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协鑫集成:GCL System Integration Technology Co.,Ltd.2022Environmental,Social and Governance(ESG)Report 下载公告


Corporate GovernanceCompliant OperationsBusiness EthicsParty Building

Board Statement



Striving for excellenceSafeguarding green ecologyAddressing Climate ChangeGreenhouse Gas ManagementGreen ProductsGreen Operations

About GCL SIAppendixCompany OverviewCorporate CultureSocial Responsibility2022 Annual Review

About this Report

Key Performance Indicators

Index of Indicators

Feedback and Suggestions

Case Study: Implementing the GreenMission and Protecting the PlanetFocus on green development and continuouslyimprove the living environment for human beingsLed by technology, bringing green energy into life

PioneeringStrong Social Responsibility

Solid Corporate Governance

Growing Together with EmployeesCollaborative Development with the IndustryShared Future with the Community

LeadingStrong Quality Responsibility

Product Quality AssuranceR&D Innovation ManagementGlobal Customer ServiceBuilding a Responsible Supply Chain

Board Statement

Leading green innovation and protecting ecologicalenvironment. Driven by the carbon peaking and carbon neutralitygoals , GCL SI regards "Focusing On Green Development andContinuously Improving Human Living Environment" as its mission.We are committed to leading technological innovation, achievingTOPCon technology upgrades, and promoting development of thephotovoltaic industry. GCL SI has developed a series of productssuch as Xinfuding to promote green and low-carbon buildings.GCL SI has developed immersible and highly reliable sea surface?oating modules to promote the world's ?rst integrated project ofAchieving Power Generation in the Same Field through wind powerand photovoltaic power in deep sea to safeguard the blue ocean.

ESG governance has a long and arduous journey for GCL SI, but we have been striving hard on the way forward. In 2022, GCL SI hassuccessfully achieved several major breakthroughs and transformations. GCL SI Funing Branch was awarded the title of "NationalGreen Factory"; and in addition, the company was awarded the "2022 China Good Photovoltaic Brand and Annual BIPV TechnologyBreakthrough Prize".The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body and takes full responsibility in GCL SI 's ESG governance. The boardof directors guides and formulates ESG vision, goals, strategies and structure, incorporates ESG risks into risk management andinternal control for effective management. The group has established a management structure consisting of the Board, themanagement team and an execution working group for an e?ective ESG governance.In the future, GCL SI will continue to collaborate with partners to achieve sustainable development,contribute to the realization ofcarbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals and shape a sustainable future for generations to come.

Focusing on quality improvement and jointly stressingquality assurance. GCL SI adheres to prioritizing the quality

of products and services, and there was no product recall in2022. The company focuses on technological innovation anddevelopment, and continuously increases R&D investment. GCLSI pays attention to customer needs and feedback, continuouslyimproves quality management, and achieved customersatisfaction of 99%. GCL SI established a comprehensivemechanism for supplier admission, evaluation and elimination,and created a responsible supply chain.

Collaborating with partners and shouldering socialresponsibility. GCL SI continuously addresses theexpectations and requirements of stakeholders and activelyshoulders social responsibility. We respect and safeguardlegitimate rights and interests of employees, and establisheda fair, diverse and inclusive working environment. GCL SIhas established strategic cooperation with upstream anddownstream of the value chain, to pursue mutual benefitand progress in the industry. GCL SI actively carries out socialwelfare activities, and vigorously supports rural revitalization,with the aim of building a green and sustainable society.

Optimizing corporate governance and strengtheninggovernance responsibilities. GCL SI is committed to improving

corporate management efficiency and safeguarding legitimaterights and interests of shareholders. We implement measuresincluding diversi?ed board of directors, transparent informationdisclosure and investor relationship management to enhancethe foundation of enterprise development. We emphasizemanagement of compliant operations and business ethics,and continuously improve corporate governance. We deeplyimplement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of theCommunist Party of China and adhere to the guidance of high-quality party building to ensure a sustainable growth of GCL SI

Facing the complex and volatile global environment in 2022, GCL SI remained committed to continuously improvingthe human living environment with collective efforts. We adhere to integrating environmental, social and governanceresponsibilities into daily operation and development of the company , to better cope with extreme weather, global warming,climate crisis, energy crisis and other issues and ultimately achieve high-quality sustainable development. Attachingimportance to ESG, we implemented a series of ESG actions in 2022 to ful?ll the global consensus of green and low carbondevelopment.

0203GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

About US

Company OverviewGCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.(002506. SZ) strives to be the world's leading integrator of comprehensive energysystems. The company closely follows the new stage of development in the 14th Five Year Plan and the new opportunities of the"Double Carbon Goals", actively seizes the historical opportunity period, and provides customers with high-quality clean energyone-stop services following the strategic guidance of technological, digital and green GSL SI.We are primarily engaged in the R&D, design, production, sales, and one-stop services of high-e?ciency batteries, modules, energystorage systems, energy engineering, and integrated energy systems. The company has established a number of manufacturingbases including those in Hefei, Wuhu, Yancheng, Xuzhou, and global sales o?ces. We adhere to the concept of technology leadingand innovation driven, and continuously adopt the Technology roadmap of high-quality, e?cient and di?erentiated products. GCLSI relies on the brand in?uence and resource integration ability to actively explore the global market, strengthen overseas channels

and strategic cooperation between central and state-owned enterprises, expand household, industrial and commercial distributeddevelopment business and equipment distribution network, and enhance core competitiveness and comprehensive strength.At the same time, the company actively layout the energy storage industry, independently develop energy storage BMS and EMSmodules and control technologies, launch household energy storage systems and industrial and commercial energy storagesystems, and connect the 5G comprehensive energy life-cycle management from raw materials to energy management.As a global one-stop intelligent integrated energy system integrator, GCL SI continuously spared no e?ort to invest in product R&Din order to improve the e?ciency of batteries and modules, as well as the professional level of system integration. It continues toprovide customers with diversi?ed comprehensive intelligent energy system integration solutions and high-quality and e?cientservices. The company always adheres to core concept of "bringing green energy into life" of GCL Group, dedicating sustainablegreen energy to ensure a cleaner and more beautiful environment for all.

About GCL SI

0405GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Key MilestonesGCL Group was established.

The establishment of Jiangsu ZhongnengPhotovoltaic Technology Development Co., Ltd.was the second strategic transformation of GCLGroup.GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. was establishedin Hong Kong.

The establishment of Taicang GCL ZhifuThermal Power Co., Ltd. marked the firststrategic transformation of GCL Group.

GCL New Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. was listed on themain board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. It is thesecond listed company under GCL Group.GCL invested, merged and acquired Jiangsu DongshengPhotovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. and renamed it as "GCL-Jurong Integrated Technology Co., Ltd.". After partneringwith the Chinese central State-owned enterprise-ChinaGreat Wall Asset Management Co. Ltd, GCL decided totake over * ST Chaori and restructured and renamed it as"GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.".

The internationalization strategy proved to be verysuccessful and the overseas business experiencedexplosive growth, with a year-on-year increase of 102%.The international sales accounts for over 50%, with aglobal market share of 5% and business presence inmore than 40 countries and regions worldwide.GCL SI partnered with Alibaba Cloud to build the firstlarge-scale customized photovoltaic module workshopfor Big data "Cloud Intelligence" platform in the industry,and integrated information technologies such as theInternet and the Internet of Things into the productionprocess of photovoltaic cell modules.

In 1990In 2014In 2018

In 2006

In 1996

GCL-Poly Natural Gas Group Holdings Co., Ltd. hassigned a petroleum product sharing agreementwith the Ethiopian Ministry of Mines, officiallylaunching overseas natural gas projects. Fromthen on, the group began its third strategictransformation and officially stepped into itssystem integration business.

The energy engineering business achieved leapfroggrowth and won good reputation by taking photovoltaicpoverty alleviation and demonstration projects as abreakthrough and the excellent quality of the workGCL SI continuously promoted technological innovation,to apply the black silicon PERC high-e?ciency batteries,MBB high-efficiency battery modules, high-efficiencydual chip modules, double-sided double-glassmodules, array modular system integration, and high-e?ciency tracking systems into di?erent industries.Zhangjiagang's "Intelligent Lights-out Factory" wasfounded, establishing a benchmark for intelligentmanufacturing in the industry.

GCL SI launched 182mm and 210mm series of large-sized modules, In particular, the 210mm large-sizedbi-facial monocrystalline modules have a maximumpower of 670W, with signi?cantly low BOS costs, lowerlevelized cost of energy (LCOE) and high reliability.

In 2013In 2017

In 2021

GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. was successfullylisted on the main board of the Stock Exchange ofHong Kong. It is the ?rst publicly traded companyunder GCL Group.GCL Group introduced the fourth generation brandidentity and releasedGCL Corporate identitySystem Manual.

GCL SI has been ranked as a first-tier photovoltaic modulemanufacturer by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, andhas been awarded multiple industry honors.In the same year, GCL SI accelerated its globalizationefforts by establishing branches in Japan, India, NorthAmerica, Australia, Thailand, the Middle East, South Africa,and North Africa.

GCL SI's stock has been approved to resume tradingunder the stock code 002506, with a stock price soaringup to 986% on the ?rst day. Through signi?cant assetrestructuring, the overall production capacity hasrapidly increased, reaching 3.7 GW by the end of 2015.The component shipment of that year ranked amongthe top 10 globally, and GCL SI quickly establishing aleading position in the industry.

GCL SI has a strong research and development team andowns 5 high-tech enterprises, 1 national postdoctoralworkstation, 1 provincial-level academician expertworkstation, 5 provincial-level engineering technologyresearch centers and 1 provincial-level intelligentfactory, providing a solid foundation for the company'stechnological innovation and development.GCL SI developed differentiated products and promotedupgrading of intelligent manufacturing. Xuzhou Xinyu3GW High-efficiency Battery Project, Funing 1.2GW Large-Sized Multiple Main Grid Half-battery Project, and Jinzhai700MW Laminated Tile Project have been successfully putinto operation, and the first cell module in the 600MW high-efficiency component project of the Jurong IntegrationIntelligent Factory has been produced.

GCL SI and the People's Government of WanzhiDistrict, Wuhu City reached a cooperation intention oninvesting in the construction of 20GW TOPCon (TunnelOxide Passivated Contact) photovoltaic battery andsupporting industry production base project.The ?rst phase of Hefei GCL Module Base- 15GWproject has been fully put into operation.

In 2007In 2016

In 2020

In 2015

In 2019In 2022

GCL SI continuously implemented the managementguideline of "Adjusting Structure, Reducing Liabilities,Preventing Risks and Promoting Reform".GCL SI signed the investment cooperation agreementwith the People's Government of Feidong County,Hefei to invest in the GCL 60GW module and supportthe industrial base project, firmly promoting theconstruction of Hefei intelligent manufacturing base,optimizing capacity layout, and effectively reducingthe manufacturing cost of photovoltaic modules.

0607GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

The board of directors is the decision maker and is responsible for the company's ESGstrategy:

1. Guides and establishes the ESG vision, goals, strategies, and structure

2. Incorporates ESG risks into risk management and internal control systems and implement

e?ective management

3. Supervises material ESG related matters including identification, evaluation, progress

management , as well as the progress of related ESG goals

4. Approves ESG related policies and ESG reports.

Mainly composed of the strategy committee to assist the board in strengthening ESGmanagement:

1. Identi?es and prioritizes major ESG risk issues and propose suggestions to the board of directors;

2. Reviews major ESG trends, related risks and opportunities, and evaluates the adequacy and

e?ectiveness of the company's ESG structure accordingly

3. Analyzes the company's ESG report and other ESG related disclosures, and puts forward

recommendations to the board of directors to maintain the integrity of the ESG report and other ESGrelated disclosures

4. Performs other ESG related responsibilities assigned by the board of directors

The execution is composed of the ESG task force:

1. Implements sustainable tasks in all aspects of production and management

2. Manages ESG related matters and risks in the daily operations across departments and business


3. Communicates and coordinates with di?erent departments and business lines to promote the

implementation of ESG related matters

4. Reports ESG related risks and changes to the ESG Management Committee




GCL SI ESG Governance Structure

Corporate Culture

GCL SI integrates green development into its mission and continuously improves the living environment for human beings. Thecompany pursues global development and is committed to becoming a respected new energy enterprise. With the core values ofinnovation driven and arduous, it strives to become a leader in the industry. GCL SI is committed to innovation, promoting green,low-carbon and circular development, integrating corporate culture with sustainable development, and making unremitting e?ortsto achieve a sustainable future.

Value-led, Innovation-driven, Arduous, Collaborative

Focus on greendevelopmentand continuouslyimprove the livingenvironment forhuman beings

Become a respectedglobal leader in newenergy and clean energy


















Social Responsibility ManagementSocial Responsibility ManagementGCL SI integrates sustainable development management concepts into its business operations while providing innovativeproducts and services. The company has established a top-down ESG management structure to ensure efficient progress ofESG work. The board of directors of the company bears ultimate responsibility for ESG strategy and performance. The strategycommittee regularly identi?es ESG risks and opportunities of the company, and formulates environmental management strategicpolicies based on business conditions. The ESG task forces serve as responsible persons in various areas to ensure the e?cientimplementation and execution of ESG work.To further enhance ESG management capabilities, GCL SI regularly invites external experts to conduct ESG-related training. Inthe reporting period, we conducted four ESG-specific training sessions covering topics namely ESG concept, ESG ratings, ESGreporting, and how to integrate ESG management into operations, aiming to strengthen our employees' ESG knowledge andenhance ESG governance.

0809GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Domestic/InternationalStandard BenchmarkAnalyze industry policiesand company strategies

Combine interview feedback andexpert evaluationDevelop a material matrix

Issue Identi?cationScreening Report

Issue Evaluation

Interviews with key internaldepartmentsUnderstand internal and externalstakeholder's demand andexpectations

Materiality Assessments

GCL SI conducts ESG materiality identi?cation and assessments to address the exceptions and feedback of stakeholders factoringinto the company's development strategy, industry characteristic, as well as global sustainable development trend and standardsand guidelines. We conducted a systematic three-stage sustainable development problem substantive analysis including issueidenti?cation, issue evaluation and screening report.

The process of analyzing material issues

Substantive Issue Matrix

Employment compliance

InformationsecurityOccupationalhealth andsafety

Energy management

Operating with integrity

Pollution control

Product service and quality

Corporate governanceR&d innovationRisk management

Climate change andcarbon emissionsAnti-corruptionWaste disposal

Resource managementBusiness performance improvementCompliant procurement

Career development and trainingLabor relationsPromotingindustrydevelopmentDiversity and inclusionResponsible marketingCommunity investment

Types of IssuesNames of Issues


Compliant procurement, pollution control, resource management, energy management, wastedisposal, climate change and carbon emissionsSocial Issues

Community investment, diversity and inclusion, employment compliance, promoting industrydevelopment, responsible marketing, information security, career development and training,occupational health and safety, labor relations, product services and qualityGovernance issues

R&D innovation, business performance improvement, operating with integrity, anti-corruption,risk management, corporate governanceThe ESG issues in bold are highly important for GCL SI in 2022

Stakeholder communicationGCL SI is committed to establishing open, transparent, convenient, and two-way communication channels with stakeholders. Weremain attentive and receptive to stakeholders' common concerns, opinions, and feedback, and understand and respond to theirviews, demands, and expectations on ESG risk issues. In the reporting period, GCL classi?ed the stakeholders into eight groups: sta?,customers, investors, suppliers and partners, government and regulatory agencies, media, cooperative institutions (public welfareorganizations, scienti?c research institutions, etc.), communities, and the public based on the characteristics and industry trends.


Equal EmploymentOpen communicationProtection of rights and inter-ests

Competitive compensationpackageTraining and career progressionRich employee activities

Trade union/workers'congressEmployee trainingEmployee activities

Labor contractEmployee bene?ts


Product responsibility manage-mentR&d and innovation

Customer satisfaction man-agementQuality assurance

Daily operations andinteractionsHotline serviceSatisfaction survey

Quality complaint man-agementInformation security andprivacy protection


R&d innovationTransparent information disclosureInvestor relations managementComposition and operation ofthe board of directorsRisk managementInternal control

Intellectual property managementShareholders' rights and interestsReturn on investmentCorporate governance improve-mentLaw-abiding and compliantoperation

Shareholders' meetingInformation disclosurePress releases andannouncementsReasonable pro?t dis-tribution

Investor interaction channelsIntellectual property man-agementInvestor on-site meetings

Suppliersand ServiceProviders

Supply chain managementWin-win cooperation

Supplier rights protectionSustainable development ofsupply chain

Supplier assessmentSupplier audit

Green supply chain

Governmentand Regulators

Waste managementLabor relationsProduct responsibility managementAnti-corruptionContribute to society

Information disclosureRisk managementInternal controlCompliant operationsIndustry development

Institutional reviewFilingsPolicy implementationinformation disclosure

Compliance with laws andregulationsLicense applicationDealer conference


Business presentationIndustrial collaborative innovationCommunity contribution andpublic welfare charity

Press release and an-nouncementMeetingsExhibition

Lunch meetingReturn banquetExclusive interviews withmanagementPartners

Technology and innovationPromotion of industry developmentIntellectual property right

On-site meetingsIndustry exhibitionsIndustry communicationCommunityand the Public

Environmental protectionResource usage managementCommon prosperity

Community public welfareparticipationUse of green energy

Volunteer serviceCommunity activitiesCharitable donations

Building poverty allevia-tion power stationsGreen energy technolo-gies R&D

Major Expectations Engagement Channels and ActionsStakeholders

1011GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Contribution of the United Nations Sustainable Development GoalsIn order to promote the realization of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, GCLSI identified13 Sustainable Development Goals closely related to the company, comprehensively promoted responsible and sustainablecorporate governance and business practices, and pursued harmony and win-win between commercial value and social value.

Ensuring the occupational and mentalhealth of employees;Continuously increasing investment insecurity;Occupational diseases prevention;Harmless treatment of waste.

Actively establishing a responsible supplychain, prioritizing quali?ed suppliers withenvironmental and health and safetymanagement system certi?cation.Creating diverse training programs topromote employee career development;Actively carrying out academia andresearch, technological progress, andtalent cultivation to provide support forthe industry;Deepen educational public welfareactivities to promote the development ofcommunity education.

Establishing a scientific and effective riskmanagement and internal control system;Strict punishment for corruption incidents.

Adhere to equal pay for equal work andpromote gender equality;Employees have the right to takeparental leave;Focus on women's career developmentand provide equal career progressionchannels and opportunities.

Implement comprehensive environmentalmanagement to reduce the impact on theenvironment and ecosystem;Organizing tree planting activities.

Adhere to green operations;Promote green o?ce.

Deepening cultivation in the photovoltaicindustry and assisting in the export ofclean energy, and contributing to the low-carbon transformation of society;Identifying and evaluating the impact ofclimate change on operations and takingcorresponding actions.Actively establishing a responsible supplychain, prioritizing quali?ed suppliers withenvironmental and health and safetymanagement system certi?cation;Establishing a comprehensive EHSmanagement system to lay the foundationfor responsible operations.Multiple application scenarios ofphotovoltaic products and widelypromotion of renewable energy.Emphasizing employee diversity,and creating an equal and inclusiveworkplace;Creating an open, transparent, andrespectful workplace, and prohibiting theuse of child labor or forced labor;Communicating the requirement tosuppliers and supervising them regularly.

Increasing the usage renewableenergy in daily operations.Equal job opportunities for all;Competitive compensation;Ensuring employee safety;Protecting the human rights of employees,including supply chain employees incompliance with international humanrights laws and regulations.Investing in green technology;Promoting global energy consumptionstructure adjustment.

Ensuring employee health and safetyWaste management

Helping employees growCollaborative development withthe industryBuilding a shared future with thecommunity

Growing with employees handin handCreating a fair, inclusive, anddiverse workplacePursue continuous growth ofemployeesAddressing climate changeGreen operationAddressing climate changeGreenhouse gas managementCreating a fair, inclusive, and diverseworkplaceCompetitive salary and bene?tsCreating a responsible supply chain

Focusing on green developmentContinuously improving the livingenvironment for human beings

Establishing a responsiblesupply chain

Compliant OperationsBusiness Ethics

Green ProductGreen operation

Addressing climate changeGreenhouse gasmanagement

Establishing a responsiblesupply chainGreen operation

Led by technology, bringinggreen energy into lifeCreating a fair, inclusive,and diverse workplace

Chapters and SectionsChapters and SectionsCorporate ActionCorporate Action

1213GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

2022 Annual Review

Funing GCL SI has been awarded the title of "NationalGreen Factory".

In October 2022, the 15GW photovoltaic modulefundraising project of GCL SI Hefei Super Module Factoryachieved full production capacity and produced 1.11GWthat month, reaching a production rate of 113.27% andstanding at a new historical high in a single month.

GCL SI Released 2021 Environmental, Social andGovernance (ESG) Report.

Hefei GCL SI has signed a strategic cooperationagreement with China Construction Bank Hefei Branchwith a 400 million yuan line of credit.

GCL SI announced that it has reached an agreement withthe People 's Government of Wanzhi District of WuhuCity, Anhui Province of China, mainly on the constructionof 20GW solar cell production base.The ?rst phase has aproduction capacity of 10GW and a total investment of

3.5 billion yuan.

GCL SI successfully gained French carbon footprint certi?cation,for its 182 series and 210 series of high-e?ciency photovoltaic(PV) modules at the end of July 2022. The average Carbonfootprint was 400 to 450 kg CO

/kW, about 10% to 20%lower than the average carbon emissions of the same modelproducts in the industry, which has proven GCLSI's signi?cantmarket advantages in low-carbon products.

The world's ?rst deep sea and o?shore "Wind and Solarpower in the same field" integration project using GCLSI immersible and highly reliable floating componentswas put into use for power generation in Haiyang City,Shandong Province, developed and constructed by theState Power Investment Corporation.

GCL SI has conducted a number of reforms in the reportingperiod. The energy engineering was renamed as "GreenEnergy System Technology", transforming and upgradingfrom a single photovoltaic wind power EPC generalcontracting to and Source-Network-Load-Storage integratedenergy storage operation model. We also launched householdenergy storage products such as G-Home and industrial andcommercial energy storage systems such as E-Bank energystorage cabinets and containers to seize the opportunity forintegrated development of optical storage and charging.

OSW,GCL SI subsidiary, planned to introduce strategicinvestment from Hillhouse to expand the overseasdistributed optical storage market.

GCL SI announced that its 210mm and 182mm n-typeTOPCon (tunnel oxide passivated contact) mono bifacialmodules have successfully passed the T?V Rheinlandcertification, with maximum power output of 685W forthe 210 module and 575W for the 182 module.

Milestones in 2022

1415GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Key Performance in 2022



RMB '000


R&D expenses

RMB '000


Net pro?t attributable to shareholders of the listed company

RMB '000


Basic earnings per share


Financial Performance

Environmental Performance

Social Performance


Environmental protection expenditure

RMB '000


Total waste discharge


12,011.42Comprehensive energy consumption

Tons of standard coal


Total exhaust emissions of the company's main factories


267,280Water consumption

Ton238,949Total wastewater discharge


150,893,426Electricity consumption


3,520Number of Employees


Minority employeesNumber

3,598Total annual training hours for employees


Bachelor degree or above



Female employees


87,578The total number of employees trained


Proportion of Bachelor and above



Proportion of female employees



Occupational health andsafety investment

RMB '000

Honors and Awards in 2022

The company was awarded the "2022 NortheastExcellent Photovoltaic Module Brand"第七届东北光储展览暨交流会组委会

The company won the "2021 InvestorRelations Management Award"


The company has been awarded the "GlobalPhotovoltaic Brand Top 100 Value Certi?cate"


The company was awarded the "Annual UltraE?cient Photovoltaic Module Award"

维科杯·OFweek 2022 光伏行业

The company won the "2022 · China Good Photovoltaic

Annual BIPV Technology Breakthrough Prize Award"


The company won the "PVBL2022 Global

Best Zero Carbon Case Award"PVBL全球光伏品牌排行榜

The company has been awarded the "GlobalPhotovoltaic Brand Top 100 Value Certi?cate"


The company was awarded the "2022 IntelligentPhotovoltaic Manufacturing Demonstration Enterprise"


1617GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Case Study

Implementing theGreen Mission andProtecting the Planet

GCL SI has always regarded "focusing on green developmentand continuously improving the living environment for humanbeings" as its mission, and is fully committed to green technologyinnovation. By expanding the e?ciency and application scenariosof clean energy, it contributes to adjusting the global energyconsumption structure and promoting green and clean energy tothousands of households.

Green innovation, continuouslyimprove the living environmentfor human beingsLed by technology, bringinggreen energy into daily life

Focus on green development and continuouslyimprove the living environment for human beings

With the continuous emergence of extreme weather, GCL SI deeply realizes its social responsibility as a companyin the clean energy ?eld. Therefore, GCL SI regards "focusing on green development and continuously improvingthe living environment for human beings" as its mission and continuously invests into green innovation, upgradesphotovoltaic technology, makes technological breakthroughs in improving photovoltaic efficiency, rooftopphotovoltaic installation, and offshore photovoltaic. GCL SI will shape a sustainable future for generations tocome by increasing the proportion of green and clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

GCLSI Receives T?V Rheinland Certi?cation for Its 210TOPCon Mono Bifacial Module

GCLSI Receives T?V RheinlandCerti?cation for Its HJT module

Currently N-type battery is generally consideredas a next generation technology in thephotovoltaic industry. In recent years, thecompany has continued to increase investmentand gradually completed the elimination andupgrading of small format module productioncapacity such as 156 series and 158 series PVmodules, as well as the systematic upgrade oflarge format module production capacity of182 series and 210 series PV modules. In 2022,the large-size N-type high-efficiency TOPCon(tunnel oxide passivated contact) mono bifacialmodules passed IEC standard testing andobtained T?V Rheinland Certification. Themaximum power of the 210mm series TOPConmodule and 182mm series TOPCon module are685W and 575W respectively. The full series ofGCLSI n-type TOPCon PV modules have reachedan e?ciency of 22%, which is 4.5% higher thanthe original PERC technology, thus improvingthe power generation conversion rate of GCLSI's photovoltaic products and contributing tothe protection of the planet.

The company actively invests in the R&D of e?cient hetero-junction solar cellmodules (HJT modules), and further improves the e?ciency of photovoltaicpower generation. HJT bifacial dual module boasts high power output, highefficiency of double-sided power generation, lower power temperaturecoe?cient and low attenuation rate. The HJT modules not only prolong thelifespan of the product, but also effectively improve the power generationand ROI of power stations. At present, the company has passed the third-party product certification for 210HJT (12BB) modules and obtained TUVcertification. In the future we will continue to improve the modules' R&Dinnovation and application to better serve more people with efficient andstable photovoltaic energy.

TOPCon Technology Upgrade, Promoting the Development of the Photovoltaic Industry

HJT module R&D to improve photovoltaic power generation e?ciency



Contributing to Green and Low Carbon BuildingsGCL SI provides comprehensive and integrated solutions to pain points such as urban roof photovoltaic drainage, stains, andROI through the R&D of photovoltaic modules such as BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic), "Lotus" modules, and hybridmodule PTV (Photovoltaic/Thermal), contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in construction and operation.

Advantages of Xinfuding products

BIPV Xinfuding series products

The company has developeda BIPV component product -Xinfuding series for industrialand commercial buildingroofing scenarios. One of theproducts uses a new typeof frame, metal fixture, andpressure block, combinedwith colored steel tiles to forma solid barrier attached tothe roof, with excellent windresistance and convenientinstallation. Another BIPVproduct can be directly laid onthe roof as a building material,combining the overlappingmultiple water blocking designbetween components and thedrainage design of the guidechannel, completely solving thepain points such as roof waterseepage, laying a technicalfoundation for the promotion ofurban roof photovoltaic.

"Xinfuding" provides protection for urban rooftop photovoltaics.Case


Higher safety performanceExcellent waterproofperformanceE?cient mechanicalload capacityMore convenientmaintenance

Convenient ande?cient installation-Independent patentLower cost, higherpower generatione?ciency andhigher return inthe whole life cycle

1819GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Site of "Lotus" module in Hefei factory

O?shore photovoltaic

The surface of roof-mounted photovoltaic modules is prone to accumulation of dirt. Although it may bewashed away by rainwater, there will still be some areas that cannot be washed away and accumulate in thesquare groove over time. This blocks the sunlight from reaching the solar cells, a?ecting power generation

With the continuous progress of the photovoltaic industry, the application of o?shore photovoltaics is alsoconstantly developing. In 2022, the innovation of GCL's immersible and highly reliable sea surface ?oatingcomponents in material optimization, high water resistance packaging, and multiple waterproofing ofjunction boxes ensured excellent performance of the components in terms of resistance to wave impact, saltspray corrosion, and reliability.

The "Lotus" module reduces the impact of stains

Seizing the Blue Opportunity and Protecting the Earth's Homeland



Exploring the "Blue" FutureEarth is our shared home, and the oceans cover 70% of its surface. The ocean not only acts as the cradle of life butalso plays a vital role in protecting our environment and reducing carbon emissions. Offshore photovoltaics, asan innovative solution, fully utilizes ocean resources and overcomes the limitations of land-based photovoltaicpower plant construction. Leveraging stable sunlight and natural advantages of water and wind cooling, o?shorephotovoltaics improves energy collection efficiency and extends product lifespan. Therefore, GCL SI has beencommitted to the development of o?shore photovoltaics, sparing no e?orts on o?shore photovoltaic power plantsconstruction and actively exploring opportunities related to the ocean, to create a more sustainable future for all.

Led by technology, bringing green energy into lifeGCL SI actively responds to the national "14th Five Year Plan" for renewable energy development, fully follows therequirements of photovoltaic power generation, and accelerates the development of "photovoltaic+" products, andcontinuously expands the field of photovoltaic applications. In the past year, the company has widely expanded theapplication of photovoltaic products in scenarios such as floating photovoltaic, fishing industry, agriculture industry,industrial clusters, and residential communities. The company comprehensively promotes renewable energy and enablesmore people to bene?t from the advantages of green and clean energy.

Floating Photovoltaic Power Station


Solar Power Station

Fishing-Complementary Solar Power Station

Roof-Mounted Distributed Photovoltaic Power

Plants In Industrial Parks

Distributed PV Modules In Residential Communities

West Lake Floating Distributed Photovoltaic PowerStation - Expanding Utilization Of Natural Resource

Jinxin Agriculture Complementary Photovoltaic PowerStation - Promote The Integration Of Agriculture AndSolar Energy

Donghai GCL Power Photovoltaic Power Station -Building a Three-Dimensional Marine Agriculture

Roof-Mounted Distributed Photovoltaic Power PlantIn Zhongchuang Industrial Park - Promoting FactoryEnergy Transformation

Nanchang Sinopec Photovoltaic Power Station -Introducing Photovoltaic Products Into Community Life

The company's sea surface floating modulehas been applied to the world's ?rst o?shorefloating photovoltaic power plant with adistance of 30 kilometers and a water depthof 30 meters. After using the air-cooledmodule, the power generation temperaturedecreased by 17 degrees, and according toa power temperature coefficient of 0.39%,the power generation power of the moduleincreased by 6.63%.

and even causing the hot spot e?ect, whichcan lead to module damage. Therefore, GCLSI developed the Lotus module adoptinga precision simulation analysis andstructural testing approach and consideringappearance, performance, and customerROI. The module features a raised-edgedesign and a fully unobstructed front screen,making it more attractive, cleaner, efficientand with lower heat spot risk. Comparedto similar products, the power generationcapacity can be increased by up to 10.32%.

20GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,Case Study

2021GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Climate Actions

GCL SI strictly complies with laws and regulations and always activelyassumes social responsibility and builds a harmonious environmentto ensure a green future for all. GCL SI established a comprehensiveenvironment management system to prevent and control pollutionand continuously improve it to achieve an effective environmentalcontrol system.

Addressing Climate Change

Green Products

Greenhouse Gas Management

Green Operations

Striving forexcellencSafeguardinggreen ecology

Climate Governance

Climate Risk Assessment

GCL SI actively refers to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and hasestablished a climate change management system from three aspects: governance, strategy, and risk management. The companyhas deeply coupled climate risks and opportunities with its risk management system and improved its climate risk responsecapabilities through measures such as climate risk response and risk impact scenario analysis etc.

In terms of risk management, GCL SI identi?es potential climate risks and opportunities in operational activities referring to TCFD'srisk analysis framework, and will continue to increase investment to deeply integrate climate change management in companyrisk management. The company has completed the identi?cation of climate change related risks and opportunities through policyresearch and industry benchmarking.

Climate Governance System of GCL SI


Natural Disasters (such as typhoons, ?oods leading tosafety accidents or disruption of operations)

Increasingfreight costs and?uctuations inthe value of ?xedassets

Formulate emergency plansto cope with extreme weatherConduct emergency drillsIncrease the reserve ofemergency suppliesClimate Change (such as abnormal power supply andincreasing expenses caused by sustained high temperatures,unstable supply capacity and transportation, and the chanceto relocate or change the structure of production baseslocated in coastal areas due to sea levels rise)

Increasingoperating costs

Increase the proportion oflocal procurementImprove energy e?ciencyin the factories


Policy and Legal Risks (such as increasing operating cost,procurement costs and ?nancing costs due to risingcarbon prices, implementation of carbon taxes andtightening green ?nance requirements respectively)

Increasingoperating and?nancing costs

Closely monitor laws andregulations, and collectgreenhouse gas emission datTechnological Risks(such as upgrading energy-savingequipment, investing in low-carbon products and servicesetc.)

Increasingoperating costs

Improve equipment usagee?ciency and improveproduct production e?ciencyMarket Preference Risk (such as increasing attention fromcapital markets, customers, and other stakeholders to corporateclimate action. The company may su?er from bad reputationand negative performance due to inadequate climate actions)

Reduced accessto ?nancingdue to poorreputation

Communicate withstakeholders throughchannels such as researchand o?cial accountinformation disclosure



Technological Opportunities (early adoption of cleantechnology and clean energy to e?ectively address the riskof future energy price increase)

Reduce operatingcosts

Increase the proportion ofgreen electricity usage byinstalling PV modulesPurchase green electricityMarket Preference Opportunities (enhancing thecompetitive position and increasing operating revenue byresearching and developing clean energy related productsand services to address the demand of the investors,customers, and other stakeholders)

Increasingbusiness revenueand goodreputation

Actively promoteinnovation, increase R&Dinvestment, and providecleaner, low-carbon, ande?cient products andservices

Risk FactorFinancial ImpactSolutionsRisk Type

The board of directors closely monitor the impact of climate change and factors intransition and physical risks resulting from climate change in major decision-making.The company has established an ESG committee, with reducing carbon emissions andaddressing climate change as one of the top priorities in ESG e?orts.

GCL SI strengthens climate risk identi?cation and has established environmental andclimate risk prevention and control measures, as well as emergency managementsystems in order to enhance the ability to respond to climate change.The company continuously monitor the impact of climate change on the supply chainand conduct trappings for suppliers on climate change and energy conservation andemission reduction.


Risk Management


The company continuously increase the usage of renewable resource by using greenelectricity, rooftop photovoltaic installation, photovoltaic distribution and storage,implementing equipment energy-saving upgrades, and reducing energy consumption.

Addressing Climate Change

Addressing climate change is an essential part of GCL SI 's efforts to strengthen the ESG management. The company activelyorganizes internal campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of climate change, identi?es related risks and opportunities,continuously advances its climate strategy, and comprehensively enhances its ability to respond to climate change.

2425GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Greenhouse gas emissions

Green Lean ProductionReducing greenhouse gas emissions

GCL SI has prioritized greenhouse gas inventory and carried out special management mainly following the ISO14064 standard andhas been expanding its scope year by year. In 2022, GCL SI conducted carbon inventory in four production bases, namely HefeiGCL, Jurong GCL, Funing GCL, and Xuzhou Xinyu.

GCL SI continuously improves the level of intelligence, promotes the construction of smart factories, and streamline the process of

intelligence with digitization to build a world class intelligent manufacturing base. The company aims at simultaneously streamlining,

stabilizing, and standardizing production in the factory following the lean production guidelines. Real time interaction between

physical layer and IT system layer is achieved through automation and informatization. We established a cloud management model

based on big data with "intelligence" as the core concept.GCL SI actively responds to the national carbon peak and carbon neutrality policies, and is committed to formulating action plans to reducegreenhouse gas emission. The company timely responds to international organizations' initiatives, takes actions to reduce greenhouse gasemissions, improves information disclosure transparency and implements dynamic adjustment to responds to climate change requirements.

The sources of GHG emissions are natural gas, purchased electricity and steam. Scope 1 emission factors are calculated with reference to the IPCC Guidelines forNational Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories; Scope 2 emission factors are calculated with reference to the Notice on Strengthening the Work Related to theManagement of 2022 Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment the People's Republic of China.

In 2022, Hefei GCL implemented two projects: the rooftop photovoltaic power generation project and improvements to the

motor shaft of the MAU and AHU units. A total of 247,900 kilowatt-hours of electricity was generated and saved and indirectly

reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Based on relevant data, each kilowatt-hour of electricity generated from coal produces

1023 grams of carbon dioxide. Therefore, the electricity generation and energy-saving measures reduced carbon dioxide

emissions by a total of 253.6 tons.

Rooftop Photovoltaic Project Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Resource Utilization


Sources of EnergyGreen O?ce


Scope 1 GHG emissionstCO

e325.87Scope 2 GHG emissionstCO

e87,669.92Total GHG emissions (Scope 1+Scope 2)tCO

e87,995.79Greenhouse gas emission densitytCO

e/total revenue (RMB '000)0.11


Rooftop Photovoltaic Installation

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction MeasuresThe Construction Concept of Digital Factory

Greenhouse gas management

Green Product

With China already committing to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060, GCLSI has actively taken measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that help to achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement. Thecompany plans to set its carbon emission reduction target and roadmap by the end of 2024, using a reference approach based onthe Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), in conjunction with the company's strategy and operational plan, to demonstrate itscommitment to achieving carbon neutrality.In the reporting period, the company proactively conducted greenhouse gas emissions veri?cation and took multiple measures toreduce the emissions generated during its operations.

Promote technical renovationprojects for condensatewater recovery and waterresource recycling, optimizewastewater treatmentfacilities, and improve waterresource utilization e?ciencyImprove productionequipment e?ciency, reduceconsumption, and reduceoperating costs

Use clean energy inoperations and furtherexpand photovoltaic powergeneration projectsAttempt to introduce newenergy into the existingenergy structure andpurchase green electricity

Discontinuing the use ofindependent o?ces to reducegreenhouse gas emissions;Enhance employees'environmental awarenessthrough screen casting,banners, WeChat o?cialaccount and events;Online meetings replace o?inemeetings;Set the ventilation system andair conditioners to timer mode

2627GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Green Product Ecological Design

GCL SI has introduced the concept of ecological design in product design and production. The company conducts ecologicaldesign evaluation self-assessment and forms inspection reports in accordance with GB/T 24256 and GB/T 32161.

Product Carbon Footprint

GCL SI places great emphasis on carbon emission control at all stages of the entire life-cycle of modules. In the low-carbon designphase the company comprehensively considers the impact of raw material selection, production, circulation, use, recycling andtreatment on resources and the environment, and strives to use fewer or no harmful materials as much as possible. It activelyprocures green raw materials such as granular silicon to achieve green and low-carbon development of the product chain. Since2020, the company has commissioned SYNAPSUN from France to evaluate its carbon footprint and has successfully passed theevaluation of the French CRE Energy Agency and obtained a French carbon footprint evaluation certi?cate.

GCL SI successfully gained French carbon footprint certi?cation, for its 182 series and 210 series of high-e?ciency photovoltaic(PV) modules at the end of July 2022. The average Carbon footprint was 400 to 450 kg CO

/kW, about 10% to 20% lower thanthe average carbon emissions of the same model products in the industry, demonstrating GCL SI's significant low-carbonadvantages.The French carbon footprint certi?cation is a certi?cation issued by the French Energy Regulatory Committee for photovoltaicprojects with a capacity of over 100 KWp to enter the French market. GCL SI 's achievement of carbon footprint certi?cationindicates that its efficient photovoltaic modules have been recognized for green and low-carbon characteristics, furtherimproving the footprint in the French market. The highly competitive , e?cient and clean PV modules will help us expand theFrench and even the entire European markets.

In the production process, the company has innovatively purchase silane fluidized bed method (FBR) produced granularsilicon, which has a 30% lower overall production cost than that of rod-shaped silicon by modi?ed Siemens method. 1GW ofpolycrystalline silicon material in the polycrystalline silicon process can reduce 130,000 tons of CO

emission, which is 74%lower than the Siemens method. In the entire photovoltaic industry chain, 1GW components can reduce CO

emissions by atleast 47.7%, signi?cantly helping to achieve carbon neutrality.

The integrated large size series of modules won the French Carbon footprintcerti?cation, demonstrating signi?cant low-carbon advantages

Priority Selection of Green Raw Materials to Reduce Product Carbon Footprint



In addition, GCL SI continuously improves production efficiency, process compatibility and reduces material usage and wasteleveraging intelligent automation, big data, scale advantage, and specialization. We reduce the production cost and improve thequality of the products through big data collection and management.

Structure of Digital Factory Intelligent Platform

Green Design CasesDesign HighlightsPromote thetechnologicalintegration ofmainstream productMBB+half cell

GCL SI promotes the integration of mainstream product MBB+half cell technology, reducingsilver paste usage and waste. The circular welding wire is increased in re?ectance, and thecurrent collection path is shortened, resulting in lower production costs while achieving powerenhancement and improved anti-crack ability and long-term reliability.Aluminum casingincreases powergeneration

In the product design, the back side of the double-sided cell is printed with aluminum paste in asimilar ?ne grid pattern as the front side, and the entire aluminum layer on the back is changedto a partial aluminum layer. The incident light on the back can enter the cell through areas notblocked by the Al layer to achieve double-sided photovoltaic conversion, which increases thelight-gathering area and thus the power generation of the cell.Flexible installationimproves powergeneration e?ciency

The company designs the products according to the concept of full life-cycle and takes intoaccount installation requirements. Under ideal installation angles, distances from the ground,and ground re?ectance, double-sided power generation modules can fully utilize re?ected andscattered light in the environment to generate electricity. Therefore, in addition to traditionalinstallation methods, double-sided power generation modules can also be installed vertically,making them suitable for applications such as fences, solar walls, highway sound barriers, andlight-harvesting agricultural greenhouses.

2829GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Energy Management

GCL SI uses purchased electricity and diesel and gasoline for vehicles as the main energysources in its operations.The company actively advocates the concept of energy conservationand environmental protection, and reduces energy consumption through energy-savingtechnological renovations, environmental protection campaigns, and the installation of rooftopphotovoltaics. In 2020, the company obtained energy management system certification andhired a professional consulting firm for guidance in conducting an initial energy review andtesting general equipment to ensure that the energy management system of each factory meetsthe requirements of GB/T 23331.

In 2022, GCL SI completed the certification of the ISO14001environmental management system and successfully obtainedthe certification. The company conducted 5 environmentalinspections, mainly focusing on waste gas operation facilitiesand waste management. The company also organized anumber of environmental drills and trainings, coveringenvironmental knowledge popularization, chemical leakage,and hazardous waste treatment.

Energy Saving Technology Renovation

In 2022, GCL Integrated implemented improvements to the motor shaft of the MAU and AHUunits, shutting down 25 MAU and AHU units in the factory 1 and factory 2. The renovationsaved a total of 32400KW/year, with one cooling fan 's power consumption of 150 W.

Energy Conservation And Technological Renovations To Reduce Energy ConsumptionCase

Environmental ManagementGCL SI strictly complies with theEnvironmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, theEnergy Conservation Law of thePeople's Republic of China, and relevant local laws and regulations in overseas operating locations. It has formulated multiple regulationsand guidelines, including theEnvironmental Factor Identi?cation and Evaluation Control Procedure, the Waste Management Regulations,

and theNoise Management Guidelines, to standardize the management and supervision of emissions, chemicals, and other pollutants. Wealso carry out environmental management system construction and improvement in accordance with ISO 14001 requirements.GCL SI strictly complies with laws and regulations and always actively assumes social responsibility and builds a harmonious environmentto ensure a green future for all. We have established and continuously improved a company wide environmental management systemaiming to prevent pollution. It is responsible for promoting and implementing waste management and identifying environmental factors inaccordance with laws and regulations.

Green operationGCL SI adheres to the corporate mission of "Focusing on green development and continuously improving the living environmentfor human beings", and always integrates green concept into operation. The company is committed to becoming a resource-savingand environmentally friendly enterprise, with the goals of energy conservation, consumption reduction, emission reduction, ande?ciency enhancement. While achieving robust economic results, we are also focused on high-tech and green technologies.

GCL SI adopts lead-free welding and tin-coatedsoldering wire in its component weldingprocess, which replaces traditional weldingmethods and reduces the use of lead fromthe source. The company's raw materialsdo not involve toxic or harmfulsubstances.

The company has establisheda specialized managementorganization and obtainedenvironmental managementsystem certification and energymanagement system certi?cation to improveenvironmental management. The operation datais well recorded and ?led. No safety or environmentalaccidents occurred throughout the year.

The company effectively supervises and manages materialconsumption to improve material utilization e?ciency, reduce

material consumption and production costs. Italso implements improvement projects forsome key raw materials and auxiliarymaterials, such as reducing theconsumption of tin-plated copperstrips and optimizing the use ofsupport adhesive

The company adheres totechnological innovation,continuously increasinginvestment in R&D, andcomprehensively consolidatesvarious measures to reduce costs andincrease e?ciency. Meanwhile, GCL SI reducesenergy consumption and VOC emissions whilesteadily increases production capacity, ultimatelydriving high-quality development of the company.

Harmlessness of

Raw Materials

Actively Ful?lling

EnvironmentalAnd SocialResponsibilities


Improving TheLevel of GreenManufacturing

Environmental Management Measures

Xuzhou Funing ISO14001Environmental ManagementCerti?cationHefei GCL ISO14001Environmental ManagementCerti?cation

Funing GCL EnergyManagement SystemCerti?cation

3031GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Resource managementWaste ManagementWater Resource ManagementWastewater Management

Waste Gas Management

Waste Management

Material ManagementIn 2021, GCL SI conducted the company's ?rst water conservationevaluation work and established a specialized team to compilea "Self Assessment Report on Water Resource Use". In 2022, thecompany set a goal to recover air-conditioning condensed waterand use it to replenish the water supply for the rooftop ice machine.They successfully recycled 5760m? of condensed water, achieving azero discharge of air-conditioning condensate outside the factory.

GCL SI complies with theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollutionand other relevantlaws and regulations. The factories of GCL SI don 't produce production waste water, only consisting of domestic sewage andcooling tower water. After treatment, the domestic sewage meets the national standards. The cooling tower wastewater isdischarged into the municipal storm sewer pipes and meets the total discharge control requirements in the region.

GCL SI ?rmly complies with theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection, Law of the People's Republicof China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollutionrelated laws and regulations, and ful?lls the social responsibilityfor environmental protection. During the production process of components, the exhaust gas is discharged until meeting thestandard after being treated by an activated carbon adsorption device. In 2022, the testing result by third-party institutions showedthat the VOC emission concentration (13 mg/m

) of each factory was far below the standard limit (50 mg/m


GCL SI has established comprehensive system management regulations on hazardous wastes, including guidelines and tool such as theHazardousChemical Safety Management System, Hazardous Waste Management Registration Form, and Waste Material ManagementSystemfor process management, electronic traceability, regular inspections, and compliant treatment. The company strictly supervisesand manages the process of waste declaration, generation, collection, classi?cation, storage, transfer, and disposal, to ensure that wastesare treated in accordance with regulations and to reduce environmental pollution in the production and operation process.

GCL SI established a team to evaluate company-wide energy

conservation and raw material conservation e?orts in accordance

with GB/T 29115.

Meanwhile, the company has replaced some packaging materials

with recyclable ones and plans to continuously reduce the use of

disposable packaging to minimize the consumption of resources.

In 2022, the company conducted optimization and cost reduction renovation for the junction box, reducing the potential risk ofelectrical connection failure by 33% by using axial diodes replacing modules with higher procurement convenience and productionline compatibility. Meanwhile, the company greatly reduced the use of the copper materials adopting the innovative solutions ofpreferred suppliers which reduced the weight of the copper conductive sheets in the junction box from 3.93g/set to 2g/set.

Transformation of Junction Boxes To Reduce The Use of Copper MaterialsCase

Waste CategoryTreatment Method

Waste mineral oilCollect waste mineral oil and submit it to quali?ed ?rms for treatmentWaste rubber bucket

After waste rubber buckets were recycled by the disposal company. 242.46 tons of wastewas reduced throughout the year.Hazardous chemicals

Label all temporary storage facilities with MSDS and chemical safety labels; focus oninspecting the explosion-proof cabinet; and conduct emergency drills for chemical spills.Domestic garbage of employeesand kitchen waste

Uni?ed disposal by the environmental sanitation department.

The company has established a Material ConservationManagement Leadership Group, which is responsible formanaging the overall conservation of materials. The groupregularly conducts inspections and analyzes the conservationstatus of materials, as well as measures the company's internalconsumption of energy-saving materials and summarizes theenergy usage of each business lines.

The company supervises and manages all energy-consumingequipment, monitors important parameters, performance,and technical and economic indicators, and conductsnecessary supervision on the consumption of various rawmaterials involved in the production process.

GCL SI has successively formulated a comprehensiveconservation management system, including materialconservation design, procurement, measurement,statistics, production process management, and quotaassessment.

The main categories of materials involved in the companyinclude raw and auxiliary materials such as glass, frames, andback panels. Based on the company's industrial structurecharacteristics and the annual consumption of energy-savingmaterials, the utilization rate of the raw materials is over 99%.

Main Actions On Material Management

Management Structure Establishment

Management System Execution

Management System Construction

Types of Materials

In November 2022, the company upgraded the etching process by replacing the traditional phosphoric acid polishing process withan alkali polishing process. In the traditional process, the high consumption of nitric acid resulted in the emission of large amounts ofnitrogen-containing exhaust gas, causing serious air pollution, and the high treatment cost for the nitrogen-containing wastewater. Thealkali polishing process uses ordinary acids and alkalis for self-neutralization or neutralization with acids and alkalis from other cleaningprocesses, without requiring any special treatment. After the process adjustment, the wastewater treatment no longer needs high-efficiency denitrification treatment and biochemical activated sludge treatment. The electricity consumption per unit of wastewater

Alkali Polishing Process Reduces Pollutant DischargeCase

treatment has been reduced from 6.23 (kwh/thousand pieces) to 3.85 (kwh/thousandpieces), with an expected annual reduction of 580,000 kwh of electricity. In addition, thetreatment process no longer requires the use of methanol and sodium metabisulfite,resulting in a yearly reduction of the consumption of methanol, sodium bisul?te and nitricacid by 1650 tons, 340 tons and 669 tons respectively.

3233GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

PioneeringStrong SocialResponsibility


GCL SI continues to stay attentive to employees ' physical and mentalhealth and career progression, and continuously propels industrialadvancement and achieves win-win cooperation with partners. Wevigorously support rural revitalization and social welfare and fulfillcorporate social responsibilities, with the aim of building a green andsustainable society.

Growing Together withEmployees

Shared Future with the Community

Collaborative Developmentwith the Industry


The total number of employees

Labor contract signing rate

Turnover rate



GCL SI has established and improved an appeal channel and compiled a "Employee Complaint Form". Theemployees are encouraged to make reasonable appeals in accordance with the provisions of this document.This provides employees with a channel to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, alleviate theiremotions, improve the working atmosphere, and prevent the improper use of management power.

Rights and Interests Appeals

By genderBy Employment TypeBy Region

By Employee CategoryBy Age


















MaleFull-time employeeMainland China

Junior levelUnder 30


Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan

Middle management 31 to 40


Other countries and regions

Senior management41 to 50Over 51





Building a fair, inclusive, and diverse working environment

In accordance with theCivil Code of the People's Republic of China, theLabour Law of the People'sRepublic of Chinaand other relevant laws and regulations, GCL SI respects and protects legitimaterights and interests of employees, and actively builds a fair, diverse and inclusive working environment.A diverse talent team is the driving force for innovation and plays a vital role in the company's long-term sustainable development. The company formulates and implements relevant human resourceregulations such asRecruitment Management Standards, Human Resource Planning, LaborEmployment Management Standards,and Labor Contract Management Standards.The companyadheres to people-oriented, fairness and impartiality principles, strictly prohibits child labor and all otherforms of forced and compulsory labor, and respects employees' rights to freely choose their careers.GCL SI always upholds the employment principles of "fairness, justness, and openness" and safeguardsthe legitimate personal rights and interests of employees. The company strictly prohibits any form ofsexual harassment, corporal punishment, mental or physical oppression, verbal abuse, and threats,and continuously improves labor relationship management. Meanwhile, the company provides fair andequal opportunities, and prohibits discrimination against employees in practices such as employment,compensation, rewards, training opportunities, promotion, dismissal, or retirement based on age, race,color, nationality, religion, disability, gender, ethnicity, social class, or political relationship.In 2022, GCL SI has improved the "Management Guidelines for Assigning Work of Personnel From OtherPlaces" and compiled a new management guideline for assigning personnel from other places to GCL SIand its subsidiaries, ensuring the rights and interests of employees from other places.

Growing Together with EmployeesTalents are essential for the stable and long-term sustainable development of the company. Holding the talent philosophyof growing together, achieving a shared future, loving GCL SI, and cherishing dreams, GCL SI provides a harmonious workingenvironment for employees with open communication and provides multiple career growth channels and comprehensivecompensation and bene?ts. In summary, GCL SI ensures employees' physical and mental health, enhances humanistic care, andcreates harmonious, sunny, and positive working environment.

The complainant shall ?ll in the form within 10 days from the date of theappeal matterThe concerned person shall analyze whether the appeal matter meets therequirements of the scope and inform the appellant

The line manager and the head of the department shall investigate and handle the appeal matterIn terms of cross-functional appeals, the relevant handlers shall actively negotiate and resolve thematter after reaching a consensus

Fileand Submit


Investigateand Process

Appeal process

3637GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

On October 28, 2022, the Management Center of GCL SI held a GCL Day-themed newemployee on-boarding meeting, where 11 new employees from various departmentsand business systems gathered together to celebrate GCL's birthday and bless GCL.During the enthusiastic communication, 11 new employees brought them closerand improved their understanding. At the activity, there was an award-winningcompetition for corporate culture, and a strategic introduction for the 14th Five-Year Plan period was also held. During this period, all employees cut cakes and tookphotos together to celebrate the 32nd birthday of GCL SI.

On February 14, 2022, Hefei GCL held an employees 'representatives seminar with the theme of "Sales kick-offand striving for success in Q1". This seminar aims at timelyunderstanding needs and advice in their working and lifeand responding with appropriate caring and support.More than 20 employees ' representatives from variousdepartments expressed their opinions and suggestionson the company's cafeteria, dormitory, shuttle buses, andabor insurance supplies, which help create a good workingatmosphere.

New Employee On-boarding Meeting under the Theme of "GCL Day"

Hefei GCL SI Employee Representative Talks on a Successful Start in Q1 2022


Open Communication

GCL SI adheres to democratic management and engages in democratic and open communication with employees. The companyfoster an open and transparent working environment through staff meetings, employee visits, feedback channels, proposal/supervision platforms and discussion salons. The employees are encouraged to express evolving needs and advice, thus inspiringthe engagement rate, their enthusiasm and creativity.

Organize monthly sta? meeting for on-siteQ&AConduct quarterly satisfaction surveys tounderstand employees'sentimentClosely monitor and supervise theprogress of issues raised by employees

Extensive promotion of feedback channelvia email (the Chairman's email, theGeneral Manager's email, whistle-blowingemail) and suggestion phone numberMainly collect feedback via QR codes forsubsidiaries, encourage employees tovoice out in various channels

In terms of employees' personal life,working, and safetyIn the aspects of production management,material management, warehousemanagement, lean manufacturing,safety and environmental protection,energy conservation and consumptionreduction, working process, managementprocess, technical process, operationmethod, management method,inspection method, equipment and tools,marketing strategy pattern, developmentdirection, improving corporate image, lifeimprovementSuggestions and opinions that will bebene?cial to the company's developmentCollect and compile ongoing employeefeedback and proposals to put forwardsupervision items and action plans

Conduct monthly interviews indormitories to pay attention toemployees' needs and dynamics in termsof accommodation, and provide timelyfeedback on opinions and suggestionsto the administrative department anddormitory management o?ceOrganize weekly visits to the productionline of the workshop to pay attention to thedynamics of employees in the workshop

Participants are encouraged to expresstheir opinions on the topic independentof the title, business lines. Theorganizers rarely leads or determinesthe decision-making process, but mainlyelaborate on the topic and take notes ofthe discussion topics and results.

Sta? meetingFeedback ChannelsBusiness A?airs Proposal/

Supervision Platform

Employee VisitsOpen Discussion Salon


Regularly visit dormitories andconduct interviewsSet up the general manager's mailboxMonthly conduct sta? meeting"Scan Code and Everyone Discuss"Online DiscussionCollect suggestions throughproduction site visitsOpen Discussion SalonCollect employees' advice via QRcode, email, and phone number

3839GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Build the Workforce of the Future

GCL SI has always combined the personal development and career planning of the employees with the company's strategic developmentand attached great importance to employee training. The company formed comprehensive online and onsite training courses with ?vemajor topics and seven training modules, in alignment with strategic development goals and business demands. the company focuseson the training of key talents and professionals, strengthens employee on-the-job training and credit system management to build theworkforce of the future.In 2022, GCL SI updated the original dual series of career progression pathway to a new multi-channel career progression pathway, withfive main corresponding routes namely management, profession, sales, technology, and operation. The entire fair, open, and transparentpromotion mechanism fully improving employees' skill sets and competency, and stimulating the initiative and enthusiasm of all employees.

General ManagerDeputy General ManagerAssistant Deputy General ManagerDepartment ManagerDeputy Department ManagerAssistant Department Manager

Chief XXDeputy Chief XXSenior Professional ManagerSenior Professional Manager

Professional ManagerProfessional Supervisor

Senior Specialist

Intermediate SpecialistJunior Specialist

Advanced Senior TechnicianSenior TechnicianTechnicianAssistant TechnicianSenior WorkerIntermediate WorkerJunior Worker


Senior Sales DirectorVice Senior Sales Director

Sales Director

Senior Sales Manager

Sales ManagerSales SupervisorSales Specialist

Chief EngineerDeputy Chief Engineer

Senior Engineer

EngineerAssistant Engineer




Sales Technical

Multi-Channel CareerProgression Pathway

In 2022, the company has leveraged various resources to build teams that are capable of winning new business, injecting vitalityinto the company's sustainable growth.

GCL SI is committed to aligning the growth of the company withpersonal career development goals. We have launched diversetraining and development programs that are tailored to meet theneeds of di?erent positions and levels of expertise and competency,providing talent reserve for the company's core businessdevelopment. The company developed seven major course trainingmodules and establishes a talent echelon construction project(GTSP), and retain talents by offering stock based compensation,internal transfer, and customized training.

Sta? Training


ObjectivesTraining Program ContentDragonNurturingProgram

Develop outstanding

front-line employees

Comprehensively improve the capability of employees and establish a talentpool and reserve outstanding junior managers based on factors such asseniority, performance, and valuesDragon HiddenProgram

Enhance the




Enhance the basic qualities and management skills of frontline team leadersand cultivate excellent team leaders, injecting vitality into the company'sgrowthDragon LeapingProgram

Develop excellent


in functional


Targeted at business managers and supervisors (engineers), provideindividual growth opportunities and identify excellent candidates forpartnership programs in combination with personal career plansDragon FlyingProgram


development plan

Tailor advanced training for mid-level managers considering businessexpansion needs and personal capability, reserving talents for the company'sdevelopment

Curriculum Framework with Seven Training Modules





Core LeadershipProgram(CLP)




GTSP TalentDevelopmentProgram


Marketing SkillsDevelopmentProgram (GMP)












4041GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

With the expansion of business scale, the total number of clients is increasing. To help employees stay competitive andmaintain vitality and vigor, Hefei GCL conducted the "Hefei GCL SI Functional Position Specialized Training", which providedtraining for functional positions and team leaders. Employee productivity was improved and issues encountered in the workwere addressed after the training.

Fu 'ning GCL held a number of training activities in di?erent topics from May to July 2022, including "Execution and In?uence,""Ten Chiefs Talent Pipeline," "Dream Pursuit Program," and "Everyone is a Lecturer, Everyone Has Topics." These training programscontinuously enhanced employees' professional ability and successfully reserved talent into the company's development.

Hefei GCL Base Training

Training in Fu 'ning GCL



EC system trainingMicrosoft O?ce

software training

DISC personality analysisand application

Business etiquette

104.587,5783,598The completion rate of theannual training plan

Total employee trainedTotal training hours%

Competitive Compensation and Bene?ts

Based on the "Guidelines forCompensation Package Management"(Trial), the company further improvedthe employee compensation system. Ityielded positive incentives by adhering tothe principle of equal pay for equal work,balancing e?ciency and fairness andcombining motivation and constraints.The company increased the diversity ofbene?ts to employees and enhanced theirsense of happiness in accordance withthe "Welfare Management Standards".

During the reporting period

Entertainment Activities

Over?owing Happiness in the Name of LoveCase

On May 19, 2022, Hefei GCL held a baking experience activityand expressed "love" to all employees in advance with the"520" Confession Day approaching.Most employees made the cakes for the first time. Theyactively interacted and discussed with the instructor,carefully designing shapes, and enjoyed themselves.Spreading cream, making decorative borders, and addingfruits, the beautifully designed cakes came into view.Through this activity, everyone enjoyed the pleasantafternoon and felt relaxed. Stress was relieved, the sense ofachievement, belonging, and happiness was enhanced.

Social insurance, housingprovident fund, paid leave,maternity/paternity leave,wedding and funeral leavesleave etc.

Holiday benefits, birthdaybenefits, meal allowances,physical checks, wedding giftsand other bene?ts

Statutory WelfareSpecial Bene?ts

In 2022, the company modi?ed and improved the Leave Management Standards and added new types of leave in accordance with thelatest national laws and regulations, aiming at fully guaranteeing employees' right,labor productivity, and increasing employee happiness.

Total Package

SalaryBonusesWelfareLong-term Incentives

Base salary performance-based salaryseniority-basedsalary overtime salary



Annualperformancebonusessales bonusesand others

Social welfarecompanywelfare


Total Package Composition of GCL SI

Rich and Colorful LifeTo promote cultural diversity and advocate the concept of work-life balance, the company actively organizes various recreational andsports events to enhance employees' sense of belonging and cohesion, creating a free platform to develop their hobbies and interests.

4243GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

On June 21, 2022, Hefei GCL held a cultural activity "WritingFu (blessing) Characters" under the theme "ExpressingBlessings and Wanfu GCL." The event included knowledgequizzes about the company culture, spreading the companyculture and guiding employees to work with a positiveattitude and full enthusiasm to strive for common goals.

On August 10, 2022, the Hefei GCL 2022 Labor and SkillsCompetition was completed successfully in the morning. Theevent lasted for more than 20 days, starting from July 19th.With strong support from management teams, the IndustrialEngineering Department collaborated with other departmentsto arrange the competition schedule, venues and participants,ensuring that the competition took place without affectingnormal production.Taking this competition as an opportunity, the workshop aimedto enhance employees' competitiveness, learning ability, senseof urgency, cooperation, and competency. It aimed to cultivatea group of skilled technical experts, improve the managementskill, and maintain strict control over product quality, laying asolid foundation for the company's growth.

On August 18, 2022, Hefei GCL SI held a birthday party withthe theme "Spinning Happiness, Music Comes from You".The employees felt the warmth derived from group and thegroup is better because of the employees.Through a DIY cake music box, employees at Hefei GCLexperienced the joy with the group. Deep affection is notenough for a long-time companion, and deep love needs nowords.Every birthday party embodies the company's carefor employees.

On July 21, 2022, Hefei GCL invited employees to participatein a DIY activity with the theme "Crafting Fans with Elegance,Spreading Beauty in the Summer" in the training room. Itbrought a hint of coolness to the scorching summer, providingemployees with an artistic experience. This activity not onlydeepened everyone's understanding of Chinese traditionalculture but also enriched their spiritual and cultural life,enhanced teamwork and communication skills, and increasedemployees' sense of achievement, happiness, and security.

May your looks be as before, and the years be as usual - GCL SI warmly celebrated the International Women's Day

Promoting Health through Sports, Demonstrating Spirit through Sports

Expressing Blessings and Wanfu GCLLabor and Skills Competition

Spinning Happiness, Music Comes from You

Crafting Fans with Elegance, Spreading Beauty in the Cool Summer






On March 8, 2022, on International Women's Day, the labourunion of GCL SI specially planned a unique theme activityfor female employees with the theme " May your looks beas before, and the years be as usual" . The activity aimedat breaking cross-functional barriers, strengthening teamcollaboration , and inspiring employee enthusiasm.Female employees creatively shoot videos using actual footageof the company as the backdrop. The octagonal pavilion,energy museum, GCL Lake, and various corners of the o?ce allportrayed the beauty and charm of professional women .On April 28, 2022, Fu 'ning GCL held the 2nd Badminton FriendshipTournament, gathering more than 30 badminton enthusiasts.This competition not only provided an opportunity foremployees to exchange ideas and improve their skills but alsore?ected the GCL SI employees ' fearless and competitive spiritand team spirit. It was the first event organized by the laborunion during the pandemic period in 2022, allowing employeesto experience the charm of sports while promoting friendshipamong each other.

Recreational and Sporting Events

Employee Care

4445GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

The company has enhancedand deepened employees',especially frontline employees',understanding of the hazardsof occupational diseases andthe importance of protectivemeasures through a series ofpromotional activities. It has alsoraised awareness of occupationalhealth protection amongmanagement teams and furtherimproved the management ofoccupational health and safety.

Occupational Health Training

Ensuring Employees Health and SafetyGCL SI strictly complies with laws and regulations and always actively assumes socialresponsibility and builds a harmonious environment to ensure a green future forall. We have established an occupational health and safety management system toensure the health and safety of our employees, putting prevention ?rst and combining prevention with control.

In order to enhance the emergency response capabilityfor chemical leakage accidents, GCL SI has establisheda scientific, effective, and well-functioning emergencyresponse system. A joint drill was conducted on March 9,2022, by the Safety and Environmental Protection, OperationsPlanning Department - Warehouse, Plant A?airs, and Qualitydepartments. The ability to quickly respond and cooperatein dealing with environmental accidents was improved,enhancing awareness of environmental protection.

On 25th July 2022, a sudden heavy rainstorm occurred inFeidong County. The rain was heavy, and the factory roadswere extensively flooded. To ensure the safe passage ofemployees and operating vehicles, it was necessary toquickly drain the accumulated water on the factory roads.We organized a training session after this event to enhanceemployees' accident rescue capabilities. The goal is for eachemployee to get familiar with the rescue procedures andimprove their emergency response capabilities, minimizinginjuries in the event of an accident.

Flood Prevention and Flood Control Emergency Drills

Emergency Drill for Chemical Leakage Accident



The company attaches great importance to the safety of production. It has established management guidelines such as the "SafetyProduction Responsibility System," "Safety Production Responsibility Assessment System," and "Confined Space OperationResponsibility System" to ensure the safe and effective conduct of production activities. The company also carries out SafetyProduction Month activities.

GCL SI has formulated the "Emergency Programs for Production Safety Accidents" and obtained government filing certification tobetter respond to emergencies and improve the company's ability to respond to safety events, and ensure timely, orderly, and e?cientorganization of emergency rescue work after safety events occur. The emergency mechanism for safety events, aims at minimizinglosses and social harm in accordance with the relevant documents of national and local safety emergency departments. The companyorganized a series of drills according to the requirements of the programs.Furthermore, the company has also developed response programs and exercise programs, such as the "Emergency Disposal Programsfor Chemical Leakage Accidents," "Emergency Exercise for Pressure Vessel," and "Flood Prevention and Flood Control Exercise".

Safety Production

Emergency Management System

Occupational Health Training

Occupational Health and SafetyManagement Certi?cationBaby Care Room

GCL SI strictly complies with the relevant provisions of the "Law of the People's Republicof China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases." We regularly conductoccupational hazard factor testing, identify safety and health risk points, establish relevantregulations such as "Occupational Disease Emergency Response Plan" and "OccupationalHealth Management System". We also conduct safety and health facility equipmentinspection and actively conduct occupational health training and promotion.

Full ParticipationComplete Coverage

Audio-visual IntegrationRich Variety

Horizontal ExhaustivenessVertical CompletenessTeaching throughEntertainmentCombining Learning withInterests

Occupational Health Management System



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Qingdao Jiulian Project

Shandong Lijin Standardized and Healthy Sheep BreedingDemonstration Base Project

Guangxi Qinzhou Agricultural and PhotovoltaicComplementary Project

Collaborative Development with theIndustry

Shared Future with the Community

GCL SI strives to achieve a leading position in the industry over the past few years. We actively participate in industry activities andengage in exchanges with various sectors. We continuously explored the upstream and downstream of the industry and promoteindustry strategic cooperation, driving the sustainable development of the industry.

GCL SI is devoted to building a harmonious and beautiful community, integrating social responsibility into its corporatedevelopment strategy and management. We vigorously support rural revitalization and social welfare and ful?ll corporate socialresponsibilities, with the aim of building a green and sustainable society.

On 11th August, 2022, Gongshan Zhu, Chairman ofGCL SI, met with Shengqian Jin , Chairman of Lin YuanGroup, witnessed the signing of a strategic cooperationagreement between GCL SI and Lin Yuan Group.

On 12th August, 2022, Hefei GCL SI New Energy Technologysigned strategic cooperation with China Construction BankHefei Branch. A credit line of 400 million was provided byChina Construction Bank to support the achievement offull production and sales for Hefei GCL SI.

Signing Strategic Cooperation with Linyuan Group

Signing Strategic CooperationAgreement with China Construction Bank


In 2022, the company constructed a number of rural powerstations, including the Qingdao Jiulian Chicken Breeding BasePV Demonstration Project, Shandong Lijin Meet Goat BreedingBase Animal Husbandry and Photovoltaic ComplementaryProject, and Guangxi Qinzhou Agricultural and PhotovoltaicComplementary Demonstration Project. The companycontinuously supports rural revitalization by agriculture,photovoltaic, animal husbandry and fishing complementaryprojects and the distributed projects in the county .

In 2022, the company provided professional and efficient intelligent operation and maintenance services to 257 village-level poverty alleviation photovoltaic power stations in Henan, Anhui, Inner Mongolia, and other provinces, totaling 123MW. The power generation accumulated to 141.03 million kilowatt-hours throughout the year. The company also promotedand popularized fire safety and other firefighting knowledge to the surrounding villagers, actively contributing to ruralrevitalization e?orts in the project areas.

Agriculture-Complementary Solar Power Stations Support Rural Revitalization

PV Stations Consolidated the Poverty Alleviation Achievements


CaseAssociation NameTitle

China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, PV Branch Vice Chairman UnitJiangsu Chamber of International Commerce Vice Chairman UnitShanghai Solar Energy Society Vice Chairman UnitChina New Energy Overseas Development Alliance Chairman UnitChina Photovoltaic Industry Association User Photovoltaic Professional CommitteePresident Unit600W+ Photovoltaic Open Innovation Ecology AlliancePresident Unit

Strategic Cooperation

Industry Associations

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GCL SI firmly believes that creating industry-leading products is anessential part of the company's social responsibility. The company iscommitted to providing green and superior products, collaboratingwith partners in the value chain to ensure the full-cycle productquality. The products are designed and manufactured addressingcustomer needs, backing by a world-wide service support, and gaineda good reputation.


Product Quality Assuranc

Global Customer Service

R&D Innovation Management

Building a Responsible

Supply Chain


Strong QualityResponsibility

Optimizing Quality ManagementGCL SI actively collects the quality feedback from customers and establishes special teams to focus on addressing quality issues.In the event of non-conforming products, the company strictly follows the Product Recall Control Procedures and uses uniqueproduct certification QR codes to quickly recall defective or unsafe products from customers, minimizing or reducing harm tocustomers to the most extent.In addition, GCL SI took various measures to comprehensively improve product quality and achieve the goal of customer qualitysatisfaction exceeding 90 points in 2022, including risk identi?cation and optimization, upgrading of automated manufacturingequipment, upgrading of quality inspection centers, employee quality skills training, and strengthening supplier qualitymanagement.

ISO 9001 Quality ManagementSystem Certi?cation of Hefei GCL SI

Global Certi?cation Organizationsfor Third-Party Testing

As of the end of 2022, there was noproduct recall.

The number of dedicatedpersonnel for quality management,experimental testing, inspectionanalysis and quality control

Compared to 2021increased by

The number ofquality trainingsessions

Purchased testing and production linedetection equipment

Established high-standard R&Dand quality testing laboratories inthe industry

Product Quality Assurance

GCL SI always adheres to the quality management policy of "Company-wise Participation, Continuous Improvement, Value-added Services, and Customer Satisfaction." The company actively collects feedback on product quality, continuously investsin manpower and material resources, and utilizes automation tools to continuously improve the quality management system,enhance the company's product quality and provide customers with superior products.Quality Management System

GCL SI has developed internalQuality Management Manual, Production and Service Process Control Procedure, Product Monitoring andMeasurement Control Procedure, and other quality management systems ,based on international quality management systems such as ISO9001 and IEC/TS 62941. These systems monitor and measure all products within the company, e?ectively control the production process,ensure product consistency, and satisfy both standards and customer requirements. As of the end of the reporting period, the major factorieshave obtained ISO 9001 and other international quality management system certi?cations.Meanwhile, the company has established a comprehensive quality management system internally to ensure the quality from six dimensions:

supplier material control, metrology management, reliability management, shipping management, process control and customer qualitymanagement. We established rigid product quality standards and a strict quality management process with 52 inspection processes to ensure12-year limited product quality assurance and 25/30-year limited peak power quality assurance. Furthermore, the company's testing laboratoryconducts tests regarding wet leakage current, hail, step-in aging equipment, spray, and dynamic loading on products. The products alsoundergo testing by globally renowned third-party certi?cation organizations to ensure the objectivity of product quality.

Six Dimensions of Comprehensive Quality Management







Wet Leakage Current Test

Hail Test

Step-In Aging Equipment Test

Hail Test

Spray Test

Dynamic Loading TestTesting Lab

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Regularly identifyingand evaluating internaland external risk factorsrelated to quality andtaking correspondingimprovement measures

Building an advancedfully automatedassembly line with asingle-line capacityof 2200PCS per shiftand the automationrate increased by 48%compared to traditionalproduction lines.

The photovoltaic testingcenter has undergoneCNAS national accreditationlaboratory reassessmentand annual audits byauthoritative certificationorganizations such as TUVand CSA, laying a solidfoundation for productquality assurance.

Utilizing training,internal promotionalmaterials, and meetingsto enhance employeeskills, quality awareness,and professionalism.

Developing supplierquality systemdevelopment plans andconducting monthlysupply statistics toensure the productquality from suppliers


R&D Innovation Management

GCL SI upholds the values of "value-led, innovation-driven" and has been increasing the investment in research and developmentin the past few years. The company actively introduced advanced technology, established an international R&D team and built ahigh-level scienti?c R&D platform. By leveraging technology, it o?ers industry-leading innovative products to customers.R&D System

GCL SI adheres to the concept of "technology leading and innovation-driven," focuses on technological innovation and development,and continuously increases investment in R&D. In 2022, the R&D expenses increased by 24.41% compared to 2021. Moreover, thecompany has built a competitive salary structure and collaborated with national and provincial research platforms to create afavorable research environment, attracting outstanding global R&D talents. In 2022, the number of R&D personnel increased by

38.54% compared to 2021, forming a highly capable and creative team that lays a solid foundation for continuous R&D innovation.

The company has established comprehensive standards for R&D projects, which regulate critical control segments such asproject initiation, process management, and project acceptance for new product R&D projects. This improves the e?ciency ofproduct R&D, and ensures product performance and reliability. Additionally, GCL SI has formulated the "Management Standardsfor Scientific and Technological Achievements" to reward achievements in technology, products, patents, and publications.Furthermore, the company holds annual scienti?c and technological conferences to evaluate and reward innovative scienti?c andtechnological personnel and projects, continuously inspiring employee 's innovation enthusiasm.

Establishment Of Special Teams To Improve Product YieldCase

Measures to improve quality

On-Site E?orts For Improving Product Yield

In early 2022, the product yield of company produced ordermodules was 99.50%, which is slightly below the target of

99.70%. The company established a QCC project team to tackle

quality issues caused by defects, hidden cracks, and falsewelding. The special team developed improvement plans toimprove the process product yield based on the indicatorsfrom equipment, processes, and production. Through training,pattern replacement, equipment optimization, and parameteradjustments, the quality issues were reduced by more than50%, successfully improving the product yield.

80.96 13358


R&D expenses amounted toR&D personnelBachelor Degree

Master DegreeHigh-tech subsidiaries Provincial academician expert


National postdoctoralworkstation

Provincial and municipal engineeringtechnology research centers

YoY growthYoY growthYoY growth

YoY growth

Provincial enterprisetechnology centers

Provincial intelligentfactory

million yuan%%%


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Intellectual Property ManagementGCL SI has established the Intellectual Property Management Standardand developed separate standards for patent, trademark,and copyright management. These standards strengthen the company's intellectual property management. Concerneddepartments are required to track the registration and authorization of trademarks, patents, trade names, and other intellectualproperty rights. The intellectual property management department will make proactive measures in case of any potentialinfringement of the company's intellectual property rights .As of the end of 2022, the company has accumulated more than 400authorized patents, including over 80 invention patents. In 2022, 40 new patents were authorized.Additionally, the company conducts intellectual property training and awareness campaigns to prevent the company frominfringing on the intellectual property rights, and strengthens the promotion of intellectual property rights protection. Furthermore,the company has established and implemented an intellectual property retrieval system, covering various aspects such as productand technology R&D, works creation, trademark usage, imports and exports, participation in exhibitions, and advertising, whichhelps avoid intellectual property disputes. Moreover, the contract must include provisions regarding infringement of third-partyintellectual property rights to protect both parties' intellectual property rights when cooperating with suppliers or other partners.

Traditional ChannelsNew Media Channels

Customer Service Program

WeChat O?cial AccountWeChat Mini Program……Sales PersonnelLocal Distributors




ContinuousImprovementof Products andServices

O?cial Email: GCLSI-Service@gclsi.comHotline:+86 4009 688 227(domestic)

+86 4009 687 701(abroad)

Global Customer Service

GCL SI is committed to maximizing customer satisfaction. The company has provided professional, attentive, and satisfactoryservices to global customers by establishing multiple communication channels, strengthening connections with customers,actively collecting their feedback, and continuously optimizing its services.Customer Service StructureAs of the end of 2022, GCL SI has provided customer services to nearly 100 customers from 5 countries around the world. Thecompany has established comprehensive online and offline customer communication channels leveraging the new mediaplatforms. The company implemented a full-process service starting from analyzing customer needs to continuous improvementof products and services in the process of component selection, installation technical guidance, and other ranges.

Additionally, the company has compiledCustomer Complaint Management Mechanism, to standardize the handling processfor customer complaints and suggestions. Concerned departments shall respond to customer complaints within 1 working day,determine the complaint category within 2 working days, and provide a preliminary solution within 5 working days to ensure thatcustomer feedback is addressed promptly, reasonably, and e?ectively. In 2022, GCL SI achieved a customer complaint resolutionrate of over 90%.

Business Service Scope



System Trou-bleshootingComponentSelectionConsultation




Number of patents held438445Number of trademarks and text registration rights held1518Number of software copyrights held1717Number of new patent applications of the year2267Number of new authorized patents of the year3140 Intellectual Property Key Indicators In The Past Two Years

Customer Feedback Channels

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Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Responsible Marketing

GCL SI conducts regular customer satisfaction surveys annually to better understand clients ' evolving needs and feedback. In 2022,the company selected eight partners and evaluated them in 10 sub-projects across three dimensions: product, product deliveryand after-sales. The average score stood at 99 points, exceeding the company's satisfaction target of 95 points. The company madeimprovements to product appearance and packaging, and reduced product delivery cycle to improve customer satisfaction.The company provides regular training to customer service personnel to enhance their service skills and continuously improvecustomer satisfaction. Additionally, the company continuously enhances customer satisfaction and obtains good reputation throughon-site visits, troubleshooting diagnosis, timely provision of temporary repair measures, and o?ering scienti?cally e?ective long-termtechnical improvement plans .

We always strive to promote Integrity as a foundation of our corporate culture and strictly comply with local laws and regulations suchasAdvertisement Law of the People's Republic of China, and conduct regular compliance audits of products and services. The companyalso holds compliance awareness training for employees to ensure the truthful and compliant disclosure of product information. Thecompany also spared no efforts to effectively safeguard customers' rights to keep informed and to make independent choice, thusestablishing a brand image of responsible marketing. As of the end of 2022, the company reported no product marketing violations.

Onsite Training

In 2022, the company carried out a 10MW distributed photovoltaic project at the DairyFarm with 10,000 cows in Xiangyun County, Dali. The project involved the developmentand construction of BIPV distributed photovoltaics on the roofs of the cowsheds. Itadopted the " Generating power for self-use, surplus power for sale" model, with anaverage annual power generation of 17,927.80 MWh over 25 years. To ensure the qualityof the installation and the stability of subsequent power generation, the companydispatched a professional technical service team to provide technical guidance andsupport to the on-site construction and supervisory personnel. The company improvedproduct quality assurance and the stability of photovoltaic power generation,make thecustomers feel safe and assured in their subsequent use.

Dimensions of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Transportation QualityDelivery CycleCompleteness of DeliveryMaterialsPerformanceAppearanceInstallation Convenience

ProductProduct DeliveryAfter-sales Service

Supplier Admission, Evaluation, And Removal Mechanism

Establish a supplier quali?cation management mechanism, requiring product quality tocomply with national and industry production standards. Clear provisions are made forsituations where it is not recommended for a supplier to be included in the system andadditional approval is required from the Group's Supply Chain and Tendering CommitteeSupplier Admission

Evaluate suppliers' performance and classify them into levels I, II, III, and IV basedon their performance. For suppliers with a performance score of 70 ≤ X ≤ 80,recti?cation measures are formulated and reported to the Group's Tendering Center.Supplier Evaluation

Clarify the process for removing suppliers and impose punitive measures, includingterminating procurement contracts, reporting to regulatory authorities, removing themfrom the quali?ed supplier database, and updating supplier quali?cations, for supplierswith varying degrees of negative impactSupplier Removal

Building a Responsible Supply ChainGCL SI continues to optimize cooperation with suppliers, incorporating ESG concept into supplier management. The company actively engagesin communication activities with suppliers, exchanging ideas and working together to build an industry-leading responsible supply chain.Supplier Management

The company has established SupplierManagement Control Procedure, Procurement Process Control Procedure, and Outsourcing(OEM) Management Procedureto clearly specify the company's requirements for suppliers. Meanwhile, the company has improvedthe sound mechanism for supplier admission, evaluation, and removal. It maintains records for all suppliers, continuouslymonitors their management status, provides improvement suggestions for their weaknesses, and grows with suppliers.

Building Responsible Supply Chain

he company attaches great importance to supplier social responsibility management and incorporates ESG factors into the supplier screeningand evaluation system. The company utilizes online procurement platforms and digital means to create a transparent and open supplier selectionprocess. It signs integrity agreements with suppliers and provides regular integrity-theme training to internal purchasing personnel, to ensurea transparent procurement. Additionally, the company traces the origin of supplier raw materials to ensure they are not sourced from con?ictminerals. Moreover, the company requires suppliers to sign safety and environmental protection agreements and provides relevant training forselected suppliers to enhance their environmental awareness, thereby helping to build an industry-leading responsible supply chain.

Preferentially select companies certi?edwith SIO 45001, ISO 9001, OHSAS18000,and other systemsRequire suppliers to comply with relevantlaws and regulations, strictly prohibitingthe use of child labor or forced laborRemove all suppliers from the databasein case of signi?cant safety accidents

Environmental ManagementCorporate GovernanceSocial Management

Sign Integrity AgreementsImplement One-Ticket veto System forSuppliers Providing False Materials

Preferentially select companiescerti?ed with ISO 14001environmental managementGive priority to products and serviceswith lower carbon footprints


Implementing Product Quality Improvement and Enhance Customer User ExperienceCase

Service TimelinessService QualityService Attitude

5859GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

ForerunnerSolid CorporateGovernance

Our Actions

Sound and compliant corporate governance is the cornerstoneof sustainable development for enterprises. GCL SI continuouslyimproves risk management mechanisms, enhances operationaltransparency and accountability, and strives to achieve the bestpractices in business ethics, creating long-term value for allstakeholders.

Corporate Governance

Business Ethics Party Building

Compliant Operations


Board Structure and GovernanceGCL SI strictly adheres to laws and regulations such as theCompany Law, Securities Law, Shenzhen Stock Exchange ListingRules, and the Articles of Association of GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd., as well as regulatory rules. The companycontinuously improves internal standards and regulations, promotes standardized and procedural management, and hasestablished a clear governance structure in accordance with the requirements of listed companies. The company adheres to ascienti?c decision-making mechanism and establishes a corporate governance structure comprising of the Shareholders' Meeting,the Board of Directors (the Board), and the Board of Supervisors in strict accordance with relevant procedures.

Information Disclosure

We are committed to providing authentic,accurate, complete, timely and fair disclosureof information in strict compliance with therelevant laws and regulations, such as theArticles of Association and the Measures for theAdministration of Information Disclosure. GCLSI continuously improves the level and qualityof information disclosure and safeguards theinterests of investors. The company strictlyadheres to insider trading rules, has compiledan "Insider Information Informed PersonRegistration System" which strengthens theconfidentiality of insider information andensures fair information disclosure.

Corporate GovernanceGCL SI is committed to creating a diverse, e?ective, and professional governance structure, implementing comprehensive board structure andgovernance, and continuously enhancing the level of corporate governance to protect the interests of shareholders.

In the reporting period, number ofGeneral Meetings of Shareholders held

Number of Board Meetings

Supervisory Board Meetings

General Meeting ofShareholdersBoard of DirectorsManagement

Supervisory BoardInternal AuditDepartmentAudit CommitteeStrategic CommitteeNomination CommitteeCompensation Performance Evaluation

CommitteeRisk Management CommitteeSafety and Environment CommitteeScience and Technology CommitteeBudget Management Committee

Industrial Value Chain Contracting Responsibility SystemComprehensive Management during

Production and Operation Period



Jurong 5GW


Hefei ModuleInfrastructure

EnergyEngineeringBranch 1


Branch 2

PhotovoltaicStorage andChargingBusinessFuningModule

LeshanBatteryNew ProjectPreparation




Hefei Module



EnergyEngineeringBusiness Chain

Energy SystemBusiness Chain

Energy Engineering Company + DesignInstitute (Shared Platform)












and LegalA?airs Center

GeneralManagementDepartmentBrand andNews Center



GCL Battery

Central Research

InstituteGCL University


Corporate Governance Structure

The Board of Directors consists of four committees, namely the Audit Committee, the Strategy Committee, the NominationCommittee, and the Compensation Committee. These committees operate in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations,normative documents, and the working rules of each specialized committee since their establishment.

Established by the Board of Directorsaccording to the resolution of theGeneral Meeting of Shareholders, theAudit Committee is mainly responsiblefor supervising the company's internalaudit system, reviewing its financialinformation and disclosure, examining itsinternal control system, and facilitatingcommunication between internal andexternal audits.Established by the Board of Directorsaccording to the resolution of the GeneralMeeting of Shareholders, the NominationCommittee is mainly responsible forreviewing and making recommendationson the selection of candidates, criteria,and procedures for the directors, GeneralManager , and other senior managementpersonnel.

Established by the Board of Directors accordingto the resolution of the General Meeting ofShareholders, the Compensation Committeeis primarily responsible for formulatingassessment criteria for the directors and seniormanagement, conducting assessments,formulating and reviewing the company'sremuneration policies for directors and seniormanagement, and being accountable to theBoard of Directors.Established by the Board of Directors accordingto the resolution of the General Meeting ofShareholders, the Strategy Committee isprimarily responsible for researching andmaking recommendations on the company'slong-term development strategy and majorinvestment decisions, and coordinates thecompany's ESG management work.






Diverse Governance StructureTo ensure professional and efficient decision-making by the Board of Directors, the company attaches great importance todiversity in terms of gender, culture, and professional ?elds among members of the Board. During the reporting period, theBoard of Directors consists of 10 directors, including 3 independent directors, and 1 female director. All directors have richindustry experience and a good educational background. The diverse composition helps promote efficient, scientific, andstandardized operations of the company.

In the reporting period, thenumber of announcementdisclosed

6263GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Investor Relations Management

In accordance with theCompany Law, Securities Law, Guidelines for Listed Companies and Investor Relations Work, Guidelinesfor Investor Relations Management of Listed Companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Articles of Association, and otherrelevant laws, regulations, and normative documents, we have established theInvestor Relations Management Guidelineto ensurea timely and accurate communication and maintain a good relationship with investors. The company interacts with investors,address investor inquiries and strengthens communication via periodic reports and interim announcements, General Meetingsof Shareholders, the o?cial website, analyst presentations, earning release calls, one-on-one communication, regular meetings,telephone consultations, exchange interactive platforms, media, newspapers, promotional materials, on-site visits, roadshows etc.

Risk Management

GCL SI has established a scientific and effective risk management and internal controlsystem, formulated theComprehensive Risk Management Standards, and conducts riskidenti?cation and assessment in alignment with the company's strategies and operationalobjectives. We involve in important project reviews and process approvals in early stage,proactive participate in core business activities to effectively prevent risks focusing on"Early Involvement, Indicator Tracking, and Risk Communication". We check quantitativerisk indicators to dynamically monitor risks in key business processes, and ?ag risk timely.Risk management training and promotion across all employees is conducted to enhancerisk management awareness and promote enterprise-wide risk control.The company has established Risk Management Committee responsible for decision-making on comprehensive risk management of GCL SI and is accountable to the Board ofDirectors for the e?ectiveness of comprehensive risk management. The Risk ManagementCommittee consists of one director, served by the company's Chairman or the CEO.

Compliant Operation

GCL SI always regards integrity and compliance as the foundation for long-term development. The company strictly complies withlaws and regulations, continuously strengthens the risk management, promotes a culture of integrity and compliance which drivesthe company's steady and sustainable development.

Regularly organize investor onsite visits for them tounderstand the company's production and operations.In 2022, a total of 11 on-site visits were organized.

Organize strategy meetings and roadshows, etc., toprovide timely updates on the company's production andoperations, strategic planning, investment and financingand others recent developments progress of the company.In 2022, a total of 25 online and offline communicationmeetings were organized.

On-site VisitsInvestor Presentations

Conduct regular earning release calls, focusing oninterpreting the company's financial data, operationalperformance, progress of management objectives, as wellas the business plan and outlook for the next year.In 2022, a total of 2 earning release calls were held.

Regularly respond to inquiries raised by investors on publicplatforms, promoting information communication amonglisted companies, investors, and other market participants.In 2022, 220 investor inquiries were addressed.

Earning Release Call

Exchange Interactive Platforms and otherNew Media Communication

During the reporting period, thenumber of onsite risk managementtraining sessions organized

Number of Promotional Posters

"Three Lines Of Defence" for GCL SI's Risk Management

Responsible for the construction of the company's riskcontrol systemLead and promote the daily work of comprehensiverisk managementAccountable to the Risk Management Committee forthe e?ectiveness of comprehensive risk managementThe primary contact for risk management.Participate in risk management, formulate riskdecisions, and promote the execution.Jointly undertake risk management functionsand accept risksManage the organization, coordination, guidance,and supervision by the responsible department

Responsible department forrisk management

Risk Management Committee

Functional departments and business units:

Responsible for decision-making on overall riskmanagementDetermine the company's overall annual riskpreferences and risk management strategies

Internal Risk ManagementPromotional Poster

6465GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

In terms of the working approach tointernal control, GCL SI implements amonthly risk control report system. At theend of each month, the internal controldepartment tracks the results of previousinternal control assessments, auditfindings, and progress in rectification.The results will be reported to theinternal control department of GCL SI 'smanagement team. Furthermore, GCLSI and the internal control departmentsat various levels of subsidiary companiesestablish and improve internal controlcycle matrices that are tailored to thecharacteristics of the respective companiesin accordance with the requirements ofthe"Basic Norms for Enterprise InternalControl"and its supporting guidelines. Theinternal control department also organizesannual evaluations of the e?ectiveness ofinternal control in subsidiary companies.Based on the results of internal controlassessments and considering thecompany's recti?cation progress, the ?nalevaluation conclusion on the e?ectivenessof internal control for the year is derived.

Anti-CorruptionGCL SI has zero-tolerance towards acts that violate business ethics, fully establishes an internal management system andsupervision and reporting mechanism, regularly conducts compliance training for all employees, vigorously promotes a culture ofintegrity, and strictly punishes corruption incidents that occur in various commercial activities. In the internal management, thecompany has formulated the Anti-fraud and Reporting Management Standards, Anti commercial Bribery and Integrity Agreement,etc., to clarify the management regulations on preventing corruption, bribery and unfair competition and con?ict of interest.

"Ten Commandments of GCL SI" clarify the most basicbusiness moral principles for all employees and requiresthe employees to practice the core values of the companywith integrity. During the reporting period, the employeesactively studied the culture of integrity and the "TenCommandments of GCL SI".

Actively Carrying Out Education And Training and Upholding The Concept of "Ten Commandments of GCL SI"Case

"Ten Commandments of GCL SI" Training

No concealing:no concealment,false reporting, or delayed reportingNo falsifying:don 't tamper,fabricate, or forge

For Basic Data:

For Employees:

For Relevant Interests:

No bribery:no solicitation,acceptance, or o?ering of bribesNo embezzling:do not embezzle

company assets

Non retaliation:No retaliation

allowedDo not undermine reputation:donot damage the image of the companyand employees

Content of the "Ten Commandments of GCL SI"

For Job Authorization:

Not exceeding authority:not

exceeding authorizationNo abusing power:not abusing


Non disclosure:do not disclose

company secrets

Non industry:do not allowed toparticipate in unfair competition

For the Company's Impact:

Business Ethics

GCL SI adheres to the business philosophy of integrity and integrity and adopts a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption. At thesame time, the company pays attention to data information protection and actively carries out activities related to informationsecurity and data security.

Compliance and Internal Control

GCL SI has established a compliance management system and internal control mechanisms, and formulated thePrinciples and Systemof Internal Control Management, ensuring the e?ective operation of compliance operations and internal control in various aspects.

Complianceand InternalControl

InternalControlDepartment ofGCL SI

Board ofDirectorsand AuditCommittee

Internal Control

Departmentsof Subsidiary


Responsible for guiding and supervisingsubsidiaries in establishing soundinternal control and risk managementsystems, implementing varioustypes of audits and investigations,and overseeing disciplinary actionsto achieve supervision, evaluation,monitoring, and correction.

The Board of Directors and the AuditCommittee are the highest leadingbodies for internal control management,ultimately responsible for thee?ectiveness of internal control in GCL SI.Referencing the responsibilities ofGCL SI 's Internal Control Department,establish internal control and riskmanagement systems based on therequirements of subsidiary businessmanagement.

Principles of Internal Control Management





6667GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

GCL SI has established a security and confidentiality system to enhances information security prevention and minimize potentialinformation security risks. We have taken various measures to strengthen the security of network system including classifiedinformation and release review system, classi?ed computer media and media security management, classi?ed data maintenance andprocessing site management, and internet usage security management.We regularly hold information security awareness training sessions to strengthen their information security awareness. Moreover,we carry out special training to ensure the safety and stability of our business operations.

Con?dentiality and Information SecurityGCL SI attaches great importance to information security and data protection. The company strictly follows theNetwork SecurityLaw of the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of Chinaand the laws and regulations of other regions where it operates,and formulates internal management systems, including Network System Management Standards, DatabaseSystem ManagementStandards, Information Data Security and Mobile Media Con?dentiality Management Standards, with reference to the requirements ofthe information security management system.

Responsible for cooperating with the information

department to implement relevant regulations oninformation data security and confidentialitymanagement standardImplement and execute information and data security andcon?dentiality management standards from superiordepartmentsResponsible for the inspection, supervision,assessment, rewards and punishments ofinformation and data security and con?dentialitymanagement work in the managementcenter, subsidiaries and project companies

Responsible for implementing and executing information and data security and con?dentiality management standards,inspecting and supervising the security and con?dentiality management work of the a?liated information system

Whistle-blowing and Investigation

We take strict measures to the legitimate interests of the company and protect the informationof whistle-blowers and prohibit retaliation for good faith reporting. The company hasestablished open, transparent, and smooth reporting and investigation steps, managementcommunication mechanisms, reward and punishment mechanisms to encourage employees,customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report potential misconduct. The clearreporting system and streamlined handling process ensure that the reporting process andoutcomes are fair and just.GCL SI has established a strict whistle-blower protection system to protect the personal rights,property rights, work rights, democratic rights, reputation rights, and other legitimate rights.The internal audit department shall assign a dedicated person to manage the whistle-blower'sinformation, reporting clues, and reporting materials, and strictly prevent the leakage ofreporting information and loss of whistle-blowing materials.

Employees at all levels of thecompany and related parties whocomes across or suspects anyunlawful activity must inform thecompany via letters, emails includingbut not limited to jubao@gcl-power.com, phone calls, face-to-faceinterviews, and other means.

Reporting Channels:

Receive whistle-blowing

information andinvestigation needs

Whistle-blowing Management Process


FinishData archiving

Conduct a preliminary

investigation intoreporting

Conduct a report andconduct an in-depthinvestigation

Inform the outcome

Prepare a fraudinvestigation report

Handling relevantpersonnelWhistle-blowing Management Process

Internal Audit Department

Internal Audit DepartmentManagement DepartmentManagement Department

Information Data Security Management of GCL SI


OtherFunctionalDepartmentsManagement Center,Subsidiaries and ProjectCompanies

6869GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Welcoming the 20th National Congress, Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the20th National Congress of the Communist Party of ChinaOn 16th

October, 2022, the 20

thNational Congress of the ChineseCommunist Party solemnly opened in Great Hall of the Peoplein Beijing. Funing GCL SI organized party members and therepresentatives of employees to watch the live broadcast of theopening ceremony and listened carefully to Jinping Xi's reporton "Holding High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinesecharacteristics and Uniting for the Comprehensive Constructionof a Socialist Modernized Country". Learning and comprehendingthe spirit of the conference, the party members, cadres, andemployees were deeply encouraged and excited. Among them,the report on promoting green development and promotingharmonious coexistence between humans and nature has pointedout the direction for the development of new energy. Everyone hasexpressed the need to study seriously, deeply understand the spiritof the 20

thNational Congress, and conduct in-depth thinking. Thereport spirit should be transformed into guidelines and encouragecompanies to take practical actions focusing on quality, safety, anddevelopment. It contributed to the steady promotion of the "dualcarbon" goal with practical actions.

On 28th September, 2022, the PartyBranch of Hefei GCL SI held the themeParty Day activity of "The Heart of GCL SIForever Towards the Party, Welcomingthe 20th National Congress", with all partymembers and some representatives ofthe masses participating. At the meeting,the secretary of the company's partybranch first learned the fourth volume of"Xi Jinping: The Governance of China",which is on "creating a new developmentpattern and reshaping a new competitiveadvantage", and discussed the insightswith all party members in depth. All partymembers expressed that they shouldwork hard with the original intention andtake practical actions to welcome thesuccessful convening of the 20th NationalCongress of the Communist Party of China.

Theme Party Day Activity of "The Heart of GCL SI Forever Towards the Party, Welcoming the 20th National Congress"Case

On the occasion of the upcoming victory of the 20th NationalCongress, Funing GCL SI held a red classic reading sharingseminar titled "Welcoming the 20th National Congress withBook Fragrance" on 14th October 2022. 20 readers from variousdepartments participated in the activity and shared the thoughtsabout the books and articles they read. The enthusiasmof employees for reading and learning was fully mobilized,encouraging them to read more good books and exchange ideas.The company strives to create a good learning atmosphere bothand take practical actions to welcome the successful conveningof the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

"Welcoming the 20th National Congress with Book Fragrance" Red Classic Reading Sharing SeminarCase

Party Building

In 2022, the company's party committee adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristicsfor a New Era, deeply studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, andstrictly ful?lled the main responsibility of comprehensively strengthening party governance. It continuously strengthened partybuilding and adhered to high-quality party building to promote the high-quality development of the company.

7071GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report


With the mission of "focusing on green development and continuously improvingthe living environment for human beings", GCL SI is primarily engaged in PV sectorand further deepens integrating corporate culture with sustainable development.The company collaborates with internal and external stakeholders to support theglobal green and low-carbon transformation, and contribute to the realization ofthe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.In the future, the company will firmly promote the construction of intelligentmanufacturing bases, collaborate with advantageous enterprises, and leveragethe industrial, technological, and brand advantages to timely promote overseasproduction capacity layout, avoid trade barriers, and establish global regionalcompetitive advantages. At the same time, we will continuously expand overseasmarket channels, carry out strategic customer management and strategic channelintegration, accelerate the product update cycle, continuously improve the after-sales service system, and constantly improve market share in the overseas marketto become a respected global leader in new energy and clean energy.


About the Report

This report provides a detailed disclosure of the practices and performance of GCL System Integration Technology Co.,Ltd. in the areas of economic, environmental, social and corporate governance responsibilities in 2022. The purpose ofthe Report is to facilitate an e?ective dialogue between GCL SI and our stakeholders to address their expectations in acomprehensive and structured process.Reporting PeriodThis report is an annual report.

Notes on data and currencyThe data sources used in the Report include theoriginal data of the company's actual operation,public data of government departments,annual ?nancial data, internal related statisticalstatements, third-party questionnaires and third-party evaluation interviews, etc.The ?nancial data in the Report is in Renminbi(RMB). If there is any inconsistency with the?nancial report, the ?nancial report shall prevail.

Scope of Report

GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd. is themain body.

Reporting Period

For the convenience of expression and reading,"GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd."in this report is also referred to as "GCL SI", "TheCompany" or "We".

Reporting Period

The reporting period is from January 1, 2022to December 31, 2022.In order to enhance thecomparability and forward-looking nature of thereport, some contents were moderately extendedto the previous and subsequent years..

Report Preparation Process

Based on the practice of corporate socialresponsibility, this report follows the process of"project approval - material collection - preparationand revision - senior management review - boardreview - external disclosure". GCL SI activelycommunicates with relevant stakeholders inthe process of project approval, preparationand revision and other links, and studies anddemonstrates the framework structure andcontents of the report.Report Reliability Assurance

The company promises that there are no falserecords, misleading statements, or signi?cantomissions in the contents of this report, and isresponsible for the authenticity, accuracy, andcompleteness of its contents.

Compilation Basis

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) EnterpriseAction GuidanceGlobal Sustainability Standards CommitteeSustainable Development Reporting Standards(GRIStandards)Chinese Academy of Social SciencesGuidance onCompiling China's Corporate Social ResponsibilityReport (CASS-ESG 5.0)Chinese National StandardsGuidance on CompilingSocial Responsibility Report (GB/T36001-2015)International Organization for StandardizationISO26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010)

Shenzhen Stock ExchangeGuidance onStandardized Operation of Companies Listed inShenzhen Stock Exchange

Report Acquisition

The electronic version of this report can beaccessed from the o?cial website of GCL SystemIntegration Technology Co., Ltd( https://www.gclsi.com )and the CNINFO website( http://www.cninfo.com.cn ).

Title Description

GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd. is themain body.

732022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report72GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.

Number of patents heldNumber438445Number of software copyrights heldNumber1717

Key Performance Table

Economic Indicator Performance

Employee Training Indicators

Employee Rights And Interests Performance

Disclosure itemUnitIn 2021

In 2020In 2021

In 2022

In 2022


RevenueRMB '000470,146.05 835,360.92Total assetsRMB '000929,999.68 1,018,127.59Net pro?tRMB '000-198,288 5,931.80R&D investmentRMB '0006,507.708,095.98Number of R&D technical personnelPeople96 133Proportion of the number of R&Dtechnical personnel


Total number of employees trainedPeople31,470 29,469 87,578Total hours of training hour2,443 2,596 3,598Average hours for training hour30 29 37By gender

Total hours of training formale employees

hour1,749 1,871 2,598Total hours of training for

female employees

hour694 683 1,001

By employee type

Total hours of trainingjunior employees

hour2,083 2,147 3,119Total hours of trainingfor middle managementemployees

hour252 278 299Total hours of trainingfor senior managementemployees

hour107 171 180

Labor contract signing rate%100100100

Employee Employment Performance


Total number of employeesNumber1,3171,5683,520By gender

MaleNumber9011,0882,383FemaleNumber4164801,137By employmenttype

Full-time employeeNumber1,3111,5632,276ContractorNumber001,225OthersNumber6519By raceMinority employeesNumber——30By age

51 years old and aboveNumber46576541-50 years oldNumber15824356631-40 years oldNumber7918311,73630 years old and belowNumber3224371,153By region

Mainland ChinaNumber1,2931,5453,500Hong Kong, Macao, and


Number242320By educationalbackground

Bachelor degree or aboveNumber——669

Below bachelor degreeNumber——2,851

By employeecategory

Middle management em-


Number718994Number of female employ-ees in middle management

Number141915Senior management em-


Number253538Number of female employ-ees in senior management

Number244Intellectual Property Management Indicator

Disclosure itemUnit

In 2020In 2021In 2022Disclosure itemUnit

In 2020In 2021In 2022Disclosure itemUnit

In 2021In 2022Disclosure itemUnit

7475GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Safety Accidents And Personnel

Safety production investmentRMB '000—335.8

Energy Consumption

IndicatorUnitIn 2021In 2022Natural gasm?79,312 150,729Purchased electricitykWh126,600,000 150,893,426Steamm?2,176.853,237.747Gasolinekg101,698.18 0Comprehensive energy consumptionTons of standard coal15,664.62 12,011.42Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope1)Ton235.68 325.87Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2)Ton65,579.37 87,669.92Total greenhouse gas emissionsTon65,815.05 87,995.79

Waste Discharge

Total waste dischargeTon4,006.0013,325.26General solid wasteTon2,400.3713,465.74Hazardous wasteTon8.0515.90Total amount of incinerated hazardous wasteTon1.755.92

Exhaust EmissionsExhaust emissionsm?786,793,843.00307,476,003.73

Water Consumption

Water consumption m?68,769267,280

Total Wastewater DischargeTotal wastewater dischargem?424,348238,949

In 2021In 2022Disclosure itemUnit

IndicatorUnitIn 2021In 2022

IndicatorUnitIn 2021In 2022

IndicatorUnitIn 2021In 2022

IndicatorUnitIn 2021In 2022

7677GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Indicator indexIndicator indexGRI content index

GRI 2 General Disclosure 2021Organization and its reporting practices2-1Details of the companyAbout US2-2

Entities included in organizational sustainable developmentreport

About US2-3Reporting period, reporting frequency, and contact personAbout the ReportActivities and Workers2-6Activities, value chain, and other business relationshipsBuilding a Responsible Supply Chain2-7EmployeesGrowing Together with EmployeesGovernance2-9Governance structure and compositionSolid Corporate Governance2-10Nomination and selection of the supreme governing bodySolid Corporate Governance2-11Chairman of the supreme governing bodySolid Corporate Governance2-12

The supervisory role of the supreme governing body in themanagement impact

Solid Corporate Governance2-13Authorize responsibility for management impactSolid Corporate Governance2-14

The role of the supreme governing body in sustainable devel-opment report

Social Responsibility2-15Con?ict of interestSolid Corporate Governance2-16Communication of key issuesSocial Responsibility2-17Common knowledge of the supreme governing bodySolid Corporate Governance2-18Performance evaluation on the supreme governing bodySolid Corporate Governance2-19Compensation policyGrowing Together with Employees2-20Procedure for determining compensationGrowing Together with Employees2-21Annual total compensation ratio

Strategy, policy, and practice2-22Statement on sustainable development strategySocial Responsibility2-23Policy commitments

Focus on green development and continuouslyimprove the living environment for human beings2-24Integrate policy commitmentsSocial Responsibilit2-25Procedures for remedying negative e?ectsSocial Responsibilit2-26Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsSocial Responsibilit2-27Compliance with local laws and regulationsSocial Responsibilit2-28Membership of the AssociationSocial ResponsibilitParticipation of stakeholders2-29Participation methods of stakeholdersSocial Responsibilit2-30Collective bargaining agreementGrowing Together with Employees

GRI standardsChapters and sectionsDisclosure item

GRI 3 Material Topics 2021

3-1The process of determining material topics Social Responsibility3-2List of material topics Social Responsibility3-3Management of material topics Social ResponsibilityGRI 201 Economic Performance 2016201-1Directly produced and allocated economic valueKey Performance Indicators201-2

Financial impacts and other risks and opportunities broughtabout by climate change

Addressing Climate Change201-3De?ned bene?t plan obligations and other retirement plans201-4Financial subsidies provided by the governmentGRI 202 Market Performance 2016202-1

The ratio of salary at the starting salary level to local mini-mum wage based on gender standard

202-2Proportion of executives hired from local communitiesGRI 203 Indirect Economic Performance 2016203-1Infrastructure investment and supporting servicesLed by technology, bringing green energy into life203-2Signi?cant indirect economic impactsLed by technology, bringing green energy into lifeGRI 204 Procurement Practice 2016204-1

Proportion of expenditure for procurement from local suppli-ers

Building a Responsible Supply ChainGRI205 Anti-corruption 2016205-1

Operation points that have received corruption risk assess-ment

Business Ethics205-2

Communication and training of anti-corruption policies andprocedures

Business Ethics205-3Con?rmed corruption events and actions takenBusiness EthicsGRI 206 Anti-competitive Practice 2016206-1

Legal proceedings against anti-competitive behaviors, anti-trust and anti-monopoly practices

GRI207 Tax Revenue 2019207-1Taxation policy207-2Taxation governance, control and risk management207-3

Participation and management of stakeholders related to taxconcerns

207-4Country-based reportGRI 301 Material 2016301-1The weight or volume of the material usedGreen Products301-2Recycled feed usedGreen Products301-3Recycled products and their packaging materialsGreen ProductsGRI 302 Energy 2016302-1Energy consumption inside the organizationGreen Operations302-2Energy consumption outside the organizationGreen Operations302-3Energy intensityGreen Operations302-4Reduce energy consumptionGreen Operations302-5Reduce energy demand for products and servicesGreen OperationsGRI 303 Energy 2018


The mutual impacts of organization and water as sharedresources

Green Operations303-2Management of drainage related impactsGreen Operations303-3Water takingGreen Operations303-4Water drainageGreen Operations303-5Water consumptionGreen Operations

GRI standardsChapters and sectionsDisclosure item

Statement for use

GCL SI reported the information cited in the GRI content index with referenceto GRI standards from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.Used GRI 1GRI 1: Foundation 2021

7879GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

GRI 304 Biodiversity 2016


Operation points owned, leased, and managed by organi-zations in or adjacent to protected areas and areas with richbiodiversity outside protected areas

Green Operations304-2

The signi?cant impact of activities, products, and services onbiodiversity

304-3Protected or restored habitats304-4

Species listed on the Red List of International Union for Conserva-tion of Nature (IUCN) and National Conservation Register in habitatsa?ected by operations

GRI 305 Emission 2016305-1Direct (scope1) greenhouse gas emissionsGreenhouse Gas Managemen305-2Energy indirect (scope 2) greenhouse gas emissionsGreenhouse Gas Managemen305-3Other indirect (scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions305-4Greenhouse gas emission intensityGreenhouse Gas Managemen305-5Amount of greenhouse gas emission reductionGreenhouse Gas Managemen305-6Emissions of ozone depleting substances (ODS)305-7

Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), andother major gas

Greenhouse Gas ManagemenGRI 306 Waste 2020306-1Production of waste and waste-related signi?cant impactsGreen Operations306-2Management of waste-related signi?cant impactsGreen Operations306-3Waste producedGreen Operations306-4Waste transferred from disposalGreen Operations306-5Waste under disposalGreen Operations

GRI 308 Environmental Assessment On Suppliers 2016308-1

New suppliers screened out with environmental assessmentdimensions

Building a Responsible Supply Chain308-2

Negative environmental impacts of supply chain and actionstaken

Building a Responsible Supply ChainGRI 401 Employment 2016401-1Employment rate and turnover rate of new employeesGrowing Together with Employees401-2

Bene?ts for full-time employees (excluding temporary or part-time employees)

Growing Together with Employees401-3Childcare leaveGrowing Together with Employees

GRI 402 Employment Relationship 2016402-1Minimum noti?cation period for operation changesGrowing Together with EmployeesGRI 403 Occupational Health And Safety 2018403-1Occupational health and safetyGrowing Together with Employees403-2

Hazard identi?cation, risk assessment, and accident investiga-tion

Growing Together with Employees403-3Occupational health serviceGrowing Together with Employees403-4

Occupational health and safety a?airs: participation, consulta-tion and communication of workers

Growing Together with Employees403-5Occupational health and safety training for workersGrowing Together with Employees403-6Promoting the health of workersGrowing Together with Employees403-7

Preventing and mitigating occupational health and safetyimpacts directly related to business relationships

Growing Together with Employees403-8

Workers covered by occupational health and safety manage-ment system

Growing Together with Employees403-9Occupational injuryGrowing Together with Employees403-10Work-related health issuesGrowing Together with Employees

GRI 404 Training And Education 2016

404-1Average training hours per employee per yearGrowing Together with Employees404-2

Skill improvement scheme and transition assistance schemefor employees

Growing Together with Employees404-3

Proportion of employees that receive regular performance andcareer development assessments

Growing Together with EmployeesGRI 405 Diversity And Equal Opportunities 2016405-1The diversity of governing bodies and employeesGrowing Together with Employees405-2

Ratio of basic salary and compensation between men andwomen

Growing Together with EmployeesGRI 406 Anti-discrimination 2016406-1Discrimination events and corrective actions takenGrowing Together with EmployeesGRI 407 Freedom Of Association And Collective Bargaining 2016


Operation points and suppliers who may face risks in terms offreedom of association and collective bargaining rights

Growing Together with EmployeesGRI408 Child Labor 2016408-1

Operation points and suppliers with signi?cant risk of childlabor events

Growing Together with EmployeesGRI 409 Forced Or Compulsory Labor 2016409-1

Operation points and suppliers with signi?cant risk of forced orcompulsory labor events

Growing Together with EmployeesGRI 410 Security Practice 2016410-1

Security personnel who have received training in human rightspolicies or procedures

Growing Together with EmployeesGRI 411 Indigenous Rights 2016411-1Events involving infringement of indigenous rightsGRI 413 Local Communities 2016413-1

Having operation points where local communities can partici-pate in or in?uence the evaluation and development plans

Shared Future with the Community413-2

Having operation points actual or potential signi?cant negativeimpacts on local communities

GRI 414 Social Assessment On Suppliers 2016414-1New suppliers screened out with social assessment dimensionsBuilding a Responsible Supply Chain414-2Negative social impacts of supply chain and actions takenBuilding a Responsible Supply Chain

GRI 415 Public Policy 2016

415-1Political donationsGRI 416 Health And Safety Of Customers 2016416-1

Assess the health and safety impacts of product and servicecategories

Product Quality Assurance416-2

Violations involving the health and safety impacts of products andservices

Product Quality AssuranceGRI 417 Marketing And Identity 2016417-1

Requirements for product and service information and identi?-cation

Product Quality Assurance417-2

Violations involving product and service information and iden-ti?cation

Product Quality Assurance417-3Violations involving marketing communicationProduct Quality AssuranceGRI 418 Customer Privacy 2016418-1

Proven complaints about invasion of customer privacy or lossof customer materials

Business Ethics

GRI standardsChapters and sectionsDisclosure itemGRI standardsChapters and sectionsDisclosure item

8081GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report

Feedback and Suggestions

Dear Reader:

Thank you for reading this "2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report of GCL SI Technology Co.,Ltd.". In order to provide you and other stakeholders with more professional and valuable corporate socialresponsibility information, please assist us in completing the relevant questions in the feedback form to helpus further enhance social responsibility and sustainable development management in the future.

Please score the following questions on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest score).

1. What's your overall comment on the Report?

5. Do you think the report can re?ect the Company's corporate governance?

3. Do you think the report can re?ect the Company's signi?cant environmental in?uences?

7. What's your overall comment of literal expression quality in the Report?

2. Do you think the report can re?ect the Company's signi?cant economic in?uences?

6. What's your overall comment of information disclosure in the Report?

4. Do you think the report can re?ect the Company's signi?cant social in?uences?

8. What's your overall comment of design style in the Report?

9. Which issues in the Report are you most interested in?

10. Do you have any other advice and suggestions about the Report?




Work unit:


Fax number:

You can contact us via phone call, e-mail, or by post. The contactinformation is listed as follows:

No. 28 Xinqing Road, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (GCLEnergy Center)0512-69832889gclsizqb@gclsi.comwww.gclsi.com

82GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd.,

GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd协鑫集成科技股份有限公司ADDTELE-MAILWEB

No. 28 Xin Qing Road, Suzhou China0512-69832889gclsizqb@gclsi.comwww.gclsi.com
