关于本报告About this Report董事长致辞Chairman's Statement关于我们About Us公司简介Company Profile发展战略Development Strategy业务布局Business Layout企业文化Company Culture
心之所往弘扬责任文化Listen to Our Heart andCarry forward the Cultureof Responsibility
信之所倚夯实责任基础Rely on Trust and Build a FirmFoundation of Responsibility
行之所至书写责任担当Take Actions andManifest Corporate SocialResponsibilities
未来展望Future Outlook
创新驱动,赋能发展Empower Development Driven by Innovation匠心品质,服务客户Provide Quality Service for Clients绿色“双碳”,呵护生态Protect Ecosystems through GreenDevelopment under "Double Carbon"Background人才关爱,成就员工Cherish Talents and Achieve Sta's Value交流合作,携手共赢Achieve a Win-win Situation throughExchange and Cooperation乐于奉献,回馈社会Contribute to the Society
公司治理,强基固本Corporate Governance and Solid Foundation合规管理,依法运营
Compliance Management and Law-basedOperations风险防控,筑牢防线Risk Prevention & Control and Strong Defenseagainst Risks党建领航,行稳致远Party's Leadership and Steady Progress反腐倡廉,风清气正Anti-corruption and Honesty & Integrity
可持续发展理念Sustainability Concept可持续发展治理Sustainability Governance实质性议题识别Identification of Material Issues利益相关方沟通Stakeholder Communication
附录AppendixESG指标索引HKEX ESG Reporting Guide评级报告Rating Report意见反馈Feedback
本报告是中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司发布的第十份环境、社会及管治报告,本着客观全面、规范透明的原则,详细阐述2022年度公司环境、社会及管治工作的管理理念、亮点实践及年度成效。本报告以中文及英文编制,如有差异,请以中文文本为准。This Report is the tenth Environmental, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co.,Ltd.Based on objective, comprehensive, regulative and transparent principles, this Report expounds management ideas,key practices and annual achievements for environmental, social and governance work of China Railway Signal &Communication Co., Ltd. in 2022. This Report is compiled in Chinese and English versions. Should there be any minorcontent dierence, the Chinese version prevails.
报告范围Scope of the Report除特殊说明外,本报告涵盖中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司总部、分支机构及附属公司,与《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022年年度报告》对外披露范围保持一致。Unless otherwise stated, this Report includesChina Railway Signal & Communication Co.,Ltd.'s headquarters, all its branches andsubsidiaries, with the same scope of the2022 Annual Report of China Railway Signal& Communication Co., Ltd.时间范围为2022年1月1日至2022年12月31日,部分内容超出此范围。The reporting period is from Saturday,January 1, 2022 to Saturday, December31, 2022. Some contents are sourced fromhistorical data.
参考标准Reference Standards全球报告倡议组织《可持续发展报告标准(GRI Standards)》The Sustainability Reporting Guidelines issued by the Global ReportingInitiative (GRI)国务院国资委《关于国有企业更好履行社会责任的指导意见》The Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility of State-owned Companiesissued by State-owned Assets Supervision and AdministrationCommission (SASAC) of the State Council中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南(CASS-ESG5.0)》The Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report Preparation Guide(CASS-ESG5.0) by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences香港联合交易所《环境、社会及管治报告指引》The Guidelines on Environmental, Social and Governance Report issued byHKEX
上海证券交易所《上市公司环境信息披露指引》The Guidelines on Environmental Information Disclosure of Listed Companiesissued by Shanghai Stock Exchange
气候相关财务信息披露工作组建议(TCFD)The Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related FinancialDisclosures (TCFD)
发布周期Reporting Cycle本报告为年度报告,于每年3-4月发布。This is an annual report released in Marchor April.称谓说明Reporting Specification为便于表达,本报告中提及的“中国通号”“公司”“我们”等均指代“中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司”。For the convenience of expression, “ChinaRailway Signal & Communication Co.,Ltd.” may be expressed as “CRSC”, the“Company” and “We”.可靠性保证Reliability Guarantee公司董事会承诺对报告内容进行监督,确保不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。The board of directors of the Companypromises to supervise the content of theReport to ensure that there are no falserecords, misleading statements or majoromissions.
数据说明Data Specification本报告关键财务绩效来自《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022年年度报告》,其他数据来自公司内部管理体系。本报告相对公司往年ESG报告披露范围并无重大调整,且使用一致的披露统计方法。All key financial performance data disclosed in this Report are collectedfrom the 2022 Annual Report of China Railway Signal & CommunicationCo., Ltd., and other data are mainly sourced from internal managementsystems of the Group. This report has no significant adjustment to thescope of the company's ESG report disclosure in previous years, anduses a consistent statistical method of disclosure.报告获取Access to the Report本报告提供纸质版和电子版两种形式。您可以登陆中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司门户网站“文化与责任—社会责任”板块或香港联合交易所、上海证券交易所网站阅读或下载本报告。This report is available both in hard copy and electronic format. You maybrowse or download the Report at the ocial website of CRSC (Culture& Responsibility - Social Responsibility) or at the website of Hong KongStock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange.
About this Report
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.董事长致辞Chairman's Statement
CRSC's fulfillment of social responsibility and ESGoriginates from our sense of historical responsibilityand glorious mission since its establishment 70 yearsago, from the brilliant achievements created by tensof thousands of CRSC people, and from the corporatemission of "developing the national industry with traincontrol technology, leading the technological progressof global rail transit and guarding people's beautifultravel". Under the strong leadership of the CPC CentralCommittee, the State Council and the State-owned AssetsSupervision and Administration Commission, the qualityand efficiency of our social responsibility and ESG workhave been improved, and good news keeps pouring in.2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the20th CPC National Congress, and it will also be a crucialyear for implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan. We willfurther understand our original mission, carefully reviewour previous social responsibility and ESG work, anddeepen our responsibility performance, laying a solidfoundation for social responsibility management and ESGconstruction, enabling us to embark on a new journey ofhigh-quality development.
Looking back on 2022, we have made remarkable achievements in ESG. The ESG workwas carried out on a regular and systematic basis. Since 2013, we have released acorporate social responsibility report (ESG report) for nine consecutive years, effectivelypromoting the steady improvement in CSR management and information disclosure,and giving a strong impetus to the normalization of CSR practices. Keeping in mind "thetop priorities of the country", we take responsibility for developing the national industrywith train control technology, and accelerate progress towards a world-class companywith global competitiveness. We are committed to independent innovation, leading theworld in scientific and technological achievements, and creating a stronger innovationengine. We will further implement the "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI) to promote China'stechnology and standards to "go global" and show "China's High-Speed Rail" to the world.For the "green future", we actively practice the "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" (i.e."double carbon") strategy, further integrate green and low-carbon concepts into the entireprocess of product design, R&D, manufacturing and application, and guide the rail transitequipment industry to develop in a green and intelligent direction. Being devoted to thefamily and country and adhering to the people-oriented principle, we focus on employees'thoughts, the society's aspirations and the masses' expectations, continue to build aresponsible supply chain, and put our best eort into rural revitalization, public welfareand charity, etc. to spread warmth and care with love.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
董事长 周志亮
ChairmanZhou Zhiliang
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.董事长致辞Chairman's Statement
鉴于公司在ESG管理和社会、经济、环境信息披露水平方面的优异表现,2022年,公司2021年ESG报告连续两年荣获明晟(MSCI)ESG评级“A”级,被中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会评为五星级报告;社会责任案例多次入选国资委蓝皮书,成为央企履责典范;入选“央企先锋50指数”,荣获ESG金牛奖—“先锋企业”,受到广大利益相关方的高度关注和社会各界的一致好评。In view of our outstanding performance in ESG management and social, economic and environmentalinformation disclosure, in 2022, our 2021 ESG Report was A-rated by Morgan Stanley CapitalInternational (MSCI) for two consecutive years and was five-star rated by the Chinese ExpertCommittee on CSR Rating. We have become a model for central SOEs to fulfill corporate socialresponsibilities as our CSR cases were included in the CSR Blue Book of SASAC several times. CRSC wasselected as a component of the "State-owned Enterprises ESG Pioneer 50 Index" and won the title of"ESG Golden Bull Award Pioneer Enterprise". CRSC has received attention and praise from stakeholdersand all walks of life.走进新阶段,肩负新责任。党的二十大对央企履行社会责任提出了更高要求,国家轨道交通技术的高质量发展对通信信号企业ESG工作提出了更严标准,国资委、香港联合交易所、上海证券交易所等监管机构对上市公司ESG治理提出了更细规定。展望未来,我们可从三个方面持续加强ESG工作。Entering a new stage and shouldering new responsibilities. The 20th CPC National Congress set higherrequirements to the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) directly under the central government on fulfillingcorporate social responsibilities, and set stricter standards for the ESG work of communicationsignal enterprises in order to achieve high-quality development of national rail transit technologies.The regulatory agencies such as State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission(SASAC), Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) and Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) posed more detailedregulations for the ESG of listed companies. Looking ahead, we can continue to strengthen ESG workin three aspects.第一,增强公司ESG工作使命感,主动服务国家发展大局。我们要坚决落实党中央重大战略决策部署,积极将自身发展融入新发展格局,聚焦主责主业,为建设交通强国不断做出新的更大贡献。第二,强化公司ESG治理工作的顶层设计,提升ESG管理水平。我们要紧抓国资委成立社会责任局的契机,进一步推动公司ESG工作规范化、制度化、科学化,筑牢风险防控根基。第三,推动公司ESG治理工作落实落细,为生态治理和美好社会做出更大贡献。我们要继续坚定服务国家“双碳战略”,积极做好全产业链降碳、减排等工作,始终把满足人民对美好生活的向往作为奋斗目标,在乡村振兴、志愿公益、爱心助学、应急救援等领域投入更多资源,彰显通号人的担当与奉献。
First, we shall harbor a stronger sense of mission with regard to ESG work, and actively serve theoverall situation of national development. We must resolutely implement the major strategic decisionsand arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee, actively integrate our own development intothe new development pattern, focus on our main responsibilities and industries, and make new andgreater contributions to building China into a transportation country. Second, we shall strengthen thetop-level design with regard to ESG governance, and improve ESG management. We should see theestablishment of the Social Responsibility Bureau by SASAC as an opportunity to push our ESG worktowards standardization, institutionalization and scientization, and lay a solid foundation for riskprevention and control. Third, we shall further implement ESG corporate governance in an eectiveand detailed manner, and make greater contributions to ecological governance and a better society.We should continue to firmly serve the national "double carbon" strategy, actively carry out carbonreduction,and emission reduction across the industry chain, and always take satisfying people'syearning for a good and beautiful life as the goal for us to strive for, and invest more resources inrural revitalization, voluntary public welfare, care for students, emergency rescue and other fields todemonstrate the responsibility and dedication of CRSC people.牢记职责使命,赓续百年初心。在“十四五”期末,我们要力争实现ESG管理体系日趋完善、ESG责任品牌逐步成熟、ESG实践持续深化的发展目标,追求效益和社会影响的平衡,提高公司美誉度,实现可持续发展、高质量发展。Staying true to our responsibility and mission, and sustaining our original aspiration for a hundredyears. At the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we should strive for improving ESG managementsystem, refining ESG brands and deepening ESG practice, balance benefits and social impact, improveour reputation, and achieve sustainable and high-quality development.最后,我谨代表中国通号董事会及全体员工,向所有关心、支持和帮助中国通号发展的社会各界朋友和利益相关方致以最诚挚的感谢。面对美好未来的召唤,我们始终坚定信念、奋发进取,让我们携手同行,共创美好未来!
Finally, on behalf of the board of directors and all employees of CRSC, I would like to extend mydeepest gratitude to all friends and stakeholders from all walks of life who care about, support andhelp CRSC's development. Looking ahead, we always keep faith and forge ahead. Let's join hands fora bright future!
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.关于我们About Us
Company Profile
About Us
China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as CRSC) is a hi-tech service provider featured by railway signal
and communication technology, the leader in China rail transit control
industry, and an internationally leading rail transit system provider.
We provide specialized one-stop solution of design and integration,
equipment manufacturing and engineering installation for rail
Key Performance in 2022营业收入(亿元人民币)Revenue (RMB 100 million)资产总额(亿元人民币)Total assets (RMB 100 million)净利润(亿元人民币)Net profit (RMB 100 million)全年实现新签合同额(亿元人民币)Overall new contract amount in theyear (RMB 100 million)
发展战略Development Strategy中国通号以“坚守主责、创新引领、突出主业、多元协同”为战略导向,实施“六核一体两翼”业务战略,构建“轨道交通+N”产业格局,建设以轨道交通为特色、系统技术全球领先、综合实力世界一流的产业集团。CRSC takes "adhering to main responsibilities, leadinginnovation, highlighting main business, and diversifyingsynergy" as the strategic orientation, implements thebusiness strategy of "Six Cores, One Integration and TwoBases", creates a "rail transit + N" industrial pattern, andto build an industrial group with rail transit as its feature,global leading system technology and world-classcomprehensive strength.
transportation control systems to our clients, and serveas the secretariat unit of the Communication SignalSub-Committee of the National Technical Committeeon Electrical Equipment and Systems for Railways ofStandardization Administration of China (nationalstandard) and the Communication Signal Sub-Committeeof the Technical Committee on Electrical Equipmentand Systems for Railway Industry of StandardizationAdministration of China (industry standard), responsiblefor the centralized management of the national standardsin the field of communication signals and railway industrystandards.
On August 7, 2015, CRSC was successfully listed on HKEX.On July 22, 2019, CRSC was listed on STAR Market ofShanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), and became the firststate-owned enterprise and the first A+H company on SSESTAR Market (stock code: 688009.SH, 03969.HK).
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.关于我们About Us
业务布局企业文化Business LayoutCompany Culture中国通号以“六核一体两翼”赋能轨道交通产业,辐射壮大新兴产业,构建“轨道交通+N”产业协同发展格局。CRSC empowers the rail transitindustry with its business strategy( "Six Cores, One Integration andTwo Bases"), expands emergingindustries, and creates a coordinateddevelopment pattern of "rail transit +N".
信号(控制)系统、信息通信、电力电气化、工程总承包、投资运营、智能制造等六大核心业务协同发展CRSC develops the six core businesses of signal (control)system, information and communication, electric powerelectrification, general contracting, investment and operationand intelligent manufacturing in a coordinated manner设计研发、装备制造、工程安装全产业链一体发展CRSC promotes the integrated development of the wholeindustrial chain of design and development, equipmentmanufacturing, and engineering installation加强国际经营,推动国内、海外两大市场均衡协同发展CRSC strengthens international operations and promotes the balancedand coordinated development of domestic and overseas markets
中国高铁列控系统(CTCS-3)China's Train ControlSystem for HSRs (CTCS-3)
城际铁路列控系统(CTCS-2+ATO)Train ControlSystem for ICRs(CTCS-2+ATO)
中低速磁悬浮控制系统(MATC)Train Control Systemfor Medium and LowSpeed Maglev (MATC)
货运编组站自动化系统(CIPS)Automation Systemfor Freight Marshalling(CIPS)
铁路综合智能运行维护管理系统Integrated IntelligentRailway OperationMaintenanceManagement System
综合运输调度指挥系统Integrated TransportationDispatching &Commanding System中国高铁自动驾驶系统(CTCS-3+ATO)China's Automatic TrainOperation System forHSRs (CTCS-3+ATO)
城市轨道交通列控系统(CBTC)Train Control System forUrban Transit (CBTC)
Mission and Vision
核心价值观Core Values
企业精神Corporate Spirit
Eight Core Technologies
发展国家列控技术民族产业,引领全球轨道交通技术进步,守护人们美好出行。Develop the National Industry with Train ControlTechnology, Lead the Technological Progress ofGlobal Rail Transit, Guard People's Beautiful Travel.
以人为本创新求进安全至上共创价值People-Oriented, Innovation & Progress, Safety-First, Joint Value Creation人是公司发展最大的资本。CRSC advocates people-first approach.自主创新是公司发展的动力。Independent innovation is the momentum for CRSC'sdevelopment.质量安全是公司发展的基石。Quality and safety are the cornerstones for CRSC'sdevelopment.创造价值是公司的矢志追求。Value creation is the eternal pursuit of CRSC.
求实创新拼搏奉献Realism, Innovation, Endeavor and Dedication作风严谨,尊重科学,遵章守纪,追求实绩。Rigorous attitude and scientific spirit, Compliancewith regulation, Pursuit of results.开放合作,勇于攀登,精益求精,追求卓越。Openness and cooperation, Courage and efforts,Strive for perfection, Aspire for excellence.泰而不骄,败而不馁,敢打硬仗,无私无畏。Poised but not arrogant, Failed but not discouraged,Selfless and fearless.恪尽职守,敢于担当,励精图治,产业报国。
Devoted and responsible, Ambitious and serve thecountry.
Six Cores
Two Bases
Listen to Our Heartand Carry forwardthe Culture ofResponsibility
CRSC has achieved leapfrog development by furtherdeepening ESG management, moving towards sustainabledevelopment, improving processes for identification andevaluation of substantive issues, communicating CRSC's latestprogress in ESG work to internal and external stakeholderscompletely and accurately, and carrying forward the corporatespirits of "realism, innovation, endeavor and dedication".
可持续发展理念Sustainability Concept
可持续发展治理Sustainability Governance实质性议题识别Identification of Material Issues利益相关方沟通Stakeholder Communication
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.理念篇:心之所往,弘扬责任文化Concept: Listen to Our Heart and Carry Forward the Culture of Responsibility
可持续发展治理Sustainability Governance中国通号建立职责清晰的可持续发展和ESG管治体系,将ESG理念融入到公司发展战略和日常经营等全方位管理之中,保证公司ESG工作的具体落地。董事会对ESG工作负责,对ESG重大议题进行审议和决策,对本报告期的ESG相关工作进行建议和规划,持续监督管理层对ESG风险管理及内部监控系统的设计、实施及监察工作,有效控制ESG相关风险;公司总部各部门按照职能分工,负责业务范围内的ESG工作,积极推进可持续发展实践和ESG工作的正常开展。
Sustainability Concept中国通号始终践行国家创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展理念,努力承担好企业在公司治理、经济、环境、社会等方面的责任,创造综合价值,服务国家战略、服务人民美好生活需要、服务行业可持续发展,促进企业与利益相关方共同成长。Adhering to the five major development concepts of nationalinnovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing,CRSC strives to shoulder corporate governance, economic,environmental and social responsibilities to create integratedvalue, and serve national strategies, people's needs for abetter life and industrial sustainable development, so that theenterprise could grow together with its stakeholders.
CRSC has established a sustainable development and ESG governance system with well-defined duties and functions,integrating ESG concepts into its all-round management including development strategies and daily operations to ensurethat the ESG work falls into place. The board of directors is responsible for ESG work, reviews and makes decisions on majorESG issues, makes recommendations and plans for ESG-related work in this reporting period, and continuously supervisesthe management's design, implementation and monitoring of ESG risk management and internal control systems toeectively control ESG-related risks. All departments at the headquarters are responsible for ESG work within their businessscope according to the division of functions, and actively promote sustainability practices and regular ESG work.
?Insist on operating in accordancewith the law and be honest andtrustworthy?Continuously improve profitability
?Eectively improve productquality and service level
?Promote independent innovationand technological progress?加强资源节约和环境保护
?Strengthen resourceconservation andenvironmental protection
?Participate in social welfareundertakings?Safeguard the rights andinterests of employees?Ensure production safety服务国家战略服务人民美好生活需要服务行业可持续发展Environmental
Serving national
strategyServing people’s needsfor a better lifeServing the sustainabledevelopment of the
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.理念篇:心之所往,弘扬责任文化
Concept: Listen to Our Heart and Carry Forward the Culture of Responsibility
实质性议题识别Identification of Material Issues中国通号梳理宏观政策导向、研究分析ESG报告标准要求,结合公司发展战略、利益相关方关注议题,识别和建立公司ESG议题库;分析不同ESG议题对利益相关方的影响及对公司发展的重要性,开展实质性议题分析调研,从“对利益相关方的重要性”“对企业可持续发展的重要性”两个维度,建立实质性议题矩阵;相关分析结果呈报董事会讨论,并将相关反馈纳入可持续发展战略规划,分解到各部门执行。
CRSC studied the orientations of macro policies, explored and analyzed the standards and requirements of ESG reports.In combination with its development strategies and issues that arouse the attention of stakeholders, CRSC comparativelydissected the influence and the importance of dierent ESG issues on/to its development, conducted surveys on materialissues, and assessed and prioritized material issues. The issues concerned and analytical results are shown below. Theseresults were submitted to the Board of Directors for discussion and relevant feedbacks were incorporated into strategicplans for sustainable development, and then decomposed to various departments for implementation.
Technological innovationTransformation of technological achievementsDigitalization and intelligentizationQuality and safety of productsQuality serviceSupply chain managementSafe productionSafeguarding employees' rights and interestsEmployee cultivation and career developmentSocial welfarePerforming overseas responsibilitiesEnergy conservation and emission reductionTackling climate changes
Legal compliancePractice of integrityAsset preservation and appreciation1.2.3.治理议题
社会议题Social Issues
Importance to CRSC’s sustainable development
Importance to stakeholders
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.理念篇:心之所往,弘扬责任文化Concept: Listen to Our Heart and Carry Forward the Culture of Responsibility
利益相关方沟通Stakeholder Communication中国通号建立并完善多元沟通交流渠道,及时回应利益相关方的期望与关切,虚心倾听和接纳利益相关方意见和建议,及时传递公司动态,提高企业运行透明度,推动ESG工作走深走实,实现和谐共赢。
CRSC has established and improved multiple communication channels to respond to stakeholders' expectations andconcerns in a timely manner, listen to and accept stakeholders' opinions and suggestions with an open mind, conveycompany dynamics in a timely manner, improve operational transparency, and promote the ESG work to go deeper andmore practical, so as to achieve all-win harmony.
?贯彻宏观政策?诚信守法经营?依法纳税?促进就业?带动地方经济发展?To implement macro policies
?To operate honestly andlegally?To pay taxes according to law?To promote employment
?To drive local economicdevelopment
?良好的经营业绩?资产保值增值?信息合规披露?降低经营风险?股东权益保护?Good operationperformance?To preserve or add the assetvalue?To disclose information?To reduce operation risks?To protect the interests ofshareholders and investors
?诚信守法?阳光采购?扶持供应商成长?信息保密?Integrity and law-abiding?To guarantee open,fair and legalprocurement?To support suppliers'development?To keep informationconfidential?工作汇报?参加会议?监督检查?信息报送?Work report?Conferences
?Supervision and inspection?Information reporting
?公开招标?开展合作?行业沟通与交流?Corporate annual report, middleterm report and announcements
?Performance conference
?General meeting of shareholders?Investors conference?Communication and reporting
?合同履约?产品质量安全?提供优质服务?保障客户隐私?To perform contracts
?To guaranteeproduct quality andsafety?To oer premiumservice?To protect clients'information?客户拜访?客户满意度调查?电话、邮件、信件及在线反馈?Clients visiting andcommunication?Satisfaction survey?Telephone, e-mail, letter,and on-line feedback
?Open tendering?Carrying out cooperation
?Industrialcommunication andexchanges
?Fair competition
?Technologyinnovation research
?To promotethe industrialdevelopment
?Enhancing communicationwith peers
?Industrial forums andconference
?Research tours and visits
?To take partin communityconstruction?Public welfareactivities
?Communitypublicity?Organizingpublic welfareactivities
?保障员工权益?保障职业发展?员工生活关怀?保障薪酬福利?加强海外员工管理?To protect sta interests
?To clear the careerdevelopment route
?To oer sta caring
?To oer rational salaryand welfare?To enhance themanagement ofoverseas sta
?职工代表大会?员工培训宣教?日常沟通?General meeting ofsta representatives?Training and education?Daily communication
?诚信守法?遵守商业道德?合作共赢?Integrity and law-abiding?To abide by businessethics?To achieve win-wincooperation
?高层互访?定期沟通交流?协议合同执行?High-level visit exchanges
?Regular communicationand exchanges
?Execution of agreementsor contracts
?遵守环境法律法规?践行节能减排?资源节约利用?环保意识提升?To abide by laws andregulations of environment?To save energy and reduceemissions?To save resources?To improve the awarenessof environment mentalprotection?环保技术应用?环保理念宣贯?环境信息公开?Application of energysaving technology
?Publicity of environmentalprotection conceptions?Environmentalinformation disclosure
股东与投资者Shareholders andInvestors
Expectations and Appeals
Communication Channels
Rely on Trustand Build a FirmFoundation ofResponsibility
Adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialismwith Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, CRSC leads high-quality development via high-quality Party building, constantlyimproves the corporate governance mechanism, strengthensthe construction of the board of directors, practices compliantoperations and law-based corporate governance, intensifiesefforts to combat corruption for public integrity, and fullyprotects the interests of shareholders and all interestedparties, to realize long-term, stable and healthy development.
Risk Prevention & Control and Strong Defense against Risks
反腐倡廉,风清气正Anti-corruption and Honesty & Integrity
党建领航,行稳致远Party's Leadership and Steady Progress
公司治理,强基固本Corporate Governance and Solid Foundation
合规管理,依法运营Compliance Management and Law-based Operations
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.管理篇:信之所倚,夯实责任基础Management: Rely on Trust and Build a Firm Foundation of Responsibility
公司治理,强基固本Corporate Governance andSolid Foundation中国通号严格遵守《公司法》《证券法》《上市公司治理准则》等法律法规及香港联合交易所、上海证券交易所各项规定,贯彻落实《关于进一步提高上市公司质量的意见》等文件精神,构建现代公司治理架构体系,制定科学有效的议事规则和工作程序,完善“三重一大”决策制度,推动董事、监事和高级管理人员依法履职,确保公司运行规范、运转协调。
According to the requirements of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People'sRepublic of China, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies and other laws and regulations, as well as theprovisions of Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange, and for the purpose of implementing the spiritof documents such as the Opinions for Further Improving the Quality of Listed Companies, CRSC set up a modern corporategovernance architecture, formulated scientific and ecient rules of procedure and working processes, improved the "threemajors and one big" decision-making system, and encourage directors, supervisors and senior managers to perform theirduties according to law, so as to ensure legitimate and coordinated corporate operations.
Governance System中国通号规范设立股东大会、董事会、监事会、经理层等法人治理体系,形成权责法定、权责透明、协调运转、有效制衡的公司治理机制,提高公司的规范运作水平。2022年,公司召开股东大会3次、董事会会议12次、监事会会议6次。CRSC has standardized corporate governance systems such as shareholders' general meeting, board of directors, boardof supervisors and management level, forming a corporate governance mechanism that features statutorily-definedand transparent rights and responsibilities, coordinated operations, and effective checks and balances, and improvinglegitimate operations. In 2022, CRSC convened 3 general meetings of shareholders, 12 meetings of the board of directorsand 6 meetings of the Board of supervisors.董事会作为公司的决策机构,对股东大会负责,以维护出资人利益、实现国有资产保值增值为宗旨,依照法定程序和公司章程充分履行职责。董事会由7名董事组成,包括3名执行董事、1名非执行董事、3名独立非执行董事,实现董事构成多元化,保证决策的科学性。董事会下设战略与投资委员会、薪酬与考核委员会、提名委员会、审计与风险管理委员会和质量安全委员会5个专门委员会,为董事会决策提供咨询和建议。The board of directors, as a decision-making body, is accountable to the shareholders' general meeting, and fully performsits duties in accordance with legal procedures and the Articles of Association, for the purposes of safeguarding the interestsof investors and realizing the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets. The board of directors consists of sevendirectors, including three executive directors, one non-executive director and three independent non-executive directors,so as to realize diversity and ensure scientific decision-making. The board of directors consists of five ad hoc committees:
the Strategy and Investment Committee, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Auditand Risk Management Committee and the Quality and Safety Committee, which give advice on making board decisions.
战略与投资委员会Strategy andInvestmentCommittee
薪酬与考核委员会Remunerationand AppraisalCommittee
审计与风险管理委员会Audit and RiskManagementCommittee
质量安全委员会Quality and SafetyCommittee
股东大会General Meeting of Shareholders
Board of Supervisors董事会
Board of Directors
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
管理篇:信之所倚,夯实责任基础Management: Rely on Trust and Build a Firm Foundation of Responsibility
治理架构Governance Framework
Board of DirectorsTop Management Team
Board of Supervisors
周志亮党委书记、董事长、执行董事Zhou ZhiliangSecretary of CPC, Chairman,Executive Director
徐宗祥党委副书记、总裁、执行董事Xu ZongxiangDeputy Secretary of CPC,President, Executive Director
独立非执行董事Yao GuiqingIndependent Non-Executive Director
郭永宏非执行董事Guo YonghongNon-ExecutiveDirector
姚祖辉独立非执行董事Yao ZuhuiIndependent Non-Executive Director
李连清党委常委、总会计师、董事会秘书Li LianqingParty CommitteeMember, ChiefAccountant,Secretary of theBoard of Directors
傅俊元独立非执行董事Fu JunyuanIndependent Non-Executive Director
孔宁监事会主席Kong NingChairman of theBoard of Supervisors
李铁南股东代表监事Li TienanShareholderSupervisor
杨扬职工代表监事Yang YangEmployeeRepresentativeSupervisor
张权党委副书记、执行董事Zhang QuanDeputy Secretary of CPC,Executive Director
赵晓东党委常委、副总裁Zhao XiaodongParty CommitteeMember, VicePresident张志辉党委常委、副总裁、总工程师Zhang ZhihuiParty CommitteeMember, VicePresident, ChiefEngineer
姚希春党委常委、纪委书记Yao XichunParty CommitteeMember, Secretaryof Commission forDiscipline Inspection
万宝华党委常委、副总裁Wan BaohuaParty CommitteeMember and VicePresident
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.管理篇:信之所倚,夯实责任基础Management: Rely on Trust and Build a Firm Foundation of Responsibility
CRSC Research & Design Institute Group Co., Ltd.(Research & Design Institute Group)CRSC Information & Communication Group Co., Ltd.(CRSCIC)CRSC Engineering Bureau Group Co., Ltd.(Engineering Group)CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(Shanghai Engineering Group)CRSC Construction Group Co., Ltd.( Construction Group)CRSC (Xi’an) Industry Group Co., Ltd.( Xi’an Industry Group)CRSC Cable Group Co., Ltd.(Cable Group)
CRSC International Holdings Co., Ltd.CRSC (Changsha) Rail Transit Control Technology Co., Ltd.CRSC Urban Rail Transit Technology Co., Ltd.(Urban Rail Transit) CRSC International Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong)CRSC (Beijing) Bidding Co., Ltd.
CRSC Financial Co., Ltd.Jishou CRSC Tengda Project Management Co., Ltd.Jishou CRSC Huatai Pipeline Project Management Co., Ltd.CRSC (Jiangbian) Smart City Construction Development Co., Ltd.
CRSC (Zhengzhou) Electrification Bureau Co., Ltd.Zhengzhou Zhongyuan Railway Engineering Co., Ltd.
China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.
CRSC Innovation InvestmentGroup Co., Ltd.通号创新投资集团有限公司
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.管理篇:信之所倚,夯实责任基础
Management: Rely on Trust and Build a Firm Foundation of Responsibility
Compliance Management andLaw-based Operations
Risk Prevention & Control andStrong Defense against Risks
Centering on the goal of building a world-class enterprise, CRSC implemented the compliance management workdeployment of the SASAC, established the compliance concept of "compliance starts from the top, all sta take the initiativeto comply, and compliance creates value", planned the deployment as a whole, focused on the key of compliance control,and continued to improve the company's legal compliance management level.
CRSC has always taken prevention and resolution of major risks, optimization of internal control, and strengthening ofmajor risk control and control as the fundamental guarantee for the company's high-quality development. CRSC has fullyintegrated the company's business development objectives with risk prevention and resolution, and eectively achieved nodead ends, no loopholes, and no results in risk management.
制定发布“十四五”法治合规工作实施方案,统筹谋划公司法治合规管理体系建设。制定发布《合规管理办法》《合规管理手册》等制度,形成四个层级、16项制度构成的合规管理专项制度体系,夯实公司合规管理基础。Formulate and issue the implementation plan of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" legaland compliance work, and plan the construction of the company's legal and compliancemanagement system as a whole. Formulate and issue the Compliance ManagementMeasures, Compliance Management Manual and other systems, form a special compliancemanagement system consisting of four levels and 16 systems, and consolidate thecompany's compliance management foundation.
针对公司业务特点、所处行业特点,进一步健全针对性的风险量化监测指标,将风险监测向经营业务延伸。按季度组织公司全系统开展风险量化指标动态监测,进行动态分析和提示。According to the characteristics of thecompany's business and industry, furtherimprove the targeted quantitative riskmonitoring indicators, and extendthe risk monitoring to the business.Organize the company-wide systemto carry out dynamic monitoringof risk quantitative indicators on aquarterly basis, and conduct dynamicanalysis and prompt.
开展年度重大风险评估,对公司整体进行全面风险管控的“体检”,制定应对措施。针对境外业务,进行法律风险全面排查,完善境外风险排查处置机制。Carry out annual major risk assessment,carry out "physical examination" ofoverall risk control of the company, andformulate countermeasures. For overseasbusiness, carry out comprehensiveinvestigation of legal risks andimprove the investigation anddisposal mechanism of overseasrisks.
持续健全制度全生命周期管理机制,全面梳理分析公司规章制度,制定发布公司年度制度立改废计划并推进实施。全面梳理修订公司内控流程,针对每项流程增加相应的具体合规管控要求,进一步完善风险管控基础。Continue to improve the managementmechanism of the whole life cycle ofthe system, comprehensively sort outand analyze the company's rules andregulations, formulate and releasethe company's annual system reformand abolition plan and promote itsimplementation. Comprehensivelysort out and revise the company'sinternal control process, add specificcompliance control requirements foreach process, and further improvethe risk control basis.
Systematically buildlegal compliancecapacity
Dynamic tracking and monitoring
of major risks
Comprehensively improve the risk
control mechanism
Solidly promote the construction ofthe internal control system
法律审核率(企业规章制度、经济合同、重大决策的法律审核)(%)Legal review rate (legal review ofenterprise's rules and regulations, economiccontracts and major decisions) (%)
Carry out system-wide compliance troubleshooting, comprehensively identify compliancerisks in various business areas, control processes, business positions, etc., and systematicallyimprove the compliance control mechanism and process with the focus on legal complianceoperation. According to the construction and operation of the company's compliancemanagement system, carry out the system eectiveness and compliance evaluation of keybusiness areas, and further improve the compliance risk control mechanism.
Systematicallypromote the workof rule of law andcompliance
展公司全员签订员工合规承诺书和发放合规手册,开展全系统法治合规培训、宣贯,确保人人承诺合规,人人知晓合规。Has set up the chief compliance ocer in the group company and all its subsidiaries, improvedthe company's system-wide part-time compliance administrator mechanism, carried out thesigning of employee compliance commitment letters and the issuance of compliance manualsby all the company's sta, and carried out system-wide legal compliance training, publicityand implementation to ensure that everyone commits to compliance and everyone knowsabout compliance.
Systematically builda team of compliancepersonnel
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.管理篇:信之所倚,夯实责任基础Management: Rely on Trust and Build a Firm Foundation of Responsibility
党建领航,行稳致远Party's Leadership andSteady Progress中国通号深入学习宣传贯彻党的二十大精神和习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,坚决落实党中央、国资委决策部署,以高质量党建引领保障企业高质量发展,切实把党的制度优势转化为治理效能。CRSC thoroughly studied, publicized and implemented the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and General SecretaryXi Jinping's important instructions, and resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC CentralCommittee and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, so as to ensure high-qualitydevelopment via high-quality Party building and eectively translate the Party's institutional strengths into governanceeciency.
Party's Leadership and Better Arming Ourselves with Theory
Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPCNational Congress, Making It part of Our Heart and Mind
中国通号坚持把习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想纳入党员教育培训“主修课”。公司党委领导班子成员坚持以身作则,带头深学细悟党的创新理论,通过党委理论学习中心组学习、班子成员深入研讨、考察调研、党委会“第一议题”等方式强化学习成效,巩固拓展党史学习教育成果。CRSC insists on including Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in "major courses" foreducation and training of Party members. Members of the Party Leadership Group of CRSC lead by example to gain a deepunderstanding of the Party's innovation theory, reinforce their learning outcomes through good understanding of Partytheories, in-depth discussion among the members, field study, and "First Issue" campaigns by the Party Committee, andconsolidate and expand achievements in Party history learning and education.
中国通号深刻认识党的二十大召开的重大意义,组织全系统党员干部收听收看开幕会直播;大会胜利闭幕后,公司党委第一时间召开专题会议、全面传达学习会议精神、印发学习宣贯工作方案,召开全系统动员宣讲会、在京企业党委书记座谈会、党代表分享会,推动党的二十大精神直达基层、直通一线;组织参观“奋进新时代”主题成就展,举办“奋进新征程 建功新时代”书画摄影篆刻作品征集,组织全国职工学习党的二十大精神知识竞赛中国通号集团专场赛,累计线上答题
人次,通过开展各类活动,实现党组织、党员全覆盖。CRSC deeply recognizes the great significance of the 20th CPC National Congress and organizes party members and cadres
throughout the system to listen to and watch the live broadcast of the opening meeting ; after the successful closing of
the conference, the company 's party committee held a special meeting at the first time, fully conveyed the spirit of the
learning conference, issued a work plan for learning and publicity, carried out a system-wide mobilization seminar, held
a symposium of party committee secretaries in Beijing, and shared party representatives. The meeting promoted the spirit
of the 20th CPC National Congress to reach the grassroots level and the front line; to organize a visit to the ' Endeavour
New Era ' theme achievement exhibition, to hold a collection of calligraphy, painting, photography and seal cutting works
of ' Endeavour New Journey to a New Era ', to organize the national sta to learn the 20th National Spiritual Knowledge
Competition of the Party, the China General Number Group Special Competition, a total of 22,698 online answers, through
various activities, to ensure the full coverage of party organizations and party members.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.管理篇:信之所倚,夯实责任基础Management: Rely on Trust and Build a Firm Foundation of Responsibility
夯实基础,深化党建融合Solid Foundation and Deep Integration of Party BuildingWork with Production and Operations中国通号坚持大抓基层的鲜明导向,推进基层党建工作标准化、规范化,持续健全“一个支部一特色”“一名党员一面旗”的党建文化体系。深入开展“强活力、创佳绩、促增长”主题实践活动,各企业发挥自身优势打造了“夺冠”等一批竞赛活动,激发广大党员干事创业热情。总结完善主题党日、创岗建区等有效做法,“七一”期间开展特色实践、风采展示等活动。持续总结提升巩固党建品牌建设成果,聚焦党建融入生产经营找到切入点和发力点,形成以高质量党建引领保障企业高质量发展典型案例做法39个,组织基层选送党建创新案例30余篇,4个党建创新案例被《国企党建》创新优秀案例集收录。CRSC adheres to the clear orientation of grasping the grass-roots level, promotes the standardization of grass-roots partybuilding work, and continuously improves the party building culture system of "each branch having its own characteristics"and "one Party member being viewed as one flag". We have carried out in-depth practical activities on the theme of " strongvitality, good performance and growth promotion. " Enterprises have given full play to their own advantages to create anumber of competition activities such as " winning the championship " and stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm ofParty members and cadres. Summarize and improve the eective practices such as the theme party day, the creation of thepost and the establishment of the district, and carry out activities such as characteristic practice and style display duringthe 'July 1' period. Continue to summarize and consolidate the achievements of party building brand building, focus on theintegration of party building into production and operation to find the entry point and force point, form 39 typical cases ofhigh-quality party building to lead and ensure the high-quality development of enterprises, organize grass-roots electionand delivery of more than 30 cases of party building innovation, and 4 innovation cases of party building are included inthe excellent case set of Party Building innovation in state-owned enterprises.
反腐倡廉,风清气正Anti-corruption andHonesty & Integrity中国通号夯实反腐败工作制度,严肃改革纪律,构建从管理人员到一线员工的全方位、立体化反腐败管理体系,营造风清气正的良好生态。2022年,公司未发生腐败相关诉讼事件,未发生舞弊诉讼案件,人均反腐败培训5.8小时。CRSC consolidates the anti-corruption work system, and seriously reformsdisciplines to build an all-round and three-dimensional anti-corruptionmanagement system from managers to front-line employees, thus creatinga sound political ecosystem featuring honesty and integrity. In 2022, nocorruption-related and fraud-related lawsuits occurred in CRSC, and eachemployee averagely received 5.8 hours of anti-corruption trainings.
严肃改革纪律Tighten institutional constraints
Improving the quality of supervision and disciplineImproving complaint disposal procedures
Seriously reform disciplines
充分运用《廉洁风险防控工作手册》,严格执行《职工违纪违规处理规定》《深化整治“靠企吃企”问题九条禁令》等制度规定,强化廉洁风险防范和监督制约机制。Make full use of the Integrity Risk Prevention and Control Manual,strictly implement the rules and regulations such as the Provisionson Handling Employees' Violation of Disciplines and Regulations andthe Nine Prohibitions on Deepening the Rectification of the Problemof "Making Private Profit from Their Own Game", and strengthen theintegrity risk prevention, supervision and restriction mechanism.
完善党风廉政建设和反腐败工作协调小组工作机制,发挥基层党组织纪检委员作用,确保监督无死角。Improve the working mechanism of the coordination group forimproving Party conduct, building a clean and honest government, andcombating corruption, and give play to the role of grass-roots Partyorganizations as members of the Central Commission for DisciplineInspection (CCDI), to achieve supervision with no dead ends.
进一步完善《监督执纪工作手册》,及时开展案件质量和执纪安全监督检查,不断规范线索处置、审查审理等各项工作流程。Continue to improve and make full use of the Supervision and DisciplineEnforcement Work Manual, carried out timely safety supervision andaudit on process quality and discipline enforcement to standardizevarious work processes such as clue disposal, review and trial.深化以案为鉴、以案促改、以案促治,自主拍摄制作首部警示教育片《偏轨人生》,以身边事教育身边人。Draw lessons from corruption cases handled to promote reformand governance. CRSC independently shot and produced the firsteducational film titled O-track Life to learn from people and thingsaround you.
Revise the Administrative Measures for
Disciplinary Inspection and Complaint
Reporting to further improve the working
procedures and mechanisms for the
reception, diversion, investigation and
judgment and handling of petition reports,
as well as the processing of real-name
reporting and false accusation.
Strengthen the supervision of reform culture
to achieve successful conclusion of the
Look back at the rectification of the problem
of playing their own game and making
private profit from CRSC, promote the
implementation of prohibitive measures,
resolutely crack down on corruption such as
playing their own game and making private
profit from CRSC, and correct "four bad
practices" and foster healthy practices in a
persistent way.
In 2022, each employeeaveragely received 5.8hours of anti-corruptiontrainings
创新驱动,赋能发展Empower Development Driven by Innovation
匠心品质,服务客户Provide Quality Service for Clients
绿色“双碳”,呵护生态Protect Ecosystems through Green Developmentunder "Double Carbon" Background
人才关爱,成就员工Cherish Talents and Achieve Sta's Value
交流合作,携手共赢Achieve a Win-win Situation through Exchange and Cooperation
乐于奉献,回馈社会Contribute to the Society
Take Actions andManifest CorporateSocial Responsibilities
CRSC firmly serves national strategies, further practices itscorporate mission and responsibilities as a central state-owned enterprise in depth, adheres to "innovation-drivendevelopment, self-reliance and self-improvement", forgesexcellent quality and service, achieves the "double carbon"goal, promotes harmonious and win-win development ofemployees and the industry, actively fulfills its overseasresponsibilities, gives back to the society, and takes practicalactions to protect people's happy travel and life.
CRSC's Research Inputs and Scientific Research Projects in 2020-2022
New Major Innovation Platforms Built by CRSC in 2022
指标Indicator单位Unit2020 2021 2022年度研发投入Annual Investment in R&D
亿元RMB100 million
年度开展科研项目Annual Scientific Research Projects
825772806承担国家级科研项目National scientific research projects undertaken
承担省部级科研项目Provincial and ministerial research projects undertaken
1267新增国家级奖励New National Awards
新增省部级奖励New provincial and ministerial awards
3845构建创新平台Building Innovation Platform中国通号将创新平台视为集聚创新资源、汇聚创新力量的有效载体,形成领先的科技创新平台和示范格局。2022年,公司新增国家级企业技术中心1家、创新基地1家、行业认定的研究中心2家。截至2022年底,公司共拥有3个博士后科研流动工作站、4个院士工作站、12个国家和行业创新平台、13个国家级创新示范、30余个省部级重点实验室/工程技术研究中心/工程实验室。CRSC regards innovation platform as aneective carrier to gather innovation resourcesand forces, and forms a leading S&T innovationplatform and demonstration pattern. In 2022,CRSC built one national enterprise technologycenter, one innovation base and two industry-accredited research centers. By the end of2022, CRSC has 3 postdoctoral mobile stations,4 academician workstations, 12 national andindustrial innovation platforms, 13 nationalinnovation demonstration titles, and over 30provincial and ministerial key laboratories/engineering technology research centers/engineering laboratories.
Empower DevelopmentDriven by Innovation中国通号把科技自立自强作为企业发展的战略支撑,以打造全球轨道交通控制技术的先行者和领导者为目标,全面提升创新创效能力,强化关键核心技术攻关,以科技驱动行业高质量发展。Regarding self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology as a strategic force for enterprise development,and aiming to become a global pioneer and leader in rail transit control technology, CRSC has increased innovationcapacity and performance in all respects, and intensified efforts to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in keyfields, in order to drive the high-quality development of the industry through science and technology.
Implementing Strategy
Enhancing Innovation Capabilities
中国通号强化科技规划战略引领,制定“十四五”科技发展规划,确定科技创新目标和重点任务,进一步推动“一个体系、二个中心、三个高地、七大突破”的科技创新总体战略目标落实;积极统筹推进科技规划与所属公司战略规划、行业发展规划、企业年度行政重点工作的有效衔接,保障规划稳步落地,为科技创新工作高质量发展提供指南。CRSC strengthened the strategic guidance of the science and technology plan, formulated the 14th Five-Year Plan forscientific and technological development, and determined the objectives and key tasks of S&T innovation to furtherpromote the implementation of the overall strategic goal for S&T innovation of "One System, Two Centers, Three Highlandsand Seven Breakthroughs". CRSC actively coordinated the effective connection between the science and technologyplan and the subsidiary strategy plan, industry development plan and annual administrative priorities, to ensure steadyimplementation and provide guidance for high-quality development driven by S&T innovations.
CRSC insists on creating a new situation through innovation-driven changes, implements S&T systems such as"concentrating efforts to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields", "enlisting and leading", "incubationof achievements" and "benefit evaluation", gathers and cultivates S&T talents, and improves intellectual propertymanagement and protection. CRSC has made concerted efforts to develop a number of core technologies in key fieldssuch as command and control systems and basic equipment, many of which have reached the world leading level, layinga solid foundation for CRSC to achieve sci-tech self-reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels, lead the direction ofdevelopment of rail transit technology, and consolidate the advantages of the main business based on dispatch control.
National Enterprise Technology Center:
Xi'an Railway Signal Co., Ltd.国家级创新基地:
National Innovation Base:
“科创中国”轨道交通自主运行创新基地(中国科协批复)"Innovation China" Rail Transit Autonomous Operation InnovationBase (approved by China Association for Science and Technology)
Industry-accredited Research Center:
电磁环境效应及电磁安全铁路行业工程研究中心Railway Industry Engineering Research Center for ElectromagneticEnvironment Eects and Electromagnetic Safety
Railway Industry Engineering Research Center for IntelligentMonitoring of High-speed Rail Running Environment
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.实践篇:行之所至,书写责任担当
Practice: Take Actions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities
In November 2022, the Railway Industry Engineering Research Centerfor Electromagnetic Environmental Effects and ElectromagneticSafety, led by Research & Design Institute Group, was successfullyselected as one of the S&T innovation bases of railway industry accredited by the National Railway Administration ofthe People's Republic of China. Based on major railway development strategies and major engineering requirements,the center will solve electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems in rail transportation, gather and foster talents inelectromagnetic fields of rail transportation, to lead the S&T innovation in China's railway industry.
西安工业集团西信公司被国家认定为企业技术中心Xixin Company of Xi'an Industry Group is state-accredited as an enterprise technology center科技人才建设
Construction of S&T Talents中国通号把科技人才队伍建设摆在更加突出的位置,建立高质量培养和激励机制,念好“选、用、育、留”四字诀,有效激发公司创新创造活力。加强与詹天佑基金会的沟通,联合中国铁道学会通信信号分会设立詹天佑通信信号专项奖;积极开展各类专家推荐和“输出”工作,推荐工信部先进轨道交通产业领域、中国城市轨道交通协会等多名专家。截至2022年底,公司共有研发人员4,428人;新增1人入选国家科技部科技创新领军人才计划、3人分获第十六届詹天佑成就奖和青年奖、2人入选中国科协年度青年托举工程人才、10人入选茅以升铁道工程师、1人入选中国铁道学会推荐“最美铁道科技工作者”。
指标Indicator单位Unit2020 2021 2022新增授权专利Newly Authorized Patents
779694876新增授权发明专利Newly licensed invention patents
Newly Applied Patents
1,0551,2041,339新增申请发明专利Newly Applied Invention Patents
6228861,119新增申请海外专利Newly applied overseas patents
CRSC has given greater prominence to S&T talents by establishing a high-quality training and incentive mechanism andstrengthening the "selection, adoption, cultivation and retention" which eectively stimulates innovation and creativity.CRSC strengthens communication with Zhantianyou Development Foundation for Science and Technology, and set up theZhan Tianyou Special Award for researchers with the Communications Signal Branch of China Railway Society of ChinaRailway Society. CRSC has actively carried out expert recommendation and "output", and recommended several expertsfrom the advanced rail transit industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the China Association ofMetros. By the end of 2022, CRSC has a total of 4,428 R&D personnel, of which one person was selected into the LeadingScience and Technology Innovation Talents by the Ministry of Science and Technology, three persons were respectivelyawarded the 16th Zhan Tianyou Achievement Award and Youth Award, two persons were selected into the annual YoungElite Scientist Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology, ten persons won the Mao YishengRailway Engineer Award, and one person was selected into "the Most Beautiful Railway Sci-Tech Workers" recommendedby China Railway Society.
By the end of 2022, CRSChas a total of 4,428 R&Dpersonnel
Development and Protection of Intellectual Property
CRSC has adhered to the "two-pronged approach" – both intellectual property development and protection, so that the
number of patent applications and authorizations has continued to grow at a fairly good clip, and the overseas early
warning and layout capabilities have been enhanced, fully releasing the patent dividend and forming a relatively complete
intellectual property protection chain and innovation ecosystem. By the end of 2022, CRSC has a total of 3,929 valid
authorized patents, 1,649 invention patents, 211 authorized overseas patents, and 1,793 software copyrights. In November
2022, Research & Design Institute Group was awarded the title of "National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise".
CRSC’s Newly Increased Patents in 2020-2022
2022年中国通号知识产权开发与保护工作进展2022年中国通号科技创新成果应用(部分)CRSC’s Work Progress of the Development and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in 2022Application of CRSC's Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements in 2022 (Partial)
加快知识产权工作示范建设Accelerate intellectual propertydemonstration and construction
Promote the construction of
intellectual property system
Strengthen the cultivation ofhigh-value patents
One subsidiary was awarded the title of "National Intellectual PropertyDemonstration Enterprise", three subsidiaries were awarded the title of"National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise", and one enterprise wasawarded the title of “High-value Patent Cultivation Center Enterprise”.
2家子企业通过国家标准GB/T 29490-2013《企业知识产权管理规范》贯标认证Two subsidiaries are certified under the national standard titled EnterpriseIntellectual Property Management Standard (GB/T 29490-2013).
积极推荐中国专利奖,2件专利获第二十三届中国专利优秀奖,1件专利获第四届上海市知识产权创新奖Recommended for China Patent Award, two patents from CRSC won the23rd China Patent Excellence Award; and one patent won the 4th ShanghaiIntellectual Property Innovation Award.组织开展中国专利奖申报,通过多渠道申报7项中国专利奖项目CRSC organized application for China Patent Award, and its seven projectswere filed with the China Patent Award through multiple channels.
创新成果转化应用Transformation and Application of Innovation Achievements中国通号充分发挥设计研发、装备制造和工程服务“三位一体”的综合优势,加快突破关键核心技术,加快实现重点技术在城市轨道交通、铁路信号安全控制等创新领域的“技术成果化、成果市场化、市场效益化”,推动一系列科技创新成果竞相涌现。2022年,公司先后获得“国家制造业单项冠军示范企业”“国家级专精特新小巨人企业”等荣誉。CRSC has vigorously leveraged the "three-in-one" advantage of design and development, equipment manufacturing andengineering services, and accelerated the research on core technologies in key fields, and realization of "technologicalachievements, marketization of results, and market eciency" of key technologies in fields of innovation such as urban railtransit and railway signal safety control, contributing to the emergence of S&T innovation achievements. In 2022, CRSC wonthe National Single Champion Demonstration Enterprise in Manufacturing Industry and the National Specialized and New"Little Giant" Enterprise, etc.
CRSC carried out the research anddevelopment of ultra-high-speedlow-vacuum pipeline maglevoperation control system, andcompleted the research on partitionoperation control system and cabinload operation control system. TheDatong-Yanggao ultra-high-speedmaglev test line was field-tested inShanxi Province.
攻克了双流制供电列车ATO全自动控车转换技术,实现列车在分相区和交直流转换区域的全自动切换,助力国内首条双流制式轨道交通线路重庆市郊铁路江跳线顺利运营载客。The automatic train operation (ATO)technology for dual-powered trainswas developed, and can achieveautomatic conversion in dead zoneand AC/DC transfer zone, whichsupports the operation of Jiang-Tiao Line, a suburban railway inChongqing and also China's firstdual-powered tram line.
自主研发的ETCS-2级列控系统,符合欧盟互联互通标准及安全体系,在匈塞铁路塞尔维亚段正式开通运营,标志着全套中国自主知识产权的列控系统首次在欧洲国家应用。The self-developed ETCS-2 traincontrol system conforms to theinterconnection & interoperabilitystandards and safety systemsof the European Union, and wasofficially put into operation in theSerbian section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway, marking the first timethat China's full set of train controlsystem with completely independentintellectual property rights wasapplied in Europe.
悬挂式永磁磁浮自主运行控制系统在江西省赣州兴国县红轨永磁磁浮示范应用。The autonomous operation controlsystem for suspended magneticlevitation was applied on a pilotbasis to the Red Rail, a permanentmaglev suspension train in XingguoCounty, Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province.
自主化CTCS-3级列控系统无线闭塞中心RBC和400T车载设备分别实现商业转化,雅万高铁试验运行取得圆满成功。The self-developed CTCS-3 radioblock center (RBC) and 400T on-boardequipment were commercialized,contributing to successful trialoperation of Jakarta-Bandung HighSpeed Railway.
“超大规模地铁列控系统运维数字化转型关键技术及应用”顺利通过由院士领衔的专家组的评审,获得“国际领先”高度评价,并在上海陈太路运维中心、昆明线网中心试点应用。The "key technology and applicationof digital transformation of operationand maintenance of ultra-large metrotrain control system" successfullypassed the review of the expert groupled by academicians. The projectwas highly rated as "internationalleading", and was applied on a pilotbasis in Shanghai Chentai RoadOperation and Maintenance Centerand Kunming Metro Line ControlCenter.
NewTrainControlSystemSupportstheOperationofHotan-RuoqiangRailway2022年6月,搭载中国通号新型列控系统的和若铁路顺利开通,极大改善了南疆交通运输条件,成为西部地区对外开放的重要通道,形成利用境外资源、开辟境外市场便捷的陆路大通道,有力推动地方经济发展和丝绸之路经济带建设。Hotan-Ruoqiang Railway, equipped with CRSC's new train control system, opened in June 2022. It has greatlyimproved trac conditions in southern Xinjiang, becoming an important channel for opening Western China wider tothe outside world, and forming a convenient land route to utilize overseas resources and exploit overseas markets,which eectively promotes the local economic development and the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.
2022年8月,重庆市郊铁路跳磴至江津线(简称“江跳线”)开通载客运营。中国通号为江跳线提供了全自主知识产权的CBTC信号系统解决方案,覆盖项目全生命周期服务,助力江跳线实现120公里每小时的最高运行速度,创造了重庆地区城市轨道交通运营最高运行速度的纪录,为实现重庆地区“四网融合”奠定坚实基础。Tiaodeng-Jiangjin Line, a suburban railway in Chongqing (hereinafter referred to as Jiang-Tiao Line), opened to tracin August 2022. CRSC provides Jiang-Tiao Line with a CBTC solution with completely independent intellectual propertyrights, which covers project life cycle services, so that Jiang-Tiao Line runs at a maximum speed of 120km/h, settinga urban rail speed record in Chongqing, and laying a solid foundation for realizing "four-network integration" inChongqing.
实现1项核心功能1 Core Function
突破2项关键技术2 Breakthrough Technologies
具备3个突出特点3 Outstanding Features可适应国家铁路长大线路环境下基于机车牵引、由不同车长和不同载重条件客、货编组列车的紧追踪运行功能Adapt to the operations onthe same track of locomotive-hauled freight/passengertrains with different lengthsand load conditions underthe background of long andlarge national railways
由车载设备综合北斗卫星定位、电子地图、速度传感器等多种信息源,自主感知确定列车位置The on-board equipment integratingBeidou, electronic map, speedsensor and other informationsources can sense and locate thetrain automatically综合卫星定位数据和列车风管空气压力数据,自主确认列车车体编组的完整性Confirm the integrity of trainmarshalling automatically, basedon satellite positioning data andtrain duct air pressure data
轨旁设备简约化Wayside equipment simplification车站区间一体化Station-section integration设备维护智能化Intelligent equipment maintenance
首次实现双流制式下ATO精准停车Realize accurate ATO parking under dual power system for the first time首次实现基于云平台ATS系统的工程应用Realize engineering application of cloud-based ATS systems for the first time首次实现双线网互联互通ATS无感融合
Realize two-network-interconnected ATS non-inductive fusion for the first time
Boosting Industrial Development中国通号聚焦行业发展前沿,积极参与中国铁路通信信号领域行业标准制修订,持续加强与科研院所、行业协会等机构的技术交流互鉴,加大外部协同创新力度,充分汇聚各方智力资源,携手引领行业高质量发展和技术进步。Focusing on the frontiers of industry development, CRSC actively participates in the formulation and revision of industrialstandards on railway signaling in China, continuously strengthens technical exchanges and mutual learning with scientificresearch institutes, industry associations and other institutions, intensifies eorts to make innovation through collaborationwith others, and fully pools intellectual resources from all sides, to jointly lead the high-quality development and technicalprogress of the industry.行业标准制定Formulating Industry Standards中国通号积极组织和参与国际、国家、行业、团体、地方标准制定,主编的《同轴通信电缆 第4-部分:辐射电缆分规范》(IEC 61196-4:2022)、《同轴通信电缆 第4-1部分:辐射电缆空白详细规范》(IEC 61196-4-1:2022),参编的《轨道交通 铁路列车时刻表 第一部分:需求》(ISO 24675-1:2022)、《轨道交通司机培训用驾驶模拟器》(ISO 23019:2022)等国际标准正式发布,并牵头编制4项国际标准。CRSC actively organizes and participates in the formulation of international,national, industrial, group and local standards. CRSC edited the CoaxialCommunication Cables - Part 4: Sectional Specification for Radiating Cables (IEC61196-4:2022) and the Coaxial Communication Cables - Part 4-1: Blank DetailSpecification for Radiating Cables (IEC 61196-4-1: 2022). CRSC took part ininternational standards such as Railway Applications - Running Time Calculationfor Timetabling - Part 1: Requirements (ISO 24675-1:2022) and Railway Applications- Driving Simulator for Drivers' Training (ISO 23019:2022) which were officiallyreleased, and took the lead in compiling four new international standards.中国通号邀请中国工程院、国家市场监督管理总局、国家铁路局、国铁集团等40余家单位的专家、领导参加,成功召开全国轨道交通电气设备与系统标准化技术委员会通信信号分技术委员会(SAC/TC278/SC2)和铁路行业电气设备与系统标准化通信信号分技术委员会成立大会,以标准引领轨道交通通信信号产业高质量发展,彰显了公司行业凝聚力和标准引领力。截至2022年底,公司共归口管理现行有效国家和行业标准196项,在编标准16项。Experts and leaders from more than 40 institutions, including the ChineseAcademy of Engineering, the State Administration for Market Regulation, theNational Railway Administration, China State Railway Group Co., Ltd., wereinvited to attend the inaugural meetings of the Communication Signal Sub-Committee of the National Technical Committee on Electrical Equipment andSystems for Railways of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC278/SC2) and the Communication Signal Sub-Committee of the Technical Committee
中国通号2020-2022年主参编国家及行业标准情况CRSC's Participation in the Compilation of National and Industry Standards in 2020-2022
指标Indicator单位Unit2020 2021 2022主参编国际标准International standards
主参编国家标准National standards
主参编行业技术标准Industry standards
2022年11月,铁路行业电气设备与系统标准化通信信号分技术委员会成立The Communication Signal Sub-Committee of the Technical Committee on ElectricalEquipment and Systems for Railway Industry of Standardization Administration of Chinawas established in November 2022
研究设计院集团副总工程师江明成功当选IEC国际标准召集人Jiang Ming, deputy chief engineer ofResearch & Design Institute Group, wasappointed as IEC convener
on Electrical Equipment and Systems for Railway Industry of Standardization Administration of China to lead the high-quality development of the rail transit communication and signal industry by standards, demonstrating CRSC's industrialcohesion and leadership in standards. By the end of 2022, CRSC has managed a total of 196 prevailing national andindustrial standards and 16 in-process standards.
By the end of 2022, CRSChas managed a total of196 prevailing nationaland industrial standards
2022年 8月,“创客北京2022”创新创业大赛中国通号?轨道交通通信信号行业专项赛决赛圆满收官。作为历经七年孵化出的双创大赛品牌,大赛主要面向前沿技术研究、产品研发、运用维护等轨道交通全产业链,重点聚焦高端装备和智慧服务两大方向,征集新技术、新产品与新服务,吸引了轨道交通相关企业及创新创业者的广泛关注和积极参与,共有来自全国19个省270余个项目报名参赛。In August 2022, the final of "Maker Beijing 2022" CRSC ? Rail Transit Communication Signal Industry SpecialCompetition successfully concluded. As a brand of innovation and entrepreneurship competition that has beenincubated for 7 years, the competition is mainly oriented to the whole industry chain of rail transit, such as cutting-edge technology research, product development, operation and maintenance, focusing on two directions of high-endequipment and intelligent service, and collecting new technologies, new products and new services. It has attractedwide attention and active participation of rail transit-related enterprises and innovative entrepreneurs. A total ofmore than 270 projects from 19 provinces across the country have signed up for the competition.中国通号将以本次大赛为新起点,持续发挥行业技术引领和对产业链的带动作用,通过为中小企业和创新团队搭建交流展示、项目孵化和产融对接的服务平台,不断催生新产品、新技术、新模式和新业态,着力构建与中小企业协同创新、资源共享、融合发展的轨道交通产业生态,为交通强国和科技强国建设贡献力量。Taking this competition as a new starting point, CRSC will continue to play the leading role of industry technology andthe leading role of the industrial chain. By building a service platform for small and medium-sized enterprises andinnovation teams to exchange and display, project incubation and industrial and financial docking, new products,new technologies, new models and new formats will be continuously spawned, and eorts will be made to build arail transit industry ecology with collaborative innovation, resource sharing and integrated development with smalland medium-sized enterprises, so as to contribute to the construction of a transportation power and a science andtechnology power.
匠心品质,服务客户Provide Quality Service for Clients中国通号秉持“质量是生命、安全大于天”的理念,持续优化产品质量,不断强化产品竞争力;主动贴近市场,打造一流服务竞争优势;大力推进数字化转型升级,锻造服务新优势;强化安全生产责任,守护本质安全,厚植企业高质量发展根基。Adhering to the concept of “quality is life and safety of paramount importance”, CRSC has constantly optimized itsproduct quality and enhanced product competitiveness; actively followed market trends,and built up its competitivenessin first-class services; endeavored to promote digital transformation and upgrade to form new advantages in service;strengthened the responsibility on safety production, ensured essential safety and consolidated the basis for theCompany’s high-quality development.
Excellent Product and Service中国通号持续深耕质量管理。公司信守质量承诺,严格遵守《产品质量法》等法律法规,严格落实《质量管控规则》《产品质量检验工作管理办法》等制度规范,健全质量安全三级管控体系,从产品研发、设备制造、工程安装、集成调度、运营维护全产业链统筹质量管理,培育坚实的质量文化。CRSC continued deepening quality management. The Company abode by its promises on quality, strictly followed theLaw on Product Quality and other relevant laws and regulations, strictly implemented the Rules on Quality Managementand Control, Management Measures on Product Quality Control and other systems and standards, improved its three-tieredmanagement for quality safety, made overall arrangements for quality management covering the entire industrial chainincluding product R&D, equipment manufacturing, engineering installation, integration scheduling and operation &maintenance, and cultivated a solid quality culture.
同时,中国通号及所属企业紧密结合市场需要,深入挖掘客户需求,建立全生命周期的客户服务体系,积极回应客户关切,主动提供优质客户服务,充分保护客户隐私,及时妥善应对客户投诉,持续赢得客户满意。In the meantime, CRSC and its aliated enterprises adhered closely to the market demands, deeply explored the needsof client, established the full life circle client service system, actively responded to the concerns of client, actively providedquality services, fully protected the privacy of client, handled client complainants properly in a timely manner and won thecontinuous satisfactions of client.中国通号2020-2022年客户服务绩效CRSC's Client Service Performance in 2020-2022
指标Indicator2020 2021 2022产品合格率(%)Product certification (%)100100100客户满意度(%)Customer satisfaction (%)100100100投诉解决率(%)Complaint solution (%)100100100
行业沟通交流Industrial Communication and Exchanges作为中国铁道学会通信信号分会的挂靠单位,中国通号鼎力支持通信信号分会创条件、搭平台、促服务,积极参加行业、协会交流论坛活动。联合申报中国科协全国学会分支机构示范发展专项,并入围全国50家学会示范分支机构发展专项支持;组织召开第九届轨道电路系统技术研讨会、中关村轨道交通国际创新创业大赛、全路道岔转换设备技术交流会等系列重大行业盛会;推动行业创先争优,中国铁道学会通信信号分会连续3年获得中国铁道学会分支机构考核第一名,荣获“优秀分支机构”荣誉称号,3人获得优秀工作者称号。As an affiliated institution of the Communications Signal Branch of China Railway Society, CRSC fully supports theCommunications Signal Branch to create sound conditions, build platforms and promote services, and actively participatesin industry and association forums. CRSC jointly applied for the demonstration and development fund established byChina Association for Science and Technology for its branches nationwide, and was shortlisted for the demonstrationand development fund support for 50 branches nationwide; held major events of the industry, such as the 9th TechnicalSeminar on Track Circuit System, Zhongguancun Rail Transit International Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition, andChina National Railway Turnout Switching Equipment Technology Exchange Conference, to promote the industry to createadvancement and strive for excellence. The Communications Signal Branch of China Railway Society won first place in theperformance evaluation of branches of China Railway Society for three consecutive years and was awarded the honorarytitle of "Excellent Branch", and three persons were awarded the title of "Outstanding Worker".
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.实践篇:行之所至,书写责任担当
Practice: Take Actions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities
中国通号及所属企业全部通过ISO9001质量管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系以及ISO45001职业健康安全管理体系认证;工程建筑施工企业通过GB50430。CRSC and its affiliated enterprises have allpassed the certifications of ISO9001 qualitymanagement system, ISO14001 environmentmanagement system and ISO45001 occupationalhealth and safety assessment series; engineeringconstruction enterprises passed the certificationof GB50430.
CRSC Comprehensive Quality Management System
In 2022, Achievement of CRSC’s Product Quality and Safety Goals
明确关键质量控制点及控制要求,进行可靠性、安全性计算与分析,保证产品满足相应等级安全标准。Specifying key quality control points andcontrol requirements, conducting reliabilityand safety calculation and analysis, ensuringproducts meeting corresponding levels ofsafety standards.
出台《产品质量检验工作管理办法》,设立产品质量检验部门,完成产品入场、生产、出厂全流程的严格检验,建立产品质量检验档案,禁止不合格产品流出。Issuing the Management Measures for Product Quality Inspection, settingup product quality inspection department, strictly inspecting the wholeprocess of entry, production and delivery of products, establishingproduct quality inspection records, prohibiting the outflow ofunqualified products.
严格按照施工安装标准,加强施工安装过程安全分析和质量控制。Strictly following construction installationstandards, strengthening safety analysisand quality control during constructioninstallation.
提供产品检验、测试工作,识别并有效应对集成调试存在的管理与技术问题。Providing product inspection and test,identifying and efficiently handlingmanagement issues and technicaltroubles existing in integration andcommissioning.
细化产品使用说明书及培训教材,制定安全管控措施。Detailing product instruction manualsand training materials, formulatingsafety prevention and controllingmeasures.
保障了在轨系统设备安全运行,安全质量形势稳定。CRSC continued to ensure thesafe operation of on-track systemequipment and realized the overallsafety and quality of the continuousand stable situation.
CRSC strengthened safetycertification of productsand completed 161 safetycertifications throughoutthe year.
CRSC (Changsha) Rail Transit Control Technology Co., Ltd. won the title of “Hunan Excellent
Enterprise of Quality Management”
杜绝了生产安全一般及以上责任死亡事故、特种设备一般及以上责任事故、火灾一般及以上责任事故。It eliminated the "General-Level" orabove accident of death, the "GeneralLevel" or above special equipmentaccident and the "General-Level" orabove fire accident.
杜绝了铁路交通一般C类及以上责任事故、工程质量一般及以上责任事故、较大及以上质量问题。It eliminated the Category-C orabove accident in railway trac, the"General-Level" or above humanelement accident and "Severe Level"or above accident due to qualityproblems.
杜绝了职业病、职业中毒事件、突发环境事件。It eliminated occupational diseases,occupational poisoning incidents andenvironmental emergencies.
实现了各检验批、分项、分部工程施工质量检验合格率100%,单位工程一次交验合格率100%,行业产品质量监督抽查合格率100%。It achieved a 100% quality inspectionpass rate of each inspection batch,subitem and sub-project, a 100%engineering onetime delivery andacceptance pass rate, and a 100%quality supervision and inspectionpass rate.
新研发的安全关键产品和城轨信号系统集成项目100%实行第三方安全评估,涉及安全关键产品的软件实行100%独立安全测试。100% of newly developed safetycritical products and urban railsignal integration systems weresubject to third-party quality safetyassessments, and safety criticalproducts was subject to 100%independent safety testing.
21家所属企业完成国家安全生产标准化企业创建工作;17家所属企业通过IRIS体系认证审核;5家所属企业通过CMMI认证。21 enterprises have completed theestablishment of national standardizationenterprises for production safety; 17affiliated companies passed the IRISsystem certification review; and 5 aliatedenterprises passed CMMI certification.
Product R&D
设备制造工程安装集成调试运营维护Equipment ManufacturingEngineering InstallationIntegration & CommissioningOperation & Maintenance
Digital Transformation and Upgrade
Ensuring Production Safety
中国通号全面加强数字化建设,加快主业版块多专业数据融合,利用人工智能、北斗通信、5G等新一代信息技术,大力开展集成创新、技术创新,不断促进产品工艺设计、生产制造等方面的数字化管控,打造轨道交通行业领先生产制造力。CRSC fully improved its digitalization, accelerated the integration of diversified data of its primary business, utilized thenew generation of IT including AI, Beidou communication and 5G, greatly undertook integrated innovation and technicalinnovation, constantly promoted digital management and control in the areas of process design and production, and builtup the advanced productivity in the sector of rail transportation.
中国通号深入贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述和指示批示精神,严格遵守《安全生产法》《消防法》等安全法律法规,健全完善全员安全生产责任制,推进安全生产专项整治三年行动计划,加强安全风险防控,扎实开展安全应急演练,做好安全宣传培训,全力筑牢安全生产防线。CRSC strictly implemented the important statements and instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on productionsafety, strictly abode by the Law on Production Safety, Law on Fire Control and other relevant laws and regulations on safety,improved relevant responsibilities on production safety, carried out the three-year action plan on special rectification ofproduction safety issues, enhanced prevention and control of safety risks, conducted safety emergency drill, promoted thepublicity and training on safety and endeavored to consolidate the base for production safety.
2022年中国通号数字化建设CRSC’s Digitalization in 2022
2022年7月,卡斯柯基于数字化运维系统的“超大规模地铁列控系统运维数字化转型关键技术及应用”在上海地铁顺利通过专家评审,该项目在世界上首次实现了列控系统“状态修”,列控系统运行可靠度、列车正点率、全员生产率等技术指标均达到世界领先水平,每人公里运营成本世界最低,为我国城市轨道交通探索数字化转型提供成功经验和参考。In July 2022, Casco’s the “Key Technology and Application of Digital Operation & Maintenance of Super-large ScaleSubway Train Control System” based on digital operation & maintenance system successfully passed the expertreview in Shanghai Metro; the project first realized “condition based maintenance” for train control system in theworld, with the technical indicators all reaching global leading levels including the operation reliability, punctualityand productivity of the train control system, making the operation cost per person kilometer to a global lowest leveland providing successful experiences and references for the digital transformation of urban rail transportation inChina.
Digital workshop以SAP为基础,结合MES、SRM系统的实施,实现生产计划、物资采购、供应商管理的整合,实现供应商业务全流程及供货质量动态管理。Based on SAP and integrated with the implementationof MES and SRM systems, realized integrationbetween production plan, material purchase andsupplier management and achieved the full-processmanagement of supplier business and the dynamicmanagement of supply quality.
城轨云测试平台Urban rail cloud testing platform
满足城轨科研开发以及系统集成项目的调试测试需求,实现互联互通CBTC 2.0集成项目信号系统在云平台上的部署及测试应用,缩短实验室测试环境搭建时间。Satisfied the needs for commissioning and testfor the scientific research and development ofurban rail and the projects of system integration,realized the deployment, testing and application ofinterconnected CBTC 2.0 integration project signalsystem on cloud platform, and shortened the time forbuilding the environment for lab test.
Integrated urban rail drawing software
将传统工程数据表、联锁表等几十个工程设计文件进行整合,通过工具软件自动导入替代了传统的人工录入,大幅提高相关文档质量,有效减少了在产品生产过程中的多头输入问题。Integrated dozens of engineering design documentsincluding traditional engineering data table andinterlocking table, which replaces traditional manualentry with automatic entry of software, greatlyimproves the quality of relevant documents andeffectively reduces inconsistency from multi-entryduring product manufacturing.
Intelligent flexible production line and equipment应用单盒组装柔性生产线、智能料仓等智能化生产装备,提升产品生产制造、检验检测效率,大幅改善生产过程数据采集监测水平。Adopted intelligent product equipment includingthe single-box assembly flexible production line andintelligent feed bin to enhance eciency in productmanufacturing and testing, and greatly improvecollection and monitoring of production data.
Safe Production Management
Risk Prevention and Control of Safe Production
Emergency Management of Safe Production
Safety Education and Training
中国通号紧扣重大风险辨识管控、重大隐患排查治理两个关键领域,对安全生产实行分级分类管控,健全安全生产监督机制,开展安全质量隐患大排查大整治工作。加大监督检查频次和力度,各层级共组织检查7,337次,完成整改15,857项;开展三次全系统安全隐患大排查大整治,完成整改3,314项,有效遏制安全生产事故的发生;扎实推进安全生产专项整治三年行动收官工作,三年共发现问题3,534个,已全部整改,有效提升安全防控水平。Sticking closely to the two key areas of identification and management of major risks and the troubleshooting andgovernance of potential hazards, CRSC implements tiered and classified management on safe production, improves thesupervision mechanism on safe production and conducts general troubleshooting and rectification on potential hazardsof safety and quality. It increased the frequency and thoroughness of supervision checking, with a total 7,337 checksconducted at dierent levels and 15,857 items rectified; conducted three general troubleshooting and rectification eventson potential safety hazards covering the entire system and completed 3,314 items of rectification, which effectivelyprevented the accidents of safe production; strictly carried out relevant works to complete the three-year action on specialrectification of safe production issues, with a total 3,534 problems spotted and rectified within three years, effectivelyimproving the level on safety control.
中国通号持续加强事故应急管理,制定《轨道交通运营设备故障应急预案》《事故灾难综合应急预案》,建立完善的应急管理体系;加强应急值守,修订应急预案,针对春运、“两会”、国庆及党的二十大等关键时期,通过组织全系统实施在轨运营系统设备保障方案,有效保障轨道交通运营可靠安全;加大应急演练和评估工作,提升突发事件的处理能力。2022年,公司组织开展火灾、触电、坍塌、机械伤害、高处坠落等应急演练共501次。CRSC constantly improves its accident emergency management, formulates the Emergency Preparedness Plan for RailTransportation Operation Equipment Malfunction and the Comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Plan for Accident Disaster,establishes a sound emergency management system, strengthens emergency guard to timely handle emergencies,modifies the emergency preparedness plan and organizes and implements the equipment support plan of on-railoperation system to effectively ensure reliable and safe operation of rail transportation during key periods such as theSpring Festival travel rush, “NPC&CPPCC”, the National Day holiday and the 20th CPC National Congress; and improvesemergency drill and evaluations to enhance the handling capacity of emergency accidents. In 2022, 501 emergency drillssuch as fire, electric shock, collapse, mechanical injury and high-altitude fall were organized.
中国通号落实全员安全培训教育责任,广泛宣传安全生产法律法规,制定印发《安全生产教育培训管理办法》,组织“安全生产月”“安全生产法宣传周”、年度安全生产教育培训会等系列活动,建立员工安全培训教育档案,增强员工岗位安全操作技能和应急处置能力,营造浓厚安全氛围。CRSC undertakes safety training and education for all employees, widely publicizes the laws and regulations on safeproduction, formulates and issues the Management Measures on Education and Training on Safety Production, organizesrelevant activities including the “month of safe production”, “publicity week of the law on safe production” and the annualeducation and training meeting on safe production, establishes the files of safety training and education for employees,and enhances employees’ capacity in safe operation skills and emergency disposal to create a sound atmosphere of safety.
中国通号举办2022年度安全生产教育培训会CRSC holds the 2022 Safe Production Education and Training Meeting
年,公司未发生安全生产一般及以上、重轻伤事故,未发生特种设备、火灾一般及以上责任事故,安全形势总体稳定。CRSC fully implements accountability on safe production,establishes and improves the safety management organizations,
and set up the safe production management committee with Chairman as the director to hold regular meeting and
discuss and make arrangements for the works related to safe production. It steadily ran the standardized system of safe
production, effectively implemented relevant responsibility on safe production, enhanced informationalization of safe
production and provided strong supports for maintaining the life and property safety of employees as well as the high-
quality development of the Company.中国通
年累计投入安全生产资金(亿元)CRSC's Total Funds Invested in Safe Production in 2020-2022 (100 million yuan)
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.实践篇:行之所至,书写责任担当
Practice: Take Actions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities
绿色“双碳”,呵护生态Protect Ecosystems throughGreen Development under"Double Carbon" Background中国通号以习近平生态文明思想为指导,提高能源资源有效利用率,积极妥善应对气候变化,减少温室气体排放,最大限度地减少污染物排放,深度助力实现“双碳”目标,助力建设天蓝、地绿、水清的美丽中国。Guided by the thoughts of Xi Jinping on ecological civilization, CRSC improvesthe effective utilization of energy resources, actively copes with climatechange in a proper manner, reduces emissions of greenhouse gas, reducesthe discharge of pollutants to the minimum, and makes its own contributionsto realizing the objectives of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” and tobuilding the beautiful China with blue sky, green land and clear water.
Saving Energy Resources中国通号制定《节约能源与生态环境保护管理办法》,拟定各项能源消耗指标;加快淘汰高耗能、高污染的工艺装备,优先使用节能、高效、环保的设备和机具;提高各种机械的使用率和满载率,对大功率电器实行限流限时制度,最大限度节约用电;加快节能低碳新技术、新工艺、新产品的示范与应用推广,积极探索绿色制造体系;推进化石能源清洁高效利用,推动煤电向支撑性和调节性电源转型,积极有序推进煤炭替代和煤炭清洁化改造;积极促进包装材料减量化,持续减少不必要的包装,优先选用环保包材。CRSC formulates the Management Measures on Energy Conservation andEcological Environment Protection, and establishes several indicators of energyconsumption; accelerates the elimination of skills and equipment with highenergy consumption and pollutions, and prioritizes the use of energy-saving,efficient and environmental friendly equipment and tools; improves theutilization and full load rate of different machines, and implements current-and time-limiting rules on large power electric appliances to save electricityto the maximum; accelerates the demonstration and wide application of newtechnology, new technique and new product that’s energy-saving and low-carbon, and actively explores the green manufacturing system; promotes theclean and efficient utilization of fossil energy, and facilitates the alternativeand clean transformation of coal power; actively reduces package materials,constantly decreases unnecessary packing and prioritizes the use ofenvironmental friendly materials.
CRSC's Packing Material Consumption for Finished Products in 2020-2022
CRSC's Energy and Resource Consumption in 2020-2022
中国通号2020-2022年度能源资源消耗情况CRSC's Energy and Resource Consumption in 2020-2022能源类型
立方米Square meter
立方米Square meter202080,719.187,154.23,848.11,037.2122,483.62,230,187.02021109,700.074,883.03,800.11,606.386,601.82,952,281.6202284,040.223,536.354,267.52,620.347,964.42,082,460.0
吨/万元tons/RMB 10,000
吨标煤/万元tce/RMB 10,00020201,093,6000.2741,1300.012021938,0030.2425,9550.012022887,3900.2224,8300.01
Energy Conservation Action of CRSC's Subsidiaries (Partial)研究设计院集团北信公司
Beixin Company of Research & Design Institute Group
Jiaolan Company of Cable Group
Tianlan Company of Cable Group
Xixin Company of Xi'an Industry Group
完成电子加工中心和成品库房区域182盏灯具改造工作,将原有400W/盏的金卤灯替换,改用单盏功率为100W的LED灯,2022年节约电量24万千瓦时,达到实质上的节能降耗的效果。Completed the transformation of 182 lamps in theelectronic processing center and the warehouse of finishedproducts, which replaced the original 400W metal halidelamps with 100W LED lights. A total 240,000 kWH ofpower was saved in 2022, realizing energy saving andconsumption reduction in the substantial sense.
提高无功补偿装置功率因素,抑制谐波,及时跟踪拉丝、电缆、漏缆、光缆四个低压室的负荷情况,投切电容器补偿装置,功率因数始终保持在0.96—0.99之间。Improved the power factor of reactive compensationdevice, suppressed harmonic, timely followed the loadsof four low-voltage rooms of wire drawing, cable, leakycoaxial cable and optical cable, switched capacitorcompensation device to maintain the power factorbetween 0.96 to 0.99.电费容改项目预计节约电费32.5万元。Accommodated tariff based on demand is expected tosave electricity bill by RMB 325,000.
将S7-320型号的变压器更新为S11-315节能型变压器,变压器升级改造后,变压器自身损耗(铜损、铁损)降低40%。Updated the S7-320 transformer to S11-315energy-saving transformer and reduced the loss(copper loss or iron loss) of transformer by 40%.
将756盏照明灯更换为LED照明灯具,对老旧及高能耗空调进行更换,新购进14台能耗等级为1级的低能耗空调。Replaced 756 lighting lamps with LED lightingfixtures, replaced old and high energy consumptionair conditioners, and purchased 14 new lowenergy consumption air conditioners with energyconsumption level 1.
温室气体减排Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases中国通号认真贯彻落实《中共中央 国务院关于完整准确全面贯彻新发展理念做好碳达峰碳中和工作的意见》以及国资委《关于推进中央企业高质量发展做好碳达峰碳中和工作的指导意见》,不断完善长效机制,积极开展气候变化相关风险与机遇识别、“双碳”路径研究工作,持续降低温室气体排放,提升在应对气候变化相关议题上的治理表现。
CRSC strictly implements the Opinions of the CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of China and the StateCouncil on Completely and Accurately Implementing the NewDevelopment Concept and Doing a Good Job of Carbon PeakCarbon Neutralization and the SASAC's Guiding Opinionson Promoting the High-quality Development of CentralEnterprises and Doing a Good Job of Carbon Peak CarbonNeutralization, constantly improves the long-effectivemechanism, actively identifies the risks and opportunitiesrelated to climate change, undertakes researches on thepath of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”, constantlyreduces the emission of greenhouse gases and improvesits governance on relevant issues of climate change.中国通号加快落实“双碳”工作的经济布局和结构,成立落实“双碳”工作领导小组和工作小组,编发《碳达峰行动方案》《节约能源与生态环境保护管理办法》;召开碳达峰碳中和工作推进视频会议,对“双碳”工作提出具体要求和部署;积极开展碳排放数据质量问题排查整治工作,杜绝碳排放数据弄虚作假作为,为落实碳达峰碳中和工作奠定基础。CRSC accelerates the building of its economic layout andstructure for implementing “carbon peaking and carbonneutrality”, establishes a leading team and working teamin this regard, formulates and issues the Carbon Peak ActionPlan and Energy Conservation and Ecological EnvironmentProtection, holds the video conferences to promote carbon
注1:本公司温室气体排放参考《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》《企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南发电设施(2021年修订版)》等文件排放因数,进行统计核算。Note 1: For CRSC's greenhouse gas emissions, please refer to 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Guidelines forAccounting Methods and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Enterprises Power Generation Facilities (revised in 2021).
peaking and carbon neutrality works, proposes relevantconcrete requirements and deployment in this regard, andactively conducts relevant examination and rectification ofdata quality issues relating to carbon emission to eradicatedata fabrication and lay solid grounds for implementingcarbon peaking and carbon neutrality.中国通号坚持从源头减少二氧化碳排放,持续推进绿色低碳转型升级,提升绿电的使用比例,提高能源资源利用效率,降低单位产出能源资源消耗和碳排放;增强高质量绿色产品服务供给能力,加速绿色低碳新材料、新技术、新工艺推广应用。2022年,中国通号温室气体(二氧化碳)排放量为74,039吨
,公司进一步规范了对二氧化碳的统计计算,将工程施工企业、设计研发集成等非工业企业全产业链生产过程产生的二氧化碳纳入统计范围,包括化石能源燃烧、购入电力、热力蕴含的二氧化碳排放量。CRSC sticks to reduction of carbon dioxide from thesource, continuously promotes green and low-carbontransformation and upgrade, improves the usage of greenelectricity, enhances the utilization of energy resources,reduces energy consumption and carbon emission perunit output, enhances the service supply capacity of high-quality green products, and accelerates the promotionand application of green and low-carbon new materials,new technologies and new techniques. In 2022, CRSC’semission of greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) was 74,039tons
. The Company further standardized the statistics andcomputation of carbon dioxide to include that generatedfrom the production of the entire industrial chain of non-industrial enterprises such as engineering constructionenterprises and design, R&D and integration enterprises,which specifically includes the emission of carbon dioxidecontained in combustion of fossil fuel, purchase ofelectricity and thermal power.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
实践篇:行之所至,书写责任担当Practice: Take Actions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities
温室气体减排措施中国通号所属企业“双碳”行动(部分)Greenhouse Gas Emissions-reduction MeasuresCRSC's "Double Carbon" Action (Partial)绿色研发Green R&D
通号工程局集团建设公司Construction Company of CRSC Engineering Group
Construction Group开展绿色环保技术科研项目攻关,优选低能耗的工艺装备,把控减碳源头Tackle key issues of the scientific research project ofgreen and environmental technology, prioritize thetechnique and equipment with low energy consumptionand control the source for carbon reduction
研发绿色出行解决方案,以技术优化减少碳排放Develop green travel solutions, and facilitate low-carbonemissions through technological optimization
卡斯柯Casco重点进行全自动互联互通ATP/ATO系统开发。针对线路潮汐客流、高峰和平峰客流数量差别较大的新特点,重点研究和开发TRANAVI系统互联互通全自动运行列车的动态联挂解编功能,以实现不同线路之间列车的资源共享,达到线路运能的动态部署和灵活调度,提高列车满载率,降低车辆年行走公里,在满足乘客出行的同时实现节能降碳。Mainly developed the fully automatic and interconnected ATP/ATOsystem. Regarding the new characteristics of larger difference inpassenger flow during tide, peak and flat hours, mainly researched anddeveloped dynamic linking and unlinking function of TRANAVI systemfor interconnected automatically operating trains to realize resourcesharing among trains of dierent lines, realize dynamic deployment andflexible scheduling of carrying capacity of different lines, improve fullload rate and reduce idle miles of trains, and achieve energy saving andcarbon reduction while satisfying the travel needs of passengers.西安工业集团津信公司Xixin Company of Xi'an Industry Group初步建成智能工业大数据管理系统,能实时监测电气线路温度异常、电流过载、过压、欠压,和电力监控等,可实现对园区主要变配电设施及主要用电设备的能耗监测、用电安全监测等,以智能化支撑公司碳减排。Preliminarily built up the intelligent industrial big data managementsystem which can monitor abnormality in temperature of electricitylines, current overload, over-voltage, under-voltage and electric power,and realize the monitoring of energy consumption and electricity safetyof primary facilities for power transformation and distribution and mainelectric equipment within the park, supporting carbon reduction in anintelligent manner.
开展《屋顶太阳能光伏支架刚性和柔性组合安装》《平屋顶光伏施工技术研究》等科研课题的攻关,加快推广绿色低碳技术。Undertook researches on key scientific topics such as the Rigid andFlexible Mounting of Solar Panel Brackets on Roof and Research onPhotovoltaic Construction Technology on Flat Roof, to accelerate thepromotion of green and low-carbon technology.
Urban Construction Company of
CRSC Engineering Group
The Application of BIM Technology in
Construction of Zhengzhou-Chongqing
High-speed Railway Pingdingshanxi
Railway Station East Square and Supporting
Infrastructure, and the Application of
BIM Technology in EPC Construction of
Changzhi Hi-tech Industrial Development
Area Taihang Data Lake Technological and
Cultural Industry Project won the Golden
and Silver Awards respectively at the
3rd International Smart Construction
Innovation Awards.
Gave play to the advantages of
prefabricated building in saving
resources, utilized BIM technology to
properly divide and assembly different
modules to improve recycling and
through proper division of PC parts,
realized standardization of PC parts
and saved module loss and transfer
Green Manufacturing开展绿色信用体系创建活动。研究设计院集团北信公司获得“四星级绿色信用企业”称号。Hold the green credit system building activity. BeixinCompany of Research & Design Institute Group won thetitle of “Four-Star Green Credit Enterprise”.
启动“绿色工厂”评价资质的创建工作。西安工业集团西信公司取得省级绿色工厂认证,申报的国家级绿色工厂通过了公示。Initiate the qualification evaluation of “green factory”.Xixin Company of Xi'an Industry Group won thecertification of provincial green factory, and the nationalgreen factory it applied for passed the publicity.
Green Oce推广使用LED灯,公共廊道使用声光控制系统Promote the use of LED lights and use sound and lightcontrol systems in public corridors采用更集约的空调系统、控制空调运作时间Adopt more intensive air-conditioning system andcontrol the operation time of air-conditioning
倡导无纸化办公、纸张重复利用Promote paperless oce and paper reuse车库照明在保证正常亮度的前提下,关闭多余光源Turn o excessive lights when the garage is adequatelyand properly lit up及时关闭非必要照明排风、显示器、采光灯、开水炉等Timely turn o unnecessary lighting, ventilation system,displays, lighting lamps, boilers and other systems
Green Engineering建立工程建设项目环保管理制度,规范能源资源使用Establish an environmental protection managementsystem for construction projects and standardize the useof energy resources推进绿色采购和供应商管理,优先选用节能、环保产品Promote green purchase and supplier management andprioritize energy-saving and environmental products
减少污染排放Reducing Discharge of Pollutants中国通号大力执行建设项目环境影响评价,加大源头管控,开展环境监测,严控生产过程“三废”排放,实施噪声污染防治行动,改良工艺装备,确保污染物达标合规排放。2022年环境检测显示,废气、噪声排放达标率达100%,废弃物合格处置率达100%。
废气治理Waste gas treatment
废水治理Wastewater treatment
废弃物治理Solid waste management
Noise treatment?委托有资质的第三方检测机构定期进行指标检测?Entrust a qualified third-party testing organizationto test relevant indicators on a regular basis?按照《挥发性有机物无组织排放控制标准》的要求,对生产过程中产生的挥发有机物加强治理?Strengthen treatment on volatile organiccompounds generated during productionas per the requirements of Volatile OrganicCompounds Unorganized Emission ControlStandard?引进高效治理设施,加装VOCs等废气收集处置装置?Introduce efficient treatment facilities andinstall VOCs and other devices to collect anddispose waste gas
?雨污分流,严格管控生产及生活废水排放?Separate rain from wastewater and strictlycontrol the discharge of production andhousehold wastewater?加大循环利用,配置污水处理系统,集中处理达标后统一排放,开展水质污染物自行监测与第三方抽检?Improve recycled utilization, establish thewastewater treatment system for integratedtreatment and qualified discharge, andconduct self monitoring and third-partyspot checking of water pollutants
?实现一般工业固废分类收集、及时转移、合规处置,加大固废回收和循环利用?Realize classified collection, timely transfer and compliant treatment ofgeneral industrial solid wastes and improve collection and recycling ofsolid wastes?定期收集并规范处理办公垃圾、建筑垃圾、包装材料等一般废弃物?Collect and dispose general solid wastes in a regular and standardizedmanner including oce waste, construction waste and packing materials
?分区存放,由有资质的第三方妥善处理危险废弃物?Store in dierent areas and let the qualified third party treat hazardouswastes properly
?开展全员宣传教育,推行垃圾分类?Undertake public propaganda and education and promote wasteclassification
?采取隔声、吸声、减震以及低噪声设备等综合措施,改善降噪工艺?Adopt comprehensive measures toimprove noise reduction includinginsulation, absorption, dampingand low-noise equipment?采购专业噪声测试仪,开展厂界噪声检测?Purchase professional noise-measuring instrument to testnoises within the factory
西安工业集团沈信公司投入47.3万元,在零件车间磁钢喷漆工序和电子车间三防涂覆生产线实施两个废气治理项目,采用活性炭过滤治理方法,对废气治理设施进行改造。Shenxin Company of Xi'an Industry Groupinvested RMB 473,000 to implement 2 projectsfor treating waste gas generated in magneticsteel painting process of the parts workshopand the conformal coating production lineof the electronic workshop, which adopt thefiltering treatment of activated carbon totransform waste gas treatment facilities.
Beixin Company of Research & Design InstituteGroup invested RMB 550,000 to update thefacilities at the sewage treatment station andthe updated sewage treatment equipmentadopts the integrated system which not onlyfacilitates later maintenance and operationmanagement, but also reduces the content ofpoisonous substances in discharged sewage.
通号(郑州)电气化局在工程项目实施生活垃圾和施工垃圾分开存放。生活垃圾采用带盖垃圾桶,定时清运;施工垃圾存放在封闭式垃圾站内,垃圾站边设有分拣池。垃圾站采用轻钢结构制成,设有推拉式大门,可以移动和周转使用。CRSC (Zhengzhou) Electrification Bureau separated household wastes withconstruction wastes in engineering projects. Household wastes are storedin the dustbin with lid and transferred on a regular basis; while constructionwastes are stored in closed waste station with sorting area set aside. Thewaste station is constructed by light steels and has a push-pull gate formovement and transfer.
通号工程局集团在施工现场采取隔音措施或调整作业时间,控制噪声强度。CRSC Engineering Group tooksound insulation measures oradjusted the operation time at theconstruction site to control thenoise intensity.
Engineering Group adopted small NEV spraying vehicles to reduce dust pollutions
wastes” during production, implementsthe prevention and treatment action onnoise pollution, and improves relevanttechniques and equipment to ensurecompliant discharge of pollutants. In 2022,according environmental monitoring, thequalification rate of waste gas and noisedischarge reached 100% and disposal rateof wastes 100%.CRSC vigorously carries out environmentalimpact assessment for constructionprojects, improves control at the source,conducts environmental monitoring,strictly controls the discharge of “three
CRSC's General Waste Discharge in 2020-2022
CRSC's Emissions in 2020-2022
类型General wastetypes
建筑垃圾处理量Constructionwaste disposalvolume
硒鼓等打印耗材Toner cartridgesand other printingconsumables
提供绿色解决方案Providing Green Solutions中国通号紧密围绕当今世界铁路科技发展新形势,在产品设计、研发、生产、应用全过程深入践行绿色低碳理念,全面提升轨道交通智能调度指挥、驾驶、制造、建造、运维等智能化水平,在能源分级利用、工业园区改造升级、信息化监控智能管理、在线仿真控制技术、绿色建筑智能楼宇等方面不断进行技术优化,推出海绵城市、地下综合管理综合监控与报警系统、智慧建筑综合应用系统等一系列成果,为发展成为全球最大轨道交通控制系统解决方案提供商注入绿色动力、贡献不竭力量。
Adhering closely to the new trends for the current technological development of global railway, CRSCdeeply practices the green and low-carbon concept throughout the entire process of product design,R&D, production and application, fully improves the intelligent application in rail transportation includingintelligent scheduling and command, driving, manufacturing, construction and operation & maintenance,and continuously optimizes technologies in energy graded utilization, transformation and upgradingof industrial parks, intelligent management of information-based monitoring, online simulation controltechnology, and intelligent buildings for green buildings, and launches a series of achievements such assponge city, underground comprehensive management comprehensive monitoring and alarm system,and intelligent building comprehensive application system, to inject green impetus and contributeinexhaustible strengths to developing into the world’s largest solution provider of rail transportationcontrol system.
2022年3月,由卡斯柯自主研发的基于北斗定位的移动闭塞智能列控系统在靖神铁路完成了满载的万吨重载列车追踪试验。这是继多车空载追踪试验后,卡斯柯在列控研发领域的一次重要的技术升级和关键突破。In March 2022, the mobile block intelligent train control system independently researched anddeveloped by Casco based on Beidou positioning completed the ten-thousand full-load train trackingtest on Jingbian-Shenmu Railway. This marks an important technical upgrade and a key breakthroughof Casco in R&D of train control system, after the multi-vehicle no-load tracking test.基于北斗卫星定位的移动闭塞智能列控系统是货运铁路的技术发展方向,可有效推动铁路运输技术和装备进步,既能满足运营维护单位对高运能、高实时、高密度、无人化及强安全的重载货运需求,又有利于实现“碳达峰、碳中和”“公转铁”等国家战略部署针对重载铁路实现绿色低碳转型的要求。The mobile block intelligent train control system based on Beidou positioning shows the directionfor technical development of freight railway and can effectively promote the advances of railwaytransport technology and equipment.It can not only satisfy the needs of operation & maintenanceunits for scalable, real-time, highly densified, unmanned and strongly safe heavy-haul freight, butalso help realize the requirements of national strategy on green and low-carbon transformationof heavy-haul railway including “carbon peaking, carbon neutrality” and “transferring loads fromroadway to railway”.
NewSystemIndependentlyResearchedandDevelopedbyCascoPromotesFreightRailwaytoSaveMoreEnergyandReduceMoreCarbon案例Case卡斯柯自主研发新系统,推动货运铁路更加节能降碳二氧化硫(吨)Sulphur dioxide (ton)
氨氮(吨)Ammonia nitrogen (ton)
氮氧化物(吨)Nitrogen oxides (ton)
有害废弃物(吨)Hazardous waste (ton)
化学需氧量(吨)Chemical oxygen demand (ton)
2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.实践篇:行之所至,书写责任担当Practice: Take Actions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities
西安工业集团西信公司零件加工中心数控班组现场组织开展环境与安全应急演练活动The Numerical Shift, Parts ProcessingCenter of Xixin Company, Xi'an IndustryGroup organizes the emergency drill onenvironment and safety
通号(郑州)电气化局郑铁公司组织节能宣传周活动,宣贯节能节材等相关知识Zhengtie Company of CRSC (Zhengzhou)Electrification Bureau organizes theactivity of Energy-saving PublicityWeek to popularize relevant knowledgeon saving energy and materials
Cherish Talents and Achieve sta's value
员工是企业最宝贵的财富。中国通号始终坚持以人为本,实施“开放引进、精英集聚”的人才战略,依法保障员工基本权益,助力员工成长发展,全力打造劳模品牌,落实落细多样关怀,持续提高每一位员工的获得感和幸福感。Employee is the most valuable asset of a company. Adhering to the people-oriented philosophy, CRSC implements thetalent strategy of “opening up to introduce and gather elites”, ensures the basic rights and interests of employees, helpsemployees grow and develop, builds up the brand of model workers, cares about employees from dierent aspects andconstantly increases the sense of obtainment and happiness of each employee.
优化员工结构Optimizing Sta Mix
中国通号制定《招聘管理制度》,强化招聘流程规范性,严格遵守相关招聘纪律,确保招聘工作公平、公正;全面开展“国聘行动”、海外高层次人才招聘、夏季公开招聘等人才引进,逐步实现选人用人制度化、标准化、常态化,提升公司人才的整体水平。截至报告期末,中国通号共有员工总数20,009人,劳动合同签订率100%,社会保险覆盖率100%。CRSC formulates the Recruitment ManagementSystem to further standardize its proceduresof recruitment, strictly abides by relevantdisciplines of recruitment, and ensures fairnessand justice in this regard; comprehensivelyintroduces talents by undertaking the“IGUOPIN Action”, recruitment of overseashigh-level talents and summer open recruitmentfair, gradually realizes the recruitment ina systematic, standardized and regularmanner, and improves the overall level ofthe Company’s talents. As of the end of thereport period, the Company had a total of20,009 employees, a labor contract signingrate of 100 percent and a social insurancecoverage rate of 100 percent.
a total of 20,009 employees
a labor contract signing rate of 100 percent
a social insurance coverage rate of 100 percent
Environmental Management中国通号强化全生命周期环境管理,制定节能环保管理制度,完善环境应急机制,落实环境风险常态化管控和环境质量提升工程,加大环保节能检查,在全系统开展“六五”环境日、全国节能宣传周和全国低碳日宣传活动,为公司实施绿色发展奠定坚实基础。2022 年,公司未发生突发环境事件,环境形势持续稳定。CRSC strengthens full life circle environmental management, formulates the energy-saving environmental protection
management system, improves environmental emergency mechanism, implements regular control of environmental
risks and improvement of environmental quality, increased environmental energy-saving checks, conducts propaganda
activities covering the entire system including the “June 5th” Environment Day, National Energy-saving Publicity Week and
National Low Carbon Day to lay solid base for the Company to pursue green development. In 2022, the Company had no
environmental emergency accidents and the overall environmental situation is maintained stable.
CRSC' Sta Composition in 2022
人数Numberofemployees按员工类型划分雇佣人员总数By employee type
Under employment contract
20,009劳务协议员工Under labor agreement
第三方派遣员工(含劳务派遣和股东方派驻)Dispatched by third parties (including labordispatching and shareholder dispatching)
按年龄结构划分的员工数量By age
≥51岁≥51 years old
2,54631-50岁31-50 years old
≤30 years old
5,430按层级划分的员工数量By employee level
高级管理人员Senior management
中层管理人员Middle-level management
1,001普通员工Ordinary employees
18,790按性别划分的员工数量By gender
按地区划分的员工数量By region
中国内陆China Mainland
19,912港澳台Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Employees
中国通号严格遵守《劳动法》《劳动合同法》《工会法》《企业民主管理规定》等相关法律法规,依法维护国际公认的各项人权,构建合理高效的薪酬福利体系,推进民主管理,建立和谐稳定的劳动关系。CRSC strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations including the Labor Law, the Labor Contract Law, the Trade UnionLaw and the Regulations on Democratic Management of Enterprises, safeguards human rights recognized by internationalcommunity according to law, constructs a reasonable and efficient system on remuneration and benefits, promotesdemocratic management, and establishes harmonious and stable labor relations.
Equal Employment
Remuneration and Benefits
Democratic Management
CRSC sticks to equal employment, positivelyresists any behavior disregarding ortrampling human rights, completelyeradicates any discrimination causedby the difference in nationality, ethnicgroup, gender, age, religious belief andcultural background, implements sameremuneration for the same position,refuses the employment of child laboror force labor, formulates the TentativeMeasures on Labor Contract Management,and signs, performs, changes, cancelsor terminates the labor contract withemployees according to law to ensurestrict performance of such contract.
CRSC basically establishes the tiered and classified management ofremunerations, strictly sets up and improves the mechanism to link,increase or decrease employee salary with the economic benefits, andissues the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Performance Assessmentof Employees to improve the assessment system and enhance theapplication of performance assessment in remunerations. The Companypays the social insurance fees, supplementary pension insurancepremiums, supplementary medical insurance premiums and housingprovident funds for employees in full amount, grants or pays subsidiesand allowances of dierent kind and formulates and issues the GuidingOpinions on Further Standardizing Enterprise Annuity to ensure fairness ofthe Company’s annuity system.
democratic communications. We establish and improve the democratic
management system of enterprises with the basic form of workers'
implement the openness of factory affairs and promote
democratic management.
Establish the system of employee directors
and employee supervisors according to law. Safeguard the legitimate
rights and interests of the company and employees according to law,
establish and improve stable labor relations, promote the improvement
of the collective consultation system, negotiate and sign the
Wage Special Agreement, protect the democratic rights of
employees such as the right to know,
expression and
Safeguarding Occupational Health
Building a Model Worker Brand
中国通号遵守《职业病防治法》,规范劳动保护职责、劳动保护措施、劳动防护用品管理、事故隐患和事故处理,推动54家所属企业全部通过职业健康安全管理体系认证;定期进行体检,梳理涉及职业病危害因素的作业点分布情况,对作业场所进行检测,减少生产过程中产生的职业病危害因素;提供专业心理服务,缓解身心健康压力;加大职业健康宣传,提高职业病防护意识。2020—2022年,公司因工亡故人数、发生职业病及职业中毒等事故数均为0。CRSC abides by the Law on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases normalizes the duties and measures on laborprotection, the management of labor protective supplies and the treatment of potential hazards and accidents, promotes54 affiliated enterprises to pass the certification of Occupation Health Safety Management System, conducts regularphysical examinations, sorts out the operation sites involving hazardous factors of occupational disease and tests suchsites to alleviate the hazardous factors generated during production, provides professional mental consultation services torelieve employees of the physical and mental stress, and improves publicity on occupational health to raise the awarenesson prevention and control of occupational diseases. From 2020 to 2022, the number of deaths in work-related injury,occupational diseases and occupational poisoning in the Company was 0.
中国通号大力弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神,开展劳模先进评选,充分弘扬劳动光荣、技能宝贵、创造伟大的时代风尚。CRSC greatly promotes the spirit of model workers, of labor and of craftsmanship, carries out the selection of advancedmodel workers, and fully promotes the glorious labor, valuable skills, and creates a great fashion of the times.
同时,中国通号持续深化劳模先进创新创效活动,加强劳模先进创新工作室建设。截至目前,全系统已创建劳模创新工作室28个,获得专利110项,开展创新攻关项目103次,推动创新成果转化76项,创造经济效益近2亿元,有力推动工会工作与生产经营深度融合。西安工业集团沈信公司邓宇工作室成为全国铁路机务系统劳模和工匠人才创新工作室联盟首批理事会成员单位。In the meantime, CRSC continues to deepen advanced innovation and eciency activities of model workers and strengthenthe building of the model worker innovation studio. As of now, the Company has established in total 28 innovation studios,won 110 patents, undertaken 103 innovative and key projects, transformed 76 innovative results, and created the economicbenefits of nearly RMB 200 million, which eectively promoted the deep integration between the works of labor union andits production and operation. Deng Yu Studio of Shenxin Company of Xi'an Industry Group became one of the first batch ofcouncil member units of National Railway Maintenance System Model Worker and Talent Innovation Studio Alliance.
In October 2022, the advanced model storyof Ke Xiaobin, from, Shenxin Company ofXi'an Industry Group,was reported by the“Stories of Representatives of the 20th CPCNational Congress” of CCTV News Broadcast
城交公司Urban Rail Transit Company邱锡宏荣获“火车头奖章”荣誉Qiu Xihong won the title of“Locomotive Medal”
CRSCIC刘阳荣获“火车头奖章”荣誉Liu Yang won the title of“Locomotive Medal”
Xi'an Industry Group荣获“全国五四红旗团委”称号won the title of “National MayFourth Red Flag League Committee”陈坤耀荣获“西安市五一劳动奖章”荣誉Chen Kunyao won “the Labor DayMedal of Xi’an”
Engineering Group荣获“火车头奖杯”won the title of "LocomotiveTrophy"丁向涛荣获“全国交通技术能手”称号Ding Xiangtao won the titleof “National TransportationTechnical Expert”
Shanghai Engineering Group
荣获2020—2021年度全国“安康杯”竞赛优胜班组won the title of Excellent Groupat the National Safety CupCompetition 2020-2021荣获“云南省工人先锋号”称号won the title of “Yunnan Workers'Pioneer”
研究设计院集团Research & Design Institute Group荣获“火车头奖杯”won the title of "Locomotive Trophy"刘贞荣获“火车头奖章”荣誉、当选“2022年度最美铁路人Liu Zhen won the title of “Locomotive Medal”and “The Most Beautiful Railway Man” in 2022江明当选2022年“新时代 铁路榜样”推荐人选Jiang Ming was elected as a candidate of the“New Era Railway Model” in 2022
助力职业发展Help with Career Development
选优任能,赋能优秀年轻干部制度改革,推动“能上能下”Systematic reform Smooths “promotion and demotion channels”
Employment optimization Empowers young and excellent cadres
激发活力,锤炼技能人才队伍Stimulating vitality Cultivatestalent groups with skills
中国通号两名高技能人才代表,研究设计院集团北信公司冯浩(左)、西安工业集团沈信公司邓宇(右),入选中央企业“大国工匠”培养支持计划Two highly skilled talent representatives of CRSC, Feng Hao (left), from Beixin Company of Research & Design Institute Group and Deng Yu(right), from Shenxin Company of Xi'an Industry Group were selected into the cultivation and support program of “National Craftsmen” ofcentral enterprises
赋能员工成长Empowering Employees to Grow中国通号努力为员工搭建职业发展平台,完善培训体系,开展劳动竞赛,着力培养高素质专业化人才队伍,助力员工成长成才,成就员工职业发展梦想。CRSC endeavors to build the career development platform for employees, improves the training system, holds laborcompetitions, focuses on cultivating high-quality professional talents, helps employees grow and achieve their dreams incareer development.
Constantly promoted the employment of management personnel throughcompetition and normalized the mechanism of last-place adjustment andincompetency exit.全年在35家企业开展竞争上岗,占比59.32%,竞争上岗的管理人员占新聘任管理人员的75.81%;末等调整和不胜任退出管理人员占管理人员的5.46%。Throughout the year, 35 enterprises implemented employment throughcompetition, accounting for 59.32% and management personnel newlyemployed through competition accounted for 75.81% of the total; and the onessubjected to last-place adjustment and incompetency exit accounted for 5.46%of all management personnel.
Fully undertook thorough investigation of excellent young cadres,
formulated the implementation plan for “pilot project of excellent
young cadres” and improved the talent pool of excellent young
Emphasized the promotion and employment of excellent young
management talents with young cadres aged below 45 accounting
for more than 50% of all newly selected and appointed leading
personnels within the year.
Through “open competitions”, provided opportunities and platforms for
excellent young cadres and young technological elites.
提升技能人才队伍建设,着力培养大国工匠、高技能人才,制定发布《关于职业技能等级认定工作指导意见》。Improved team building of talents withskills, focused on cultivating nationalcraftsmen and highly skilled talents,formulated and issued the GuidingOpinions on Accreditation of OccupationalSkill Levels.建立新时代技能人才职业技能等级制度。Established the occupational skill levelsystem for skilled talents in the new era.
Improves Quality and Eectiveness of TrainingHold Labor Competitions中国通号完善《培训管理办法》,构建“内部培训为主、外部培训为辅,制定培训计划为主、临时培训为辅,团队培训为主、个体培训为辅,管理与业务培训兼顾、按照岗位设置”的差异性培训模式,提高教育培训的针对性和实效性;制定年度培养计划,开设系统化、多元化培训课程,分类培养经营管理人才、专业技术人才、高技能人才及特殊领域紧缺人才;优化“线上 + 线下”“师带徒”“校企联合培养”等方式,多措并举确保培训项目落实落地,为全体员工赋能。CRSC improves the Training Management Measures, builds the differentiated training mode of “internal trainingsupplemented by external training, scheduled training supplemented by interim training, group training supplementedby individual training, emphasizing both management training and business training and training set as per differentpositions” to improve focus and effectiveness of education and training, formulates annual cultivation plan, openssystematic and diversified training courses, cultivates talents by categories including operation management talents,professional technical talents, highly skilled talents and urgently-needed talents in special areas, optimizes “online +offline”, “mentoring”, “joint cultivation by university and enterprise” and other cultivation methods, and takes multiplemeasures to ensure the implementation of training programs and empower all employees.
中国通号持续开展和参与以“比、学、赶、帮、超”为内容的劳动竞赛,切实将岗位练兵、劳动竞赛和技能比武作为提升员工技能素质,实现公司与职工同频共振的重要途径,有效激发调动广大干部职工干事和创业激情。CRSC constantly holds and participates in the labor competitions themed “comparison, learning, chasing, helping andexceeding” to actually take post practices, labor competitions and skill competitions as important ways to improve the skillsof employees and align employees with corporate actions, which has eectively motivated the passions and enthusiasm ofthe cadres and employees.
人均培训时长(小时)Averagetrainingtime(hours)202020212022202020212022按性别划分的员工培训情况By gender
85.3 86.3785.2929.635.06 27.42女
81.780.6582.1926.9 28.5723.29按雇员层级划分的员工培训情况By employee level
高级管理层Senior management
10010088.53 73.8108.1463.67中级管理层Middle-level management
100 90.1693.6135.457.95 52.73基层员工Entry level employee
81.7 84.9383.9927.3 31.2329.57
中国通号推行“师带徒”机制,提升年轻员工业务操作能力CRSC implements the “mentoring”mechanism to improve the practicalabilities of young employees
Wang Xianchao (left), from Shenxin Company of Xi'an Industry Group won the global third place in the IPC Hand Soldering Competition 2022
落实员工关怀Implementing Employee Care中国通号致力于打造团结、友爱、进取的公司氛围,关心关怀一线员工、女性员工,积极落实困难员工帮扶,开展丰富多彩的文体活动,平衡员工工作和生活,用心用情满足员工对美好生活的需求和期待。CRSC dedicates itself to creating the corporate atmosphere of unity, friendliness and enterprise, cares about workers at theproduction lines and female employees, actively helps employees in need, holds diversified cultural and sports activities,emphasizes balance between work and life for employees and satisfies the needs and expectations of employees for abetter life.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.实践篇:行之所至,书写责任担当
Practice: Take Actions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities
帮扶困难员工Help Employeesin Need
Issued the Trade Union Assistance Measures to promote the trade union to establish the three-tierassistance system and carry out relevant assistance for employees. In 2022, trade unions of dierentlevels raised 5,132,300 yuan in warm funds during the Spring Festival, subsidized 498 families ofworkers in need, distributed supplies worth 650,500 yuan, extended regards to 9,604 workers atthe production line and model workers as well as 293 teams at the production line, and distributedsupplies with a total worth of 4,481,700 yuan.
Caring for Front-Line Workers改善一线员工生产生活条件,开展“职工之家”“送清凉、送关怀”“送温暖”等活动。Improved the production and living conditions for workers at the production line and undertookactivities such as “home of employees”, “cool summer” and “warm winter”.
关怀女性员工Caring for Female
持续落实《女职工劳动保护实施办法》,充分保障女性员工工作及生活需求,维护孕期、哺乳期女性员工的权益。Kept implementing the Measures for the Implementation of Labor Protection for Female Employees to fullyensure the demands of female employees in work and life, and safeguard their rights and interestsduring pregnancy and lactation.
Balancing workand life开展“三八节主题活动” “传承英烈精神,奋进伟大征程”“文化节系列活动”等文体活动,通过多彩的文艺汇演、公司团建、体育赛事,丰富员工业余文化生活,增强凝聚力和向心力。Held the “Women's Day Theme Activity”, “Passing on the Spirit of Heroes to Forge Ahead Along theGreat Path”, “Cultural Festival Series Activities” and other cultural and sports events and by diversifiedentertainment show, corporate team building and sports event, enriched the leisure life of employeesand increased unity and cohesion.
Casco organizes the flower arrangement activity to celebrate theWomen’s Day
Construction Group organizes the basketball friendship match
交流合作,携手共赢Achieve a Win-Win Situation throughExchange and cooperation中国通号践行合作共赢理念,深化与“一带一路”沿线国家、企业的务实合作,推动中国高铁“走出去”,构筑人类命运共同体;深化多领域战略合作,整合多方优势资源,打造合作共赢“朋友圈”;持续推进责任采购,打造透明供应链,与供应商携手发展。By carrying out the concept of win-win cooperation, CRSC deepens its practical cooperation with countries and enterprisesalong "the Belt and Road Initiative”route, and promotes “going global” of China's high-speed rail and the progress of theCommunity of Shared Future for Mankind. CRSC is striving to creates a "circle of friends" for win-win cooperation throughdeepening multi-field strategic cooperation and integrating various advantageous resources. It also keeps promotingresponsible procurement and create a transparent supply chain for common development with suppliers.
深耕“一带一路”In-depth Insight into "the Belt and Road Initiative"中国通号主动与“一带一路”沿线国家政府战略对接,抓住RCEP等区域性合作框架重要机遇,深度融入所在地区规划、建设与发展,稳步开拓海外市场;充分发挥中国通号研发设计、产品制造、施工安装三位一体优势,依托匈塞铁路、雅万高铁等中国标准成套输出的成功范例,在重点区域继续开拓标志性工程,向海外提供中国方案,为推动中国高铁“走出去”贡献力量。CRSC actively connects with the national governments along "the Belt and Road Initiative" route and seizes the importantopportunities of regional cooperation frameworks such as RCEP, to deeply integrate into the regional planning, constructionand development, and steadily explore overseas markets. By giving full play to the advantages of CRSC in R&D, design,product manufacturing, construction and installation, and referring to the successful cases of standard complete setsfrom China, such as the Hungary-Serbia railway and the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, CRSC continues to developlandmark projects in key regions and oers China's solutions overseas, thus contributing to the "going global" of China'shigh-speed railway.中国通号2020-2022年境外发展绩效CRSC's Overseas Development Performance in 2020-2022
指标Indicator单位Unit202020212022境外公开开展项目Overseas public projects
171612设立境外单位Establishment of overseas branches
373134境外业务涉及国家(地区)Countries (regions) of the overseas businesses
个Countries (regions)
2022年,中国通号境外业务重大进展In 2022, CRSC has made significant progress in its overseas businesses与泰国东北皇家理工大学(RMUTI)、柳州铁道职业技术学院在线签署三方合作谅解备忘录,推动中泰轨道技术发展,服务两国轨道交通专业人才培养。CRSC signed the memorandumof understanding on three-party cooperation online withthe Rajamangala University ofTechnology Thanyaburi (RMUTI)and Liuzhou Railway VocationalTechnical College, to promote thedevelopment of rail technologybetween China and Thailandand serve the training of railtransportation professionals inboth countries.
2022年11月,国家主席习近平在巴厘岛同印度尼西亚总统佐科共同视频观摩雅万高铁试验运行,中国通号全力保障的雅万高铁试验运行取得圆满成功,全体参建人员用实际行动向二十国集团(G20)峰会展示了中国高铁这张“靓丽名片”。In November 2022, President Xi Jinping and Indonesian President Djoko watched the trial run of Jakarta-Bandunghigh-speed railway by video. Such trial run, fully backed by CRSC, was a complete success. All the participantsshowed the strength of China's high-speed railway as a "representative landmark" to the G20 Summit with practicalactions.
雅万高铁项目的成功实施,创造了中印尼务实合作的新纪录,将为两国各领域合作特别是基础设施和产能领域的合作树立新的标杆。The successful implementation of the Jakarta-BandungHigh-speed Railway Project has set a new record forpragmatic cooperation between China and Indonesia,and will set a new benchmark for cooperationbetween the two countries in various fields, especiallyin infrastructure and production capacity.——习近平主席在雅万高铁项目动工时,向印尼总统佐科致贺信时指出-President Xi Jinping pointed out when he sent acongratulatory letter to Indonesian President Djokoupon the commencement of the Jakarta-BandungHigh-speed Railway Project
为匈塞铁路(塞尔维亚段)提供自主化ETCS-2列控系统支撑,线路最高运行时速达200公里,使首都贝尔格莱德至诺维萨德半小时可达,有效促进沿线旅游资源开发、城市化建设,助力打造中欧贸易国际大通道。CRSC provided autonomous ETCS-2 traincontrol system support for Hungary-Serbiarailway (Serbia section), with a maximumrunning speed of 200 kilometers per hour,making it half an hour from the capitalBelgrade to Novi Sad. This will effectivelypromote the development of tourismresources and urbanization along the lineand help build an international corridor forSino-European trade.
推动高质量建成埃及斋月十日城市郊铁路,线路连接开罗与新首都,为打造“东部经济走廊”提供重要交通配套工程;线路开通后,将惠及沿线500万居民。CRSC promoted the high-qualityconstruction of the suburban railwayfor the Tenth of Ramadan City inEgypt, connecting Cairo with thenew Capital, and offering importanttransportation supporting projectsfor building the "Eastern EconomicCorridor". After the operation ofthe railway, it will benefit 5 millionresidents along the route.
签订泰国普吉岛缆车EPC总承包项目,树立世界缆车项目新里程碑。CRSC signed the EPC project for thecable cars in Phuket, Thailand, andset a new milestone of cable carprojects in the world.
承担雅万高铁全线通信、信号、防灾、信息等相关工程施工任务,大大缩短从首都雅加达至万隆的时间,极大方便两地居民的日常出行。CRSC undertook the constructionsof communication, signal, disasterprevention, information andother related projects in Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway,greatly shortening the timefrom Jakarta to Bandung, andprofoundly facilitating the dailytrips for residents in both places.
作为雅万高铁中方主要参建企业之一,中国通号负责全线的全部技术、施工、维护任务,通过精心筹划项目施工组织,抢抓工程进度,克服种种困难,提前10天完成了德卡鲁尔站至4号梁场间建设任务,努力将雅万高铁打造成精品工程、示范工程,为落实“一带一路”倡议、促进中印尼友好合作做出积极贡献。As one of the major Chinese participant in the construction ofJakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, CRSC is responsible for allthe technical, construction and maintenance tasks of the wholerailway. Through carefully planning the project constructionorganization and highlighting the construction progress andovercoming various diculties, CRSC completed the constructiontasks from Tegal Luar Station to No.4 girder fabrication yard10 days in advance. CRSC had made great efforts to build theJakarta-Bandung high-speed railway into a high-quality projectand a demonstration project, making positive contributionsto the implementation of "the Belt and Road Initiative" andpromoting friendly cooperation between China and Indonesia.
深化战略合作Deepening Strategic Cooperation中国通号立足自身产业优势,加强对接人才、资本、技术、信息等外部优势资源,积极与企业、高校、科研机构、政府等展开合作和业务交流,推动外部协同创新,实现与各方伙伴在紧密合作中优势互补、共同成长,携手创造更多价值。
Based on its own industrial advantages, CRSC strengthens the connections with external superior resources such astalents, capital, technology and information, and actively conducts cooperation and business exchanges with enterprises,universities, scientific research institutions and the government agencies, to promote external collaborative innovation,achieve mutual complementarity and common growth in close cooperation with all partners, and finally create more valuetogether.
2022年8月,研究设计院集团成功入选中国科协首批“科创中国”创新基地(产学研协作类)名单。近年来,研究设计院集团积极推进与各高校、科研院所和学会、协会的合作,与清华大学、北京大学等多所知名高校与科研院所建立联合研究所和人才联合培养基地,在列车自主运行控制、智能运输等方面开展深度联合研究,同时,凭借企业轨道交通安全控制全产业链技术优势,与产业上下游企业共同打造生态圈和产业链。近三年,公司与高校合作科研项目49项,与企业合作科研项目100余项。In August 2022, the Research & Design Institute Group was successfullylisted as the first batch of first batch of "Innovation China" Innovation Bases(Industry-University-Research Cooperation Category) of China Associationfor Science and Technology. In recent years, the Research & Design InstituteGroup has actively promoted cooperation with universities, researchinstitutes, societies and associations,established joint research institutesand talent training bases with many well-known universities and researchinstitutes such as Tsinghua University and Peking University, and carriedout in-depth joint research on train autonomous operation control andintelligent transportation. Additionally, the Research and Design InstituteGroup and the upstream and downstream enterprises of the industryhave jointly built an ecological circle and industrial chain by relying on thetechnical advantages of the whole industrial chain of enterprise rail transitsafety control. In the past three years, the Company has cooperated withuniversities in 49 scientific research projects and enterprises in more than100 scientific research projects.
CRSC signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Tower
In the past three years, theCompany has cooperatedwith universities in49 scientific researchprojects and enterprisesin more than 100 scientificresearch projects
CRSC has established pragmatic cooperation with enterprises such as CHN Energy and China Towerto provide construction schemes for China's railway industry.与航天科工第三研究院签署战略合作协议,建立高速飞行列车信号通信领域战略合作伙伴关系CRSC has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the CASIC Third Institute to establish astrategic partnership in the field of high-speed flight train signal communication.与中城协、申通地铁、中机认检等12家产业链上下游单位签订联合体协议CRSC has signed consortium agreements with 12 upstream and downstream organizations in theindustrial chain, such as CAMET, Shanghai Shentong Metro Co., Ltd., and CMCI.
与国铁集团合作,推动郑州航空港站开通运营CRSC cooperates with China Railway Group Co.,Ltd. to promote the operation of Zhengzhou Airport Station.与北京交通大学、西南交通大学等高校成功申报国家重点研发计划“轨道交通调度控制一体化与联程运输服务技术”项目CRSC has successfully applied for the "Rail Transit Dispatching and Control Integration and InterlineTransportation Service Technology" Project under the national key research and developmentprogram jointly with Beijing Jiaotong University, Southwest Jiaotong University and otheruniversities.与北京交通运输职业学院等单位共建“轨道交通通信信号产业学院”,着力打造职业教育产业集群化联合体CRSC has jointly established "Rail Transit Communication and Signal Industry College" with BeijingVocational College of Transportation and other organizations, making great eorts to build a clusterconsortium of vocational education industries.与河南省洛阳市等政府部门开展合作,助力地方城市交通通行效率,为区域经济增长作贡献CRSC cooperates with government departments such as Luoyang City, Henan Province, to helphigher local urban trac eciency and contribute to regional economic growth.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
实践篇:行之所至,书写责任担当Practice: Take Actions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities
构建责任供应链Constructing Responsible Supply Chain中国通号建立科学化、精益化采购管理理念,落实供应商、承包商专项管理,不断完善采购管理体系,确保采购管理始终在阳光下规范运行;完善供应商管理体系,与供应商建立长期、稳定的合作关系,推动产业链、供应链可持续发展。CRSC has established a scientific and lean procurement management concept. It implements special management ofsuppliers and contractors, and continuously improves the procurement management system to ensure that procurementmanagement is always in a standardized operation in a transparent manner; CRSC perfects the supplier managementsystem, and establishes a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with suppliers, to promote the sustainabledevelopment of the industrial chain and supply chain.采购管理供应商管理Procurement ManagementSupplier Management
中国通号制定《供应商管理办法》《供应商信用评价管理办法》《供应商“黑名单”管理办法》,持续规范供应商行为;建立供应商信用评价档案,完善与供应商沟通机制,将供应商信用评价结果及时通知供应商,督促供应商守信履约;加强供应商资格审查,与供应商签订质量保证协议和廉洁协议,实施供应商动态考核机制,及时取消存在重大不良行为或进入黑名单的供应商的采购资格。CRSC has formulated the Measures for the Administration ofSuppliers, Measures for the Administration of Supplier CreditEvaluation, and Measures for the Administration of "BlackLists" of Suppliers, to continuously standardize supplierbehavior. CRSC establishes a supplier credit evaluation file,improves the communication mechanism with suppliers,notifies suppliers of the supplier credit evaluation resultsin a timely manner, and urges suppliers to perform theirobligations faithfully. CRSC strengthens the supplierqualification examination, signs quality assuranceagreements and integrity agreements with suppliers,implements a dynamic supplier assessment mechanism,and promptly cancels the procurement qualification ofsuppliers with serious misconducts or blacklisted suppliers.
供应商准入Supplier access
在供应商商业信誉、财会制度、专业技术、生产供应能力等方面,严格把控供应商资格审查,鼓励有实力的供应商参与采购,严禁不符合程序和规定要求的企业进入合格供应商名录。In terms of supplier business reputation,accounting system, professionaltechnology, production and supplycapacity, etc., CRSC strictly controlssupplier qualification review, encouragespowerful suppliers to participate inprocurement, and strictly prohibitsenterprises that do not meet therequirements of procedures andregulations from entering the list ofqualified suppliers.
供应商信用评价Supplier credit evaluation开展供应商信用等级评价,对信用评价不合格的供应商两年内不再受理其供应商准入申请、不得参与采购活动。供应商存在偷工减料、以次充好、供应假冒伪劣产品,或者给企业生产经营和项目建设带来严重负面影响等任一情形的,实行“一票否决”。
By carrying out supplier credit rating evaluation. CRSC will notaccept the supplier access application for those who have failedto pass the credit evaluation, and provides that such suppliersshall not participate in procurement activities within two years.CRSC adopts the "one-vote veto" to suppliers who have any of thefollowing situations: cheating on workmanship and materials,shoddy goods for quality goods, supply of counterfeit and shoddyproducts, or serious negative impacts on the production andoperation of enterprises and project construction.
2022年,信用评价共通报41家供应商不良行为,其中:潜在不良行为9家,一般不良行为4家,较大不良行为7家,重大不良行为21家,均给予处罚。In 2022, the credit evaluation notified 41 suppliers with misconducts,among which 9 suppliers with potential misconducts, 4 supplierswith general bad behaviors, 7 were major misconducts and 21suppliers with serious misconducts, all of which were punished.
Supplier growth
Supplier quality assessment
Implement annual review of key andimportant suppliers, supervise andinspect suppliers' technical processes,production process quality, etc., andstrengthen supplier product quality andsafety risk assessment.
system specifications, to strictly implements centralized
has established a long-term mechanism for improving
procurement management to realize the institutionalized,s
management. It actively innovates the procurement form,
framework agreement procurement, green procurement,
procurement. CRSC strictly prohibits leaders at all levels
from interfering in procurement activities beyond their
information and qualification information, and requires
or joint-stock company, nor have been included in the
supplier blacklist in the past two years.
development with suppliers, improving the incentive mechanism,
holding quality communication meetings with suppliers in a timely
manner, actively responding to the questions and demands of
suppliers, providing professional guidance and support, helping
suppliers to optimize the quality of products and services, and
enhancing their management capabilities.
北美1家North America
Asia (except China)
中国通号2022年供应商分布CRSR's Supplier Distribution in 2022
乐于奉献,回馈社会Contribute to the Society中国通号致力于以实际行动回馈社会,坚定不移强化帮扶力度,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果;时刻绷紧防灾减灾责任弦,主动投身防疫和抢险救灾工作;持续深化青年志愿服务行动,开展丰富多彩的志愿活动,助力社会和谐稳定发展,充分彰显央企担当。CRSC devotes itself to giving back to the society with practical actions, and unswervingly strengthens the efforts toconsolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation. CRSC has always been on the alert for disaster preventionand mitigation, and has taken the initiative to participate in COVID-19 prevention and control, rescue and relief work.It continuously deepens the youth voluntary service action and carries out various voluntary activities to boost theharmonious and stable development of the society and to fully demonstrate the responsibility as the central enterprises.
服务乡村振兴Serving Rural Revitalization
In 2022, CRSC earnestly implemented the decision-makingarrangements and work requirements of the CPC Central Committeeand the State Council on targeted assistance, integrated andpromoted the rural revitalization work with a high sense of missionand responsibility, established a leading group for designatedassistance, built a three-dimensional assistance system, and dida good job in the designated assistance of Sheqi County in HenanProvince for the 19 th consecutive year, creating a "Sheqi Model"for rural revitalization. In 2022, CRSC invested RMB5.81 million inrural revitalization assistance and a total of RMB26.3752 million inunpaid assistance.中国通号2022年助力社旗县乡村振兴“成绩单”CRSC's Rural Revitalization Deed to Help Sheqi County in 2022
年度计划完成度Annualplancompletion投入帮扶资金(万元)Non-reimbursable assistance funds invested
200550 275%引入无偿帮扶资金(万元)Non-reimbursable assistance funds attracted
1010 100%培训基层干部(名)The number of grassroots cadres trained
100121 121%培训乡村振兴带头人(名)Training village revitalization leaders (persons)
100101101%培训专业技术人才(名)For professional and technical personnel
100123 123%购买农产品(万元)Agricultural products purchased
147余> 147
> 147%帮助销售农产品(万元)Agricultural products sold
571余> 571
> 1142%
In 2022, CRSC investeda total ofRMB26.3752 million in unpaid assistance
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
实践篇:行之所至,书写责任担当Practice: Take Actions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities
助力“五大振兴”Help the "Five Major Revitalizations"
产业振兴Revitalization ofIndustries
Revitalization ofSkilled Workforce
Revitalization ofCulture
生态振兴Revitalization ofEcology
Revitalization ofOrganization
亿元CRSC introduced EquipmentManufacturing Projectwith an actual investmentof RMB170 million
引进河南省锐垦农业发展有限公司、金方源中药饮片二期项目、俊发仓储设备制造项目,实际投资额达1.7亿元CRSC introduced Henan Ruiken Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., JinfangyuanTCM Decoction Pieces Phase II Project and Junfa Storage EquipmentManufacturing Project, with an actual investment of RMB170 million.累计投入125万元,为烟叶蔬菜育苗、蓝莓种植、养鸡、香菇、中药材加工等产业建设基础设施,带动就业,提高农户收入CRSC has invested a total of RMB1.25 million to build infrastructure fortobacco and vegetable seedling raising, blueberry planting, chicken raising,mushrooms, TCM material processing and other industries, which drivesemployment and increases farmers' income.
开发乡村人力资源,举办乡村基层干部专题培训班、基层干部软弱涣散村整顿工作专题培训班、农村创业致富带头人及技术人员培训班等活动CRSC develops rural human resources, organizes special training coursesfor rural grassroots cadres, special training courses for the consolidation ofweak and lax villages for grassroots cadres, and training courses for ruralentrepreneurial leaders and technicians.系统培训乡村基层干部、乡村振兴致富带头人、农业技术人员CRSC systematically trains rural cadres at the grassroots level, leaders inrural revitalization and prosperity, and agricultural technicians.
购买6,000棵红玉兰和月季,用于建设森林村庄示范点,改善人居环境CRSC purchased 6,000 plants of Magnolia liliflora and Chinese roses to build a forestvillage demonstration base to improve the living environment.
CRSC built "CRSC Yuanlaozhuang Cultural Ecological Village in Zhuji Town" withadditional pollution control facilities, village roads and cultural parks.治理太和镇刘集村2座坑塘,有效改善当地群众生产生活CRSC governed 2 pit-ponds in Liuji Village, Taihe Town, effectively improving theproduction and living of locals.
修缮太和镇烈士陵园和闫店岗王陆庄红九军烈士陵园CRSC renovated the Martyrs' Cemetery in Taihe Townand the Martyrs' Cemetery for Ninth Corps of the RedArmy in Wangluzhuang, Yandiangang Village.
CRSC maintained the Martyrs Memorial Square for ThirdCorps of the Red Army.
共建饶良镇党史馆,用“红色力量”推动乡村振兴CRSC jointly built a Party History Museum in RaoliangTown to drive the rural revitalization with "Red Power".
CRSC actively launches various Party building andco-construction activities.
属地驻豫企业党委所属支部与社旗县贫困村党支部,签订党建共建协议,在夯实党建基础、协助制度建设、群团活动等方面持续开展结对子帮扶The branch of the Party Committee of the localenterprise in Henan and the Party branch of thepoverty-stricken village in Sheqi County signed anagreement on party building and cow-construction,to continue to carry out pairing assistance inconsolidating the foundation of Party building,assistance system construction, and mass groupactivities.
创新长效机制Innovative Long-term Mechanism巩固“两不愁三保障”成果消费帮扶重点扶持科技帮扶Consolidate the achievements of "Two Worries, Three Guarantees"Assistance through ConsumptionKey supportsScientific and technological assistance
对脱贫不稳定户和因病因灾致困群体加大帮扶支持力度,累计帮扶慰问特殊群众21名,发送慰问金8万元CRSC steps up its support for unstable households out of poverty andgroups suffering from diseases and calamities, and has allocatedRMB80,000 as the solatium in support of 21 special people.向饶良镇丁庄卫生院捐赠8台测温仪,向抗疫最前沿的朱集镇捐赠5万元抗疫物资CRSC donated 8 thermometers to the Dingzhuang Health Center inRaoliang Town and RMB50,000 of anti-COVID supplies to the anti-COVIDforefront of Zhuji Town.
依托央企消费帮扶电商平台,积极参加“央企消费帮扶兴农周”活动,购买脱贫地区农产品总金额位列中央企业第56名Relying on the e-commerce platforms assisted by central enterprises,CRSC actively participated in the "Central Enterprises' ConsumptionAssistance and Agriculture Promotion Week" and ranked 56th amongcentral enterprises in the total amount of agricultural productspurchased from poverty-stricken areas.
遴选一批具有良好帮扶成效的商铺,推选至央企消费帮扶电商平台的社旗县专馆,拓宽当地加工企业和农业合作社销售渠道CRSC has selected a number of shops with good assistance results andelected them to the Sheqi County Special Shop of the central enterprises'consumption-assisted e-commerce platform, broadening the saleschannels of local processing enterprises and agricultural cooperatives.
Huang Yuanfang, the temporary deputy county magistrate, acted as"Live Streaming E-commerce Anchor Helping Farmers " and sold morethan RMB5.71 million of unsalable agricultural products by working witha large-scale live streaming studio.
持续扶持仿真花产业。截至目前,形成“上下游企业100余家、年总产值达3亿余元、全县2,000余人从事手工加工”的规模,推动社旗县仿真花协会成立CRSC continues to support artificialflower industry. Up to now, it hasformed the scale of "more than100 upstream and downstreamenterprises, with an annual grossoutput of more than RMB300million, and more than 2,000county-wide locals engaged inhand finishing", promoting theestablishment of Sheqi CountyArtificial Flower Association.
推进科技兴农战略,全资设立中国通号社旗县科技兴农专项基金,计划每年滚动投入350万元专项资金,用于对社旗县科技创新企业的扶持,发挥引领导向示范作用Driven by the strategy of promotingagriculture by applying scientificand technological advances, CRSChas set up the special fund forscience and technology to promoteagriculture in Sheqi County, andplans to invested RMB3.5 million asspecial fund each year to supportscience and technology innovationenterprises in Sheqi County,expecting to play a leading,guiding and demonstrating role.
CRSC donates RMB3.5 million of special fund for developing agriculture through science and technology to Sheqi County
中国通号挂职副县长黄远芳(左二)为社旗县滞销农产品直播带货Huang Yuanfang (second from left) from CRSC, the temporary deputy county magistrate, is selling unsalable agricultural products in SheqiCounty by live streaming
所属企业联合帮扶Joint Assistance by Aliated Enterprises
中国通号广泛发动所属企业结合驻地乡村发展情况,抽调“精兵强将”、投入“真金白银”,采取结对帮扶、消费帮扶、教育帮扶、就业帮扶等行之有效的多种举措,助力脱贫地区经济发展,着力构建覆盖全系统、多方齐参与、优势能互补的立体帮扶机制。The CRSC has widely mobilized its affiliated enterprises to deploy "good soldiers and elite generals", make greatinvestments, and take various eective measures such as pairing assistance, consumption assistance, education assistanceand employment assistance, to boost the economic development of the poverty-stricken areas and focus on building athree-dimensional assistance mechanism that covers the whole system, involves multiple parties and has complementaryadvantages.
Shanghai Engineering Group helped the Baohe Primary School in Wafang Township, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province and carries out the"Heart To Heart Caring" Campaign
开展志愿服务Carrying out Volunteering Services中国通号大力弘扬“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿精神,推动“同心筑梦”志愿服务队、“利剑”青年志愿服务队等爱心团队扎根一线,积极参与助学敬老、关爱慰问、无偿献血、环境保护等社会公益活动,以热心融入公益事业,以暖心热忱回馈社会。CRSC vigorously carries forward the voluntary spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and advancement", andpromotes the caring teams such as "Dream-building" volunteering service team and "Sword" youth volunteering serviceteam to take root on the anti-COVID frontline. Those teams actively participated in social public welfare activities suchas helping students and caring for the elderly, caring and condolence, voluntary blood donation, and environmentalprotection. They integrated enthusiastically into public welfare undertakings and gave back to the society with warm heartsand enthusiasm.
在“雷锋月”期间,走进希望小学,开展以“爱满京城”为主题的学习雷锋日活动During the "Lei Feng Month" activities, CRSC arrangedthe visits to a Hope Primary School to carry out theactivities of learning Lei Feng Day with the theme of"Capital Full of Love".持续为北京冬奥会和冬残奥会、上海地铁安全稳定运行保驾护航,连续五年用心守护上海进博会期间轨道交通安全CRSC continues to escort the safe and stable operation ofthe Beijing Winter Olympics, Winter Paralympic Games,and the Shanghai subway. It has been guarding the safetyof rail transit for Shanghai-based China InternationalImport Expo for five consecutive years.妥善应对地震、火灾等险情,参与列车脱线救援CRSC has properly addressed dangerous conditionssuch as earthquakes and fires, and has participated inderail rescue of trains.时刻绷紧防灾减灾责任弦,迎“梅花”、战水患,突出表现被中国网、中国日报网等媒体转载报道,彰显央企青年的责任与担当CRSC has always been on the alert for disasterprevention and mitigation, such as "Muifa" and foughtagainst floods. Its outstanding performance has beenreprinted and reported by media such as and, highlighting the responsibleand accountable youth of central enterprises.
中国通号开展“弘扬志愿精神 争做环境卫士”活动,维护社区卫生环境CRSC launches the "Promotion of Voluntary Spirit and To Be anEnvironmental Guard" campaign to safeguard the communityhealth environment
Engineering Group rushes to assist derail rescue of Train No. D2809
中国通号青年志愿者队伍开展宣传活动,倡导“健康饮食 厉行节约 拒绝浪费”
The CRSC youth volunteer team launches a publicity campaign toadvocate "Healthy Diet, High Thrift and No Waste"
中国通号青年志愿者走进科学宫,为小朋友演示趣味实验,讲解科学知识CRSC youth volunteers visits the Science Palace to demonstrateinteresting experiments and explain scientific knowledge tochildren
2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
未来展望Future Outlook
“踔厉奋发开新局,笃行不怠谱新篇”。2023年,中国通号将进一步发挥中央企业的榜样引领作用,全面提升企业治理水平、创新能力、质量效益、品牌价值和国际影响力,进一步增强抗风险能力、竞争力、创新力、控制力和影响力,大力推动轨道交通行业高质量发展,为践行“双碳”战略、落实“一带一路”倡议和高铁“走出去”提供核心技术支撑,以更高质量和更高水平的企业发展活力积极助力交通强国建设,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家做出新的更大贡献!"Make full efforts to create a new era and make earnestpractice to write a new chapter". In 2023, CRSC will furtherplay the exemplary leading role as a central enterprise,comprehensively enhance corporate governance,innovation capability, quality and efficiency, brand valueand international influence, further enhance risk resistance,competitiveness, creativity, control power and influence.We will vigorously promote the high-quality developmentof the rail transit industry, provide core technical support forthe "3060" strategy, "the Belt and Road Initiative" and the"going global" of high-speed rail, so as to actively assistthe construction of a country with strong transportationnetwork featuring higher-quality and higher-levelenterprise development vitality, and make new and greatercontributions to the overall construction of a great modernsocialist country.
未来展望Future Outlook
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.附录Appendix
HKEX ESG Reporting GuideESG指标索引
General disclosure
General disclosure
General disclosure
Aspect A3: Environment and natural resources
B: Society
Employment and Labor StandardsAspect B1: Employment
Aspect B2: Health and safetyGeneral disclosure
A4.气候变化Aspect A4: Climate Change
General Disclosures and KPIsGeneral Disclosures and KPIs
A: EnvironmentAspect A1: EmissionsGeneral disclosureA1.1
A2:资源使用一般披露General disclosure
Aspect A2: Use of resources
页码Page No.页码Page No.
过去三年(包括汇报年度)每年因工亡故的人数及比率Number and rate of work-related fatalities in the past three years (including the reporting year)
描述求取适用水源上可有任何问题,以及所订立的用水效益目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Description of issues (if any) in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water use eciency initiativesand steps taken to achieve these targets
描述所订立的能源使用效益目标及为达到这些目标采取的步骤Description of energy use eciency initiatives and steps taken to achieve these targets总耗水量及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
描述处理有害及无害废弃物的方法及描述所订立的减废目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, the waste reductiongoals set and the steps taken to achieve these goals
描述所订立的排放量目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Describe emission targets set and the steps taken to achieve these goals
所产生无害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g.per unitof production volume, per facility)
所产生有害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Total hazardous waste produced (in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit ofproduction volume, per facility)
直接(范围1)及能源间接(范围2)温室气体排放量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算Direct (scope 1) and indirect energy (scope 2) of greenhouse gas emissions (in tons)and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
排放物种类及相关排放数据The types of emissions and respective emissions data
按类型划分的直接及╱或间接能源(如电、气或油)总耗量(以千个千瓦时计算)及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in'000s) and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
按性别、雇佣类型(如全职或兼职)、年龄组别及地区划分的雇员总数Total workforce by gender, employment type (e.g. full-time or part-time), age group andgeographical region
描述已经及可能会对发行人产生影响的重大气候相关事宜,及应对行动Description of the significant climate issues that have and may affect the issuer, andactions taken to address them
描述业务活动对环境及天然资源的重大影响及已采取管理有关影响的行动Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and naturalresources and the actions taken to manage them
Total packaging material used for finished products (in tons) and, if applicable,with reference to per unit produced
Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they areimplemented and monitored
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.附录Appendix
按性别及雇员类别(如高级管理层、中级管理层)划分的受训雇员百分比The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category (e.g. seniormanagement, middle management)
描述检讨招聘惯例的措施以避免童工及强制劳工Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labor
Aspect B3: Development and training
The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category
按地区划分的供货商数Number of suppliers by geographical region描述有关聘用供货商的惯例,向其执行有关惯例的供货商数目,以及有关相关执行及监察方法Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers where the practicesare being implemented, how they are implemented and monitored描述有关识别供应链每个环节的环境及社会风险的惯例,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of practices relating to identifying environmental and social risks at each link ofthe supply chain, how they are implemented and monitored描述在拣选供应商时促使多用环保产品及服务的管理,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of management promoting the use of environmental products and services inselecting selection, how they are implemented and monitored
General disclosure
General disclosure
General disclosure
Aspect B4: Labor guidelines
描述在发现违规情况时消除有关情况所采取的步骤Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discoveredOperational practices
Aspect B5: Supply chain management
General disclosure一般披露P47-P51接获关于产品及服务的投诉数目以及应对方法Number of products and service-related complaints received and how they are dealt withB6.2P47B6:产品责任Aspect B6: Product responsibilityP70-P74
专注贡献范畴(如教育、环境事宜、劳工需求、健康、文化、体育)Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labor needs, health,culture, sport)
于汇报期内对发行人或其雇员提出并已审结的贪污诉讼案件的数目及诉讼结果Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against theissuer or its employees during the reporting period and the outcomes of the cases描述防范措施及举报程序,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they areimplemented and monitored
描述与维护及保障知识产权有关的惯例Description of practices relating to observing and protecting intellectual property rights描述质量检定过程及产品回收程序Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures
Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, implementation and monitoring methods
描述向董事及员工提供的反贪污培训Description of the anti-corruption training provided to directors and sta
在专注范畴所动用资源(如金钱或时间)Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area
General disclosure
General disclosure
B6.4P48-P49B6.5P47-P51B7:反贪污Aspect B7: Anti-corruption
Aspect B8: Community investment
指标披露指标披露General Disclosures and KPIsGeneral Disclosures and KPIs页码Page No.页码Page No.
2022 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.附录Appendix
评级报告Rating Report《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告》评级报告
Rating Report of “The 2022 Environment, Social and Governance Report
of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.”受中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司委托,“中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会”抽选专家组成评级小组,对《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告》(以下简称《报告》)进行评级。
Upon the request of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD., the Chinese Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating invited experts to form a rating team torate The 2022 Environment, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “the report”).
中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南(CASS-ESG 5.0)》暨“中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会”《中国企业ESG报告评级标准(2023)》。
1. 强化内外利益相关方参与深度,进一步提高报告过程性管理;
2. 增加行业核心指标的披露,进一步提高报告的完整性。
The Environment, Social and Governance Report of Signal & Communication Co.,LTD. gained the five-star evaluation for a third consecutive year.
评级专家委员会副主席Vice Chairman of China ExpertCommittee on CSR Report Rating
Panel Leader评级小组专家
Panel Expert扫码查看企业评级档案
Scan the QR code to view thecorporate rating files出具时间:2023年3月22日Date of Issuance: March 22, 2023
I. Rating CriteriaGuidelines on China’s Corporate Social Responsibility Reports (CASS-ESG 5.0) byChinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Rating Standards on China’s CorporateESG Reports (2023) by the Chinese Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating.II. Rating Process
1. The Rating Panel reviews and confirms ESG Report Process and Accessibility
Materials Confirmation and supporting documents submitted by the CSR ReportCompiling Group;
2. The Rating Panel assesses the preparation process and contents of CSR
Report, and drafts the Rating Report;
3. Vice Chairman of China Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating, the Leader
and experts of the Rating Panel jointly review and sign the Rating Report.III. Rating Results
Process (★★★★☆)The company established a report preparation working group, which was ledand coordinated by the party-mass work department; the Party committeeand the board of directors controlled the content and overall direction of thereport, and were responsible for the final review of the report. The informationand data cited in the report are objective and true, and have been confirmedby the board of directors ; the report is positioned as an important toolfor complying with disclosure of responsibility information, standardizingcorporate governance, responding to capital market demands, strengtheningstakeholder communication, and enhancing brand image. In combinationwith national macro policies, international and domestic ESG standards, thecompany development strategies, stakeholder surveys, etc., substantive issuesare identified, with leading performance in process.Materiality (★★★★★)The report systematically discloses key issues in the industry, such asimproving ESG governance, serving national strategies, saving energy andresources, product technology innovation, product quality management,protecting intellectual property rights, safe production, employee health andsafety, employee development and training, and sustainable supply chain,with sucient detailed description and excellent materiality performance.Integrity (★★★★☆)The main body of the Report systematically disclosed 88.55% of the coreindicators of the industry from the perspectives of “Concept: Listen to OurHeart and Carry Forward the Culture of Responsibility”, “Management: Relyon Trust and Build a Firm Foundation of Responsibility”, “Practice: TakeActions and Manifest Corporate Social Responsibilities” , with leading integrityperformance.Balance (★★★★★)The report disclosed the negative data, including “corruption-related litigationevents”, “fraud litigation cases”, “quality liability accidents”, “production safetygeneral and above liability death accidents”, “special equipment general andabove liability accidents” , “engineering quality general and above liabilityaccidents” , “number of deaths in work-related injury”, “occupational diseasesand occupational poisoning accidents ”, and briefly described the rectificationof suppliers for hidden dangers of safe production and bad behaviors ofenterprises., with excellent balance performance.Comparability (★★★★★)The report disclosed the comparative data of 54 key indicators for threeconsecutive years, such as “annual R&D investment”, “new authorizedpatents”, “product qualification rate ”, “comprehensive energy consumption”,“per capita training time for female employees”, “overseas open projects”.It emphasized the use of consistent disclosure statistical methods andexplained the statistical caliber of core indicators, such as "greenhouse gas
(carbon dioxide) emissions". Through the horizontal comparison of “theCommunication and Signal Branch of China Railway Association has won thefirst place in the branch assessment of China Railway Association for threeconsecutive years” and “the total amount of agricultural products purchasedfrom poverty-stricken areas ranks 56th among central enterprises”, withexcellent comparability performance.Readability (★★★★★)The report innovatively adopted the characteristic frame structure of“Concept”,“Management”and “Practice” . The frame structure is clear and thekey issues are prominent, which responds to the expectations and demandsof stakeholders. Based on the actual situation of the company, this reportput forward the requirement of “continuously strengthening ESG work fromthree aspects”, which highlights the leading role of enterprises in fulfillingtheir responsibilities and the sense of the times of reporting ; the cover designadopted the concept style, fully integrates the main industry elements, andimproved the industry identification and appeal of the report. The designstyle is simple, and the performance of the responsibility is highlighted bythe intuitive comparison diagram. The simple strokes are used to outline theelement graphics, which significantly enhances the readability of the report,with excellent readability performance.Accessibility (★★★★☆)The report is the 10th ESG report released by China Railway Signal &Communication Co., LTD., and the annual report is expected to be releasedwithin one month. It will be published on the company's ocial website andexchange website, and spread through social channels such as ocial wechat.The report can be obtained through Internet search, download, mail and otherchannels, with good innovativeness performance.Overall Rating (★★★★★)The 2022 Environment, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal& Communication Co., LTD. was rated as five stars by the rating team. It is anexcellent corporate ESG report.
IV. Improvement Suggestions
1. Strengthen the participation depth of internal and external stakeholders,
and further improve the reporting process management;
2. Increase the disclosure of industry core indicators to further improve the
integrity of the report.
Dear readers,非常感谢您在百忙之中阅读《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2022环境、社会及管治报告》。为持续改进中国通号环境、社会及管治工作,我们希望聆听您的意见和建议,请您在百忙之中扫描左侧二维码,对我们的报告提出宝贵意见。Thank you very much for reading the 2022 Environmental,Social and Governance report of China RailwayCommunications Signal Co., Ltd. during your busyschedule. In order to constantly improve CRSC'senvironmental, social and governance work, wesincerely hope to get your comments and suggestionsregarding this report and our work as well. Pleasescan the QR code left to offer your constructivecomments and suggestions. Thanks for your time andpatience!