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网宿科技:CDNvideo LLC审计报告 下载公告








Statements of comprehensive income 7损益表

Statements of financial position 8-9资产负债表

Notes to the special purpose financial statements 10-34特殊目的财务报表附注



Management is responsible for the preparation of the special purpose financial statements of CDNvideoLLC and his Subsidiaries (hereinafter, the “Group”) as of 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021 and 1January 2021, for the year ended 31 December 2021 and the 9 months ended 30 September 2022, inaccordance with the basis of accounting set out in Note 2 to the special purpose financial statements(collectively – the “Special purpose financial statements”).管理层负责按照特殊目的财务报表附注2中规定的会计基础,编制CDNvideo LLC及其子公司(以下简称"集团")截至2021年12月31日的年度和2022年9月30日的9个月的特殊目的财务报表(统称"特殊目的财务报表")。

In preparing the Special purpose financial statements, management is responsible for:

在编制特殊目的财务报表时,管理层负责? Properly selecting and applying accounting policies;? 正确地选择和应用会计政策? Presenting information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable,comparable and understandable information;? 以提供相关、可靠、可比较和可理解的信息的方式呈现信息,包括会计政策? Making an assessment of the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.

? 对公司持续经营的能力做出评估

Management is also responsible for:


? Designing, implementing and maintaining an effective and sound system of internal controls;? 设计、实施和维持一个有效和健全的内部控制系统? Maintaining adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company’s

transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the consolidated financial position ofthe Company, and which enable them to ensure that the Special purpose financial statements of theCompany comply with the basis of accounting set out in Note 2 to the Special purpose financialstatements;? 保持足够的会计记录,足以显示和解释公司的交易,并在任何时候合理准确地披露公司的综合财务状况,使他们能够确保公司的特殊目的财务报表符合特殊目的财务报表附注2中的会计基础。

? Maintaining statutory accounting records in compliance with legislation and accounting standards of

the countries of the Company’s activities;? 保持法定会计记录,以符合公司活动所在国的立法和会计准则。

? Taking such steps as are reasonably available to them to safeguard the assets of the Company; and

? 采取合理可用的步骤,保护公司的资产;以及? Preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities.

? 防止和发现欺诈和其他违规行为

The Special purpose financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2021 and the 9months ended 30 September 2022 were approved by management on 23 December 2022.公司截至2021年12月31日的年度和截至2022年9月30日的9个月的特殊目的财务报表已于2022年12月23日获得管理层批准。

On behalf of the Management:


_____________________________ _____________________________Yaroslav Gorodetsky Olesya GorodetskayaGeneral director Finance director董事总经理 财务总监CDNvideo LLC CDNvideo LLC

Independent Auditor’s Report独立审计师报告

To: Hong Kong Wangsu Science & Technology Company Limited呈:香港网宿科技有限公司


We have audited the special purpose financial statements of CDN-video LLC (further – the “Company”) and itssubsidiaries (hereinafter – the Group), prepared in accordance with the principles of Group accounting policiesbased on International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter – IFRS), and comprise the statements offinancial position as at 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021 and 1 January 2021, and the related statementsof comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2021 and the 9 months ended 30 September 2022,and notes to the special purpose financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies(collectively – the “Special purpose financial statements”).

In our opinion, the accompanying Special purpose financial statements present fairly, in all material respects,the financial position of the Group as at 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021, its financial performance forthe year then ended in accordance with the principles of Group accounting policies based on InternationalFinancial Reporting Standards


我们审计了CDN-video LLC(以下简称 "公司")及其子公司(以下简称 "集团")的特殊目的财务报表,这些报表是根据基于国际财务报告准则(以下简称 "IFRS")的集团会计政策原则编制的,包括截至2022年9月30日的资产负债表、截止2021年12月31日和2021年1月1日的资产负债表,以及截至2021年12月31日的年度和截至2022年9月30日的9个月的相关损益表,以及特殊目的财务报表附注,包括重要会计政策(统称为 "特殊目的财务报表")。


Basis for opinion

Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the auditprocedures of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordancewith the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the“IESBA Code”) and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements andthe IESBA Code. We believe that the evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basisfor our conclusion.


Restriction on Use

This report is intended solely for use by Hong Kong Wangsu Science & Technology Company Limited inconnection with its use of the Special purpose financial statements of the Group for business combinationaccounting. This report is not intended for the benefit of any third parties and we accept no responsibility orliability to any party other than Hong Kong Wangsu Science & Technology Company Limited in respect of thereport. Should any third party take decisions based on the contents of the report, the responsibility for suchdecisions shall remain with those third parties.


Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance forthe Special Purpose Financial StatementsManagement is responsible for the preparation of the Special purpose financial statements, in accordance withthe basis of accounting set out in Note 2 and for such internal control as management determines is necessaryto enable the preparation of special purpose financial statements that are free from material misstatement,whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the Special purpose financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Group’sability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters relating to going concern and using thegoing concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Group or to ceaseoperations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.




Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Special Purpose FinancialStatements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Special purpose preliminary consolidatedfinancial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement whether due to fraud or error, and to issue anauditor’s report that includes our conclusion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is notguarantee that an audit procedures will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements canarise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably beexpected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these Special purpose financialstatements.


We exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit procedures. Wealso:


? Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the Special purpose financial statements, whetherdue to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain auditevidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting amaterial misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involvecollusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of control.

? 识别和评估特别目的财务报表的重大错报风险,不论是由于欺诈还是错误,设计和执行针对这些风险的审计程序,并获得充分和适当的审计证据,为我们的意见提供依据。未能发现因欺诈导致的重大错报的风险高于因错误导致的错报,因为欺诈可能涉及串通、伪造、故意遗漏、虚假陈述,或推翻控制。

? Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that

are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectivenessof the Group’s internal control.

? 了解与审计有关的内部控制,以便设计适合具体情况的审计程序,但目的不是为了对集团内部控制的

有效性发表意见。? Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates

and related disclosures made by management.

? 评价所使用的会计政策是否恰当,以及管理层作出的会计估计和相关披露的合理性。

? Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and,

based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions

that may significant doubt on Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a

material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related

disclosures in the financial statements, or if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our

conclusions are based on the evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future

events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern.? 就管理层使用持续经营会计基础的适当性得出结论,并根据所获得的审计证据,就可能对公司持续经





We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scopeand timing of the audit procedures and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies ininternal control that we identify during our audit.我们就审计程序的计划范围和时间以及重要的审计结果,包括我们在审计过程中发现的内部控制的任何重大缺陷等事项与负责治理的人进行沟通。

Head on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report, on behalf of the audit company, power of attorney No. 100/22 dated April 25, 2022 出具此独立审计师报告的审计主管 以独立授权书形式以代表审计事务所 授权书号码:100/22 授权书日期: 2022年4月25日Antonov S.S. (audit qualification certificate No. 03-001225, registration number (ORNZ 22006050030)

Date of the independent auditor’s report:

23 December 2022


Audited entity 被审计单位 Name: 名称 CDN-video LLC Address of the legal entity within its location: 审计单位地址 7, Nobelya street, Skolkovo Innovation Center, Moscow city, 143026, Russian Federation. State registration: 被审计单位注册州 The registration entry was made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on 19 March 2010, with the unified state register number 1107746205841.Auditor 审计师 Name: 名称 FBK, LLC. Address of the legal entity within its location: 注册所在地 44/1 Myasnitskaya St, Bldg 2AB, Moscow, 101990, Russian Federation. State registration: 涉及单位注册所在州 The registration entry was made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on 24 July 2002 under primary state registration number 1027700058286. Membership in a self-regulatory organization of auditors: 审计师自律组织成员 Primary number of registration entry in the register of auditors and audit organizations of the self-regulatory organization of auditors 11506030481.

STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOMEFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


Description 报表项9 months ended 30 September 2022 2022年9个月 (截止9月30日)12 months ended 31 December 2021 2021年 (截止12月31日)
Continuing operations 持续经营
Revenue 收入485 106466 176
Cost of sales(302 892)(325 463)
Gross profit182 214140 713
Other production expenses 其他制造费用--
Selling expenses 销售费用(65 646)(72 795)
Administrative expenses 管理费用(44 463)(57 731)
Other operating income 其他业务收入4 12729
Other operating expenses(14 655)(8 826)
Operating profit61 5771 390
Interest expense 利息费用--
Other income 其他收益--
Other non-operating expenses 其他非经营性支出11 427245
Income from associate 联营公司分占收益7 0493 616
Exchange losses--
Profit before tax 利润总额80 0535 251
Income tax expense(13 441)-
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 净利润66 6125 251

STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITIONAT 30 SEPTEMBER 2022, 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND 1 JANUARY 2021(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


Description 报表项30.09.202231.12.202101.01.2021
Non-current assets 非流动资产
Property, plant and equipment 物业、厂房及设备63 72942 57944 009
Other intangible assets including Software development in progress 其他无形资产,包括正在开发的软件40 34648 03530 997
Other non-current assets, including investment in associate 其他非流动资产,包括对联营公司的投资16 8416 8073 191
Total non-current assets120 91697 42178 197
Current assets 流动资产
Inventories 存货62-717
Trade and other receivables 应收账款及其他应收款64 97240 60735 847
Other financial assets 其他金融资产---
Other assets 其他资产00-
Cash and bank balances 现金及银行存款51 80027 65720 112
Total current assets 流动资产总额116 83468 26456 676
Total assets 资产总额237 750165 685134 873
Equity and liabilities
Capital and reserves 资本及储备金
Share capital 股本(800)(800)(800)
Translation reserve 外币报表折算220(66)261
Additional paid-in capital 资本公积(149 800)(149 800)(149 800)
Retained earnings 期初未分配利润23 26251 37860 488
PL_Current year 当期净利润(66 612)(5 251)(10 535)
Total equity 权益总额(193 730)(104 539)(100 386)
Non-current liabilities 非流动负债
Deferred tax liabilities 递延所得税负债(2 876)
Total non-current liabilities(2 876)-
Current liabilities 流动负债
Trade and other payables 应付账款及其他应付款(21 262)(44 513)(25 401)
Short-term borrowings 短期借款
Other financial liabilities00-
Current tax liabilities 应交税费(8 745)(1 633)-
Provisions 应计开支(11 137)(15 000)(9 086)
Other liabilities
Total current liabilities(41 144)(61 146)(34 487)
Total liabilities 负债总额(44 020)(61 146)(34 487)
Total equity and liabilities 负债及所有者权益总额(237 750)(165 685)(134 873)

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


These special purpose financial statements represent the financial position and results of CDNvideo LLC(hereinafter, the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (hereinafter – the Group).

The Company was incorporated under the laws of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, “Russia” or the “RF”) on19 March 2010, with the unified state register number 1107746205841. Registered address is: 7, Nobelya street,Skolkovo Innovation Center, Moscow city, 143026, the RF. The principal place of business is the RF.

The principal activity of the Group is the provision of content delivery network (CDN) services to clients in Russia,the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and other countries. CDN services increase the speed ofcustomer’s websites, mobile applications, delivering customer’s video content or organizing customer’sbroadcasts, including on-line. CDN is a globally distributed system of data centers that uses intelligent cachingand cache control options, as well as content and network optimization to make customer’s websites and web-based assets run faster enabling delivery of broadcast quality video.

The shareholders’ structure as of 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021 and 1 January 2021 is disclosed inNote 17, “Share capital and additional paid-in capital”.

As of 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021 and 1 January 2021 the Company holds 100% shares of CDN-Video Ukraine LLC, an entity incorporated in Ukraine. The subsidiary’s balances and operations are insignificant.

There were no acquisitions and disposals of businesses during the year ended 31 December 2021 or the 9 monthsended 30 September 2022.

1. 一般信息

这些特殊目的财务报表代表CDNvideo LLC(以下简称“公司”)及其子公司(以下简称集团)的财务状况和经营成果。



截至2022年9月30日、2021年12月31日和2021 年1月1日的股东结构见附注17“股本和资本公积”。

截至2022年9月30日、2021年12月31日和2021年1月1日,公司持有在乌克兰注册成立的CDN-VideoUkraine LLC的100%股份。该子公司的余额和运营不重大。截至2021 12月31日的年度或截至2022年9月30日的9个月,未发生任何业务收购和处置。

2. Basis for preparation and Summary of significant accounting policies

These special purpose financial statements have been prepared for use by the shareholder, Hong Kong WangsuScience & Technology Company Limited in business combination accounting for acquisition of the Company byWangsu Group. In connection with that purpose, the financial statements have been prepared as at 30 September2022 and for the 9 months then ended and contain only selected disclosures relevant to business combinationaccounting.

Apart from the above-indicated matters, these special purpose financial statements have been prepared inaccordance with the measurement and recognition requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards(“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (the “IASB”) and the Wangsu Groupaccounting policy.

The Company and its subsidiary prepare financial statements in compliance with the legislation requirements andnational standards of accounting of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, respectively. Those accountingstandards substantially differ from IFRS. To present these special purpose financial statements in accordancewith the above-described basis of accounting, adjustments have been made to the financial statements, whichwere prepared on the basis of national standards of accounting.

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

In preparation of the special purpose financial statements, the Company’s management assumed that theCompany would continue as a going concern in the foreseeable future. Management had no intention nor needto discontinue or significantly reduce the Company’s operations, and, therefore, its obligations will be dischargedappropriately and assets would be realized in the due course of business.

The special purpose financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis. Historical cost is generallybased on the fair value of the consideration given in exchange for goods and services.

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transactionbetween market participants at the measurement date, regardless of whether that price is directly observable orestimated using another valuation technique. In estimating the fair value of an asset or a liability, the Company takesinto account the characteristics of the asset or liability if market participants would take those characteristics intoaccount when pricing the asset or liability at the measurement date.

Significant accounting policies are presented below.

2. 编制和汇总重要会计政策的依据








Functional and presentation currency

The Company’s functional and presentation currency is the Russian Ruble (“RUB”), the national currency ofRussian Federation, the primary economic environment where the Company performs its business. Functionalcurrency of the Company’s Ukrainian subsidiary is the Ukrainian Hryvnia (“UAH”).

Transactions in currencies other than the Company’s functional currency are initially recorded at the rates ofexchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in suchcurrencies are translated at the rates prevailing at the reporting date. Gains and losses arising on exchange areincluded in profit or loss.




The exchange rates of the Central Bank of Russia effective at 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021 and 1January 2021 were:

2022年9月30日、2021年12月31日和2021 年1月1日生效的俄罗斯中央银行汇率为:

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

30 September 2022 2022年9月30日31 December 2021 2021年12月31日1 January 2021 2021年1月1日
Russian Rubles per 1 US Dollar57,413074,292673,8757
Russian Rubles per 1 EURO55,406484,069590,7932
Russian Rubles per 1 UAH1,554482,725842,60711

Revenue recognition

Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable and is recorded without VAT.The Company provides the following services:

? Content delivery network (CDN) services for corporate customers. Includes revenues generated under

agreements with corporate customers: media, broadcasting, video on demand, internet-shops and othercompanies. Services are invoiced within 10 days after the end of each month. Revenue is recognised at thetime when the services have been provided.? Content delivery network (CDN) services for individuals paid in cash. Includes revenues fromindividuals under the public offer for consideration received in advance. Revenue is recognized at the timewhen the services have been provided.



? 面向公司客户的内容交付网络(CDN)服务。包括根据与公司客户的协议产生的收入:媒体、广播、视频点播、互联网商店和其他公司。服务将在每月结束后的10天内开具发票。收入在提供服务时确认。

? 以现金支付的个人内容交付网络(CDN)服务。包括提前收到的公开报价中的个人收入。收入在提供服务时确认。

Machinery and equipment

Items of machinery and equipment are stated at acquisition cost less accumulated depreciation and impairmentlosses, if applicable.

Additions to machinery and equipment are recorded at cost. Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributableto the acquisition of the items. Subsequent costs, including capital repairs, are included in the asset’s carryingamount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic benefitsassociated with the item will flow to the Company and the cost of the item can be measured reliably.

Capitalized costs include major expenditures for improvements and replacements that extend the useful lives ofthe assets or increase their revenue generating capacity. Repairs and maintenance expenditures that do not meetthe foregoing criteria for capitalization are charged to the profit or loss as incurred.

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the economic useful lives of machinery andequipment, assessed to be 5 years. The estimated useful lives and depreciation method are reviewed at each yearend, with the effect of any changes in estimates being accounted for on a prospective basis.





Intangible assets无形资产

Acquired intangible assets收购的无形资产

Intangible assets acquired separately are reported at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulatedimpairment losses.


Internally-generated intangible assets – development costs

Expenditure on research activities is recognised as an expense in the period in which it is incurred.

An internally-generated intangible asset arising from development (or from the development phase of an internalproject) is recognised if, and only if, all of the following have been demonstrated:

? The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;? The intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;? The ability to use or sell the intangible asset;? How the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits;? The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to

use or sell the intangible asset; and? The ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development.



? 完成无形资产以使其可供使用或出售的技术可行性;? 完成无形资产并使用或出售的意图;? 使用或出售无形资产的能力;? 无形资产如何产生未来可能的经济效益;? 是否有足够的技术、财务和其他资源来完成开发和使用或出售无形资产;和? 在无形资产开发过程中可靠计量其支出的能力。

The amount initially recognized for internally-generated intangible assets is the sum of the costs incurred from thedate when the intangible asset first meets the recognition criteria listed above. Where no internally-generatedintangible asset can be recognized, development expenditure is recognized in profit or loss in the period in which itis incurred.

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


Subsequent to initial recognition, internally-generated intangible assets are reported at cost less accumulatedamortization and accumulated impairment losses, on the same basis as intangible assets that are acquiredseparately.


The Company capitalizes compensation of employees involved in the development stage and third party servicesdirectly attributable to developing or significant improving software used to provide CDN services to the Company’scustomers. Capitalization of software development costs begins upon establishment of technological feasibility andceases when the software product is available for general release. Technological feasibility is demonstrated by thecompletion of a working model.


Amortization on both acquired intangible assets and software development costs is charged on a straight-linebasis over the assets’ estimated useful lives, which range from 3 to 5 years. The estimated useful lives andamortization method are reviewed at each year end, with the effect of any changes in estimate being accountedfor on a prospective basis.


Impairment of tangible and intangible assets

At each reporting date, the Company reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible assets todetermine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any suchindication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of theimpairment loss (if any). Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, theCompany estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. Where areasonable and consistent basis of allocation can be identified, corporate assets are also allocated to individualcash-generating units, or otherwise they are allocated to the smallest group of cash-generating units for whicha reasonable and consistent allocation basis can be identified.Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, theestimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects currentmarket assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the estimates offuture cash flows have not been adjusted.




Cash comprise readily available balances with banking institutions subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.


Loans and receivables, including trade and other receivables

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quotedin an active market. Loans and receivables (including trade and other receivables) are measured at amortizedcost using the effective interest method less any impairment. Interest income is recognized by applying theeffective interest rate, except for short-term receivables when the effect of discounting is immaterial.


Trade and other payables

Trade and other accounts payable, including borrowings, are stated at their nominal value, except for long-termpayables which are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.



Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a pastevent, it is probable that the Company will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate can be madeof the amount of the obligation.

The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settlethe present obligation at the reporting date, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation.Where a provision is measured using the cash flows estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying amountis the present value of those cash flows.



Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks andrewards of ownership to the lessee. All other leases are classified as operating leases.

Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term, exceptwhere another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which economic benefits from theleased asset are consumed.


Taxes payable

The Company’s taxes payable are stated at their nominal values.


Retirement benefit costs

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

The Company contributes to the state pension, medical and social insurance funds on behalf of all its currentemployees. Any related expenses are recognized in the profit or loss as incurred. The Company does not maintainany supplemental post-retirement benefit plans for its employees.


Dividends declared

Dividends and related taxation thereon are recognized as a liability in the period in which they are declared andbecome legally payable.

Dividends are recognized at the date they are approved by the shareholders at the general meeting. Accumulatedprofits legally distributable by the Company are based on amounts available for distribution in accordance withapplicable legislation and as reflected in the statutory financial statements of the Company. These amounts maydiffer significantly from the amounts calculated on the basis of IFRS.



In the application of the Company’s accounting policies, which are described in Note 2, “Basis for preparation andsignificant accounting policies”, management is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions aboutthe carrying amounts of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates andassociated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant.Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimatesare recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period or in the periodof the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

Judgments that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognized in the financial statements andestimates that can cause a significant adjustment to the carrying amount of assets and liabilities within the nextfinancial year include the following.

3. 关键会计判断和估计不确定性的主要来源


Capitalization of development costs

The Company capitalizes wages of employees involved into and third party services directly attributable todeveloping or improving software application used to provide CDN services to the Company’s customers.Capitalization of software development costs begins upon establishment of technological feasibility and ceaseswhen the software product is available for general release. The establishment of technological feasibility and theongoing assessment of the recoverability of these costs require considerable judgement by management withrespect to software working model and software completion plan, anticipated future revenue, estimated economiclife, changes in software and hardware technologies. Technological feasibility is demonstrated by completion ofsoftware working model. The development stage involves software configuration, coding, testing and installation.


NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)



Customer profile9 months ended 30 September 2022Year ended 31 December 2021
Related parties within the group16 27516 287
Third parties468 831449 889
Total485 106466 176


客户概况2022年9个月 (截止9月30日)2021年
集团关联方16 27516 287
第三方468 831449 889
总计485 106466 176

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


Cost ClassificationVendor Class9 months ended 30 September 2022Year ended 31 December 2021
Resource costRelated parties within the group--
Resource costExternal affiliated parties of the group44 18151 390
Resource costNon-affiliate183 157214 399
Depreciation and amortizationN/A33 99716 559
Salary and BonusN/A41 55743 115
Total302 892325 463


成本分类供应商分类2022年9个月 (截止9月30日)2021年
资源费用集团外部关联合作方44 18151 390
资源费用非关联合作方183 157214 399
折旧与摊销N/A33 99716 559
工资薪金与奖金N/A41 55743 115
总计302 892325 463


Item9 months ended 30 September 2022Year ended 31 December 2021
Salary and bonus40 67242 650
Rent and management fees7 4119 872
Social insurance3 8303 763
Advertising expenditure2 2737 508
Sales commission2 9046 135
BD provision expense7 633(117)
Others9232 984
Total65 64672 795


项目分类2022年9个月 (截止9月30日)2021年
工资薪金与奖金40 67242 650
租金及管理费7 4119 872
社会保险3 8303 763
广告宣传费2 2737 508
销售佣金2 9046 135
项目拓展准备金7 633(117)
其他9232 984


总计65 64672 795


Item9 months ended 30 September 2022Year ended 31 December 2021
Salary and bonus25 90530 343
Consultation and service fee1 3661 565

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

Social insurance3 8303 068
Staff education expenses168776
The membership fee45769
Cost of office8 91013 458
Others3 8278 452
Total44 46357 731


项目分类2022年9个月 (截止9月30日)2021年
工资薪金与奖金25 90530 343
咨询服务费1 3661 565
社会保险3 8303 068
办公费8 91013 458
其他3 8278 452
总计44 46357 731


ITEMS9 months ended 30 September 2022Year ended 31 December 2021
Exchange losses(11 427)(245)
Total(11 427)(245)


项目分类2022年9个月 (截止9月30日)2021年
外汇损失(11 427)(245)
总计(11 427)(245)

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


ItemsOffice furnituresElectronic devicesDedicated devicesTotal
Opening balance on 1 January 20211 3342 445118 184121 963
Additions-1 6787 7539 431
(1)Purchase-1 6787 7539 431
(2)Transfer from construction in progress----
(3)Merge& acquisition----
Ending balance on 31 December 20211 1414 123125 937131 201
Additions-73016 24216 972
(1)Purchase-73016 24216 972
(2)Transfer from construction in progress----
(3)Merge& acquisition----
Ending balance on 30 September 20221 1414 853141 686147 680
Opening balance on 1 January 20219932 01274 94977 954
Provided for the year939310 45910 861
(1)Accrual939310 45910 861
(1)Eliminated on disposals(193)--(193)
Ending balance on 31 December 20218092 40585 40888 622
Provided for the year7655116 33316 960

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

(1)Accrual7655116 33316 960
(1)Eliminated on disposals--(429)(429)
Ending balance on 30 September 20228852 956101 312105 153
Opening balance on 1 January 2021----
Provided for the year----
(1)Eliminated on disposals----
Exchange difference----
Ending balance on 31 December 2021----
Provided for the year----
Deduction--(21 202)(21 202)
(1)Eliminated on disposals----
(2)Others--(21 202)(21 202)
Exchange difference----
Ending balance on 30 September 2022--(21 202)(21 202)
Net book value
Opening balance on 1 January 202134143343 23544 009
Ending balance on 31 December 20213321 71840 52942 579
Ending balance on 30 September 20222561 89761 57663 729

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

9、物业、厂房及设备 项目分类办公家具电子设备专用设备总计
2021年1月1日1 3342 445118 184121 963
增加-1 6787 7539 431
(1)购入-1 6787 7539 431
2021年12月31日1 1414 123125 937131 201
增加-73016 24216 972
(1)购入-73016 24216 972
2022年9月30日1 1414 853141 686147 680
2021年1月1日9932 01274 94977 954
当期增加939310 45910 861
(1)折旧计提939310 45910 861
2021年12月31日8092 40585 40888 622
当期增加7655116 33316 960
(1)折旧计提7655116 33316 960

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

2022年9月30日8852 956101 312105 153
当期减少--(21 202)(21 202)
(2)其他--(21 202)(21 202)
2022年9月30日--(21 202)(21 202)
于2021年1月1日34143343 23544 009
于2021年12月31日3321 71840 52942 579
于2022年9月30日2561 89761 57663 729

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


ItemsPatent rightIndependent research and development softwarePurchased softwareTrade markOthersTotal
Opening balance on 1 January 2021-93 3644 33620575298 657
Additions-24 8412 199111-27 151
(1)Purchase--2 199111-2 310
(2)Internal research and development-24 841---24 841
(3)Merge & acquisition------
Reduction-(2 286)(1 140)--(3 426)
(1)Disposal-(2 286)(1 140)--(3 426)
Exchange difference------
Ending balance on 31 December 2021-115 9195 395316752122 382
Additions10521 8821 01746-23 050
(1)Purchase105-1 01746-1 168
(2)Internal research and development-21 882---21 882
(3)Merge& acquisition------
Reduction-(10 271)(1 876)--(12 147)
(1)Disposal-(10 271)(1 876)--(12 147)
Exchange difference------
Ending balance on 30 September 2022105127 5304 536362752133 285
Accumulated amortisation
Opening balance on 1 January 2021-64 1003 0162252267 660
Additions-6 188369130-6 687
(1)Accrual-6 188369130-6 687
(2)Merge& acquisition------

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

Exchange difference------
Ending balance on 31 December 2021-70 2883 38515252274 347
Additions14217 3511 00678618 592
(1)Accrual14217 3511 00678618 592
(2)Merge& acquisition------
Exchange difference------
Ending balance on 30 September 202214287 6394 39115960892 939
(Net book value)
Opening balance on 1 January 2021-29 2641 32018323030 997
Ending balance on 31 December 2021-45 6312 01016423048 035
Ending balance on 30 September 2022(37)39 89114520314440 46


2021年1月1日-93 3644 33620575298 657
增加-24 8412 199111-27 151
(1)购入--2 199111-2 310
(2)内部研发费用-24 841---24 841
减少-(2 286)(1 140)--(3 426)

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

(1)处置-(2 286)(1 140)--(3 426)
2021年12月31日-115 9195 395316752122 382
增加10521 8821 01746-23 050
(1)购入105-1 01746-1 168
(2)内部研发费用-21 882---21 882
减少-(10 271)(1 876)--(12 147)
(1)处置-(10 271)(1 876)--(12 147)
2022年9月30日105127 5304 536362752133 285
2021年1月1日-64 1003 0162252267 660
增加-6 188369130-6 687
(1)计提-6 188369130-6 687
2021年12月31日-70 2883 38515252274 347
增加14217 3511 00678618 592
(1)计提14217 3511 00678618 592

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

2022年9月30日14287 6394 39115960892 939
于2021年1月1日-29 2641 32018323030 997
于2021年12月31日-45 6312 01016423048 035
于2022年9月30日(37)39 89114520314440 346


ItemsAs of 30 September 2022As of 31 December 2021As of 1 January 2021
Investment in associate16 8416 8073 191
Total16 8416 8073 191
Invested companyAs of 1 January 2021Investment gains and losses recognized under the equity methodAs of 31 December 2021Investment gains and losses recognized under the equity methodAs of 30 September 2022
Joint venture
Platform Kraft LLC3 1913 6166 80710 03416 841
Total3 1913 6166 80710 03416 841


联营公司投资16 8416 8073 191
总计16 8416 8073 191
Platform Kraft LLC3 1913 6166 80710 03416 841
合计3 1913 6166 80710 03416 841


ItemsAs of 30 September 2022As of 31 December 2021As of 1 January 2021
Book balanceBook valueBook balanceBook valueBook balanceBook value
Low value consumables6262--717717

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)




As of 30 September 2022
AgingTrade and other receivablesProvision by group policy(CDNW) Provision by local policyaccruled %
Within 90 days64 972
Within 1 year15 01745115 0173,00%
1-2 years---1-%
2-3 years---5-%
Over 3 years---10-%
Total79 98945115 0170,01
As of 31 December 2021
AgingTrade and other receivablesProvision by group policy(CDNW) Provision by local policyaccruled %
Within 90 days40 607
Within 1 year17551763,00%
1-2 years542545421-%
2-3 years8394208395-%
Over 3 years21212110-%
Total42 1855001 5780,01
As of 1 January 2021
AgingTrade and other receivablesProvision by group policy(CDNW) Provision by local policyaccruled %
Within 90 days35 848
Within 1 year1 074321 0753,00%
1-2 years517525171-%
2-3 years9749975-%
Over 3 years66610-%
Total37 5421391 695-

CDN services rendered to individuals are usually paid in advance. The average credit period for the Company’scorporate customers and other customers is 30-45 days. No interest is charged on the outstanding balances. TheCompany has provided for trade receivables on a debtor-by-debtor basis, and the allowance is regularly reassessedbased on the facts and circumstances existing as at each reporting date. Trade receivables are generally assessedas impaired if overdue more than 90 days.

As at 30 September 2022, 31 December and 1 January 2021 the trade accounts receivable balances do notinclude balances which are past due and which the Company still considers recoverable (i.e. not impaired).

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


帐龄应收账款及其他应收款集团政策下的减值准备(CDNW)当地政策下的减值准备计提比例 %
90天内64 972
90天-1年15 01745115 0173,00%
2-3 年---5-%
3 年以上---10-%
总计79 98945115 0170,01
90天内40 607
2-3 年8394208395-%
3 年以上21212110-%
总计42 1855001 5780,01
90天内35 848
90天-1年1 074321 0753,00%
2-3 年9749975-%
3 年以上66610-%
总计37 5421391 695-

提供给个人的CDN服务通常是预先付费的。公司的企业客户和其他客户的平均信用期为30-45天。未偿还的余额不收取利息 本公司已按照每个债务人为基础,计提应收账款,并定期根据每个报告日现有的事实和情况重新评估应收账款余额。逾期超过90天的应收款通常被评估为减值。


Movement in the allowance for doubtful debts in respect of trade receivables:

Movement of bad debt provision:
Opening balance on 1 January 2021AccrualEnding balance on 31 December 2021AccrualEnding balance on 30 September 2022
1 695(117)1 57813 43915 017



NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

1 695(117)1 57813 43915 017

14. CASH

ItemsEnding balance of original currency on 31 December 2021conversion rateEnding balance of standard money (RUB) on 31 December 2021Beginning balance of original currency on 1 January 2021conversion rateBeginning balance of standard money (RUB) on 1 January 2021
USD52 178743 87718571 014
EUR39 895843 354591452
RUR19 736 234-19 73618 577-18 576
KZT4 085 169-690396-70
Cash subtotal27 65720 112
ItemsEnding balance of original currency on 30 September 2022Conversion rateEnding balance of standard money(RUB) on 30 September 2022Beginning balance of original currency on 1 January 2022Conversion rateBeginning balance of standard money(RUB) on 1 January 2022
USD100 743575 78452 178743 877
EUR3 4195518939 895843 354
RUR45 721 347-45 72119 736 234-19 736
KZT885 198-1064 085 169-690
Cash subtotal51 80027 657


美元52 178743 87718571 014
欧元39 895843 354591452
卢布19 736 234-19 73618 577-18 576
哈萨克斯坦坚戈4 085 169-690396-70
货币资金合计27 65720 112

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

美元100 743575 78452 178743 877
欧元3 4195518939 895843 354
卢布45 721 347-45 72119 736 234-19 736
哈萨克斯坦坚戈885 198-1064 085 169-690
货币资金合计51 80027 657


CurrencyEnding balance of original currency on 31 December 2021conversion rateEnding balance of standard money on 31 December 2021, thousand RURBeginning balance of original currency on 1 January 2021conversion rateBeginning balance of standard money on 1 January 2021, thousand RUR
USD4797435 6222007514 916
KZT1 432-2381 146-199
RUB8 6538 6539 9439 701
Total--44 513--25 401
CurrencyEnding balance of original currency on 30 September 2022conversion rateEnding balance of standard money on 30 September 2022, thousand RURBeginning balance of original currency on 1 January 2022conversion rateBeginning balance of standard money on 1 January 2022, thousand RUR
USD2275813 1354797435 622
KZT1 275-1531 432-238
RUB7 158-7 1588 653-8 653
Total--21 262--44 513


币种2021年12月31日原始货币汇率2021年12月31日基准货币, 卢布千元2021年1月1日原始货币汇率2021年1月1日基准货币, 卢布千元
美元4797435 6222007514 916
哈萨克斯坦坚戈1 432-2381 146-199
卢布8 6538 6539 9439 701
总计--44 513--25 401

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)

币种2022年9月30日原始货币汇率2022年9月30日基准货币, 卢布千元2022年1月1日原始货币汇率2022年1月1日基准货币, 卢布千元
美元2275813 1354797435 622
哈萨克斯坦坚戈1 275-1531 432-238
卢布7 158-7 1588 653-8 653
合计--21 262--44 513


ItemsAs for the 30 September 2022As for the 31 December 2021As for the 1 January 2021
VAT(4 256)(1 760)(411)
Enterprise income tax(1 995)-1 218
individual income tax(2 058)(126)126
Total(8 745)(1 633)-


增值税(4 256)(1 760)(411)
企业所得税(1 995)-1 218
个人所得税(2 058)(126)126
总计(8 745)(1 633)-


At 30 September 2022At 31 December 2021At 1 January 2021
Hong Kong Wangsu Science & Technology Company Limited88.00%88.00%70.00%
Gorodetsky Yaroslav Igorevich10.00%10.00%18.75%
Ivlenkov Sergey Vladimirovich2.00%2.00%11.25%
Total shares100%100%100%


Gorodetsky Yaroslav Igorevich10.00%10.00%18.75%
Ivlenkov Sergey Vladimirovich2.00%2.00%11.25%

NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)


Russian Federation economic environment

Emerging markets such as the Russian Federation are subject to different risks than more developed markets,including economic, political and social, and legal and legislative risks. Laws and regulations affecting businessesin the Russian Federation continue to change rapidly; tax and regulatory frameworks are subject to varyinginterpretations. The future economic direction of the Russian Federation is heavily influenced by the government’sfiscal and monetary policies, as well as new laws and regulatory norms and political changes.

Because the Russian Federation produces and exports large volumes of oil and gas, its economy is particularlysensitive to the price of oil and gas on the world market, that experienced significant fluctuations in 2021-2022.

The economic situation and inflation of the Russian Ruble may negatively affect buying attitude of individuals andcorporate customers – consumers of CDN services, and in turn may affect the Company, its performance andfurther development perspectives.

Taxation contingencies in the Russian Federation

Russian tax, currency and customs legislation is subject to varying interpretations and frequent changes. Althoughthe Company’s management believes that the accompanying financial statements reflect fairly the Company’s taxliabilities, there is a risk that the interpretation of the tax and customs legislation by the tax and customs authorities,as applied to the transactions and activity of the Company, may not coincide with that of the management. Thetax authorities may be taking a more assertive position in their interpretation of the legislation and assessments,and it is possible that transactions and activities that have not been challenged in the past may be challenged. Asa result, significant additional taxes, penalties and interest may be assessed. Fiscal periods remain open to reviewby the tax authorities in respect of taxes for the three calendar years prior to the year of tax review. Under certaincircumstances reviews may cover longer periods.

The management of the Company is confident that applicable taxes have all been accrued and, consequently,recognition of additional tax provisions is not required.

Guarantees and contingencies

The Company did not issue or receive any guarantees as of 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021 and 1January 2021.

As at 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021 and 1 January 2021 the Company does not participate in anylitigations and the Company has no information on requirements, claims of counterparties, state and municipalbodies that could be brought against the Company in the near future.

Capital commitments

As at 30 September 2022, 31 December 2021 and 1 January 2021 the Company had no capital commitments.






NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 AND THE 9 MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2022(All amounts in thousands of Russian Rubles, unless otherwise stated)





