The 2022 Annual General Meeting of ADAMA Ltd. (the “Company”) approved the2022 dividend distribution plan (the “Plan”) on April 12, 2023. The details of theimplementation of the distribution are as follows:
I.The PlanOn the basis of 2,329,811,766 total outstanding shares of the Company (among which2,177,071,961 A shares and 152,739,805 B shares), to distribute RMB 0.27 per 10shares, before tax, as cash dividend to all shareholders (After tax is deducted, RMB
0.243 for every 10 shares held by A-share QFII, RQFII and individuals and securitiesinvestment funds holding restricted shares issued before IPO; for A-share shareholdersholding restricted shares issued after IPO, restricted shares for stock incentive, and non-restricted outstanding shares, different tax rates will be applied on the dividend: adividend of RMB 0.27 for every 10 shares will be distributed first, then the tax will bededucted according to the actual shareholding period and number of shares sold byinvestor after the equity registration day (please see the note below); for securitiesinvestment funds holding restricted A-shares eligible for lending issued after IPO,restricted A-shares issued after IPO, restricted A-shares for stock incentive, and non-restricted outstanding A-shares: the tax rate shall be 10% for the Hong Kong investorsholding funds shares, and different tax rates will be applied on the dividend distributedto the mainland investors holding funds shares; the after-tax dividend for B-share non-resident enterprises and individuals holding restricted shares issued before IPO is RMB
0.243 for every 10 shares. Different tax rates will be applied on the dividend distributedto domestic (overseas) individual shareholders:a dividend of RMB 0.27 for every 10shares will be distributed first, then the tax will be deducted according to the actual
Stock Code: 000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) Announcement No.2023-22The Company and all members of its board of directors hereby confirm that allinformation disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete with no false ormisleading statement or material omission.
shareholding period and number of shares sold by the investor after the equityregistration day).[Note: On first–in–first–out basis, shareholding periods are calculated upon eachshareholders’ account, namely RMB 0.054 of tax per 10 shares for a period under onemonth(inclusive); RMB 0.027 of tax per 10 shares for a period between one month and oneyear(inclusive); no tax is payable for a period of over one year.]Special note: Since the Company is a Sino-foreign joint venture, individual foreigninvestors could temporarily be exempted from dividend income tax.Dividend for B shares will be distributed in Hong Kong Dollars. According to theArticles of Association of the Company, the exchange rate will be the daily referencerate between RMB and HKD (HKD 1.00 = RMB 0.8749) published by the People’sBank of China at the 1st bank day (April 13, 2023) following the 2022 Annual GeneralMeeting.The dividend distribution plan implemented is consistent with the plan approved by the2022 Annual General Meeting of the Company.From the announcement of 2022 annual dividend distribution plan till itsimplementation, if there is any change to the total outstanding shares of the Company,the allocation ratio of dividends remains unchanged.II. Registration Day and Ex-dividend DayThe equity registration day of A shares is June 5, 2023.The final trading day of B shares is June 5, 2023.The ex-dividend day of both A shares and B shares is June 6, 2023.The equity registration day of B shares is June 8, 2023.III. Shareholders Entitled to Receive the DividendThe following shareholders are entitled to receive the dividend: All shareholdersholding Company A shares registered by China Securities Depository & ClearingCorporation Ltd. Shenzhen Branch (“China Clearing Shenzhen Branch”) upon theclosing of Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the afternoon of June 5, 2023 and allshareholders holding Company B shares registered by the China Clearing Shenzhen
Branch upon the closing of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the afternoon of June 8,2023 (the final trading day is June 5, 2023)IV. Ways of Distribution
1. The distribution of A shares dividend by the entrusted China Clearing ShenzhenBranch will be directly transferred into the shareholders’ accounts of the entrustedSecurity agency or other entrusted institutions on June 6, 2023.Dividend for B shares will be transferred to the shareholders’ accounts through theentrusted Security agency or the entrusted bank on June 8, 2023. If shareholders of Bshares transfer the custody of “ADAMA B” on June 8, 2023, they should still withdrawtheir dividends at the original entrusted Security agency or the entrusted bank.
2. The Company will distribute dividend to the following A shares shareholder:
Number | Shareholders’ Account | Name of Shareholders |
1 | 08 *****806 | Syngenta Group Co., Ltd. |
During the period of applying for the dividend distribution (from the application dateMay 26, 2023, to the equity registration date June 5, 2023), if the number of shares ofthe above shareholder decreases, leading to the cash remitted to China ClearingShenzhen Branch by the Company being insufficient for the dividend distribution, theCompany shall take full legal responsibility.V. Explanation on other MatterShareholders of B shares who are not domestic individual shareholders or non-residential enterprises but are subject to deduction of withholding tax, are invited tocontact the Company before the end of July 7, 2023 and provide the related materialsto allow the Company to assist in applying for the refund.VI. Contact InformationAddress: 6/F, No.7 Office Building, No.10 Courtyard, Chaoyang ParkContact Person: Guo Zhi, Wang ZhujunPhone: 010-56718110 Fax: 010-59246175
Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd.
May 31, 2023