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江铃B:江铃汽车2023年半年度业绩预告(英文版) 下载公告
Share’s code:000550Share’s Name:Jiangling MotorsNo.:2023—028
200550Jiangling B

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.Public Announcement on Preliminary Results of First Half of 2023

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. and its Board members undertake that theinformation disclosed herein is truthful, accurate and complete and does notcontain any false statement, misrepresentation or major omission.

1. Preliminary Results for the Current Period

a. The period: January 1, 2023 ~ June 30, 2023b. Preliminary results: raised trend in the same direction

Unit: RMB thousand

ItemFirst Half of 2023Same Period Last Year
Profit Attributable to the Company’s Equity HoldersProfit: 729,387.6Profit: 452,381
YoY Change (%): 61.23%
Net Profit After Deducting Non-Recurring Profit or LossProfit: 417,831.2Loss: 108,434.6
YoY Change (%): 485.33%
Basic Earnings Per Share (RMB)Profit :0.84 Per shareProfit: 0.52 Per share

2. Communication with the Accounting Firm

The financial data concerned in the announcement are not pre-audited by CPAs. TheCompany has conducted a pre-communication with the accounting firm on thematters related to the preliminary results, and there are no major differences betweenthe Company and the accounting firm in the financial data related to theannouncement.

3. Explanation of the Reasons for the Changes in Performance

In the first half of 2023, JMC achieved a total sales volume of 146,350 units, up by

7.64% compared with the same period last year, including 33,346 units of Light Bus,31,790 units of Truck, 27,415 units of Pickup, and 53,799 units of SUV.

In the first half of 2023, the Company’s Profit Attributable to the Company’s EquityHolders increased by 61.23% compared with the same period last year, mainly due tothe increase in gross profit caused by sales growth and falling raw material costs, aswell as the increase in profit caused by changes in Minority Interests.

4. Other Statements

The financial data of the first half of 2023 disclosed herein are preliminary accountingdata, which might differ from the final results disclosed in the Half Year Report.Investors are advised to pay attention to investment risk.

Board of DirectorsJiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.July 15, 2023
