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长安汽车:2022年社会责任报告 下载公告

目 录




Chairman's MessageAbout Changan AutomobileKey Performance in 2022



Sustainable DevelopmentManagementCorporate GovernanceDevelopment StrategiesCSR Concept and SystemStakeholder Communication


科技创新,引领未来Technological Innovation,Leading the FutureTechnological InnovationProvider of High-quality ProductBuild a World-class Automobile BrandPrevent Business Risks



Green and Low-carbonGreen ProductionEnvironmental ProtectionSafety & Environment

Green and Low-carbonEnvironmental Protection



Employee Care & GrowthCultural Life of EmployeesHealthy Development of Supply ChainFulfilling of Social Responsibility

Inclusive, Caring andGrowing Together



Five Commitments to Honest ServiceService ExperienceBrand New User Brand "Partner +"









Chairman's Message

About Changan Automobile

Key Performance in 2022









1.1 董事长致辞

Chairman's Message

Exploring the Future is the Greatest Social Responsibility Of Changan Auto

This year, our strategic transformation became more practical, and our strategic path became clearer.

The year 2022 was extraordinary, challenging and extremely difficult.Great changes unseen in a century were accelerating across the world, with continuous impacts such as the chipshortages, and power outages. We bravely moved forward, broke through obstacles, explored the future of technology inthe midst of change and opportunity, and embarked on a path of high-quality development with Changan's uniquecharacteristics.


The goal of “developing a national automotive brand” has never been more confident than it is today! We deeplyunderstand that a strong automotive industry cannot be bought, borrowed, or begged. Self-reliance and self-strengthening with high-level technology are the only ways to promote high-quality development. Over 160 years ago,Changan was born with the mission of “revitalizing the national industry.” For more than 160 years, Changan hasbecome the only Chinese automotive brand that successfully transformed and developed during the early period ofreform and opening up. We insist on innovation-driven development, increase research and development investment,and have established a presence in six countries and ten regions. Our research and development strength has rankedfirst in the Chinese automotive industry for six consecutive periods of 12 years. We are also accelerating the expansion ofour overseas “friends circle” and have ranked among the top Chinese brands in terms of sales in ten countries,

increased research and development investment and focused on developing “soft” talent structure. Our productstructure improved, and product profits increased. Changan's brand and business quality improved, selling 2.346 millionvehicles, achieving a new high in nearly five years, and entering a new round of upward momentum.

including Saudi Arabia and Chile.

“Intelligent, low-carbon, and technological transportation” has never been more accessible than it is today! Weare leading the direction of technology application with social value, promoting the high-end, intelligent, and greendevelopment of the automotive industry. We are leading the direction of technology application with social value,promoting the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the automotive industry. Force Electric has made

“uninterrupted driving for 1283 kilometres without refuelling or recharging” a reality.The global emotional intelligence high-end brand, AVITA, injects Eastern wisdom and Chinese power into every chip, every battery, and every design.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has outlined a grand blueprint to comprehensivelypromote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with the Chinese-style modernization. Time waits for no one in thenew journey, and the new mission inspires us to move forward. Based on a new starting point, Changan Auto will launcha new assault on becoming a world-class auto brand with the power of science and technology frontier exploration, and

Changan Auto's greatest social responsibility is to explore the future. In the next ten years, we will take ChanganTechnology as the centre to achieve a scale of billions of dollars in the technology industry. From various dimensionssuch as resources, technology, and talents, we will lead the automotive industry to accelerate progress. We firmly believethat every technological progress will bring profound changes in production methods, lifestyle, and thinking, and will bringsustainable progress to human society, and a better future.

global perspective.

Zhu Huarong, Chairman of Changan Auto

Preface报告前言2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022










Changan Automobile is subordinate to China South IndustriesGroup Co., Ltd., and is one of the “Big Four” Chinese automakers.Founded 161 years ago, Changan has 39 years of experience in carmaking.

Changan has more than 14,000 technical teams from 24countries, building a global R&D network connecting ten cities in sixcountries (Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai and other places), each withits own priorities. Changan has built the production developmentsystem and test verification system to ensure that each product canbe used for 10 years or 260,000 kilometers.

With a mission to “lead the auto culture for a better life”,Changan speeds transformation to an intelligent low-carbon mobilitytech company. We stay committed to delivering long-term innovation,making contribution to society and meeting people’s needs for abetter life. Moving forward with the Third Business Venture —Innovation & Entrepreneurship Program, Changan strives to becomea world-class automotive brand.


About Changan Automobile

Preface报告前言2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


Since 1991 when Changan Auto started its overseas business, its products have been exported to 63 countries andregions, including 91% of sales in countries along the “Belt and Road”, forming 10 key overseas markets, with the mainexport regions being Asia Pacific, Middle East, North Africa, Central and South America, etc. We have more than 8,700sales and service outlets worldwide, with nearly 12 0,000 professional service personnel. Every minute of every day, weare providing customers with affectionate, touching and fast service.

1.2.1 全球产业布局

Global Footprint


branches and subsidiaries


global production bases


assembly and engine plants


countries and regions

Preface报告前言2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

1.2.2 组织机构



Changan Auto continuously improves the corporate governance structure, and the decision-making, supervision and operation system with the main structure of the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board ofsupervisors and the management layer constantly improve and standardize its operation level.

Preface报告前言2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

Chongqing ChanganAutomobile Co., Ltd.

The Youth League Committee of the Company

Company Union

Inspection Leadership Working Group OfficeDepartment of R&D Park General AffairsDisciplinary Inspection DepartmentRisk Management DepartmentJoint Venture and Cooperation DepartmentTechnology and Project Management Department

Big Data Center

Department of Party and Masses Work (Corporate Culture Center) CPC Publicity Department

Quality DepartmentPurchasing Center

Department of Safety and Environmental Protection

Logistics CentreManufacturing CenterCustomer Management DepartmentCapital Operation DepartmentFinance Operation DepartmentChangan Learning CenterHuman Resources Department, Party Committee Organization DepartmentBrand Public Relations DepartmentProduct Planning DepartmentStrategic Planning DepartmentOffice of the BoardCompany Office, Party Committee Office

Directly Affiliated Unit

Wholly owned/controlledBranches and Subsidiaries

Joint VentureJoint Stock Enterprise










直属二级单位 全资/控股分、子公司 合资企业 参股企业

1.2.3 2022年荣誉奖项

Honor of 2022

序号 No.荣誉名称 Name of the honor颁发单位 From企业绿色低碳发展优秀实践案例《绿色环保型涂装工艺技术研究与应用》

Excellent Practice Case for Green and Low Carbon Development of EnterprisesResearch and Application of Green and Environmental Protection CoatingTechnology


China Enterprise Confederation


First Prize of National Automotive Industry Intelligent Manufacturing InnovationAchievement

中国设备管理协会(国家发改委下辖)China Association of Plant Engineering(CAPE)(Under the jurisdiction of NDRC)


The Third National Automobile Industry Intelligent Manufacturing InnovationAchievements


China Association of PlantEngineering(CAPE)刘源大师工作室荣获中国国防邮电工会劳模和工匠人才(职工)创新工作室

Liu Yuan Master Studio was awarded the Innovation Studio of Model Workers andCraftsmen Talents (Employees) of China National Defense Post andTelecommunications Union


National Committee of China NationalDefense Posts and TelecommunicationsUnion

江北发动机工厂张永忠荣获重庆市“ 最美退役军人”Zhang Yongzhong in Jiangbei Engine Factory won the "Most Beautiful RetiredSoldier" in Chongqing

中共重庆市委宣传部Propaganda Department of ChongqingMunicipal Committee of CPC

曹路、郭宗泽、韩宏圆:第21届全国青年岗位能手Cao Lu, Guo Zongze and Han Hongyuan: The 21st National Youth Post Experts


Central Committee of the Communist Youth Leagueof China, Ministry of Human Resources and SocialSecurity of the People's Republic of China


Liu Silei and Zhang He: National Technical Experts

人力资源社会保障部Ministry of Human Resources and SocialSecurity of the People's Republic of China长安汽车荣获第四届“一带一路”百国印记短视频大赛“优秀作品奖”

中国公共外交协会、国务院国资Changan Automobile won the "Excellent Work Award" of the 4th "the Belt andRoad" 100 Countries Short Video Contest


China Public Diplomacy Association,

SASAC News Center2022年中国新车质量研究(IQS),长安汽车荣膺“中国自主品牌新车质量”第 1In 2022 IQS, Changan Automobile won the first place in "China's IndependentBrand New Car Quality"

J.D.Power 君迪

J.D.Power2022年中国汽车行业销售满意度研究(SSI),长安汽车客户服务满意度获得自主品牌第 22022 China Auto Industry Sales Satisfaction Study (SSI), Changan Auto CustomerService Satisfaction Awarded No. 2 by Independent Brands

J.D.Power 君迪


长安汽车揽获2022 IVISTA智能网联汽车挑战赛三大特等奖智能化团队荣获虚拟仿真挑战赛特等奖UNI-V荣获ADAS挑战赛APS特等奖和AEB特等奖Changan Auto won the three Special Prizes of the 2022 IVISTA Grand ChallengeIntelligent team won the Special Prize of Virtual Simulation ChallengeUNI-V won APS Special Prize and AEB Special Prize in ADAS Challenge


Organizing Committee Office of Smart ChinaExpo, Organizing Committee of IVISTA GrandChallengeUNI-V荣获“双智融合挑战赛智能泊车金奖”UNI-V won the "Intelligent Parking Gold Award in the Double IntelligenceIntegration Challenge"

国家发展和改革委员会National Development and ReformCommission乡村振兴项目组:重庆市工人先锋号

Rural Revitalization Project Team: Chongqing Worker Pioneer


Chongqing Federation of Trade Unions,Chongqing human resources and SocialSecurity Bureau


Ma Bingyao Family: Five Virtues Family in China


All-China Women's Federation


"The shortest round-trip time for two wheels on the vehicle side around the pile" isawarded as the Guinness World Record

吉尼斯世界纪录Guinness World Records


Most Breakthrough Spirit New Energy Brand Award

中国汽车工业协会China Association of Automobile Manufactures(CAAM)十佳自主品牌Top 10 Independent Brands

中国汽车工业协会China Association of AutomobileManufactures (CAAM)王俊:全国五一劳动奖章Wang Jun: National May 1 Labor Medal

中华全国总工会All-China Federation of Trade Unions长安汽车荣获2022年度中国慈善公益500强企业Changan Auto was awarded as one of the top 500 charitable enterprises in Chinain 2022


Organizing Committee of China EnterpriseCharity Forum原力超集电驱获评第二届“世界十佳电驱动”及“中国心”2022年度十佳新能源汽车动力系统The Force Supercollector Drive was awarded the second "Top Ten Electric Drivesin the World" and "China Heart" Top Ten New Energy Vehicle Power Systems in2022

Automotive Evaluation Research Institute

汽车评价研究院《汽车与运动》杂志Automobile and Sports Magazine

Preface报告前言2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

序号 No.荣誉名称 Name of the honor颁发单位 From


Conductedover200investorcommunication activities in compliance,answering a total of 680 questions on theexchange's interactive platform, with aresponse rate of over 95%

Thecompanyheld5shareholders'meetings,19boardmeetingsand5supervisory board meetings throughoutthe year, deliberating and passing 104motions in total

1.3 2022

Establish the management mode of "legalsystem+domesticlegalaffairs+international legal affairs + compliancemanagement" to build a first-class legalcompliance team

年关键绩效Key Performance in 2022

合规经营 责任管理

Compliance operation CSR Management


Products and Innovations


General and above safety and


关爱中心,提供心理咨询400次environmental accidents are 0The labor contract signing rate ofEmployee Psychological Assistance EAPemployees is 100%, and the socialcreated 4 employee care centers andinsurance coverage rate is 100%

provided psychological counseling 400


包容关爱 共同成长

Inclusive, Caring and Growing Together

成立碳达峰碳中和联合项目全面推进光伏电站建设,自发自用绿色清洁能源,全年组,推进公司绿色低碳转型合肥、河北、南京三大基地共计消纳绿色电力3776万度,Established the Carbon Dafeng Carbon

已建成光伏装机42.4MW实现降碳3.2万吨Neutral Joint Project Team to promote

Make full use of plant rooftop and parkings green low-carbon

lot resources to comprehensively

promote the construction of photovoltaic

power plants, Hefei, Hebei, Nanjing three

bases have been completed photovoltaic

Self-generated green and clean energy,consuming a total of 37.76 million kWh ofgreen electricity and reducing carbon bythecompany'transformation

32,000 tons throughout the year

installed 42.4MW



向重庆市慈善总会捐1000万有序推进云南两县、重庆酉阳长安汽车荣获2022年度中国慈元,定向用于森林火灾灾后生定点帮扶工作,统筹拨付帮扶善公益500 强企业

Changan Auto was awarded as one of态重建资金1060万元

the top 500 charitable enterprises inDonate 10 million yuan to Chongqing Promote the two counties in Yunnan and

China in 2022Charity Federation for post-forest fire Youyang in Chongqing in an orderlydisaster Ecological reconstructionmanner to help the work of the fixed point

Coordinated the allocation of 10.6 millionyuan of funds to help

同心协力 温暖社会Collaborate to Warm Society

Preface报告前言2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


Zero product recalls


Investing 5% of sales revenue in R&D

家、1.4万余人的技术团队every year

14,000 technical teams from 24 countries

around the world, "six countries and ten

regions" global R&D pattern完成专利申报4910件,其中发发布国家标准、行业标准等8人入选智能网联汽车国际专家明专利3548件48项,其中国际标准/法规5组(HEAG),人数居国内车

4910 new patents were added, including

项,成为唯一入围企业标准“领企第一3548 invention patents

8 people were selected into the HEAG,


ranking first among domestic car

Issued 48 national standards and


industry standards, including 5

international standards/regulations,

becoming the only independent brand car

company that was shortlisted for the

"leader" list of enterprise standards







Corporate Governance

Development Strategy

CSR Concept and System

CSR Communication with Stakeholders


In line with the changes in the international situation andthe globalization development strategy, Changan Automobile hasestablished a management model of “legal system+domesticlegal affairs+international legal affairs+compliancemanagement” and built a first-class legal compliance team.


Changan Automobile deeply interprets the frontier legalissues, carries out close cooperation with various business units,and integrates the law with the company’s overall strategicplanning, new technologies, new formats and new models, thusgiving full play to the important role of the company's legal affairs.


Changan Automobile continues to promote legal riskprevention and control, product compliance legal support andindustry frontier legal research under the business model,providing in-depth, systematic, comprehensive and professionallegal services to give a boost for the company to achieve itsbusiness goals.

2.1 公司治理

Corporate Governance

2.1.1 合规运营

Compliance Operation

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

2.1.2 坚持党建引领

Guided by Party Building

作为国有企业,长安汽车坚定不移贯彻落实党中央决策部署及习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,推动党建与生产经营深度融合。As a state-owned enterprise, Changan Auto has unswervingly implemented thedecision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the important instructionsof General Secretary Xi Jinping, and promoted the deep integration of party building andproduction and operation.


Under the CPC Committee of Changan Auto, there are 20 sub-committees, 19disciplinary inspection committees, 290 Party (general) branches, 10,663 party members. Andits Party member accounts for 15% of its employees.

2022年是党的二十大召开之年 , 是我国踏上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的重要一年。

2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as wellas an important year for China to embark on a new journey of building a modern socialistcountry in an all-round way and march towards the second centenary goal.

长安汽车党委坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习贯彻落实党的二十大精神,坚定扛起民族汽车品牌发展重任,按照党中央疫情要防住、经济要稳住、发展要安全的要求,充分发挥党委“把方向、管大局、保落实”的领导作用,团结带领广大党员干部和全体员工,聚焦“四心四好”党建目标,推动党史学习教育常态化长效化,全力应对物资保供、高温限电等困难挑战,扎实推进第三次创业——创新创业计划,以高质量党建引领保障高质量发展 , 奋力向打造世界一流汽车品牌的目标迈进。

The CPC Committee of Changan Auto adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought onSocialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively studies andimplements the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, firmly shoulders the heavy responsibility ofdeveloping national automobile brands. Changan Auto has fulfilled the requirements of theParty Central Committee that the epidemic situation should be prevented, the economy shouldbe stabilized and development should be safe and give full play to the leading role of the Partycommittee in “giving direction, managing the overall situation and ensuring implementation”.And Changan Auto unites and leads the cadres and all employees in party member to focus onthe party building goal of “maintaining the core, focusing on the center, winning employees’favor, and making concerted efforts with partners”, promote the normalization and long-termeffect of party history study and education, fully cope with the difficulties and challenges such asmaterial supply, high temperature power cut, solidly promotes the “Third Business Venture --Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program”, ensuring high-quality development under theguidance of high-quality party building, and striving to make progress towards the goal ofbuilding a world-class automobile brand.

长安汽车召开”决战四季度,全力保交付“誓师大会Changan Automobile’s “Decisive Battle in the Fourth Quarter, Fully Guaranteed Delivery” Oath-taking Rally

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

长安汽车以贯彻落实党的二十大精神为主线,持续深化“四心四好”党建目标,以高质量党建引领保障高质量发展。Changan Auto takes the implementation of the spirit of the 20th Party Congress as the main line, and has been deepening the party building goal of “maintaining the core, focusing on the center, winning employees’ favor, and making concerted efforts with partners”, and ensuring high-quality developmentwith high-quality party building as the guide.


Strengthen the Overall Leadership of the Party


Strengthen Party Building Ideologically


Give Play to Party Member's Vanguard and Exemplary Role

在完善公司治理中进一步加强党的领导。坚持以党的政治建设为统领,发挥党委“把方向、管大局、保落实”作用,统筹发展和安全,进一步形成各司其职、各负其责,有序推进、协调运转的治理结构。Changan Auto further strengthens the party’s leadership in improving corporategovernance. We adhere to the party’s political construction as the guide, give full play tothe leading role of the Party committee in “giving direction, managing the overallsituation and ensuring implementation”, make overall plans for development andsecurity, and further form a governance structure that performs its own duties, promotesorderly and operates in a coordinated manner.


Changan Auto insists on arming the mind with the party’s innovative theory toguide practice. We strictly implement the first topic, the central group of the PartyCommittee studied 14 times (including 4 seminars) and the Party Committee studied 8times; Insist on learning the original text and understanding the principles, and distributemore than 9,000 volumes of studying materials about The Spirit of the 20th NationalCongress of the Communist Party of China such as the The fourth volume of “Xi Jinping:

The Governance of China”.

树立党员模范标杆。重点围绕党的二十大代表刘源、公司“两优一先”先进个人69人,开展立体宣传和打造,以优秀事迹鼓舞士气,带动全员干事创业(刘源事迹入选《党的二十大代表风采录》)。Changan Auto sets an exemplary benchmark for party member. We focus on therepresentative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China , Liu Yuanand 69 advanced individuals who won the title of “Excellent Party Workers, ExcellentCommunist Party Member and Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations”, to carry outthree-dimensional publicity and creation, boost morale with good deeds and drive all staffto do practical things and innovate and start businesses (Liu Yuan’s deeds were selectedin the “Record of the Charm of Representatives of the 20th National Congress of theCommunist Party of China”).

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Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

2.1.3 领先文化·狼性长安4.0

A Pioneering Leader, A Wolf-culture Changan 4.0


Mission引领汽车文明 造福人类生活

Lead the auto civilization for a better life愿景





客户为尊 产品为王 员工为本 价值导向 效率优先

Build a world-class auto brand

Customer-centred, Product-driven, Employee-focused, Value-oriented, Efficiency-prioritized



自我批判 科学理性 艰苦奋斗 创新创业

Self-critical, Science-based, Hard-working, Innovative and Entrepreneurial





诚信自律 安全合规 敏捷高效 创造价值

科技长安 智慧伙伴

Integrity and self-discipline, Safety and compliance, Agility and efficiency, Value creation

Tech Changan Intelligent Partner

嗅觉敏锐 / 目标坚定 / 担当奋斗 / 团结协作 / 极致效率

A Pioneering Leader, A Wolf-culture Changan


A sharp mind/Relentless determination/ Accountablity/ Collaboration/Extrem Efficiency

的文化氛围。Changan Auto’s new version of the leading culture philosophy focuses on value creation, employee-oriented, arousing vitality, creating an optimistic, innovative spiritual connotation with rich content and struggling attitude, and creating a cultural atmosphere of caring foremployees’growth and encouraging employees to innovate and start businesses.

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

2.1.4 廉洁从业

Professional Integrity

长安汽车纪委立足党章赋予的监督执纪问责职责定位,忠诚履职尽责,不断强化政治监督和日常监督,以高质量纪检工作保障公司转型升级高质量发展。The Commission for Discipline Inspection of Changan Automobile is based on the responsibility of supervision and accountabilityentrusted by party constitution, performing its duties conscientiously, constantly strengthening political supervision and daily supervision,and ensuring the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the company with high-quality discipline inspection work.

Fully implement the political responsibility of rectifying the bad style of seeking personal gain by personal authority. Persevere indeepening the full and strict governance over the Party, deeply understand the political essence and harm of Yin Jiaxu’s use of personalauthority for personal gain, and promote the systems and mechanisms ensuring that officials do not dare, are not able, and ultimately have


no desire to be corrupt in an integrated way, so as to thoroughly rectify the bad style of using personal authority for personal gain.


Build a honest and upright environment. In 2022, Changan Automobile resolutely eliminated 424 middlemen and established a long-term mechanism. In-depth “000” special action was carried out, and 49 enterprises were seriously dealt with. Strictly implement the spiritof the Party’s eight-point frugality code , continue to strengthen the warning with specific cases, and urge all employees to strictly abideby the integrity regulations.


Fully promote the construction of work style. The leaders of Changan Automobile and all senior staff signed a letter of responsibilityfor building a honest and upright party style, launched the 17th month of honest and upright party style education, strengthened theconstruction of family style, and sent 1,596 family letters advocating integrity to party members, so as to guide the construction of honestand upright family style and noble self-cultivation.


Zhu Huarong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company, led the members

of the leadership team to make a commitment to clean practice

长安汽车相关业务领导和供应商相关代表共同作出廉洁承诺Changan Auto’s relevant business leaders and relevant representatives

of suppliers jointly made a commitment to integrity

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

2.2 发展战略

Development Strategy

我们发布第三次创业-创新创业计划6.0,提出“智能低碳出行科技公司”的战略定位。以科技创新为驱动,重塑能力、升级产业,以更快的速度、更大的强度,坚定向智能低碳出行科技公司转型。Changan Auto released the “Third Business Venture - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program 6.0”, and put forward the strategic positioning of “Intelligent Low-carbon Travel Technology Company”. Driven by scientific and technological innovation, we will enhance our capabilities and upgradeour industries, and resolutely transform into an intelligent low-carbon travel technology company with faster speed and greater intensity.我们坚持创新技术引领发展,打造世界一流的研发实力,构建“六国十地”全球研发布局,16个技术研究、产品开发中心,7家科技公司。We insist on seeking development with innovative technology. We are building a world-class R&D strength and building a Changan global R&D layout of ten cities in six countries, including 16 technology research and product development centers and 7 technology companies.


Intelligent: Intelligent automobile,intelligent manufacturing and intelligent management


Low-carbon: Low-carbon design,low-carbon products and low-carbon manufacturing

科技:科技主体、科技产品、科技产业Science: Technology Science and technology subject,science and technology products, science and technology industry

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

2.2.1 “香格里拉”和“北斗天枢”计划取得新突破

New Breakthroughs Have been Made in the“Mission Shangri-La” and “Duble Intelligent Program”

发展新能源汽车是我国从汽车大国迈向汽车强国的必由之路。Developing new energy vehicles is the only way for China to transform from a big automobile country to an automobile power2017年,长安汽车发布新能源“香格里拉”计划。2022年,我们推进新能源加速计划,明确 “世界一线主流电动车中国品牌”定位,新能源汽车规模连续两年翻番,行业排名提升至第 位。

In 2017, Changan Automobile released the new energy “Mission Shangri-La”. In 2022, we further promoted the new energyacceleration plan, and defined our position as “China brand of the world’s first-line mainstream electric vehicle”. The scale of newenergy vehicles has doubled for two consecutive years, and our ranking in the industry has risen to sixth place.


The intelligent strategy is accelerated, which provides a boost for Changan Auto to transform into an intelligent low-carbon traveltechnology company


In 2018, Changan Auto released the “Duble Intelligent Program”. Up to now, we have released more than 2.7 million intelligentnetworked vehicles.

智能体验——为您提供极致出行体验。预计到 2025年,车载功能将实现 100%语音控制,L4 级智能驾驶产品将上市。


Intelligent experience——provide you with the unparallel travel experience. It is estimated that by 2025, Changan Auto’s on-board functions will achieve 100% voice control, and L4 intelligent driving products will be listed.伴实现共赢。


Intelligent alliance——form a Duble Intelligent Alliance. We aim to build three industrial ecological alliances: intelligent driving,intelligent networking and three-dimensional transportation to achieve a win-win situation with partners.


Thousands of talents and hundreds of billions of capital investment——consolidate two major guarantees, talent guaranteeand resource guarantee.


长安汽车坚持以“新汽车 新生态”战略为指引,以“香格里拉”、北斗天枢”计划为主线,召开第二届“新汽车 新生态”科技生态大会,开启新汽车新赛道,发布SDA超级智能平台和首款基于SDA-S的原型车CD701。Changan Automobile adheres to the “New Auto + New Ecology” Strategy, and takes the “Mission Shangri-La” and “DubheIntelligent Program” as the main line to hold the 2nd “New Auto + New Ecology” Technology and Ecology Conference, open a new autotrack, and release the SDA super intelligent platform and the first prototype CD701 based on SDA-S.大会发布智能品牌“诸葛智能”,为用户带来“诸葛交互、诸葛智驾、诸葛生态”三大核心体验。At the conference, Changan Auto released the smart brand “Smart Zhuge”, which brought users three core experiences of“Zhuge Interactive, Zhuge Intelligent Driving and Zhuge Ecology”.到2025年,公司在新能源、智能化、数字转型等重点领域投入超800亿元,智能化、软件及新能源研发人员超1万人。


By 2025, Changan Auto will invest more than 80 billion yuan in key areas such as new energy, intelligence and digital transformation,with more than 10,000 R&D personnel in intelligence, software and new energy to participate.


“New Auto + New Ecology” Strategy


Zhuge Interactive: A new interactive space with intelligent whole scene, which supports the free arrangement of functional scenes ofthe whole vehicle.


Zhuge Intelligent Driving: Realize full-time escort and time-sharing substitute driving, and provide users with “worry-free,unbounded, senseless and boundless”intelligent driving service.


Zhuge Ecology: Build an ecosystem integrating software services, content subscription and digital hardware access.

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

2.2.3 全球化战略

Globalization Strategy

长安汽车稳步推进海外战略,海外市场加速拓展,不断提升海外知名度美誉度,足迹遍布全球63个国家和地区。Changan Automobile has steadily promoted the globalization strategy, accelerated the expansion of overseas markets, andcontinuously enhanced its overseas popularity and reputation. Its layout covers 63 countries and regions around the world.全球区域总部进入筹备建设阶段,东盟基地建设稳步推进。

The Global Department has entered the stage of preparation and construction, and the construction of ASEAN base is progressingsteadily.

在第十届沙特阿拉伯PR汽车奖颁奖典礼上,UNI-K斩获“2022年度最佳中型SUV Coupe”大奖UNI-K won the “Best Medium-sized SUV Coupe in 2022”at the 10th Saudi Arabia PR Automobile Awards Ceremony


Changan Alsvin right rudder products won “EFFIEAWARDS” in Pakistan, and were selected as the mostpopular auto brand among young Pakistani consumers

长安汽车荣获阿曼“最佳亲民奢侈品牌”和“年度未来汽车品牌”两项大奖。2022年,长安汽车快速成长为当地市场行业Top10,销量同比增长90%Changan Auto won two awards of the Sultanate of Oman,that is “Best People-friendly Luxury Brand” and “FutureAutomobile Brand of the Year”. In 2022, Changan Automrapidly grew into the local market industry Top10, and itssales volume increased by 90% year-on-year


Changan automobile UNI-T and CS55PLUS are sold in Chile.In 2022, the sales volume of Changan Auto in Chile continuedto rise, and its market share exceeded 4.5%, ranking amongthe top ten in the industry

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


2022年,长安汽车海外销量实现历史新高,出口规模突破 24.9 万辆,同比增长 56.57%。在沙特、智利等 10 个国家销量排名中国品牌数一数二。

In 2022, Changan Auto’s overseas sales reached a record high, and its export scale exceeded 249,000 units, up 56.57% year-on-year. Changan Auto is one of the best brands in China in terms of sales volume in 10 countries including Saudi Arabia and Chile.

长安汽车围绕“科技、数字、用户、绿色”四大生态、“芯片、控制器、算法”等16项重点领域,构建“416+N”新型朋友圈,与中国联通、德赛西威、中兴通讯等22家国内外头部企业签订战略合作协议,进一步提升公司核心能力建设。Changan Auto built a “416+N” new circle of partnership around the 4 ecologies of “technology, digital, user, green”, 16 keyareas such as “science and technology, digital, users and green”, and signed strategic cooperation agreements with 22 domestic andforeign leading enterprises such as China Unicom, Desay SV and ZTE, which further enhanced the company’s core competence.与武汉大学、复旦大学、中国汽研等 20 余家高校、企业共建联合实验室,共研共享关键技术,合作拓展新产业边界,携手共创科技新生态。

Changan Auto cooperated with more than 20 universities and enterprises, including Wuhan University, Fudan University and ChinaAutomotive Technology & Research Center Co. Ltd. (CATARC), to build a joint laboratory, to research and share key technologies, andcooperate to expand the boundaries of new industries, and jointly create a new science and technology ecology.

2.2.4 跨界合作的朋友圈

“Partnership Circle" for Cross-border Cooperation



On April 27, 2022, Changan Auto signed a strategic cooperationagreement with China Unicom to promote digital cooperation suchas intelligent manufacturing, big data integration and intelligentnetwork connection

产品量产落地On August 11, 2022, Changan Auto signed a strategic cooperationagreement with Desay SV, aiming at promoting the research anddevelopment of key components of SDA central computer andmass production of products


In February 2022, Changan Auto signed a “military pledge” withHuawei


On June 23, 2022, the signing and unveiling ceremony of ChanganAuto-China Core Auto Semiconductor Joint Innovation Center


In 2022, Changan Auto held the Changan Automobile Global Partner Conference. 2,935 dealers, 612suppliers, 504 media and users from more than 40 countries attended the conference

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


2.3 责任理念及体系CSR Concept and System


Changan Auto is committed to contributing long-term and continuous innovation into the industry, making continuous contributions to the society and constantly meeting people’s needs for a better life.

对客户To Customer我们坚持客户为尊,深耕客户需求,精进客户服务,满足客户在全场景下对产品和服务的不同需求,打造极致的产品和服务体验。We insist on customer first, dig deep into customer needs, improve customer service,meet customers’different needs for products and services in the whole scene, and bringcustomers the incomparable product and service experience.

对员工To Employees

我们坚持发展依靠员工、发展成果由员工共享的理念,真心爱才、悉心育才、精心用才,打造事业发展共同体。We adhere to the concept of relying on employees for development and sharingdevelopment results with employees. We sincerely love talents, cultivate talentscarefully and use talents carefully, and are committed to building a community ofcareer development.

对合作伙伴To Partners


对社会 T

We adhere to the principle of integrity, equality and win-win, to establish a long-term partnership of risk sharing, value creation and benefit sharing.

o Society我们致力于做负责任的企业楷模,为社会、经济和环境的可持续发展作出积极贡献。

We are committed to being a responsible corporate model, and makinga contribution to social, economic and environmental development.

对股东To Shareholder我们一贯坚持透明高效、诚信经营,追求盈利和业绩的可持续增长,创造价值和效益,提供长期、稳定和良好的回报。We always insist on transparent, efficient and honest management, pursue thesustainable growth of profit and performance, create value and benefit, and provide long-term, stable and good returns for shareholders.

引领汽车文明造福人类生活Lead the Auto

Civilizationfor A Better Life

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


The "Requirements of Chongqing Changan Auto’s Social Responsibility Management Procedures" clearly stipulated our social responsibility planning management, execution management and operation evaluation management, by which, we strictly implement the donation processand information disclosure system to realize the standardization and systematization of our social responsibility.

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

2.4 利益相关方沟通

CSR Communication with Stakeholders




沟通理念Communication concept





We insist on customer first, dig deep into customer needs, improve customer service, meetcustomers’different needs for products and services in the whole scene, and bring customers theincomparable product and service experience.


We are committed to being a model as a responsible enterprise, constantly expandingemployment, practicing energy conservation and emission reduction, actively advocating green


We insist on customer first, dig deep into customer needs, improve customer service, meetcustomers’different needs for products and services in the whole scene, and bring customers theincomparable product and service experience.

living, and contributing to social, economic and environmental development.




Our actions and measures


Provide high quality products;Provide a pleasant experience;Provide a service that touches the heart


Gain professional developmentEnhance management interaction;Employee protection; Work-life balance


扩大就业;依法纳税;节能环保;公益慈善事业Expand employmentPay taxes according to law;Being environment-friendly and savingenergy;Public welfare and charity


客户体验评价机制、诚信服务五大承诺、明亮行动、超级星期三Establishing a customer experienceevaluation mechanism, the Five Commitments of Sincere Services, the CleanCampaign, “Super Wednesday”


The job development system, Changan Automobile University, Employee Skill Competition, the junior staff competitionmechanism, reasonable suggestion-taking mechanism, communication sites, the equity incentive mechanism, thedeferred bonus plan, staff association activities




Ever-growing businessperformance Transparent informationdisclosure;Stable and good return on investment

我们一贯坚持透明高效、诚信经营,追求盈利和业绩的可持续增长,创造价值和效益,提供长期、稳定和良好的回报。We adhere to transparent, efficient, honest and pragmatic operation, pursue profit and sustainablegrowth of performance, and provide long-term, stable and good returns for shareholders.



Maintain stable dividends, fulfill the obligation of information disclosure, carry out investor interaction online and offline,establish interaction mechanism for multi-level investors, maintain communication with the capital maet, and build agood image in the capital market for the company


共同发展;长期合作;能力帮扶Mutual growthLong-term cooperationAssistance in ability-building



With the principles of honesty, equality and win-win,we seek openness and cooperation and striveto build a long-term partnership which creates value and shares risks and benefits for a brightfuture.


经销商大会、“1241”营销赋能体系、单店赋能培训供应商大会、阳光采购体系、数字化供应链建设、供应商帮扶和认证CA-QIP长安质量改进流程The dealers' conference, the "1241" marketing empowering system, the single store empowering training, thesuppliers' conference, the sunshine procurement system, digital supply chain construction, supplier assistanceand certification, CA-QIP Changan Quality Improvement Process


The Third Business Venture -- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program 6.0, sustainable development, MissionShangri-la, green manufacturing, green supply chain, rural revitalization, development of carbon sequestration methodof camellia oleifera, public welfare and volunteer activities


Changan Auto has established a variety of stakeholder communication methods, such as publishing social responsibility reports, setting up social responsibility columns on the official website of the enterprise, opening WeChat account and Weibo account, and carrying out user experience officer activities, etc., topublicize the CSR concept to the society and stakeholders and show the progress and achievements in fulfilling economic responsibility, environmental responsibility and social responsibility.

Sustainable Development Management可持续发展管理2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022





TechnologicalInnovation,Leading the Future

Technological Innovation

A Provider of High-quality Product

Committed to Build a World-Class Automobile Brand

Prevention of Operational Risks



Changan Auto is committed to transforming into an intelligent low-carbon travel technology company, and insists on investing 5% ofits sales revenue in research and development every year. With the support of the rapidly improving scientific and technological innovationsystem, we insist on continuous breakthroughs in technological innovation and continue to bring smarter and better green travel plans.

3.1 科技创新

Technological Innovation

3.1.1 技术创新

Technical Innovation


坚持自主创新,掌握新能源“大三电”等核心技术 余项,发布“零起火”电池、“七合一”智慧芯、“八合一”电驱总成和脉冲加热技术。开发新能源EPA0、EPA1、EPA2全新平台,形成大中小新能源专属平台。

Sticking to independent innovation, Changan Auto has mastered more than 400 core technologies such as “battery, motor andelectronic control system” of new energy, and released “battery with zero major failure rate”, “seven-in-one” smart core, “eight-in-one” electric drive assembly and pulse heating technology. In addition, we have also developed new platforms for new energy sources,

Vigorously improve the level of new energy technology, constantly hold core technologies in our own hands

such as EPA0, EPA1 and EPA2, forming exclusive platforms for large, medium and small new energy sources.

APA6.0、七合一电驱 EDS2等技术实现行业首发,处于行业领先水平。

Changan Auto is the first company in the industry to launch technologies such as APA6.0 and 7-in-1 electric drive EDS2, which is atthe leading level in the industry.


Electronic control technology: “seven-in-one”smart coreSVDC, compared with the previous generation products, itsperformance is improved by 70% and its cost is reduced by43%, providing users with “personalized service and phasedupgraded service”

电驱技术:原力超集电驱,获评第二届“世界十佳电驱动”及“中国心”2022年度十佳新能源汽车动力系统Electric drive technology: Changan Auto’s ultra-integrated electric drive was awarded the “Top TenElectric Drives in the World” in the 2nd selection and“Top Ten New Energy Vehicle Power Systems in ‘ChinaHeart’” in 2022

电池技术:iBC数字电池管家,避免电池整包热失控,为用户人身财产安全提供保障Battery technology: iBC digital battery housekeeper, which can avoid the thermal runaway of the whole battery package and provideprotection for the personal and property safety of users


DEEPAL SL03 adopts the world's first micronucleus high-frequency pulse heating technology, which can heat 20℃for 5 minutes in theextremely cold environment of-30 ℃, greatly improving the user’s use experience in severe cold

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future科技创新 引领未来2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


我们掌握视觉感知、多模融合等 余项智能化核心技术,智能汽车安全技术全国重点实验室获批运行,“芯器图核云网天”多项技术首发量产 ,研发实力再获行业第一。 人入选智能网联汽车国际专家组(HEAG),人数居国内车企第一。

synergy have been launched and mass-produced, and the research devices-maps-core parts-cloud

Changan Auto has mastered more than 200 intelligent core technologies such as visual perception and multimodal fusion. Ournational key laboratory of smart automobile safety technology has been approved for operation, and many technologies such as “

Rich intelligent technological achievements, many technologies are leading in the industry, and the first launch and mass production of many technologies have been realized


development strength has won the first place in the industry. Eight people were selected into Expert Group on the Coordination ofInternational Standards and Regulations for Intelligent Networked Vehicles (HEAG), ranking first among domestic automobile enterprises.

智能驾驶:行业首发APA6.0远程智能泊车并搭载UNI-V,获得2022世界智能驾驶挑战赛金奖。Intelligent driving: APA6.0, the industry’s first remote intelligent parking with UNI-V, won the gold medal in the 2022 World IntelligentDriving Challenge.


Smart space: We have completely mastered the active road noise reduction technology of RNC, and achieved the first launch in theindustry.SDA-S打造以用户为中心的“中央+区域”环网电子电气架构,实现整车服务化软件架构、标准化与抽象化的硬件架构,带动汽车周边部件向智能化转型。SDA-S builds a user-centered “central+regional” ring network electronic and electrical architecture, realizes the service softwarearchitecture of the whole vehicle, standardizes and abstracts the hardware architecture, and drives the intelligent transformation ofautomobile peripheral components.

APA6.0远程智能泊车技术APA6.0 Remote Intelligent Parking Technology


自主突破RNC关键技术瓶颈,运用静音轮胎、双级隔振、高刚度轮辋等技术,阿维塔E11成为长安车UNI-V was awarded the title of “Top Ten Chassis” in China in2022 based on advanced genetic algorithm


We independently broke through the bottleneck of key technologiesof RNC, and used technologies such as silent tires, two-stagevibration isolation and high-rigidity rims to make AVATR E11 a silentbenchmark for Changan Auto’s vehicles

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future科技创新 引领未来2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

3.1.1 技术创新

Technical Innovation


持续秉承绿色可持续发展理念,积极践行低碳科技转型,发布面向绿色未来的三大新能源动力系统。Adhering to the concept of green sustainable development, Changan Auto has been actively practicing the transformation of low-carbon technology. The specific practices include the release of three new energy power systems: “Force Electric, Changan Smart Power System iDD and Changan Hydrogen FuelCell System”for a green future.




Changan Auto’s Force technology includes intelligent range extension, ultra-integratedelectric drive, etc. With more than 181 technical patents, the efficiency of ultra-integratedelectric driv assembly can reach 95%. The cruising range of intelligent extended rangecan reach 1200 kilometers


长安氢燃料电池系统是国内首款量产自主轿车氢燃料电池系统,助Changan Auto’s Smart Power System iDD can use both fuel and electricity, which notonly retains the strong power of traditional fuel vehicles, but also injects the quiet andsmooth characteristics of electric drive, which can meet the new requirements of “zeroanxiety” travel of users


Changan Auto’s hydrogen fuel cell system is the first self-developed automobile

hydrogen fuel cell system in China, which can help realize zero-carbon future travel

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future科技创新 引领未来2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

3.1.1 技术创新

Technical Innovation


核心技术专利 Core Technology Patent长安汽车专利申报“量” 多“质” 优,行业排名增速明显,取得发明专利和外观设计专利银奖“零”的突破。

Changan Auto’s patents can be called large “quantity” and excellent “quality”, and the growth rate in the industry ranking is obvious, and it has achieved a breakthrough of “0” for invention patents and design patents.



TOP3,智能化技术领域专利公利银奖、外观设计银奖,实现比增长195%。In 2022, the company applied for 4,910

开量跃居TOP1。兵装集团发明奖项“0”的突破。patent applications (13/day), up 144%

According to “Statistical Analysis of Changan Auto’s patent “Hybridyear-on-year, including 3,548 invention

Automobile Patent Data in China in Electric Vehicle and its Engine Startpatents, up 195% year-on-year.

2022”, the disclosure of automobile Control Method” and patent “UNI-T”

patents and invention patents of won the silver award of China Patent

Changan Auto jumped to TOP3, and that Award and the silver award of design

of intelligent technology jumped to TOP1.respectively, which achieved the

breakthrough of “0” in the inventionaward of weapons and equipmententerprises.

2021年度公司共计荣获重庆市其中:“智能汽车端云一体化“高品质智驾CS75 PLUS全

平台关键技术及应用”等获一新SUV平台开发及应用”等获科技奖 项

In 2021, the company won 10等奖2项二等奖2项

Chongqing Science and Technology

Among which, “Key Technologies and “Development and Application of High-Awards

Applications of Smart Automobile quality Intelligent Driving CS75 PLUS

Terminal Cloud Integration Platform” Brand-new SUV Platform” won 2

won 2 first prizessecond prizes

发明专利占比情况Proportion of Invention Patents

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future

科技创新 引领未来2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

技术专利 Technology patents荣获省部级科技奖 项

20 Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Awards


科技人才奖,“吴礼军”获2022年度中国汽车工程学会会士。会科技奖 项

Zhang Xiaoyu,Changan Auto’s employee won the 2022 China-SAE Science and9 science and technology awards of

Technology Award for Outstanding Scientific and Technological Talents; Wu LijunChina-SAE in 2022

won the Fellowship of China-SAE in 2022.

3.1.1 技术创新

Technical Innovation


标准化荣誉情况 Honors in Standardization

长安汽车积极落实国家战略和公司转型要求,搭建“低碳” 专业领域标准体系,主导和参与外部标准 项,引领技术发展。Changan Auto actively implements the national strategy and company transformation requirements, sets up a “low-carbon”professional standard system. And Chang’an Auto has participated in the formulation of 55 external standards and played a leading rolein them, leading the technological development.主导标准:长安汽车主导的ITU《汽车多媒体系统实现》国际标准成功立项,且成功提案9项;积极参与WP.29联合国车辆法规协调工作,完成NVH、新能源领域提案。Standards formulated under its leadership: The ITU international standard “Realization of Automotive Multimedia System”compiled under the leadership of Changan Auto was successfully established, and 9 proposals were successfully put forward. ChanganAuto actively participated in the coordination of WP.29 United Nations vehicle regulations, and completed the proposal in the field of NVHand new energy.标准领跑:入围首批企业标准“领跑者”榜单,成为唯一上榜的自主品牌车企,上榜标准数量居央企第一;牵头制定的《电动汽车高压连接器技术条件》标准入选工信部百强团标,长安汽车7项团体标准荣获2022年度中国汽车工程学会优秀标准项目,入选数量居各汽车品牌第一。

Standard forerunner: Changan Auto was shortlisted in the first batch of “Enterprise Standard Forerunner” list, becoming the onlyself-owned brand automobile company on the list, and the number of standards on the list ranked first among central enterprises; Thestandard “Technical Requirements for High-voltage Connectors of Electric Vehicles” led by Changan Auto was selected as one of thetop 100 group standards of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The 7 group standards of Changan Automobile won theexcellent standard project of China-SAE in 2022, ranking first among all automobile brands.人才培养:培养中国车企首位IEC专家,注册长安首位ISO专家;中国汽车行业标准化青年专家数行业第一。

Talent cultivation: Changan Auto trained the first IEC expert of China automobile enterprises and registered the talent as the first ISOexpert of Changan Auto; The number of standardized young experts in China automobile industry ranks first in the industry.


External honors: The “Standard System Construction of Automobile Enterprises Effectively Supporting the New Four-modernization Transformation of ‘Intelligentization, Networking, Electrification and Sharing’”issued by Changan Auto won the secondprize of the 29th National Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation Achievement. And Changan Auto also won the title of“Advanced Collective” issued by Chongqing Technical Committee of Auto Standardization, and the “Best Contribution Award” ofChina Automobile Standards Internationalization Center (Geneva) in 2022.主导国际标准International Standards Formulated underChangan Auto’s Leadership

标准领跑Standard Forerunner


Talent Cultivation

外部荣誉External Honors

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future

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3.1.1 技术创新

Technical Innovation


3.1.2 新一批科技创新主体成功设立

A New Batch of Scientific and Technological Innovation Subjects were Successfully Established科技是长安汽车的战略重点,我们以科技驱动公司高质量发展,构建技术新生态,大力投入研发资源,产出高质量、有影响力的科技成果,提升科技创新水平。

Changan Auto takes science and technology as the strategic focus, and drives the company’s high-quality development withscience and technology to build a new technological ecology. Changan Auto has invested heavily in R&D resources, produced high-qualityand influential scientific and technological achievements, and improved the level of scientific and technological innovation.科技为先,创新引领,长安科技公司正式起航。未来十年,我们将以长安科技为中心,在新汽车科技产业链累计投入超1500亿元,构建超过10000人的科技创新团队,形成“用户共创、员工共赢、伙伴共建”的全新商业模式。

Give priority to science and technology and lead with innovation. Changan Science and Technology Company officially set sail. In thenext decade, with Changan Technology as the center, we will invest more than 150 billion yuan in the new automobile technology industrychain, build a technology innovation team with more than 10,000 people, and form a brand-new business model of “users participating inthe production process, employees winning together and partners building together”.


Break through new technologies, innovate new type of vehicles together, and set up the Changxian intelligent projects. We activelybuild an industrial ecology, set up Changxian Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and other technology enterprises that can provide a completeset of intelligent driving solutions, and achieved a scale of 100 billion-level technology industry. We aim to build a new strategic high point ofsoftware-defined automobile and gather and support powerful scientific and technological innovation subjects.

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future

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我们成为国家实验室体系改革后第二批入轨的全国重点实验室,也是重庆唯一一家以企业为主体的全国重点实验室。新建 3个省部级科研平台,以科技生态支撑科技创新。

We have become the second batchof national key laboratories selected afterthe reform of the national laboratory system,and the only national key laboratory inChongqing with enterprises as the mainbody. We have newly established 3provincial and ministerial scientific researchplatforms to support scientific andtechnological innovation with scientific andtechnological ecology.

我们发布新汽车开发流程CA-EPDS 3.0,产品开发周期缩短 2 个月。主导发布外部标准19项,其中国际标准/法规 5项,《汽车多媒体网络实现》成为中国车企主导的首个 ITU 国际标准。

We released the new automobiledevelopment process CA-EPDS 3.0, andshortened the product development cycleby 2 months. We issued 19 externalstandards, including 5 internationalstandards/regulations. “AutomotiveMultimedia Network Realization”formulated by us has been the first ITUinternational standard led by Chineseautomobile enterprises.


3.1.3 数字化转型

Digital Transformation


Changan Auto adheres to value-oriented, customer-centered, and platform-based, focusing on “experience improvement”,“efficiency improvement”, “cost reduction” and “model innovation”. Through digital transformation, Changan Auto has built a digitalbenchmark of the industry and built a platform-based industrial model of “Cloud Network Platform”CNPS, aiming at realizing directconnection with users and partners and creating new commercial value.


Carry out the “new one-half project”, that is, reduce the energy consumption of redundant and repeated problems by half andincrease the self-collection rate of data by half.

我们的数字化底座以“统一、安全、高效、自主可控” 为目标,沉淀 原子服务能力。

Our digital base aims at “unification, safety, high efficiency and self-control”, and ultimately forms 4000+ atomic service capability.

我们推动 个数字化转型项目按期达成客户体验、效率提升、效益改善目标。

We promoted 153 digital transformation projects and achieved the goals of customer experience, efficiency improvement and benefitimprovement on schedule.


长安汽车自主构建的自助BI分析平台BI analysis platform independently built by Changan Auto


Changan Auto has completed 14 product evaluations, put forward 861optimization points and 661 improvement suggestions

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future

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3.2 高质量产品提供者

A Provider of of High-quality Product

3.2.1 产品创新

Product Innovation我们坚持以产品为主线,打造极致客户体验、低碳智能的卓越产品。2022年,我们聚焦长安品牌、深蓝、阿维塔三大品牌,打造智能电动新标签,新产品赢得用户青睐。

We insist on taking products as the main line, and create excellent products with the ultimate customer experience and low carbon intelligence. In 2022, we focused on Changan brand, DEEPALand AVATR, and created a new label for smart electric products, and the new products won the favor of users.


AVATR 11, a brand-new product, has more than 20,000 user orders; AVATR 011, a limited-edition model, was sold out at the first promotion stop.


DEEPAL SL03, with an order volume of over 10,000 in just 33 minutes, has become a new energy brand in China to be delivered over 10,000 in the fastest speed. At present, we are developinga new product, DEEPAL S7, to explore a new mode of rapid production, and plan to go on the market this year.

长安 Lumin连续 5 个月交付破万,排名细分市场数一数二,成为A00级市场现象级产品。

Products of Changan Lumin were delivered more than 10,000 yuan for 5 consecutive months, ranking one of the best in the market segment and becoming a phenomenal product in A00 market.

长安汽车智电之夜,UNI-V智电iDD、第三代CS75 PLUS 智电iDD等混动产品悉数登场,展现长安汽车硬核技术实力与卓越产品实力。

On the Smart Power Night of Changan Auto, hybrid products such as UNI-V Smart Power iDD and the third generation CS75 PLUS Smart Power iDD all appeared, showing Changan Auto’ssuperior technical strength and excellent product strength.

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future科技创新 引领未来2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

3.2.2 产品质量

Product Quality

长安汽车坚持“面向世界一流,打造质量先导型企业”,以打造卓越质量为方针,践行“持续提升、客户满意、追求卓越”的质量理念。Adhering to the principle of “aiming at the world first-class to build a quality-oriented enterprise”, Changan Auto takes creatingexcellenquality as the policy, and practices the quality concept of “continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and pursuit ofexcellence”.我们以打造质量创新中心为目标,形成6Sigma文化,助推公司经营质量提升,实现产品卓越、体验卓越、软件卓越、治理卓越、能力卓越。

With the goal of building a quality innovation center, we have formed a 6Sigma culture in the process, which has boosted thecompany’s operating quality and achieved excellent products, experience, software, governance and ability.

2022 年 9 月, J.D.Power 2022年中国新车质量研究(IQS),长安汽车荣膺“中国自主品牌新车质量”第一,逸动 PLUS 荣获“中型基础轿车”第二,CS35PLUS 荣获“紧凑型 SUV”第三。

In September, 2022, in the 2022 Study on New Vehicle Quality in China (IQS) released by J.D.Power, Changan Auto won the firstplace in “New Vehicle Quality of China Independent Brand”, EADO PLUS won the second place in “Medium-sized Basic Car” andCS35PLUS won the third place in “Compact SUV”.

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future

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3.2.2 产品质量

Product Quality长安汽车按照满足用户使用 年 / 万公里目标进行产品设计,每开发一款车型,都要经过综合试验场可靠性道路试验(240万公里)、“三高”环境适应性试验(40万公里)和全国道路试验(120万公里),共计 万公里的严格测试,以及 余次碰撞性能验证试验,确保产品品质,守护每一位用户的安全。

Changan Auto carries out product design according to the user’s goal of using for 10 years/260,000 kilometers. When every vehiclemodel is developed, it must go through the reliability road test in the comprehensive test site (2.4 million kilometers), the adaptability test inthe environment of “high pollution, high energy consumption and high emission”(400,000 kilometers) and the national road test (1.2million kilometers). We have passed rigorous tests totaling 4 million kilometers and more than 60 collision performance verification tests toensure product quality and protect the safety of every user.



The quality of our products has reached the industry benchmark level (the failure rate of vehicles within three months is less than tenthousandths). Our brand image as a “Provider of of High-quality Product” has been deeply rooted in customers’ hearts.


综合试验场Changan Auto comprehensive proving ground withthe highest accuracy in Asia and the most complete

functions in China亚洲精度最高,国内功能最全长安汽车

综合试验场Changan Auto comprehensive proving ground withthe highest accuracy in Asia and the most complete

functions in China


Safety performance verification of frontal, side, different angles and rear-end collision



4500米国内典型路面评价道路4500m domestic typicalpavement evaluation roadWith an investment of about

2 billion yuanMore than 70 kindsof special pavements

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future

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Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


3.3 打造世界一流汽车品牌

Committed to Build a World-Class Automobile Brand


With the vision of “building a world-class auto brand”, Changan Auto adheres to lead development with innovation, constantly cultivates and expands newkinetic energy, optimizes the brand structure of the group, strengthens the brand management of the group, and promotes the brand to seek new development andpursue progress, aiming at accelerating its building into a world-class auto brand.


Promotion of new energy technology: We released a brand-new energy and electrification solution-Force electric technology, with a cumulative reading of over20 million and an exposure of over 86 million in Tencent’s Moments. The long-term test live broadcast project of this technology successfully reached the battery lifeof 1,283 km, which was reported in the first paragraph of the front page of People’s Daily.


Promotion of intelligent brand: We released the smart brand “Smart Zhuge” at the Second Science and Technology Ecology Conference. The cumulativenumber of people watching the conference is about 28 million. We broadcast the conference in the prime time of two TV stations, and its audience can reach 5.25million. CCTV-1 Focus Report, Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily and other core central media and party media also reported the conference.



User brand promotion: We released the user brand——“Partner+”at the seventh fan festival, conveying the three core concepts of “care, responsibilityand enterprising”. The number of live broadcasts of the event totaled 24.68 million+. Xinhua News Agency and other party, government and media also made corereports on this activity, with a total reading volume of 88.83 million+.


Cross-circle promotion of intelligent technology: We named the animation “The Three Body Problem” on bilibili to strengthen the brand label of youth,intelligence and electrification, and empower the DEEPAL brand, which shows Changan Auto’s determination and sincerity to create cultural symbols and share thecharm of science and technology with a new generation of young consumers. The animation “The Three Body Problem” has a broadcast volume of 400 million+,andthe total exposure of social communication positions has reached 2.63 billion.

冠名《三体》动画Changan Auto named the animation“The Three Body Problem”

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future科技创新 引领未来2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

3.4 160周年活动

Activities for the 160th Anniversary




2 billion+media exposures

64.23 million

user interactions


场科技成果展活动corporate documentaryChangan Digital Museum

etechnological achievementsxhibition of scientific and


2022 is the 160th anniversary of the establishment of China Changan Automobile Group. On the occasion of the 160th anniversary,we jointly produced the documentary “About Chang’an” with Xinhua News Agency, with a cumulative exposure of 187 million.


We joined hands with 28 time-honored brands such as China Post and WU FANG ZHAI for cross-border linkage, creating a“century-old Changan friend circle”, with a reading volume of 38.15 million+and an interaction volume of 14 million+.

我们打造长安汽车数字博物馆,用大量高清图、文、视频进行展示,阅读量4750万+。We built the Chang’an Automobile Digital Museum, which was displayed with a large number of high-definition pictures, texts andvideos, with a reading volume of 47.5 million+.我们举办全球华人大学生数据应用创新赛、粉丝盛典等系列活动,6423万次用户互动,累计传播影响20亿人次,彰显了百年长安厚重的历史和文化底蕴,以及科技时尚、活力进取的品牌内涵。

We held a series of activities, such as the Global Chinese College Students’ Data Application Innovation Competition and the FanFestival, in which 64.23 million users participated in the interaction, which spread and influenced 2 billion people, highlighting the richhistorical and cultural heritage of Chang’an for more than a hundred years, as well as the brand connotation of scientific fashion andvitality.

Technological Innovation, Leading the Future

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Five Commitments of Honest Service

Service and Customer Experience

Brand New User Brand “Partner+”

长安汽车坚持把客户的利益放在首位,树立深入骨髓的客户意识,以客户为中心,倾听客户心声,精准洞察并快速响应客户需求,构建共创、共赢的伙伴关系。Changan Auto always puts the interests of customers first, implements the enterprise consciousness of customers, always takescustomers as the center, listens to customers’ voices, gives accurate insight and responds to customers’ needs quickly, in order to builda co-creation and win-win partnership.




4.1 诚信服务五大承诺

Five Commitments of Honest Service

买卖用修服,全生命周期,长安都在Throughout the product life cycle, Changan Auto will provide you with guarantee services


Warm-hearted care, beyond customers’ expectations. In April, Tianjin Dongli Branch and Service Center of ChanganAuto received a handwritten letter of thanks from customer Mr. Cui

Changan Auto upgraded “Five Commitments of Honest Service”: more transparent-transparent fees, refusing to bundleconsumption; faster-fast delivery and faster maintenance; more professional-professional personnel, one-time repair; more secure-secure spare parts and quick rescue; more heart-warming-active service to bring customers a pleasant experience.长安汽车基于“安心”核心体验,推出智慧服务功能,全年为用户提供 万次主动服务,并在多次重大事故中第一时间主动介入,为用户安全保驾护航。

Based on the core service concept of “secure”, Changan Auto launched the intelligent service function, providing users with

55.813 million active services throughout the year, and actively participating in the rescue for the first time in many major accidents toprotect users’ safety.


Customer-centric, Partner-based

客户为尊,伙伴同行2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

长安汽车通过“95热线”、官网在线、官方APP等27个直达客户的沟通渠道,为客户提供全天候24小时亲情服务,做到客户有反映, 立即有回应。

Changan Auto provides customers with 24-hour service through 27 direct customer communication channels, such as “95Hotline”, official website and official APP, which truly ensures that as long as customers respond, we will respond immediately.


The company has built the first large-scale, multi-sector collaborative service expert team in the automobile industry. 1,499employees in 44 departments have communicated with customers directly for 870,000+times and handled 200,000+problems forcustomers.

4.2 服务体验

Service and Customer Experience

公司开展“春风行动”,在3千多家经销商全面导入待客之礼;开展“暴风行动”,标准流程贯标培训190场,覆盖10万余人次;开展“明亮行动”,提升终端服务环境,全面提升客户满意度。The company launched the “Spring Breeze Action”, which introduced hospitality to more than 3,000 dealers; carried out“StormAction”, and held 190 trainings on standard process implementation, covering more than 100,000 person-times; carried out the “BrightAction”to improve the terminal service environment and improve customer satisfaction in an all-round way.J.D.Power 2022 年中国汽车行业销售满意度研究(SSI),长安汽车客户服务满意度连续 5 年上升,获得自主品牌第 2 殊荣。

According to the “Study on Sales Satisfaction of China Automobile Industry in 2022” published by J.D.Power, Changan Auto’scustomer service satisfaction has increased for five consecutive years, and it won the second place among self-owned brands.

Customer-centric, Partner-based客户为尊,伙伴同行2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

公司开展体验官线上线下客户体验活动共61场次,累计18342人次参与,提供高价值建议1万余条,建立体验官参与产品体验流程及标准,开展造型设计访谈等产品体验活动,实现产品端用户敏捷共创模式。The company conducted 61 online and offline customer experience activities for experience officers, with a total of 18,342participants, and participants provided more than 10,000 high-value suggestions. We have established the process and standards forexperience officers to participate in product experience, carried out product experience activities such as modeling design interviews, andrealized the agile co-creation mode of users at the product end.


In the month of customer awareness enhancement, we held 442 lecture halls on car encyclopedia, provided 180 door-to-doorservices, and provided 9413 warm-hearted care such as vehicle inspection and special services.

NVH体验提升专项座谈Special discussion on NVH experience improvement

车机UI/UE测试体验UI/UE test experience of in-vehicle entertainment system“银发族“设计机会洞察访谈

Interview with “Silver Generation” on design opportunity insight

车机流畅性体验测试Fluency experience test of in-vehicle entertainment system

创意工坊用户座谈User discussion in creative workshop

客户意识提升月暖心服务Warm-hearted service in the month of improving customer awareness

Customer-centric, Partner-based

客户为尊,伙伴同行2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

4.2 服务体验

Service and Customer Experience

4.3 全新用户品牌“伙伴+”

Brand New User Brand “Partner+”我们开展第七届粉丝盛典活动,七年来,邀请用户“回家”,已成为长安汽车践行“以客户为中心”品牌理念的重要举措。

We launched the seventh fan festival. We have held a fan festival for seven years, which has become an important measure for Changan Auto to practice the brand concept of “customer-centric”.发布全新用户品牌“伙伴+”。寓意着进一步连接你和我、长安和大家。

We released a brand-new user brand “Partner+”,which means to further connect you and me, Changan and partners.


We launched a series of three-day public welfare activities, aiming at discovering more stories about serving users and continuously building the brand image of high-quality service provider.


We set up a KOC culture system, with 10.05 million fans. We also established a customer media communication matrix, and achieved positive word-of-mouth communication of 1.18 billion.

用户品牌“伙伴+”User Brand “Partner+”


Fan Festival “Shine For You”

Customer-centric, Partner-based

客户为尊,伙伴同行2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022






Inclusive, Caringand Growing

Employee Care & Growth

Cultural Life of Employees

Healthy Development of Supply Chain

Fulfilling of Social Responsibility

5.1 员工关爱与成长

Employee Care & Growth

5.1.1 员工就业



Changan Auto has fully implemented the requirements of “six-stability” and “six-guarantee”. More than 5,500 new employmentwere created in 2022, including the recruitment of 1,819 fresh college students.

目前,长安汽车及子公司从业人员总数42984人,公司严格遵守《劳动法》和《劳动合同法》,建立了完善的招聘与录用机制,规范执行劳动用工制度,与员工通过平等协商签订劳动合同,实行同工同酬,劳动合同签订率达到100%。严禁和抵制任何形式的雇佣童工,杜绝强制劳动和歧视现象。At present, the total number of employees of Changan Auto and its subsidiaries is 42984. We strictly abide by the Labor Law and theLabor Contract Law, have established a perfect recruitment and hiring mechanism, standardize the implementation of the laboremployment system, sign labor contracts with employees through equal consultation, implement equal pay for equal work, and the laborcontract signing rate reaches 100%. We strictly prohibit and resist any form of child labor and eliminate forced labor and discrimination.


It is estimated that Changan Auto has provided about 1.2 million jobs in the upstream and downstream industries.

长安汽车2022年保障员工权益数据Data of Changan Auto in Protection of Employees` Rights and Interests in 2022指标










Total number of employeesNumber of new employeesLabor contract signing rateSocial insurance coverage rate


The number of paid leave

daysper capita







Calculation based on the actual number

of paid leave days of employees

Inclusive, Caring and Growing


Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

5.1.2 员工关爱

Employee Care


健康关怀。我们坚持以人为本,积极践行“双关心”。为员工提供健康管理如年度体检;提供EAP心理关怀服务,如打造4个员工关爱中心,开展心理咨询400人次;开展喜闻乐见的心态类课程及Changan Auto has established a comprehensive salary and benefits system, and built a salary management mechanism that matches employees income with the company's performance, their personal performance and abilities. At the same time, through equity incentives for listed companies, interests of corestaff are closely linked to the company`s medium and long-term operations.

活动28场,覆盖2000余人。Health Care We insist on putting people first and actively practice “dual concerns”. We provide employees with health management, such as annual physical examinations; provide EAP psychological care services, such as building four employee care centres, conducting psychological counselling for 400person-times; and organize 28 mental health classes and events, covering more than 2,000 people.节日慰问。每年春节、中秋节、员工生日等,公司都会为员工提供节庆福利,此外,还为员工提供弹性工作时间和充足的带薪假期,让员工更好地应对工作之外的一切。Holiday Bonus On every festivals like Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, and employee`s birthday, we will give our employees special bonus. Besides, we provide our employees with flexible working hours and sufficient paid holidays to help employees better cope with everything outside of work.深化“五送(冬送温暖、夏送清凉、节送慰问、难送帮扶、病送关怀)”品牌活动,全年慰问员工19.66万人次,职工群众获得感、幸福感、安全感不断提高。

We have deepened the “Five Deliveries (delivering warmth in winter, coolness in summer, greetings on festivals, assistance in difficulties, and care when sick)” brand activities, and extended our regards to employees a total of 196,600 times throughout the year. As a result, employees have experienced aconstant increase in sense of gain, happiness, and security.

EAP心理咨询工作室EAP Psychological Counselling Studio

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Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

5.1.3 员工发展

Professional Development

长安汽车从评聘逻辑、职位体系、任职资格标准等方面对任职资格体系全面优化。构建“评能力”“聘职位”“升职级”员工成长“三分开”任职资格体系,有效推动员工入职后的“再培养”、“再提升”,进一步提升员工社会价值。The post qualification system in Changan Auto is optimized in terms of evaluation logic,position system, and qualification standards. The system, in the framework of “three-separation”, consist of ability evaluation, position appointment and level promotion, effectivelypromotes the “retraining” and “further development” of employees after they join thecompany, and further enhances their social value.


In 2022, we cultivated and developed 2 national technical experts, 8 Chongqing talents, 6group company-level science and technology innovation teams, 3 Chongqing skill masters,and 2 provincial and ministerial-level skill master workshops are cultivated and approved. Thecompany has carried out 474 technical research projects and trained highly skilledprofessionals for 11,778 person-times.

基于战略转型需要,公司加大在新动力、新汽车开发等战略领域人才储备,完成了战略人才转型储备培养802人。内部面向全员开展通用能力、新技术等多个领域大讲堂24期,参与6200余人次。Based on the strategic transformation needs, the company has increased its talentreserves in strategic areas such as new energy and new car development, and has completedthe training of 802 strategic talent reserves. We have conducted 24 sessions of general skillsand new technology lectures for all employees, with more than 6,200 participants.

优化职业发展通道Optimize professional development channels

促进科技、技能人才发展Promote development of skilled talents

转型人才储备Talent Reserve for Transformation

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5.1.4 技能人才培养

Cultivation of Skilled Talents

长安汽车坚持“技高行天下,能强走世界”理念,分层分级开展技能竞赛,通过培养“高精尖”人才,促进人才选拔,丰富和构建内部转型人才库。Changan Auto adheres to the philosophy of “Ability and skill enable us to excel”. The company has conducted skills competitionsat different levels to promote talent selection and enrich and build the internal transformation talent pool by cultivating “highly skilled andoutstanding” professionals.


In 2022, the company won 11 awards in national competitions of various levels.


The company held the 20th Technical Skill Games, with 9 projects focusing on key competencies such as intelligent networkconnection, software capability and new energy. 15 first prizes were awarded, and 200 people were selected and trained for newcapabilities transformation projects.

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5.1.5 保障员工健康

Safeguard Employees Health长安汽车在职业监护,保障员工健康方面,保持急性工业中毒事故连续“零”发生,完成职业病危害因素2841个点位检测;组织5822名职业病危害岗位接害员工周期性职业健康检查,覆盖率100%。

In terms of occupational health and safety, Changan Auto maintained zero occurrence of acute industrial poisoning accidents andcompleted testing of 2,841 occupational hazard points. The company also organized periodic occupational health check-ups for 5,822employees working in hazardous positions, achieving a coverage rate of 100%.


The company invested a total of 53.73 million yuan in safety production expenses throughout the year, including 15.1 million yuan forproviding and distributing labor protection equipment to effectively ensure the physical health of employees.



安全生产费用投入 (万元)劳动保护经费投入(万元)



Safety production cost investment (RMB ten thousand)

Investment in labor protection (RMB ten thousand)

Number of safety training (person-times)Detection rate of occupational disease hazard factors in workplaces

Employee health examination coverage rate






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5.2 员工文化生活

Cultural Life of Employees我们联合共青团重庆市委员会以及渝内各友好单位,开展6场单身青年交友联谊活动,成功牵手29对,配对成功率达22%,同比提升60%,解决青年婚恋难题。

We continued to organize 6 single youth datingevents in collaboration with the Chongqing MunicipalCommittee of the Communist Youth League and friendlyunits within Chongqing, successfully matching 29 coupleswith a success rate of 22%, a 60% increase compared tothe previous year, effectively solving the problem of youthmarriage and dating difficulties.


We also organized festive activities aroundtraditional festivals, and labor unions at all levelsorganized 510 activities for small union families, involvingmore than 56,000 participants, which greatly enriched theamateur cultural life of the employees.


We held the 7th staff sports meeting, organized all-employee fitness activities and all-healthy line dance andother competition items, with more than 64,000participants, allowing the majority of employees to enjoythemselves, improve their physical fitness, cultivate theircharacters, and exercise their willpower through sports.

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In 2022, Changan Auto overcame various challenges, including “power restrictions during high temperatures, and shortages ofchips and expensive electricity”. We took any possible measures to get resources to secure the achievement of production and deliverygoals and ensure the healthy development of the supply chain.


In order to fully protect the customer's demand for vehicles, throughout the year, we held 4 conferences with partners concerningsupply assurance during pandemic and more than 30,000 point-to-point meetings.

5.3 供应链健康发展

Healthy Development of Supply Chain

5.3.1 物资保供

Materials Supply Assurance


We set up 29 material supply assurance teams to secure more than 1.5 million pieces of key materials and 9.2 GWh of battery resources.我们成立联合抢运团队,抢运紧急物资1000余车次,增加40余万辆整车生产下线,快速推进上海、重庆等地1000+家供应商复工复产工作。

We established joint emergency transportation teams and carried out over 1,000 emergency material transportation missions, whichincreased the production output of over 400,000 vehicles, and accelerated the resumption of work and production for 1000+ suppliers inShanghai, Chongqing, and other areas.


Together with the local governments, we facilitated the closed-loop transportation and production of 463 suppliers in Chongqing, andquickly processed over 4,000 electronic vehicle passes to ensure the stable operation of the entire industrial chain.


Yubei Factory Support Team to Nanjing


Lu, a supply chain employee in the logistics department of the Liangjiang Factory,hiked 7 km in the hot sun with chips worth millions in his arms to ensure delivery of the chips

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Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


5.3.2 齐心抗疫情

Combating the Pandemic with One Heart


During the COVID-19 pandemic, Changan Auto adhered to scientific and precise prevention and control measures. In 2022, thecompany held 418 meetings on pandemic prevention and control, implemented 557 tasks, and adjusted the prevention and control levelmore than 10 times. As a result, no cluster outbreaks occurred throughout the year.


The company made every effort to ensure the health and safety of its employees, with the core focus on “preventing infection”.Over 310 million masks were distributed, and 400,000 nucleic acid tests and 57,400 antigen tests were conducted. The vaccination rate forthe company`s employees receiving booster shots exceeded 98%.


Our emergency response measures were also strengthened to support production and operation in case of occurrence of pandemic.In 2022, Changan Auto effectively handled 4 work stoppage crises and 17 "COVID-19 positive incidents", organized 16 sites for closed-loop production. And we helped more than 400 supply chain enterprises resume work and production, showcasing the responsibilityof state-owned enterprises.

长安凯程西北战区中车兰州店向抗疫逆行者捐赠生活用品Changan Zhongche Lanzhou 4S Store donates daily necessities to the pandemic fighters

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Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022




Case: Quickly promote "pandemic-related" and "power-rationed" suppliers to resume work and production

Background: In 2022, multiple regions across the country have been in quarantine and lockdown for about 117 days, resulting in thecessation of production and interruption of logistics for suppliers, hence a huge challenge for material supply assurance.


Measures: The company actively formed a supply assurance team, coordinated eight base STA and logistics teams, sent 108letters to the government, coordinated the safe transfer of nearly 1,000 positive patients and close contacts, and quickly promoted theresumption of work and production of 146 suppliers with high pandemic risks.


Achievements: In November, with more than 27,000 people in closed-loop production and management in Chongqing, theproduction target of 110,000 was achieved.

背景2022年8月,川渝地区持续高温,重庆地区停产15天,因部分供应商库存量少且恢复用电时间不一致,导致66家川渝地区供应商无物资匹配公司生产。Background: In August 2022, the Sichuan-Chongqing region experienced sustained high temperatures, causing production to stopfor 15 days in Chongqing. Due to low inventory levels among some suppliers and inconsistent power restoration times, 66 suppliers in theSichuan-Chongqing region were unable to provide materials to match the company`s production.


Measures: The company formed 16 teams to handle power outage and production resumption, organized 32 power-rationedsuppliers to lease 36 generators for production, and helped 34 power-rationed suppliers to avoid peak production hours and/or shift toother products. Finally, we achieved synchronized matching and resumed production on August 28.


Achievements: The company quickly promoted the resumption of work for 66 power-rationed suppliers and reclaimed a productionvolume of 12,500 vehicles for the Chongqing area during the power-rationed period.


11月重庆疫情采购中心7名同事封闭在融景城25天进行物资保供7 colleagues from Chongqing Pandemic Procurement Centre were placed on lockdown in RongjingchengResidence for 25 days in November to ensure the supply of materials

32家限电供应商通过租赁或购买发电机都方式进行生产保供32 power-rationed suppliers conducted production to ensure supply by leasing or purchasing generators.

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5.3.3 防范经营风险

Preventing Business Risks长安汽车把防范化解风险挑战作为贯彻党的二十大精神的重要抓手,坚持由公司党委牵头,每月对战略执行情况、经营重大事项及存在风险进行分析研判。Changan Auto regards preventing and resolving risksand challenges as an important means to implement thespirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Partyof China. The company`s party committee takes the lead inanalysing and judging the execution of strategies , majoroperational matters and existence of risks every month.


Resolutely fight the battle against pandemicprevention and control. Putting people and their lives first,the company fully responded to the Chongqing Pandemic,and opened up key links in pandemic prevention andcontrol, production and supply, and logistics andtransportation. Through pandemic prevention and supplymeasures, the company recovered production of 200,000vehicles throughout the year and saved approximately 20billion yuan in delivery losses.


Strengthen network security and risk prevention.Changan Auto completed the “HW2022” attack anddefence exercise for three consecutive years through thehighest level of national practical verification, andestablished “4+2+1” deep defence and 24-hourmonitoring and disposal mechanism.

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5.3.4 芯片技术替代

Chip Technology Substitution


Changan Auto has initially established a hierarchical grading standard for strategic suppliers, comprehensively evaluating suppliers interms of incentive constraints, resource input and relationship management to enhance the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain.The company profoundly grasps the development law of automobile industry, predicts, prevents, and resolves the major risks in theindustry chain, focuses on strengthening and supplementing the chain, and promotes the strategy of "2+2+2" (2 primary suppliers, 2 chipsuppliers and 2 chip production locations).


We implemented a combination of measures, such as technological substitution, special procurement, and expedited production tosecure resources for 673,000 vehicles.


We completed 280 chip technology substitution programs, guaranteeing production capacity of about 450,000 vehicles.

全年因为缺芯导致的特需采购37个,其中特采中16个,开发中10个,终止11个,全年特采零部件总量30.44万,保障产能约12.3万辆。There were 37 special procurements for the year due to chip shortage, of which 16 under procurement, 10 under development, 11terminated. The total number of special procurement parts was 304,400, which ensured the production capacity of about 123,000 vehicles.


In 2022, the company used 50.53 million domestic chips, including 48.09 million for passenger cars and 2.44 million for commercialvehicles, accounting for 21.1% of the all T10 (13 companies).

技术替代全年保障产能Technology substitution guarantees capacity throughout the year


Changan Auto actively participated in the chip unificationworking group organized by the Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology, making important contributions topromoting the development of China's automobile industry

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5.4 履行社会责任

Fulfilling of Social Responsibility

5.4.1 保障股东权益

Protect the Rights andInterestsofShareholders


In 2022, Changan Auto held 5 shareholders' meetings, 19 board ofdirectors' meetings and 5 supervisory board meetings throughout the year,deliberating and passing a total of 104 motions. We conducted more than 200investor communication activities in compliance and answered a total of 680questions on the Stock Exchange's interactive platform, maintaining a responserate of over 95%.

我们成功召开2021年度业绩说明会,实时观看人数达23.2 万人,创下历年新高,被证监会和中国上市公司协会评为“业绩说明会最佳实践”。

We successfully held the 2021 annual performance briefing, with a real-time audience of 232,000 people, setting a record in recent years. The eventwas recognized as the “Best Practice of Performance Briefings” by the ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission and the China Listed CompaniesAssociation.


We fully listened to the opinions and demands of shareholders, especiallysmall and medium-sized shareholders, and combined with the company'scapital planning, implemented a cash dividend ratio of 50% and a bonus shareissue, which improved shareholder satisfaction and received unanimous praisefrom the capital market.

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Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


5.4.2 助力乡村振兴

Contribute to Rural Revitalization长安汽车认真落实集团公司和地方政府的安排部署,有序推进云南两县、重庆酉阳定点帮扶工作,统筹拨付帮扶资金1060万元。我们以“企业携手企业,联手带动产业”方式,持续推进酉阳茶油产业帮扶项目,帮助实现茶油及茶油衍生品销售收入


Changan Auto earnestly implements the arrangements and deployments of the groupcompany and local governments, and orderly promotes targeted assistance in two counties inYunnan and Youyang County of Chongqing, and allocated a total of 10.6 million yuan in assistancefunds. We continued to promote the Youyang tea oil industry assistance project in the way of“enterprise cooperation to accelerate industry development”, helping to achieve a sales revenue of126 million yuan for tea oil and its derivatives, and enhancing the endogenous driving force of ruralrevitalization.


Increase Consumption Assistance. The company encouraged and advocated various units andemployees to purchase characteristic agricultural products from the assisted areas, achievingconsumption assistance of 2.376 million yuan; actively responded to the call of the State-ownedAssets Supervision and Administration Commission, participating in the “Central EnterpriseConsumption Assistance and Rural Revitalization Week” activity, and achieving consumptionassistance of 1.3423 million yuan.


Promote Skill Assistance. The company established 8 “Changan Automobile Classes”, held3 expert lectures in schools, and conducted 3 social recruitments, recruiting a total of 405 personnel.We promoted the operation of the Yunnan Luxi Automobile Training Base Project and theconstruction of the Wanyou Automobile Luxi 4S Store.


We submitted the rural revitalization practice case to China Listed Companies Association andwon the "Excellent Practice Case of Rural Revitalization of Listed Companies". The project team fortargeted poverty alleviation and rural revitalization was awarded the honorary title of “Workers'Pioneer” by the Chongqing Federation of Trade Unions.

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品牌建设:我们帮助酉州油茶科技公司建立数字化营销模式,从无到有打造 #酉阳茶油健康长安# 话题总曝光量3.63亿,现象级关注度上涨57512倍;“茶油”首次出现在“酉阳”的内容关联词中;“酉阳茶油”的搜索指数同比增长243.43%。


Brand Building: We helped Youzhou Camellia Technology Co., Ltd establish a digital marketing model and created the hashtag#YuyangTeaOil&HealthyChangan# from scratch. The total exposure of the hashtag reached 363 million, and the level of attentionincreased by 57,512 times. “Camellia” (oil) appeared for the first time in the content-related words of “Youyang”, and the search indexof “Youyang camellia oil” increased by 243.43% compared to the previous year.


Public welfare image, innovative promotion: We leveraged the popularity of e-commerce and platform support for public welfareevents to establish Changan Auto's partner image and public welfare brand.


Throughout the year, we benefited 50,000 households and nearly 200,000 people, including 5,313 householdsand 18,595 people lifted out of poverty.

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Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

5.4.2 助力乡村振兴

Contribute to Rural Revitalization

5.4.3 真情回馈社会

Giving Back to Society with Sincere Assistance

慰问帮扶 Consolation and Assistance长安汽车切实推进乡村振兴、救灾帮扶、健康环保、科技教育等工作,履行共建共创美好生活的社会责任。Changan Auto is actively promoting rural revitalization, disaster relief assistance, health and environmental protection, science andeducation etc., and fulfilling its social responsibility to build a better life together with the society.

我们连续12年慰问希望小学,捐赠8万元的教学物资,累计捐赠物资700万元。For 12 years in a row, we have donated 80,000 yuan of teaching materials to Hope Primary School, and a total of 7 million yuan ofmaterials.我们积极支援四川泸定县抗震救灾,捐赠10辆凯程F70,与灾区人民共渡难关,彰显国企担当本色。We actively supported earthquake relief efforts in Luding County, Sichuan Province by donating 10 Kai Cheng F70 vehicles, standingwith the people of the disaster-stricken areas and demonstrating the role of state-owned enterprises.

我们携手重庆市林业局、用户伙伴、上下游产业链合作伙伴、志愿者伙伴开展缙云山“长安林”公益植树活动,推广传播绿色发展、双碳环保的责任理念。We joined hands with Chongqing Forestry Bureau, user partners, upstream and downstream industry chain partners, and volunteerpartners to carry out the "Changan Forest" public welfare tree planting activity in Jinyun Mountain to promote and spread the concept ofgreen development, double carbon and environmental protection.


In August, when a forest fire broke out in Chongqing, volunteers from all departments of the company arrived at the front line of thedisaster to help move materials and extinguish the fire alongside fire-fighters. Chongqing Lingyao also provided assistance in terms ofrelevant materials and venues.

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传递公益理念,弘扬志愿精神 Pass on the concept of public welfare and promote the spirit of volunteerism



Changan Auto has sponsored the Chongqing InternationalMarathon for many years, binding its dynamic andaggressive corporate image with the marathon spirit ofperseverance

志愿服务Volunteer Service

坚持开展雷锋月活动,携手重庆市“雷锋的士”志愿服务队走进社区街道、养老院等开展老人关怀活动Carrying out the Lei Feng Month activities persistently,working together with Chongqing's “Lei Feng Taxi”volunteer service team to provide care for the elderly incommunities, nursing homes, and other places.

公益捐助Public Welfare Donation


Carrying out public welfare donations persistently.Changan Auto donates 10 million yuan to the ChongqingCharity Federation for post-fire ecological reconstruction.

科技教育Science and Technology Education


Invite the public, students from universities, primary andsecondary schools, journalists, etc. into Changan Auto,make full use of the resources of China Arms PatrioticEducation Base, which received a total of 195 externalreceptions and more than 2,500 people.



RMB 268 million yuan

Cumulative public welfare funds

in the past five years

5.4.3 真情回馈社会

Giving Back to Society with Sincere Assistance






Green, Low-Carbonand EnvironmentalProtection

Green and Low-Carbon

Green Production

Environmental Protection

Safety & Environment

长安汽车坚持走生态优先、绿色低碳的高质量发展道路,切实推进绿色制造降碳措施。联合产业链伙伴,共同布局氢能、充电、换电、电池回收等产业;未来新工厂将全面采用光伏发电,并逐步改造现有工厂,到2025年单车制造碳排放强度下降30%。加大技术创新,公司实施新能源“香格里拉”计划,发布等新能源技术品牌标签,推进新能源汽车向绿色化发展。同时,长安汽车将碳达峰碳中和理念灌注在乡村振兴工作中。Changan Auto adheres to the high-quality developmentpath of ecological priority and green low-carbon, and effectivelypromotes green manufacturing and carbon reduction measures.The company has joined hands with industry chain partners tocollaborate on the development of hydrogen energy, charging,battery swapping, and battery recycling industries. Our future newfactories will be fully equipped with photovoltaic power generationand we will gradually transform existing factories. By 2025, we aimto reduce the carbon emission intensity of single vehiclemanufacturing by 30%. The company increased technologicalinnovation and implemented the new energy “Shangri-La”plan,launched new energy technology brands such as “iDD”and“Force Electric” to promote the development of green energyvehicles. At the same time, we incorporated the concept of carbonemissions peak and carbon neutrality into our work on ruralrevitalization.


In the next five years, we will help Chongqing Youyang build500,000 mu of camellia base and transform 100,000 mu ofinefficient forests, effectively transforming the ecologicaladvantage of "green water and green mountains" into theeconomic advantage of "golden mountains and silver mountains".


Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection


Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

6.1 绿色低碳

Green and Low Carbon


In response to the national "3060" dual carbon strategy, the company has set up a joint project team of carbon emissions peak andcarbon neutrality, with the chairman of the board as the leader of the team. We have a clear goal to achieve carbon emissions peak andcarbon neutrality: To achieve carbon emissions peak by 2027 and carbon neutrality by 2045.In 2022, the carbon emission level of ChanganAuto's single vehicle manufacturing of its own brand will be reduced by 5.1% year-on-year.


The company, based on the needs of the times and showing its corporate responsibility, has vigorously promoted the dual carbonefforts to achieve the carbon emissions peak strategy, and won the third prize in the selection of typical cases of carbon emissions peakand carbon neutrality actions by SASAC in 2022.国资委2022年度碳达峰碳中和行动典型案例评选三等奖

双碳推进举措 Measures


42.4MW;自发自用绿色清洁能源,全年共计消纳绿色电力3776万度,实现降碳3.2万吨。The company comprehensively promotes the construction of photovoltaic power stations to increase the proportion of green energy.Photovoltaic installations with a total capacity of 42.4MW have been completed in the three major bases of Hefei, Hebei, and Nanjing. Thecompany has consumed a total of 37.76 million kWh of green electricity throughout the year, achieving a reduction of 32,000 tons of carbonemissions by using self-generated green and clean energy.公司围绕“能效优化、工艺优化、排产优化、精益启停、质量提升”五大维度全面推进自主品牌生产基地节能降碳工作,实现降碳量2.1万吨。

The company comprehensively promoted energy saving and carbon reduction in its own brand production bases in five dimensions:

energy efficiency optimization, process optimization, production scheduling optimization, lean start/stop and quality improvement, achievinga reduction of 21,000 tons of carbon emissions.

公司积极参与绿电市场交易,进一步扩大绿色能源使用占比,降低企业碳排放。The company actively participates in green electricity market transactions to further increase the proportion of green energy use andreduce corporate carbon emissions.




80000 MWh

70000 tCO




1360 MWh

1226 tCO


Distributed photovoltaic power generationGreen power generation per year

Carbon emissions reduction per year

Energy-saving renovation of aircompressor systemAnnual electricity savings

Carbon emissions reduction per year

Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection

绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

6.2 绿色生产

Green Production


Changan Auto aims to build a benchmarkfactory for green automobile manufacturing,focusing on three main aspects of low-carbonmanufacturing, circular economy, and greenemissions. Through key measures such as energystructure adjustment, low-carbon process design,intelligent energy distribution, solid waste recycling,wastewater recycling, and industrial pollutioncontrol, Changan Auto aims to improve theeffectiveness of the green manufacturing system,achieve high efficiency, energy saving, andenvironmental protection throughout themanufacturing process, and establish a globallyintegrated green manufacturing managementsystem, reaching an advanced level in the industry.

Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection

绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

年许可排放量限值(t/a)2022年实际排放量(t/a)Permitted annual emission limits (t/a)Actual annual emission in 2022 (t/a)

869.83 76.06 0.69 5.95 7.56 206.4 246.58 1197.79 4271.06

6.2.1 绿色制造

Green Manufacturing

2022年,公司共计涉及建设项目环评批复文件六份。各基地共涉及排污许可文件36份,其中,重新申请5份,变更23份,延续8份。In 2022, the company was involved in a total of six environmental impact assessment approval documents for construction projects.The bases were involved in 36 pollutant discharge permit documents, including 5 reapplications, 23 changes, and 8 extensions.2022年,公司产生一般工业固体废物157393吨,委托利用或处置157393吨;产生危险废物24777吨,委托利用或处置24776吨,均对委托利用或处置的第三方进行了主体资格和技术能力核实。

In 2022, the company generated 157,393 tons of general industrial solid waste, all of which was entrusted for utilization or disposal;24,777 tons of hazardous, 24,776 tons of which were entrusted for utilization or disposal. The qualifications and technical capabilities of thethird parties entrusted for utilization or disposal were verified.


In 2022, the company had 606 air pollutant emission outlets and 26 water pollutant emission outlets.


All the pollutants of the company are in compliance with the emission standards, and there is no over-standard and over-quotaemission.


The permitted and actual total emissions of major pollutants are as follows:



氨氮 总镍 总锌 磷酸盐 二氧化硫

Nitrogen OxidesParticulate Matter


颗粒物 挥发性有机物

Types of PollutantsAmmonia NitrogenTotal NickelTotal ZincSulfur DioPhosphatexideVolatile OrganicCompounds

162.65 6.77 0.08 0.15 0.5 17.84 99.1 116.29 521.52

Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

能源使用比例 Proportion of Energy Use2022年,长安汽车用能结构发生变化,取消热力的使用。用电占比同比上升


In 2022, the energy mix of Changan Auto changed, with the use of heat being eliminated. The proportion of electricity consumptionincreased by 2.5% year-on-year, while the proportion of natural gas consumption decreased by 2.54% year-on-year.


The energy mix and share are as follows:


GasGasolineKeroseneDieselHeatElectricityOther energy sources




GasGasolineKeroseneDieselHeatElectricityOther energy sources















Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection


Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

6.2.1 绿色制造

Green Manufacturing

自主可控·安全可靠·协同共赢 Autonomous and Controllable - Safe and Reliable - Win-win Collaboration长安汽车积极发挥行业辐射力,构建相互信任、共担责任、共享利益的合作关系,打造开放合作、互利共赢、可持续发展的新生态。我们坚持合规、透明、互信、赋能合作,与合作伙伴共同推进绿色供应链变革。Changan Auto actively leverages its industry influence to build cooperative relationships based on mutual trust, shared responsibilityand benefits, creating a new ecology of open cooperation, mutual benefit, and sustainable development. We adhere to compliance,transparency, mutual trust, and empowering cooperation to promote green supply chain reform together with our partners.

Sunshine Procurement我们遵循“公平、公正、公开”原则,坚持阳光、透明、廉洁采购,要求供应商签订《廉洁承诺书》等合规采购制度,明确双方在反腐倡廉、知识产权保护、商业秘密等方面的义务及责任。我们制定《供应商黑名单管理程序》,违反相关制度的供应商将被纳入黑名单。

We follow the principle of "fairness, impartiality and openness", adhere to a sunny, transparent, and clean procurement process, andrequire suppliers to sign the "Integrity Commitment Letter" and other compliance procurement systems to clarify the obligations andresponsibilities of both parties in the areas of anti-corruption, intellectual property protection and commercial secrets. We formulated the"Supplier Blacklist Management Procedures", and suppliers who violate regulations will be blacklisted.

Improve Supply Chain Management

我们不断完善可持续发展供应链管理体系,建立从供应商寻源、准入认证、供应商定点定价、绩效评价等各环节的管理流程,严格遵守《供应商认证管理》、 《生产性采购零部件定价定点管理》等管理程序, 合作供应商实施定期审查、动态管理。

We continuously improve our sustainable development supply chain management system, establishing management processes foreach link from supplier sourcing, admission certification, supplier pricing and point-to-point management, to performance evaluation. Westrictly comply with management procedures such as Supplier Certification Management and Production Purchasing Component Pricingand Point-to-Point Management. We conduct regular reviews and dynamic management of our cooperative suppliers.



供应商认证Supplier Certification我们要求供应商准入认证取得IATF16949 、ISO14001,综合考虑供应商的TQCD、供应连续性、商业道德记录、碳达峰碳中和承诺等相关要求。

We require suppliers to obtain IATF16949 and ISO14001 certifications, taking into account the supplier`s TQCD, supply continuity,business ethics records, carbon emissions peak and carbon neutrality commitments, and other relevant requirements.


We are committed to building a green supply chain, clearly requiring all suppliers to comply with national and local environmentalprotection laws and encouraging them to adopt energy-saving and emission-reducing production methods. We prioritize the purchase ofgreen and environmentally friendly materials that are recyclable, low-polluting, and low-emission.

6.2.2 绿色供应链

Green Supply Chain





demand to



零部件开发管理Partsdevelopmentmanagement采购订单到付款Purchaseorder topayment




供应商管理流程Supplier Management


Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection


Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


6.2.2 绿色供应链

Green Supply Chain

供应商审查及战略供应商管理 Supplier Review and Strategic Supplier Management长安汽车定期开展供应商体系审核、过程审核、产品审核及供应商QCA绩效管理、绿色供应链等能力提升培训,带动供应链上供应商共同开展环境绩效的改善工作等,持续提高产品的可靠性,减少供应商履约风险。

Changan Auto regularly conducts supplier system review, process review and product review, and carries out capability improvementtrainings for supplier QCA performance management and green supply chain etc., driving suppliers on the supply chain to jointly carry outenvironmental performance improvement and continuously improve product reliability while reducing supplier performance risk.我们依据《供应商绩效评价管理》,从项目、技术、质量、商务、交付、服务维度对供应商进行审核评价,通过对品类-供应商组合在战略潜力和绩效表现维度的评估,对供应商开展分级管理,对战略型品类开展战略供应商管理。

We evaluate and assess suppliers in terms of project, technology, quality, business, delivery, and service based on the “SupplierPerformance Evaluation Management” guidelines, and through evaluating the category-supplier portfolio in terms of strategic potentialand performance dimensions, we implement a tiered management system for suppliers and strategic supplier management for strategicproduct categories.



We actively promote suppliers to fulfil their social responsibilities and advocate the concept of green procurement. We requirepurchased parts and raw materials, including chemicals, to comply with Changan's management requirements such as the Environmentaland Occupational Health and Safety System.


We conducted environmental self-assessments for 189 suppliers and research on the environmental impact assessment certificatesand discharge permits of 63 key emitters of secondary suppliers to avoid environmental risks from suppliers.


Management Status经济合同履约率(%)低风险供应商占比通过IATF16949供应商占比通过ISO14001供应商占比供应商培训次数(次)供应商培训人次

Economic contract performance rate (%)Percentage of low-risk suppliersPercentage of suppliers tally with IATF16949Percentage of suppliers tally with ISO14001Number of supplier training (times)Number of supplier training (person-times)







Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022



Changan Auto actively responds to the green development strategy and becomes the first automobile company to lead the research of carbon sink methodology.2022年6月,公司组织项目组前往酉阳进行油茶生态考察,并立即联系国家生态环境部、重庆市生态环境局进行交流,确定了由长安汽车推动在重庆开展油茶碳汇方法学相关工作。

In June 2022, the company organized a project team to Youyang to conduct ecological survey of camellia and immediately contacted and communicated with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China and Chongqing Ecological Environment Bureau, and determined that Changan Auto would promotecamellia carbon sink methodology in Chongqing.油茶碳汇方法学确立后,在推广生态固碳的同时,还将为公司的定点帮扶企业酉州油茶科技公司带来额外的碳汇交易收益。

After the establishment of camellia carbon sink methodology, it will not only promote ecological carbon sequestration, but also bring additional carbon trading revenue to Youzhou Camellia Technology Co., Ltd., a designated assistance enterprise of the company.

6.2.3 油茶碳汇

Camellia Carbon Sink

Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

6.2.4 绿色发展案例

Green Development Case

作为示范企业,长安汽车始终坚持贯彻国家节能减排战略,以低碳绿色转型升级、可持续发展为战略目标,持续推进低碳设计、低碳采购、低碳制造等发展方式,强化品牌“低碳生态”标签,致力于成为引领汽车行业低碳绿色发展的先行者。As a demonstration enterprise, Changan Auto always adheres to the national energy-saving and emission reduction strategy, withlow-carbon green transformation and upgrading and sustainable development as its strategic goals. It continuously promotes low-carbondesign, procurement, and manufacturing, strengthens the brand’s “low-carbon ecology” label, and is committed to becoming a pioneerin leading the low-carbon and green development of the automotive industry.


The company practices the national green economic development concept, and its innovation “Construction and Application of theAutomotive Casting Waste Recycling System Guided by Dual Carbon” won the first prize of Modern Enterprise Management Innovation inChongqing in 2022.

Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


6.3 环境保护

Environmental Protection长安汽车渝北工厂开展挥发性有机物无组织排放专项治理工作。新建1套烘干废气TNV治理系统、2套废水站废气“臭氧氧化+化学氧化+植物液喷淋”治理系统、将8个VOCs无组织排放点位废气引入现有2套喷漆废气VOCs治理系统治理后排放。大幅度减少了VOCs废气无组织排放比例,获得政府补助奖金240.1万元。

Changan Auto's Yubei plant has launched a special campaign to control the disorganized emissions of volatile organic compounds(VOCs). We installed 1 set of TNV treatment system for drying exhaust gas, 2 sets of “ozone oxidation + chemical oxidation + plant liquidspraying” treatment system for wastewater station exhaust gas, and introduced the exhaust gas from 8 VOCs disorganized emissionpoints into the existing 2 sets of VOCs treatment systems, and then discharge it after treatment. The proportion of disorganized VOCsemissions has been greatly reduced, and the company received a government subsidy of 2.401 million yuan.


Chongqing Lingyao took the lead to complete the low-nitrogen transformation of 6 gas air-conditioning systems among industrialenterprises in Banan District, achieving a reduction of 6.99 tons of nitrogen oxide emissions per year. Chongqing Lingyao received agovernment subsidy of 945,000 yuan, and have been included in the “List of Enterprises on the Positive List of Supervision and LawEnforcement in Chongqing (2022)” by the Chongqing Ecology and Environment Bureau, and reported by “China Environment”.Seventeen companies in Chongqing were on the list, including one automobile company.

Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


公司深入打好污染防治攻坚战,强化减污降碳协同增效The company is deeply engaged in the battle against pollution prevention and control, and is strengthening pollution reduction and carbon reduction to increase efficiency synergistically.

重庆本部废有机溶剂实现再生资源化,年利用废溶剂400吨左右;北京长安水性漆渣完成无害化鉴定,年减少危险废物150吨以上。At the Chongqing headquarters, waste organic solvents have been successfully recycled as resources, with an annual utilization of about 400 tons of waste solvents. In Beijing, the harmless treatment of water-based paint residue has been identified, resulting in a reduction of over 150 tons of hazardous waste per year.

我们根据《低挥发性有机化合物含量涂料产品技术要求》(GB/T38597-2020)等新标要求,联合涂料厂家完成12种色漆、7种中涂漆的开发、测试,并正式投用,从源头进一步削减挥发性有机物。According to the new standard requirements such as "Technical Requirements for Paint Products with Low-VOC Content " (GB/T38597-2020), we completed the development and testing of 12 types of colored paints and 7 types of intermediate paints in cooperation with paint manufacturers, and put them intouse officially to further reduce VOCs from the source.


During the reporting period, the company's Yubei factory, the 3 bases of Liangjiang factory, the 2 bases of Jiangbei Engine, and all factories of Chongqing Lingyao and Changan Ford were recognized as Chongqing City 2021 Environmental Integrity Enterprise; the Mold Division was awarded as Yubei DistrictEnvironmental Integrity Enterprise; Hefei Changan was recognized as Hefei City Environmental Integrity Enterprise.


In 2022, the company's key pollutant discharge units have prepared their own monitoring plans according to the requirements of laws and regulations, and all pollution control facilities are operating normally. In 2022, the company paid an environmental protection tax of 1,327,500 yuan.

6.3 环境保护

Environmental Protection

Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022

Green, Low-Carbon and Environmental Protection绿色低碳环保2022·长安汽车社会责任报告

Changan Social Responsibility Report 2022


Uphold long-term thinking, transition from movement-based management to systematized management. Changan Auto employs systematic thinking and system-based approaches to restructure the framework of its safety and environmental protection systems. The SOS and EOS management manuals arefully revised to promote system maturity to system compliance evaluations and extend result-based indicators to process-based indicators.


Insist on the change from strict supervision to independent management. The company implemented 26 key projects, improved the advance safety control mechanism, completed the construction of safety and environmental protection digital scenes and functions, deployed the third phase of the “Sky Net”monitoring system, refined the definition of minor injuries in accident events, and encouraged reporting of potential incidents.


Insist on positive incentive and strict management at the same time. The company optimized its inspection mode, incorporated system capability improvement into daily safety checks, fully leveraged the role of the monitoring and command centre in track inspections, and cracked down on 567 incidents of “threeviolations”, with a total assessed amount of 7.649 million yuan and rewards of 10.29 million yuan (including the company`s COVID-19 prevention and control rewards).


Create a safe production and operation environment. In 2022, the company organized a total of 233 emergency drills with 20,525 participants.

6.4 安全环保

Safety & Environment


2008年以来,长安汽车每年编写和发布社会责任报告,《长安汽车2022年社会责任报告》时间跨度为2022年1月1日至2022年12月31日。为增加报告的可比性和前瞻性,部分内容有所延伸。Report Explanation: Changan Auto has prepared and published social responsibility reports every year since 2008. TheChangan Auto 2022 Social Responsibility Report covers the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. In order toincrease the comparability and forward-looking nature of the report, some content has been extended.报告内容:


Report Content: This report truly discloses Changan Auto's philosophy, practice and performance in CSR managementand the practice of economic, environmental and social responsibilities.



Quality Assurance: Before the release of this report, all data and content have been reviewed, and the companypromises that there is no false record or misleading statement in this report.



Preparation Process: Establish report preparation team → Determine report boundary → Hold preparation meeting →Collect and sort out materials → Prepare report → Review report → Release report → Summary and feedback.


Report Explanation

联系方式地址:重庆市江北区东升门路61号金融城2号T2栋Address: Building T2, Financial City No.2, No.61 Dongshengmen Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing电话 Tel.:023-67591008官网 Website:www.changan.com.cn

