ADAMAESG Report2022
IntroductionMessages from ourCEO and CSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42022 ESG Highlights . . . . . . . . 6About ADAMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Sustainability at ADAMA . . . . 11
Our People andCommunitiesOur People Promise . . . . . . 56Fair Employer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Health, Safetyand Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Learning andDevelopmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Diversity, Equity andInclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70Community Relations . . . . . 75
Our ProductsA Growing Set ofChallenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Portfolio Health: Towarda More SustainableProduct Portfolio . . . . . . . . . 25Our Product Portfolio . . . . . . 26Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Agricultural Technology . . . 34
Our Governanceand EthicsOur CorporateGovernance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84Upholding EthicalBehavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
AnnexAbout this Report . . . . . . . . . . . 97Disclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98Independent LimitedAssurance Statement . . . . . . 136
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Environmental Impact . . . . . 37Reducing ourCarbon Footprint . . . . . . . . . . 42Reducing Energy Use . . . . . . 45Reducing Water Use,Euents, and Waste . . . . . . . 48Bringing Sustainability toour Chinese Facilities . . . . . . . 52
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Message from ourPresident and CEO,Steve HawkinsHaving worked in the agricultural sector for my entirecareer, I’ve learned that to implement organization-wide values the whole organization needs to beinvolved.It brings me great pride to be part of ADAMA, a company where sustainabilityis ingrained in our corporate DNA, shaping our culture, and dening our valueproposition.We’re proud to be a crop protection company. Our mission is to provide farmerswith the products they need to feed the world – not just for today, but for tomorrow,next year, and the next century. As such, sustainable farming and sustainableproducts hold strategic importance for ADAMA, and sit comfortably alongside ourcommitment to actively listen, learn, and deliver.Farmers are at the front-line of the struggle to produce enough food for everyoneon a changing planet. With their connection to nature, they value sustainabilityas the key to protecting the soil and ensuring necessary yields. Whenever I engagewith growers, they oen speak about the necessity for new tools and solutions tofarm sustainably, addressing their changing agronomic practices, new regulatoryrequirements, and consumer preferences.With new Active Ingredients (AIs) dwindling, we’re turning our portfolio into aninnovation engine by optimizing the performance of existing AIs with proprietary,advanced formulation technology platforms. This improves on-farm sustainability,drives higher yields, increases product ecacy, and solves key agronomic challengesquickly. We also continue to collaborate with agricultural technology companiesto nd new ways to complement our solutions such as with prescription enginesand decision-support tools.
Our commitment to reducing our environmental footprint is the foundation of oursustainability eorts. In the past three years, we have invested over 300 million USDin environmental upgrades, including sustainable improvements to wastewatertreatment facilities in our Global Operations. We have adopted a multi-prongedeort to reduce GHG emissions, by transitioning to carbon-free renewable andhydrogen fuel, as well as changing over to electric vehicles.The health and safety of everyone aected by our value chain, starting with ourown employees, to the farmers who use our products, is of paramount importance.Our goal is to achieve zero severe injuries in our operations, and to this end, ourglobal unied health and safety management system ensures accountability atthe highest levels of management.I am honored to lead a company that not only talks about sustainability but takesmeaningful action and achieves tangible results. At ADAMA, we embody a practicalapproach to sustainability, where our commitments are not mere ideals but thedriving force behind our day-to-day operations.I would like to take this opportunity to thank our people for driving the wholecompany forward and for putting into practice our steadfast commitment tomaking a positive impact on the world.
Steve HawkinsPresident and CEO
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I joined ADAMA at the beginning of 2022 as thecompany's rst dedicated Chief SustainabilityOcer, and I am incredibly proud to report onour progress.Successfully embedding sustainability in our business requires the ability to movequickly from theory to actual implementation and an aptitude for bringing simplicityto complex challenges. That's what I found at ADAMA.We are taking a practical and focused approach to sustainability, addressing fourdistinct pillars:
? Measuring the sustainability of our portfolio? Delivering a pipeline of sustainable products? Improving our manufacturing and business operations; and? Embedding our strategy through a company-wide Sustainability NetworkIt starts with our products. We strive to lower the amount of product needed withoutcompromising ecacy, to reduce their footprint, and complement our portfoliowith biological and technological solutions. One outstanding example is MastercopACT?
, which provides proven disease control with 50% lower copper load for bothconventional and organic farmers.Another example is our new High Load Formulation Platform, allowing us to developproducts with much smaller overall volume. In Australia, from 2020 to 2022, our25 high-load products reduced product volume by 10.8 million liters. This equatesto 1 million fewer drums and caps, 541 fewer trucks on the road, and 32,000 fewerpallets, signicantly reducing carbon emissions.We constantly invest in reducing our environmental footprint. We’re proud that in2022 we had a 20% decrease in water consumption and wastewater discharge;achieved a 9% reduction in hazardous waste generation, and recycled 49% ofhazardous and non-hazardous waste.Our carbon footprint is still higher than it should be. We have set a target of reducing
Message from ourChief Sustainability Ocer,Dr. Juan Valero
scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 5% on average every year until 2030, doingour part to meet the 1.5°C Paris Agreement. In 2022, we had a 20% increase inabsolute value due to higher production volumes, which resulted in a 0% intensitychange vs. 2021. Still, we are condent that we can meet our targets by 2030 bymanaging our energy mix and increasing productivity.A great example of how we will achieve this is our Galil production line. In 2022,we cut CO2 emissions by 11.4 tonnes annually through a focused initiative. Now weare evaluating similar processes for our other leading products.Our people are at the center of our sustainability progress. We are committed toworkplace safety, diversity and inclusion, along with the well-being of the communitiesin which we work. Our culture and actions have formed ADAMA into a place wherepeople come to grow, develop, nd support, and achieve individual and mutualgoals. We are pleased to have presided over $2.8 million in community donationsduring 2022, encouraged our people’s involvement in community volunteering, andhelped reduce societal inequality through educational and other social programs.Our goal is to encourage a sustainability minded culture. In 2022, we establisheda Sustainability Network with representatives from all functions and commercialunits, ensuring that sustainability is infused throughout the entire organization,and that we progress against our set goals.With our commonsense approach, the dedication of our people, and our focuson four enabling pillars, we are well positioned to become a sustainability leaderin our industry.
Dr. Juan ValeroChief Sustainability Ocer
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Our Governanceand Ethics88% of our people completedthe COC yearly trainingZero incidents of corruptionZero incidents of non-compliance with laws and/orregulations in the social andeconomic areaADAMA's Board of Directorsheld 10 meetings with a 100%attendance rate
Established SustainabilityManagement Team with newnomination/roles of full timeCorporate SustainabilityOcer (CSO), Corporate ESGDirector, DEI DirectorFormulated SustainabilityNetwork - Composed ofleading representatives fromall ADAMA's regions and globalfunctions leading sustainabilitythroughout the company
5.5B USD of economic value
distributed to employees,suppliers, and local governments
Our Products57 new product launches -22 Herbicides, 14 Insecticides,19 Fungicides and2 Bio-stimulants & PGRProprietary FormulationTechnology Platforms for:
? Low Dose products thatdecrease Active Ingredientamounts with sameor better ecacy? High Load products that
reduce carbon footprint andenvironmental impactMore than 50 biologicalproducts in our portfolio
Our Peopleand Communities31% of all open positionswere lled internally
87.6% employee
retention rate
30.6% of workforce and
38.4% of managers are
over the age of 50~25% of workforceand ~24% of managersare women~2.8M USD in communitydonations
Our EnvironmentalSustainability0% carbon footprint intensitychange vs 2021, despite 19%increase in absolute volume20% decrease in waterconsumption and wastewaterdischarge vs. 20219% reduction in hazardouswaste generation302M USD invested during thepast 3 years49% of hazardous and non-hazardous waste is recycled
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ADAMA, we are passionate about understanding and fullling local farmer andcustomer needs, so farmers can do what they do best: feed the world.We accomplish our goal by staying true to our brand promise:
Listen > Learn > DeliverWith a straightforward, get-it-done attitude, we listen to our employees, customers,partners, and other stakeholders, learn from their experience, and deliver solutionsto combat weeds, insects, and disease in over 100 countries globally.
ADAMA's industry-leading portfolio of more than 300 Active Ingredients (AIs),form the building blocks for our extensive crop protection oerings. This, togetherwith state-of-the-art R&D, manufacturing, synthesis, and formulation facilities,enables us to deliver innovative products based on our own advanced FormulationTechnology platforms. These novel platforms form the core of our sustainabilitystrategy, enabling us to quickly bring to market superior products that improvecrop yields while increasing sustainability.
4state-of-the-art R&D centers | >300Active Ingredients, building blocks for dierentiated oering |
A member of
A member of
leading crop segments:
soybean, cereals, F&V,cotton, corn
leading crop segments:
soybean, cereals, F&V,cotton, corn
thlargest global cropprotection company
7thlargest global crop protection company | ~100countries with commercial presence | 5ADAMA's top markets: Brazil, USA, China, India, Australia |
$5.6Bsales out of $73B
global market
$5.6Bsales out of $73B global market | 22synthesis and formulation facilities worldwide | 2fully backward- integrated production hubs in Israel & China |
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Sales in 2022 in %
ADAMA at a Glance
$5.6B18%North America29%Latin America
21%Asia-Pacicand China
12%India, Middle East
and Africa
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Our JourneyOur Story & CultureOur company's story begins with four young entrepreneurs whose passion forchemistry drove them to launch two Israeli crop protection companies, Agan (1945)and Makhteshim (1952). Both played vital roles in shaping Israel’s ground-breakingchemical and agricultural industries, and together they became an internationalpowerhouse when they merged in 1997 to create Makhteshim Agan. With the launchof our global brand in 2014, the company became known as ADAMA.Today, ADAMA is a member of the Syngenta Group, one of the world’s biggestagricultural technology companies, with roots going back more than 250 years.As we’ve grown over the years, from a local manufacturer of active ingredients toa global leader in the crop protection industry, we have become a more diversecompany with people who bring dierent experiences to the table. Throughoutthis transformation we’ve remained connected to a deeply ingrained core set ofvalues, a guiding purpose, and a shared understanding of what leadership means.
Our Purpose
Creating Simplicity in Agriculture. We understand that farming is complex and fullof challenges. At ADAMA we work together with farmers, agronomists, distributors,and the wider farming community to nd ways to simplify it.This is how we stand behind our purpose of creating simplicity in agriculture.Our Leadership FrameworkOur leadership framework describes what we value as leaders in ADAMA andencodes it in a framework that helps guide the way we lead now and in the future.This framework establishes a set of guiding principles for all our leaders. It transcendsall levels, and aims to help each of us develop our mastery over time.
Our ValuesOur values and purpose are about who we are as a company. They are our DNAand they serve as a compass that guides our behaviors.
GETTING ITDONEOur get it done attitude drives us toconstantly seek better, more eectivesolutions for our customers with energyand enthusiasm. We roll up our sleevesto meet their challenges, keep ourpromises, and deliver results. That’swhen we’re at our best.
We keep things simple. That’s becausewe get how complex and challengingfarming and our industry is. We bring astraightforward and clear approach todoing business with our customers andwork hard to make farmers’ lives easierwith eective, easy-to-use solutions.
EMPOWERINGPEOPLEEach of us has the freedom to act, tobring new ideas to strengthen ADAMAand improve the solutions we provideour customers. We’re empoweredto take initiative and to thinkentrepreneurially. This goes togetherwith a commitment to mentor, train,inspire, and provide resources to helpus perform better.
PASSIONOur passion is the fuel that propels us.We’re passionate about agricultureand the role we play in helping farmersproduce the food needed to nourishthe planet. We’re dedicated to thesuccess of ADAMA and the successof our customers, partners andcolleagues around the world.
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Economic ImpactDirect and indirect economic value generated (in thousands, USD)
Data Description20212022Direct economic value generated:
revenues (total net sales)
4,813,0415,569,988Total operating costs (including R&Dexpenses, employee wages and otherexpenses)
4,741,0035,470,168Total payments to employeesincluding wages and benets(pension, social security, etc.)
560,386610,612Total payments to suppliers3,409,7524,449,466Total amount paid to providers ofcapital
12,34911,591Capital expenditure 401,655396,632Total payments to governments(taxes, etc.) by country
59,04522,163Total community investments2,5992,827Total economic value distributed4,814,9965,506,749
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Our Approach to PracticalSustainabilityAt ADAMA we approach sustainability the same way we approach most things inour business: we're driven by results, humble in our style, and work hard to bringsimplicity to the complex challenges farmers face daily. Regenerative and sustainablefarming has become a priority for growers and consumers everywhere.To ensure strong crop yields while maintaining or improving the health of the soil,water, and other natural resources, farmers need safe and eective solutions thatprotect and stimulate the plants. Our responsibility is to develop new solutions thatrespond to the ever more complex agronomic challenges, and produce and deliverthem with the lowest possible impact on people and the environment.At ADAMA we concentrate on delivering tangible sustainability benets to thefarmers and channel partners we serve.Our Practical Sustainability approach extends beyond the products we develop,to the way we manage our operations and run our company.We have embedded sustainability in our core business strategy and are optimizingour portfolio by focusing on fast and agile innovation to respond to the changingagronomic challenges farmers face. Our focus is to reduce the environmentalfootprint of our products with new formulation platforms that allow for lowerapplication rates and volumes.Practical Sustainability in our operations means we invest in what matters most:
reducing our carbon footprint, the waste we create, and water we use. We arecommitted to worker safety, workplace diversity, equity and inclusion, and thewell-being of the communities in which we work.
Finally, we are turning sustainability into a key part of our teams' day-to-daywork and a measurement of success for a growing group of people from diversefunctions across ADAMA, our sustainability network. A practical approach for apractical company.
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A Business Strategywith Clear and FocusedSustainability OutcomesADAMA is proud to be a crop protection company. We're passionate about deliveringsmart, high-quality products and solutions to ensure farmers can grow healthyyields to meet the growing demand for nutritious, safe, and aordable food.We select the newest, most eective, and safest Active Ingredients (AIs) andBiologicals to create our pipeline of products, regardless of where they were initiallydeveloped. Over the past ve years we have identied 24 leading molecules fromacross the industry that have begun to be introduced to our portfolio - all with betterhealth and environmental safety proles, and extended our Biologicals productrange with more than 50 products. At the same time, we maintain older moleculesin our portfolio that play a critical role in resistance management.But we do not stop there. ADAMA has invested years of research, design, andtesting to create proprietary, advanced Formulation Technologies that allow usto take existing molecules and combine or transform them into more eective,sustainable, and user-friendly products. Our fast and agile innovation strategyeectively turns o-patent AIs into patented, superior products with key sustainabilityattributes that farmers and the food value chain are telling us they want. And ourgoal is to do this faster and more oen than any other company.We begin our innovation cycle in the eld, listening to farmers and capturing thereal-life challenges that growers face in farming sustainably. That means taking timeto learn about the new agronomic practices being adopted to meet ever-changingenvironmental conditions, regulatory restrictions, and consumer demands. Andwhen we identify a particular feature or benet that growers need - lower residues,lower volumes, optimized penetration, limited dri, rainfastness, soil mobility, orovercoming AI incompatibility - we can embed it in our products, using one of ourFormulation Technology Platforms.
The bottom-line business sustainability outcomes are clear: Our unique innovationplatforms allow for Low Dose products that decrease the amount of ActiveIngredient applied by farmers per hectare while achieving the same or betterresults than market leading products. Our growing Biologicals portfolio allowsfarmers to optimize the use of crop protection and increase the quality andmarketability of their crops. And our High Load technologies reduce the amountof product that needs to be produced, packaged, shipped, stored, and disposedof, lowering the carbon footprint of our channel partners and customers.
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Average 5% annualreduction of carbonemissions in scope 1and 2 (own productionand energy) to align with
1.5° Paris Agreement
Signicantlyincrease our salesof “SustainabilityLeading” products,including Biologicals
Our MaterialityAssessmentDuring 2019-2020 we conducted extensive research among our employees, farmers,retailers, and consultants in 13 of the markets in which we operate. The purpose ofthe study was to listen and gather insights, expectations, and trends from thesemain stakeholder groups for the benet of deepening our understanding andlearning more about our products, our perceived added value, and brand. During2022, we updated this research using industry practices, analyzing SASB sectoralmateriality topics, CDP, and EcoVadis.Through this process, we identied the seven material sustainability topics thatare essential to us and serve as the organizing guidance of this report:
1. Products - sustainability, quality, high eciency, safety, and innovation (including
stewardship, new and unique solutions, wide range of products)
2. Environmental sustainability - climate risks and opportunities management,
environmental compliance, hazardous and toxic material management, andenvironmental management
3. Responsible supply chain
4. Farmers’ empowerment - information, tools, and technology
5. Ethical business conduct
6. Employees - DEI, empowerment, and development
7. Community relations and employee engagement
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Our SustainabilityGovernance
We manage sustainability just as we manage all our business activities, and in 2022 we further denedthe framework of managers with sustainability roles. The people involved are at all levels, each withclearly delineated functions and responsibilities that enable us to set and meet our sustainability goals.
Board of Directors
Oversees and evaluates the impact of ADAMA’s sustainability strategy, tracks progress
achieved against goals, and provides guidance to management.
Chief Executive Ocer
Oversees global sustainability activity and directs the CSO.
Strategic Council
A new forum that was formed in 2022. Receives quarterly reports on sustainabilityfrom the CSO. Reviews progress on goals, new initiatives, commitments, and challenges.Recommends actions, as necessary, to ensure continuous performance improvement
and alignment with stakeholders’ expectations.Chief Sustainability Ocer (CSO)
Sets the direction for sustainability across the organization globally.
Identies targets, supports global and local initiatives,
and oversees progress across the company.
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Corporate ESG DirectorA new role initiated in 2022. Responsible for monitoring sustainability progress,promoting local initiatives, community activities, publishing the annual sustainability report,
and supporting the response to selected ESG ratings.
Sustainability Network
Composed of leading representatives from all ADAMA's regions and global functions,responsible for development, implementation, and communication of sustainabilityinitiatives across ADAMA. The network meets once a month with CSO to review progress,ensure targets are being met, develop mitigation plans where they are not, and share
knowledge and best practices.
Global UnitsBusinessSustainability
OperationsQuality & HSESocial
ESG &CommunicationIDRMarketing
AgTech& DigitalCommercial Units
SustainabilityleadANZA & India
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Our Stakeholders
Our business and sustainability strategy is informed by an ongoing dialogue withour key stakeholders as we continuously Listen, Learn and Deliver. Sustainableagriculture is too important, and too complex, for one business to lead the agendaalone. Therefore, we place great emphasis on stakeholder interaction, to ensurethat our actions toward sustainability meet their needs.Key stakeholder groupADAMA's commitment and main channels of communicationMain areas of interest
Farmers and CustomersADAMA invests time, energy, and resources to be our customers' number one partner
of choice. We develop and produce high quality, eective, and safe products that answerthe pressing needs of growers around the world to protect their crops and enhance thesustainability of their farming practices. Our local technical and agronomic teams provideexpert advice to growers, advisors, and retailers to ensure they use the most eectivesolutions available and apply ADAMA products in a safe and sustainable way. We work inpartnership with our channel partners to deliver products on time, so that growers havethem available when needed most. ADAMA also places a premium on making it easy to dobusiness with us, striving to be responsive and agile, so that distributors and retailerscan focus on supporting their customers - the farmers.
? Product eciency and safety? Fair pricing? Product sustainability - supportingsustainable agriculture
Our PeopleBy actively listening and seeking additional opportunities to hear our people, we seek
to improve as a company. In addition to ongoing dialogue, we implement periodicengagement surveys, and a “360° Assessment” of managers. We actively involve our peoplein formulating initiatives to improve their safety and well-being; we hold regular meetingswith managers and use internal communication channels to invite our people to give usfeedback and share suggestions.
? Safe and healthy work environment,
culture? Work-life balance? Learning and development, career
Our CommunitiesWe apply our listening approach to the communities we operate in and build personal,
lasting relationships with our partners. With each collaboration that we initiate or engagein, we take time in advance to understand the needs of those involved, whether they arelocal authorities, welfare departments, NGOs or other local organizations. We continueconducting an ongoing dialogue with our partners throughout the year.
? Community resilience? Employee volunteering? Community initiatives? Environmental compliance
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Key stakeholder groupADAMA's commitment and main channels of communicationMain areas of interest
Our SuppliersWe are in continuous contact and dialogue with our suppliers, who are our business
partners. Together we explore opportunities for innovation and improvement,and promote mutual business success.
? Material quality and safety? Innovative materials? Ethical business conduct? Human rights? Environmental compliance? Terms of paymentRegulators andGovernment Authorities
We keep an open, direct, and transparent dialogue with relevant regulators throughour government aairs department. We make sure to present our position on relevantissues and seek dialogue.
? Ethical business conduct? Environmental complianceOur Shareholdersand Investors
We communicate and hold meetings with investors, shareholders, and bondholders.? Periodic nancial lings
? Financial press releases and other newsof nancial importance? Quarterly analyst conference calls? Online roadshows
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Our IndustryMemberships
We recognize the importance of participating in international and local committeesand organizations to achieve improvement in industry-related issues. This activityallows us to create a dialogue and share knowledge with other industry membersand with governmental and non-governmental organizations, to benet allstakeholders. We believe that the ability of farmers to meet the needs of a growingglobal population while using fewer natural resources and reducing greenhousegas emissions depends on collaboration across the agricultural community. Weare therefore pleased to work with various industry organizations, to help us toincorporate sustainability into every aspect of our operations.
Crop Life Europe (CLE) represents the crop protection industry.Its members are leading global companies and Europeannational associations working in conventional pesticides,biopesticides, plant biotech innovation, and digital andprecision farming. CLE’s aim is to help European farmers transition toward a moresustainable and resilient agriculture, providing the largest toolbox possible for themto choose their preferred production model.The Manufacturers’ Association of Israel (MAI) serves asan umbrella organization for industrialists in Israel. TheMAI actively participates in decision making at all levels ofgovernment, particularly focusing on issues that aect themacro-economic environment in which its constituents do business.The MAI also leads the Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Environmental IndustriesAssociation as the home to over 220 member organizations that represent theserelevant sectors.Eran Segal, Head of Global HSE & Operational Sustainability at ADAMA, serves asthe chairman of the environmental sustainability committee of the Manufacturers'Association of Israel.Ziv Dagan, General Manager, Israel Domestic Market Agan, serves as the chairmanof the plant protection division of the Manufacturers' Association of Israel.
China Crop Protection Industry Association (CCPIA), founded in April1982, is one of the earliest trade associations in China's chemical industry.It is a cross-regional, cross-departmental and cross-industry non-protorganization with independent legal person status. It accepts the businessguidance, supervision and management of relevant ministries andcommissions of the state according to law. The association has more than 700members. ADAMA is the vice leader member of CCPIA.
China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF) wasfounded in Beijing on April 28, 2001. This was a major leap forward in themanagement system of the petroleum and chemical industry aer thereform of the government's economic management function from theMinistry of Chemical Industry to the State Bureau of Petroleum ChemicalIndustry in 1998.The China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation now has nearly 600members. Sinochem is vice leader member of CPCIF.
AIPPI is the world's leading non-prot association dedicated tothe development and improvement of laws for the protection ofintellectual property. It is politically neutral, based in Switzerland,with over 8000 members from over 110 countries worldwide.
MAALA a leading non-prot umbrella organization for corporateresponsibility/ESG in Israel that was founded in 1998. ADAMA hasparticipated in MAALA's ESG rating system since 2006 and receiveda “Platinum" medal.
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Aligning with the UNSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
GoalADAMA's alignment with the SDGNo Poverty
Based on World Bank data, growth in the agriculture sector istwo to four times more eective in raising incomes among thepoorest people compared to other sectors. By creating eectiveand aordable solutions for farmers to generate greater yieldsfrom their crops, farmers can sell more products, and in turn,enhance their livelihood.Our focus: SDG 1.4To learn more about how ADAMA is contributing to SDG 1,see Our Products chapterZero HungerCrop protection is an important tool in the ght against globalhunger. We reach farmers in more than 100 countries across theglobe, providing them with solutions that help them improve thequality and quantity of their crop yields by providing protectionfrom weeds, insects, and diseases.Our focus: SDG 2.3 and SDG 2.4To learn more about how ADAMA is contributing to SDG 2,see Our Products chapter
GoalADAMA's alignment with the SDGQuality Education
Through our local and regional community engagementprograms, we invest in educational programs with a specialemphasis on chemistry, agriculture, and sustainability. We havealso made a long-term commitment to support and promoteeducation in the communities in which we operate, facilitatingprograms from kindergarten through to doctoral studies, as wellas informal education.Our focus: SDG 4.4To learn more about how ADAMA is contributing to the SDG 4,see Our People and Communities chapterClean Water and SanitationWe are committed to reducing our water consumption throughdeveloping and promoting solutions that support ecient andresponsible use. As part of this commitment, we are minimizingthe release of hazardous materials and euents, as well assubstantially increasing our wastewater treatment and waterreclamation capabilities.Our focus: SDG 6.3
To learn more about how ADAMA is contributing to SDG 6,see Our Environmental Sustainability chapter
We are committed to taking an active role in advancing the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals, focusing on the most relevant SDGs in which we can potentiallymake a signicant impact. The 17 SDGs are an urgent call for action by all countriesand organizations in a global partnership. The Goals aim to end poverty and
other deprivations together with strategies that improve health and education,reduce inequality, and spur economic growth - all while tackling climate changeand working to preserve our oceans and forests.
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GoalADAMA's alignment with the SDGAordable and Clean Energy
By 2024, we plan to reduce our absolute energy from fossilfuel consumption by 10% with the help of energy surveys andprojects to improve eciency. We want to substantially increasethe share of renewable energy that powers our facilities: two ofour sites ran almost exclusively on renewable resources in thepast year, and another site utilizes cogeneration energy andsteam plants that have also allowed us to reduce our fossil fueluse and carbon footprint.Our focus: SDG 7.2To learn more about how ADAMA is contributing to the SDG 7,see Our Environmental Sustainability chapterIndustry Innovation and InfrastructureWe have aggressively invested in health, safety, andenvironmental improvements in our plants, with a specicemphasis on our facilities in China. We heavily invest in our ownR&D and collaborate with innovative technology companies toembed innovation in our oerings. Our aim is to increase theeciency of our products and optimize yields, while minimizingpotential impact on health, safety, and the environment. Ournovel oerings focused on sustainable formulations hold agrowing share of our product portfolio and we are committedto continuing and investing in new developments.
Our focus: SDG 9.4
To learn more about how ADAMA is contributing to the SDG 9,see Our Products, Our Environmental Sustainability chapters
GoalADAMA's alignment with the SDGReduced Inequalities
Reducing inequality is a leading value that guides our activityin all our sites and the countries in which we operate. For us,one of the main pillars for promoting diversity and inclusionfocuses on promoting equality. In addition, we conduct manyprojects in the eld as part of our community activities, such asprojects in the geographic and social periphery and increasingsocial leadership and mobility.Our focus: SDG 10.2To learn more about how ADAMA is contributing to the SDG 10,see Our People and Communities chapterResponsible Consumption and ProductionWe are committed to implementing sustainable productionprocesses and creating products that can be consumedresponsibly. We consistently upgrade our production facilitiesso that we can reclaim water, utilize cogenerated energy,reduce, recycle, and responsibly manage waste, and more.For consumers, our crop protection products are formulatedso that smaller quantities of Active Ingredients can be usedto eectively combat disease and pests, while minimizing theimpact on human health, safety, and the environment. We alsoinvest in the development of new formulations that minimizethe products’ environmental impact.
Our focus: SDG 12.4, SDG 12.5, SDG 12.7 and SDG 12.a
To learn more about how ADAMA is contributing to the SDG 12,see Our Governance and Ethics chapter, Our Products,Our Environmental Sustainability chapter
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ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 21
ESG Ratingsand RankingsWe see great importance in continuous improvement of our ESG practices.To this end, we take an active part in responding to leading global and local ESGratings, and we analyze the results to identify stakeholders' expectations as wellas opportunities for improvement. We use our detailed gap analysis to prepare amultiyear improvement plan.
In 2022, ECOVADISranked ADAMA as “Silver".ADAMA has continuously improvedits ranking since its rst ranking in2018. The 2022 score of 57 (73rdpercentile) brings us closer to the goalof 60, allowing ADAMA to join the TFS
Since 2006, ADAMA has discloseddata to the Israeli sustainabilityranking organization, MAALA.ADAMA was ranked "Platinum"in its 2022 assessment.
CDP ranked ADAMA as D in 2021,
typical for rst year companies,starting their climate change journey.We formulated a gap closure plan andwill participate again, following theexecution of major plan elements.
Sustainalytics rated ADAMA 37.8. Aspart of our ESG journey, we initiateda dialogue with the agency to lay the
groundwork for improvement.
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A GROWINGSET OFCHALLENGESFarmers face unprecedented challenges in meeting the needs of a growingpopulation with diverse and oen competing priorities. For large parts of theworld, addressing food security is the biggest concern; in other places it's ensuringhigh quality, healthy food options at aordable prices. Everywhere, the negativeimpact of climate change has made attaining these goals increasingly dicult.Growers need a diverse toolbox of safe and eective solutions that protect andenhance their crops while maintaining or improving the health of the soil, water,and other natural resources.However, with resistance growing to many existing Active Ingredients (AIs), andincreasing regulatory restrictions, many molecules are being taken o the market.Additionally, there has been a signicant slowdown in the discovery of new molecules,further limiting the inputs for creating new solutions to the very real challengesfarmers face.In this "new normal," the Crop Protection industry must nd novel pathways toinnovate.Our industry-leading portfolio of Active Ingredients, coupled with our advancedFormulation Technology platforms and our state-of-the art formulations, testing,and production facilities allow us to rapidly develop new, more eective, and moresustainable products that farmers need.
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A Portfolio that Brings Valueto Farmers, Our Customers andStakeholdersADAMA’s crop protection product portfolio includes a range of herbicides, insecticides,fungicides, and biological solutions focused on controlling the most destructiveweeds, insects, and diseases at every stage of the growth cycle.Advanced Formulation Technologies Drive Our Product Innovation ModelIn the past, innovation in the Crop Protection industry meant developing new AIswith novel modes of action. Over the past two decades, however, the number ofnew discoveries has dropped by approximately 65%
. During this same time, ADAMAbuilt up its portfolio, selectively picking the most eective, safe, and sustainablemolecules from across the industry.Our R&D, formulation, product development, product strategy, regulatory, and IPteams have become, over time, experts in hundreds of AIs. They have spent theircareers experimenting to see which AIs deliver the greatest advantage when mixed;developed unprecedented understanding of their regulatory proles; and acquiredunparalleled experience in navigating the challenging IP landscape of each one.ADAMA understood that at a time of limited new AI discovery, we could turn ourwide portfolio into an enormous innovation engine if we focused on optimizing theperformance of molecules we already have, through smart, targeted formulationenhancements. In the past years we have invested signicant resources to developproprietary, advanced Formulation Technology platforms that can providetangible benets that farmers need in the areas of ecacy, product usability,and sustainability.We are bringing a new level of agility and responsiveness to address rapidly changingagronomic practices, ever-shiing regulatory requirements and consumer andmarket preferences, turning an industry challenge into an asset for our customers.
Our Product Development Cycle: First, We Listen to FarmersWe begin our innovation cycle by listening to farmers, advisors, and researchers, tocapture the real-life challenges they face in producing healthy yields and farmingsustainably. Our team of leading agronomists delve deeply into the new farmingpractices being adopted around the world to meet changing environmentalconditions, regulatory restrictions, and consumer demands. Our optimized, iterativeprocess drives our pipeline of leading solutions with an agile development anddecision-making process and clear sustainability outcomes.Rational Formulation Design
We capture inputs from the eld that can be translated into product features andbenets – whether the need for lower residues, lower volumes, optimized penetration,limited dri, greater rainfastness, soil mobility, or overcoming AI incompatibility – andtransfer them to our labs. Here we undergo a process of rapid prototyping of dozensof formulations with multiple combinations of co-formulants and Active Ingredients.This is followed by testing and trials in our biokinetic labs and greenhouses to identifythe highest potential formulation candidates even before sending them to the eld.Then, through a series of eld trials, we zoom in on the most eective proprietarycandidate with a distinct competitive advantage that can outperform the market. Wecontinually check each new formulation technology to determine its applicability tosolving other market needs; if we identify this potential, we oen will further developit into a “formulation mastery” technology platform to accelerate the developmentof other new products.
1. Agbio Investor 2023
Field Testing& ValidationRapidPrototyping
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TOWARD A MORESUSTAINABLEPRODUCTPORTFOLIOWe are committed to signicantly increasing our sales of “Sustainability Leading”products, and to achieve this, we need a way to measure how sustainable a productis. In 2022, we started developing a standardized assessment tool which gives usa clear denition of sustainability leading products, enabling us to evaluate ourexisting and new products through the lens of sustainability. This advanced decisionsupport tool helps us take steps to improve the overall environmental impact ofour product portfolio.Adapted from best practices in the WBCSD Chemical Industry Methodologyfor Portfolio Sustainability Assessment (PSA), the tool allows us to examine strategiesto minimize our products’ environmental impact, decrease their carbon footprint,and increase their safety and health for both humans and animals.By consistently measuring our current and planned products according tothis assessment tool, we aim to make better decisions by putting the focus onsustainability. This becomes a navigational guide for our innovation and willultimately allow us to steer ADAMA toward a more sustainable portfolio.
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Formulation Mastery productsFormulation Mastery is about optimizing how each Active Ingredient reaches its target. When a crop protection product is applied, naturally occurring obstacles can reducethe Active Ingredient’s ecacy; these can include wind that causes dri, waxy cuticles that block absorption into leaves, and rain that washes products o. For everypossible impediment preventing an AI from reaching its target, there is an innovative solution waiting to be invented, and this is ADAMA’s focus: advanced formulationsto overcome these challenges and maximize the eciency of Active Ingredients.We have developed multiple proprietary Formulation Technology platforms, each of which optimizes AIs in a unique way, providing value-added sustainability benetsto growers and channel partners while improving crop yields. The development of these technology platforms has created a foundation that enables the faster release ofmore sustainable products in the future. Today’s platforms support our Low Dose and High Load products, and we are working on other formulation mastery platforms toprovide solutions to issues such as soil mobility, dri control, UV stability, persistence, leaf coverage, and AI chemical incompatibility.
OUR PRODUCT PORTFOLIOSupporting Farmers with Sustainable SolutionsADAMA is proud to bring to market a growing number of products that support the world's drive toward sustainable and regenerative agriculture. We seek to be at theforefront in developing sustainability leading products in three key areas, supported by our unique, advanced Formulation Technologies:
ADAMA’s Product Sustainability Advantages
Low DoseProducts
High LoadProducts
Decrease the amount of Active Ingredientapplied by farmers, leading to safer handling,while achieving the same or better results than
market-leading products.
Reduce the volume of product that needs tobe produced, packaged, shipped, stored, andeventually disposed of, lowering the carbonfootprint and environmental impact
Naturally derived biosolutions that improvenutrient uptake, stress tolerance, and soil andplant health, while reducing chemical load on
produce and the environment.
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Low Dose Products MinimizeEnvironmental LoadLow Dose crop protection products can optimize the performance of an ActiveIngredient. They minimize the load on the environment by reducing the quantityof Active Ingredient and optimizing delivery mechanisms, so a larger amount ofthe AI reaches its target. This results in higher crop yields with potentially smalleramounts of crop protection products.ADAMA has already developed and launched several proprietary FormulationTechnologies that can support its Low Dose product development eorts, andwe are continuously working on new technologies to bring even more eective,sustainable solutions for farmers’ needs.
Increased Ecacy Formulation for Mastercop ACT
?The formulation technology used in Mastercop ACT
?enhances the bioavailability ofcopper ions to achieve higher eld ecacy per gram of copper and low phytotoxicityrisk compared to liquid and solid formulations. Designed for use in both organic andconventional farming, Mastercop ACT
?is a major breakthrough, enabling over 50%reduction in copper usage per hectare than conventional copper fungicide products,thereby reducing the environmental eects, while providing reliable disease control.For example, the use rate in grapes is 211 grams per hectare, leading to the sameor better ecacy as 700 grams per hectare of conventional copper formulations.The Mastercop ACT
?formulation is an easy-to-use suspension concentrate thatreadily suspends in the spray tank and can be diluted with water in any proportionto achieve homogeneous dispersion, making it easy for farmers to use. MastercopACT?is intended to control a range of plant fungal and bacterial diseases on awide range of crops including grapes, pome fruits, stone fruits, fruiting vegetables,and tuber crops. It provides a powerful advantage for sustainable agriculture andis currently available in Serbia, and will be launched in Germany, China, Mexico,and numerous additional countries in the years to come.
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Rainfast Formulation TechnologyRainfastness can be a key factor in maintaining the ecacy of an ActiveIngredient aer rainfall or irrigation. ADAMA developed a FormulationTechnology that reduces the loss of Active Ingredients from plant surfaces dueto rainfall or irrigation events, enabling us to create a range of rainfast products.This provides farmers with a more eective option to protect their crops andreduces environmental impact.The innovative rainfast Formulation Technology is in the process of receiving severalpatents, and there are already several products in our pipeline using this technology,which we plan to release in the coming years.
?Formulation TechnologyADAMA’s Asorbital
Formulation Technology platform is a unique formulation thatimproves the leaf penetration and systemic movement of the Active Ingredientin the plant, while minimizing environmental impact. Extensive eld testing hasdemonstrated that Asorbital
provides excellent control and yield benets. Withunpredictable weather and narrow use windows to apply certain products, thistechnology provides greater ecacy and sustainability and can be used to reduceapplication rates.
?Our UK, Canada, and Australia businesses have already launched therst product powered by Asorbital
? Technology – Soratel
?. Dozens of countries willbe launching additional products with Asorbital
?Technology in 2023 and 2024.Maganic
?is a new fungicide to be released in Lithuania in 2023. It is powered byAsorbital
?Formulation Technology for improved uptake and excellent systemicactivity that delivers robust control of key wheat diseases, resulting in higherquality grain.
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High Load Products BenetFarmers and the EnvironmentHigh Load crop protection products leverage novel Formulation Technologies toenable us to pack more Active Ingredient per volume of product sold. This in turnenables us to reduce the volume of product that needs to be formulated, packaged,shipped, stored, and applied, and reduces the amount of disposable packaging,all of which signicantly lowers the product’s environmental impact.High Load products also oen deposit a smaller amount of carbon in the eld –due to their use of a smaller amount of carbon-laden raw materials – which candirectly reduce ultimate CO2 emissions once these carbon sources are degraded.These unique and super-concentrated formulations deliver savings from factoryto eld with their much smaller packages and decreased transport needs. Theyare also easier for farmers to use, as they have reduced handling, storage, rinsing,and waste disposal requirementsSESGAMA? Formulation TechnologyFor our SESGAMA? Formulation Technology, we have developed our own uniquepolymeric surfactant that enables us to load a much higher amount of ActiveIngredient per unit volume while maintaining a stable, owable formulation ascompared to conventional formulations. The technology enables stable high-loaded suspensions that help create products that are easy to use, have a smallerenvironmental footprint, and reduce packaging and transportation costs. Patentshave been granted in several geographies for the SESGAMA? platform.FullScript? is a liquid herbicide formulation that was launched in the US in therst quarter of 2023. The use of SESGAMA? in this product allows a stable mixtureof two Active Ingredients that otherwise would probably require two separatecontainers, one for each Active Ingredient. It provides growers with condenceand predictability in weed control, as well as the freedom to exibly rotate cropsto control resistant weed pressure in elds.
The ADAMA Australia team has proven the benets of high load formulationsover the past decade. More than 25 high loaded formulations have beenlaunched in Australia, with customers now readily accepting and supportiveof this strategy. Based on their calculations, these concentrated formulationshave had a major impact on reducing plastic and drum use, transportation,storage, and disposal.
Case Study:
Pioneering High Load Formulations
Australia’s High Load products have led to signicant savings in plastic,cardboard, pallets, and CO2 emissions.
Liters of cropprotection volume
Fewer drums
Fewer truckson the road
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Biological Products ImproveSoil and Plant Health, andReduce Chemical LoadOur early eorts in Biologicals were mainly locally-driven initiatives. However,in 2021, we established a Bio Sustainable Solutions development team, and in2022, we further grew the dedicated local and global personnel and committedto a global Biologicals strategy.Our aim is to become a signicant player in this space. We are rapidly adaptingour robust global product development engine to Biologicals, with the objectiveof signicantly increasing our oering by 2025.We pursue an open innovation model, both developing our own Biological solutions,and entering into licensing and partnership agreements with companies andacademic institutions that aim to bring to market Biological products that solvea need for our customers.With more than 50 Biological products in our current portfolio, our Biological solutionsare focused in two areas: biological control products - and crop improvementproducts such as bio-fertilizers and bio-stimulants.In 2022 we acquired AgriNova New Zealand Ltd., and we are integrating its Biologicalplant nutrition and plant growth regulators into our product portfolio. In addition,we completed acquiring the remaining stake in ADAMA Chile, which producesthe leading bio-stimulant ExpertGrow
?/ ExelGrow
? and other Biological solutions.
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Selected Biological Products Launched or Updated in 2022Bralic
Tormos?Bralic?, based on garlic oilextract, has multiple modesof action to protect againstsucking insects and mites.It masks the eect of insectpheromones, disruptingtheir life cycle. It also divertstheir feeding habits andattacks their central nervoussystem. It controls a broadspectrum of pests while beingsafe for benecials. Firstlaunched in Mexico, Bralic
is now expanding globally toadditional markets in a newformulation launched in 2022.
Approved for use in organicagriculture, ExelGrow
?is a bio-stimulantbased on seaweed extract,produced through the uniqueformulation technology ofdouble fermentation, whichensures high stability duringstorage. The product enhancesthe plants’ resistance to stress,stimulates growth processes,and oers better fertilizationand fruiting and utilizationof nutrients, all of which leadto better yield. Aer beingmainly used in Latin America,ExelGrow
?initiatedits global expansion in 2022.
N-Boost? is a foliarsupplement, whoseformulation helps increasenitrogen absorption andutilization and reducesplant stress in adverseweather conditions, whichin turn improves growth andperformance. It helps in thetranslocation of nutrients,and enhances the plants’photosynthesis process,leading to improved yield.Already sold in several CentralAmerican countries and China,N-Boost? will be launchedin additional countries in thecoming years.
is a powerful triplebacteria combination withdierent modes of actionagainst nematodes, controllingthese parasites and protectingyield with a non-toxic, non-polluting, and non-residualsolution that promotes soilhealth. It can be used onits own or together with ourNimitz
In 2022, ADAMA enteredinto an agreement withGroundwork Bioag to oerthis sustainable, cost-eectivealternative to syntheticfertilizers to help Indianfarmers increase yield. Basedon naturally robust strains ofmycorrhizal fungi that aresymbiotic with 90% of plantspecies, the solution helpsfarmers enhance their soilhealth and increases theplants’ resilience to climatechallenges.
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Sorghum: Contributing toRegenerative Agriculture
Sorghum is a resource-conserving crop which requires considerably less water thanwheat, corn, or soybeans; thrives with high heat, low humidity, and limited rainfall;and is associated with lower production costs. Yet, despite these sustainability andcost benets, market inuences have limited its adoption, with US farmers typicallysticking to a corn/soy rotation. By incorporating sorghum into their crop rotations,farmers not only save costs and gain a hardy, nutritious, gluten-free grain, butcontribute to soil regeneration and promote climate resilience.In an eort to promote sorghum planting, in 2022 ADAMA launched the DoubleTeam? Sorghum Cropping Solution, a joint eort between ADAMA and S&W SeedCompany, to provide US growers with post-emergent grass weed control in theirsorghum crop. The system combines S&W’s non-GMO drought-tolerant DT? Traitsorghum hybrid, and FirstAct? herbicide from ADAMA, to provide growers a unique,easy-to-use system to protect sorghum crops from yield-robbing grass weeds.We are proud to play a role in the return of ecient sorghum cultivation, enablinggrowers to cultivate a crop that is appropriate for changing environmental conditionsand can help maximize their prots.
? Develop more Formulation Masteryplatforms, and launch additionalproducts with sustainability benets? Signicantly increase Biologicaloering by 2025
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STEWARDSHIPAt ADAMA, stewardship is a state of mind, and we’re proud of the progress we’recontinuing to make as an integral part of our business strategy.In 2022, we appointed the rst full-time Global Stewardship Ocer. This new roleleads stewardship initiatives across the organization, coordinating with multi-disciplinary teams in the countries where ADAMA operates.
In India, as part of an industry task force, we led a broad studyof residues in dierent areas of the country to determine safeapplication rates and methods for a commonly used insecticidefor rice. Based on the results of this study, we are establishingtraining sessions for farmers to ensure that everyone understandsand follows safe use guidelines.
Together with RiceTec, a producer of hybrid and varietal rice seeds,we developed a rice stewardship program in the USA that helpsfarmers achieve high yields while protecting their land. The programincludes stewardship guidelines for optimal application timing andrates of ADAMA crop protection products to ensure clean eld foundationsand eective pest control, as well as ongoing training for rice farmers.
Stewardship GuidelinesWe are developing stewardship guidelines for key ADAMA products, in addition tothose that already exist, with a view to publishing the new guidelines by the endof 2023. These documents for farmers are short and easy-to-read, outlining thepractical use of each product and ways to avoid any unwanted eects that couldarise from incorrect application or storage.The Centrality of Stewardshipfor ADAMAStewardship at ADAMA encompasses every aspect of the organization, from productdevelopment to application methods to packaging choices to the wording on thelabels. It means running the entire business in a responsible way, to ensure theincreased safety and health of human beings and the environment.Through our conscious approach, we promote the safe use of our products andhelp prevent accidents. In addition, we educate, run studies, and share knowledgeon sustainable ADAMA products.
We are also extending our stewardship program in partnership with S&W SeedCompany, together playing an important role in the renewed cultivation ofsorghum, a highly sustainable and nutritious crop.
Highlighting the importanceof stewardship, during 2022we produced a video on theoverarching theme “Ready toThrive”, covering multiple crops.
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AGRICULTURALTECHNOLOGYCollaborating with Tech Companies to Deliverthe Solutions our Customers NeedOur promise of Listen > Learn > Deliver touches everything we do, and our approachto agriculture technology (AgTech) is no dierent. Our strategy is customer-centric,focused solely on what is best for farmers. We are also tech-agnostic, collaboratingwith numerous technology and Farm Management Information Systems companiesto bring the right solution or service that enables farmers to increase eciency,reduce costs, meet regulatory requirements, and boost yields, while minimizingpotential impact on health, safety, and the environment.In our experience, there’s no “one size ts all” solution. We bring our agronomic andchemical expertise to the table and focus on partnering with others to put togetherthe right solution for each customer need, from all the many technologies, ActiveIngredients, and data platforms out there. Our tech neutrality gives us freedomto explore a vast range of innovative solutions, and we already have more than 15AgTech solutions in various stages of deployment in 28 countries.
We are collaborating with growers in Brazil to run a pilot based on our Promiseto Listen > Learn > Deliver. Together with Hispatec, we asked growers what theyneeded in order to be more ecient. The answer was: they are overwhelmedby the many solutions and platforms available to them, and they simplywant to know what the problem is, which products to use when, where, andin what quantities.The result was our creation of Smart Ag Nation (SAN), a prescription enginethat draws on multiple data sources to generate unique digital prescriptionsand recommendations for each of the use cases the growers requested. Farmerscan use these recommendations to plan and execute product usage, either byintegrating it with their own farm management system or by using ADAMADarwin, ADAMA Brazil’s local Cloud Platform and mobile app powered byProAgrica.The Brazilian pilot went live in autumn 2022 for more than 20 farmers, agronomists,and advisors, with two uses cases out of the 30 that had been identied:
1. Know the actual phenological stage of their crop for optimum application
of crop protection products and yield, eliminating guesswork.
2. Be provided with ideal planting scenarios, considering harvest date, drought
risk, and estimated yield.Following a recent feedback workshop with the farmers testing this service,priorities were determined for the development of new use cases in 2023.
Smart Ag Nation Gives Farmersthe Prescriptions They Need
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BreviSmart Guides Apple Farmers toGrow Better ApplesBrevis, our chemical fruit thinner for apple and pear orchards, is one of themost ecient products on the market, but apple farmers still need expertguidance about how much to use to avoid under- or over-thinning their trees.During 2022, our agronomists worked together with a team of 10 Europeanfruit thinning experts and scientists to develop the BreviSmart app, whichadvises farmers about the ideal time and quantity of Brevis to apply, to gainthe largest, healthiest apples. BreviSmart’s algorithm draws on rich weather,location, variety, and other data to produce customized advice for eachorchard, helping farmers mitigate the dual risks of over-stressing the orchardor under-thinning their trees.BreviSmart is in use in 25 countries around the world, bringing science to theart of fruit thinning.
Eagle Eye Enables Hybrid Customer EngagementADAMA Eagle Eye is a digital platform that uses AI to distill analytics fromdrone imagery and deliver information about elds and crops, saving the laborand time of physical eld visits. Using ADAMA Eagle Eye, we can monitor theprogress of eld trials and produce personalized reports for farmers, enablingcrops to be treated in a more ecient and specic way. Eagle Eye is part ofa future hybrid solution for eld tests and management, alongside face-to-face meetings.We expanded pilot usage to six countries across Europe in 2022, aer itssuccessful deployment in the US in 2021. The solution provides valuable insightsand has proven highly eective in supporting crop and product managementand customer engagement. Commercial implementation launched in Romaniato help farmers with their crop decisions for the season.In the near future, Variable Rate Application (VRA) maps generated by theEagle Eye platform will be oered as a commercial tool for farmers. Theplatform oers several unique features and algorithms, allowing ADAMA tooer customized service to its customers.
? Drone spraying in India, to reduce operator exposure tochemicals and resolve labor shortage? Improve disease models and precision applicationservices to help collaborators comply with EuropeanNew Green Deal? Expand Smart Ag Nation to additional use cases to
support Brazilian farmers and introduce new countriesto this platform
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ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTAs a global agrochemical company, we strive to minimize our environmentalimpact while supporting farmers' eorts to increase global food production ina more sustainable way. We take a comprehensive approach to monitoring ourenvironmental impact and mitigating risks at every stage of our product lifecycle,from raw material supplies to production, transportation, application, and all the wayto end-of-life management. This approach enables us to continuously improve ourperformance while focusing our eorts on mitigating our environmental footprint.Our environmental sustainability policy was craed through engagement withfarmers, employees, surrounding communities, environmental organizations,regulators, and other stakeholders. Through listening closely to them, we learnedtheir expectations. We then took steps to implement cutting-edge technologiesand innovative approaches that enable us to eectively manage and reduce ourenvironmental impact.We actively engage the communities living near our operation sites, to jointly createprojects that reduce potential nuisances. In our production plants, we host regularcommunity dialogues to listen to and address public concerns. For example, wesend a biannual operational update to community leaders. We also run a veriedmonitoring station that transmits real-time information about chemical emissions,so our stakeholders can be certain that these are well below admissible levels.At ADAMA, we manage Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE) methodicallyand systematically, to enable signicant achievements over time. This is part of ourcommitment for sustainability and embedded in our core business. Our publishedreports and ESG ratings reect our progress, and we are proud of it.
Although we produce and handle hazardous materials, we are committed tooutperforming regulatory requirements and protecting our environment by limitingour energy, water, euents, and waste footprints. We have launched a variety ofprojects to steadily improve our environmental performance in absolute termsover the coming years.During 2022, we continued to measure and monitor our ve-year operational goals,to ensure their fulllment. Our 2024 (2019 baseline) leading targets to mitigateour environmental impact are*:
* The targets do not include data from factories located in China
Energy from
Fossil Fuel10% decrease in energyconsumption originated
from fossil fuels
Water10% decrease in waterwithdrawal
Hazardous Waste
15% decrease ofhazardous wastedisposal to landlls orincineration, by shiingto recycle/reuse disposal
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Our EnvironmentalManagement Infrastructure
To put our commitment into practice, we have established and continuously maintainan eective internal environmental management system. This system includes 12standards and guidelines that facilitate emissions control and waste managementfor the three essential mediums: air, water, and soil. To ensure compliance withlocal regulations and our own standards, we maintain an ongoing assurance plan.In addition, our facilities are managed according to stringent European directivesor analogous local regulations, and most adhere to the International StandardISO 14001.
Our HSE Policy adopts a sustainable approach to protecting both our people’shealth and safety, and the environment, by promoting renewable energy, recycling,and emission reduction. We strongly maintain our commitment to our nearbycommunities and foster a corporate culture of individual responsibility at all our sites.We recently updated our HSE and Sustainability Policy to include aspects ofprocess safety which are associated with environmental incidents, such as spillsand release. Moreover, we formulated two new sustainability standards coveringgreenhouse gas emissions and dwindling water resources.
57% of our sites are certied to ISO 14001or to an equivalent standard
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Investing in a Greener FutureIn 2022, we continued our investment in preventing and mitigating environmentalrisks while reducing the potential environmental eects of our activities. Specically,we constructed a new chloralkali production facility that uses membrane-basedtechnology rather than mercury. We built a new 24,000 cubic meter wastewatermembrane biological reactor and 1,000 cubic meter balancing pool to enhancetreatment eciency and redundancy. We also installed a new thermal oxidizerand two scrubbers to upgrade our air emission control measures.
202020212022TotalInvestment in facilities / Expenditures onenvironmental protection (million USD)
Current costs / Investments inenvironmental protection (million USD)
515458Key environmental projects in 2022:
? Wastewater treatment plant upgrade (Sanonda and Maidao)? Thermal air emission systems (Maidao and Huifeng)? Electrolysis plant (MCW NH)? Soil and groundwater remediation (Agan and MCW BS)
Sustainable Operations
We operate eight major synthesis sites, 12 formulation and packing sites, onebiological site, and one food additive production site
302M USD investment and expenditurein environmental upgrades during the past 3 years
Main operational hub?? Manufacturing factory?? R&D
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To meet our emissions goals and continue our journey to become a more sustainable company, we are compelledto operate using the best available technologies. The following technologies were adopted by ADAMA to full ourvision for the environment and sustainability:
PillarsTechnological and Organizational SolutionsWater andwastewater
? Biological wastewater treatment plants and desalination plant? Treatment and reuse of euents? Closed-loop cooling towers? CIP water reuseEnergy use? Use of steam and electricity generated by cogeneration
? Natural gas power plant? Heat conservation? Renewable energy sourcesAir pollutantsand odornuisance
? Thermal oxidizer units? Denoxers based on ammonia injection? Scrubbers? Activated carbon systems? Sieve and HEPA ltersHazardouswaste
? Condensation system to reuse solvents? Dewatering system for reducing volume of sludge? Recycling of used plastic packagesNoisenuisance
? Silencers on stacks and equipment? Physical barriers around workshops? Acoustic wallsAccidentprevention
? Only certied drivers handle hazardous materials? Warehouse employees are trained in safe loading and storage of hazardous materials? Warehouses managed in compliance with storage safety constraints and labelingrequirements, according to UN code and SDS? Facility oor covered with leach-proof concrete and drainage trenches? Ground water, marine environment, and air pollutant monitoring at the plant surroundings
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Learning and ImprovingSince 2020, we have produced internal HSE and sustainability newsletters whichprovide global information on new regulations, major HSE incidents, and thesustainability activities of ADAMA and other agrochemical companies. The goal isto expose our HSE teams to upcoming regulations, implement preventive actionsbased on what can be learned from external HSE incidents, and learn aboutsustainability activities within our industry.We manage all environmental impact environmental incidents with the highestcare, and we invest in training and a culture of safety so that, even though wecannot guarantee a zero-incident rate, we can learn from mistakes to preventfuture occurrences.In 2022, we experienced two major environmental incidents, which were immediatelycontained and treated.
Case Study:
Conducting an open dialoguewith Environmental NGOsWe believe in an open and honest dialogue with all our stakeholders, includingenvironmental entrepreneurs and NGOs. As part of this dialogue, we conductedfour meetings with the leading environmental NGOs in Israel during 2022.These were held as part of a dedicated initiative led by the Porter School ofEnvironment and Earth Sciences at Tel Aviv University.The meetings dealt with a carbon footprint reduction plan, water resources andair emission management, and a future portfolio shi towards a low toxicityprole. At each meeting, information and data was shared about ADAMA’sproduction activities in Israel, and the major environmental concerns of theIsraeli community.
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We are committed to reducing our GHG emissions and improving the air qualitysurrounding our sites. In 2022, we set a target of reducing our Scope 1 and 2 carbonfootprint by 5% annually until 2030. It will be achieved through developing andpromoting solutions that support energy eciency, renewable energy use, andportfolio adjustment.Despite the commissioning of several additional waste treatment units in Chinain 2022, energy consumption and GHG emission intensities were at a similar levelvs. 2021. This means we have succeeded in maintaining the advantage gainedduring the last decade.Carbon Footprint MeasurementWe collect energy data from our production sites and calculate our carbon footprintdigitally. During 2022, we revised our Scope 2 carbon footprint emission factors toinclude refrigerants and operational LDAR data.Similarly, we adjusted Scope 2 carbon footprint emission factors - electricity andsteam - for each supplier, according to supplier-specic data or the energy mix ofthe regional/state electricity supplier.
Scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions and intensity, (tonne CO2e; tonneCO2e/million USD revenues) in all our sites
20182019*20202021**2022Scope 1 and 2 GHGEmissions (tonne CO2e)
GHG Intensity (tonneCO2e/ million USDrevenues)
Energy consumption and intensity, (TJ; TJ/million USD revenues)
20182019202020212022Total EnergyConsumption (TJ)
Energy Intensity (TJ/million USD revenues)
0% carbon footprint intensity change vs. 2021,despite 19% increase in absolute energy consumption
1. 2020 data was rened to site specic or state specic
2. Includes Huifeng (2nd semester), Lycored and Chilean production sites
3. Due to regained production at Sanonda and Huifeng. Not including our subsidiaries Lycored and ExperGrow
4. 2018 revenues used in calculation represent ADAMA Solutions only, while 2019-20 also include Sanonda and Anpon revenues.
5. Includes Huifeng (2nd semester), Lycored and Chilean production sites
6. Due to regained production at Sanonda and Huifeng. Not including our subsidiaries Lycored and ExperGrow
7. 2018 revenues used in calculation represent ADAMA Solutions only, while 2019-20 also include Sanonda and Anpon revenues
Chlorine and AIs Account for 95% of Scope 1 and 2 emissions* Starting From 2019 includes ADAMA Chinese entities** CO2e emission factors were embedded during 2021
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Following the 2015 Paris agreement, we committed to mitigating our Scope 1 and 2GHG emissions. We prepared a road map for achieving our goals which focuses onthe following main initiatives: switching to a co-generation power plant; shiing tolow emission fuels; utilizing hydrogen; adopting renewable energies; and upgradinglarge energy consumers (see gure below). Our original goal was to reduce GHGemissions by more than 50%* overall by 2030 (baseline year 2015). By 2022, 45%had already been achieved. Yet, to meet our nal goal while integrating our Chineseentities, we set ourselves the target to continuously reduce our carbon footprintby 5% annually.*Not including Chinese entitiesGHG reduction activities by rate
Meeting our Scope 1 and 2 GHGreduction targets:
Generating electricity andsteam through renewableresources (solar, water andbiomass) in multiple locations
Adopted new technology to generate
electricity and steam from naturalgas, resulting in 35% reduction incorporate carbon footprint
Shiing to electrical operational
vehicles, saving 185K liters of
diesel annually
Utilized hydrogen to re airtreatment system, resulting in
reduced use of fossil fuel
Low carbon fuels
Co-generationpower plants
1%Switching to electrical
forklis and cars
Air & Brine compressors
Heat exchange
2%Ecient energy
2%TOUs ecency
Electrolysis technology
3%Electricity mixture
4%Solar farm and roofs
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Case Study:
Process Improvement Initiativein Galil Production
Electrication of company vehicles. We are currentlytransitioning 200 company vehicles to electric vehicles, with apotential saving of 400,000 liters of gasoline per year. The shibegan in 2022, and we intend to complete it by 2025.In the coming years, we will signicantly increase hydrogenproduction capacity at Makhteshim. As hydrogen is a zeroGHG fuel with triple the energy of natural gas, we are workingto expand the use of hydrogen to replace natural gas as fuel inour thermal oxidizers.
ADAMA proactively operates toreduce environmental impactwithin its production processes.In 2022, a joint team fromR&D and the Galil productionunit succeeded in improvingeciency by 25% while reducingGHG emissions by 11.4 tonnesannually. We are expanding thissuccessful approach to otherproduction processes.
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REDUCINGENERGY USEThe transition to cleaner energy consumption is part of our long-term goal toreduce GHG emissions and our impact on the environment. Our production sitesin Spain, Colombia, Brazil, and Israel utilize renewable resource-based electricity.? At our Spain site, we utilize 100% renewable electricity, based on solar panelsand wind turbines.? In Brazil and Colombia, we use electricity that is mainly generated by a hydroelectricpower station, combined with biomass combustion resources.? Solar roofs were installed at ADAMA production sites. The largest one, producing300KWH, was installed in 2022, at the Agan logistics center.? In 2021, our Dahej site (India) installed 25KWH solar roofs on its warehouse.? The Bonide site (USA) has had solar roofs for several years.We will also reduce energy use by lowering our electricity needs. We are replacinginecient electrical units (e.g. motors, compressors, and lighting) with higher-eciency units. We have a designated budget to support such environmentalinitiatives.Yet renewable energy adoption and energy conservation plans alone are notsucient to meet the GHG emission reduction required to oset the global warmingeect. Therefore, we will accelerate use of carbon-free fuels such as hydrogen, andcarbon-neutral fuels such as biomass (wood).
Use of energy sources (%)
20182019202020212022Electricity4140403740Steam2630282629Internal production (fossil fuels)3330323731
* ADAMA Solutions data. The performance of our three Chinese sites is reported separately.Use of energy sources 2022 (%)
Renewable EnergyUsed16%
Natural Gas
Fuel Oil
Other Fossil Fuels
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Working to Reduce Environmental ImpactThroughout the Value ChainDuring 2021 and 2022 we embarked on our plan to measure carbon emissionsfrom the supply chain (Scope 3).We learned that Scope 3 accounts for close to 70% of our GHG emissions. Weinvestigated raw materials, indirect procurement, services, transportation, andproduct end-of-life emissions, to nd ways to improve our environmental impact.As direct procurement accounts for most of our Scope 3 GHG emissions, a plan tomonitor and engage suppliers about this topic was launched at the beginning of 2023.DirectProcurement
Transportationof RM andProducts
HazardousWasteManagement? RM? Packingmaterial
? IT? Oce? Services
? Sea? Air? Land
? Air? Solid waste
? Liquid waste3,000,000*tonnes CO2e
31,000*tonnes CO2e
34,000tonnes CO2e
4,600tonnes CO2e
tonnes CO2e3,110,000 tonnes CO2e
*2019/20 Latest data
For example, we found that 2,096 tonnes of air cargo emit a similar quantity of CO2eas 225,000 tonnes of sea cargo. This demonstrates the importance of engagingwith overseas hauling companies and minimizing the use of air cargo.CategoryWeight (tonne)Carbon Footprint (tonne CO2e)Sea225,00013,076Air2,09614,632Land500,0006,200
2022-2023 Energy Conservation Actions? Begin producing chlorine gas using modern, highly energy-
ecient membrane technology in 2023, potentially saving upto 45% energy usage per tonne of product? Continue to expand the process of electrifying forklis andprivate cars at the company's production and marketing sites? Ongoing upgrade of energy-inecient equipment, such asmedium to large motors? Shiing to LED lighting technology
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Air QualityWe invest extensive resources into mitigating air emissions at our production plants,and meeting and exceeding air quality standards. We acknowledge the importanceof disclosing particulate matter (PM) and VOC emissions due to their impact onpublic health. During 2022, we commissioned a thermal air emission system atour Chinese operations sites Huifeng and Maidao.The elevated NOx and SOx emissions are attributed to the increased use of fossilfuel within the air waste treatment units that was necessitated by the stricterenvironmental regulations in China.Air Quality (tonne)
20182019202020212022Particulate matter not measurednot measured1428
NOx emissions 106330131
159176SOx emissions 3217825
4160VOC emissions 7282898199LookingAhead
During 2023, ADAMA Makhteshimand ADAMA Brazil will install two newregenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) tobetter control organic air pollutants.
1. Includes Huifeng (2nd half), Lycored and Chilen production site
2. Not including our subsidiaries Lycored and ExperGrow
3. The 2020 decrease is due to the shut-down of one coal-based power plant in China, and due to new reduction equipment installed
in a second plant.
4. The 2020 decrease is due to the shut-down of one coal-based power plant in China, and due to new reduction equipment installed
in a second plant.
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Water is an essential resource. We have committed to reducing our water consumptionby 10% by 2024 (2019 baseline), through developing and promoting solutions thatsupport ecient and responsible water use. Reuse of wastewater, cooling water,and wash-water are the major practices we implement.
Operating 7 state-of-the-artwastewater treatment plants,treating 3 million m
of euentsannually, prior to dischargingback to the environment
Reuse of treated euents.Saving 200,000 m
of freshwater annually
50% reduction in water use inour formulation plant in Spain
Our main initiatives for 2023-2025 include:
~20% decrease in water consumptionand wastewater discharge vs. 2021
Water Reclamation
Water reclamation projects allow us to reuse wastewater, cooling, and wash-water, reducing the environmental impact of discharged water and lowering theconsumption of fresh water.? At the Makhteshim site, we reuse wastewater following advanced treatment. Weoperate a reverse osmosis desalination facility to treat our wastewater following abiological wastewater treatment plant (B-WWTP). The reclaimed water is utilizedat the major production facility onsite.? At the Agan, Londrina, Poncitlan, and Madrid sites, we reuse wash-water.? At the Poland site, we recycle cooling water back into the production process.
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Water consumption and intensity (m3; m3/million USD revenues)
20182019202020212022Total WaterConsumption (m3)
Water Intensity(m3/million USDrevenues)
Total WastewaterDischarged (m3)
9,511,5297,808,500Total WastewaterReclaimed (m3)
1. Increase in 2020 is mostly derived from a change in measurement methodologies, as new digital meters were installed in some
ADAMA China facilities.
2. |Includes Huifeng (2nd semester), Lycored and Chilean production site
3. Not including our subsidiaries Lycored and ExperGrow
4. 2018 revenues used in calculation represent ADAMA Solutions only, while 2019-20 also include Sanonda and Anpon revenues.
5. Our 2022 Revenue - 5600 M$
6. Increase in 2020 is mostly derived of a change in measurement methodologies, as new digital meters were installed in some ADAMA
China facilities.
7. Data only represents Makhteshim site
8. RO systems shutdown due to upgrade
Reducing Euent Loads
We aim to keep our surrounding marine and freshwater environments healthy and cleanand strive to curtail any discharges from our facilities. Our euent treatment systemis a multi-stage process comprising physical, chemical, and biological technologies.Control measures include online monitoring, composite sampling, and impactassessments. Twice a year, the Israeli Oceanographic and Limnological ResearchInstitute quanties the impact of the euents discharged into the MediterraneanSea at the Agan site. The ndings are submitted directly to the Israeli Ministry ofEnvironmental Protection. As of today, no evidence of any impact of the operationsof the Agan site, on marine life or the environment has been found.
Case Study:
Herbicides at Agan siteWe invest continuous eorts in reducing the residuals of herbicides dischargedinto the Mediterranean Sea from the Agan site. To that end, we:
? Ensure optimal conditions at our B-WWTP? Convert liquid waste to solid? Maintain a high level of housekeeping to eliminate spillsDespite our increased levels of production, the total amount of dischargedherbicides decreased gradually from 1.2 tonne in 2018 to 0.77 tonne in 2022 .
Euents and Waste
20182019202020212022TOC in Euents (tonne)212284369682258ADAMA Solutions data only. Performance of our three Chinese sites is reported separately.
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The Green StationprojectOperates plastic recyclecenters to wash and reusemore than 450 tonnes ofempty containers annually.Chemical recyclingpracticesWe recycle solvents, acids andbases for internal or externalreuse at the Agan andMakhteshim sites.
During 2022, 3,860 tonnes of high caloric value hazardous waste were usedas fuel for the thermal oxidizers at Agan and MCW NH, saving natural gas.New life for plastic? We operate internal plastic recycling centers at the Agan andMakhteshim sites, where we wash and grind plastic barrels, IBCs, andlarge bags.? We collect empty, used plastic containers from Brazilian and EU farmers toupcycle them into industrial piping. We do the same in Israel, where recycledplastic serves to produce new containers with up to 30% recyclable material.
Case Studies:
Hazardous waste used as fuel
One of our "Green Stations" in Israel
Reuse and Recycling of Wastes
Our production processes generate hazardous and non-hazardous wastes that aretreated in full compliance with local environmental protection laws. Waste handlingis also an important focus for reducing our environmental impact, and to that endwe promote diverse initiatives that implement circular economy methodology.We promote recycling, upcycling, and reuse projects to prolong the lifecycle of thematerials we use.
9% reduction in absolute hazardous waste generation
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Soil and Groundwater RemediationWe thoroughly monitor and remediate contaminated soil and groundwater at mostof our sites. In 2022, we initiated groundwater and soil gas remediation at one site,nalized a comprehensive soil gas, soil, and groundwater analysis at another site, andconducted verication sampling to verify the remediation outcome at a third site.
? We are committed to continue reducing the useand disposal of plastic in our operations andincreasing waste recycling? We are in the process of embedding recycled plasticin the production of our containers? We are in the process of evaluating the disposal oforganic hazardous waste in a cement furnace as analternative to incineration and landll
Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste by Treatment (tonne)
20182019202020212022Total Hazardous Waste 23,42944,766121,262
Hazardous Waste toLandll/Incineration
49,46461,230Hazardous Waste toRecycling
NA3,93980,613109,27182,522Total Non-HazardousWaste
Non-Hazardous Waste toLandll/Incineration
NA107,16572,64671,04930,830Non-Hazardous Waste toRecycling
1. The increase in 2020 gures is due to the inclusion of signicant by-product streams that were not previously included in ADAMA’s
hazardous waste gures.
2. Includes Huifeng (2nd half), Lycored, and ExperGrow production site
3. Not including our subsidiaries Lycored and ExperGrow
4. For 2018: Only Overall Waste is available, without treatment methods
5. Improving technologies
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BRINGINGSUSTAINABILITYTO OUR CHINESEFACILITIESIn 2018 we began an ambitious project to improve the environmental impact ofour Chinese facilities by relocating them from their old commercial quarters to newindustrial parks, while upgrading their environmental design. 2022 saw increasedactivity on this project.The relocation of Sanonda was completed at the end of 2020, and commissioningtook place during 2021. The new plant is already in production and features twostate-of-the-art regenerative thermal oxidizers, an upgraded biological wastewatertreatment plant, and odor and noise control. Special attention was given toinfrastructure that eliminates the risk of soil or groundwater contamination. Adedicated on-site solid incinerator will minimize hazardous waste disposal.We began relocating the Anpon facilities in 2021 and intend to nalize it during2024. In 2022, the plant upgraded its biological wastewater treatment plant,installed a thermal oxidizer, and constructed a new hazardous waste warehouse.Meanwhile, in order to ensure continuity in production, waste gas systems wereinstalled at the old site.In 2022, Huifeng resumed and ramped up production while operating an upgradedbiological wastewater treatment plant and an array of regenerative thermal oxidizers.Local soil and groundwater remediation was completed in 2022 and is awaitingapproval by the local authorities.
Environmental Systems being Implemented in Chinese FacilitiesWaste typeEnvironmental systems
being implemented
HuifengWastewaterBiological treatment+++
Membrane ltration+++Waste gas treatment+++Air and OdorOrganized source treatment
by thermal oxidizers
+++Non-organized sourcestreatment by adsorptionsystem
+++Comprehensive organizedand non-organized sourcecapture system
Solid and/or liquidincinerators
+_+Soil andGroundwater
Isolated oor and drainageditches surrounding workshopand facilities
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Leading Sustainability Initiatives in ChinaWe believe that company culture is just as inuential as environmental initiativesfor reducing our carbon footprint. To that end, we implemented several awarenesssessions with our people to:
? Improve awareness of energy-saving and carbon reduction for all our site sta? Communicate our energy-saving and carbon reduction policy and initiatives? Create a positive internal culture of supporting energy-saving and carbon reductionThe outcome for 2022 exceeded expectations. GHG emission intensity decreasedby an average of 12%.
2022 CO2e(metric tonne)
CO2e per 10,000 comparable price20222021Decrease ratioAnpon427,3302.32.43.1%Sanonda631,5323.64.723%Huifeng128,4410.951.222%Total1187,3032.4 2.712%
Constant air supply is essential for biological wastewater treatment plants.However, it is also a signicant electricity consumer. As part of its energyeciency plan, Sanonda upgraded its aeration system, enabling an annualsaving of about 2000 MWH.
Energy Case Study:
Energy Ecient Aeration System, Sanonda
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Waste gas absorption systems based on resins are limited by capacity, yetthey enable back ush and recovery of chemicals. When high concentrationsof chemicals enter the system, it becomes quickly saturated, causing itsremoval eciency to decline considerably. By recovering uorobenzeneand dichloroethane, two major waste gas chemicals, average waste gasconcentrations were reduced from 250,000 ppm to below 80 ppm, and thesechemicals were returned to production as raw materials.
Air Emissions Case Study:
Recovering Raw Materials Back toProduction, Huifeng
LookingAheadin China
? Water treatment project in Huifeng? Save electricity by upgrading Anpon's chloralkali membranesystem to a modern model with better eciency? Sludge drying in Sanonda and Huifeng? Detailed investigation into soil and groundwater pollution atthe old plant area of Sanonda? Embed energy management system certication at thethree Chinese production sites
ADAMA China adopted the principle of circular economy, and integratedtechnologies to minimize hazardous waste generation and increase reuseand recycling.Transforming Phosphorus in Euents into aCommercial Byproduct, SanondaThe phosphorus removal system combines physical, chemical, and biologicaltools, such as advance oxidation, bioreactors, membrane ltration,and precipitation with calcium. This results in the byproduct calciumhydroxyphosphate, which we now sell as a phosphorus resource in severalindustrial sectors.Decreasing Wastewater Sludge Humidity, Anpon
The chemical and biological treatment of wastewater generates sludge, whichis considered a hazardous waste and is usually shipped to be incineratedoutside the site. The sludge humidity level is in direct correlation to the energyconsumption by transportation and incineration. In 2022, Anpon constructedtwo low-temperature (75°C) sludge drying devices which reduce sludge humidityfrom 80% to 25%, decreasing both sludge weight and incineration energyconsumption.
Waste Case Studies:
Our People andCommunities
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At ADAMA, we have a unique People Promise that places our people at the centerof our success. Our sense of community, our openness to conversation at everylevel of seniority, and our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect,means that ADAMA people feel supported and safe. We encourage our peopleto take the initiative and challenge the status quo, and we are always happy tohear someone speak up with a new suggestion or better way to manage things.At ADAMA, the possibilities for growth and professional development are endless.At the same time, we expect a lot from our people. We challenge each other andourselves to keep improving, and believe that anything is possible, even whenthe going gets tough.We believe that this is what makes ADAMA more than just a workplace. It’s a placewhere people come to grow, to develop, to nd support, and to achieve their goals.Continuous Listening to Our PeopleWe place a great deal of emphasis on listening to our people, and feel it is anessential part of creating a positive work environment that promotes employeesatisfaction, retention, innovation, and legal compliance. We do this through regularpulse surveys and other methods.We will continue our continuous listening journey through our global engagementsurvey in 2023 (to be conducted as part of Syngenta Group) as well as by launchingan onboarding survey for new hires to provide feedback on their experience followingthree months at ADAMA.
ADAMA's Workforce - Our Growing TeamADAMA's team has been growing rapidly, reaching 9,208 people by the end of2022. Our turnover rate stayed within normal range, varying from 13.7% in 2021 to
13.3% in 2022. At the end of 2022, only 21 of our people were employed part-time.
14 of them are women.
ADAMA: One of Israel’s best places to grow your careerADAMA - as the Israel headquartered business belonging to the SyngentaGroup - was selected as one of LinkedIn’s top 25 Best Workplaces to Growyour Career in Israel. To build the list, LinkedIn considered components like howemployees advance during and aer employment, how they upskill, and more.
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At ADAMA, we are committed to creating an environment in which everyone is treatedin a fair manner. We strive to support equal opportunities without discriminationin hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirementfor all our people and employee candidates.ADAMA neither distinguishes nor discriminates on any occasion on any basisincluding gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, age, disability,marital status, union membership, or political aliation. ADAMA is an activehuman rights supporter and fair employer.ADAMA complies with all relevant labor and employment laws in all countries inwhich we are active, including the payment of required minimum wage, or above.In many cases, we have established employment procedures and policies aboveand beyond the standards required by law.The conditions for employment at ADAMA are determined by collective agreements,personal contracts, or other arrangements, in accordance with the relevant lawsin our various countries of operations.Freedom of AssociationADAMA recognizes the right of our people to join trade unions, conduct collectivenegotiations, and enjoy all the rights available to them through their membership inthose unions. We have never restricted freedom of association, and we continue tosupport the process of collective negotiations that cover pay rates, working hours,certain benets, and other terms and conditions of employment. In 2022 we had1,513 employees in collective agreements (16.4% of total employees).
Human RightsADAMA is committed to protecting the human rights of all people. We place greatimportance on this value and view it as a cornerstone of our activities. We recognizethat we have a responsibility to respect human rights throughout our operationsand supply chain, and we are committed to upholding this responsibility. We willcontinue to review and improve our policies and practices to ensure that we areliving up to our commitment to human rights.
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Legal ComplianceWe see compliance with the Code of Conduct and applicable laws as everyone’sresponsibility. We invest great eorts into identifying and working with businesspartners who aspire to conduct their operations in a similar manner.Fair Remuneration
ADAMA provides our people with all the benets required by law, and in many casesabove the legal requirements. To help us dene criteria for salaries and benets,we conduct annual salary surveys (salary benchmarks), which help us evaluate thestandard for our terms and conditions versus the market in each country.This is especially prominent during the process of Fair Employment, our globalannual compensation review process. The benchmark survey focuses on parallelor similar industries around the world. Our goal is to provide remuneration that isequivalent to, or surpasses, that in local markets.
Anti-Harassment PolicyADAMA has a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatory, harmful, harassing, orhumiliating behavior toward our people, irrespective of religion, gender, race,nationality, age, or disability. We have established a clear policy against harassment,and we conduct training sessions to ensure the requisite respect toward one another.We place great importance on this matter and handle any complaint with immediateattention and the utmost seriousness. ADAMA acts in accordance with applicablelaws, relevant agreements, and the company’s Code of Conduct.
In 2022 there were 17 cases reported to SpeakUp,an internal condential free reporting system
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HEALTH, SAFETYAND WELFAREWe are committed to investing everything necessary to ensure the health andsafety of our people. We strive to proactively address health and safety risks,identify skill gaps, implement advanced technology, and promote a safety-orientedorganizational culture. We have set a zero severe injury goal for ourselves, and wethoroughly investigate each incident and identify lessons learned, ensuring we makeprogress each year. Our commitment to our people's health and safety is statedin ADAMA's Global HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) Policy and supportedby our Code of Conduct.Upgraded HSE Management SystemDuring 2022, we signicantly upgraded our HSE management system, methodology,and supporting tools. Our aim is to shi ADAMA’s safety culture from a dependentor reactive approach, mainly focused on compliance and managing HSE as anexpense, to an independent, or proactive approach, where HSE is a choice and avalue, and where leadership closely manages HSE and sees it as an investment.These goals are based on the well-known Bradley curve.Our target is to reach the independent sector of the Bradley curve within ve years,and to achieve this, a ve-year plan has been formulated with well-dened goalsand implementation tools.Our goals are:
? Reduce the number of injuries to the minimum? Reduce the severity of injuries (if and when they occur) to achieve the goal ofzero severe injuries? Increase openness and learning by reporting near-misses and unsafe conditions? Increase management involvement by spending more time on the shop oor
The heart of our HSE management system is the HSE Professional Forum, consistingof all ADAMA’s HSE managers. The HSE Forum leads the HSE Community, ateam of ADAMA people throughout our regions and operations facilities, whochampion health and safety to protect our employees, nearby communities, andthe environment.The HSE Forum and Community are aligned with the growing expectations of ourstakeholders, including customers, suppliers, investors, and governmental agencies.HSE plays an integral role in our production, marketing activities, and overall strategy.In 2022, we re-examined our entire approach to HSE and formulated a global uniedHSE management system, alongside a variety of tools for ongoing management,engagement, accountability, and continuous improvement.
Review | Learning | Audit | ||
CAPAsExternal Audit
ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 60
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ResponsibilityFocusContinuous improvement
The ADAMA HSE management system is comprised of two key practices:
1. Accountability - sets expectations and internal standards that are fully integrated
into the organization's activities and related guidelines.
2. Continuous Improvement - comprised of two circular processes: self-assessments,
and internal and external audits, that serve as a proactive method to reviewand identify HSE gaps. Incident learning is a reactive practice to close HSE gapswhich already put the organization at risk. Both processes integrate correctiveactions and review phases, closing the loop.These two practices focus on our leading HSE topics: process safety, occupationalhealth and safety, environmental protection, and general HSE topics such aspolicies, reporting, learning, and audit processes.The updated HSE management system improves our ability to identify and eliminateHSE gaps by shiing our approach from reactive to systematically proactive. It alsoexpands the scope to include more HSE topics and brings ADAMA into alignmentwith Syngenta Group standards.
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Frequency of conducting HSE self-assessments and audits according to thesite’s size and risk category
Site sizeSite risk
Large(>250 employees)
Medium(50-250 employees)
Small(<50 employees)High(major inorganic and/or synthesis)
3 years3 years3 yearsMedium(minor synthesis and major formulation)
3 years5 years5 yearsLow(mainly formulation and packing)
5 years5 years5 yearsSite leading indicators and proactive activities include focus areas such as:
? Unsafe conditions that are identied, reported, and managed by the site? Near-miss reporting? Site manager's safety tour? Additional proactive activities on site (beyond compliance)
3. HSE Leadership Program - A program that involves the management of the
sites in the HSE process, with a focus on engagement and accountability at alllevels of management. We began developing the program in 2022, and plan tolaunch it in 2023.Safety transformation involves three leadership levels:
? Top leadership (CEO, Global Operations (GO), Legal, HR, R&D, Sales): Drivingsafety culture change in the organization? Regional leadership (GO members and country management with a productionsite): Leaders in safety and engagement with commercial? Production site managers: Safety as a value, safety and production live in harmonyFull implementation of the accountability mechanism was initiated in January2023, when the production managers started reporting injury incidents to topoperational management in a centralized way. The report includes an in-depthinvestigation of the incident, corrective actions, and more.
Key Elements in the Upgraded HSE System
StandardizationNew Assurance PlanHSE Leadership Program
1. Standardization - formulation and launch of approximately 55 new internal
standards and guidelines for health and safety management. Each standardoers a checklist that allows our production sites to test themselves and evaluatetheir ability to support the standard.
Policies, cross eld standards and guidelines, self assessments(11 documents)
Process safety management standards and guidelines(23 documents)
Occupational health and safety standards and guidelines(21 documents)
Environment and sustainability standards and guidelines(12 documents)
2. New assurance plan - each standard includes self-assessment guidelines,
which are the rst line of defense. These are followed by an internal cross-siteassessment as a second line of defense, aimed at correcting biases that exist inself-assessments. At the end of the process, results are independently veriedvia a Global External Audit according to a predetermined matrix.The process is based on two main principles:
(1) Systematization - assures consistency in annual execution.
(2) Proactivity - in self-assessment, internal and external audit.
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Management of Employee Health and Safety RisksThe upgraded HSE management system and the new tools were built based onan in-depth risk mapping, an analysis of the safety incidents that occurred in thecompany, and the identication of the main issues for improvement. Accordingly,we chose the following focus areas:
General | Digitalization Assurance program |
PSM | Mechanical integrity Hazardous material storage competence |
OHS | Machinery safety Leadership for safety |
Unied Global Digital Platform
ADAMA uses a variety of digital tools at our operational sites, to report and managehealth and safety incidents, take proactive measures, and audit ndings. YetADAMA would like to expand the use of digital tools to include work safety permits,safety training, and more, and therefore we decided to establish a single, extendeddigital platform to manage all aspects of HSE in the company. In 2022, we developedthe requirements specication for the system, and it is expected to come into fulluse throughout our sites in 2024-2025.It is important to emphasize that ADAMA has a dedicated portal - ADAMAZONE -which oers extensive and accessible information on standards, contacts, indicators,statistics, and required reporting guidelines. In addition, posts about HSE issues canbe uploaded to the portal for sharing and consultation with colleagues, immediatelyproviding support and assistance to ADAMA’s eld leaders.
HSE TrainingIn December 2022, all HSE Forum members and relevant internal stakeholders fromeight countries came to a week-long Annual Health, Safety, and EnvironmentWorkshop at our headquarters in Israel, where they experienced in-depth trainingsessions about the new HSE management system. The workshop was hosted byADAMA's CEO, who welcomed the participants and acknowledged the nancialand technical contributions of the HSE teams to the organization. The HSE Forummembers also shared their expertise and experience with each other.In parallel, we continue to invest signicant resources in training our employeesregarding incident prevention:
? Mandatory training for all employees - all employees must undergo a refreshertraining of one to two days, according to the local regulation in which the siteis located? Local safety risks - all employees undergo annual training regarding the risks intheir specic work environment? Dedicated training for the emergency crew? Safety conversations with managers and employees on the subject? Monthly enrichment sessions? Communication
regarding lessonslearned post-accident;aer each incident,a one-pager isdistributed to allcompany employeesAll sites measure andmonitor the safety trainingsessions they have done.
Annual Global HSE Forum, December 2022
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Our People’s Well-BeingWe give special attention to promoting the health and safety of our people withinthe context of a safe environment and employee well-being. Our focus is onempowerment, enablement, and engagement.We ensure that all our people have a safe work environment by:
? Enforcing anti-harassment - we take actions to prevent discrimination and
harassment? Enforcing an anti-sexual harassment environment - we have a relevant ocer
in place, and work to prevent, and take appropriate disciplinary action for,
any misconductIn addition, we ensure that our work environment enables work-life balance andsupports the personal and nancial well-being of our people. Some of our sitespromote new initiatives that address various issues, including physical and mentalhealth; safety culture development; job responsibility design; fun in the workplace;and more.ADAMA conducts a quarterly global webinar, open to all our people, dedicated todealing with work pressures, improving work-life balance, time management, andvarious welfare topics. In addition, hybrid work of two days a week from home isaccepted in many countries for roles that allow it.Employee Assistance Program (EAP)Our people’s many life events - whether predictable or unexpected - impact theiremotional, psychological, and social well-being, inuencing their thoughts, feelings,and actions. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is an independent counselingand resource service available 24/7 to all our people and their families in locallanguages. It provides condential access to professional counseling and helpfulresources.
A safety campaign held in ADAMABrazil brought together the siteworkers and their children tolearn about the importanceof health and safety, increasetheir awareness, and rewardoutstanding employees. View a
short video about the initiative.
To ensure convenient accessto safety-related content,we have developed andlaunched an HSE app.All our production sites inIsrael use the app to reportunsafe conditions, includingassigning incidents to the responsible party, tracking progress, and remediationof the hazard.
Case Study:
Family involvement in safety campaign
Case Study:
HSE App “ADAMA-Safe”
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Safety Monitoring and Reporting
We measure and monitor all processes and perform in-depth analysis of eachsafety incident, so that we are better prepared to prevent recurrences.During 2022, as part of an overall change in our safety culture, we modied theincident learning process to shi from the HSE team to be led by site managersand GO leadership. This change allows managers to be more involved andaccountable in the learning process and any required corrective actions. Moreover,this enables the expansion of the reporting system alongside the involvement andaccountability of local management.ADAMA’s Global HSE team hosts monthly meetings with HSE managers from allour sites and with senior management. These meetings provide the opportunity todiscuss the status of current safety indicators and determine what steps need tobe taken to strengthen and monitor the implementation of our HSE managementsystem. Additionally, we measure and publish monthly safety KPIs and reports.We oer our people free, periodic, condential medical tests to ensure theirhealth. These may include blood and urine tests to help determine whether theyhave been exposed to unsafe substance levels. In addition, we run periodic testsat all our manufacturing plants, to determine the level of hazardous materialsthat may be present in each work area.During 2022, we expanded our activity, and as a result our injury rate grew. Wehad 74 recordable injuries in ADAMA’s Global Operations in 2022, leading to anInjury Recordable Rate (IRR) of 0.67.Throughout the entire company (including Global Operations) we had 75recordable injuries, leading to a consolidated IRR of 0.27.62% of the recordable injuries were ADAMA employees, and 38% were contractors.
ADAMA's production site in Dahej,India, formulated a conceptof employee engagement andempowerment based on physicaland mental health and a supportivesocial environment, alongsidestrengthening the internal cultureas a supporter of employee health,welfare, and safety.For physical health, the company oers regular checkups and consultations witha doctor and other professionals. For mental health, the company promotesempowerment, creation of social activities, a network of social connections,and an environment free of harassment. Among the engagement activitiesare yoga days, marathons, ADAMA's Values competition, the celebration ofWomen's Day, the celebration of local festivals, and more.The site supports an ongoing safety culture program in which our people takea safety oath; outstanding employees in the eld are rewarded (on a monthlyand annual level); plus a wide range of competitive, gamied activities forexperiential implementation of the site’s safety principles and guidelines. Inaddition, every year the site dedicates a full week to health and safety as partof the National Safety and Health Week.In 2022, the site invested in the purchase and distribution of approximately2,500 high quality scooter/motorbike helmets for use by our people on theirway to and from work.
Case Study:
Proactive approach towardssafety and well-being
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Most of the injuries were cuts that required stitches (10), bruises (9), and fractures
(5). We also had 3 cases of ngertip amputations. Out of all the recordable injuries,
we identied 11 cases (28%) that had the potential to be a serious injury or fatality(SIF).The key hazards of the recordable injuries were Hazardous Material, STF (Slip Trip& Falls), Hand Tools, and Machinery.Recordable Injuries - Main Hazard
It is important to emphasize that we treat all employees as equals, which is thereason the number of accidents includes permanent employees, contractors, andaccidents on the way to and from work.Injury Recordable Rate in Global Operations 2020-2022Year202020212022IRR - Injury Recordable Rate0.580.460.67Non-Recordable Cases 2020-2022Year202020212022First Aid Injury702353Near Miss & Unsafe Conditions 2423261,023During 2022, we recorded 12 driving accidents, most of them forklis at one ofour sites.
In 2023, we plan to promote the full implementation of our newHSE management system, with a special focus on the trainingprogram, monitoring, and reporting tools.We plan to invest in the development of a new digital platformto serve all ADAMA sites, with the goal of standardizing our HSEpractices globally.
STFHand ToolMachineryMHEInfrastructureWork at
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At ADAMA, we know that achieving excellence requires the highest level ofprofessionalism alongside a robust company culture.Our Global Learning and Development mission is to empower our people and leadersto drive their own career path, take ownership over their learning and developmentto achieve business goals, and enable both their success in their present role, andto prepare them to take the next step in their career. We do this by oering uniqueand varied programs, tools, and platforms to all our people globally (located inover 50 countries, speaking more than 20 languages) and across all professionsfrom chemistry and agronomy, to marketing, commercial, law, nance, humanresources, and more.Throughout 2022, we focused on:
During 2023, we will continue this journey of nurturing a continuous learning anddevelopment culture.Our commitment and initiatives dedicated to the development and growth of ourpeople is reected in their empowerment, satisfaction, and the retention of talents.
New employee orientation at ADAMA Agan plant in Israel, December 2022
Deepening our understanding of learning and development needs and providing ourpeople with a vast range of relevant, timely, and specic solutions and tools to enhancetheir skill sets and increase their employability.
Empowering our people to leveragestate-of-the-art digital platforms toenhance their professional contributionand upskill their capabilities.Promoting learning in the ow of workand oering holistic learning anddevelopment opportunities integratedwith organizational processes.
Investing in the developmentand growth of our leaders, to reach theirpotential and ensure their success.Strengthening the dialogue betweenmanagers and employees around personaldevelopment and shared learning.
Employee Retention Rate in 2022 87.6%
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Learning andDevelopment OpportunitiesWelcome to ADAMA - Employee OnboardingThe rst few months at a new company are an important time for mutual learning.When done right, the onboarding process sparks a productive and excitingpartnership between the new colleague and their direct manager, peers, team,and the broader company.Global Onboarding HubWe oer a Global Onboarding Hub designed to support our people with materialsand tools that promote the learning required to be successful at ADAMA. It is regularlyupdated, and in 2022, we added new modules to ensure that the onboardingexperience is valuable and eective.This platform is currently available in the ve most-spoken languages acrossADAMA (English, Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese) and will be expandedto include eight additional languages during 2023.Face-to-Face Orientation MeetingIn 2022, we launched a quarterly face-to-face Orientation Day and follow up sessionsfor new joiners at our Israel headquarters. An impressive 80% of individuals whojoined us since January 2021 have actively participated in one of these sessions.During these events, new joiners have the opportunity to hear from ADAMA leadersand functional representatives, allowing them to gain familiarity with dierentareas of the business. Additionally, these gatherings provide a valuable platformfor networking with fellow new joiners.
Holistic Learning Approach
At ADAMA, we encourage our people to embrace continuous learning througha variety of channels. In 2022, we executed a global communication campaignhighlighting a dierent learning channel each month (e.g. digital learning, podcasts,shadowing, knowledge sharing, lessons learned, etc.), exposing employees toour diverse learning oerings and sparking their interest in personal growth anddevelopment.In addition, our local sites oer various learning and development opportunitiestailored to their specic needs.Learning Edge for Online Learning in the Flow of WorkBased on an internal pulse survey conducted in November 2022, more than 50% ofour employees use our online platforms for learning both technical and so skills.Now, through Syngenta Group’s state-of-the-art Learning Edge platform, ourpeople can learn anywhere and anytime in over 25 languages and on any device.We launched the platform in the fourth quarter of 2021 and have continued toconsistently train our people on how to leverage it, as well as promote its benets.Learning Edge is partially integrated with ADAMA’s Spark platform, so it hosts bothcontent developed internally by subject matter experts, as well as content froma broad range of external professional content libraries (e.g. LinkedIn Learning,getAbstract, McKinsey, TED, edX, GlobeSmart, Association of Supply ChainManagement, and more).During 2023, we will complete the integration with Spark for a seamless, user-friendly social learning experience.
More than 50% of our employees use our online learningplatforms available anywhere and anytime in over 25 languages
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Mandatory and Local Training
On a global level, our people are required to complete e-learning trainings addressingtopics such as ADAMA's Code of Conduct, health and safety, data privacy, sexualharassment, competition law, cybersecurity, and more. These training sessions areautomatically assigned at the required frequency, based on role and geographicallocation, to ensure that we remain compliant and meet all mandatory training needsacross the globe. Role-specic mandatory training sessions are assigned to therelevant employees, covering topics such as sales, marketing, and process safety.Leadership Development and Growth
A Guiding FrameworkWe believe that the success of a company is deeply grounded in the quality ofits leadership. Our Leadership Framework describes the skills and behaviors thatcharacterize a successful manager at ADAMA. This Framework serves as thebasis for screening and hiring senior personnel, and drives the content of variousmanagement development programs, succession plans, and manager evaluations.New Leadership Programs in 2022We developed and launched several new programs for ADAMA’s leaders in 2022,each targeted at dierent populations, and each developed uniquely for its audience.The programs have been built together with renowned experts in the eld ofleadership, including Kincentric, Korn Ferry, and the Institute of Leadership. Many ofthe leadership programs are oered in partnership with Syngenta Group, promotingcollaboration and networking and developing the skills needed for today's dynamic,constantly changing world of work. They are aligned with our Leadership Framework.We oer various programs targeted to dierent levels of leadership within ADAMA,including several new ones that were launched in 2022 that had 31 participants:
Voyager, Leading Syngenta Group, and Leadership Academy. This is in additionto the nearly 500 people who have participated in our other ongoing leadershipprograms.Talent MappingOur annual “High-Performance: High Potential” (HiPo) mapping process takes placeamong our Leadership Community and their direct reports. The purpose of thisprocess is to assess our bench strength and support our high potential employees(HiPo’s) with creating Individual Development Plans, including a variety of learningopportunities through coaching, mentoring, and various training sessions.
Unite ourADAMA
Make us
Promotefreedomwithin aframework
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Global Career Development ProgramOur Global Career Development Program continued oering online workshops toour people at various management levels in 2022. Employees were invited to joinsessions aimed at exploring their strengths, learning about potential career growthopportunities, understanding what skills are needed, and how to put a plan in placefor future development. Managers joined workshops to learn how best to supporttheir team members’ career journey.Internal Mobility
Our team in India participating in a sports event
We are committed to fostering growth opportunities for our people. Our internalmobility policy encourages and enables individuals to pursue complete, long-termcareers within our organization.We believe that it is in everybody’s best interest to provide full support to teammembers who want to grow and advance to a dierent role within ADAMA. Forthis reason, our internal mobility policy sets a clear priority for internal applicantsover external applicants for open positions at ADAMA. Aer working for two yearsat ADAMA, any employee may apply for a new position within the company.All relevant job openings are accessible through our internal career portal, and arepublished two weeks prior to becoming publicly available.
31% of all open positions were
lled internally in 2022
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ADAMA cherishes the diverse richness of varying cultures, and enjoys the benets thatthis vibrant mosaic brings. At ADAMA, we aim to create an engaging, passionate,and empowering environment, where all our people have equal opportunities togrow and thrive.We believe that diversity and inclusion promote our business success in bringingdiverse cultures, ideas, and opinions to our workforce. As part of Syngenta Group,we hold true to Syngenta’s policy of embracing diversity and inclusion, unlockingour collaboration and innovation potential to shape the future of agriculture andbuild a more equitable and sustainable world for all.In 2022, we committed to hiring a full-time global DEI resource, and in early2023 we hired a new team member to ll that role.
Promotingequity? Equitable policies? Gender pay equity? Diverse recruitmentpractices? Diverse representation
Impactingcommunity? Align our communityactivities with ourambition
Empoweringpeople? Creating an inclusiveculture? Future of work practices? How do we encourage
people to fullycontribute and grow?
? Awareness? Training? How do we approachoensive behaviors?
Our DEI Purpose comes to life through four main pillars:
Read our Diversity and Inclusion Policy >>
ADAMA's DEI Purpose:
We strive to better the lives of all our peopleat ADAMA and enable them to ourish when weembrace dierences, value inclusivity, show respectto all, ensure equity and empower authenticity
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Age DiversityAt ADAMA, age is not a factor in hiring decisions, remuneration, nor promotion. Thecompany believes that diversity regarding multiple parameters, including age, is importantfor the quality of work and the overall working environment.
Employees over 50 in workforce and in management roles
2019202020212022% employees over 50 in workforce 24.0%25.6%30.8%30.6%% employees over 50 in management roles34.6%38.5%40.4%38.4%
Gender DiversityADAMA places great importance on encouraging the employment of women in all rolesacross the company, and recognizes the need to increase the percentage of women in theworkforce. Wherever possible, we have established a policy of exible work hours to enableour people to balance their work hours and family time. We also enable our people to dosome of their work from home.
Women in our workforce and in management roles
2019202020212022% in workforce 23.5%24%24.4%24.9%% in management roles 24.2%24.6%25%23.9%
~25% of workforce and ~24% of managers are women
30.6% of workforce and 38.4% of managers are
employees over the age of 50
Inclusive Leadership WorkshopBuilding on the DEI strategy formulated in 2021, in 2022 we held inclusive leadership workshops for oursenior leaders (Leadership Community), People Community, and Maestro program graduates globally.Over 50 leaders joined one of four sessions facilitated by Ionis International to explore the meaning andbusiness case for building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture within our global business.Using the GlobeSmart cultural prole, participants explored their cultural preferences and discussed whatactions they, as ADAMA leaders, need to take to drive a sustained culture of inclusion across our globalteams and business.We encourage our local People professionals to adapt and use these materials for their regions, and onesuch workshop was run in 2022 in the EAME region.
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Pay GapOur salary gap data indicates a positive trend of improvement along with apreference for women in some levels.Gender salary ratioRatio of basic salary and remuneration of men’s basesalary, divided by women’s base salary in USD, by level202020212022
Top Management109%112%108% Senior Management 105%114%119% Middle Management 97%93%95% Non-management 76%72%75%
ADAMA has been collaborating with Co-Impact since 2020, a non-protorganization that aims to integrate Arab employees into Israel's economy andsociety. The project was approved and endorsed globally in 2021 by the CEO.Co-Impact assists us in locating talented candidates for various positions, andsupports us in adapting our recruitment processes to this population. During2022, four new employees were recruited from the Arab society, exceedingour goal of three new academic recruits from this sector for 2022.Additional activities included a recruitment conference with Arab studentsaimed at introducing them to employment opportunities at ADAMA, andcommunity outreach projects. To learn more, watch this video
DEI Case Study:
Partnership with Co-Impact:
Integrating Arab Society in Employment
A new product in the USA developed to protect soybeansand cotton from chewing insects is the rst to have beenled by an all-woman team at ADAMA. From the StrategicCrop Marketing Leader, who identied the need, to theDevelopment Leader, who identied the relevant product,to the Regulatory team, who registered it eciently, all theway to the Project Manager and Strategic Marketing teamwho are handling the launch, these nine ADAMA womenhave contributed to getting this product to market. Tocelebrate this all-woman team, ADAMA US decided to amplify this messageby oering an annual scholarship for Women in Agriculture, to encourage,support, and empower women and their career aspirations.
DEI Case Study:
Celebrating an All-Woman Product Team
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Something new on the horizon: a woman engineer training other women employees in theADAMA formulation plant in India
Our team in ADAMA Brazil: transforming into a more diverse company
In 2022, to transform the company into a more diverse, equal environment,our DEI team in Brazil formed a dedicated committee that organized variousawareness activities throughout the year, such as focusing on combatingracism and violence against women. These were designed to create spacefor the evolution of people’s thoughts and actions.One of the goals for 2023 is to ensure that at least 33% of the shortlist foropen positions are women. In the coming year, we have planned additionalactivities, including trainings and sessions and measurements, to furtherdrive progress in Brazil.
DEI Case Study:
A Strategic Approach to DEIIn response to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on rural Indian communities,ADAMA India took proactive steps to recruit women for its production packingline and engineering roles. Our representatives engaged with village leadersand families, addressing safety concerns and highlighting the economicbenets of women working outside the home. At the same time, we conducteddiversity training, built women-oriented infrastructure such as child-mindingand changing facilities, established POSH (Protection Of Sexual Harassment)committees, and provided transportation to and from the plant.As a result, the percentage of women in our workforce in India increased from6% in 2021 to 13% in 2022, with 100% job satisfaction and retention. Our goalis to reach 25% representation by 2025.
DEI Case Study:
Gender Diversity in Manufacturing
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Supporting Our People andFarmers in Ukraine
Since the conict in Ukraine began in 2022, we have been doing all we can to helpthe people of Ukraine, ensuring the safety of our employees and their families, andsupporting our farmer customers to maintain vital agriculture.Helping ADAMA People to SafetyOur rst mission was to ensure the safety of ADAMA Ukraine employees andfacilitate their relocation to secure locations. Our people from nearby countries,including Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, and Germany, contributed theireorts, in some cases meeting people from ADAMA Ukraine at the border andhelping them obtain documents, healthcare, and jobs, and opening their homesto them. Overall, we helped relocate hundreds of people to keep them safe.Supporting Farmers, Preventing Global ShortagesDespite the challenging conditions, many Ukrainian farmers have continued towork their elds. In response, we stepped up to support them by providing theproducts they needed to protect their crops. The conict posed diculties inexporting Ukraine’s grain, so we leveraged our logistical resources and creativityto help transport 138,000 metric tonnes of wheat, corn, sunower and other cropsby oating grain down the Danube to Romania and Bulgaria; transporting it toPoland and Lithuania by truck and train; and shipping it out from Odessa’s deep-water ports.
Long Term Physical and Mental SupportADAMA continues to provide long-term support through “Operation Bridge,”which delivers canned food, protective armor, medicines, satellite phones, andelectrical equipment. Transporting aid has been an issue, and in addition tosending aid through “Farmers for Ukraine” and Polish Integration Support Centre(PISC), ADAMA UK took on the transportation of eight truckloads of donationsthrough its logistics provider. Together with Syngenta, ADAMA is also deliveringmental health support and nancial support for Ukrainians. Furthermore, the“ADAMA for ADAMA Ukraine Fund” has funded a winter camp for children inwestern Ukraine.
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At ADAMA, we believe social responsibility is an inseparable part of our business.This means we continuously listen to our stakeholders, communities, and partnersto deepen our understanding of their needs. We design programs and initiativestogether, using our combined capabilities, strengths, and resources. As a result, ourprograms are built on rock-solid foundations, ensuring long-lasting relationshipsthat have a positive impact on our communities and our people.2022 Community InvestmentsADAMA donates at least 1% of our prot before tax each year. In 2022, ADAMAdonated 2.8M USD (9.6% of prot before tax).Our social investments are mainly in our key regions: Israel, India, Brazil and NorthAmerica. However, we encourage and support local community activities in everycountry in which ADAMA operates.Monetary donations2.8M USDVolunteering hours2,788*Employee engagement24%*% Community investment from total prot (before tax)
* Measured only in Israel, we are currently working on designing a global tool for reliable data collection
Agricultural volunteer activity for our people and their families in Israel, September 2022
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Our strategy focuses on three main pillars, two of which are aligned with ourcore business, promoting educational programs in chemistry, agriculture, andsustainability (60% of our budget). These programs are considered strategiccommunity relations projects. The third pillar changes according to the needsof our local communities and addresses a wide range of challenges in the eldsof health, culture, welfare, and more (40% of our budget), and typically includean element of employee engagement.
Supporting theNeeds ofNeighboringCommunitiesPromoting leadership inwelfare, health, education,culture, and excellence
EducatingFuture Chemists
Strengthening thechemistry sector
Agriculture,Sciences, &SustainabilityProgramsPromoting agriculturalawareness and education40%60%
Community Relations Policy and StrategyOur policy implementation guidelines are based on six key principles:
Alignment withADAMA's core businessWe aspire to align our investments with thecompany’s core business areas.
Long-term partnerships
with potential forindependent continuation
We accompany our social partners for aperiod of at least three years to increasethe impact of our investments, whileencouraging their independent continuation.
Employee engagementWe prioritize projects that allow our peopleto volunteer or mentor. It is a win-winsituation where both our people and
communities benet.
Geographical focus& multi-sectoral partnershipsWe prioritize projects in the areassurrounding our sites (globally). Ourprograms are usually based on multisectoralpartnerships that include governmental,
NGO, and business sectors.
Measurable impact
We emphasize measurement and evaluationof our strategic programs to ensure they
meet the set goals.
Contribution to thecompany's reputationWe choose projects that have positiveimpact on our reputation and create a sense
of pride amongst our people.
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Strategic CommunityRelations ProjectsPromoting Science and Agriculture StudiesWe strive to educate and nurture the future generation of sustainability-orientedscientists, with a focus on chemists and agronomists. Throughout the years, wehave collaborated extensively with leading academic institutions to promoteexcellence and encourage chemistry and agronomy studies. ADAMA leads, funds,and supports various programs, from their ideation process to their execution. Wealso facilitate training, mentoring, on-site visits, steering committees, and more.Through these programs, we instill curiosity in these elds and empower studentsthroughout their years of study, with the aim of strengthening the chemistry andagronomy sector with an eye towards sustainability.We also understand the importance of educating young people about where ourfood comes from and the challenges of growing crops. By rolling up their sleevesand digging their hands in the soil, we help children discover the world of agriculture,connect them to nature, and promote values of sustainability.ADAMA has initiated several programs focusing on educational activities, scienticexperiments, and agricultural volunteering, emphasizing the value of work, mutualresponsibility, and love of the land. We know diversity drives creativity, so theseprograms focus on reaching a variety of sectors within the vibrant and multiculturalfabric of our society.
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"Sowing Seeds of Science"ADAMA's ScienticResearch Greenhouses
“Sowing Seeds of Science” was initiated in 2013, as part of our vision of promotingadvanced agriculture by investing in educational infrastructure.Over time we have invested more than $500,000 in three educational farms inAshdod (2013), Beer Sheva (2014), and Lod (2020). Our investment focused onbuilding state-of-the-art facilities, which include scientic research greenhousesand digital classrooms, and developing unique educational programs. Thousandsof school students visit the three farms each week, experimenting with scienticresearch under the supervision of the educational sta at the farm, experts fromthe academic world, and our people who volunteer there on a regular basis.In 2021 and 2022, we added new professional content to include aspects of precisionagriculture, healthy nutrition, sustainability, and more.
ExperientialEnvironmental Educationin Costa Rica
For the past three years, ADAMA Costa Rica has sponsored educational programsat the Del Monte Environmental School Festival. The festival takes place in the mainpineapple-growing areas and is designed to promote concern for environmentalprotection and conservation. With some of our people as volunteers, local schoolchildren learned experientially about reforestation and recovering treated soilsthrough better pineapple cultivation management.
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"Science on Wheels" -Promoting Science education with theBedouin Community in IsraelIn 2021 we initiated a unique project to promote the study of science within localArab communities neighboring our sites in Israel. "Science on Wheels", whichoperates in the small Bedouin town of Kuseife, is an educational program whichprovides STEM education for 7th graders in state-of-the-art laboratories. It alsoincorporates face-to-face meetings with our employees from the Arab society,who share their career experiences. In a series of 30 interactive sessions, thechildren are exposed to new academic subjects and empowered to considernew learning and career paths that they probably would not have considered inthe past. Every year more students get involved, and what started as 80 in 2021grew to 150 in 2022, and in 2023, due to the program’s great success, we expectit to expand to 240 students.
Academic ChemistryExcellence Programs:
"Marie Curie" and "Archimedes"
ADAMA is proud to have established two leading academic chemistry programsfor outstanding high school students in Israel that bring practical tools into theacademic curriculum. The aim of these programs is to increase the number ofstudents studying chemistry at the university level, and create connections betweenthe students, ADAMA, and the industry.Since we launched the “Marie Curie” program at Ben-Gurion University of theNegev in 2014, around 460 students have taken part. The “Archimedes” programat the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, established in 2012, has includedaround 670 students.In 2021 and 2022, we launched an impact assessment process in these programs,led by an expert in the eld of educational programming, to evaluate and improvetheir impact.
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Employee Engagementand Community Relations ProjectsEmployee engagement through volunteering is a core value at ADAMA. We believeengagement creates a sense of fulllment, motivation, and pride for employees.Our volunteers are our ambassadors and a strong force for good. That is why wedesign a wide range of volunteering opportunities to ensure things get done withenergy and enthusiasm.
Instituto ADAMA Artsand PerformanceInstituto ADAMA was founded in 2015, bringing together all the courses andrecreational activities ADAMA had already been oering since 2002 to youngpeople from communities neighboring its factories in Brazil. In 2022 InstitutoADAMA bounced back aer COVID-19 closures with renewed strength. By theend of the year, 226 children and young people were regularly attending courses,totaling 40,300 individual visits and 500 volunteer hours.They staged 19 productions and events, which attracted over 5,000 spectators.Some Instituto ADAMA participants have begun creating podcasts featuringinterviews with ADAMA people, Instituto volunteers, and other participants. So far,they have published 18 episodes. Click here to watch the rst episode about therights of children and young people.
ADAMA supports volunteering during work hours.In 2022 our people (in Israel) invested 2,788 hoursin volunteering activities.
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Falling In Lovewith BlackberriesIn Colombia, ADAMA runs the EnaMORAte social campaign to improveconditions for blackberry cultivation for associations, farmers, and their families.EnaMORAte is a combination of enamor, meaning to fall in love, and mora, theSpanish word for blackberry. ADAMA employees provided technical support andrecognition for 40 blackberry farmers in 2022.We also continued the “El Colibri” children’s school foundation and communitylibrary. El Colibri has so far delivered art, sports, and recreational activities for over50 children, helping improve their quality of life.
National Girls' Week -Striking a #powerposeSixty of our women at ADAMA, from all our sites in Israel, participated in "IsraeliGirls Week 2022," organized by the local NGO “Shavot“ (“Equals”). Four teams gaveinspiring lectures to thousands of students - both boys and girls - at schools nearour sites in Beer Sheva, Ashdod, Lod, and Beer Ya’akov.The project was accompanied by a campaign on social media with the participationof our volunteers, as well as a special project with leading women from variousindustries.The program’s theme was “My Power Pose”, highlighting the talents and strengthsof young girls and women as drivers of growth and inspiration, so that every girlrecognizes that she can be anything she wants to be!
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Supporting Asmita Vikas Kendra Centerfor Special ChildrenSince 2019, the ADAMA FormulationPlant in India has collaborated withAsmita Vikas Kendra hospital byadopting a group of 10 children withspecial needs and two teachers. Wehave taken care of their education,residence, nutrition, clothes, medicaltreatment, and other various needs.Recently, our team renovated thechildren's classrooms in the hospital facility.The design was innovative and fun, and suitable for the needs of the children. Theclasses were inaugurated in a dedicated ceremony along with the local districtcollector, the judge, and the income tax commissioner, where the communityexpressed their appreciation for ADAMA's continuous support.
Connecting Children with Agricultureand Produce to People in NeedAt our Raleigh, NC oce in the US, ADAMA employees were involved in twoinitiatives aimed at introducing children to agriculture and assisting people inneed by providing them with fresh, local produce. Each volunteer event saw theparticipation of ten to een ADAMA team members.At Brentwood Elementary school, we helped establish a community garden andare teaching the children how to cultivate it. Many families in the school struggleto make ends meet, so the produce is distributed to them, and the children enjoyeating food that they grew themselves.Additionally, we partnered with Inter-Faith Farm and Food Shuttle, where wesponsored two buildings and several utility tables. ADAMA volunteers visit thefarm to assist with planting, harvesting, and packaging the produce, which is thendistributed to local families in need. This project helps reduce the carbon footprint forfood transportation, prevent food waste, and improve access to fresh, local produce.
? Implement a global volunteering framework to ensureeach ADAMA employee volunteers at least once a yearby 2030.? Short-term KPI: 50% - 70% employee participation in
volunteer activities.? 3-year plan: Build a community program in 10-15 of our
biggest countries/production sites.? New impact measurement and evaluation methodology.
OurGovernanceand Ethics
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OUR CORPORATEGOVERNANCEStrong corporate governance, based on the principles of professionalism, leadership,accountability, and transparency, is an integral part of our core values. We regardit as a critical aspect of our sustainable growth and value creation. To upholdthe principles of corporate governance, we have adopted a Code of Conduct,among many other initiatives, which applies to all our people and stakeholdersand is strengthened by various internal programs.Following the combining of
ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Ltd. (“ADAMA Solutions”)and Hubei Sanonda Co. Ltd., a listed entity traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchangein 2017, the latter was renamed ADAMA Ltd., with one global management leadingboth companies - the ADAMA Group.As of June 2020, ADAMA Group is a distinctive member of Syngenta Group, aworld leader in agricultural inputs, spanning crop protection, seeds, fertilizers,additional agricultural and digital technologies, as well as an advanced distributionnetwork in China (“Syngenta Group”). As of August 2021, following the combinationbetween ChemChina and Sinochem, two large economic conglomerates andState-Owned Enterprises with extensive operations in China and around the world,Syngenta Group, and subsequently the ADAMA Group, are ultimately controlledby Sinochem Holdings. ADAMA Solutions continues to be headquartered in Israel,and ADAMA Ltd. continues to be traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, whilewe at ADAMA maintain our own unique brand and positioning.
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Our Corporate Ocers
Steve HawkinsPresident and CEO
An Liru
SVP China
Yoav Avidor
VP Innovation,Development, Researchand Regulatory Aairs
David Peters
SVP Asia Pacic
Mody BenaiahEVP PeopleEfrat Nagar
Jake BrodsgaardSVP North America
Elad Shabtai
EVP Global Operations
Walter Costa
VP Marketingand Product Strategy
Romeu Stanguerlin
Sergio Dedominici Paz
SVP Europe, Africa
& Middle East
Rob WilliamsVP Strategy, BusinessIntelligence & Corporate
Naama Peleg
General Legal Counsel& Company Secretary
Juan Valero
Chief SustainabilityOcer
* Accurate as of May 2023
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Board of DirectorsMember of the BoardDescriptionBoD ADAMA LtdBoD ADAMA SolutionsErik FyrwaldMr. Fyrwald, age 64, serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd. and
as a Director of ADAMA Solutions. He also serves as CEO of Syngenta Group, CEO andExecutive Director of Syngenta AG, and Chairman of the Syngenta Foundation forSustainable Agriculture. He currently also serves on the board of directors of CropLifeInternational, the Swiss American Chamber of Commerce, and the listed entities BungeLimited and Eli Lilly & Company. Mr. Fyrwald holds a B.Sc. in chemical engineering fromthe University of Delaware and completed the Advanced Management Program atHarvard Business School.
Chairman of theBoard of Directors
Steve HawkinsMr. Hawkins, age 56, has been appointed as the President and CEO of both ADAMA
Ltd. and ADAMA Solutions, as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ADAMASolutions as of May 2023, replacing Mr. Ignacio Dominguez who stepped-down fromthese positions.Mr. Hawkins holds a Diploma in Agriculture and an MBA in Agriculture and Food, bothfrom the Ontario Agricultural College at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada andhas a bachelor’s degree in Administrative Studies from Toronto’s York University.
President and CEOPresident and CEO,
and Chairman of theBoard of Directors
Chen LichtensteinMr. Lichtenstein, age 55, serves as a Director of both ADAMA Ltd. and ADAMA Solutions,
and also serves as the CFO of Syngenta Group Co., Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiary -Syngenta AG. He holds joint doctoral degrees from Stanford University's Graduate Schoolof Business and School of Law, and a B.Sc. (physics) and LL.B. from the Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem.
An LiruMr. Liru, age 53, serves as a Director of both ADAMA Ltd. and ADAMA Solutions, and
as Senior Vice President, China Cluster. Mr. Liru holds an MBA, an M.Sc. in chemicalengineering, and a B.Sc. in applied chemistry, all from Nanjing University.
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Member of the BoardDescriptionBoD ADAMA LtdBoD ADAMA SolutionsXi Zhen, PhDMr. Xi, age 59, serves as an independent director of ADAMA Ltd.. Mr. Xi holds a professor
degree and a PhD of Bioorganic Chemistry. Mr. Xi was Assistant Professor in HubeiMedical School, which is currently the Wuhan University School of Medicine, from 1983to 1985, was an engineer in the Beijing Institute of Chemical Reagents from 1988 to 1990,and was a Research Associate in the Department of Biological Chemistry and MolecularPharmacology of the Harvard Medical School from 1997 to 2001.Mr. Xi is currently the Cheung Kong Scholar of Pesticide Science of the Ministry of Educationof the PRC, Chairman of Department of Chemical Biology, Professor of Chemistry andChemical Biology, and Fellow of the University Committee of Nankai University in China,and Director of the National Pesticide Engineering Research Center (Tianjin). Mr. Xi is alsoa Committee Member of the Chinese Chemical Society and Deputy Director of its Divisionof Chemical Biology, and Deputy Director of the Pesticide Science Division of the ChineseChemical Industry and Engineering Society. In addition, he is a director of Suzhou Ribo LifeScience Co., Ltd.
Independent Director(Member of theAudit Committee,NominationCommittee,RemunerationCommittee, andStrategy Committee)
Ge MingMr. Ming, age 71, serves as an independent director of ADAMA Ltd. He holds a master’s
degree in western accounting, and he is a certied public accountant in China as wellas Australia. He previously served as the Chairman and Chief Accountant of Ernst &Young Hua Ming Certied Public Accountants Firm, and as the Managing Partner, ChiefAccountant and Senior Advisor of Ernst & Young Hua Ming Certied Public Accountants(special general partnership).Mr. Ming currently serves as an independent director on the board of directors of AsiaInfo.He currently also serves on the supervisory boards of the Bank of Shanghai, Bank ofSuzhou, Tencent Foundation, and serves as the Executive Director and General Manager ofBeijing Huaming Fulong Accounting Consulting Co., Ltd.
Independent Director(Member of theAudit Committee,NominationCommittee,RemunerationCommittee, andStrategy Committee)
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Member of the BoardDescriptionBoD ADAMA LtdBoD ADAMA SolutionsDalit BraunMs. Braun, age 57, is the founder and partner of Realya USA, a business development
and economics advisor for Israel Airports Authority, and the founder and former CEO ofPick’nTell. She has an MBA from Tel Aviv University, an LLM in European business law fromAnglia Ruskin University in the UK, and a B.Sc. in industrial engineering and managementfrom the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.Ms. Braun formerly served as an External Director of NTA, a governmental mass transitcompany, and formerly served as an External Director of "Dira LeHaskir” (an Israeligovernment company).
_External Director
(Chairperson of theAudit Committee andthe RemunerationCommittee; memberof the FinancialStatements ReviewCommittee)Gustavo TraiberMr. Traiber, age 62, is the owner and CEO of Spain-Israel Investments Ltd. and the former
CEO of a public company in the eld of solar energy. He has extensive experience inthe strategic and marketing aspects of business development, having held previousdirector and senior management roles. He has an MBA with a nance concentrationfrom Reichman University (IDC), Herzliya, and a BA in political science and internationalrelations from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.Mr. Traiber concurrently serves as an independent director of Cellcom Israel Ltd., an Israelipublic company.
_External Director
(Chairperson of theFinancial StatementsReview Committee;member of the AuditCommittee andthe RemunerationCommittee)
Jiashu ChengMr. Cheng, age 70, is an Executive Director of the Stanford Center at Peking University.
He was previously the President of the Celanese China Operation.Mr. Cheng has Master's degrees in Economics and in Economic Development, bothfrom Stanford University, and Major in planning and statistics from the Department ofEconomics, Hebei University.
_Independent Director
(Member of theFinancial StatementsReview Committee,the Audit Committeeand the RemunerationCommittee)
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Committees of the Board of DirectorsTo help the Board of Directors eectively and eciently fulll its responsibilities, ithas established several standing activ committees.Board of Directors’ Committees - ADAMA Ltd.?Audit CommitteeResponsible for monitoring the company’s internal control system, nancialinformation, and its disclosure. The Committee currently consists of three members,two of whom are independent directors.In 2022, the Committee held ve (5) meetings, with a 100% attendance rate.?Nomination CommitteeResponsible for formulating standards and procedures and making recommendationsregarding the election of candidates for directorship. The Committee currentlyconsists of three members, two of whom are independent directors.In 2022, the Committee held one (1) meeting with a 100% attendance rate.?Compensation and Appraisal CommitteeResponsible for reviewing and formulating recommendations regarding remunerationpolicies for directors and senior management. The Committee currently consistsof three members, two of whom are independent directors.In 2022, the Committee held two (2) meetings with a 100% attendance rate.
Board of Directors’ Committees - ADAMA Solutions
?The Audit CommitteeResponsible for supervising all ADAMA Solutions’ group activities and ensuringthat they are conducted in compliance with all legal provisions. The Committeecurrently consists of three members, all of whom are independent directors andtwo of whom are external directors.In 2022, the Committee held six (6) meetings with an 83% attendance rate.
?The Financial Statements Review CommitteeResponsible for discussing and formulating recommendations to the board ofdirectors regarding nancial statements. The Committee currently consists of threemembers, all of whom are independent directors and two of whom are externaldirectors.In 2022, four (4) meetings of the Committee were held with a 100% attendancerate.
?The Remuneration CommitteeResponsible for approving and formulating recommendations regarding theremuneration of ocers, based on the adopted governing remuneration policy.The Committee currently consists of three members, all of whom are independentdirectors and two of whom are external directors.In 2022, six (6) meetings of the Committee were held with an 83% attendance rate.
During 2022, ADAMA Solutions' Board of Directors held 6 meetingswith an 74% attendance rateDuring 2022, ADAMA Ltd. Board of Directors held 10 meetingswith a 100% attendance rate
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Risk ManagementADAMA Solutions utilizes a comprehensive risk management methodology that isdesigned to optimize nancial returns for its stakeholders regardless of unavoidablerisks and uncertainties in the business environment. This methodology includes aperiodic risk assessment survey that maps the key activity areas and processesin which there is risk exposure, such as strategic, operational, legal, nancial andregulatory risks. ADAMA Solutions conducts an in-depth analysis of the residualrisk level for all risks and prepares a multi-year work plan for internal auditing basedon its results.
Remuneration of Directors and Senior ManagementRemuneration of ADAMA’s ocers and additional senior members of management isdecided by the authorized organs of ADAMA, according to the Remuneration Policyas was approved and updated from time to time by such organs (e.g. the Boardof Directors and/or a designated Board committee / the Shareholder, as relevant).ADAMA’s Remuneration Policy is based, among others, on the following mainprinciples: promotion of ADAMA’s objectives, work plan and goals, taking intoaccount the risks that accompany ADAMA’s operations; adjustment of thecompensation mix package to the size and character of ADAMA and the scopeof its operations; and creation of appropriate incentives for ocers by means ofrewarding entitled persons according to their functions, areas of responsibility,eorts and contribution to the development of ADAMA’s business and promotionof its goals, and increasing its prots in the short and long term. While approvingremuneration, global professional benchmarks, performance indicators and theperformance of the respective person are taken into account.The terms of ocers’ remuneration are based on three main components: BaseSalary component; Variable component (medium and short-term incentives whichinclude annual bonuses based on results and contingent upon targets and/or onthe contribution to ADAMA) and Long-Term Incentive. Independent directors areentitled to receive annual allowance according to the law, and do not receive salary,while non-independent directors (other than those who also hold managementpositions in ADAMA) may receive a monthly remuneration.
In addition to the risk assessment survey, we carry out periodic fraud risk assessmentsaimed at assessing the overall fraud risk level by evaluating and identifyingweaknesses in the work and control processes, which could be exploited for fraudulentor improper activities.To increase visibility of risk and to assist in management decision making, risksin both the risk assessment survey and fraud risk assessment are mapped andevaluated according to their residual risk based on their inherent risk and the in-place internal controls framework. The categories are each dened by ve levelsranging from very low to very high.The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for establishing and monitoringthe framework of the risk management policy. The Chief Financial Ocer reportson a regular basis regarding these risks.
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UPHOLDINGETHICAL BEHAVIORAt ADAMA, we continually strive to be a socially responsible and trusted Companythat is driven by the highest ethical standards and legal compliance in all our businesspractices. We view compliance as an essential part of our long-term success.We do not tolerate any violation of the law, our Code of Conduct, or internalregulations.Our businesses are managed responsibly and in compliance with the statutoryand regulatory requirements of local countries. We established an ethicscommittee to examine and review resolution of various ethical issues in aconsistent manner, with two senior management members participating andreporting to the management, in 2022.In 2022, Michal Arlosoro served as Executive Vice President, General LegalCounsel, Company Secretary and Chief Sustainability & Communication Ocer,and handled ethics related issues in a professional and condential manner andreported regularly to management on the Company’s ethical performance.Processes which she established as Ethics Ocer have made it straightforwardfor our people to seek advice or counseling regarding any ethical question,dilemma, or complaint in an anonymous and/or condential manner, ensuringthat all queries are handled properly. As of January 2023, Naama Peleg, servingas ADAMA's General Legal Counsel, as of January 1, 2023, has also taken therole of Ethics Ocer.
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We encourage employees to speak up! All HR representatives have been trained inthe service and are required to bring SpeakUp to the attention of their employeesand in particular to new joiners. Promotional posters are located in oce locations.Our intranet has a Compliance Corner where SpeakUp is highly visible to allemployees. Also, an annual report is published on the internal messaging serviceof the Company and in the ESG Report. In 2022, relative stability was maintained inthe total number of complaints compared to 2021, alongside increasing awarenessamong our people. In 2022 there were 17 cases reported to SpeakUp, comparedto 23 cases in 2021.ADAMA’s Code of Conduct makes it clear that any reporting of issues must betreated condentially, and the messenger’s wishes respected and properly dealtwith without fear of recrimination or retaliation.
8 Mexico1 Germany1 Israel
1 Mexico3 Germany1 Poland
5 | 5 |
20191 Mexico2 China1 Columbia1 Israel
2 Brazil1 Poland2 USA
5 China1 Columbia1 India2 Israel6 Ecuador4 USA1 Vietnam1 Peru1 South Africa
4 Israel3 USA3 Vietnam2 Mexico1 Ecuador1 Peru1 Colombia1 Romania1 Italy
SpeakUp -Reporting ConcernsADAMA operates a global condential reporting system available 24/7 to allemployees and suppliers/service providers. It is operated by an independent serviceprovider based in the Netherlands.ADAMA recognizes that sometimes issues are too sensitive to report directly andtherefore we encourage the condential or anonymous reporting of concerns aboutethical issues or breaches of applicable law relating to the Company and its activities.The SpeakUp service is a condential toll-free call or e-mail reporting system.SpeakUp is available in countries where ADAMA operates, and being web basedis not dependent upon location. It is available in 27 languages - all our employees’native languages. The system is also available for non-employees, such as serviceproviders, who may wish to raise ethical concerns; for this population, access toSpeakUp is publicized via our ADAMA website and Suppliers Code of Conduct.The reports are recorded by an independent, external third party, translated ifneeded, and forwarded to the General Legal Counsel and a member of the ADAMAlegal team, for condential investigation. The person reporting (the “messenger”)receives a reference number conrming the receipt of the report so that they cancall back or log in to receive feedback or provide further information. Dependingon the nature of the complaint, a senior person is appointed to investigate andresolve it with appropriate action.The investigation and proposed resolution are followed by senior members ofthe organization (Ethics Committee, GLC, Global HR Business Partner, and theirnominees per investigation). The investigating ocer can communicate with themessenger using the system irrespective of language, since SpeakUp has a built-intranslation service.In addition, the company uses a case management system (CMS), added in 2022,which supports case management of any ethical complaints received by thecompany, whether they are led via SpeakUp or directly to other managementteam members.
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The complaints in 2022 were on various topics. Most of the complaints (45%) dealtwith discrimination or harassment.We will continue to encourage our employees to submit complaints about anyconcerns that may arise, small as they may be, and we will continue to deepenthe examination process and internal investigation of these complaints.Besides SpeakUp, compliance incidents or queries that come through manageriallevels are reported directly to General Counsel or senior managers.
Actions Taken
6%No Action Necessary6%
Referred to HR/Mgmt
6%Policy/Process Review18%Advice Given
Cases by Misconduct Category
Discrimination and Harassment7Fraud and Other Financial Compliance Issues3
Sexual Harassment2Conicts of Interest1
Misappropriation of Information1
Poor Management1
Health, Safety and Environment1
Bribery and Corruption1
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Zero Tolerance for Bribery and CorruptionADAMA has zero tolerance for, and is committed to preventing, bribery andcorruption. We are committed to full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations,and contract requirements relating to the ght against bribery and corruption.Our Code of Conduct strictly prohibits oering, giving, or receiving bribes, eitherdirectly or through a third party. Entering business relationships with an individualor entity which has a history of engagement with bribery is forbidden. We share,implement, supervise, and enforce our anti-bribery and anti-corruption principleswith all our people.Our policy is to require all relevant employees to complete online anti-briberytraining on an annual basis. Where necessary, the online training is provided inthe local language.Corporate Compliance training is an annual requirement for performancereview and part of onboarding for new employees. The mandatory compliancee-learning trainings include the Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery, andCompetition Law.
Anti-Trust and Competition Law TrainingIn 2022, we successfully deployed the rst Syngenta Group competition e-learningtraining program across all Syngenta Group business units as part of our commitmentto ESG initiatives. The e-learning training was launched on a global scale throughoutADAMA and is accessible to all employees in their local languages. The trainingprogram focused on competition law, aiming to enhance our understanding andidentication of areas within our business where we may encounter competitionor anti-trust issues.Furthermore, face to face anti-trust trainings were conducted across Europe (in locallanguages) including Legal, Global Marketing, and Product Strategy departments(those with connections to customers or competitors) to assist employees in makingethically sound decisions when faced with challenging scenarios involving competitionor anti-trust matters. By equipping our employees with the knowledge and resourcesnecessary to navigate competition and anti-trust issues, we are actively promotingfair competition and strengthening our commitment to responsible businesspractices. In addition, in September 2022 the Guide to EU Competition Law policywas nalized and circulated to all those who have contact with competitors andcustomers and for day-to-day business to help them understand the rules and toensure that employees comply with all applicable competition and anti-trust laws.
Code of ConductOur Code of Conduct is the blueprint by which we ensure ethical practices andintegrity. In the Code, we outline our commitment to our people and stakeholdersand communicate our expectations of them. It encompasses our corporate culture,community relations, and the components of appropriate behavior.
83% employees completed theAnti-Trust and Competition e-learning
88% of our people completed the CoC yearly training
No Political DonationsWe do not use funds or corporate resources to support any political candidateor party. We recognize the rights of our employees to participate in the politicalprocess, provided they act independently of ADAMA and do not use ADAMA time,property, or equipment in the process.
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Data PrivacyADAMA’s Global Information Security Policy emphasizes the critical role our businessplays in protecting the personal data of our people as well as our stakeholders,and putting in place preventive security measures to avoid data breaches. Wecontrol and supervise access to personal information, balancing the interests andprivacy rights of individuals with those of our business interests and assets, in fullcompliance with GDPR, LGPD, POPIA, and other regulations. We have hardenedour information technology environment using cutting edge cybersecurity toolsand systems. All new systems that necessitate access to our data are requiredto undergo vetting by our cybersecurity compliance and intelligence team. Weannually audit and check our third-party solutions for continued data privacy andcybersecurity compliance. We have deployed multi-factor authentication for allusers (employees, contractors, etc.) who require access to our data. We leverageour cybersecurity intelligence systems to better understand what vulnerabilities ourIT environment and data are susceptible to, to enhance our enterprise’s defenses.We have deployed incident response procedures and escalation processes to beready for any potential incident. We also test our environment and the procedureswe have created.
Data Privacy Training
All new joiners are required to complete the online data privacy training module.The module, which is available in eight of our people’s native languages, coversthe scope of data protection and data privacy laws, personal data processing,employee responsibilities, data breach management, data security, and more. Allnew employees are required to complete the training as part of their onboardingat ADAMA.
In 2022, we successfully obtained our ISO27001 certication.
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ABOUT THISREPORTWe are pleased to present this ESG report that presents our main activities andachievements in promoting sustainability during 2022.This report and data cited throughout the report was issued with reference to theGlobal Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards for the period from January 1, 2022 toDecember 31, 2022. We also report according to the Sustainability AccountingStandards Board (SASB) Index and provide a description of how we contribute tothe United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).The disclosures and performance data in this report address our globally ownedand managed facilities and assets for the scal year 2022.The report has been prepared with assistance from external ESG specialists. We haveconducted both internal and third-party verication of the validity of the detaileddata, and we have reasonable condence in all published gures and practices.However, as in any document, there may be generalizations, inaccuracies, errorsor omissions. All forward-looking Information within this document is based on thecompany’s current estimates/intentions but may not materialize due to variousreasons.
In case of any discrepancy between the information in this report and informationappearing in the Company's public nancial statements, the information in theCompany's nancial statements is more accurate.We wish to thank all our people who lead sustainability at ADAMA and to everyonewho has been involved with the collection of the information and data shared inthis report.ADAMA intends to continue reporting on our sustainability performance in an ESGformat, to provide clear and comparable data, and to actively encourage discussionabout how we can improve.As part of our commitment to open dialogue, we welcome any feedback orcomments from our various stakeholders. For any questions or comments, pleasecontact:
Lee Singer SnirGlobal Head of
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GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021GRI
1. The organization
and its reportingpracticies
Organizational details2-1ADAMA Ltd. is a global leader in crop protection, providing solutions to farmers across
the world to combat weeds, insects and disease. ADAMA has one of the widest and mostdiverse portfolios of active ingredients in the world, state-of-the art R&D, manufacturing andformulation facilities, together with a culture that empowers our people in markets aroundthe world to listen to farmers and ideate from the eld. This uniquely positions ADAMAto oer a vast array of distinctive mixtures, formulations and high-quality dierentiatedproducts, delivering solutions that meet local farmer and customer needs in over 100countries globallyEntities included in the organization'ssustainability reporting
2-2ADAMA LTD., ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Ltd. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
company), ADAMA Anpon (Jinagsu) Ltd. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company)Reporting period, frequency andcontact point
2-32022, Annual reporting, Chief Sustainability Ocer:
Dr. Juan Valero <>External assurance2-5KPMG - Independent Limited Assurance Report
2. Activities and
Activities, value chain and otherbusiness relationships
2-6See About ADAMA in the Introduction ChapterEmployees2-7See Our People and Communities chapterWorkers who are not employees2-8See Our People and Communities chapter
General Disclosure
DISCLOSURESGlobal Reporting Initiative (GRI) Content Index
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
3. GovernanceGovernance structure and composition2-9See Our Governance & Ethics chapter
Nomination and selection of thehighest governance body
2-10See Our Governance & Ethics chapterChair of the highest governance body2-11See Our Governance & Ethics chapterRole of the highest governance body inoverseeing the management of impact
2-12See Our Governance & Ethics chapterDelegation of responsibility formanaging impact
2-13See Our Governance & Ethics chapterRole of the highest governance body insustainability reporting
2-14The executive board and BOD review and approve the reported informationConicts of interest2-15See Our Governance & Ethics chapterCommunication of critical concerns2-16See Our Governance & Ethics chapterCollective knowledge of the highestgovernance body
2-17See Our Governance & Ethics chapterEvaluation of the performance of thehighest governance body
2-18See Our Governance & Ethics chapterRemuneration policies2-19See Our Governance & Ethics chapterProcess to determine remuneration2-20See Our Governance & Ethics chapterAnnual total compensation ratio2-21See Our Governance & Ethics chapter
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
4. Strategy, policies
and practices
Statement on sustainabledevelopment strategy
2-22See Introduction ChapterPolicy commitments2-23See Introduction ChapterEmbedding policy commitments2-24See Introduction ChapterMechanisms for seeking advice andraising concerns
2-26See Introduction ChapterCompliance with laws and regulations2-27See Our Governance & Ethics ChapterMembership associations2-28See Introduction Chapter
5. Stakeholders
Approach to stakeholder engagement2-29See Introduction ChapterCollective bargaining agreements2-30See Our people and Communities chapter
GRI 3: Material Topics 2021GRI
Process to determine material topics3-1See Introduction ChapterList of material topics3-2See Introduction ChapterManagement of material topics3-3In each material subject relevant chapter, there is an explanation of commitment, approach,
targets, processes, initiatives, progress monitoring and looking forward
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Data DescriptionGRI202020212022Direct economic value generated: revenues(total net sales)
201-1 4,127,751 4,813,0415,569,988Economic value distributed:
Total operating costs (including R&D expenses,employee wages and other expenses)
201-14,057,924 4,741,0035,470,168Total payments to employees including wagesand benets (pension, social security, etc.)
201-1521,969560,386610,612Total payments to suppliers201-13,150,0733,409,7524,449,466Total amount paid to providers of capital201-1 9,162 12,349 11,591Capital expenditure 201-1214,000410,655396,632Total payments to governments (taxes, etc.) bycountry
201-1 31,552 59,045 22,163Total community investments201-1 2,807 2,599 2,827Total economic value distributed201-1 4,101,445 4,814,9965,506,749
Financial Disclosure - Economic Impact
Direct and indirect economic value generated - in Thousand USD
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Total sales in Million USD2020202120224,1274,8135,570Sales by product category in Million USDProduct category202020212022
Herbicides1,7071,9722,479Insecticides1,1751,4251,505Fungicides8579521,048Non Agro389464538Sales by regional performance in Million USDRegions202020212022
Europe1,0361,0721,115North America7769171,027Latin America1,0881,2761,592Asia-Pacic3323851,166of which China324513735India, Middle East and Africa572650669
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Data Description20182019202020212022Comments 2020Comments 2021Comments 2022Relevant Chapter
Energy (GRI 302-1)Total Energyconsumption (TJ)
3,34412,48010,96610,51612,503Includes Huifeng
(2nd semester),Lycored andChilean productionsite
Due to regainedproduction atSanonda andHuifeng. Notincluding oursubsidiaries Lycoredand ExperGrow
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Energy Intensity(TJ/ $millionrevenues)
0.943.122.662.182.232018 revenues
used in calculationrepresent ADAMASolutions only, while2019-20 also includeSanonda and Anponrevenues
Our 2022 Revenue- 5,600M USD
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Total Direct Energy(TJ)
1,2517,9644,9084,6865,046Not including
Hydrogen andBiomass (wood)
Our EnvironmentalSustainabilityCoal (TJ)06,7353,7533,2103,838All coal is derived fromthe 2 Chinese sites(Sanonda and Anpon).Consumption reducedin 2020 due to closureof a coal-operatedpower plant
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Environmental Disclosure
2018 data includes only ADAMA Solutions data. In 2019-20, the data boundary is expanded to also include two large sites in China - Sanonda and Anpon
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data Description20182019202020212022Comments 2020Comments 2021Comments 2022Relevant ChapterNatural Gas (TJ)6755567531,125945Our Environmental
SustainabilityFuel Oil (TJ)9587858080Our Environmental
SustainabilityDiesel (TJ)11239344047Our Environmental
SustainabilityLPG (TJ)8341372025Our Environmental
SustainabilityOther fossilfuels (TJ)
286506246127112Not including
Hydeogen andBiomass (wood)
Our Environmental
SustainabilityTotal IndirectEnergy (TJ)
2,0934,5166,0235,8317,385Our Environmental
SustainabilityExternalElectricity (TJ)
increased in 2020,replacing theelectricity previouslygenerated in theclosed power plant
Our Environmental
ExternalSteam (TJ)
increased in 2020,replacing the steampreviously generatedin the closed powerplant
Our Environmental
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data Description20182019202020212022Comments 2020Comments 2021Comments 2022Relevant ChapterRenewable EnergyUsed (TJ)
-50345164Based on energy
mix of electricitysupplier
Based on energymix of electricitysupplier andinternal PVproduction
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Greenhouse Gas emission (GRI 305)Scope 1+2 GHGemissions (tonneCO2e)
242,2491,429,8521,273,6181,210,8601,422,2922020 data was
rened to site specicor state specic
Includes Huifeng(2nd semester),Lycored andChilean productionsite
Due to regainedproduction atSanonda andHuifeng. Notincluding oursubsidiaries Lycoredand ExperGrow
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
GHG Intensity(tonne CO2e/$million revenues)
683583092522542018 revenues
used in calculationrepresent ADAMASolutions only, while2019-20 also includeSanonda and Anponrevenues
Our 2022 Revenue- 5,600M USD
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Scope 1 emissions:
on-site fuels(tonne CO2e)
93,702688,557421,172413,466444,7072020 data was
rened to site specicor state specic
Our EnvironmentalSustainabilityScope 1 emissions:
company vehicles(tonne CO2e)
11,39124,28715,6462020 data only
represents activityfrom November andonwards, when thecompany startedmeasuring theseemissions
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data Description20182019202020212022Comments 2020Comments 2021Comments 2022Relevant ChapterScope 2 emissions:
indirect energy(tonne CO2e)
148,547741,295852,446797,393977,5852020 data was
rened to site specicor state specic
Our EnvironmentalSustainabilityWater (GRI 303)Total WaterConsumption (m3)
3,503,71110,289,07411,624,38913,565,07311,066,527Increase in 2020is mostly derivedfrom a changein measurementmethodologies, asnew digital meterswere installed insome ADAMA Chinafacilities
Includes Huifeng(2nd semester),Lycored andChilean productionsite
Not including oursubsidiaries Lycoredand ExperGrow
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Water Intensity(m3/ $millionrevenues)
9892,5742,8162,8181,9762018 revenues
used in calculationrepresent ADAMASolutions only, while2019-20 also includeSanonda and Anponrevenues
Our 2022 Revenue- 5,600M USD
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Total Wastewaterdischarged (m3)
1,837,5946,434,0579,398,2079,511,5297,808,500Increase in 2020is mostly derivedfrom a changein measurementmethodologies, asnew digital meterswere installed insome ADAMA Chinafacilities
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Total Wastewaterreclaimed (m3)(data only representsMakhteshim site)
114,090282,155220,690160,53171,545RO systems
shutdown due toupgrade
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data Description20182019202020212022Comments 2020Comments 2021Comments 2022Relevant ChapterTOC in euents(tonne)
wastewatertreatment plantsin China
Our EnvironmentalSustainabilityCOD in euents(tonne)
6368521,1072,046775Our Environmental
SustainabilityTSS in euents(tonne)
94235254234214Our Environmental
SustainabilityHerbicidesdischarged (tonne)(data only representsHerbicides releaseddirectly to theenvironment fromthe Agan site. Allother Herbicides in allsites are directed totreatment facilities) Environmental
Air Emissions (GRI 305-6)Particulate matter(tonne)
142829Includes Huifeng
(2nd semester),Lycored andChilean productionsite
Not including oursubsidiaries Lycoredand ExperGrow
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
NOx emissions(tonne)
106330131159176The 2020 decrease isdue to the shut-down ofone coal-based powerplant in China, anddue to new reductionequipment installed in asecond plant
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data Description20182019202020212022Comments 2020Comments 2021Comments 2022Relevant ChapterSOx emissions(tonne)
32178254160The 2020 decrease is
due to the shut-downof one Coal-basedpower plant in China,and due to newreduction equipmentinstalled in a secondplant
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
VOC emissions(tonne)
7282898199Our Environmental
SustainabilitySolid Wastes (GRI 306)Total HazardousWaste (tonne)
23,42944,766121,262158,735143,752The increase in
2020 gures is dueto the inclusionof signicant by-product streams thatwere not previouslyincluded in ADAMA'shazardous wastegures
Includes Huifeng(2nd semester),Lycored andChilean productionsite
Not including oursubsideries Lycoredand ExperGrow
Our Environmental
Hazardouswaste to landll/incineration(tonne)
NA40,82740,64949,46461,230For 2018: Only
Overall waste isavailable, W/Otreatment methods
Our Environmental
SustainabilityHazardous wasteto recycling(tonne)
NA3,93980,613109,27182,522For 2018: Only
Overall waste isavailable, W/Otreatment methods
Our Environmental
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data Description20182019202020212022Comments 2020Comments 2021Comments 2022Relevant ChapterTotal Non-Hazardous Waste(tonne)
8,214108,80479,25678,06137,240The increase in2020 gures is dueto the inclusion ofsignicant by-productstreams that were notpreviously included inADAMA's hazardouswaste gures
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Non-Hazardouswaste to landll/incineration(tonne)
NA107,16572,64671,04930,830For 2018: Only
Overall waste isavailable, W/Otreatment methods
Our EnvironmentalSustainabilityNon-Hazardouswaste to recycling(tonne)
NA1,6396,6117,0136,410For 2018: Only
Overall waste isavailable, W/Otreatment methods
Our EnvironmentalSustainabilityEnvironmental ManagementExpenditures onEnvironmentalProtection (MillionUSD)
129196059Our Environmental
SustainabilityInvestments onEnvironmentalProtection (MillionUSD)
4948515458Our Environmental
SustainabilitySites certied toISO 14001 or to aneqv. Standard (%)
NANA64%57%57%Measured from 2020
Huifeng andColombia
Our Environmental
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data Description20182019202020212022Comments 2020Comments 2021Comments 2022Relevant Chapter
Environmental ComplianceEnvironmentalFines (Million USD) two immaterial
nes received inChina due to short-term exceedanceof emission permitsfor wastewater andair emissions. Bothissues have sincebeen resolved
Overdueinspection onpressure pipeline atHuifeng, China
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
53442Following each
signicant incident,the companyinvestigates theincident causes andcircumstances. Acorrective actionplan is prepared andthen implemented
Our EnvironmentalSustainability
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant Chapter
Quality Employment
Total number of employees on payroll(head count/FTE)
Our People andCommunities> Women2-8NA1,8251,8002,2362,292
Our People andCommunities> Men2-8NA5,9345,7056,9266,916
Our People andCommunitiesTotal number of full-time employees (headcount/FTE)
Our People andCommunities> Women2-8NA1,7931,8002,2222,278
Our People andCommunities> Men2-8NA5,9265,6766,9236,909
Our People andCommunitiesTotal number of part-time employees (headcount/FTE)
Our People andCommunities> Women2-8NA32221414
Our People andCommunities> Men2-8NA8737
Our People andCommunities
Social Disclosure
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant Chapter
Employee categoryManufacturing2-73,2213,0342,8173,8713,787Our People and
CommunitiesR&D2-7238264243250262Our People and
CommunitiesSales & Registration2-71,7161,8351,7391,9391,935Our People and
CommunitiesManagement & Administration2-7568485469500539Our People and
CommunitiesOther2-71,9322,1412,2372,6022,685Our People and
CommunitiesTotal2-77,6757,7597,5059,1629,208Our People and
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Total employees senior managers405-1127131129125118Our People and
CommunitiesTotal employees middle managers405-1523621678810793Our People and
CommunitiesTotal employees non-managers405-17,0046,9866,6608,2078,278Our People and
CommunitiesTotal top management405-12121192019Our People and
CommunitiesWomen top management405-122222Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant ChapterWomen senior managers405-12124252526Our People and
CommunitiesWomen middle managers 405-1140161176212194Our People and
CommunitiesWomen non-managers 405-11,5881,6381,5971,9972,070Our People and
CommunitiesMen top management 405-11919171817Our People and
CommunitiesMen senior managers 405-110610710510092Our People and
CommunitiesMen middle managers 405-1383460508598599Our People and
CommunitiesMen non-managers 405-15,4165,3485,0756,2106,208Our People and
Communities% Women in workforce 405-123.5%24.0%24.4%24.9%Our People and
Communities% Women in management roles 405-124.3%24.2%24.6%25%23.9%Our People and
Communities% Women in senior management roles 405-116.5%18.3%19.4%20%22%Our People and
CommunitiesTotal top managers - under age 30 405-100000Our People and
CommunitiesTotal top managers - age 30-50 405-154222Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant ChapterTotal top managers age - age 50 and up 405-11618171817Our People and
CommunitiesTotal senior managers - under age 30 405-100000Our People and
CommunitiesTotal senior managers - age 30-50 405-15455494337Our People and
CommunitiesTotal senior managers age - age 50 and up 405-17376808181Our People and
CommunitiesTotal middle managers - under age 30 405-187442Our People and
CommunitiesTotal middle managers - age 30-50 405-1378446460526532Our People and
CommunitiesTotal middle managers - age 50 and up 405-1135166214279259Our People and
CommunitiesTotal non-managers - under age 30 405-1995833603591647Our People and
CommunitiesTotal non-managers age 30-50 405-14,5544,5404,4475,1725,170Our People and
CommunitiesTotal non-managers - age 50 and up 405-11,4471,6021,6102,4442,461Our People and
CommunitiesTotal employees - under age 30 405-11,003840607595649Our People and
CommunitiesTotal employees age 30-50 405-14,9915,0454,9585,7435,741Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant ChapterTotal employees - age 50 and up 405-11,6711,8621,9212,8242,818Our People and
Communities% employees over 50 in workforce 405-1NA24.0%25.6%30.8%30.6%Our People and
Communities% employees over 50 in management roles 405-1NA33.6%37.7%39.6%38.4%Our People and
CommunitiesNumber of employees covered by collectivebargaining agreements
407NANA1,576 (21%)1,532 (16%)1,513 (16.4%) Our People and
CommunitiesWomen407NANANA3%3.3%Our People and
CommunitiesMale407NANANA13%13.1%Our People and
CommunitiesNew employee hires and employee turnover
Total number and rate of new employee hires by age group and gender
Women <30 401-1NANANA97110Our People and
CommunitiesWomen 30-50 401-1NANANA525298Our People and
CommunitiesWomen >50 401-1NANANA6626Our People and
CommunitiesMen <30 401-1NANANA256217Our People and
CommunitiesMen 30-50 401-1NANANA1,098583Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant ChapterMen >50 401-1NANANA74778Our People and
CommunitiesTotal new hires <30 401-1NANANA353327Our People and
CommunitiesTotal new hires 30-50 401-1NANANA1,623881Our People and
CommunitiesTotal new hires >50Including New Company ADAMA Huifeng& ADAMA Dibai
401-1NANANA813104Our People and
CommunitiesTotal new hires 401-1742 (100
944 (112managers)
719 (65managers)* Due toreorganizationand relocationin China
2,808(191 managers)
1,312(79 managers)
Our People andCommunities
Total number and rate of employee turnover by age group and genderWomen <30 401-1NANANA2434Our People and
CommunitiesWomen 30-50 401-1NANANA165250Our People and
CommunitiesWomen >50 401-1NANANA6888Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant ChapterMen <30 401-1NANANA8194Our People and
CommunitiesMen 30-50 401-1NANANA478504Our People and
CommunitiesMen >50 401-1NANANA333296Our People and
CommunitiesTotal leavers <30 401-1NANANA105128Our People and
CommunitiesTotal leavers 30-50 401-1NANANA643754Our People and
CommunitiesTotal leavers >50 401-1NANANA401384Our People and
CommunitiesTotal leavers 401-1595866870
* Due toreorganizationand relocationin China
1,149(135 managers)
1,266(169 managers)
Our People andCommunities
Total rate of employee turnover 401-28.69%12.18%12.80%13.70%13.30%Our People and
CommunitiesOpen positions lled by internal candidates NANA25%35%31%Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant Chapter
Pay gap
Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men in USD, by level
Top Management 405-2113%113%109%112%108%Our People and
CommunitiesSenior Management 405-2110%109%105%114%119%Our People and
CommunitiesMiddle Management 405-2103%100%97%93%95%Our People and
CommunitiesNon-management employees 405-279%77%76%72%75%Our People and
Training and Education
Training hours for women senior managers 404-1NANANANA~6,890 hours in
formal trainingand leadershipdevelopment
programs +~270 hoursof additionaltraining
Our People and
Training hours for women middle managers 404-1NANANANA540 hours in
formal trainingand leadershipdevelopmentprograms +~1,950 hoursof additionaltraining
Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant ChapterTraining hours for women non-managers 404-1NANANANA~19,600 hours Our People and
CommunitiesTotal number for training hours for women 404-1NANANANA~29,250 hours Our People and
CommunitiesTraining hours for men senior managers 404-1NANANANA~19,000 hours in
formal trainingand leadershipdevelopmentprograms +~1,010 hoursof additionaltraining
Our People and
Training hours for men middle managers 404-1NANANANA720 hours in
formal trainingand leadershipdevelopment
programs +~6,000 hoursof additionaltraining
Our People andCommunities
Training hours for men non-managers 404-1NANANANA~57,030 hours Our People and
CommunitiesTotal number of training hours for men 404-1NANANANA~83,760 hoursOur People and
CommunitiesTotal number of training hours for allemployees
404-1NANANANA~11,3010Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant ChapterAverage hours of training per year per employee by genderAvarage training hours per employee404-1NANANANA12.3 hoursOur People and
CommunitiesAvarage training hours per woman404-1NANANANA12.8 hoursOur People and
CommunitiesAvarage training hours per man404-1NANANANA12.1 hours Our People and
CommunitiesPrograms for upgrading employee skills andtransition assistance programs
404-2NANANANA7-10 hoursOur People and
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews by gender
Percentage of women receivingperformance and career developmentreviews
404-3NANANANA98%Our People and
CommunitiesPercentage of men receiving performanceand career development reviews
404-3NANANANA98%Our People and
CommunitiesPercentage of employees who receiveda regular performance and careerdevelopment review during the reportingperiod.
404-3NANANA95%98%Our People and
Communities Occupational Health and Safety
Workers covered by an occupationalhealth and safety management system
403-8All employees.Also contractingcompanies report
to us regardingcompliance with
the standard
Our People andCommunities
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant Chapter
Work-related injuriesThe number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury
403-9 NANANA00Our People and
CommunitiesThe rate of fatalities as a result of work-related injury
403-9 NANANA00Our People and
CommunitiesThe number and rate of high-consequencework-related injuries (excluding fatalities)
403-9 NANANA3
Fingeramputations andhip fractures
1 exposure to
hazardouschemical.3 injuriesof ngertipamputation
Our People andCommunities
The number of recordable work-relatedinjuries
403-9 NANA404974Our People and
CommunitiesThe rate of recordable work-related injuries 403-9 NANA0.580.460.67Our People and
CommunitiesTotal number of hours worked 403-9 NANA31,356,28350,828,96254,850,815Our People and
CommunitiesTotal number of days missed NANA8741,7441,100Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant ChapterMain work-related hazards that pose a riskof high-consequence injury
403-9 NANANAAlthough weare part of thechemical industryand there arechemical risks,out of the 49injuries only 8 wererelated to exposureto hazardouschemicals. Theyall amounted to aminor injury
1 injury ofexposure tohazardouschemicalclassied as high.And 3 injuriesof ngertipamputationclassied as high
Our People andCommunities
Work-related ill healthThe number of fatalities as a result of work-related ill health
402-10NANANA00Our People and
CommunitiesThe number of cases of recordable work-related ill health
402-10NANA000Our People and
CommunitiesThe main types of work-related ill health 402-10NANANA0NAOur People and
CommunitiesWork-related hazards that pose a risk of illhealth
402-10NANANA0NAOur People and
CommunitiesSites certied to ISO 45001 or to an eqv.standard
402-10NANA56%43%43%Our People and
CommunitiesSites certied to ISO 18001 or to an eqv.standard
402-10NANANA60%75%Our People and
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Relevant Chapter
Local communities
Community donations (in USD, thousand) 413-1NANA2,8072,5992,800Our People and
CommunitiesDonation per pre-tax prots 413-1NANA2.70%2.80%9.6%Our People and
Communities% of workforce participating involunteering *
413-1NANA20%18.5%24%Our People and
CommunitiesTotal number of hours employeesvolunteered *
413-1NANA1,3002,7772,788Our People and
Communities* Volunteering gures measured only in Israel. Work in progress designing a global tool for reliable data collection.
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022CommentsRelevant Chapter
Conrmed incidents of corruption and actions takenTotal number and nature ofconrmed incidents of corruption
205-3NANA020Our Governance
& EthicsTotal number of conrmedincidents in which employeeswere dismissed or disciplined forcorruption
205-3NANA020Our Governance
& EthicsTotal number of conrmedincidents when contracts withbusiness partners were terminatedor not renewed due to violationsrelated to corruption
205-3NANA000Our Governance
& Ethics
Public legal cases regardingcorruption brought against theorganization or its employeesduring the reporting period andthe outcomes of such cases.
205-3NANA000Our Governance
& Ethics
Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionTotal number of Operationsassessed for risks related tocorruption
205-1NANA020Our Governance
& Ethics
Governance Disclosure
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022CommentsRelevant ChapterPercentage of Operations assessedfor risks related to corruption
205-1NANA020Our Governance
& EthicsSignicant risks related tocorruption identied through therisk assessment
205-1NANANANA0Our Governance
& Ethics
Anti-competitive behaviorLegal actions for anti-competitivebehavior, anti-trust, andmonopoly practices
206-1NANA000Our Governance
& EthicsMain outcomes of completedlegal actions (regarding anti-competitive behavior andviolations of anti-trust andmonopoly legislation), includingany decisions or judgements
206-1NANA000Our Governance
& Ethics
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and/or voluntary codes concerningmarketing communications(including advertising, promotion,and sponsorship), classied bytheir result: ne or warning.
206-2NANA000Our Governance
& Ethics
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and/or voluntary codes concerningthe health and safety impacts ofproducts and services
416-2NANA010Our Governance
& Ethics
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022CommentsRelevant ChapterSubstantiated complaintsconcerning breaches of customerprivacy and losses of customerdata
416-2NANA000Our Governance
& EthicsSignicant nes and non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and/or regulations in the social andeconomic area
416-2NANA000Our Governance
& Ethics
EthicsCommunication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresTotal number and percentage ofemployees that the organization’santi-corruption policiesand procedures have beencommunicated to
205-2NANAThe policies are available on the ADAMA
ZONE under compliance - all employeeshave access when needed. All new joinersare provided with the Code of Conduct andasked to complete the mandatory e-learningcompliance courses including anti-bribery
Our Governance& Ethics
Total number and percentage ofemployees that receievd trainingon CoC, by level:
205-2NA80%92%87%88%Our Governance
& EthicsComplaints reported to speakuphotline
205-2NANA52317Our Governance
& EthicsPercentage of complaintsregarding suspicion of bribery/corruption
205-2NA40%0%10%0%Our Governance
& Ethics
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022CommentsRelevant ChapterPercentage of complaintsregarding HR issues
205-2NA20%20%20%0%Our Governance
& EthicsPercentage of complaintsregarding product compliance
205-2NA20%0%0%0%No cases
were reportedvia speakupregarding productcompliance
Our Governance
& Ethics
Percentage of complaintsregarding other Issues
& Harassment,sexualharassment,conicts ofinterest, health& safety &environment,Fraud andother nancialcompliance issues,Misappropriationof Information
Our Governance
& Ethics
Percentage of Employees trainedon data privacy
205-2NA63%-75%79%Our Governance
& Ethics
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Comments Relevant ChapterTotal number of directors405-165555
Our Governance& EthicsNumber of Non-Executive Directors on Board405-144444
Our Governance& EthicsNumber of External Directors405-122222
Our Governance& EthicsNumber of Independent Directors405-122222
Our Governance& EthicsSeparate Chair and CEO405-1YesYesYesYesYes
Our Governance& EthicsAnnual Election of Directors405-160350
According to Company Lawof China, ADAMA Ltd. doesn'tneed to elect directors annually
Our Governance& EthicsAverage Age of Directors405-15657585960
Our Governance& EthicsWomen Directors405-100000
Our Governance& EthicsBoard meetings held405-1119101010
Our Governance& EthicsAttendance rate - board meetings (%)405-1100%100%100%100%100%
Our Governance& Ethics
Board of Directors - ADAMA Ltd
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Comments Relevant ChapterAudit Committee - meetings held405-165565
Our Governance& EthicsAudit Committee - attendance rate (%)405-1100%100%100%100%100%
Our Governance& EthicsNomination Committee - meetings held405-12-511
Our Governance& EthicsNomination Committee - attendance rate (%)405-1100%-93%100%100%
Our Governance& EthicsCompensation and Appraisal Committee -meetings held
Our Governance& EthicsCompensation and Appraisal Committee -attendance rate (%)
Our Governance& EthicsStrategy Committee - meetings held405-100000
Our Governance& Ethics
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Comments Relevant ChapterTotal Number of Directors405-177777
Our Governance& EthicsNumber of Non-Executive Directors on Board405-155333
Our Governance& EthicsNumber of External Directors405-122222
Our Governance& EthicsNumber of Independent Directors405-111111
Our Governance& EthicsSeparate Chair and CEO405-1YesYesYesYesNo
Our Governance& Ethics
Annual Election of Directors405-1NoNoNoNoNo
Please note that there is no regulatorynor other need within the AOA foran annual re-election of the boardmembers, whom are being nominatedby the sole shareholder. The externaldirectors and independent director,preside for 3-year terms (for a tenure nolonger than nine-year period)
Our Governance& Ethics
Average Age of Directors405-15857596060
Our Governance& EthicsWomen Directors405-111111
Our Governance& Ethics
Board of Directors - ADAMA Solutions
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Data DescriptionGRI20182019202020212022Comments Relevant ChapterBoard meetings held405-177776
Our Governance& EthicsAttendance rate - board meetings (%)405-189%80%84%76%74%
Our Governance& EthicsAudit Committee - meetings held405-111813106
Our Governance& EthicsAudit Committee - attendance rate (%)405-193%93%92%97%83%
Our Governance& EthicsFinancial Statements Review Committee -meetings held
Our Governance& EthicsFinancial Statements Review -attendance rate (%)
Our Governance& EthicsRemuneration Committee - meetings held405-134856
Our Governance& EthicsRemuneration Committee - attendance rate (%)405-178%92%92%100%83%
Our Governance& Ethics
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
TopicAccounting metricCategoryUnit of measureCode2022 performanceSustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics
GreenhouseGas Emissions
Gross global Scope 1 emissions,percentage covered underemissions-limiting regulations
QuantitativeMetric tonnes (t)
CO?e,Percentage (%)
RT-CH-110a.1460,353 tonne CO?eDiscussion of long-term andshort-term strategy or plan tomanage Scope 1 emissions,emissions reduction targets,and an analysis of performanceagainst those targets
Discussion andAnalysis
n/aRT-CH-110a.2See Our Environmental Sustainability
Chapter.We are increasing electricity eciency ofconsumers (motors, lighting, compressors);embedding renewable solar energy; usehydrogen as subsitute to fossil fuels; shiingto electrical forklis and cars; electrifyingproduction facilities; heat conservation.2030 target: 38% reduction of absolutecarbon emissions in scope 1 and 2 (2022baseline)Air QualityAir emissions of the following
(1) NOX (excluding N2O),
(2) SOX,
(3) volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), and (4) hazardous airpollutants (HAPs)
QuantitativeMetric tons (t) RT-CH-120a.1(1) NOx- 176 tonne (2) SOx- 60 tonne (3)
VOCs- 99 tonne (4) HAPs- Not aggregated
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)Content Index - Chemicals standard
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
TopicAccounting metricCategoryUnit of measureCode2022 performanceEnergyManagement
1) Total energy consumed,
(2) percentage grid electricity,
(3) percentage renewable,
(4) total self-generated energy
QuantitativeGigajoules (GJ),
Percentage (%)
RT-CH-130a.1(1) 12,804 TJ (2) 42% (3) 0.5% (4) Not
(1) Total water withdrawn,
(2) total water consumed,
percentage of each in regionswith High or Extremely HighBaseline Water Stress
QuantitativeThousand cubic
meters (m?),Percentage (%)
RT-CH-140a.1(1) Water withdrawn - 11,066,527 cubic meter
(2) Water consumed- 11,066,527 cubic meter
(3) 25.3%
Number of incidents of non-compliance associated withwater quality permits,standards, and regulations
QuantitativeNumberRT-CH-140a.2 4 (euents discharge)
Description of watermanagement risks and discussionof strategies and practices tomitigate those risks
Discussion andAnalysis
n/a RT-CH-140a.3See Our Environmental Sustainability
chapter. We are recycling euent water in
regions with high water stressHazardousWaste Management
Amount of hazardous wastegenerated, percentage recycled
QuantitativeMetric tons (t),
Percentage (%)
RT-CH-150a.1(1) 143,752 tonne (2) 57%CommunityRelations
Discussion of engagementprocesses to manage risks andopportunities associated withcommunity interests
Discussion andAnalysis
n/a RT-CH-210a.1See Our People and Communities chapter.
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
TopicAccounting metricCategoryUnit of measureCode2022 performanceWorkforceHealth & Safety
(1) Total recordable incident rate
(TRIR) and
(2) fatality rate for (a) direct
employees and (b) contractemployees
QuantitativeRateRT-CH-320a.1TRIR - 0.67
Fatality rate - 0
Description of eorts to assess,monitor, and reduce exposure ofemployees and contract workersto long-term (chronic) health risks
Discussion andAnalysis
n/aRT-CH-320a.2See Our People and Communities chapter.
We conduct regular measurements to checkfor abnormality but also to make sure thereis no exposure that will lead to chronicdiseasesProduct Designfor Use-phaseEciency
Revenue from products designedfor use phase resource eciency
RT-CH-410a.1Not measured.Safety &EnvironmentalStewardship ofChemicals
(1) Percentage of products that
contain Globally HarmonizedSystem of Classication andLabeling of Chemicals (GHS)Category 1 and 2 Health andEnvironmental HazardousSubstances,
(2) percentage of such products
that have undergone a hazardassessment
QuantitativePercentage (%)
by revenue,Percentage (%)
RT-CH-410b.1Not measured
Discussion of strategy to
(1) manage chemicals of
concern, and (2) developalternatives with reduced humanand/or environmental impact
Discussion andAnalysis
n/a RT-CH-410b.2Not measured
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
TopicAccounting metricCategoryUnit of measureCode2022 performanceGeneticallyModiedOrganisms
Percentage of products byrevenue that contain geneticallymodied organisms(GMOs)
QuantitativePercentage (%)
by revenue
RT-CH-410c.1As far as we are aware, no ADAMA product
contains GMOsManagement ofthe Legal &RegulatoryEnvironment
Discussion of corporate positionsrelated to government regulationsand/or policy proposals thataddress environmental and socialfactors aecting the industry
Discussion andAnalysis
n/a RT-CH-530a.1See Our Environmental Sustainability chapter
We have an environmental management
system, including policies, procedures,
targets; adhering to all governmental
regulationsOperationalSafety,EmergencyPreparedness &Response
Process Safety Incident Count(PSIC), Process Safety TotalIncident Rate (PSTIR), and ProcessSafety Incident Severity Rate(PSISR)
QuantitativeNumber, RateRT-CH-540a.1We manage and monitor the eld based on
relevant reports from all sites with a monthly
monitoring matrix.
See more in Our People and Communities
chapterNumber of transport incidentsQuantitativeNumberRT-CH-540a.2Total 12 travel accidents. There were no
injuries as a result of travel accidents.
Damage only
? 2023 KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Israel.
We were engaged by the management of Adama Ltd. (further referred to as “Adama” or “the Company”) to provide limited assurance on the specified partsas mentioned in the table below (further referred to as “specified parts”), regarding the information presented on Adama’s 2022 ESG for the year ended 31December 2022 (further referred to as “the Report”).
It should be noted that the assurance refers to the information and data included in the topics listed in this table, regarding the reporting year, only.The limited assurance was performed regarding the data and information in the specified parts detailed in the table below:
Somekh Chaikin KPMG Millennium Tower 17 Ha’arba’a Street, PO Box 609 Tel Aviv 61006, Israel +972 3 684 8000 Independent Limited Assurance Report to the users/readers of Adama Ltd. 2022 ESG Report | ||||
Subject Matter | Units | 2022 | ||
Quality employment | ||||
Total employees | # | 9,208 | ||
Women | # | 2,292 | ||
Men | # | 6,916 | ||
Total full-time employees (FTEs) | # | 9,187 | ||
Women | # | 2,278 | ||
Men | # | 6,909 | ||
Total part-time employees | # | 21 | ||
Women | # | 14 | ||
Men | # | 7 | ||
Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements | % | 16.4 | ||
Women | % | 3.3 | ||
ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 136
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
Independent Limited Assurance Report tothe users/readers of ADAMA Ltd. 2022 ESG Report
? 2023 KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Israel.
Subject Matter | Units | 2022 |
Men | % | 13.1 |
Employee retention rate | % | 87.6 |
Employee turnover rate | % | 13.3 |
Employees participating in performance review | % | 98 |
New hires by gender and age group | ||
Women <30 | # | 110 |
Women 30-50 | # | 298 |
Women >50 | # | 26 |
Men <30 | # | 217 |
Men 30-50 | # | 583 |
Men >50 | # | 78 |
Total new hires <30 | # | 327 |
Total new hires 30-50 | # | 881 |
Total new hires >50 | # | 104 |
Total new hires | # | 1,312 |
Leavers by gender and age group | ||
Women <30 | # | 34 |
Women 30-50 | # | 250 |
Women >50 | # | 88 |
Men <30 | # | 94 |
Men 30-50 | # | 504 |
Men >50 | # | 296 |
Total leavers <30 | # | 128 |
Total leavers 30-50 | # | 754 |
Total leavers >50 | # | 384 |
Total leavers | # | 1,266 |
Employee role distribution | ||
Manufacturing | # | 3,787 |
R&D | # | 262 |
Sales & Registration | # | 1,935 |
ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 137
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
? 2023 KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Israel.
Subject Matter | Units | 2022 |
Management & Administration | # | 539 |
Other | # | 2,685 |
Total | # | 9,208 |
Employee age distribution | ||
Total employees' senior managers | # | 118 |
Total employees' middle managers | # | 793 |
Total employees' non-managers | # | 8,278 |
Total top management | # | 19 |
Women top management | # | 2 |
Women senior managers | # | 26 |
Women middle managers | # | 194 |
Women non-managers | # | 2,070 |
Men top management | # | 17 |
Men senior managers | # | 92 |
Men middle managers | # | 599 |
Men non-managers | # | 6,208 |
Total top managers - under age 30 | # | 0 |
Total top managers - age 30-50 | # | 2 |
Total top managers age - age 50 and up | # | 17 |
Total senior managers - under age 30 | # | 0 |
Total senior managers - age 30-50 | # | 37 |
Total senior managers age - age 50 and up | # | 81 |
Total middle managers - under age 30 | # | 2 |
Total middle managers - age 30-50 | # | 532 |
Total middle managers - age 50 and up | # | 259 |
Total non-managers - under age 30 | # | 647 |
Total non-managers - age 30-50 | # | 5,170 |
Total non-managers - age 50 and up | # | 2,461 |
Total employees - under age 30 | # | 649 |
Total employees - age 30-50 | # | 5,741 |
ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 138
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
? 2023 KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Israel.
Subject Matter | Units | 2022 |
Total employees - age 50 and up | # | 2,818 |
Total employees over 50 in workforce | % | 30.6 |
Total employees over 50 in management roles | % | 38.4 |
Diversity and gender equality | ||
Gender Salary Ratio- non-management employees | % | 75 |
Gender Salary Ratio- middle management | % | 95 |
Gender Salary Ratio- senior management | % | 119 |
Gender Salary Ratio- top management | % | 108 |
Community engagement | ||
Community donations | thousand USD | 2,800 |
Donation per pre-tax profits | % | 9.6 |
Workforce participating in volunteering (Adama Israel only) | % | 24 |
Hours of employee volunteering (Adama Israel only) | hours | 2,788 |
Board of Directors – ADAMA Ltd | ||
Total number of directors | # | 5 |
Number of non-executive directors on Board | # | 4 |
Number of external directors | # | 2 |
Number of Independent directors | # | 2 |
Separate Chair and CEO | claim | yes |
Annual election of directors | # | no |
Average age of directors | # | 60 |
Women directors | # | 0 |
Board meeting held | # | 10 |
Attendance rate- general board meetings | % | 100 |
Audit Committee - meetings held | # | 5 |
Audit Committee - attendance rate | % | 100 |
Nomination Committee - meetings held | # | 1 |
Nomination Committee - attendance rate | % | 100 |
Remuneration Committee - meetings held | # | 2 |
Compensation and Appraisal Committee - attendance rate | % | 100 |
ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 139
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
? 2023 KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Israel.
Subject Matter | Units | 2022 |
Board of Directors – ADAMA Solutions | ||
Total number of directors | # | 7 |
Number of non-executive directors on Board | # | 3 |
Number of external directors | # | 2 |
Number of undependent directors | # | 1 |
Separate Chair and CEO | claim | no |
Annual election of directors | claim | no |
Average age of directors | # | 60 |
Women directors | # | 1 |
Board meeting held | # | 6 |
Attendance rate- general board meetings | % | 74 |
Audit Committee - meetings held | # | 6 |
Audit Committee - attendance rate | % | 83 |
Financial Statements Review Committee - meetings held | # | 4 |
Financial Statements Review - attendance rate | % | 100 |
Remuneration Committee - meetings held | # | 6 |
Remuneration Committee - attendance rate | % | 83 |
Economic value shared | ||
Direct economic value generated: revenues (total net sales) | thousand USD | 5,569,988 |
Total operating costs | thousand USD | 5,470,168 |
Total payments to employees | thousand USD | 610,612 |
Total payments to suppliers | thousand USD | 4,449,466 |
Payments to governments (taxes) | thousand USD | 22,163 |
Total amount paid to providers of capital | thousand USD | 11,591 |
Capital expenditure | thousand USD | 396,632 |
Total community investments | thousand USD | 2,827 |
Total economic value distributed | thousand USD | 5,506,749 |
Health and safety | ||
Sites certified to ISO 45001 or to an eqv. standard | % | 43 |
Adama’s HSE policy | existence |
ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 140
Introduction??Our Products??Our Environmental Sustainability??Our People and Communities??Our Governance and Ethics??Annex
? 2023 KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Israel.
Subject Matter | Units | 2022 |
Environmental management | ||
Sites certified to ISO 14001 or to an eqv. standard | % | 57 |
Expenditures on environmental protection | million USD | 59 |
Investments on environmental protection | million USD | 58 |
Environmental fines | million USD | 0.04 |
Significant environmental incidents | # | 2 |
Adama's Code of Conduct | existence |
Further information and details, including the scope, content, assumptions, and estimates determined by the Company regarding the specified parts included inthe process, can be found in the relevant chapters of the Company’s Report.Adama management is responsible for: A. the preparation and the presentation of the Report in accordance with the Sustainability Reporting Standards of theGlobal Reporting Initiative (GRI) as described on the relevant page of the Report, and the information and assertions contained within it; B. for determiningAdama’s objectives in respect of sustainable development performance and reporting; C. for establishing and maintaining appropriate performance managementand internal control systems from which the information is derived, to be free from omissions and material misstatements whether due to fraud or error; and D.the identification of stakeholders and material issues for reporting.Our responsibility is to provide a limited assurance engagement and to express a conclusion based on the work performed. We conducted our engagement inaccordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000, Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical FinancialInformation, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). That Standard requires that we comply with applicable ethicalrequirements, including independence requirements, and that we plan and perform the engagement to obtain limited assurance about whether the Report is freefrom material misstatement.A limited assurance engagement, regarding data and information in the specified parts on the ESG Report, consists of making interviews, primarily of Adamaemployees responsible for the preparation of information presented in the Report, and applying analytical and other evidence gathering procedures, asappropriate. These procedures included:
? Examination of the specified parts in the Report, for the purpose of performing a limited assurance, based on public information sources, knowledge of theCompany business and other comparative information of similar organizations.? Interviews of management to gain an understanding regarding the specified parts.
ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 141
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? 2023 KPMG Somekh Chaikin, an Israeli partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated
with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Printed in Israel.
? Interviews with senior management and relevant staff of Adama management concerning corporate responsibility strategy and policies for the specifiedparts, and the implementation of these across the business.? Interviews with relevant staff at corporate and business unit level responsible for providing the information in the Report.? Comparing the information regarding the specified parts presented in the Report to corresponding information in the relevant underlying sources to determine
whether all the relevant information contained in such underlying sources has been included in the Report.? Where relevant, conducting interviews regarding the calculation, aggregation and methods used to collect and report the specified parts in the Report.? Reading the information presented in the Report to determine whether it is in line with our overall knowledge of, and experience with, the corporateresponsibility performance of Adama.As part of the process of performing a limited assurance, we reviewed the changes made to the draft 2022 ESG Report of Adama and reviewed the final versionof the Report to ensure that it reflects our findings.Limited assurance is less than absolute assurance and reasonable assurance. A limited assurance engagement is substantially less in scope that a reasonableassurance engagement. As a result, the level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is lower than the assurance that would have been obtainedhad we performed a reasonable assurance engagement.Based on the limited assurance procedures performed and the evidence we have obtained, described in this report, nothing has come to our attention to indicatethat the specified parts as mentioned in the table above, in Adama’s 2022 ESG Report are not presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the GRIand Adama's reporting criteria.Our limited assurance report is made solely to Adama in accordance with the terms of our engagement. Our work has been undertaken so that we might stateto Adama those specified parts we have been engaged to state in this limited assurance report and for no other purpose or in any other context. We do not acceptor assume responsibility to anyone other than Adama for our work, for this limited assurance report, or for the conclusions we have reached.
Somekh ChaikinCertified Public AccountantsTel Aviv, Israel26 June 2023
ADAMA ESG Report 2022?|? 142
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