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三六零:2022年度环境、社会及管治(ESG)报告(英文版) 下载公告

About the ReportIn 2022, the social responsibility report of 360 Security Technology Inc. was officially renamed theEnvironmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report, disclosing the Company's work and achieve-ments in ESG in 2022.We guarantee the authenticity, objectivity and timeliness of the information in this report, and hope tostrengthen communication with stakeholders by releasing the ESG report, work together, sharewin-win results, and continuously promote the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Scope of organization: 360 Security Technology Inc. and its subsidiariesTime range: from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. To improve the complete-ness of the report, some data are beyond the above range.Release cycle: This report is an annual report, released once a yearThe data used in this report come from the Company and officially published docu-ments and reports.The financial data in this report are presented in RMB as thelocal currency of accounts. Any other will be specially stated.

This report refers to the Sustainable Development Reporting Standards issued byGlobal Reporting Initiative (GRI), Guidelines for the Preparation of Chinese Corpo-rate Social Responsibility Reports (CASS ESG 5.0) issued by the Chinese Academyof Social Sciences, and is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs).For the convenience of expression, in the report, 360 Security Technology Inc. (re-ferred to as "360", "Company", or "We").The subsidiaries involved in the report include:

"360 Technology" means "360 Security Technology Inc.""Qihoo 360" means "Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd"This report is available in simplified Chinese and English. In case of any discrepan-cy, the simplified Chinese version shall prevail.The electronic version of the report is available for download on the company'swebsite at https://www.360.cn/ and the Exchange website.


Report Scope



ReportTitle Description

ReportLanguageReportRelease Method

Topic: Seeing - DigitalSecurity to Empower theConstruction of Digital China

Chapter I Responsibility for Strong andRobust Governance

Chapter II Safety First andComprehensive Protection

Chapter III People-orientedHigh-quality Development

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)Content IndexReader Feedback Form

About 360

ESG Management

About the ReportPresident AddressOverviewAbout 360Development MilestonesAnnual Honors

Analysis of Substantive IssuesCommunications with Stakeholders

Welcome to the 20th National CongressLegal and Compliant OperationComprehensive Internal Control ManagementBusiness Ethics and Anti-CorruptionInvestor Relations Management

Data Security and Privacy ProtectionIntellectual Property ProtectionImprovement of User ServiceResponsible Supply Chain

Protect the Rights of EmployeesTalent Training and DevelopmentEmployee Welfare and CareCaring for Employee Health

360 Security Brain360 Security Capability Test and Verification Platform







Chapter IV: Mutual Benefit and Win-winProgress to Create a Better FutureGreen Operation ManagementCommitment to Social WelfareEmpower Industry Development











Progress GRIContent Index




President Address


China has become a pioneer in digital civilizationand a global leader in digital security.As advancedcyber threats continue to intensify and spread inthe digital era, digital security is increasinglyattracting attention as an important fundamentaland systematic guarantee for economic operationand social governance.I believe that businesses should also have threeviews as people do. 360’s three views are "futureview, world view and view of overall situation".Ascyber warfare has become the mainstreamconfrontation between big powers, 360, rooted inits own country, has developed a high-level abilityto serve the country in the process of serving usersfor nearly 20 years. It has established a series ofdigital security capability system and methodologywith "seeing" as the core, which has basicallysolved the problem of "unseen" cyber attacks fromother countries and broken the advantage of"one-way transparency" from the West.Up tonow,360 has independently captured 51 overseasstate-level hacker organizations (APT) thatlaunched attacks on China, capturing nearly 4,000attacks,accounting for 98% of all attacks capturedby the domestic industry, which is also far ahead inthe world.360 is formulating Chinese solutions inthe era of digital security in terms of modelexploration and practice.

Founder of 360 Group:

Zhou Hongyi

360 benefits from the times and also conforms to thetimes.In the past 20 years, 360 has continuouslyupgraded and improved its strategy from toC to toNand then to toB.In recent years, 360 has established anew strategic layout of "going up to the mountain anddown to the sea to help small and micro enterprises",committed to becoming an indomitable company.Going up to the mountain means going up to the highmountain of science and technology.I always believe thattechnology companies should serve the country throughscience and technology, support the country in breakingthrough the bottlenecks of digital space, and becomeguardians of an Internet leader.Great power comes withgreat responsibility. We need to constantly seizeopportunities and improve ourselves by going upthe high mountain of science and technology toenhance our scientific and technological innovationcapabilities and respond to national strategies.Amongdomestic technology companies, 360's independent R&Dinvestment has been at the forefrontCompared with thetop ten listed cybersecurity enterprises in China, the totalinvestment in research and development in 360 is equalto the sum of the other nine. 360 has become the digitalsecurity enterprise with the largest number ofpatents.Going down to the sea means going down to a digitalblue ocean.It requires us to give full play to ourprofound accumulation, take root in the digitalbattlefield, and use our scientific and technologicalcapabilities to empower all industries and becomebuilders of digital China.At present, the 360 digitalsecurity operation service system has beenimplemented in more than 20 large and medium-sizedcities across the country, covering four municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government and someprovincial capital cities, serving most of the topcustomers and more than 10,000 government andenterprise customers.Digital transformation is the key to helping micro,

small and medium-sized businesses.Through innovativeservice modes, 360 creates SaaS-based serviceecosystem and becomes the promoter of digital commonprosperity for micro, small and medium-sizedenterprises.Just as in the past, 360 provided freeantivirus services to provide basic security for thegeneral public. Now, 360 aims to provide basicsecurity assurance for micro, small and medium-sizedenterprises, promote the development of the realeconomy, and provide free security for the new era.In2022, 360 launched the Enterprise Security Cloud,which successfully helped 1 million micro, small andmedium-sized enterprises complete their digitaltransformation within one year. It was recognized bythe Ministry of Industry and Information Technology andselected as the "National Public Service DemonstrationPlatform for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" in2022.On this basis, 360 launched a SaaS store to create adigital SaaS ecosystem for small and medium-sizedenterprises.At the 2023 strategic conference ,360,together with the China Association of Small andMedium Enterprises, several industrial socialorganizations and dozens of digital enterprises,launched the Digital Development Alliance for Smalland Medium Enterprises, gathered ecological forces tobuild a digital service platform for small andmedium-sized enterprises to further help micro, smalland medium-sized enterprises achieve digital commonprosperity and bridge the digital divide.In the future, under the leadership of the CPC and thegovernment, 360 will continue to practice newdevelopment concepts, strive to be a model student ofprivate science and technology enterprises in the newera, adhere to the principle of serving the countrythrough science and technology, and adhere to themission of "going up to the mountain and down to thesea to help small and micro enterprises", contribute toan Internet power and digital China!

To facilitate the construction of digi-tal China with the mission of "goingup to the mountains and down to thesea to help small and micro enter-prises"









Progress GRIContent Index


2022 is the year when the 14th Five-Year Plan is fully implemented and the new development pattern isfully laid out.Faced with a complex cybersecurity environment, 360, as an Internet and security serviceprovider, relies on its practice and accumulation in the cybersecurity field over the past 20 years to build anew-era cybersecurity capability framework system to deal with new threats in the network by implement-ing a risk-oriented philosophy, taking "360 Security Brain" and security infrastructure as the underlyingarchitecture, security operation method, practical verification mechanism, security interoperability stan-dards and security expert team as operational elements, and is committed to building a firm barrier fornational digital security and providing strong support for the construction of an Internet leader.

Together towards the future, practicing sustainable developmentIn 2022, we deeply realized that Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) is the cornerstone of sustain-able enterprise development.Therefore, we continued to deepen the concept of sustainable developmentand formally renamed our social responsibility report to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)Report. We conducted communications with stakeholders and analysis of substantive ESG issues, andfully disclosed 360 sustainability actions and achievements to all stakeholders.Implementing digital security and contributing to digital China

In 2022, we continued to implement the general guideline of "going up to the mountain and down to thesea to help small and micro enterprises", adhered to the core business model of "Internet + security", took"seeing" as the core security concept, condensed the industry's unique advanced security threat counter-measures, proposed the "1+4" digital security framework model, strengthened R&D investment in "bottle-neck" technology breakthroughs, and continuously exported security capabilities to nations, governments,cities, enterprises and individuals.Improving corporate governance and operating in accordance with the law and regulationsIn 2022, we adhered to the principles of business ethics and integrity, stuck to the overall leadership of theParty, carried out comprehensive internal control and management, stepped up efforts to fight fraud andcorruption, constantly improved the IPR protection mechanism, and deeply promoted the management ofinvestor relations.

Highlighting user first and improving supply chain managementIn 2022, we made privacy and data security the highest priority for our users, ensuring that they were fullyprotected and respected, and improved service quality in time based on user feedback to ensure theimprovement of customer satisfaction. For the supply chain, we clarified our sunshine procurement policyand supplier management regulations, strengthened close communication and collaboration with suppli-ers, and built a responsible and sustainable supply chain.

Strengthening green operation and reducing environmental impactIn 2022, we promoted the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection in our operations,implemented rational utilization of resources, improved energy efficiency, reduced emissions, emphasizedgreen operation of data centers, improved energy efficiency levels of data centers, and actively respondedto the national "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goals.

Interpreting social responsibility and exploring harmonious and win-win situationsIn 2022, we focused on employment rights, providing a good working environment and health protectionfor our employees, and focusing on their career development and quality of work.We were committed tolove (grains of sand can be grouped together to form a pagoda by love), actively carrying out platformconstruction, public welfare publicity and charitable donations.We contributed to the progress of nationalsecurity standards and internationalization, carried out domestic and international exchanges and confer-ences, and promoted the benign development of the industry.360 will, as a cybersecurity operator in the digital era, continue to promote knowledge sharing and collab-orative defense in the industry through resource sharing and standard interoperability, and jointly build abig security ecosystem against the new normal network threats by building a security brain to protect thebig security era.











Progress GRIContent Index


360 Security Technology Inc. is a leading enterprise in the fields of cyber securityand Internet industry in China, as well as a pioneer of free Internet security. It hasdeveloped a massive lineup of security products and applications such as 360Security Guard, 360 Mobile Guard and 360 Security Browser, and has served awide range of users in the field of cyber security.After nearly two decades of con-tinuous development, the Company has established a new generation of securitycapability system with 360 Security Brain centered on 360 Security Brain to helpthe state, cities, industries and enterprises to enhance the ability to collaborativelydefend against high-end network threats and to protect the great security in thedigital age.360 is mainly engaged in the research and development of Internet securitytechnology as well as the design, development and operation of cyber securityproducts. Underpinned by its extensive Internet product user base, 360 con-ducts businesses such as Internet advertising and services, Internet val-ue-added services and intelligent hardware, and applies the core security

capabilities accumulated by these businesses to the fields of government andenterprise security and urban security.From toC to toN and then to toB, 360gives full play to its technological advantages, makes plans for "going up tothe mountain and down to the sea to help small and micro enterprises", andprovides a full range of solutions for the construction of digital economy, gov-ernment and society.360 has world-class vulnerability mining and offensive and defensive confron-tation capabilities. It has accumulated massive network-wide security big dataand nearly 10,000 original technologies and core technology invention pat-ents, creating a new generation of cyber security capability system with "secu-rity brain" as the core. 360 is committed to becoming a cyber security operatorin the new era with national-level technology capability, data scale and plan-ning capability.360 has found 51 overseas APT organizations such as CIA,OceanLotus, HangOver and Infy in total. With the capability of "identifying" thecyber-attacks and threats, 360 protects the national cyber security at the firstdefense line and safeguards the cyberspace security.

About 360

Digital Security Leader360 is the largest digital security enterprise in China, the world’s leading cyber security service provider, and theonly company in the digital security industry listed in Forbes Top 100 Chinese Digital Economy.Guardian of National Security

It has been engaged in security for 18 years, is the first to usher in the era of free antivirus, and has become amodel changer and leader in the cyber security industry.In 2017, the Company was based in the NationalEngineering Research Center for Big Data Collaborative Security Technology, which is the only national labora-tory constructed by private enterprises in 2017,was renamed "NERCBDS" in 2021 and has been included in thesequence list of national engineering research centers.

National Cyberspace Defender360 has found a total of 51 overseas APT organizations, and has captured the U.S. CIA/NSA’s network penetra-tion attacks on China for more than ten years, breaking the "single transparency" advantage of Western cyberpowers and defending cyberspace sovereignty.Digital China BuilderAs the only digital security case, 360 is included into the book dedicated to the National Day, "Building aManufacturing Power".





SandCatTwo-Tailed ScorpionSphinxGolden RatPat BearZooParkArmaRatStrongPity


CarbanakTurlaSandwormPoison NeedleAPT-C-34




Fancy BearWellMessGamaredon


East Europe

Korean Peninsula

East AsiaSouth Asia

Southeast Asia

Central AsiaMiddle EastNAFox










Progress GRIContent Index


First echelon of cyber security enterprisemarket in China

R&D investment of RMB3.3billion +

R&D investment close to the annualincome of domestic security vendorsEmploying 60% of China’s topnetwork professionalsMarket value of RMB100billion +


DevelopmentMilestones2005360 Group wasEstablished





















Progress GRIContent Index


The Company has implemented Urban Digital Security Basein more than 20 large-and medium-sized cities, covering fourmunicipalities directly under the central government and someprovincial capitals, and launched Enterprise Security Cloud tohelp MSMEs to achieve "common prosperity" in digitalization.

The Digital Security Capability Framework Ensures the FirstYear of Digital Security"Cloud Security Brain(”now the Network-wide Digital SecurityBrain) System Empowers Digital Transformation and Upgradingsystem Named a "Growth Supplier" by ForresterCreate an "International Standard" for Automobile Safety

Cut off the RDP High-risk VulnerabilityStormReleased 360 Government and EnterpriseSecurity Strategy 3.0Ranking First in the Microsoft MSRC Securi-ty Elite ListWon the "World Leading Internet Scienceand Technology Achievement" Award again

Renamed 360 Government and EnterpriseSecurity GroupBuilt a New Generation of Security CapabilityFrameworkHost the 8th ISC Internet Security Conference,the world’s first 10,000-person cloud summitmodel, setting a never-ending precedentThree Awards of "World Leading Internet Sci-ence and Technology Achievements"

360 Group A-share Listing360 Security Brain StrategicLayoutThe World’s First Capture of"Double Kill" Vulnerability APTAttackThe World’s First Discovery ofEOS Block Chain High-riskSecurity Vulnerability

Complete the 360 PrivatizationTransactionCompleted the Security Guaranteefor National Level Major Events

Hold a High-endSummit in the SecurityIndustry - ISC InternetSecurity Conference

Qihoo 360 is OfficiallyListed on the New YorkStock Exchange

The World’s First FreeAntivirus Model, Com-pletely Subverting theIndustry Pattern

The World’s First WannaCryRansomware Detection Tooland Self-help Guide

Established360 EnterpriseSecurity Group

In 2022, 360 transformed into a digital security company, exploring China’s solutions for digital security.360 climbshigh mountains and engages in blue ocean to help SMEs, practice social responsibility, demonstrate corporate respon-sibility, and be a "responsible and accountable" company.Annual Honors

"China’s Internet Industry Self-discipline Contribution andPublic Welfare" Award"Most Socially Responsible Enterprise of the Year" AwardEvery good deed counts.360 practicessocial responsibility and demonstrates itscorporate accountability through differentways of practice such as donation, publicwelfare promotion, technology empowermentand helping SMEs achieve commonprosperity.

Public welfare

Engagement in the blue ocean of thedigital industry. The Company iswilling to play a supporting role,actively committed to the blue oceanof industrial digitalization, serving thedigital transformation of governments,cities and traditional industries, andhelping the development of the realeconomy.Going down to the sea










Progress GRIContent Index


Beijing Industrial Internet Innovation Application ScenarioCase (360 Enterprise Security Cloud)"National SME Public Service Demonstration Platform"(360 Enterprise Security Cloud) of Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology

Top of the List of the World’s Most Powerful Artificial IntelligenceTop 1 Digital Cybersecurity for Chinese Government andEnterprisesExclusive Report and Disclosure of U.S. NSA Top CyberAttack WeaponIoT Demonstration Project of Ministry of Industry and Informa-tion Technology (360 Attack and Defense Platform)Annual Award of China National Vulnerability Database ofInformation SecurityTop 500 National Science and Technology InnovationExclusive Report and Disclosure of U.S. FoxAcid CyberAttack WeaponScience and Technology Award for Outstanding Contribution(360 Security Brain)Shortlisted in Forrester Report (the only domestic companycontinuously shortlisted)Presented at the Global Black Hat Conference (for nineconsecutive years)Cybersecurity Technical Support Unit of Beijing InternetInformation OfficeExclusive Report and Disclosure of U.S. NSA Cyber Attack on NTUFirst Members of Ad Hoc Working Group on Cyber Securityof Satellite InternetWorld’s Leading Scientific and Technological Achievementson Internet (three consecutive years)Security Brand Influence Award of the YearModel Case of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(Tianjin Smart City Digital Security Research Institute)China’s "Digital Model" for 2022 released by Xinhuanet"Outstanding Security Product of the Year" in Golden HatAward Host by RoarTalkOutstanding Practice Case of Data Security of the Year (360Enterprise Security Cloud)

Outstanding Case of IPv6 Scale Deployment and Application(360 Mobile Product)Highest Certification Standard for Software Password Module(360 Security Browser)List of Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Tasks of Ministryof Industry and Information TechnologyList of Shanghai Metaverse Top 20China Excellent Management Company (for three consecutiveyears)Top 500 Chinese BrandsForbes Top 100 Chinese Digital EconomyChina Automotive Intelligent Innovation Technology Award Top100 Private Enterprises in BeijingBenchmark Supplier in Four Innovation Fields of Digital Securi-ty (the only one in China)Top 500 Private Enterprises in R&D and Patents (both listed)Science and Technology Innovation Member of China ElectricityCouncilTop 10 Value Companies of 2022Top 500 New Economy Companies in China"Innovation Achievement Award" of China International DigitalEconomy Expo (360 Enterprise Security Cloud)Beijing SRDI EnterpriseBest Digital Security Company of the YearBenchmarking Case (360 Enterprise Security Cloud) of ChinaEnterprise-level SaaS Industry Research Report 2022Beijing Top 100 Enterprises of 2022 (also shortlisted in fourmajor lists)Metaverse Breakthrough Application of the Year (N World)Top 100 Leading Enterprises in Information Technology ApplicationInnovation Industry"People’s Craftsmanship Product Award" (360 EnterpriseSecurity Cloud) of People’s Daily OnlineMost Powerful Brand of the Year 2022

360 empowers the digital transforma-tion of MSMEs, and provides thebasic security capability of serving thecountry to MSMEs free of chargethrough the SaaS mode, bridging thedigital divide and realizing digitalcommon prosperity.

Going down to the sea

360 climbs the mountain of science andtechnology, and develops key and coretechnology to protect national strategicsecurity.360 has invested a total of RMB25 billionto help the country solve the bottlenecksof "invisible" attacks and become anational strategic scientific and technologi-cal force.

Helping SMEs

360 climbs the mountain of science andtechnology, and develops key and coretechnology to protect national strategicsecurity.360 has invested a total of RMB25 billionto help the country solve the bottlenecksof "invisible" attacks and become anational strategic scientific and technologi-cal force.Going up to the mountain

Based on national macro policy guidance, domestic and international social responsibility standards research,industry benchmarking, and stakeholder communication, 360 took the initiative to distribute the "Questionnaire onSubstantive Issues of 2022 ESG Report of 360" to identify key sustainable development issues in conjunction withcorporate strategy and business management.Based on national macro policy guidance, domestic and internation-al social responsibility standards research, industry benchmarking, and stakeholder communication, 360 took theinitiative to distribute the "Questionnaire on Substantive Issues of 2022 ESG Report of 360" to identify key sustain-able development issues in conjunction with corporate strategy and business management.In 2022, the Companyranked the importance of ESG substantive issues by the "importance to 360" and "importance to stakeholders".The information obtained from this process helps 360 to develop ESG macro goals, specific goals, informationdisclosure and ongoing communication with stakeholders.

360 maintains active and efficient communication with each stakeholder to fully understand the expectations anddemands of each stakeholder and respond to them in a timely manner. Additionally, 360 strives to meet theexpectations of the stakeholders in practice, continuously enriches the channels and vehicles for communicationwith stakeholders, and works hand in hand with each stakeholder for common development.

ESG ManagementAnalysis of substantive issue

StakeholderExpectations and demandsCommunication channels and methods

System and institutional guaranteeSocial responsibility (ESG) managementTransparency and risk managementBusiness ethics and anti-corruptionInvestor relations managementCompliance operationInnovation technology and intellectualproperty protectionData security and privacy protectionDigital transformationPlatform qualityCustomer service management

Technical cooperation and exchangeResponse to information emergenciesLow-carbon operationOperational pollution dischargeEnergy conservation technology developmentResponsible procurement managementPublic welfare undertakingsConstruction of social cybersecurityDevelopment of talentsRemuneration and benefits of employeesOccupational health and safety



Fairly importantModerately importantVery important

For ???

For stakeholders







Matrix of substantive issues

Communications with stakeholders

Government andregulatory agencies

Shareholders andinvestment institutions



Legal and compliant operationActively paying taxes according to the lawResponding to the national strategyInformation disclosureHolding the general meetings of shareholdersContinuously improving the level of operation and managementIssuing annual reports on a regular basisMedia communicationInternal communications and emailsInformation released by official website and official accountOnline and offline communications of investorsCustomer visits and surveysService for quality usersEnhancing R&D capabilitiesImproving product qualityCustomer satisfaction managementContents published on official website and social mediaPerforming with sincerity and honestyActive participation in various industry activitiesOpen and transparent bidding and procurement informationConstruction of responsible supply chain

Compliance with laws and regulationsPromoting economic growthServing the national strategyFighting corruptionCorporate governanceValue retaining and incrementPublic disclosure of informationCompliance with business ethics

Responsible marketingPlatform R&DPrivacy information securityService levelFair competitionPromoting industrial developmentResponsible procurement











Progress GRIContent Index


The popularity and development of digitalization have profound impacts on the way of life and work of human beings. Digitaltechnology has been widely used in human production and life, but it also brings unprecedented challenges to digital security.Inaddition to traditional computer and cyber security issues, human beings are also faced with security issues in emerging technologyfields, such as big data security, artificial intelligence security, and IOT security.The application scenarios in the fields of the digitaleconomy, digital government, and digital society also bring more complex security challenges to digital security.As a leader in cybersecurity, 360 is deeply aware that data security has become the core task of information security. The "invisible"dangers such as email phishing, website malicious code, SQL injection, APT attack, algorithm attack and Trojan horse attacks areeverywhere. To this end, 360, based on the security concept with "seeing" as the core, condensed the industry’s unique advancedsecurity threat countering practices, proposed "1 + 4" digital security framework model, to help the planning and construction ofdigital security system for cities, governments, and enterprises, build 5 major security capabilities like "knowing the real situation,perceiving risks, seeing threats, handling attacks, and enhancing capability", and to develop a complete capability to addresscomplex threats to digital security.

Topic: Seeing- Contributing to the construction of digitalChina with digital security

Fig.: 360 Digital Security Framework Model: "1 core, 4 pillars, 5 capabilities"


Asset O&M andrisk managementSeeing myselfSeeing assetsSeeing risksSeeing operation status

Threat detection and

intelligent analysisSeeing whole network

Seeing threatsSeeing attacksSee opponents

Handling coordination

and responsecommandSeeing entranceSeeing processSeeing loss

Practical abilityassessmentand exerciseSeeing capability

Seeing gapSeeing effect

Knowing thereal situation

Perceiving risks

Seeing threatsAttack handling


Attack and defense confrontationReal-time detection, tracking, blocking and cleaning on ?billion terminalsExpert team?,???+ security specialists, the strongest white hat army inthe Eastern HemisphereVulnerability capability

Cumulative mining ?,???+ CVE vulnerabilities, ranking ?rstin China and leading in the world

Operation systemPeople + technology + tools + data + platform, sustainableand secure operation ability

Service capabilityProviding security services in the Internet SaaS model,serving ?.? billion users in ?? yearsBusiness modelSupporting the Internet with security, and feeding securitywith the Internet

TerminalReal-time perception of network-wide security events through ?.? billion terminalsCloud

World’s ?rst cloud-native security company to analyzesecurity data in the cloud

Security big dataAny network attack with a total scale of ?EB can be seenBig data technologyFirst ultra-large-scale secure data storage, processingand retrieval technologyAI analysis technologyAutomatic and intelligent discovery of attack clues ina large number of samplesData middle o?ceReal-time processing of ultra-large-scale data andconcurrent processing of billions of terminals

Network-wide vision

Establishing a global vision to see the global and network-wide security situation

Historical dimension

Complete record of history backtesting and correlationof network-wide security big data attack clues

Secure sample library

World’s largest secure sample library with a total of?? billion samples

APT gene pool attack and defense knowledge base

Mastering sample genes and APT attack techniques andtactics, and identifying unknown attacks


VulnerabilitySampleDomain name

Ransomware attackMining attack

Malicious URLs

Network telecom fraud

Global networkmapping

Network-wide clouddetection and kill

51 APTs400 APT organizationintelligence3,000+ CVE vulnerabilities400,000 Chinesevulnerabilities

31 billion in total13 million added daily

9 billion in total3 million+ added daily

18 billion in totalIntercept 750 millionper day

30 billion in total10 million added daily

56 billion times/day648,000 times/second

Ransomware family library 800+Daily protection against 1 million+ransom incidents

Monitor 30,000 + mining poolsIntercept 10 million + miningaccesses per day

Intercept 60 million nuisancecalls and 46 million spammessages a day





Fig.: Fruitful Achievements of ??? on "Seeing"

Foundation of ???’s "Seeing" capability










Progress GRIContent Index


Combining its own advantages, 360 has embarked on a unique path to see the situation of the whole network and built a set of securityoperation service system with "seeing" as the core.

With nearly 20 years of experience in cybersecurity, 360 has realized that traditional cybersecurity products can no longer solve thesecurity challenges in the digital era.Only by combining "cloud" and "localization", "construction" and "operation", can the Companysolve the problems of data security and cloud security in the era of digital security.The Company launched the distributed intelligentsecurity system "360 Security Brain", which has five core capabilities of threat perception, inference and traceability, attack warning,decision aid and self-learning and can play an important role in protecting the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure, society, citiesand individuals. The Company grows together with the domestic cybersecurity industry and makes joint efforts to improve thecomprehensive network defense capability.

360 Security Brain

Construction of security operation systemBased on the output of cloud security capability XaaS, 360 has built an integrated cloud-local digitalsecurity protection and operation system. At this stage, it has covered most of the major customersand served more than 10,000 government and enterprise customers, including 90% of centralministries and commissions, 80% of central SOEs, 95% of large financial institutions and threemajor communication operators.

Urban digital security base

360 actively carries out the construction of urban digital security base in a bid to implement thecapability to serve hundreds of millions of individual users and national security in cities, help citiesbuild digital security bases, and create a set of city-level security operation system of "perceivingrisks, seeing threats and defending against attacks".

The Company set up a "?+?" factory to explore a new model of urban digital security:

1 localization company360 has invested in capabilities suchas experts, big data, and technologyto build a localized operating compa-ny with the city to play a leading rolein helping the city to build a highlandof talent gathering and innovation.

1 city security brain360 has established a city networkmap mapping system, vulnerabilityrisk scanning and detectionsystem, security data collectionsystem, big data analysis systemand security operation system toform a centralized security hub.

City anti-fraud cloud360 built an Internet anti-fraudplatform to provide accurateanti-fraud data for public security,finance and operators and provideanti-fraud early warning and riskinterception services for citizensto create a "fraud-free city".

Enterprise Security Cloud360 provides turn-key securityservices for enterprises throughcloud services, solving the prob-lem of "no money, no talent, notechnology, no effect, and noguarantee" for digital security ofSMEs.

1 city digital securityoperation center360 establish a security expertoperation team to continuouslymonitor the security situationround the clock, discover, block,track, locate and notify securityincidents, and provide decisionsupport and technical support tocity leadership and regulatoryauthorities.

360 network-wide digitalsecurity brainDataserviceExpertservice





Operation system

Intelligent analytics platform -Discover



ConfrontationLocatingClearRepairingOriginatingReinforcingNotifyingSeeing threatsSeeing eventsSeeing risksSeeing battlefieldKnowledge


ExpertteamIntelligence modelAsset ?ngerprintKnowledge graph

Local teamCloud teamAttack and defense TTPAPT organizationAntifraud model

Situationalawareness platformThreat intelligenceplatform

Threateninghunting platform

Attack and defensesource platform

"Operations withplan" platformSandboxSIEMSOARXDR analysisBig data correlation analysis

Threat graph analysisAI and mining prediction

APT detection analysisIntelligent analysis of multi-source modelSecurity big data platform

Data acquisition & single-dimension detectionTerminal Network Cloud Edge Data Behavior

Asset mapping & risk detection

Device Application Data

Test & drill

Threat trapping Penetration testing Attack and defense drillOperating systemApplication serviceTool softwareNetworkIdentityData asset

Local network / cloud platform / multi-cloud architecture / hybrid cloud architecture / IOT










Progress GRIContent Index


Fig.: ??? Security Capability Test and Veri?cation Platform

Focus on the digital security of MSMEs360 actively provides SaaS-based one-stop security cloud services for MSMEs to help them withtheir digital transformation. On March 1, 2022, 360 Enterprise Security Cloud was officially unveiled,empowering MSMEs with national-level security capabilities and providing free, all-around digitalsecurity management services for MSMEs restricted by capital, technology and talent. The platformhas been highly welcomed by various industries, adopted by many governments, enterprises,education institutions and other units, and deployed in key supply chain enterprises in manyprovinces in China.

Attaching importance to personal cybersecurity protection360 provides free security to secure millions of consumers and improve the level of national cybersecurity.

360 actively responds to the national strategy of digital security development. It has built a digital security research foundation andcomprehensive experimental platform according to the relevant guidelines and recommendations of China’s digital security highereducation, and built a "one platform, multiple systems, strong capabilities" digital security capability test and verification platform forscientific research and teaching, to provide a full range of digital security research test and drill services for the education field basedon data security, AI security, IoT security, security of information technology application innovation, and supply chain security.Meanwhile, the Company supports the overall design, open innovation, capability verification and continuous development of digitalsecurity for typical scenarios such as industrial Internet, digital city and information technology application innovation.

360 Security Capability Test and Verification Platform










Progress GRIContent Index


PC Security Products


Market share

475 million

Average monthly active users

No.1The security marketcontinues to rank



Market share

416 millionAverage monthly active users

360 Anti-fraud Service

Covering "7+2" types of fraud-relatedcase scenarios


Early warningaccuracy over

112millionCumulative ant-fraudwarning

data pushed

EmpowermentNational and regionalanti-

fraud center

As of December 31, 2022

Construction of an industrial Internet security laboratory in a university in Henan

??? Global Neural Network

Fitting the nationalcontextHelping with practiceCybersecurity

360 digital security capability test and verification platform provides digital security teachingand research support, covering such scenarios as information technology application innova-tion, big data, artificial intelligence, IoT, and industrial Internet.The platform realizes consis-tent network architecture, risk equivalence, and virtual-real interconnection by establishing ascenario-twin environment. It provides a practical environment for China’s digital securitytalent training and cybersecurity research innovation by rendering research tools andpractical knowledge base suitable for the domestic education system.Thereby, it solves theproblems of lack of environment and practical difficulties in the process of cybersecurityscientific research, helps China’s practical cybersecurity technology innovation, and supportsthe transformation of theoretical achievements into practical applications.Practical attack anddefenseTechnical supportSecurity protection

The platform establishes a security attack panorama, dividing network attacks into 14 tactics,614 techniques and multiple attack processes.As the only domestic network security compa-ny with over 15 years of experience in attack and defense, the Company has superb attackand defense capabilities to provide users with more robust cybersecurity.Based on theperspective of attackers, the platform forms a security maturity assessment model andestablishes a closed-loop security protection to improve security skills.Neural networkFull bearingBasic support

The platform has a comprehensive and powerful database and 360 Global Neural Networkprovides a reliable basic support for it.

Project background

To support the construction of an industrial Internet security laboratory in a university in Henan

Service descriptionProvide a scientific research platform for industrial Internet attack scenarios to support the laboratory’sscientific research and teaching activities for industrial Internet security attack and defense, including:

Industrial asset scanning and mappingIndustrial Internet network simulation featureIndustrial asset vulnerability matching featureConstruction effectAfter passing the university’s acceptance review, the laboratory is now serving the university’steaching. Based on the platform, the two sides discussed the construction of an industrial Internetrange combining virtual and real reality.

Built-in knowledge base for industrial Internet attacksDemonstration function for industrial Internet attack link constructionDisplay feature of comprehensive analysis on industrial Internet security risks

Threat intelligence libraryIntelligence of Exclusively operatedwhitelist and malicious family library Superb intelligent analysis of intelligence

Global asset mapping

More than 3.2 billion, exceeding similardomestic products by more than 1-2 times

Network-wide threat graph

tens of billions of vertices and hundredsof billions of edges

APT panoramic radar

Continuously tracking and monitoringmore than 50 overseas APT organizations

Ultra-large library of ChinesevulnerabilitiesMore than 400,000 vulnerabilities in totalUp to 500 new ones per day

Three-dimensional maindefense libraryCovering 1.5 billion clients5 trillion logs in total10 billion added daily

Ultra-large library of domainname information9 billion global domain names3 million+ added daily

Ultra-large library of samples

31 billion samples in total13 million added daily

Ultra-large library of survivingURLs80 billion daily active URL visits1 million added daily

Panoramic attack anddefense knowledgeCovering all attack and defense techniquesand tactics within the 360 view for the past20 years



Network-widethreat detection










Progress GRIContent Index


According to the actual situation of the use scenario, management structure and business type of the univer-sity, 360 provides a customized scientific research platform for industrial Internet attack scenarios to supportthe laboratory’s scientific research and teaching activities for industrial Internet security attack and defense.


Chapter IResponsible Acts and Sound Governance360 continuously improves the corporate governance mechanism, operates in compliance with laws and regulations,abides by business ethics, fighting corruption, strengthens investor relations management, enhances intellectual propertyprotection, and strives to improve the corporate governance.

Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):


[Responsibility Topic] Welcome to the 20th National CongressThe 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a historic meeting held at a critical moment whenChina is embarking on a new journey of building a socialist modernized country in an all-around way and marchingtowards the goal of the second century. To fully study the spirit of the conference, 360 Party Committee organized allemployees to watch the opening ceremony online, and organized some Party Committee backbones to watch on thespot and listen to the report delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the conference on behalf of the 19th CentralCommittee."The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China features profound thoughts andforward-looking ideas. As a business person, I am deeply excited and encouraged." Mr. Zhou Hongyi, Chairman andGeneral Manager of 360, said that he clearly remembers that when the report mentioned the construction of amodern industrial system, it underscored that "it is necessary to speed up the construction of a network power and adigital China", which not only provided directional guidance for 360, but also strengthened 360's confidence indeveloping as a digital security enterprise.

360 strictly abides by the Company Law, Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies, RulesGoverning the Listing of Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other relevant laws and regulations and securi-ties regulatory rules, constantly improves the corporate governance structure, and establishes a governance structurecomposed of shareholders' meeting, board of directors, board of supervisors and management, forming an operationand management structure with clear rights and responsibilities, scientific decision-making and standardized opera-tion, and effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders.

360 Party Committee organizes employees to watch the opening ceremony

Legal and compliant operation

Generalmeeting ofshareholders

Board of


The Company strictly abides by laws and regulations and the Rules of Procedure of the GeneralMeeting of Shareholders, regulates the holding, convening, and voting procedures of the GeneralMeeting of Shareholders, and ensures that all shareholders, especially small and medium sharehold-ers, enjoy equal status and fully exercise their rights. In 2022, the Company held two shareholders'meetings.

Board ofSupervisors

360 strictly abides by laws and regulations, as well as the Rules of Procedure of the Board ofDirectors and the Working Rules of Independent Directors, and regulates the holding, convening,and voting procedures of the shareholders' meeting under the leadership of the shareholders'meeting. In 2022, the Board of Directors held six meetings. All the members of the Board of Directorscomplied with the rules and regulations, attended the board meetings and the shareholders'meetings, and performed their duties with an attitude of being responsible to the Company,shareholders, and investors.

The Board of Directors has Strategy Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, andAudit Committee, which respectively formulate the Working Rules of Strategy Committee, WorkingRules of Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and Working Rules of Audit Committee toregulate the work of each Committee.360 strictly abides by laws and regulations, as well as the Company's Rules of Procedure of theBoard of Supervisors and other relevant provisions to elect members of the Board of Supervisors.The Board of Supervisors performs its duties in accordance with relevant regulations, supervises theCompany's operation, financial situation, and the legal compliance of the Company's directors andsenior executives in performing their duties, and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of theCompany and shareholders. In 2022, the Board of Supervisors held 6 meetings.



Meanwhile, the Company contin-ued to build a diversified Board ofDirectors. By the end of 2022

Board ofDirectors ofthe Company7 members

Independentdirectors3 persons

Femaledirector1 person









Progress GRIContent IndexAbout

Fig.: Organizational Structure of ???

General meeting ofshareholders

Board of Directors

Board of Supervisors

Strategy CommitteeAudit Committee

Nomination and Remuneration


Quantitative Information of Corporate Governance in 2022

Male directorsFemale directorIndependentdirectorsNon-independentdirectors

Disclosureby gender

Disclosureby type

Comprehensive internal control management

Deepen internal control audit

Promote compliance




360 strictly abides by the Guidelines of theShanghai Stock Exchange for the InternalControl of Listed Companies, Basic Stan-dards for Internal Control of Enterprises andother systems and regulations, establishesan internal audit system with clear rights andresponsibilities and rigorous organization,strengthens the supervision and inspectionof the implementation of internal control, andformulates the Internal Audit System to con-duct comprehensive internal audit work forvarious departments and business lines.

To improve management efficiency, the Company adopts ERPsystem software to realize automatic data collection, processing,summary, and analysis.360 also employs an OA system to complete business handling,official document circulation, and employee performance appraisal,and evaluation.Meanwhile, 360 adopts video conference equipment for cross-re-gional cooperation and communication, and has set up an enterpriseinternal control information platform based on process management.

We, through internal trainingand regular assessment,enhance employees’ aware-ness of compliance concepts,organize regular complianceknowledge tests, and activelyparticipate in various activitiesorganized by relevantgovernment departments.

The Company strictly implementsnational laws and regulations andrelevant regulations in personnelrecruitment and employment,staff training, salary, and welfare,identifies and evaluates possiblerisks, formulates correspondingcontrol measures, and supervisesthe implementation.360 updates relevant informationregularly to ensure that theinternal control system iscompatible with the businessdevelopment goals, businessstrategies, and risk managementlevel of the Company.

The Company attaches greatimportance to the culturalconstruction of complianceoperations and has establisheda complete compliancemanagement system.

Number of meetings of the Board of DirectorsNumber of meetings of the Board of SupervisorsNumber of meetings of the Strategy CommitteeNumber of meetings of the Audit CommitteeNumber of meetings of the Nomination andRemuneration CommitteeNumber of board members










Progress GRIContent IndexAbout

Strengthen risk management and control360 pays attention to risk management, strengthens the construction of risk control mecha-nisms, constructs a risk management system covering the whole process of risk identification,analysis, evaluation, monitoring, and control, establishes a risk management process coveringall businesses and departments, evaluates the risks of all businesses according to theprocess, formulates control measures for all operational risks in time, establishes earlywarning mechanism for important risks, establishes emergency plans for major risks, andensures the stable operation of the Company through the whole process control.

Anti-fraud and anti-corruption management

360 strictly follows relevant laws and regulations, formulates Anti-Fraud Management Regula-tions, and clarifies the three major anti-fraud principles of the Company. The Company has setup an Ethics Committee as the only full-time department authorized to investigate fraud toensure sustained and healthy business development. Meanwhile, the Company promulgatedthe Regulations on Gift Acceptance and Handling, provide clear quidelines for all emploveesto accept gift handling inthe course of business interactions.

In 2022, the Company conducted 23 compliancetraining for directors and more than 50 compliancetraining for employees, including but not limited to

Insider information maintenanceBasic knowledge trainingInvestor relations managementPrevention and identification of financial fraudInvestment merger and acquisitionsupervision and transaction tax analysisEquity incentive mattersESG mattersKey points of increasing stock holdings andmanagement of institutions increasing stock holdingsCorporate governance and refinancing matters

360 actively promotes the construction of a business ethics system, continuously improves businessethics, and builds the core values of the integrity of the Company. The Company builds a soundanti-fraud system to clarify fraud and consequences of violations and standard behavior internally, andto create an honest business environment externally.

Business ethics and anti-corruption

Three principles

of anti-fraud

Zero tolerance principle

Anti-fraud principle

ABC accountability principle



To improve the level of risk management, the Company issued relevant risk systems,covering the basic structure and content of the Company's management and internalcontrol system.360 has regulated the work flow of therisk management department, andfacilitated communication, coordination,and inspection among departments.

The Company attaches great importanceto risk awareness publicity, and improvesthe risk management awareness andlevel of all employees through regulartraining and case sharing.








Progress GRIContent IndexAbout

Fig.: 2022 Commercial Business Line Anti-Fraud Training

Informant protection

To create a fair competition and sunny business environment, the Company formulated theRegulations on the Protection and Reward of Informants, encouraging all employees andbusiness partners of 360 to actively participate in the integrity construction and supervision ofthe Company.

360 independently develops an online learning platform for anti-fraud system publicity and training,which includes system reading, learning videos, Q&A after class, etc., so that employees can completeonline learning independently and certification certificates will be issued to employees who havecompleted training courses. At the same time, the Company uses diversified online and offline forms,including cartoons, posters, videos, and training, to conduct publicity during key festivals, thus continu-ously creating a cultural atmosphere of integrity. To make the publicity of integrity culture more vivid, theCompany designed the publicity image and made peripheral gifts, and enhanced the linkage withemployees through varied activities.

Anti-fraud propaganda



Fig.: Anti-corruption Poster








Progress GRIContent IndexAbout

Principle ofcompliance

The Company carries out investor relations management on the basis of fulfilling the obliga-tion of information disclosure according to law, and complies with laws, regulations, rules andnormative documents, industry norms and self-discipline rules, internal rules and regulationsof the Company, and ethics and codes of conduct generally observed by the industry.

In its investor relations management activities, the Company treats all investors equally, andin particular, creates opportunities and provides convenience for small and medium-sizedinvestors to participate in activities.

The Company actively carries out investor relations management activities, listens toinvestors' opinions and suggestions, and responds to investors' demands in a timely manner.

In investor relations management activities, the Company pays attention to honesty, sticks tothe bottom line, standardizes operations, and takes responsibility to create a healthy andgood market ecology.


360 has always taken safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors as its responsibility,and adopted effective safeguard measures to ensure that investors get reasonable returns. The Compa-ny will fully understand the expectations and requirements of investors and shareholders, strictly abideby the Investor Relations Management System, conduct regular interviews and exchanges with relevantinvestors, timely disclose the Company's operating conditions and business progress, and form aneffective interaction and communication mechanism to ensure the correctness and effectiveness of theCompany's decision-making. The Company has paid full attention to and listened to the opinions andsuggestions of small and medium-sized shareholders and foreign shareholders, and implementedreasonable content to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized

Investor relations management

Basic principles of investor relations management of 360:

The Secretary of the Board of Directors is responsible for investor relations management, and the Securities Department is themain functional department, which holds investor symposiums, on-site visits, and other activities from time to time. At the sametime, the Company collects and answers investors' inquiries, complaints, and suggestions through the investor relations columnset up on the website and the "e-interactive" platform of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and timely releases and updates relevantinformation on investor relations management.

Quantitative information on investor relations in 2022

Periodic reportsTemporary announcementInformation on the InternetInformationdisclosureNumber of disclosure reports


Principle ofequality

Principle ofinitiative

Principle of honestyand trustworthiness








Progress GRIContent IndexAbout


Chapter IISafety First and All-around Protection360 always adheres to the service concept of "customer first", fully guarantees user privacy and data security,and is committed to providing users with high-quality products and services, while extending sustainabledevelopment to the supply chain to create a sustainable development environment for users and suppliers.

www.???.cnContribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Data security andprivacy protection

Protect user privacyFaced with the increasing number of personal information leakage incidents, privacy securityhas become the focus of users' concerns. 360 always puts the protection of user privacy in thefirst place, and ensures user information security through the following measures:

Internal restraintmechanism ofthe company

External oversight

By setting up the posts of Chief Privacy Officer and Privacy Specialist of each product, theCompany builds a top-down privacy management organization system to coordinate andsupervise the privacy management of the Company.China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center (CNITSEC) is the most authorita-tive national institution for source code hosting and testing in China. The Company will entrustthe source code of its products to CNITSEC for hosting and testing, and accept user supervi-sion.The Company follows the principle of clear code transmission or HTTPS secure transmissionto ensure that users can supervise at any time, and that the information uploaded through theInternet will not involve any personal privacy information of users.

The Company issued the White Paper on 360 User Privacy Protection, which clarified thetechnical principles of user privacy protection in the working process of various products andfunctions, and ensured that users could clearly understand all the operations.



360 refines the safety manage-ment of the whole life cycle ofdata generation, storage, use,transmission, destruction, andcollection of the company andplatform, clarifies the datastorage regulations, ensuresthat the security configuration ofservers, databases, and relatedIT infrastructures storing datameets the baseline require-ments of the Company'ssecurity configuration, andreinforces the security configu-ration based on the results ofsecurity risk assessment.

The Company stipulates that inthe data usage scenario, whenconfidential data is used fordevelopment and testing,desensitization should becarried out first. For datatransmission, network securityareas should be divided,network security equipmentsuch as firewalls should bedeployed at the boundaries ofsecurity domains, and serversthat store and process sensitivedata should be isolated.

Through the implementation ofdata classification andclassification, account authoritymanagement, data securitytechnology construction, logaudit analysis ability improve-ment, data leakage preventionability improvement, and othermeasures, the Company's datasecurity technology ability willbe continuously improved.









Progress GRIContent Index

Principles of acts

White paper


In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Measures forthe Determination of the Collection and Use of Personal Information by Apps in Violation of Laws and Regulationsand other relevant laws and regulations, 360 Security Emergency Response Center issued the Privacy Vulnera-bility Handling Standard V1.0, which includes the scope of application, vulnerability standards and rewards,scoring restrictions, submission methods, etc., to help developers identify privacy vulnerabilities and repair themto avoid unnecessary losses. At the same time, 360 launched the online privacy vulnerability handling standardservice function on the APP download page, which is convenient for developers to understand the processsolution after privacy vulnerability.

Enhance employee awareness


360 attaches great importanceto cultivating employees'awareness of data andprivacy. In 2022, the Companycarried out a variety of datasecurity-related activities,including staff training, internalattack, and defense drills,telecommuting securityawareness publicity, securityoffice awareness cartoons andQ&A activities, and networksecurity weekly offlineactivities.

These activities cover datasecurity law, personalinformation protection law,anti-phishing tips, officesecurity awareness, and otheraspects, aiming at improvingemployees' data securityawareness and skills.

In particular, employee datasecurity training activities canmake employees understanddata security laws andregulations, master telecom-muting security precautions,etc., which is of greatsignificance for ensuring thedata security of the Companyand employees.









Progress GRIContent Index

Publicity of Data Privacy Security Awareness in 2022

12 publicities through WeChat official account and

8 through e-mail to all employees

Fig.: 360 Employees Actively Participate in DataInformation Security Publicity Activities

Fig.: 360 Safety Awareness Comic Publicity


Fig.: 360 Tips for Attack and Defense Exercises -Safety Awareness Science Popularization

Fig.: In 2022, poster of Cyber Security Week of 360









Progress GRIContent Index



360 carries out open innovation around user needs, attaches importance to cutting-edge securitytechnology research, and strengthens R&D investment. For many years, the Company has been one ofthe enterprises with the largest number of patents in the field of digital security in the world.

Intellectual property protection

Meanwhile, the Company has won many honorary awards for innovation, including:

by China PatentAwardsfive times


Beijing inventionpatentsFirst prizeThird prize

By the end of 2022

Obtained overObtained overHold over6,500patentlicenses



Protection of its intellectual property rightsAs the vice president unit of the Patent ProtectionAssociation of China, the senior group memberunit of the China Intellectual Property Society, thedirector unit of the China Trademark Association,and the vice president unit of the Beijing Intellec-tual Property Protection Association, 360 activelyparticipates in soliciting opinions and discussingthe revision of patent and trademark laws andregulations in China, and devotes itself to promot-ing the innovation of the industry and the countryand improving the intellectual property environ-ment through its practice.

As an innovator, rule follower, contributor, and practi-tioner in the field of intellectual property rights, 360attaches importance to the protection of its intellectu-al property rights, and promulgates intellectual prop-erty management regulations, including 360 Intellec-tual Property Management Measures, 360 GroupPatent Application Management Measures, 360Group Trademark Management Measures, OpenSource Software Compliance Guidelines, etc., toregulate the protection of intellectual property rightswithin the Company. The Company has set up anintellectual property team to manage and maintain itsintellectual property rights in a targeted manner.Through a strong infringement monitoring systemand process, it discovered and cracked down oninfringement of the Company's patent rights, trade-mark rights, and other infringements, and protectedthe Company's key technologies and core brands.

Protect the intellectual property rights of others









Progress GRIContent Index


According to the differences between products andintellectual property forms, the Company has estab-lished a comprehensive infringement complaint han-dling mechanism for copyright complaints, patentcomplaints, and trademark complaints, and formu-lated different handling guidelines to standardize thecase handling process, examine the legality andrelevance of intellectual property rights, and protectthe legitimate rights and interests of obligees. At thesame time, the Company takes measures such asnotifying, deleting, shielding, or breaking the chainof infringing content, and timely delivers theprocessing results to the obligee. In 2022, 360launched the intellectual property protection plat-form, disseminated relevant policies and informa-tion, and opened a unified infringement complaintportal to help users improve their knowledge andability to safeguard their rights and interests.

360 attaches importance to its intellectual propertyrights, pays attention to, respects, and protectsother people's intellectual property rights, estab-lishes scientific and reasonable intellectual proper-ty values within the company, enhances employ-ees' awareness of respecting and protecting intel-lectual property rights, actively fulfills the corporatesocial responsibility of the platform, and addressesviolations of other people's intellectual propertyrights in the business platform. 360 establishes astrong intellectual property risk early warningmechanism, ensures that employees respect otherpeople's intellectual property rights through sys-tems and processes, incorporates intellectualproperty risk management control points into vari-ous processes of product establishment, listing,and delisting, and strictly ensures that the Compa-ny's operation and R&D activities are carried outwithout infringing other people's intellectual proper-ty rights.

three timesthree times

Science andTechnology Awards

in BeijingSecond prize

Third prize


360 regards customer service as the lifeline of the Company, and deeply realizes the key role of custom-er service in the development of the Company, which is also a vital link in the sustainable developmentof the Company. The Company has always been committed to providing industry-leading user service.By providing high-quality services, 360 maintains the reputation of the Company based on honesty,integrity, and ethical behavior, and constantly explores and optimize service models to improve thequality and efficiency of the platform.The Company not only provides efficient and comprehensive product solutions, but also pays moreattention to providing users with personalized and diversified service experiences. The Company hasestablished a safety emergency response team service system, which is composed of a group of experi-enced, skilled, and friendly professionals, who can quickly respond to users' needs and provide userswith high-quality and personalized solutions.

Improvement of user service

360 has been committed to building a responsible supply chain. The Company formulates relevantsystems, clarifies procurement policies and supplier management regulations, and ensures that theCompany's supply chain is responsible and sustainable. At the same time, the Company establishes asupplier evaluation system to evaluate suppliers' environment, society, and corporate governance toensure that they meet the Company's responsible standards and requirements.In addition, the Company attaches great importance to close communication and cooperation amongsuppliers. Through regular audits, on-site visits, and continuous communication, the Company establish-es good relations with suppliers, encourages suppliers to actively implement sustainable developmentplans, and supports their performance in social responsibility.360 is convinced that the establishment of a responsible supply chain can better meet the needs of usersand have a positive impact on society and the environment. Therefore, the Company will continue tostrive to build a continuous improvement and continuous improvement of the supply chain, and activelypromote the ESG performance of suppliers to ensure the long-term and stable development of ourbusiness.

Responsible supply chain

Customer satisfaction

360 believes that high-quality customer service can not only bring excellent experience tousers, but also enhance user stickiness and loyalty and promote the sustainable developmentof the company in the market. The Company firmly believes in the concept of customer first,conducts multi-channel user satisfaction surveys, actively listens to user feedback, constantlyimproves products, and services, and continuously improves user satisfaction.









Progress GRIContent Index


Data for 2022

User service managementCustomer satisfactionUser complaint handling rate


Chapter IIIPeople-oriented and High-quality Development360 always adheres to the people-oriented talent concept, resolutely safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of employees,cares for their occupational health, strives to create a fair and harmonious working environment, implements employee welfare andcare, helps employees develop themselves, pays attention to personnel training, and helps the company to develop with high qualityand sustainable development.

www.???.cnContribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):






Protect the Rights of Employees


≤30 years old 2,48831-40 years old3,40740-50 years old 554≥51 years old 32

Junior college below 971Undergraduate 4,271Graduate 1,210Doctor and above 29

In strict accordance with the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People'sRepublic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, it is strictly forbidden to employ child labor, forcedlabor, restrict employees' freedom and other acts, and it is strictly forbidden to discriminate in any form on thegrounds of race, gender, religion, age, and social origin. At the same time, the Company formulates a whole-pro-cess employment system during recruitment, probation period, and resignation, regulates all recruitment behav-iors, and requires all employees to fully know and consciously abide by the Company's recruitment system,process, assessment, and resignation-related matters, and strive to create a fair, just, open and harmoniousworking environment for employees.360 pays attention to the democratic management of employees. 360 is committed to establishing a harmoniouscorporate culture, strengthening democratic communication, and actively responding to employees' demands.360 also establishes employee representative meetings and committees, regularly organizes employeeexchange meetings, conducts employee surveys and other mechanisms, and sets up anonymous feedbackmechanisms and employee suggestion boxes to provide employees with a channel to express their opinions andsuggestions freely. By doing so, 360 better understands employees' needs and takes timely measures to solvethem, improves employees' job satisfaction and loyalty and promotes its sustainable development.

By the end of 2022, 360 had a total of 6,481 employees, including:


360 regards talent as the core capital of the Company's development. Therefore, 360 constantlyimproves the channels for improving employees' abilities, actively carries out various training, guidesemployees to establish the awareness of self-learning and development, and strives to build a talentechelon with streamlined personnel, excellent quality, and reasonable results.

Talent training and development

Create a team of professional talents

360, through continuous efforts, builds a strong talent team and professional managementteam to continuously promote the development and innovation of the Company. In terms oftalent attraction concepts, the Company mainly focuses on optimizing the talent structure andcontinuously improving the overall personnel ability level. In order to match the recruitmentobjectives, the Company formulates reasonable talent demand according to the strategicobjectives and business characteristics. At the same time, the Company emphasizes theimportance of school enrollment, provides customized training and development channels,offers more internal resources, and engages younger talents.









Progress GRIContent Index


By gender



By age





By educational


Fig.: 360 Learning Development Plan

Build a career promotion channel



LeadershipFocus on pain pointsand follow rules

Common abilities

Professional quality,comprehensive cultivation

ProfessionalismCompetent position and

professional sharingLeadership star rank program

Focus on competency and

target key groups

Performance improvementComply with businesses andquantify the outputBusiness customizationProblem-oriented, customized

developmentSafe planet defense warMap-based online learning fornew employees

Growth accelerator(STP + leadership accelerator + motivator)Focus on single-point knowledge and skills, fragmented learning

According to the differentways of employees' valuecontribution, the Companydivides the career develop-ment channel into manage-ment channel and professionalchannel, among which, theprofessional channel is dividedinto different professionalsequences based on thedifferences in ability require-ments and work contents.

The Company has 7 first-levelsequences, includingtechnology, safety, products,design, marketing, supplychain, and functions

40 second-level sequencesand 139 third-level sequences.According to the setting of thedevelopment channel, theCompany organizes manage-ment promotion and profes-sional promotion twice a year.









Progress GRIContent Index

To stimulate employees' awareness of self-development and improve their skills in practice, 360takes actual combat as the leading factor and encourages employees to learn and grow continu-ously in their work. In addition, the Company has established a comprehensive training system,including leadership, professional skills, and general skills training to ensure that employees candevelop in an all-around way. The Company encourages and supports the rotation of outstandingemployees, promotes the horizontal development of employees, breaks the household registra-tion restriction, and hardens the talent team, and revitalizes talent resources.

The Company established the Division of Learning,Development, and Culture, actively promoted 360wisdom and culture, and continuously improved thecohesion of the Company by building an all-aroundand multi-level training system and cultural system,which provided unlimited empowerment for thesustainable development of the Company, andfurnished every talent with a sustainable andpredictable ability improvement channel.










Progress GRIContent Index


Carry out characteristic training activities

Among the 222 training courses, 49 special training such as strategic consensus, goal consensus, team integration, businesstraining, curriculum development, and ability improvement were conducted according to the needs of the Group and business,demonstrating the customized development ability of the Company in training. In response to special circumstances, the company"moved" 73.8% of its training courses online, and added more than 60 video courses to ensure employees' independent learningwhile at home.

Training highlights andachievements display in 2022

Through over 100 of after-class tutoring, 75 topics were generat-ed; including 21 with actual business performance output; Thetechnical control passwords for employees have achieved remark-able results and produced 29 topics, including 11 with actualbusiness performance output.

In 2022, the Companyfocused on businessperformance improvementand arranged performanceimprovement projects inthe training of manage-ment cadres


In 2022, 360 vigorously carried out staff training. A total of 222 online and offlinetraining activities were held throughout the year, covering 7,124 employees andnearly 20,000 person-time, with a total training time of 500 hours and atraining feedback point of 9.46. The proportion of internal lecturers accounted for

87.8%, and the contents reflected the actual business of the Company.









Progress GRIContent Index

Promote talent growth incentives

360 pays attention to the incentive of talent. 360 follows the law of talent growth. All employeescan get promotions, salary increases, new positions, and other opportunities through hard workand improvement in their work according to objective and fair evaluation results. The talentincentive mechanism is designed and implemented around the "three-level relationship ofincentives":

Rewards andpersonal needs

Performanceand rewards

E?orts andperformance



The total number of employees trained was 7,124

Total training time for employees: 29,077.1 hours, and average training time for employees: 4 hours

Total hours of training formale employeesTotal hours of training forfemale employees









Number of maleemployees trainedNumber of femaleemployees trained

Number of grass-roots employees trainedNumber of middle managementemployees trainedNumber of senior managementemployees trained

Total hours of training forgrass-roots employeesTotal hours of training for middlemanagement employeesTotal hours of training for seniormanagement employees

By gender32%





By employee


By gender

By employee






Fig.: 2022 360 Technology Carnival posterFig.: 360 Values Badge Awards and Values

Story Publicity

The Company is performance-oriented andadheres to the core concept of paying for ability,position, and value. Through industry bench-marking and internal analysis, a market-orientedand performance-oriented salary system and aperformance-oriented incentive mechanism areestablished. Through the effective combinationof long-term and short-term incentive mecha-nisms, the core backbone can be encouragedand retained. 360 adopts three ways of distribu-tion by post responsibility, distribution by operat-ing results, and distribution by continuous valuecreation to ensure that its employees' salariescan be competitive in the industry.

Distribution bypost responsi-bilityDistribution byoperatingresultsDistribution bysustainablevalue creation

Salary package

Bonus packageLong-termincentivepackages suchas equity options

Income earned byemployees on the basisof fulfilling their dailywork responsibilitiesCorresponding bonusesreceived by employeesaccording to theCompany's operatingperformanceStock options encour-age employees tocreate long-term valuefor the Company









Progress GRIContent Index


To further strengthen organizational cohesion, create a 360-oriented harmonious atmosphere, andenhance employee well-being, the Company led a number of cultural and caring activities in 2022, andcontinuously provided better corporate care for employees from organizational temperature, internalcommunication, and cultural landing. In the future, the Company will continue to uphold the concept of"people-oriented", strengthen cultural construction, create a more harmonious and warm workingenvironment for employees, and promote the sustainable development of the Company.

Employee welfare and care

Corporate culture publicityIn 2022, in order to promote the Company's mission, vision, and core values and strengthen thetechnical atmosphere, 360 has successively promoted many activities and publicity, such asvalue recognition, gold medal individual and team evaluation, technology carnival, and senioraward, so as to push the company's strategy and culture to the ground, enhance the company'semployees' sense of identity and belonging, and thus enhance organizational efficiency.





Fig.: 360 Mid-Autumn Festival Theme Activity Poster

Fig.: 2022 Spring Festival Welfare Package

Spread warmth360 attaches great importance to the care of employees, constantly improves the humanisticcare level of enterprises, and creates a happy corporate atmosphere by celebrating DragonBoat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, and other themed activities based on theCompany's corporate culture. At the same time, the Company also provides a number ofbenefits such as employee care money and team building, and actively creates a warmworking environment to improve employee satisfaction.









Progress GRIContent Index


360 believes that employees are valuable assets of the Company, and the health status of employees playsa vital role in the Company's business operation and long-term development. The Company takes a series ofmeasures to protect the occupational health of its employees. First of all, the Company provides a compre-hensive health insurance plan, which aims to provide necessary medical care services for employees, andoffer health examination and physical examination services for employees to ensure that employees canidentify and treat potential health problems in time. Secondly, the Company actively encourages employeesto participate in health sports and fitness activities, and the office building is equipped with gyms and otheremployee activity areas to provide all-around protection for employees' health. Moreover, the Companyactively provides employees with mental health support, including psychological counseling services andmental health training, to help employees relieve work stress and anxiety. The Company regularly conductsoccupational health knowledge training to help employees improve their occupational health awareness andprotection ability. 360 insists on providing all-around protection for employees' occupational health and layinga solid foundation for the Company's sustainable development.

Caring for Employee Health

Fig.: 360 Dragon Boat Festival Theme Activity Poster


Chapter IVMutual Benefit and Win-win Progress to Create a Better FutureWhile focusing on its own development and growth, 360 sticks to its gratitude for the source of benefit, give back to industry andsociety, and integrate social and environmental responsibility into its development strategy.360 fully combines its advantages, attaches importance to green operation and management, actively participates in social welfare,vigorously promotes the development of the industry, and helps enterprises move towards a more sustainable future.



Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Green Operation Management360 adheres to the principle of energy conservation and environmental protection, regulates green and low-car-bon operation behavior, carries out work related to environmental responsibility, optimizes the level of resourceutilization, and promotes harmony between enterprises and the environment. By the end of 2022, 360 and itssubsidiaries had strictly complied with various national environmental protection policies in their operations andhad not been punished for violations of laws and regulations during the reporting period.360 actively responds to the call of the state and the Company for energy conservation and emission reduction.According to the office needs of the building and the configuration of equipment and facilities, 360 postsenvironmental protection publicity signs and carries out technical energy-saving controls to reduce the energyconsumption level of the building and save 360's operating costs. Meanwhile, 360 conducts regular energy-sav-ing training and education for energy management personnel to ensure that relevant employees masterequipment operation skills and new energy-saving technologies, and encourages them to explore energy-sav-ing opportunities and implement environmental protection work.

Commitment to Social Welfare

360 is committed to solving social problems. While ensuring its development, 360 actively undertakes socialresponsibilities. Through various practical ways such as platform construction, public welfare publicity andcharitable donation, 360 gives back to society with concrete actions, transmits positive social energy, andbecomes an enterprise with warmth and responsibility.

Energy conservationand consumptionreduction

Save water resources

Reuse of wastes

Energy-saving air conditioning: 360 building adopts Honeywell's automatic fresh aircontrol system and a professional automatic control system of Daikin split air conditioner.The automatic control system monitors the status of the filter screen and the air controlvalve in the unit, and the opening time, providing the optimal equipment control methodfor management personnel, reducing the energy consumption of air conditioning opera-tion while ensuring the stability of the air conditioning equipmentEnergy-saving lamps: The lighting in the office area of the building is equipped withABB's automatic lighting control system. It can set the energy-saving mode according toits usage scenario, monitor and adjust the opening zone, switching status and switchingtime of the lamps to reduce the running cost and reduce the running time and lightingenergy consumption at the same timeEnergy-saving timing control: Timing control is used for equipment and facilities such aswater dispensers and water heaters to significantly reduce the energy consumption ofequipment

Environmental protection Specific measures

Water-saving propagation: Post energy-saving signs such as water saving and environ-mental protection in the office area to enhance employees' awareness of water savingWater-saving sanitation products: use water-saving taps and other sanitary ware toreduce water resource consumptionWater-saving operation: use water-saving cleaning equipment and operation methods indaily cleaning360 provides waste paper recycling bags in all printing areas, and encourages employeesto sort office waste, which are recycled by professional recycling companies andexchanged for office supplies made from renewable resources









Progress GRIContent Index


——Zhou Hongyi, Chairman and CEO of 360 Company

The essence of corporate social responsibility is tosolve problems for society and users.

Grains of sand can be gathered to form a pagoda by love

In accordance with the vision of "every good deed counts", 360 officially launched the 360public welfare platform on December 15, 2021 by relying on the digital security technology andthe resources exposed on the Internet. The platform, as one of the third batch of informationplatforms designated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs for charitable organizations to solicitdonations on the Internet, involves a variety of public welfare projects such as rural revitaliza-tion, medical aid, youth safety education, the protection of women and children, and environ-mental and ecological protection, facilitating casual public welfare and increasing transparencyof public welfare results.










Progress GRIContent Index


By the end of 2022

360 public welfare platform had hosted 28charitable organizations and carried out 36charity fundraising projects, raising overRMB700,000.

In June 2022, 360 Public Welfare, together with 360 Search, launched a new function of digital public welfare "360 Large Securi-ty Public Welfare Office", which launched organ donation for the first time.Users can register as organ donor volunteers anddonate to schools at the "Office" for one-stop public welfare, allowing the relay of life to continue in the sun.[Case] Youth has me, shining like you


360 expands the channels for the publicto express goodwill. Users can visit anddonate through various platforms, suchas the official website of 360 PublicWelfare, the homepage of 360 Naviga-tion, 360 Mobile Guard, 360 Fast Newsand WeChat platform of 360 PublicWelfare. This significantly improves theaccessibility of public welfare, widelymobilizes social resources, and builds asafe, efficient and reliable connectionbridge between the donors and therecipients.

In September 2022, the special quiz activity "Pay atten-tion to digital security, build a strong digital defense"organized by the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Public ScienceQuality Competition and 360 Public Welfare werelaunched on 360 Pictorial. Through the specialaward-winning quiz, the activity mobilizes the generalpublic, including five key groups such as teenagers andthe elderly, to learn the ability to identify illegal actssuch as network rumors, telecommunication fraud,information theft and strengthen the security awarenessof personal information and privacy protection, etc. Theactivity received nearly 300 million views on 360 Pictori-al and other products, attracting 172,000 people toparticipate in the quiz.

On September 23, 2022, the fifth Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, 360 Public Welfare and Farmers' Daily jointlylaunched the exclusive Harvest Festival pictorial. By clicking on the pictorial of Harvest Festival on 360 Pictorial, neti-zens can view the "Harvest Picture" online, pay attention to the fresh agricultural products in the "Golden Autumn Con-sumption Season" and visit the colorful "Festival Activities" around the country.

[Pictorial case] Special quiz - Building a strongdigital security defense

[Pictorial case] Special quiz - Building a strong digital security defense

Public welfare

Relying on the advantages of 360's Internet resources and the high-quality PC lock screenpictorial, 360 launched 360 online public welfare pictorial, which has reached hundreds ofmillions of users and extensively publicized various public welfare projects. 360 Pictorial hascooperated with organizations such as the Internet Society of China, the Mangrove Founda-tion, the Beijing Association for Science and Technology to organize public welfare activities,reaching hundreds of millions of users and contributing to various fields such as Internetliteracy cultivation of young people, scientific quality improvement of the whole people, caringfor autistic people, protecting endangered animals, and celebrating national events.









Progress GRIContent Index


In May 2022, the Internet Society of China, together with 360 Public Welfare, 360 Pictorial and Jimin Qizhi Rehabilita-tion Center of Shunyi District, Beijing, held a "Painting Exhibition from the Stars" for autistic people, hoping that autisticpeople would gain more attention and understanding.360 Pictorial launched nearly 20 paintings created by people withautism in the form of a "computer screensaver", with over 100 million people viewing them online.

[Pictorial case] Light hope - no longer a lonely star










Progress GRIContent Index


Donation Re?ects Responsibility

While doing a good job in its business, 360 actively fulfills its social responsibility and conductspublic welfare donations for emergency disaster relief, safety assistance, and other events, toshare worries and solve difficulties for the country and contribute to the people.

Security Standard Responsibility

[Case1] In early 2022, 360 donated supplies worth more than RMB 4million to the Hong Kong United Youth Association, demonstrating theconcern of private enterprises in the capital for Hong Kong compatriots.

[Case2] 360 Smart Life Group joined hands with Beijing Foundation forDisabled Persons to launch the “200 Smart Doorbell Public ServiceActivity”, by which 360 Smart Life Group donated 360 video doorbellsfor 200 households that provided all-round protection and care for thedisabled, the elderly, pregnant women and other groups that needsocial attention.

[Case3] In September 2022, 360 Public Welfare and Guanghua Scienceand Technology Foundation installed 360 droplet cameras in ruralfamilies in Jiangxi with the help of the "Childlike Heart Harbor" project.With the power of technology, parents working in cities and children leftin rural areas can interact in real time, making technology a "gateway"for family affection.

Empower Industry Development



Renmin University of ChinaFourth Institute of Electronics, Ministry of

Industry and Information Technology

TAFChina Academy of Information and

Communications TechnologyChina Academy of Information and

Communications TechnologyChina Academy of Information and

Communications TechnologyMinistry of Industry and Information TechnologyOffice of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Comm-ission, Ministry of Industry and Information Techn-ology,State Administration for Market RegulationMinistry of Industry and Information TechnologyMinistry of Industry and Information TechnologyMinistry of Industry and Information Technology

Development Research Center of theState Administration for Market Regulation

United Front Work Department

Publicity DepartmentNetwork Coordination Department

Academy of Social Sciences

Supervision Institution Requirementsfor PersonalInformation Protection of Large Internet EnterprisesSecurity Requirements for Handling Sensitive Personal InformationTechnical Requirements for PC Internet Security Software Interception

Technical Requirements for Mobile Intelligent TerminalPrevention and Governance of Telecom Network FraudBad Mobile Application Security (APP) Management Platform Interface Specification

General Security Detection Specification for Bad Mobile ApplicationsSpecial Action Plan for the Security Governance of Bad Mobile Applications in 2022

Regulations on the Administration of Internet Pop-up Information Push Services

Further Strengthening the Management of Mobile Internet Applications

Guidelines for Reporting and Sharing Data Security Risk

Information in the Field of Industry and Information Technology (Trial)Promoting the Resolution of Using Internet Services with "Secondary Numbers"

Market Regulation Policy DynamicsThe Project "Outstanding Issues in the Current Developmentof the Metaverse and Reflections on Regulatory Time"The Project "Metaverse and Ideological Security: Technology, Risk and Regulation"

New Development and Characteristics of "Information Stations" and ItsEnlightenment to China from the Perspective of "Russia-Ukraine Conflict"Research on Cybersecurity in the Era of the Digital Economy - A Case Study ofTypical Cybersecurity Events in Economic and Livelihood Fields from 2021 to 2022






360 continues to contributeits long-term accumulatedsecurity expertise, activelyparticipated in the progressof national securitystandards and internation-alization, establishes theimage of China's securitytechnology leader, andbrings into play 360'sprofessional value.

In 2022, 360 led the release of 2 standards, participated in the release of 48 standards,and was developing more than 50 standards. 360 participated in the release of manda-tory national standard GB 42250-2022 "Information Security Technology-SecurityTechnical Requirements for Specialized Cybersecurity Products";T/CCSA 329-2021 | T/CAAAD 001-2021 "Technical Requirements for Application andSecurity of Internet Advertising Data" was awarded the 2022 Group Standard Applica-tion Demonstration Project by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.360 won the 2022 Standard Innovation Organization Award from China Society for thePromotion of Science and Technology Commercialization.









Progress GRIContent Index


Share the Fruits of Development360 attaches importance to sharing the fruits of development and actively participates inindustry activities, exchanges with peer companies on issues such as technological innova-tion, cybersecurity and industry opportunities. In 2022, 360 participated in a number of domes-tic and international exchange conferences, such as CEPSI, China Internet Civilization Confer-ence, China International Digital Economic Exposition, World Internet Conference, the 12thChinese Digital Publishing Exposition, and China Unicom Partnership Conference, to contrib-ute its strength to the development of the industry and create a good external environment for360's development.

Strengthen Exchanges with AssociationsBy the end of 2022, 360 and its subsidiaries had participated in 11 well-known associations athome and abroad, actively participated in and organized technical exchange activities withinthe industry, and strengthened exchanges and interactions with relevant enterprises andresearch institutes at home and abroad, which had been widely recognized by the industry andachieved win-win development in the industry.

360 participated in hosting the Industrial Security Summit - ISC Internet Security Conference, promoting the healthydevelopment of the industry and calling on business competitors to complement each other for win-win results.In the past ten years, the conference has held 20 international summits, established more than 300 sub-forums, andoutput more than 2,000 cutting-edge issues in the industry, focusing on security issues in frontier fields such ascyberspace governance, data security, threat intelligence and IoT security. More than 2,000 politicians, industry leadersand cybersecurity experts from more than 30 countries including China, the United States, Russia, Israel and Germanyhave participated in the conference to discuss the global cybersecurity ecology. In 2022, ISC celebrated its 10th anniver-sary. With the theme of "Safeguarding Digital Civilization and Creating a New Era of Digital Security", the conferencecalled on the industry to gather strength to build a digital security barrier system for the country and safeguard thedevelopment of digital economy.

Name of AssociationRoleName of SubjectBeijing Artificial Intelligence Industry AllianceBeijing Software Industry AssociationAlliance of Industrial InternetInternet Society of ChinaBeijing Network AssociationCopyright Society of ChinaChina Federation of Internet SocietiesCyber Security Association of ChinaChina Netcasting Services AssociationZhejiang Netcasting AssociationWorld Internet Conference

Vice ChairmanMemberVice ChairmanVice ChairmanOrdinary Member UnitStanding Director UnitStanding Director UnitVice Chairman UnitOrdinary Member UnitStanding Director Unit

Senior Member Unit

Beijing Qihoo Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing Qihoo Technology Co., Ltd.

360 Security Technology Inc.360 Security Technology Inc.Beijing Qihoo Technology Co., Ltd.

360 Security Technology Inc.360 Security Technology Inc.Beijing Qihoo Technology Co., Ltd.Wenzhou Xunchi Digital Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing Qihoo Technology Co., Ltd.Wenzhou Xunchi Digital Technology Co., Ltd.Beijing Hongying Information Technology Co., Ltd.











Progress GRIContent Index


Global Reporting InitiativeGRI Content Index

DisclosureDisclosure Location

GRI 2:General Disclosures 2021

Organizational detailsEntities included in the organization’s sustainability reportingReporting period, frequency and contact pointRestatements of informationExternal assuranceActivities, value chain and other, business relationshipsEmployeesWorkers who are not employeesGovernance structure and compositionNomination and selection of the highest governance bodyChair of the highest governance bodyRole of the highest governance body in overseeing themanagement of impactsDelegation of responsibility for managing impactsRole of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingCon?icts of interestCommunication of critical concernsCollective knowledge of the highest governance body Remuneration policiesProcess to determine remunerationStatement on sustainable development strategy


GRI 3:Material Topics 2021

Process to determine material topicsList of material topicsManagement of material topics3-13-23-3

GRI 203:Indirect Economic Impacts 2016

Infrastructure investments and services supportedSignificant indirect economic impacts203-1203-2

GRI 201:Economic Performance 2016

Defined benefit plan obligations and other retirement plans201-3

Compliance with laws and regulationsMembership associationsApproach to stakeholder engagement?-???-???-??

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

About 360About 360About 360About the Report/Responsible Supply ChainPeople-oriented High-quality DevelopmentProtect the Rights of EmployeesLegal and Compliant OperationLegal and Compliant OperationLegal and Compliant OperationLegal and Compliant OperationLegal and Compliant OperationESG ManagementLegal and Compliant OperationESG ManagementESG ManagementTalent Training and DevelopmentTalent Training and DevelopmentESG Management

ESG ManagementESG ManagementESG Management

Commitment to Social WelfareCommitment to Social Welfare

Employee Welfare and Care

Legal and Compliant OperationEmpower Industry DevelopmentESG Management










Progress GRIContent Index


GRI 205:Anti-corruption 2016

Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionCommunication and training about anti-corruption policiesand proceduresConfirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken205-1205-2205-3

GRI 401:Employment 2016

New employee hires and employee turnoverBenefits provided to full-time employees that arenot provided to temporary or part-time employees401-1401-2

GRI 413:Local Communities 2016

Operations with local community engagement, impactassessments, and development programsOperations with significant actual and potential negativeimpacts on local communities413-1413-2

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016

New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaNegative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken414-1414-2

GRI 404Training and Education 2016

Average hours of training per year per employeePrograms for upgrading employee skills and transitionassistance programs404-1404-2

GRI 403Occupational Health and Safety 2018

Occupational health and safety management systemHazard identification, risk assessment, and incidentinvestigationOccupational health servicesWorker participation, consultation, and communication onoccupational health and safety


GRI 302: Energy 2016

Reduction of energy consumption302-4

GRI ???:Public Policy ????

Political contributions415-1Worker training on occupational health and safetyPromotion of worker health403-5403-6

DisclosureDisclosure Location

GRI 405Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016

Diversity of governance bodies and employees405-1

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

DisclosureDisclosure Location

Business Ethics and Anti-CorruptionBusiness Ethics and Anti-CorruptionBusiness Ethics and Anti-Corruption

Protect the Rights of EmployeesProtect the Rights of Employees

Caring for Employee HealthCaring for Employee HealthCaring for Employee HealthCaring for Employee HealthCaring for Employee HealthCaring for Employee Health

Green Operation Management

Commitment to Social WelfareCommitment to Social Welfare

Responsible Supply ChainResponsible Supply Chain

Talent Training and DevelopmentTalent Training and Development

Commitment to Social Welfare

Protect the Rights of Employees


Reader Feedback Form

Dear reader:

Thank you for taking the time to read this report.In order to provide you and other stakeholders with more comprehensive, professional and valuableinformation on environmental, social and governance (ESG) development and to improve the quali-ty of our ESG reports, 360 sincerely invites you to assist in completing the relevant questions in thefeedback form. Thank you for your comment.

1. Are you satisfied with the overall impression of this report?

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2. Do you think this report reflects the significant impact of 360 on social responsibility?

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Yes □ Normal □ No □Additional comments and suggestions on 360's 2022 Environmental, Social and Gover-nance Report are welcome.

You may choose to inform us of your valuable comments in the following ways:

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