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光峰科技:光峰科技2021年度环境、社会及治理(ESG)报告(英文版) 下载公告
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2021 Environmental,
2021 Environmental,2021 Environmental,2021 Environmental,
2021 Environmental,

Social and Governance (ESG)

Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)
Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)Social and Governance (ESG)
Social and Governance (ESG)

Report of Appotronics

Report of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of Appotronics
Report of Appotronics

Report of Appotronics

Report of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of Appotronics
Report of AppotronicsReport of Appotronics
Report of AppotronicsReport of Appotronics
Report of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of Appotronics
Report of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of Appotronics
Report of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of AppotronicsReport of Appotronics

2021 Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Report of Appotronics April , 2022

2021 Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Report of Appotronics April , 2022
2021 Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Report of Appotronics April , 2022


Work Together to PromoteTalent DevelopmentSafeguard rights and interestsof employeesSupport employee developmentPay attention to employee careOccupational health and safety

Focus on Long-term OperationRegarding GovernanceStrengthen corporate governanceOptimize business managementAdhere to law and compliance

Lead a Better Life with Soulof Science and TechnologyCommitted to technologicalinnovationStrengthen quality managementEnsure product safetyProtect intellectual property

ESG ManagementPerfect ESG organizationsIdentify ESG topicsImprove ESG capabilitiesConduct ESG communication

Responsibility Topic: InnovatingSafety Management to Escortthe Growth of Appotronics

Improve security mechanismPrevent security riskEnhance emergency capabilitiesCultivate security culture

Approaching AppotronicsCompany pro?leCore valuesDevelopment historyKey performanceHonor review


GRI standards tableFeedback

Work Together to Builda Friendly Community withthe Charm of Laser

Engage in charity and publicwelfare deeplyContribute to rural revitalizationPrevent and control the covid-19epidemic actively

Join Hands to Seek Win-winCommon DevelopmentCooperation and mutual bene?tBuild a chain of responsibilityImprove industry developmentDeepen international layout

Green Light Projection toClear Water and Blue SkyPay attention to environmentalprotection managementDevelop environmental-friendlyproductsPractice green operationAdvocate green of?ce

Improve CustomerExperience to Solidifythe Foundation of Service

Strengthen customer servicePerfect after-sales managementRespond to requests ef?cientlyProtect customer information

About this Report

Chairman Statement



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

About the ReportThis report is the 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report issued by AppotronicsCorporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Appotronics”, stock code: 688007.SH),and also the third non-?nancial information report of the Company since its listing.On the principles of being objective, standard, transparent, and comprehensive, thisReport discloses Appotronics’ practices and performances in operation, environment, society,and other responsibility ?elds in 2021, and is released together with the annual reportmeanwhile.

Report scopeReporting scope: This report mainly discloses information of Appotronics Corporation Lim-

ited and covers all of its subsidiaries.Reporting period: This Report mainly covers the period from January 1, 2021 to December

31, 2021, while some contents are retroactive to previous years as appro-

priate in order to enhance the comparability and completeness of this

report.Report release cycle: This report is an annual report.Principles for preparation

This report is prepared in accordance with the GRI-Standards issued by the Global Report-ing Initiative (GRI) and the Chinese CSR Report Preparation Guide (CASS-CSR4.0) issued bythe Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, with reference to the Environmental, Social andGovernance Reporting Guide issued by Hong Kong Stock Exchange as the guiding princi-ples for information disclosure.

Data descriptionThe ?nancial data in the report are sourced from the annual report of Appotronics, whileother data are derived from the Company’s internal or manual collation. The currencytypes and amounts involved in this report are presented in RMB unless as otherwise speci-?ed. Appotronics guarantees that this Report is free from any false disclosure, misleadingstatements, or material omissions.

Report release formThe report is released in Chinese with printed and PDF electronic formats both. Welcome tovisit www.appotronics.com, Appotronics’ of?cial website, or www.sse.com.cn, the of?cialwebsite of Shanghai Stock Exchange website, to view and download this report.

Contact information

Address: 20-22/F, High-Tech Zone Union Tower, No.63, Xuefu Road,

Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong ProvinceWebsite: www.appotronics.comTel: +86 0755 - 3295 0000Email: csr@appotronics.cn



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Chairman Statement

The world has been changing over time, butthree aspects remain unchanged. I. The Sustain-able Development Goals (SDGs) of the UnitedNations have been released for seven years, butthe global goals for eradicating poverty and en-suring health keep unchanged. II. The year of2021 is the opening year of the National 14thFive-Year Plan and the second year of achievingthe “carbon peaking and carbon neutralitygoals”. In this year, from “poverty alleviation” to“rural revitalization”, and from the proposal ofgoals to the implementation of more and morepolicies, the enthusiasm of all parties towardssocial progress and green development keepsunchanged. III. The year of 2021 is also the thirdanniversary of the opening of the STAR Market. In this year, with continuous improvementof different systems, the belief of science and technology enterprises in raising the gover-nance level still keeps unchanged.Therefore, we deeply aware that a company, if excellent and capable of long-term devel-opment, is required to contribute business value on the one hand, and should activelyassume its responsibilities as a corporate citizen to make contributions to the global sus-tainable development on the other.Appotronics has always been on the way to practice the ESG philosophy. As a leader in thenew display industry, we committed to creating better life experience for millions of con-sumers and building a bigger and stronger laser display industry together with industrypartners by using disruptive technological innovation at the same time of bringing eco-nomic bene?ts to ourselves. Meanwhile, as adhering to people-oriented, we activelycreate a space of career development for employees “daring to dream and ?ght for” on


LI YiChairman and CEO of Appotronics

the basis of fully protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees, so that moreoutstanding talents can stand out and fully display their talents. In addition, as a corpo-rate citizen, Appotronics is actively practicing the concept of sustainable development,with the purpose to grow and share success with all stakeholders, and make the world abetter place through our efforts.Appotronics is one of the ?rst STAR Market listed companies to proactively disclose, andalso the ?rst company in the laser display industry to disclose, a CSR report, which is rep-resented by Appotronics’ publication of a separate social responsibility report for two con-secutive years since its listing on the STAR market in 2019. In 2021, we consciously upgrad-ed our work policy to the ESG philosophy. If CSR refers to a company’s self-expression ofsocial responsibility, ESG can be deemed as a company’s self-assessment and self-exam-ination in strict accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals andGRI standards.In 2021, we have made great efforts in environment, society and governance with typicalachievements as below:

First, as a positive response to environmental protection and climate issues, Appotronics ac-tively promotes more environment-friendly and energy-ef?cient advanced technologies toachieve harmonious coexistence with the environment. We are using the industry-leadingenvironment-friendly laser display technology to help cinemas, exhibition halls, art galleries,classrooms and other places to save energy and reduce emissions. As of December 31, 2021,the cumulative operating time of Appotronics’ ALPD laser projection solution has reached188 million hours, saving a total of 338 million KWh power consumption and reducing 148million cubic meters of carbon dioxide emissions arising from power generation, whichestablishes an industry model for energy conservation and emission reduction to achieve“carbon neutrality”; in addition, through innovative production technology, the averagewater consumption and the average electricity consumption per product decreased by

33.33% and 28.61% on a year-on-year basis respectively, and all discharge indicators such as

waste gas and waste water have achieved the 100% compliance rate.

Secondly, as a commitment to jointly build a harmonious society, Appotronics is willing toful?ll its social responsibilities and closely connect enterprise development with harmoni-ous society. We actively create high-quality jobs with focuses on the career developmentand physical and mental health of employees, stably pay taxes and levies, and coordinate-ly develop with the upstream and downstream industries; we also make modest contribu-tions to rural revitalization and talent development by delivering large-screen laser equip-ment to Qianxi City, Guizhou Province; in terms of patent protection, as of the end of 2021,we have had 2,419 patents ?led or granted cumulatively all over the world, of which 1,434patents are granted, and won the Gold Award of Guangdong Patent Award for four con-secutive years; we have reached cooperation with Airbus and some well-known automo-bile companies, so as to expand application scenarios and tap the potential for the laserdisplay industry;Furthermore, with great importance to corporate governance as always, Appotronics con-tinues to improve our internal control, risk management and compliance managementsystems. In the ESG sector, we integrate the sustainable development strategy into ourdaily operation and management activities. With high degree of responsibility by themanagement, coordinated participation by all departments, and continuous optimizationand upgrading, Appotronics has won a lot of honors, such as the Golden Bull Science andTechnology Innovation Award, the Best Board of Directors of Listed Company, the MostValuable Company for Investment Relationship, and the Most Favored Listed Companiesby Private Capitals, etc.Finally, 2022, the initial year for Appotronics to embark on the “next ?fteen-year journey”,we will continue to practice the ESG philosophy, deepen product innovation, improveincentive mechanism, and strive to create new cooperation model with adhering to themission of “New Light, New Life”. Meanwhile, we will actively respond to the expectationsand concerns of internal and external stakeholders of the Company, and promote a sus-tainable and high-quality common development among the enterprise, the society andthe environment.


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

The world has been changing over time, butthree aspects remain unchanged. I. The Sustain-able Development Goals (SDGs) of the UnitedNations have been released for seven years, butthe global goals for eradicating poverty and en-suring health keep unchanged. II. The year of2021 is the opening year of the National 14thFive-Year Plan and the second year of achievingthe “carbon peaking and carbon neutralitygoals”. In this year, from “poverty alleviation” to“rural revitalization”, and from the proposal ofgoals to the implementation of more and morepolicies, the enthusiasm of all parties towardssocial progress and green development keepsunchanged. III. The year of 2021 is also the thirdanniversary of the opening of the STAR Market. In this year, with continuous improvementof different systems, the belief of science and technology enterprises in raising the gover-nance level still keeps unchanged.Therefore, we deeply aware that a company, if excellent and capable of long-term devel-opment, is required to contribute business value on the one hand, and should activelyassume its responsibilities as a corporate citizen to make contributions to the global sus-tainable development on the other.Appotronics has always been on the way to practice the ESG philosophy. As a leader in thenew display industry, we committed to creating better life experience for millions of con-sumers and building a bigger and stronger laser display industry together with industrypartners by using disruptive technological innovation at the same time of bringing eco-nomic bene?ts to ourselves. Meanwhile, as adhering to people-oriented, we activelycreate a space of career development for employees “daring to dream and ?ght for” on

Li,YiApril 2022

the basis of fully protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees, so that moreoutstanding talents can stand out and fully display their talents. In addition, as a corpo-rate citizen, Appotronics is actively practicing the concept of sustainable development,with the purpose to grow and share success with all stakeholders, and make the world abetter place through our efforts.Appotronics is one of the ?rst STAR Market listed companies to proactively disclose, andalso the ?rst company in the laser display industry to disclose, a CSR report, which is rep-resented by Appotronics’ publication of a separate social responsibility report for two con-secutive years since its listing on the STAR market in 2019. In 2021, we consciously upgrad-ed our work policy to the ESG philosophy. If CSR refers to a company’s self-expression ofsocial responsibility, ESG can be deemed as a company’s self-assessment and self-exam-ination in strict accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals andGRI standards.In 2021, we have made great efforts in environment, society and governance with typicalachievements as below:

First, as a positive response to environmental protection and climate issues, Appotronics ac-tively promotes more environment-friendly and energy-ef?cient advanced technologies toachieve harmonious coexistence with the environment. We are using the industry-leadingenvironment-friendly laser display technology to help cinemas, exhibition halls, art galleries,classrooms and other places to save energy and reduce emissions. As of December 31, 2021,the cumulative operating time of Appotronics’ ALPD laser projection solution has reached188 million hours, saving a total of 338 million KWh power consumption and reducing 148million cubic meters of carbon dioxide emissions arising from power generation, whichestablishes an industry model for energy conservation and emission reduction to achieve“carbon neutrality”; in addition, through innovative production technology, the averagewater consumption and the average electricity consumption per product decreased by

33.33% and 28.61% on a year-on-year basis respectively, and all discharge indicators such as

waste gas and waste water have achieved the 100% compliance rate.

Secondly, as a commitment to jointly build a harmonious society, Appotronics is willing toful?ll its social responsibilities and closely connect enterprise development with harmoni-ous society. We actively create high-quality jobs with focuses on the career developmentand physical and mental health of employees, stably pay taxes and levies, and coordinate-ly develop with the upstream and downstream industries; we also make modest contribu-tions to rural revitalization and talent development by delivering large-screen laser equip-ment to Qianxi City, Guizhou Province; in terms of patent protection, as of the end of 2021,we have had 2,419 patents ?led or granted cumulatively all over the world, of which 1,434patents are granted, and won the Gold Award of Guangdong Patent Award for four con-secutive years; we have reached cooperation with Airbus and some well-known automo-bile companies, so as to expand application scenarios and tap the potential for the laserdisplay industry;Furthermore, with great importance to corporate governance as always, Appotronics con-tinues to improve our internal control, risk management and compliance managementsystems. In the ESG sector, we integrate the sustainable development strategy into ourdaily operation and management activities. With high degree of responsibility by themanagement, coordinated participation by all departments, and continuous optimizationand upgrading, Appotronics has won a lot of honors, such as the Golden Bull Science andTechnology Innovation Award, the Best Board of Directors of Listed Company, the MostValuable Company for Investment Relationship, and the Most Favored Listed Companiesby Private Capitals, etc.Finally, 2022, the initial year for Appotronics to embark on the “next ?fteen-year journey”,we will continue to practice the ESG philosophy, deepen product innovation, improveincentive mechanism, and strive to create new cooperation model with adhering to themission of “New Light, New Life”. Meanwhile, we will actively respond to the expectationsand concerns of internal and external stakeholders of the Company, and promote a sus-tainable and high-quality common development among the enterprise, the society andthe environment.


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report




2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


Approaching Appotronics

Founded in 2006, Appotronics is a leading technology company in the laser display ?eldwith in-house R&D, patented core technology, and critical components manufacturing ca-pability. It ?rstly invented the ALPD? laser display technology worldwide in 2007 and hasrealized technology industrialization on a global scale.Adhering to the track of light and focusing on the display industry, Appotronics, as led byALPD?

laser display technology and architecture, is mainly engaged in R&D, productionand sale of core laser display devices and complete laser display equipment coveringhousehold display, cinema projection, business education, engineering and other applica-tion scenarios, and ?rstly enters into innovative ?elds such as aviation, vehicle display, AR,as to create values for users continuously and bring them a beautiful visual experience.

Company pro?le



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

As listed in the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2019, (stock code:

688007.SH), Appotronics is one of the ?rst SSE STAR Market listed companies, andremains the ?rst SSE STAR Market listed company in Guangdong Province, and the ?rstA-share listed company from the laser display ?eld. Appotronics has headquarter andR&D center in Shenzhen. It is a true leader in the laser display ?eld formed by the globalR&D leaders from specialized areas such as optics, electronics, materials, physics, me-chanical engineering, and precision manufacturing.

VisionTo become the pioneer in the display industry through disruptivetechnical innovations and differential mode covering the entirevalue chain

Core values Respect customers Guided by performance Live up to our words Criticism and self-criticism

MissionNew Light,New Life

Core value

In 2006, Mr. LI Yi, the founder of Appotronics (chairman and CEO of Appotronics), estab-lished Appotronics in ShenzhenIn 2007, it successfully developed the world’s ?rst ALPD

? laser display technologyIn 2013, it cooperated with LG to launch the world’s ?rst laser TVIn 2014, Appotronics cooperated with CFGC and Barco to explore application scenarios forlaser display.In 2015, the world’s ?rst ALPD

?laser projector settled in Shenzhen, which is still runningstably at presentIn 2017, Appotronics released China’s ?rst laser digital cinema projector C5 satisfying therequirements of the DCI standard

Development history

Economic performance

Key performance





Year-on-yearincrease in



Overall grosspro?t



Net pro?t attributable

to the parent compa-

ny after deduction ofnon-recurring pro?t

or loss


Year-on-year increasein net pro?t attribut-able to the parentcompany after deduc-tion of non-recurring

pro?t or loss

In 2018, Appotronics cooperated with Xiaomi to launch the world's ?rst laser TV pricedless than RMB 10,000In 2019, Appotronics listed as one of the ?rst SSE STAR Market listed companiesIn 2021, Appotronics reached cooperation with Airbus to explore new application scenari-os of laser display through innovative businessThe installed base of domestic laser ?lm projection equipment exceeded 25,000 equip-ment



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Winning time

DecemberChina Securities Journal

Golden Bull Science andTechnology InnovationAward


Best Board of Directorsof Listed Companythe “11th Reputation Listof China Listed Compa-nies in 2021” by NationalBusiness Daily


The Most Valuable Com-pany for Investment Re-lationship in 2021The Most Favored ListedCompanies by PrivateCapitals in 2021

The First Award List ofListed Companies withValuable InvestmentRelationships


Best Shareholder Rela-tions AwardBest Capital Market Com-munication AwardBest Leader AwardRoadshow ChinaExcellent IR


Shenzhen AdvancedManufacturing BravebullAwardShenzhen ElectronicEquipment Industry As-sociationShenzhen IntelligentEquipment Industry As-sociation


2021 High-quality Devel-opment Leader (LI Yi)Shenzhen EnterpriseHigh Quality Develop-ment Promotion Asso-ciation

Award issuerAward nameHonor reviewSocial performance


personsNumber ofemployees

12,000hours Totalemployee training



million sharesGranted restricted




millionR&D investment























Environmental performance

million cubic metersReduced carbondioxide emissions onassistance withcinema partners

million KwhElectricity powersaved on assis-tance with cinemapartners


Compliance rate ofeach emission indica-tor in the production


*Shenzhen Bao’an Plant*Shenzhen Bao’an Plant


Patents ?led orgranted cumula-tive all over the



Decreased waterconsumption per



Decreased electricity

consumption per




2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Winning timeAward issuerAward name


Silver Award and theBest Popularity Award ofthe 6th Enterprise Learn-ing Design Competitionof CSTD in 2021Chinese Society forTalent Development(CSTD)


The Gold Award of the8th Guangdong PatentAwardGuangdong Provin-cial Administrationfor Market Regula-tion



2021 STAR Market HardTechnology Leading En-terprise AwardCaijing.com.cn andSMDC

Top 50 Valuable Compa-ny in the STAR MarketShanghai Station ofChina Media Group


The 2nd List of Top 100Brand Enterprises inShenzhenShenzhen Quality CityPromotion Association


The First Prize of Prod-uct InnovationBeijing Lighting Soci-ety


Science and TechnologyInnovation AwardChina Video IndustryAssociation


2021 Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater BayArea Emerging Enter-prisesEconomic Observer

Winning timeAward issuerAward name


2021 Red Dot DesignAwardRed Dot Design Award


2020 Shenzhen MayorAward (LI Yi)Shenzhen MunicipalGovernment



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Responsibility Topic:

Innovating Safety Manage-ment to Escort the Growthof Appotronics


Prevent security risk

Insisting on problem-oriented, we investigate safety hazards comprehensively around thespecial recti?cation action of safety production, monitoring safety hazards monthly andrectifying them timely, so that the overall safety situation can be controllable and theCompany’s achievement in safety risk prevention and control is remarkable throughoutthe year. In 2021, recti?cation rate of the Company’s safety hazards is 100%, with no acci-dent of minor injury or below and no ?re hazard accident occurring.

Enhance emergency capabilities

In 2021, Appotronics actively organized ?re drills with focuses on personnel evacuationand escape, explanation and practical operation of ?re-?ghting equipment, elevatorrescue, training of ?rst aid knowledge, etc., simulating real ?re scenes and learningescape techniques as to use ?re-?ghting equipment skillfully and response to emergen-cies promptly. At the same time, we organized employees to participate in the ?rst-aidpublic welfare training held by Shenzhen Red Cross Society, with a purpose to enhanceemployees’ accidental injury ?rst-aid ability, and constantly improve the Company’soverall response preparedness towards safety production emergencies.

Responsibility Topic:

Innovating Safety Management toEscort the Growth of Appotronics

Work safety is of paramount importance. In 2021, focusing on building a science and tech-nology innovation enterprise oriented by production safety, Appotronics fully implement-ed the main responsibility of an enterprise by continuously innovating and implementingsafety management, ful?lling the statutory responsibility for safety production, strength-ening due diligence in safety production, and doing well in safety hazards investigationand safeguard measures for safe operation, so as to effectively build a security defenseline to promote the Company’s steady growth and development.Improve safety mechanism

We continue to improve thesafety management mechanismand promote the safety produc-tion system construction. We setup a safety management com-mittee with a safety manage-ment committee of?ce, andarrange the Company’s R&Dcenter and supply chain centerto be responsible for the speci?cimplementation. We promote the Company’s headquarters platform and R&D assess-ment department to sign the safety responsibility letter with the signing rate reaching100%. At the same time, we have completed the safety hazards investigation and remedi-ation and the preparation of emergency plans for production safety accidents, and ob-tained the “Safety Production Standardization” Certi?cate issued by the Safety Produc-tion Association of Nanshan District, Shenzhen in April 2021, which promoted the Compa-ny’s safety production standardization.

Issued with the Work Safety Standardization Certi?cate

Organize and carry out annual ?re drills

The work in this chapter supports the followingSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Organize to participatein public ?rst aid training

Cultivate security culture

In 2021, with great attentions to playing the leading role of safety culture, we organized aseries of safety activities by taking “Safety Production Month” as the opportunity, such asproduction safety knowledge training, safety essay campaigns and joint inspections, so asto help employees master safety knowledge and skills continuously to provide solid guar-antee for safe production.Organize employees to participate inthe training of the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on Work Safety

Organize safety essay campaignsthe Law of the People’s Republicof China on Work Safety

Conduct security checks on the constructionsite of the headquarter building

Conduct security checks on the supply chain



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

ESG Management


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


Perfect ESG organizationsIn order to promote the effective implementation of the Company’s ESG work, Appotron-ics has gradually established and improved an ESG management communication and co-ordination mechanism integrating all departments.Chairman of Appotronics, as the ?rst responsible person, is responsible for deliberatingand approving the Company’s ESG strategies and targets; while different functional de-partments, business departments and subsidiaries are responsible for formulating corre-sponding work targets and plans, implementing the Company’s strategies, and main-taining communication with internal and external stakeholders. Therefore, it forms a workpromotion method of implementing the ESG strategies and targets step by step undercoordinated supervision after they are deliberated and approved.Identify ESG topics

In order to further enhance the relevance and responsiveness of the report, and ensurethat the identi?cation and determination of ESG topics are carried out so scienti?callyand ef?ciently that can cover concerns and basic demands of the Company’s internaland external stakeholders, Appotronics continues to promote the management of ESGkey topics. At the early stage of report preparation, we screen out ESG topics that are ofhigh concern to stakeholders and close to Appotronics’ performance of responsibilities tobe the key contents disclosed by the report by, among others, studying the developmentbackground of the industry in which the Company is located at home and abroad, analyz-ing the Company’s work priorities throughout the year, benchmarking with excellentreports in the same industry, and conducting surveys on substantive topics.

ESG Management

1.Integrity and compliance

2.Economic value creation

3.Corporate governance pefection

4.Protections of rights and interests of shareholders

5.Enhancement of risk management and control

6.Prevention of corruption and bribery

7.Strengthening of tax payment according to law

Corporate Governance

8. Product quality improvement

9. Safe use of products

10. Product R&D innovation

11. Intellectual property protection

12. Product compliance promotion

13. After-sales service improvement

14. Privacy protection and data security

Product service

15. Supply chain management improvement

16. Promotion of fair competition

17. Enhancement of strategic cooperation

18. Promotion of industry development


Step one: topic identi?cationAppotronics has formed a database totaled 37 ESG key topics in accordance with domes-tic and foreign ESG standard guidelines, ESG development trends, national policy require-ments, benchmarking of peer companies, and stakeholder surveys at the combinationwith the Company’s development plans.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Step two: topic analysis

28. Protection of rights and interests of employees

29. Promotion channel improvement

30. Employee ability cultivation

31. Occupational health and safety

32. Work-life balance

33. Caring for employees

Staff management

34. Contribution to targeted poverty alleviation

35. Charity and public welfare development

36. Harmonious community development

37. Support for Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control

Social feedback

19. Production waste management

20. Water resource utilization

21. Wastewater management

22. Product green design

23. Product recycling

24. Packaging material management

25. Climate change response

26. Biodiversity protection

27. Advocating of green of?ce

Environmental protection

Improve ESG capabilities

Appotronics is concerned with the improvement of all employees’ ESG awareness and capa-bilities, focusing on combining ESG training with various types of business training andsafety training in our daily work, and promoting to integrate ESG management with businesswork deeply, so as to penetrate the ESG philosophy and ESG goals into our daily businesswork in a better way.Conduct ESG communication

1.Communication with stakeholders

Appotronics attaches importance to communicating with internal and external stake-holders, and constantly enriches the methods of communication with stakeholders.Through different mechanisms and methods such as shareholder meetings, of?cial web-site, satisfaction surveys, public welfare activities and media communication, we havebuilt a diversi?ed internal and external communication platform to disseminate our cor-porate philosophy and ESG work dynamics, so as to promote stakeholders’ understandingand support to the Company.

Appotronics conducts stakeholder surveys related to 37 key ESG topics through onlinequestionnaires, requiring internal and external stakeholders, such as shareholders, suppli-ers, customers, executives, employees, media, and research institutions, to provide feed-back on the importance of different topics to Appotronics. In accordance with thesesurvey results, Appotronics establishes a two-dimensional matrix integrated with “stake-holder concerns” and “importance to Appotronics’ ESG”, through which key ESG topics ofAppotronics are identi?ed.We will disclose the ESG report based on the importance of the identi?ed key ESG topics,ensuring that we disclose focused information in line with stakeholders’ expectations inthe report at the same time of guaranteeing the content completeness and enhancingthe materiality of the report.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2.Response to stakeholders

Appotronics identi?es the Company’s stakeholders, expectations and responses throughcustomer questionnaires regarding the Company’s products, management question-naires and interviews, and interviews with investors, relevant government departmentsand the media.

Shareholdersand Investors


Expectationsand demands

Communicationchannels and methods



Case: Appotronics was invited to participate in the SouthernInternational Forum of Finance and Economics 2021On December 3, 2021, the “Southern International Forum of Finance and Eco-nomics 2021” was jointly held by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GreaterBay Area Headquarter of China Media Group and Southern Finance OmnimediaCorp in Guangzhou City, where Nobel economists, major global stock exchang-es, securities regulators, internationally renowned brokerage agencies, and rep-resentatives and guests of high-quality development listed companies wereinvited to take in-depth discussion on annual themes of capital, technologyand industry cycle. Mr. TANG Shi, Vice President of Appotronics, was invited todeliver a speech in this forum to share his thoughts on the popularity of ESGphilosophy and the new strategy of high quality development of listed compa-nies in the context of the dual-carbon era. Mr. TANG represented that, as a hardand core technology company, Appotronics was most concerned about how tobring more social value by using technology, hence Appotronics attached greatimportance to ful?lling social responsibility from the beginning of listing andraising social responsibility work to the level of the board of directors. Chairmanof board of directors, as the ?rst responsible person, led Appotronics to carryout relevant work from a strategic height.

Operation risk preven-tion

Compliance operation

Protection of employeerights and interests

Payment of taxes ac-cording to law

Employee training anddevelopmentOccupational healthand safety

Workers’ congressEmployee trainingSatisfaction surveyEmployee reports andcomplaintsWork-life balance

Promotion of economicdevelopment

Regulatory assessmentActive payment of taxesSpecial meeting

Corporate annual reportsand announcements

Of?cial website and inves-tor relations websiteSpecial meetingRoadshowAsset preservation andappreciationActive exploration ofmarketsSteady return on invest-ment


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Product quality im-provement

Of?cial website, of?cialWeChatSatisfaction surveySymposiumReports and complaintsHigh-quality custom-er serviceClear communicationchannels





Expectationsand demands

Communicationchannels and methods

Communityand public


Environmental manage-ment

Community public wel-fare undertakingsProviding employmentopportunity

Energy resource savingEmission and pollutionreduction

Improvement of resourceusage ef?ciencyCarrying out energy savingand emission reductionGreen Of?ce

Active participation incharitable donationsParticipation in socialwelfare activitiesProviding jobs

Supplier ConferenceReports and complaintsSupplier trainingFair and equitable pro-curementHonesty and integrity


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report



Focus on Long-termOperation RegardingGovernance


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


1.Improve governance capabilities

Appotronics has established a diversi?ed governance structure to fully mobilize theresources of all parties for coordination and continuously raise the level of corporate gov-ernance. The Board of Directors works strictly in accordance with the requirements of theArticles of Association, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, the WorkingSystem for Independent Directors and relevant laws and regulations. The Board of Direc-tors is a permanent decision-making and management department of the Company,with four special committees established under it, namely, the Strategy Committee, theCompensation and Performance Assessment Committee, the Nomination Committee andthe Audit Committee. In order to enhance the objectivity and scienti?city of the decisionsof the Board of Directors, the Company has appointed independent directors to partici-pate in decision-making and supervision processes. Independent directors perform theirduties independently, actively safeguard the interests of the Company and shareholdersas a whole, and express independent opinions on important and material matters.

2.Strengthen information disclosure

Appotronics is committed to establishing good investor relations, disclosing corporateinformation in a true, accurate, complete and timely manner, and establishing a soundmechanism for the protection of shareholders’ rights and interests. In 2021, we disclosed atotal of 209 announcement documents related to various types of company information,and actively provided suggestions and communication services with regulatory agencies.In 2021, we organized 2 performance brie?ng sessions, 4 online live broadcasts/Q&A activ-ities, and more than 150 surveys and reverse roadshows, answered more than 480 calls,more than 70 questions on the SSE e-interactive platform, and held 3 public online inves-tor reception day activities actively, so as to effectively responded to the expectations andsuggestions of small and medium investors.

Strengthen corporate governanceIn strict accordance with the requirements of the Company Law of the People's Republicof China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Rules Governing theListing of Stocks on the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other relevantlaws, regulations and regulatory documents, Appotronics continues to improve the struc-ture of corporate governance and raise the level of corporate governance.

Focus on Long-term OperationRegarding Governance

Shareholders' meeting

Board of Directors

Board of Supervisors

The work in this chapter supports the followingSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:


Compensationand PerformanceAssessmentCommittee




2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Optimize business management

Based on the development and reform opportunities of the technology industry, Appo-tronics continues to consolidate its leading position in the market by active responding tochanges in the market and environment, increasing its efforts to innovation and transfor-mation to strengthen its core business market position and accelerate its businessgrowth, and raising its operational management and control level continuously.

1.Steady performance growth

In 2021, with active response to the impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic and policies, Appo-tronics strived to raise the management level, continued to improve the industrial layout andoptimize the business structure, and promote innovative development actively, hence theresults of operation grew steadily throughout the year. In 2021, Appotronics’ operatingincome amounted to RMB 2.498 billion, up 28.19% on a year-on-year basis; net pro?t attribut-able to the parent company after deduction of non-recurring pro?t or loss amounted to RMB124 million, up 208.46% on a year-on-year basis; and overall gross margin was 33.91%, withan increase of 5.39%.

3.Risk internal control management

Appotronics always manages risk prevention and control throughout the whole processof enterprise operation. In 2021, the Company conducted end-to-end audits on processesof procurement business, infrastructure business, production business, and Formovie’soutsourced business with focuses on process standardization and operation ef?ciencyand effectiveness, assessing and revealing problems of key business process risks andpromoting closed-loop improvement of risk problems, so as to raise the Company’sinternal control maturity level continuously.

Disclosed a total of 209 announcement documents re-lated to various types of company information

Organized2 performancebrie?ng sessions

4 online live broadcasts/Q&Aactivities

More than150 surveys and

reverse roadshowsAnswered more than

480 calls

More than70 ques-

tions on the SSE e-in-teractive platform

Held 3 public online investorreception day activities actively

Investors came to Appotronics to participatein the management exchange meeting

Interim 2021 Financial Results Conference



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2.Continuous business development

In 2021, Appotronics actively adapted to changes in the environment, market and policies,and innovate systems and mechanisms with increased investments in innovation, so as topromote continuous development of Appotronics’ businesses.

FormovieIn 2021, the private label business of Formovie, a subsidiary controlled by Appotronics,increased by over 50% on a year-on-year basis, accounting for nearly 50% of Formovie’soperating income in total for the ?rst time. Meanwhile, its gross margins increased sig-ni?cantly with the ranking in the household smart projection market climbed rapidly. Ac-cording to the IDC report, Formovie ranked third in terms of sales in the overall house-hold projection market in 2021. In the second half year of 2021, Formovie released anumber of new household laser micro-projection products to fully opened a new laserprojection era, and launched the ?rst panchromatic laser TV T1 by cooperating with theglobally well-known high-end audio brand Bowers & Wilkins. With the purpose of activelyexpanding its of?ine channels, Formovie opened its ?rst of?ine experience store inChongqing in May 2021 and several experience stores during the year, so as to make acloser product experience available.



R1 Nano

The private label business increased on a year-on-year basis


50%NearlyFormovie’s operating income in total

Business of household core devicesThe Company’s core household device business has achieved a rapid growth andcovered all domestic head projection brands by providing laser microprojection core de-vices or laser TV light generator and complete projectors to partners such as Dangbei,Anker, Zebao and Xgimi. With continuous expansion of the upstream and downstreamfriend cycle of the ecological chain, the Company drives the overall development of theindustry ecology and promotes the benign expansion of the industry through core devic-es and technical advantages.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Business of innovative core devicesWith its technical advantages in laser display, the Company actively explores new applica-tion scenarios to create new performance growth points. In 2021, the Company ?rstly de-ployed innovative businesses such as vehicle display, aviation display, cloud display andAR.For aviation display, the Company has concluded a strategic cooperation agreement withAirbus; for vehicle display, the Company has taken intelligent cockpit as the main cover-age scenario to apply laser display in HUD, vehicle window projection, vehicle canopy byvirtue of features such as small size, high brightness, low energy consumption and lowheat dissipation.




Business educationRelying on continuous contributions by the private label business, the Company’smarket share and gross margin in business education have increased effectively. Accord-ing to AVC’s China Laser Projector Market Research Report in 2021, the Company ranked?rst in terms of shipments and second in terms of sales in the education laser projectionmarket. During the reporting period, the Company has made a breakthrough in overseascommercial education business market with products entering into markets of Turkey,UK and France.

Business of laser large venue projectors

The T series products launched by the Company in 2021 are the smallest and lightest33,000 lumen laser engineering projectors with best color and lowest noise in the marketin terms of domestic self-developed DLP solutions. The Company’s revenue in largevenue projector business has doubled year-on-year. According to AVC’s China Laser Pro-jector Market Research Report in 2021, the Company ranked second in terms of sales andthird in terms of shipments in the large venue laser projector market.

Business of cinema projectionWith the phased improvement of the domestic epidemic situation in 2021, the Companyhas achieved an operating income amounting to RMB 360 million in cinema projectorservice business by creating high-brightness halls, helping theaters to differentiate theiroperations and providing content audio-visual ecological solutions, up about 110% on ayear-on-year basis. With nearly 5,000 sets of laser ?lm light sources installed nationwide,the Company continues retain its absolute market leadership.





new onlineinstallationsnationwideUp about


on a year-on-year




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2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Appotronics’ reporting method for integrity problems





136 2092 6735


Appotronics will assign special personnel to follow up andmanage the reporting clues, and keep these clues strictlycon?dential to protect the legitimate rights and interests ofwhistleblowers.

For those who take the initiative to report and actively co-operate with investigation and evidence collection and veri-?cation, Appotronics will reward the whistleblowers basedon 30%-50% of the recovered amount (up to RMB 1 million inmaximum), and promises they are exempted from punish-ment and given cooperation opportunities in priority underthe same conditions.

2.Create integrity culture

With continuous promotion to integrity culture construction, Appotronics adheres to pre-paring for worst-case scenarios and strengthening red line awareness. On the basis ofstrictly abiding by relevant laws and regulations, we have formulated the Anti-CorruptionManagement System of Appotronics, the High-voltage lines for Codes of Appotronics’Employees and other internal business ethics rules and regulations covering all employ-ees, as to regulate the Company’s business activities and employees’ business conducts.At the same time, with focuses on partners’ business ethics performance, Appotronicscontinues to strengthen supplier management and integrity construction, execute theIntegrity Cooperation Agreement with all external suppliers and other partners, superviseand manage suppliers’ integrity performance in daily work, and take the initiative to con-duct rights protection measures against defaulting suppliers to safeguard the legitimaterights and interests of the Company.

1.Promote corporate governance according to law

In accordance with the requirements of governing the enterprise according to law underthe new situation, Appotronics promotes the rule of law from various aspects to continu-ously improve the legal awareness of all employees, as to ensure that the Company’srelated work is in compliance with laws and regulations. In 2021, the Company organizeddiversi?ed training on the rule of law, such as special training on trade secret protection,contract management training for sales business, and training of business educationsales team, in order to continuously enhance employees’ awareness of observing lawsand regulations.

Adhere to law and complianceEnsuring compliance with laws and regulations is an inevitable requirement for listedcompanies to achieve a sound and sustainable development. Appotronics strictly abidesby national laws and regulations to promote the integrity culture construction continu-ously, so as to spare efforts to build a compliant and integrity corporate image.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Lead a Better Lifewith Soul of Scienceand Technology



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Committed to technological innovation

Technological innovation is the soul of the Company’s development. By adhering to thecore position of scienti?c and technological innovation in the overall development of theenterprise, we have promoted innovation and transformation of achievements, deployingthe innovation chain around the industrial chain and laying out the industrial chainaround the innovation chain, so as to accelerate the industrial technology breakthroughsto form a new driving force for development. We also strive to drive comprehensive inno-vation with scienti?c and technological innovation to achieve high-quality development.

1.R&D team building

Appotronics has strong R&D strength. Led by the internationally leading talent in thelaser display ?eld, our core R&D team have attracted a number of R&D staffs graduatedfrom well-known domestic and foreign universities covering optical, electronics, materi-als, physics, mechanical designing, and ?ne manufacturing, etc. In 2021, Appotronics’ R&Dpersonnel reached 456 persons, accounting for 29.14% of the total number of employees,of which 28.73% of them owned master’s or doctor’s degree, providing a solid talentbase for Appotronics’ technological innovation.

3.Leading technology progress

With focuses on national strategic development needs, we devote ourselves to promotethe development of laser display technology by taking the lead in undertaking major na-tional scienti?c research projects, participating in science and technology innovationachievements exhibitions, attending professional forums, related conferences and otherrelated activities held by domestic and foreign authorities, and taking the initiative toprepare national topics, domestic and international standards.From the viewpoint of technology leadership, ALPD technology invented by Appotronicshas become the mainstream technology in the ?eld of laser display, and as the underly-ing key architecture technology, has been cited more than 600 times by industry giantssuch as Philips of the Netherlands, Osram of Germany, Epson of Japan, and NEC etc.

R&D personnel



Lead a Better Life with Soulof Science and Technology


























2.Independent innovation enhancement

As a leading enterprise in the laser display industry, Appotronics attaches great impor-tance to independent technological innovation and strives to make breakthroughs in cut-ting-edge technologies. The laser digital cinema projector C5 independently developedby the Company, has of?cially passed the Hollywood DCI certi?cation and entered intomass production stage, which is an unprecedented achievement in China’s digitalcinema projection key equipment ?eld, not only breaking the monopoly of foreign enter-prises on movie projectors, but also injecting strong momentum into the domestic laserdisplay industry.The work in this chapter supports the followingSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:

Appotronics participatesin the 2021World Conferenceon Display Industry

Appotronics takes the lead in undertakingthe “RGB Laser Display Machine ProductModel Line” supported by the National KeyR&D Program of China



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Strengthen quality management

Appotronics attaches great importance to quality management, and always adheres tothe goal of high standards, high quality and high ef?ciency. The Company passed theISO9001 quality management system certi?cation in 2006, and began to introduce theIATF 16949 quality management system in 2021. With great attentions to advance in quali-ty culture philosophy progress, system & process construction, laboratory system con-struction, and quality monitoring system construction, we have achieved the whole-pro-cess quality management, formed the Appotronics-style “zero defect” quality culture, andachieved visualization in the whole process system including production monitoring visu-alization, aging time visualization, and 5S visualization, so as to conduct quality monitor-ing throughout every link of production management.With strengthened quality management, the Company’s products can meet multi-linedisplay solution needs from high-end core devices, household laser intelligent projection,laser cinema projection equipment, large venue laser projectors, laser business educationproducts, laser TV and others, hence we are highly recognized by industry leading userssuch as Xiaomi, Barco, and CFGC, etc.

Ensure product safetyIn order to provide the public with safer and more assured products with better quality,Appotronics has established a DQA laboratory with a safety testing laboratory in strict ac-cordance with relevant international standards, which is fully responsible for productdesign quality assurance and safety assurance. The design quality and safety testing as-surance capabilities of the DQA laboratory have been recognized by various world author-itative certi?cation and testing organizations such as CNAS, UL, TUV, ITS, etc., demon-strating positive actions and effective practices made by Appotronics in building a safer,more reliable world under sustainable development. At the same time, Appotronicsattaches great importance to the safe use of products by customers, and actively popu-larize product function and risk knowledge to domestic and foreign customers by carry-ing out knowledge lectures, special education and training, and other activities, so as toeliminate safety risks and raise product service levels.

ISO9001 quality management systemcerti?cation

Production monitoring visualization

UL License

CNAS laboratory accreditationIEC laboratory-APPOTRONICSTUV License

ITS Certi?cation



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Protect intellectual propertyWith great importance to intellectual property protection,Appotronics spares noeffort to ensure that intellectual property management is in place. In compliance withthe requirements of laws and regulations such as the Trademark Law of the People's Re-public of China, the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Anti-UnfairCompetition Law of the People's Republic of China, we have established a legal centerconsisting of an intellectual property department and a legal department and formulat-ed the Patent Management Regulations, the Patent Application Review Measures andthe Trademark Management Regulations, through which the intellectual property man-agement system has been gradually established and improved to create high-value pat-ents and widen the patent moat. At the same time, with adherence to openness and co-operation attitudesthe Company steadily promotes patent rights protection and safe-guard legitimate rights and interests to ensure intellectual property rights are notinfringed.In 2021both the number of patent applications and the number of issued patentshave increased compared with the previous year. As of December 31,2021, Appotronicsholds 1434 issued patents, ?led 774 domestic/overseas patent applications of which 641are patent applications for invention and 211 PCT patent applications, resulting in a totalof 2,419 patent applications plus issued patents around the world.


issued Patentsaround the world


patent applications plus issuedpatents around the world

PCT patent applications

domestic / overseas patent applications(641 patent applications for invention)



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


Improve Customer Ex-perience to Solidify theFoundation of Service



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Strengthen customer service

1.Improve customer experience

With great importance to the actual needs of customers, we have successively launcheddiversi?ed display solutions such as home theatre system, theater projection, large venuelaser projectors, business education large screens, which are widely used in home, theater,command and dispatch, exhibition display, virtual simulation, outdoor lighting, stage per-formance, education and other ?elds, achieving a full scene coverage of laser display.At the same time, under the principle of “maximizing the interests of customers”, wehave established a satisfaction system to explore the improvement and R&D direction ofproducts and services, thereby enhancing our competitive advantages in sales services,supply chain management and product prices. In 2021, the Company’s customer satisfac-tion reached 90 scores, effectively guaranteeing excellent customer service experience.

Insisting on satisfying the needs of customers, Appotronics is committed to providinghigh-quality products in all scenarios. We actively expand product marketing strategieswith focuses on product compliance marketing, so as to provide customers with betterservice experience.

2.Expand marketing channels

With adherence to the multi-channel development strategy, Appotronics strives to shortenthe distance between product brands and users by actively developing online and of?inesales channels at home and abroad, and building a matrix of diversi?ed social platformsto attract customers, so that more people can be impressed by our products, have channelsto purchase our products, and enjoy good product experience. In 2021, Formovie opened

Improve Customer Experience toSolidify the Foundation of Service

Formovie’sof?ine directstores

Overseasof?ine experi-ence hall

The work in this chapter supports the followingSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:

its ?rst of?ine experience store in Chongqing and several experience stores in Australia,Thailand, Singapore and other places, making a closer product experience available.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

After-sale service policyfor laser service product

Appotronics has formulated different systemssuch as the After-sale Service Policy and theAfter-sale Service Manual of Appotronics, clearlydescribing customers’ requirements on productquality, quantity, transportation method, returnand exchange standards and processing meth-ods into the after-sale service policies, so as tosafeguard customers’ needs of maintenance andgoods return and exchange.

After-sale servicepolicy for large-scale


According to the spare projector requirement inthe After-Sales Service Policy, for after-sales ser-vices that cannot be completed on site, Appo-tronics will provide spare projectors to custom-ers for guaranteeing the normal operation of thecustomers’ projects. For customer complaints,Appotronics will arrange professional technicalsupport team together with R&D representativesto make rapid responses and consult dif?cultcases, in order to ensure ef?cient handling ofcustomer complaints.

Perfect After-sales ManagementAppotronics adheres its service philosophy of customer focus for a long time. We are eager toprovide customers with a differentiated service experience by listening to their opinions andunderstanding their needs, so as to promote customer growth.

3.Responsible publicity

Focusing on the authenticity and compliance of the Company’s products and services, westrengthen comprehensive product training for publicity channel personnel, introduce prod-uct parameters and services in a true and objective manner, and specify in the contract thatafter-sales and similar terms are restricted and protected by laws and regulations, in order toensure that the product and service information provided to the market and society is com-pliant, truthful and transparent.Hold of?ine product trainingsessions for channel sales staff



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Protect customer informationAppotronics continues to establish and improve the information security system, compre-hensively improving its capabilities on information con?dentiality and data security, and oninformation leakage monitoring.In strict accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republicof China, Formovie, a subsidiary of Appotronics, has formulated different regulatory systemsand process documents around FengOS user privacy protection such as Information (Data)Management Process System of Formovie, and Information Security Management Code andCon?dentiality System of Formovie, and a new version of user privacy agreement to ensurethat the user data is collected legally and compliantly. At the same time, Formovie activelycarries out training on user personal information protection to continuously improve theawareness of information protection among employees.

Process for dealing with customers’ complaints




Root Cause



Respond to requests ef?ciently

We connect customer needs in real time through multiple channels, so that customers canmonitor every detail of our service in real time through the customer service digital platform,thus ensuring a closed-loop process for satisfying service needs. We ?nd problems, learnfrom experience, and improve our services in every communication with customers, whichhelps us understand customer awareness and clarify the real needs of customers throughoutthe service process, and then provide a higher quality customer experience.

After-sale laser large-screen visual signage

Qualify service



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 Environmental2021 Environmental2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Social and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Work Together toPromote TalentDevelopment


1.Adhere to equal employment

We strictly abide by the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Contract Lawof the People’s Republic of China and other laws and regulations, eliminate the employ-ment of child labor and other forced labor, and combat harassment and abuse. Withgreat attention to the employment of persons with disabilities, we actively create jobs topromote the employment of persons with disabilities, and strive to build a diverse andinclusive talent team. With adherence to equal employment, we treat employees fairlyregardless of different nationalities, races, religions, genders and ages, and create adiverse, inclusive, fair and reasonable work environment for employees. We insist onequal pay for equal work and execute employment contracts with employees in accor-dance with the law.In 2021, despite complicated impact from the COVID-19 epidemic, we actively respondedto the national deployment of “stabilizing employment”. The total number of our em-ployees reached 1,565, up nearly 34% over the number of the previous year, with femaleemployees accounting for 38% of the total, an increase of 3% over the previous year.

Total number of employees














30 years old

and below38%

51 years oldand over2%

31-50 years old


Financial personnel

Management and administration personnel

R&D personnel


Production personnel

By professional composition

Master’s degree and above


Junior college and below

By education

Safeguard rights and interests of employees

Appotronics actively advocates and always follows the value concept of “people-oriented”,on the basis of which we formulate comprehensive human resources management speci-?cations focused on the protection of employees’ rights and interests, continues to im-prove the employee management system to deepen the communication mechanism,and is willing to provide every employee with human work environment.

Work Together to PromoteTalent DevelopmentThe work in this chapter supports the followingSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Support employee development

Appotronics places talent development at a strategic height. We evaluate and select tal-ents by using scienti?c method, cultivate talents in all aspects and at multiple levels, fullytap the potential of employees, improve the professional ability and leadership of employ-ees at all levels, and build career development channels for employees, so as to promotethe continuous growth of employees.

1.Talent development channel

With focuses on employees’ personal growth and career development, we have formulat-ed the Employee Promotion Management Regulations, and established multiple careerdevelopment channels such as management channels, technical channels, professionalchannels, and marketing channels, which have provided effective guidance for the devel-opment of employees. At the same time, the Company has established a position ranksystem that divides positions into ten levels from lowest to highest, with quali?cationstandards including tenure, performance, skills and others stipulated for each level. Withour efforts, every employee may achieve self-development goals at the same time of cre-ating values.

4.Optimize incentive mechanism

With great importance to the common growth with employees and the long-term devel-opment of the Company, we have established a long-term incentive mechanism. In 2021,we granted 25.5 million restricted shares to more than 200 incentive recipients mainlyconsisting of core technical personnel, senior management, members of board of direc-tors and those who have direct in?uence on the Company’s operating performance andfuture development through two restricted share incentive plans, with the purpose tostimulate the enthusiasm, creativity and initiative of employees and help Appotronics’ op-eration continue to improve.




ActivitiesHelp Handling



TeamBuildingFreeShuttle BusPreferentialSupport onTalent ResidenceFree PhysicalExamination


Insurance andHousing Fund


FlextimeOvertime Meal


2.Improve communication

We attach great importance to the demands and opinions of employees, and continue toimprove the channels and mechanisms for communication. At the company level, we es-tablish a series of formal and informal communication methods such as trade union em-ployee representative conference, quarterly employee communication conference, demo-cratic life meeting, new employee colloquium, performance counseling and evaluationcommunication, so as to actively encourage our employees to participate in corporatemanagement, and safeguard employees’ rights to information and participation.

3.Safeguard salary and bene?ts

We are committed to establishing a sound compensation and welfare system, and pro-vide reasonable and competitive compensation in the industry by combining guaranteedincome and incentives in accordance with the basic idea of “adapting to the market envi-ronment, re?ecting the value of talents, and playing an incentive role”. In addition to thebasic salary, we also provide employees with incentive bonuses (pro?t sharing bonus,patent bonus, sales bonus, etc.) and performance bonuses (for outstanding workers, quar-terly/annual honorary awards, etc.). At the same time, in addition to the statutory “?vesocial insurances and one housing fund”, Appotronics also purchases commercial insur-ance for all employees, including accident insurance, death due to illness, and majorillness. Besides, Appotronics has formulated and issued the Employee Care and WelfareManagement Regulations to implement various paid leave systems and built a compre-hensive welfare guarantee mechanism, so as to maintain employees’ enthusiasm forwork.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2.Improve employees’ abilities

We have established a systematic and complete training system, striving to build trainingoperation system, training support system and training management system with a fullcoverage from the Company’s executives to new employees, and committed to support-ing the Company’s business development and employees’ ability improvement, and ac-cumulating the Company’s organizational capacity. In 2021, the Company organized atotal of 574 of?ine training activities, with about 5,500 participants trained and 12,000training hours spent in total.

Training system structure of Appotronics

Knowledge Expansion:

“Three-level Curriculum System” of AppotronicsThe Company has comprehensively implemented the “three-level curriculumsystem” which integrates curriculums at the company level, department leveland position level to provide a learning and exchange platform for employeesthrough multi-level and multi-perspective training, so as to cultivated all-roundtalents required by our business, thus achieving a win-win result of corporatedevelopment and personal development.

Company-level curriculum systemWith reference to the Company’s development goals and competitive strategies, itis determined that the company-level curriculum system should focus on keyand core talent cultivation with cultural quality courses of general studies supple-mented. Examples of company-level curriculum include: Star Light/SharpLight/Polar Light curriculum system, newcomer training camp (social recruit-ment) curriculum system, TTT curriculum system, Appotronics lecture curricu-lum system, and various empowerment special training camps (general educa-tion quality & cultural courses).Department-level curriculum systemDepartment-level curriculum is determined by the Company after a training analy-sis in accordance with the development trends of technology and managementcombining with the Company’s development goals and competitive strategies.

Position-level curriculum systemThe training curriculum system is determined according to the position competen-cy should focus on the knowledge and skills that should be mastered by employeesin various positions at all levels with the personal growth courses for employeesintegrated. Any employee who lacks knowledge and skills in response to job trans-fer, job promotion, and performance appraisal is required to receive position skilltraining curriculums based on his position quali?cations and personal abilities.





Demand analysis program planningorganization and implementation evaluation and feedback

Training management separation systemIT platform construction/Training management system

Training management position

Organization development supportPersonal improvement supportOrganizational capacity accumulation



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Appotronics Star LightTalent Training

Appotronics Special TrainingCamp for R&D ManagementCapability

Appotronics NewcomerTraining Camp

1.Support for employees in dif?culty

We have formulated the Management Measures for the Trade Union’s Love SupportFund, according to which employees who are hospitalized due to illness or supper fromsudden accidental injuries, natural and man-made disasters resulting in dif?culties totheir families will be given relief funds amounting to RMB 2,000 to 5,000 by the tradeunion as appropriate. Since the promulgation of the measures, we have helped nearly 10employees and their families in total.

2.Balance work and life

In order to balance employees’ work and life, we have organized a number of leisure andentertainment activities to enrich employees’ daily life and enhance their sense of be-longings and happiness. In 2021, when the regional epidemic situation improves, were-adjusted and started association club activities such as bands, dance, yoga, badmin-ton, etc., and organized more than 10 large-scale company-level welfare activities tocreate a warm working atmosphere.

Family Day

Pay attention to employee careWith adherence to employee-oriented, Appotronics cares for the work and life of every em-ployee, pays attention to solving the problems that employees care about, and improves theworking environment for employees. We actively carry out entertainment and leisure ac-tivities according to the employees’ needs, and provide irregular condolences to employ-ees in ?nancial dif?culties, so that employees can truly feel the warmth of “home”.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

CINEAPPO organizes employees toparticipate in the marathon

Staff Band :Optical Waveguide

Organize Women’s Day activities

Participate in Shenzhen enterprisebasketball competition

Occupational health and safetyWith great attentions to the physical and mental health of our employees, we have estab-lished a comprehensive employee health prevention system. We regularly organize em-ployees to participate in annual occupational health examinations every year, establishemployee health ?les, and pass the international standards of environment, health andsafety (EHS) and OHSAS18000 certi?cation, so as to safeguard employees’ occupationalhealth in maximum, guide employees to work and live happily, and promote a goodatmosphere of harmony and progress within the Company. In 2021, there was zero occu-pational disease deaths and work-related fatalities.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


Join hands to SeekWin-win CommonDevelopment



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Cooperation and mutual bene?t

As an industry leader in the laser display industry, Appotronics actively carries outcross-border cooperation to build a wide range of cooperation platforms, and strives tocooperate sincerely with important cities, key enterprises, scienti?c research institutions,and ?nancial institutions for mutual bene?ts and common development, so as to supportfor the sustainable development of economy and society.

1.Cooperation with cities

We actively promote strategic cooperation with important cities in China by virtue of theadvantages of our own products in order to serve the society, energize and invigorateeconomic development of cities, and help create characteristic business cards. In 2021,Appotronics cooperated with Chongqing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Xining and other cities tojointly explore more excellent light and shadow effects, as to display the charm of Appo-tronics’ core technology.

2.Cooperation with enterprises

Giving full play to respective professional advantages, we have explored a more ef?cient,pragmatic and innovative cooperation model with relevant industry leading enterprises,and jointly developed rich application scenarios of laser display, thus continuously en-hancing our competitiveness in the industry.In 2021, we reached a strategic cooperation with Airbus, and demonstrated laser productprototypes that can be applied in the ?eld of civil aviation display in Zhuhai Airshow forthe ?rst time; we cooperated with Shenzhen Wenheyou in the laser display large screensolution to commence a brand new attempt of combining the upgrade of large consumerbrands with technological elements; and we reached a strategic cooperation with Green-joy, a famous golf simulator service provider, in the ?eld of indoor golf solutions.

Join hands to Seek Win-winCommon Development

Support the 2021 ChongqingLighting Art Season

Support the 15th FIRST Youth Film Festival

Demonstration of laser product prototypesin Zhuhai Airshow

Cooperate with Wenheyou to createa better lifestyle

Reach strategic cooperation with Airbus

The work in this chapter supports the followingSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

3.Cooperation with universities

We work with cooperative universities and research institutes to further promote theintegration of production, education, research and application, so as to promote the im-plementation of cooperation projects, and strive to achieve more cooperation results. In2021, the Company, as the title sponsor, funded the Photoelectric Design Competition ofShenzhen University in order to support college students to explore and research photo-electric science.

Improve industry developmentAppotronics is working together with partners to promote the healthy growth of theindustry by actively promoting the industry standard leadership and construction, carry-ing out various channels of industry expansion and communication, assuming the role ofexpert in the ?eld of laser display, proactively facilitating the establishment of soundindustry standards for laser display, and providing suggestions and recommendations forthe development of the industry.In 2021, we participated in the formulation of the ?rst domestic group standard of Techni-cal Requirement for Elderly-oriented Design of Smart TV to promote smart TVs to meetthe needs of the elderly in the operation and playback service stages in a better way; wewere invited to participate in the third discussion meeting organized by China VideoIndustry Association for the formulation of the group standard of LED Smart ProjectorTechnical Speci?cation, where we gave professional opinions and suggestions around thecore technical problems of LED smart projection.At the same time, Appotronics actively promotes \advanced standardization work modelin the industry and is committed to fostering more enterprises to jointly promote thetransformation of scienti?c and technological achievements. In 2021, we have been shar-

Support the Photoelectric Design Competition of Shenzhen University

Build a chain of responsibilityAppotronics attaches great importance to cooperation with suppliers and strategic part-ners. We actively implement clean and responsible procurement, choose to purchase en-vironmentally friendly raw materials, actively deploy core areas and links of the industrialchain and deem them as an important component of the Company’s production and op-eration. By strengthening the management of suppliers’ corporate responsibility andstandardizing procurement transactions, we have improved sustainable competitiveness ofthe supply chain. We are working together with our suppliers to develop and build a respon-sible value chain. In 2021, the Company’s responsible procurement proportion was 100%.

Hold a core partner conference

Organize core partners to visit the productionlines of light generator and complete projector



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Deepen international layoutRelying on the world’s leading laser display technology, Appotronics actively implementsthe “Belt and Road” initiative to promotes China's ?lm projection technology with inde-pendent intellectual property rights in the international market, and is committed to pro-viding “global high-end cinema solutions”, so as to boost regional economicdevelopment and make contributions to the promotion of regional innovation and devel-opment.Meanwhile, we have made a breakthrough in overseas business educational markets andenter into oversea markets such as Turkey, UK, and France. In terms of household productbusiness, we have cooperated with overseas sale channels to ensure that we can provideof?ine venues for users to experience Formovie’s products. For example, Formovie’sof?ine experience halls have been available in Australia, Thailand and Singapore.

Formovie participated in LED ProjectorStandard Formulation Seminar

Share Shenzhen standard certi?cationexperience with regulatory authorities

ing our experience in the standard rules of new technology and scienti?c innovation withShanghai Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Super-vision, Shenzhen Standard Certi?cation Union, ZTE, Sangfor and other regulators andpeer companies, as to provide related enterprises with guidance for the transformation ofscienti?c and technological achievements and the formulation of standards.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


2021 Environmental2021 Environmental2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Social and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


Green LightProjection to ClearWater and Blue Sky

Pay attention to environmentalprotection managementIn strict compliance with requirements in the Environmental Protection Law of the Peo-ple’s Republic of China and other laws and regulations, Approtronics strengthens envi-ronmental management in multiple dimensions, such as organization, supervision andassessment, statistical accounting of indicators, education and training, hidden dangerinvestigation and control, and accident emergency response plans, as to minimize theimpact of our operations on the environment. In 2021, we have no environmental viola-tions, with the total emissions of waste gas and wastewater not exceeding the standards,and all discharge indicators achieving the 100% compliance rate.

Develop environmental-friendly products

Appotronics attaches great importance to developing green products, and continues toprovide users with energy-saving, green and environmentally friendly products in strictaccordance with relevant international and domestic standards. The Company’sproducts have passed the national mandatory CCC certi?cation, the national CECP certi-?cation, the overseas CB/UL/ETL/TUV certi?cation for product safety, the overseas FC-C/CE-EMC license for electromagnetic compatibility and the US FDA license, thus guaran-teeing the products’ compliance and high quality.

Green Light Projection toClear Water and Blue Sky

Case:Support energy saving and emission reduction throughAppotronics’ ALPD Laser Projection SolutionAppotronics has always attached great importance to the research and devel-opment of environmental-friendly products, and is committed to providingcustomers with product solutions with environmental bene?ts. As of December31, 2021, more than 25,000 sets of CINEAPPO ALPD

?laser projection solutionshave been installed in total. Through continuous R&D and upgrading of projec-tion light sources, Appotronics has brought its cinema partners a “win-win”solution with economic and environmental bene?ts both. According to incom-plete statistics, ALPD

?laser projection solutions ran 188 million hours in total,saving a total of 338 million kWh power consumption, and reducing about 148million cubic meters of carbon dioxide emissions arising from power genera-tion, which established an industry model for energy conservation and emis-sion reduction to achieve the “carbon neutrality” goals.

Saving a total of338 million kWh power consumption

Reducing about148 millioncubic meters of carbon dioxide emissions arising from power generation

More than25,000 sets of CINEAPPOALPD? laser projection solutions have been installed in total

ALPD? laser projection solutions ran188 million hours in total

The work in this chapter supports the followingSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Formovie “trade-in” project

2.Resource recycling

Appotronics attaches importance to improving the ef?ciency of resource use and ensuresthe resources are used ef?ciently, so as to reduce the effect of production and operationto environment. In 2021, Formovie launched the “trade-in” function through its mini pro-gram, which may help improve the overall energy ef?ciency of home appliances, reduceenvironmental pollution, and use recyclable steel, non-ferrous metals, plastics and rubberin waste home appliances fully and effectively, thus promoting the development of recy-cling economy. This measure was conducive to improving the ef?ciency of energyresources utilization, reducing environmental pollution, and promoting energy conserva-tion, emission reduction and recycling economy development.

Practice green operation

1.Energy saving and consumption reduction in production

Under the national trend of “carbon dioxide emission peaking” and “carbon neutrality”,laser display, as an environmental-friendly technology, has attracted great attentions. Fo-cused on innovative production technology, the Company has achieved low-carbon andenvironmental-friendly production by improving production ef?ciency and process. In2021, for the Company’s Shenzhen Bao’an Plant, the average water consumption andthe average electricity consumption per product decreased by 33.33% and 28.61% on ayear-on-year basis respectively, and the working hours for manufacturing a product de-creased by 18%.

Appotronics attaches great importance to the implementation of green operation philos-ophy, and strictly implements various measures for energy conservation and consump-tion reduction to continuously improves the ef?ciency of resource utilization, so as to becommitted to creating a green and low-carbon future with active respond to climatechange.

the average water consumption per productdecreased by

33.33% on a year-on-year

the average electricity consumption per productdecreased by

28.61% on a year-on-year

The working hours for manufacturinga product decreased by18%



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Publicity and guidance on energy saving and recycling in of?ce areas

3.Deal with climate changes

With adherence to the green and low-carbon development path, Appotronics actively ac-cepts the extensive and profound economic and social systemic transformation related tocarbon peaking and carbon neutralization, in order to reduce resource and energy con-sumption and carbon emissions during the construction and operation process. We buildthe Headquarter Building of Appotronics in accordance with the Green ConstructionSystem, promote the application of energy-saving equipment and materials continuouslyto improves energy-saving standards in the construction ?eld, and strive to provide morehigh-quality energy-saving green building products, so as to contribute to mitigate andrespond to global climate change.Advocate green of?ce

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We practice the green andlow-carbon philosophy, vigorously advocate the corporate culture of diligence, thrift,green and low-carbon, and strive to create a corporate atmosphere of energy saving andconsumption reduction. We also guide our employees to integrate the concept of envi-ronmental protection into their daily work, calling on employees to save energy, water,electricity, paper and to take low-carbon travel, hence every employee is aware of thegreen development philosophy.In 2021, the Company established an online work platform system, through which we co-operated with I-Yin Technology to conduct electronic printing sheet for contract seal, sothat we eliminated the printing link and saved paper costs effectively. Meanwhile,through the SaaS cloud service operation model in the Company’s ERP/CRM system, weachieved an 11% reduction in overall energy saving and emission reduction for the internaldata center in terms of server energy consumption, storage service energy consumption,air conditioning energy and emission, and network energy consumption.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report


2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 Environmental2021 Environmental2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Social and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) ReportSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Work Together to Builda Friendly Communitywith the Charm of Laser


Engage in charity and public welfare deeply

With adherence to engage in social welfare deeply, Appotronics continues to promote thepopularization of scienti?c knowledge, pay attention to social disadvantaged groups, andactively conveys love and warmth to the society, striving to realize the integration of cor-porate business value and social value to gives back to the society with practical actions.

1.Popularize scienti?c knowledge

Sticking to the path of focusing on “technological innovation”, we are committed to cre-ating a better life for the people through technological innovation and progress. In 2021,the Company continued to support Shenzhen government for the urban strategic con-struction of a “child-friendly city”, receiving 5 batches of 97 visits from the Children’s PublicWelfare Visit Project of the Children’s Science Alliance in Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

2.Care for special groups

We vigorously promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, actively advocate allemployees to offer care, help and condolence to the elderly, the disabled, the left-behindchildren and other special groups, so as to convey the public welfare concepts and ac-tions of Appotronics.

Support the Children’s Public Welfare Visit Project of the Children’s Science Alliance

Work Together to Build a FriendlyCommunity with the Charm of LaserThe work in this chapter supports the followingSustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:

Case: CINEAPPO developed the “Constant Love Action” publicwelfare activityFrom October to November 2021, CINEAPPO launched the internal public wel-fare activity named as “Constant Love Action - One Million Families with Love”with the main purpose of “?nding loving parents to knit sweaters for children withdisabilities”, advocating employees and their families to knit sweaters suitable forchildren aged 10-15, as to convey the love of Appotronics to children in need.



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

Prevent and control the Covid-19epidemic actively

In order to protect the health and safety of all employees and help local governmentsprevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic, Appotronics continues to play the leading roleof the epidemic prevention and control project team headed by the CEO, and promotethe epidemic regulation team, the information and statistics team, the environmentaldisinfection and epidemic prevention materials team, and the telecommuting supportteam to carry out their own duties, so as ensure the Company’s epidemic preventionworks orderly. As of July 2021, the Company has basically completed the vaccination of allemployees, which effectively guarantees the Company’s resumption of work and produc-tion and safeguards employees’ health.

Contribute to rural revitalizationIn response to the national policy of “developing culture in rural areas”, Appotronics hasdeveloped two types of laser light cinema projection equipment to support ?lm projec-tion in rural areas, as they can be used for mobile ?lm projection or ?xed location projec-tion in vast countryside, so as to realize rural cultural revitalization by using advancedlaser display technology. At the same time, the Company actively supports and guidesyoung people to start their own businesses and create employment appropriately byvirtue of its own industry resources and advantages, and makes contributions to the es-tablishment of adolescent creative space which acts as a local service site for the youngin Qianxi City, Guizhou Province, as to help revitalize rural talents.

Appotronics made contributions to the establishment of adolescent creative space in QianxiCity, Guizhou Province

Organize company employees to vaccinate centrally



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

The report is mainly prepared in accordance with the GRI-Standards issued by the GlobalReporting Initiative (GRI), and all information disclosed in this report is the information of2021 unless as otherwise speci?ed.


1.General standards

GRI 102 General Disclosures

1. Organizational pro?le

102-1 Name of the organization

Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators



Appotronics Corporation Limited102-2 Activities, brands, products,and services






102-3 Location of headquarters

20-22/F, High-Tech Zone Union Tower,

No.63, Xuefu Road, Nanshan District,

Shenzhen, Guangdong Province102-4 Location of operations102-5 Ownership and legal form

20-22/F, High-Tech Zone Union Tower,

No.63, Xuefu Road, Nanshan District,

Shenzhen, Guangdong Province

The company is a group company

limited by shares listed on the

Shanghai Stock Exchange.

No major changes

102-6 Markets served102-7 Scale of the organization

102-9 Supply chain102-8 Information on employeesand other workers102-10 Signi?cant changes to the or-ganization and its supply chain

102-11 Precautionary principle orapproachDisclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators


102-13 Membership of associations102-14 Statement from senior deci-sion-makers102-15 Key impacts, risks and op-portunities102-16 Values, principles, standardsand norms of behavior

102-12 External initiatives

102-44 Key topics and concerns raised

102-40 List of stakeholder groups

102-18 Governance structure102-19 Delegating authority102-20 Executive-level responsibilityfor economic, environmental, andsocial topics102-21 Consulting stakeholderson economic, environmental, andsocial topics102-22 Composition of the highestgovernance body and its commit-tees

102-45 Entities included in the consol-idated ?nancial statements

2. Strategy

3. Ethics and integrity

5. Stakeholder engagement

6. Reporting practices

4. Governance

See the Appotronics’s2021 Annual Report

102-42 Identifying and selectingstakeholders102-43 Approach to stakeholderengagement



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report






GRI 201 Economic Performance

201-1 Direct economic value generatedand distributed

201-3 De?ned bene?t plan obligationsand other retirement plans

201-2 Financial implications and otherrisks and opportunities due to climatechange

See the Appotronics’s 2021Annual Report

102-46 De?ning report contentand topic boundariesDisclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators


Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators


102-48 Restatements of information

102-53 Contact point for questionsregarding the report102-54 Claims of reporting in accordancewith the GRI Standards

The last year’s social responsibilityreport was released on April 24,2021.

No external assurance has beencarried out for this report

102-47 List of material topics102-49 Report changes102-50 Reporting period102-51 Date of most recent report102-52 Reporting cycle

102-55 GRI content index102-56 External assurance103-1 Explanation of the materialtopic and its boundary103-2 The management approachand its components103-3 Evaluation of the managementapproach


GRI 301 MaterialsGRI 302 Energy

GRI 303 Water and Ef?uents

Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators

IndexGRI 103 Management Approach

Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators


100%202-2 Proportion of senior managementhired from the local community

205-1 Operations assessed for risksrelated to corruption205-2 Communication and training aboutanti-corruption policies and procedures

302-1 Energy consumption within theorganization302-2 Energy consumption outside ofthe organization

303-1 Interactions with water as a sharedresource303-2 Management of water dis-charge-related impacts

204-1 Proportion of spending on localsuppliers

GRI 202 Market PresenceGRI 203 Indirect Economic ImpactsNot applicableGRI 204 Procurement PracticesGRI 205 Anti-Corruption

GRI 206 Anti-competitive Behavior

See the Appotronics’s 2021

Annual Report

See the Appotronics’s 2021

Annual Report


P45-P46201-2 Financial implications and otherrisks and opportunities due to climatechange

Not applicable

Not yet announced.




P15302-3 Energy intensity302-4 Reduction of energy consumption



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report



P3-P4, P27-P30P27-P30P3-P4P3-P4P3-P4P3-P4P3-P4P3-P4P97-P104


Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators


305-6 Emissions of ozone-depletingsubstances (ODS)

303-3 Water withdrawal

305-1 Direct GHG emissions

303-5 Water consumption

305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfuroxides (SOX), and other signi?cantair emissions

303-4 Water discharge

The Company has not dischargedwater and ef?uents directly in allplaces where its of?ces located.NAGRI 304 Biodiversity




GRI 306 Ef?uents and Waste

GRI 307 Environmental Compliance

305-2 Indirect GHG emissions305-3 Other indirect GHG emissions305-4 GHG emissions intensity

The Company has not made any reg-ulations on this matter.

Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators


403-5 Worker training on occupationalhealth and safety

404-1 Average hours of training per yearper employee

402-1 Minimum notice period regardingoperational changes401-3 Parental leave

403-3 Workers with high incidence orhigh risk of diseases related to their oc-cupation

404-2 Programs for upgrading employ-ee skills and transition assistance pro-grams404-3 Percentage of employees receiv-ing regular performance and career de-velopment reviews

All employees have received perfor-mance reviews on a quarterly basisand career development reviewsregularly.For the composition of governancebody members, please refer to theAppotronics’s 2021 Annual Report.

401-2 Bene?ts provided to full-timeemployees that are not provided totemporary or part-time employees

403-2 Types of injury and rates of injury,occupational diseases, lost days, andabsenteeism and others

405-1 Diversity of governance bodiesand employees

GRI 404 Training and Education

GRI 405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity

GRI 406 Non-discrimination

GRI 403 Occupational Health and SafetyGRI 402 Labor/Management Relations

403-6 Promotion of worker health403-9 Work-related injuries

The company has no complaints re-garding incidents of discrimination.406-1 Incidents of discrimination andcorrective actions taken




305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

GRI 305 Emissions

GRI 308 Supplier EnvironmentalAssessment

There is no violation of environmentallaws and regulations.306-2 Total amount of waste bytype and disposal method

308-2 Negative environmental impactsin the supply chain and actions taken


Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators


GRI 401 Employment

401-1 New employee hires and employeeturnover



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report





The Company prohibits employingchild labor.The Company prohibits and doesnot support any form of forced orcompulsory labor.

The Company respects and protectsdifferent rights and interests of em-ployees, and actively promotes em-ployee bene?ts in strict accordancewith relevant laws and regulations.

Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators


408-1 Operations and suppliers at sig-ni?cant risk for incidents of child labor

414-2 Negative social impacts in thesupply chain and actions taken

416-1 Assessment of the health andsafety impacts of product and servicecategories

409-1 Operations and suppliers at sig-ni?cant risk for incidents of forced orcompulsory labor

The Company’s business has no actualor potential negative impact on thecommunity in which it operates.413-2 Operations with signi?cant actualand potential negative impacts on localcommunities

417-1 Requirements for product andservice information and labeling

GRI 414 Supplier Social Assessment

GRI 416 Customer Health and Safety

417-2 Incidents of non-compliance con-cerning product and service informa-tion and labeling

The Company has no violations re-garding this matter.

GRI 417 Marketing and Labeling

GRI 418 Client Privacy

GRI 409 Forced or Compulsory Labor

GRI 410 Security Practices

GRI 408 Child Labor

GRI 407 Freedom of Association andCollective Bargaining

The Company has been encounteredwith no breaches of customer priva-cy and losses of customer data.The company has not violated anylaws and regulations in the socialand economic area.

Disclosure itemsunder GRI Standard indicators



GRI 411 Rights of Indigenous Peoples NA


GRI 412 Human Rights AssessmentGRI 413 Local Communities


GRI 415 Public Policy

418-1 Substantiated complaints con-cerning breaches of customer privacyand losses of customer data419-1 Non-compliance with laws andregulations in the social and economicareaGRI 419 Socioeconomic Compliance



2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report




Your information

Multiple-choice questions(please tick √ in the corresponding position)

1.Your overall assessment of the 2021 ESG Report of Appotronics is:

□ Good □ Fair □ To be improved □ Unknown

2.What do you think of Appotronics’ performance on customer service?

□ Good □ Fair □ To be improved □ Unknown

3.What do you think of Appotronics’ performance on technological innovation?

□ Good □ Fair □ To be improved □ Unknown

4.What do you think of Appotronics’ performance on industry development?

□ Good □ Fair □ To be improved □ Unknown

5.What do you think of Appotronics’ performance on workforce building?

□ Good □ Fair □ To be improved □ Unknown

6.What do you think of Appotronics’ performance on public welfare?

□ Good □ Fair □ To be improved □ Unknown

7.What do you think of Appotronics’ performance on environmental protection?

□ Good □ Fair □ To be improved □ Unknown

8.Do you have any other comments on Appotronics’ ESG work?

FeedbackThank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the 2021 ESGReport of Appotronics. In order to improve the activities of Appotronics in the environ-mental, social and governance areas, and further enhance the Company’s ability on sus-tainable development with closer communication with all walks of life, we sincerely lookforward to your valuable comments and suggestions towards our work and reports







2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report

2021 EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG) Report
