Xiamen JihongTechnology Co., Ltd.Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Digital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Facilitating the development of the Belt and Road Initiativethrough cross-border social e-commerceBuilding an intelligent ecosystem to empower business growthDeveloping intelligent warehousing to facilitate innovation atJihong GroupBuilding a service platform for data analysis
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Professional one-stop packagingData security and privacyCustomer services and guaranteeCollaborative development of supply chain
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous MomentumGreen packagingLow-carbon operationCircular economyManagement of emissionsWork safety
Operating BusinessKind-heartedly to JointlyProtect a Harmonious HomelandEmployee rights and interestsEmployee developmentEmployee bene?tsOccupational healthContributions to communitiesCharitable donations
Steady Development forMore E?ective GovernanceCorporate governanceCompliant operationBusiness ethicsInvestor relationsIntellectual property protection
About the Report
About Jihong Group
Message from the Chairman
List of Key Performances
Index of IndicatorsReaders' Feedback
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
About this Report
This report covers the efforts and achievements of Xiamen Jihong Technology Co., Ltd.(hereafter referred to as "Jihong Group" or the "Company") in fulfilling its corporate socialresponsibility and implementing its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategythroughout 2022.
This report covers the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
The ESG report is released annually. This is Jihong Group's first Environmental, Social andGovernance (ESG) report.
Unless otherwise specified, the organizational scope of this report includes Xiamen JihongTechnology Co., Ltd., as well as its branch o?ces and wholly-owned subsidiaries. It is consistentwith the consolidated reporting scope speci?ed in Jihong Group's annual report.
The ?nancial data and the ?nancial and audit reports referenced in this report are detailed intheXiamen Jihong Technology Co., Ltd. 2022 Annual Report.Other data is primarily sourcedfrom Jihong Group's internal statistics. Unless otherwise speci?ed, all currency values presentedin this report are denominated in the Chinese Renminbi (RMB).
This report has been prepared in accordance with the Shenzhen Stock Exchange'sSelf-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies No. 1 - Standardized Operations for Main BoardListed Companies.In preparing this report, we also consulted the Global Reporting Initiative'sGRI Standards and the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 26000 - Guidance onSocial Responsibility.
The electronic version of this report is available for viewing or downloading on Jihong Group'swebsite ( and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange website (
Notes to the Report
Period of Time
Reporting Cycle
Report Scope
Data Description
Referenced Reporting Guidelines
Access to the Report
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Message from the Chairman
Responding to the call to implementnational strategies and focusing on thedevelopment of digital e-commerceIn 2022, we proactively responded to the call to carryout national strategies of digital China and the Belt andRoad Initiative, and constantly deepened precisionmarketing of cross-border e-commerce business tocustomers. We also steadily developed operationsto business by offering comprehensive marketingand packaging design services to leading FMCGcompanies, and put our sustainable developmentphilosophy into practice as an enterprise empoweredby digitalization. We embrace our corporate spiritof focusing on entrepreneurship and forging aheadthrough difficulties and hold the business philosophyof simplicity, excellence, efficient collaboration, goal-oriented effort, and accountability for results. Weare committed to fulfilling our social responsibilityas a listed company to drive high-quality economicdevelopment, environmental protection, socialcontribution, and corporate governance.
Facilitating material and spiritualprosperity and providing culturalsupport to contribute to our entiresocietyWe maintain a work philosophy that is data-drivenand outcome-focused and all are operators, and arecommitted to helping all employees achieve theirmaterial and spiritual prosperity. In 2022, based onour fair, impartial and competitive remunerationincentive system, we launched the Employee StockOwnership Plan Phase III to facilitate mutual progressand development for individuals’ self-value and theCompany’s operation. We also organize diverse culturalactivities and provide various bene?ts for our employeesto maximize their work enthusiasm.Guided by a sincere commitment to our country,we stay true to our original aspiration and foundingmission and focus on supporting public welfare andcharitable initiatives as part of our ongoing efforts
Revolving for all changesMarket patterns at home and abroad are goingthrough increasingly complicated changes andcutting-edge technologies such as AI are stirringin?nite technological revolutions. In 2023, we willcontinue to deepen the corporate governancereform while enhancing technology research anddevelopment and embracing new technologiesto ensure high-caliber digital operation capabilityand continuous evolution. We will fully leverageour industry leadership to drive the expansion ofcross-border collaboration when further exploringthe e-commerce market of Southeast Asia. We willimplement the e-commerce brand strategy tosupport the transformation and upgrading fromproducts made in China to products of Chinesebrands, and empower Chinese sellers to go globalthrough the strategy of the SaaS service platformGiiMall. Moreover, we will continue to expand theinternational network of partners and enhanceour role as a digital economic hub to supportthe development of the Belt and Road Initiative.We will collaborate with our partners to advancehigh-quality and sustainable development.
Growing into a leading data-centric andtechnology-driven enterprise of cross-border social e-commerce in SoutheastAsiaIn 2022, we developed the automated, intelligent, anddigital cross-border e-commerce business managementsystem 3.0 based on a superior data-centric andtechnology-driven digital system. This system supportsfull-chain systems and functions of social e-commercesuch as intelligent product selection, design, translation,customer service, and advertising. On the basis ofachieving digital transformation, Jihong has growninto a leading enterprise of cross-border social
Shouldering the responsibility ofenvironmental protection withgreen packaging and optimizingcorporate governance withcompliance conceptsTo upgrade environmental protection, our tenpackaging and printing facilities and products havebeen certified to ISO 9000 quality management,ISO 14001 environmental management, BRCGSETRS, FSC, and BRC standards. We are dedicatedto driving industry innovation and increasing ourefforts to expand environmental technologies toensure that all of our products are made fromsustainable materials. We are also committedto providing customized services to customerswhile achieving low-carbon production andmanufacturing non-polluting and biodegradableproducts. It allows us to meet the individual needsof our customers while aligning market demandwith our ESG principles. In 2022, we were rankedfifth in the "Top 100 Chinese Printing andPackaging Companies".In terms of corporate governance, we continuouslyenhance compliance efforts and improve ourinternal control policies and procedures. We
e-commerce in Southeast Asia. We achieved anannual revenue of more than RMB3 billion, a 10%YoY increase and RMB197 million in net profitattributable to shareholders, up 14.53% YoY incross-border social e-commerce business. Theachievement highlights our core competitivestrength in precision marketing, digitaloperations, supply chain management, revenuescale and market coverage, and risk control.
optimize our internal legal entity governance, improvemanagement systems, and establish clear guidelinesfor corporate operation and management. In 2022, weimproved the precision and agility of the risk controlmodel using our digitalizing capabilities like big dataand improved the intelligent system of risk control.We signed anti-corruption agreements with partnersand established an anti-corruption system that no onedares, can, or wants to commit corruption, ensuringan integrity governance system that runs through theentire network and all positions within the Company.In addition to enhancing corporate governance, wepromoted our ESG philosophy as a corporate valueto empower high-quality and sustainable businessdevelopment.
to fulfill the corporate responsibility and giveback to society. In 2022, we implemented acomprehensive assistance system that combinedpolicy, ideological, and industrial support toreinforce and expand the gains made in povertyalleviation. We took concrete steps to carry outlocal support tasks. We encourage our employeesto participate in charitable activities and assistthose in need.
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
About Jihong Group
Xiamen Jihong Technology Co., Ltd. is a data-centric and technology-driven enterprise of cross-border sociale-commerce with business mainly in precision marketing of cross-border e-commerce business to customersand o?ering comprehensive marketing and packaging design services to leading FMCG companies. Now we havebecome a leading cross-border social e-commerce company in Southeast Asia and were ranked ?fth in the "2022Top 100 Chinese Printing and Packaging Companies".
Company pro?le
Organizational structure
GeneralMeeting ofShareholders
Board of Directors
General ManagerSecurities Department
Assistant toGeneral Manager
Deputy General
Secretary to theBoard of DirectorsBoard of Supervisors
Strategy CommitteeNomination Committee
Audit Committee
Compensation and
Appraisal Committee
Audit andFinancialManagement
Build ten brands with global in?uenceWe have always stuck to the principle of "surviving with quality anddeveloping with credit", and are dedicated to building ten brands withglobal in?uence to provide high-quality products and extremely convenientservices for global consumers.Enable partners to achieve both material and spiritual prosperityTo realize employees' self-value, we strive to establish a fair and impartialremuneration incentive management system to achieve both material andspiritual prosperity and facilitate mutual progress and development forindividuals and the Company.
Focusing on entrepreneurship and forging ahead through di?culties
Running an enterprise is much like rowing a boat against the current; if welet up even slightly then we risk undoing all of the progress we have made.We should remain committed to hard work as entrepreneurs and madeheadway to maintain our vitality and competitiveness.Simplicity, excellence, efficient collaboration, goal-oriented effort, andaccountability for resultsWe manage to form a horizontal organizational structure, build shoulder-to-shoulder trust and set uni?ed objectives to remove estrangement andrift among employees, which helps us work together towards clear andsame objectives and eventually ful?ll them.
Data-centric, technology-driven, outcome-focused and all are operatorsWe strengthen the operator thinking and embed it into our operation. Weupgrade our technologies driven by business procedures and then improveour business organizing capability to create digitalized and data-centricassets which are transformed to enhance our reproducing capability withbig data, AI and other technologies. Using data, we reinforce the digitaloperations and innovation capabilities of our teams through circulationand accumulation of production, processing, using and reproduction tocontrol quality and cost in a strict manner. Thus, we achieve high-frequencyiteration and rapid revolution of our organization which is data-centric,technology-driven, and outcome-focused.
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Jihong Group'spredecessor,Xiamen Zhengqi,was established,specializing in graphicdesign and advertising
In December 1996
we entered thePhilippines market.In November 2020
we tried tobroaden our brandportfolio by tapping
into new marketssuch as lingerie,
home textiles.
In 2021
we established a strategicpartnership with HuaweiCloud. This partnershipenabled us to utilize advancedAI technology and computing
resources to implementintelligent systems for bigdata analytics and ad design
and delivery.
In July 2021
we entered theEastern European
In November 2021
we established
bicycle andbeauty product
In 2022
we rolled out anautomated operationsmanagement system on
a third-party platform,which has contributedto the exponentialgrowth of orders on
that platform.
In June 2022
we made signi?cantprogress in achieving ourdigital strategy objectivesby implementing decision-support systems, suchas Smart Companion,Boss Assistant, IndicatorMonitoring, and Talent Map.
In 2022
we upgradedthe warehousingsystem and achieved
fully automatedand intelligent
In 2022
Jihong was o?ciallyfounded and focused onthe packaging industry,building ten factoriesacross China to o?ercomprehensive marketingand packaging designservices to leading FMCG
From 2003 to 2016
Jihong releasedits IPO on theShenzhen Stock
In July 2016
Giikin was establishedto expand our cross-border e-commercebusiness in SoutheastAsia, which openedup a new avenue ofgrowth for us.
In 2017
we expandedinto the marketsof HKSAR, Japan,Thailand, Malaysia,and Singapore.
In 2017
we upgradedthe e-commercemanagement system
In December 2017
we expanded the R&Dteam, established adata analysis team, andimplemented managementsystems for work?ow,product selection, ?nancialsettlement, order tracking,and warehousing.
In March 2018
we establishedGiikin's Qingdao,
Kunming, andBeijing branches.
In 2018
we entered theSouth Koreanand Middle
Eastern markets.
In 2018
we madesigni?cant e?orts
to promote ourbrand strategy andbuild our corporate
In 2019
we formed abrand operationteam.In March 2019
we launchedthe e-commercemanagement system v3.0.In May 2019
we enteredthe Vietnamesemarket.
In August 2019
we formed aplatform e-commerce
In November 2019
we initiated a full-scaledrive towards enterpriseautomation and intelligence,which involved rollingout a big data system, anintelligent product selectionsystem, and an automatedadvertising system.
In early 2020
we upgradedthe work?owmanagement system
In 2020
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Honors and awards
A Technologically Advanced "Little Giant"
Enterprise in Hebei Province
An Innovative SME in Anhui Province
A High-Tech Enterprise
A Key Participant in theDevelopment ofGroup StandardsA Top 100 Private Enterprisein Fujian Province
A Digital Printing andPackaging Technology
A Technologically Advanced "Little Giant"
Enterprise in Langfang City
A Member of the Xiamen Hi-TechDevelopment Association
A High-Tech Enterprise
Technical Collaboration betweenthe Industry, Universities, andResearch Institutes in Beijing,Tianjin, and Hebei
A Top 100 Private Enterprise in XiamenAwarded by the Xiamen Federation
of Industry and Commerce
A Governing Unit of the HebeiProvincial Printing AssociationA Top 20 Private Enterprise in theService Industry in Xiamen Awarded by the Xiamen
Federation of Industry and Commerce
A Governing Unit of the Hebei ProvincialFood Packaging Industry Association
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Honors and awards received in 2022:
Jihong Group's cross-border e-commerce businessfocuses on the following product categories
Digital E-commerce
Connecting Jihong Group
with the WorldESG
Honors and Awards
The Annual Most Valuable Digital Enterprise forInvestment
Cailian PressAn Excellent Technology Service Provider for Cross-Border E-Commerce
Shenzhen Cross-Border E-Commerce AssociationA Technologically Advanced Service Enterprise inHenan Province
Henan Provincial Department of Science and
TechnologyAn Innovative SME in Henan Province
Henan Provincial Department of Industry and
Information TechnologyE-commerce Big Data Ecosystem EngineeringResearch Center in Henan ProvinceA Registration Certi?cate for an Art Business Unit
Social A?airs Bureau of Zhengzhou High-tech
Industrial Development Zone Administration
CommitteeA Service Trade Model Enterprise in ShaanxiProvince
Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of CommerceA National High-Tech EnterpriseNational High-Tech Enterprise Accreditation
Facilitating the development of theBelt and Road Initiative throughcross-border social e-commerceEconomic globalization and the development of digital economy impose great changes to international trades anddrive the growth of cross-border e-commerce from scratch. Relying on advantages of China as a country with themost complete manufacturing industrial chain and the strong foundation of supply chain, mature e-commerceoperation, and abundant professional engineers in reserve, China’s cross-border export sector saw leapfrogdevelopment admired across the world. Data released by the General Administration of Customs of the People'sRepublic of China show that China's cross-border exports rose from RMB33.65 billion to RMB1.55 trillion between2017 and 2022. With the further implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Regional Comprehensive
With each passing season, an abundance of new clothing styles come into vogue. Ourpursuit of re?ned fashion never wavers, and our materials are selected with the utmostcare. We pursue excellence from initial design to ?nal production to establish a Chineseapparel brand that will make a lasting impression across the globe.Fashionable
We aim to provide every customer with aesthetically pleasing and highly functionalhousehold items, while sharing our belief in living a beautiful life. We want to help ourconsumers upgrade their quality of life at a?ordable prices. Our home goods will be the ?rstchoice for every family that values a quality lifestyle.
Our goal is to build perfect products. Therefore, we treat each pair of shoes like a workof art, paying meticulous attention to every detail. We are committed to building a high-quality footwear brand that is esteemed and trusted by customers worldwide.Exquisitefootwear
Our bags are crafted with the same passion and attention to detail just as a great artisanstriving for perfection. We strive to make practical, durable, and stylish bags that suitconsumers' needs for any occasion. With competition growing fiercer by the day, wehave set our sights on providing superior products and aim to become a top performer inChina's bag manufacturing sector.Suitcases and
Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement came into force on January 1, 2022, marking the inception of the world'slargest free trade area. The RCEP reduces commodity tari?s, clari?es investment standards, strengthens intellectualproperty protection, accelerates digital upgrades, and facilitates infrastructure construction, providing policysupport for the development of cross-border trade.Jihong Group actively responds to the strategic call for carrying out the Belt and Road Initiative and fully utilizes theviewership dividends of the ?ourishing mobile internet and social media on emerging markets mainly in SoutheastAsia. In 2017, the Company made forward planning and launched cross-border social e-commerce business in thearea with its advantages in supply chain of packaging accumulated for years. Based on continuously increasedcapability in digital operations, the Company achieved a lift of operation revenue in the business from RMB215million to RMB3,106 million with a compound annual growth rate of 70.59% from 2017 to 2022. Jihong has madesigni?cant development with its competitive advantages in precision marketing, digital operations, supply chainmanagement, and has grown into a leading enterprise of cross-border social e-commerce in Southeast Asia toconstantly support the Belt and Road development.
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
By drawing on our rich history and culture and utilizing unique design and exceptionalcraftsmanship, we craft elegant, exquisite, precious, and valuable timepieces. Our focusis on producing valuable and timeless timepieces that will be cherished by generations tocome, creating an enduring legacy for the world.Timepiece
The most valuable asset in life is good health. We are committed to developing top-quality health products. We aim to establish a prominent Chinese health brand and we aredetermined to make greater contributions to the development of the health sector.Healthproducts
We o?er a wide range of products for expectant mothers, babies, and children, covering allstages and needs. By implementing strict quality control measures, we ensure that everyproduct is safe and free of harmful substances, providing children with a great start in life. Ourgoal is to become a benchmark for maternity and baby products.Maternityand babyproducts
Our collection of outdoor products boasts almost a thousand different types, coveringeverything from camping and hiking to travel and leisure activities. Our outdoor philosophyis rooted in the belief that outdoor activities should be comfortable, relaxing, and shared withfriends and family. By following the most advanced Chinese and international standards, wecarefully choose our products and ensure that their quality is of the highest standard.Outdoorsupplies
On August 26, 2022, Jihong Group attended the summit with the theme of"Sharing the New Opportunities Brought by the RCEP and Creating a New Futurefor Cross-border E-Commerce". The summit explored how to seize opportunitiesin the emerging Southeast Asian market through innovation and transformation.Attendees shared insights on the potential, platforms, and strategies for theSoutheast Asian market, as well as advice on overcoming challenges for DTCbrands expanding internationally. This summit enabled companies to discovernew areas of growth and establish competitive advantages when enteringinternational markets. Moreover, it provided Chinese cross-border e-commercebusinesses with guidance on how to enter global markets smoothly and achievestrong performance.
Enhancing our exploration through industry exchanges
Enhancing our exploration through industry exchanges
Cross-border e-commerceoperation revenue:
2.551 billion in 2020
2.824 billion in 2020
3.106 billion in 2020
Key performances
Industry gatherings and exchanges
Building an intelligent ecosystemto empower business growth
With the digital operation strategy of data as the base and technology as the driving force, Jihong Group iscommitted to developing multiple AI-generated content (AIGC) technologies. By utilizing AI algorithms, we cane?ciently analyze international markets and create accurate user pro?les. Through intelligent product selectionand precise customer identi?cation, we can market competitively-priced and distinctive Chinese products to manycountries and regions, including Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, the Middle East, Taiwan, and Hong Kong,China.Jihong Group adopts a social e-commerce mode of distributing goods to those who need them as its business mode:
We have been dedicated to developing top-quality skincare products. Our stringent qualityassurance processes guarantee that every product we o?er meets our high standards forsafety and e?ectiveness, so that our customers worldwide can enjoy them with con?dence.We aspire to help more customers become more beautiful and con?dent.
Beauty andpersonal careproducts
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious Homeland
Digital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Jihong has fully exploited the promotion method of posting information to those who need it on overseas social internetplatforms and created the cross-border social e-commerce business mode of distributing goods to those who need themsince it launched cross-border e-commerce business in 2017. Di?erent from the passive mode of customers searching forgoods they need in traditional e-commerce, the mode that Jihong created runs as showed in the following:
Cross-border social e-commerce business process
Customer refusesthe parcel
Parcel enters
the localwarehouseLocal expressdelivery in thedestination countryInternationalexpress delivery
Courier collectspayment on behalfof the seller
Third-partypayment service
Select products
Design anonline store
Deliver an ad
Procure goods
Order review bycustomer service
Generatean order
Goods enter atransit warehouse
Sort andship goods
Customer acceptsand pays for
the goods
Seller receivespayment
Automatic generation Product description, titles,pictures, and short videosIntelligent product selectionBig data analysis andaccurate product selection based on AI technologyPrecision marketing:
Ad delivery on social networksMainly on Facebook andTikTok in the DTC modeIntelligent analysis of user pro?les:
Extensive data of global usersSecond delivery/privatedomain operation
Jihong Group has invested RMB134 million in IT R&D in total in the development of cross-border e-commerce business for sixyears to tackle the social e-commerce application scenarios featuring long chains of social e-commerce, diverse linking pointsand high requirements of digital operation capability. As a result, Jihong Group has ?nished the upgrades from cross-bordersocial e-commerce operation management system v1.0 to management system v3.0 step by step, forming a digital operationmode with data as the base and technology as the driving force.
By collecting, updating, and analyzing a vast amount of SKU (stock keeping unit), search andsocial media data, our system can e?ectively match products and selling points to the uniquepreferences of our customers. Moreover, it will make accurate forecasts of popular products togreatly improve our product selection e?ciency.Intelligent
We create distinct brand models and operational systems for enterprise, mall and productbrands in di?erent sales regions based on their unique characteristics, marketing data analysis,and market expansion. We aim to achieve precise direct-to-consumer marketing by advertisingon our independent online store.Precisionmarketing
Our automated ad delivery system leverages machine learning and extensive advertisingdata and materials. This system can integrate with social media platforms, such as Facebook,TikTok, and Google, to enable a closed-loop ad delivery that encompasses product discovery,audience targeting, creative design, data optimization, and feedback. This automated addelivery system can greatly enhance ad delivery e?ciency and ROI.Intelligentad delivery
This system allows for e?cient information exchange with thousands of suppliers and providesintelligent digital inventory management, automatic price comparison, order placement, andpayment capabilities. It enables the e?cient operation of a ?exible supply chain for hundredsof thousands of SKUs per month.Digital supply
Our intelligent operation system boasts features such as automated translation, comparison,document review, tracking, and feedback processing. It also provides automated customerservice in various languages, such as English, Japanese, Thai, Arabic, and Vietnamese, whichcan signi?cantly alleviate the workload of mid-end and back-end operational sta? and improveproductivity across the operational process.Intelligentoperations
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
During the reporting period, the Company intensified its R&D efforts. Several R&D projects including Shopee distributionmanagement system, Smart Companion system, Talent Map system, Indicator Monitoring system, TikTok ad management,VUE mall system v4.0, and work?ow system v2.0 have been gone through the closing procedure. These systems will fully raiseoperation e?ciency, improve user experience, cut cost and increase e?ciency for the Company.
We are committed to technological innovation to invigorate China through science and education and acceleratesocial progress and Jihong Group's economic development. We engaged two Ph.D. experts from the ZhengzhouUniversity of Light Industry to spearhead the establishment of the Zhengzhou Municipal E-commerce Big DataEngineering Research Center and the Henan Provincial E-commerce Big Data Ecosystem Engineering ResearchCenter. We set up a management committee to manage the research centers. Additionally, we have partnerships withresearch institutes such as the Henan Institute of Technology, the Henan University of Technology, and the HenanUniversity of Economics and Law to undertake research projects for the government, companies, and industries. Ourpartnerships have played a vital role in propelling the development of the government-industry-academia-research-application model, which is an innovative way to apply scienti?c and technological achievements. By overcomingobstacles in data collection, storage, processing, analysis, service, and security of e-commerce, we have developed arange of e-commerce big data products with a strong competitive advantage. Additionally, we continuously innovateand iterate our e-commerce big data products. We are accelerating the application of big data in e-commerce todevelop robust industry-specific solutions. We are deepening the integration of big data with diverse industriesby vigorously promoting the opening and utilization of cross-industry or cross-domain data resources. Our e?ortsin ecosystem cultivation include improving data management capabilities and exploring ways to confirm dataownership and facilitate data circulation and sharing. We are building a well-coordinated and sustainable ecosystemthat encourages proactive collaboration between the government, industry, academia, research institutions, andpractical applications.
Through extensive collaboration with Huawei Cloud, we have leveraged their strengths in cloud computing, imageprocessing, big data, and AI to develop intelligent applications for cross-border e-commerce. By partnering closelywith Huawei Cloud on diverse activities such as product selection, creative development, advertising, and servicedelivery, we are fueling our business growth and providing our customers with exceptional experiences and high-quality products.
Pursuing technological innovation and enhancing collaboration betweenJihong Group and universities
Developing an intelligent "brain" in partnership with Huawei Cloud
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Our self-developed warehouse management system implements a "one product, onecode" management policy for all inventory items. The system allocates each item to itsdesignated storage location and updates the inventory records in real-time.Warehousemanagementsystem
Our picking process is automated and intelligent. Our warehouse system automaticallygenerates the optimal picking path, product location, and product information uponreceiving an order, and sends the data to the picker's PDA device. This system has madethe goods-picking process much more convenient and e?cient.
Intelligentpicking system
Our intelligent weight and size measurement system can rapidly and accurately assessthe weight and size of packages and provide precise logistics data to logistics andwarehouse management teams.
Automaticweighing system
We use an automatic packing device to streamline our order processing and improvethe quality, e?ciency, and cost-e?ectiveness of our packaging.Unpacking andpacking device
By using event tracking on our online store, we can collect user behavior data to betterunderstand user needs and preferences. This allows us to improve our store's userinterface and shopping experience. By analyzing user behavior data, our digital store canrecommend products that are tailored to individual user preferences. This helps userseasily discover products they like and receive a better shopping experience.
Digital store
Developing intelligent warehousing
to facilitate innovation at Jihong GroupWe are building an integrated intelligent warehousing system to empower traditional warehousing operations withdigital tools. This system enables us to signi?cantly improve warehousing e?ciency, while mitigating supply chainrisk and enhancing the quality and safety of warehousing.
The implementation of the digital stocking model can signi?cantly increase warehouseturnover rates. It can reduce inventory backlog and ensure a smooth transition ofproducts from the warehouse to the market, which signi?cantly enhances the e?ciencyand agility of the supply chain.Inventorystocking model
Warehousing system copyright
We use advanced electric forklifts to reduce logistics costs, increase cargo handlinge?ciency, and improve the quality of our operating environment.Electric forkliftThree
Eco-friendly packaging certi?cations
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Building a service platform for data analysisJihong Group develops GiiMall, a professional cross-border e-commerce SaaS provider to function as a corporate-level technical service platform for cross-border e-commerce brands to trade in Southeast Asia through standalone websites. As a full-chain ecosystem created by the Company, GiiMall can provide one-stop services includingselection, website development, tra?c driving, operation, payment, and logistics for merchants registered on thewebsite.
Based on data, help merchants analyze operation through real-time tracking cross-borderoperation data to make proper business decisions. In product pricing, the Companycan classify customer risks precisely according to the large number of data of customersigning collected by the Company to help merchants price appropriately, and reduce risksbrought by lower signing rate. Empowered by technologies such as AI and big data, theCompany also can learn about market trends and utilize the value of the data when o?eringsuggestions to merchants.Advanced data
analysis tool
By the end of 2022, in addition to its nearly 20,000 square meters of transit warehouse space inChina, the Company also had multiple warehouses in other countries or regions such as Japan, Thailand,Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
Key performances:
In 2022, GiiMall proactively intensified its R&D high-quality projects. Systems like the application Giitalk 2.0,TikTok intelligent ad delivery system, and Google intelligent ad delivery system when putting into use will supportmerchants to lift their ad delivery e?ciency, advance order conversion, cut costs, raise e?ciency, and improve userexperience.
Focusing on cross-border business scenarios, GiiMall works with EGO to accelerate Chinese enterprises’ digitaltransformation and upgrading when they are going global and realize cost reduction and e?ciency increase. The twowill give their advantages in relevant technologies, funds, platforms, industries and regions into full play, and enter intocooperation in ?elds of cross-border industrial parks, cross-border operation training, stand alone website whole-chainservices, and brands to trade overseas. Their cooperation will promote resource sharing and mutual bene?t, and helpthem explore new modes of cross-border e-commerce together with cross-border e-commerce industrial parks as focus,thus going on a scaled, branded and standard win-win path.
Working with EGO to explore new modes of cross-border e-commerce
Strategic cooperation with EGO
Help merchants open up social e-commerce channels and demonstrate products onFacebook, Google, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter with social networks as marketingchannels. In addition, the system can be embedded in any websites, which can showproduct information and the purchase button on these websites and blogs for sale.Pluralisticonline channelopening up
eco-friendly packaging certi?cations
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Main intelligent functions provided on GiiMall cross-border e-commerce SaaS service platform are listed in thefollowing table:
TitleMain functionOutcome
Project ofGiiMall ordermanagementsystem
1. Order review: When sellers start order review, all new orders require service
coordinators to review for approval or refusal. The function can help sellersreduce loss caused by orders cancelled by customers, unclear address forreceipt, or refusal of goods.
2. Order cancelling: Both buyers or sellers can cancel orders.
3. Shipment: If an order is approved for no error, the seller can choose to share
the order with ERP for shipment or ship the goods on their own and then uploadthe delivery information to the system, which will be shared with the buyer.
4. Price modi?cation: Sellers can modify the total amount of the order to
provide discounts for buyers.
GiiMallmerchantordermanagementsystem 1.0GiiMalldeveloperordermanagementsystem 1.0
Projectof GiiMallproductmanagementsystem
1. Adding products: Sellers can add products manually or import through local
excel ?les on opening applications of the platforms or Shopify.
2. Putting on/removing products: Setting the state of the products on sale and
controlling the availability of the products on the stand along websites to limitpurchase.
3. Product information copying: When Some products have mostly same
information, sellers can copy the information to new products and then reviseit, which can quicken the process of adding new products.
4. Multilingual: If the products are available for multiple markets, sellers can set
the language of the titles and details of products for corresponding markets.
5. Multi-currency: If the products are available for multiple markets, sellers can
set the price for di?erent markets.
6. Category and attribute management: Sellers can add categories and
attributes and share relevant information for products in the same category,which can help large-scale DTC sellers manage products in same standards.
GiiMallmerchantproductmanagementsystem 1.0
GiiMalldeveloperproductmanagementsystem 1.0
ApplicationGiitalk project
1. Online instant chatting
2. Multi-channel integrated chatting: Giitalk integrates messages from Facebook
Messenger, messages and comments on Facebook homepage. This allowsmedium- and small-sized sellers to manage multiple messages and commentsfrom Facebook at the same time. Giitalk also includes online messaging toolLine and enables people to reply to Line messages with it.
3. Automatic translation: Considering cross-border scenarios, Giitalk supports
automatic message translation, which largely improves communicatione?ciency between sellers and buyers.
4. Work order management: O?ine messages, messages and comments from
Facebook homepage will be transformed into work orders, which will bedelivered to Giitalk system and tackled by sellers.
5. Auto-reply: The knowledge base provides basic replies, realizing quick
ApplicationGiitalk 1.0
TitleMain functionOutcome
GiiMallmerchantonline storedecorationproject
Sellers can choose to set up a responding mall or a mobile mall. New handswithout any design or cross-border e-commerce experience can use templatesprovided for online store decoration. There are more than 200 free templatethemes in di?erent categories and languages in the template store. When thetemplate is set, sellers can design their online store pages by changing pictures,products and articles. Without any other additional operations, they can ?nishpage design soon. Sellers who can design can drag modules from module baseto decorate their store as they like and change the style of modules ?exibly. Inthis way, they can establish their own mall without codes.
GiiMallmerchantonline storedecorationsystem 1.0
GiiMall fuzzysearch project
1. Sellers can enable the function of fuzzy search, set searching scope, and
realize cross-word search with word categories. This allows more products to belinked and can raise sales.
2. Sellers can check the search history of their stores and collect all search
keywords to help them improve product information according to searchtrends.
3. When enabled, the function can synchronize data of the store with the search
data. For example, products with edited information can be synchronized withdata of the search engine, and be presented to potential buyers.
GiiMallfuzzy searchapplication 1.0
Projectof GiiMalldeveloperplatform
1. Basic information: Basic information of plug-ins can be edited and presented
on the merchant application store. Developer settings, ?xed interfaces andother basic information of the plug-in set in the platform can be accessed.
2. Development management: Developer settings of the plug-in can be set, such
as recording git warehouse address, enabling the developer mode, and addingadditional functions to the plug-in.
3. Version management: Versions of plug-ins can be managed and
corresponding front-end JS codes in versions with functions set can be checked.
4. Event subscription: Developers can access and upgrade noti?cations of some
messages to be subscribed through ?xed interface addresses. When the eventoccurs, the plug-in will actively invoke the HTTP interface registered by thedeveloper and post information about the event category subscribed.
5. Help center: Developers can edit the instructions of the plug-in here, and
synchronize them to the plug-in for users to follow.
6. Logs: Development logs of each new version released by developers, and can
be used for troubleshooting.
GiiMalldeveloperplatform 1.0
Projectof GiiMallFacebookintelligentad deliverysystem
1. Account overview: Providing indicators and data of ad accounts.
2. Ad management: Creating ad series, ad groups, ads, selecting target
audiences, launching in target countries, uploading materials, checking ad datain ad lists, disabling ads, editing and copying ads, and other operations.
3. Account authorization: Authorizing private accounts and ad accounts they
manage to GiiMall system for subsequent creation, editing, and management.
GiiMallFacebookintelligentad deliverysystem 1.0
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Steady Developmentfor More E?ectiveGovernance
Contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Jihong Group has always focused on compliance operation and riskmanagement to constantly increase the quality of the disclosure ofinformation. The Company levels up the overall corporate governancethrough mechanisms of optimizing risk management, protectingintellectual property, and enhancing commercial ethics binding e?ectsto realize long-term and stable value growth. In 2022, the Companypaid attention to the bene?t protection of medium and small investors,conducted in-time and equal disclosure of information, kept improvinginvestor relation management, and took solid measures to undertakeresponsibilities for shareholders and other stakeholders.
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce Connecting
Jihong Group with the World
Corporate governance
In 2022, the Company worked hard to learn theories, strengthen awareness of politics, and encourage Partymembers to further understand and grasp the Party's history and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era, study and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. The Company alsoproactively held activities such as theme Party days and featured training to guide Party members to carry forwardrevolutionary traditions and stand fast for ideals and convictions in a more e?ective and appealing publicity andteaching manner.The Company comprehensively sorted out internal grass-roots Party organizations and Party membermanagement, and urged these organizations to strictly carry out the Three Meetings and One Lecture system by theCompany's organizational structure and geographical distribution. In this manner, the Company made sure thatthe organizational activities are substantial in content and e?ective in practice, and can make Party branches morecohesive and powerful. The Company led the Party members to have the idea of "one for all and all for one" in theirwork, continued to improve their work style, and gave the leading and supporting role of Party building in businessoperation into full play. The Company mobilized all employees to take responsibilities for their positions and makecontributions to realizing the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in allrespects
Adhering to the leadership of Party building
The Company convened the annual Party branch meeting in 2022. At the meeting, Party members focused onthe decisive signi?cance of the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party CentralCommittee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era, and summarized the problems they encountered during their learning. Theygained experience shared by others through exchanges and problem investigation.
On the Party branch meeting
Improving thinking through organizational activities
In 2022, the corporateParty branch andParty branches in allsubsidiarieshad
activitieson Party memberteachingParty lectures with anattendance of
As a responsible listed company, Jihong Group takes solid measures to the protect rights and interests ofshareholders, and ensures their full right to be informed, and equality of the disclosure of information. In 2022, theCompany revised the Management System of the Disclosure of Information of Jihong Group in accordance withthe real situation of the Company and the laws and regulations including theCompany Law, Securities Law of thePeople's Republic of China, Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure by Listed Companies, StockListing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, A?air Management of the Disclosure of Information — No. 5 of the ListedCompany Self-discipline Supervision Guidance of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and theArticles of Association ofJihong Group.In 2022, the Company modified the Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings, Rules of Procedure for theBoard of Directors, independent director system, external guarantee management system, connected transactionmanagement system, outward investment management system, Detailed Rules for the Work of the Secretary of theBoard of Directors, management system for raising funds, management system for the disclosure of information,investor relation management system, and insider registration management system. The Company furtherexpanded the system coverage through system optimization.
Governance of three boards
General Meeting of Shareholders
The Shareholders' Meeting is the highest authority of the Company. The Company convenes Shareholders'Meetings in accordance with the relevant regulations and requirements such asArticles of Associationand theRules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meetings to make sure that all shareholders enjoy equal status and canfully exercise their rights.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of 9 directors, including 1 female director and 4 independent directors. In 2022,the Board of Directors performed legal and effective procedures when reviewing connected items, and hadindependent directors give independent opinions. The connected transactions of the Company were fair andreasonable, and there was no case found that harmed the interests of the Company and shareholders.The Company considers diversifying the members of the Board from various aspects, including but not limitedto gender, age, culture and educational background, professional experience, skills, and knowledge and hiresappropriate people in a scientific and reasonable manner. As of the reporting period, members of the Boardwere from industries like the Internet, packaging, accounting, and law. The Board of Directors comprises theAudit Committee, Nomination Committee, Remuneration and Assessment Committee and Strategy Committee.These committees undertake their responsibilities and try their best to guarantee the e?cient, scienti?c andregulated operation of the Company.
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
the Company achieved an operation revenue of RMB
5.376billion, and a net pro?t of RMB 184 million
attributable to shareholders of listed companies.The Company holds a total asset of RMB
and a net asset of RMB
2.095 billion attributable to
shareholders of listed companies.
During the reporting period,
the Company disclosed a total of 147 piecesof information about A shares,and released88numbered notices.
the Company convened 7 Shareholders' Meetings,including1 Annual Shareholders' Meeting and6 provisional Shareholders' Meetings
meetings of theBoard of Supervisors
meeting of theStrategy Committee
meeting ofRemuneration andAssessment Committee
meetings in total
meetings of theBoard of Supervisors
meeting of theNominationCommittee
meetings of the AuditCommittee
Board of SupervisorsThe Board of Supervisors is composed of 3 supervisors. The Board of Supervisors is responsible for theShareholders' Meetings, and conducts e?ective supervision on the legitimacy and compliance of the FinancialDepartment, the Board of Directors, and the Operation Management to perform their duties. The Companyperseveres with and improves the personnel supervisor system to realize that personnel representatives cantake part in corporate governance in an orderly way.
Compliant operation
The Company attaches great importance to compliant operation management, constantly builds and applies astrong, independent, and rigorous management and control system, and forms comprehensive and e?ective riskmanagement strategy, organization, institution, technology, and personnel systems. This provides support for thesteady development of all business of the Company.In 2022, the Company continued to build and complete the comprehensive risk management system to meetthe requirements of internal risk management based on those of external supervision. The risk managementof the Company covered all types of risks, business lines, departments, and subsidiaries, which ensured thee?ective operation of relevant mechanisms and processes such as risk recognition and analysis, assessment andmeasurement, monitoring and reporting, response and disposal. In 2022, the Company kept improving the systemand measures in risk management, increasing risk monitoring e?ciency, enhancing risk response and tackling, andbuilding more risk management infrastructure to support business development.Risk and opportunity identi?cation process:
Risk and opportunity identi?cation, measures, and valuation procedures
Relevant departmentsIdenti?cationand evaluation
Making solutionsValuation
Valuation teamGeneral Manager O?ce
Risk andopportunityevaluation form
Risk andopportunitymeasures form
Risk andopportunityevaluation form
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Policy risk management
The Company pays close attention to changes to all kinds of policies andresponds in time with corresponding adjustments to the latest policiesto reduce the impact of policy risks on business and other operationalactivities to the minimum.
Liquidity risk management
The Company adopts steady liquidity risk preference managementstrategies, and measures such as scienti?c asset and liability managementand funds management, multi-tier liquidity reserve, effective liquidityemergency response, and liquidity risk indicator monitoring and earlywarning. These approaches make sure that the Company is capable ofliquidity reserve and fund raising in a normal situation or under pressure,and can incorporate liquidity risks of subsidiaries for uni?ed managementand control to prevent corporate liquidity risks.
Market risk management
The Company follows the principles of active management and quantitativeorientation, and takes the method of integrating the way from the top tobottom and the way from the bottom to top according to risk preference,market risk tolerance, and actual requirements of all business units. TheCompany sets up and details market risk limits for the Company and allbusiness units, and guarantees that the market risks the Company facesare under the set risk limits through measures including risk identification,evaluation, measurement, monitoring, reporting and disposal.
Credit risk management
The Company conducts entire-process management for credit risks byway of effective risk identification, prudent risk evaluation and decisionmaking, dynamic risk measurement and monitoring, in-time risk reportingand response, etc. In this way, the Company can prevent or avoid risks fromoccurring, mitigate the impact of risks on the Company, control the loss fromcredit risks in an acceptable scope, and realize maximum revenue after riskadjustment.
Compliance risk management
The Company strictly abides by external legal provisions and supervisionrequirements, and constantly strengthens system construction. Moreover,the Company enhances various compliance management such ascompliant review and consultation, compliant monitoring and inspection,employee practice behaviors, anti-money laundering management, andethical wall management.
Operational risk management
The Company conducts operational risk management mainly throughestablishing and completing the authorization mechanism and positionresponsibilities, and preparing thorough system documents to normalizedaily operational process management.
Risk Management TypeRisk Management Mesures
In 2022, the Company held a training activity with the theme of Honest Operation and ComplianceManagement. All employees of the Company and employees in purchasing, sales, ?nance, and those above themanager level of all subsidiaries participated in the training and signed the Honest Operation and ComplianceManagement Commitment Letter of Jihong Group. To ensure normal management of Honest Operation andCompliance Management, the Company has required new employees to sign the Commitment Letter whenthey are onboarding since September 2022.
Employees in compliance training
Intensifying compliance training and adhering to the bottom line of risk
309 employees in total received training in 2022.
Business ethics
In 2022, the Company vigorously promoted clean managementof business ethics, insisted on the philosophy of managing theenterprise in accordance with the law and being honest andcredible, resolutely prohibiting commercial bribery, and strictlyconformed to laws and regulations against bribery, blackmail, fraud,etc. Furthermore, the Company stipulated the Business Ethics Policyand Management Measures Against Corruption and Bribery to createa business environment with fair competition in a bid to safeguardthe lawful rights and interests of investors, employees, customers,providers and other stakeholders.In 2022, based on business development, the Company realizedoverall coverage of business ethics in wholly-owned subsidiariesand all business lines through the routine audit, continuous audit,and special audit. The Company put emphasis on mechanismestablishment and implementation of all business entities in aspectsof anti-corruption, anti-bribery, and clean practice management.In the same year, the Company made solid headway in controllingcorruption and bribery in business activities to guide managementemployees to do business honestly and credibly in accordance with law.The Company prepared anti-corruption and anti-bribery managementmeasures to enhance the internal control mechanism, and held highthe operational concept with lawful and credible operation for qualityservices at the core. Based on the reality, the Company strengthenedsystem supervision, promoted corruption prevention with systems,and leveled up supervision and management for major links easy andfrequent to occur corruption and employees at major positions. Thus,the Company ensured the effectiveness of the commitment system ofcontrolling commercial bribery and strict conformity to fair competitionrules.For key links and employees at key positions, the Company adoptsthe commercial bribery prevention commitment system andrequired employees at key positions and units or individuals thatthey have business with to sign the Commercial Bribery PreventionCommitment Letter. The Company provides key publicity andtraining for employees involved in economic activities such asmaterial purchase, outsourced processing, facility engineering, sales,equipment purchase and maintenance, and quality supervision.
In 2022, the Company had no corruption case charging the Company oremployees.
The employees shall record the information of gifts and hospitality in the system as required, and attained approval ofappropriate management departments or the Legal Department if necessary prior to providing or receiving any gift orhospitality for or from a third party.
In 2022, the Company launched training activities of Being Credible and Clean to Lay the Foundation forDevelopment. Leaders and cadres as the key talents in Jihong Group undertook the responsibility of talentcultivation. Therefore, their style and thinking might impose direct in?uence on corporate culture and teamtone.To further raise employees' awareness for the concept of Being Credible and Clean to Lay the Foundationfor Development and keep warning in their mind, the Company introduced the clean practice rules into theonboarding training for new employees in January 2022. Also, the Company advocated all employee to receivetraining starting from newcomers to make clear the Company's bottom line. In the meantime, the Companyorganized management cadres to learn and exchange their opinions at irregular intervals.
Clean guidance and sound development
Being Credible and Clean to Lay the Foundation for Development
Without permission of the Company, no one shall provide support or services in any aspects including but notlimited to business, technology and operation management for rivals or peers in any forms;
No leaking corporate secrets: 1
In principle, superiors shall not receive monetary gifts or gifts in other forms from subordinates. For weddings,funerals, and other rituals, the value of monetary gifts or gifts in other forms for dining shall not exceedRMB200. No one shall take these opportunities to collect funds or receive bribery;
No internal bribery:2
No one shall take kickbacks, treat, gifts and services from providers in any forms; in regular business activities,all gifts provider give shall submit to the Company; no one shall meet providers alone or in private withoutpermission;
No external bribery:3
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce Connecting
Jihong Group with the World
No one shall seek personal gains for oneself, relatives, or any other third parties by taking advantage of theCompany's resources; employees who recommend their relatives or friends to work in the Company andenterprises that have connections with the Company, or work for the Company's customers or providers, orto be engaged in business activities, shall report to the Company in advance; no one shall set exclusive o?cesupplies or tools; no one shall set public articles or tools for personal use only; no one shall take public articlesor tools for private use without permission; superiors shall not have their subordinates to take supplies or claimexpenses for themselves.
No abuse of power for personal gain:5
Training in Hohhot Factory
Training in Anhui Factory
Clean guidance and sound development
No one shall borrow or lend money and items from or to subordinates, providers, customers, or otherstakeholders or make other transactions with them;
No illegal debit or credit:4
Investor relations
In 2022, to regulate the Company's investor relations, promote effective communication between the Companyand investors, and let investors better understand the Company, the Company revised the Management Systemof the Investor Relations of Jihong Group in accordance with the real situation of the Company and theCompanyLaw, Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, Opinions of the State Council for Further Improving theQuality of Listed Companies, Opinions of the General O?ce of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Workof Protection of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Minority Investors in the Capital Markets, Work Guidelinesfor the Investor Relations Management of Listed Companies, Standard Operation of Listed Companies on the MainBoard — No. 1 of the Listed Company Self-discipline Supervision Guidance of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and otherlaws, regulations, rules, regulated documents and theArticles of Association of Jihong Group.The Company attaches great importance to investor relation management, the disclosure of information, and theauthenticity, accuracy, integrity, timeliness, and fairness of the disclosure of information. The Company activelysafeguards the rights and interests of medium and small investors, and takes their suggestions and responds totheir consultation seriously. The Company keeps unrestricted interaction and communication with institutionalinvestors and individual investors through various channels such as notice, the Easy Interaction platform, phonecall, e-mail, websites of the Company or Shenzhen Stock Exchange, regular or irregular promotion, road show,interview, or investigation.
replied 253 questionsraised by investors on theEasy Interaction platform
In 2022, besides daily communication with public investors by phone call,
received about
60 investors in totalthe Company participated in3 investigations andperformance road shows
The Company strictly abides by the requirements of theGuidelines for Articles ofAssociation of Listed Companiesto convene Shareholders' Meetings and provide aplatform for Internet voting for the convenience of shareholders to take part in theShareholders' Meetings. In 2022, the Company convened 7 Shareholders' Meetings, allby way of on-site voting and Internet voting. The Company provided the Internet votingplatform through the trading system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Internet for thepublic. Moreover, the Company disclosed the voting results of small and medium-sizedshareholders (those who holding shares less than 5%) in the notice of the resolutions ofShareholders' Meetings, practically protecting the right to vote of these shareholders.
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Intellectual property protectionFive
In 2022, the Company rigorously regulated intellectual property management in accordance with theTrademarkLaw, Patent Law, Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations on Computers Software Protection,and relevant laws and regulations. During the reporting period, the Company actively safeguarded the right oftrademarks, further protected the trademarks, and guided employees to pay attention to relevant intellectualproperty risks.In 2022, the Company established a High-tech Project Review Committee to encourage all employees to proactivelytake part in R&D and innovation, explore their wisdom and potential, regulate project R&D process, protectinventions, and standardize patent application and management within the Company. The Committee functionsin the following procedures: the department that carries out the project lead the review, and the General Managerof the Group, heads of the R&D Center and relevant functional departments of the Group, and heads of othersubsidiaries compose a team to be responsible for project review.
Up to now, the Company has more than 270 patents and over 140 software copyrights, anda large number of intellectual property rights are going through the applying procedures.
Invention patent and copyright
In 2022, the Company invited patent lecturers to have enterprise intellectual property special training in aneffort to increase the enterprise independent innovation capacity, reduce the cost in R&D, raise employees'awareness of patent, and enhance the Company's capacity to respond to patent risks.
On the training
Intellectual property subdivision and special training
厦门吉宏科技股份有限公司稳健发展 提升治理效能稳健发展 提升治理效能稳健发展 提升治理效能稳健发展 提升治理效能年度ESG专题:数字电商链接吉宏与世界
Exploring In?niteValue Driven byInnovation
Jihong Group focuses on sci-tech innovation in the long-termdevelopment, and pioneers new business models, new theories,and new modes with technologies. The Company adheres toinnovative business modes for development, actively exploresnew business models, takes solid measures to keep datasecurity, improves customer experience, and develops togetherwith the industry.
Contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Professional one-stop packagingJihong Group is dedicated to being a comprehensive packaging solution provider that customers trust most,and provides one-stop services integrated "marketing planning + design/plan optimization + manufacturing+ transportation and distribution + sales". The Company constantly enriches the business lines of packagingproducts, and o?ers a variety of products including color box packaging, eco-friendly food packaging, eco-friendlyhandbags, and bundle packaging to leading customers of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) at home and abroad.The Company also sets up purchase scenarios of the whole-category packaging supply chain to provide services inan all-round way.
During the reporting period, the Company proactively sought school-enterprise cooperation for mutual learning andskill talent cultivation. In the meantime, the Company launched an Innovation Center Management Trainee project toenhance employees' expertise and practical ability and make them all-round talents.
Exploring school-enterprise cooperation
Jihong Group reaches cooperation with universities and colleges in packaging business
During the reporting period, Jihong Group held a beverage packaging design naming competition with HunanUniversity of Technology. The cooperation was targeted at creatively designing packaging from the structurefor paper product packaging and container business. Students from Hunan University of Technology activelytook part in the competition and demonstrated their art expression and visual impact with unique design andexquisite exterior. Meanwhile, they considered the portability, and waterproof, leakage-proof and eco-friendlyfeatures, and provided numerous excellent design cases.
Excellent works on the Packaging Design Competition
Finding new path of creation
Data security and privacy
The Company highly values data security and privacy protection, and strictlyabides byRegulations of the People's Republic of China on Protecting the Safetyof Computer Information Systems, Information Security Technology — Baselinefor Classi?ed Protection of Information Systems, Information Security Technology— Information System Security System Security Management Requirements, etc.The Company holds high the overall guidelines of "security and prevention ?rst,balancing management and technologies, and taking comprehensive measuresto prevent risks", and establishes the systems like Giikin Information SecurityClassified Protection Management Measures and Giikin Computer InformationSystem Emergency Response Plan. In the meantime, the Company has passedthe certification of GB/T 22080-2016, ISO/IEC 27001: 2013, ISO/IEC 27701: 2019,etc. to ensure the stable and reliable operation of information systems and thecon?dentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Relying on AWS and Huawei Cloud systems, the Company entrusts the e-commerce business to cloud serviceproviders, leveraging AWS's industry-leading SLA guarantee to provide high-quality services for customers in asustainable and stable manner.
The Company establishes an information security management team consisting of ?ve parts: intranet informationsecurity check, information system security classified protection, information security and confidentiality,information security risk assessment, and information security emergency response. In this manner, the Companygradually improves data security and privacy protection system, and makes clear the importance of keeping datasecurity:
Organizational structure of data security and privacy
Giikin Computer Information System Emergency Response Plan: Ensure proper response to andhandling of information system emergencies, e?ectively prevent and resolve technology risks, and makesure the normal operation of the Company's business and data security.Giikin Information Security Overall Work Plan and Security Strategies: Ensure and standardizeinformation system security work, improve the overall level of information system security protection,and maintain information security under control.Giikin Information Security Classified Protection Management Measures: Clarify the degree ofinformation infringement and the impact on corresponding objects, and timely enhance informationsecurity protection and management capabilities.
The customer information stored in the Company's database is desensitized to onlyretain speci?c system information such as customer service, and is encrypted to ensurecustomer privacy security;
The Company deploys the architecture with multiple availability zones, and the databasesupports rollback at any point in time within 7 days. At the same time, the Company alsoadopts real-time synchronous databases on Huawei Cloud to avoid business interruptioncaused by single availability zone failures;
The Company collaborates with the top international CDN security vendor, Akamai, toresist malicious crawling on pages of the Company's online store. Akamai can accuratelyidentify various malicious crawlers and e?ectively intercept them;The Company realizes separation of privilege for users in the database, that is, users canaccess to data with individual user accounts, and programs can access data with projectuser accounts. The IP addresses of users to log in the database are limited to avoid mixinguse. Meanwhile, the database runs audit logs to record operations in the database andensure the independence of the privilege;The Company uses an operation and maintenance fortress machine for server login, andthe password is composed of random numbers, symbols, and uppercase and lowercaseletters, which are rotated regularly. The AWS resources adopted by the Company are in keyescrow with Key Management Services (KMS). During the reporting period, the Companycompleted the new generation firewall and fortress machine project, and networked officeareas with VPN to reduce public network exposure. At the same time, the Company continuedto strengthen information security audit, completed 1 external audit, and realized 100%coverage of information security management system certi?cation.
Data security
Separation ofprivilege
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
During the reporting period, the Company conducted 2 disaster recovery exercises on the RDS services in AWS,utilizing scienti?c means and methods to continuously optimize data emergency response methods and copewith the occurrence of uncertain disasters.
Information security is an important part of the Company's corporate culture. The Company is committed tobuilding a healthy, safe, and sustainable enterprise, integrating information security into daily operations,and continuously strengthening employees' information security awareness. In 2022, the Company heldinformation security training activities for all employees and conducted assessments in the form of onlineexam.
Database disaster recovery exercise
Strictly keeping the data security bottom line and ensuring customer privacy
Information security training to strengthen all employees' information security awareness
Customer services and guaranteeThe Company sticks to the goal of customer satisfaction and the concept of "creating value with service, earning respectwith service, and building a brand with service". Starting from the actual needs of customers, the Company createsprofessional, comprehensive, and rapid services, pays attention to customer needs in a timely and all-round manner, andactively resolves complaints to make customers satis?ed and grati?ed.
The Company builds a multi-dimensional service system revolving around the pre-sales, mid-sales, and after-sales segments, and answers customers' questions and doubts through instant messaging software, e-mail, andother channels. At the same time, the Company actively conducts service satisfaction evaluation to understandcustomers' satisfaction and collect their opinions. In the reporting period, the Company contacted with 1,753,646customers through various channels, and dealt with 1,753,646 concerns of customers with a completion rate of100%. The average response time on the Zendesk platform was 71.4 seconds.
Constantly optimizing service quality
The Company develops the
Customer Operations Department
Service Management System
to standardize the pre-sales
reception process and online
wording, and provide standardized
consultation and Q&A.
The Company activelyhandles abnormal ordersand veri?es order status.
The Company prepares theDaily After Sales HandlingMethods to properly handlerejection as well as returnsand exchanges caused byquality issues.
Mid-salesfollowing up
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
As a cross-border e-commerce merchant, the Company adopts targeted marketing methods based on the individualcharacteristics of customers in different regions. We comply with the laws and regulations, tax regulations, andintellectual property protection of the product sales area, conduct market-oriented research on regional cultureand customs, and launch localized products based on local needs to attract the attention and purchase intentionof local customers. At the same time, we actively optimize the after-sales service process, improve return andexchange policies, and continuously level up the quality and e?ciency of after-sales service to enhance customers'trust and satisfaction and drive sales growth.
Adapting to local conditions with innovative services
During the reporting period, the Company launched corresponding products for Thailand's Water SplashingFestival, Japan's Cherry Blossom Festival, Mazu Festival of Taiwan, China, and Christmas in Europe. TheCompany carried out diversified marketing activities according to local conditions, including specialpromotion, gift giving services, greeting card delivery services, and holiday information releasing to expandproduct sales channels.
Collaborative development of supply chain
The Company continues to improve the supplier management mechanism and has developed the PurchaseManagement Procedures, Centralized Purchase Management Measures, and Purchase Bidding ManagementMeasures, and prepared the Sunshine Integrity Action Cooperation Agreement to effectively manage suppliersby following these procedures. The Company adheres to the principles of Fairness, Impartiality, and Openness,conducts timely assessment and evaluation of suppliers, pays regular mutual visits and maintains good supplyrelationships with suppliers. During the reporting period, Jihong Group updated 10 suppliers and optimized theCompany's supply system in a more reasonable way.Supplier assessment process: Evaluate product quality, timeliness and accuracy of arrival,service, etc.
Jihong Group attaches great importance to long-term and in-depth cooperation with suppliers.The Company invited excellent suppliers toattend the 2023 Annual Meeting of JihongGroup, and granted outstanding suppliers theOutstanding Supplier Award in recognitionof their contributions to the Company'sdevelopment.
Supplier communication and exchanges
Supplier management
Awarding excellent suppliers on 2023 Annual MeetingLocal services
Excellent80 and aboveIncrease purchases as appropriate, and prioritize product purchase
Require the providers to rectify the deficiencies and maintain the
purchase strategy for them unchangedQuali?ed60-69
Look for backup suppliers and consider reducing their purchases.Require the providers to rectify the de?ciencies, and the PurchasingDepartment decides whether to continue purchase after checking
their corrective measures and resultsUnquali?edUnder 60Consider purchasing products from other backup suppliers
ClassScoreRewards and Punishments
Focusing onEnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous MomentumJihong Group takes green development as an important part of theCompany's concept of sustainable development, sticks to the principle ofgreen and low carbon cycle, and aims to realize the coordination and unityof the Company's development and ecological environment protection. TheCompany follows the principles of compliance with laws and regulations,environmental protection, energy control and emission reduction, and greendevelopment, continuously improves facilities and processes, strengthensmanagement measures, and strictly controls pollutant discharge to makecontributions to sustainable development.Contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Green packagingAs a company that abides by both domestic and foreign laws and regulations on product packaging, Jihong Grouptakes into full consideration the compliance, safety, practicability, and environmental friendliness of the packagingmaterials in the design and development stages. It continues to adopt green packages through green productdesign on the premise of ensuring product quality.
Jihong Group actively explores and promotes the "Green Revolution" of packages. To actively respond to theOpinionson Accelerating the Green Transformation of Express Packagingissued by the Chinese government, Jihong Grouplaunches innovations in product R&D and discusses the technologies by focusing on green packages. Granted with FSCChain of Custody (FSC-CoC) Certi?cation, the Company advocates responsible management and forest exploitation andmakes its packaging products more traceable, which re?ects its social responsibilities for persisting in the transformationof green packages.
The Company puts more e?ort into R&D of green and environmental-friendly packaging products in 2022. Speci?cally,it continued to invest in product R&D through the following projects: "R&D of Environmental-friendly PackagingTechnologies", commercialization of the research ?ndings of "R&D of the Technologies of a Gluing Device with AdjustableGlue Quantity for Cartons", "Research and Industrialized Application of the Green Energy-saving Low-carbon IntelligentProduction System for Corrugated Boxes", "R&D of an Environment-friendly Ink-jet Device for Packaging Box Printing","Research on the Circulating Filtration Process of a Fountain Solution for O?set Presses", which enabled the Company toevolve into a green package service provider.
FSC certi?cation
Design and R&D of environmental-friendly products
FSC certi?cations
TheTechnical Speci?cation for Green-design Product Assessment - Folding Paper Boxdesigned by the Companyduring the reporting period was included in the 2022 List of Green Design Products released by the Ministry ofIndustry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. This product re?ects the Company'sbreakthroughs in low resource consumption and small environmental pollution by improving the recovery rateof the products, reducing the quantity of water intake and comprehensive energy consumption.
Low-carbon operationThe Company actively responds to carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals by accelerating its greendevelopment mode to promote enterprise development and ecological conservation simultaneously. Followingthe trend of the era, Jihong Group integrates low-carbon concept into its daily business operation to reinforce theemployees' awareness of environmental protection. Jihong Group continues to cultivate talent in carbon emissionmanagement. By the end of the reporting period, 4 employees had passed the assessment on carbon emissiontransactions. All the employees made concerted efforts to improve the Company's low carbon managementstandard, contributing to carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.
Jihong Group strictly complies with theEnvironmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of thePeople's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Law of the People's Republic of Chinaon the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Preventionand Control of Ambient Noise Pollution, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Controlof Environmental Pollution by Solid Wasteas well as other laws and regulations on environmental protection.Moreover, it reduces energy consumption in its daily business operation, and takes a series of energy-savingmeasures to reduce energy consumption:
E?cient low-carbon operation
Green product designs in China
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
DIY "tree planting" activity
The Company carried out a public bene?t activity of "Planting a Green Potted Plant DIY" on March 12, 2022. Theemployees planted their green potted plants. These plants were the "trees of their dreams".
A special tree planting day in early spring
Circular economy
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) released"The 14th Five-year" Plan for Circular EconomyDevelopmentin 2021, in which NDRC put forward that China would have carried out circular production methodsin a comprehensive manner and promoted green design and clean production by 2025. Jihong Group activelyresponds to the national call by putting more effort into innovation, improving product design, and optimizingproject construction. It carries out a green factory building campaign in accordance with theClean ProductionPromotion Law of the People's Republic of China, Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People's Republic ofChinaas well as other laws and regulations. Speci?cally, it optimizes the paths/ways of energy conservation andemission reduction, facilitates industrial normalization, making a new contribution to its sustainable development.
Upholding the concept of "building a green and environmental-friendly factory through technologicalinnovation", Hohhot Jihong Printing Packaging Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hohhot Factory") boosted"the Project of Intelligent Upgrading of Green and Environmental-friendly Packaging Boxes". Hohhot Factorywhich laid stress on high-tech manufacturing sector upgraded its equipment to make its equipment moreintelligent based on information technology. It made major breakthroughs in solid waste reduction as well asreusability, recyclability, and degradability of the product packages by optimizing the process and design of theproduct packages. Thanks to the green factory project, Hohhot Factory improved production e?ciency whilereducing the costs of packaging products, thus performing its social responsibilities for green production.
Responding to circular economy to promoting green factory building
Management of emissions
Jihong Group always takes "compliance with laws and regulations, environmentalprotection, continuous waste reduction and green development" as its foundationof green business operation. It puts in place scientific and effective measuresfor environmental protection, advocates energy conservation and consumptionreduction, rigorously controls pollutant discharge, and improves the employees'awareness of environmental protection, to contribute to sustainable development.
In 2022,Jihong invested
1.59 million
in environmentalprotection.Jihong Group developed Environmental Management System to put in placeenvironmental governance, to perform the work tasks of environmental protection andto improve the employees' awareness of and management ability in environmentalprotection. The Company passed Environment Management System Certi?cations ofGB/T 24001-2016 and ISO 14001 2015 during the reporting period, which ensured thenormal and organized operation of its production and operation activities.
Certi?cations of environmentalmanagement
Environment management system certi?cations
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce Connecting
Jihong Group with the World
To effectively prevent, timely control and eliminate the hazards from sudden environmental pollution accidentsin the packaging business, Jihong Group formulated theEnvironmental Protection Emergency Planto properlyrespond to sudden environmental pollution accidents in a standardized manner, so as to minimize the loss fromenvironmental pollution and ecological damage accidents.
During the reporting period, Jihong Group's two factories launched carbon inventory, and fulfilled theirresponsibilities of managing greenhouse gas discharge.
Environmental emergency plan
Greenhouse gas investigationstatement of Xiamen Factory
Greenhouse gas investigationstatement of Langfang Factory
To guarantee the Company's environmental protection, toe?ectively prevent and timely control the hazards from suddenenvironmental pollution accidents
Management Structure
The Emergency Rescue Leading Group shall survey, command,and take measures for emergency response
The Leading Group timely leads and coordinates with otherdepartments to confirm where, when and how an accidenthappens, what kind of accident it is, and which places will itpollute, to ?nd out the type and nature of the pollution sourcethrough analysis, and to take emergency measures according tothe aftermaths and trends of the accident.
Environmental Protection Emergency Plan
Jihong Group strictly follows theLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of EnvironmentalPollution by Solid Waste, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution,Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollutionas well as other relevant lawsand regulations to establish and improve various management systems for environmental protection, so as to optimizeits governance systems and ensure that the discharge and emissions of all pollutants can meet the standards.
Emission compliance of production
The Company has established thePrevention and Control System for Waste Water, Waste Gas, Dust and SolidWastes. The main waste water from production and operation includes sanitary wastewater and the waste waterfor rinsing during all stages of production of packaging materials. The Company's waste water is puri?ed by sewagetreatment equipment, and the purified water that passes the inspection will be drained into the urban sewernetwork. The waste gas and dust mainly come from the corrugated paper board production line workshop, thepasting and cutting workshop and molding workshop. As the Company dedusts and filters these waste gas anddust, it manages to e?ectively control the dust during the process of making raw paper into molded paperboardand during the production of corrugated paper board production line. Moreover, the Company recycles solid wastessuch as waste plastics, pop cans, sawdust and kitchen waste and removes them in a uni?ed manner.
Jihong Group has developed theManagement System for Hazardous Wastesto manage the waste printing ink cans,waste printing ink rags and other main hazardous wastes from production in a uni?ed manner. It entrusts a third-party company to conduct harmless treatment for these wastes, so as to prevent environmental pollution amid andafter treatment.
Jihong Group has established theNoise Management Systemto cope with industrial noise, aiming at keepingits employees healthy and providing a tranquil living environment for the surrounding residents. The Companyhas upgraded the exceptionally noisy equipment and upgraded its technology. It also hangs warning signs in theproduction areas with noise over 85dB, and requires the employees in these areas to wear earmu?s, earplugs, andother protective devices.
Management of "Three Wastes"
Hazardous waste treatment
Noise management
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Key performances
Energy usedGasm
Diesel oilL123,186GasolineL102,889Outsourced power supplykWh38,437,591
Resources usedQuantity of water purchased from the
municipal administration
190,922EmissionsTotal amount of waste gas emittedm
1,229,782,856Particle mattersMg/m
Non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC)Mg/m
Nitrogen oxidesMg/m
Sulfur oxidesMg/m
Total amount of recyclable wastes
Ton15,430Total amount of general solid wastes
Ton4,139Total amount of general solid wastes
Ton130Total amount of general solid wastes
Ton2,836Total amount of hazardous wastes
Ton104Note*: General solid wastes refer to waste paper, construction waste, household waste and other wasteswhich are not included in theNational Catalogue of Hazardous Wastes (2022).
Work safetyThe Company has formulated theManagement System of Work Safety in accordance with the Work Safety Lawof the People's Republic of Chinaas well as other laws and regulations. It has also put in place the work safetyresponsibility system by using scientific methods and management concepts to avoid and reduce workplaceaccidents. Adhering to the concept of "people foremost, safety first, prevention first and comprehensivegovernance", the Company reinforces its management of work safety in a standardized manner, makes the annualas well as medium and long-term safety management plans and implements the plans, and always takes priority ofguaranteeing production safety in work safety management.
During the reporting period, the Company made theComprehensive Contingency Plan for Workplace Accidentsand Guide for Fire Emergency Response of Fire Control Room, passed Certi?cation of Occupational Health andSafety Management Systems GB/T 45001-2020 and ISO 45001:2018, continued to standardize the managementof response for workplace emergencies to improve its ability to cope with workplace emergencies.
Langfang Factory's emergency drill
The Company organized several emergency drills, ?re drills and o?ered training for ?re control in 2022. Theemployees took part in the fire drills orderly, which cultivated their ability of emergency response, thusguaranteeing their safety amid production.
Reinforcing emergency drills to cultivate the employees' ability of emergency response
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Shaanxi Factory's ?re drillXiamen Factory's training for ?re control
Reinforcing emergency drills to cultivate the employees' ability of emergency responseReinforcing emergency drills to cultivate the employees' ability of emergency response
Operating BusinessKind-heartedly to JointlyProtect a HarmoniousHomelandAs a company that constantly optimizes its human resource managementsystem, Jihong Group has established an innovative mechanism for talentselection, talent cultivation, remunerations and benefits, labor relation,etc. It actively builds the talent management mode in conformity with itsdevelopment in order to respect and guarantee the employees' legitimaterights and interests. Meanwhile, the Company which pays attention tocommunity development persists in carrying out community-based publicbene?t activities to seek synergetic development with the society.
Contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protect
a Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Employee rights and interests
The total number of Jihong Group employees had reached 4,190 by December 31, 2022.
Equal employment
Jihong Group which constantly optimizes its internal human resource management system has formulatedtheProcedure of Organizational Management, Management System for Employment and Recruitmentandother documents. It completely eradicates the discrimination caused by any factor amid recruitment and workarrangement as it works for creating a diversi?ed and inclusive working environment.
Proportion of di?erent sexes of employeesAge distribution
31-4030 and under
51 and above41-50
Financial sta?TechniciansOperational sta?Production personnel
Sales personnelAdministrative sta?
The Company has established a set of management systems and formulateddocuments for them, including management systems ofSocial ResponsibilityManual, Environmental Management Requirements, Safety Requirements,and other principles. For the scope covered by the systems, the Company shallfollow the provisions of the documents (which shall not violate existing laws andregulations). For the parts uncovered in the documents, the Company shall followrelevant laws, regulations as well as safety and sanitation standards. Where thereis no law, the Company shall act in the way most favorable for the employees'safety to continuously fulfill and improve its sound social responsibilities.The Company authorizes management representatives, health and safetyrepresentatives and sta? representatives to supervise the implementation of thesystems within the scope of their responsibilities.To protect the employees' basic rights and interests, the Company optimized theorganizational management, recruitment, training, remunerations and bene?tsand other systems of human resource management in respect of framework,standards, procedures, forms, literal expression, etc. in 2022. Moreover, theCompany established the management philosophy of talent managementin a comprehensive manner to provide a basis of management, makinghuman resource management a standardized, normalized, and systematizedmanagement.
Number of employees based on specialty
Right protection
Number of employees based on
educational background
1,164 persons70 persons
887 persons
Junior collegeBelow junior college
Master and aboveBachelor
91 persons592 persons589 persons157 persons
2,002 persons
The percentage ofemployees signinglabor contract in2022s:
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Cultural training:Ability training:
Jihong Group o?ers training on enterprise culture tothe new employees in order to enhance their senseof identity of the enterprise, which mainly re?ectsin the following: introducing the Company's vision,mission and values in combination with the newemployees' personal development to integrate theemployees into the Company's culture; introducingthe Company's development milestones, businessperformance, honors granted as well as the mode ofproduct operation to the new employees, enablingthem to recognize Jihong and to ?rmly believe thatthey can realize win-win scenario at Jihong.
the Company shares its headquarters'training resources with all subsidiariesthrough the training mode of"o?ine training + online training +livestream training". It has also built anintercompany and interdepartmentallearning and exchange platform whicharouses the employees' learningenthusiasm through interactive learning.
Training programs o?ered by Jihong Group in 2022Training for managerial sta?:
5 training sessions for 401 trainees
in total
Training on recruitment skills:
8 livestream training sessions for 64trainees in total
Training for management trainees:
1 training session for7 trainees for 5consecutive days
Training on procurement:
4 training sessions for 87 traineesin totalInduction training:
6 training sessions for 55 traineesin total
Non-project training:
3 training sessions for 74 trainees
in total
Employee development
Talents are the core competitiveness of enterprise development. Only by training and improving the quality and skillsof employees, can they give full play to their potential, so as to maximize the personal values and bring bene?ts to theenterprise.
Employee training
Training on reverse enabling:
1 training session for more than 11 external trainees
In 2022, Jihong Group actively found new learning modes and continuously explored innovative ways of talentdevelopment. By adopting the mode of "onsite training + onsite livestreaming", the Company managed to solvethe condition that it was impossible to o?er training in a concentrated manner as its subsidiaries were located indi?erent places, which not only enlarged the coverage of its training programs, but also reduced the costs whileincreasing the e?ciency by means of livestream training.
Exploring the new mode of talent training
Employee training
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Total training hours for the employees9,584.50 hoursAverage training hours of the employees
0.94 hours
Divided based on the type
of employees
Total training hours of grassroots
7,889.86 hoursTotal training hours of middlemanagement employees
1,782.81 hoursTotal training hours of seniormanagement employees
215.50 hours
The Company always upholds the management concept of "people foremost" amid business development. Guidedby the idea of "advancing with the times and forging ahead in an innovative and enterprising spirit", the Companyoptimizes the allocation of its existing human resources while developing more new human resources: it makesemployee career plans through job analysis, and pays attention to the employees' training and growth to achievesynchronous development of employees' growth and the Company's goals of development plan; it reforms andperfects the incentive mechanism, reinforces awarding and punishment to establish the awareness of performance,and has built a relatively reasonable evaluation system on the employees' input and output, thus widening thegap among the employees' incomes/differentiating the employees' incomes according to their responsibilitiesand contributions; it has also set an open, fair, competitive and merit-based system of "being prepared for bothpromotion and demotion" to create an environment for excellent talents to stand out.
The Company has set correct outlooks on talent development: it has carried out a seriesof compliance management and anti-corruption activities; it also specifies the talentdevelopment concept of "promoting talents based on their merits instead of arranging in orderof seniority", and particularly requests every managerial sta? to strictly abide theCompany'sCriteria of Managerial Sta?.
The Company has built dual channels of the employees' career development: to assess the
employees from several dimensions of technical merit, expertise level, management skill, etc.and to build a multistep development channel that comprises longitudinal development (postpromotion) and horizontal development (post promotion, job rotation and interdepartmentaljob transfer.)The Company has built a reasonable talent appraisal mechanism: it adopts a third-party talent
assessment tool which can help the enterprise to e?ectively identify a talent upon recruitment;it uses the talent checking tool to appraise its internal talents from the dimensions ofcompetence and performance and applies it to each link of "selection and elimination" ofhuman resource management.
0-3 months3 months1-2 years12 months
Maslow'sHierarchy of
The mechanism of induction
training + Advisor
Upon entry
Upon entry
Becoming aregular employee
Management ofreserved talents
Management ofnewly promotedemployees
SeniormanagementTraining formanagerial sta?
Professional channel
Level P
Level M
Professional channel
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Bene?ts management
Mandated bene?ts
Full attendance awardWorking meal/subsidyfor meals/subsidy formeals delayed
due to workDormitory/housing subsidy
Internal recommendation award
Social insurance
Housingprovident fund
Statutory leavesLabor protection
Job-related bene?ts
General bene?ts
Incentive bene?ts
Employees' birthday partyTeam building
Night shift allowance
Allowances and
Subsidy forcommunicationsTransportation
allowanceSubsidy for private
cars used forpublic purposesTravel allowance forvisiting families
Made the mandated benefits compliant and lawful and paid all the amounts that should be paid; addedthe nationwide unified standard for supplementary accident/medical insurance plans to safeguard theemployees' health and personal safety in an all-around manner.Provided targeted subsidies for di?erent posts, and o?ered bene?ts to attract and retain talent.Set general bene?ts to improve the cohesion of the team and show concern for the employees.Provided incentive bene?ts for the employees who had made special contributions to talent recruitment,technical innovation as well as cost reduction and e?ciency increase.
Optimizations in terms of institution:
Employee bene?ts
Jihong Group provides competitive remunerations and benefits to improve the employees' sense of belonging,satisfaction, and recognition of the Company, to improve the employees' living standards, so as to form soundcentripetal force and cohesion of the enterprise.In 2022, the Company sorted out and optimized the employee bene?ts in a comprehensive manner by dividing thebene?ts into several categories: mandated bene?ts, job-related bene?ts, general bene?ts, and incentive bene?ts.
Remunerations and bene?ts
Jihong Group provides diversified benefits for its employees, including team-building activities, anniversarypresents, red envelopes containing cash and other internal bene?ts in addition to the statutory social insuranceand leaves, for the purpose of arousing the employees' working enthusiasm.
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
Occupational health
The Company attaches great importance to occupational disease prevention and control. Guided by the conceptof "safe and scienti?c development", the Company reinforces publicity to enhance the employees' awareness ofoccupational disease prevention, so as to consolidate the status quo by reinforcing supervision and to improvethe standards by reinforcing skills. That's how the Company continuously implements the guiding principles ofthe State Council and the General Office on occupational health. To properly put in place occupational diseaseprevention and control, the Company has formulated relevant systems in accordance with relevant national lawsand regulations, local policies, specifications, and standards. In doing so, the Company is able to enhance thesubsidiaries' awareness and management ability of occupational disease prevention and control, to guarantee theemployees' physical health and personal safety, and to ensure the normal operation of all production and operationactivities, thus achieving the management goals of occupational health and safety of "zero injuries, zero accidentsand zero diseases".
Jihong Group always gives priority to the employees' health and safety. It strictly abides by theWork SafetyLaw of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control ofOccupational Diseases and other laws to guarantee the employees' health and safety in an all-around manner.Work safety and prevention of occupational diseases
Activity on Tree Planting Day
Activity on March 8 Women's Day
Activity on Tree Planting Day
Activity on March 8 Women's Day
The Company appreciates the employees' hard work and contributions and cares every employee's work and life.Jihong Group provides the employees with seasonal fruits and snacks on workdays. It also prepares a birthdaypresent each employee on birthday, and holds birthday parties on a regular basis. Moreover, it sends its bestwishes to the employees on holidays, and holds recreational activities irregularly to enrich the employees' life.The Company cares female employees and prepares gifts for them on Women's Day to express gratitude for theircontributions. It also helps out the employees in di?culty by organizing donations for them.
Employee activities
Holding a collective birthday party
Lantern Festival celebration
Holding a collective birthday party
Donation for employees in di?culty
To create a safe and peaceful production environment, improve the employees' safety knowledge andawareness, eradicate violations of labor disciplines, inappropriate operation and violation of tra?c rules, theCompany o?ered a series of training on occupational health and safety to help every employee learn basic andcommon safety knowledge, have su?cient safety awareness and master necessary safety skills.
O?ering training to enhance the awareness of occupational health and safety
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Focusing on EnvironmentalProtection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious HomelandDigital E-commerce ConnectingJihong Group with the World
The Company holds domestic life meetings, monthly party group meetings and other meetings to learnabout various difficulties faced by the employees in their work and daily life and to answer them honestlyand patiently. The leaders study and accept the reasonable suggestions put forward by the employees. Theyimmediately solve the problems which can be solved, and share the problems which cannot be solved ondifferent management levels in order to attract more attention. This is how the communication platformbetween the employees and the leaders as well as the organization works, which makes the employees feel asense of belonging in person.
Paying attention to the employees' mental health through the communication channel
Contributions to communitiesWhile keeping on making self-improvement and seeking stable development, Jihong Group has always deemedthe enterprise's social responsibilities as its commitment to sustainable economic development since itsestablishment. It pays attention to and engages in public welfare undertakings to make a contribution to the publicbene?t of the society.
As a group that highly values humanistic care and psychological counseling for the employees, Jihong Groupattached greater attention to its employees' mental health. Jihong Group holds that it should care for both physicaland mental health of the employees since caring for their mental health is much more important than caring fortheir physical health only. Keeping the employees mentally healthy is an investment that will not only makes theemployees mentally stronger, but also builds a "soft environment" of a healthy workplace as the Company focuseson organizational behavior. It not only helps the employees work and live happier, but also enables them to createa happy life.With a platform and communication bridge connecting the leaders and grassroots employees, the Companykeeps an eye on the employees in difficulty and employees who need help, so that it can help them solve theirdi?culties by building and perfecting the mechanism. In addition, the enterprise also holds various recreationaland sports activities according to the employees' needs, so as to unify the employees and build a favorable culturalatmosphere.
Mental health
O?ering training to enhance the awareness of occupational health and safety
In 2022, Langfang Jihong Package Co., Ltd. ,a subsidiary of the Company, donated daily necessities to GuangyangDistrict Industrial and Information Technology Bureau, Guangyang Economic Development Zone AdministrationCommittee, the Police Station, Guangyang District Fire Brigade, and other personnel to guarantee the dailyproduction and operation.
Donation for the front-line personnel to response to the pandemic
Donation of Daily Necessities
Training on occupational health and safety
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
Exploring In?nite Value
Driven by Innovation
Focusing on Environmental
Protection and CreatingContinuous Momentum
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious Homeland
Digital E-commerce Connecting
Jihong Group with the World
Key performances:
Anhui Jihong EP Paper Products Co., Ltd., asubsidiary of the Company, won "Award of
Contribution to Poverty Elimination" granted by theChina Foundation for Rural Development in 2022.
"Heyu", the Company's proprietary brand tookpart in "Building a School by the Project of
‘Donating RMB1 to Become a Public Bene?tPartner'" in 2022.
Measures of assistance:
O?ering policy-based assistance: the Company actively publicizes assistance policies to the householdsthat need assistance in order to encourage and guide rural families to apply for various preferencesand assistance policies for agricultural economic development. It guides rural families to take part insustainable development projects and specialized technical training programs to increase their income.·O?ering ideological assistance: the Company reinforces publicity and education for the assisted familiesto change their mindsets, learns about what they are thinking about, learns about their difficulties,eases their bad moods to revitalize their spirit of escaping poverty, and visits them regularly.
Offering industrial assistance: the Company provides policy guidance and books on technologies ofcrop planting for the assisted families which engage in the breeding industry, and encourages to growmore crops. Besides, the Company learns the assisted families' agricultural development, and offersinstructions and guidance for the policy-based and technological issues faced by them amid agriculturaldevelopment. If an assisted family wishes to become a market player such as an individual operator, theCompany will o?er some guidance based on its understanding of the market.
Charitable donationsAs Jihong Group keeps in mind the idea of "remembering past kindness and being grateful", it actively repayssociety. For instance, it works practically in one-to-one assistance to further consolidate the achievements inpoverty alleviation, and accelerates the pace of poverty-relieved households and monitored households toprosperity, working properly and earnestly in o?ering local assistance.
Certi?cates for charitable donations and public welfare
List of Key Performances
Number ofdisclosure reports
Report193131147General Meeting
of the Board ofDirectors
Times1798Number ofmembers of theBoard of Directors
By gender
Male directorsDirector888Female directorsDirector111By category
Corporate governance
Number of patents heldPatent278Number of copyrights – copyrights
of works held
Copyright340Number of trademarks and text
registration rights held
Copyright203Number of software copyrights heldCopyright145
Number of compliance traineesTrainee309Hours of compliance trainingHours10
Natural gasm
4,086,169DieselL123,186GasolineL102,889Outsourced electricitykWh38,437,591Municipal water purchasedm
190,992Total amount of recyclable wasteTNE15,430Total amount of general solid
TNE4,139Total amount of hazardous wastesTNE104Number of fuel vehicles owned-24Investment in environmental
Percentage of employees
signing labor contract
%100%Total number of employeesPerson4,190
By gender
Unit2022By employment category
Labor contractPerson3,988Labor dispatchPerson43Others (Internship, employment after retirement)Person159
By age
51 and abovePerson31341-50Person70831-40Person1,51530 and belowPerson1,654By region
Employees in China's mainlandPerson4,180Employees in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, ChinaPerson0Employees in other countries and regionsPerson10
By education
Masters and abovePerson70BachelorsPerson1,164Those of junior collegePerson887Those below junior collegePerson2,069
By rank
Total number of grassroots employees (under
Person3,033Middle management employees (supervisors/
Person868Number of female middle management employeesPerson335Number of senior management employees
(directors and above)
By profession
Production personnelPerson2,002Sales personnelPerson157TechniciansPerson592Financial sta?Person91Administrative sta?Person589Operation sta?Person759
Total attendance oftraining
Person10,183By gender
Male employeesPerson7,128Female employeesPerson3,055
By the type of employees
Grassroots employeesPerson8,880Middle management employeesPerson1,012Senior management employeesPerson161Total training hours for the
Hours9,584.50Average training hours of
Hours0.94By gender
Male employeesHours6,709.15Female employeesHours2,875.35
By the type of employees
Grassroots employeesHours7,889.86Middle management employeesHours1,782.81Senior management employeesHours215.5
Employee health and
Number of invalid working days due to work-related
Days1,738Work-related deathsPerson0Number of employees in positions with risks of
occupational diseases
Person548Number of employees taking occupational disease
Person563Number of employees su?ering from occupational
Person0Investment in health and
Investment in employee health and safetyRMB10,00010.02
Investment in work safetyRMB10,00087.45
Index of Indicators
About the Report2-2/2-3Message from theChairman
-About Jihong Group2-1/2-6/2-9
Digital E-commerceConnecting Jihong Group
with the World
Steady Development forMore E?ective Governance
2-10/2-12/2-13/201-1Compliant operation207-2Business ethics205-2Investor relations2-27Intellectual property
Exploring In?nite ValueDriven by Innovation
Professional one-stop packaging
-Data security and
-Customer servicesand guarantee
-Collaborativedevelopment of
supply chain
Level 1 HeadingsLevel 1 HeadingsLevel 2 HealdingsLevel 2 HealdingsGRI IndicatorsGRI IndicatorsSDGsSDGs
Focusing onEnvironmental Protectionand Creating ContinuousMomentum
Green packaging301-2/301-3Low-carbonoperation
2-27Circular economy203-1/203-2Management ofemissions
302-1/303-1/303-2/303-5/305-7/306-1/306-2/306-3306-4/306-5Work safety403-1
Operating Business Kind-heartedly to Jointly Protecta Harmonious Homeland
Employee rights andinterests
404-1/404-2Employee bene?ts201-3/401-2Occupational health
5/403-6/403-7Contributions tocommunities
415-1Charitable donations-Index of Indicators-Readers' Feedback-
Readers' Feedback
Dear reader,Good day! Thank you very much for readingXiamen Jihong Technology Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social andGovernance Report 2022.
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Please score for the following questions (1 is the minimum score and 5 is the maximum)What do you think of Jihong Group's signi?cant in?uence on corporate governance as re?ected in the Report?1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□What do you think of Jihong Group's signi?cant in?uence on environmental governance as re?ected in the Report?1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□What do you think of Jihong Group's signi?cant in?uence on social governance as re?ected in the Report?1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□What do you think of Jihong Group's signi?cant in?uence on business governance as re?ected in the Report?1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□In your opinion, what's the extent of Jihong Group's performance in customer service?
1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□What do you think of Jihong Group's performance in shareholder repaying?1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□What do you think of Jihong Group's communication and exchange with its stakeholders as well as the accuracyand comprehensiveness of the analysis of their relations with Jihong Group?1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□What do you think of the comprehensiveness of the information provided in this Report?1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□What do you think of the readability of the information provided in this Report?1 □ 2 □ 3□ 4□ 5□Open question: If you have any other suggestions and advice onXiamen Jihong Technology Co., Ltd. Environmental,Social and Governance Report 2022, please feel free to tell us.
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