Meeting of the 9
thSessionof the Board of DirectorsIn accordance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, Rules forIndependent Directors of Listed Companies, and other laws, regulations andnormative documents, as well as the Articles of Association and Independent DirectorSystem, we, as the independent directors of ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as“Company”), had a prior review on the relevant matters of the 24
th meeting of the 9
session of the Board of Directors. We give our opinions from the standpoint ofindependent judgment:
1. Pre-approval on Credit Facility from the Related Party
The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd.("Solutions") (directly, or through one of its subsidiaries) is contemplating applyingfor new credit facility not exceeding RMB 2 billion from Syngenta Group Co., Ltd. orany of its subsidiaries, which is reasonable and sufficient for expanding the fundingsources of the Company and its subsidiaries and is normal business operations.The transactions are based on the principles of voluntariness, fairness andreasonableness. The transactions price and method meet market terms. Thetransactions will not harm the interests of the Company, the non-related shareholders,and the medium-small shareholders.We pre-approve the above matter on the related party transaction and agree to submitthe matter to the Board of Directors.
(The signature page of Pre-approval of the Independent Directors on the RelevantMatters of the 24
th Meeting of the 9
thSession of the Board of Directors)
Independent Director Signature:
__________________ ___________________
Ge Ming Xi Zhen
August 27, 2023