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本钢板B:2023年半年度报告摘要(英文版) 下载公告

Stock Code: 000761, 200761 Stock Abbreviation: Bengang Bancai, Bengangban B Announcement No.:2023-051

Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Bengang Steel

Plates Co., Ltd.

I. Important NoticeThis Semi-Annual Report Summary is taken from the full text of the Semi-Annual Report. In order to fully understand thecompany's operating results, financial status and future development plans, investors are advised to read carefully the full text ofthe Semi-Annual Report published on the media designated by Securities Regulatory Commission.All directors attended the board meeting for reviewing this semi-annual report.Prompt of non-standard auditor’s opinion

□Applicable ? Not applicable

Profit distribution plan for ordinary shares or the plan for converting capital reserves into share capital during the reporting periodreviewed by the Board of Directors

□Applicable ? Not applicable

The company plans not to distribute cash dividends, no bonus shares, and no transfer of capital reserves into share capital.Profit distribution plan for preference shares approved by the Board of Directors for the reporting period

□Applicable ? Not applicable

II. Basic Information of the Company

1. Company Profile

Stock abbreviationBengang Bancai, Bengangban BStock code000761, 200761
Stock exchange for listingShenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact person and contact informationSecretary of Board of DirectorsRepresentative of Securities Affairs
NameZheng ZhengliChen Liwen
Office addressNo. 1-1 Steel Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning ProvinceNo. 1-1 Steel Road, Pingshan District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province
Telephone number024-47827003024-47828980

2. Main Financial Data and Financial Index

Whether the company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate accounting data for previous years

□Yes ?No

Current periodPrevious periodChanges over previous period
Operating income (RMB)30,567,409,205.0335,015,177,304.98-12.70%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company (RMB)-1,004,945,623.68561,735,377.41-278.90%
Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gains or losses attributable to the shareholders of listed company (RMB)-1,007,279,338.85522,219,426.93-292.88%
Net cash flow from operating activities (RMB)4,662,637,281.81227,451,842.211,949.94%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)-0.24460.1400-274.71%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)-0.15580.1400-211.29%
Weighted average return on equity-5.49%2.60%-8.09%
Total assets (RMB)45,871,498,081.8444,114,652,440.643.98%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the listed company (RMB)17,811,005,923.4418,789,151,216.62-5.21%

3. Number of Shareholders and Shareholding Status of the Company

Unit: share

Total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period51,840Total number of preferred shareholders with voting rights restored at the end of the reporting period (if any)0
Shareholding of top 10 shareholders
Name of shareholderNature of shareholderShareholding percentageNumber of sharesNumber of restricted shares heldSituations of pledge, marking or freezing
Status of sharesNumber
Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person58.65%2,409,628,094.00Pledged110,000,000.00
Bensteel Group Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person17.95%737,371,532.00
Guan HuiDomestic natural person0.63%25,970,000.00
Gao TaoDomestic natural person0.56%23,000,000.00
Zhang WenyouDomestic natural person0.47%19,149,967.00
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company LimitedForeign legal person0.42%17,094,730.00
Zhou WeiDomestic natural person0.22%9,081,800.00
Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.-Wanjia dual-engine flexible allocation hybrid securities investment fundOthers0.18%7,442,889.00
Li ChunhouDomestic natural person0.17%7,000,000.00
Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd.-Wanjia Beijing Stock Exchange Huixuan two-year regular open hybrid securitiesOthers0.15%6,198,111.00
investment fund
Explanation on the related relationship or concerted action of the above-mentioned shareholdersBenxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co., Ltd. has an associated relationship with Bensteel Group Co., Ltd., and is a person acting in concert as stipulated in the "Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies". The company is not aware of whether there is an associated relationship among other shareholders or whether they are persons acting in concert as stipulated in the "Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies".
Description of shareholders participating in securities margin trading (if any)Guan Hui holds 25,970,000 shares of the company through an investor credit securities account. Zhang Wenyou held 19,149,967 shares of the company through an investor credit securities account. Zhou Wei holds 250,000 shares of the company's stock through the investor's ordinary account, and holds 8,831,800 shares of the company's stock through the investor's credit securities account.

4. Status of Changes in Controlling Shareholders or Actual Controllers

Changes in controlling shareholders during the reporting period

□Applicable ? Not applicable

During the reporting period, there was no change in controlling shareholder of the company.Changes in the actual controllers during the reporting period

□Applicable ? Not applicable

During the reporting period, there was no change in actual controller of company.

5. Table of the Total Number of Preferred Shareholders of the Company and the Shareholdings of the Top10 Preferred Shareholders

□Applicable ? Not applicable

During the reporting period, there were no preference shareholders holding shares in the company.

6. Status of Bonds Existing on the Approval Date of Semi-Annual Report

? Applicable □Not applicable

(1) Basic Information on Bonds

Name of bondAbbreviation of bondCode of bondIssuing dateMaturity dateBalance of bond (ten thousand yuan )Coupon interest rate
Bengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd. Convertible BondsBengang Convertible Bonds1270182020/06/292026/06/285,631,042,1000.6% in the first year; 0.8% in the second year; 1.5% in the third year; 2.9% in the fourth year; 3.8% in the fifth year; 5.0% in the sixth year.

(2) Financial Index at the End of the Reporting Period

Unit: ten thousand yuan

ItemsAt the end of current periodAt the end of last year
ItemsCurrent periodPrevious period

III. Important EventsOn 21 March 2023, the company disclosed the "Informative Announcement on Planning for Major AssetReplacement and Related Transactions", planning to conduct asset replacement with Benxi Steel and Iron (Group)Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Benxi Iron and Steel"), the assets to be exchanged into the company are 100%equity of Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Mining Co., Ltd., the assets of the company to be exchanged out are all assetsand liabilities of the listed company except retained assets and liabilities, the difference between the assets to beexchanged in and the assets to be exchanged out shall be made up by one party to the other in cash. The companyheld the 16th meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 11th meeting of the 9th Board of Supervisors on 20 June2023, the proposals related to the "Proposal on the "Major Assets Replacement and Related Party Transaction Plan ofBengang Steel Plates Co., Ltd." and its summary", were reviewed and approved, and signed the "Major AssetsReplacement Framework Agreement between Benxi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and Benxi Steel and Iron (Group) Co.,Ltd." with Benxi Iron and Steel. On 21 June 2023, the company received the "Letter of Concern on the Major AssetsReplacement and Related Transaction Plan of Bengang Plates Co., Ltd." from Shenzhen Stock Exchange, at present,the company is conducting further demonstration, communication and negotiation on the transaction plan, and thescope of the subject assets of the transaction, transaction price and other elements have not been finalized. After therelevant matters are determined, the company will reconvene the Board of Directors for review.
