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安道麦B:关于举办2023年年度网上业绩说明会的公告(英文) 下载公告

ADAMA Ltd.Announcement on 2023 Full-Year Performance

Online Roadshow

I. General Information and Meeting Time

ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) plans to announce 2023Annual Report on March 27

th, 2024 on the website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange(www.szse.cn) and designated media channels.

To enable investors better understand the Company’s business update for the fourthquarter and the full year of 2023, the Company plans to organize 2023 Full-YearPerformance Online Roadshow at 16:00-17:30 Beijing Time on March 27


, 2024(Wednesday).

II. Meeting LanguageThe online roadshow will be conducted in English with simultaneous translationinto Chinese. Investors could select Chinese or English channels according to theirneeds.

III. Company ParticipantsMr. Steve Hawkins, President and CEO of the Company; Ms. Efrat Nagar, theCFO; Mr. Ge Ming and Mr. Yang Guangfu, independent directors; Mr. Guo Zhi, BoardSecretary and Ms. Rivka Neufeld, Global Head of Investor Relations will attend themeeting.

IV. Online LinksThe online roadshow will be broadcast live on both TongHuaShun Roadshowplatform and Roadshowing.com. Investors could join the meeting via the followingmeans,Option 1: TongHuaShun App and Webpage https://board.10jqka.com.cn/irOption 2: Join the meeting through the webpage below (Chrome, Firefox, Safariand Browser 360 are recommended).https://www.roadshowing.com/roadshowing/info.html?id=92664&zh_choose_dly=enOption 3: Scan the QR code below with Wechat App.

V. Interaction with InvestorsThe online roadshow will consist of presentation and Q&A session. Investors arewelcome to send their questions through emails (email address: irchina@adama.com)or call the Company (Tel: 010-56718110) before 12:00 March 27

th, 2024 or raisequestions on-line during the meeting. The Company will respond to the questions thatare widely interesting to investors.

It is hereby announced.

Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd.

March 20

th, 2024
