12022 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
About This Report
Reporting PeriodThe Report mainly covers the period from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, with certain content moderately extended toprevious and subsequent years to enhance its comparability and forward-looking aspects.Reporting ScopeThe Report discloses information on the performance of economic, social, and environmental responsibilities by QiaoYin CityManagement Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "QiaoYin" or "the Company" or "we"/"us") as well as its subsidiaries (branches).Relevant typical cases come from a?liates of the Company.
Preparation Basis
United Nations: 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Global Reporting Initiative: Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI Standards)Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Guidelines for Compiling Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Reports (CASS-ESG 5.0)China National Standard: Guidance on Social Responsibility Reporting (GB/T36001-2015)International Organization for Standardization: ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on Social ResponsibilityShenzhen Stock Exchange: Self-regulatory Guidelines No. 1 for Listed Companies - Standardized Operation of Companies Listed onthe Main Board
Information SourceThe information and data disclosed herein are sourced from internal official documents, rules, and annual reports of QiaoYinCity Management Co., Ltd. The Board of Directors and all directors of the Company guarantee that there are no false records,misrepresentations, or major omissions in this Report, and will assume joint and several liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy,and completeness of the content hereof. The ?nancial data in this Report is denominated in CNY. In the event of any discrepancywith the ?nancial report, such ?nancial report shall prevail.
Report Access
This Report is available in electronic form for your reading, which can be accessed on the Company's official website at www.gzqiaoyin.com.
This Report is the second corporate social responsibility report issued by QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. to its stakeholders.It provides a detailed disclosure of the practices and performance of QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. in terms of economic,environmental, social, and corporate governance responsibilities in 2022, with the aim of effectively communicating withstakeholders and responding systematically to their expectations and requirements.
Innovating Technologyfor Building SmartCitiesSmart Sanitation Platform46Smart City Management48
Fostering SustainableDevelopment withE?ective ManagementEnhancing Governance forRisk Mitigation
Steadily Advancing withCompliant Operations18Fortifying Our FoundationLed by Party Building22
Driving Social Progressand AchievingProsperitySupplier Management62Giving Back to Society64
Advancing Low-CarbonEnergy and GreenEconomyLow-Carbon and Energy-Saving Operations38Green Circular Economy40
PrioritizingSustainability in UrbanManagementExceptional Customer Services26City Steward Strategy30
Empowering Employeesand Building Unity forGrowthSafeguarding Employee Rightsand Interests54Valuing Talent Development55Standing Together with Careand Support58
Chairman's Message
About QiaoYin
QiaoYin's SustainabilityManagement
Looking Ahead68Indicators andStandards Reference69Reader Feedback Survey71
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
2022 is a year of great importance. It saw not onlythe opening of the 20th National Congress of theCommunist Party of China, the full implementation ofthe 14th Five-Year Plan, and the start of a new journeyto build China into a modern socialist country in allrespects; it also saw how QiaoYin adhered to the rightpath to innovate and tackle challenges against thetrend. Facing the pressure of the economic downturnand the ongoing impacts of the international situation,we have maintained our strategic focus and made aconcerted e?ort to compete in the trillion-worth blueocean of citywide governance; the total amount ofall the winning bids for the year came to 9.287 billionyuan, ranking ?rst in the industry for three consecutiveyears. In addition, we have upgraded from servingcities to managing cities to operating cities, speededup the extension of our industrial chain, and diversi?edour business models.QiaoYin has been marching forward at full blastcombat while combating pressure throughout theyear. Externally, we take the initiative to expand intonew markets. Internally, we hold to good conduct, self-discipline, and self-innovation. In the face of adversity,we have been operating stably and moving forwardsteadily, accelerating the construction of a new patternof diversi?ed development. We have incorporated thesustainable vision into every aspect of our corporatedevelopment, including strategic planning, governanceand operations. We seek to constantly elevate oursustainability management practices, proactively
ful?ll our corporate social responsibilities, and provideexceptional services and technical expertise for clients,peers, and society. Through these e?orts, we arededicated to creating a more livable environment andfoster sustainable social development."Innovation" serves as our oars to openup a new space for development. As theindustry leader that boasts the widest urban presence,QiaoYin steadily improves its performance and keepsexpanding its business scope. Through the iteration ofour urban housekeeping philosophy, we have comeup with an innovative citywide service pattern named“@City” and completed our ?rst model project inMagang Community, Baiyun District, Guangzhou.Meanwhile, we diversify into the renewable resourcessector and promote a green economy to achieve urbangovernance from a macro view and the happinessof thousands of households from a micro viewsimultaneously."Quality" works as our anchor to build anew ?agship for development.QiaoYin strivesto upgrade quality services by launching an integratedplatform and probing into the applicable scenarios ofintelligent environmental sanitation while acceleratingthe digital transformation to improve the e?ciencyand quality of corporate operations. Our smart cityhousekeeping service system uses digital technologiesto improve management e?ectiveness and reducethe operational intensity, safety risks, and operatingcosts while promoting a green circular economy,
reducing labor input and greenhouse gas emissions,and contributing to the “dual carbon” strategy.Completed in 2022, QiaoYin Building will be built intoan integrated modern industrial center, becoming a?agship of science and innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area."Professionalism" functions as our rudderto gather fresh impetus for development.
QiaoYin values its employees as precious assets andstrives to build a professional team that resembles anarmy, a school, and a family. To that end, e?orts havebeen intensi?ed to build a team of talents that sticktogether like soldiers; nearly 500 training sessions havebeen held in 2022, with more than 60,000 participantsexpanding their knowledge like students; multiplemeasures have been taken to care for employees asfamily members. Moreover, we have strengthenedcorporate governance, reduced costs, increased pro?ts,upgraded internal management, and troubleshoot theills of the corporate structure, thus keeping our teamenergized."Benevolence" acts as our sail to lead anew trend of good causes that bene?tthe people.As a voluntary model corporate citizen,QiaoYin is committed to developing great socialmissions, ful?lling its social responsibilities, and givingback to society through public welfare initiatives suchas annual public welfare donations, environmentalprotection activities, rescue and relief e?orts,and contribution to the national strategy of "rural
revitalization". We strive to take the lead in engaging theindustry in good causes and practice corporate socialresponsibility.As 2023 unfolds, QiaoYin is about to weigh anchor forthat new destination and sail through all the white-water rapids toward long-term, high-quality, andsustainable development. In 2023, we will intensifyour e?orts on the main lines of business to achievetheir goals and strive to promote comprehensivemanagement services for modernized cities toimprove our core competitiveness. And we will makeevery e?ort to explore new businesses and take rootin the renewable resources sector, making pro?tsand going green at the same time. We will also keepour commitment to ful?lling social responsibility,advancing sustainable development, and giving backto the community. We will strengthen our faith, forgeahead with bravery and determination, and make jointe?orts to become the world’s leading sustainableservice provider of integrated improvement of thehuman living environmentChairman of QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.
QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Chairman's Message
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
About QiaoYinCompany Pro?leFounded in 2001, QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. is China's ?rst A-share listed company in urban and rural utility services, aswell as a national leader in comprehensive services for upgrading human settlement and an industry-standard setter. QiaoYin hasdeployed a network of "City Stewards" centered on the integration of urban management to accelerate the implementation of newbusinesses such as "No Waste and Low Carbon" and "Rural Revitalization." We strive to explore scienti?c, re?ned, and intelligenturban management solutions and provide customers with multi-level, all-around, and diversified professional environmentalsanitation services and solutions. Now we have established a comprehensive urban management service system that leads thenation, serving approximately 100 cities in 26 provinces nationwide.
Data of 2022QiaoYin is committed to exploring "lifecycle management" for the city, centering on our core strategy of integrated upgradationof human settlement. To achieve this, we launched the "@City" full-domain comprehensive management service model in 2021,o?ering a new modern, comprehensive service system that integrates urban public services, micro-renovation, and characteristicoperations for the entire urban area.
Gross Revenue(CNY100 million)
Total Amount of NewlySigned Orders (CNY100 million)
Annualized Amount ofNewly Signed Orders(CNY100 million)
Net Income Attributable toShareholder(CNY100 million)
Total Tax Payment(CNY100 million)
Earnings Per Share(CNY)
Social ContributionPer Share (CNY)
ValuesEnterprise Spirit
To build a world-leading brandfor integrated upgradation ofhuman settlement
Beautifying every city we live inServe the society,
serve our customers,and serve our employees
Seek excellence, be down-to-earth,make self-improvement, be persistent,and achieve a win-win situation
One Army, One School, One Family
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Major Honors
National Market Quality Credit RatingCerti?cate (2022-2025 National Market QualityCredit Level A Customer Satisfaction Service)
China's Top 100 ESG-Listed Companies
Outstanding Contribution Award forListed Companies in 2022
China's Top 50 Environmental
Enterprises (plaque)
Science and Technology Award of ChinaAssociation of Urban EnvironmentalSanitation - Third Prize in Science andTechnology Application (Research on theWhole Process Application of New SmartEnvironmental Sanitation Integration)
Silver Award for Landscape Engineering
(Conservation Category) of Scienceand Technology Award of GuangdongLandscape Architecture and Ecological
Landscape Association
Most Socially Responsible Listed Company
Investor Relations Gold Award Series- Performance Presentation Innovation Award
- Best New Media Operation Award
Plaque of Top 10 In?uential Enterprises inEnvironmental Sanitation in 2022 (www.solidwaste.com.cn, E20 Environment Platform)
Government Department
Industrial Organization
Guangzhou Brand Good Life NewTOP20 Technology Brands in 2022
The 7th Guangdong ProvincialGovernment Quality Award Nomination
National Quality Leading Enterprise
in Environmental SanitationManagement Industry(China Association for Quality Inspection)
QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
QiaoYin's Sustainability Management
Sustainability PhilosophyWe have incorporated the sustainable vision into every aspect of our corporate development, including strategic planning,governance, and operations. We seek to constantly elevate our sustainability management practices, proactively fulfill ourcorporate social responsibilities, and provide exceptional services and technical expertise for clients, peers, and society. Throughthese e?orts, we are dedicated to creating a more livable environment and fostering sustainable social development.
Management Mechanism
We are advancing a systematic approach to sustainable development in line with domestic and international legal and regulatoryframeworks and initiatives. Related e?orts include re?ning the sustainability management structure, consolidating the sustainability-related policies and processes, and embedding a sustainable vision into all of our business and management practices.
Under the principle of "government-led system, market-driven mode, sector cooperation,and public engagement", we have actively developed the system of intelligent garbageclassification management platform, explored the operation pattern of intelligent garbageclassification, managed as a whole the garbage disposal chain that includes front-endclassification, middle-end collection and transportation, and back-end processing, as wellas engaged the public as both participants and overseers so as to offer the best garbageclassi?cation services to residents.
Strategy CommitteeIt takes on theresponsibilities ofoverseeing sustainabilitymanagement andspearheading the setting ofpolicies and guidelines forthe Company's sustainabledevelopment e?orts. TheCommittee continuouslyimproves the frameworkfor sustainabilitymanagement, veri?es theinformation disclosedin the annual operatingperformance and socialresponsibility reports,and manages andmonitors risks to guidethe Company's pathand direction towardsustainable development.
ESG Working GroupComposed of functionaldepartments andsubsidiaries, it isresponsible forimplementing speci?cmeasures on sustainabledevelopment andproviding feedbackthrough e?ectivecommunication.
Working Groupsof SubsidiariesThey are taskedwith enforcing theCompany's ESG-relatedpolicies, along withcompiling, submitting,and documenting therelevant ESG indicators.
Qiao Yin has made its "Action Plan for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality" to establish andperfect the green industry development system and encourage the application of new energyin environmental sanitation equipment. By doing so, we strive to promote the constructionof beautiful, green, and waste-free cities, thus contributing to the faster realization of China'sdual carbon goals.
To develop a new ecosystem of operational management that features intelligentenvironmental sanitation, the Company joins hands with research institutes to dispose ofsolid and hazardous waste. Our proactive research on key technologies enables us to generateelectricity through waste incineration and optimize the energy supply structure, thus assuringa safe ecological environment and creating more circular economic bene?ts.
Taking the "Integrated Improvement of Human Living Environment" strategy as the core, theCompany is committed to exploring "urban lifecycle management" under the guidance of the"Head Butler of the City" philosophy. We concentrate our e?orts on integrating all municipalpublic services, including environmental sanitization, landscaping, road maintenance, parkmanagement, and public property services and achieving integrated urban management.
The Company grasps the main idea of the "Ecological Civilization Leads Rural Revitalization"strategy. We have taken the initiative to cooperate with local governments and engaged in theintegrated improvement of the rural living environment by improving local living conditionsand enhancing local infrastructure. By doing this, we provide "hard-core" support for ruralrevitalization while bridging the gap between urban and rural areas.
Board of Directors
It serves as the highestlevel responsiblebody for theCompany's sustainabledevelopment and ischarged with reviewing,deciding upon, andguiding the sustainabilitystrategy, goals, andoperational performanceof the Company,with a view to drivingand enhancing theCompany's sustainabledevelopment.
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
StakeholdersExpectations and DemandsCommunication and ResponseShareholders and investors
Return on investmentProtection of rights and interestsCorporate transparency
General meetings of shareholdersReports published on a regular basisImproved pro?tabilityDaily information disclosureVisitor surveyOptimized risk management
Government andregulatory agencies
Legal operationTax payment according to lawMore job opportunitiesImplementation of all policiesHigh-quality developmentEcological protection
Actively accepted supervisionInformation reportingWorking meetingsGovernment-enterprise cooperationUndertaking social responsibilities
Legitimate rights and interestsGood bene?ts and developmentopportunitiesHealthy and safe working environmentDemocratic participation right
Career promotion mechanismGuaranteed compensations andbene?tsHealth and safety management systemEqual communication and appealmechanismCustomers
High-quality serviceInformation securityProtection of rights and interests ofcustomers
Responsible operationCustomer satisfaction surveySuppliers
Open and fair procurementFaithfulWin-win cooperation
Established supplier managementsystemPerformance of contracts and supplierevaluations according to lawCommunities
Support for the public goodCreating more job opportunities for thecommunity
Engagement in charityPromoted rural revitalizationShared development achievementsIndustry
Fair competitionPromoted industry progress
Industry cooperationFacilitated daily communicationEngagement in project cooperationEnvironment
Green operationEnergy conservation and emissionsreductionEnvironmental pollution treatmentImproved resource and energy e?ciency
Promoted green projectsDevelopment of a circular economyTechnology iterationsAdherence to green operationCommunity and public
Public goodRural Revitalization
Public donationsVoluntary activitiesPaired assistance
Stakeholders' ParticipationQiaoYin attaches great importance to communications with stakeholders. As a group that interacts and shares a win-win situationwith the Company, the stakeholders' expectations, and demands are important references for the sustainable development ofQiaoYin. We will seek expectations and feedback from external stakeholders including our investors, customers, employees, andsuppliers as well as media and the government, via various channels on a regular basis.
Analysis of Substantive Issues
Through engagement in substantive issue analyses on social responsibility standards and industry benchmarks, both domesticallyand internationally, while examining China's macro-policy orientation, we have identi?ed and prioritized the 19 most signi?cantsocial responsibility issues to be featured prominently in the annual report, taking into account our Company's developmentstrategies, practices, and stakeholder considerations. The ESG Working Group is tasked with the implementation of and ongoingcommunication on relevant substantive issues. In 2023, we will further advance our ESG initiatives and prioritize ESG reporting as avital tool to review and improve our management practices.
Bond DeptLegal Dept
Finance DeptBusiness Center
Investment DeptHR Dept
National OperationsManagement Center
General O?ce
InformationTechnology DeptPurchasing DeptSubsidiary
Corporate Governance???Risk Control??????Integrity?★★Party-building leadershipSustainable management☆★★★★★★★★★★Investor relations☆EconomicResponsibility
Brand service★★Technological innovation☆Responsible operation?★★★★★
Low-carbon andenvironment-friendly
?★★★Toxic emissions and waste?★★★Climate Change Response?★★★Garbage Sorting★★Water resources stress★★Green O?ce☆
Clean energy?★★★
Employees' rights andinterests, compensationsand bene?ts
Training and development?☆★★
Employees' health andsafety
Care for employees?☆★★
Democratic management★★
Supply Chain Management☆
Industry cooperation★★
Public good andcommunity involvement
Rural Revitalization?★☆★
☆indicates "responsible for" or "heavily involved in"
★indicates "responsible for a speci?c part thereof"?indicates "participation" or "support"
ESG Project
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Chapter I
Fostering SustainableDevelopment withE?ective Management
Qiaoyin continues to improve the level of corporate governance, adding an ESGworking group to enrich the governance structure. The company abides by the lawsand regulations of the industry formulating relevant management systems, disclosesvarious information openly and transparently, maintains investor communicationchannels, and pays attention to reasonable investment returns for investors. Thecompany's comprehensive risk management emphasizes the importance of businessethics, and supervises the integrity of employees and related personnel. While the20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, it attaches greatimportance to the work of party building, gives full play to the leading role of partybuilding, and promotes the long-term development of the company with practicalactions.Our Actions?● Enhancing Governance for Risk Mitigation?●Steadily Advancing with Compliant Operations?●Fortifying Our Foundation Led by Party BuildingSDGs
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Enhancing Governance for Risk Mitigation
Governance Structure
In strict accordance with the requirements under the Company Law, Securities Law, Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies,and other relevant laws and regulations, we have established a sound and standardized corporate governance structure, clarifying thedecision-making and operation management system of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisorsand management, as well as their responsibilities, procedures, and obligations in decision-making, supervision, execution and otheraspects, which have thus formed a scienti?c assignment of tasks and e?ective counterbalance of the power body, decision-makingbody, supervisory body, and management body, so as to e?ectively safeguard the interests of our investors and stakeholders.
ESG Working GroupManagement
Board ofSupervisorsGeneral Meeting
Board of Directors
Remuneration andAppraisal Committee
Operation Rules
To enhance the functionality of the Board of Directors and improve the e?ciency of its operations, we have followed a rigorousdecision-making procedure to determine the remuneration for our directors, supervisors, and executives.
Articles of AssociationRules of Procedure
for the Board ofDirectors
Rules of Procedure
for the Board of
SupervisorsRules of Procedure for
General Meetings
Board ofDirectors
We have put in place regulations such as the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors and strictlyfollow the director election procedures set forth in the Articles of Association to guarantee an open, fair,and independent selection process for directors. We highly value the diversity of our board members. Theirknowledge structure and professional expertise align with the Company's demand for strategic development,which can help the Company to get familiar with the keynotes of national policies and the developmentdirection of the industry, and fully supports the Company's strategic decision-making and stable development.The resumes of the board members, as well as information on their industry/professional backgrounds andany other concurrent positions they hold in other companies, have all been disclosed on our o?cial websiteand annual reports. All directors work conscientiously and perform their duties lawfully, and attend eachboard meeting to review major issues and make decisions for the Company.There are four specialized committees established under the Board of Directors - Strategy Committee, AuditCommittee, Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, and Nomination Committee - to assist the board inful?lling its decision-making and monitoring roles, which play a signi?cant part in promoting the Company'sstandardized operation and healthy development.
In accordance with the Company Law, Articles of Association, and other relevant regulations andrequirements, we have formulated the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings. The General Meeting ofShareholders operates in compliance with relevant provisions and all meetings are convened and heldin accordance with relevant procedures to ensure equal rights of all shareholders and safeguard thelegitimate rights and interests of the Company and shareholders.
Board ofSupervisors
We have formulated the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors. A meeting of the Board ofSupervisors is convened and presided over by the person in charge of the Board of Supervisors. In dailywork, the supervisors work in a diligent and responsible manner, supervise and review the Company'sannual financial statements, profit distribution plans, and other issues, and supervise behaviors of theCompany's directors and executives and issue written opinions thereon.
Governance structure
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Composition of the Board of Directors
board directors
independent directors
female directors
Composition of the Board of Supervisors
board supervisors
employee representative supervisor
Meeting Convening
general meetings of shareholders, deliberating, reviewing, examining, or listening to
proposals and reports;
Board of Directors meetings, deliberating, reviewing, examining, or listening to
proposals and reports;
Strategy Committee meetings,
Audit Committee meetings,
Remuneration and AppraisalCommittee meetings, and
Nomination Committee meetings.
Board of Supervisors meetings, deliberating, reviewing, examining, or listening to
proposals and reports.
Information DisclosureIn strict accordance with the Articles of Association, Information ManagementMeasures, and other laws and regulations, we have formulated relevant rulessuch as the Information Disclosure Management Rules, Rules for Registration andManagement of Persons with Access to Insider Information, and Related-PartyTransaction Management Rules, and have proactively strengthened communicationwith the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Guangdong Securities RegulatoryCommission to enhance the transparency of the Company's operations. By e?ectivelyful?lling our information disclosure obligations, we promptly and fairly disclose ourmajor events and operation status to all investors with truthful, accurate, timely, andcomplete content, e?ectively safeguarding their right to know. All major proposalsare subject to the necessary deliberation procedures and full disclosure in strictaccordance with the requirements of the Articles of Association and the internalmanagement system. There were no instances of non-compliance or penaltiesimposed on QiaoYin during the reporting period.Investor relationsWe have established rules and approaches that prioritize the protection of shareholders and other stakeholders, continuouslyregulating investor management activities and expanding communication with them. We have also conducted on-site and onlinecommunication, etc. to create conditions for investors to gain further insight into our company's operations, thus facilitating theirunderstanding and trust-building with us.
While maintaining steady growth in economic benefits, we are committed to providing investors with a reasonable returnon investment based on our profitability and production needs. To achieve this, we have implemented a prudent dividenddistribution policy that ensures continued and stable dividends to investors. Meanwhile, we have established a sustainable, stable,and scienti?c mechanism for returns to investors based on the pro?t distribution policies set forth in the Company's Articles ofAssociation and 3-Year Shareholder Return Plan (2020-2022), through which we actively reward our shareholders and protect theirlong-term investment value. The dividends paid out in the past two years are shown below.
KPI Recap
A total of
announcements were disclosedduring the reporting period
?●Actively communicate with investors through our o?cial website, phone calls, emails, SZSE's online interactive platform, Investor Recep-tion Day, and temporary arrangements for receiving investors for investigation or visit, etc.;
?●Participate in strategy meetings and industry development seminars organized by professional investment management units from timeto time to increase investors' understanding of our company's operations, business, and management;?●Disclose the Record Form of Investor Relations Activities on SZSE's online interactive platform from time to time and actively respond toinvestors' inquiries about our company;?●Hold an online performance brie?ng for 2022 to communicate with investors about our performance, development, and other issues ofconcern;
?●Use new media platforms such as WeChat O?cial Account, WeChat Channels, and Douyin to update our latest operating status.
Communication Channels with Investors
Dividend Year
Total Cash Dividends(tax included, CNY10,000)
Net Pro?t Attributableto Parent (CNY10,000)
Cash Dividend Ratio
2021 4,086.6325,515.3016.02%
QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Enterprise-wide Risk ManagementWe place a high priority on risk management and internal control system establishment. In compliance with relevant national lawsand regulations, as well as the Basic Norms for Enterprise Internal Control and its supporting guidelines and other internal controlregulatory requirements, we have developed a management system and a sound internal control framework with appropriateworking rules in light of our company's actual situation. These efforts ensure the stable operation of the company, facilitatee?ective tracking and implementation of compliance management work responsibilities, and establish high standards and strictrequirements for preventing and controlling major operational risks. Viewing institutional improvement as a vital component ofboosting the company's high-quality development, we have established a complete, e?ective, and sound risk control system andinternal control system, which enables us to identify, assess, warn, and handle risks in all business processes in an accurate, fast,comprehensive and e?ective manner, fully exerting the characteristics of risk management and control.
We have established a joint litigation treatment mechanism and a case registration management system to strengthen ourcompany's legal risk prevention and control. We will register and assign all cases received as soon as possible, and assign certainpersonnel to take over such cases. The Legal Department will work with relevant departments to establish a joint team forcommunication about the case in a timely manner at a "one case, one group" meeting, for a comprehensive analysis of the case.A standardized response plan will be established for the acceptance, sorting, prosecution/response, feedback, closure, and all theother processes of the case, and all litigation materials for each case will be kept for the reference and comparative treatment ofsimilar cases. In order to ensure the reasonable digestion of risk management concepts, improve overall risk prevention awareness,and standardize emergency response measures, we have provided risk management training for our personnel on a regular basis,including the Corporate Procurement Risk Control and Cooperation with State-Owned Enterprise Platforms, the Ad-Hoc Trainingfor Case Analysis and Process Optimization and other topics.
Steadily Advancing with Compliant Operations
?●To increase the e?ciency of project operation and man-agement for affiliates and subsidiaries, the Companyhas conducted routine inspections on the operationquality, asset management, and production safety ofthe projects operated by each a?liate or subsidiary. Incase of any problems identi?ed during the inspections,the a?liates or subsidiaries are required to address theissues in a bounded time and provide the results of theircorrective actions. The inspection results will also besubmitted to the relevant departments of the Companyas part of the proof for project assessment.
Operation Quality
?●The internal audit team conducts annual routine andspecial audits following the annual internal audit plan.In case of any issues discovered during the audits,the auditors will make audit recommendations andrequire the auditee to implement corrections, whichgreatly encourages the Company's compliance opera-tions and reasonably secures internal control goals.
Internal Control Management
Internal Control Building
Risk TypePotential RiskCountermeasures
Operational Risk
?●Challenges posed by political and economicevents to the internal and external economicenvironment, corporate strategy, and manage-ment practice?●Risk to the Company's operation due to im-proper control of the Company's operationaldecisions by the actual controller?●Business risks caused by the delay of the com-pany's business quali?cation approval process
?●Adopt a forward-looking strategic planning approach toenhance management capability, information technologycapability, and operational e?ciency, and to improve over-all competitiveness?●Strengthen the corporate governance framework toenhance the standardized and scienti?c decision-makingmechanism and proactively mitigate possible legal disputes?●Conduct regular audits by Legal and Audit Departments onall business segments, record the validity of business quali-?cations, timely identify risks, and take appropriate actions
OccupationalSafety Risk
?●Safety risks arising from tra?c hazards
?●Reduce the impact of relevant risks on production safetyand operation by conducting audit monitoring, audit train-ing, and data analysis in equipment operation safety and?re?ghting system e?ectiveness?●Apply the "Smart Sanitation" to quickly collect safetyinformation concerning risk warning, disaster noti?cation,command and response, safety and disaster prevention,etc., identify and react to potential safety hazards and risksin real-time, and implement the concept of "prevention ismore important than rescue"Financial Risk
?●Financial risks caused by rising raw material prices
?●Optimize the order structure, set up a strategic cooperationmechanism with suppliers, and upgrade the supply chainmanagement system to save procurement costs
KPI Recap
A total of
training sessions on compliance and risk management were conducted during the reporting period,which covered the entire company to facilitate daily work alignment.
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Transparent Tax Payment According to LawWe strictly abide by relevant tax laws and regulations involved in operations, such as the Regulation on the Implementation of theEnterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Announcement on Relevant Policies for Deepening the Value-added Tax Reform. We actively cooperate with the implementation of government tax policies, pay taxes to local governments ina lawful and transparent manner, report and disclose tax information in accordance with the law, and make due contributions toeconomic development. Moreover, we have developed the Implementation Rules for Tax Management Measures to standardizethe tax management process, strictly prohibit tax evasion and tax fraud, and reduce tax risks. This system covers tax governanceframework and responsibilities, invoice management, tax payment, management of tax media and anti-counterfeiting tax controlsystems, as well as supervisory and improvement mechanisms. It will guarantee compliant tax payment with laws in the placeswhere economic activities occur and value is created, ensuring that every tax due is fully paid and tax obligations are ful?lled in astandardized manner.
Information Security and Privacy Protection
QiaoYin is committed to strictly standardizing information security in all operational aspects in accordance with laws, regulations,and regulations such as Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China, Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China,and Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Protecting the Safety of Computer Information Systems. By continuouslyimproving our systems and taking multiple measures simultaneously, we aim to mitigate information security risks and create asecure and orderly operating environment. Meanwhile, we have developed a range of regulations based on the AdministrativeMeasures for the Classified Protection of Information Security, including System Account Management Regulation, PatchManagement Regulation, Operations and Maintenance Security Management Regulation, Management Regulation for VPN RemoteAccess to Internal Network, and Virus Protection Management Regulation, providing clear guidance for information securityinvolved in daily o?ce operations.We regard the protection of customer privacy as a top priority and keep the information provided by our customers con?dentialby all means. We have explicitly set forth prohibitions in the employee handbook and the employment contract against disclosingcompany secrets, customer information, or other confidential matters. Where necessary, we will enter into confidentialityagreements with customers to establish additional provisions for protecting trade secrets in commercial cooperation. In 2022, noincidents occurred concerning the invasion of customer privacy.
Level 1OverallObjectives of Tax
Pay all taxes owed and enjoy all bene?ts entitledLevel 2Five Major TaxPolicies
Strict compliancewith local taxregulations
E?ective control oftax risks
Formulation ofreasonable transferpricing rules
Development oftax planning that islegally compliant andcommercial in nature
Enhancement oftax informationtransparency
Level 3Content andSpeci?c Tasks
?●Maintain accurateaccounting records
?●Declare and pay taxeson time and accurately
?●The Issue, deliver,collect, and keep taxpayment vouchers
?●Establish aprofessional teamto collaborate withexternal advisors
?●Establish an e?ectiverisk prevention andcontrol mechanism
?●Maintain goodcommunication withtax authorities
?●Match pro?tdistribution with valuecreation
?●Avoid transferringpro?ts to low-taxregions
?●Ensure tax planning islegal and commercialin nature
?●Establish an investmentframework andtransaction model thatmeets business needsand is commercial innature?●Do not design businessfor tax planning?●Avoid the misuse of taxhavens
?●Comply withstatutory disclosureobligations inoperating regions
Tax Management System
IntegrityQiaoYin attaches great importance to internal governance and control, and strictly prevents and controls the Company's corruptionrisks. To this end, we have successively formulated the Administrative Measures for Prohibiting Commercial Bribery and theAdministrative Measures for Anti-Corruption of QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. to establish a commitment mechanism andreporting mechanism for preventing corruption, which puts the Audit and Supervision Department responsible for executingrelevant mechanisms and exercising its disciplinary inspection and supervision duties. From multiple dimensions such as reportingchannels, protection of informants, reporting procedures, and post-reporting handling measures, we have created an internalenvironment where informants are provided with channels for reporting corruption and are well protected from retaliation. Wehave also executed the corruption prevention commitment mechanism for key sectors and key personnel. Relevant personnelis required to sign the Corruption Prevention Commitment and accept supervision records as required by the Company's anti-corruption supervision and management department.
Reporting Mechanism
Employees can report andinvestigate any violationsanonymously
The Supervision Dept. will carryout a case investigation
After the investigation or inspectionis completed, the Supervision Dept.will issue an investigation reportand handling opinions, and ?nallyhand it over to the executive incharge for handling
No bribery
No illegal pro?t-making forrelatives and friendsNo commercial bribery
No disclosure of inside information ortrade secretsNo illegal embezzlement or misappropriationof the Company's properties
Restricted part-time jobs and nooperation of similar businesses
We have made explicit our stance againstfraudulent behavior to all employees andsuppliers and entered into the Agreementof Transparent Cooperation with suppliersto prevent non-compliance events fromhappening at the outset, contributing to ahealthy and orderly economic environmentfor the company and our business partners.We also provide multiple reportingchannels for relevant stakeholders andstandardize the reporting proceduresto ensure no improper interest transferin corporate operations, thus enablingsmooth commercial activities. Moreover, wepromote integrity through a combination ofonline and offline efforts and disseminatenoti?cations of negative events.
Complaint Channels
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Fortifying Our Foundation Led by Party BuildingWe have consistently emphasized the importance of Party building, harnessing the leading role of the Party organization inenterprise development. In all our endeavors, we always prioritize adherence to Party leadership and strengthening of Partybuilding, and through a diverse range of initiatives, we have e?ectively propelled our Party building forward. On the occasion ofthe 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we thoroughly implemented the Party's policies and organized aseries of celebrations, fully demonstrating our profound understanding of high regard for the Party. Additionally, we have madeParty building an integral part of our corporate culture, championing it as a beacon to navigate the company's development andsolidifying a steadfast groundwork to advance our sustainable development goals.
On October 16, the 20th CPC National Congress was held in Beijing, and the QiaoYin Party Branch organized the company's Partymembers and employees to watch the opening ceremony. After listening to the report delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping,QiaoYin employees expressed their determination to fully implement the spirit of the Congress with the virtue of perseverance andto translate the CPC Central Committee's strategic move into their own work tasks, thus contributing their e?orts to the realizationof the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation.
CaseSpotlighting the 20th National Congress
Pictures of Liu Dan representative, the Party Secretary of the Company and the Chairman of the trade union, attending the 20th
National Congress of the Communist Party of China
Liu Dan, Secretary of the QiaoYin Party Branch, Purchasing Director, and Union Chairman, attended the 20th CPC National Congress asa representative of Communist Party members from Guangdong's urban services, sanitation, and private enterprise sectors, who are atthe forefront of grassroots e?orts. After returning to work, Liu Dan went deep into the front line and initiated mass meetings, seminars,and surveys to jointly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress with Party members and the public. Meanwhile,to consolidate the foundation of Party propaganda services, QiaoYin concentrated on enhancing urban grassroots Party buildinge?orts, whilst coordinating e?orts with other grassroots units such as village and subdistrict communities, and social organizations toestablish Party organizations. By enriching the atmosphere, diversifying activities, and broadening services, QiaoYin aims to improvethe grassroots activity sites, motivate Party members to engage in activities, and unleash the role of grassroots Party organizations as a?ghting fortress and Party member vanguard, to bridge the "last mile" in providing services for the people.
CasePromoting Party Building
Promoting and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Chapter II
PrioritizingSustainability inUrban Management
Qiaoyin maintains excellent customer service and passes the three majormanagement system certifications, leading the industry standards andregulations. The company sets the "quality demonstration" as the coregoal, builds a green circular industrial chain, and creates a high-qualityurban service benchmark. The company implements the "urban steward"strategy, actively explores new ways of comprehensive urban managementservices, implements the "@city" global service model, integrates thefour functions of zero-waste city, rural revitalization, and propertyservices, realizes the integration of urban management, and promotes thecompany’s sustainable development of business governance.
Our Actions:
?● Exceptional Customer Services?● City Steward StrategySDGs:
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Exceptional Customer ServicesQiaoYin is fully certi?ed in our operating services and is also a leader in setting industry standards. In terms of quali?cations, wehave obtained over 60 national, provincial special-grade, and ?rst-class certi?cations, including the Special Grade Quali?cationfor Cleaning, Collection, Transportation, and Sanitation Services in Guangdong Province, the License for Operational Cleaning,Collection, and Transportation of Urban Domestic Waste, and the National First-Class Quali?cation for China's Cleaning Industry.In addition, we pioneered in the industry to obtain the triple certi?cation for ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001Environmental Management System, and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
In September 2022, a training and promotion session on the Regulations for Collection and Transportation of Household Waste and theQuality Standards for Collection and Transportation of Household Waste was held in Guandu District, Kunming. The event was hostedby the China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation (CAEPI) and organized by the Special Committee for EnvironmentalSanitation Operations and the Standardization Committee, with support from QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. It pooled domesticindustry experts and elites in Guandu to exchange ideas and learn about industry standards and development prospects. ZhouDanhua, Vice President of QiaoYin and Deputy Director of the Special Committee for Environmental Sanitation Operations of CAEPI,organized and participated in the entire conference. Professor Chen Haibin of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, theeditor-in-chief of said two standards, provided on-site training and promotion.This conference played a positive role in promoting the full implementation of standards, improving the professional competenceof practitioners, and standardizing the collection, transportation, and quality management of household waste, as well as furtherpromoting the sustained and healthy development of the industry. Throughout the process, QiaoYin was engaged in the preparation ofthe national industry standards and also supported the convening of the standard training and promotion event, fully demonstratingits pioneering spirit in waste collection and transportation and its sense of responsibility as a leader in the industry.
Co-organizing Training on Garbage Collection and Transportation Standards to GuideIndustry Norms
Over the years, we have earned widespread recognition for our sustained growth in performance, high-quality services, andstandardized governance. We have been honored with over 2,000 awards, including Guangdong Provincial Government QualityAward Nomination, Golden Bull Award for Listed Companies, China's Most Promising Company, and China's Top 50 EnvironmentalEnterprises. Going forward, we will remain committed to taking part in the development of relevant standards and working with allstakeholders to advocate for the adoption of scienti?c quality management systems and models, in order to create a sustainableindustrial ecosystem and boost high-quality and sustained industry growth.
ISO 9001 Quality Management SystemISO 14001 Environmental ManagementSystem
ISO 45001 Occupational Health andSafety Management System
High-Quality Services
With the core goal of creating "quality demonstration", QiaoYin has adhered to the principles of dedication to sincerity, themeticulousness of strategies, and excellence in operation to establish "four standardized management systems" and build a greenrecycling industry chain, contributing benchmarks for high-quality urban services and continually meeting people's pursuit of abetter life.
Requirements for Cleaning Serviceof Urban and Rural CommunitiesGeneral requirement for Setting upMunicipal Waste Collection Devices
Urban road cleaning operationproceduresDomestic garbage collection andtransportation operation rulesStandards of setting food wastecollection and transfer facilitiesTechnical regulations for collection andtransportation of garden wasteDredging and collecting o?shore surfacegarbage proceduresTechnical Standards for UndergroundGarbage Collection StationsTechnical regulations for intelligentsystem of household garbage collectionand transportation
Project Quality Control Process
?●We have established the Administrative Measures for the Mobilization Evaluation of New EnvironmentalSanitation Projects, specifying the quality and e?ect required for the mobilization of new projects as well asthe duties, tasks, and work standards of each department. We have also established new project mobilizationquality evaluation standards, covering 39 indicators, which will be measured based on the actual completionconditions, as well as the corresponding performance indicators.Mobilization
?●We have established the Administrative Measures for the Evaluation System of Environmental SanitationProjects for each functional department to strengthen the management at all levels, so as to promote theconstruction of an overall evaluation management system, re?ect the operating status of each project in anobjective and comprehensive manner by operation statistics, evaluation ranking, announced rewards andpunishments, supervision and recti?cation and other means, and eventually achieve a high-quality, e?cient,low-consumption, balanced, safe and civilized evaluation system.?●We have established the Administrative Measures for Project Inspection to improve operating efficacyand reduce project operation risks. With project operation management as the center, focusing on theCompany's "seven major work priorities", we have conducted inspections on the public relations, receivablemanagement, cost control, brand promotion, production safety, quality management, asset management,and other aspects of each project.InspectionSystem
We have established the Administrative Measures for Project Responsibility System to further improve themanagement quality of the project responsibility system, regulate relevant processes of the responsibilitysystem, and clarify work requirements for the signing, monitoring, assessment, and exercise of rewardsand punishments of the project responsibility system, so as to ensure goals of the responsibility systemcan be achieved. The management of the responsibility system includes the veri?cation of the pro?t valueof the responsibility system, settlement of costs and expenses, corruption problems in the responsibilitysystem, reward and punishment methods in the responsibility system, evaluation of the safety managementcoe?cient of the project, etc.
Leading and participating inthe preparation of approvedstandards, in total of
Ongoing Standards, in total of
KPI RecapNational StandardsGroup Standards
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Business CoverageWe are committed to advancing urban service quality through three key areas: re?ned management, low-carbon development,and intelligent services. As of now, we have invested in constructed and operated approximately 400 urban service projects acrossapproximately 100 cities in 26 provinces (including autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government)across China, assisting 58 cities in successfully applying for the title of civilized and sanitary cities.
Since 2022, we have successfully bid on several City Steward projects and have
become the industry leader with the broadest footprint
cities across
Nationwidebusiness coverage in
Urban service projects invested,constructed, and operated reaching
Cleaning and maintenanceClassi?ed garbage treatment
Residential property services
Convenient facilities for
Multi-dimensionalestablishment of abeautiful city home
Mall planning and
constructionMall operation andmaintenance
Promoting sustainable
Public property servicesPublic facility management
and maintenance
Improved services
Urban landscapingand road maintenanceUrban environmentalmanagement planning
Customized design ofproject based on clients'
Garbage collectingGarbage transfer
Smart environmentalsanitation Pollutant disposalEnvironmental remediation
cities successfullyapplying for thetitle of civilized andsanitary cities
This diagram is for illustration purposes only and does not represent a real map
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
@City "Full-Domain Governance Service Model"01As pointed out by General Secretary Xi Jinping, "We must establish a full-cycle management awareness, accelerate themodernization of urban governance systems and governance capabilities, and strive to find a new way of governance thatconforms to the characteristics and laws of super-large cities. We must strengthen the rule of law, be good at using rule of lawthinking and methods to solve the di?cult problems of urban governance, and make the rule of law a social consensus and basicnorm. We must pay attention to scienti?c, re?ned, and intelligent e?orts, give full play to the advantages of Shenzhen's informationindustry development, and promote the innovation of urban management methods, management models, and managementconcepts to make the city run more intelligently and smarter.As the pioneer of the City Steward strategy in the industry, QiaoYin has been striving to explore new ways of providingcomprehensive urban governance services. This year, we unveiled the @City Service Model through iteration and upgrading,advocating for a city management service that integrates "grassroots red base + flexible governance + urban public services +micro-renovation + characteristic management + zero waste and low carbon." The goal is to accelerate the construction of a newmodern, comprehensive service system for the entire urban area, activate the city's "self-restoration capability" and develop it intoa self-regulating and self-evolving organic entity. This will foster organic circulation in urban governance and spur the sustainabledevelopment of the company's city management operations.The QiaoYin @City Service Model is aligned with national policy guidelines and provides urbanization management servicesto address the needs of society and the people, gradually reducing the gap between urban and rural areas and changing thedevelopment structure of the urban-rural binary economy.
City Steward Strategy
With a corporate mission of "beautifying every city we live in," we are committed to exploring "lifecycle management" for the city,centering on our core strategy of integrated upgradation of human settlement. To achieve this, we have released the developmentstrategy of City Steward, with the aim of integrating all municipal utility services, such as environmental sanitation, landscaping,road maintenance, park management, and public property services, to achieve integrated urban management.
Water Cleaning Vessels
Cleaning Vehicles
The Integrated Sanitation PPP Project in Guandu, with acooperation period of 20 years and a contract value of aboutCNY 6.7 billion, was selected as a national demonstration casefor integrated environmental sanitation in 2019. This project isa typical City Steward project, providing services including roadcleaning and maintenance, garbage collection and transportation,public toilet operation and maintenance, landscapingmanagement and maintenance, river and wetland managementand maintenance, landscape lighting operation and maintenance,vehicle and ship equipment updating and maintenance. QiaoYinteamed up with the local government to promote Guandu'scultural and tourism industry and support Kunming in its e?ortsto become the sixth National Civilized City. On October 11, 2021,the ?rst phase meeting of the 15th Meeting of the Conference ofthe Parties (COP-15) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversitywas held in Kunming. Ahead of the grand event, Qiaoyin madeevery effort to ensure the city's appearance and environmentalprotection, garnering coverage by Yunnan Daily.
CaseIntegrated Sanitation PPP Project in Guandu -- CNY 6.7 billion
On June 23, 2022, QiaoYin announced that the company hadbeen pre-selected to provide urban and rural property servicesfor the Midong District of Urumqi, with a service period of the"1+3+3+3" model. This project is a classic City Steward venture,covering comprehensive cleaning of urban and rural roadsin Midong District, snow and ice removal, dust suppression,cleaning and maintenance of pedestrian overpasses, cleaning,and maintenance of underground passages, river channelcleaning, maintenance of central green spaces and squares,and cleaning and maintenance of public toilets, as well asresidential property services. This project embodies QiaoYin'score strategy of integrated upgradation of human settlement.
CaseUrumqi City Steward – CNY 1.3 billion
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
The project in Magang Village, Baiyun District, adopts a strategic partnership with state-owned enterprises and the government toprovide property and environmental sanitation services upon which it has expanded to include housekeeping, housing rentals, andcommunity services for the elderly while providing a comprehensive platform for large-scale property management through ?nely-tuned management. Meanwhile, the project integrates various management services, such as micro-renovation of the communityand smart community management, to form a full-domain governance service model while leveraging its own advantages.
Case@City's First Representative Initiative -- Magang Project in Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Comprehensive platform of Magang Project
The @City Service Model helps connect the village with the city, using the city's resources to improve village life and promoteshared bene?ts and governance. This fosters a mutually bene?cial cycle between the city and the village.Flexible Governance– A Stable and Harmonious"Living Community"
Entrusting service-oriented and transactional work,beyond government administrative management andlaw enforcement, to third-party service enterprises isan e?ective solution to address governance challengessuch as urban service blind spots. This flexiblegovernance approach enhances the resilience of thecity and improves efficiency in urban governance,normalizing cleanliness, order, and safety.
We concentrate on enhancing urban grassroots Partybuilding efforts, whilst coordinating efforts withother grassroots units such as village and subdistrictcommunities, and social organizations to establishParty organizations. By enriching the atmosphere,diversifying activities, and broadening services, weaim to improve the grassroots activity sites andmotivate Party members to engage in activities. Weinsist on the integration of Party building, resources,and emotions and unleash the role of grassrootsParty organizations as a fighting fortress and Partymember vanguard, in order to bridge the "last mile" inproviding services for the people and consolidate thefoundation of Party propaganda services.
Grassroots Red Base– A "Living Community"Featuring Party-Masses Integration
We aim to reshape cities with a low-carbon philosophy,using a low-carbon economy as a developmentmodel and direction. This involves citizens embracinga low-carbon lifestyle philosophy and behaviorcharacteristics, while the government seeks to createa low-carbon society as a benchmark and blueprintfor urban construction. We adopt a carbon-inclusiveincentive mechanism and focus on the developmentof low-carbon energy while implementing circular use,such as recycling renewable resources, utilization oforganic waste resources, and handling and utilizationof construction waste. This helps reduce pollution andcarbon emissions in the city, promote healthy, simple,low-carbon living and consumption, provide resourceguarantees to achieve carbon peak and carbonneutrality goals, and ultimately achieve sustainabledevelopment of the city.
Zero Waste and Low Carbon– A Green and Healthy"Living Community"With the goal of promoting urban development, socialprogress, and the improvement of people's material andcultural living standards, we work under governmentmacro-control to collaborate with city managementdepartments and ecological chain enterprises to managecities with a business philosophy. We capitalize on variousoperable resources, primarily public resources, throughmarket operations to enhance the self-sustaining functionof enterprises. We also use the operating income of publicresources to invest in public services to improve the livingenvironment and create an environment of excellence.In doing so, we promote the maximum preservationand appreciation of urban property assets, improve thecity's functions, and achieve self-accumulation and self-development of the city.
Characteristic Management– A "Living Community" thatFosters Mutual Prosperity
Using public services as a carrier and focusing on urbanspace operation, industry support and development,and community livelihood services, we provideintegrated public space services covering environmentalsanitation, garbage sorting, water body maintenance,park management, and property management, aimingto help city governments, enterprises and residentssolve the challenge of management involving multipledepartments, reduce costs and improve quality, andcreate a better city.
Urban Public Services– A "Living Community" withGathered Strength
Driven by the needs of residents, we integrate regionalresources and implement comprehensive renovationfor urban and rural land use. This approach maintainsthe basic configuration of the current constructionpattern while improving infrastructure throughpartial building dismantling, function replacement ofbuildings, preservation and repair, and improvement,protection, and revitalization of the land. Throughthis approach, we aim to serve community needs andcreate a sustainable ecosystem for better living.
Micro-Renovation– A Beautiful and Livable"Living Community"
Since our establishment in 2001, we have been working towards our core strategy and vigorously promoted a dual-drive modelof "urban-rural utilities + zero waste and low carbon" based on the integrated urban-rural sanitation system. This has resultedin a comprehensive city management service system characterized by scienti?c management, precision operations, intelligenttechnology, and low-carbon urbanization.
The goal of carbon neutrality has been incorporated into theoverall layout of China's ecological civilization construction.To realize the challenging goals of carbon peak and carbonneutrality, market forces are critical, and e?ective waste-sortingpractices are essential. In September 2022, QiaoYin was pre-awarded the contract for the full-coverage garbage sortingservice project in Chancheng District, Foshan, with a totalproject value of approximately CNY 116 million. The projectaims to provide comprehensive garbage sorting servicesby strengthening waste reduction at the source, promotingcoordinated resource utilization of garbage, and improvingresidents' awareness, participation, and accuracy in garbagesorting, ultimately achieving full-coverage garbage sorting in thedistrict. This project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions fromfossil energy throughout the garbage sorting process and assistin achieving China's carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.
CaseFull-Coverage Garbage Sorting Services in Foshan
No-Waste City02
QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.32
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
In January 2021, QiaoYin was awarded the ?rst package of Procurement of the Urban-Rural Integrated Environmental SanitationProject (Franchise Operation) in Lixin County with an estimated investment amount of CNY 2.6 billion. The franchise operationperiod spans 26 years, including a one-year construction period and a 25-year operating period. In line with the Lixin CountyGovernment's urban development vision of simultaneously obtaining titles of National Garden City, Provincial Civilized City,and Human Settlements and Environment Award City and goals of building a modern garden city as a "Water Town in NorthAnhui, Jiangnan of the Huaihe River", QiaoYin fully plays the role of City Steward to improve the environmental quality and urbanmanagement e?ciency of Lixin County.
CaseLixin Urban-Rural Integration Project
QiaoYin has entered into a contract with Duyun City on theUrban-Rural Environmental Improvement Service IntegrationProject with a total project amount of CNY 3.33 billion.The project covers both the environmental protection andsanitation sectors. QiaoYin will in partnership with the DuyunMunicipal Government to achieve the goal of creating a "GreenDuyun" and adopt a comprehensive, refined, and intelligentoperation mode to improve the environmental quality andurban management e?ciency of Duyun City.
CaseUrban-Rural Environmental Improvement Service Integration Franchise Project in Duyun City
QiaoYin signed a contract for the Duyun Urban-Rural Environmental
Improvement Service Integration Project
Property management is an extension of urban environmental management services that significantly affect citizens' sense ofwell-being. The Yangpu Haili Project's service encompasses customer service, order maintenance, environmental sanitation,maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment, with heightened requirements for service refinement and humanization.QiaoYin's successful bid for the property project demonstrates the bid inviter's recognition of QiaoYin's strengths in City Stewardservices. Currently, QiaoYin's City Steward business has expanded to 26 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directlyunder the central government) across China, marking QiaoYin's successful presence in the key cities of the Yangtze River DeltaEconomic Zone. QiaoYin will deepen the City Steward strategy by increasing property services in Guangzhou and Shanghai, twomajor international cities.
CaseYangpu Haili Project Property Management for 2022 in Shanghai
Starting from our basic property services,we keep innovating, segmenting targetedsectors, and establishing property servicestandards tailored to various businessforms and models. Also, we continue toexpand the scope of property services andgradually breed diversified, integratedurban services and management.
Commissioned by property owners, wetarget profitable property, help ownersincrease the value of the subject propertyand provide professional investmentinvitations and operation services, therebyimproving comprehensive managementservices and increasing the income ofproperty operations.
Based on the demands of di?erent businessmodels of property projects and servicetargets, we offer quality property servicesand foster a series of special value-addedservices for customers through variousmanagement methods and skills.PropertyAppreciation
Starting with basic property services, we focus on whole-process integrated property services and management, and propertyasset operation services. We o?er value-added services in community life, space operations, rental and sales management, homeservices, and parking management.
Property Services04
In August 2022, QiaoYin was pre-awarded the contract for the market-oriented environmental sanitation serviceproject in Xihu District, Nanchang City,Jiangxi Province, with a bid amount ofapproximately CNY 828 million and aservice period of "1+3+3+3" model. Servicescover the roads, water bodies, and greenspaces within Xihu District, empoweredby a combination of professionalism andstrength to bolster the city developmentin Jiangxi, which demonstrates QiaoYin'scommitment to social responsibility as aleading provider of urban and rural utilities.
CaseMarket-Oriented Sanitation Services in Xihu District, Nanchang
Rural Revitalization
We are making steady and continuous progress in advancing the rural revitalization campaign. By launching an upgraded servicemodel "@City", we provide an integrated solution for environmental sanitation services covering cities, counties (districts), towns(subdistricts), villages, and households. Our rural business covers the entire chain of environmental sanitation, cleaning, transportand transfer systems, sewage and wastewater treatment for villages and towns and rural medical institutions, small-scale on-site garbage disposal, public toilet management, and park maintenance. Through cooperation with local government functionaldepartments, we give comprehensive considerations to personnel allocation, technology introduction, equipment purchase,allocation of resources, funding, and public services to establish a solid foundation and a pattern that integrates urban and ruralareas in support of the rural revitalization campaign.
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Chapter III
Advancing Low-CarbonEnergy and Green Economy
Qiaoyin advocates low-carbon and emission-reducing greenindustry. In line with China's overarching goals for greendevelopment, carbon peak & carbon neutrality strategy, andcommon prosperity, the Company, a core force in promotingthe strategy and leading the way in creating a beautiful China,is actively putting the concept of "lucid waters and lushmountains are invaluable assets" into practice by establishinga sound system for green industrial development, improvingthe company's quality, and boosting the construction of green,beautiful, and no-waste cities, all to promote China's earlyrealization of carbon peak & carbon neutrality goals.
Our Actions:
?● Low-Carbon and Energy-Saving Operations?● Green Circular Economy
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
The service range under the franchise agreement for Package 2 of the Xinhua District Environmental Sanitation Integration Project inPingdingshan City, Henan Province includes mechanized operation, cleaning and maintenance, and digital platform construction forurban roads; ?ushing and scrubbing of primary and secondary roads and sidewalks in the urban area; daily cleaning and picking up oflitter in green belts; cleaning and washing of garbage bins; and door-to-door collection of garbage from roadside stores.In Henan province, QiaoYin has provided City Steward services in cities such as Anyang, Luoyang, Xinyang, Zhoukou, and Zhumadian.Winning a new project in this region demonstrates the government's high recognition of QiaoYin's comprehensive strength.
CasePingdingshan Environmental Sanitation Integration Project
The Guangzhou Municipal Integrated Environmental Sanitation PPP Project is the largest fully mechanized single water-land cleaningproject in China, achieving 100% mechanized operation. There are nearly 20 pure electric sanitation vehicles newly purchased for theproject, achieving zero pollution and zero emissions and e?ectively reducing PM2.5 concentrations in the air. In addition to the above,QiaoYin also actively innovates sanitation service models and fully implements a 4.0 service model supported by big data, powered bymodern intelligent machinery, enabled through smart sanitation cloud services, and aimed at achieving ultra-clean surroundings, thustruly realizing the mechanization, intelligence, and re?nement of environmental sanitation management.
CaseGuangzhou Municipal Integrated Environmental Sanitation PPP Project
Guangzhou Municipal Integrated Environmental Sanitation PPP Project
Green O?ceWe strongly advocate for green o?ce practices and intensify our promotion and training on environmental protection and energyconservation, aiming to inspire and encourage employees to actively engage in environmental protection actions through e?ectivemanagement and guidance.
?●Use energy-e?cient lighting ?xtures, such as LED lights;
?●Post water-saving and energy-saving slogans in areas such as switches and faucets;?●Provide complete garbage sorting facilities and equipment and strengthen publicity and guidance;
?●Activate online OA paperless o?ce processes to reduce paper usage;?●Promote a green meeting model by implementing an electronic signature system for board documents,enabling online review and electronic signature for voting resolutions.
Green O?ce Initiatives
Green ProductionTo fully implement the carbon peak & carbon neutrality goals and the principles of green development, we are actively promotinggreen production to further advance our objectives of energy conservation and emission reduction measures in urban governance.
New-Energy Equipment
We vigorously promote the use of new energy forenvironmental sanitation operation equipment.As of the reporting period, the Companypossessed in total of13,973electric vehiclesreplacing fuel cars and
large-sized alternativefuel vehicles.
Mechanized Working MethodsWe promote intelligent and mechanized citygovernance to reduce the need for manuallabor in tasks such as cleaning and sweeping,and improve the efficiency of city governancethrough equipment upgrading and mechanicalcleaning. We have raised our vehicle-to-laborratio and increased the level of mechanization bymore than three times over the last three years.
Low-Carbon and Energy-Saving Operations
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Climate Change ResponseAgainst the backdrop of a severe global warming crisis and the urgent need to address numerous environment-related challenges,we, as a leader in China's city management services, have consistently ful?lled our green responsibilities by focusing on nurturingenvironmental quality and co-creating beautiful habitats. Through our concrete actions, we are contributing towards the creationof a "cleaner" and more beautiful world.In line with China's 14th Five-Year Plan, we have constructed a green, low-carbon, circular development system and developedthe QiaoYin Action Plan to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, which involves instituting a broad range of energy-savingmeasures and instilling a culture of low-carbon accountability across our operations.
In addition, we actively drive the no-waste and low-carbon process, and have built a business system that integrates green industrydevelopment, full-chain garbage sorting management, and pollution prevention measures for both production and living.
Development History of QiaoYin's Renewable Resources and Circular Economy Business
In 2021, Guangdong QiaoYin Carbon Resources Management Co., Ltd. was established;The QiaoYin Action Plan for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality was formulated;QiaoYin signed the Investment Agreement for the Carbon Neutral and No-Waste City Projectin the High-Tech Zone with the Management Committee of Nanchang High-Tech IndustrialDevelopment Zone to jointly promote the construction of "No-Waste City" in NanchangHigh-Tech Zone.
Moving forward, we will ?rmly center our e?orts on the national initiative of advancing green development and expand our greenbusiness footprint by developing comprehensive energy management in low-carbon parks, promoting an urban circular economy,and o?ering low-carbon transportation services.
In August 2022, the Eighth Green Development Forum hosted by Xinhua News Agency released a showcase of "Practices of LucidWaters and Lush Mountains as Invaluable Assets. QiaoYin was included in the case of "Fostering City Steward Services and Buildinga Low-Carbon Green Model", providing a vivid example of leading high-quality green development.Expert Panel's Comments
"As China's ?rst A-share listed company in urban and rural utility services, QiaoYin actively practices the Two Mountains Theory.With the mission of "beautifying every city we live in," QiaoYin has established a sound framework for green industrial development,boosted urban ecological restoration and integrated upgradation of human settlement, and pushed for the construction of green,beautiful, and no-waste cities. QiaoYin has also created model projects for green and low-carbon development. Its achievementsin terms of the urban cleaning area and city management service project quantity have ranked ?rst in the country, and its selectionas a practical example for this initiative is well-deserved."
QiaoYin Selected for Xinhua News Agency's 2022 Practices of Lucid Waters and LushMountains as Invaluable Assets
Green Business Layout in the Next Five Years?●Promote the city-wide electri?cation process by investing in and operating photovoltaic energy storage, charging and inspection,and shared charging and battery-swapping infrastructure;?●Provide comprehensive solutions for cities, such as recycling renewable resources and construction of circular economyindustrial parks, with the integration of two networks of urban sanitation system and renewable resources system to promotethe construction of no-waste cities;?●Provide consumers with urban green transportation services, green living services, and shared electric car travel servicesthrough an information-based shared travel system;?●Establish a carbon credit network platform to guide the public to practice low-carbon behaviors.
Environmental IndustryWe have deep roots in the environmental industry, with a commitment to environmental protection projects and a mission toprovide targeted solutions to environmental challenges. We value environmental responsibility and adhere to the fundamentalprinciple of green development. We continuously promote technological innovation and product upgrades to create a cleanand beautiful world. We prioritize project lifecycle management and adopt a circular economy model to minimize resourceconsumption and waste, and effectively reduce corporate carbon emissions while actively responding to the global call foremissions reduction. By utilizing various measures, we strive to promote environmental protection and recycling, continuouslycontributing our e?orts to build a clean and beautiful world. We ?rmly believe that with a collective e?ort across the globe, we willsurely create a cleaner, more beautiful, and livable world for all.Water Pollution ControlImproving the water environment is an important element in the enhancement of human settlements. So far, QiaoYin has cleanedover 160 million square meters of water.
Green Circular EconomyIn light of the increasingly severe environmental challenges facing the globe and the pressing need to address them, we have takenproactive measures to counter climate change while implementing green business strategies. To e?ectively address environmentalproblems, we center on the environmental industry, making efforts to mitigate water and solid waste pollution, air pollution,deforestation, and other related issues.
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Solid Waste Pollution TreatmentAs one of the earliest enterprises to respond to garbage sorting, we have established a full-chain management system involvingfront-end garbage sorting, mid-end garbage collection and transportation, and tail-end garbage processing. We have successfullydelivered professional garbage sorting services to cities such as Foshan, Fuqing, Zhanjiang, Kunming, and Yichun.
This project is a national demonstrationproject for rural garbage sorting andtreatment in Jing'an County, Jiangxi,achieving a full-chain managementfrom waste source sorting, mid-endtransportation, to tail-end disposal. Withthis project, Jing'an County has reducedwaste by about 25% through the reuseof recyclable waste and by about 40%through the production of organic fertilizerfrom kitchen waste.
Household Waste Sorting and Rural Environmental Remediation Project in Jing'anCounty, Jiangxi Province
QiaoYin's Wastewater Treatment Plant Project at Fushan Circular Economy Industrial Park is the largest single high-concentrationwastewater treatment project under franchise operation in China. The project was completed in November 2019 and operatedunder the "construction-operation-transfer" model. After undergoing puri?cation treatment, all of the waste leachate is recycledback into the park, achieving "zero discharge" of wastewater. The plant has a wastewater processing capability of 4,000 tons everyday, and it handles about 1.46 million tons of waste leachate annually, equivalent to the total amount of leachate produced bya land?ll that serves a city with 10 million inhabitants in one and a half years. The project plays a crucial role in maintaining thewater quality and ecological equilibrium of the area's watershed.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Project in Fushan Circular Economy Industrial Park inLuogang, Guangzhou
A combination of"membrane reduction+ advanced oxidation
A combination of"UASB anaerobic+ external MBR+membrane advancedtreatment"
A combination of"biochemical + membraneadvanced treatment"
Air Pollution Treatment
By extensively employing new-energy equipment, we have signi?cantly improved the e?ectiveness of air pollution control acrossvarious regions, leading the way for the sanitation industry to advance into the "zero-emission" era. We operate multiple newspecialized spray and dust suppression vehicles, which can quickly and e?ectively decompose pollutants and dust particles inthe air, achieving the desired results of puri?cation and dust removal. Our key area spray and dust suppression project in TianheDistrict, Guangzhou signi?cantly enhances the city's air quality and citizens' happiness index.Response to DeforestationEach year on the Arbor Day, we will purchase tree seedlings and organize employees to engage in voluntary tree planting events.Starting from 2021, QiaoYin Charitable Foundation will allocate not less than CNY 1 million annually towards a?orestation e?orts,with the goal of creating a "QiaoYin Carbon Neutral Base" in a decade.
At the Second China Carbon Trade & ESG Investment Summitorganized by the China Financial Advancement Forum (CFAF)in July 2022, QiaoYin was honored with the Frontiers Awards2022 Annual Environmental E Institution Award in recognitionof the company's exceptional performance in ESG aspectssuch as green development, technological innovation, publicwelfare and business ethics, and corporate governance.
CaseQiaoYin Awarded the China ESG Frontiers Awards 2022 Annual Environmental E Institution Award
2022 China Listed Companies Forum Public Welfare Award and ChinaESG Frontiers Awards 2022 Annual Environmental E Institution Award
In May 2022, the company invested and built the disposal program of livestock and poultrydead from illness without damages in Lufeng and officially put the program into trialoperation. The program covers an area of about 10 acres, with a design processing capacityof 30 tons per day. The collection of the program adopts the mode of "decentralizedcollection, centralized processing, airtight transportation, and whole-process monitoring",collects and processes sick and dead livestock and poultry and slaughter waste in thebreeding and slaughtering phases of 14 townships around Lufeng City, achieving “collectingon the same day, warehousing on the same day, and collecting all receivables”. Thedisposal adopts the "dry method" process, and the dead livestock and poultry are ?nallyformed into "animal oil" and "bone residue cake" products through material crushing, hightemperature processing, oil extraction and separation. Among the products, the extractedanimal oil can be used as raw material for biodiesel, and the bone residue cake can beused as raw material for organic fertilizer, so as to achieve harmlessness, reduction andrecycling, and help Lufeng achieve high-e?ciency and recyclable green growth.
Case Disposal of livestock and poultry dead from illness without damages in Lufeng by Qiaoyin
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Chapter IV
InnovatingTechnology forBuilding Smart Cities
Qiaoyin Focuses on digital transformation, to create an online platformfor sanitation services across the country and use digitalization to driveinnovation and development. For intelligent management of vehicles andpersonnel, the online platform presents multi-dimensional managementindicators, improves management radius and efficiency, and optimizesproject operating costs. This helps create a smart city, quickly realizetransformation, and improve the company's economic efficiency andcompetitiveness.
Our Actions:
?● Smart Sanitation Platform?●Smart City ManagementSDGs
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
We have built a nationwide management and data analysis platform for environmental sanitation services through the @CityManagement Cloud Platform (consisting of two sub-systems of Smart City Management and Smart Environmental SanitationPlatform). By embracing digitalization to drive re-innovation and re-development, we have systemically promoted re?ned ande?cient management and operations, empowered every aspect of environmental services, and broken down information barriersregionally, thus reducing costs and increasing bene?ts on the whole. Through the smart terminal platform, the @City ManagementCloud Platform enables 24/7 real-time management of all aspects of personnel, objects, and events involved in city managementand environmental sanitation services. With instant alerts, precise command, fine scheduling, and comprehensive controlfunctions, the platform assists enterprises in intelligent supervision and scienti?c decision-making, thereby enhancing their worke?ciency and quality while laying a solid technological foundation.Smart Sanitation Platform
Key DataThe total number of equipmentnetworked to the QiaoYin SmartSanitation Platform has exceeded
9,500and over
of themare in operation online.
We actively respond to the Overall Layout Plan for building a Digital China, which aims to build an inclusive and convenient digitalsociety and promote precise digital social services.Meanwhile, we have increased investment in digital technology in order to ful?llour strategy of high-quality development, re?ned management, improved urban sanitation services, and the goal of "beautifyingevery city we live in." With the use of technologies including vehicle CAN communication control, vehicle networking, Beidou GIS,and arti?cial intelligence, we have established a truly digital operational management platform.We have employed a digital operation management platform to enable the complete digitization of the vehicle operationprocess, providing a clear presentation of multidimensional management indicators such as operation e?ciency and quality. Thissigni?cantly enhances our service quality and management e?ciency, expands our management scope and details, and optimizesour project operation costs, thus fostering a positive and proactive corporate culture and facilitating our company's digitaltransformation strategies.
Vehicle Management
The vehicle management platform achieves full coverage of company project vehicles and enables lifecycle management ofvehicles.
Vehicle Operation
PlanningPlanning of operation routes,management of work areas,management of operationroutes, and vehicle dispatching
WarningReal-time overspeed warning,driving route deviation warning,o?ine abnormality warning, etc.
VehicleMaintenanceManagement of vehiclerepair, maintenance,insurance information,etc.
Vehicle Operation
ManagementReal-time checking of vehicleinformation, vehicle positioning,driving trajectories, drivingdistances, and operation progress
Intelligent Operation
StatisticsVehicle operation mileage, dailydriving odometer, operationalarm information report, vehicleoperation situation analysis,vehicle utilization rate analysis,vehicle accident rate analysis, etc.
ConsumptionManagementManagement of fuel consumption,management of refueling, etc.
Real-time Vehicle
Command anddispatch through videophotography, voice talk,and SMS, etc.
@City Smart Management Cloud Platform
Intelligent ManagementVisual MonitoringData Operations Analysis
Integration ofTwo Networks
No Waste andLow Carbon
Enterprise Internal Management Information Support System (Business Center)HRManagement
Supply ChainManagement
OA System
Cloud StorageCloud BackupCloud SecurityIntelligent Connection + Intelligent Analysis + Intelligent ProcessingIoT Sub-Platform
Big DataCenter
Map Engine
Core Competence
System LinkageCon?gure the system in a modularmanner and allow for customcombinations. Effectively formmulti-system intelligent linkagethrough platform integration andmanagement of data ?ow. Upgradeautomation to intelligence.
Decision-making CommandMake e?ective use of GIS, monitoring,real-time communication and othersubsystems to fully display the projectsituation. Accelerate informationtransmission, timely respond toincidents, and command and deploymanpower as soon as possible.
Operation and MaintenancePerceive the running status of system equipment andtake preventive measures. Enhance the efficiencyof maintenance personnel and improve the qualityof engineering maintenance through real-time task?ow. Ensure the lifecycle management of operationand maintenance services.
The working status of front-line operation personnel of the project, such as going on duty, getting o? duty, being late, leaving early,being on duty, being o? duty, sitting on duty, negative working hours and working mileage, is intelligently managed by the smartsanitation terminal.Personnel Management
Personnel Operation Area Monitoring
Operation area monitoring alarm: The system automaticallydetects the absence of operation personnel, adjusts theoperation area or other abnormalities, and prompts users tocon?rm and deal with them
Precise Personnel PerformanceThe system automatically counts the data on the attendanceof personnel, inspection times in the operation area, totaloperation mileage, operation hours, stay and leave every day,and then automatically calculates the performance score forthe day
Automatic Personnel SchedulingThe system automatically generates the weekly workingschedule of each personnel according to the big data ofcommuter time within the past one month, and the administeronly needs to temporarily adjust the leave and temporary shiftof the personnel
Intelligent Personnel EvaluationThe system makes data statistics according to supervisioninformation and forms various statements to facilitate themanagement decision-making of supervisors. The scope ofstatistics includes the summary of personnel operation results,operation process, personnel attendance information, andviolations
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
QiaoYin's smart garbage sorting management framework consists of five layers: perception terminal, transmission network,business application layer, operation brain, and display layer, providing monitoring and data analysis-based decision supportfor waste classi?cation and operation management. The platform e?ectively oversees the entire process of urban waste sorting,transfer, and treatment, achieving modern, data-driven, and intelligent management.
Smart Garbage Sorting Platform
By combining blockchain technology with a garbage-sorting platform, we can:
Improve the efficiency and accuracy of garbage sorting by using blockchain technology and smart hardware toachieve consensus storage and supervision of data related to waste identification, collection, processing, anddistribution;Encourage public participation in garbage sorting through a credit point and incentive mechanism that utilizesblockchain technology and digital currency, thus promoting social responsibility and environmental awarenessamong the general public;Ensure the transparency and security of garbage sorting by taking advantage of blockchain's tamper-proof, traceable,and decentralized features to enable trustworthy recording and veri?cation of the entire process, preventing datafraud and information leakage;Realize full process visualization of garbage sorting by using blockchain technology and smart hardware to enablereal-time data uploading, tracking analysis, and tracing of each step of the process, including front-end sorting, mid-end collection and transportation, and tail-end processing of waste, thus providing a comprehensive evaluation ofsorting e?ectiveness.
Smart City Management
?●PublicMonitoring?●Points ExchangeMachine Management
?●Data Cockpit?●Bagging MachineManagement
?●SystemCon?guration?●Statement Ledger?●Data Integration?●PersonnelManagement
?●Sorting FacilityManagement
?●Owner AssessmentRating
?●Sorting Promotion?●Public Services
?●Other LinksGarbage SortingWeChat Account
Garbage SortingOperationsPlatform
?●Basic Functions?●Sorting Disposal?●My Orders?●Cleaning Records?●InspectionManagement
?●Asset Inventory?●Points Redemption?●AttendanceManagement?●Owner AssessmentRating
?●Sorting Indicators?●Resident SortingInformation
?●Violation Records?●SupervisionManagement?●Garbage DisposalPoint MonitoringOperationsApp
?●Registration/Login?●Disposal Records?●Points Exchange?●Customer Satisfaction Survey
?●Personal Center
?●Activity Sign-up
?●Sorting Academy
?●Points Details?●Appointment forHome Pickup
?●Message Center?●NearbyDisposal Points
?●Order and Payment?●Event Reporting
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
We remotely control the transfer stationthrough a cloud-based control platform,thus achieving unattended operation onsite and reducing personnel costs whileimproving management e?ciency.
Unmanned Compression/Transfer Station
We have been committed to building a smart city steward service system through digitalization to enhance management e?ciency,reduce job intensity, safety risks, and operational costs. We have developed three major "black technologies": an intelligentenvironmental recycling booth, an integrated waste-free smart public toilet, and a self-digesting septic tank processor.Smart Public Toilet
Enabling remote control of various operations of the compressionequipment through a computer or mobile phone, including dooropening and closing, compression, rollback, alarm, etc.
Confirming the sitesafety through real-time monitoring, videoplayback, evidenceretention, etc., prior toremote operation
Providing warnings fora full tank, compactedwaste, full sewagepool; and warnings forabnormal status andfailure of compressionequipment
Adhering to the "one-network management" concept, the QiaoYin Smart Sanitation System encompasses a range of servicesincluding sanitation, smart urban management, municipal management and maintenance, public toilet management, landscapingmaintenance, water body maintenance, public property management, urban parking services, and engineering construction,thus interconnecting external capacity and internal business for an integrated approach. With comprehensive module coverageof customer management, supply chain management, operations management, procurement management, warehousemanagement, and transportation management, this system enables rapid digitization and offers critical support to enterprisebackbone personnel in seizing market opportunities, allocating resources e?ectively, optimizing the combination of productionelements, and thereby improves enterprise economic performance and competitiveness.
In November 2022, Liu Dan, the Party BranchSecretary of QiaoYin City ManagementCo., Ltd., stated in an interview withGuangdong TV's "Guangdong News" that"we will continuously implement moderncomprehensive service managementmodels in various cities and incorporate'one-stop' solutions including communitymicro-renovation and smart communitymanagement." According to Liu Dan,the bigger the city, the more refined themanagement needs to be. Over the pastdecade, Liu Dan has worked with hercolleagues to continuously innovate workmethods in order to increase the level ofre?ned city management.
CaseEnhancing Re?ned City Management with Smart Communities
Liu Dan featured in an interview for Guangdong TV's "Guangdong News"
Smart public toilets adopt biodegradable water circulation and "AAO+Mbbr" membrane treatment technology, which ishumanized, intelligent, and environmentally friendly. Its characteristics are ready-to-spread and use, modern and high-endappearance, zero discharge after fecal water treatment, no need to clean up, luxurious and comfortable interior of the toilet, and?ne cleaning service to create a "?ve-star" toilet standard and realize the economic values of commercial toilets. In addition torealizing economic value, integrated public toilets can also have social e?ects such as environmental protection and energy saving,improving people's livelihood, enhancing the image of the city, reducing government ?nancial investment, and supporting citypublicity. These public toilets contribute to the improvement of the urban living environment. They have been put into operationin the London Community of Foshan City, Guangdong Province, Qingshan Lake in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, and Swan Lakein Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, and have won unanimous praise from users.
CaseSmart Public Toilets
Smart Toilets in Qingshan Lake, Baoshan City, Yunnan ProvinceSmart Toilets in the London Community of Foshan City, Guangdong Province
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Chapter V
EmpoweringEmployees and BuildingUnity for GrowthConcept:
At Qiaoyin, we take great pride in our united front as "an army, a school, and a familyOur company culture is reflected in our continuous efforts to enhance human resourceplanning, adjust internal functions, and optimize related rules and regulations ensuringfair employment and compliance management. We actively engage in employee trainingprograms, enrich our talent pool, improve employee compensation and bene?ts systems.and safeguard employee rights and interests. Our dedication to creating a positive andnurturing work environment is evident in our commitment to building a symbioticrelationship between the company and our employees for mutual success.Our Actions:
?● Safeguarding Employee Rights and Interests
?● Valuing Talent Development
Standing together with Care and SupportSDGs:
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Valuing Talent DevelopmentQiaoYin has implemented various measures for talent development, such as refining promotion channels and managing coretalents. These e?orts aim to enhance the overall business capabilities and modern management performance of the company, aswell as unify all employees and promote their professionalism. We hope to achieve greater success by stimulating active thinking,unlocking potential, and driving growth aligned with the company's strategic goals.
Safeguarding Employee Rights and InterestsQiaoYin upholds the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China,"and embraces our united front as "an army, a school, and a family." We developed the Management Measures for Recruitmentthrough a democratic and legal process, promoting the spirit of exemplary workers and craftsmanship. We have also built a multi-level talent recruitment and development system, cultivating numerous skilled talents and outstanding workers for the industry.Additionally, we strive to create a favorable working environment for our employees. QiaoYin believes in impartiality, fairness, andopenness in employment. We ?rmly oppose all forms of discrimination based on race, gender, age, family background, religion,and other reasons. The company strives to ensure that every employee is treated fairly and equally throughout the recruitment,employment, payment, training, promotion, compensation, and all other stages of their journey with us. In 2022, we madesigni?cant e?orts to diversify our recruitment methods to attract a wider range of talented individuals. Additionally, we reorganizedour existing workforce, optimizing our company structure to enhance productivity.
The company is constantly advancing its performance management through informatization. In assessing individual performance,regional and project operation managers undergo a comprehensive evaluation of key performance indicators, with monthlyreviews of the assessment results. To enhance performance improvement and empower employees, departments are encouragedto conduct discussions with team members regarding their performance.QiaoYin Academy, established by QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd., aims to cultivate talent to support the organization's strategicgrowth. Its training philosophy emphasizes the integration of general education, professional teaching, and practical experienceto provide employees with a well-rounded training system. Internally, the academy has developed a comprehensive online ando?ine training system to enhance the professionalism and e?ciency of team members. Externally, QiaoYin has partnered withAlibaba Cloud to conduct in-depth research on emerging technologies and industry challenges, with the goal of promoting theoverall enhancement of the living environment.
As of the end of 2022
QiaoYin has a diverse workforce of
individuals, including over
employees with disabilities,
military personnel.Our team is comprised of
% male and
% female employees.
Talent EvaluationTalent Pipeline
Talent Development
Talent Development Roadmap
Training programs for the top 10 new businesses arecarried out to support our strategic goals.Mid-to-senior managers participated in annuallearning programs (reading+training) and EDP training.
Tiered management and skilltraining is o?ered to o?-site sta?,including operation specialists,administrative coordinators,and regional managers.Regular online training isprovided to drivers and projectsupervisors to improve theirsafety awareness and skills.
QiaoYin trained64,000
employees through
training sessions
Training System
In 2022
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Training SystemMarket training focuses on specializedtraining for new businesses. Industryexperts are invited to conduct a series ofspecialized training courses to addressinterdisciplinary technology gaps.
External Training
ExternalExternal training includes ?eld practice and experience sharing for ?eet managers and landscape professionals. Project managersalso provide regular training to o?-site sta? on the latest management and operation requirements to ensure alignment.
Advanced Training
Advanced Training
The company o?ers advanced project-based and function-based training in collaboration with talent training organizations formid-level management and grass-root teams to foster stronger teamwork and collaboration.
SpecializedOur specialized training covers professional topics like project management, leadership, industry updates, as well as personal andcultural development such as tea culture.
As QiaoYin's core business experiences rapid growth and holds significant potential for future development, investors andmajor shareholders are increasingly concerned with the company's governance structure and long-term growth strategy. Theimplementation of an equity incentive plan can e?ectively translate potential into tangible returns, sustaining a virtuous cycle ofcompany growth.
On the evening of January 25, 2022, QiaoYin, known as "the first listed company of the environmental sanitation industry,"announced its 2022 Equity Incentive Plan (draft), which aims to grant up to 6 million shares of stock options to 75 outstandingemployees, equivalent to about 1.47% of the total share capital. The equity incentive mainly targets core management personnel,regional managers, and business teams. About 17.55% of the total grant, or 960,000 shares of stock options, will be given to thecompany's board of directors and senior management team, with the remaining going to incentivize employees in marketing andoperation divisions.
CaseLaunching QiaoYin's First Equity Incentive Plan
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
In October 2022, QiaoYin held its inaugural green living andenvironmental festival, featuring a range of activities thatincluded an "Environmental Sanitation Talent Show" on Douyin,environmental sanitation-themed mindful hiking, low-carboncamping parties, environmental sanitation-inspired muralsand markets, and a public vote for environmental sanitationambassadors. These events energized the sanitation workers,demonstrating the company's deep respect and concern for thecityscape enhancers who have been tirelessly serving on the frontlines of urban services for many years.
CaseTAN·Environmental Sanitation — First Green Living & Environmental Festival
Standing Together with Care and Support
We take immense pride in our solidarity, functioning as "an army, a school, and a family," and are committed to a people-centricmanagement philosophy. At QiaoYin, we prioritize the physical and mental well-being of our employees, appreciate their diligentefforts, and have implemented a comprehensive employee compensation and benefits program to guarantee a secure anddependable work environment. Our team has fostered an amiable and supportive work culture to strengthen camaraderie andcreate a sense of home for our employees.
QiaoYin's Care for EmployeesHolding an annual employeeanniversary awards ceremony
Supports in poverty areasIssuing ?lial piety awards toproject managersO?ering holiday bene?ts
Collectively signing open-ended
labor contractsBirthday celebrations
QiaoYin Compensation & Bene?ts OverviewGuaranteedBase Salary
Year-End BonusSocialInsurance
IncentivesPaid Annual
IncentivesAnnual Physical
HolidayBene?tsFreeShuttle Bus
In October 2022, over 80 members of the CPC from QiaoYinparticipated in the "Clean City, Shared Responsibility" campaign,dedicating their time to cleaning the streets and public toilets in33 villages in Taiping Town. The company put its advocacy forsanitation workers into action by upgrading sanitation equipment,effectively reducing their workload, and enhancing their safety,happiness, and sense of accomplishment.
CaseClean City, Shared Responsibility
"Clean City, Shared Responsibility" Campaign
In November 2022, QiaoYin held its inaugural employee anniversary ceremony to honor and thank employees who have dedicated5, 10, and 15 years of service to the company. The event, which took place both online and offline, recognized a total of 122employees. QiaoYin's executives awarded customized commemorative coins to 37 on-site employees, while others who wereworking remotely or impacted by the pandemic joined the event virtually.
Han Dan, Executive Assistant to the QiaoYin CEO, expressed her appreciation for all employees, saying, "QiaoYin owes its success tothe dedication and hard work of each and every employee. I am truly grateful for your e?orts. Let us continue to work together, growtogether, and achieve more milestones for QiaoYin in the next 5, 10, and 15 years. Here's to a bright future ahead!"
CaseHosting Anniversary Ceremony for Employees
Group Photo of the Employee Anniversary CeremonyCustomized Commemorative Coins
In 2022, QiaoYin hosted 8 large-scale employee events, including celebrations for New Year, traditional festivals like the LanternFestival and Dragon Boat Festival, a parent-child summer camp, a blind dating event for Chinese Valentine's Day, and a Mid-Autumn Festival carnival. These events were instrumental in promoting a family-oriented corporate culture.
As a custodian of modern cities, QiaoYin has developed a comprehensive public environment management service system andimplemented a project quality management system based on a four-tier grid structure during its 20 years of operation. QiaoYinhas also established efficient emergency response mechanisms and implemented a detailed production management systemthat includes "Management Regulations Safety Production." Additionally, a safety leadership team has been formed to ensure thatthe organization, systems, technology, materials, and ?nancial resources are in place to create a secure and dependable workenvironment for employees.
Parent-child Summer CampDating Event for Qixi, Chinese Valentine's Day
QiaoYin Compensation & Bene?ts Overview
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Chapter VI
Driving Social Progressand Achieving Prosperity
Qiaoyin positively sets up cooperation with the society with closed-loop managementof the suppliers and build-ups of double-win relationships with the suppliers. TheCompany has consistently demonstrated its social responsibility by actively promotingpublic welfare initiatives. The company has been dedicated to various causes, includingepidemic prevention and control, rural revitalization, and advocating for the well-being ofenvironmental sanitation workers. These continuous e?orts have resulted in a signi?cantcontribution towards creating a more beautiful China and fostering a harmonious society.Our Actions:
?●Supplier Management?●Giving Back to SocietySDGs:
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Supplier ManagementTo better manage procurement, improve e?ciency, and reduce costs, QiaoYin has made revisions to the Procurement ManagementRegulations and created the Guidelines for Public Bidding in Procurement based on national laws, regulations, and the company'soperations. These e?orts aim to standardize the procurement process. To achieve closed-loop management of suppliers, the companyhas established a classification and grading system for supplier management, including supplier sourcing, certification, selection,cooperation, procurement evaluation mechanisms, and an incentive and elimination system. QiaoYin has also created a database ofall suppliers it has worked with in the past two years, which includes comprehensive evaluations and scores on supplier performancein various areas, such as quality and service. The supplier evaluation results serve as an important basis for the company's supplierquali?cation review, invitations to bidding, quota allocation, product testing, supplier grading, and future evaluation.
QiaoYin collaborates with partners across its supply chain to establish a sustainable and accountable network. During supplierselection, the company considers various factors, including environmental protection, safety, and well-being. QiaoYin also signs anEnvironmental Commitment Statement with suppliers and mandates certi?cation of their quality management and environmentalmanagement systems, construction qualifications, and other relevant documents. In line with its goal of improving coste?ciency, QiaoYin has consistently pursued ways to optimize its procurement processes. In 2022, the company employed variousprocurement methods such as bidding and negotiation, and implemented pre-purchase quantity control to e?ectively manageand reduce procurement costs.
To improve the quality of suppliers and optimize the supplier management system.
Supplier Management Guidelines
883 engineering suppliers and 388 material suppliers are audited and recorded.Approved Supplier Database
Quarterly and semi-annual evaluations and assessments of suppliers are conducted to controlrisks during ful?llment.
Supplier Evaluation
24 suppliers have been added to the blacklist.
Supplier Blacklist
245 suppliers were audited and added to the database in 2022.
Systematic Management
Building a Supplier Management System
Materials and equipment procurement cost savings:
million RMBDaily necessities quality control cost savings:
million RMBIn 2022's engineering bidding and procurement, we achieved a cost saving of
million RMB with acost reduction rate of
%, thanks to the thorough bid collection and multiple rounds of negotiations.
KPI Recap
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Disaster Relief
Enhancing Standardized Management
for Frontline Workers' Safety
Since the ?ood season in March 2022, QiaoYin has taken extensive measures to enhance safety management for its projects inanticipation of potential thunderstorms and heavy rain. These e?orts include standardizing safety protocols for frontline workers'commuting and operations, as well as for the management of vehicles and equipment, warehouses, transit stations, public toilets,and water. The company has also developed an emergency response plan for heavy rain and floods, and ensured that floodprevention responsibilities are delegated and coordinated across various levels. Project teams have focused on ?ve key realms of"prevention, investigation, training, rescue, and relief," and have successfully carried out ?ood prevention, rescue, cleaning, anddisinfection e?orts before, during, and after the ?oods.In mid-June 2022, the Guangzhou section of the Pearl River successively detected tide levels beyond the warning level, attributedto continuous heavy rains and the opening of several reservoirs upstream. The flood carried debris such as water hyacinthsdownstream, leading to a significant surge in the amount of garbage in the river. On June 15th, over 200 tons of waste werecollected from the Pearl River, exceeding the usual amount by more than tenfold.To ensure the safety of sanitation workers and e?ectively clean the water, Qiaoyin's team in charge of the Guangzhou integratedenvironmental sanitation project collaborated with the municipal urban management department to launch an emergencycleaning plan. The team deployed all large-scale cleaning boats to focus on removing ?oating garbage in the river, intensifyingand extending their cleaning e?orts. They also used temporary ?oating barriers to intercept and collect garbage upstream, andconcentrated cleaning e?orts in the back?ow area to clear the river of debris.
CaseFull-scale Flood Prevention for Safe Operations
Pearl River Garbage CollectionSurpassed the Average by Tenfold
In November 2022, QiaoYin Charity Foundation responded promptly to the urgent shortage of essentials in Guangzhou's LiwanDistrict by donating much-needed goods and daily necessities to Dongxiang Street and Chongkou Street. The company's donationaims to provide timely and tangible support to the local residents and supplement their urgent needs.
CaseDonating Vital Supplies for Community Support
Donating Essential Supplies
Giving Back to Society
QiaoYin is committed to ful?lling its social responsibilities and contributing to society through various public welfare initiatives,setting an example for the private sector. When the economy was in decline, the company mobilized teams to collect garbage anddonated essential goods and supplies to ensure the well-being of the community. By prioritizing people's needs, QiaoYin played anactive role in promoting the growth and vitality of society.
Community Services
In October 2022, amidst a shortage of community volunteers, the Nansha Environmental Sanitation Project team respondedquickly by assembling a group of 40 CPC members to form a task force, which was rapidly deployed to support Tangkeng NewArea. The emergency response team worked tirelessly for over ten hours each day, aiding with garbage collection, entrance andexit control, and supplies transportation and distribution. Through their impressive level of e?ciency and strong teamwork, theteam demonstrated outstanding performance in this battle.
CaseE?cient Garbage Collection by Rapid Response Team
QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
In July 2022, a Category 12 typhoon caused significantdamage to several cities. QiaoYin's various project teamsworked together to aid in post-disaster restoration efforts.The company's project team in Dianbai District of Maoming,Guangdong, formed a 15-person emergency response team,with 147 employees on standby to efficiently restore urbangreenery by clearing 220 broken branches and 60 tons oflandscaping waste. In Yangdong District of Yangjiang, thecompany dispatched more than 600 employees and 200vehicles and equipment around the clock to clear road debris,fallen branches, and leaves. In Chikan District and XiashanDistrict, employees quickly restored roads for use by cleaningup tree branches, fallen leaves, accumulated sand and silt,and other debris on the streets and sewers.
In August 2022, QiaoYin donated 1 million RMB to the Huadu District Education Foundation in Guangzhou to boost sports in primaryand secondary schools. This includes funding for the construction of more basketball courts, facility and equipment upgrades, andmore basketball events. QiaoYin's contribution supports the high-quality development of sports in Huadu District and cultivatesoutstanding basketball players. The impact of QiaoYin's donation extends beyond sports by supporting the rural revitalization of HuaduDistrict. This aligns with their commitment to promoting diversity and characteristic development in rural areas.
CaseRestoring Cities After Natural DisastersCaseBoosting Public Health through Medical Donations
CaseSupporting Characteristic Development through Education Donations
Employees Clearing Roads
QiaoYin's Medical Donations
QiaoYin's Education Donations
Advancing Society through Public Welfare
Community Relations
QiaoYin is committed to making a positive impact on society through active participation in various public welfare activities,including funding for education, disaster relief, poverty alleviation, and other important causes. With the company's dedicatedefforts, vulnerable groups have received much-needed assistance, and peaceful living in stability has been promoted. Movingforward, QiaoYin will continue to uphold its strong sense of social responsibility by expanding its reach in the realm of publicwelfare and charity, and making signi?cant contributions toward promoting social progress and harmony.
CaseOrganizing Community Basketball GamesQiaoYin sponsored a series of 3x3basketball tournaments as a model ofmass sports events that are "government-led, corporate-operated, and sociallyinvolved." The company played a leadingrole in building a high-level publicfitness service system and supportingdiverse sports activities, aligning with thegovernment's efforts to promote healthand unity among communities.
QiaoYin donated medical equipment worth 10 million RMB to Suiyang County, Guizhou. The donation will help improve medicalservices in grassroots facilities, speed up the development of a comprehensive medical network across the county, and enhancethe overall quality of healthcare. The company hopes to contribute to the health and well-being of the county's residents, whilealso promoting local economic development through its own growth. By working towards the mutual benefit and win-winoutcomes, QiaoYin demonstrates its commitment to making a positive impact on the communities it serves.
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperity
Looking Ahead
Looking ahead, QiaoYin will continue to prioritizesustainable development as a strategic goal. Wewill seize the opportunities presented by the 14thFive-Year Plan, and drive technological innovationand digital transformation. Our focus will be onimproving waste sorting, expanding recyclingresources, optimizing low-carbon operations, andmaking contributions to urban management andrural revitalization. We aim to improve service qualityand customer satisfaction, while promoting smartand eco-friendly products and services. As we moveforward, we will place an even stronger emphasis onthe construction of ecological civilization, and striveto practice sustainable development, so as to makegreater contributions to building a better society.As we move forward, QiaoYin will maintain a steadypace of growth, continuously pursue excellence, ful?llsocial responsibility, adapt to the latest economictrends and digital transformation, collaborate withpartners from various industries, and jointly promotesustainable development, creating a new chapter inour bright future.
Indicators and Standards ReferenceTable of ContentsSDGsGRI StandardsCASS-5.0About This ReportG2-2,G2-3,G2-4P1.1,P1.2,P1.3,G3.7Chairman's MessageG2-22P2.2,P3.1,A1
QiaoYin Highlights in 2022
Company Pro?leG2-1P4.1,P4.2,P4.4Data of 2022G201-1A2What We DoP4.3Major HonorsG3.11SustainabilityPhilosophy
G2-29G3.6Analysis ofSubstantiveIssues
G3.5Fostering SustainableDevelopment with E?ectiveManagement
EnhancingGovernance forRisk Mitigation
G1.1,G1.2,G1.10,S3.7SteadilyAdvancing withCompliantOperations
,S4.6Fortifying OurFoundation Ledby Party BuildingPrioritizing Sustainability inUrban Management
City StewardStrategy
FosteringSustainableDevelopmentwith E?ectiveManagement
PrioritizingSustainabilityin UrbanManagement
AdvancingLow-CarbonEnergyand GreenEconomy
InnovatingTechnologyfor BuildingSmart Cities
EmpoweringEmployeesand BuildingUnity forGrowth
Driving SocialProgress andAchievingProsperityOpeningAppendix
Advancing Low-Carbon Energy andGreen Economy
Low-Carbon andEnergy-SavingOperations
E2.1,E2.2,E2.4,E2.5,E2.12,E2.13,E3.3,E3.5,V4.1,V4.2,V4.3Green CircularEconomy
InnovatingTechnology forBuilding Smart Cities
Smart SanitationPlatform
G417-1E1.8,S4.3,S4.6,V2.1,V2.2,V2.4Smart CityManagement
G417-1E1.8,S4.6,V2.1,V2.2,V2.4Empowering Employeesand Building Unity forGrowth
SafeguardingEmployee Rightsand Interests
S1.1,S1.2,S1.3,S1.4,S1.5,S1.6,S1.8,V3.1,V3.2Valuing TalentDevelopment
S2.1,S2.2,S2.3,S2.4StandingTogether withCare and Support
4,S3.5,S3.9Driving SocialProgress andAchieving Prosperity
S5.1,S5.2,S5.3,S5.4,V2.6Giving Back toSociety
G203-2V3.4,V3.5,V3.7Indicators and Standards ReferenceA4
Reader Feedback SurveyA5
Reader Feedback Survey
Dear reader,Thank youfor taking the time to read the QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. 2022 CorporateSocial Responsibility Report. We value your feedback and suggestions, as they helpus provide more valuable information to our stakeholders and improve our corporatesocial responsibility performance.
Open-ended QuestionDo you have any feedback or suggestions regarding QiaoYin's e?orts in ful?lling itssocial responsibility or regarding any aspect of this report?
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□ Good
□ Good
□ Good
□ Good
□ Good
□ Good
□ Good
1. How would you rate this report overall?
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□ Poor
□ Poor
□ Poor
□ Poor
□ Poor
□ Poor
□ Very poor
□ Very poor
□ Very poor
□ Very poor
□ Very poor
□ Very poor
□ Very poor
□ Very poor
2. How would you rate the report's response and disclosure of issues of concern to
3. How would you rate QiaoYin's performance in terms of economic responsibility?
4. How would you rate QiaoYin's performance in terms of environmental responsibility?
5. How would you rate QiaoYin's performance in terms of safety management?
6. How would you rate QiaoYin's performance in terms of employee responsibilities?
7. How would you rate QiaoYin's performance in terms of community services?
8. How would you rate the clarity, accuracy, and completeness of the information,
indicators, and data disclosed in the report?
□ Hard to read
9. How easy do you ?nd the report's content arrangement and layout design to read?
□Very easy
You can give us yourvaluable comments orsuggestions by telephone,email or express delivery.Our contact information isas follows:
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Address:广州市天河区五山路 371 号中公教育大 厦 10 楼Tel:020-87157941Postal Code:510000Company website:https://www.gzqiaoyin.com/