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泰和新材:Tayho Advance Materials Group Co.,LTD.2022Environmental,Social and Governance(ESG)Report 下载公告


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Tayho Advance

MaterialsGroup Co., LTD.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report

No.10 Heilongjiang Road, Yantai Economic and TechnologicalDevelopment Zone, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China


Key ESG Performance in2022Chairman's MessagesTayho At A GlanceDevelopment History2022 MilestonesCorporate CultureCorporate StrategyBusiness LayoutEnterprise Honors

Data Source and Reliability Assurance3

About Tayho

ESG Sustainability PhilosophyCommunication with StakeholdersESG Material Issues


Organizational StructureParty Building MechanismParty Building Practices


Governance StructureInternal Construction & Risk ManagemenCompliance & Business EthicsInvestor Relations & Equity Protection


Environment ManagementEmergency Environmental Events PreplanningEnergy ManagementGreen Manufacturing OperationsPollution Prevention & Environment Protection

EnvironmentProtection &Sustainable Growth

Customer Rights ProtectionSupply Chain Management

Customer RightsProtection &ProcurementManagement5307

Production Safety ManagementSafety Education & TrainingSafety Risk EliminationEmergency Plan

Safe Operation& Production

R&D SystemProjects Under ResearchIP Protection

TechnologyInnovation& IP Protection

Talent Recruitment & ManagementEmployee Rights & ProtectionEmployee Training & DevelopmentEmployee Bene?ts & Care

Employee Care& Protection

Public Welfare ActivitiesSocial Volunteer ActivitiesIntegrity In Tax PaymentHealth Construction

Social Welfare& VolunteerActivities

Index of IndicatorsFeedback Form


Basis of Reporting


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities



Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Report Scope

The main body of the report is “Tayho Advanced Materials Group CO., LTD.”, and its subsidiaries, the scope of thisreport is consistent with the Company's annual report, unless otherwise stated.

Time Range

This report is from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. For the purpose of making the report morecomparable and forward-looking, some contents have been extended.

Release CycleThis is an annual report.

All the information and data quoted in this report are from the o?cial documents, statistical reports and ?nancialreports of Tayho Advanced Materials as well as the sustainable development practice information of variousfunctional departments and business units that are tallied, summarized and reviewed by the Company.The Company promises that this report contains no false records, misleading statements or major omissions.At the same time, without speci?cation, the currency involved in this report is RMB.

Data Source and Reliability Assurance

Report Acquisition

This report is published in electronic form. You can download the electronic copy of this report from the website ofSZSE (http://www.szse.cn/) or the o?cial website of the Company (www.tayho.com.cn) to obtain more informationabout the Company. If you have questions and suggestions about the report, please contact with us through email(securities@tayho.com.cn) or call 0535-6394123.

Compilation BasisState-owned Assets Supervision and Administration CommissionState Capital Development Research [2016] No. 105;Self-regulation Guide 1 for Listed Companies on Main Board-Standard Operation of SZSE;Global Reporting Initiative “ ” (GRI Standards);Corporate Social Responsibility Research Center of the Department of Economics of CASS

Report Statement

This report is the ?rst Environmental, Social&Governance (ESG) report published by Tayho Advanced Materialsbased on the principle of objectivity and truthfulness, this report aims to truly re?ect the company's developmentand practice achievements in ESG in FY2022, to publicly report the company's operation to stakeholders, and tohelp the company's shareholders and creditors, partners, employees and other stakeholders gain an in-depthperspective of the company's social responsibility practice activities.

If you have any comments or suggestions on the sustainability of our company, please feel free to give us feedbackthrough the contact information below to help us make continuous improvements to our report.Company Website: https://www.tayho.com.cnCorrespondence address: No.10 Heilongjiang Road, Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone, YantaiCity, Shandong Province, ChinaPostal code: 264006Tel: 0535-6394123Company email: securities@tayho.com.cn

Comments Feedback

About Tayho

Basis of Reporting

Guidance on state-owned enterprises to better ful?ll their social responsibilitiesSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations

Sustainability Reporting Guidelines“The Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report Preparation Guide” (CASS-CSR5.0)


Appellation Description

For ease of presentation and reading, "Tayho Advanced Materials Group CO., LTD." will be referred to as"Tayho Advanced Materials", "we" or "the Company" hereinafter.

Company abbreviationCompany full name

Tayho Advanced Materials, we, the CompanyXing Hua CompanyYu Xiang CompanyYantai Texrise CompanyNingxia Texrise CompanyTexrise Technologies CompanyTexrise Protective CompanyTaixiang CompanyNingxia Ningdong CompanyTayho Aramid CompanyYu Xing CompanyNewstar CompanyMetastar CompanyMetastar Advanced ManufacturingSales CompanyGuangrui Testing CompanyJingwei Intelligence CompanyResearch Institute CompanyZhigu No.1Tayho Hong KongTayho Advanced Materials Group Co., LTD.Yantai Xinghua Spandex Co.Yantai Yuxiang Fine Chemical Co.Yantai Texrise Material Technology Co.Ningxia Texrise Material Technology Co.Ningxia Texrise Resource Recycling Technology Co.Yantai Texrise Protection Technology Co.Yantai Taixiang Property Management Co.Ningxia Ningdong Tayho Advanced Material Co.Ningxia Tayho Aramid Fiber Co.Yantai Yuxing Paper Products Co.Yantai Newstar Spandex Co.Yantai Metastar Specialty Paper Co.Yantai Metastar Advanced Manufacturing Co.Yantai Tayho Advanced Material Sales Co.Shandong Guangrui Testing Technology Service Co.Yantai Jingwei Intelligent Technology Co.Yantai Tayho Advanced Material Polymer New Material Research Institute Co.Yantai Zhigu No.1 Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership)Tayho Hong Kong Limited

About TayhoKey ESG Performance in 2022EconomicPerformance

Operating Income

RMB 3,750.13million

Total Assets

RMB 10,033.13million

Net Pro?t of Equity Holdersof Listed CompaniesRMB 435.89millionShareholders' Net Assets

RMB 4,058.09million


Environment Input

RMB 80millionWater Consumption

2,310,353.00 t

Power Consumption

2.80million kW

Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions587,588.44tCO2e




R&D investment

RMB 174.29million

Patents Granted

Software Publications


Published Papers

Total Tax Payment

RMB 151.13million

Public Input

RMB 1.06million

Employee Training Input

RMB 2.93million

Employee Training Coverage


Safety Production Input

RMB 8.66million

Shareholders' Meetings

4 Times

Board Meetings

11 Times

Supervisory Board Meetings

8 Times

Anti-Corruption and Integrity Training

6 Times

Internal Risk Training

6 Times

Legal Training

1 Times

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho


Chairman's Messages

2022 is the opening year of "three rounds of driven multiplication plan" of Tayho Advanced Materials, and also thevital year of comprehensive deepening reform. Facing the complex and severe business environment, the company alwaystakes the mechanism and system reform as the "No.1 project", eliminates the bottleneck of system and mechanism, releasesthe vitality of enterprise development; always upholds the development strategy of "talent-led and innovation-driven",enhances the ability of scienti?c and technological innovation, accelerates product optimization and upgrading, andpromotes management capability, achieving a turnover of RMB 3.80 billion and pro?t of RMB 500 million.

In this year, we seized opportunities and stacked up advantages. We accelerated the relocation of the old plant, eliminatedmore than 20,000 tons of outdated spandex production capacity, and reached 28% of the output of aramid business with higherpro?tability; We focus on both domestic and overseas markets, seized market opportunities, and increased the sales volume ofinter-aramid and para-aramid by 24% and 17% respectively, export volume by 29% and export revenue by 30% year-on-year; establisheda marketing system integrating publicity, planning, operation and sales, and realized the marketing mode of "marketing?rst,  second".In this year, we coordinated development and scienti?c planning. Focusing on the goal of "three rounds of multiplication

plan", integrated the construction of Yantai and Ningdong bases, continued to deepen the industrial layout, and formed the developmentpattern of "one headquarters and ?ve parks"; Focusing on the main business of high-tech materials, the company has conducted 13construction projects; the company has identi?ed six new business development directions: smart wear, green manufacturing, bio-basedmaterials, information and communication, new energy vehicles and green chemicals, planned and proved 53 new projects, carriedout 36 technical research projects, promoted the development of 9 pilot projects and 12 small pilot projects, and implemented theconstruction of 5 projects.

This year, we reformed and innovated, then forged ahead. We integrated the company's innovation resources, enhanced theconstruction of innovation capacity, established the Institute of Strategic Planning and "Tayho Dream Workshop", set up a joint laboratory,built 3 pilot platforms, and completed 5 laboratories; we undertook 8 new science and technology projects above the municipal level,carried out 7 external project cooperation, obtained 34 patent authorizations, and participated in the formulation and revision of 16national and industrial standards, and completed the identi?cation of 2 small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology.In this year, we led by Party construction and concentrated our e?orts. We revised and improved the "three lists" of the

Party Committee and the front-keeping list of the Party organizations of the a?liated enterprises, clari?ed the boundary of thepowers and responsibilities of the Party organization and other governance bodies, held 21 Party committees, studied anddiscussed more than 100 major decision-making matters, and gave full play to the leadership role of the Party Committee in "settingthe direction, managing the overall situation and promoting implementation", to fully implement the responsibility system on Partydiscipline construction and governance integrity construction, sign the commitment of integrity and self-discipline at all levels,investigate 217 integrity risk points, and carry out 3 times of concentrated education on clean business.As the grand plan of future gradually unfold, the battle drum pumping to hasten the launch of next expedition.

2023 has arrived, and the company will continue to move forward with an awareness of crisis, an awareness of urgency, and ansense of mission to lead the trend, with persistent e?ort to move forward towards the goal of "three rounds of multiplication" planand accelerate the progress of becoming an outstanding enterprise with industry leadership, shareholder satisfaction, employeepride, and social respect!

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities



Basis of Reporting

ESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

About Tayho


Tayho Advance Materials Group Co., LTD.(Stock Abbreviation: Tayho Advanced Materials, Stock Code: 002254.SZ) founded in 1987,identi?ed as a technology-based advanced material enterprise integrating special fabric ODM global factory, new energy systemsolution provider and green chemical manufacturer.Relying on the core technology innovation ability and full industry chain service, Tayho Advanced Material focuses on the main taskof high-performance ?ber, carries out original and leading technology research, continues to optimize the industrial structure andmarketing mode, and becomes a leading enterprise in the international high-performance ?ber industry; explores six new tracks ofnew energy automobile, smart wear, green manufacturing, information and communication, bio-based materials, and green chemi-cal industry, and accelerates to become the trend of new material industry. Tayho Advanced Materials is a trendsetter in the newmaterials industry, the company serves in the ?elds of modern transportation, green environment protection, information andcommunication, medical and health care, security and protection, textile and garment, etc., to cater the diversi?ed market demandof society and promote the high-end, green and intelligent development of new material industry.

Eight advantages of the company

The pioneer in the industrialization of high-tech ?bers such as spandex, meta-aramidand para-aramid in China and the setter of industry standards, with the advantage ofmarket entry and establishing a ?rm position as the industry benchmark.Pioneeradvantage

Advanced R&D platforms in the industry, such as National Aramid Engineering Technol-ogy Research Center, National Certi?ed Enterprise Technology Center and PostdoctoralResearch Station, undertaken more than 20 national science and technology planprojects, received the National Science and Technology Progress Award three times,owned more than 190 authorized patents, and led and participated in writing more than90 national and industry standards.Technicaladvantage

With total assets of RMB 10 billion, operate with healthy ?nancial status and excellentasset quality, attractive for capitals in various forms such as bank, bond and equity?nancing, and has competition advantage of acquiring resources.Capitaladvantage

Production capacity is among the best in the industry, with strong ability to guaranteethe supply of goods and a high market share.Scaleadvantage

Strictly implement ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 and IATF16949 management systems,and Newstar? Spandex, Tametar? Meta-aramid and Teparan? Para-aramid have allpassed the international environmental protection textile standard 100 (Oeko-TexStandard 100) certi?cation.


The leading products are all formed into series, with complete varieties and speci?cations,widely applicable ?elds, and capable to develop special varieties according to themarket and consumers’ demands.


Five major product brands: Newstar? Spandex, Tametar? Meta-aramid, Taparan?Para-Aramid, Metastar? aramid paper and LITME? Intelligent ?ber, products sales inmore than 50 countries and regions around the world, with 27 registered trademarksand was selected as one of the top 50 brands in China's brand value list and textile andgarment brand value evaluation, the company has high reputation at domestic andoverseas markets.Brandadvantage

With the industry's ?rst-class sales team and sales network system, excellent resourcesof distributors and major customers, we have established a domestic sales networkwith product application as the main line, focusing on each professional region, radiat-ing the national market and an overseas marketing network covering Europe, America,Asia and Africa.


Tayho At A Glance

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of Reporting

ESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

About Tayho




The phase I commercialproduction of spandex


O?cially started the researchand development of Metaaramid project


Yantai Spandex Co., Ltd. was listed onthe Shenzhen Stock Exchange andapproved as a national recognizedenterprise technology center


Approved to establish NationalAramid Engineering TechnologyResearch Center

Yantai Spandex Co., Ltd. established

1987Company established

2004Commercial productionofMeta aramid

2011Name changed toYantai TayhoAdvanced Materials Co., Ltd.,para aramid industrializationproject put into production


The ?rst batch passed the national"Intellectual Property ManagementSystem Certi?cation"



Awarded National IntellectualProperty Advantage Enterprise


Established Ningxia NingdongTayho Advanced Material Co., Ltd


Construction of Tayho AdvancedMaterial Yantai Polymer MaterialIndustrial Park


Firstly developed LITME?Intelligent ?ber amongworldwide

Awarded "National AdvancedCollective in Textile Industry

2018ConstructedTayhoAdvancedMaterialsIndustrialPark, andestablishedNingxia TayhoAramidFiberCo., Ltd.

2020Established Yantai Institute ofAdvanced Polymer Materials

Development History

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of Reporting

ESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

About Tayho



the company's ?rst "follow-on project" - Jingwei intelligent industrialization project was put into operationThe company was selected as the "Science Reform Demonstration Enterprise" by the State Council


The company was selected as the "Science Reform Demonstration Enterprise" by the State CouncilMetastar company was selected as NEEQ listed company on Innovation board, and Guangrui Testing compa-ny was audited and recognized by the Provincial Science and Technology Department as the third batch of"science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises" in Shandong Province in 2022


Metastar company was selected as NEEQ listed company on Innovation board, and Guangrui Testing compa-ny was audited and recognized by the Provincial Science and Technology Department as the third batch of"science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises" in Shandong Province in 2022the ?rst batch of products from the 30,000 tons per year green di?erentiated spandex intelligent manufac-turing project was o?cially output


the ?rst batch of products from the 30,000 tons per year green di?erentiated spandex intelligent manufac-turing project was o?cially outputTayho Advanced Material Co., Metastar Co. and Jiaxing Yagang Co. formed a strategic partnership in Yantai,Ningxia Ningdong Co. was recognized as an autonomous region's "specialized and innovative" small andmedium-sized enterprise, and the "high performance Meta aramid industrialization project for protection"was selected as a new material innovation application demonstration project in Shandong Province


Tayho Advanced Material Co., Metastar Co. and Jiaxing Yagang Co. formed a strategic partnership in Yantai,Ningxia Ningdong Co. was recognized as an autonomous region's "specialized and innovative" small andmedium-sized enterprise, and the "high performance Meta aramid industrialization project for protection"was selected as a new material innovation application demonstration project in Shandong ProvinceChina Securities Regulatory Commission approved the non-public o?ering of shares of Metastar Co., thecompany awarded "Shandong Province Quality Benchmark"


China Securities Regulatory Commission approved the non-public o?ering of shares of Metastar Co., thecompany awarded "Shandong Province Quality Benchmark"Jingwei Intelligent Co. was awarded "Science and Technology Innovation Star" in the ?eld of advancedmaterials in Shandong Province


Jingwei Intelligent Co. was awarded "Science and Technology Innovation Star" in the ?eld of advancedmaterials in Shandong Province

LITME? ?exible intelligent ?ber won the silver medal in the ?rst textile and apparel competition of the"Governor's Cup" industrial design competition; Ningxia Ningdong Co. was recognized as "AutonomousRegion Enterprise Technology Center", Ningxia Ningdong Tayho Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. wasestablished, Yantai Taihexing Company started the listing on the NEEQ, "Ningxia Hui Autonomous RegionSpandex Engineering Technology Research Center Pilot Platform Construction" was established as aspecial project for the central government to guide local science and technology development in 2022,and the ECODY project was successfully started in pilot testing


LITME? ?exible intelligent ?ber won the silver medal in the ?rst textile and apparel competition of the"Governor's Cup" industrial design competition; Ningxia Ningdong Co. was recognized as "AutonomousRegion Enterprise Technology Center", Ningxia Ningdong Tayho Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. wasestablished, Yantai Taihexing Company started the listing on the NEEQ, "Ningxia Hui Autonomous RegionSpandex Engineering Technology Research Center Pilot Platform Construction" was established as aspecial project for the central government to guide local science and technology development in 2022,and the ECODY project was successfully started in pilot testingEstablishment of the "Entrepreneurship Center - Tayho Dream Workshop"


Establishment of the "Entrepreneurship Center - Tayho Dream Workshop"the implementation of the equity incentive plan, and Metastar Co. was awarded the national manufacturingsingle champion enterprise


the implementation of the equity incentive plan, and Metastar Co. was awarded the national manufacturingsingle champion enterprise

Tayho Aramid Company passed the review of the autonomous region para-aramid engineering technologyresearch center, the company's research institute, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics of Chinese Academyof Sciences and Yantai Advanced Materials and Green Manufacturing Shandong Provincial Laboratory jointlyestablished the "Joint Laboratory of Fiber Interface Control and Advanced Composite Materials", andGuangrui Testing Company passed the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS) extended quali?cation recognition.


2022 Milestones

Tayho Aramid Company passed the review of the autonomous region para-aramid engineering technologyresearch center, the company's research institute, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics of Chinese Academyof Sciences and Yantai Advanced Materials and Green Manufacturing Shandong Provincial Laboratory jointlyestablished the "Joint Laboratory of Fiber Interface Control and Advanced Composite Materials", andGuangrui Testing Company passed the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS) extended quali?cation recognition.Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of Reporting

ESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

About Tayho

Innovation leads to a better lifeEnterprise


To become an outstanding enterprise with

industry leadership, shareholder satisfaction,

employee pride and social respectEnterpriseVision

Customer ?rst, remain openness and consist

synergy, keep integrity and persist on innovation,

pursuit of excellenceEnterpriseValues

Talent-led, innovation-driven

Newstar? Spandex

Taparan? Para aramid

Tametar? Meta aramid

Metastar? aramid paper




Tayho Advanced Material always adheres to the development strategy of "talent-led, innovation-driven", implements the two-wheeldrive of innovation and entrepreneurship, gathers cutting-edge talents, integrates innovative resources, leads the development ofadvanced material industry, and strives to build an outstanding enterprise with industry leadership, shareholder satisfaction,employee pride and social respect.Spandex business: The company is the ?rst spandex manufacturer in China, and our current production capacity ranks among thetop ?ve in China. The company’s Newstar? spandex has excellent high elongation, high resilience performance, rich product variet-ies and complete speci?cations, can produce black spandex, chlorine resistant spandex, ?ame retardant spandex, high temperatureresistant spandex, super ?ne spandex, coarse denier high elongation spandex and many other varieties, to meet the customizationof large customers and market di?erentiation needs.During the reporting period, the company timely started the relocation of Yantai Park, signi?cantly eliminated lagged productioncapacity, actively promoted the construction of new projects, improved the supply capacity of a large number of high value-addedproducts such as coarse denier yarn, high temperature resistance, etc., reduced production costs, improved production e?ciencyand comprehensive competitiveness through the conversion of old and new kinetic energy; according to the production and marketsituation, timely adjustment of product structure, focus on the promotion of new product features for Ningxia, strengthen contact andcooperation with terminal brands,downstream industry leaders, rawmaterials, equipment manufacturersand interaction, fully exploit internaland external resources, and striveto achieve a balance betweenproduction and sales and maintainthe relative competitive advantageof the industry.

Aramid business: The company is the ?rst enterprise in China to realize the industrialization of meta-aramid, para-aramid andaramid paper, and its main products include Tametar? meta-aramid, Metastar? aramid paper and Taparan? para-aramid and itsdeep processing products, meta-aramid production capacity ranks second in the world; aramid paper production capacity rankssecond in the world; and para-aramid production capacity ranks fourth in the world, aramid business is also the key developmentdirection of the company.During the reporting period, the company's aramid business developed well. For meta-aramid, we increased production andsales of high value-added color yarn, focusing on securing supply in high-end ?elds such as protection and appropriatelyadjusting sales in industrial ?ltration; for para-aramid, we focused on outdoor optical cable, automotive hose and compositematerials to continuously expand market share. At the same time, we will launch a non-public o?ering of shares to raise fundsto accelerate the construction of new aramid production capacity and lay the foundation for production capacity to enhanceinternational competitiveness.


Corporate Strategy

Business Layout

Business Layout

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of Reporting

ESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

About Tayho


Incremental business: Focusing on the main business of high-tech materials, the company has identi?ed six new business devel-opment directions of new energy vehicles, smart wear, green manufacturing, bio-based materials, information and communication,and green chemicals, and the relevant projects have entered the stage of small trial and pilot development one after another.During the reporting period, the company's right-owned enterprise Jingwei Intelligent Technology achieved the world's ?rst indus-trialized production of LITME? intelligent luminescent ?ber. By combining luminescence technology with ?ber preparation technol-ogy, LITME? ?bers give textiles luminescence, color change and other functions, in addition to ?ne diameter, high strength, good?exibility, weaveable, washable and other characteristics, but also like ordinary ?bers can be woven, knitted, embroidered, sewnand other forms of processing and weaving, for the automotive industry, intelligent clothing, information electronics, smart home,toys and accessories and other ?elds to provide a new At present, LITME? intelligent luminescent ?ber is undergoing a market devel-opment period, while LITME? lithium battery pilot project will be put into operation in the second quarter of 2023.

Issuing UnitHonor

Enterprise Honors

LITME? intelligent luminescent ?ber

Yantai Multiplication Plan Incubation Enterprises2021 Advanced Chemical Materials Innovation ProductsGroup Member of Provincial Federation of Industrial EconomicsNoti?cation of China Brand Value Evaluation Results3 Governor's Cup Excellence Awards2 silver prizes of Governor's CupAdvanced ?re ?ghting unit in 2022Dalian University of Technology “The Little Giant”China Fiber Trends

Yantai Municipal Committee and Municipal GovernmentChina Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation

China Textile Industry FederationProvincial Federation of Industrial EconomicsChina Brand Building Promotion Association

Dalian University of TechnologyChemical Fiber Association

Enterprise Honors

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of Reporting

ESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

About Tayho

2022 Chinese textile and apparel brandcompetitiveness advantageous enterprises

Shandong Governor's Cup Industrial Design

Competition Organizing CommitteeShandong Governor's Cup Industrial Design

Competition Organizing CommitteeYantai Economic and Technological Development Zone

Fire Safety Committee


StakeholdersTopics of interest

Communicationand Response

Law-abiding compliancePay taxes according to the lawIndustry developmentIntegrity in businessProactive tax paymentParticipate in standard setting

Government andregulatory authorities

Return on investmentRobust business operationCommunication channels

Pro?t distributionEnhancement of risk managementShareholders' meetingRegular reportsEarnings presentationDaily investor communication meetings

Investors /Shareholders

The company insists on the road of green and sustainable development, actively ful?lls our social responsibilities, strives to carryout the mission of sustainable development, continuously explores the optimization and enhancement of the stock business, andat the same time proposes the new energy ?eld, energy saving and consumption reduction, green development and green chemicalrecycling economy as the future incremental areas of the enterprise, opens up new paths of development around six new tracks ofnew energy vehicles, smart wear, green manufacturing, bio-based materials, information and communication, and green chemicalindustry, and contributes more models to promote the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality".

ESG GovernanceESG Sustainability Philosophy

During the reporting period, the company continuously carries out communication with stakeholders, understands and responds tothe concerns and demands of stakeholders through various communication channels, and takes them as important considerationsin the organization's decision making to help the company continuously improve sustainable development management andachieve win-win cooperation.

Communication with Stakeholders

Pro?t distributionEnhancement of risk managementShareholders' meetingRegular reportsEarnings presentationDaily investor communication meetings

Rights and bene?tsCareer developmentTraining and educationOccupational healthCare and support

Rights and bene?tsCareer developmentTraining and educationOccupational healthCare and supportEmployee representative assemblyEmployee satisfaction surveySound promotion mechanismEnriching training contentOccupational health checkup


Business ethicsWin-Win Cooperation

Solid supplier management systemDevelop supplier code of conductSupplier training and evaluation

On-site research and visits


Solid supplier management systemDevelop supplier code of conductSupplier training and evaluation

On-site research and visitsProtection of rights and interests

Product quality

Protection of rights and interests

Product qualityCustomer satisfaction surveyOptimize product quality management system

Improve product after-sales service


Customer satisfaction surveyOptimize product quality management systemImprove product after-sales service

Product qualityRespect and guarantee human rights

Addressing climate change

Product qualityRespect and guarantee human rightsAddressing climate changeIndustry conferences Standard setting forumsAcademic research activities


VolunteerismPublic charityOrganize volunteer activitiesPublic welfare donation


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG Governance

Party GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho


Highly important topics


Compliance management, “Three Boards” governance, Information

disclosure, Internal control system


Product and service quality, R&D innovation, Employee rights protection,Occupational health and safety, Employee training and development, Employee careSocial Issues

Moderately important topics

"Three wastes" management, Water recyclingEnvironmentalIssues

Business ethics, Anti-corruption construction, Investor communicationGovernanceIssues

Supply chain management, Community welfare and investmentSocial Issues

Low-importance topics

Clean energy development


Integrity construction


Industry cooperation and development

Social Issues

The company constantly strengthens organizational leadership, enhances the political consciousness of "two safeguards", the partycommittee continues to promote the institutionalization, regularization and standardization of political life within the party, consci-entiously implements the spirit of important meetings and documents on primary-level party constructing, combines with theactual situation of the company, vigorously promotes the construction of party politics, ideology, style, discipline and anti-corrup-tion, and continuously improves the cohesion and combat power of the party organization.

Party GovernanceOrganizational Structure

In order to thoroughly implement the requirements of "Regulations on the Work of Primary-level Organizations of State-ownedEnterprises of the Communist Party of China (for trial implementation)" and "Notice on the Issuance of the Model Text of the List ofMatters to be Studied and Discussed by the Party Committee of State-owned Enterprises" of the Organization Department of theCommunist Party of China of Shandong Province (Lu Group Issued [2020] No. 8), adhere to and strengthen the overall leadership ofthe Party over State-owned enterprises, further improve the deliberative and decision-making system of the Party Committee of thecompany, give full play to the leadership role of The company's party committee "To take the direction, manage the overall situationand promote implementation", preventing the risk of decision-making, e?ectively clarify the party committee and other governancebodies power and responsibility boundary, further enhance the scienti?c, standardized and operable decision-making of thecompany's party committee, the company has formulated the list of matters to be researched and decided by the Party Committee,the list of matters to be researched and discussed before and the negative list of Tayho Advanced Material.The major matters decided by the Party Committee mainly include the implementation of the party route and policy, the implemen-tation of the main responsibility of the party in a strict manner, the appointment and removal of important personnel, the construc-tion of the talent team, the construction of primary-level party organizations, ideological work, the construction of the party andgovernment integrity and anti-corruption work, etc.The party committee pre-study and discuss matters mainly including the company's strategic development planning, institutionalreform, major projects, major business management and other activities involved in the "three important and one major" matters,collective research and decision-making. The Party Committee's pre-study and discussion will be in place, and the discussionopinions cannot replace other governance bodies to make decisions, in accordance with the principle of "no authorization for majormatters and no pre-study for authorized matters", so as to plan the overall situation, discuss major issues and grasp the key points.

Party Building Mechanism

Energy saving and consumption reduction, Addressing climate change,

Environmental managementThe company identi?ed a total of 23 important issues based on the dimensions of "importance to the company" and "importanceto stakeholders", and ranked and speci?ed them to guide the company to promote ESG work in a targeted and focused manner, andto actively and e?ectively respond to corporate development issues of general concern to stakeholders.

ESG Material Issues

Organizational Chart of Party Committee of Tayho Advanced Material

Tayho Advanced MaterialsParty Committee

The company identi?ed a total of 23 important issues based on the dimensions of "importance to the company" and "importanceto stakeholders", and ranked and speci?ed them to guide the company to promote ESG work in a targeted and focused manner, andto actively and e?ectively respond to corporate development issues of general concern to stakeholders.

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty Governance

Corporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Newstar Party BranchTaihexing Party BranchMetastar Party BranchMeta Aramid Party BranchEntrepreneurship CenterParty BranchResearch InstituteParty BranchMarketing CenterParty BranchOperation ManagementParty BranchAdministrationand Management Party


Party Building PracticesTayho Advanced Material adheres to and strengthens the overall leadership of the Party, and revises and improves the "three lists"of the Party Committee and the front gate-keeping list of the Party organizations of the a?liated enterprises. During the reportingperiod, the party committee was held 21 times, 9 breakthrough projects were carried out by the secretary, 8 projects were carriedout by the party members' innovation studio, and 2 model benchmarks were set up by the party members' innovation studio, so asto realize the deep integration of party building activities and production and operation.

Tayho Advanced Material adheres to and strengthens the overall leadership of the Party, and revises and improves the "three lists"of the Party Committee and the front gate-keeping list of the Party organizations of the a?liated enterprises. During the reportingperiod, the party committee was held 21 times, 9 breakthrough projects were carried out by the secretary, 8 projects were carriedout by the party members' innovation studio, and 2 model benchmarks were set up by the party members' innovation studio, so asto realize the deep integration of party building activities and production and operation.

Group Oath-taking Ceremony forPreparatory Party Members

Group Oath-taking Ceremony forPreparatory Party MembersTheme party day activities clearing marsh action for all

Qilu Family Style Theme Exhibition

Qilu Family Style Theme ExhibitionLaizhou Theme Party Day Activities

Organizational Chart

The shareholders' meeting is the authority body of the company, which decides the company's operation policy and investmentplan according to the law, and considers and approves the reports of the board of directors and the supervisory board. The companyhas formulated the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Tayho Advanced Material Group Co., Ltd. to clarifythe responsibilities and authority of the shareholders’ meeting and ensure the exercise of the authority of the shareholders’meeting in accordance with the law. The company adopts the combination of on-site voting and network voting at the shareholders'meeting to facilitate shareholders' participation in the shareholders' meeting. Meanwhile, when the shareholders' meeting consid-ers important matters a?ecting the interests of small and medium-sized investors, the votes of small and medium-sized sharehold-ers are counted separately, and the results of the separate vote count are disclosed in the announcement of the resolutions of theshareholders' meeting to fully re?ect the opinions of small and medium-sized shareholders.During the reporting period, the shareholders' meeting was held four times with 122 participants.

Organizational Chart

Shareholders' Meeting


Board of DirectorsSupervisory Board

Audit ComplianceDepartment

secretaryof the boardChairman

Departmentsand Subsidiaries

Shareholders' Meeting

Tayho Advanced Material strictly complies with the requirementsand other relevant laws and regulations,continuously optimizes the governance structure, and establishes a corporate governance structure with the shareholders' meeting,the board of directors and the supervisory boards as the main body. The corporate governance structure can ensure that all share-holders can fully exercise their rights and entitled equal status, especially the small and medium shareholders can be guaranteed toequal status.

Corporate Governance

Tayho Advanced Material strictly complies with the requirementsand other relevant laws and regulations,continuously optimizes the governance structure, and establishes a corporate governance structure with the shareholders' meeting,the board of directors and the supervisory boards as the main body. The corporate governance structure can ensure that all share-holders can fully exercise their rights and entitled equal status, especially the small and medium shareholders can be guaranteed toequal status.

Governance Structure

Governance StructureCustomer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

AppendixEnvironment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

StrategyCommitteeCompensation andAppraisal CommitteeNominationCommitteeAudit Committee

About Tayho

of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the SecuritiesLaw of the People's Republic of China, the Code of Governance of Listed Companies

Board of Directors (positions)

By Title

By Age

By Gender

PresidentVice president

DirectorsIndependent directors

41-5051-6061 and above

Strategy CommitteeNomination CommitteeAudit CommitteeCompensation andAppraisal Committee




EconomyEngineering technology applications

Architectural design


The Board of Directors is the permanent executive body of the company, exercising the authority granted by the law, the articles ofassociation and the shareholders' meeting. The company has formulated the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors of TayhoAdvanced Material Group Co., Ltd. to clarify the work responsibilities, ensure the legality of the proceedings and resolutions of theBoard of Directors, and improve the e?ciency of the Board of Directors.In planning the composition of the Board of Directors, the Company will consider the diversity of the Board members, including butnot limited to gender, age, cultural and educational background, professional experience and skills. As of the end of the reportingperiod, the Company's Board of Directors consisted of 11 directors, including one female director. The existing board members ofthe Company have rich professional backgrounds in various ?elds such as law, accounting, economics, engineering and technologyapplications, and architectural design, etc. The board members have diversi?ed professional backgrounds and actively utilize theknowledge of each profession to provide security for the Company's decision-making.

The Company attaches great importance to the construction of the independence of the Board of Directors and thus established theWork System of Independent Directors. The independent directors supervise and express independent opinions on matterssuch as connected transactions, internal control, external guarantees and renewal of the appointment of accountants of theCompany in accordance with the

As of the end of the reporting period, there were 4 independent directors of

Guiding Opinions on the Establishment of Independent Director System in Listed Companies

and the Work System of Independent Directors.the Company, accounting for 36% of the total composition, and 6 external directors, accounting for the rest 54.54%. Thereare four special committees under the Board of Directors of the Company, namely the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee,Remuneration and Evaluation Committee and Strategy Committee, in which the independent directors are in the majorityand act as the convenor of each special committee, providing scienti?c and professional opinions and references for thedecision-making of the Board of Directors of the Company.


During the reporting period, the Board of Directors was convened 11 times with 11 participants and 100% attendance; the AuditCommittee was convened 6 times; the Remuneration and Evaluation Committee was convened 5 times; the Strategy Committeewas convened 2 times; and the Nomination Committee was convened 1 time.

Board of Directors

The Supervisory Board is a permanent supervisory body to supervise the behavior of directors and managers of the company, andis responsible to the shareholders' meeting and reports on its work; the Supervisory Board consists of three supervisors, amongwhom, there is one employee representative. The company has formulated the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board ofTayho Advanced Materials Group Co., Ltd. to continuously regulate the operation of the Supervisory Board of the company andsafeguard the legitimate interests of the company, shareholders and employees.During the reporting period, the Supervisory Board was held 8 times, with 3 participants and 100% attendance rate.

The Supervisory Board

ByProfessional Background




Whether the independent director

serves as a director member


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

AppendixEnvironment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

In strict compliance withand other relevant regulations, the company has formulated the Internal Audit System, the Internal AuditImplementation Rules, the Internal Control Management Measures and other systems related to risk management and internalcontrol of the company, and through continuous supervision and e?ective evaluation of the operation of the company'sinternal control, it is con?rmed that the company's internal control can cover major aspects of the company's operation andmanagement, the internal control design is sound and reasonable, the internal control implementation is e?ective and thereis no signi?cant omission.During the reporting period, the company conducted 28 internal audit projects and issued 9 audit reports to prevent risks andpromote management improvement; organized 3 themed training sessions and 2 special training sessions on risk control tostrengthen the audit of engineering projects, legal a?airs and contract management.

Internal Control SystemInternal Construction & Risk Management

The company implements national laws and regulations and relevant regulatory requirements, strengthens risk management,compliance management and internal control work, for the concept of promoting the company's business compliance, we carriedout internal audits in various aspects, strengthens the follow-up and implementation of recti?cation and reform of the issues foundin the audits, and establishes a ledger of recti?cation and reform issues; strengthens the construction of risk and internal controlmanagement system, standardizes system management, combines external supervision and internal system, and carries outbusiness and management processes of the company combined with external supervision and internal system, the company'sbusiness and management processes were sorted out and the level of risk control management of all sta? was improved; supervision ofguarantee business was strengthened to ensure legal compliance of business and necessary supervision of guarantee business ofthe company and its holding subsidiaries, and neither the company nor its holding subsidiaries were subject to losses due tooverdue guarantees, guarantees involving litigation and losses due to unsuccessful judgments on guarantees, and there were noviolations of laws, regulations and rules such as the Stock Listing Rules.Through the operation, analysis and evaluation of the internal control system, the company has e?ectively prevented the risks inoperation and management and promoted the achievement of internal control objectives. The company will continue to strengthen theinternal control construction, further establish and improve the internal control system that is appropriate to the scale of the company'soperation and business scope, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the company.

Risk management

During the reporting period, the company conducted a self-evaluation of the e?ectiveness of internal control of its head o?ceand subsidiaries, and the total assets of the units included in the evaluation accounted for 100% of the total assets of thecompany's consolidated ?nancial statements and the total operating revenue accounted for 100% of the operating revenue ofthe company's consolidated ?nancial statements, and no signi?cant de?ciencies in the design and implementation of internalcontrol of the company were found throughout the year.The company's annual Internal Control Evaluation Report is published on the website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange togetherwith the annual report.

Internal Control Audit ReportInternal Control Evaluation Report

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

AppendixEnvironment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control, the Guidelines for the Application of EnterpriseInternal Control

Compliance & Business Ethics

Compliance ManagementThe company has established the Audit Compliance Department as an internal audit function to inspect and supervise the authenticityand integrity of the company's ?nancial information and the establishment and implementation of the internal control system. TheAudit Compliance Department is responsible to the Audit Committee and reports to the Audit Committee. The Audit ComplianceDepartment maintains independence, inspects and evaluates the completeness and reasonableness of the internal control systemsof the company's internal agencies, holding subsidiaries and participating companies with signi?cant in?uence and the e?ectiveness oftheir implementation; assists in the establishment and improvement of anti-fraud mechanisms, identi?es key areas, key aspectsand main contents of anti-fraud, and pays reasonable attention to and checks possible fraudulent acts during the internal auditprocess; Report to the Audit Committee on a regular basis, including but not limited to the implementation of the internal audit planand the issues identi?ed in the internal audit work.The Audit and Compliance Department implements appropriate review procedures in accordance with relevant regulations toevaluate the e?ectiveness of the company's internal controls; conducts regular audits of the deposit and use of funds raised andreports the results of the inspections to the Audit Committee in a timely manner.

Information Security ManagementTayho Advanced Materials attaches great importance to data information security management, in order to ensure the company'sdata information security, guarantee the con?dentiality, integrity and availability of the company's information system, combinedwith the actual situation of the company, formulate the "Information Security Management Measures of Tayho Advanced MaterialsGroup Company Limited", "Information System Operation and Maintenance Management Measures of Tayho Advanced MaterialsGroup Company Limited" and other information security management norms and strictly implement them to ensure the stableoperation of the company's information system, the con?dentiality of important information security, e?ectively prevent informationaccidents and continuously improve the company's information security management level.

Integrity BuildingIn order to thoroughly implement the requirements of Yantai City's "Capacity and Integrity Construction Year" activities, consistentlyconsolidate the prevention and punishment of corruption, further tighten the cage of integrity risk prevention and control, andpromote the company's sustainable high-quality development, the company has formulated a special supervision work planaccording to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection's "Division of Work Plan on the Implementation of the City's"Capacity and Style Building Year" activities and the relevant requirements of the "Special Supervision Work Plan in the Field ofState-owned Enterprises", focusing on the potential corruption arising from the ine?ective performance of the leadership team, thepotential corruption arising from the ine?ective construction of style, and the potential corruption arising from the ine?ectiveprevention and control of integrity risks.

Tayho Advanced Materials Network

Security Awareness TrainingTayho Advanced Materials attaches great importance to information security and the stable maintenance and operation ofonline systems. In order to improve the level of information security management of the company, the company gatheredemployees and special responsible persons for network security awareness training to improve the sta?'s literacy inpreventing information risks and lay the foundation of company information.

Volatile organic compounds are treated bywater spraying tower. After spraying, thesewage enters the biochemical sewagestationand the exhaust gas is discharged into theatmosphere;The nitrogen oxides of gas-?red boilers uselow-nitrogen burners, and the exhaust gasis discharged into the atmosphere.


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

AppendixEnvironment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Anti-Corruption TrainingBy holding the mobilization and deployment meeting of integrity construction, coordinating the implementation of "ten probityprojects", comprehensively strengthening integrity construction, insisting on party building as the leader, ideological propaganda asthe guide, deepening education as the basis, mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of all party members and cadres, creating aclean political environment, making every e?ort to build the brand of "Clean Tayho", combining the company's 30 years of develop-ment history, constantly enriching the spiritual connotation and ideological value of developing integrity culture, making it theideological consensus and value pursuit of the majority of party members and cadres.

Institutional guarantee: The 2022 Implementation Plan of the Party Committee ofTayho Advanced Materials Group Co., Ltd. for the Comprehensive Strict Control ofthe Party, Party Wind and Integrity Construction and Anti-Corruption Work.

For employees: It is stipulated in the employee handbook that employees are prohibitedfrom o?ering, giving, receiving bribes, discounts, or things of value of any kind, directlyor indirectly, to any person or organization under any circumstances.

Responsible Department: Disciplinary Inspection Committee of Communist Party ofChina Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co., Ltd.

Prohibit retaliation, strict con?dentiality of whistleblower information.


Tel: 0535-6955023E-mail: thjw@tayho.com.cnAddress: No.10 Heilongjiang Road, Yantai Economic and Technological DevelopmentZone, Shandong Province





Increase strict control and governance, adhere to the case willbe investigated, punish corruption , focus on investment-inten-sive, resource-intensive key areas and key links of supervisionand integrity risk prevention and control.

Strengthen the integrity of publicity, to create an atmosphere of integrityMaintain anti-corruption determination,continue to correct the behave and discipline

Build a clear subject, layers of conduction, accountability andstrong responsibility for the implementation of the mechanism.Carrying political responsibility and

building a integrity baselineCreate a culture of integrity andcultivate a clean ecology

Clean Tayho

Integrity construction mobilization and deployment meeting

The secretary of the discipline committeeWatch the warning education ?lm

Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committeegave an honest party class to the party members

and cadres of the project group

Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commissiongave an honest party class to cadres of Ningdong Park


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

AppendixEnvironment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

The company strictly abides by and other laws and regulations, advocateswinning competitive advantages with excellent quality and services, and discards unethical and illegal business practices. Thecompany never engage in any behavior that excludes competitors, refuses to seek competitive advantage by unethical or illegalbusiness practices, and strictly prohibits employees from obtaining unfair bene?ts through unfair methods; uses various methodssuch as supplier evaluation, supplier selection and bidding to promote fair competition in the industry; regulates the company'spublicity and advertising behavior in accordance with the law, and ensures that advertisements for products or services do notcontain false or misleading statements and Comply with the relevant requirements of the Fair Business and Advertising Law.The Company continued to carry out education on laws and regulations to create a healthy and transparent business atmosphereand a good business competition environment. During the reporting period, the Company actively organized employees to conducttraining and study on anti-monopoly law, conducted legal training once and participated in legal training 48 times; the Companydid not have any legal proceedings related to improper competition.

Antitrust Training

For further improve the corporate governance structure, standardize the work of investor relations, strengthen the informationcommunication between the company and investors, deepen investors' understanding and recognition of the company, promotelong-term and stable good relationship between the company and investors, enhance the company's integrity, core competitiveness andsustainable development, e?ectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially the public investors, andrealize the value of the company To maximize the value of the company and the interests of shareholders, the company has formulatedthe Investor Relations Management System of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co. Ltd according to the laws, regulations, rules andregulations and the articles of association of the company, such as the Self-regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies of ShenzhenStock Exchange No. 1 - Standardized Operation of Listed Companies on the Main Board, combined with the actual situation of thecompany.The Securities and Investment Department of the Company is the functional department of investor relations work, led by theSecretary of the Board of Directors, responsible for the daily a?airs of investor relations management, speci?cally responsible for theorganization and coordination of investor relations management a?airs, the formulation of a complete investor relations managementwork system and implementation rules, and responsible for the implementation and enforcement.

Investor Relations & Equity ProtectionInvestor Relations Management

Promote a positive relationship between the company and investors, and enhanceinvestors' further understanding and familiarity with the company.

Promote the investment philosophy of maximizing the overall interests of the companyand the growth of shareholders' wealth in parallel.Build a stable and quality investor base and gain long-term market support.Form a corporate culture of serving investors and respecting them.Increase the transparency of corporate disclosure and improve corporate governance.

Investor RelationsManagementPurpose

The principle of full disclosureof information.The principle of compliant disclosureof information.The principle of equal opportunityfor investors.

The principle of honesty and trustworthiness.The principle of high e?ciencyand low consumption.The principle of interactive communication.



Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

AppendixEnvironment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Anti-monopoly special training and learning

the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the Anti-Monopoly Law


In order to regulate the company's information disclosure behavior, strengthen the management of information disclosurea?airs and protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, the company has formulated the "Management Systemof Information Disclosure A?airs of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Company Limited" in accordance withand "Articles of Association of Tayho Advanced Materials GroupCompany Limited" and other relevant regulations.Information disclosure is an ongoing obligation of the company. We ful?lls our information disclosure obligations andobserves the discipline of information disclosure in accordance with the principle of open, fair and equitable treatment of allshareholders. During the reporting period, 80 disclosures of various announcements were completed.

the Code of

Information Disclosure

To perfect and improve the scienti?c, continuous and stable dividend decision-making and supervision mechanism,increase the transparency and operability of pro?t distribution decisions, actively reward investors, guide investors toestablish long-term investment and rational investment concepts, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests ofinvestors, the Twelfth Meeting of the Tenth Board of Directors of the Company considered the formulation of the"Dividend Return Plan for Shareholders in the Next Three Years".After setting aside the legal reserve and arbitrary reserve in full, the Company shall distribute in cash not less than 10% ofthe pro?t available for distribution in each year, and the accumulated pro?t distributed in cash in the last three years shallbe less than 30% of the average annual distributable pro?t achieved in the last three years, provided that the conditionsfor cash dividends as stipulated in the Articles of Association are met. The Company may separately distribute pro?ts inthe form of shares or increase its share capital by way of transfer of provident fund on the premise of ensuring the fulldistribution of cash dividends.

Shareholder Rights Protection

The Company treats all investors equally, protects the right to information and other legitimate rights and interests of allinvestors, strictly complies with information disclosure rules, and fully communicates with investors through variousmeans such as on-site or online investor exchange meetings, brie?ng sessions, visits to institutional investors, issuanceof consultation letters, establishment of hot-lines, faxes and e-mails.The Company attaches full importance to the construction of a network communication platform, opens an investorrelations column on the Company's website, accepts questions and suggestions from investors through e-mail orforums, and responds in a timely manner. The Company regularly updates and enriches the content of the Company'swebsite, placing press releases, company overview, information on operating products or services, statutory informationdisclosure materials, investor relations contact methods, special articles, executive speeches, stock quotes andother relevant information of interest to investors on the company's website to ensure that investors have real-timeaccess to our information.During the reporting period, 274 on-site research visits were received, 40 research documents were uploaded, and 221responses to investors' questions were made through the interactive platform.

Investor Communication

Pro?t distribution(RMB)





Equity base for distribution

proposal (shares)Amount of cash dividends

(including tax)









Number of dividendsper 10 shares (tax included)

Ratio of cash dividend amount

to total pro?t distribution

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Governance for Listed Companies, Measures for the Management of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, Rules forListing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Guideline No. 5 for Self-regulation of Listed Companies on Shenzhen StockExchange - Management of Information Disclosure A?airs


The company takes environmental protection as an important part of sustainable development strategy, and in order to realize theuni?cation of economic, social and environmental bene?ts and to standardize and strengthen the company's environmentalprotection management, the company prepares ", "Law on thePrevention and Control ofEnvironmental Pollution by Solid Wastesof the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws andregulations, develops and improves the environmental protection management system, actively promotes the environmentalprotection management system to strengthen the company's ability of environmental protection.

Environment Protection & Sustainable Growth

Environmental Management Policy

Environmental Management MechanismA total of three companies and subsidiaries have passed the environmental management system certi?cation.During the reporting period, four environmental protection systems were optimized and upgraded, including"Measures for Hazardous Waste Management", "Responsibility System for Hazardous Waste PollutionPrevention and Control", "Management System for Investigation of Hidden Dangers and Recti?cationWork of Environmental Protection Facilities" and "Compilation of Environmental Management Systems".

Comprehensive planning, rational layout, comprehensive utilization, turning harm into bene?t, rely on team-work,collective action, protect environment, bene?t the mass

System and systemconstruction

When undertaking new construction, alteration or expansion projects, environmental assessments anddeclarations must be made, and the "three simultaneous" system of environmental protection must bestrictly observed, and the design and construction units must be strictly supervised to ensure that theenvironmental assessments and approval requirements are carefully implemented.During the reporting period, the Company completed the environmental assessment and approval ofseven projects, including the industrialization of functionalized meta-aramid with high e?ciency andintegration and the industrialization of high elongation and low modulus para-aramid.

Environmental Impact


Emergency plan drills were organized and carried out strictly according to the plan.During the reporting period, the Company implemented six emergency drills for environmentalemergencies, continuously improved environmental emergency materials and equipment, andenhanced emergency response and disposal capabilities for environmental emergencies.EnvironmentalEmergencyResponse Plan

The company has formulated the "Environmental Protection Reward and Punishment System" toregularly carry out supervision and inspection of environmental protection work, incorporate environmentalprotection into the performance assessment, and strictly assess the company's environmental protec-tion to reduce and gradually eliminate accidents of excessive pollutant emissions.EnvironmentalPerformanceManagement

Standardize the management of emission permits, complete routine accounting and monitoring ofenvironmental indicators, continue to carry out special inspections of environmental protection, andpromote the stable operation of environmental protection facilities.During the reporting period, 12 special inspections were carried out, 86 environmental protectionissues were found and 86 were recti?ed and fed back, with a 100% recti?cation rate.EnvironmentalScheduleSupervision

Rules of the Environmental

ManagementSystem Document Systema

Responsibilities and Measures

Establish and improve the environmental protection managementsystem that combines the responsibility of administrative leaders atall levels and all employeesImplementation of national laws, regulations and policies toprotect the natural environment for the production and operationof this enterpriseCheck the use of raw materials, equipment maintenance, wastegeneration, storage and disposal of hazardous substances in theproduction process

On-duty operators inspect the operation of each sewage stationfor every two hour and make operational inspection records, andrecord wastewater online discharge data every two hours:COD,ammonia nitrogen, PH valueStrengthen the dynamic management of pollution sources in eachworkshop to ensure that the treatment capacity of pollutioncontrol facilities are compatible with actual production capacityand ensure the treatment outcomeEnsure the company's normal production and actively respond tounusual environmental incidents such as odors from the plant boundaryand complaints from surrounding residents about the company

Strictly assess the company's environmental protection, reduceand gradually eliminate accidents of excessive pollutant emissions

Strengthen the management of hazardous waste in the process ofcomprehensive utilization of the company to prevent hazardouswaste from polluting the environmentRegulate the control of solid waste to reduce the generation ofsolid waste and pollution to the environmentStandardize changes management within the company to eliminateor reduce potential accidents caused by changesStrengthen the management of the company's soil pollution preventionand control, protect and improve the ecological environment,prevent and control soil pollution, and protect the health of employees

Environmental protection responsibility system

Environmental protection management system

Environmental protection inspection

and testing system

Management of wastewater entrusted operation

(Heilongjiang Road plant)

Dynamic investigation and recti?cation work

management system

Environmental inspection management system

Environmental protection reward

and punishment system

Company's hazardous waste

management measuresSolid waste and garbage dumping

management regulationsChanges management system

Soil pollution control system

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities

AppendixBasis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Environmental Management System Document" according to "EnvironmentalProtection Law of thePeople's Republic of China; Soil Pollution Prevention and ControlLaw of the People's Republic of China"


Rules of the Environmental

ManagementSystem Document Systema

Responsibilities and MeasuresStrengthen the full supervision of production safety and environmentalprotection, and encourage the reporting of production safety andenvironmental protection accidents and hidden dangers, illegal actsof production safety and environmental protectionFollow the environmental protection "prevention-oriented, preventionand management together" policy and "three simultaneous"provisions, so that production and construction and environmentalprotection synchronous planning, synchronous implementation,synchronous developmentEnsure that environmental hazards are e?ectively controlled inproduction and operation activities to prevent pollution accidentswhich may resultedStrengthen the management of outsiders and important operationactivities to prevent and reduce the occurrence of safety accidents byoutsiders within the company

Safety and environmental protection

reporting incentives

Hazardous waste pollution preventionand control responsibility system

Soil pollution potential risks investigation system

Management system for related partiesand outside workers (units)

ISO14001 Certi?cation

Environmental assessment approvals applied for

and latest obtained by Tayho Advanced Material

No.1 Taiyuan


No.1 Taiyuan


No.1 Taiyuan





Project Name



Document numberHigh-performance meta-aramid for emergencyrescue with high e?ciency integratedindustrialization project



NingDongGuanHuan(2022)15Ningxia Tayho Aramid Fiber Co., Ltd. 12,000tons/year protective para-aramid project

DevelopmentZone C-59Community


Zone C-59Community



【2022】87New functional paper-based materialsindustrialization project of Yantai MetastarSpecial Paper Co.



【2022】93R&D Center Construction Project of YantaiMetastar Specialty Paper Co.

PenglaiChemicalIndustry Park



【2022】6340,000 tons/year ?ber greening treatmenttechnology industrialization project



【2022】4Functionalized meta-aramid high-e?ciencyintegrated industrialization project



【2022】17High elongation and low modulus para-aramidindustrialization project

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Contingency planning procedures for environmental emergencies


System Establishment

The emergency plan prepared by the company is based on the principles of "saving people ?rst, environment ?rst, pre-emptivetreatment, prevention of harm expansion, rapid response, scienti?c response, combination of emergency work and occupationresponsibilities", focusing on clarifying the on-site organization and command mechanism, emergency team division of labor,information reporting, monitoring and early warning, response process and measures under unfavorable scenarios, emergencyresource security, etc., and highlighting the disposal measures to be taken under possible environmental emergency scenarios, thecontent and manner of noti?cation to potentially a?ected residents and units, the content and manner of reporting to environmen-tal protection authorities and relevant departments, and the manner of interface with government plans.

Emergency Preparedness Procedure

Emergency Environmental Events Preplanning

Emergency Preparedness Working Principles

Adhere to the people-oriented, safety ?rst. Strengthen the monitoring, surveillance and implementationof supervision and management of environmental incident hazards, establish an environmental incidentrisk prevention system, actively prevent, timely control and eliminate potential risks, improve the abilityto prevent and handle environmental incidents, avoid or reduce the occurrence of environmental emer-gencies as far as possible, eliminate or mitigate the medium- and long-term impact caused by environ-mental incidents, maximize public health and protect the lives and property of the people.Insist on uni?ed leadership and graded responsibility. Under the uni?ed leadership and organization ofthe company, establish and improve the emergency plan for production safety at all levels, and eachworkshop and department actively implement the emergency plan and emergency mechanism forproduction safety in accordance with their respective responsibilities and authority.

Emergency Preparedness Working PrinciplesAdhere to the norms of the law and strengthen management. According to the relevant laws, regulations, rulesand regulations, combined with the characteristics of the enterprise, to strengthen the Bureau of emergencymanagement, so that the work of dealing with emergencies standardized, institutionalized, rule of law.Insist on rapid response and coordinated response. Strengthen the construction of emergency rescue teams,establish a coordination system, rely on workers and social forces, the formation of a uni?ed command,responsive, functional, coordinated and e?cient operation of the emergency management mechanism.

Establishment of the preparation team andselection of the person in charge

Preparation work

Emergency responsecapacity assessment

Preparation of emergency

response plansReviewing and Updating Pre-Plans


Risk identi?cation and analysisBasic information survey

Analysis of emergency resourcesEmergency response capacity analysis

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

In order to establish a sound emergency mechanism for environmental pollution accidents, strengthen the four working mecha-nisms of risk assessment, hidden danger investigation, accident warning and emergency disposal, improve the ability of enterprisesto respond to emergent environmental pollution accidents and the scienti?c, e?ective and operable nature of enterprise emergencyplans,and ensure the safety of life and occupational health of employees and people around the company, the company in accordancewith the"Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" "Emergency Response Law of thePeople's Republic of China","Management Measures for the Record of Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Incidents in Enterprises and Institutions

(for Trial Implementation)" , "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Emergency Response Plan for Environmental Incidents in ShandongProvince (for Trial Implementation)"and other relevant laws and regulations, the company prepares "Emergency Response Plan forEnvironmental Incidents in C59 Plant of Yantai Tayho Advanced Materials Co.”


In order to ensure the e?ective collaboration of all departments inemergency response and the e?ective utilization of emergencyresources, the company establishes an emergency responseorganization system and sets up an emergency commanddepartment and emergency response teams, includingemergency disposal team, communication and liaisonteam, security alert team, logistics support team, medicalrescue team, emergency disposal technology team andother emergency response teams. If the emergencyresponse team is understa?ed due to sta? shortage orother reasons, the sta? of other non-emergency responseorganizations in the company or emergency responseorganizations of neighboring enterprises should be deployedin a timely manner.

Emergency rescue command of environmental emergencies

Emergency Rescue Command

Emergency ResponseTechnical UnitEmergency Response UnitMedical Ambulance UnitLogistics Support UnitSecurity Alert UnitCommunicationsand Contacts Unit

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Energy Management

For improving the company's energy management capacity, rationalize the use of energy, reduce energy consumption, improveenergy utilization e?ciency and the company's economic bene?ts, and promote the company's green, low-carbon and sustainabledevelopment, the company formulated the Energy Management Measures to regulate the use of electricity, water power, steam andother energy norms. The company conscientiously implements the Energy Conservation Law, strictly implements the energyconservation target responsibility system, scienti?cally prepares energy conservation planning, improves energy managementsystem, establishes energy conservation incentive mechanism, promotes energy conservation and consumption reduction withenergy conservation technology progress, and energy conservation work steps into a scienti?c and standardized track.

Energy consumption of Tayho Advanced Materials

ConsumptionEnergy Type

6.85 million Nm3

48,000 tons18,000.00 million kJ

124,100 tons280 million kWh179,900.33 tons of standard coal

0.48 tons of standard coal / RMB million of revenue

30,000 tons2,280,353 tons

Natural gas

CoalHeatSteamTotal electricity consumption

Total energy consumptionEnergy consumption intensityO?ce water consumptionWater for production

Electricity usagemanagement

1.Power Center is responsible for electric power management, reasonable transformation of power

supply system, reduction of power line loss, improvement of power supply quality, adjustment ofworking condition of power-using equipment, reasonable distribution and balance of load, ande?orts to improve the company's load;

2. The power center is responsible for capacitor management and timely adjustment of reactive

power compensation equipment capacity according to load and voltage changes;

3. Each electricity-using unit should implement electricity planning and conservation, and strictly

implement the electricity quota issued by the company.

Energy management measures

ISO14001 certi?cation


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Energy management measures

Water usagemanagement

1. Each department should strengthen the management of water facilities, implement the ?xed

person and correspond responsibilities, and the Department of Energy and Engineering Equipmentshould regularly inspect and strengthen the water conservation education for the sta?;

2. When water pipelines fail or leak, report to the Department of Energy and Engineering Equipment

in time. The Department of Energy and Engineering Equipment is responsible for regular maintenanceand inspection of the pipeline. No one is allowed to install, dismantle or uninstall water pipelinesand water facilities without permission;

3. Improve the utilization rate of water, implement multiple uses of water, and try to use advanced

new water-saving techniques and equipment in each water-using unit.

Steam usagemanagement

1.Ensure that there are no leaks in the steam pipeline, and that the Department of Energy andEngineering Equipment conducts regular inspections; each steam-using unit installs pressuregauges at the end of each branch pipeline or access equipment; newly installed or long-discontinuedsteam pipelines must be ?ushed, using high temperature and high pressure to form high-speedair?ow for the purpose of cleaning pipelines;

2.The power center isresponsiblefor thethermalinsulation ofthe steampipeline, andthethermalinsulationmaterial withgood thermalinsulationperformanceand highdurabilityshould beselected toensure thatthe thermalinsulationmaterial isnot damagedduring use.

3.Each steam-using unit should ensure steam-using equipment and its accessories remains sealed,reduce the run, bubble, drip, leak phenomenal to save steam, and protect the safety of equipment andpersonnel. In the production process, operators should eliminate steam and water over?ow of heat-usingequipment, steam-using equipment and heating pipes, valves, steam traps and connecting parts fromrunning, bubbling, dripping and leaking, and the Department of Energy and Engineering Equipmentregularly inspects and maintains heat-using equipment and its accessories and insulation structure.

The company has adopted a series of energy saving and emissionreduction measures, including the promotion of the use of water-savingappliances, the utilization of steam waste heat and pressure, and theuse of solar energy. The company has organized internal clean energyuse and taken energy structure adjustment initiatives, including thereplacement of trams with oil trucks and the use of photovoltaicpower generation equipment. The company has installed photovoltaicpower generation equipment using the roof of the parking lot, with atotal installed capacity of 380KW, which is expected to generate460,000 kWh of electricity annually and reduce carbon dioxideemissions by 478 tons per year; the company adopts new

nano-ceramic insulation materials for steam pipes, which improves the insulation performance by more than 30% and reducessteam loss by thousands of tons per year; the company uses the heat of high-temperature and high-pressure steam to generate

electricity, which can generate 3 million kWh per year.

Green Manufacturing Operations

Emission reduction measures

1. The company actively ful?lls its social responsibility and proposes to take the new energy ?eld, energy saving and

consumption reduction, green development, green chemical recycling economy and other ?elds as the "new track" of the future

incremental ?elds of the enterprise, and strives to practice the mission of sustainable development;

2. Construction of photovoltaic power generation project in the parking lot of Polymer New Material Industrial Park,

with an annual power generation of about 460,000 kWh and an annual reduction of carbon emissions of about 478 tons;

3. Carry out steam energy gradient utilization, targeting the high quality steam heat at the steam inlet, and utilize the

heat through the steam turbine to achieve power genera-tion and electricity saving while achieving steamtemperature and pressure reduction; targeting the steamcondensate discharged from production, make 7 degreescentigrade cold water through the lithium bromide unit toreduce the use of electric refrigeration units;

4. Promoting the use of nano-ceramic new thermal

insulation materials, thethermal insulation material

has agood thermal insulation e?ect, andthe di?erencebetween the surfacetemperature of the material and theambienttemperature can be controlledwithin 15 ° C,which is more than30 % higher than the traditionalthermal insulation material ;

5. By using the air source heat pump system,

thepowerconsumption isreduced while heating theo?ce building.

Initiatives to help "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" target

June 15 is National Low Carbon Day, and the theme of 2022 Low Carbon Day is "Implementing 'Double Carbon' Action, Building aBeautiful Home". Tayho Advanced Materials carried out a series of activities around the low-carbon day and the theme of the publici-ty week "Green low-carbon, energy-saving ?rst".

1. Study the notice of activities related to the 2022 National Public Institution Energy Conservation Awareness Week and National

Low Carbon Day;

3. Send the digital activity materials to mailbox, and push to departmental groups in each department; in Heilongjiang Park, Emeis-

han Park and the new park, organize all sta? to sign, and hang banners in each factory area to make further publicity to sta?.

2. Watch the launching ceremony of the National Public Institution Energy Conservation Awareness Week;

Green low-carbon, energy-saving ?rst" publicity week

Photovoltaic power generation equipment

In order to strengthen scienti?c management andfully implement the energy-saving measures, thecompany has developed a series of green o?cemeasures, the speci?c measures are as follows:

1. Clearly require all sta? to make full use of natural

lighting during o?ce hours, reduce electricityconsumption of lighting equipment, turn o? thelights when leaving the o?ce and workplace, cuto? the power supply of o?ce equipment,and resolutely eliminate the phenomenon of"unoccupied lights and long-lasting lights";

2. Reduce the standby energy consumption of o?ce

equipment such as computers, printers, copiers,etc. When not in use, shut down and cut o? thepower in time to reduce standby consumption;

3. Strengthen the daily maintenance and management

of equipment, timely inspection of various?ttings and valves to eliminate the phenomenon of "running and dripping";

4. O?ce air-conditioning set a reasonable temperature, not less than 26 ℃ in summer, not higher than 20 ℃ in winter.

Green o?ce measures


The company always adheres to the policy of "innovation in energy conservation and emission reduction, leading sustainable development",takes ecological e?ciency as the ?rst priority, undertakes the social responsibility of energy conservation and emission reduction,takes energy conservation improvement and low emission transformation as the key work, takes energy conservation and emissionreduction as the important hand to transform the development mode and improve the quality and e?ciency of the economy,improves energy and resource utilization e?ciency through the conversion of old and new production capacity and industrialupgrading, and strives to achieve high-quality and sustainable development. Through the conversion of old and new productioncapacity and industrial upgrading, we will improve the e?ciency of energy and resource utilization and strive to achieve high-qualitysustainable development. The input-output ratio of all products of the company has reached over 97%.

Technological innovation to reduce emissions

Meta aramid empower energy savingThe company's meta-aramid division actively responds to the company's call to comprehensivelypromote energy saving, cost reduction and e?ciency improvement and upgrading, and launched thesolvent energy-saving recovery new process technology development project in January 2021. Duringthe implementation of the project, the division of labor is optimized and e?ciently organized, and thewaste liquid processing volume is increased by more than 90%, which e?ectively improves the solventrecovery e?ciency and ensures the normal start-up of the production line.

Meta-aramidsolvent technologydevelopment

Meta aramid empower energy savingSecondly, it signi?cantly reduces steam energy consumption and carbon emission, saving 45% energycompared with the original double-e?ect distillation unit, and compared with 2020, the steam unitconsumption in 2021 is reduced by 7.56 tons/ton silk, and the comprehensive energy consumption perunit product is reduced by 0.93 tons of standard coal, or 17.71%, saving 71,820 tons of steam peryear, saving 8,835 tons of standard coal per year and reducing 24,000 tons of carbon dioxide.Thirdly, the stability of ?nished DMAC has been improved, and all the testing indexes have been newlyimproved, and the purity is stable above 99.95%, which is more conducive to improving the quality ofmeta aramid of the company.

Meta-aramidsolvent technology


In 2021, the ?rst production project of "14th Five-Year Plan" of Tayho Advanced Materials - High-performancemeta-aramid for protection and high e?ciency integrated industrialization project was put into production.As a key production technology, the polymerization process will be upgraded to meet the requirements ofcapacity release, technology upgrading and e?ciency optimization, and the process advantages will berapidly transformed into economic advantages, which will provide a strong guarantee for the company toachieve the goal of "three wheels multiplication" and e?cient and sustainable development.The new project uses the third generation of interposition polymerization process with independentintellectual property rights, on the basis of basically no increase in investment, to maximize productioncapacity and increase production e?ciency by a factor of one. At the same time, the increase inproduction capacity will lead to a signi?cant reduction in fuel power consumption and tail gasemissions, achieving cost savings, energy e?ciency, energy saving and emission reduction targets, theton of product electricity consumption decreased by 40%, the unit product energy consumptionreduced by 0.15 tons of standard coal, according to statistics, the annual electricity savings of 11.4million kWh, annual savings of 1,425 tons of standard coal, emissions reduction of 3,800 tons of carbondioxide. At the same time, through polymerization process improvement and industrial upgrading, wecan improve production e?ciency and achieve a 30% reduction in investment density. Relying on theexisting workshop, the investment cost of plant and equipment will be reduced by about RMB 120million, helping to key energy emission reduction and improve quality and e?ciency.

Optimizationand improvement

of meta-aramidpolymerization


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

The company strictly complies with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment, the Law ofthe People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution,the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution and other relevant laws and regulations and the requirements ofthe Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water, the Comprehensive Sewage Discharge Standard and ot her relevant standards, andestablishes company systems such as the Management of Sewage Commissioned Operation (Heilongjiang Road Plant), the Soil Pollution PreventionSystem, and the Hazardous Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Responsibility System in accordance with the law to improve the company'spollution prevention system and promote its green and sustainable development.

Pollution Prevention& Environmental Protection

Pollution Prevention System

Pollutant Treatment

Exhaust gas


Chemical oxygen demand and nitrogen oxides using anaerobic - oxygen depletion process, aftertreatment by the town sewage network sewage town sewage plant;When recording data, if the sewage online monitoring data exceeds the internal control index (CODcr≤350mg/L,ammonia nitrogen≤35mg/L, pH7~9), samples are taken from the sewage sampling port for analysisand laboratory tests to identify the reasons for exceeding the standard and prevent continuous exceedingof the standard.


The dust generated in the company's production is recycled directly to the ?nished product packaging;Waste woven bags, waste cartons, waste bottles and cans, waste paper, metal trimmings, etc.generated are put into designated areas or storage bins for general recyclable waste;Non-recyclable waste is put into the non-recyclable waste area or garbage bin.General solidwaste disposal

Waste oil should be placed in designated drums by the department generating the waste oil;Filter cartridges replaced by ?lters shall be placed in airtight bins;Solid waste such as waste paint, residual paint, waste asphalt residue, etc. generated during construc-tion shall be required to be collected and stored in designated hazardous waste sites by the contractor;Waste lamps, oil wiping cloths, waste batteries, waste electric batteries, etc. are put into hazardouswaste storage boxes, special storage facilities or handed over to the units that purchase theproducts for uni?ed management.

Hazardous solid

waste disposal


Waste Discharge

Emissions of Tayho Advanced Materials and its subsidiariesTypes of EmissionsEmissions

Production wastewaterChemical oxygen demand (COD)

Nitrogen oxides

ParticlesSulfur DioxideHydrogen chlorideVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Other general non-hazardous pollutants

1,347,690.00 tons

78.10 tons

53.60 tons

7.76 tons

30.14 tons

17.59 tons

7.14 tons

30,138.29 tons

Tayho Advanced Materials Pollutant Emission Standards

Major pollutantsand characteristic

pollutant types

Name of main pollutants

and characteristic


Pollutant emission




Sulfur dioxide (gas)Smoke and dust (gas)Nitrogen oxides (gas)

Ammonia nitrogen (water)

Sulfur DioxideParticulate matter

Nitrogen oxides

CODAmmonia nitrogen










Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Total volatileorganic compounds (gas)

Chemical oxygendemand (COD)

Volatile OrganicCompounds

Volatile organic compounds are treated by water spraying tower. After spraying, the sewage enters the biochemical sewage station and theexhaust gas is discharged into the atmosphere;

The nitrogen oxides of gas-?red boilers use low-nitrogen burners, and the exhaust gas isdischarged into the atmosphere.Volatile organic compounds are treated by water spraying tower. After spraying, the sewage entersthe biochemical sewage station and the exhaust gas is discharged into the atmosphere;

Waste nameCategory

Storage volumeat the endof the year (tons)

Storage volumeat the beginningof the yearGenerationvolume (ton)

SludgeCalcium sulfate



Other industrialsolid waste (SW59)Other industrialsolid waste (SW59)Other industrialsolid waste (SW59)Other industrialsolid waste (SW59)






Removedquantity (tons)



The company insists on the principle of "prevention-oriented, protection-?rst, classi?cation management, risk control, pollution accountable, andfull participation" for soil pollution prevention and control. To strengthen the management of soil pollution prevention and control, protect andimprove the ecological environment and prevent soil pollution, the company has formulated the "Soil Pollution Prevention and Control System"and "Soil Pollution Hidden Danger Investigation" to eliminate the hidden danger of soil pollution accidents and protect the health of employeeswith practical actions.

Soil pollution accident hazards are divided into generahazards and major hazards. General risk refers to the ability to immediately rectify, ina short period of time to adjust the process can be eliminated, and will not cause the atmosphere water body soil emergencies; major riskrefers to the complexity of the situation, which is di?cult to complete the treatment of risk in the limited term, which may produce largerenvironmental hazards risks, such as toxic and hazardous substances leak into the atmosphere, water bodies, soil and other environmentalmedia secondary to the larger environmental emergencies accidents.Among them, major risks will be implemented "listed supervisory" system, hose which listed in the system will be announced to public,specify responsible person recti?cation time frame supervisory department. The company is directly responsible for major risk listed andsupervised, general major risk by each workshop department is responsible for listing supervision; The company will seriously investigateduty implementation for the workshop and relevant personnel who do not conduct thorough investigation, report in a timely manner, ful?lltheir responsibilities and rectify the situation. ; due to poor recti?cation of risks, resulting in environmental accidents or serious consequences, thecompany will strictly and seriously be held accountable.

Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution

Classi?cation of land pollution accident hazards

During the reporting period, the Company strictly complied with the disclosure requirements of the chemical industry in theand was not subject to administrativepenalties for environmental issues.

The company attaches great importance to environmental protection work and continuously increases the investment in environmental protection.In 1995, the company was awarded the title of "Advanced Enterprise in Environmental Protection" by the State Environmental Protection Bureau;in 2009, the company passed the A-level audit of clean production in Shandong Province; in 2017, the company passed the audit of ISO14001environmental management system. The company has invested about RMB 80 million in various environmental protection funds, with annualenvironmental protection operating costs of about RMB 30 million, and paid all environmental protection taxes on time.

On June 5, 2022, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the ?rst United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, China'sMinistry of Ecology and Environment adopted "Building a Clean and Beautiful World" as the annual theme of World Environment Day."This theme aims to promote the whole society to enhance the awareness of ecological protection, to join the construction of ecologicalcivilization, and to further re?ect China's role as an important participant, contributor and leader in the construction of global ecologicalcivilization while building a beautiful China.Tayho Advanced Materials actively held a series of environmental day promotional activities, such as distributing environmental protectionbrochures to local citizens; showing the company's fashionable and technological products and distributing gifts to the participating citizens;promoting the concept of environmental protection and holding a signing activity to build a clean and beautiful world together.

Tayho Advanced Materials will continue to focus on the concept of "carbon neutrality" and "green development", take up the corporate environmentalresponsibility, provide more new material solutions for the sustainable growth of the world, and build an ecologically harmonious, clean andbeautiful new world.

Key PerformanceEnvironmental Activities

Environmental ActivitiesWorld Environment Day Activities


World Environment Day ActivitiesCustomer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth





Other industrialsolid waste (SW59)



"Self-regulatoryGuideline No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure for Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange"


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty Governance

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Tayho Advanced Materials attaches great importance to the quality management of products and related operations, aims at thehigh quality design, production and service of products, compiles the Management Manual of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co.The company has established the ISO9001:2005 management system organization, clari?ed the management responsibilities at alllevels, and strictly implemented the quality control process to ensure the best quality products and services for customers. Withunremitting perseverance, we adhere to the original mission of quality. The company has now passed the ISO 9001 quality managementsystem certi?cation. During the reporting period, the product quali?cation rate was 99.67%.

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

About TayhoCustomer Rights Protection

Customer Rights ProtectionQuality Management



Customer-orientedprocessesInternal and external matters and the demandsand expectations of relevant parties

Compliant products and customer satisfactionMP01Business planningprocess



Externalsupplier control



SP02Human resources




SP05Monitoring andmeasuringprocesses










MP02Internal audit


MP03Managementreview process



Quality ManagementQuality Management System Process Map

To focus on the feedback of each product quality of the company, strengthen the management of product quality feedback of the compa-ny, timely and accurate handling of quality feedback matters, the company assigned market technical service personnel stationed in the?eld market, after-sales feedback disposal, promote the sound protection system of customer rights and interests and customer feedbackmechanism of product quality and service quality of the company, Tayho Advanced Materials according to its own situation, formulate the"Quality Feedback Management Of Finished Products" and implement According to its own situation, Tayho Advanced Materials formulates"Quality Feedback Management of Finished Products" and implements systematically regulations, clari?es the responsibilities of eachdepartment, forms a clear quality feedback service process, improves the e?ciency of customer feedback processing, and continuouslyimproves customer satisfaction. During the reporting period, customer complaints and feedback are dealt with in a timely manner, andthe processing and resolution rate is 100%.

Quality Management System Process MapAfter Sales Service


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth



MarketingmanagerN/AMarketing center

Marketing center


Technologycenter (Ningxia)Technical qualitysection (Yantai)

Technologycenter (Ningxia)Technical qualitysection (Yantai)






Technicalsupport sta?Technicalsupport sta?

Technicalsupport sta?

Technicalsupport sta?

Technicalsupport sta?

Marketing sectionMarketing section



Quality sector





ware-house-manMarketing centers

and divisions,subsidiaries





Marketingsection and


Feedback InitialCommunicationSample sent back tothe companyFeedback registrationCustomer feedbackanalysis

Customer Communication

Development ofcorrective measures

Corrective and preventivemeasures implementationFormulation ofthe treatment

Handling customer feedbackaccording to comments

Formation of a quality feedback

processing matrix

Measure experience is captured inthe lessons learned and popularized

Determination of


Con?rmation ofimprovement e?ect

1. Abnormal ?ndings

2. Appearance abnormalities described clearly

3. All kinds of data are provided accurately

Communicate with customers for feedback andwritten OA to the marketing department, technicalquality section of each business unit, and internaldepartments of the marketing centerFeedback on the problem silk cylinder orfabric samples sent back to the company'stechnical quality section (Yantai) or technolo-gy center (Ningxia)Registration of customer feedback on issuecylinders or fabric samples

1、Preliminary analysis or testing of samples, and

issue internal test reports.

2、Submit to the marketing department for

third-party testing if it can not be tested.In conjunction with the internal inspection report,company's technical quality section will makean analysis of the causes and determine responsibilities

1、According to the company's internal comments,

issued a customer feedback processing report

2、When the customer does not recognize,

should be negotiated with the customer to solvethe problem

1. For general quality problems, the technical

quality section will organize the developmentand ?ll in the Corrective/Preventive MeasuresRecord Sheet.

2、For major or frequently occurring quality problems,

implement the "Major Quality Accident ManagementSystem".Based on the results of communication with thecustomer, formulate treatment opinions and submitthem to the company leaders for approval.

1.In accordance with the Corrective / Preventive

Action Record Sheet to correct and deal withquality problems, and prevent recurrence

2.After completion, submit the evidence of

the implementation of measures to theTechnical Quality SectionThe marketing center and business divisionshandle returns, exchanges, compensation, etc.,in accordance with the processing opinionsapproved by the leadership.

1.By the technical quality section of the

implementation of measures to audit: productquality improvement veri?cation

2.Supervision of the improvement e?ect by

the quality management department

1、Marketing department will feedback

processing results into the customer feedbackregistration record

2、Each business unit will count the experience

of quality problem measures into the experiencerecord, and appropriately promote them.

Summarize feedback on product quality bycycle to form statistical tables


In order to implement the spirit of quality management system requirements of Tayho Advanced Materials, and fully understand thecustomer satisfaction level of the company's products and services, the company launched a product satisfaction survey to customers inthe form of questionnaires, the survey for customers around the world issued a total of 171 questionnaires, returned 159, customersatisfaction is 98.18%, in addition. In addition, the company combinescustomer feedback andsuggestions to improve theproduct andservice processto promote the improvementof the company 's productand service quality..

Customer Satisfaction

For improving the supplier management level, establish and develop a stable, reliable and high-quality supplier team, standardize thedevelopment, selection, management and maintenance of suppliers, Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co., Ltd. has formulated the suppliermanagement system, established a supplier management platform, clari?ed the responsibilities of supplier management, managed thewhole life cycle of suppliers, classi?ed management, formed a dynamic quantitative assessment mechanism for suppliers, implementedthe concept of social responsibility in the process of supplier management, working hard to establish a long-term stable supplier team,and created a high-quality, healthy and green supplier cooperation network.

Supply Chain ManagementSupplier Management

Formulate "Supplier Management System" and "Procurement SupplyChain Management System" of Tayho Advanced Materials

SupplierManagement System

for the annual procurement amount greater than RMB 2 million, morethan 3 times the number of equipment and material suppliers for fourtimes a year dynamic evaluation, based on the evaluation results aredivided into four levels, A (100-90), B (89-80), C (79-70), D (<70), for thehigh rating of suppliers to implement priority procurement and otherpositive incentive policies.

Supplierevaluation system

Supplierelimination system

Process review of supplier capabilities and quali?cations, identi?cationof quali?ed suppliers.

Supplieraccess process

For suppliers with D rating and have not taken improvement measures;suppliers who cause signi?cant economic loss or reputation loss to thecompany due to product quality, delivery time, performance, integrityand other issues; suppliers who have fraud, bribery and other acts andviolate business ethics to cancel the supplier quali?cation.

Safe Operation & Production

For the purpose of standardizing the procurement management work and improving the level of procurement management, TayhoAdvanced Materials hereby formulates the “Procurement Supply Chain Management System of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co.,Ltd.” based onand other related regulations, further clari?ed the procurement supply chain management principles of "secure supply, timely supply,economic supply and green supply", construct a uni?ed digital procurement platform, ensure the level of scienti?c decision-making,formalized standardized procurement procedures, regularly test the performance of procurement outcome, thus persistently enhancingthe level of company’s procurement management.

Production Safety ManagementProcurement Management

Supplier Performance

Procurement ManagementNumber of suppliers with quality management system certi?cation

Number of suppliers with quality management system certi?cationNumber of suppliers with environmental management system certi?cation

Number of suppliers with occupational health and safety management

system certi?cation

Rate of spending on purchases from local suppliers

Number of suppliers with environmental management system certi?cation


In order to improve the e?ciency of procurement management, suppliersare classi?ed by supply license status, material usage, supply importanceand strategic importance, and targeted management is conductedaccording to the characteristics of suppliers.Supplier classi?cationmanagement

Supervision of the supplier management process by the Audit and ComplianceDepartment, the Disciplinary Committee and other departments.Supervision ofsupplier management


Tayho Advanced Materials always puts production safety in the ?rst place of the company's operation, in accordance with theand other laws andregulations and the relevant requirements of the company's safety production, formulate the "Compilation of Safety ProductionManagement System of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co., Ltd", implement the responsibility of safety production management, clarify thesafety management objectives, safety management standards, safety management processes, records, form all kinds of production safetymanagement, prevention, risks investigation and other normative system of forty articles and strictly implement them, ensure thee?ective operation of the company's safety management, continuously deepen production safety management and implementproduction safety.Safety Management Performance

2021 Performance2022 Performance




Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities

AppendixBasis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Amount of investmentin production safety

(RMB million)

Total hours of safetyeducation training(hours)

Number ofsafety education training sessions


Safety education andtraining coverage ratio

Number of working days lostdue to work-related injuries


Code of Practice for Procurement by State-Owned Enterprises, Law of the People's Republic of China on Bidding and Tendering

"Safety Production Law of the People's Republic of China", "Safety Production Regulations of Shandong Province"


To consolidate the safety awareness of employees and ensure the production safety of the company, Tayho Advanced Materialsorganizes safety publicity and education activities such as "Fire Fighting Knowledge Contest" and "Lectures on Safety Productionand Environmental Protection" according to the educational needs of di?erent functions of the company, departments and posts.We make full use of safety lectures, safety activities, safety drills and other forms to carry out comprehensive safety education foremployees, strengthen their safety knowledge, enhance their safety consciousness, and laid a solid foundation for the safety development ofthe company. During the reporting period, the company invested RMB140,000 in production safety training.

Safety productionand environmental protection lectureThe company hired Pu Yue, a lawyer from Shandong Help Business Law Firm, to analyze and interpret some articles of thenew version of the from the perspective of a professional lawyer by combining theory and typicalaccident cases, which strengthened the understanding and awareness of employees on the new version of the and enhanced the consciousness of strict implementation.

Tayho Advanced Materials attaches great importance to the prevention of all kinds of safety risks. To eliminate the potential threatbrought by safety risks, the company regularly inspects the facilities, environment and management of the equipment on a monthlybasis, and records the problems to form a hidden danger investigation and management ledger, supervises the whole process ofrecti?cation, and implements acceptance of the recti?cation results to ensure that the safety is foolproof.

Safety Risk Elimination

Safety risk inspectionThe company attaches great importance to preventive and corrective measures for safety risks, and regularly conductsinspections for the facilities.

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & Production

Safety Education & TrainingTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

About TayhoProduction Safety Law

Production Safety LawProduction Safety Law


Emergency Plan

Liquid ammonia leakageaccident emergency rescue drillTo conscientiously implement the national safety production, the company carried out a comprehensive exerciseof liquid ammonia leakage accident emergency rescue in the liquid ammonia tank area on June 23, 2022. Theexercise simulated a real liquid ammonia leakage scenario and carried out a practical exercise to strengthen thesituation command ability of the emergency rescue command, so that the sta? understood and mastered how tocarry out alarm, safety evacuation, process processing and other routine operations once a major safety productionaccident occurred, as well as familiar with the procedures and requirements of emergency drills, so that the sta?'ssafety awareness was tested and enhanced by practice.

Tayho Advanced Materials attaches great importance to the enterprise independent research and development capability, inorder to standardize the company's research and development process and protect the company's research results frominfringement, the company, based on the relevant national regulations and policies, combined with its own situation, formulatedthe "Basic System of Technological Innovation Management of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co.”, formed a completeR&D process and establish an e?ective R&D incentive mechanism, so that the company's independent R&D capabilitybecomes stronger continuously and lays a solid foundation for sustainable and high-quality development. As of the endof the reporting period, the total number of R&D team of the company was 290, among which 60 people had master'sdegree or above, accounting for 20.69% of the total R&D team.

Technology Innovation & IP Protection

Tayho Advanced Materials continuously promotes company’s digital transformation,, realizes all-round intelligentmanagement, e?ectively improves the overall advanced management level of the company, establishes the image ofinnovative enterprise, raise the company's popularity, provides scienti?c and systematic management environment forthe subsequent development of the company, enhances the core competitiveness of the enterprise with continuoustechnological innovation and digital empowerment, and creates an intelligent and digital park with full-scene coverage.

R&D SystemProjects Under Research

Projects Under Research
Intelligent, digital projects

R&D Performance

RMB 174.29 million290 ppl.60 ppl.


60 ppl.

The company utilizes information technology and intelligent means to builda smart park for the company's polymer new material industrial park, investsin the construction of a data center and command center in the park,deploys a central computer room that meets the needs at the companylevel, and provides a powerful brain for the company's informationtechnology business system.Polymer New MaterialIndustrial Park Smart


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

R&D investmentR&D teamMasters and aboveMasters and above percentageCompany core technical sta?

Employee Care& Protection

Employee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceAppendix

Corporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

n order to ensure the safe and e?ective operational environment of the company, improve emergency management measures,strengthen prevention and disposal capabilities of all kinds of accidents, avoid major accident damage, the company combinedwith own operating conditions and related regulations, developed "accident emergency rescue management system" "?re safetymanagement system" "special equipment safety management system" and many other emergency safety management system,formulated comprehensive emergency rescue plans for di?erent equipment and circumstances of emergencies, and regularlyconduct drills for each plan. Through the e?ect of the drills, the plan process is continuously improved to e?ectively provide protection forthe life and safety of all employees. During the reporting period, the company conducted one comprehensive emergency drill, sixspecial drills and 33 on-site disposal plans.


Tayho Advanced Materials constantly promotes the greening process of the company, continuously improves the whole productionprocess of environmental protection and emission reduction and helps to reach the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals assoon as possible.Greening Project

In terms of exhaust gas treatment equipment, Tayho Advanced Materials is equipped with 46 sets of process exhaust gas treatmentfacilities, with treatment processes including water spraying, UV photolysis and low-temperature plasma.Environmental projects

Through the establishment of "standardization + technological innovation" synergy-driven total quality management mode,internal production operation, quality control and application development Tayho AdvancedMaterialscombined to promotecompany’s standardized control, the downstream market to actively participate in the industry product standards, such as theformulation and revision of a variety of ways to ensure the stability of product quality, has been unanimously recognized bydownstream customers.

Product Quality Enhancement

Through the deployment of the Laboratory Management System (LIMS)on line operation, a standardized and standardized R&D experimentmanagement platform is established to improve the management leveland e?ciency of the laboratory, provide timely and accurate qualityinformation for production, provide a reliable and accurate knowledgebase and big data retrieval platform for the R&D department, and establishan enterprise knowledge base, talent base, and product base for quickretrieval and reuse. The information system that realizes data sharing,data analysis, data tracing, pragmatic and ?exible business functions,and meets the needs of business departments.

LaboratoryManagementSystem (LIMS)

The new project establishes intelligent three-dimensional warehouse torealize the fully automated process management of incoming, palletizingand outgoing ?nished products, and integrates the intelligent three-dimensionalwarehouse management system with the ERP system of the enterprise,forming an important part of the integrated management of production,supply and sales, while solving the situation that ordinary warehousesrequire manual sorting and palletizing, reducing the cost investment ofhuman, material and ?nancial resources. The spandex project adopts automatictube dropping and automatic packaging production line, in the case ofdoubling the production capacity, the tube dropping sta? is basically thesame as the original workshop, packaging reduces the number of people by60, the production e?ciency is increased by about 40%, and the unit cost isreduced by about RMB 500 per ton.




The ERP system of enterprise resource planning system is built andintegrated with business systems such as intelligent storage system andprocurement supply chain platform to realize the integrated digital managementmode of production, supply and sales, while the digital intelligent ?nancialcloud platform of Tayho Advanced Materials (digital intelligent mobilereimbursement cloud platform, digital intelligent taxation cloud platformand digital intelligent bank-enterprise association cloud platform) hasbeen created.

Enterprise ResourcePlanning System

(ERP System)

Turbine power generation + pump linkage: Using the heat of high temperatureand high pressure steam, the unit has a single generator power of 500KWand a pump power of 500KW, which can generate about 3 million kWh ofelectricity per year and save about 3 million kWh of electricity per year forthe pump after it is put into operation, and can reduce 20,000 tons ofcarbon dioxide emission per year.Lithium bromide unit steam waste heat recovery: Using the heat of steamcondensate, the cooling capacity of the unit can reach 1,000KW, which cansave 1.3 million kWh of electricity and reduce 8,000 tons of CO2 emissionper year, and reduce the temperature of steam condensate to below 50℃.

Steam Waste HeatGradient Utilization

The construction of photovoltaic power generation project in the parking lotof Polymer New Material Industrial Park, which will generate about 460,000

kWh of electricity per year and reduce carbon emission by about 478 tons

per year after it is put into operation, and the feasibility study of steam wasteheat utilization project, which will save about 4 million kWh of electricityand reduce carbon by 4,500 tons per year after it is put into operation.Parking lotphotovoltaic powergeneration

The company vigorously promotes the recycling and reuse of productwastes. The recycling and reuse of meta-aramid waste can produce 300 tonsof meta-aramid; the recycling and reuse of para-aramid waste raw liquid canproduce 100 tons of pulp per year; the waste yarn of spandex is recycled,dissolved then re-spun, which can produce 1,400 tons of spandex per year.

Scrap RecyclingProject

Tayho Advanced Materials upholds the market development concept of"creating value for users and growing together with customers", andimplements comprehensive quality management by improving the qualityof work of all employees as the entry point. Firstly, adhere to innovation-driven,continuously develop new technologies, new products and new applicationsfor market demand and industrial trends, drive projects, implement tech-nological innovation incentives, and continuously encourage techniciansto apply for provincial and municipal projects. Integrate customerdemand for quality into project objectives;


+ technological

innovation"synergistic driven

total qualitymanagement


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities

AppendixBasis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

secondly, standardization-driven, establish strict standardized control process,implement standardized procurement process, standardized process operation,standardized quality feedback process standardization, quality determinationstandardization, technical index standardization, etc. to improve internal productquality. At the same time, we actively participate in the formulation of nationaland industry product standardization to drive the internal and external industrychain coherence and uni?cation, drive industry development and promotemarket application. The company has formed a total quality managementdriven by standardization + technological innovation synergy, quanti?ed andanalyzed process parameters through DOE, searched for key factors andcontrolled the factors related to them. According to the actual demand, wediscriminate and choose di?erent experimental designs to discover ways tocontrol various in?uencing factors, and exchange the least investment for the greatestbene?t, so that the product quality can be improved and the process can beoptimized. At the same time, QC activities are implemented within thecompany to improve quality and reduce consumption.The company starts from the basis of system, process and other qualitymanagement standards to seek for details and reality, so as not to manufacturedefective products, not to accept defective products, not to ?ow defectiveproducts. In production operation, we implement 6S management, SOPstandardization management and process document consistency management;in quality control, we mainly implement enterprise standard control andinternal control standard upgrading; in application development, we mainlyimplement active participation in external standard making and revision.With the Quality Control Department as the leading department, we take thequality system as the means to carry out process improvement and control.Taking the current ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO14001 and ISO45001 systems as thegrasp, we will continuously improve the management processes that a?ectquality and eliminate the phenomenon of two layers of quality system andprocess management; we will strengthen the applicability and e?ectiveness ofthe system through internal and external audits and management reviews toensure the system is on the ground.Take the technology and quality department as the leading department tore?ne the process and standard, and to strengthen the execution of theprocess and standard. Strengthen the accuracy of the process and standards,and promote the upgrading of internal control standards. Internal inspectionand testing standards are issued by the quality control department or techni-cal quality department, technical and process documents are developed andissued by the technical quality department, and the production departmenthas no right to develop its own standards or processes to ensure the uniformityand uniqueness of the manufacturing process implementation.Focus on controlling the production process and the consistency of theprocess and standards to achieve "stability" in the control of "change"; at thesame time, the quality control department takes the lead with the technicaldepartments, sales companies, production departments to promote theupgrading of internal control standards to achieve "stability" in the "change",the combination of product standards and customer demand, improve theinternal control of product standards to create a key brand of products.

Promotestandardized controlof productionoperation, quality

controland application

developmentwithin the company

Through the release and implementation of standards to improve thequality of products in the industry. Participating standards such asGB/T33536-2017 "Protective clothing Forest ?reproof clothing", GB/T36795-2018"Technical conditions and evaluation methods for rubber-impregnatedaramid cord fabrics", FZ/T63022-2014 "Aramid 1313 sewing thread", etc.have greatly promoted product market application, standardized industryorder and market environment, and enhanced product sales andcustomer reputation .

Actively participatein the revision ofproduct standards

in the industry

with respectto downstream








Pass On




“Standardization+R&D Innovation”

Synergy Driven

Create value for users and improve

with customers



innovation"synergistic driven

total qualitymanagement


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Safe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities

AppendixBasis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate Governance

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

In strict accordance with theand other relevant laws and regulations, and taking into account theactual situation of the company, Tayho Advanced Materials has formulated and continuously improved the PatentManagement Measures of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Company Limited, and continuously promoted andstrengthened the management, protection and application of the company's intellectual property rights to providesolid support for the company's research and development. As of the end of the reporting period, the company hasobtained 194 authorized patents, including 77 invention patents and 117 utility model patents. In terms of otherintellectual property rights, the company has obtained 21 software publications, 27 trademarks and 138 papers.

2022 Sta? Structure

Employee Gender Composition

IP Performance

IP ProtectionTotal number of employees in service

Total number of employees in serviceMaleFemale




Cumulative number of granted patentsNumber of granted invention patentsNumber of licensed utility model patentsNumber of Software PublicationsNumber of trademarksNumber of papers published194771172127138

Employee Care & Protection

Talent Recruitment & Management
Compliance Employment


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Safe Operation & ProductionTechnology Innovation& IP Protection

Technology Innovation& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, the Rules for the Implementation of thePatent Law of the People's Republic of China

Tayho Advanced Materials attaches great importance to the introduction and development oftalents. In order toimprove the company's sta? recruitment and hiring mechanism, standardize and fair sta? recruitment management,the company has formulated the Recruitment Management System of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co., Ltd. toinstitutionalize the talent management system, improve the e?ciency of talent introduction and continuouslystrengthen the construction of the company's talent pool. The company always practices legal compliance employ-ment, equal opportunity employment and diversi?ed talent employment, and always insists on the principle of faircompetition, while prohibiting any form of child labor, forced labor, discrimination and abuse and other acts againsthuman rights awareness; on the other hand, the company actively introduces talents with di?erent backgroundsthrough internal and external recruitment, campus and social recruitment to form a diversi?ed talent structure of thecompany and help the company's healthy and sustainable The company also actively recruits talents from di?erentbackgrounds through internal and external recruitment, campus and social recruitment to form a diversi?ed talentstructure of the company, which will contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of the company.

Sta? Structure

As of the end of the reporting period, the number of employees of the Company was 2,606. During the reportingperiod, the Company recruited 684 new employees, including 150 female employees and 534 male employees; 591employees were recruited through social channels and 93 employees through campus channels.


Tayho Advanced Materials always adheres to the people-oriented employment concept and is committed to safeguardingthe legitimate rights and interests of employees. The company strictly abides by the ,the and other laws and regulations, insists on signing labor contracts with all

Employee Rights & ProtectionEmployee rights and bene?ts system protectionEmployee Age CompositionUnder 30 years old (not included)

30-40 years old (not included)40-50 years old (not included)

Over 50 years old (including)

Employee Education LevelCollege and belowUndergraduateMaster and above


Employee Function CompositionProduction sta?

Sales sta?

Technical Sta?Finance Sta?Administrative sta?


Employee Grade CompositionTotal number of senior management employees

Total mid-level management employeesTotal number of general employees

2,558Employee turnoverTotal number of employees who left during the reporting period

Total number of departing male employeesTotal number of female employees who left

Employee Congress

During the reporting period, the Company held the Seventh Session Fourth and Fifth Sta? Congresses and considered and passedthe motions that are practically related to the interests of the employees, such as the "Management Measures for Sta? Housing Loanof Tayho Advanced Materials Group Company Limited", "Remuneration Management System of Tayho Advanced Materials GroupCompany Limited (2022 Version)" and the supplementary amendment to the "Sta? Handbook".

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Safe Operation & ProductionSocial welfare& volunteer activities

Social welfare& volunteer activitiesAppendix

Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Labor Law of the People's Republic of ChinaLabor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China

employees on the principle of openness and fairness and uni?ed standards, and provides employees with market-oriented salary andperfect welfare system according to the Salary Management System of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co. The company has signed laborcontracts and provided market-oriented salary and perfect welfare system for the employees according to the Remuneration ManagementSystem of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co. During the reporting period, the company signed labor contracts with all employeesaccording to the law, the labor contract coverage rate is 100%, the insurance and housing fund coverage rate is 100%,

and the satisfaction rate of the company's employees is 95%.

Democratic management of employeesTo establish a modern enterprise system, fully safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees and establish coordinated andstable labor relations, the company, according to the ,"Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China", "Labor Law of the People's Republic of China"

"Company Law of the P aneople's Republic of China"

d related regulations, has formulated the “Constitution of the Trade Union Committeeof Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co.” which will play an active role in improving the working life of employees, promoting the democraticspirit of the company, and fully protecting the right to information, participation, expression and supervision of employees. During thereporting period, the company held 2 sta? meetings and voted on 10 motions.


The company attaches great importance to the physical and mental health of employees, strictly abides by theand other relevant laws and regulations, formulates and forms EHS objectives, creates a healthy and safe working environment byorganizing health check-ups for employees and actively rectifying hidden dangers of personnel, and e?ectively guards the health ofevery employee. The company has now passed ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certi?cation. Duringthe reporting period, the company's sta? medical examination coverage rate was 100%, and the incidence rate of occupational diseasesamong employees was 0%.

Employee Occupational Safety

The company attaches great importance to the growth of talents and capacity enhancement, with the purpose of constructing betterenterprise with talents, and with the orientation of strengthening the comprehensive performance ability of employees, the companyprovides diversi?ed education and training opportunities for employees with rich contents. Through special lectures, case training,lectures on laws and regulations, as well as thematic party classes and other forms of education, the company has continuouslydeepened employees' legal awareness, strengthened their ideological construction, and helped employees at all levels to grow withhigh quality. During the reporting period, the Company invested a total of RMB 2.93 million in employee training, conducted 103training sessions, and received a total of 13,517 training sessions with a total training duration of 172 hours, with an average trainingduration of 12 hours for each employee, and the employee training coverage rate reached 100%.

Employee Training & Development

Tayho Advanced Materials attaches importance to the quality of work and life of employees, pursues the enterprise and the employees toenjoy together, actively organizes and carries out holiday care, cultural co-creation and other forms of activities, creates a healthy, warm andharmonious company atmosphere, strives to improve the happiness index of employees, enhances the centripetal force and cohesion ofemployees, lays a mass foundation for the high-quality development of the enterprise, and creates a warm and reassuring working environmentfor employees.

Sta? Caring

To e?ectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, care for the lives of employees, and build a harmonious and stableemployment relationship, the company continued to strengthen basic welfare expenses, continuously improve the treatment of employeesand enhance their sense of collective belonging. During the reporting period, the Company spent a total of RMB22,084,900 on basic welfareand RMB10,485,800 on special welfare. In addition, to help employees solve their basic housing di?culties and enhance their sense ofbelonging and happiness, the Company adopted the "Measures for the Management of Employee Housing Loan" to provide employees withinterest-free loans to buy houses.

Employee Bene?ts & CareISO14001 certi?cation

Dumpling wrapping activity forDragon Boat Festival

Mid-autumn welfare distributionFruit welfare distribution

Yantai Subculture Co-creationCorporate Culture Project Kick-o? MeetingTwinning support to ful?ll social responsibility

Sta? Welfare

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Safe Operation & ProductionSocial welfare& volunteer activities

Social welfare& volunteer activitiesAppendix

Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

"Law of the People'sRepublic of China on Safety Production", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases"


The company highly regard on the protection of women's rights and interests, strictly complies with theand other laws and regulations, organizes the labor union to sign the Special Collective Contract on the Protection of Women Employees'Rights and Interests with the company, including encouraging women to participate in the democratic management of the enterprise,insists on equal pay for equal work and other aspects of the contract to protect women's rights and interests, defends equality betweenmen and women with practical actions, and protects the rights of female employees to enjoy prenatal checkup leave, maternity leave,breastfeeding leave and other leave rights in accordance with the law, and ?rmly protects the basic rights and interests of femaleemployees.

Protection of female employees' rights and interests

Performance of Public Welfare Activities

The company organized a ?ower arrangement activity on Women's Day and encouraged female employees to participate.

Tayho Advanced Materials has always been concerned about social welfare, actively undertaking corporate social responsibility and practicing theoriginal intention of the enterprise. In order to regulate the management of the company's external donation behavior, the company basedon the "Notice on Standardizing the Management of Municipal Enterprises'External Donation" and other public welfare related regulations and requirements, combined with the internal situation of the company,formulated the "Management Measures of External Donation of Tayho Advanced Materials Group Co., Ltd.," speci?ed approval procedures tostandardize the practice of social welfare activities, promote the healthy development of society, and to remain true to the mission, caringand responsible enterprises.

Social welfare & volunteer activities

Women's Day Flower Arrangement EventPublic Welfare Activities

Public Welfare ActivitiesSocietal Donation Unit


Societal Donation UnitCustomer Rights Protection& Procurement Management

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities

Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceSafe Operation & ProductionAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

About Tayho

Total investment in public welfare

Volunteer ActivitiesVolunteer Activities ParticipationTotal time for volunteer activities

Total investment in public welfareVolunteer ActivitiesVolunteer Activities ParticipationTotal time for volunteer activitiesRMB 1.06 million4 times80428 hours

Law of the People's Republicof China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, the Special Provisions on Labor Protection for Female Employees

"Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Welfare Donation"

Tayho Advanced Materials actively encourages company’s party and employees to participate in social volunteer activities to take practicalactions, practice environmental protection ideology, promote the heart of public welfare, spread the spirit of helping people continuously,and help build a green and environmentally friendly society.Social volunteer activities

Tayho Advanced Materials attaches great importance to the enterprise's obligation to pay taxes according to the law, strictly abides by theprovisions of various national tax laws and regulations, adheres to the principle of compliance with the law and integrity in tax payment,pays taxes in accordance with the law, timely and fully, contributes to the development of the local economy and demonstrates socialresponsibility. During the reporting period, the Company did not commit any illegal acts such as under-reporting, underpayment,omission or omission of tax payment. During the reporting period, the Company paid taxes amounting to RMB 151,260,000.

Integrity InTax Payment

In order to contribute to the construction of social public health, Tayho Advanced Material vigorously invests in health donation projects,contributes human and material resources to social communities in need, and strives to build a healthy society.

Public Health Construction

Yantai Golden Beach clearing actionYantai Huang Bohai Sea’s new area was infested with seaweed, bringing great harm to the ecological environment. On themorning of July 24, Tayho Advanced Materials’Party members voluntary to formed a service team to hold the theme party dayactivity of "Clean the sea with me" at the beach of Huang Bohai New Area, practice actions to devote to the universal seashorecleanup operation, protect the beach ecological environment with practical actions, and encourage more people to join theteam of caring for the environment.

Red Cross Donation

In order to help social welfare and contribute to the power of Tayho’s love, Tayho Advanced Materials donated RMB 1 million to theRed Cross to support the cause of humanitarian welfare.


Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities

Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceSafe Operation & ProductionAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho


Distribute healthy nutrition materials to employeesTo protect employees' health and strengthen their bodies, the company issues healthy nutritional materials for employees.

Community Health Construction ActivitiesIn order to help community health construction, the company organized party service members to distribute masks for theresidents of the Jiahe community on February 13. After more than 3 hours of busy work, through carefully checking the identityinformation, con?rming the collection and other procedures, the scheduled masks in the three communities were all basicallydistributed to the residents.

On the afternoon of February 14, the pioneer service team of party members entered the Elite Apartments to carry out virus disinfection,as there were no party members and community workers in the Elite Apartments under the jurisdiction of the Jiahe Community.Wearing masks, gloves, goggles and other personal protective equipment, members of the Pioneer Service Team came to EliteApartments with disinfection tools equipped in advance and sprayed each ?oor, each building, each elevator room and eachhygiene corner several times, not letting go of any corner and disinfecting in a serious and orderly manner.

Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities

Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceSafe Operation & ProductionAppendix

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

Mask distribution site


Basis ofReporting


/102-54102-1/102-2/102-3/102-6/102-10/102-14/102-16About TayhoESGGovernanceParty Governance


EnvironmentProtection &Sustainable GrowthCustomer RightsProtection & ProcurementManagementSafe Operation &Production

Technology Innovation

& IP ProtectionEmployee Care& ProtectionSocial welfare& volunteer activities



ESG Sustainability PhilosophyCommunication with Stakeholders

ESG Material IssuesGovernance StructureInternal Construction & Risk Management

Compliance & Business EthicsEnvironment ManagementEmergency Environmental Events Preplanning

Energy ManagementGreen Manufacturing Operations


Production Safety ManagementSafety Education & Training

Safety Risk EliminationEmergency Preparedness

Talent Recruitment & Management

Employee Rights & ProtectionEmployee Training & Development

Employee Bene?ts & Care







Index of Indicators

Feedback Form



R&D SystemProjects Under Research

IP Protection

Public Service ActivitiesSocial Volunteer Activities







Pollution Prevention& Environmental Protection





Investor Relations& Equity Protection










Customer Rights ProtectionSupply Chain Management





Feedback FormDear reader,Thank you for reading this report. We value and look forward to hearing your feedback on this report. Your comments and suggestions aresolid basis for us to continuously improve our level of corporate ESG disclosure and promote corporate ESG management andpractices. We welcome and appreciate your valuable comments!

1.Your overall assessment of our ESG compliance is:

□Very good □ good □ Fair □ Poor □ Bad

2.Your overall evaluation of this report is:

□Very good □ good □ Fair □ Poor □ Bad

How well do you think we are doing in terms of stakeholder communication?

□Very good □ good □ Fair □ Poor □ Bad

4.How do you think we are doing in terms of product liability?

□Very good □ good □ Fair □ Poor □ Bad

How do you think we are doing in terms of environment, safety and occupational health?

□Very good □ good □ Fair □ Poor □ Bad

6.How do you think we are doing in terms of employee responsibility?

□Very good □ good □ Fair □ Poor □ Bad

7.How do you think we are doing in terms of ESG?

□Very good □ good □ Fair □ Poor □ Bad

8.Do you have any comments or suggestions about our performance of ESG and this report?

Social welfare &volunteer activities

Integrity In Tax PaymentPublic Health Construction




Customer Rights Protection& Procurement ManagementSafe Operation & Production

Technology Innovation& IP Protection

Employee Care& Protection

Social welfare& volunteer activities


Basis of ReportingESG GovernanceParty GovernanceCorporate GovernanceSafe Operation & Production

Environment Protection& Sustainable Growth

Environment Protection& Sustainable GrowthAbout Tayho

