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奥马电器:2022年度环境、社会与治理报告(英文版) 下载公告

Homa GroupEnvironmental, Socialand Governance Report


About the ReportReporting PeriodThis is an annual report covering the period from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. To improvethe completeness of the report, some of the data is beyond the above range.

Organizational ScopeThe scope of this report encompasses Guangdong Homa Group Co., Ltd. For ease of presentation andperusal, unless otherwise speci?ed, "Homa Group", "Homa", "the Company", "we" and "us" in thisreport refer to Guangdong Homa Group Co., Ltd. and its principal subsidiaries.

Report Data DescriptionAll data and examples used in this report are derived from the Company's o?cial documents,statistical reports as well as summaries and statistics on the performance of responsibilities.

Report Reliability AssuranceThe Company guarantees that the content of this report does not contain any false records ormisleading statements.Revision of Information of Previous ReportsNone.

Standards of Reference for ReportGlobal Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting StandardsUN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)"Ten Principles" of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)"Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listed Companies" by theShenzhen Stock ExchangeHKEX Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide



Promoting Green Development

Introduction 01

About Homa 03ESG Governance 11

Appendix61Outlook for the Future59

Green ProductionGreen Industry ChainGreen Culture


Contributing to a Brighter Future


Pursuing Excellence in Governance2551

R&D and InnovationProduct Quality & SafetyTalent DevelopmentRewarding Society

Party Building Leadership

Governance Structure

Legal Compliance and Risk Control

Business Ethics

Information Security

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

IntroductionThe year 2022 marked the 20


anniversary of the establishment of Homa. In 2022, we were faced with unprecedentedopportunities and challenges. At the macro level, the complex and volatile economic and political situation and its resultingsocio-economic impacts have continued to grow. At the micro level, consumer demand has become increasingly diversi?ed andindividualized, with increasingly ?ercer competition in the industry. Despite such conditions, Homa remained China's toprefrigerator exporter for 14 consecutive years and achieved its goal of selling more than 100 million unitsof refrigerators cumulatively worldwide in 2022. Focusing our resources on developing our main refrigerator business, we havecontinued to improve our operational e?ciency, product quality and cost advantages, and made every e?ort to resolve all theoperational risks and debt crises arising from our former ?ntech segment's business.With 20 years of specialization in refrigeration, Homa has actively joined hands with value chain partners to take action in greendevelopment, intelligent manufacturing, product innovation and design, employee growth, customer service, and other aspects.We prioritize ESG strategically in the company. In 2022, our subsidiary Homa Appliances took the lead in releasing a green paperon sustainability and established an ESG committee to integrate various ESG issues into all aspects of production and operation.We are committed to our environmental responsibility and sustainable management. In terms of green development, Homahas been dedicated to energy conservation and emission reduction to achieve the nation's "dual carbon" goals. During theproduction process, we have established a comprehensive energy management system to continuously improve the e?ciencyof resource utilization, strengthen emission management and reduce negative impacts on the environment. We have installedphotovoltaic panels for green power generation and coexistence between humans and nature. During the R&D process, wecontinuously explore the design of energy-e?cient products, further promote the use of green materials, green packaging andgreen logistics management, in order to reduce carbon emissions throughout the life cycle of refrigerators.

Board of Directors of Homa

We strive to lead the transformation through innovation and creation. As a leading company in the global refrigeration industry,Homa adheres to the principle of "people-oriented innovative technology" and is committed to providing the most competitiveproducts for our customers and users worldwide. In 2022, the Company continued to increase investment in R&D and achievedbreakthroughs in the ?eld of air-cooled refrigerators, developing a wide range of e?cient, intelligent and stylish air-cooledrefrigerators. In addition, the Company held the groundbreaking ceremony of Homa's all-new high-end air-cooled refrigeratormanufacturing base in 2022, continuously progressing towards the vision of "making the best refrigerator in the world".Homa observes the value of "Customer First, Team Oriented". The Company attaches importance to the internal training oftalents and places emphasis on customer service externally. We provide our employees with a safe and comfortable workingenvironment, a comprehensive occupational safety management system and a variety of employee activities that togetherbuild an inclusive, open, transparent and diversi?ed working environment so as to enhance employees' happiness and sense ofbelonging. At the same time, we have also been reinforcing our product quality management and after-sales service system tocreate an industry-leading service experience to meet the needs of our customers and users worldwide through timely, e?ectiveand standardized professional customer services.We work together with each other to succeed together and achieve shared value. Homa also takes a proactive approachto ful?lling its corporate responsibilities, promoting social progress by leveraging the Company's resources. Upon our 20


anniversary of founding, we actively engaged in exchanges and communication with industry peers to promote industrialdevelopment and standard upgrading and to achieve common growth and development with our partners.With the mission of "making the best refrigerators in the world" and a relentless pursuit of quality, design, innovation, and?exibility, Homa has achieved a remarkable performance in 2022. In the future, Homa will focus on the development of energy-saving, safe and healthy refrigeration products through sustainable design, technology and service. We are committed to makingevery single Homa refrigerator an excellent one. Over the past 20 years, Homa has made impressive achievements thanks to ourdedication and devotion, and for the next 2 decades, Homa will create a more sustainable and beautiful future.


Corporate Pro?le

Since its establishment in 2002, Guangdong Homa Group Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the R&D and manufacturing of householdrefrigerators and freezers. With our senior management team, the Company has maintained a leading position in R&D technology,process design, product quality, manufacturing cost and operational e?ciency. Over the years, the Company has been upholdingthe core values of "Customer First, Team Oriented" and providing the most competitive and cost-e?ective products for customersworldwide. With the concept of utmost professionalism and expertise, we are committed to producing the best refrigerators in theworld.After 20 years of intensive development, Homa Appliances, a subsidiary of the Company, now has 9 manufacturing bases and 13e?cient production lines with an annual production capacity of 15 million units. Maintaining a steady growth in operation scale,the Company currently ranks seventh in the world in terms of production and sales volumes and has achieved the No.1 ranking inrefrigerator export sales for 14 consecutive years.In terms of technology, Homa Appliances adheres to the R&D concept of minimalism. It pursues the rational and practicaltechnical value of products from the perspective of the market and users. Homa Appliances constantly carries out technicaloptimization and iteration with the spirit of excellence. The Company's products can be equipped with six functional sectionsof storage, -25℃ deep cooling technology, AI voice control, LTC blue crystal odor puri?cation, 0℃ ultra-freshness smart control,intelligent moisture control technology, wide-range variable temperature technology, intelligent dual-inverter technology, 5th-generation air-cooled no-frost technology and other leading technologies. These technologies reduce the energy consumption ofthe entire refrigeration unit and noise while keeping food fresh and moist by preventing it from drying out. They also facilitate no-frost freezing, marking the start of the era of intelligent dual-inverter air-cooled refrigerators.

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

About Homa

In terms of quality and design, we strive to provide high-quality products for the global market, which meet the stringentEuropean energy e?ciency standards. The Company's products have passed the tests of independent laboratories established bymany famous brands around the world as well as the tests of the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS), SGS, CSA, TUV, ITS and the monitoring center authorized by DEKRA, which are internationally renowned test agencies.Our products have also been granted safety, environmental protection, and energy consumption certi?cations in more than 100countries and regions around the world. In addition, in face of increasingly ?ercer competition in the industry, Homa Applianceshas made signi?cant e?orts to re?ne its internal strength, while improving the appearance and design of its products. Incollaboration with the Italian design agency UP Design, Homa Appliances has made its product more diversi?ed, functional andstylish to create a high-quality lifestyle experience for users.In terms of business model, the Company has started information technology construction to progressively have the businessexecuted in an online and real-time manner as well as mobile, intelligent, and digitalized management. The Company has beenconsistently boosting the operational e?ciency of the enterprise to further strengthen its competitive edge. At the same time, theCompany continues to focus on operational risk management and the main business of refrigerator and freezer manufacturing,and to resolve the risks of the ?ntech business in order to enhance the core competitiveness of the refrigerator manufacturingbusiness and safeguard the Company's sustainable operational capacity in the long run. In the future, the Company's refrigeratorbusiness segment will continue to adhere to its unique business model of focusing on global operations with an emphasis onrefrigerators and freezers, air-cooling technology and intelligent manufacturing. Staying true to our original aspiration, we deliverhigh-quality products to more than 2,000 partners in more than 130 countries and regions around the world.

About Homa

History of Development




2008 - 2009



? Establishment of Guangdong Homa Group Co., Ltd.? Operation of the Company's ?rst factory

? Launch of the ?rst "Made

by Homa" product

? Sales volume exceeded 1 millionunits for the ?rst time? Operation of Homa's second factory

? Awarded No. 1 Chinese refrigeratorexporter to Europe for the ?rst time

? Listed on the Shenzhen StockExchange? Annual sales volume exceeded 5million units for the ?rst time? Operation of Homa's third factoryand accessories sub-factory

? Development and launch

of the very ?rst all-newair-cooled side-by-siderefrigerator FF2-66


Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report


To put customer ?rst, to beteam-oriented, and to be highlye?cient and reliable.

To provide the most competitiveproducts for users and customers



To make the world's bestrefrigerators with all our heartsthrough industry-leadingsuperior quality, innovative

design and cost-e?ectivesolutions.




? The 10th consecutive

year as the biggestChinese refrigeratorexporter to Europe

? Homa Appliances invented the intelligentdual-inverter technology and single-systemwith multi-temperature control technology

? Homa held thegroundbreakingceremony of the smartmanufacturing base forhigh-end air-coolingrefrigerator? Annual revenue exceededRMB 10 billion? Full termination of theFintech business and allrelated assets disposed

? 20


anniversary of theCompany? Homa Appliances sold

over 100 million unitsglobally? O?cial start ofconstruction of thenew advanced air-cooling technologymanufacturing base

2015? First bespoke HomaContainer shipped? Establishment of thechest refrigeratorfactory and the launchof Homa's ?rst chestrefrigerator


? Annual sales exceeded 10million units? Homa operated in 9manufacturing sites

About Homa

Product Systems

All of Homa's refrigerators and freezers are developed and manufactured on its own. As the largest ODM refrigerator manufacturer in China, the quality ofour products has been acknowledged by the market with recognition from a substantial number of customers worldwide. With outstanding independentproduct design and R&D capabilities, Homa's products are characterized by scienti?c production processes, structures and appearance design, thus enablingsigni?cant cost savings. Plus the air-cooling technology of Homa R&D team's micro-innovation, our products are designed to maximize both performanceand aesthetic appeal. Meanwhile, Homa has been maintaining long-term cooperation with various renowned international and professional third-party

The Scuderia Ferrari Club Custom Refrigerator

0℃ Ultra-freshness Smart Control Series

The Scuderia Ferrari Club Custom Refrigerator hasbeen re?ned to the standards of ?ne art collections.It is the ?rst crossover product by Ferrari and itsa?liated organizations in the refrigerator industry,which perfectly incorporates the features of supercarsand refrigerators in the aesthetic design along with thefusion of the performance of both.

Equipped with NTC thermistor technology, individualcooling ducts and isolated sealing space, the productsof the 0℃ Ultra-freshness Smart Control Series cankeep food ultra-fresh for seven days.

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Original Premium Export Series

Monet Impression Series

The premium original models for export are inspiredby the purity and enigmatic nature of Iceland. The gap-free full embedment creates a luxurious exterior witha built-in cooling system at the base of the integratedkitchen without the need for 10-mm cooling spacesreserved on both sides. The product contains avariable temperature chamber with smart control tomeet the storage needs of the mother and baby careproducts of all stages.

The refrigerators of the "Monet Impression Series" are inspiredby the world-famous painting "Impression, Sunrise". Throughnano vacuum gradient plating technology, a gradient-coloredlayer is formed on the glass surface, incorporating the elementof "shifting between light and shadow". At the same time, the"Monet Impression Series" refrigerators are equipped withthe all-new AG+ blue crystal anti-bacterial technology thatuses active silver ions to e?ectively inhibit bacterial proteinsynthesis and prevent bacterial reproduction. This helps toachieve a 99.99% anti-bacterial rate.

partners to tailor the industrial design of some of our products to suit the lifestyle scenarios of various markets. Through the combination of practicality anduser experience, the quality and professionalism of Homa Appliance are fully demonstrated.As of December 31, 2022, the production base of Homa Appliances occupied an area of over 40 hectares in total, of which approximately 33.33 hectares areunder its own ownership. The Company also boasts an annual production capacity of 15 million units, making itself a strong manufacturer and supplier withhigh resistance against risks.

About Homa

Honors & Awards

January 2022

March 2022

March 2022

May 2022






Beijing Zhixindao Sci-Tech Corp., Ltd.

Beijing Zhixindao Sci-Tech Corp., Ltd.

Zhongshan Bureau of Industry and InformationTechnology





Issued by

Issued by

Issued by

Issued by

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

July 2022

December 2022

September 2022

December 2022





China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute,National Household Electric Appliance Industry InformationCenter, China National Quality Inspection and Testing Centerfor Electronic Components

Hosted by the Economic Development and Science &Technology Statistics Bureau of Nantou Town, Zhongshan City,and organized by Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation

Organizing Committee of Guangdong Province "Governor'sCup" Industrial Design Competition

China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute





Issued by

Issued by

Issued by

Issued by

About Homa

ESG Governance

With a global perspective, Homa is committed to embracing the future together with our customersand users. From the very beginning, we have been dedicated to building each and every refrigeratorwith a strong commitment to sustainability. Based on the Company's long-term developmentstrategy, Homa has incorporated the concept of corporate social responsibility into all aspects of theCompany's strategies, production and operations, with continuous innovation to promote sustainabledevelopment.ESG ManagementHoma has been continuously drawing on experiences gained both domestically and internationallyto improve the quanti?ability and comparability of disclosures on key ESG issues, with a focus onbusiness interdependencies as well as environmental and social impacts. In addition, the Companyalso plans to further improve the disclosure of information on key ESG risks and opportunities.This year, Homa Appliances, a subsidiary of Guangdong Homa Group Co., Ltd., established its ESGcommittee to oversee and execute the ESG policy. Homa Appliances has also released a green paperthat provides an in-depth explanation of the sustainability trends in the manufacturing industry.In 2022, Homa identi?ed 22 material issues that covered the Company's environmental, social, andgovernance areas, with a combination of national and international policies, regulatory agencyrequirements, and stakeholders' needs taken into account. The content comprises 6 environmentalissues, 12 social issues and 4 governance issues, which clearly de?ne the Company's environmental,social and governance scopes, relevant requirements, and management systems. Meanwhile, Homaupholds our corporate social responsibility and continuously contributes to the achievement of theUnited Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through sustained e?orts in safeguardingemployee rights, occupational safety, green products, and other related issues.

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

ESG Governance

Stakeholder Communication

Homa has been actively establishing e?ective communication systems with all stakeholders in the course of its operation and development, thuse?ectively ful?lling the concept of sustainability. With a high priority on communication with stakeholders, the Company has been constantly improving itscommunication mechanisms, listening to the opinions and requirements of stakeholders, understanding their demands, and responding positively withpractical actions to achieve common development together with stakeholders.Stakeholders ConcernsMethod of Response

? Uphold integrity and operate in compliance with laws andregulations? Improve product quality management system? Carry out scienti?c research and innovation? Fully leverage the advantages of our corporate resources to

actively ful?ll our social responsibilities

? Legal and compliance operations? Product quality? Product innovation and R&D? Leading the healthy development of the


? Standardize company management and communicateclosely with investors via multiple channels? Establish e?ective communication systems? Transparent information disclosure? Sustained value creation? Comprehensive risk management

? Improve product quality and provide services for morecustomer groups? Conduct customer satisfaction surveys and research oncustomer needs to continuously improve customer service? Enhance customer privacy protection

? Responsible marketing? Customer privacy protection? Product safety and reliability

? Standardization of the procurement process? Supplier evaluation and audit? Driving industrial development? Fair procurement? Common development? Mutually-bene?cial and shared victory

? Protection and guarantee of employee rights and interests? Respect diversity in workplace environment? Proactive implementation of measures to ensureoccupational health and safety of employees? Construction of a clear career development channel

? Employee rights and protection? Diversity and equality? Occupational health and safety? Talent training and development? Care for employees

? Rendering support for community development? Conduct volunteer activities? Development of green production? Launch energy-saving innovative products? Optimization of environmental management system

? Share bene?t with community? Addressing climate change? Management of wastewater, wastegas and industrial residue? E?cient waste recycling

Government andRegulatory Authorities

Shareholders & Investors




Community and Environment

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Materiality Analysis

Attempting to scienti?cally and accurately identify material topics related to the environment, society, and governance, Homa conducted a materialityanalysis based on the guidance provided in the GRI Universal Standards 2021 issued by the Global Reporting Initiative to determine the distribution ofmaterial issues.During the process of material analysis, Homa conducted an research based on international and domestic policies, combining local and foreign disclosurestandards and guidelines, and benchmarking with peers with full reference to the opinions of industry experts and various stakeholders. Meanwhile, theCompany has communicated with various stakeholders through questionnaires, interviews, and other forms to gain an in-depth understanding of theirexpectations for the sustainable development of Homa.Based on the related feedback, the Company has sorted out 22 material environmental, social, and governance topics (6 at the environmental level, 12 atthe social level, and 4 at the governance level), forming an important reference basis for Homa's ESG strategic planning, performance management, andinformation disclosure.

Importance to Stakeholders

Importance to Guangdong Homa Group Co., Ltd.

Corporate GovernanceMechanismsAnti-corruption and BusinessEthicsCompliance and Risk ControlInformation Security andPrivacy Protection


Environmental ManagementSystemEnergy ManagementResponse to Climate ChangeWaste ManagementWater Resource ManagementGreen Products


Protection of Employees'Rights and InterestsDiversity and EqualOpportunitiesEmployee Training andDevelopmentOccupational Health andSafetyProduct Quality and Safety


R&D and InnovationIntellectual Property RightsCustomer ServiceProtection of Consumer Rightsand InterestsSupply Chain ManagementIndustry DevelopmentCommunity Development

ESG Governance


2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report



Promoting Green


Environmental: Promoting Green Development

Green Production

Environmental Management System

With the basic policy of "environmentalprotection, legal compliance, and continuousimprovement", Homa has developed a robustenvironmental management system. Startingfrom issues such as energy management,waste management, and green factory, weimplement environmental protection measuresto e?ectively reduce the impact of ourproduction process on the environment whilebuilding Homa's green production system.

In line with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of Chinaaswell as ISO 14001 and other standards, Homa has built a comprehensive environmental managementsystem and integrated environmental management into the Company's production and operationprocess. We continuously optimize the implementation of the environmental management systembased on business directions and national policies. To date, all branch factories of Homa have beencerti?ed with the ISO 14001 environmental management system standard.Homa's environmental management system is under the leadership of the General ManagementDepartment, with the joint participation of multiple departments. The General ManagementDepartment is responsible for setting environmental management objectives and conductingperformance reviews as well as holding regular meetings to track progress and enforce managementresponsibilities. In turn, each department regularly receives internal reviews and supervision basedon theEnvironmental Factors Identi?cation and Evaluation Form, and compiles theEnvironmental,Occupational Health and Safety Management System Internal Audit Report. Through systematicmanagement as well as regular assessments and tracking systems, we supervise the day-to-daymanagement of environmental protection, energy consumption, resource recycling, safe production,green products, and public health in each department as well as in each branch factory.In addition, in order to respond to environmental risks in a timely and e?ective manner, Homacontinuously improves the environmental emergency response plans. In accordance with therequirements of theEmergency Response Planfor Environmental Emergencies, Homa has madetimely ?lings with local environmental protection departments and conducted emergency drillsaccording to the details of the plan on a regular basis. The Company has also established anemergency coordination system with external government units to ensure the pre-management ofenvironmental risks and enhance its emergency response capabilities.

100%Pollution dischargequali?cation rate

Number of environment-related lawsuits resulting fromviolations of environment-related regulations

Penalties incurred by theCompany for violations ofenvironment-related laws andregulations

Major violations ofenvironmental regulations

ActivitiesEnvironmental monitoringactivities

100%Test result compliance rate

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Energy ManagementIn order to address climate change and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy, Homa strictly abides by theEnergy Conservation Law of thePeople's Republic of Chinaand other laws, and has formulated internal systems such as theEnergy and Resource ManagementMeasures along with theestablishment of a comprehensive energy management system. At present, the Company has passed the ISO 50001 certi?cation. In addition, the Companyconstantly updates its emission reduction targets and actively carries out carbon reduction activities to contribute to the realization of China's dual carbongoals of "carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality" while driving progress on the Group's green development path.Based on the actual energy management situation of the Company, Homa has set an annual reduction target of 5%. By analyzing the total amount of water,electricity and energy used by each department, we have been able to summarize the know-how in energy and greenhouse gas emission management soas to e?ectively reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. In 2022, Homa invested a total of RMB 23 million in energy conservation technology improvement.Through measures such as cluster control of chillers, motor hibernation, low-pressure gas supply, and frequency conversion, we managed to achievedirect annual electricity reduction of 800 kWh and a 7% decrease in energy consumption per unit. Meanwhile, the completion rate of the energy-saving andreduction target for the RMB 8 million factory services for the year reached 95%, generally achieving the annual target.On that basis, Homa has been actively addressing the challenges posed by climate change through promoting the adoption of clean energy and enhancingthe regulation and utilization of water resources. Photovoltaic panels were installed in all of the Company's production parks, which have a total installedcapacity of 8MW, and produced 6,794,291 kWh of electricity in 2022.

23 Million






Annual Investment on energy conservation andtechnological improvements

The percentage of renewable energy in thetotal energy consumption of the organization

Decrease in energy consumption per unit

2022 solar power generation






176,087Diesel consumptionLiters






224,270Natural gas consumptionCubic Meters






129,675,635Consumption of electricitypurchased externally


Environmental: Promoting Green Development

Air Pollution Management

The e?ective management of air pollutants is an integral part of our green manufacturing e?orts.In compliance with relevant laws and regulations such as theEnvironmental Protection Law of thePeople's Republic of China,theAir Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republicof China,thePrevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste Law of the People'sRepublic of China,theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Promotion of Cleaner Production

and theNational Circular on Further Promotion of Cleaner Production Audit in Key Industries,Homastrictly manages all kinds of air pollutant emissions in the production process of the Company.The Homa General Management Department has formulated theWastewater and Waste GasManagement Measures (hereinafter as "Management Measures")to treat and monitor waste gasemissions. This ensures that the waste gases emitted during the manufacturing process complywith the relevant laws and regulations as well as the requirements of local environmental protectionauthorities. The General Management Department is required to formulate monitoring plans andprograms at the beginning of each year, and to periodically commission quali?ed environmentaltesting agencies to monitor waste gases from production according to the plans and to issue relevantmonitoring reports. On this basis, theManagement Measuresstipulate that each branch factorymust prepare and maintain a "waste gases and pollution prevention map" that covers the scope andlocations of waste gas management, so as to ensure targeted management of waste gas emissionsand reduction of air pollution from the root.The Company has built waste gas treatment systems in each branch factory to properly dispose ofwaste gas through activated carbon absorption, UV photolysis, water spray towers, o?-line catalyticcombustion, etc. There are also emission signs hung at each waste gas outlet to facilitate timelymonitoring of waste gases. The exhaust gases emitted after treatment meet the environmentalrequirements of various places.In order to further reduce the hazardous substances in the waste gases, Homa strictly prohibits theburning of toxic production wastes and bans the use of ?uorinated refrigerators and air conditionersin all factories. As for the daily waste gases, the Company requires each branch factory to follow the

Emission Standards for Cooking Fumesand install additional hoods and oil smoke puri?ers to avoiddirect emission of oil fumes into the atmosphere.

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Waste ManagementHoma strictly abides by the relevant national laws and regulations on waste management and hasformulated various corporate management systems such as the Waste Classi?cation ListandWasteManagement Measures. To minimize the impact of the Company's operational activities on theenvironment, the Company has improved the management of solid waste throughout the entireprocess of waste generation, collection, storage, transportation and disposal. At the same time, theCompany also attaches great importance to the management of hazardous substances in its products.We have thus developed a hazardous substance management system with reference to the QC08000standards and other relevant requirements from our customers.On this basis, the Company regularly commissions professional agencies to conduct inspections andsupervision of the workplace environment as well as the management of solid wastes and hazardouschemicals so as to ensure that the disposal of each type of waste meets the national and localstandards.



Disposal Method

Waste metal,waste plastic,waste paper,waste wood, etc.

All relateddepartmentsand themanufacturingdepartment

Commissionquali?ed units fordisposalGeneralrecyclable




Disposal Method

Domestic waste,constructionwaste, etc.

All relateddepartmentsand themanufacturingdepartment

Commissionquali?ed units fordisposalGeneral non-





Disposal Method

Electronic waste,used packagingdrums, surfacetreatment sludge,etc.


Commissionquali?edhazardous wastedisposal agenciesfor disposalHazardous


Environmental: Promoting Green Development

Water Resource Management

Homa actively responds to the government's environmental protection requirements and persistentlyadheres to the full life-cycle management of water resources. We also constantly explore new ways ofrecycling water and reusing wastewater to maximize water e?ciency. Based on the principle of prioritizingwater conservation, the Company actively seeks out methods to conserve and recycle water resources,with priority given to adopting water-saving equipment and water conservation devices, so as to increasethe rate of water recycling and reuse, reduce ine?ective water consumption, and maximize the recycling ofwater resources.In addition, the Company strictly observes the laws, regulations, and relevant standards such as theLawof the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollutionand theAction Plan forthe Prevention and Control of Water Pollution. We have also formulated a series of internal managementpolicies such as theWastewater and Waste Gas Management Measuresand theWastewater and PollutionPrevention Map. The Company strictly monitors the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatmentfacilities to ensure that the quality of discharge meets the requirements of water pollution dischargelimits for existing projects in the Pearl River Delta stipulated in Guangdong Province'sElectroplating WaterPollution Discharge Standard(DB44/1597-2015). At the same time, the Company regularly commissionsthird-party agencies to monitor the Company's production wastewater and conduct follow-up operationswith reference to theProcedures for Corrective and Preventive Measuresfor wastewater treatment casesthat do not meet the testing standards.In compliance with relevant internal and external regulations, Homa has also constructed wastewatertreatment stations to pre-treat wastewater and manage wastewater separately according to theircategories. In particular, domestic wastewater is discharged to municipal sewage treatment pipelinenetworks and sewage treatment plants after pre-treatment such as septic tanks to meet the standards.Production wastewater is discharged into the sewage station through a special pipeline for treatment tomeet the standards before being released into the municipal sewage treatment network. The waste liquidsfrom production are commissioned to quali?ed hazardous waste treatment agencies for disposal.

In response to the Company's sustainable development concept, Homa has introducedan intelligent IoT water meter system to each factory. The system is able to analyze data inreal-time while reducing the cost of meter readings and facilitating timely troubleshootingto reduce operating costs. At the same time, the Company has taken the approach ofmeasuring water supply by sub-region and dividing the water supply network into sub-levels. The ?ow and pressure of each sub-region are monitored to further enhance the watermanagement capacity and achieve the goal of green operation.

808,333tonsTotal water consumption of Homa in 2022

Intelligent IoT Water Meter System

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Noise Management

Homa attaches great importance to the impact of noise generated during production on thesurrounding environment and employees. The Company carries out noise management in the factorythrough equipment protection, operational environment inspection, occupational health inspectionand other measures. In 2022, the Company implemented acoustic insulation and anti-vibrationprocesses for some workshops to minimize noise in the factory so as to prevent noise-relateddisturbances. At the same time, the Company provides hearing protection equipment for employeesworking in noisy environments, and conducts regular noise testing at factory boundaries along withnoise testing at job stations. This enables us to mitigate the impact of noise on the occupational healthof our employees.

Green Industry ChainIn response to the national promotion of green development and from a strategic standpoint of long-term corporate development, Homa propels environmental sustainability through innovation inall aspects of production and operations to ensure that the Company's products and business areadapted to future trends. The Company has integrated the green concept into R&D, manufacturing,warehousing, logistics and packaging, and continuously improved its informatization anddigitalization capabilities in the value chain in order to continuously reduce unnecessary emissionsand waste generated during operations.We are committed to the development of energy-e?cient products and the management of theenergy e?ciency of our products so as to improve the energy e?ciency level of our product portfolio.Since its establishment, Homa has been utilizing the R600a refrigerant, thus reducing millions of tonsof potential ozone-depleting substance emissions. At the same time, the Company ?rmly adheresto the use of mature and cutting-edge technologies. We are committed to delivering aesthetically-pleasing and energy-e?cient products that feature a sophisticated design and are higher than theindustry standards to consumers.The Company has been focusing on achieving recyclability in all aspects of its operations in orderto further expand its economic scope and competitive advantage. In terms of product material use,the Company refrains from using plastics and instead, adopts more recyclable metals to enhanceproduct recyclability. We have also continued to promote the use of green packaging materials forour products. All instruction manuals use recycled paper printed with eco-friendly soy ink to furtherreduce the negative impact of our products on the environment.A sustainable industry chain is the cornerstone of green operations. Homa has been promoting asustainable operation model in the upstream and downstream of the industry chain to improve thelevel of environmental governance across the industry chain and to achieve green and low-carbondevelopment through green procurement, green logistics and other measures. The Company hasformulated a comprehensive green procurement management system, which requires that theprocurement should be based on theVendor Environmental Safety Questionnaireto investigate theability of each manufacturer or relevant party in controlling environmental pollution factors as well astheir environmental protection performance. We have formed a list of quali?ed suppliers accordinglyand overseen as well as veri?ed the implementation status of related parties. At the same time, Homaupholds the concept of sustainability in promoting green logistics and transportation, and e?ectivelypromotes the implementation of environment-friendly operations.

Environmental: Promoting Green Development

Green Culture

Homa has been actively advocating the concept of green development and continuously driving thebuilding of green culture. Starting from the introduction of green o?ce measures and enhancing greenawareness, the Company has adopted a variety of energy conservation measures in o?ce areas andcarried out extensive environmental training and activities to promote green culture. This establishesa sound awareness foundation for the sustainable development of the Company.

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Homa advocates the procurement and use of energy-e?cient o?ce devices. To reduce energyconsumption in o?ces, we conduct scienti?c management of o?ce equipment and electricityconservation, actively manage air conditioning, lighting and other electricity-using equipment, andadopt LED lights internally. At the same time, the Company facilitates paperless o?ces promotes theuse of information systems and platforms for o?ce work, and encourages double-sided printing toreduce paper consumption. In addition, we have been actively promoting the construction of a greeno?ce culture and enhancing the environmental awareness of our employees through a series of greeno?ce systems and implementation measures.

Green Operations

While focusing on green production, Homa also places great emphasis on the enhancement ofemployees' environmental awareness and constantly guides them to pay attention to the impact oftheir actions on the environment and climate. In order to foster a robust energy-saving and carbonreduction culture within the Company, we carry out training and environmental protection campaignsin various forms with diversi?ed contents to promote and practice the values of ecological civilization.

Raising Environmental Awareness

In June 2022, Homa organized a World Environment Day campaign under the theme of"Building a Clean and Beautiful World", to further implement the concept of ecologicalcivilization and increase awareness of ecological and environmental protection. We werecommitted to ecological civilization construction and building a beautiful China. Duringthe event, Homa employees were encouraged to pursue a low-carbon green lifestyle bychoosing green consumption and using green products, and to actively participate inenvironmental protection and promote environmental protection ideas by volunteering inenvironmental protection activities.

Homa Publicity Event on Theme "June 5-World Environment Day - Building a Clean andBeautiful World"

In 2022, Homa conducted several training sessions on environmental topics, covering bothmanagement and front-line employees. These trainings covered a wide range of topics suchas environmental protection, environment management, waste gas emissions, wastewatertreatment, hazardous waste management, etc., which e?ectively enhanced employees'awareness of environmental protection.

Homa Training on Environmental Protection

Environmental: Promoting Green Development


2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report



Contributing to a

Brighter Future

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

R&D and Innovation

While excellent product quality is thecornerstone of Homa's business development,continuous technological innovation is thedriving force behind Homa's global presence.Guided by the vision of "making the bestrefrigerator in the world", Homa consistentlyexplores the synergy between beauty andtechnology. We create high-quality refrigeratorswith the most fashionable design, the mostmature technology and the most creative ideasfor our customers.

R&D CapabilityR&D and innovation are crucial for achieving a competitive edge in products. Homa attaches greatimportance to enhancing its core competitiveness through R&D and innovation. Adhering to theinnovation concept of "people-oriented innovative technology", the Company has 708 technicalpersonnel, including 135 core R&D personnel, with an R&D investment of RMB 322 million in 2022.Apart from continuously enhancing product development, the Company has also been activelyimproving the technology and quality of its products in recent years through resources allocation,the hiring of overseas industry experts, the formation of Italian and Chinese design teams, as well asthe introduction of advanced technology and techniques domestically and abroad. As a result, theCompany's technology center has also developed into a professional and modernized provincialenterprise technology center, positioning the Company as a modern manufacturing enterprise at theforefront of technology and design.In 2022, Homa continued to focus on the development of its air-cooled series products, initiating atotal of nine new product development projects and seven technology pre-research projects. Amongthem, nine new products have been completed and launched, complementing the Company'sproduct lineup of large refrigerators and further enriching the Company's product o?erings. At thesame time, the Company has also actively combined market changes and customer demands togradually develop new products with Homa's own characteristics and market di?erentiations.In terms of technological innovation, Homa focuses on the reduction of air duct noise andimprovement of energy e?ciency in air-cooled refrigerators, with the aim of better implementingthe R&D philosophy of "sensible and practical". In 2022, the Company completed 1,104 projects forvarious types of modi?cations and cost reduction as well as obtained 20 patents, further strengtheningits R&D capabilities. Looking ahead to future technological advancements, the Company will continueto prioritize R&D for improving energy e?ciency, set up relevant project teams, and conduct in-depthresearch in order to boost the Company's sustainable development.

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

December 2022Outstanding Product Innovation of the Year

?China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute

December 2022Silver Award of the Nantou Smart Appliances Design Competition

of Zhongshan Industrial Design Competition 2022?Hosted by the Economic Development and Science & TechnologyStatistics Bureau of Nantou Town, Zhongshan, and organized byShenzhen Institute of Innovative Design

May 2022Outstanding Award of Zhongshan Industrial Design Competition

2021 (General Product Design )?Zhongshan Industry and Information Technology AdministrationSeptember 2022Recognition Awards of the 11th Guangdong Governor's Cup

Industrial Design Competition (Furniture)?Organizing Committee of Guangdong Province Governor CupIndustrial Design Competition

List of Honors in 2022

Million RMBR&D Investment

In 2022

LaboratoryAccredited by CNAS

Provincial IndustrialDesign Center200+Products

Licensed Patents

Enterprise R&D CenterAs of the end of 2022

Technical Personnel


Core R&D Personnel


Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

List of Patents in 2022

TypeName of PatentPatent NumberDate of Issuance

Utility ModelA type of water drainage structure in the refrigerator air ductZL202120708182.32022/01/07Utility ModelA type of water storage structure of refrigeratorsZL202120708181.92022/01/07Utility ModelA type of ice-making machine and refrigerator with improved water injection methodZL202120636667.62022/01/07Utility ModelA water storage device for refrigerators and a refrigerator with such a deviceZL202120636666.12022/01/07Utility Model

A water dispenser for dispensing drinking water and making ice & a refrigerator thatdispenses drinking water and makes ice

ZL202120636635.62022/01/07Utility ModelA type of side-by-side refrigerator doorZL202120636804.62022/01/07Utility ModelA non-heating rotary sealing beam mechanism for double-door refrigeratorsZL202120640021.52022/01/07Utility ModelA type of refrigerator air duct with an improved centrifugal fan installationZL202120612856.X2022/01/07Utility ModelA type of refrigerator air duct ?xation structureZL202120612656.42022/01/07Utility ModelA type of screw-free refrigeration air duct assembly structureZL202120612509.72022/01/07Utility ModelA type of refrigerator air duct plate condensed water channeling structureZL202121671366.32022/01/18Utility ModelA refrigerator air duct board installation structureZL202121671397.92022/02/01Utility ModelA type of lid for fruit and vegetable refrigerator compartmentZL202121671299.52022/02/01Utility ModelA type of compressor base plate vibration reduction structure and refrigeratorZL202122656049.02022/03/15Utility ModelA type of compressor installation structure with vibration and noise reduction functionZL202122656046.72022/03/15Utility ModelA type of water collection tray for refrigerators with improved evaporation e?ciencyZL202220153888.22022/06/24Exterior DesignRefrigerator Handle (FC2-455)ZL202230221312.02022/09/02Utility Model

A type of new compressor compartment of refrigeration equipment and refrigerationequipment

ZL202220985974.X2022/09/02Exterior DesignRefrigerator thermostat (oval-shaped side light)ZL202230347817.12022/10/14Utility ModelA type of mounting structure for the hinge base of freezersZL202221379363.72022/11/18

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Meanwhile, Homa emphasizes cultivating R&D talents. In order to promote R&D and innovation as wellas to stimulate the innovative potential of our R&D personnel, Homa has introduced several awardsand incentives, including the technical innovation award, quarterly awards for cost savings andconsumption reduction, as well as punctuality of design BOM to encourage employees to encourageemployee innovation and creativity. In addition, the Company has established a comprehensivepatent application system to fully safeguard the company's and our R&D sta?'s research results.

Air-cooling Technology Innovation Research Team

Expertise Training

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Innovation of New Products

Homa maintains a constant focus on the development of mid-to-high-end products, such as air-cooled high-capacity refrigerators, air-cooled small-capacityrefrigerators, computerized temperature-controlled refrigerators, Wi-Fi intelligent voice-enabled IoT refrigerators, automatic ice-making refrigerators, export-oriented large single-door air-cooled shelf and drawer refrigerators for export, and export-oriented full-refrigeration/full-freezer refrigerators to completethe air-cooled refrigerator product line. On the basis of the intensive development of air-cooled refrigerators, the Company will increase investment in theresearch and development of freezers so as to expand the market presence of Homa.

The refrigerators of the "Monet Impression" Series are inspired by the world-famous painting "Impression, Sunrise". Through nano vacuum gradientplating technology, a gradient-colored layer is formed on the glass surface, incorporating the essence of "shifting between light and shadows".Additionally, the "Monet Impression" Series refrigerators are equipped with the all-new AG+ blue crystal anti-bacterial technology that uses activesilver ions to e?ectively inhibit bacterial protein synthesis and prevent bacterial reproduction. This helps to achieve a 99.99% anti-bacterial rate.

"Monet Impression" Series

Homa's BCD-552Pro is manufactured with strict adherence to European standards, positioning itself as a high-end export model targeted at theglobal market. Homa takes pride in its "exquisite design, superior quality, and optimal performance" which further contributes to the internationalexpansion of the Chinese household appliance industry.

Homa Premium Export Original Model: BCD-552Pro Secret Mirror

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

High-e?ciency Energy-saving Side-by-Side DoorRefrigeratorEquipped with Homa's 5

th-generation air-cooled no-frosttechnology, the energy-e?cient side-by-side door refrigeratoradopts the intelligent dual-inverter compressor controltechnology combined with an high-e?ciency invertercompressor and PWM inverter fan. It speci?cally addresses thepain points of the conventional air-cooled technology to enableenergy-saving and quiet operation of the entire unit. It alsoprevents food from drying out and ensures no frost during deepfreezing, thereby extending the freshness of food ingredients.

Single System Multi-temperature 4-door Refrigerator/Fresh SeriesThe 4-door refrigerator adopts the industry's ?rst patentedsingle-system multi-temperature zones technology, whichenables precise temperature control in multiple temperaturezones that can only be achieved through two or three sets ofconventional refrigeration units by other industrial peers. Itnot only meets the product performance requirements, butalso reduces the production cost with high cost-e?ectiveness,giving us a favorable competitive edge in the market.

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Innovative Technologies

Homa Appliances has joined hands with the Italian design agency UP Design, AE Energy Consumption and Performance Research Center, Japanese andKorean refrigeration electric control technology research experts, and Studio Volpi Refrigerator Structure Research Center to achieve energy e?ciencyimprovement as well as refrigerator freshness innovation technology that surpass the highest domestic standards. Thus, it means that each Homarefrigerator embodies the collective contribution from our partners around the world. In addition, Homa has continued to invest in R&D and innovation,thereby achieving new technological breakthroughs in 2022.

The Company has introduced a quaternary foaming system for the ?rst time. Compared with industry peers, the cost ofequipment transformation is reduced by large without changing the material for the inner containers of the refrigerator, andthe method of material temperature control is also upgraded to adapt for low boiling point production. This innovation notonly maintains consistent foam density, thermal conductivity, and demolding time, but also ensures the stability of productfoaming quality by resolving the problems of leakage, separation and empty foam. It represents a historic breakthrough inthe Company's foam technology.Low Boiling PointFoaming ProcessTechnology

"Starry Galaxy" refrigerator features a panel that utilizes 3D nano silver ion spraying technology, which creates a mysticallight refraction e?ect on the surface through a special texture design. The surface hardness is twice that of ordinary panels,providing superior wear resistance. Additionally, it exhibits excellent resistance to oil stains and corrosion, making it suitablefor a wide range of refrigerator panel applications.3D Nano Silver IonCoating Technology

Homa has applied air duct simulation design analysis technology to the packaging of refrigerators. By simulating andanalyzing the transportation drop, collecting data on the stress points of raw packaging materials, and conducting modelinganalysis, Homa studies the anti-collision capabilities of packaging design. Based on the research results, continuousimprovements are made to the packaging design. This technology shortens the research and development cycle whileenhancing the level of research and development processes and structural validation.Air Duct SimulationDesign AnalysisTechnology

The No.1 Chinese RefrigeratorExporter by Gross Quantity Globally

No.1 Chinese Refrigerator Exporter to Europe?Beijing Zhixindao Sci-Tech Corp., Ltd.

?Beijing Zhixindao Sci-Tech Corp., Ltd.

Intelligent ManufacturingHoma has been actively implementing intelligent manufacturing and continuously improving our refrigeratorproduction capacity. With the goal of "automation driving lean production, digitization leading smartmanufacturing, and continuous development of high-end intelligent factories", the Company is committedto upgrading the intelligent systems and improving manufacturing e?ciency with productive and intelligentmanufacturing as the core. Among them, the MES smart manufacturing system is applied to mass production.Based on the development of smart systems, Homa has also combined key technologies such as automation,mobile big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to continuously upgrade processes and quality. The Companyhas invested over RMB 100 million in automation equipment and production line e?ciency improvements.

100 Million+RMBInvestment in improving the e?ciencyof automation equipment andproduction lines

March 2022March 20222003







Annual sales volumeAnnual production capacityUnit: Million Devices

2009-20152016-2021Initial Stage: Sales volumeexceeded 3 million units

Expansion Stage: Sales volumeexceeded 5 million units

Mature Stage: Sales volume exceeded 10

million units

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Product Quality & Safety

Homa has always placed product quality andsafety as the ?rst priority. With adherence tothe quality policy of "Quality First, CustomerFirst, Environmental Protection and LegalCompliance, and Continuous Improvement" asthe basis, Homa constantly improves its qualitymanagement system in order to exercisee?cient control over product quality. At thesame time, through the vigorous developmentof smart manufacturing, we have continuouslyre?ned our production e?ciency and quality.Homa has received 1,826 quality and safety-related certi?cations and 13 "National Qualityand Integrity Benchmark Enterprise" awardsamong other related awards.

Quality Management SystemAs an industrial leader, Homa has been continuously strengthening quality management since itsestablishment, with strict compliance with theProduct Quality Law of the People's Republic ofChinaas well as various domestic and international quality management standards. We have alsoestablished internal quality management systems such as theQuality Manual, New Product After-sales Quality Control Program, Product Recall Managementand theProcedures for Corrective andPreventive Measuresin order to continuously re?ne the processes of quality control and productquality improvement while facilitating product quality and safety management. Through thesemeasures, we strive to provide users with higher-quality products and continuously improve customersatisfaction.In order to e?ectively execute Homa's quality policies, the Company has established a QualityManagement Committee (QC) led by the Vice President in charge of Quality Systems, where theManagement plans and sets annual quality targets. Each department will conduct quality training andequipment inspections, with regular reviews by the Management Committee on the achievement oftargets. By analyzing the indicators and taking corresponding improvement measures, we continue toimprove and enhance the e?ectiveness of the operation of our quality management system.On the basis of ensuring product quality, Homa also launches major quality improvement projectsand QCC improvement projects annually at both corporate and branch levels on the basis of marketfeedback, process production quality, product manufacturability, and management processes. Wealso carry out planning and analysis to set improvement targets, develop improvement plans and keymilestones for projects, along with organizing regular reviews. This allows us to e?ectively advancethe completion of high-quality projects as scheduled and validation of results, so as to further improvethe quality and safety of our products.ISO StandardsISO9001:2015, ISO/IEC17025 etc.NationalStandards

GB4343.1-2018, GB4706.1-2005, GB 4706.13-2014, GB 12021.2-2015,GB19606-2004, GBT 8059-2016 etc.;EU StandardsEN 60335, EN 62552:2013, EU 2019/2016US StandardsCAN/CSA-C22.2, CAN/CSA-C300-18, ANSI/AHAM HRF-1-2019

In 2022, based on the identi?cation result of quality management processes and marketfeedback, Homa started the air duct frosting improvement project to address the long-standing issue of frost buildup in refrigerator air ducts. Through repetitive research on theproblem, the Company developed an all-new air duct structure and improved the air ductto solve the problem of frost buildup. The technical innovation was included in the latestversion of Homa's product quality standards.

Results of Air Duct Frosting Improvement Project

Air Duct Frosting Improvement Project

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Controlling Product Safety

With strict control of product quality and safety, Homa has standardized its production according torelevant systems. We have also completed various quality and safety certi?cations such as the CCCcerti?cation, UL certi?cation, TISI certi?cation, TUV certi?cation and VDE certi?cation.Homa exercises rigorous control over the entire production process to ensure product qualityand safety. In the selection of raw materials, the Company systematically evaluates the suppliers'compatibility and performs annual supplier audits to ensure risk-free raw material traceability basedon the Safety and Environmental Management System for Related Parties. The inspection roomfor inbound materials strictly follows the national GB/T 2828.1 standard, and conducts packaging,appearance, size and performance inspections for each batch of materials to ensure the quality andsafety of raw materials.In terms of production inspections, the component processing department has executed acomprehensive inspection mechanism that follows the "?rst pre-production inspection, moldchange, ?rst product inspection", and has implemented quality and safety management for eachproduct batch with reference to the Seal Sample Management Mechanism. On this basis, all batchesof products are subject to a comprehensive production inspection. In addition, Homa requires eachbranch factory to perform quality inspection throughout the entire product assembly line, includinginspection of semi-?nished products and product appearance, refrigerant leak detection, refrigeration,safety performance, etc.In terms of ?nal product quality assessment, the Company and its branch factories have establisheda random inspection system for the quality of ?nished IPQC process products. It includes all-day random inspection of the structure of the ?nished product, conformity of safety certi?cation,refrigeration line and other dimensions to ensure that the ?nished product components and functionsmeet the quality and safety management standards. At the same time, the Company conducts furtherrandom inspections before the ?nished products leave the factory to ensure that the quality of eachbatch of products to be delivered is in line with the three national standards and the EU standards, sothat users around the world can enjoy high-quality products.



Complaints on product quality

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Quality Management Training

Homa has always adhered to the concept of "Quality First" in its quality management philosophy.Through various training sessions on product quality and product safety performance, we raise theawareness of quality management among employees and help them to carry out safe and high-quality production and testing of products. In 2022, the Company conducted 98 training sessionson various types of quality management and control, as well as 10 product safety-related trainingsessions.

Management of Disquali?ed ProductsHoma has established a comprehensive product recall management process and system to protectthe rights and interests of consumers as well as to control product quality and maximize safety. TheCompany's general manager or management representative is responsible for the potential recalledproducts. The recall team follows related policies such as theProduct Recall Management Measures,Corrective and Preventive MeasuresandProcedures for Output Control of Disquali?ed Productstoplan, notify, record and evaluate the products to be recalled, with timely analysis and summary ofthe reasons for product recalls and the formulation of e?ective corrective and preventive methods tooptimize the ?nal step of product delivery.






Training on quality management and control

Product safety training

Quality training coverage

Product safety training coverage

In December 2022, Homa conducted a quality management training themed on raw materialquality control, intending to improve employees' understanding of quality management tobetter implement the Company's "Quality First" quality culture in their work. A total of 12employees participated in this training session, engaging in in-depth discussions on howto improve the e?ciency of the company's quality management and exchanging quality-related viewpoints and experiences.

Quality Management Training by Homa

In December 2022, Homa conducted a training program on product safety performancethemed on the process control of product safety regulations in order to improve the factoryemployees' understanding of the safety performance of refrigerator products. A total of 10employees participated in this training.

Product Safety Performance Training by Homa

Product Recall Procedure

Possible recalls forproducts that have beendelivered to customers

Analysis and summarizationof reasons for product recall

Initiate recall procedureRecall productDisposal of recalled products

Correction and preventionof recurrenceDocumentation andArchiving

Evaluationof products to berecalledNY

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Customer Service

Adhering to the service concept of "serving customers wholeheartedly and determined to impresscustomers", Homa has established a comprehensive warranty policy and after-sales service system toensure that all users of Homa products can enjoy a high-quality experience.In terms of service, the Company has always maintained a proactive and enthusiastic service attitudealong with a clear and patient communication style. At the same time, Homa also conforms strictlyto the Company's quality management system, with a commitment to providing high-quality andprompt on-site service alongside a comprehensive warranty system. We hope our customers canappreciate Homa's dedication to our products and our determination to satisfy them, so as tocontinuously improve customer satisfaction and earn their recognition.Hence, we persistently conduct customer satisfaction surveys to improve the quality of customerservice. We plan to further improve the customer follow-up mechanism and strengthen the interactivecommunication with customers to optimize the service experience for our customers in 2023.After-sales ServiceCurrently, Homa has basically established an intelligent after-sales service and set up a timely ande?ective user contact channel. The Company has assigned personnel to handle user requests on theHoma WeChat o?cial account, 400-700-1770 customer service hotline, o?cial website, e-commerceplatform, etc. The scope of services includes repair, consultation, complaints and suggestions. Allinquiries are recorded on the "call recording quality inspection platform" case by case. The customerservice team is responsible for follow-up, handling and response.In terms of after-sales policies, Homa continues to expand the scope of warranty to enhance consumerexperience as far as possible. Within 7 days of the date of sales, customers can choose to refund,exchange or repair the product should the product be faulty. Within 15 days of the date of sales,







Customer Satisfaction Rate%

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Customer Privacy ProtectionAcknowledging the importance of customer privacy protection, Homa has formulated strict customerprivacy protection policies to ensure the security of customer information, with relevant protectionmechanisms at various stages of acquiring, monitoring and distributing customer information. Duringthe establishment of the customer ?le management system, the Company's system implements"permission minimization", so that only authorized personnel who have undergone approvalprocesses are granted permission to access, export, or print customer information data. The systemwill be automatically deactivated for employees who have left the company or been transferred toanother department.

customers may opt for an exchange or repair. Homa products come with a one-year warranty for theentire unit and a three-year warranty for the main components. Air-cooled products can enjoy a six-year warranty for 13 major components after the VIP warranty extension is activated, the air-cooledinverter refrigerators provide a ten-year warranty for inverter compressors. These warranties makeconsumers reassured of product quality.As an industry leader in refrigerator manufacturing, Homa has also developed a comprehensivemaintenance system, which assures that customer service will be provided within 24 hours incentral cities and 48 hours in rural areas, with appointment service provided for remote areas.On this basis, the Company has designed speci?c service requirements and explicit maintenancestandards for service stations, prepared manuals like theProduct Parts Disassembly and AssemblyTraining and Product Maintenance Service Manualfor the reference of service personnel alongsidemaking maintenance videos for service personnel. At the same time, the Company actively organizesmaintenance technology training as well as product maintenance programs to enhance themaintenance skills of service personnel. From 2017 to 2022, Homa won the Outstanding Contributionto Electronic Appliance Maintenance Services Award several times.

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Supply Chain Management

Adhering to the principles of "honesty and trustworthiness, fairness and equity, equality and mutualbene?t", Homa is committed to collaborating with suppliers to demonstrate the Company's sustainabilityphilosophy in each key link of the industry chain. At the same time, Homa drives its supply chain partnersto actively ful?ll their responsibilities in order to achieve a mutually bene?cial situation.Homa continuously improves its supply chain management system, formulates annual supplier auditplans, and e?ectively implements quality system audits for suppliers in order to continuously improve theirproduct manufacturing quality levels. The Company also focuses on improving the environmental, social,and governance management of its suppliers so that its products and services can meet the requirementsof sustainable development. Through stringent management and delegation of responsibility to suppliers,the Company has been able to introduce high-quality supplier resources and improve the production scaleand the management level of existing suppliers. At the same time, we have reduced procurement costsand continuously improved the competitiveness of our supply chain.In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, Homa has established theSafety and EnvironmentalManagement System for Related Partiesto clarify the environmental and safety responsibilities of therelevant parties and to strictly regulate the social responsibility behavior of suppliers. Based on therelevant system, Homa has established a strict supplier access system to determine the legality of productor service vendors, as well as to review their ability to control environmental pollution factors and theirenvironmental performance based on theVendor Environmental Safety Questionnaire, which will betabulated and collated by the Supply Department to form a list of quali?ed suppliers respectively.The Company performs environmental behavior management for material procurement and suppliers,investigates the environmental behavior of related parties, and monitors and con?rms the implementationstatus of the relevant parties. Suppliers are classi?ed according to their dependence on the Company'sbusiness as key in?uential related parties, general in?uential related parties, and temporary non-in?uentialrelated parties, and targeted management is carried out. When suppliers violate laws and regulations,Homa will require them to correct or rectify the situation. As for suppliers who fail to implementrecti?cation measures, Homa will either cease cooperation with them or impose relevant penalties.

At the same time, Homa conveys the company's business philosophy through supplier communicationevents and conducts supplier training to ensure that the Company resonates with its supply chainpartners and develops synergistically. In 2022, Homa organized three supplier networking events andheld two supplier training.

? Inform them of our environmental policy and related

environmental management regulations.? Sign agreements to put forward Homa's requirements related

to its conduct on environmental management, so that its

environmental conduct is in line with the relevant environmental

requirements of the company and the country.? Verify and con?rm the performance of all suppliers once a year or

randomly, and the results will be recorded in theQuestionnaire

for Key In?uential Related Parties.? Those found to be out of line with the Company's requirements

will be immediately required to propose corrective measures and

their implementation will be monitored.? ?To understand their environmental status and obtain the corresponding

information on its pollution generation and pollution control.? Promote Homa's environmental policy and, if necessary, make requests

or recommendations for environmental management.? Provide information of Homa's environmental policies, goals, and

targets to interested parties upon request.

Key In?uential RelatedParties

General In?uence onRelated PartiesRelated Parties Who DoNot Exert In?uence ForThe Time Being

Total number of suppliers / No.20201,665



Number of suppliers in Chinese mainland / No.




Number of suppliers from Hong Kong, Macau,Taiwan and overseas regions / No.2020



2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Talent DevelopmentTalent is a valuable asset for Homa, andthe growth and protection of employees'rights are the cornerstones of the company'ssustainable development. In line with the"people-oriented" philosophy, Homa providesa safe working environment and a comfortableliving space for its employees while fullysafeguarding their basic rights. The Company isalso committed to providing a comprehensivetraining system and a vast career developmentplatform, pursuing a bright future togetherwith our employees.

Maintaining strict compliance with theLabor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, LaborLaw of the People's Republic of Chinaand other relevant laws and regulations, Homa proactivelyformulates internal rules and regulations, advocates for democratic communication, providesdiversi?ed bene?ts, and e?ectively protects the legitimate rights of employees.

Rights & Protection

Employee RightsHoma strictly observes the employment law and prohibits forced labor and child labor. The Companystipulates that people under the age of 16 cannot be admitted to the employment system or getemployed. As for employees under 18, the Company will sign internship agreements with them thatclari?es basic information, remuneration and welfare, and exercise management and training forthem in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Democratic Communication

Homa attaches importance to humanitarian care. In order to safeguard employee rights to the greatestextent, the Company has established open communication channels and a fair handling process toencourage employees to freely express their opinions and actively give feedback.The Company has set up a "Talk to Homa" WeChat o?cial account to communicate companyinformation to employees promptly and hear from employees. In addition, the Company also setsup a General Manager Mailbox, regularly conducts employee seminars, and organizes training onmanagement and communication for junior supervisors to ensure that employees' opinions arerespected and heard.

In 2022, Homa had a labor contract signing rate of100%, and social insurancecoverage of100%.



Number of female employees

Number of male employees

Distribution of employeesby gender




Number of employeesunder the age of 30

Number of employeesbetween 30-50 years old

Number of employees over50 years old

Distribution of employees

by age

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Diversity and Equal Opportunities

Homa upholds an equal and non-discriminatory employment policywith a pledge to not treat employees di?erently regardless of all legallyprotected characteristics such as gender, age, race, religious beliefs anddisability, and to not disparage employees in terms of appointment,evaluation, promotion and salary criteria. The Company provides suitable

Employee Remuneration and Bene?tsHoma provides employees with a competitive salary and bene?tspackage that aligns with the market standards, and has established anemployee performance management system which combines integratescompensation with performance outcomes based on the principleof higher risks, bigger responsibilities and higher earnings throughperformance evaluation. This helps to stimulate employees' vitality.Through post-analysis and evaluation, coupled with the position hierarchy,the Company measures the relative value of each position accurately,objectively and comprehensively, before granting the corresponding

PersonsNumber of employees withdisabilities

1,859PersonsNumber of employees whoare from ethnic minorities

remuneration level. Additionally, based on factors such as employees' jobvalue, work capabilities, and attitude, timely adjustments are made tothe job levels and salary grades, which can inspire employees to enhancetheir capabilities and performance in a targeted manner and ensure thatsalaries are impartial.In addition, the Company has set up various welfare policies such asovertime allowance, meal allowance, full duty bonus, hot weatherallowance and fare allowance according to the needs of di?erent employeegroups to enhance the happiness of employees.

employment positions for people with disabilities and supports themwith monthly allowances. In addition, the Company organizes monthlyactivities for ethnic minorities, respecting employees' faiths and ethniccultures.

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Employee Promotion and Development

With a strong focus on the career development of each employee, Homahas continuously optimized its internal talent system. The Company hasestablished dual career development channels including a "managementchannel" and a "technical channel" to provide employees with a widerange of career development paths. To ensure the career developmentof employees from the institutional level, the Company has speci?edthe career development channels and the corresponding quali?cationsthrough theManagement Measures of Homa ManagersandManagementMeasures for the Evaluation of Technical Sta? Titles. Depending on the

Talent Training & DevelopmentAs high-quality talents are the primary source of productivity for enterprisedevelopment, Homa attaches great importance to the training anddevelopment of talents. The Company actively recruits outstandingtalents at all levels and considers employees as partners of the Company,providing them with fair opportunities for work, learning, developmentand promotion through a reasonable and scienti?c assessment andincentive system. At the same time, Homa has built a training platformthrough an internal talent circulation mechanism and project incubationsystem to help employees showcase and improve themselves in di?erent

?elds.Homa's corporate culture, which emphasizes human care, has created anopen and progressive work atmosphere and fostered a mutually trustingemployee relationship, thereby fully motivating employees' enthusiasmand creativity in their work. In 2022, Homa continued to press ahead withemployee training and smooth career development paths to promotetalent growth.

nature of the employee's position, Homa conducts regular performanceappraisals to review the employee's performance in safety, quality, anddiscipline, thus increasing employee motivation while promoting self-improvement and holistic development.At the same time, Homa has adopted a combination of internalcompetition and external recruitment to help employees give full play totheir potential and stimulate the vigor of the Company's talents.

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Employee Training

On the basis of establishing clear career development channels for employees, Homa has developeda targeted talent training system for employees at di?erent levels and ensured its e?cient operationby formulating institutional documents such asTraining Management Measures and InstructorManagement Measures.The Company provides a comprehensive range of holistic training for employees, including corporateculture values, product information, professional skills, and job quali?cations in various ?elds toencourage employees to improve their ability and work competence through training and learning.The comprehensive training system has cultivated and improved the work competence and skill levelof employees, optimized their knowledge structure, and strengthened the cohesion of employeesthrough corporate culture training, thus maximizing the potential of each employee and achieving amutually bene?cial situation for employees and the Company.









Total number of male employees trained

Total hours of training for male employees

Total number of female employees trained

Total hours of training for female employees

The "Talent Development Program" backup team leader program is designed to train agroup of backup junior management talents who have a clear understanding of themselveswith management and improvement skills, so as to develop backup front-line backboneemployees for the Company. Homa has customized courses such as "Role Awareness andExecution", "JR - Interpersonal Leadership" and "30 Essential Skills for Team Leaders"for the participants of this program. At the same time, the program is combined withthematic practices, e?ectively improving the job skills of backup team leaders through casediscussions, scenario cases, group sharing, simulation exercises, etc. In 2022, the Companysuccessfully trained 60 backup front-line elites through the program.

Opening Ceremony of the 2022 "Talent Development Program"

Backup Team Leader Boot Camp

"Talent Development Program" Backup Team Leader Program

Homa has set up the "Outstanding Talent Program" (Management Trainee Program) whichaims to nurture outstanding fresh graduates and help these trainees to achieve rapid growthat work. The one-year program formulates a detailed training path and appoints one Homa'sprofessional mentor for each trainee. In 2022, the Company recruited a total of 52 trainees.

Group photo of management traineesat the opening ceremony of the 2022"Outstanding Talent Program"

Appointment of mentors at the opening

ceremony of the 2022"Outstanding Talent Program"

The "Outstanding Talent Program" Trainee Program

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Additionally, Homa established Homa University (Homa Appliances online learning platform), which is aimed at creating a good atmosphere for activelearning for all employees by integrating board learning resources so that every Homa person can learn anytime, anywhere and on demand. The Companyrelies on Homa University to deliver courses of di?erent systems, providing comprehensive and systematic training for the employees.

7,896personsNumber of learners online

1,038sessionsNumber of Homa Campus courses

The "Elite Program" (Training Camp for Managers) aims at newly promoted junior managers. It is based on solving practical business problemsand trains talents for enterprise development through centralized training, mentoring, forums, sharing sessions and on-the-job practices. In 2022,a total of 29 people in the "Elite Program" have completed the transformation of their roles and mastered basic leadership theories as well asmanagement methods.

Presentation of the closing ceremony of the 2022 training camp for newly promoted junior managers

"Elite Program" Training Camp for Managers

In addition to systematic training for employees at di?erent levels, Homa also attaches great importance to cultivating employees' professional skills andprovides corresponding training based on the company's business development. The training covers various aspects including, but not limited to, languagetraining, international perspectives, and vocational skills training.

In order to adapt to the Company's strategic businessdevelopment overseas, to improve the business communicationand service level of the engineering team and to create a goodenvironment for learning English, the Company decided to holda special English training camp for professional and technicalsta? in April 2022, with a total of 14 participants joining thespecial training camp. With the elaborate design of courses by 4lecturers from the International Marketing Center, the traineessuccessfully completed the corresponding learning program.

In November 2022, the Labor Union of Homa Appliances hostedthe 2022 "Xiangshan Craftsman Cup" Technical Competition forEmployees under the guidance of the People's Government ofNantou Town and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions inorder to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialismwith Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the

thCPC National Congress. The competition included weldingand inspection skills contests.

Sixth English Training Camp for Professionals and Technical Sta?The "Xiangshan Craftsman Cup" Technical Competition

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Occupational Health Management

Homa arranges regularly organizes occupational health examinations for employees and conductspre-employment examinations for new employees, provides end-of-service checkups for retiredand departing employees, and implements comprehensive occupational disease monitoring andhealth management for on-duty employees. The Company has established occupational health ?lesbased on the results of employee medical checkups, followed up on the health status of employeespromptly, and provided them with excellent occupational health protection. During the reportingperiod, Homa's employee medical checkup coverage rate reached 100%.

Safety InspectionsHoma actively conducts safety hierarchical and categorized safety inspections. In 2022, 1,950safety inspections of various types were completed. The Company also performs detailed risk levelevaluations for each production process and takes appropriate control measures for factors that posesigni?cant negative occupational health and safety risks.The Company conducts safety reviews and safety assessments before introducing new equipment,new processes and new materials so as to ensure the safe and smooth implementation of newtechnologies. At the same time, regular production safety inspections and comprehensive internalinspections are carried out in each factory park, which will reduce or eliminate the remaining risks ofmachines and equipment by increasing technical measures such as safety protection and interlockingfor high-risk points. Equipment that requires temperature, pressure and liquid level protection isequipped with monitoring facilities such as safety valves, pressure gauges and liquid level meters, andsensors for alarms, interlocks and other control devices to ensure timely and e?ective monitoring anddisposal of production risks. On the other hand, monthly temperature measurements are conductedon electrical equipment to avoid leakage and excessive temperatures. Lightning protection facilities,pressure vessels, and special equipment are also tested regularly to ensure the safety of production ineach factory and to protect the occupational health and safety of employees.

Occupational and Health SafetyWith strict compliance with national laws, regulations, standards and codes of conduct related tooccupational health and safety, Homa has also obtained the ISO45001 Occupational Health andSafety Management Certi?cate. Withthe

Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention andControl of Occupational Diseases, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Work Safety andtheLaw of the People's Republic of China on Fire Fightingas the benchmark;Regulations on OccupationalHealth Management in Workplaces, Regulations on Emergency Response to Production Accidents,Regulations on Work Injury Insurance,andBasic Standards for Standardization of Enterprise SafetyProductionas the guidelines, Homa has formulated 36 production safety-related systems that areapplicable to the Company as well as each factory to comprehensively ensure the occupational healthand safety of employees.

Homa has always prioritized the occupational health and safety of its employees. In 2022, theCompany invested RMB 4.21 million in safety production to protect the occupational safety ofemployees through comprehensive safety risk identi?cation and assessment as well as the systematicmanagement of safety performance indicators. Homa strictly adheres to the RoHS Directive andREACH regulations, and has formulated instruction reports such asNo Use of Prohibited SubstancesGuarantee, Restricted Substances Guarantee, and Guarantee for Use of Substances of High Concern,which are used to ensure product safety.The Company provides su?cient personal protective equipment for employees working in hazardousworkplaces that are exposed to noise, dust, etc. For employees at risk of occupational diseaseexposure, they are all required to receive training on industrial hygiene and occupational diseasemanagement, con?ned space management, ventilation facility management, personal protectiveequipment management and other issues, and to wear personal protective equipment such as earplugs and dust masks while working.

Safe Production


Million RMBSafety production investment

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Emergency Disposal

Well-practised emergency disposal and response capability serve as a vital backup for ensuringproduction safety. High-risk operations and ?re-activated operations are strictly subject to approvaland on-site control in accordance with the Company's system. On this basis, the Company has alsoinstalled smoke alarm systems, combustible gas alarms, ?oat switches and other ?re and chemicalleakage alarm systems in each factory, along with automatic broadcasting systems, which helpmanagement personnel promptly and e?ectively detect disasters. At the same time, automatic ?reextinguishing sprinkler systems and safety ventilation systems have been installed in each factory,while indoor and outdoor ?re hydrants are also fully con?gured, rendering each factory capable ofresponding to dangerous situations. In order to guarantee the timely evacuation of the personnelinvolved, the Company has also improved various emergency lighting, emergency evacuation lights,no ?reworks and other ?re safety signs.In order to enhance the safety awareness of employees and the emergency responsecapability of each production line of the Company in response to ?res, the Companyconducted a large-scale ?re-?ghting and rescue drill under the theme of "People First andLife First" in 2022 to strengthen employees' pro?ciency in the use of ?re-?ghting equipment.The drill involved emergency preparedness, response route planning and the use of ?rehydrants, ?re trucks, etc. All employees of the seven branches participated in the drill, withmore than 700 people involved.

Large-scale Fire Fighting and Rescue Drill

Safety CultureIn terms of work safety training, Homa requires all new employees to complete the safety training onthe three levels of factory, workshop and team. Middle-level managers are required to take part in safetyknowledge assessment, and all employees are required to complete safety training and ?re drills everyyear to update their safety knowledge promptly and enhance their safety responsibility and awareness.In addition, the Company also actively carries out safety training for team leaders, ?re safety knowledge,inspection and maintenance operations, standardized safety production, hazardous chemicals andcerti?cation training for safety production managers. Training re-evaluation and re-education are alsoprovided for special equipment operators, special operation personnel, and key position sta?. In 2022, 182various occupational safety training sessions were conducted, covering a total of 37,101 participants.

In June 2022, the ?rst safety knowledge contest was held jointly by the Equipment Departmentand the General Management Department in celebration of the 21st "National SafetyProduction Month" under the theme of "Observing Safety Production Law and Bearing the FirstResponsibility" in order to enhance awareness of safety. The competition was composed of Q&Asessions and safety skills presentations, which combined theories and practical exercises tocomprehensively enhance the safety skills and responsibility awareness of Homa employees.

Safety Month Knowledge Contest

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Care for Employees

Homa adheres to a "people-oriented" approach and is committed to providing employees with "warm care" and bene?ts from multiple dimensions such ashealth and life. In 2022, Homa continued to optimize and enhance employee care services to continuously improve employees' sense of achievement andbelonging.Cultural and Sports ActivitiesThe Company has set up recreational facilities such as billiard rooms, dance halls, cinemas, gymnasiums, Internet cafes and libraries in the sta? dormitoryarea. At the same time, the Company also actively organizes badminton matches, basketball matches and fun sports activities every year in order to enrichemployees' leisure activities and create a harmonious and healthy working environment.

Library in Living Areas for Employees

Cinema in Living Areas for Employees

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Welfare and Care

In 2022, Homa organized a diverse range of employee welfare and care activities that delivered holiday wishes, health protection and other care to employeeson the basis of fully protecting their basic rights. In addition, Homa also initiated a company-wide donation campaign to help workers with ?nancialdi?culties.

As International Women's Day, March 8, was around thecorner, Homa's Secretary of the Youth League Committeeand representatives of the trade union and women's homescame to each branch factory and held meetings to send giftsof appreciation and holiday wishes to single mothers. Whiledemonstrating the Company's humanistic care, the visits alsobrought the warmth of Homa to every employee.

Homa often visits interns' dormitories to strengthen the dynamicmanagement of Homa's interns while improving their sense ofbelonging in a new environment. These visits not only deliverHoma's care, but also enable the Company to have a deeperunderstanding of the interns' working and living conditions so asto address the students' practical needs more e?ectively.

Sending Care to Female Workers on International Women's DayCare for Homa Interns

In order to safeguard the reproductive health of female workers,improve their physical health and enhance their awareness of healthand self-protection, Homa conducts free screening for commonwomen's diseases for female workers. Meanwhile, treatment andsupport are provided for female workers who are diagnosed withdiseases, so as to provide healthcare and relief for female workersin di?culties. During the course of the screening, the Companyregistered a total of 257 free health record cards for female employeesand completed screening for common women's diseases.

Free Screening for Common Women's Diseases

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future

Rewarding Society

Industry Development

Homa persistently works with industry partners to build a mutually bene?cial and pro?tableindustrial environment. The Company actively participates in industry forums and conferences tocontinuously learns excellent practices and experiences from leading enterprises and demonstrate itsown scienti?c and technological achievements and industry practices. We thereby promote industryexchanges and present new ideas for industrial upgrading.In 2022, Homa participated in various industry conferences such as the China Household ElectricalAppliance Technical Conference, China Refrigerator Industry Symposium, Appliance & ElectronicsWorld Expo, Polyurethane Industry Exhibition and Plastic Modi?cation Technology ExchangeConference with the aim of learning and promoting the advanced practices of the industry whileactively driving the collaborative development of industry partners.

Homa actively ful?lls its corporate socialresponsibilities by promoting the developmentof the industry and encouraging all employeesto participate in various community serviceactivities. Together with our partners, we willbuild a better future.

Community Welfare

With the mission and vision of "rewarding society with a passion for public welfare", Homa iscommitted to promoting the concept of corporate public welfare, and actively ful?lls its corporatesocial responsibilities to support social welfare. Meanwhile, the Company attaches great signi?canceto the cultivation of the concept of public welfare among employees, encouraging them to payattention to social issues and urging them to actively participate in various charity activities, so thatmore social groups in need of charity assistance can receive adequate care and help.

As an important and authoritative technology communication platform in China's homeappliance industry, the 2022 China Household Electrical Appliance Technical Conferencetook the current technological development trend of the household appliance industryinto consideration, and was themed on "wisdom, health, low-carbon, materials". Industryexperts and academicians from household appliance-related ?elds were invited to deliverspeeches based on the conference theme. They shared their research results as well asinsights and perspectives on the development of the industry technology with fellowindustry members. In October 2022, Homa participated in the 2022 China HouseholdElectrical Appliance Technical Conference and shared its development achievements withindustry partners.

China Household Electrical Appliance Technical Conference

Homa participated in the Zhongshan Charity Parade in January 2022, which was dedicatedto supporting the development of public schools and other educational causes. TheCompany donated a total of RMB 800,000.Zhongshan Charity Parade

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Employee Volunteer Services

In December 2022, the Homa volunteer team created a clean and comfortable working environment for the Company's employees by clearingleaves and other debris from the Company's entrance, sidewalks and sanitary corners, bene?ting employees with practical deeds. Volunteersactively carried forward the spirit of dedication, and further enhanced their awareness of the big picture and service consciousness, which wasrecognized by the employees of the Company.

In order to execute the rural revitalization strategy, Homa organized activities to celebrate the Chongyang Festival and brought companionship andwarmth to the elderly in the community in addition to donating RMB 60,000 for the Community Chongyang Festival activity.

Employee Volunteer Cleaning Activity

Community Activities for the Chongyang Festival

Social: Contributing to a Brighter Future


2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report



Pursuing Excellence

in Governance

Governance: Pursuing Excellence in Governance

Party Building Leadership

The Party Branch of Homa was established in November 2004, with a total of 99 CPC members as ofthe end of 2022. Guided by Xi Jinping Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a NewEra as well as the spirit of the 20

thNational Congress, the Party Branch of Homa actively carries outvarious party-building activities in accordance with the "four imperatives" party building guidelines.In 2022, Homa carried out 8 party-building activities in various forms, including theoretical studiesand on-site visits. The diversi?ed activities have united Party members, managers and workers, andenhanced their awareness of responsibility and development. The party building has thus beenstrengthened in an all-rounded manner.




Number of Chinese Communist Party MembersPersons

?It is a must to closely adhere to theParty's basic path, uphold the Party'sbasic theory and basic principles,support the Party's central tasks, andevaluate the work of grass-roots Partyorganizations based on the actualresults of the tasks of the unit.

?It is a must to be stringent aboutthe internal Party activities, takeParty discipline seriously, strengthensupervision within the Party, promoterighteousness, oppose negativebehaviors, maintain the leading andpure properties of the Party members,and enhance the ability of grassrootsParty organizations to resolve theirown con?icts.

?It is a must to study new situations andsolve new problems with the spirit ofreform by applying existing and successfulexperiences and strengthening innovationand creativity and improving the contentof activities and working methods ofgrass-roots Party organizations.

It is a must to be grounded on regularwork with unremitting e?orts andattention, and to develop practical long-term plans as well as to address thecurrent urgent problems.

Four Imperatives

Homa Implements Party Building Guidelines

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Strengthen Theoretical Study and ImprovePolitical Capability

2022 is an important year for China as it embarks on a new journey toward the second centenary goalof fully building a modern socialist country. With the successful conclusion of the 20

thNational CPCCongress in 2022 and amidst the nationwide climax to study and promote the spirit of the meeting,Homa required all Party members to strengthen their theoretical studies and improve their politicalcapabilities. By associating theories with practical work, we promote thinking, thought and action,and integrate knowledge with action.

In order to carry out an in-depth study of the spirit of the 20

thCPC National Congress and toimprove the theoretical and political awareness of Party members, Homa invited experts toexplain the important contents and directions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping in thereport of the 20

thCPC National Congress to Party members and employees. Through theselectures, the Company facilitated Party members to combine centralized learning with self-learning, and political learning with business and management. Party members and workersactively wrote down study notes with their ideological, theoretical and work competenceimproved, thus laying a sound business and political theory foundation for the Party work.

Homa Invited Experts to Illustrate Theories of the 20


National CPC Congress

On July 1, 2022, the Party Branch of Homa visited a red education center, watched "red" ?lmsand studied the spirit of Ganzhutan to let Party members review the history of revolution andinherent the "red gene". These activities inspired all Party members to ful?ll new responsibilitiesand make new contributions in the new era, and motivated them to better play the role of theParty organization as a combat bastion and leverage their in?uence as leading examples.

Homa carried out Party Day activities on July 1

Visit the Longjiang History and CultureExhibition Center organized by Homa

Group photo of Homa employeesparticipating in Party Day activities

Governance: Pursuing Excellence in Governance

Strengthening Services, EmbodyingHumanistic Care

The Party Branch of Homa attaches importance to humanistic care and insists on "people-oriented"operations. It continuously reinforces the logistics service, carries out activities such as the upgradingof activity areas, maintenance of stability during festivals and Party building activities, which enrichthe cultural life of Homa's employees and improve their working and living conditions. Throughstrengthening services, the Party Branch embodies the company's "people-oriented" philosophy.

In May 2022, the Party Branch of Homa upgraded the Party members' activity roomand logistics management room to provide a more comfortable working and livingenvironment for Homa employees.

In February 2022, in order to further deepen the concept of innovation-driven and integrateddevelopment, the Party Branch of Homa and the Party Branch of Guangji Hospital and theGaJum company carried out Party-building collaboration and established a platform forcommunication and learning.

Upgrading of Party Members' Activity Room and Logistics Management Room

Cooperative Party Building with Party Branches of Partners

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Protection of Investors' Rights and Interests

The Company convenes and holds shareholders' general meetings in strict accordance with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations, ensuringproper voting procedures and legal compliance through the presence of lawyers as witnesses. The Company treats all shareholders equally and activelyensures that shareholders, especially small and medium-sized ones, can fully exercise their legal rights by way of online voting and cumulative voting.Regulation of Information DisclosureHoma has continuously enhanced information disclosure and actively carried out investor relations management to safeguard the interests of the Companyand its shareholders. To ensure compliance and transparency of information disclosure and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, theCompany has established an information disclosure system in strict accordance with the relevant laws and regulations as well as the Company'sArticlesof Associations. This allows us to conduct fair, timely, accurate, truthful, and complete information disclosure through channels like e-mail, the Company'swebsite, investor helpline and the interactive platform for investor relations.

Governance StructureHoma has established a sophisticated governance structure, with a "three committees and one level" corporate governance structure consisting of theGeneral Meetings of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the management, with a clear division of powers and responsibilitiesfor each part. This has resulted in a scienti?c and e?ective division of responsibilities and a controlled system of checks and balances.In order to standardize the corporate governance structure, Homa has formulated rules and regulations such as theRules of Procedure for the Board ofDirectors, Work System for Independent DirectorsandRules of Procedure for the Supervisory Boardto ensure the orderly operation of the Company. TheBoard of Directors has set up four special committees, including the Strategy Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Audit Committee as well as theRemuneration and Evaluation Committee, all of which supervise, cooperate, and restrict each other to e?ectively control the company's daily production andoperations. The Company's Board of Directors currently comprises seven directors, including three independent directors. Meanwhile, the Supervisory Boardcurrently has one employee representative.In 2022, Homa held one General Meeting of Shareholders, ?ve Board of Directors meetings, four Audit Committee meetings, one Remuneration andEvaluation Committee meeting, one Nomination Committee meeting, and one ESG report initiation meeting. All meetings and voting procedures wereexecuted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the Company'sArticles of Associations.Strategy CommitteeNomination Committee

Board of Directors

General Meetings of


Supervisory Board

General ManagerBoard O?ceRemuneration andEvaluation Committee

Audit Committee

Securities DepartmentInternal Audit and Internal

Control Department

Refrigerator Business


General Manager's O?ceFinancial Management


Administration and

HR DepartmentLegal ComplianceDepartment

Governance: Pursuing Excellence in Governance

Legal Compliance and Risk Control

Homa strictly adheres to the laws and regulations such as theCompany Law, the Securities Law, theCode of Governance for Listed Companies, the Rules for the Listing of Stocks on the Shenzhen StockExchange,and theGuidelines for the Standardized Operation of Listed Companies on the ShenzhenStock Exchange.At the same time, we take into account the Company's circumstances to continuouslyoptimize the corporate governance structure, establish and improve rules and systems of corporategovernance as well as internal control in order to ensure the Company's compliance and healthydevelopment.Risk Control and Supervision

Homa has established and improved the internal control system in accordance with the requirementsof the regulatory authorities and the actual circumstances of the Company. We regularly release theInternal Control Self-Evaluation Report and seek to re?ect the actual situation of the Company'sinternal control in a comprehensive, true and accurate manner.

Responsible for the sound establishment and e?ectiveimplementation of internal regulations, approving internalcontrol evaluation reports, identifying signi?cant internal controlshortcomings and undertaking ultimate responsibility for internalcontrol evaluations.Board ofDirectors

Responsible for supervising the establishment and implementationof internal control and the internal control evaluation system by theBoard of Directors.Supervisory


Report to and directly under the leadership of the Board ofDirectors; exercise and assume the responsibility of supervisingand inspecting the implementation of the internal control system,evaluating the e?ectiveness of internal controls, and makingrecommendations for improving internal controls and correctingerrors and shortcomings through the internal audit organization.AuditCommitteeof the Boardof Directors

Report to the Board of Directors and its Audit Committee.Internal AuditOrganization

Coordinate and resolve major issues arising in the process of

internal control evaluation; be informed of the work arrangement,

work progress and assessment reports of internal control

evaluation; promptly obtain the results of daily internal control risk

monitoring; and organize the implementation of e?orts to rectify



Cooperate with internal control evaluation and audit; provide

opinions and suggestions on the design and operational defects

identi?ed, and implement recti?cation of weaknesses.


2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Business Ethics

Information Security

Homa has always adhered to the principles of equality, mutual bene?t, and win-win cooperation. It continuously strengthens internal integrity managementand has formulated theIntegrity Management Codeto regulate business operations and eliminate violations of business ethics such as commercial bribery,unfair competition, and so on.Homa has always maintained "zero tolerance" attitude towards corruption. The Company strictly abides by the national laws and regulations related to anti-corruption and complies with theUnited Nations Convention against Corruption, while consistently improving its anti-corruption system to prevent theoccurrence of corruption. The Company has also established an internal anti-corruption reporting system, which provides various feedback channels such asthe telephone hotline and e-mail. At the same time, we have strengthened our integrity culture and training across the board to create an honest and cleanatmosphere in the Company. The Company was not involved in any corruption litigation cases in 2022.We are committed to creating an open, equal and fair competitive environment. In response to the call for a policy to resolutely combat monopoly and unfaircompetition, we have continuously strengthened our antitrust and unfair competition management. The Company has regulated unfair competition in itscompliance management system and reached a consensus on the relevant terms in the agreement with the partner.

Amid the growing concern for data privacy and security in society and the country, Homa has continuously improved its internal information securitymanagement system to protect the data privacy of employees and customers in all aspects.Homa has developed a comprehensive information security management system in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. In 2022, the Companyreleased a total of 7 various information security management policies and put in place weekly security inspection reports in addition to the security auditsystem so as to improve the Company's information security management capability in all aspects. At the same time, the Company has established aninformation security team and appointed an information security commissioner who is responsible for information security coordination, planning, auditingand speci?c implementation of information security measures to ensure the e?ective implementation of relevant systems. The Company also sets annualtargets for information security and carries out holistic enhancements around three major areas including network security, server security, and terminalsecurity through systematic gap-?lling and special information security checks with the help of external companies.Homa places emphasis on the construction of information security culture. In 2022, the Company successfully conducted three information security trainingsessions attended by 151 people. We plan to continuously expand the scope and boundary of information security awareness enhancement programs inorder to comprehensively enhance the awareness of information security protection among our employees.

? Auditing and optimization of serverextranet permissions and extranetports? VPN account auditing and port-basedauthorization? Auditing of server networks,wireless networks and port-basedauthorization? Auditing of production networksecurity and high-availabilitynetwork drill

? Data backup audit and datarecovery drill? Server baseline inspection,vulnerability inspection and?xation? Establishment of inspection

mechanism for security equipment

? Improvement of terminal antivirusmechanism? Regular auditing of ?le uploading,copying and downloading by thedesktop management system toe?ectively prevent data loss orleakage




Governance: Pursuing Excellence in Governance

Outlook for the FutureDespite being confronted with the relatively weak demandand unfavorable market situation in the global refrigerator andfreezer industry in 2022, Homa took active measures to copewith the situation, strengthen our foundation, forge ahead andachieve signi?cant progress and breakthroughs. In the future, theCompany will follow the development trends of the industry andmaintain our competitive advantage in exports, supplementedby the continuous development of our own brand. At the sametime, we will continue to optimize our product portfolio andincrease the market share of mid-to-high end products, in orderto bring our development from a quantitative growth in scaleto a new stage of sustainable development with simultaneousexpansion in scale as well as quality and e?ciency. Moreover, inorder to achieve high-quality development and secure a footholdin the long term, we will continue to promote the constructionof our sustainability management system and implementinstitutionalized measures to standardize relevant managementin order to ful?ll longer-term development goals.Green development is an important element in the pursuit ofecological civilization, high-quality development, and Chinesemodernization. While actively responding to the national "dualcarbon" strategic goals, Homa is leading the way in low-carbondevelopment with green production and green products. Inthe future, we will further improve our production processesand further advance the progress of green development bybuilding green factories, re?ning our manufacturing operations,increasing the use of clean energy, and implementing energy-saving improvements. Meanwhile, Homa is also activelypromoting smart manufacturing. Through the introduction ofmore intelligent production equipment and processes, Homafurther accelerates the construction of information, intelligenceand digital transformation and upgrading in order to improveproduction e?ciency and quality. Homa will be able to produce3 million air-cooled refrigerators per year with the smartmanufacturing base we are currently building. With this, thecompany will develop into one of the the fastest-growing and themost competitive specialized refrigeration equipment suppliers.In terms of product design, Homa will always strive to delivermore energy-e?cient, environmentally friendly and healthyproducts to consumers. We will improve the degree of intelligenceof our products through digital technology to provide consumers

with a more convenient and intelligent experience. Meanwhile,we will continue to encourage technological innovation andnew material applications, incorporate environmental healthand market development into our strategy, and upgrade energye?ciency. Aside from exploring the pain points associated withpromoting new products, Homa will intensify its research onthe practicality and adaptability of new products, and provide adiversi?ed product selection catalogue to customers in order toincrease the proportion of products with large capacities.In the future, Homa will continuously enhance the rights andinterests of employees, ensure a diverse and equal workplace,and provide various training programs along with a clearcorporate ladder. In this regard, the Company will place agreater focus on the health of employees and strengthen safetyproduction and management in order to ensure their well-being.As part of its commitment to public welfare, Homa will enhanceits social responsibility and give back to the community throughintensifying public welfare activities. We will actively participate incharitable initiatives, express our concerns for the disadvantagedand make more contributions towards society.In terms of governance, Homa will continue to regulate theGeneral Meeting, the Board of Directors, and the SupervisoryCommittee on a day-to-day basis in accordance with the relevantlaws and regulations. As part of this, the Company is continuouslyimproving its corporate governance structure, its internalmanagement system, its internal controls, and its governancelevel. To ensure sustainable, healthy, and stable growth, we willfurther improve our management system, implement a collectivecontrol system, and further standardize and normalize corporatemanagement.With our collective e?orts, we will rise and advance, gathermomentum to become stronger, and propel ourselves to greaterheights. In the future, the Company will continue to uphold themission of "providing the most competitive products for globalcustomers and clients" while keeping refrigerator products atthe forefront of our development strategy. Therefore, we willcontinue to focus on green operations, R&D innovation, smartmanufacturing, employee care, social welfare, and corporategovernance in order to ensure every Homa refrigerator is well-built with a sustainable mindset.

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Outlook for the Future

Key Performance Tables

Environmental Performance

Key Performance IndicatorsUnit2022 DataEnvironment ManagementInvestment on Environment Protection10,000 RMB100.19

Diesel consumptionLiter176,087

Natural gas consumptionCubic meter224,270

Consumption of electricity purchased externallykWh129,675,635

Percentage of renewable energy%8

Electricity generated by solar powerkWh6,794,291

Amount of packaging materials usedTon8,572,701Water UsageAmount of water clearTon808,333Greenhouse GasesEmissions Management

Total greenhouse gas emissions

Tons of carbon dioxide



Waste Managemen

Hazardous waste emissionsTon119.204

Non-hazardous waste emissionsTon6,905.459

Waste liquid from paintTon0

Waste paint residueTon2.52

Oily wastewaterTon12.884

Empty drumsTon9.541

Other hazardous wastesTon94.259

Waste paper cartonsTon608

Plastic wastesTon1,380

Waste plastic foam (EPS)Ton0

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Social Performance

Performance IndicatorsUnit2022 Data

Economic Performance

Operating revenueRMB7,842,731,367.72Total assetsRMB6,591,388,505.83

Care for Employees

Total number of employeesPerson8,854

Number of male employeesPerson6,059Number of female employeesPerson2,759Percentage of female senior managers%19Labor contract signing rate%100Social insurance coverage rate%100Number of days of paid annual leave Day10Number of employees from ethnic minoritiesPerson1,859Number of employees with disabilitiesPerson99Total number of employees participated in trainingPerson51,246Total employee training hoursHour59,039

Occupational Healthand Safety

Number of work-related deathsPerson0Number of work-related injuriesPerson78Total number of days lost due to work-related injuriesDay425Investment in safe production10,000 RMB421Number of safety inspectionsTimes1,950Number of occupational health and safety training sessions conductedTimes182Number of persons covered by occupational health and safety trainingPerson37,101

R&D and Innovation

Investment in R&DRMB321,847,619.48Number of innovative research projectsNo.16Number of R&D personnelPerson708Number of patents grantedNo.20Customer ServiceCustomer satisfaction rate%94.12Suppliers

Number of suppliers in Chinese mainlandNo.1,779Number of suppliers in other regionsNo.12Social Public Welfare

Monetary donationRMB89Number of volunteersPerson50Volunteer hoursHour100


Reporting Index

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) StandardsHoma has reported the information referenced in this GRI internal index with reference to the GRI standards for the period January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.GRI StandardsDisclosureListed Segment

GRI 2: GeneralDisclosures 2021

2-1 Organizational detailsAbout Homa2-2 Entities included in the organization's sustainability reportingAbout the Report2-3 Reporting period, frequency, and contact pointAbout the Report2-4 Restatements of informationAbout the Report2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsTalent Development, Key Performance Tables2-7 EmployeesGovernance Structure2-9 Governance structure and compositionGovernance Structure2-11 Chair of the highest governance bodyGovernance Structure2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing themanagement of impacts

ESG Management2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsESG Management2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingESG Management, Governance Framework2-16 Communication of critical concerns

Stakeholder communication, Talent

Development2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

ESG Management, Legal Compliance and Risk

Control2-19 Remuneration policies

Talent Development, Governance Structure, Key

Performance Tables2-20 Process to determine remuneration

Talent Development, Governance Structure, Key

Performance Tables2-23 Policy commitments

Talent Development,

Governance Structure2-24 Embedding policy commitmentsESG Management2-25 Processes to remediate negative impactsProduct Quality and Safety2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

Stakeholder communication, Talent

Development, Governance Framework2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations

Green Production, Product Quality and Safety,

R&D and Innovation, Talent Development,

Governance Structure, Compliance and Risk

Control, Business Ethics, Information Security2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementStakeholder communication2-30 Collective bargaining agreementsTalent DevelopmentGRI 3: Material Topics 2021

3-1 Process to determine material topicsMateriality Analysis3-2 List of material topicsMateriality Analysis3-3 Management of material topicsMateriality AnalysisGRI 201: EconomicPerformance 2016

201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributedKey Performance TablesGRI 203: Indirect EconomicImpacts 2016

203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supportedRewarding SocietyGRI 204: ProcurementPractices 2016

204-1 Proportion of expenditure on local suppliers

Product Quality and Safety,Key Performance TablesGRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016

205-1 Operation o?ces assessed for risks related to corruptionBusiness Ethics

205-2 Operation o?ces assessed for risks related to corruptionBusiness Ethics

205-3 Con?rmed incidents of corruption and actions takenBusiness Ethics

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report

GRI StandardsDisclosureListed Segment

GRI 206: Anti-competitiveBehavior 2016

206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, andmonopoly practices.

Business EthicsGRI 301: Materials 2016

301-1 Materials used by weight or volume.Key Performance Tables301-2 Recycled input materials usedGreen Industry Chain301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materialsGreen Industry ChainGRI 302: Energy 2016

302-1 Energy consumption within the organizationGreen Production, Green Culture302-4 Reduction of energy consumptionGreen Production, Green Culture302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesGreen Production, Green CultureGRI 303: Water and E?uents 2018

303-2 Management of water discharge-related impactsGreen Production303-3 Total water withdrawalGreen Production, Green Culture303-5 Water consumptionGreen ProductionGRI 305: Emissions 2016

305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsKey Performance Tables305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissionsKey Performance Tables305-4 GHG Emissions IntensityKey Performance Tables305-5 Reduction of GHG Emissions Green production, Key Performance Tables

GRI 306: Waste 2020

306-1 Waste production and its signi?cant impactsGreen Production306-2 Management of waste-related signi?cant impactsGreen Production306-3 Wastes producedGreen production, Key Performance Tables306-4 Wastes transported from disposalGreen Production306-5 Wastes in disposalGreen ProductionGRI 308: Supplier EnvironmentalAssessment 2016

308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmentalcriteria

Green Production, Green Industry ChainGRI 401: Employment 2016

401-2 Bene?ts provided to full-time employees (excludingtemporary or part-time employees)

Talent Development

GRI 403: Occupational Health andSafety 2018

403-1 Occupational health and safety management systemTalent Development403-2 Hazard identi?cation, risk assessment, and incidentinvestigation

Talent Development403-3 Occupational health servicesTalent Development403-4 Occupational health and safety a?airsTalent Development403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safetyTalent Development403-6 Promotion of worker healthTalent Development403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safetyimpacts directly linked by business relationships

Talent Development403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safetymanagement system

Talent Development403-9 Work-related injuries

Talent Development,

Key Performance Tables403-10 Work-related health issuesTalent DevelopmentGRI 404: Training and Education 2016

404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee

Talent Development,

Key Performance Tables404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transitionassistance programs

Talent DevelopmentGRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions takenTalent DevelopmentGRI 414: Supplier SocialAssessment 2016

414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaGreen Industry Chain, Product Quality and Safety414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions takenGreen Industry Chain, Product Quality and Safety


HKEX Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide

A. EnvironmentalChapter

Aspect A1: Emissions

General Disclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuerrelating to air and greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water and land, and generation ofhazardous and non-hazardous waste.Note:

-Air emissions include NOx, SOx, and other pollutants regulated under national laws and regulations.-Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydro?uorocarbons,per?uorocarbons and sulphur hexa?uoride.Hazardous wastes are those de?ned by national regulations.

Green production, KeyPerformance Tables

A1.1The types of emissions and respective emissions data

Green production, KeyPerformance TablesA1.2

Direct (Scope 1) and energy indirect (Scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions (in tonnes) and, whereappropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production Volume, per facility)

Green production, KeyPerformance TablesA1.3

Total hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate intensity (e.g. per unit ofproduction volume, per facility).

Green production, KeyPerformance TablesA1.4

Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit ofproduction volume, per facility).

Green production, KeyPerformance TablesA1.5Description of emissions target(s) set and steps taken to achieve them.Green ProductionA1.6

Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, and description of reductiontarget(s) set and steps taken to achieve them

Green ProductionAspect A2: Use of ResourcesGeneral Disclosure

Policies on the e?cient use of resources, including energy, water and other raw materials.Note: Resources may be used in production, in storage, transportation, in buildings, electronicequipment, etc.

Green productionA2.1

Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in '000s)and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).

Green production, Key

Performance TablesA2.2Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).

Green production, Key

Performance TablesA2.3Description of energy use e?ciency initiatives and results achieved.Key Performance TablesA2.4

Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing water that is ?t for purpose, water e?ciencyinitiatives and results achieved.

Green productionA2.5

Total packaging material used for ?nished products (in tonnes) and, if applicable, with reference toper unit produced.

Key Performance TablesAspect A3: The Environment and Natural ResourcesGeneral DisclosurePolicies on minimising the issuer's signi?cant impact on the environment and natural resources.Green ProductionA3.1

Description of the signi?cant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources and theactions taken to manage them.

Green ProductionB. SocialChapterEmployment and Labor PracticesAspect B1: EmploymentGeneral Disclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuerrelating to compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, rest periods,equal opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other bene?ts and welfare.

Talent DevelopmentB1.1

Total workforce by gender, employment type (e.g. full-time or part-time), age group and geographicalregion.

Talent Development, Key

Performance TablesAspect B2: Health and SafetyGeneral Disclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuerrelating to providing a safe working environment and protecting employees from occupationalhazards.Recommended Disclosures

Talent DevelopmentB2.1Number and rate of work-related fatalities in the last three years (including reporting year)Key Performance Tables

2022 Homa Group Environmental, Social and Governance Report


Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they are implemented andmonitored.

Talent DevelopmentAspect B3: Development and TrainingGeneral Disclosure

Policies on improving employees' knowledge and skills for performing duties at work. Description oftraining activities.Note: Training refers to vocational training. It may include internal and external courses paid by theemployer.

Talent DevelopmentB3.2The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category.Talent DevelopmentAspect B4: Labor StandardsGeneral Disclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuerrelating to preventing child and forced labor.

Talent DevelopmentB4.1Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced laborTalent DevelopmentB4.2Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discovered.Talent DevelopmentOperating PracticesAspect B5: Supply Chain ManagementGeneral DisclosurePolicies on managing environmental and social risks of the supply chain.Product Quality and SafetyB5.1Number of suppliers by geographical region.

Product Quality and Safety,

Key Performance TablesB5.2

Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers where the practices arebeing implemented, how they are implemented and monitored.

Product Quality and SafetyB5.3

Description of practices used to identify environmental and social risks on every link of the supplychain, and how they are implemented and monitored.

Green Industry Chain,

Product Quality and SafetyB5.4

Description of practices used to promote environmentally preferable products and services whenselecting suppliers, and how they are implemented and monitored.

Green Industry Chain,

Product Quality and SafetyB. Social ChapterAspect B6: Product ResponsibilityGeneral Disclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuerrelating to health and safety, advertising, labelling and privacy matters relating to products andservices provided and methods of redress.

Product Quality and SafetyB6.2Number of complaints of products and service received and how they are dealt with.Product Quality and SafetyB6.3Description of practices relating to observing and protecting intellectual property rights.R&D and InnovationB6.4Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures.Product Quality and SafetyB6.5

Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, how they are implemented andmonitored.

Product Quality and Safety,

Information SecurityAspect B7: Anti- corruptionGeneral Disclosure

Information on:

(a) the policies; and(b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a signi?cant impact on the issuerrelating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering.

Compliance and Risk

Control, Business EthicsB7.1

Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against the issuer or itsemployees during the reporting period and the outcomes of the cases.

Business Ethics, Key

Performance TablesB7.2

Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are implementedand monitored.

Business EthicsB7.3Description of anti-corruption training provided to directors and sta?.Party Building LeadershipCommunityAspect B8: Community InvestmentGeneral Disclosure

Policies on community engagement to understand the needs of the communities where the issueroperates and to ensure its activities take into consideration the communities' interests.

Rewarding societyB8.1

Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labor needs, health, culture,sport).

Rewarding societyB8.2Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area.

Rewarding society, Key

Performance Tables


Guangdong Homa Group Co. Ltd.,Stock Code: 002668Address: No.54, Dongfu North Road, Nantou Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, ChinaWebsite: www.homa.cnEmail: homa_ir@homavip.con
