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九阳股份:2022年环境、社会及管治报告(英文版) 下载公告

About the ReportThe Reporting PeriodThis Report is the third ESG report issued by Joyoung Co., Ltd. for stakeholders. Its text and performance reviews mainly cover theperiod from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, and some text and performance review may involve previous years or policiesand practices of 2023.

Source of InformationThe information and data disclosed herein come from internal o?cial documents, statistical reports and annual reports of Joy-oung Co., Ltd. Financial data in the Report are in RMB. In case of any inconsistency with the relevant ?nancial statements, the ?-nancial statements shall prevail.

Availability of the Report

The Report is in electronic form for your reading. You may log onto the Company's o?cial website (https://www.joyoung.com) orcninf (www.cninfo.com.cn) to read the electronic version of the Report. In the event that you have any questions or suggestionsabout this Report, you may send an email to 002242@joyoung.com, or call at 0571-81639093.

Compilation Basis?●2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations?●Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards) of Commission on Sustainable Development

?●Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards(SASB Standards)

?●China National StandardGuidance for Compilation of Social Responsibility Reports (GB/T 36001-2015)?●Guidance for the Compliance of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports in Chinaof the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS-CSR5.0)?●Self-Regulatory Guidelines No. 1 for Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Standardized Operation of Listed Compa-nies on the Main Board

Company NameJoyoung Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Joyoung" or "Company" or "we/us")

Scope of the Report

The Report provides a comprehensive review on the environmental, social and governance impacts of Joyoung Co., Ltd. and itssubsidiaries, with descriptions of typical cases occurring in these subsidiaries.


Index of IndicatorsReader Feedback Form

Independent Assurance andStatement of Opinion

Message From ChairmanKey PerformanceFeatures

Space Science and Technology for Better Qualityof LifeJoyoung Charity Kitchen for the Health of RuralChildrenJoyoung Food Education Workshop for Nutritionand Health Education

About Joyoung14Company Pro?leCorporate CultureCompany EventsHonorsESG Management

Steady and Sustainable DevelopmentGuaranteed by Sound GovernanceCorporate Governance and Information DisclosureInvestor Relations ManagemenRisk Management and Internal ContIntellectual Property ProtectionInformation Security ManagementBusiness Ethics and Anti-Fraud

Product Responsibility and InnovationInnovation-Driven DevelopmentProduct Quality AssuranceCustomer Experience OptimizationResponsible Marketing Strategies

Shared Responsibility and Win-WinCooperationSupply Chain Responsibility ManagementCommon Progress of the IndustryIndustry-University-Research Cooperation

Employee Empowerment and JointGrowthRecruiting ComplianceEmployee DevelopmentSafety and HealthEmployee Care

Low-Carbon Development for Our PlanetEnvironmental Management SystemEmphasis on Energy E?ciency and CarbonReduction

Love for People and Charity for Pub-lic Bene?tPublic Bene?t Activities FacilitatingRural Revitalization

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Message From Chairman

In 2022, when the domestic economy faced downward pressure due to the in?uence of multiple uncontrollable factors at home and abroad, China stillachieved a 3% annual GDP growth. With its GDP exceeding RMB 120 trillion Yuan, China became the only major economy that achieved positive growth inthe world. The year 2022 is destined to be an extraordinary year in the history of China and the CPC: The 20th National Congress of the CPC was convenedto draw up a grand blueprint for comprehensively building a modern socialist country; Thanks to the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee withGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping at the core, the people of all ethnic groups across China rose up to the challenges bought by the complex and unpredictableinternational situation and arduous domestic tasks of continuing reform and development and maintaining stability, keeping steady economic growth andmaking great progress in our reform and opening-up and socialist modernization endeavors.Facing all kinds of challenges and opportunities at home and abroad, Joyoung continuously focuses on its main business, constantly pursues innovation,and actively undertakes social responsibilities, striving to create a win-win situation for our consumers, investors, and partners and see that we take ?rmsteps together towards a better, sustainable future.Joyoung hails the year 2022 as the start of its space science and technology era. While working hard to improve the quality of water and food in the "SpaceKitchen" for astronauts on China's space station, Joyoung vigorously promoted the research and development of its space technology series products, suchas high-speed blenders with zinc oxide antibacterial coating, air fryers featuring three-dimensional hot air circulation heating technology and allowing usersto cook food without ?ipping it, zero-coating rice cookers boasting water-moistening ?lm technology, water puri?ers with antibacterial, puri?cation andheating functions, and Damowang wear-resistant and non-stick frying pans. Such e?ort has remarkably increased our brand in?uence and upgraded ourproducts technologically.Over the years, Joyoung has always regarded health and innovation as the essence of its brand and insisted on investment in and exploration into techno-logical innovation, intellectual property protection, and supply chain upgrade. In 2022, the Company's R&D investment reached RMB 390.1305 million Yuan,an increase of 9.2% year-on-year. Apart from this, we have also stepped up our e?orts to build an innovation platform and embraced digital and intelligenttechnologies to facilitate product development and upgrading and intellectual property protection management. Through continuous technology andproduct innovation, e?cient digitized user communication and product launching, and timely and accurate marketing strategies, we have been able to dis-cover new market demands in time and respond quickly, remaining a leading brand in this industry.Joyoung has always been practicing the brand concept of "enjoying health", continuously exploring and amplifying the synergistic value of the Joyoungbrand and the Shark brand, and keeps producing high-quality satisfactory products to meet the needs of di?erent users for di?erent scenarios. In this way,we have achieved an increase in product value and brand value and steady growth in our market share. Our products cover a wide range of categories,including kitchen appliances, cleaning appliances, and many other household appliances that help to safeguard healthy food and lifestyle. This not onlyre?ects our strength of product development and technological innovation, but also embodies our insistence on the essence of our brand: "health" and "in-novation". We work arduously to meet the people's yearning for a better life.Joyoung perseveres in its corporate social responsibility and works with its partners to run a series of innovative public bene?t programs such as "JoyoungCharity Kitchen" and "Joyoung Food and Education Workshop". We respond to the call of the times and shoulder our social Responsibility of making ourcontributions to the public bene?t programs aimed to improve youth nutrition and health, education and boost rural revitalization. Up to now, we havebuilt 1,000-plus Joyoung Charity Kitchens that o?er meals for over 500,000 rural children every day, and our Food and Education Workshops have facilitatedthe implementation of the state's "Healthy China" and "Labor Education" policies. We are still working with schools to explore a new sustainable model ofFood and Education programs. In 2022, the total amount of public bene?t investment made by Joyoung reached RMB 7.5581 million Yuan. As of the end of2022, donations made by Joyoung to public bene?t undertakings have exceeded RMB100.783 million Yuan. As a leading brand in the industry, Joyoung willcontinuously strive to create value for society and advocate the Joyoung concept of "enjoying health".Joyoung faithfully pursues green sustainable development and is committed to establishing itself as a positive, healthy, high-value-added, green and envi-ronmentally friendly home appliance brand. We will never slacken our e?orts in the drive to ensure an environmentally friendly, green production environ-ment. For years, we have constantly optimized our environmental management, strictly abide by environmental laws and regulations, and tried our bestto minimize the impact of production and operation on the environment. We have launched our "trade-in" service, encouraging consumers to return smallhousehold appliances of any brand to Joyoung for recycling and subsidizing the purchase of our new products to promote the green and healthy develop-ment of the household appliance industry. We have exerted e?orts to promote a green, low-carbon workplace and lifestyle, o?ering an intelligent paperlessworkplace. We practice green procurement and continuously contribute to the proper response to global climate change and the achievement of China'sdual carbon goals, namely the national goal of reaching peak carbon emissions before 2030 and that of achieving carbon neutrality before 2060.With the joint e?orts of all employees, Joyoung made signi?cant achievements in ensuring stable corporate governance, creating social value, implement-ing green development in 2022. Now, we boast hundreds of millions of home and kitchen products providing convenience for families, 1,000-plus CharityKitchens o?ering meals to more than 500,000 rural children every day, and a high-tech Space Kitchen ensuring the food and water quality for astronauts atChina's space station. In the future, we will continue to expand and strengthen the brand asset value of "family kitchen" + "charity kitchen"+ "space kitchen",become a leading home appliance brand featuring "innovation" and "health" across the globe, and make an earnest endeavor to satisfy consumers' pursuitand yearning for a high-quality life experience.

Chairman of Joyoung Co., Ltd

Yang Ningning

Key Performance



Operating revenueRMB 0'0001,122,3751,054,0471,017,669Income from continuingoperations

RMB 0'00091,63170,13152,251Total tax paymentRMB 0'00049,15334,28850,563Total cash dividends (tax-inclusive)

RMB 0'00076,70376,70261,041Cash dividend for every10 shares

RMB 10108Customer complainthandling rate

%100100100Customer satisfactiondegree




Power consumptionintensity (powerconsumption per RMB tenthousand Yuan of revenues)

Kwh/RMB 0'00011.3010.6612.43Water consumptionintensity (waterconsumption per RMB tenthousand Yuan of revenues)

t/RMB 0'0000.160.180.20


Number of employeesPerson2,8462,9152,832Proportion of femaleemployees

%333537Employee training coverage%95.57100100Public bene?t expenditureRMB 0'000823.41,083.1755.8Total number of employeesparticipating in volunteeractivities


Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2022

0404Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Space Science and Technologyfor Better Quality of Life


Since 2014, Joyoung has o?cially become the development unitof China's manned space kitchen, undertaking China's spacekitchen project. The development of manned spaceflight is ofextraordinary signi?cance to the country, the nation and even allmankind. China's manned space program will greatly improveour country's science and technology level and occupy theforefront of the world's high technology, enhancing the pride,self-con?dence and cohesion of the Chinese nation. As a privateenterprise, Joyoung's participation in the national mannedspace program is not only a high-tech research project, but alsoa heavy responsibility. Joyoung is committed to contributing tothis common theme of mankind and helping the manned spaceprogram to cross a new milestone.Joyoung Space Kitchen project is an important part of the lifesupport system for the astronauts on the space station. To meettheir needs for food and water, we have solved a series of prob-lems in the extreme and harsh outer space environment charac-terised by "vacuum, weightlessness and no convection" throughindependent innovative technology, solves and meets the astro-naut's dietary and water needs necessary for long-term life in thespace environment, guarantees their basic physiological needs,and provides strong protection for the astronauts to carry outlong-term missions in the space station smoothly.In 2022, the second set of space kitchen equipment producedby Joyoung will again be installed on the Chinese space sta-tion. Joyoung space kitchen technology continues to assist theastronauts' life support system, safeguarding the astronauts'daily life in space.

Shenzhou 13 astronaut Wang Yaping introduces the water dis-tribution system of the space kitchen (up)Wang Yaping introduces the hot-air heating device of the spacekitchen (down)

The waterdistributer

The hot-airheating device

Space Kitchen

Space Technology Product Series

By the end of 2022, Joyoung has suc-cessfully developed a hot air heatingdevice, a drinking water dispenser,and an aerospace intelligent APP forthe space kitchen. The hot air heat-ing device uses Joyoung's innovative360°hot-air-circulation heating technol-ogy to solve the problem of slow anduneven heating in space, which takesonly 30 minutes to heat a deliciousdish such as Fish-Flavored Meat andGongbao Chicken. The drinking wa-ter dispenser can purify water, inhibitbacteria, and heat water immediately,providing filtered and purified warmwater for astronauts. The intelligent IoTcontrol APP is used to control all kitch-en appliances of the space station. Joy-oung Space Kitchen allows astronautsto enjoy puri?ed warm water and warmmeals in space.

Joyoung not only uses the above-men-tioned technology to serve the astro-nauts in space but also applies them tothe upgrading of its small householdappliances. In 2022, the Company'smain products become the "SpaceTechnology" Series products in whichthe 360° hot-air-circulation heatingtechnology and zinc oxide bacterio-static material are applied to the newproduct, such as the air fryer, highspeed blender, rice-cooker, water pu-rifier, and other cookware. In this way,we enable our customers to enjoy anaerospace-quality healthy life at homeand continuously meet their need for ahealthy, beautiful, and high-quality life.

Non-Flipping Air Fryer Featuring 360° Hot-Air-Circulation Heating Function


Air FryerFeaturing 360°Hot-Air-Circu-lation HeatingFunction

Supporting by space technology & three-dimensional hot air cir-culation heating technology, and then matching the carbon fiberheating tube, it can be evenly heated without turning the ingredi-ents, while equipped with space technology & zinc oxide antibacte-rial technology, zinc oxide whisker antibacterial coating pot body,e?ectively inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Zero-Coating Rice Cooker Boasting Water-Moistening Film Technology

Zero-CoatingRice CookerBoasting Wa-ter-MoisteningFilm Technology

Such a rice cooker boasts thewater-moistening film technol-ogy used in space: the precisetemperature control of hot airand the utilization of the temper-ature di?erences create an evenwater-moistening film betweenthe rice and the inner side of thecooker pot, which helps to cookthe rice perfectly and prevents itfrom sticking to the pot.

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

High Speed Blender With Zinc Oxide Antibacterial Coating

High SpeedBlender With

Zinc OxideAntibacterial


Such a machine combines thespace technology & zinc oxideantibacterial technology, andhigh-heat cleaning function + dryheat sterilization function, withsterilization rate up to 99.9 %.

Rexiaojing Water Puri?er With Antibacterial, Puri?cation and Heating Functions

Damowang Wear-Resistant and Non-Stick Frying Pan

Rexiaojing WaterPuri?er With Anti-bacterial, Puri?ca-tion and Heating


DamowangWear-Resistantand Non-Stick

Frying Pan

Such a water purifier realizes in-stant heating, providing warm wa-ter in a second. It is equipped withspace technology & a swirlingcore and aerospace antibacterialfilter element, which can effec-tively remove 70 kinds of harmfulsubstances, with an antibacterialrate as high as 99.99%. The ser-vice life of the filter element canreach 1,000 days.

Such a pan is made with carboncrystallization chelating tech-nology, which ensures wear re-sistance and non-stickiness andmakes perfect stir-frying pansfor Chinese cooking habits. Italso has space technology & zincoxide antibacterial coating andtitanium ions, with an antibacte-rial rate as high as 99.99%.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2022

Joyoung Co., Ltd.0808Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Joyoung Charity Kitchen forthe Health of Rural Children


Joyoung regards "health" as its core pursuit. For more than a decade, it has paid close attention to the nutrition and health of ruralchildren in China, and actively ful?lled its social responsibilities. As early as 2010, Joyoung and China Youth Development Founda-tion jointly launched a public bene?t and poverty-alleviation project named "Joyoung Charity Kitchen". Over more than a decade,Joyoung has funded the construction of a total of 1,357 charity kitchens in accordance with the national food hygiene require-ments, providing teachers and students in underdeveloped rural areas a clean, healthy and safe dining environment and improv-ing the nutrition of rural children.

Direct output: the kitchen facilities and equipment improved, the kitchen operation optimized, the kitchen

work rate increased, and the energy consumption decreased.

Indirect output: the number of school meals increased, the structure of meals optimized, the cost of meals

decreased, and students' safe drinking behavior improved.

In 2020, with the establishment of Joyoung Foundation, Joyoung took a more active response to the national rural revitalization strat-egy, in the future, Joyoung and its founders will continue to invest no less than RMB 110 million to build no less than 1,000 more Joy-oung charity kitchens.

?●Kitchen design + supporting equipment, the comple-tion rate has above 93%.?●Disinfection cabinet, steamer, water puri?er, etc. theutilization rate of the main equipment has above 90%.

Kitchen Construction

?●100% of schools have set up food hygiene leading in-stitutions;


99.5% of schools have formulated accident handling

plans;?●94% of the project schools obtained health licenses.

Kitchen Operation

?●80% of schools have the ability to repair the damagedequipment;

?●60% of kitchen managers have participated in relevantequipment training;?●More than 70% of the equipment maintenance isguaranteed to be completed within 48 hours.

Equipment Maintenance

?●97% of schools have improved the efficiency of mealpreparation;?●The average production time of a meal has been short-ened by nearly 30 minutes ;

?●The disinfection frequency of the kitchen tableware in-creased from 7 times each week to 9 times each week.?●The fuel cost per capita was reduced by 18%.

E?ciency Improvement

The Joyoung Foundation plans to donate no less than RMB 110 million Yuan which will be used for funding the "Joyoung CharityKitchen project". The project plans to select 100 schools in rural areas across the country every year, and invest RMB 30,000-150,000Yuan in each school. Through the support of the design, re-innovation, equipment con?guration, personnel training, etc., a profes-sional, environmentally-friendly, e?cient and standardized kitchen will be built to enable a school to provide healthy meals to itsstudents and help them grow up healthily.

Our VisionOur Missions?●A nation will be strong only when its youngpeople are strong. May Chinese teenagersgrow up healthily and happily

?●Promote the construction of professional, e?cient, environmentally-friendly,electri?ed kitchens in rural schools?●Promote the establishment of a school meal mechanism offering balancednutritious meals in rural schools

?●Encourage children to eat healthily, cherish food, respect nature, and be grate-ful to societyThe vision and missions of Joyoung Charity Kitchen

As of the end of December 2022,the Company has funded the con-struction of1,357

Joyoungcharity kitchens, benefiting morethan500,000teachersand students every day;

In 2022, Joyoung made RMB


million Yuan do-nations to public bene?t projects,with its cumulative donationsto public benefit undertakingsreaching RMB


million Yuan.

Key PerformanceIn June 2022, Joyoung Charity Kitchens in ?ve schools in Jinxiuchuan area start-ed operation. As early as November 2021, Joyoung Foundation started conduct-ing in-depth investigations into the primary schools and kindergartens in theJinxiuchuan Dashuijing area. After understanding the real situation in the area, itchose to invest in Jinxiuchuan Dashuijing Primary School, Dashuijing Kindergar-ten, Jinxiuchuan Central Kindergarten, Xinanyu Primary School and JinxiuchuanMiddle School, o?ering them customized kitchen renovation plans and equip-ment con?guration programs and implementing the plans.At the ceremony celebrating the opening of the new kitchens, Huang Shuling,co-founder of Joyoung and co-initiator of Joyoung Foundation delivered aspeech. In the speech, she emphasized that Joyoung, as an enterprise advocat-ing a healthy lifestyle, shouldering social responsibility and caring for children,would follow up the operation of the Charity Kitchens, continuously pay atten-tion to and devote itself to public bene?t undertakings, and try its best to enablemore Chinese children to enjoy healthy, hygienic, reassuring and nutritiousschool meals.

Five Joyoung Charity Kitchens in Jinxiuchuan Area StartedOperation

The ceremony celebrating the opening of Joyoung Charity Kitchens in ?ve schools in

Jinxiuchuan area

Joyoung CharityKitchen RenovationModelThe old kitchen ofthe Baofeng Ele-mentary School inPingjiang County,Hunan Province (left)and the renovatedkitchen (right)

Joyoung Co., Ltd.1010Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Joyoung Food Education Workshopfor Nutrition and Health Education


Apart from helping poor Chinese children to eat healthily and get enough nutrition,Joyoung also pays attention to children's food-education. "Joyoung Food-EducationWorkshop" is a project aimed to improve such education, which tries to give every childthe ability to maintain lifelong health and enjoy a healthy life.Food-Education Workshop activities are carried out at educational places equippedwith certain kitchen appliances, offering nutrition and health education courses andembodying the learning-by-doing principle. They allow students to acquire knowledgeabout traditional food culture, health and nutrition, and develop good eating habitsthrough cooking training. They also help them to form sound personalities throughself-re?ection and interaction with others, society, and nature.In 2022, in response to the implementation of national policies such as "Healthy China"and "Labor Education", Joyoung Foundation and relevant schools explored a new mod-el for the sustainable development of food education projects. With Food-EducationWorkshops at the core, more courses and teaching aids were developed, and teamsof professional trainers were built. Joyoung Foundation has innovatively developed"space" food education courses, "A Journey to the Space Kitchen" and other activities toexplore the integration of the "three kitchens".

Joyoung funded the establish-ment of

Food-EducationWorkshops, increasing the totalnumber of its Food-Educationworkshops to

and of-fering its food-education cours-es to nearly190,000


In 2022

In December 2022, Joyoung Foun-dation released the "Space FoodEducation" themed curriculum,inspired by the development ofChina's space technology andJoyoung's knowledge of the spacekitchen (since 2013, Joyoung hassuccessfully developed hot-air heat-ing devices and water dispensers,securing astronauts to eat hot mealsand drink clean water, and reservemeals through IoT control APP), de-siring to aspire students' curiosity ofthe space and thinking about theirdaily food.

In November 2022, Joyoung andthe Joyoung Foundation jointlyheld a science popularizationactivity themed "A Journey to theSpace Kitchen", allowing studentsto not only experience the charmof modern technology, but alsoacquire basic knowledge aboutnutrition and the ability to main-tain health.

Joyoung Space-themed Food Education Curriculum

Science popularization activity themed "A Journey to the Space Kitchen"

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

In May 2022, Joyoung successfullymade into the list of the third batchof "National Food and Nutrition Edu-cation Demonstration Bases", whichwas issued by the State Food andNutrition Consultant Committee, andactively facilitated the implementa-tion of the "Outline of the Programfor Food and Nutrition Developmentin China" and "The Chinese NationalNutrition Plan of Action".It continuously enriched its foodeducation resources and leveragedits professional knowledge in foodpreparation, nutrition, and food uten-sils to systematically upgrade its foodeducation courses and educationalactivities, creating a total of 12 foodeducation courses to share knowl-edge of nutrition and encouragehealthy eating habits.

Joyoung's National Food Education Demonstration Base

Joyoung CharityFood-EducationCourses

Joyoung Food Education Workshop Classroom

ThemesKitchen WisdomCultural Heritage on Dining TablesCollision between Food and FireAgricultural Culture and Grains

Wise Choices of PlantsWater: the Source of LifeA War Caused by a LeafChinese Drinks with a Long HistoryDumplings for the Chinese New YearGreen Rice Balls During Tomb Sweeping DayRice Dumpling Wrapping in the Dragon Boat FestivalMooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival

In 2022, the PRC Ministry of Education put forward new curriculum standards,emphasizing the importance of labor education and including food educationcontents such as those about cooking, nutrition, and agricultural activities. Thatis to say, the curriculum of Chinese compulsory education should include "foodeducation" courses such as those about cooking.Joyoung's upgraded Food-Education Workshop project is perfectly in harmonywith such new requirements. In 2022, Joyoung o?ered "classroom design + teach-ing aids + food education curriculum + teaching empowerment" support throughits Food and Education Workshop project to schools, helping them to quicklymeet the food education standards for teaching places, courses, teaching aids,and teacher teams.In addition, Joyoung has innovatively developed a "3 + X dynamic food educationcurriculum" which involves basic courses at three di?erent levels, namely foodcognition and basic cooking skills, food selection and creative cooking, and fooddesign and meal planning, and thematic courses that allow students to chooseaccording to their own preferences and involve knowledge teaching based on theintegration of disciplines, regional food cultures, and other hot topics.The relevant teaching PPT, lesson plans, videos, teaching aids, etc. are o?ered tothe school for free, so that each student can have the chance to receive formaland systematic food education. Such e?orts facilitate the implementation of thenew curriculum standards and the policy of labor education.

Labor Education Through Joyoung Food-Education Workshopin Accordance with New Curriculum Standards

Joyoung Food-Education Workshop ClassroomOn-the-spot teaching of Joyoung Food-Education Workshop

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Joyoung is a modernized company dedicated to the R&D, production, and sales ofsmall household appliances. In 1994, Joyoung invented the world's first soy milkmaker. Over the past 29 years, Joyoung, as a leading brand of quality small homeappliances, has been adhering to the core DNA of health and innovation, compre-hensively promoting digital transformation, keeping being user-centered and de-mand-oriented, and grasping the dual-engine of products and channels. Joyoung hasbeen proactively ful?lling its social responsibilities. In the past ten years, it has visited27 provinces and regions and built 1,357 Joyoung Charity Kitchens, bene?ting overhalf a million people each day. In 2020, the "Joyoung Foundation" was established,opening a new chapter of Joyoung's good cause.The Company highlights its brand concept of "enjoying health" and refreshes itsbrand by catering to the needs of the younger generation through its self-developedinnovative intelligent technologies. At present, Joyoung mainly covers products suchas soybean milk makers, high speed blenders, rice cookers, air fryers, cookware, wa-ter puri?ers, electric steamers, water boiling kettles, noodle makers, etc., and some ofits core products continuously outshine their counterparts on the market.

Company Pro?le

About Joyoung

Corporate Culture

Our Core Values






Respect and care for employees, help them to grow,

and recognize their contributionsBe proud of employees' achievements and progress, create a fairworking environment for them, and adhere to the people-orientedphilosophy.

Be a responsible enterprises and bene?t societyInsist on being responsible to users, employees, partners andshareholders, and require employees to be sincere, pragmatic andfaithful to their promises.

Encourage teamwork

Encourage employees to consciously integrate into theteam, rely on their team to achieve personal development,and develop an ability and habit of communicating and co-operating with their team.

Choose health undertakings and make health

productsRegard health as the core quality of our business; pursuesimplicity, e?ciency and standardization, provide employ-ees with a healthy platform.

Become a respected national brand representing self-developed innovation anda healthy lifestyleOur Vision

Joyoung starts from the wish of o?ering a cup of good soybean milk and now itactively advocates a healthy eating plan for all our people. For years, Joyoungstrives to provide unparalleled high-quality products and services, promote ahealthy and quality lifestyle, spread Chinese food culture, and enable our peo-ple to enjoy a better and healthier life.

Our Brand Mission

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Joyoung invented the world's ?rstsoy milk maker. The companystarted the business path with acup of soy milk. Joyoung has madeit easy for thousands of families todrink homemade cooked soy milk,creating an industry and a brand.

Joyoung acquired 51% shares ofSharkNinja (China) and started thenew development model involvingnot only kitchen appliances butalso other household appliances.

Together with the Wentian mod-ule, the second Joyoung-made"Space Kitchen" was installed inChina's space station, o?ering ser-vices to more astronauts.

Joyoung was successfully listed onthe Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Joyoung achieved sales of RMB 10billion Yuan.

Joyoung's sales reached RMB 5.943billion Yuan and the Company gotits 100,000,000th soy milk makercustomer.

Together with the Tianhe core mod-ule, the ?rst Joyoung-made "SpaceKitchen" was installed in China'sspace station, o?ering healthy waterand meals for astronauts.

Company Events






2022(18th) China Household AppliancesInnovation Award "2022 Most InfluentialChinese Small Household Appliance Brand"

2022(18th) China Household Appliances In-novation Award "Product Innovation Award"

2022 Top 100 Most CompetitiveElectronic Information Enterprise

Top 100 Science & Technology En-terprise of China's Light Industry

Top 200 Enterprise of China LightIndustry

Bronze Award of The Gover-nor's Cup Shandong Indus-trial Design Competition2022 Red-Top Public Welfare Award


Joyoung Co., Ltd.

ESG ManagementJoyoung regards "health and innovation" as the essence of its brand and embodies the concept of healthy, green, and sustainable develop-ment in its enterprise management activities. By creating an environmentally-friendly and green environment for production and operationactivities, the Company constantly makes contributions to the response to global climate change and the achievement of dual carbon goals(the goal of reaching peak carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality). In addition, to ensure the healthy growth of teenagers, therealization of common prosperity of urban and rural areas, and the common development of enterprises and society, it keeps increasing itsinvestment in public bene?t projects that are aimed to improve the nutrition, health and education for teenagers and closely focuses on thecore needs of consolidating the results of poverty eradication and rural revitalization. Joyoung remains committed to working together withall stakeholders to build a sustainable industrial ecology and pursue sustainable development.Identi?cation of Substantive IssuesIn 2022, we identi?ed 15 substantive issues that have a great impact on ourselves and our stakeholders, including green product re-search and development, customer and consumer rights protection, intellectual property protection, intelligent manufacturing anddigitization, supply chain management, employee training and development, information security and privacy protection, resourceconservation and renewable resource utilization, green workplace, business ethics and anti-corruption, carbon emission reduction, thedevelopment of an environmental management system, technology research and development and innovation, product quality andsafety, and compliant operation. We will respond to these issues and disclose relevant information in this report.

?●Complaint operation?●Business ethics and anti-corruption


Intellectual property protection

?●Information security and privacy protection

?●Customer and consumer rights protection?●Intelligent manufacturing and digitization?●Supply chain management?●Employee training and development?●Technology research and development andinnovation?●Product quality and safety

?●Green product research and development?●Resource conservation and renewable re-source utilization?●Green workplace?●Carbon emission reduction?●The development of an environmentalmanagement system

Governance Responsibilities

Social Responsibilities

Environmental Responsibilities

Stakeholder CommunicationThe Company attaches great importance to communication and exchange with internal and external stakeholders. By ensuringsmooth and diversi?ed communication channels, and maintaining close contact with stakeholders, we gain a deeper understand-ing of the demands and expectations of all stakeholders, strive for trust and support from all parties, and continuously improve theCompany's ESG management work.

StakeholdersDemands and Expectations Communication and Response


?●Operational compliance?●Stable performance growth?●Protection of shareholders

?●Full disclosure of information

?●Investor Relations Management?●Anti-corruption


Operational compliance?●Improved risk management

?●Regular and temporary information disclosures?●Zero tolerance for corruption?●Smooth investor communication channelsGovernment andRegulatory Agencies

?●Operational compliance

?●Compliance with regulatory requirements?●Response to national development policies

?●Compliance with laws and regulations?●Acceptation of regulatory inspections

?●Regular and temporary information disclosure


?●High-quality products


After-sale services

?●Privacy protection

?●Innovative R&D design?●Responsible marketing?●High-quality and e?cient services?●Protection of customer privacy and security


?●Employment and rights protection?●Employee compensations and bene?ts?●Career development and training?●Employee safety and health?●Democratic communication

?●Protection of employee rights?●Transparent salary system?●Smooth promotion channels?●Sound democratic management?●Abundant care for employeesSuppliers

?●Supply Chain Management?●Honest and friendly cooperation

?●Sunshine procurement and responsible pro-curement

?●Supplier assessmentThe Industry

?●Innovative development

?●Participation in industry exchanges?●Industry-university-research cooperationThe Environment

?●Low-carbon operation?●Environmental action

?●Environmental management?●Green workplaceCommunities and the Public

?●Social welfare?●Rural revitalization

?●Public bene?t projects

?●Volunteer activities

Steady andSustainableDevelopmentGuaranteed bySound Governance

Joyoung continuously improves its corporategovernance capacity and strictly abides by laws,regulations and industry norms. It formulatesand implements sound internal governancemechanisms and e?cient management systems.It ensures smooth communication with investorsand conducts timely disclosure of informationto stakeholders. In addition, the Company alsoensures stable and sustainable developmentthrough improved risk prevention and internalcontrol measures, intellectual property protec-tion and information security management.

Our Philosophy

?●Corporate Governance and Information Disclosure?●Investor Relations Management?●Risk Management and Internal Control


Intellectual Property Protection

?●Information Security Management

Our Action

SDGs Benchmark

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Corporate Governance and Information Disclosure

To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company, shareholders and creditors, and regulate the organization andconduct of the Company, Joyoung strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations such as theCompany Law of the People's Re-public of China, Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, and theCode of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies,and has established the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the subordinate special committees, the board ofsupervisors and the management. In accordance with its actual development needs and requirements under regulatory authori-ties, it has established a multi-level management system based on the Articles of Association, which covers all aspects of its opera-tion, ensures the continuous optimization of the corporate governance structure and the standardized operation of the Company,and e?ectively safeguard the rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders.

Board of DirectorsThe Company, strictly in accordance with relevantprovisions and requirements of itsArticles of Associ-ation, Rules of Procedures for the Board of Directors

andWorking System

for Independent Directorsandas guided by the general meeting of shareholders,regulates the convention, holding and voting pro-cedures of the board of directors, and ensures thatthe directors can e?ectively exercise their powers. Allthe directors have worked strictly according to theregulations, attended the board of directors and thegeneral meeting of shareholders conscientiously,and performed their duties diligently.

The Company's board of directors consists of

directors and

independent directors, including

female directorsIn 2022, the Company held a total of

board meetings

As of the end of 2022

Board of Supervisors

The Company elects supervisors strictly accord-ing to relevant regulations such as itsArticlesof AssociationandRules of Procedures for theBoard of Supervisors, and supervises the perfor-mance of the duties by the directors and seniorofficers by formulating therules regarding theprocedures of the board of supervisors.

The board of supervisors of the Company consists of

supervisorsIn 2022, the Company held a total of

meetings ofthe board of supervisors

As of the end of 2022

General Meeting of ShareholdersThe Company regulates the convention, holdingand voting procedures of the general meeting ofshareholders strictly according to provisions andrequirements of itsArticles of Association andRules of Procedures for the General Meeting andCode of Conduct for Controlling Shareholdersand Actual Controllers, treats all shareholdersequally, and e?ectively guarantees the rights andinterests of small and medium shareholders.

The Company held a total of

general meetings of shareholdersIn 2022

Investor Relations Management

Risk Management and Internal Control

Joyoung keeps close communication with investors, keeps abreast of the expectations and requirements of the investors for the Company,and fully safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of the investors, especially small and medium investors. The Company providesabundant and convenient communication channels, communicates with the investors in good faith in a number of aspects through the"Hudongyi" platform (http://irm.cninfo.com.cn/) of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, our annual report online presentation, the investor relationsinteractive platform of Panorama Web (https://www.p5w.net), online and o?ine exchange meetings with analysts, investors' on-site re-search activities, institutional investors' reverse roadshows and other means, to establish and maintain good investor relations.

Joyoung attaches much importance to internal control and risk management, constructs a risk map framework to set up threelines of defense for risk management according to each organizational structure, formulates internal regulations such asInternalAudit Control Procedures, Risks and Opportunities Control Procedures and Emergency Preparation and Response Control Proce-dures and runs risk training courses, to standardize the risk management and control procedures.

Information DisclosureThe Company conscientiously ful?lls its informationdisclosure obligation, and disclose corporate infor-mation through the media designated by the ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission and cninf (http://www.cninfo.com.cn/new/index) in a timely, true,accurate, complete and fair manner strictly accord-ing to relevant laws and regulations such as theSe-curities Law of the People's Republic of Chinaandthe Information Disclosure Management System.

The Company issued

announcements to the publicIn 2022

The Company released a total of

investor records and answered

questions from the interactive platform

In 2022

?●Strategy formulation andexecution review

?●Internal control environment

?●External environment

?●Planning?●Monitoring execution

?●Product lifecycle management?●Channel management?●Operation management?●Basic R&D management

?●IT system security and busi-ness project managementStrategicLayer




Organizational structure of internal control responsibility

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Intellectual Property Protection

Information Security Management

Joyoung focuses on the quality of innovations and the protec-tion of patents. As stipulated by theTrademark Law of the Peo-ple's Republic of China, thePatent Law of the People's Republicof Chinaand other laws and regulations, it has established acomplete system for patent risk control and trademark protec-tion, given patent protection for its core products, and carriedout patent monitoring analysis and patent infringement investi-gation on competing products on a regular basis. Furthermore,Joyoung's patent administrators have organized patent trainingas needed by technical personnel in R&D, contract technolo-gy, industrial engineering and other sectors, to improve theirawareness of intellectual property protection and enhance theirpatent writing and retrieval capabilities; in addition, the internalIntellectual Property Management RulesandOutstanding PatentReward Ruleshave been formulated, for rewarding authorizedpatent inventors, and encouraging technicians to actively dis-cover patentable points in their design and improvement work.

The Company adopts multiple data backup methods to ensure the reliability and integrity of its data backup, including real-timebackup of important data, regular backup system, and backup data stored in multiple locations. The Company also regularlychecks backup data to ensure that it can be quickly restored when needed. In addition, the Company has developed a professionaldata backup management team to supervise and ensure the implementation of the above-mentioned data backup methods andtimely deal with problems and anomalies in the backup process. These methods of the Company ensure high-standard, high-qual-ity data backup, which provides a reliable guarantee for its information security and sustainable and stable development.

Based on the philosophy of "reducing information risks and en-suring stable development of the Company's business", Joyoungnever slackens its e?ort to ensure information security. To createa safe network environment, it has formulated multiple internalregulations such asOnline Management Rules on Information Sys-tem, Joyoung Information Security Policy, Rules on InformationSecurity Incidents Management, andRules on Personal Informa-tion Protection Management. It keeps improving its data securitymanagement system and fully implements information securityprotection measures.To ensure the security and confidentiality of its information, theCompany strengthens the information security awareness of itsemployees through thematic training. To this end, it regularly or-ganizes employee information security training whose contentsinclude but not limited to the risk of data leakage, the charac-teristics of network attacks and relevant preventive measures,password setting methods, the Company's con?dentiality policies,etc. Through such training, the Company improves the informa-tion security literacy and skills of its employees and helps them tobetter understand the importance of information security avoidaccidental information leakage and other risks, which helps to im-prove the Company's information security work and its stable andsustainable development.

The Company acquired1,797 new patentsThe total number of its patents reaching11,648

In 2022

Information securityeducation and training

Business Ethics and Anti-FraudJoyoung attaches much importance to the improvement of its anti-corruption mechanism. It has formulated a series of internalregulations for this purpose such asAnti-fraud Management Rules, Auditing Supervision Management RulesandComplaint andSuggestion Management Rules and established various channels to accept complaints and suggestions from its employees, suppli-ers, distributors, consumers, etc. Through regular reviews of the implementation of business ethics, anti-corruption and anti-brib-ery rules, and training sessions on clean practice, it standardizes the professional conduct of its employees, highlights honesty anddedication, and prevents the occurrence of any damage to the interests of the Company and shareholders. These measures helpto strengthen the Company's internal management, improve corporate conduct and reputation, and lay a solid foundation for theCompany's sustainable development.

The Company issued

system-atic test reports

vulnerability scanning reportsincluding

server scans

application scans

In 2022

The Company hired a professional third-party organization to carry out an iOSapplication security test and application security vulnerability test for AixiachuAPP. During the testing process, the third-party organization conducted a com-prehensive in-depth scan of the application, discovered and reported poten-tial security vulnerabilities and risks, which helped the Company to strengthensecurity measures in a timely manner and ensured the security and stabilityof the application. The Company will continue to pay attention to the securityof the application and take e?ective measures in time to provide users with ahigh-quality, safe, and reliable application experience.

Safety Reinforcement of Joyoung Aixiachu APP by Hired Net-work Technology Experts

The Company hired a third party to reinforce its APP

The Company carried out

o?ine anti-corruption training sessions, covering more than


100% of its employees signed online to learn the integrity rules

articles about integrity such as Joyoung's Pursuit of Integrity were released through the WeChat o?cial account "Hon-est Joyoung"

In 2022

ProductResponsibilityand Innovation

Joyoung regards health and innovation as theessence of its brand and keeps making tech-nological breakthroughs to satisfy people'syearning for a better life. In 2022, the Compa-ny innovated its products and services aroundcustomers' new needs, advocated a healthylifestyle, and continuously improved qualityand customer experience, creating healthy,convenient and high-quality diet solutions forcustomers. In the meantime, the Companyadhered to responsible marketing strategiesto enhance mutual trust and good relation-ship with customers.

Our Philosophy


Innovation-Driven Development

?●Product Quality Assurance?●Customer Experience Optimization?●Responsible Marketing Strategies

Our Action

SDGs Benchmark

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Innovation-Driven DevelopmentJoyoung always insists on innova-tion-driven development. In 2022,the Company made a lot of beneficialexplorations: it renewed its incentivesystem of innovation, fueled its growththrough digital and intelligent transfor-mation, and stepped up its new materi-al research and development, facilitat-ing the application of sci-tech advances.It continuously improved customerexperience, satisfied customer needs,and improved the health and hygienestandards of products, constantly in-creasing its brand value.Innovation Incentive MechanismIn 2022, the Company continuously improved its innovation incentivemechanism such as itsInnovation Software Management Systemandused TRIZ (theory of the resolution of invention-related tasks) theoryand tools to continuously optimize its innovation platform and R&Dreview process. These e?orts helped R&D departments to analyze andsolve problems e?ciently and produce optimal innovation solutions,systematically solved technical problems in R&D work, and facilitatednew product development, product and process improvement, techni-cal research and intellectual property protection management.

The Company's total R&D investment reached RMB


million Yuan, a year-on-year growth of 9.2%.The total number of R&D personnel reached

, a year-on-year in-crease of

%, and accounting for


% of the total number ofemployees.

In 2022

First prize of the Zhejiang division of 2022 China

Innovation Methods Competition

The Company obtained1,797new patents and

new copyrights, the number of trademarks and word regis-trations held increased by

year-on-year, and the number of its software patents increased by

year-on-yearThe Company competed in the Zhejiang division of 2022 China Innovation Methods Competition, winning

?rst prize(selected for national competition),

third prizes, and

outstanding award

In 2022

Innovation Fueled by Digital and Intelligent CombinationIn 2022, the Company upgraded its products and services with digital and intelligent technologies such as IoT, voice recognitionand image recognition technologies, cloud computing, and intelligent sensing. These improvements further enhanced the qualityof the Company's products, bettering their functions, and optimizing the customer experience, injecting new energy for the Com-pany's long-term development and sustained growth.

TRIZ Innovation Management Mechanism

Leadership exercised by theCompany and tasks solved byBU personnel

Theoretical empowerment +project implementation + levelcerti?cation

Semi-annual and annual reviewsensuring efficient absorption,transformation, and application

TRIZ mechanism was applied inall projects and annual reviewsgave level-1 certification to 183employees, level-2 certi?cation to71 employees, and level-3 certi?-cation to 12 employees.Creativeideas of employees were encour-aged and some were turned intotop-selling products

Relevant personnel andorganizational structure

BU application mechanicsRegular level certi?cationAchievements in 2022

Joyoung works hard to create aninnovative atmosphere within itself.Apart from improving its innovationincentive mechanism, it regularlyholds innovation activities andcontests such as "Joyoung Innova-tion Day", "Tackling Key Problemsin Product Innovation", "ProductInnovation Contest", and "R&DCompetition" as a way of excavatinginnovation potentials of employees,continuously enhancing the en-dogenous growth incentives of theCompany, and facilitating the appli-cation of research results.

Regularly-Held Internal Product Innovation Contests Increasing the Company's Creativity

Joyoung Product Innovation Contest

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

?●The application of 4G LTE wireless technology signi?cantly improves customer experience (the suc-cess rate of connecting 83 % - > 99 %, the user connecting rate 32.3 % - > 62.6 %, and the softwareutilization rate 10.7 % - > 72.3 % ), and makes up for the intelligent connection requirements of theCompany's low-end products.

?●Intelligent Sensing Technology helps the Company to realize the centralization of service capabili-ties, optimize the IOT3.0 system, and streamline communication protocols (TLS encryption proto-col technology). The adoption of message-driven model and micro-service architecture expandsand improves the load capacity and security.

?●The combination of natural language processing technology and knowledge graphs supports therapid and deep understanding of massive product knowledge. Mobile-device voice recognitionrealizes human-machine dialogue without increasing hardware cost and the integration with theexisting IOT system through the disassembly, combination and forwarding of instructions issuedfrom the cloud. The accuracy rate of speech recognition is more than 95%, and the success rateof interaction is more than 85%. Personalized voice customization is realized, so that the machinecan respond in the user"s favorite voice and issue timely voice prompts, meeting the personalizedneeds of users.

?●The integration of visual navigation technology, and sensors such as gyroscopes, odometers, wallsensors, etc. actualizes real-time positioning, global planning, intelligent obstacle avoidance, auto-matic recharge, power-o? continuous scanning and other functions.

?●The application of the image recognition technology actualizes a comprehensive analysis andrapid processing of the scene: fast pruning and compression processing realized without harmingaccuracy or occupying extra memory and CPU resources for 4 scenes and 18 categories; dynamicmachine optimization, test set recognition rate reaching 97% and dynamic test recognition ratereaching > 90 %; intelligent partition realized, including low object detection and other functions.The research on 3D-TOF technology greatly improves the progress of obstacle detection (1cm) andmakes the sweeping robot more intelligent.?●In terms of industrial detection, industrial cameras are used to quickly check the cooking degreesof the potato strips for grade rankings. The replacement of manual labor has greatly improved theworking e?ciency by 8.5 times e?ciency and the accuracy rate by 10 times.


IntelligentSensing Tech-nology


Image Rec-


Voice Recogni-tion Technology

Innovation Fueled by Digital and Intelligent Combination

Results achieved through the innovation fueled by digital and intelligent combination

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Innovation in R&DIn 2022, the Company upgraded its existing products from the aspects of health, safety and quality through technology researchand development, and gained market advantages by spotting and meeting the needs of customers, making a contribution to theprogress of the entire industry.

In 2022, the Company's R&D team developed antibacterial protection materials for drinking water channels of drinking water dis-pensers in space stations. Our modi?ed zinc oxide antibacterial material has good antibacterial e?ect and durability, up to 99.99%antibacterial rate, and meets the antibacterial requirements for water distribution systems in space stations. The antibacterialfunction does not change the weight, appearance and performance of the original drinking water dispenser, while meeting therequirements of the astronauts' water hygiene and safety. We applied this technology to the home appliance and launched SpaceRexiaojing series products in 2022, creating high-quality home appliances made with cutting-edge technologies for the people.In addition, in 2022, the Company also carried out graphene materials research. This material can realize rapid heating, using only1/2 of the heating time realized by metal pipes. In the meantime, the material has a luminous function, which means that cookersmade with it often do not need to rely on light bulbs to realize the charcoal grilling e?ect. Products made with this material canachieve the goal of low-fat and healthy cooking, meeting the health needs of customers.

2022 Product Upgrading Through the Development and Application of Space Antibacterial Materialsand Graphene Materials

Product Quality AssuranceThe Company carries out a quality management strategy of one center, one chainand four key points, i.e. customer-centered, whole life cycle management as a chain,implementation of four core management and four excellences, adherence to thequality culture of continuous improvement, and realization of customer demand tocustomer satisfaction. The Company meets the ISO9001 quality management systemstandards and pays attention to the special requirements of customers. It adoptsprocess control, ensuring that all the standards are met and all requirements are sat-is?ed. It enhances its quality management system through written regulations anddocuments such as management manuals, procedure documents, and other institu-tions stipulated by o?cial documents. Such e?orts guarantee compliance with lawsand regulations and ensure customer satisfaction.

Joyoung Quality Management Philosophy

Joyoung acquired ISO Certi?cate 9001

for its quality management system.



Demand and riskmanagement

Development andveri?cation control

Assurance inmass-productionconsistency

Quality controlimprovement ofsuppliers

Product whole lifecycle management

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

?●Optimized test automation

?●Supplier-testing capability

?●Feasibility test of schemes

?●Excellent ability to adapt tonew products from suppliers

?●Management and control ofkey processes and dimensions

?●Assurance in mass-produc-tion consistency

?●Change management?●Selection of quality suppliers

?●Monthly report meetingof heads of department

?●Instant incentives?●1: 1 Conversation?●Quality organizationwith e?ciency improvedby 30%?●Product knowledgetraining

?●Identi?cation of cus-tomer needs and riskmanagement?●Early veri?cation in thedesign phase?●Early veri?cation of man-ufacturability?●Adaptation of the higheststandards in the industry

Our vision to maintain a

quality organization

carrying out management around customer needs and covering all links inproduct whole life cycle management;continuously providing products that exceed users' expectations;

helping employees to realize material rewards and gain a sense of accomplishment.

Excellent design quality

Excellent manufacturing quality

Excellent testing e?ciency

Excellent management

Covering all links in product whole life cycle management; striving for continuous improvement

The Four Strategies of Joyoung Quality ManagementProduct Control Process

Joyoung is committed to product innovation and optimization. It has established andregularly upgraded relevant internal control systems such as those stipulated byProductDevelopment IPD Process and GTM Process Management System, utilizing IPD + GTM pro-cedures to realize new product quality monitoring throughout the whole life cycle.In addition, with the implementation of QMS and other management systems, the Com-pany has begun its era of intelligent manufacturing management. It relies on digitalizedmanagement to realize high-quality production, exercises high-quality managementthroughout the whole life cycle of products, pays attention to process control in each link,and works hard to reduce product defect rate, improve pass rate and realize intelligentmanufacturing.

IPD procedure adopts a matrix-based organ-izational structure to supervise the operationof a project and realize quality monitoringthroughout the product development pro-cess. In the meantime, a technical expertcommittee (composed of senior experts ofthe Company and technical leaders of rele-vant departments) is established as a Com-pany-level technical authority to coordinaterelated work, provide technical support forproduct BU, realize R & D resource sharing,and ensure the implementation of technolo-gy-driven product strategy.

GTM procedure is interlocked with IPD pro-cedure of product development to ensurethat new products become popular onthe market. The process standardizes thewhole-process management of a productthroughout its product life cycle, improvesconcrete management and operation meth-ods, and builds a mechanism for the creationof billion-level-selling trending products.

The warranty-period repair ratedecreased by


%,compared with last year, thebad review rate decreased by


%and the quality accident ratedecreased by



In 2022

IPD procedureGTM procedure

Customer Experience Optimization

Joyoung focuses on building an after-sales service brand "Sunshine Service". It upholds "integrity, warmth, transparency, and hap-piness as its core service principle and practices "sunshine service and hearty service for 365 days". It is committed to building anomni-channel, excellent and high-e?ciency service system to meet various new needs of loyal customers and the other involvedproducts and channels. It provides satisfaction-oriented, ?exible customer services and value-added services with industry in-?uence as a way of satisfying the diversi?ed needs of customers and establishing its high-quality service reputation in the smallhousehold appliance industry.

ConvenientService Contacts

E?cient DemandResolution

?●Proactively embracenew demands for inter-connected services, andfacilitate users' consul-tation and complaintsin a multi-channel andmulti-mode manner

?●Through the advancedhuman-computer in-teraction and time-lim-ited closed-loop mech-anism, the e?ciency ofmeeting user needs isbetter than the indus-try average

Win-Win Customer


Featured Val-ue-added Services


?●Adhere to professionalservices, conduct timelyproduct and channeltransformations, meetcustomer needs, andachieve win-win coop-eration with customers.

?●Featured services withindustry influence in-cluding extended war-ranty periods, trade-in, five-free securityinspection, etc.

Excellent ServiceNetwork

Advanced ServiceDigitization

ProfessionalService Team

Powerful Supplyof Machine Acces-sories

?●The 2,000 stable pro-fessional outlets, uni-fied store image andsales-marketing inte-gration, making it No. 1in the industry

?●Vigorously promotingthe digitization of servic-es and online data appli-cations, and improvingthe efficiency of serviceprocesses by 50%.

?●4,000 professionalengineers, with an av-erage working age ofover 5 years, who havereceived correspondingpre-job training and aresubject to star-level as-sessment management

?●Systematic planning,reserve, distribution,and emergency mech-anisms ensure the bestaccessory supply ca-pacity in the industry.

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

The Company received

complaints about products and services. Its complaint handling rate was

%,and the satisfaction rate for its services, which was investigated through follow-up calls, was


%, outshining itscounterparts in the industry

In 2022

Customer Service Management

Joyoung Digital Service Platform





Sources ofservice dataLogin type

PC end

Data analysis

SatisfactionKey nodes

Complaint re-port submission

Quality dataCostPlatformsystem docking


CRMERPHotline system

External-WeChat com-merce and e-commerceplatforms











Storemanage-mentConsult-ing man-agement




Invento-ry man-agement


Distribu-tion man-agement






Insur-ance set-tlement

Accesso-ry settle-ment

Returningand re-placementsettlement

Assess-ment set-tlementCus-tomerdata


IOS endAndroid end

The Company formulates and regularly updates its internal management institutions such asProcess Speci?cation for Applicationand Revision of Featured Service Policies for Joyoung Products, Management Regulations on ‘Replacement Instead of Repair'Service, Management Regulations for Handling Quality Issues, Complaint Management Regulations, etc. It constantly improves itscustomer service management system and standardizes relevant service management procedures and regularly conducts the cus-tomer satisfaction survey to ensure professional, e?cient and satisfactory customer services.The Company implements full-link customer complaint management and includes the handling of all types of customer com-plaints including those about products and services into the management system. A customer complaint will be reported to rele-vant department(s) in time, and corresponding response will be made within 30 minutes of receiving the complaint report. Rele-vant complaint handling report will be submitted within 24 hours of making the response, allowing customer service sta? to makefollow-up phone call in time. As to the treatment of some special cases, they will be monitored in accordance with a special timemanagement system and usually involve the timely return and replacement of sold products. In addition, the Company realizesonline service by building a digital service platform that shares service information and integrates service functions.

Customer Service ChannelsThe Company has established a reliable, convenient and intelligent omni-channel customer service model, which involves o?-lineservice outlets, AI customer service robots that stand by 24 hours a day, "Sunshine Service" WeChat Applet, Call Center, profession-al VIP service personnel, and product experts. This full-coverage, high-quality service network is the best in the industry and pro-vides customers with high-quality services.

O?-line Joyoung service outlet

Joyoung runs 2,000 service outlets across China. These out-lets boast uniform store image and service standards, o?eringservices to customers in major cities, counties and towns ofthe country. Some core cities may be equipped with multipleoutlets. Assisted by JD Express for Repair, they o?er custom-ers best-quality service in di?erent areas.All the outlets are run by distributor after-sales + special salesintegration model, which ensures the stability of the servicenetwork, convenient services for customers, improved cus-tomer satisfaction, and a good brand reputation.

2000 Joyoung Service Outlets Across China Satisfying Customer Demand in Di?erent Areas

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Featured Value-Added ServicesTo safeguard customers' rights and interests, meet their differentiated needs, and continuously improve their satisfaction andbrand loyalty, Joyoung provides customers with diversi?ed value-added services, which are the best in the industry. In 2022, theCompany provided customers with both regular services and di?erentiated value-added services which included extended warran-ty periods for "replacement instead of repair" service, extended warranty periods for machine parts, and warranty services with awarranty period exceeding one year.

Featured Customer Services?●Strictly implementing the country's regulations on the return, replacement, maintenance of soldgoods allowing the return of sold products for quality reasons within 7 days, the replacement ofsold products for quality reasons within 15 days, and the free repair of old products for qualityreasons within 1 year (excluding products with "replacement instead of repair" service)

?●"Replacement instead of repair" service allowing the free replacement of a product with quality de-fects sold within 1 year and trade-in of an old product sold more than a year ago for a new one (5-yeardepreciation schedule)?●

Extra long warranty period for designated accessories, such as the 10-year free-replace period forY951 motors?●Designated product exceed 1-year free-repair period, such as the 3-year free-repair period for 40N7

Regular services

Value-added services

Local hotline400 hotlineStore serviceAfter-sales

service policies




















Surveyed servicesatisfaction rate in

recent years

Changes in satis-faction rate keyindicators in recentthree years

*Data source: data before 2018was offered by third-party sur-vey conducted at the requestof our market research depart-ment and that after 2018 wasprovided by our internal survey.


Featured Customer Services of Joyoung

Responsible Marketing StrategiesWhile actively pursuing sustainable development, the Company insists on responsible marketing. To better ful?ll its corporate so-cial responsibility, the Company cooperates with its sales channel partners to promote multi-dimensional responsible marketing,promising not to provide consumers with false or misleading information about products and services, building mutual trust withconsumers, and helping them to make sustainable choices.

Creating a Sound Marketing System

Marketing Communication Channels

To ensure that all its marketing activities do not run counter to its social and professional responsibilities and comply with thegenerally-accepted principle of fair competition and that all its sales channel partners are aware of the importance of standardiza-tion of marketing activities, the Company signed with its own distributors2022 Distribution Agreement, which legally ensures thestandardization of product publicity activities. Besides, the Company has formulated and implemented internal regulations suchas theDistributors Compliance Management SystemandDistributors Grading Management System, which ensures the manage-ment of distributors based on their grades and regular distributor training and encouraged these sales channel partners to providehigh-quality services and achieve high-quality development.

The Company embraces the "Internet+" trend while exploring business innovation paths and enterprise transformation methods,and creates a unique combination of online shopping malls and o?ine stores to meet the needs of di?erent customers.?●Further attention and investment will bepaid to social media platforms such as Tik-Tok, Xiaohongshu, Weibo, and WeChat.?●Joyoung has run different online flagshipstores and live broadcast rooms for di?erentproduct categories, channels and customergroups and relied on high-frequency, diver-si?ed, and multi-platform online live stream-ing activities to achieve rapid sales.?●The steady development of shelf e-com-merce business and the surging growth ofcontent e-commerce channels representedby the Tik-Tok have e?ectively enhanced theuse and purchase frequency of small kitchenappliances, conveying the gorgeous appear-ance, high-tech functions and good user ex-perience, among others of small householdappliances to consumers in a better way,and providing a more suitable carrier for thesynergistic development of the Company'sonline and o?ine business.

?●On the basis of the existing tens of thou-sands of sales outlets nationwide, Joyoungcontinuously improves and optimizesits offline sales network while exploringnew retail business models. It promotesthe construction of the space technologymodel store named Shopping Mall. Bycombining high-frequency, diversified,and multi-platform online live streamingactivities with o?ine experience and digitaloperation, it has realized O2O-integrationdevelopment and high-value conversionfor consumers and built a three-dimension-al and multi-level sales network coveringdi?erent consumer groups.Online channels

O?ine channels

Sales Channels

Shared Responsibilityand Win-WinCooperation

Joyoung actively integrates ESG conceptinto its procurement and supplier manage-ment, striving to promote the progress ofthe entire industrial chain. It has formulatedstrict procurement standards and suppliermanagement system, and incorporated intoits supplier selection standards the con-cepts related to sustainable development,such as environmental protection andcorporate social responsibility, which o?ersa fundamental guarantee for the quality ofthe Company's products. In addition, theCompany constantly strengthens cooper-ation and exchanges with universities andother enterprises in this industry, contin-uously improves its production efficiencyand research and innovation ability, and ac-tively promotes the integration and sharingof resources for win-win cooperation.

Our Philosophy


Supply Chain Responsibility Management

?●Common Progress of the Industry

?●Industry-University-Research Cooperation

Our Action

SDGs Benchmark

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Supply Chain Responsibility Management

In 2022, Joyoung renewed a series of institutions and mechanisms such asSupplier Management System Based on Grading, andSupplier Introduction Management System, Tendering and Bidding Management System,Mould Management System, StrategicSupplier Cooperation Agreement, etc., ensuring a scienti?c, fair and sustainable supplier management system. The Company ex-ercises process control over supplier selection and evaluation and works to ?nd and cultivate high-quality suppliers and standard-ize its supplier management mechanisms. Such e?orts ensure that the Company works with high-quality suppliers and acquireshigh-quality resources and helps to enhance the stability and competitiveness of the Company's supply chain.

Establishment of the mostcompetitive, influential, effi-cient and ?exible supply chainin the small household appli-ance industry of the world

Integration of resources, re-moval of BU boundaries, andestablishment of a billion-levelsuper supply chainDemand-oriented establish-ment of a reliable and scientif-ic production and marketingforecasting model

Supply chain manufacturabili-ty improvementIntroduction of cross-border3C / digital TOP resources toempower the supply chain

In 2022

% of the Company's core suppliers obtained ISO9001 quality management system certi?cationThe Company provided

times training, with a total training time of



Key points of supply chain management in 2002

Supplier Review

Supplier Introduction

The Company conducts an annual or monthly assessment of its suppliers through various methods and o?ers relevant incentives.It adjusts its procurement measures based on the assessment results: suppliers are rated with stars; the cooperation with the sup-pliers that fail to comply with relevant regulations and show little willingness to improve will be terminated; suppliers that show awillingness to improve will be encouraged.

The Company requires its suppliers to abide by the Supplier Code of Conduct and sign Integrity Cooperation Agreement withthem. In addition, it requires key suppliers such as machine suppliers to establish corresponding quality management systems inaccordance with ISO 9001, TS 16949 or 3C certi?cation to ensure that key suppliers have the laboratory resources and capabilitiesthat meet the relevant requirements.

Supplier AssessmentSupplier Rating

In 2022According to its supplier man-agement system, the Com-pany conducted reviews on


Supplier management measures

?●Suppliers who fail to pass the as-sessment will be excluded in theannual list of excellent supplies,disqualified for bidding for acertain period, or even removedfrom the list of suppliers.

?●Suppliers will be rated with starsand divided into four groups:

five-star suppliers, four-starsuppliers, three-star suppliers,and low-score suppliers. Low-score suppliers will be requiredfor improvement and excellentsuppliers will enjoy certain pref-erential policies.

ESG Risk Management

?●The Company requires suppliers to abide bytheSupplier Code of Conduct formulated byJS Global Lifestyleand strictly comply withapplicable national and local laws and regula-tions to ensure a reliable and responsible

Procurement Integrity Management?●The Company has incorporated clauses ofIntegrity Cooperation Agreementinto thepurchase and sale contracts it signed with itssuppliers.

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

The 2022 World Manufacturing Convention, jointly held by the PRC Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and theShandong Provincial People's Government, kicked o? in Jinan City, Shandong Province, in August, 2022. Around the theme "NewParadigm, New Momentum, and New Ecology", the Convention focused on high-quality development and discussed frontier is-sues regarding the development of advanced manufacturing industry, o?ering a high-end cooperation and exchange platform forinternational cooperation in the manufacturing industry. As a key enterprise of intelligent manufacturing in Jinan City, Joyoungparticipated in the Convention, exhibiting its Space Science and Technology Series small household appliances.

Seeking Common Progress Through the Participation in 2022 World Manufacturing Convention

The 2022 World Manufacturing ConventionJoyoung Space Science and Technology Series

Common Progress of the IndustryAt present, we are faced with a great historical opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industryand high-quality development. Therefore, Joyoung works to strengthen its ties with upstream and downstream enterprises in theindustrial chain, promote pragmatic cooperation, and advocate innovation-driven integration and empowerment. Such e?ortsshare with the industry Joyoung's strength in technical research and development and experience in product quality and manu-facturing management and express its value of "Health and Innovation".

Supplier Communication

The Company regards communicationwith suppliers as an important meansof supplier management. It achievese?cient supplier management throughoffline cooperation and online datasharing with its suppliers, providing asolid guarantee for win-win coopera-tion. In addition, the Company organiz-es the supplier conference and trainingevery year to pass on its strategies to itssuppliers and summarize the previousachievements and look into the futuretogether with them. Such activitiesstrengthen cooperation con?dence andpromote the healthy and sustainabledevelopment of the supplier system.

Suppliers' Training

Skills training

Social respon-sibility training

Environmental training

?●Quality control, ordermanagement, logisticssystem operation

?●Energy use, climate change,water use, biodiversity, and en-vironmental problems

?●Anti-discrimination,anti-harassment, pro-hibition of child labor,anti-forced labor, pursuitof health and safety,anti-corruption, and faircompetition

2022 industry-university-research cooperation activities

Industry-University-Research CooperationThe Company has been keeping close contact and interaction with scienti?c research institutions in universities for many years. Onthe basis of establishing practice bases, more cooperation that is bene?cial to students, universities and enterprises has been car-ried out. Guided by the principle of "conducting multi-level, multi-channel, multi-form cooperation and achieving practical results",the involved parties give full play to their strengths, learn from and cooperate with one another, and work together to deepen theindustry-university-research cooperation.

Industry-university-research cooperation bases

Cooperation with UniversitiesCooperation with EnterprisesCooperation with Research Institutes?●Tsinghua University, ZhejiangUniversity, Fudan University,Southeast University, China Agri-cultural University, Jiangnan Uni-versity, Zhejiang Sci-Tech Univer-sity, Hangzhou Dianzi University,Zhejiang Gongshang University,China Jiliang University

?●Zhejiang Fangyuan TestGroup

?●Ningbo Institute of MaterialsTechnology & Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Physics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences; China Elec-tronics Standardization Institute;Zhejiang Sci-tech Information Re-search Institute Sci-tech NoveltyRetrieval (Evaluation) Center

EmployeeEmpowermentand Joint Growth

Since its establishment, Joyoung has ad-hered to such beliefs: employees are themain force of enterprise development;the excellent employee managementsystem underpins the steady operationand development of the Company. Joy-oung seeks to progress together with itsemployees and strives to provide themwith multiple career choices, equality atthe workplace, and guaranteed rightsand interests.

Our Philosophy

?●Recruiting Compliance

?● Employee Development

?● Safety and Health?● Employee Care

Our Action

SDGs Benchmark

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Recruiting ComplianceEmployee Rights and InterestsThe Company strictly abides by Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China

and other relevant laws and regulations. It proactively responds to the government's call and gives priority to stabilizing employ-ment and ensuring people's livelihood. It recognizes and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of employees: it prohibitschildren labor according to laws; it ensures that men and women in the same workplace are given equal pay for equal work andthat the legitimate rights and interests of female employees are guaranteed; it works hard to create a diversi?ed, fair and just work-ing environment, eliminating workplace discrimination based on religion, gender, age, mental or physical disability, etc.

The Company has a total of2,832employees, including

physically challenged employees.All (

%) the Company's employees are contract employees hired in accordance with relevant laws and regulations

As of the end of 2022

2022 Joyoung Employee Figures

By Gender

By Educational Background

By Age

By the Division of Labor


40-4929 and below








Sales sta?TechniciansProduction sta?Administrative sta?Other man-

agement sta?Financial sta?Other professional sta?









Master degree and aboveCollege degree

Bachelor degreeSpecialized secondaryschool and high schoolBelow specialized secondary school





Fair Recruitment

Compensations and Bene?ts

To give back to employees for their e?orts and contributions, the Company provides a market-competitive, performance-based paymentsystem and bene?ts system, giving employees basic salaries, bonuses, subsidies, and bene?ts. In order to standardize the managementof bene?ts and ensure bene?ts of the employees, the Company has formulatedBene?ts Management Rules,Supplementary Provisionson Bene?ts Management Rulesand other rules and regularly optimized relevant mechanisms. Apart from giving employees basic bene?tsstipulated by laws, the Company provides employees with special bene?ts in medical treatment, food, housing, transportation, etc., whichsigni?cantly enhanced the sense of belonging and happiness of employees. In 2022, Joyoung launched its ?rst employee stock ownershipplan (ESOP) to further improve its long-term incentive mechanism, fully mobilize the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of the managersand employees, attract and retain outstanding talents, improve the cohesion of employees and the core competitiveness of the Company,and ensure the stable, healthy and sustainable development of the Company.

The Company recruits employees through multiple channels, includ-ing its official website and official WeChat account, third-party re-cruitment platforms, o?ine job fairs, campus recruitment activities,and employee referrals. Every year, we carry out campus recruitmentto attract outstanding talents from global universities, and train theminternally via J Project which includes internal executives as profes-sional mentors, creating an internal training mechanism. It ensuresan open, fair and impartial recruitment process by establishing andpracticing standardized recruitment measures and thus succeedsin continuously attracting high-caliber personnel for the Company'sdevelopment. All these e?orts made by Joyoung are in line with thegovernment's goal of stabilizing employment.

Joyoung's Recruitment Philosophy

It is the leaders' respon-sibility to ?nd and hirethe right employees.

Recruitment is for theCompany.Leaders shall stayopen-minded and lookfor talents who arebetter than themselves.

Seek common groundwhile reserving di?er-ences.

?●Six types of insurance and one fund (endowment insurance, unem-ployment insurance, employment injury insurance, maternity insur-ance, medical insurance, supplementary commercial insurance, andhousing provident fund).?●The legitimate right to leave (statutory holidays, sick leave, marriageleave, funeral leave, maternity leave for female employees, etc.).?●Physical examination for all employees.?●High-temperature subsidy.

?●Six types of care visits paid to employees on their special days and specialoccasions (birthday/marriage/maternity/illness/accident/funeral care).?●Education sponsorship given to an employee who acquires a higher de-gree or professional certi?cate.?● Bene?ts given for festivals and holidays.?● Allowance and susidies: meal subsidies or free lunch.?●Other bene?ts given to employees who have made outstanding contributions.

Basic bene?tsSpecial bene?ts

While committed to enterprise development, Joyoung keeps encouraging its employees to further their education and rewards thosewho have obtained corresponding degrees and professional certi?cates through its "Education Sponsorship Plan". Apart from that,the Company also tries its best to provide its employees with a new mode of on-the-job education and diversi?ed educational oppor-tunities through its platform, striving to develop a knowledge-based, highly-skilled and innovative industrial worker team.

Joyoung's "Education Sponsorship Plan" Encouraging Employees to Further Their Education

The Workers' Union of Joyoung introduces the Education Sponsorship Plan to employees

Employee bene?ts

Joyoung Co., Ltd.Democratic Management

Guided by the principle of "combining train-ing and practice on a result-oriented basis",Joyoung has gradually built its own trainingsystem. It has adopted an evaluation systemcovering competence appraisals and profes-sional behavior appraisals, and o?ered trainingfor employees at different levels and from dif-ferent departments through a complete systemthat consists of well-designed training courses,professional trainers, and an effective learningplatform. It has also kept improving its trainingsystem from ?ve aspects: requirements analysis,plan customization, curriculum development,training implementation, and e?ectiveness eval-uation. In addition, the Company has enhancedthe system by formulating and implementingtheNew Employee Training Management Rules,External Training Management Rules, and Inter-nal Training Management Rulesand developeda professional trainer team. It works arduouslyto ensure the satisfaction of training needs, theformulation and implementation of trainingplans, and the reasonable assessment of train-ing effect, which helps its employees to boosttheir career, creates a platform to realize theirability improvement and career development,and sees that the strategic goals of the Companyare achieved.

The Company has established systems and mechanisms for democratic management and communication and regularly convenes work-ers' conference to hear the employees' suggestions on major issues and decisions regarding the Company's operation and developmentand those about the interests of employees. To standardize the business process of the Company and ensure timely communication withemployees and timely response to their opinions and suggestions, the Company has formulated the Management Procedures for the Han-dling and Feedback of Opinions, Suggestions, Appeals and Feedback of Employees. Last year, 120 Joyoung employees attended the 2022Joyoung workers' conference and 2,450 Joyoung employees were represented by an independent workers' union and covered by collectivebargaining agreements (CBAs).In addition, the Company has built multiple communication channels to listen to employees' voices, including a hotline and a mailbox forcomplaints and suggestions, an o?ce network information platform, a WeChat public account for complaints and suggestions, the SOAplatform named the Voice of Customers, Joyoung Administration, and meetings of various departments at all levels.

The 5th Workers' Conference of JoyoungPresident's Mailbox

The training system of Joyoung

Values and attitudesappointment

Corporate culture

and institutions


Training organiza-tion structure




e?ective-ness evalu-



Platform support

The training system







Marketing skills trainingProduction skill trainingSelling skills training

Employee Development

Joyoung has established a training mechanism named SpecialTraining Camp for Potential Middle and Senior Managers. Thiscamp is presided over by the President of the Company, andthe trainers of the camp come from the senior management ofthe Company. Within the reporting period, a total of 51 Joyoungemployees participated in the Special Training Camp, whichalso included 10 associate members for each camp session.A session of Special Training Camp lasts for a year and helpsmembers to improve their management ability and strategicthinking in an all-round way by providing them with systematiccourses, case studies, and business operation practice. Duringthe camp, camp members have the chance to directly talk toand get guidance from the senior management of the Compa-ny and improve their own thinking, behavior and managementskills in such interaction. This camp helps the Company to dis-cover and cultivate excellent management professionals, whichprovides strong support for its future development.

Special Training Camp for Potential Middle and Senior Managers

Special Training Camp for Potential Middle and Senior Managers

Joyoung helps new managers to better adapt to their new lead-ership roles through Training Camp for New Managers. Eachsession of this camp usually lasts for 8 months and recruits 50members. The camp enables its members to understand andadapt to their management roles and through managementcase studies, helps them to improve their management skills inan all-round way and quickly accumulate practical experience.This camp turns its members from technicians into professionalmanagers by imparting management knowledge and skillsto them, improving their communication and coordinationability, and enhancing their understanding of the Company'sstrategies. By studying various management cases, the campmembers have a deeper understanding of the Company's man-agement philosophy and management methods and learn toapply them to their own work to constantly improve their ownmanagement ability.

Training Camp for New Managers

Training Camp for New Managers

The Company provided235,749.49hours of training for its sta?, each employee receiving an average of


hours of training.In 2022

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Joyoung utilizes TRIZ camp to enhance its innovation capacity and relevant mech-anisms. The camp is run by 11 professional trainers who provide comprehensiveguidance and support for camp members and major programs such as knowledgelearning program, BU practical training program, and TRIZ case study program,which are intended to improve camp members' innovation knowledge and skills.The knowledge learning program allows camp members to systematically learnthe basic TRIZ theory and practical skills and see how TRIZ tools are applied in dif-ferent scenarios in practice. The BU practical training program enables camp mem-bers to use TRIZ tools to solve practical problems in simulated cases and improvethe ability to solve practical problems. The TRIZ case study program shares typicalTRIZ cases with camp members, helping them to gain an in-depth understandingof the use and effect of TRIZ. In a word, employees can master TRIZ innovativetheory and tools through TRIZ camp, which provides strong support for the Com-pany's technological innovation and development.


TRIZ camp

Joyoung employeesacquired TRIZ Master Certi-fication (Level 1) and

obtained TRIZ Master Certi?-cation (Level 2).Up to now, a total of

Joyoung employees have ob-tained the level-1 TRIZ Mastercertification,

havegained the level-2 certifica-tion, and

have gottenthe level-3 certi?cation.

In 2022

Scouting for Future Trainers is conducted in OMO mode, providing Joyoung employees with a more ?exible and comprehen-sive learning experience by combining online and o?ine activities. So far, 40 courses have been created through this plan,covering various business ?elds and professional skills and providing diversi?ed learning resources for employees.As of 2022, 974 lectures have been given through this plan, o?ering 2,207.2 hours of learning resources. This plan enables em-ployees to grasp the company's business and development strategy, improve their professional skills and overall competence,which provides an internal source of energy for the Company's development.

Scouting for Future Trainers

Through on-site training and multi-mode interconnection training, the Company has 100% of its customer service sta?well trained, making sure that they all have passed a strict examination, acquired the relevant certi?cation, and masteredrelated skills. Apart from this, the Company provides a series of technical support, including "Niuge Tian Tian Jiang" We-Chat o?cial account and direct contact with engineers. These e?orts help the customer service team to quickly reply todi?cult questions raised by customers and continuously improve its services, professionalism and work e?ciency.

Service Skills Training and Assessment

Service Skills Training and Assessment

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Joyoung has been paying close attention to its employees' health and safety for all these years. It has established a sound andcomplete security risk management and control system, adopt e?ective safety management measures, and actively carried outworkplace safety management activities. It conducts regular safety inspections, safety assessments and safety emergency drills,and timely issues risk warnings and eliminates potential risks. The Company regularly organizes occupational health and safetytraining for employees, ensuring that they know how to respond correctly and quickly when emergencies occur. These e?orts helpto minimize safety risks and guarantee the safety and health of employees.

Occupational safety and health management system

The ISO45001occupationalhealth andsafety man-agement sys-tem certi?cate

?●Every year, the Company collects the laws, regulations, standards and other requirementsapplicable to its occupational health and safety management and lets corresponding pro-fessional departments review them and ?nd out the speci?c provisions applicable.

Laws, regu-lations andother require-ments

?●Every year, the Company requires each of its departments to identify and evaluate hazardsources in their own business activities (including in the involved products and relatedparties) and to formulate targeted preventive and corrective measures.Identi?cation of

hazard source



?●Every year, the Company formulates emergency response plans and organizes corre-sponding emergency drills to identify potential risks and reduce the occurrence of poten-tial risksPhysical exam-ination for pre-venting occupa-tional diseases

?●The Company requires workers exposed to occupational hazards to carry out pre-job,on-the-job, and after-job medical examinations for occupational disease every year, andkeeps relevant occupational health records.

Monitoring ofjob-related risk


?●The Company arranges annual occupational health examination for related posts withexposure to hazardous factors and sets up a su?cient number of eye-catching safety signsand instruction signs in relevant positions. It also equips relevant employees with nec-essary labor protection articles and sees that they use the protection article correctly atwork and replace them in time.

Safety and Health

As to the occupational health and safety management, the Company adheres to theprinciple of "pursuing people-oriented harmonious management, realizing risk reduc-tion, and guaranteeing safety and health". To protect employees' physical and mentalhealth, enhance employees' awareness of safe production, and ensure safe production,the Company has passed the ISO45001 occupational health and safety managementsystem certi?cation and formulated a series of internal regulations such as theEnviron-mental Factors and Hazardous Sources Control Procedures, Fire Management Rules,Safety Education and Training Management Rules, etc. It makes unremitting e?orts toconstantly enhance its occupational health and safety management.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

To e?ectively prevent all kinds of production safety accidents, the Company regularly conducts safety inspections for key areas and key riskpoints and ramps up its e?orts to investigate potential safety hazards. It works obviously to ensure smooth operation and safe production.

In 2022, the Company carried out monthly safety inspections according tothe requirements of relevant management systems and received the safetyinspections conducted by local government departments. Every month, thesafety o?cers of each department of the Company jointly conducted safetyinspections on the factory buildings, workshops, offices, and dormitorywarehouses in the industrial park and actively cooperated with the local ?rebrigade and community o?ce when these third parties carried out safetyinspections in the industrial park. These e?orts to regularly investigate andsolve potential safety hazards ensure production safety.

Standardized Safety Inspection of the Company

Safety inspection

To strengthen the management of hazardous chemicals and the emer-gency response to accidents caused by hazardous chemicals, the Com-pany regularly organizes relevant emergency drills. In 2022, the Companyhired professional emergency response personnel to guide its employeeson how to deal with emergencies such as hazardous chemical leakage,which signi?cantly improved the employees' emergency response abilityand safety awareness. By providing employees with training materialssuch asSafety Knowledge about Hazardous Chemicals and EmergencyResponse to Hazardous Chemicals, the Companyhas enabled its em-ployees to have basic knowledge about hazardous chemicals, their haz-ard levels, and relevant risk control methods and emergency responseprocesses, which has remarkably improved the employee's emergencyresponse ability.

Training and Emergency Drill Related to Hazardous Chemicals

Hazardous chemicals response training

Regarding the ?re protection work, the Company sticks to the principle of"prevention-oriented, combined with prevention and elimination", andworks hard to enhance its employees' awareness of ?re safety. For thesereasons and to check the feasibility of its ?re emergency plan, the Com-pany held the 2022 dormitory fire drill. The drill helped employees tomaster the use of ?re ?ghting equipment and improved the Company'soverall ?re safety management ability, creating a ?ne atmosphere whereeveryone participated in and paid attention to ?re safety work.

Fire Drill

Fire drill

Safety Inspection and Emergency Drills

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

The Company regularly organizes various safety education and training activities to improve its employees' awareness of safetyand their emergency responder skills, ensuring that they can work safely and scienti?cally and are able to manage all kinds of po-tential safety hazards in the work?ows. Through regular and standardized thematic training and education activities, the Companysees that every employee bears safe production in mind and strives to actualize safe production, safe work, and safe life.

In 2022, the Company offered employees training programs on occupationaldisease prevention and control, covering safety-related issues such as the prop-er use of chemicals, the safe way of using earplugs, and the safe operation ofequipment and system. These programs were aimed to improve employees'awareness and ability of occupational disease prevention, minimize the inci-dence of occupational diseases, and ensure employees' safety.

Training on Occupational Disease Prevention

Training attendee signature forms for safety

training programs in 2022.

Occupational health and safety management activities

Requiring employees to receive three-lev-el safety education and training and keep-ing relevant records.

Informing employees of possible occupa-tional hazards and supervise them usingprotective articles as required.O?ering employees to annual occupationalhealth examinations at the end of eachyear and requiring occupational health ex-amination before and after employment.

Organizing birthday parties, afternoontea and other stress- reducing recrea-tion activities for employees, helpingthem too to balance work and life.Offering courses to improve mentalhealth through "Xiaoyang School" plat-form to help employees alleviate theirpsychological distress.

Organizing staff symposiums regularlyto hear their opinions and give thempositive guidance.

Keeping occupational health monitoringrecords for employees in accordancewith theLaw of the People's Republic ofChina on the Prevention and Control ofOccupational Diseases and the Compa-ny's Measures for Prevention and Treat-ment of Occupational Diseases

Safety Education and Training

For single employees

For retired employeesFor employees in di?culty

For employee couplesThe Company heartfully ful?lls its dutyof caring for its employees. It discoversthe needs of employees in time and re-sponds e?ectively to them. It earnestlycarries out assistance and relief workfor needy employees. All these effortsincrease employees' sense of acquisi-tion, belonging and happiness.

In 2022, the Company established a dating platform forits employees, which was named "Meet Your Love Aroundthe Corner". This facilitated the communication amongsingle employees and creates a relaxed and happy atmos-phere, o?ering care and support for employees.

Blind Date Party "Meet Your Love Around the Corner"

To take better care of the lactating female employees, the Company offers"Mommy Cabin", which ensures a comfortable, quiet, and private nursing envi-ronment. Mommy Cabins have all kinds of supporting facilities including spa-cious nursing room, professional nursing equipment, and clean mother & babyproducts, provide convenience and support for female employees.

Catering to the Special Needs of Female Employees

Mommy Cabin

?●The Company helps singleemployees to start relation-ships by creating "JoyoungMatchmaker Award" andworking with the Worker's Un-ion to hold blind date parties.

?●The Company alleviates

housing pressure for em-

ploye couples by offering

them "Love Apartments".

?●The Company pays regular

visits to retired employees

who have worked with the

founders of the Company

?●The company offers helpto employees in difficulty,including their children,through assistance fundsfor employees in di?culty.

Employeecare poli-


"Meet YourLove Aroundthe Corner"

Employee Care

Low-CarbonDevelopmentfor Our Planet

Joyoung pursues green development: itstrictly regulates its environmental be-haviors, earnestly assumes its responsi-bility, and constantly enhances scienti?cand standardized environmental man-agement measures. Joyoung ensures alow-carbon workplace and regards greendevelopment as its basic developmentalprinciple. It incorporates the pursuit ofgreen development into its corporateculture and practices low-carbon work-ing, adopting a green development para-digm highlighting energy e?ciency, con-sumption reduction, emission reduction,and environmental protection.

Our Philosophy

?●Environmental management system?●Emphasis on energy efficiency andcarbon reduction

Our Action

SDGs Benchmark

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Environmental Management System

Emissions and Resources ManagementJoyoung regards green development as an important part of scienti?c development and understands it as a resource-saving andenvironment-friendly development paradigm. Up to now, the Company has already established a rigid waste management systemthrough the formulation and implementation of Solid Waste Management Rules, which requires each department to be responsi-ble for the generation, classi?cation, and collection of solid waste within itself. As to the disposal of hazardous wastes, the Compa-ny entrusts this task to quali?ed suppliers.

Kitchen appliances must ?rst satisfy consumers' need for health.With this in mind, Joyoung has successfully established itself asa positive, healthy, high-quality, and eco-friendly brand throughyears of hard work. Environmental problems caused by tradi-tional industries such as those involving wastewater and air andnoise pollution do not exist in the daily production and businessactivities of the Company. As to other energy-saving and emis-sion-reducing standards, the Company's performance alwaysmeets relevant national standards. In 2022, the Company did notget involved in any violation of environmental protection lawsand regulations or pollution accident disputes, and it did notreceive any administrative penalty for violating environmentalprotection laws and regulations.

Joyoung acquired ISOCerti?cate 14001 for itsenvironmental manage-ment system.

In July 2022, the PRC State Council In-formation O?ce highlighted the need ofpromoting green consumption of smarthousehold appliances and issuedMeas-ures to Promote the Green Consumptionof Smart Home Appliances. Joyoungresponded immediately and promotedtrade-in program across the country,encouraging consumers to trade in theirold household appliances, not necessar-ily Joyoung products, for discounts onnew Joyoung products. This helped topromote a scienti?c and reasonable atti-tude toward consumption and facilitat-ed the green and healthy developmentof the home appliance industry.In 2022, the Company's after-sales ser-vice outlets all over the country collect-ed about 160,000 used household ap-pliances through the trade-in program,and these used appliances were given tolocal professional recycling companiesfor proper disposal.

Trade-in Program Promoting Green Consumption of Smart Home Appliances

Trade in used home appliances for new products.


Total consumption ofpurchased electricity


Electricity Intensity

kWh/RMB 0'000 Yuanof revenues

11.3010.6612.43Electricity E?ciency

RMB 0'000 Yuanof revenues/kWh

Notes:1. Electricity intensity re?ects the electricity consumed per RMB10,000 Yuan of output value. The less electricity consumed per unit of outputvalue, the lower the electricity consumption intensity.

2. Electricity e?ciency re?ects the revenues per kWh. The greater the output value per unit of electricity consumption, the higher the electricity


Energy Consumption Statistics

IndicatorUnit202020212022Water ConsumptionMetric ton180,298188,844203,834Water ConsumptionIntensity

Metric ton/RMB 0'000of revenues E?ciency

RMB 0'000 of revenues/metric ton

6.235.584.99Notes:1. Water consumption intensity re?ects the water consumed per RMB10,000 Yuan of output value. The less water consumed per unit of outputvalue, the lower the water consumption intensity.

2. Water e?ciency re?ects the revenues per metric ton of water consumed. The greater the output value per unit of water consumption, the

higher the water e?ciency.

Water Consumption Statistics

The photovoltaic power generation equipment installed in Joyoung

factories and o?ces.

Utilization of Renewable EnergyJoyoung keeps seeking opportunities for utilizing renewableclean energy, in the hope of reducing the impact of its pro-duction and business activities on the environment and as aresponse to the global challenge of climate change. The Com-pany has equipped its factories and o?ces with photovoltaicpower generation equipment, which has greatly reduced theirdependence on purchased electricity and embodied the Com-pany's dedication to e?orts that address climate change andactualize China's dual carbon goals (the national goal of reach-ing peak carbon emissions before 2030 and that of achievingcarbon neutrality before 2060).

九阳光伏设备The photovoltaic power generation equipment installed in Joyoung factories and o?ces generated3,053,413

kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity, and Joyoung consumed only

% of the electricity, namely2,735,413

kWh, selling the remaining318,000kWh of electricity to the national power grid system.

In 2022

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Emphasis on Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction

Joyoung insists on green development and attaches great importance to environmental protection in the process of developing itself.It keeps enhancing its green e?orts such as green workplace, green procurement, and green logistics, making positive contributions tothe realization of sustainable development. The Company will continue to adhere to and thoroughly implement the concept of greendevelopment and continuously optimize its environmental management, facilitating the building of Beautiful China.Green WorkplaceIn 2022, the Company implemented environmental protection measures in all aspects of its daily operation, which involved infra-structure, daily o?ce work, garbage classi?cation, and resource conservation. It actively advocated green and low-carbon work-style and life-style and highlighted the importance of energy conservation and environmental protection. It optimized workingmethods and work?ows and promoted the use of the electronic o?ce platform, realizing electronic o?ce. These e?orts helped itsdigital transformation and reduced the pollution produced by the workplace, facilitating the achievement of China's dual carbongoals (the national goal of reaching peak carbon emissions before 2030 and of achieving carbon neutrality before 2060).

Green Workplace Management


Avoid using high-power electrical equipmentat workplace for non-work-related reasons.?●Printing double-sided and in black andwhite, and regarding electronic communica-tion and work?ows as the ?rst choice.

?●Reducing unnecessary newspaper subscrip-tions, and avoiding causing paper waste.

?●Sorting garbage into separate bins for recy-cling purposes at workplace.

?●Making the workplace as paperless as possi-ble and relying on communications throughinformation system to reduce printing.

Information System Development

?●Formulating besting settings for air condi-tioning.

?●Using energy-saving lighting equipment?●Phasing out the old non-water-saving waterpumps.?●Turning o? o?ce equipment such as com-puters during non-o?ce hours.

Resource Management Optimization Green Workplace Management

Green Procurement

Green Logistics

In 2022, the Company implemented green and low-carbon principles in procurement activities, taking into consideration the needsof environmental protection, resource conservation, safety, health, low-carbon development, and recycling. Therefore, it gave pri-ority to purchasing materials, products and services, which were energy-saving, water-saving, resource-saving, and eco-friendly.

To reduce the impact of logistics activities on the environment, the Company has always made full use of all kinds of logisticsresources, adopted advanced logistics technology, and scienti?cally arranged logistics activities such as transportation, storage,loading and unloading, handling, packaging, circulation, processing and distribution information. It worked together with AlibabaJD.com to explore a new mode of standardized transit warehouse, realizing a breakthrough in the network of warehousing anddistribution processing. Because of this, it has won honorary titles such as "Demonstration Enterprise for Logistics StandardizationPilot Project of Hangzhou City" and "Demonstration Enterprise for the Pilot Project of Modern Supply Chain System".

Green Procurement Measures

Measures aimed to realize green logistics.

Strictly implementing prescribedstandards and procurement require-ments when purchasing o?ce equip-ment, and improve the utilization rateof equipment.

Choosing green, eco-friendly andenergy-saving materials for both newand improved old products.Strengthening material managementincluding the management of productparts and auxiliary materials.

Purchasing wholesale, replacement,and other energy-saving products toreduce waste generation.

Overall cost reduction and e?ciency increase of warehousing and logistical systemImproving the space utilizationrate during transportation andthe utilization rate of warehouses.

Reducing the breakage rateof packaging in the logisticsprocess

Packing size matchingThickened packingUniversal packagingEliminating outsourcing

Love for People andCharity for PublicBene?t

In 2022, Joyoung enthusiastically re-sponded to China's rural vitalization strat-egy by running a series of public benefitprojects such as Joyoung charity kitchen,food education workshop and educationsponsorship programs, which were aimedto improve the nutrition and health of ru-ral children. As we keep increasing our in-vestment in them, these projects are ben-e?ting a growing number of people. Apartfrom that, we also highlight the spirit ofvolunteerism and call on our employeesto actively participate in voluntary servic-es. In this process of making contributionsto society, a harmonious relationship be-tween our Company and our communitiesis created and maintained.

Our Philosophy


Public benefit activities facilitatingrural revitalization

Our Action

SDGs Benchmark

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Since its inception, Joyoung has stayed committed to ful?lling its social responsibility. It works hard to bene?t society and carriesforward the spirit of charity by supporting charitable causes such as education, health, and rural revitalization. With the purpose of"uniting the power of kindness and creating a healthy and better life", the Company and its founders donated and established Joy-oung Foundation. Over the years, it has constantly improved the management and decision-making mechanism of the Foundationin accordance with the 5A standards speci?ed in the Regulation on the Evaluation and Management of Domestic Social Organi-sations, which is issued by the PRC Ministry of Civil A?airs. Apart from making donations, the Foundation mainly runs charity pro-grams such as Joyoung Charity Kitchen and Food-Education Workshop to improve the self-development ability of poverty-strickenareas, These programs focus on boosting the development of communities especially those in rural areas of China, which facilitatethe implementation of China's rural revitalization strategy.

In 2022The total amount of public bene?t investment of the company reached RMB7,558,100Yuan, including a donation ofRMB7,308,100Yuan to public bene?t programs and RMB250,000 Yuan investment in communitiesA total of

employees of the Company participated in volunteer activities, o?ering3,155 hours of service (


hours per capita).The total times of employees involved in voluntary medical assistance services reached

, o?ering2,139hours ofservice (

hours per capita).

Name of AwardTime of AwardAwarding OrganizationProgram Award of the 7th Zhejiang Charity AwardSeptember 2022The People's Government of Zhejiang ProvinceOutstanding Organization in Making EducationDonations

September 2012

The CPC Committee of Wei County, Hebei ProvinceThe People's Government of Wei County, Hebei Province2022 Light Industry Corporate Social Responsi-bility Evaluation Grade 4A

November 2022China Light Industry Enterprise Management Association2022 Outstanding Organization Making Pover-ty-Alleviation E?orts to Designated Regions

December 2022

The O?ce of Guiding Poverty-Alleviation E?orts to Desig-nated Regions of the China National Intellectual PropertyAdministration (CNIPA)Transparency Index: 100 PointsDecember 2022China Foundation CenterBest Charity Partner of the Year December 2022 Zhejiang Foundation for Women and ChildrenBest Charity PartnerDecember 2022Wish1000 Foundation

Charity Awards

Public Benefit Activities Facilitating RuralRevitalization

2022 Outstanding Organiza-tion Making Poverty-Allevia-tion E?orts to Designated Re-gions, awarded by the O?ceof Guiding Poverty-AlleviationE?orts to Designated Regionsof the China National Intellec-tual Property Administration(CNIPA)

Thank-you Letter for the 1stFood-Education Contestfor Primary and Second-ary Schools of ZhejiangProvince, jointly issued byZhejiang CDC, ZhejiangInstitute of Nutrition, andZhejiang University.

Program Award of the 7thZhejiang Charity Award,awarded by the People'sGovernment of ZhejiangProvince.

Outstanding Organization inMaking Education Donations,awarded by the CPC Com-mittee of Wei County, HebeiProvince and the People'sGovernment of Wei County,Hebei Province.

Champion flag awarded byJiande Municipal EducationBureau.

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Joyoung Foundation worked with Zhejiang Women and Children's Foundation to run this program: "Living in the Sunshine -Helping Teenagers Dealing with Adversity". Through this program, the Company o?ered support for uncared-for children andorphans not in care facilities, providing funds to help them complete their education and go to colleges and universities.In 2022, more than 100 employees of the Company participated in a series of o?ine public bene?t activities intended to helpteenagers in adversity, such as "Making a Sun?ower", or made donations to troubled teenagers, helping 103 teenagers from the26 less-developed counties of Zhejiang province and the designated target areas of Joyoung Charity Kitchen in the province.

Living in the Sunshine - Helping Teenagers Dealing with Adversity

A photo taken at an o?ine activity ofMaking a Sun?ower.

In 2022, to welcome the convention of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and assist with medical institutions' bloodsupply, Joyoung organized a voluntary blood donation activity, and the cumulative amount of blood donated in the ac-tivity reached 20,350 ml. Many Joyoung employees responded enthusiastically and made their contribution, embodyingthe Company's pursuit of bringing good in?uence to society.

Voluntary Blood Donation Activity, Making Contributions to Society

A photo taken at our blood donation activity.

Joyoung Foundation worked with Zhejiang Foundation for Women and Children and Alibaba's Public Welfare Platform toinitiate this public bene?t program: Walking in Love. This program encouraged each participant to walk more than 10,000steps a day and donate steps to public bene?t projects through Tencent's public bene?t platform and WeChat sportsplatform. Joyoung donated RMB 1 Yuan for every 10,000 steps, and donated RMB 500,000 Yuan in total.In November 2022, 50 teams that consisted of Joyoung employees, veterans, and local residents including children gath-ered beside Xiang Lake of Hangzhou City for Walking in Love activity. All that day, they walked 7.6 kilometers together andstopped at two famous photogenic spots, showing their support for Joyoung Charity Kitchen and making their contribu-tion to the healthy growth of rural children.

Walking in Love

Photos taken at Walking in Love activity.

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Index of Indicators

ContentsSDGsGRI StandardsCASS-5.0

About the ReportG2-2,G2-3P1.1,P1.2,P1.3,G3.7Message From ChairmanG2-22P2.1,P2.2,A1Key PerformanceG2-14,G2-29G2.1,G3.2,G3.5,G3.6


Feature 1: Space Science andTechnology for Better Qualityof Life


Feature 2: Joyoung CharityKitchen for the Health of RuralChildren


Feature 3: Joyoung Food-Edu-cation Workshop for Nutritionand Health Education


About Joyoung

Company Pro?leG2-1,G2-6P4.1,P4.3Corporate CultureP4.2Company EventsHonorsESG ManagementG2-29,G3-1,G3-2G3.5,G3.6

Chapter ⅠSteady and SustainableDevelopment Guaran-teed by Sound Govern-ance

Corporate Governance andInformation Disclosure


G1.1,G1.2,G1.3,G1.10Investor Relations ManagementG2-29G3.6Risk Management and InternalControlIntellectual Property ProtectionG2-23,G2-24,G417-1Information Security ManagementS4.6Business Ethics and Anti-FraudG1.9Chapter ⅡProduct Responsibili-ty and Innovation

Innovation-Driven DevelopmentV2.1,V2.2,V2.4

Product Quality AssuranceS4.1

Customer Experience OptimizationS4.1,S4.7,S4.8Responsible Marketing StrategiesS4.3

ContentsSDGsGRI StandardsCASS-5.0

Chapter ⅢShared Responsibilityand Win-Win Cooperation

Supply Chain ResponsibilityManagement

S5.1,S5.3,S5.6Common Progress of theIndustryIndustry-University-ResearchCooperation

Chapter ⅣEmployee Empower-ment and Joint Growth

Recruiting Compliance



S1.6,S1.7,Employee DevelopmentG404-1,G404-2S2.2,S2.4Safety and Health



S3.6,S3.7Employee CareG401-2S1.10

Chapter ⅤLow-Carbon Develop-ment for Our Planet

Environmental ManagementSystem



0,E2.11,E2.12Emphasis on Energy E?ciencyand Carbon Reduction


Chapter ⅥLove for People andCharity for Public Bene?t

Public Bene?t Activities Facili-tating Rural Revitalization


Index of IndicatorsA4P1.1,P1.2,P1.3,G3.7Independent Assuranceand Statement of Opinion

G2-5A3P2.1,P2.2,A1Reader Feedback FormA5G2.1,G3.2,G3.5,G3.6

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Independent Assurance and Statementof OpinionInFaith Group (hereinafter referred to as "InFaith"), as entrusted by Joyoung Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Joyoung"), hasconducted independent limited assurance of the environmental, social and governance information and data disclosed in Joy-oung2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report (hereinafter referred to as ESG Report), and disclosed the assurance re-sult and conclusion to readers of Joyoung ESG Report in the form of independent assurance and statement of opinion.

1. All the assurance team members of InFaith have no business relationship with Joyoung that leads to con?icts of interest; The

team of InFaith has performed this assurance work independently.

2. The assurance team of InFaith consists of experienced ESG professionals in the industry. Relevant persons have received pro-

fessional training on the GRI Standards issued by the Global Reporting Initiative, AA1000AS v3, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 26000,SA 8000, EcoVadis global supply chain rating and other sustainability-related standards and have adequate understanding andpractical experience in relevant international principles, evaluation systems and assurance standards.

Independence and Capability

In order to gather evidence relevant to the formation of the conclusion, InFaith has done the following work:

1. Had interviews with the management team and employees of Joyoung, to understand the overall situation and relevant pro-

cesses of the ful?llment of its environmental, social and governance responsibilities.Assurance Process and Work

1. Joyoung management shall be fully held accountable for the preparation and content of the Report. It is the responsibility of InFaith

to conduct an assurance based on the scope as described herein, and to provide professional assurance opinions to the Report read-

ers and stakeholders.

2. Based on the assurance scope limits, InFaith shall, in accordance with AA1000AS v3, conduct independent limited assurance and

guarantee conclusion for the matters within the scope de?ned in the Joyoung ESG Report (Joyoung management shall be fully held

accountable for the preparation and content of the Report). In addition to providing independent assurance and making other state-

ments of opinion on the facts of assurance under the conclusion, InFaith will not assume any legal or other liabilities for any inquiries

for any other purposes, or for any other persons who read this Independent Assurance and Statement of Opinion.

3. If you have any questions about the contents contained herein or related matters, Joyoung will reply in a lump sum.

4. In the event of any con?ict or inconsistency between the Chinese version and the English version of this Independent Assurance and

Statement of Opinion, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Assurance Statement

InFaith adopts AA1000 v3 type-2 medium assurance level, which includes Joyoung's evaluation of the compliance situation anddegree of the four AA1000 v3 assurance principles, including inclusiveness, substantiality, responsiveness and impact.

Assurance Standard

1. The assurance scope is limited to the information and data of Joyoung and its a?liated companies covered by the ESG Report,

excluding the data and information of Joyoung's suppliers, contractors and other third parties.

2. InFaith adopts AA1000AS v3 type-2 medium assurance level to evaluate Joyoung's compliance nature and degree of the four as-

surance principles, including inclusiveness, substantiality, responsiveness and impact, as speci?ed in AA1000AS v3.

3. Joyoung and InFaith have reached an agreement to select speci?c performance information in the Report as part of the assur-

ance contents. The selected speci?c performance indicators are as follows:

?●Total consumption of purchased electricity

?●The water consumption?●Total number of employees?●Total length of training for employees?●Total amount of public bene?t investment?●Total number of employees participating in volunteer activities

Assurance Scope

The assurance process was carried out at the location within the scope of the Report.Because there is no internationally recognized and commonly used standard for the evaluation and measurement of non-?nancialinformation, the application of di?erent but acceptable information and measurement technologies may a?ect the comparabilitywith other institutions.


If you have any advice for this Independent Assurance and Statement of Opinion, you may contact:

Tel: 021-20740303Email: esg@infaith.com.cnAddress: 8F, 388 Fushan Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai

InFaith GroupShanghai, April 2023Tina Zhong, Managing Partnerof the Sustainable Development

Department of InFaith

1. According to the information provided by Joyoung and the sample test, there is no material misrepresentation in the ESG Report.

2. For the principles of inclusiveness, substantiality, responsiveness and impact included in AA1000AS v3, the detailed assurance con-

clusions are as follows:

Assurance Conclusions


According to the Report, Joyoung has taken important measures including continuously seeking the partici-pation of stakeholders in the business operation, understanding their expectations and concerns, communi-cating about and con?rming substantive issues in a timely manner, etc., to respond responsibly and strategi-cally to stakeholders related to the social responsibilities of the Company.Materiality

Joyoung has announced major topics that will have substantial in?uence and impact on the evaluation, deci-sion-making, actions and performance of the organization and its stakeholders, and judged and improved themanagement and performance of the issues.Responsiveness

Joyoung has developed and implemented relevant policies, and is able to respond to issues that concern thestakeholders in a timely manner.Impact

Joyoung has the adequate ability to identify substantive issues. It has implemented balanced and e?ectiveevaluation and disclosure methods, and has established a systematic process for monitoring, measurement,evaluation and management impact, so as to achieve more e?cient management of decision-making andresults within the organization, and demonstrate the impact of the substantive issues in an impartial and ob-jective manner.

3. Based on the procedures implemented and the evidence obtained by InFaith, we have found nothing that causes us to doubt

the reliability and quality of the speci?c performance indicators selected in the Joyoung ESG Report.

2. Veri?ed key developments and policy implementation of the relevant Joyoung's organizations and reviewed supporting evi-

dence for the claims made in the Report.

3. Through the interviews and the assurance of relevant documents, learned about Joyoung's main stakeholders and their expec-

tations and demands, the speci?c communication channels between both parties, and how Joyoung responds to their expecta-tions and demands.

4. Selected the relevant part of environmental, social and governance information in this Report, performed analytical assurance

procedures for such information, con?rmed the overall performance situation, and evaluated and veri?ed whether the contentsof the Report are complied with.

5. Veri?ed the process management of the principles of inclusiveness, substantiality, responsiveness and impact in the Company

Report and its related AA1000 to con?rm the appropriateness of this Statement.

6. Sampled inspection on supporting evidence of data reliability and quality of selected speci?c performance information.

7. Recalculated and veri?ed the selected speci?c performance information.

8. Performed other procedures that we deemed necessary.

Joyoung Co., Ltd.

Reader Feedback Form

Do you have any comments and suggestions on the fulfillment by Joyoung Co., Ltd. of its environmental, social andgovernance responsibilities and on this Report?


9. Do you think the contents in this Report are easy to read in terms of arrangement and layout?


10. Open Question

Dear reader,Delighted to make your acquaintance.Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the2022 Joyoung Co., Ltd. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)Report.To provide you as well as other stakeholders with more valuable information, and to facilitate the Company's progress inESG management, we sincerely look forward to your comments and suggestions.

1. What is your overall assessment of this Report?

Multiple-Choice Questions (Please tick ? where appropriate)

2. What is your assessment of the Report's response to and information disclosure about the concerns of stakeholders?

□ Poor□ Very Poor□Good□Very good□Average

□ Poor□ Very Poor□Good□Very good□Average

□ Poor□ Very Poor□Good□Very good□Average

□ Poor□ Very Poor□Good□Very good□Average

□ Poor□ Very Poor□Good□Very good□Average

□ Poor□ Very Poor□Good□Very good□Average

□ Poor□ Very Poor□Good□Very good□Average

□ Poor□ Very Poor□Good□Very good□Average

3. In your honest opinion, how well does Joyoung ful?ll its economic responsibility?

4. What is your assessment of Joyoung's ful?llment of its environmental responsibility?

5. In your opinion, how is Joyoung doing in terms of safety management?

6. How do you think Joyoung is doing in terms of employee responsibility?

7. What's your assessment of Joyoung's ful?llment of its community responsibility?

8. Are the information, indicators and data disclosed in the Report clear, accurate and complete?

Address: 760 Yinhai Street, Xiasha Street, QiantangjiangNew District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang ProvincePost Code: 310018Phone: 0571-81639093Website: www.joyoung.com

九阳股份有限公司Joyoung Co., Ltd.
