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深粮B:2023年半年度报告摘要(英文版) 下载公告

Stock code: 000019, 200019 Short form of share: SZCH, Shenliang B Announcement No.:2023-17


SUMMARY OF SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2023I. Important NoticeThe abstract of this annual report comes from the full text of the semi-annual report. In order to fully understand the company’soperating results, financial situation, and future development plans, investors should carefully read the full text of the semi-annualreport in the designated media of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.All directors have attended the board meeting to review this report.Reminder of qualified audit opinion

□Applicable ?Not applicable

Profit distribution plan or the transfer plan of capital reserve into share capital during the reporting period reviewed by the board ofdirectors

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The Company has no plan of cash dividend distributed, no cash bonus and capitalizing of common reserves either carried out. Theprofit distribution plan for preferred shares approved by the Board Meeting during this reporting periodThe profit distribution plan for preferred shares approved by the board of directors during this reporting period

□Applicable ?Not applicable

II.Company information

1.Company presentation

Short form of shareSZCH, Shenliang BStock code000019,200019
Listing stock exchangeShenzhen Stock Exchange
Person/Way to contactSecretary of the BoardRep. of security affairs
NameChen XiaohuaChen Kaiyue, Liu Muya
Contact add.13/F, Tower A, World Trade Plaza, No.9 Fuhong Rd., Futian District, Shenzhen13/F, Tower A, World Trade Plaza, No.9 Fuhong Rd., Futian District, Shenzhen

2. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Is the Company required to retrospectively adjust or restate prior year’s accounting data?

□ Yes ? No

Amount in current periodAmount in last periodYear-on-year increase(+)/decrease(-)
Operation income (RMB)2,831,996,801.824,338,044,528.35-34.72%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company(RMB)168,149,768.31237,527,782.93-29.21%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting extraordinary gains/losses(RMB)159,103,953.25227,132,288.75-29.95%
Net cash flows arising from operating activities (RMB)83,503,352.21260,373,502.86-67.93%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.14590.2061-29.21%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)0.14590.2061-29.21%
Weighted average ROE3.47%5.00%-1.53%
Ending balance of current periodEnding balance of last periodYear-on-year increase(+)/decrease(-)
Total assets (RMB)7,579,279,609.507,441,334,674.981.85%
Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed company (RMB)4,643,162,339.434,762,973,461.81-2.52%

3. Particulars about shareholders and actual controller of the Company

Total common stock shareholders in reporting period-end49,201Total preference shareholders with voting rights recovered at end of last month before annual report disclosed (if applicable)(refer to Note 8)0
Particulars about top ten shareholders
Full name of ShareholdersNature of shareholderProportion of shares heldTotal of common shares held at the end of reporting periodAmount of unrestricted shares heldInformation of shares pledged, tagged or frozen
State of shareAmount
Shenzhen Food Materials Group Co., LtdState-owned legal person63.79%735,237,25366,052,518
Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co., LtdState-owned legal person8.23%94,832,29479,447,462
Dongguan Fruit, Vegetable, and Non- staple Food Trading Market Co., LtdDomestic non-state-owned legal person0.75%8,698,2160
Lin JunboDomestic nature person0.47%5,390,0000
Deng LijunDomestic nature person0.40%4,643,6700
Sun HuimingDomestic nature person0.29%3,366,6620
Zhong ZhenxinDomestic nature person0.29%3,295,5000
Chen JiuyangDomestic nature person0.26%2,979,7700
Wang GuanghuaDomestic nature person0.24%2,732,0990
Hong Kong Securities Clearing CompanyForeign legal person0.20%2,361,8670
Explanation on associated relationship or consistent actors of aforesaid shareholdersShenzhen SASAC directly holds 100% equity of Shenzhen Food Materials Group Co., Ltd., and holds 34% of Shenzhen Agricultural Products Group Co., Ltd. indirectly through Shenzhen Food Materials Group Co., Ltd.; the Company was not aware of any related relationship between other shareholders above, and whether they are parties acting in concert as defined by the Acquisition Management Method of Listed Company.
Explanation on top 10 shareholders involving margin business (if applicable) (refer to Note 4)At the end of reporting period, Lin Junbo, a shareholder of the company, held 3,390,000 shares of the Company under customer credit trading secured securities account through China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd., and held 2,000,000 shares of the company under common account, totally holding 5,390,000 shares of the Company. During the reporting period, shares held by Lin Junbo under the credit trading secured securities account rose by 104,300 shares, shares held by him under common account rose by 582, 900 shares, and shares held by Lin Junbo rose by 687,200 shares.

4. Changes of controlling shareholders or actual controller in reporting periodChanges of controlling shareholders in reporting period

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

The Company had no changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period. Following the reporting period, the controllingshareholder of the company will be renamed from “Shenzhen Food Materials Group Co., Ltd” to “Shenzhen Agriculture and FoodInvestment Holding Group Co., Ltd.”Changes of actual controller in the reporting period

□ Applicable ? Not applicable

The Company had no changes of actual controller in the reporting period.

5. The total number of preferred shareholders of the company and the shareholding status of the top 10preferred shareholders

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The Company had no preferred stock in the Period.

6. Bonds remaining on the approval date of the annual report

□Applicable ?Not applicable

III. Significant events

1. On April 24, 2023, the company held the 27


meeting of its 10

thsession of BOD, deliberated and approved the Proposal on theInvestment of Dongguan Logistics in the Construction of Berth 3. It was agreed that Dongguan Logistics, a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of the company, would invest in the construction of the expansion project of the deep grain storage supporting terminalin the Xinshanan Operation Area of Machong Port Area, Dongguan Port (Berth 3). One 20,000 ton grain berth will be built, withtotal investment of 175 million yuan. For details, please refer to the “Announcement on the Resolutions of the 27


Meeting of the

thBoard of Directors of the Company” and the “Announcement on the Investment and Construction of Berth 3 by DongguanLogistics” published on the CNINFO website (www.cninfo. com. cn) on April 26, 2023.
