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张裕B:2022年年度报告摘要(英文版) 下载公告

Stock Code: 000869, 200869 Stock Abbreviation: Changyu A, Changyu B Announcement No.: 2023-Final 01

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd.

2022 Annual Report Abstract

April 13, 2023

I. Important Notice

This Annual Report Abstract comes from the whole contents of annual report. If investors desire tocomprehensively understand the Company’s operating results, financial situation and futuredevelopment plan, please read the Annual Report on the media specified by the China SecuritiesRegulatory Commission.

Except for the following director, other directors attended this board meeting for reviewing thisannual report in person.

Name of director not attending the meeting personallyPosition of director not attending the meeting personallyReason of not attending the meeting personallyName of entrustee
Aldino MarzoratiDirectorOn a business tripEnrico Sivieri

Non-standard audit opinion notice

□Available ?Not available

The preliminary scheme of the report period’s ordinary share profit distribution or increasing equitywith reserve deliberated by the board of the directors?Available □Not available

Whether to increase equity with reserve

□Yes ?No

The Company’s preliminary scheme of profit distribution deliberated and passed by the board ofdirectors this time is shown as following: Based on the Company’s total 685,464,000 shares, we planto pay CNY4.5 (including tax) in cash as dividends for every 10 shares to all shareholders and send 0bonus share (including tax). Capital reserve will not be transferred to equity.

The preliminary scheme of preferred share profit distribution during the report period deliberated andpassed by the board of directors

□Available ?Not available

II. Basic information of the Company

1. Brief introduction of the Company

Stock AbbreviationChangyu A, Changyu BStock Code000869, 200869
Place of Stock ListingShenzhen Stock Exchange
Stock Abbreviation before Alteration-
Contact person and informationSecretary to the Board of DirectorsAuthorized Representative of Securities Affairs
NameMr. Jianxun JiangMr. Tingguo Li
Address56 Dama Road, Yantai, Shandong, China56 Dama Road, Yantai, Shandong, China

2. Main businesses during the report period or brief introduction of products

(1) Situation of industry in which the Company operates during the report periodIn 2022, the domestic wine market continued to decline due to the impact of the economic situationand the pressure from other liquors such as Baijiu and beers. The sales volume of imported wine anddomestic wine continued the trend of “double decline”, and the rising costs of raw material andpackaging further dragged down the profitability of enterprises. The vast majority of wine enterpriseswere in difficulty, and the domestic wine industry was still on the edge of loss.In the face of difficulties and challenges, the Company persisted in taking the market as the center,adhered to the development strategy of “Focus on middle-and-high level, Focus on high quality,Focus on large single product” and the marketing philosophy of “obtaining growth from the terminaland nurturing consumers”, took market-oriented action to accelerate the pace of business divisionreform, actively carry out circle marketing and continue to promote digital transformation . In 2022,the Company realized the operating revenue of CNY3918.94million with a year-on-year decrease of

0.86% and the net profit attributable to the parent company’s shareholders of CNY428.68millionwith a year-on-year decrease of 14.28%, maintaining the leading role in the industry.

(2) Main businesses during the report period

The Company need to comply with the disclosure requirements of Food and Liquor ManufacturingRelated Businesses in Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information Disclosure Guideline No. 3 -Industry Information Disclosure.

① Situation of the industry in which the Company operates

During the report period, the Company’s main business was production and operation of wine and

brandy, thus providing domestic and foreign consumers with healthy and fashionablealcoholic drinks. Compared with earlier stage, there were no significant changes happened to theCompany’s main business. The wine industry that the Company involved in was still in growth stage.Being affected by many factors including slowing domestic economic growth and strong pressurefrom alternatives in recent years, the competition in the market was fierce, the wine consumptioncontinuously declined, and a large number of wine production enterprises were on the brink of loss,even some wine enterprises were eliminated from the market. However, seen from the long term, theexisting consumption concept might change with the increase of people’s income level and theirpursuit of a relaxed, romantic and healthy lifestyle. More domestic wine would be drunk by people,and wine would enter more and more household consumption. The situation of current low averageconsumption of domestic wine would gradually improve. The Company was at the forefront in thedomestic wine market and was significantly ahead of major domestic competitors.The Company’s products were divided into two series: wine and brandy. For wine, main brandsincluded Changyu, Noble Dragon, AFIP, Longyu, Golden Ice Valley, Zenithwirl, Vermouth, Rena,Baron Balboa, J.LORMIN, Atrio, Kilikanoon and IWCC and so on. For Brandy, main brandsincluded Koya, Mminni, Pagese, Roullet Fransac and so on.

② The production licenses of main products obtained by the Company in China

Producer nameFood categoryObtaining timeObtaining methodFood production license number
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd.Alcohol2021.06.01Approval from government authoritySC11537060100050
Beijing Chateau Changyu AFIP Global Co., Ltd.Alcohol2022.08.22Approval from government authoritySC11511280920745
Liaoning Changyu Golden Icewine Valley Co., Ltd.Alcohol2021.03.25Approval from government authoritySC11521052200370
Ningxia Chateau Changyu Moser XV Co., Ltd.Alcohol2018.01.25Approval from government authoritySC11564010500657
Xinjiang Chateau Changyu Baron Balboa Co., Ltd.Alcohol2017.08.25Approval from government authoritySC11565900100392
Yantai Chateau Changyu-Castel Co., Ltd.Alcohol2021.06.08Approval from government authoritySC11537063600172
Shaanxi Chateau Changyu Rena Co., Ltd.Alcohol2020.10.19Approval from government authoritySC11561040400532
Yantai Chateau Koya Brandy Co., Ltd.Alcohol2021.01.11Approval from government authoritySC11537063601165

③ Explanation for other major events

During the report period, there did not exist the trademark ownership dispute, food quality issue orfood safety incident etc. that had a significant impact on the Company.

(3) Major sales mode

The Company’s main sales mode was the distribution mode, and main sales channel was offline sales,that is, the Company’s products were distributed to sales terminals through approximately 4,000distributors at home and abroad and ultimately provided to consumers.

① Situation of change in the number of distributors

RegionNumber at the beginning of 2022Increased number during this report periodNumber at the end of 2022
Eastern China1857791936
South China56540605
Central China476-29447
North China365-7358
Northwest China184-14170
Southwest China493-10483
Northeast China318-6312
HongKong, Macao,Taiwan China and overseas57329602

② The Company and distributors took cash spot settlement, and mainly adopted buyout distributionmode.

Sales model20222021
Operating income (CNY)Operating cost (CNY)Gross marginOperating income (CNY)Operating cost (CNY)Gross margin



Direct sales

Direct sales646,434,408284,599,247 284,599,24755.97%689,763,784298,367,39356.74%

③ Procurement mode and procurement content


Procurement modeProcurement contentThe amount of the main procurement content
Price determined by quality comparison with standard price itemsRaw materials such as grapes/ bulk wine66,633.60
Tender/Price determined by quality comparison with standard price itemsPackaging materials41,755.50
Tender/Price determined by quality comparison with standard price itemsBrewing materials2,364.30
Tender/Price determined by quality comparison with standard price itemsVineyard supplies1,140.30
ContractFuel and power4,739.90
Price determined by quality comparison with standard price itemsOther wines and derivatives2,736

(4) Major production mode

The production mode of the Company is self-produce.

3. Key accounting data and financial indicators

(1) Key accounting data and financial indicators in recent three years

Whether the Company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous fiscalyears.?Yes ?No

Unit: CNY

December 31st, 2022December 31st, 2021More or less than Last year end (%)December 31st, 2020
Total assets13,171,506,37813,472,009,754-2.23%13,102,481,541
Net Assets attributed to shareholders of the listed company10,579,053,73310,447,884,1831.26%10,267,832,644
20222021More or less than Last year (%)2020
Operating revenue3,918,941,1603,953,067,583-0.86%3,395,402,001
Net profit attributed to shareholders of the listed company428,681,411500,102,606-14.28%470,860,587
Net profit attributed to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring profits and losses413,831,359472,235,962-12.37%397,655,187
Net cash flows from operating activities868,876,6471,125,382,658-22.79%505,146,673
Basic earnings per share0.630.73-13.70%0.69
Diluted earnings per share0.630.73-13.70%0.69
Weighted average for earning rate of net assets4.09%4.84%-0.75%4.57%

(2) Key accounting data by quarter

Unit: CNY

1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter
Operating revenue1,165,989,959787,102,176857,930,8901,107,918,135
Net profit attributed to shareholders of the listed company290,587,74467,871,85975,890,351-5,668,543
Net profit attributed to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring profits and losses284,168,65860,140,36468,081,7111,440,626
Net cash flows from operating activities299,300,737306,972,858132,417,260130,185,792

Whether there are significant differences between above-mentioned financial indicators or their sumand the related financial indicators in the quarterly report and semi-annual report disclosed by theCompany.

□Yes ?No

4. Capital stock and shareholders’ situation

(1) Number of ordinary shareholder and preferred shareholder recovering voting power, and situation of shares held by top ten shareholders

Unit: share

(2) Number of preferred shareholder and situation of preferred shares held by top ten preferred shareholders

□Available ?Not available

There are no shares held by preferred shareholders during the report period.

Total shareholders in the report period44,371Total number of shareholders by the end of last month before the disclosure day of the annual report42,682Total number of preferred shareholder recovering voting power by the end of report period0Total number of preferred shareholder recovering voting power by the end of last month before the disclosure day of the annual report0
Shareholders holding more than 5% or the top 10 shareholders holding situation
Name of ShareholdersCharacter of shareholdersPercentage (%)Amount of holding sharesNumber of restricted sharesPledged /marked or frozen
Share statusAmount
YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP CO., LTD.Domestic non-state legal person50.40%345,471,5560-0
GAOLING FUND, L.P.Foreign legal person3.08%21,090,2190-0
BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FDForeign legal person1.12%7,683,0160-0
SHENWAN HONGYUAN SECURITIES (HONGKONG) LIMITEDForeign legal person1.06%7,293,9520-0
#JIANG FengdiDomestic natural person0.77%5,295,0000-0
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES (HONGKONG) LIMITEDForeign legal person0.73%4,998,8310-0
Haitong International Securities Company Limited-Account ClientForeign legal person0.73%4,986,5020-0
HONG KONG SECURITIES CLEARING COMPANY LIMITEDForeign legal person0.64%4,420,0860-0
VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUNDForeign legal person0.59%4,026,8630-0
FIDELITY CHINA SPECIAL SITUATIONS PLCForeign legal person0.55%3,779,2020-0
The explanation for the associated relationship and accordant actionAmong the top 10 shareholders, Yantai Changyu Group Company Limited has no associated relationship or accordant action relationship with the other 9 listed shareholders, while the relationship among the other shareholders is unknown.
Explanation for the top 10 shareholders who involved in financing activities and stock trading business (if have)The top 10 shareholders do not involve in financing activities and stock trade business.

(3) Introduction for property right and control relations between the Company and its actual controllers

5. Existing bond position on the submit date of annual report approval

□Available ?Not available

III. Important Matters


Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd.

Board of DirectorsApril 13, 2023
