt more powerful policies and measures, strive topeak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality before2060"

"Dual-carbon goals"The 20

th National Congress of the Communist Party of ChinaThe 20

th CPC National CongressThe State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Beijing Municipal"Municipal SASAC"Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China "Municipal Party Committee"Beijing Municipal People's Government"Municipal Government"Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures"TCFD"The 29

th Summer Olympic Games"The Beijing Olympic Games"The 24th Winter Olympic Games "The Beijing Winter Olympics""The Winter Olympics"The 13th Winter Paralympic Games"The Beijing Winter Paralympics""The Winter Paralympics"The Summer Olympics Games and the Winter Olympics Games"Dual Olympic"The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou"Asian Games"The 4th Asian Para Games Hangzhou"Asian Para Games"The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou and the 4

th Asian Para Games Hangzhou"Asian (Paralympic) Games"Hangzhou International Expo Centre"Hangzhou International Expo Centre"China International Fair for Trade in Services"CIFTIS"The 3rd China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo"the 3



PREFACETime is the scale for the ploughman to move forward, and the witness for the dreamers’ struggle. Looking back on 2023,Beijing North Star rmly held condence, forged ahead, and fully served the overall development of the capital. Throughpractical work, it interpreted responsibilities, forged brilliance through hard work, and wrote a splendid chapter for the newera.2023 was a year of remarkable achievements and inspiring spirits. Beijing North Star took proactive actions and madefull e?orts to satisfactorily complete a series of signicant national and governmental service support tasks with the higheststandards, ensuring the radiance of ‘Beijing service’ and ‘Beijing North Star standard’ continued to shine.2023 was a year of pursuing excellence and fruitful achievements. Beijing North Star’s three major business sectorsprogressed in synergy, creating a new situation of high-quality development. The Capital Convention Group actively pro-moted the layout expansion of the entire industry chain, further enhancing the level of exhibition hosting and operationservices. Beijing North Star Real Estate faced challenges head-on, operated prudently, actively implemented the nationalrequirements of ‘ensuring the delivery of projects, ensuring people’s livelihood, ensuring stability,’ ensuring that each proj-ect was delivered on schedule, and contributed to urban development with comprehensive strength. Beijing North StarCommercial Management endeavoured to improve quality and e?ciency, empowered asset operation with digitisation, andfully built a at, intensive, and professional investment property management brand with Beijing North Star characteristics.2023 was a year of low-carbon environmental protection and Green Development. Beijing North Star resolutelyfollowed the path of ecological priority and Green Development, with innovation-driven, green-saving, and collaborativecarbon reduction as the core, continuously strengthening comprehensive management levels, striving to play a leading rolein demonstrating in the ‘carbon peak action,’ and contributing to achieving the national ‘dual carbon’ goals.2023 was a year of unity and progress. Beijing North Star vigorously carried out rural revitalisation, responded promptlyto complaints, comprehensively improved the environment of old and dilapidated communities, and helped improve peo-ple’s livelihoods and welfare. In terms of industrial support, consumption support, employment support, and public welfaresupport, it continuously innovated support measures, improved the e?ectiveness of support, and invested 9.0545 millionyuan in rural revitalisation work during the year.2024 marks the 75

thanniversary of the founding of New China and is a crucial year for the implementation of the ‘14


Five-Year Plan.’ Facing new challenges, tasks, and historical opportunities on new historical coordinates, Beijing North Star willstill carry forward its aspirations, fulll its mission, and forge ahead with determination!

Company Overview

About the Company

Beijing North Star's main business includes real estate development, exhibitions (including hotels), and commercialproperties. In recent years, the real estate development business has continued to deepen the regional presenceand expand into new cities, gradually shaping a nationwide development layout with multiple regions and levels. Thebusiness involves diversied and multi-level property development and operation in residential, apartment, villa, o?cebuilding, commercial and other areas. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Company's development projects andland reserves are distributed in 15 core cities, including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River EconomicBelt, the Sichuan-Chongqing urban agglomeration, the Hainan Free Trade Port, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The Company has constructed a pattern of coordinated development of residential, industrialcomplexes, commercial, and property services businesses.The exhibition (including hotels) business is based on the Capital Exhibition Group, vigorously integrating exhibitionresources, continuously strengthening the expansion of new businesses and technologies in the exhibition industry,and actively promoting the layout and expansion of the entire exhibition industry chain. It has become a professionaloperator of the CIFTIS, a high-end government event service provider, an important carrier for the development of thecapital international exhibition industry, and a benchmark for the digital transformation and development of the exhibitionindustry, The Company is committed to building an international rst-class exhibition brand. The Company relies on theoperation model of "Exhibition + Real estate" to continuously strengthen resource integration and industrial interaction.With the support of Beijing North Star Commercial Management, the Company specialises in the operation andmanagement of o?ce buildings, apartments, comprehensive commercial and other supporting formats for exhibition andreal estate. By establishing a unied asset centre management model and empowering property operation managementwith smart technology, we aim to build a professional commercial property service brand with the ability to output lightassets.Core Philosophy


To become a world-class event brandedcompanyTo become a unique compound realestate branded company


O?er service for international

communicationBuild an ideal space


Reward shareholdersDedicate ourselves tocommunitiesPlace great emphasis on employees

CORE VALUESLoyalty and responsibilityCo-creation and mutual bene?ts

Company Awards

Beijing North Star takes on the responsibility of state-owned enterprises and is committed to building an internationalrst-class exhibition brand enterprise and a leading domestic composite real estate brand enterprise. With highly pro-fessional service quality and responsible actions, it is widely recognised by di?erent sectors of society.Selected awards and honours received by Beijing North Star and its branches and subsidiaries/projects in 2023:

Awards and Honours Time

Awarded Company/Project

Granting AuthorityBeijing North Star

Top 500 Real Estate Developers in China in 2023 – No. 682023.03

Beijing North Star CompanyLimited

China Real Estate Association2023 China's Top 100 Real Estate Enterprises -No.542023.03China Real Estate Top 10 Research Group"Beijing Jointly Cast Integrity Enterprise” for the Year 20222023.08

O?ce of the Capital Spiritual Civilisation Construction Committee,

Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information

Technology, Beijing Municipal Administration for Market

Regulation, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Beijing

Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Beijing Municipal

Bureau of Statistics, Beijing Municipal Taxation Bureau of the

State Administration of Taxation, Beijing Federation of Industry

and Commerce2023 Top 10 of Leading Brand Value inComprehensiveReal Estate Development in China – Real EstateEnterprise with Comprehensive Operations

2023.09China Real Estate Top 10 Research GroupInformation Disclosure Assessment of Listed Companies-Rated A

2023.09Shanghai Stock Exchange

Convention and Exhibition CompaniesPractice the social responsibility of state-owned enterprisesWork together to promote rural revitalisation


Beijing Continental Grand Hotel

Beijing Consumption Assistance and Double Gen CentreUnits with Outstanding Achievements in Tra?c SafetyWork at the Municipal Level in Beijing in 2022


O?ce of the Joint Meeting of Beijing Tra?c Safety Work

Departments, O?ce of the Capital Spiritual Civilisation

Construction Committee, Beijing Transportation Commission,

and Public Security Tra?c Management Bureau of Beijing Public

Security BureauChina Hotel Industry Golden Tripod Award 2023.02

InterContinental Beijing

China Hotel Industry AssociationTop 10 Charming Hotels of the Year2023.04China Hotel Starlight AwardBest MICE Hotel for Business Travel of the Year2023.06Top 100 Hotels in ChinaComprehensive Service Quality Hotel Award2023.07The 10

th China Hotel New Power Media AwardBest Hotel of the Year2023.08

The Organizing Committee for the Selection of High end Hotels

in Taste of LifeCMIC 2022 Award StarChina's most competitive international conference centre


National Convention Centre

Conference MagazinePractice the social responsibility of state-owned enterprisesWork together to promote rural revitalisation

2023.03Beijing Consumer Assistance and Entrepreneurship Centre2023 China's Exhibition Industry High Quality DevelopmentExhibition Service Innovation Demonstration CaseHonorary Title Standardisation Service

2023.09China Exhibition Economy Research AssociationExcellent booth online at the 2023 China International Fairfor Trade in Services

2023.09China International Fair for Trade in ServicesBest word-of-mouth hotel in the hearts of consumers for2022


V-Continent Wuzhou

JOINT WISDOM NetworkBest Business and Travel Hotel of the Year on the 2023Star List

2023.06Enjoyable Travel MagazineReal Estate CompaniesCommendation of Outstanding Construction Sites inLiangjiang New Area, Chongqing in 2022


Chongqing Urban Centre YuelaiConvention and ExhibitionCentre Beijing North Star PhaseV Project

Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Construction ManagementBureauHigh quality structural engineering of the Three GorgesCup


China Construction SecondEngineering Bureau Co., Ltd./Yuelai Convention and ExhibitionCentre Beijing North Star ProjectPhase III, Plot 6 (C10-1/06)

Chongqing Construction Engineering Quality AssociationGreen Island Cup2023.06

Beijing North Star Haikou WestCoast Project Phase I (Block Aand B of B6903 plot) Project

Hainan Construction Industry Association2022High Quality Development Contribution Award2023.07

Changsha Beijing North Star RealEstate Development Co., Ltd

Communist Party of China Changsha Kaifu District Committee

and Changsha Kaifu District People's Government

Identify ESG issuesmost relevant to BeijingNorth Star

Conduct survey ofmateriality assess-ment

Create materialitymatrix according tothe survey result

The Board of Direc-tors review and con-rm the issues


Impact assessment and related mitigation measuresfor project construction

Employment and employeewelfare

22Anti-corruption2The use of environmental materials12Occupational health and safety23Financial performance and investor3Energy use and e?ciency13

Career development and trainingfor employees

24Anti-competitive behaviour4Water use and e?ciency14

Employee benets and promotionmechanism

25Corporate information disclosure5Exhaust gas emission and management15Health and safety of clients26 Compliance operation6Wastewater discharge and management16Client privacy27Stakeholder communication7Solid waste disposal and management17Protecting intellectual property right28Risk management8Climate change and greenhouse gas emission

18Ensuring service quality9Green building 19Supply chain management10Green o?ce and operation20Contributing to social development

21Client satisfaction

Responsible CommunicationStakeholder Communication

Beijing North Star is committed to building consensus among stakeholders on the path of sustainable development,establishing e?cient and smooth communication channels among stakeholders, fully understanding the needs andexpectations of all parties towards the enterprise, and evaluating the issues that the enterprise needs to focus on andsolve in ESG work.Beijing North Star determines whether the relevant individuals or groups are the Company’s key stakeholders throughthe following aspects:

1) Whether they have invested or will invest in Beijing North Star;

2) Whether they have an inuence on the business operation of Beijing North Star;

3) Whether they have interests in or are a?ected by the business, products and services of Beijing North Star

In 2023, the main stakeholders of Beijing North Star include government and regulatory agencies, investors and share-holders, customers, employees, suppliers, media, and the public. The Company actively communicates with all partiesthrough diverse communication channels, understands and responds to their demands.Key Stakeholders Communication Channels

Government and Regulators Attend conferences Report regularly

Accept inspection and supervisionInvestors and Shareholders Annual general meeting Investor Relations on the o?cial website

Investor relations hotline Information Disclosure

Investor survey The Shanghai Stock Exchange E-interaction

Investor collective reception day Strategic meetingClients Client service hotline Client satisfaction survey

Advertisement on social mediaEmployeesEmployees interview Corporate training

Employee activities Promotion mechanismSuppliersTelephone interview On-site inspection

Supplier conferencesMediaPress conferences InterviewThe Public Community engagement Charity

Rural revitalisation Advertisement on social media

Social Responsibility ManagementBeijing North Star has integrated the concept of social responsibility into its corporate vision, mission, and core values,forming a corporate culture rich in social responsibility characteristics, and leading the high-quality development of theenterprise. The Work Department of the Board of Directors of Beijing North Star is mainly responsible for social respon-sibility a?airs and e?ectively manages related work.In the eld of environment, the Company has established the “Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Work Leading Group”and “Energy Conservation Work Leading Group” to strengthen the organisational guarantee of green and low-carbondevelopment work. In the social eld, the Company has established a rural revitalisation working group, responsiblefor the overall coordination of rural revitalisation assistance work. The subsidiaries also integrate social responsibilitya?airs into their departmental responsibilities, continuously improve social responsibility management, and e?cientlyimplement social responsibility related work.Materiality AssessmentIn 2023, based on its own development strategy and business characteristics, Beijing North Star referred to the Environ-mental, Social, and Governance Reporting Guide, comprehensively considered industry development trends and sus-tainable development issues widely concerned at home and abroad, and analysed and conrmed the evaluation resultsof important issues, as shown in the following matrix. This report will focus on reporting on sustainable developmentwork and performance around these material issues, in response to the information needs of the major stakeholdersmentioned above.



















Process for determining material issues

Matrix of Beijing North Star 2023 Materiality Assessment

Importance to Beijing North Star’s Business

Importance to stakeholders

moderate importance

low importance


high importance

The blue bold font represents "highly important" topics, while the rest are "moderately important" or "moderately important" topics.





















Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook

For a long time, Beijing North Star has attached great importance to its own integrity construction, has a soundnancial system, abides by professional ethics and industry standards, abides by labour contract agreements,safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of employees, establishes and improves organisational and corporategovernance structures, combines relevant laws and regulations and development strategies, continuously improvesgovernance systems, and lays the foundation for the standardised operation, e?ective balance, and scientic deci-sion-making of various governance entities. At the same time, the Company has also achieved outstanding resultsin the eld of social responsibility. After a rigorous comprehensive evaluation conducted by the O?ce of the Cap-ital Spiritual Civilisation Construction Committee and multiple departments, Beijing North Star stood out with highscores and was awarded the title of "Beijing Jointly Cast Integrity Enterprise" in 2022, representing recognition ofthe Company's comprehensive quality, business management, integrity performance, cultural construction, socialresponsibility, and other aspects.

Case: Beijing North Star was Awarded the Title of "Beijing Jointly Cast Integrity Enterprise" in 2022

Constructing Party Style and Integrity

Beijing North Star has deeply studied and implemented the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteris-tics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. Based on the strategic goals and central tasks ofthe enterprise, it has orderly promoted various work such as party conduct and integrity, anti-corruption and integrity,and disciplinary inspection and supervision. It has strictly implemented the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Man-ual of Beijing North Star to ensure that the construction of party conduct and integrity is on track.In 2023, Beijing North Star continues to improve its supervision work, coordinate and coordinate supervision forces atall levels, and improve the “supervision closed-loop management mechanism” of supervision and inspection, problemfeedback, implementation of rectication, and results “looking back”; deeply promotes the concretisation and precisionof supervision work through methods such as sinking supervision, list supervision, and preventive supervision, and pro-motes the normalisation of political supervision by identifying problems, proposing suggestions, promoting rectication,and forming mechanisms.Beijing North Star has established a ve in one petition and reporting channel of “letters, interviews, telephone calls,network, and WeChat”. The unied numbering and reporting system is used for accepting complaints, clarifying thecontent, handling methods, responsible persons, and disposal results of complaints, standardising the managementof petition accounts, and ensuring accuracy. In 2023, the Company conducted anti-corruption and integrity promotionto directors, executives, and some employees through holding meetings, circulating documents, and pushing articles.The Company has also carried out a Party conduct and integrity education month activity with the theme of “maintain-ing integrity and promoting integrity” to create a clean working atmosphere and strengthen the cultivation of integrityawareness.Protecting Intellectual Property RightBeijing North Star fully implements the requirements for intellectual property protection, continuously strengthens itsintellectual property business, continuously enhances its internal requirements for brand building and technologicalachievement protection, improves the legality and compliance of intellectual property management, and promotes theprotection of intellectual property.In 2023, the Company has fully deployed intellectual property work, improved rules and regulations, and continuouslystrengthened the construction of the intellectual property organisation system. In the Board of Directors, a specialcommittee responsible for legal construction and compliance management has been established, providing strongorganisational support for the development of intellectual property legal construction work. At the practical level, theCompany collaborates with various subordinate enterprises to form a working mechanism that is interconnected, e?ec-tively communicated, and closely cooperated. The Company also carries out special training to promote the awarenessof protecting and respecting intellectual property rights, and promotes the smooth operation of the intellectual propertyprotection mechanism. At the supervisory level, the Company conducts dynamic management of intellectual propertyaccounts and supervises a?liated enterprises, paying attention to the use and changes of trademarks, patents, andcopyrights, and identifying potential risks.Beijing North Star Exhibition Venue Management Information System

Stable Operation

Consolidating Corporate Governance

As the rst domestic A+H share real estate listed company, Beijing North Star has always adhered to the consistentprinciple of maximising enterprise value, actively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors and cred-itors, attaching great importance to creating win-win development space for partners, carefully listening to the opinionsand suggestions of all parties, and winning the recognition of Beijing North Star 's value by the market and investors.Beijing North Star shall fulll its information disclosure obligations in accordance with the law, strictly abide by the RulesGoverning the Listing of Stocks on Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Main Board Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange ofHong Kong Limited, as well as the requirements for information disclosure in the Company's Articles of Association andthe Administrative Rules on Information Disclosure. During the Reporting Period, the Company conducted comprehen-sive interaction and communication with investors and creditors through receiving research from domestic and foreigninvestors, holding remote meetings, setting up investor relations columns on the Company's website, and setting upinvestor hotlines, fully safeguarding the rights and interests of investors and creditors.Beijing North Star is committed to continuously improving the level of enterprise management, using scientic, system-atic, standardised, and professional management to help enterprises identify and prevent market risks, and achievehigh-quality development. During the Reporting Period, the directors, supervisors, and senior management of theCompany strengthened their business training and continuously improved their ability to perform their duties by partici-pating in course training, online learning, and other means in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the listedregions. During the Reporting Period, the actual state of corporate governance of the Company met the requirementsof the Company Law of the People's Republic of China , the Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies andrelevant regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.Beijing North Star has separated the powers and responsibilities of the chairman and general manager, with threeindependent directors on the Board of Directors. This enhances the independence of the Board of Directors, helpsimprove management e?ciency and governance level, and provides a good guarantee for the stable development ofthe company. In 2023, the Company held a total of 30 board meetings to comprehensively guide the Company's deci-sion-making and planning.Beijing North Star attaches great importance to enterprise risk management, formulates and implements the InternalControl Manual, actively identies potential risks, and implements prevention and response measures. For more de-tailed information, please refer to the 2023 Annual Report of Beijing North Star.

Beijing North Star applies innovative means to continuously strengthen the informatization construc-tion of intellectual property protection. The Beijing North Star Exhibition Venue Management Infor-mation System developed by the Company is the rst venue management system with independentintellectual property rights in China. Through the “Software as a Service” (SAAS) model design andstandardised management processes, we e?ciently accumulate exhibition data, e?ectively promoteexhibition venue management and output management work, and have become an important informa-tion infrastructure for the Company, continuously consolidating Beijing North Star ‘s core competitive-ness in the eld of exhibitions.1415

Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook


Sustainable supply chain measuresNSREG? Supervise suppliers in terms of environmental protection and prioritise suppliers who use environmentally friendly materials? During the bidding process, high importance is attached to the reputation of suppliers. Suppliers who engage in bribery, anti-corruptionbehaviour, or major safety accidents are included in the list of unqualied suppliersChina NationalConventionCentre

? Announcement on the Recruitment of Conference Service Suppliers for National Conference Centre Conference Service Projects: recruitingconference service suppliers to form a professional supplier database for exhibitions, and maximising the inclusion of service units withstrength, good reputation, and excellent service into the enterprise supplier database to improve the comprehensive quality of supply chainproducts and services

? Develop regulations related to green and environmentally friendly procurement, requiring procurement personnel to strengthen the promotion

of green procurement, develop green procurement channels, regularly request green product certication from suppliers, and actively monitorsupplier behaviour; at the same time, suppliers are required to actively learn about green environmental protection knowledge, provideproducts that fully comply with national environmental protection and quality standards, and provide qualied reports

? Under the same conditions, energy-saving and environmental protection products that have passed environmental labelling product

certication, energy-saving product certication, or other nationally recognized certications are preferred

? At the end of the year, an annual evaluation of supply units will be conducted. For suppliers who pose a threat to public safety, seriously a?ectservice quality, cause serious consequences to the enterprise, damage the environment, and do not prioritise green and environmentallyfriendly work methods, a one vote veto system will be adopted, and their supply qualications can be directly terminatedV-ContinentWuzhou

? Promote the use of environmentally friendly materials and prioritise selecting suppliers with environmental qualications

? Add miscellaneous items and require suppliers to provide biodegradable material related products

? Reduce the purchase of guest supplies and o?ce supplies according to the annual procurement plan

? Establish a procurement system, issue customs related inspection reports for imported cold chains, enhance information transparency, ande?ciently manage sustainable supply chains

? Review the certicates and qualications of suppliers, and require them not to have any joint relationship with relevant personnel within thehotel, including the user department, functional management department, and supervision department, and comply with the commitment tointegrity


? Actively use biodegradable products such as straws and packaging boxes

? Convene the 2023 centralised procurement conference to discuss low-carbon development issues and provide training onsupplier environment, society, and governance

? Every year, the ESG performance of suppliers is reviewed and evaluated. In 2023, a total of 132 suppliers were evaluated,and the results were all excellent

Supplier ESG training

Improving Sustainable Supply Chain

Beijing North Star collaborates with its subsidiaries to promote sustainable develop-ment of the supply chain, formulates multiple management measures, strictly imple-ments supplier admission and elimination mechanisms, conducts qualication auditson suppliers, including but not limited to business license, qualication level, servicescope, bank credit, performance level, cooperation projects, reputation level, etc., andimplements a blacklist system for dishonest suppliers. For suppliers who have alreadyestablished cooperative relationships, the Company implements comprehensive su-pervision and auditing to fundamentally solve potential problems or weak links in thesupply chain and prevent their a?liated suppliers from engaging in illegal activities. Asof December 2023, the number of suppliers who have established long-term cooper-ation with the Company is 1519, all from mainland China, without any suppliers fromHong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or overseas.

China ExhibitionIndex Report 2022

Continuously improving the standardisation system

construction of the exhibition industry

As of December 2023,the number of supplierscertied by quality, oc-cupational health andsafety, environmentalor energy managementsystems is

To e?ectively control supply chain risks, companies under Beijing North Star continue to carry out risk identication andresponse work, comprehensively controlling common compliance risks in the supply chain.Analysis of Potential Supply chain Risks for Beijing North StarPotentialrisk

Risk descriptionRisk ResponsSubject

Addressingthe Risk


? Suppliers violating the legitimate rights andhuman rights of employees? Should conduct bidding but did not conductbidding, or decompose projects to avoid bidding? Falsication, bid rigging, collusion, bribery, andother violations of laws and regulations duringthe bidding process

? Improve relevant internal systems andmanagement for bidding and procurement,eliminate such behaviour, and ensure that allsupplier selection procedures are compliantand legal? Some of its subsidiaries obtain informationabout suppliers in terms of environmentalprotection and delivery through methods suchas Tianyancha and background checks

The Company

Research to Support Industry DevelopmentAs the rst exhibition enterprise in the country to have a national level service industry venue standard system, CapitalConvention Group continues to deepen its think tank consulting and research work, and has exclusively developed anational standard Classication and Terminology of Meetings , lling the gap in domestic conference industry nationalstandards; draft four departmental standards: Operational Service Regulation of Convention Centre, Operation ServiceRegulation of Exhibition Centre, Exhibition Service (Exhibition Layout Engineering) Unit Operation Service Speci-cation, and Classication and Evaluation of Professional Exhibition Registration; We have established 416 enterprisestandards covering 20 management and service modules, including environment and energy, safety and emergency,conference services, exhibition services, and catering services, as well as a series of enterprise standard specicationssuch as the Green Exhibition Venue Guide, Energy Management Specication, and Environmental Management Spec-ication. The Company has also participated in the preparation of multiple local and industry standards.In the eld of industry research, Capital Exhibition Group is committed to building a government think tank for the exhi-bition industry, participating in the preparation of the 14

thFive Year Plan for the development of the exhibition industry atthe two levels of the Beijing urban area. It has prepared industry research reports and planning documents for multiplecities such as Ningbo, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai, and has released the authoritative exhibition industry data statistics thinktank results China Exhibition Index Report for ve consecutive years. China Exhibition Index 2022, released in 2023,conducted a statistical analysis of the exhibition situation in 2022, covering 30 provinces (regions, cities) and 134 cities.It included a total of 819 exhibition data, with a total exhibition area of approximately 37.43 million square meters; At thesame time, in order to make the report more closely aligned with industry discovery demands, an industry section hasbeen set up to label and track exhibitions in 18 major industries and more than 90 industry segments, analyse industryexhibition rules, discover emerging industry tracks, and explore industry development prospects. After the report wasreleased, it received positive feedback from the industry.


Shouldering the Mission of State-Owned EnterpriseVigorously Developing Main Hosting Business

In 2023, the capital’s exhibitions continued to expend e?ort in cultivating and introducing exhibition projects, signicantlyimproving the scale and level of the main hosting business, with fruitful results. The capital’s exhibitions fully leveragedthe advantages of the “government + enterprise” exhibition model, promoting the marketisation, professionalisation,and internationalisation of CIFTIS. Beijing International Exhibition Centre, under its banner, operated the 2023 Zhong-guancun Forum (Science and Technology Expo), and the National Convention Centre provided services for the 2023Financial Street Forum, actively aiding in the construction of the “Three Platforms”. For the rst time, it acted as themarket execution entity for the Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, smoothly completing key tasks such asinvitation of merchants and exhibitions, recruitment of market sponsors, service of key events, exhibition site operationmanagement and others. It successfully hosted the “Beijing Enterprises Direct Selling - State-Owned Enterprises Con-sumption Season” activity, perfectly completed the industry’s largest refrigeration equipment and technology exhibition,as well as brand exhibitions with high domestic inuence including the Logistics Exhibition, Medical Aesthetics Exhibi-tion, China Game Festival, Trendy Toys Exhibition and Beijing Fencing Open. The number of exhibition projects hostedand operated by Beijing North Star has reached 25.

The views of the Shougang Park

Interior of the Beijing International Convention Centre

The Achievements of Beijing North Star's Exhibition Activities in NumbersOver thirty-three years, Beijing North Star, with its high-quality services, advanced venue facilities, and professional management capabilities,has attractedmore than 20,000 conferences and over 10,000 exhibitions. It has successfully completed the reception tasks for nu-merous major international and domestic exhibitions, earning high praise from all quarters. Statistically,over two-thirds of the signicantinternational conferences held in Beijing are hosted within Beijing North Star facilities. Hence, Beijing North Star's exhibitions have indeedbecome an important window for the capital to showcase "Beijing Services" to the world.

Outstanding QualityIn 2023, as o?ine exhibitions and events across the country fully recovered, the exhibition industry once again showedits vibrancy. As the only municipally-owned enterprise in Beijing focusing on the exhibition industry, Beijing North Staris dedicated to ‘serving international exchanges’. It has deeply integrated its corporate development into the capital’sdevelopmental trend and has made concerted e?orts around creating a service platform for the capital’s exhibitionindustry. The company has successfully completed numerous substantial state a?airs and high-end exhibitions andproviding services for events such as the third edition of the ‘Belt and Road’ International Cooperation Summit Forum,the China International Fair for Trade in Services, the Inaugural China-Central Asia Summit, the Asian (Paralympics)Games, the First International Basic Science Conference, and the Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo. Ad-ditionally, Beijing North Star has also handled events such as the 2023 Cross-Strait Entrepreneurs Summit AnnualMeeting, the Beijing Fragrant Hills Summit, the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum (Science and Technology Expo), the 2023Financial Street Forum, “Beijing Enterprises Direct Selling - State-Owned Enterprises Consumption Season”, and manymore. All the while focusing on the capital’s ‘Four Centres’ and ‘Two Zones’ ‘Three Platforms’ construction, continuouslyimproving the capital’s exhibition hardware construction, and demonstrating Beijing North Star’s responsibility in assist-ing the high-quality development of the capital’s exhibition industry.

Case: The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services(CIFTIS)

Exterior of the Beijing International Convention Centre

As the organising entity for the 2023 CIFTIS, the Capital Convention Group is going all out to handle all the preparations andduring-exhibition tasks, aiming to expand the scale and hierarchy of the event, increase its international inuence and transformit into an even more international, market-oriented and digitalised special occasion.


Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopment

To ensure the perfect presentation of the CIFTS, Beijing North Star mobilised 23 of its subsidiaries tofully support the comprehensive coordination, exhibition hosting, service guarantee, online platformconstruction, conference forums, promotional liaison, and other tasks of the CSFTIS. Nearly 5,000employees were directly involved in the service guarantee work of the CIFTS.Upgraded Level of InternationalisationThis iteration of the CIFTIS attracted a total of 83 countries and international organisations to holdexhibitions, with over 2,400 companies participating o?ine, including over 500 of the Fortune 500and industry-leading companies. It covers 28 countries and regions, including those in the top 30 forservice trade, with a total exhibition area of 155,000 square meters. The overall rate of internation-alisation exceeds 20%. In addition, over 6,700 companies participated online, successfully buildingan international platform for communication, cooperation, and innovative development in the eld ofinternational cooperation and service trade.Regarding the conference forums, 10 high-level forums on popular topics in the eld of service tradewere held during the exhibition; around the themed exhibition content, 102 specialist forums focus-ing on cutting-edge industry elds were held, and 18 side events in various forms such as businessnegotiations and salons were successfully held; 72 events including country, provincial, regional,city, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, industry introduction negotiations, among others were held suc-cessfully. In addition, the CIFTIS also set up both online and o?ine press rooms, hosting over 70press activities including launches, authority releases, and service demonstration case releases.

Great Improvement in Market-Oriented OperationsSince hosting the CIFTIS, the Capital Convention Group has continually expanded its market-ori-ented scope, comprehensively carrying out investment promotion and exhibition attraction, bringingmarket-oriented operations to a new level. In 2023, the Capital Convention Group successfully com-pleted the “1+4” themed exhibition hosting work, further consolidating the results of market-orientedoperations, laying out the entire industry chain, building an international and innovative platform forthe international service trade, and attracting a large number of Fortune 500 and industry-leadingcompanies from around the world to participate. In terms of innovative market development, onenew global partner was added, with cash income and physical sponsorship exceeding 80 millionyuan, setting a new record for the past three years.

Highlights and Achievements of the "1+4" Themed Exhibition

Annual Theme Area

? 42 companies from 10 countries and regions participated, with an internationalisation rate of 48%? Among them, 12 are Fortune 500 companies, and 21 companies are participating for the rst timeTelecommunications,Computer and Informa-tion Services Themed


? 116 companies/

organisationsparticipated o?ine, withan internationalisationrate of 17.2%? For the rst time,

all ve majortelecommunicationscompanies, including3 Fortune 500companies, werepresent.

Environmental ServiceThemed Exhibition? Four major areas wereset up: Low CarbonEnergy, Carbon NeutralGreen Technology,Climate and CarbonEconomy, and CircularEconomy? 48 companies andorganisations tookpart o?ine, with aninternationalisationrate of 29.2%;243 companiesand organisationsparticipated online

Engineering Consult-ing and Architectural

Services ThemedExhibition

? 122 companiesregistered for o?ineparticipation, withonline exhibitorsreaching 228

? 94 Fortune 500

and industry-leading companiesparticipated,accounting for 77% ofthe total

Supply Chain and Busi-ness Services ThemedExhibition? 40% of participatingcompanies were rst-time exhibitors? 41 companiesparticipated o?ine

CIFTIS Service TeamIn 2023, the Capital Convention Group continually upgraded the ‘Beijing North Star service’standards for the CIFTIS, formulated the ‘1+8’ service operation model, established onecomprehensive coordination group and eight special working groups, and compiled variousmaterials such as the Investment and Exhibition Publicity Manual, Venue Operation SchemeManual, Exhibition Construction Manual, and Visitor Guide to guide the related work.The Beijing International Convention Centre optimised the venue location arrangements inthe exhibition area, added tra?c guidance and public service locations at major intersec-tions. The Shougang Exhibition Area, following the CIFTIS 3.0 version’s general guideline of‘three upgrades, three optimisations, and three innovations’, provided the audience with amore detailed and superior supporting service.Advancement of Digitalisation

In order to better achieve the goal of a 'never-ending CIFTIS', the digital platform of thisyear's CIFTIS is continually improving and upgrading to enhance the user experience andexhibition operation e?ciency of exhibitors, visitors and platform managers. From the exhib-itors' perspective, the regular information release and content-update mechanisms providesmoother services for transactional intentions and information sharing between supply anddemand. From the visitor view, the digital platform unblocks the ve-in-one ticket purchasechannel, adding tools such as xed information submission, making ticket purchasing andattending the exhibition more convenient. From the platform managers' view, the multi-levelorganisational structure is accomplished by 'one account, multiple roles', which completelyresolves issues such as di?culty in data statistics and unclear hierarchical ownership; theupgrades and optimisation of the platform content management system improve contentmaintenance e?ciency; more exible and convenient data-reporting tools enhance the time-liness and accuracy of exhibition data analysis.First-time Realisation of 'Zero Carbon CIFTIS'In response to the national 'dual-carbon' goals, the Beijing North Star initiated the innovativepractice of 'Zero Carbon CIFTIS' for the rst time, aiming to create a green service tradebrand and provide a demonstration sample for Beijing's carbon-neutral exhibition activities.The company established a special working group for 'Zero Carbon CIFTIS' together with itspartners, introducing a 'carbon neutral' project to o?set the greenhouse gas emissions fromthe 2023 CIFTIS through innovative solutions such as carbon assets, carbon credit purchas-es, and carbon-neutral insurance. In addition, they issued a 'Zero Carbon CIFTIS, Shared byAll' initiative, appealing to all attendees to support the 'Zero Carbon CIFTIS' through volun-tary actions, and to promote low-carbon green lifestyles to the public.

Enhanced 'Beijing North Star Service' Standards



Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopment

Financial Street Forum Service Team

The Opening Ceremony of the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum (Science and Technology Fair)

"As one of the organisers of CIFTIS, CapitalConvention Group has fully demonstratedits rich industry experience and theprofessionalism of its team in terms ofexhibition organisation, order, scale, andnumber of participants. The service intensityof the exhibition has exceeded previoussessions, and the service content is constantlybeing enriched."—— Organising Committee of the Air SilkRoad International Cooperation Summit

"Your organisation has provided greatsupport in terms of sta?ng for the forum'spreparation, for which we extend oursincere gratitude!"—— O?ce of the Beijing Culture ForumLeadership Group

"We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your active contributions! At the same time, please conveysincere thanks to all those involved in the service support!" stated the O?ce of the UrbanOperation and Environmental Protection Special Working Group, encouraging both sides to"continue to strive forward and make progress bravely, to achieve more excellent results, andjointly compose the Beijing chapter of fully building a socialist modern country."—— O?ce of the CIFTIS Urban Operation and Environmental Protection SpecialWorking Group

With the theme of “Open Cooperation for a Shared Future”, the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum(Science and Technology Fair) is comprised of six major sections, including forum meetings,technology transactions, exhibitions, achievements release, frontier competitions, and sup-porting activities. This exhibition is the highest-level, highest-tech, and best-organised event inrecent years. The Beijing International Convention Centre, a subsidiary of Beijing North Star,has joined forces with the Zhongguancun Forum for the fth consecutive year. A VIP serviceteam of 16 experienced business backbones has been sent for government a?airs services.They arrived at the venue for on-site inspections as soon as possible; decomposed and re-ned work projects, sorted out task di?culties, and formulated o?-site service plans. Theywere on standby all day for many days in advance, deployed work arrangements, cooperatedwith various levels of units for live rehearsals, and used professional “Beijing Service” to addcolour to the event.

The 2023 Zhongguancun Forum (Science and Technology Fair)

The Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo SiteCapital Convention Group Service Team

The Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, themed “Common Development for a SharedFuture”, saw the Capital Convention Group acting as the market execution body for the expo forthe rst time. The group coordinated exhibitor and investor recruitment, guest invitations, buyer ap-pointments, major event guarantee, and on-site operation, outstandingly completing market-orient-ed operation of the institutional exhibition. It coordinated the recruitment for the nancial institutionsexhibition area, African enterprises and product pavilion, Chinese enterprises and product pavilion,and outdoor exhibition area covering nearly 40,000 square metres, attracting approximately 750exhibitors; 24 partnering enterprises with over 20 million yuan in sponsorship were achieved interms of market development; successful appointment of more than 8,000 buyers and professionalvisitors and the hosting of two high-end forum events and more than 20 new product launches andbusiness matching activities were achieved; with an excellent state of diligence, the entire serviceguarantee task was successfully completed.

Case: The Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo

The 2023 Financial Street Forum, themed “A Better China, A Better World–Strength-ening Financial Cooperation and Promoting Shared Economic Prosperity”, has forthe rst time on a large scale invited overseas guests to attend in-person. A total ofover 400 heavyweight guests from 30 countries and regions globally participated.To fully guarantee this forum, Beijing North Star’s Beijing International ConventionCentre, deeply conscious of its mission to “serve international exchanges”, deployeda team of 30 specialists to provide comprehensive services — from the opening cer-emony and related conference services, VIP room services, VIP guiding, to venuedecoration and more. The high-quality, high-standard, and highly e?cient “BeijingService” shone brightly during the activities, contributing to the construction of Bei-jing’s “Two Districts” and “Three Platforms”.

Case: The 2023 Financial Street Forum



Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopment

2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Main Media Centre

September 7


, 1990 Asian Games Village Opening Ceremony

2008 Olympics Main Press Centre and

International Broadcast CentVre

Continuing the Asian Olympic Legacy, Engaging with the Asian Games Once Again

In 2023, the 19


Asian Games and the 4

thAsian Para Games were successfully held in Hangzhou, making them thelargest and highest-level international comprehensive sports events hosted in China after the successful convocation ofthe Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Beijing North Star has always been an integral partof major international sports events in China. This time, after a gap of 33 years, they are once again engaged with theAsian Games - making their mission all the more honourable and signicant.During the Asian Games, the Hangzhou International Expo Centre, managed by Capital Convention Group under BeijingNorth Star, undertook triple guarantees as the operator of the Guobo Squash Stadium, the caterer of the Main MediaCentre, and the service support of Main Media Centre, and unlocked the identity of a sports event operator and catererfor the rst time.

High-Quality Operation Services of the Guobo Squash Stadium

High-Quality Catering Services

The operation team of the Guobo Squash Stadium, in the 137 matches of the 10competition days, served nearly 4,000 journalists and nearly 3,000 spectators.Their outstanding performance has won full recognition from the President of theWorld Squash Federation and the President of the Asian Squash Association.

During the Asian Games, the "Hangzhou Expo Team" implemented a 24-hour shiftsystem, providing four meals including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late-nightsnacks for journalists. Considering the needs of di?erent countries and ethnicities,Hangzhou Expo set the restaurant into ve avour zones: Chinese, East Asian,South Asian and Subcontinent, Arabic and Middle East (Halal), and European.They carefully prepared 88 sets of menus for friends both domestic and overseas,attracting a constant stream of guests.

Hangzhou Expo Main Media Centre Restaurant

National Convention Centre Squash Stadium Operation Team

Guaranteeing Major State and Government ActivitiesIn terms of service guarantee for high-end state and government activities, Beijing North Star fully integrates theconvention and exhibition industry with the national strategy and international interactions, adheres to the supremestandard, performs the responsibilities of state-owned enterprises, and successfully completes a series of major taskssuch as the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, the 19

th Asian Games, the 4


Asian ParaGames, etc. It demonstrates the style of the “International Reception Hall” and interprets the quality of “Beijing Ser-vice”. Meanwhile, the Capital Convention Group provides comprehensive support to these signicant events.



Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopment

The Hangzhou Asian Games Main Media Centre is the "headquarters" for media journalists atthe Asian Games and the main hub for information dissemination. It also serves as the head-quarters for media operations of the Asian Olympic Council, making it an important windowfor showcasing China's charm and Hangzhou's avour to the world. During the Asian Games,Hangzhou Expo operated around the clock for 24 hours, successfully completing the serviceguarantee task for the Main Media Centre for over twenty days.After fullling their duties at the Asian Games Main Media Centre, Squash Stadium Operation,and Main Media Centre's restaurant services, the "Hangzhou Expo Team" continued to strivefor excellence. They were once again invested in the service guarantee tasks of the AsianPara Games. They devoted themselves to venue maintenance, signage conversion, and therenovation and installation of accessibility facilities to ensure the realisation of "Two AsianGames, Equally Brilliant".

To e?ectively ensure the operation of the Asian Para Games, Hangzhou Expo Venue hasincorporated accessible signage into the indoor and outdoor environmental signage systems,continuously and clearly indicating the location and direction of accessible facilities. Uponentering the venue, escalators at the stair sections help individuals in wheelchairs to climb thesteps more easily. The ground oor parking area has designated accessible parking spacesfor vehicles. Additions to the conference area include accessible toilets, multifunctional po-diums, low-position coat hooks, and emergency call devices. The entire area demonstrateswarm and accommodating services.

Hangzhou Asian Games Main Media Centre

High-Level Main Media Centre Service Guarantee

Accessible Help Desk

During the Asian (Paralympic) Games guarantee period, a specialised service guarantee teamfor the Games opening and closing ceremonies, consisting of 42 sta? members from the Cap-ital Convention Group, was stationed on-site to focus on o?ce work in the early stages of theevent. With a total of over 150 person-times' interconnection, 90 inspections, and participationin over 10 specialist meetings, they devised more than 50 versions of optimised specialisedservice guarantee plans. During the event, the team served approximately 4,000 VIPs from45 countries and regions, allowing the "Beijing North Star Service" to shine with honour onthe banks of the Qiantang River in Hangzhou. With solid capabilities and warm service, theyinterpreted the spirit of the Asian Games, the Chinese heart and the Beijing North Star dream.Their excellent performance won recognition and thanks from the Hangzhou Municipal PartyCommittee and the City Government.

"During the opening and closing ceremonies of the Asian (Paralympic) Games, yourestablishment was mainly responsible for the tea break service guarantee tasks for thepodium and VIP rooms at Hangzhou's opening and closing ceremonies. In the process ofVIP reception preparations and service, your establishment attached great importance,worked overtime, and accomplished preparations, rehearsals, reception and otherguarantee tasks e?ectively and at a high standard. It is indeed your full support andthe hard work of your sta? that won accolades with attentive service, and displayed thecondent, inclusive and open city image of Hangzhou with a good mental outlook."— The Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the City Government

Main Media Centre for the 19

th Asian Games Hangzhou 2023

The mascot of the 4

th Asian Para Games Hangzhou



Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopment

Hangzhou International Expo Centre’s Intelligent Waste Classication System

Assisting Hangzhou in Creating a "Waste-Free" Event

The Hangzhou International Expo Centre, managed by the Capital Convention Group under Bei-jing North Star, played vital roles as the main media centre, competition venue (squash event),and o?cial hotel for the Asian Games. Utilising smart facility construction and operation, it isassisting Hangzhou in creating the world's rst large-scale "waste-free" event.

The intelligent facilities system at Hangzhou Expo Centre provided robust support for the e?cientoperation of this grand event. This system covers ve major modules: intelligent security, intelligentoperation, intelligent transportation, intelligent service, and intelligent experience, enabling uniedmanagement of over 4,700 equipment sets. During the Asian Games preparation period, more than9,900 electronic inspections were completed, and over 3,200 maintenance registrations were record-ed, promoting improved management quality and e?ectiveness. Focusing on customer concernsabout food and accommodation, the Hangzhou Expo Centre has activated the Sunshine Kitchensystem and the "Transparent Cleaning" intelligent supervision system, fully safeguarding food hygieneand the health of customers. Furthermore, it has created an intelligent shared workspace—Zip space,achieving multi-functional scenarios in one space, dedicated to serving customers and highly praisedby customers.

Intelligent Sunshine Kitchen

“Transparent Cleaning” Intelligent Supervision System

Zip Space



Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopment

The Third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forumis an important home eld diplomacy for our country in 2023, aswell as the grandest event to commemorate the 10


anniversary ofthe “Belt and Road” initiative. Beijing North Star, as the only state-owned enterprise in Beijing specialising in conventions and exhibi-tions and as the “national team” providing service guarantees formajor state a?airs, has participated in the service guarantee workof the summit forum for the third time. They uphold higher politicalstandings and the highest standards, carrying out the responsibilityof state-owned enterprises, and going all out to achieve high perfor-mance in all aspects of work.Beijing International Convention Centre has cooperated with the“Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum for thethird time, e?ciently serving 3 high-level forums, 6 thematic fo-rums, 1 entrepreneurs conference, and providing meeting, dining,and accommodation services for delegates, Chinese and foreignmedia journalists, sta?, and security personnel. During the summitforum, the Beijing International Convention Centre hosted a totalof 71 meetings, with the Great Hall, Grand Banquet Hall, and mul-tifunctional halls being put into use, completing 275 turnovers, ful-ly showcasing the “Beijing North Star Standard” and the charm of“Beijing Service”. Comprehensive implementation of security workwas carried out, successfully achieving the “three zero and threeexcellence” guarantee target of zero security incidents, zero guestcomplaints, zero negative events, good media evaluations, excel-lent guest experiences, and excellent venue services.InterContinental Beijing, as the hotel accommodating the themedforum representatives of the third “Belt and Road” International Co-operation Summit Forum, principally received the Hong Kong Spe-cial Administrative Region Government and business delegations,Macao business delegations, the Hong Kong and Macao A?airsO?ce of the State Council, the National Development and ReformCommission, the Singapore Ministry of Transport, and other themat-ic forum participants, serving over 200 people in total. They o?ered arange of service guarantee tasks including accommodation, dining,meeting facilities, high-end dinners, media interviews, simultaneousbroadcast of the opening ceremony and group photos. During thesummit forum, the hotel hosted over 700 guest arrivals and servedmeals to over a thousand people. With its smooth operating com-mand system and highly e?cient coordination at various points, theseamless service guarantee was highly appreciated by the guests.Beijing Continental Grand Hotel, as the o?cial designated media reception hotel for the themed forums of the Third “Beltand Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, is principally responsible for the comprehensive reception servicesincluding accommodation, dining, exhibition, and business for media journalists, sta?, participants from the UzbekistanEmbassy, and the conference support group, accommodating approximately 500 people in total. During the summit fo-rum, Beijing Continental Grand Hotel and Beijing International Convention Centre undertook the “Belt and Road” seriesof meetings - the establishment meeting of the Language Education and Cultural Organisation Alliance. Their warm,thoughtful, and professional services provided solid support for the smooth convening of the meeting.

Case: The Third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum

The Third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit

Forum Venue at Beijing International Convention Centre

Beijing International Convention Centre UndertakesService Guarantee Task for "Belt and Road" CEO Con-

ference Signing Ceremony

Beijing Continental Grand Hotel Service Team is meticulousInterContinental Beijing Warmly Welcomes Guests from All

Walks of Life

As the venue for the rst session of the Fourteenth Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC), Beijing North Star attached great importance to the conference, arranged me-ticulously, and held multiple themed meetings to hear reports on reception preparation work; its related enterprisescontinually rened and propelled associated work. With high-level professional competence, high-standard servicequality, and forward-thinking service awareness, they successfully completed the reception service assurance taskfor the CPPCC conference, and won unanimous praise from the participating committee members and sta?.

The First Session of the Fourteenth Beijing Municipal Committee of the

Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

Fine-tuned Services at Beijing International Convention

CentreThe First Session of the Fourteenth Beijing Municipal

Committee of the CPPCC is successfully heldEnsuring the Quality and Hygiene of Food

Enterprises under Beijing North Star strictly enforce relevant laws and regulations onfood hygiene, establish and perfect internal systems, strengthen the regular audit andevaluation of suppliers, implement reward and punishment measures, and promptly rec-tify and replace unqualied suppliers. Some hotels manage the safety of imported coldchain food through traceability methods, strictly controlling food hygiene.The Beijing International Convention Centre pays great attention to the overall coordi-nation of catering services. According to operational needs, by improving quality ande?ciency, selecting superior materials, constantly innovating and changing, strictly con-trolling the quality of raw materials, and sorting out the proportion of localised raw mate-rials, hence achieving “pursuit of excellence”, contributing to sustainable development.Beijing Continental Grand Hotel adheres to management systems including the Foodand Beverage Department Management System, Enterprise Food Safety ManagementRegulations, Enterprise Quality Manual, Food Cold Chain Work Management Measuresand others. It controls all aspects of food procurement, transportation, acceptance, stor-age, and processing, continuously strengthening supervision to ensure food safety.

The Beijing InternationalConvention Centre Awarded

Certicate of Food Safety

Management SystemCertication

Beijing Continental Grand Hotel Maintains Full Control of Food Qualityand Hygiene Throughout the Entire ProcessStageMain MeasuresFoodpurchasing

The person in charge of bidding and procurement will review the supplier's license, safety standard documents and other documentsrelated to food safety, and will not conduct business in supply relationships with "blacklisted" companies announced by mainstream media,websites, and food safety supervision agencies. ; If necessary, conduct on-site inspections of the supplier's production and operationlocations, and give priority to suppliers with advanced technology, reliable quality, and good reputation, etc.Foodacceptance

Assign experienced and technically trained food inspectors to conduct safety inspections according to di?erent food ingredient categories,check the quality inspection certicate, quarantine certicate, shelf life and other information of the food to ensure food quality and safety;reject food with unknown origin and incomplete qualications Food with no safety guarantee, as well as food that is contaminated, hasexpired or is approaching the shelf life, and is inconsistent with food safety guarantee, etc.Foodtransportation

Requirements for food transportation vehicles include dust protection, transportation routes are not close to pollution sources, andtransportation personnel must have health certicates, etc.Food storageSpecialised personnel are responsible for the safe and e?ective operation of refrigeration and freezing equipment. Food is strictly stored

separately and not stored in the same storage with debris and odorous items. Food that has exceeded its shelf life is processed in a timelymanner. Food that is approaching its end-of-life date or that is likely to spoil will not be shipped out of the warehouse.Foodprocessing

Provide specic guidance on rough processing, cold meat processing, hot dish processing room, pastry room, and dishwashing room toensure food hygiene during processing, etc.Operation andsales

Food that does not meet safety standards must not enter the sales process, ensure that tableware is cleaned and disinfected, and theperson in charge of operations is appointed as a food safety supervisor, etc.



Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopment


City CentreInspection


Creating Quality ProjectsBeijing North Star has improved the project quality management system, set management objectives, andcarried out reviews and evaluations to forge high-quality projects, providing clients with safe, high-qualitybusiness and living spaces. NSREG has put in place systems such as the Measures for Inspection and As-sessment of Project Management of Beijing North Star Real Estate Group. They strictly control the progressand quality of construction projects to ensure the safety of construction. In 2023, facing the pressures broughtabout by the external environment, NSREG responded proactively to real estate policy trends, reasonablycontrolling the marketing pace, increasing digital marketing e?orts, and adopting multiple measures to pro-mote transactions, reduce inventory, achieve steady operations, and full delivery promises.In terms of project evaluation, NSREG, according to the Management for Third-party Project Quality Inspec-tion and Assessment of Beijing North Star Real Estate Group, conducts third-party inspections on the qualityand safety attributes of all its own ongoing projects. The city centres under its umbrella carry out regular in-spections based on the real estate group's project management system to help enhance project quality. Eachproject must go through a three-tiered prevention and control system evaluation consisting of self-inspection,city centre inspection, and NSREG evaluation. Only after passing can they be delivered to customers. Shouldcustomers raise quality issues upon receipt of the property, the relevant department will carry out a thoroughreview. During the warranty period, a main contractor or maintenance team will be sent for a site inspection,a solution plan will be drawn up, customer re-visiting will be conducted once an agreement on the plan isreached, to ensure the customers' issues are resolved.

NSREG ‘s 2023 Delivery Achievements?Completedthesteadyandorderlydeliveryof7,460homesin15batchesthroughouttheyear?Digitalmarketingplatform“BeijingNorthStarOrangeHome”achievedover500millionyuanintransactions?ChangshaBeijingNorthStarTriangleDelta’sgrand?naleproject,A2DistrictYuejiangOcean,soldoutinitsinitialsale?ProjectsincludingChangshaBeijingNorthStarTriangleDeltaD4DistrictHanjiangResidence,NingboBeijingNorthStarXiangluBay,ChongqingBeijingNorthStarYuelaiNo.1,andHaikouBeijingNorthStarMansionwereallsuccessfullydeliveredonschedule?BeijingNorthStar’sVillaCourtyard1900projectpracticallysoldout?ChengduBeijingNorthStarSouthLakeXiangluSalesO?ceachievedtotalsales

NSREG’s Three-Tiered Project Control System

In addition to the above, Beijing North Star carried out the "Ankang Cup" competition, actively involving the headquar-ters and 29 a?liated companies/projects, along with 210 departments and teams, with a total of 4,816 participants in thenational "Ankang Cup" knowledge quiz. Various companies launched diverse publicity, education and training initiatives,continuously deepening the grass-roots promotion of safety production and occupational health activities. This furtherenforced the implementation of primary responsibilities for safety in production and occupational health by carrying outproduction and business units. Such initiatives guided the majority of employees to enhance their ability to ensure safetyand their awareness of occupational health, signicantly fuelling the enthusiasm of the work force to participate in thecompetition and creating a positive atmosphere for safe production.

2023 “Safety Production Month” Special Training

Safety Work Obtains Wide






Strengthening the Safety Defence LineBeijing North Star prioritises people and their lives, forties safety in production, continues to intensify working measures,underscores the execution of responsibilities, staunchly prevents and suppresses major accidents, and fully protects thelives and properties of the people.In 2023, Beijing North Star continues to improve the safety production responsibility system of “ the Party Committeeshares common responsibilities with the Administration, one position with two responsibilities, joint control and manage-ment, accountability for dereliction of duty” strictly adheres to internal regulations such as the Safety Production Adminis-trative Measures and Safety Production Party and Government Responsibility, Dual Responsibilities of One Post Manage-ment Regulations. It links executives’ salaries to safety assessment results, further promoting the implementation of safetyresponsibilities. To rene safety assurance work plans at all levels and provide specic guidance for di?erent activities,the work principle of “plan advanced, system as standard, regulations as measure, task as base” is applied to formulatework deployments including Notice on Strengthening Safety Work during National Two Sessions, which standardise andrigorously implement and execute the safety assurance work ideals, requirements and standards of Beijing North Star.In addition, Beijing North Star has signed the Work Responsibility Agreement for Safety Stability with Capital ConventionGroup, NSREG and Beijing North Star Commercial Management, ensuring safety responsibilities are further implementedand grounded and ensuring safety maximum production safety. It organises large-scale investigations and recticationsof potential safety issues, combine with the company’s operational reality to create Action Plan for Major Remediation ofPotential Safety Hazards and Project List for Major Remediation of Potential Safety Hazards, conducts safety inspectionsevery two weeks and timely supervises companies for issues detected in inspections while continuously following up withrectications. In 2023, Beijing North Star had no major production safety accidents, serious res or serious tra?c accidentswhere there was a fault on their part.In order to further permeate safety awareness into the employees' daily work and encourage safety consciousness, Bei-jing North Star rmly organised "Ankang Cup" competition activities, deeply studied and understood General Secretary XiJinping's important expositions on safety in production. The Company organised 209 activities of "Everybody Talks AboutSafety Production", "Before Class Meetings", and "Using Cases to Explain the Law" by organising special discussions,concentrated studies, online and o?ine training, with a total attendance of 3,748 people; organised "Safety ProductionMonth" propaganda and educational activities to enhance safety awareness and arranged for 4,103 employees to watchsafety production cautionary educational videos; organised 24 onsite activities for "Safety Production Month" consultationday with 1,525 participants; organised 78 accident emergency drills for di?erent scenarios with 2,648 participating em-ployees; and organised 33 training sessions on legal and scientic knowledge and self-rescue skills for employees, with1,827 attendees.



Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopment



Customer Satisfaction ManagementIn order to e?ectively understand customer feedbackand promote customer satisfaction, the companies underBeijing North Star actively formulate internal regulations.They carry out customer satisfaction surveys by distribut-ing customer satisfaction questionnaires, etc., e?ectivelyimproving service quality, enhancing customer experienceand satisfaction. During the reporting period, the customersatisfaction of Beijing North Star was 95.11%, represent-ing full recognition of North Star’s services by customers.

Wholeheartedly Serving CustomersProtecting Customer RightsBeijing North Star places great emphasis on the protection of customer privacy and the continuous strengthening ofcustomer information management. In accordance with regulations related to consumer rights protection, the Companystrictly carries out its Legal Affairs Management Measures and Contract Management Implementation Rules, securingcustomers' paper documents and maintaining privacy information such as telephone numbers and addresses conden-tial. At the same time, in line with relevant rules, the Company focuses on cyber security and information technologywork, implements a network security responsibility system, establishes a comprehensive network information securityprotection system, builds network security barriers, and earnestly carries out customer privacy protection work. Eachof its a?liated companies actively implements the Company's requirements, formulates internal regulations, and thecorporate management personnel supervise the protection of privacy. The Disciplinary Committee members and In-tegrity Supervisors are responsible for supervision, forming a systematic and procedural customer rights protectionframework. During the Reporting Period, the company received no complaints related to the disclosure of customerinformation.Case: InterContinental Beijing Continuously Strengthens Customer Privacy and InformationSecurity Management WorkInterContinental Beijing regards the protection of customer privacy as an important responsibility in the operation pro-cess, as well as a vital part of corporate reputation and brand value. In order to better protect customers’ privacy andenhance their trust, Beijing North Star Intercontinental has adopted multiple measures, continuously updating and im-proving protection measures and implementation plans, enhancing brand image and market competitiveness.

1. Strengthen sta? training on privacy information security awareness, enhancing sta?’s attention to customer privacy


2. Improve the privacy information security management system and technical measures to meet the ever-changing

customer needs and laws and regulations; strengthen communication with customers, understand their privacy infor-mation needs, and provide more personalised services.

3. When collecting customer information, clearly inform customers of the purpose of collection and use, and obtain their

consent; at the same time, clearly explain to customers the security measures and privacy protection policy.

4. The hotel has established strict security measures, including data encryption, access control, and security auditing,

to prevent customer information from being leaked or illegally acquired.

5. The hotel restricts the range of employees’ access to and use of customer information, ensuring that only authorised

sta? can access and use customer information.

6. Regularly carry out security audits and risk assessments of the hotel, timely discovering and solving potential security


7. Through customer feedback and satisfaction surveys, assess customer satisfaction with privacy protection, and

make continuous improvements based on feedback.

Communicate prompt-ly to understand therequest, and record it

Coordinate with rele-vant departments tosolve the issue for thecustomer

If unable to resolve,report to higher man-agement and discusssolutions together

Feedback the resolu-tion to the complainant.

Practices of Customer Satisfaction Management in Hotelsunder Beijing North StarBeijing Continental Grand HotelIn2023,40interviewsandguestopinionsolicitationswereconductedwiththeheadsoftheOrganisingCommittee.TheguestsoftheOrganisingCommitteeunanimouslya?rmedtheoverallservicesofthecompanyandexpressedsatisfactionwiththeoverallreception.Theyespeciallygavepositivefeedbackregardingtheservicecoordinationwiththesalesdepartment’sprojectmanagers,frontdeskcheck-inprocedures,roomhygieneandcleanliness,cateringoutput,conferenceservices,andequipmentguarantees.Theyexpressedtheirhopesformorecooperationopportunitiesinthefuture.

V-Continent Wuzhou?Tostrengthenandstandardisetheuni?edmanagementofcustomersatisfaction,e?ectivelyimprovetheservicequalityofeachhoteldepartment,andenhancethecustomer’sstayexperienceandsatisfaction,wedevelopedrelevantcustomersatisfactionmanagementmeasures.?Inresponsetoguestfeedback,eachdepartmentpromptly


Businesses under Beijing North Star have established standardised complaint handling procedures to e?ciently man-age customer complaints. This allows them to respond and resolve customer issues promptly, thereby improving ser-vice levels. As of 31st December 2023, Beijing North Star received a total of 6 customer complaints (including exhi-bitions, hotels, o?ce buildings, apartments, and commercial management) throughout the year. All complaints wereimmediately communicated to the relevant project companies and feedback had been completed.Standard Complaint Response Procedures of Enterprises under Beijing North Star


Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook





Coordinated PlanningLeadership and SystemBuilding

? Strengthen Green and Low-

Carbon Environmental ProtectionDevelopment Plan Leading? Continuously Improve Low-Carbon

Management System Construction? Establish Statistical Accounts forGood Performance of Duties

? Create "Green Exhibition"? Create "Green Building"? Create "Green BusinessManagement"

? Vigorously Promote the Utilisationof Renewable Energy? Carry out Green TransformationActions in the Field of Ine?cientBuildings? Promote Energy E?ciency of KeyEnergy-using Equipment

? Fully Improve Energy UtilisationE?ciency? Carry out Special GovernanceWork in Green and Low-CarbonField

Promotion of EnergyTransition and Resource

ConservationIntegration ofBusiness Layout andGreen Development

Implementation ofSpecial Actions in Low-

Carbon FieldPromote the continuous reduction of carbon emissions intensity,make signicant progress in optimising the industrial energy structure,and achieve remarkable results in green, low-carbon transitiondevelopment.Strive to form a group of demonstration applications of green technology+ key scenarios in the elds of exhibitions, commercial management,real estate, and other industries, establish a sound green supply chain,improve the green, low-carbon governance system, and help theeconomy and society achieve carbon peaking.

Primary Goals for Carbon Peaking of Beijing North Star

Persist in systematic planningemphasise coordination

Persist in prioritising conservation,reducing carbon emissions at thesource

Persist in driving innovation,supported by technology

Persist in being grounded inreality, stable and orderly

Beijing North Star's Key Tasks for Carbon Peak

Green Development

Beijing North Star is deeply implementing Xi Jinping's ecological civilisation thought, rooted in the new stage ofdevelopment, implementing new development concepts, integrating into the new development pattern. Adhering tothe highest standards and the principle of ecology rst, and the concept of Green Development. With the theme ofpromoting high-quality development, powered by reform and innovation, targeting green and low-carbon development,centred on innovative driving, green saving, and coordinated carbon reduction. Continuously improving the enterprise'senergy-saving, consumption-reducing, pollution-reducing, e?ciency-enhancing integrated management work level,establishing a sound enterprise carbon reduction management system, promoting the overall green low-carbondevelopment of the business, actively promoting green building and low-carbon park construction, and innovatinghighly e?cient green exhibition services.Carbon Peaking Action DeploymentTo fully implement the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and State Council regarding carbonpeaking and carbon neutrality, and the requirements of the Beijing Carbon Peaking Implementation Plan and BeijingMunicipal Enterprises Carbon Peaking Action Plan, to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new devel-opment concept, contribute to the full realisation of the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals in Beijing, BeijingNorth Star, in conjunction with its actual development, formulated the Carbon Peaking Action Plan for the company,clarifying the overall requirements for carbon peaking, main goals, and key tasks, providing comprehensive guidancefor carbon reduction work.Main Principles

In terms of governance, Beijing North Star has established a "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Working LeadingGroup", responsible for organising, coordinating, advancing, and implementing the specic work of "dual carbon". Sub-sidiaries have established corresponding work leading groups, responsible for implementing related work in their re-spective enterprises. Meanwhile, the Company actively formulates energy-saving, emission-reduction, and environ-mental protection quantitative indicators, decomposing them to each level, and continuously rening inspection itemsfor each engineering specialty, integrating inspection results into the annual assessment content for its subsidiaries,enhancing the intensity of rewards and penalties, e?ectively supervising and implementing carbon peaking relatedwork.In terms of capacity building, Beijing North Star plans to continually strengthen its e?orts in publicity and education inthe future, making carbon peaking and carbon neutrality an important part of its cadre education and training system,and intensifying the ability of leaders at every level to promote green, low-carbon development. The Company will pressevery enterprise to normalise energy-saving awareness education, emphasising foundational training in energy-sav-ing knowledge. It also aims to continuously enhance the energy-saving consciousness and legal concepts of energymanagement personnel, striving to establish a management system constituted by professionals possessing technicalcapabilities.In order to orderly advance the realisation of the goals, Beijing North Star has identied four key tasks: making com-prehensive deployments in the coordinated planning and leadership and institutional construction, energy transforma-tion and resource conservation, integration of business layout and green development, and specialised actions in thelow-carbon eld.


Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook

Case: Public Facilities Management Company Receives Its First "Green Power Certicate"Actively exploring a low-carbon path, Public Facilities Manage-ment Company maximises its business advantage and profes-sional technical advantage, aiming to consume 100% greenelectricity in o?ce production. It has taken the lead in imple-menting green electricity policies and participating in greenelectricity transactions. By 2023, Public Facilities ManagementCompany purchased a total of 3 million degrees of green elec-tricity through the power market, equivalent to a reduction of2,480 tons of carbon dioxide, 1.4 tons of sulphur dioxide, and

1.29 tons of nitrogen oxides. This act promotes the use of re-

newable energy and practices Green Development.Going forward, Public Facilities Management Company willcontinue to implement green energy development strategies,increase the use of green electricity in the Asian Games VillagePark and the National Convention Centre area, and strive tomaximise the commercial value of clean energy projects.

Public Facilities ManagementCompany 's Green Power Certicate

Addressing Climate Risk

Climate risk is increasingly a?ecting companies, and active responses to this risk have become aglobal consensus. Beijing North Star, together with its subsidiaries, is recognising physical risksand transition risks related to climate, and implementing relevant measures to e?ectively reducethe impact of risk on business production and operation.

Strengthening Management SystemsBeijing North Star, in accordance with the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China,the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, and other national laws and reg-ulations and policy guidelines, develops and implements the Environmental Protection ManagementMeasures and Energy Conservation Management Measures based on the actual circumstances of thecompany. It integrates environmental protection work into the end-of-year assessment system for themanagement team and establishes an "Energy Conservation Work Leading Group" with the main lead-ers as the team leader, according to the system, making clear the management responsibilities of thecompany and its subsidiaries. This e?ectively strengthens both the institutional building of environmentalmanagement and organisational protection in the quest for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.In 2023, Beijing North Star periodically carries out energy-saving education and on-the-job energy-sav-ing training, phase out outdated energy-using equipment and processes, implement energy-savingtechnical alterations, draw up energy management standards, establish an energy consumption sta-tistics system, an energy utilisation status analysis system, an energy measurement management sys-tem, a lighting management system, and establish an energy-saving operation reward and punishmentsystem, establish an environmental protection ne ledger submission process and other measures. TheCompany has launched energy-saving and consumption reduction, green and low carbon work, laying asolid foundation for practicing the concept of green and low-carbon development, achieving the goal of“Carbon Peaking” and promoting the green transformation development of the company.

Promoting Clean Production

Beijing North Star is vigorously promoting clean production work and strictly controlling solid waste,atmospheric pollutants, and sewage.To strengthen the management and supervision of environmental protection work in various enterprises,the company has developed and implemented an “individual plan for each enterprise” emergency planfor environmental protection, carries out self-check and update tasks on the Environmental ProtectionFacilities Equipment Management Ledger and Pollution Source Statistics Ledger to ensure the normaloperation of environmental protection facilities and equipment in various enterprises and the e?ectivecontrol of pollution sources. During the Reporting Period, the rate of good environmental protectionfacilities reached 100%. In addition, in 2023, the Company carried out 6 energy-saving technical trans-formation projects, with a total investment of over 3.3 million yuan, and 2 environmental protectiontechnical transformation projects, with a total investment of over 500,000 yuan. The total investment inenergy-saving and environmental protection technical transformations exceeded 3.8 million yuan, aimedto improve energy utilisation e?ciency, reduce pollutant emissions, and lessen the impact of productionand operation processes on the environment.In terms of solid waste management, Beijing North Star is committed to reducing waste at the source andmaximising resource utilisation. To this end, all easily consumable products procured by the company'shotels opt for products using biodegradable environmental packaging materials, avoiding over-pack-aged products, e?ectively reducing the production of non-biodegradable waste

. At the same time, thecompany continues to carry out material recycling and reuse work, giving common materials such as oldtowels, plastic products, glass products, etc., a new "life", achieving material recycling, and improvingresource use e?ciency. In terms of waste treatment, each enterprise signs garbage collection agree-ments with professional waste collection companies. Domestic waste, kitchen waste, other waste andhazardous waste are professionally collected and disposed of by classication, ensuring that waste issorted and collected appropriately, and the goal of signing a professional waste collection agreement for100% of waste and hazardous waste is achieved.

In terms of the prevention and control of atmospheric pollutants, Beijing North Star carries out annualinvestigations of potential "pollution sources" such as kitchen fume exhaust, boiler emission exhaust,and dust from engineering projects, controlling pollution at the source. During renovation and expansionprojects, the company, as a property owner, strictly follows the requirements of the industry supervisorydepartment, e?ectively suppressing dust by covering exposed parts of the construction site, setting upspraying and misting facilities, and optimising procedures.In terms of water pollution prevention and control, Beijing North Star, in accordance with the Measuresof Beijing Municipality for Administration of Drainage and Water Recycling, strictly controls direct waste-water discharge. Wastewater is pretreated before being discharged into the municipal pipe network toensure that the water quality meets the standards. The company continues to strengthen the recycling ofwater resources, promotes the use of reclaimed water, and guides each enterprise to introduce munici-pal reclaimed water or establish a reclaimed water treatment system. In 2023, Beijing North Star carriedout a quantitative assessment of the potential for the use of reclaimed water in the Asian Games VillagePark, laying the foundation for future development of a circular economy park.

As the various operations of Beijing North Star do not involve large-scale procurement and use of packaging materials, the company does not disclose dataon packaging material usage.

Potential Risk TypesRisk DescriptionResponses

Physical riskAcute

Extreme weather prevents suppliers fromdelivering goods on time

Require suppliers to be transparent about supplyperiodsDuring construction, extreme weather(such as windy weather, ood season, etc.)increases employee health and safety risks

Formulate and issue documents such as Tipson Doing a Good Job in Responding to ExtremeWeather and Notice on Doing a Good Job inSafety Production during the Flood Season in2023 to ensure construction safety during heavyrains and other extreme weather.


Policiesand laws

Regulators tighten climate changeinformation disclosure requirements

Disclose information related to climate changefor many consecutive years, and optimizerelevant disclosures with reference to the TCFD


The Beijing Municipal People’sGovernment issued the Beijing CarbonPeaking Implementation Plan, and theState-owned Assets Supervision andAdministration Commission of the BeijingMunicipal People’s Government issuedthe Municipal Enterprise Carbon PeakingAction Plan requirements.

Through on-site surveys, discussions, dataanalysis, etc., we develop a carbon peaking actionplan that is in line with the company’s actualconditionsTechnologyInvest in low-carbon emission technologies

Set up an incentive mechanism to commendenterprises that have won municipal-level andabove awards for their technology promotion workin the elds of energy conservation and carbondioxide emissions.Market

Climate change a?ects the prices of somefood ingredients, resulting in reducedsupplier production capacity and unstableprices.

Monitor prices and adjust food supplyReputation

Stakeholders demonstrate concern aboutclimate change issues

Publish news related to energy conservation,

carbon reduction work and building green buildings

Disclosure of Climate Change Information on

Regulatory Authority's O?cial Website2 The Financial Stability Board of the Group of Twenty (G20) established the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) in 2015.The TCFD framework for climate-related information disclosure includes four core elements: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics andtargets. This assists investors in gaining a deeper understanding of company’s climate risks and responses.4243

Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook

In order to reduce the dischargeof wastewater, V-Continent Wu-zhou applies central air-condition-ing cooling water treatment equip-ment, using the principle of directcurrent ionisation and decom-position, degrading calcium andmagnesium ions in cooling water,blocking scaling in pipelines, andkilling microorganisms in the wa-ter at the same time, which playsthe role of sterilisation, algae anddescaling, e?ectively avoidingcooling water discharge, achiev-ing no pollution, saving water re-sources, and helping to promotesustainable ecological develop-ment.

Central Air Conditioning Cooling Water

Treatment Equipment

Case: V-Continent Wuzhou Applies Central Air Conditioning Cooling Water Treatment Equipment

100% enclosure of con-

struction sites

100% wet construction op-eration for earthwork anddemolition construction

100% washing of vehi-cles entering and leavingthe construction site

100% hardening of con-struction site roads

100% airtight transpor-tation of muck vehicles

100% coverage of pilingup of materials on con-struction sites

Construction sites are organised to minimisedisturbance to the sites and respect the original

environment of the sites

Reduce the area of the four-connection and one-stop (water, electricity, road, network and siteformation) and the disturbed areas of earthworkexcavation, and reduce the layout of temporaryfacilities and construction pipelines

Reasonably plan and arrange the constructionland of the general contractor and thesubcontractor to avoid secondary moving

Reasonably plan the tra?c connection withinthe construction sites to ensure smooth

transportationClarify waste elimination and treatmentmethods to reduce the impact of contaminatedwaste on the site ecology and environment

Construction sites are enclosed for construction

BeijingNorth StarReal Estate'sEnvironmentallyFriendlyConstructionPlan

“Six 100 Percent” Targets

Beijing North Star'sWater EfciencyTargetEveryenterpriseshouldensure100%compliancewiththeplannedwaterusageindicatorsissuedbytheBeijingMunicipalandDistrictWaterConservationO?cesfortheyear2023

Optimising Water Conservation EffortsIn order to actively implement the Beijing Water Conservation Regulationand support the construction of a water-saving society, Beijing NorthStar is constantly strengthening the management of planned waterusage and quota indicators, ne-tuning the breakdown of water usagetargets, and enhancing monitoring and inspection. In 2023, the Companyactively carried out a survey on water usage, and through statisticalanalysis, it was found that the assets holding enterprises in Beijing hada 100% completion rate for the planned water usage targets in 2022. Atthe same time, an assessment was carried out on the type, quantity, andquality of recyclable water resources. Suggestions were put forward toimprove and optimize water conservation e?orts, continuously increasewater usage e?ciency, and successfully achieve water e?ciency goals.Since the o?cial launch of the south-to-north water diversion project atthe end of 2014, the shortage of water resources in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has been eased. During the Reporting Period, as mostof the properties held by the Company are located in Beijing, and thewater used for daily operations is externally purchased tap water, thecompany's operations did not face any di?culties in accessing waterduring the Reporting Period.Green Construction and Operation

Environmentally Friendly Construction

Beijing North Star strictly follows and implements environmental protection laws and regulations.During the Reporting Period, there were no incidents that had signicant negative impacts on theenvironment or natural gas sources. Over the years, the Company has steadfastly adhered to theconcept of green construction, and has developed green construction plans for multiple ongoingprojects, with denite organisational structures and clearly dened responsibilities. At the same time,the company has detailed requirements for conserving resources, controlling atmospheric pollutants,water pollution, noise, and the emission of solid waste, managing and strictly controlling aspects suchas safe and civilised construction while adhering to internal rules and norms, including the Guidelines

To further standardise the green building construction procedures and evaluation standards, BeijingNorth Star has formulated management regulations and systems like the Evaluation Standard for GreenConstruction Projects, Standard for Green Building Evaluation, Acceptance Standard for ConstructionQuality of Energy-saving Building Projects, etc. These documents clearly establish the basic principles ofgreen building research and development, promoting green and environmentally friendly concepts, adheringto Green Development and giving priority to ecology, guiding the full process of development and propertyoperations, and comprehensively creating green buildings and green living spaces. For newly developedproperties, the company often opts for energy-saving and environmentally friendly building materials.Among these, in the newly constructed projects in Beijing, Energy-saving Design Standards for ResidentialBuildings in Beijing (DB11/891-2020) and Standard for Green Building Evaluation (GB/T50378-2019) arereferred to. Beijing North Star is also actively using these standards in projects under construction all overthe country, endowing buildings with sustainable attributes.

for the Management of the Whole Process of Prefabricated Construction of Beijing North Star Real EstateGroup, thus ensuring the quality of property projects.


Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook

2023 marks the twelfth con-secutive year that the Bei-jing International ConventionCentre participated in theEarth Hour initiative. As anessential activity of corpo-rate social responsibility pro-grammes, the Centre doesnot simply 'turn o? lights tolight up hope' punctually, butalso encourages employ-ees and guests to take partthrough electronic screensand promotional posters, col-lectively 'dedicating an hourto the Earth'.Main Body Energy-Saving Status of Beijing International Convention Centre

1. Digitised Air Conditioning System Management –

Through a building automation system, the air condition-ing temperature and air conditioning unit start and stoptime are adjusted periodically according to the environ-mental temperature and personnel needs.

2. Renovation of the Hotel Public Area Lighting System –

While satisfying the existing lighting system's illuminance,colour rendering index, colour temperature, power factor,innite dimming, and intelligent control, the energy con-sumption of the lighting system has been reduced.

3. Collection of Harmful Items – Selenium drums and oth-

er harmful items are collected uniformly and handed overto professional companies for recycling.

4. Enhanced Elevator Operation Adjustment and Mainte-

nance – Advocating less use of elevators and more useof stairs.

5. Prohibition of Portable High-Power Heating Devices

– The use of mobile, high-power heating devices, suchas electric heaters, is banned in the o?ce to ensure safeelectricity usage and save energy consumption.

Energy-Saving Light Strip

Case: Multiple Measures by V-Continent Wuzhou Promote Green Ofce Practices

Case: Beijing International Convention Centre Responds to 'Earth Hour' for Twelve Consecutive Years

Green Ofce and OperationsEnterprises under Beijing North Star are actively implementing the concept of Green Development.They are advancing the use of less paper/electronic o?ce methods while also promoting the use ofrecycled paper. Stronger behaviour energy-saving management is being emphasised to improvethe e?ciency of resource and energy use.


04 Harmonious Enterprise

Beijing North Star adheres to a high position, grasps high standards, and implements the overall approach of "politicalguarantee, institutional implementation, quality improvement, and rights maintenance". It actively integrates into thenew development pattern, strengthens political orientation, highlights advancement, and enhances popular participa-tion. With employees at its heart, Beijing North Star continuously promotes democratic management, fully utilises therole of the trade union, stimulates sta? motivation, strengthens employee training, and unswervingly takes the path ofstrengthening the enterprise through the workforce development.

Promoting Workforce Development

In 2023, Beijing North Star strictly adheres to China’s relevant laws and regulations on salary and dismissal, recruitmentand promotion, working hours, holidays, equal opportunities, diversity, anti-discrimination, compensation and benets,and prevention of child and forced labour. The company adopts a zero-tolerance attitude towards child and forcedlabour. All applicants must provide legal and valid identication documents before entering the company to ensurecompliance with the law. If any situation involving child or forced labour is discovered, the company will execute thecorresponding procedures in accordance with the aforementioned laws and regulations. During the Reporting Period,the Company did not have any cases of illegal employment, usage of child labour or forced labour.The Company continuously improves the internal system construction, and has formulated the Management Measuresof Labour Contract, the Management Measures of Employees’ Salary, the Management Measures of Recruitment andAllocation, the Provisions on the Employment of Certain Positions, the Management Measures for Paid Annual Leaveof the Headquarters, the Management Measures for Management Level Salary (Trial), etc. In accordance with changesin external laws and regulations, based on the Company’s internal procedures and actual situation, Beijing North Starupdates relevant system documents from time to time to ensure that the system content is up-to-date and e?ectivelyprotect the legitimate rights and interests of employees.According to the relevant management system of the Company, Beijing North Star provides employees with:

1. Reasonable salary and people-oriented benets;

2. Working hours stipulated by national labour laws;

3. Annual leave, personal leave, sick leave, marriage leave and maternity leave, etc.;

4. Performance appraisal, salary adjustment and promotion plan;

5. Pay social insurance and housing fund for employees in accordance with national and local laws and regulations.

Beijing North Star treats each employee as a partner in the process of enterprise development, striving to create anequal, diverse, and inclusive work environment. We respect employees of di?erent genders, ages, religious beliefs, eth-nicities, cultural backgrounds, and those with various family and health conditions. In 2023, Beijing North Star achievedsignicant results in the areas of employing disabled people and promoting gender equality.

Strengthening Democratic ManagementIn order to better protect the rights and interests of employees and stimulate their motivation, Beijing North Star activelyseeks out their opinions and suggestions, continuously improves its operational management, and works tirelessly toenhance democratic management. By establishing open channels for employee complaints and grievances, BeijingNorth Star is building a Harmonious Enterprise.Beijing North Star has made solid progress in advancing democratic management. The Sixth Meeting of the ThirdWorkers' Congress took place, during which worker representatives heard the 2023 administrative work report andthe director’s written report on their term. The Sixth Union Leaders Joint Meeting of the Third Workers' Congress wasalso held, in which the Beijing North Star Group Limited Liability Company's Compliance Behaviour Guidelines (2023Edition) was reviewed and approved. Furthermore, a campaign called "I Propose a Plan for Improving Quality andE?ectiveness" was launched. We openly collected 932 employee suggestions, ultimately adopting and retaining 45,which greatly encouraged employees to participate in the company's operations and management.In the future, Beijing North Star will further reinforce and rene the democratic management system centred around theWorkers’ Congress. This will enhance representatives’ abilities and their prociency in performing their duties in accor-dance with the law, maintaining their rights and participating in company management. Through factory public a?airs,labour protection supervision, and other channels, Beijing North Star organises employee participation in company op-eration and management, increase workers’ sense of responsibility and the Company’s cohesion, elevate the scienticlevel of company operational decision-making, and promote the healthy and harmonious development of the enterprise.Enhancing Workforce DevelopmentIn the 20

th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping comprehensively de-ployed to "speed up work to build a strong educational system, greater scientic and technological strength, and aquality workforce". The General O?ce of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the GeneralO?ce of the State Council issued Opinions on Deepening the Construction and Reform of the Modern Vocational Edu-cation System, which gave specic guidance to the work of "promoting integration of vocational and general education,integration of industry and education, and optimization of the positioning of vocational education types". The creation ofan education-industry integrative partnership is included within the important strategic tasks of deepening the modernvocational education system's construction and reform.As a response to the decision-making deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, Beijing NorthStar has fully implemented Company Training Management Measures and Beijing North Star Research InstituteConstruction Plan. It has established a three-tier education and training system involving "Beijing North Star ResearchInstitute - Specialised Platform Companies - Various Enterprises", forming a unique talent development model withBeijing North Star characteristics. The Company actively carries out enhancements in management capability trainingworkshops and other training activities, releasing the Beijing North Star 2023 Training Needs Research Report, providingemployees with valuable learning opportunities and injecting vitality into the development of the Company.To assist new employees in quickly integrating into the Company, understanding company culture, acknowledging workrequirements, and improving work skills, Beijing North Star has innovatively adjusted the 2023 entry-level training proj-ect for recent graduates into three stages: "Project Practice - Systematic Learning - Tracking Feedback". A total of 152recent graduates participated in this training, with lectures given by 13 teachers including the head o?ce director, thehead of the second-tier group human resources department, external experts, and key business personnel.

As of December 31, 2023? Number of employees with disabilities: 23? Male-to-female ratio in management: 5:5? Male-to-female salary ratio in management: 1:1? Male-to-female ratio among general sta?: 5:5? Male-to-female salary ratio among generalsta?: 1:1

Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook

Beijing North Star’s 2023 Onboarding Training for Graduates5051

Creating a Flourishing Workplace

Beijing North Star adheres to the concept of “people-oriented”, enriching workers’ leisure lives through a variety of ac-tivities, helping workers achieve a balance between work and life, continuously enhancing workers’ sense of happiness,and promoting mutual benets.

Organising Cultural and Sporting Activities

Beijing North Star organised the 2023 “Beijing North Star Cup” sta? table tennis team competition, the sixth “Welcom-ing Women’s Day” female workers’ walk, and other events. These activities carry forward the sport-oriented corporateculture well and spread the “Mutual Benets Culture” of Beijing North Star e?ectively.

Results of the First “Beijing North Star – For-eign Language Experiment Class”

- Organised and enrolled 30 students- Completed 7 phases of training through var-ious forms such as lectures by senior execu-tives, organisational students to visit venuessuch as the National Convention Centre- Students completed 30 course feedback and32 discussion assignments- 25 students completed a two-month intern-ship at the China Basic Science Confer-ence and Service Trade Conference

Protecting Workers' HealthThe health and safety of workers is a key factor in the long-term stable development of a company. Beijing North Starstrictly observes the relevant laws and regulations, formulates management methods such as Supplementary MedicalInsurance Programme for Employees and the Implementation Measures for Mutual Assistance in Medical Treatmentfor Retirees with Critical Illness, protecting the health of our workers.The Company is committed to continuously promoting the health level of employees, providing employees with a soundmedical insurance system, organising regular medical check-ups at designated medical institutions, and improving themedical insurance system for employees, e?ectively preventing diseases, reducing disease risks, and alleviating themedical burden of workers. Meanwhile, Beijing North Star insists on conducting mutual support insurance investment,renewal and claims work for on-duty workers. During the Year, the mutual assistance protection work for on-duty work-ers was orderly promoted, and a total of over 300 claims were processed throughout the year, totalling 815,600 yuan,and condolence money of 46,000 yuan was distributed to 23 people; cumulatively, over 1,300 people received a totalof more than 300,000 yuan from the "Warm Mutual Assistance" secondary reimbursement.

In 2023, Beijing North Star successfullylaunched its third phase of the ManagementCapability Enhancement Workshop. The ob-jective of this workshop is to focus on theCompany's main responsibilities and mainbusinesses, further improve the political quali-ty and management capabilities of middle-lev-el managers, and build a high-quality cadreteam that is politically rm, adaptable to therequirements of the new era, professionallye?cient, and capable of undertaking import-ant company tasks. A total of 113 leaders par-ticipated in the training, fully demonstratingtheir abilities and talents, providing valuablereferences for future work practices.

In the eld of industry-academia-research cooperation, Beijing North Star, according to its own development strategicplanning and talent requirements, cooperates with Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute to open the “BeijingNorth Star – Foreign Language Exhibition Experimental Class". It focuses on creating core competitiveness of exhibi-tion talents, fully utilising the resource endowments of both parties, revolving around the two main themes of "collabo-rative education and collaborative innovation". It combines learning with practical application, emphasising on practice,and actively explores the creation of an "exhibition (hotel) talent practical training base". It advances corporate talenttraining, consolidates the professional talent team's foundational qualities, prepares the talent reserves for Beijing NorthStar, and helps Beijing North Star Industry build a world-class exhibition brand enterprise.In 2023, the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bu-reau announced the establishment of the “Beijing Convention and Exhibition Career Innovation Development Centre”at the Capital Convention Group, in order to implement the Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Construction ofHigh-skilled Workforce in the capital for the New Era. The aim is to build a team of high-skilled talents. In the future, theCapital Convention Group will rely on the Convention and Exhibition Career Innovation Development Centre, focusingon seven aspects: talent training in the exhibition industry, talent evaluation, hosting skill competitions in the exhibitionindustry, establishing a talent pool and releasing talent indices for the exhibition industry, promoting new professions inthe exhibition industry, introducing high-quality foreign resources in the exhibition industry, and exploiting the agglom-eration e?ect of the exhibition industry.

The third phase of Beijing North Star’s Management Capability

Enhancement Workshop

Meeting Between Top Executives of Both Parties to the Cooperation

Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook

Sta? Table Tennis Team Competition

“Women’s Day” Female Workers’ Healthy Walk


Caring for the Wellbeing of Staff

Beijing North Star implements a sustainable mechanism for providing help to those in di?culty, and carries out deep"Warmth Delivering Activities" during festivals. Leaders, Union o?ces, and relevant grassroots enterprise leaders, unionheads, visited and comforted 9 employees who applied for the Warmth Fund. In 2023, Beijing North Star and its a?liat-ed companies spent a total of 2.716 million Yuan on Warmth Delivering Activities, assisting 70 employees with di?cultlives and advanced workers, comforting 3,578 front-line workers, and actively providing all kinds of services such aspsychological health, culture, and life guarantees to employees. Over the Year, Beijing North Star has used over 52,000Yuan of special comfort funds, to give comfort to its frontline workers, further stimulating their enthusiasm for work andpassion for entrepreneurship.

Caring for Employees

Beijing North Star has launched the “Search for Craftsmen, Display of Charm” Micro-video Creation Competition, usingthe camera to record the workers showing the spirit of loving their jobs, being brave to innovate, striving for rst-class,and willing to dedicate. It advocates the spirit of labour, such as valuing labour, loving labour, hard work and honestlabour, and the spirit of craftsmen, such as being dedicated, striving for perfection, being meticulous, and pursuingexcellence.

“The Quest for Craftsmanship, Display of Charm” Event Highlights

Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook


Beijing North Star receives a banner of honour from Tanghekou Town

"Mutual Benets" in SocietyBeijing North Star adheres to the core corporate values of"loyalty and responsibility, Co-creation and mutual benets ".The Company actively fulls the corporate social responsibili-ties, foster a mindset of serving the people, and contribute tothe comprehensive promotion of Rural Revitalisation with thestrength of Beijing North Star.

Investment in Rural Revitalisation Work:

9,054,500 RMBOf which,750,000 RMB was contributed incash, and the equivalent of8,304,500 RMBin suppliesMeeting Public Needs

In strict implementation of the " swift response to public complaints " work directives and arrangements by the MunicipalParty Committee, the Municipal Government, and the Municipal SASAC, Beijing North Star at all levels will handle publicdemands promptly and prudently as a primary goal. We are pressing for corporate social responsibility, perfecting andstrengthening the organisation mechanism and institutional construction of immediate handling. Our leadership responsi-bility system is continuously enhanced, with the implementation responsibilities for immediate handling placed at variouslevels, and the performance of tasks included in the party building and performance assessment scope of party organisa-tions at all levels. We are consistently rening management processes, strictly ensuring the rst-line responsibility systemfor handling public demand, continuously enhancing the response speed and e?ciency of public appeal, and adhering toproblem-oriented and in-depth analysis of tough points and cruxes, focusing on steadily promoting them, ensuring thatevery appeal can be satisfactorily handled. At the same time, Beijing North Star continues to deepen proactive governanceand prior handling before complaints. The Company has handled a total of 97 hotline work orders within the year, showinga signicant decrease compared to 2022. To ensure corporate safety and stability, we continue to strengthen risk preven-tion and resolution related to stability, emphasise the responsibility of maintaining social stability, proactively promote thelegalisation of social stability risk assessment and petition work during major decisions, strengthen major activities' petitionstability and safety defence work, e?ectively prevent "four absolutisms" in petition work, and provide robust guarantees fora secure, harmonious, and stable corporate environment.Beijing North Star, in line with the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, continues to increase its social welfare invest-ment. It actively responds to the national "Anjufang" policy, deeply promotes the renovation of old communities, e?ectivelysolves public housing problems, and enhances public happiness and satisfaction. After 26 months, the Haikou ChangxiuHouse project by NSREG was completed at the end of 2022 with high quality, becoming the only a?ordable housing proj-ect in Haikou currently developed by a state-owned enterprise. In 2023, NSREG handed over the Changxiu Kindergartento the Xiuying District Government of Haikou City, contributing to the high-quality development of preschool education inXiuying District and better meeting the needs of the people.In 2023, Beijing North Star participated in the comprehensive environmental renovation of the old community in Anhui Beili.All construction, including the enterprise renovation part, and the four-party acceptance have been completed. Xin ChengProperty pays high attention to the elevator safety problems reected by the owners of the old community, and completedthe elevator updating and renovation work of the Century Village in 210 days, creating a more safe and warm living envi-ronment for the public, truly achieving “responding to the public’s need whenever it arises”.

Empowering Rural Revitalisation2023 marks the start of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 20

th CPC National Congress, and a crucial year for imple-menting the Fourteenth Five-Year Period Development Plan and consolidating and expanding the results of poverty allevi-ation. Beijing North Star, strictly in line with the requirements set out by the Municipal Party Committee and the MunicipalSASAC, fully utilises the advantages of state-owned enterprises, propelling work in industries, employment, consumption,and public welfare to a new level, assisting economically weak villages in our support regions and collective economy ofthe city to make new strides on the path of Rural Revitalisation. It also aims to bring about new results in shared prosperity.The Company has established the Rural Revitalisation Leading Group and Working Group, holding regular meetings of theRural Revitalisation Team and the First Secretary Stationed in the Village meetings. At the beginning of the year, the 2023Rural Revitalisation Work Conference was convened to focus on learning the spirit of the latest documents from the Cen-tral Committee of the Party, listening to the progress of key tasks and reviewing the 2023 Annual Plan to Support the FullyPromotion of Rural Revitalisation. Arrangements and plans for the rural revitalisation assistance work in 2023 were made.In 2023, Beijing North Star focuses on supporting e?orts through four avenues: industrial assistance, consumption as-sistance, employment assistance, and public welfare assistance in both outside assistance and targeted assistance tovillages with weak collective economies. In terms of industrial assistance, key projects include the high-end homestay inBaihutou Village’s ‘One Enterprise, One Village’ initiative, the mushroom factory project in Nuomin Town, Oroqen Autono-mous Banner, Inner Mongolia, and the rural red tourism project. Combining with the actual resources of Tanghekou Town inHuairou District, Beijing, e?ective economic assistance work has been carried out, laying the foundation for a sustainablecollective economic system. As part of public welfare support, donations of 250,000 yuan were made to Baihutou Village,Yinhegou Village, Xuying Village, and Dazhaizi Village, which were a?ected by oods, providing strong assurance forreconstruction work in these targeted aid villages post-disaster. 500,000 yuan was donated to the Nuomin Town People’s

Government in Oroqen Autonomous Banner, Inner Mongolia to support the exploration of local red cultural resources,contributing to the optimisation and upgrade of the local red tourism industry. In terms of employment assistance, underequal conditions, graduates from rural families in six provinces and regions were given priority for recruitment. A total of94 people were hired in Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Zhangcheng in Hebei, and Changzhi in Shanxi. TheBeijing SASAC’s ‘Workwear Aid to Xinjiang’ action plan was responded to positively, providing two batches of workwearorders to the Hotan region, worth a total of 262,900 yuan. The practical action aids Xinjiang enterprises in stabilisingemployment and promoting local industrial revitalisation. For consumption assistance, the ‘buy to donate’ and ‘buy toaid’ methods were used, promoting the sale of agricultural products in assisted regions outside the city. Products fromthe Double Creation Center were purchased for 7,657,600 yuan, nearly 3.2 tons of sweet corn and nearly 3 tons ofsweet potatoes were sourced from the targeted assistance villages in Huairou District, helping the villages increaseincome by nearly 360,000 yuan. By innovatively assisting in consumption and supporting the ‘Paddy Field Adoption’activity, 1,800 jin (900 kg) of rice were sold through the adoption of paddy elds (3 acres), contributing an additionalincome of 24,000 yuan to the targeted aid villages with weak collective economies. Moving forward,the Company willcontinue to leverage the leading role of party building, enhance a sense of responsibility, actively promote public welfareassistance, consumption assistance, employment assistance, and other tasks, increase targeted assistance e?orts,focus accurately on industrial collaboration and comprehensively support rural development.

Rural Revitalisation Working Group Visits Evenki Autonomous Banner in Inner Mongolia for Research Survey

Research Survey on the Paired-Assistance Programme in Huairou Village

Stable OperationOutstandingQualityreenDevelopmentHarmoniousEnterprise?MutualBene?ts?inSocietyOutlook



In 2024, Beijing North Star will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the NewEra, deeply implement the spirit of the 20


CPC National Congress, strengthen its development condence, maintainits strategic stability, insist on seeking progress while maintaining stability, proactively serve the development of thecapital city in the new era, co-ordinate the high-quality development and high-level safety, major event protection andmajor project construction, innovatively plan capital operation, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, pushforward the digital transformation of industry. It will continue to improve the layout of the exhibition industry, maintainthe steady operation of the real estate business, improve the level of commercial property management, accelerate theconstruction of a new industrial pattern with mutual support, complementary advantages and synergistic development,and strive to promote the high-quality development of the Company.Business Responsibility

Beijing North Star will provide high-quality service in major events and guarantee work, give full play to the core functionof the exhibition, fully serve the central government, Beijing handed over the task of major events protection, with aprofessional level, excellent strength, excellent results for the construction of great power diplomacy and the capital ofthe international communication centre of glory; adhere to the rst-class standard, and continue to optimise the regularprotection mechanism of the major events, and strengthen the construction of the team, to create a professional, stan-dardised, systematic Beijing North Star service.Environmental ResponsibilityBeijing North Star will continue to strengthen the management of energy conservation, adhere to the promotion of greentransformation to facilitate the high-quality development of enterprises, improve the management system of energyconservation and environmental protection; fully implement the overall requirements, main objectives and key tasksof the carbon peaking action and promote the orderly implementation of energy conservation and carbon reduction;continue to carry out carbon dioxide verication, energy conservation monitoring and other special work; implementthe inspection of equipment and facilities for important conference activities to support the service and protection work.The Company will continue to carry out carbon dioxide verication, energy-saving supervision and other special work;implement the inspection of equipment and facilities for important conferences and activities, and provide support forthe service guarantee work.Social ResponsibilityBeijing North Star will continue to promote the implementation of human resources reform and innovation programme,implement the requirements of the new round of state-owned enterprise reform, and consolidate the e?ectiveness of thereform; continue to strengthen the introduction and cultivation of talents; in-depth study and implementation of the spiritof General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on the “Ten Million Project” for driving the overall revitalisationof the countryside, and continue to transform the e?ectiveness of the study into a powerful impetus to solve problems,promote work, and promote development. The Company will continue to transform the learning e?ect into a powerfuldriving force for solving problems, promoting work and advancing development, and achieve new results in compre-hensively promoting rural revitalisation.

AppendicesComprehensive PerformanceAll the statistical and calculation methods used in the Report are annotated. Data of previous years and data of someindicators have been sorted out and presented. Unless otherwise stated, the data provided in this section are the datacollected for the corresponding year or as at 31 December of the corresponding year. The relevant data of “GreenDevelopment” in this section is mainly from the properties held by the Company in Beijing (including but not limited tothe headquarter, Apartment Management Company, O?ce Building Company, National Convention Centre, NationalConvention Centre Hotel, the V-Continent Wuzhou, Beijing Continental Grand Hotel, Beijing International ConventionCentre, as well as the InterContinental Beijing, the Public Facilities Management Company and the Land Branch ofBeijing North Star). Compared to 2022, the scope of social performance indicators and some environmental indicatorsfor the Year has expanded. "N/A" in each list indicates the year in which the relevant data is not disclosed or counted,or the data is not available for comparison.Stable OperationPrevention of bribery and corruption:

Indicator2023 2022 2021Number of concluded legal cases regarding corruptpractices brought against the issuer or its employees

Number of legal cases involved bribery, extortion, fraud andmoney laundering (cases)

Number of employees receiving anti-corruption training


Theformsofanti-corruptionandintegritytrainingmainlyinclude:analysingcasesofcleangovernance,organisingtheviewingofwarningeducationvideos,distributingmaterialsrelatedtocleangovernanceeducation,recommendingreadingmaterialsoncleangovernance,visitingcleangovernanceeducationbases,andconductingtestsoncleangovernanceknowledge.Outstanding QualityQuality of Product and ServiceProduct and service performance Indicator2023 2022 2021Number of legal cases in which products and services aresuspected of having safety and health problem

Number of lawsuits in which products and services aresuspected of infringing intellectual property rights

Number of complaints about leaking clients’ information000Number of complaints from customers6426Clients’ satisfaction rate (%)95.1193.4091.58

Green DevelopmentEmissionsAtmospheric pollutant emissions


2023 2022 2021

NOx (tonne)4.253.25


SOx (tonne)0.0210.016


This calculation includes the total atmospheric pollutant emissions caused by the usage of diesel-powered vehicles, boilers, and other diesel-fuelled equipment, aswell as natural gas-fuelled equipment such as gas boilers in the Company’s properties held in Beijing in 2023. The calculation method of air pollutant emissions wasreferred from the Manual for Urban Sources of Pollution Coefcient in the Second National Census published by the State Council of the People's Republic of Chinaand the Reply on the Emission Coefcient of Sulfur Dioxide from Gas Facilities (Natural Gas Used in Municipal Pipelines) in Beijing published by the former Ministry ofEnvironmental Protection of the People's Republic of China. In 2023, with the full-scale resumption of production, the increase in business activities of the enterprises,energy consumption has increased compared with the previous year, thus the atmospheric pollutant emissions have increased.


Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Indicator2023 2022 2021

Total GHG emissions (tonne CO

eq)61,28254,64059,120Direct emissions (Scope 1) (tonne CO

eq)983771908Indirect emissions (Scope 2) (tonne CO


60,31853,87258,213Emission reduced by held trees (tonne CO

eq)1931Total GHG emissions per m

of oor area (tonneCO


0.07590.0677 0.0732Non-hazardous waste

Indicator2023 2022 2021

Total non-hazardous waste produced (kg)10,146,6672,292,1423,046,858Kitchen waste (kg)1,677,630942,1781,785,819General waste (kg)8,469,0371,349,9641,261,039Total non-hazardous waste produced per m

of oorarea (kg)

11.692.763.67Legally disposal rate of non-hazardous waste (%)100100100Hazardous waste

Indicator2023 2022 2021

Total hazardous waste produced (kg)3,4854,525 9,452Fluorescent tube contained mercury (kg)2,1323,7705,820Electronic waste (kg)6711432,638Used battery (kg)300311334Used cartridge (kg)357301616Waste oil for cleaning air-conditioning system (kg)25044Total hazardous waste producedper m

of oor area (kg)

0.00400.00550.0114Legally disposal rate of hazardous waste (%)100100100Emission and discharge compliance:

Indicator2023 2022 2021Number of cases involving illegal emission000Use of ResourcesEnergy consumption

Indicator2023 2022 2021

Total energy consumption (MWh)128,283114,892119,992Purchased electricity (MWh)54,20244,99048,562Natural gas (MWh)4,5053,4283,970Petrol (MWh)272227332Diesel (MWh)188696Purchased heat (MWh)69,28766,16167,032Total energy consumed per m

of oor area (MWh)0.160.14 0.15

The calculation method and relevant emission factors of this greenhouse gas emission list are based on the Guidelines for Carbon Dioxide Emission Accounting andReporting for Enterprises (Units) in Beijing (2018 Edition) issued by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, the Notice on the Preparation of 2018 CarbonEmission Reporting and Verication and Emission Monitoring Plan issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, and the GreenhouseGas Protocol: Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standards issued by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development(WBCSD). The scope of greenhouse gas calculation for the Company in 2023 includes direct emissions of greenhouse gases caused by the use of gasoline vehicles, dieselvehicles, and other equipment using diesel fuel, and gas boilers and other equipment using natural gas as fuel, as well as indirect emissions of greenhouse gases caused bythe use of purchased electricity and heat. In 2023, with the full-scale resumption of production, the increase in business activities of the enterprises, energy consumption hasincreased compared with the previous year, thus the GHG emissions have increased.

The calculation of indirect greenhouse gas emissions from purchased electricity uses the national grid average emission factor for 2022 (from the Notice on the Management ofGreenhouse Gas Emission Reports for the Power Generation Industry Enterprises from 2023 to 2025).

With the resumption of production, higher occupancy rates and the expansion of the scope of environmental data, the amount of non-hazardous waste has increased.

The amount of hazardous waste generated declined because some enterprises no longer use mercury-containing tube, which have declined in weight and accounted for a largerproportion of the total amount of hazardous waste generated; the weight of electronic waste and waste oil for cleaning air-conditioning system increased because the scope ofenvironmental data was expanded and the occupancy rate of some enterprises increased.

The scope of calculation includes the total resources consumption of the Company’s property holding projects in Beijing. Energy consumption data was based on the amount ofpurchased electricity and fuels consumed and the relevant conversion factors provided by the International Energy Agency. In 2023, with the full-scale resumption of production, theincrease in business activities of the enterprises, energy consumption has increased compared with the previous year; enterprises no longer use diesel boilers to provide domestic hotwater, so the consumption of diesel has decreased compared to the previous year.

Water Consumption


Total water consumption (m

)734,548559,351676,075Percentage of purchased municipalwater (%)

100100100Total water consumed per m

of oorarea (m


0.910.69 0.84Wastewater

discharge (m


675,784514,603621,989Mitigate Natural and Environmental ImpactsWaste recycled and reused:

Indicator202320222021Glass (kg)57,75449,99462,764

Plastic (kg)87,85376,72383,691

Discarded towel (piece)15,2705,11515,097

Used soap (kg)1,0853,150726Used toothbrush (piece)210,715126,290133,824Greening environment:

Indicator202320222021Held trees with height above or equal to 5 meters82612653

Environmental protection compliance:

Indicator202320222021Number of cases involving damage to the naturalenvironment

Harmonious EnterpriseEmploymentEmployee structure:


Total number of employees5,2905,3875,588Divided by genderMale2,9803,0303,181Female2,3102,3572,407Divided by educational levelMaster’s Degree and above279269278Bachelor’s Degree1,7571,7661,806Tertiary education diploma1,4041,4441,484Secondary education diploma840827544Others1,0101,0811,476Divided by ageAbove 5067266777830 to 503,2363,2893,370Below 301,3821,4311,440Divided by areaMainland China5,2855,3825,581Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions000Overseas557

In 2023, with the full-scale resumption of production, the increase in business activities of the enterprises, the amount of total water consumption and wastewater discharge haveincreased.

All the wastewater discharged was domestic wastewater.6465

Occupational Health and SafetyEmployees’ health and safety

Indicator2023 2022 2021

Work-related fatalities (case)

Number of reportable work injury192029Injury rate (per 200,000 hours work)


Occupational disease rate (%)

Number of lost day due to work-relatedinjury

7091,557799"Mutual Benets" in SocietyCommunity InvestmentRural Revitalisation

Indicator2023 2022 2021Investment amount for rural revitalisationwork (RMB 0’000)

905.5630.2901.1Among them, the total amount of funding(RMB 0’000)

75N/AN/AFunding: Public welfare assistance fundinvestment (RMB 0’000)

25N/AN/AFunding: Industrial assistance fundinvestment (RMB 0’000)

50N/AN/AAmong them, the total amount of goodsconverted into money (RMB 0’000)

830.45N/AN/AGoods converted into money: total valueof employment assistance (RMB 0’000)

26.29N/AN/AGoods converted into money:

Consumption assistance materialconversion (RMB 0’000)

804.16N/AN/ANumber of beneciaries (person)94N/AN/A

The Company strictly adheres to the regulations related to work-related injuries, and recognises various situations such as tra?c accidents during commuting as work-relatedinjuries. The loss of workdays due to work-related injuries was caused by accidental factors, the Company will continue to strengthen the management and prevention of employeehealth and safety in the future.

The amount of investment includes the funds invested in poverty alleviation projects and the funds converted from materials.

Divided by employee categorySenior management586561

Middle management491497474General employee4,7414,8255,053Remuneration:

Indicator202320222021Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of female employees to male employees

Management employees turnover Indicator2023 2022 2021

Divided by genderMale (%)

12.410.111.6Female (%)

13.212.513.2Divided by ageAbove 50 (%) to 50 (%)

30 to 50 (%)

20.518.821.8Divided by areaMainland China (%)12.811.112.3Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan (%)Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Overseas (%)

16.6728.570Training and development:

Indicator2023Percentage of trained employees


By gender

Male (%)


Female (%)


By employee category

Senior management (%)


Middle management (%)


General employee (%)


Training hours per capitaBy genderMale




By employee categorySenior management


Middle management


General employee


The total number of employees and the total employee turnover are 0

The total number of employees and the total employee turnover are 0

The total number of employees and the total employee turnover are 0

Percentage of employees trained = Employees who took part in training / Number of employees x100%

Breakdown for employees by gender = Number of male or female employees took part in training / Employees who took part in training x100%

Breakdown for employees by employee category = Number of senior management or middle management or general employees took part in training / Employees who took part intraining x100%6667

Legal Compliance

The operation of Beijing North Star is in compliance with laws and regulations. The laws and regulations that the Companyhas complied with include but not limited to the contents listed herein.The laws and regulations corresponding to the Environmental, Social and Governance ReportingGuide

Compliance of the CompanyA. EnvironmentalAspect A1: EmissionsEnvironmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of ChinaAtmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water PollutionLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollutionby Solid WastesLaw of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Pollution from EnvironmentalNoiseWater Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaIntegrated Emission Standard of Air PollutantsTechnical Guidelines for the Formulation of National Water Pollutant Discharge StandardsDirectory of National Hazardous WastesPollution Control Standard for Hazardous Waste StorageAir Pollution Control OrdinanceRegulation on Urban Drainage and Sewage TreatmentRegulation on the Administration of Ozone Depleting SubstancesWaste Disposal OrdinanceRegulation on the Administration of the Recovery and Disposal of Waste Electrical and ElectronicProductsBeijing Municipal Regulations on the Management of Municipal Solid WasteCatalogue of Disposable Products Not Allowed in Beijing HotelsEmission Standard of Air Pollutant Emitted from Catering IndustryRegulations of the Beijing Municipality on the Prevention and Control of Water PollutionIntegrated Discharge Standard of Water PollutantsMeasures of Beijing Municipality for Administration of Drainage LicenseMeasures of Beijing Municipality for Administration of Drainage and Water RecyclingMeasures of Beijing Municipality for Water

During the Reporting Period, the Company did

not violate any laws and regulations related to air

emissions, the discharges into water and land, the

generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste

and the control of noise listed in this chapter.

Aspect A2: Use of ResourcesLaw of the People's Republic of China on Promoting Clean ProductionCircular Economy Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic of China on Energy ConservationMeasures for the Management of Energy Conservation in Key Energy-using UnitsThe Energy Conservation Inspection Scheme

During the Reporting Period, the Company did not

violate any laws and regulations related to the use

of resources.Aspect A3: The Environment and Natural ResourcesLaw of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Impact AssessmentLand Administration Law of the People's Republic of ChinaSoil Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of ChinaWater and Soil Conservation Law of the People's Republic of ChinaRegulation on Environmental Impact Assessment of PlanningStandard for Green Building EvaluationGB/T50378-2019)Energy Saving Design Standard for Residential Buildings(DB11/891-2020)

During the Reporting Period, the Company did not

violate any laws and regulations related to the

environment and natural resources.B. SocialAspect B1: EmploymentLabour Law of the People's Republic of ChinaLabour Contract Law of the People's Republic of ChinaRegulation on the Implementation of the Employment Contract Law of the People's Republic ofChinaSocial Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of MinorsLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and InterestsLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Disabled PersonsRegulation on Paid Annual Leave for EmployeesRegulation on Public Holidays for National Annual Festivals and Memorial Days

During the Reporting Period, the Company did

not violate any laws and regulations related to

compensation and dismissal, recruitment and

promotion, working hours, rest periods, equal

opportunity, diversity, antidiscrimination, and other

benets and welfare listed in this chapter.

Aspect B2: Health and SafetyProduction Safety Law of the People's Republic of ChinaFire Protection Law of the People's Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational DiseasesLabour Insurance Regulations of the People's Republic of ChinaProvisions on the Supervision and Administration of Occupational Health at Work SitesRegulation on Work-Related Injury InsurancesRegulations of Beijing Municipality on Work Safety

During the Reporting Period, the Company did notviolate any laws and regulations on providing a safeworking environment and protecting employeesfrom occupational health listed in this chapter.Aspect B4: Labour StandardsProvisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labour

During the Reporting Period, the Company did notviolate any laws and regulations on preventing childand forced labour listed in this chapter. Aspect B6: Product ResponsibilityCivil Code of the People's Republic of ChinaConstruction Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaFood Safety Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaTrademark Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaImplementation Regulations of the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaTrademark Law TreatyWorld Intellectual Property Organization Copyright TreatyProduct Quality Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaLaw of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and InterestsUnited Nations Guidelines for Consumer ProtectionCopyright Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaStandardisation Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaLaw of the People’s Republic of China on Import and Export Product InspectionCybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaRegulations of the People’s Republic of China on Safety Protection of Computer InformationSystemsAdvertising Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaPatent Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaElectronic Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China Construction EnterprisesConstruction Enterprise Safety Production Management StandardProperty Management Services OrdinancePersonal Data (Privacy) OrdinanceProduct Environmental Responsibility OrdinanceSale of Goods OrdinanceConsumer Goods Safety OrdinanceTrade Descriptions OrdinanceBasic Requirements for the Graded Protection of Information Security Technology and NetworkSecurityRegulations on the Implementation of Internet Security Protection TechnologiesAdministrative Measures for Internet Information ServicesAdministrative Measures for the Security Protection of Computer Information Networks Linked tothe Internet

During the Reporting Period, the Company did notviolate any laws and regulations on health andsafety, advertising, labelling, privacy matters relatingto products and services provided and methods ofredress listed in this chapter.

Aspect B7: Anti-corruption

Company Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaCriminal Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaAnti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic of China on Bid Invitation and BiddingAnti-Money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of ChinaOversight Law of the People's Republic of China

During the Reporting Period, the Company didnot violate any laws and regulations on bribery,extortion, fraud and money laundering listed in thischapter.6869

SEHK ESG Reporting Guide Content Index

Subject Areas, Aspects, General Disclosures and KPIsLocations of Disclosureor RemarksA. EnvironmentalAspect A1: Emissions


Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have asignicant impact on the issuer relating to air and greenhousegas emissions, discharges into water and land, and generation ofhazardous and non-hazardous waste.

Green Development- Consolidating Management SystemLegal ComplianceKPI A1.1The types of emissions and respective emissions data.Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI A1.2Direct (Scope 1) and energy indirect (Scope 2) greenhouse gas

emissions (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. perunit of production volume, per facility).

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI A1.3Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate,

intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI A1.4Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where

appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, perfacility).

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI A1.5Description of emissions target(s) set and steps taken to achieve


Green Development- Carbon Peaking Action DeploymentKPI A1.6 Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are

handled, and a description of reduction target(s) set and stepstaken to achieve them.

Green Development- Promoting Clean ProductionAspect A2: Use of ResourcesGeneralDisclosure

Policies on the e?cient use of resources, including energy, waterand other raw materials.Note: Resources may be used in production, in storage,transportation, in buildings, electronic equipment, etc.

Green Development- Consolidating Management System

Green Development- Promoting Clean ProductionKPI A2.1Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity,

gas or oil) in total (kWh in ’000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit ofproduction volume, per facility).

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI A2.2Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production

volume, per facility).

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI A2.3Description of energy use e?ciency target(s) set and steps taken

to achieve them.

Green Development- Carbon Peaking Action DeploymentKPI A2.4Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing water that

is t for purpose, water e?ciency target(s) set and steps taken toachieve them.

Green Development- Optimising Water Conservation E?ortsKPI A2.5Total packaging material used for nished products (in tonnes) and,

if applicable, with reference to per unit produced.

Due to the nature of the Company’s business, matters relating

to packing materials are not applicable.Aspect A3: The Environment and Natural ResourcesGeneralDisclosure

Policies on minimising the issuer’s signicant impacts on theenvironment and natural

Green Development-Green Construction and OperationKPI A3.1Description of the signicant impacts of activities on the environment

and natural resources and the actions taken to manage them.

Green Development-Green Construction and Operation

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceAspect A4: Climate ChangeGeneral DisclosurePolicies on identication and mitigation of signicant climate-

related issues which have impacted, and those which may impact,the issuer.

Green Development- Carbon Peaking Action DeploymentKPI A4.1

Description of the signicant climate-related issues which haveimpacted, and those which may impact, the issuer, and the actionstaken to manage them.

Green Development- Carbon Peaking Action Deployment

B. SocialEmployment and Labour PracticesAspect B1: EmploymentGeneralDisclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have asignicant impact on the issuerrelating to compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion,working hours, rest periods, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other benets and welfare.

Harmonious Enterprise - Promoting Workforce DevelopmentLegal Compliance

KPI B1.1Total workforce by gender, employment type (for example, full- or

part-time), age group and geographical region.

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI B1.2Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and geographical


Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceAspect B2: Health and SafetyGeneralDisclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have asignicant impact on the issuerrelating to providing a safe working environment and protectingemployees from occupational hazards.

Outstanding Quality - Strengthening the Safety Defence

Harmonious Enterprise - Protecting Workers' HealthKPI B2.1Number and rate of work-related fatalities occurred in each of the

past three years including the reporting year.

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI B2.2Lost days due to work injury.Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI B2.3Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted,

and how they are implemented and monitored.

Harmonious Enterprise - Protecting Workers' HealthAspect B3: Development and TrainingGeneralDisclosure

Policies on improving employees' knowledge and skills fordischarging duties at work. Description of training activities.Note: Training refers to vocational training. It may include internaland external courses paid by the employer.

Harmonious Enterprise - Promoting Workforce DevelopmentKPI B3.1The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee

category (e.g. senior management, middle management).

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI B3.2The average training hours completed per employee by gender and

employee category.

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceAspect B4: Labour StandardsGeneralDisclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have asignicant impact on the issuer relating to preventing child andforced labour.

Harmonious Enterprise - Promoting Workforce DevelopmentKPI B4.1Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid

child and forced labour.

Harmonious Enterprise - Promoting Workforce DevelopmentKPI B4.2 Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when


Harmonious Enterprise - Promoting Workforce DevelopmentOperating PracticesAspect B5: Supply Chain ManagementGeneralDisclosure

Policies on managing environmental and social risks of the supplychain.

Stable Operation - Improving Sustainable Supply ChainKPI B5.1 Number of suppliers by geographical region.Stable Operation - Improving Sustainable Supply ChainKPI B5.2 Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of

suppliers where the practices are being implemented, and how theyare implemented and monitored.

Stable Operation - Improving Sustainable Supply ChainKPI B5.3 Description of practices used to identify environmental and social

risks along the supply chain, and how they are implemented andmonitored.

Stable Operation - Improving Sustainable Supply ChainKPI B5.4Description of practices used to promote environmentally preferable

products and services when selecting suppliers, and how they areimplemented and monitored.

Stable Operation - Improving Sustainable Supply Chain


Aspect B6: Product ResponsibilityGeneralDisclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have asignicant impact on the issuer relating to health and safety,advertising, labelling and privacy matters relating to products andservices provided and methods of redress.

Outstanding Quality - Ensuring the Quality and Hygiene ofFoodKPI B6.1 Percentage of total products sold or shipped subject to recalls for

safety and health reasons.

Due to the nature of the Company's business, this KPI doesnot apply to the Company.KPI B6.2 Number of products and service related complaints received and

how they are dealt with.

Outstanding Quality - Wholeheartedly Serving CustomersKPI B6.3Description of practices relating to observing and protecting

intellectual property rights.

Stable Operation - Protecting Intellectual Property RightKPI B6.4 Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures.Outstanding Quality - Creating Quality ProjectsKPI B6.5 Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, and

how they are implemented and monitored.

Quality - Wholeheartedly Serving CustomersAspect B7: Anti-corruptionGeneralDisclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have asignicant impact on the issuer relating to bribery, extortion, fraudand money laundering.

Stable Operation - Constructing Party Style and Integrity

Legal ComplianceKPI B7.1Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices

brought against the issuer or its employees during the reportingperiod and the outcomes of the cases.

Appendices-Comprehensive PerformanceKPI B7.2Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing

procedures, and how they are implemented and monitored.

Outstanding Quality - Wholeheartedly Serving CustomersKPI B7.3Description of anti-corruption training provided to directors and


Stable Operation - Constructing Party Style and Integrity

Appendices- Comprehensive PerformanceCommunityAspect B8: Community InvestmentGeneralDisclosure

Policies on community engagement to understand the needs of thecommunities where the issuer operates and to ensure its activitiestake into consideration the communities' interests.

“Mutual Benets” in SocietyKPI B8.1 Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental

concerns, labour needs, health, culture, sport).

“Mutual Benets” in SocietyKPI B8.2 Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area.“Mutual Benets” in Society

Appendices- Comprehensive Performance

Reader’s FeedbackDear Sir/Madam,Greetings!Thank you very much for reading the 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental, Social and GovernanceReport of Beijing North Star Company Limited. If you have any comments or suggestions on this Report, please kindlyll in the feedback form below and send it to us by mail, e-mail or fax. We would like to express our deep gratitude foryour valuable comments!

1. Which chapters do you think provide you with important information?

2. Could you please evaluate this Report from below the perspectives?

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3. What do you suggest for our next report?

4. Please contact us:

Address 8 East Beichen Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing100101 Postcode: 100101northstar@beijingns.com.cn E-Mail: northstar@beijingns.com.cnTel: +86 - 010 - 6499 1284Fax: +86 - 010 - 8497 6797

□ Preface

□ Stable Operation

□ “Mutual Benets” in Society

□ Outstanding Quality

□ Outlook

□ Green Development

□ Comprehensive Performance

□ Harmonious Enterprise

□ Legal Compliance

□ Company Overview□ Responsible Communication□ Company Awards

