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安道麦B:半年度非经营性资金占用及其他关联资金往来情况汇总表(英文版) 下载公告


Special Report on Amounts due from theControlling Shareholder, Ultimate Controller and Other RelatedParties

For the Six Months ended June 30, 2023

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Summary Statement of Amounts due from the Controlling Shareholder, Ultimate Controller and Other Related Parties

for the Six Months ended June 30, 2023 of ADAMA Ltd.

Unit: RMB’000

Non-operating fund flows/transaction and corresponding balances due from related partiesName of the related partyRelation between the related party and the CompanyName of accountOpening balance of amount due from related partiesAdditional amount for the six months ended June 30,2023(exclude interest arising from the principle balance)Interest arising from the principle balance of amount due from related parties for the six months ended June 30,2023 (If applicable)The repayment amount for the six months ended June 30,2023Closing balance of amount due from related partiesReason of fund flows /transactionsNature of the fund flows /transaction
Controlling Shareholder, Ultimate Controller and its affiliated entities----------
Former Controlling Shareholder, Ultimate Controller and its affiliated entities----------
Other related parties and its affiliated entities----------

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Summary Statement of Amounts due from the Controlling Shareholder, Ultimate Controller and Other Related Parties

for the Six Months ended June 30, 2023 of ADAMA Ltd. – (cont’d)

Unit: RMB’000

Other fund flows/transaction and corresponding balances due from related partiesName of the related partyRelation between the related party and the CompanyName of AccountOpening balance of amount due from related partiesAdditional amount for the six months ended June 30,2023(exclude interest arising from the principle balance)Interest arising from the principle balance of amount due from related parties for the six months ended June 30,2023 (If applicable)The repayment amount for the six months ended June 30,2023Closing balance of amount due from related partiesReason of fund flows /transactionsNature of the fund flows /transaction
Controlling Shareholder, Ultimate Controller and its affiliated entitiesSinochem Finance CorporationLegal person controlled by controlling shareholderCash at bank and on hand417,661159,0272,801475,502103,987DepositOperational
Syngenta AG and its subsidiariesLegal person controlled by controlling shareholderAccounts receivables352,315736,224-968,436120,103Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Syngenta AG and its subsidiariesLegal person controlled by controlling shareholderPrepayments13,663724,732-738,36926Prepayment for goods and servicesOperational
Syngenta AG and its subsidiariesLegal person controlled by controlling shareholderOther receivables17--17-Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Bluestar (Beijing) Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd.Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderPrepayments-245-5240Prepayment for goods and servicesOperational
Jiangsu Huaihe Chemical Co.,Ltd.Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderPrepayments19,170122,217-139,7501,637Prepayment for goods and servicesOperational
Jiangsu Huaihe Chemical Co.,Ltd.Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderAccounts receivables-133,730-133,730-Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Zhonglan Lianhai Design Institute Co., Ltd.Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderPrepayments239208-447-Purchase of fixed assets and other assetsOperational
Zhonglan International Chemical Co., LtdLegal person controlled by controlling shareholderPrepayments53757,500-50,2597,778Prepayment for goods and servicesOperational
SinofertLegal person controlled by controlling shareholderAccounts receivables304112,616-87,99424,926Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Henan Junhua Development Co., Ltd.Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderAccounts receivables-47-47-Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
MAP (Sinochem Agriculture Holdings Ltd)Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderAccounts receivables-8,909-8,564345Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Jiangsu Ruixiang Chemical Co., LTD.Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderPrepayments4---4Prepayment for goods and servicesOperational
Jingzhou Sanonda Holdings Co.,Ltd.Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderOther non-current assets52--1537Prepayment for goods and servicesOperational
Beijing Guangyuan Yinong Chemical Co., LTD.Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderAccounts receivables-1,226-1,099127Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co., LTD. and its subsidiariesAssociate of the controlling shareholder /Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderAccounts receivables4,08947,427-43,3448,172Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co., LTD. and its subsidiariesAssociate of the controlling shareholder /Legal person controlled by controlling shareholderPrepayments780163,545-164,325-Prepayment for goods and servicesOperational

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Summary Statement of Amounts due from the Controlling Shareholder, Ultimate Controller and Other Related Parties

for the Six Months ended June 30, 2023 of ADAMA Ltd. – (cont’d)

Unit: RMB’000

Subsidiaries of the Company and their affiliatesADAMA (Beijing) Agricultural Solutions Ltd.Subsidiary of the CompanyAccounts receivables8,05530,263-19,35318,965Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
ADAMA CELSIUS B V CURACAO BRANCHSubsidiary of the CompanyAccounts receivables536,648467,955-188,980815,623Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
PT ROYAL AGRO INDONESIASubsidiary of the CompanyAccounts receivables3,8984,066-7,964-Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Hubei Sanonda Foreign Trading Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of the CompanyAccounts receivables-174-174-Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
ADAMA Anpon (Jiangsu) Ltd.Subsidiary of the CompanyOther receivables11,611---11,611Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
ADAMA Anpon (Jiangsu) Ltd.Subsidiary of the CompanyOther non-current assets125,000-143143125,000Borrowings to subsidiariesNon-Operational
ADAMA Anpon (Jiangsu) Ltd.Subsidiary of the CompanyNon-current assets due within one year125,000-143143125,000Borrowings to subsidiariesNon-Operational

Related natural person and itslegal person in control

Related natural person and its legal person in control----------
Other related parties and its affiliated entitiesJiangsu Huifeng Agrochemical Co. Ltd. and its subsidiariesMinority shareholder and its subsidiariesAccounts receivables13,17243,482-31,81524,839Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Jiangsu Huifeng Agrochemical Co. Ltd. and its subsidiariesMinority shareholder and its subsidiariesPrepayments-8,450-8,450-Prepayment for goods and servicesOperational
Innovaroma SAJoint venturesAccounts receivables25,72739,527-48,98116,273Sale of goods/ Service renderedOperational
Legal representativeChief of accounting workChief of accounting organ
