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海尔智家:2023年第三季度报告(英文版) 下载公告

Stock Code: 600690 Short Name: Haier Smart Home

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.2023 Third Quarter Report

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportThe Board of Directors (the “Board”) and the Directors of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby

assure that this announcement is free from any false record, misleading representation or material omission and are

legally responsible for the trueness, accuracy and completeness of the content set out herein.

Important Notice:

The board of directors (the “Board”), the board of supervisors, directors, supervisors, and senior management ofthe Company hereby assure that the content set out in the quarterly report is true, accurate and complete, and free fromany false record, misleading representation or material omission, and are individually and collectively responsible forthe content set out therein.

The legal representative of the Company, chief financial officer of the Company and person in charge of accountingdepartment hereby certify that the financial information set out in the quarterly report is true, accurate and complete.

Whether the third quarterly report has been audited or not

□Yes √No

I. Key Financial Information(I) Major accounting data and financial indicators

Unit and Currency: RMB


During theReporting


For the correspondingperiod of last year


during theReporting Period


From thebeginning ofthe year to the

end of the



For the corresponding period

of last year

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report


increase/decreasefrom the beginning

of the year to theend of theReporting Period





Afteradjustment After adjustmentOperating revenue




6.12 198,657,302,554.72




Year-on-yearNet profit attributable

to shareholders ofthe listed





12.92 13,149,219,372.62 11,665,606,491.29 11,666,014,116.96 12.71

deduction of non-recurring profit orloss attributableto shareholders of the

listed Company




10.35 12,720,744,689.60 11,221,252,182.63 11,221,252,182.63 13.36


N/A N/A N/A N/A 13,203,115,800.79 11,205,073,837.77 11,251,205,835.72 17.35

Net cash flow from
Basic earnings per

share (RMB pershare)

0.44 0.40 0.40 10.00 1.41 1.25 1.25 12.80

share (RMB per


0.45 0.39 0.39 15.38 1.41 1.24 1.24 13.71Weighted average

return on netassets (%)

4.16 3.91 3.91

increased 0.25percentage point

13.32 13.15 13.14

increased 0.18

percentage point

At the end of the Reporting


At the end of last year

Increase/decrease at the end ofthe Reporting Period compared to

the end of last year (%)Before adjustment After adjustment After adjustmentTotal assets

245,891,519,568.64 235,842,254,826.77 235,938,042,474.57 4.22

attributable toshareholders ofthe listedCompany

100,316,122,311.76 93,422,647,664.43 93,454,454,213.67 7.34

Note: “Reporting Period” refers to the three-month period commencing from the beginning of this quarter to the end

of this quarter.

Reasons for retrospective adjustment or restatement:

In the first quarter of 2023, the Company completed the acquisition of the equity in Shanghai Haier Smart TechnologyCo., Limited (上海海爾智能科技有限公司). The transaction was accounted for as a business combination undercommon control in accordance with relevant accounting standards in the consolidated financial statements andaccordingly, the comparative figures for the corresponding period were adjusted and restated.

During the reporting period, the Company leveraged its diverse range of brands to capitalize on growth opportunitiesacross various market segments. It gained market share in overseas markets through its high-end brand strategy and theexpansion of distribution networks. The Company prioritized end-to-end digitalization to enhance operational efficiency.During the reporting period, the Company’s revenue steadily increased, and profitability continued to improve.

Key Performance Indicators

I. Revenue and profit

In the first three quarters of 2023, the Company achieved revenue of RMB 198.657 billion, net profit attributable to theowners of the parent company of RMB 13.149 billion, and net profit attributable to owners of the parent company afterdeduction of non-recurring profit or loss of RMB 12.721 billion, representing growth of 7.5%, 12.7% and 13.4%respectively as compared to the corresponding period of 2022.

In the third quarter alone, the Company realized revenue of RMB 67.030 billion, net profit attributable to the owners ofthe parent company of RMB 4.185 billion, and net profit attributable to owners of the parent company after deductionof non-recurring profit or loss of RMB 4.117 billion, representing an increase of 6.1%, 12.9% and 10.4% respectivelyas compared to the corresponding period of 2022.

(I) Smart Home Business in China

In the third quarter, the Company continues to grow market share in refrigerators, washing machines and water heater& purifier, while maintaining solid performance in air conditioners, smart buildings, and kitchen appliances.

The refrigerator business led the industry in the integration of home appliance with furnishing by launching F+ and550L series of flat built-in refrigerators, along with the seamless 603 built-in series, all of which helped grow high-endsales revenue. The washing machine business accelerated retail transformation to boost operation efficiency.Casarte's Zhongzi (中子) F2 washer-dryer combo and Gemini T5 (T5双子分区洗) washer were introduced to createinnovative laundry experience with flat built-in designs. Water heater and purifier business developed leadingproduct platform with cutting-edge technologies such as electric crystal tanks, hybrid gas heating, and zinc-strontiummineral water purification. It also implemented digital management across the entire product life cycle to increase theoutput of individual model.

The kitchen appliance business launched Nebula (星雲) and Tranquility (致境) set to enhance Casarte's product lineup.It also developed partnerships from cabinet and home improvement industries, and accelerated e-commerce revenuegrowth by expanding offerings online. The residential air conditioning business underwent transformations in R&D,distribution network, retail capability, supply chain cost management and organizational efficiency to improve users’and distributors’ recognition and realized solid growth. Leveraging advantages in Heating Ventilation and AirConditioning(HVAC) industry, the smart building business developed growth opportunities in heat pump and smartbuilding management. In order to develop its one-stop low-carbon energy solutions business, the Company completedthe acquisition of Tongfang Energy Technology Development Company in September 2023, whose technical expertiseand experience in heat supply solutions could enhance the Company's integrated heating and cooling services, cleanenergy and waste heat recovery solutions.

SAN YI NIAO focused on improving its design and delivery capabilities. By providing online design tools for homeappliance product suites and introducing "Delivery on Wings" scenario delivery tool, it improved user experience during

transaction, interaction, design, and delivery process, which drove the sales of home appliance product suites withenhanced user value.

(II) Overseas home appliances and smart home businesses

During the reporting period, the Company strengthened its high-end brand strategy and achieved steady growth throughenhancing brand images, launching best-selling products, and pursuing opportunities in new categories.

In the North American region, the Company continues to expand its innovation leadership by launching new, high-end products such as a multi-door refrigerator with an internal water dispenser and the next-generation stainless steeldishwasher with Microban? Antimicrobial Technology and Smart Assist features. The Company also introducedClearView

TMSmart Ultra Quiet window air conditioner, RV air conditioner, ducted units, and a variety of commercialair conditioners, expanding the AIR and Water unit to unlock new business opportunities. At the same time, cross-functional teams continue to collaborate and aspire to be best in class on order-to-cash processes and operationefficiencies, which in return could better serve our customers and consumers. The company's innovative vitality earnedit a spot in Fortune Magazine's "Best Places to Work in Manufacturing and Production" and Fast Company's "BestPlaces to Work for Innovators" during the reporting period.

In the European market, the Company continued to pursue brand premiumization: Haier brand launched new range ofhigh-end built-in products and raise its price index to 115. The Company also unveiled New Candy series at IFA Berlinin September 2023. This lineup featured high-end products including Fresco smart refrigerator and Rapidò dishwasher,both with class A energy efficiency grade, along with a new range of smart ovens. The Company also made efforts toraise its profile by becoming the official partner of the prestigious Roland-Garros Tournament and the ATP (Associationof Tennis Professionals)Tour.

II. Gross Profit Margin

The gross profit margin in the first three quarters of 2023 reached 30.7%, up 0.2 percentage points compared to the sameperiod in 2022. Of which, the domestic market recorded a year-on-year increase in gross profit margin, driven by lowercommodity prices, digitalization in procurement and R&D, a digitalized production and sales coordination system, andan increased proportion of in-house manufacturing. In overseas markets, while ongoing product mix optimization andincreased production capacity utilization had positive impacts on gross margins, they were offset by intensifiedcompetition in major regional markets. Overseas gross profit margin in the first three quarters declined year-on-year asa result, but as high-cost inventory was being cleared, the gross profit margin for the third quarter has shown a year-on-year increase.

III. Operating Expenses Ratio

1. The selling expense ratio in the first three quarters of 2023 was 14.7%, an improvement of 0.2 percentage points

compared to the same period in 2022. In the domestic market, the implementation of digitalization improved efficiencyin marketing resource allocation, logistics distribution, and warehousing operations, resulting in a year-on-yearimprovement in the selling expense ratio. On the other hand, overseas markets experienced intensified competition,which demanded increased spending on expanding retail channels, promoting new product launches, and enhancingstore appearance, resulting in a higher selling expense ratio year-on-year.

2. The administrative expense ratio in the first three quarters of 2023 was 4.1%, representing an improvement of 0.1

percentage points compared to the same period in 2022. In particular, the domestic market reduced the expense ratioyear-on-year through adopting digital tools to streamline business processes and enhance organizational efficiency,whereas the overseas market increased investment in information technology, leading to a rise in its expense ratio year-on-year.

3. The research and development expense ratio in the first three quarters of 2023 was 4.1%, largely unchanged compared

to the same period in 2022. The research and development expense was primarily dedicated for strengthening the

Company’s core capabilities in smart home technologies, driving product innovation across various industries, andadvancing the digital platforms of the SAN YI NIAO scenario brand.

4. The financial expense ratio in the first three quarters of 2023 was -0.1% (“+” as expenses, “-” as income), representing

a deterioration of 0.3 percentage points compared to the same period in 2022. The deterioration was mainly due to theadditional interest expenses incurred overseas as a result of interest rate hikes, which offset the Company's higher interestincome achieved through improved capital management efficiency.

IV. Working Capital

1. Trade and bill receivable turnover days

The trade and bill receivable turnover days for the first three quarters of 2023 was 40 days, a decrease of 0.1 dayscompared to the end of 2022, hence remained largely unchanged.

2. Inventory turnover days

The inventory turnover for the first three quarters of 2023 was 84.2 days, a decrease of 4.6 days compared to the end of2022. The improvement was mainly due to effective inventory management and optimized stock levels.

3. Trade and bill payable turnover days

The trade and bill payable turnover days for the first three quarters of 2023 was 142 days, a decrease of 3 days comparedto the end of 2022.

V. Cash Flow Analysis

1. Net cash inflow from operating activities in the first three quarters of 2023 amounted to RMB 13.203 billion, an

increase of RMB 1.952 billion compared to the corresponding period in 2022. The growth was mainly driven byincreased operating profit and enhanced operational efficiency in the current period.

2. Net cash outflow from investing activities in the first three quarters of 2023 amounted to RMB 8.820 billion, an

increase of RMB 1.558 billion compared to the corresponding period in 2022. This was mainly due to an increase incash payments for the purchase of long-term fixed deposits, acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets during the current period.

3. Net cash outflow from financing activities in the first three quarters of 2023 amounted to RMB 6.778 billion, an

increase of RMB 3.582 billion compared to the corresponding period in 2022. This was mainly due to the decrease innet new borrowings and the increase in cash payments for dividend distribution, profits, or interest payments during thecurrent period.

VI. Capital Expenditure

The Company assesses its capital expenditure and investments in each segment in China and overseas from time to time.The capital expenditure in the first three quarters of 2023 amounted to RMB 6.077 billion, of which RMB 2.773 billionand RMB 3.304 billion were used in China and overseas respectively, primarily for plants and equipment constructionand digital infrastructure.

VII. Asset-liability Ratio

At the end of the third quarter in 2023, the Company’s asset-liability ratio was 58.7%, down 1.1 percentage pointscompared to the end of 2022, which was mainly due to the growth in net profits which increased total assets.

(II) Non-recurring profit or loss items and amounts

Unit and Currency: RMB


Amounts in the Reporting


Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportAmounts from the beginning of

the year to the end of the

Reporting Period
Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets-37,360,907.54-59,247,886.50
Government grants included in current profit or loss, except that

closely related to the normal operating business, complied withrequirements of the national policies, continued to be granted with

101,958,624.64 511,822,015.11

the amount and quantity determined under certain standards
Profit or loss on the changes in fair value generated from financial

assets held for trading, derivative financial assets, financialliabilities held for trading and derivative financial liabilities, and theinvestment income received from disposal of financial assets heldfor trading, derivative financial assets, financial liabilities held fortrading, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investment,other than the effective hedging business relating to the ordinary

12,856,545.75 44,128,108.10

operating business of the Company
Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above items

3,124,957.85 33,786,152.11

Less: amount of effect on income tax8,638,212.1886,301,377.20
Amount of effect on minority interests (after tax)3,364,560.7615,712,328.60

Description on categorizing the non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the Interpretative Announcement No. 1of the Information Disclosure of the Companies Public Offering Securities — Non-recurring Profit or Loss (公開發行證券的公司信息披露解釋性公告第 1 號—非經常性損益) as recurring profit or loss item

□Applicable √Not Applicable

(III) Changes in major accounting data and financial indicators and reasons

□Applicable √Not Applicable


(I) Total number of ordinary shareholders and the number of preferential shareholders with restored voting rights and

the shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders

Unit: share

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportTotal number of ordinary

shareholders as of the end of the

Reporting Period


restored voting rights as of the end of the Reporting

Period (if any)


Name of shareholders

Nature ofshareholders

Number ofshares held

Percentage ofshareholdings(%)

Number ofshares heldsubject totradingmoratorium

Pledged, marked or

frozenStatus Number

Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholdersHKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED(Note)

Unknown 2,230,824,134 23.64 UnknownHaier COSMO Co., Ltd.

Domestic non-


1,258,684,824 13.34 NilHaier Group Corporation

legal entity
Domestic non-


1,072,610,764 11.36

legal entityNil

Unknown 643,247,192 6.82

Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company LimitedNil

538,560,000 5.71

China Securities Finance Corporation Limited

Unknown 182,592,654 1.93

Qingdao Haier Venture &Investment Information Co., Ltd.

Domestic non-


172,252,560 1.83

legal entityNil

Management Consulting Enterprise

(Limited Partnership)Domestic non-


133,791,058 1.42

legal entityNil

Unknown 83,823,993 0.89 Unknown

National Social Security Fund Portfolio 113

Unknown 61,298,139 0.65 Nil

Name of shareholders

Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders not subject to trading moratorium
Number of listed shares not

subject to trading moratorium

heldClass and number of shares


HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED2,230,824,134Overseas listed foreign shares2,230,824,134
Haier COSMO Co., Ltd.1,258,684,824RMB ordinary shares1,258,684,824
Haier Group Corporation1,072,610,764RMB ordinary shares1,072,610,764
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited

643,247,192 RMB ordinary shares 643,247,192

538,560,000 Overseas listed foreign shares 538,560,000

China Securities Finance Corporation Limited

182,592,654 RMB ordinary shares 182,592,654

172,252,560 RMB ordinary shares 172,252,560

Qingdao Haier Venture & Investment Information Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haichuangzhi Management

Consulting Enterprise (Limited

133,791,058 RMB ordinary shares 133,791,058

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report


83,823,993 Overseas listed foreign shares 83,823,993

National Social Security Fund Portfolio 113

61,298,139 RMB ordinary shares 61,298,139

concert among the above shareholders

Explanation of associations or actions in(1) Haier COSMO Co., Ltd. is a holding subsidiary of Haier Group Corporation. Haier

Group Corporation holds 51.20% of its equity. Each of Qingdao Haier Venture &Investment Information Co., Ltd., HCH (HK) INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO.,LIMITED and Qingdao Haichuangzhi Management Consulting Enterprise (LimitedPartnership) is a party acting in concert with Haier Group Corporation;

(2) The Company is not aware of the existence of any associations of other shareholders.
Explanation of the top 10 shareholders and

the top 10 shareholders not subject totrading moratorium engaging in themargin trading and short selling and


Note: (1) HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED is the collective nominee account for the shareholders of H shares of theCompany, which is the original data provided by China Hong Kong securities registration agency to the Company afterconsolidation of figures according to local market practices and technical settings, not representing the ultimateshareholder; (2)As of the end of the reporting period, the Company’s repurchase account held a total of 102,298,195shares.

IX. Miscellaneous

Other significant information regarding the Company’s operations during the Reporting Period should be broughtto the attention of investors

√ Applicable □Not Applicable

(1) External guarantees: As at the end of the Reporting Period, the external guarantees provided by the Company

and its subsidiaries were guarantees between the Company and its subsidiaries, the total balance of whichamounted to RMB13.427 billion, accounting for 13.4% of the Company’s latest net assets and 5.5% of the latesttotal assets.

(2) Foreign exchange derivative: As at the end of the Reporting Period, the aggregate balance of the Company’s

foreign exchange derivative transaction amounted to approximately US$1.363 billion.

(3) Entrusted wealth management: As at the end of the Reporting Period, the balance of the Company’s entrusted

wealth management amounted to RMB1.429 billion, including two parts: ①Temporary-idle funds wealthmanagement by certain subsidiaries of the Company: Under the premise of ensuring sufficient capital for theprincipal operating activities and daily operations, some subsidiaries of the Company purchased some short-term principal-guaranteed wealth management products and structured deposits from major commercial banksto improve the yield of temporarily-idle funds and the return for shareholders within the authority of the generalmanager’s office meeting and under the condition of ensuring fund safety. As at the end of the Reporting Period,the balance of the entrusted wealth management amounted to RMB1.414 billion; ②Idle funds in the assetmanagement account of the Employee Stock Ownership Plans: the asset management institution purchased cashproducts such as money funds according to the liquidity of the products with some idle funds in the asset

management accounts of the Employee Stock Ownership Plans of the Company. The balance of cash assetsamounted to RMB15 million.

(4) Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Share Option Incentive Scheme:

A. Progress of Employee Stock Ownership Plans:

① Completion of shares pool building of the A-share and H-share Employee Stock Ownership Plans

(2023): The Company introduced the H-share Core Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Haier Smart Home Co.,Ltd. for year 2023 (Draft) (“2023 H-share ESOP”), A-share Core Employee Stock Ownership Plan of HaierSmart Home Co., Ltd. for year 2023 (Draft) (“2023 A-share ESOP”) upon the approval by the 2022 AnnualGeneral Meeting convened on 26 June 2023. During the Reporting Period, the Company completed opening ofaccounts, and shares pool building and other related work of the A-share and H-share ESOPs for year 2023. Fordetails, please refer to the Announcement of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. on the Completion of the Non-tradingTransfer of Shares for the 2023 A-share Core Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Announcement of HaierSmart Home Co., Ltd. on the Completion of Share Purchase under the 2023 H-share Core Employee StockOwnership Plan disclosed on 19 July 2023 and 26 July 2023 respectively.

② Vesting of the 2021/2022 A-share/H-share ESOPs: According to relevant arrangement of the 2021 Plan

under the A-share Core Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. (2021-2025) (Draft)(“2021 A-share ESOP”), the 2021 Plan under the H-share Core Employee Stock Ownership Plan of Haier SmartHome Co., Ltd. (2021-2025) (Draft) (“2021 H-share ESOP”), 2022 A-share Core Employee Stock OwnershipPlan of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. (Draft) And Its Summary(“2022 A-share ESOP”) and 2022 H-share CoreEmployee Stock Ownership Plan of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. (Draft) And Its Summary ( ‘‘2022 H-shareESOP’’), during the Reporting Period, the Company has completed relevant vesting of interests in theabovementioned Employee Stock Ownership Plans:

1) 1,417 participants under the 2021 A-share ESOP vested 8,572,937 shares (and the dividends received in

respect of corresponding shares) in accordance with the 2022 annual results and the results of their individualappraisals.The Company has processed the transfer of the relevant shares at the China Securities Depositoryand Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch on 28 July 2023 in accordance with the abovementionedresolution; and 27 participants under the 2021 H-share ESOP vested 834,283 shares in accordance with the2022 annual results and the results of their individual appraisals. The Industrial Securities Asset ManagementCo., Ltd., the asset management authority, will dispose of H shares held by the Industrial Securities AssetManagement Xinzhong Haier Smart Home No. 6 Employee Stock Ownership Single Asset Management Planin due course based on the aforesaid resolution, and allocate cash to the participants after taking into accountthe dividends received in respect of H-share Stock Ownership Plan.

2) 2,122 participants under the 2022 A-share ESOP vested 6,281,446 shares (and the dividends received in

respect of corresponding shares) in accordance with the 2022 annual results and the results of their individual

appraisals. The Company has processed the transfer of the relevant shares at the China Securities Depositoryand Clearing Corporation Limited Shanghai Branch on 28 July 2023 in accordance with the resolution; and 31participants under the 2022 H-share ESOP vested 635,116 shares in accordance with the 2022 annual resultsand the results of their individual appraisals. The Industrial Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd., the assetmanagement authority, will dispose of H shares held by the Industrial Securities Asset Management XinzhongHaier Smart Home No. 8 Employee Stock Ownership Single Asset Management Plan in due course based onthe aforesaid resolution, and allocate cash to the participants after taking into account the dividends received inrespect of 2022 H-share ESOP.

Please refer to the announcement on Vesting of Interests in Core Employee Stock Ownership Plans of HaierSmart Home Co., Ltd. disclosed by the Company on 1 August 2023 for details.

B. Progress of Share Option Incentive Scheme: During the Reporting Period, since there was no suitableexercise window period during the exercise period, the Company cancelled the 9,047,052 share options grantedbut not yet exercised for the First Exercise Period of the 2021 A Share Option Incentive Scheme. For details,pleaserefer to the announcement on Cancellation of Certain Share Options Granted under The First Grant of the 2021A Share Option Incentive Schemeof Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. disclosed by the Company on 31 August 2023.

(5) A-share repurchases: On 27 April 2023, the Company convened the 5th meeting of the 11th session of the

Board, which considered and approved the Resolution in Relation to the Repurchase Plan of a Portion of PublicA Shares of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. It allowed the Company to use its own funds to repurchase a portionof A shares of the Company by way of centralised bidding. The repurchase price is no more than RMB32 pershare and the proposed total repurchase amount is no more than RMB3.0 billion and no less than RMB1.5billion. The period of this repurchase is within 12 months from the date the Board considered and approved theresolution of repurchase of shares. As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Company had repurchased a totalof 40,409,552 shares cumulatively. The highest price purchased was RMB

24.50 per share and the lowest price

was RMB

21.20 per share, and the amount paid was RMB 921,834,098.71. For details, please refer to the

relevant announcements on monthly progress.

X. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Type of Audit Opinion

□Applicable √Not Applicable

(II) Financial Statements


30 September 2023

Prepared by: Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.

Unit and Currency: RMB Type of Audit: Unaudited

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportItems

Items30 September 202331 December 2022
Current assets:
Cash at bank and on hand52,149,043,095.5854,161,702,227.39
Provision of settlement fund
Funds lent
Financial assets held for trading655,399,475.14519,912,880.91
Derivative financial assets118,921,442.40183,185,160.51
Bills receivable9,872,653,157.839,624,191,838.15
Accounts receivable20,988,684,344.6615,886,628,623.99
Financing receivables
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance accounts receivable
Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
Other receivables2,692,399,503.202,401,113,902.55
Including: Interest receivable703,024,332.29513,320,376.79
Dividend receivable
Financial assets purchased under resale agreements
Contract assets383,331,581.77309,930,359.25
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets due in one year
Other current assets3,983,623,386.994,692,946,083.94
Total current assets132,048,920,430.21130,476,511,727.63
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances granted
Debt investments5,392,907,777.791,034,222,222.22
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables296,049,530.76305,070,001.45
Long-term equity investments25,573,733,032.0224,527,800,290.84
Investments in other equity instruments5,895,406,084.845,851,882,930.20
Other non-current financial assets
Investment properties25,072,877.4925,678,492.57
Fixed assets27,187,829,964.5727,158,348,424.28
Construction in progress5,328,977,842.974,094,684,500.49
Biological assets for production
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets4,186,902,136.313,795,225,353.89
Intangible assets10,425,557,357.9210,505,881,377.21
Development cost323,254,440.21154,480,515.67
Long-term prepaid expenses816,573,998.81759,883,174.20
Deferred income tax assets1,348,605,293.511,724,040,928.42
Other non-current assets2,630,181,404.071,880,736,891.63
Total non-current assets113,842,599,138.43105,461,530,746.94
Total assets245,891,519,568.64235,938,042,474.57
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings10,763,160,153.289,672,223,522.36
Borrowings from central bank
Due to banks and other financial institutions

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportFinancial liabilities held for trading

Financial liabilities held for trading
Derivative financial liabilities241,973,628.07104,594,040.66
Bills payable21,858,644,885.7925,098,557,730.06
Accounts payable48,467,998,901.3141,878,607,182.94
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities5,631,230,489.759,352,719,895.49
Disposal of repurchased financial assets
Absorbing deposit and deposit in inter-bank market
Customer deposits for trading in securities
Amounts due to issuer for securities underwriting
Payables for staff's remuneration3,951,282,865.274,050,464,754.37
Taxes payable3,399,449,039.452,876,221,892.91
Other payables18,555,303,917.9117,517,838,565.99
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable2,570,182.191,246,573.35
Fees and commissions payable
Reinsurance Accounts payables
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year5,186,064,220.466,294,750,667.08
Other current liabilities1,334,441,892.791,850,426,115.79
Total current liabilities119,389,549,994.08118,696,404,367.65
Non-current liabilities:
Deposits for insurance contracts
Long-term borrowings15,749,290,256.5313,590,866,873.43
Bonds payable
Including: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities3,149,065,414.342,824,477,670.61
Long-term payables42,943,227.9844,240,087.94
Long-term payables for staff’s remuneration1,077,284,824.011,010,547,202.34
Estimated liabilities1,726,118,732.861,611,029,220.17
Deferred income996,528,379.72948,935,134.05
Deferred income tax liabilities2,035,893,506.322,358,860,559.19
Other non-current liabilities75,575,357.70107,332,101.07
Total non-current liabilities24,852,699,699.4622,496,288,848.80
Total liabilities144,242,249,693.54141,192,693,216.45
Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity):
Paid-in capital (or share capital)9,438,114,893.009,446,598,493.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve23,562,143,231.6623,877,037,324.76
Less: treasury stock4,553,720,965.583,857,807,196.38
Other comprehensive income1,951,545,285.981,990,683,498.45
Special reserve
Surplus reserve4,014,190,623.244,014,190,623.24
General risk provisions
Undistributed profits65,903,849,243.4657,983,751,470.60
Total equity attributable to owners (or shareholders) of the Parent Company

100,316,122,311.76 93,454,454,213.67

Minority shareholders' interests1,333,147,563.341,290,895,044.45
Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)101,649,269,875.1094,745,349,258.12
Total liabilities and owners' equity (or shareholders' equity)

245,891,519,568.64 235,938,042,474.57

Person in charge of the Company: Li HuagangPerson in charge of accounting function: Gong WeiPerson in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke


January-September 2023

Prepared by: Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.

Unit and Currency: RMB Type of Audit: UnauditedItems

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report2023 First Three Quarters (January-


2023 First Three Quarters (January-September)2022 First Three Quarters (January-September)

. Total operating revenue198,657,302,554.72184,805,729,760.46
Including: Operating revenue198,657,302,554.72184,805,729,760.46
Interest income
Insurance premiums earned
Fee and commission income

. Total cost of operations183,707,103,344.05171,114,261,138.74
Including: Operating cost137,641,968,047.96128,460,970,570.71
Interest expenses
Fee and commission expenses
Insurance withdrawal payment
Net payment from indemnity
Net provisions withdrew for insurance liability
Insurance policy dividend paid
Reinsurance cost
Taxes and surcharges790,994,726.49586,687,120.75
Selling expenses29,162,157,971.2327,496,582,667.90
Administrative expenses8,173,689,854.927,737,134,814.56
R&D expenses8,045,226,490.597,457,643,453.87
Financial expenses-106,933,747.14-624,757,489.05
Including: Interest expenses1,299,143,491.19611,534,472.31
Interest income1,016,337,422.83585,980,598.72
Add: other income957,495,102.11774,183,800.84
Investment income (losses are represented by “-”)

1,509,697,795.34 1,510,411,067.36

associates and joint


1,454,801,107.61 1,243,888,650.43

derecognition of financialassets measured at

amortized cost
Exchange gain (losses are represented by “-”)
Gains on net exposure hedges (losses are represented by “-”)
Income from change in fair value (losses are represented by “-”)

44,128,108.10 -272,599,270.19

-234,856,312.60 -328,043,205.17

Loss on credit impairment (losses are represented by “-”)
Loss on assets impairment (losses are represented by “-”)

-992,791,090.99 -916,823,397.27

-23,918,221.44 36,559,385.16Ⅲ

Gain from disposal of assets (losses are represented by “-”)
. Operating profit (losses are represented by “-”)

16,209,954,591.19 14,495,157,002.45

Add: non-operating income94,519,677.46104,517,017.41
Less: non-operating expenses70,149,764.6797,149,423.40

16,234,324,503.98 14,502,524,596.46

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportLess: income tax expense

Less: income tax expense2,969,531,548.872,788,552,313.47

13,264,792,955.11 11,713,972,282.99

. Net profit (net losses are represented by “-”)
(I) Classification by continuous operation
1. Net profit from continuous

operation (net losses are

13,264,792,955.11 11,713,972,282.99

represented by “-”)
2. Net profit from discontinued

operation (net losses are

represented by “-”)
(II) Classification by ownership of the equity
1. Net profit attributable to

shareholders of the ParentCompany (net losses are

13,149,219,372.62 11,666,014,116.96

represented by “-”)
2. Profit or loss attributable to

minority shareholders (net losses

115,573,582.49 47,958,166.03

are represented by “-”)
VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax

-56,511,839.48 4,664,174,077.37

attributable to shareholders of the

Parent Company, net of tax

-39,138,212.47 4,665,280,503.20

cannot be reclassified into the profit

or loss

32,540,115.16 -115,981,350.82

measurement of defined benefit


29,881,992.24 9,178,508.68

cannot be transferred into profit

or loss under equity method
(3) Changes in fair value of

investments in other equity

2,658,122.92 -125,159,859.50

(4) Changes in fair value of credit risks of the enterprise
2. Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into the profit or loss

-71,678,327.63 4,781,261,854.02

can be transferred into profit or

loss under equity method

37,530,301.28 254,600,418.32

(2) Changes in fair value of other debt investments
(3) Reclassified financial assets that

are credited to other

comprehensive income
(4) Credit impairment provision for other debt investments
(5) Reserve for cash flow hedging-86,059,409.9317,514,162.27
(6) Exchange differences on

translation of financialstatements denominated in

-23,149,218.98 4,509,147,273.43

foreign currencies
(7) Others
(II) Other comprehensive income

attributable to minority

-17,373,627.01 -1,106,425.83Ⅶ

shareholders, net of tax
. Total comprehensive income13,208,281,115.6316,378,146,360.36

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report(I) Total comprehensive income

attributable to the owners of Parent


13,110,081,160.15 16,331,294,620.16

attributable to the minority


98,199,955.48 46,851,740.20Ⅷ

. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)1.411.25
(II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)

1.41 1.24

For the business combinations under common control in the Period, the net profit of the parties consolidated beforeconsolidation was: RMB0 and the net profit of the parties consolidated in the Previous Period was: RMB2,513,646.83.

Person in charge of the Company: Li HuagangPerson in charge of accounting function: Gong WeiPerson in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke


January-September 2023

Prepared by: Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.

Unit and Currency: RMB Type of Audit: UnauditedItems

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report2023 First Three Quarters(January-September)

2023 First Three Quarters (January-September)2022 First Three Quarters (January-September)
I. Cash flow from operating activities:
Cash received from the sale of goods and rendering services

203,111,682,434.09 193,114,786,705.82

Net increase in customer and inter-bank deposits
Net increase in borrowing from the central bank
Net cash increase in borrowing from other financial institutes
Cash received from premiums under original insurance contract
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase in deposits of policy holders and investment
Cash received from interest, fee and commissions
Net increase in placement from banks and other financial institutions
Net increase in cash received from repurchase operation
Net cash received from customer deposits for trading in securities
Refunds of taxes1,592,712,720.251,659,533,532.74
Cash received from other related operating activities

1,947,260,415.66 1,894,756,160.51

206,651,655,570.00 196,669,076,399.07

Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities
Cash paid on purchase of goods and services139,220,961,509.89137,907,042,315.68
Net increase in loans and advances of customers
Net increase in deposits in the PBOC and inter-bank
Cash paid for compensation payments under original insurance contract
Net increase in cash lent
Cash paid for interest, bank charges and commissions
Cash paid for insurance policy dividend
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees22,058,533,655.3620,344,467,172.76
Cash paid for all types of taxes11,353,547,783.407,943,334,456.21
Cash paid to other operation related activities20,815,496,820.5619,223,026,618.70
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities

193,448,539,769.21 185,417,870,563.35

Net cash flow from operating activities13,203,115,800.7911,251,205,835.72
II. Cash flow from investing activities:
Cash received from recovery of investments7,466,623,875.738,170,465,135.63
Cash received from return on investments544,680,041.95483,988,185.56
Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets

138,419,460.35 224,933,210.37

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating entities2,000,000.00
Other cash received from investment activities15,367,464.03
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities

8,167,090,842.06 8,879,386,531.56

6,077,149,145.91 5,638,070,348.20

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportCash paid for investments

Cash paid for investments10,902,579,532.6610,460,443,361.49
Net increase in secured loans
Net cash paid on acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating entities


Other cash paid on investment activities6,922,378.31
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities

16,986,651,056.88 16,141,222,834.69

Net cash flow from investing activities-8,819,560,214.82-7,261,836,303.13
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
Cash received from capital contributions60,000.00988,339,004.94
Including: Cash received from capital contributions by minority shareholders of subsidiaries
Cash received from borrowings15,259,427,874.4010,855,224,965.32
Other cash received from financing activities1,027,793.89
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities15,259,487,874.4011,844,591,764.15
Cash paid on repayment of loans13,273,710,393.097,596,630,273.11
Cash paid on distribution of dividends, profits or repayment of interest expenses

6,639,753,139.84 4,922,724,682.05

Including: Dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries
Other cash paid to financing activities2,123,612,826.132,521,143,250.83
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities

22,037,076,359.06 15,040,498,205.99

Net cash flow from financing activities-6,777,588,484.66-3,195,906,441.84
IV. Effect of fluctuations in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents

586,947,530.02 587,737,106.90

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-1,807,085,368.671,381,200,197.65
Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period

53,391,699,929.49 45,204,217,909.49

51,584,614,560.82 46,585,418,107.14

Person in charge of the Company: Li HuagangPerson in charge of accounting function: Gong WeiPerson in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke


30 September 2023Prepared by: Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.

Unit and Currency: RMB Type of Audit: Unaudited

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportItems

Items30 September 202331 December 2022
Current Assets:
Monetary funds10,580,713,772.205,747,356,591.19
Financial assets held for trading
Derivative financial assets
Bills receivable
Accounts receivable1,464,066,232.59913,643,071.06
Financing receivables
Other receivables17,900,235,359.5314,387,031,657.57
Including: Interests receivable85,714,881.1929,783,516.95
Dividends receivable1,044,013,185.591,015,840,000.00
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets1,258,146,843.331,642,423,149.85
Total current assets31,208,660,555.6722,702,816,770.85
Non-current assets:
Debt investments1,366,113,888.901,034,222,222.22
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments54,772,801,837.8352,744,139,527.87
Investments in other equity instruments1,618,513,056.481,618,513,056.48
Other non-current financial assets
Investment properties
Fixed assets148,315,852.82167,043,774.16
Construction in progress11,766,433.972,667,680.62
Biological assets for production
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets357,996.03
Intangible assets43,040,533.7948,239,513.12
Development cost
Long-term prepaid expenses3,098,974.933,910,065.39
Deferred income tax assets
Other non-current assets1,498,818,858.081,302,773,743.02
Total non-current assets59,462,469,436.8056,921,867,578.91
Total assets90,671,129,992.4779,624,684,349.76
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Financial liabilities held for trading
Derivative financial liabilities
Bills payable
Accounts payable992,785,551.35521,733,555.60
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities12,597,148.6313,084,442.85
Payables for staff’s remuneration4,351,311.009,696,654.18
Taxes payable1,937,831.517,479,878.13
Other payables47,588,193,578.2732,659,845,830.05
Including: Interests payable
Dividends payable
Liabilities held for sale

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter ReportNon-current liabilities due within one year

Non-current liabilities due within one year
Other current liabilities9,982,815.275,876,886.89
Total current liabilities48,609,848,236.0333,217,717,247.70
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings3,753,000,000.002,195,000,000.00
Bonds payable
Including: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities
Long-term payable
Long-term payables for staff’s remuneration
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income13,798,300.0012,355,000.00
Deferred income tax liabilities420,805,600.57420,805,600.57
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities4,187,603,900.572,628,160,600.57
Total liabilities52,797,452,136.6035,845,877,848.27
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity):
Paid-in capital (or share capital)9,438,114,893.009,446,598,493.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preference shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve27,033,341,878.3927,300,899,019.76
Less: treasury stock2,683,947,836.842,308,138,558.42
Other comprehensive income624,427,389.73602,091,349.74
Special reserve
Surplus reserve3,409,044,397.793,409,044,397.79
Undistributed profits52,697,133.805,328,311,799.62
Total owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)

37,873,677,855.87 43,778,806,501.49

90,671,129,992.47 79,624,684,349.76

Person in charge of the Company: Li HuagangPerson in charge of accounting function: Gong WeiPerson in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke


January-September 2023Prepared by: Haier Smart Home Co Ltd

Unit and Currency: RMB Type of Audit: Unaudited


Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report2023 First Three Quarters(January-September)

2023 First Three Quarters (January-September)2022 First Three Quarters (January-September)
I. Operating revenue546,667,518.11274,409,829.17
Less: operation cost477,055,075.68237,958,102.39
Taxes and surcharges4,342,188.601,502,873.54
Selling expenses7,738,804.478,343,662.82
Administration expenses361,100,526.73623,648,918.13
R&D expenses11,595,713.679,536,280.96
Financial expenses-131,322,585.09-93,676,340.74
Including: Interest expenses56,849,220.8319,056,720.15
Interest income201,787,158.84107,726,590.75
Add: other income1,361,535.0029,030,565.58
Investment income (losses are represented by “-”)

204,416,213.65 601,413,493.57

138,039,116.54 158,290,422.99

Including: Investment income of associates and joint ventures
Derecognition income on

financial assets measured at

amortized cost
Gains on net exposure hedges (losses are represented by “-”)
Income from change in fair value (losses are represented by “-”)
Loss on credit impairment (losses are represented by “-”)

47,441.31 116,780.20

Loss on assets impairment (losses are represented by “-”)
Gain from disposal of assets (losses are represented by “-”)


21,982,984.01 152,731,193.87

II. Operating profit (losses are represented by “-”)
Add: non-operating income99,051.41208,515.11
Less: non-operating expenses78,702.8328,698.02
III. Total profit (total losses are represented by “-”)

22,003,332.59 152,911,010.96

Less: income tax expenses1,205.40
IV. Net profit (net losses are represented by “-”)

22,002,127.19 152,911,010.96

22,002,127.19 152,911,010.96

(I) Net profit from continuous operation (net losses are represented by “-”)
(II) Net profit from discontinued

operation (net losses are represented

by “-”)
V. Other comprehensive income net of tax22,336,039.997,369,147.56
(I) Other comprehensive income that

cannot be reclassified into the profit

or loss
1. Changes arising from re-

measurement of defined benefit

2. Other comprehensive income that

cannot be transferred into profit or

loss under equity method
3. Changes in fair value of investments in other equity instruments

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report

4. Changes in fair value of credit risks

of the enterprise

4. Changes in fair value of credit risks of the enterprise
(II) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified into the profit or loss

22,336,039.99 7,369,147.56

can be transferred into profit or loss

under equity method

22,336,039.99 7,369,147.56

2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments
3. Reclassified financial assets that are

credited to other comprehensive

4. Credit impairment provision for other debt investments
5. Reserve for cash flow hedging
6. Exchange differences on translation

of financial statements denominated

in foreign currencies
7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive income44,338,167.18160,280,158.52
VII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)
(II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)

Person in charge of the Company: Li HuagangPerson in charge of accounting function: Gong WeiPerson in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke


January-September 2023Prepared by: Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.

Unit and Currency: RMB Type of Audit: UnauditedItems

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report2023 First Three Quarters(January-September)

2023 First Three Quarters (January-September)2022 First Three Quarters (January-September)
I. Cash flow from operating activities:
Cash received from the sale of goods and rendering of services

70,907,378.37 364,344,810.90

Refunds of taxes19,589,497.52
Other cash received from operating activities121,672,343.93235,437,891.28
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities

192,579,722.30 619,372,199.70

Cash paid on purchase of goods and services35,574,640.73189,272,450.16
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees38,468,265.0433,298,564.72
Cash paid for all types of taxes21,126,840.06-16,023,080.78
Other cash paid to operation activities26,551,687.50244,978,820.70
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities

121,721,433.33 451,526,754.80

Net cash flow from operating activities70,858,288.97167,845,444.90
II. Cash flow from investing activities:
Cash received from recovery of investments6,061,000,000.002,529,920,000.00
Cash received from return on investments91,950,768.58101,858,820.49
Net cash received from the disposal of fixed

assets, intangible assets and other long-


term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating entities
Other cash received from investment activities38,509,682.228,456,180.95
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities

6,191,460,450.80 2,675,441,356.29

intangible assets and other long-term


5,176,513.10 23,441,195.66

Cash paid for investments7,896,572,258.004,064,405,507.20
Net cash paid on acquisition of subsidiaries and other operating entities
Other cash paid on investment activities1,178,069,045.001,964,600,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities

9,079,817,816.10 6,052,446,702.86

Net cash flow from investing activities-2,888,357,365.30-3,377,005,346.57
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
Cash received from capital contributions940,041,004.94
Cash received from borrowings1,770,000,000.002,100,000,000.00
Other cash received from financing activities12,561,769,867.587,841,605,940.88
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities

14,331,769,867.58 10,881,646,945.82

Cash paid on repayment of borrowings212,000,000.005,000,000.00
Cash paid on distribution of dividends, profits or interest expenses

5,352,599,524.98 4,330,409,094.41

Other cash paid on financing activities1,123,171,217.081,604,643,065.80
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities

6,687,770,742.06 5,940,052,160.21

Net cash flow from financing activities7,643,999,125.524,941,594,785.61
IV. Effect of fluctuations in exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents

6,857,131.82 15,258,635.69

V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents4,833,357,181.011,747,693,519.63
Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period

5,747,356,591.19 4,043,535,735.48

Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. 2023 Third Quarter Report

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at theend of the period

10,580,713,772.20 5,791,229,255.11

Person in charge of the Company: Li HuagangPerson in charge of accounting function: Gong WeiPerson in charge of accounting department: Ying Ke

The adjustments of the relevant items of the financial statements at the beginning of the year due to the firstimplementation of new accounting standards or interpretations to accounting standards since 2023

□Applicable √Not Applicable

The Board of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.

30 October 2023
